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No. 87609
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I find any tattoos ugly and i treat them as scars aka it doesnt make a person look nicer but rather, worse
bf really wants a tattoo and i expressed how i wouldnt want him to do it. he got upset since duh, its his body but man…how i wish he didnt get a tattoo. he wants a circle on the middle of his back
No. 87610
Now I actually don't give a shit for the most part if someone has tattoos. Unless it is some edgy Nazi or Tumblr "666 Satan" crap, which in that case are red flags to me. I can also appreciate the artistic talent that goes in creating some tattoos.
But if my opinion were to mean anything, I would say tattoos do tend to read like something someone gets on impulse. Most tattoos look hideous. Teens and twenty-something year olds mostly get them with no actual forethought, usually in the name of "artistic" or "individual expression" (which, ironically, if we all get tattoos to express ourselves, they aren't really indivdualistic). They also tend to not age well, and aren't going to look good on old, wrinkly skin. Have fun with the pain and costs of removing later.
I will admit, when I was a teenager I wanted one when I went through some tryhard rebellious phase. But when I actually thought about it, it is a terrible idea. A tattoo is like a permanent accessory, which would have inevitably drove me nuts because I couldn't easily remove. Glad I didn't get one.
No. 87613
>>87607No problem, I guess it just falls into the sphere of having a personality and forming your own unique world outlook based on the various stimuli you come into contact with over the course of your life.
Don't know why such a thing has you
triggered. Obviously I don't run up to tumblrina's and tell them their skin is ugly. Nor do I lose a wink of sleep over the topic.
You sound like the worst kind of person tbh.
No. 87617
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Tumblr girl tattoos like this, you mean?
No. 87619
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Obvs people can do whatever they want, and I do think tattoos can look cool on some people, but eh it's not really my thing. They never really look as good irl than in photos, like
>>87617, and fade over time with expensive touch ups, and won't look as good in the future despite being permanent. I guess I can't exactly judge since I like getting holes punched through my ears (not anywhere else though, but that's a different topic)
But I can appreciate the creativity and artistry that's coming out, with the more "boutique" tattoos. When I get a new piercing I like to flip through the tattoo books. I would love to get some of the more minimalist designs on a shirt or print or something.
No. 87620
>>87617I hate stuff like this where not every space is filled, it looks so mishmash. Also thigh tattoos are trashy imo.
>>87619>I like getting holes punched through my ears (not anywhere else though, but that's a different topic)Same here, though I do have one piercing in a place that is surprisingly pretty subtle. With my ears, I know I can just take them out at any time if I don't like them anymore, and the scars won't be noticeable.
No. 87627
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Not a big fan of tattoos especially shits like pic related, this is just embarrassing. Martina looks like an edgy preteen with her pink hair and horrific tattoos…
No. 87629
>>87621anon pls
>>87624kek the circle is not actually a circle its some asian symbol but i forgot the name of it (looks like a circle tho) he just told he thinks it looks cool
No. 87631
>>87627At least the colorful manchildren give you a nice big red flag for you before you have to interact with them. screams lack of foresight and impulsivity.
>>87623People who believe that employers are becoming more body mod-positive are just living in echochamber "hip and cool" startup type companies or dumb internet companies like BuzzFeed
No. 87633
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I think they're usually ugly because most people have bad taste and want to get like, a music note behind their ear because music is their lyfe or Luna because Sailor Moon is their fav anime. Tattoos should be treated like art and decorate your body, not necessarily broadcast your interests or life story.
No. 87637
>>87630This is why I don't like tats. People change; tattoos are permanent. 90% of the time, it shows a lack of maturity or perspective. The other 10%, maybe. It depends on the tat.
It's rare to see a good/tasteful tattoo that is worth permanently staining your body for.
No. 87638
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Are all of you actually female? Because I'm a guy (banned I know) and I LITERALLY, since 2008ish, haven't come across one girl IRL that wasn't of the opinion that guys with tattoos are hot, and also wanted one or more herself.
I always ask the girls I'm talking to about their opinion on tats, because pic related type of man is my aesthetic manspiration and I'll never get a tattoo (or grow a fucking manbun, which is also an instant panty wetter these days it seems). Their responses always disappoint me.
I don't mind that some dig the look but it feels like a universal thing with college-aged women these days. Even churchy girls are into that shit.
No. 87641
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>>87640this made me laugh thank u ano
No. 87643
>>87642he said he asks the girls hes talking to. I assume thats what me meant by girls hes come across…
literally doesnt mean literally anymore anon
No. 87654
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I have a tattoo and want another one. On other people I've seen some gorgeous ones and a lot of terrible ones but as long as they love it who cares? However… I have to agree with this anon
>>87611 I cringe when I see really young people getting huge pieces. I always wonder if it was just for the sake of getting tatted up ASAP. In the spirit of that thought I present you all with Trace Cyrus - he is covered! I haven't seen his legs but does he have much bare skin left? He's not even 30 yet…
No. 87655
this thread is dumb, are you all from the past? no one cares if someone has tattoos these days, get off your high horse lmao.
>>87635poppies are associated with World War I
No. 87658
>>87655>>87655>no one cares about tattoos these daysBut we do…So you're wrong
And they're getting really out of fashion actually, so you're the one living in the trashy past. A past filled with star tattoos, hair extensions and those horrible drawn on eyebrows.
No. 87668
Here are some other thread suggestions for OP:
>dae hate it when women wear slacks?>why do women cut their hair?>why don't youngsters go to the malt shop for a soda pop and some tunes on the jukebox, anymore? No. 87672
>>87609Do anything you fucking can to stop it. I have an especially sore spot for shitty simple tattoos that are supposed to have some fucking deep meaning. Sister anong other retarded ghetto shit got a poorly done small circle on the ball of her wrist. Its supposed to be a reference to that storybook "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O". Its oblong and wobbly, looks like a four year old fucking did it. The worst part is how fucking pointless it was to get it. She goes from boyfriend to boyfriend to fuckbuddy that she develops feelings for then gets beaten by them or they try to rape her, and she knows their criminals and serial abusers. And when its some okay guy, she cheats on them. Idiot. /end blog
Dont let him do it please please please.
No. 87674
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There is a terrible trend of tattoos at the moment. Looks horrible on anyone regardless of gender. It's called blackout and it's basically chunks of solid black ink covering a large part of the body.
No. 87697
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>>87674Black work tattoos can be pretty if done by professional. Idk who put that on that girl but it looks like they didn't know what they were doing….
No. 87713
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The worst are weeby/anime tattoos.
I dislike all tattoos, but there's something slightly more bearable about a typical hipster having one. When it's some cosplaying piece of garbage, it just screams daddy issues.
Pic related.
I'm told this is "Claudie" from /cgl/.
No. 87741
>>87613>states different opinion with rational thought process and comaprison>muses why it really matters in the end not directly citing anyone>"triggereddd!!">"you sound like the worst kind of person"get out.
my two cents to stay on t: most tats are a piss poor waste of time and money. but some of the art is so lovely. though that begs the question, why not just hang it on your wall or get a phone case made? i love vintage florals like the basic bitch i am, but then i remember other surfaces besides my skin exist. like
>>87633 is a gorgeous art style, but not worth permanent parading around. get it on a cushion cover.
same with men, really. i think the art is more what would be attractive about it, rather than the mans attractiveness being enhanced.
also yeah visible tattoos in a serious profession are just no.
there's a guy in my 'friend group' with a shitty infinity symbol in red and some dr who quote, the chemical layout of seratonin coz 'MUH DEPRESSION' (absolute bullshit. it's on his forearm), intials on his chest in THE WORST font, with NO second period, in red outlined with black. his only redeeming one is darwins finches because it's really well done but i can tell you now he has never read 'on the origin of species'. he's insufferable.
No. 87742
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>>87737personal feelings and pokemon are 99.9% rose-tinted nostalgia
No. 87786
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So what do you guys think about scarification?
No. 87793
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>>87786I've been fascinated by scarification for about 9+ years.
But it's really something for people who aren't prone to keloid scarring, like in your pic.
That just looks bad.
I like them more when the lines are kept thin, and the healed scar is flat.
Pic related.
No. 87833
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>>87786Most look really awful like this one. I don't know why anyone would want scarification vs. a white ink tattoo that creates a similar effect. The latter looks better and you can actually do something about it if you get tired of the design.
No. 87847
>>87786Even uglier than tattoos and harder to remove. Good way to let everyone know you're mentally ill.
>>87793This just looks like they fell asleep on top of a kids toy.
No. 87882
>>87672>do anything you can to stop himNo you leave him obviously.
You can't hold your relationship hostage. Doesn't work. Just leave now or later when he gets it despite your clear disapproval (no breakup threats).
I also don't like the shallow nature of tatoos. It's something I'l never understand. This "artsy" culture. Where "expressing yourself" means altering your appearance to convey extremely little information through a considerable amount of irrelevant effort. You can of course choose to have tatoos, it's just that I don't like them generally. But if you get a tatoo because it "means something", why did you do that? Like >>87873 . Any sane person would look at that and think "huh, neat, he found a way to memorize all the places he lived despite Anterograde amnesia". Like Memento. That's a really cool dude in many ways. But if you don't have anterograde amnesia you really don't need that.
>>87872This is also very silly. You know you're a pilot. Getting a tattoo as a celebratory gesture is very strange. Imagine if you scarred yourself as a celebration. You went to the doctor and went
>"cut me up doc">"uh you know it's gonna hurt right?">"yeah but your equipment is sterile and shit, it will heal"Absolute nonsense.
I accept any form ofself-preference in looks. Nobody will take away hoodies in my life, they're what I wear and I will wear them. Other people may not like hoodies but I do. But I'm never going to say it defines me in anything but the extremely superficial ways. More superficial than how fit I am or how my hair looks even (could be balding for instance).
Goes for anything really. Be more than an "image".
No. 88038
>>87713Kek did you see the League cosplayer who legitimately got Kat's tattoo because "omg I'm totally irl Kat!!! XD"?
>>87742I never understood the hype around Pokemon. Yeah I loved Pokemon as a kid too but every game is the same plot and it's just basically going through the same motions over and over again, just with "different" characters and Pokemon.
>>87623>And no, people are not becoming more accepting or tolerant.THIS! I hate seeing posts that are like "omg x company is denying me employment because of my large sleeve with a woman's guts spilling out! please sign this petition so I can say that they're discriminatory :(".
Even retail places will require that you keep them covered to maintain a professional image. The only place you might get away with it is at Hot Topic or other 3edgy5me mall goth places.
No. 88225
>>88181wow, you are super bitter about this issue for some reason. go outside.
on second thought, don't. you might see someone with a tattoo and spiral into another frothing rage.
anyways, my two cents:
tattoos aren't as expensive as you seem to think they are.
in the case the above anon was referencing, wasn't it just a circle that the guy wanted? that's not going to break the bank like you seem to think it will. but yeah, if it's that much of a deal-breaker to his gf, the other anon is completely right, that relationship is doomed.
No. 88305
>>88181lmao, you just sound like you got a bad tattoo and now you're living in regret because you're too poor to afford to remove it.
no tattoos, btw, and i don't want any. let's not start this pointing fingers circlejerk again.
No. 88338
>>88224Would you not question the intelligence and maturity of someone who wanted to get an 'Asian symbol' tattooed on them because it 'looks cool'? If that were my bf, I would be halfway out the door.
>>87872I actually saw a guy with a paper plane tattoo today, and I instantly thought of this thread lol. He was trashy and had a waft of body odour coming off him.
No. 88342
>>87741not that anon but did you even read what she was responding to? it's totally got a tumblr cadence to it.
>teehee i'm so totally accepting it doesn't ~hurt~ anyone
>omg i don't get why anyone(you) cares it's literally not affecting you
>like not to be a bitch but they look like shit. but i'm totally better than you cause i don't say anything about it because it doesn't affect anyone else.she's just missing the
>oh btw here's a list of stuff you're doing that totally affects me cause of triggerslike, i thought it was common knowledge that the 'it's not hurting anyone' argument was tumblr as fuck.
No. 88398
>>88342Compared to
>>88077>>87655>>87650>>87607 is pretty tame? Like a regular opinion without buzzwords? But saying 'I don't see whay you'd care' makes them THE WORST and
triggered? Nah. This is a butthurt-plentiful chan, but that reply isn't it. If anything the person screaming 'i
triggered u lulz' sounds like the one who got a nerve touched with a disagreement of opinion.
btw using greentext to quote doesn't work if you're going to embellish the lines with shit no one has said. That's a strawman to rival the size of the original wicker man.
No. 88451
>>87882This post.
This post is written by me. I have never seen anyone sane argument for tattoos as a form of expression ever.
No. 88476
>>87984Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. What I meant was that if you're making a "statement" using a tattoo or apparel then maybe you should consider if the statement being made is too small to bother with. There's certain things like religious or political symbols that indicate quite a lot but very few symbols carry that much weight. In the case of the skyline for instance its far less than that. And even so religious symbols can be expressed in very few words "I'm a christian" for instance. The shallowness comes from the idea that getting some physical symbol attached to your idea or whatever somehow makes it better. See this girl says "unity". Ok that's a nice word. But why did you write it on your arm? Yeah, because you want people to ask you about it and you think it makes you more interesting. Like a shallow person normally thinks right? Shallow features are the most important.
I'm an anarchist. If I wanted everyone to know I'd tell everyone I know or wear ancap/ancom apparel maybe if I want that to be the first impression. But if you tattoo a word or an image that doesn't have any obvious meaning to it. Like "Betelgeuse", "Solidarity", "Pizza" or whatever, you don't have any real way of knowing what it means, so it conveys shit poorly. It's just shallow.
>>88451Don't confuse people.
No. 88815
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Opinions on "blackout" tattoos? I think some look nice-ish but none are really worth all the space they take up on the skin. (pic related: one that was definitely not worth it) No. 88830
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>>88815i actually kind of like the lower part of this tattoo with the three thin bands.
they can look cool with the right size and style. but i imagine a huge one would be hard to upkeep.
>>88826agreed about victoria. no salvaging those i'm afraid
No. 88834
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I'm getting pic related done in two weeks. I can't really wear bracelets because my wrists are too small, I thought this would be an interesting solution.
I'd love to have one of those authentic Buddhist Yantra backpieces but I'd probably get lynched by SJW, so nah. Maybe in a couple years.
>>88830People often get those bands done to cover up old track marks.
No. 88867
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>>88848>>88857Not really an excuse, I would've gotten the tattoo either way. It's more of a two birds one stone thing.
>>88850Don't worry, I don't live in a shithole like the US where one can't get a decent job just because they've had some ink done.
No. 88870
>>88834Calmly and respectfully, that's the dumbest fucking idea for a tattoo I've ever seen anon.
Decorating your body with art is one thing. Not for me but I understand someone making that choice.
That, on the other hand, is a fucking line. It means nothing. It adds nothing. Your tattoo is "I'm a hipster: the tattoo."
Your life your body tho, I guess.
No. 88872
Honestly, may as well make a thread for
every little thing we don't like. Mine is also going to involve dictating the way in which girls present themselves. Something along the lines of not liking french tips because they look boring.
No. 88878
>>88868I think they got
triggered because anon said her wrists where too small for bracelets.
No. 88887
>>88870>it means nothingThis tattoo is solely for aesthetic purposes, there's no meaning behind it. Which is what I was going for. I'm capricious as fuck; any potential tattoo with "meaning" might be opposite to my beliefs in two months, so I'm playing it safe on purpose.
>>88878Hadn't even thought of how everyone and their mother on here is an anachan. I'm at a healthy weight though, I just have tiny wrists. Runs in the family.
>>88886Hello ad hominem
Seriously though, why are you so pissed? It's just a line, kek.
No. 88888
>>88887No one is pissed. We're all just saying its a dumb ass tattoo.
Also nobody has to be an anachan to see that saying ~muh wrists 2smol 4bracelets~ is a lazy cop out. You're not a newborn. It isn't hard to find adjustable bracelets you mong.
No. 88889
>>88887Nobody is
triggered by the fact that you have tiny wrists. I'm fat by medical standards yet my hands and wrists are small as well. Smaller bracelets exist though, which is why people are guffawing at the reasoning.
No. 88891
>>88872>Honestly, may as well make a thread for every little thing we don't like.Don't need to. That thread already exists.
>>73914It has been around longer, with way more salt. And it still does not have as much soreness as this thread.
>Mine is also going to involve dictating the way in which girls present themselves. Aw, boo hoo. It is lolcow. Most of the threads on here criticizes the way girls are presenting themselves. If just this thread bothers you, then you are being oversensitive.
No. 88915
my opinion of tats on men vary depending on their accompanying choice of fashion/presentation
normcore baggy clothes, normcore typical short hair, with common tattoos like script, tribal designs, flames (yes i've seen flames lmao) on a white boy gives me the impression that he's a working class new englander/midwesterner stuck in a dead end job and probably enjoys heroin and opiates in secret. they look like any other guy that blends into the crowd and their cliched tats prevent them from "cleaning up well".
if instead of spotting tats in the wild, i spot them on the college campus usually it's some dude in a brotank with pop cultural tats like adventure time or video game stuff. mainstream geek not hipster. if they are good looking they will be showing off the tats in brotanks but if they aren't, they'll probably be one of those weirdos who wear a lot of dark green and carry a messenger bag. either way, seeing geek tats makes me think they have peter pan syndrome or an ADHD like personality.
then there are the hipsters. common hipster tats are distinguished because these guys all go to the same trendy arts district in their city to get them. sailor tats, minimalism, stuff that looks like graphic design. these guys often have the man buns, beards, menswear, patterned colored socks, oxfords and brogues and I'd assume they're really into fitting into an aesthetic and probably have a photography instagram.
this is in contrast to the punk kids who hang out in the same area of downtown (the area with all the concert venues); the punk and metal ppl have tats, gauges, patches and pins on their leather jackets and have dad bods. they have that sailor style tats and they have a lot. to me, both men and women who have this style seem to be purposely peacocking and sending the message "only talk to me if you look exactly like me and we have the same interests".
the shittiest tats are single event/session tats that people get underage so they can feel edgy for beating the arbitrary 18+ over law. they get them for the sake of being an edgy teen not because the tat is any good.
anyways these are just my perceptions. i'm not into tattoo subculture so i'm not well versed in it
No. 88921
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>>88897I'm skinny like a model.
Your tattoos are immature hipster shit.
No. 96234
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I like tattoos. I have one. I think they're cool. That said, why the FUCK would anyone ever get this? Why? This is autismo as fuck…
No. 96256
>>96255To an extent, yes. Can't you irony? It does not change the fact that tattoos are hardly exclusive to people like me.
And since it is relevant to this thread, I'd like to point out that not following a conservative lifestyle does not necessarily mean one is reckless or immature. I understand that the breaking of social norms is bound to be frowned upon (for obvious reasons) and associated with other "immoral" practices (regardless of whether or not they are truly connected), but I expected a little more from anons… for some unknown reason.
No. 96271
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>>96268They're not, plenty of men get criticised for having shitty unoriginal brotats
No. 96273
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I like tattoo art but honestly I think they look tacky as fuck unless they're monochrome and/or abstract designs. Huge ass full-color animals, flowers, people etc. look terrible especially when the color starts fading after the first year or so. A small crisp tat is fine by me but something like pic related looks like a mess. You're going to wear that on your thigh all your life for god's sakes.
No. 96276
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>>87647>I want a cutie doo tat cuz it so cute :333>lmaooo who wants a tat with a meaning smh>it'll fade away eventually and I can just get it removed lol The age limit of this board should be fucking 25 or something
No. 96295
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>>96277This is from a semi-famous /cgl/ trip.
Sailor Moon seems to attract really trashy, often promiscuous girls for some weird reason I can't quite work out.
No. 96297
>>96289That's nice but what how is that any of your business and outline for me exactly why it is you care?
I've already said I don't personally like tattoos but I cannot for the life of me understand this complete obsession people like you have with dictating what other people do to their bodies.
No. 96298
>>87647hope you're kidding.
i dont even have an tattoos but i would much rather be stuck with something meaninful at age 50 rather than some kawaii shit that isnt kawaii on a saggy old lady.
not that i plan to live to be that old
No. 96300
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never forget
No. 96316
>>96315lol you can debate and discuss all you want, which is exactly what I'm doing, but what is the point in repeating the same old diatribe of "WAT ABOWT WEN UR OLDER"? What is the purpose of that line of argument specifically? Is the same applicable to other body modifications? Should I be fretting over my pierced ears when I'm 60? Should somebody be panicking about their nipple piercing holes when they're 70?
>"Oooooh no I'm 85 years old I have arthritis and have suffered 2 strokes, but I simply CAN'T believe I have that tattoo on my skin at my age!"It's such a fucking dumb argument and I'm sick of hearing it.
No. 96434
>>96326I always wonder about this as well.
"But what will it look like when you're old!?!!"
Its still gonna be the same illustration love, it won't turn into a swastika its just gonna be wrinkly with the rest of me.
No. 97449
Personally I don't like tattoos. I'm not going to get any. But if you want them fine. Just don't expect me to gush over them.
I think they look worse on women then men. i'm used to seeing rock musicians with tattoos and I think it just goes with the territory. But for the average person it's going to be a problem depending on your lifestyle and job choices. That stupid tattoo you got on your face or knuckles could be a determent on your career unless that career is in a tattoo friendly field.
Getting some guy's name tattood on your body is a bad mistake. My sister broke up with her idiot boyfriend for the thousandth time and cried and cried for hours over a tattoo until our stepfather took her to have it modified just to shut her the hell up. Pretty stupid since she has a kid with the same name and it would be so easy to just say it's her son's name if anyone asked.
She has other fugly tattoos that look like they were done by babbys first tattoo kit. There's a unicorn and some other… thing. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be.
If you really want a tattoo save up for the best professional you can get. And don't choose a dumb design you will regret later. Getting an anime character is probably a bad idea even if it's well son. Why not choose a tasteful symbol or object associated with that character instead?
>>87738If your animu tattoo looks like fanart drawn by an 8 year old then you are gonna regret it years from now. Especially getting one of your ship. Why? Years from now you might look back as your OTP and cringe at how stupid it was. Plus this is hideous anyway. Sasuke's thousand yard stare is disturbing as hell.
No. 97592
>>97545This, but there's no way to get the "you may not be the same person as an adult" message into the heads of young people. All of my teenage diaries are about how I'm always going to like x and wear y, and now I'm so normie. Teenagers and young 20s just won't believe it.
But by this same token I respect dumb tattoos that adults get in their 30s-40s. Provided you're already in your carer path and you can see that it's not going to negatively impact you, then this is the age when you should be doing whatever the fuck you want with tattoos, because at that point most people have figured out what their ideals and beliefs are and how the world actually works. At this age you can look at the negatives of a decision and choose to accept them anyway.
Obviously this completely excludes childish 40 year olds that still live with their parents, don't understand jobs and think that having rainbow hair and tattoos can't have downsides.
No. 118893
>>97616Scars from skin picking and self-harm are exactly why I want to get a tattoo. I'd rather have a tattoo cover up the scars than live with the scars.
I guess I'm just a degenerate.
No. 118897
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>>87604>that shits manly imoTattoos always look quite masculine to me. Even a kawaii desu tattoo looks quite cool/tough to me, rather than cute. It just has this rebel vibe to it.
No. 118922
>>87619>expensive touch upsYou have no idea what you're talking about. Artists give you touch ups for free for your lifetime on their work. Mine both said this.
Unless you let it fade to shit and are asking them to literally do it all over again.
As far as OP's initial question goes, I'm really particular on what tattoos I actually like. I hate random symbols or pieces on random body parts, and I hate sleeves that are a mesh of greenish shit. Hate it when men get leg or arm tattoos just to let the hair grow over it all. I'm really not the type to pick out whatever, and I know people say that the more you do it, the less youcare about what you get, but that hasn't happened to me at all. It has to mean the world to me if I have to see it every single day.
No. 118932
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I like tats. I have three of them, but then again I teach literature for a living and reading and writing is my main hobby. It's funny how highly people think of art and literature and at the same time look down on artists and writers.
Design-wise I only like black tattoos (or ones with one single color) and more abstract designs. The only exception is Suehiro Maruo's drawings, that shit is pleasant to look at. Especially if it's something like pic related.
Kinda weird to read through this thread, it feels like I ended up on /r9k/ by accident. Didn't expect to see so much hate from farmers, for some reason.
>>87622>thinks of self as better than someone>uses the word "aesthetic" like a tumblr whore>>87623>And no, people are not becoming more accepting or tolerant.Really? I'm not american, in my country they definitely are. I'm a teacher and my employers have never even addressed them.
>>88834I think tatoos resembling acessories are tacky as shit but I feel you so hard on the small wrist thing. Mine is 11 cm around, not even children's watches fit right and I'm from bumfuck nowhere so adjustable bracelets need to be imported.
No. 118944
Tbh, I do like tattoos (I have one) but for me :
1. They must represent something
2. Or you're 100% sure you like a piece of art to have it permanently on your skin.
Personally, I have my zodiac sign shaped in a way that nobody would recognize it, so only I know what it means. It's a personal thing, that only I want to see and wanted imprinted on me, so it's fine.
And I want to get a couple aesthetic-guided tattoos. Mainly for the effect they gave.
Talking from my experiences with friends :
Friend1 has a rose with a "never give up" quote. Now she wants to remove it, since it was an anime reference. Cool.
Friend2 has a dagger with a skull and again, a fucking rose.
To show that she's beautiful but bad uwu
Friend3 has one of those underboob tattoo. Good luck.
Friend4 has her pinky tattooed with a little heart along with her bf.
I might be an anxious person but I would never get a permanent treatment with someone.
Friend5 is just unlucky. Her bf and bff died, along with her father.
So, everytime someone died, she got a tattoo of their name.
Honorable? Yes. Tacky? Also yes. Now what, eveytime someone died you tattoo it on yourself? You're your own person, m8.
Friend6 was in a Big Brother edition.
Right after she go out, she went to a tattoo artist to get a tattoo of a broken fence and the quote "I'm free".
From what? Your brain? Jfc.
In the end : Tats are cool when well put, thought and represent actually the person you're and not who you want to be(stop namefagging)
No. 119080
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>>118944>person with a ZODIAC TATTOO>judging other people for their tattoosHAHAHA
No. 119185
>>119063First anon here
>arguing who has smaller bones.But that was my point, that my bones are smaller than the average. I don't know where you're from but if your average 1,7 m tall girls have wrists as small as mine and can find bracelets that fit them then sign me the fuck up, I want to move there.
Sage for derailment
No. 192883
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>>96273Bad tattoo thread?
Just saw this on facebook
No. 192887
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>>192883My absolute favourite bad tattoo
No. 192898
I don't know if everywhere is the same but within the artsy circles of my city if you're not tattooed or have another "unique" trait the rest of the community will look down on you and it bothers me. I don't feel like having an a e s t h e t i c to fit in and even when I find tattoos cool I really don't feel like inking my body. I just want to express myself through my fucking art, not taking my skin as the medium to communicate my identity.
>>87882 old post but is part as to why I think having tats is meaningless
>Where "expressing yourself" means altering your appearance to convey extremely little information through a considerable amount of irrelevant effort. No. 192909
>>192903>but the fags who got the one line of "not all those who wander are lost" ruined it for meI don't get it. Isn't that part of the same line you were going to get? What's kept you from getting the first part?
I'll admit I never see people with LOTR tattoos in person. It's always old fat guys with dice and flames or a naked chick on them or some gay ass playing cards. You should get the line you want.
No. 192911
>>192904Eh a lot of people I knew got it without caring for the series, so it really turned me off from getting it.
>>192909So the full first half I wanted is "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither,Deep roots are not reached by the frost"
Dunno why that one line gained popularity.
No. 192913
>>192911I guess because it sounds "deep" on its own and all the teenagers think they're tragic lost characters in their life
I'd say go for it if you really like it. Even if only that one line is popular, the rest really isn't, so it's not like you're getting the same thing done as them.
No. 192934
I've never gotten a professional tattoo. I know that is immediately cringe worthy to the majority of people. I am also pretty lucky that I didn't get an infection. I kept them in places mostly not visible, if I wear jeans and a t-shirt nobody knows I have anything.
It's all just text, inside jokes and song lyrics. I accept that it looks pretty trashy but I don't regret it. I just regret being irresponsible about it. I've never had a person outright say something critical of any of them, but I've also been surrounded by similar, friendly, or like-minded people for around the last 5 years.
Personal stuff aside, I have more appreciation for tattoos that people are really jazzed about or have a story behind, but I have seen so many shitty tattoos that make me shake my head. People have probably done the same with me. I guess tattoos are just secondary to who the person is, but the location definitely influences my initial judgments. One of my good friends recently went to Seattle for a bit and got tattoos on her temples. I love her, and she's a really kind person / badass, so I basically accepted the tattoos as a part of her expression. I don't think it was a wise decision, and I don't think it enhances anything, but that doesn't mean it isn't a marked expression of herself and signifies something she's into.
I guess it's just easier to feel a certain way about tattoos when you see some belligerent, shirtless dude smoking halfies he found on the ground and hacking up phlegm, covered in hatchet man tats next to a shitty memorial tat of his dead grandma.
so bad…
No. 193007
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>> 21, worked in a tattoo shop, covered in thick black tatts, absolutely love it every minute i live
>> enter thread expecting positive tattoo discussion
>> read through while both laughing and simultaneously getting salty that other people feel so much disgust towards something that doesn't concern them
No. 193016
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I like tattoos, but the majority not in me. For example I wouldn't have a tacky designs but I think some people can pull them off, I don't like colourfull/kawaii ones but I think ppl with pale skin tones look good with them. The only tats I despite are facial ones.
IMO the whole meaning speech it's kinda silly I think tats are just a decoration but it's not my body. If your job isn't conservative go for it lol.
>pic related: the style of tattoo I would have
No. 193255
>>193222Fight me. I hate piercings especially septum ones. I'd rather see a tattoo on somebody and I don't like piercings or tats.
>>87738The ultimate duo.
No. 194366
>>194358It's their only halfway logical defense for their purely subjective, but extremely passionate dislike for tattoos. They cling to it like a child clings to a security blanket.
Don't disillusion them, anon.
No. 194459
>>194415>especially if you're a low-level peon like a secretary or paper monkey or something where it's all about keeping up the company's appearancesAnd that's the exact opposite of a good job. Do people still hold on to ye old american dream where you start out as a helper in a company and thirty years later you're the boss?
Not to mention, if the tattoo is anywhere but forearms/lower (and obviously hands and face) nobody has to know about it. Your boss isn't going to make you wear a fucking bikini.
No. 194630
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>skin tone(very pale)
lol wut. How is being very pale an essential factor in tattoos looking okay? If anything, certain colors look awful on pale skin. Ever see a pale girl with pink or red floral tattoos? It literally makes us look like we have some kind of fucked up illness, no matter how well done the piece is. Pic very much related. Also, monochrome tattoos blend nicely with black skin and makes them more subtle and less jarring. Not saying it looks better or worse than on pale people, just different.
>using Kat von D as the example of what women into tattoos should go for
Okay, now you're just confirmed for shit taste.
Anyway, myself personally, I just simply don't care at all enough to think up taste-based guidelines on what I approve of tattoowise. Some tattoos look good, some don't. If they're good, I get to look at something pretty and if they're bad, I get a good chuckle. Win/win either way. Now that I'm thinking about it, though…
>try to avoid anything that makes it look like you might have a skin condition or weird medieval sickness
>not a fan of huge tattoos unless they're beyond gorgeous and really feminine
>cartoon characters are tacky af
>I think being covered head to toe in tattoos makes people look like shit 99.999% of the time and makes it look like you're full edgelord and pretty much using them as an accessory. For this to look good, all tattoos must be exceptional and on the feminine side.
But that's just me, you do you.
Also, as far as guys go- a few well done tattoos could be attractive to me. A guy would have to be 12/10 Greek God mancandy for me to go for a guy covered in them, though. And they'd all have to be really amazing.
No. 228717
>>87635called my grandpa 'poppie' for my whole life and they were his favorite flowers, that's why i got them. they aren't automatically meant to be 'edgy'.
also, have any of you ever been to canada? the poppy flower is huge there due to the military and remembrance day. (i think in england too but i'm not sure).
No. 228949
>>87609scars can make people look better imo
but i get your point
No. 228955
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I have literally never seen a tattoo that made someone more attractive. Even the best I've seen(full body tats based around a singular concept) make the person look worse, even if the tattoo itself is artistic and well made
No. 228958
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>>228955oh man, I feel the exact opposite. I find that women with a ton of tattoos, even if they aren't necessarily cohesive, are instantly so much more attractive to me because of the tattoos.
I think Grace Neutral, for example, is absolutely stunning and she is covered. But I was watching her documentary series and there's one episode where she goes to Japan and pays for a passport photo where all her tattoos and body modifications are digitally removed (an underground service offered in parts of Japan where tattooing is still illegal) and I was stunned by how much more…plain, she looked. She's not an ugly girl by any means but she just looked like anyone I could pass on the street. Where as with all her body mods I feel like she looks absolutely ethereal.
I guess it's like anything, tastes vary widely.
No. 228960
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>>228959jokes on me for bothering with a thoughtful reply, I forgot we're all autistic here
No. 229216
>>228975true, it just makes me feel bad for girls who might be considering getting one or several tattoos and then reading the responses here and thinking this weird extreme vitriol is the norm. The responses here are very…extreme, and in the negative. Cultural acceptance of tattoos is very, very relative. Where I live right now, nobody would look at you twice and it's incredibly normal.
but I guess if you're that heavily influenced by an image board maybe getting a tattoo isn't the best decision anyway. I dunno. Just realized this thread was super necro'd also, most replies are years old.
No. 229294
>>229263Yes, but that's because the artist didn't really give a fuck despite him being one of "the best" in our country. I've seen some of his work both irl and pictures and it looked amazing, was really excited since it was my first tattoo and it's hard to get an appointment with him cause he's constantly booked out.
I turned 18 that year, was basically still a kid and had no idea what a good tattoo/linework was supposed to look like but it turned out nothing like his works I saw irl/in the pictures - the anatomy was off and the lines were wonky. He also didn't give me proper instructions on how to take care of it so the fact it's faded and bled slightly in certain places is my own fault. Maybe it's also because I was an anachan back then so it was difficult to get it done on a small arm but then again he did some good works that are as small as a coin. I'm still a bit disappointed when I look at it and compare it with my bf's tattoo that was done only a month before mine by the same artist.
Definitely learned my lesson and recently got a second tattoo by a different artist, who I hope will help me get my first covered in the future.
No. 229316
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>>229028Pokemon tattoos are the best