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No. 87084
>>87074fix your diet first! use myfitnesspal app to list calories, you might be eating way too much.
jillian michaels has so workouts that you can do at home, 30 day shred is good. some of them can be found in youtube. first you might not be able to even do the whole workout but as time goes on you'll get better.
the hardest thing is sticking into these, you must remember that the weight won't drop instantly so you have to stick to the plan and not slip from it.
good luck.
No. 87095
>>87086>At such a weight, just eating less, cutting soda, and most sugary shit will make you lose a lot of weight.Yes
>A cheap option for doing sports is swimming, it's a really good sport that make you lose weight and help you build lean muscles it's not violent for your body, running while being a fatty can really rekt your knees.If she wants a barrel chest and broad shoulders, sure.
OP, where does your fat distribute and how toned are you?
At your weight I'd say change your diet up, start eating a lot more vegetables, reduce your carbs and meats aside from fish chicken and shrimp severely, drink green tea, run up and down the stairs for 5 minutes a day and try to build up to 30 minutes. That makes you toned, your metabolism sped up, and your weight loss more rapid. Then as your muscles become more strong you can go running outside.
It works for me. I'm around your height and weigh less (still high tho). It's like a charm.
No. 87108
>>87106You sound bootyblasted. Mad because you were born with an unfortunate inverted triangle shape?
And lmao @ you using actress as an example to validate your piss poor body.
Toned legs and defined waistline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> broad shoulders and broad chest
>>87103It's called swimmer's body for a reason.
No. 87110
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OP should get a body like this
No. 87112
>>87111>hourglassYeah only on the internet right? I'm sure your "hourglass" is actually just your fat ass hips .
>thin and fitYou mean skinnyfat. Someone with that rage and snarkiness is the type of cunt to sit on the internet arguing with other cunts all day long. You know you aren't the working out type stop lying.
>2 weeksFar longer than that
>fit peopleFit people don't automatically have shit-tier inverted triangle shapes, like you.
No. 87117
>>87115But it increases the chance of it, since it's also directed through physical routine and diet which effects the hormones "fucking retard".
I can smell your enlarged clitoris and hairy labia from here.
No. 87119
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>great body>great regiment>implying angry legbeards have enough time in their day for thisto quote you
>If thats what makes you sleep at night.also
>stay madthe ironing
No. 87122
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>>87120>obese dwarfooooooh. that must of burned. what ever i will do now?
No. 87127
>>87126Yeah it's quite aggravating.
I actually like 4chan boy's taste better than lolcow girls.
No. 87135
>>87074You're probably better of reading the sticky on /fit/ than asking here.
Anyways, to lose weight diet is a lot more important than exercise. I didn't even do any exercise at first and lost a lot of weight, here's what worked for me…
>Replace bad food by healthy food (lots of veggies and lean meat), look up healthy ways to make your favorite food. You won't like it at first but after a while you won't want anything else>Do take cheat days if you're having a hard time. I know people say cheat days are for pussies but at least that way you won't feel like you have to "give up" stuff completely.>try to walk as much as you can, try to walk everywhere you go. Always choose to take the stairs. Again, this might be tiring at first but you will get better.>Start counting calories by using handy apps (I use myfitnesspal) but be honest to yourself, weight everything and write everything down. No one is judging you because only you can see it.>Look up bodyweight exercises wich you can do at home and pick some that you like, increase the exercises when you get better. Building muscles will help boost your metabolisme.I understand going to the gym or running isn't fun when you think you're being watched but most people will probably think "hey! how good they're trying to be more healthy!" so just go for it when you're feeling extra confident.
Good luck, op!
Also, read the sticky
No. 87136
>>87135I also forgot to mention what this anon
>>87125 said. Don't see it as a diet but a change of lifestyle. You'll get used to it and wonder how it could ever be different.