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No. 81151
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No. 81157
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No. 81158
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No. 81167
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I love old school HBO docs and docs about drug use like Small Town Ecstasy—-worked better than the DARE program.
No. 81169
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Don't make fun of me, but this one is very cozy and surprisingly interesting! Some beautiful shots in there too
>>81158At the risk of sounding like a shitty person, I'm actually very impressed how she managed to fool so many people for such a long time, it's fucking crazy.
>>81161>>81160>>81157I'll check The Imposter out, thanks anons!
No. 81224
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No. 81225
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I've always been wary of Scientology, but this was so much more enthralling than I expected. It's bizarre people actually believe this bull and I hope the collapse of this "church" happens soon.
No. 81230
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I know Banksy has a rep for being pretentious, but I love how comfy Exit is. The guy it's about, Thierry, is really endearing.
No. 81577
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>>81465A Cage fan on lolcow? I love you anon.
Anyway, I saw this recently. It was pretty good.
No. 82613
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>>81225Check out this one!
Also if anyone's got more on religious cults, keep em coming. Love that shit
No. 87333
>>81225This one is so good
But if you liked it you'll love this one
No. 87357
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this thread rules. i LOVE documentaries. I can't wait to see Prophet's Prey, attached is something I finally got around to watching, it was a tough watch for me but very worthwhile.
Anyone got any more lighthearted suggestions? I'm looking forward to that voiceover actor one for less serious nights ahaha.
No. 87359
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Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father
A guy's best friend dies and he makes a documentary in his honor since they loved making movies as kids. Only on the way of making it the guy discovers some shit about his friend's life, how he dies and so much more wild shit goes down during the making. I won't spoil it and I suggest not looking it up before watching it. It's on Netflix btw.
This shit left me in tears and never wanting to watch it again. It's great but it leaves you so fucked up on the inside by the end.
No. 87373
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Its trashy and I love it.
No. 87375
>>87359This documentary left me devastated. I could feel the people's frustration, especially the friend's parents, and when the twist came up, I was like "Damn, I'd be that frustrated and emotionally wrecked too if I were them."
I agree, it is a good documentary, but I don't think I will watch it again.
No. 87376
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To any of you that enjoy parodies of classic documentary films, I recommend Documentary Now! If you know your history, it's pretty entertaining shit.
No. 87424
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ooh I have another one, going to watch this one really soon, I've been looking for it forever. "An Open Secret" about exposing pedophilia in Hollywood. I used youtube-dl ( to download the videos onto my macbook incase it gets removed from Dailymotion anytime soon.
Allegedly it had to be edited before release to exclude audio of a pedophile confessing what he did. the foreign titles on dailymotion the entire movie is english.
No. 87428
>>81225Just might watch this one soon.
Any other anons waiting for the Louis Theroux doc too? It already premiered but hasn't been publicly released yet.
No. 87429
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>>87428Here's the poster image
No. 87438
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About sugar babies and sugar daddies
No. 87482
>>87454I just start watching and
he already spout nonsense like "I'm coming from planet cannibal", the fuck?? It gets worse as I watch more.
Crazy old man…he should be locked up in mental hospital.
No. 96179
>>87424jesus christ this documentary
very interesting tho!
No. 96421
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A State of Mind. A documentary about North Korean mass games and politics through two young gymnast girls.
No. 96458
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If anyone is into p chill animal/nature documentaries, this one is great. It's about a group of guys buying mustangs and riding them from Mexico to Canada. The scenery is fucking gorgeous and you have cute horses.
It's also interesting to see a group of friends basically left alone for like half a year and how relationships change and stuff.
No. 96469
>>81157Just finished watching this. I'm left with two comments;
How the fuck did people think he was a 16 year old? Like ignoring the family because of obv reasons, but he had a full shadow of a bear, a strong ass jaw and his eyes were obviously that of an older person. Hell, I even thought in the photos and videos he looked fucking 35. And my other comment is the whole sketchy family thing. I wouldn't take anything what he says at face value at all. He genuinely pissed me off the entire documentary and I had no sympathy for him. I do believe the family was involved in the kid's disappearance, especially the mother. I think the sister knew something happened but never questioned it (look at the way she was willing to avoid asking him any questions) and the mom either saw something happen or was an active participant. The brother was definitely involved. I don't think they murdered him, or at least not on purpose or something.Either way, great documentary that really pissed me off (in a good way).
No. 96474
>>96469Here's my batshit theory:
I think that he parents/a family member actually did kill the son. They reported him missing, and played the "sad family" card, and miraculously got away with it. They continue to love their lives, thinking they got away with murder until they get a call saying their son is found. Now, despite the fact that this son has bleached hair and looks 35, they have to play along, because if they question his identity then the authorities would obviously investigate the imposter, and probably dig up some dirt on the original crime.
So I don't think the family ever really believed that the imposter was their son, I think they had to "believe it" to protect themselves.
No. 97022
>>97017If you watched the whole programme in full you would understand that it wasn't pro eugenics. It was showin the history of the British Empire (mainly) use of eugenics and how America was a huge supporter to the extent where they actually funded some of the original eugenics outlets in Nazi Germany.
In Britain we are rarely taught of our historic crimes and racism. In no way was it "pro hitler" but instead exposing the reality of how Britain and other such empires be they American or European had so much land.
No. 97024
>>97022The greatest story never told is the 8 hour pro hitler documentary.
>historic crimes and racismYep, FUCKING WHITE MALE tumblr documentary just like I thought.
No. 97030
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This documentary about gypsies: has everything:
>Potato-stealing>Mysterious dog-eaters>Gypsy-titties>wicked music No. 97088
The pols are coming
Link - was on the year I moved to Britain, its pretty hilarious due to how they just show the worst people imaginable. At one point they pretend to 'translate' what a Polish man is saying and the subtitles say the opposite of what he says. Pure BBC propaganda.
No. 97231
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I just assumed this wasnt posted because it was so popular when it was released?
No. 98160
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This one is on Netflix.
It's about a girl that has a stroke and has to re-learn how to live.
Some of these look really good, I've been looking for more since I've watched most of the ones worth watching on Netflix and Youtube.
No. 98217
>>81225> tfw protested in front of orgs for a year straight as part of Chanologythose were heady times. fun, attractive anons. massive lulz. turned out to be good training for Occupy, which came right after.
if you read books, look for "Madman or Messiah?" online for free. It's a biography of L.Ron and it's a fascinating read because it is so wild. It's about the early years.
No. 98218
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> Amish teenagers experience and embrace the modern world as a rite-of-passage before deciding which life they will choose.
it's about Rumspringa
No. 98220
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> A cinematic portrait of the homeless population who live permanently in the underground tunnels of New York City.
gritty b/w doc about real "Mole People"
No. 98222
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>>98220OT but that cover looks so much like my favorite album's cover.
No. 98224
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> Documentary that looks at the concept of the corporation throughout recent history up to its present-day dominance. know, I know. You probably think this doc is going to be torture to get through. It's about the history of corporations, how they came to be and how they operate. They examine them like a psychiatrist would examine a mentally ill person, since they are considered a person by the law. This movie changed my outlook on the world in a profound way. It's not super entertaining, but it is incredibly educational and you'll be a better citizen of Earth for having seen it.
No. 112119
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No. 112126
>>112125That documentary cover was actually a point of rage amongst Lolita because the documentary didn't have shit to do with it.
The girl in the photo was lied to about what the pic was being taken for, too.
Good job showing your ignorance, anon.
No. 117973
>>117931Ha I watched the same thing today. When I was in high school I was pretty obsessed with reading about murderers and crazies like that dude. I'd read up about the case and was shocked how long he had her for. It made me wonder how many missing people are in similar situations.
That said, the interviewer in this doc was kind of weird and asked some dumb questions. Also the music fucking sucked.
No. 118040
>>118037The Advanced dude is a douchbag, but he'd be a lot cuter if he cut+styled his hair and dressed himself better.
He's what I imagine most incels and robots are like. Convinced (or try to convince others) that they're so ugly, but they're really just average with a shitty attitude.
No. 118042
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>>118037I just got to the part where they show his photoshopped picture. I am now convinced the reason he's incel is probably because he wants to be a woman and is prob a raging, self-loathing homo.
No. 118044
>>118042lmfao that top lip
>>118041her advice is good. robots have the worst fucking attitudes and they're some of the most self centered, boring ass people imaginable. take her advice, you pituitary retard. clearly, you fingerfucking your own asshole to how wonderful you think you are and believing you're maligned by "whores" (that are generally smarter than you, lol) isn't getting you anywhere
No. 118066
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Divorce Corp is a solid documentary about the fucked up politics of the legal system, and the people it continues to fuck over day to day. Enjoyed that they follow a few different real life scenarios featuring ex-hubsands and ex-wives from different parts of the country.
No. 118155
File: 1479562179714.jpg (65.79 KB, 703x651, audrey-mestre.jpg) one is pretty good if you're into a good relationship abuse/conspiracy. It made my heart sink so bad when I first watched this, I couldn't believe it.
No. 118192
>>118155Thank you for the recommendation anon. Just started watching it and already it's really interesting.
I do hate it tho when docs have that whole "People think we're crazy but they are just uninformed" montage at the beginning.
No. 118981
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>>118889>>118925Ayy pessimist anon documentaries are a huge part of the movie industry you'd be a fucking idiot to think "losers watch them" you're a loser for holding a nihilist, apathetic view of them. Documentaries can be entertaining, factually accurate and provide social commentary on important issues. A good documentary is a catalyst for critical thinking.
Critical thinking is for such losers doe I mean who would want to think rioght?
No. 119331
>>119320I bet you're talking about that disgusting Japanese cannibal
who became a celebrity… How and why I will never understand.
No. 119338
>>119331Issei Sagawa (sp?)
He's so gross and such a dumbass narcissist. I wanna see him old, weak, with no teeth, and stuck in a home being looked after by women who taunt him with the fact that he can't do anything to them anymore. Feed him vegan mush so he can't enjoy taste, stuck with himself grown old and pathetic and hating it
No. 119623
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Don't know if Intervention counts but I've been binge watching them since the season premiere last night. Watching Jennifer struggle with spitting out her food and injecting pain meds in front of her children while her daughter painted a tea set was horrifying.
No. 120126

>>119623I always liked Intervention.
If anyone is in Canada look up The Fifth Estate and DocZone put out by CBC. They're all 40ish minute investigative documentaries and can be found on Youtube. I like them for background noise while I'm drawing.
I've attached one of my favourite Fifth Estates but there's tons of good ones in lighter tones. This one is pretty fucked up and frustrating to watch.
>CAS fails Young Child back in 2006 and then hides behind a cloud of secrecy
>When Toronto emergency workers arrived at an east-end Toronto home early on the morning November 30, 2002, the house was dark. They knocked twice before a woman, Elva Bottineau, answered the door and directed them to the kitchen. What they found there was shocking. Lying on the table was the emaciated, lifeless body of Bottineau's five-year-old grandson Jeffrey Baldwin. Firefighters and paramedics tried in vain to resuscitate him.
>More than two decades earlier, another child had died in Elva Bottineau's care and both Bottineau and Kidman had convictions for child abuse. Despite the fact that this information was contained in their own files, the CCAS failed to check them before they endorsed the court-ordered placement of Jeffrey and his siblings with their grandparents.
>In fact, the CCAS had intervened off and on in the Bottineau/Kidman family for decades. The CCAS had removed two of Bottineau's children from a previous marriage from her care in the late 1970s after the Society discovered they were being severely abused in her home by Kidman. And yet, remarkably, only a few years later, Bottineau was working as a CCAS-supported day care provider.Secrets of Sugar is lighter in tone and about sugar obviously. It's on Youtube. Another one I liked was the Boy Who Should Have Lived, about a 12 (or maybe 11) year old boy who ended up hanging himself after the mental health system spectacularly failed him. I wish social services were better funded here in Canada. It happened in Ontario which is surprising.
Louis Theroux is also really good. I'm sure you guys are familiar with him already, but if not check out his LA Stories. I loved City of Dogs.
Speaking of dogs, The Champions on Netflix made me cry. I fucking love dogs. It's about the pit bulls that were rescued from Vick's fighting ring. For some reason I also like the British series Dogs: Their Secret Lives. Light hearted and sort of like… dog intervention for dogs with behaviour problems. Like separation anxiety, obesity, and all sorts of strange behaviours I've never seen before. One doggo would shake every time she left the house. There was a super fat lab who would eat literally EVERYTHING. Her rescue family had to watch her closely all the time because the crazy old thing would even try to eat dirt.
Guilty pleasure of mine is also Animal Cops. It's on Youtube, about humane society workers rescuing animals from shitty owners. Lots of animal horders in it. I remember one poor German Shepard was so neglected his claws had grown into his footpads. It's sad because a lot of the animals are so sweet, but there's usually happy endings… Usually.
I love documentaries, I'll try to think of some others I liked later since they're all I really watch.
No. 120127
>>120126Also sorry for double post but seconding the suggestion for Dear Zachary. That one mindfucked me.
I'm not sure if it's still on there, but I watched How to Die in Oregon the same night I watch Dear Zachary. Very depressing night. Anyway I highly recommend Oregon as well.
No. 120174
tragic this one it be the parents who done it? kepts me awake at night.
No. 120204
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>>119623I've watched Intervention since it first started way back when. My mom and I would always watch it on Sunday nights, the episode that always stuck out for me was the one with Christy, she seemed like the craziest person they had. I wonder what she's up to these days, last I heard she has a baby.
No. 120205
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Just watched "Food, Inc." last night on Netflix.
Warning: the film contains some pretty disturbing images but I still recommend you watch it so you know the truth about your food….
No. 120226
>>120204this seems to be up to date on her antics, since she has been silent on her fb. was also this: about the aunt's post about the baby.
Basically, she's not doing good and hasn't since the show.
No. 121073
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I was reading about lost media and found something interesting about a lady named Amanda Feilding, an English Countess who advocates trepanning as a tool to achieve higher consciousness and performed one on herself as an art piece entitled "Heartbeat in the Brain". Some of the footage can be seen in this documentary: No. 121135
>>121124>>121123if I remember correctly it's a form of enlightenment and also I think a way of "getting high". I remember her describing that she had to do it precisely otherwise she would kill herself.
Whatever man, if you'd rather drill a hole in your head than take drugs, be my guest.
No. 121332
Hey guys, there's a new documentary series on Netflix called Captive.
> Netflix returns to the genre with their new series “Captive,” from two-time Oscar-winning producer Simon Chinn (“Man on Wire”) and executive producer Doug Liman (“The Bourne Identity”). The series examines the most challenging hostage situations of our times, from the highest-profile cases to those kept hidden from the public around the globe. It explores the viewpoints of every party involved: the victims, their families, experienced negotiators and the kidnappers themselves. ( saw the first episode last night and really enjoyed it.
No. 196874
>>196873Different anon but that dude pissed me off the most.
Because he's nothing but poor trash who lords the money he spends on lessons and training over his daughter. He seems like such a god damn loser, at least the other parents don't rub off as such desperate poorfags.
No. 196902
>>196839Thanks for linking this, anon. I've known about Darger for a while, but never did more research than reading his Wikipedia page.
Honestly, I wish his books(s) were public, I'd love to read all 15,000 pages of it. The subject matter, in theory, is both haunting and compelling with its themes of innocence and the characters' fight to keep hold of it. It's almost like Peter Pan meets Alice in Wonderland (or Lolita?) with a dash of extreme violence. I can't tell if it was his way of coping with the abuse he himself suffered as a child, or if it was his own method of dealing with some not-so-nice paraphilias he had in a way that allowed him to feel "clean" inside (combined with going to church several times a day). Probably both.
There's something very anime about the horned girls, too.
No. 196906
>>196874i mean i get that he wanted the best for his daughter and allocated lots of time and money to do so but there were just so many better ways to go about it.
i hope now that the documentary is out he was able to see what he was doing wrong. there's a big difference between disciplining your child and making them strive to do their best and being a literally did and mentally abusing your kid by forcing them to do shit and then blaming them for wasting your money when its something you made them do in the first place.
No. 197539
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>>81149american family adopts 3 kids from russia
came out of it with mixed feelings because the parents clearly had the best intentions but they pulled stupid shit like never learning a lick of russian so they could actually communicate with the kids and changing their names to more american sounding ones
No. 198100
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just watched the ultimate guide to penny pinching. i thought i was a cheap ass but dear god some of these people are a bit much. i did think it was nice that the couponing lady gave all the food she bought to a potluck for charity. and i liked the dude that collected roadkill and cooked it because you could tell he was familiar with nature and not an idiot just grilling whatever was on the side of the road.