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No. 132167
I am, I just turned 21. Not fat, ugly or autistic (not after 16, at least), just had a very bad luck in love… I didn't (and still don't, but less passionately) want to have sex with someone I'm not in love with. Yeah, "I want it to be speshul". Currently I'm dating a guy, hope it's the right one and not just another douche.
Just don't worry about it anons, your time will come. I thought I wasn't normal too, after 17 being virgin is considered "a bad thing", but after I met two friends of mine, two nice and kind girls two years older than me and still virgin, I realized that virgin is not a bad word and doesn't mean anything. Don't feel bad about it, relax and you will find the right person :)
No. 132171
>>132170I got you, sis. I think I've got that ~*stronk independent womyn~ mentality going on, too.
I just want to work on myself before I consider being in a relationship. I mean, if it happens, it happens but its not something I'm actively looking for. I just want to reach that optimum version of myself before I cozy up with someone else. Idunno.
No. 132177
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>>132174Im that exact situation at 20 years old. Was overweight/obese most childhood so too insecure to talk to girls, and now that im normal weight again I just haven't been bothered.
No. 132180
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>>28289>fairly decent looking and tallprove it
No. 132183
>>28289this isn't a meat market you cuck.
Post your stats
No. 132184
>>132165>Any virgins here? Yeah
>How old are you?20 (almost 21;-;)
>Reason for maintaining cherryI'm fit & relatively attractive. I feel like I have BDD, extreme perfectionist. I feel like I'm not worth a guys time unless I am 100% optimum aesthetic levels. I also am autistic and paranoid.
>Do you want a bf?I do but it will never happen, I've been marred by solitude for too long to ever recover fully
No. 132185
>>132183What stats do you want?
Check the manure thread
No. 132190
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It's mostly just I'm really picky, and I'm kind of really timid and wear glasses and all that normally, but when I put my contacts in and dress up I'm outgoing and friendly. So really autistic.
Another problem I have is that only neckbeards or guys 1000000000000 miles away seem to like me. And I'm scared that every man I meet is going to rape me.
Also, it's just that I trust girls so much more than boys, but I'm even more scared of them, because I just don't want to let them down. I'm sick of being alone but I'm such an autismo it's probably best I become a hermit.
No. 132194
>>132193Don't really see anything "skanky" in that story myself. Don't believe for one minute that your typical robot (just about nay male actually) would not jump at the chance to stick his dick in anything But when a girl accepts the sex readily available to us just for being female, it's somehow skanky.
idk idk
No. 132197
>>132171Relationships are a great part of self development and you are fooling yourself if you think that this is the reason.
You will learn a great deal about yourself from them.
And it's not like any of you work outstanding amounts.
Sister studies medicine and learns 12-15 hours a day and still maintains a healthy relationship.
No. 132200
>>132165virgin with purity ring tbh :(
im 18 I have a long distance bf i plan on losing it to him
No. 132201
21, unkissed, no romantic relationship ever. I have a lisp and I was always shy and awkward, so I was never really popular at school and most boys would pick on me, and I only had one brief crush which lasted two weeks and consisted of me basically trying to get glimpses of the guy from afar at recess. Since I always had few friends, I used to fantasize a lot about being in relationships with fictional characters, and I think it contributed to me having difficulty picturing myself with actual people. I've come to appreciate my independence, and since I like using my free time as I see fit, I was a bit scared when my friends started getting boyfriends and acting as if they were attached at the hip. One friend even ditched me one day because to hang out with hers, and I don't want to become the kind of person who does that.
A friend confessed to me, but I turned him down, I'm not even sure why myself. He's a bit older (26) and I'm afraid that if it doesn't work, things will turn sour between us. Since we are part of the same friend circle, that would be awkward… I'm also going to be moving away from home next year for at least two years, so even if I were to discuss this matter with him again I'd leave soon after. It was also more than a year ago, so I'm sure he's moved on. Oh, and I'm pretty sure my parents think I'm a lesbian.
No. 132202
>>132189aw anon well why do you think your ugly.
i know its not as simple as saying "well, just have confidence!!!!!" but thats really a big factor.
No. 132207
24 and average looking, though I'm thin and clean up pretty well with makeup + hair done. I'm insecure and always have been, so I've never dated. I'm also a home-body and rarely meet new people outside of work, so I find that now I mostly know women and most of the men I know I'm not close with or am not interested in romantically. Tried online dating once and it didn't lead anywhere.
It used to bother me a lot because I felt like being a virgin after a certain age meant you were either ugly or had a bad personality, but now I realize there are many different circumstances that can lead to that outcome so I'm not insecure about it in that way anymore. I'm comfortable being single, but I agree with
>>132197 saying that relationships are important for self-development. I also feel like there's a point where you can get too comfortable and it's hard to break out of that. The older I get, the more strange it is to think of someone touching me that way. Sometimes I think about hooking up randomly, but I'm too paranoid about being murdered for that (I watch a lot of True Crime).
>>132201I don't doubt that my parents have questioned my heterosexuality by this point.
No. 132210
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>(Fat/ugly/autistic/scared of men or relationships)
>tfw all of it
23 yo. In my defense, I'm still in love with the same guy for a decade now and it seems like I just can't have romantic feelings for other men. Not unhappy about that btw.
No. 132212
>>132211>how does this even happen? No idea anon, it never seemed like that much time to me. I tried nearly everything to stop and forget those feels and thoughts but it never worked. Our relationship is really nice now and after all these years it's not that hard to accept the way things are anymore.
>Is he your bff?yes
>Have you lived in some shitty rural town with a population of less than 1,000 for your entire life? Not really but neither I nor him moved much. We both tried to break contact at some point but failed.
Does he at least know you're in love with him?
Yes, he did. It resulted in highly cringy teen drama on my side and him feeling horrible, so I eventually told him I'm over it.
No. 132213
>>132212Fuck, that's sad. I'm sorry, anon :(
If you guys like spending so much time together and are that compatible, why couldn't it progress into a relationship?
No. 132218
>>132165Can i also add country to this thing?
I think people from catholic countries are more likely to be older virgins.
No. 132223
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>>132217>psychotic depressionThis is a real thing? I thought that was some meme disorder made popular because of Effy from UK Skins.
No. 132224
>>132223obviously it's a real thing. jesus.
It's also referred to as depressive psychosis. I'm not even sure how you decided that psychosis or depression are meme disorders.
No. 132225
>>132224>I'm not even sure how you decided that psychosis or depression are meme disorders>psychosis or depressionThat's not what I said, fagwad. I know psychosis and depression are separate conditions on their own. I've honestly never heard of "psychotic depression" as a legit disorder, and if it is, it doesn't appear to be common.
Besides, given how popular that show was with edgy, attention-seeking teens, it's not unreasonable to assume plenty of the genuinely unstable ones would identify/self-diagnosis with that. Sounds way more unique and cool than regular old depression, or bipolar.
No. 132230
>>132223op here, it's a thing. I'm not 100% sure if I have it because I've gotten diagnosed with a schizoaffective disorder before by a different doctor - but this was my latest diagnosis. It wouldn't surprise me if it;s just schizo because it runs in the family and shit.
Skins season 4-5-6 were shit.
No. 132243
>>132238i lost my virginity a month ago and fucking hell it really HURT. I was crying and screaming and couldnt walk for a few hours
No. 132246
>>132245* from
wow i am a failure.
No. 132252
>>132250>>132248The concept of virginity is so stupid anyway. It's a social construct.
You never win. If you have sex too early, you're a slut; if you wait too long, something is wrong with you.
Just have sex when you're ready. You're not better or worse for being a virgin. Guys who think sleeping with 10+ women before they're a certain age are pathetic, just like women who think they are more special for not having sex yet are annoying to. Just do what you feel. Sex should be personal to each individual.
No. 132254
>>132249 >I'm worried I've ruined myself with a masturbation addiction. The oral stuff didn't do much for me. oh fuck. SAME. Personally I can't get off without some sort of visual stimulation such as porn anymore. and even then it has to be quite specific. Like I've been desensitised. Unlike before where I could just use my imagination, slash fanfic, even tiny pictures in a sex toy catalog I found.
Now I just get really bored when a guy goes down on me
Can this be reversed?
No. 132255
>>132254Try sitting up when he does it, so that you can see all of him rather than just looking at the ceiling. It's an awkward position for him to hold but whatever.
Play about with moving his head yourself or maybe ticking/scratching him so he moans etc, so that you feel more involved than just being a plate of food.
No. 132258
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That feel when no gf
(no boys allowed. get out) No. 132260
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>>35628feel with me bernd
(degenerate. please leave) No. 132262
>>132261You don't have to :3 I'd marry you for American citizenship.
t. lonely European Bernd
(lol fuck off. no boys allowed) No. 132268
>>132267Plenty of other sexy stuff you can do besides PIV. Become awesome at giving blowjobs.
Or date asexual guys. Or women.
Also, your guy not getting PIV is no less 'fair' than you having these problems in the first place. It stinks, but it's not your fault, is it? Don't blame yourself.
No. 132270
>>132269Well, that sucks for BOTH of you…
Would you feel guilty if you got hit by a car in mid-relationship and had to be in a wheelchair from then on? It stinks for him too, and that's shitty, but it's not something to feel guilty about. You haven't been deliberately misleading, have you?
Also, butt stuff. :^) Tried that yet?
I hear a lot of guys wish their girlfriends would be okay with taking it up the butt.
No. 132271
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18, apparently pretty with makeup (I look like shit without it), and a bit of an autismo when it comes to socialising and I look like a dead eyed 14 year old most of the time
As well as other problems. I guess I'm still young, so I'd be trying to find out who I am or whatever, but I honestly just can't find any trust in males at all. As soon as I detect they may be attracted to me, I nope the fuck out and become distant unintentionally. From my experience, guys seem to only like me for my looks, the fact I'm part Asian, I cosplayed their waifu or they want a hole to stick their dick in.
Sometimes, I really wonder if I'd rather be with a girl. It seems like it would be so much less complicated, but it's impossible to find anyone who isn't a hardcore sjw, "nonbinary/trans/demispaceboy" with a pastel bowlcut, or just a straight up bitch. I just want to see, but it seems so impossible.
I also want a kid one day, which would be impossible if I was lesbionic because I will guarantee I will never be rich enough for artificial or adoption.
No. 132272
>>132271>I also want a kid one day, which would be impossible if I was lesbionic because I will guarantee I will never be rich enough for artificial or adoption.Surely all you need is a fertile male friend who's willing to help out.
And surely there are ways to get his spunk in there without shagging him too.
No. 132276
>>132165Im 23 and am not unattractive or overweight. I'm like this anon
>>132169 and don't want to bring that into a relationship. I feel like I won't be good enough for anyone even though I'm not a bad person or anything. Its funny, I had two boyfriends back in highschool(not at the same time), was self-confident, and plenty of friends. But once I hit college that shit changed and now Im the opposite. I wish depression and social anxiety didn't hit me during the time in life that im supposed to have things figured out
No. 132277
>>132276Same anon
I'm not a virgin but I'm Catholic and about to get a divorce from the only man I've ever been with 'in that way'. On top of that I'm overall very envious and get jealous easily because I grew up poor and had a shit life with few friends and a family that ignored me ever since I was a baby because they were too busy fighting with one another.
I can fake being bubbly and happy when I'm out with my friends and all but doing it 24/7 just so I don't scare a guy off would mentally exhaust me. I'm better off being a bitter, lonely divorcee.
No. 132283
>>132282If you're scared that she won't like your body, then show her some of it (take a selfie with some of it on show, not nudes to someone you don't know well ever, something tasteful but enough to get the picture). That way you know if she agrees to meet you that she has already seen your body, she herself has made that decision, you can take that out of the equation.
Go meet her in a public place for drinks or something, sounds fun! Just stay safe.
No. 132284
>>132281This, I'm shocked. Also are guys allowed here? Took a wrong turn.
If so 23 and because my mum set the standards way too high; not for looks but for intelligence and demeanor.
(Girls only, get outta here.) No. 132285
>>132227You're right it's really not common for psychotic disorders to be diagnosed in teens, but they can show up at any age. There's 6 year olds who suffer from that sort of disorder.
Personality disorders you're 100% right though, it's not possible for teens to be diagnosed with it, the criteria outright says you must be 18 for a diagnosis to be made. And even at 18 it's unlikely, that's generally for cases where they've seen you for years and know it's there, but just have to wait to be sure.
There's definitely a point to be made that people will just bump up depression to be "Psychotic depression" to sound more serious or interesting because of the increasing romanticism of mental illness, but it is a real thing that exists. It's very rare though compared to other mood disorders.
No. 132286
> virginity loss experience
There is no such thing, if you don't consider precisely the stretching of vaginal entrance by thick meaty stick for the first time important. Sure, you can do it differently or skip the part completely.
If you can get horny and masturbate, you already know what sex is like. Presence of another person gets you more aroused, or more anxious, or both. And having someone close to you is good exactly because you can do what both of you want to do, not just the official program. If you decide you want to jerk each other off, and then repeat that many times, learning each other's reactions in the process, what's the real point of calling both of you virgins? You are not. The most natural way to lose virginity is when you can't remember when and what both of you did in the course of many sexual acts to make your bodies completely accessible to partner's advances.
For the whole human history, defloration was tied to possibility of CONSEQUENCES for both participants, that's why it was a part of important developments before and after it. Now it's different. It's also not like dealing with others in bed automatically gives you a master level in everything preceding it. I'd say putting penis into vagina is not the most complex task, but getting into that situation surely is.
No. 132289
>2016>still being a female virginthousand of men to pick from the litter and the only thing you have to do is open your legs yet you suck at it??? lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaao
christ you gurls are as pathetic and the robots on 4chan.
kill yourselves pathetic wastes of estrogen.
No. 132306
>>132231Here's the thing: first love always make you feel like a teenager again. And more or less, it always feels like the first time. You learn to recognise which chemical surges are making you go gagacrazy at which times but that doesn't mean it isn't always exciting and fresh to feel that way about someone.
You'll be fine. There's never any reason to do things exactly like in a YA novel.
No. 132309
>>132308Is it really worth being on good terms with a father who is so ass backwards though?
Like, my mother was super controlling and used to beat me as a child so I ditched her and I'm honestly 1000x better without her.
Why is this any different? When does it stop being muh culture and start being abuse?
No. 132311
>>132307Actually yes, we're middle eastern. My mom is American and I have a little more freedom with her around but my father doesn't like me to even be friends with boys. Obviously, I do have male friends but on the internet where it's easier to hide.
I'm still in college and trying to get my degree so I can get a job and move out. I dunno how that's gonna go down though..
No. 132312
I'm 22 and I barely talk to guys, and the few guys I know don't interest me that way and some of them are gay anyway. As for the girls, it's way more risky, and I'm very picky in general and I have a hard time trusting others.
There's also the fact that I'm not attractive, I don't know if it's because I'm downright ugly or just because I don't fit specific criterias though. I don't mind being a kissless virgin though, I want to have a bf or a gf someday but that's just a bonus.
>>132309Not her, but for some people it's easier said than done. I can relate to both of you, I hate living with my family because I don't even have the basic freedom of cooking what I want or showering when I need to without being threatened to be beat up and thrown out of the house but I'm too poor at the moment and I still don't have a job because nobody wants to hire students where I am. I don't know about that anon though.
No. 132317
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>>132168>my age and up i dont think i will find many chads that are still virginsFixed you fucking inner roastie
(robot) No. 132319
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pretty much the reason why. my social skills (around strangers/people i don't know well) is piss poor. And that's the cases with most of my crushes; I admire them from afar but I'm too scared to talk to them.
No. 132321
>>132311Is your mom a White American or an Arab American?
Seems weird she'd marry a guy who won't even allow his daughter out unaccompanied if she's white. I've never met anyone like that before. Does she have low self-esteem?
No. 132322
>>132318>>132320I can relate to that entirely, just I'm 26 virgin. I'm chubby meaning I have around 3 pounds to lose but I hate seeing myself undressed and I wouldn't like anyone else to see me either.
I wish you were in Europe, would be nice to have someone to go out with.
No. 132325
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>Any virgins here?
>How old are you?
>Reason for maintaining cherry. (Fat/ugly/autistic/scared of men or relationships)
I hate men.
>Do you want a bf?
No at least not for a long time.
No. 132329
>>132328The fuck is wrong with our society where an 18 year old girl burns with shame because she hasn't given head to a bunch of guys yet.
Where is this "puritanical society" liberals are whinging about all the time? America is the most sexually permissive society that has ever existed.
No. 132330
>>132328>that sounds so fucking pompousIt doesn't sound pompous at all. You only get to lose your virginity once. Might as well make it special. Everyone I know of who had a "special" first time remembers it really fondly, whereas the people who didn't either are pretty apathetic toward the experience or regret it completely.
There's no reason to be ashamed about not having sex. Sex is kind of like friendship. Some people are cool with having a ton of friends they barely know but have lots of fun with, and some people are cool with having a small circle of friends they're extremely close to. Neither preference is wrong.
>I cant shake that feeling and lower my standards, so forever alone I guess.Young people are idiots.
Old people are idiots too, but they're usually not as stupid as they were when they were young.
Most of the dumbass dudes you know will become progressively less terrible as they age. Just be patient.
If your friends are being judgmental toward you for being a virgin, you have really shitty friends. Sorry.
>>132329>Where is this "puritanical society" liberals are whinging about all the time? lolwut
>America is the most sexually permissive society that has ever existed.HSHSHAHAHAHAHAHA
The US isn't even the most sexually permissive society that exists
right now, you fucking retard.
No. 132333
>>132329I understand its not old, but all my friends legitimately lost their virginities around 13/14, now while they are great people I wouldn't of wanted it that way, but its the label that is given to you if you dont lose it
(I will say though I am from the UK so I am not sure if that makes a difference?)
>>132330Thankyou for your support seeing threads like this honestly helps so much, because I feel like everyone here knows who they are and has that sense of self that is so admirable.
No. 132335
>>132333Like a third of people at your age of both genders are still virgins, I wouldn't worry about it.
And 13/14 as the age when you lose your virginity is fucking strange, were they abused by someone older or something?
No. 132337
>>132336That's pretty insane, everyone I saw in year 7 or 8 who had boyfriends or girlfriends was at most giving each other pecks on the lips.
15 is young to lose your virginity(average is like 16 or 17 I think), 13 is really, really unusual, especially for an entire group of friends.
You're really nothing unusual though, a good amount of my friends who're around 19/20 still haven't, and that's the case for heaps of people.
No. 132338
I'm 24 and I had sex with a girl earlier this year. It happened just one time and we were together, but it wasn't really official.
My best friend who's a guy said I'm still a virgin because you can't lose your virginity to a girl…
I think that is just BS, but other people have told me the same, so I'm like what the hell…
If asked if I'm still a virgin I'd probably explain everything since I don't feel like one sometimes, but would be really nervous if I had to take a cock in the puss today.
I'm not a lesbian, I would probably self identify as bisexual, but I'm still mainly straight.
The main reason why I haven't had sex with a guy yet is that I feel ugly, fat and disgusting and my shitty self esteem. Plus, I was raised in a strict religious household so that fucked up so many things in my life.
Reading this thread has made me feel a lil better, idk why, ha.
No. 132349
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I am 21, I think I am socially retarded. I also have trust and confidence issues… I actually had chances of losing it with guys I have hooked up with, but I never feel like doing it the first time I ever make out with someone because there were a lot of guys trying to fuck me and that made me feel depressed. i know it doesn't make sense but I kinda want to lose it with someone special. I only ever had a bf once when I was like 14 and I don't think I am ugly, just shy, depressed af and a fucking shut-in…
No. 132350
I'm 20, but I lost my virginity a few months ago. Earlier this year I made out with a guy for the first time - he was way shorter than me, came off as pretty overconfident, and wasn't really good looking (he looked really nerdy). But he was a really nice guy and holy FUCK he was a great kisser. I was completely blown away. He wanted to do the deed but I wanted my first time to be special so I just fell asleep on his couch that night. I got an IUD a month later. Then three months later I lost my virginity to one of his frat brothers who was a really good friend of mine. He was sweet. We're having issues now relationship-wise but I don't regret anything. First time didn't really hurt; probably because I wear tampons/a menstrual cup so that didn't make things so uncomfortable. It was really fucking anti-climatic though. Sex is such an overblown concept; it's really not that big of a deal.
Posting this because I remember seeing this thread when I was still a virgin a few months ago. Glad a lot of anons are like me and are willing to wait for the right opportunity. It's definitely worth it.
>>132349You'll be fine anon. Keep waiting; having sex is weird is weird if you aren't ready/haven't found the right person. Making guy friends is a good start, I think.
No. 132351
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Serious question but how many of you actually try? I'm talking about taking care of your appearance (not just showering and washing your hair but treating your skin and hair and using makeup), exercising, dressing well, etc.
No. 132352
currently 21 and lost it 16.
Unfortunately it was a rape, by my at-the-time boyfriend, who continued to abuse me.
I now have a boyfriend of 4.5 months and sex is the best with him oh lawd. I didn't know sex could be enjoyable until him, had my first orgasm in a love hotel w him 10/10.
tbh I had pimples, was skinny-fat (still am lol, actually I weigh 10 lbs more now) and small boobs/butt (still do lol) when I was a teen, and had/have social anxiety, I doubt I would have lost it at 16 if it wasn't forced.
After said ex boyfriend I went a couple of years with no bf and was pretty cool with it. It was nice focusing on myself, but now I do like having my bf.
>>132351tbh ( I know it's gross, bye) but I still suffer from anxiety/depression so sometimes I go longer than one should without brushing my teeth/washing my face/etc and I can't for the life of me get into an exercise routine. I could look 10x better rn but I just don't try sometimes.
No. 286624
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>Any virgins here?
Me lol
>How old are you?
>Reason for maintaining cherry. (Fat/ugly/autistic/scared of men or relationships)
Not fat or ugly, can be a little autistic in relationships due to not having experience. My last relationship didn't end well so it kinda made me step back from them for a while…
>Do you want a bf?
Maybe in the future, when I can handle it better.
No. 286660
>>286658Because people (incels/bots/even women I've talked to sometimes) seem to think they're ugly and that women won't date them.
I disagree. Not only do I find them attractive, but have seen many desi guys around town with gfs of varying races.
No. 286677
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>>286660Unless you're a poo in loo yourself or very ugly, that's sad, anon. Love yourself instead of smelly manlets.
No. 286679
that's racebait.
Not having known qt, clean desi boys must be sad for you.
No. 286696
>>286686Implying it's 100% true without exception is DEFINITE racebait lmao.
As a general rule I'm wary about muslim men, so with that I'll agree. That's based on an actual belief system though and I side-eye most religious men.
I may be more sensitive about race topics since I'm not fully white myself and hate when it's done to my people. I would be unhappy if men avoided me because we're stereotyped as drunken and fucked up. No. 286699
>>286696I mean, I'm not white either.
>Implying it's 100% true without exception is DEFINITE racebait lmaoSometimes… "Racebait" is legit. Normally just when you're talking about males though.
No. 286755
>How old are you?
Just turned 23.
Kissless, handheldless(?). I once walked with a guy with our arms linked together, but I absolutely wasn't into him, so I declined kissing him. But that was already over 4 years ago.
>Reason for maintaining cherry. >Fat
Check, but also already unpopular when skinny.
Lately I'm wondering about that…
>Scared of men or relationships
Scared of talking with anybody actually. Plus low self esteem.
I was the only girl in school not participating in prom, since I was scared of guys being disgusted by my (back then nonexistent) fat, when they hold my waist. I was also super nervous and self conscious when the guy I mentioned above put his arm around my hips.
>Do you want a bf?
I'm super lonely and the older I get the more I worry about really ending up forever alone. I'd just like to have somebody (besides my family) to talk to and do things together. But honestly, I'd probably prefer having female friends over a bf.
Funny that you guys are talking about Indian guys:
Back then I was only 18, standing in a club next to my friends probably looking super awkward. Some bald Indian dude walked up to me and asked how old I am. He then said he thougt I'm just 15 and that he's 25.
My friends left me completely alone with him and he spent the whole night talking to me, telling me how much he loves American country music, that he's totally not like the other Indian guys, that his family is totally modern, about how good his English is (it wasn't?), he even asked whether I want to travel to Turkey with him the next week… The whole time he cupped my face with both hands telling me to not be shy etc…
I found him super ugly and so I pretty much ghosted him.
Anyways, a couple days later I talked to some friends of him and found out that he was lying to me and was actually already 31. If he really thought I was just 15 and still approached me + plus lied about him being younger…?
That was my only "romantic" experience lol
No. 291097
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>How old are you?
>Reason for maintaining cherry?
Geez theres alot. I'm autistic, I dont go out or meet new people, kinda strange looking, and I watch alot of crazy porn so I don't think real normal vanilla sex would get me wet enough for comfortable penetration. Just in general I have alot of issues…
>Do you want a bf?
I wouldn't go out my way to get one but if a cute guy was interested in me and would be willing to put up with my bullshit then sure.
I'm actually a VERY sexual person and talk/think about sex alooooot. I had an long distance gf but I broke up with her because I wasn't able to have sex with her as we wernt able to travel to each other. One day she blocked me on all socials outta nowhere. Had to jump through hoops to contact her again. Eventually she told me why. Said I was controlling, selfish, weird, everything in the book. We smoothed things over but that whole experience has put me off romantic relationships and made me realize I make an awful girlfriend. I do have the best vibrator in the world, thatll keep me set for the next 5 years.
No. 291208
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>how old are you?
>reason for maintaining cherry.
i'm scared of intimacy. but i think i ended up developing some kind of kink based on me being a virgin? the thought of only having had sex with one guy in my entire life is very.. hot.
i'm decent looking, and people always get surprised when i say i'm a virgin (something i rarely mention). like most other girls, i could easily lose it to a random horny guy, but i view sex as something very special.
>do you want a bf?
i have this unrealistic wish of having only one lifelong romantic relationship which i really should do something about.
i used to feel extremely embarrassed and bad about being a virgin in high school, but now i don't care about it at all. peer pressure is a hell of a drug.
this is shameful, but incels are one of the reasons for why i feel comfortable still being one. all their talk about wanting a "pure" virgin affected me on some level. i wonder how they'd feel if they knew they unintentionally empowered a woman, kek.
No. 291226
>>291105this is gonna be a big ol blogpost, there's not enough sage for this so i do apologize.
i suppose there is a history of abuse, though i've never been penetrated or experienced anything that was overtly nonconsensual. as a very young kid i was groomed by pedos online, so not a great introduction to sexual stuff. the first guy i was intimate with took advantage of my vulnerability and very slowly convinced me to get more and more physical with him when i wasn't ready for it. i was really fucked up after that, and for the rest of high school i would date any guy that liked me regardless of how i felt, and i went along with whatever they wanted. i even kinda spooked this kissless virgin i dated with how sexual i was. i haven't been treated the best by guys, and my relationship with sex has never been great, so i think my issue is not wanting to be so vulnerable ever again. penetration seems like the ultimate display of vulnerability that requires an insane amount of trust
No. 291277
(incoming blog post)
>>291226Damn, anon. I was also groomed by pedos online when I was a young teenager. They had been "fighting for childlove!!1" (That's what they called it back then- I think they prefer MAP now) and it fucked me up for a long time. I was sexually abused as a child by my neighbor and it made me extremely vulnerable to this kind of shit (Those pedos had be thinking that my abuse was consensual, that I "owned" it, that I was sexually liberated, etc. I was 6 when it happened)
Any kind of shit in your formative years can have a massive impact on your sexuality moving forward. I couldn't do certain things for a long time because it reminded me too much of the abuse. I couldn't have penatrative sex for years because I had vaginismus that made it completely impossible.
I was similar to you- I couldn't open myself up and feel vulnerable. So I tried to focus on other aspects of my life that I had control over that could make me feel better. I worked on myself, and when I did have sex, I tried to make sure it was with someone who understood my issues and was willing to be patient. I personally shied away from casual sex because I didn't think it'd be a healthy way for me to try to cope with my sex problems, and I have autism too so that was just not gonna happen with my social awkwardness, lmao.
Now sex is a lot easier- it is still not perfect, but I'm getting less anxious and much better.
Just know that you're not alone, anon. If you want to take some time to work on yourself, that's perfectly fine. A lot of us have histories of some kind of abuse and grown men grooming you online is 100% abusive.It doesn't have to be penetrative to deeply, profoundly affect you.
Hugs, anon.
No. 291331
>>291305sage for blogposting, but holy shit. i'm
>>291208 and i thought i was asexual for the longest time, which affected my view on sex. then i figured out i only got sexually attracted to guys i have an emotional connection with, which was a big relief.
demisexuality is a weird myth created by people on tumblr who want to feel special by having another label to base their personality on. i only get crushes on guys i already am friends with, but just thinking about calling myself "demiromantic" makes me cringe.
No. 291470
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>Any virgins here?
>How old are you?
>Reason for maintaining cherry. (Fat/ugly/autistic/scared of men or relationships)
Low libido to the point where I unironically consider myself asexual. Also into women, but fearful of sexual relationships in general (probably trauma related because I was molested as a kid). Objectively I think I look okay but I'm socially awkward and might be on the spectrum.
This is dumb but it's also a texture issue. Clitoral stimulation is fine, but I can't do fingering in any capacity. I don't think vaginas are gross in the slightest but my fingers being in anything warm and damp absolutely freaks me out. I know sex/losing one's virginity is more than vaginal penetration, but I worry that it'll be something a future partner would want and I'm really bad with saying no / sticking to my guns. I just don't want to disappoint the person I'm with or make her feel like she's missing out on something.
>Do you want a gf?
I'm starting to get to a place mentally where I'd like to start dating again but it's complicated. I've only ever dated women online and I'm tired of long distance, but I come from a homophobic background and am scared of the repercussions being in an open same-sex relationship presents. I think a lot of it has to do with my environment and the fact that I'm not all the way out to family, though.
I'd also like to get my shit sorted out first before getting into a relationship. I'm jobless and without a driver's license. I don't want to subject a future girlfriend to that, lmao.
I worry about the political climate too. I run in a lot of libfem circles but I've recently hit peak trans and I'm scared I won't find someone who's on the same page as me / who shares my values. It's rough.
No. 291575
>>291538If you fuck randos you aren't romantically attracted to at all, you are a whore. If you don't, you're normal.
>>291571So you're male? Fuck away, robot
No. 291713
>>291575nta and i fucking hate to split hairs about snowflake shit like this, but i thought the deal with demisexual was that they're not even turned on/attracted to people they're not romantically involved with.
the reason it's dumb is because that's still a very normal way to experience sexuality and a label isn't necessary for anything but being speshul. but plenty of people are attracted to people other than potential romantic partners. demisexuals apparently aren't.
No. 291767
>>291713You'd be correct.
I don't see how having an extra label for it means it's not a normal experience, it helps you find other people who feel the same.
No. 291868
>>291832You're right you don't
need it, but in this case it's not like it's actively harmful? Technically speaking, you don't need a label for most things. Anon just mentioned it, and multiple people immediately got upset, what for?
> most people using that label only do it to pat themselves on the ass for not deciding to fuck people when they are in a relationshipThat's not even what it means though, I'm sure someone out there has done that but it has nothing to do with the idea of demisexuality.
No. 293099
>>293095wtf? are you me? im literally in the exact same situation. im about to be 20 with a ld bf, still a virgin however it only started to bother me. i'm ex ana chan, but im still kinda boney. im insecure of my flat butt, which makes me cringe thinking about someone having sex with me from behind kek
No. 293110
>>293104lol it's not in most cases but in my situation i was desperate to lose it. i was ashamed of still being one and i had wanted to do porn for a long time prior anyways, that combined with the need to "prove" myself since i had always been bullied for my appearance and told that nobody would ever want me, it seemed like the best option at the time. if i didn't make that decision i'd almost definitely still have my v card right now
>>293102anon i hope that you find a great stylish best friend (or partner if you one day think you might want one) to spend time with, however you classify your relationship with them that sounds like a pretty lovely thing to have with somebody
No. 293134
>>293128Yeah but we're talking about a group of people that never got to experience that, doesn't matter whether they care about it or not.
Non-virgins should then create a corresponding thread.
Is it that fucking hard to read?
You don't feel like a virgin, you either are or are not.
No. 293463
>>293110Hey thanks, fellow Anon!
I kind of made it sound like I don' have friends, but I do. They're more homebodies though and don't really want to go out all that much.
But yeah, I hope I can find someone one day. I can be impulsive, so that might be a little bit of a turn off sometimes.
No. 294388
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Brace for text wall, I'm 22 and still a virgin. I'm passably attractive, but have an unfortunate curveless body.
I only really had 2 experiences with relationships when I was a teenager. First, when I was about 13, I was out running at the beach and this guy who was about 2 or 3 years older than me started talking to me. It was awkward and I just kind of smiled and made an excuse to leave, but he figured out which school I went to (both my home and the beach were right next to it) and emailed the school asking for infomation about me using just my first name and age. All the girls in my year with my first name were called out of class and asked about this until they figured out it was about me. I'm not sure what the school did, but he stood outside the school gates every afternoon for about a week waiting for me. Then, when I was about 16, I met a guy at a party who told me the day after he met me that he had broken up with his girlfriend so he could be with me. Being 16 and dumb, I felt to awkward to turn him down on the spot and then ignored his messages for a week until I told him I wasn't interested over text. I think he probably asked me out knowing I'd probably say no, because he asked for my number and then called it while I was there to check it was my real one.
I'm kind of awkward and shy but I've made a tinder profile and am trying to just push myself into dating. It's an absolute nuisance being so old with no real experience; I'm already studying at university later than I should be because of being ana-chan for a few years. I have an anxiety disorder which is managed with medication, and I've had CBT which has helped. But I get very nervous both messaging people in a ''flirty'' setting and actually going to meet for a date that I feel like it's super obvious something is up. I can only ever talk to people like I would talk to a friend, and there's always the awareness that at some point I'll have to do something so intimate with them and do my best to act like it's not terrifying.
I've only ever been able to kiss people when I've been drunk enough to calm down and be okay with it, so I don't have enough experience with that to actually be any good at it. And I don't drink anymore anyway, so I can't just have a drink to calm down on a date. And I've got this silly but crippling fear that I'll take my clothes off and the guy will just be horrified and repulsed. I know that's an irrational fear.
It's bad enough that mental illness has had a marked effect on my life already. Even though I got better and am at a top university, there's still a gap in my life of two years that I'll have to explain at some point. The virginity thing is something even more tangibly wrong with me; I feel like I can pass as a normal but easily frightened person in every other setting but this problem makes me into an undateable basket case no man will ever want to be with.
I know regardless it'll be some time into dating before I'm comfortable enough with someone to actually do anything. I'm always looking for someone to settle down with or at least have a long-term relationship with. I want to get married and have some kids. My mom is morbidly obese and terminally single and it's my greatest fear. When she's not having screeching fits over absolutely nothing she's binge eating takeaway and chocolate cake, utterly miserable.
No. 294526
>>286995update: turns out i'm only afraid of vaginal penetration.
i'll cherish the time we spent together in this thread, anons.
No. 294527
>How old are you?
>Reason for maintaining cherry (Fat/ugly/autistic/scared of men or relationships)
A huge need of solitude and thus a hard time and a disinterest at forming basic relationships (it's probably autism though), deep self-hatred and just a general apathy towards the sex thing (not asexual). As a teenager, I was very bothered by my virginity, but I finally realized that it wasn't important at all. Also, the last time I got intimate with a guy, I got mono, which had horrible effects upon my mental health, further reinforcing my disgust of intimacy
>Do you want a bf?
Nah, I need to be alone, even a fuckbuddy would require too much emotional investment from me, and I'm already a bad friend, I'd be a terrible girlfriend. I still kinda want to know what sex feels like, I think I could even get it pretty easily, but I'm way too lazy to want to put some effort.
No. 294614
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Some of your ideas of what a virgin is seem to be incredibly narrow.
If you've engaged in sexual contact of any kind with someone why would you label yourself a virgin?
No. 294813
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>Any virgins here?
Yep, and never had a bf too.
>How old are you?
>Reason for maintaining cherry. (Fat/ugly/autistic/scared of men or relationships)
Basically I want to have sex with someone I truly love and it is reciprocated from my bf.
Reasons for no bf… It's my personality, I'm pretty timid and I tend to not go and put myself out there unless it's online. I'm also not one who tends to get along with men so I gravitate towards girls more.
That and when it comes to online dating, guys either become boring or just want to fuck, there have been very few who pique my interest. I often try to find interesting and positive things about the men I might be interested in, but nothing comes to mind. Also the guys I seem to attract most of the time are neckbeards & assholes, I'm vain so I tend to take care of my appearance (and work hard for it) and want someone who does take care of their appearance as well; and I want someone who is nice to others and not only myself.
>Do you want a bf?
Yes. I really do, I'm growing quite envious of my friends with bfs and I sometimes I feel romantically lonely. When I feel romantically lonely I often feel pathetic because I want to have a caring relationship and feel loved.
No. 294897
>>294814>havng a bf means you're not a virgin!!???
>>294825this whole thread is incel shit.
No. 295033
I do not count "born again virgins" as virgins. They just decide to have a change in life style and be abstinent.
No. 295070
>>295056So tell me how can you have a boyfriend and still be a virgin if not by the logic stated before?
You have no argument.
No. 295077
>>295035>>295070Being in a relationship does not mean having had sex and it's not a confirmed assumption at all, there is absolutely nothing else to say.
If anything it's on you to somehow prove that everyone who is in a relationship has had sex.
No. 295166
>>295153I know she also specified lesbian sex, I can read. That's exactly what made that statement nonsensical in the first place. If lesbians can have sex without penetration then there's no reason to discount oral sex as not "real" sex.
>No need to make it more complicated than it needs to be for everyone elseNo one is complicating things except for the people placing different sex acts into these imaginary categories. Oral, anal etc. sex is still sex.
No. 295188
>>295182>You're the one who got all offended about the issue of boyfriends and sex when I never even mentioned that.I'm not even that anon and I never mentioned boyfriends either so idk what the fuck you're talking about.
Just admit you have no argument and move on.
No. 295211
>>295203You can think whatever you want but
>I've had oral sex and I'm still a virgin but if I was a lesbian then I wouldn't be!Is still an arbitrary line of reasoning.
No. 295223
>>295215>Like your line that oral sex is the same as lesbian or penetrative isn't just as arbitrary.Whether it's between homosexual or heterosexual partners considering oral
sex to be sex is called being consistent, the opposite of what the word arbitrary means.
>This doesn't mean I think my opinion is the ultimate, because obviously what virginity is defined as varies.Assuming you're the original poster then why would you start off being snide if you really think it's all up to a matter of opinion? That opens up the door for it to be absolutely meaningless anyway. Just earlier up in the thread an anon posted despite having been in porn. Since when did the meaning of virgin become pornstar? That's like some 1984 type shit.
No. 295260
>>295223 What you said makes no fucking sense and has nothing to do with what I said, or rather, what I was explaining to you. "1984 shit" the word is Orwellian and no, nothing about what I said or what the porn star anon said was Orwellian. Disagreeing on the nature of a social construct, like virginity, is not Orwellian. I will hammer the point to you one last time: virginity is a subjective social construct that has different interpretations. I believe everything about it is arbitrary (to me, virginity is inherently totally meaningless. Any value you place it on is only for yourself and how you see the world). I also believe that oral sex is not virginity losing. My feelings about are one of many valid points of view, including your original one. If you can not understand that, there is nothing I can do for you.
>>295244 It's up to the victim how they feel about virginity. I would say, whatever way they feel about is valid.
No. 295503
>>295268 It's not doublethink. Your inability to comprehend anything but your own narrow minded view of the world is not doublethink Stop fucking using words that you have no idea what they mean because it makes you look like a bigger idiot. I am not going to explain the point to your unfuckable ass again. Your autism clearly doesn't allow you to fucking read coherently. Feel free to
>>295446 and
>>295445 jerk you off, god knows that's the only way you're getting laid. Oh sorry, lose your virginity. Have fun.
No. 296054
>>296046same here but 19
maybe we can make a suicide pact
No. 296237
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>Any virgins here?
>How old are you?
>Reason for maintaining cherry. (Fat/ugly/autistic/scared of men or relationships)
I have a shit personality, so since no one would ever wanna be in a rs with me (and I'm absolutely terrified of having an ons let alone losing my virginity in one) I'm not likely to lose it ever.
>Do you want a bf?
Desperately, but again, I'm not the most likable person.
No. 296270
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>reason for maintaining cherry
I have never developed a sex drive (i’m “asexual” i guess) and basically feel averse/disgusted by sex. I think I want to be a virgin forever unless i ever decide to have kids. If i see a cute guy i’ll just fantasize about what it’s like to cuddle him.
>do you want a bf?
Yes i’d a romantic relationship with a guy. I’d prefer if he had ‘tism like me and didn’t care about sex. Too bad my personality is shit
No. 299207
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Me, I just turned 20. Ugly and borderline retarded. Technically not kissless, but a total virgin otherwise. I do want a boyfriend sometimes but then I remember that I have no friends, almost no social media presence, don't go out unless it's school/work related, and even if I did get one there's no way he'd last a month because I have literally zero redeeming qualities. It's actually kind of amazing that a person can be so genuinely shitty
No. 307407
Samefag but.
>>307062I currently have a girlfriend just like that anon. She's basically asexual and all we do is platonic and romantic stuff. Don't give up, I'm sure you'll find a cute girl to cuddle with too!
No. 340404
>>132165Yes, khv
Fat, ugly, autistic, social anxiety, also don't want casual sex