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No. 102009
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I'm imagining a girl taking her man to the barbershop and yelling at the barber to shave him and staring intently at her man and it's a nice mental image.
But yes, I totally get what you mean. Like 99% of these hipster beards-n-tattoos guys are ugly as hell when they shave.
No. 102022
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>>102012I think this is shopped but it's hilarious.
No. 102023
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No. 102024
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No. 102267
>>102065 I know a few guys who
need a beard because it lifts them from low to acceptable tier in appearance. So yeah, pretty similar to make-up.
I've also seen the reverse where a guy who looks good clean shaven grows out an ugly ass beard. I'll never understand.
No. 102270
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>>102003 Seth Rollins in his Tyler Black days looked a little weird.
But my dumbass still would've pounced.
No. 102294
>>102009its the hair cut that ruins the second pic imohiI don't see what the issue is thinking a guy is a attractive with a beard like in a casual situation who has time to care? are you gonna be thinking about what his bare jaw looks like while you bang him?
Just save yourself the trouble and firmly grasp his jaw when you mean so you can feel it out
No. 102295
>>102294Aww, is someone
No. 102382
>>102294I meant meet not mean
>>102295Yes? If
triggered now means posting on b while drunk then yes.
No. 102833
Decent parallel imo, especially since just as a girl could look good or bad under her makeup, a guy might have a good or bad jawline under his beard.
>>102736Is there something I'm missing here? I'm asking that legitimately, I just thought beard oil was for grooming and keeping the hair conditioned, is there some kind of weird beard oil hipster movement I was unaware of?
No. 103299
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Beards aren't anymore deceptive than a really flattering haircut. Like, have you ever known a girl who had long hair then suddenly chopped it off into a bob or a pixie and you realize how broad her shoulders actually are/how sharp her cheekbones are/how xyz her abc is.
>>102833Just like with any product there's a hipster market of that product that is more expensive/flashy but probably not much better than Regularly Marketed Product.
No. 232335
>>102009>>102009Wait… this guy looks 1000x better without a beard. Is this counter intuitive on this thread or… well whatever. My opinion is that I love a beard. Not a wizard long beard, if it can be braided it is too long, and big bushy “castaway” beards are NICE that they are able to grow a big ass beard, but they are too big also. A nicely groomed beard, YES with oil or wax is , and yes it is for conditioning, smell, and hygiene upkeep.
If a man can grow a beard and take care of it I am all for guys with beards. If a guy can’t grow a nice beard and is all patchy and uneven, then he’s better off not trying. But a woman with long nice hair is SOMEwhat similar to a guy with a nice hairline and beard. Except that for sure the beard covers more of the face, and solely long hair only distracts from the face. A beard is like wearing a vail/vale/veil? I think it is veil. And make up is just confusing, it is like a certain kind of woman that says “yeah this is my hair cause I bought this hair!” Fake nails. Fake lashes. It’s a big deal for a woman to be naturally pretty. I understand both sides of the argument. But I am probeards that are short and taken care of.
>>232811kek i seriously cannot follow this logic. it's hair. i bet you're a person who defends bald genitalia by saying "pubic hair is not hygenic"…if you're clean, it's clean, just like the rest of the hair that grows on our bodies.
obviously if you dont keep it trimmed up, it can look borderline bummish. otherwise beards look amazing on 99% of men imho. and a LOT of them look like crap without it. OP photo made me depressed kek
No. 233322
>>233199Anything to shit on men. For some anons it's go lesbo or go home.
It's almost incel tier echo chamber
No. 233365
>>232851I am mostly concerned with food crumbs, I work with a lot of homeless people and the men can have trouble keeping them clean so it has soured me on the concept of beards in general. I also dislike very long hair on women for the same reason.
Short facial hair is fine but irritating when kissing, and facial hair only stops being irritating once it is too long for my preference. I get why guys can like beards but I'm just not fond of them and I don't think being baby faced is a bad thing.
No. 233370
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>>233367The last time big bushy beards were fashionable maybe eating habits and food preparation were different. I'd think that small fork-fulls of food would be much less messy than burgers or hot dogs.
Not to say that hot dogs or hamburgers are new inventions more that men ate them less often so they were more frequently eating 'cleaner' food.
Here is an old mustache cup to keep facial hair clean. Seems like a good idea.
No. 233403
>>232851>>233199Anon, where did I say beards have feces in them? Like, you may want to work on your own reading comprehension before complaining about others. However i'm not anti-beards, personally I think it depends on the face-and perhaps personal preference. Like I think ryan reynolds looks better with a beard, christian bale looks better without, and some, like johah hill, cant be helped.
>>233322>Beard talk = hating men apparently>Triggered hyperbole-must be lesbian, must be as bad as incels who actually do rapey shitty things to womenAww you poor little baby, did you lose your way over to mgtow? So according to you beard = men, what would you say to those men who cant grow beards? Are they not men?
No. 234315
>>234255Right, and why were you assuming I hadn't read the article? I didn't choose the article title, I just posted it without comment, and the great thing about article links is that people can click and read and decide for themselves. I should have made it clear I wasnt the original anon you spoke to but I thought my post here
>>233403 would make it clear as I'm not anti-beard at all, but you sounded so overly touchy about beards I thought you were one from the "manosphere"-there are men who think beard = personality, and men who dont have beards are "basically women", which would probably explain why some anons got
triggered over beard talk.
However as I have said personally I have nothing against them, I think some guys look great with them and some without, I guess i'm not as passionate about beards as some of the anons here kek.
saged just in case.
No. 259484
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>>102003>>102051nice cherrypick anon
No. 259495
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>>259487shoo shoo, off to the ghetto to find you a masculine man!
No. 259597
>>259579Men think that minimal makeup model photoshoots are "no make up."
Also "what?" really isnt a question at all so try again
No. 259839
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>>259579You should come have lunch with my male coworkers. "Take her swimming on the first date" is one of their favourite jokes, and when one of them found pic related he went around with his phone showing it to every single person at the table while laughing like a little child.
Meanwhile half of them have pube beards and "dad bods" aka obesity.
No. 274797
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Beard or no beard I'd love to choke on his dick tbh
No. 274878
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No. 274885
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No. 274888
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No. 275055
>>274878looks good with a beard but i'd rather him with long hair
long hair > beard/short hair
No. 348979
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>>102003bumping with a few of my favorite examples. a decent haircut and a nice beard can completely change how a man looks.
No. 349009
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it can backfire
No. 349080
>>348809lmao he's fucking chinless.
that poor lil guy has to have a beard or else he's completely unfuckable.
No. 349157
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>>349009OT but I'll never understand how Rumer (and all of their kids together actually) turned out like this. Demi and Bruce have strong jaws yeah but they just look deformed.
No. 349425
>>349406celebrity pedigree
it was the early 2000s lmao