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No. 137575
>What is an otome game?;dr, enjoy a beautiful 2D boy harem as either a girl (otome) or a 2D boy yourself (BL).
Discuss what you're playing now, what you're looking forward to, ask questions, talk merch, etc.
You can find a thorough FAQ and a lot of download links in halfchan's BL + otome general, but most of them are out of date or only in Japanese.Please spoiler spoilers! CGs are fine unless it's an important plot point.
No. 137577
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What even is the status of Yandere Heaven Affection Bunny Cage? I heard so much about it years ago and then…was it released? I don't think so. I can't find it anywhere. Someone help me.
No. 137578
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>>137575Whats the deal with the sweet devil route in TMGS3? i want it, help me
>>137577This looks amazing
No. 137580
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>>137579Just a note: When I got it, I lost it pretty quickly but then I got it back just as quickly by continuing on with what I was doing. So don't worry if it comes and goes for a bit at the beginning.
I want to play 3P Niina and Arashi as sweet devil next…
No. 137582
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>>137581Me too. I've been waiting for years.
The creators announced the release for Winter 2014, but no copy of the game and no caps of the game so I doubt it was actually released. The website/blog/twitter hasn't been updated since Summer of 2014. hope it wasn't scrapped, but I highly doubt it at this point. I think the last Yandere Heaven game came out in 2014 as well (They are all BL except this one) so I'm not sure if they just kinda stopped making them.
No. 137583
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Personally I love "Amnesia". The mystery are quite engaging, the voice actors's voice are hot and the protagonist-game isn't as irritating as in the protagonist-anime. The arts are sooo beautiful too, totally a feast for the eyes, mhhhmmm…
Another otogen that I actually want to play is "Brothers Conflict", both of the version. I've watched the whole anime and I really like how the protagonist's personality is explained and it actually makes sense if she acts so awkward and naive around the brothers. I reaally hope someone translates this game to English in the future so I can play it.
No. 137584
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>>137578>>137580kou best boy
>>137583yeah i reaaaally need to learn japanese. i feel like i'm missing out on a lot of stuff i really want to play because no translation or like "read as you play" translations which are a little annoying…
No. 137585
>>137583This game was great, but I really hated
Toma's route.
No. 137589
>>137587Personally I think it's the best to aim for whoever attracts you the most, then go down to the second man you found attractive and so on.
>>137588Do you mean trashy as cheesy? Yes, most of them are, it's reverse harem. If you mean trashy as literal trash, just go away and ignore this thread, don't ruin other people's parade.
No. 137590
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I'm a teacher's pet.
No. 137591
>>137584Same, though I may be just too lazy to learn moonspeak.
Steam is my current source for VN's, but they're usually geared more for guys and not otomes.
>>137577Oh my god I would love to play this. Why is it so rare to find anything with yandere guys?
No. 137592
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>>137591I believe yandere guys are just not popular with the general audience of otome games. That's my guess anyway. Yandere is more common in BL games but still not as popular as tsundere or something. Sometimes I wish you could play BL games as a girl MC as they typically have more guys to my tastes in them. I can only self insert as a kawaii shota prince so much before shattering the illusion.
I actually remember reading some negative remarks about a Voltage game (lol) when those got kinda big 2 years ago or whatever who was meant to be their watered down version of yandere. People were super
triggered by his possessiveness. It actually tempted me to try their game, and I played his routes and he wasn't all that yandere…like at all.
I remember reading similar criticisms when Bunny Cage was announced on English and Japanese sites. Though those characters are actually yandere so.
I get why it isn't everyone's cup of tea but I don't know why so few games cater to the audience there is for that, and even when they do, it seems they are afraid to go all out.
So, sorta related, what is everyone's favorite type?
The one I go for first generally varies from game to game but I like…
>kouhai/younger guy>yandere/possessive (obviously)>mean looking guy who is actually mice gap-moe>masochist/servant type>cute/nice guy because they usually end up having a dark side.To a lesser extent I like tsundere routes but it really depends on their personality after you peel away the tsun. They are really hit or miss with me, but when they're good, they're good.
No. 137596
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>>137595I don't know, I tend to dislike the main route because those tend to be a kind of generic love story unless it's a very niche game. But then I might like the character otherwise. Sometimes they surprise me though. Also a good way to learn more about the other guys and get a feel for them.
I just found out Dot Kareshi (pic related) a while ago and I am obsessed with slime boyfriend and tsun beastmaster. Want to play masochist knight next. Really short game though so that sucks but I can't complain as there are three of them.
No. 137597
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I love tough, but sensitive/crybaby types. This is my boo.
No. 137605
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>>137603>The main character, Hitomi Sakuragawa (桜川 ヒトミ?) (default name, changeable), was once a cute, beautiful girl, winning beauty contests in childhood. However, after losing to the temptation of junk food received from fans, she has steadily gained weight… until she reached 100 kg in her second year of high school. At the beginning of the school year, the main character and her brother moved into her father's mansion-like dorm. She discovered that the school's most popular guys are also moving in. Their impressions on her shocked her into starting a diet.Hahahaha I'm intrigued.
>>137604Wakaouji from TMGS2
No. 137606
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>>137603I played all the routes in Sweet Fuse, including the "secret" character. (He was cute but I didn't like his route. Got my hopes up for nothin'.)
It got a lot of flak for lacking plot, but Sweet Fuse is a game I feel like you can't take too seriously. It's just a fun, relatively short game with that shounen-y style.
Doing each character's route also allows you to figure out parts of the "mystery" and you visit more of the amusement park.
The fandom generally seems to agree that either the hikki gamer or Mitarashi are the best boys. Not a fan of the hikki, but Mitarashi's route a good. The weirdest route is probably Urabe, and Wakasa is just a lil bitch.
No. 137607
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>>137590I just can't get into Himuro. He's so popular, but I'm just not captivated like I was with Waka-sensei.
Maybe I'll start his route tonight and see what all the fuss is about.
No. 137610
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I asked a similar question in the yaoi thread, but does anyone know of an otome with long black haired guys? Or just long haired is enough for me.
No. 137612
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Yoshiwara has 1-2 guys with similar aesthetics
Akazukin to Mayoi no Mori (not yet fully translated tho)
Long black haired bishounen is very…old-school character style. So mostly things with historical settings probably. Most long haired characters nowadays don't have black hair.
No. 137614
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>>137610>>137611Oh shit I didn't realize you also said "or just long haired."
In that case: (All of the following are translated btw)
>Tokimeki Memorial GS 1 + 2>Amnesia (two guys)>Princess Nightmare (one guy)>Dandelion ~Wishes Brought to You~>Nameless ~The One You Must Recall~>The Second Reproduction (black haired!!!)>Norn9>Code: Realizehope I helped <3
No. 137615
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>>137612Thank you anon! Yoshiwara is on steam too, so that's a YES!
The world really needs more husbandos with long black hair.
No. 137617
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>>137616check erogedownload. or, you can download the JP roms from emuparadise and patch them yourself.
ignore nicoblog, they a shit.
get desmume, just a forewarning the sound WILL be metallicky. just the nature of it being emulated.
pic related is the ONLY good boy No. 137618
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>>137594>Like in Hatoful Boyfriend I went for Shuu immediately.So which option did you choose anon?
yes, or
Jokes aside, Hatoful Boyfriend is one of my favorite otome. The whole human dating birds premise aside, I really like the story and characters.
No. 137619
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>>137617you shut your whore mouth. pic related is way better.
No. 137623
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Has anyone played Kamigami no Asobi?
I didn't realize until recently that someone had translated a bunch of it. Makes me want to try it for real.
No. 137624
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>>137580Niina is best boy.
Arashi is really hard to get rid of.
It was fun though.
No. 137626
>>137625you and me both, friend. there are a few being translated now, but it's been slow progress and they're not even the best r18 games anyway. I think there's one or two english app otomes that are r18…don't recall exactly. The english native/western one(s?) suck. PersonA ~Phantom of the Opera~ is one of the r18s being translated currently.
Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare- english translation is ALMOST FINISHED!!! but, the game is 15+, so probably no actual sex scenes.
g.e.hentai has some r18 otome cgs, if you're interested.
No. 137627
>>137626Seeing CGs without the plot/effort is so disappointing to me.
I HATE when I accidentally see a really pivotal CG.
No. 137628
yes of course. It really was a fun concept though, I never thought I'd get so attached to birds. Just trying to imagine the visuals alone would make me giggle.
>>137625I just recently played one on Steam that's kind of naughty called Seduce Me. It's not really graphic but has some interesting content in it and ton of routes.
No. 137631
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Anyone play any Voltage games?
I just played through Eisuke's route and half of Soryu's route in the Baddest Bidder and I'm in love
also any games/husbandos who like to take charge and push MC around/use her?
No. 137632
>>137631I can't get into voltage.
Also, Diabolik Lovers would be right up your alley (not my thing though). No patch but here's an english script of the entire game, translated by route(s). No. 137633
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Holy shit I found my thread. ;__________;
>>137631>>137632I don't get the appeal of KBtBB. All the guys are complete assholes and I don't get why Eisuke won the popularity contest twice in a row. To each their own I guess.
Pic related. One of the better Voltage games imho but when you play enough of them they tend to get pretty stale, haha.
No. 137636
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>>137631ohhh i have been trying to remember the name of this game! i also enjoyed 10 Days With My Devil or whatever. i was at home sick for like a week last year and playing these brought me such amusement
No. 137637
>>137602I can't seem to get any of these to work. They crash after I hit start on the main screen. I've tried everything in the troubleshooting faq recommended in the comments but it still crashes.
has anyone with windows 8 gotten them to work? it might just be a compatibility thing.
No. 137640
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Has anyone played La storia della Arcana Famiglia?
I have the game but reading it alongside the translation (it's in a word document and minimally formatted) is really tedious.
No. 137641
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>>137631i only like this guy.
the rest are shiiiit.
they get kind of lazy on some of the routes (the ones i did play) and beyond that are such a gamble to play. it's easier for me to pay $30 (haha, implying) for a game on the off chance i will genuinely like more than one route or the whole game vs buying individual routes and then feeling let down when you just paid $3.99 for a shit route and meh plot.
i think they have their star series (the ones with regular updates) that they milk but the rest kind of run together. but they were a fun way to kill time for me a few summers ago when i had nothing but my ipad with me.
No. 137642
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>>137631I love forged wedding. Haruka is the only character i really like. And i've played a lot of games
No. 137645
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>>137641I wish they'd revive this game :(
>>137583>>137585>>137586Same! I played Shin's route before his and I hated him for almost trying to kill me. Now I'm just turned off by yanderes in general, thanks to him.Shin is bae though.
I find that Ukyo's route is similar to Shin's but Shin was stuck within the one world to help the MC; whereas Ukyo went through parallel universes and got celestial entities to help her, -chuckles aloud-.Sorry for blog, just finished this game.
No. 137647
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>>137645Yeah it was really the only game where I liked all the guys (well, I didn't play EVERY route bc money) and the plot was alright, but it seems like the typical Voltage audience doesn't really like this kind of thing. There are a few games that have gotten very limited releases if any at all (I think one was even stopped after like 2 routes) in favor of their more popular stuff.
I'm looking at a list of Voltage Games right now and wow where the fuck did they all come from. There are so many. I remember when there were like 10. Pic related seems kinda cute. Is it cute?
No. 137648
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>>137646-chuckles aloud- maybe if your boyfriend is genuinely concerned you will leave him for 2d.
maybe he's right to be concerned.
No. 137650
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>this entire thread
No. 137654
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Urgh I had the biggest crush on Saeki from Tokimeki Memorial 2, his relationship with the mc was amusing and felt natural. Also, I was just remembering how I unintentionally triggered the PvP mode between Ruka and Kouichi in TM3 and felt terrible afterwards
No. 137656
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>>137654Damn anon that pic got to me. Saeki a salty binch but I definitely agree that his relationship with the mc felt organic and real. I loved that about it.
No. 137657
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>>137652>>137651>>137646Same. I've been in a relationship for years and I still enjoy my otoge/fujoshit regularly. Bf thinks it's funny but it doesn't bother him one bit. He's into some 2D media too, we're both just chill and open about it.
There were a few times earlier on in our relationship where we got drunk and played hilariously shitty 90s eroge together, what a blast.
No. 137658
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i'm straight up brocon trash so i wish i could play brocon games translated.
apart from that my main otome husbando is Okita Souji from Hakuouki. Oh, and Toma, from Amnesia.
hot damn
i might be DO-S trash too.
No. 137663
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Did anyone play Ozmafia? The english version was released on Steam about a month ago for those of you that don't know. The route with the three guys… oh my lord this game needs to chill!
No. 137666
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>>137663Best husbando. I think the same guy(s) who did the Diabolik Lovers art did Ozmafia's and I love it - the colors and lines and everything looks so nice.
No. 137668
>>137663>>137666Is it worth the price tag? Tempting, but summer sale might start soon…
>>137667What are you looking for? Do you play on PC or console?
No. 137672
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>>137671wtf pic didn't attach. my bad.
No. 137673
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Anyone here played Code: Realize? Finishing up Lupin's route now. I really liked it, actually. I think my favourite route was Saint-Germain, which surprised me because I normally go for the tsunderes or the overly sexual flirty ones (Yuri from Nameless, oh my god)
No. 137674
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I don't usually go for fluffy romance games so I haven't been terribly interested in most otome games.
But I dig vns with psychological thriller\disturbing themes, and Amnesia is all kinds of awesome. Toma is amazing, and so is his route. Loved it the most, I was never once bored. The buildup was very fun.
Personally I hated Shin for being an emo bitch :P
Dunno why people rag on Toma considering ummm how Ukyo is lol.
I enjoy them both.
No. 137676
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>>137674I agree with you 100% on Toma and Shin. I haven't played Ukyo's route yet but I feel like I'm going to enjoy it. Wish I could find more VN's out there with yandere guys.
No. 137677
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God i love akito
No. 137678
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I'm glad I got Amnesia off the summer sale, I don't think I would have played it otherwise. Anyone else have an insatiable thirst for megane? Kent's a cutie, even if he is kind of an autist.
No. 137679
>>137678Kent is pretty adorable, he's actually the first route I played too. His good ending is really sweet and probably the nicest outcome overall.
I also picked it up on the summer sale and am glad I did. The quality of this VN is really excellent, I wish there were more like this available on Steam.
No. 137682
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>>137679Just finished his true route! It warmed my heart. I'm kind of scared to see what will happen with Ikki and Toma, since Kent and Shin were so sweet…
And I agree! I saw that there was a Kickstarter for another Otomate game, but it totally failed, which is pretty depressing.
No. 137683
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Hi, could anyone propose a short list of best classic otomes for someone who tries to get a feel for the genre?
Is it common to play these games like completionists, exhausting every possible plot line? Would you be bothered if a game actively dissuaded you from it through length + one-save-per-run to preserve some sense of mystery and risk?
No. 137684
>>137679Picked amnesia back on the last winter sale and i am so glad i did. Played all normal routes and got kent's good route the first without even a guide so maybe i am biased but he's probably my favorite so far, his route is so sweet and i'm a sucker for cold assholes who are actually just shy and generally idiotic towards how to act about the mc's feelings lmao
Most steam otomes are absolute garbage, either the art is bad, the story is bad, or both are bad, it's so rare to get good quality stuff localized/transalted. I kinda had hope that amnesia would do well and they would localize amesia later and amnesia crowd, but apparently it didn't sell that well and otomate's last kickstarter was a failure, so right now it's just wishful thinking :/ sad, because i wanted to have a date with orion and see the boys in school uniforms tbh. Really hoping ozmafia!! does well and they start localizing more good otome games.
No. 137686
>>137683You won't make money. Like, at all.
Most otoge are only big in Japan. The few that have had some form of popularity in the US were because of the niche fujo market or because it pandered to the tumblr community (see; that flavour of the month Meyers Briggs dating game).
The only way you can probably get any sort of interest is if you have a solid following already due to art or some kind of webcomic/fandom pandering and you'd have to solely cater to them.
No. 137687
>>137686Porn isn't a big conventional market either, but you see people pulling 6k a month from it, periodically. I'd be content with 600. Enough to fuel my crippling food and shelter addiction where I live (I wouldn't complain about more though, considering the tradeoff lack of stability in such a line of work).
The thing is people pay differently when they want something to happen, than when they simply buy a finished product. Especially when they can directly affect what gets introduced as backers. I think it's worth a shot.
>you're the farmer from the advice thread trying to make cash of a genre of game you don't even care about, right?Okay, let me bare my arrogance to the world: I think I can most likely produce better romantic fiction than any of those translated games contain (and if I fail I know where to look for good anglophone co-writers). I like to write and I like getting into peoples' heads.
I also came up with a concept of an interface - and let me remain intentionally vague here on how it'd look like - that'd allow me to pile up branching storyline complexity, outdoing pretty much any story-driven game I know of. I've been looking to use this idea on some project, but regular rpg games require amounts of assets I or people who'd collab with me couldn't realistically produce. Consider this my secret weapon.
What I want to get a feel for is the common clichés, shortcomings and blind spots that are tolerated in the games (the ones still considered good, anyway)… so I can neglect these aspects of the otome for a while. Or, at the very least, not worry about it.
>Please at least try to google stuffThe results are inconsistent, besides, laziness is the optimal mindset for indie development. After all, most problems arise from overextension and burning out~
No. 137689
>>137687If you already can't afford necessities like rent and food you're not gonna make it. People using patreon and using their art skills have become a dime a dozen, even art school graduates with substantial skill have realized they can make bank doing adult commissions.
It sounds like you just discovered a niche you know nothing of and just want to use it to obtain money.
No. 137690
>>137688The patreon thing is a real numbers game, unless you are top of the line amazing and offering content nobody else has, you need a large fanbase before you can pull in reasonable money.
If anon was going for a really hungry niche like a neglected /d/ fetish that somehow had enough followers but was desperate enough to accept anything then they would be fine, but (ignoring the deviant art kids) fujoshis and otome gamers already have enough content to make them a bit more picky.
>>137687Have you actually built a similar game though?
If you really do know about indie games, then you'll know that you need to have either 1) extreme passion or 2) lots of building skill already (preferably both)
Nobody is going to back you unless you have a convincing working demo, or a fanbase and body of work. There's a billion visual novels that start up on 4ch all of the time, nobody backs them because everyone knows that they normally don't deliver.
No. 137691
>If you already can't afford necessitiesNah, I'm stable.
>It sounds like you just discovered a niche you know nothing of and just want to use it to obtain money.Does that make me a bad guy? I like writing fiction and I like games. Just never stumbled on these.
People earn money by offering service to others, not every creative endeavor needs to be a culmination of some sort of deep fascination. Sometimes there's a lot to be gained from having distance instead.
>If anon was going for a really hungry niche like a neglected /d/ fetish that somehow had enough followers but was desperate enough to accept anything then they would be fine, but (ignoring the deviant art kids) fujoshis and otome gamers already have enough content to make them a bit more picky.Actually, I think you have this in reverse; you're the more starved audience (even if smaller). Porn game selection is, IMO, about 10x larger commercially and pretty common for crowd funded projects.
>Have you actually built a similar game though?Yes and no. There won't be any similar games when I'm halfway through adding the alt routes, but the basic premise remains.
I'm not the best programmer, but 2D engines are simple as shit and the amount of knowledge that a text-based game requires is laughable. You could go from not knowing how to code at all to building a simple one in 3 hours. I can always ask a buddy who's a pro if I get stuck on a problem.
You guys need to chill, I'm not going to rely on this to survive until the money won't start coming in. Anyway, can we go back to the original subject? I feel like this thread got unintentionally hijacked.
No. 137692
>>137691I think that the questions that you asked above-thread are the sort of thing that need to be hashed out with whoever you get to do character design/storyboarding for you. Generally otome games focus on having a roster of different types of characters, but asking a forum full of girls what 'general shortcomings, cliches or blind spots' are tolerated is kind of a crapshoot because we're all going to have different opinions on what's considered 'tolerable'. Would we still play a game that needed that kind of troubleshooting? probably. but no otome game so far has achieved anything like commercial success in a western market, unless you maybe want to count the Sims.
The thing that I would focus on that I've seen cited as a measure of success in other dating sims (for both men and women) is customization–either the ability to customize the player character, or the ability to customize the NPCs with different outfits/haircuts/personality traits. I also don't like games that focus on 'level-grinding' to catch a guy's attention, I'd much rather see story-based events that simulate a budding romance in order to raise affection between characters.
anyways, just my two cents. I think there's a video game thread in the general board if you'd like to continue discussing the possibility of building your own game. Hatoful Boyfriend would be a good game for your to reference as well on your own time.
No. 137693
>>137692Nah, all I asked for was a list of classics. Besides the titles already posted ITT. I'll come to my own conclusions.
>actual gamedev adviceDon't need any. I don't want to seem too up my own ass but I have a good grasp on production, really.
No. 137696
>>137693Try Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side, that's as classic as it gets.
A thread like this is more for discussing things from a fan's perspective (i like xyz character, etc) than someone who's interested in the subject from an outsider's pov, though, so I'd still probably investigate other angles if I were you.
>don't need any gamedev advicebut that's exactly what you came in here asking for. coding & everything is important, but it's only one half of the equation.
and sorry, but 'I think I can write a good romance!' doesn't bolster confidence if none of the anons itt have any other idea of your track record. plenty of twelve-year-olds on also believe that they can write a good romance. if you could provide examples of your ideas, it'd be much easier to get feedback rather than vagueblogging about 'i might make a dating sim' and then getting defensive when your audience goes, 'pfft it's harder than you think'.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only woman ITT who's seen more than her fair share of dudes who think their homebrew vidyer gaems are gonna conquer the indie market (and then the game never even makes it off've their PC), so I don't feel that this kind of skepticism is entirely unwarranted.
No. 137697
>>137694I understand what
triggers limerence, fascination and lust and how to sneak it past the conscious mind. Should be enough! …Right?
>but that's exactly what you came in here asking for.No, I asked for titles and one aspect of gameplay none of you addressed and probably never will. Beyond that, if I need specific advice I'll turn to /agdg/, where folks have more expirience.
>but 'I think I can write a good romance!' doesn't bolster confidenceThat's alright with me. I'm not asking you for any money. Yet. I'll see you about it when I have half of the thing. Prepare your wallet.
Seriously though, you're getting really pushy and I'm not recruiting or anything, so I think I'll pass on that interrogation.
>>137695Just asked 2 questions and everything spiraled out of control, sorry.
No. 137698
>>137691>I think you have this in reverse; you're the more starved audience You're definitely wrong there, there are some really niche porn subtypes that are desperate for content but not big enough to garner it
>There won't be any similar games when I'm halfway through adding the alt routes>You could go from not knowing how to code at all to building a simple one in 3 hoursAh, to be 14 again. Go play all the games in this thread if you want insight, stop asking to be spoon fed and then talking a big game.
No. 137699
>>137697> I understand what triggers limerence, fascination and lust and how to sneak it past the conscious mind. Should be enough! …Right?Watch out ladies, he's read through all of /r/seduction and he's not afraid to use his newfound knowledge.
> if I need specific advice I'll turn to /agdg/, where folks have more expirience.Right, sure.
No. 137700
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I picked up Dandelion recently and did Jihae's route first. I thought it was cute but kinda boring. None of the other boys really appealed to me at first, but Jiwoo kinda grew on me as a background character in Jihae's route so I'm pursuing him next.
No. 137701
>>137697>laziness is the optimal mindset for indie development. After all, most problems arise from overextension and burning out~>if i need specific advice i'll turn to /agdg/, where folks have more expirience [sic]>prepare your walletyou're gonna crash and burn alright, but for entirely different reasons than you think. let us know when you put it up on newgrounds kek
although tbh the idea of a lolcow-produced otome game has merit, someone like you isn't going to find their patreon bux here with an attitude like yours
No. 137702
>>137700Decent game, the blonde is my favorite.
I really liked Nameless (by the same company). I completed it in 3 days and it left me with that empty "oh god why can't they be real" feeling for a week.
>>137671>>137672god I love Kanata.
No. 137703
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Anyone playing Mystic Messenger on the phone? Made by the same people who did Nameless.
So far i'm liking it quite a bit. I'm also honestly surprised for a free otome mobile game to not be a"pay or wait 80 years to finish the probably mediocre story with fucking ~~tickets~~" bullshit.
The dynamics of the chat, phonecalls, email and so on are also very fun and well integrated and the conversations flow very naturally, the boys are all really cute too and the story seems pretty intriguing so far.
Surprisingly loving this game quite a bit. A pity that the servers suck major dick.
No. 137706
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>>137703I just started playing it yesterday. It's really fun, but the emails are such a gamble (or maybe I just suck at choosing lol). I ended up picking the wrong camera for rui and all I feel is dread.
>A pity that the servers suck major dick.This. I ended up missing a chat because the server was fucking up.
No. 137710
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>start playing amnesia
>tee hee hee, I'm a coot' lil elfboi shackled to you by lazy plot xD
>click nextnextnextnextnext
>you're allowed to pick the order of inspecting mundane objects!
>you're dating a handsome idol, surprise! :D
>le magic eyes face
No. 137712
>>137710yeah i didn't like amnesia. i'm a fan of yanderes and twisted things but it was just…not that good. and not that twisted.
i only did face tat and oniichan's route but couldn't be fucked to finish the rest. the characters were just too shallow for me to develop any kind of attachment.
No. 137717
>>137716You can call it 'otome' as long as it fits the bill, but don't use the term if you aren't aiming for a weebish audience.
How you distribute the game depends on what time of game it is (RPGmaker, iphone, in-browser flash game etc), whether or not you want to be able to push updates, if you want to charge for it etc
Where you link people to the game depends on the feedback that you want. Actual game design feedback you can get from game design forums and places like /vg/ (or whichever relevant halfchan board) whereas you can get user feedback from whatever platform you are using for publicity like Tumblr etc
tl;dr more information needed
No. 137719
>>137717Thanks for the advice!
I guess it won't be otome then.
As far as distribution, I'm using something like RenPy to make it, so it'll just be a game you can download on PC.
I've been hesitant to ask around on /vg/ because it's mostly guys there, yeah? The guys I know already said they didn't feel like much help because they're not used to dating sims focused on a girl player character. Also, selfposting anywhere on chans seems a bit foolhardy to me. Tumblr seems fine I guess.
What info is needed?
No. 137724
>>137703Just downloaded this today and finished day 1.
I'm loving the mechanics and interactivity of this game so far, definitely my favourite otogame I've played. 707 is my current favourite.
The only thing I'm not a big fan of is the whole timed chat windows. I know that's the appeal, that it's real time, but they're scattered so widely throughout the day that it's nearly impossible to get all of them, especially if you work/are at school. I'm trying to find a list of chat times without any spoilers/text on them so I can plan how I'll go about being able to see the chats without missing them.
I want to also find out more mechanics about the game without spoiling since it'll be 11 days till I finish my first runthrough, instead of just a couple of hours like I usually do with an otogame.
No. 137732
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>>137730I was actually pushing this game off for so long, and fuck now I'm hooked and may even pay for the deep story route.
No. 137738
>>137735He got better, but I still cringed when
he went in for the kiss and mentioned Rika one more fucking time.>>137736I'm making a conscious effort to bully him so I don't get him again…
No. 137746
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Going through my first game play and I had no idea how much Yoosung wants you to just fucking be Rika….Like chill the fuck out.
No. 137749
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Somewhat off topic but has anyone tried honey butter/"buddha" chips? I tried making them following some recipe on YouTube and it was horrible but the actual product is weird but not bad.
>>137746And they're cousins…
No. 137750
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Who else finds it impossible to keep up with this game? I don't check my mobile phone hourly, to be honest.
Are you really supposed to get up at 3am just to play through a chat?
>inb4 dumb questions
No. 137755
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>>137749Ugh yeah I know.
Well I'm trying to get the good end first. And I'm finally at the part where he realizes we aren't the same person.
Does anyone know if it's worth playing Yoosungs bad ending?
No. 137757
>>137756They ban you if you time travel (change your hone time setting so you can do the chats whenever, my friend got banned for this shit).
Idk, I keep forgetting and then resetting, so I've only played Yoosungs good ending, pls end me.
No. 137761
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>>137758>REEEEE stop talking about MM! I could list 200 other games! But I won't! Enjoy your otome tendies I guess
No. 137767
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>>137741I just finished his route and the Secret endings and I actually cried multiple times.
while I had a hunch the story was going to end up that way, I'm so sad for V and Saeran and Saeyoung. They all deserve so much better especially V. I wish there was an after after end with everyone truly happy and just cute CGs and another party and V being like "lol not dead". Ugh this was such a good game. I think the fact that I actually played it every day for 55 days straight made me more invested. No. 137770
>>137769Ah, manosphere double standards strike again.
They celebrate VR romance/porn but can't stand the fact that women also have romance simulations cattered to them.
They all need a group therapy.
No. 137774
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is anyone going to be playing this when it comes out?
No. 137779
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The first otome I ever played with Dandelion. I haven't played too many but it was definitely slower and a little boring compared to some others. Jisoo will always have a place in my heart though.
I started playing 10 Days With My Devil, which isn't bad at all, and I'm glad it's not ticket-based. I played one route with Satoru, but was kinda disappointed because I thought he'd be a little more dickish.
>>137774I would totally play this just because Marco is a qt. Too bad they're only making it PG/PG-13.
No. 137780
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>>137779jihae is best boi. id turn furry for him
No. 204940
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Cinderella Phenomenon is free and in Steam, pretty good for what you get. Fairy tale style-fare but with a good protagonist. Waltz best boy
No. 205010
>>204940anon I have an exam in three days and if I fail it's on you lol
thanks tho, it's a great game and I'm shocked it's free (for such a quality), I love the story and the protagonist is honestly the best, 10/10, would throw my bra at her.
No. 205064
>>204940im playing in recommended order but its kinda hard since ive already done the route i was most interested in,(the little blonde one) i want to complete the game but so far the only other routes im interested in is waltz and that guy at the castle. (lol i can't remember any names) and i need to 'unlock' them ughhhhh
>>205019man mystic messenger was way too fuckin hard for me dude, i was just about to reach zens bad route (my first playthrough) and i gave up, it really feels more trouble than its worth, especially playing in 'recommended' order (zen, yoosung,girl, black hair, and 707)
and also i prefer to get bad endings before i get the good ones.
i feel like im lucky i havent seen any spoilers considering how popular it is lol
does anyone know of a full playthrough with no commentary i can watch instead of playing the game? (i doubt it lol)
No. 205149
>>205064you only need to unlock another one to get Waltz and Fritz, so it's not that bad. I recommend Karma, I think his route is the most "heart skipping a beat"-ish.
Some of my thoughts, if anyone cares
is a mistake. While other routes seemed like they could have been canon, his just does not feel right, and I don't like the heroine being constantly jealous, it gave me cringes and secondhand embarrassment.I feel like the most "canon" was
Waltz, but the most interesting one (for me, at least) - Fritz.
Though I was actually more emotionally invested into princess and Delora's bonding than the romance, lol. I cried when she died. Also, I think I preferred Varg over Fritzgerald. If there was a proper bad-boy-but-soft character, I would go for him first, I guess that's my type in otome.Overall, it's a good game, nothing special but pretty immersive.
Can anyone recommend another otome with a strong not too uwu blush heroine?
No. 205243
>>205057It just came out this month!
>>205067lmao absolutely not. Rika is in the route but you are MC. It doesn't make sense to be a character that's already in the game. This is still an otome game haha
No. 205293
>>205156not that anon but
>Sweet Fuse is a good playwatch out! best guy has a kid, had to drop it
No. 205591
>>205506seduce me is fucking awful, the cgs look like fucking wikihow art
i think its only popular because for most girls its 'babbys first otome' the writing is shit the only thing that might be good is the voice actors but im not sure its worth suffering through the game for that.
i hate this game with a passion and wouldnt recommend it to anyone
never played or heard of xo droplets but from googling it the art looks nice
ill play it eventually
No. 205606
>>205506If Seduce Me is free play it for the laughs and cringe value. Then you will know what
not to look for in a good otome. I still can't believe it has a sequel.
No. 205638
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Anyone play hadaka shitsuji? It's a pretty brutal and kinky bl game, the game use to have a cult following with each playthrough averaging at 500k+ per vid until the creator copyright claimed the fuck out of every video
No. 205643
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Does anyone tried the free Arithmethic games?
Pic related is Several shades of Sadism. Quite nice. You can play for free and get specials for a small price.
I am currently playing 3 games from them, most because of the qt outfits I confess. But SSS is really nice, I just wish it was more lewd hehe
No. 206028
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No. 206041
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>>206028i got sucked in to flower knight girl on nutaku….long story but i'm not even into any anime or hentai for a long time except for this stupid game
No. 238268
>>238251The artwork threw me off as the artist usually works for honeybee. Birthday song is garbage too.
>>238193Koei Tecmo, Broccoli, Idea Factory, PilVamp (if you're into otoge), Karin Entertainment, Red Entertainment, A's Ring, 3Daisy, Quin Rose, Toybox Inc.
Shit nigga, I could go on.
No. 238359
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Mangagamer just announced they're releasing HuneX's Steam Prison in english, looks promising enough
No. 243549
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>>205643I've played a few. I don't really like sadistic characters so I didn't play much of SSS. 7 husbands was good for a while but I chose Taiga and
I can't do incest themes. I think I just need to be better at choosing routes…
For mobile games I've become completely obsessed with IkeSen in a really short time. Like, I'm so glad for the chapter ticket format or else I wouldn't get ANYTHING done. I started out not really into any of the guys but it's really taken me by surprise. I might have an actual crush on Yukimura (don't tell my bf).
>>238283I could never self insert either, but I do like the guys for how they treat the MC usually, and root her on in general. There's no rule that says you have to self insert.
No. 243991
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Cheritz (publisher of Mystic Messenger) recently soft launched a new game, "The Ssum". Not sure what to think of it! I know that even MM is different from classical Otome games, but I really liked it. The Ssum, on the other hand… It shares MM's chat and call feature, but there is basically no story so far and you only have one character to interact with. You can answer some questions in the beginning and they're supposed to influence the guy's behaviour, but he's just so… bland?
So yeah, it's basically a chat simulator for those who long for a sweet, Korean bf. And there's one thing I really dislike: Just like in MM, you can choose answers when chatting with your boo. However, certain answers (usually the most interesting/cool ones) require "batteries", the in-game currency. Most of the chats include weird pauses as well, and of course you can pay to skip them. I'm fine with waiting between chats, but during the chats? Ain't nobody got time for that! I think Mystic Messenger is more clever in this regard. It gives you lots of content, makes you addicted and then charges for additional stories. I actually had no problem with paying for that because it didn't feel forced and seemed reasonable. I don't see myself paying for The Ssum tbh…
No. 243995
>>243991oof yeah, even from the screenshot you've posted I can tell I won't be trying it.
it's got that weird uncanny-valley kpop idol fanart look to it. I'm not digging it.
No. 260448
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Hi, girls
If you can advise good novel with shota boy?
No. 260686
Evryone know - little boy it's a best boy!
No. 265059
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Does anyone have any good Otome Games to recommend where perferably the female protagonist seeking a romance is at least minimum 18yrs old and is romantically interested in a male that in accordance with Japanese terms would be regarded as either a oji-san/oyajii (aka a middle aged man or an old man) I know it's not what's often sought after in the genre, but I can't help but be attracted to older guys.
Especially since most guys my age are just major turn offs, I've been craving a romance game where a respectable and kind man with experience is courting one.
I'm basically looking for something along the lines of Shuuden na Kankei, Tomodachi no Papa - Hakui no Oji-sama, and Ne Ne Ne.
Plus, I've also been pretty excited lately with the upcoming anime adaptation coming out for Koi wa Ameagari no You ni, I can relate to the MC since I had to undergo knee surgery, and was pretty down in the dumps while in recovery and with having to undergo the painful physical therapy.
The MC ended up getting hurt, causing her to require surgery for her foot, thus she was no longer able to compete in the sport she loved like she used to. I had to quit the sport I was passionate about as well.
Anyways, I still like to play Otome Games like Dandelion Wishes Brought To You, Nameless, Amnesia, Ayakashi Gohan, and I even like listening to CD dramas (currently have most of Diabolik and Hitsuji de Oyasumi series) but I'm kinda getting a little tired of seeing the typical Bishonen types in all the games I've been playing.
Right now I'm actually playing Diabolik Lovers through the PSP imulator on my laptop. It's in Japanese so I've been using a translation that someone posted on Tumblr to understand the game better.
As another example as to what I'd like to play in terms of comparison, I guess I'd say something like Seifuku no Ojisama. I have the game on my phone, and I've also been meaning to play Pub Encounters as well, so basically games like those.
Also, would anyone know where I can find the a worded/typed out translation/walkthrough for Seifuku no Ojisama? I've been using the translator on my phone, but it gets really tedious having to screenshot the game, go to my translator, figure out what the Kanji (more or less translates to) and then to return to playing the game and all.
Anyways hope to hear from anyone about any recommendations similar to what I've mentioned above! Also, lol, I had fun reading through all of your post and comments!(ᅌᴗᅌ* )
No. 265401
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>>265358Try Kindred Spirits on the Roof, it's still anime-ish but not as obvious fanservicey as the Sono Hanabira saga
No. 266304
>>265059Try The Bell Chimes for Gold, it's a fantasy style otome where all of the heroes are old guys while the heroine is in her 20s. You can get it for cheap on Steam but there's also a R rated version available
Also next time leave the name field blank anon
No. 285163
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Bless Mangagamer for more R-rated otome
No. 604496
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Don't know if anyone still wants to talk about otome games since the thread is dead, but I've been playing a lot of IkeVamp lately. Actually, I'd been playing it on and off for a while just to pass the time, but I've suddenly been getting really into it lately lol. I think the characters really grew on me. I'm a sucker for vampires.. and historical figures.
Has anyone else been playing IkeVamp? Who's your favorite boy? Also, does anyone know if other media exist for this series (like drama CDs, comics, etc) or is the mobile game the only thing out right now?
No. 604581
>>604532Yeah I’m doing Leonardo’s route right now and I agree it’s pretty boring. My friend is currently doing Isaac’s route and she really likes it, so I think his is probably a lot better. She gave me a summary and Isaac’s route sounds a lot cuter since he’s socially awkward and you kinda break him out of his shell. I’m holding out for Dazai’s route.
I think the art/character design is really pretty and I like how the characters are all based on historical figures. Though I agree the story isn’t the best, but to be honest most otome games don’t have the best plot lines to me so I just play off of how hot I think the guys are lol. I’ll take your recommendation though and try out Midnight Cinderella!
I think the only reason why I got invested in IkeVamp is because I have nothing to do in quarantine and I’m playing it with a friend. But I do get what you mean by aging out of otome games.