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No. 42843
>>42841Omg I loved that drama and I hope it comes out again, I really want to find out who "jun" really is.
>>42842Please post if you have info, I haven't seen anything to suggest they are not Japanese.
No. 42848
>>42843>>42847I believe Eri or Solace was proven to be Japanese, but really fucking old.
Jun is a catfish, and the rest idk.
I could see what they are saying, but both sides are just as obnoxious as each other so I can't find myself defending any of them.
No. 42850
>>42848I know jun is a catfish, there was a thread here about it-what i mean was i would like to see what he looks like irl as it was stated he's actually a white guy from oklahoma.
Also that girl is delusional if she thinks what shes wearing is even kimono "inspired". Looks like she made it from some fugly curtains.
No. 42856
>>42846im plant-kin too
pppplsss re s p o dd
No. 42858
and if you insist using their then
>>>tumblr No. 42862
>>42855I don't think so, but I thought Riley was a black/indian wweeaboo that was planning to make Tumblr's wet dream of a game. She was also white hating sjw.
After no frequent updates about her game to the supporrters she kind of dropped from the face of Tumblr/internet.
No. 42871
>>42848Only Solace is Japanese-American. The other moderators will not show their faces/blogs. is Solace.
No. 42875
>>42867Mae only said that to get heat down. She never Skyped with him (some shit about not wanting to listen to fake apologies) and pretty much left the SJW community because she was offended by something TINJ said and indirectly said she was still hurt by something they and Jun did (I'm guessing that's what she meant, she didn't get too into detail because she didn't want to talk about it. Of course she didn't mention him.) Everyone wanted him to be Asian, I highly doubt he was Asian at all. He typed in AAVE - I know most people who aren't black do too - but it was a certain way I felt (not to mention, he and Riley have a similar typing style, and the same behavior). Btw in the last thread, apparently one of his ex-friends traced his IP back to Cali on Skype . By the way, if someone wanted to read the long Jas post that "exposed" him, here is the link: Jun come back pls :(
No. 42877
>>42875Helpful post. Thanks.
I think of "Jun" as a black American female college student. Just an overall gut sense.
No. 42879
>>42871Kek, she's hideous.
I find it funny how these people want the best of both worlds. They want to be treated just like a regular American and not like an outsider. But at the same time they want to be special snowflakes surrounded by eggshells and if you break one you're a racist scumbag.
> Our people have every right to take over US cities and set up shops in our native language and only that language!
> How dare this white bitch wear a floral kimono-like romper? Muh culture! No. 42886
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>>42883She had a good Elliot (Rodgers) morning today though!
>>42879None, speak Japanese. Eri is using a shitty translator app called Japanese translator lol, may not be much but I used it to test it out on them, and surprise surprise Eri didn't correct the weird Japanese that came from it. Which makes me think she also uses it. I believe Solace is the only Japanese-American (Japanese anything really lmao) moderator on the blog. She isn't scared of showing her face and seems to know what she's talking about (when she's talking about America of course.) Eri doesn't even know what age she left Japan "Oh I was 5- NO I was 8 NOOO I WAS 11!" she always hops to this excuse when someone points out her bad Japanese. And for these moderators to be so Japanese as they claim why do they never speak Japanese together? Eri can talk big in Japanese because her weeb followers can't read it (she threatened to kill someone in her bad Japanese lol). I kinda just want Eri to catfish like Jun to get it over with. I know she would like to prove the big bad bullies from Reddit wrong!
No. 44296
>>42894Someone said Jun could be Mod J (Chinese trans man) from I've always thought Jun was Asian but not Japanese/Korean and their tone sounds the same to me.
No. 44662
>>44286TINJ got an ask that said "Do you ever think South East Asians are jealous of EA media?" (something like that at least) And they basically responded with yes. All the SE Asians got pissed off and Mae basically said fuck them, TINJ pretty much got told off by the SE Asian side of Tumblr.
>>44296Eri seems to think Jun is black she slurped that up real quick. She never denied it, I feel like the know something and they aren't telling. But if Jun is Asian I don't think he'd be EA probably SE.
No. 45316
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is this true?
No. 46104
>>45316Most definitely and i can promise that.
I had a trip that i was talking to my neighbor and i was wondering if it was real.
If you dont believe it then take a about 150=250mg and see what iam talking about
No. 108824
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>>108815Follow-up ask. Did you post this anon?
No. 108833
>>42846It's fucking hilarious because French people love all things Japanese, Japanese people love it that the French they admire for romance and culture and cult cinema and what not are crazy about Japan, a good time is had by all, and pinterest is full of free French patterns for pseudo-kimonos.
In the mean while, white, pasty PCOS hamericans throw themselves into a diabetic froth, complain about not having the spoons to deal with this, and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE while none of the people concerned cares one iota.
No. 108966
>>108849>>10885220 a year out of 6 million is neglectable, anon
sure it happens but a lot of things happen wich we don't lie awake from because it's rare.
No. 108980
>>108966I can't speak for French, but I can tell you as a European I feel shame when Asians come over here and see just how filthy our cities are and how inefficient and shit our infrastructure is not to mention all the crime.
It just makes us look bad as a group. But no one gives a fuck about that. They'd rather go out onto the streets and protest about freaks not being allowed to use female bathrooms. Fuck Millenials.
No. 108996
>>108987Yep, a Hong Kong friend of mine moved here. First day here, the FRONT WHEEL of her bike was stolen.
I think what makes me mad more than anything is that because we don't have a sense of collective racial identity pulling us all together like Koreans, Japanese, Chinese etc do, most of our people don't feel a sense of collective shame.
It's one of the things people miss when they character assassinate "nationalism" as being jingoistic dick-waving. They miss that having that sense of ethnocentric racial together-ness doesn't just mean you feel collective pride - it also means you feel collective shame when say, a guest is mistreated in your nation, or an aspect of your nation's services is shamefully below par compared to those of other countries.
This is why I like Chinese people. They really do
want to improve on every front. They care about real issues, not bullshitty Justin Trudeau-esque issues, but things like making their cities as clean as possible, improving the pollution problem, dealing harshly with criminals and keeping the streets safe etc. There's a genuine desire to improve on all fronts whereas in the west there's just a general acceptance of mediocrity in everything.
No. 109001
>>108996Can confirm that parts of London are really dirty/crime ridden and a lot of the really intensely populated parts of the UK as well BUT where I live in the countryside in a village not 30 mins from London itself is really gorgeous, crime free and clean.
…There are also very little non British people who live here. I don't mind immigrants in this country but a lot of them just do not give a fuck about cleaning up and just trash everything around them. It's not just muslim immigrants, though. It's Polish as well. It's not their country so they don't really give any fucks about keeping it nice.
No. 109005
>>109002Completely agreed on how beautiful parts of rural England are though.
Actually in terms of historical architecture, London is also stunning. That's one of the real tragedies of what has happened to Western Europe - European cities easily have the richest amount of architectural heritage on earth, they're beautiful in that sense. Too bad about the misbehaving non-whites and general filth.
I hate cigarette butts on the ground too.
No. 109008
>>109002I don't watch football so I wouldn't know lol, but like, first gen immigrants wherever they're from seem to not really give any fucks about the environment. Living in a shithole town for a year which is a dumping port for them will teach you this. Our parks were gross and full of trash.
The normal non-white Brits, Indians, Caribbeans are totally cool with me, though. I'm just talking the recently arrived who don't really have the same sense of caring for the environment.
No. 109019
>>109011Seems close to half/half except for the gun crime which is oddly higher for blacks. It doesn't surprise me and it's not great as a whole but mm.
What do you think about it, anon?
No. 109026
>>109024Why are you replying to me when you're not the person I was initially responding to?
Neither of us want a significant presence of foreigners in Prague or Budapest. So what's your point exactly?
(racebaiting / derailing) No. 109030
>>109029>>109024Here's the data I have on Budapest:
>According to the 2011 census the total population of Budapest was 1,729,040, of whom there were 1,397,851 (80.8%) Hungarians, 19,530 (1.1%) Romani, 18,278 (1.0%) Germans, 6,189 (0.4%) Romanians, 4,692 (0.3%) Chinese and 2,581 (0.1%) Slovaks. 301,943 people (17.5%) did not declare their ethnicity. Excluding these people Hungarians made up 98.0% of the total population. In Hungary people can declare more than one ethnicity, so the sum of ethnicities is higher than the total population.[12][13]