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No. 24712
old one reached capacity
Old thread
>>22808 No. 24716
Just putting this out there for the locals to gain a bit of insight on robots. is Kent. He's 5'1", has some form of autism, and is black. He's been bullied, ridiculed and belittled his entire life and he's frustrated. Everything he does seems to amount to failure and life is hard but he's trying to keep going. A lot of robots relate to him.
No. 24719
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>>24716To put more into perspective.
No. 24721
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Am I the only one who gets really fucking sad reading this board and /r9k/?
Like, the opposite gender isn't that bad if you get off the internet and stop reading echo-chamber discussions full of bitter people. I've had bad experiences with women. It doesn't mean I hate women, or I think men are perfect either. You have to let shit go at a certain point, and realize that most people, MOST people are basically moral and don't want to fuck you over.
Ive been there, and i can understand being bitter. But this kind of circle jerk discussion of how shitty the opposite sex is… it's just walls. Walls everywhere. If everyone is terrible, that absolves you of having to make the effort to connect with people.
Life is a lot more satisfying if you let go of the 'us vs. them' game. We've gotten so used to playing a role as individuals that we've forgotten it's a role. We need to remember that we're all human beings. And the first step to that is turning off your fucking computer and talking to people in real life.
No. 24722
>>24721I bet it's the gay agenda.
Tumblrinas and robots are falling for it.
No. 24727
>>24721>MOST people are basically moral and don't want to fuck you over.The way I see it most people are amoral and opportunistic, willing to take whatever they can from you even if the only thing you can call your own is your dignity.
The sad thing isn't that either gender overlooks the good in the other, it's that they overlook the bad in themselves.
No. 24749
>>24721Hey there, I'm a guy and I have to say that I completely agree with you. This board and /r9k/ have become so opposed to yet similar to each other that it's ridiculous. A post from /r9k/ could pass off as a post from here if you interchange the genders.
People have seem to forgotten that there's actually real life beyond there computer screens, albeit duller, but a lot more saner.
No. 24754
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>>24721>And the first step to that is turning off your fucking computer and talking to people in real life.If I could that, I wouldn't be caught up in these shitholes now, would I?
It's not like I can walk up to a stranger and then start rambling on at them and wasting their time like on an imageboard, because that's what would happen, I'd look like a fucking loony.
No. 24760
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>>24754You should see a therapist (if you can afford it) for your social anxiety/mental issues and get some self help books (go on goodreads for the best recommendations).
Making friends is actually pretty easy, but your introversion and anxiety make it seem like a huge issue. It's really worth working on and you can do it, I believe in you anon.
No. 24773
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>>24759>>24761I like how both of you assumed I was a girl.
No. 24778
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>>24757>familyI think I'm enough of a burden on them as it is.
>friendsdon't talk/respond probably have moved on
>>24760>see a therapistno can do
>get some self help books (go on goodreads for the best recommendations). I'll try this, thanks.
>Making friends is actually pretty easyThe real difficulty is keeping them?
No. 24782
>>24778Yeah. Being honest it is actually kinda hard to keep friends, especially if you're coming from a place where you had none. You have to reach out to them a lot, and sometimes they won't reply. No matter what you do, you'll probably lose some friends, but you still have to keep trying. You could probably start with reaching out to fellow robots, or maybe some farmers who are willing to talk.
Once you build up speed, you can try talking to people irl who have the same interests as you, (or do a meet up with your internet friends). And then from there, you move on to who ever you feel like, because at this point, you'll get the hang of talking to people on a consistent basis and it makes a smooth transition.
No. 24783
>>24778One book that really had a huge impact on my life was the road less travelled by scott peck. It's not a self help book at all, it's just a bunch of tales from an ex-army psychiatrist. It's chock full of life lessons though.
Good luck anon, I know you'll find the strength to become a better you. Remember that you're valuable, whether you're a neet or a CEO, you're precious and deserve love.
No. 24786
>>24768We're farmers* because this is the cow farm where we tend to and cultivate our livestock so that they may provide us with delicious milk.
You guys won't know this but a few years ago /cgl/ was incredible, seriously one of the most entertaining boards on all of 4chan with a big traffic rate, evolved meta humour, a familiar community and it's own unique board culture.
The vast majority of us are exiles from Halfchan's /cgl/ but virtually none of the users that use lolcow go to /cgl/ now that it's turned into a politically correct SJW shithole (just as Jewt intended).
The current people that use /cgl/ are morons and have no relation to us. Anybody that calls us /seagulls/ still are probably new.
Also I don't understand why people are having such a difficult time grasping/believing that this is an all-female board.
Like, you've seen the fashion/diet/makeup threads right? What about the concept is so hard to believe?
No. 24790
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>>24786because females are a meme
No. 24792
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>read the confessions thread
>tfw I fell for the "women love sex too meme"
Do women genuinely enjoy anything?
No. 24799
>>24763Nothing. Just anonymous. I hate /pt/ and i browse for /b/ and /g/.
If a man rejects a woman she has the right to rape that man to be honest. Who agrees with me?
No. 24808
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Good morning friends!
No. 24817
>>24815good morning! hope you're having a good friday!
>>24785that's a good piece of advice to keep in mind!
No. 24882
>>24852"Slowly change your thought patterns"
Nah m8
No. 24890
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>>24786I think most guys on r9k wouldnt even hate woman if they had a girl in their life
No. 24912
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>>24848>Imagne old men in a bar complaining to one another.that more accurately describes wizardchan to me, less shit-posting than /r9k/ but only virgin males are supposed to post.
Doesn't stop other shitheads from slipping in though.
/r9k/ on the other hand has been reduced to racebait, shitposting, /soc/, content, lgbt posts and memes.
No. 24915
>>24912And women hating, don't forget that.
Onto a real topic, anyone going to college here? What's your major?
No. 24922
>>24915>women hatingthat was mostly the v9k subboard
/wiz/ & /hob/ was about pursuing other interests instead of participating in normalfag interests/behaviour such as love or partying or at least how it was.
Which is reflected in the slogan:
>Disregard Females, Acquire MagicIt's not hating women it's just not getting involved.
No. 24937
>>24890I disagree. A lot of these guys have problems that they assume will be solved just from acquiring a girlfriend.
When they discover that relationships tend to create problems rather than solve them, they might actually resent women even more.
They've put pussy on such a high pedestal that they are guaranteed to be disappointed by the reality.
No. 24941
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>>24931I remember being on r9k back when it was started and I vaguely remember how it was back then. I noticed it changed to this redpilled/MRA NEET cesspool after a while. I personally hated my life during that time so I was drawn to that a little bit, but I put in some effort and made positive changes. I'm actually engaged now, and I went from being one of them to being a normie. Now I will visit from time to time and see how it's going and after like 5-6 years, nothing has changed.
In fact it has got even more corrosive as I imagine many of the guys that were on there 5-6 years ago are still on there shitposting, as they have been every single day. It's kind of sad when I think about it; I'm just glad I got out of there.
pic semi-related, it's how I feel when I go back
No. 24942
>>24915Junior here, behavioral neuroscience
Also on rk9
>A board full of misandrist, bitter, hateful, femanons!!
>board full
>one misandrist threadThese fucking autists
No. 24948
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This south korean cow farm is nice and all, but why don't posts show up if I mouse over the post number of a reply? How come there's no dark theme so that you can browse for hours on end with minimal strain? Food for thought.
>>24941I just miss the golden days of ALPHA AS FUCK. Or maybe it was still shit then and I'm just remembering it through ALPHA AS FUCK-colored lenses.
No. 24965
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>start new work a week ago
>there is this short haired super qt
>be a 1.78 cm fat manlet
>Say fuck it and go ask her if she wants to have lunch with me
>surprisingly she accepts while giggling in a cutesy way
>lunch goes great we laugh, chat, she plays with my hair a lot saying it is fluffy and soft
>takes my phone from me and enters her number saying we should talk more after work
>text a lot after work
>she even goes pls respond when I was reading a book and forgot to respond
>ask her if she wants to go drinking tomorrow
>she says yeah sure I'd love to
>go to sleep happily
>next morning I say good morning to her and she literally passes by me without saying anything
>u wot m8?
>she doesn't talk to me through the day
>think our date is busted but she texts me asking where I am
>we meet and go drinking
>she seems a bit disinterested and gives me short answers through the night
>I drop her home and go home feeling pretty sour
>see her flirting with a 2 meter lanklet next day
>she ignores me again through the day
>texts stop
What did I do wrong? Why did she became like this when she was pretty upbeat and enthusiastic before? Is it my height? I mean yeah I'm fat but I'm alright looking and pretty well groomed, dress okay, not a complete sperg. Just what the fuck happened?
No. 24972
>8+/10 Imma need you to prove that.
>>24969what did i tell you about lip biting? Tsk tsk, you'd be pretty qt if you didn't do that
No. 24976
>>24965The other guy probably asked her out after you, she liked him more and didn't want to lead you on so she dropped you. Sucks, but it's how things go. Also you're the complete average height for a guy. Manlet's anything below 5'6".
Nice tatami galaxy screencap by the way.
No. 24979
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For some reason I can't reply to posts. But to the black guy, you look cute but I feel like the gays would like you more than girls do
Here's proof, I'm not ugly. Post pictures people, let's make fun of the fat women
No. 24980
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>tfw manlet
>my thread got locked
When will I learn?
No. 24984
>>24978I take it you're not familiar with the loveshies. He is (or was) one of the more prominent ones. The loveshy documentary even featured him.
His dream is to plastic surgery himself into an anime character.
No. 24986
>post pictures people, let's make fun of the fat womenYou know the majority of lolcow takes impeccable care of itself.
We had a selfpost thread a while back and most of not all of us were gorgeous, why do you think we have so many fashion/makeup/diet/beauty threads?
I know you like to have this idea that female channers and introverts are actually hideously fat and ugly and that's the reason we avoid you but truth is you're just unnecessary in our lives.
No. 24988
>>24986I feel like its actually half and half. A lot of us are into cosplay and looking good, while others are actually female shut ins trying to lose weight and stuff.
>>24979eh, I'd post but i dunno if i want my face on a chan board.
No. 24991
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>tfwy look like a shitskin version of Advanced
I wish I had that jacket. :(
No. 24992
>>24979You need a new haircut dude, that one isn't doing you any favours.
Go shorter or longer. If you go longer get a parting. A parting would do you a world of good.
No. 24993
>>24991I'm so glad a brobot recognized! Fuck yeah I was hoping someone remembered.'s a real treat for you all. Shy Boys IRL, a nice half an hour docu about the guys that are currently lurking here. Pay attention to this guy
>>24975 you won't regret it
No. 24995
>>24937Relationships cause more problems… but they also solve current ones. Romantic relationships tend to be a driving force in peoples lives. Getting a first girlfriend is a pretty big deal.
I highly doubt any robot who got a girlfriend would feel disappointed. They'd also probably be pretty committed to the relationship.
No. 24998
>>24786>The vast majority of us are exiles from Halfchan's /cgl/ but virtually none of the users that use lolcow go to /cgl/ now that it's turned into a politically correct SJW shithole (just as Jewt intended).Why'd you give up and run away from your home?
You should have fought to drive out the degenerate scourge. You could have asked /pol/ for help at any time. We drove the SJWs out of /v/ and heralded the beginning of gamergate.
No. 25000
>>24986You think the same shit about introverted male channers. We avoid you for the exact same reason.
But don't sit around and pretend you don't have bouts of loneliness.
No. 25002
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>tfw only thing that gets me going is the hope of looking decent after weight loss
No. 25003
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What do you girls look like? Updated my picture. Now with smiles.
No. 25005
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"Most of us are gorgeous"
LOL, so post a picture then
"The reason we avoid you"
You don't avoid me, I avoid you. Because you're fat. I don't avoid all girls, pic related its me and my FWB laughing at you.
This might be the only board more pathetic but more lulz-worthy than r9k. I want to see some pictures of you fat ladies
No. 25008
>>25003Nigg you cute a'f, just your smile scaring me.
But like, seriously though, you into jfash?
No. 25013
>>25008Nope. Don't know what that is.
No. 25017
>>24990Maybe. I've been asked out before a couple of times by friends, but declined because I felt like it wouldn't work out and would ruin the friendship in the process.
I wouldn't mind dating someone, but I'm not an especially warm person and like to take things slow, so I don't feel like most people would put up with that so it's easier not to do anything.
I'd like improve myself some more too since I wouldn't date myself as it is, so I think it's unrealistic to demand that out of someone else.
I lean pretty heavily towards girls too, so it just adds another layer of cold feet as well.
I'm probably just making excuses though and letting my anxiety get in to way.
No. 25022
>>25002Andy Milonakis?
Nah I'm kidding you're alright in that Seth Rogen way, more Seth Rogeh as opposed to the Jonah Hills which is a good thing.
No. 25023
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>>24967No. I'm a /v/irgin unfortunate enough to stumble into /r9k/.
There is only cringe.
No. 25025
>>24967im sure you are
>>24975he looks like the rapper Bones. not my type but im sure there are people into that
No. 25027
>>25002do you do your brows? they look really well kept
the rosy cheeks are pree cute tbh… gl with your weight goal
No. 25030
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>>25002i just wanna hug you and pinch your cheeks omg>>25005image related
No. 25034
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>>25003You don't look bad at all my mans it's a shame you're in a shitty situation. Hope the money dog blesses you soon.
No. 25040
>>25033Doesn't sound like much fun. I've only just realized how great our admin sama and farmhands are.
Thank you admin sama, wherever you are.
No. 25042
>>25037nah its more like
at the start people shitpost as a joke to be edgy or funny
people come in and think thats how it normally is
they adopt it and instead of it being done as a joke its now the norm
old r9k was basically for the people stuck between too normal for the weird kids and too weird for the normal kids and wanting to be better, cyborgs.
now, idk its gotten odd.
No. 25046
>>25044Why would we want to start a war we are guaranteed to win?
What would we get out of it?
No. 25052
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>>25002 You look like the bastard child of Jonah Hill and the fat woman from The Bridesmaids. That being said, I have to imagine you're one of the prettier girls here. I want to see some more fat cows. POST PICTURES COWS
No. 25054
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>>25027Nope, they are natural. Gone down to 109 from 130 kg, my goal is 90 for now.
>>25022Kek yeah, I get that a lot.
No. 25059
>>25046You wouldn't win any more m8.
For starters you're vastly outnumbered, I mean this is "our" board, but for over 24 hours now /robots/ have been repeatedly attempting to spam the board and met a brick wall of deletions and locked threads to the point where you've been corralled into this little containment thread (so much for that raid eh.
Even so, the difference between us and you is that whenever you try to start shit, the regular users, from our experience, automatically know you're just men being retarded as usual and generally don't respond.
We just leave the thread, which just leaves you alone with a bunch of other angry, aggressive men bickering amongst yourself, exactly like on /r9k/ kek
So go on, try to start your "war". I'll put my feet up, grab some popcorn and see how far you get.
No. 25061
>>25056I'm not wrong anon
I've been on r9k long enough to see the changes.
being cyborgs was the goal, to be happy on r9k
then the flood and spam of tfw no gf came and its turned to shitposting
I've been there 8 years I'm sad enough to know.
No. 25062
>>25005No because we're not attentionwhores.
Posting your picture here just proves how thirsty you are female attention, it's pathetic.
Get your Shylock nose out of here m8.
No. 25067
>>25029There isn't one. I don't think I've ever seen a girl say this in my life.
Hell, even I bought my boyfriend a Tenga Egg.
No. 25070
>>25065this this this
It's like you guys hate the big strong alpha male but you also hate the nice guy stereotype so much you've warped around and you're trying to be the big strong alpha male again
No. 25072
>>25059 The fact you guys are talking about a theoretical flame war between the 2 boards for autists is hilarious.
i want to see some of you ugly girls already, I posted a picture of me, and Jonah hill also posted his picture, where are the fat bitches at
No. 25075
>>25068totally, I prefer sweet
I remember seeing this coloured rainbow popcorn as a kid that was sweetened and I cant find it again, it was so so so so nice
No. 25078
>>25054Nah ur cute m8, and a very well done on the weightloss too, you must feel amazing.
Peacable guys like you are so much more attractive and approachable compared to KikeMcGee up there
>>25005 No. 25080
>>25054You looked like a dude to me, Imma guess maybe the curly hair confused some peeps
or the idea of girls being the same as robots makes them want to believe any pic is a girl.
people want to be wanted even the losers
No. 25081
>>25072There are pictures of plenty of us on this board already, problem most of you guys haven't been able to succinctly recognise that there are boards aside from /b/ on this site…
Now post gape or GTFO.
No. 25085
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>>25071>>25055I am not a robot or a "brobot". I just like to look at pictures of ugly people so I visit /r9k/. I know there are fat girls here though, please no more posts from feminine Jonah Hill trying to trick me
No. 25089
>>25072Why would we want any pictorial connection with this site? I'd be ashamed of my friends or fam saw my picture on here. It's my dirty little secret.
Go find Spoony.
No. 25093
>>25059The real raiding doesn't start until after first contact dies down.
You're all hyperaware of our presence right now. But in a week or two you'll calm down a bit. That's when you won't even realize we're here.
No. 25098
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>>25093K, well you have fun with that.
I'm gonna go continue posting to the fashion thread.
I think a general makeup thread is well overdue as well.
No. 25099
>>25091dude its not a new concept its at least 3-4 years old if not more
r9k was just for sentecnes to never be posted the same, but the user base are robots wanting to fit in, the tfw no gf has warped it.
like what happens to /x/ everytime b raids it
No. 25101
>>25095he just wanted to see your beautiful eyebrows ~
I was wondering when you'd make yourself known though.
No. 25107
>>25100I've been trolling on the internet for long enough to know how to adapt and blend in.
But I'm personally not here to "raid" in the traditional sense of fucking shit up. I just want to fit in with a female space and see what it's like. You know… for science and stuff.
I-it's not like I'm looking for a girlfriend or anything, baka…
No. 25108
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Just found this thread, usually i'm on /pt/. How did these guys even come about posting here? Only knew about overlap with /cow/ at most.
I mean, why?
No. 25109
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To be fair though I must submit at least 30-50 posts to this board a day. The overwhelming amount of the time nobody knows I'm here.
Shit, some days like half the top threads on /b/ are all threads I created.
>>25105Yessssss young Gemma was queen.
No. 25110
File: 1439584947751.jpg (99.34 KB, 480x640, image.jpg)

All you cows are too scared to post a picture lol. Here is one of my girlfriends, get jealous bitches.
No. 25112
>>25108Someone was on /r9k/ trying to rile us up into a fury by posting screencaps from a misandry general thread. He tried to hide the source, but robots obviously found this place anyways.
Now we're roleplaying as European explorers discovering the New World.
No. 25114
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>image.jpgSeems legit.
No. 25117
>>25108anon from 4chan/r9k
the train of thought is basically
>lonely anon>hear about girl board>lonely girls>imagine life with lonely anon and lonely femanon>maybe something like old 4chan and old tumblr years backmostly for me i'm curious girls can be as miserable, like the first time I watched Girls I was surprised girls can be such dicks to eahc other.
No. 25118
File: 1439585090869.jpg (1.57 MB, 2000x3442, r9gay.jpg)

>this is what a robot looks like
No. 25119
File: 1439585136069.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.91 KB, 500x411, 1431534412295.jpg)

>>25086Too bad I'm from Turdkey we'll never meet.
No. 25126
>>25124might be caps from the omegle threads.
when you feel like a shutin anon you start to not care about showing yourself
No. 25135
>>25124/pt/ is the original board
>>25124everyone loves attention
No. 25136
>>25128im down for that.
>>25134/pt/ is the female version of /cow/. All those girls you see on /pt/ are cows we poke and prod at.
>>25127You're probably right.
No. 25137
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I wish the chat would be more active. Otherwise chan itself feels pretty cozy, kinda strange but cozy.
No. 25141
>>25139I'm in the chat it ded
>>25136theres a cow board?
No. 25146
>>25133I used to religiously until I started university.
I've got so many games on my "to finish" list, Half Life 2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Enslaved, DMC:DMC (kek), The Witcher, The Witcher 2…
Every single one of those I've ploughed in like 50-100 hours each but I always end up trickling away from them towards something else.
I have an active subscription to FFXIV because it feels like it requires less commitment. I can hop on and off whenever I want.
No. 25152
>>25146Dude ya gotta finish the witcher if anything
No. 25153
>>25150can you pop in the shop instead and get me an irn bru and a girlfriend?
thx m8
No. 25156
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Hey lads i'm here to claim my free gf.
No. 25157
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>>25118Someone locate Woody Harrelson chan for me immediately.
No. 25163
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>>25133>>25133No shit. I'm a top player in North America and Europe actually. Won't say which game though. And NO I'm not fat. Most girls on here I would say are average to attractive. We actually take care of ourselves
No. 25165
>>25144Dunno much 'bout those sadly. If you haven't tried Call of Cthulhu then I' recommend that one tho'.
>>25146>Every single one of those I've ploughed in like 50-100 hours each but I always end up trickling away from them towards something else.Christ I hate that. It's pretty much impossible for me to play stuff that require long time investments nowadays, as I just get bored after a day or two of hype. Shit sucks. You might want to consider EVE if the setting seems appealing to you, it's pretty slow progressing and doesn't need you being super active daily (depending on what you do ingame).
>>25151Ever tried Grand Strategy? You might enjoy it if you like RTS' or strategy games in general.
>>25147That's okay, I'm not the person who asked the original question either. Sadly I dunno anything about the two games you mentioned. Never really tried any of the japanese stuff like Disgaea etc.
No. 25170
>>25159yeah 5'7
heels are fine as well idc, but you gotta share a love of baking food with me or no gf deal
No. 25174
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No. 25178
>>25167I'm 5'7 m8
anon best advice is to accept what you cant change otherwise its wasted energy, imrpove what you can change accept what you cant.
your 5'10 nigga sheeeet, cmon what else you gonna wish for a bigger dick too
No. 25182
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what is /pt/?
No. 25184
>>25179Thanks haha. I've been around too long and seen what can happen to you if you have tiny details, even things like nails.
>>25180That's my fetish actually
No. 25191
>>25185That stat included mobile games, which yeah a ton of girls I know play Clash of Clans or Candy Crush but that's it.
I haven't met a single other girl that plays video games in real life, I remember one time I was playing Smash with a few male friends and the other girl there would just jump around the stage and kept asking me how I played it.
No. 25192
>>25165i guess it's not for everyone. i also used to like competitive pokemon, but i haven't played for a while
>>25185there are a lot of obnoxious gurl gamerz who insist that video game players are equally distributed, but i think it only counts when you take into account mobile gamers. i think when you start taking into account people who play 10/hours per week or something the ratio gets more skewed. i think most of my female friends think me gaming is kind of odd.
>>25184what can happen? ive never had anything too bad happen to me
No. 25200
>>25190just a anon but dragons dogma is so good
shame the sequel is a mmo shit
No. 25201
>>25190>smash bros meleebruh
No. 25208
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>>25196where do you think we are?
No. 25211
>>25200This is lame as fuck but I'm a grill so I loved making my pawn look like my ~Ideal Boyfriendo~ and damn I loved how he followed me around and called me master. DD is one of my favorites.
Anyone else played Bloodborne recently?
No. 25212
>>25210………I made my pawn look like Griffith I'm
>>25211 wtf who are you please don't be Spoony because I love you.
No. 25214
>>25211its cool i did the above post so i knw those feels
bloodborne is good too, worried il feel too fast for dark souls 3, hope its not gonna become a cash in series.
still need to do chalice dungeons
No. 25215
>>25209what have you done?
>>25207like what?
No. 25218
>>25211Finished NG+ just a month ago. Really, really enjoyed it.
And omg hearing that people made their pawns into handsome husbandos makes me feel so much better about mine lol
No. 25219
>>25199>>25200>>25204>>25210Fuck yes. I Played in the beta for dragon's dogma online. It's actually really good. The MMO elements don't get in the way of good old dragon's dogma gameplay. It was really fun to go adventuring with other anons killing monsters we had no business fighting.
>>25201Who do you play?
No. 25221
>>25212idk who spoony is im just a r9k anon
ty for the loves feels comfy
I also sometimes play a gut build character and use the dlc guts armor and have the FORCES theme song play for guts as I one shot chimerias with my greatsword
such a good feel to one hit
No. 25222
>>25216You can follow me in spirit. For Every. Straight to hell.
I'll see you in another life robo chan.
But in this one it…just wasn't meant to be.
No. 25227
File: 1439587995536.gif (236.97 KB, 1280x768, watamote-just-kill-me-now.gif)

>>25222Y-yes Master, see you in another life then
No. 25230
File: 1439588199841.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 3384x3208, asdg.jpeg)

>>25215Well lost around 30 kg pic related was how I looked before, picked up cycling and some /out/ hobbies, started to take care of my appearance more, started to get well read about astronomy and astrophysics, picked up drumming again and formed a new band, limited my r9k browsing time, got a good job at Apple, reconnected with my family, finished school. Astronomy helped me a lot, I mean my little shitty problems don't even even matter man. Nothing will get better if you don't put effort in to it.
No. 25231
>>25224Yeah, EU's are pretty great. I never really got around to learning Vicky & HOI.
And yeah, Warband is fucking great. Clocking quite a few hundred hours in it and still a bunch of stuff that I haven't done. Do you play or vanilla or with mods? If the latter, what kind of mods? I've been playing a crusader campaign on AD 1257 lately, it's going pretty well.
No. 25232
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>>25223Kirby is probably my all-time favorite videogame character. He's so bad in melee, though.
No. 25239
>>25232God i know right? But it feels wrong to not pick him… or
pikachu. It explains why i lose a lot though lol.
No. 25241
No. 25245
>>25231I've played vanilla and Gekokujo, on my first playthrough I somehow got roped into killing infidels for the Sarranids after the Swadians got crushed and had to chug through the last part of the game gathering a billion other lords to assault one Rhodok castle with hundreds of Sharpshooters. I tried serving Nobunaga in Gekokujo and he ended up being the first faction to get wiped out, I just have bad judgment I guess. I never really messed around much with quests or the city investment stuff, I think I'll pick it up again at least once before Bannerlord comes out.
Upcoming games I'm planning on getting for reference
>SC2 Legacy of the Void>XCOM 2>Deus Ex Mankind Divided>Metal Gear Solid V>Persona 5 No. 25249
>>25245Gekokujo is pretty great, gotta agree. Served under Shimazu and got pretty far. I should probably continue that save some day as it's like 1000 ingame days in or so. I also occasionaly played Vanilla & Napoleonic in multiplayer, quite nice when people on your team aren't lacking basic brain function. Also Napoleonic had a awesome feature with music instruments, usually spent my days playing bagpipes near the action.
As for the upcoming games - I'll give XCOM & Dude Sex a try, dunno about the other ones yet. Also you might enjoy Kingdom Come Deliverance, although that one is getting released sometimes next year I think. It's pretty similar to Warband so might be cool.
No. 25250
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What do girls on here think of short guys?
No. 25252
>>25227Okie since you're my pawn now.
What vocation did you prefer? I loved being a magick archer. Also levitating on that damn staff was so satisfying.
No. 25253
>>25252that meterotie spell
No. 25257
>>25249I've seen a bit of Kingdom Come, it looks interesting. Also that For Honor game that got announced at E3 but it's Ubisoft so I'm really wary. I'm just glad that a lot of these types of games are coming out, I'm pretty bummed RTS seems to be going the way of the dodo thanks to MOBAs. Same thing on a lesser scale with From Software, Souls games are fun but I hope Armored Core 6 comes out soon.
>>25250You're fine friend
No. 25264
>>25252the griffith greentext anon
but i prefeered the champion i think, the big greatsword and then the mage, the magic archer i used for the dlc
No. 25265
>>25257I liked the half-swording mechanic in For Honor, on other stuff - vary is probably the best approach, NPC enemies seemed totally harmles and only there for show, and it was weird how they never showed combat against more than two enemies at once. Probably because how awkward it would've been. Combat in general seemed very QTE, but maybe that's just me.
Are you excited for the new Anno game? No. 25267
>>25252I like games but I've never actually played Dragon's Dogma, is it any good?
C-can I still be your pawn now?
No. 25273
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>>25267Sure I'm allowed to have what, 3 pawns at a time anyways? None of you compare to Griffith but Das Okee.
You should give DD a try, you can make a QT gf as your pawn.
No. 25274
>>25265My brother used to play some of the Anno games years ago and I tried them out, I liked them but they never really grabbed me for whatever reason. Maybe if it gets cheap later down the line.
I actually forgot to mention I want to get the new Nobunaga's Ambition in a few weeks too. Really fun mix of real time battles and turn-based city and people management. Got into it through its sister series, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I put like 100 hours into RotTK XI in a month last summer. Really happy Koei's localizing their strategy games again.
No. 25276
>>25273do you want to make a fuck
No. 25277
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>>25273I'd much rather have a qt gf as my master but I'll take what I can get
No. 25280
>>25274I've never actually tried Anno games. They seem cool but for some reason haven't gotten around it yet. Probably should at some point. Friend keeps praising 2040.
Nobunaga actually looks pretty dope, might try it out as I liked Shogun 2 quite a lot. Thanks for revealing its existance to me. Oh and thanks for mentioning ROTK aswell, I wanted to torrent it awhile ago but forgot about. Will start lookin' for a torrent.
No. 25289
File: 1439591361903.png (811.26 KB, 730x535, RotTKX.png)

>>25280I recommend either RotTK X or XI. You can find torrents of XI pretty easily. Emulate the PS2 version of X if you want a really great roleplaying game. You can be a faction's ruler, its strategist, just a general, a wandering mercenary, etc. You build up your character with various stats and items, form friendships and rivalries with other officers, lots of stuff. It's the embodiment of the "one more turn" phenomenon to me. Pic from a random campaign I was doing last fall.
No. 25292
File: 1439591582322.jpg (8.2 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

ITT: pathethic attentionwhoring faggots
>"robots" posting pics
>im a dude tbh
You are like the fuckin sluts attentionwhoring on /r9k/ REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 25296
File: 1439591835595.jpg (35.91 KB, 500x300, klk.jpg)

>>25292spotted the virgin girl
No. 25304
>>25289Neat, thank you.
What kind of other stuff are you into, besides vidya? I'm sure there's something.
No. 25305
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>>25299>saying as it were a bad thingNORMIE REEEEEEE
No. 25311
>>25309First we're going to need you to fill out this application.
Results will be mailed to you in 4-7 days. We are under no responsibility to assure that your reply gets to your mailbox safely.
No. 25316
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>>25307I wonder if there are girls on here that are into /gfd/
No. 25317
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>>25314We immigrunts now, respect our culture und give benefits
No. 25320
File: 1439592970047.png (153.96 KB, 400x388, 1438685822421.png)

welcome to the ghetto, bitch
No. 25322
>filled upWell, at least you know what you're
supposed to be doing.
No. 25327
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I don't even want a gf. I just like talking to girls
No. 25328
File: 1439593428517.png (116.78 KB, 320x263, fingerless-gloves-fedora.png)

A very fine evening ladies!
Seeing as some of you seem to be lonely, I come before you with a simple proposition. I wish for one of you fine ladies to join me in a bountiful relationship.
First, a little about myself: I am a free-thinker and I don't subscribe to any bullshit religious dogma.I have a deep passion for cinema. Quentin Tarantino is truly a master of the art.I am an alpha male. Most men and women alike feel intimidated by me but please understand I am a true gentlemen at heart and I will treat you like a queen if you are deserving.
With that in mind, to weed out some of the chaff,I humbly request you only respond if you are a minimum of 7/10, C cup, and IQ above 115. These are my only requirements. Serious responses only. Any attempts at trolling will be met with a callous wit.
No. 25334
>>25315I share your fondness for history. Pretty much the only subject I did really well in back at school. Shame that making a profitable career out of it is near impossible.
As for other stuff well I enjoy reading, occasionaly cooking (although I'm quite awful at it, but hey gotta start from somewhere) and well consuming other media (movies/shows/music). Quite lame really, somehow most of my other interests (amateur astronomy, medieval re-enactment, programming (did some entry level Python & JS) and I'm sure there's more) have fallen into the sidelines mostly these days. Procrastination truly is a bit. While I'd love to draw, I'm afraid I'm just too impatient to get over the learning curve.
And yeah, vidya is mostly the main thing for me. Not the best but it's alright.
Out of curiosity: which part of the world do you hail from?
No. 25338
File: 1439593818030.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.7 KB, 960x1280, jydqq[1].jpg)

please be my GF
No. 25345
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I'll be staying here for eternity
No. 25350
>>25348If you're a grille
For men, it shows you're too dumb to get what you want (99% of the time at least)
No. 25353
>>25344It's pretty nice really. I mean yeah wages etc. aren't comparable to Western Yuros but it's small and cozy. Not too dangerous (like you'd presume Eastern Euro countries are) neither.
How's US? Are you from one of the major cities or from a smaller one?
No. 25357
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>>25354That's a very bad idea…
But I want in if it does happen.
No. 25366
>>25354The r9gay mods deleted the thread.
No. 25368
>>25339U U U U
>>25366>r9kwho needs those dorks anyway, we need coolcats like those from [s4s]
No. 25370
File: 1439596724952.jpg (2.54 KB, 106x125, happy-black-man.jpg)

great, now I can post
>tfw no gf
on 2 boards at the same time
maybe I will eventually get great success from this increase in advertising!
No. 25373
>1) Why are you so sadistic to other women and men you dislike? It's not very becoming of you. Men like empathy in a woman. This isn't some troll routine, it's just off putting to see you lay into people with such glee. You should be kind and loving.The same reason men of /r9k/ are sadistic to men and women they dislike. Men like certain qualities in women, and women like certain qualities in men. Some men have these qualities, just as some women have these qualities, and some of either gender don't.
Any negativity here also isn't the "game face" a woman will show to a man she is interested in. Just as /r9k/ guys will clean out piss bottles before inviting a girl inside. We "should be" kind and loving, just as men should not be socially inept manchildren/neckbeards, but you don't always get what you want
No. 25375
>>25371>She wouldn't come on to you tho…You're probably right, still, I've managed to hoodwink a few mentally messed up girls into bed in spite of being less attractive than them. That was just taking advantage of their issues though.
>>25373I wouldn't describe /r9k/ as sadistic, and on the odd occasion it is, they'll target girls they would actually pursue with said sadism, it's like an extension of the puppy love phenomenon.
No. 25381
>>25379what makes you think anyone wants to meet you?
>>25373i don't think most guys really care if a girl is mean to another girl
No. 25383
>>25375Trying to casual brag on your supposed sex life on lolcow.
No. 25385
so what are you guys up to on friday night? i want to go to the club, but on one hand i have no club clothes and my bf/his friend are working. booo. hopefully i'll get to go somewhere tomorrow and finally take ecstasy again before going back on my meds
>>25383i totally agree, it is really weird when people brag online
>>25380girl in lingerie
No. 25386
>>25383The only girls I've fucked I've met online, it is absolutely nothing to brag about, even casually.
That being said most guys on /r9k/ would do well to just try and meet a few sluts with daddy issues and fuck em, just to get it out of their system.
Femanons may be absolutely batshit crazy and slutty, but a lot of them are likable people past the facade.
No. 25396
>>25376I'm not fat I'm like 95 pounds. I'm Pretty average looking tho I agree
>>25365I'm assuming none of those questions were for me. But thanks lol
No. 25406
>>25392wish one of these normie sluts would have casual sex with me tbh
i would fuck the ugliest one i just want to put my dick in a hole and not be a virgin.
No. 25411
>>25406Sex won't make you feel better about yourself. Losing your V-card to a ugly girl will probably make you feel worse.
There's actually nothing wrong with being a virgin, no matter what the bitter robots think. The only people who even care about sex that much are virgins.
No. 25414
>>25411my experiences in online dating would beg to differ
I've been in quite a few situations where women have explicitly turned me down because I'm a virgin
seems like something women obsess over, like how tall he is, how much money he makes, or how big his dick is
No. 25416
>>25414if you're searching for a gf virginity won't matter as much, but if you wanna get pussy you'll probably be turned down because you're inexperienced.
Basically if you want sex physical things are going to matter more, but if you're looking for a relationship, your personality is what will make it or break it in the end.
No. 25422
>>25418I mean, that would imply I could get them in bed
I should have mentioned, I've only gotten to that point with 2 women chatting, most of the time I get turned down or ignored
but whatever, this isn't r9k, i'll head back there for any more depressing shit
No. 25423
>>25411Exactly what
>>25417 said. Only want to know what it feels like, all that matters to me.
No. 25431
>>25428I don't see what's so bad about it
you lot came and messed up our board with your "femanon" stuff, so we came here
No. 25436
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let's be honest here, it's hardly a raid
No. 25448
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>>25428>>25438>>25441I'm just saying, you all admit to coming to r9k
and then over the last few months, we've had a plague of
>"femanon here">"misandry thread"and similar posts
putting two and two together, it looks a lot like you lot came to bait and mess around on r9k
and now you're upset we're here
No. 25457
File: 1439602572634.jpg (35.58 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150814_.JPG)

>>25003I'm a girl and I think you look great
:^) No. 25458
>>25448>you all admit to coming to r9kwho
who is "you all". only a few people here have admitted to browsing both boards. one of your members was the one that started this in the first place.
I went to /r9k/ yesterday because that is where you guys are coming from and advertise it
have you ever considered the possibility members of your board are making those threads because they know you're going to get riled up and reply to them and constantly give them attention, instead of blaming a board that you just made contact with yesterday like an autist.
No. 25465
>>25457maybe not take pictures with the light directly behind you.
>:^) KoP plz
No. 25480
>>25458the first response to any post with robots in it was "oh they're here"
which implies you guys knew about us, and had been browsing both for some time
not to mention that people have admitted to it here, saying they used both
seems perfectly reasonable to assume a board with a misandry general and full of ex seagulls would be responsible for baiting and posting for attention
maybe you all didn't raid us, but damn does it look suspicious to me
No. 25482
>>25480Someone posted a screenie of one of your robots linking everyone here. Lolcow didn't raid you guys, we don't really care enough tbh.
But at the same time i don't think a lot of farmers actually mind the robots being here.
No. 25487
>>25480no, we weren't baiting. that misandry thread dumb as fuck and still is. i'm glad it got derailed.
>>25482agree. i'm okay with robot being here as long as you guys are civil and not flooding the board with boring shit
No. 25489
>>25480the first official thread was here
>>22808 after you guys spammed a bunch and made your presence known immediately. the misandry general isn't even a regular thread and full of arguing with the OP and other people
for a board that so many of your fellow robots say is awful and full of shitposting, you seem to have an incredible amount of faith in them and think they would never bait you or make the same threads over and over knowing you'll reply. if we raided you you'd see /r9k/ getting mentioned more than once in a blue moon
No. 25491
File: 1439606434392.png (72.06 KB, 1095x524, y9qrohc.png)

>>24813That's not even anywhere close to true. Women with the lowest amount of received messages get multiple times more than the men who receive the highest amount of messages.
No. 25500
>>25497oh, I don't know that video game
I guess all I really know is generic guy games
No. 25510
>>25497>>25500well, now I feel dumb
after looking I realize I have it
long live the queen is about the same right?
No. 25514
>>25511I guess
didn't cross my mind that a lot of people here wouldn't play dota, tf2, or other games like that
should have thought first
No. 25538
File: 1439613083206.jpg (245.77 KB, 959x1381, The Barbie Diaries (2006).jpg)

>>25526This. I bet these fuckers don't even Barbie Diaries.
No. 25558
File: 1439613998438.png (179.73 KB, 256x323, Bratz_-_Forever_Diamondz_Cover…)

>>25549Bitch, you aint a real gamer till you played Bratz Forever Diamondz
No. 25570
File: 1439614661783.jpg (518.14 KB, 1600x957, BreivikasaFightingTemplarKnigh…)

What are your political views?
No. 25585
File: 1439615196415.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.04 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg)

Here's a good vidya for everyone.
No. 25589
File: 1439615352532.jpg (9.63 KB, 144x207, 1414439069724.jpg)

So I tried being social today by going to the town fair. Don't have any friends so I just went by myself and literally walked around in a big circle for an hour and a half and just went home
I just can't be social
Oh the best part, I was wearing my shirt inside out the whole fucking time and didn't realize this until I came back home
I hate myself
No. 25591
>>25448idk about the others but I've been on /r9k/ since the day it was made in 2008.
I actually remember when it was a lite /b/ containment board (its originated function). It also functioned as /soc/ before /soc/ was created.
It's weird today seeing guys telling me to leave a board I've been a part of longer than like 99% of its present users. I bet most don't even know that /r9k/ was deleted by moot for like a whole year some time back.
Anybody else here that was around for original /r9k/?
No. 25606
File: 1439616215791.png (193.81 KB, 452x433, 1439312271959.png)

>ruining the fun
Couldn't you have waited until we got a dick pic? Geez, anon it's probably not even him
No. 25607
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No. 25609
File: 1439616385359.jpg (596.1 KB, 1920x1080, 1439615834510.jpg)

@the guy who posted this selfie
If that really is you, you're hot as fuck. I would tie you up and devour down your dick. Then I would slap you and make that adorable little face all red for me. Then I'd take your hopefully luscious ass and spank you a ton. You'll be calling me "mommy" by the end of our meeting.
No. 25611
>>25591Purposes of boards change. Sure r9k started out as the OC board, but it's been repurposed as the containment board for lonely virgin guys. Sucks to see things change, but its not the same board anymore. People don't complain about all the computer nerds on g, even though it used to be guro.
Tbh though, most boards on 4chan are going to shit, they're too fast and people fall for bait way too easily now.
Doublechan is probably the go to place now
No. 25621
>>25616Yep, sounds like the story of my life.
>>25618Literally nobody got catfished though. I just got BTFOd and that was the end of my adventure here.
No. 25622
>>25616Women are cruel and heartless tbh
r9k was right again
No. 25623
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No. 25626
File: 1439617873227.png (1016.52 KB, 801x601, rain.png)

>>25622/r9k/ guys are only cute when they're suffering or being bullied tbh
Being angry and pathetic at the same time is just abhorrent because anger implies righteousness. Being in a state of anguish while being pathetic at the same time makes a person endearing. You want to make them feel better.
That's why Shinji is such a good husbando (obviously not pictured here lmao).
No. 25628
>>25626I love u
But seriously I'm so bored with humblebragging aggressive tryhards it has me so dry. Submissive boys are QT.
No. 25629
>>25627Lil Bill is that you?
How've you been? I'm still hopeful money dog has blessed you. I hope your shits have been regular.
If not Lil Bill then I don't care.
No. 25630
>>25628so if I was submissive I'd have better luck with finding a QT from here?
Or are you just rusing me yet again? I feel like its a ruse.
No. 25636
>>25634>The whole alpha thing is boringYou mean their empty posturing in an effort to be alpha, yeah.
>you don't know what you're talking aboutHave you been in a dom/sub relationship?
You just want a genuine Chad.
No. 25637
>>25634What about somebody who is really neutral and doesn't fit into the alpha/beta thing?
>omegaSure I guess?
No. 25640
>>25629Not me. That's not me if you're referring to my picture.
To everyone here, what's your opinion marriage?
No. 25641
>>25633Oh yeah sorry anon, no problem.
I think a lot of guys that consistently lurk the chans get this idea of what kind of man they have to be to get girls, not really rationalizing that the "advice" they're taking are from men just like them.
You over analyze, and get this concrete system in your head that just isn't true, and you focus on it and dwell on it.
Then, when you try out these tipz and pointerz you get you just end up looking mega creepy and making girls uncomfortable, discouraging you further and causing you to blame girls for the failure you're inevitably creating yourself.
I don't even mean this as snarky or catty, I'm serious. If you latch on to the chan mentality in attempts to get a girl you're truly just digging your grave deeper.
What you perceive as "alpha" or "cool" only works for certain type of guys, and by imatating it when it doesn't suit you you're setting off alarm bells in a lot of girls minds and they feel very compelled to avoid you.
>inb4 girls never want me when I'm a nice guyIt has nothing to do with you being a "nice guy."
No. 25642
File: 1439618891918.jpg (85.69 KB, 612x612, 687474703a2f2f693130352e70686f…)

Is anyone here a qt asian boy?
Pic related, it's my fetish.
No. 25647
>>25641Oh. Well. Like I said I'm not really chad nor am I an autist. I actually just don't even try. Just a somewhat bitter broken hearted dude who wears cat ears on his headset. Welp. Its 2:11 am and I am out of ciggs so I guess I'm going to sleep now.
Night thread.
No. 25653
This r9k guy's opinions are all over the place
No. 25654
File: 1439619681401.jpg (13.68 KB, 316x202, enough.jpg)

Holy shit, why won't more of you POST PICS of yourselves? We all know you're here cause you're thirsty for female pussy. Every single /r9k/ fellow here is an attentionwhore (for female attention).
So then if you're going to be here why don't you relieve your mommy issues and make yourself useful for us?
No. 25660
>>25651Baw baw baw I'm a pansy baby stewing in my own shit and clinging to my excuses so I don't actually have to put forth any effort
-what I hear
No. 25672
>>25654I thought I could find a nice girl instead of getting nothing back on dating sites
No mommy issues though
just a quiet shut in dude
No. 25674
>>25671I d8 submissive girls. Because they're not nearly as annoying as bros.
Jesus your pity party is strong and not worth entertaining.
No. 25680
File: 1439620622544.png (253.5 KB, 484x486, yy.png)

>>25671Sweetie, I am married to a submissive man who I drug on a weekly basis so we can roleplay out our rape fantasies (female on male, naturally)!
No. 25682
File: 1439620664773.jpg (70.86 KB, 494x750, image.jpg)

>>25676I'd date a boy if he was QT enough but mostly grills are just in here fucking around and you're only just now realizing it?
Keep whining about your Chads and Stacys so that you feel your immobility is justified and that everything is black and white. It's definitely helping you progress.
No. 25685
File: 1439620776690.jpg (51.83 KB, 341x352, image.jpg)

>>25683There are no grills on the Internet
No. 25686
File: 1439620893595.jpg (697.68 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0069.jpg)

>>25654Here, this is me, I am more of a cyborg than a robot if I'm being honest but I am only smiling because my depression has recently been receding and I am able to feel good for once so I shall share it while I can.
Also it is not some shitty filter, my camera is just fucked.
No. 25689
>>25686You look like a young, not-fat Josh Peck.
(n-not that that's bad..)
No. 25690
>>25682Nah fam I just like shit posting like black twitter
Dunno bout no chad or nuffin doe
No. 25694
>>25687Well, I think you'll find that it's still uncommon. The low amount of fdoms could really be attributed to both a mix of biological and social factors.
I think it's best if a guy finds an open-minded girl and slowly tries to get her to dominate him. He'd have to make sure he is desirable physically and personality wise, so she'll actually want to eat him all up.
No. 25700
File: 1439623258546.jpg (243.28 KB, 400x542, 1438897743793.jpg)

>>25697>life is painOh god how i relate to this right now.
I was talking to a girl i met here on lolcow all afternoon, night and morning, completely infatuated for the first time in years.
Most likely i said something autistic and she doesnt want to talk to me anymore.
Just lying here all crushed and its likely all my fault.
Just kill me now ,_,
No. 25703
File: 1439623516902.jpg (81.09 KB, 460x611, 1439622046782.jpg)

>>25700Why not find a real female?
No. 25704
>>25703>>25703b-but she is real
I never met her but she lives in a nearby city.
No. 25718
>>25701fuck yeah
i love the food and the language itself is so interesting
i hate when people say they like japan then start going on about like harajuku and animus
No. 25725
>>25718My friends are honestly like that. One of them is starting to see the light of day.
>omg tokyo tokyo tokyoTokyo unless you're a tourist is pretty shit. I like the countryside more so. It's peaceful, and I think fits Japan a lot more. I don't like cities that much tbh tho.
No. 25728
>>25727iktf anon.
Wanna hug it out while we dine on onigiri in our kimonos?
No. 25738
File: 1439631738699.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.47 KB, 508x800, u0-neu-d4-7e0fc19a9a0cd0d66bd4…)

>tfw abomination of a human and a disappointment to mommy
Also, sorry for weird hair, I just took a shower.
No. 25739
>>25738Also meant to reply to
>>25654 but dun goofed up. Oops.
No. 25740
File: 1439631988287.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.86 KB, 600x800, ^21FD25C430A59A414746DCB1630C4…)

taken 20 minutes after waking up
>>25654>tfw no mommmy issues at all but i act like i do have them No. 25745
>>25743>minorityDate your own kind, they arent good enough for you?
Then dont complain.
No. 25748
>>25745Are you stupid? How can we date our own kind when they all go for white guys?
>>25746You're not a 5'2" black guy.
No. 25757
>>25755Ask women.
It's amazing how when you ask them about a guy they'd date, first thing they list is "tall"
No. 25764
>>25762Ehhhh. It feels weird to explain, I check lolcow every now and again when I'm bored.
So to come on /b/ and see a containment thread.. It was sort of a joke. Ya dig?
No. 25770
File: 1439636851949.jpg (35.37 KB, 521x413, sailorm2.jpg)

this is awesome. we might actually find a bf for asha, or berry (a real one)
No. 25775
>>25773maybe it's just an swollen lymph node
Well, cancer causes swollen lymph nodes so you never know
No. 25787
>>25779because that's what everyone should do when you have the cancers
Dude, I know it sucks, but go to a doctor. It's probably just an infection, I know on Death Island we're coming out of our cold months, so maybe you just caught a light flu?
Either way, go in there and tell ur doctor ur dying on cancer, give him a hard time and then if he writes up a script for some meds, ask for codeine for the pain and if a probiotic will help you poop better.
No. 25788
>>25776Who is your Queen?
And why would she need a robot husbando?
I'll be honest, if she's your Queen she's probably a /cgl/ pretty princess right?
Can do better than us >.>
No. 25790
File: 1439639846660.jpg (134.9 KB, 681x1024, noah parts the seas.jpg)

>>25788she's a beautiful cinnamon roll
No. 25791
>>25788God do you not know anything? SHE IS OUR QUEEN. The queen of PT!
And she is glorious. Go take her to nippon so she can be truly one with her haffu side
No. 25792
File: 1439640097940.jpg (41.27 KB, 715x498, 1437044020076.jpg)

>>25787>go to doctorI'm not that much of a pussy.
>codeineIt doesn't hurt so it's probably nothing.
No. 25793
>>25791I do not know this story.
I have some idea of the legendary /cgl/ drama but no details.
No. 25797
File: 1439641060801.jpg (231.48 KB, 682x1024, Pixyteri thread so kawaii_2dd1…)

You dumb bitches let robots to stay here but didn't teach them about our Queen?!?!?!?!
No. 25801
>>25794Only the dumb ones.
If I was dying of cancer, I'd rather not see it coming. I'd also rather not pay hundreds of dollars every year to get fingerbanged.
No. 25802
>>25797Teach me the story of your Queen.
Surely there must be some sort of dramatica wiki type link.
No. 25803
>>25801probably cheaper than a hooker if that's what ur into
you sound stubborn though, why wouldn't you want to nip it in the bud whilst you can? Instead of being stubborn and refusing to seek help, you may find something and be able to kill it off before it spreads.
welp I really don't understand men at all.
No. 25804
>>25802>>25797Nevermind, found it OF KEKS
I want a gf, but not this badly.
No. 25811
No. 25815
>>258031) of all the things likely to kill a man, prostate cancer is pretty low on the list.
2) paying some Jew to homorape me? No thanks.
3) let's say the prostate is found to be cancerous and I don't want cancer. I could submit to further assplay in the form of seeding or barium enema CT scans. I could just get it removed and be rewarded with erectile dysfunction so I can't even jack off. Sounds like a sweet deal to me.
The only people likely to die from prostate cancer are the people who have already lived long enough. The exams are unnecessary and humiliating.
No. 25821
File: 1439645977997.jpg (66.82 KB, 479x370, py6iKj4.jpg)

>>25820I've been trying, man.
>have a stable job and more savings than the most of people my age>study at the best university in the country>have a bunch of hobbies including playing music and drawing, which I make money off sometimes as well>not a virgin, no problem getting a date with a girl since my face isn't that ugly (posted a pic here earlier)>have a bunch of buddies>just got back from travelling with couchsurfing a bit and planning to do another travel next month and keep doing itIt's all for nothing, I feel empty and like I want to die.
No. 25825
>>25768I'm asian, but fat and not qt.
Kill me.
No. 25826
File: 1439646822841.jpg (111.63 KB, 634x793, image.jpg)

Men who dont look like this should not breed.
Girls, do you agree with me?
No. 25827
File: 1439647053411.jpg (512.25 KB, 1920x1200, image.jpg)

No. 25828
>>25822I am productive, anon. Worked on two art commissions today and waiting for a guy from couchsurfing I promised to host at my place, he's supposed to come here soon. I'm depressed, but functioning fairly well.
It's just there's no point to it, I'll always be inferior no matter what I do and a doctor and some kind of pills ain't gonna help with that. I went to railway yesterday to see if I can kill myself but chickened out; I think the only thing I can do is continue this empty existence. And get a pleasure of whining about it on the internet.
No. 25830
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No. 25832
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No. 25833
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No. 25834
>>25828I suggest work on your inferiority complex, maybe go see a psychologist?
It takes a lot of time and work but it's worth it.
No. 25835
File: 1439647439304.jpg (76.58 KB, 640x755, image.jpg)

No. 25839
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No. 25840
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No. 25842
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No. 25843
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No. 25844
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No. 25845
>>25834I used to see a psychologist but stopped. I thought it helped but realized I can't change the facts. I was just born fucked up. Besides it's embarrassing to open up like that.
It's hard to believe in yourself when you face constant rejection or abandonment.
No. 25846
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No. 25848
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No. 25849
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No. 25851
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No. 25852
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No. 25853
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No. 25854
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No. 25855
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No. 25858
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No. 25859
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No. 25860
File: 1439648305880.jpg (132.21 KB, 634x1009, image.jpg)

>>25857He is english and heterosexual
No. 25861
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No. 25863
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No. 25866
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>>25865Pic related is /brit/
No. 25867
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No. 25869
File: 1439648725341.jpg (31.88 KB, 615x409, image.jpg)

No. 25870
File: 1439648974940.jpg (62.19 KB, 422x512, image.jpg)

When he was a teenager
No. 25871
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No. 25872
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No. 25873
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No. 25874
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No. 25875
File: 1439649291854.jpg (22.21 KB, 236x344, image.jpg)

No. 25877
File: 1439649332507.jpg (13.94 KB, 225x225, image.jpg)

Due high standards of men women will never get men like these
No. 25878
File: 1439649403186.jpg (39.42 KB, 500x375, image.jpg)

Men are so disgusting but some of them are attractive. We should use men like David to breed but for sexual pleasure and emotional pleasure beautiful women are needed
No. 25880
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No. 25882
File: 1439649493207.jpg (10.31 KB, 186x271, image.jpg)

>>25881I'm not from /brit/. But my love is.
No. 25883
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No. 25884
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No. 25885
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No. 25888
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No. 25891
File: 1439649981822.jpg (1.19 MB, 2560x1440, image.jpg)

Reposting that faggot because he deleted his picture
No. 25892
File: 1439650024073.jpg (588.81 KB, 1138x1552, 20150815_073221.jpg)

I uploaded it sideways.
No. 25898
File: 1439650205591.jpg (26.21 KB, 280x415, image.jpg)

Just one more before I'll leave temp
No. 25902
>>25876never heard anyone complaining about that
but you never know with apple retards
No. 25904
>>25903that girls date dudes with iphones? what faggotry is this?
personally, i'm inclined to find an apple consumer guy obnoxious and low tech. if you're talking my ear off about how good mac is, you can get the fuck out of my space.
No. 25905
>>25902Is what
>>25847 says true?
No. 25906
>>25821>my life is good but life is so haaaaaaaardlol
Wasn't Iran working on nukes? Why haven't we been bombed yet?
No. 25907
>>25905Why the fuck would you go on an anon's opinion? No, we don't hate men. Not every woman hates men. SOME girls do because they've had shitty experiences.
No. 25909
File: 1439651355152.jpg (154.9 KB, 800x530, himandher.jpg)

Can I find a NEET gf here and live a life similar to this show with her?
No. 25922
File: 1439653047192.gif (971.28 KB, 500x380, Jelly Tones.gif)

>>25917hopefully robot waifus/husbandos will be made by then.
No. 25925
>>25916>tfw also been NEET for 6 years>tfw that's literally my dream lifeI'm probably a fair bit younger than you though since I dropped out of school at 13.
No. 25927
File: 1439653288402.jpg (295.64 KB, 610x475, 673461096.jpg)

>>25926I'd love to neet it up with you but I'm from Germany
No. 25928
File: 1439653318419.gif (1008.65 KB, 500x280, 1426333242662.gif)

>>25926>>25927Every time bro, every fucking time.
No. 25932
File: 1439653558086.jpg (36.76 KB, 400x386, 1410375520615.jpg)

>>25925>>25927>ENGLAND>Germany>no cutie neet guys living in Americao-oh
No. 25937
File: 1439653932211.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.79 KB, 640x480, P_20150815_112749_1_BF_p.jpg)

>>25924I'm from Turdkey unfortunately. Only been in NY I once.
No. 25943
>>25940this is like the fourth time it happened to me
>>25929 No. 25944
File: 1439654360423.jpg (74.39 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nnqh00juIH1tezt7xo1_500…)

>that feel when a sex degenerate girl
>don't understand weird sub kinks
>want to meet a big man who will dom and breed me within a lifestyle
>feel emptiness at having no master
No. 25950
>>25947I fit all except "nice"/shy.
what vidya do you play? [spoiler]i hope it's stuff i don't like so that i can tell myself i wouldn't like you all that much anyway
No. 25951
>>259456 year neet here. I know that feeling all too well.
>>25940>>25937>>25935Maybe one day we'll all find our special neet partner. R-Right……?
No. 25952
>>25932>MaineOh my god I thought I was the only one in this state.
>>25947>I like men who can be clingy. I tend to like "nice", shy men. Being a little overweight is a plus too.H-hi
Please tell me this isn't all some elaborate hoax ;_;
No. 25957
>>25954Thank you.
The sea is a cruel mistress.
No. 25958
>>25950I like old jrpgs the most. Earthbound, Lunar, Final Fantasy before X-2, Chrono
Trigger, etc. Although I'm not too picky and will try anything.
>>25952>Oh my god I thought I was the only one in this state.M-Me too! Do you live in northern or southern Maine?
No. 25959
File: 1439655236844.jpg (23.33 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTQyNDY4MjU4NF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

>>25958I don't have anything against them at all, just never touched them. Now I wish you could get me into them, fuck.
Also, all of you should watch Him&Her, it's more or less the life we want.
No. 25963
>>25962i'm srs tho
all my friends like dudes who are 6'0+ but i honestly don't understand it. i think it's just trendhopping tbh. i'm 5'2'' so that might have something to do with it.
No. 25964
File: 1439655798325.png (335.67 KB, 500x562, lovely_complex.png)

>>25960What is the ideal manlet for you?
No. 25965
>>25963I'm 5'7 heights never bothered me.
easy to have a thing for tall and short girls this way.
No. 25969
>>25958Southern Maine, along the coast. Also I loved Chrono
Trigger and FF 7-10. (Never did get around to playing the older ones…)
No. 25971
>>25967eh well I guess its fine if you are a girl but as a guy it can be tricky
My advice w/e you are but mostly as a guy is to accept what you can and cant change, no sense wasting enegery or wanting to be tall or having a bigger dick.
improve what you can anon, I'm sure you will make it in someway I'm just a shutin tbh.
No. 25972
>>25971i'm a girl so it's not so bad, i shouldn't be complaining
ty anon <3
No. 25973
File: 1439656498334.gif (265.94 KB, 450x253, 1369604536130.gif)

>>25969>Southern Maine, along the coastSame here. T-This isn't a joke, right?
I-Is there any way I can contact you, anon? I've never met a guy on here who lives so close to me.
No. 25975
>>25972np hope it helps anyways.
You can always mecha combine with another short girl to become a tall one
No. 25976
File: 1439656601837.png (221.52 KB, 480x480, 1427463936682.png)

No. 25978
File: 1439656627490.jpg (127.24 KB, 736x721, 1410470176171.jpg)

>>25970i thought you had already replied
but anyway
>mfw No. 25983
File: 1439656968467.jpg (122.51 KB, 1280x720, 1438450064858.jpg)

>people actually finding waifus here
No. 25990
>>25985>>25986>>25987I'm a 6'2 male.
w-which one of you wants me?
No. 25995
>>25993>irelandclose enough, pls be female.
irish accents are pretty hot tbh
No. 25996
File: 1439657518938.jpg (146.87 KB, 500x486, tumblr_nkoe52OC9x1tezt7xo1_500…)

>tfw even robots don't want the Queen
No. 25999
>>25987Wish science could make it happen lol.
My personality just doesn't suit being short. I hate being called cute for it. Nobody really takes you seriously. I'm almost 21 and people treat me like a kid. Doesn't help that I'm rexy and board flat but whatever. I don't wear cute things or act cute. Call it overcompensating perhaps, but I just get uncomfortable. This is just whining don't mind me.
I bet you're QT. Tall girls are cute.
No. 26000
File: 1439657601874.jpg (23.1 KB, 600x400, starwars1222111222.jpg)

>>25981Well he did get the gf by chance, so there's no point being jealous.
No. 26008
>>26004At least you didn't end up in the 5'10"+ range. 5'4" is the female average (in Murica at least I think) but still grills taller than that seem so cool to me lmao.
At least you'll never have to worry about midget limbs!
I love tall girls and strong girls you guys make my lions warm and happy.
No. 26010
File: 1439658138859.jpg (Spoiler Image,256.73 KB, 1296x864, P8081203.JPG)

No. 26017
File: 1439658474660.gif (76.83 KB, 225x300, 1434270623903.gif)

>>26015The queen is all around you. In the spoiler images, has a board named after her and in the banners. You're surrounded by the queen and you're basking in her light without knowing it.
No. 26025
that faggot who posted looking for a qt, I am a guy Manli.. willimantic! Sorry I really don't know CT for shit. Also not being a grill I destroyed your hopes and dreamsu~~
No. 26026
File: 1439658904295.jpg (19.73 KB, 282x288, 1390637146128.jpg)

Still looking for a qt. I'm a 19 year old NEET in England that never goes outside, has never had a job and dropped out of school at 13.
getting £800 a month for free thanks to benefits
No. 26035
File: 1439659129887.jpg (24.88 KB, 635x347, 1YbNrpq.jpg)

>>26023does she not speak?
No. 26043
File: 1439659499197.jpg (33.83 KB, 427x378, image.jpg)

>>26036Her voice is actually cute it's so weird. I always imagined her voice low and gruff, like Mayaya from Princess Jellyfish
No. 26045
File: 1439659616018.jpg (26.02 KB, 500x349, 1410470601802.jpg)

>tfw every grill is american and i still haven't found a qt europoor
i'm not even that disgusting
No. 26046
>>26045it's ok dude
I'm american and none of these girls live within 12 hours of me
only a few lucky guys will probably get qts
No. 26050
File: 1439659940231.png (295.89 KB, 432x750, tumblr_mjz7rijcJd1ql90ppo1_500…)

>>26042long long time ago, when ye olde /cgl/ was alive and thriving
No. 26051
>>26050living doll?
like a daki?
No. 26054
>>26049He wanted to share flats, I was like ehhh. He was really nice though, and pretty cute. Had a really cute cat.
Haven't found a similar opportunity since sigh
No. 26060
>>26059im learning to drive but im a britfag in my 20's
family didnt have the money when i was young.
get a friend to take you out in their car or yours, get a empty road somewhere and just pratice, maybe like one around warehouses or back roads and practice
then go out for lessons during the week when its early and roads arent as crowded and build from there
gl anon m8
I have social anxiety as well need to work up courage to make a phonecall or answer one
No. 26063
>>26060yeah, my family doesn't have much money or a car. most friends don't have cars (live in NYC, almost everyone takes subway). only one i can think of is my ex rn.
phone calls are hard but i worked a few summers as a receptionist and it gets easier. i did little tricks like writing down phrases or changing the lilt of my voice (like pretending i was someone else)
>>26061I know I will have to do it eventually, and i plan to, but it's all a matter of pushing myself to do it and finding someone with a car
>>26062haha! i guess you're right! that made me smile
thanks anons
No. 26069
>>26063phrases wouldnt help me tbh, I find just getting it over and done with jumping into it helps.
its the overthinking and what ifs that get me
No. 26071
>>26069haha yeah, overthinking is a big problem for me too.
gl to both of us anon
No. 26072
>>26071ty m8 gl with driving to
we gonna make it
No. 26073
>>26068>there's something comforting in my mind about having a carThere definitely is. It gives you freedom and security.
>i hope i can get over this stupid anxiety (if i can even call it that)Anxiety over driving is pretty common so I don't doubt that you have it. If you're able to find someone with a car to teach you and you keep at it I'm sure you'll manage, though.
No. 26075
>>26073freedom and security is so right. i was kind of a sheltered kid. i just want the opportunity to drive around and do nothing, it would be so wonderful for me.
thank you for your kind words, anon
>>26074There are but I'll have to check their rates. Maybe I'll do it over my winter break (it's around 6 weeks)? I'm leaving for school (rural area) in 2 weeks.
i guess it's just a bit laughable that i'm 20 and not driving, you know? silly thing to be ashamed of, but it gets to me sometimes
No. 26076
>>26063Im from NYC and live in boston right now. I learned to drive at 16 then stopped becuase fuck I had public trans. Now here I HAVE to drive everywhere.
are you a qt? I could help you if you live inna nyc as I am there all the time.
No. 26078
>>26076LOL I am female if that's what you're asking.
I feel like it would be a bit awkward to get help from someone i met offhand on the internet (no offense to you anon. just a bit scary meeting someone offline when you're a girl) i hope you understand.
it's very nice of you to offer tho!! it's honestly appreciated. thank you.
No. 26083
>>26078Post a throwaway and we can chat a bit I mean.. I've gone on dates with girls from 4chan in the past.. even had a nice long relationship with one.
Never know what you'll find!
No. 26088
>>26080It's so cute seeing people here connect! I'm not looking for any of that, though.
Plus not having a permit, and leaving NYC in 2 weeks… it just doesn't seem good on my end
>>26083 farmercantdrive @ gmail
I'm up for chatting! not really dating tho… i'm sorrry, anon.
No. 26092
File: 1439663466473.jpg (47.67 KB, 535x577, 1400511104071.jpg)

>tfw everyone is finding happiness but me even on internet
No. 26093
File: 1439663742804.jpg (32.7 KB, 722x349, nightmare-goggles-wojak.jpg)

but it's just a few that get chosen
even on a female dominated board, there is literally no need or desire for guys because we're so replaceable at this point
No. 26094
i love how my bf looks cute and boyish in shorts or just his boxers even when he has a beard! but he doesn't like to wear them ):
>>26092>>26093why the fuck would you want to date a guy you met on an image board?
No. 26098
File: 1439664165192.png (57.2 KB, 500x382, pepe-the-frog-meme-17.png)

>>26092>but mesadly there's loads of m80's on the same boat
No. 26103
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>>26094>>26096>my bf is so cute teehee>all these guys giving me attention, I can just choose from them>you guys are all so replaceable, no one wants you, fuck offand people wonder why r9k is the way it is
No. 26106
File: 1439664987667.png (26.58 KB, 527x409, 7865432.png)

>>26094>i love how my bf looks cute and boyish in shorts or just his boxers even when he has a beard! but he doesn't like to wear them ): …so?
No. 26109
>old r9k was basically for the people stuck between too normal for the weird kids and too weird for the normal kids and wanting to be better, cyborgs.I've been trying to explain this to other anons for YEARS to no avail. /r9k/ was the only place where I could relate to other guys who'd fallen through the cracks and could never get a gf despite being a seminormal, decent person. Now it's infested with extremist "NORMIES GET OUT" NEETfags and normalfag redditors looking for the next hot new meme to screencap for fake internet points.
Where do us cyborgs belong?
No. 26114
>>26106people were talking earlier how they liked cute/boyish guys, so i thought i'd add in. no need to get mad.
>>26103so, if you have problems irl, why are you blaming strangers on the internet for them?
>>26109just how normal are you? and have you found a gf yet?
No. 26118
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No. 26119
>>26100all browsing this image board means that you:
- like drama
- are catty/superficial
- have some female interests like fashion, makeup, etc
- are really critical and probably a little insecure
i'm not saying these are bad things, i definitely have all of them. but most of the guys here are just to pick up women, and don't even know about the primary purpose of the board. there are no common interests. if you don't like /pt/ im not even sure why you're here.
No. 26120
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No. 26121
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>>26119Personally I hate /pt/ because /pt/ is infested with underaged idiots and catty whores but I browse this imageboard because I'm too lazy to make an account for female oriented forums. Also /b/ has taken the red pill. Basically, this is the female version of 4chan.
No. 26124
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No. 26126
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Men are ugly but some of them can be fuckable
No. 26128
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Why cant women produce sperm like slugs? Life is so unfair that we normal women have to live with ugly men
No. 26129
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Dog holding a dog.
No. 26130
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Its a demon but you need him for pleasure
No. 26131
>>26119Wait are you saying you're a bot that likes makeup or just One Of Da Grillz?
If you're a bot I wanna know more. I'm bored with the others.
No. 26132
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Disgusting smile by a disgusting adam
No. 26133
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No. 26138
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Compare a beautiful woman to my husband and he is a 7/10. Compare him to the average guy and he is a 10/10. Thats how ugly guys are.
No. 26140
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Evil but tolerable for a man
No. 26141
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Girls why dont you post men you like?
No. 26142
>>26114i ain't mad, just looked out of place, hence i thought you're trolling.
>>26116>/cow/ being our main boardyou're not a farmer, are you?
guess you ARE trolling.
>>26128why do you keep posting these?
No. 26143
File: 1439666636134.jpg (8.47 KB, 190x266, image.jpg)

Or are yall faggots because men are ugly?
No. 26146
File: 1439666736714.jpg (10.7 KB, 201x251, image.jpg)

>>26142Because the quality of this thread is really bad.
No. 26152
>>26149nice one
got me toasty af fam
No. 26153
File: 1439666920566.jpg (115.75 KB, 567x751, image.jpg)

Whores are you all blind? Post your husbandos.
No. 26154
>>26114>just how normal are you? and have you found a gf yet?I'm graduating from university in a year. I used to be super shy and reserved, but when I came to university, I had to go on antidepressants for a while because I was lonely and couldn't make friends.
I don't struggle with talking to people anymore, but I still haven't had any luck with dating, and I've never had a gf. I've asked out 4 girls in total, all of whom rejected me. I kissed a girl for the first time when I was 19, but we were both drunk and it was at a party, and nothing ever became of it.
I'm 22 now, and I drunkenly made out with a girl for the first time ever 2 weeks ago on a study abroad trip. She told me the next day that she was really drunk when we kissed, and that she didn't actually like me romantically. I went back to my room and cried, not just because I liked her a lot, but because that night was the only night that I've ever felt desired and that someone genuinely liked me as a person.
I know that I've done a lot compared to the average (actual) robot, but when people my age and younger talk about their sexual experiences, I feel like a child because I'm so inexperienced. If I talk about my issues on /r9k/ I just get called a failed normie, and my friends irl are all relatively normal, so I don't have anyone to talk to about tfwnogf.
No. 26155
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No. 26157
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>>26154Fuck off shitty blogpost didnt read any of that
No. 26158
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No. 26159
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No. 26160
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No. 26161
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No. 26163
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>>26162I need them for sex only
No. 26165
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No. 26166
File: 1439667355653.jpg (85.54 KB, 800x600, breaking-spurdo.jpg)

>>26162he's a shitposter from r9k coming to bait us dumbass
No. 26168
File: 1439667550668.jpg (11.1 KB, 190x266, image.jpg)

>>26166>heYoure a fucking fuccboi who deserves to get raped in prison for calling me a he. Disgusting!
>>26167Men are just so disgusting. I cannot help it.
No. 26169
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No. 26172
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No. 26173
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No. 26175
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No. 26176
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No. 26177
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No. 26179
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No. 26180
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>>26178It does.
Also newfag gtfo
No. 26181
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No. 26185
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>>26183Fuck off and cut your dick off you disgusting untermensch.
No. 26186
>>26180bretty epic tbh farm
I like this pretend to be a user here and call others newfags meme
it's bretty gud m8
No. 26188
File: 1439668123716.jpg (17.79 KB, 183x275, image.jpg)

>>26184Omg girl. I'm so happy for you. Women unlike men dont feel jealous of other peoples happiness.
No. 26189
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>>26187I dont give a fuck you tranny.
No. 26190
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No. 26191
File: 1439668280649.jpg (41.79 KB, 680x627, 1433972810853.jpg)

>>26188>board about insecure, catty women talking shit about other women>"we don't get jealous"this is fucking gold
No. 26192
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No. 26193
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>>26191Dont talk to me or post a picture of your face + penis + timestamp.
No. 26194
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No. 26195
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No. 26200
>>26196not really, I think most bots and farmers have caught onto this guy
I would post, but it would be drowned out by the spam, so I'll wait for a while, maybe go eat dinner with my brother and his wife while I wait
No. 26202
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>>26196Who are you talking about? Wud is habbening?
No. 26204
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>>26203Tell me when you're back and be sure to scroll up to see all the images
No. 26206
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>>26203farmers are cute, cute!
No. 26207
File: 1439668877066.jpg (54.22 KB, 567x751, image.jpg)

m*n…(pls don't spam)
No. 26212
File: 1439669462583.png (2.11 MB, 2089x2238, IMG_0096.png)

>>26203I'm still here
I also have a picture of my boss' kitten
she brought it into work one day
No. 26218
>>26207thanks based admin-sama
bot-kuns are welcome to stay. don'be intimidated by some greasy jewnose fagget
No. 26224
File: 1439670615603.jpg (238.9 KB, 1280x720, P_20150815_173956.jpg)

>>26212I would have probably killed myself without her.
>tfw she snuggles up to me when I'm crying and licks the tears>tfw I can actually feel her trying to calm me in to sleep No. 26230
>>26225that sounds exaggerated, but guys don't know fashion very well, and there isn't a hell of a lot of options for them either
tbh, I just wear jeans + plain colored tee + sweatshirt every day because I'm poor and I don't know fashion at all
No. 26232
>>26227Might look so, but people get bored of us pretty quickly,
>>26228I really love her, she is sleeping beside me purring now. She does this every time she feels that I'm sad.
No. 26242
File: 1439672530784.jpg (145.03 KB, 659x609, 1437872110275.jpg)

Turns out the lump was just a manky ass boil, pretty glad for obvious reasons although it does show that I need to re-evaluate my personal hygiene methods.
No. 26291
>>26289RPG fag mostly. Probably not the most savvy but I'd like to expand my interests just never had friends who like games.
The cliche Skyrim and FF, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon Age inquisition, Bloodborne. Some girly shit like Bayonetta. Really liked Witcher 2, ready to buy the 3rd.
No. 26294
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>>26166I wish the shitposters would make better shitposts. Like baneposting or lankyposting.
No. 26296
>>26291As far as RPGs go, I'm more about the retro ones. Even then, I haven't played too many.
>Dragon's DogmaGoing to play Dragon's Dogma Online?
No. 26298
>>26291buy the 3rd its sooooo good
wasting days at it and it helps to have the other one fresh in mind.
I'm gonna try the yakuza series sometime, I hear its good
No. 26304
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Maybe admin-sama will fix this problem if I post a qt
No. 26307
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No. 26308
File: 1439682872631.jpg (52.15 KB, 698x361, Male-Model.jpg)

>>26307He/she looks underaged tbh.
No. 26309
>>26302>complain about new posters making threads and burying everything >admin makes containment thread>complain about containment thread existingI'm sure it could be deleted and we could all make our own threads
Instead of seeing one thread, your entire board would be buried though
Or you could stop bitching and learn to ignore things you don't like
No. 26311
File: 1439683094322.jpg (85.45 KB, 634x903, chad.jpg)

>>26309Before one of you reported my post(s) I wasn't angry about this thread. I just don't like it when people report posts. I'm not upset about this thread at all before one of you reported me.
No. 26313
File: 1439683298072.jpg (153.22 KB, 1279x873, matthew001.jpg)

>>26312If venus angelic was a guy she'd look like your queen.
No. 26338
>>26333i enjoy this site too
im a boy btw
No. 26415
>>26409I don't need a mum, i do things at home myself.
I actually take care of someone.
c-can i be your house husband instead?
No. 26422
>>26419>sex slaveHmm
I'd need internet and books mostly.
Also though i like gentle femdom, you probably mean like pegging and stuff, so no way lol
No. 26427
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>>26424>on this board we are normalfags>normalfagsKek
No. 26433
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Who is she
No. 26434
>>26431I already did.
She's wonderful, honestly far more than i'm worthy to obtain.
This was indeed the promised land of pretty princesses.
No. 26437
>>26431by being attractive and nice
how else?
No. 26451
>>26448you mean other than the same thing you're doing right now?
shitposting on a knockoff 4chan?
No. 26453
>>26452By creating alternate gmail or hotmail email accounts for this purpose.
That way its still anonymous unless you are stupid and sign up with real info.
No. 26454
>>26451You said it had no normalfags.
And now the normalfags are here.
What did you expect?
No. 26468
>>26467It was a raid but the newfags of /r9k/ (you) ruined it.
Thanks for the traffic.
No. 26470
>>26464my bf likes to browse 4chan, it's not that
>>26467yeah i really need your love
im getting so drunk after 1.5 ciders, has my alcohol tolerance always been so bad?
No. 26472
>>26468>person links site >people go to it out of curiosity>some lonely fuckers think they will find a gf>some people spam and troll for an hour or two before getting bored>whole thing settles down in a day or so>this is a raidpretty funny how dumb some people can be
this board is almost as deluded as r9k, which is saying something, since 90% of posts on there are some kind of bait, spam, or crazy guy ranting
No. 26517
>>26498This. I remember Eggman was extremely rude to me once for no reason other than derailing a thread. As in he spent actual time making shitposts complaining about how awful it is to derail a thread while he was doing nothing to steer it back into place.
He's an eyesore and he needs mental help.
No. 26634
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>>26614Thats a terrible plan, little guy.
No. 26639
File: 1439734804576.png (287.46 KB, 610x368, 1436265839831.png)

who /misschief/ here?
>I should stay in the containment thread
>I dont
No. 26691
>>26658I came to see what female autism looked like
So far, they're much more hostile, but way worse at coming up with insults
No. 26704
>>26701I do read
But I have seen a lot of autism and weird posts in here
Yall like to think you're more normal than you are tbh
No. 26711
File: 1439752996796.webm (1.6 MB, 1280x720, shitposting-lina.webm)

>>26709>ugly girls bitching about pretty girls and complaining about why guys suck >is somehow different from>ugly guys complaining about pretty guys and saying women suckhahaha oh wow
No. 26720
>>26704there's not that much autism at all. these girls come from the chans, so they're not totally normal. they have some weirdo tendencies, but they're not the female counterpart to r9k by a long shot.
>>26709you're an idiot. it doesn't matter if a guy wants to fuck you once. try being an uggo girl with an actual sense of self awareness and tell me it isn't exactly the same as being an abnormal male/your average robot. i'm ugly, have no motivation, life feels fake as shit, and want to kill myself every day. male attention does nothing for me because at the end of the day, i'm still an uggo and am treated like shit by most people. most people hate me just for being ugly. you have no clue what you're talking about. a guy buying you a crappy croissant at 7-11 just so he feels like he can get a shot at putting it in you, and then never speak to you again doesn't undo being called names, being put down all your life, being hated by your family for being an "ugly girl", and knowing that no matter what you do, you won't be loved because you're unattractive.
No. 26721
>>26713I'm 5'8".
And also horribly embarrassed to have just noticed that I typed "Does any other ladies".
No. 26722
>>26716Argued? I haven't made any commentary on this until now.
Most farmers on here have this thread hidden. There's no reason to argue with any of you. It's not like you listen to anything outside of your own circle jerk. Baw.
No. 26729
>>26725Sick burn.
No, but you should definitely look into identifying trolls before directing your hate at robots/cyborgs.
In fact, I'm somewhat sure that all of the trollposts are produced by one spammer. We have similar problems on other 4chan boards.
No. 26743
>>26722>bawthere it is again
it's like your trying to insult us, but your tumblr-esque political correctness prevents you from saying anything that actually stings
No. 26746
>>26743What are you on about?
Go do some push ups, make some stir fry, watch a good anime or whateverthefuck. No one is here to have a debate with you. No one is interested in your manifesto. There is nothing for you here.
Make a tinder if you're this desperate to argue with women.
No. 26751
>>26749Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I may have gleaned some understanding in this area.
Generally speaking, males want sex, while females want emotional or meaningful relationships, thus a woman can be lonely even if she has access to the sex that robots crave so much.
No. 26753
>>26751most robots want a gf because they want an emotional relationship
guys yes, a lot of dudebros just want pussy, but the tfwnogf threads on r9k are all about having to one to cuddle with and watch anime
No. 26755
>>26753Yet many of the threads on /r9k/ are explicitly sexual.
Regardless, I was speaking generally. Of course there will be exceptions, and large ones at that.
No. 26760
>>26756that was just an example
a large portion of guys want an emotional relationship on r9k
but there's also an equally large group that's just sad they can't get laid at college or something
No. 26770
>>26763>I know what you're thinking>don't tell me what you want yourself, believe my bigoted assumptions about youpretty funny when you think about it
this is thrown at robots all the time, but now I get to say it to you
go out into the real world, and stop assuming things based on what you read on your online forum
No. 26773
>>26766Sure thing.
All I can really think of is valerium. I used to take valerium pills to help me get to sleep, and I can't say it's really that strong,
It does come in some nice tea varieties, though.
No. 26776
>>26771I was on Xanax and Prozac before. I quit them a year ago and I just had 1 or 2 attacks since then but it's getting bad again lately. I have at least 3-4 attacks a week.
>>26773I'll look it up. Hope they have it in my country. Thanks for the suggestion.
No. 26778
>>26774It depends on your head shape, facial construction etc
There is no universal haircut that looks good on everyone
No. 26785
File: 1439761220723.jpg (70.38 KB, 624x312, mens-hairstyles-by-face-shape.…)

>>26781You could post a pic, or if you don't want to- this pic might help.
Maybe get a mirror and and notice your facial features. Then google (for example: "hairstyles for men with square face")
No. 26786
>>26785so then I guess it's oval
I'll try to look for good hairstyles for it
No. 26787
File: 1439761530601.gif (189.95 KB, 500x281, 1432410784681.gif)

>>26731goodbye, hopefully the mood picks up a bit later
>>26772People taking criticism and at least trying to be civil/positive instead of just shitting out the same stagnant points/opinions and projecting to feed their egos.
No. 26788
File: 1439761543838.jpeg (Spoiler Image,160.91 KB, 880x1456, 2015-08-16 18.20.09.jpeg)

>>26783What to do with curly hair? I can't find any good styles for mine, maybe a grills opinion would do me better.
No. 26789
>>26788You should leave your hair as it is
I feel like if your hair was flat it would just emphasise your face chubs
No. 26801
>>26794p-pls no ban
I haven't gotten my free gf yet
No. 26804
>>26801P E R M A N E N T
No. 26811
File: 1439772426195.png (27.76 KB, 1185x875, starguy.png)

>>26722Two of my favorite boards ever were places called and
They were great not only because they attracted complete nutjobs, but also because the frequent interboard raiding/trolling produced some amazing flamewars.
To be honest, I think communities need a little conflict once in a while, it keeps things interesting. You really can't see the silver lining?
No. 26874
>>26849The rest of us.
The rest of us…
No. 26951
>>26818When you have no friends, drinking alone is what makes life hurt less ;_;
Any qts wanna be friend?
No. 26952
File: 1439829383684.jpg (19.17 KB, 396x385, pepe.jpg)

>>26808>mfw somebody called me qtI didn't see it earlier, but that was really sweet of you, whoever you are.
stupid part is very accurate No. 26966
>>26964Nah a balding guy is sad and disgusting dont try to be nice just because you are bored
>>26948Really bad. Use rogaine. Only Brad Pitt can pull off a buzzcut.
No. 26981
>>26974umm, i'm not lying. all of the guys with really short hair/no hair that i know look great with it.
why would it look bad, unless you have a really odd headshape?