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No. 115141
last thread:
>>87606No shame no gain
No. 115298
>>115287>highschool>pantiesEw. Stop learning your fantasies from middle aged men who have no understanding of young women but still have lolita complexes.
>>115271Are you sure you want to leave an online papertrail about your illegal activity?
No. 115319
>>115287Oh no your fetish was contagious I want you to take full responsibility and give more details how it goes down in your head.
No. 115327
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>>115302If you can't handle the heat get out of the kinkshaming kitchen
No. 115347
>>115297I’m NEVER going to do it because it’s fucked and I would hate if someone did that with me
But I’ve thought about it
No. 115348
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>>115298I know I won’t do it so I have no issue talking about it, honestly it’s less weird than pulling a James charles and catfishing him for wank material.
My illegal meddlings ended at uni when downloading fake books
However I would actually pay him money just to see him doing stuff on cam
No. 115349
>>115330You could equally argue that women who can't take criticism about their weird kinks shouldn't be posting them on an anonymous board if they don't want someone to reply. It's not the "safe space for kinks" thread, a bit of controversy and banter is more fun than just a thread of blog posts, but if you don't want to argue then just ignore the criticism. Nobody is actually genuinely offended at some strangers weird fetish.
Except for irl beastiality anon, she's needs therapy.
No. 115358
>>115319It sounds pretty good right?
God I would but I might re-awaken "wah wah your fetish was influenced by middle aged men somehow" anon
No. 115427
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I was a tween on Tumblr back when Lorax came out and developed a fantasy of having a threesome with the two versions of the Once-Ler.
No. 115429
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i have a fetish for a hairy, pudgy, 5'oclock shadowed (but somewhat attractive) blue collared man to come on to me (preferably a mechanic/pilot). not rape me or anything, but be very flirty and smug because he knows i want him secretly. i want him to start doing shit like unbuttoning his coveralls slightly and making me run my hand over his chest hair.
pretty tame by lolcow standards but still fucking weird. i have a thing for men seducing women.
>>115427if it makes you feel better anon i had a thing for the turbotastic guy when wreck it ralph came out. its wasn't nemu tier though, i just like pathetic little men with eye bags.
No. 115442
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>>115429>i have a fetish for a hairy, pudgy, 5'oclock shadowed (but somewhat attractive) blue collared manSame
>tfw I'll never meet a guy like pic related who's attracted to me like I am himwhy live
No. 115444
When I was little (5-6 years old?), I remember watching a lot of cartoon movies.
And I don't fucking know why, but most of them had people being hypnotised against their will??
The Jungle Book, Aladdin, Anastasia, the hypnotism in those movies turned me on a lot. It was awful and, as a kid, I felt very uncomfortable watching those scenes. Later I would fantasize about the characters making out with the hypnotists or something.
Sinbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas was a nightmare for me. I remember Eris being a super turn-on, she was very sensual and flirted a lot with Sinbad. When the scene of the sirens (video related) played, I had to cover my face and ears in order not to give in to the arousement.
Now I'm stuck with a "mindbreak" and "hypnotism" kink and I hate myself. I don't want it to be played on myself, but I get turned on when I watch or read porn/smut related to that.
why me.
No. 115460
>>115429>turboFuck, me too. I also love manlets though so I'm sure it was that for me as well lol.
Your kink is also very cute, anon. I wish men seducing women would be normalized, blue collar or not.
No. 115543
>>115542Oh and I also forgot
Men being locked in chastity
No. 115549
>>115542>Older woman/younger man Patrician taste
>Men being locked in chastityI really don't get the applet of chastity from what I have seen the cages look any one could break them with basic tools
No. 115668
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>>115492>average, run of the mill fetishesLet me clarify, I am a 20 year old anorexic female with a feeder fetish that gets off to stocky older men with a lot of body hair (and when I say a lot, I mean pic related). I like having all of his weight pressed against mine, it's a turn on. I want to tie him up, milk him, and when we're all done, let him lay on my chest and suck my breasts while I stroke his hair and he calls me mommy. That blueberry scene from Charlie and the Chocolate factory was one of my first arousing experiences, and I was only about 6 or 7 years old; I still remember how it felt. It's on the tamer side, sure, but average… eh, no.
No. 115724
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I want to dom jesus. i feel like he'd be into it.
No. 115848
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>>115724He does look enticing hanging around there on the cross in only a loincloth, I give you that.
>>115721What's the problem, just communicate properly so you don't get kicked in the face or something.
No. 115853
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>>115849Look at this French church statue of Lucifer. It was a replacement for another statue that made the local girls too horny. Like this nearly naked angsty bondage hunk is any less attractive.
No. 115854
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>>115853The original. I am unashamed to say that I totally would grope Satan.
No. 115887
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the discussion around sexy bible figures reminded me of oscar wilde's salome and her thoughts on john the baptist:
>“Ah, Iokanaan, Iokanaan, thou wert the man that I loved alone among men! All other men were hateful to me. But thou wert beautiful! Thy body was a column of ivory set upon feet of silver. It was a garden full of doves and lilies of silver. It was a tower of silver decked with shields of ivory. There was nothing in the world so white as thy body. There was nothing in the world so black as thy hair. In the whole world there was nothing so red as thy mouth. Thy voice was a censer that scattered strange perfumes, and when I looked on thee I heard a strange music. Ah! wherefore didst thou not look at me, Iokanaan?”
No. 115898
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I see you're talking about Jesus and I present you this.
Recently went to a museum. Turns out I'm not as gay as I thought.
Ecce Homo by Rubens if you're curious
No. 115917
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>>115913I was always partial to beefcake Jesus from Michelangelo
No. 115961
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maybe gay artists were numerous enough and invested enough in the male form that it influenced depictions by hetero painters?
pic related is christ at the pillar by Caravaggio, who was a homo. I don't think reubens was though? he was into chubby women. No. 115963
>>115854I'm the opposite, I want satan to grope me while I tease him back and get punished for my naughtiness
No. 115972
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I have a reoccuring fantasy about a girl who is born with a penis (which in my fantasy makes sense, this is a full blown woman who happens to have a penis, not a troon) and her parents dont know what to do with her so they put her in a convent when she is in her late teens because they dont want the village to find out. She goes to the convent and after some time the curvaceous, domineering Mother Superior finds out about why she was placed in the convent and uses her as a sex slave. Sometimes in my fantasy the dickgirl enjoys it and they have a fucked up but kinda sweet relationship, other times the dickgirl feels intense confusion and guilt but still secretly loves all the action shes getting and cant hold back frequent arousal.
Not the most weird thing I've ever heard of but it makes me feel fucked up because I dont think many people would think I have such involved and deviant fantasies if they knew me in person. Also it's strange and makes me question myself a bit because I consider myself straight.
No. 116017
I really want to nurse a male partner but I realize that's very weird, not to mention difficult since I've never been pregnant and don't wish to take hormones.
Finding a partner into it is another issue since I'm pretty flat. I'm sure no one's mind would go there lmao and I have no clue how you bring this shit up. "Nestle close and gib succ, boy"
>>115972ngl that's pretty hot. Nun themes in general appeal to me.
It sounds like a very bi fantasy imo, although if you'd never act on anything with a girl irl there's no need to identify with that.
No. 116055
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was the original bad boy. also pictured, is my other kink: legs. look at them meaty, shapely legs. idk what to do with them tho, maybe hump them? love touching and feeling a good leg. i sound insane lol
No. 116063
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>>115141i have a huge thing for stockholm syndrome - i just want an obsessed guy to trap me somewhere and then i end up becoming attached to him because he's the only form of contact i have. obviously it's not practical or really possible though. i think i started getting a thing for it after reading killing stalking (cringe ik)
No. 116066
>>116063I have the same fetish but in reverse, making a guy so devoted to me that he'll do anything to make me happy even if it involves me hurting, humiliating, or abusing him. No matter what I do to him he'll rationalize and accept it as long as he is being useful to me.
It kinda turned me on the other day when my boyfriend told me that he's dropping all contact with his friends, family, etc, everything just so he can spend more time with me. I've read that usually how a codependent relationship starts, but it's not like I told him to or made him… The thought excites me.
No. 116069
>>116055>idk what to do with them tho, maybe hump themCan't believe dogs post on lolcow.
(man legs are super hot though, I agree. I prefer long skinny legs myself.)
No. 116080
>>116072Yeah, no. Anon sounds
abusive, possessive, and creepy especially getting aroused by her boyfriend dropping his contacts in life. I feel sorry for her bf. Interesting you think that's above anons who don't care if they get hurt in their fantasies.
No. 116106
>>116080Lmao, anon's bf, of his own volition, doesn't want to be around anyone but her because he apparently doesn't enjoy their company in comparison… and that somehow makes her an
abusive demon? You sound like you'd be a low-key Holly irl looking to 'save' grown-ass men from "
abusive" gfs, kek.
No. 116117
>>116106Thanks for not speed reading my post.
>>116080>>116109There is no abuse going on and there never will be. I simply find that kind of devotion hot and intimate. Some people don't like that and it's fine. Different strokes for different folks.
>If you're so pathetic that you let yourself be abused by a woman, you deserve it.Come on, nobody deserves abuse. Sounds really man-hating.
No. 116118
>>116098You're normal. I am bi and I'm more into women's butts/hips and men's legs/arms.
Also knees feel amazing against the clit.
No. 116161
>>116155I think it depends on the guy. Is he a doormat to everyone? Gross. Is he a doormat to just women in general? Gross. Is he submissive to only me? Hot. Does he have the capacity to learn and anticipate what I want with time and act accordingly Wonderful. To me it's important they act out of love and devotion for me in particular and not because they're scared of saying no, because it makes their peepee hard, or because they're just a people pleaser in general. It's a very specific sort of submissive man I like, most of them are shit.
>>116159Which really isn't true at all. I've seen plenty of women taking advantage of men. And not the scrawny doormat types either.
No. 116162
>>116155>tfw no doormat bfnta clearly but I'd love a pushover bf to "protect" so that sounds wonderful.
How did you find it annoying?
No. 116163
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>>116073>I always thought of wanting a guy to control me and tell me what I can and can’t do, I don’t want to have a choice about anything. I just serve him and his every need. >forcing me to slave away at home>gets jealous to the point of slapping me if I even dare look at another manI grew up in a household like this and have tons of trauma; my dad's behavior toward my mom also extended toward me. I wasn't allowed to have friends or leave the house as a child. He'd make me clean the house spotless, scream and throw things if there was a minuscule amount of dust. Can't say I can't say I don't fantasize about a guy doing the same to me, especially the controlled portions thing; my dad would tell me when I had enough and would take my food away. I'm anachan also.
>wanting to be fucked and cut with a razor bladeAlso same, but with a knife grazing my neck while he fucks me from behind.
No. 116194
>>116167>Didn't tell the truth about things bothering him and then turned around and got upset with me at the end after I'd ask over and over if he was ok.Then that's absolute shit. That's just being passive aggressive.
>because you're not called out when you need to be and aren't challengedI don't understand why most women want to be "challenged" in a relationship. I never hear guys say this. I can challenge myself. In my relationship I just want a cute guy to be vulnerable towards me without feeling lesser for it, or without getting supremely insecure and trying to challenge me to assert his dominance and masculinity.
No. 116214
>>116194I have a big personality and I dislike having partners just yes-man me because I fuck up sometimes and so do they and it shouldn't be impossible to call that out and improve ourselves, because people don't always notice fuckups right away. Someone who doesn't "challenge" me gets swallowed up. My ex would not disagree with me on stuff and just copied me instead of thinking for himself, what I mean by "challenge" me is not agree on absolutely everything and be a doormat and actually say if they disagree or think I'm being an idiot. Maybe my definition of "challenge" isn't the same as yours, but it gets tiring dealing with someone who just agrees constantly.
Men don't say they want to be "challenged" all the time because I surmise many don't like it because they have bullshit egos, but I've met men who like girls who will call them out or disagree openly.
No. 116275
>>115854This is the ideal male form, its the prince of darkness apparently
What sort of routine should I give my bf to get a body like Lucifer? He wants to go to the gym with me.
No. 116310
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>>116165>having access to fuck some of the craziest guys ever known to mankind and choosing some teenage edgelord who didn't even shoot the people he hated wack
No. 116319
>>116310 ITA.
i mean eric was full of teen angst and directed his hatred and frustration on people in general, he didn't really "hate" anyone but himself. imo all his rage in the journals was just him being edgy, funny, and putting on a "killer" persona for the future audience of his crime. in his autopsy report it says he had cuts consistent with self-harm.
any of my dumb romanticized hypotheses aside, yeah if hell is real i'd love to be uhhhhh damned to suck his dick forever. i'm not proud of my hybristophilia but god damn crazy men really do something for me.
No. 116330
>>116285we need to develop a lucifer fitness routine
He's currently skinnyfat for what its worth
No. 116380
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>>116349Oh my God, same. You would love the rapper Kreayshawn in her Gucci Gucci era. Perfect embodiment
No. 116439
>>116437I think at some point anger at men factored in, but it definitely started organically. Or perhaps it was somewhat inspired by rape-y yaoi that I consumed in my formative years? Most likely it was a mix of several things.
Overall I think the fact that men are often garbage is what stops me from truly ridding myself of this fetish.
wrt your fantasy, I'm dying at the idea of a vigilante grope squad of women. Remarkable idea.
No. 116446
>>116436>>116439I always thought sadistic men were pathetic for getting off on hurting someone much physically weaker than them who can't fight back if they wanted to. Even in a consensual situation they can't control themselves and it can get dangerous in the heat of the moment. My logical argument for being an extreme hypocrite who gets off on men in pain is, at least men are physically built to withstand that violence better than women.
I don't hate men though, I just think they're hot when they're in pain and vulnerable and enduring.
No. 116449
>>116446First anon, and the thing is I actually like very small weak men. As in men who I know from experience are weaker than I am. In fact this is one of the reasons I don't think it's actually rooted in anger and "revenge" since if that were the case I'd want to harm big criminals. I should want to love and respect tiny gentle men, but instead here I am. Well…I mean I'm also very into doing gentle loving stuff with them, I just want to hurt them at the same time.
But maybe it's still not as bad since the difference isn't as dramatic as between a huge man and a 120 lbs woman. My advantage is only slight unless we're going with a drugged up fantasy.
Anyway the sadism isn't what I'm ashamed of, my fellow degenerate friends even know I'm a sadist so it's whatever. It's just the non-con.
No. 116450
>>116445As someone who had an online friend with a big crush on Davy Jones, can confirm.
The fanfics she wrote with her self insert and him were a wild ride.
No. 116474
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I have a scat kink. I love the thought of a hot, stuck up guy shitting himself in front of me after getting all desperate and embarrassed, begging and moaning while he does it.
Pic related. I want to see him crap his pants.
No. 116477
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>>116475Piss is a lot of fun too, I often like to think about piss and shit at the same time. I also have a thing for tummy aches, like guys with sore stomachs because they need to shit really bad.
No. 116485
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>>116458No need to be ashamed of that, anon.
No. 116497
>>116458I wonder why they act like it isn't a fetish. In one of the blogs I saw one "whumper" (why is fandom lingo so cringey) made a post about how odd it was that she didn't like whump with women or gay men. Only handsome straight men. Hmm how weird.
https://whumpsounds.tumblr.comThis blog is the best one, definitely not sadistic.
No. 116500
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I use to play the shit out of bloodborne and I always fantasies of the church servant enemies ganging up on me and use all of my holes. I also always had a thing for the whole Oedon impregnating the women like Iosefka and Arianna. Iosefka is also very hot to me. A lot of things about bloodborne make me weirdly aroused and I can't explain it but yeah. Sorry for the lengthy post
No. 116523
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>>116442It has a specific name?! I guess calling it straight up sadism has connotations people don't want to associate with… It's a pity, cause if people were more honest about what they like we wouldn't have these stupid witch-hunts in fandoms over someone being publicly into or producing morally questionable (IRL that is) fanworks.
While hunters…whump…like there's no tomorrow.
Makes me wonder what the heck's the logic behind getting offended about 15 yo anime boy getting molested in their sleep and then getting wet over that same 15 yo drawn with guts spilled all over the floor. Dumb. So dumb.
No. 116524
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>>116520Thanks for the laugh, anon, but I stand by my fetish. Maybe I'm not so ashamed after all?
(Pic also related as it's another thing I'm into.)
No. 116528
>>116524Your posts have big clit energy tbh.
>>116527Scope the file name, anon.
No. 116531
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>>116528>big clit energyHilarious anon, I’m gonna put that in my insta tagline
No. 116540
>>116535Lol, I wanted to see how far I could go since this whole thread is a cess pool of cancer to the nth degree.
Don't worry anon, I was baiting. Can't say for everyone else though
No. 116586
>>116497no idea lol. i think i saw that post too. i’m not ashamed to be into whump, idk why people who run blogs based around it seem to be. they can’t really be that unaware of their sexual desires. the ones that really make me laugh are the “asexual” ones. probably because they remind me of the high schooler me, a girl that was very into bdsm but ignored it and just claimed to be asexual out of shame…yet went home and had a tumblr blog basically based around whump lol.
maybe they’re just young girls who really aren’t aware yet.
No. 116587
>>116586I'm also guessing shame (the blogs are anon though so hmm) or just sheer autism. I remember getting pussy tingles when action heroes were in distress from age 12 and onwards, you'd think people would notice if they're horny unless there is some next level denial.
>>116561I kept wondering how you anons handle the fact that this fetish stinks, or if it's part of it.
Btw it blows my mind is that there apparantly are necros on lc, saw posts in ot too about guys having boners after they die. Please tell me why this is appealing.
No. 116591
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>>116561I wasn't joking when I said I liked it, and I can even admit that I'd be open to doing it IRL with the right guy, like pic related. I like the thought of a guy shitting his pants while I'm sitting next to him/on his lap and trying to hide it, but I can tell by the smell. Then I could either take his pants off for him and finger his butt or make him keep them on for a while and sit in it. I also think there are particular outfits that would be especially hot if they were crapped in, like pic related again.
No. 116593
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>>116591I wish I could unread this.
No. 116594
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No. 116603
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Just straight up daddy kink.
I don't think I'll ever be able to be with a young guy, older men seem just so much stronger and more masculine and dominant to me (doesn't mean I want some balding fattie tho, only fit guys).
I want him to force me to call him daddy, to tell me that I'm such a good girl and so pretty etc, I want him to fuck me so rough and long that I cry and I want him to make me ride his face. Also clothed sex, like just pulling his dick out quickly and bending me over a table.
Not related, but the thought of taking both a dick and a dildo at the same time (or a dick and fingers) has been my ultimate fantasy for ages already. But it's probably not something I could enjoy (or even do) irl lol
I don't call me real father daddy, so it's not too weird imo, but a lot of people somehow seem to have a special hate boner for that (while being tolerant of more extreme fetishes).
Random gif of Mads because he's perfect
No. 116608
>>116599I've kind of grown interested in that first one too. Not really into the "guy loses control and gets rapey" stuff because I'm not a sub at all, but turning a guy on so much that he comes very quickly is wholesome and cute.
Pretty pure, anon.
No. 116612
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I don’t really know where to begin since what I’m into is so split, but I know many people have ugly, older men forcing themselves into you and I have that. Brother or father fantasies too, specifically if they walk in on me changing, I sit on their lap, wrestling, and they accidentally get a boner and then start fucking me. Another thing that gets me off is very soft, feminine boys that allow me to dress them up all cute and get them to cum in their panties or humiliate them with a chastity lock. Masculine men wearing girls underwear/lingerie is really nice too
No. 116632
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I want an ideal older brother figure who is also my boyfriend. I fantasize a lot about having an imaginary twin brother (who doesn’t look like me because I don’t like myself lol) because being the exact same age is more poetic. It makes perfect sense to me, I didn’t grow up with a male presence in my life or many other children around so I want a peer, a best friend, a protector, a family member and a lover in one person. It instinctively feels wrong to type that last part but when it’s a fantasy it’s not so bad. Now I’m getting sad at how unrealistic that would be to expect someone to have all the ideal traits from all those roles, having a piss fetish almost seems easier.
>Tfw I unironically want an oniichan who gives me headpats
No. 116642
>>116632>I want a peer, a best friend, a protector, a family member and a lover in one personNot abnormal at all. I am lucky to have a relationship like this, and I actually posted something similar in the confession thread not too long ago and man, I got raked, lol. I was an only child too and my dad was gone for work a lot. At camp, I would follow the older boys around because I wanted them to be my friend. I told people at school I had a brother (it was actually my dog) and my parents found out on parent-teacher night because I had been drawing our family portraits with an extra person, haha.
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting all of those qualities in another person. When you think about it, a relative is typically someone you have been connected to all your life, and an unspoken unconditional love is meant to exist. They're also "safe" people, not a stranger who might hurt you. It's not like you are attracted to the more fetishy aspect of incest (having sex with the person SOLEY due to the relation) so I actually think it is quite wholesome and nice.
Anyway, sorry for the tangent. Glad to find someone else who feels the same way. I hope you find a person, like I did, who does all of this and more.
No. 116668
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I have at least two.
One is a tentacle fetish: I like to fantasize how a tentacle monster (/plant) fucks my boyfriend who has both a vagina and a penis (in my fantasy that is). He then becomes pregant and lays eggs. Rinse and repeat.
Other one is lactation. This was linked to the tentacle shit but then I got bored but now I have this again. I like to imagine one buff and masculine video game character having milk flow/squirt from his nipples. IRL I don't gert aroused by breastfeeding.
One is some monster fucking me senseless.
No. 116798
>>116757>>116783>>116757I'm the ayrt and we were in an ldr and it was the same in terms cumming accidentally just from us being intimate online. He used porn before us getting together but stopped naturally when I started flirting with him, etc, and he became more and more sensitive over time. Porn is a non negotiable for us and I know he'd be devastated if I ever suggested that he use it because he feels it's disrespectful if you have a partner at all. He definitely doesn't need it long distance. I don't think it's as necessary as men would want us to believe, they just want their little perks that they've grown up with and feel entitled to, while also having a gf, but I think my case is kind of unusual. I don't know how many men realistically wouldn't try to shame you for being "unreasonable", but if you think porn harms your relationship and that he'd cheat without it, that's not great and maybe is worth bringing up to him. Porn certainly won't make him more sensitive, it just breeds entitlement, but if you definitely don't want to send nudes or anything, it makes total sense to tolerate porn.
No. 116859
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I really want to suck off a horse dick. I've always been a size queen and had a fetish for really big dicks and big loads, and i guess horses check both of those boxes. something about the wildness of it really turns me on. It's not like i'll act on it or anything tho
I used to hang out with horses a bit when i was young too, so maybe that contributes to it.
No. 116863
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It's quite a common fantasy, but I'm incredibly ashamed of it anyway. Since I can first remember experiencing sexual arousal, I've found rape/molestation scenarios incredibly arousing. Not being the attacker or victim, but just witnessing it. For a good while I exclusively masturbated to lesbian chikan videos. (japanese porn in general has been a haven for stuff relating to my kink) Reading fanfiction for a new series, one of the first things I do is look for non-con fic, or fic about obsessive one-sided attractions and the like. I can't even explain why, but something about the cat and mouse game lead up to the main event just gets me going. But I only like stuff where the victim is forced to orgasm and feel pleasure. (Forced orgasms, along with orgasm denial are also my kink, but I have 0 shame over that)
Part of me wonders if it just comes from being rather sexually repressed growing up, and not feeling comfortable with my own sexuality until my late teens. Still, I feel terrible about it and have never told anyone irl about it and would honestly die of shame if they found out.
No. 116893
>>116533im not into scat, but whenever i look at porn videos that involve butt stuff i can only ever watch without feeling sick to my stomach if its a woman recieving. e.g. if its a man having his ass eaten it just instantly ruins everything and makes me want to throw up but i just feel neutral when its a woman.
males are just inherently filthy and disgusting tbh.
No. 116900
You are white and probably fucked dogs as well I bet
No. 116914
Necrophilia. But I'm the dead body. A guy who loves me so much that he can't resist and fucks me in my most disgusting state. Sobs his heart out, then he goes to work. Bonus if the sight is absolutely gruesome, ie I've been shot or my organs spill out. The fun is not there if I'm being raped while conscious.
As a kid, I'd mastrubate (rub my pelvis) to cartoon characters getting stuck to sticky, liquid, syrupy, glue-ish substances, with tendrils that stretch and everything when you try to get out. I.e Strawberry's foot in the mud, Arceus being electrified, Blue being gagged by a slimy Pokemon, the alike. A guy being raped by a creature like this, or getting stuck somewhere only to make it worse when struggling. Not sure whether I'll still masturbate to it, but it was part of me as a kid.
Characters being beaten up / restricted / tortured / crying, screaming since I was a kid. Browsing this thread and I've learned it's called whup.
Something vanilla: I want a guy to make me delicious food and make me eat it; ignoring me when I tell him not to.
I know I'm fucked up. Most of my fucked up fetishes have originated from masturbating as a 5 year old to weird things on cartoons. I'm certain this isn't normal but I suspect was a product of stumbling on a TV scene of a guy giving a woman oral when I was a toddler, and something instinctive rose out of me. Or fuck, I don't know.
No. 116918
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>>116914there are so many necrofags
No. 116920
>>116632My boyfriend and I actually roleplay as siblings sometimes, and not just for sex stuff. I'll call him my "big bro" when I'm talking to him (of course when no one else is around). It's really comfy.
As a funny side note, one time when I was out to lunch with my coworkers and referred to my boyfriend as my brother. Complete Freudian slip. I was so goddamn embarrassed.
But I admit that sometimes I've wanted to introduce my boyfriend as my brother to strangers (that I would never talk to again). Like "hi, my name is X, and this here is my older brother Y". We're both of Eastern European descent, I'd say it'd convince people. But that feels like I'm bringing strangers into my fetish, which is gross.
No. 116923
>>116905I'm not sure, it's literally not even the fabric, because it'll be out and it'll happen. It's so fucking cute and wholesome.
>>116914No offense but I feel like you've probably drawn this weird shit on mspaint and have posted it on DA. All people who are into weird shit like this have to end up creating their own arsenal of incredibly specific pixelated porn because it's so specific and unbelievably retarded.
No. 116929
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I have a mating fetish. I find stuff animals due during mating season really hot (going into heat, realeasing pheromones, trying hard to impress/defend their mate, and mating for life) and my fantasy is applying that to humans. In my fantasy it's the males who do all that 'impress the mate's stuff if that wasn't clear.
Its a pain to find porn like this because if you search up breeding all you get is 'I gotta imgrenate this bitch cumslut' type videos.
No. 116979
>>116978I think it started as a furry thing, but now it's leeched into other fandoms too.
It caught me by surprise halfway through a RDR2 self-insert fic lol
No. 117047
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>>116920D-damnit anon you’re supposed to shame me out of it… How is your bf okay with it, does he like having you for a sister? I can’t imagine breaking the subject in a casual way.
No. 117066
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>>117044Oh god this.
The scene between sister Mary Eunice and Monsignor
killed me when I first saw it. Like, priests and stuff never appealed to me but this totally made the whole scenario a huuuuge turn on.
The idea of straight up raping a priest - a man who has devoted his life to god and has faught his urges for decades; making him give in against his will, having him writhe and beg beneath me as I have my way with him and then just abandon him. Having ruined 30, 40 years of celibacy just for a few minutes of pleasure for myself.
I am so sorry for making this so graphic. No. 117068
>>117047I can't shame you! I'm sorry, anon! Your original post reminded me so much of myself that I could have sworn I ghostwrote it.
We're both into it, and quite a bit, to the point where sex is infinitely more enjoyable when we're pretending we're related. I think the topic came up after we watched Oreimo or Eromanga Sensei together. It wasn't really awkward to bring up for some reason? We've always done weird roleplay stuff.
He fits that stereotype of "big angry-looking guy, but has a heart of gold". He's a gentle giant (he's a foot taller than me) and is very, very protective of me. So, he's very much the "big brother" type, and I don't think I would have brought up roleplaying as siblings if he wasn't like that. He's told me before that he has this intense drive to protect me at all costs. He's not easy to piss off, but even the idea of me getting hurt riles him up pretty quickly. You can kinda understand why I like to pretend he's my big brother. I know you can interpret what I said as me being attracted to strong, burly men (which I am), but the whole "intensely protective" aspect becomes extremely sexually appealing to me the moment I pretend he's my older brother.
As I mentioned the roleplay isn't just sexual in nature, sometimes it's just him saying "hey sis" to get my attention, or ruffling my hair and saying I'm cute "despite being his sister". We don't have to actively refer to each other as siblings either, sometimes just cuddling with him on the couch and pretending I'm nuzzling the chest of my older brother is extremely comforting.
I can tell you more about the sexual side of things if you're interested. I'm trying to avoid sperging about this excessively, because I feel like I'm rambling. I've never actually told anyone about this before, so it feels really nice to anonymously tell someone who shares my fetish about it.
No. 117077
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>>117049I don’t either. As long as my bro has the same hair colour as me I can believe it. Although if I dated within my own race I think the solidarity and shared cultural roots would be comfy and cut out a lot of tired questions (the only reason I don’t is because I know 0 people of my ethnicity in my area, it’s white like the North Pole here).
>>117068If you tell me just know I’ll be pasting it into my always-offline encrypted hard drive of naughty things for later reading ε-(´∀`; )
No. 117097
>>117066Anon do you live in my head? Lol I think it's extremely hot the idea of a priest crying and begging you to stop tempting him or feeling disgusted in himself but still being unable to stop fucking you because he's too horny for it.
I've been also suddenly really into whump, the idea of a cute boy or a sexy man being severely beaten and bloody and taking care of them is getting more and more my attention, thought I feel is more a romantic thing than sexual. Anyway thank you James for uploading a story of you getting a suture
No. 117106
This is really weird but here goes
I want to feel my breasts grow progressively larger and larger, and to lactate from them while they stretch out my shirt until it rips. My nipples would be extremely sensitive, and it'd be amazing to feel the fabric of my bra and clothes tighten on them as they get soaked.
My partner would use a milking machine on me to try and alleviate the problem, but after some time, he wouldn't be able to resist resorting to hand pumping and sucking on my nipples himself. After that, he'd make a habit of pumping my breasts and giving me special hormones specifically to make them expand and leak milk. He'd put clamps on my nipples just to let the milk build up, watch me squirm as my breasts grow even bigger, heavier and more sensitive than before, and occasionally flick, slap or run his tongue around them just to tease me. After a while, he'd either take off the clamps, letting all my milk spill out, or they'd come off by themselves from all the built-up pressure and the milk would burst out.
I kind of go back and forth between wanting to be some sort of "hucow" who gets degraded as livestock while all this happens, wanting to cuddle my partner while he drinks my milk and fondles me, and just wanting to have a pair of giant, milky breasts all to myself. How big they get exactly depends on my mood. I also sometimes fantasize about my breasts starting to grow and/or leak through my shirt in public, and having to find someplace to hide so I can express until they're back to "normal". This is weird since I have extreme anxiety around any situations like that in reality. I have other odd fantasies, but this post is already long.
I've actually played with the idea of getting Domperidone or something else that can induce lactation, but I know it'd just be an inconvenience in real life. Plus, I'm scared to order drugs to my country (lmao).
No. 117460
>>116929I want to call this degen but its the most logical kink you could have biologically speaking.
>>117044The priest thing really bothers me. I don't think the whole taboo thing is shameful I just can't get past the abuse scandals,
that is shameful. It pisses me off so much, I don't want to be attracted to people part of an organization that did such vile things to children. A shame because there are some really cute priests.
No. 117507
>>117466this is hilarious
>>117403This is very, very degen. like >117450 said I just don' see how the murder at the end is an appealing part of the fantasy. Everything prior is understandable albeit on a fucked up level but the murder just doesn't make sense to me. I don't see how that is hot.
No. 117526
>>117466Relatable, anon.
Certain ugly people are really endearing and hot to me.
No. 117547
whenever im intensely annoyed, i feel my libido go up. like i need to fuck something to calm down and get back to normal.
No. 117561
>>117106It's as if you wrote my fantasy down to the t.
The issue is that I don't think I could find a normal partner to enact this. Most of the men into this are from anglo countries and even then, I'd be hesitant to meet with anyone I met online.
reading your post made me really wet, thanks anon No. 117693
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Biting/ scratching someone until they bleed a little. It's not even fully a sexual thing, I use it to cope with stress or anxiety, I even wake up with my pillow in my mouth sometimes. Funny thing is, I'm not really one for hurting anyone, but the thought of someone letting me grind my teeth into them and lick up their blood feels comforting to me.
I'd give terrible blowjobs lol
No. 117907
>>117872it's not even that i want to cuck him, i really love him and don't want to hurt him. what gets me off about thinking about cheating is the other guy knowing and verbally degrading me and calling me a cheating slut for doing it.
unfortunately my bf and i have spoken about it before and there's absolutely no way he would ever be okay with me hooking up with other guys at all. we both aren't into cucking, but he doesn't know i have this weird cheater fetish.
No. 117916
>>117912nah that's not it
he and i already do those things, but i still have fantasies of cheating on him, which is where he draws the line
No. 118037
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so retarded, but
i want to be double teamed by a pair of evil henchmen that are a short/fat and tall/skinny duo who say things like “sure thing boss” about forcing me to have sex with them. not really rape though, more like me being bored and wanting to move on.
>inb4 wario and waluigi
more in the vein of arby and lee from utopia, or the central service guys from the movie brazil.
No. 118046
My fetish is men, clothed, dry humping… anything and everything. Beds, pillows, the floor, bicycle seats, poles, inflatables, etc. The thrusting motion and the idea of a man being so desperate to cum that he'll resort to that just gets me good. Or just men fucking weird objects. I've seen clear balloons, a watermelon, pizza dough… The weirder, the better.
Oh, and milking machines.
No. 118185
>>118091I have a male friend who is the exact same way. He’s genuinely only attracted to the girls he’s actively dating (or has a severe crush on). He’s even put off by the idea of threesomes because he simply can’t fathom the idea of having sex with someone he’s not having feelings for.
So, yeah, don’t let people on here make you start doubting his sincerity. I’ve made that mistake and it did way more bad than good.
No. 118194
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It's not exactly a fetish but I'm extremely sexually attracted to Reviewbrah. Something about his reserved and composed demeanor just absolutely does it for me, and the idea of getting him hot and bothered makes me wet as hell. I've thought of sending him anonymous nudes through email but I respect him and would never want to cause him any genuine discomfort. I might cave in one of these days though, ugh…
No. 118198
I want to roughly peg a chubby turbomanlet. Not deathfat or anything, just squishy enough to have a belly and mantits to grab onto and a nice ass to slap.
For some reason I fantasize most about this when I'm ovulating although tbh I've had an on-and-off fixation on fat guys since childhood. I'm most ashamed because a guy like this would resemble my shitty father and that's too weird even for me. Because of this I could never date one and I don't want to fuck someone outside of a relationship so…eh.
>>118194ReviewBrah is adorable, I don't blame you. I'm not even into white guys and I'd smooch him.
I've heard he used to be a /pol/tard though? Although he did make that video about "evolving" so who knows where he truly stands now.
If you send sexy shit make sure to wear 1940's undies though he may like that kek.
No. 118199
>>118194Oh god, fully agreed. Not that I'm ever going to say anything about it, he's talked about being anxious and reclusive and having people bother him via correspondence.
I kind of get the feeling that he's either gay or ace, though? His two high-profile Twitter replies are George Takei and Jeffree Star and he goes out of his way not to disclose anything about sexuality.
No. 118225
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>>118198I've heard that too, but I have my own cringey political past so it doesn't faze me too much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The 1940s undies idea is way too good. Goddamnit anon, stop putting these ideas in my head.
>>118199I get the ace vibe as well, but it's more likely he's just extremely private about his personal life. The fact that he recognized the Fake Taxi logo on his last meme review gave me some hope. The sheepish way in which he responded to the Prince Harry meme was sooo fucking cute ughh ;A; This is the only place on the internet where I can sperg out like this, please excuse my extreme faggotry.
>>118205It's mostly just fantasy where I take on the dominant role, similar to the dubcon priest fantasy some people mentioned in this thread. I like to think a tasteful unsolicited nude would be nicer than a gross and badly-lit dick pic, but I know it's probably still a douche move.
>>118210If he's as cringey as I'm being right now then I'm so sorry you have to put up with that lmao
No. 118245
>>118225I watched that video a whole bunch of times too, anon, you may also enjoy the Taco Bell PR unboxing, the Lofthouse Cookies review and the first half of Average Day 2018. I know these things because I'm not creepy. ;u; send help
I can't even bring myself to lewd him though really, he's just so pure. 90% of my fantasies these days are like… bringing him his slippers and cooking together. (The other 10% are post-sex falling asleep on his chest while he strokes my hair and calls me a good girl. It's very vanilla around here.)
No. 118276
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>>117106>>117561You do know thats a real thing that happens to some women right?
No. 118281
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>>118278depends on the severity of the condition, some use it to make money.
No. 118285
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>>118281some opt for surgery
No. 118291
>>118276I have a young cousin who has a condition like this. Her boobs are massive and she’s been fighting for breast reduction surgery for years now due to the horrible back pain. She used to be a star athlete at her school, and decided not to take a full-ride to college for her abilities because of her breasts. Crazy.
Sage for u know
No. 118394
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The porn I've been watching for a while is mainly douchebag guys filming themselves fucking hookers. I only get into the ones where the girl is obviously bored or uncomfortable and is just going through the motions and waiting for it to be over.
I love the idea of being just pounded into the floor by a rough man who doesn't give a fuck about my pleasure, but I'm absolutely ashamed of my desires. Whenever I watch normie porn, I'm immediately turned off by the women moaning so loudly and screaming "Oh FUCK! Yes, your cock feels SO GOOD!" and I end up just embarrassed for them.
The main thing I'm ashamed of is how get turned on by videos of real life women being used and hurt.
No. 118399
>>118389Don't worry anon, there's no such thing as a female equivalent to the
toxic male gaze. If I had a qt friend who I suspected to be gay, I'd totally put on my weeb wear and get closer to her than necessary.
No. 118561
>>118394Not to armchair you in the fucking fetish thread, but…
>The main thing I'm ashamed of is how get turned on by videos of real life women being used and hurt.You should be ashamed, I'm onboard with the other anon. You're contributing to the demand and those women may have not even consented to being filmed, let alone to sex.
>>118413 is 100% right, don't consume real shit. Even porn is pushing it to a lot of people including me because you don't know what is real or staged, but at least it's not almost certainly not consensually filmed.
>I'm immediately turned off by the women moaning so loudly and screaming "Oh FUCK! Yes, your cock feels SO GOOD!" and I end up just embarrassed for them.Look deeply into why this is embarrassing to you. Is it the explicitness or cheesiness of it, or are you genuinely averse to women voicing pleasure? It sounds like you may have some deeper issues with your own sexual pleasure, oddly enough, given that this is your fetish.
In the meantime, I'll be doing that irl, I don't really care if people or you think it's ~embarrassing~ although I do find it odd if I don't say it in the moment. I like to voice my thoughts and enjoyment and most men like it too, if it's faked that's one thing, but positive feedback is usually something people like. It's taken getting comfortable and being confident to talk dirty and be loud. No. 118600
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I love size difference, and exclusively dominant bigger muscular guy x much shorter cute sub girl. There's almost no content for it that i know of that fits this perfectly, so i just scrape by either by editing images, settling for less, or drawfagging my own secret content. Most of the content is yaoi which doesn't arouse me at all, or some creepy old man fucking some barely legal girl. I specifically like for both the girl and the guy to be attractive because I'm bi as hell. I'm not open about it most of the time because i get accused of drawing "pedo shit" or "minor coded girls" (short girl = minor i guess) or even that i have internalized misogyny because there's a ~power imbalance~ and it's abusive. It's so hard to find any size difference content that isn't gay shit or creepy! REEEEEEE
I don't know why i have this kink other than the fact that I'm short. I still want a cute tall muscle bf though.
No. 118608
>>118600I can understand this fetish, my (ex)boyfriend thought it was really hot too…. the problem is I'm 5'9". he would specifically look at loli hentai to satisfy this fetish. it made me feel terrible about myself.
honestly it makes me really fucking depressed that I can never be short. I would pay any amount of money or donate organs/bone marrow to be a five foot nothing or shorter. I'm so jealous of short girls. I don't even really care about height in men, I just want to be shorter. FML
No. 118609
>>115444Shit anon me too, I was always fascinated by hypnotism and kidnapping scenes in cartoons as a kid and didn't know why until I hit puberty and realized mindbreak and bdsm were my jam. Are we just born with fetishes or something?
Also I hate that women can't just grow functional dicks for sex because I love futa but would never lay a tranny because he's still male.
No. 118614
>>118608this so much though.
I'm 5'8'' and shit like
>>118610 really just hits some buttons… I usually just try to push those fantasies aside because I just know there's no way on earth I'll ever achieve anything like that, so thinking about it just depresses me. Even when I fooled around with a 6'8/6'9 guy it just never felt as good as something like Klitschko/Panettiere looks because I just
know it's different.
tfw current boyfriend is 5'6 and makes me feel even taller. sigh. (still love him and do find him attractive. it just totally feeds into my self-hatred sometimes)
No. 118615
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>>118609how short we talking
No. 118639
>>118608>>118614>I would pay any amount of money or donate organs/bone marrow to be a five footOof, same, but I'm even taller than you.
No matter how tall or muscular a guy is, there will never be a big difference between him and me… I'd love to be small and cute enough to manhandle, that's such a turn on.
I'm not trying to insult anybody, but I really don't understand how there are some women who are turned on by the idea of being with a smaller and weaker guy.
No. 118649
>>118608I'm so sorry anon. Sometimes i think about if this size difference kink of mine is a cope for being 5'6", and still getting carded despite being in my late twenties. At first i thought it was a general kink for older guys but then i figured it out it was for taller muscle guys in general.
>>118610Absolutely excellent content. That girl is living the dream
>>118615Oh god, i don't know about specifically those two
No. 118652
>>118639Well I don't understand why you'd want that anon.
I really want a big strong jock…to manhandle and boss around. Mmmm
No. 118675
>>118670>Big guys who are actually just loving, submissive teddy bears are the best.A-agreed, anon. That's
my fetish.
No. 118679
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>>118675They are the best, nothing to be ashamed about.
>>118674There is a "turn-ons" thread that people can use too.
No. 118683
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>>118670yeah i heard about guys who pay tall women just to hang out with them, or carry them.
No. 118685
>>118683God I wish that were me.
I'm not super tall though so the littlest bf I could get without entering dwarf territory would still come up to my neck.
Tall anons into tall male small female size difference, donate some inches?
No. 118686
>>118596>I could understand if you liked that scripted, but the fact that it has to be authentic for you is what worries me.Yeah, it's what worries myself the most, too. However, there are a couple video that are my favorites even though they made by a studio. The directing in those is great and I'm not all turned off by knowing that they're acting.
So, I'm hoping that it's not necessarily the actual infliction of trauma that gets me off, but I'm particular about showmanship of it?
Regardless, I am a terrible person and I will be going to hell.
No. 118721
>>118690I never realized I was really into this until you mentioned omg
I've been attracted to mindbreak and hypnosis stuff lately… Don't know how I could play with that IRL…
No. 118755
>>118276I'm this anon
>>117106 and I didn't expect to come back to this.
That's fucking depressing, and must've been so humiliating and painful for that poor kid. Christ.
No. 119008
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I really wanna try this with my bf but I'm scared of how he might react
No. 119012
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I have a fetish for big noses, here's the catch: I use them for penetration. Not sure if you count that as lesbian sex, but damn sometimes you got to explore the jungle God threw you in.
No. 119040
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I plan to buy myself a life sized my little pony plush and use it as a sex toy. Cant really attach it by sewing so need to use a strap on. Something about mlp porn really hits the spot and the idea of being under one while being fucked turns me on in a crazy way….
No. 119050
>>119048Well, I'm a grown woman and I like MLP because of the character designs, but good lord, I don't have any attraction to them. I'd totally get a life-size pony plush, but because it's cute and I can use it as a back rest while using my laptop, not stick a dildo on.
Good job OP, yours is truly shameful.
No. 119079
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>>119040I think this has to take the cake for the worst thing I've read on LC. Congrats anon.
No. 119097
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>>119079>>119050 This is the only time in my life I have ever “won” anything and it’s hilarious and depressing at the same time.
And to answer the question on “how it would work” I would grab the base of the tail and use it as a handle and thrust while pressing her on my body with the other hand keeping her steady.
Yes. I have put much thought into this.
No. 119201
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I've always enjoyed watching people experience physical signs of sickness, especially burping and nausea. I'm not interested in roleplay at all– I get off exclusively on knowing they're on the verge of throwing up and trying desperately not to. A Clockwork Orange is basically like porn for me. Watching Alex be reduced to a complete pushover because he's in so much visceral discomfort…? There's literally nothing hotter. I fantasize about getting my partner drunk and relishing in the aftermath.
No. 119326
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>>118600the hopper/joyce relationship on stranger things hits so many buttons for me. he's just so fucking BIG and she's short and they just look so good together. also I have a crush on david harbour and winona ryder is my height (5,3) so I can perfectly imagine how huge david is compared to me. sigh lol
No. 119599
>>119040This might get into fursuit territory
but like, wearing a costume like this and just laying there or having my partner lay there, either of us just getting railed while we're motionless like a doll
Don't know why but this isn't a place I came to say I was proud of the fetish
No. 119652
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I've always found gagging and vomit to be incredibly erotic. People usually aren't fans of gratuitous vomit scenes on television, but every time I see one I feel like a 13 year old boy catching a glimpse of boobies on a TV show. Shout out to actors who try to actually make it look real, I live for that shit
No. 119667
>>119652Sorry for blogpost but I can somewhat relate to that. But then again not at all/differently.
I suffer from emetophobia so vomiting always is and has been a really sensitive topic for me. But especially in porn it’s somewhat of a grey area for me. I enjoy (giving as well as watching) blowjobs and especially watching women gag from deepthroating. I‘ll sometimes watch facial abuse videos just for getting as close as possible to the edge of what I can handle without panicking. I just really enjoy the extra thrill aspect of it.
No. 119685
>>119684You do realize this thread is fetishes you're ASHAMED of, right? What did you expect to see here?
No one is making you read it.
No. 119708
>>119683>>119684Yeah I‘m really sorry I can’t offer you some vanilla ‘I want to dominate men uwu so ashamed of it’ bullshit.
Are you just lurking here to jump on anyone who doesn’t have a femdom fetish or… ? As
>>119685 said: if you’re so easily put off by something that basic, why are you even reading this thread?
>>119695Pretty much all women working in this industry do it for the money and therefore are part of a
abusive power dynamic in which they have little to no control over what kind of video they do and don’t participate in. If they say no they don’t get money therefore are less valuable for their agencies or whatever they’re in and therefore are more easily replacable with anyone willing to go further with what they’ll do. There’s only a handful of women in the entire sex work industry that actually have a say in what they’ll do. Everyone who’s saying otherwise is lying. None of them wouldn’t do what they do if it wasn’t for the money and pressure.
No. 119709
>>119695You are delusional if you think girls and women have a lot of "agency" in the porn industry especially in abuse porn.
If you are actually ashamed of watching real filmed abuse then use your own agency to stop doing it.
No. 119717
>>119708>Pretty much all women working in this industry do it for the moneyIf you live in a 1st world country you have plenty of options besides whoring yourself out. If you choose to be in porn that's on you. Women going into it aren't innocent naive little girls who can't think for themselves, they know it's highly competitive and they have a good idea of the stuff they'll have to do to keep viewers interested. If they get into more nasty shit it's their fault thinking they can get easy money. There are always other options.
>>119709I'm not the one who watches this shit. I have absolutely no sympathy for sell-out whores because they are the ones consenting to this shit and spreading the degeneracy to real life sex. Have you read or heard from women who are led to think they have to do all the uncomfortable shit these porn stars do to keep a man? It also leads some men to not value intimacy as much and push their garbage porn standards on women.
They deserve the "abuse" they get because they are ruining sexual relationships for a lot of people. I'm not even talking about myself, I read about all the shit women put up with and it makes me mad. If these whores didn't consent to being in this industry, there wouldn't be one.
No. 119730
>>119728Prove to me this is a widespread thing and not just a few fringe cases. The majority is not trafficked. The majority is not coerced, they CHOOSE to participate in porn because they think it's easier money than going to a temp agency or finding an actual job. There are plenty of resources for struggling men and women in the first world. I know because I was homeless for months.
Perhaps I could agree with JAV and porn from eastern European countries and such being linked with what you're talking about. I've read several of them thinking they're signing up for modeling, or women who get involved with the yakuza having to pay off debts by doing JAV. That's awful but they're not the majority. But more mainstream American porn, the kind that's brainwashing most men and women, those people are not being trafficked. Mainly I'm blaming them and not unfortunate women in other countries.
No. 119732
>>119730Just because they at some point willingly chose to do porn once, doesn't mean everything they do is actually consensual and voluntary.
Just watch Hot Girls Wanted for example. They start out with a naive/innocent mindset of 'oh yeah that's a lot of money that's actually really cool' but the real struggle starts once you've signed up for it. But they'll only realize it when it's way too late to get out. Because once you've actually done porn, it's not that easy to get out. And those in power know it and they'll shamelessly make use of the power they have over these girls.
Especially more extreme porn is pretty much never because the girls want to do that kind of stuff. It's because they don't get offered any other scenes but need the money. So they can choose between basically being raped in front of a camera or being homeless, unemploeyd and unable to work a regular job because once their boss does a google search their porn will come up.
The story of women who do porn because they like having sex, feel empowered
and make great cash is a fariytale. But I'll shut up now. That's what the sex work thread is for.
No. 119739
>>119732>>119734I just don't have sympathy. If you live in America there's no reason to choose to do porn over any other shitty job. It's just what happens when you sell your body trying to make it easy instead of working for a living like everyone else. They think it's an easy out, all you have to do is get fucked on camera and it's easy money. Like the men who pay for sex, the women who engage in sex work are not good people to begin with.
>>119737It is partially their fault because they agree to doing it in the first place. Women with low self-worth will always sell their sexuality and men with low self-worth will always buy it and exploit it.
No. 119744
>>119739imagine hating women this fucking much. i think sex work is trash too and should be fucking abolished but i'm not such a shitty jaded person to call any girl who gets into porn a "bad person" for getting into porn.
i get that sex work attracts some cow-tier personalities like Micky or Shayna, but those two i just named are bad people OUTSIDE of doing porn and lewds, and they'd still be bad people if you took away the sex work. thinking that
victims of sex work are at fault bc "they chose to do it" and that anyone who engages in sex work is inherently a bad person, is the shittiest take i've ever seen on this website. i hate sex work too, but i'm not as much of a fucking handmaiden to think women are bad people for the bad things that happen to them.
No. 119755
>>119746How about you think about why these women didn't learn to "respect or love" their bodies and empathize with that before going straight to
victim blaming?
No. 119785
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Girls, please go back to talking about fetishes you're ashamed of…
No. 119789
>>119785I like breathplay where the guy gets choked to death by a woman that sits on his face and her thighs crushing his skull. After his death, he gets his dick chopped off.
rate my fetish
No. 119807
>>119730You know that plenty of eastern european women speak perfect english? You know that when men go on pornhub they don't type in "American girl gets american dick"? It's not as if american pornstars are personally responsible for men's porn addiction. What about south america, is it all very consensual there? Do you think men turn off the video if they hear a spanish accent? What about the girls who just turned 18 or 19 and whose brains are literally not developped enough to make the right decisions? yea yea
you didnt prostitute yourself at 18 and neither did I but I did do some stupid shit I regret and I can see how some chick from a broken home can be memmed by this society into thinking sex work is empowering and ending up being abused.
No. 119810
>>119717>Have you read or heard from women who are led to think they have to do all the uncomfortable shit these porn stars do to keep a manCome on, the women doing it contribute to their own abuse. You're making it sound like they have no agency.
I have absolutely no sympathy for dumbass hoes because they are the ones consenting to this shit. Women aren't innocent naive little girls who can't think for themselves. If they get into more nasty shit it's their fault for staying in a relationship with a human trash. If you choose to be with a lowlife male that's on you. There are always other dating options.
No. 119827
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Getting fucked by a large dog. Going down on him too.
Will never act on it but it gets me off really bad fantasizing about it and can´t help it. And yes, i have watched a lot of videos of other women doing it and i squirted buckets.
i´m sorry
No. 119838
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>>119837don´t think is degrading at all and i legitimaly think males dogs are atractive , even their penises are pretty amazing and a huge turn on for me.
It has more to do with the rawness of it and animal energy , like you are being sexually submissive to this brute force you but you are still the one that has control on the overall relation because he is your dog and he protects and adores you and would literally eat from the palm of your hand. Like i said, won´t act on it, don´t even have a dog but is the thing that turns me on the most ever and i find myself going back to fantasizing about it and watching dog sex porn and imagining the woman is me every so often even when i try not to.
No. 119840
>>119839The thread is about fetishes we are ashamed of anon, i am not proud of it or justifying anything, just being honest and definitely ashamed of it.
The porn is legal where i live. not like i ever want to be found browsing zoo porn sites or people knowing , like i said, i try my best to keep myself from lusting after that material and browsing for it.
No. 119852
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>>119838This is illegal for a reason you disgust me and I hope you die a slow painful death
No. 120010
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the hound makes me so fuckin hot and steamy. I think about him choking me while I masturbate sometimes. I have a domination fantasy, I'm not sure why I'm ashamed by it though.
No. 120419
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Really fat guys, like pic related, or even fatter.
I’ve never actually done anything with someone this huge and of course I would never date a guy this fat (I mean what would he do except eat??) but it’s my single biggest turn on alongside feederism. I’m fucked
No. 120461
>>120419You're in good company anon!
I also love extremely morbidly obese men and the idea of feeding a man to immobility. I really love extreme weight gain, even if it's completely unrealistic.
For me there's just something about the softness of ample fat and how plush it is. It's comforting and sexy. There's also something attractive about a man letting himself succumb to his deepest, most primal desires of hunger and gluttony.
Obese men with huge breasts and pear shaped men are also a huge turn on for me.
No. 120468
>>119838Unfortunately, I can semi relate to this post. I discovered bestiality porn involving dogs and horses when I was 11 and used to have mind blowing orgasms off of it. I hadnt masturbated to that kind of porn in years until I relasped to masturbating to pictures of horse penises and horse sex. What is fucked up though is that I have no desire to act on it IRL and the attraction is purely internet based, leading me to believe being exposed to that pornography at a young age fucked up my mind.
I am really turned on by tranny porn too especially if they have large penises. I also was exposed to that porn as early as 9.
No. 120670
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>>120468Get help seriously
No. 120671
>>120244Same. I love dicks and being penetrated but I'm repulsed by men. I'd love to get fucked by a woman with a real penis. Not a tranny, an actual woman. IRL tranny porn doesn't do it to me because they're still men, but I love anime porn with futa stuff.
>>120634Definitely agree about everything you said.
No. 120716
>>120699He is very loving and affectionate. He helps me out with housework all the time without me even asking, despite me being out of work at the moment and him working full time. I'm also slowly teaching him how to cook and he's having fun with it.
I don't really know why I was complaining, he is good to me and I appreciate him and love him.
No. 120749
>>120736It is a dude.
>give myself a nice rubNobody talks like that lmfao
No. 120751
>>120730I grew up in a house where my parents were so uptight about manners that even as a kid farting was a massive deal and so taboo and shameful… and now I share this fetish
If fetishes were a conscious choice this would be one of the last ones I'd choose, part of me is grossed out by myself
No. 120764
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>>120751Imagine the smell
No. 120810
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i want to bully top about his mac lipstick sized dick.
>>120010i love him too. one of my top husbandos.
i headcanon him as a very ashamed, embarrassed sub though. No. 120826
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for whatever reason i’ve started fantasising about these three blackmailing me with lewd photos i sent to one of them and then keeping me like a pet. like not just fucking me (on their own or as a group) but bullying me and being rough just because they can be and filming me so they can keep me in my place
pls no bully having a blackmail fetish is shameful enough without kpop being involved lmfao
No. 120828
>>120826Me too I'd do Suga there is something attractive about him
Only asian I find attractive
No. 120833
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>>120010I like the hound too ngl but I prefer thinking of bringing out a really sensitive, loving side to him. taming the beast, if you will
No. 120835
>>120634same and I'm like you, I don't want to act like a child. I do often like being 'babied' but by that I mean having people do things for me lmao
I just want a nurturing and caring 'daddy' (I would only call him this jokingly too, I couldn't be calling him it all the time) who'll protect and take care of me in a caring fatherlike way. someone older too, maybe around 6 or 7 years older. I don't want someone to support me financially or be a sugar baby (too old for that anyway lol) but just a partner who who is incredibly supportive and teacherlike/fatherlike to me.
I'm reasonably ashamed and wouldn't tell people IRL
No. 120836
>>120695you're not selfish for wanting some of that, it sounds like you need some of nurturing if you're left having to do everything for your bf
I agree on the no ruling/control part to a certain extent.I don't want a daddy dom or master (that name alone makes me cringe) but I do crave a certain level of him 'laying down some ground rules' I have to abide by. I crave that structure lol
No. 120905
>>115141I…. I like to fantasize about a guy being forced to suck a gorilla, nearly about to choke and die.
I want to fuck the Beast and Scar and Venom but in my defense I wasn't attracted to the "life-action" of them.
No. 120951
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I'm embarrassed to admit I enjoy it, but Nazi imagery and raceplay makes me wet as fuck. I fantasize about being aggressively fucked by a blue-eyed Aryan posterboy and having him choke me as he speaks a language I can't understand. I want him to tell me I'm racially inferior (I'm hispanic) and spit in my face with genuine anger. Lucky for me, my European boyfriend is an edgelord who's into the exact same thing. He also loves the idea of being racially subjugated so we take turns in the dominant role. Kinda cringey but hot as fuck
No. 120971
>>120905Please a troll.
Why gorillas? How did this even start?
No. 121000
The ones in her fantasy aren't.
No. 121001
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>>120905what does the gorilla look like? Is it like this 'handsome gorilla' Japanese people were meming about?
No. 122949
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>>120859> jordan peterson and ben shapiro in a daddy/little relationshipAnon, you're serious about this? I'm not even judging you, I just think this is one of the funniest fetishes I've ever seen in one of these threads. Do you care to elaborate on why you think you got it or details on it?
No. 123136
>>122949Not the anon who replied but
>>123135I think it's funny because Shapiro is so short and much shorter than Peterson hahaha
No. 123263
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>>122949i honestly think they would be a cute couple. i used to heavily dislike both shapiro and peterson but their existence is kind of a meme to me now, i can't take them seriously anymore. i've seen some other people shipping them and after putting a little serious thought into it, they would be some movie-like power couple. they'd get along so well. they fit right in to the daddy/little trope.
No. 123273
>>122948Anon I hope you are still here because - I feel you so much!
I am living with this Kink for such a long time now. I absolutely love the thought of peeing for someone..
Actually I thought I might never experience that, but due to some circumstances .. I will do that in a couple of days. I am embarrassed and excited at the same time.
Extra for me : (Imo a little vanilla) Being used and getting facefucked.
No. 123420
>>123415No but it’s hard to believe that a woman would imagine Shapiro in any sexual way
You know, due to the fact he looks like a bleached elongated yet not tall ompa loompa.
The man looks like a thumb.
No. 123422
>>123412what murderer? somebody you know irl?
No. 123554
>>123422>somebody you know irl?Unfortunately not since he is on the opposite side of the planet atm.
He's a notorious mass murderer.
No. 123579
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>>123554>>123554let me guess, anders breviek? or are you not in the west?
not really a fetish per say, but im watching american crime story: the assassination of gianni versace and i'm entertaining the fantasy of murdering famous celebrities. my fave women to read about are val solanas and cathy smith (although both didnt technically murder anyone). i just think its fun to see the rich and powerful in fear, though mark david chapman was on the same pathetic and insufferable level as lennon was. idk, smith's manslaughter charge for belushi's overdose wasn't really fair but i bet it was hot to see him whither around pain since apparently according to her, his last words were "don't leave me alone" after she injected him. heidi hauser is p similar as well.
No. 123642
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>>123630Spotted the huntress
No. 123652
>>123651You can offer blowjobs to strangers and still feel ashamed for it
But it's a good feel for some
No. 123660
>>123579Not Breivik.
Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch terrorist.
No. 123664
>>123663If I said any other mass murderer, would it be fine?
Or you're just
triggered by this particular one?
No. 123667
>>123664no it would not, mass murderer hybristofags are scum, but frankly the fact that this one is such a "fresh" one does make it worse, yeah.
>>123662 also makes it worse. what sort of /pol/tard question is this?
No. 123668
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>>123639>literal libfem "women are also bad!!!" whining kek, i'll keep on being disgusting and thoughtcriming while being in a thread full of actual dogfuckers. there's a reason why this thread is called "fetishes you're ashamed of" and not general shit you display out in the open. i need a fat drug addicted himbo husband.
>>123660>>123662girl, that's even worse. i wanted to fuck son of sam because i like chubby kinda ugly manlets, but i also want to beat the shit out of him. cult leaders are the thinking hybristos type of criminal though tbh. i hope you're not thinking of being submissive to a pathetic lil shooter man because that would be even more nightmarish
No. 123687
>>123668It's not like I am ever going to meet the guy irl, it's just that I keep fantasizing about having sex with him, to look into his blue eyes while he thrusts his dick balls deep inside of me, squashing his muscular body against mine, touching me with those hands, whispering stuff to me while he fills me with his aussie seed…
I really can't stop imagining such things lately.
No. 123690
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I really, really like arrogant male characters. I go back and forth between wanting them to dom me, and wanting to dom them.
It'd be really hot to kidnap pic related and have him tied up in a basement. I'd keep him blindfolded, and put headphones on his ears to make him listen to submission hypnosis recordings constantly. I'd make sure to only feed him or take care of his needs if he responded correctly to trigger words. All his food would also be laced with aphrodisiacs, to confuse him into thinking he's enjoying the situation. Eventually, he wouldn't even needs the aphrodisiacs to make sexual responses to certain prompts or physical contact. I'd be careful not to ever actually fuck him, though, just tease and edge him until he's adequately broken in with desire. The most I'd do at first is (clothed) grinding, biting his skin, scratching his chest or back until he bleeds (and licking the blood), lightly running my tongue or fingers across his cock whenever I feel like tormenting him, and sticking my fingers in his mouth (or vice versa).
One day, I'd take off the blindfold, and make eye contact with him while finally allowing him to fuck me and/or eat me out. The goal would be to reach the point where I could untie him, but he wouldn't even want to leave. He'd be my submissive toy forever.
I also like the idea of the tables turning in this scenario, though. He could have just been pretending to be mind-broken all along so I'd let my guard down, then ambush me at the first opportunity, punish me and make me into his plaything.
Alternatively, I'd also really like to have him put a leash on me, harshly degrade me and have rough sex with me, possibly while wearing a Nazi uniform. Even better if he does things like making me wear a remote controlled vibrator while he plays with the settings in places where I'd have to act normal. This one isn't really lewd, but I like thinking about putting my head in his lap, and having him stroke my hair softly before pulling on it just to hear me whimper, or shoving me off and saying something mean.
No. 123694
>>123688What if she did?
The thrill is exactly in imagining the hands of a murderer touching you and knowing what those hands did.
If the aussie terrorist is what fires her pussy up it's probably because she's ok with what he did.
Right wing leaning women exist, you know. 14 words and all that.
Also lmaoing at the coincidence of your post numbers right now.
No. 123702
>>123699>>123700Are you seriously moralfagging on a thread like this or is there something I am not catching here?
Where's the flaw with my reasoning?
No. 123704
so you believe no woman could ever find acceptable what the terrorist did? is this what you are implying?
(derailing) No. 123756
>>123688I also fantasize about him whispering to me about how he would kill millions just for me, before shagging me like there's no tomorrow.
I don't know if I would condone that, I guess it'd depend on how good the dicking would be, lmao.
No. 123765
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Traps and crossdressers. I think I wouldn't feel as ashamed if there was more content that was aimed towards women, but the stuff aimed towards men with like spread open cheeks and butts jutting out is like a love hate thing. It's visually offputting, but I find the concept so arousing and appealing.
No. 123767
>>123765Oof same anon.
one of my kpop fag friends made me watch a video of his favourite band members cross dressing back in the day and I immediately knew that this was my thing
still kinda sad my bf won’t wear cute clothing for me in the bedroom but maybe it’s better that way No. 123785
>>123765I kinda like cross-dressing, but it has to be more low-key stuff, or at least flattering to the male body. Things like thigh highs, aprons, etc. No overly tight things like panties, tight skirts, blouses, that make a guy's body look straight and emphasize lack of curves…
Also degenerate and unacceptable if they guy is already into it and gets off on how unappealing he looks, or how he's dressing as the "inferior" gender. I only like it if the guy is embarrassed by it, or grows to like it because it makes him feel sexy for his SO.
No. 123787
>>123786I don't see the connection, what's panic inducing disturbing about time stop stuff ?
Also, are mimes like sexy to you. I'm genuinely curious.
No. 123790
>>123787It's non-con…. and then combine that with disturbing hentai stuff. I'm also into invisibility for the same reason.
Mimes, sis?
No. 123834
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>>123690I’ve gotten to the point where half my schlick materiel is of arrogant guys in glasses (always glasses) getting destroyed in the asshole by a another guy. I literally almost get off exclusively to weebshit megane painal.
I don’t wear glasses IRL, maybe I identify more with the top? Wonder if this makes me a little bit tranny. Sigh.
No. 123860
>>123841Try the one pictured (kawaii sempai no kaigoroshikata)
Akunin wo nakaseru houhou by Gido Amagakure
No. 123863
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>>123851>I feel like a sick fuck but I like thinking about everyone knowing I’m a nymphomaniac whoreanon why the fuck would you be into something like tha–
>and fantasising about who would jack off to itg-gross
No. 124210
>>123798Not BB but DkS, my undead ass wants to hook up with an invader who dominates me after the first fight then becomes a rival with benefits.
If only that were Leonhard, his voice is to die for. I hope Elden Ring has similar opportunities for kink, damn my budding From fetish.
No. 124630
>>124281I have no intention of ever reading that story but so many people always refer to it here. Can you sum it up in one line without detail, preferably with a spoiler tag for the sake of others?
>>124612Unless you only know kids and monks people will just be unimpressed and find you tacky.
No. 124665
>>124612I have like, the inverse of this. I want to watch a very shy, cute guy who's normally very prudish tell me about his kinks, and revel in his shame. I want to see a "pure" person's dirty, corrupt side.
Then, I'd probably want to bully him for being a sick freak, only to let him indulge in his fantasies with me. Depending on what it is, I'd either just dirty talk with him while giving him a handjob, or I'd let him actually try it.
Bonus points if the whole thing messes him up mentally and he has an obsessive love/hate relationship with me after the fact.
No. 125413
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I'm not a furry but this drawing is kind of hot. It's the eyes.
No. 125468
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Navels. Just thinking about an exposed midriff makes me fucking insatiable, guy or girl (mostly feminine andro guys though). I've had the fixation with them since I was a kid and I still don't understand why I'm like this. I just love the different shapes, the intricate interior and I don't care if its an inner or outer one they are all good. The only ones I don't care for are really deep ones where you can't see the inside but otherwise just seing an exposed midriff makes me sweat. I'm a girl and the fact I only see men share this fetish makes me feel pretty awful, as well as the fact its a fucking weird thing no one talks about. I also have dreams a guy is licking mine and I hate this fetish so much it feels mostly painful instead of good every time.
No. 125501
>>125492last year there was this guy in one of my workshops who would blush whenever he'd laugh, it was so extremely cute, even though he was kinda ugly, I found myself trying to make him laugh as often as possible just to see him blush. stalked his fb after and he turned out to be a massive redpill faggot so like not worth it, but god, the wasted cuteness potential!
also unrelated, but weirdly enough I kinda understand the sneezing fetishists. tbf the moment before sneezing and the is it coming, is it not do weirdly remind of orgasming so like fair enough. not that I would masturbate to my crush sneezing or something kek but I understand the premise.
No. 125626
>>123786I use to think about this when I was younger. Like, just going around and molesting/undressing people. I still get off to groping videos and dubious consent. It's the idea of being attractive enough to use that gets me off.
Lately it's been incest, mainly with a younger girl and an older relative.
No. 125634
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>>115488Same here, anon. A lot of people don't understand these fetishes, but simply put, it's apart of my humiliation fetish. I wouldn't live a DD/LG lifestyle, but being forcibly treated like a child is humiliating and a turn-on for me.
No. 126192
>>125468not navels but i'm into bellies, rather the fupa area with no fupa? like right above the dick, or above the vaginal mound. i love kissing my partners right here. it's like somewhere so innocent and pure for me. also very vulnerable area, not that i'd want to damage it. i always kiss there many times if i'm going down on someone.
>>124612i was groomed this way, so reading this made me really uncomfortable. please don't do this unless the other person is into it.
>>124281reading stuff like this makes me so amazed, human brains work in mysterious ways huh
No. 127032
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i just want a submissive guy who'll let me tie him down and completely use him and emasculate him however i want
No. 127062
>>127043to you, maybe
i love how dehumanizing it is
No. 127361
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I just want a bunch of extremely rude and cold blooded edgy vampires to run a train on me with no mercy thank you
No. 127439
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I want to peg a priest there I said it.
I want to send him to hell and make his afterlife miserable and he’s torn between loving getting constantly fucked by me in hell and hating it
No. 127473
>>127455Of course you swine
Normal adults don't want to read sex stories about fucking 10 YEAR OLDS
No. 127506
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>>127020>>127037i'll bite, it's this guy. he's awkward and seems like a huge virgin. in a way, i have no problem knowing that this probably means i have autism if it means i'll have good orgasms.
No. 127511
>>127506Lollll I haven't seen that movie in years
What would you even do with him though?
No. 127532
>>127522i want to feel him up and rub my hands all over his chest. sometimes i fantasize about him having a big robotic dick and riding him. he seems like he'd be really awkward and shy, and would let me dom him and make him moan like a bitch. i'd smother him with my pussy and make him eat me out.
think of that if you watch the movie.
No. 127535
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>>127532This is some big clit energy here.
No. 127538
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I have a lifelong recurring fantasy where a woman is in an enormous, beautiful Victorian mansion. The house is haunted. She's there to either investigate for possible supernatural activity OR is just there unsuspectingly, not knowing of the ghosty probz that exist. And then there's a surprise sexual assault by an invisible entity. Sometimes the woman calls upon the spirit to manifest for specifically sexual purposes and what ensues is consensual invisi-spirit-fucking, but the shameful bit is that I enjoy the nonconsent versions in my head the most.
I imagine in great detail breasts being groped by invisible hands and how that would look. Nipple sucking, the nipple sorta going up and down, is a big deal … And a kiss where the face of the person would look all squished in with the lips getting all mushed around, kinda grotestque but amazingly hot to me.
Of course, also all other variations of watching sex just being done by an invisible (male) entity on a female body.
When I discovered the movie "The Entity" I don't think I'd ever been so turned on in my life. (I still haven't seen the whole movie, just short clips of the sexual parts and it's the only "porn" I've ever even watched.)
No. 127616
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A guy buff holding a black gym bag. All the details have to be in place like that. No skinny dude, no red bag, no women. Just a buff guy with a gym bag
No. 127654
>>127616Usually fetishes in this thread are oddly specific,
but that's oddly general anon. Just stand outside any gym and you'll see gymbros with gymbags, eventually there's going to be a black one.
No. 127880
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I wanna be strapped naked to one of these in front of a group of guys I'm friends with, while one of them teases me with their fingers and a vibrator and edging me and letting them watch. I'm usually pretty shy irl but something about the idea of being so exposed like this for other people turns me on a lot, it feels really powerful and kinda alluring, and I would imagine it would give you a confidence boost lol, getting people turned on. Plus being tied up and having to take almost painful amounts of pleasure and you're not able to move is…whew. Hot.
No. 127979
>>127945>Is this normal?It's a thrill, doing something that might "endanger" your current way of life.
But I'd like to point out that getting pregnant and have babies is not a "fetish", it's literally the basic human biological drive that keeps our species surviving.
Today's society is so fucked up that the natural instinct to have offsprings is either seen as a discomfort or as a fetish (like the "creampie" porn fetish category: that's not a fetish, it's what a man is supposed to desire on a biological level to perpetuate his lineage - unless it's anal creampie lmao).
No. 128062
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>>127506LMAOOOOO whats your deviantart anon
its very cute and wholesome though, my current male obsession (3D husbando) is not as wholesome even though he wasn't a murderer or anything. Kinda want either to domme him and keep him as a sex slave, or have a nice makeout session with him
No. 128543
oof. honestly wasn't sure how id even word it without coming out that weird.
No. 128887
>>128245On the flip side, I like to be the one doing the baby talking. Anytime I fantasize, it's always my oneitis in my arms and I'm cradling him and cooing at him, trying to make him flustered.
>>128876I came here to share similar. I have very specific fantasy of living in an ancient world, where I'm a general of a Gaulish tribe and he's one of the slaves captured from a lost Roman battle. There's a market where generals are expected to pick out a certain number of slaves to help accommodate in the hauling of tents home, and I have to pick. All of them I choose in mind for the job, except for him. The men expect to be treated poorly and are abhorring the upcoming jobs from insult, but my labor is fair and I feed them well given the circumstances. I earn some level of respect from those men, though obviously still the enemy, and he takes a liking to me, but absolutely refuses to cave because he is betraying his own tribe by doing so. I keep him extra close and slowly mindbreak him through teasing and being inappropriate. I constantly remind him that I won't force anything on him, other than the labor that is expected of all the men, and this drives him crazy, because he wants me to use him as my personal slave so I can absolve him of all guilt. Not only that, he can't try anything on me because I'm his superior, and could technically have him killed. I find out he's a higher rank and he is so ashamed of having lost he wants me to dom him, but he's never outright about it.
I feel retarded posting this, but it does something to me dammit.
No. 129007
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My fetish is guys who smoke… I'm ashamed because it's so unhealthy but I find it so hot.
No. 129093
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>>129007I wouldn't call it a fetish for me but I find smoking hot too. it just looks so sophisticated, but feel bad cause of the health implications. it also stinks and is gross but in pics or in movies it looks so good
No. 129244
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I know another anon mentioned these already but I have a lot so lets go, some things are unrelated but kinda irrelevant for context. I'm full of shame. I don't like the idea of having sex with real people, tried it, hated it. All these things are strictly fantasy.
>I have a big brother fetish, and kinda a big sister fetish, other forms of incest disgust me but I just have a fantasy about having a big brother who protects and also sex.
>I love, love traps, and MTF trans, and feminine boys in general. Being feminine and also having a dick just really gets me going, related to this is freedom which I am also very into
>Monster boys and girls are so fucking hot, I don't mean Anthro but, slime boys/girls, harpy's, lamia, ect are so fucking hot
>Anthro, it gets me going, even things going into feral territory.
>Older men, ugly bastard trope is one of my biggest shames
>Pure girls, the idea of corrupting a pure, of age christian girl who's never even slept with a man, oh boy.
>Egg laying, incubation, ect.
>The idea of fucking a moving living plant, being eaten by it even as it fucks me silly so i don't fee a thing
>GIANTS, big men and women, specifically men with long dicks that wont fit.
>Yaoi, yuri, being in a 3 way with anyone but especially with same sex couples
Theirs a lot of others, i'm a awful person that was corrupted by very male oriented porn when i was very young so i've got a lot of kinks that i can't escape.
No. 129257
>>129256Kek I had the same reaction scrolling past this.
>Pure girls, the idea of corrupting a pure, of age christian girl who's never even slept with a man, oh boy.Anon sounds very male here.
No. 129304
>>129276>>129257Okay, I posted here because I am absolutely ashamed of a lot of these, but you're not gonna put words in my mouth and accuse me of wanting to force myself on someone, I never ever said that. Yes I know very well I sound like a troon/scrot but i'd rather die than be either
I grew up in a very religious family and when i say "corrupt" I just kinda want a cute wife who had a similar background.
No. 129614
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The Grinch. He's fat and hairy and ugly?? but I dont care. I always got excited watching this scene as a kid…
No. 130119
I guess I’ll just dump several here. Most of these are complete fantasies and not anything I’d ever want to try out in real life or things that are even possible irl, so I don’t know if they really qualify as a fetish or if they’re moreso ways to spice up my fap material. My brain has been pretty poisoned by anime porn, fanfiction, & imageboards.
Biggest one for me right now is cuntboys. Not as in FTMs, as in a fantasy fetish gender that consists of biological natal males that happen to have a vagina.
Piss, watersports, omorashi. Anything in that category. Making someone go in my lap, forcing someone to hold in their pee well past their limits until they wet themselves, drinking pee.
Incest, specifically brother/brother or brother/sister incest
Hybrids, specifically bunny or cow hybrids.
Lactation and breastfeeding, esp. male lactation.
Size difference, tiny cocks & small penis humiliation
Mindbreaking, manipulation, brainwashing, hypnosis, forced regression
Microphilia, shrinking
Quad amputees that are completely helpless and dependent on a caretaker
Forced feminization, chastity, petplay, nipple and septum piercings
Sexual slavery
Knotting & come inflation
No. 130123
>>130122While I‘m usually all for being able to confess your worst fetishes without being judged because, duh, it’s called ‘fetishes you’re ashamed of’ for a reason. But I have to agree with
>>130120. I’ve never met a single female that’s into these things combined. And
especially shota.
>ways to spice up my fap materialYeah, no. After all of this you’d have to come up with actual proof for me to believe you’re anything other than a male trying to satisfy said humiliation fetish.
No. 130126
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>>130123I can't help but laugh when I read comments like this. It you think women can't have their minds poisoned by porn then you've probably lived a pretty sheltered life. It's understandable that we don't share our shameful kinks irl but the internet abounds with proof that it does happen. Just going off that list, I'm personally into
>Piss, watersports, omorashi. Anything in that category. Making someone go in my lap, forcing someone to hold in their pee well past their limits until they wet themselves>Incest, specifically brother/brother or brother/sister incest>Lactation and breastfeeding (female only)>Mindbreaking, manipulation, brainwashing, hypnosis, forced regression>Forced feminization, chastity, petplay>Sexual slavery>Inflation (from food instead of cum)>ENF & CMNFShall I post my vagina for proof, anon?
No. 130131
>>130119Kill yourself please
Also you are truly mentally ill if you have more than 20 revolting fetishes
No. 130139
>>130134Yes of course it’s fucked up. But it’s pure fantasy, like most of the things I listed. I’m not gonna actually go out and do any of those things except maybe maybeee the piss stuff and the piercings (I don’t want them for myself, I think they’re hot on other people). What’s appealing to me is the total and permanent helplessness and dependence, the fact that they’re incapable of moving or doing anything by themselves including getting themselves off. It’s like extreme bondage.
No. 130142
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>>130139But anon they have no limbs. No limbs anon. Are you fantasizing about fucking a torso with like a head and no limbs? These poor bastards have no limbs. They can't even brush their teeth. And you want to fuck them? Its not bondage because they have no goddamn limbs anon. What are you gonna do when you're done fucking them? Cart them back to the assisted living facility? They have no limbs.
No. 130143
>>130141I’m not male but nothing I can say will convince you otherwise so it doesn’t matter lol.
>>130142Anon as previously stated it’s pure fantasy. It doesn’t need to be realistic. Hell like half the things I listed don’t and can’t ever exist in reality. I do not actually wish to sexually interact with a quad amputee in real life. I get that it’s cringe and retarded but I’m not too concerned with the logistics.
No. 130155
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No. 130156
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>>130150It's still fucked up though,you cretin,even when I was a teen girl I had crushes on fictional adult men,I'm not sure what the hell is wrong with you but you need a mental revaluation,makes me glad I stayed away from anime shit when I was younger,what are you?you probably visit the deep web everyday,so of course you would consume all of this nasty shit your brain can handle
No. 130159
>>130156>even when I was a teen girl only I liked adultsAnon, that is also not good.
This other anon is far worse and gross, but your experience should not also be normalized.
No. 130161
>>130156>you probably visit deep web every day because you liked underage cartoon charactersAnon holy fuck you can't be serious. I'm 100% vanilla. I was close to ages of both Ciel and Honey when I seeked out fanarts with them.
>even when I was a teen I only had crushes on fictional adult men…eww.
Do you think 20yo girls who like Todoroki (he's 15) are pedophiles?
No. 130163
>>130161Technically not pedophiles, but ephebophiles. It‘s
not normal to be attracted to someone underage who‘s
several years younger than you. Stop trying to normalize this shit with all those examples.
Also stop trying to backpaddle with shit like
>I was close to ages of both Ciel and Honey when I seeked out fanarts with themObviously, if you’re around 14/15/16 yourself it‘s not an issue to be attracted to people around that age. But for one, that’s usually not what’s referred to as shota, especially not by adults (which I assume you are) in an imageboard/fetish context, and secondly, at some point you move on and stop being attracted to literal children.
No. 130164
>>130163>Technically not pedophiles, but ephebophilesThat's the same thing, both of those are equally disgusting. I think people like you diminish the weight a word like "pedophile" holds by equating people who like underage fictional characters who are clearly coded to be much older than they are (both in terms of appearance and personality) to pedophiles seeking out actual child porn.
>that’s usually not what’s referred to as shota, especially not by adultsYou just told me a 20yo girl who likes Todoroki is a ephebophile. Nowadays "shota" is not only used for really young male characters (11yo and younger), but also even male teenagers in sjw circles.
>stop trying to backpedalNot trying to, like I said, I seeked out fanart with Ciel and Honey when series they appeared in were popular.
No. 130186
File: 1577911099912.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.06 KB, 935x1361, __original_drawn_by_morino_bam…)

Alright. I know I'm into femdom among other things but lately, I've come to realize that my LDR boyfriend being a virgin excites me so much (We're both 21 btw) So like, I guess I have to add this to the list? Idkk. The idea of me teaching him how to please me and vice versa, seeing him struggle to hold it and shamefully moan because he never did this before etc etc makes me horny af.
Pic kinda related cause I've been thinking of the idea of him having to wear girly clothes and it seems cute? Also I don't mind making love to him in such an outfit. Urgh, I sound like a degenerate. To clarify I'm NOT attracted to transfags in any shapes or forms.
No. 130192
>>128818I like them all, very thin, buxom, curvy, average, or even the typical masculine body, as long as they have something girlish about them with a nice sized or big dick. Nothing gets me off more than good looking man in feminine clothes. It's like objectifying the male body in such a sexy way since the mtf are put in poses and positions emphasizing their legs/butt/cock in ways straight men aren't.
>>128831This immediately turned me on so much
No. 130429
>>130219because you can’t freely brag about how badly you want to fuck minors?
so shit
No. 130464
oh boy do I have a few
Tentacles (i blame the internet for this, was exposed to that shit when i was like 11, but i suppose watching cartoons when I was a kid when there was a tentacle monster it would always be exciting, esp if it was something like a plant or robot and not connected to an actual like human enemy character)
then that whump thing, i never knew there was a word or community for it until now, basically i love men in fragile positions like theyve just took or beating or theyre weak (nosebleeds are a massive turn on for me) esp if theyre being loving at the same time, e.g touching the female characters face as theyre slowing becoming weaker or any of that shit they do in movies, so cute
then I have some that i've fantasised about a lot, like a guy whos just my friend seeing me undress (peep at me without me knowing) and masturbating, or seeing me asleep but just in my underwear and becoming turned on and masturbating, or even see me masturbate and masturbate too (before I was with my current BF I slept over at his house and fell asleep in his bed, he confessed he saw me in only my underwear and it turned me on just knowing that he saw me, too bad he just shut the door and went away haha)
but yeah I like the idea of a nerdy shy dude secretly masturbating over me. not boasting about it or flirting at all though like being super shy about it, i think its super cute and gets me going. I was friends with my current boyfriend for years and we discuss it sometimes and it gets me excited knowing he fancied me all that time without showing a hint for so long.
andddddd maybe a guy fucking me in front of our friends , idk though maybe im just rlly horny rn. I would never say yes to that so maybe if he did it while i was like tied up or something? tbh i'd love to be DP'd by my guy and one of his friends. i'd never do it tho lmao. I'd like to fuck a girl in front of guys or a guy, not letting them join just letting them watch. i'm bi so I love girls anyway but depriving some horny nerd of joining in and knowing he's masturbating desperately wishing he could join in is just 10/10
No. 130473
>>130464I just learnt about the whump thing and I think I'm into it too? But I like seeing both male and female characters "whumped" and when I think about it I'm not sure if it's inciting a caring instinct or sadism or some creepy blend of the two. There's this Japanese thing called "ryona", most ryona videos are just lame recordings of players letting the female main character in video games get KO'd by enemies or LPs of shitty H games but there's a wiki article that better explains it and imo there's some overlap between whump and ryona, especially when the target can be a man in ryona too.
And this is really lame but the best example I can think of right now is in the last arc of Revolutionary Girl Utena, the state of the main character in the very last fight. The rawness in the voice acting is what really sets it for me with the visual details like scuffed clothing, grazed skin, tearful eyes. I guess anime really did turn me into a degenerate.
No. 130479
>>130473out of curiosity, anon, does it make any sort of difference at all what gender the
victim is? i guess i'm just too straight to see the appeal of 'lady whump' so whenever i come across stuff on tumblr where the target is a woman it makes me paranoid that the poster is a larping sadistic man.
i feel better knowing that women can enjoy it.
No. 130492
>>130479You wouldn’t be wrong for being suspicious at whoever basically posts softcore sadist material online.
It does make a difference, it’s just not the same without the focus on a female character and I don’t know if that’s because I need the perspective to project onto or because I’m ‘bi’ (but not really? I’m convinced I was conditioned this way from porn because I don’t think I’d date or enter a serious relationship with a woman irl). I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t some kind of sadism. Men’s cries don’t cut into me in the same way. But I do exclusively seek out male focused material only, like I love a good whumpy ikemen with a bloodied nose, yet I’ve never searched for that art of female characters even though all of my fantasies need a woman involved. tangent:
There’s a lot of famous male artists known for depicting girls in sexual ways that I just find creepy and I don’t think it’s a double standard that I like Sachiko’s type of art at the same time; there the male character is her focus, with a lot of care and attention to his mannerisms. The artists I’m thinking of (like Robert fucking Crumb) just draw all kinds of women like lewd accessories, caricatures (sometimes racist ones), it just comes across as bluntly obscene to me.>>130482 mentioned brutality, I’d be lying if I said that didn’t appeal to me too. It’s about watching something beautiful be destroyed, but I don’t mean a pretty girl in some cheap rough pornhub clip. It’s best if there was something good and precious between two parties to be ruined to the shame of both involved. Naturally I prefer my whumping as a result of (romanticized) crimes of passion, I dislike remorseless, thoughtless sadism. That shit sobers me right up.
No. 130499
I'm a voyeur, amongst other things. I care less about the dude finishing and more about seeing him get hard in the first place. I'm really ugly and have never gotten to really explore a real dick so chop it up to that, but the idea of a guy actually getting hard for me, reacting to me touching him, is top tier. I looove videos of guys getting off in public, on buses, etc. and I always hope I'll see it myself on the train or something. Some of the shame comes from the fact I'm not sure if some of these videos are taken consensually, usually they're overhead shots of a guy jerking off in a public bathroom. Sometimes the guys inconvenience/harass women too. (I also love seeing dudes use fleshlights, dolls, or other weird objects.)
Another thing is being physically trapped, like in cement or quicksand. Not always in the mood for it though. I read a book in 4th grade about someone getting stuck in the ocean during high tide and almost drowning and that cemented itself. I've also gotten kinda into it when elevators I'm alone in get stuck. It's the opposite of claustrophobia, maybe. Not super ashamed of it but it's not something I can act out.
I also like a lot of the ugly/fat guy stuff, being obsessed over, being abused to an extent (not really outright murder), being in a harem, but I think it all boils down to wanting to be desirable. I cope with m/m stuff too, especially abo. Was more into that when I was a young teenager though
No. 130680
File: 1578661012776.jpeg (25.46 KB, 300x168, EFE5F262-B98D-4D80-BAB6-9CCE6A…)

I find burping to be highly erotic and I experienced a sort of sexual awakening while watching this scene as a child. Please end my suffering.
No. 130727
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gloves, particularly cloth/leather, latex ok if the rest of the vibe is medical. grabbing while they're on, taking them off dramatically when time for business
i feel like it's so mundane and probably my partner would be into it but how tf do i bring that up lol
No. 130763
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all of my kinks are really cringe and disgusting but the one i’m most ashamed of is my kink for stockholm syndrome/sexual slavery. this is a fantasy only kink of course but GODDAMN, it turns me on so much to think about being held captive by a man and to be forced to serve him. it also gets me going to think about being the dominant in that position too, lol, but i mostly fantasize about being held captive and being forced to be a slave.
No. 130764
File: 1578772921917.jpg (195.02 KB, 968x1198, IMG_20200111_205713.jpg)

Theres something so hot about women brought up in the occult or satanism. While the men all look like crusty and genuinely ugly weirdos, the women are always gorgeous and incredibly sexy. I'm not even an occultist and the current scene is full of cringy wannabees anway but I wish I could have experiences the scenes heydey in the 60s - 80s just because I could have gotten my pussy ate by a beautiful satanist girl. Also it looks like they had tons of fun back then.
No. 130765
File: 1578775482107.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.72 KB, 600x404, bb8f_2.jpg)

>>130764The other day I was thinking about posting something similar! I'm also not into occult or satanism but when I see vintage pictures of the scene back in the day I always imagine having some sort of idk sex party or orgy in that kind of style? Like, living the hell out of being a sinner or something like this? But then again, as you mentioned, the actual scene is pure cringe so I will leave this one to be a everyday fantasy.
No. 130968
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>>130764I'm not bi but I see what you mean. I saw some of the mel robbins show the other day and this girl came on who was raised in a satanic cult and not only is she pretty but her tattoos are awesome
No. 130978
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>>130972lol anon let's make fun of handlets together
A friend of mine tried to flirt with me about his "long fingers" but his hands are too square and chunky (and hairy) to be beautiful, sad. People talk about men's forearms a lot but never mention hands? Is it because it's "like feet", nevermind that hands have so much more to them? You can imagine them doing anything from loving to skillfully playing an instrument and they're not associated with touching the ground/gross stinkiness lol
No. 130993
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>>120951Came here to say I regularly fantasize about Hitler. I have an extensive collection of photographs of him and I get off to him telling me I'm the perfect Aryan lady.
Sometimes I just fantasize about a high ranking SS solider. I just really, really want my boyfriend to buy a uniform (the same black SS uniform). Then he'll punish me for not being a good enough Aryan (all in German, we both speak it) and we'll fuck in the name of the Fuhrer.
No real idea why I have this fetish but it was probably one of the weirder confessions my therapist has ever heard.
I also get off to Severus Snape at least once a week so at this point I just think I'm a freak.
No. 131181
>>131174I know porn tries to make it look like women all crave semen but I'm disgusted by both the smell and taste of it. Took me years to get the guts to be honest and say "no I don't want semen on any part of me"
I know when my friends discuss it most of them don't like cum either
No. 131224
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I noticed that the more I decend in other interests, the more I am atracted to characters that look like my boyfriend. Pic related is from an incest age gap manga/anime, and I read it (and partially watched) all of it just for him. His voice actor makes it even better.
I don't usually care about incest aside of the pressure from beign caught and the sexual tension in front of others. And I can't really fap to males so I'm not sure if it is a fetish (at least not sexual?)
Tentacles, anal and males are a big no ever since my 12s. I wish I've never entered /d/.
If you bring me a futa raping and an underage, you'll make my night. Make the little one a toddler and you'll make my month. I couldn't care less about those two by separate (a single futa or a loli), I need to have them acting together.
I wish I could grow a dick sometimes, and use a flesh light every day. I was never able to cum, I just can't have orgasms I guess.
I don't feel comfortable imagining weird stuff while fucking, I tried but it turns me off. He knows about the loli futa thing, but he resumes it to just be a 2d thing and insists on someday having a daughter.
Is looking for real life porn of "lesbians" with strap-ons, and height difference a sign of me getting worse?
Also, how vanilla are reverse traps and lesbian groppers?
>>128520 you may like Yubisaki Kara Honki no Netsujou
No. 131244
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Shaving and haircutting.
It's such a weird a thing to me. I learned to cut my bf's hair and I get soaking wet each time.
My mom always tells me I should do it as a job since I've gotten good at it but she doesn't know I'm a degen. I don't I could work constantly aroused I'd be so embarrassed.
Like I can't even find anything to masturbate to because men ruin the fetish, they degrade women by shaving their heads and they always look like creeps when they do it too.
I don't like the idea of ruining someone's appearence or taking their safety net which is what hair basically is to a lot of people. With haircuts I like to see drastic changes but seeing the customer happy and their looks improved.
I like to grow out my hair really long then cut most of it off, that gets me super wet, I have no idea why and I'm so ashamed of it.
I like when men are clean shaven, but since my bf has gain a significant amount of weight he has an extremely round face and looks better with a beard, but I fantasize so much to shave it off with a straight razor but I don't think he'd look very good so I never bother to ask to do it.
Fuck that scene in Skyfall where Moneypenny shaves Daniel Craig's face had me ummmph.
No. 131248
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>>131245>>131247kek john travolta is so gross. I'm a sad creature with a weird fetish. I'm really picky too.
that scene didn't really make the CUT for fap material.
also i would've died of a teacher just showed something like that in class.
I used to die a little inside when I watched the makeover episode of America's Next Top Model with my sisters. I felt so dirty kek
No. 131257
>>131244This is pretty cute anon. Have you looking into like barbers accounts on instagram or does it have to be framed in a sensual way?
I like accompanying my boyfriend to get his haircut cause he goes to a nice barbershop in the city that seems to attract primarily good looking men in their 20s and 30s and I like to go just to sneak peeks at them and listen to the chatter. I guess it could be a fetish but for me it's more about cute boy watching than the haircuts themselves.
No. 131258
>>131244Me, too, but it's definitely in the unwholesome, degradation way. And it doesn't need to be the hair cutting itself, but just a guy suddenly having a buzzcut is really hot ESPECIALLY if it doesn't suit his style at all/he's hiding it. A guy in one of my classes last year shaved his head before starting the new semester and he hid it under a hat while it grew out. His regret was so fucking hot.
Even more exciting, a guy I liked anyway once shaved his head and I complimented him (it was already pretty arousing since in some way it made him look even more vulnerable and…sickly?), but he was embarrassed by it. It could only be more arousing if I'd held him down and shaved it against his will while he was crying, heh.
No. 131260
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i love the whole "sad clown"/tragic comedian trope. i saw joker and was into arthur but it still didn't hit the spot. i love the whole concept of a funny man falling into despair/drugs and gradually becoming more and more depraved as time goes on.
No. 131323
>>131258See I wasn't following you but then
>it made him look even more vulnerable and…sickly?>held him down and shaved it against his will while he was cryingWhy does this do things to me, I don't want to be mean but I sort of want to be mean.
No. 131325
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>>131250Tom Selleck's mustache is so cute I wanna shave it off. also kek she doesn't even cut any of his hair.
>>131258I usually don't like degradation with haircutting but what you described just made me wet. anon y u do dis
>>131258i dont think i could go to a barber shop. just the buzzer noise instantly arouses me
No. 131335
>>131330Yeah! Shame Ryan didn't show it more when he first cut it, it looks cute short though.
>>131332There's not a lot of good shots of it but here's both of them getting their hair cut on stage
No. 131834
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Stomach growling, especially from hunger. My favorite are the long, low muffled kind. Bonus if the character/person is clutching or rubbing their stomach in agony or reassurance, hoping to get fed soon. I blame cartoons.
No. 131948
>>131940That's kinda sweet.
>>131945If your brother hates you too or was constantly mean, it would make sense to deep down link incest with affection.
No. 132009
Aight not the weirdest shit but I hate myself for it. I really want a buff, hairy, loving demon guy to fuck me raw. Like huge demon guy, if he ain't 7 feet tall it's a hard no. I want him to be the most loving and dorky but super masculine guy ever. I want him to get to know me first and charm me so badly that I'd die for him (to clarify not hypnosis, like he's such a great guy that I just naturally develop feelings for him), and when he does, I want him to take me then and there, even better if I don't want to at first. But he eases me into it, and I start to love it so much that I stop resisting. Then I want him to fuck me hard but lovingly, don't worry it makes sense in my fantasies.
I also want to top him, BUT he's super insecure and thinks he's ugly, so I peg him. I want him to be super embarrassed how it's his first sexual experience with a woman, and he's afraid he'll hurt me, but I reassure him that he could never hurt me.
He gets tentacle fucked and I get to watch. Oh! Almost forgot! Him getting fucked by other demons and I have to watch, then I'm forced by other demons or some shit to suck his dick, and he's apologizing because he never wanted this to happen, as he tries his best to hold back his moans, but can't because my mouth feels so good.
basically I want to fuck hellboy, thanks Mike Mignola, been attracted to that son of a bitch since I was 8. My damn sexual awakening was to hellboy. Also not the movie version, SPECIFICALLY the comic version. Movie version isn't as nice. Something about hellboy makes me want to fuck him so badly, and looking at the drawings of him being wrapped in tentacles really hit different with me. Don't ask how I got my hands on those comics because I don't remember.
ALSO I definitely love switching from top to bottom, being one strictly is kinda boring, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer bottom.
No. 132352
>>132351impressive that you can determine that from one shameful fetish post
i was just becoming normal when we started dating, i've long since ditched any genderspecial-ness. he's the one that helped me realize it was retarded
No. 132798
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>>131060Me fucking too!! I love it when cute dudes moan, especially when they sound desperate.
Not really ashamed of it since finding moaning attractive is a normal thing. What I am ashamed of is listening to those stupid
otome cd recordings and such. Just kinda annoyed how a lot of dudes don't really let their voices out and the ones who do usually aren't attractive lmao
No. 133273
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Motorcyclists in black clothing and helmets, posable mannequins, robots, anything that has a humanoid figure with a rounded, smooth head. Idk where the fuck it came from, but I remember being fixated on the texture of nice leather, metal, and glass at an early age. I think anonymity plays a role in it as well. picrel
I am also a huge handfag, but I'm fairly picky. If I'm around somebody with the type of hands I like, I'm barely able to function.
No. 133286
>>131060fuck yeah i watch solo fapping videos of hot guys more than any other porn because of this. i'm not ashamed of it, it's very hot. the genuine moans of a guy makes me wet like nothing else. it's amazing when you hear how they really feel while satisfying themselves. even if i don't know what they look like these sounds do turn me on
i've even paid an asmr guy who does 18+ content for a commission. i was really into his voice and he's made me cum many times, i was happy to pay him.
No. 133290
>>133283Try literotica. I've found some good audio of guys moaning, there's one I adore called Mirage.
>>133273Are you me anon? I get distracted by motorcyclists in those circular helmets with the full glass, especially when the guy turns his head slowly, almost like he's a robot. Something about the inhumanness.. I have no idea where this stemmed from either.
No. 133298
>>133286A-anons I am the same..
I really like moaning, especially jap guys. So uh, P-hub has some nice dude named taku-yan.. just fyi,u should check it out..
No. 133379
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I used to not really 'get' nun/priest fetishes. Then I listened to a female cover of Type-O Negative's "Christian Woman" and I think It's given me a nun fetish. Something about the song talking about forbidden lust, the wanting, the punishment that awaits for giving in to such desires. Along with the themes of worship and subservience. Plus the inherent 'wrongness' of a member of the church giving into such lewdness.
No. 133594
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>>133550>>133570me too, anons
tfw no dick to make your bf suck
No. 134125
>>134040>>134036i'm not attracted to women, though. i just am attracted to the idea of having sex with them as a man or being sexual with them as a man.
>>134123it can be straight. i personally don't objectify men probably because i don't feel comfortable being female, and also because i'm not really that attracted to men or the idea of having sex WITH them. i'm viscerally turned off by the idea of being pleasured by a man, as a man, too. i can't change how i feel. i just don't really like men in my fantasies, generally, unless i get to be them.
No. 134138
>>134123I always get the impression that they can't think for themselves and just do what is expected of them. They have the paradigm in their mind that women = object to be acted upon, man = active partner.
>>134125The only thing I don't like is being expected to engage in PIV with men. But I have found plenty of attractive men who are happy without it so it's no longer a complex for me. Otherwise I find men attractive, their bodies and personalities. If you don't find men attractive and you are fantasizing about having sex with woman, that's still gay no matter how you spin it…
No. 134165
>>134138i maintain that it's not gay and is probably due to feeling uncomfortable as a female, too disassociated from my own body, on top of probably internalizing the male perspective because the female perspective is constantly denied to us. i get the feeling a lot of anons probably feel similarly. i can sometimes be attracted to men but generally am not attracted enough to them to want to be sexual with them, it's just a general attraction that is more romantic than anything and can sometimes develop into being sexual, whereas i'm not attracted to women at all. it's straight.
>I always get the impression that they can't think for themselves and just do what is expected of them. They have the paradigm in their mind that women = object to be acted upon, man = active partner.this sounds nlogy, self righteous and like you're trying to claim feminism while ironically unintentionally downplaying what this really signifies on a much larger scale, by just blaming women for "not being creative" enough. tbf, the male perspective is the only way ALL media is portrayed. why you need to fault women for not being "creative" enough when all media specifically depicts men's perspectives as THE perspective and THE default, THE only real one, is dumb. i've always only ever thought this way, starting from childhood. it's not deliberate. this shows to me how infectious this must be to little boys and men, because it seems capable of infecting girls and women. the constant barrage of "the male perspective" in literally all media feels very invalidating to our own realities and perceptions.
No. 134188
>>134177i get what you're saying, but my take on it is that i essentially have what troons have, which is sort of an erotic target location error. rather than the person being the focus, it's the dynamic and role i'm in that i'm drawn to, or something, except i'm not a troon, and it's not out of fetishism, but conditioning, repeated exposure, and how uncomfortable i am with being in a female body. that's why straight troons who fuck men really aren't gay. they just get off on feeling like a woman. i think it's the same. i know i'm not really attracted to women because i've never seen a woman and had romantic or sexual feelings or desires towards her.
>and the idea that straight women might not be attracted to men rubs me the wrong way a little.i can be attracted to men though, mostly romantically. i can think they are immediately pretty and aesthetic, like a painting, i just don't find their faces or bodies like, viscerally attractive in a sexual way. over many months i develop a kind of muted sexual attraction to them, it's just not really all that like how a lot of straight women seem to think of men. i don't really fantasize about them though. i don't feel this way towards women though ever, no matter how long, so i'm pretty sure i don't have any homosexual latency or anything. i think this is a little different from how most straight women feel, but i think it's still straight.
No. 134189
>>133608It's really cool to learn I'm not alone! Also I think i'm straight but I don't really like sex in general to be honest.
Only get off to imagining myself as a guy going down on a woman.
No. 134192
>>134138I don't like PIV at all. Spent my twenties partaking in it anyway out of a feeling of duty and now that I've kind of mentally scarred myself from that I refuse to do it anymore
Can't find any man who'll accept that you can hate penetration without you needing have a medical condition that makes it
No. 134195
>>134165>by just blaming women for "not being creative" enough. tbf, the male perspective is the only way ALL media is portrayed.At some point you have to learn to think for yourself and take some responsibility for the beliefs you've adopted. Most women never stop to question, until maybe their late 30s or 40s, why they do certain things, or how maybe they don't or never really wanted those things in the first place. Yes it sucks that it's even necessary in the first place, but you won't get past it playing the
victim. You need to challenge these thoughts and recognize they are not your own but ones you picked up from others and believed to be true.
You are making things worse for yourself by passively adopting the male perspective and shaming your own femininity.
>>134192Yeah, I just straight up tell them that I won't do it because I don't enjoy it and it does nothing for me, so I don't lead people on. I've had a lot of men try to convince me otherwise (oh I just love how some people will try to explain your preferences to you), I just block them lmao.
No. 134213
>>134195 > Yeah, I just straight up tell them that I won't do it because I don't enjoy it and it does nothing for meThis was me. Eventually married a guy that was cool with it and one day four years in he just vanished and never explained why. Literally ghosted me when we were married and in a lease together with shared bills, accounts etc, I could only assume it was because of that (despite always being open about it and him always being very cool about it)..
Fast forward a few years and when I entered my next serious relationship this guy was cool .. and then changed his mind as soon as we moved in together. Having already lost one love (presumably) because of no-PIV.. I spent the next three years having sex I didn't want or enjoy in the slightest. God I wish I had stuck to my guns the whole time!
No. 134222
>>134213Damn anon, I'm sorry. I doubt the first one had much to do with PIV and it was more the fact that he's a shit human being. Who the fuck marries someone and leaves without a reason? I'm sorry how the 2nd guy pressured you to, hope he fucking dies prematurely.
God I hate people.
No. 134496
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this isn't really shameful, but i'm extremely horny for any dumbass adrenalinebro dick right now which is really off brand for me.
i wanna suck off some snowboarder dudebro for completing some idiotic and dangerous stunt. i wanna get railed after walking a tightrope together over a canyon or some other stupid bullshit like that. i'd literally walk into the X Games right now and fuck anybody there.
No. 134497
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really into masks. but there has to be some malicious intent like wanting to kill me or has an obsession with me/stalking me on top of that. always been super into masked killers (ie michael myers, leatherface, jason voorhees) and i love the idea of being chased by this apathetic murderer. i like the thrill of it, and my fantasy splits into two paths: being used as a slave until im killed, or being murdered right after being caught and fcked. lololololol and i am a necrophile too (with me as the body <3), that's what im more ashamed of than the masked murderer thing. basically, my fetish is being a final girl.
also love guys in dresses (pic DEFINITELY related) but only like tall, masculine dudes. fucking hate femboys and twink pro ana looking type guys. just generally more into guys who are built, but also kind of chubby (and just reg chubby dudes are also Very Good so long as its like not morbidly fucking obese haha.) pegging is also really up there.
No. 134506
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I’ve had a fart fetish since I was younger,
honestly it started when a someone I liked in 6th grade pinned me down and starting farting on me
At the time it was gross af but I think I got into it because it was “taboo” and meant someone was comfortable around me lol
god forgive me for my sins
No. 134508
>>134507Yeah I’ve even seen some with 1M+ views
tbh it’s seems about even with foot fetish fags
No. 134582
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>>134507>>134508Jesus Christ imagine the smell
No. 134642
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I love huge, powerful, morally pure men and humilliating or raping them. The ideal of bringing them down to the lowest lows despite all their power, despite me or the ideal perpetrator being far smaller, weaker and less accomplished just because they have a chink in their armor is… bueno. Messing up legendary paladin-types is just an ideal.
I specifically like it because it exposes this certain vulnerability in them, I think, that you don't get to see in most media with paladin-sorts; it flips the typical oooga-booga-man-strong-he-do-what-he-want script on its head, especially if he consciously refuses to fight back due to inexperience or not wanting to hurt someone weaker. Then you get the breakdown after… the psychology in shambles, the ego compromised in a way it's never been before, whether it was rape or just being made to take some sort of drug or punishment or simply being brought to tears through mental abuse. It's especially good when the perpetrator comforts them over that and convinces them that it was okay, or that they were asking for it, or something like that. Or just apologizes… which is also weirdly attractive? I don't even hate men as much as I should- and I think this is kind of why. It gives a kind of unrealistic humanity to them? I do prefer women usually, but this kind of abusive role reversal is the only kind of abuse that really gets my motor revving; I just like normie stuff with girls.
No. 134770
>>133550I'm pretty much like you, to the point that I also envision myself being passive despite having a penis in my fantasy. Not always though, sometimes I also enjoy thinking about how fun it would be to have a really, really big one and teasing and "intimidating" guys with it. I feel pretty weird about it but once I'm in the mood it's one of the hottest things ever.
The thing is that it's something strictly sexual for me, I'd really hate being a man.
No. 135024
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I've been watching stepsister/stepbrother shit cause it's the one of the only places you can find vanilla dynamics of attractive young people and there's enough taboo to be interesting without it being too scummy.
No. 136985
>>136976>I don't like diaper and ageplaying, I enjoy caring in a maternal way and incorporating that into the relationship.Samefag
>>134642Where is that comic panel from?
No. 137102
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at what point does being attracted to a certain ethnicity become a fetish?
i've been serial dating and hooking up with exclusively indian men for the past couple of months. something about that swarthy brown skin and all that dark body hair those certain facial characteristics make me want to go all kama sutra.
there's that, and the fact i've been learning up on indian culture in general. i was a watching an entirely innocuous recipe video on youtube earlier and my face was getting all hot listening when the speaker started to explain everything in hindi (lul)
i'm mostly ashamed bc i try to maintain a woke persona irl and i also happen to be of a certain race that's known for being heavily fetishized by horny creeps
i'm kinda anxious that it would fuck up my reputation and my dating game if word got out
but then again… that desi dick too bomb
No. 137105
>>137102i don't think there's anything wrong with liking a certain ethnicity as long you get to meet them and like them for what they are and not for their appearance.
>i also happen to be of a certain race that's known for being heavily fetishized by horny creepsi know that feeling and we might even be from the same race, that's why you need to be careful not being seem as creepy and obsessed.
there was this guy at school that made me fucking uncomfortable because he was always looking at me with really lustful eyes. he was kinda handsome so i thought it was just my imagination but he actually chased me on social media, liked my pics and all. he dated girls from the same race as mine before. we even talked for a bit on snap chat but i cut all ties because he made feel very uneasy. so be careful to not be that kind of person.
No. 137151
>>137102>>137105OP is dating men so I bet even if she was a full-blown fetishist retard, they would not mind at all lmfao
Besides, she's fucking consensually and not stalking indian men from her work (I assume)
No. 137198
Kind of similar to
>>137102 except I don't have experience with dating based on it, A couple years ago I got a major crush on a half asian celeb. I've always felt like I'm not all that attracted to men or like very few men do anything for me. After developing that crush I wondered if him being half asian plays much of a role in my attraction.. and after looking around at pics and porn it seems that it does. Like I said I've no real life experience based off of it but it's awakened an attraction to men I just didn't think I had.
I don't feel great about it cos I know men often fetishize asian women and that always creeped me out. I'm also pretty unlikely to find that kind of guy where I live so that's not great either.
No. 137217
>>137105ooh, what race are you? i try my best to not be too much of a blatant indian weebshit with the men i talk to, especially because most of them are second generation / diaspora, so they're usually pretty westernized anyway. i hopefully won't start having delusions of being swept off my feet by a supremely cultured bollywood dreamboat any time soon lolol
>>137156tbh, aren't women of every ethnicity significantly more attractive than their men? i won't deny that there's a lot of ugly desi guys. i don't want to fuck
every brown guy i meet, but i'm definitely more strongly attracted to the average brown guy moreso than the average guy of any other race, including my own.
>>137198i live in an area where south and east asian people are a tiny minority, so i don't usually have the best of luck meeting men in my daily life. i take advantage of dating apps like Hinge and CMB that allow you to filter race so my feed is 100% men i want
No. 137220
>>137102I feel this. I'm mainly into Asian guys which admittedly sounds super cringey, but I don't like kpop and haven't really been into weeb things since I was 16ish either. I think it's moreso due spending a few years somewhere very predominantly Asian, plus I like relating more since we're usually both from immigrant families
Guys don't rly mind in my experience because I'm not forcing any creepy stereotypes on them. I end up liking more fuckboys who used to be in frats than kdrama pretty boy types lmao
No. 137223
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>>134511yeahhh, i understand this post waaaay more than i'd like to. It was all because of me watching Schindler's List, Battle of the Bulge, Das Boot and other ww2-based(-ish) movies during high school. I've never told it to anyone either, and it's probably best kept a secret, because knowing the history behind the Third Reich reasonably well, there's no reason to glorify Naziism in any context at all, even a subconscious sexual one, so it's better kept untold to anyone who might also get into the kink. That being said, it's fucking ridiculous and not at all funny how i used to feel a
certain way when I saw men lined up in SS greatcoats and stahlhelms covering their eyes - I'd obviously feel a great deal of shame after. But damn, those uniforms really complimented the male figure well.
Fuck Hans Landa too, almost got over it until I saw Inglorious Basterds.
No. 137510
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I developed an extreme obsession about the skeksis ever since I watched the new Dark Crystal series back when it premiered on Netflix. I couldn't stop sexually fantasizing about them. I feel like there's no hope for me anymore
No. 137773
>>115141- Huge headshaving fetish, no idea where that came from
- Parts of women's faces being distorted, like their noses held upwards/put in hooks or their mouths stretched open
- Prosthetic noses and chins (can't find any relevant porn)
I'm a lesbian and quite sexually submissive but don't even want to directly experience this stuff. Just makes me unbelievably wet
No. 137801
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Disgusting any other time that I’m not in the mood
No. 137825
>>137801i imagine being in a gangbang where i keep talking down on them and tell them none of them could make me cum, and they get turned on but also fed up with me. they'd manhandle and tease me, trying their hardest to please me. after they make me cum and proving me wrong i would let them fuck me hard.
i could never do this in reality but it's hot in fantasy
No. 137838
>>137783same, im a skelly and dont want to gain weight myself but i think chubby girls are the cutest and hottest
i have a hateboner for obese people though and especially the HAES kind, i hate them but im obsessed with them at the same time
No. 137886
>>137838I don't know what it is anon, I just like em
I dont wanna be big but I just love seeing their curves, them eat, it turns me on. It sounds weird but damn
No. 137887
>>137838lmao are you me. i've developed an obsession with a specific "type" of dude that's usually overweight and sleazy but i hate fatties myself
though its mostly femdom fantasies so i cant be TOO mad at myself
No. 137946
>>137932How much of that is just borderline controlling,
abusive, and narcissistic?
No. 137974
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super weird and specific but here I go.
Hollywood Sex Cult shit.
I fantasize about being a young and beautiful starlet having to satisfy male actors, directors and producers to score the bestest roles.
No. 137980
>>137975>>137977Look its the weird shameful, amoral even if you count the nazi shit, fetish thread.
>>137978Im not american (and not conventionally pretty) so it seems pretty farfetched lol
But honestly I think I would genuinely go for it if I lived like in LA or NYC, I know its super duper fucked up but hey my dumb brain thinks its the hottest shit since the invention of the wheel.
No. 137984
>>137887You are the product of Hollywood brainwash. Congrats is how pickmeshas are born
No. 137985
>>115141I hate myself bc some of my fantasies and also some I got to act out (yay!) are exactly like Shay's trashyness that people hate on in her thread.
Like I've had my pussy & tits stepped on. Had someone spit in my mouth, mild pissplay…but the thing that made me feel most disgusting (not the goodway) and lead me to post here is the fact that I also asked(!) my Daddy-partner to give me his cum rag. And I would lick it and nibble bits of fuzz because we were in an international relationship and I wanted to feel close.
This is awhile ago, in a committed LDR…but I still sometimes have urges to be degraded like that and I don't wanna be Shay-style.
No. 137988
>>137891>im also into fat guys, not even chubby, but straight up fat, even superfat.Same anon.. like, guys who weigh at least
400lbs. I know it’s unethical, so I’d never participate in this fetish irl, it’s just fantasy.
Also anon, I can give you the name of some tumblr blogs you might like, if you’re interested, lmao.>>137946>>137923>>137944Oh ffs. This is the “fetishes you’re
ashamed of” thread. Anon knows it’s degenerate.
No. 137991
>>137923>>137944all of this is true and i don't doubt what i feel is routed in sadism, ive never actually enacted it irl. not into bdsm but i can see the appeal in humiliation especially when i fantasize about weight gain. immobility or disability because of obesity is a turn off for me anyways, but i won't deny i enjoy the idea of skinny people getting fat enough to struggle in athletics. i'd never make anyone change their body for a fetish lol, but i'd definitely hook up with someone overweight or obese because i like the feel of their fat. overall its a gross fetish but again i'm chill with it because it's targeted at human beings and i just need someone with extra chub to get off rather than a custom fursuit or overly convoluted roleplay lmao.
>>137988greetings fellow degenerate, im actually surprised how many times this fetish has popped up in thread. it's soooooo fucking common in males that it feels like no other females in comparison have it lmao. and in all honesty i probably follow those tumblr blogs already because i'm horny, but always am down for more content. my ideal is 300 pounds, but it looks different on different frames. allz i want is a belly to cuddle into sighhhh
No. 138080
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I find the Necrons from Warhammer 40k extremely fucking hot.
No. 138327
>>137984lol chill
im not that attractive so…… besides i dream about sodomizing these dudes not worshipping them
No. 138330
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>>138327speaking of, my fetish for hurting men i dislike has extended from men i think are annoying (but ultimately harmless) to the worst of the worst society has to offer. like pic related or ted bundy. i want to ravage and kill him for what he did to children and corpses.
im so fucked up but i def look down upon on the women who want to want to be submissive to terrible men (like
>>137785) but i dont think its that wrong to want to dominate them and make them bleed.
No. 138392
>>137102One of my old teachers (british northerner) joked she had a thing for indian guys often and white guys just didn't do for her, it wasn't creepy, just funny to hear her fangirl about her husband for a bit. Yeah she's married to an indian guy, they dated for ages before marrying and having kids and she said she loves being part of his huge family who teach her things about their culture. Hope that story makes you feel less degenerate.
Me on the other hand? I think I'm a sadist. I'm normal 99% of the time and find excessive violence in movies and things to be distasteful but when I'm in the mood I imagine TLOU2-tier violence for fun. I should consider therapy for it but I don't want to talk to someone about that.
No. 138396
used to be into rough sex, choking, general brutality, rape fantasies, home invasion, some slave shit, chikan, you get it… I wasn't feeling good with those. Personally I think if you have extreme fetishes it's not something you should accept, maybe it's an unpopular opinion but I believe in shaming your stupid kinks. By getting a bit more confident, engaging in female spaces and simply not entertaining those fantasies, especially by not watching any porn related, they vanished. Then for a bit I was into domming lol I guess my brain needed to cleanse after the humiliation bullshit. That mostly went away too, now I'm just slightly leaning to that side. Now my only fetish is guys moaning and masturbating, edging and a bit of orgasm control. I think that's it
Sorry if this sounds like I'm trying to be hollier than thou, I'm just sharing my ashamed-journey
No. 138440
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>>138396There's nothing like a good fuck between you and your man, right? I want something akin to 'vanilla presentation' (without using that retarded word) that isn't preachy or awkward like a 90s PSA but any quality porn out there these days are fueled and made by fetishists. Nobody's interested in vanilla …that is until imageboard virgins start memeing about handholding and the gf experience
like me>mfw no bf to bump foreheads with accidentally during missionary then giggle about it No. 138466
>>138396I'm so happy to hear stories like this. It really doesn't fit right with me how increasingly extreme stuff is normalized nowadays, it's honestly frightening. I wouldn't want my little sister to enter a dating landscape where most people are into shit like choking, and it's only getting worse.
I also used to be somewhat kinky/sub, but it's not appealing to me anymore. I guess because I have a partner who is more empathetic and playful in bed in a way that doesn't demean anyone. Sometimes people need kinky stuff because their partner just doesn't turn them on otherwise.
No. 138494
thanks for the lovely feedback on un-fetishizing myself, I feel a bit proud now. If you want to do it, I believe in you, it seems like "that's just how I am" but it's not true, it's possible to rewire your brain.
>>138482>>138440I slept with a guy before quarantine happened. Just slept. When he thought I was still asleep he caressed my hand with his… very very delicately, with the side and back of his hand, so he wouldn't wake me up. It was like getting pet with a flower.
I still think about it. It's so innocent and fluffy yet so sexy at the same time. There's something about being touched like precious porcelain.
No. 138574
>>138494That's so cute. I hope you keep seeing him
Also that's the shit that sticks and replays in a girl's mind. None of that weird fetish shit that they want you to role-play with them.
No. 138766
>>138763>cumbrain but also male-repulsedoh shit, so it is more common than i thought
well, that's reassuring, now i just gotta figure out why i'm like this.
No. 139825
>>138396>Now my only fetish is guys moaning This is my favorite thing lately, especially because my bf doesn't like to make sounds but it turnes me on a lot instead.
Hear a guy whispering, moaning and sighing for pleasure is hot as fuck.
No. 139869
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I have a weird desire to be raped and forcibly impregnated, then spending the rest of my life living with and raising children of my hated rapist. I don't know why. I guess I like the stability of it? I've fantasized about a man coming into my house, killing my husband and brutally raping me next to him, and then being abused mentally and physically to be his wife, and having his children whom I'm forced to take care of. It's so fucked up and it makes me really nervy of men.
No. 140030
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Wide open dickholes. Like comically big and open. I'm obsessed with the idea of sticking my tongue and fingers in it. I find this fetish very shameful to talk about irl and none of the guys I've met was interested in this sort of thing, sadly. Pic is very NSFW.
No. 140102
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Starting to think I might actually be a bit of a sadist. I don't enjoy inflicting pain that much but I love love love weak/delicate/fragile/sick guys. Genuinely could never be attracted to a chad/alpha/whatever buff and dominant guy. Of course I don't want him to be a complete doormat but I love having control over pretty much everything (not just sexual). I love the idea of a guy who is weak or sick (but not disabled in any way) and I have to care for him and be gentle with him. The discovery of the 'whump' genre has been extremely eye-opening. However it's not exactly wounded guys that I prefer (although blood and bruises are sexy as hell) but more of a general, internal fragility.
My biggest fantasy is that I work at a sanatorium in the alps (magic mountain style) and this tall, skinny, pale, sickly, shy and polite guy is a patient there and I'm his doctor/caretaker/whatever and I seduce him but he's too weak so when we have sex I'm always on top.
No. 140133
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The idea of having het relationships or having het sex with a man is nightmare inducing but I get off to the idea of me being the one touching him, making him blush and squirm, pegging, saying mean things to him and making him cry then fucking him really hard while he is still crying and then hug, caress him and put kisses all over his body and face until he falls asleep. Then rinse and repeat.
No. 140163
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I was watching Waco and I didn't think Koresh was cute until he gets shot in the side. I don't want to nurse him back to health, though. He was just so cute, trying to will himself to stand up and then staggering around and bleeding everywhere.
I would like to have gone in there as a rogue tactial agent or whatever and kept him handcuffed to a radiator as a hostage, and if he tried any cocky religious shit, I'd push my fingers in the bullet hole and make him scream. He'd let everyone go and I'd be a big fucking hero. I'd say I was just doing my job, but really, I just wanted to make him cry.
Why am I like this?
No. 140165
>>140163fuck this is hot. are you the one who post him in the unconventional attractions thread?
all my femdom fantasies involve men i consider jerks (i had a strong fixation on a comedian for a while) or were actual criminals who did horrible things. i think its the thought of being able to control and damage a man like that. that he'll never be able to function again knowing what i did to him. submissive femboys annoy me, especially the mommydom bs.
No. 140175
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>>140165I've never posted him before. I actually started watching the show because it was mentioned in that thread, kek.
Which comedian did you like, anon?
No. 140180
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>>140175john belushiit beats having my previous severe hybristophilia fetish though
No. 140187
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>>140180Girl, same! I've got such a thing for funny schlubs with big brown eyes.
No. 140207
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I fantasize about abducting various types of misogynists (the types you find on Reddit: raging neckbeards who comment on pictures of women, complaining how they only seek attention, how women life on easy mode in the western world, etc.) and turning them into my slaves.
I would control every aspect of their life, starting with what and when they get to eat.
I would take greasy fat virgins and force them to work out and get a REALLY fit body. I would tie one of them down, administer viagra and milk them again and again until they cry and beg me to stop. This would motivate him to lose his fat as fast as they can.
Another one would get my charming treatment. I would motivate him to do as I say and promise to reward them, promise to let them fuck me like they complain 'Chads' do. I might actually let them fuck me.
Chronic masturbators would get a chastity device and camera surveillance with electro shocks when even trying to pleasure themselves. They would have a TV and group-watch pornography for a few hours every day.. I'm not sure if I would try to turn them into permanently-horny playthings or try to make them resign and just lose interest.
The 'sophisticated, well-groomed' ones would get a lot of their hygiene denied. They would have to shit in a bucket in front of their fellow prisoners. They would wear a lot of bondage gear, I would remove their ball gags once a day to eat and that's it. Maybe they would have to wear strict and uncomfortable masks. They would get ear plugs and listen to hypnotic binaural listenings.
Homophobes and the like would get a treatment designed to emasculate them. Of course the castity device. Shaving their full body. Cleaning rooms on their knees in latex outfits all day. I would make the now-fit, formed fat slaves to be sexual on them, make them lick their whole bodies or massage them, sometimes perform anilingus on them.
They would hate it even more then the former fatties hated their fitness course, but I would reward compliance with allowing painless, well-lubed anal penetration. I would train the homophobes to enjoy dildo penetration in their ass, enjoy me fucking them with a strap-on and eventually let them fuck each other. First with blindfolds, then without. They would have to suck each others dick and learn to swallow cum.I would essentially train them to enjoy (and not only 'endure') gay sex.
My most-blantly, unashamed women-hating subject (self-proclaimed 'red pilled') would get the classical femdom training. He would have to learn to pleasure me orally. Learn that my pleasure is the most important thing in their small world. He would have to learn how to shove their tongue deep into my ass while I rub my clit and wet his face. I would let my juice dry on his face and get sooo turned on by the silent rage.
I would train him to stay hard and not orgasm while I ride their cock. He would have to keep his mouth open while I let my salvia drip into it. Disobedience would get punished by spanking.
My slaves would all wear a shock collars, but with the goal that eventually they would do everything as I train them to do. I would reward obedience and establish a hierarchy between them. The most 'loyal' (a.k.a. completely broken, brainwashed) slaves would be allowed to punish the dissidents.
I would let those slaves then dominate me to the extreme, with the use of a safeword. Instruct them to hold me down, fuck my throat, fuck my ass raw and make me cry in pain. Cum would leak out of my ass if I didn't hold it in. They would slap my face, flog my tits and my belly. Choke me and keep slapping my face. I would love it. And when I was satisfied, they would go back in their cells afterwards, not even thinking about running away. I would let myself go like this maybe once every two months.
I only wrote about half of my perversions, but you get the idea.
No. 140209
I'm incredibly into all things anal and have been since my early teens. Getting fucked, rimming, pegging, extreme insertion, enemas, gaping, all of it. Suppressed it for a long time because I thought it was gross/unhealthy, most people would think it was gross and was too ashamed to bring it up with by ex bf. I hoped I would lose interest in it from not watching porn for several years, but I never stopped fantasizing about it, I thought about it almost every time I had an orgasm. It worries me to this day that I can't really get off without thinking about it.
And now that I've had anal sex with my current bf, I've realized I'm never going to get away from it and should try to embrace it but I'm a self conscious pussy so it's hard. i haven't even done it with him in almost a year even though we both enjoyed it partially because I'm still anxious he'll be disgusted by how into it I am…
No. 140212
>>140211I'm already ashamed of it, I dont get why you try to shame me further so hard.
>its not normal for you to want to abuse peopleIt's not normal to fantasize about getting raped either, a lot of girls do that…
>and its not normal for you to want to be degradedok nvm are you just here to kink shame in a thread called FETISHED YOURE ASHAMED OF
No. 140218
>>140105the dream
>>140124i've seen that and the cinematography is so beautiful but the protag is an asshole plus wtf was that ending?
No. 140433
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Okay anons, I've been thinking about this for a while, I needed to share this because you are the only ones who would listen.
I have a thing for male chests, like big, firm and voluptuous chests; the guy doesn't even have to be particulary buff or fat, just the chest is more than enough. I like the idea of rubbing my face on a guy's chest and grope them. Most guys I know don't have it, they are often too skinny or just flabby.
I've been thinking about this for a while, I think that the first time I pay attention to that was in a Sonic fan-comic from years ago, it was a yaoi comic but it had TOO MUCH emphasis on the characters' chests, the artist treated the fur like breasts and younger me couldn't stop looking at it. Then I found out about porn, not Sonic stuff anymore but yaoi and gay porn overall.
Years went on, I stopped with any form of porn, a few people told me to get into Danganronpa, on the second game there are at least 3 male characters that have bigger chests than what it looks like on the sprites, I got back into doujins. Most of the time I just stare at the chest and imagine them bouncing.
I tried to get into porn with women with big breats thinking that maybe I was a lesbian, but it wasn't the same, I keep thinking about how it would be more interesting if it was a man's chest.
Right now, I meet a really sweet guy, he is really nice and I think he like me. I was looking through some blogs, until I guess I found his personal one, nothing to out of place until I found a post which states that he is trans and hasn't started top surgery. I felt terrible when I started to have dirty thoughts again and with the quarantine thing I got even hornier. I don't want him to hate me.
I never felt ashamed of my fetish until I met him, I feel like an awful friend, I'm so sorry.
No. 140440
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>>140433sounds like you're just into the bara body type. i can't blame you, i'm usually into twink type bodies for guys but a guy with a big chest can def be hot.
i know guys and i also know transguys pre and post top surgery, and I don't think he'll hate you for what you're attracted to (guys with large chests). if he plans on having top surgery and depending on body type, it's very possible for him to get a large chest through exercise and weight training (see transguys like aydian dowling, pic related, i've seen ftms with more muscle in the chest though if you like beefier).
I don't think he'll hate you for what you're into, or for knowing, especially if you're understanding which it sounds like you are. As long as he doesn't feel like you're fetishizing or viewing his pre-top surgery chest as something feminine, he most likely won't mind. And if he does there's plenty of large chested dudes out there who would let you snuggle with them.
I wish you the best of luck.
No. 140463
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>>140187<3 sorry for the late reply but i always thought hicks was cute as well. someone posted emo phillips and andy kaufman in the unconventional attractions thread and i agree with those assertions
i want a 1970s comedian bf to peg and torture
>>140447based. also that jewish boy thing…….. reading about irma grese may interest you, she was a real sadist. the men of my choice i want to dom are just jerks or criminals
Also i’m that anon from the savile feminization post on the other thread, i seem to get people going wit my torture of evil dudes kek
No. 140477
>>140463No thanks I don't read or watch or even go near porn stuff or torture stuff (same thing amirite). I dont even fantasize about things not involving my bf since we've been together. It's really nice to know there are other girls like that though! A lot of the time I think that I must be a horrible weird person or something.
>>140471Oh,sorry. I meant those as well/in addition to. I'm illiterate, I guess.
No. 140527
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I want to be treated like a spoiled child, and taken care of. But I don’t want to act like a kid (so no ageplay).
And I would want the guy to be hot and young, not some gross incel-tier kinkster daddy dom, which makes this an extremely retarded fetish, because the only men who are into stuff like this are ugly and broke.
tfw no male model daddy bf, life is so cruel
No. 140540
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>>140529Why not both? Pretty sure it’s not normal to want to be treated like that. I don’t want to make any adult decisions, or to have to be a mature partner in an equal relationship. I consider myself smart and capable, but I want a guy to treat me like a stupid naive child.
I’m very aware of the fact that I am selfish and lazy bitch lmao
>>140530preach sis
No. 140587
>>140529women are meant to be pampered and relationships where the man loves the woman more prosper above all others
either get on the winning team or get left behind
No. 140779
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Very specific scenario,
but i want a daddy/mommy-type loving and understanding guy/girl to just be going about their normal routine, for example: sitting down at their desk doing some good old computer work, and when i feel needy i would just go up to them and sit on their lap (specifically just one of their legs) and start grinding on them.
They'd be understanding of my neediness and just tell me i'm a good girl, leaving me to do my own thing while they're still working. I'd grind and grind until i'm wet enough to take of my panties so i can feel my wet pussy grinding again on their leg until my clit gives in and i cum.
No. 140783
>>140587idk i don't want to be pampered. i want to feel loved and to me, that's being on equal ground. don't know why everyone jumped on that anon calling her a lazy bitch though, it's not my thing but no shade
anyway i really just want a submissive guy to the point i don't know if i could be attracted to a man who was dominant in bed… i just want a guy who'll let me do lots of things to him. to get on the fetish side my biggest one would be to tie a guy up and just sexually torture him for hours. blindfold him, force him to choke on my fingers/a dildo, aggressively ride his face, edge him, tickle him, make him cum using only prostate stim etc while he's completely helpless
No. 140784
>>140587being pampered by a loved one isn't the same as being treated like a spoiled child you weird ddlg mf.
and wanting to be loved isn't a fetish, it's a basic human need. y'all need help
No. 140798
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>>140477aw lmao, fantasizing about one dude is kinda boring. i like to bring my obsessions together. like i want to dom obvs my comedian bf, but i also would treat him much nicer in comparison to the horrible men (ie: bundy and savile) who i would LOVEEEEEE to force feminize and terrorize with every form of torture.
i'm not sure if it counts as hybristophilia to be attracted to criminals but also want to harm them? i need more online friends to talk abt this with
No. 140809
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>>140806lmao no, it’s some art of a david berkowitz inspired character my friend did. i’m a degen but i draw the line at being horny for that kid
i also love voyeurism in general, particularly if the guy is villainous/criminal of some kind. like watching him change his clothes while i’m peering through the closet……… it’s a humiliation thing that a woman is seeing him in his most vulnerable moments.
No. 141467
>>123787you just gave me a mime fetish. think about it. think about all those times you've been around asshole, loudmouth "men" your stupid ex bf hangs out with even though they dis on you, and all of a sudden they magically cannot talk anymore. they are all forced to be silent, wear humiliating makeup, and communicate nonverbally, an apt punishment for being a chauvinist fuckwad who thinks he deserves more than he will ever earn the right to expect in life. and now you can humiliate him and do whatever you want, and everyone will just laugh at his plight. pure unadulterated revenge. i finally understand why people laugh at the sadness of mimes. those fuckers had it cumming.
a blank canvas onto which you can project any character and any story revolving around why that fucker deserves to be silenced forever. i finally get it. this is why people enjoy mimes.
No. 141530
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I guess this is my time to confess, but first some context. I grew up in this catholic family, which related to my dad almost hating the idea of me bringing a male to the house, but at the same time he wanted to have a grandson, so he used to tease me with guys who study to be doctors or lawers, otherwise he would get mad.
I didn't like that.
So for as long as I remember, I have this fantasy of one day actually finding a cute and smart bf, present him to my family, and once they are all good and comfortable, start to slowly ruin all of that.
Making sure that for whatever reason he has a huge downfall on grades until he drops out while I get my degree. Later on, he is unable to get a job so I am the one who brings the money, and if it is not enough and he still insists on helping somehow, maybe I would let him prostitute himself or something like that, which results on me don't allowing him to wear any respectable clothing anymore, just the cheapest leathery clothing I could find. Maybe I could even get him to get some tatoos and piercings, stuff I would choose by myself for him.
And the thing should go on and on, until he is barely funtional and is just a vulgar slut while I have a high paying job by myself. I would like to know my family's reaction when they find out what happened to him; maybe I would even make him cum on the middle of the meeting and let him beg for me to fuck him in front of everyone, that would be interesting to see.
Perhaps I am doing this for pure spite, I don't find the idea of just having sex with a slut that fun, I like the idea of having sex with a guy who was not meant to be a slut. Sometimes I feel guilty for thinking about men like that, but I just can't feel any attraction for a guy who is somehow more ambitious than me because I keep thinking on the cocky attitude of the guys my dad liked for me.
Tl;dr: Catholic family gave me too much preasure to find a snob husband and now I just want to get one so I could lead him to a Henshin: Emergence sort of situation because I am that petty, but feel guilty of my pettiness.
No. 141602
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>>140447>I'd like to think I'm a nice empathetic personEhm anon I have bad news for you. Still, pretty hot.
No. 141608
>>140806kek, anon
>>141564same situation, I want a nice older brother. I only fell into this in the past year or so, I've always felt lonely but my brain did a flip and gave into degeneracy.
No. 141613
>>141588I don’t really fantasize about having a sibling, but i’ve had dreams where I do and stuff happens but I never do it on purpose. I just consume porn that involves sibling relationships and have some questionable ships that involve siblings, which is where it originally stemmed from for me or how I realized I had this fetish.
>>141608I feel your pain anon, I feel that for me it also stemmed from loneliness and also a mix of never having a sibling or sibling like relationship and therefor not knowing how that dynamic really works.
No. 141675
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>>141610Probably because she does.
>>141625I think those are estrogen stickers, no idea about the ruler.
No. 141692
Ok, so this may be pretty tame, in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a multi-level ‘shame’ kind of situation. I have an immeasurable lust for two, of my long term boyfriends, friends (they’re my friends too, but introduced via partner) They’re brothers, a year apart, honestly a genetic goldmine. Both tan and athletic, one is dark haired and sultry, the other is blonde and green eyed, both have insanely perfect lips that almost guarantee an incredible pussy eating experience. This fantasy literally struck me upon our first meeting and has just evolved over time. I couldn’t decide which one I was more attracted to, so I would fantasise and masturbate about being savagely fucked by either one of them. We frequently chill with them, and the thought of my boyfriend falling asleep and having either of them pull me aside, wrapping their hand over my mouth and silently fucking me in the same room drives me beyond wild. It’s progressed to the burning desire to be spit roasted by them both. I’ve had many ‘close calls’ with both of them at separate times, flirtatious talk and touching, one even put his arms around me and kissed my forehead on a night out and I almost lost it. Basically I’ve been on the brink of a mind blowing orgasm for years. So, there’s that.
No. 141698
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Normally, I'm the dominant person in relationships, but I have a huge fetish for being beaten and killed. It's either by a group of younger guys or by some big, muscular guy. I nearly lost my shit any time I watched The Punisher killing people in the Netflix show. Pretty much of all of my crushes are just guys that I fantasize about killing me. Too bad those kinds of dudes are too hard to find. I bet most are gross, old Fetlife doms.
No. 142300
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>>142276Immediately thought of this pic, anon.
No. 142318
>>141713Big, big YES. The tiny shameful means that are barely held back are the cutest.
>>140892I understand where you're coming from, Anon. I've dated a person with BPD and it was either hot as fuck or miserable as hell. No in between.
That kind of relationship isn't sustainable for a lifelong shared life that brings peaceful joy and pure delight with each other's company in a normal life, and it's worth educating yourself where it stems from (my family was proper fucked up too).
No. 142602
>>142530anything family, even if it's just by law and not blood, is too creepy for me, but 100% I fantasize about my boss. especially since he's married.
also I get off to the thought of dp way too often tbh. I've never done it but I imagine it's not all that pleasurable in practice, but the thought of it is really hot.
No. 142686
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Bellybuttons, specifically seeing them close up. I find it really disgusting and I hate myself for it because it's so repulsive to me but I've always been interested in them in a fetish situation. This pic makes me want to be violently sick but I've also fapped to it a few times.. I Don't know what's wrong with me. Spoilered the pic because it's gross.
No. 143248
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>tfw i want to take an incel's virginity or fuck an incredibly nerdy dude who's never seen IRL tits in his entire life
No. 143251
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I’m not sure if I’m ashamed or not (or should I be) but my #1 fantasy is ”eyes wide shut” -party. Without kids obviously, I’m not sick. Private orgy in a mansion with only good looking people.
>>143248I have same fantasy.
No. 143253
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>>143248Good luck finding one.
I blame this for waking it up in me.
No. 143295
>>143294now i wanna do this too
thank you anon
No. 143300
This is very true. Quite true.
This one guy I’m talking to said something about chafing.
I was like. Wtf.
Apparently he had been beating his meat everyday for TEN YEARS. that’s a long ass time.
No. 143334
>>143297>He's an ugly-cute skelly with long hair and a bubble-butt. >I would rape the ever-loving shit out of him if he weren't insufferable in conversation. Is there anything like shy quiet guys anymore or are they all incels ?
This is giving me a sort of purfication fetish , like making them functioning members of society through hard fucking
No. 144719
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Why am I the way that I am. I am so done with myself.
No. 144732
>>144728Damn anon, I was going to post something similar…but in a woman.
It would be romantic and not degrading though, as well as just once (then I'd have a vagina again). She'd be my lovely wife and I'd be doing it with the intention of starting a family. Of course, it would also be in the context of financial stability and long talks agreeing that we have so much love that we need to bring someone else into the world to share it. Afterwards, I'd be with her every step of the way by taking care of her and supporting her strength.
I also feel no gender stuff; I just want to be a woman but also a dad.
Also used to have this fantasy but with men instead due to trying to convince myself that I'm straight. I don't know which version is more shameful. Mpreg is weird but I feel guilty for fetishizing women as "baby makers." Idk
No. 144765
>>144731Ayrt. Pretty sure 98% of footfags are male. It's not something I would worship, but imo they're a really underrated part of the body.
Sometimes if a guy has nice hands, I'll start wondering about his feet and get instantly repulsed by myself. Or, for example, when the fabric of a guy's trousers rides up and reveals some skin when he has crossed legs, I have to calm myself down a little. Feet can either be cute as fuck or ugly as sin and there's really no in-between.I honestly don't know how I got this fetish either, I used to be absolutely repulsed by them.
No. 144773
>>144731I'm a bit of a footfag but more in the reverse sense?
Like, I'm not into guys' feet but I'm into guys being really into my feet.
No. 144948
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Am i degenerate for masturbating when my sims fuck? I go through patches of compulsively doing it (even sometimes quietly whilst my bf is in the room on his computer not looking at me?) i feel shame afterward but it gets me there. it's not like i even use the weird glitchy sex mods.
No. 144990
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His feet are cute and sexy. They look big, but seem so soft. He's got high arches too, it looks very pretty.
No. 145339
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I love ENF and CFNF. I fantasize about engineering (or even just witnessing) a situation where some cute innocent girl has to humiliate herself in front of a crowd by taking off her clothes. Or even if it was just the two of us and I coerced her into it. I feel gross because the not wanting to be naked is a key factor for me.
No. 145347
>>145344What have you made people believe irl?
Not that 5g causes corona I hope.
No. 145795
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i have a fez cap fetish. i wanna make out with a shriner while he is wearing it. and then fuck him. i should probably be ashamed, but to be completely frank, i am not.
No. 145810
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>>145792That's where the kink stands: you think you are "anti-authority", but the truth is that being dominated by a strong figure (especially a male) is a perfectly natural feeling for a woman.
inb4 scrote
No bitch, this is just the truth, stop being cringe in denying it.
Lately I have been watching the screeching karens being manhandled by really big guys in camo combat suits and I would lie if I told you it didn't make naughty things come to my mind.
>>145810>No bitch, this is just the truth, stop being cringe in denying it.Anon you replied to, and I'm totally not going to deny that the kink lies within that. I'm a strong black female (kek) and I find true shame in being attracted to authority figures in uniforms like cops.
I do believe you that there's something to it, but we should always be working against that because men have taken advantage of that since the dawn of time.
No. 145843
>>145836> we should always be working against thatI can't help what my pussy feels, anon.
It doesn't hurt anyone when involving private activities done in the bedroom between consenting adults.
I know this thread is about stuff you are ashamed, but in the end you shouldn't be, at least not of this.
No. 146061
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men’s armpits
preferably if they’re also hairless hnng
No. 146781
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My most recent awful sexual fantasy has been being fucked by a guy and then right after he finishes, him shooting me in the head. Preferavle in special forces uniform
No. 154070
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i want to fuck a man's corpse, preferably a famous one. me murdering him is a turn on but it's not required. i'm more into the humiliation aspect of a powerful losing all worth and just becoming an object for me to fuck and own completely.
there was a fic on ao3 where the reader fucks john lennon's corpse after he was shot. not even fully into him but that was hot. sadly its deleted now tho.