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No. 10387
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a few weeks ago i had the stupidest fucking nightmare that made me have the worst/scariest reaction of my life.
one night i made myself extremely physically sick by messing with my sleeping schedule and consuming things i shouldn't have. i ended up bedridden for 2 days feeling the worst i've ever felt in my life. i couldn't eat anything for all that time except 1 fruit, literally. I felt like if i even tried to get out of bed, i would immediately faint. and i didn't even know what to focus my thoughts on because some things made it worse. so i started marathoning the anime One Piece to keep my mind off of everything. i must have watched around 40 episodes in one day.
that night, i had a nightmare that one of the villains, Doflamingo, was going to kill me. i woke up still thinking i was in the dream for at least 5 minutes. i ran to the bathroom thinking about screaming or running to somebody, but then i somewhat realized it was a dream. and kept telling myself it wasn't real. i tried taking a hot shower, cause that always calms me. and right then my stupid sister knocks on the door saying she wants to shower, while i'm in a state of literally being scared to death. imagine the feeling you would get if someone was in your house, looking for you, after having killed your family. that's the kind of state i was in. that's the sort of terrified my body was acting like. i was only able to calm myself down after i started watching videos of beach waves, waterfalls and soothing nature for about an hour. god it helps SO MUCH. i've had nightmares before, but i always just wake up from them annoyed. this was my first experience with the whole "waking up screaming and sweaty with heart pounding" sort of nightmare
No. 10397
>>10376I used to have frequent shopping dreams about 2 months ago. They would always take place in big stores and I would either buy lots of items, or end up with nothing because I lost my money or it got stolen.
It’s not often I can buy myself things irl and just before those dreams started I had the opportunity to do so but I fucked up and never got my stuff. I used to feel really bad about it, I haven’t been having these dreams in a while though so I guess I got over it.
Other than that I often dream about hanging out with my old friends from school. My current friends rarely appear, it’s always the ones I haven’t seen/talked to in 3+ years. I wasn’t very fond of them so I’m not sure what that’s about.
No. 10438
Il have regular dreams about not being able to find the classroom, having missed most of the lessons that year by accident, not having done the homework and then making a fool of myself in class, etc, etc.
The thing is I left college FIVE fucking years ago. I guess I just hated my time there that bad.
On the bright side, anxiety dreams are the worst of it. Somehow as a kid I 'learnt' that I could escape nightmares by rolling my eyes and that would wake me up. After a few years I just stopped having proper nightmares at all. I should be thankful for that at least, I guess.
>>10410I am so jealous.
No. 10590
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I keep having dreams with giant house spiders.
Because my house is infested with them.
No. 10995
When I was a kid, my abusive mother still had shared custody of me. Whenever it was her turn to take me I wasn't allowed to contact home, and she would scream about how I didn't love her and how her house was my home. I would end up trapped there for weeks sometimes and I can't even explain how trapped and awful it felt.
I'm an adult now and I've cut my mother out of my life even though she still tries to contact me on a regular basis.
I often have nightmares about being a child in her care at her house, a lot of them featuring her scumbag boyfriends who were also abusive and the guilt tripping to make me stay.
>>10410Are they antidepressants? I remember when I took them I had really beautiful dreams.
No. 73532
I just had the strangest and scariest dream today. I was being chased by someone and I hide in a big cupboard in my home. He found me eventually and i began to cry hysterically, so he stabbed me multiple times until i'm dead. then suddenly i woke up, heart racing, breath hitched a few times. i automatically checked my body if there's any damage, but fortunately, my body is okay. the strangest part was, i saw the killer's face and characteristics clearly. he is a bone-thin build, and has long black hair, tied up with a hair band. eyes…not big but everytime he made an expression, they feel like they're gonna pop out. His skin tone was brown, like a south east asian man but not the sexy kind, and he has a long, maroon-ish scar on his left cheek. he wore a big green puffy jacket (the kind you'd wear when it's cold outside) and a blue-ish pants (jeans, i assume). i don't think i've seen him in real life, but it was definitely very creepy…
No. 73548
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>vivid dreams about faceless SO
>dreams where I need to do something but things keep blocking me and preventing me from doing them
>sexual dreams where I get cockblocked all the time
>occasional sci-fi dream where I can write a book about it if I can remember all the details
This is pretty much it.
No. 73585
I usually dream of cool stuff, visiting weird places, buying things and meeting people I don't know irl.
I rarely have nightmares, in the scary ones I just end up waking up or covering my eyes in the dream (lol), so as long as I don't experience sleep paralysis and/or hypnagogic hallucinations it's fine.
The real nightmares for me are the sad ones, in which you dream of the death of a loved one and similar stuff.
Some years ago I had this nightmare in which my mom died in a plane crash, the plane fell into the ocean and I was home with my sister watching tv news… They were filming the whole scene of the bodies underwater, still sticked to the seat, drowned, with their hair floating. The "final scene" consisted in me and my sister realizing that we would've been alone from that moment, and there was even music playing in the background, it was My Immortal.
That dream fucked me up, I've never been more scared in my life and cried the whole day after, I spent the month being overly attached to my mother and sister like never before. Worst fucking nightmare of my life, I swear. Even now, so many years after, I can't talk about it without crying (I'm crying even now, lol), it's crazy. I think it's because I'm scared of losing a family member and nearly drowned at the sea when I was a child, so the ocean thing scared me off. But even that, it's weird.
Ever experienced something like this?
No. 111802
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Necroing this thread because I've had the oddest dreams lately. For the past three weeks I've been dreaming about giving birth to monsters. I'm not impregnated by monsters, just giving birth to them. For the last few they've been more detailed about why I am. Apparently, I'm conducting experiments to allow for these creatures to be born and and be alive on this plane. I'm not afraid of them, I treat them like they really are my own little babies. Freaks me the fuck out when I wake up though because they all look like progeny of SCP-106. No idea what any of this is supposed to mean.
>pic related
No. 111833
>>111815I used to have them when I induced myself to lucid dream. It was awful, they were occasionally auditory, but especially visual. This time I will never forget, there was this pale woman with long black hair wearing a white dress in my bedroom. She was staring at me behind my asleep sister's shoulder and her face was so scary, then she started getting closer to me with those ghostly eyes, she never blinked. I usually wake up instantly when I feel I'm in a nightmare and the monster is coming, but in hallucinations you can't move nor do anything, just wait for it to end, and this is bad.
Obviously, I stopped with that lucid dreams shit and I'm not suffering from hallucinations anymore.
No. 111909
>>10376>>Constantly have dreams I'm grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, working, watching porn (my minds version of sex dreams lol) or studying. Even taking a nap or going to bed..I also constantly compare prices in my dreams and calculate "price per piece". I remember spending about 10 minutes at a kiosk once debating which flavor and number of tic tacs to buy.
I am so tired of it, and wake up exhausted. Also, constantly think I did something I didn't actually do (like buying berries or cleaning something). I used to have a lot of dreams I died and became a ghost, or would go on few-day camping trips. Also teeth dreams like
>>111844Now, I just bake lasagna and wash down the stove. It's very sad, guys.
>>Anyone know any medication/natural remedies to prevent vivid dreams? I've researched before, but can only find solutions for having vivid dreams. Sigh No. 111928
Taytay's dog was in my zombie dream last night. The dream started off with me watching a jdrama with Taylor in it, and then the zombies came etc. After killing them was getting ready to leave the house but for some reason I had that damn dog and I didn't know what to do. It's such a small and pathetic dog that I had decided it would be best to leave it locked in the house but even now after waking up I still feel so bad about consigning it to eventual death by starvation. Poor Rosie.
I need to get off of this site.
>>111873Aren't teeth falling out meant to be the classic symbol of an anxiety dream though? I don't think it has to have anything to actually do with teeth.
No. 112074
>>10995I am 23 and have very similar recurring nightmares about having to stay at my father and stepmother's house. It's always me trying to pack up my stuff and make it to my car without them finding out or me being locked in the room I stayed in over there. :(
Those dreams make me feel so helpless, I'm sorry you experience something similar anon. <3
No. 112105
>>111833So weird that those hallucinations come with lucid dreams. The first time I did it, I had like 3 hypnogogic hallucinations immediately afterward. The first was terrifying, I dreamt I woke up thinking of how cool my lucid dream was because I flew, then I heard whispers and couldn't move, then the mattress started shaking and turned over, throwing me across the room. I woke up like right away.
I wonder why lucid dreaming causes that kind of thing
No. 112413
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Recurring themes in my dreams:
1. Trying to get to a small, abandoned island in the river in NYC. Usually via a broken bridge. On the island is "Vector gallery" (a real gallery in nyc but I've never been to it) which is usually some dilapidated pile of trash or empty houses inhabited by dangerous homeless people, every signal saying I am not supposed to be there.
2. There is some sort of sinister place I am trying to explore. It's usually a cave or an abandoned house, and is more massive on the inside then it is on the outside. I can never go deep enough to find out what it means.
3. Traveling, through an airport or going through a different country ill prepared. Often in huge, confusing airport terminals, lost passport, hiding drugs, plane is crashing, don't know what I'm doing in the country, etc. also on a large ship and it usually ends up sinking.
4. I break into this person's house and snoop through their stuff and usually have to escape as the mother gets home.
5. Dreams of me being friends with my enemies, probably a sign that I wish to reconcile but can't.
6. I'm in a large unfamiliar house that my family bought. I'm usually trying to masturbate in a hot tub without getting caught (lol?)
The most vivid dreams I've experienced were when I slept with a nicotine patch on, that shit is crazy. Pic related to #2, looks very similar to my dream
No. 112414
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I get these really frustrating dreams where I work the entire time to get a specific thing, but before I can actually obtain it I wake up. I think it's kinda funny so I'll post it here:
I'm trying to navigate through a big city (nyc?) w/ my boyfriend. We decide to go grocery shopping for whatever reason. We then stumble upon this huge center with a lot of culture-diverse foodstuffs. It's like a superstore with actual food vendors inside as well. Bf is shopping so I decide to press ahead to check out the food stalls because I want a snack. The smells and visuals of all the food are very appealing. I spy this really good looking sushi/poke/sashimi vendor. I see the most delicious, thick slices of salmon sashimi I've ever seen and decide to stand in line to get some. I was in a hurry because I wanted to get my food and eat it before my bf caught up with me.
It's my turn in the queue, and before you talk to the cashier you have to fill out a ticket with the item you want. The specific combo I wanted wasn't on the ticket's list, so I decide to draw a pic of a bowl of rice, with three slices of salmon topped with roe. I hand the slip to the asian cashier.
He looks at me funny, I think he was having some kind of miscommunication?
"No, no. We don't do this here. No roe only!"
I try desperately to correct him and explain how I'm not asking for roe on top of rice, but only as a garnish on top of my sashimi (like chirashi). He insists they don't do that and walks away angrily.
I'm pissed so I'm still standing at the register waiting for anybody to come back and ring my order. I'm staring daggers into the vendor workers just trying to get their attention. They start serving people behind me as if I don't exist!
I finally get the attention of a second male worker who speaks english a bit better. He grabs my ticket and starts to shake his head saying "Uh, I don't think we can do this…" and walks away with my ticket in hand. FUCK, I think to myself, I just want my damn food. Finally, a really nice white female cashier comes into the stall. She greets me with a smile and asks me what I want. I tell her. She says in the sweetest way that they'll do it for me and goes on making the bowl.
Just as they're getting my order finished I wake up.
No. 112434
Frequent reoccurring dream I have when very stressed out, having to plan for the future, and feel unsure:
A natural disaster is coming (typhoon, tidal wave, etc) and I have to round up the family pets and get them to safety.
No one will help me find them, they are lost in the neighborhood somewhere, and are often already very injured when I reach them. Sometimes to the point of being paralyzed, disemboweled… usually due to being attacked by 'some other animals' like coyotes or feral dogs.
I never see them actually getting attacked, there's no dangerous animals hanging around. They're just already dying or maimed when I find them.
Not really rocket science to figure out the symbolism going on, but these are the ONLY gruesome dreams I've ever had. It's not based on anything that I've seen or had happen irl (thankfully).
I don't really understand why, when people die or get hurt in my dreams, there is no blood/gore/actual violence. It's only ever to do with pets. Not that I want to start having even more upsetting nightmares, because the "pet dies" ones are enough to fuck me up for a solid week.
No. 112446
>>112410I'm really sorry for your situation :( I hope everything goes well for you and your family
>>112419>On one dream I had a breakdown where I found out I was pregnant but it was too late for an abortion, so I was forced to give birth to the child and I was in horrible despair over it.I had the same exact dream once. I was already at 8th month and fucking scared because of the pain I knew I was going to experience.
>>112434Shit. I'm so glad I don't have any pets at the moment, for me also dreams about pets/family dying are enough to fuck me up for days. Last time I dreamt about my mother dying, the day after I was on my way to buy some cannabis (it doesn't make you remember your dreams, so it's like you didn't dream at all).
No. 275242
>>275238My mom always gets dreams that predicts future events for other people, but not hers.
I don’t believe in psychics, but I wouldn’t know how to explain this “ability”
No. 305666
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I had a vivid nightmare about Luna.
In the dream, I was living with my boyfriend, her and Lurch as flatmates. We were sort of on okay terms.. till Lurch revealed that a few months ago I have been flirting with him on fb (apparently before we became flatmates) and even sent him a sexy photo (JESUS CHRIST).
I did it for lulz and to extract some info out of him for lolcow, but obviously Luna thought that I was trying to get with her man. I said, 'No it's not what you think, I can explain -' but she was like 'FIRST YOU STEAL MY STYLE AND NOW YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL MY MAN…. Nah, I don't think so'. She was furious. Lurch posted my photo all over the internet and doxed me. But the worst was the realization that I am living with robbing junkies and once I leave for work (and I will have to go to work, sooner or later) they will steal and/or ruin my stuff and I can do nothing about it.
Waking up was such a relief lol.
No. 307752
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Usually my dreams are something mundane and involve songs I’ve heard, and others are things that terrify me psychologically (e.g. being killed by looking through mirrors, being a passenger in a car driving itself, and seeing apparitions in corners). But lately, I’ve been having recurring dreams about sexual and romantic relationships with other women these past several months; they tend to stand out the most.
I’ve lately come to terms with my bisexuality after repressing my sexuality for a good part of my life. I’m grateful for my dreams because they have allowed for me to live out these experiences with other women than I haven’t been able to in reality. My dream last night started with the scenario of another girl walking in on a guy and I having sex. I suggested we have a threesome and the guy was super into the idea and agreed. The girl and I ended up having sex and the other guy got dressed and left the room lol.
No. 307756
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>>307752Noah fence, but why are bisexuals like this?
No. 307775
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>>307756>>307771That's your prerogative if you believe bisexuality isn’t real, but I feel like you two are being unnecessarily rude about it. It’s a thread for recurring dreams and interpretations of it, so that’s what I contributed.
No. 307882
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Sometimes I have dreams of amusement park rides, but in a creepy way. Every single time something bad happens à la Final Destination 3.
The other night I had this dream of me at this amusement park at night, and for some reason I was forced to lie on my back under a ride like pic related. It was functioning, and I was down there having to watch it swing back and forth right above me, missing me for about an inch. It was so, so realistic, I could even feel the wind blowing on my face after every swing.
Shit was scary.
No. 307913
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>>307882Hey anon guess what
No. 308439
>>308373I have.
I knew that my mother was pregnant before she told me (I was just 8, so there's no way I could have told otherwise), I dreamed about my grandmother dying beforehand and I dreamed about receiving a strange yellow letter; the next day a yellow flyer about a new karate school was in the mail and I joined.
When I was younger (4/5) I always had the same dream, barely slept or woke up screaming because of it. My mother, grandmother and I were in a mountain and always got lost there. We tried to mark the different doors we went through but they kept changing. We always met a dragon who'd tell us which way to go, but he was only tricking us. The worst thing was, when entering the mountain I was conscious enough to remember that we always would get lost, I knew that the doors changed position and shape, I knew that the dragon was lying to us, that we would never get out and that's what made these dreams so horrible to me. I wonder what it means.
No. 308463
I never realized it before that I was lucid dreaming until I told someone about it.
If my dreams are in first person, it's a dream fully. If my dream is in third person, I'm aware that I'm dreaming and usually just watch. I'm just floating around the scenery like I'm watching a movie. I never want to interact with anything except if it’s very out of character for me to do something in the dream and I make the choice to restart before I do the thing (cheating, hitting an animal, murder, etc…) A few times though when I'm watching myself, the me in the dream will do the weird super speed head blur, snap around to look at me and scream something in a demonic voice (go away, get out,) blur again and then go back into the dream like nothing happened.
Funniest transition from a nightmare to dream though:
>walking home from work, get to apartment hallway
>see a dark figure with glowing eyes smoking a cigarette outside my door
>realize it's Santa there to kill me
>ask neighbor to confront him for me
>instantly slaughtered
>get kidnapped by Santa to his giant RE7 style mansion in the North Pole
>hiding in the upstairs while he looks for me below
>while he’s checking the List, start plotting escape
>realizing I'm 3rd person dreaming and decide to change it into a video game
>tap top right of dream, quick save, make dream me stand up
>gets caught, reload dream
>gets caught again
>fuck this game, rage quit dream
>wake up
No. 308527
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>>308373I’ve had them on and off trought my life.
It was all cool and I actually loved it until I dreamt my personal hell
>I had 3 kids (all from different dads) and lived in a really shitty part of town.
>I was alone overweight and sad. >all of my kids hated me and I hated them.
>Life was.. meaningless monotonous and filthy in the tiny house of sadness No. 316712
>>316605How do I lucid dream? I want to spend time with my husbando.
Recently, I keep having dreams about me and other people dying in brutal ways and it's scary.
No. 316732
>>316701I get these kinds of dreams pretty rarely, but they're so bizarre.
I have bouts of deja vu, but it's an extremely different feeling when I encounter places like this.
No. 316817
>>316688Ah, as I thought then.
Does dreaming about one room in that house being inaccessible mean I have a repressed memory? And what does it mean to always feel comfortable and happy in the bath area of the house?
No. 318604
>>318544I had a few stupid incest dreams but those don't bother me at all as it's just a mindfart with no (direct) relationship to reality. I would not tell about them to anyone cause the mental image is gross and nobody needs that in their life. Plus I can see why someone could get the wrong idea and assume my father molested me even though it's the farest thing from the truth.
Sidenote, but people on Kiwifarms are stupid for thinking that Chris wants to have an inappropriate relationship with Barb cause he sperged about an incest dream. He was right that literally anyone had those once or twice. What was exceptional was letting the whole world know.
No. 318639
>>318607KEK I had the same kind of dream a few months ago.
In the dream I uploaded a photo from some website that wasn't Facebook to some random thread and forgot to change the image name (which I actually do in real life now because it just freaked me out)
I remember in the dream I went to go take my dog for a walk and came back and all of a sudden I saw a thread made about me with a picture I took of myself that I never uploaded online. It wasn't even a bad photo, but then looking at the thread it was filled with everything I posted online since I used the internet, even shit didn't remember about.
No. 318658
>>318607I had a lolcow related dream a few weeks ago - see
>>305666. Forgot to mention that the Luna thread turned to shitting on me instead of her as Lurch doxed me kek.
I spend too much goddamn time on this godforsaken website, but I don't know any better place to speak with other women and be able to share my thoughts comfortably
No. 407983
>>407981I have dreams like that all the time, I've lost or forgotten my ticket or something. And usually it's a surprise trip either on a plane or to a school camp and so I'm struggling to pack everything and get there on time, or I arrive and I've forgotten my bag. Sometimes the dreams end up in the airport and they're usually weird as hell, with physical obstacles to stop me getting on the plane.
I am big on planning and fussy about packing for trips so these dreams really stress me out, you know you're high strung when you have nightmares about spontaneous holidays kek.
No. 408063
>>408049I'm the same way. I have intense, vivid, completely whacky dreams almost every night. I could never come up with the shit my unconscious brain does. they're usually not super scary, but I'm always on like a mission or I'm running away from something or there's some goal to accomplish. my sister pointed that out to me once, because I used to always take the whole drive to school to force my family to listen to the ridiculous things I saw while I was asleep, it just always baffled me that no one else seemed to have such complex and vivid dreams. they always feel like real life.
a recurring theme of my nightmares seems to be zombie apocalypse-esque. the "zombies" are always different though, once they were giant gummy monsters, once they were actual undead zombies, once they were the Slime Monster from that old TV show Ghost Writer (that was one of my first nightmares and it scared he shit out of me for months.)
once I had a scary dream that I woke up in a warehouse storing antique furniture with nothing but a blanket around me and this man in a mail truck crashed through the wall and drove me around my childhood town. there was this other evil man (whom I pictured like what I imagined the villain from books I had read years before looked like) wearing a lifejacket standing in the middle of the road singing about Jet Dry (dishwashing liquid) trying to get our truck to hit him. he chased us into a random neighborhood, the driver and he started wrestling but by touching the bad guy my friend had gotten hypnotized to also sing about Jet Dry. There were bottles of Jet Dry lying on them in the car. I ran to a nearby house where this young straight couple sheltered me and the bad guys ran across the street and found like big mascot costumes of Cookie Monster and Elmo. The guy in the house went to the computer to start researching ways to defeat them. The bad guys proceeded to stalk us around the house, at one point sending a bolt of lightning from their eyes and zapping the man and knocking him out. The dream ended with me reaching out to touch the bad guys and saying "all right, I'm done." and everything going black before waking up.
I've never touched Jet Dry in my life, and I'm still haunted by the way the man got zapped by cookie monster. it's so weird how dreams can sound ridiculous/silly but like when you're in them that shit can just have the most creepy unsettling atmosphere that leaves a weird impression on the whole thing.
No. 408087
>>408063Oh my god, so nice to know someone shares the same wacky kind of dreams as me.
>it's so weird how dreams can sound ridiculous/silly but like when you're in them that shit can just have the most creepy unsettling atmosphere that leaves a weird impression on the whole thing.I totally get you. I was laughing at your jet dry dream and the giant gummy monsters but I felt bad because you said they were scary and I know how it feels in the moment of the dream even though it sounds dumb irl. I've had plenty of those kinds of scary dreams.
No. 408180
>>408087doublepost, I'm the same way as you guys are. My dreams are a surreal, bubbly, weird cluster-fuck but with that dream-like cohesion.
I also have that adventure-like quality.
At one point, I had a recurring dream in which I swam in an underground tunnel with relatives to somewhere. Funnily enough, it wasn't a bad dream at all. I don't remember anything very interesting or outrageous though.
A sweet friend of mine has funny fear-related dreams. I think one time we talked about relationships and diets, unrelated. He then had a dream that he had finally found a girlfriend but she became fatter and fatter with time.
We also attended a talk that featured the subject of polyamory once. He had a nightmare about polyamory that night
No. 408820
Whenever I watch anything somewhat related to zombies, I have nightmares. I saw a bit of Days Gone on Twitch yesterday, so I think that's to blame, idk.
Anyway, I dreamt that there was some kind of zombie infection going around. You could identify infected with some kind of wound on the back of their neck, a raw, circular area of exposed flesh. I have no idea how, but my mum got it and I knew she was going to turn. Weirdly though, in the dream she kept getting ready for work and I woke up after giving her a tearful kiss on the cheek and saying goodbye to her at our front door.
Woke up and even though the dream was kind of stupid, I felt very tearful and had to give my mum a hug. Babyish, I know, but the dream felt so real and I really felt like I was losing my mum.
No. 411098
Anyone else have sleep hallucinations? I never knew actual fear until I had one where someone came busting into my room trying to take me. I woke up so scared and shaky, I thought I hit my head or something but I don't think I did.
I don't know exactly what triggers it, sometimes I thought it was anxiety but I would have it on nights where I didn't particularly feel bad. Also it only happens so occasionally that it isn't a huge problem, but I remember a couple years ago when I visited home in the winter it happened pretty much every night that it was super disturbing. (Assuming because it was cold in my room, which can trigger dreams I guess)
Other things include, bugs crawling on my head, bugs crawling on my wall (I'm not even afraid of bugs), the roof caving in, having to get up and run away and I actually DID once or twice but the room isn't the same as what I think, and I end up on the wrong wall from where my door even is. Sometimes I see things in my snake's enclosure since there's a dim light on in there. One time it was some dead looking doll or child or something, or I'll see weird things in the backdrop I have in there.
Turning on all the lights makes it all go away, only then I realize oh, that wasn't real lol
No. 414368
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I always have horrifying dreams revolving around India. Being stuck in India particularly lol Last night my dream was about going on this worldwide bus tour with my family. There was a rest stop in India and I really had to pee, but was also really anxious about the bus taking off without me. I hurried to the ladies room but the line was super strenched out, so I had to go to another part of the station to find the mens room to pee. I lran inside because I didnt want anybody to hurt me for being a woman in the mens room. I remember there being a little metal flap on the door of the stall that was wide open and made me embarrassed so I took forever to figure to how to close it so I could pee in peace. I tried to dash out and leave and was nearly grabbed/assualted for being a woman in the mens room. I tried to run and find my way back to the bus but got lost due to the path taken to find the bathroom. I was running and running (slow dream run of course) until it finally ‘clicked’ and remembered exactly where I needed to go. But I was too late and the bus with my parents was already gone. I was crying and freaking out until I saw my SO (who apparently wasnt my SO in the dream, but a stranger who reached out from a crowd), my uncle, a few random cousins from both sides of the family, and a couple friends from way back in high school. They were all headed to California on their bus, so I figured I could just take the bus and figure out my way back home once I hit American soil. We ended up seeing some random sites in like Taiwan or something and just chilling in boats, wagons, the bus, etc. It felt so real, I kind if wish I could continue the dream tonight lol
No. 414915
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I had a dream my city was flooded and I was walking along the edge of the water, it was dusk and there were these streaks of red across the sky, looked kinda like blood. It was reflecting into the water, I was watching the cars and debris floating by. Then I saw the body of my 11 year old self face down in the water. I didn't freak out and I wasn't sad or anything, I just sat there and stared.
I was suddenly seeing through the eyes of the young dead me in the water, and three young boys came down the hill playing with sticks. They saw my body and stared for a while, then left.
Then I was at the bus stop, the flood was gone and my body had washed up on the road. It looked like it had already been run over multiple times. There were other people at the stop but they didn't seem to notice or care. The bus came so I boarded, and the dream ended as I was bracing myself for the crunch of the bus running over my body.
Anyone have any interpretations for me? I've been thinking about this one a lot. A footnote, I was being sexually exploited at 11.
No. 414940
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Funny thing this thread got necro'ed, cause I had this weird kinda kboo dream today and I wanted to tell someone but I don't have anyone to tell it so here we are.
I dreamt that I was watching a mamamoo concert and I think they were performing "Yes I am" and I think they were in Japan, not sure.
Anyway, at a given moment of the song, everyone kinda removed their dresses in a "domino effect" way, revealing underneath bikinis, like the first pic. But then Hwasa straight up shows up in the second pic, but in red, and everyone in the crowd went apeshit, for better or worse lmao
She also had a "You're the best" era short hair, but in black, so she was looking really good.
Don't remember anything else from it, though lmao
No. 415896
Last night's dream really gave me mixed feelings.
Before I start, I've got to say that I've been struggling with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts lately, so that's most likely the cause.
Basically in my dream I was in my room, sleeping in my bed, then I woke up and decided to kill myself. I grabbed what looked like a dagger, and pushed it right in my heart. The dream tried to create a "painful" feeling in my chest, but it wasn't very successful so I didn't feel much physically.
I took out the dagger from my chest and put it away, and saw the blood starting to come out of the wound. My first reaction was panic and regret: I was thinking "What I've done, now I'm going to die, I have to wake up my mom and tell her to call an ambulance asap" and was facing a feeling of strong shame in having to walk up to my mom and let her see that I tried to kill myself. I was also worried for my sister, didn't want her to suffer.
Then at some point I got over it and decided to lay down in my bed and wait for death. I started thinking "How long does it take to die? I'm sick of waiting".
No. 431127
>>431119Kinda. I once dreamt I was passionately making out with my Dad. Once I woke up, I was so repulsed that I began emotionally pushing my father further and further away. The relationship between us has been permanently damaged.
Every time I think about any of this, I wish I was dead.
No. 431164
>>431127Sorry to make you think about that then, that's rough
No. 431166
>>431119Yes, all the time. Sometimes through out the day I will have a recurring feeling of "something just happened earlier, what was it" and then I remember it was a dream.
And then if I go somewhere that was in my dream I get this feeling of "something just happened here" or "I was here earlier" and then I remember it was the dream.
No. 431175
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i have sleep paralysis and it often blends reality with my sleeping mind. its truly terrifying. when i had my first bouts of it, i was afraid to sleep at all. i had to drop my violin lessons because i was so sleep deprived and i hate my brain ever since.
No. 431281
>>431175That sounds terrifying. I've only had it once and that was bad enough. Have you done research about why that happens to you?
I'll share my one story..
>Live with mom in duplex>Lady downstairs has almost retarded son who is weird with me>Mom and lady go on vacation together>Mom tells me to keep the door locked because weird guy downstairs>Fall asleep that night>Fall out of bed>Hear the door opening>Panic>Can't move off floor, on my face>Can't see but know he's in the room>Wake up in bed No. 431293
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So I had a dream I invited My dad over for my birthday to go to a art museum and that he messed up the entire trip for me (we where late because he refused to use a map, he got our names wrong on the reservation, he added asinine commentary to each of the paintings). The weird thing is my parents have all done this in their past. My dad's usualy an hour late to come back from work, my mom insulted all the paintings the last time we went to a modern art museum, and I don't where the name thing came from, but the point stands. The worst thing is today's my birthday and invited them to go to a museum with me. Am I being paranoid, is my brain fucking with me, why such a badly timed dream. Now I'm paranoid they're going to somehow ruin my birthday over something as petty as a dream.
No. 431337
Being on an antidepressant (Lexapro), I've realized that my dreams have become increasingly vivid, and I say this as someone who - even before my medication - had some crazy ass dreams.
For me, my dreams are so intense, I never want to wake up from them. I want my dreams to feel complete. It's gotten to the point where I find myself shutting off my alarms whenever I wake up n order to hope right back into my dream, only for it to change into a completely different one right before my eyes. This has made me hours late to work several times all because I'd rather remain in my dreams.
I've dreamt of being rich, being a celeb on red carpets, having to go back to high school, being in a zombie apocalypse, being a superhero, cyberpunk futures, having a family of my own, being in horrific accidents, and even dreamt of being killed. Yet, I'd rather stay in my dreams.
Something about knowing I'm dreaming in my dream causes such a high within me. I don't know how to stop it.
No. 434173
>>431281I haven’t asked my doctor why it happens but I have a theory it’s because I’m a very anxious person who gets stressed easily and gets panic attacks a lot. Also probably because I like to sleep on my back so all the blood flows to the back of my brain away from my prefrontal cortex and towards the sensory centres.
When it first happened I thought I got possessed:
>consciousness knows I’m awake>all I see is black like a blank screen>help>hear a very scary voice>whisperings and demonic voices blend in background drowning scary voice out>whisperings stop. I’m relieved>loud booming voice that makes my ears ring:>I’m going to kill you, anon! Burn in Hell burn in Hell burn in Hell (sounds like a mad crazy demonic devil voice, very low woman’s voice)>paralyzed>stop seeing black and see my room>see a grudge-like / ring girl resting in the top corner of my room like a spider>she starts crawling on the walls but I can’t see her directly, see her in my peripheral vision >heart rate increases as she comes closer and closer>somebody help me!>I try to scream >wake up silently with tears of terror rolling down my cheeksThat’s probably my worst sleep paralysis moment
No. 435225
>>434173Holy shit, had minor, uneventful sleep paralysis episodes and it was hell. Can't imagine what you're going through.
It reminds me a little bit of this (Ted Talk from a schizophrenic person about their voices who sorta managed it later)
>>435212I have that, too. In one type of dream I'm climbing on a random, cluttered construction on top of my parental home that's reaching far into the sky. In the dreams I'm usually scared to be spotted/found by my father. Probably inspired by my cluttered home and my dad's crazy constructions and abuse.
And I had recurring dreams where I sometimes was "travelling" and swimming in an underground water tunnel / pipe thing with my family which were ironically kinda fun and adventurous.
I have recurring dreams where I haven't finished high school and have to resit years while fucking everything up and feeling ashamed and guilty and just pure dread. I'm never aware of that one in the dream and annoyed later when I realise I'm fine. I can also see who that connects to me current life.
Sounds like these dreams maybe have some significance.
Unrelated but as a teenager I had this vivid, intense dream where I was lying in the back of my dad's car. He was driving from village to village and mad and in an unattentive frenzy. I only remember being aware that he had poisoned me and that I was dying in the dream in that car. Never forgot that one.
No. 435230
>>435225*I can also see how that connects to my current life.
Adding to that, I think I usually pass and get the highschool bill in the dream but it's always impossible and unreal somehow because at that point I had been skipping school for like
JUST half a year or something and crazy shit happened. It's unnerving. Maybe I was really panicked about school then and it stuck with me. I wasn't well then either in general.
No. 435267
Last week, I had the same nightmare twice, that I had somehow bought like 10-20 pet lizards, who were all very ill and malnourished, and living in cramped vivariums with several lizards in each, some of them dead.
My actual pet gecko was completely fine and normal, but after shedding on the weekend, he regurgitated a load of his skin and undigested worms, started acting very slow and unresponsive yesterday morning, and when I woke up today he was dead, before I could get him to the vet.
Sad and spooky.
No. 440604
>>440076I’ve never gotten it in the morning, but it happens almost every night as I’m falling asleep. Not being able to steer the direction of my thoughts is how I can telling I’m actually falling asleep.
Not sure if its related, but I remember pretty much all of my dreams and have absolutely awful sleep quality too. I’ve always wondered if it was a stress related thing or just some normal brain quirk.
No. 441783
>>440076That happens to me if I get those extra 5 minutes after first waking up.
It's really pleasant too.
No. 447513
>>442741oh anon, what a bitter-sweet memory! that turtle still has meaning for you but it doesn't have to be bad. things that go unprocessed emotionally for children have a way of turning into great guilt. but you need to be understanding of yourself and that child you were and also process that experience. I'd suggest going deep into your memory and feeling the love and joy and confusion and pain alike and getting some closure.
It sounds like your subconscious has just revealed an old wound that didn't heal properly. And now that you're considering allowing a new animal companion into your life, it's surfacing in a dream again.
a relative abandoned my cat far away from our home one day while I was at school when I was a child. that was a long time ago. Just this year, I realised how guilty I had felt and how sorry I had felt for the cat despite it being out of my control and I grieved it intensely but I also feel a little lighter now.
No. 451752
Just as
>>407886 I have vivid dreams and I wake tired as hell. I may have had 5 or less short dreams yet I remember almost everything (complete scenarios, people, literally all).
Long af, plenty of sensations, sometimes somebody chases me or I have a girl who I like/fuck/both.
I had more dreams about me getting into a girl than being chased and it makes me feel guilty, I love my bf with all my heart.
I had secuels or "part 2" of my dreams, usually in the same week.
One of my first dreams was my aunt and mother showing me how they have sex, they used to fight a lot in that time, lol.
No. 456697
>>456659I started regularly having a penis in my dreams as a teenager, they're the most vivid dreams I've ever had, only thing I can really link it to is my often repressed attraction to women and a desire to be the top ?
The first few dreams weren't even sexual and were just me looking down at it.. all very strange
No. 458683
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Last night I had this squicky dream about my ankles becoming really swollen? Fat? Lipedemic?
When I worked at a call center job for three years I fell super out of shape by the third year. Even the slightest twist on my ankles caused them to swell and sometimes they'd swell just from being forced to stagnate for 12 hours a day.
Sometimes I wonder if I had repressed body trauma from working that job. It was really unhealthy for me.
Another body dream I have is suddenly losing my teeth.
Anyone else have bad dreams about something drastic happening to their bodies? Immediately when I wake up I always have to remember what my body actually is.
No. 459010
>>458869What the fuck? Are you
supposed to regularly change your part?
No. 461634
>>459939My friend told me that when she was pregnant she had dreams about giving birth to a kitten.
I don't even have children but sometimes I have had dreams about having kids and I always end up accidentally killing or hurting them somehow.
No. 461765
>>10376i had a dream that a friend who i recently ended a relationship w/ posted a thread on me on here but it was legit a big long thing on how terrible of a friend i was and she got IP banned.
it was the weirdest dream i ever had cuz i dont even think she knows what lolcow is
No. 484295
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>In my house again
>Brother says mom and dad bought him a 3ds
>Mother says she got me money
>I looked around/tried to remember where it was
>Take to long
>Mom starts yelling
>'Anon you need to communicate what you want!'
>'Stop being so introverted and weird'
>'You don't appreciate us'
I can't even escape her in my dreams
No. 484590
>>484527When I was a child I had a recurrent dream where I saw the devil. I remember it looking absolutely scary and nothing like any media depiction of him, but I hate that I can't remember how he looked like.
>>484584Same! I tried too and I can't visualize for shit. So frustrating.
No. 492044
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I was a spectator in a dream where a woman had convinced some teenage boy who'd run away from home to live with her as her secret lover. Obvious legal issues aside there was also the problem of her having a husband and two teenaged children. So throughout the dream she's trying to covertly get him food and whatnot while preventing her family from figuring out that someone is living in their walls. Her children complain about hearing odd noises and the daughter claims to have seen a handsome boy on the property and the husband is getting suspicious that something weird is happening. The woman is freaking out that her secret is gonna get found out and she's gonna get Chris Hansoned. The boy is starting to think the sex isn't that worth it anymore because he's tired of sleeping on a concrete floor and she doesn't give him enough food but he doesn't want the police to send him back to his old family either; he wants to leave but has nowhere to go nor the resources to leave so he's feeling trapped.
And then my alarm wakes me up.
No. 492128
>>492014Maybe you watch too much porn? Or think about sex a lot
I’m the Anon who gets night terrors and I had another one the other night where I could see my room and my housemates boyfriend (I never met him but somehow I knew it was her boyfriend) came in and essentially tried to rape me. He was in the corner of my room watching me and then he kept coming closer and closer and suddenly he was ripping off my clothes. I guess my I took off my shorts in the middle of the night because I was in my underwear when I woke up?
Then my dream transitioned where I was at a fancy dinner party in an old mansion. I was at a table with these girls and we kept making fun of my housemates boyfriend because he desperately likes me and was acting all creepy and weird. He was just standing alone on the dance floor watching me with lust in his eyes. Idk why I dreamed this scenario up but like this nameless and faceless entity that is my housemates boyfriend had a face and a role in my dream even although I never met him and just heard of him in conversations? lol I don’t know if that makes sense but dreams are wild yeah?
Anyways, so then me and these girls go to the courtyard and are having small talk and sometimes making snide remarks at this weirdo creep who likes me and is watching me. All of a sudden we hear shots and even panics. This guy comes running out the courtyard and yells “someone’s shooting people with a gun! Get out of here!” So everyone in the courtyard panics even more and we’re all running to the exit. We get lost in a maze and I myself get separated and have to figure out how to leave this giant mansion while I hear gun shots and people screaming throughout my desperate escape.
I finally escape. Outside the mansion there’s chaos — police cars, people running and screaming, ambulances, helicopters etc. Some curious passerby. Somehow there’s still traffic on the road, which is a main road and kind of busy. I wave down a car, jsut running at the road and throwing my thumb upwards to hitchhike. This guy stops and I hop in his car. Another kid from the formal dinner party / dance event thing waves him down too
So it’s the three of us on the road. We make small talk. The driver drops the kid off first.
I tell him I live in the same town where the shooting occurs as we make our way out into the country. For some reason it looks like a rolling green hills of the English countryside even though I don’t live in England lol. The guy ignores me and I freak out and ask where are you taking me? Where are we going?
He says “we’re going home”
And then he pushes hard on the gas pedal and we fly down this giant steep hill
I wake up with cold sweats screaming and have a rapid heart beat
Wild vividest dream and it was really scary. I felt like I was living it. Also sorry for typos I just had to write this out kind of like a dream journal
No. 500294
i was a man somehwere in my 20s, and a creepy looking girl told me that she knows from reliable sources that i was the next victim of a serial killer called "the crucifix killer". this really freaked me out so i ran away to the forest, and avoided all human contact out of paranoia. one day as i was running away from people trying to talk to me, i fell and broke my leg. i was found by a kind looking guy who treated my leg and came to visit me every day to give me food and water and to heal me, until one day i got worse so he took me back to his house. as i was lying on a mattress on the floor, about to pass out, i looked up at his wall and noticed that the whole wall was covered in crucifixes, and that the guy was in the kitchen humming while sharpening a knife. at this point i freak out and wake up, and when i go back to sleep the rest of the dream is me trying to get away from the killer with a broken leg, while hes chasing me saying stuff like "haha you think you can get away, do you annie?" which is strange because in the dream i was a guy and my name isnt annie.
i think ive been watching too many true crime documentaries.
No. 504909
The love of my life, my dog, died in October, and I keep dreaming of him. Not only that, but I dream various animals (they always remind me of him, I suspect this is because even my subconscious is tired of the grief and wants to go easy on me), I barely even dream humans anymore.
It's a mixed blessing/curse. I love dreaming of him because it feels so real, unlike memories/photos/videos where only the visual and sound aspect is there, in the dream I get to feel the touch and smell the scent (stink, lol) as well.
But I hate waking up and being re-traumatized by his death once more. This is why I called them "nightmares" at first.
I googled around and found that this is common for people who lost a loved one. Some hate the dreams, some love them, some accept the bittersweet nature of them. Reading their experiences brought some peace to me. I don't call them nightmares anymore.
And I started calling my dog what he is - the love of my life (nothing even remotely sexual, I must clarify). I had no idea the strongest feelings I'd ever have would be towards someone who is not my own species. For a split second I asked myself "what does it say about me, how would people judge me for that". And then my soul yelled back "who is anyone to judge true love?!" What my dog and I had was the most pure and beautiful and worthy that this world has to offer. I am allowed to grieve for him as much as anyone is allowed to grieve for their lost parent or lover.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk about love, death and dreams.
No. 504983
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>>504909Anon I cried that was beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss.
No. 505290
>>10376just woke up
had a dream that I'm bathing in my mom's bathtub instead of mine,
that i had this weird vagina on a stick type of genitalia,which i barely noticed at first, but then i thought, "aren't pussies supposed to be flatter?"
and that my mom kept on coming in and leaving the bathroom to tell me to get the fuck out of the tub, but i was like no! i'm bathing spiritually, don't interrupt me!!
at one point i was wearing a yellow shirt, cuz she kept coming in while i was currently bathing in the tub and i don't like to be in the nude around others, ok!!
at one point i think that i chatted with my dad, fully clothed, than i poofed back into the tub, mostly naked, to tell mom about it
this may or may not be a prophetic dream or i might manifest his death unintentionally, which would suck cuz i generally don't have an actual opinion on the guy. if he does die, than this will be my first ever prophetic dream. towards the end of the dream, my mom comes into the bathroom while im still spritually bathing and tells me that kanye west died and im just like, "isn't he in a cult", then my sister comes in the bathroom and together with my mother, they dance to good life ft t-pain to honor and celebrate kanye west life
as i said before, i don't get prophetic dreams, however i do get random thoughts about certain celebs when ive never really thought of them before and, usually, towards the end of the year, they commit suicide. it's happened twice now, so maybe it's nothing, but i will keep tract of kanye for the rest of the year
No. 509960
>>509959Do you think you could train yourself to dream more directly?
Like–Not you specifically, but people in general?
Like, what if you made up a character that digests everything and gives it to you straight? Would that character analyze everything your brain processes in a healthy way? Do you think they'd be biased towards whatever you think, in a self confirmation way?
I'm just imagining a little japanese dude who turns his chair around, cool teach style, and just let's me know what's wrong with me
No. 509964
>>509960I'm emotionally repressed and try to push away bad memories, so I can't really tell what's affecting me the most. I don't even think I'd be able to conjure something that could straight up say what's wrong. I don't think people in general would be able to, our nature is fickle and irrational. Though if you focus I guess you could train yourself to have some control over dreams. I know I can get myself to wake up and very rarely control them. But I'm not an expert I just google this stuff, lol.
I figure dreams are emotional, so any characters like that would be biased. But they can also play roles of feelings you deny like guilt, so it wouldn't always be a hugbox. I wish I'd get a cool dream character telling me what's up. I'd probably get some creepy dude or someone from my past who I disliked like an annoying teacher.
No. 514554
>>514434from dream moods
To dream about yours or someone else's spine, represents your support system, your strength, stamina and responsibilities. You need to keep your head high even in difficult times. Alternatively, the spine suggests that you need to stay true to your own convictions and be firm. The spine is symbolic of strength. The dream may be one of the contrary and thus suggests that you are "spineless."
To spit in your dream signifies an aspect of yourself that you need to get rid of. Spitting represents anger, spite and contempt. Alternatively, the dream implies that you have something that you want to say. Spit it out!
No. 519374
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My ignorant old dad says dreaming about money makes you poorer
2 days ago I dreamt about finding money and coins under a tree hole
It was something like this but smaller where my hand was able to fit(my hands are tiny)
I kept getting more and more money from it like it was some kind of money machine
Weird because 99% of my dreams are meaningless surreal nonsensical movies
No. 519750
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Last night I had a dream that I was trying to seduce Basketball Diaries era Leonardo DiCaprio whioenwe were working on a boat and by the time I got a chance to talk to him he turned into Arnie from Whats Eating Gilbert Grape. Then I jumped ship and woke up.
No. 520593
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Last night, I had a dream I was picking off snails from my desk and putting them back outside, because they somehow got there.
I went outside only to witness a car driving into my house after losing control, and two other cars shortly crashing into the first car and shoehorning their cars into my house further. Despite how deadpan absurd it seems, I do think it can mean something, although I've never dreamed of snails before.
No. 520786
>>520593Maybe it means you feel the need to protect something or someone fragile in your life, nurturing it and putting it out of harm's way….
…but at the same time, you have lots of pressure and threats piling on and coming crashing in your life repeatedly, and you can't catch a break ?
No. 520802
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I had a dream that I met Louis Hofmann, but he was losing all of his hair, and I was drowning in a lake as I was talking to him.
No. 520807
>>520802>>520804I know right?
Oh and I forgot to mention the further I drowned, the further back his hairline receded… the surface of the pond was really thick, almost like a layer of skin, and I was scared to cling on to it to stay afloat because I would hurt it.
No. 521260
>>521246Same anon. He just have the sweetest, most beautiful face with this kind air to him too. Fuck he's hot. And I generally don't like blond guys but fuck look at that angel face. And this smile. This smile. Argh.
What's it called, Dark ? I'm off to watch it, thanks to the posting anon
No. 521408
>>521290Oh anon stop that. This made me tingle.
Fuck I need to find a german blonde Louis Hoffman lookalike.
No. 523570
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I keep seeing my coworker (and friend. And irl big fat crush) in my dreams in everyday settings, like talking, joking, making comments, and the like. Two days ago, I dreamt that I asked him out on a date and he asked follow up qhestions about it.
I'm so annoyed and frustrated that he appears in my dreams almost everyday. In comparison, I rarely dream about my closest friends. What's wrong with me?? I just want to smooch him…
No. 532387
I was a middle aged woman with very light coloured and long hair. I had a teenage daughter in this dream, who looked very similar to me, except she was obviously much younger. One day, she didn't return from school, and I got a call from a mysterious man, saying that he had my daughter, and that if I didn't deliver a ransom myself to a specific location by that evening then he would kill her, and he would kill her if I contacted the police as well. He also told me that he was watching my house so I shouldnt try anything.
So ofc I went to the location he specified in the dream, which was a bushy and secluded area next to the motorway, under a bridge. He walked out from behind one of the pillars of the bridge we were under, and told me that my daughter is already dead and that he had no interest in the ransom, he just wanted to kill me too because he is a serial killer. then, he whips out a giant knife and tried to stab me, but i managed to overpower him and pushed him out into the road where he was hit by a car going at full speed and died. ofc i didnt want to get caught so i ended up running down along the road, only to come acroos my daughters corpse. her head and limbs had been cut off from her torso, and the whole body was naked and splayed out and displayed on the motorway, which had somehow become empty.
No. 544191
>>543585Try not to take it so seriously, it's just images that your brain strings together and there doesn't have to be a deep meaning behind it.
I've had sex dreams about my family members before too and it's gross and annoying, but it doesn't have to mean you're actually attracted to them in real life.
Try to clear your mind and chill before bed with things that make you happy. Or try lucid dreaming techniques to see if you can redirect if you start dreaming of bad things.
No. 548870
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I had such an amazing dream. My brain built this amazing world with some random people that were my friends. I cared for them so intensely and I almost miss them now, which is so weird since dream-me made up those people.
How can I get back to a dream? I want to enter that world again and meet my dream friends.
No. 548946
>>548870I'm in a relationship so it's good this dream wasn't real.
But I had a girlfriend in my dream a year ago and it felt so good to be around her. Like the most comfortable i've ever felt. And she smelled so nice.
And I woke up and sobbed,
And i literally still cry sometimes thinking about how it was just a dream and I'll never be with her again.
No. 554065
>>554060i like using dreammoods for dreams like that. obviously not every interpretation is going to apply to you because it's dreams ffs, but a lot of symbols have somewhat universal or at least common meanings and if an archetype means something to a lot of people, maybe your subconscious picked up on that meaning too.
"To dream that you are in a cult suggests that you are in some destructive and/or manipulative relationship. You are being exploited. On a more positive note, you have the desire to strive for a better Self. It implies devotion and sense of community.
To see a cult in your dream indicates that you are lacking any spiritual freedom. "
"To dream that you are being hunted indicates that you are being overwhelmed by life's challenges. "
maybe something collective/greater good oriented is making you feel a little used or like your individuality is being compromised and you can't hide in the shadows from it or get away from it? i'd imagine that people who work in institutions that benefit humanity but don't allow for a lot of individualism might have dreams like that.
No. 554330
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had a dream i lived in a califorian apartment complex (with an outdoor pool) and i was dating this dude who heavily resembled john belushi in animal house
anyways i shared him with this black chick who was a few years older than me (and was related to a famous african queen?) and we took turns having sex with him. i literally walked around the pool and chatted with randoms, but then i came home and i saw that the other girl was done with him, so i just went to the bedroom and fucked him (rode him iirc)
it wasnt like a pick me harem scenario it was more like femdom thing which is hot to me sooooooo
No. 554419
>>554103Two things worked for me:
1. Doing something horrifying. For me it was walking in the woods after dark.
2. Disruption of routine. In my case it was a dead power supply forcing me to use my spare time otherwise.
This stuff opened a floodgate of dreams that has never stopped. The key might be never going back to the way you used to be.
No. 555035
>>541930Oh I'm late but I have the same kind of dream. I have been dating my boyfriend for like 3 years and it's rare for me to dream of him (and of other people I see frequently, it happens more with people who I don't).
In my dreams I kind of forget that I have a bf, or I know I have, but can't remember who. Then I'd dream I'm dating someone else, eventually he shows up in the dream and I feel so stupid when I wake up.
My most frequent subjects are busses, like I'm always missing them or getting the wrong bus and can't go home or get to school. Or can't find my class in the campus and end up missing the whole class. It's so agonizing because I HATE showing up late or miss classes.
Once I went to school and the sole of my shoe broke off and now I always dream I'm going places barefeet.
No. 556319
>>556310Wow what a wild ride, that sounds so exciting
I had a dream that I was an archaeologist excavating statuettes in some tomb/cave and I found a lot of them and this other archaeologist shows up in a pretty red dress like Jessica Rabbit and asks me to give my statuettes to her, we can "work something out" and presses her big ol anime boobies on me and I just felt very disgusted and wanted to punch her in the face. Does this mean I'm extremely not lesbian or I'm extremely denying being a lesbian? I think it's the former but then why would I dream of a busty woman hitting on me in the first place?
No. 560414
I had a dream ~2 weeks ago, in which I was cycling up a hill in the local forest, because I was looking for something (can't remember what it was). Pretty close to the top, the path was kind of barricaded with a bunch of pillows and other random fabrics, but I decided to cycle through it anyway.
As I passed through this fabric fort, I hear a voice from under the fabrics, moaning from pain; there was a homeless man sleeping there. Upon realization, I IMMEDIATELY start to apologize. He says he forgives me, but only if I "pull on his legs". I refuse to that, since I have no idea what that means, and honestly, at this point I'm too scared to ask.
I then start backing up with my bike, running the guy over once more. As I cycle down the hill, I hear the distant sound of a spoon scratching over a cup of yoghurt.
Anyone has any idea what it might mean?
No. 573194
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I had this dream I was watching this Greys Anatomy episode and there was this elderly couple and the whole episode focused on them, originally the doctors think they must have unhappy marriage cause they barely express any emotion and never laugh but it turns out both love each other very much, they explain they are both are humorless cynics who fell in love at office party they had to attend mandatorily. and there's a flashback to the office party in the 1970's where the characters who are played by very attractive male and female actors, who are sitting in the corner trying to avoid everyone else, not talking to each other and the 2 leave right after that, and there's a montage of them doing romantic stuff but not showing any sort of strong emotion what so ever, at end of the episode the old man dies and old woman starts crying and I also legit started crying, then I woke up and started crying IRL as well
No. 573297
I dreamt some nonsense the other day but the thing I remember most was sitting at a cafe outside in a pretty town and looking at the waitress. It was more like a fashion ad than actually looking at her (you know how dreams are weird sometimes) and she was wearing flared corduroy pants, they didn't have belt loops or buttons or anything but at the front where the belt buckle would be they had two horseshoe pins. She was wearing a plain button up shirt and her hair was brown in a ponytail. Her skin was dark and really rough, leathery looking and she was looking into the distance.
I can't stop thinking about those pants with the little horseshoes. I think that could be a new trend. Instead of belts and buckles having little pins at the top of your pants.
>>573239That's horrible, if you are stressed you're more likely to have nightmares. I don't think you can really do anything besides try not to let stress get to you and not think about your nightmares.
No. 579714
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Had a dream last night that a new trend came out in the furry community where furries would purposefully break their legs and then stick them into their fursuits while their bones healed so they would come out looking more like furry legs.
Very morbid but I believe it would be something that happens in that community.
No. 581079
>>10376Had a dream my boyfriend tried to pressure me into sex and now I kinda don't want to talk to him. Stupid too realistic dreams.
On the other hand, I used to have recurring lesbian dreams and nightmares about being pregnant during high school.
No. 581520
>>580058>>580283>>580992i'm envious, i too want weird youtube dreams.
all my dreams end up being about video games? like playing strange mario games, last night was a fighting game.
No. 581532
>>581459>>581522Totally, I used to have dreams in which I had sex¿? with my mom as a kid, she was really
abusive and always neglected me, I was either left alone most of the time and when she was present she would yell and hit me. Then I started living with dad and I have had sexual dreams with him since then until now, which is easy to tell because our relationship is really superficial, we just try to get along but there is no emotional boundaries whatsoever
No. 582183
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Had a dream one of those wispy effeminate tik took boys asked if he could suck my toes and I let him I won't tell you which one
No. 589692
>>588492One of my favorite things about dreaming is I have a lot of locations I visit in multiple dreams that dont exist in real life. But they are more or less always the same in the dreams even years later. Like I have created a world for myself.
Theres actually one thats my favorite and its hard to describe. Its a little hole in the wall in a downtown area strip mall type place. In a brick building. And the stairs twist and go up behind a hidden part in the wall that you have to walk up to go in. The inside contents can vary. Some days its just a cool hang out place. One time it was an occult store/flea market selling all sorts of ancient books and witchy things. Sometimes its like a vampire coven. Its usually lewd if thats the case. Ive had a few instances where it has been downright disturbing, such as going in and it being demons who took me as a sex slave who had to have orgies with them. Either way its one of my favorite places I hope to go when I go to bed every night lol. Also, I dream of a mall thats not a mall I've ever been to irl, but its always a certain setup with certain stores and a food court and the like. Lots of different cooll situations there too.
No. 591060
>>588492>>589692That's so cool, you're so lucky. I don't have that
Today I dreamed that my mother and I were visiting a museum so we went to a weird hotel (full of nuns and children on school trips) to sleep at and I was walking outside the hotel at night when I saw a homeless man attack the hotel owner, I was so mad and attacked the homeless man and bashed his head against the ground. Then in the next moment I was dressed in a bizarre outfit because I was at a fashion show and my mouth was full of teeth that had been busted in my fight, no matter how much I spit them out, there were always some left. And in the next moment I woke up at the hospital and my aunt hugged me and I asked her what happened, and she said the homeless man died from his injuries. I was so upset, but nobody cared that he died, everyone seemed happy, and I was crying and yelling at everyone that I killed a man and deserve to go to prison and just because he wasn't of good social standing, his life is not meaningless. It was weird
My dream yesterday was nice though, I was Jotaro Kujo and got into some accident at the park (I think I was on fire) and Jolyne and Ermes and some others (I think koichi was there too, what a reliable guy) rushed over to save me. Then I woke up at home and Jolyne was trying to make me feel less distressed about my accident by telling me about a cake she and Ermes made (they just put whipped cream on puff pastry, that's such a Jolyne thing to do tbh). It was so comfy, I wanna go back… I miss jolyne…
No. 591692
>>591677That is too good, thanks for sharing
I dreamed that I was at the pool sitting next to a guy I like and asked him "do you like my swimsuit?" and then I said "wanna see what's under it?" and then I woke up sadly, I wish I was so confident in reality too
No. 593704
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>tfw pic related.
Especially when you wake up in an absurdly good mood and the dream that caused it just rapidly fades from your memory.
No. 595515
Think I'm seeing too many criminal documentaries and it's starting to affect my dreams, I dreamed my friend got raped inside a bathroom. For context, she's handicapped and once she fell inside a bathroom while drunk and cut her hand. I'm the same anon as
>>579839 so I know it's getting more and more fucked up.
No. 596327
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My boyfriend just woke me up from a dream where I was at a boarding school making out with wyatt shears in my room, there was more to it but he literally woke me up 5 mins ago and my memory of it is fading fast
No. 597519
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I had a dream where I had a crush with a cartoonishly large and wide guy who was aloof and mean-spirited that didn't want to be with me at all (I wanted to gain his approval) but I constantly tried to force a friendship with him by having very repetitive conversations with him that always follow a formula (I think the formula was ' What do you think of X?/Do you do X?' then I'd talk about what I thought of X) that even he pointed out. What does this mean?
No. 597520
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just today i had a dream in which i got fucking perma banned and red texted for being too emotional in the venting thread. the red texts were (problem) and (stop white knighting)
i don't even post there anymore
No. 597874
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Do you guys have a dream version of your town/city?
I was dreaming about my old high school and the pubs we used to go to in my hometown. I noticed that even in my past dreams, the town looked slightly different - more streets, more nightlife, more shops, buildings in different places… I think some of it is cross-contamination from the city I currently live in haha. It's pretty stable throughout the dreams though - the areas I've been to in my dreams maybe a year ago look probably the same as the ones I've been to these days. Quite interesting
No. 598664
>>598650I totally get it. Normally all of my dreams feel pretty real but at the time I was the most depressed even physical pain could be felt.
One of my best dreams that I still remember is walking up a big road with beautiful golden trees by the side and a nice view of a city on the background. There was a tall dark haired stranger next to me and I felt very strongly about him. Waking up was shitty. There were emotions I've never even felt in real life
No. 598680
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I had an insane dream again.
>be back in high school
>have some sort of boyfriend
>have my friends
>but also is friends with people who bullied me irl for some reason?
>we’re all sitting in the recess area that has a roof
>we’re watching a weird ass call out video about someone in my group
>it was made by one of the ex-bully girls that stood out like a sore thumb
>weird boyfriend somehow involved in the drama
>something about doing a homework wrong and cheating on someone else
>I get in a pool that appeared in the middle of the school’s patio
>try swimming for a while
>Weird boyfriend decided to empty the pool with me in there
>sweet talks to me
>I can’t walk properly
>we hangout with the weird group of friends as if it was completely normal
>I tell them to stop being dramatic asses and start trying to solve the drama
But wait, there’s more!
>I decide it’s time for me to go home
>I pick my skateboard i never rode one irl
>and pick my half pipe to fucking go back home while doing weird ass tricks in the sky
Really, sometimes I wonder if this happens after having a heavy dinner or when I’m too tired. I feel even more tired than when I went to sleep.
No. 599013
>>598809Not recently, but as I child and in my early teens I used to have reorcurring nightmares. It was really weird because during the nightmares I started to become aware that I was dreaming (nightmaring? lol idk) the same thing again. A lot of them weren't just similiar, but near-identical eacht time. Others just had the same setting everytime, particularly when my grandmother passed away, I kept getting reorcurring nightmares of entering/exploring her abandoned home.
Looking back almost all of these things could be related back to something that had happened or people in my real life, so I guess it was just my brain processing things? I don't get them anymore now, in fact I very rarely (conciously) dream anymore.
No. 603965
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I had these uncomfortable dreams all after one another, just woke up after each one and fell right back asleep.
I knew I was dreaming AND also could not see anything except blackness. All the sensations felt very real which was freaky.
>Laying in bed with my mom and ?brother? (I’m an only child, but I know my mom had an abortion at one point)
>I feel this uncomrtable pressure on my thighs
>My mom starts trying to get me to have sex with my brother
>wake up
>I’m in my bed
>I feels like some force is moving my hands and I can’t stop it
>I’m being made to finger myself by it
>wake up
>Feel someone/something grabbing my hands and tying my wrists together, and putting some kind of bag over my head
>Then I’m thrown off a cliff? And keep falling and falling
>wake up
At this point I just gave up on trying to sleep because I felt like some demon must have been tormenting me or something.
No. 604533
>>603965I’ve seen something or someone similar in my dreams but it was standing over me as I felt a pressure suffocating me as I’m screaming for help then telling myself to wake up.
Thankfully (and hopefully), I haven’t had any more sleep paralysis after calling out Jeshua’s (Jesus) name after my last one a few months ago.
Edit: grammar
No. 604534
>>604506I hate sleep paralysis because the sensation of being touched during it can feel so uncannily real.
I didn’t know that could be a part of sleep paralysis either, and for a long time thought my step dad fondled me in my sleep once and just kept it to myself but it really freaked me out. Luckily, years later as an adult I had it several times where other people couldn’t have access to me and was very relieved to realize it was just sleep paralysis. It feels so real!
No. 607556
>>607551I had recurring dreams about objects in my house moving by themself, like paranormal dreams or ones where I had telekinesis.
Then in my teens it was dreams about meeting aliens. I wasn't even a big movie watcher so god knows why those two themes came up again and again.
No. 607557
>>605789I feel ya. Recently I've had dreams about finding awesome dresses and other clothing items in a store and making intricate outfits with them, only to wake up and realize that those clothes don't actually exist and that I never got those amazing deals at that imaginary store.
I've opened up my closet in the morning before fully expecting my new clothes to be there, all excited to wear them, and then being confused for a few seconds before remembering they were dream clothes.
No. 607689
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I keep having this reoccurring nightmare where I behead my cat???????
Its honestly terrifying and I keep waking up in the middle of the night absolutely freaked out. Its been going on for the past month for no reason. Before, I had scary homicidal dreams but now its more common than ever. I don’t even play videogames or consume bad media.
No. 607707
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I have a big thing coming up tomorrow so my stressed out brain went into overdrive and cooked up this movie of a nightmare:
I'm in a friend group (of made up people I do not know irl) of 6 people, and two of them (mixed asian/white guy and white redhead girl) are dating. To our knowledge, the guy isn't always great to her, but it turns out he's extremely abusive behind closed doors.
He ends up killing her, and I have a vivid image of him afterwards, wearing badly done, smeared kabuki makeup. Kinda like a sexy asian joker I guess. Very Ezra Miller tbh.
A few days later, both me and a friend are going to a restaurant for lunch. From really far away we see him walking down the street so we start running down a long street just in case he had seen us and tried to talk to us. For some reason, we knew he killed her, but he hadn't been arrested.
Another week later, we're at this official party. Kinda like a community gathering in a school room specifically for bigger events or something, all kinds of people are there. Suddenly, a strange man walks in: it's the guy. I don't know how I knew, because he had chopped up bits of his face, stretch the skin, and sown it back together so he would look like a different person. He looked like a horrifying Ichi the killer with black hair.
I run away as soon as I see him, I go through a back door and as I'm running down the street, I hear machine gun sounds and everyone screaming.
Then there's more "scenes" of me hiding in random places so he doesn't find me (he wasn't looking for me though), but for some reason people see me, idk, crouching behind a bush and they stare at me and start walking towards me. Weird.
No. 607759
>>607744I'm two years in and mine is still regularly a dick to me in dreamland. I wouldn't even mind a sex dream or heartache one here and there but its pure stress/frustration dreams. Think I need therapy at this point.
Are yours heartache dreams?
No. 607766
>>607735Thankfully it was so interesting I kinda saw it like a movie both during and after the nightmare! So no worries.
>>607744Broke up a month ago, two or three weeks ago I had a lovey dovey cute dream about my ex. All in all I'm not too fucked up over the breakup but coming to the realization that it was a dream and I don't get to experience a loving romantic relationship for the time being…whew.
No. 618344
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I saw a beautiful battle vest yesterday (pic related) and today I dreamed I bought it for reaaaaally cheap and it fit me perfectly. I wish I never woke up. Well at least I've decided I'll make my own real battle vest and I definitely NEED a lurker of chalice patch
No. 620028
>>619567Yeah I know, I will. That one really made an impression on me so I dreamed I got that exact same one.
I dreamed yesterday that there was a war and people were training dogs to help them, and I was watching on the news some footage from their training, there was a huge bird, almost as big as a man, attacking a soldier and a dog was attacking the bird to save the man. The dog ripped off one of the bird's legs and it just kept screeching and attacking all the same, and I started crying because I was so mad that not only men who have nothing to do with the war are dying in it, but now innocent animals are being forced to die in it too. It was really upsetting and that was my first night sleeping in a new bed, and my mother tells me that whatever you dream then will come true, not that I believe in that but I hope it does not.
No. 621177
So, you know how in vidya you have these labyrinths that you navigate without a map? And when you find a dead end you have to go back and try a different route.
I had a dream about that, except it was in "real life", and it was in a train station. I was with a group of people, strangers, we only met because we happened to be in the same place. It was not a normal station, though, that's why it was weird to be there. We didn"t "know" where we wanted to go, we just knew the destination was only accessible this way. Anyway. The trains were very weird (unironically magic) and some were dangerous. We had to decide if we'll hop it in it or not. I can't describe them specifically, but half of the time we were wandering around.
The other half of the dream was on a road. Again, weird road, not everyone knew about it. I don't remember if we were in a "car" or not. But I'm mentioning it because it's a reference to an older dream, even if it wasn't literally the same road.
No. 625376
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I had a dream that I was in a huge school-ish place and I think someone was trying to start a war with us (the people who live and work there) but for some reason I had to take care of some random baby while going to class. Mr Ratburn was our teacher and he had a crush on me and kept trying to help with the baby. Then the fire alarms went off and there was actually a fire so all the thousands and thousands of us were leaving our classrooms and filing into this huge ass auditorium for some reason
No. 626518
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>>626498You weren't dreaming. Fuck them tomatoes.
No. 626858
I dreamed that I was the daughter of some very important man (I can't remember why he was important) and my weapon was a small katana (like the ones for samurai's wives, I know there is a proper name for them but I can't remember), and I went to the beach where a mint colored mermaid adorned with tons of shells wanted to give me a trident and was insisting that it was mine, and I insisted it wasn't, then she made me hold it and I could control the weather with it, I made the rain stop, and she said since I can use it that means it's mine, I got angry and tried to fight her with the trident (she had another one of her own, an ivory one) and in the end I threw it away, picked up my katana and ran away. My friend tried to stop me by throwing his glowing white zweihänder at me (he wasn't really my friend, he was just another character, he was a tall blonde guy with glasses, just like I was not myself but some character, a girl with a black ponytail and a bandanna like Narancia) but I just kicked the sword so it didn't do anything to me. Then I think I hid up in a tree.
And later I went to train how to control the trident with the mermaid since I guess I changed my mind but she wasn't a mermaid anymore, she was like a centaur with a doe body and her head was a tiny wooden house?? And I had to wear a weird mask too because we didn't want anyone to recognize or follow us as we went to our secret training place.
I can't believe I remembered so much, it was very interesting. It was so cool being able to control the weather. I could feel the cold rain dropping on me and the relief when I stopped it.
No. 628044
>>628019Oh anon… Im sorry you are having these terrible dreams. I have struggled with gruesome dreams like this for years too. Though, I saw one of my parents rotting body when I was younger, and it was extremely traumatic.
Maybe you are repressing something? I hope you can find peace.
No. 628051
>>628019Are you taking an medication? I have been on different SSRIls over the past 6 years for various reasons, and one of them gave me such vivid, nightmares that after a while I kinda just accepted I would have them. I remember once I had a dream I was in a warehouse hiding for a man with a gun and was shot in the back of the head. When I woke up I had a weird sensation in the back of my head. (Sounds stupid and fake but I truly did, the brain is crazy).
Also, could it be something you eat before bed? I was always told an old wives tale that eating cheese before bed gave you nightmares lol
I’m sorry you’re dealing with this anon, I can relate.
No. 628364
>>628044>>628051Thanks, anons. I'm sorry you had to go through those nightmares too.
I'm not taking any med and I go to sleep almost 6 hours after dinner, maybe it could have something to do with my fucked up sleep schedule though. And the fact I'm going through a rough patch.
Corpses are such an oddly specific thing to dream about, but I guess that's what my brain decided to do.
No. 634699
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I keep having touch starvation induced dreams about having a really close group of friends who are trying to encourage the autismo supreme of the group (me) to a nice guy. Also
>take antidepressants that make my dreams really vivid down to touch and temperature
They're always big moderately buff guys with wide shoulders, and they're warm to the touch. The dream is so vivid to the point that I can feel the softness of his clothes when I hug him.
It's autism, I know. I'm not even bad looking, just bad at talking to anyone. My dreams have to be taunting me at this point…
No. 639343
>>639337Absolutely horrifying but still made me ugly laugh thank you for sharing
>>639312Sometimes I go to find things in my house only to realise I dreamed buying them, so disappointing
No. 639800
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All my teeth kept falling out one by one except it only looked like i lost one incisor, I know what dream meanings usually tell about that so I am freaked out. There was also some sort of gas explosion that ruined huge ass highways in america or korea, not sure. Ugh the fucking teeth, I just tried to collect them and drive to a dentist but my mom took me and my friend to some fabric store instead and I had to take the bus with some kpop boys with shit haircuts. Then the road went boom.
No. 641348
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>>641242If only I had dreams where I fuck some Yakuza characters, instead I dream I die or I do senseless shit.
No. 641469
>>641348It was so ridiculous, I asked Kiryu if he liked black girls like we were in some cringy Wattpad interracial fanfic, and he responded by leaning down and licking my face. All while my grandmas were in the living room bragging to Travis Scott about my middle school acheivements.
But at least I didn't dream about Osmosis Jones yet again.
No. 641738
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I often have dreams where I’m in some sort of random competition. Except, they are nonsensical, deadly and incredibly violent as in:
>person who get’s the least points in a quizz/gets voted off gets killed
>having to try to run across a highway and not get run over by a car
> every other person in a line gets their brains blown out
>people being put into a giant meat grinder for disobeying the rules
>almost impossible obstacle courses. Last night it was having to pick one of 2 doors. One let you get on a rollercoaster and ride to safety, and the other one forced you to try to climb up the coaster structure and try to not get hit by the carts.
While they are kinda interesting to think about after, I hope I never have a dream like that again..
No. 641951
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>>641242Anon I barely have any wet dreams featuring my favorite yakuza men. It’s always shimanos bald ass trying to fuck with me until my dream decides its had enough and I wake up.
No. 643032
Had my favorite kind of dream last night which is when it feels like I'm living an extremely well-made movie, and I fully, genuinely feel all the emotional beats. It starred my best friend from elementary as my romantic interest, as a daughter of a very wealthy but controlling couple. It's the evening of her birthday and I show up, and the parents ask me to go up to her room to bring her down for her party. I knock on her door, she opens it terrified, and says, "I don't want to live like this anymore." I ask "What do you want to do?" She says, "Get me out of here." I grab her hand and we run out of the estate. We run into various people in my life who try to stop us, it feels like an exciting, action-packed montage, but we manage to escape. Next thing I know, we're cuddling in my sunlit apartment, and she whispers, "You saved me." I feel overwhelmed with love and joy.
I won't read in too much on my brain's choice of using my elementary best friend kek; it's just that she moved away before high school and I miss her occasionally, and I know that missing someone can cause romantic dreams. I was way more into how my brain "edited" everything to feel like a really satisfying movie, if anyone knows what I mean. I felt so absorbed that I was genuinely pissed when I was woken up by a phone call from my mom.
No. 643037
>>643032Anon that sounds like such a lovely dream.. I love how our brains can solve “problems” like missing a person like that.
I had such a fucked up nightmare last night.
It ends with me thinking I was having a psychotic breakdown. Here’s what I remember:
I was working at home, living alone, but home was a white, more compact, carpeted, cluttered trailer by a body of water that I assumed was the ocean but looked more like a lake.
I suddenly found myself outside working with my headset on and sitting at a desk. I was watching someone walk their dog past me and noticed the sky was getting cloudy like it was ready to rain. Then I saw a small spiral forming in the clouds like a tornado - it started going down towards the water and I was in the middle of a conversation with my supervisor. I hurriedly told him that a “typhoon” was forming and I had to move inside. I ran inside and suddenly was inside a place I guess was connected to my trailer.
I walked upstairs and was spoken to by a woman wearing poorly applied green foundation, like it was slathered on her face. She mistook me for someone else, I told her I was the wrong person, and she looked annoyed I told her I wasn’t who she was looking for. She had another woman with her. I followed them downstairs, and there was a woman at a table selling cards, anime merchandise, and other little games. I tried to buy something but didn’t. I suddenly felt anxiety.
I went back into my trailer, and the women from upstairs just walked into my trailer and started talking to me - I got the impression they were being confrontational. I told them to leave. They left but started knocking on my door and bothering me again.
I tried to lock my door, but the lock was at the bottom right corner of my door. I leaned down and began to lock it, but there was nowhere to latch it.
I “found” a locking mechanism, but it was shaped like a USB port and was warping into different shapes. I pulled out something I assumed I could plug into it to lock the door, but it also began warping if I squeezed it. While I squeezed it, to cycle through the shapes, the green foundation woman came back in. I told her to leave, and she left again. I started feeling panicked. I was hitting something over my sink in a back massage like fashion, I don’t remember what, and I looked down and saw it was my cat. He looked fine, but I felt immense guilt and fear that I hurt him. I put him down and the panic intensified. I looked out the window and the tornado was coming towards my trailer but wasn’t damaging it at all. I just observed it and went back to looking at the sink.
The green foundation woman came back in. I tried to lock the door again. Then, another door I had became apparent to me. It was partially behind a bookcase, like I had covered it. A man knocked on it and said something to the effect of “Hey, do you have anger management problems? I have some classes you could take to help you out.” He kept talking, and the panic intensified again. People weren’t leaving me alone and I still hadn’t locked the main door. I looked over at my futon, and it was suddenly night. My cat was cleaning himself, and the stuffed cat I had was next to him. Suddenly, it warped too and began to clean itself like my cat was.
At this point in my mind, I decided I was hallucinating and having a full on psychotic breakdown. I imagined it was because of being dehydrated and binging and purging (yay, I relapsed recently). I grabbed my phone to “call the ER” and my mom, crying. When I saw my phone on the futon, it was the same shape but had an impression in it like it contained cooked ramen inside. Like, when I picked it up, there was soup broth, ramen, and garnish in it that I could see through the screen, which was now transparent. I started to cry and said out loud “please let me call my mom”. I felt guilt and decided that I had to stop my dieting and binging and purging. I was preparing to “confess” to what I had been doing to my mom so I could go to the ER and go into an inpatient program. I was afraid the people at the ER would give me a bunch of mood stabilizers and keep me on a ward.
Then I woke up.
I think it’s pretty clear post-dream what I’ve been thinking about recently… I relapsed recently and my cat has been begging for attention more, which has been frustrating because I’ve been isolating myself to b/p and neglecting playing with him as a result. I feel a lot of guilt and shame about relapsing. I’ve never hit my cat though… the thought makes me sad and angry alone.
No. 643047
I'm currently on medication that is known to make dreams feel more realistic, so i've had a ton of dreams lately lol. I'd love som insight on what last dream meant !
it started with i was a male, who got sent into a prison. The prison cells were formed like a circle and i got placed in the middle circle (for the most dangerous), so there were 3 cells wall by wall, one of them seem unoccupied and the other one housed a man that was rumoured to be really dangerous, would beat up anyone etc.
Anyway in these circle cells you could tlak to your neighbours (some flaw in the design) so i was forced to talk to this crazy man, or else suffer isolation. While he easily become mad, we ended up forming some kind of friendship n that night we shared molly together and i vowed to get us out of here.
Now a week later i try to escape on my own, and fail so get tortured and placed back there. The guy is pissed i try leaving without him, some drama i can't remember happened, but now it was winter and we had planned our escape.
I rallied so many prisonmates i could and at night i talked about our plan. The last room beside me, that was unnocupied would have strange noises, like people laughing and having fun and we discovered it was essentially a place for the rich to laugh at the prisoners torture. We knew there was a window there so we decided to jump through that, only problem is we didn't know how high up it was.
So we pull off our plan, and we are faced to jump through this window that was 10 stories high up. I didn't have the courage to do it, but eventually with the help of my friends i did it and landed in the snow and i was free.
It honestly felt like a movie with all of the storybeats haha
No. 646505
I dreamed of Billy Butcher, thinking "his Cockney accent is bad kek." And then, I was in a candle-lit restaurant at night, walking on a jetty, with a river flowing on the right. I was playing Animal Crossing, and what I did in the game impacted on what happened in the restaurant. I tried to figure out which one it was, and I felt sad when I realised I'd lost the game in real life.
Isabelle from the game had given me lots of tasks to do, so I was just walking around late at night. The restaurant turned into a resort, and for some reason, there were a lot of old people randomly dotted about, chilling on deck chairs on the Animal Crossing style grass. At some point, I was thinking that I needed to make another character, so she could save path patterns.
Then, I was in an area that looked like an M. C. Escher painting. It was all grassy and green, with flowers and stairs and bridges. I saw the principle from Enchanted Folk, and he was telling me the rules of his school. I looked behind me, and two girls were there. I looked back, and the principle had moved to my right, sitting behind a desk. He told us to do something, but I couldn't understand his voice. I looked behind me again and a guy was walking along a bridge (it was black and metallic with a lattice panel). The other girls knew him, and one of them said we need to do what the guy is doing.
I was back in the resort. But, it was now daytime and I was by the beach. There was a massive amount of students packed together, in what was once a swimming pool. They were all laughing and talking and eating food. Everywhere I looked, there was a student. I felt sad I couldn't join them.
Then, I was in a kitchen in Wagamama's. I was watching a girl in a black chef uniform cook some food in a wok. She was teaching me how to cook a dish. She passed the wok to me, and told me it was for a family. I kept trying to clean red sauce off the wok, thinking "I can't give badly presented food to a family", but it was really hard to clean. Eventually, it was cleaned, and I put a massive silver measuring spoon connected to a knife and fork on the wok.
I was in a a massive arcade that looked like an airport. Everything looked white and grey and futuristic. There were lots of boys there, running around and playing games. I asked a boy if he wanted to play The House of The Dead 4 (I often dream that I'm playing that), but he said no, so I decided to explore the arcade. I walked up a long staircase, into a corridor, and saw people having a meeting behind a glass window. At the end of the corridor, the weather was all sunny and bright, as if someone had put a filter on it.
After that, I was walking in a medieval church, with a beautiful view of the sea and a clear blue sky. Sunlight was pouring in. There were rooms in the church, selling gothic clothes and witch-related items. I saw a knight walk pass me, and suddenly, I was outside on a street corner. I was trying to figure out where I was, and get back to the resort. I realised I was in my hometown, and instantly woke up.
No. 646841
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Freaky ass, fucked up dream. I was watching a werewolf torment this father and his infant child. Rather than eating them both immediately he bit the child on the arm so it contracted lycanthropy, then the baby started consuming the father. It ate enough that the father bled out (after screaming in torment). When it was full and immobilized the werewolf ate the baby. It was all extremely detailed. I feel a bit shell shocked.
No. 646849
>>646659You mean that the good sex is outrageously good.
I recently dreamt about going down on a beautiful woman except it was so vividly realistic in an unsexy way, I was trying to get into it but her inner labia were unappetisingly cold and had some lint on them that was got stuck at the back of my throat for ages.
No. 647258
>>646849Honestly, I know what you mean. Anytime I've had sexual dreams about someone else which is rare, its been awful and downright gross. Hyper realistic but in the worst ways. Not the case with him though, its more like this anon described
>>647251. In fact the dreams are almost always super pleasant in general. I did have one where he was married and having an affair with me and I was trying to hide from his wife who eventually shot me in the ass. Wasnt my fault though I tried to escape from him too but he found me and I ended up in the damn bedroom. RIP. But other than that I dont recall any bad or unpleasant experiences.
No. 648041
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>>648008Im a lucid dreamer so Ive had lots of woozies. The ones where I have to kill someone I care about(my mom becoming a zombie, for instance) come to mind. But the one I think is the worst that still shakes me to my soul to this day, was one where biblical armageddon was about to take place. But it revolved around me finding a book that was going to start everything. And basically opening the book and reading it opened and unleashed Satan. It was more figurative than literal. With lots of codes and basically knowledge of all good and evil unfolding and being made apparent to me which, in theory was extremely disturbing. I had a physical feeling of being overwhelmed by evil and not being able to handle all the knowledge(none of which I particularly remember) but the sheer power of opening that book and knowing that it was the biblical end times as a result, trying to get right spiritually as darkness was engulfing. I could smell sulfur, literally and it was choking me. I went through this tunnel which the walls were made of giant figures much like the artwork by Beksinski. In fact, I hadnt seen his art before(i dont think), and come to find out he had a painting that is basically spot on with how it looked(except i was in a boat with other people not walking)pic related, and Ive been obsessed with his work ever since. And coincidentally he claims he is inspired by his dreams as well with his artwork. Basically, it became apparent that I had been destined for hell and having the book was considered the greatest sin of all time. At some point it culminated on a mountain, with me seeing Satan rising and people falling off mountains into a pit of darkness. I looked at the book and so much shit was flashing before my eyes I remember pages with animals. I cant remember any of the details though. Then I woke up. I havent had it since but it will forever stick with me.
No. 651751
>>651705I have horrible waking sleep paralysis/sleeping lack of paralysis and a bunch of other sleep shit problems;
That shit's /probably/ totally fine, tons of different drugs can effect your body's waking and sleeping mechanisms, but you should definitely call your doctor's office so they can make a note about that on your record with that drug
What's going on is your brain is releasing your body from normal sleep paralysis too early
Usually for me, my eyes open before I wake up, or I extend an arm or leg and wake myself up from the actual physical motion
It's definitely worth a call, but I don't think you should be worried
No. 652004
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Had a sex dream involving Homelander. Ew.
No. 652020
>>652004ew indeed. he looks just like my boss and has the same demeanor. it kinda
triggers me a little, kek
No. 664666
>>664272I'm pretty sure most people have dreams of being at school. After all, the government forces you to spend 1/3 of your waking time in that place at the most formative moment of your entire life. It doesn't even matter if your experience is necessarily bad: the sheer quantity of time put in is going to make it a permanent fixture of your life, even moreso than your family, really.
I have a recurring dream where I'm at my highschool at night, and a gorilla chases me around, grabs me, and slams me on the ground so hard I wake up.
No. 667695
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I had a very terrifying dream of my abusive ex boyfriend. Honestly it still sticks with me, i had a previous dream about him months ago i think too. Today tho, i dreamt that i messaged him on accident, and he cutely messaged me which freaked me out so much because my fiance hates him and doesn't want him to be near me and it felt so real that i thought my fiance will lecture me and be angry at me for it. I closed it quickly the messaging thingy in my dream. Then i suddenly appeared in my ex's house.
I dont know how his house even looked like from the inside, but my brain just made something up idk. Well i was there, i turned on the TV for some odd reason and my ex just came in, he had no shirt on but that doesn't really matter, maybe it does because in my previous dream it was also like that.
He was all loving towards me and slowly turning angry and abusive…he is abusive obviously. I ran away from him, he chased me and it was scary as shit. I got out thankfuly.
Then i woke up and literally felt depressed as shit because my brain literally made me remind me of him which i didnt want and all my happy chemicals just flew out of the window.
Its traumatizing to me but also depressing.
No. 669313
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I had a dream there was another grimes album released in 2011. I think it was supposed to be a compilation of her unreleased songs, I heard one song and it sounded like one from visions but poppy-er and like real song that would get released, not just dream generated gibberish. Can't remember how it went though. The cover art was a mint green mist background with grimes superimposed on it looking kind of like this but a lot less colourful, but not entirely black or white. Also I don't even like grimes so I'm confused
No. 669494
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I had a dream last night I was on an endless log flume ride except I was blindfolded and had giant headphones on that blasted 8 bit music and absolutely tortured screaming non stop. I get nightmares pretty frequently but for some reason this stood out when I woke up as one of the worst ones and I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I fell back asleep and woke up feeling fine after that, now it's just strange/funny to look back on.
No. 671335
>>671073Did you forsee a name?
Nice to know there are other meshuggahfags on here.
No. 672828
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I was trapped in a torn down building with a huge fucking brown bear. I tried to play dead amongst the corpses around me but it noticed me anyway. When I thought the bear was going to bitch slap me with its paw and break my neck right there, it just caressed my cheek. It told me with its mind that it is old and it understands. Then the bear helped me get out of the rubbles of the building and sent me on my way.
Can’t help but feel this was meaningful!!!
No. 672849
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>>672828Aaw, what a sweet dream bear anon! I'm glad it helped you and hope you can keep that positive energy in your waking world too.
No. 672889
>>672828It means that the thing you fear the most right now will actually show you the way and help you if you give it a chance.
It's not a danger like you think, it's something that will make you grow.
Else you'll be stuck 'decaying' with the 'dead'.
No. 672898
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Keep having covid related dreams where Im walking in a crowd of people at some place like a fair or a concert and I realize no one is wearing masks or social distance aka living life normally life before this lol. I always realize this too late into the dream and start to panic and try to cover my face with my shirt but it always feels futile and like Im already infected. I live in a huge hotspot city so my nightmares aren't even that far off from reality is the worst part kek
No. 673009
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I have no problem being the tough girl. I have muscles from when I used to lift and I've also gained a considerable amount of weight so I take a beating well.
I've never been in a fight but have been bullied my whole life, so I'm always itching to beat someone's ass. Whenever an anon on here mentions an abusive sibling or parent, I really get into the mindset that I'd knock them on their ass just to prove a point.
But every time I want to get into a physical altercation I think of several things: 1. I'm a legal adult and I would get in legal trouble 2. This is what they want, a fight. 3. Solving a situation with words is better because brute force is never the way to go.
Still, if any anon here asked me to fight their abusive boyfriend or family member I would do so gladly and smile even in defeat.
I just wanna punch someone in the face.
No. 673012
>>673009I like you anon, I hope one day you can beat the shit out of some
abusive scrote and that he’ll be too embarrassed and terrified to do anything about it so you suffer no repercussions.
No. 673945
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>two dreams this week where I make out with someone cute then wake up
No. 673977
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I remember a dream I had a while ago so vividly. I was in a abandoned, industrial warehouse thing? It was huge and there was a man with a gun and I was hiding under one of those big potato sack things? The twine fabric whatever sacks? And I was on a huge shelf hiding and the man shot me in the back of my head and when I woke up I had a weird sensation on the back of my head.
This kinda sounds made up but it is true anons.. has anyone had a dream like that? Like woke up with a pain or sensation from the dream? I can’t explain
No. 674006
>>673977It happens sometimes, usually you dream such things because you actually feel some pain so in the dream there is a made up reason for that pain. I don't remember dreaming of pain like that but I remember dreaming of hugging my dad and when I woke up I was hugging my blanket. Or sometimes I dream of cuddling someone and I wake up and notice I'm grinding my crotch against the bed… embarassing
And if you hear loud sounds you can hear them in your dream too
No. 674065
>>674053Diff anon. I haven't had sex in about 2 and a half years, made that choice to stop. But there is something about spending so much extra time in my house that has sent my sex drive rocketing.
I just sort myself out but damn, I feel it
No. 675197
There's a musician I think is very handsome and I was listening to his music on youtube and there was an interview with him recommended so I watched it but he was really not at all attractive in that video without the stage makeup and I was so disappointed that I dreamed of going to his concert today and there he was looking even more beautiful than ever, I'm so sad. And then he asked some dude in the audience to get up on stage and I was like but this is my dream I should be the one allowed up on stage!!! So I woke up feeling really sad.
>>675085That's so nice
No. 683193
>>683167i had a sex dream about this guy i met through some friends who became friends with my roommate and hung out with us at our place. i couldn't stop thinking about it and after he started chatting online with me and got flirty i told him about it. he basically ended up coming to visit just to see me and we started dating and having sex. he only lives an hour away from me. then i find out like 6 months after we are basically engaged that he has a 4 year live in girlfriend who he's been cheating on for years trying to get someone to let him move in so he can break up with her. i confronted him on it and eventually told her and she freaked out at me and tried to get a restraining order on me and caused drama. turns out she's constantly trying to cause drama and is highly
abusive to the guy and cheats on him too because he refuses to havesex with her(think like usagikou tier
abusive) and i just had enough of all of it and stopped talking to everyone involved including his friends who reached out to try to get me to save him from her and one of my friends who lied to me about him having a girlfriend who she claimed to be friends with also.
No. 683568
The other night I had the scariest nightmare I think I ever had. I had a dream that I was walking home from somewhere, but my home was in the middle of the forest. As I was walking, I started noticing wolves and other animals gathering from a far. Like seals, dogs, deer, but also weird chimeras, straight out of a medival codex - bodies of pumas and heads of goats, red birds with long cat tails, etc. I started walking up the stairs and the animals were following me. I closed the doors on them but they stayed outside and I knew they could still see me and then they started talking to me, saying things like "open the door", something about children playing? Dont remember exactly, but I ran upstairs to my boyfriend and he was sleeping in the bed, but then I heard him from the other room, telling me I will be killed?? It felt extremely real and I woke up at that point, literally jumped up. It was so fuxking eerie and I felt as if I was really being stalked by magical animals.
No. 684737
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I’ve had two commune dreams…
On the first one, it was my bff who decided to start living in a commune for some reason, she was collecting some eggs from the hens in a humongous barn, it had more than 500 hens and she was with just another person collecting eggs for the commune.
I told her I loved her and that I wanted her to go back to the city with me, since we were living together and having a lovey dovey type of relationship but not married or anything like that for some reason?
She told me she was happy and that I should join her too so we could stay together, but I told her I was waiting for her to come back to the city because I missed her a lot, that I would visit her regardless our ideological differences.
During the second commune dream…
I was living in the commune with my parents and my bff. My parents had a really small restaurant and I was helping around serving costumers and talking with my bff.
It was a rainy day, belphegor from obey me was there too fo some reason and we were having lots of fun living there together.
What’s next? I get married to my friend in the commune or something?
No. 690701
>>690690kek nice, I always turn it into a threesome. I swear when you're lucid sometimes it's not
full lucid because I don't know why I pick that every time. guess it's monkey brain saying "moar!!"
No. 690802
I had a dream that a (step)uncle of mine was itching to f*ck me while underage (I am 24 now, relax).
This is partially I guess based on true events. There's always been a weird vibe between us, the hugs last way too long and there's always awkward smiling. Anyways, years ago he was legitimately placed in jail for a couple of weeks for trying to get two 15 year old girls to have sex with each other and then subsequently with him. He was even put in the local newspaper but he was out of jail really easily and has a family now.
Back to the dream though, he was trying really hard and I definitely didn't want it but I wasn't trying hard to stop it, maybe because before that scandal I did always like him. We were walking around a hotel parking lot and in the elevator he tried to do things with me but then these older ladies came in and started saying we shouldn't be doing stuff like that in public. So we left quickly, I sprinted ahead and hid behind a car. He came out shortly afterwards and called out for me. I debated on trying to legitimately get away, or if I should playfully jump scare him. He eventually saw me and we continued walking around the parking lot. He eventually stuck his hand in the front of my pants and tried to go to town but we saw a cop car patrolling the hotel lot. My step-uncle started sweating bullets saying that he couldn't go to jail again. We separated and I just kept telling him "Look, go out for a drive, go to McDonald's or something".
I went to the mall and he called me and told me the police were calling him. This was the police conversation:
>cop: so what are you doing today?
>uncle: Uh, nothing
>cop: Listen we know everything about what's going on. We've been monitoring your computer.
>uncle: no you haven't
>cop: We have, and we can tell ya pretty much everything you've been searching. What did you search for last night? Porn right?
>uncle: just some normal porn, I sent jerry some links and.. It was just normal porn.
>cop: oh no, no no we know it wasn't normal porn. We know exactly what you sent. You sent your friend jerry some good old fashioned abuse porn, simulating younger girls. You loved it so much you made your niece spank herself last night over the phone.
I don't really remember much of the conversation but that was the gist of it. Right before he said abuse porn I was worried that my uncle had searched murder porn or something.
Then I woke up.
No. 690943
I had a dream about being kind of like Jonny Quest, it was just so, so awkward that I cringe a bit just by thinking about it.
I was doing some errands with my parents because we had some sort of celebration or something, and we were crossing the street when I saw two women.
They had extremely long and beautiful hair, one of them had her hair at ankle length and the other woman had her hair around the hip length.
I got really excited and told my mom about it, one of them heard me and she ended up being one of my old classmates who I used to sing with.
I got even more excited and she awkwardly invited me to her home since they had a family dinner.
I was like weird, but okay, Cool! so me and my family went to her house.
It was extremely awkward, it felt like it lasted too long and it felt too real.
They were talking about some terrains and horse racing.
My dad wasn’t too much into it because he cares a lot about animals, it got even more awkward because he didn’t support how they were drugging their horses.
My mom was trying to be friend’s with my classmate’s mom, but it was just not going well, my classmate’s mom was ignoring her and she was starting to get fed up with that treatment.
I on the other hand tried to figure out just what was going on with my classmate, she seemed uncomfortable and her family was being rudo towards her as well.
They finally opened up and they admitted to be the founders of a fucking weird ass cult, and my classmate would become some sort of heiress of the cult.
Lots of adventures happened in between, i helped my classmate to get out of the cult, something exploded, there were horses too and a racing track.
No. 697148
I dreamed that I was part of some assassin group and we were having a party to lure out some woman who we needed to kill. I was the bait to lure out the woman because she would definitely come talk to me. I took a seat in some tiny makeshift audience to watch a band performing and the singer was my crush. I was amazed that he was a good singer and even said that out loud but then he started singing really badly lol. And next to me was a girl with dark blue spiky hair and a dark blouse who was also excited and trying to transcribe the lyrics but she didn't manage to so I told her, "Why don't you ask the singer for the lyrics? I'm sure he'll tell you. Let me ask him, he's my friend." So I came up to him and took his hand and interlinked our fingers and asked if we could have the lyrics and he gave them to us, and then we stared into each other's eyes for a bit… sigh… and then later I was sitting somewhere else and the woman we were sent to kill came up to me and started chatting with me happily, I felt bad that she would have to be killed since she didn't seem bad and I just kept thinking, come on fellow assassins she's talking to me, come get it over with. And then someone stabbed a knife into her back. It wasn't scary, I was just uncomfortable.
>>690943That's so cool
No. 697346
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I had this dream:
I was younger, like a teenager, and I was working on a strange machine with my brother, none of us know much about machinery, but we were trying to re-build it and found out what it was. We were in front of the dinner table, where my mom was sitting on one of the chairs. She wasn't helping us, she was just staring at what we did.
At some point, we finished the machine. It was like a sort of 3D printer, and we managed to print a big rose (Pic related). We were really excited, but mom didn't say anything, she just stared at us with her arms crossed. I wanted to hear what she had to say, so I invited her to see our rose, but then she began to yell at me. She yelled really loudly about how I was just wasting her time, that I should be doing more important stuff right now; it really hurted me. I ran away crying, leaving my brother with the machine, but he didn't get yelled at.
I woke up crying, but I'm still not sure how to feel.
No. 697352
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I was a passenger in a car with someone, we drove through a parking lot off the interstate, a parked car had stuffed animals in the back window, they were pink and purple Puppy Surprises
I started telling whoever was driving about Puppy Surprise, and how the ones from my childhood were so much cuter because they didn't have the hard vinyl faces
Whoever was driving said they had grown up with the original vinyl-faced ones, and I felt bad
I woke up wishing I still had those dolls so bad
No. 697869
Last night had an experience that made me feel I unlocked a new part of my brain (just kidding, unles…)
I had a series of uncomfortable dreams. I don't remember them enough to call them nightmares and nothing really weird happened, but I was feeling extremely anxious.
I'm used to recognizing that I'm dreaming (inside the dream) and as soon as I think about it, I wake up, but this time, I kept screaming at myself to wake up but couldn't do it. I started slapping myself, with the intention to maybe do it in real life and wake myself up but nothing worked. I thought, "I have to kill myself in this dream to wake up", at the moment I was in like the third floor of a house, so I just ran into the window and jumped out of it. I have this image of being still on the dream as I'm laying down on the floor maybe with some injuries and then I wake up. Super weird honestly, got Freddy Krueger vibes. Has someone experienced something like this?
No. 699882
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>going to the market
>meet these two in the street
>yagami tells me they had to become streetwalkers because the albanians didn't pay them enough
>kaito says i can also pay them in cigarettes if i don't have money
>show me what you've got, boys
>they both start meowing in monotone voices for like a minute
>not even synchronizing
>pull a pack of cigs that for some reason i have on me and "pay" them
>yagami opens the pack
>both guys look very disappointed
>the pack is only half full
>"why, didn't you enjoy our meowing?"
>show them middle finger
>their faces change, they look like they're about to murder me
>run away from them as fast as i can
>not even looking back
No. 708450
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Yesterday, I had a dream about my ex-friend coming back.
She made new accounts in the sites where we used to talk and then apologized for the way she treated us, even saying the she wanted to return to be a girl.
Many emotions came at the moment, she didn't say anything about me personaly, but I knew that part of her post was also reffering to me.
I didn't know if I wanted to forgive her, but I also wanted to talk to her, the last thing I remember was that I was typing something, I don't remember what it was, I didn't even send it, but I was very nervious and then I woke up.
I need a hug.
No. 708746
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I uhhhh dont have anyone I can tell this irl but I had a dream last night that I saw a movie with my family about a virtual video game you could play that followed the lives of children exploring and developing sexuality and in the end it was this bleak final reveal that the children had been sexually abused (and that was why they were developing sexually so early) and the viewer/player being explicitly there for the abuse….why i saw it with my mom and my sisters i have no idea. I wasnt sexually abused as a child and I dont think about it happening to anyone unless I read about it, (and the only place that might happen is lolcow and I hardly ever go on /g/ or /ot/) but i think the abuse might have been a symbol of the psychological abuse that my dad put my family through growing up and my brain trying to convince me that we had all been traumatized by it. I cant think of any other explanation and I am still really disturbed that my brain came up with these images of children tho……………………………………………wtf
No. 709235
>>698049I have one “dreamland”, all my dreams take place in some or a few places in this town.. it’s an accumulation of several places form my home town, some completely imagined, & some from a town I lived in in Europe.
I always have terrible, realistic dreams of being abandoned by friends, getting lost driving (I don’t drive, so mostly I get lost because I have to take over driving from the backseat or passengers), stealing in shops or looking for something in an overhwhelimg shopping centre, of being at parties that have seemingly gone on for days being told what I did whilst drunk, of abusers doing weird shit & all sorts of anxious, hyper realistic vivid body feeling shit. I’m almost always lucid, but in a “go with it” dreamy kind of way, very confused a lot. ALL my dreams are linear, I will remember details from other dreams to connect dots while in a dream.
There’s basically a huge super highway that connects a rural town with an op shop, gas station, restaurant & few other shops on a dirt road; this leads to a forest area that has a “shack”/huge half demolished or renovated house with a slopping paddock where parties occur, there’s a beachside/main town with a Kmart & shopping complex, a water park is connected to the super highway & a hotel/airport/psych ward/construction site moves around around in these towns, usually in the main town connected to a leveled car park super market.
No. 709237
>>698049Also following on cuz I went on a dream world rant there… seems we are experiencing/experienced the same thing here.
I’m not doing well mentally, I look forward to the dream world I wish I could make more sense of it though. I also kind of wish it would stop so I can focus on my real life.
No. 709261
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I keep having dreams with small breeds of dogs. This time it was picrel
No. 712337
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I had a wet dream with young Tim Curry. I love my brain
No. 714497
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I had a dream that for Angelic Pretty's anniversary celebration they released a human-sized basket meant for a boyfriend to carry around his lolita girlfriend. Immediately upon this being announced not only did one of the models in the livestream erupt into screaming racial slurs in english, the entire board of /cgl/ was being spammed with racial slurs by angry gulls. I was one of the jannies and had to clean up the massive meltdown of spam and n-bombs which lasted an entire week.
The basket had something written on it, but I'm not sure what "Arc du Altair" means.
No. 715285
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I just had a dream about me getting posted here, there were like 4 posts about me being hypocritical kek, it was funny because I don’t use social media to vent about stuff, and I don’t really talk to lots of people even though I do bitch a lot about my life stuff with the few people I talk to.
The thing was that I got really, really stressed out in my dream because I couldn’t stop thinking oh shit, what am I going to do if someone won’t hire me when they find out I have a few posts about me on lolcow?! so I started trying to figure out just who was posting about me because I talk to like 3 people excluding my family.
No. 715299
I had a dream that I had to sot people into heaven or to hell. I worked at a desk and the people were waiting in a line in front of my desk to be sorted. There was a group of 3, idk how they were related. There were 2 women who looked about early 20s to late teens, and both of them went to heaven very easily, but there was this annoying toddler wearing an orange shirt with them. I would send it to hell because it was annoying, but I didn't want to send a kid to hell, so I asked a person next to me, they said 'well he isn't causing a scene or anything', so I was more inclined to send him to heaven, since I was the only one who found him annoying- I woke up before I knew what my final verdict was
I also had a dream where there was a cartoon-ish, bloody fight between everyone if a field. I think I also sexually assaulted a goy on a roof and I think his name was 'jew' or something (this isn't racebait, just my brain being weird)
No. 716821
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>>716817hahaha love this anon
No. 718782
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i had a harem dream out of nowhere. the setting was in a camp site that had a bigger version of my room as a party place. a bunch of guys and girls my age were playing outside, drinking, listening to music, walking and laughing. i was going back and forth between my kitchen and bed, where multiple guys accompanied me. they were all different but nice.
>tall, slim, tan dude with a buzzcut and beautiful green eyes flirts really hard and touches me, seems to be a fboy so i disengage, he is okay with it
>buff dude with ginger hair and beard asks me out on a date where he tries romancing me
>wants to buy us a boat date and have dinner
>i like him and want it to continue
>the previous tan hottie also asks me out
>we go and he is super sweet and the chemistry is insane
>i check his fb and he has got a gf! no way
>i decide to ignore him from then on
>another cutie appears and he is super friendly
>i crush on him instantly
>he's got shaggy blonde hair and always a bright smile
>he doesn't ask me out but shows me funny videos and talks with me
>the next day i want to spend alone because i am still disappointed in guy 1
>i check the blondie's fb and he is super precious
>group photos with many friends, drawings he made
>i hear my name being called outside the window
>i walk down swirly stairs to see blondie wants to show me a kitten and wants to go eat cake
No. 718821
>>718782what a nice and seemingly long(?) dream, anon! guess i'm just dead inside because i can't dream about men for a while now
i dreamed about a childhood female friend a few days ago and it had this weird sexual tension… first time i dreamed about a girl. confusing ngl
No. 718834
>>718821a psychologist would say that means you are somewhat gay
i wish i dated one of my childhood friends, back in the day i didn't know we were bi because of homophobic society
in my dream the tan guy was based on a military dude i knew online, and the ginger man a guy we played dnd with that has a gf irl
the type of men like blondie i met tend to be secretly insane and manipulative and also gay
No. 719421
Ok, this dream has had me fucked up ALL DAY
I was 14 again, at school, taking tests going to class and i'm feeling stressed, but not school stress it's something I can't quite figure out
suddenly i'm back home and now i'm even more anxious, my dad is calling me from the other room and my mum from upstairs but I can't bring myself to leave the room with the computer because i feel so anxious, and ashamed?
there's a knock at the front door and i'm compelled to rush to open it, and standing there is fucking greg. yeah. onision.
I step out onto the front of my house and keep the door mostly closed behind me so that my parents can't see, he's standing there beaming at me telling me he's here let's go and gesturing to a car, i tell him it's not a good time and he says 'ok thats fine i'll be back'
then i'm driving around the neighbourhood with my mum and I see him standing there at every corner, it was so fucking creepy
the funny part though was that even in my dream he was short and ugly
this isn't the first dream i've had with anxiety surrounding a mans presence. I had a job i left a year ago because a co worker was just a general piece of shit who got away with being racist towards my boyfriend and his family. in that dream I had to go back to work with him and he was just yelling at me and calling me a bitch in front of my friends, I tried to get away from him in the back room but the floor was made up of boards suspended by rope and i was too scared to stand on it in case i fell
No. 722860
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>>709261Same anon, picrel.
This time I was looking out on the street from a window and saw an older woman walking a shiba inu puppy called Theresa (I heard her call the name). When the dog wouldn't respond and come to the owner but just continue sniffing around, the woman gave up and just walked down the street, seemingly leaving it behind. So I went out on the street and played with it. Its fur was wet with snow
No. 723798
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>be me, black
>at therapist meeting, therapist is white woman
>go off on a spergy rant about how much i love doom and how glory (melee) killing demons is so satisfying
>"seems like you have strong violent tendencies, anon, not at all uncommon among people of your race"
i know she would never say anything like that so why does my brain do this?
No. 725971
>>725967When I was a sexually frustrated teenager I'd get a loooot of rape dreams. To the point that a lot of my friends thought I had a rape kink (I don't)
So I don't know if that's also your case. I haven't had one in years.
No. 729374
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I had a dream today that elon musk lived on my road for some reason and where he lived was also like a hq for space and science stuff and i was walking down the road outside his house trying to swallow some medication i take but i forgot water so i couldn't swallow it so i ran into elon's house and he got me some water. then we started talking and he was kinda flirting with me which i secretly liked (i find elon hot rip) and then that was it. then i have to go to the science space hq thing turns out he signed me up for working there even though im really bad at math and stuff so i was like wtf. then the dream ended
No. 742422
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Maybe I’ve been playing genshin impact a bit too much.
I dreamt that I was at my grandma’s house with my whole family, specially two of my aunts, they were talking and just hanging out with my mom and the rest of my family.
The thing is that I was downloading some games from something like a playstation store, but in my laptop, so I started downloading anything that seemed cute, even mods or games that could be overlapped with genshin, I made some team because the looked cute, there were some weird ass characters that were traps with Kim kardashian hips and bulges, but I didn’t mind because their outfits matched with my favorite genshin husbando.
But then i left my laptop to talk to some girl from my old high school, she was happy, in a petty way, that another girl from our school got pregnant, and I was feeling extremely weirded out by that, but she kept talking about the “signs” and the “proof” she had of it.
I left that weird greenhouse and went back home, my aunts gave me my laptop and I checked wether I left the game app open or not.
I left it open, my aunts and even my mom fixed my teams and deleted some of the traps and coomer characters but left the less coomer-like that matched with my husbando.
They also made a huge ass team or picture with some characters with matching outfits that looked pretty nice.
I deleted a bunch of those games and kept the non-coomer ones, which were just a few, like 3 or 4 of the almost 20 games I downloaded.
Having long and detailed dreams somehow makes me feel so tired afterwards.
No. 743465
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I dreamed that I was in middle school again except I was going undercover and had a male disguise, it looked ok if I wore a facemask but underneath it I had monster jaws and teeth for some reason. I also had a graying beard. I was together with my former classmates and we were supposed to take some supplementary classes because we were doing badly so we searched around the school for our classroom and I entered one classroom and Devin Townsend was in it sitting at a desk and writing, and I asked him "Is this the classroom for special needs students?" And he said no, so I asked "Then what are you doing here?" And he laughed. It doesn't make sense now, but I think I tried to imply he has special needs in my dream. I feel bad about it
No. 745058
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So since we're talking about dream sensations: does anyone else have the issue of food never tasting good in dreams? I've heard other people discuss really awesome food dreams, but any time I eat in a dream, it just tastes skanky, like I'm tasting the inside of my mouth. Sex is always good though.
No. 745191
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>>745026The dream didn't even end, we were literally interrupted by a random guy (who kinda looked like a former security agent from my job). Weirdly enough I got another subsequent dream
where I was an elf getting fucked by an orc where sex did happen, I probably shouldn't try to make sense of my dreams.
No. 751819
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I dreamed that my friend passed her exam, and that I found some really cool fabric for this armchair that I'm planning to reupholster like in pic related
No. 754744
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I dreamt about hanging out with my best friend at her home, but it wasn’t really her home, it was the home of another girl I used to know.
The thing is that we were talking with some sort of aunts of hers, it was something about a movie and some cream I had to put on.
Then my best friend changed her clothes, she was putting on some pajamas to match mine, I hugged her because I wanted to walk by the shore at night.
We went out and there were a bunch of kids picking crabs because they wanted to cook them, my friend and I helped them and it was suddenly midday.
I saw a bunch of really crusty and ant infested men that were cleaning up some boats, they were trying to scare me showing me their teeth full of ants and weird rust but I told them it wasn’t scary because it was dumb to show me such things.
For some reason, one of my husbandos held me by the waist and told me that he wouldn’t let them bother me.
I was back at my best friend’s house having some delicious blend of tea that had Lilly, chamomile and lavender, I could smell the scents and even taste the tea, even though I’ve never had Lilly tea, it was amazing and I think my best friend liked it too.
No. 756508
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>>756503>Timm's identical twin Tomate Probably a typo but holy
No. 761859
I had this weird dream about my high school crush.
We were at some huge ass expedition, he approached me because he wanted to be friendly with me, we talked for a while and then it was like a few months passed by in my dream.
I was in the middle of a briefing when I noticed something in my notebook, it was scribbled at the first page, I was weirded out because I wouldn’t do something like that.
Then my high school crush talked to me again and told me that he did those because he thought it was a friendly way to talk with me, for some reason.
The expedition got really cold, I was supposed to look down this huge window/door that reached the floor of the flying ship, I was freezing and nothing was of help.
I ended up going to the closest town with the rest of the team, I helped some people pick sardines in cans.
I think I talked to my high school crush again, but I don’t really remember what was that about, it was weird.
No. 762143
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Had a dream where some big movie director (like Martin Scorsese but it wasn't him, can't remember who it was though) announced a tv/streaming series and everyone was super hyped about it because big movie director
Ad@m Dr*ver had a minor role in it as a hot priest and was even the last thing to show up in the teaser and people lost their shit about it, including here
It was called Class (or something like that) and it was a big budget drama series. I think the title alluded about "human classes", like ecclesiastical, military, etc etc
It was mainly filmed in the US but I think there were some scenes also filmed in Europe, mostly Portugal.
I'd watch it.
No. 762181
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I have a LifeProof phone case that has become unusable from wear and tear. I sent them an email for a replacement before sleeping. In my dream an Indian man from their customer service dept. replied to my email accusing me of getting the dates I bought the case wrong meaning I couldn’t possibly have one, and never having a case to begin with. It was a very long email with 5 points made about me lying to get a free phone case (all easily refuted) and he used curse words as well. It was basically an email impossible to exist from a large company to a customer. I was going to reply with photographs of my case, and a receipt from the store I bought the case from, but first I needed to close all the windows in an apartment that doesn’t exist because I was being watched. Then I went to the new bathroom that had been installed to take selfies. Before writing a response email I laid on a recliner in what I’d assume is my bedroom and my mother showed up to congratulate me with tv cameras and Usher behind her. He had just released DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love. Usher then pushed on my ribcage with one massive fucking hand to give me singing lessons on international TV, pushing me into the couch cushion. I was forced to sing michael jackson “hee hee”s as he bruised my ribcage but I tried to laugh because I thought that would be better than failing to hit the notes on live television.
No. 764212
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I had a dream that pic related was my abusive boyfriend
No. 765889
I dreamed of me and my dead friend walking down a street in the summer, we were crossing an y intersection in the road. I remember our outfits really clearly for some reason, she was wearing an A shaped light denim skirt and a white puffy formless top like the ones that are in fashion right now, and her hair was in a bun, I don't think she ever wore her hair in a bun. I remember feeling good about my outfit, and I was wearing a black tshirt and a dark miniskirt with a grid pattern and its shape was like a bell. I had some string draped around me instead of a belt. I remember the heat emanating from the pavement and I was practicing metal screams while walking down the street for some reason. I sounded just like Jens Kidman. Then we passed by a record store and I saw some Meshuggah records that I didn't recognize in it and I remarked to my friend "look they have meshuggah in here! I love meshuggah!" (I'm sorry, it's me the annoying meshuggahposter.) and then we continued on our path down the street.
I'm happy I got to see my friend in my dream again, when I dream about her 50% of the time it's like nothing happened but the other 50% I keep wondering how she is alive and in that case it always turns out that she faked her death and moved away and tried to keep it a secret from me from some reason.
A few days before that I dreamed of the guy I liked in high school and I was being really clingy with him and he was just ignoring me all the time, I even rode behind him on a motorbike, but he was just cold towards me so I wasn't happy. I woke up really frustrated and thought, that's what you get for simping.
>>762143I would watch it too and I don't even care about Adam Driver (maybe just a little)
No. 770198
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In my dream, my brother got me this huge ass burger tower for lunch, I wasn’t hungry because I had indigestion but I still tried heating it in the microwave so I could eat it or he would get mad at me and never get me stuff from anywhere.
I dropped it and I was like “oh no, I dropped my tower of burgers” and proceeded to pick it up to eat it.
No. 777375
I had a really long weird dream with a lot of strange elements (e.g. an entire town made up only of legos in Switzerland that would take three whole days to explore in it's entirety with a monorail system, my parents and I stealing a Tesla, visiting their friends who owned a beach front home and watching people do honestly weird as fuck shit in the ocean). The biggest thing though was my dog "disappearing" in my dream. We were in our apartment and she was just… gone. I didn't actually see her anywhere in my dream, but I knew she would be at home but whenever I asked my parents where she was, they would basically shrug and say "who knows?". She's very old in real life and does not have the physical capacity to run off anywhere, so my dream self kept thinking "There's no way she ran off. If she ran out the front door we would've definitely seen her" but no one would give me any answers as to where she was.
It was like my subconscious was heavily hinting to me that she was dead. When we stole the Tesla in my dream, there was a dog in there. The dog's original owner didn't want him anymore and we kept him, but I broke down crying at some point asking where my dog was. Even if she was dead, where was her body? In real life, I bought a grave plot for her in a pet cemetery, and in the dream I yelled out about how upset I was because we didn't even have a body to lay to rest. I woke up really upset about it.
No. 777574
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>dream that I'm in my room lying in bed
>everything has a really dark and eerie atmosphere
>a tall, thin, and pale-skinned man with black hair enters my room
>he climbs into bed with me and I wrap my arms around him
>proceed to have multiple dream sequences of this man entering my room and having sex with me
>I try to get out of bed and walk out of my room but it feels like my left eye is sewn shut and my vision is failing
>keep getting transported back to my bed
>see my mom in the hallway and there's this mass of darkness behind her where my sister's room would be at. I feel vaguely afraid of it.
>try to leave my room one more time to meet my mom in the living room
>I manage to get to the couch where she is watching TV but I can't see or open my eyes
>I'm back in my bed facing the wall
>wake up in the morning in the exact same position
This was probably some type of sleep paralysis but I woke up feeling like I got visited by an incubus. You know what the sex part wasn't even bad, it was enjoyable even. If he's real I wouldn't mind if he comes back again tonight.
No. 789544
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i dreamed that i was in this huge, incredible bookstore and bought a cool book and now im sad bc neither the store nor the book actually exist irl
No. 789790
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I had a dream I was being forced to marry some prince guy. He was originally a beast and transformed into a man again when he met me by chance. Saying he knew me from a time before, and after that I was essentially imprisoned in a gilded cage. Kept in a luxurious room with another woman, who seemed deleriously happy and was of no help to me. It was kind of a nightmare, with everyone around me so happy for me and saying how wonderful it all is. I wanted to escape, but was completely trapped and afraid of what might happen if I were to be caught attempting to make an escape. At one point I was able to climb outside and crawl along the wall of the place they were keeping me in, but it was over a cliffside and the other side was a guarded bridge. I had to stealthily crawl my way back into the room avoiding being seen by any guards. I tried contacting some people I know, but when I got in touch with them they all just talked about how happy they were for me too.
Towards the end of my dream, the prince came to see me again just before we were to be married. I became completely frenzied and jumped on him, screaming at him how I didn't want this. Just full on screaming in his face over and over how I didn't want this and how I just wanted him to leave me alone and to go home. It was very stressful, and I could feel myself falling into complete panic mixed with crazed anger as I raged. But he was just looking at me and pleasantly smiling through all this. Shortly after the dream ended.
I am a lesbian to add some context to the dream.
No. 790275
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Yesterday I dreamed that it was really hot and I was getting ready for college and searching for clothes in my wardrobe but I had a hard time finding something that wouldn't be too hot to wear. I picked out this outfit I drew. It was an awful outfit and I was late for college in the end
Today I dreamed a lot of random strings of events but one I remember clearly was Vivec speaking in some weird slang and asking me and some other people questions like in a game show. Before I went to sleep I thought "I hope I see lord vivec in my dreams" and my wish came true I guess but I hope next time it won't be so weird
No. 790737
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>>790727This is a really interesting dream.
Do you feel that your aunts visit has destroyed a part of your identity (losing the tattoo), perhaps your integrity? As you have been taught to dislike this person (wisely or not) yet where forced to compromise your values in order to appease her. Kind of chipping away at yourself and also degrading (eg being pissed on). Idk if your aunt really has a brown Labrador but that could be a symbol for the elephant in the room. Perhaps your mother and aunts unresolved conflict.
No. 790760
>>790737Some of my moms family are weirdly up themselves. They have skeletons in their past but are still somehow super judgemental and you have to tip toe around reality just to keep them happy.
I think my self esteem issues are rooted in that family dynamic and the themes of getting pissed on, biting my tongue about it and then losing something that I value as part of my own identity.. those themes make a lot of sense to me. As a kid I felt particularly small and lesser-than whenever I was dragged around certain family members.
No. 792889
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I had a dream of my crush yesterday morning. I still hid my feelings for him like i do irl because im still a pussy even in my fantasies but my crush was doing things and sending strong signals that they liked me. While we were interacting in my dream I felt this really intense feeling in my chest, I wasnt blushing nor did I feel embarrassed just a nice warm tight chest feeling. Ended up waking up feeling satisfied and happy because my dream version of my crush reciprocated my feelings despite us never confessing to each other.
I dont wanna forget that chest feeling…
No. 792996
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>>785992I'm the other anon who had an incubus-like dream further up the thread, and right now I'm keking at the thought that if such a thing were real, these entities are quite literally more sensual and respectful of consent than a good portion of human males. I thought you motherfuckers were supposed to be evil.
No. 795949
If I'm an adult college drop out who has only ever dreamed about being in + my peers from primary / middle school, am I mentally delayed? Or is it just because I was there longer? It kind of bugs me.
I dreamed I was in a lesbian club in my middle school (with women from all areas of my life but they all seemed the same age as me and were all gay even though their real life counterparts weren't) and I could float. Floating was really easy, it was kind of like the feeling of intentionally unfocussing my eyes and slowly steering myself in the right direction. Usually my flying dreams include my legs pedaling like I'm on a bike so this was a welcome departure. Everyone in the lesbian club was either ignoring me or being really short and snippy as they put up pride decorations and took out the bins, which I felt was justified as I had been mean to them (I don't remember the being mean, but I remembered remembering it), so I floated out. I couldn't float anywhere else in the dream.
In the corridor, there were 4 women in their early to mid twenties who were training to be gym teachers and discussing how posture made students respect you more, and how one of them was eating a honeydew melon as she walked into class which made that class lose all respect for her. They were very nice and giggly and made my dream self (who had stopped floating) improve her posture.
Then I walked down a few more hallways and sat in a classroom at a desk near the door / windows so I could see the hallway. There were a few other students in other classrooms and June La Porta / Sh0e on head (who I have watched not one video of an have only taken a cursory glance of the thread of) was wandering through the corridors. We struck up a conversation, and she was really nice and really funny. I knew her name was June, but everyone else was calling her Shoe, so I asked why. She said something about how she had no idea and she wanted everyone to call her Sweet George instead (in a tone of voice where I could tell it was a joke but she also seemed genuinely to want to be called Sweet George. I knew instinctively it was short for Sweet George Washington).
Then, I was in the upper stairwell of a history museum with Nardole from Doctor Who, and Luke and Rani from The Sarah Jane Adventures. Sarah Jane (who isn't a timelord so IDK why she was in my dream) had regenerated into a man and Luke was sort of whining about being genetically engineered as we all hung on the railings and tried not to be carried off by a gigantic alien-initiated flood of water. We were unscathed and just gently carried down the stairs.
I was outside in a field with a guy, and I knew I was also a guy now. I also knew that I looked like an Archie Comic illustration, as did my unknown male companion. As we walked along the field, we saw a monster. It looked like bad CGI but felt very real, it had the body of a gorilla and the head of an ostrich, and it charged at us in a way that felt like both it and us were wading through treacle. It knocked us down a few times, but then I realized to defeat it, we needed to sort of Freddy Kruger it and picture ourselves ripping it apart and not be afraid. We did, and then I remember thinking how it looked wrong and sexual to be beating up a gorilla-ostrich and how readers of the comic would take it out of context.
Then I was a real person again, but still male & the CEO (?) of a popular museum / tourist trap, and I was being interviewed about introducing a merch line of these adorable little pastel vinyl figurines. The people pitching it to me seemed scammy and I told them I wanted to ask my advertising expert, who was Riff Raff from the Rocky Horror Picture Show and who was being a waiter at a restaurant table. He sneered at the vinyl figures and as the scammy sales people left he said we could produce something better quality and cheaper for us and the customers. The scammers wanted to sell the figure for £2.30, but wanted us to give them most of the profits and pay them a lot for licensing.
And then my cat scratched at the door really loudly and I woke up. I do usually remember my dreams, but not this extensively and they're not usually unrelated vignettes like this. I enjoyed it, though, and I really wanted to share it before I forgot, so sorry if this is rambly.
No. 795954
>>795949>I knew instinctively it was short for Sweet George WashingtonAh yes, of course, that makes perfect sense /s
I love dream knowledge, it's always so self-assured in its silliness
No. 802654
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I had a dream that I got plastic surgery and the surgeon was Boris Karloff.
No. 803305
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At the ver last part of my dream, I remember dreaming about being a young anime nun (kinda like pic related, the style was very refined and painterly) and I remember I was praying in one room, until I decide to see what was happening at the main chapel (it was a very large church), only to witness that the priest was quietly killing the people praying on the pews with their heads down with a dagger.
I started running and praying, convincing myself he was only doing it to non believers and possessed people. I went to a small chapel in the church, and hid myself very well inside a floor level wall cupboard. There was barely any light going inside that and since it was floor level, most people didn't even notice it.
I was trying to make what was happening on the chapel by looking in the gaps between the door and wall, but it was too small. I just heard sounds and I think he even called my name and I just kept praying and I knew God would protect me. I woke up before anything happened.
I am not religious at all, but it was a cool and scary dream.
No. 803855
>>756503This is my favourite tv drama dream and now im in hysterics <3
In my last NICE dream, I was in this old style town i visited irl that's nestled in between hills, with old stone bridges and cute streets. I was with this girl from school and we were waiting for the sunny
hair salon we worked at to open, and passing time by talking and eating chocolate. And it was super tasty. Not that deep or interesting, but I want dream chocolate again!
>>803767 me too, I have those dreams a lot except last time it was Miss Trunchbull instead of zombie. Don't go to bed stressed ♥️
No. 811922
>>811878Usually flying dreams indicate feeling confident/ in control in life so it probably means something is going on that is making you feel out of control. Maybe you feel like something is almost going right in your life but you feel uncertain about it.
I can semi-lucid dream. It usually comes when Im having a nightmare, I suddenly remember I'm just dreaming and I can change what happens. I don't really understand the mechanisms for it but I do regularly think and share my dreams with my partner the next morning. From my recollection writing down dreams helps train your brain to recognize signs your dreaming. Also doing things like looking at yourself in the mirror and stating that you are awake can train yourself to ask that question in your dream, and if you look weird in the mirror you'll know its a dream. Idk if any of that helps but it is really cool to lucid dream so if you can do it. Its kind of a confidence boost irl being able to do anything in an alternate universe of the sorts. Best of luck nonnybabe
No. 812986
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I had a wet dream in which I was giving link, one of my husbandos, a titjob however you write that it was retarded, he looked too cute and he didn’t know what to do with his hands, I’m glad he didn’t pat my head or something stupid like that, he was just absolutely cute.
This was probably my first wet dream about him in 25 years.
No. 813159
>>812986ugh I'm so JEALOUS why can't that be me??? I want to fuck BOTW link soooo bad
Who's your favorite link anon?
No. 813183
I dreamed that a guy who goes to college with me was staying in my brother's bedroom for some reason and I thought, "he is the most perfect guy ever, all girls and even boys had a crush on him, how could I ever have a chance with him? I'm the most useless charmless person ever. I shouldn't bother him." But I wanted to show him some records that were in my brother's room because I knew he liked some of them but also I didn't want to bother him so I acted disinterested.
It really sucked. I thought I was averagely confident in real life but I realized from my dream that I always think of worthless when it comes to making friends or love. I mean, I am good at a lot of things, and my friends say I am nice, but I often think, who would want to be friends with me? I may be good at doing cool things but that doesn't make me an interesting person, someone people would like to spend time or talk with. I mean, I don't want to make more friends, but I don't want to be a drag and boring to the friends I have. Sorry for blogpost.
No. 813195
>>813159I think the link I fucked
tit fucked? was an HD version of adult ocarina of time link! He’s actually my absolute favorite with the fierce deity, i hope you can get a nice dream about your favorite link,
No. 813257
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>be me
>be me but in a dream
>im shopping, looks like a dark superstore, stage lights instead of normal lighting
>wheeling my cart around and bumping into people for the lulz
>zendaya notices me and smiles at me, so im super happy
>reach the butter aisle, the best aisle there is (my fave aisle)
>i try to pick up butter, but knock all the butters off the shelves
>butter on the floor
>try to pick up butter, fall and squash many butters
>sliding around in multiple packets of butter, knees are greasy, shoppers are mumbling in disdain
>zendaya no longer wants me, she sees me sliding around pathetically
>and i am wet with butter
>wake up
>wet with menstrual blood
No. 814460
This trump coworker that I have, he responded in a nasty manner to me in an email chain with all of my coworkers, so I called him a racist pedophile, and then he started acting very indignant, calling me a racist and making a big deal about emailing HR and getting half of a paycheck for emotional damage or whatever and how he wouldn't stop until he made no one else was affected by my racism again (ie making sure I was fired). I remember feeling like he had my promotion in the palm of his hand and feeling like I majorly fucked up.
Eventually I responded back with an apology and he responded back with a racist caricature of a black person jigging to a song in a KFC outfit and tried to act like he was being persecuted, but he did kind of imply that he hadn't sent the email yet. I remember in my dream, my bf asked me what I'd respond with to that, and I said "Nothing, now he's just egging me on and being super openly racist". Again, I DM'd him and asked what I could do. He messaged back:
>"I won't send the email on two conditions, but you have to agree to them. 1. You can't listen to rap anymore ever and 2. You have to go my listen to this song on soundcloud".
I remember reading that message out to my friend and we both started cackling and hooting because he literally dropped his soundcloud link, it was some douchebag country pop music.
Anyways, I responded back with:
>"Okay, done. 1. I can always listen to dubstep, it's similar enough and 2. Okay I'll listen."
Then I woke up because my arm was uncomfortable.
No. 814518
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>nuclear war causes end of the world
>very few have survived but I somehow managed to
>hiding out in an old abandoned mansion with some other people
>radiation from nukes causes every single tampon and pad I've personally ever used to come to life
>they are not happy and want revenge on me
>pads fly towards mansion flapping their wings like birds
>the tampons ride the pads
>lock all the doors and windows before they can get here
>some people are stuck outside of the mansion
>tampons and pads kill them all
>gaps below doors are too big
>pads manage to squeeze through the gaps
>they kill everyone in the mansion
No. 816467
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Does anyone have recurring dreams in the same place even if that place doesn't exist? I keep having dreams that I'm at the mall, except the mall isn't one that I've been to before. It's a really recent thing, but I'll just have random dreams that happen to take place at an enormous, really nice shopping mall. I've had so many dreams about it that I can map out the different areas it's like some weird alternate reality mallverse that I live in kek.
I've also been having a lot of dreams of going to waterparks with friends. Sometimes there's a crossover and the waterpark is in the mall.
No. 816473
>>815519Well, since my grandma and uncle died a month ago, I’ve been dreaming more about them, we mostly do stuff we couldn’t do, like, my uncle got a job, while he was alive he was too depressed and drunk to better himself. And grandma came back to my home to make food for my dog, who she loved a lot.
I think they’re probably the best dreams ever.
No. 816480
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>>816467Yes, I used to have dreams of a city that doesn't exist and it had a few locations that I would visit. There were two malls (one of which was underground and "secret") and a smaller store with all sorts of rarities. It was also not a normal city, there was a lot of surreal stuff going on. In the earliest dreams I would get lost in the city, but then I became used to it.
No. 817226
I dreamt I was sitting in the sun outside of a theme park flirting with a pretty guy with green hair, colourful tattoos and a septum piercing. We eventually kissed and his breath wasn't great but because of dream logic this was okay, then we played with his little black fluffy kitten and I jokingly made him to wear a heavy choker necklace
I woke up sad because when I was younger I was too shy to approach cute punk guys but now most decent men my age look boring, I'm in a good LTR now but if that ever ends then any available men will be nothing like the QT from my dream. Reality sucks
No. 821382
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I dreamt that I was reading something about some really embarrassing Obey Me event, I was mad because I didn’t play the event and I was trying to look for some screenshots or something, but nobody wanted to talk about it because the event was extremely awkward.
People were posting on different social media about it as if it was some super secret thing within the fandom and I just wanted to know what the hell was that all about.
Even the official Twitter account apologized for the fucking event but didn’t say the name, it just said something like
>we apologize for the inconvenience
And I instantly opened the game hoping to find something but it was like usual, just with a new opening.
I haven’t even played Obey Me for like, 3 months.
No. 821995
Well I had an interesting dream, and really long, it was like living in a movie.
I was with “my family” I was somehow adopted by a family that had 3 girls, I was the older sister, so I wanted to always make sure they were fine, my sister loved me and I loved them. Mom and dad were like when in Hollywood they as for typical American actors, the mom was pretty, wore comfy clothes, had short hair and was energetic while the dad was always tired and looked a bit like a fatty and kind of depressed.
We were supposed to go out on a trip, we went to some travel agency and there I saw a kid, I was my age now, so I felt weirded out when the kid, who was probably 16, was trying to hit on me.
I avoided him and focused on my sisters, they were a pair of twins that were around 14 years old and a toddler, I tried to distract them because they were getting bored, but the annoying kid kept creeping on us.
My mom of the dream was growing inpatient because the travel agency was taking too long, and we were just about to pay.
She was friends with the director, an amputee man of color, he was cool and nice, he let my sisters play around and such. My mom of the dream picked him up because she wanted to make a joke, and we got kicked out of the travel agency.
We were walking home because it somehow was close by, and a guy from the travel agency approached us.
He wanted to give my toddler sister a gift, I told him no, because it was creepy as fuck and we just wanted to go back home. The guy started trying to talk to my sister and I carried her and told him to fuck off, I made my little sister go inside with my other sisters and they kind of ran away.
I told the guy that I was sick of his creeping and that he wasn’t allowed to get close to my sister, he said something about my parents of the dream and I got furious, I told him that they loved us all equally and that he didn’t have any business to do in our house.
Then I was walking on my own, and trying to avoid the 16 years old moid, I wanted to cool down before going back home because I was the emotional support in my house, my parents of the dream needed me and my sisters too.
I saw some cool looking cars and thought “nice” and then I bumped with yet another moid, he was the same age as the other moid, but the first one was emo and the new one was more like an annoying anime protagonist.
I told him that I was sorry and he told me that it was okay, we talked for a while, I was treating him like an autistic little brother, ignoring everything he said, just nodding and saying “I see” as much as I could so I could go back home and do some damage control.
He told me something about the cars he sounded like the Ghosts’ stories English dub kid I looked in their direction but there was nothing, then I looked at the kid and next to him was a way too hot guy.
The guy was taller than me and had a split skin color, like as if he had vitiligo or something, like those bad art thread oc’s donut steel but actually hot and his voice was like grilled pineapple and thick honey.
He asked me if he could get cover for a while, his friend was too obnoxious and it was bad for his mission.
I obviously said yes, I mean, it was like living in an American action movie, so it didn’t matter.
I was mesmerized by the hot guy, I guided him through the house, I treated them like friends.
The house was huge, it had three floors and an attic, my room was in the third floor and my parents of the dream shared the second floor with my sisters.
Firstly I checked my littlest sister room, she put towels on the slit between the door and the floor, which meant she wanted to be alone, so I let her be.
My twin sisters were already asleep in their room as well, so checked on my parents and they as well were asleep even if it was just 6:00 pm.
I went to my room upstairs and turned on the tv, there was some random movie, the kid was looking around the stuff in my room and I remembered just what happened at the traveling agency.
I sighed and the hot robot guy asked me if everything was alright.
I told him that I was just a bit tired and he got closer to me, he touched my face and he said that I didn’t need to worry about it because there were other things to worry about, like resting.
I suddenly felt relaxed, I liked looking into his eyes, one blue and the other green, he was too perfect looking. He actually pecked my lips and he told me it was something he learnt in movies, that everyone always cheered up when it happened.
I was actually impressed because it had been a long time since I got a kiss from anyone, so he asked me if it was okay and I just hugged him, I guess I needed some extra attention.
And that’s as far as I remember, so yeah, I finally got an alien robot boyfriend, probably a cybertronian, so that’s nice.
No. 824906
>>819368glad I wrote this here, I had another dream about break-ins and cats last night
this time it was a mentally unwell woman who broke in and instead of killing my dream cat she brought two more cats with her. she went downstairs and was walking around talking to herself in the basement. I was upstairs trying to get the elderly cats set up with litter boxes and food/water while I talked on the phone with police. I was very clear that she wasn't being aggressive and probably just needed to go to a hospital instead of jail because fuck police they don't know how to handle mentally ill people
I understand the break-ins but I don't understand why there are cats involved
No. 825616
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Whenever I eat carbs, I have nightmares. I've been eating carbs nonstop, so today's nightmare was lolcow themed.
I dreamt about the biggest raid lolcow has ever seen, the site was literally unusable. Around like 500 scrotes were raiding, posting gore, violent porn, CP and videos of themselves masturbating, destroying shit and pissing on stuff. It was so awful, I remember accidentally clicking on the site and it was so slow and probably full of malware as well, I couldn't even close it properly as someone was approaching the room I was in. It was awful, chaotic, disgusting and obviously criminal. I remember feeling really bad that we had finally lost our female imageboard for good.
No. 827572
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>>827426Baby, if we're not mentally ill why are we here?
No. 827885
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I had a dream where I was David Duchovny and I was a retired super hero going back to business to train a bunch of younger supes.
I was losing my powers (and nobody knew) and spend most of my money trying to find a cure for it so I was so broke that I had to move with my estranged son, his wife and baby daughter.
My son was a douche but his wife was very sweet to me even when she would spout some stuff about not liking heroes.
I had a partner and it was Woody Harrelson.
We were always stationed together and he had the same set of powers as me (superstrenght and nigh invulnerability). He figured I was losing my powers as soon as we had a mission and I had to lift a car off a guy but could barely move it. He decided to help me pretend I still had any control over my powers and we grew closer.
I don't remember much of what happened next but I think people realized I had almost no powers? I think I messed up something and it was on national news and I was fired and felt so ashamed that I was getting in a bus to leave but Woody stopped me and I woke up as he kissed me passionately.
I can't stop thinking about it now. Why, of all the people I could've dreamed of, it was David Duchovny and Woody Harrelson? Why this pairing? It's driving me nuts
No. 828439
>>827780I've had this same stress dream lmao.
I dreamt that I accidentally shared a photo of me and everyone here identified me then somehow obtained alot of cringey info on me and you all really went in on it. I even dreamt that I asked the mods to take down my full name and they replied "kek"
No. 828442
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Had a dream last night where I flew out from my country to Philadelphia just to exclusively go to Trader Joe's and fill up a few suitcases with some of their exclusive products. I've never been to the US or TJ's..
No. 829304
those giant round robots from the Incredibles, but they were aliens coming back to earth because they had set up these ritual sites on earth thousands of years ago and were coming back to activate them. it was going to open a gate or create some object they needed (just finished rewatching FMAB of course) and they were killing any humans they could find in the process.
I was trapped in a shopping mall that reoccurs in my dreams, I was a 12 year old child, my family and I were trying to escape with another family we were close with. we were also working with police but also still shopping kek. also Markiplier and Jacksepticeye and Crankgameplays were around, at one point we were standing in that luxury purse store and I had a tiny black snake curled around my finger and we were all trying to take pictures of it but none of them came out well.
We were strategizing how to hide and then escape because the robots were flooding the bottom floors and killing anyone who made it to the roof. this is when we were working with police. also I had some dumb end-of-the-world tween romance thing going on with one of the kids from the other family and even in the dream I was like THERE'S NO TIME FOR THIS SHIT.
We made it out of the mall, at one point we were on the beach trying to get onto a boat, but the aliens were causing tsunamis so we decided to take a bus with other families to our cabin in the woods that was stocked to hide out in for a while. We got to the cabin. I had a gun. The police officer next to me, I asked her before we got out of the car if she wanted her gun that was lying on the floor, and she said No, and I was like are you serious???? take your fucking gun. This is the apocalypse.
Everyone started running into the woods but my friend from the other family couldn't find any of his family. He was just standing there screaming for his dad. My dad (read: not my real dad. dream dad. I was not myself) was standing at the trunk gathering his supplies and I was collecting firewood, so I went around the car and my friend's dad was sitting on a workbench with his head in his hands freaking out. He was covered in blood and freaking the fuck out because the rest of his family had been killed in the mall. I remember trying to decide if I should tell my friend that his dad was here, because his dad was falling apart and I didn't want it to upset him even more, so I told him to talk to my dad so I could talk more with his secretly. Last thing I remember is my father shouting at me to run to the cabin, and wondering why more families hadn't taken firewood with them since there was plenty left. I remember knowing that most of them weren't going to survive.
there was a lot more going on but that's the main story, one of those dreams you wake up from and just lie there for 20 minutes ruminating
No. 829349
>>828439> I asked the mods to take down my full name and they replied "kek"They absolutely would
I get anxiety dreams like this every time the mods out someone's posts so I think I'm having then now because of the creepshowart drama
No. 829732
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I had a dream yesterday that sounds morbid af but that when I dreamt it it felt cartoonish
I dreamt I was some guy (I think I was a boy in that dream for some reason) with two friends and some dude offered us 50'000 $$$ for my deceased grandma's corpse and we were like "heck yeah money" and we gave him the corpse and got the money and I went to a (regular) local supermarket but I started feeling conflicted about it cuz I had no idea what he wanted the corpse for and what he was gonna do with it and I think I got out of the supermarket unsure if I should ask the corpse back and I see the guy with the corpse wearing fishnets and red heels. Then I think the dream just morphed into a different plot
I kinda semi forgot about it for most of the day but then I was thinking about it and realised how messed up it was
No. 830557
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Dreamed last night my sister and I were playing some sort of Barbie game on the GameCube or N64. It started off as some basic bitch Barbie game with going stuff like shopping to collect things at the mall or a snow boarding challenge but slowly devolved into more twisted settings the more the levels progressed. Eventually the levels were taking place in meat caverns and pulsating flesh walls as Barbie descended further down each level of hell
No. 830791
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I dreamt that I was in summer camp (?) and my crush was there, but then I went to the woods near where I live, and suddenly I was Perry the platypus. Also, it was some sort of video game thing and one of the guys we had to fight was named "Evil Sneed" that looked basically like picrel, and in the last level he appeared I guess he was depressed and was basically like "welp, I guess I'm just evil, I guess you guys should just kill me" but we felt bad for him.
No. 831820
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>>831431Really? I'm glad you liked it. This is kinda cringe but while I was looking at the man he looked like a drawing, he had a black outline and he was colored brightly, but he had normal non-anime proportions.
Anyway I tried to draw one of his paintings. Of course I don't remember it and it looked better in my dream but I remember bright colors and a swirly shape. There was 5 of them on a wall, the black parts were more like huge brushstrokes but I don't have an adequate brush on gimp
No. 832302
>>831820Interesting! Impressive that you even remembered that much.
Last night I dreamt I was running a summercamp and Aragorn was helping me. He wasn't actually much help cause he was so in-character, but it was cool to have him around
No. 833538
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I ended up being posted on the Lolcow board in a misguided attempt to help an old frenemy with her ED,which was for some reason being featured on a reality TV show (probably because I was reading up on Jazz Jenning's messed up TLC show the night prior).
I tried to point out how wrong it was but made a cow of myself instead. I was really embarrassed but then this girl in an RV offered to let me travel with her to escape the shame. We did some shrooms and weed every now and again and drove place to place.
I want that dream back. I might've made a spectacle of myself on the internet, but I miss RV gf.
No. 835541
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Last night I fell in love with a guy in my dream but I don't remember what he looked like, sounded like, or even what happened in the dream, all I remember is there was a mystery dream man and he was very very sexy and I fell in love. Now I have to try and go about life like normal but I've been yearning all day and for what? Absolutely nothing. Weak girl shit. Where is my sexy dream man I wanna kiss
No. 836696
Had an epic dream, I was surviving a zombie apocalypse and had to make my way sneakily through a military camp. I escaped but some zombie animal creatures kept chasing me, so I ran into the jungle. A group of tribal men were on the road, and I finally stopped and tried my best to kill the creatures. Weirdly they didn't help, and got mad at me afterwards. I tried to explain and I think they understood, because then we were driving in a car further into the jungle. The leader wanted to communicate but couldn't, and a long white spirit snake went out of his mouth and into mine. I knew I got knowledge and some connection but it was too new for me to understand. I got scared and ran off to the edge of the island.
NSFW warning
There was a bunch of weird creatures below 1 m that had monster dicks, and I had sex. At the end I squirted so much that I got a bath. (Some kind of cleansing symbolism?)
The tribesmen were catching up so off to swim to the next island. By then, a weird live thorny vine formed that was trying to hurt me, I had to keep its mouth trapped with my fingers. When I got onto the next island there was a bunch of ruins, and the tribe leader and a lizard man were waiting for me. A giant blue barrier formed around us that kept out the zombie disease and other people, and they guided me to the top of the ruins where a green orb of light was waiting. I tried to take it but I wasn't strong enough so I called for my mom and dad. Finally I managed to handle it, and the dream ended.
Pretty sure there's an interpretation there but I only got the white snake as being enlightenment/pure spirit.
No. 837376
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This dream was stressful, I was with some dream friend and I was playing with her dog, it was a small puppy, probably a poodle because it was white and had curly hair.
What bothers me is that the puppy suddenly started whining, and I tried listening to the puppy’s stomach to figure out why it was so sick.
It’s tummy did lots of noises and I called my father to figure out what is that the puppy had. Since he’s a veterinarian, he told me that maybe it was indigestion, so I gave the puppy some massages and tried giving it some medicine for the stomachache.
But it wasn’t working! Was it indigestion for real?? Or maybe it was an obstruction? My father did told me that it could’ve been an obstruction but that we needed to take the puppy to a clinic and I’m bothered because I might never know what that was!
No. 838947
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Last night I dreamt I was in some art program and during class one girl was super mean to me for some reason. I didn't know her at all and when I confronted her about it she started crying and I just held her for a while. Afterwards class resumed and I felt like something weird happened, but I couldn't remember and people looked at me weird when I asked.
Then I went outside to draw for a while and when I got back to the dorms(?)in the evening I went to "my" room and I think the girl came by to apologize and we kissed. I'm down so bad, this is like the fourth time that I remember dreaming about being with another woman, god.
No. 839872
Alright, I'm still traumatized by this dream i had a month ago, might as well vent it out here.
One night I dreamt of my old apartment that looked like someone had commited war crimes in. It was being used as an art space or whatever. Then came along fucking David Lynch and Isabella Rosselini, both the age that they are today, not like, 80s Lynch and Rosselini. Me and my bf were so excited to have them over, because they decided to crash on our bed, and like a faggoty hipster doormat, Persian original, I let them both sleep in it. I come over to get something from my room while Dave and Isabella were getting ready for bed - Lynch stopped me to tell me he used to core apples with steel beams he'd find on construction sites for an art piece in the 70's. I have no idea why he's telling me this, but I ask him how he did it, to which Isabella tells me STRICTLY NOT TO INQUIRE ANY MORE ABOUT IT. Okay, whatever, but also, why?
Next, they wake up, and for this performance art piece, a bunch of volunteers have to walk up the staircase of my appt naked. So I strip, my bf strips, fucking Lynch strips, and THE FOCAL POINT OF THE DREAM IS for some reason David Lynch's old-leather, raisin-wrinkle, Squidward-nosed cock, I dont know why but I get a good long 10-second-stare at it. Then, one by one, all of us go up the staircase, most of it is old men and old women. This goes on for a long time, It's about 5 minutes in dream time.
No. 840281
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I had a dream that I was in an old, rundown movie store and I was going through the shelves when I saw a film that was simply tilted “Jerma”. I looked at the cover and it was Jerma pulling a rabbit out of magicians hat. All it said on the back was that the film starred Jeremy Elbertson and was made in 1981
>mfw you finally have a dream about Jerma
>it isn’t sex related
Why live
No. 841014
>>840281I had a dream about Jerma last night too. He was doing an in person cooking show and the audience was making fun of how he was making burgers.
Then I stole a piece of fried chicken and he tried to grab it out of my mouth.
No. 842341
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>had a dream with a lot of sad shit in it
>suddenly a cute dream guy appears
>helped me save my cat
>saved me from a dream knifeman
>we shared dream cookies together
>he had to leave dream earlier so he gave me his dream businesscard with contact info and his uni on it
>wake up only remembering he was an exchange student in London and how his face looked like
Nonitas, i know he wasnt real but now i feel like going on a trip to london to try to find him anyway
No. 855505
I just woke up from a nap so I gotta write quickly. I dreamed that I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 and it was in VR. I know next to nothing about this game. I booted it up and went to make my character. I gave her fins and tendrils for hair, she had dark skin and was a little plump and she wore a weird white blimp shaped dress. Then I could pick out powers for my characters, one power was to have a head that could transform into a laser cannon and let you slice things. Another one was having hips that could stay at always the same position relative to the ground and you could pivot your torso and legs in strange ways around them. I was excited and showing my neighbor all the abilities. Then I started playing the game, I was in a weird warehouse/market place with lots of people and a huge freak with a gas mask started to freak out. Then I left and saw the Engineer and Saxton Hale building a house for some reason (I am the one who keeps posting about tf2 I am sorry) and the engineer was like "eeeeeerecting a hallway." Hale was building a door and praising himself and the engineer said something like is that the best you can do son. Then I left and was walking through some street when the freak from before appeared again with her mother, it was actually a 13 year old girl but she was very big and tall and wore a fire retardant suit, she had her mask off. Her mother told me she was freaking out because I was wearing the same suit as her so she was happy, and then she started following me around. We went to a bakery, and as I waited in line a woman cut me in the line, then when it was my turn to buy something I asked for spinach pies (there were small spinach pastries in the display) and the seller told me those aren't pies darling. And I was like haha well I don't know what different baked goods' names are, it's so confusing and the lady looked at me blankly. Then she got mad and left so I tried some of the pastries. There was a marshmallow shaped like a hermit crab monster. It was so squishy, I tried it and it tasted amazing, it tasted like bubblegum but spicy, and the texture was really nice. I was amazed how I could taste things in a game. (I don't think I've ever tasted anything in a dream before too). Then I left the bakery with my sidekick and she said something about seeing really awful things in some alleyway. We went to check it out and there were lots of men with guns there. There was also a huge lego person too. Then we went to some other streets and they were all filled with men with guns so we couldn't go anywhere. We tried leaving the city but the exit was blocked too. And then I woke up.
No. 855970
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>dream that I accidentaly post my face on lolcow and there is no deleting button
>no sweat cus I have time traveling powers
>use said powers to undo it but everytime I end up posting it again
>like my phone is alive or something
>after traveling back in time for the tenth time I see bright lights
>getting abducted
>alien greets me
>it's a literal cow
>says I'm a dumb betch
>literally says betch
>"your face will be on the internet forever" she says
>try using my powers once again
>doesn't work
>"your powers don't work on my domain"
>point me a weird gun and shoot strong light
>back in my room, on the computer
>instant messaging someone
>it's the same computer of other dreams, always get instant messages or emails from aliens
>it's my human friend from high school contacting me
>he tells me he is sad that I didn't bother to keep in contact "we were such good friends"
>"I had some problems"
>"wish we could go back" he says as I wake up
No. 856086
nonnie, what an emotional rollercoaster. Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
No. 857708
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Had a type of dream I often do where I hang out with this old friend/crush and things get spicy. I was enjoying it until his face started resembling my ex's but worse looking. Somehow the dream shifted to me with a childhood friend outside, watching storm clouds bulge downward above her. I warned her too late and watched her get lightning'd. She was ok though. I wish I got to finish the dream's first part, even though I will likely never see that person again. I was hoping to at least enjoy the fantasy. I get a lot of dreams like that because I am suppressed horny and there was much tension and potential with that specific person that didn't come to fruition because he had other problems that spiraled. In the end it's better nothing happened but a girl can dream. heh
No. 858621
>>858331I have one these every few months and its the fucking worst.
Had one where i was a first grader and was in the bathroom(the type that are in a seperate room connected to each classroom) when it started and i heard all my classmates getting mowed down, he stopped at the bathroom door and right as he opened it I woke up.
No. 860520
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I keep dreaming about the city I lived in when I was at uni. In my dreams it's always overgrown, but not in a bad way. I'm always walking through urban green spaces or cycling along one of the main lakes. Everything is so familiar, but at the same time it looks slightly off.
I miss living there.
No. 861143
I dreamed that I was dyeing my hair and it was long. Then I was a child at a school and our teacher wore weird clothes. Then it was recess and all the children were outside and the school courtyard was circular and had roman pillars. Then suddenly there were lots of soldiers with guns because there was a law that students had to be segregated into white and non white people. We were all mad because we couldn't play with our friends anymore. I was so mad I considered going against the law even though I knew I would be shot but I didn't do it. And then in the end I was walking in front of a group of children and these two much smaller children attacked me and the other children who were with me didn't do anything, they just stood and watched. I grabbed the small children by their hair and tried to smash their heads together but I was too weak. The children were screaming they would say I said such mean things to them and beat them but I didn't say anything and they attacked me
>>860520It looks nice
No. 864509
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I came home and my house was transformed into an RPG dungeon, and every room had a monster. Now they weren't really monsters, they were just people who dressed weird. I could talk to them, search for help or find some other way to win instead of fighting. One of these monsters was Lucinda, kek, she was dressed like in picrel.
No. 877673
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I dreamed of the engineer from team fortress again, he lived in a hollow dispenser, but it wasn't a big dispenser, it was a normal dispenser but he shrunk to fit inside. Then he drove a train and I jumped onto the train and it was like an amusement park ride, the track was loopy and curvy and there was one vertical loop by the end; the track went through the desert but there were magenta, yellow and blue balloons tied to the track everywhere, it was so fun. And then I was at the engineer's house because he let me stay there because I was his friend, and I opened the fridge and it was chock full of various cakes. Then another woman arrived who was his friend and she had a long black skirt and short black hair. She brought lots of various cakes too and they were cube shaped. Her name was Lucy and we became friends immediately. That's all
No. 878328
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I just had a dream where I met this tall, aloof, cool, modelesque, wearing all black and boots sort of grunge boy who for some reason was working the checkout at some shit little convenience store. He looked like pic related but a little more masculine but damn he was hot.
For some reason I was a cool, outgoing girl that was going to a rave (kek) down the road from this store.
I bought some candy and shit and one of those teddy backpacks but it was a carebear. Before I left I asked him if he wanted to fuck me later and he said yes. After he finished work we met up in the dingy bathroom near the rave and he fucked my brains out. Then I woke up and I'm so upset that my high cheek-boned big dick lover isn't real.
No. 888870
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Ok, so I had this very strange and creepy dream a few minutes ago and I'm afraid I'll forget it, so I will write it down here. The thing is, through the whole dream, I thought that I had dreamed this before, or that I was dreaming the plot of a video game that I had played at some point before, because it all seemed super familiar to me. But I can't remember ever playing a game like this. The plot: I and a few other people went to this research unit that included a laboratory and a factory. Before we were allowed into the building, we had to put our fingers in tubes, which then each took a drop of blood from us. Then we were introduced to the "doctor" who owned the whole building and who then took us to the factory, where some inbred-looking, lumpy people were working with disgusting meat slobs. Nobody told us where the meat came from or what these people were doing with it - the fact is, it was super gross. After the short tour, the doctor introduced us to a smaller creature that was his latest experiment. The creature was about three feet tall and had red tentacles instead of a head or face. The doctor explained that I had the honor of giving the creature a name and because I thought "Haha, it all sounds familiar to me! I've dreamed it all before and I know the plot of this video game!" I named the strange creature "Meow Meow". So apparently Meow Meow was now part of our team (I visited the laboratory with some other people I didn't know) and that we should play hide and seek. We had to hide somewhere in the factory where this huge light wouldn't find us and if we managed to hide before the timer ran out we would have won the game. So the timer started immediately and I walked (very slowly) through the factory past the ugly ass people who worked with the meat. At first I thought that they were going to attack me, but thankfully they didn't. I found a spot and hid outside in a strange cave until Meow Meow suddenly appeared. It extended its tentacles, placed them on my stomach and sucked almost all of my blood out of me. My blood made the tentacle creature grow bigger until it was as tall as a 175 cm human. The doctor then showed up and said with admiration that most people would not survive the first time of “drawing blood”. After that, I woke up but somehow knew that they would send me and the creature into space or smth. Can anyone explain this to me?
No. 893884
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I dreamed that my roommate was painting a huge painting of Jotaro, it had a red and green color palette and his pose was like in this pic. It wasn't very good because she is not a painter but I was so proud of her for trying to paint and so excited to have a huge painting of jotaro in our room. Then I ate a piece of bread with candy on top of it, and I asked my roommate what kind of food should I order for her birthday, and she said candy and I was so happy because that's exactly what I wanted to order. Just lots of sour, sweet, hard, and jelly candy
No. 900866
>>893892That is so weird because when I was 3, my mom was lying next to me in the dark telling me a bedtime story. The more I looked at her face, I felt like she actually started looking like a wolf. I was so scared, I ran out of the room crying for my dad. I wonder if this is some kind of Jungian archetype or something. And btw my mom wasn’t
abusive or anything, and at that age I saw her as perfect like all really small kids.
No. 901178
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Had a dream today that I met Doja Cat in the restroom of a building. There were so creepos trying to peep the ladies inside, and since the place was so shitty and falling apart, they were basically succeeding in doing so. She helped me to take them down and stomp on them (they turned into slime cause dream) and them she helped me run away from them and/or more men by going down a fireman's pole that had spirals lol an she was singing a new song of hers, the beat was super industrial like and fast-paced while the melody was very mellow. The lyrics would go like "I want a gf with fat ass and boobs". Also she told me she was a TERF lol
Also she was dressed very casually, kinda like this but no makeup and the shirt was super oversized
No. 903748
had my first lolcow dream where some master tranny hacker came, took over lolcow and doxxed all of us lmao.
>>903735yes, sometimes I start dreaming when I'm partially awake, it's weird and hard to describe.
No. 903772
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>>903748>>903748>>903755That state is called "hypnagogia". If you concentrate enough you can actually have a lucid dream. No. 903782
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Fun fact: I'm 95% sure that the "shifting" that zoomer teens keep raving about is just a Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD). The symptoms they describe when "shifting realities" or "hopping dimensions" are literally the same, but they probably only heard about Dream Initiated Lucid Dreaming (DILD) so they don't connect the dots and don't think they are asleep.
No. 903870
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>>903772>>903782Ty anon, I have learned about hypnagogia before but I forgot about it. I used to be really interested in dream stuff. Still am actually. Btw a really good book to learn about dream interpretation is Dreams 1-2-3 by J.M. deBord. It focuses on Jungian archetypes but not just that.
No. 904256
I remember only the last part of a dream.
I was running through endless suburbs where the streets snake and twist into each other, looping and teleporting you to the different areas. I'm really stuck, and end up in a tunnel. Then I teleport again.
So there's this mother I had in a dream was on a type of houseboat with me and my father? (They didn't look like my real parents).
I think I said something, and m mother picked up a pink sewing needle and said "what if I cut your stupid cheeks right now" and I backed off into the sea, and they left without me. But then I realised I wasn't too far from the shore, a doable swim, so I swam.
I saw a figure playing in the water too, and I think it's also me. Me but a male. And the male me tells me not to worry and that I don't need to be anyone just yet, and that only I define myself. So we leave the dark blue water and start walking along the grassy shores to go home, and the memory of being pushed away is sad, but also, I am reassured, and I realise that it's still a beautiful day. Also, I think it was set somewhere in east Sweden where I went eight years ago to visit family, for some reason.
No. 904266
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>>903782Apparently though some shifters say they can do it using the lucid dream method by making a portal to their desired reality. I tried it this morning when I became lucid in a dream, but for some reason when I tried to talk I couldn't form a coherent sentence for the life of me and I woke up soon after.
No. 904293
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>>904266This person is doing WBTB (wake back to bed), and honestly to me this just sounds like "So I lucid dreamt and then I lucid dreamt some more, but this time it was about me visiting my favorite media through a portal!!"
The affirmations to visit the "desired reality" are nothing more than mnemonic induced lucid dreaming (MILD) and it's actually one of the oldest ways to get into lucid dreaming and to reality check during it.
>but for some reason when I tried to talk I couldn't form a coherent sentence for the life of me and I woke up soon after.What I'm guessing here is that since you don't have lucid dreams that often (that's my guess), your brain just kinda thought that talking was too much activity at once and it brought you back to reality, since it "reads" as you being awake. It can happen quite often, and it has happened to me before too, unfortunately lol They say you have to really go in easy, not try to walk at first either, maybe just think a bit, recognize your environment, try feeling something in your hands (without moving)
If you have any success, report back!
>>904242>I'm really paranoid about getting sleep paralysis hallucinations though and I heard those occur more often if you lucid dream.I've read that if you have sleep paralysis and you want to break out of it, you should hold your breath because your body will wake you up. I can't testify it, though, because the only time I had it I didn't have any hallucinations or anything, I just couldn't move and was confused until later I realised what it was
No. 904355
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I was sticking my hands in a barrel of peanuts and watching them flow out of my grasp until they started to come together to form a giant (19 inch) salted nut roll and I was so pleased but the unlikeliness of it made me shift the dream
No. 915646
>>915640I think it’s related to stress in 2 ways:
•When you’re going through a stressful week, you’re predisposed to stressful dreams & nightmares
•one you have one really bad nightmare, you become stressed about going to bed, which in turn generates more stress nightmares
It probably lasts around a week because that’s how long it takes you to “move on” (or at least not be so preoccupied by) the initial & induced stressor.
No. 915647
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>>915640I don't have trauma or anything, but I do have constant nightmares when I eat carbs, especially gluten, because I can't digest either very well so that translates as nightmares when I sleep (I posted about one of these here, it was lolcow related lol
>>825616). It can go for sometimes a month and it's honestly so annoying, that's why I decided to train myself to do WILD, and I think it has helped a bit even though I am yet to success in the lucidity department
Sometimes the nightmares are just kinda eery in atmosphere but not necessarily super bad, some are straight up awful. But they aren't reoccurring, generally
No. 916516
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Second lesbian dream I've had in a month. Picrel
No. 919621
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I was actually going to do my before sleep meditation and I just randomly remembered that I recently had almost another lucid dream. I remember that it was very vivid, but the "background" of the dream was twitching and shaking nonstop, kinda like as if it was a glitch in a game. I think it was either my room or a living room. O remember saying: "this is unbearable, I can't seem to stabilize it without risking me waking up. I guess I'll just succumb to regular dreaming" or something along those lines lol
Hopefully I will lucid dream this night again for real!
No. 919651
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I had a dream I was attempting to seduce Fred Durst. Why, fucking, why? He's not my type…
No. 919661
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I had a nightmare that a teddy bear stole my toes
No. 920581
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I keep having sex dreams about my ex. We broke up in March when he moved back to his home country and the whole relationship was so weird. We still talk sometimes and I think I’m dreaming and thinking of him because I have a need for his approval, to know that I wasn’t just another girl to him. I know that’s the most likely case but I would do anything short of actually asking him to tell me that I meant something to him. Still gonna dream of his fat cock though.
No. 922229
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I wish sometimes we could log on a big MMO like dream when sleeping. I think it would be fun to share dreams with friends and partners, also the casual celebrity encounter. Imagine the world of dreams, how many times bigger it would be from actual Earth? Also the possibilities of actually commiting felonies with no real danger involved, I guess. You can just wake up and not chose the MMOdream again. But I think it would be so big it would be kinda hard to bump into many unhinged people. I digress
No. 922385
>>922170This sounds like the beginning of a creepypasta and I love it
Personal question but are you going through a similar challenge / life experience that you felt last time you were on the farm? Or maybe uncomfortable with your current circumstances and aching for a simpler time? Your subconscious is definitely trying to send you a message.
No. 922739
>>922385You're right, actually. The reason we stopped going was because my dad fought with his family. Everything's okay now, the famiy made up, but I'm nowhere as close to them as when I was a little kid. My uncle has another farm that we sometimes go to. That new farm is a lot more boring but it has an easier route (at the older one, we had to basically get out of the car and push it through a slope in the middle of nowhere, funnily enough I also have nightmares about it cause it was almost always very dark, and jaguars are nocturnal lol).
I actually lost the chance to visit the older farm last year, my brother and dad went to visit it as my uncle is trying to sell it, they sadly didn't take any pictures but said everyhing was completely abandoned and in a sad state generally. I hope my uncle takes more time to sell it cause I want to visit again, maybe I'll stop dreaming about it if I see its actual state.
No. 929986
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I got banned in my dream last night for
No. 931062
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Dreamt that Mariah's studio actually took off and she had expanded to a whole building lmao
Not only that, but they were filming an experimental Hamilton movie there, that was filmed all in one take, with rotating backgrounds. I was one of the extras lol
The craziest part though it that there was a terrorist attack incoming there, I could even see the terrorists in the nearby building planning their bombing like an action movie, and I was trying my damnest to get out of there but people kept talking to me and I didn't want to be rude.
No. 931097
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I've been dreaming about being in the Hunger Games since I started reading the books. The other day I had this dream where I won the games after I got a secret weapon from my sponsors. You guys were there too but looked like the characters of the movies.
The arena was this concrete maze and the walls had these little cracks on them. Looking from the outside you couldn't see shit. They were just dark thin holes. Somehow I could fit them, just me and no one else. It was perfect, like they were made for me. The inside was bright pink, felt warm and comfy, like a hug. It would sometimes pulsate other colors, like greens and purples. It was like a disco vagina. Very nice.
Anyway, I kept hidden for most of the time because I'm weak and out of shape, but I had to get out of my hole for some reason and you guys spotted me and started chasing me with your gigantic axes, so I hid again. Then I got the thingy from the sponsors. 'THE weapon' that would make me the winner, it said.
It was a diy dildo made of socks. It looked kinda similar to one some anon posted here once but this one was purple, 'the color of THE POWER' I heard. Ok so I got out of my hole again armed with my purple sock dildo and started beating everyone to death. Like, I used that shit like a bat. It was super effective. No axes could touch me and you guys dropped after a few swings. I woke up as people cheered and screamed my name. I was very happy in the dream and celebrating my win but shit was kinda disturbing to be honest.
No. 931347
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In my nap dream someone held a big chunk of limestone and said to me, “what you see here is $9k worth of limestone,” and I thought it didn’t look like nearly enough to be worth that much. I wonder what made its composition so valuable.
No. 931477
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>>931097>The arena was this concrete maze and the walls had these little cracks on them. Looking from the outside you couldn't see shit. They were just dark thin holes. Somehow I could fit them, just me and no one else. It was perfect, like they were made for me. The inside was bright pink, felt warm and comfy, like a hug.picrel is all i could think of. rofl. But overall, that sounds like an interesting dream, anon
No. 931499
>>931411NTA but if you enjoy that imagery you may like Yoshitaka Amano's art book called Fairies. It's a pretty coffee table book filled with similar pictures.
Sage for ot
No. 931503
>>931445Thanks so much!
>>931499And thank you as well for the very wonderful recommendation anon. I'm looking through his art work right now and it's absolutely captivating!
No. 931671
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I dreamed today that I was living post some cataclysmic event that wiped out many people and there was no electricity or whatever and my friend from another city was moving in with me and my mother. He came in an old dusty car with a huge suitcase. I was so excited. All I wanted was to wrap my arms around him and feel our bodies close together. He didn't talk to us, he just started rolling his suitcase towards our home, and my mom talked about how I said he is lazy but he's not, he caught more criminals in 3 weeks than anyone else because I guess he was a detective now. Then I changed into a swimsuit and started sunbathing in the middle of the street for some reason, I guess to make him like me by being in a swimsuit (I think he would like me better if I helped him carry his things but in my dream I was stupid and horny) Then I had to move from the street because there was a car. Then my friend was back in his car and I entered the car in the back seat and told him "You know what? I love you." I think he said he loves me too but he had been uncharacteristically serious and quiet the whole dream so I didn't really believe him. Then I woke up. I don't really love him when I'm awake, I like him but he drives me crazy (the bad crazy).
Then later I had another dream. There were people playing catch with a tiny ball next to a street. I was walking by and the ball came flying towards me and I kicked it back. A boy caught it and we instantly fell in love (????) and I took him by the hand and we walked together. Then somebody like an old wizard talked to us and talked about our age, they said I look to be 16 but they think I'm actually 13 and look older, and the boy turned out to be 14. I was appalled and I was like I have to tell you something. And he said he was moving to someplace cold and I wouldn't like it there. And I said alright it doesn't matter anyway, let me tell you what I have to tell you. Then we had to run away because his mother was chasing after us and we hid behind some bushes. Then I told him I'm 22. Then I don't really remember what happened but suddenly I was in a room summoning cthulhu. I succeeded and some tapeworms and gross stuff appeared in a small puddle in the middle of the room. Then like a double nautilus shell appeared and all the things entered it and it gained an eyeball and that was cthulhu. I drew it, I think it looked like that, it wasn't scary it was kind of adorable. I was disappointed that I got this tiny thing when I needed a huge monster but then I remembered some rule that the size of the summoned monster is proportional to the evil in the summoner's heart and I didn't have enough evil. Then I asked the cthulhu monster to take care of my business and it took a pen and paper and started writing an essay on why adults shouldn't date children KEK. Its handwriting was neat but childish. Then I was trying to sing along to portal and my growls sounded good but a bit croaky and not yet inhuman. That's all, I'm sorry I wrote so much when not all of it was interesting but I wanted to write everything I dreamed of today