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No. 161528
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What is your current weight and goal weight op?
what are you planning to do to loose?
I'm 5'7 ft and 120 lbs, I want to get down to 110 lbs.
I'm gonna start yoga in a few week and I going to start swimming again. (didn't had the time this summer because work).
I'm vegetarian, and I plan on cutting every dairy product as well.
I never been a fatty, hope I never will (honestly I would want to kill myself, shallow I know) love being slim, but I'm a pear and I need to be almost underweight if I wish to have small legs.
No. 161529
I'm 5'5" and around 130 (I think, haven't weighed myself in months - I go by how my clothes fit) and trying to lose some podge from a couple of holidays (one in March, so it's taking me a while). I have no goal weight in mind, just areas of fat I want to get rid of.
I'm a typical pear shape, but my shoulders and arms have gotten bigger in recent months through work. I do a pretty physical job which has built a lot of muscle all over, but particularly my arms and shoulders. Also, my core is now quite built up as well, so I'll never have the slim curvy shape I had 10 years ago (and stupidly hid under baggy clothes) but I can at least aim for a flatter stomach, then you might be able to see the abs I know are under there!
Because I work physically hard I need to take in a fair amount to stop me being a hangry bitch, but I've been trying to cut back on chocolate and junk, so not eating it every day or at least only having 1/3 of what I used to. I've cut down the butter in sandwiches and upped the fruit/salad/veg intake to fill me up so I don't cave in to quick junky snacks. It's not happening fast because I just can't restrict to 1200 or 1500 on work days, but it is happening. I've gained about an inch and a half of room on my waistband and my thighs don't rub together so much. There'll never be a gap there, my legs are muscly and I like em that way.
I hate exercise although swimming is just about bearable. If I go for a walk I end up at the pub! I might start lifting though, as I'm trying to build muscle at the same time as losing fat.
Sorry for a long reply, but I'm at that age where the metabolism slows down and the fat starts to stick so I gotta shift this soon.
No. 161539
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Remember, diet is more important than exercise. An hour of continous jogging burns 400 calories. A Big Mac by itself (so no fries or soda) has
You can't outrun a bad diet, unless you're a marathoner or something.
No. 161540
>>161539Urgh, I wish this were true but it really isn't.
My diet isn't perfect but I neither undereat or overeat and get plenty of fruit and veg daily.
I don't drink fizzy drinks and I dislike chocolate, but I'm fat due to extreme inactivity.
I think it's something you have to manage in tandem. You can't focus on one and ignore the other.
No. 161541
>>161540Sorry but this ils total fatlogic.
Please go check secret eaters.
You can ask anybody that has really managed to control their weights, anas, models, bodybuilders, athlètes… what you eat really is the key in weight control.
No. 161542
>>161541Bitch I am a recovered anorexic. 9 years of starving myself skeletal.
I work a desk job which involves me sitting on my ass all day until I get home in which I promptly fall into bed. Rinse and repeat. Minimal activity.
I know how to count calories and log my diet to an absolute tee and my intake is ideal for my height. I also know how to lose weight better than probably anybody on this site but I know that I'll slip back into my old ED if I take it too fast, so I'm taking it slow.
Stuff your fat logic up your arse you clearly don't understand anything about metabolic rate and TDEE which are extremely conjunctive with exercise.
No. 161543
>>161542Calm down, wow. Hide this thread if weight loss
triggers you.
No. 161544
>>161543I am mad as hell tho.
I know literally every fucking trick in the book and then I have some foetus come a long and try to lecture me on how I'm "overeating".
Bitch I will eat you and then purge you into my basin.
No. 161545
>>161542Wow, what the hell? I was just pointing out the flaws in your way of thinking.
I don't care about your shitty life. Just stating the truth.
You must have unhealthy habbits if your fat or overweight.
Why come to a weight loss thread if yout are so sensitive about it?
Go sit in a corner and calm the fuck down.
No. 161547
>>161545There are no flaws in my thinking.
I am a Human Physiology & Biochemistry graduate so I know far more regarding this subject than you and don't appreciate being lectured by what is the academic equivalent of a toddler.
No. 161548
>>161547Yeah right. People on the internet always have a fucking degree in whatever the subject being discussed is.
Portion control is the key. It has been proven a million time already.
No. 161549
>>161548lol okay, explain to me then with your psuedoscience how if a 5'7" adult with an intake of around 1900-2000 kcals of energy per day maintains a healthy weight whilst exuding a minimum amount of output in biological BMR processes only (i.e. mental reception and processing, breathing, basic biological function such as thermoregulation/metabolisation etc.) which for the average woman is known to be around 655 kcals.
So the TDEE is 2000> vs. around <655 out. That's a 1345 kcal surplus that according to you would just vanish into thin air in lieu of being catabolised into energy.
No. 161550
>>161549So your hypothetical 5'7" adult is in a coma? Because this is how you burn only 655 calories a day.
Are you sure your degree isn't from the University of Tumblr?
No. 161551
>>161550Even so moving to and from work/bathing is only an extra 200-300 kcals maximum.
Still waiting on your explanation dumbass :^)
No. 161552
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>>161551No explanation but an advice for you
No. 161554
>>161552See now, this isn't actually bad advice.
Since I'm having difficulty fitting activity reasonably into my schedule the answer is to reduce my intake to what would normally be dangerous levels.
>inb4 I develop an ED again No. 161555
>>161553I don't think it's possible, but I could be wrong.
Congrats on the loss so far!
No. 161557
>>161553Good job and congrats on the progress!
You can build muscle while cutting, but it's extremely hard especially if you are not a beginner. It's a constant uphill battle.
The best thing to do is start now but not for losing fat, but to prevent injuries (one of the major reasons to crosstrain). Once you've reached your target weight, then you got a head start. Be forewarned, you will gain that weight back, but in the form of muscle instead of fat. Don't think of it as bad, but as progress.
Also, be sure you are getting enough protein when you start resistenve training. It will help you fuel your resistence workouts and help your muscles recover while you sleep. Also, make sure you are getting enough carbs the day befire you do cardio, since carbs is the primary energy source for cardio unless you are doing some form if HIIT. You don't want to have you aerobic system use your muscles as an energy system.
No. 161558
>>161549what are you even going on about? the BMR, which correlates to the minimal possible energy expenditure, for a 5'7, 130 lb woman is ~1500 calories. i googled your figure of 655 and found out that the harris benedict equation contains that term; BMR for women = 655 + ( 9.563 x weight in kg ) + ( 1.850 x height in cm ) – ( 4.676 x age in years ); but that term just exists to make the calculation work out. it does not in any way correlate to the minimum possible calorie expenditure – unless you are 0 years old, 0 cm tall and weigh 0 kg.
i'm not sure where you got your degree in "human physiology and biochemistry", but you should ask for your money back. you should also not cite your experience with anorexia as if that gives you authority when speaking about nutrition. it's really quite the opposite. it's like saying "i love to lick door handles and eat people's shit, so i know a lot about proper hygiene and safety".
No. 161559
>>161558I never said I have a degree in Human phys. & Biochemistry. It's a branch of certification in my country from an independent educational provider that's below degree standard but above highschool diploma.
My experience with my eating disorder was cited because it irritates me for people to assume that people struggling with being underweight/overweight don't understand what they're eating, what they're putting into their body and how much of it they are consuming when I personally spent years refusing to even touch/inhale food because deep in my fucked little brain I ws somehow convinced that I could potentially gain a modicum of weight even though I knew logically it wouldn't, but hey, anorexia isn't supposed to make sense.
It's just annoying being talked down like that by somebody you can pretty much guarantee is younger and has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less experience in this kind of stuff.
No. 161561
>>161560I haven't backpedalled once cunt do you not understand what the word "graduate" actually means lel
I can literally go photograph my certification right now and post it here if you really need me to.
No. 161562
>>161559>It's a branch of certification in my country from an independent educational provider that's below degree standard but above highschool the equivalent of an associate's degree? possibly from a for-profit school? that's not impressive, lol.
you're correct that activity level affects TDEE, but this is taken into account in the TDEE equations that people use for calorie counting. 1.2x modifier for sedentary people up to 1.9x for extreme levels of activity. do you think that the medical professionals who developed these systems just made them up out of thin air? they are based on measurements of people's actual metabolic rates. your 655 calorie thing is just a complete misinterpretation of the harris-benedict equation.
No. 161564
>>161559So you are an old overweight lady that used to be a skelleton? Must be hard to never have been attractive once in your life.
I knew you where bullshitting with your degree thing, but I wasnt able to prove it. Happy that we have an anon here who can send your shitty science where it belong, into the trash.
No. 161565
>oldidk, depends, is 22 old?
Also just how fat do you think I'm talking here? I'm 5'7" and 152lbs as of this morning. I'm still very attractive, I'm just used to being around 100-110lbs territory.
152lbs is like obese for me.
>>161562idk what an associates degree is but the certification was good enough that it was all my university required in order to progress onto university and I even got a monetary excellence scholarship grant so take that as you will.
No. 161570
>>161569I was going to and was in the process of blanking out sensitive information until I realised that the amount I'd have to cut out literally all it would leave on the certificate was the shiny hologram, the border print, module codes etc. so it's pointless.
It's not like it's really hard to attain anyway so idk why it'd be so hard to believe unless you're the type of person for which an education is unavailable to you because of financial or drive reasons. It was only a 2 year course.
No. 161572
>>161571I don't think we have those in my country but I just checked/Googled and it's actually an national educationally recognised awarding body which is why it was accepted by my university and why I got the scholarship so my mistake.
>either way you don't seem to have learned anything from ittru tbh I've forgotten shit loads. It was only a stepping for me anyway.
No. 161575
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>>161574>I learned shit loads and can still reel off all of the knowledge >I've just forgotten most of the terminologylmao
so you're like
"oh you know the uh, thing, with the um, DNA or whatever… it happens in this pathway or something, there's like, this chemical, and it does some stuff… in a place… yeah… something like that"
you don't even have the very basic understanding of metabolic rate that anyone who's counted calories to lose weight (besides anorexics) has. you took a random number from an equation you don't understand and fixated on it. i'm actually amazed at how wrong you managed to be. unlike the average ignorant person who holds dumb beliefs because they don't know any better, you actually consulted the science – and came out with a ridiculous pile of misinterpretations.
you're obviously personally invested in this issue. you may have fucked up your metabolism with anorexia, making it more difficult to keep the weight off, and if you can't restrict calories without slipping back into ED behaviour, then don't restrict calories. but your situation is not applicable to the average person and you're completely warping the facts that you half-remember from community college to fit your feels.
what did you go to uni for, btw?
No. 161576
>"oh you know the uh, thing, with the um, DNA or whatever… it happens in this pathway or something, there's like, this chemical, and it does some stuff… in a place… yeah… something like that"Yeah not gonna lie that's pretty much it. I mean I still got distinctions in every module but like I said before it was pretty much to get to A to B because everybody values STEM shit these days.
>you may have fucked up your metabolism with anorexia, making it more difficult to keep the weight offThat is exactly what I've done. I'm chronically constipated and unless I overdose on coffee daily I can't shit for 3-7 days and it's horrible.
>what did you go to uni for, btw?Whatever I answer I'm gonna get chewed out for choosing it regardless so I'll politely decline to answer that :l
All that matters is that I'm passionate about the subject and enjoy studying/practising it.
No it's not Women's Studies, Art, Psychology or Sociology before you start but pls don't be the type of person that shits on others for their academic paths those people suck. I'm an angry bitch but I don't like shitting on others for what they chose to do in life.
No. 161578
>>161576i'm just curious about your major since you apparently did some sort of pre-health science course but didn't go into a medical/biology field at uni
>Yeah not gonna lie that's pretty much you don't know the material at all and you should stop presenting yourself as if you do
>That is exactly what I've donemy condolences but again the vast majority of people are not in that situation and counting calories according to their TDEE works fine for them. also please don't tell me about your shitting habits
No. 161579
>>161576You sure love to talk about your life.
Pls don't give us details about how much shit you have to push all at once out of your ass.
No. 161580
>>161576No dude I don't have a problem with Sociology at all, but it's one of those subjects that people get laughed at and belittled for studying which fucking sucks.
It doesn't matter if you want to be an elevator engineer or a lawyer or whatever, I don't think anybody should be shit on for choosing what they do in life. It's awful.
>>161578Hm, okay; Linguistics.
Shhhh no laughter I enjoy it.
No. 161586
>>161582I personally stopped buying product that I know will make me binge.
If I'm outside and I'm tempted to buy something unecessary to eat (sandwich, milkshakes, juice loaded with sugar..), I take the money that I wanted to spend and use it on a book or a cute accessory or a makeup. Sometime I keep it in a box and when I have a good amount of money I buy a piece of clothing.
No. 161588
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Going to sperg a little bit and try to contribute to the thread. Currently 171 lbs (from 174) and 5'6" .
My weight has fluctuated all over the place throughout my life but my peak weight years ago was 175 lbs. When I saw that number I said enough is enough and got to work losing weight. Although it went well up to losing to the 140 mark, I got a little neurotic after that and accidentally became a bit ana. I didn't realize it at the time but I had all the symptoms/characteristics and got down even further to 110 lbs, I wasn't full skeletor mode but for my body type I looked very skinny. I was like this until I got into a relationship in where I went complete opposite and binged like crazy but still felt really guilty about my eating habits etc.
3 years into my relationship now and I recently went in for my PAP test. They did a general physical and I hadn't weighed myself in a long time since I was honestly afraid. Turns out I bloated back up to essentially my old weight at 174 and again I'm not happy at all with this weight. So September 1st I got a gym membership with my partner and we've been very good about going. I actually love jogging so I've been going in at least 3 times a week to use the treadmills. Soon I would like to start lifting so I can gain more muscles to burn calories. I've also been eating much better since the beginning of the month. I'm not counting calories to avoid becoming obsessive over them, but I am avoiding starchy carbs like pasta, breads, etc. Since I've started I've lost 3lbs which is pretty decent I suppose. I'm going to keep going and hopefully get down to a much more healthy weight for myself.
Image attached is a sort of inspirational thing I made to put on my fridge for fun. I included some ideas for meals or snacks because I often blank on what I feel like eating. I've been vegetarian for over a year so thats why there aren't any meat based dishes.
If anyone wants to share some weight lifting experiences, tips, or exercises that would be fantastic. Also does anyone else get very bored while lifting? Any tips on how to avoid this or maybe some small mind games you play to keep yourself entertained? It would be really appreciated !
No. 161598
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This is my favorite recipe; low carb ice cream.
1/2 pound of lard
1 cup blueberries
Splenda to taste
Combine room temperature lard, splenda, and berries in a bowl until lard has turned light purple. Enjoy at room temperature. The ice cream can't be cooled or else it'll be rock solid.
Easy, delicious, low carb.
No. 161599
>>161597wow, we seriously are pretty much the same! yeah, back at 103, my tummy was almost always flat. my waist stayed at 22.5-23" all day, even after eating a lot. now it goes from 23.5"~24". it makes me sad.
i had visible abs not to long ago, and now it's all gone. well, the top two are still visible, but it sucks. and from my belly button under looks so bloated after i start eating for the day
No. 161600
>>161599i actually had visible abs at 106 recently! i think my abs come because of water weight, though, they are visible even when my tummy isn't flat. i was only able to eat/drink liquids for 3 days because i had surgery, and it really debloated me and made me lose a lot of water weight, even though my actual weight didn't budge. by the end of it i had full on abs lmao.
:( then i started eating whole foods again and the lines are gone.
i want my waist to stay at tight all day. mine can go from 23" all the way to 26" at the end of the day (if im on my period)… its crazy. sometimes i look literally pregnant if i am super bloated :( i think it has to do with height though, my taller friends don't complain about it as much :/
No. 161601
>>161600i'm jealous. i wish my waist would go back down to 22.5 or at least 23. it has stayed at minimum 23.5" for about a week now. i do remember when mine would fluctuate from 23~26, though. it used to do that last year when i was around 110lbs, i think.
just out of curiosity, do you also have a thigh gap? does yours disappear as the day goes on? if my tummy is flat, i can have a nice gap, but if i get even a little bloated, it goes away.
No. 161610
>>161607i agree with
>>161609. that, or maybe you've changed your diet and something is making you bloated. try pills for gas…
>>161603unless you're running very far or running moderately far pretty fast (or doing things like sparring in martial arts), cardio doesn't do a significant amount for weight loss. what matters more is what you eat. i did lose weight when i began running before, but that's because i would run when waking up, before eating, which made me less hungry and delayed my hunger. it might have done something to help my metabolism. also, depending on how you're doing weights, that might actually be more cardio than strength training. for example, kettlebells are cardio and strength. a lot of gym classes and fitness videos like les mills are more cardio than strength even though they use weights.
No. 161615
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Anons,I need some serious advice.
(Tl:dr version)
Im 22,5 feet tall and weigh 155 pounds as of weighing myself this morning. This is the most ive weighed in my life and I seriously look like lena dunham lol. Pls help.
From age 12 to 20 I was around 120 to 130 pounds and I didnt consider myself fat but these past 2 years ive gained so much due to stress from school and working and supporting myself that its starting to make me depressed and I almost feel like I will never know what its like to be skinny or a normal weight again since im only getting older and life is getting more stressful.
So before that becomes a self fulfilling proficy I need some good weight loss advice, I finally have my life more or less together so now I can focus on my physical appearance.
So for someone who has never ever dieted or exercised before what should I do and what is some good solid advice I should follow to lose weight?
Heres a few things about my lifestyle that might influence that answer, first off I work 2 jobs and I only get 1 day off in the week. I would prefer running outdoors to working out in a stuffy gym because im basically inside all day long. I dont drink soda (its gross) but I do like beer,however I limit myself to 1 bottle if I do drink becouse I know its bad for me. Also im a vegetarian,I dont eat fish or meat out of moral convictions but I really love carbs and dairy.
Heres a sample of my daily meals if it helps:
Breakfast: eggs and berries with avacado on toast and a coffee with milk but no sugar.
Lunch: a slice of pizza and a green tea with no sugar from starbucks( I get 15 mins off for lunch at one of my jobs, there arent too many options in that time limit but im willing to cut out lunch and just have another coffee instead)
Dinner: I like to eat out with coworkers or my boyfriend after work (usually its after 5pm at one of my jobs but its after 10pm at my other job so it depends in the day) so it tends to be unhealthy (vegan sushi,vegan ramen,Korean food,etc) and a beer. Honestly dinnertime is the only time in the day I get to relax and see friends and I would prefer to keep it, I know eating late is the worst for you but I would be willing to cut out breakfast and lunch completely if I get to keep dinner.
Sometimes ill have time for a snack during the day, ill have some fruit, nuts or pretzels from the vending machine or a clif bar,maybe a pastry from starbucks if im feeling it. Im not really a snacker to be honest but I do drink lots of tea through out the day.
I shared everything I could and I really hope someone here can help point me in the right direction. My weightloss goal isnt a number but just to look skinny again. I really miss it even though I was definitely skinnyfat at best. Thanks for reading.
No. 161616
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>>161613Soda are the worst thing for your weight but diet soda are pure trash. Please think about your health and cut all the soda of your life.
>>161615If you are this huge you probably eat a lot more than you just reported, not trying to be a cunt, just saying.
Maybe going totally vegan could help you.
Having a food diary and counting calorie is a good way to realize how much you are really eating and what you can / should stop doing.
No. 161617
>>161616Honestly I usually have a really big dinner but throughout the day everything I just listed thats what I really eat purely due to lack of time and sometimes even just to save money (eating out gets pricy), I skip lunch a few days out of the week for financial reasons (so I can afford dinner out that day)
Maybe I got this big becouse I work 2 desk jobs, but im I still do the grunt work and run around the office all day.
I can post a candid when I get out of work if it helps.
No. 161618
>>161617Oh, okay. You probably know it but skipping meal is not a great idea and it's even worst if you skip your lunch and then stuff your face at night.
You maybe have bad eating patern and habbit, if you can manage to have your biggest meal for the breakfast and lunch you will probably gains a better control over your weight.
It's better if you choose to skip dinner than lunch since you use litteraly no energy (you consume calorie to do basic fonction like breathing and being generaly alive…) at night when you're sleeping.
If you are going to get wasted, you can eat like a pig and hope that your body will reject it because of alcohol.
No. 161620
>>161618Intermittent fasting is a thing. There's nothing wrong with skipping a meal, but this post is right in regards to it being better to skip dinner. Skip dinner or breakfast, not lunch. Dinner should always be light.
I lost some weight when i started just eating dinner. I wasnt hungry in the morning and worked busy shifts with no break and got off at 10-11pm. Then I'd eat and go to the gym afterwards (which is possibly why eating like that was okay).
No. 161622
>>161618Thank you for the advice anon, if I eat healthy foods(salad,lentils,qinoa etc) for dinner is it still ok to eat late?
If thats the case ill try to have anything bad that I might be craving the night before (like sushi or ramen) for breakfast the next morning or lunch,but only a few times a week would that help?
>>161619Thats a good idea, ive been wanting to pick up yoga for a while just to relax but I never associated it with weight loss, is it really effective? And is it something I have to do in combination with other exercises? If I did it at home with instructional videos would it still be effective? Sorry for all the questions, should I just google it?
>>161620So if I have one meal a day it should be lunch, and a light snack for breakfast and dinner?
I could negotiate to have a longer break at my other job, they do offer 1 hour lunch breaks but it cuts into my pay, however im willing to make that sacrifice for the sake of weight loss.
Im sad about letting my late night dinners go, its the only time I get to see my friends and socialize and it would be hard to resist temptation to eat if im with them,but maybe If I can resist eating meat at korean bbq I can resist anything.
Whats worse is they like to go out for bubble tea and dessert post dinner and I don't know if I can avoid drinking bubble tea even if I like it with no sugar I know tapioca and milk is terrible for me especially late at night.
The worst part of all this is all of my friends are skinny, im the only one that has gained weight since college and I was bigger than them back them too, a few of them hike with their boyfriends and go to the gym but most of them dont exercise. When I ask them what their secret is they mostly tell me they skip most meals and drink lots of tea which is what I do. Could it also be stress?
To be honest in my friend group im the only white girl, everyone else is korean with the exception of one filipino girl who is the only person that really works out, could it be muh genetics or am I actually doing something wrong.
Were all around 5ft to 5'2 but everyone else weighs around 90 to 110 pounds.
No. 161623
>>161621Which is why I agreed that eating a lot at dinner is bad. If you ate a big dinner, it should be a lot earlier in the day, like afternoon. Basically a late lunch.
>>161622>>161622One thing that I think is helpful is to not eat something sweet in the morning. Definitely not carbs. it can set you into craving sweets or carbs for the day to keep that higher sugar level. I'd recommend an egg white omelette or something like that. Grapefruit is a good one. For a while I was eating those Velveeta prepackaged 180 calorie things for lunch then waiting for dinner to eat anything else. I advise chicken breast with mustard or fish for dinner
No. 161624
>>161622You can eat out and not stuff yourself, but it definitely shouldn't be a regular everyday thing. But you could eat half the plate and take the rest home for lunch the next day, so you're not eating pizza all the time (also saving some money).
At this point, (speaking as 5' 118lbs) it's probably down to portion sizes. Chances are when your korean friends do eat its probably not pizza everyday.
Youtube yoga videos are okay and could help, the problem is that you may be doing something wrong and not know.
No. 161625
>>161615I'm in a similar position with regards to eating late and not getting to eat much during the day. I don't get a lunch break apart from maybe once a week taking 10 minutes to eat a bag of chips (ukfag, I work next door to a chippy) so I graze on a sandwich and some fruit with yoghurt through the day when I have a minute to spare. My job is quite physical so when I get home I'm hungry. I'll often have a snack, then cook dinner for when the bf comes home, which means dinnertime is often 11pm. I get up at 6.30. Fuck, this is why losing weight is taking ages.
I just don't get time to eat a big lunch at work, and the few times I have in the past couple of years I've been so sleepy in the afternoon I can't get anything done.
No. 161626
>>161615I see where your coming from. A couple years ago I started dieting and working out for the first time in my entire life. (I was homeschooled since grade 2, so I literally sat around all day in my house and never moved my body.) Starting to exercise for myself was harder for me than the dieting tbh just because my body wasn't used to it at all. I recommend finding an activity you enjoy doing so when you do work out, you dont loathe it. My personal favorite is jogging and I would recommend interval training to start. You want your exercise to be about 25-30 minutes of cardio at least in the beginning. For interval training you flop between jogging and walking, so its easier to lean into especially for beginners. When I fell out of exercising and now am returning to it, this is what my jog looks like
5 minute warm up, fast walk
1 minute jogging/1 minute walking repeating until 20 - 25 minute mark,
5 minute cool down.
If you even find this too difficult at first, you could even have 2 minutes of walking in between for rest period. You'll do this for 1 week and then the next you try to push yourself to 2 minutes jogging, 1 minute rest period. And 1 week with that, you try to push yourself to 3 minute jogging, etc. Try your best but please also keep in mind to listen to your body, if you truly feel like you're pushing yourself to hard just ease up a bit. Its better to do that then injure yourself in the long run.
Try to exercise at least 3 times a week. You are theoretically allowed to do cardio as much as you want, but weight lifting requires rest days so your muscle fibers can heal. You can still weight lift consecutive days in a row, but you need to focus on different muscle groups. So say you could do 1 day legs, 1 days arms/chest, 1 day core, etc. But I personally prefer to do all over lifting routines every other day. If you can, just try googling exercise for beginners and phrases like that, you can find some good starting routines to follow.
As for eating I'm a vegetarian as well. I never lost any weight on it until recently when I cut out starchy carbs. So of course try to eat as much proteins as you can (low calorie cheeses like feta, cottage cheese, or cream cheese), greek yogurt, beans, etc etc. And avoid things like breads, pastas, and white potatoes. You should still eat things like quinoa, yams, and rice but try to limit your intake of them.
No. 161629
>>161628You've mentioned a lot of stuff about diet here Anon but nothing about exercise.
Are you exercising?
No. 161630
>>161628I accidentally deleted a paragraph.
My endocrinologist says I'm not fat and I don't need my thyroid medicine increased. She wouldn't do anything else for me. I can't believe she'd look at a person who is 5'4" and 160 lbs and not think they need to lose weight. I live in America by the way. Maybe that's why. It seems doctors won't tell you that you're fat unless you need to be weighed at the zoo.
I don't know if this could possible be related. But around the same time I started gaining a lot of weight my jaw became misaligned. My teeth don't line up right and I have to put my tongue between them to keep them from hitting each other wrong. Right now none of my bottom teeth is hitting the left front tooth and pushing on it. And the outer groove on a back tooth on the right is spearing the middle of the tooth on top of it. This makes chewing very very difficult.
No. 161631
>>161629Not much. I walk a lot. I used to lift some weights and I did some leg lifts. I wasn't too active before but my weight didn't go up.
The only reason I stopped was because it started to get really hot. The air conditioner broke and when it was fixed I stupidly didn't start back up. Maybe I screwed myself somehow.
No. 161632
>>1616281) don't ever starve yourself. It's very damaging to you. It'll make your hypothyroidism and lupus worse. One of my co-workers used to do that. Now, at 26, she can't lose weight at all despite that she runs marathons. Her doctors have found nothing wrong with her. Hopefully you are not at this point.
Stick to a standard 2000 calorie a day diet. Don't stick to any if those fad diets (Adkins, South Beach). Just look up the daily recommended food meal for the average person.
2) you say that you are axtive in winter but not summer due to the summer heat? Do you not have a gym nearby that you can utilize during the summer with AC? You'll need to burn off a lot since your body is hoarding a lot due to you being in starvation mode. Continue lifting but add in some cardio twice a week. Don't do calusthenics–you need to be doing heavy lifting to build upserious muscle.
No. 161633
>>161631Well I mean you probably already know this but weightloss is a partnership between both diet and exercise. You can't eat little and hardly move or eat a lot and exercise daily and expect to lose any weight quickly.
If you want quick results obviously cardio is your way forward. It is faster but you'll develop almost no muscle tone and might end up flabby. Even running up and down the stairs repeatedly and doing star jumps is something if it's too hot to run.
If you want best results disregard cardio and focus on weight exercises.
Your body will burn energy from fat in order to power through sets, and as your muscles tear, repair and engorge they require more energy from fat to maintain so whilst initial weight loss will be slower, long-term you'll end up looking better and also even if you stop working out for a while the muscle will remain for a long time and continue to burn up that energy.
If you're that desperate to lose the weight fast and don't care about smelling disgusting and feeling irritable and craving-sugar like no tomorrow, induct keto.
You'll be dropping any where between 3-6lbs per week until it levels out and you'll only be losing fat, no muscle, whereas starvation catabolises both fat and muscle.
No. 161637
>>161635Laxative use for weightloss is a myth as the active ingredient (bisacodyl) only functions to stimulate the bowel into moving waste materials that are already present within it.
It doesn't actually effect the rate at which you digest food, the only thing that can do that is a metabolic stimulant such as caffeine.
If you take a laxative after a meal the only thing that's going to happen is you'll digest the food, absorb the calories, and then very suddenly you'll have a big sloppy shit/diarrhoea.
No. 161640
>>161639Yh a lot of people are sensitive to caffeine so it will also stimulate the bowels.
I have to use laxatives and caffeine because of chronic constipation that didn't leave even after recovering from anorexia and you have to be careful using bisacodyl because although it's used to treat constipation if you use it too regularly it will actually end up making you more constipated as your body starts relying on it.
Basically, don't abuse laxatives guys, ever.
It will not make you lose even a quarter of a lb unless you count the turd.
No. 161642
>>161638Sorry, I don't mean that's all that I drink, I just try to make sure I drink as much as I can everyday… Sorry its not good enough.
And yes, I realize that 95 pounds isn't skinny at all, but its skinny in comparison to the landwhale that I am. I'm sorry I'm not doing good enough. This is why I should eat nothing and drink only water. I apologize for being such a disgusting amerifat.
No. 161643
>>161636>5'3" 115lbsIs this a meme height and weight here because I see it so much. Or maybe I just notic it more since its my stats, too.
Trying to lose 15lbs, too. I recently gained weight and my jeans don't fit. I split my favorite jeans in the thigh because pear shaped and I was squeezing my sausage legs in them.
No. 161645
>>161644Eat less.
Move more.
No. 161646
>>161645helpful anon
so helpful
No. 161652
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>>161650this girl is 95lbs & 5'3"
"not really skinny" yeah sure
No. 161653
>>161652Hahah those pictures tell you fucking nothing about her body. She (probably you) is posing so that her collarbones poke out and her legs look skinnier.
90-100 lbs at 5'3: These girls look normal sized to chubby, not skinny.
No. 161654
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>>161653nah it's not me, but LOOK SO FAT NOT SKINNY
No. 161655
>>161654>laying downDo you not understand how human bodies, or camera angles, work?
Take a look at the links I posted, that's what y- uh…
she looks like when she's not contorting herself into weird angles for instagram pics.
No. 161656
>>161655i've looked at the pics. most of them are full dressed, duh.
I've seen this girl irl, she's at my school. She's really skinny (actually, being treated for anorexia right now). Go to Aly's thread, maybe you're looking for thinspos
No. 161658
>>161657She's a young girl and looks like she's barely even through puberty. She has a large ribcage compared to her hips . Not everyone can obtain a itty-bitty waist.
I don't know how you can't see that she is tiny, m8. She looks like she's 10, despite probably being in highschool.
No. 161659
>>161658She's a normal, average sized girl who poses to make herself look skinny.
Find a candid full body picture of her or gtfo. The pics posted here are right out of the "random instagram bitch trying to be thinspo" playbook.
No. 161660
>looks like she's barely through puberty…no. She has a flat chest but that doesn't mean she looks like a child.
No. 161661
>>161660Doesn't look fertile to me \_(o_o)_/`
10 was undershooting for emphasis; she does looks like someone of middle school age though. What is your cut-off age for 'child'? First menses?
No. 161663
>>161662Saying someone looks infertile and like a child is not complementary. Why would I self-post and then talk shit?
~Oohh, unless I was looking for someone to white-knight me and say the opposite of what I said, and that I didn't look like a child, but I'd have to be retarded to selfpost and think that anyone on lolcow would white-knight mw.. Wait, a sec- You're my white-knight, aren't you? Bless your little heart
No. 161664
>>161654>>161652That girl is a fucking liar because this is what 5'3 and 95lbs looks like and it's perfectly normal and not underweight at all. as a recovered anorexic let me tell you that bitch is abusing EVERY clichéd ED-angle.
I used to use the same ones myself, including my personal favourite "hand on hip with top of shoulder blade angled forwards in order to twist area of arm carrying the largest fat deposit in and away from the visual line of sight and considerably slim the appearance of the upper arm".
No. 161672

I think I have a problem with health and fitness.
Like, it's a problem, but it kind of isn't.
Whenever I do something of import, I never half half-ass it, it's always either all or nothing.
I'm a recovered anorexic. I say recovered because I'm fucking fat as hell now but I still have incredibly disordered eating. I've had a difficult time maintaining my weight and diet over the last 3 years specifically because every time I began to moderate myself I'd start to slip back into old habits. Again, all or nothing.
A month ago I moved and I decided, fresh start, new me, get healthy, get hot, and it's exploded beyond what I expected.
I'm exercising in my room every single night, mostly 1 hour of calisthenics with 44lb dumbbells,
Every morning I swallow a tablespoon of cinnamon before I take a cocktail of 9 different vitamins. Throughout the day I ensure I consume about 5 pieces of varying fruit, enough protein-based foods to repair and build my muscles whilst sucking down 5-6 cups of green tea and 4-5 bottles of water.
At night before I go to bed I take 1 dose of yohimbine and occasionally bisacodyl to keep me regular on my low intake.
In the last month I've already lost 14lbs and that's not even calculating in muscle mass I've created so it's probably even more.
My body feels amazing and is looking better every day, my skin is sparkling and immaculate, my hair is silky, smooth and lustrous, my eyes look brighter, I feel more energetic and alert, but my entire day is consumed by thoughts of health and fitness and what I can do to push it further and faster and harder and I can't stop. I even went out the other day and dropped £60 on LUSH products and FUCK THEY'RE SO GOOD.
Even as I'm typing this I'm flexing my butt cheeks individually to work up my gluteus medius control.
Have I graduated to orthorexia? Is there anybody else who understands this?
Video entirely unrelated, but stunning young girl.
No. 161673
I'm 5'3.5" and around 95 pounds. A few months ago, I was like 68 pounds, which I know is too low, so inb4 ana pls go. Anyway, I feel like absolute shit about myself now and am constantly thinking about suicide. I am disgusted by my body to the point where I can't even take a shower without it turning into a several-hour-long sobfest/self-injury party (I know that sounds emo as fuck, but I literally want to cut the fat off of my body). The thing is, as soon as I started eating more (I restricted to under 1000 calories/day for months and, before that, under 1400 calories for close to a decade without a single fucking "cheat day" or anything), I developed a massive appetite that won't go away no matter how much I eat. I can sit down and eat 1000+ calories over the course of an hour and still be ravenous even though I feel physically full. I am always hungry. I can't even sleep because I'm so hungry. I gradually started eating more and more until I was eating over 2400 calories/day every day for a while. I'm now eating no more than 2000, but I know it's still too much. I'm desperate to get back down to 85 at MOST (I have a really, really small frame) - that's where I was maintaining for most of my adult life, I was medically stable, getting regular periods, etc. Now, I'm flabby as fuck and it's awful.
Since I can't seem to return to eating how much (little?) I used to eat, I've started trying to exercise more (using an elliptical and walking, mostly, just because those are the options that are free and available to me), but I don't think it's doing a goddamn thing. My thighs and stomach are a mess. I've been thinking about getting a Fitbit and/or joining a gym to try to motivate myself to exercise even more, but I know I need to cut down on how much I'm eating, too. I can't fucking do it. I don't know what's wrong with me and I'm desperate to stop this awful hunger. I even bought some of those bullshit garcinia cambogia pills out of desperation, hoping that they'd do something, but, unsurprisingly, I haven't noticed a difference.
I have gone to my doctor and pleaded with her to try to figure out if there's something wrong with me, like my hormone levels being fucked up, that's causing me to be this hungry, but she has no ideas. People keep telling me that I just need to gain more weight and I'll stop being hungry, but that's not an option I'm even willing to entertain. I can't even fucking stand how my body is now. I'm not going to gain any more weight willingly, but I'm scared I'll keep gaining weight whether I want to or not.
Anyways, anyone else dealt with insatiable hunger? WHAT DO? This is ruining what's left of my life, and I don't know how much longer I can take it.
No. 161676
>>161675Honestly with a 20lb weight loss you will have definitely have lost a great deal many inches than what you've recorded.
It's my suspicion that you didn't measure yourself correctly when you originally took your measurements.
Regarding your legs, it may well be that you've gained muscle there if you've been exercising.
At the end of the day Anon the numbers are irrelevant so long as you "know" you've lost weight. How you look with weight loss is secondary, changes to your health is what is more important so concentrate on that.
No. 161678
>>161677No problem, I'm happy that you feel better about yourself physically and mentally.
I tried taking my measurements too for a while but I was never too sure if I was measuring accurately and it began making me anxious so I just stopped altogether.
Unless you're trained how to take them precisely maybe not bother lest you risk losing motivation i.e. "I've lost all this weight and nothing has changed, why even bother…"
proceeds to stuff face.
If I were you I'd just try to rely on visual markers.
I've been examining my own ass weekly since I exercise about 5 nights a week and I've noticed a marked loss in cellulite and a gradual rounding :>
No. 161679
>>161675I'm pretty sure that
>>161676 is correct. I'm sure you've lost at least 2~3" from your waist if you've lost 20lbs. That's just standard, and in my experience, it's true. As far as your legs, I also think it's muscle or you are changing where you're measuring. The best thing, in my opinion, is to measure only in the mornings and take pictures.
>>161668>>161669>>161671yeah, also short here. being 5'1" is hard. even with all the exercise i do, i don't burn that much because i'm a smaller person. then when i started counting calories, i fucked up and made myself think i had way more calories to spare, so i started overeating and not only gained 5 lbs but increased my goddamn appetite. my stomach wants more to feel satiated.
No. 161681
>>161680Do they sell Weetabix where you are?
Two Weetabix in a bowl with some semi-skimmed milk, a sprinkling of sugar and hmmmmmmm it's delicious.
Also if you own a blender you can toss pretty much anything into that.
When I had childhood tonsillitis and couldn't eat solids we blended my Christmas dinner.
No. 161684
>>161682Nothing wrong with feeling good about your hardwork! Congrats anon!
I have to have strong will power too. Most of my coworkers eat deli sandwiches, cookies, chips and other garbage in the break room and offer it to me and i have to say "no sorry.. I'm trying to eat better."
I'm in my late 20s and I don't need a beer gut or disgusting Suzy skin.
We can all do it, anon, if we use our awesome self control. Asking all anons, what do you guys like to snack on when you are feeling the late night cravings or want sugar but not break your day's work?
No. 161686
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>>161685>baby food is tasty So this thread is satire right
No. 161692
>>161689Why not buy regular applesauce or fruit cups?
As far as baby food goes I tried everything before I have it to my kid. Some of it is better than others and I definitely didn't try the meat ones, ugh
No. 161695
>>161693not all of us have kitchen access, plus babyfood is convient in terms of portion size and calories
I like to snack on baby food since I'm an apple sauce lover.
No. 161698
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>>161696Eating baby food once in a while won't hurt you, but diabetes will, fatty-chan :)
No. 161702
>>161697That will only put your body into starvation mode and will make it easier for you to gain the weight back. You might lose weight but it's a really bad idea for long term weight loss.
And if you're anything like me, depriving yourself of enough calories for an extended period of time could cause you to binge eat, then hate yourself.
1200 a day is the gold standard. A couple hundred above and below is not bad. Exercise more instead of eating less calories.
No. 161703
>>161700>>161701Thanks, I'll try eat better and at the least reach the 1000 cal.
>>161702I don't think that starvation mode really exists. But yes I need exercise more too
No. 161705
>>161703>>161704Starvation mode does exist, but not to the extent that people assume.
It's a very temporary state lasting around 2-3 days at which point the body will begin to catabolise it's muscular structure and then its organs.
No. 161710
>>161673here. I got a Fitbit. I started doing HIIT on an elliptical, although I can only go for fucking 5 minutes at a time without taking a breath-catching break. I have exercise-induced asthma and, after doing any sort of intense exercise, I start becoming completely unable to breathe or regain my breath. I don't have an inhaler anymore, but I'm going to try to get one this week.
I miraculously started sleeping again as of a few nights ago, and my insatiable hunger is no longer present. I've been eating ~1000 calories/day for a few days now and feeling fine. I wonder how fast I can lose 10 pounds of fat? I can't stand being in this awful body. It doesn't feel like it even belongs to me.
It's stupid, but to be perfectly honest, when I was at a BMI of ~12, I finally felt "comfortable in my own skin" for the first time. I wish I could get back there without having to face all of the health problems being that underweight can bring. Fuck this world. Fuck this body. I am so beyond done with being trapped in this disgusting, malfunctioning piece of flesh. I just want a robot body.
Back to reality: I need to lose 10 pounds ASAP. Ugh.
No. 161713
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What am I doing so wrong?
I do HIIT 6 days a week and I usually do a couple days worth of HIIT in a single day. A typical day is lunch, a snack that consists of either fruit, coffee, oatmeal with some cocoa powder, chia pudding, or "healthy" oat cookies where I omit oil for plain apple sauce. Once a month I have a cheat day where I can eat regular cookies, or go out for lunch. That's it for the day and I'm usually not hungry after that. It's pretty boring and routine at this point.
I am overweight. I've lost about 60 pounds and I'm trying to lose my final 20. I'm pear shaped and lately I've noticed my stomach is finally getting smaller. My right side is smaller for some reason. There isn't much of a muffin top on that side, but there is on the left.
The past couples day I gave in to my urges and ate two single serving cookie with chocolate chips, peanut butter, the works. No apple sauce, used coconut oil and didn't omit anything on both days. I also ate a baked sweet potato with cinnamon on both days. I looked in the mirror today and my right side now has a muffin top that matches my left side and my sides stick out again like when I was incredibly overweight. I've also noticed my face is puffy.
How? How does this happen in two days? It's making me freak out.
No. 161714
>>161711I'd like to do one but it would be kinda boring
+ i'm 5'7 and 120 lbs, don't know if it would interest anyone. I'm trying to gain muscle so I plan on getting heavier.
No. 161715
>>161709My bust is pretty large, currently 42"…
thanks for the tips! I'm not sure if I want to start buying much right now since I plan on loosing so much weight
>>161711>>161712>I eat pretty terriblySame here. Lots of carbs (though I stick to honey wheat bread), cheese, always have an oatmeal cream pie at lunch. It's the only way I can actually stick to a diet. Though for snacks I'll have baby carrots and cucumber dill yogurt dip.
>>161713I think you are stressing out too much. If I freaked out every time my body did something weird I'd never be able to focus on anything. Try to just focus on what the scale says and don't worry about things like bloating.
No. 161717
>>161711if you really want to, i can tell you what i eat. i over ate today, so i feel pretty bad.
today i ate:
protein bar (210 calorie one), about 8 mini cake squares… maybe more, 1/2 cup red curry chicken, a small amount of Caesar salad, a small amount of arugula steak salad, 1/2 a cup or less of pineapple fried rice, 1 shrimp dumpling, 2 pieces of an alaskan roll (avocado and salmon), a small sliver of smoked salmon, two pieces of general tso chicken, ~32 oz of coffee, ~16oz green tea, at least 64oz of water, and a shit ton of mints
my work has a brunch buffet on sunday, and we get to eat the leftovers. that's why i had so many different things.
on a normal day i have:
1 omelette (1/3 cup egg whites with 1 slice of velveeta, spinach, onions, and mushrooms), 1 can vienna sausage or 1/3 can corned beef hash or 1 serving of reduced fat velveeta shells and cheese (180 calories), 2~3 fudgscicles, 3 apples, a cheese stick or a small spinach salad with craisins and crispy noodles, some chocolate (usually 2 of the mini reeses cups), and sometimes a sort of bread like 1/4th of a bagel my bf is eating or maybe 1/2 a pancake. occasionally i eat sushi
>>161713how is your sodium intake?
No. 161719
>>161714I'm the same weight and height but I want to loose about 10 lbs
My lowest weight was about 100 lbs, but I've gained 20 lbs from eating shit/ not occasionally purging. I'm not posting my food diary because my weight loss is a result of healthy food but also purging so yeah. Anyone else in same boat of 'not hardcore enough to be fully bulimic but too impatient to not purge' ?
No. 161726
>>161722i'm 24, but i know that's not old for someone that has kids. last year i worked 60 hours a week and managed to make it to the gym. what made it difficult was not having a 24 hour gym.
now i also work 9-10 hour shifts with an hour commute each day. during the summer it was an hour and a half commute because of traffic. then i was working 5 days a week, but now i work only 4. so basically very similar to you in terms of work hours. i easily have time to go to the gym every day, but i tend to go at like 11PM~12AM and stay until almost 2AM often.
i imagine that it would be different with children, but i know a lot of people still work out. growing up, my mother worked 8 hour shifts 5x a week as a nurse. she was an exercise fanatic – had abs, ran half marathons and a full one once, etc. she basically just worked out while my sister and i were at after school activities… sometimes she'd take us to the gym with her and have us do homework there. or when my sister was at soccer practice, she'd run around the fields for the whole practice.
when i got into high school, she'd wake me up at 5AM to run 5ks with her before work/school. we would run races on the weekends, too, and she'd make me do shit like P90x with her.
your kids might be too young, but you can involve them. even do something like yoga?
No. 161727
>>161726So many moms make excuses to get fat and flabby because 'muh kids!!' when there are plenty of moms who don't let themselves go. My only issue is not having a 24 hour gym near me either. Mine closes at 10:30 on weeknights and 7pm on weekends, so I don't even get to go to the gym on weekends unless I do the early shift, which would kill me.
People can easily go cardio in their home with free youtube videos.
No. 161732
>>161710here again. I've been doing more and more HIIT on the elliptical and eating 1000-1200 calories/day. I've lost 5 pounds and I'm already feeling a lot less disgusting, but, to be honest, I'd really like to lose 10 more still. I'm not sure how long that'll take, though.
The Fitbit is actually really helping me get more active. I got a Fitbit One, and I definitely would recommend it to anyone who doesn't already have something similar.
No. 161735
Not sure if this belongs but here goes: I've been wanting a cellulite-free ass. Up until now I've heard that squats are the best way to reduce their appearance, then I came across this: should I believe now?
No. 161741
>>161740What kind of cardio are you planning to do?
Cardio is not a good way to lose weight if that's your intention by the way. You should first and foremost fix your diet.
No. 161745
>>161744So did you read them?
>passive aggressiveStop using words you don't understand.
No. 161747
>>161746Why don't you just read the fucking posts I quoted because believe or not, they hold the answers to your stupid question.
You can't just barge into the thread and spout some retarded shit and expect others to be patient with you. Fuck off.
No. 161749
>>161741Nah, I'm pretty happy with my weight. I just wanna be more sporty and maybe a little bit more muscular.
I was planning on doing the usual stuff like cross trainer, treadmill and such
No. 161753
>>161750>watch your calories /reduce caloric intake.>Just eat lessAre YOU a retard? You realize these two aren't at all equivalent right?
Being hungry all the fucking time is not "the best way" to lose weight you stupid fuckface. And before you call me fat, notice I'm not not the one making an assumption here. She explicitly said she's "so fucking hungry".
>>161751Fuck off
No. 161755
>>161753Jesus so mad?
They are not the same I was just saying some ways to lose weight.
If you OVEREAT normally EATING LESS will help you lose weight. EAT LESS CALORIES.
I didn't read her post I was replying to only one based on that.
Diet is a very important part of weight loss and just health.
No. 161756
>>161753You're a fucking idiot lol
The term "eating less" is something of a colloquialism and is generally understood to mean reducing your calorie intake. That's why everyone in this thread understands this but you. Now kindly fuck off.
No. 161757
>>161755>They are not the same I was just saying some ways to lose weight.
>I'm so fucking hungry all the time waah waah>hey did you know you can lose weight by eating less lol Total genius. Thanks for your helpful input yet again.
>>161756>That's why everyone in this thread understands this Oh really? Because if that's true, a certain someone wouldn't be complaining about being hungry all the damn time like a fucking retard in
Unkindly fuck off.
No. 161762
>>161760"I want to lose weight"
"You should eat less"
WOWWWWWWWWWW so anorexic
No. 161763
>>161762More like
"I ate less but that made me starve myself so now I've gained back all that I've lost and more"
ana-chans pls
No. 161765
>>161764How about you tell that to
>>161736 instead of me
No. 161769
>>161766I don't get how she gets so mad jesus. not you I mean the weird prob fat anon
"eat less" = a mental condition to her/him wtf
No. 161770
>>161739>>161743>>161747>>161753>>161757Yeah okay, whoa, wtf. I'm the one who posted
>>161737 what part of that said "I'm starving myself everyday so I'm always hungry and binging". I eat 1200-1300 calories a day to help lose weight, and was just whinging because this last week I've been on my period and have had a few off days where I ate over because chips/chocolate don't keep you full very long and it's what I've been craving. i felt kinda bad about it and wanted to commiserate with other dieters. Jesus. what the fuck?
No. 161771
>>161768>samefagYou only quoted one post? And no really, you ARE getting your posts mixed up because the one I'm talking about has said nothing about periods.
>>161769>"eat less" = a mental condition to her/him wtfpffthaha I fucking love it. Since starvation mode is probably affecting your thought process and perception I'll spell it out as clear as possible for you:
YOU were the ones who claimed to be hungry all the time, indicating something's wrong with your diet.YOU were the ones who claimed to binge so much that you've increased your weight to twice what it used to be after oh-so religiously following a strict calorie intake.I never claimed eating less = automatically bad. I claimed if you're feeling starved all the time and/or having uncontrollable urges to binge, you're probably not doing something right with your diet, hmm?
>>161770>I'm starving myself everyday so I'm always hungry and bingingSee
>>161767 I'm addressing two equally retarded people here and only one of them is you.
>i felt kinda bad about it and wanted to commiserate with other dieters.So much for a
support thread. I don't know how you thought your post would be helpful at all.
No. 161773
>>161737 again and that is literally the only post I've made here except right now here
>So much for a support thread. I don't know how you thought your post would be helpful at all.What the fuck? Me posting my struggles in a thread for weightloss support is….not helpful? And you blowing up on everyone for disagreeing with you is…. helpful?
I've been doing fine on my diet until my period. All I did was come in and say damn dieting on your period can be kinda hard essentially, and suddenly I'm a retard who doesn't know how to diet.
You need to calm down.
No. 161774
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Remember everyone, hunger is the devil. If you EVER feel hungry while dieting, you're anorexic. Craving sweets? Just cram them down your gullet immediately, it's the only healthy way to eat.
No. 161775
>>161772>loses the argument>hurr durr ur mad lelStep up senpai
>>161773>Me posting my struggles in a thread for weightloss support is….not helpful?Talking about how shitty it feels to lose weight is not helpful, the last time I checked. But if you meant you wanted on the
receiving end of whatever support is left ITT, by all means go ahead idc
>suddenly I'm a retard who doesn't know how to diet.I can't tell who's who on an anonymous forum. I was just asking a question and seeing someone got so buttflustered and defensive about it is gonna make me assume it was you.
No. 161777
>>161771I never said anything about being hungry!
I don't binge!
Why are you so rude
No. 161780
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>>161779Uh, you do realize the poster I was describing
explicitly said she starved herself, then lost control and binged right?
Do anorexics all have mental retardation? Can you all, just for once, actually read the post and the posts that come before that, before spouting completely irrelevant bullshit? I'm so fucking sick of explaining/guiding retards through the context of every post simply because they're too lazy/dumb to click on some quoted post numbers themselves. We need to implement comment threading for these dumb fucks jfc
No. 161781
Can admin sama do something about this idiot,
>>161780 they're ruining the thread
>Posts should generally be serious and not overly inflammatory No. 161782
>>161780Who were you talking about then? I'm
>>161738 and I never said I was starving myself. I said I was limiting myself, as in reducing calorie intake. Fuck off.
No. 161783
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>>161782Ignore that fucking weirdo, they're either trolling or mentally ill.
No. 161784
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No. 161785
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No. 161786
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No. 161787
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No. 161788
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No. 161792
>>161791Yea maybe! those vintage style high waisted ones are pretty cute.
I even considered trying to cover them up with makeup lol. How sad am I
No. 161793
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>>161790Be proud of them, only dumbasse find them ugly or make fum of them. I've never been fat nor super skinny, I've never had an extreme weight loss and I have stretch marks on my butt and thighs, they're like cellulite ; natural things.
No. 161798
i'm not thin but i don't have any stretch marks yet. is there anyway of preventing them before they come in (other than losing weight, which im trying to lose 10 lbs)
or maybe i do have them. i dont have any lines (white/purple or red) on my body… my skin is pretty much one even colour other than my tanlines. i ask my bf all the time if i have stretch marks because im really scared of getting them and he says no. is there a special sign to look for if they are JUST coming in?
No. 161799
>>161798I understand being selfcouncious because you are fat
because you are ugly, have a fucked up face or dumbass haircut…
But being extra scared about stretch mark?
Moisturizing is pretty much the only answer in this time and age.
No. 161815
>>161814Wow, I'm 125 lbs and 5'6 and I'm a size 8.
Honestly, if you're already a size zero I don't see why you'd want to lose weight. Sounds like you should do some strength training/lifting, but you need to eat more for it to be effective I think.
No. 161816
>>161814i would try adding sprints to your cardio. do some core exercises like planks. DON'T do weighted core exercises. it sounds like your diet is in check. focus on the numbers on the measuring tape and not the scale. people around me also get mad when i say i want to lose weight, but they bitch less when i say i want to lose an inch off of ___.
you don't really need to run more than 2 miles if your speed is good.
No. 161817
>>161815Really, anon? My measurements are 31-24-32. I guess I carry my weight weirdly - my ED counselor even thought I was lying when I told her my weight…
I really enjoy cosplay and I do booth babe/modeling gigs on the side for extra cash, so I mostly just want to tone up for that… You can definitely tell I'm mostly sedentary. DSLRs are very unforgiving, especially in dealer room lighting and stuff. Also I want to have a healthier lifestyle.
No. 161818
>>161816Thanks, anon! Why don't I want to do weighted exercises? Just curious! I really don't know anything about this sort of stuff, /fit/ guides and the like still kinda go over my head.
I run about a 9:30 mile right now, which is pretty abysmal, haha!
No. 161821
>>161713Do you have a heart rate monitor? And if you do, do you ever come close to the zones estimated for your age (i.e. 220 - age etc)? I've found that as I've become fitter it is MUCH harder to raise my HR during intervals.
But intervals are only meant to increase endurance and not weight loss per se so you should still be losing weight unless you haven't recalculated your BMR. It's very possible that six days a week is overtraining and you need to rest more.
No. 161822
>>161817Mine are like 35-27-35 or something like that… Maybe my body is just weird but you sound really thin already, weight is just a number. I'm in recovery also, I guess I just have a really high body fat percentage right now but I wasn't much different before my ED. :/ I'm jealous hah.
>>161820I can fit into some size 6 items but I'm generally a size 8, at least in pants.
No. 161824
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Does the amount of calories you burn really matter in a workout?
My shins have been causing me a lot of pain if I run too many days in a row, so I've resorted to using the stationary bike and increasing the load to still get a good workout, but I still only burn half the calories I do compared to when I run on a treadmill for the same about of time (which is 100 on the bike, and around 200 on the treadmill… weak af but I've just started working out recently so I hope I can do more later).
Losing weight isn't much of a priority as gaining muscle and just being fit…
Also, what are you opinions on this thing? We have it in my dormitory's gym and I only just recently started seeing a girl use it and apparently it has a lot of good reviews but I feel like something so "easy" looking can't actually work out my core as good as other body weight exercises… It's called the Panasonic EU6441A Core Muscle Trainer if someone wants to look up the reviews.
No. 161825
>does the amount of calories you burn really matter in a workout?If you're intending to lose fat; yes.
Calories are just units of energy, the same way you measure any other unit. When you exercise your body goes "o shit son we need some energy" and begins breaking down fat on your body and converting into energy.
If you're just wanting to get strong lifting heavy things and putting them down will also cause your body to convert fat deposits into energy for usage in your activity, and you will get better results long term, but short term you won't initially lose as much weight because it's not HI.
No. 161829
>>161828Planks. Start with wall assisted planks and progress from there for a good core exercise.
Do a search for "beginner bodyweight" and a bunch of beginner exercise programs will pop up. Anything that's currently too difficult for you to perform do a search for that exercise and "progression" and you'll find tutorials to help you build up the strength to perform the full movement correctly.
No. 161830
>>161826I do stretch! Before and after too.
I thought nothing of the pain before but it got progressively got worse to the point where I couldn't even simply powerwalk on the treadmill without it hurting (but not as bad as your situation). I'll look into getting compression sleeves though! Do you think using those wrap around bandages would be a good temporary thing? Since I'm abroad I'm not sure where to look for compression sleeves… and I'd rather buy them irl than pay shipping haha.
No. 161839
>>161837i get at least 67~ oz of water a day plus at least 20oz of coffee and 17~32oz of green tea (since i've read that other liquids count towards your water intake).
maybe that was it – maybe i was just counting calories incorrectly or aiming too low. i've just started an EC stack, so we'll see how this goes! days 1 and 2 were really good.
No. 161843
>>161840i agree that 14lbs of fat is really unlikely, but i lost 21lbs of fat in 5 weeks so thinking it takes a year to lose 14lbs is ridiculous. i went from 120lbs to 99lbs without exercise/conscious dieting. i wasn't a normal case, though. i was binge drinking almost every day to the point of black out drunk and eating shit like pizza at 3 am. maintained 98-99lbs until i started drinking again (weekends only), then i went back up to around 108lbs.
also, for an extremely overweight person, you can actually lose quite a bit of weight in a week like on the biggest loser. maybe
>>161836 weighs like 200lbs and is 5'.
No. 161844
>>161843Well losing 14 pounds of fat in 1 week would mean a deficit of 49000 calories. Even if I assume she is 6 feet tall, weighs 500 lbs, and performs extremely strenuous exercise every day (lol) according to this calculator she would only actually burn ~41000 a week. It's just not possible. She probably just lost a lot of water weight from not eating salty snacks.
No. 161847
>>161843Ughhhhhh, binge drinking gives you a beer gut because your liver is working on breaking down alcohol instead of fat, by not drinking your liver had a healthy breakfast and went back to it's intended job.
That's why you lost the weight, if no alcohol wasn't involved whatsoever and you were over eating, it would've taken a whole lot longer for you to burn that fat off… Hence, obesity.
It had nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with sobriety, they are not the same thing.
No. 161849
>>161845This ^
It's very well documented by the contestants themselves that they gained the weight back almost immediately after being on that show, and a lot of them now have very serious health issues because of it.
No. 161850
>>161843The same thing happened to me, I was near 150lbs (5'7) because of binge drinking for almost a year. I finally was able to break free from it and got down to 120lbs just over a month.
Doctor told me that my liver was making up for lost time and was beginning to burn fat instead of alcohol. But in fairness, I also had to change my diet and exercise daily as well, so it didn't just fall off me by just quitting the booze… but all those factors helped a great deal in losing weight quicker than expected.
No. 161853
>>161849Yep, and its so fucked up. I used to like that show, now i feel disgusted for believing in it.
>>161852No that isn't the article I was talking about (although that article is a great read!) It was an interview with one of the male contestants who gained 56lbs back after leaving the show. It was specifically about the techniques they used to get them to lose high amounts and why most constestants end up putting weight back on when they leave.
That article you posted covers a bit of that but also how they were treated like people-I was horrified when I first read it and feel really bad for them.
I used to really like that show but also feel bad that I was not losing the amount the contestants did (however I am nowhere near their sizes) and thought I was "lazy" for only losing 1 lb per week. But I value my ability to walk and I have always had knee troubles (even when I was thin) so will not be doing the drastic things like on that show.
No. 161855
>>161854I don't have BED but I do want to try to help.
The first thing that helped me with binging or just mindlessly snacking was to remove the "bad" snacks from the house (I don't like to think of foods as good or bad but I mean, tortilla chips and cookies aren't exactly the best.)
I like to replace those foods with lower calorie/healthier alternatives that will still help curb the same cravings. Seaweed chips, unsalted or lightly salted nuts, sweet mini peppers, berries, and carob chips are my go-tos. I'm a grazer so it helps to have something to snack on.
Also, up your protein. It'll keep you fuller longer. When you feel yourself wanting to snack, try a glass of water or a cup of tea/coffee first. If you still feel hungry, you're actually hungry and it's time to eat!
Not the best advice since I'm no nutritionist but I hope it helps. I always feel hella guilty and often get the urge to purge after eating "bad" snacks so I (kinda) feel your pain. But you've got this! Don't think of it as restricting or a diet. You're just rethinking food (think of it as fuel–delicious fuel, sure, but fuel.)
No. 161856
>>161854(only available in the UK, I think)
Have you tried
>inb4 shilling but you can get a selection of snacks in a box and they're really handy to have whenever you feel like snacking/eating. Most of the options are healthy. You can take it to work or school or whatever. They're pretty cheap, but you can abuse free box codes to get boxes for free.
No. 161857
>>161854First, a disclaimer that I've had kind-of fucked up eating habits for a while.
I've had a binging problem for a while too. I recently did a 21-day water fast, and lost 30 lbs. I found that the fast really helped in stopping the binging after the fast for some time. Binging for me was impossible after my fast; tiny portions stuffed me.
However, once your stomach starts stretching you might find yourself able to binge again. It happened for me, and I found myself in a binge-fast cycle for a little while. I'm still at my post-fast weight, which is good. Right now, I'm trying to work out an intermittent fasting schedule where I have an eating window for a couple of hours in the day and fast for the rest. I've tried the whole "small portions frequently" thing before, but it just makes me more prone to binging because I'm just constantly around and thinking about food, then. It might be something you may want to try, since its what most professionals recommend when tackling BED.
No. 161860
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>>161526>tfw eating is literally the only thing that makes me happy and soothes my depression and anxietyI got fucked from a young age when all my parents fed me was mcdonalds and shit. i got hooked and fucked at a young age. basically been fat all my life except the time i lost 50 pounds, got depressed again, and gained it all back plus more
>>16152810 pounds is nothing
No. 161861
>>161860Not that anon but it's definitely a noticeable amount of weight loss for non-fats.
I was 110lbs and when I went down to 102lbs my whole family + friends noticed.
No. 161863
10 pounds is nothing when you have 100 pounds to lose
No. 161864
>>161861depends on a person's height too. 10 lbs looks like a whole lot more on 5'0" person than on 6'0"person.
>>161859i made sure i was always hydrated and drinking water very often. i find that the more hydrated you the worse your fasting breath. i also carried around some travel toothpaste and brush, just in case, but i only needed to brush once in the morning and once before bed. AFAIR, the fasting breath waned very significantly after the first week.
>>161860iktf all too well, anon.
No. 161867
>>161865Wtf how do you eat
2000 calories above your normal intake?
If I eat like, 300 or 400 over, I feel stuffed and disgusting. 2000 calories over sounds like it's getting into actual disordered territory
No. 161868
>>161867Shit, I meant 1000. Yesterday I went 1000 over and today 1000 over. So in total I've gone 2000 over my calories for this week.
Today I had an extra meal: A side of fries and a hamburger. Looked at the calories and both of them ended up being 1000 calories put together. It's weird because I can go all day and only eat dinner just fine, but when I'm stressed about something major all sense goes out the window.
No. 161873
>>161855Thank you so much. I have been thinking about doing that, since the things I mostly do eat are not very good, no surprise there though lol. Definitely gonna actually do this now.
>>161856Yeah I think I have heard of that. They have a commercial that comes on that offers a free box to begin with. Thank you!
>>161857I would love to do a fast like that, but every time I try to fast I end up binging! Lol. There have been times in the past where I will do really good with eating for about a week or two, or I will fast for just a few days and I can notice a difference like that. But I always end up gaining all the weight back and I am back to square one. I read online that they have medication for the disorder, but I am a bit reluctant to try it.
I am 5'5" and the last time I weighed myself I was around 220 I think. For years I was stuck around 160-180 and then I got pregnant, gained 20 pounds, and I ended up miscarrying. 10 more pounds after that due to being depressed. Got pregnant again and got up to about 240-250 before I had my son, and now I am stuck at 220! I feel disgusting. I cry when I look in the mirror. I want my life back.
Since I can't seem to stop eating, I will definitely take all your guys' advice about this! I appreciate it so much.
No. 161877
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>>161860I know that feel all too well, anon.
>parents fed us fast food most days of the week with giant portions of dinner when we didn't>weren't allowed to leave the table until we finished our food>mom would give us second servings>dad would reward us with food>would give us food if we were sad>would not eat fruit unless it was in pie or cobbler form>grow up and lost 60 pounds after leaving home>depressed and anxious, ballooned after not exercising and eating right>self-conscious and even more anxious, but continue to use food as comfort only to feel bad after a bingeIt's depressing knowing I have to make the effort to lose weight all over again and get used to not eating sugary shit all over again. The first few days are the hardest.
No. 161879
>>161877good luck anon! food is pretty deeply ingrained.
maybe go slower? don't stop eating things altogether, just eat a bit less or structure your meals more?
No. 161881
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I'm 5'8 started at 260 pounds got there by being unemployed, doped up on antidepressants and lazy. I've managed to drop down to 250 pounds over a few weeks after getting a job, walking 30 mins a day and doing crappy lil workouts. Always have issues with binging especially around my bf.
Gonna be eating a fruit smoothie for breakfast, oats for lunch and a chicken Caesar salad for dinner for the rest of the week. Wish me luck?
No. 161885
>>161883lmao, I agree with
>>161884Where did this myth that fruit is bad for you even start?
That said:
>>161881 fucking eat more. Fuck smoothies. Eat whole fruits and vegetables.
No. 161886
>>161885>>161884Why are you so
triggered? Most fruits have a comparable sugar content to candy bars.
>fuck smoothies eat whole fruits and vegetablesUh, what do you think smoothies are made of? Eat vegetables, not fruits
No. 161888
>>161886Yeah fructose can be bad if ingested in large quantities, but it's almost impossible to overeat fructose by eating fruit.
Don't try to make normal healthy people adopt your weird ana rules.
No. 161889
>>161887True. 500 calories of apples would contain much more sugar than 500 calories of chips and soda.
>>161888I assume you're talking about the correlation between fructose and liver disease? Yes, you probably won't get to that point by eating fruit, but that's not the only adverse effect of too much sugar. Eating too many carbs and sugars will lead to insulin resistance, lipidemia and increased proportions of visceral fat. Eating sugary fruit all the time will also make you accustomed to sugary shit and cause you to crave it.
No. 161890
>>161889Fruit is healthy, and people never abuse fruit, and i'ts not a special treat it's an awesome naturaly sugary fuel for you, period.
Now go back to mpa, pls.
No. 161892
>>161891It's amazing how dumb and deluded some people are.
Yeah sugar is good, the sugar found in fruit has nothing to do with candy added sugar.
Also, fructore doesn't create an insuline response, fruit give you awesome stuff like vitamins, antioxidants and water… It's also full of fiber wich slow down the assimilation of sugar, preventing the crazy insuline spike.
No. 161894
>>161893Not the person you're arguing with but I made the first comment about the fruit smoothie.
why do you get so defensive when we just try to point out that grinding up 10 fruits at once and only eating that for breakfast is fucking terrible. I actually eat fruit daily but because I don't consume 50g of sugar (b-but muh fructose) in one sitting I'm ana chan.
No. 161895
>>161893I'm not American - are you?
>>161892>Fructose consumption induces insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriacylglycerolemia, and hypertension in animal models. But what does the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition know? I read some buzzfeed articles that said fruit is good for you.
Fruit has some nutrients and fiber, but you can get those without the sugar bomb by eating some fucking vegetables like an adult.
No. 161896
>>161895from your link
>the concerns raised about the addition of fructose to the diet as sucrose or HFCS should not be extended to naturally occurring fructose from fruit and vegetables. The consumption of fruit and vegetables should continue to be encouraged because of the resulting increased intake of fiber, micronutrients, and antioxidants. Learn to read tired ass wanarexic.
No. 161902
>>161901>Adderall/amphetaminesOof, I should've mentioned that I can't take meds like adderall because they caused psychotic episodes when I was on it. I took it for ADHD and lost a bunch of weight, it was great until my mental health got fucked.
I'll look into the other stuff, though. Thanks.
No. 161908
>>161900i do an EC stack. it's super popular among bodybuilders. it's ephedrine (what used to be in hydroxycut) and caffeine. ephedrine was banned in diet pills, but you can still buy it online or use behind the counter asthma meds like bronkaid or primatene. i've gotten three of my coworkers on it, and they love it. one of my coworkers (not one of the three i mentioned) had lost 50+lbs on it before.
it seriously killed my appetite for the first week and got mad energy along with jitters, but now i'm building noticeable tolerance. my boss, who used to take pure ephedrine when it was still legal, isn't taking it every day, so he said he's still feeling the effects full force.
what's really surprising me is how much more muscle i've been able to put on? since i'm not hungry that much, i don't impulsively eat shit foods and actually hit my macros.
i think it makes me a little cranky, though.
No. 161911
>>161909that's like telling a smoker to enjoy their cancer or a steroid user to enjoy their bacne and man boobs. i'm aware of the effects since there was ephedrine in some kind of allergy med that my mom used to take and it gave her permanent tachycardia. anyway, it's something you cycle off of.
at least i'm not telling you girls to take DNP.
No. 161917
>>161877If it makes you feel better, here's my story.
>Mom is a health nut who's super strict with all kinds of treats and sweets>Makes only super healthy basic stuff>Candy and soda only once a week>All sugary stuff is strictly banned>Develop a twisted relationship with sugar and fatty foods, because you get it so rarely you associate it with success, comfort and relaxation and wolf it down every time it's available because you don't know when you'll get more>Buy snacks and sweets when you grow older and start having your own money>Move out and basically live on trash food because nobody's there to monitor you and it tastes like freedom>Gain a lot of weight>Takes years to get over it and learn healthy eating habits againSo the other extreme isn't good either. Most of my friends who have a healthy relationship with food are the ones who were served regular food but always had a sweet stash they could snack on in moderation when they felt like it. Like puddings, cookies, chocolate bars etc. small sweets to keep them from going on a binge.
No. 161919
>>161908What country are you from, and where are you getting it? I have the same issue as
>>161912 in not being able to find anything.
No. 161921
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5'5" & 135 (probably more since I'm sure I've gained weight and I have no access to a scale). I want to get down to 110 so I can stop being having a flabby mom. I've recently tried working out at the campus fitness center but I don't really know what exercises to do other than jog/walk on the treadmill and benchpress. I have a few questions though.
1.) How do I know the calorie counter on the treadmills are accurate?
2.) How the hell do I eat healthy food on campus when almost every food item on campus is very unhealthy? The only thing I can eat is soup, maybe a caesar salad, and steamed vegetables if I'm lucky. I never eat breakfaast, but if I do I eat scrambled eggs.
3.) How do I get thin without gaining any muscle? When I say thin I mean "Japanese or Korean model with stick legs" thin.
Sorry if these are stupid questions. Wish me luck fellow farmers.
No. 161923
>1.) How do I know the calorie counter on the treadmills are accurate?They're not accurate at all and often even overstate what you're burning to make you feel better.
In terms of accuracy:
2) A heart rate monitor. But even then there's so many different results the equations can give you and again most apps overstate to make you feel better. To get the best results it needs to know your sex, weight, max heart rate (which will be close to 220 - age, if it's not you're not working hard enough) and your VO2 max which isn't accessible to most people.
1) A power meter. Pretty much only possible on bikes and will tell you how many watts you're outputting. Then you times by four (the human body is about 25% efficient) and you get the calories burnt. There's still some inaccuracy but it's like 5% rather than the 20-50% from heart rate alone.
Currently I just use a HR monitor and assume I'm burning like 80% of what my app tells me. Power meters are dropping in price so quickly I hope I can get one next year.
No. 161924
>>161922Figures. It's apparently only 260 cal, but with all of the cheese, croutons and the dressing itself, I doubt it.
>>161923Thanks anon this is pretty helpful. I'm pretty sure the gym has stationary bikes so I'll try using one tomorrow.
No. 161929
>>161926> Scrambled eggs have the highest calories in them from beating the eggs and even the higher cholesteroli dont think it worked like that
an egg is an egg - same calories no matter how you cook it
(as long as you dont add oil or something)
>>161921hey anon, i faced this situation. i got from ~130 to 105 in 3-4 months.
honestly if you wanna get thin without muscle, its gonna be all about your diet.
i restricted like hell. i ate like only raw vegetables for a few weeks.
> inb4 crash diets dont workidk ive maintained 100-105 for the past few years
No. 161930
>>161869try youtube for leg workouts or even seated leg workouts (you can do it in a chair)
its possible the shin splints are from not having a good foundation/enough muscle so you've gotta build up a bit of base strength
No. 161937
>>161930thanks anon! yeah that's what I figured haha. I guess I got a bit too ahead of myself with pushing myself to do intense running and cycling sessions rather than building up to a high intensity workout. I've slowed it down for now!
>>161936I feel the same way… I think my butt looks nice when I'm wearing leggings or workout pants, but when I look at them in the mirror completely naked, it doesn't look as nice and I just feel sad :(
No. 161938
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>>161936>>161933>>161937right there with you girls. when i was in high school and college, guys always told me i have a cute butt for an asian girl. but now big butts are really the thing, and compared to girls with nice asses these days, i'm pathetic especially since i barely have hips.
HOWEVER don't think that your thighs have to be bulky AND muscular if you want to build your butt up through exercise. if you want to lift your butt/reduce sagging then you might not see a visual difference in your thighs, but if you're trying to add mass, then yes, your thighs will get a little bigger. my thighs don't look bulky, and i was able to add a little bit of mass to my butt.
if you look at a lot of fitness girls, they will have big, round butts. but some of them have tiny, tiny glutes even though everything else is well developed. it's not that they all neglect their glutes – it's just genetics.
No. 161941
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>>161879>>161917Thank you, anons. I was actually doing pretty well for about a week. I exercised daily, ate a healthy breakfast, dinner and skipped snacks/dessert aside from a handful of frozen strawberries once. I ended up going on a binge yesterday and today. Nothing but sugary shit.
>>161880Not hispanic, but it was pretty shitty. I didn't know it was wrong when I was young. I saw my dad eating two large plates of food and thought that I should be able to as well. It's embarrassing to think back on how if we got something "special" I would sit there and eat as much as I could long after everyone was done. It left a lasting impression on me for some reason. Now if I go out to eat I rush to make sure I don't finish last. I don't care if others finish after me, but if I do it I feel like I'm seen as "fat".
No. 161944
>>161941That is the best image. holyshit rofl
Also, I hope everything works out for you, anon!! I had an ED in my teen years and now 10 years later, I'm still battling how to eat healthy and not overthink calories too much. I really want to have a fit and toned body.
No. 161945
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So I just started this week, and I am wondering what kind of gear do you anons recommend?
Also is the gym a for life thing? I don't mind if it is, but have any of you or know someone who stopped working out / going to the gym and still maintained your fitness?
No. 161947
>>161945how does that even make sense? it's definitely possible to maintain your low weight with diet alone, but you can't maintain your muscular fitness unless you work out your muscles. even doing manual labor doesn't target all the muscles that would be focused on when you do direct training.
and by gear do you mean clothing and stuff? it really depends on what kind of exercise you're doing.
No. 161948
Apologies in advance for the whining.
I'm trying to lose ~15 pounds and shed a lot of my body fat, but I'm not getting anywhere. I've been much more active lately, and I wish I felt like it was making a difference. I've never had a gym membership and am scared of exercising in public, but I got a Fitbit and am walking at least 10,000 steps a day as well as doing some HIIT on an elliptical at home and doing a lot of pushups to try to build up some arm muscle. There's so much conflicting shit online about exercise and fat loss, though ("do lots of cardio!" "don't do cardio!" "lift weights!" "lift weights AND do cardio!" "it's all about your diet!" "take these sketchy pills!"), and I don't know if I'm just "doing it wrong" or if I'm being too impatient or what.
I have severe insomnia, so I'm often awake like 22 hours of the day, have no energy a lot of the time, and am constantly hungry. I feel like utter shit about my body and can't even stand looking at myself. I went to a clothing store for the first time in months yesterday, and I was just horrified by what I saw in the changing room mirror. I feel like I've ruined my body for good and it's really discouraging. I have a lot of stretch marks from puberty, and, even after like 13-ish years, they look like shit, and I also have some gross scars, so even if I lose weight, my body is never going to be nice to look at.
>>161946Goddamnit I want this.
No. 161949
>>161948You're probably just being impatient. When you're at a healthy weight and just trying to lose a few lbs, it takes ages to come off. I'm like at my last 20/25lbs to lose and at the rate I'm going I'm only losing a few lbs a month.
If you're scared of exercising in public, find an exercise that you can do at home, that's what I did and it really helped.
Everyone has stretch marks, anon. I have them. Part of the motivation for me to lose weight were some really big dark ugly ones that appeared one day around my belly button, so I know how you feel.
You might want to talk to your doctor about your insomnia too
No. 161951
>>161948if you're an insomniac and don't want to do anything about the sleep shit, then i suggest joining a 24hr gym and going between 11pm and 5am. it's what i do, and there are usually MAYBE two other people there, and they're minding their own business. or try joining a women's only gym? i used to be hesitant about exercising in front of men and serious people in general, and in the women's gyms, most are old, doing very very light stuff, or overweight.
and everyone has stretch marks. in high school, i slowly went from 80lbs to 95lbs and grew like an inch, and i STILL got stretch marks from such a slow progression. i don't really care about them since they're just on my hips and always hidden by clothing. try dermarolling, though.
i would try fixing the insomnia first, though. when i`m having a good few weeks of sleep, i tend to loose a couple of lbs, since i`m spending less hours starving and eating. no joke. this summer, i only worked evenings, so i would wake up at 1pm and go to bed around 4am. as soon as i started working mornings, i started having trouble with my appetite.
No. 161952
>>161949>>161951Thanks anons. I try not to care about the stretch marks, and they didn't really bother me when I felt okay about my weight, but now that I feel flabby, they're really getting to me.
As soon as the insomnia started, I started gaining weight. I have spent many months now trying to sort out my sleep, and it's just not getting any better. I hoped that exercising more would = more tired = more sleep, but no. I'm getting really tempted to join a gym, despite how uncomfortable I feel about it. It's stupid to let the weight I'm embarrassed of and want to lose get in the way of me losing the weight. Or I might give some more at-home shit a try first.
I just wish I could speed up this process without starving myself, but I guess just about everyone who's trying to lose weight probably feels that way.
No. 161956
>>161953You're supposed to eat carbs.
Carbs are the BEST unit of energy avaliable to the human body and a bowl of porridge can power you throughout the day with slow-release energy.
This is why every nation has a staple carb i.e. potatoes, bread, rice etc.
Carbs are amazing, it's just they get stored as fat easily of you don't burn off all that energy with activity.
No. 161959
>>161957that's actually quite good, called intermittent fasting
I wish I could still do this but once my blood sugar levels freak out, I can't keep going on. Especially on school days.
No. 161963
So, I'm 23, I'm living by myself, and I've been dealing with my weight for the last 15 years. And I feel like sharing my thoughts, I write them out every day anyway, and this web site seems like a good place to put them. I don't want a "sympathetic" ear, that's ONLY what I get in food-related forums and newsgroups, and from "friends" and family. I don't have a "problem," it's a life-style, it's a method. And somehow, it's just too exotic or distasteful or SOMETHING to just talk about. So here, kind of anonymous, I am.
Yesterday, I went 43 hours without food. Only coffee, cigarettes, and Tropicana Grovestand Orange Juice. I wasn't hungry at all…see, food calls to food. When you don't eat for 20 plus hours, you don't NEED food. It's when you start swallowing solids that you need more.
Yes, I AM proud of my lack of need. Because, I can SEE it now, I can see how what's considered "typical" is EXCESSIVE. I see people continually opening their refrigerators, again and again, looking with a hunger that has nothing to do with food. They are forever rooted in this pattern, this ridiculous circuit, up from the chair to the refrigerator to the table, then again, chair and refridgerator and table, etc.
43 hours, then this morning, at my mother's house, a bagel and cream cheese, she kind of forced me, and I just fell into the table routine, I still wasn't hungry, and I just ate it. And later, on my bed, I felt the stone of it in my stomach, it weakened me, I had this momentum, this living off the burn of my own body, and then this shit inside me. But, my digestion is fast - after 2 cups of coffee, I'm a tube of toothpaste, I squeezed it out in one spurt. I looked in the bowl, I always check to see that it's ALL out, and…it was clear, like a squirt of hair gel. I kind of splashed around the water, frantic, a terror in me, and then, the reassuring brown again. Long tubes are nice, it's my digestion re-carving me hollow.
And that's this afternoon. There's more, and later, I'll send it.
Like, lately, I've been "feeding" pot to my bong with a plastic spoon.
Deke is always asking me for pictures, so I'll take some more, soon. My body's look is my work, I don't mind sharing it.
I like to lose weight, but I know there is a threshold, like anything, like doing cocaine, you have to KNOW where the peak is, and STAY there. You don't try to keep getting higher, because you simply can't; PAST that peak is only downhill. If you know yourself, then nothing is dangerous.
No. 161964
>>161963> I went 43 hours without food. Only coffee, cigarettes, and Tropicana Grovestand Orange Juice.Disgusting. I prefer water, healthy food for a good skin (your skin is probably all wrinkly and shit) and green tea.
gtfo with your pro-ana bullshit
No. 161965
>>161943if they want to have big breasts or butts then why not?
Maybe they want to be sexier? it's their body, who cares
No. 161966
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>>161963Enjoy shitty skin, lack of hair, constipation, and heart failure.
No. 161967
>>161961So here's what works for me:
- hot liquids. Drink a cup of hot liquid before eating anything at each meal. Broth can be salty, but it's really filling. You can find low-salt broth but personally I have low blood pressure anyway, so I need the salt. Tea is great too. I prefer really strong teas: lapsang souchang is a great smoky tea that is so filling. It's almost like you've eaten soup.
- Try eating more soup - it will fill you up faster than solids.
- Brush your teeth after eating, or chew gum / eat a strong mint.
- Make sure you get some healthy fats, or you'll be hungry no matter what you eat.
- Don't completely deprive yourself. Go to the bakery and buy one small cookie, one petit-four, or something like that when you are craving sweets. High-quality food will taste better and satisfy you more than processed garbage in huge quantities. I keep a bar of chocolate around but only allow a couple squares per day. It actually works. (Keep it in the fridge)
- Same goes for cheese. You want cheese? Buy a small block of good cheese. Allow yourself to really enjoy it in thin slices. Put it away when you are no longer
crazy over every bite. This really worked for me when I lived in the UK (I thought I was just going to eat cheese endlessly but it didn't happen.)
- Sugar-free candies are OK in small amounts.
- Know yourself. If you are never hungry at breakfast, it is a bit stupid to try to follow a diet plan that involves a huge breakfast (whenever I eat a moderate-large breakfast, I'm hungry the rest of the day). If you need breakfast to get going in the morning, then eat it. Don't fight your natural urges in this way - it doesn't work. You can edit your habits but everyone is wired differently and a breakfast-hater rarely becomes a breakfast-lover (or vice versa).
I'll add more if I think of it later. Protein is something I struggle with, so maybe someone has something to say about that.
No. 161969
>>161963You sound like you're slipping down the mentality of an ana-chan. Please seek help.
Anyway, I found out I'm 136 lbs yesterday. I'm 5' 1.5", this is not ok. I used to be pescatarian, which kept me automatically around 120. People say I look good with more curves, but I don't want to be overweight either…I've been saying I want to lift weights for years, but maybe now it's finally time to start.
No. 161970
>>161963look at all the rustling this troll is causing. y'know, subtlety is the key in being a good troll – came off a bit too strong. also, remember to do your research. a psychotic ana like that wouldn't happily down a bagel and OJ – both calorie and carb laden. 8/10 for the rustling you've caused, with copypasta no less
anyway, this read like copypasta so i googled it, and it is. LRN2GOOGLE, FARMERS
>>> No. 161972
>>161967>proteini used to have a huge problem with protein. tried protein bars, but they just made me crave candy. i love the dannon light and fit greek yogurt. 12g of protein for 80 calories. i eat two a day generally. jerky (like beef jerky or turkey jerky) once in a while helps a lot with protein. i started eating canned tuna, and that has a lot of protein for the amount of calories. some cheese has a lot of protein. also egg whites! an egg white omelette with spinach and a slice of cheese is quite good. then follow that with some yogurt.
>small sweetsthis! every day, i get one of the mini reeses cups that they have loose at wawa. they're 44 calories, and you only need to buy one. that's my candy for the day.
>cheeselow-fat string cheese helps since it's prepackaged. i'm finding that controlling my cheese urges or whatever is best with crumbled cheese.
>breakfasti am also hungry the whole day if i eat a big breakfast. at most, i can do an apple and then still control my appetite for the day
No. 161973
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After one year hiatus and gaining like 10-15 kg, I finally decided to put down the fork and go back to exercise. I started yesterday walking and jogging 3 km and doing some other light exercise.
My first goal weight is 110 for now. Wish me luck anons.
No. 161975
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Questions about MyFitnessPal since I just started using it again:
>Is it actually bad to not eat the required amount of calories? As in you consume, say 500-800 when your goal is 1,200?
>Is it okay to eat something unhealthy (brownie, something fried, ect.) as long as you don't go over your calorie goal?
No. 161978
>>161975I aim for 1000 calories on myfitnesspal since I usually eat about 100-400 calories over goal. When I wake up in the morning, I actually put a "misc 300 calorie" entry with 0 nutrients on breakfast. It puts my remaining calories lower for the day. Even though I know I'm doing it to fool myself, it has worked, and I've done 1000 calories on days that I don't work out. On days I work out, I allow myself to go up to 1300.
Also, it's fine to eat something unhealthy as long as you stay within goal. As
>>161976 said, you will still lose weight. If you are exercising, I'd make sure you're getting enough carbs and protein, but if you're pretty sedentary, monitoring calories is okay. Not recommended, but it's okay.
No. 161985
>>161984>trying to lose weight>eating pastalol
have some respect for yourself, tubby
No. 161986
>>161985you can lose weight. it just depends.
pasta isnt bad. are you an ana or?
No. 161989
Haven't read the thread because I'm a lazy fuck and I don't want to sift through Google searches so
If you just cut calories to lose weight
can you lose weight? Just Googled this and I'm changing my question a tad:
Cutting calories isn't a very efficient way to lose weight is it?
Also, I'm no nutritionist nor doctor, but here's a site that might help with losing weight and such: No. 161990
>>161989>If you just cut calories to lose weight can you lose weight? Yes.
>Cutting calories isn't a very efficient way to lose weight is it?Depends on how many calories you're cutting.
No. 161991
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I just saw this on Reddit and it makes me want to quit the gym. What the fuck. If my thighs grew that much I wouldn't fit into any of my clothes
No. 161992
>>161991She looks amazing in the after photo though.
Like, that's the thigh-pinnacle of health right there.
No. 161995
>>161991looks better on the right you blind cunt
at least shes stronger too
No. 161997
>>161993>>161994The bait, you took it.
srs tho I personally don't like a muscular looking on thigh on me but this girl doesn't look much bigger than before (obviously bigger but in a nice/athletic way) anyways
No. 162003
>>162002yep, i'm on an EC stack right now. i only got jittery on days 2-3. are you taking too much caffeine with it?
also, i only take it when i feel like i "need" it. that might not be good, but it's working alright for my coworker and me.
No. 162006
>>162003I was like that for about a month. I took one 8mg tablet of ephedrine and one 100mg caffeine pill twice a day.
>>162005Thanks for your insight. I actually really appreciate it. Given what you've said, I think I will bring this up with my GP. I actually did stop because I knew that shouldn't be normal.
I figured that because I only took 8mg twice a day that I'd be fine. I work out and monitor my calories. I'm relatively slim. I just assumed an EC stack would boost my results.
No. 162007
>I just assumed an EC stack would boost my resultsIt will be you have to consider at what cost. I hope this doesn't patronising but I guess a good way to explain it would be to use the laws of energy in/energy out or equal exchange.
By forcing your heart to perform at levels it's naturally unaccustomed to and at an irregular rate, sure you're getting the increased performance, but at what cost? Something cannot come from nothing, and that increased performance is effectively at the cost of your heart's lifespan/overall health.
When you're experiencing shakes/irregular beats/palpitations, that is basically your heart saying "either you stop or I'm going to stop". The palpitations are caused by the EC stack forcing it to perform beyond it's regular capacity and then your heart begins beating out of step and then, if you're unlucky, it stops.
At any rate I'm actually relieved one person has read this even if you don't end up taking it to heart (no pun intended). Knowledge is power etc. etc.
No. 162008
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Thanksgiving is approaching and I wanted to lose weight beforehand, since I'm having guests this year.
I went from eating breakfast, lunch and multiple snacks to just lunch and maybe a snack. After not shoving food down my throat and drinking more water, I find I'm rarely hungry anymore. Before I go to bed my stomach growls, or when lunch is approaching. If I dare to eat a snack right after lunch, I feel sick to my stomach whereas before I could eat a large lunch then followed by a snack that still left me hungry afterwards. My stomach is getting smaller, my double chin is gone and a ring that couldn't get past the middle knuckle on my index finger fits perfectly now. Seeing little changes like this feels great.
No. 162009
>>13970Impossible to tell unless you take a picture while standing up without pushing your hips back, feet together. When you sit like this and have no muscle, your thigh fat just hangs down and makes your legs looks smaller from above.
I have massive fatty thighs and use this exact technique to make myself look smaller.
No. 162011
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>>162008I've been losing tonnes of weight while being as full as a pig every day. I basically drink soup all day long. It gets a bit boring, but that discourages me from having an unhealthy attitude to food- I accept it as a source of fuel, I eat to live and don't live to eat…And treats are all the more special because of it-
I use vegetable stock cubes and whatever veg are on sale in the shop. Spices, croutons, whatever else strikes my fancy too.
I put it into a water bottle kind of thing, and sip it throughout the day. I end up eating only one non soup meal a day most days.
No. 162014
>>162013I don't know why you have the impression that fasting is exclusively for anorexics.
Fasting is, at least on a historical basis, pretty intrinsic to human nature.
It's good to fast every now again and a light fast does the body zero harm provided you don't exceed 4-5 days and continue to take in fluids and minerals.
Anyway I'm 211lbs so, like, you were saying?
I really didn't deserve or need that pizza so 2 days without food should be a disciplined reminder not to fuck up and let my gluttony take over next time.
No. 162016
>>162015No way never in a million years.
My older sister is bulimic and her teeth are FUCKED and she looks like shit overall. Not even thin, just kind of sallow and flabby.
No. 162017
>>162014Planned fasting as part of a healthy diet is fine.
Fasting for 2 days as punishment after eating a pizza isn't going to do anything, it's just going to make you hungry, binge, and resent yourself. Think about how bad you feel right now and don't do it again. Make healthier decisions next time you're in that situation. That pizza might have been 3000 calories but eating that much ONCE isn't going to do very much.
No. 162018
>>162017Why would it make me binge? I'm used to fasting for way longer than that, longest being… fuck, like, 12 days? That was an extreme case though.
If I continue to eat for two days all that pizza is going to get stored as surplus fat, but if I don't then every unit of energy and a bit more all be consumed for energy.
2 days is nothing; it's a blink of an eye.
No. 162021
>>162016How old is she?
Also this is so harsh lol
No. 162022
>>162020I'm gonna slowly devour the rest that I have because I hate wasting food (lol yeah right) but man it's hard haha. Even the dollar stores have good snacks ugggh. Japan is out to sabotage me. Even when I grab a rice ball from the convienence store it can go up to like 300 calories?!? not for the plain fish ones ofc, but I eat so many sometimes (like 2-3 in a day more or less every other day) that it adds up so fast…
Thanks for the tea tip anon! It's a good thing I bought this nice thermos recently lol
No. 162023
>>162018k. Sounds like you have an eating disorder though if you're fasting for 12 days.
>>162019Have you actually gained weight? I would just exercise a little more honestly. 1,500-1,700 calories isn't that much especially if you can walk the difference between that and 1,200 off.
No. 162024
>>162018Samefag but also
>If I continue to eat for two days all that pizza is going to get stored as surplus fat, but if I don't then every unit of energy and a bit more all be consumed for energy. That isn't how it works unless you literally continue to consume a whole pizza every day.
>2 days without food should be a disciplined reminder not to fuck up and let my gluttony take over next time.You're ignoring the part where I told you that fasting as punishment is unhealthy and not going to do anything. It's an incredibly unhealthy relationship to have with food.
Instead of thinking "I had to starve myself for 2 days because of that pizza last time!!! (even though it's apparently no problem for me since I have fasted for 12 days before and thus not even a good punishment lmao)" you should just think "I felt like shit and that I consumed too much when I ate that whole pizza, it didn't do anything for me, I didn't enjoy it, so I'm not going to eat like that ever again." And then just don't do it again.
No. 162025
>>162023I haven't really gained weight, but lately I've been so self conscious about my eating and lack of exercise habits so I picked up going to the gym… but now I can't stop worrying about my eating habits.
I've always been skinnyfat af and devour food to my heart's content because it doesn't really show on my body, but for the past few months I've just been consumed with the thoughts of everything and my eating habits catching up to me and turning me into a stereotypical obese American lol. I really need to start going back to the gym, don't know why I stopped since I managed to keep myself going everyday for a good while…
No. 162027
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>>162025How long have you been going to the gym? What kind of machines do you use? Do you have a trainer/look at at tutorials?
You should look into getting some dumbbells for home use, but at 211lbs (you're
>>162014 right) the gym is probably less of a priority than getting your eating habits down to a healthy level. And I don't just mean overeating, but the whole guilt thing is bad for you too, and will lead you to binging even more. It's a vicious cycle.
You might not be bulimic, but you do have unhealthy eating patterns and behaviours that need to be rectified if you really want to get healthy. It's cliche but read the /fit/ sticky on 4chan and/or 8chan, it'll help you lots
anyway good luck!
No. 162028
>>162027>>162025 "I've always been skinnyfat af and devour food to my heart's content because it doesn't really show on my body"
>>162014 "I'm 211lbs"
Obviously not the same person, work on your reading comprehension
No. 162029
>>162026Thanks anon! Maybe since I've been going to the gym less and less it's been making me feel worse haha.
>>162027Nope sorry,
>>162028 is right, I'm not that other anon haha! I've started going to the gym about 3 months ago, and I used to go 6 times a week for an hour (usually half an hour on the treadmill or standing bike, then other cardio exercises from youtube). I'm very petite and I'm at average weight for my height actually lol.
I've sort of just… lost that motivation to go to the gym. Even when I stopped feeling excited and wanted to not go to the gym for the first two months, I could muster up enough to get up and go down there but now… I'm not even busy with schoolwork, I just rarely go. Maybe 1-2x a week now. I feel like my depression is getting worse and maybe that's also why I've lost the ability to care enough to go lol (yet I'm as self conscious with my eating as ever). Look at my body in the mirror, I look like your average skinnyfat and it doesn't bother me except for the slight pudge on my stomach.
sage for whining
No. 162030
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I feel like shit cause I gained 3lbs from last week, even though it's probably not actually 3lbs of fat, I want to get serious about losing weight again. Probably gonna do pic related. Is it possible to lose 5lbs before Christmas?
No. 162031
>>162030Anon 3 lbs could seriously be the weight of the shit and piss in your bladder. It's nothing.
This is when I have to weight myself I do it first thing in the morning after using the toilet and completely naked. It's the only way to get a completely true reading of your weight. Even your clothes can cause a distortion of up to 5 lbs+.
No. 162034
>>162030I remember doing this when I was 16 and anorexic.
You dumb, naive cunt. Just eat vegetables, protein, fresh fruit– don't eat processed things or candy. And exercise. Cardio and weightlifting. That's literally all there is to it.
Get your ana bullshit out of here. It doesn't work.
No. 162037
>>162036ME too. I hate whenever people try to offer to go work out with me and shit. NO. I don't want to.
It's awkward because you have to go at their pace, they just want to socialize, etc. If I am going to the gym I want to be there for as short a time as possible. It actually unmotivates me to have someone else going with me.
No. 162046
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>>162043Build muscle
Stay VERY hydrated
Consume vitamin C and vitamin E supplements
Look into the magic of thermage (picture related) and carboxytherapy.
No. 162047
>>162046omg my sister got thermage for her flabby thigh skin, and WHOAH it looks like a 16 year old girl's thigh now. Before it was all saggy (she lost a lot of weight)
it's deffo something on my to do list for when I'm in my 50s and in need of a boost
No. 162048
>>162045Ever I started doing SS (starting strength) I've gotten really energetic and well…Stronger!
My bf got me into it, since he has all the equipment and knowledge, and it's way easier than I thought. Also don't worry about turning into a shebeast.
No. 162049
>>162047Yeah, shame it's so pricey.
I got really fat starting 4 years ago, gained like 70lbs. I'm definitely getting it on my stomach and carboxytherapy on my stomach and hips for my stretchmarks just as soon as I have the dolla'.
Actually thinking of going for a consultation on Monday for the carboxytherapy since I can afford about 4 treatments of it right now.
No. 162050
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Since October I've lost 19lbs / 8.6kg / 1 stone 5lbs.
I haven't told anybody/seen anybody since I've been away at university but I'm pretty pleased.
No. 162056
>>162052Oh, have you had it?
Can you describe the procedure and your experiences with it?
No. 162057
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My long term goal is to look like a slightly buffer version of this.
Basically I want to look like I could be mistaken for a high-class escort in her 20's.
One day.
No. 162059
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>>162058Kate Upton baby.
She's p. tasty.
No. 162060
>>162051I know how this feels except it was all at the waist.
>mfw 49kg/108lbs>measurements are 37-30-35>5"4 / 165cm tallThat was back in 2012. I now weigh 65kg/143lbs from 53kg/117lbs early last year. This all happened when I started taking BC pills. My doctor put me on a new one and told me to lose weight. It's not that easy though. This is the first time I have been ever overweight. I am trying now but sometimes I cannot resist sabotaging myself on purpose.
No. 162064
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without tons of make up she is pretty average, and this is not even a bad photo with a strange grin or something like that
No. 162065
>>162063>>162064imo she looks good, although i do like a defined waist better. and most girls look average or plain with no makeup, so why is that even bad?
you guys must be super flawless 9/10 models to have that high sodium levels.
No. 162066
Sorry to ressurect this thread, but I'm having problems, anons.
I know you're going to tell me "you can't do targeted weight loss," "eat less fatass," and "calories in < calories out." I truly do know this. I am eating less and better, I only drink water (and lots of it,) and finally I go jogging every morning.
I'm actually here to ask a question, and see if anyone else has had problems with the same thing. You see, my upper arms are gigantic compared to the rest of me. I'm 5' 4", 34-26-35, 105 pounds. (Inb4 disgusting fatty pig REEEEEEEE) so I'm average, on the heavier side of average for you skellys. But my biceps are fucking 13 inches around. The same as my goddamn neck. It's extremely embarrassing. I can't even wear short sleeves because my arms betray how disgustingly fat I am.
I know, I know. I just have to eat less. I also have to exercise more. I'm not stupid. But all I'm asking is, has anyone else encountered this problem before? I have fucking Suzy arms, but I weigh at least 60 pounds less than her. Have you been able to fix it? What do you do?
If you want to ridicule me and make fun of me, it's okay. I've already told myself worse. Sorry if this is 32 inch waist chan of me, but I'm really struggling here.
No. 162068
>>162067That doesn't sound right, I thought apples were supposed to have skinny arms and legs, but like a big round apple in the middle? I have large thighs as well, so I think I'm more of a white girl rectangle than anything else.
I jog/run around the lake behind my place, but you're right that I may want to do some weight exercises. I just don't want to build any more bulk on my body. But it would be good to get less flabby.
No. 162071
>>162068I think I'm just used to seeing apple shaped women who pretty much always have big arms as well.
And never be afraid of bulking up. It takes dudes forever to as well most of the time especially before it becomes noticable.
No. 162073
>>162072What I do is drink a big cup of coffee with soy milk and a spoon of sugar in the morning, then I only eat pear, mandarin and clementine throughout the day. (all seasonal fruits)
Following those rules I can pretty much eat like a pig for all my christmas diners.
I don't know if this is extreme but a lot of my thin friend do the same as me.
No. 162076
>>162075I only do this shit when I know I have a big dinner coming. My family does gigantic dinners for christmas with two or three main meals and the infamous 13 desserts, I have to prepare myself to handle such thing.
So yeah, nothing to do with anorexia.
No. 162080
Can we just take a minute to give this lady a standing ovation? Way to take your life back! You're gonna make it!
Brava, Femanon, brava!
No. 162083
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>>162081Well self control is something you develop. Kinda like a muscle. Start small. Set yourself some easy challenges like "this week I'm going to eat only when my tummy rumbles!" Or "I'm not going to eat any junk food or sweets for the next 3 days!"
It helps to keep track of stuff like your weigt, thoughts, challenges, how lften you exercise etc. So get an app for your phone and start a food diary. I kept my food diary on the fridge. I just noted down the calories, not the foods. Have a sheet where you put a sticker on whenever you exercise and write down what exercise it was.
Once you've developed some self control you can take off the training wheels of calorie counting (if it's annoying) or whatever else you dislike…But mostly give yourself a break. Realise that you can't develop heroic self control from nothing, but with time you can grow it like a cute swole flower.
No. 241617
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98kilos sw
I don’t weight myself anymore because of past Ednos.
Today versus when I first started weightlifting/HIT + a decent loving gym partner.
I’d like to thank the anons of this thread and the vent thread for listening to my shitty ramblings.
Y’all can do this
No. 241633
>>161615lmao i thought you said you were 22,5 feet tall
sage for irrelevant
No. 242737
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Hi, so I'm trying to get BACK into diet and exercise…
Last year, I did really well and lost 1.5 stone. Then late last year I came out of a really shitty break up and also lost a parent, and since then my diet yo-yoed.
I've put back on maybe 1/3rd of a stone, and seeing my progress from before I know I can keep going, but I don't know how to resume and I get cravings and comfort eat again. Nowhere near as bad as before my weight loss last year but still hard to cut.
Please can people give me some pointers to start? I feel horrible, but I need to do this. I don't know where to start anymore.
No. 242900
>>242890what if you try 16 hour fasting first? this is what I did when I started tbh
skipping breakfast or dinner twice a week (on my rest days from the gym) when that felt normal I added more days if I felt like it and sometimes an occasional 24 hour fast as well so I could have a nice cheat meal without feeling too guilty
hosnestly 24 hour fast helped me control my snacking problem, something about the willpower gets to you I swear!
IF is good if you don't want to obsess over calories and like eating (and don't have an ED)
if you don't mind me asking what are you planning to do exercise wise?
No. 243145
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I'm 176cm tall and 62.5kg atm. But I want to get back down to 57/58kg. I have been eating really healthy (around 1500 calories every day), and just drink water (lots of it) for three weeks now and haven't seen any weight loss.
For the last five days I've been working more than usual out and I hope that this will help me to go down.
Either way, are there any tips for already slender girls on how to lose weight when you body seems to say no, and how I can lose weight on my hips. Are there any exercises for that? My hips has too much fat on them, even when I was around 55kg. Pic related is my goal.
Also.. I'm not an ana-chan, I'm not starving myself or hurting myself. I've been weighing 55 kg for the last few years but went up to 64kg while ago. I'm happy atm with myself, I just like being thin.
No. 243146
>>243145eat only green vegetables after 3 o'clock.
if at all, use a little protein in a salad (eg chicken or mozarella or something) or proteinshakes in the evening.
might also entirely skip dinner on 2 days a week (not more or it will slow down your metabolism).
No. 243148
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>im not an ana-chan>176 tall>goal weight is 57/58 kg>which is underweight>absolutely not an ana-chan!tbh I think youre rather having issues with your body fat distributions. imho body fat amount is more important than weight.
eat more proteins overall and start running.
a BMI for women in their 20s is still nearly model-tier. And btw that woman in the image is also not just skinny, she is trained and toned af.
if youre flabby, do a lot more sport. might also need to eat a little more so your muscles can grow and you can stop being skinny fat
No. 243151
>>243145Anon I think you're thin enough. At your height 57 would be underweight.
No. 243155
>>243148Thanks. I'll try that.
>tbh I think youre rather having issues with your body fat distributions.Sounds logical. I'll try to sort that out with the tips you have me.
>absolutely not an ana-chan!And yeah I'm not anorexic, and I don't have an other sort of eating disorders. I'm quite happy with myself, both now and when I'm 55-58kg. I'm also going to start modeling which requires me to be that weight.
No. 243303
>>243145Dont listen to them their being super dramatic, its just barely underweight.
Anyway, you not losing on 1500 sounds very unusual, im much shorter than you and dont workout and im losing on that.
I'd say measure your food to be sure and remember, liquid calories also count.
No. 243390
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Pic related would be my dream body.
Any advice? What BMI do i need in order to look like her? What exercises? (I'm naturally the type to put on muscles fairly easily, so i need to be careful in that aspect)
No. 243619
>>243430I'm 5'10, meaning i woud have a BMI of 21 when i weigh 147 lbs.
That kind of sounds too much to look like her…?
No. 243679
>>243651Different anon, but I went from 21bmi to a 19bmi without doing anything but cutting 100% of dairy out of my diet. Still lazy af, but a change like that can have a pretty big impact for some people.
Dairy was a pretty big part of my diet though..
No. 243686
Any other anons living in /fat house/?
I've heard horror stories but im currently 19 in college, my mom has high cholesterol and is obese, like normal mom fat and my dad has high blood pressure and loves cooking and has a beer belly
Basically the problem is that not only is the fridge full of junk but they also make me meals oddly even when they tell me they know I wont eat it (im sorry if i sound like a spoilt kid)
Like ill wake up one morning with steak, eggs, sausage,bacon, and chocolate pancakes on my bed, I'd feel bad if I didnt eat it, i feel bad throwing it out and i feel even worse if I did, im not even fully blaming them since I myself use food for comfort
Im 125 at 5'0, not fat but i guess i would call it skinny fat, im definitely seeing some of the side effects from it though like my energy levels and looking weird in tight clothes
I can work on this in my own time but any advice to kinda force my parents to get healthy?
No. 243717
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>eating 600 kcal under my TDEE
>making sure to put everything in my calorie counter app
>not seeing much progress on a weekly basis
>weigh 1kg more this morning than yesterday morning
No. 243935
>>243717are you bloated? is your period coming? are you drinking enough water?
weighing yourself on a day to day basis isn't a good idea. our bodies vary so much in weight depending on how much we drink, our bowel movement frequency, and women weigh differently depending on what stage in their cycle they're at. Try not to sweat it.
No. 243936
>>243717I lose a pound by shitting anon. Weigh yourself every 2 weeks at most and you'll see a couple pound difference for sure.
Make sure your body doesn't eat itself in order to keep the weight off. Also what others have said I always weigh more and feel bloated around my period
No. 243990
>>243717If you are eating 600kcal under your TDEE you should be losing just over a pound a week but like others have said, weight can fluctuate due to water retention etc. so if you have only been doing your new diet for a couple of weeks you may not be seeing the loss yet due to this.
Also make sure you're not overestimating how much calories you burn in a day or underestimating the amount of calories you're consuming.
No. 244836
Thanks for the replies, sorry I didn't reply earlier, I couldn't find the thread anymore, heh
>>243928Besides having walks not really. I have very little time at the moment and honestly I'm kind of lazy too.
But i've lost weight in the past without exercise too so it should still work, even if it's slower.
>>243934I don't think so, I log everything religiously and even leave some reserve just in case I make a mistake. Also I've calculated my TDEE at the most sedentary possible.
>>243935Far from, normally I just had my ovulation. But you're probably right on the weighing myself daily.
>>243936>>243990I guess I'll just have to be more patient in seeing progress.
No. 245123
any advice on comfort eating? I feel like shit for binging but ive been having insane cravings since I started birth control, I have a tendency to stress eat but I also have that weird skinny fat body type that makes it impossible to lose the extra few pounds
for reference I'm 5 foot and 125 lbs, I have a bit of "fluff" on me, chubby arms and face, belly, double chin, fat inner thighs, I'd compare my body type to june or aly if it helps, before bc, while I do have pcos, I noticed its almost impossible even at my lowest weight and I still have a bit of belly, it looks so awkward since I have to wear tight outfits for work, I guess my goal is to lose the fluff and build thigh and bum muscles, I don't expect to turn super skinny or anything but an improvement will be nice and allow me to feel more comfy in my body
any other anons like me?
No. 245132
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>>245123i think it's a great idea to build some muscle! Honestly I don't think Aly needs to lose any fat, if she ate better and gained muscle she'd fill out and look lean. It's just that she's so atrophied and bloated that any fat she has is really obvious since there's no muscle to "stretch" it out if that makes sense. Ime the more muscle you build the higher bodyfat you can get away with and still look pretty lean-just not shredded.
Do you have anything specific you want advice on?
>>245130There's a few candids of her where she looks a little more skinnyfat than her posed pics, but otherwise i think it's exaggerated because she humblebrags like fuck about how smol she is and how she can eat whatever she wants and not work out, so it tempts farmers to point out any instance where she looks a little bloated or skinnyfat
No. 245854
>>243928this is absolutely not true. you can absolutely lose weight with diet alone, and reading through various communities, most people diet to lose a certain amount before even considering exercising.
Exercising wont hurt, and it CAN speed up your weight loss, but it can also make you more hungry and cause you to over eat.
If you do decide to exercise along with your diet, I recommend not eating back your burned calories at first. Anything that tracks calories burned is not very accurate.
No. 246139
>>246056Biking for hours around my neighborhood was the main one, then I'd do squat/thigh/hips/butt muscle routines and add a little arm and abs workouts in there
Also, plastic wrap meme also helped me lose weight, a big part that helped me was not stressing about it and learning to add aspects into my workout that allowed me to enjoy it
No. 246448
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Lost 18lbs in one month by eating about 700 calories a day. 5’2 from 117lbs to 99lbs.
Depended on a “barbaric surgery diet” which is basically very high proteIn, high fiber and low calorie to keep you satisfied. Also did intermittent fasting, OMAD meaning only ate one meal a day of ~700 calories.
Dietary staples were: sugar free jello, pickles, zero calorie sodas and energy drinks, plain hot green tea or coffee, instant oatmeal, sugar free chewing gum, raw fresh pineapple, etc.
Occasional high intensity cardio via the stair master at the gym. Usually only had he energy in the morning. Was always cold. Bought and electric blanket.
No. 246452
>>246448Bariatric diet, not barbaric kek
Physical activity is mostly irrelevant to the average female. Calculate your BMR and eat less than that and you will lose weight. It’s about what you eat 99% of the time. Most likely you’re not th special 1% either.
No. 248042
>>248038You should definitely exercise. It's good for your mind and mental health and increases your metabolism. It also gives you more energy over time so it's easier to be more productive.
Personally I don't see the point of setting a goal of a specific number of pounds to lose unless you're overweight or know exactly what different weights look and feel like for you. Just see what you weigh and look like after a few months of consistent exercise and then adjust your goal from there.
Sometimes you lose 10 lbs but you feel unsatisfied because it was mostly water weight and you didn't really lose fat.
Sometimes you only lose 5 lbs but look a lot better because you've put on a little muscle as well as losing some fat.
So what's the point of picking a number that sounds good but might not be relevant to how you actually want to look and feel?
No. 248252
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Since this is the closest thing to a fit thread; is this guy fat? He’s pretty tall, 6’ 2” or so. I’ve even seen him in person and can’t decide if he just has weirdly wide hips or if he’s fat.
No. 248515
>>248252>>248252this is you isn't it?
It's hard to tell in those baggy clothes but he doesn't seem fat, more like average.
No. 248905
>>248829Pads and working out at home. If you're set on the gym, wearing sweatpants but still going with pads could work.
If you're extremely anti-pad, maybe those period panties would be worth investing in for you. I have no personal experience, but they seem decent enough for a gym session.
No. 249252
>>249246All of this depends on what you want and where you are right now.
For example at my current weight my bmi is 19, almost 20, at my goal weight it'll be borderline overweight because muscle weighs more than fat.
Bmi doesn't mean THAT much.
Try to remember at what weight you're feeling the most comfortable or look the best, while still being healthy.
No. 249424
>>248829With my period the first day is usually not that bad so I’ll wear a pad while working out, but my second and third days are always heavy. I usually avoid the gym during that time but try to go back by the fourth or fifth day.
No. 249438
>>248726>farmers>realistic viewspick one
>reasons to not have a crush on the subject of the imageare you saying those clothes aren't reason enough?
No. 258941
>>257475don't get up in the middle of the night to snack, what are you doing!!!
yes it's possible, you just have to push through. It's tough at the beginning but then you get used to a healthier diet (and less to no snacks).
I have lost 30kg, it took a while but it's worth it.
Just be patient, if you expect immediate results, it won't work.
No. 260469
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Anyone have any pics/wallpaper I can use for my phone home screen? I used this one for my shopaholic tendencies and it helped a ton.
No. 260613
>>257475i lost 40 pounds with CICO and walking like an hour or two a day. i ate 1200 for like six months and i still maintained when i started going for like 1300-1400 every once in a while. it was kinda embarrassing being overweight my whole life and realizing it was that easy to get to a normal bmi.
>>257483i'm short too, like 5'0 - 5'1 and want to lose only a few pounds. i want to do 1000 calories per day too! it's been two weeks and i've only lost 2 pounds. am i fucking up and over eating or should i keep at it for a few more weeks?
No. 261333
>>260613>only 2 poundsanon? 2 pounds in 2 week is perfect. What are you worrying about? Slow and steady is marvelous for weightloss. Anything else isnt real weightloss most of the time anyway and gained back fast.
although I would advice you to eat more than 1000 kcal every fourth day or so. Otherwise your body will get used to that. Instead you can also do a day where you eat less to make up for it.
like: 1000 - 500 - 1000 - 1500 and so on
No. 261346
Agreed with
>>261338>>2613331000, 1050, 1200, 1000 is a better idea. You don't speed metabolism by undereating.
No. 262475
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I'm basically addicted to sugar. any tips on how i can defeat this problem? it's holding me back on my weight loss and making me feel like shit.
No. 262477
>>262475You should go cold turkey, once you've passed the first week, you're going to lose all cravings.
I thought I had a sweet tooth and that it was impossible, but if I managed to cut completely industrial sugar so can you.
I do use honey and I eat fruits that naturally have fructose but in small amounts.
Also, if you manage to eliminate high glycemic food then you're a winner. It prolongs life, it's severely anti aging because sugar destroys collagen and personally, I just feel better and I'm rarely tired. I've been eating like this for over four years so it's completely doable in the long run and trust me, you won't miss it at all.
You just need to endure the first week.
No. 262486
>>262481No problems and good luck. It's going to be a bit tough.
I used to take a bit of dark chocolate on a daily basis out of habit after lunch, or sometimes I would have bread with honey and jam in the mornings but when you break those old habits and learn to look at food for its nutritional value first and taste second, it's a lot easier.
I do treat myself sometimes with sweet stuff on rare occasions that are low GI, high protein and contain only natural sugar like a banana bread, almond muffins and so on.
No. 262691
>>262607did you eat something with a lot of salt or greasy in general? then it's water weight! or your period could be coming. don't feel bad, if you're following the same diet as before then its only going to be temporarily. to get rid of the bloat drink tea, or drink a loooooot of water and you'll be back to your weight in a few days
congrats on losing 15 lbs! but its important to know that it's harder to lose once you're smaller. once you're already in a healthy state and just want to get leaner, staying loyal to your diet and habits is the way, even if its slow. even if its just 2 lbs per month, its fine.
No. 277547
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Not sure if this thread is still active in any way, but I couldn’t find an active one in /g/ either.
I’m very unhappy with the way I look. I am 5’2.5” tall, and 127lbs.
I want to weigh 100lbs. I think that my original goal of 95 is probably too low, so I am shooting for 100.
I began going to a martial arts training gym last week. I take a kickboxing cardio class (45 min) three times a week. Should I do this more often than three times? I could probably manage four times a week if I pushed myself. I also do yoga for flexibility.
I am planning on cutting my intake to about 1,000 calories a day. I go to school full time and volunteer, so I don’t have a very active lifestyle.
Do you think my current plan will get me to my goal weight in a healthy way? I want to have a body I am proud of and I am willing to put the work in to get there. I know that I probably view things through a distorted lens, so please tell me if I’m being unhealthy about it. Also, I’d love to hear from people who have managed to lose weight before.
I am also increasing my water intake, cutting out alcohol and soda, making my diet plant based and cutting out processed junk, and waking up early.
No. 277559
>>277547You could probably get down to 115 with those adjustments. Even for being short, the way you look at 127 is great, 120 will look thin, 115 would be kpop mode.
You losing close to 30lbs to be 100 with a small BMI already is disgusting and unachievable without full on skeletor mode. Not recommended. You don't need to sacrifice that much more.
No. 277562
>>277547> I don't have a very active lifestyleIf you do 45 minutes of kickboxing 3x a week, that's decently active. Kudos for that! I've always wanted to try kickboxing but have never gotten around to it.
I can tell you right now that it would be very difficult to subsist on 1,000 calories a day, especially when you are doing cardio on a semi-regular basis. It is definitely unhealthy to do so, even if you are not active at all.
What I would recommend is calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Google "TDEE calculator" and plug in your stats to the first result. This will tell you how many calories your body uses up in one day normally. It will also tell you your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), which is how many calories your body uses up while sedentary. If you're trying to lose weight, the best way to do it while staying healthy is to eat a number of calories above your BMR and below your TDEE. So for example, if your BMR is 1300 and your TDEE is 2100, you should aim for calories within that range. 1900 would make you lose weight steadily over time if you are accurately counting calories and consistently staying below your TDEE, but 1500 would get you there faster.
I also want you to know that the body you have now is one that you can be proud of. It sounds like you are healthy and able-bodied. You may not like how your body looks but it has the power to walk, run, kickbox, and do other amazing things. Try to avoid taking this for granted, and always remember to be kind to yourself.
No. 277563
>>277547If that's your current weight on the right in that photo anon, you look pretty great as is. I agree with
>>277559 – 95-100 lbs is insane. Don't do that to yourself.
Perhaps if anything, do a little weight training, even if it's just some decent bodyweight and resistance exercises. You don't need to hulk out, but a strong, healthy body is a body to be proud of. Focus on measurements moreso than the numbers that come up on the scale, maybe?
No. 277565
>>277559Thanks for answering!
Unfortunately, I have no muscle tone and I don’t feel like I look great at 127. I also feel like I looked very tubby at 115. I would like to be skinny again and I think that I looked only decent at 100. However, I completely acknowledge that I have skewed ideas because I’ve had disordered eating most of my life.
I appreciate your input! I’ve been told to focus on body measurements rather than weight, I’m sure that will be a better indicator of what my body really looks like.
>>277563Just so everyone knows, the person in the photo is not me. The picture on the right is how I would like to look. Sorry about the confusion!
>>277562Kickboxing is very fun! I recommend trying it out. It is a great combo of cardio, self defense and body weight exercise.
I realize 1000 sounds very low. My BMR is around ~1300 calories, and my TDEE is close to 2000. I will admit that I have a hard time with not restricting to very low calorie goals. Maybe I could start out at 1300 a day and see if I can do more.
Thank you! It’s hard to appreciate my body because I have a disability and numerous health issues. You have a great perspective and I appreciate everyone’s input.
No. 277735
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>>277547Weight is a pretty useless method of measuring fat loss. I could deadlift my body weight and do an hour of cardio 3 days a week and still be at 127 (my heaviest) but look WAY tighter and better than my 115 skinnyfat mode.
Really abandon the scale unless you're paying for a higher end BMI calculating one (which still do a poor job). How clothes fit, how you feel day to day is so much more telling than the number.
No. 303065
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So, I was doing quite well last year and I went from 12 and a half stone to 11, but when my dad died I started losing track and gaining again so now I'm 11 stone 4. I want to get back into dieting and feel stupid I can't remember what I was eating and doing to begin. Please give me all your pointers. I can't put this off anymore
No. 303078
>>303065I'll fill you in with the basics but always run with what's best for your body
>Water, a whole lot. Drink all the time, especially before a meal >Veggies, fill up on them. Eat as many as you like. They're good for you and have a lot of fiber >cut down on carbs, less bread/pasta/rice and replace with more veggies to keep you full >drink a coffee or green tea at least once a day, preferably in the morning (it'll get you to poop, makes sure your digestive tract is alright and not blocked up)On top of that make sure you work out to some extent. Even if you're just walking around the block it's better than nothing. Get your Heart rate up at least once a day.
I'm sorry to hear about your Dad dying anon. I hope you're doing okay. A change to a healthier diet should help you to feel better at the very least
No. 303241
>>303094Me too anon, restricting never works in the long run.
I recently started low-carb for the first time and i'm suprised how well it's working. I always stayed away from it because I'm vegetarian but honestly it was a good decision for me and i'd recommend anyone try it for at least 2 weeks.
It stopped me bloating so much and it's making me think a bit more about my food. Literally EVERY MEAL had a ridiculous amount of carbs, and it's actually fun to figure ways around it.
The Coffee in the morning for me is more so more my digestion than to wake me up. Green Tea also works wonders but i prefer coffee (through a straw).
I still have a long way to go but I'm honestly feeling so much better then a normally do by following those 4 steps and tbh I don't feel like i'm on a diet which is a bonus.
No. 304265
I've been dealing with depression and suicidal ideation for about a year and a half now. At the beginning of last summer I decided I would try to turn my life around and get rid of the intrusive thoughts by improving all areas of my life including my weight. I'm 5.2 and previously weighed 170 pounds. I've been counting calories and now weigh 156, I've made some poor decisions and binged a couple times which fucked me over, but there has been some improvement. Now that college has really started up again and I'm not at work all the time surrounded by food (I'm a cashier at a supermarket) I predict it will be easier to fight the urge to buy junk food. I'm hoping to get down to 136 by the end of the year which would put me in a healthy BMI range, and my long term goal is to hit 120.
The hardest part is that I still live with my family since I go to a local college, and my entire family is overweight/obese my 17 year old younger brother for example is 5.6 and 260. My mother doesn't ever have time to cook since, my father is deceased and she works all the time, so she buys quick and easily reheatable meals or fast food. I realize that it's not entirely their fault, I am an adult, and I do of my own will pick up junk food at work, but being around people eating tasty looking burgers is hard, and I give into the temptation more often than I care to admit. It also doesn't help that the 17 year old I mentioned earlier keeps mocking me for trying to lose weight "your not fat anon!" "What the heck, just eat it!" and laughing at me when he sees me comparing nutritional values on food.
I love my family very much, and I don't want to move out when I don't have to yet, but it is upsetting to be discouraged by my brothers, though my mom has told me that's she's proud of my progress so far, so that's nice.
Sorry to blog post, I just want to get it all in words somewhere.
No. 304387
>How many calories are you eating on a daily basis?
It really fluctuates. I aim for 1100, but I don't hit it quite as often as I'd like to. Depending on the day I can get anywhere from 800-1500 a day. Not very helpful or healthy I know.
What I've discovered is that there are certain foods I will always overeat, such as chips or any salty food. I never buy them, because I cannot stick to the serving size and that really helps with calories. Also just having low-calorie snacks around helps. I buy apples and other fruits since they are easy snacks, and I don't risk inhaling the entire bag (unless it's berries then I'd totally eat the entire box).
Another thing is just saying no to eating, my diet is shit but that's not the main reason I'm fat. I impulse eat too much. Deep in my heart I know I don't need to eat at every break at work, I'm only doing it because there's food available and I have my wallet on me. I leave my wallet at home now every time I go out unless I'm intending to shop, or need to pay for something, otherwise I'll be tempted to buy food.
Really the whole process so far has just been me trying to learn self-control and limiting my options, down to less calorie dense choices. It's hard and like I said mistakes are still made, but it is doable, and at my current rate I feel like I can hit a near healthy BMI by 2019.
No. 304469
>>304414Stews are good, low-carb, nutritive and you can use cheap cuts of meats and veggies. If you have a big pot you can make a huge batch that'll last you over a week.
I literally subsist on that lately because I'm lazy and a horrible cook, but other than the long cooking time they're very simple to make. There's tons of recipes out there but even a newbie can make up their own recipe based on what they like and it'll end up delicious.
No. 304526
>>304414cabbage soup recipes that use ground pork are the cheapest.
a very basic one just contains tomato sauce, a head of cabbage and the pork.
No. 304786
>>304755Hey anon, I would say at 5'1 you should probably be good with about 1000 calories daily. People will probably tell you 1200, and that's fine too, but it will come off a bit more slowly.
Use this tool:, check out r/loseit for tips and inspiration.
I'm 5'3 and was about 160 lbs in June. Been doing around 1000 cal a day and I'm down to 128 lbs now. It isn't always easy but try to track with mfp and you'll start to become more aware of how much you're really consuming and you'll adjust accordingly. Idk about your habits but personally I find diets like whole30, vegan, keto, etc. to be very challenging. I have had much more success with just restricting calories. It makes you conscious of the foods that are so high in calories you can only really have a few bites if you want to stay within your daily cals. You'll come to just naturally avoid those.
No. 304791
>>304755As for foods, I usually just do coffee in the morning. Afternoon could be like protein bars, yogurt, nuts, pretzels. Evening (when I get home from work) is where I will usually do like a 600 calorie meal which might include rice, pasta, veggies, fish. Heavier stuff, yeah, but it keeps me going through the night and morning until I'm ready for aforementioned afternoon snacks again lol. Rinse repeat with an occasional "fuck it, I'm getting pizza" day on the weekend.
Hope this helps in some way!
No. 314672
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>>304755>>304786Bmi calculators are a useful tool, tbh, though they don't account for more than average muscles. I wouldn't go below 1200/day without medical supervision. As a short, sedentary female, this does mean weight comes off more slowly as you approach the lower end of the bmi scale, but it's important to avoid doing damage to your organs through impatient dieting. One thing you could do is 1000/day, and then let yourself have raw (non-starchy) vegetables without counting to fill in the 200 calorie gap. This is nice because you have built in snacks, and it's hard to go over eating vegetables (unlike fruit) and if you happen to go over, you probably needed it that day. Some days you might go a bit under, but over the course of a week, it should even itself out.
If you hover around 1200 calories a day, you should reach your goal weight in about 5 months, which is pretty good. You'll get there faster if I underestimated your activity level.
No. 317536
>>317531Yeah, you’re burning through the fat stores on your hips and waist. The difference between your hipbone and waist is just smaller without the thicker fat layer you had. Feels shitty but it’s pretty normal.
I had fat tits and now am a c cup, and also discovered that I have snake hips. Being overweight radically changed my figure.
No. 317622
>>317536That sucks.
But overall I'm healthier and look better so I guess I can't complain too much.
No. 317975
>>317590it's not a common expression
just say no hips
No. 317980
>>317975You having never heard it does not mean it’s not a common saying, lol.
My goddamn nana used to say it. Sorry you’re so shitty you don’t understand common, simple phrases.
No. 318020
>>318018Yea slang is different in other countries but I’m talking specifically about sayings that still exist in Australia and Britain but no longer get used in America.
Eg fortnight not being used as commonly in the states but very common elsewhere. It’s not about the snakehips thing lol.
No. 318026
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>>318018‘In linguistics, colloquialism is vernacular language including everyday language, everyday speech, common parlance, informal language, colloquial language, general parlance, and common expressions’
>>colloquialisms aren’t commonly used. No. 318041
>>318035I stopped taking the meds and dropped the weight over the course of a year. I'm assuming I have a higher body fat percentage now, I have a little jiggly fupa now which I never had before.
>>317974my waist is the same measurement, but my hip measurement is bigger because of the stupid fupa I can't get rid of.
No. 327496
>>327487agreed most of the time it's the fat.
>>327381i wouldn't listen to
>>327482 because she's suggesting you atrophy your muscle…
No. 327707
>>327701I weigh myself every day because if I don't, I have no idea if I'm on the right track or not.
Somehow I just don't notice the difference in myself until it's a lot.
This is how I initially got fat and when I lost all the weight, I only realised how much I had lost when I went into a plus size store and everything was too big lol.
On the other hand, I only noticed that I was losing too much when people started to ask concerned questions about my weight.
I just weigh myself every day now or I will very likely get fat again.
No. 335355
>>334938Thanks anon! btw her home glutes exercise is fantastic. And yeah, she looks great. I hope I get a defined body like hers in time.
> diet is obviously a huge factor in lean body/muscle build.Which diet are you following? I presume it's the low carb and high protein diet, no?
> I am ordering weights soon and can't wait to start.Noice. Mine have arrived just today. All together the plates weigh 20 kg. I barely lifted the case in which the weights arrived, but I'm starting small and my arms are already hurting but it feels so good.
No. 346304
>>327472americano (hot or cold) with sugarfree syrup
tall cappuccino with almond or coconut milk (i count it as 100 cal)
not sure if its available in the uk but sugarfree macha latte with almond/coco milk or unsweetened tea
No. 351467
I'm 5'3'', right now I weight around 134 lbs, which is more than the last 4 years or so, when I was around 125 lbs. Last year at 123 lbs I decided to get serious about losing weight, so in the span of 3 months I went down to 112 lbs just calorie counting, eating an average of 1350 calories a day, which seems fine for my height, but I lost my period very quickly, maybe I was overestimating my intake, but I was even using a food scale, so idk, maybe it is a low intake in the long run, but if I eat more then I lose weight terribly slowly. The worst part was that I ended up gaining all the weight back and more, up to 141 lbs in ~8 months, because I started binging after 6 years of not doing it, so I guess I fucked up my diet and ate less then I should have.
Right now I'm back on track and losing weight again, eating an average of 1350 calories again, but this time I'm not really consciously restricting, it's my body that sometimes tells me to eat 1100 calories, sometimes 1400, even a little more, which is a better than restricting every day, and I still have my period.
I'm planing to keep this up and start exercising, which is hard because I've been very depressed lately and my knee is fucked up from a previous injury, but I want to be able to eat around 1500 calories a day so I can keep this up for the rest of the year and avoid binging until I get down to 105 lbs.
I feel so awful at my current weight, like I'm huge and ugly, so I feel pressured to lose weight quickly, even more so because of my super skinny bf, who is constantly telling me to "go exercise", and "you should take up running again". I've been meaning to tell him about my history of eating disorders so he can shut the fuck up, but I'm afraid to do so, no one knows about it except for an old friend who I haven't seen in years.
No. 352264
>>352259I'm in my late 20s who used to have the same problem with metabolism and the only thing that helped was either literally starving aka "fasting" or just ditching carbs together with the former not being a long-term solution and the latter was doable.
The thing is, I didn't eat a lot nor did I eat junk food nor did I snack, but you wouldn't be able to tell that from my weight (140lbs). I got down to 110lbs going carb-free.
I wish I could offer you any better advice. I went through so many diets and watched my calorie intake. Going to the gym and doing exercises gave me small discouraging results over so after a year I gave up.
I guess my metabolism showed me the middle finger and the carb free diet is the only thing that made a difference.
I read something about insulin resistance and the symptoms are spot on.
Anyhow, good luck
No. 352275
>>352259Writing down everything you eat helps if you don’t know exactly what’s causing the weight gain food wise. Dieting isn’t going to change everything, you have to do a complete overhaul of your lifestyle.
A good way to start losing weight is to cut back on refined carbohydrates, eat more protein, ditch soda and super sweet sugary drinks, and don’t snack. If you have to snack, do fruit, nuts, cheese, yoghurt, dark chocolate. You still need to count the calories as a handful of almonds or a few slices of cheese do add up, especially if you’re reaching into a bag all day.
No. 352285
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>>352275>handful of almonds or a few slices of cheese do add upThis. A handful of nuts daily can make or break the weightloss process
No. 387154
>>387110The mood crashes sound like your body reacting to a lack of sugar or something like that? My advice is to eat exactly what you always eat, but
less of it. Denying yourself foods (even fatty or sugary ones) leads to cravings and overeating. Cook rather than eat from packets for at least 50% of your meals - meaning heated food in the oven, not from scratch - keep eating chocolate and whatever else, but give yourself a limit of say 1300 or 1500 total kcal a day, and keep to that consistently. No foods are bad foods.
No. 388969
>>387110If you are having sugar crashes, I suggest your train your body out of the sugar spike reward cycle by cutting it out cold turkey for 2 weeks.
I did this recently and have noticed how my relationship to sugar has changed from something I was proud of to something I realise is an addictive cycle.
The first few days are not as hard as Day 3-6 but it’s worth a try
No. 390325
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>>390318this is some anachan shit, anon.
at that weight you'd have a bmi of 23, which is healthy.
you'd look something like pic attached (taken from the body gallery) site. you and i both know that's not "huge".
No. 390428
>>390399You have a BMI of 16.
Healthy BMI starts at 18.
And you're in a weight LOSS thread? Get out of here, you should be putting some on.
No. 399637
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Anyone has good exercise regime and dietary tips on how to lose belly pooch? My current weight right now is 55-56kg and I'm 146cm tall. I've never had a flat tummy even at my most skinniest weight which is around 48kg. Even as a petite kid/teen I have the annoying tummy pooch that I always hide with baggy clothing. Now I'm even more self-conscious of it since I've been gaining weight this past few years. I'm also an apple shape so all the fat goes straight to the stomach section. I just want a flat or at least a not so obvious belly pooch so I can wear not so baggy clothes to hide my problem area.
No. 399648
>>399605You can lose weight and still eat "fatty" foods you just have to make sure it fits in with your calorie goal without starving yourself for the rest of the day because one meal took up 50% of your daily calories. The quickest way to give up on a diet is by forcing yourself to eat foods you can't stand imo. For example, still eat eggs but only eat egg whites, cut down on the cheese, etc. Find lower calorie alternatives to things you're already eating. You can lose weight without scarfing down veggies.
Are you tracking your calories?
No. 399698
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>>399637You can't spot reduce. And while I agree with
>>399650 about the salt, working your abs won't really do shit unless you lose the fat that covers them.
Also women do have some extra fat on the lower part of the belly, it's normal.
No. 399700
>>399698my advice could be limited because im an ex fatty that got down to slim results but i exercise at least 5 times a week. i watch what i eat minus alcohol oops but i still have a little pooch that hangs around. i went from 200+ 5'4" to 115. i expect there to be skin that hangs around but if we can be honest, even skinny people will have a little hang over when they sit down.
expecting photoshop results from dieting and nutrition efforts is so far off the scale of normal.
No. 405218
>>404893anyone can lose weight just through dieting. it’s much easier to lose weight by limiting calorie intake than by burning calories through exercise.
just track what you eat & you’ll be fine
No. 405252
>>405232Eat keto. There are chocolate flavored brownies, cakes, fat bombs, cookies etc that have no actual chocolate
You get the taste you want and keto also promotes fat burning over storing and a drop in water weight (most people can lose 10lbs in the first week or two just from that).
The replacements may not taste exactly the same at first but after a week or two not eating real chocolate or sugar the real thing will begin to disgust you or make you feel ill in comparison to the keto ones, which become almost "better" in taste than the 'real thing' in my opinion and in the case of fat bombs give you a nice burst of energy
Don't be dismayed if you get the "keto flu" at first, your body is just adjusting from its carb-sugar dependence. It will go away and you will feel better. Keto is also beneficial for many other reasons and health conditions, but as a girl heavily into fitness I'd say it's literally the best/easiest way to lose weight and get rid of stubborn fat stores.
No. 410555
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Some heavy stuff stressed me out last week and this week I binge ate for a couple of days from the depression of my dad's death and work being abusive.
How do I bounce back? I feel like a disgusting Momokun-esque monster for it when in reality I've probably gained a few lbs not like a stone.
No. 412106
>>412035you need to start tracking your calories. download myfitnesspal & before you eat anything, check how many calories it will add to your daily total. it’s extremely sobering.
i also have a bit of an oral fixation and feel extremely deprived if i can’t chew/taste anything. chewing gum and drinking a lot of green tea helps immensely.
it also sounds like you have a food addiction that frankly requires professional treatment. see about CBT or psychoanalysis.
No. 430321
>>412130I'm the same height and prob about 60-65kg atm, when I was 55 I was hating how little I could eat and it made me start binging. What sort of intake/exercise keeps it comfy for you?
I wanna lose some weight but do it slowly and sustainably this time. I just wanna keep my expectations realistic because I can't do 1200 cal a day anymore.
No. 430743
>>430737Sounds like loose skin, anon. RIP.
I did overall shrink after losing a slightly more substantial amount of weight (15 kg) but the flesh on my arms and inner thighs is…sad. Even with a good amount of muscle on.
No. 430755
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Had a pretty bad breakdown at the mall today when the H&M employee told me they didn't carry shorts in my size in store lol. Bouta start counting calories for the first time since I had an ED.
I'm 5'5 at 170ish lbs (was 150 last I weighed myself but I've gotten bigger) and have a pretty bad beer and energy drink addiction (green monsters, can't even switch to the sugar free version)
Will be battling caffeine and beer cravings with sparkling water. If anyone has any favourite recipes for healthy vegan stuff I'd love to see them.
No. 430760
>>430755I'm the same height as you and was the same weight at my highest. I bet you'll see results soon if you cut out liquid calories.
After keeping my lost weight off for years, I started drinking beer regularly and immediately gained almost ten pounds back. I've just quit again and already feel a difference. I love beer so much but it's really one of the worst things you can have if you're trying to lose weight.
No. 430800
>>430755As others have said you don't need to just completely eat clean to lose weight. I have lost 20lbs so far and I still sometimes run to the c store at lunch and pig out on a couple candy bars… But I will skip carbs at dinner time to make up for it and go for a walk afterword.
Also if you do nothing else cut out those liquid calories, it's just too easy to binge on. I'd work on beer first as it is tough to cut out sugar and caffeine at one time. Try having a tea when you are grabbing for an energy drink and see if that satiates you.
As others have said, use MFP and TRACK EVERYTHING!
No. 431115
I asked her and she said it was some kind of yeast infection (candida). They love anything sugary and also beer.
No. 431274
>>430313>>431271Anon, diet and exercise.
Exercise 4 times a week, cut out any junk food, liquid calories, and alcohol, and eat healthy meals.
No. 431275
>>431273Candida is a yeast. It is real.
>>431111Your friend had the candida overgrowth in her gut which required lots of sugar to live.
No. 433005
>>432981 intermittent fasting has helped me stop binging on snacks. restricting your eating time to a small window may help with the the amount of food being eaten. during your fasting period, when you feel a pang of hunger, take a drink of water.
i found that after restricting my eating time to a 8 hour window, i ate less and felt full quicker.
No. 433019
>>432977mine have been like this since I was 15/16 from rapid puberty and weight loss/gain in my 20s. legit want to just get a breast lift but am too poor for it. I know it's easier to get than a reduction, though. don't feel bad, anon. a lot of us out here are hiding the same thing with stealthy push-ups etc. you're not alone <3
every woman I know since I was legit in high school has screamed BIO-OIL!! one other super voluptuous girl I knew when I was 16 said she bought vitamin E oil capsules, popped them and rubbed them all over. said it was the only thing that made any difference. if that helps!
No. 433255
>>432985I'm gonna try this out, thanks anon! Cold turkey has never worked out because I always end up binging but gradual weening seems like a better idea. I'll try to limit it to a small sweet snack to shut the cravings up instead of stuffing my face all the time.
I've also noticed that foods high in fat (such as dishes with red meat) hold me off sweets a lot better than light meals (like veggies and fish). Is there an explanation to this?
No. 433958
>>433603Unless you lost a tremendous amount of weight (like, into underweight territory), it's probably not causing hair loss. It's more likely something hormonal. If you did lose that much weight, I'm not sure what to tell you except that it should slow down once you start getting to a normal weight again.
I feel you though, my ED made my hair fall out and I haven't figured out how to slow it down.
No. 454152
>>454091Fruit is probably the most obvious one.
Broccoli/Cauliflower/Celery/Carrot sticks with lowcal dressing, hummus, or guacamole as dip
Olives/Pickles if you prefer something salty
Rice Cakes come in a bunch of flavors and are usually like 35 kcal each
Very small bags of nuts (buy a big bag and measure out exact portions with a scale).
No. 458858
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>>454111Instead of eating less you should stop eating at all so you will lose wight much faster. works for me all the time
No. 458907
>>458879probably just a fat pussy combined with a bush
I have a fat mound/big pubic bone and I like keeping a groomed bush and it looks like I have a dick everytime I wear a swimsuit
>>433034loose skin sucks but it goes away after a while, wearing a sports bra helps from my experience but theres always people think every boob advice is a myth
No. 491760
>>482437My best advice, friend, is to just set a calorie limit. You may want to do a super low limit (like 600 cals) for a day or two and have 1100 (or something) be your regular. I have a friend who fasts one day a week, which I know helps with bloating and probably weight loss. You may want to drink a ton of water before you eat so you can fit less in your stomach, but if you don’t stop eating as soon as you’re full then it’ll actually do more harm than good and stretch your stomach to be even bigger
I also recommend trying to walk 5,000-7,500 steps a day 5x a week and to pick up a workout routine. If your not super into working out now then don’t start with something like two hours of working out every day. Just find a 15 minute abdomen specific or whole body workout on YouTube and do it 5-6 days a week until you can build up.
Calorie counting should help you be more aware of what you eat, so eating more healthy should come naturally. However, if this doesn’t happen, I also recommend this (final) tip: suppose you eat 4 meals a day (since most people eat 3-8). That’s 28 meals a week. Make a list of super healthy foods and for 1/8 of your usual meals (which is 3.5, 4 rounded up), eat a super healthy meal or food instead. Then you can increase this to 1/6 (5 meals), 1/4 (7 meals), 1/2 (14 meals a week) until you’re eating lots of healthy stuff. However, as I’m sure you probably know, you don’t have to be at 100% healthy foods to lose weight, you can cap at 24 meals or 20. The jist of most of my tips is to ease yourself in so you don’t get overwhelmed and crash. However, if you want something fast (but probably not long lasting), theres tons of crash course diets (most are korean) on YouTube you can check out. Some crash course diets are ridiculous and won’t work (IU diet) but some are actually pretty good
No. 501827
>>501812Thanks! It's by far the easiest 'diet' i've ever tried, since my issue wasn't constant eating fast food/drinking soda/etc, it was just eating too much here and there.
I rewarded myself with a new water bottle (that keeps the contents at a consistent temperature) for my workouts since the lid on my old one broke when it fell out of it's holder on my bike.
I'm so invigorated to keep going honestly, I'm slowly seeing changes (mostly in my legs and butt atm) and it's so nice. I've been fat since I was a tween (Puberty hit and I gained a ton of weight I couldn't get off, and then it just spiraled)
I'm taking control of my life. 2020 is my critical success year.
No. 501871
>>501868It doesn't guarantee anything, as long as anon sticks to her good habits she can keep it off.
If it's dangerous… well, depends on her bmr. Usually larger people have an easier time shedding weight.
No. 502147
>>501853Breakfast: Oatmeal +PeanutButter + fruit (blackberry/banana)
Lunch: Sandwich (usually plain bologna or pb) or Fruit + Crackers/pretzels
Dinner: 2 scrambled eggs, two slices of toast (a little butter) orange juice or a whole fruit.
Snacks: fruit, veggies, chobani yogurts, basically anything in small quantities (like pretzels if im craving salt for whatever reason)
Drink enough water. Take your weight and cut it in half, that's how many oz you should be drinking. If you don't drink enough, you might think you're hungry when you're really dehydrated.
I also exercise 4 days a week, at least 25 minutes a day if not more. Don't push yourself super hard and do insane HIIT when you're just starting out- you will die.
I also lift low weights, lots of calisthenics.
General net calories consumed is around 1090-1250 :)
No. 502149
>>501871I am bigger- I know when I get a bit smaller it's gonna get harder, but so far it's all been legit weight loss that's stayed off.
inb4 anachan - currently 230lbs at 5'5.
im fat.
No. 502372
>>502366I believe that diet and exercise are important
maintenance in keeping healthy, but it's a total meme that losing weight will make you happy. If you don't address what's causing your depression, you'll still feel the same when you lose weight. Maybe worse.
No. 502395
>>502372That's kinda the dilemma. Being happy will make me loose weight or loose weight would me happy ?
>>502373Antidepressant make you gain weight?
To be honest I don't want to starve myself. I already tried that when I was on uppers and the fallout was no good.
Idk, I'm just weak and prone to addictions, and right now my addiction is sugar and chips.
No. 502769
>>502765Just the fingertips? Is there a specific exercise that does that to you?
In my case not the fingertips but almost half of my right hand goes almost numb when I lift heavy because something's up with the nerve in my forearm.
No. 505428
>>502149Update: I am now 225!
Also after drinking basically nothing but water (ocassionally i have some oj), my skin has cleared up completely. No acne.
No. 505487
>>505480Building muscle takes a lot of time, effort and eating more, you won't get "too buff" by accident.
Lifting helps with the flab tho.
No. 505489
>>505483Thanks, that is good to know
>>505487I realize how I sounded silly. Flab is certainly an issue for me so I'll start looking into it
No. 505492
>>505428Awesome job Anon!! Keep at it, don't push yourself too hard. Make your weight loss goals comfortable so they just become second nature. Baby steps is what works the best.
I used to be a fattychan all throughout my younger years, up until my last year of high school I dropped to 170. My highest was 230. I yo-yoed a bit after graduating, went up to 195. After making subtle changes to my diet; cutting out sugars, getting a rice cooker, buying an air fryer, and walking just an extra 10 minutes, I got to where I am now, 155, in a little under 2 years. However a big chunk of this was lost during a mental health setback where I ate probably one meal a day. Not recommended, but if that didn't happen, I'd probably weigh 165 as of right now. I've been plateauing for a couple months, but I'm at the line of healthy BMI so I'm content for a bit. My ultimate goal is to get to 145 and just stick with that. One of the big things I gotta stop doing is eating peanut butter crackers so often. I do this almost twice a day now instead of making myself a more complete meal, also settle down on the fried chicken breast sandwiches lmao. Winter is a bitch, definitely affects my actions.
No. 505763
>>505492Oh I am! All of my changes are sustainable for me.
I now know what a lot of other fattychans eat. (I've been watching lukenarwhal's videos on yt abt weight loss answers from reddit while i work out.)
I've never been one of those people who like, eats a whole box of little debbies and washes it down with coke, then two hours later eats two medium pizzas with another coke, then has a midnight snack of like, cereal/ramen/etc.
I eat normal foods/normal times but I just vastly underestimated their calorie counts when I was doing so. I barely ever drank soda, and I'm pretty like, physically strong, I'm just also fat.
Working out and cutting calories/tracking them has helped a lot. I'm hoping the muscle I've built under my fat shows through more (it already is on my biceps, yay!) I don't want to be super thin- just fitter. Hell, I wouldn't mind still having a little extra if I hold it well. (I carry most of my weight in my thighs, stomach, hips and butt) But my ultimate goal is 150-130. I know if I give myself a strict number it's gonna make me obsess over it, so I have a range of 'acceptable' for what I want w/ my frame.
sorry for rambling I just dont have a lot of places to talk about my goals for this since a lot of my friends are also chubby, some of them also strong, others just content, and I don't hold anything against them for it. I just don't want them to think I'm rubbing their face in it, if that makes sense. They'd be too nice to tell me anyway, so finding this thread has been really nice <3
No. 506700
>>505996Don't do a calorie restricted diet so soon after having a baby. You need the nutrition to heal your body and if your breastfeeding, you need it to make milk. Eat a higher protein diet with plenty of meat and vegetables. I put on a lot of weight on my face and arms when I was pregnant. I looked like a hamster and I couldn't fit into my clothes because my arms were to big. My abdomen also looked like one of the wailing walls out of Quake. I lost nearly all of the weight by having a sensible diet and staying active even though I was eating around 2600 calories a day.
If you want to gain muscle then the best way to do it is eat enough protein and do a beginner weight lifting program. This doesn't have to be anything extensive and you can do it at home with a set of adjustable dumbbells. Give yourself a few months to recover first though.
No. 508275
>>507270You're right in that it's the most stubborn fat, but whether or not you have a lower belly pouch seems to be at least somewhat genetically determined as well. I think your posture plays into it too.
I also definitely have some belly flab but it doesn't stick out at all for me, whereas I've known girls who definitely were lower body fat, in the belly too, but still had a lower stomach pouch.
No. 508530
>>508524 I think that's low going by the basal metabolic rate. Basically BMR is the minimum amount of calories your body needs, and it goes up if you exercise or exert energy. I have a BMI of 21 and my BMR is about 1300, so if I were to eat less than 1300 calories I would undoubtedly lose weight.
So you would lose weight going that low but you could probably eat around 1500-1600 and still lose it. And probably feel less hungry, too.
I heard that intermittent fasting is also good for weight loss but I don't know much about it if anyone else here does.
No. 508585
>>508580Stress and boredom eating disappeared for me too. That was a big deal, because that was how I gained most of my weight.
Doctors who promote it (there are a lot of them in my area) say it has a positive effect on the hormones that control hunger and a feeling of fullness. I can't remember the names of both but one of them is leptin.
I also know some people who do OMAD but jmo there's no way I could eat all the calories I need to in one sitting without feeling vaguely ill. Maybe if all I ate was salmon and avocados or something insane like that.
No. 534697
>>534690Because they are miserable fucks that want you to suffer as much, of not more, than them. Crabs in a bucket.
I wish I could give you a solid answer on how to protect yourself from this, maybe another anon could, but it might help to know that it's her envy speaking.
No. 534722
>>534690People do that because they don't want to see you level up and become a version of you who they cannot control or feel 'better' than–even though that's all psycho nonsense. For that amount of gaslighting to come from your mother is especially hurtful. This behavior can even come from friends and partners, especially if they met you while you were fat. They argue that you're no longer 'yourself' just because you got healthy, men leave women who've lost significant weight.
Just to commiserate with my own blogpost: I was a very obese child and teen despite being in sports because my parents overfed me junk and put down every single dieting attempt. Not to mention food was used to reward, and taken away from me as punishment. My sociopathic father was a huge fan of the latter and enjoyed starving me to then feed me weird foods like chicken gizzards and hearts, and of course I'd overeat not knowing when my next meal would be. He had no problem withholding food but gave me soda like it was nothing, then made me go perform manual labor like moving wood beams to 'burn the calories.' But you see, at least my dad had always consistently called me fat and ugly, at least he never lied to me.
My mom was always petite despite the junk food because she smoked a lot and so never had an appetite. When I was around 5 or 6 I developed an eating disorder because I had a fear of choking and didn't want to eat. I lost a lot of weight in a short timespan. I remember my mom threatening to put me in the hospital and "stick tubes down into my stomach" if I kept refusing grisly steak and greasy pizza. So from then on I equated food/weight gain=good. Until I was ostracized by peers, boys, and my dad. Whenever I went to my mom and her family to ask if I was fat, they'd all say how it was just my "baby fat" (at 12 years old?) and that surely I'd lose it somehow or another. When I was in high school I became fully aware that I wasn't liked for my body, and when I went to my mom for advice she admitted I was indeed a fatty. I felt so lied to, and I'm still angry about it. She gave me a bunch of hack 90s diet shit like eating low fat while ignoring calories and sugar. It pissed me off because she didn't bother to help me when I was young when my weight problems were obvious and easier to address. I reckon she felt okay to tell me the truth when I was a teen so she could wash her hands of it, it would be 'on me' to lose weight that I had since I was a child. So what do I do? Attempt to diet. I told my parents I was cutting out meat and dairy and they accused me of anorexia until I caved. Whenever I'd go for calorie restriction, mom would buy all the sugary snacks. Whenever I'd complain that it was demotivating my diet, she'd go off about how I wasn't the only person in the house, etc. etc. as if they all couldn't stand to eat healthier with me. She'd buy me shit I didn't ask for like huge clothes and a Wii fit (sorry but I hate Wii), and then act like I was being an ingrate if I didn't worship her for these 'weight loss' gifts. When I'd go outside for a bike ride or walk, she'd accuse me of going with boys and insist I do chores for her instead. To top it all off, she would constantly complain about her weight around me and call herself fat even though she weighed less than me.
The final straw was in my early 20s. I decided to consult medical plans because my weight was just yo-yoing through the years. There were different plans 1-3 with the third being the most extreme. I wanted to go with treatment 3, but my mom insisted I go with 1 because she claimed she was scared for my health in choosing 3. In hindsight I realize she wanted me on 1 because it was the most likely to relapse. I kept the weight off for years. Friends who knew me when I was fat told me I looked weird because my healthy body "wasn't me." Joke's on them, now I'm back to where I started and more. Now all the fair weather friends I made when I was thin have left me in the dust now that I'm fat. It's life's biggest joke. I wish I went with 3 because there were permanent options to help me, but I listened to my mom aka other people in deciding what's best for my body. I'm coming down from three year's worth of depression and even though I'm losing weight again it's an even bigger battle than years ago, especially now that I'm older and have to be conscious of injuries and nutrition.
Moral of the story: You know what's best for you so don't listen to other people.
No. 534803
>>534690This is what caused me to binge eat
I gained a lot of weight as a teen, hated myself, then in my 20s started to lose weight and feeling better. I remember I looked in the mirror one day and saw myself and said "wow, I look like a woman"
My mother started saying things like I'm too thin and got her friends to say stuff as well. For record, I was not too thin and still in higher end of weight for my height.
But that's all it took. I got upset and started eating a lot more, and it's been a terrible battle for the last five years. Constant weight influxes
No. 535685
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How are you doing with diet and exercise these days?
(images represent a 4 years difference and should be used as motivation, not discouragement)
No. 535693
>>535685I've been eating so much cleaner and better. Working from home is great because I'm not tempted to have takeout lunch like I do when I'm at work. It's been weeks since a soda, so that's a start as well.
What are your indoor workout routines if you don't have equipment? Asking for a friend.
No. 544550
>>544517Honestly the first thing I would invest in is a good pair of running shoes. Something that is arched and not flat for running on terrain and stuff.
Depending on how much you weigh you may want to start off by walking long distances first so you're not putting too much strain on your shins.
Always start out with some streches or warm-ups before you get into your longer distances. Building up endurance is super important too so running 15 minutes or more straight the first 1-2 weeks would be a good way to get in the groove of things. I'd say once you can run for 30 minutes straight you're set to run long distances. Just do everything at your own pace.
Also shin splints fucking suck so you may want to invest in a roller. The way you jog can help alleviate those though.
Compression shorts if you have thighs that chafe, running shorts, drink a shit ton of water throughout the day don't skimp on it whatsoever, know the signs of heat stroke and don't keep running if you have chest pains. If plan on running alone always keep your phone on you.
Some people like to listen to music, some don't but if you do they have these phone holders you can attach to your arm. They look super dorky but they're helpful.
No. 544551
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>>544550>Building up endurance is super important too so running 15 minutes or more straight the first 1-2 weeks would be a good way to get in the groove of things.A couch potato could maybe run for 5 minutes straight if they push themselves, lel. 15 minutes of jogging or running is a few shakes over a mile nonstop, are out of shape people really going to accomplish that in the first weeks? Nope. It's much better to stagger between walking and jogging the first weeks and slowly add minutes onto the jogging portion in the weeks after. In addition to shin splints OP should also watch out for knee and ankle injuries which is common to happen for people with no lower body strength to start.
>>544517 pic related worked for me.
No. 544558
>>544551That's fair,I ran cross country in highschool and so that was our training over the summer. I was loosely going off of that but I realize that's not necessarily couch potato though.
Definitely much better and easier on the body to start out staggered with training.
Forgot to mention in my first post but strength training once you get farther into running is a nice way to help prevent injuries as well.
No. 546176
>>545805I don't agree with anons saying no. anon is asking about flattening the stomach not building up some crazy abs muscles… of course you can flatten your stomach.
I'm also slim in general, and by just lazily doing planks every evening my stomach looked significantly better. It's not muscly and definitely not tiny but it lost the pillow-y look. Surprised me myself. Now it's harder to shape it but loosing the sticking out fat part is probably the easiest
No. 563376
>>563363anon, take a deep breath. you are 21. your skin should snap back unless you have gained enormous amounts of weight in a very very small timeframe. be smart and lose weight slowly. the more severe you are with your weight loss plan and restricting, the more likely it is for your breasts to sag.
eat healthy. try to be active. and breathe! girl, you will be fine just don't do anything drastic. extreme restricting tends to
trigger binge eating.
No. 563437
>>563363Here's some "food" for thought: Maybe if you're not eating bad or overeating yet your body is gaining weight, maybe that's what your average is supposed to be.
Sorry girls, can't keep that high school bod forever and you'll only disappoint yourselves.
No. 565322
>>563363Hey anon, no worries. Unless you have somehow massively ballooned in the past 3 months, you don't have anything to worry about. You're young and so long as you don't have a ton to lose and so long as you lose it slowly, you'll be just fine with your skin.
If it helps, I lost around 50-60 pounds many years ago slowly and my boobs stayed nice and perky. Also helps to fill out a bit with muscle, so start doing some chest presses and flyes.
No. 566028
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I literally can not do dieting and exercise without my brain going into obsessive anachan-mode and getting stressed and anxious any time if I let myself have a rest day, even if I'm injured. Any advice here?
No. 566951
>>566028Long term consistency beats short term intensity.
By overdoing it you risk burning out, but by taking a brake you risk quitting. You don't have to do perfectly, just stay consistent and balanced.
No. 570548
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This study from Sleep Research Society shows the influence of sleep restriction on weight loss.
Both groups entered a caloric deficit. Group 1 had slept normally whilst Group 2 had slept only 1 hour less than the other group on weekdays but could for sleep one hour more to "catch up" on the weekends.
In 8 weeks both had lost the same weight but Group 1 that had slept well lost 83% FAT whilst the other group has lost 85% LEAN MUSCLE MASS.
No. 570757
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I've been doing Chloe Ting's summer shred program and restricting my calories and while I look a bit thinner my scale says I haven't lost weight and that's really demotivating despite it probably meaning I've gained some muscle.
No. 570859
>>570742It doesn't seem like it'll help that much, your body will still have higher ghrelin levels than having full 7-8 hour sleeps meaning you'll be hungrier, have more food intake, keep on fat and stimulate more glucose dependent tissues.
And note that these two groups had the same calorie intake.
No. 572181
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here's a graph of my weight since 2016. i got way up there due to hypothyroid, starving and subsequent binging, and just a generally fucked up relationship with food.
I stopped after losing ~60lbs because my weight loss started to plateau, so I decided to maintain for a while (it allegedly helps your metabolism adjust to your new weight or something).
Maintaining definitely lasted longer than I wanted it to (and i even gained and lost weight in between then and now), but I feel like I'm finally ready to lose the last 40lbs.
No. 576762
>>576136Don’t listen to this anon, they are delusional.1300 is perfectly fine.
>>576247Covid and weightloss is likely what’s making you tired. I would suggest more activity then walking since everyone is cooped up inside. Maybe just sit near a window as well to get some sunshine or eat more vitamin-d enriched foods to feel less tired. I used to have the same problem and then I realized I needed to be more active to feel less tired. Always make sure to never lay down unless you’re going to bed, don’t sit for too long either. Over time you will feel less tired.
No. 578291
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It sounds like I'm the only one here trying to gain weight and plainly saying that is inviting to get called either recovering ana-chan or rationalizing fattie.
>Share tips, goals, low kcal recipes, exercise routines etc.
I'm not great at calisthenics, around the week I rotate between
sets of 10x pushups
sets of 15x jack knife or half pullups
sets of 20x leg lifts (lying) + 10-15 hanging leg lifts or knee tucks
I don't have much to do during quarantine and I reference Convict Conditioning by Paul Wade. There's a shitton of challenging workouts I could do before I'd need to hit a gym or add weights.
Guess with a pic I'm a scrot or borderline fakeboy. No hormones involved though.
No. 578321
>>578301My belly (with packs more visible in the thumbnail than the expanded image) looks that way primarily because of building strength. I haven't changed my eating habits majorly since I started working out.
Starting from average non-visible packs flat belly to faint vertical line to having packs, my diet changes were dialing back fruit and juice. I still have occasional days (maybe about once every 3-4 months) of eating ice cream or similar junk.
The only equipment I have is a pullup bar which costed around $25. IMO this is pretty good when considering the equipment and machines people buy. I didn't realize middling-tier calisthenics would get me these kinds of results naturally and within a confined space. Otherwise, I would've taken more progress pics or at least one during the vertical line only stage.
No. 578466
>>578321That's cool. Actually I though your routine was a little light, but it still prove that consistency is everything. Congrats.
Yeah a pull-up bar should be the single one piece of fitness equipment anyone should really buy. It's a difficult movement but there is many possible intermediary exercises to practice if a full pull-up is to hard to execute. I also like using rubber bands for upper body, and I'm looking to get a pair of push-up stands to make it easier on my wrists, but this is not necessary, just convenience.
I'll check the Convict Conditioning book, I might still have it stored somewhere actually
No. 579012
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>>578490Nta but you could do dips if you have sturdy chairs, and if you have dumbbells look into camel kickbacks. It's nice because you don't need much weight, and it really focus on the triceps. Triceps press is also a good dumbbell exercise for this muscle
No. 583227
>>583216i know its harder said than done but sometimes its easier to manage the binge rather than cut the binge entirely. try giving yourself exercise goals (even 20-45 minutes a day), do this early if you have time or before your binge so the calorie intake will be burned more reliably to make up for the energy you lost. youll actually need to be eating a bit more if you keep that up- weightlifters and people who work out regularely have a higher daily intake need, if you knock out the workout before the binge comes on, youve already made up for your binge and even converted food to good energy in the process.
that or pick health specific foods to binge given the chance, like eggs, greens, chicken etc, avoid dressing those things too much to allow yourself larger portions to ensure you feel the "binge fullness" emotional satisfaction.
No. 583416
>>583363that sounds manageable! and kinda what ii used to do when i was thin so i will def try this. can you tell me your height please? im curious because of how much youve lost.
im 5'0!
No. 583433
>>583227>that or pick health specific foods to binge given the chance, like eggs, greens, chicken etc, avoid dressing those things too much to allow yourself larger portions to ensure you feel the "binge fullness" emotional satisfaction.I can't imagine ever being able to do this, the whole point of a binge for me was to allow myself high cal food 'one last time' before I totally started my diet the next day (lol). I wasn't much better at controlling the food I chose to eat than the amount I was eating.
I've managed my binging by not focusing too much on dieting/calories (so not losing weight unfortunately, just maintaining), and having a consistent routine with what I eat and at what time of day. Also I try to only eat food that is 'just ok'. If I eat anything too delicious, it makes me want to eat more in general because damn food is awesome. If I eat anything too unappetizing/super healthy, it reminds me how much more enjoyable eating could be if it was junk food. If I eat food that is nice but not amazing I don't get the urge to eat anything else.
No. 583597
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I've struggled with disordered eating since I was a kid, but I've never been a real anachan.
I was addicted to drugs (mainly opiates and benzos); in the late stages and in rehab I gained almost 20 kg (44 lbs). I lost 10 kg (22 lbs) two years ago, by obsessing about weight loss and going on the myproana forum every day, which helped me keep up the motivation. I've, of course, gained those 10 kg back since then and am really struggling to lose them. I know that I need to - I'm 158 cm (5'2") and weigh 70 kg (154 lbs).
My main issues are:
1. Food as a coping mechanism. I have stopped using self harm, drugs, shopping and sex as coping mechanisms and I even stopped smoking cigarettes recently. Food is pretty much the only thing I have left.
2. My boyfriend likes to cook, enjoys some fast food himself and my mom is always coming up with new ideas for bread. I always fail to say no to tasty food.
3. My motivation just constantly fails me. I keep thinking "yeah, I'm fat, but so what, there's more important things in life than looks" and binge and then hate myself for it. And I've never felt so uncomfortable in my body, still I never seem to remember this once I have the chance to eat something. And I'll eat anything.
I know that I just need to stay motivated long enough to form a habit, it'll be relatively easy after that. Once I've lost 2-4 kg, the weightloss itself will motivate me enough to stay on track. I just need to get there, which is the hard part imo. I need the motivation and passion to get out of my lazy rut.
My goal weight is 55 kg (121 lbs), so I have to lose 15 kg (33 lbs).
Any ideas on what to do when I want to eat as a coping mechanism? And how do I keep myself motivated?
Please, just any advice. I've never been this fat and I've never failed to lose weight again and again for such a long period of time.
(Pic related, my body type is pretty much like the third one from the left)
No. 583604
>>583597Hey anon. Your story hit home with me.. I used to have drug addiction as well. Actually I also at one point had a pretty bad case of video game addiction to an MMO where I literally didn't move for about 2 years. That was when I got to my highest, about 195 lbs on a 5'4 frame. I'm mentioning this because eventually I got that down to about 125 (though now I'm about 135 and fine with it)
Just know it isn't hopeless. Motivation is always hardest at first, once you start seeing results I think it becomes more habitual and easy just like you said.
My initial big drop from 195 to 125 took about 8 months iirc. I started to get big into animal rights after being exposed to some of those awful factory farming videos. I adopted veganism. Once I was vegan I started to get into that whole kind of natural foods "scene" (I'm also a bit of a dirty hippie lol) and just in general became ultra conscious of what exactly I was eating.. not necessarily how much of it. It's been about 10 years since I made that initial 70 lb drop and I'm still vegetarian today (vegan only lasted about 3 years) and never got back above 135ish.
Over time, healthy eating just became habitual. I believe, for me at least, sugar and junk food are
exactly like any other drug addiction. You can recognize the signs.
Think of the motivating factors involved in your quitting drugs. Could you also apply those to your habit of eating crap?
Idk if you are an animal lover but that is what worked for me and TBH it started with those videos, I was scared straight in a way but for you or could be something else. Maybe get into a "community" of like minded people who are focused on healthy lifestyle.. not an anachan community ideally.. but it is the right idea. Maybe try and get your bf on for the ride.
Gl to you anon. You aren't that far gone and you know already that you can do it.
No. 583620
>>583604Thanks for your great and motivational reply, anon! Love it. I will try to think of it like any other addiction in terms of motivational factors, though what makes it hard is that I can’t quit food cold turkey like I did with the other stuff.
I’ve been thinking about at least quitting meat lately (again). I didn’t eat meat for a year in 2013 and I’ve never held a healthy weight better than I did that year. I should probably watch some documentaries too but I’m such a huge pussy. Can you recommend any that motivated you to turn vegan?
No. 583624
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>>583597literally on the same boat as you. fuck the 150s. but we can fo this anon! people have shared good tips itt
No. 583629
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>>583624Oh wow! Yeah, fuck the 150s (or 70s, I'm in Europe)!
I'm probably gonna quit or cut down on meat and do intermittent fasting… (9:30 am-7:30 pm) And some exercise, of course. I really need a thread like this though, for the sake accountability. If I don't update on my progress, know that I have failed once again!
I wish you luck, anon!
No. 584213
>>583706>>583810Thanks for the advice!
I’ve followed Unnatural Vegan on YT, will watch Cowspiracy with my boyfriend this week!
Aside from that, I’m probably gonna start counting calories tomorrow. I hate being short though, it’s gonna be either less than 1200 calories a day or more intense exercise.
No. 584354
>>584341Any form of intensive agriculture is going to be bad for environment so it really depends on how meat is farmed. Traditionally farmed meat is an important part of land management. When a crop is grown in a field, the plant takes nutrients from the soil and energy from the sun through photosynthesis and converts into something that is nutritionally useful to humans. The next season a farmer would either grow a different crop that requires different nutrients or use it as pasture for livestock. Animals replenish the soil through manure as well as taking plants that aren't nutritionally valuable to humans and converting it into meat and other products such as milk, bone meal which is a natural fertilizer and things like lanolin for use in non-
toxic cosmetics.
No. 584362
>>584354It's also a difficult agricultural debate to say whether "intensive agriculture" is truly worse for the environment than traditional agricultural methods, since many new agricultural technologies like GMOs, fertilizers, and pesticides can increase crop yields and decrease the amount of land necessary to farm. For example, in places like Brazil, where they use the traditional methods of rainforest burning to grow crops, are notoriously inefficient.
My point would just be that on average, reduction of meat will be more environmentally friendly. There are of course other benefits of sustainable meat production though, like you noted, and you can also feed animals waste (like surplus candycorn) and agricultural byproducts that humans can't eat.
No. 584382
>>584356But how many vegans actually do this? The majority of vegans just seem to think that because something is labeled vegan it's automatically good for animals and the environment which isn't true at all.
>>584362Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are damaging to the environment in all circumstances. Chemical fertilizer contaminates ground water and seeps into rivers, which then limits the availability of drinking water and kills the ecosystem in the river. Pesticide use isn't new. If you want to see the devastating impact pesticides can have, look up DDT. It was banned in the 1980s and it's still found in human breast milk.
>>584366My point is that eating a vegan diet because it's better for the environment is complete bullshit. I've already said what I think people should do, eat a variety of locally produced seasonal food. It's healthier and it's more sustainable.
No. 584408
>>584382>But how many vegans actually do this?Every veteran vegan I know don't buy those prepackaged fake meats on the regular, they save them for special occasions. They're more for newbie vegans who don't know how to cook or for Susan who likes to brag about her new diet.
Source: Vegetarian for years. Had multiple roommates try veganism by clearing out their pantries and buying prepackaged bullshit.
No. 584452
>>584391>not all pesticidesyeah, chickens are good, and chicken shit is a good fertilizer. chemical pesticides and fertilizers are horrible and destroy soil.
t. raised on a farm
No. 584454
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>>573367Anon, I'm so glad I came across your post, even if it is almost a month old. It really resonated with me.
I'm also 5'0 and at 167 lbs. I feel disgusted with myself and I just hate how I look and feel.
I've always been curvy and never "skinny." Even in childhood photos I've always had strong calves and legs. When I was really physically active and eating healthy in high school I was always a little built and toned, instead of skinny and "dainty."
Your progress is amazing though! From 211 to 165 is just wow! I doubt that you're still lurking this thread but if you are I'm really rooting for you.
No. 584529
>>584527I mean, I don't know how well this might work for ylu, but eating similar foods, and eating them out of a small bowl can help you manage portions. The same bowl of rice will be about the same amount of calories every time you fill it. Same can be said of salads, pasta, cassarole, etc.
Also, please don't think of it as an eating disorder. It's perfectly fine to care about what you put in your body. It'll get easier when you get in a good habit and get used to eating less.
No. 584770
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Trying to lose weight has seriously helped me with my alcohol issues. I used to drink quite a bit daily, especially when lockdown started. Trying to budget alcohol into my daily calories makes me consider how much extra I could eat if I skipped my beer in favour of food. It does make me gravitate towards hard liquor a lot more, but I still drink a lot less now. Guess I'd rather be skinny than drunk.
>>584527This might not work for everyone but I tend to make quick estimations based on what type of food I eat. Like, carbs and sugar are always gonna be about 350 for 100 grams, fats about 900, both chocolate/candy and chips/pretzels about 600. A 750ml bottle of wine is 600 too. So a regular plate of pasta with some sauce and cheese probably isn't far off from 500. I ate about a third of a 200g bag of chips? Let's say 400. To me this takes just a second to do and makes me think about food a lot less than if I were to look up everything for accuracy. If you round up to the nearest 100 an estimation is usually fine.
Alternatively if you live alone and cook/buy your own food (and have a decently organized pantry), shop for groceries weekly and estimate what you ate at the end of the week by comparing the receipts to what you still have. Could be more of a hassle than it's worth but at least it removes the need to check every day. Meal prepping is also an option that will help with that.
No. 584886
>>584527I can definitely see how tracking cico could be slippery slope into ED territory. My totally unprofessional opinion on the matter would be to try and address the root of that behavior (constantly thinking about food) before getting too serious about tracking.. just to be safe? It's good you are self aware enough to be able to notice it though, that's def a good sign.
When I did cico I used MFP and just kind of treated it like a lighthearted game to challenge myself. I would only open the app when it was time to eat and see how much I had left. I didn't beat myself up if I was over by the end of the day and just would start fresh the next day.
No. 585701
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I'm trying to work more on my core and am wondering if any anons have any experience with stomach vacuums? And if that shit does anything or? Because it just looks creepy af.
Also trying to work on my rectus abdominus not sticking out as much. (pic related, not me)
No. 595068
>>595062the easy solution: tell your dad to cook less because you're not going to it eat so it doesn't go to waste.
OR try to get him to compromise and cook keto for you. You could even make it an ego-stroking thing by telling him you can't loose weight without him cooking keto for you and how amazing it would be if he did that.
No. 595114
>>595068I'll try and encourage my dad to cook less since I doubt he would compromise and cook Keto meals (especially since he loves his rice and adding lots of different spices). but then again my dad needs to lose weight too, he's a few stones heavier than me (which shows how heavy I already am) and he uses his car for everything. Though before lockdown he would go out dancing in clubs.
Thank you Anon
No. 595290
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What are the odds of that shit happening to you? Going through the effort of losing weight only to end up looking a decade older scares me so much. Do you think she did shady shit to lose weight? Or is there any way to kind of prevent this a little bit? I'm younger than her and have less weight to lose than her, plus I have a really fat face, so I would hope that my face would retain a bit more facial fat than her but you can never know…
No. 595332
>>595327idk if this helps anon but here's what i do/did.
1) whenever i take some food in my hand i say to myself "will i enjoy this more than being skinnier?". sounds cliche but i think it works. so even if i binge, i tend to stop easily.
2) just because you ate more than your limit doesnt mean the day is ruined. i see so many people aim for 1200 but eat 1400. then they say fuck it i'll start tomorrow and binge since "this is the last day they'll eat what they want".
3) if you live alone, do NOT buy food you have the capacity to binge on. like dont buy peanut butter thinking you'll just put half a spoon in your oats in the morning. because it never goes that way. you will binge eventually.
No. 683442
>>683335how about not gaining more fat by maintaining or cutting your calories slightly over a longer period of time?
When i first made gains i gained a bunch of fat and hated myself. when gyms were open this summer it was the first time in my lifting journey where i was losing fat while maintaining and even gaining muscle because I worked out more often and didn't eat extra calories to "have more energy for muh leg day". Lifting weight barely burns calories, you'll be fine.
I think letting yourself get fat then working so hard in a calorie deficit will be hell. show competitors do that for short periods of time and they're extremely hungry all the time. you do it for like a month or so MAX.
I doubt any anon is going to schedule their meals, eat 800 calories a day and keep lifting at their usual levels for more than a few weeks, having every calorie planned and ensuring they have enough protein.
No. 683816
>>683791Nope. Stop in your tracks.
That shit causes hair loss, and you have to micromanage the fuck out of hydration and calcium levels. My doctor had me titrating up on a bare bones dosage, and it made me looped. Like, fucked up in the grocery store amused by my own leg movement. That said, it obviously didn't help with ADHD, and if anything I got in trouble at work because my writing was barely legible. Not to mention my already troublesome impulsivity got worse, and whatever crept into my mind made it out of my mouth without a second thought. I still have hearing problems from it, and my hearing goes in and out where it's muffled. I was put back on Adderall after that failed ass experiment. My aunt was on it for years for migraines and she looked like a tiny walking human husk with extremely thin hair.
I'm not the boss of you, but I deeply recommend taking a look at other things out there.
No. 685016
>>684983Look up a ratatouille recipe, the french kind not the movie kind. I eat it with bread but it’s fine without, brown rice or couscous also works.
BBC Good Food has a red lentil curry (dahl) recipe that’s also great.
No. 685596
>>685481Am I the only one who thinks the switch fit ring is a bit gimmick-y? Like you're basically paying top dollar for a piece of plastic that lets you do excersises you can find similiar online for free. Sure you don't get the accompanying visuals/game, but does that make it worth it? Not to mention that you're not going to get more out of it than bodyweight excersises.
Sorry but all I see is a trick to sell you a 70 dollar piece of plastic that you don't need to do those excersises.
No. 685981
>>685596Eh, the best exercise is one you will actually do. If you have to pay extra to make working out enjoyable enough that you will consistently want to do it, then it's worth the money. I don't think it's especially gimmicky to combine exercise with video games, it's a good idea from a business perspective and might do some good with coach potato gamers.
I spend a ridiculous amount of money on sport rather than just paying for a gym membership that would be both cheaper and more effective exercise, but that's because I wouldn't want to go to the gym the way I do my expensive ass sports.
No. 686283
>>686273Nah, don't torture your body like that. Eat smaller portions like the anon above me said, and look up intermittent fasting (the 16/8 method is the most popular but apparently 14/10 works better for women and is more comfortable as well)
Eat more volume of veggies and protein, eat complex carbs and try to leave any processed food behind, including ramen. Consume less salt, sugar, dairy and red meat, drink a lot of water and try to do some kind of physical activity, anything. When I started exercising again, I started with pilates for beginners and it was surprisingly comfortable
I'm doing a lot of assumptions of your habits, sorry! But if you do eat like this, these recommendstions will make a difference
No. 688626
>>688133Good luck anon! I believe in you.
Blogilates anon checking in, it’s day 6 today and I have done the excersises every day! I am fucking baffled, I really did not think I’d have it in me. I’m actually excited to get home and torture myself some more.
No. 688870
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>>688831Is this this db method thing?
tbh i'd look up how many exercises you can do with it because adjustable dumbbells and resistance bands seem like a better option
No. 1461173
Nonnie’s. I was in the same boat as you guys one year ago. I had gained about 35 pounds in my late 20s due to poor eating and trying medications for mental health stuff. Over the past year I lost 30 pounds (I went from 155 - 125), so you guys can totally do it!! I am 32 now, by the way. What helped me the most was a really expensive and nasty meal program called “Prolon” (1 week per month they give you a meal plan that is supposed to be nearly “fasting” but somehow safe). I hated it and stopped after 3 months, but it worked. The other thing that helped me was eating smaller portions of whatever I wanted (I didn’t stop eating things I loved. Just fixed my portions). The last thing I did was reduce my alcohol intake. That might not be a problem for you, but if it is… those calories add up fast. Good luck to you!!
No. 1547689
>>1547680Fat people are trying to lose weight for health issues, sure, being “attractive” and being able to wear certain clothes is also part of the reasons why, but that’s usually not the main reason why someone with half a brain would encourage another person to lose weight.
I’m pretty sure you look fine, or if you really (not compulsively) feel like you need to lose weight, maybe seriously go to a nutritionist so you don’t end up messing up something.
I know it’s anachan bait, kek.
No. 1547696
>>1547689I'm not going to "mess up" anything, I've literally been that thin before and was perfectly fine.
I know I'm still attractive right now and look "fine", but I just want to achieve the exact look I'm going for. It's not some uncontrollable compulsion or urge, I literally just woke up one day after gaining weight and eating like shit for a few months and thought "huh, I think I'll lose some weight now".
You're one of those people trying to hypermedicalize it. It's really not that deep.
No. 1548025
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anyone here who knows about easy arm workouts? i mainly been focusing on changing my diet and doing long walks. ive lost a decent amount of weight in five months but my arms are REALLY heavy.
i used to workout more and didnt have these issues but my current full time job involves sitting and not moving for hours on end so my arms are HUGE for my size. i got some light weights and tried shit like pic related but i worry im doing it all wrong since i dont go to the gym.
No. 1548055
>>1548030oh, not at all actually. im overweight and was reaaaally overweight when i started. ive dropped sizes in bras and jeans mostly but most of my fat is focused on my arms. im 5'0 so arms are short and stubby currently. like i said i started very overweight and my job doesn't involve moving at all. so the arms have stayed huge even when my legs and chest aren't so bad anymore. which i should have seen coming, but i didnt.
i tried finding someone similar in mybodygallery but i none of the pics look similar sadly.
No. 1548056
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>>1548025>>1548030found a similar body googling droopy arm woman… its sadly very accurate to with what im working on and im really regretting how i went on with focusing on walking and no arm workouts. i hope no other nonas make this mistake…
No. 1685840
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Here’s a really good Dijon chicken recipe.
No. 2012404
>>2012370There already is a weight loss thread on /g/ that’s plenty active
>>>/g/378038Please stop bumping this ancient thread