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No. 158930
>>158926Wait till you see "Fetishes You're Ashamed Of" thread
Here nonnies are pretty damn innocent
No. 158943
File: 1604871158079.jpg (34.91 KB, 372x512, unnamed (1).jpg)

Suprised she isn't posted here yet
No. 158969
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I bet she posts on mtf general kek
No. 158989
File: 1604911492892.jpeg (170.98 KB, 970x1470, 0A2B517D-C46A-4782-B644-23CF01…)

but my god did she age exactly how you’d expect a woman in prison to
No. 159005
>>158943Kek OP here, she’s the thread picrel, just younger. I agree, obviously, I want to
fuck her look respectfully so bad.
No. 159007
>>158969She’s so beautiful and cool. Looked up why she’s ~
problematic~ and want to marry her.
No. 159111
File: 1604973360508.jpg (2 MB, 2500x1696, bobbitt.JPG)

I just think she’s beautiful
No. 159113
File: 1604973856326.jpg (1.8 MB, 2000x1698, 733653476shohdbdfdjjbh6789.jpg)

I want to bury my head in her tiddies
No. 159126
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pov: katie is unimpressed with your cunnilingual skills
No. 159139
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I'm sorry.
No. 159158
File: 1605000660485.png (459.89 KB, 1381x759, Screenshot-magdalen-berns.png)

>>159002I want a British GC girlfriend and I'm not ashamed.
(RIP Magdalen)
No. 159439
File: 1605140210502.jpg (98.73 KB, 1574x1057, u6tnxlvw5m351.jpg)

She looks like if her brother trooned out. Kill me.
No. 159482
File: 1605165614196.png (173.07 KB, 391x394, Screenshot_2020-11-11-22-17-04…)

This booktuber… I find her really cute for some reason
No. 159509
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>>159482i'm ashamed to say i'd fuck emma. she seems like she'd be a dom
No. 159510
>>159439I don't think she looks like Ben at all, but she is cute.
>>159485Agreed on both counts, anon.
No. 159627
File: 1605263656822.png (677.07 KB, 623x508, 21212.PNG)

Jessica. I find her very cute without makeup too, IDK why but fried hair is genuinely attractive and endearing to me (last dregs of the emo phase, maybe?). I don't even visit her thread because her BF seems too annoying.
Yes, I'd let her eat my poop.
No. 159645
File: 1605279582603.jpg (55.95 KB, 620x436, KAMALA132.jpg)

>>159518>>159551Read it and weep, ladies. Hhhhhhhh…
No. 159713
>>158969Unf. No shame at all whatsoever. The
TERFiness only makes her hotter.
No. 159720
File: 1605313427541.jpg (36.9 KB, 563x651, 45592d092ddeda9c5f4578cf298d36…)

i unironically think babispit is my personal 10/10 perfect girl and it feels so cringy to say that
No. 159724
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I've always had a crush on her
No. 159734
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>>159724She looks like this now.
No. 159897
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No. 160329
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No. 160335
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>>160329she used to be qt
No. 160338
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Don’t look at me…
>>160335Holy shit. That’s tragic.
No. 160369
File: 1605755342110.jpeg (114.42 KB, 615x1023, 058E18FE-6DF0-4974-AB9A-A2B074…)

She's vile and I feel guilty for finding her attractive.
No. 160649
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i’m just here to enjoy maself GC style d’ya know what i mean
No. 160822
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>>159734Holy fuck. Karma really does come for everyone, huh?
No. 160837
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>>160833I don't feel bad for her. I've had
toxic relationships with compulsive liars irl and I don't fuck with that, period. I'd only fuck her if I wanted to catch meth aids.
A good example of a woman I'm ashamed to admit I genuinely want to fuck is Azealia Banks. I just wish her tits weren't fake.
No. 160850
File: 1606097315126.jpg (410.71 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20201122_200352.jpg)

I'm watching the AMAs for background noise and now I see what all the zoomers find so appealing about Billie. She's a few years younger than me so I feel like a creepy crone for finding her cute kek
>>159199Young Hillary could get it 24/7
No. 161143
>>159897you are insane for this, but I understand completely
>>160856I think billie will be hot in 10 years if she ages well and doesn't go off the rails
No. 161150
File: 1606296303862.jpg (417.26 KB, 1536x2048, 1606188321421.jpg)

I don't watch her Twitch stuff and barely follow her milk in streamers thread, but every time I see a pic of her I just think about how much I like her moles… though tbf what I've seen of her OF in the thread is not as appealing kek
No. 161162
File: 1606303778394.jpg (27.22 KB, 421x500, 41WMNMYNTML.jpg)

Old fandom drama is my passion & Amy Player in her early fakeboi days was cute as fuck, even if she was fucking insane.
No. 161249
File: 1606354093859.jpeg (64.25 KB, 634x423, ACAF34CC-86F6-436A-AD3D-58D0A9…)

keirah bell looks so good in a suit
No. 161297
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not really ashamed because its her but rather i feel bad for perving on her after she got bullied offline.
No. 161887
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>>158895I believe an attraction to men is shameful, as they are purely sexual creatures. A man is lead by his penis, tamed by release.
I don’t understand why you would be ashamed in loving a gender you truly understand.
No. 161926
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>>161924I can see it, but if someone naturally aged like that, they would be a goddess
No. 161971
>>161922>>161938Yeah, show us at least one single male over the age of 18 (prepubescent boys don't count cause eww) who looks like this
I'm legitimately curious
No. 162054
>>162039>>162042They look similar because it’s a Lucille Skywalker edit with different hairstyles, the photoshopper has since deleted their twitter, sadly.
I would love to see CGI/deepfake tech used for the entire series just to make Luke female.
No. 162420
File: 1607344811270.jpeg (39.84 KB, 1280x720, 2F5FC43B-EECE-434E-ABAF-76101E…)

i’m not particularly ashamed, but i’m hopelessly attracted to camille paglia (esp 90s camille). i love how scathing and witty and dominant her personality is and yes i have fantasized about being her student and seducing her
No. 162465
File: 1607369514427.png (374.17 KB, 478x598, Screenshot 2020-12-07 at 19.28…)

Tfw you will never have a snuggly wine sleepover with her where you talk about makeup and how stupid boys are and how girls understand each other much better and how much nicer it is to spend time with them and gaze into their eyes and…
Why even live anons
No. 162485
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>>162477My ultimate fantasy is to turn a qt trad girl to the dark (dyke) side
No. 162487
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I'm gross, she's absolute garbage but I have a thing for mean girls. Also she's fucking cute and probably still would be without all the shoop.
No. 162492
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Lorena but only after a bath
No. 162748
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i just have to admit to myself that i want to fuck the nerdy disney-loving horse girl.
No. 162864
File: 1607629167200.png (252.84 KB, 360x450, Screen_Shot_2019-12-26_at_1.02…)

Help me, anons. She's so cute that I almost forget she's a fundie
No. 162961
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>>161297I really liked her, she has short hair now I think. I really hope she doing ok
No. 162962
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younger abby shapiro makes me uwu nervous i would let her call me a fat ugly whore and bully me
No. 162979
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>>158895Especially with blonde hair
No. 162982
I absolutely agree too, anon. I like her weird-cute look.
No. 162985
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>>162982Joining the party, her face was always super beautiful to me, I could never understand why people call her ugly; I can tell she's unconventional but never seen the ugliness.
No. 163003
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Still into the emo look… whyyy
No. 163653
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I think younger Lily Allen (2006-2011 ish) was very cute. Maybe it's because I'm British that my standards are this questionable
No. 163664
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I think she's very pretty in an unconventional way.
No. 163677
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I'm only ashamed because she's too young for me and it makes me feel like a scrote.
No. 163709
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No. 163710
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i'd have a threesome with them while musky cries in a nearby room
No. 163877
>>163875how is she quirky? i don't get that vibe at all from her songs
>>163876king princess
No. 164022
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she's still fine
No. 164059
File: 1608664254482.jpg (247.11 KB, 2000x1270, miley-cyrus-2020-mike-coppola.…)

she's so retarded yet so hot
No. 164101
>>162748I have such a strong hunch that Jenny is a farmer, that I can't help but feel kinda weird in her behalf for being posted here in a sexual thread kek
Jenny blink 3 times really fast on your next video to prove you are one of us
No. 164147
File: 1608697339828.jpg (19.85 KB, 400x400, dkpxKPJI_400x400.jpg)

Only ashamed because of the company she keeps, I have no shame in my attraction to lanky women with shitty tattoos.
No. 164196
File: 1608725407428.jpg (582.08 KB, 1032x1523, Jessi_at_the_2016_KBS_Entertai…)

i love her music and i'd still do her even if she looks like a plastic surgery monster
No. 164197
File: 1608725753202.jpg (183.45 KB, 900x542, mia-khalifa.jpg)

no i never watched any of her vids, never will and i'm so glad she's denouncing the porn industry but she's so cute, i love her face
No. 164200
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i've heard many people say she's weird looking but i think she's hot
ok, i'll stop now
No. 164214
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Nancy Pelosi was hot… still is for her age tbh.
No. 164222
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>>162487You still feel this way after the egirls thread discovered her unedited face? Not trying to gloat I'm honestly wondering kek
No. 164351
File: 1608787758958.jpeg (94.79 KB, 900x750, 9159F69F-ED45-41DC-92F2-D6322D…)

Used to watch her and Ethan when I was younger and felt so bad that she married a slob like him that I dreamt of taking her away kek.I still have feelings for her
No. 164434
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I know I know she's terrible, forgive me
No. 164629
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No. 164638
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>>164629I'm not ashamed by this at all. That pencil stache really fucks me up in a good way. I don't like it when they're in girl mode tho, something about it is pretty ugly, it's like they're meant to be an ugly androgynous blob
No. 164681
File: 1609030004611.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.02 KB, 1079x1346, dorian_electra.jpg)

>>164680yep. when you combine being "not like the other girls" with drag king performance, you get Dorian.
No. 164696
File: 1609040291148.jpeg (493.2 KB, 1908x1146, 44BB8271-1269-4846-87DC-0F1011…)

Gayle newland pretended to be a Filipino dude in order to fuck her friend. Supposedly the friend never knew for like a year or something despite gayle and the guy having similar lives, gayle always having the girl be blindfolded, and never meeting otherwise also a strap on doesn’t feel like a real penis so I don’t know if her accuser was lying or just slow in the head. Her crying and handcuffed honestly is the hottest image of her imo.
No. 164871
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This gangly huge-footed bird bitch
No. 164882
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sanna marin. i am so sorry
No. 164905
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No. 164907
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>>164905why ashamed? amandas gorgeous
No. 165026
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Rebel Wilson is pretty hot imo now that she’s lost a bunch of weight but I only know her from those obnoxious Pitch Perfect movies so I feel kinda bleh about it
No. 165034
File: 1609323618944.jpg (260.76 KB, 2560x1425, doja-cat-1547105-scaled.jpg)

Not really ashamed, but it's weird because I'm straight as a pole, there is just something about her that does it for me.
No. 165067
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a-am I the only one…
No. 165078
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Not really ashamed, she's just unconventional
No. 165083
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>>165067D'Arcy Carden could get it.
No. 165114
>>165077>>165083>>165067Not really. If you stare at her long enough you'll notice her peach fuzz+too short of an upper lip and her cockeyed stare.
She reminds me of that one character actress lady who always plays gross roles in comedy but her name escapes me damn it
No. 165135
File: 1609398425645.png (3.86 MB, 2048x2031, Screenshot_20201230-235710.png)

It's all cool until she talks about the ghost wrangling.
No. 165183
File: 1609427015174.jpg (2.01 MB, 1500x2250, Interview_digital_web_2020_sep…)

the lana spergs in the celebricows thread have made me ashamed to say it but she's so fucking hot in this picture. i don't even care if she's fat or botched or aggressively straight, she literally looks so good in this pic. i also love how she looked in the LFL album cover/BTS shots, they give me similar vibes
No. 165192
File: 1609432312602.jpg (939.2 KB, 3000x2000, shaye_main_duo1a.jpg)

>>165140Probably so, but that doesn't make her attractive to me. Other people have other opinions than you, sorry anon.
>>165154It's not the peach fuzz so much as a permanent darkness on her upper lip that really reminds me of that one character actress whose name STILL ESCAPES ME.
edit: Linda Shaye. If you don't see it, that's fine but she reminds me of Linda Shaye and it's a permanent turn offff
No. 165225
File: 1609455706522.jpg (32.03 KB, 399x399, pfgGhv1Y.jpg)

>>165183I'm with you and I'm not even ashamed. Yeah she looks bad now but she's probably depressed honestly. She will always be so sexy and gorgeous to me, I think she pulls off all kinds of clothing too.
No. 165231
File: 1609458038909.jpeg (454.21 KB, 750x551, C1472860-FBBA-4B5D-AB32-12E040…)

Deeply ashamed to say the first time I saw the CIA torture photo leaks my first thought was how hot she was
No. 165270
>>165233 said. You just… you just win.
No. 165290
File: 1609509237894.png (717.96 KB, 486x569, 1609381652911.png)

She may be a toxic serial-dating trainwreck with major issues and stunted mental growth, but I think Heather looks so cute here and I don't get the complaints about her body; she looks hot to me (though stick-skinny women are unappealing to me, so that may be it.)
If she wasn't crazy and straight I'd totally go for cemetary walks with her. I now take my place in the corner of shame.
No. 165406
File: 1609601444248.gif (7.06 MB, 275x275, 1605741851853.gif)

It went from finding her endearing to being genuinely concerned when her sub went private to being weirdly happy to see her face again afterward. I lowkey wanna rescue her and take care of her kek
No. 165710
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I would do literally every woman in the leftcow thread tbh
No. 165713
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>>165710same. Anna especially.
No. 165722
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>>165710Same but especially Dasha
No. 165922
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No. 165923
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>>165722She looks like harry styles
No. 165954
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No. 165987
File: 1610095712805.jpg (97.77 KB, 640x640, phno0t69wk2qbwe.jpg)

i know elon is only halfway done with his bimbofication on her but i will always find her sort of adorable
No. 166017
File: 1610119696325.jpg (4.71 KB, 226x223, gsfasdkj.jpg)

>>165923KEK I'm literally a 1D/Harry Styles stan…
No. 166361
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I feel no shame but I can't justify putting her in the attractive thread. I want to draw comics with her
No. 166367
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>>158895I think they are both so fucking hot. I wish there was more pictures in their threads instead of their retarded tweets. Honestly they are far more accomplished and better looking than anyone in the trad thot thread.
No. 166388
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Her content would be way better if she focused on painting and ditched tradthoting.
No. 166431
File: 1610324574237.jpg (236.18 KB, 549x1044, Kiki-Kannibal-demolitionvenom-…)

I've always wanted to rail Kiki since I first saw her on Myspace. I know she's vegan but I always secretly hoped she would eat pussy and ofc wanting her clearly lesbian sister but like…separately ofc
No. 166478
File: 1610364183312.jpg (70.8 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>166475kiki-fucker here and yes she's my little kankan spergy-sperg. My aetherial basketcase.
The only bad thing is I can't pull her hair because I'd make my little waify waifu bald…
No. 166504
File: 1610385198749.jpg (90.88 KB, 1000x1000, sevdaliza.jpg)

not at all ashamed, just acknowledging she's rather unconventional looking, but still really hot and talented
No. 166516
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while we're posting cows, picrel idk if it's worse that i want to fuck her or that i unironically think she's funny
No. 166810
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>>158895She looks fantastic for her 59 years and has always been beautiful. I want her to domme the life and soul out of me.
No. 166811
File: 1610550470230.jpeg (69.21 KB, 604x604, CC54FCD4-4A09-4E6C-A2CC-4464AF…)

>>158895Sabrina Nellie. I know there’s like a 1 in 4 chance she’d accidentally shit on me but it would be worth it
No. 166936
File: 1610615542631.png (636.4 KB, 741x476, Capture-Tomi-Lahren.png)

I'm very ashamed
No. 167086
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>>166936She's so fucking hot, it's hard for me to reconcile how ridiculously attractive she is.
No. 167253
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she's annoying as fuck and has a botched titjob but I still would
No. 167385
>>167269no thanks I'm into biological women
>>167270yeah I think she actually moved to the US recently to be with him
No. 167897
File: 1611064284571.jpeg (107.08 KB, 300x450, 20CEE586-8BA3-496C-BAE2-195036…)

Cecilia Balagot in Dispatches from Hell. I’m ashamed because she looks underage and our age distance is a bit too much for me, but she’s my ideal girl as Clara personality and looks wise.
No. 167903
File: 1611065855064.jpg (93.47 KB, 986x555, rileywilliams.jpg)

That crazy Capitol riot lady they just arrested for trying to sell Pelosi's laptop to Russia is really cute. If only she had the exact opposite personality, ie pretentious Lit major who's experimenting with communism and loves modern art, I would most definitely hit on her in a bookstore or something.
>>167897She's cute as hell. Good taste you
No. 168055
File: 1611159406490.jpg (1.89 MB, 1500x2000, Official_portrait_of_Rt_Hon_Pr…)

Priti Patel. She's a Conservative politician who's nationally despised across the UK but god…
Why is she so hot?
No. 168138
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>>168033at the very least she was a middle school lesbo
No. 168212
File: 1611259981964.jpg (Spoiler Image,282.73 KB, 1080x1329, 20210121_211115.jpg)

I wanna eat her out so bad
No. 168277
File: 1611289848831.jpg (43.57 KB, 474x711, jd_samson.jpg)

not ashamed, but I'd say JD is unconventionally beautiful
No. 168283
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>>168174she is a little chunky
No. 168333
File: 1611333850545.jpeg (528.27 KB, 828x604, 671561EE-5E4F-467E-A07B-A7316F…)

nicole dollanganger. i like a lot of her music and she’s pretty but as a person she is fucking unbearable
No. 168367
File: 1611348372749.gif (973.19 KB, 500x265, 47nGm.gif)

wtf i love miley now
No. 168379
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stephenie meyer. i'd marry her.
No. 168381
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Holy shit, the new White House Press Secretary is fucking hot. Idk enough about her to say I'm ashamed, but this didn t seem appropriate for the general attractive woman thread. Goddamn, though. Kayleigh could never.
No. 168427
>>168286That is… beyond butch. Looks like a Troon imo
To each their own tho
No. 168440
>>168277Oh YES I agree. Love Le Tigres too.
>>168427Stop hating on gnc women.
No. 168446
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>>168440right? she gets an incredible amount of hate online for her looks.
No. 168475
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No. 168482
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She looks so strong and cozy and I want her to spoon me.
No. 168510
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She's not real and also a fucking Sonic character but… honestly…
No. 168595
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to me she's in the same category as miley cyrus of "very cute but fucktarded"
No. 168673
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No. 168859
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She's completely insufferable, but if I saw Vicky in any of her forms (including unflattering chunky candids) at the club, I'd do her.
No. 168878
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the dominatrix from those Cut YouTube videos
No. 168916
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Please mommy scam me
No. 169002
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Ashamed because I'm too stupid for this type of ladies IRL.
This video is so beautiful No. 169527
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No. 169852
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>>169765self-proclaimed pansexual, really plays up the flamboyant gay man caricature
No. 171040
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why is she so adorable
No. 171052
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The poor cutie girl from the movie Saló/120 Days of Sodom (1975). There is a scene where she has to eat poop. She's pure and innocent. Also reminds me of the brother of an ex who has also an interesting face. Either way if you want to see a controversial piece of cinema that acquired cult status, watch that movie if you need to. Pure depravity.
No. 171054
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speaking of cute pr0nstars i always thought stoya was pretty as hell
No. 171074
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>>171060NTA but its right there in the file name, Sevdaliza, she's a singer
No. 171085
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>>168988nta but caroline calloway
>>171069her music slaps but i'm a hyperpop fag so that might just be my stupid taste
>>171074>>171079would love for that to happen, i have a very similar side profile. i've been seeing a resurgence in appreciation for roman/ aquiline/ prominent noses on like twitter and tiktok with the renaissance painting trend and it makes me feel a lot better lol
but really there's something about celebrities who refuse to get nose jobs that is so powerful. idk whether that's just a reflection of how low the bar is these days or whether i just love when people have unique features
>>162985>>163653>>164022>>164351>>165722>>165987>>168595>>168673>>171047hard agree on all, also sasha grey was normal not-guilty hot in that would you rather horror movie even tho her character was insufferable
also i was watching The Boys and pic related made me remember that i'm bi
No. 171091
File: 1612914729328.jpg (464.49 KB, 1536x2048, remy-tw.jpg)

I'd do NSFW things to thicc MILF Remy LaCroix all night long. Hmm, we never did find out if she genuinely liked women or was just gay for pay… any theories?
No. 171131
>>171091Knowing how shitty Remy Lacroix was to Jada Stevens on her exit soured me from liking her. Personally, I think she looked best as a cute hula hoop dancer. She's a cunt as it turns out and really had the audacity to claim any other girl who does hula hooping combined with nsfw content is copying her, not to mention that she complained that the company she was with used similar pov shots of another girl when it's like, c'mon, you really believe in porn they care about yOu? It's a dog eat dog world out there, they don't give a shit. By then she was in her late 20s and had the pettiness of a high schooler. What a cow in her own right.
She is cute alright, but I couldn't give a fuck about her and her flabby ass anymore.
No. 171154
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Been watching The Good Place and now I have a thing for Jameela Jamil. Ashamed because she's such a cow and has horrible bangs, and also because I have a thing for her obnoxious character (which is apparently her IRL too).
No. 171229
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>>171113>calling a thicc MILF a thicc MILF makes you a trans woman nowChrist you’re dumb.
No. 171233
>>171091She has a nice face and at 32 she's good proof that men talking about the wall hitting at 30 are out of touch.
I hate the whole big ass thing tho. She was petite a few years ago and now like everyone else she grew an ass that is the focus point of everything. It's so rooted in what straight men are into so seeing her lean heavily into that selling point turns my gay ass off, personally. She's all anal scenes and rimming, including eating mens asses… yeah it's hard to look past that
No. 171244
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No. 171262
Could be a pornsick girl brainwashed by the male gaze tho.
Either case get help anon.
No. 172201
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No. 172214
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>>171091I imagine being attracted to Riley Reid is even worse than being attracted to Remy. Sometimes I even watch her Youtube channel
No. 172279
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I know nothing of leftcows from /snow but thread image looks pretty damn hot
No. 172292
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Michelle Carter (the woman charged with pressuring her boyfriend into suicide) got released just last year looking like this.
No. 172378
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>>172279I think they’re cows but Anna and dasha are both so cute to me tbh
No. 173204
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Wouldn't fucc but I think she is really pretty here
No. 173240
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Ashamed because she's much older and all that weird drama. She's just so weirdly hot in Gotham + she reminds me of this one girl I got a crush on back when I was a teenager
No. 173362
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younger arielle
No. 173507
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>>173504this do be the women you're ashamed to say you'd fuck thread. i don't get what you're trying to prove
No. 173536
>>173240joining you
i'm not up on celebrity drama. she's hot as fuck with a beautiful body.
No. 173538
>>172292I'm sorry for my rant
Anyone who read the full, complete transcript of their texts can't possibly support the prosecution. What a fucked up case. She never should have gone to jail.
This is one of these things I can't really stop being passionate about. She encourages him for weeks/months to get help. They were both mentally ill. She suggests that he go to treatment with her. He declines. She goes to treatment alone. At some point he says he really wants to die and says over and over it's his only choice, nothing is going to help him. She keeps asking him if he is sure about that, he says yes a billion times.
So then she decides to help him by encouraging him in the only thing that he believes will bring him peace.
Is it fucked up behavior? Yes. But mostly on his side. It's teenage mentally ill behavior. The fact that she sought some attention after he died? Come on, half of the internet does the same thing, often before the person is even dead.
Don't you find it interesting that the two people who have been charged for other people committing suicide were both young women who were romantically involved with the person who committed suicide? This one was barely even a legal adult. Meanwhile, how many men are driving their wives and kids to suicide? How many stalkers and male abusers?
Dude was mentally ill, committed suicide, and was completely independent of her (not financially or otherwise dependent). But every article about this woman is about how twisted and evil she is. Sure.
No. 173657
>>173538Nta but I agree, another example of misogyny in action. They were both fucked up kids, they didn't need to double down on the girl for trying to help him, even if she was going about it entirely the wrong way. Men pull shit like this all the time with
zero intent to help, instead genuinely wanting their partners partners to die, yet they suffer no consequences. In fact people in power typically ask that we see things from their perspective and say their urgings/threats can't be taken seriously.
No. 173743
>>173657This is one of those cases where I sperge out and can't hold it in, I'm sorry for doing it here, but maybe this is the one place people might agree with me.
You can find the full (mostly) uncensored transcript of their texts online. How did the prosecution win? I am so sick of parents trying to scapegoat kids for their kid's suicide. It's usually a male child, often an adult, but it's never his fault. Now we have judicial precedent for that.
When a woman is being abused or has even been kidnapped: "why doesn't she leave?" stockholm syndrome…
victim blaming (often very subtly implying she likes being abused), making her sound stupid or horrible for putting any offspring in danger by staying
man being abused: omg she TORTURED him and made him feel like LESS than a MAN
I really lost it when everyone blamed Shanann Watts for her and her kids' murder. She was controlling! She sank money into MLMs! She made him feel like less than a man! That scumbag tried to pin the kids' murders on her before admitting he killed all of them.
sorry sorry I won't derail anymore. I hated people picking apart Michelle Carter's appearance and calling her ugly, too. She was 17 at the time of the suicide, 18 in most of the pics. But God, yes, look at her eyebrows amirite? Hate this world.
No. 173849
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I'm not really ashamed to say I'd fuck her but she's not conventionally attractive either.
No. 174008
>>173933Didn't plumbella admit to have it or something of that sort.
>>173852Same. She's for me is very much
>>163246 No. 174050
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I'm ashamed of myself
No. 174151
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I've got a taste for discharge
No. 174173
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For me, it's Charlyne. Mainly because she's over a decade older than me.
>>173849I almost posted her a while ago haha.
Coming to realize my type is "women who seem as if they would have been friends with me in high school" no matter what they look like (within reason).
No. 175048
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Mary Tudor
No. 175050
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>>174322Is she really saying she’s only into men now? I don’t really want to watch any of her videos because they’re annoying but if this is true I don’t know what to think. She was at her cutest for me before the transition.
Alayna Joy is cute to me. Doesn’t know herself at all, the fake lesbian thing is terrible and offensive to me as a bi person but what can I say I’d smash.
No. 175229
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Anyway, as long as we're allowing historical ones… Anne Boleyn sounded like she woulda been narsty
No. 175279
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I think she's annoying and comes off as a pseudo-intellectual, but I really can't deny that she was pretty hot back in the 70s.
No. 175318
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No. 175362
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>>175318same. loved her in Celebrity Big Brother.
No. 175399
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Kill me
No. 175440
>>175279Definitely weirdly torn about her too, tbh. I'm not attracted to her, rather, I really,
really wanna emulate her in terms of style, demeanor, lifestyle, etc, while simultaneously finding her obnoxious and overrated. I don't get why she's considered as iconic as she is, but hell if I'm not jealous that she gets to be rich and famous just for having #nofilter as if that's not exactly what I'd love to be.
No. 179000
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I'd only be ashamed if admitting it to my woke friends tbh. She's hot and based
No. 182434
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don't follow this cow but damn her body
No. 182496
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kate winslet's disheveled and bitchy character on mare of easttown has me feeling in some type of way, that way being ashamed.
No. 183923
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both of them are so hot
No. 184105
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She’s almost twice my age so I feel weird about it.
No. 184126
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She’s genuinely cute without filters and makeup and hot as fuck dolled up, I want to save her retarded ass
No. 184129
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>>182497Ashe is adorable and generally good at her job/keeps to herself, I’d throw her under conventionally attractive and not ashamed to fuck personally
No. 184264
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Not particularly the actress herself but Amanda from Ugly Betty
No. 184278
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>>184264Bitch, me too, the fuck. She and Judy Greer's character in 13 Going On 30 unfortunately gave me a type
No. 184295
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Her fakeness in videos is a turnoff, on top of her already bizarre views on womanhood, but the first time I saw her without knowing anything my heart stopped for a second.
No. 184474
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>>184461The makeup is too dark for her complexion, it looks heavy, but she looks XX and not like and actual male drag queen unless you just mean her makeup. She looks better without it (pic rel) but she's a tradfem youtuber, so of course she feels it's her duty to cover her face like a muslim woman with a hijab. It's fucking sad.
No. 184803
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>>184540I used to think this snowflake was ugly as fuck but now that she is a normal weight she is a 10/10 to me… She's so naturally attractive
No. 185438
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picrel ashnikko. trashy, seems like a pickme and oozes microaggressions against lesbians but i'd still bang her anyway kek
No. 186449
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where is she now???
No. 186465
>>186449This brought back memories. Crushed on her when I was a teen
Found her socials, won't post her cause she looks to be living a normal boring life now, looks about as I expected tho. Except she started sporting a massive poop bun all the time which doesn't suit her.
No. 186495
>>186449Damn what a nostalgia bomb
All the middle school latinas were listening to Love me or hate me
No. 187239
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I'm mostly ashamed of the fact that she raps a lot about being a stone butch but I just want to eat her out
No. 187244
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>>186692rapper bigklit aka klitoriusmaximus on IG
No. 192466
>>161297>>162961My queen. I wish we could be autistic together. Man, I miss when she would make ASMR videos. Stupid fucking males have to ruin everything.
>>168475RIP Clover.
>>171054I hope Stoya is okay. I want to bash James Deen's head in.
>>187239God, yes. I posted her in the first thread. I would do anything for her.
No. 194303
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This crazy bitch
No. 194429
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fuck Die Antwoord but god damn Yolandi is hot
No. 194662
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Beautiful on the outside. Inside? No comment kek.
No. 196979
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I swear I’m not trolling. I’m truly ashamed but there’s just something about her I really like? I’m glad she split with ALR I hope she gets in better shape and leads a healthier life overall.
No. 197011
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No. 197043
File: 1625799108227.png (465.96 KB, 521x388, Screenshot.png)

NOT drunk this time but still horny for dorian im so in love with her and this is the only place i can refer to her as her instead of "they" like some retard shit please own me
No. 197052
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>>197043I wish she would just cut out the ~ironic~ incel gamer boy character she's been presenting for a good while now.
No. 197060
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>>197052im legitimately mad that i did not find her until well after she decided to start making herself look like a crackhead gamer eboy why would she do this to her image. in the right mood its still hot because i am actually in love with her but still why
No. 197090
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>>197011i want to hatefuck shoe so badly. she's my worst guilty pleasure but something about the e-thot look unfortunately appeals to me
i'm pretty sure shes shopping her waist in this picture though lol
No. 197113
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Fuck Elon
And also his mom but literally
No. 197115
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I can save her.
No. 197124
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There’s just somethin about her :/
No. 197153
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Amy Lee was my first ever female crush
No. 197180
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I'm not ashamed, she's hot AF
No. 197200
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Julia from t.A.T.u she ruined her look with plastic surgery imo but she made me realize I like girls and I still would
No. 197232
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I love the complex
No. 197334
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No. 197338
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but only if she showers first
No. 197751
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please god spare me
No. 197754
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>>168014good taste anon cuz me too
No. 197758
>>197751Seconding this
>>197753. Sure, she's not the
most conventionally attractive woman, but she's quite talented, has a cute demeanor and nice features. She's lovely, so don't be ashamed!
No. 198352
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i miss her old styling… can't stand her current weird redditor incel fedora-tipper shtick
No. 198436
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Milla Jovovich. I recently fell into a hole of bad video game movie adaptations and I would love to sweep her away from her director husband and give her better roles
No. 198549
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Not that ashamed honestly
No. 198711
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this clownfaced gayden that showed up on my tiktok fyp
No. 198766
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conflicted on this one but I'm going with "would smash" as long as she paid me enough to ruin my reputation
No. 198945
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>>198766I mean I'm attracted to her but definitely would not fuck because I'd be terrified of catching something. I have quite a few that I'm ashamed of, top of the list is Venti. I actually like her eyes, they make her look cat-like. Her body is amazing too. Ashamed because her shtick is so cringe.
No. 198962
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She's gorgeous and baited me with this title ngl. Only ashamed bc I want her to bully me. She seems a little crazy though
>>198945would, I love her eye shape too
No. 199009
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Talking about retarded attractions to ftm, this bitch posted an edited picture to joke about detransitioning and god she'd be so cute.
No. 199024
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>>198766hate that i see the appeal but i really do
No. 199325
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She looks majestic in "Wake me up"
No. 199759
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No. 199878
File: 1627521345030.jpg (75.89 KB, 615x787, florence.jpg)

in the spirit of the leftcows thread on snow, i would like to have a threesome with florence pugh and dasha nekrasova
No. 199919
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No. 199929
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>>199878she’s so hot to me idk why
No. 199931
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The character, of course, not the actor.
No. 200199
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I'm sorry she's just so cute to me
No. 201509
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why does this specific type of women make me wish i was gay
No. 201540
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>>201509You'd love Carol from the Bob Newhart Show then
nonnie. she was pretty based too
No. 201562
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>>201514Agreed. Katey Sagal was hot in Sons of Anarchy too.
No. 202225
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This is not a constant attraction but sometimes she looks very cute…
No. 202235
>>202225Eu não aguento essa peruca dela
She looks both jaundiced and washed out
No. 202240
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I am very straight and found them very ugly at first, I usually only take a second look at 10/10 Megan Fox types, but the more I looked I was like fuck, Ashnikko, Zheani and Leanbeefpatty are perfect goddesses. I even used to mock Ashnikko’s looks.
No. 202254
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>>202240Understandable choices. Picrel has the same energy and I am both terrified of her and love her. I don’t find Ashnikko appealing anymore though. It was really lame that she responded to the criticism of her clitoris song/costume by coming out as genderfluid. And the more songs she releases, the less unique and interesting she is somehow.
No. 202256
>>202254I thought this was Grimes at first glance kek
Also Ashnikko is such a tryhard and has been from the beginning.
No. 202466
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Mizkif's sister…
No. 202683
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Read her thread in /snow/, didn't think much at first but then promptly had a dream where we fucked and I enjoyed it. I'm not thaaaaat ashamed bcs another anon was just recently talking about how they find her hot too
No. 202685
>>202466she was absolutely gorgeous a few years ago, before all the plastic surgery, also unfortunately was an insecure heux fucking gross loser dudes.
the worst thing she could have ever done was associate with lena the plug
No. 205256
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No. 205341
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I don’t even know why but I instantly felt sexual attraction first time I saw her. Only fuck tho.
No. 205772
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I know I should be ashamed, because she had a double mastectomy, but I want to eat her out for hours. I love her aesthetic, her hips and her thighs. I found her via Arielle Scarcella, but it seems she has deleted the video.
No. 205889
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I think she is pretty, and I like the eccentric make up and costumes. Also, her Garfield collection is adorable
No. 206876
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I want a threesome with Azealia Banks and Grimes
No. 206919
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No. 206937
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the older jodie foster gets the hotter she becomes to me at least. i just don't get why she's with that strange looking bitch she deserves better
No. 206938
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regardless of what you think of her politics, you can't deny she's a true alpha female. even her voice is bossy
No. 206951
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She's a pathological liar and sold private texts to TMZ, but fuck
No. 206984
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Pity she's a straight autohomoeroticist
No. 206990
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found her through a tumblr post, apparently she's just some wag but damn
No. 207096
>>207055Maybe I didn't explain it correctly.Rain Dove sold those texts and drove a wedge between Rose and Asia, then cheated on Rose twice while using "she's a
terf" as the excuse basically. She's an obvious grifter.
No. 207315
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Sharon Angela, but specifically when she was playing Rosalie Aprile in The Sopranos. I have a thing for older women Why yes, I do have mother issues. How did you guess? and she's so gorgeous in an almost unconventional way. She also has a raspy smokers voice and that really does it for me.
No. 207421
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She seems a little immature and content can be very cringy (plus saw that she's a they/them when I went to get pictures to post here) BUT she's the girl teenage me would have loved to date so I might have a tiny crush…
No. 207439
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gloria stuart in this alternative ending of titanic
No. 207444
>>207421she gives me really strong lesbian vibes & she seems like a cool person but i just can't stand to watch her content. didn't realise she's a they/them too, it's kind of a shame
>>207439anon… why
No. 207451
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>>207439You know what? I can see it. Shorter hair would look nicer but she does have cute old lady hands (a weakness of mine, especially the age spots)
No. 207487
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Pre transition Buck Angel was a snack, but also a drug addicted, abusive, self harming mess.
No. 207659
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She's embarrassing but she's so so beautiful, very unique face
No. 207953
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Laura Ingraham is hot, I can fix her.
No. 208066
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I'm not a scrote. I think she's gorgeous and I feel like we would at least be good friends.
No. 208168
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No. 208398
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her voice is sultry and smooth like buttermilk biscuits and gravy, yes ma'am
No. 208506
>>208168timeline where Butler was the sexy
terf queen we deserve instead of practically inventing tranny shit.
No. 208519
>>208498omg im so glad i wasn't the only one lol
we need to write the 'good ending' fanfic PRONTO
No. 208583
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Saw her in Simply's Love or Host and imediately started crushing. Checked her socials and saw she's a she/they.
No. 209207
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>>207315I can see it, but what about Carmella? I could never understand why everyone hates her character so much and calls her ugly, I think its just that there are so many scrote Sopranos fans who think she's worse for marrying the mob psychopath than actual the psychopath? I just want to help her around the house, bake ziti with her and give her the love and affection she never got from Tony.
No. 211236
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Under all the filler somewhere along the way she's just a unique beauty to me.
She's also annoyingly endearing as problematic as she is I don't know why help.
No. 211670
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she's a big-time scammer and a retarded tran-stanning libfem but i still kinda would
No. 211672
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Absolutely ashamed for this one, since she would probably post a insta post about how much i was a bad lay since i didn't go to Cambridge, but gosh she is pretty and unhinged
No. 211757
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>>211236I get this and the “hot girl energy,” but I would 10000% rather get with Ashly. I don’t even think I’d be ashamed, she’s beautiful and way funnier than Tana imo
No. 212094
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My friend ranted about how Kirsten Dunst hit the wall and I nodded but deep down I know I still would.
No. 212102
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>>212094Dunno who this gus johnson looking fucker is that she's with but she looks good to me and out of this guys league
No. 212105
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>>212100>>212102Yeah we were watching On Becoming a God in Central Florida and she's styled less glam in the show. I still think she's pretty and hot but she just looks more like a normal human woman and not a celebrity it girl.
No. 212551
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Solely based on the scene of her tasting blood.
No. 212564
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Anya, Riley Reid, young Shayna, Kenna the art hoe, Mrs Midwest, Jennifer Lawrence, Clara dow, most TikTok stars pre breast implants
No. 212586
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I don't watch porn, I know of the assault allegations, I know people think she hurt "the cause" with her rants. Tbh the rants only made her hotter to me.
No. 212673
>>212564> young ShaynaYeah she was cute when she was skinny, if she stuck to her grungey aesthetic she’d have been cuter. Ya know, ignoring the downstairs disaster lol
>>212608Like now or….
No. 212775
>>212673Meh I was a lesbian through high school and college and went down on plenty of girls who have sloppy razor techniques that make their downstairs look like a diaper rash since a lot of them were still learning how to shave/trim their pubic area correctly, I'm quite use to bad razor bumps/butt pimples/ other bodily imperfections a lot of girls have
I feel like most people who hook up with lots of women regularly are use to bodily flaws and don't care about them, just like how a bunch of straight women simp over complete uggo beasts of men. Nothing about shays appearance in her alternative stage has ever bothered me. I'd even still do her now if it wasn't for her annoying personality and pedo pandering
No. 212785
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No. 212875
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There is nothing shameful about Carla but I feel bad for ogling her
No. 213705
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she cute
No. 214453
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Even though she is a spoiled and racist POS I still wish she could be my sugar mama.
No. 214545
>>208543My guess is that everybody here calls her a pickme for her past as a streamer that got involved with the HWNDU shenanigans as a Trump supporter. It's not just about her having had a nlog vibe, she's been involved with right-wingers and poltards for ages. Overall she just still makes nonnies uncomfortable, no matter where the focus of her content is.
Don't want to be with her but I think she's funny, funnier than the scrotes who pride themselves on being the 'funnier sex'
No. 215103
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I'm only ashamed because she's genderspecial, female carnies are sexy.
No. 215146
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This girl leanbeefpatty from tiktok and other muscular girls idk why I'm ashamed but I'd never tell anyone. If not muscular then I'm a chubby chaser, IDK why I just am not attracted to the conventionally attractive thinner body type
No. 215518
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No. 215579
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idk what's wrong with me, but I love fakebois
No. 215642
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>>215618I'm not exactly sane either, so I'd still sleep with her, but she's probably the straight kind of bi. As in she's just into mtf and regular scrotes and calls that bi. So even with indulging the larp, no shot.
No. 215871
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kelly clarkson was my biggest childhood crush and she's always come off to me as very genuine and cute so i'd fuck her. i'm not even ashamed of it really.
No. 220761
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No. 220936
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way cuter than her brother, I hated how unflattering her haircut was in the sex lives of college girls though
No. 221082
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free her
No. 221088
>>215518anon please…looks like a troon
>>215579just date a man at this point because holy shit
No. 221232
>>221093Ah, a fellow creepy woman appreciator, pleased to make your acquaintance
I really need her to smell my neck and be like “mm human warmth” and see her eyes flash red or something, she just has that lizardy vibe I ♥
No. 222430
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Ashamed only because she's a cow, but I don't actually know anything about her. I don't read her thread but everytime I see her on the front page I think she's really pretty and has a nice body.
No. 222448
>>222445lmao a healthy bmi isn't fat, it's literally a healthy weight. Nor does not being bones equal fat, by that logic someone like
>>206951 would be fat because she doesn't have bones portruding everywhere. Please go snicker your ana logic somewhere else.
No. 222463
>>222448>by that logic someone like >>206951 would be fat because she doesn't have bones portruding everywhere.what? no she would not, you're trying way too hard here to argue with some imaginary ana-chan. *that" picture is what a healthy weight looks like. someone like
>>222430 cannot be both "chubby" and "healthy" because those two are opposites, they don't go together. bmi is an outdated and reductive metric btw.
No. 222524
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>>222500Bit of a long story. Rain Dove is a model and the ex of Rose McGowan. During a TEDxtalk she lied about having been a firefighter and passing as male among them for months. She lies about a lot of small things, even that she won a poetry award in high school. Rose and her friend Asia are both outspoken Harvey Weinstein accusers and Rain accused Asia of grooming and molesting a 12 year old boy. Really the guy was 17 and jumped on Asia, still an iffy situation. Instead of going to the police, Rain drove a wedge between the two friends and sold the texts for 10k to TMZ, hiding the latter fact from Rose until the news broke. Then Rose corroborated Dove's claims, until she found out Dove lied and was behind the leak. Rose got cancelled by TRA's for being terfy in front of a crowd and Rain completely abandoned her. She claimed the relationship was just to hide Rose's ~transphobia~ and that she was used. The things she said which got her cancelled:
>“Don’t label me, sister. Don’t put your labels on me. Don’t you f—ing do that. Do not put your labels on me. I don’t come from your planet. Leave me alone. I do not subscribe to your rules. I do not subscribe to your language. You will not put labels on me or anybody. Step the f— back. What I do for the f—ing world and you should be f—ing grateful. Shut the f— up. Get off my back. What have you done? I know what I’ve done, God dammit.”>“Trans women are women and what I’ve been trying to say is that it’s the same. The stats are not that dissimilar. When you break it down, it is a much smaller population. There’s not a network here devoted to your f—ing death. There’s not advertisers advertising tampons with a camera lovingly going up a girl’s body as she’s being lovingly raped and strangled. Piss off. And until you can collect that f—ing check, back up. My name is Rose McGowan and I am obviously f—ing brave.”Later Rain claimed to secretly interview LGB alliance members. She used to call herself a gender capitalist before the whole gender fluid nonbinary thing. So it's quite clear that the current TRA virtue signal schtick is a grift and that she threw Rose under the bus for monetary reasons. Another pic of her, bc this is quite off topic and long.
No. 222742
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>>215146Muscular body + cute face is such a combo. I disagree with the chubby chasing but the girl you posted is gorgeous
No. 222754
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she needs the kind of love that only another woman could provide
No. 223450
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>>222506She looks like what most athletic girls look like in normal clothes anon. It is a bit hard to tell if it's fat or muscle but she has no rolls or anything and no double chin. Are you going to tell me women in picrel are fat when they most likely have lower body fat percentages than you?
Also certain cameras do make people look fat kek, it's not a fatty thing
No. 223479
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i’m ashamed because it’s disrespectful, but i’ve always found bell hooks irresistible in this photo
No. 223480
>>222524what the fuck, did she really lie about being a firefighter? fucking bitch. way to hold all of us back. really helpful to woman chefs and military people, thanks rain.
rose mcgowan is a massive cow too. making a movement supposedly about women's rights all about her. "citizen rose" seriously?
No. 223506
>>223480She only worked as a wildfire prevention officer and never actually fought any fires. Her confession video is currently privated, but there are news articles reporting on it.
>>223486She's a pathologic liar at this point, but I happen to be really into gnc women. In general it's a taste which ends me up with a long list of women I'm at least a bit ashamed to say I'd fuck, with the current trends.
No. 223561
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Not as ashamed as I should be.
No. 223562
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>>223561She looks so dumb and cute I just want to kiss her
No. 223875
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Never mind me, just want to top Kalvin sometimes…
No. 224091
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Molly Ostertag (Noelle Stevenson's wife) is cute to me but she seems so uwu. I'd love to corrupt her and introduce her to some questionable kinky shit.
No. 224926
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young whoopi goldberg was hot. sue me
No. 225424
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im talking about her(
No. 225435
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I fucking love Anna Faris, I stan her movies, she's just so dopey.
No. 225949
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Kyrsten Sinema, something about this pink outfit
No. 225977
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Not ashamed but wouldn't admit it publicly for obvious reasons. Hannah Berrelli (the terf on TikTok) is hot and way out of my league. I'd love to know more about her, don't really know anything besides what's on her Twitter.
No. 228398
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No. 228402
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No. 228511
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All that sperging about being bisexual, then a month later marries an ugly scrote
No. 229606
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i would lick her boots clean. i'm obsessed
No. 229661
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>>229626she's a "they/them" who i understand to have accepted this label that was more or less forced on her by her fans because she likes doing drag as a means of taking off the costume that is forced femininity (how she explains it), and retards on twitter don't understand that concept so they already always referred to her as 'they' or 'he' anyway. she started going by 'they' and saying she was nonbinary in late 2019 despite performing in drag for at least two years before then. she only tapes her breasts for specific shirtless drag costumes, it's not a "muh dysphoria" thing. definitely not a fakeboi, just a woman that wants to look like a gross man for fun. her drag costumes used to be less gross though, but i still find her insanely attractive when she's dressed like a personified bottle of mt dew. i'm sorry if i sound autistic its just not the vibes i get from her. feel free to disagree and call me delusional im just so sad about very attractive GNC women being commandeered by troons . i would die for her
No. 229670
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>>229606>>229661same, I try not to look at whatever dumb shit she does on social media and instead just watch the videos. it's a shame she is so cringe
No. 229675
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>>229661>>229670glad to see I'm not alone kek, but she really peacked during that career boy music clip imo
No. 229689
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>>229675my descent into utter depravity over my objectionable lust for dorian electra started with the career boy video.
No. 230479
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i hate it here
No. 247137
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Kate Bush but specifically fakeboi Kate Bush from the video for Cloudbusting I'm in love with normal Kate Bush too but that's not shameful
No. 247174
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I'm almost sure she's a they/them now but still a dream gf.
No. 247219
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>>247193 Yeah, I think her frequent use of the trans flag and words like "queer" had me thinking otherwise but anyway, ladies at the conventional thread would bully me for this one so here's another cute pic of her with a kitty.
No. 248382
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I want to bake a cake with her
No. 248776
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She is an odd one but
No. 248950
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Not really ashamed but she isn’t conventionally attractive at all. I’ve never been attracted to anyone as much as I am to LP.
No. 252554
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>be zoomer
>skeptic community on YT very popular when in high school
>think Shoe0nHead is very funny and entertaining but don't watch her vids because she supports troons
>find her threads on LC years later
>binge read them
>hate her but keep reading them
>see her leaked nudes
>they awaken urges in me
>get sad when the threads are over
>realize I'm reading them because I have developed a crush on her watching her embarrass herself
>think she is so hot and love her spergy stupid meme personality
>mfw wig would be dream gf if she were based and pink pilled
>mfw I fantasize about sucking her tits and converting her to man-hating
Just kill me now
No. 253605
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I want Anna Sorokin/Delvey to be my scammer gf
No. 255872
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She's so sweet and funny, I wish she was my gf or best friend
No. 255914
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Not that ashamed bc I don’t think she’s ugly or anything. I just understand it’s a weird and random choice. What can I say? I love milfs that seem like they can and would beat my ass
No. 256363
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Emily Kavanaugh from Night Club
No. 256901
>>159897Holy shit I thought the same thing but I thought I was crazy
Her intensity excites me
No. 257592
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bitch is crazy and definitely cow material
No. 257910
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>>224991>>224926I liked her in Corina Corina too
No. 259497
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she can make content about (but preferably with) me any day
No. 259618
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everything about her personality disgusts me but something about her face is so cute why
No. 261024
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Elisa aka Moonlight Jewel I thought was very cute and unconventional. I hadn't checked in on her in awhile but it looks like she got some work done to her face and teeth. She had kind of crooked teeth before and I thought they were the cutest. I still think she's pretty and she seems more confident in showing herself so good on her I guess
No. 263769
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No. 263770
>>263769Why the shame ?
Apart from exuding bourgeois naïveté from 100 yards away, she is not even that bad of an actress
No. 264118
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I am in love with her
No. 266987
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Cathy Cat! I love how cringe and true she is to herself and she surprisingly has a rockin bod under all those layers of her outfits.
No. 267501
File: 1654094381265.jpeg (72.43 KB, 379x750, 0B6394C4-1C59-4005-B82D-AA37C9…)

Sorry for the pixelation, but this is my favorite photo of her, and I can’t find the normal-sized version anywhere.
Everything about PnP’s current appearance/lifestyle/personality is vile, but I always found her pre-surgery look striking and unique. That dark hair + big nose combo does it for me.
No. 267647
>>253605All I can see is fem Riddler thanks to those other threads. lmao
>>267501She was so strikingly beautiful before, it's really a shame she ruined herself. I guess it's kind of karma at a point though. Will always make me laugh when she does those before and after posts.
No. 268720
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gotmikk the aiden troon from season 13 of drag race
No. 270221
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1980's Margaret Thatcher.
No. 270279
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Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul. Is it just me?
No. 270284
>>270279>ashamedgirl what? she's really attractive and has a lovely voice
I guess you mean because her character is what it is?
No. 270289
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mommy cersei
No. 271274
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shit, if I can’t post this here I can’t anywhere.
Kathleen Stock
No. 272464
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Dani (but only when she isn't trying to look like a baddie)
No. 272491
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>>270289Fuck, same here but book Cersei is my favorite. There's just something about her.
No. 272494
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Not ashamed she’s based and cute but kind of random- Aja the radfem on Twitter.
No. 272606
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i'd love to kiss her and pat her on the head and be crazy man-scamming bitches with her so bad… fake self-harm, get illegal surgeries, suicide bait for fun… idgaf i find her cute even rn, when she looks haggard. IDC I WANNA DO IT REAL BAD.
No. 272847
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I would fuck adult Effy from Skins. I want to see what all the fuss was about.
No. 273254
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I had a sex dream about her once
No. 273267
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>>273254I get it anon, Tilda Swinton is so hot (imo) that even her weirdest character have this enticing aura, I've thought way too much about picrel for exemple
No. 273283
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>>272877agree. she's gorgeous and was perfect as jane. my favorite adaptation of the book. oh, and No. 273293
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Free her.
No. 275152
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I might help their marriage die by having the world's most awkward and painful threesome with them.
No. 275166
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i see alot of fakebois being posted here, glad im not the only one that finds some of them attractive.
off topic but i wonder if liking tifs doesnt make me a lesbian? i wouldnt date one whos been on T for many years or had phallo though
No. 275308
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>>158895gezebelleeee shes so hot i always get made fun of 4 likign her haha
No. 275329
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i just think she's so cute
No. 275575
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>>275166nona we could fix them
No. 276309
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If she was a normal person who also dressed and styled herself normally, I could see her as a very cute next-door kind of girl. I love her nose! One second in her thread is enough to put me off though.
No. 276416
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Watched Blair Witch Project for the first time. Why’d she have to die, nonnas? She just wanted to make her spooky/informative film.
No. 276591
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The short hair suits her so well, I think she’s going to look even better as she matures.
>>275575the only tranny I’ve ever been attracted to. Hoping for her sake she has a detrans arc.
No. 276610
>>276416You gotta read the trivia for this film, ( the way they made it was so cool. Also I didn't know she and her character in the film shared the same name. She has since changed it bc it made it hard for her to get roles after BWP.
>>276591Aw she looks cute! (non sexually) I just looked it up and she is 19. I wonder how she really feels about her career and image. Her clothes are so bad whenever I see her styled.
No. 277332
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i have an unfortunate thing for libfemmy/woke looking women who are probably mostly straight like dana terrace and molly ostertag. some others who aren't animation cows too, phoebe bridgers annoys me so much but i'd probably hatefuck her.
No. 277476
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Emi but without the colored contacts/lenses and makeup.
Anyway, I know these are old, but I felt like replying anyway.
>>60803>>45767>>>/snow/49394>>153298>>153357Jameela Jamil
No. 277726
File: 1658704884819.png (860.29 KB, 1170x845, 1234565432.png)

I've been watching Jerry Springer reruns for the trashy butch content. Picrel I want to lick her grill and fix her.
No. 277732
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Unconventional yeah but no shame whatsoever.
No. 277743
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CURRENT winona ryder. yea
No. 278097
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>>158895I wouldn’t say I’m ashamed to want to fuck Sue Aikens, but she’s older and most people probably wouldn’t find her physically attractive.
No. 278145
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Heidi Krieger, only ashamed to say it because at this point in her life (where I find her attractive, nowadays not so much) she was being medicated very heavily with PEDs. Her story is quite sad honestly, she was an East German elite athlete and according to her the state started doping her around 16 years old telling her it was vitamins and supplements. They continued doing this to her throughout her 20’s (picrel is her in her early 20’s) and in her late 20’s she retired from sport and then in her early 30’s transitioned to male because all the years of intense anabolic steroid use had made her look completely like a man anyway. She claims she had gender dysphoria pre-doping, but also claims that that receiving hormones without her consent deprived her of the right to "find out for myself which sex I wanted to be." She goes by Andreas now.
No. 278727
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i could save her.
No. 279479
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i want to be a student at bennington with young pags as my prof
No. 279568
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>>279527it’s enough for me. also when she isn’t talking about feminism she’s much more appealing, i could listen to her rave about katharine hepburn and emily dickinson and liz taylor and oscar wilde for days
No. 279966
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The entire cast of this show excluding the tranny.
No. 280047
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I want to wife her and spoil her. She deserves so much better than her trashy husband and ever since I stared the show she’s always been been right and based. Everything she did so far is justified.
No. 280134
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If she kept her shirt on, maybe? I'm afraid her legs are too skinny as well, so maybe she could be fully clothed. Actually, I probably don't even want her I just want to fix her.
No. 280532
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>>280134she used to be so cute
No. 282977
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Florence Given (cringe libfem who just released her first novel about being queer)
No. 284352
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I want her to be my sugar mommy
I wish she'd stop caping for pedos
No. 284562
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I would have a threesome with Doja Cat and Phoebe Bridgers
No. 284728
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specifically her character in this movie too. i have a thing for trunchbull-like women idfk.
No. 285631
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The OG neutral trutrans according to
>>>/snow/1541490 No. 286013
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No. 287722
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>>287172Tove's willingness to make herself look "ugly" and not give a fuck is exactly why she's hot. Cant comment on her choice in men though
No. 288598
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I'm rather ashamed but I find her brown eyes with no lashes super attractive, also when she laught she look like a cute mice. Nonnies help me
No. 288899
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i could fix her
No. 288979
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I can't decide if I want to fix her or if I want her to make me worse
No. 289003
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Ashamed to say I couldn't help thinking she's hot.
No. 289398
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just popping into the thread to say i somehow still have a massive crush on camille paglia
>>289003she’s straightforwardly hot. no shame whatsoever about this one
No. 290299
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Lord help me.
No. 290827
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Late 90's Giorgia Meloni
No. 291122
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uk nonnies….
No. 291148
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No. 292787
File: 1665126232143.jpg (15.85 KB, 277x280, NasimRoshanei.jpg)

Nasim Roshanei isn't embarrassing at all, she is actually very admirable. Which is exactly where my shame comes from. She's a journalist for a politically independent Persian language media organization, created by Iranians in exile. You can imagine why she's been in the news a lot lately, talking about an extremely important topic. Meanwhile the first thought that popped in my head when she came on the screen was "holy shit she's beautiful" and it only got worse as she started talking and it became very evident how impressive she is. There is a time and place for such thoughts and that wasn't it.
No. 292802
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she’s so drop dead gorgeous i would ask her to sit on my face so fucking bad
i wish she wasnt a Richard Ramirez fangirl tho
No. 292810
>>292809You forgot this
No. 292816
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>>292814i wont care ill probably marry her
No. 292831
File: 1665147191889.jpg (78.27 KB, 829x857, twitter_FNf0zBOVQAInH5P.jpg)

>>292824she's Sarah M, a german moid-killer, she used to lure her
victim thru dating apps and then stabbed him for fun. free my girl
No. 292847
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>>292802She actually not that hot, unfortunately.
No. 292948
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ashamed only because watching her fight on twitter with pixie was a little embarrassing. i didnt care for her too much until i watched her livestream the other day and sort of fell for her
No. 292963
File: 1665199114378.jpeg (1.96 MB, 3200x2133, 1411360920.jpeg)

She's a theythem and hasn't ever had a decent haircut apart from picrel, styles self like a zoomer and seems annoying as fuck. Annyway, I would fuck.
No. 292968
>>292963Fuck, same
nonny. Is she bi or a lesbian though? I read somewhere she has a nigel, haven't looked into it cause I don't care enough but wouldn't be surprised
No. 292973
File: 1665201192240.jpeg (138.89 KB, 1251x939, 5b2d7e4deddd7.jpeg)

Emily Youcis. I'm ashamed because she's a literal nazi who posts about wanting to genocide various ethnic groups.
No. 292983
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I have no shame and admit it on the daily. In and out costume. I would wife her if given the opportunity.
No. 292999
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>>292963Love her terrible style but the non binary stuff kills me. She's not annoying at all in her interviews, her they/them persona doesn't shine in her interactions. Can't help but find her hot as hell.
No. 293230
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there's nothing unconventional about her looks but the fact that i got a massive crush on her because of blue is the warmest colour which has a ton of problems makes me feel bad. also apparently she's homophobic which also just makes me look dumb lol
No. 293679
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I'm only ashamed because she's Elon's mother otherwise I have no shame in my attraction to much older women
No. 294091
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>>292968>google her moid out of morbid curiosity>it's picrelUnsurprising but also somehow worse than I thought
No. 295052
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I cant believe she was once normal-looking and cute.
No. 295075
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Help me nonnies
I don't know if these are real but how is Martha so hot? How is she in her 80s? How???
No. 295183
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She's batshit and I love her
No. 295399
File: 1666479865875.jpeg (72.13 KB, 500x750, 8DDC375B-6E8A-42C3-987F-3EBF41…)

She’s so beautiful. She looks like a Tibetan fox.
No. 295459
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No. 295837
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I could have saved her…
No. 295852
File: 1666667214058.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x2039, 1658526480748.jpeg)

zara was so fucking good looking before she let herself think corpsecore was a good idea
No. 295855
File: 1666667684625.jpg (417.95 KB, 1080x1323, 1664081386662323.jpg)

she pisses me off a lot for being a dumb libfem (and for being with musk) but i really love looking at her and she is on my mind a lot sometimes…..
No. 296172
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>>295183how can people be into media about unhinged/witchy/mysterious women and not find natalie beautiful or at least somewhat likeable? they have a natural unaffected example of the witchy it factor they claim to love and aspire to, yet they reflexively fear her or make fun of her for being weird of all things smh.
maybe if she was goth or a hippie they would fucking get it?
No. 296367
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Detransition saga when?
No. 298191
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She makes me feel things.
No. 298212
>>296172wouldn't fuck her but i sure would get her flowers and chocolates, she's a lady!
>>298191yep me too
No. 298300
>>271274Lmao same, I need a British-ugly
terf in my life
No. 298304
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>>271274Not really ashamed of this one, at least not saying it anonymously where people can't seethe at me for it, but Hannah Berrelli is definitely the hottest big name
terf No. 298484
File: 1668063999368.png (586.02 KB, 772x595, 1668048277012790.png)

A nerd fetish + bisexuality makes me very attracted to this crypto CEO
No. 298621
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>>298485She's like 30 years old.
No. 298849
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ashamed isn't the most accurate word but i don't think she fits in the other thread kek. i'd have loved to have had a toxic victorian romance with her.
No. 298854
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No. 299016
File: 1668312698933.png (395.78 KB, 613x585, Marcie_Fleach.png)

>>298621>>298484Literally hot dog water but IRL
No. 299054
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I’m ashamed to be attracted to Isabel Peralta, a fascist neo Nazi from Spain
No. 299075
File: 1668343373609.jpg (72.59 KB, 640x922, d.jpg)

>ugly as sin
>worst kind of sjw
>makes shit content and rips off other equally annoying idiots like hontra, lindsay ellis, jenny nicholson, and somehow manages to be the most punchable breadtuber despite these people existing
>destiel shipper
literally despise this bitch. she ticks every box for things i hate, but holy shit her tits are amazing. i have to concede i would fuck.
No. 299077
File: 1668344073795.png (1.19 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20221110-111936.png)

She is stupid hot here
No. 299093
>>299086kek nonna quit your pathetic simping. jenny was literally a celebrity of /mlp/. she was part of the most creepy degenerate fandom ever, bathing in the attention of her pedo brony orbiters for years, being a huge pickme and enabling all of the degeneracy. i don't understand how in the world this narrative of her being some kind of innocent ~autistic~ poor wittle horsegirl came to be. like she was already in her 20s when she started making brony content lewding the characters etc. but i guess when she became an sjw breadtuber, she decided to retcon all that and/or act like it never went down, and to start suddenly complaining about the sexualization of the ponies by the creepy guys, while she was literally part of it herself and was friends with/working with said creepy guys.
>she's the best geek girl out thereew. honestly though i understand people like her videos and whatnot, i personally loved the friendship is witchcraft/sherclop ponies stuff when i was 12 and into mlp. but pretending she's somehow above the other retards is so dumb i don't know what to say. imo she's exactly like lindsay but almost worse considering what she built her career on.
No. 299104
File: 1668355562458.jpg (70.28 KB, 735x987, a830bdd5f41347528bc2bbe6b27a81…)

>>299100lol. they are exactly the same, their videos are all 3 hour essays overanalyzing pointless and braindead media for manchildren or teenage girls or both. jenny, lindsay and sarah could just as well be one single channel. i guess you're wking cause you have a crush on her though? since you're itt.
she could be kind of hot if she dressed her age instead of trying desperately to look uwu smol bean like in her videos. she has a nice body.
No. 299172
>>299093You say that but you basically are a moid-brained woman that'd apparently fuck a woman she found ugly and punchable - also a destiel shipper…tf? did you engage in tumblr turf wars of some shit? - because of her tits if you are the same anon as
>>299075 Also I might not have my facts straight bc I don't watch Jenny, but you going off about what Jenny allegedly did years ago (I guess there's some sources showing she knew she was working with a pedo? Or was it that the witchcraft thing lewded the ponies?) and acting like you knew her exact feelings on it - that she was just attention whoring - years ago is odd. Enabling pedos? Kek, what? Do you hear yourself–do you think she had enough pull to shut down the degenerates in the fandom? A girl that just wants to make fan content and probably doesn't want to set off the hive? It's not admirable, it's quite dumb, but this is something that all fanartists had to contend with, pedophilia optional.
Also it's like everyone forgets fuckup "SJWs" like Vaush exist that switch between screeching about believing women, and spewing misogyny the next second. It's amazing to me that annoying women are peak despicable to some of you. Just admit it: you just hold those women to higher standards than you do other SJWs and those creepy guys. That you whined about however Jenny dresses just goes to show how weird and obsessive you are about her.
No. 299491
File: 1668538441684.png (1.57 MB, 640x1136, 01179.png)

>>299163she's just being held hostage by her tranny skinwalker brother. i could save her.
No. 299747
>>299172>you basically are a moid-brained woman that'd apparently fuck a woman she found ugly and punchabledo you know what thread this is? why are you here?
>I don't watch Jennysure lmao you're just here wking her like a crying wojak for no reason.
>Just admit it: you just hold those women to higher standards than you do other SJWs and those creepy guysno, it's very much the opposite. this is specifically the women you're ashamed to say you'd fuck thread though, so why the hell would i bring up male sjws and discuss them here? if anyone is holding women to a higher standard it's you weirdos coming in these threads just to police women thirstposting about cows. sage your sperging you insufferable dumbass.
>>299166obviously not, that was an example of how she can dress normally and look good like i said. in her videos she's usually dressed like a tif faking autism on tiktok.
No. 299803
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No. 299841
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she autistically gets me and i’ve developed a weird parasocial crush on her
No. 300898
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This posh twat. Fleabag as well
No. 301012
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Lucia Cifarelli of KFMDM.. her voice is so enticing & smooth & her stage presence is so powerful. She also has broad shoulders & high cheekbones just like me which gives me this weird feeling of comfort about her. She is so beautiful. I could go on for hours abt her
I’m so gay for her it’s not even funny, nonas
No. 301038
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Iszi Lawrence, I saw her in that dramatized Netflix pirate documentary and I became obsessed. I'm not ashamed per se but she is kind of a (cute) dweeb and I feel like anons would pillory me if I posted her in the other thread. Based on her Twitter posts she seems at the very least GC, possibly radfem-leaning. She also does judo and there's a photo of her throwing a wholeass man on her Instagram.
No. 301104
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Trisha Paytas as Troy Bolton/Zac Efron in her Bet On It music video. Dream wife.
No. 301105
>>301104this is so funny
nonny have a wonderful day you made me chuckle
No. 301699
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why is she so hot?? why is she so hot without makeup?? UGH
No. 301733
>>301724The thread title is "Women You're
Ashamed To Say You'd Fuck", I'd assume
nonnie knows and/or doesn't approve…
No. 301753
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No. 308299
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I don't listen to her music and I thought she was kind of ugly when she was skinny but now she's chubby? I'm very into her. She looks like the mom of a friend who you only stay in contact with in order to go to their house and see their mom. Saw this posted in celebricows and it sealed the deal for me
No. 315433
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I don't know much about about Chris Chan lore or her involvement in it, but apparently she knew about his mother and didn't discourage him which makes her a scum. She's so beautiful and sexy to me tho (sorry for sounding like a scrote. And yes, I know about the fungus).
No. 315610
>>315434God I…no…im not going to say it…God I w- no, stop, fight the urges
the urges are so strong God I wish tha-ENOUGH
The devil on my shoulder cannot tempt me
No. 318784
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No. 327053
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Shaynaused to be kinda attractive im sorry
No. 327273
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>Be a wrestler fan
>Is fan of the divas but none of them caught my attention
>she and Beth Phoenix arrive.
>well, fuck.
No. 339338
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Only ashamed because she’s the host of what is basically a children’s reptile education channel. She usually dresses like THE dorkiest redditor complete with lame humor t-shirts, but they just posted a rare vacation vlog and I’m sorry to say but the deep cut bikini coverup is doing things to me. She’s super fucking tall too and literally has a model’s body but doesn’t lean into it at all kek. I want to pick out new glasses for her at least.
No. 339451
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>>327273Ngl Nattie is adorable and she seem to be very sweet outside of the ring. For me it's Tamina tho
No. 339869
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I would give her all the bugs in my compost pile.
No. 341879
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I'm not ashamed. I just hate it when she draws on that fake mustache.
No. 341934
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>>341910She's so unbelievably attractive when she does normal drag instead of the weird gendie fashion.
No. 341957
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I want Hannah Horvath from season one of Girls to be my pillow princess so badly. I want to listen to her ramble and cook for her and make her scream. I’m normally attracted to bony girls but she has this beautiful impish smile and small perky boobs UHG
No. 344738
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Daniela Sea. She's a tif but goddamm she's so hot pre and post transitioning it's insane. She was better looking pre testosterone though, after it she gained sad dead tired eyes and eye bags and looks sickly, but she still looks "handsome" after it.
No. 344740
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After the stuff she went through I feel immense guilt about founding her attractive, because it makes me feel like I'm no better than her abusers.
No. 346362
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Every day Hannah Berrelli doesn't use my face as her throne is a day of suffering.
No. 346382
>>346362Why "ashamed"
Isn't she a based
terf No. 346976
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I'd treat her right.
No. 347661
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looks/looked almost exactly like my ex so i so would
No. 348814
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>>339338Update: still on my bullshit. I'm sorry god for my sins of lusting after a woman in a party city superhero costume doing a meet and greet with kids but she's so cute
and you can't see it in this cap but her body is insane (to me) No. 348981
File: 1694933508019.jpeg (796.68 KB, 3400x1899, IMG_7101.jpeg)

Ever since finding out what the actress who plays the nun looks like, I haven’t been able to get scared at the movies. I just see a beautiful woman with a beautiful nose in goth makeup. I want to marry her and smear her black lipstick across my lips. I told my friends about this and they say her features are too sharp and makeup makes her look scary, but I think she’s fuckin beautiful and I think the demon nun would spare me cause my vibe different
No. 349026
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mostly only ashamed because she's a they/them type of girl, but goddamn sarah keyworth could step on me
No. 349058
>>349026She looks like she's posing herself so carefully here, it makes her look insecure when she's probably going for confident masc king.
>>348981Oh wow, I love her eyes. Her mouth and nose area is so unique and beautiful, I want to do a study of her.
No. 352448
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Tutberidze. She is abusing those girls day in and day out but goddamn is she fine…
No. 360835
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She is a horrible person and white trash but I have sort of a thing for that
No. 361328
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I’ve seen anons complain about how Selena Gomez looks, but I think she’s hot
No. 361577
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This is one step away from an anorexia fetish but EC in 2019.
No. 362672
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Skimmed through the thread, can't believe no one posted her yet. I just fucking love women who take radical ideology kool aid unironically. I feel like most women just don't have any strong opinion about anything so women like this are just so sexy to me.
No. 365183
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I COULD fix her
No. 366989
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(Deleted because i missclicked on the reply button, please don't get mad) Pixielocks. I started watching her videos because i found her adorable, still do despite the weight gain. Something about her bubbly eyes and super soft/rounded face and body just gets me. I was always troubled because BPD is usually a total turn off for me.
No. 367964
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i know she's already been posted itt but short hair abby shapiro has me by the heart and pussy
No. 368002
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>>367964Just don't ask her to sing the Star-Spangled Banner
No. 368008
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something about this woman is so hot to me
No. 369359
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Humanchuo on Instagram. She seems so terrible and pandering to men with her girl/girl fetish stuff but she’s so hot I’m sorry I’m glad I don’t live in Paris I’d probably try to get a tattoo from her at least
No. 372652
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why hasn't anyone posted her yet?
No. 372725
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I know her choice to do poor things was garbage but I still think shes hot
No. 374381
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Ashamed because she's a they/them queerio, otherwise she's perfect.
No. 374598
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can't stand dasha but she's so hot to me especially her droopy eyes
No. 375472
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Candace Owens
No. 377075
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tokyo toni, please don't ask
No. 378008
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Shit e-girl style and she had a low-quality thread here, but her body is so sexy.
No. 378035
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I like women with this old ass alternative myspace chick style so much but lots of cows back then had that look so it is not only trashy but also certified cow style. No sane woman look like this, unfortunately.
No. 378044
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>first true love was freddie, who seems like he'd be about as exciting in bed as a sack of cottage cheese
I know this has been said many times about straight women, but I could save her.
No. 378327
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She's annoying as hell but there's something about her that's cute to me
No. 378373
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>>377075I see the vision
>>372652EWWW no sorry anon, she’s not only ugly but so crazy and weird
No. 380573
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Alice Llani (tiktok cow), she's kinda nuts with her vegan/anti vaxx/no shampoo/always barefoot thing but something about her makes me want her so bad, maybe it's the obvious autism, monotonous voice and sensing anti-men vibes.
Especially after the divorce from her ugly husband I want to show her what true passion between two women feels like.
No. 380954
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No. 381701
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Both of them
No. 383466
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She was cute as fuck and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
No. 383509
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Ashamed and disappointed because she's a gendie but I find her to be a handsome women when she's "male" and cute as a "woman". She's cute just wish she wasn't self hating. Sometimes she looks like she's trying to make her neck look thicken like a scrotes by pushing her head back but it just gives her a double chin kek.
No. 384229
>>383466She was so creative and morbidly fascinating.
>>383509She’s very cute in both versions, I get you anon.
No. 384431
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I still a think about this but I wish I could get in contact with her, fly out to Texas/where-ever she’s living and meet up, but the thing is have a very specific fantasy, she’s notorious for being dirty so I’ve had fantasies about washing every single piece of her body in the same shower as her. Idk I guess the only thing that puts me off is the animal abuse. I really am okay with her sexually assaulting me, as long as it’s not anything super weird. Like I guess the thing is that I’m so pissed the the world is full of male creeps and rapists, the least I could ask is to creeped on and assaulted by the sex I’m attracted to, but oh well I guess there’s not even something as basic as that for me. Her permanent steam id still works I could add her and we could add eachother on discord am I stupid? I also know some other woman from here who’s twice my age and i fantasised about and im pretty sure she’s Mexican so it wouldn’t be far away since I’m South American but I havent added her even though I have her discord. Why the fuck am I like this. I mean I’ve never done drugs or sex or run away from home or had a relationship so I guess I feel the need to do questionable things in my early life and indulging in older & problematic people for sex would feel like I’m achieving that.
No. 384544
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I love Southern bell type older women, they're such sweethearts.
No. 389675
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Feel kinda gross about this one
No. 389688
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>>389675nah she's perfectly attractive without all the styling and really fit and it's impressive to be able to pull off such a stupid haircut lol
Maybe it's cringe but I always liked the stupid edgy styling too
No. 389689
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and I like she could pull off being cutesy or androgynous. I think one of the reasons she leaned into the bleached eyebrows and retarded hair is she was actually too conventionally attractive to the point it made her kinda plain before. Petite woman with a pretty face / symmetrical features and natural dark blonde hair is nice but isn't really a standout showbiz look, she needed something else.
No. 389692
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I don't know if it's the general lack of unhinged, unconventional and middle aged female villains in today's media or what, but Alpha from The Walking Dead could do things to me.
No. 389732
>>389675Me too
>>389689I don't usually like alt looking people but it's really impressive how she can pull that off so well and yeah she's in a great shape too, i actually like her singing but it's a shame for everything else
No. 390007
Is there such a thing as something a few steps down from hatefucking? Like when someone annoys you but you have an inexplicable urge to fuck them about it without hating them. That's how I feel about Leanne Yau/polyphiliablog I assume it has something to do with my weird fascination for het leaning bi women
No. 391398
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I would let Hannah and Jen use me at the same time as they had a casual debate over my head about whether or not all bi women are sluts. Jen is cute enough but Hannah is easily the most attractive radfem I see a lot of, in terms of overall energy as well as hotness.
No. 393401
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I am NOT ashamed of this but I think the other thread would yell at me. Cowboy take me away.
No. 393434
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Alice Weidel's really hot to me. Wish she wasn't the leader of Germany's premier far-right party. I
love German accents on women. Her wife is from Sri Lanka, it's strangely hot kek. Racist in public/Loving to brown gf is such a good gap moe.
>>393427I was going to ask for her facedox but i agree, regardless of her looks. I love angry strait-laced women
>>391398Hannah's very cute. I have a slight preference for Jen though. They make an adorable black cat/golden retriever couple,
i'd also love to be used by the two of them No. 394142
File: 1714257573415.gif (4.76 MB, 400x432, 1611846102839595008.gif)

This actress Aleksandra Khokhlova starred in Soviet silent films and many people have called her face and smile creepy. I find her attractive though. I'm not really ashamed but she was quite unconventional I guess.
No. 394163
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I know she’s a terrible person who ruined her own career by being cruel, but damn it I still have wet dreams about her
No. 394834
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>>394166>>394799Makaze Suzuho, disgraced former leader of an all-female theater troupe. She was so cruel to the women under her that her duo partner quit (something that is unheard of) citing her behavior and another woman killed herself by jumping off a building. Life is pain and suffering.
No. 394929
>>394834wait what??? i've never heard that about yurika before. spill the tea in full detail I beg. Does this mean that in the investigative report that 'actress A' that burned the
victim with a curling iron was Yurika?
No. 394930
>>394929You’re really out of the loop. It’s hard for me to relay all the details and complexities in one post, I recommend going through the “takarazuka incident 2023” threads on 5chan ( which have been running since the incident. There’s a lot of retardation there (as there is on all imageboards) but it’s the best way I know of to see the course of the full scandal.
The only other highlight I didn’t mention was that after all of that, her and Sushi both refused to apologize when the rest of the troupe did. Just to really rub salt into the wound, I guess. Manato has gone radio silent on makaze too, even after initially supporting her last year, which is telling. Only one Sora OG came to see Makaze’s debut concert and attendance was very poor, they couldn’t even sell tickets when the price was halved. Huge fall from grace.
No. 394988
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I don't mind her being much older than me but it makes me ashamed because she reminds me of a classy version of an elementary school teacher i hated kek
No. 396656
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I want her to look at me like this as she playfully shames me for being bi and then blows her vape smoke in my face
No. 396676
>>396656>Ashamed Why…?
(kek i love your caption)
No. 397180
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is this a safe space?
No. 397182
File: 1715509289065.jpg (182.88 KB, 1139x1425, 353464575656.jpg)

>>397180Yes. I'm tired of the contrarianism in the Leftcows thread extending to calling Dasha ugly simply because.
No. 397217
New thread
>>>/g/397215>>397211Kiki Reed
No. 398146
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My cutie patootie based feminzai GF. I wish unhinged women were more common in this world.
No. 404488
File: 1717818329410.jpeg (85.05 KB, 564x1003, xhPP6Oa.jpeg)

same, nona