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No. 86886
>>63152Third times a charm! Starting off with a classic.
Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly,creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.
No. 86893
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the one and only
No. 86906
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>>86886 He is a gross human being on so many levels but he is so narcissistic it makes me morbidly curious about his skills in bed.
No. 86935
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John Wilkes Booth
No. 86936
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Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka. He was my first crush at an abnormally young age, along with Bill Nye.
No. 86937
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>>86936a younger but still not so young Jack Nicholson circa The Shining
No. 86938
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>>86937Keith Gordon in the movie Christine.
Mainly cause he looks like my dick ex and I want to squeeze his dweeb face between my thighs and show him who's boss No. 86939
File: 1530546401400.jpg (194.5 KB, 575x400, 7_3_borchardt.jpg)

>>86938Mark Borchart, he seems nasty but he's super delusional and eccentric that I'm dying to know what he's like in bed
No. 86940
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>>86886young Boris Becker. Idk why I just find his wonky, sexy-ugly German face so cute.
No. 86941
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>>86936Oh wow anon, you just brought back a long forgotten memory of my crush on Gene Wilder as the fox in The Little Prince.
No. 86942
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>>86937I thought he was adorable in one flew over the cuckoo's nest. I love that he laugh and smile with his mouth wide open like a child.
No. 86943
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No. 86944
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I love me some DSL. But he looks so much like my uncle…
No. 86945
File: 1530548401210.jpg (25.4 KB, 500x373, jeffrey-dahmer-412.jpg)

>>86944i way too often find myself being attracted to guys who look like my male relatives. jeff dahmer is a bit cliche but he's my favorite example of the phenomena.
No. 86946
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Not so much ashamed of the choice but because I don't want to ruin anyone's childhood memories.
Where can I find a kind man like this?
No. 86965
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brian molko circa '97
No. 86968
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>>86886i can't be the only one who found him weirdly cute, right?
No. 86969
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also christopher lee in wicker man while he's not in drag.
>>86937i also thought he was attractive in that movie too, lol.
>>86946unfortunately men like that don't exist :(
>>86945my uncle is also a dead ringer for jeff if he lived past his thirties.
No. 86971
File: 1530560262353.jpg (23.1 KB, 401x271, h24ECD3AF.jpg)

both of them
No. 86972
File: 1530561157063.jpg (57.67 KB, 640x409, ed.jpg)

>>86886dahmer is a total cutiepie and i'd definitely fuck him but the serial killer i lust the most for is ed kemper. he looks like an obscenely large sloth but wow fuck i want him to choke me. absolute unit.
No. 86980
>>86972>>86979>tfw no serial killer bf to choke out and make my bitch I know that stuff was already posted in the fetish thread, but we should really make a community based around this particular fetish.
also what is it with girls that are outcasts and insane men
No. 86988
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He has that same scruffy and unemotional look that dahmer does. Oh and i have a thing for this type of hooded eye shape
Thanks for not judging me lolcow
No. 86990
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>>86972I find the actor from the show more attractive
No. 86994
File: 1530585824502.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 2096x3000, 1497656090092.jpg)

should i make a roll image (like pic related) but for serial killers/mass murderers?
No. 86995
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>>86968nope :) i'd admit even as an old man in TP he was bangable
and he looks like my soon to be father in law>>86969do we have the same uncle?
No. 86996
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>>86886Queen Victoria's hot cousin and husband Prince Albert
No. 86998
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>>86997Also, young Johannes Brahms
No. 87083
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I would 100% let him fuck me in missionary position while he covers my mouth with his bleeding/rotting hand
No. 87090
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>>87060here you go friendo. hopefully it isn't too bad. I tried to include the popular ones with the exception of dylann and nikolas.
No. 87092
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only as cheb
>>87090I've never told anyone but I always thought Elliot Rodger resembled an ex of mine. Dude liked to say he looked like Johnny Depp but they both (Rodger and my ex) look like James Franco to me.
Don't fuck dudes that look like James Franco. They are bad news.
No. 87097
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It turned me on when he said he bring girls to his mansion when his (very hot) bf is craving pussy.
No. 87102
>>87101At least you're alive anon.
No. 87131
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>>86933YES GIRL
No. 87190
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>>87187Probably because of op's choice.
Anyway, I'm not a hybristophiliac but ER looks like the kind of guy I'd approach irl. Kind of beta looking, but still qt. And manlet-tier.
The autistic narcissistic misogyny is still a turn-off. Unfortunate!
No. 87205
You're a real one (although I'd fuck the inbred bowlcut boy)
No. 87206
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>>86901Not even ashamed, he was QT when he was younger
>>86988LOL was just going to post him
>>86995Agreed, and not controversial but I'd also love to marry Sheriff Truman
No. 87215
>>86979oh i'm totally down for both
>>86990he's cute too but the actor isnt the real thing. it goes beyond just physical attraction tbh
No. 87216
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>rodgerthis is literally the worst possible outcome.
No. 87217
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No. 87220
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>>87219If you don't know then the system has succeeded in programming you.
Also I'm not sure if my entry counts because he's now a woman.
No. 87224
File: 1530746435290.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, chxj4ToP.jpg)

>>87220>If you don't know then the system has succeeded in programming you. whew boy you don't expect to come across conspiracy nuts in the men you'd be ashamed to fuck thread
my man is basic but I hate myself for it: Zach Braff. Why are my childhood crushes so fucking persistent?
No. 87226
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>>86996GG anon top tier taste.
Nicolas II again with his cousin George V. Those beards, man.
No. 87228
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>>87224Sorry officer, I will restrain the truth.
Also damn nothing to be ashamed of with your guy I would love his hot milky on my face. Pic related is who I'd secretly love to degrade. He looks so happy and innocent and gay. I would like to warm up to him and eventually fuck him. He's got a dumb maid who holds him hostage basically so it'll never happen.
No. 87289
File: 1530831842289.jpg (32.69 KB, 400x600, 2-46.jpg)

>>87217i was literally about to post him, but young mustache + mullet joachim. cool dad joachim is hot too.
No. 87307
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This guy became a meme in my country and he's not even from here, he's Russian actually.
People are calling him the 'WC psychopath' but I find him pretty hot/cute. Russian guys unf
No. 87310
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Jordan Peterson looked super attractive on the new JRE. I want to fuck him and his Kermit The Frog voice.
>>87309agreed. i have shit taste but wow…. I think some of you need to be put into an asylum. At least some of the serial killers were smoking hot in their prime.
No. 87311
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>>87310Also, I don't give a shit about Doctor Who but I think Peter Capaldi is pretty hot. Is there a fetish for thin grey haired men in their late 50s? I don't like the majority of them because of the balding and weight gain.
No. 87323
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Rich Evans was extremely cute (at least to me) when he was young, but I still would even as he looks now.
No. 87324
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>>87307>>87308Looks like Liam Mcpoyle, who of course is also a big fav in this thread
No. 87443
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>>86998Ooh! I've never seen that photo of Brahms before. He's cute and well dressed in that one.
I'll add to your "dead composers I wanna fuck" theme with Franz Liszt.
No. 87541
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hjfreaks. i'm sorry but i would love to see him play his bass while masturbating.
No. 87605
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He looks like my asian cousin, how is that even possible?
Always had a crush on him
No. 87620
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All these historical crushes and no mentions of this fucker? Come on lads
No. 87671
File: 1530934000822.gif (Spoiler Image,5.52 MB, 384x352, giphy-downsized-large.gif)

>>87217me to, and i'd like to smell what he's smelling
No. 87719
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>>86886i posted this on cc, but lolcow and tumblr gave me a serial killer (specifically dahmer) fetish. now i’ve got to force my future bf to wear the glasses. thanks guys
No. 87912
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>>87083I've been into Michael Shannon for
years he could do fucking anything to me. I was attracted to him back in Bug and 8 Mile and he's only getting hotter to me as he gets older.
If I could somehow have a choice of fucking one celebrity he would be the one without a doubt.
No. 87936
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>>87912He's so hot in Bug. That's the first thing I ever saw him in and have been obsessed ever since.
No. 87976
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I developed a crush on him cus he seems like a clingy jealous bf and that's what I wanted right after my bf broke up with me. He looks a little like him too…
No. 88080
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i prefer him when he was younger, but this fucking kook can smash it.
No. 88089
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Jacque Torres. While he is a qt in my eyes, he’s older than my parents and nearly 60 now. I internally shame couples who have huge age gaps so it makes it extra cringe I want to do a guy way older than me.
No. 88124
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Something about his ogre-like appearance makes me think he would be awkwardly romantic with a tendency to give bent flowers and handwritten notes with piss poor handwriting. I would love every broken and bent gift he gave cause it would match his fucked up and crooked face.
Such is living a dream.
No. 88164
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tbh i'd fuck dennis hopper at any point in his career when he was alive
No. 88165
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>>88164especially cowboy dennis hopper, like damn
No. 88215
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No. 88224
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Country roads; take me home please John.
No. 88226
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I feel he would have mad pussy eating skills.
No. 88228
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>>88226Me too anon. My favorite Jack is The Shining era Jack.
Kubrick had a good eye for actors. Pic related.
No. 88229
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NWR cause I love how eccentric he is & seems like he'd be a freak in the sheets.
No. 88231
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>>88229but I'd literally do anything for Nicolas at whatever point this was in his career
No. 88232
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steve1989mreinfo, i think he's pretty nice ;)
No. 88233
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>>88232And another famous Steve, Bob Ross' son
No. 88235
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terence mckenna… he's dead now and probably the ugliest man to had ever lived but i cherish his brain and would def ride into the sunset in hopes of somehow magically absorbing some of his weird esoteric psychedelic super-knowledge/delusions via bodily fluids. ../kidding. but seriously the man had a smart but kooky ass brain and its a shame he's gone because id be trying to marry him presently if he weren't
No. 88259
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>>88232There's no shame in wanting to fuck him. He's hot af, interesting, and smart.
No. 88308
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>>88089he somehow became more appealing as an old guy
No. 88334
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>>86886Werner Herzog. He is older than my grandfather (for real) but I'd do anything for prime 1970s Werner. I want to lay on his chest while while he rambles on in his thick Bavarian accent about existentialism and how he crafts his films.
No. 88340
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>>88334patrician taste anon.
No. 88365
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Would you guys literally fuck these guys? Or are we using 'fuck' to mean 'have a crush on'?
Here's my pick. Seemingly-sensitive, but actually abusive JF Sargent from cracked.
No. 88394
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He may be a capitalist overlord and certified mysoginist workaholic buuut he’s top shelf sugar Daddy material. I can see why Grimes hitting it, everyone here knows a bitch gotta put her morals aside at times
Amazing what a new hair line, a few bench presses and several billions of dollars can do for a guy
No. 88395
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I like pretty dudes.
No. 88400
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He's gotten chubby and 99% of his candids are hideous, but in his early twenties he was a treat. My little teenage heart was aflutter seeing him in those soccer movies.
No. 88459
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No. 88502
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i’ve posted him before but early seasons kenny was beautiful (to me at least)
No. 88512
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The captain of my heart <3
No. 88519
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he's a qt with glasses too
No. 88560
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pls no bully
No. 88593
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>>87018same and I have no idea why
Also pic related, they look so much alike
No. 88594
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>>87018He looked so disappointed when he got his trophy for the best player of the world cup, it sent me immediately in protecc mode.
No. 88608
>>88519Not bad, my current history crush is that southern soldier from the civil war documentary
>>88560promise not to bully
No. 88752
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>>88594>>87018I was about to post him too!
Dude is pretty ugly but in a really adorable way.
No. 88772
>>88771See ya in hell.
No. 88848
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>>88752>>88594>>88838You are attracted to the pureness of the heart.
No. 88920
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He's a year younger than me and not my usual 'type' in the slightest, I don't know why but I think he's adorable, even if he does look like a lesbian.
No. 88955
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Ashamed cause he's a porn actor and I'm pretty sure he would tore open my vagina with his dick.
But he's right up my alley in term of looks and the way he moan in his older videos makes me a river.
No. 88956
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2009 Eli Roth could have gotten it so hard and I am deeply ashamed. Anyone else remember the blueberry incident on ONTD?
No. 89033
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hermann goering when he was a young, slim ace fighter pilot.
No. 89035
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>>89033>>89034also manfred von richtoften (the red baron). i'd send him my antique kodak nudes.
No. 89124
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No. 89125
>>89124sorry forgot to add the text
ashamed just because they make mainstream rap/trap music lmao
No. 89175
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I want them to fuck me at the same time tbh
No. 89177
File: 1532130283429.jpg (151.82 KB, 1105x1600, young_Stalin_8.jpg)

Young Stalin for me. Sort of looks like the Pringles man but with sex appeal and a better haircut.
No. 89182
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>>89177Apparently he had some gnarly pox scarring that were doctored out of his photos, but otherwise was a cutie.
No. 89183
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>>89182You're right, he did. You can still see them a little in the unretouched photos.
No. 89192
File: 1532149768457.png (400.07 KB, 700x423, nickfuentes.png)

>>86886As much as I hate him and his politics, I would let Nick Fuentes choke me half to death.
No. 89218
>>89175I would let noel miller literally drown me.
>>89190I'm pretty sure he's just hafu but likes to fuck with people idk. Because he doesn't look like a typical hafu
No. 89275
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Petersweden. Fuck, his accent is just so cute to me. I want him to hold me. Why does he have to believe vaccines cause autism?
No. 89310
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>>88955His first ever movie with Julia Ann is one of my go to porn, he was young (22 yrs old I believe) and hot and he's so eager to please her, he seems to enjoy sex sooo much, a very sexy sensual scene.
At the very beginning he give her some puppies eyes (pic related) I'm really into guys looking weak or behaving in a subby way, so it drives me wild.
He also always eat girls out and he seem to really enjoy doing it which is a massive bonus.
No. 89381
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obviously jake’s attractive and not shameful at all, but i want to fuck his character in nightcrawler specifically because i like the spookiness of lou bloom
No. 89403
>>89218I thought he was Indian? At least that's the impression I got from the Ajit Pai video.
>>89175Good choice
I'd want Drew Gooden and Mumkey Jones to double-team me
No. 89404
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The guy who crashed Flight 93 into the ground
I think I win worst in the thread
No. 89411
File: 1532366688361.jpg (72.29 KB, 695x641, Jango_40.jpg)

>>86886I have a few. One is Matt Smith who played the Doctor in Doctor Who. He looks exactly like my 3rd Great Grandfather (I think my third gg is handsome, should I KMS?).
Just the other day I went to a sushi bar. The manager came to greet me since there was a long wait. He was incredibly timid and shy with a really sweet voice. He was a short, older Asian man. The entire time I couldn't help but find him adorable and image what he must be like in bed. Shoot me.
Oh, I also find Temuera Morrison very attractive. Had a crush on him as a kid (still kinda do). I'm not actually embarrassed of wanting to fuck him, it's just that every woman I've shown him things he's average or kinda gross.
>>86933Oh God, me too.
>>87190Someone posted on /soc/ pretending to be him for shits and giggles. "Am I ugly, why can't I get a gf?" When I first saw Elliot without knowing who he was, I thought "He's average looking, I'm sure he can get a gf. I bet he doesn't have one because he has an entitled personality." I fucking nailed my assessment apparently.
>>88215He's hot af, why be ashamed of that one?
>>88395I felt so guilty as a child for wanting to bang painting Jesus.
>>88920I love Pyro. I couldn't fuck him though, imagine him as a girl with long hair: that's exactly what I look like. We could probably pass off as siblings.
No. 89423
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christoph waltz, and im a teenager…
No. 89424
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>>89423oh yeah, and leonard from the big bang theory, or really just beardless johnny galecki in general.
No. 89425
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>>88752I would do inexplicably filthy things to him.
My crush in the last world cup was Mesut Ozil, it's the bug eyes that do it for me. But Modric is a tier above Ozil, he's so fucking ugly and cute and gorgeous all at the same time.
No. 89426
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>>89422I think it just may be my age group: late teens-early 20s. Most girls I know are into skinny feminine types. Nothing wrong with that, just not usually the type to like a guy who looks like Tem. I know he's considered very attractive in New Zealand though. Could be a cultural thing as well.
No. 89427
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>>89425Definitely seconding Ozil. Normally I don't go for men that don't have dark/prominent eyebrows but he is so beautiful and unique looking and his profile is to die for.
No. 89444
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>>89423He was also very cute when he was younger, if that makes you feel any better.
No. 89449
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>>89427>>89425Damn it's a shame he won't be playing at WCs anymore…
I don't think Cavani belongs to this thread since he's a hottie so I'm just going to drop the Biter himself. I love his smile for some reason
No. 89450
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>>89425>>89427Yesss, I posted him in the last thread, had a crush on him since the 2010 world cup lol
Too bad he resigned from the German national team but I guess I can comfortably go back to not caring about football again
No. 89463
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>>89445yes i know 60s technically isn't "prime", but he's still hot as fuck. i was implying it's not THAT weird for a female of any age to find a good looking mature adult attractive.
>>89444yes, he was a dreamboat (and still is)
No. 89521
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Unironically Ted Nugent. As a Texan American his politics give me secondhand embarrassment. But I wouldn't mind a rustic weekend with Uncle Ted huntin' and fishin' and… doing other stuff.
No. 89531
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Doug Hutchison's character in The Green Mile. He's such a despicable person but his effeminacy and degeneracy really turned me on.
No. 89601
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Be still, my heart
No. 89659
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Diplo, world's worst hair. I'd hatefuck the shit out of this smug bastard.
No. 89739
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idk why I have a thing for fascists
No. 89746
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>>88226i've always felt this way about jermaine clement
No. 89753
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>>89746He looked fine af in Legion. +Bonus Aubrey
No. 89768
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>>89746honestly i liked his vampire styling in what we do in the shadows even though i think it was supposed to look ridiculous.
No. 89776
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>>89768i though that he was an absolute sex god as a vampire and i dream on him sinking his gapped teeth into my neck
No. 89801
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He could've modeled in his younger days
No. 89808
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>>89805Wtf are you on about? Incels believe that women only love conventionally attractive Chads, this doesn't fit their narrative at all. Use your brain anon.
I would fuck Van Gogh, I love the idea of being the lover of an ugly, depressed but incredibly talented artist and coddling him when he cries over the academy rejecting his work.
No. 89817
>>89808tfw I genuinely find Van Gogh attractive.
Artistic gentle soul ginger men are my weakest spot.
No. 89821
>>89820Are you saying you've never encountered vulgar, openly sexual women in real life? And because they find a guy hot that you don't find hot, they can't be women?
We have cows on /snow/ who prove that women can be openly gross, and they aren't even anon. Scope that Nemu thread, if you will.
Perhaps you're the LARPer. No. 89835
>>89825Where is the objectification? I like to believe the female subs in the fetish thread are men, too, if that's what you mean. But that's because it makes me personally uncomfortable.
Also sorry you had no gross female friends growing up. Literally used to draw porn in front of my close friends (female and male) in high school, myself. We also exchanged yaoi back and forth when that was a thing. And even now I know some normie women who openly speak about their sex lives.
Maybe it's a cultural difference.
No. 89845
>>89835I'm not sure the UK is so different from where you're living, culturally.
I think it's just a difference in common sense, there are unwritten social rules that you simply don't breach unless you don't know any better and want to offend people, the lower one finds itself in society the more "gross" females you will encounter, I think.
No. 89893
>>89891Well, not naturally, I don't genuinely mind how strangers behave of either sex, I suppose it's like individual women expecting their real woman's men to be assertive, strong, etc.
I also just hope you don't do it IRL when men are around, I think it would be extremely tactless if someone just pretended you weren't male and started to talk about wanting sex, with other men.
It's not that I think i should be entitled to it, or that I should be considered first due to my vicinity, only that… I would feel emasculated, really. But I'm sure you girls would also be creeped out of your male co workers started talking about how they spit-roasted that blonde chick in the office last night.
No. 89899
>>89893> I would feel emasculatedThat just makes me want to do it more.
>spit roasting that blonde chick in the officesaying "these guys are hot" on an anonymous internet forum is in no way comparable to graphically describing sex with a coworker AT WORK
No. 89904
>>89893Your relationship with a person can help determine the level of comfort you feel disclosing personal details about yourself. If I'm close friends with a guy (shock horror, it happens) and he talks about sex things (fetishes, girls he finds hot, etc.) then I'd be fine with it. Not when either of us are in a relationship though, since that might upset our s/o's.
I personally don't comment on a guy's ass or anything in front of, say, male coworkers. But sometimes I may just make a remark about finding him good looking, since I work with a tight knit group of people in a lax environment. I'm fine with men saying the same things, I actually think it's fun to know when a male coworker finds a girl cute
so we can tease him about it. Why would you seek out this thread if it emasculates you, though? Did you not know women talk about sex, for real?
No. 89907
>>89905>not moreI'm not sure it's
more, we seem about equal when we do care. I still suspect more women than men are low libido (although not as many as you thought either).
No. 89909
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I feel so ashamed since I found out he has been accused of abuse, but I can't find any other male pornstar that look somewhat intelectual and boy next doorish and likes to eat pussy. Life is suffering.
>>88394Fuck, me too. I hate him so much and I bet he tries his best in bed, likes to being called daddy and has a pink dick. Jesus, i'm gross lol
No. 89910
>>89905We're talking amongst ourselves,all women, about guys we find hot, anonymously, and you're pearl clutching because it would be kinda rude if you theoretically did that irl around men.
It would also be kinda rude if you constantly vented your troubles to coworkers, yet we have the vent thread. It's the fucking girl talk section of our anonymous girl board. It's a place to vent things you might not talk about in real life.
You've admitted that you had no idea we're this sexual about men, or that we had such diverse weird taste sometimes. Well, isn't it great then that now some men can learn? Instead of the age old tradition of moaning that they have no idea what women like and will never understand women? If you find women's sexual honesty scary and emasculating, I hope you're not surprised when women act prudish and tight lipped around you, leaving you clueless about what they're really like.
No. 89969
>>89901What the actual fuck? You want to grope women for being attracted to men that aren't you? No one is trying to take your manliness away from you, calm the hell down.
This thread is a trip now.
No. 90004
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>>89404Oh my God anon, I think you won the thread holy shit
No. 90005
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>>89893You're like a living embodiment of stereotypical English prudery
No. 90007
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I feel so gross. What's wrong with me.
No. 90009
File: 1532748301191.png (383.21 KB, 847x609, God I Wish That Were Me.png)

Sam Hyde. I know he's an absolute piece of woman hating shit and he genuinely looks like a disgusting person but damn if I wouldn't let him raw me and then strangle me to death
No. 90019
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>>87311Oh god yes Peter Capaldi at any age.
He's done tonnes of notable work on British TV aside from Doctor Who (which I don't care for either)
I loved seeing him in Skins as Sid's dad he was the hottest guy in the show
No. 90021
>>90009Bitch what the fuck
Get some help anon, seriously.
No. 90170
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>>90009It’s ok anon, I secretly found him attractive when he had his hair bleached. Sam has decent facial structure but he seems to be intent on making himself look as grotesque as possible nowadays.
No. 90591
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No. 90594
>>90009>>90170Am I the only one who thinks Sam is a self-hating jew? Something about his appearence and sense of humor gives me that vibe. Not trying to bait or anything just curious if anyone else thinks the same.
Polite sage for being off-topic
No. 90605
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>>90170i can't find sam attractive because he looks just like my gay cousin it's weird. charles (on the left) can fucking hit it though.
>>90594no you aren't the only one. my bf and i have speculated that he must be at least half jewish. can't think of any other reason he'd be so insecure about jews. No. 90619
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>>90606soundcloud rapper 6ix9ine
No. 90632
>>90170>>90605I feel like I could hate fuckk any of them.
Nick > Sam > charls
wtf is wrong with me lol
No. 90635
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>>90605Charls has a perfect face, it’s almost statuesque
No. 90664
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>>90308i wish he blackmailed me for sex hnggg
No. 90682
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Ashamed cuz he's cringey and also ashamed cuz he resembles a dude I dated in college who was also annoying and kind of crazy but his dick game was too bomb…
No. 90690
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..speaking of murderers
No. 90698
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>>90690Anon, please… not only is he ugly, but he's autistic as fuck.
No. 90711
>>90710Issei Sagawa
Brace yourself for that google search
No. 90712
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>>90690Fucking hell… just kys pls. This is not even funny.
No. 90714
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David Byrne most definitely while wearing his big suit. I still find him attractive as an old man lol.
>>90673I'm pretty numb to his crimes after comparing the shit he's done to people like the toybox killer/david parker ray. I don't think most people have hybristophilia in the literal sense, in that they'll fuck anyone who's violent, but the physical attractiveness certainly influences if people find someone who did horrible shit attractive. I don't think it's comparable to say someone is mentally ill for being ashamed to fuck a serial killer when there was literally hundreds of groupies back in the day for Ted Bundy.
>>90669Seconding Tesla, a lot of people think he's asexual, but he probably just autistic.
>>90690Even as a person who would fuck other literal murderers, wow.
No. 90716
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I'm usually not into older men, but fuck this man is hot.
No. 90718
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>>90714I believe it's plausible. For example, when people discover shitty things about celebrities they stop supporting them (hopefully) or at least condemn them. Or when you find a guy cute and hear bad things about him, most people would be put off therefore losing attraction. So knowing the barbarities those criminals comitted and still finding them attractive or fuckable… shows there's something very wrong imo. Anyways anons are free to post whoever they want, this is the ashamed to fuck thread after all.
Not to derail any further, pic related is mine. Old and busted Gackt.
No. 90760
a mascot for our default theme: By using the default Windows application it doesn't seem to find a bench to try and prepare and freak yourself out.
No. 90795
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>>90696>>90714i am bpd obsessed with him, i can't change it sorry
>>90712i will eventually, don't worry
>>90698i probably am too tbh, maybe i just slipped past the diagnosis because i'm a gorl
No. 90858
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The uglier he presents himself, the more I'm attracted to him, I have no idea why. 18 year old him was at his prime qtness though
No. 90875
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>>90795If you're going to post Japanese murderers at least post the cute ones, fucking pleb.
But you sound like a LARPer anyway No. 90876
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>>90814is this a bot or
>>90875i'm not a "larper" nor do i really know what that means tbh, but i know i can't say anything to convince you otherwise
anyway, i don't like generic young looking men, and i'm generally not into japanese people or murderers anyway so it's not like those are fucking bonus points lol
an anon in here earlier posted christoph waltz (pictured), that is my ideal guy and he's white and not a murderer
but by obsession with issei is much different and goes beyond me just finding him attractive, i can only attribute it to my bpd because i have no other explanation
and yes i know all of this sounds fucking autistic don't hurt me
No. 90877
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Terry fkn Dubrow. It's the voice andd the whole persona on botched, I have a thing for jewish looking dudes but this takes the damn cake. Daddy issues are helluva drug.
No. 90905
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>>90725same~ wish he didn't get so much work done on himself though.
No. 90936
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I want him to pin me down and fuck me so hard until I'm sore and bruised, good God.
No. 90940
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Macklemore. There's something about him that I find so attractive. Just wish his nose was a little less wide lol
No. 90948
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Lord knows I'd let em both 😭👌
No. 90949
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He's so fucking hot. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'd let Toucan Sam hit it and never quit it.
No. 90950
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He's such a twig but he's cute.
I'm only really attracted to him when he's wearing his glasses tho
No. 90953
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steve carell as michael scott. wtf brain
No. 90962
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Im ashamed
No. 90982
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>>90949I've wanted to fuck this weirdo since puberty. I want to grind my clit on his nose.
>>90962At least this one is actually worthy of being ashamed of. A lot of the men in this thread are just attractive in a non conventional way.
No. 90990
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>>90962>>90982He grew a beard and non he kinda looks like post malone
No. 91010
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I know he’s a terrorist fuckhead, but I would, honestly,
No. 91023
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>>90990Looks like comedian Brendon Walsh.
No. 91031
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Too many murders in this thread for my liking…
I know this is the “Men you are ashamed to fuck” thread but still.
Anyway, someone mentioned Blake from Workaholics in the first thread and it reminded me that I had it pretty bad for Ders from the same show about a couple of months ago. He looks like a cross between Macaulay Culkin and frog and has man boobs but I still find him to be cute. Probably because he’s tall.
No. 91045
>>86965He looks like my grandma.
Fuck it, I'm hot.
No. 91080
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>>91031I’d fuck him so hard. He’s tall too.
Pic related (non murderer) although he has shitty beliefs so I feel shame.
>mel gibson No. 91083
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Mark Fuhrman in the People v OJ Simpson series
No. 91103
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>>91096>cute face>cute laugh>social recluse (like me)Shit anon i like him too, i may or may not have been slightly jealous of the reporter
No. 91115
>>91096I mean, he’s technically not ugly. He even has a neat jaw if we go by chad ideology (lmao)
which kinda makes it more pathetic cause he gotta be a hella uncomfortable autismo to fuck up with the ladies when he’s not even ugly.
No. 91123
>>91115yeah that's fair. my friend roasted me hard for thinking he was qt, but he's got that sickly white boy look that some girls (including myself i guess) are in to.
my heart tells me he doesn't have a gf because he's just misunderstood and awkward, but i've been on enough boards to know he's probably an asshole and creepy to women irl and that's the real reason they won't talk to him. also i guess he doesn't really leave his room so that doesn't really open up many options for him :(
No. 91155
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John Maus, maybe not very shameful but he's nearly twice my age and kinda derpy and unfashionable but damn if I wouldn't let his tortured creative genius ass keep me prisoner in his home in bumfuck Minnesota and fuck me raw every day while he whispers in my ear about whatever esoteric philosophical shit he got his phD in.
I saw him live and he kept raising his arms and I would get glimpses of his hairy slightly chubby dadbod belly and that shit gets me going tbh….i love his music too! lmao
>>91031saaame, him and Blake are both so hot imo
No. 91159
File: 1533523311606.jpg (124.33 KB, 333x500, John-Maus-Tillmans.jpg)

>>91155Oh. My. God. Anon! I've literally wanted to fuck John Maus for ages. Sometimes I find myself attracted to older men like this. Smart, talented, somewhat demented?
My friend saw him live and he started punching himself on stage. Ever since, there's something that's drawn me to him. his music is great imo
No. 91172
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>>91159omg I'm glad I'm not alone. My friends all think I'm weird for thinking he's hot. His chaotic onstage energy is oddly sexy and makes me feel like he's probably a freak in the sack tbh. I was getting all hot and bothered while I saw him perform lmao. And I kinda have a thing for older men
No. 91178
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>>91159>>91172you guys are validt i mean look at him when he was younger. dreamy
No. 91193
>>91159>>91096>>91103>>91115>>91123>>91129omg i'm with you anons, he's really cute to me… this was really depressing to me, honestly. i feel like i'm on the same level as one of those hybristophiliac girls who think they'd be an "exception" for the school shooters they're into
>>91155>>91159>>91172>>91178 good taste, though i'm not ashamed of wanting to fuck him at all lol. i have a huge crush on him - he just seems so intelligent and perceptive, and that chaotic energy is a huge plus. he has a really captivating intensity to him. i would watch a bunch of his interviews constantly and on all of the youtube videos of him speaking there'd be guys commenting about how "autistic" he acted/sounded… which i guess i'm attracted to, fuck my life. i saw him live last year and got to hug him after his show when he was all covered in sweat and i kinda wanted to just marinate in it afterward, lol
No. 91247
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I still have such a big crush, even though he has revealed himself to be a huge asshole.
No. 91278
File: 1533572601850.jpg (421.45 KB, 1408x1000, GagarinTitov.jpg)

Not really that shameful, but I've had a soft spot for Gagarin ever since I read some cute short story about him. He just looks so pure on most his photos and those types always make me weak.
Titov just looks hot.
No. 91314
>>91305>>91310op of the incel thirst post. does he tripfag or something? how did you know it was him? for research purposes of course
(tried looking it up but all i see are threads of people assuming he's an actor as well/shitting on incels)
No. 91329
>>91314That tinychat is still active I guess. There were timestamp pics too. Not sure if they were real-real you know. I don’t r9k much, I heard about/seen it on tv.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to think he’s a real person. He was genuinely cringy.
Ill see what I can dig up.
No. 91344
File: 1533615507298.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, 573820107363528.png)

>>89901>random woman thinks man is attractive who isn't me>must sexually assault her to assert my dominanceLmao this has to be a troll. How can a real man be this stereotypically stupid and egotistical.
No. 91345
>>91314I heard he's just a mod on an r9k Discord or something.
Why do you even care so much? Going to try to track him down and relieve him of his inceldom?
No. 91421
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no shame in general but yes I would even fuck him in this movie
No. 91465
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Judge me anons
No. 91666
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>>91465Hell no, I’d have fucked him six ways from Sunday. I would fuck this guy too, but probably not anymore. Sorry the picture is for ants, it was the only one out there.
No. 91786
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Sebastian Armesto, he always gets casted in awkward minion roles and I like his symmetrical face moles
No. 91879
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No. 92005
>>91885I like his voice tbh, oops.
>>91924Lol thanks for this.
No. 92275
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>>79716thank you anon who commented this, i finally got round to watching the movie (not really a serial killer fucker but rather like watching/reading about that stuff) and omg cal's actor is so cute!
10/10, would wife
No. 92689
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No. 92735
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No. 92742
>>92689ot, but this pic made me realize a coworker of mine really resembles Kennedy. He has the same eyes and smile.
He's a good 10 inches shorter though lmao.
No. 92786
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prince of my heart
No. 92789
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I'm going to hell for this one but I've always found him ridiculously, inhumanly attractive. his cheekbones look like they were carved out by angels or some shit
No. 92812
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ashamed because I'm not 15yo and he's kind of ugly but I'm so attracted to him
normie af I know
No. 92837
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Dick Roman from Supernatural
No. 92841
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my brain knows hes not cute but my eyes dont agree
No. 92890
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No. 92976
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I don't know what to say
No. 93001
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I would also peg him in his pasty fat ass
No. 93010
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why do I like him so much
No. 93041
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No. 93097
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>>93038Well seeing as it’s been nearly 24 hours and I haven’t been flamed yet, I suppose you do win. I feel a little better about it. And I agree, I especially loved his eyes.
No. 93156
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skinner from the x-files is so hot for some reason. the more i watched the show the better he looked to me. i don't even have a thing for bald men but everything about him is so attractive to me that him balding doesn't matter. he kinda pulls it off tbh
No. 93205
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>>93196How about a Skinner with some hair on his head?
No. 93237
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something about his face weirdly entices me even though most of the time he looks like a dead bloated body that's been in a swamp for 3 days
No. 93253
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A young Jaz Coleman. I know he’s batshit crazy but I’m a sucker for thick black eyebrows and like his complexion.
No. 93272
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you got me fucked up if you say you wouldn't fuck this hunk of a saggy tea bag and he looked especially damn tasty in The Borgias
No. 93290
File: 1535264363691.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1548x1024, 25646037-1B5D-4B8C-B002-786F5D…)

frank zappa. i suppose the fact that i think he's one of the smartest people to ever live helps the attraction. his voice is so fucking sexy and goofy and snide, like he knows he's the best… i'd love to be his groupie he fucks and travels with but at the same time i'd love to bear his children.
No. 93354
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Charlie Sheen was objectively hot as fuck in this scene and I feel icky for acknowledging it.
No. 93457
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I hate to be /that person/ but the new Florida shooter (not the one from February… or 2016… lol)
Looks kinda like an autistic Jake Abel
No. 93472
>>93457This must be the only picture on the internet where he doesn't 100% look like a creepy, crazy fucker.
All of his expressions are those of a psychopath and his haircut was horrible.
Seriously it seems like every shooter has the same haircut.
No. 93564
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Jon Townsends the 18th century historical reenactment youtuber.
He's just so sweet and passionate about 18th century cooking and history. He's total husbando material.
No. 93693
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Jamie Demetriou who stars in and cowrites the screenplay for 'Stath Lets Flats' on E4. The show is horrendously unfunny but he's around 6'6, brown eyes, tanned skin, he's pretty much exactly my type. woof
No. 93842
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>>90170>Sam has decent facial structureHe looks like every uncle who's ever been arrested for child pornography combined into one person
No. 93846
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>>93843oh, and RFK. mmmmmmmmmm
No. 93857
>>93842this. what is good about sam's bone structure. his jaw is sharp but not very manly and its completely concealed by fat anyway. his…forehead is a nice size i guess?
literally onion has better bone structure
No. 93867
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>>93843you kinda have it made if you fall in love though. don't have to worry about no longer finding your partner attractive when they start to age. it's all uphill for you and by the time they're so elderly that it's no longer hot, you'll probably be post-menopausal and not care much anyway. there's no "the wall" for you, merely a doorway.
No. 93869
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Robert Smith used to be kind of a babe
No. 93916
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>tfw ywn have a goth cartoonist bf to hate people with
Only ashamed because he's so much older. Still looks good though tbh.
No. 93927
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No. 93985
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No. 94000
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No. 94055
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>>93927By this do you mean have sex with a black guy wile he watches and then go down on you after?
No. 94103
>>93916He looks a little like my boyfriend lel
Honestly, I find him kind of cute. Who is he?
No. 94105
File: 1536011360356.jpg (107.24 KB, 775x1353, 90t305tg_oo.jpg)

>>94103Jhonen Vasquez of the Invader Zim (and JTHM) infamy. I should've put that in the file name whoops.
Here's a younger pic. He just kind of got dweebier with age instead of wrinkling.
No. 94135
>>93916There's no shame in wanting to fuck Jhonen. I would totally go for him if I was straight.
He would make a good bf too.
No. 94146
>>93916Omg, anon, me too! Everytime I mention him, people go "wait, who?"
I think I prefer him in his edgier JTHM/Squee years.
No. 94148
File: 1536043275197.jpg (35.03 KB, 352x352, 21942_lg.jpg)

>>93041Mitt Romney was my first sex dream
it ended with him crying out of shame because Mormonism. I seriously have such a fetish for spiritually conflicted Mormon boys, I'm ashamed I don't find it appealing unless they feel guilty.
No. 94158
>>94148>I seriously have such a fetish for spiritually conflicted Mormon boysWow, I actually have the same religious boy kink, although I prefer them to be crying at first but eventually give in (and I prefer the religion to be from further east if you catch my drift)
sage for oversharing
No. 94159
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Honestly, I think Braun Strowman is a total babe. He’s big, tall, strong, and just adorable.
I have a weakness for big guys.
No. 94206
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Tom Lehrer, I honestly cant say why.
No. 94211
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I don't really find Luschek from OitNB physically attractive at all, and yet something deep inside very much wants to jump his bones. I've even had sex dreams about it…
>>86893>>86971>>89381>>89768>>93010>>93237>>93869>>94105i'm glad we all have the same shit-tier tastes <3
No. 94212
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>>94207>>94205You guys would love the mormon episode of Room 104.
No. 94213
>>94211An alarming amount of people want to fuck Pornstache, so it could be worse.
Speaking of Pornstache, I did experience like a glimmer of attraction to him in that one scene where he finds out Daya's baby isn't dead but he was in his mom's kitchen, had different facial hair and wasn't in the middle of abusing any prisoners so that probably helped. I was seeing normal women all over the internet discussing their Pornstache lust starting from season one.
No. 94227
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I honestly don't feel ashamed of it but i know a lot of people would judge me for it so i guess it counts
why? he's nice and we are both pretty damaged so i feel a weird deep connection (i know i sounds like an insane fan girl but i haven listened to way too many personal videos he made). Also he seems like the type of person that would try their hardest to please the girl.
Oh yeah and I don't give a damn about weight and appearance so i would probably get judged for a lot of my weird random crushes lol
No. 94238
>>94228lol i like caveman bone structure and he has nice teeth.
shame about the incurable grease disease and every single fucking thing else
No. 94249
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>>86886i'd be on his fuck list anytime before he got fat
>>94206the masochism tango is a great song
No. 94254
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>>86886Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men.. his hair and deep voice!!
No. 94312
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Id fuck the living shit out of Max Stirner
No. 94424
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No. 94453
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i’m going through some extreme ovulation rn and suddenly realised i would fuck the shit out of sacha baron cohen
No. 94456
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>>94424wanting to fuck MGK all this time and not feeling an ounce of shame until now lol
No. 94476
>>94456Is this the Rape me lyric from Nirvana song?
Why, is he trying to make some kind of statement?
Seen him live and he was amazing even though I do not listen to rap usually. The live versions of his songs are so much better than CD ones
No. 94481
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>>93041>>94148I also would totally fuck Romney, not necessarily into it cuz of the Mormonism but more from a politician-intern/employee standpoint
Honestly my fantasy is some sort of Lewinsky-type situation. Except I would use the affair as leverage for getting what I want, like a raise or promotion or special treatment etc. I've been listening to a podcast about the affair and damn Monica must've given good head because Bill couldn't stay away, even after dumping her several times and someone on his staff had her moved to a job at the Pentagon to keep them away from each other he kept calling her. Monica was stupid telling her jealous "friend" who ratted her out
No. 94485
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>>94424>>94456He's cute AND he's 6'4"
No. 94491
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>>94312Yo wtf there's pictures of him? I thought the only thing of him was that cartoon drawing. Consider my mind blown.
>>94249Fuck me anon I was just thinking of posting mr koolaid too. Shit, he didn't even need the glasses, he already looked good. Even in the late years he still had that something.
No. 94495
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>>94491i'm glad someone agrees with me, i'm the worst fucking hybristophile on the planet and have posted different murderers that i'd fuck without shame. It's not that i'm sexually submissive, i actually have a domination fetish for overtaking power/dangerous men during sex.
also i would fuck the shit out of israel keyes. didn't help that he was charming like bundy too.
No. 94510
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>>94495Aw anon, if you're going to hell for your taste in men, save me a seat cause I'm right there with you. I can def see the appeal in taming a man like that, it's gotta make you feel like an even bigger fucker than him lol. I'm into the idea of these types of men being emotional, vulnerable and easily manipulated in a relationship too, feel like the contrast between the two sides is hot.
now I want to make someone my bitch, thanks anon No. 94608
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>>94546this, sadly. i either want to have the higher grounds mentally (i have kink for lucid/delusional men) or physically (in this case, with my femdom/hybristophilia kink)
No. 94618
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>>94206I'm always both glad and surprised to see one of my weird crushes like Lehrer mentioned in this thread.
I don't quite know why I'm attracted to him either. Maybe's it's the piano playing skills, or the sardonic wit, or the way his demeanor gives off cute, shy but loving nerd vibes.
No. 94660
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>>94653damn i've never seen that one before
we need a hybristophile thread to keep this to minimum TBH
No. 94672
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>>94660I like the idea, it'd be fun to dump this shit on there. Just worried we'd get derailed to high heaven
No. 94675
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surprised i haven't seen eric andre on this thread, although idk if he's considered conventionally attractive
No. 94676
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>>94675samefag but also keeping with the always sunny theme: rickety cricket especially in the later seasons
No. 94678
>>94676Cricket??? Later seasons?? This is by far the craziest in the thread anon haha. I get when he was a priest that was kinda hot. He is so funny in later seasons though.
For me it's Charlie even though he's gross, Glenn especially later seasons because psycho and fat Mac lol
No. 94682
>>94678dunno man, just think he's cute :)
i agree on charlie, love that little man and would ride his face in a heartbeat. i think glenn qualifies as too "conventionally attractive" tho
No. 94683
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James Holman the Blind Traveler, and no I am not kidding.
I read his biography and travelogues and had such a crush on the guy. My weirdest crush and probably one of the weirdest in this thread.
> tfw no blind English echolocation traveler bf
No. 94690
>>94686His travelogues and autobiography are all on Project Gutenberg if you are interested and there is also a really good book (A Sense of the World).
God I had so many dumb fantasies about seducing him wtf!? I hadn't even seen a picture of him until wayyy later too. I don't know what was wrong with me then or now . . .
No. 94735
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No. 94744
>>94738right? i put it on as a bg noise yesterday but i couldn't handle it for more than the first 10 mins just bc he is so stuttery and the convo didn't flow at all. sounded like 2 awkward uni lads trying to make friends at a tutorial group kek
honestly i even sorta thought he was cute in a dorky way, but hearing him candidly speak really turned me off him
No. 94745
>>94744yup. i often think joe is an idiot but he handled the interview fine and asked decent questions and tried to help elon loosen up, to which he just had stiff delayed responses like a sperg.
what even is his voice? that's not what any canadian accent i've heard sounds like. it actually does sound like a robot trying to be human lmao
No. 94751
>>94745He's south african.
I think Elon is hot and would absolutely husband him up.
No. 94752
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>>93272Gurl dont even…Jeremy Irons is handsome I'll sing it from the mountains, no shame.
No. 94757
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No. 94763
>>94745same anon you replied to, i'm pretty sure he is south african but that podcast was my first exposure to it and it is such a weird accent. and like i'm esl and can't usually pick up differences in native speaker's accents lmao
>>94757wow. great file name tho
No. 94767
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>>94757he makes for good memes i'll give you that
No. 94772
File: 1536557761596.png (288.78 KB, 407x432, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.png)

hahaha…god this is so weird but I'm really attracted to young David spade, but like specifically from this one episode of Monsters, where he plays a Serial Killer meat delivery boy. I don't know, something about his acting in it was attractive to me. Plus, his role as Richard in Tommy Boy was attractive too because he was basically a sarcastic asshole the whole time. I wasn't even born when he was in any of these (I'm 20) so I haven't told anyone out of embarrassment.
No. 94773
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>>94757he's not the most handsome man in the world but his virile energy is palpable no matter what form he takes
No. 94804
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i want Stath Lets Flats to crush my throat and spit on my face
No. 94826
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>>94772100% agree anon. I can't watch Tommy Boy without staring at him whenever he's on screen. He's such a cute sarcastic asshole and I love it
No. 94829
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>i'll never get to be a groupie during the 90s to a japanese edgelord vampire with long hair and makeup
feels bad
No. 94830
File: 1536608437306.gif (991.65 KB, 350x255, Cute.gif)

>>94826I'm so glad someone agrees with me here, he is so cute. A lot of people give him a hard time about his height but I don't even care that he's short since I'm shorter than him. I read a post that said "SNL era David Spade was such a hot twink, I'm so upset that he turned into Billy Ray Cyrus" LOL I sort of wish I was born earlier so I could've been an adult when he was in these movies so I wouldn't sound so weird if I were to tell my friends. I even started watching "Just Shoot Me" because he's in it.
No. 94929
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I don’t know why I’m like this
No. 94950
File: 1536727477994.png (138.5 KB, 301x446, 13385D85-22CA-4C65-B975-72C74B…)

He is such an intelligent hunk. Besides, think of the orgies…
No. 94951
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Birdo. Pretty self explanatory.
No. 94952
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For me it's magician Blake Vogt. He's really lanky and his face looks like he was beat with a stick in some photos, but something about his face I find oddly cute. ALso I find his smile and personality charming. His tricks are pretty neat too.
No. 94953
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I’d let this man fuck my brains out
No. 94955
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Antisthenes. He’s whole deal was virtue! Loyalty is important. Plus he had the whole “hot dad” look before it was cool
No. 94958
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Alan Napier. He was such a sweet Alfred in the original show.
No. 95070
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Whenever I get rickrolled I can't help but think Rick Astley was pretty cute
No. 95071
>>94254Lol I think Javier Bardem is hot in general
>>94212That looks sexy
>>93010He's cute. Definitely my favorite character on the show. I love how innocent he is.
>>91010My cute friend that I've had sex with looks like him!
No. 95072
>>95070Same tbh
>>95071>My cute friend that I've had sex with looks like him!Lucky bitch
What race is your friend?
No. 95078
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>>95074Sorry for your friend but that is fucking hilarious. At least the Boston Bomber was easy on the eyes but its gotta suck hearing you look like him. Was he a good lay at least?
No. 95096
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Jonathan McIntosh. Help me, I don't know what it is.
No. 95226
File: 1536932007363.png (335 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180914-062955.png)

not so much ugly, but more of embarrassing meme guy phase
No. 95285
File: 1536976293041.jpg (148.04 KB, 1200x675, jimmy-fallon.jpg)

He's so pleasantly not-obnoxious for a talk show host and is really cute all around. I'd make love to him at night and share coffee with him in the morning.
No. 95287
I've been thinking about what about him attracts me so much. I just came to the conclusion that is the mix between a man with sort of power, money and intelligence (not in the social aspect because he is very aspie) and the fact that besides all that, he is super nerd and a dork. I just have a thing about men that present themselves as super alpha but end being a beta.
>>94763According to the text AB leaked, Grimes says that the accent it's a lie.
No. 95306
>>95301But compared to other late night show hosts? I'm probably speaking from my own little idealized fantasy I have of what his "real" personality might be though, lmao. His instagram personality looks so awkwardly sweet.
>>95303Yeah I kinda feel that but I also wanna believe that he's pretty vanilla and soft in bed (at first) so that he doesn't need to be dripping with sex appeal right off the bat. Like if I introduced my friends to him they would think "he's an odd choice" but then they warm up to him because he's so precious.
i just really like jimmy fallon you guys
No. 95318
>>95070I would fuck him at any age. No shame here.
>>95253I like him because he looks exactly like a crush I had in HS.
No. 95327
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There's a couple of actors I'm weirdly attracted to but not until they were over 75 years old. I totally would.
>>87307I googled "world cup psychopath" and all I got were pictures of Peter Crouch.
No. 95328
>>88956I had to look it up but the Jew Bear was pretty hot.
>>89423Ask him about his blueberry.
>>89427I'd be afraid of his eyes popping out.
No. 95329
>>90009Not this is what I call something you really need to be ashamed of. Thread win, anon.
>>90795He's 4 ft 9. I'm kinda relieved that I could probably kill him with one blow.
No. 95421
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The Unabomber. I want him to take me in his big manly arms and carry me off to his dilapidated shack and make babies with me.
No. 95432
>>95421That's terrible, Anon. I kinda feel you. I heard he wrote some romantic letters from prison, they may be available online
>>95327Speaking of ancient men on GOT, von Sydow is looking good for his age
No. 95443
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There is something about his insane cockiness mixed with maximum autismo-mode troll that I have always loved.
Please tell me I'm not the only one.
No. 95458
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>>95421lmao are you me? i’ve posted my hybristo crushes in here before and ted k is by far my fav.
No. 95462
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>>95458Oh my god, YES. He was so handsome and smart when he was young, I still can't believe he never married.
Bonus: have a shirtless Ted.
No. 95463
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>>95458(not her) Same here, I want to be his homestead wife, he can go out hunting and I can tend the garden… call me crazy but I've thought about this way too much.
No. 95478
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>>95463On his first date with a girl they went picking apples together and baked a pie. How romantic is that?
This scene from Manhunt always tugs at my heartstrings.
No. 95657
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I'd be willing to fuck Pete Davidson if he kept his mouth shut the entire time and left right afterwards. I really like goofy faces like his, shame about everything else
No. 95703
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No. 95736
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Bieber in his uhh.. current phase
>>95458Agreed he was hot when he was young
No. 95741
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>>95736oh agree. i love trashy dudes that look like they forgot you can't skip school after graduating and haven't eaten anything with nutritional value in over a month (i have issues ok). lil peep had the same kind of appeal, honestly i think their faces look similar too.
No. 96334
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Jimmy Urine
only pre-2003 though
No. 96362
>>96357cool, what year was that?
I never had a chance to go to their show when I was a teenager because eastern europe
No. 96506
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The Shane Dawson costume Onision muppet drawing.
No. 96589
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do fictional men count? because i was rather into rick before the show got popular. i'm embarrassed about it now but i wanted to dom him
No. 96838
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i'm so sucking ashamed. never in my life have i ever wanted to fuck ed gein but here i am. it's just for the pure mommy kink tbh.
>>96506>tfw have a muppet fetish as well please end me
>>96589also agree with this
No. 96840
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>>90009He really did a good job pulling off the Trotsky aesthetic here.
No. 96841
>>90690Wow>On June 11, 1981, Sagawa, then 32, invited his Sorbonne classmate Renée Hartevelt to dinner at his apartment under the pretext of translating poetry for a school assignment. He planned to kill and eat her, having selected her for her health and beauty; characteristics he believed he lacked. He describes himself as weak, ugly, and small (he is 1.448 m (4ft 9in) tall)[5] and claims he wanted to absorb her energy. She was 25 years old and 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in).[6] After she arrived, she began reading poetry at a desk with her back to him. He shot her in the neck with a rifle. Sagawa said he fainted after the shock of shooting her, but awoke with the realization that he had to carry out his plan.[2] He raped her corpse but was unable to bite into her skin, so he left the apartment and purchased a butcher knife.[2] For two days, Sagawa ate various parts of her body, saving other parts in his refrigerator. He then attempted to dump her body in a lake in the Bois de Boulogne, but was seen in the act and arrested by French police.[2][7] When he was caught, he was carrying two suitcases. Those suitcases contained the dismembered body parts of Renée Hartevelt. No. 96852
File: 1537946125922.png (111.6 KB, 260x194, 0A7B2C61-E1A6-4207-B9EC-A1867D…)

>>96840Clean-shaven Sam is cutest. He looks like a homeless ogre right now
No. 96898
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Not really shameful but he's a really obscure man to lust over and I need to get it off my chest somewhere.
>tfw no qt german techno producer bf
No. 96939
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>>96838Good taste. He's pretty overlooked due to the wtf-ery of his crimes but there are some good candids of him out there
>tfw Ed will never call you mommy No. 97004
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Are we discussing hot serial killers again? Here's mine.
It's not even about his looks.. something about his mannerisms and personality kills me.
No. 97005
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>>97004Just googled him after seeing your post. You know what.. he does have some cute puppy eyes, lol.
No. 97008
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His song, "Mystery Rider," foretold his death. A drifter gone insane.
No. 97032
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God help me
No. 97045
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>>97032You're too far gone Anon, God can't help you now. The serial killers on here are one thing, but this is too much
No. 97152
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eggy looks kind of cute when he's not fat. and i like droopy eyes. pls no bully.
found pic related off some rando girl's twitter
No. 97307
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he looks like stingy from lazytown but id ride him till the cows come home. his dead fish face i find so appealing for some reason
No. 97313
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domhnall gleeson, particularly in ex machina. 100% my type, down to peg
he looks like a ham with a wig strapped to it in star wars but im absolutely in love with him
No. 97317
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James Jackson, the white supremacist who killed a black guy. His face is so cute imo..
No. 97318
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Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of RI. It's not really "shameful" since he seems like an OK guy, but I guess he's a pretty unconventional choice since he's just some old white politician. I just… really liked the way he didn't take any shit during the Kavanaugh hearings. idk
Graham can go eat shit tho
No. 97320
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>>97313YES i'm right behind you on this one.
as a follow-up, adam driver. he's got the proportions of a caveman but i want to wreck him.
No. 97324
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>>96898Fuck, never thought I’d see this here
Same, he’s so hot
Met him once, was super friendly, which I didn’t expect since the whole scene jerks off to him, looked a bit rugged though
>tfw no german industrial techno bf No. 97343
>>97307Agree, I wanted to fuck him after I saw "It Follows"
>looks like Stingy from lazytownK E K
No. 97361
>>97324Holy shit, I'm so happy there's another fan here. I'm glad you had a nice experience meeting him.
>a bit ruggedThat's even more attractive.
No. 97381
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>>97004surprised no one has said young herbert mullin yet
No. 97408
>>97361ye, nice to meet another fan, hope you'll meet him/see him play one day too
going to see him and his gf play live this autumn, it's one of the things that keep me going tbh
>those piercing hazel eyesdamnnnn
No. 97428
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I don't even know
No. 97432
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I never really payed any mind to him until the Shane Dawson series but I actually think he's kinda cute now (just his looks not his personality.)
Ashamed because I'm an adult woman and he mainly appeals to kids + he's most well known for being an asshole
No. 97484
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I was rewatching the original Saw (which I still stan for) and tbh I wouldn't mind if Jigsaw locked me in a room with Adam.
Maybe I just have a thing for short snarky boys.
No. 97517
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Ashamed because he's old as hell, but lately he's all I can think about and fap to
No. 97589
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>>97517Old as hell? Here's old as hell.
No. 97594
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this is shameful for me because i am almost 30 but i am finding myself attracted to twinky, very young-looking guys more often now and it makes me feel like a huge creep. i want to dom the shit out of them and do things to them and be their "mommy". god i feel slimy about it especially since i am vocally against older men preying on young girls.
No. 97636
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I think he's adorable. I think have a thing for petite guys. However, I hate a lot of that mumble rap shit he makes.
No. 97642
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>>97594I don't blame you anon, Ross lynch is hot af. I've had a celeb crush on him since I was in middle school and he was on Disney Channel. I feel weird thinking him as Dahmer was kinda hot too…
No. 97646
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>>97642he was insanely hot as dahmer, i would do so many things to that awkward teenage loser.
No. 97649
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The worst part is that I was a grown woman still playing dating sims for horny preteens
No. 97665
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>>97636I think he's actually so handsome facially. He has so much potential without the tattoos and piercings
No. 97792
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started watching american vandal and this dude is such a big dumb meaty jock but it somehow comes across as cute? like i want to be his gf w triple digit iq you know? shameful bc he looks like an even dumber and uglier relative of channing tatum
also chris pratt in parks and rec had the same appeal but that thirst feels more dignified kek
No. 97897
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repzilla from youtube. god damn it i don’t know why i’m so drawn to him and why i want to fuck him so badly but i can’t control it someone please save me
No. 97952
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>>97951>>97897nm, anon did you know hes a fatty?
No. 97956
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>>97952i only remembered how much i wanted to fuck him after one of his recent videos, he’s just so hot and he’s not even remotely my type. not a huge fan of his videos at all but i find myself forgetting what he’s even talking about half the time because i’m just thinking about pegging him kek
No. 97972
>>95741 peep was a fuckin cutie, honestly.
>>97594 I was never into those types of guys when I was younger because I had really low self esteem and just wanted an older guy to like, hold my hand and ~guide me. I've grown a spine since then and now 18-22 year olds appeal to me a lot. I want to be the dominant one doing the guiding and nurturing now, but like you said, I feel icky about it.
>>97649Bad take anon, Jumin is worst boy, 1/10. He could never compare to my love Yoosung.
>>97956>>97897I find him pretty obnoxious, but there is something attractive about him. Like I want to stick a ball gag in his mouth and punish him for being annoying.
No. 98085
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This narcissist tard
No. 98086
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there's something about james buckley that i find super attractive. hes not even my type stereotypically, so im not sure why?? but
No. 98090
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It's so shameful, but I want to fuck Jared Kushner so bad.
No. 98096
>>98086He’s super nice irl and gets praised by EVERYONE she works with.
Aside of looks he’s super dateable
No. 98120
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>>98086damn, jeff looks like THAT?
i could have sworn he was a lot uglier not that long ago, he looks cute in a pasty nerd way
No. 98121
jim jeff james whatever
No. 98123
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Jack Whitehall
granted, I would ask him to not talk for the duration. But I'm weirdly attracted to skinnyfat dudes that make me laugh
No. 98173
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Vincent Price. Young, old, I don't care. He's my ideal man.
although i guess this doesn't really belong itt because i would absolutely have no shame about it
i guess the closest equivalent these days is the cuban gigolo goth voltaire
No. 98219
>>98199They said looks down.
>>98204I don't think that's what anon was referring to lmao
No. 98225
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Not sure if this counts, but Emo Peter Parker. Only him, not Tobey Maguire, not regular Peter Parker… I cannot watch those stupid clips of him dancing without thinking that I want him. I love the look and won't be ashamed to say it. However, the personality especially when he does that stupid finger gun walk and dance to be super embarrassing but incredibly hot.
Another one would also be Eric Isenhower. Not so much ashamed at the choice, but more ashamed at how I first found him to be hella cute, which was when he played Orin in Parks & Rec.
No. 98241
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>Hideo Kojimas-same here.
Found myself lately checking all his social media accounts religiously just to see on whatever he is doing right now, what movie he watched or what music he is listening to. I don't really care about his games tbh and never cared before.
No. 98253
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I am deeply ashamed.
No. 98260
>>98205Younger men have more stamina in bed too and are more willing to learn things/want to please you.
Speaking from experience. You probably won’t have a long relationship with a younger guy but it’ll be fun as hell compared to older guys.
No. 98264
>>98253Me, too.
It's that skelly body that does it for me.
No. 98403
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Danny Brown before he got his teeth fixed
No. 98483
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Pls no bully.
No. 98498
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Dylan Moran was such a babe when he was younger. This isn't that shameful but he hasn't aged particularly well.
No. 98517
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Christoph Waltz. I don't care that he's 62 he's one of the hottest men i've ever layed my eyes upon.
No. 98523
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That sax player from The Lost Boys…my friends would always make fun of him when we watched it and I would rewind it so we could laugh at him more. I just wanted to see him dance around longer.
Also, all the damn vampires in that movie but no shame there.
No. 98529
>>98517this is the forth or fifth time he's been posted in this thread alone, you are most definitely not alone.
>>98523this is wholesome af
No. 98551
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Any fellow frenchanons would bang Renaud?
No. 98561
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Clay (main character from 13 Reasons Why)
Not necessarily that I think he's unattractive, but I'm more ashamed I like such a dumb show.
No. 98563
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Posting because I hate myself.
No. 98564
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I know, I know. Idk why he’s attractive to me but he is. I can’t help it I grew up a hood rat in Chicago, this type of shit still appeals to my vagina lmao
No. 98567
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>>98565It's almost like he's a man I'm ashamed to want to fuck. Strange, right?
Posting another. Anyone else kind of want to do him in "Bad Santa" or is that just me?
No. 98568
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don't necessarily want to fuck either personally however i'd gladly observe billy and mark from baggage battles fucking each other, their chemistry is so weird, i love it
No. 98705
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leon chiro the cosplayer. he’s apparently a total asshole irl and exudes big douche energy but his gladio cosplay is so god damn hot i want to kill myself
No. 98971
>>98564lmao anon we're complete opposite the fact that i grew up a hood rat in chicago makes me not want to fuck him along with him being a pedo
he looks like that annoying classmate in 5th grade who wouldn't shut up about buying a Mustang when he learns to drive and listened to Sean Paul all the time lol
No. 99001
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Leon is obsessed with himself and like his ethot counter parts he's snowflakey and lies about making his costumes when other people make it for him and no one would care about these guys and girls if they didn't have pornstar bodies
No. 99029
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Samefag as above. Eric Harris, Columbine shooter
I have a thing for pasty skinny edgelords
No. 99031
>>99029There's a thread for you.
>>>/pt/262979 No. 99052
File: 1540201201812.gif (2.93 MB, 480x640, tumblr_pgyp887QB31ulyhir_540.g…)

>>99029Oh no I'm suspecting we're gonna get people with weird crushes on the recent Eric cosplayer who shot up his school. Actually they're probably already around.
No. 99061
>>99029He was pretty cute with the hat/shades combo.
Also I have a thing for boys who are edgy on the outside but insecure and depressed on the inside.
No. 99071
>>99065For some reason I always think he looks like a dog in that picture.
>>99066>You wouldn't be crushing on these creeps if you were behind their barrelGuess again
No. 99119
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Not a Justice fan, but Xavier De Rosnay is pretty cute for a skelly with an unibrow.
No. 99130
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falcore from the birthday massacre
i dont know if im ashamed or not but considering he's not conventionally attractive, very tall and lanky with huge teeth, but he's a total sweetheart and ive met him multiple times and im in love honestly
No. 99143
>>88089I would marry him. He seems like a delightful guy. Very gentlemanly with a great sense of humour
>>90940I feel like he'd be fun in bed
>>935640 shame, he's really cute and I feel like he'd be a total romantic
>>93869>>93870Why would anyone be ashamed of wanting to fuck Robert Smith? Then again I lost my virginity with Just Like Heaven playing, so I may be biased.
>>95096Calling no shame here too. He seems like a lovely person. I bet he gives the best movie cuddles and would make breakfast the morning after.
>thick fingers too>>95444>>95451I love big farm boys with the personality of a golden retriever. They're cute and strong and can drive tractors, what's not to love.
>>97432I bet he's a total sub and Erica rides his face every night. I bet he cries after sex sometimes while she plays with his hair and kisses his forehead.
No. 99144
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He's so short but he could get it
No. 99145
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I want to fuck Chidi more than the actor but I still find him physically very attractive
No. 99146
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I disagree with a lot of his politics but I'll be damned if I wouldn't let Trevor Noah rail me all night long. I love his smug cheeky face.
No. 99169
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>>99130this dude? he's practically a chad. his smile is a little goofy in some pics but big deal. i think he'd still be considered conventionally attractive by a lot of people. i think you're being unnecessarily insecure about your taste tbh
No. 99172
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>>86886Can't help it. Every time I watch Sherlock, I imagine how sex would be. Pushing me against the wall and fuck me in doggystyle. I need help. If I talk with friends about actors, they all say he is ugly. Well he kinda is, but, I don't know.
No. 99180
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I had a sex dream about Stephen Colbert, which isn't bad but it was a weird dream and he was dying :/
Best sex dream so far is still Mitt Romney
No. 99191
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Chino Moreno of Deftones/Crosses. Back in the day he was such a goofy looking kid, but I would let him put out his cigarettes on my skin. I have a raging lady boner for 90s teenage reject douchebags. He now looks a lot like an ex that I was disgustingly obsessed with.
Also Scott Weiland. Junkie bodies really do it for me.
No. 99245
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>>98241If we're talking about game designers, then I would fuck the man, the myth, the legend.
No. 99255
>>99245Hell yes Anon. Godd Howard.
I feel so ashamed for admitting this.
No. 99263
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i'm watching ozark and it reawakened the weird crush i've had on him since arrested development first came out
No. 99265
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fat mac
No. 99267
>>99263I’ve lowkey had a thing for Jason Bateman since Arrested Development. So I get it.
>>99265Everybody talks about Fat Mac in these threads but am I the only one who thought he was super cute in like season1-2? I loved his haircut and the cutest smile. Charlie was also a babe back then too. It’s funny that I thought Dennis was the least appealing look wise back then but he started to look really good around season 3.
No. 99269
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>>99267they're all cute tbh. i just chose fat mac because he seemed best fit for this thread.
No. 99271
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>>99267i think they're cute plus the characters all have this insane chaotic slightly virile demeanor that makes them fuckable to me. scummy but attractive people who are constantly dtf without a second thought are my weakness
also whats the deal with liam mcpoyle being a fan favorite in these threads too? like somehow i totally get it but i don't know why.
No. 99275
>>99271Idk what it is but yeah, I'd bang him
>COME ON! No. 99280
>>99271I’ve always thought Liam could get it if he had basic hygiene, shaved off his unibrow, and wasn’t a total deviant who fucks his siblings. Ryan would still be totally fug though. The actor for Liam is also on Westworld and he’s apparently pretty hot in it.
I also thought pre Crackhead Cricket was cute too. Even in that one episode where he was homeless and did a bunch of coke. I’d still hit it. Everything after that though, eugh.
>>99274I find Will Arnett oddly attractive too.
No. 99306
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Oliver Reed. He was well known for being an alcoholic asshole till the day he died, but good lord, was this man fucking hot when he was young.
He just had this kind of look that calls out to the most primal parts of my brain, I guess.
No. 99308
>>99280Early cricket is undeniably a qt
although probably because I have a thing for corrupting religious boys>>97433Agreed
No. 99322
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>>99271jimmi simpson is cute in westworld tbh
No. 99354
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>>99333i hear you there, nothing wrong with the principle of it being important. on that note however, i have a favorite ollie story, maybe you've heard it and maybe not.
>In one celebrated incident in 1974, Reed invited 36 rugby players to a party at his home. Between Saturday night and Sunday lunchtime, they managed to consume between them 60 gallons of beer, 32 bottles of Scotch, 17 bottles of gin, four crates of wine and a lone bottle of Babycham. The entertainment concluded with Reed leading the players on a nude dawn run through the Surrey countryside.actually the version i read a while back spoke of their 'buttocks glistening pale in the moonlight'.
ollie was a real character, the likes of which we don't see very often any longer and the world is much poorer for his passing. plus, he was gorgeous.
No. 99361
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>>99292Agreed I would very shamefully fuck Logan even though he's a psycho
No. 99385
>>99354Hahaha, no I haven’t heard this one!
Can’t help but love that beautiful bastard.
No. 99393
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>>99354>>99385Can we form a club, please? Seriously, I love Oliver Reed so much. All those actors that showed up in the sixties are so handsome to me, they look way more masculine and unique to me than guys do now. TCM is my best friend, I swear. They might not be what people my age see as handsome but imo they are so beautiful. I want them to pick me up and throw me around. It's depressing to grow up in a world of femme dudes if that's not what you're interested in from an aesthetic standpoint.
This fucking guy was another drunk and had a sort of weird career because of it, kind of a contemporary of Oilver Reed, he is my absolute favorite. I discovered him about a year back, my friends tell me I'm crazy and on top of that I don't think anyone knows he exists. I always get his last name wrong but it's Patrick McGoohan. He was in a ton of Disney movies and had a bunch of tv shows in the UK,
Buster Keaton is gorgeous, too. I'm dying.
No. 99408
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Billy Corgan but ONLY on Ava Adore. I have no idea why teenager me was so into him lol full on vampire egg
No. 99414
File: 1540541179005.gif (2.7 MB, 360x189, 2l07m1.gif)

>>99408Ahahaha can't believe you said this. SAME. Not to mention he's incredibly gross now. But back then in that video. Obsessed. That's the only thing that this douche is in where I could stare at him forever. This part kills me…when he snarls like that. Goddamn.
No. 99415
>>99414Someone is going to tyink this is samefagging, because holy shit I'm thirding this opinion.
Vampires and guys in eye makeup are hot.
No. 99442
File: 1540583397782.gif (3.19 MB, 384x288, giphy.gif)

>>99414>>99408Same honestly. I mean, he was cute in other videos, but he just looks so dead and tall and lanky in this video. I could watch this music video forever.
No. 99459
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Robert Carlyle. I have a thing for the really dark eyes, I always feel strangely hypnotized by them.
No. 99508
File: 1540662285903.gif (1.36 MB, 320x240, D-gouQ.gif)

>>99442>>99414Oh man nostalgia. Yes please. Although he was generally quite cute back then.
I'd still go for 90s Dave Wyndorf lol
No. 99555
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No. 99619
File: 1540774885736.jpeg (157.54 KB, 952x1215, 5163C3A6-75E7-4CF8-B6C9-810E3D…)

Social repose. Found him browsing the onision thread and have zero interest in his music or edgy shit personality but I watch his videos because he is so fucking hot to me.
No. 99664
File: 1540826559960.jpg (129.71 KB, 800x580, 5468453131.jpg)

I watch trashy reality TV (90 Day Fiance). This guy lives with his mother and probably shitposts on /r9k/ and /b/, but I find him so goddamn endearing. Even with him dressing up his cats, I'd fuck him.
No. 99668
File: 1540836558722.jpeg (207.33 KB, 581x545, D2EFD144-6BCA-4C49-83A4-52EDE1…)

You see that soulless (narcissistic) ginger? Daddy af!
No. 99708
File: 1540865120917.jpg (91.1 KB, 650x360, lil-pump-feat.jpg)

If Lil' Pump didn't style himself like….that he would be so hot. Still, I'm attracted to him even with the stupid styling.
No. 99733
>>91096awww im kinda sad to see him on here because he's actually really nice. and attractive, as i'm clearly not alone in saying.
yes he's an "incel" but he's actually really more of a volcel bc girls do hit on him, he just has issues.
i remember he was really nervous about the vice interview.
i hadnt really talked to him in weeks bc i had to leave the internet basically but he sent me a snap not long ago saying that he hopes everything is well with me. i think he's kind. i would unironically date him if we lived on the same continent.
anyone want his snap lol?
No. 99745
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No. 99773
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not sure if i'm even ashamed tbh
No. 99873
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No. 99883
>>99843fml, now i'm thinking about fucking alex jones
he had such a cute face
No. 99899
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There's something about ratty asian guys I find hot and he is the very epitome
No. 99949
>>99899Dating one of them is like dating a broom with a wig and bad breath.
You are not missing out I promise
No. 100020
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>>94608There's one guy who is a sociopath and easily manipulated. He doesn't get out much anymore.
No. 100324
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Abroad in Japan. Definitely my most shameful fuck because he's so below average in looks but the dumb shit he says appeals to my lame sense of humor also I like the accent lol
No. 100357
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Facts might not care about my feelings, but do you Shapiro-kun?
No. 100362
File: 1541669972378.jpg (42.05 KB, 722x722, 541515451245.jpg)

I'm having fantasies of kissing Jin, while I sit on RM's face. I also schlicked to Suga making weird faces.
I have a 200lbs bf. Why am I like this
No. 100377
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I'm becoming obsessed with climber Adam Ondra
No. 100392
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>>100324he was also my shameful fuck for a while but his body is kinda lame, no shape, no neck, stubby arms and legs. but i see what you mean
>>100362i truly do not understand how ppl find these literal child lookin boys fuckable, besides the "sexy" looks they give the cameras in concerts etc… of course im not gonna say pedo, i just can't see what these skinny boys could do for a girl, but you do you
>>99899i can literally smell him from here, disgusting
>>97517i love his photos in japan, he looks so dorky in orange lmao
No. 100403
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>>100399>naruto cosplaylove that
>>100396how dare you insult my scandinavian naruto
>>100393do share your fave moments/gifs of those boys, let us see! (of course i didn't mean to you pedo btw) usually the industry these kpop starts work for is pretty disgusting to me so that's a big turn off but maybe i can enjoy some of them
>>100401this pic is for you, superior anon
No. 100426
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Dwight from the office. Idk what the fuck is wrong with me
No. 100427
>>100426Fix the hair/remove the glasses
eh he isn't terrible
No. 100429
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>>100426He is cute! I prefer the british version of him myself
No. 100437
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Just admitted to some friend that I had a huge crush on James May when I was younger and they laughed. I remember being crushed when I learned that he's married.
Would still smash tho.
No. 100459
>>100457They'd just say half are hybristophiliacs and half are only into the fame.
You can't win with 'em.
No. 100483
File: 1541858226249.jpg (38.77 KB, 400x400, young-psh-headshot.jpg)

Ever since I've watched The Big Lebowski I've had this weird thing for Seymour Hoffman, especially without his beard. Like he's not even my type and I don't usually like light-haired guys but I find his chubby face weirdly cute and his acting in the movie I mentioned really adorable
No. 100500
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>>100472No but if it has Mackenzie Crook I need to check it out!
I really like him in Game of Thrones too
No. 100503
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>>100020>actually believing that paul wasn't the one who convinced karla to kill and she chose to start their rampage anyways more jim because he a cute.
No. 100531
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Christian 'ass muncher' Yelich. I went from liking boys that look like Richey Edwards and Elias Bender Ronnenfelt to this… this fuckboy. He looks like a horse, it's probably thick as fuck like all the other sport dudes, he always looks crusty and dirty and I swear to god I would do anything. ANYTHING. To marry Him. He's the total opposite of my usual kinda guys and idk idk man I just want him so bad.
No. 100533
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No. 100637
File: 1542065438476.png (209.15 KB, 736x921, gay_as_frick.png)

>>100555road to jonestown? i've almost finished it, it's really good so far. he once had an 8 hour sex session with a female follower, and him being bisexual really fills in my niche.
No. 100817
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Any farmers on here a horror fan? I recently watched the 2010 remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, and I've a always been a Freddy fangirl, and think that Robert Englund's a cutie, Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy was sexy as fuck tbqh
No. 100821
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>>99733Super late, but I'm the anon who posted him. I'm glad that he's actually a nice guy. I assumed the reason why he couldn't get a girlfriend was because he was an asshole or a psychopath or something, since he isn't unattractive. Ah well he has issues, but don't we all.
>>100817Anon I was just about to post a horror movie character so you aren't the only one, though I'm not sure if you mean that you want to actually fuck Freddy Krueger or just the actors.
I watched The Boy with some friends and as soon as Brahms crawled out of the wall I found him so attractive. It makes it worse that I feel like one of those stupid tumblr girls who like school shooters because they can 'change them' or something. Ugh… makes me psychoanalyze myself and really hate what I come up with.
No. 100869
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>>100821I'd fuck Freddy(I'm in the minority than think Jackie's is cuter), I felt kinda ashamed cause the remake is detested among the horror fandom, and 2010 Freddy is a fucking pedophile. Is The Boy any good? It flew under my radar when it came out
No. 100950
Richard Ramirez (my fave), 6ix9ine (kinda gives me Ramirez vibes for some reason), Sam Hyde (weird asf. Also I also wanna best the fuck out him), James May, The Boy, late Michael Jackson, Jack Nicholson, Jeremy Clarkson, Prince Harry and Prince William, Jake Paul,
No. 101144
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I know Michael B. Jordan is considered attractive but he honestly didn’t do much for me (Doesn’t help that I usually go for pasty white guys) until I saw him as Killmonger in Black Panther. Idk why but his SoundCloud rapper haircut gets me. Unf. Even if his character was a little bitch with SJW tendencies. Also I know he looks a bit cross eyed here but still.
No. 101198
>>101184What is this site's obsession with K-pop bullshit. Shockingly we're not all obsessed with small menkids.
I don't see why Michael B. Jordan belongs on this thread only because I don't see what's shameful about liking him. He's not some cringe weirdo and I can see why someone would like him.
I think he's fucking ugly. His gigantic lips look terrible to me but he's just too normal. He's the current famous black man everyone now pretends is out of this world handsome.
No. 101260
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No. 101264
>>100357I hate some of his views, like abortion for example, but I love how smug he is.
>>101260Same, anon. I've had a huge crush on him since Breaking Bad. So glad they did BCS.
No. 101288
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Benicio del Toro.
No. 101307
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>>101288he's so hot to me in Snatch for some reason, no shame at all
No. 101326
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I have this fantasy where he decides to be my personal mentor and becomes invested in my career. And we end up having a whirlwind romance with lots of sex.
No. 101352
File: 1543024531084.jpg (146.04 KB, 500x743, superlative laugh.jpg)

>furry inflation art
>that neckbeard outfit with the fingerless gloves and walmart work shoes
Anon I'm dying
No. 101382
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He may be fat, but god, do I want to sit on his face and cuddle him afterwards.
No. 101383
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>>101379Idk, I think Özil is a cutie but if I say that irl I get made fun of and even right here someone was convinced the thread was full of trolls because anyone actually finding him attractive is just too ridiculous.
There are a bunch of nice elderly gentleman posted that I think aren't shameful at all but for sure would get you laughed at by your friends so they fit here imo.
Who do you think didn't deserve to be posted in this thread?
No. 101672
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No. 101675
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>>101288>>101307I'd be his prison bitch
No. 101714
>>101712ted levine
Movie is silence of the lambs he’s playing buffalo bill
No. 101722
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He's a little goofy looking sometimes but his personality makes him incredibly attractive to me.
No. 101998
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I despised Filthy Frank so much, but I fancy Joji. The 13/14 year old me that wanted an East Asian bf is alive and kicking lol
No. 102074
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>>101301Maybe you'll like him in Predators, anon.
I'm not sure if you like him being buff but I can promise you he was dirty in the movie.
No. 102102
>>101301Adrien Brody is hot as fuck.
Funny thing, he's super polarising: I've seen women either loving or hating him (appearance wise, I mean)
As for me, I watched all of his movies, except predator and king kong, just because he's hot. Some were really bad though lmao
I honestly didn't like the Son of Sam movie that much (can't remember why, though), but I like Brody and The Who, so I watched it. And I have a big thing for bi guys (it has to be bi, not gay), so that was also a plus for me in that movie.
No. 102209
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>>102094Enjoy the movie, anon!
No. 102252
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Trashy but I can't help it
No. 102397
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No. 102402
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>>102252>>102260>>102275>>102318I've loved him in everything I've seen him in. I just started Preacher last night and his accent in it is almost passable which is impressive.
No. 102530
File: 1544307583580.jpg (77.78 KB, 827x620, Lil-Peep2-827x620.jpg)

he's dead but yeah.. lil peep kek
so damn trashy but so damn sexy
No. 102533
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Talking about trashy, Ronnie Radke. Definitely not the worst, but I'm deeply ashamed of being attracted to him.
No. 102535
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>>102533I don't blame you anon he looks good as fuck these days. Talk about glow up
No. 102546
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i cant help it
No. 102587
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I'm not gonna fucking post his photo because I'm that ashamed but Josh/Null from Kiwi Farms, his laugh is really cute. SHIT…
also whoever this fucking guy is in the Ronald McDonald cosplay. like specifically in the Ronald McDonald suit.
>>94105honestly…. he's super cute. this younger pic is so good i love those eyes and his jaw and his fashion.
>>95226KEK I know a Japanese girl who's totally obsessed with Joji and tries to talk to him multiple times a day
No. 102590
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>>102587The guy in the Ronald McDonald costume is Key from K-Pop group Shinee.
No. 102619
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Bill Hader can get it.
No. 102628
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I hate myself
No. 102651
>>102639He seems like he’d know how to treat a woman right
>>102645But anon, the skinny manletness is part of the appeal
No. 102767
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I love weird looking shit bag "art" guys.
>love yourself anon
No. 102771
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>>102767Who is this cutie?and yes I agree pic related
No. 102773
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Please don’t call Chris Hansen on me
No. 102786
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No. 102801
File: 1544543618665.jpg (13.68 KB, 305x165, IMG_2398.JPG)

honestly i'd fuck alex jones. the crazy ones are always better in bed anyway
No. 102802
>>102767Ew, girl…
>>102773Tf this nigga like 14!!!
No. 102851
File: 1544610652275.jpg (78.24 KB, 1920x1080, 286.jpg)

Still not buying Fallout 76 though.
No. 102879
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I mean he's good looking but pining for him makes me feel like a bit weird since everyone else in his fanbase is like 14 years old, even though he's a year older than me. Wouldn't be too ashamed if he was just some random guy.
No. 102937
File: 1544648429445.jpeg (279.06 KB, 534x800, magnificentmillenial.jpeg)

I just want to worship every inch of him. But only if his hair is long like this and he's wearing the glasses.
No. 102991
>>102990>>102962He used to be more commonly known as Danisnotonfire on YouTube before he realized he's pushing 30 and most of his fanbase is half his age.
I can relate tbh
>>102879 - I've had the hots for this awkward fuck since he was a legit uwu MySpace-tier emo boy and I was always oddly ashamed to admit it, his Phandom was always top level autismo Tumblr cringe. Years - almost a decade - change but he attracts the same type of lonely teens.
No. 103055
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inb4 overzealous mod tells me to take it to the gender crit thread, I mean pre-transition contra
No. 103127
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I finally got around to watching Oh Hello on Netflix. It’s not even John Mulaney that I’m attracted to. It’s just the character.
No. 103161
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Lenny Kravitz, my crush forever. I'm ashamed only because he's twice my age.
No. 103171
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He makes me laugh idk
No. 103182
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>>103171mike was exactly my type before he became a fat alcoholic. still would hit it though.
No. 103186
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>>103161Do you know he only takes a few baths EVERY month?!
No. 103237
File: 1544842265614.jpg (105.21 KB, 482x587, Belushi.jpg)

>>103161Are you sure that you're not just ashamed because of that weird anal prolapse belly button?
Not that I'm judging. I noticed John Belushi a couple weeks ago. He had a rowdy GG Allin vibe and I kinda hate myself for liking that sort of thing.
No. 103265
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St.BlackOps2cel. He’s so cute to me literally never understood why incels acted like he was so deformed & hideous
No. 103294
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>>103265>>103292Some newer photos of him were being circulated recently. He's from Serbia, I think, and he posted his photo on a Serbian forum and that was reposted to reddit by someone else, and it spread from there. As far as I know, he has no direct connection with the incel movement.
No. 103358
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I am so ashamed
No. 103364
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>>103358hahaha holy shit same anon - i think it'd be really fun and hot to dominate a "kevin" type. all of the parts where his voice cracks like he's about to cry…
similarly from a netflix original (though a different one, the show Baby), and i'm really not ashamed because he's ridiculously hot, i just feel weird because he's two years younger than me a.k.a he was born in 2000!?!? - lorenzo zurzolo.
it's not a really big age gap… but damn does it feel weird, not sure why, it's weird when real-life 18 year olds hit on me too
No. 103370
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he's a plastic monster but he's so attractive
No. 103389
>>103364gdi anon, you may have given me a belly button fetish with that gif.
Also, no shame in going after younger, freshly 18 guys if the gap is only a few years. I'm 21, started uni later, and I count it as a blessing that I'm now surrounded by younger qts. If you go after asocial/shy men there's also an increased chance that they're virginal which is nice.
No. 103448
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>>102787Unironically this. Kit is disgusting.
I'd fuck pic related but I don't like it when he's all well-groomed and in a tux. I'd much prefer it if he kept the scruffy facial hair and gained a bit of weight so he'd have a cute little belly. The fact that he was a wife and two daughters is also a turn on, tbqh.
No. 103460
File: 1545085522937.jpg (65.74 KB, 500x378, The_Pilot_00005.jpg)

Jerry Seinfeld. Specifically in that one baseball shirt in the pilot episode, or that one red shirt he wore sometimes. I know he's supposed to be a ladies man in the show but he hasn't got the most conventionally handsome features
No. 103489
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Alt-lite daddy PJW
No. 103493
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Even though Im very much on the left, I still think he was a cutie
No. 103500
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>>86886I'm pretty sure I was dropped on my head when I was born
No. 103536
File: 1545211615702.jpg (95.97 KB, 593x591, 1544886538610.jpg)

Someone posted this photo on /fa/ yesterday. Apparently he's a namefag robot from the pre /soc/ days. I'm extremely angry at how pretty he is.
No. 103540
File: 1545213275642.jpg (22.97 KB, 320x480, brendan.jpg)

>>103536He looks like a brother of Brendan Fraser
No. 103544
>>103536He looks like your average white guy. Seriously, I've seen better at my local grocery store. His nose, lips, and that facial hair are really unflattering. Thats like 3/4s of his face looking bum ugly.
And you know he has mental issues to boot. Gross.
No. 103563
>>103560Nta but where do you live where that's considered "pretty"….? He looks pretty bland to me too
like below average because he has major weasel face.
No. 103785
File: 1545419185776.jpg (161.29 KB, 1140x760, TICKLED-BAFTA-8528.jpg)

this piece of shit. I find him so insufferable I don't know why but i have a soft spot for intellectual douchey insecure kind of guy. He is bisexual also with is a huge turn on for me lol i hate myself but i just want him to go down
No. 103833
File: 1545459019358.gif (950.74 KB, 499x314, bob dylan puts on sunglasses.g…)

Ashamed because something about his personality seems really bad to me and he apparently has tons of children, but also because I find him attractive at almost any period in his adult life, even as an old man. His looks definitely peaked in 1965 or 1966, though.
No. 103841
File: 1545473854448.jpeg (90.55 KB, 750x562, 572111F1-D16D-4E67-BABD-D9BA9D…)

He’s so cute but he’s such a piece of shit. Sad about the suicide thing tho. I just want to fix him and protect his smile.
No. 103842
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>>103500I agree lmao. I think he was ridiculously good looking when he was young
>>103826David Farrier. Not OP but I'd hit it too
No. 103852
This veterinarian I watch on youtube. he has this weird, staggered way of speaking and makes very direct eye contact with the camera which I feel like I should find offputting, but actually find kind of charming.
>>103833All I know about his personal life is that he was apparently horrible to women, but he was very cute when he was young.
No. 103853
File: 1545485162297.png (196.13 KB, 500x400, 380B9CAF-2B00-405B-84C0-1316BD…)

I want to hate fuck Varg so badly. I feel so ashamed but young (even kinda old Varg) is so fucking hot and adorable.
No. 103854
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>>103853Another picture. I fucking hate Metal and whatever, but goddamnit. The hate fuck would be a lot stronger too since I'm not white. Please unleash your white nationalism rage upon me and give me love.
No. 103875
File: 1545527604452.jpg (111.67 KB, 693x1000, conan-o-brien-2013-vanity-fair…)

i dream about him
No. 103886
File: 1545544217526.png (205.04 KB, 501x438, WHAT'S POPPPINGGGGUH.png)

i'm not even ashamed of it but i figured I'd put casey frey here because he's probably considered like ugly-hot??? idk i'm obsessed with his videos/ humor/ extremely chaotic energy
No. 103887
>>95741I normally advoid this type like the plague but I ended up developing a crush on a coworker like this. He had substance abuse problems but was genuinely super nice and had good features regardless (like nice cheekbones and piercing blue eyes). Admittedly he was super skinny and too young for me though (22 to my 26). I hung out with him after work one time and in my drunk and coked our mind, I told him he thought I was cute. He expressed attraction to me but told me that I was too old for him. A couple months later, he went to Arizona to help his aunt out with something. I ended up developing a residue crush on one of his friends that still hasn’t gone away. I’m pathetic lol.
>>103448Jaime is by far my favorite GOT guy (Nikolai can do whatever he wants to me) but scruffy and dirty Jaime >>>>>>clean and proper Jaime. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I think Kit/Jon is cute but they’re definitely hotter guys on that show.
>>102773He has nice features. But expressing sexual attraction to him is kinda creepy. Wait until he’s in his 20s at least.
>>97548I honestly don’t get what’s so bad about this. He’s pretty attractive, seems nice, doesn’t do anything bad or even cringy (as far as I know). Considering that a quarter of this thread is about people wanting to fuck murderers, I think you’re ok, anon.
No. 103890
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I dunno
No. 103915
File: 1545591516428.jpg (23.99 KB, 542x703, fgmkats1.jpg)

>>86886Freddy moor is so ridiculously attractive to me. I have a thing for guys that look like methheads i can't even tell you why. I genuinely find him beautiful
No. 103991
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>>103237same, he’s what i mean when i want a thick bf, not a total utter landwhale.
No. 103998
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He looked better with his mustache, but he's still not a looker to be proud about. I'll blame it on that voice.
No. 104015
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Tyler Blevins/Ninja.
No. 104027
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Excellent taste.
No. 104084
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Little Big
Especially the way he acts in the Skibidi video.
No. 104085
>>102786That's not weird, he's really cute and I'm sure a lot of women love him.
>probably a little taller than him, toobased anon
No. 104095
File: 1545927022202.jpg (361.81 KB, 640x427, nickmullen.jpg)

nick mullen from cumtown…why am i like this…
No. 104106
>>99708I was at a lil pump consert and got to touch him
My bf also looks like a prettier, long haired version of him, and is about the same age as well
No. 104116
File: 1545945453121.jpg (236.52 KB, 640x380, husbando_poop.jpg)

>>103887>scruffy and dirty Jaime >>>>>>clean and proper JaimeThis. As someone who has an interest in injuries healing (I've worked in a hospital, it's normal) I was hugely into the Jaime chapters in A Storm of Swords where he gets an infection from the hand amputation, although that is kind of going into "fetishes you are ashamed of" territory. I just want to hold him while he's all dirty and smelly and crying.
Kit is ugly, and not because he's short. I love all the Lannisters, so I'd rather fuck Dinklage or Charles.
No. 104119
File: 1545950189342.jpg (93.67 KB, 1280x720, lil.jpg)

im ashamed to have a weird but strong thing for soundcloud rappers and trashy french rappers.
No. 104142
>>103875me, too, anons lmao
(hope he doesn't get me-tood)
No. 104144
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Peter Capaldi
No. 104156
File: 1545968179865.jpeg (73.01 KB, 640x585, 7330A31F-D6A8-43D1-B218-3534F7…)

someone mentioned jim jones awhile ago and it reminded me that i had a dream that we made out. weird.
anyways, is nick cave that shameful? i would hit it young or current age.
No. 104167
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>>104156not really. he's a total badass. i always found blixa the most attractive out of nick's entire band though.
this post totally reminded me of my shameful nixa phase No. 104181
File: 1545996667744.gif (249.6 KB, 220x270, CFCBCB24-B489-48B8-A297-6C13B0…)

>>104144Ooooooh, yes. I have a real thing for Malcolm Tucker. I want him to hate-fuck me against a desk.
No. 104186
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Michael Collins had his angles.
No. 104191
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>>104144>>104181I'm pretty sure you're not the only one ever since he became the doctor.
I do like his angry eyes No. 104238
File: 1546047686514.jpg (15.76 KB, 252x366, the man.jpg)

andrew hussie
i want to know his secrets
No. 104260
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>>104244his lips are pretty memorable
No. 104268
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Manly P Hall. I didn't know what he looked like when I started reading the Secret Teachings but something about the way he wrote made me suspect he was fuckable back in the day and I was pleasantly surprised when I looked him up. tfw no 1920s occult goth bf
No. 104311
File: 1546115062025.png (810.52 KB, 1366x768, Gentaro.png)

He has a cute smile. I want to be his friend (with benefits).
Even with his stupid yanki get-up, I would still tap it
No. 104414
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I stopped watching the show after that.
No. 104418
>>104311And why would you be ashamed of? He's one of the most popular and handsome japanese actors
He sucks at acting so much I can't forget his awful performance in the Sukitte Ii na Yo movie
No. 104580
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he fucking sucks but like i hate him so much i want him to fuck me. :(
No. 104581
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No. 104629
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>>104581I don’t know who this qt is but I’ve always been attracted to guys in makeup, especially eyeliner. Also, paleness.
No. 104655
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>>104580Agreed on both counts. He's so beautiful on the cover of Bona Drag.
>>104581Why the frowny face? Alan is lovely. I love his accent.
>>104629Damn, this thread just keeps delivering today.
No. 104656
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And some recent Alan Cumming, who remains a babe.
No. 104677
File: 1546488006502.jpg (15.34 KB, 236x306, pete doherty-thelib.jpg)

Makes my heart swoon
When I show friends pictures they're like "nooo have you seen his hair" and "ewww hes trash" I think hes a total babe
No. 104678
File: 1546489218208.jpg (462.11 KB, 1792x1198, Jarvis-Cocker-photo.jpg)

Jarvis Crocker from pulp. He was quite a cutie back in the day too
No. 104708
File: 1546525311805.jpg (37.15 KB, 620x413, 2013PeteDohertyAW_256896230713…)

>>104658Ahh I see. Understandable. I think my first exposure to him may have been the spice girls movie now that I think about it, but I might have blocked that memory out. I had the biggest crush on him in x-men 2.
>>104677I didn't have consistent internet access until 2006 and had no idea shipping was a thing til then, but even before that I loved the idea of Pete and Carl having a romantic/sexual history. The angst in the music and the way they'd interact on stage did things to 13 year old me. Fujos gonna fujo I guess.
No. 104710
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>>104708Also here's some pics from Peter's Cavalli campaign from 2007. Probably the best he ever looked.
No. 104718
File: 1546534766980.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.02 KB, 634x418, 43455AFC00000578-4791758-Futur…)

>>104710he was so cute, it's a shame he aged like absolute shit
No. 104743
>>104718Holy shit what. Had not seen any recent pictures of him for years.
Well that’s… something.
No. 104774
File: 1546573662332.jpg (190.36 KB, 2048x1367, current pete.jpg)

>>104772Because he is an old man now nearly.
Heres a better pic, was taken at a festival December 2018
No. 104824
File: 1546617902257.png (346.92 KB, 800x450, Craig.Ferguson.Tickle.Fight_.2…)

I just rewatched Craig Ferguson's old Netflix special and I am so incredibly and horribly attracted to him.
>tfw when an old Scottish man makes a Cowboy Bebop joke
No. 104841
File: 1546630181000.jpg (28.98 KB, 342x428, ralph fiennes.jpg)

Ralph Fiennes' character in Schindler's List. Just kill me now.
No. 104855
File: 1546639472557.jpg (53.01 KB, 650x478, pence-and-kemp.jpg)

young mike pence would actually get it (and probably old mike pence)
No. 104891
File: 1546657014513.jpg (64.96 KB, 640x607, erxx7d91oax01.jpg)

The stupid thick Thanos meme. I love a thicc booty on a man, and it is a shame that even guys who lift neglect glutes. Can't stand a flat butt boy.
No. 104917
File: 1546684422333.jpeg (48.33 KB, 450x450, open-uri20150422-20810-10n7ovy…)

A life sized Woody. I want to reverse cowgirl him then sit on his face
No. 104918
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>>104917lmao same, ever since I saw pic related fanart. Even read some shitty fanfiction
No. 104950
File: 1546715973990.gif (985.9 KB, 160x160, BBE5C1CC-F3DE-4F1E-BCF8-A39F2D…)

Forget Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Gatiss makes me wet and I don’t know why
No. 104951
File: 1546716246490.gif (965.71 KB, 245x255, 8865D221-99D1-4332-A0D7-BFE2CE…)

>>104950Samefag but look at his body…why am I like this I just like his long salamander-y-ness and I think he’s cute and such a cool creative person. And his accent ugh, sploosh!
No. 105074
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He's old enough to be my father. Guys with longish brown hair seem to be my weakness.
No. 105078
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>>104855young handsome politicians are gems
No. 105086
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>>104891this is absolutely hilarious, my favorite one here
>>104918only ever found his attractive in that fanart
No. 105088
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>>95253>>98563ngl same, max and joji are kinda cute too
>>98564he was cute before the tatts and hair dye! pic related
No. 105089
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thomas was actually super cute back in the homework and discovery days unmasked but the thing that makes me feel shame is that i would be equally willing for his robot form
No. 105104
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No. 105105
File: 1546880288069.gif (1.93 MB, 500x281, source.gif)

No. 105106
File: 1546880356913.png (344.88 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190107-175912.png)

No. 105107
>>105104>>105105>>105106You must be
really horny for Eric Andrew.
No. 105297
File: 1547011818508.jpeg (69.81 KB, 640x323, EE967223-B853-4639-A211-549617…)

I hate beards and I despise meat heads but I’ve been fantasising about this guy
No. 105305
File: 1547021868613.jpeg (20.4 KB, 400x400, 17CAFDCE-2A0F-4C3F-94BF-6C8E4A…)

My fetish is pasty white average dudes that have big nerd energy. This is the chef Ben Ebbrell from the YouTube channel Sorted. I want to hold him down and ride his dick until he blows his load in me
No. 105348
>>105114my friend made it weird for me when he said EA was ugly. Actually he's not even a friend anymore and I shouldn't be ashamed. Fun fact: it was those legs that did it 4 meand that manic energy
>>105297this is cute
No. 105402
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No. 105416
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Pre-troon Contra
No. 105421
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I have a thing for obnoxious frat boy types pls no bully
No. 105422
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No. 105426
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I guess 50-year-old goths are what does it for me these days
No. 105430
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Love Geoffrey Rush as the Marquis de Sade
No. 105436
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Davey Havok was extremely cute when he had long hair. He looks so dirty now with his stubble. I dunno, I loved his feminine looks. I'm honestly surprised and applaud him for not trooning out.
No. 105466
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Zia haq
CIA Backed Military Dictator of Pakistan,I stumbled upon him when reading about the Cold war
Their was a story about him that really got to me in how he cared for his autistic daughter and would comfort her when she would have "episodes"
No. 105469
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>>105436Nothing to be ashamed of anon, I also think he used to look great. I dislike his Hollywood metrosexual look though I guess it looks good on him objectively, I am just not a fan.
No. 105492
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kill me
No. 105501
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Why does he have to be such an embarrassing edgelord
No. 105547
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Old, young or in the stupid Pavi Largo costume.
No. 105557
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No. 105558
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>>105557Get on my level scrub
No. 105561
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Shit anon, you win. I'd fuck him both ways though and in any incarnation really.
No. 105630
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I was reading a book that described a sexy character as looking like a young Muammar Gaddafi. I thought he looked like a blobfish so I didn't know how that could be a flattering comparison. One google later..
No. 105631
File: 1547262009610.png (846.11 KB, 720x1280, A9S8aMm.png)

This tiktok-er. He's like 6'6 and his proportions make him look like a 90s anime character. He has pretty eyelashes too.
Obviously, he's a good looking guy, but everyone on tiktok is insufferable by default.
No. 105665
>>105544Reminds me of a Tumblr post I saw a months ago about a girl who found a picture of her deceased Grandfather when he was young and said she found him hot and Tumblr threw a mini tantrum over it
have been trying to find it again but have had no luck
No. 105672
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No. 105685
File: 1547311939516.jpg (17.99 KB, 400x302, 245886.x.jpg)

>>105676Anon he has a bald patch up front and you can see the stink lines coming off of him. Here's a colourised version of an even younger him and I still don't know why anon would fuck him even including all his blood sex sugar magic nonsense
No. 105690
File: 1547314015197.jpg (31.85 KB, 600x600, Screenshot_82.jpg)

>>105685i mean maybe i like it maybe im into that. im ashamed of it already why are you hating more
No. 105697
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>>105402i'm gonna add him to the list of psychotic men i want to chain up in my basement.
No. 105703
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>>105630Damn, I've never seen a pic of him when he was young. Looks like a 50s Hollywood actor or something like that.
This reminds when I checked on how Benjamin Netanjahu looked like when he was a young man, because he was described as a "Greek God"-like looking guy.
No. 105705
File: 1547328378155.gif (13.29 MB, 616x492, Deibcfv.gif)

I love the level of uncontained sperg in this thread. It's off the charts
No. 105720
>>105469Same, goddamn. Even the metrosexual Decemberunderground worked for my bisexual ass though. I’m currently tumbling into an AFI rabbit hole as we speak.
Davey Havok was my biggest crush at age 12, and that’s still true nearly 16 years later.
No. 105738
>>94206>>94618Tom Lehrer
>graduated Harvard at the age of 19 in the filed of mathematics>was a Soldier and NSA agent >was a talented pianist >made a song about gay three ways,beastly an incestous rape in the 60's >was the main inspiration of wiedl al yankovic among others>was the professor of mathematics at santa cruzHe's defiantly accomplished
No. 105746
File: 1547389053055.jpg (95.3 KB, 768x1024, Moot_&_Boxxy.jpg)

he actually seems like an okay guy but i don't know
No. 105769
>>105672based anon gets it
>>105685I mean yes he's ugly but thats the whole point of this thread. Ugly men you'd fuck. Are you one of those anons that post pretty boys here even though you're not ashamed of it ?
No. 105812
File: 1547472717776.jpg (143.73 KB, 900x1201, Dane-Dehaan-photo-shoot-dane-d…)

i can't help it, i'd fuck him
also i think seeing him in the spiderman and chronicle movies sparked my fetish for beat-up, bloody-faced boys
No. 105815
File: 1547479468619.png (585.93 KB, 500x750, dane_dehaan_huge.png)

>>105812imo up until spiderman 2 he was VERY handsome (especially in kill your darlings) but now he keeps getting uglier and is losing his hair.
He has amazing lips though and i love his eyes & eyebags.
No. 105855
>>105814Thanks anon, I thought I was alone lmao
Yeah, he's not even that cute (although he has very nice eyes, imho, especially the shape), and I usually don't like guys that look too young or younger than me, so what makes me attracted to him (and Drew) is obviously his humor.
But since noticing his arms, I must admit his body is very nice to me. I especially like his legs in this video. I also have a thing for inner biceps (i don't know why), and his as very nice.
No. 105863
File: 1547532630256.jpg (122.69 KB, 1141x700, cody-ko.jpg)

>>105100>>105814I love them both and danny especially, I love his nose weirdly.
And funny guys are just everything to me honestly. There are so many guys from vine I still have a crush on like Cody Ko
No. 105864
File: 1547536104260.jpg (74 KB, 400x600, Candy Ken NewFest 2017 Opening…)

Don't judge me, his body is hot
No. 105874
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at any age
No. 105887
File: 1547590523621.gif (1.45 MB, 312x346, JgwYCB6.gif)

>>105746He used to be pretty cute and it was fun to talk shit with him when he'd randomly show up on the boards back in like 2005, but he's kind of a sell out nowadays.
No. 105902
File: 1547607190017.jpg (29.22 KB, 1024x576, ted-sees-cabin-1024x576.jpg)

Not attracted to Paul Bettany most of the time. Not attracted to the real Ted Kaczynski at all. Paul Bettany as Kaczynski though? Hot dang.
No. 105967
>>105899I don't get it, no one figured out he was moot
Also yeah I would fuck him ten ways to sunday
No. 105984
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I just started watching his videos like a month ago. I'm such a degenerate…
No. 105985
File: 1547783880111.jpg (82.95 KB, 683x1024, 804e8999c18c8443f5be80ee21cb18…)

Fuck me, but the k-pop critical thread actually meme'd me into wanting to fuck Junglebook.
I didn't even know anything about BTS prior to the thread (I only follow gg's), but damn his legs are just my exact type. Also his face is cute enough.
I still don't give a fuck about BTS and their music, but damn I'll watch those fancams of him dancing.
No. 105992
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No. 105993
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No. 105995
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This guy from the UK Jersey Shore spin-offs. He seemed really sweet on CBB and looked cute but unfortunately he's into plastic surgery now and no longer has that qt nose of his. I would've loved to ride it
No. 105998
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>>105995And this is him now. Post eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, lipo, and who knows what else.
No. 106002
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No. 106011
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my most shameful one for sure
No. 106050
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Rami Malek in this Night at the Museum attire, lordy.
Wouldn't mind personally a kiss from him. Oof. He's pretty attractive to me in this film, kek.
His voice is handsome in Before Dawn, the game.
No. 106128
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No. 106139
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i hate myself
No. 106140
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Ever since watching the Mummy as a child
He sparked my fetish for bald men
No. 106144
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>>106139anon i'm so sorry, please remind yourself he looks like brendan fraser and we all know what brendan fraser looks like now…
No. 106176
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>>106144back off Brendan Fraser, bitch
No. 106187
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>>106147There's women into being teabagged here???!
No. 106198
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>>106139I used to think ThinkImReal was hot, but then I realized Greg and him looked a little too similar
No. 106246
>>106187Nta but why not? one of my fantasies includes a guy sitting on my face and crushing me with his thighs.
Sage for ot degeneracy.
No. 106263
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>>106187I think he's cute though…
Probably because he reminds me of Seth Macfarlane….who I also think is cute, especially his smile.
No. 106292
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Jeffree Star, I genuinely find him ugly and he's a horrible person and everything but I guess I'm into effeminate bitchy dudes and can't help it
No. 106312
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I'm ashamed of pic related because he seems so wholesome somehow, and it seems like he really loves his wife.
I also want to break neil cicierega in fucking half pls no bully No. 106327
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I've always liked his "jaw slider all the way to the right" look. Guy was a fucking lunatic but he was pretty hot.
>>86933Brent Spiner is pretty conventionally attractive though.
No. 106329
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I find him weirdly attractive, even in the more recent pictures.
No. 106330
>>106327More like clinically mentally ill.
Also probably the only person ever to build a functioning operating system on his own, so also a kind of genius. No. 106361
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He is almost 60 but still..
No. 106639
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My cousin apparently, I hadn't seen him in a couple of years and he's really cute now, didn't even recognize him at first. I avoided him all through the family reunion it was just too awkward.
No. 106655
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Inb4 thread gets locked…sorreh if he's been posted before.
No. 106759
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>>105983Sorry, I'm a certified retard.
Anyway, Smirky Boy. Although he was decidedly less cute in the interview
It's ok cause I'm 18, right???
No. 107130
There is some controversy over his actual military status but I can’t find anything stating he started it.
No. 107152
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>>107130The first red flag was he was about 1 year too young too have fought in Vietnam. After that people started poking around and it wasn't good.
No. 107153
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>>107130The first red flag was he was about 1 year too young too have fought in Vietnam. After that people started poking around and it wasn't good.
No. 107193
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no derailing reee
thom yorke before he became an old man with a man bun, it's just not my thing. peak thom yorke was OK Computer thom. jonny is a super cutie too.
No. 107550
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No. 107560
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It's a damn shame that I, someone who hangs out in the Asian-American activist circle can't help but think that this dictionary-definition Uncle Tom is nothing short of fucking adorable. Best part is that he doesn't even date Asian chicks because they "remind him of his sisters", apparently.
No. 107590
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reviving this thread bc i started watching sopranos and Tony could like… get it