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No. 70677
>>70673Went back to ontd to try and find that gif of her slurping a frappe during someone's speech. Was bombarded by cries of "
problematic" and "omg stop fat shaming!!!"
why are sjws on a website dedicated to gossiping about fat druggie anorexic cheating lying celebrities?
No. 70680
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>>70677Like you made her slurp that thing like a someone who was raised in a sty. The unmannered pig.
ONTD is very PC, they actually think being a fat piece of shit is the same as being gay. At least half of them hate her because she's fat, they just can't say it.
But this one was good.
No. 70727
>>70680she looks like a frond in that photo omg
ontd used to be funny until the social justice cancer spread across the Internet. even reddit is PC nowadays.
No. 70820
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No. 70821
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>>70755nearly every website is becoming like this
it's frightening
No. 70833
>>70821I've been looking for good fashion sites, and thought ID might be good because it's been awarded. Now like 50% of the articles are about my fat disgrace of a body acceptance.
>mfw fashion is now all about gaining a few extra 100 poundsThe fatties are getting out of hand, we need stronger illnesses to keep them down.
No. 70848
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Tumblr has an actual glorify obesity tag.
I'm fucking done there is no stopping them.
The deathfats will inherit the earth then eat it.
No. 70849
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No. 70854
>>70848What the fuck is there to glorify about obesity? You stink like shit, look like a lumpy sack of potatoes, and get out of breath walking ten steps to your mailbox.
Oh yes, definitely something to aspire to. Better keep a fatspo folder now!
No. 70921
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Randomly found this girl on Tumblr and I'm going to dump a few pictures of her because it bugs me how pretty she would be if she just lost… 60lbs.
No. 70926
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>>70921This really irritates me. The lost potential..
No. 70941
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>Glorifying the fattest part of my ass
First and foremost, what ass? It's strangely flat and melding with her back stomach. Secondly, that shit looks like cottage cheese. I bet she stinks to high heaven.
No. 70943
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Holy shit
No. 71001
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>>70998It was all a ploy to get her fat sausage fingers on a Draco-esque guy. His smile is frozen and his eyes say "Kill me now."
No. 71208
>>70727It really sucks when people have to tread on eggshells because 'muh fee fees.'
I was at work last night discussing personal preferences with another coworker and i said "I don't like fat women. they're repulsive…disgusting."
And of fucking course, a fat coworker gasps loudly, looks mortified and replies with "What if she has a nice personality?? you shouldn't judge someone. you're cruel."
What the fuck. fucking hams are always so defensive. Normal people don't want to date fatties. Period.
No. 71212
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>>70945>Being Overweight Is Linked To A Lower Risk Of Mortalitylol wut? Then why do we use terms like morbid obesity or death fat to describe the overweight?
This reminds me of the guy who made up the chocolate diet where you can lose weight eating chocolate, and several news outlets picked it up. is not a reliable source for health studies, but fatties gonna fat.
No. 71215
>>71212There was a True Life episode on an average-weight girl who was doing the chocolate diet for several weeks because she wanted to lose 5 pounds or something. Went to the gas station every day and bought her daily chocolate; her family was begging her to eat something other than chocolate.
What a dumbass.
No. 71245
>>71216CICO was too oppressive, so they changed it to Calories In Feelings Out.
More accurate and less shame.
No. 71306
>>71193It's true, many people who were part of the fandom didn't realize who she is today because of the changed username and book titles.
We should just have a thread for all the published smut cows.
No. 71379
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No. 71439
>>71405They are really boring though. Don't buy that shit, there's free PDFs online, and libgen will have it too.
You can search for PDFs online by adding filetype:pdf in the search box.
No. 71486
>>71459well they eat a lot of meat and love everything sugar, when i was there i saw someone make a tiny pot of tea with one huge sugar cube worth 5 regular sugar cubes.
but they also prefer their women bigger in general. Normal body types are usually seen as too thin.
It's got a lot to do with the women of rich men being able to afford more food and not needing to work too.
No. 71494
>>71445Baklava (fat, sugar, fat, nuts, sugar, more fat), rice and meat.
Arab cuisine is really tasty but awful for weight loss. Not saying they don't have veggies but usually they'll drown them in oil too.
Also, it's hot so no one wants to move.
No. 71495
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No. 71719
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This chick in fairy kei group on fb getting asspats.
No. 71721
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>>71719shirt bout to bust
No. 71763
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>>71741>>71749Went back to see who she was - name is Saxon and this was in her profile pics.
No. 71903
>>71772>This is going to sound so weird…but does anybody get weirdly depressed when they see a fat person? Sometimes I have these weird intrusive thoughts about them eating their feelings out because something awful happened, or just stuffing themselves because they're like children who lack self control. :/
>I remember that PT video where she was super depressed and ate a whole cake by herself. I felt genuinely sorry for her.I feel sorry for many of them because I believe many of them have eating disorders. Be it because of depressions, binge eating or whatever, but I think they have a dysfunctional relationship to food. Society acknowledges Anorexia, but fat people just get "Lol they're just lazy haha gross". As said I believe that many of them suffer from EDs, but aren't even aware they might have an ED. And then there's this toxic "HAES u guys are perfect angels desuu weighting 300 pounds is perfectly fine <333" attitude spreading.
I wish society would acknowledge fatty EDs, and would treat them. This way there'd be less fatties, and no more HAES since we can all agree that there's nothing healthy about being 100+ pounds overweight.
No. 71919
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>>71903At this point it's already too late. We'd have to tell a third of the population that their weight clearly shows they're a few cups short. Imagine how that is going to go over when there's so many butterbeasts in positions of authority.
No. 72127
>>71919Actually Maggie De Block (that lady in your pic) is a great politician who acknowledges the problem of obesity and is one of the few who tries to do something about it.
Don't post shit about countries you know nothing of.
No. 72139
>>72127She clearly knows exactly what to do about obesity, right. Ever heard of "physician, heal thyself?"
She's a disgrace to the medical profession.
No. 72307
>>71772I'm a former fatty, and I feel a weird mixture of revulsion and empathy. Empathy because hey man, I know why its like to eat your sadness away and revulsion because I lost the weight why the fuck don't they?
There's only one way to get fat and only one way to fix it. No conditions make you break physics, no medication contains thousands of calories, Depression isn't an excuse to maintain a lifestyle that makes you depressed. I can't empathize hard enough to understand staying fat and sad when its 100% fixable.
No. 72345
>>71772I get the same type of thoughts. I think it's mainly just empathy, and it makes you sad to think about how unhappy they probably are. I had a very close friend who was morbidly obese (she's in her 50s and needs walking sticks because of the damage it's done to her knees and hips, and has many other embarrassing illnesses), and mainly it was just because she had led a very, very unhappy life, was trapped in an unhappy marriage while maintaining mountain-sized levels of denial about how unhappy she was. Unfortunately, it all turned her bitter and I couldn't stand being around her any more because of how nasty she became to everyone around her. She knew she was repulsively fat, and even why to an extent, but she would never address the true (terrible) state of her life, so would succumb to emotional eating repeatedly.
tl;dr most, if not all, fat people are walking manifestations of unhappiness and misery, and if you're not a dick, that will usually affect you somehow.
sage in case anyone gets pissed off about personalblogging.
No. 72478
>>71212I think I read somewhere that Twix has one of the highest sugar content in comparison to other candy bars in the US. It's super sickening sweet so I'd believe it.
Of course fatties would go on the chocolate diet. That way they can still stuff their bloated potato faces with candy all day as normal.
No. 72582
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>>72446Maybe he'd be into her if she was a loli (sweet little).
No. 72659
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>>72658That mega camel toe :C
No. 72866
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No. 72868
>>72867HAES happened
It's repulsive, but so many people are overweight now that being 20+ pounds overweight is now seen as normal. I hate this world. I'm going to continue working out and eating right because they can scream haes all they want, but no one in their right mind would date a fattie but another fattie.
No. 72914
>>72866She looks good and in shape. It is funny that fit now equals "anorexic starving kid in Africa"-tier. So all women must look like gelatinous blobs in order qualify as "healthy."
And I don't get the whole "it is your fault twelve years old starve themselves!1!" thing. If anything, it is the fault of their parents for not building their self-esteem.
>>72868>HAES happenedWhich is funny, because HAES is "health at every size," which means they should be able to recognize someone who is thin and healthy. But I guess "health" is something that only applies to hambeasts that emotionally eat and coat everything in cheese.
No. 73140
>>72129>le epic memereddit pls go
>>72137>>72139If you're not from Belgium, you might as wel shut up.
No. 73170
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No. 73188
>>73170why are these men
policing a woman's body? what happened to fuck your beauty standards? I'm
No. 73239
>>73170I love how people go from "not everyone can have that body!!11111" to "Ew, it's gross!" and how no fat rolls equals no curves.
No wonder now you can't say you have wide hips or strong build without everyone suspecting you're just fat.
No. 73374
>>73170I am so incredibly rustled and want to do actual bodily harm to those cunts in the comment. Especially that fucking retard who said "lifting weights makes women manly … and gross. Healthing [sic] eating and regular exercise makes us hot."
There are so many things wrong with that statement that it's easier just to set her on fire than explain it.
No. 73379
>>73374>it's easier just to set her on fire than explain itmade me lol irl, this should become a new expression
I will remember this sentence for future use.
No. 74360
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>>73768A goldmine. Thank you kind anon.
No. 74361
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No. 74362
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No. 74363
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fatshion lol
No. 74364
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>>73140Why do you need to be belgian to understand the situation? Just curious.
No. 74365
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No. 74366
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>>72914So what do americans do if they encounter an actual skinny person? Would they bully you in public? Is it safe to go as a skinny tourist?
No. 74367
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No. 74368
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No. 74414
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>>74366I wouldn't even describe the girl they're talking about as "skinny". She's slender and has a great body but skinny to me means high fashion thinness. This girl is a healthy weight and looks like she takes care of herself.
And have these people never seen a rib cage before? Damn
No. 74429
>>74366>>74426Some people's ribcages protrude even when they've got a little bit of chub so I wonder how fat these people and their friends are if they're so shocked by it.
Visible ribs are perfectly normal and healthy for a lot of people and animals. If any of the people who commented on her ribs have someone or something they have to care for, they're gonna make them obese.
No. 74448
>>74362Yeah no I mean diabetes is just fine you fat fucking moron. My paternal grandmother has had her lower leg amputated because of it, my great aunt was ill pretty much forever and died from complications with it, and a friend and neighbour of mine was seriously ill for the last couple of years of his life and died from complications with it. My slightly obese dad was diagnosed as prediabetic last year (otherwise known as lazy fat bastarditis) just through stuffing his face with refined flour, refined sugar, and saturated fats, and sitting on his arse all day. He hasn't changed his lifestyle, so I expect him to be a further drain on the NHS when he develops full-blown diabetes soon.
Sure, it's OK to have diabetes if you're happy to have vastly increased risk of going blind, having your extremities/limbs cut off, having kidney failure and all kinds of heart disease. I just wish it killed the fat fuckers sooner.
Apologies for rant, these delusional cunts just make me foam at the mouth.
No. 74472
>>74448But anon, diabetes isn't caused by obesity, it's genetics! And what's wrong with having only one leg anyway? Your ableism is
triggering me. Every body is beautiful! And why is this your concern anyway, it's
their body, why are you policing other people's life choices? You're probably just jealous that these real women know how to enjoy their life and eat delicious food while you're starving yourself to death and spend all your time working out. Double chins are adorable. Chubbly wobbly fat bellies are cute. Fat rolls are sexy. And now excuse me, I still have to finish my 100 chicken nuggets before they get cold.
No. 77434
>>74472I mean, FWIW, diabetes really is genetic. You can be a fat fuck and not develop diabetes because your genes just aren't coded for it. Conversely, you can be thin and diabetic because you were born with a pancreas that can't produce insulin. Plenty of children are born or develop juvenile type 1 diabetes early in life because of unfortunate genes and not because they're ham planets.
(however if you're a type 2 diabetic, you're probably just a fatty whose fucked their insulin resistance by incessantly inhaling sugar)
No. 77482
>>71719lol that's saxyeli
is that fat cunt still posting SJW shit and wasting her parent's money?
No. 77485
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No. 77486
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No. 77488
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No. 77490
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No. 77491
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No. 77493
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No. 77508
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There's just way too much praise being given to being fat. You're killing yourself inside and out, how can you wake up everyday and think "Yeah, all these ailments and early death is worth the asspats."
No. 77638
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No. 77769
>>77742being fat isn't very aesthetic
also she didnt do a good job in the first photo, the color balance is off
No. 77813
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No. 77814
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No. 77815
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No. 77816
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No. 77817
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No. 77818
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No. 77820
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No. 77821
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No. 77824
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No. 77871
>>77813What a waste of kale.
>>73170Hot, but damn all the sugar in that Gatorade…
No. 77891
>>77855>especially fat womenwhy especially them?
fat men are just as gross
No. 77899
>>77891I gave some thought about it: I'm a lesbian as well as subjected to lots of media pressure subconsciously just like most women.
I associate men with being gross so if they're fat I don't care as much because men are gross anyway.
I expect other women to hold themselves to higher health/hygiene standards.
No. 77932
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>>77891To be fair fat people are just on amorphous blob at a certain point. The fatter a person gets, the more their hormones are imbalanced and more their flesh covers their skeletal and muscular secondary sexual characteristics. The women get hairy and deep voices, droopy manly looking tits, heightened testosterone messing up their fertility, the men get moobs and even cellulite, estrogen drowning fat men alive.
If it wasn't for all the clothes and makeup these whales wear, we would have to spend our whole lives playing guess the gender.
No. 77933
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Round 1 of GUESS THE GENDER (easymode)
No. 77934
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No. 77937
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No. 77942
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Time to up the difficulty. Challenge mode.
No. 77943
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No. 77971
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Damnit please lose weight, you'd be so fucking attractive
No. 77973
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>>77855I just find it fascinating. I like watching them and seeing all the little things they have to do because of their weight. The desks in one of my classes are already pretty tiny and placed very closely together (bolted to the floor), and the whale sits down and it covers only 1/4 of her mass. She typically has some kind of coffee drink with her, but she can't place it on the desk insert because her gut spills over onto it and I think her reach is too short. So she spend the entire class holding her drink in one hand and somehow haphazardly taking notes. Even things like watching her drop her pen and sit and pout about it bc she can't reach down and get it & has to wait until someone picks it up for her.
A couple of times now, some rando in class bought krispy kremes for everyone, and I had to hold the box open for her because her manual dexterity sucks and overall size was too cumbersome. Extra donuts went around a second time, and I opened the box before even asking her if she wanted another, bc I know that she would.
I-is this how feeders are made?
No. 78035
>>77824i think she has a cute face under the fat
what a shame
No. 78091
>>77971She looks like a fat Alessia Cara
>>77943Doesn't seem THAT big, just very lesbian
No. 78210
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No. 78211
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No. 78212
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No. 78214
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No. 78215
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No. 78219
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No. 78221
>>77817Piggy probably isn't taking her medication or is too cheap to pay for it because that's one less trip to McDonald's.
I've found that cutting out sweets works wonders.
No. 78225
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>>78221>there is literally nothing I can do about itI'm 100% sure the doctors tell piggy over and over that if she lost weight, it would lessen her issues significantly. Whether it's being bipolar, polycystic, epileptic or diabetic, losing weight helps because it's that much less strain on your body.
No. 78226
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No. 78232
>>78214I agree with this tbh.
Both people support unhealthy living, but because one is considered attractive by society (which really doesn't say shit about their health or worth as a person), they get away with it. It's pretty retarded.
No. 78269
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No. 78345
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Holy shit, stale milk and possibly OT I think but still interesting.
>Mayra Rosales>1057lbs heavyweight>Confessed to rolling on her 2yo nephew and crushing him>PLOT TWIST her sister killed him and fatty took the blame because she had 'given up on life anyway'>FURTHER PLOT TWIST she actually managed to get down to a size that just about fits through doors before dyingDaily Mail Article;'s a fuck ton of gross videos of her, incl. her ex husband sponging her down.
No. 78490
>>73168Une autre belge qui browse lolcow? Je pensais être toute seule à bitcher ici ça fait plaisir à voir!
La social justice ruine tout putain.
No. 78500
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>>78490Oh un autre francophone!Je suis pas belge, mais j'aime bien les frites.
Comment reconnaît on un bébé Belge dans une maternité?C'est le seul qui a une frite en peluche.
No. 78501
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No. 78503
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No. 78505
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No. 78507
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No. 78508
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No. 78510
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No. 78521
>>78500Aw yiss. Des francophones. Belge ou pas ça fait bien plaisir à voir.
Pfft! Les frites c'est bon (Oui gros cliché, enfin j'aime mais pas quand ca degouline de graisse) mais au vu de ce topic j'en ai soudainement bien moins envie. Ca me terrifierais de finir grosse comme ça ou legerement en surpoids. Ew.
No. 78705
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>>78512Delusion is a helluva drug.
No. 78706
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No. 78707
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No. 78708
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>>78521Exactement! J'utilise ce fil et fatpeoplehate comme motivation
No. 78709
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No. 78710
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No. 78711
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No. 78712
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>>78566That's pear chan and yeah, she even admits on dumlr she has "beauty privilege"
>>78584no 1 curr about your boner, buzz off
No. 78713
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No. 78714
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>>78582I think they use baby powder and special lotions in their folds to try and control issues like chafing, sweat, infections, odour etc.
No. 78715
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Goodbye neck
No. 78718
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No. 78842
>>78718Wow that's depressing.
She got hot as hell.
I can't believe how warped their view is to think those abs are anorexic.
No. 78855
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No. 78858
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No. 78859
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No. 78860
>>78856No wonder they think doctors and concerned friends or family are being cruel when they point out unhealthy weight.
They're so used to being coddled and praised anything that isn't a compliment probably feels like an attack to their underdeveloped ego.
No. 78862
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>>78863>>78862lol such poetry
No. 78867
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No. 78872
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No. 79018
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No. 79019
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No. 79233
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>>78946ALL fatties are wasted potential tbh. Wasted animals they've eaten, wasted energy and trees, wasted cloth to dress them, wasted lives spent eating and being tired all the time. Waste of good health, waste of a nice face, I could go on endlessly.
You probably think I'm exaggerating, but being fat literally makes you a less efficient human being. Only makes you more efficient if you want to be a sumo.
No. 79234
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No. 79235
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>>79018more like healthy cholesterol level dropout
No. 79240
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No. 79243
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>>79113Yep, women who want to be slim are literally trapped in the claws of internalised misogyny. Good thing we have fat feminists to help us out.
No. 79247
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No. 79249
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No. 79250
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>>79219well since fat activists believe skinny people eat just as much as fat people, they'll believe you
No. 79251
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>>79244it's the kind of sjw logic which got A cup breasts banned in australian porn
skinny women = children apparently
so are fat women= bestiality? should be illegal too
No. 79252
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No. 79262
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>>79249Meanwhile, this is the actual reality of fat sex
No. 79281
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No. 79326
>>79273I said show me the legislation, not a bunch of click-bait articles most of which cherry-pick details to make a nice story. I can't believe you take shit like seriously. Although you clearly didn't read my comment so perhaps you can't read at all.
Admittedly the requirements for an 'RC' rating are rather wishy-washy, but there is no ban on small breasts in publications as long as the participants are of age, are not promoting pedophilia or appealing to pedophiles, sexual violence, and other "abhorrent" acts.
Heres some people better versed in law explaining it No. 79331
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>>79322Hopefully they wise up so that they make it to middle age
No. 79535
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>>79358yep! I wonder what she's been up to lately, I miss her insta
No. 79541
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No. 79542
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>a bunch of click-bait articles
I googled it for you simply. Fuck off with your aggressive pretentious tone.
No. 79543
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>>79322Then it'll be diabeetus advocacy, I'm really looking forward to watching them slowly suffer. A lot already are, especially the figuratively (and literally) huge haes bloggers
No. 79549
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No. 79554
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No. 79626
>>79237I get you're scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for ways to belittle fat acceptance, but that article presents a legitimate argument and feministfrequency isn't a HAES website.
Sage for OT.
No. 79635
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Here's a present for y'all.
You can thank me later
No. 79676
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No. 79677
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No. 79693
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>>79688oh that's lame. that'll teach me to trust tabloids
No. 79694
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No. 79697
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No. 79757
>>79694to be fair a lot of women who've been raped gain a lot of weight as a defense mechanisme
>>79695>my body is doing it's bestthis is just so sad
No. 79768
>>79757I've also read that sexual abusers sometimes target ugly and overweight women solely for the
no one would believe you were sexually assaulted factor. For some reasons sex crimes are a thing that only happen to beautiful children and drunk hot college girls.
No. 79784
>>78362Yeah I see how it reads that way, it's just I've seen these kinda sized people try and lose weight and it just kills them.
>>78463>>78414Yeah I would by no means say terrible, if anything it started off as just incredibly sad story, but now is a genuine inspiration.
My post sounds a little cruel in retrospect. I was just in awe of those boulder-like fat masses, I'm impressed she doesn't look like a flying squirrel now. Good on her.
No. 79841
>>54661Replying to an old AF post but I had to share this:
>interning in a molecular cancer biology lab>every Tuesday we have a lunch seminar where someone from the department presents their research>one week there’s a talk about someone researching a certain protein involved in some types of liver disease, I don’t remember the specifics because I slept through most of it>normally uses samples from rats to study human disease which isn’t ideal, but getting liver tissue from humans is complicated and would require invasive procedures>morbidly obese people to the rescue!>these people are already getting cut open to have their guts rearranged, so while they’re in there the surgeons might as well take some bits of liver that can then be cultured in the lab (with consent obviously)>however the researcher showing her data is noticeably hesitant to mention this little fact until people ask where the human liver samples come from>why?>because deathfat livers are not normal human livers>when you have a crappy diet it’s your liver that gets much of the beating, and there are strong links between obesity and liver disease similar to what you see with alcoholism>there is only one fat person in the room who has up until this point been completely quiet, but now loudly states that we don’t have proof that the people getting these gastric bypass surgeries had bad diets and actually it’s perfectly possible that they ate very well and exercised every day etc. etc. projecting so hard we might as well attach her to the ceiling and continue the presentation that way>presenter meekly pipes up that the patients in question all had a minimum BMI of 40>everyone gasps>dude next to me blurts out “that’s gigantic!”>fat lady (who likely had a BMI of 35+ herself) gets up and waddles out of the room in a huff, but not before saying “well we can’t all have thin genetics like you people!”>someone jokingly wonders aloud whether the rats used in the previous liver study had fat or thin genetics and whether it’s scientifically sound to compare datasets from the two>nerd laughterSo I guess that no, fat people aren’t even all that good for experimenting on.
>>71306I'm so down for this. Delusional fandom cows are best cows
No. 79880
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>>79703Genuine. The mods can't tell real posts apart from trolls sometimes however, which just goes to show how ridiculous the HAES movement has gotten
No. 79881
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>>79754and the gross thing is, guys like him get a lot of action because fatties are desperate for male attention. For all their whining about how skinny women are all sluts, it's fatties that are more likely to put out.
No. 79888
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No. 79891
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>>79768and they can't run away from their rapist very well
No. 79897
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No. 79910
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No. 79939
>>79888>I'm sorry that you are too ignorant to understand. My prayers to you.This reeks of Tumblr. Post "sassy" comeback instead of coming up with an actual, decent argument.
And who knew something as simple as counting calories could get someone so angry?
No. 80112
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No. 80133
>>80116So instead we should live on tiny amounts of food that are huge in calories, but lack much nutritional value (unless the end goal is diabetes and/or cancer). Then we'll be in a better position than pandas.
Fat logic.
No. 80134
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>>80147Because they, like most women, don't find fat men attractive. If you try to call them hypocritical for this they'll spout some parroted nonsense about male privilege, fat women being just as desirable as skinny women and of course that you shouldn't be policing a fat woman's desire since she's a protected species (manatee)
No. 80154
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No. 80203
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>>80116>Tags: eating disorders twkek
No. 80358
>>80112Ignoring that those "fat women" didn't weigh 200+ Kg back then:
Evolution basically means a species has to adapt to their environment to survive. Telling people they should not adapt to the current environment and do what people used to do 10.000 years ago is pretty much the opposite of evolution.
No. 80444
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No. 80455
>>80444Actually everyones body is subject to criticism, ex:
>skinny women are not real women>women need to have giant tits and round asses, small waists>women should be hairless>women should remain looking 18 years old forever>women shouldn't have too much muscle definition>short men are not real men>balding men are patheticetc.
Sure not all these people get comments, but I wouldn't doubt they get the same amount as fat people, primarily the women
No. 80715
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No. 80719
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>>80629I've noticed it too. Generally what happens is that guys don't normally pay attention to them, or worse still, pay more attention to their slimmer friends. The way for them to counterbalance that is to have huge cleavage (a la quirky and saxy) and to be more "flirty" with guys, which may or may not translate to sleeping with them.
People are free to slut it up all they want, but they should own up to it and be proud of their one night stand loving ways instead of using sex as a tool to reel men in. Not be like "I had a one night stand with billy, I'm sure he will want to date me now even though I'm a behemoth and he looks like a calvin klein model"
No. 80721
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No. 80724
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>>80688positive reinforcement!
No. 80725
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No. 80727
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No. 80733
>>80727Oh really? As a 'skinny' woman, you get constantly told you must be anorexic or bullimic and that you look like a small child.
But at least when I was overweight, nobody ever said anything about it. I only ever get comments on my weight when I'm 'skinny'.
No. 80735
>>80733Last summer I lost a couple pounds from running/walking at least 50mi a week and eating at a deficit. My mom would make comments like "your arms are looking thin. are you even eating?" and then she'd talk to her friend, and have her comment about my body as well.
Even if in the case no ill-will was meant from it, it really messed me up, and contributed to me gaining it and then some back over the fall/winter. This time when it happens again (and I know it will), I'm going to ignore it and finally try to be happy with my body.
No. 80756
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>>80732Fatty ranting on her blog about her friend that wanted to lose weight and go to the gym with her.
No. 80757
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No. 80758
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No. 80760
>>80154it's low sodium ketchup
I….don't know
No. 80761
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No. 80762
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No. 80764
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No. 80913
>>80733>when I ws a hambeast no one bully mistop lying you skelly piece of shit
t. Exfatty
No. 80952
>>80890Yeah, I bet you're so tough you wouldn't flinch if some whale started telling you you're not a "real woman" or if they asked you if you went to the bathroom to purge.
A bit extreme, but people, especially fat people, are very rude towards skinny people. They think skinny bodies are freakish, and considering their size, they probably are to them. So they can't help but remark upon it, to make themselves comfortable.
No. 80953
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No. 80955
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>>80887I don't get why that person is even eating that often. You should eat when you're hungry, to lose weight, not at set times. Eating often when you're not hungry is for bodybuilding.
No. 80960
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No. 80984
>>80910that would mean no sleep
let's say she has 8 hours of sleep per day and doesn't eat right before going to bed. That would have her eating 5 times a day wich is 1500 kcal. For short people this is maintenance but tall people would be cutting at this amount so there's no telling really.
No. 80991
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No. 80992
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No. 80993
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No. 81010
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>>80993Fat but fit and athletic? Almost no one who says that can beat the average thin athlete in most sports. Most of them think doing beginner yoga or going on 30 minute walks means they are incredibly healthy. And the ones who do push themselves to get to an impressive athletic level end up either inevitably losing weight, or getting serious injuries from all the stress on their bones and joints (or even dying like that one fat activist who died of a heart attack from running on her treadmill).
No. 81037
>>80913Hambeast? My highest weight gave me a BMI of 27. I was fat, but not a 'hambeast'.
Also, nobody proved your point, I'm not
>>80985 No. 81080
>>81010Why is it always yoga?
So many insanely fat women out there are tripping over themselves in a rush to congratulate each other on doing a sun salutation.
Why would anyone think that behing able to hold your body some way other than sitting or standing is an incredible feat of athleticism?
No. 81089
>>81041That's a common misconception. Exercising can help to lose weight, but it's not the most important thing in weightloss by far. In fact you can stay sedentary and lose weight just by cutting calories.
Too many fatties thing exercise alone will save them so they keep eating like they used to or even more, and then give up when they see no weightloss even if they've been exercising their screaming joints off.Then they go off and talk about how they tried so hard to lose weight, but muh genetics.
The sad fact is, you need to walk for six hours to burn off a big mac combo meal. Exercising will not make them lose weight of they eat too much, and at their size does more bad than good if they overdo it.
No. 81097
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No. 81099
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>>81090>I now lift kekI solved the mystery anon.
No. 81101
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No. 81102
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>>81080Because it's really easy, as you've said. They don't do the really hard yoga poses (and thank god, or they'd snap their spines) and they get to say they "exercise" and that they're "fathletes".
No. 81104
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No. 81105
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No. 81106
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>>81077fatties can be fulltime vegans. Plenty of fattening vegan options out there. You get fat from taking in more calories than you use, and if all the calories you take are from vegan chocolate bars, quorn and vegan pizza, it can stack up quick
No. 81109
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No. 81111
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No. 81112
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No. 81114
can but with their gluttonous mentality thats impossible imo. Like how can you restrict animal products but not calories?
No. 81145
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No. 81146
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>>81145this image is great
No. 81162
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"Curvy" Fuck no, you aren't.
Tbh I love going on Tumblr's body positive and fat acceptance tags because they give me the childish satisfaction of knowing I'm not a fatty.
No. 81226
File: 1458100080106.png (580.35 KB, 479x695, doublechinwin.png)

>>78707>to keep my metabolism goingWhat the fuck do these lardasses think a metabolism is, a jet engine?
>>79219I'm seriously considering it. I'd make my own, though. I'm not contributing $25 to a neon butterbeast's pizza fund. Pic related.
>>79626>belittlingIf only.
No. 81244
>>81215That's the ham from buzzfeed, she always pulls those faces because she's obviously uncomfortable with herself and trying to pretend it's self-mockery.
>>81142W-who doesn't like carbs, anon? Most of us are just smart enough not to overeat (anymore)
No. 81255
>>81146This girl's kind of a cunt. I hate fatties too, but going out of your way and putting time and effort into misleading people you don't even like about your personal eating habits is insane.
Anyone who pretends to eat just to
trigger fat people is kind of a faggot tbh
No. 81299
>>81111fucking whitney. She is like the poster child for 'MUH GENETIC CONDITION'
I hate how she uses PCOS as an excuse to weigh 300lb. There are so many women I know who have it, yet somehow the rest of us refrained from turning into whales in less than a year as soon as we were diagnosed. The worst part is, she's being held up as a role model for being 'fit and healthy' even though she's completely complacent about her size (an hour of light cardio once a week is not 'exercising', Whitney, why do you act surprised when you find out that you've gained weight instead of lost it?) and only pretends to give a shit about her health/be some kind of fat fitness guru when people start criticizing her
clearly unhealthy lifestyle.
No. 81624
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>>81299Whitney doing an hour of light cardio? What a joke. Even her half-assed "dance" routines have her gasping like a dead fish within a minute. There's no way she can walk for an hour. She probably flops around for five minutes and calls that an hour. She's going to die.
No. 81625
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No. 81704
>>81695This logic makes no sense.
I'm an ex-anorexic and an ex-fatty, so which am I? A forever-bonelord or a forever-ham? WHICH IS IT ANON, TELL ME WHO I AM.
No. 81758
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>>81625>barbie is a doll not a goalNor is the michellin man, but that didn't stop you
No. 81759
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No. 81761
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>>81695edgelord detected 1/10
You're just as bad as the fatties, trying to say nobody can make permanent lifestyle changes
once a smoker always a smoker? Kek
No. 81762
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No. 81763
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No. 81767
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No. 81769
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No. 81812
>>81767ha! knew i recognized her from somewhere! i think this is amy slaton (or her sister, idk which one's which) but she makes shitty youtube videos
>>81811think the fat just has nowhere else to go
No. 81814
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>>81813>>81767good lord guys look at her profile
No. 81816
>>81812Oh yeah nevermind amy is the sister on the left the forehead goblin is actually tammy slaton her okc
No. 81846
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From the fatshion-tag on tumblr, i'm triggered.
No. 81850
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>>81849Such a waste of nice lingerie.
No. 81853
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>>81779fat people do break horses backs, some are muscular and heavy enough to take even fatties, especially the larger breeds like the english draught, which is a mammoth of a horse. The smaller daintier ones however, like the one she's riding, would be in discomfort and pain at least. They would develop back issues if she rides repeatedly.
There are many horror stories of fatties destroying horses with their weight, and throwing adult tantrums at not being allowed to ride a horse due to their weight. Sizeism!
No. 81854
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No. 81855
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No. 81856
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>>81850Must take so much time and effort for whoever operates the crane to airlift her into all that lingerie.
No. 81857
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>>81851This is a perfect cosplay of the munchies. This is precisely what I would imagine the munchies look like.
No. 81858
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No. 81859
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No. 81910
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>>81898I dont think a fatty would do this
No. 81920
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>>81763>>81779>>81853Have you seen the Nathan For You horseback riding episode? It's hilarious.
No. 81945
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No. 81946
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>>81920sounds interesting, do post a link for us lazies someone
No. 81948
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No. 81949
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No. 81953
>I sing out loud to my iPod and dance on the treadmill.bitch no.
bitch. no.
when I'm at the gym I don't want to have to hear some raspy ass fatties voice trying to hit beyonce high notes or singing along to k-pop.
das r00d.
No. 81966
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No. 81967
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No. 81973
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No. 82200
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No. 82246
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I follow this person on Tumblr because we like the same bands and holy fuck, they've gotten fat.
They used to be like a 110 lbs at most and they were a band whore (yeah, that's actually a girl!) but I guess they're a fakeboi now.
No. 82248
File: 1458438312066.jpg (38.05 KB, 480x511, Fat-women-logic.jpg)

>>82243I thought braids can salvage anyone, but that's living proof they can't. She looks like a fat man.
If she doesn't want to be "discriminated against" she can gain all that skinny privilege by losing weight. Oh, but that would require effort, right? Can't have that.
No. 82250
File: 1458438422312.png (1.04 MB, 915x581, mdas.png)

>>82246>>82247More pics, that fat lump on the back of it's neck in the side pic…
I wish I had the pictures that they deleted, they looked like your generic scene girl with long hair and piercings but sooo much skinnier.
No. 82253
>>82250I like this picture. It's like a forecast of the postapocalyptic future, where all physical tasks are robotised and everyone is fat as fuck. Buildings, trees and weeds left to overgrow like the armpits of a PCOS stricken feminist.
An anarchopunk fatling who only eats 10 mcButter burgers a day, when society dictates a healthy womYn should eat 20 stares pointedly into the sea. The sea is empty because everything had been deep fried during the KFC wars of 2098. As droplets of sweat drip down its gelatinous folds, they mix with tears. The fatling jiggles. Its massive moobed chest heaving and gasping. It's crying. Crying for all the fish and chips that could have been, but never were.
No. 82255
>>81856I really hate these kinds of posts. They're pretty much saying that two people should be miserable together just so no feelings get hurt. If someone isn't attracted to your walrus insulation then why would you even want to date them? That person isn't in to you anyway. Personal preferences are a thing. And maybe if you slimmed down a little you could get someone hot who isn't a fat fetishist.
>>81858I really can't stand how these fatties have stolen the concept of curves. Curves aren't blubber. An actual curvy woman would be called anorexic by these ham planets because they aren't anywhere near obese.
I believe that deep down most of these fatties hate their bodies and body positivity and fat acceptance are just a way to cope with how out of control their eating and laziness really is. If they could wake up tomorrow thin they'd be thrilled.
No. 82303
>>82255I don't mind fat people calling themselves curvy if they actually have curves but when they're shaped like a column, what right do they have to say someone else isn't curvy?
There was a girl in my class in uni who had the best curves I've ever seen on a human being. Her boobs:waist:hip ratio was insane but she got called a stick by fatties who were shaped like rectangles.
No. 82567
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No. 82568
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No. 82570
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No. 82571
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No. 82573
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No. 82580
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>>82250They call this a dorsocervical fat pad, or buffalo hump.
No. 82790
>>82571I can't stand MadGastronomer.
What a fucking cunt.
No. 82793
File: 1458632079821.gif (2.22 MB, 640x286, CrBQJDz.gif)

>>82571WTF! MG is an adult woman influencing and lying to a 16-year-old girl because she can't stand that the girl succeeded where MG failed. Holy fuck, what a a bad person.
Pic related, MG = sarlacc
also, TITP in a nutshell:
>spout nonsense>people come in with perfect logic>all logical people are trolls No. 83126
File: 1458827292996.png (78.55 KB, 924x444, SNtYy9B.png)

I hate fatties not so much of the fat, but because I find it scandalous that they take up so much space when they're obviously retarded.
No. 83144
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No. 83145
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No. 83183
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No. 83184
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No. 83187
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>>83183Fuck, this really pisses me off. Yeah, health teachers can be wrong about stuff (especially sex related stuff) but they're usually right when it comes to nutrition and fitness.
Not to make this a personal blog, but I know myself and many other people only learned how to eat right and exercise from health teachers because we had shit parents.
Here's my addition to the thread, straight up disgusting. Fellow girls, don't even get with a fat dude.
No. 83190
>>83183>a bloo blooFattie
triggered by portion sizes.
No. 83196
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No. 83198
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>>83196This shit has got to stop, immediately.
No. 83202
>>83198>racist, ableist fatphobiaUh, so not only are they now race, but they are disabled? Maybe mentally disabled. She can have all of the "privileges" of an able-bodied person if she got fit, but she won't because she rather complain online.
We have gone so far of the deep end that the ability to put down the fork and not be a hedonist glutton-filled sack of shit is now "violent beauty standards."
>>83201>why tf has no one called these people out Because, these days, this kind of attitude is cheered on. Fatties can't do no wrong.
No. 83213
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>>83211Fuck this woman. She's just trying to make a profit off insecure fatties, just like Tess.
No. 83218
>>83213Only 5X?? Discriminating against whales. I'm feeling
No. 83221
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No. 83243
>>83201people have but fatties actually believe being fat is the same as being non-white or disabled. They actually believe that it's completely genetic and can't lose any weight.
You should check TITP for some surreal stuff, get your rage on girl.
No. 83261
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No. 83266
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No. 83268
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>>83262>"What is health and wellness in a white supremacist context?"Is she really trying to imply that only white people are naturally thin…
No. 83271
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"fat Harley Quinn" lmao ok
No. 83272
>>83261i am severely
triggered by her fat fingers, i don't know what it is, but it makes me shudder
No. 83279
>>83262If this is true (wich I doubt) she's right about the fact that people shouldn't comment on other people eating. (for all they know, it could be someone having a cheat meal once a month)
But she forgets the fact that thin people get comments too for choosing the salad or saying no to cake when offered.
No. 83301
>>83268Culturally a lot of middle eastern, south american and african cultures are ok with chub women. Native americans too.
They seem to forget about the asians tho, conveniently.
No. 83302
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No. 83303
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No. 83305
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No. 83307
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No. 83308
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No. 83310
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>>83187that's so depressing
No. 83311
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No. 83312
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No. 83314
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>>83221She's disgusting. Why do whales think we care whether they love themselves or not?
No. 83315
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No. 83316
>>83310Dear God, that's the girl's equivalent of "why don't woment date
nice guys like me????" I can hear them tipping their imaginary fedora.
Not to mention, guys fuck literally everything. Even for relationships their standards often aren't that incredibly high tbh. If you can't get laid, either you're a complete social retard or you're so fat only the fat fetishists will want you (and even then, you'll find someone to be with).
No. 83317
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>>83271Harley would never let herself go like this
No. 83318
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No. 83319
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No. 83322
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No. 83327
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No. 83338
>>83336She seems weirdly obsessed with herself and doesn't seem to realise how unattractive she is (and not just because she's fat).
She's basically the visual representation of every HAES tumblrina.
No. 83427
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>>83336This video has over 1 million views.
Mostly positive likes.
Faith in humanity has been lost.
No. 83428
File: 1458996993876.png (191.01 KB, 1400x1400, Oxvdtdy.png)

>>83336The comments are just something else wow
>OMG the body con dress and thing tied around her waist was SO CUTE on her
>The crop top and skirt combo is super cute, she totally pulled that one off perfectly c:
>Those outfits looked brilliant on her! I have no idea why she wouldn't try them before though… No. 83430
File: 1458997065612.jpg (54.76 KB, 640x491, fat-abercrombie-fitch-ad.jpg)

No. 83431
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No. 83432
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No. 83448
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No. 83449
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No. 83450
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No. 83451
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>>83441Because they have no other accomplishments to be proud of. They don't swim great lengths, they don't climb mountains, they don't paint, they don't volunteer in a shelter. It's difficult to do that stuff with messed up hormones and 50kgs of weight strapped to you.
No. 83452
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No. 83453
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No. 83503
>>83196It bothers me how the term
triggering has been hijacked. Yes eating disorder sufferers can be
triggered, self harmers can be
triggered, actual PTSD sufferers can be
triggered (no you can't get PTSD from twitter).
You being reminded of your disgusting unhealthy body, and the fact that you can do something about it, isn't a
trigger event. It's a fucking wake-up call.
No. 83587
>>83336I fucking despise this stupid, self-absorbed, narcissistic, gluttonous, hipster bitch.
>like, why is it that people are like, like, okay with like, you developing fat in your like, boobs, or like, your butt, but not like, your stomachBECAUSE STOMACH FAT IS THE MOST UNHEALTHY KIND OF FAT YOU CAN HAVE YOU FUCKING GELATINOUS PORKLOG
No. 83843
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No. 83844
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No. 83845
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>>83809Skin stretches a lot. If she were to lose all the weight she would have a floppy nipple. Fat people are a lot like inflated balloons.
No. 83846
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No. 83847
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No. 83848
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No. 83860
>>83847Is he gay? He looks gay.
He'd also be really cute if he lost weight.
No. 83865
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No. 83867
>>83843um chafing is actually really really uncomfortable. and it can happen to everyone regardless of weight.
it has nothing to do with "erasing the lived experiences of women's bodies" or whatever critical theory mumbo jumbo you plagiarized.
No. 83871
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>>83848How rude and thoughtless of him! Doesn't he know a body like this is the epitome of health?
No. 83874
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No. 83879
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No. 83887
>>83876What the other anon said. Those are tubular breasts. They are really actually just down to bad genetics, any girl skinny or ham east can have them. Only way to fix that shit is through surgery, kinda sad.
She has a super bad case though, Christ.
No. 83890
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Extreme sports are fatphobic and classist, or something.
How can you be so retarded that you seriously can't see all the benefits of sports compared to bingeing on junk food? This post totally baffles me.
No. 83897
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kek at the Onion
This is what deathfats actually believe
No. 83915
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>>83867I'm guessing an obese person's chub rub is on a whole different level with skin tearing, bleeding, weeping pus on a short walk to their nearest chippy
No. 83916
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>>83890So eating cheetos all day every day needs to be held to the same respect and standards from others as skydiving or being a professional athlete? Otherwise it would be sexist racist cissexist and classist right, because only white rich hetero men can do these activities.
Screw these pseudointellectual whales for logicking their bad habits away and pulling others into the fat vortex with them. They're screwing up young impressionable people with this nonsense.
No. 83919
>>83915She never drinks water? Only soda (oh what, DIET soda, my bad) and juices? Diet soda doesn't even taste good, how?
I also don't get how can people be so uneducated about diets, it's supposed to take a long time and the results appear little by little, not after 3 days.
No. 83925
>>83919Diet soda has also been associated with increased appetite in a lot of nutritional studies.
>>83915God damn it - this is a lot of food for a "diet." I'm no ana, but peanut butter, baked potatoes, steaks, and pork chops, toast aren't foods you associate with diet. What does she normally eat? This meal plan seems like something a normal person would eat BEFORE dieting.
No. 83929
>>83915Holy shit… She ate all that every day and was still fucking hungry?
Also what a tard for drinking diet soda. Water is your best friend on a diet.
I honestly am surprised she made it three days. Must have been too strenuous to "prove a point" to that nasty blogger who was looking out for her health.
No. 83940
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I thought this was fake at first.
No. 84085
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No. 84086
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>>83917I kekked at "unfried" rice too. What will fatties come up with next? Un nuttellad cake? Unsugared tea?
No. 84087
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No. 84088
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No. 84091
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>>83931>>83929People tend to heavily underreport what they eat. There were many studies done into this and basically if you want to be a nutritionist or dietician you have to take into consideration that almost all your clients will lie about what they eat. Especially the fat ones, because they're more likely to have shameful meals like 6 big macs or 2 packets of biscuits. That doesn't look pretty in a food diary.
No. 84093
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No. 84095
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No. 84111
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Tiferet is a ~lolita elitist that is actually a poorly styled 55-year-old hamplanet who has a poor grasp on how to dress her body and the lolita fashion as a whole. She frequently goes on internet tirades about mundane things.
No. 84155
>>83432So, she was doing it wrong? No one's advocating for these fat cunts to develop eating disorders, just to LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Why don't they see the difference?
>>83897The ultimate shitlords!
>>84089I kind of wish that a Hitler-style figure would rise up, but instead of hating Jews/gays/retards, he'd hate fat people, and then they'd know what real persecution and fascism is. Of course, the Eichmann figure would have to build far bigger trains/"shower rooms"/incinerators, but I bet they could do it.
No. 84201
>>84111Oh god. She's in my comm. I was at an event at Angelic Pretty this past summer, and she showed up an hour late wearing some neon yellow top from putumayo or something that showed off all her fat rolls. She didn't wash her hair, either. Not acceptable at all, even for a casual tea party. Also she never shuts up about her genetics, what diseases she has, etc.
This is also the person who mutilated Cat's Tea party (for those who don't know, it's a coveted dress that sells for over $1k secondhand). I saw that monstrosity in person, too. She totally wrecked the silhouette of the dress by taking a strip of plain Jo Anne's cotton fabric and sticking it around the entire dress because the original waistline couldn't accommodate her flab. It was unfinished, the seams were wonky, and she wore it to a formal event to meet the designers.
No. 84252
>>80719As a fattie, I feel like guys hit on me way more than my thinner friends. It might just be because I run in weeb/convention circles, and theyre too intimidated by thin and attractive girls to flirt as casually, but I dont think a lack of attention is the problem.
I think most people that let themselves get grossly fat are the same type to be crazy feminist and anti-slut shaming, so they think that, like being obese and smelly, sleeping around is a way of showing how liberated and progressive they are.
No. 84257
>>84136Only half. This stuck up cantankerous bitch has been in fandom since before the dinosaurs, and she's made everyone she came into contact with worse off for it.
She was born in 1964, 52 not 55, but really, what difference does it make?
She's like the Queen Midas of shit. She's always been a huge elitist, IQ 164 or something, but she's either autistic, plain crazy, or lying. Or all three. She writes three paragraph comments on anything, and before her pictures got out, was able to create a following of impressionable teenagers because she talked a big game.
She has such exquisite taste, anons. Just look at her.
No. 84258
>>84201My condolences.
>she never shuts up. That's her defining quality. She used to be infamous for talking about anal sex to people who really didn't want to imagine her going at it.
She also never shut up about her gay ex husband. Anyone surprised he turned gay?
No. 84263
>>84252Maybe you're just really cute? Or you dress nicer?
As a former fattie, I get way more attention now than I used to and at conventions my thinner friends would get more attention too when I was a fattie.
No. 84265
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>>83336Out of all the buzzfeed people, she's definitely the most annoying
No. 84282
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>>84103I just hope she rewards herself with a mars bar after all that strenuous exercise, sadly her mmetabolism and genetics will stop her from losing weight, even after all that yoga.
No. 84283
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No. 84286
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>>84107I'm guessing it's also more difficult to clean when you're fat, in terms of bending down, crouching etc. not to mention that they don't have much energy with those wack hormones, insulin and after carrying around all that extra weight all day.
No. 84288
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No. 84289
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No. 84316
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No. 84339
>>78219This girl still makes me sad to this day.
Her face was so beautiful, she has gorgeous hair, and a better sense of style than most fatties.
But she gave it all up to be a morbidly obese camgirl and tubblr's bitch. She told herself that she would never be anyone other than Pear-chan. And that's exactly what happened.
No. 84340
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>>84323Well, she's very overweight and has a bad attitude, so she's probably not going to make it. Maybe she'll balloon to an even bigger size.
No. 84341
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>>84339Agreed. She's so much wasted potential.
No. 84349
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>>84340Anon, I wouldn't say she's "
very overweight." We can only really see her pudgy stomach, and she just looks like a tubby teenager tbh. Maybe I'm blinded by the morbidly obese people in this thread, but it looks like with just a small amount of exercise and better eating, she could look so much better. She's not that far gone, right?
You are right that her attitude isn't helping her any. We can only hope for the best.
No. 84353
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No. 84354
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>>84349Different cultures/societies/individuals have different definitions of what it means to be fat. Eg. pt in her fat self back in the day was slim/normal where she lived, because everyone was a hamplanet where she lived (victoria texas). In italy or japan she'd be seen as a hambeast however.
No. 84355
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No. 84356
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No. 84363
>>84357Imagine when she shows up to class, the teacher will be like
>tumblr just rolled into my lecture, kill me now.Universities don't pay part-time lectures enough to put up with these special snowflakes. They are literally worse than actual special needs students.
No. 84372
>>84357fetishize is a nice buzzword but i don't think she or he or whatever that hint of a 'stache implies is using that word correctly. if anything the "media" does the opposite of fetishizing fat bodies
also anybody who participates on the internets is part of the "media" even if in an infetisimal way. speaking about the "media" as something out there isn't as pertinent as it was with the dawn of certain technologies. mass media is struggling to make itself relevant amongst all of our more personal niches and interests.
tldr the media isn't oppressing you but your own laziness and self hate is
No. 84378
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>>84353>big bone structureProbably thinks her skeleton looks like this
No. 84391
>>84381That's what they want you to feel like.
The whole point is to challenge why people are uncomfortable when they can't definitively tell someone's sex in a casual social situation. (Yes, there are obviously cases where you need to know.)
I'm not into social justice nor am I a leftist, but I understand their point and have respect for it.
The people who are making these points however are dumb attention whores.
No. 84426
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contemplates suicide
No. 84436
>>79757I remember learning about obesity in my psych module, the only study on sleep-eating it cited was on women who were sexually assaulted and who subconsciously wanted to make themselves "undesirable to anybody".
Fat is a Feminist Issue by Susie Orbach covers that as well, I recommend it if you're not a pro-ana like 99% of this thread probably are.
like i was when i read it No. 84446
>>84442People might be humblebragging a little but there are screenshots ITT where perfectly fit and healthy girls got shit on. See
>>84349 If people think calling fat people unhealthy is shaming, then calling skinny people unhealthy is also shaming. It's either both are or neither are.
No. 84453
you can tell by the way he refers to himself as queen.
Also, that fat distribution/figure looks very male to me.
No. 84469
>>84468But he is actually kissing her? He is probably into it and said it was a ruse so that people wouldn't make fun of him.
/fit/ is full of chubby chasers, so no surprises there.
No. 84497
>>84442In some cases it can actually hurt quite a bit, especially if the reason you're skinny is an illness. A very extreme example: it would probably hurt quite a bit to get shit for you being thin, while the reason you are so thin is cancer.
Some girls have always been thin, have no tits or ass, and have been bullied for it for years. I doubt they would be humble-bragging. They probably would like to have some more fat.
I think you are only thinking of skinny, healthy girls who despite their skinniness still have tits and an ass.
No. 84520
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>>84381It's probably genderfluid, since it's on tumblr
No. 84524
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>>84432Chubbychasers are notoriously creeps and dump girls though, and I think that guy was even trolling her if I remember correctly
No. 84527
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>>84436>>84442Fatties should go make a skinny hate thread. This is not the place to drown your sorrows, you will only find pain here.
No. 84528
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>>84470Yep, he fucked her as a joke I believe. For the thread. The picture went viral after that.
No. 84532
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No. 84535
>>84534men will stick their dick in anything and call it a win.
he probably just led her on the entire time for shits and giggles and then never called again.
No. 84538
>>84442I kind of agree with this and I kind of don't.
I've been on both sides where I've experienced fat shaming and skinnyshaming. Right now I experience "skinny shaming" and I can tell you that it is not as emotionally damaging (or at all) as being fat shamed was. Nobody wants to be called a twig (except anas) but I can tell you that being called a twig doesn't hurt like being call a whale does. But that's just my experience and I can't speak for every thin person. I had a friend who was very thin in middle school (puberty is happening at this age) and she went through hell with the skinny shaming.
>inb4 not ur blog No. 84610
>>84529I physically cringed at this. Jesus christ, these people must have no idea what real food tastes like.
>teehee vegetables and whole foods are for rabbits and birdsI can't tell you why that always gets my goat, but it does. I hate being called a rabbit, or having my food smirked at and called rabbit food.
No. 84639
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Why lose weight when you can just contour
No. 84662
>>84468yup, he made a video and it got popular on /fit/, I think he admitted to being a chubby chaser though since a lot /fit/izens are so they're not really ashamed of it. I feel bad for the girl though, fat or not, no one should have a shaming sex-tape put online.
>>84538I guess it's different if you've been fat since you probably always wanted to be called thin. I don't mind people calling me skinny now but my friend who's always been skinny hates it because she's self conscious about it and has been picked on for it in the past.
I think we can all agree neither is nice.
>>84584no it doesn't, a good talk pushing their face into reality usually does the trick.
>>84559>>84583I knew someone like this too and she'd just say that to gain my favor because I'd balloon up and she'd still say "omg have you lost weight? You look great!"
No. 84674
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No. 84676
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No. 84677
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No. 84679
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>>84662Fat shaming is why japan, italy and many asian countries stay relatively slim. Eg. in thailand it's ok to say "wow you got fat" or to talk about how eating will make you fat. In the UK, US etc. much less. Due to this people become delusional and it leads to a lack of self realisation. I agree that a good talk and pushing them to face reality is pretty tip top too, but the desire to lose weight and stop making excuses needs to come from within that person. If they'd never experienced fat shaming or really much of any inconveniences as a direct result of being fat, they're less likely to make that leap.
It's why people tend to lose weight after an event that makes their shit hit the fat. Not fitting in a bridesmaid dress. Getting called big by a toddler. Not fitting in a chair. We need societies that push people to be the best they can be, not to accommodate. Accommodation is for the truly disabled who can't change not being able to walk by eating less, not these butter golems.
Sorry for rambling, just my two pennies worth
No. 84680
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No. 84681
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No. 84682
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>>84665How about some fatshion and a sleek haircut?
No. 84691
>>84679hmmm you're probably right then but I guess it kind of depends.
For me it was the moment a good friend had a serious talk with me about it (he was a former fatty too so he understood). He also took the time to explain how I could deal with it. Mean comments about my weight or people "implying" that I was fat always just made me sad and eat even more, not helpful at all.
No. 84697
>>84679I can't speak for anywhere outside of Asia, but there it's not even
shaming. Commenting on someone's weight has no judgement attached to it. It's as natural as commenting on a new haircut. The person commenting is not doing it out of spite. The person receiving the comment understands this. No feelings are hurt, not even when weight loss is discussed. There is no moral/ethical/judgment aspect to it.
In the US, UK, etc. the opposite is true.
No. 84706
>>84677It's so sad to me that their tastebuds and appetites are so fucked up that they can't understand that people can and should enjoy natural whole foods in reasonable portions as opposed to being helplessly compelled to repeatedly binge on unnecessarily large portions of processed shite.
Don't they understand that THEY'RE actually the ones who've been brainwashed by society by way of the fast food industry that it's acceptable, even desirable, to stuff their stomachs so they distend them unnaturally so they can fit more shit food in there while that industry makes huge profits? They're being exploited and laughed at, it's not even subtle.
No. 84709
>>84697I wouldn't say there's no judgement, there's probably an element of shaming, or else people wouldn't work so hard to lose weight they've gained. I have Asian American friends who always work to lose weight before going back to Asia to visit so their relatives don't give them shit for it. A Japanese girl in one of my classes, who is pretty chunky now esp by Japanese standards, talked about how she gets treated for being that fat in Japan. And of course, fat kids in Asia get bullied all the time for being fat.
It probably has less to do with being fat though but deviating from the norm.
No. 84746
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i personally think the one on the left just looks better..
No. 84751
>>84746this fat bitch on the right isn't pretty because she didn't pretty herself up. even if she did her makeup nice she'd look 100% better.
>>84697are you fucking kidding? japanese conversations are like 25% passive aggressive comments. people in japan get bullied for being different(something that is encouraged) and people who are even a bit overweight viciously made fun of to their faces.
>can't speak for anywhere outside of Asia>speaks for us/uk/etc.>implying all asian countries are the sameoh anon, just admit you're a weeb and get it over with.
No. 84793
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>>84770They forcibly make the posing and lighting as unflattering as possible to feed the delusional minds of the fatties that read articles like these.
No. 84837
>>84677I find a nice, healthy salad to be very filling and refreshing. Especially in summer.
I've read that eating a lot of salty, sweet and greasy junk food ruins your taste buds over time. So foods like vegetables become bland and you just want big macs and donuts and pies.
>>84679I wish the US could go back to the days of being able to tell people they looked fat. There's nothing wrong with a little fat shaming. It's not healthy to look like Shamu. I hate not being able to get a seat on the bus because the only double seat left is occupied by a ham galaxy. They should have to pay double fare for taking up two seats and blocking the aisles with their side blubber.
I feel bad for people who fly that get stuck next to these sperm whales. Don't they realise their weight is inconveniencing other people? And they wonder why people laugh at them when they post pics with captions about being proud of their curves? They've hijacked the term. Now when I hear curves I just think of fatties instead of curvy women.
No. 84842
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>>84751>>84770Also the girl on the right is a literal killer whale.
No. 84843
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No. 84845
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>>84822You could eat all those things and be slim. It's all about calories m8
No. 84846
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No. 84848
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>>84837Yep, their tastebuds and the hormonal and/or neurological way fat people react to food is objectively different. It explains why they're so obsessed with it. It's like crack to them, and they crave fats, salt and sugar.
No. 84849
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No. 84867
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>>84086Unfortunately, I'm afraid "unsugared tea" is a thing already in some places.
People just can't imagine drinking something with no sugar in it, let alone water.
No. 84884
>>84869>What's even the point of the tea if you can't taste it?I've never gotten this either tbh. It's the same thing with coffee too.
Which reminds me of this video of foreverkailyn literally putting 1/4 cup of sugar in her cup of coffee. Apparently, she also does this with those bottles of Starbucks coffee you get that the store as well.
No. 84885
>>84867How can people be so stupid?? Of course it will taste different, Nestea "Ice Tea" probably has a million other ingridients than sugar and tea.
ALso I love how she writes "tea". Like, what kind of tea did she even buy?? Fruit, black, roibos, Earl Grey? Did she stop to think about what kind of tea she might need? "Tea" is such a broad term, it's like saying "I went to the grocery store and bought a vegetable".
Honestly overly sugared drinks should just be forbidden. It's so gross and nothing more than empty calories. If you
must, go drink the sugarless version or some fruit juice, but I see literally zero reasons of why one must consume overly artificially flavored and heavily sugared garbage.
No. 84905
>>84882Honestly, how can you dislike the taste of water? Water HAS NO TASTE. If you really want what you drink to clearly taste like something, put a slice of lemon or a raspberry or a mint leaf or something in it.
Put it in the fridge for a short while and it's a perfectly refreshing drink.
No. 84906
>>79751At least he was practical and he had awareness about it, unlike the usual fatty who would bitch about how them and their fat partner COULDN'T fit into a bed and why that was shaming them.
>>79694>>79891r9k tier, you're no better than any radical fat fucktard
>>84885In the UK they're bringing in a high tax on sugary drinks. I don't think it will make a difference, but maybe someone will do some good research from it or something.
Something like 1 in 5 kids are obese here, I think schools just need to actually teach how to eat because the parents obviously aren't doing it and nutcases on social media are spreading all this misinformation.
No. 84913
>>84847B-b-but muh HAES!1!
>>84843>746 notes >>84844>Fat kids are ok. It's ok to be a fat kid.Fuck. This one gets me the most because I actually grew up as a fat kid. My family didn't give a shit about health, and I grew up eating a lot of sugary, greasy crap. I used to have chest pains, and felt like shit all of the time. Not to mention, all of the body image issues I went through when I got older. But no, that is all okay for a kid to go through. We should accept childhood obesity, because a few lazy adults refuse to make changes and admit to their own bad habits.
It is also funny how they have to basically say the same statement twice, but reword the sentence the second time. They need repetition to try to convince themselves of their own bullshit they try to pedal, like self-hypnotism.
>>84885>I see literally zero reasons of why one must consume overly artificially flavored and heavily sugared garbageThey serve no purpose but to drive in profits for greedy food corporations. They add lots of sugar and other shit on purpose because they are addictive. They destroy your tastebuds over time, and only artificial crap will taste good to you, so you will keep coming back for more.
No. 84931
>>84905Buying a bottle of sugarfree lemonade concentrate is cheaper than always having fresh lemons, raspberries or mint leaves in stock.
Also the problem with water having no taste, is that when it isn't icecold or hot, it plainly doesn't quench thirst. And most people don't have a fridge with them while they're out and about and thirsty.
No. 84951
>>84931>Also the problem with water having no taste, is that when it isn't icecold or hot, it plainly doesn't quench thirst.uhm like,
No. 84965
>>84906I'm in the UK too and my boyfriend is a forester and conservationist and according to him a really large part of the dramatic increase in childhood obesity is not just new technology and access to junk food but the gradual loss of natural, green spaces and ancient woodland.
I can get on board with this because when I was a kid I had a computer, an N64, PS1, PS2, the works, but I actually barely spent anytime on them because I was out everyday swimming in the local river, out in the woods building forts and running through my meadows like a fucking von Trapp.
Recently came back to my childhood town and the river has dried up, the woodland was completely savaged and replanted with firs for later harvesting, all planted in those creepy, artificial, uniform lines, and the fields have been concreted over and developed on. Fucking devastating.
>also the problem with water having no taste, is that when it isn't icecold or hot, it plainly doesn't quench thirst.
>water doesn't quench thirst unless it's cold >water needs to be cold to quench a thirst >that thing your body is made up of 80% of>the thing it sends signals for you to consume when you're parched >that thing doesn't work unless it's cold How fucking fat are you jesus christ
No. 84966
>>84931Can you not just grow a little pot of mint? If you have a garden you can easily grow a lemon tree. Berries r of be more challenging but they're still ridiculously easy to grow.
Does nobody grow their own produce now?
No. 84971
>>84867>give up after one trytypical fatty
>>84931nice b8
>>84966You don't even need a garden, for mint (and other herbs) a window and some "discipline" to water it will do.
No. 84984
>>84961 >>84965
Actually I'm just a very lazy underweight person, but whatever.
If I'd drink room temperature water, I could drink 4 L and I'd still be fucking thirsty and have a dry mouth.
No. 84986
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Oh shit niggers I found it
No. 84992
>>84982Anon you're full of shit. I keep a cup of water on my desk that I consume and refill throughout the day and it sits at lukewarm temperature.
You just don't think water quenches thirst because you're so used to pounding back sugar-laden, beetus beverages.
No. 84999
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>>84990He's disgusting because he fucks pigs.
No. 85003
>>84986that's a different woman from
>>84426do /fit/fags like fat chicks because fucking them is like a whole extra workout?
No. 85030
>>84992 >>85001Yeah sugar-free lemonade concentrate is so diabetes inducing, while it doesn't contain any sugar. 3.6mmol/l is sooo diabetes right? I actually have the opposite of diabetes, but whatever.
>>84993Did I say anything about 4 L in one sitting? No. So don't assume. Also I drink about 0,75 L in one sitting.
No. 85058
>>85051This. Sugar free things also make you more hungry, because your brains react to the sugar replacements and start waiting for food.
I think we have captured a retarded snorlax in the thread.
No. 85068
>>84961I hate doing that because the bottle gets all wet on the outside. I also don't see an issue with lukewarm water though.
Anyway, I don't understand how people can drink sugared drinks during the day. Aside from it being bad for your body, aren't they worried about their teeth?
No. 85091
>>84996oh wow, you sure are a cunt aren't you?
Sorry for having some decency and not applauding some asshole filming without consent.
>>85012>>85013exactly, thank you
No. 85100
>>85030You do realise they use heaps of artificial sweeteners to replace that sugar, right?
Why are you so averse to water? I can understand hating room temperature water because I do too, but I just stick a jug in the fridge. It's not that hard.
>>85060It does, you've really trained it out of yourself lol.
No. 85102
>>84990Hambeast detected and
triggered. Deploy deep marine life missiles to eliminate the whale.
No. 85122
>>85119telling others that they're fat won't make you thin, honey
I'm not fat btw, stay jelly bitch
No. 85173
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Doesn't this just make you wanna eat cupcakes
No. 85179
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Found the lurking 32-inch waist chan.
No. 85240
>>85179they're admitting that they come here now?
Also, I had no idea they knew about us because I expected more of them to complain here then…would be funny
No. 85337
Have a story.
>be me, waitress in a restaurant
>fatty and husband come in, sit down at a table meant for four people
>husband is average, wife is fat af so she probably need some extra space
>don't say anything, we still have enough free tables anyway
>I take their order, fatty and husband both order salads topped with beef
This is a common thing btw. Fatties will often order salads, not realizing that these are full meal sized salads with toppings, dressings, meat etc. so mostly they aren't really diet food. But salad, amiright?!
>food arrives, everything seems fine
>husband is quiet, his wife is loud and obnoxious and does 99% of the talking
>both finish their salads completely, my boss goes to their table to ask if everything was alright
>fatty presents him her empty plate
>boss obviously confused as she ate the entire salad and did not complain once, asks her why
>upon closer inspection, there is a tiny amount of fat on the plate
>we cut our beef fresh from one big piece that still has fat, muscle etc the cook has to remove
>a tiny bit of it accidentally ended up on fatty's plate
>fatty keeps loudly screeching about how disgusting and awful their meal was
>literally, she said it was "the most disgusting meal in her entire life". I'm not kidding
>guests begin to awkwardly stare at her
>boss tells them how this happened, tries to calm her down, nothing is effective; eventually fatty leaves the restaurant
>husband doesn't say a single word the entire time
So glad my boss handled this crazy cunt. He was super mad and told the whole staff that he hopes these people never come again, ever. Fucking fatties.
No. 85362
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No. 85506
>>85179Lol y u so mad, fat bitch?
Go get yourself four big macs extra large fries and a gallon of soda. If that doesn't calm you down I'm sure the two or three sundaes afterwards will. Shh. It's OK. Your drug is legal, go get your fix.
No. 85508
>>85337Is it common to complain about fat on meat? If it was just a tiny bit, I'd just move it off. It's not like it was some vile unidentifiable crap.
>>85179>in this communityIs there really a lot of fate hate on tumblr? Or on the truth blogs? I thought half of them were "battling EDs" and were body positive or whatever snowflakey shit they say
No. 85510
>>85508tubblr is the worst
>am in starvashun mode and only eat 500 calories a dayFive family packs of nacks and two gallons of soda don't count, teehee!
>60% bodyfat No. 85553
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I found a literal potato on instagram.
No. 85560
>>85508As said we usually cut it off so it doesn't end up on the plate. But once in a while a tiny mistake like this happens. Also there's types of beef/meat where you have the fat or bones still attached for taste reasons, and you have to cut it off yourself later on your plate…
I'm not sure but my thoughts on this are that she didn't realise that beef is not one single piece of delicious meat ready to be consumed, but that animals have fat, muscles, different quality of beef etc. Because a lot of people are kinda surprised when they find out. Many are just sooo detached about food and it's origins, and fast food crap has further alienated them from "real" food. You'd be sad to hear all the people compliment/being surprised at how fresh and different our food tastes, because it's all handmade and freshly cooked. Which really should be the norm, but oh well.
TL;DR fatty probably didn't no animals aren't only made of beef
>is fat>complains about anials having fatThe irony.
>>85512Eh, we very rarely have this happen tbh. And also almost never in such an obnoxious way (screaming aloud in the restaurant how this was literally the worst meal ever, when fucking
everyone around her could see the empty plate).
No. 85561
>>85337For someone who eats so much, you'd think a fatty would know basic stuff about food prep.
Guess she was trying to scam a free meal.
No. 85565
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No. 85566
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No. 85567
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No. 85571
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No. 85572
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No. 85573
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No. 85574
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No. 85608
>>85533Fucking ace!
>>85572She stole the food of people who donate blood? Jesus Christ, reinforce the greedy asshole fat bitch stereotype more, you fucking hog.
>>85574Oh is that what you want, Jo Swinson? Well I want to look like Heidi Klum, but it ain't fucking happening, is it?
>>85606Yeah, the whole scenario reeks of desperation, sweat, and stale McDonald's. It's one big depressing circle jerk.
No. 85725
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>>85606They are. The delusion and cognitive dissonance is terrifying.
Get a load of this beetus barge. They actually think their ruined bodies are related to geopolitics.
>I'm going to eat myself into diabetes and lose my legs and eye sight to stick it to the man! Binge eating is anti-racist activism!Imagine being mentally ill enough to actually believe that.
No. 85763
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Do you think that if any of these fat activist/ acceptance people, had someone come up to them and said here take this magic potion and you'd lose 50lbs guaranteed no risk no catch, they'd say no?
I think it's great people have self love and confidence but I don't think they can be 100% happy being overweight. I feel like they'd rather blame other people than eat less or exercise because that's the easiest option.
No. 85764
>>85750 you can read another gemstone quality post written by her.
Btw what do you all think of this reddit post (no memes plz) you agree with OP? He actually provides proof tbh so cant see why I would disagree. Even the most kawaii victorian, Marie Antoinette, wasnt fat by lolcow's standards.
No. 85767
>>85764>Even the most kawaii victorian, Marie Antoinette, wasnt fat by lolcow's standards.>lolcow's standardsshe probably was
But yeah I agree. And even if fat actually was a standard of beauty in the historical past, it doesn't even matter because those women never reached the gargantuan sizes of the mini-moons of today.Even the 500lb HAES blubberwhales of today are FATTER than the Fernando Botero paintings. Like 'deathfats' on tumblr would consider THOSE pictures as 'smallfats'. It's a stupid point to try to make, even the fattest, most beautifully regarded, whatever etc. woman in the past would probably be considered small fat or even average in some places.
No. 85828
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>>85789How so? There's nothing strange about that comment.
No. 85882
>>85179people act like being fat is like being fucking black or gay
you chose this and continue to choose it daily
it is literally ONLY because you are lazy/selfish/uneducated
No. 85983
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No. 86131
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I have Harmony Flashpink (now Harmony Von Kandi) on FB and she posted this today. She's not interesting enough for her own thread, but I wanted somewhere where we could talk about her.
I remember her going on about how much weight she lost when she changed her meds, but she either didn't lose that much or gained it all back
No. 86135
>>86131holy fucking shit.
I remember her from my gaiaonline days and recently looked her up on youtube to see what she's done with herself.
She's just gotten abysmally fat and claims she's gyaru.
No. 86139
>>86115This video confuses me, why are the jeans fitted so differently in the 2nd outfit?
Anyway, the moral of the story I guess is don't be fat because you won't find an outfit you really like lmao
No. 86206
>>86135She blew up a ton, this was before she said she lost a bunch of weight and it does look like she lost some. But its not nearly as dramatic as she was making it out to be.
No. 86217
>>86212healthy and clean?
>>86215what - why?
No. 86232
>>86215Rice with sugar? For breakfast? No wonder she is so fucking huge.
And when she put the nasty dirty bowl on table, I cringed.
Rage inducing material.
No. 86250
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>>86215Her food pics look almost as nasty as gingers
No. 86343
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No. 86344
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>>86328I think anon might be referring to the fact that calorie counting works, no matter what your mindset might be. You're right in that fatties are less likely to do it, to keep doing it and to report accurately though.
Not counting calories works for a lot of people and "diets". Eg. I don't calorie count because I like to do intermittent fasting. If you're fit and not gaining weight, there's no need to calorie count, beyond curiosity and generally knowing what you ate that day.
No. 86345
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No. 86346
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No. 86347
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>>86250looks like fitveganginger has some competition
No. 86349
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>>86200HAES anon, check your thin white cat privilege
No. 86351
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No. 86353
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No. 86354
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>>86131What's up with her breasts? Are they really big or something?
No. 86355
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No. 86356
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>>85569I guess there's a fetish for everything. At least she's found people who find her attractive. Nobody else will.
No. 86357
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No. 86358
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No. 86390
go eat some broccoli bitch
No. 86401
Last night I fucked a fat chick.
I was fucking around on Tinder a few days ago when I got a message from her. I checked out her profile and she had some Myspace style high angle pics but the one shot of her body didn't look too bad, a little chubby maybe but nothing I haven't done before. She definitely seemed thirsty judging by the messages she sent me (this should have been my first warning sign). Even after I sent her a few derogatory messages ("When and what are you cooking me for dinner?") she still seemed completely interested and even sent me an unsolicited picture of her ass from a flattering angle after giving me her phone number. I decided fuck it, I'm game, and told her that I would pick her up at Safeway after work.
As I pulled up to Safeway, I saw her. 18 years old, about 5'4'', at least 220 pounds, carrying a large pizza and a gut that could put my fat grandfather to shame. We made eye contact and I knew it was too late to abort, so she hopped in my car and we drove to my place. She sat curled up on the corner of my couch while I packed a bowl for us to smoke. I asked her how long she had been smoking weed, and she told me she lost it when she was 14 to her 24 y/o drug dealer boyfriend. Classy, great way to start this conversation, I thought. She continued to tell me that she smoked throughout all of her teenage years and that she was "thin", but now that she's older "muh slower metabolism" caused her to gain weight (lol). After we smoked she was visibly stoned, and looked uncomfortable, so I told her to sit on the floor so that I could give her a back massage. After a couple of minutes of me massaging her with her shirt on, I told her to pull up her shirt, which she did. It was then that I saw the full extent of her gluttony. Rolls folded down over her back, with a few stretch marks to boot, but at least there was no bacne. I wondered if I could have a few pulls of whiskey without her being offended, but I stood up and hit the bottle right in front of her anyway. After a few more minutes of a back massage, I told her that it was her turn to give me one. "A back massage?", she asked. "Yes", I said. She practically scoffed at me. (For context, I'm not exactly a bad looking dude, good face and hair, muscular build, 5'6'' manlet but ffs I can't help that).
She got back on the couch and laid down on her fat stomach, presumably to conceal it. I offered to continue giving her a back massage, which she readily accepted. This time I decided to make my move, and pulled down her pants mid-massage. I gave her my signature finger fuck and had her rolls squirming on the couch in pleasure. After a while she whimpered "Fuck me", to which I told her she needed to warm me up first to do. The blowjob was decent, not too toothy and she deepthroated a little bit. Mid-BJ I told her to take her shirt off and she refused, kek. She laid back on the couch and I slipped on the condom. I pounded her like a mallard duck for about 10 minutes, but she was just SO FAT AND GROSS, and not long after my boner was kill. I propped her up on a chair and finger blasted her until she came, but when she saw my dick would not get back up, she became visibly upset. She put her clothes back on and I just sat there naked, like I always do after sex. She then ate THE ENTIRE PIZZA that she had brought. I was stunned, giggling internally at how she blames her fatness on her metabolism. We finished watching Conan O'Brien and I offered to take her home. I tried to make conversation on the ride back to her place but she wouldn't have it. Whenwe arrived, she got out without saying goodbye, and I chuckled all the way back home thinking about how my life turns out sometimes.
She later called me asking me if she had left her debit card at my place, which she had, but I lied and said it wasn't here and just threw it away.
Sage for blogpost.
No. 86412
>>86215How the fuck are you going to eat 2405 calories for breakfast? What kind of life is this?
Also, isn't one pound of fat like 3000 calories? She's literally gaining at least one pound a day.
No. 86418
>>86417>You can't maintain a caloric deficit for the rest of your life!>You can't suppress your hunger desire!Does she not realize your body adapts to its environment, which includes food portions? If you stop eating an unnecessary amount of calories, it'll be hard at first but you'll eventually get used to it and not want to stuff your face as often. It's that simple.
Basically, she's a fucking glutton who makes excuses for her food addiction. Disgusting.
No. 86420
>>86418she says that calorie restriction is unsustainable, but how is eating 4000 kcal every single day sustainable? What if there's war or famine?
one more year and she'll be 300 pounds, unless she starts cycling for 3 hours a day, which i guess is more sustainable than eating normal amount of food
No. 86422
>>86421this according to her was an eating disorder? looks like perfectly normal amount of vegan food and a normal body.
if her body needed the extra calories to "heal her hormones" it wouldn't get stored as fat
No. 86423
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>>86421She used to have a cute soft body. I would feel so bad looking at my before pictures if I was in her shoes.
No. 86433
>>86422Maybe her motivations for it was ~anorexic~ (lose as much weight as possible not caring about actual health+fitness) but she just ended up being regularly healthy in the end because it seemed like she just worked out a lot and not doing the typical ana shit like starving or purging.
She does sound super psycho in her self-hatred of that phase of her life. Wonder what made her snap
No. 86473
>>86422she's trying SOOOOOO hard to sound like durianrider so he'll comment on her videos and praise her
what a sad sad child girl pandering to an abusive man who will never acknowledge her
it's like getting a jonas brothers tattoo
you're ruining your body for people who don't care about you
No. 86495
>>86328if your calories in are more than your calories out, you won't lose weight no
if you eat 5000 kcal a day of clean and lean food you won't lose weight
No. 86499
>>86498gaining 30 kilos just to troll people?
No. 86502
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what is weight loss?
No. 86528
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>>86212walking and adding extra steps for someone who is sedentary can work tho. Running obviously burns more calories but a gym isn't even necessary, just dragging your fat ass outside and brisk walk or run a mile a couple of days a week will definitely help someone who doesn't exercise at all and combines it with less caloric intake.
>Tbh in general you can just blindly eat whatever you want as long if its healthy and clean in order to lose weight.I feel like you don't realize that the "healthy and clean" foods you are eating more than likely have less calories than of course processed/fast food. So while you think you may be blindly eating whatever you want your calories are most likely lower than you realize. Plus you can eat a lot more of these foods which means they will probably be spread out during the day instead of consuming all your calories at once.
>Also, counting calories only work if you aren't mentally fat, so for old fats it wont work unless "we" develop anorexia.I have no idea what you mean by this. CICO does work but maybe I'm misunderstanding you.
reposting image I saw in another thread
No. 86530
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>>86526YAAAS (i would but i dont know how to), her tumblr is a goldmine
No. 86533
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>>86532Does she not know calorimeters exist?
No. 86538
like girl 1. you are embarrassing yourself, 2. you are a horrible image for your movement
even if you are fat because your body is 'recovering' (you're not), why do you look like shit in every other way?
>>86489why do you have nappy ass forehead hair in the thumbnail you made
No. 86547
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No. 86549
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No. 86552
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>>86549it's a silverback queen
No. 86565
>>86351So why not buy vegetables and fruit instead from now on
Damn girl
No. 86585
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Oh lord, this girl fresh off insta. Posts 10 or more selfies all day every day, no likes. Why do fatties think they're smoking? I don't know which is worse, this or those fatshionista instagram whales.
No. 86586
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>>86585Smoking as in smoking hot. Sorry.
No. 86588
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>>86587She has over 600 unique posts on instagram. Whatever makes her happy I suppose, but I wonder WHY she posts all these selfies
Is she trying to get scouted? Is she being an asha? Is this a form of self therapy? Is she doing the selfie every day challenge? It's a mystery
No. 86623
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Here, have some #fatshion.
No. 86628
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>>86627One classy cameltoe.
No. 86634
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>>86633I really hope no one looks through my phone, its all pictures of fatties… I might have a problem.
No. 86635
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No. 86636
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No. 86637
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No. 86638
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No. 86651
>>86645Because men and women gain weight differently. Men gain weight under the muscle, which makes it harder, less sloppy/saggy/etc. It's also the more dangerous way to gain weight.
Women gain weight above the muscle, so it's not so hard and tough, but more soft and saggy, etc. It's not as dangerous to gain weight this way, obviously in great amounts it is, but still, women can get away being heavier than men with fewer to no health consequences for these reasons.
No. 86658
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>>86651ty anon, this was actually very educational.
No. 86865
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>>86845Yeah it's fucked up. I'm not thin, just not fat (5'6, 95 lbs) and XS at a lot of stores is too big for me. I feel like in a few years you'll have to go to specialty stores just to buy clothes that aren't elephant sized.
Anyway, tip for fat people: don't get septum piercings, they just make you look even more like a cow.
No. 86866
>>86845maybe you have a small frame?
Im underweight at 5'7 and sometimes need to buy medium sizes due to having a big/broad frame
No. 86870
>>86865LOL bitch pls.
I'm 5'3, 100 pounds and you can see my bones (I wear Xs-S in clothes,) so what kind of scale are you using? At that height and weight, you would damn near look like Ash.
No. 86875
>>86845I still shop at teen stores since they tend to fit a bit smaller (though not always). Thank god express sells SOME business casual stuff or I'd be screwed. They don't sell dress pants in the kids' section.
it's really women's vanity sizing that is the worst.
No. 86876
>>86870>>86867Not quoted anon but I'm 5'7" and 96 lbs and I'm pretty thin but not spoopy at all. All it takes is little muscle mass and a small frame. Only my collar bones poke out; I could photograph ribs and hipbones but it'd take ana posing.
Sage for semi-blogpost, just trying to clear things up.
No. 86892
>>86841kek this reminds me of the "live fat, die yum" tattoos I've seen all over FA chicks on tumblr
I laugh all the time wondering why they didn't just keep it at the more accurate "live fat, die young"
No. 86893
>>86890Preaching to the choir, anon. I had that HER dating app for a while and 99% of the women on there were overweight and/or super sjw-y. I've even got anon hate calling me fatphobic since I wouldn't date a fat girl kek.
I just want a gf that's into hiking and swimming and doing other fun active stuff like that but it seems impossible to find one like that.
No. 86926
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No. 86958
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No. 86959
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>>86626She's not going to sneak through anyone's door though
No. 86960
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No. 86961
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>>86828But anon, that would burn precious precious calories!
No. 86962
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No. 86963
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No. 86965
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>>86845I know what you mean, fatties are always whining about nothing being in their size, but I get the opposite impression when clothes shopping. The other day I was looking for men's shirts for my dude in lidl (lol poorfag) and there was ONE small, maybe a few mediums, a few more large and around 10 to 20 XL XXL XXXL.
Expensive brands still cater to skinnies a lot though, and korea is a godsend for nice skinny fashion. It varies a lot across countries I've noticed. When I go to the UK, everything is massive, but in eg. italy the sizes in even high street shops tend to run smaller.
TBH I think fatties are being whiny with this whole clothing thing. Why not buy online? Why not buy in places like lidl? Why not learn to sew? I mean, there are solutions, and if your biggest problem in life is that you can't find a swarovski thigh high chunky purple heel to fit your elephant calves, you don't really have problems.
ok sorry for rambling, I'll post more fats to make up for it
No. 86966
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No. 86967
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No. 86968
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No. 86969
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No. 86970
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No. 86971
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No. 87020
>>87012I can't do this. I stopped a little bit after she told everyone to go fuck themselves.
Acne is a sign of something going wrong inside your body. Changing her diet would improve her skin. I used to have shitty skin myself, and when I stopped eating junk, it improved without expensive peels.
But I guess being a slave to the skincare industry, in addition to the fast food and makeup industry, is better than actually making changes that can improve your health.
No. 87518
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No. 87539
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>>87518It looks like she has one of those x belly buttons
No. 87779
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>>87765Don't you know body positivity only goes one way, it's not fair for you to be proud of your body if it didn't take a a couple of burgers to get there. You're being oppressive and exerting your thin privilege .
but seriously, isn't it fucked up that people think that way?
No. 87789
>>87765>feel like I would be shamed for attention seekingDo it anyway. These could very well just be your feelings.
The fat chicks probably felt like they'd be body-shamed for being tubby before they posted theirs.
No. 87812
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No. 87813
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No. 87819
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No. 87830
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Fat logic=60 pounds overweight isn't fat and you have thin privilege if you disagree with HAES
No. 87870
>>87839Half my insta feed is whales and tiny whales doing their most to look slim and/or cute, nobody's "mad" or bothering them
And whether they actually look cute is subjective I guess. I personally am repulsed by fatness because it's unhealthy. Just like I'm repulsed by skellies.
No. 87871
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>>87817Did she eat her eyebrows kek
No. 87874
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>>87518Babe as in babe the pig? That's offensive to the poor porker
No. 88239
>>86357Underrated post.
>>86358That's why all those starving people in Africa weigh about 60lbs: it's their natural set point at birth!
>>86960Let me guess, Anna Mollow is a great big ol' fatty?
No. 88361
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As someone with motor skill problems, I feel triggered
No. 88573
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No. 89181
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holy shit
No. 89827
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the fatshion tag really is the gift that keeps on giving
No. 89834
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>>89833I think that's the best part tbh
No. 89835
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No. 90139
>>89850Her outfits themselves weren't all that bad, but they definitely would look better on someone who doesn't have a fupa.
At least she wasn't wearing crop tops.