File: 1425808960074.jpg (19.36 KB, 320x418, image.jpg)

No. 126042
File: 1425809055521.jpg (139.63 KB, 600x900, image.jpg)

I've got a thing for beards orz
No. 126044
File: 1425824506479.jpg (327.42 KB, 809x1222, image.jpg)

I've always had the biggest fucking crush on gaspard ulliel.
No. 126047
File: 1425830301642.jpg (45.15 KB, 430x574, tumblr_loy4c4OHg11qf2gq6o1_500…)

>>126042looks like jesus
>>126044looks too gay
>>126045too young looking, but kinda hot
No. 126048
File: 1425830414612.jpg (46.35 KB, 769x960, jason-chee_sexy-asian-male-mod…)

No. 126049
File: 1425831373643.jpg (24.68 KB, 300x450, 41c51be26714e77a_102741246_2_.…)

No. 126050
File: 1425832243889.jpg (125.16 KB, 630x854, image.jpg)

Less shit posting, more fap material
beauty is subjective to everyone
No. 126051
File: 1425842043960.jpg (201.22 KB, 1600x1133, 1407076978137.jpg)

No. 126052
File: 1425842255924.jpg (148.57 KB, 730x1102, tumblr_n43oxi4Bt61rxnxydo3_128…)

No. 126053
File: 1425842327126.jpg (279.11 KB, 1000x563, smoldering-children-tate-langd…)

No. 126054
File: 1425842528388.jpg (40.37 KB, 266x400, 1394387311708.jpg)

No. 126055
File: 1425842621306.jpg (140.66 KB, 320x480, tumblr_n8tz866Ny01ravreko1_400…)

No. 126056
File: 1425842769157.jpg (102.71 KB, 640x960, 1419410792974.jpg)

No. 126057
File: 1425844198617.gif (987.11 KB, 245x250, lip1.gif)

No. 126059
File: 1425844295326.jpg (47.23 KB, 262x404, lip2.jpg)

No. 126060
File: 1425844396987.jpg (174.54 KB, 1920x1222, thor.jpg)

No. 126061
File: 1425844480495.jpg (11.64 KB, 236x345, image1.jpg)

No. 126062
File: 1425846120182.jpg (58.37 KB, 480x720, tumblr_mrf1s95O5E1rywbuvo1_500…)

I like cute boys.
No. 126063
File: 1425846148126.jpg (18.46 KB, 500x447, tumblr_mlzzf2XjnA1s8dmtuo1_500…)

No. 126064
File: 1425846220389.jpg (61.67 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lfg0kwpqeg1qzetxfo1_500…)

No. 126065
File: 1425846361918.jpg (258.4 KB, 1280x853, sweed.jpg)

No. 126066
File: 1425846520158.jpg (65.1 KB, 600x600, daww.jpg)

No. 126067
File: 1425846591551.png (928.3 KB, 640x1136, 1359077526001.png)

>>Goodness, anon! You've fallen down! Here, let me help you.
No. 126068
File: 1425846647581.jpg (121 KB, 600x600, 1338332699280.jpg)

No. 126070
File: 1425848510055.jpg (27.99 KB, 500x333, tumblr_moyjtfsnCU1sq6ytyo1_500…)

No. 126071
File: 1425848725898.jpg (120.6 KB, 500x673, tumblr_n26ub14yLP1qca7xco1_500…)

>>126069To each her own. Post your taste in guys, anon
No. 126072
File: 1425848815600.jpg (105.12 KB, 400x600, tumblr_mqd1s0LRVI1qg51tno1_400…)

No. 126073
File: 1425848941942.jpg (51.39 KB, 250x341, tumblr_nbeqbmosSl1qffn27o2_250…)

No. 126074
File: 1425849634146.jpg (43.38 KB, 400x510, tumblr_n6rq3bmaJ41qaosmto1_400…)

No. 126075
File: 1425856476058.jpg (49.71 KB, 500x663, sd.jpg)

No. 126078
File: 1425872922667.jpg (4.71 KB, 145x150, 1421182006710s.jpg)

No. 126079
File: 1425873248094.jpg (48.49 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I'm sorry
No. 126080
File: 1425875112866.jpg (27.18 KB, 480x640, DSC012182-1.jpg)

No. 126082
File: 1425880395010.png (469.62 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nfao1a7GzH1u411zxo1_500…)

>>126051i just came
>>126053the cutest murderer
>>126062hnnng tattoos and brushed back hair
quality stuff, anons <3
No. 126083
>>126081I know right Jace is so dumb its cute… like a puppy
Too bad he was only doing it as a joke :(
No. 126084
File: 1425903267042.jpg (96.38 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 126085
File: 1425903394671.jpg (109.33 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 126087
File: 1425915067214.gif (498.24 KB, 500x281, Heath-Ledger-Smiles-In-10-Thin…)

He is not actually my type when it comes to looks but I love his smile
No. 126091
File: 1425983354736.jpg (45.91 KB, 371x450, image.jpg)

I've always thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt looked like Heath Ledger.. They are both super cute me thinks.
No. 126093
File: 1426006464550.jpg (37.58 KB, 500x666, peter steele.jpg)

Peter Steele is dreamy <3
No. 126094
File: 1426034984783.jpg (24.35 KB, 306x400, keanu-reeves-20090923-537619.j…)

I think by now it's safe to say that my only ever celebrity crush has been Keanu Reeves.
My bf kinda looks like him too, icing on that cake
No. 126096
>>126093LOVING YOU
No. 126097
File: 1426060829999.jpg (256.57 KB, 1200x796, image.jpg)

I watched The Princess Bride too many times as a child, so Cary Elwes is another one of my Hollywood crushes. How could you ever say no to his cute little face??
No. 126098
File: 1426061501081.jpg (80.4 KB, 400x556, image.jpg)

What is his name again?
No. 126099
File: 1426061537725.jpg (461.26 KB, 1500x2000, image.jpg)

No. 126100
File: 1426065452635.jpg (35.05 KB, 403x403, glorious3dmen.jpg)

I find this thread is lacking in glorious 3D baes. And mutton chops.
No. 126104
File: 1426144705831.jpg (86.24 KB, 469x700, image.jpg)

Unfortunately I don't know who he is /
No. 126105
File: 1426146879616.jpg (50.3 KB, 526x396, Eli1.JPG)

>>126086>>126079>>126081Don't worry guys, I'm much worse. I always thought Eli was cute. :(
No. 126107
File: 1426155171478.jpg (52.85 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mrsq15GEjk1qgu9i6o1_500…)

I just want a nice guy tm
No. 126108
File: 1426179753693.jpg (461.52 KB, 888x1103, 78865766445657.jpg)

I have actually masturbated to this stock image guy
No. 126111
File: 1426208539024.jpg (18.14 KB, 300x400, funtitled.jpg)

No. 126112
File: 1426254582851.jpg (141.46 KB, 612x612, a89edda6ded81dcd8b4b3a83a06fe2…)

Tom Hardy as Heathcliff always get me.
No. 126113
File: 1426254714306.jpg (16.77 KB, 215x431, 0fcddcf5836f051e4d64cc50f5261e…)

Jack White is Bae.
No. 126114
File: 1426277363035.jpg (61.06 KB, 670x400, Drake_White_0200_F.jpg)

i have an embarrassing number of wet dreams about drake
No. 126117
>>126115ummmm those lips that's why!!!
actually I'm not 100% sure, there's just something about his demeanor and his music that just fucking drive me crazy. when I saw him in that music video with Beyonce when her album came out is when I think it started. just the way he looks at the camera… omggggjsksbwhdosllwydkad
No. 126121
File: 1426312780587.jpg (82.56 KB, 498x702, image.jpg)

day smolder
No. 126122
File: 1426312857647.jpg (61.07 KB, 500x332, image.jpg)

Fuck I hate autocorrect.
I like guys with quirky smirks and tattoos.
No. 126123
File: 1426312953097.jpg (148.74 KB, 600x856, image.jpg)

Leo Tolstoy was vv cute.
No. 126124
File: 1426317936118.jpg (28.66 KB, 321x457, image.jpg)

No. 126126
File: 1426327258641.jpg (33.11 KB, 500x339, image.jpg)

>>126125Johnny forever and always. Did anyone see the movie Tusk.
No. 126128
File: 1426328602836.png (574.08 KB, 800x1280, tmp_25423-Screenshot_2015-03-1…)

I don't care what anyone thinks
No. 126131
File: 1426335039629.jpg (386.67 KB, 800x800, camerancollage2015_03_14_05054…)

>>126129I dun curr senpai 4lyfedem muscles & dat long hair hng~
No. 126134
>>126132He turns 50 this year!
No. 126135
File: 1426381922745.jpg (152.31 KB, 500x716, sdaaesd.jpg)

I liked miyavi most when he looked like this
No. 126138
No. 126139
File: 1426382514004.jpg (524.53 KB, 760x1281, hemingway.jpg)

>>126123tolstoy a shit, hemmingway pure QT
No. 126140
File: 1426382656189.jpg (31.72 KB, 720x405, miyaviunbroken.JPG)

>>126137idk anon i think he looks pretty okay in that unbroken movie
No. 126142
>>126141Yeah, I was wondering if he was trying to come off as more responsible now that he is a father, but I think his prior personality, look and music not only suited him better, but benefited his career.
He did a near 180, I was watching some of his interviews before he was married and he was obnoxious compared to how serious he is now, it's like he's turned into an old man far too soon.
No. 126146
File: 1426392899261.jpg (153.59 KB, 640x640, image.jpg)

>>126144Gerard Way is still a fucking spazz, but I noticed he became more serious after getting married and having a kid
>along with his music going down the shitter>deathspells was the only good thing to come out of mcr No. 126149
>>126145Does she really? I never liked the whole situation, right down to the absolutely ridiculous names of their children.
I understand he had to grow up at some point but it does still make me a bit sad. He really had such a great style. It's really apparent that the change was due to Melody/becoming a father because right before that was his whole Kavki Boys thing which was pretty damn OTT.
No. 126152
File: 1426417292520.png (870.58 KB, 800x1280, tmp_8959-Screenshot_2015-03-15…)

I know I might catch shit for this, but idc.
No. 126155
File: 1426423253444.jpg (23.55 KB, 599x853, B0ucHD8CUAAHkkJ.jpg)

>>126152Kyo is 10/10 for me. His makeup for the ghoul tour was incredible. I'm really digging what he's doing with his style as he's getting older. He's pulling off the mature street fashion type looks well while still going back to VK from time to time.
No. 126156
>>126152Muh nigga.
He is the only asian guy that I think is hot.
No. 126158
File: 1426470715101.jpg (49.65 KB, 397x581, Linetrip_Professional.jpg)

No. 126159
File: 1426476197186.jpg (131.02 KB, 1200x849, ryantaylorbum.jpg)

>>126157dicks arent hot though
man asses however can be hot. this is the same guy as
>>126051he is fucking perfection
No. 126160
>>126158God hes ugly as fuck.
Take your tranny trash and leave.
No. 126161
File: 1426481410674.jpg (158.61 KB, 800x1255, sd.jpg)

No. 126166
File: 1426492899408.jpg (22.89 KB, 480x449, mnn.jpg)

>>126159>dicks arent hotD-D-D-DYKE that or just prude with shit taste.
No. 126167
File: 1426492950655.jpg (37.28 KB, 500x667, aa1.jpg)

No. 126169
File: 1426495057211.jpg (49.98 KB, 640x480, lesbiantest.jpg)

>>126168How do you know your straight if you don't like the sexual parts?
No. 126171
>>126166that's a nice one, but too big
>>126167dicks can look nice, but they scare me a bit, they look pretty menacing and weird in general
No. 126172
File: 1426506854826.jpg (124.83 KB, 480x640, 1st-picture.jpg)

>>126170she can post whatever she wants, chill your buns.
No. 126174
File: 1426510613843.png (381.45 KB, 720x400, vlcsnap-2014-07-19-23h11m34s30…)

Bo Burnham. Always.
I have a huge thing for Trey Parker too, both young and now. What is it about big, intelligent, funny men? Fuck.
No. 126176
File: 1426520169904.png (263.22 KB, 484x700, tumblr_n6w68jumvK1sm7bk9o1_500…)

>>126166>>126167>>126169>>126172At least post the guys attached to them, fucking hell.
No. 126185
File: 1426543782573.jpg (36.72 KB, 320x480, ryantaylor.jpg)

>>126183none of the cocks you posted were good looking.
i will now spam ryan taylor to refresh everyone's palate.
No. 126190
File: 1426545125384.jpg (135.11 KB, 1034x623, ryantaylor3.jpg)

>>126189i found his instagram where he posts some shots
i swear he is morphing into a greek god as he gets older.
No. 126191
>>126179I actually get grossed out, I had to place my hand over the screen when scrolling down.
In person it's a bit different though, idk why
No. 126199
>>126198Well aren't you a sex starved cunt?
Not everyone thinks that dicks are suuuuuper cute like you. Genitals are gross looking most of the time. Literally just go shlick to porno.
No. 126201
>>126200you're honestly the only person who wants dick pics, so i'm starting to wonder if you're just a troll.
sorry that no one else is slobbering over them like you anon
and no the dicks you posted were not good looking. this is the only decent one
>>126166 No. 126202
File: 1426779624827.jpg (22.41 KB, 300x374, babyhannibal.jpg)

I love this model but he quit modeling years ago and wasn't very prolific so I've seen like every pic of him. I think he looks like he could be Mads Mikkelsen's son
No. 126203
File: 1426779802094.jpg (123.67 KB, 658x370, Casino_Royale_Mads_Mikkelsen.j…)

>>126202its the cheek bones and lips man. mrowl.
No. 126204
File: 1426779903692.jpg (42.91 KB, 840x888, ZGJmNGNkYTA0MiMvTDJ2cFpSSWJnaE…)

>>126200I am the OP of this thread nigga (admin can confirm) so no I'm not going to look the other way while you fuck it up. Some people browse this board while at a public place. So please put that shit under spoilers at least, you retarded nigger. Are you the cunt that hasn't been laid in four years?
>No, you shut the fuck up you stupid lesbian cunt. Stop posting all these faggish looking guys it's annoying omg.>I'm not screaming up a fit for every guy that I don't find attractive!! penises wahhhh!!!god, you're pathetic.
No. 126205
File: 1426780059605.jpg (54.98 KB, 930x930, norman-reedus-et-son-chat.jpg)

a million times too cute. i'm glad he's finally getting the attention he deserves with twd.
No. 126206
>>126205i just wish they'd cut his hair on the show, it's really detracting from his looks
also interested to see him in that new silent hill game
No. 126207
File: 1426780595913.jpg (128.46 KB, 730x1105, Norman-Reedus-by-Arnaldo-Anaya…)

>>126206I'd have to respectfully disagree. Though I see your point, I like the whole rugged look (for the show at least.)
I can't believe he's old enough to be my father and yet I'm still painfully wet for him.
No. 126208
>>126207well when hes not in the show its cleaner looking, but he just straight up looks like a stringy greasy mess on the show now and you can't see his face half the time because his damp mop is falling all over it all the time
how anyone has long hair during a zombie apocalypse is beyond me. keep that shit shorn to prevent zombies grabbing it.
No. 126209
File: 1426784921286.jpg (60.81 KB, 420x640, marilyn.jpg)

Freddie Fox as Marilyn.
Not gonna lie, i had no idea about this boy until cucumber banana tofu on channel4 and i can't stop thinking about him. He does look dashing as girl
No. 126214
File: 1426812971752.jpg (7.29 KB, 183x275, download.jpg)

Something is definitely off around his lower face or neck area, but the rest of him is damn fine.
No. 126216
>>126207….how the hell is this hairstlye "rugged" though? looks like a lead singer for a shitty emo band back in the scene days would have it.
but he's cute tho and i'm looking foward to him starring in the next silent hill game.
No. 126220
File: 1426929774722.jpg (118.62 KB, 625x720, image.jpg)

>>126219lmao nigga I'm literally so fucking high rn who the fuck cares I'm not gonna get in a bitch fight about it
No. 126223
File: 1427092343832.jpg (172.92 KB, 500x686, jason-chang-singapore-1.jpg)

No. 126224
File: 1427092558600.jpg (71.34 KB, 180x271, 29nte6f.jpg)

I don't know who this is, but I love his back and ass
No. 126231
>>126225You guys are literally so fucking dumb. When did I ever say I was high on weed? You may be 11, but there are other ways to get high than smoking blunts~
I was just trying to end the argument because it's fucking stupid and pointless. Yes his hair looks gay and emo. But they made it long for the show and I myself have a preference to liking it.
party moar faggots
No. 126232
File: 1427203979745.jpeg (23.43 KB, 258x320, August_Sander2.jpeg)

>>126231are you huffing glue?
No. 126233
File: 1427204060674.jpg (17.94 KB, 266x400, aryan-young-male.jpg)

No. 126234
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No. 126235
File: 1427204148708.jpg (31.07 KB, 290x415, 1387669888122.jpg)

No. 126236
File: 1427428773691.jpg (154.09 KB, 787x792, buddy hodges1b2.jpg)

yep ^___^
No. 126243
File: 1427476819422.jpg (216.78 KB, 1280x1024, jake.jpg)

/hm/ pride worldwide
No. 126245
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No. 126249
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No. 126250
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No. 126251
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No. 126252
File: 1427600329436.jpg (143.38 KB, 700x910, 1425227032911.jpg)

No. 126253
File: 1427600580389.gif (1.95 MB, 245x368, 1424744540446.gif)

No. 126254
File: 1427600733205.gif (2 MB, 245x368, 1424744643643.gif)

No. 126255
File: 1427600952356.jpg (154 KB, 697x990, 1425175141281.jpg)

No. 126256
File: 1427601057317.jpg (51.7 KB, 417x556, 1425236789202.jpg)

No. 126257
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No. 126258
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No. 126259
File: 1427601288741.gif (1.84 MB, 400x230, 1425536239192.gif)

No. 126260
File: 1427601368306.gif (1.17 MB, 205x340, 1426304365054.gif)

No. 126261
File: 1427601452796.jpg (158.87 KB, 750x1000, 1427594746704.jpg)

No. 126263
File: 1427604556680.jpg (78.95 KB, 423x750, 1422700335787.jpg)

No. 126264
File: 1427604642923.jpg (603.37 KB, 1280x1707, 1423951299270.jpg)

No. 126265
File: 1427608446304.jpg (35.18 KB, 500x473, 1426143032597.jpg)

No. 126266
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No. 126267
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No. 126268
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No. 126269
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No. 126270
File: 1427609597199.jpg (232.24 KB, 500x750, 1426421447706.jpg)

No. 126273
>>126251>>126252>>126253umm wtf am I looking at
who actually likes this gay shit
No. 126274
File: 1427636460488.jpg (155.48 KB, 1024x722, Vincent_Valentine_by_Mih4ru_Ch…)

No. 126275
File: 1427636511763.jpg (109.7 KB, 771x1036, vincent_valentine___by_sraoint…)

No. 126277
File: 1427667157183.jpg (542.72 KB, 1280x1760, 1411869058984.jpg)

We 2D now?
No. 126280
File: 1427680194206.jpg (125.29 KB, 271x1024, 1369744831283.jpg)

No. 126281
>>126279Pretty much. Just like /hm/. Once the gays join in it becomes ew pretty fast.
>>126280Ok that's CUTE, but I still don't like girly guys.
No. 126282
File: 1427681814486.png (415.03 KB, 625x459, 18-hot-dudes-vs-cute-cats-biti…)

this thread needs moar manly men
No. 126283
File: 1427681842995.jpg (45.31 KB, 598x432, c27ca2b19f04d5cfd66e1c64569cd0…)

No. 126284
File: 1427682757990.jpg (65.65 KB, 500x667, 1424265119615.jpg)

>>126281I'm not a gay guy, though. I just like qt pies. I though this was a fap thread, not a "generic celebrities from the neck up" thread.
No. 126285
File: 1427682827074.jpg (58.09 KB, 375x500, 1424265183505.jpg)

No. 126286
File: 1427682936643.jpg (76.12 KB, 479x640, 1424340102335.jpg)

No. 126287
File: 1427683011808.jpg (32.87 KB, 799x599, Nazi_Pin_up.jpg)

No. 126288
File: 1427683095344.jpg (52.67 KB, 800x600, 1424396808399.jpg)

No. 126289
File: 1427683647450.jpg (52.93 KB, 500x667, emo.jpg)

Man, I miss when emo was cool. I know it was shit, but I'm just so fucking tired of all the gangsta wiggers these days.
No. 126291
File: 1427695308421.jpg (99.31 KB, 600x600, image.jpg)

More penises?
No. 126292
File: 1427695336998.jpg (327.4 KB, 1088x1524, image.jpg)

No. 126294
File: 1427746284822.jpg (112.25 KB, 550x695, nightwingfrenchie copy.jpg)

>>126293if it weren't for the accent he'd made a sexy as fuck Nightwing
No. 126295
File: 1427746400459.jpg (46.08 KB, 529x385, bleu-de-chanel-ad-gaspard-ulli…)

>>126294But honestly if they ever put Northstar in an xmen movie Gaspard needs to play him. There is no one else. He's got the looks, is french but can speak/act in english, and has played gay/sexually ambiguous characters before.
No. 126296
File: 1427751358353.jpg (78.73 KB, 500x658, image.jpg)

>>126295Hannibal Rising <despite it being a poor movie) is still one of my favorites because of Gaspard.. Niggah made me sploosh in my panties when he licked the blood off that knife
No. 126298
File: 1427817305279.jpg (120.65 KB, 447x648, tumblr_lkef5kUh9b1qj4gr5o1_500…)

No. 126299
File: 1427830591739.jpg (22.93 KB, 500x451, 1b229c3f8938c5b89e68d180ac9245…)

Red haired master race
need more
No. 126300
File: 1427830622148.jpg (86.71 KB, 700x933, bastien-3-700x933.jpg)

No. 126301
File: 1427830758498.jpg (344.79 KB, 940x627, Linus_Wordemann_redhead_model2…)

No. 126302
File: 1427830864599.jpg (32.35 KB, 325x400, Male Redhead - Red Haired Man …)

No. 126303
File: 1427830907097.jpg (106.27 KB, 500x750, Redhead - Male Redhead - Messy…)

No. 126304
File: 1427830943307.jpg (23.68 KB, 320x480, red-headed-male-model.jpg)

No. 126305
File: 1427831056130.jpg (301.45 KB, 550x824, tumblr_ma4wewf6qJ1qfnq1do1_128…)

No. 126306
File: 1427874956114.jpg (40.1 KB, 479x359, Gingers_97d954_1093548.jpg)

haha sorry I had to with all the recent ginger pics. They are handsome though except for >3814 but that is just my opinion
No. 126307
File: 1427893818270.jpg (60.4 KB, 650x366, moonrunes.jpg)

No. 126308
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No. 126309
File: 1427896884023.jpg (134.02 KB, 1200x800, jake end of watch.jpg)

>>126247I liked jarhead jake. Probably because I could see his butt so goddamn much. Plus dick hangs out, as well. However I'm also a man who likes dudes occasionally so I'm a lot more shallow with my sexuality than women probably would be.
If you've never watched end of watch, watch it now. It's a great movie.
The funny thing is, I prefer longer hair jake but his performance in end of watch is so lovable, despite the shaved head. There's always something going on in his mind, it seems, plus he always plays a character that is conservative with strangers, and lets his emotions really come through with characters his character gets attached to. Christ that sounds faggy.
No. 126312
File: 1428076548803.jpg (58.23 KB, 516x400, image.jpg)

I-is it bad I'm sexually attracted to Skrain Dukat and Elim Garak?
//pledged soul to Cardassia//
No. 126313
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No. 126318
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No. 126319
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No. 126325
>>126322Nice Lmao
>>126324Wtf does that chick have to do with my reply? He had no lips. It was just a joke my guy if you think he's attractive even with a monkey mouth then it shouldn't bother you.
No. 126327
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No. 126328
File: 1428607692805.png (209.24 KB, 462x700, nazi-uniforms-hugo-boss1.png)

A sharply dressed man always gets me
No. 126331
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i have no idea what it is about him, but ugh
No. 126334
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>>126333shit, anon. luigi was my first crush, maybe that's the secret.
No. 126335
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also, lee pace at any stage of life.
No. 126336
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he reminds me of a grimm fairytale prince
No. 126337
I see what you did there.
I'd fuck stalin, too.
No. 126338
File: 1431985015484.jpg (28.19 KB, 454x550, thoseeyes.jpg)

Hudson Thames
Saw him in an episode of Criminal Minds (he was a school shooter smh) but god I have a huge thing for blue/green eyes and dark curly hair.
No. 126339
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No. 126340
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>>126339my taste > your taste
No. 126341
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No. 126343
File: 1432640623996.gif (1.75 MB, 500x250, tum.gif)

any other girls here like watching gay guys?
No. 126344
>>126343i do
i dont know what it is about seeing two dudes get at each other…
i like lesbian porno too, but most are morning
bbc and tiny asian girls is probaby my favourite
but yeah hot gay dudes
No. 126345
>>126159>dicks aren't hot>but men's assesi never got this, unless your secretly a gay dude i don't really get what turns a girl on about the ass. the only reason i know that guys like it is because they wanna stick their dick in it, but with girls. like. wat.
i feel like that would secretly make them a fag hag
No. 126346
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I currently have a big gross crush on this gentleman. Couldn't find a decent one of him in a speedo so his smile will have to do.
No. 126347
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>>126346Danny is pure perfection
No. 126353
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>>126345There's a whole new world of pegging and femdom for you to discover my friend
No. 126355
>>126353why though
if you like fucking men with strap-ons, the only guys that are into that are gays and women that are into it "fag-hags"
like, you may as well be a FTM man. their is a difference between fem-dom and fucking guys in the ass with a fake dick.
if a guy ever says "i sucked my girlfriend's dick" i cannot help but feel he has to be a closet-homosexual
don't take this shit too personally
No. 126356
sorry, i fucked up
No. 126359
>>126182As a straight guy I don't mind vaginas by themselves.
>>126168This argument has been had (on the other end) on /cuteboys/ for like freaking forever. Eventually fucked off to /prettyboys/ but noone posts there because I guess everyone is freaking gay.
No. 126360
>>126345I don't understand how any straight woman could possibly not like dicks, yet like ass. How do you have sex with these dudes that you supposedly want to fuck? Do you just avoid the dick region until it's safely inside your coot?
>>126353Why are their heads so small?
No. 126362
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No. 126363
File: 1432788994545.jpg (75.96 KB, 1024x768, T-X_Plasma_Disabled.jpg)

>>126362>Crooked smile detectable even through head tilt.>Crooked purple dick. Has not had sex in a while. 10 seconds at most for coitus.>Grainy as fuck pic. Must've taken lessons from Nighleigh/Peter Coffin>Hand would be a better partner.2/10, would not bang. Though props for eyebrow control.
No. 126367
>>126366They also don't piss out of their clits
>>126365This is where girls mess up, if you're into different types then you don't have to compete against each other. That should be a good thing.
>>reasoningOh yeah we were talking about girls
No. 126369
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>>126368I agree with this. even if (as a girl) you can't do anything with a male ass, they're still hot if they're nice and firm. also agree with dick comment.
No. 126371
>>126370probably because people get really offended when you say you dont like dick. like people need an explination and you have to get a lawyer and its like "chill i dont like dick, you like dick cool its all good just chill"
>>126369also yes love man ass, gotta have something to grab right?
No. 126372
>>126371But if you're a guy who likes traps you can't be considered straight still?
Not saying girls can't like bp, just saying that it seems odd to simultaneously not like d considering the variance of utility for a girl.
No. 126375
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No. 126376
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No. 126377
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No. 126378
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No. 126385
>>126170>dicks aren't attractive2 u
i for one, like dick
No. 126386
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why are men getting so pissed that girls think their butts are cute? i'm guessing the ones commenting have flst hank hill asses like that other anon said lmao.
No. 126387
>>126380Well, you can't spoiler, so make dealings. It's like you've never been on a /b/ board before.
>>126368>>Unless I'm horny or something, dicks look gross.…, what are you doing here if you aren't horny?
>>tfw horny all the time;_;
No. 126391
>>126380This thread was the top thread the first time I came here and even though I came really close to being
triggered/developing PTSD/having multiple panic attacks … I persevered.
No. 126394
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No. 126397
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I always wanted auron to have a romantic adventure with me and then take me doggy like the animal he is
No. 126398
>>126394Too gay
Moar manly men please
No. 126399
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Brother Sharp.
No. 126401
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No. 126402
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Oh auron why can't you be real
No. 126404
>>126393I just find it interesting that's all. At /cuteboys/ they're really intense about "if you like traps that are pretty much only male bc dick and are a guy then you must identify as bi or else you're in denial" while it is the exact opposite here.
Guys being into dicks but not into guys, girls being into guys but not into dicks. you know what I mean?
No. 126407
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No. 126412
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No. 126413
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No. 126414
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i'm sorry
No. 126415
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How bout some Ricki Hall fukk yeem,dw
No. 126423
>>126415sry, this is way better than
>>126412This guy looks like a 12 year old girl
No. 126424
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Sean O'Pry. His face is perfect (and I liked him before that Taylor Swift video, js)
No. 126426
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Lets get some DIVERSITY up in here!
Sen Mitsuji (even tho he's like half white or w.e) is hot. Also I listened to a video with his voice in it and that deep, raspy, lung deteriorating voice mmm
No. 126427
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>>126426he's attractive, but average at the same time.
Here's the guy that got deported for being too hot
No. 126428
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>>1264279/10 would use as a personal dildo.
Sidharth Malhotra! More brown guys!
he can be occasionally uglyish in some pics but his makoto tachibana like body (excuse my weeb) is too good.
No. 126431
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>>126430That being said, I actually find some masculine, SLIM lesbians kind of attractive, so I concede!
No. 126433
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>>126432Ruby Rose. New cast member in OITNB.
Though she still wears lipstick most of the time I'd consider her style "dykey."
No. 126434
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>>126432There's also Erika Linder but shes "genderfluid" or some shit (yeah ok…). Still likes pussy!
No. 126435
>>126433lmao, I was literally about to post this right now:
"I tried searching for "hot butch lesbian" to see if there were any, I was really hoping to find one. But they're all ugly :/ even the young/slim ones."
but I stand corrected, 10/10 jfc yes
No. 126437
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she has the face of a femme though, and it's not just the makeup. but yeah, this is the most attractive i ever could have imagined a butch to be. 100000/10, has awaken my rare lesbian feels
No. 126439
>>126438Ben Dahlhaus.
Hint for next time, do a reverse google image search.
No. 126440
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move aside ya homosexuals!
anyone remember the hot math teacher?
No. 126442
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>>126441yes. and he has a phd
No. 126443
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>>126442Is it a phd in sexual healing?
No. 126444
>>126442he can
in me anytime
No. 126445
>>126443if only…
then i could help him research for his..thesis
No. 126446
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No. 126450
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What do girls think about Chisa? I was thinking of imitating his style a bit.
No. 126451
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Some of the outfits are too colorful, just got these of /cuteboys/
No. 126452
>>126450I'm gonna be nice to you cause you're a guy ;)….
The look is probably gonna be a bit feminine for some girls though he's cute to me if I was feeling kinky. Depends on your face though. Is he a host club or idol member? Looks like he'd be popular with the ladies in Japan.
No. 126454
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entire thread about hot men and no godfrey gao? wtf is this shit.
No. 126457
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or how about some daniel henney?
No. 126458
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ya'll can keep your skinny white twinks, imma just be over here
No. 126459
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i know he's a faggot and an asshole i'm sorry everyone
No. 126460
>>126459I am a pretty big fan of mark…
Why is he an asshole? I'd love to know!
No. 126464
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>>126452Aw thanks.
I definitely won't be able to pull this off when I get older.
He's singer for DIV
No. 126467
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>>126426Omfg yasss I love sen he's such a qt pie wish he didn't smoke tho
No. 126468
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>fap thread
>no t.o.p
No. 126469
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he's hot
No. 126476
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Daesung is bae tho
No. 126482
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No. 126484
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Pre-haircut Devendra Banhart. Although with short hair he's still gorgeous
No. 126487
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No. 126488
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No. 126491
>>126490wtf he's friends with a lot of black people?
you have shit taste racist-chan, he has the head and hair of a toddler, and in the creepiest way possible. like you're actually looking at an ugly, mad infant.
No. 126493
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>>126488Shit taste in men.
Do you also fap to serial killers too?
No. 126494
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HNNNGHH! Oh, oh, oh fuck yeah. Mmmm sex me up please oh YEAH! I'd do him in the ass or let him do me in the ass.
No. 126496
>>126491No seriously, I like girls.
That's not me.
I don't like it when men look like babies or really when men look like men.
I like guys but I like it when they look like girls.
I believe the word is homoflexible or something according to Tumblr terminology.
Basically I prever women, so lesbian was incorrect terminology.
And the man that idiot posted makes me want to vomit up my organs.
No. 126497
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He's such a little cutie I can't get over it.
No. 126500
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>>126494I wanna do this to him
No. 126504
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I'm so sad I'm 21. I feel like I was born too late :( Ed Norton is so old now but I'd still jump on him if I had the chance.
No. 126505
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No. 126506
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I'm personally a big fan of Matthew Gray Gubler (some of you might know him as Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds).
No. 126508
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>>126504>>126504Don't feel bad! A lot of people like older celebrities. RDJ and George Clooney are big examples here.
No. 126509
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>tfw bender will never tell u elephantitis ball jokes
No. 126512
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Till Lindemann is gorgeous. He has these big sad eyes while simultaneously looking like a caveman and being batshit insane.
No. 126513
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No. 126514
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No. 126516
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>>126066>>126067are either of these people actually guys
No. 126517
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>>126117>>126114Super late response but eh. imo Drake looks weird cause his eyes are turned downwards so much, and his cheeks are too round so it comes out very cartoonish/awkward
No. 126518
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hnnnnngggggg nick bateman
No. 126520
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Milk out of drag
No. 126521
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Kayta as a person in general
No. 126522
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Daniel McGuffey from Master Chef USA
No. 126523
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Chris Pratt is the ultimate daddy TBH.
No. 126524
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God I have a thing for male models
>>126519Oh yeah, isn't he like actually half jewish? or at least half white i don't remember, but he isn't fully black
No. 126527
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>>126526Ok last one for the male model flood
I don't care for this one, but, you know. Shoe on head.
No. 126528
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No. 126529
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steve is really cute in dinner for schmucks with his weird taxidermy
No. 126532
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Hands down , 2006 Mr Rochester is hot af
No. 126535
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No. 126537
>>126534<3 <3
I wasn't really keen on blonde hair on guys at first, but Ben Jarvis looks great.
anyway, check out
it's some Japanese chick collecting hq model pictures since like 2012 and she updates regularly. That's how i discovered these cuties hahaha
No. 126538
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No. 126543
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>>126541I can't get physically horny from pictures alone either, especially vanilla, but just bask in the spirit of the thread - posting attractive men.
If you have some sorta fantasy, post the guy you would use as a male placeholder in it. Something like that.
No. 126544
File: 1439833846543.jpg (30.88 KB, 465x364, 1435991383241.jpg)

>>126542Fap implies physical masturbation and sexual arousal. These dudes are fully dressed and half the pictures are from the neck up. This is more of a "post aesthetically pleasing pictures" thread so that prude bitches can pretend they have a sex drive.
(And most the guys are smelly looking and greasy as fuck)
No. 126545
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>>126544why so salty, anon? are you just a massive autist who can't comprehend figurative language? or are you a guy who's butthurt about being fat and ugly?
No. 126546
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i only like skinny, fragile-looking boys
i blame anime
No. 126547
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He was still hot while being chubs too.
No. 126548
File: 1439842984330.jpg (145.64 KB, 625x835,…)

Aaron taylor johnson all the way.
Though I do think he looks better with longer hair.
No. 126551
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Does anyone know who this guy is ? (I think I have a fetish for white/silver haired men)
No. 126553
>>126549I know, I remember reading it when I was like 16 and I cringed so fucking hard I thought my face would fall off.
No…. such a waste of cock
No. 126554
File: 1439850136092.jpg (21.37 KB, 371x500, 0001.jpg)

Daniel dae kim
idk but recently ive been getting yellow fever…
i think ive just got a thing for tanned asian men… i just… yeah
No. 126555
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o yh
No. 126556
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>>126555dan henney god fuckin damn
No. 126557
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>>126556but i cannot say im at all interested in kpop boys, they all look girly, too pale (i like pale skin but those..) and jus nawh
No. 126558
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>>126549It reminds me of Hugh Jackman and Debora Lee-Furness. Granted I don't think Deb is ugly just motherly, and well looks her age.
Like fuck it boggles my mind that Aaron is into Sam. Like how.
No. 126559
File: 1439852903698.jpg (130.93 KB, 500x696, tumblr_ls1hfpwsYa1qm466ao1_128…)

>>126041all the dudes in this thread are so ugly and/or aged daddy types
No. 126560
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>>126554>>126556>>126555i like you anon. youre my type of person.
No. 126562
>>126558Well they've been married 20 years and she wasn't an old bag lady when they were wed.
>>126559>>126561These guys are now old and ugly too.
No. 126564
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No. 126565
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No. 126566
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booboo stewart is the hottest thing left over from twilight
No. 126568
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>>126566Pfft as if. Its all about Jackson Rathbone
No. 126572
File: 1439863233376.png (399.55 KB, 720x404, vlcsnap-2012-10-14-20h48m34s67…)

>>126569even though I posted that pic you made me laugh so hard
but he isn't that bad
No. 126573
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How is there no Jay Baruchel up in here.
No. 126574
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Best Chris.
No. 126579
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Not sure who he is.
No. 126580
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Men with glasses.
No. 126585
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>>126041Trevor Moore, complete opposite of my usual type but something about him is really cute.
No. 126586
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I don't know why but I just can't find white guys attractive. Even the guys in this thread. I've maybe been attracted to maybe 3 white guys in my life.
It's kind of bullshit because I'm white.
No. 126590
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More Aaron
No. 126591
>>126587Anon you're literally me
It's worse because I'm slightly SJW and I don't want to get a non-black bf and one day be cuddling and hear shit like "Why isn't there a White Entertainment Television".
No. 126592
>>126591>>126587same. i've gotten so much shit for be outspoken about racial politics but having only been with white guys.
black guys just…remind me of my dad, idk, that's weird.
>> I don't want to get a non-black bf and one day be cuddling and hear shit like "Why isn't there a White Entertainment Televisionlmao
No. 126595
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No. 126598
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>>126146both gerard and lynz are pretty hot
i've fapped to both of them No. 126599
File: 1440271964409.gif (650.13 KB, 500x281,…)

Madeon's adorable and I've been following his career since he was 17 (he's 21 now iirc) and that makes me extremely creepy because I fantasized about him even then
No. 126600
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>>126599this is a dude from 4chan who looks pretty much exactly like that…
he is a qt. I just had to save the pictures of him.
No. 126603
>>126600>>126601ha, that's pretty funny
i remember the thread
No. 126604
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No. 126605
File: 1440296272679.jpg (78.95 KB, 500x630, taeyang-sixpack.jpg)

>>126586same, anon. ive dated my share of white guys, but i have bad yellow fever. and i like some native american/indian/latino/black guys too.
No. 126606
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>>126605>>126586This thread needs more BigBang
No. 126610
>>126605Yasss! I have pretty much only dated asian guys haha. I don't know why, I guess white guys tend to have more sharp/pronounced features? I just don't like how that looks. Other races don't seem to have that so much.
Also taeyang is sexy as hell
No. 126611
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>>126607T.O.P is best man
No. 126612
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>>126611So true. He's probably the least baby-faced of k-pop stars.
No. 126613
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needs more ShinEE
No. 126615
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>>126612God yes.
Girly asian guys do nothing for me.
No. 126616
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>>126614>>126614keys born to shine performance while dressed like a bdsm daddy was the best thing that happened to me
No. 126617
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>>126612shirtless top for your soul
No. 126619
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some taemin
No. 126620
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>uncle doom dada
He can doom my dada anyday ° ʖ
No. 126623
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>>126622It's from a korean reality TV show called Return of Superman, it's fucking adorable. I don't know if birth control is making me feel more motherly, but I love watching it.
It's basically about celebrities raising their super well disciplined kids (my favorites are Lee Hwijae's twins Seoeon and Seojun), the .gif has Tablo (from Epik High) and his daughter. She is friends with and hangs out with a lot of the Big Bang crew.
Here are some links to some clips with k-pop stars for adorable kids, and cute k-pop boys: No. 126624
>>126623oh NO im going to be watching this all night anon. what have you done? my ovaries are tingling….
asian guys + cute babies = my weakness apparently
No. 126626
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>>126625It's already ruined mine ~
I even made my boyfriend watch it with me
No. 126628
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Pretty boys get my motor going ngl
No. 126629
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No. 126631
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No. 126632
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Okay but more seungri
No. 126633
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No. 126634
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Maknae line y'all
No. 126635
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Oh god that vogue shoot gave me life
No. 126636
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mmmm Yabai Daesung
No. 126637
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silver hair TOP is best TOP. and jiyong looks good with colored hair.
No. 126638
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im so in love with this man
No. 126639
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>>126637Cotton candy G will always be my favourite G
No. 126640
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No. 126643
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>>126642This thread has become beautiful
No. 126644
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No. 126645
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No. 126646
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>>126147i saw him live back in june when he was touring with against me! and hes still pretty cute
also i would fuck jesse in a heartbeat
No. 126647
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charlie day
No. 126649
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My current obsession is young Christian Slater. hngg
>>126336I've made a lot of awkward eye contact with him in person.
>>126424He's just as beautiful in person.
>>126526He always seems so sad in person but I love him.
>>126073Hes a sweetie.
>>126098Hes an artsy bitch but hes always been nice.
No. 126655
>>126653Who's the coolest male model you've met, personality-wise?
Are they usually as dumb as the stereotype implies?
No. 126656
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It seems like a painfully Tumblr-esque choice (I don't even have a Tumblr), but I think Tom Hiddleston is fucking beautiful
>>126042Recipient of the "Sexiest Jesus of All Time" award
>>126064u wot m8
>>126094Getting a hug from Keanu Reeves was
the highlight of my teenage years and I will always have a gigantic soft spot in my heart for that man
>>126508RDJ always
>>126513Oh god I love you anon
No. 126658
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No. 126659
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No. 126660
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>>126654I lived with a decently well off relative.
>>126655The coolest one is probably actually one I didn't like for a really long time, which was for stupid reasons. But River Viiperi was the one of the nicest models I've met. I waved at him and he came over and gave me and my friend hugs and made us laugh a whole lot. Also a lesser known model Tyler Rix who I talked to for an hour.
Some of them are actually really smart, go to college, starting their own businesses, etc. But some don't come across as smart but that might just be a language barrier as most are foreign.
No. 126664
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No Revenge Gerard?
No. 126665
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And beat-up, bloody Revenge era Gerard was pretty cool too
No. 126667
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The guy from a really old sigarette commercial. This is the only pic of him I have but he looks so manly and sexy on it.
No. 126670
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No. 126671
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>>126670Sorry babe but yunho.doesnt play for
Your team. Hes gay :)
No. 126673
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No. 126676
>>126673>>126674>>126675Are you shitting me?
To each their own I guess.
No. 126680
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No. 126681
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No. 126682
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>>126680Awww yeahhh. He can look fucking handsome and classy, but he can also be a complete dork, which is cute as well. His smile melts my heart. I just want him to hug me with those strong arms of his.
No. 126683
File: 1440814036573.jpg (61.75 KB, 620x372, Matthew-McConaughey.jpg)

Matthew McConaughey in True Detective. I never found him attractive until TD. I know old Rust Cohle is supposed to look like shit, but both young and old Cohle make my loins tingle.
No. 126684
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>>126682Fuck me YES.
He's the biggest dork around Chris Evans.
No. 126685
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No. 126686
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No. 126691
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>>126690I would pay for it.
The fucking bromance that these guys have for each other.
No. 126692
File: 1440908177458.gif (2 MB, 500x280, tumblr_n9e32gVgKS1rrwwbao2_500…)

This bromance is unreal.
No. 126693
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>>126692And lets not forget how Chris tit grabs everyone.
No. 126696
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No. 126698
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No. 126701
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>you will never have a 5some with him and his 3 best friendsWhy even live
No. 126702
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andy hurley tbh
No. 126703
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Gambino and Tyler are both a weakness.
No. 126705
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Collin Morgan
No. 126706
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Brendon Urie
No. 126708
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RIP to the beautiful potential this boy that no longer exists once had.
No. 126710
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No. 126711
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>>126710Best Darcy ever, look at his puppy eyes
No. 126715
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>>126714This guy is the enhanced version of my bae
No. 126717
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>>126578What the fuck ever, I would let Evans wreck me completely
No. 126725
File: 1442299452241.png (20.04 KB, 235x235, 1440568676596.png)

I'm straight but I just can't fap to men's pictures or straight porn. I only watch lesbian porn, straight does absolutely nothing for me. I'm not closeted or anything, I love the dick. I just can't get off dicks in porn. Am I alone in this?
No. 126729
>>126724Ugh, me too but I'm a gay guy. Seeing someone get really autistic about a subject turns me on
Crushing their entire world is just mean though
No. 126730
>>126628>>126629Damn, he's fucking beautiful.
>>126725I'm straight but hate watching heterosexual porn. I like watching lesbian porn and both men and women solo masturbating, though.
No. 126733
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hate gg but love me some kevin
No. 126734
File: 1442342195654.png (1.16 MB, 852x881, Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 1.34…)

idk if this really counts, this is one of my ex's. he's probably the hottest guy I've ever banged.
yes, while he's sleeping. i'm a creep.
he has these really long camel-tier lashes and big blue eyes but it's hard to get him to let me take a photo while he's awake.
also dem curls. italians, man. he looks like a living version of Michelangelo's David, but with a bigger dick haha. sorry for the grainy phone pic.
No. 126736
File: 1442345709237.png (571.7 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png)

>That one socially maladjusted anon who prefers effete asian men
>compared to the rest of the anons who prefer and post white men
Feels good man.
No. 126737
in my experience, most men I've met assume there's something wrong with you if you
haven't had a prior partner.
No. 126738
File: 1442346861268.jpg (87.45 KB, 560x373, 150826135100.jpg)

This Egyptian fuck
No. 126739
>>126736I have ptsd from dating an asian man. The smell of dried squid still
triggers me
No. 126745
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>not masturbating to imaqtpie
No. 126746
File: 1442740281440.gif (1.1 MB, 250x250, wtf cute.gif)

I'm so sorry. I've had a weird uncontrollable crush on him since he first appeared in Love Actually, he just seems like such a sweet, genuine guy. And that shit makes me wild.
Also Maze Runner means Thomas Brodie-Sangster covered in dirt and blood, which is a pretty big kink for me.
No. 126749
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i can't be the only one here who is really attracted to older guys who are losing their hair
No. 126750
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and then there's jason isaacs. my oldest crush on a man and a major factor in determining that i am not a complete lesbian
No. 126751
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>>126749You're not alone my friend
No. 126755
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i want to make this thread weird for all of us
No. 126757
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>>126756i do like myself some piercing blue eyes
No. 126759
>>126758well he looked really haggard in his later years. you certainly could tell that he had enjoyed life to the fullest.
he really was a beauty in the 60s. love the effeminate mannerisms in lawrence of arabia, cute af.
No. 126760
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>>126757Speaking of older movie stars for some reason George C Scott makes my ladybits all tingly in the movie Patton.
No. 126762
File: 1442792693257.gif (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 350x260, 5VDTF.gif)

Anyone for some Chris Meloni dick?
No. 126763
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>>126762I started watching SVU because of him, stopped when he left and am now watching it again because of the super fairy new prosecutor Barba
No. 126765
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>>126762Samefagging but wtf ever
In the same vein Sasha Roiz
No. 126766
File: 1442802813943.gif (941.25 KB, 245x155, tumblr_nni1i6Brnm1tsxtbco2_250…)

>literally a fedora-tipping,overweight,sweaty,babyfaced,crab-walking wannabe god
Just kill me already.
No. 126769
>>126768ketchup fries in his mouth
Roman Reigns is the cutest WWE superstar though.
No. 126770
File: 1442816415354.jpg (15.1 KB, 500x300, 79929d51309f29a7b054e69274b427…)

fucking aidan gillen, all the baneposting got to me and now i wish he was a big guy for me
i watched the whole fucking batman trilogy in 1 night just for his role ;_;
No. 126771
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jeff goldblum, tmi but i bet he's really good at fingering
No. 126773
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Travie McCoy
No. 126774
>>126771I'm weirdly attracted to him too. I like how strange he is and his deep smooth voice.
I bet he has a big cock.
No. 126775
File: 1442895747989.jpg (137.25 KB, 630x420, Aw yeah.jpg)

>>126771>>126774You're not alone. I think he's really weird looking, but he's so fucking appealing for some reason. I bet he's both good at fingering and well-hung.
No. 126777
File: 1442941367656.jpg (911.57 KB, 936x1482, ricky-nelson-3.jpg)

I am ridiculously attracted to Rick Nelson. He's been dead forever and didn't age that well, but he's one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen. He's a great singer too.
Ladies go on and on about Elvis being a heartthrob and I just laff.
No. 126781
File: 1442962642700.jpg (7.32 KB, 214x225, john beal.jpg)

>tfw he died before I was even born
Saw the original (1935) Les Miserables movie and fell in love
No. 126782
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>>126780I know, he's so adorable. I just wanna dominate him.
No. 126783
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Oscar Isaac, whether he's holding a cat or being really creepy (actually, to be honest, preferably when he's being really creepy). I don't know if I should feel bad about that.
>tfw flushed and actually sweating
No. 126784
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>>126783Also, I think he's one of the few guys who looks a lot better with some facial hair.
No. 126786
File: 1443059348924.jpg (39.63 KB, 600x400, nd2-detective-and-girl.jpg)

I had the biggest crush on Ryuhei Matsuda in Gohatto, but he looks better as he aged and with a bit of facial hair.
No. 126787
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i wanna marry him
No. 126789
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>>126788I console myself with the fact that James could probably really use it considering he has a kid and works a shorty retail job, but I'm sure it would've helped Jmac out with some dental school debt. I'm sure he's gonna see a huge influx of patients now too…
But i still wish he'd won. If he hadn't managed to last until almost the end, I probably wouldn't have kept watching. Literally the only good part of this season. And he got so fit while he was there too.
No. 126790
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>>126769Top kek
I won't even try to deny that anon.And he's hot as fuck.
No. 126792
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Chris Hemsworth is my personal god
No. 126793
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Clive Standen anyone?
No. 126794
File: 1443300554767.jpg (35.11 KB, 334x405, hnng.jpg)

The guy I fap most to is Ezra Miller. He is just so perfect.
>>126745I actually love this dork but i couldn't masturbate to him I just couldn't. oh BABY.
>>126566>>126658>>126700>>126710All of these get me wet.
>>126296Never really found him that attractive until I saw this.
No. 126800
>>126799Threads like this always fall apart once people start posting girls. We farmers are just too bitchy.
>Ew wtf that bitch is so FAT! Here's my thinspo queen~>THANK YOU HUNGRY SKELETON>Gross, stop posting Asian women. We all know you're that one K-pop shitposter >Why are there so many shitskins ITT? Fucking Tumblr>Fuck off and stop posting Russian mail order brides, no one finds that attractive>That bitch is drowning in makeup, I like my girls natural>Selfpost much?etc
No. 126802
File: 1443353350867.jpg (46.68 KB, 400x591, 666666.jpg)

Kinski could rape me any day.
I'll let myself out.
No. 126805
File: 1443369954089.jpg (68.59 KB, 600x900, herr flick.jpg)

>>126203>>126287>>126298>>126318>>126710>>126802god yes. older men and nazis are always the way to go. pic of herr flick related
No. 126806
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No. 126809
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God. Nev is so CUTE.
No. 126810
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I need him in my life…
No. 126811
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Tfw you will never catfish nev
No. 126812
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God. I forgot about his tramp stamp. Lost some points there Nev.
No. 126816
>>126799Please, no.
Have you not seen the black, asian, and white threads one /b/? Don't fuck this shit up just make another thread for it.
No. 126819
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Other Catfish guy is better.
[I don't know his name, I just googled 'Catfish guys' bc I've watched the show, like, twice.]
No. 126821
File: 1443422049319.jpg (30.06 KB, 600x400, B_Mf7btVAAAIJpl.jpg)

horrible plebcrush and yet I cannot renounce it
No. 126833
>>126832 it's called Blackbird
Just a warning, there's some bloodplay but you can mostly skip past it. I thought it was quite good overall, Lecter is dominating but not an asshole so it can get very hot. It may take a while to get started, but stick with it.
(anyway let me know if you have any d/s fic recs too)
No. 126834
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>>126830He may or may not be dating Quinta, and apparently he's been in a couple videos about women and what's attractive about them. Maybe he is gay and just has a lot of opinions.
No. 126835
>>126834Yeah, no. He and Quinta are just good friends/coworkers. On this reddit board someone claims to have went on a date with him think its safe to say gay, or bi but prefers men. He used to be a dancer, hes really pretty, and honestly too perfect to be straight.
No. 126837
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>>126835hmmm, fair enough. whether or not that post was true, I can totally see a normal human trying to go on a date with Eugene and being too intimidated to ever call him again.
No. 126839
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>>126837Its entirely possible he is bi, anon. I, personally, will pretend he is bi in my mind and delude myself into thinking i have a chance with him.
I have no pictures of Eugene, so have shirtless TOP
No. 126840
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more jeff goldblum
>>126839i always thought it looked like they just edited top's head on some other guys body, or he's just stiff
No. 126842
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>>126841>>126840Honestly, I have no idea. Wishful thinking wants it to be his body, but if thats what he really look like, why hide it all these years?
Six pack or not, he's still fucking beautiful. 10/10 would suck dry.
No. 126844
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>>126843he seems like he'd be pretty freaky in bed
he's 62 and still rockin' it
No. 126847
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another jeff goldblum + long hair
i love how tall he is
No. 126850
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>>126849no don't think so, are you thinking of taylor negron?
>>126848i only watched that movie a few nights ago and i disliked it except for the style + jeff
No. 126852
they look alike O__O
No. 126853
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No. 126856
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>>126851>he was hot as fuck>wasI think you misspelled "is"
No. 126858
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No. 126860
>>126665Revenge Gerard is my favourite… He looked like a sullen vampire prince. I especially liked the fake blood/messed up look
whoever you are, thanks!!
No. 126861
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Loki has been the only man I have fapped to for over two years. I think he's my one true love. he's perfect.
No. 126862
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like 2 nights ago i had a wet dream about ahren stringer from the amity affliction lmao he has his gfs name tattooed on his dick
tbh cant even remember the last time i got off w/o thinking of a band dude
No. 126863
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>>126665i like revenge frank more tbh but gerard is attractive af
mikey tho…revenge era was not a good time for him lmao
No. 126864
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>>126863I feel so guilty being attracted to Gerard Way. I liked him best as Party Poison.
No. 126868
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>>126864Oops, dropped pic
But I have a very specific and embarrasing fantasy about basement!gerard…Gerard has always had such a draw for me in any form and I'm happy we're popping up here haha
No. 126870
File: 1444813758944.jpg (147.26 KB, 500x331, gerard-and-mikey1.jpg)

>>126863Aw, I always find Mikey really cute tbh. I have a thing for glasses though. And I like his thin frame.
No. 126871
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I am legitimately in love with Gerard Way. He's just that cute, awkward, kind of dorky adorable little fuck that I can't get enough of. I liked him best in his chubby basement dweller days. A+ choice anon.
Also attracted to Frank.
I've read way too much frerard fanfiction. Forgive me, farmers. No. 126872
File: 1444820729588.jpg (122.5 KB, 500x333, gerard-way-frank-iero-large--l…)

>>126871I ship them too. I was actually going to look for some fanfiction to read since tomorrow is my day off and I just need to clean up the apartment. Any recommendations?A+ choice yourself. Chubby Gerard is seriously best Gerard.
No. 126873
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>>126871Yes, he is such a cute little nerd.
No. 126875
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>>126861I feel really Tumblr for saying so, but I think Tom Hiddleston is about as perfect as a guy can get. I do especially like him as Loki.
I also feel kind of bad for finding pic related highly arousing. But only kind of.
No. 126878
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>>1268752d Loki is superior.
No. 126881
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>>126872omg.. I need to talk to you or something. Let's be friends and bond over Chubby Gerard. I need more people who understand my love for him.
My two favorites that i read were A Splitting of the Mind ( and Anatomy of a Fall (, though I'm sure you already read those. ;_; I apologize for my shit taste. I also used to have all of my fanfiction bookmarked on an old computer, so I've lost most of them that I couldn't remember the name of. Good luck anon!>>126873Gerard Way has ruined men for me.
>>126874Excuse u, my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way.
No. 126882
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>>126881i watched life on the murder scene the other day and he still makes my heart flutter. qt goth nerd
No. 126883
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>>126882i love lotm. my fave 5ever. he's such a dork, i just want to read comics and play d&d with him forever.
No. 126884
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>>126881Here's my email if you wanna chat anytime through the gchat thing.
It's good to meet some more Gerard fans. And yes, he has ruined men for me as well.
the way Frank stares at Gerard. Dear lord No. 126885
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>>126882I rewatched it as well. I gotta own the dvd it's on or whatever. It's so cute seeing them grow from tiny indie band to where they were in 2010/2011. I still think Mikey is cute as fuck in the beginning with his spikey hair and glasses, but he also makes a really hot blonde.
No. 126890
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>>126870ye mikey was my favorite mcr member but black parade mikey will always have a special place in my gay ass heart :^)
>>126887all the pictures ive posted are of guys ive masturbated to lol oops (pic entirely relevant)
No. 126891
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>>126890I love him so much with glasses though. It made me really sad when he switched to contacts.
No. 126892
>>126887I made this thread (holy shit, has it already been seven months?) and I guess I just used "fap" as like a thing to describe men you are attracted to sexually. I don't maturbuate because muh PTSD but if I did, it would be to the pics I've posted.
(namely this guy
It's cool to fap too. Whatever floats your goat.
No. 126893
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>>126890>>126891Three Cheers Mikey was best Mikey.. he's so dorky and cute. (Though once he took off his glasses and starting putting his hair back, I think he got more handsome. idk.)
Everyone of them is a cute lil potato.
No. 126895
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No. 126896
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No. 126897
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No. 126900
>>126881>>126883Sent an email if you're still around
Polite sage
No. 126903
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>>126901It was for a show
No. 126909
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I have the biggest crush on P.O from Block b tbh.
No. 126911
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>>126910anddd forgot a pic. Enjoy yourselves. ;)
No. 126912
>>126910>>126911100% perfect. I'll never love anyone like I love this fucking dork.
(p.s. Can I add this pic to the mcr photobucket? >>12053)
No. 126913
>>126910>>126911Fuck, yes anon!
Most of my account passwords still include his name. My inner emo kid is still alive and burning when I see him.
No. 126914
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Daniel Radcliffe, Iwan Rheon, Morrissey, young LOTR-era Elijah Wood (he looks a bit gumpy nowadays, sad), Jack Whitehall, etc.
Dark hair, big light-coloured eyes, bit of scruff. I'm a huge sucker for that combo.
I wanna fuck every time I see Donald Glover.
No. 126917
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carey agos lmao… he looks like a TA i had. blonde small boys are qts
No. 126918
>>126915he is so hot it makes me wanna cry ;_;
god, I can't wait for GoT to start up again
>>126910>>126913I used to have the biggest crush on Gerard Way when I was deep into my emo phase in the 7th grade. He doesn't have ~alt boy~ charm anymore, but he's still such a cutie.
>>126580YES. i fucking love glasses. they can make a fuggo handsome.
No. 126919
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>>126918whoops, dropped pic
No. 126920
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No. 126923
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No. 126924
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No. 126926
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Jake Gyllenhaal is so fucking perfect… I could never be with a handsome dude like him cause I'd feel bad about myself lol
He's perfection.
He's the planet
No. 126927
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Joseph Gordon Levitt
No. 126929
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Hugh Dancy
No. 126930
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No. 126931
>>126929Same anon, same
I don't even like beardy guys but his eyes are so pretty
No. 126932
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Brock o' hurn, he's my viking hunk <3
No. 126935
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>>126934Dohoho, just wait until he meets Lucille.
Daryl's old hat; Rick is where it's at.
No. 126937
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half of the NHL.
No. 126940
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Started Gossip Girl about a week ago, currently on season 2. Matthew Settle is so hnnngggg. I have a thing for rocker dads, I want him to do many dirty things to me.
No. 126941
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And, any fellow past emo/scene kids here? Use to be a huge The Academy Is… fan back when, still love their music. Also use to have a HUGE crush on every member, still do.
No. 126943
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>>126929He's qt as fuck, I wouldn't even have sex with him because he looks so pure and innocent, just a cuddly bunny.
I'll post my personal fap list:
Seth Rollins, it's a shame he was such a douchebag with his girlfriend but I'd still nail
No. 126944
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>>126943Edge, esp with long hair
No. 126945
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>>126944Chris Hemsworth because fuck FUCK FUCK
No. 126946
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>>126945Clive Standen, the hot viking
No. 126950
>>126941I'm s big TAI fan and still into a lot of bands I followed from 2004/2005 and on. I actually got to see them play by sheer luck in December last year. Mike is gorgeous in person. I honestly think him and Andrew (The Butcher) are the best looking members.
If you want to drop me an email and gush more about this shit, please do.
No. 126952
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>>126951Forgot pic, sorry
No. 126954
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>>126953Last one, I swear. I'm 100% jelly of this wife
No. 126957
>>126360I don't find dicks 'attractive' or pleasing to look at. I think asses are fucking excellent. My boyfriend has a nice muscular tush and it makes me want to bite it every time I see it….but that doesn't make me repulsed by dicks? I mean just because I'm not aroused by looking at wang doesn't mean that I dislike it. I definitely don't avoid the dick region. I enjoy giving oral and things like that…I'm just not particularly attracted to penis. My boyfriend said the SAME thing about vagina. I mean is a vagina attractive? No. When he sees vagina he isn't like "oh damn yeah!". They aren't pretty. Most people don't think they're pretty. BUT CLEARLY he's not afraid of vagina. I don't understand this argument at all.
That being said if you ARE repulsed by dick….I would think that you probably aren't straight. What are you doing with men if dick is disgusting?
No. 126958
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I feel slightly guilty wanting to fuck the shit out of Cr1tikal.
No. 126961
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>cootMan dicks are dicks. I don't mind looking at them but it's not the main reason I fap to a guy.
No. 126965
>>126964I'd like to see a guy in ridiculously revealing clothes or underwear 2 sizes smaller for him, so that his junk can't be covered completely, this's what turns me on so much.
But JUST naked guy is boring, i understand you.
No. 126966
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Needs more glorious 2D
No. 126969
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Young Glenn Gould. Pianist's fingers.
No. 126970
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>>126969I have a fetish for long fingers and large hands.
No. 126971
>>126725That' because lesbian porn is more "sensual" I guess you could say? With hetero porn it's mostly just grunting, awkward shots of the guy's asshole while he's in her, and etreme closeups
It's not marketed towards women at all
>>126770He is pretty good looking tbh
No. 126973
>>126972I've got the tism and I needed something to reply to
Which was the bait post?
No. 126974
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No. 126980
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No. 126985
>>19707M anly
s E xual
a T humb
H aste
No. 126986
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Here's my hubby
No. 126988
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No. 126989
>>19714All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
No. 126991
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No. 126993
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You see that crown?
No. 126999
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He'd be more attractive if he smiled more, but still I can't get enough.
No. 127003
apparently he's single too.
No. 127004
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Burt Reynolds makes me want to cry.
No. 127005
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No. 127007
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I recently watched both Bill and Ted movies, and it's given me a huge crush on Keanu Reeves. More so him with longer hair, but still. swoon
No. 127008
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>>127007Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix in My Private Idaho though…
No. 127009
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No. 127012
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Him- Fucking handsome
No. 127013
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every single day, would do anything for him
No. 127014
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>>126988it's weird, i find him so attractive after i listened to the tnd podcast of him
>>126784oscar isaac is so hot aaaaaaaaa
Domhnall gleeson. I don't care if everyone else thinks he looks like a hobo
No. 127015
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Peter Scanavino from Law and Order: SVU.
Even when he looks greasy or homeless or psycho, I want him to fucking annihilate me.
I watched this 15 minute monologue he did from the point of view of some druggy and oh god, even with the obnoxious Staten Island accent, I was dying. I could go on and on and on.
No. 127017
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>>126988Joji could get it any day.
No. 127019
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>>126853I like his new look
No. 127020
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No. 127025
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No. 127026
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No matter what anyone says, Jason Isaacs. Prob cause I had the hots for Lucius Malfoy half of my teenage life, but w/e what can you do
No. 127028
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>>127026Hnnng yes. I fell in love with him in The Patriot and he's only gotten hotter
No. 127029
>>127026ok but for real tho like im gay and shit but like
jason isaacs can put it in my wet pussy any which way he wants 2. upside down, right side, sideways, up up down down left right left right B A start i DO N O T g a single, atom of a f he can lay the pipe and i can suck him off and sit on his face and r i d e him like the moon would crash into termina the second i stopped doing it. like it was my chosen and desired profession. like i studied for years, took out loans and got into debt, and ate nothing but ramen noodles and beer just so i can bump on dat dick while his kids and wife were downstairs watchin peppa pig or w/e the fuck british kids watch.
ok i just wanted to share that bye
No. 127032
>>127028I didn't know he was in that movie. He looks great.
>>127026>>127027Agreed. Both the actors they got for Sirius and James Potter were huge disappointments.
No. 127033
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I want to hump Manuel Neuer's tight ass.
No. 127036
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>>127033Oh yes.
Schweini too
No. 127039
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rip in pepperoni
No. 127040
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Raul Esparza. I'd like to worship his slight belly for some reason.
No. 127042
>>127041I first saw him on Hannibal, then I fell in love with him.
This vid of him is nice too, Raul as Emcee in Cabaret
No. 127045
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Don't judge me
No. 127046
>>127045I am, I'm sorry
girl what are you doing
No. 127047
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I know I'm not the only one.
No. 127049
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Santiago Cabrera. Yes.
No. 127052
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I like skinny twinky guys with long wavy hair like Zachary Cole Smith or Jack Kilmer.
No. 127053
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>>127033A++ Dat ass!! Not enough men with large, muscular backsides.
No. 127054
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We're still continuing this thread, right?
No. 127055
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No. 127056
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Hot actor playing a hot character.
No. 127057
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>>127003He's like, perpetually single afaik. Maybe because he travels so much?
No. 127059
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No. 127060
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>>127057As far as I can tell he just has a ton of side hoes and doesn't appear to be interested in settling down atm.
He's my weakness tbqh, just hearing him behind the camera in some of Maxmoefoe's newest vids ruins me.
No. 127062
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don't judge me.
there is something so ridiculously fucking hot about mac demarco to me. i don't know if it's the stubble, the clothes, the hair or a combination of all that and more. i bet he smells like smokes, coffee and aftershave. i would fuck him for days and would love to hear him just talk about anything at all.
No. 127064
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>>127061oh lol sorry I only used the term "side hoes" because of a joke he made on his twitter, all I meant are that (I think) he has occasional flings but hasn't had a really serious relationship yet. That's purely conjecture though based on the fact that he travels a lot but has mentioned girls and relationships before (I remember on twitter someone asked how girls feel when they find out about his show and he said they usually don't care).
No. 127065
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>>127062I actually had a dream about him last night! We were gossiping and sideeye-ing people and it was fun. I've always thought he was a major cutie and I love his gap teeth. (On that note, Mod Sun is cute too imo.)
No. 127066
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>>127064That joke is like a bad joke when a group of guy friends are hanging out together and the newest member wants to attempt to fit in.
No. 127068
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Peter Steele, R.I.P.
No. 127069
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I genuinely don't know if I want to fuck Jordan Barrett or punch him in the face
No. 127070
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>tfw I will never be good looking or hot(no1curr)
No. 127071
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>>127069I think I'd rather be him.
No. 127072
>>127066lol i agree honestly half the time it's like he's trying as hard as he can to remind everyone "i'm not filthy frank!!!11!!" like jesus christ george we know.
>>127067>tbh sounds like he doesn't get a lot of long term gf's because he's a massive fuckboyprobably the most likely theory
>>127065This is such a cute picture of him omg.
No. 127073
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Noel Fielding is a lil' babe.
No. 127074
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Such a beautiful human
No. 127075
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excuse my yellow fever
No. 127084
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Idk if I want to fuck Cillian Murphy or BE him. He seems so cool, with the whole passion for music and not giving a shit about Hollywood and just wanting to live in Ireland with his wife and kids and play music. And he's a great actor as well.
>>127082Def seems a tad insecure, especially considering how often he feels the need to go on a twitter spamming-spree to "clear things up" (although I don't blame him there, a lot of his fans are really fucking dense and I can't blame him for wanting to address these things).
No. 127085
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Anyone here who watching Pretty Much It? Totally have a thing for Eric. Might be because I've been watching his videos since about 2009, though.
No. 127086
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>>126041Not sure why, he's really ugly without a beard too.
No. 127087
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>>127086Oh I don't know anon, I think he looks pretty good without a beard too.
No. 127089
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I'm surprised there aren't more people in this thread talking about Ian instead of Joji, Ian is the full package imo.
No. 127091
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>>127089He's so fucking cute
>>127090He's bf material
No. 127093
>>127092Is it bad that watching him get the shock collar in Deadly Twister legit turned me on…?
Maybe we should have a Shrimpson Boys thread in /b/.
No. 127094
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young Trey Azagthoth always does it for me. Shame morbid angel went to shit though :(
No. 127096
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>>126041Used to have the biggest crush on max when i was 15.
edups is fave though.
No. 127099
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>>126041I'm not really ashamed, but I also don't tell anyone offline.
No. 127101
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I'd let him degrade me as much as he wants.
No. 127102
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I'd love to be thrown around like a ragdoll by Khal Drogo
No. 127103
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Sandor Clegane is absolute number one husbando in my book. I would let him strangle me to death with his dick. The actor's fucking chest hair is connected to his beard ffs.
No. 127104
>>127102 and also FUCK YES
I have such a raging boner for GoT men, if I could be involved in a threesome with those two, I would die happy.
No. 127107
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Amber liu from fucking F (x)
I'm super into girls with short hair/tomboys and she's my dream girl. (It's hard to find tomboys or girls with super short hair that aren't dumblr trans)
No. 200650
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No. 200652
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>>200651lmao fuck yeah. i'm 5'11 but i'd make it work dammit. danzig did nothing wrong
No. 200653
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my boner died at the red wedding along with everyone else.
No. 200657
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at least if u had his babies, you'd even out the height level for your guys' kids lmao. me and danzig would have just made midget christmas elves.
No. 200742
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johnny knoxville is perfect to me
No. 200748
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also really into sebastian stan but mostly only as bucky barnes. i like that aggro sexually frustrated manchurian candidate thing lmao
No. 201535
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This thread needs more BigBang and more Block-B
No. 201594
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>>201553why so salty anon? maybe you don't like korean guys but I guess there are other girls on this thread who likes them, I'll give you a pic of TOP to heal your soul
No. 201695
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Is anyone else's "type" all over the place? Right now I'm really into Jason Momoa and Harry Styles lol, couldn't be more different. I think I'm just thirsty as hell/inexperienced and can't decide if I like cute slightly feminine boys or big muscular men more.
>>200801oh JEEZ
No. 201720
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Frankie Ocean
No. 201728
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Quavo, the prettiest migos boy.
No. 201929
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No. 201935
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No. 201942
>>201548the fuck happened to sams face in this pic
>>201695harry is cute i would smash. i love reading fanfics of him its my lil secret
No. 201945
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No. 201946
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No. 201987
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>>201929I used to think Michael over Gavin, but watching Michael play Trivial pursuit made me realise how stupid and inbred he is.
I love Vickeblanka so much. I imagine him being top tier in bed.
No. 202015
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>>202009Lee Pace
>>201942LOL I read Harry Styles fanfic, too. I don't even listen to 1D and never have I just wanna manhandle Harry.
No. 202018
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His wife is so lucky
No. 202258
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>sam will never abuse and tower over you
>will never hold a deagle to your pussy in a threatening manner
why even live
No. 202700
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young morrisey is so cute
No. 202777
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this qt
No. 202800
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Since I was like 13. I miss his long hair and grungy look though.
No. 202886
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mads is perfect
No. 202891
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viggo tho
No. 202916
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>>126746ooh i love him he kind of looks like nagisa from free
No. 202932
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this thread needs more Fassbender
No. 202958
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donald glover is handsome as shit like damn son
No. 202964
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Jon Hamm.
I'm in love with manly men and he's just perfect.
No. 202977
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The Hound from Game of Thrones, I don't find the actor attractive (he looks different) but, the character on the other hand..
No. 203006
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Taehyung when he wears these hot as fuck bandanas and headbands that show his eyebrows
No. 203009
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Rap Monster
No. 203014
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>>203006Can fap to any Taehyung tbh, but the bandana is extra sexy.
No. 203017
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DDL. Any age, any time.
No. 203054
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>>203052i'm sorry. all the hannibal anons can kill me now
No. 203090
>>202977Same. But I'm a degenerate who's into gigantic men, so it was predictable.
>>203006I'm usually not into "cute" boys (see above), but this one, Jin and Jungkook look attractive to me
No. 203320
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Bucky Barnes
No. 203357
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Guy never skips leg day. I like alpha and slightly crazy men. I'm into fitness myself so I like muscular men, I don't want to end up being more muscular than my own boyfriend so I actively avoid twink looking guys.
No. 203359
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I'm always late to fandom, but lately pic related. I think it's the historical clothing.
No. 203361
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>>203360p…post weenie pics
No. 203362
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ah Bells
No. 203363
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I like how Bellamy is a toughie and the actor himself's such a cutie
major crush
No. 203379
At first I didn't even consider him attractive, but damn how he grew on me.
No. 203532
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>tfw having sexy dream about chris hemsworth
>wake up
No. 203543
>>203357>I don't want to end up being more muscular than my own boyfriend so I actively avoid twink looking guys.I was afraid you were going to say something like "so i don't lift too heavy" hehe. You rule.
Finding bigger studs or getting into being more dominant>>>>>>>not becoming a powerful strong fit babe
No. 203557
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No. 203569
File: 1503898023336.jpg (1.05 MB, 2560x1536, Anthony-Joshua-012.jpg)

I recently got back into watching heavyweight boxing and have developed a massive crush on Anthony Joshua. He's such a ray of sunshine inside and outside the ring. Plus, he's huge.
No. 203576
File: 1503910066875.jpg (78.31 KB, 490x533, kmdac983748973.jpg)

I would sell my soul for a chance to go back in time and fuck early 90s Kyle Maclachlan (though I'd take him now, too).
No. 203589
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I call dibs on Kenta Suga!
No. 203591
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>>203589I'm the same anon. I also call dibs on Ryuji Sato.
No. 203594
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Pretty, still masculine AND bf material, perfect in my eyes.
No. 204979
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He is so precious. I wish I could suck his dick…
No. 205034
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He was a nice man who died too young. RIP :(
No. 506188
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I like how he consistently looks like someone's cutting onions nearby and he's holding back the urge to cry.