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No. 101950
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So calming and cute
No. 101979
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>>101957I can't stop watching Fairy Tail, it's just too funny and cool.
No. 102528
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This is just too cute.
No. 102617
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It's mentioned a whole lot in my anime culture class, so I finally picked up and just finished the original Space Battleship Yamato and now I'm starting 2199 and rewatching it all in the beauty that is modern anime has me so fucking giddy.
I'm also watching Shonen Maid on the side and plan to finish up Sakamoto desu ga? and Rose of Versailles eventually. A lot of my friends are watching BNHA but it's so over hyped in my friend group that it turns me off of it…
No. 102619
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No. 102625
>>102620I fucking live for the OP song omg.
Sci-fi isn't really my thing so I basically had to force myself through old Yamato (partly because scifi and partly because old anime), but I genuinely love 2199. Maybe because it's so cool to see shit redone with modern anime techniques and whatever? I really love it now though lol.
No. 102842
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Probably the highest count among other seasons which also means it's gonna be a pain in the ass once I skip one or two weeks which I really love doing that even though I'm a shitty NEET. Adding to that, I don't drop shows.
Have been paused Scared Rider Xechs for a long time, just 10 minutes away from the end of ep2. Opinion? Boring and awkward. If I can survive through BroCon, then I can do this, or else I'll just watch it with my little sister to lessen the boredom.
Unexpectedly liking Cheer Danshi. Nice variety of boys, wish that more otoge will do that. Just hoping that it won't have QUALITY episodes.
AOTS is Bananya. I'm not being ironic here.
Also included Battery, 7taizai, DR Zetsubou-hen. What a busy season.
No. 102958
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>>102842Hello darkness my old friend.
>>102957Do it and read the manga too, art is great and fluffy.
No. 103075
>>102842Holy fuck I just started reading Orange because it was in the "related manga" section of my app and it's SO FUCKING GOOD, I'm only on chapter 14 but I can't believe there's an anime adaption. I was just thinking about it as I was reading haha
I love the story so much already, I can't wait to watch the anime and possibly get my heart ripped out. I'm gonna finish the manga in a few hours and probably cry myself to bed…
No. 103173
>>102617>Rose of VersaillesI've finally gotten around to this and it's fucking amazing. No surprises there though.
I'm also watching Twelve Kingdoms which is excellent, both series have such great female characters so I'm feeling spoiled right now.
No. 103269
>>103174I'm not asian either but I don't see why you have to relate to a setting, that limits your enjoyment of fiction to an absurd extent. But you don't have to like it either if it's just not to your taste.
Personally I really like Asian settings though, especially Kyoto or Edo period etc. It's not some extreme form of weeaboo-ism though, I just think Japanese people write what they know best.
No. 103289
>>103178epic reaction image xD
>>103269I'm not really sure how to explain it, as it's a really intangible, emotionally driven thing. European-themed settings just feel a lot more… comfy, if that makes any sense?
No. 103481
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>>103475She's just too cute.
>>103156Start watching amaama to inazuma it just started, try kino no tabi another masterpiece.
No. 103759
>>103742 listed, Lain is one of my favorite anime's of all time.
Gantz, Armitage, Akira, Ergo Proxy, and Parasite Dolls are good too. It's not technically cyberpunk, but the anime version of Metropolis is beautiful and kind of has that vibe.
No. 103799
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Damn I'm loving this manga lately.
No. 103813
>>103719Makoto Shinkai's works have gorgeous scenery shots. He mostly makes movies. My personal favorite is Garden of Words.
Also airing this season is Orange. Excellent story, and great art direction.
No. 104829
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This show is just so cute.
No. 104830
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>>104829S M U G, this show is
triggering my paternal instincts.
No. 104831
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No. 104837
>>104836oh I'm already a big matsu fan, so if you know anything similar that would be great.
( I think they're cute )
No. 104840
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I'm catching up on summer anime, so far have liked AmaInazuma, 91 Days and Amanchu. Besides Mob Psycho 100, what else can someone recommend me for this season?
No. 104844
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>>104835Saiki kusuo no psi-nan is pretty good, I love Cromartie High School but it can be a bit over the top, Junrui wa suitai shimashita is a pretty good dark comedy if you like it.
>>104840Tales of Zestria is pretty good, Handa-kun is fun, Danganronpa if you liked the games.
No. 104846
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So fluffy
So summery
So cute
No. 104849
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I can't stop reading/watching shitty battle harems, someone please save me from this hell
No. 105232
>>104914Gakkou gurashi was fine, but c'mon "top to recommend"?
That adaptation was one of
those adaptations that are just a promotional tool for people to read the source manga.
No. 105733
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God damn it this show heals my heart every week.
No. 106616
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I didn't asked for these feels.
No. 106695
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the anime i've been most excited for this season is mob psycho 100. the animation is amazing. i loved the manga (OPM too) so both having anime adaptions makes me feel spoiled.
i'm also watching orange, which i've enjoyed so far.
the DR3 animes have been alright; i'm enjoying the despair arc more because SDR2 was my favourite of all the games, and i don't really like the majority of the new adult characters.
i need to catch up on and start some other anime but those are the ones i'm currently adamant on following this season.
No. 106697
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>tfw no hanekawa gf
No. 119089
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I can't believe they actually announced a season 3. This is going to ruin fucking everything.
No. 119111
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>>119089Was this even good after season 1? I remember watching it with /a/ and laughed my ass off the whole way through but still watched it all. I never got around to seeing any more of it though.
No. 119120
>>119089There was a season 3 already no? But with different characters.
I used to be a HUGE weaboo but stopped watching anime for 5 years until now.
Code Geass was one of the 2 anime I re-watched after all those years (plus Lucky Star….dont judge)
I tried to watch the 'season 3' but it just wasnt the same without the main characters so Im hoping this time they will actually have Lulu in them
No. 119157
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>>119120Akito was a midquel.
This time they announced an actual sequel and shat on the ending of r2 while they're at it
by bringing lelouch back to life.
No. 119442
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I used to be a massive weeb but now I have a really difficult time finding animes that can pull me in. The last animes that I truly enjoyed were Kuragehime and Superlovers.
No. 119446
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>>119089The ending was perfect imo so I don't know what they're thinking. Welp, I guess it's a reason to start using dead Code Geass memes now. Spinzaku and the pleasure fish are making a comeback.
>Lelouch>alivePlease no. Time to see what's gonna happen with this messed up stuff.
No. 297696
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This seems to be as good a thread as any to necro.
I'm looking for some new recs. I just finished Kabukibu! and Made In Abyss before that. Tried watching Banana Fish because of all the hype, but I really couldn't get into it at all.
No. 297699
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>>297696Give us a few genres or themes ylu like first, anon.
Personally this season I'm enjoying Revue Starlight.
No. 297770
>>119961I'll always wonder what it was…
Was thinking about Miyazaki movies today. Man likes his flight. Wondering if the upcoming one will be any good.
No. 297787
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The only thing I'm watching this season is Planet With. It isn't bad but not as amazing as most people watching it claim to be. I think Mizukami should just stick to doing manga, he's much better at that.
There hasn't been much anime I've been interested in for a while, maybe Winter will revive my interest, most seasonal stuff I like airs then.
No. 298256
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I watch Maquia at my local movie theatre recently,the main reason i watches it is because i love Akihiko Yoshidas work so much so i wouldnt miss it for the world.The animation is beautiful,well-written characters but if you pay attention there are plot holes and leave more question than it answers,im looking forward for an anime adaption but judging by the anime industry now and bomshell titles releases in the following years Maquia is harder to stand out and actract viewers eventhough id watch it…
No. 298311
>>298256I'm glad Mari Okada's first feature as a director is getting good reviews, love her work.
Funny how the best Japanese media is always, in my humble opinion, made by women.
No. 298492
>>298446Well, she can be melodramatic some times but I really enjoyed "Kokoro ga sakebitagatterunda" for the teenage strugle with social anxiety framed from a female character and subversion of the prince character trope.
Ano Hana can be kind of manipulative but I like it for the characters, I feel she really takes her time with each character backstory and motivations.
Nagi no Asakura is fun and has some hilarious soap opera twists but in a fantasy-ish setting.
Mostly I enjoy her character arcs, stay away from Kiznaiver though, and how her female characters are not just overused moe stereotypes like in so many other series.
No. 300250
>>300240Asano is so handsome, can't believe trannies tried to claim him as one of them lol
His fiance looks straight out of his manga. What a lovely pair. Wonder if her comics are good?
No. 300282
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Been watching Boku No Hero Academia but I found myself skipping parts through the episodes because they were very cliche.
Also watched pic related. Loved it although it felt like they smushed most of the important events in the end but this was an emotional roller coaster for me. That scene where the girl wakes up to a warm breakfast really made me cry and made my heart pound in tense moments.
No. 300824
>>300766Fucking love it. Even played the original vn.
It really did feel like a deconstruction of a story of a typical spineless harem protag that keeps playing with the girls' feelings just cause he can.
Seeing the depravity spin out of control was extremely satisfying, and the ending was a cherry on a top.
I really disliked Setsuna and Sekai, Kotonoha was really relatable and her breakdown was heartbreaking No. 300922
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Anyone got comfort or seasonal anime they like to watch?
Generally Studio Ghibli's films do it for me for comfort especially when I'm feeling depressed/anxious about the future (esp. Kiki's Delivery Service)
Since it's turning to fall I'm going to binge watch all of Oniisama E since that's when I first watched the series so it's tradition now
I mostly just watch a lot of old or nostalgic anime. I hardly ever watch any new anime unless I see it being raved about elsewhere (like on /a/ over at 4chan). It was fun to join them on the craze for Yuri on Ice, Mahou Tsukai no Yome and Osomatsu-San even if it gets cringey sometimes
No. 300980
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Have any of you guys watched Paranoia Agent? I’ve been thinking of watching it but I’m worried it’s too bleak and since I already struggle with depression and anxiety IRL, that’s the stuff I want to get /away/ from.
No. 301277
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>>300980I watched it multiple times and I really loved it!
I also suffer from anxiety and it's a little dark but it's kind of abstract and didn't faze me much.
I think it's very worth to try to watch for the characters!
No. 301408
>>301320I thought bnha had a lot less fanservice than usual animes
I kinda want to start reading One Piece, just cuz its the most popular and I never really gave it a chance but it seems too big now. So is it even worth it?
No. 301538
>>300824Been trying to get into it for a while. I think I did 70% of it but can't figure out all the routes. It takes so long with the video. Did you try any of the sequels?
>>300905Yeah exactly. It makes me think all the haters are men who just want to see philanders and male-sluts get away with it and not see any of the negative repercussions of hurting people.
No. 301586
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>>300922I'm gonna give this one a shot, Rose of Versailles is my favorite anime so I think I will like this too since it's the same creator. I urge anyone with an interest in older anime to give Rose of Versailles a shot, its set in pre-revolutionary France about a noble-born girl raised male who becomes head of the Palace Guard and confidante of Marie Antoinette.
posting Best Girl
No. 301607
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>>301411It started off really interesting but if I'd known it would have just turned into a cliché, slice-of-life I would never have started it. The last season had barely any plot and was littered with cringey scenes sexualising the female characters that added nothing to the plot. Pic related plus the swimsuit episode, the episode where they're all naked in an onsen, the lame excuse that some characters wear tight or skimpy clothes because "it's part of their brand!" or "they need to for their quirk!" and countless zoom-ins on female characters' tits and ass. It just felt gross to me because most of the characters are minors. It's probably easy to filter out if you watch a lot of slice-of-life anime but that's not usually the kind of anime I watch. I'd just rather the story focus on Deku and pushing his plot forward than shoving the female characters into as many fetish costumes as possible and calling it a day.
No. 301644
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>>301607Yeah this was one of the cliches I hated in the show
I legit felt so disgusted by this little perv especially with him breathing in the acid girl's room saying "Plus Ultra" (also hate that phrase)
No. 301648
>>301645*it wasn't
Gah I swear I only had one drink officer
No. 301653
>>301644I agree but…
I ironically actaully semi-like the grape kid ONLY becuase he shows how hypocritical everyone is. Bnha fans are always shitting on him becuase he is a pervert AND unattractive, but would be shilling him if he actaully look decent/attractive and had the same pervy attitude.
But anyway, Bnha was semi interesting in the first season, I only watched it due to complete boredom. Its honestly pretty average at best, but the annoying fans make it worse. The latest season out is a bunch annoying fanservice that whole pool shit was extremely unessisary for the FIRST episode of the the lastest season. I think the show is a let down because the actaully interesting characters bearly get screen time and the annoying ones are constantly in the limelight. The girls are shilled as interesting and revolutionary by fans but honestly, they arnt actaully taken seriously as the boy characters are when you watch the show. They are kinda just THERE…. its just too much to many drawbacks. As previous anon said, just watch One Punch Man.
No. 301742
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>>301607urgh I hate it when anime does this. I would've gladly continue reading/watching Air Gear if it wasn't filled with pervy shit
>that scene where Ringo is forced to wear some kind of fetish costume because Simca stole her clothes.In fact, they constantly find reasons to have her wear pervy clothes while she really hates it wich makes it feel kind of rapey.
No. 301767
>>301742"I want to die"
Why do men get off to humiliation? To anyone who has an ounce of empathy this is really sad, not sexually exciting.
Maybe more suggestions of anime that don't cater to the male eye would be nice.
No. 301800
>>301653Im a little annoyed at which characters get development, like we know more about todorokis home life than dekus, the main character, or bakugou. Ochakos devepoment stopped at the tournament, yaoyorozu isnt interesting at all, i want to know whT hagakure looks like and what her quirk relly is but she was never an important character.
Opm's new season cant come any sooner… im a bit worried at tgem changing studios tho
No. 301822
>>301798why? she's right. You don't see any of this happening to men in manga unless they're cool with being (half-)naked
Ringo is also the most shy and innocent girl of them all. So ofcourse it constantly happens to her.
No. 301824
>>301822Do you (or anyone on here) know of any manga that features male fanservice like that?
The humiliation kind, I mean.
No. 301885
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>>301881I like soul eater (or at least I did when I was in middle school), but literally every girl that isn't maka gets sexualized and every guy is a pervert
shout out to my OG husbando tho
No. 301910
>>301742The most disgusting thing is that they made a figure of her in this scene. The only good thing I can say about it is that at least she looks pretty confident. As someone who never read the manga, I assumed that she is the seductress character. But fear note, they added the head bag accessory so that the creeps can imagine her being humiliated like in the manga!
Why is this disgusting porn shit in manga for 15 y/o in the first place?
The whole shonen genre is trash tbh
No. 301917
>>301912The only female characters other than the main girls I can remember are the cat witch, frog girl and the arrow villain
Souleater is one of the first animes I watched so I want to keep it a nice nostalgic memory lol
It always confused me how its okay to have so much sexual stuff in shonen, I mean wouldnt that be more apropriate for seinen?
No. 301920
>>301912NTA but what?
The only characters I can think of that are sexualized are Blair (which OP was talking about) and Tsubaki and the spider demon lady. Maybe the rat girl? I really don't get where you are coming from.
No. 301976
>>300922I mostly watch older anime too. Just watched wicked city and goku midnight eye. Probably gonna try gundam 0083 next. I usually do something shorter because if it’s super long it takes me months to finish since I work a lot. So those are some suggestions that you can watch in a day.
But since you might like more cutesy or lighthearted stuff maybe gunbuster, patlabor or macross do you remember love would be good
No. 303243
>>303188anon she's asking if there are any anime that have dudes being sexualize.
ffs get your finger off the
No. 306632
>>306628I find all
Trigger series overrated tbh it feels like lame cartoon network stuff I would have changed channel on as a kid, but mixed in with OTTness to force hype
No. 306635
>>306632Actually I feel like it's the kind of stuff I would have enjoyed a lot as a kid. But now, not so much. I say that but there are anime I watched as a kid that I still like a lot like YYH or Slayers even though my tastes changed with time, so Gurren Lagann just isn't that good. I can't speak for other
Trigger shows and I like KLK just fine, it was also fun for the first episodes and the second half was meh.
No. 306637
>>306632>>306635GL wasn't
trigger, it was gainax. some of the people who made GL don't work for
No. 306657
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I just watched the new My Hero Academia movie a couple of days ago and it was pretty good. I guess this is a bit of an unpopular in this thread, but I actually really enjoy the show a lot haha.
No. 306661
>>306640np fam! tbh i personally think
trigger kind of culminated the worst of gainax.
i love little witch academia though, i just think that their more serious(ish) works end up falling short. they should stick to cute comfy shows.
No. 310650
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It's hard to find something that isn't meant to appeal to degenerate otaku wankers or kids.
It seems the big talk of the season is Goblin Slayer which starts of with violent rape, and if someone doesn't enjoy that there are plenty of dweebs online ready to tell you that you are actually a prude SJW. I am reminded how crap the anime community is.
Well, trying to watch Jojo part 5, the costumes are ridiculous though.
No. 310681
>>310671Gotta say, the ending theme was a real surprise…'t wait for this to start playing after certain tragic events.
No. 310694
>>310681I fucking died when I first heard it.
Really excited for all the amputation. It's entirely possible that there won't be a single episode where someone doesn't get a part of their body cut off. Happens in almost every fight, it's even one of bruno's main strats.
No. 311054
>>310984I stopped reading the manga years ago, but if it's good now, I'll get back into it. It's been a while though.
Only saw the first season of the anime but loved the manga. I got pretty far into it. Much further than where they are at in season 3 (i glimpsed at the last 2 episodes)
No. 311058
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>>310650>>310670Never heard of Goblin slayer, but i cant stand anything that starts off with a violent rape, as if they is going to affect some narrative of a story. They could have just as easily dont without or had it heavily implied. it sounds like absolute lazy ass writing.
I am watching stardust crusadors at the moment. I had to get the uncensored versions because Crunchyroll has it all heavily censored (wtf.)
I am excited to catch up to the new season. Bruno looks really interesting.
(Season 2 was so good though. Joseph joestar is my favorite so far)
No. 311503
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>>311058YES I also like Joseph the most. The burly and fabulous combo is v. tasty.
No. 311515
>>310650I tried watching the GS episode and it was disgusting. It's just typical pedobait and the only purpose of the rape scene is so that they can advertise the anime on porn sites. To anyone who hasn't seen it, don't waste your time.
>the costumes are ridiculous though.Don't you like them? lol I love them, I think it makes the characters really unique and memorable. It's just a fun series and I'm excited to see some scenes from Italy.
No. 311529
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>>311515I enjoy general Jojo fabulousness (like Josuke here and his weird hair)
but the part 5 designs are so relentlessly out there, well maybe Giorno's cake hair, big boob window and random lady bug decorations will grow on me.
No. 311564
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>>311529I really dislike Josuke and the Part 4 in general. It's all like a really big filler to the series and Josuke just doesn't have the charisma Joseph or Jonathan had.
Also that short character's (forgot his name) stand with the words and all was ridiculous.
Killer Queen was amazing and I get that but there were some parts I almost felt like reading a parody of a manga, like the arc with that one guy who could collect coins and lottery tickets.
I was so offput by it that I ended up dropping the manga before reading part 5 which was the reason why I even started reading it. I really was looking forward to Narancia but I don't know it it's even worth reading it anymore. Blows.
No. 311607
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>>310681Finally watched and yeah… I lol'd
>>311564Didn't care for DIU anything except Rohan (I love smug assholes). Part 5 is very entertaining imo, it's fast-paced with lots of violence, plus the gangstars are overall great. Love the setting too. You might find Giorno boring tho.
No. 311634
>>101949Has anyone read jojo past part 6?
Im a little salty araki basically deleted everything lol
No. 311665
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>>310650I love Vento Aureo and I can't wait to see the VA fights animated, since I don't seem to be able to understand Araki's fights on paper, kek
>>310984Me. I'm proud of Isayama tbh, he managed to turn the story around and make even someone like Eren interesting eventually. I remember when in the beginning AoT was considered "pleb tier" and "just another shonen", oh how tables have turned.
>>311634I've read until the beginning of Jojolion. SBR was good but yeah, I'm also a little bit mad about the Reset lol
No. 311670
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started watching Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san, the 1st episode (at least) was quite funny, real tbt to being an obnoxious yaoi weeb back in 2009
oh my god am i struggling w this post, 1st posted shit image then posted in the wrong thread why god
No. 311671
>>311634Yeah, I read part 7, which I liked a lot more than I expected.
I'm a bit salty too about part 6, which I loved so much, but at the same time I feel like it's for the best. It gave me a sense of closure once I was done reading part 6 because at least the story is over in a way, and what comes next is more of a really huge bonus. The ending itself isn't bad, I'm just conflicted about the consequences of the reset and the fact that part 7 is more or less a reboot/retelling of earlier parts. I don't think I would have been able to handle waiting for the next chapters of a linear story all the time, I already gave up on reading Jojolion because I couldn't wait for the next chapters all the time when the story introduced Jobin. I either read everything available or I completely give up because I'm bored and forget about chapter releases. Now I stopped bothering even more because batoto disappeared.
No. 311683
>>311665Was AoT really pleb-tier?
I remember it being THE anime when it came out, but the hype died down between seasons
Apparently 4th season of Bnha is coming in spring, they're really pumping it out fast. I wonder what will happen when they catch up with the manga
No. 311697
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This hurts
Guts was such a hottie around vol 27
I love seeing mangakas improve through the story (AoT for example), but the opposite hurts.
I also really liked my hero academia's style in the first chapters, i kinda hate how small some faces look now
No. 311706
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>>310984Yeah, it’s fantastic, especially the part where Hoboren wrecks Marley and eats the warhammer titan. I caught up only quite recently after not having read it for a year and a bit. On the downside, I’ve become a massive EHfag as a result.
>>311683The manga has always been very engaging (apart from during Uprising, I guess).
No. 311707
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>>311697Nothing will make me feel as bad as Natsuki Takaya's art style in the last volumes of Fruits Basket compared to the first volumes. Her characters look way more similar to each other as they used to and they're less expressinve now. Though tbh her art style in the last volumes of her Tsubasa series and the first volumes of Fruits Basket reminds me of other manga from the late 90s/early 2000s so I'm biased because it makes me nostalgic, and her style got worse because at some point her left hand was injured and it required surgery so she has a good excuse at least. I just don't understand why so many people praised her for her improvement when she actually regressed.
No. 311711
>>311697What the fuck
>eyes enlarged>smaller, rounder face>smaller nose>longer lashesWhen you play Idolm@ster too much and start drawing even manly men as kawaii uguu fairies
No. 311712
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>>311707As opposed to this.
No. 311718
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>>311697Guts is so freakin ideal on the left panel.
Miura fucked himself over hard. He used to be one of my favorite artists ever until he gave up and lived the id0lmaster life.
Same thing with Griffith. I absolutely hated how he looked in the newer movies vs the 90s anime and manga.
He looks so feminine now– like straight up a woman.
No. 311720
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>>311711>>311718Miura draws Griffith really odd now imo
No. 311726
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>>311707Your post made me feel so nostalgic. I really disliked the art in the last volumes too, especially the noses. I get why Takaya did it, but Rin's redesign was a tragedy.
No. 311738
>>311727I'm so mad at Tokyo ghoul because i became so massively invested in the manga and waiting forever for it to finish. When it finally did, it was an extremely unsatisfying 'ending.'
But the mangaka is the worst mainly because it's obvious he started TG Re and TG Jack in the middle of the main story and it went nowhere.
I really cant stand RE, even though I tried really hard to get into it.
No. 311743
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>>311718I can't find a bigger pic but this is my personal Guts fav
I really dislike Berserks choice of character colors, i thought it would be better with normal colors
No. 311746
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>>311529>>311564I wanted to like Josuke. Don't get me wrong– Diamonds is unbreakable is decent arc, however i could not STAND Koichi as a character. His shrill voice and annoying better than he really is attitude almost turned me away from that arc. Jotaro legit just stood there half the time.
Only Josuke and his BFF were hilarious and I loved the restaurant episode with that Stand.
The only thing that made up for that arc was the showdown with KIRA. Fantastic.
No. 311751
>>311747Is he though? I thought it was just the beginning.
Yes I dislike him too. I don't get why the pretty yandere girl cared about him.
No. 311752
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>>311697>>311707>>311712Speaking of horrible art regression. I was a really big fan of 80s and 90s anime when i started watching in the early 2000s. I remember Earthian being one of my favorite stories. Yun Kouga did the art and story, but never finished it.
Then years later, she made another series called Loveless, which was absolute SHITE. And even worse than that, her art somehow got worse. Here's Earthian art
No. 311755
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>>311752And here's Loveless, which was just pandering shota shit. It's awful
No. 311757
>>311746Josuke's life story is pretty weird
Idk Joseph cheating on his wife with some random japanese college girl?
No. 311760
>>311754>Griffith looks better with the new style imo, the whole point of his character appeal is that he looks like a girlNo, it's not. Griffith was always supposed to be more feminine in that world, especially compared to a lot of the main dudes, like Guts, but he wasn't meant to look like a straight up woman.
have you read the manga? Cuz his entire complex was that he wasnt taken seriously as a fighter and has to fight from the ground up to end up in his position. Not to mention, he was
sexually abused as a kid but this man in higher power who was obsessed with beautiful shota boys. Griffith used him to gain a war chest, but had to sleep with him or at least sexually entertain him. No. 311778
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>>311760Yes, I've read the manga and I remember Guts pointing out how he looks "almost like a girl". Plus in the old artstyle he still looked feminine. With manga art there's only so much you can do. Small head, sloped nose and long hair will look girly, how do you differentiate a feminine looking boy from a straight out girl, face wise?
>>311763Yes, her titan was inherited by a Marleyan soldier. Even though plot-wise I can see why Isayama killed her, I'm still salty because she was my favorite girl. When will the Bury Your Gays trope end? No. 311790
>>311718>>311720>>311697Looks like shit. I stopped reading years ago and only watched the 90s anime.
I'm scared to ask what has happened to Caska lately since last I saw she was in a videogame and still being objectified.
No. 311805
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>>311800A cliffhanger since February? I'm so glad I haven't been reading now.
I don't know what arc the game was but basically there was DLC in her post-rape clothes and the trailer sensationalized the rape scene.
No. 311807
>>311800>>311805More cliffhangers? Why does Miura hate his fans so much? That manga really is never going to end.
>I don't know what arc the game was but basically there was DLC in her post-rape clothes and the trailer sensationalized the rape scene.The PS4 game? Havent played it cuz it looked horrible, but I was really furious at the Eclipse scene in the last movie where they made the rape scene look like hentai and it was harder to watch that shit in full animation than reading the graphic manga version years ago.
No. 311972
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>>311778I'm in denial because she was an important character for a while and then that? No big dramatic scene, either?
Interest: lost.
No. 311976
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>>311756As far as fanfiction goes, none unfortunately. It’s not a particularly popular ship in JP and Attack on Titan’s popularity has died down a lot since 2013 - 14. It has less than 50 fics on AO3.
As for links in general, I’d recommend browsing the holy Japanese EH trio @_ebimayo_mayo, @erina_yuyu and @enkumo (her account is locked right now though unfortunately). is decent for theories and speculation centred around EH. I enjoy his responses to anons. And if you can tolerate the autism, /snk/ tends to be the epicentre of EH shipping in the Western community and they produce some pretty funny OC (though the threads take a huge nosedive in quality when there’s no new spoilers to discuss).
No. 311987
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>>311976If you’re comfortable with NSFW content, then these two doujins are decent;
1) you and someone else’s night This is plot-focused and very vanilla
2) a slave loses his virginity to a goddess Very filthy, but hot - contains theme of dubcon (this doujin takes place in the Uprising arc when Eren is tied up) and some incest, usually I skip those pages
Hope you enjoy, EHbro
No. 312060
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>>311972Yeah, she dies offscreen and is barely mentioned at all. Historia's reaction was also pretty cold and she didn't seem to give a shit, disappointing.>>312050Even though I think that Historia is just an unlikeable tool, I kind of like her with Mikasa. There have been some nice interactions between them lately, both in the manga and the anime… hmmmmm
Too bad Historia's baby is 100% Eren's No. 312086
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>>312060To be honest, Isayama is pretty terrible at depicting the aftermath of deaths in general. Once a character dies, very little consideration is given to them - see Erwin, for instance. The only character whose death was offered any degree of narrative importance was Sasha and even then, this is only because it’s necessary to exacerbate the schism between Eren and the rest of the 104th.
>Historia’s reaction was also pretty cold and she didn’t seem to give a shitShe did cry upon reading Ymir’s letter and Ymir’s words to her are referenced multiple times within the Uprising arc. But yeah, I always got the impression that Ymir was much more in love with Historia than what was reciprocated.
No. 312091
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>>312086Ah, I don't remember too vividly since I read those chapters years ago when they came out, but I remember
Historia's reaction being very underwhelming.On one thing we can all agree though,
Ymir deserved better.
Also, I suspect that Annie's coming back.
No. 312227
>>312192I would recommend Nana, even though that's a bit harsh since it will never end properly.
The anime is good and so is the first live action movie. Someone also mentioned Parakiss up here as well. Those are the only two off the top of my head.
No. 312263
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>>312233I've been burned too many times, fellow anon. I won't believe she'll work on the manga until I see it actually happening. I'm both a NANA and a Berserk fan, so my life is true suffering of just hiatuses.
No. 312382
Speaking of Berserk and hiatus, what the fuck happened to Bastard!!, is it still on hiatus because the mangaka wanted to redraw everything but with actual porn instead of fanservice scenes or is it officially dead and buried? Will Yoko and DS ever fuck?
>>311755I remember considering watching this just because Konishi Katsuyuki voices the dude with the glasses. I never actually read or watched it, a friend just told me it was crap.
>>312192Are you ok with manga as well? I loved Fruits Basket, Lovely Complex, Otomen. I was recommended Switch Girl and Skip Beat but I never got the opportunity to read them. From the author of Fruits Basket I liked her Tsubasa something manga if you can find scans, but I couldn't get into Twinkle stars, it was too depressing and slow for me for some reason. There one I loved but I can't find scans, I read the volumes thanks to my local public library, it's Mirai no Utena, it's supernatural mystery stuff and dates from the 90s. You have the author's comments that describe how she hated the two last episodes of NGE when they just aired or how she's interested in Maya Sakamoto's career, which just stared with Jurassic Park and Escaflowne, it's part of the fun. Not really a shojo but I liked Fujoshi Rumi, that shit's hilarious. I wanted to add that if you end up reading Nana and Paradise Kiss as suggested you should read Gokinjo Monogatari, since ParaKiss is a sequel. Princess Jellyfish is pretty nice but I only watched the anime and read the first volumes so idk much about it, and it's more recent as well. I'm trying to see if there are other nice ones
>>312198I only read Mermaid Melody but I was put off by the art, and the fact that
the main antagonist is Gackt but not really reallys cracks me up.
>>312233I want to believe, but at the same time I kind of gave up on this series. I can't believe I'm older than both Nanas when they met. Fuck I feel nostalgic now.
No. 312836
>>312263Nana is a generic-ish albeit well written drama and not a mystery/clickbait show. I never felt the burning desire to have to know something about those characters. Following them for a few years of their life was enough for me.
Never understood the love for berserk. It was always a low tier seiner for me. I guess people like the buff macho dude vs androgynous deep tortured villain theme?
No. 312839
>>312836I started berserk cuz it looked edgy and i was edgy but stayed cuz im interested to see how guts will defeat griffith (if he ever does)
I will say the rape scenes became pretty tiring after a while. Overusing them made then lose their effect
I also loved the past art style
No. 312841
>>312836Berserk used to be really good, until the Conviction Arc imho. Then it went downhill.
I stopped reading it a couple of years ago, when I realized that not only the quality had taken a nosedive, but also that Miura clearly wants out and the story isn't progressing at all. You get two chapters, a cliffhanger, then radio silence for a year. Then it comes back with a new chapter that dissolves the cliffhanger into something underwhelming, rinse and repeat. He wants to end it asap but doesn't know how, he knows that giving proper closure will take at least 50 chapters, is not invested in the story anymore, and this put him in a spiral he doesn't know how to escape from.
Sorry for the Miura mini-sperg
No. 312877
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>>312839I liked the past artstyle too, but I kinda wondered about Miura's mental state when it was just gore and rape time all the time.
In fact I wonder why even shounen manga often have to be so graphic and gory? Jojo's mangaka even parodied himself and how psycho it can come across with Rohan.
No. 312887
>>312843I feel so sorry for you, I tried so hard in my initial posts to not give anything away but selfish people just has to ruin everything.
>>312846Only if you're a pure actionfag. Season 2 is great for character development and expanding the mystery. Season 3 is the denouement. Part 1 already explained how Eren got his power and Part 2 will give us the full story. Can't wait.
I hate to say it, but if you don't like it, then you're probably just too dumb to get it.
No. 313061
>>312836>>312841Berserk was quite different when it came out and there was nothing else like it. The golden age was probably the best, followed by Lost children, but i cant defend much after that. I can understand why it had so much love in the 90s and early 2000s, but now it's so bad. And the movies made it worse somehow.
Also, bets on Miura dying way before it's finish. All he has to do is write up Guts vs Griffith and end it all, but he won't.
No. 313099
>>313059Yes it was very graphic, to the point that some days I just had to stop reading at some point (and I'm not exactly a scaredy cat)… but it had that dark atmosphere that stuck with me for a while.
Nowadays' chapters make me feel nothing.
No. 313107
>>313061He won't because he doesn't know how to end it. He made Griffith too OP and he doesn't know how to kill him… not in a credible way that would result in a happy ending, at least.
There would actually be a plausible way (some fans theorized that Miura initially planned on making Guts sacrifice Caska to become a god himself and one up Griffith somehow) but Miura just wants that happy ending so much
No. 313117
>>313107>miura wants a happy endingReally? I didn't know he wanted a happy ending at all. I guess i just wanted to be realistic, since the series hasn't been happy since the start, even before the Eclipse.
Miura sounds crazy to want a happy ending with everything that has happened in that universe.
No. 313122
>>313117He said in an interview that he doesnt want such a dark story to have a sad ending
Anyone here read Onepunch man?
I read both the redraw and webcomic
One is adding a lot of new stuff before Garou's final battle
No. 314502
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Another shit season the only two shows I haven't dropped yet are Goblin Slayer and Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san
I don't get why people are so upset at Goblin Slayer, the rape isn't graphic or onscreen and it's not like it's pointless it establishes the world and the dangers of goblins pretty well, I don't find it gratuitous at all. It's a dumb fun fantasy anime and while I admit I probably wouldn't watch it if there were a plethora of shows I was interested in this season I do enjoy it.
Honda-san is really funny, unfortunately almost no one will talk about it because comedy anime that aren't moe tend to get ignored.
It's another backlog season for me and I've been watching through Astro Boy 1963. It's awesome and holds up really well. I ended up buying the boxsets from rightstuf I loved it so much. I don't even think it's particularly dated, sure the animation isn't the best but it makes up for it in it's fun stories, interesting messages on acceptance and racism that isn't to in-your-face, and memorable characters. I highly recommend it if you've never checked it out. The English dub is also really good. While there are changes to the Japanese scripts (as to be expected in translating an anime aimed at children not to mention the year it was released) but none of the changes I've seen yet have horribly impeaded or butchered the source material.
After Astro Boy 1963 I intend to watch either the original Kimba or Golden Boy, probably Golden Boy since it looks hilarious and it's much shorter and I need a break from long running series.
No. 314589
>>314502>goblin slayerOof. Well, I have my own trash, you have your trash but if you read the manga you'll see how several rape scenes are drawn for fanservice.
>always young girls>they are good looking, drawn with appealing proportions>angle and pose always focuses on showing as much of the girls naked body>no ugly bruises and woundsThere's no use denying that it's fetishistic, the mangaka could have drawn the rape scenes terrifying or more subtle. I didn't read the LN and I know the lore explanation for the rape, but it doesn't undo these specific choices to make it more appealing and fetishistic rather than portay it as scary.
I don't care if people watch it but the horde of guys who defend it as if it's good writing and how rape is no big deal annoy me, Berserk's style and tone made it serious, this is ridiculous.
No. 314591
>>314589I wish I could enjoy Goblin Slayer because the gobbo autism seems hilarious. I just saw a bit from the LN and lost my shit this dialogue of a girl trying to ask him out
>do you have any plans?>…goblins>I mean… any non goblin plans?But yeah, I can't get past the rape and only managed a few chapters. I'm not particularly fragile about rape scenes (I love Berserk), but I'm just so fucking sick of them being used to titillate the male audience.
No. 314721
>>314589You're implying I'd care if the rape in the anime adaption was fetishy. I'm a huge believer in fiction does not does not translate to reality.
Let people get off what they want to get off on, as long as it's not real-life CP, snuff, or some footage of a rape I see no problem.
It's also important to remember that just because somebody gets off to something doesn't mean that they support it in real life. Rape is one of the most common fantasies for women and is featured in plenty of female aimed media like erotica novels, yaoi anime, and smutty fanfiction all pieces of media predominantly written by women. However, I and most women would agree that, despite reading stuff with rape in it, even erotic stuff we would never actually want to be raped. Same goes for men I'm sure that a vast majority of men getting off on rape would never actually go out and rape a women, and the men that would arn't doing so because they watched some rape hentai, they already had problems in the first place.
I'm not saying you can't be uncomfortable with rape in media, but I am saying that you shoudn't shame those who get off on it. I also havn't read Goblin Slayer's manga or light novel but I stand by the fact that the anime wasn't gratudious and that the scene was important for world building. I do think that people are blowing this scene out of purpotion, and I feel that there are plenty worst scenes in anime that nobody makes a stink about.
No. 314729
>>314721Are you the BDSM sperg from the unpopular opinions thread? You stick out like a sore thumb.
>kinkshamingGo back to tumblr.
>>314623It's going to be a wild ride. I love part 5 so much, damn
No. 314755
>>314589my issue with goblin slayer is that the rape isn't designed so the audience can see how it impacts the characters, but instead, it's to spoonfeed the us to make sure we know that goblins are totes evil and that goblin slayer himself is righteous and justified.
in things like berserk or other media with some rape, it impacts the characters in some way, in goblin slayer it doesn't. full stop.
i feel like the anime is drawn like hentai what with the weird lips and color palettes and would make more sense if it was just a hentai.
No. 314763
>>314755I was pretty unphazed by it but the more I think the more that THE thing that really irks me is the fact that the girl character didn't get raped.
It gives off this "welp, lucky you, you didn't get raped and got carted off like all those soiled-now-useless pieces of meat". Yuck.
No. 314810
>>314727I'm actually a straight, 19 year old, female.
>>314729>Are you the BDSM spergNope, I'm not a fan of S&M or any of the like. Like I said I'm just a huge believer in letting people watch whatever they want without judgment. I also don't have a Tumblr account and the only reason I go on the site is to get fanart.
>>314810Yeah, so, you're a teenager in your 'just let people be themselves'.
Do you know what actually happen when you let people be their 'true selves' ? You get 60 years old trannies coming out as little girls.
No. 314824
>>314822Are there really? This sounds so ridiculous.
How do crime statistics weeaboos even defend this?
No. 314874
>>314721Kid, you're not unique for being edgy and not caring about fetishistic rape being aired on a TV channel in a foreign country. I personally ignore it when these things are in their own niche for porn, but when you see how widely accepting and excited the anime community is about it and calls people who think the rape is bad pussies, you just know what pieces of shit they are.
>rape is ome of the most common fantasies for womenOh it's a guy,that explains it. No woman wants to have sex with a guy she doesn't like and putting it in raw hurts like fuck and won't arouse you, try showing a dildo up your ass without lube. If you really are a teenie girl, you won't fit in with the guys or seem more unique because you're so "open-minded" and trash on women.
No. 314899
>>314721Normalizing rape is a huge thing in a lot of media and it's honestly a massive problem. Whenever a mangaka or anime glorifies rape or uses it as a plot device to further a male's arc, it's disgusting.
I've always seen rape used as a device to make a male character stronger. Even then, to see so many female characters getting raped in media is very discouraging. Also, people that tend to enjoy rape very much in fiction/media arent that far off from being creeps irl tbh.
>I'm not saying you can't be uncomfortable with rape in media, but I am saying that you shoudn't shame those who get off on itNah, people should shame them
>I feel that there are plenty worst scenes in anime that nobody makes a stink aboutWhich scenes?
>>314763>>314766There is so much media where this is an issue. How many female characters get raped just to 'please' the male audience? Look at how good of a character Caska was becoming right before the Eclipse and she basically was just a tool for Guts' development after a while. A toy for him and Griffith to fight over. It's awful. Female rape is always treated so trivial.
No. 314940
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Anyone here read Golden Kamuy?
It's a really fun read, sugimoto is so precious
I love the manga, but the anime really turned me off with crap cgi
No. 315025
>>312192, sorry for the very late reply. I've watched and readed Nana and Parakiss already but will definitely take a look at the reccomendations, thank you all very much
No. 315786
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Anyone into Gundam? Started getting into it recently and finishing Zeta now, but I'd like to hear some opinions from other gals because I've only seen opinions from guys so far.
Talking specifically about Tomino UC: I like that the characters are much more flawed so the atmosphere is kinda refreshing even though it has so much outdated stuff that was a product of its time. It's also nice that the enemy soldiers get some moments where it shows they're just human and that the protagonists aren't ideal heroes either.
My main complaint about Zeta so far is that the love at first sight trope is executed just as bad as in the original and that the way emotions are handled is so stiff and a downgrade from the original. I won't spoil anything but there were several scenes from the original that hit hard, but Zeta gets praised so much yet there's a lot of unnatural storyboard choices and stiff expression overall.
No. 330267
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Still watching Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san and it is v comfy! also picked up Bloom Into You but I'm having sorta mixed feelings about it. Better than Citrus imo at least
No. 335811
>>335724I enjoyed Yuri on Ice, there is fujo fanservice though but it also end up treating the gay theme more seriously.
The reason I enjoyed it was the fun iceskating competitions. Lots of varied characters from different countries and nice songs.
No. 335820
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i'm rewatching Ojamajo Doremi.
i loved it as a kid, but grew up with the 4kids dub, so only really saw the first 50 episodes or so. it's really wholesome and adorable. i know everyone hates Pop, but she has always been my favorite. i'm almost done with the first season, and i'm excited to watch more. all the stressful studying that comes with college makes it nice to come home and watch a few eps to make me feel a little better. i highly recommend this show if you're looking for something wholesome to brighten your day. this show isn't so much focused on the magic itself, but it goes into stories about family members or classmates of the majo, and really illustrates to children that people are the way they are for a reason.
No. 335894
>>335820This show brings back a lot of memories. It actually holds up really well for adult audiences, I remember trying to rewatch Shugo Chara but not being able to get into it at all anymore. The individual struggles all of them face feel really real.
I never hated Pop but I remember hating Hana for taking up so much screentime in Dokkan.
No. 335926
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>>335894Utau x Kukai is the only good thing that came from Shugo Chara.
No. 336151
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>>335820aaah same anon !
Doremi was very popular in France bc it was aired on a big channel when I grew up ! Rewatching them now too and loving it!
It's so wholesome. They try their best to help everyone, I love it. The only downside is that I'm watching them in the French dub and the voices are super high. (+ the fact that they "Frenchified" the names, but that makes it hilarious like every random character is named shit like Sylvain, Philippe etc which are quite old sounding names and very rare and unpopular nowadays)
So if anyone has a link to a JP or EN dub that'd be very nice
No. 336190
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As a long time Vento Aureo lover I can't believe the quality we're getting served from Davidpro. They're doing so great. Bless 'em.
No. 336204
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>>336190What? I've thought the quality was abysmal so far. I still like it because it's VA, but everything looks rushed and lazy as hell. Disguised Trish was adorable though.
Very low expectations for the cioccolata/secco fight, hopefully doppio/risotto, ghiaccio, and the dorururus won't disappoint.
No. 336976
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>>336151Aw man, I loved this as well, so friggin cute.
Does anyone know where to find Lady Oscar (Rose of Versailles), JP with subs or German dub?
No. 341116
>>341110It's notorious for having a slow start, especially the first few eps. I often see people say it gets good at ep 25, I remember it really clicking with me at ep 34 specifically. But I actually skipped 25-30 eps and just read the manga because I knew what to expect and manga is way quicker.
So short answer: yes, it's worth it, some of the funniest tv I've ever seen and the boys are great. But it is hundreds of episodes long, it has plenty of crap episodes and only you can decide what is worth your time.
No. 341118
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>>341110It's probably one of the best series out there. It's received a cult following for a reason. It actually is a pretty fun parody series and gets funnier is you know about meiji era history and the animes they are mocking.
No. 341122
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I'm so excited about Mob Psycho 100 season two.
It's so surreal we will get to see the bullying Mogami arc and the Reigen media disaster arc animated.
No. 351965
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Anyone seen the first episode of shield hero? It's basically "crybaby incel propaganda: the anime".
First episode goes like
>MC is a loser incel but we're supposed to like him anyways just because he's a "nice guy"
>gets transported to the most generic boring fantasy world
>first thing that happens is he meets a girl that starts getting close to him and flirting
>turns out she was just trying to rob him, then she lies to the king about him raping her to get him in trouble and cover her tracks, which everyone instantly believes and turns against the poor little MC
>now MC is a woman hatind edgelord
>buys a loli sex slave right at the end of the episode, once again just to cement how "nice" he is
No. 351994
>>351971I'm back. You were basically right, anon.
>"This society is a matriarchy">run by a king>enslaves women and children of different racesSure, Jan.
The writers are so useless. They seem to use the "muh matriarchy" thing to justify the weak point of literally everybody automatically believing the woman, which never happens in reality. The MC has no interesting points, but that's par for the course for isekai, I guess. I looked it up on Wikipedia, and read about the girl, Raphtalia:
>First purchased by nobleman, she is physically & emotionally tortured out of resentment towards Demi-humans and left a shell of her former self. They really wanted to downplay the frequency and egregiousness of rape so much that they couldn't even bear to write a character who would almost invariably
actually be raped in such a situation. I guess having to write something like an actual rape victim working through her trauma, only to find out her only companion (twisted as it is, her owner) is an accused rapist and deal with the interpersonal baggage/eventual resolution of that would be too mature/character development-y for your average otaku incel faggot. Not to mention they need her to be a pure, virginal waifu.
>Able to see past Naofumi's cynical nature, she falls in love with him and does her best to help him overcome his resentment towards others & losing himself to the Shield of Wrath, even volunteering to have her slave curse re-applied after it is forcibly removed as a sign of devotion. >a slave falling in love with her master and helping him overcome his resentmentThis is just romanticized Stockholm Syndrome stupidity blended with the whole "A gf who is basically or literally a slave can change your whole life :^)" meme. Nothing to even pick apart unless you're an incel looking for an argument. We all know how that goes.
The only good point is that the girl's not actually a sex slave, and does age (but her mind stays the same, which is creepy):
>Technically a 10 year old girl, being a demi-human, her body is able to age to that of a young women as her levels increase. The current state of anime is fucking sad.
No. 351995
>>351974I love this manga so much, I'm a little over 100 chapters in and I'm so so so glad the anime it so out. I have a feeling it's gonna end up getting a lot of hate since it's so popular though kek. I really liked what they did with the first episode. Spoilers:
Although, I wish they would've gave a little more screen time to showing mama before the whole reveal. But I understand they have a limited amount of time per episode so I'm okay with how they handled it. ALSO the way they animated the reveal scene was awesome, I love how expressive Emma and Norman were when they were under the wagon. I am kinda sad that we won't be seeing any Yuugo though.. I loved the op as well, I'm just so excited to see the first arc animated! I'm usually not into these types of anime (I watch 99% shoujo/josei) but this just pulled me right in.
No. 352003
>>351994And the majority of the anime community is defensive over this, saying how we don't need SJW propaganda and imposing western values on Japan. Lol, you can unironically see people saying that on twitter and reddit.
I just want to throw toxic people like that out of my life and chill while watching Mob Psycho, Neverland and Dororo but it feels so wrong letting those people be and not doing anything.
No. 352082
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>>352051Aside from the Loli elves, That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Slime is pretty good. Though they ruined best boy's design.
No. 352084
>>351965The interesting thing about this is I saw a bunch of fanboys claiming the novel it's based on is written by a woman so that makes it all OK.
Looked it up.
It's written by someone using a very obviously fake name (the equivalent of calling yourself Big Sister Fakename) who admits it's a pen name and says they don't want to confirm their gender. Wonder why!
No. 352353
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>>351965It gets better kek
No. 352832
>>101949Jumping on the Shield Hero bandwagon, is there any female power fantasy out there? Be it manga, anime or light novel?
I would love a heroin cutting some dicks off.
No. 352848
>>352832This, I want shameless heroines. Mobile games can have some fun characters but you never see them as protagonists because it's "unappealing and not submissive". There's a LN that's getting an anime soon (I can't remember the name) where the female MC becomes a villain in a dating game and amasses a harem.
There's the game Drag on Dragoon 3 where (to put it spoiler free), the main lady is on the mission to kill her sisters and she basically takes their partners into her harem, the game has good banter. Then there's a version of Cinderella in a mobile game that I liked, where Cinderella uses the prince to get power and takes revenge on her sisters and stepmother.
Fujiko Mine is an interesting character too, but she was primarily created as a fanservice side-character, but I heard the anime focusing on her is good.
Here's the thing though, most confident female characters like that are portrayed as evil, manipulative, selfish etc. They aren't anywhere near being self inserts, while male self insert characters are usually average to ugly dudes that did nothing wrong. Shoujo manga might have something but I've mostly stuck to josei in the recent years and can't remember anything interesting.
No. 352852
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>>352848I remembered the LN, it's Bakarina/Destruction Flag Otome/How I got reincarnated as a villainess… Or whatever the translation would be
No. 352859
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>>352832Claymore. It's good. Non sexualized women warriors, the bond between them is beautiful, there's some implied, well made les romance, they get to cut some men heads, nobody steps on them.
No. 352876
>>352798I don't get why they published that article by Frog-kun that just says
>uwu you shouldn't assume Aneko Yusagi's gender also I find this girl from shield hero cute so don't hate me otakuAnd before that he tweeted how he'll get soooo much drama for that article and posts oreimo pics on his twitter, yup, seems male.
No. 352886
>>352859>>352877i get what you mean, but the men in charge were shown as being evil and the boy (raki? or whatever his name was) was only there to draw parallels between clare and theresa and was pretty unneccesary imo.
i think claymore is one of my favourite mangas, it reminds me of attack on titan but with all women, and with more complex bonds between the characters.
No. 352890
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>>352877Not in the manga. I'm trying not to spoiler, so take my word on that.
In case you've read the manga, the entire final arc is about the women warriors uprising together and killing off all the men "in charge".It's still surprising to me that to write such a story it was a man. It's very feminist for a manga.
I would add, this is the manga that made me realize I wasn't straight. The whole moral of the story about how powerful and amazing women can be, and how beautiful is the bond between women, really got to me and made me think a lot.
So yeah, go for it.
No. 352896
>>352890I read the entire thing and I like it. I think it's good for a shounen and does well by its female characters, but in the context of the earlier conversation about a female power fantasy etc this doesn't hit the mark. The warriors were never shown to be superior to the male ones and it's not exactly a matriarchy. It's a fun story but not something I would push onto my daughter for political/empowerment media. This is about the limit of pro-women that male writers can come up with.
I agree with the anon earlier that I want a real women oriented power wank, probably written by a woman. A story where the protagonist girl takes political power, where all the men eventually fall at her feet, where she uses and abuses people but they end up thinking that it was an honor to be of use to her because of her greatness. Something like this.
No. 352902
>>352896>A story where the protagonist girl takes political power, where all the men eventually fall at her feet, where she uses and abuses people but they end up thinking that it was an honor to be of use to her because of her greatness.There's elements of this to Akatsuki no Yona, but it fails at the last hurdle because Yona becomes more of a nice person as the story goes along, rather than getting to act like a dbag and be loved for it anyway. It does have the bit about a young woman who seizes political power and gets to call most of the shots though. Plus she gets an adoring harem who just trail around doing her bidding.
Which is a shame, because I'd totally read something like what you described.
No. 352920
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>>352917Agreed, that's what made me appreciate the director less lately, he even wrote some joke about hating cute guys for new years recently and it's visible.
It's disappointing when such characters are written by men for men, like idolm@ster has an idol that believes she's a saint and has an army of brainwashed fans who she calls pigs, or a 30 year old lady that keeps getting wasted with you for days, or the obvious dom character- but it ends in pandering or softening the story for the fans. Yeah those characters are ridiculous but they're be fun because of that and I'd like to read more about them for a change.
But things that upset the status quo are quickly shut down, like that house husband manga that
triggered people.
No. 352939
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>>352848Watch Slayers, it's actually fantasy and not isekai, the heroine is a powerful magician who only struggles in the most serious arcs. It's pretty funny too, but it's from the 90s so the animation can be weird sometimes and some of the gags are old-fashioned.
>>352848If we're speaking of video games I'm sure Bayonetta is a good exemple. She was meant to be sexy and cool and the character designer basically designed her to be a mary sue, but in a good way.
No. 352941
>>352935Good god. Men making themselves actually useful at home is degrading?
Meanwhile this househusband manga has won an award: No. 352947
>>352941It’s been a few years since Higashimura’s manga was released, so maybe things have gotten a bit better for househusbands? Although I’ve never read the manga and have no idea how honest that Washington post article is being. I found a different take on the issue that suggests that the actual Japanese critisim was more about the manga mocking househusbands.’t be the first time I’ve seen a western publication twisting or mistranslating drama tbh.
No. 354614
>>354613I'm not sure I understand your argument. You talk about how the 2 series didn't sell a lot of dvds but then say idol anime isn't the top taste in japan despite selling a lot of dvds. So are sales important or not?
Tbh japan is the same as the west when you get into the subculture. There's clear hugely popular series that everyone talks about despite being trash. As the other anon said, it's usually moe anime or shitty issekai. The west has a lot of variety in likes as well it's just we have loud af anitubers who push the trash to the front.
No. 354624
>>354614I pointed out that those anime sold so low because of their popularity, most people didn't find them worth buying despite them being so discussed, not only in the west.
I specifically pointed out the variety in top selling titles in Japan because saying idols represent the taste there is the same as saying mecha does, based on profits. Look at which anime sold above 10k in the past 3 years and you'll find a lot more variety.
Years ago I would jump on the "Japan has trash taste" train, but since fansubbing died the change in recent years is tangible. There are lots of series that go under the radar in the west because they aren't on Crunchy or Netflix now. Certain shows are definitely pushed more by companies in the west and some that were HUGE in Japan got more or less ignored here.
I don't want everyone to have the same taste, but with so much great shit this season it's disappointing that Shield Hero is getting attention because people want to be edgelords.
No. 354650
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>>354624I think it's so fucking weird how no one subs the OPs and EDs anymore. Or gives translator notes, or really, any effort at all.
Sometimes you did get one or two goofy subgroups, but you usually had a choice.
Crunchyroll is so fucking basic and lazy, but somehow they've convinced people that they're "helping" the anime community and the anime directors (when in fact they give nothing back and instead line their own pockets).
It's mindboggling.
No. 354666
>>354655The licensing fees are going to the investors, not the directors or the actual animation studio/animators.
There's really no defending them, to be honest.
They take other people's work, pay a paltry fee, and instead of supporting the actual people making anime, they shit out some CalArts student project.
It's extremely rare to see actual subgroups nowadays.
No. 355937
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Strange request but can any of you guys recommend an anime that makes you want to clean your house?
No. 355966
>>355937Welcome to the NHK, I've heard, has gotten people into the "improve your life" mood after watching it. There was also a manga a little while back about just that. Here's a link if you wanna read it.
"The Life Changing Manga of Tidying Up" No. 356899
>>355990What the fuck? That never happens. Yamazaki, his friend, is a pedophile who looks at junior idols in the novel, but that's the closest thing (and it gets cut out in the anime).
problematic, but no need to make shit up, ffs.
No. 356953
Is this supposed to be funny and relatable or what?
No. 356965
>>356960They weren't kids, though, a lot of them had tits (and nowhere was it stated that they were "loli" or whatever).
Pedo shit was in the original novel, but not the show.
No. 357022
>>356953No, it's meant to be fucked up and the protagonist reaching a new low.
>>356965There is a quick shot of Satou's fap folder and one of them is LOLI
No. 357447
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Anyone there watched Kaiba?
It feels extremly unknown to most people and underrated. It's Yuasa's anime from 2008 with an Astroboy artstyle.
Basically it takes place in the future (?), where people can put their memories into chips and move to another body once they die.
I love it and I wish there could be more fanarts and talk about it overall.
No. 357540
>>356965>a lot of them had tits hello, male
just because they have boobs doesn't mean they're not children
No. 357609
>>357447Loved it, one of the top 3 anime to make me cry the most.
The only thing I was disappointed with was Neiro as a character, she had a lot of build up but I didn't find the part with her interesting. Hyo hyo deserved better.
No. 357611
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What are you watching this season? My top 3 are Dororo, Promised Neverland and Kaguya-sama
No. 357655
>>357540>anyone who doesn't automatically assume all women in anime are underage, even when sexually mature, must be a maleAre you retarded? Do you assume every porn star must be underage, too?
>>357022 actually makes a good point, I didn't recognize the "loli" folder. You'd think if they were underage, they'd be in that folder, or it'd openly be pointed out, lol.
No. 357660
>>357655NTA but why are you even arguing about this? What do you get out of trying to defend some anime guy's pedo honor? Stop.
>>357611I am considering Dororo since it's a classic. What do you like about those 3, anon?
No. 357704
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>>357660>what do you like about those 3
>DororoI really like tragic set ups that sound like from an old legend, the duo of Dororo and Hyakkimaru is fun because of their contrast and how Dororo tries to communicate with him is really cute.
>NeverlandI find Emma's emotional and compassionate side really interesting since she's the female protagonist of a shounen manga. Her friends have a practical and logical approach but she loves and wants to save everyone and I find that interesting and wonder how it'll develop.
>KaguyaIt's really fun, they're my types of characters and some things are too relatable.
Forgot to mention Mob Psycho 100 season 2 but I didn't start it yet.
No. 357906
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> I remember he dated aminyanwhat? source please?
>>355991>>357611This season I am enjoying Mob Psycho, Boogiepop, Promised Neverland, Jojo (ranked highest to lower)
I tried watching kaguya-sama since it has been so incredibly hyped up the ever since its announcement but unfortunately I just found it to be just that - hyped. Too edgy and immature for me.
No. 358148
>>358024Oof, what a spot on assessment.
Isekai are even worse for that, since the pathetic, loser character dies and becomes "reborn" into a world where people actually give a shit about them.
No. 358278
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>>358147+1 for Mononoke, I was going to recommend it actually but I checked the time period and it's a little before the Edo period. Either way it's 10/10.
Mushishi as well but I really love Mononoke in particular.
No. 359037
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There is some shows what i have liked the most over the years:
Hachimitsu to Clover
Hanasaku Iroha
Michiko to Hatchin
Sakamichi no Apollon
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
I wish that they make some new anime with similar main character than Michiko Malandro. That lady was true badass and drop dead gorgeous in the same time.
No. 359062
>>359037Michiko to Hatchin is a fucking masterpiece and the only reason it's not widely hailed as such is because 80% of the audience was female and Sayo Yamamoto (wonderfully) did not give a shit about pleasing anyone but them. I fucking love it and I hope Yuri on Ice's popularity means she'll get to make more stuff like this.
Not to spoil, but the last scene makes me cry. I love their bond.
No. 369629
>>369618Sage for doublepost
My favorite anime series/short/film list that I'd recommend to people, in no particular order. My taste favors comfy, absurdist, and visually distinct works. There are no true spoilers, just a small snippet of themes mentioned going forward.
Mushishi - My favorite yokai/supernatural type anime. The theme song is very sweet and makes me get very relaxed. Character designs are simple but interesting, especially the protag's traveling merchant type backpack that he pulls cool stuff out of. Slow paced, comfy, mysterious.
Cromartie High School - This one's sub and dub both go hard. It's an absurdist comedy show set in a delinquent high school of sorts. Freddie Mercury, a gorilla, robots, hilarious stoic faces, this show has it all.
Serial Experiments Lain - This show captured the nihilism and darkness of the internet and our lives on social media before it ever happened. It's pretty heavy in allegory though it's possible to purely digest the visuals as pretty visuals as well.
Tatami Galaxy - If you can't read fast, you will probably be unable to watch this show bc the subs are lengthy and change quite fast. First of all visually unique and captivating. It's one of those "repeat the same day" shows but the structure isn't literally repeating the same day. The protag explores different life paths for himself at the start of his university life (which he has built up as a major event that will fix his life in his head), trying many different ways to be and finding out the ugly truth that he is still the same downer that he is no matter what superficial thing he changes about himself. It also isn't really a school show or anything. It's even more of a backdrop than most shows that also use a school as a setting. Plus it's university so that is already a huge difference imo.
Planetes - A show about garbage collectors in space. The juxtaposition of a mundane (even demeaning) job in the most outlandish setting is truly fascinating to me. The structure and tone changes a bit throughout the episodes, I'd say it matures into its themes as it goes. Highly recommended.
Cat Soup - A surreal short film about two cats. I don't want to say anything else, as the visuals are allegorical and I could not accurately describe the actual experience without oversimplifying it with the tangible details. The "plot" is simple and not important.
Angel’s Egg - Feels odd recommending this because I had a hard time getting through it in the many, many instances I've sat down to watch it. Still would say it's worth the watch especially if you like abstract things and Dark Souls. Yeah, really.
Golden Boy English Dub - The subject matter (humble plain spaghetti ass young boy has pussy thrown at him because he's inexplicably great at everything he does) has aged terribly and the English dub is absolutely atrocious BUT that is
precisely the reason I want everyone to see this. It's a great "hatewatch", if you will.
Ponyo & Totoro - Lumping these together because they do the same thing for me. It's pure childlike nostalgia. These two manage to capture life through the eyes of children in comfy rural settings.
Also read the Berserk and Jojo manga.
No. 377294
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i've been rewatching/getting back into purely comfort shows recently, like strawberry marshmallow, k-on, tamako market and yokohama kaidashi kikou. makes me feel happy and nostalgic. any reccs? minimal fanservice as possible please
No. 379155
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>>378880Close, it's 2 step sisters, the step mom is just a parent. He only has crush on one of the sisters. When I posted this last night I only saw the first 2 episodes, but now I've caught up to all 7 episodes of the anime and is starting the manga.
It's a massive 200+ chapter manga so this premise is too simple.
Here's what I really liked about the anime and why I found it so engaging:
> You can really tell that a woman wrote this, there's no overfocus on the internal development of the male character and instead all the characters, including characters that you usually don't see get developed such as the parents, get their own time to shine.> Compared to the manga the anime is more serious and dramatic. Many of the jokes and ecchi moments in the manga are left out which gives it a more realistic feel.> Has themes that are usually verboten in shounen like female promiscuity and early sex.> Treats weak or vulnerable women with respect. Most shounens writes them off as losers or doormats or damsels in distress but this show really goes into the vulnerability and tries to contextualize it.> The anime is well executed. I've started and dropped the manga numerous times over the past 3 years and never managed to actually get into reading it. But the acting, the music, the production etc really sold me.Other thoughts:
> Sometimes compared with scum's wish but this is much better written from what I've seen so far.> Really gets into the melodrama soapy feel with all the unusual circumstances.> Very low ratings is sad. But usually my favs (my absolute fav is From the new world) have low ratings. No. 379172
>>379021Damn really? That's really disappointing. I only watched season 1 so I had no idea.
For other wholesome comfy farming anime I'd recommend Gin No Saji (silver spoon). Also Omoide Poroporo, it's a movie but it's so amazing.
No. 379191
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I wish there were more shows like Yuri on Ice, and I wish it’s huge cringey fanbase didn’t obscure the fact that it’s actually good as fuck.
>made by women for women
>plot is realistic
>nobody is sexualized against their will / no rape and voyeuristic or pedo shit
>characters act like humans with flaws, not fetish archetypes
>characters of different races have different faces and features but they aren’t shitty racist stereotypes
>sweet love story without ridiculous plot twists
Also the fact that all the competitors are friendly at the core and root for each other really warms my heart. Too bad season 2 / movie/ preview won’t come out until the audience has stopped giving a shit.
No. 379210
>>379191I like it too, it's a feel good story and the skating scenes are nice.
A pity that it seemed to go beyond fujo bait into something more serious with Yuuri and Viktor but still ended up reduced to fujo anime status because of the fandom.
No. 379264
>>379191Personally I want to see more sexualized men. Women are already overly sexualized and objectified in every form of media that we deserve to get some back to pander to us. The only shitty thing I see in fujobaiting series is that they never have an endgame to satisfy the viewer.
That being said, the anons shitting on Yuri on Ice and completely ignoring the character dynamics, the story of Yuuri growing his talent and finding his second half with a lot of touching scenes need to fuck off and go back watching their ecchi harem isekai and romcom bullshit for more good girl points. The cringy fujo strawman won't hurt you or "actual gay men" no matter how much you wish it did.
No. 379265
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>>377294I feel like Minami-ke is from the same "era" as strawberry marshmellow. Very wholesome series and no fan-service except for this funny guy
No. 379293
>>379269>why do you guise let menz do gross stuff but not us women?!this shit again. no one is talking about men, and no one is even defending (or mentioning) men and their shitty pandering crap.
the other part of this argument that gets me is you seem to think that since this crap is being pushed on women it's somehow a positive thing. yea, no. companies that shit out this garbage aren't suddenly seeing women as some kind of respectable demographic, they're just realizing women are as stupid as men and lap this crap up just as much when it's marketed towards them instead. that's why every romance show is either some flash in the pan otoge style plot with a plain-jane MC and the same 4 or 5 interchangeable anime male personalities. or it's just a generic pseudo-shounen ai with or without an unimportant female lead who's just around to give the audience a more personal front row seat to all the boy blushies. in the end all this """market representation""" has done for anyone is make it more acceptable for studios to shit out the same garbage for women as they do for men.
No. 379332
>>379293There is nothing wrong with this lmao.
>>379155Anyway read up to about chapter 40 out of 200 now. Wow somewhere along the way it lost the "realism". Now we've got stuff like
> false rape accusations> attempted rape> forgiven for attempted rape because the friend of the rapist asked nicely that the rapist be forgivenLast one is particularly inexcusable and makes me want to drop the whole thing.