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No. 37319
>>37316For me its both. Im fucking terrified of them.
"It's not going to kill you" ok neither is a tiny ass spider so fuk u. Im always afraid of breaking their wings and watching them try to fly.
No. 40684
Those fucking legs and fangs get me every time. I hope I'm not alone on this.
No. 40688
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>>40684You're not! i can deal with almost any insect, but when it comes to centipedes, I'm out. Fuck all those tiny legs. All i can think of is them crawling under my skin and that manga (Tokyo ghoul) made it worse with the centipede in the ear thing. fuck everything.
No. 40709
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>>37316I think moths are cute because they're furry.
My fear is pic related. I have dreams where I'd be swimming and one of those tickets opens up beneath me.
No. 40726
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Cant watch the Whale scene from finding nemo when theyre in the open ocean, cant swim in water where I can't see/easily touch the bottom.
No. 40821
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Being stalked/followed/chased is my general fear. Can't keep my shades open at night for fear someone might watch me.
My weirder fear is of sharks, also those walk in aquariums, gives me anxiety just looking at it.
No. 40827
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I'm scared of women, I come here because these freaks are like me and they are not as frightening as real women.
No. 40838
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at night i sometimes leave the lights off and walk in the dark because, so people outside can't see me. sometimes i'm afraid i'll get shot through the window
No. 40867
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>>40851I'd argue that unlike the ideal of a 'real man'… the 'real woman' steriotype is in a constant state of flux, is an real woman one who lives in a shoe with over 9000 childs, or on who earns over 9000k and is stronk and indie?
Im not arguing that I wouldn't be too scared to talk to you if you could see me IRL…fidgeting and 'spilling more spaghetti than a spastic Italian waitress'.
I'm just saying that the 'real woman' is yet undefined and I don't believe you would even koalafy if you submitted yourself for consideration.
No. 40885
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>>40875probably mommy issues to be frank.
I never had one and I'm terrified that if I ever like one they'll just disappear and leave another hole in my psyche.
Its an abstract kinda phobia.
No. 40918
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Kind of a niche one, but e-fits.
I can't bear to look at them, something about there eyes instils a deep fear within me.
It's like an artificial predatory stare and my body fills with adrenaline and screams at me to run away when I lock eyes with one.
Problem is I like to browse crime Wikipedia pages on my mobile at night, and a page will suddenly load and one will pop up in front of my face and I shit myself.
No. 40920
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>>40919Oh and I had some really bad confrontations in past with violent or mentally deranged people. Got mugged, stabbed and beaten. I'm afraid to go out at night alone, I get petrified when someone gets aggressive with me, hell I would probably get killed by some guy if bus didn't came on point. My heart races and I feel like I'm gonna die every time I see one or a group thuggish guys. Fuck, I'm a pathetic human being.
No. 41035
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>>40977I was sure that I was dead at that point. Stabbed once in stomach and once in kidneys, almost lost my left kidney. I'm so fucking afraid of dying because of this, slowly fading away to nothingness is so fucking scary.
No. 41125
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>>41051Believe me, it's fucking horrifying. The moment I opened my eyes in hospital was probably the only happy moment in my life, too bad I didn't do anything worthwhile with the rest of my life.
No. 41316
>>40782Number stations are creepy af but I have no idea why. Sometimes I get really creeped out by stuff I don't understand that's not actually threatening or anything, simply because it's mysterious. Has anyone ever heard a number station with a child's voice? Wiki says that sometimes children's voices are used but mostly females (why?). Anyone know more about this stuff because I'm getting really fascinated by this.
There's got to be horror movie about this, right?
No. 41351
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Sunken ships, even pictures of them tend to make me really panicky. There was one under a bridge near where I lived so I always took a different route if I would have had to cross it. Stems from when I went sailing as a child, looked down into the clear water and BOOM, a vast rusted creepy-ass ship was just suddenly under us.
Another weirdly specific newer one is skiing slopes. Injured myself really badly last year tumbling down one.
No. 41378
>>41351I know this is a phobia thread and all, but I just want to express how beautiful I found this picture and many like it. It's like Mother Earth is eating everything. To think this ship is probably becoming a cliff, or broken down.
Like that one subreddit with trees devouring different things.
No. 41389
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>>41351I love the half submerged shipwrecks. There's a beautiful haunting quality to them. Fully submerged one freak me out a little though. Or any kind of machine underwater, ugh
No. 41390
>>41378I have a phobia of flooded toilets.
I lived without a working toilet when I was a child for some time and it was so horrifying when the sewer sludge would come out. The odor was unimaginable.
No. 41391
>>41378Kinda like this? shit freaks me the fuck out.
No. 41394
>>41351same here. just things in water that shouldn't be in water creep me out. that said, fuck you for posting that.
I have another weird phobia that I can't explain. Very specifically, it's fake environments. Like ones at crappy amusement parks or the fake enclosures mimicking nature in zoos and aquariums, but specifically amusement parks is what gets me. It's probably a weird version of uncanny valley, but I can't look at shit like disney rides or when I was at an arcade there was a flat painting of a scenery on the wall and a bad animatronic and fake plants around a shooting gallery game and it made me want to puke just looking at it.
So you can imagine the 20,000 leagues under the sea ride at disney combines both of these fears and it probably is a weird feeling that the most reprehensible thing to me is an amusement park water ride
No. 41421
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I'm terrified of something going on in a mirror like if my reflection does something just a little bit different - i cant look at mirrors in my peripheral because of it. I'm getting creeped out just thinking about it. I'm also super freaked out by dopplegangers - like terrified to see myself out of the corner of my eye because that means you're going to die soon :(
No. 41424
>>41421doppelgängers omg, yes. i'm almost pissing myself just thinking about it. have you seen the movie lake mungo by any chance? i just googled it to post a pic of the scene i mean, where she sees her doppelganger but immediately regretted it, couldn't save it, had to close the window. that scene still haunts me.
also where's that gif from? i found it funny at first but it's getting creepier and creepier the longer i see it. fuck
No. 41443
>>41432Ah. I am not so afraid of nothingness and death. It's just the planets… it's creepy because we're ALL in these swirly fucking things floating around in literally nothing with a few balls of gas and weird rocks orbiting
its just weird
like what is the point?
where the fuck did this even come from?
who put that there?
its weird
like wot is out of space?
No. 41483
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>>41403These really creep me out too. Have you ever seen pictures/video from the old Submarine Voyage ride from Disneyland? The animatronics are horrifying because they were made in the 50's-60's. Pic related.
(And the fact that there used to be actual live people playing mermaids for that ride is also terrifying, because I'm very phobic of being in the water around boats/watercraft. So scared of touching a propeller.)
No. 41502
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>>41410Yes, no worries now
No. 41532
Slugs. Fucking slugs. I live in the Pacific Northwest, which means I have to deal with slugs on a pretty regular basis. Walking in the dark when I can't see the sidewalk to check for the slimy bastards is absolutely terrifying. If I catch a glimpse of one in front of me, it'll stop me dead in my tracks. I can barely even stand to step over one of them, and the idea of stepping on one or seeing someone step on one is so horrific that I feel like I need to take a shower and scrub myself all over after just thinking about it.
I am often the designated spider-killer because, unlike most people I know, I'm not really phased by spiders. I've even been the designated cockroach-handler before, and picking one up and taking it outside (I couldn't make myself kill something that large and crunchy-looking) didn't bother me. But slugs, man…fucking slugs. They've haunted my nightmares for as long as I can remember.
>>40726This also freaks me out. I can't deal with there being water or anything beneath me. I also almost drowned in the ocean when I was a teenager, and after that I will never go swimming in the ocean - no matter how shallow and nice it looks - again. Watching a giant wave approach, going "oh shit" as I realized it was going to crash right down upon me, getting totally tumbled around and starting to inhale water, banging my head, and somehow washing up on the shore with a bunch of scrapes was not a fun experience. Oceans = NOPE NOPE NOPE.
>>40782Oh man…I used to hang out on 4chan's /x/ many years ago, and I was always listening to numbers stations. They were so fucking creepy. Now I want to start listening to them again. I like them, actually. To me, they're creepy in a good way. Intriguing. Bizarre.
>>40837I'm also a huge germaphobe. I was raised by a germaphobic nurse with OCD that manifested itself primarily around hygiene and cleanliness, specifically food hygiene. As a result, I'm ridiculously picky with what I'll eat. Dry, shelf-stable, packaged foods are the safest bet for me, along with produce that I wash excessively and prepare to my own rigorous standards. The thought of eating out of a salad bar or from any other sort of "communal dish" that other people may have been touching is especially horrifying to me.
>>41035Wow. Thank god I haven't been stabbed, but I've had a few times where I was really dehydrated and my blood pressure got so low that I started to slowly lose consciousness. I could feel myself drifting further and further away from consciousness and reality, and after a while, I didn't even care. I remember at one point I was like, "Okay, so it looks like you're going to die here. That's okay. It's not that bad. You won't have to be scared like this anymore. Just let yourself go." But hey, I came back!
Another big fear of mine is becoming somehow trapped inside my own body and being unable to communicate or move or something. Like being paralyzed or becoming a "vegetable" but actually still being able to think, just being stuck in a nonfunctional flesh prison. I had serotonin syndrome a few months ago, and when it was at its worst, my muscles completely locked up and I thought I was becoming paralyzed. I lost sensation all over my body. I tried to send commands to my limbs to just fucking move, and they wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I tried to make them. It was one of the most awful experiences of my life. Thankfully the worst of it only lasted a few days.
No. 41548
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>>41483Ugh, was that in the California one? I've only read about the 20,000 leagues ride in Florida. It was closed down by the first time I went, but you could look down into where it used to be and see the caves and the old track and a submarine submerged in water. It used to send shivers down my spine, and again, I used to imagine somehow falling in and having to climb onto the tracks or the submarine or something.
I think there was a giant squid somewhere in that one as well…
No. 41560
>>41532I know what you mean about the slugs. I live in eastern WA and I've never seen a slug here. I went over to the west side to visit my grandma and, after about 5pm, slugs started emerging from the woods in hoardes. It was horrifying. There was a slug every couple feet or so in every direction. Big black and brown slugs just littering the grass.
I don't want to step on them because I imagine it would be the absolute worst sensation ever, like stepping in soft dog shit, but sticky and slippery. Barf.
No. 41581
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Driving. I'm lucky enough to live abroad and have access to a damn good metro system, but when I go home all I hear is "So Anon, when are you going to get your license." or "Anon, your cousin got their license and he's 5 years younger than you. You are 21 years old, when are you getting yours?" Driving literally gives me the chills. I tried so hard to learn how to do it. I even took the classes and have my permit. But that was HELL to me. Every time I got behind the wheel, but heart would beat very fast, and I would begin to tense up. Back when I had my old job, I was lucky enough to work in the same area/roughly the same hours as my mom, and we would just carpool.
I don't know why it scares me so much. I've never had a traumatic experience with cars. I've never been in major accidents either. Just something about controlling a huge piece of machinery that could KILL me. I even get tense as a passenger. Even if the driver is experienced, I still think, "What if someone else hits US?"
I hate that I let it get to me, but it just honestly terrifies me. I'm 100% sure everybody around me thinks I'm just too lazy to get it, and prefer to be just driven around, but honestly I wish I wasn't so scared because it would be so CONVENIENT if I could drive without the anxiety.
No. 41587
>>41560Holy shit I thought I was the only one with an irrational fear of slugs. Snails and worms also freak me out. I'm not 100% sure where/how I developed this fear (I grew up in the woods lol), but I know I've had it for a long time. In kindergarten we were raising worms to make a compost pile and I started crying when the teacher suggested that I touch one of the worms (because all my classmates were)
My other weird fears include uncovered windows at night, being stared at (I know that sounds tumblrina as fuck but it's probably my anxiety thinking that everyone is judging me), pregnancy/childbirth, smoking, dying of respiratory problems, drowning, choking, and suffocating (i have a lot of fears related to breathing, I blame this on the fact that when I was three I fell into the deep end of a pool and almost drowned)
No. 41720
No one's mentioned my particular one, I guess it isn't so common but I was actually diagnosed with OCD and a phobia of sticky things/especially bandaids. I think that one may have stemmed from seeing bandaids in the bottom of pools as a child. For years I couldn't even touch a box of bandaids, or the paper side of stickers. I dealt with the issues that were the source of my phobia and they've gone away now, I'm still a bit of a germophobe but it's not as life-consuming as it used to be.
>>41359>>41356Have you guys heard of a short story by Chuck Palahniuk called Guts? It's about a teen boy masturbating in a pool and rubbing his ass against the filter until it starts sucking out his intestines. Lovely read, I recommend it.
No. 41763
>>41720>rubbing his ass against the filter until it starts sucking out his intestinesThe fancy term for this is "entrapment" and yeah that actually did happen to a little girl in a pool, she got eviscerated by the pool filtered, which got a law passed requirimg filter covers : the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act
I'm studying public health. kek.
No. 41767
>>41560Eeeeewwww that sounds like a nightmare. And yeah, a huge part of my phobia has to do with the thought of stepping on one. I don't even want to see someone else do that. A lot of people assume I want slugs to die, but that grosses me out, too ("Just pour salt on them!" NO NO NO). I want them not to exist.
>>41587Snails are only a bit better than slugs, and worms are nearly on the same level as slugs for me. I hate being such a pussy about these things, because I really would love to do more outdoors-y shit, garden, etc. but I simply cannot make myself do activities that might involve close encounters of the slimy kind.
>>41715Ahhh yeah I have a love/hate relationship with that boardwalk. I like when you can see sea stars on the pilings in the water, but I hate the fact that you're over the water. I have to try really hard not to think about it when I'm there and just pretend it's a regular street.
>>41720>GutsOh, the memories. I was thinking, "Wow, it must have been like 10 years since I read that story," and then I looked up when
Haunted was published, and yeah, it has been almost exactly 10 years. Now I feel super old.
No. 41851
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I LOVE space
but fucking black holes man
No. 41939
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>>41930They legit scare the shit out of me.
No. 41943
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>>41941are you
triggered ???????
No. 41945
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>>41944you're funny, pal. you get mad being reminded that the universe isn't actually your hugbox :^) yet you keep coming back
No. 41981
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Hard to explain, but I hate things that appear bigger than their established size, like the supermoon.
I hate when something is so big it takes up most of the TV/computer screen. It started with Tetris for NES- I was watching someone really good play and I swear the rocket that shoots up at the end was so goddamn huge it took up the entire screen and it freaked me out.
Also images like this. All these things give me a feeling of dread.
No. 42126
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put that as your wallpaper
No. 42169
Wow, it took me nearly 15 minutes to notice the typo.
No. 42364
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My big ones are needles, spiders, and heights.
Needles is the worst one though. As a kid, I had to be held down in order to be given a shot. I had a blood test done recently and felt like I was going to faint. I asked for a cup of water and the doctor had me lay down and hold a stress ball. I always have to look away too.
No. 42372
>>42364I had to have a four inch needle inserted into an artery because they kept blowing the veins in my arms/hands.
You're welcome
No. 42398
>>42372I'm so sorry! That sounds horrific!
>>42396Thank you, anon.
No. 42528
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Anything that involves disease pretty much. I'm not a germaphobe and i'm not a neat freak but it terrifies the living shit out of me. You mean i can drop dead in a second if something with my heart or brain goes wrong? Cancer just pops up whenever it wants and buttfucks you. Hey, you caught this disease! It can't be cured, so fuck you. Hope you enjoy living your life in a hospital bed until you die.
And then coupled with my fear of death which is just confusing. Thing is i don't know whats going to happen. Maybe ill jump into a void until the end of time, be born as an african child with down syndrome with an even shittier life, or maybe a dog that is going to get stuffed into a bag and thrown in the river or abused and tortured, or not be good enough for heaven and be thrown in hell. Dying doesn't even sound that fucking bad. It's what happens after it.
No. 43118
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I suffer from emetophobia AKA fear of vomiting, especially other people vomiting.
It's slowly getting better, but goddamn it used to be REALLY fucking bad. I remember a few years ago, I'd go entirely pale and feel my stomach drop whenever I heard someone cough or bend over as if they were going to vomit.
There was a time when a man threw up in front of me and I completely lost it and I felt totally disoriented and almost walked into the street because my fear had like, blinded me? I still don't know what that was, but it was terrifying.
I still get spikes of anxiety whenever someone looks like they're going to be ill but it's not to the extent that it was before where I'd constantly be watching people. It just sucks because whenever I bring this up to people they always treat it like a joke and call me a pussy and/or start making gagging noises to scare me.
No. 194035
Burning alive and injuries to joints & tendons. Not really phobias as such, just specific fears.
>>194013Dreams about lost or broken teeth are very common. Supposedly it's symbolic of a fear of aging.
No. 194046
>>194011I have this too! The moving limbs thing. I don't understand it, when I'm on a busy bus with someone sitting on the outside of me and my bag between my legs and the seat I have to count in my head and breathe carefully or I'll freak the fuck out lmao.
>>194041I've lived in Australia my whole life and I've only ever seen one snake while bush walking in the middle of no where. They're not common anywhere except dense bushlands with lots of high grass or loads of big rocks. Have fun on your trip! :)
No. 194121
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I'm afraid of deep water and mechanical stuff in the water. I tbelieve the latter is called submechanophobia.
It all started when I went on a boat ride at Six Flags called Monster Plantation as a kid. I was terrified of the gears and tracks under the water and the fact that it was too dark to see how deep the water was.
That led to being afraid of those robotic pool cleaners, pool drains, and even my foot touching the drain in the shower. Forget amusement/water park rides too.
No. 194137
>>194117>>194130Have you considered some kind of exposure therapy?'d be pretty weird to have a therapist help with that particular problem, but it seems like such a phobia would have a pretty negative impact on your quality of life.
No. 194215
>>194146Same. I have severe emetophobia. Got a point that I stopped eating because I was so scared of being sick, but the empty stomach made me feel sick which in turn made me panic. Ended up spending most of my waking hours sat near the toilet 'just in case' I got sick. Never thought I'd have a job or anything but I am able to live mostly normally now, except when I go to places like concerts/theme parks/bars and when travelling too. I also wash my hands a lot too and have plastic bags in my car in case a passenger gets sick.
It sucks.
No. 194289
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Bees and wasps, and this extends to any other buzzing insect because they sound like bees. Wasps are also terrible because they're SILENT so they just kinda sneak up on you. I had one land on my shoulder one time, I didn't know, but everyone else did, and after the fact I just cried and curled up in a ball underneath a blanket. I didn't want to be outside at all. I hate summer and spring because I know those fuckers are going to come back and terrorize me. I'm in Germany right now & everyone seems to have flowers in their yard and on their balcony, and walking to the train station in the morning sends me into panic attack mode every time.
aside from that, I have a slight fear of vomiting? I wish I could do it, but for some reason I'm terrified of it. I haven't puked since I was a kid. I also find it sexy in some situations though, which is… I don't know. I think there's something wrong with me.
No. 194290
>>194289Your fear of wasps is logical because they are awful in every possible way. Try wearing an insect repellant during the months when they're most active, and remember a quick shake or shiver will make them get off if they land in or near you. Just don't kill them, cause they call for backup whilst dying. I've got nests of the bastards on my property and we get a plague of the fuckers come spring but repellant and a shake is all we've needed to avoid a sting or prolonged touching.
You can also build super simple traps for them for free. Cuts soda bottle in half, stick the neck inside the bottom half, tape it there and put some raw meat in the bottom part. They'll fly in but it's nearly impossible to get out, especially if you put some water in the bottom. Put the trap out away from where you will be and collect it when the suns been down for a while and the living ones are dormant.
No. 196465
>>194215What did you do to get your phobia under control ?
Sometimes I feel like it's getting better and sometimes I'm falling back again.
I'm mostly afraid of throwing up in public because I don't know how people would react to it. Doesn't have to do with the throwing up part per se I'm fine feeling nauseous in my room but when there are people ot makes everything worse.
Because of that I normally only eat in the evening when I got nothing to do.
I need to get my stomach checked because there is definitely something going on there and it will definitely help if that is out of my way. But the phobia would still be there.
I mean did you see a therapist ? Does it help?
>>194267As I said I'm afraid to throw up in public, I'll be fine at home. But having a bag makes me feel more secure. When having one with me I have a place to throw up in to (never had to use it so yeah I know my fear is irrational) so I don't make a mess. I would have to constantly check for places to vomit into other wise.
No. 196953
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Spiders. And I fucking hate when annoying ass people post cutesy magnified pictures of certain kinds (usually fuzzy, jumping ones) just to show how 'bro' they are when those types of spiders aren't the ones I get.
Fuck you, I'm killing them.
Wolf spiders, brown recluse, black widows, and other spiders that could seriously fuck me if bitten.
I can usually handle squishing house spiders and those little transparent ones that make annoying house webs. But not any fast-moving spider bigger than a quarter, or venomous. No.
Idgaf if they could 'eat other bugs,' because I frankly don't have any in my apartment for them to eat. They clearly crawl in because of bad sealants and wanting to escape the humidity/moisture. They are intruders, and I know if I were as small as a bug and showed up in their webs, they'd show no mercy to me either.
>be a few weeks ago
>still living in shitty ground floor apartment before moving up a floor
>got all sorts of bugs because management never repaired broken/bad door and window seals
>going to toilet
>notice something dark moving slowly towards me
>giant female wolf spider
>mid poop
>freak the fuck out but know if I make too much noise it would scamper away
>wipe and slowly search for things to throw at it
>spider is so large that as it runs away I can hear its legs clack against the linoleum
I think I finally got my bf's D&D book and dropped it on the spider.
No. 196975
>>196953>spider is so large that as it runs away I can hear its legs clack against the linoleum Jesus fucking christ this literally gave me goosebumps
I'm glad we only have tiny (max palm sized) ones here and I never ever ever ever have to worry about these giant fucks
No. 196980
>>196979sure thing mercy-chan, I bet you don't kill flies, clothes moths, mosquitos etc. They won't kill you either (maybe except mosquitos in some cases), because they're fucking innocent.
All spiders should just die
No. 196983
>>196979They're not innocent.
There's a reason why humans smile when they see a new puppy but recoil when they see a spider or a snake. It's an evolutionary instinct.
I own a cornsnake, but I don't insist to every person with a snake phobia they'd have to leave a rattler alone if it got in their house.
No. 197023
>>196953i LOVE tarantulas and i like most spiders, but yeah wolf spiders and brown recluses can stay the fuck away from me i don't trust those bitches. would never kill them, but i'd get them out of my home for sure.
you are a brave soul for surviving that anon. also female wolf spider???? those bitches are huge and they lay tons of eggs man, hopefully she didn't get enough time to hatch any more of her buddies. stay cautious tbh.
No. 197081
>>197070>>197074I know you are doing it out of phobia, but it's actually smart to draw the blinds/curtains at night. Criminals and thieves scope out peoples' homes at night and note how many people are in the house or if you're home alone. Also if you have valuables like electronics.
They're less likely to target your home if they can't get that kind of info.
No. 197658
>>197646I feel you, anon.
Not knowing what's "inside" so to speak freaks me out as well. It makes me think about human consciousness a bit too much.
No. 198439
Not having an internet connection/phone at all times.
It freaks me the fuck out knowing that something important could be happening and I could not hear about it. I left my phone at home by mistake once, didnt relaise until I was on the train and it me feel physically ill. I ended up being sick and having to leave college early. When I run of data I will go out of my way to go somewhere with wifi just to check for updates.
I have very severe anxiety and depression mainly surrounding the fact that I have no social life, so I get very paranoid thinking that, what if someone is texting/calling me asking me to hang out with them and I miss it, and therefore miss the chance to do something? Its making me feel panicked just thinking about it now. I cant go ANYWHERE without my phone. its always in my hand, even walking from one side of my room to the other. Say I left something downstairs, like a glass of water, if I realise my phones not on me once I get there I will go back and get it, then go back and get the glass.
I also cant play any videogames on PC that take up the whole screen (like sims), or consoles that you plug into the TV without having something connected to the internet like my phone or laptop on me, it makes me feel so closed off and anxious. I don't really know how to describe the feeling.
No. 279596
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No. 279622

>>37281I have a fear for clowns but mainly people with white paint on their face. Like the kiss band members scare me somewhat. I feel anxiety and disgust, especially when I think about their eyes. Since I was 11 I keep having a reoccurring dream. This dream had my childhood friend in it, he was 7 or so. He got ass raped by a Japanese guy in my dream. I was crying from a distance and he was also crying because this man was on top of him. I don't know where or how my mind came up with this Japanese man. The man had a bit long black hair and his face was painted white. His face was young looking, no emotion and he had no t-shirt on. He was really pale. He stopped raping my friend and he started chasing me so he could kill me I think because I was now a witness. I kept running and looking for a place to hide. Suddenly my dream stopped with the chase scene and I could see his face better. He was looking at my face. His black eyes and white painted face scared me and I waked up immediately. I was so fucking disgusted when I woke up. I started pacing and crying quietly in my room. I think I had a mental breakdown. I relaxed after 15/20 minutes and realized that probably never happend. I felt less disgusted. This dream has come back to me several times in my life though. It's changed a lot but the disgust is still there every time I wake up.
I was also a fan of a Japanese symphonic metal band a while back and when I found out they were actually a visual kei band and how the band members looked, I saw their faces I got so fucking disgusted again. I found an interview where you can vaguely see their faces. It's scary as fuck and just so disgusting. I don't listen to them anymore. If you're interested though I recommend 'Silent Knight' and 'Faith & Decision'. Those were my two favorite songs of them but I stopped listening after I felt the disgust again. I know retarded but whatever. I don't understand a fuck of what they were saying anyways but the guitarist is pretty good. The phobia I guess has not affected my life much but I have other anxiety problems so it doesn't matter. Anybody else feel disgust for face paint?
No. 279630
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>>279622This is a super interesting phobia anon, thanks for sharing.
As for me, I’ve got a basic-bitch fear of spiders. Early in autumn, my house gets infested with hobo spiders. They just hang out wherever, I’ve found them behind my toilet, up in corners, on blankets, in my car, etc… I hate that summer is almost over here.
>spoiler for disgusting No. 279633
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>>279630Yeah it's kinda weird. Have you seen this gif though? It's a tarantula shedding its own skin lol
No. 279641
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>>279633but the big ones are cute :(
No. 279670
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Sinkholes and arachnophobia.
They say educate yourself to the things you fear to get over them but it just made me more terrified like knowing which species of spiders are in my region (black widows and yellow sac spiders) and the effects of their venom.
And if it wasn't for a goddamn recurring dream of falling into a sinkhole I had as a child then I probably wouldn't be afraid of them but tbh, sinkholes are fucking terrifying anyways especially since you never know if you could be over one.
No. 279752
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This combines two of my strangest fears - afghan hounds and people in mascot outfits/costumes
No. 279757
>>279755I actually enjoy turbulence specifically because it's like a rollercoaster, and because it breaks up the still monotony and makes you feel like you're moving.
But anyway
>childbirth but also if I don't have a child, I'll be lonely when I'm elderlyI feel this so hard. But not just childbirth, having a child in general. Either option is the scariest shit ever, but I don't think it counts as a phobia. Phobias are irrational, life changing decisions that could make or break you are definitely rational fears.
No. 279760
^ Speaking of rollercoasters, I'm pretty sure I've got a slight fear of them. I've never been the biggest fan of them and I've only been of a few, but one night I thought it would be a great idea to look up lists of accidents that have happened on rollercoasters and ended up scaring the shit out of myself lol. Just absolute horrid stories, like when a seatbelt doesn't work or something and someone goes flying out, or this one that literally made me sick to my stomach, a mother was sitting in front of her daughter on the ride, something went loose on the track and came hurtling towards her and decapitated her. I just can't imagine being the daughter looking at the headless body of your mum in front of you, jesus christ. Fuck rollercoasters man lmao. I know the chances of accidents happening on them are extremely small, but I'd rather not take the risk. Just the thought of someone or multiple people dying, getting thrown off, bodies parts and blood splattered everywhere for others to see, especially kids, makes me sick.
Also, this kind of ties into it, (idk if this fear has a specific name) the fear that anything bad can happen at virtually any time. Like the rollercoaster one, you're just out hanging fun and suddenly your life gets cut short just like that. It always make me think how tragic, how deeply unsettling, having something horrible happen to you is just so easy no matter where you are. Like a killer just happens to choose you as a victim in a busy shopping mall, someone dies of a heart attack on the train you're at, you could be sitting in your room and suddenly a car comes crashing through the wall because the driver is drunk. Like anything can happen at any time that can change your whole life, in those minutes of the event. Freaks me out man.
But besides all that existential shit, there's also a small fear of needles lol. It's not so bad when they put it in, but when they slide the needle out it just makes me cringe and feel nauseous. Especially when they accidentally wiggle it around as they get it out uurrrghhh.
No. 279792
>>279757Pregnancy does a lot of permanent things to your body which many women don't like. I remembered reading a long story of multiple post on 4chan a few years ago where basically someone was explaining the biology of pregnancy. He claimed it's like having an alien in your body sucking out all your life nutrients and permanently damaging your body, making your life worse and shorter. Your body tries to kill the alien at all times but it's protected by the placenta. Wish I could read that story again. It was somewhat interesting.
>>279760I'm not afraid of roller coasters and used to enjoy them but last year I went to the Ohio State Fair and I went into this octopus roller coaster called the Fire Ball or something. It was not enjoyable at all and I felt so sick during the ride. To be fair I hadn't been on a fast swinging g-force machine in years. Exactly 2 hours later, we had already left the news came out some dude actually died because the ride broke and two more could die. People who were with me that day were shocked and their first responses were, that could have been us. I didn't know what to think of it but I don't think I'll ever go into another roller coaster again. It just makes me feel sick and it's not that enjoyable as it was in childhood.
No. 279855
I have emetophobia, the fear of vomitting. This means I fear anything that could get me sick, like a stomach bug or food poisoning. No raw food at all, no fish, I avoid lettuce like the plague, all meat must be very well done. I don’t eat anything close to it’s expiration or sell by date. I’m slightly germaphobic and wash my hands and phone constantly, but only to avoid the stomach bug.
Once in October my sister v* and I barely ate the next few days, and I did apple cider vinegar shots every morning. I carry around antinausea medicine, I avoid eating in public, I avoid eating new food or even at new restaurants.
I try my best to handle it, but it gives me a lot of anxiety. I’m terrified or pregnancy too, even though I do want to one day be pregnant and have children.
No. 279866
>>279855That sounds like the kind of phobia that you should be seeking help for. Better to start now so when it’s time to have a baby, you’ll be okay. I’m sorry you have this phobia anon.
I’m sure you have tossed your cookies before though, was it fine in reality? Like just the thought is terrifying but when it actually happens you’re like okay that wasn’t bad.
No. 279964
>>279928That’s no way to live. You have to book an appt. asap to start freeing your head from this.
You’ll be okay, anon, just give it time and put the work into therapy :-)
No. 280433
>>43118I too am afraid of seeing others puke ….well it used to be sooo terrible that if someone were to puke in class or something like that I'd get anxiety having them near me even after years of the incident. I felt bad. but damn I never told everyone but I know its obvious. I stopped being scared so much now but the most i feel is oddness and i can help the sick person and withstand it but it took a while.
now my biggest fear is those loud floor waxers with a gas tanks …….something about it scares me sooo much. the sound. If I see one at walmart ….I am out I hate them. It just
triggers my flight response lol. also halloween animatronics…and silicon animatronics….I hate them i feel odd ….but thats just about it
No. 280457
My big three are heights, razor blades, and hypodermic needles. The former is getting better (slowly) but the latter two are incredibly strong.
The razors are probably the dumbest, though, because it was only instilled when I was going through puberty. To sum it up shortly: I watched a film that put the idea in my head that if I shaved with a razor, I would somehow nick myself and peel my skin off. And now, that's legitimately what I think will happen if I try to use one. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't force myself to put one on my skin and use it. Now it's to the point where I can't look at razors at all, even when they're not being used. They make me physically nauseous and anxious. Any time I see one in a bathroom or at a grocery store, my entire body is on high alert. Thankfully it's such a specific thing (it's only straight blades) that it doesn't effect me too much, but personal grooming gets kind of annoying. Eh.
No. 280483
>>280457Do you mean like, packs of blades not attached to a stick or encased in anything, like loose? They don't sell them in my location but I think they're scary due to movie association. Lady shaves where it's encased in plastic on every side + stick are very safe. I have similar weird fears, all due to having thin+sensitive skin I think, thus the risks being higher
-Used to be blood until I hit puberty, exposure therapy works
-Scared of cheese graters and fruit/veg peelers for similar excessive reasons as your blade one
-Sharp scissors
I made the mistake of watching the bit in 13 Reasons Why on Youtube where she does the deed and it has mildly traumatised me
I'm not anxious but I'm very cautious. I don't chop vegetables or food, I use a spoon over a fork half the time, never use even butterknives when eating, I will chop food with a fork instead. (basically use a spoon and fork instead of knife and fork lol)
reminded of my fear whenever I grate cheese, (rarely) don't handle kitchen knives ever and avoid doing dishes manually in case there's knives in there
There's no event which led to this, it doesn't invoke anxiety but like the "chopping vegetables" scenes they put in casual dramas are definitely a lot more stressful to watch than the director probably intended. I think they are there for light peril where for me they may as well show a guy with an axe sneaking around outside. I used to be scared of the "man outside" type thing too but my house has CCTV (which I recommend to anyone) and seeing people on camera is quite amusing so it has negated that little fear of the unknown
No. 280628
>>280601Me too! Everyone makes fun of me because they're harmless. Yeah, obviously a moth isn't going to bite or sting me, but I still think they're absolutely disgusting. I even hate butterflies… I wouldn't say I'm afraid of them exactly but I think they're gross.
>>280608Well I want to die now
No. 280636
>>280608>most people have eaten dead moth larvae in nutsNeat, extra protein.
On topic, I am pretty uncomfortable with the ocean like the other anons. Not anything in particular, but just the idea of such a large body of water fills me with a sense of dread. I get a similar but lesser sense even in the presence of larger aquariums. The only recurring nightmare I have involves aquariums and being in a room surrounded with them.
Ironically I love fish and fishkeeping. I hate myself I guess.
My biggest fear, however, is skin diseases and deformities. It's gotten better since I've tried exposing myself to photographs/videos/etc. but any type of skin disease outside of acne disgusts and terrifies me. Anything that creates bumps or swelling (even from a bug bite) gets my heart going.
Ironically again, I love inverts and of course my favourites are venomous, meaning if I got bitten I'd have a nice swollen bump to scare the shit out of me for a week or so. I'm pretty cautious with my tarantula though, and I'll be even more careful when I eventually get a centipede. That hurts like hell on top of it apparently.
No. 280728
>>280608oh anon, thanks for that, possibly information i was better off not knowing as i vivdly remember hating going round to aunt's because she'd always give me these bitter tasting hazel nuts ;-;
on topic of pests, last week at work there was this soggy empty cardboard tray left on shelf in pet food aisle and i lifted it up to throw it away as normal but the underside of it was full of quite meaty maggots just crawling around, i felt my stomach drop 3 stories when i saw that. istg i have never been so grossed out in my life, like i don't care about insects and spiders and stuff like that at all, most I find cute even, but maggots man
No. 281439
>>280483Oh, no, I mean the full razor. I guess I don't really like straight razors loose, but it doesn't bother me nearly as much. But my phobia is specifically the razor attached to the handle and everything. Even if all the sides are enclosed, they still freak me out and I don't want them near me. I'm also pretty nervous around the kind you find at barber shops for men's grooming. Ugh.
Strange enough, I don't have a phobia of knives. I do have intrusive thoughts about them and how they can hurt me, but I am able to use them. Same with things like graters and peelers. I think the razor thing was legitimately me seeing the wrong thing at the wrong time in life and letting it become this huge, terrifying thing in my head. It's weird, how junk like this work…
I have a needle phobia, too, like I mentioned. But it's a completely different reason. I don't like the idea of something just sticking in me like that? It's not even a pain thing, it's just the concept of it all is so terrible and disturbing to me. On top of that, I'm terrified of embolisms. I don't even know why I am, somehow I got the idea in my head at a young age and I've been scared shitless of it since.
No. 281845
>>281842Aside from jokes
They're literally spiky things that move and when you open them they have those little thing that to me look like tiny guts.
Not cool.
No. 281846
>>280601>>280628Holy moly! I thought I was crazy for being scared of moths! I am glad I am not alone. I also can't stand butterflies, especially if they are big, fat and hairy… :'(
>>280608Pheww good that I don't like nuts but thank you for your warning anon
No. 285692
>>285689>spiders are bugsI won't fight you, but I will say that most people referring to all insects (ants, butterflies, etc.) as bugs are also wrong. Only insects in the order Hemipetra are True Bugs (literally called that).
So don't feel bad or anything, bug has sort of taken on a new casual meaning that covers non-crustacean arthropods. Anyone being nitpicky about someone putting arachnids in the wrong category better check themselves for putting all insecta under that same category.
No. 286051
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>>285692>non-crustacean arthropodsBut pill bugs crustacean
No. 286070
>>286051Damn! You're right. How could I forget about those special friends.
Aquatic crustaceans would be more accurate. People seem to cut off their bug definition at crabs, crayfish, shrimp, and the like.
No. 629983
>>40726i understand this fear but to me pics like this feel really nice and peaceful to look at
my biggest fear is wasps. it kinda comes and goes though. some summers i haven't been able to go out without layers of clothes covering my full body and a mosquito hat, even while it's hot as fuck outside.
No. 629996
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Anyone else not realize they have a phobia until actually being exposed to that specific thing/condition IRL?
I used to think I wasn't claustrophobic, could look at pictures of tight spaces without so much as mild discomfort. And then in my late teens I went on vacation with my family and one of our stops was this water-filled cave similar to pic related. As soon as I went through the small opening my heart started pounding, I couldn't talk, only hyperventilate, and everything around me seemed to blur. Even as others easily swam/waded through the area, I felt like the cave was going to close in on me until I was trapped in a tiny, suffocating space. My parents had to maneuver me out of there because I couldn't even think for myself.
It's weird because I don't think I have any traumatizing experiences with small spaces or caves; it just suddenly triggered then and there and now I can't even look at a picture of an underwater cave without shuddering.
No. 630038
>>629996I can totally relate, and it's the same phobia, never cared about closed spaces much until I was visiting a museum in a mine which you're supposed to leave in a tiny, pitch black elevator, at that moment I got a full blown panic attack; since then for years i've really struggled to go into any kind of small, closed space, similarly to the cave you've mentioned. It's far more manageable now but the worry remains. Some phobias are just a little irrational and don't require any type of specific
triggering experience; since it's an instinct thing of our animal ancestors fearing being trapped or so.
No. 630064
>Anyone else not realize they have a phobia until actually being exposed to that specific thing/condition IRL?I know what you mean anon; a few months ago me and my friends went on a Ferris Wheel, I was relaxed and chill about it, but as soon it started and we slowly got lifted up and I could see just how high we were going I began panicking, breathing hard, silently begging to get off, the whole works. I think I've got a fear of heights, it's strange because I'm not really afraid of being on planes, maybe it's because you can't really see/feel you're up a thousand feet in the air, and being on a Ferris Wheel you're more in the open and less secure. A few weeks ago I was watching a documentary of people beating world records of going the highest in the sky, it was fascinating but i realised my heart was beating so hard and I literally got dizzy just thinking of the heights these people reached and the complications it can cause.
Slightly related, but I scared myself off rollercoasters and other extreme rides like that. I've read too many horror stories of people getting decapitated, thrown off their seats, getting their scalp ripped because their hair got stuck somewhere, being upside down for hours etc etc. Like nooooo thanks. It's one of those situations where even if one little thing goes slightly wrong, it can end in a fucking disaster, and that's terrifying.
No. 630087
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I have an extreme phobia of pregnancy and babies, to the point i decided to not have sex anymore until i can get my tubes tied or the implant, maybe both for safety, seeing pregnant women makes me nauseous and i basically can't feel anything good towards babies, I can't even hold a baby, my first instintic would be to throw them on the floor and run away (already happened, i had to hold myself extremely hard to not throw this person's baby on the floor when they made me hold it against my will and comfort)
It makes me really upset that no one takes it seriously, not even my therapist, everyone just assumes im going to change my mind when im older and start popping babies like a good woman is supposed to, but its so bad i don't doubt i would stab myself in the uterus if i found out i was pregnant (abortions are illegal in my country).
I just want to be sterilized anons, why do those things have age requirements, im 21 i should be allowed to choose want to for my life.
The whole process of pregnancy is just so revolting to me, it genuinely only reminds me of the xenomorph from alien, i hate it so much, sometimes i wish i was born a scrote just so pregnancy wouldn't even be a possibility.
No. 630092
>>630087Same! I'm 32 and similarly I don't trust birth control enough to be able to enjoy sex. In the last 5 years the only person I've slept with was someone who'd had a vasectomy. It was a pretty horrible relationship but his vasectomy meant I could at least have a sex life for once.
Where I live they won't tie your tubes unless you've already had 2/3 kids and hit 35 so.. guess I'm just left with celebacy.
No. 630097
>>630092My condolences anon, I had sex like 4 times but they were all kind of shitty anyways so I have no qualms with staying celibate for now, it does make dating kind of a hassle tho, i've conformed with playing otome games like the closet weeb i am lol.
>>630095I live in Brazil, most doctors won't even perform tubal ligations if you don't have a kid even if you are over the age of 25, they tend to be very conservative and if they aren't the fines for doing the procedured on someone who is not legally allowed to are high enough to discourage them.
My gynecologist is a pretty progressive lesbian and even she has asked me to just come back in 4 years lol, she did suggest i get an implant because they are as effective as the surgery.
No. 630111
>>630097 > won't even perform tubal ligations if you don't have a kid That's the most frustrating thing. Even if you wait until you are a 'mature enough age to decide' you still need to have multiple kids before you're allowed. In my country you need to have 3. So where's the respect for full grown women who surely have their minds made up? A minumum age makes some sense to me but needing to have 3 kids already just defeats the purpose for alot of women wanting the procedure. You need to have kids in order to earn the right to stop having kids, like what? lol
I also live somewhere where abortion only became legal recently so all of my twenties passed by with me either being single and sexless for loong periods of time or me worrying myself sick over pregnancy fears.
No. 630141
>>630097Damn but at least she is willing to do it?
I want it too but all gynecologists in town are conservative and won't do it.
No. 630199
>>630142 > recent push to forbid abortion even in rape cases Outside my local church lately I had to walk past a group of old age men (with collection buckets) preaching that in the case of rape 'don't punish the baby'
I have not been sexually active for most of my adult life because I'm that scared of pregnancy.. now even if I get raped I have to suck it up and carry it? Must be nice to be a 70 year old man and be able to sit around all day just pondering about what rape
victims should do.
No. 630208
>>630087Would really recommend the arm implant for maximum effectiveness, it's proven to be more successful than tubal ligation. If you're lucky like I was, you'll also receive the grace of not getting a period or spotting ever.
I rode out my 20s with the assurance that no matter who I fucked, they weren't going to get me pregnant and there was nothing those men could do to tamper with it. And trust me, many were shocked-annoyed when I told them about my implant. Mad that they couldn't "accident" trap me with their spawn. Some asked when I was getting it taken out. Lmao. I love this birth control, I mean it did make me
fat but it also gave me so much power, independence, and peace of mind that I think it was a small price to pay. I have a bf right now (who wants kids) and atm I'm riding out the expiration of what's probably going to be my last implant. I'm a little sad but not mortified at the thought of being pregnant anymore now that I'm with a good person, whereas before it terrified me cause so many men are unsupportive dirtbags who don't care about our pain and sacrifices. Anyways, I'm rambling. Best of luck anon.
No. 630215
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>>630193This post is the visual embodiment of pic related
No. 630225
What rustles my jimmies even more is that abortion rates are still high. Those who have money travel to do it and those who don't die or go to jail, but it still happens. And actual infanticide is a huge issue.
Tbh i would be happy if it was just old church men yelling at a corner but many religious young men and women with the power to change the law agree on this. Recently a 10 year old who was raped almost couldn't get one because of nutjobs surrounding the hospital (one of the few in the country who do it), she had to be snuck in the back of a car. A 10 year old.
The law that it's allowed in rape cases is there but they will do anything to stop you from getting one. There is no info about it in hospitals or official websites.
It's so fucking scary, how i could be forced to be pregnant even while celibate and they won't let me get sterilized either. I just hope i can leave this shithole soon.
No. 630253
>>630225Once every few years we'll have a case here where a newborn baby is found either dead on a beach or nearly dead and we'll have people pretend to care about the distress of the missing mother like "come forward and we'll provide medical help no questions asked" But everything about the country that I'm in just contributes to teen girls giving birth alone on dirty fucking beaches and thinking that's better than telling their parents about their pregnancy.
I was a loser teen with no sex life, thank god because I had the kind of parents where I'd be driven to hiding it and suffering alone. Meanwhile people living one country away have had abortion for decades and surprise surprise.. significantly less 'beach babies'
No. 630263
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Really scared of deep, dark, but VAST water. For example, the ocean terrifies me, and not at all because of the animals in it. I just hate thinking about how big and deep the ocean is. I hate the idea of currents and waves too. I can barely swim, and the fear of drowning makes water all the more scary to me.
I don't understand how there are stories of people surviving in the ocean without a boat for days just by floating on their back. I could never…
No. 630317
>>630253At least they offer help, here it's straight up jail lmfao
It's sad all around. Babies found in plastic bags, women dying from ingesting harmful things to induce abortion, dying in illegal clinics if they have some money and on their bathrooms if not…
I don't i'll ever get over this phobia as long as i live here. As long as i know i will be forced to keep a rape pregnancy i can't really live, i'll aways be worried and anxious. We don't even have guns or i would be calmer knowing i could aways kms with a high success rate and not have to deal with the pregnancy anymore.
No. 630329
>>630324If it's easy or not it depends on the woman and the time, but rapists don't use protection and it only takes a single sperm.
Think of it like a broken but loaded gun that has 1% chance of firing. You still wouldn't want to keep poiting it at yourself and pulling the
trigger would you? And you wouldn't want other people to randomly do it to you against your will. It's like this for me.
No. 630333
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I technically have a fear of insects and cockroaches. I honestly don't like being around or near them nor do I want them touching me
No. 630336
>>630333same. where i currently live, cockroaches are mostly a non-issue, but back home, roaches are huge and fly. it's the worst. the new year is in the middle of summer so it's really super fun to have a huge roach fall on your leg or fly right above your head while you're trying to enjoy your food.
these days there are tons of wasps outside. they're obsessed with coke and my classmates always buy coke for some reason. we all looked absolutely ridiculous, so petrified of tiny insects.
No. 630337
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i’m terrified of the the ocean, pic related makes me feel sick
No. 630411
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>>630337Reminds me of that bullshit level in Banjo
I hate mechanical shit like propellers underwater
No. 630561
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I have an insane fear of needles, medical procedures, and injuries. This past week my friend put Cheer, the Netflix documentary on, and I had a panic attack within the first few minutes because all I could think about are the cheerleaders landing wrong and blowing out their ankle.
Last time I had to get a needle (9 years ago), after panicking for 10-20 minutes my mother had to grab me in a surprise big bear hug and the doctor ran at me with the needle in the middle of the hallway. It was horrible.
Next time I'm getting a shot I'm taking some Valium, maybe looking into some kind of numbing cream and/or something like the Buzzy.
>>630087The thought of having something living and growing inside of you is disgusting. I fear the complications of birth, the pain, the recovery. I don't wanna have my vagina and asshole ripped open and wear diapers.
Sometimes I get a burst of clarity and having a baby feels right, so hopefully when I meet a guy I want to start a family with my feelings will change.
I do think I want a kid eventually, and I think it would be cool to have a biological kid to see what they'll be like. I'm planning on getting therapy if I do meet someone and it gets serious/we get engaged.
…but don't get me started on my fear of having a baby with disability..
No. 630938
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Being in the water next to a huge ship fills me with dread.. I'm not afraid of being on a ship but the idea of being somehow sucked into the propellor makes me nauseous.
No. 631394
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For as long as I can remember I've had a phobia for snowy or wet corners, also the damp areas beneath shop awnings after a rainy or snowy day.(See pic) Looking away does nothing to help me. Just knowing it's there enough to make me anxious and make my fucking skin crawl. It's even worse when there's debris in/on those areas.
No. 631403
>>631369Holy shit, same. I literally have nightmares where I drink alcohol and they frighten me more than anything. Even walking past CLOSED bars downtown scares the shit out of me. For me it's a combo of my family never drinking but my bio dad (absent) having been an alcoholic.
And I'd also prefer a teetotal/uptight partner. On top of the fear, I do think abstinence is a good indicator of someone who is as uptight and boring as me. I'm very reserved and controlled in most other aspects of my life as well (also eat no sugar, fast all day, exercise regimen, etc.) and feel I'd get on best with someone who is at least sober with me all the time.
Anyway, I think it's good so long as we continue to not judge others. A close friend of mine is a stoner but I love him deeply, which has helped me along on this a lot (he's even done it in front of me). In return he's learned to enjoy quiet time without substances.
Don't feel the need change, anon. It's healthy, just also be nice.
No. 631613
>>630615my fear of home invasion has quadrupled since i moved into my new house. previously lived in a top floor apartment on the east coast, bad neighborhood, but i was familiar with it. mostly just kept all the windows locked when we slept. now im in a 1-floor single family home in a completely new state & im constantly checking locks and windows. before bed as i do like my last housekeeping rounds (running dishwasher, shutting off lights, etc.) i end up going to the back door to check that its locked 5+ times a night, & if my husband tells me he's locked it i still cant relax until ive confirmed.
my fear at this point is manifesting a lot of ocd symptoms….but its good to be thorough, right?
No. 634931
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I hate open/exposed windows at night. Pic related scared the fuck out of me when I saw it, even if it's just a stupid meme. I cannot sleep anywhere where there are windows that are not covered, I end up staring at the window all night just waiting to see if someone or something will be staring at me. I think it stemmed from a weird occurrence I had when I was a kid
I think I was about five when I went to used the bathroom at night.
I was just doing business as usual when I glance outside to see this fucked up rotting hand on the window. The only was I can describe it is like the skin was like the old lady from the Spongebob chocolate episode. And there's no way it was human it only had 3 fingers and long ass nails. I promptly finished literally pissing myself and ran to my mom's room. I've told few people about it and no one can tell me what it was,though my sister says she's seen something similar so I don't know if its a weird shared memory between us or there's some alien shit going down at my house
No. 634936
I grew up in a bad neighborhood and was always told by my parents to stay away from windows after dark because of the local thugs and crackheads who roamed the streets at night. Since living on my own I've always had apartments in high-rise buildings. I don't feel safe being on the ground floor where anyone can see me in my home.
No. 634975
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>>634931Same anon. I had a friend who lived in a bad part of town and slept with his blinds open like an idiot. He's got an alley way in the back of his house and he once caught some dude just standing there watching him sleep. The dude quickly left when he got up but FUCK scary shit. Lots of addicts and shit lurkin around there.
No. 634977
>>634931Oh man anon, I have a scary window story too.
I used to live far out in the country, near an old battleground. One night early in the morning, I had to get up to go pee and walked all the way across our small house to get to the bathroom. It was really tiny, with only room for a sink, a toilet and a frosted window. I sleepily sit on the toilet doing my business when a loud banging starts on the window. It sounded like panicked knocking, like a person wanted inside. I literally noped out of there so fast, and my woke up my grandpa. He went out to look and saw nobody around. As a kid I alway thought it was a ghost, but who knows.
That shit haunted me forever. Your story sounds terrifying too.
No. 634997
>>634931My sister recently installed Ring at my parents house, she asked if I wanted to install the app on my phone, it was a big NOPE moment.
I've moved out but one of my fears is that if I get a notification in the middle of the night, It's that I'll open the app and see something scary or horrifying and I couldn't do anything about it
No. 1260473
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The other day I climbed into bed and as I pulled the covers over myself a massive spider ran out. I screamed, panicked, covered it with the duvet. After working up the nerve I ripped off the covers and smashed it to death with a book. Since then, I’ve not really felt afraid of spiders at all. I’ve had 2 hour stand offs with spiders that where just chilling on the wall, staring at them in complete silence, too scared to look away for even a second but also too scared to do anything about it, yet one was right on top of me in my most vulnerable place. I’ve always hated the thought of them getting into my bed when I’m trying to sleep. I think If it happened again I wouldn’t even kill the spider since I’ve never hated them, just had an intense fear around them
I live in a country where there aren’t really any dangerous spiders so there was really nothing to worry about.
No. 1260499
>>1260492t. Bad because unhygienic person
First of all this is the phobia thread meaning everyone here has an irrational fear.
>assuming having good hygiene means your life is automatically going to good is delusional.You are delusional, good hygiene means longer life, bigger attraction, bigger confidence, a better job, a happier life etc…
So I’m not all that wrong.
No. 1260540
>>1260473I found a spider in my bed a couple days ago.. first time that's ever happened to me. I've found them just about everywhere in my old house but never my bed. I was taking the sheets off to wash them. I washed them real good after that but I didn't freak like I would've thought.
I get alot of them in the downstairs part of my house. When I have shoes sitting out downstairs I get a lil paranoid that it's a perfect hiding spot. There's a very small number of dangerous spiders that are pretty new to my country but they're here now and people are starting to warnt that spiders aren't all harmless anyone. Never thought that day would come in my country.
No. 1260567
>>1260499Too good of a hygiene might mean weaker and less alert immune system because you don't have enough bacterial contact. You'll be sick more often and overally be more prone to illnesses that a good immune system would've been able to fight off. That's why Europeans get ill whenever they visit other countries that are unhygienic. Obsessive usage of hygiene products may cause cancer or respiratory problems since they're chemicals and should only be used in small amounts.
Aside from that, a lot of people have average-good hygiene and obsessing over it is more likely to make you waste your time than to help you be more successful in any given aspect.
It's good to be clean but that doesn't change the fact that it's very unhealthy to obsess over it religiously. All hygiene obsessed people have underlying issues, perhaps it gives you an illusion of control like an eating disorder? Maybe it's the only thing you used to feel superior to others? Whichever underlying issue you have you should work on.
No. 1260586
>>1260567Probiotics will help me. Most people have bad hygiene, stop lying. Did you know I have never ever had covid-19?
>>1260574Having good hygiene doesn’t make you superior to anyone but people with bad hygiene, and supposedly the other anon says that most people have good to average hygiene. You’re upset because you have bad hygiene, admit it.
No. 1260594
>>1260591I wash my hair every 3 days actually. And you? Once a year?
And are you a retard? What is germaphobia?
No. 1260615
>>1260585 and I ironically wash my hair more often. You should still consider why you're so obsessed with hygiene though. I used to be like you and I fixed my underlying issues so I now feel more comfortable. You will always feel uncomfortable if you fixate on hygiene, it's just not worth it.
>>1260605Ironically first world countries have the nastiest people, maybe that's why they get sick so easily once they travel to third world countries.
No. 1260624
>>1260615I just love how everything feels fresh, how I seem to have control over my life, respect from people. My head feels clean even.
>>1260620My hygiene is as of now average to above average and I’m aiming to get it on another level to not be a hypocrite in any way or form. But admittedly I may have ocd traits but I love the germaphoba that comes with ocd.
No. 1265425
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>>1265422also i was fucking terrified of the teletubby vacuum? i would have consistent nightmares about that fucking thing. I'd walk through my house at night in my dreams and see it just fucking looming and making ominous noises and searching with its fucked up little trunk, before it would see me and violently lurch and start chasing me through my house. i dont even know what it would do to me if it caught me because its a fucking vacuum. but it is a formidably horrifying nightmare to be chased through your house by some self powered machine that is just… hungrily searching for anything to consume, like some kind of apex predator that only knows how to eat…i think the last nightmare about it I had, I was like 20 kek. looking at it now its eyes haunt me. definitely still terrified of this ugly fuck
No. 1265526
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>>1265425You awakened a deep memory in me, I was terrified of these speakers
No. 2311253
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i have no issue jumping nor im afraid of heights but i have a deathly fear of the sensation of falling down even if its a short fall.
No. 2311422
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My phobias are very primitive tbh.
Large animals, especially any large dog that isn’t a golden retriever.