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No. 160606
>bullied through whole school-life, feel like trash and an object for their amusement>being born and having to deal with loneliness, because way too different from almost anyone to find me interesting>being an average IQ apefml
>>160605That sounds really embarrassing, but at least you didn't shit yourself in the 6th grade..
No. 160608
>>160605That guy is a little shit.
If it makes you feel better, I've had a similar experience. One time, I wore a skirt to school with no shorts underneath (stupid me) and as I was walking to my bus, a random large gust of wind blew it upwards exposing my underwear and ass for about 50 people to see. It wasn't even windy in the slightest that day except for that one gust so it caught me off guard and I didn't think to hold down my skirt whilst walking outside. Now I know better, but it was really embarrassing. Especially since I had to see these people everyday. Not only that, but when I got on the bus everyone was staring at me. No one laughed or made negative comments that I could hear but it was still super awkward and my teenage insecure thoughts were still making me worried about people making fun. I remember coming home from school that day and crying for hours. I was so worked up over it haha.
No. 160610
>>7477Sorry to hear what happened to you. The family that's alienating you because you told on that person makes the family members just as guilty for enabling bad behavior and doing nothing for you. And of course, what did thst result in? Him thinking he could shoot someone and permanently alter their life.
Good for you kicking him out. He was emotionally and physically manipulative and just a shitty person in general. Threatening something harmful to manipulate you into staying is never right. My dad used to do that to my mom all the tine, but she was smart enough to always come up with a good comeback because she knew how to think ahead. Good for you for not giving him power over you anymore.
You are not a bad person–just a person who had very horrible experiences outside her control and not having the chance to make good decisions. I feel for you hun, especially those panic attacks. I'm hoping you are currently seeing a therapist and are seeing a psychiatrist for medications to help you while you are in therapy. If not, I woukd suggest it. It does help a lot to have a crutch to hold onto while on the emotional roller coaster that a therapist will make you go through to help you out.
No. 160612
>>160610wow, thank you so much for your kind comments. i'm having a bad bout of paranoia so i freaked out and deleted the post.
i tried to contact the therapist i was working with a year ago, but she hasn't yet contacted me back. i'm feeling weird and alone and abandoned. i feel like i've ruined every friendship and relationship i've ever had, you know? like i'm just this evil, broken person. i feel like no one actually likes me and i'm just waiting for them to all pop out like a surprise party and tell me they actually just hated me all along. i'm so anxious right now that i haven't been able to sleep, which is making the paranoia worse…
Anyway. I really, really appreciate your kind response. It was real nice of you. I'm going to try contacting my therapist again, and I will try to find a psychiatrist too. thanks again, anon.
No. 160616
>>160611My story has nothing to do with anime but ok.
Maybe you should get out of the house more instead of basing everything off your mongoloid cartoons.
No. 160617
>>160615Legal "polypharmacy." Multiple antidepressants and other legitimately prescribed medications combined with me losing weight to the point where the dosages were just too much for my body to handle. None of the prescribing doctors were paying enough attention to realize that I shouldn't have been on all of the medications I was on in combination. Plus, in the hospital, they started shooting me up with drugs before they'd even found out what I was already taking - and the shit they gave me made the serotonin syndrome even
worse. Stupid me for trusting licensed professionals. I'm probably going to be butthurt about it for a while yet.
No. 160620
>>160614Are you the took-mdma-once-and-fucked-up-anon? If so, it might not have been a serotonin syndrome but psychosis.
I got exactly the same symptoms from research chemicals (and frankly those might be sold as pills/mdma). I never had anyone describe what I experienced this accurately.
>> felt like I was retreating deeper and deeper into myself and that I was going to end up trapped inside this non-functioning shell for the rest of my lifeSpot on. If we experienced the same thing, it's psychological, not physiological and you will be fine in about 6-12 months. Maybe see a psychiatrist.
No. 160622
Welp, it got bumped might as well post:
1. Getting molested by a male babysitter when I was six because I had asked for a back scratch. Started getting uncomfortable when the teenaged fuck went from my back and started picking at my butt. Said I had to give him a 'massage' in return. Tries to pull his pimply dick out of his pants, I'm visibly uncomfortable. Shouts at me that "IT'S OKAY" repeatedly until I touch it once. Run away crying and lock myself in the bedroom until my mom got home. I remember him pounding at the door and yelling at me to come out. He lived across the street so maybe he ran home..
My memory blacks out after this, but I'd like to imagine I caused that shit some mental anguish not knowing if I'd tattle. Fortunately for him, I didn't. And when I brought it up years later in a heated argument with my mom she called me a liar.
His sister was cool though, she was my primary babysitter which is probably what made it so hard for my kid self to tell.
2. Going through puberty, I used to get really upset at my biological father who over the years I was forced visitation with. By 'visitation' he would pick me up and proceed to ignore me for weekends while we did everything his girlfriends wanted to do. Or what he wanted to do, which most likely was sitting in bars, being on his boat, or fixing cars. His house was unfinished so I remember freezing ass in winter, burning with bugs in the summer, and since it was out in the middle of nowhere I would sit around and watch him fix up his shitty vehicles in a garage. No cable, no toys, no friends, no nothing. He manipulated me to lie about the conditions and my time with him to the courts so the visitation could continue, and wanting to win my dad's love, I complied.
My mom and stepdad claimed once that they drove over to the docks where my dad would drink beer with friends, and they found me wandering the boatyard by myself…and I guess didn't stop or say anything for reasons?
As a preteen, I had enough being neglected and taken away from friends.
The last argument I had with him was very heated. He was driving me to my mom's and I remember shouting at him that he didn't actually give a fuck about me. Suddenly he stopped the car in the middle of nowhere, threw my shit to the curb, and told me to get the fuck out.
He drove off.
This was back in 2005ish when cell phones weren't a huge thing but fortunately I had a nokia.
Called my parents and they came and got me.
My biological dad lost all custody for that, haven't seen him since that day.
I'm actually still extremely pissed at my mom as she told me in later years that my biological dad actually beat her and that was the reason for their divorce in addition to his infidelity
My mom was just never a good advocate for me. I'm really surprised my dad didn't get slapped for child neglect when he abandoned me, but that's because nobody cared enough to press it.
3. I brought it up in another thread on /b/ but I remember when I had to get a surgical abortion performed at 15. When I came back to school my ex had told everyone what had happened, in an area that was severely pro-life. He claims he had "wanted" the kid but never confronted my parents, and abandoned me for Runescape and tendies when I asked him for emotional support. He got another bitch knocked up mere months after my procedure, and they proceeded to bully me my entire junior year saying that I was some kind of witch who wanted to abort "their" baby. Because of the nasty shit said about me, I got a reputation (ironically) as a "bully" because I retaliated from being constantly harassed. Some days I didn't want to go to school because I didn't feel like getting confronted by the bitch, which is what would routinely happen. And since she was so mentally fucked in the head, people thought I did shit to "provoke" her when all someone need do was say someone had talked shit to get her to go haywire.
She got so many people to side with her at the time (to shame me for the abortion I had, not that they cared she was prego) that I got kicked out of Honor's Society for being late to their 6am before-school meetings twice (once due to winter weather). Because the secretary that took attendance was a pro-lifer and didn't record the reasons why I was late. My parents were going to push it further when my appeal failed but surprise they never acted on that either.
Oh for the record the ex isn't in that child's picture, and I believe he went on to pump and dump another girl with a baby after that one as well.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text but it's actually kind of cathartic to let some of this stuff out.
Most recent worst shit
>have mental breakdown and am two months behind in bills
>try to reach out to my parents for support
>confess my anxiety disorder as the main reason why I find it hard to go to work or get out of bed
>they say they don't understand and ream me out
>say I'm lying about diagnosis
>I get frustrated and hysterically yell back at them over the phone
>mom accuses me of being hostile, aggressive, and that she "has never done anything wrong to me"
>I hang up
>parents have washed themselves of my situation by threatening to put me in a crisis center and giving me the gracious offer of calling if I need to talk
>like that's what I want to do when I have anxiety about them and severe distrust
No. 160625
>got thrown into solitary confinement at the ER after coming because I was feeling suicidal and out of my meds. They took all my clothes including bra, socks and glasses and just left me in 5x5meter room with a bare mattress, a sheet and no pillow for 8 hours. The person in the next cell screamed the whole time. It was pretty traumatic, I still have nightmares about it. Afterwards, they just let me go. My phone was dead, nobody was here to pick me up, I didn't know the city so I just got home, trying not to jump in front of a car.
>in the ER, after hallucinating for hours after an OD on propranolol, they tied me to the bed, stripped me, shoved a catheter inside and put me in a diaper. Got called a faker by the nurse because nothing showed on the tox screen (but propanolol is out the system pretty fast)
>every time I feel like I am losing my mind, that the pain is unbearable and that I know there is nothing that could help out there.
No. 160626
>>160625And this is why I will NEVER EVER confess to suicidal ideation even if I think it's serious.
People treat you like a dehumanized piece of waste!
No. 160627
>>160626Yep, I know. I don't anymore. I lied my ass off after the OD, when I was out of the ICU so they wouldn't put me in the psychiatric ward. Luckily, I got a nice young shrink who bought it and let me go.
Now, the idea of being treated like this is mostly what keeps me from trying to kill myself again. That night in the ICU, I really took in how miserable I was feeling, with all the syringes, the catheter, the moaning of other patients, the way they treated me, the restraints, the humiliation of being stripped in front of everybody and I think about it when I feel like killing myself.
No. 160628
>>160626this so much
i first went to therapy around age 17 and i thank my younger self sooo much for being smart enough not to talk about that. i dont want it on my mental health 'permanent record' so to speak (because it will)
No. 160631
>>160630I can understand why though.
911 is meant for people in dire and critical circumstances.
No. 160632
>>160631>>160630wtf i thought 911 is supposed to help if you are suicidal
i thought they treat suicidal person as emergency? :/ that sucks anon
next time, remember there is suicide hotline
No. 160638
>>160637are you saying you want to experience those things?
I'm not ugly (according to people around me) but I barely get the odd old man aggressively hitting on me on the street. Chalk it up to looking unapproachable and knowing when to ignore people/leave situations/not engage. Every time some guy has been creepy to me has been because I made eye contact for too long/decided to linger and chat.
No. 160639
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My first and longest relationship was with an awful piece of shit. I gave my virginity to him because I was afraid he would leave me, and he took it as a sign of me being okay with having sex at his whim. He would get really mad every time I denied him sex and it got to the point where I would simply give in rather than deal with his rage. It was never a pleasant experience.
I dealt with him for two years. Throughout it all, he cheated on me, lied to me, got angry at the most inane shit, took every cent I had, bought prescription pills from his uncle, and emotionally abused me in addition to pressuring me into sex. I distinctly remember crying every day during the years I was with him.
I've never wished considerable ill on anyone, but I hope he suffers for what he did to me. I hope he never at peace and the shit he did to me and other girls haunts him for the rest of his life.
No. 160646
>>160640We lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere. It was wintertime and if the kittens weren't killed they would have exhausted their skinny mother and died themselves slowly of starvation. Even if their mother had managed to survive feeding them milk, we ourselves had no food to give them and they'd only be adding to the cat overpopulation. It was the 'nice' thing to do at the time. A shelter wasn't an option, they didn't really have shelters in my area back then and we couldn't drive too far due to a lack of money for petrol. I tried desperately to find a home for even one kitten but nobody wanted them.
>>160641Indeed it wasn't quick enough. We also tried putting bags around their heads and that seemed to make them drift off the most painlessly. The problem with breaking necks etc. is that it's actually hard to do accurately, so you end up with a living creature in agony a lot of the time.
No. 160647
>>160639Holy fuck anon, are you me?
This may be a long read:
Until December of 2015 I was in a two year long abusive relationship. I hated the sex as it was always really painful but obliged anyway because I was emotionally beaten down to the point where I just felt like a ragdoll, and I knew resisting would just end in tears and anger. I was always verbally abused and humiliated.
We were in a LDR at one point and when I didn't have enough money to come up with a plane ticket, he got very angry and threatened to break up with me, and then told me that I should consider becoming a prostitute because I'm already trash anyway and there was no other way to get the money for a ticket.
After every time he would belittle me and often drove me to the point of self harm and suicidal thoughts, he would comfort me and make it seem like everything was better. But that's the worst part about abusive relationships, they make you feel like they're the only one you can depend on even if they're absolute trash and aid in your self destruction.
We broke up a few months ago however, and I've posted this in another thread before but the worst time in life came around after we broke up. We both started seeing new people, which was fine by me. But once he found out that I was meeting another guy he went into total rage mode. I was on a date with my new love interest and two girls who always kissed his ass in the past took a picture of me with him and sent it to my ex. He then threatened to "ruin my reputation" by "exposing" me and he said that he was planning on dating me in the future and how dare I do this to him. He then decided to bitch about me all over social media, lol. I lost many friends because of him and I still have suicidal thoughts and problems with relationships now because of the mental abuse he put me through.
No. 160652
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>sexually and emotionally abused by older sibling since I was born
>experienced domestic abuse between mother and father since a very young age
>had to be a counselor to my alcoholic mother from age 10 onwards
>scapegoat and black sheep of the family
>first real sexual contact with a male included rape but no one believes me
>never learned how to be my own person
>severe depression, anxiety, anorexia nervosa, crippling self-hatred
>told to "just get over it" already
yeah, I wish I could just get over it.
No. 160653
Can anyone else relate here? I've been touched by adults as a child several times but I've never told anyone IRL because it will sound like I'm making this shit up, it's happened so many times (I was also a frumpy socially awkward kid so I have no fucking idea how this stuff even happened, I wore tracksuits and barely spoke to people).
When I was about 4 years old, my female babysitter made me sit in her lap with no underwear on as she held me and we watched cartoons. My vagina and ass were sitting right on her bare leg. I remember at the time feeling really uncomfortable and looking back on it I remember her making a huge effort of putting a blanket over us… Bitch was making sure no one could see but obviously I didn't realize it at the time.
From about the ages 5-7 that same babysitter's brother molested me, would take me to an old abandoned construction site and rub our genitals together, do things to me, make me do things to him… He was also like 19, I think the babysitter was in her 20's.
Then when I was about 9, my older cousin came over to my house one Christmas, and when our parents went out he came in to my sister and myself's room and starting jerking it, trying to get us to touch him, started touching us, eventually he came on us and this went on all night. It happened a few times.
Then when I was like 11ish I went over to my friend's house and her family from South Africa were visiting. We were in her room and her uncles who were I'd say easily in their mid to late 40's came in to "hang out" with us. One lay down on her bed with me, lifted up my pants leg and started rubbing my leg, telling me I was nice but I needed to shave, started lightly touching my crotch and chest a bit.
Another time at this age, my dad's friend started "accidentally" groping my ass and chest when we were in a crowded bar, kept staring at me the whole night.
I have sexual problems nowadays (as in I'm not at all) and it's causing big problems in relationships as you can imagine. But I feel like I can't talk to people about this because I'll sound like a liar, even though this all really happened. Am I alone? Can anyone relate? I feel like a gigantic freak.
No. 160654
>>160653I can relate and I recently told my GP about it after she asked me what could be causing my sexual dysfunction etc.
She didn't think my experiences counted as CSA, because I wasn't penetrated with a penis specifically and because I didn't tell anyone when it happened. So yeah, I'm never going to tell anyone again. I probably can't even get help for it because it doesn't count as actual traumas apparently.
No. 160655
>>160653>(I was also a frumpy socially awkward kid so I have no fucking idea how this stuff even happened, I wore tracksuits and barely spoke to people)That's probably why this could happen tbh. If you were a sunny well adjusted kid with many friends the chance of you telling people as it happened would go up which would make your molesters' confidence on getting away with it go down.
Why not try telling a professional? It'll only sound made up if you start telling random people for no reason, but there's no reason a professional wouldn't try to help you. If you're really worried maybe you could start with the most traumatic and go from there. You wouldn't be the first person who grew up with repressed trauma. Just because you didn't tell anyone at the time, doesn't mean it didn't happen. If your relationship with your sister is good enough, maybe you could talk to her about some of it?
No. 160657
>>160654This is my nightmare
>>160655Yeah I guess that makes sense. I was a very withdrawn kid with no friends really. Still though, every time I get paranoid about this stuff I think "people are going to think I was indicating sexual stuff" because how else could it have happened by so many people? I mean I am the common factor here. But I honestly didn't do anything.
I wish but my sister is in total denial, she is worse than I am in a sense. We grew up in a very stressful household and my dad was physically/emotionally abusive to us all and she won't talk about it either. She is living in another country now and has a boyfriend who wants to come home and see her old life/home and she hides it all from him. Last time I visited she said "please don't ever tell my bf about all the stuff that happened, I don't ever want him to know, I just want to let on I lived an average life".
In all honesty I am very scared about going to a professional because I have had a lot of shit happen actually but all the sexual abuse stuff is just the icing on the "there is no way this all really happened, you're just making this shit up" cake. Makes me so stressed I feel like I'm gonna puke.
No. 160664
>>160661Ew what the fuck. This is like my biggest fear. My ex doing something like this.
What a fucked up individual. I'm sorry you had to go through that, anon.
No. 160665
>>160663>she seems to have the idea that children can consentwat. how old were you at the time vs your country's age of consent laws??
anyway, you seem to have the idea that your GP's reaction may not be the norm, so if you can it probably wouldn't hurt to consult another GP
best wishes anon
No. 160667
>>160665The first instance of abuse was when I was 7. According to the law you can consent from the age of 16 with approval of your parents, and from the age of 18 without approval.
Well to me it's a bit weird that a GP doesn't use the same definitions as the law does for CSA and age of consent.
I'm probably just going to try and contact a psychologist directly, I'm not going to take my chances again. But thank you.
No. 160668
I'm not sure about this. There is no one moment that stands out, but I guess?
18 years old, at a party in my friends house. I was going to sleep in her bed while she and her boyfriend were going to share a bed in her sisters room, some others were going to crash on the couches. I drank a little too much so at 3 am I wanted to sleep (a few too many tequila shots), and I get undressed and just lay down to sleep. While I'm sleeping her boyfriend wakes me up by getting into bed with me, I tell him he's supposed to sleep in a different room (it was dark I thought maybe he just assumed I was his gf?), nope, he grabs me and starts to kiss my neck and tries to get my tank top off and touches me, and I freak out and yell at him to stop while trying to get loose, but I felt super weak 'cause I was still half drunk. He didn't manage to touch anything but my boobs and he didn't get my panties off, and someone actually heard my yelling and came in and pulled him off me. The guy stopping him ended up sleeping in the same bed as me, head where my feet were, and he didn't try anything.
When the first buses started going I went straight home, and a few hours later I saw my friends bf had sent me a text message saying "You liked it ;)"
Fucking ew.
The thing that sucks is that he is friends with my friend group still.
I have other stories like this + an abusive ex. Now I just have the worst time getting intimate with guys without crying or freaking out. Life is great.
No. 160669
>The guy stopping him ended up sleeping in the same bed as me, head where my feet were, and he didn't try anything. He was making sure the dude didn't come back I guess. That's so sweet.
>my friends bf had sent me a text message saying "You liked it ;)" DISGUSTING! Did you tell his girlfriend about it?
No. 160670
Had an awful family that physically/sexually/mentally/emotional abused me on so many levels, and groomed me to be totally submissive to minimize the torture which resulted in me being an easy target for other predators. When other people hurt me it was of course my fault. My home life ruined everything else and killed any personal and social development so I had no friends and was, at the best of times, totally ignored at school, but sometimes I was also shit on relentlessly.
It fucks me up to this day and those shit heads get to move on and have new families and forget about the kid they shit all over. I was pressured and fed lies so I would never talk to cops or authority figures about anything, because they would think I was a liar and a whiner and I would get punished and be the bad guy in that scenario. In high school though, when I was starting to break down, shortly before I moved out for good, I couldn't stop screaming once when they were physically beating me and dragging me around while kicking me, and the cops got called. Some legal action was taken, but since he was a first time offender, there wasn't any major injuries (I had bruises but I didn't show them the full extent, and there was no blood) the punishment was nothing serious, and afterwards I was in deep shit because he got cuffed at work (though I think he may have lied about this to make me feel bad, IDK if his job would keep him after actually getting cuffed during his shift) and had to show up to court so I tired even harder to keep quiet and be discrete. I found out later that an emergency protective order was issued, but it was hidden from me by family and expired. There are many incidents I could talk about but this one memory in particular is really intrusive right now, every time I picture that little piece of paper in my head I want to scream. In that 6 month span I could have screamed again or made a call or done something but I didn't because I was just trying to get by with minimum problems and they fucking hid a legal document that could have fucking helped me. Even after I knew about it I felt powerless and didn't want to talk to the cops about it because of how much trouble I got in after the last time they came around and because I figured they wouldn't give a shit since that protective order was expired, plus in general being brainwashed to feel worthless and like no one would care enough to help me. I mean, whoever issued it did not even consider the fact that I was a minor that was stuck LIVING with the person they issued it against, so it's not like they read into the case that deeply or gave a fuck about me.
In retrospect, I realize I could have done more, but I was so fucked in the head, and just a kid, I didn't think I had options. My life is better now, but after years of not knowing anything about how to look out for my own mental well being, and just dealing with things by not thinking about them/denying them, I imploded emotionally and started experiencing a ton of intense PTSD symptoms. Now that I'm more informed I know I always had it to an extent, but my mind was so busy dealing with the situation at hand and clinging to those same coping tactics for years after I got out that I never had time to process what happened to me, and once I did I was hit hard with flashbacks and fits of crying and crawling up in the closet under a blanket all day. So, that's where I'm at now. /diary
No. 160677
My father went to prison after raping someone and all my friends stopped being allowed over (by their parents). My mom went crazy, started stealing shit, told me how she was going to gas me and my siblings in our sleep, and how men wanted to fuck and hurt me because I was pretty (I was 9 at the time, I cut off my hair, woke baggy clothes, anything to make me less attractive). She also said she would drive off a bridge when we (the kids) would fall asleep when we went to visit my father. One of my brothers molested me. The other brother was in rehab for a year, then came back and od'd on herion when he was 16 and I 14. I got on Paxil for depression and it made me extremely suicudal and slightly psychotic. Drs would not take me off pills because they were "helping my disorders from developing further". Hospital social worker told me I was borderline when I was 15 so no hope and I was incurable. Took myself off psych drugs and therapy at 17 and those problems went away. Tried to go to tramua therapist who when I asked about what type of trauma she encountered she looked me up and down and said "some people feel traumatized from falling down on the sidewalk". Got forcibly hospitalized after running away from what I thought was an abusive home, but no social workers believed me because I was bitchy and had a psych history, despite my brother being taken away at one point Bc my mother beat him with a baseball bat. When I was arrested after sleeping on the street (my mom called the cops on the family I was staying with) I was treated like absolute shit and had a panic attack, ruining any chance of anyone listening to me because I was so panicked. Probably the most humiliating moment of my life. I had to apologize to my parents (my father was out of prison at this point) and sign a fucking contract to get out of the psych ward too. Gave up on any trauma/general support and starting abusing Xanax and alcohol ~16. I'm not sure of the exact timeline, because benzo-blasted. And here I am now, trying to not abuse. Weed helps. God this feels good to type out. I'm good now btw, beside the occasional depersonalization, got a really good scholarship and am moving away in August, God bless.
No. 160679
My father raped me for 10 years, and my whole family knew it was going on but ignored it. Apart from my mother, she knew and resented me for it. When he would get drunk and beat me, she'd fuel it by yelling at me.
When I reached 15, he was beating her really bad and I was scared about what might happen to her, so I sprayed him in the face with deodrant and bit a chunk out of his leg while my mother was shrieking and screaming. He went straight to the police, and I was taken away and put into a holding cell. I never said anything about the abuse, but said I only did it because I was worried for my mother. He didn't press charges and I was released, then social services got involved. Because I was underage, it was a choice of - I go into care, mother stays with father, or my mother got assistance to find a home me and her could live in together.
She chose him, after I defended her. They're still together now as far as I know
No. 160682
so, how would you guys like it if you had a forum of people bringing up the worst moments of your life over and over again, tagging your name with it and everyone you know like you guys do with these cows online? How would you feel if a group forum were holding over your head for years and ruining your life with it while making you relive your worst moments over and over again? By reading what most of you felt and are feeling now, you would probably commit suicide if you had someone doing to you what you are doing to others on these forums. Most of you seem dependent on some kind of prescription drug to get by after experiencing these horrible situations, so how would you like it if you had someone making you relive those horrible things while continuing to deal with the internal pain? You all want pity while you bash others on the /pt/ forum that have gone through some really horrible things that even parallel what you all have been through as well. Did the trauma shut you all down emotionally? It's cruel for you to know what pain is, yet dish it out and use others' traumas as a tool to hurt them and ruin their lives. Think about it. How would you feel if the most painful thing in your life was thrown in your face with intent to ruin your life?

No. 160684
>>160683what I said flew over your about we put the worst moment of your life tagged under your real name and people harassing you with it online and real life?

No. 160686
>>160685with an immature response like that, it shows me that i had a point.when shit happens to you guys, you just reach for the pills and get thrown in the mental wardsclose your eyes and just walk away from your painnnnnn don't write about it onlineeeeeeeeewalk awayyy from the screeen next time you get out of the mental wards

No. 160687
>>160685karma's a bitch and it's coming for you. :)

No. 160688
I see by reading why you guys are such asshole bullies.. your moms beat you, your dads raped you, in and out of mental wards... etc. It shows our medical system doesn't help because you get out and start vomiting your shit and attacking other people. Shame on you.

No. 160689
>>160686>>160687>>160688>all this projectionlmao
i didn't know they let you have computers in the mental ward, bpd-chan
No. 160690
>>160689all you people do is project your shit onto others and state it as fact on this sitewhy so hypocritical?

No. 160693
>>160637Because people are fucked up and fucked up things happen to the young and vulnerable pretty often. Children often don't tell adults when they get molested.
I had a funny thought once in high school, like how lucky it was that I seemed to avoid molesters in my childhood. Then I remembered my grandma's husband, only reason that fat bastard didn't rape me was because I was too old (10) and my mother never left me alone with him. And then my friend's stepdad groping me when I was like 14, ew. obligatory sorry 4 blog post.
I still think my breakup + the fallout was the worst thing that happened to me.
No. 160695
>>160682I was the girl who was sexually harassed/molested like 5 times and honestly if people started doing that I would just get off the computer or avoid those sites. It's not hard and wouldn't make me feel bad because it's just personal vendetta for whatever reason, I think most people don't think it's very funny to make a hate site over someone for being molested as a child so it wouldn't catch much attention anyway.
I'm also not retarded and wouldn't fuel the flames of said hate site either and give them something to work with. Most people we talk about here are so stupid they don't seem to realise that if you just lie low for a while when that shit starts, people will stop and forget about you. Just look at Quirky's thread, she eventually figured it out herself and magically the hate stopped.
>>160688Other people doing stupid things and others pointing out/laughing about their stupidity is not other people being toxic lel. Again if they were smart, people would stop. But these idiots are so egotistical that they can't abandon their pride for a small amount of time and recognise they can't stop people talking about them online.
No one attacks anyone on this site, we observe. A huge rule is generally not to get directly involved with the lolcows. It's much funnier when they make themselves look like idiots, anyway.
No. 160696
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Wow, apparently every second farmer was "almost raped" or almost "molested" as a little girl…
Oh I remember when I was little my uncle touched my pants, oh not to molest me of course. I was simply too stupid to put it on, on my own at that age.
I guess that is the case for most farmers who were "molested" or "almost raped" in this thread.
Anyway the worst that has ever happened to me?
Well there was one thing that went kinda wrong but I got the last laugh at the end.
>Me and bf know each other for about a month or so.
>Bitchfriend recently broke up with her bf because "muh freedumbs"
>Bf and I suddenly hate each other.
>A week after break up, bitchfriend doesn't even think a second about me and seduces my former bf.
>What do I do? I do the same with her former bf.
>They didn't even last a week, while me and her bf fuck regulary like rabbits. Not to mention he has a bigger apartment and is more open minded and confident than my boyfriend ever was.
After all everything worked out for me.
No. 160700
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>>160698>>160696Hey I just have a boyfriend who really cares about me. Not my problem if you're not able to do some basic human communication or if you're just plain ugly.
Hah~ it feels good to be truely loved by someone. He buys me everything I want and he only has eyes for me!
No. 160702
>>160700no seriously how old are you because i feel like i'm missing out on all the bf/gf thing
No. 160705
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>>160704Hey not my problem that you're not as good looking and sucessful as I am. Though jealousy won't help you either.
No. 160707
At 15 was loaded up on alcohol and drugs and raped by my bf at the time, was also when I lost my virginity while his ex who he cheated on me with and was much older sent me abuse everyday through phone and online messages, went to the police about it. Nothing happened
Tfw a few years later my bestfriend at the time started dating him and are still together I think. I tried to kill myself a few times and self harmed, those that saw my arms made fun of me.
Years after that, just after I finished Highschool and the day after Father's Day my dad died, still, struggle with it. Then just before my 21st my Uncle who was basically the only family member who communicated well with me and had the same interests and taught me lots of things killed himself, 2 weeks after my birthday my granpda dies, few months later and my grandpa on the other side dies.
Everyone I was close too died all within a few years of eachother and it really fucked me up, tried to OD on my anti depressants, was just comatose and ill af for a few days. Spent the last year or two getting my life back together, met my current bf and moved to Netherlands to live with him and I'm starting to feel a lot better.