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No. 168257
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honky hipster white boys with led zeppelin hair with a certain androgyny and playful demeanor
i've never found white male celebrities or models to be attractive. even the most facially and aesthetically white dudes i can agree that they are indeed "attractive" but i just can't be attracted to them (i'm more envious that they're prettier than me lol)- not even to the characters they play in films. usually the rule in general with the exception of white male musicians- specifically Robert Plant or Jim Morrison. Long hair, from the late60s70s era, charismatic with their music, etc These are the only types of white guys I'm attracted to. all other "normal" archetypes of men I can be attracted to if they were on non-white man but not on white men.
For example yes I could be attracted to the "normcore" guy with short hair, into sports, into J Cole or something. and also the "pretentious literati" type that I see reading Rimbaud in the library. and I have but the caveat is that they were Black and Asian-Am respectively. (i'm asian-am female) I cannot ever imagine myself being into a white guy that is of that "basic" or "literati" archetype. They have to be a 70s revivalist glam rock looking hipster boy with long hair. for non-white guys, anything and any type can happen.
No. 168260
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the only guys I've ever fallen hard for are skinny, usually older, unstable, challenging to read, hilarious, deeply emotional /mu/ boys with charming smiles that do a lot of drugs and love tim & eric.
specific I know, but that's been the pattern.
No. 168261
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I've never been super romantic, I really like hippie guys with long hair who are slightly older than me, and like to joke around and have a sort of buddy relationship. And try to stay away from bad vibes and be positive, I never have the chance to go to gigs so I never meet any which really sucks
No. 168262
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I like short, foot-in-mouth Ashkenazi men with strong brows who call their mothers all the time, but those bastards never date non-Jews.
No. 168263
>>168256white with a very strong jaw, blue or brown eyes (dislike green)
thin straight nose is a plus not a must
No. 168266
>>168265I hate the idea of "dating down"
No such thing
No. 168274
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>>168273I'm too much of a snob to date down but feel hideously inferior when I date guys who are better than me. Feels bad man
No. 168275
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No. 168279
There have been a few guys I've fallen for and they've been a pretty specific type (yes I'm picky, maybe I'm an asshole). Nice hair, thick brows, tall, resting murder face, highly intelligent, deep voice, childish, dumb sense of humor, offensively sarcastic, likes art, indulgent, no boundaries, and self-absorbed. Maybe not all of these at once but most of them. Dudes who look intimidating/scary but are fucking babies on the inside melt my heart.
What grosses me out is that this describes my dad to a T. I ended up dating guys exactly like him and even marrying one. Even though I swore up and down I wouldn't.
No. 168280
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I don't really have a type it seems. I've dated a variety of types of guys. If I had to pick it would probably be tall, fit, funny, cute??
No. 168283
>>168282For me it's kind of like looking at an objectively handsome guy in his 50s/60s and imagining how much of a babe he was in his younger days.
When he is your professor/boss/superior it gets awkward for you pretty quickly
No. 168285
>>168282Same. I have a huge lady boner for older men. It's the fact that they've experienced more, the rugged way they look, they tend to be more confident, and if they're highly intelligent, I'm melting. Not to mention how they'll worship you for being much younger. It's sappy romance novel level stuff, but I'm a huge sucker for it.
A 10 year age gap is a MINIMUM in my relationships. Haters gonna hate.
No. 168292
>>168277Are you also non-white?
>>168281Hm, but money is the main reason anyone would go for someone superior than them imo.
All the brains in the world don't mean shit if they're some assistant prof on $30k a year.
No. 168293
>>168273It's all subjective
I still maintain that there's no such thing as "dating down"
No. 168302
>>168256When I look at celebrities I'm always attracted to tan guys with dark hair but irl my crushes (and current bf) have all been pale blonde white dudes. anyone else have this disconnect?
i'm also attracted to guys who have nerdy interests; all the guys i've liked/dated were STEM majors who are into scifi & horror
No. 168304
I think my type is:
>>Someone who is genuinely kind to people, not just to me (that's a red flag if they're just "nice" to me, but hates everyone else) - but someone who cares for others in general, themselves and loved ones.
>>Cares about the world we live in, is open to discussion and takes the approach of "There's more than one side to every story", and also independent enough to not fall victim to media bullshit and can think for themselves.
>>Please no to overly obsessive behavior in "caring" about certain subjects, be it of a political or social nature, it really turns me off.
>>Enjoys the same hobbies, but doesn't neglect just because of the same shared interests and is prone to doing so at hours at a time without sharing and communication.
>>Enjoys exploring and going out for bike rides and walks, always up for visiting museums, parks, galleries, looking at architecture, canals and wildlife.
>>Enjoys cooking and baking as much, is relatively tidy and okay to share chores, is pretty good at sharing all obstacles in life.
>>Is very tactful in response to negative situations instead of being "brutally honest", isn't egotistical or too hostile in reactions to opinions that differ than theirs.
Superficial stuff:
>>Umm, I don't know if I really have a "favourite" specific type of look, but good hygiene, above a 6 out of 10 for looks, cute and adorable, and not exceeding 200lbs or less than 100lbs where I can't help and they have gone to the point of no return.
No. 168318
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>>168317unf, country boys make me weak. Sadly, there are almost none around where I live.
pic related is my folk-singer husbando
No. 168319
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>my type
No. 168325
>>168324He was so adorable in it, I probably stared at it for a good five minutes
Thanks for sharing, anon
No. 168326
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>>168325Of course, anon~ Frank is the cutest.
No. 168328
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My type
No. 168332
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For lack of a better word I tend to go for brogrammers. Sadly I attract the autist programmers instead.
No. 168338
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>>168337Like what do they look like? My bf is a programmer, somewhere between autistic and normie/"bro" I guess, but I can't imagine anyone pretending to be cool while being a programmer tbh.
No. 168349
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>>168346It's weird, I never would have though he was attractive until I saw how cute his girlfriend is (pic related). I was like "Huh, what does she see in him?" and then it was like…yeah, sure, I'd fuck that piece of shit.
No. 168350
I date mechanical/civil/computer engineers who are sumbissive and meek, and enjoy my nagging ways, of curse eventually growing to resent it because they don't know what they want.
They are perfectly happy to sit in and play their PC/console, when I was younger it was the 360, these days it's all Steam. They're fine to play it while waiting on me to get home/wake up, when they have a day off, on their birthday. When they meet with their friends (who are always less successful than they are, thought that's not saying much) they'll likely stay in and game, then order food in. Horribly unproductive when not actively making money.
Other than this they'll become heavily invested in me and try to change themselves to please me. Usually have depression and/or very low self esteem.
Looks wise I seem to go for guy with different shades of blonde, I've dated from obese to skellington, and from 6 and a half feet to the normal 5'9".
one thing they all have in common though is thinking their average/giant dick is too small. Genuinely had someone with 8.5 inches insecure, it was hilarious. They're also very curious/jealous of my sexual past, and all made the mistake of trying to play up their frankly pitiful sex life to look more attractive.
I currently hope to change this by dating with someone who seems to have motivation.
>>168289Love the reference.
No. 168358
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>>168354I love Asian men too! My first boyfriend was Filipino and I never looked back. The docile ones I don't usually like as much because from my experience they either have alot of baggage or they're fobs which I can't really connect with. I'm blessed to live in an area with alot of Asian dudes and almost all of them are into bodybuilding. Gotta love them chunks, yo.