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No. 170910
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I find any tattoos ugly and i treat them as scars aka it doesnt make a person look nicer but rather, worse
bf really wants a tattoo and i expressed how i wouldnt want him to do it. he got upset since duh, its his body but man…how i wish he didnt get a tattoo. he wants a circle on the middle of his back
No. 170911
Now I actually don't give a shit for the most part if someone has tattoos. Unless it is some edgy Nazi or Tumblr "666 Satan" crap, which in that case are red flags to me. I can also appreciate the artistic talent that goes in creating some tattoos.
But if my opinion were to mean anything, I would say tattoos do tend to read like something someone gets on impulse. Most tattoos look hideous. Teens and twenty-something year olds mostly get them with no actual forethought, usually in the name of "artistic" or "individual expression" (which, ironically, if we all get tattoos to express ourselves, they aren't really indivdualistic). They also tend to not age well, and aren't going to look good on old, wrinkly skin. Have fun with the pain and costs of removing later.
I will admit, when I was a teenager I wanted one when I went through some tryhard rebellious phase. But when I actually thought about it, it is a terrible idea. A tattoo is like a permanent accessory, which would have inevitably drove me nuts because I couldn't easily remove. Glad I didn't get one.
No. 170914
>>170908No problem, I guess it just falls into the sphere of having a personality and forming your own unique world outlook based on the various stimuli you come into contact with over the course of your life.
Don't know why such a thing has you
triggered. Obviously I don't run up to tumblrina's and tell them their skin is ugly. Nor do I lose a wink of sleep over the topic.
You sound like the worst kind of person tbh.
No. 170918
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Tumblr girl tattoos like this, you mean?
No. 170920
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Obvs people can do whatever they want, and I do think tattoos can look cool on some people, but eh it's not really my thing. They never really look as good irl than in photos, like
>>170918, and fade over time with expensive touch ups, and won't look as good in the future despite being permanent. I guess I can't exactly judge since I like getting holes punched through my ears (not anywhere else though, but that's a different topic)
But I can appreciate the creativity and artistry that's coming out, with the more "boutique" tattoos. When I get a new piercing I like to flip through the tattoo books. I would love to get some of the more minimalist designs on a shirt or print or something.
No. 170921
>>170918I hate stuff like this where not every space is filled, it looks so mishmash. Also thigh tattoos are trashy imo.
>>170920>I like getting holes punched through my ears (not anywhere else though, but that's a different topic)Same here, though I do have one piercing in a place that is surprisingly pretty subtle. With my ears, I know I can just take them out at any time if I don't like them anymore, and the scars won't be noticeable.
No. 170928
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Not a big fan of tattoos especially shits like pic related, this is just embarrassing. Martina looks like an edgy preteen with her pink hair and horrific tattoos…
No. 170930
>>170922anon pls
>>170925kek the circle is not actually a circle its some asian symbol but i forgot the name of it (looks like a circle tho) he just told he thinks it looks cool
No. 170932
>>170928At least the colorful manchildren give you a nice big red flag for you before you have to interact with them. screams lack of foresight and impulsivity.
>>170924People who believe that employers are becoming more body mod-positive are just living in echochamber "hip and cool" startup type companies or dumb internet companies like BuzzFeed
No. 170934
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I think they're usually ugly because most people have bad taste and want to get like, a music note behind their ear because music is their lyfe or Luna because Sailor Moon is their fav anime. Tattoos should be treated like art and decorate your body, not necessarily broadcast your interests or life story.
No. 170938
>>170931This is why I don't like tats. People change; tattoos are permanent. 90% of the time, it shows a lack of maturity or perspective. The other 10%, maybe. It depends on the tat.
It's rare to see a good/tasteful tattoo that is worth permanently staining your body for.
No. 170939
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Are all of you actually female? Because I'm a guy (banned I know) and I LITERALLY, since 2008ish, haven't come across one girl IRL that wasn't of the opinion that guys with tattoos are hot, and also wanted one or more herself.
I always ask the girls I'm talking to about their opinion on tats, because pic related type of man is my aesthetic manspiration and I'll never get a tattoo (or grow a fucking manbun, which is also an instant panty wetter these days it seems). Their responses always disappoint me.
I don't mind that some dig the look but it feels like a universal thing with college-aged women these days. Even churchy girls are into that shit.
No. 170942
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>>170941this made me laugh thank u ano
No. 170944
>>170943he said he asks the girls hes talking to. I assume thats what me meant by girls hes come across…
literally doesnt mean literally anymore anon
No. 170955
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I have a tattoo and want another one. On other people I've seen some gorgeous ones and a lot of terrible ones but as long as they love it who cares? However… I have to agree with this anon
>>170912 I cringe when I see really young people getting huge pieces. I always wonder if it was just for the sake of getting tatted up ASAP. In the spirit of that thought I present you all with Trace Cyrus - he is covered! I haven't seen his legs but does he have much bare skin left? He's not even 30 yet…
No. 170956
this thread is dumb, are you all from the past? no one cares if someone has tattoos these days, get off your high horse lmao.
>>170936poppies are associated with World War I
No. 170959
>>170956>>170956>no one cares about tattoos these daysBut we do…So you're wrong
And they're getting really out of fashion actually, so you're the one living in the trashy past. A past filled with star tattoos, hair extensions and those horrible drawn on eyebrows.