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No. 137333
Post conventionally attractive males you want to have sex with and have no shame admitting.
Previous thread:
>>112464 No. 137454
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>>137430Plus he looks like this.
No. 137536
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I hate his facial hair and I know he's a piece of trash but God his butt and lips and hair are so fucking hot. He's cute when he cries too uuuhng
No. 137538
>>137536agreed he is SO FINE
he almost has a sleazy zac efron vibe
No. 137541
>>137536I'm intrigued.
Post his butt pics too
No. 137561
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Ansel Elgort
The fact that he's weird makes it 100x stronger.
No. 137562
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No. 137567
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one of you anons actually was frothing charlie a while back, thanks heaps i got a weird thing for him now.
short hairy goofy boys are the sweetest thing
No. 137569
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>>137567i mean you aren't wrong
No. 137574
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>>137569>>137571fuck yes anons short kings forever
if they don't have a complex about it it's the BIGGEST DICK ENERGY
re: charlie, he got that pocket rocket power makes me go full owo and uwu
No. 137619
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This man has single-handedly given me a daddy kink. I don't understand how he keeps getting hotter
No. 137627
>>137619This shit goes here
No. 137630
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>>137627It doesn't matter that you don't like him, Jeff Goldblum is widely considered attractive kek
No. 137982
File: 1588210156430.gif (685 KB, 360x181, anigif_sub-buzz-8311-150973374…)

>>137575Yeah lmao. Here's dirty trash boy putting cologne on his dick. Slutty boy.
No. 138170
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I don't think there's a single unflattering photo of him.
No. 138187
>>137982Damn this gif made me wet
>>138171I wanna know too
No. 138192
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>>138171>>138187It's Billy, one of the antagonists from Stranger Things. He's the older brother of one of the kids.
He's a piece of garbage but he's so. fucking. pretty.
No. 138195
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>>138194nope dacre montgomery
but somehow i find him about 100x more attractive as a gross, mulleted bully from the 80s. he's not ugly or anything but he's almost too boring as a regular guy lol
No. 138197
>>138192I'm not into stranger things but I've watched compilations and edits of him on youtube
>>138195Same. I wish he'd grow his hair out irl tho
No. 138199
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>>138197>>138195Its regrettable but I get why doesn't go for that look, its risky as hell IRL and might personally be better to come across as a boring good looking dude
No. 138200
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>>138197He is deadass the reason I got into Stranger Things. A sexy glam metal villain with floofy hair? Holy shit, where do I sign?
I don't care that he's ~problematique~ lmao
>>138199Agreed, long hair on men can be hot, but it's really hard to pull off. Plus that's Montgomery's actual hair, it's a wig. Ntm the fact that if he looked too much like Billy irl, he'd experience the Ron Swanson/Nick Offerman effect and everyone would just assume he's actually like the jerkass character he plays.
No. 138203
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>>138197>>138199worked for joe keery. he looks like an incel now that he cut it off lol
No. 138209
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>>138203Jfc the issue isn't that he cut his hair, it's that the hair cut he got looks like ass. The bangs are absolute cancer. What is that mess, a horribly botched bowl cut? Jesus Christ, you're a wealthy celebrity and your hair looks like
In any case, Steve was cute, too, but not as fuckable as Billy. Steve was mostly just endearingly dumb in seasons two and three. His little sailor outfit was kind of adorable.
No. 138274
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No. 138449
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>>138274Yes, yes, yes! Excellent taste anon. I will forever mourn that there probably won’t be a season 4 and I won’t get to see him as will graham again
No. 138816
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would do anything for long haired tom cruise to dom me
no other version of him sry
No. 138918
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>>138816omg yes, he was even hotter as a blonde imho
No. 138931
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>>138918Him and Brad Pitt were both pretty sexy in this movie, damn it is such a good one too I'll have to re-watch it soon.
No. 138934
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>>138930Long, curly blonde hair on men is my kink tbh. My first crush on high school had hair like that.
>>138931Fun fact: these two characters are a couple in the books. They have a love-hate old married couple thing going on.
No. 138947
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>>138816>>138918him in eyes wide shut tho…
No. 138988
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>>138816He looked so good in Legend
No. 139000
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>>138918>>138919>>138931Oof yes. That movie is a gift to women all over the world. Even Antonio Banderas was hot on it.
>>138934>Fun fact: these two characters are a couple in the books. They have a love-hate old married couple thing going on.I thought that was implied in the movie too?
No. 139015
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No. 139021
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I want him to destroy my insides. Or maybe I want to destroy his idk.
No. 139024
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No. 139033
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Would be 10/10 if he wasn't so unfaithful and old rn
No. 139049
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>>139006Honestly I didn't think any of the actors were particularly sexy in IWTV– I just liked the movie because I was a fan of the books. When I was reading the books, my headcanons for what the characters looked like were pretty different from the actors they cast.
I pictured Louis as being more gaunt with a narrower face (think Nicolas Hoult.) Tom Cruise isn't sexy to me
at all. The Lestat in my head looked more like a young Johnathan Rhys Meyers (but blonde.) Dacre Montgomery would also make a good Lestat imo. Armand is supposed to look like a Botticelli angel, which is the total opposite of Banderas lmao.
No. 139130
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Tom Hardy in this role is the only time I found him attractive.
No. 139135
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>>139131It's from The Reckoning. He doesn't have many scenes in it though, sadly.
No. 139179
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>>139097Have you seen Velvet Goldmine? Johnathan Rhys Meyers and Ewan McGregor make out and it's so fucking hot. It's a weird movie and Christian Bale is horribly miscast but I love it anyway. It's my trash.
No. 139182
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>>138934I remember watching it as a kid and thinking the actors were cowards for not sleeping together in the same coffin like they did in the books lol
>>139000Banderas disappointed me the most, he was supposed to be young and cute with reddish brown hair, not a middle aged latino.
Although Cruise's and Pitt's acting was really good, visually I much prefer Lestat's actor in the trash sequel, any hotter than that isn't possible…
No. 139213
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I can't even look at a picture of him on the news without getting horny pls send help
No. 139297
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90s daniel johns
No. 139298
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brad always but in true romance especially…LORDTTT help
No. 139324
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Fransisco Lachowski. sometimes browse to amuse myself, and all the guys on there are obsessed with looking like him, which is pretty understandable tbh
No. 139714
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>>139702Cavill is a fucking creep though. He dated a teenage girl when he was like thirty. Also he said all this shit about how he's against #MeToo because he's terrified people might think he's a rapist, which sounds exactly like the sort of thing a rapist would say lmao
No. 139719
>>139712he looks like a mixed kid I used to crush on when I was in 4th grade… but now the face is still the same but the body is all stretched out to adult proportions.
>>139714and pitt is a cheating womanizer. shamefully i'd still want to fuck em both then brag to my friends about it
No. 139723
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>>139714Exactly what I was going to say. The dude says and does creepy shit, then turns around to be like "but I hope y'all don't think I'm a rapist" lmao! "Traditional approach to woo and chase a woman", I'm wheezing! I guess the man wants a medal for not dragging underage girls by their hair in his lair, instead he is so civilized to groom them politely. Does he ever listen to the shit coming out of his Gaston-like cake hole?! Fuck you Cavill, you are gross and you ruined the witcher for me.
No. 139731
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>>139728I know, right? His behaviour is equally nauseating, while thinking he is the biggest stud in the room when he is actually just pathetic. Gaston is also all about chasing women aka being a dickhead who makes them uncomfortable.
No. 139732
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>>139719Green or yellow dress? To be honest, don't.
No. 139739
>>139714I think most of the dudes who say this shit are probably being disingenuous about it and just being overly reactionary..
BUT.. for the men who legit feel this way. huge fucking red flag. stay as far away as possible.
No. 139755
>>139324He's cute but not handsome or anything like it. Can't say he's my type.
>>139714That's a damn shame. I've always thought him to be a decent human being. Aren't there any attractive actors who are decent guys? People have posted tom cruise, brad pitt and henry cavill but they're all bananas. Does anyone know if Tom Hardy checks out? I'd hate to be disappointed again.
No. 139916
File: 1590266142629.jpg (Spoiler Image,363.74 KB, 1864x2329, EXmwPPtX0AAWJKW.jpg)

Aw yeah
No. 140015
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>>139066I completely agree but I’ve been posting about how horny I am for 90’s Christian Slater for like 6 months.
No. 140018
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>>139916Spoiling just to be safe. Different guy but hot guys in cosplay are A+.
No. 140023
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>>139961damn, amonut of photoshop he uses tho… uncanny valley to the extreme
No. 140037
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young kyle maclachlan
>>140015yes anon. yes.
No. 140087
>>139916Holy shit. Fanning my face here. Can't thank you enough for this anon. That wig is 10/10 too.
>>140018Love this guy.
No. 140106
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>>140018Ah sexy bondage Leon, we meet again.
>>140023I agree. I wish cosplayers generally would chill out with the editing.
>>140087You're very welcome anon. Have another.
No. 140162
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No. 140183
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>>140162damn, YES
if they actually make The Vampire Chronicles tv show anytime soon like it was planned he would be a perfect Lestat
No. 140184
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>>140015I’m not proud but I have the hots for school shooter Christian Slater
No. 140199
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>>140184As much as I love True Romance, Heathers is my favorite movie of all time and he’s so stupidly hot in it. I know that kind of stuff is only fun in theory but GOD he looks amazing in every frame.
>>140186When I initially saw what he looked like now I was very ‘meh’ but actually watching him in Mr. Robot made me have weird feelings for an old man and I’m not proud of them.
No. 140213
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>>140162I'm glad someone posted him. I especially loved how he looked with longer hair in apocalypse
No. 140215
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>>140213YYEEESS, I liked him too! I also loved how sweet and naive he looked in those scenes 'from the past'. And his little smile.
No. 140229
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>>140075Finally someone else with good taste in this thread. He is a male model
No. 140263
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>>140213>>140215same here, glad you guys understand. I first found him hot in this camp look (fucktarded extra bullshit in general tbh) but his acting in ahs is so amazing, I had to post him. He is so self-possessed and hot hngngng
No. 140264
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>>140037I will never get over young kyle maclachlan…
No. 140280
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young Jon Stewart..hhhnnnnngngn
No. 140372
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>>140263his role as Michael in AHS Apocalypse was amazing. also the long hair he wore. FUUUUUUUUUUCK.
No. 140446
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Discovered Tony Thornburg today and I…
No. 140622
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Every role he plays is 100% testosterone. He's just so manly.
No. 140625
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His blonde hair, blue eyes, and muscular body make me weak tbh
No. 140635
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Mark Taylor I only saw him on the tia and tamera Mowry movie “seventeen again” but I remember when I used to dream up my future husband it would always be in his image lmao. He is so fine and he is STILL fine like how!? How they have someone so fine in a kids movie!?
No. 140647
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>>140633>>140625What is considered blonde? I always thought it was pure yellow blondish like pic rel, that's just light brown.
No. 140665
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>>140647His hair is pretty blond in the movie, but his natural color seems to be light brownish. Determining dark blond from light brown is mostly subjective anyway.
No. 140676
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zach villa but only in American horror story
No. 140734
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>>138170he was insanely appealing in fight club
>>138274>>140199>>140264>>140676100/10 taste
No. 140748
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I have no idea who this guy is, I just typed in Mature Korean Men in google. I used to work in an asian beauty shop and the Korean manager looked like pic related. Never had a crush on Asian men before him. I just love this kind looking smile and neat haircut.
No. 140754
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Only men I simp for.
No. 140822
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>>140748hey anon if you're wondering who he is, his name is so ji-sub
No. 140839
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No. 140893
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Idk if anyone else is Grey's Anatomy trash but ughhh. Link. He is one of the only non-toxic male characters on the show right now and he's so pretty.
No. 141068
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What good hair wasted on a literal retard.
No. 141095
File: 1591288474793.jpg (160.42 KB, 955x484, 20200604_192406.jpg)

No idea who this guy is but he's just so fucking hot to me
No. 141127
>>141068Martin Byrant, really?
>>141124He did a big mass shooting in Australia years back which was the inspiration for tightened gun laws
No. 141138
>>141068>>141127What the fuck is wrong with you?
Follow up question: what the fuck is wrong with people who have fetishes for IRL serial killers/mass murderers?
No. 141173
>>141138I think it's most often just larping males trying to meme the 0.1% of women who have hybristophilia or whatever, because they think it's secretly a thing even in the general female population and that's why women don't find them interesting (or worse, they think that acting in a violent and daaaark and edgy manner will make them interesting).
In most of these threads on attractive men, you see a couple obvious moidposts going "isn't it cool how we women are secretly attracted to killers, I have such a crush on this or that school shooter tee hee". So it's either that, or anon is one of the of women who actually have this paraphilia, but that's probably a minority of the "confessions" you see on the subject. I don't think a woman would mistake that for a conventionally attractive guy, or see that unkempt mess as "good hair" lol.
No. 141195
>>141192How can you not know how much ex-nice guy type males on the internet seethe and screech about hybristophilia as evidence that women in general are into violence? They can't stop bringing this up whenever women's preferences are discussed.
It's not that no women have this paraphilia, just that it's exactly that, an atypical fetish. Combining this, and the butthurt males, many (but not all) people making these "confessions" are probably larping moids.
No. 141293
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Hasan Piker, Holy fuck, thank you YouTube algorithm.
No. 141506
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>>140213>>140215>>140263>>140676Based Ryan Murphy knows how to pick the qts.
>>140280tbh I might do old Jon Stewart too.
No. 141512
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>>141506He was really cute in the first 2 seasons but sadly he aged like milk, can't imagine his
toxic relationship helped either.
No. 141524
File: 1591721330570.jpeg (75.11 KB, 618x397, Stromae_20.jpeg)

He's cute and has great style
No. 141558
>>141524God yes!
Oh, to be back in high school when our French teacher showed us Alors on Danse, downloading it after school to my knockoff iPod, listening to it constantly throughout summer and wishing I was a cool french girl clubbing and enjoying the nightlife
No. 141795
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Quarantine has gotten me into watching Netflix kdramas. His character was such an ass, but I kept getting distracted from how much I was supposed to hate him because I thought he was hot lol
No. 141797
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>>137536i came here to post him jesus fucking christ i love him. i'm literally in love with him
No. 141810
>>137562you can hardly call this a
man kek
No. 141811
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>>137333what do anons think of joo goldberg from "You"
No. 141816
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>>141797He's already been posted, but hell yeah I love him too. He's so pretty it's not fair. Look at all of his freckles
No. 141825
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I didn't know who he was until I saw the news that NASCAR banned the confederate flag but he's so cute, I think he's really short though. I'm about to become a NASCAR fan kek
No. 141831
>>141811Would be willing to fuck Joe if he left right afterwards and never contacted me again.
I didn't watch Gossip Girl so I never realized what a qt Penn was till recently
No. 141869
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>>141811he looks like a meerkat here
No. 141875
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>>141825Same here anon. I can't stand Nascar, but he's handsome as hell.
No. 141942
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>>141811just finished season one and holy moly am I into it
also was that typo intentional?
No. 142155
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Young Max Raabe could get it
No. 142158
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>>142155this pic of young oliver reed….. i would let him take me 100x times
No. 142267
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>>137333hate that i'm attracted to this dirtbag
No. 142340
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i wanna put him out on a tray
No. 142355
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louis garrel is so fine
No. 142373
File: 1592677004745.jpg (102.48 KB, 640x1103, MGK.jpg)

Machine gun kelly.
Had a sex dream about him twice and I think about them so often
No. 142382
>>142381I've never even listened to his music, I literally just had a dream about him once and that was it for me, instant crush
I thought that too, both him and Megan are WINNING in their relationship and are such an attractive couple I can't see any reason why they should be made fun of besides mgk cucking her husband and jealousy
No. 142392
>>142381>I was sorta embarrassed to see how people were clowning Megan Fox for being with him as if he was some ugly bridge troll when I always thought he was really good looking.Hah same. I'm surprised by how universal the dislike for his looks seems to be. But I wonder how much of that is a knee jerk reaction to his appearance being that of pure undiluted fuckboi? Like, he just reeks of being a douchebag and afaik his behaviour hasn't contradicted that.
Either way I support Megan Fox in dating a hot, (appropriately) younger man after her youth was taken by an ugly old pervert who continues to be an ugly old pervert and is now dating Courtney Stodden. She's winning the breakup for sure.
No. 142402
File: 1592693189168.png (746.48 KB, 1280x637, 03F84CEC-11B6-4242-9BD7-F32A9B…)

This man from Narcos is so freaking beautiful it hurts me.
No. 142500
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nta but
No. 142565
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No. 142873
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>>137333Cillian Murphy, holy fucking shit his eyes are so fucking beautiful. He’s actually perfect, I’ll never find a guy even half as hot as he is lmao
No. 143209
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i've always thought he was cute in his youtube videos but when kurtis conner posted these on twitter he went from cute to unbelievably hot pretty quickly.
No. 143215
File: 1593712005765.gif (3.82 MB, 444x250, shteev.gif)

>>143177wtf, yes
Frankly, he
is super
nice No. 143221
>>143215Anon, I love you
I am 100% with you
No. 143337
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young Marco Pierre White though……
(he's still got it)
No. 143348
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Ranveer Singh is fucking gorgeous
No. 143354
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Young JFK, he has that Marlon Brando look that I love
No. 143633
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I love how happy he is every time he eats something yummy
No. 143653
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>>143633Sonny looks like every other white man but I'm sorry anon, Sonny is the superior food traveling youtube daddy
No. 143696
>>143633He looks psychotic and I always felt bad for his wife and child dragging them all over the place so he could stuff his face in front of the camera with that empty-eyed grimace he mistakes for smiling.
I guess if you like killers who would eat your skin and vlog about it..
>>143653Patrician taste. Although I feel his channel has too much production now. I liked his earlier stuff where he was much more authentic and less politically correct. I guess that happens to almost every small youtuber who makes it big though.
No. 143699
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Indisputable fact: Young Marlon was the hottest guy in the universe and noone will ever reach this level of hotness
No. 143845
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No. 143889
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Frank Zappa.ive never been into guys with much facial hair but he just does it for me
No. 144097
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I just rewatched Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging and reawakened my lust for Aaron Taylor Johnson
No. 144133
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bf is a dead ringer for him too wew
No. 144164
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>>144158you’re either a scrote or a fugly bitch
No. 144165
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>>144164He looks like my druggie ex.
No. 144170
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chuck schuldiner was so hot
tfw you’ll never find hot metal bf
No. 144184
File: 1594825838263.gif (3.49 MB, 400x303, 8D46iM.gif)

>>144170chuck was not only hot af, but also sooo so talented and he always seemed to be such a nice person. And of course, he was such a handsome fuck. Always reminds me of young david gilmour.
Sucks a lot knowing that you will never get the chance to see him live …
No. 144196
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No. 144379
File: 1595022154088.jpeg (80.71 KB, 544x800, 56BA78BF-C74D-4BA0-9F6A-CC43E2…)

I’ve had a thing for Julian Casablancas for years, tbh would still hit even though he’s old and has a weird greasy evil haircut
No. 144446
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The Lover is one of my guilty pleasure movies and Tony Leung Ka-fai was so gorgeous in it
No. 144605
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No. 144614
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No. 144624
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>>144379>>144387I will never get over young jules
No. 144629
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Prince was hot in every era,I don’t care if he was a manlet,his sheer confidence is/was enough to get me going.No other straight dude has the balls to go and flaunt in tights and heels like he did.
No. 144674
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No. 144898
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The only downside is he's my height but w/e
No. 145021
File: 1595653615724.jpg (55.32 KB, 327x480, blogger-image-653142720.jpg)

Started watching the original Star Trek for the first time and Shatner is gorgeous, especially when he was in the Twilight Zone.
No. 145034
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No. 145054
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Rewatching "10 things I hate about you" was a bad idea, now I'm in love with Heath Ledger
Tried to watch his documentary but felt bad seeing all that private footage of his life
No. 145081
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No. 145402
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Slightly ashamed because he couldn't be more bland
No. 145489
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Young Gregory Peck, especially as Atticus Finch
No. 145525
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>>145489yes. in roman holiday too
No. 145588
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>>145402kek if you’re ok with his dom cringe
No. 146089
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I have such a huge crush on him in Better Call Saul. Not my usual type at all, but I'd sell a kidney to fuck him tbh.
No. 146203
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>>146089I found his eyelashes so distracting in BCS. I'd kill to wake up with lashes like his.
No. 146278
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I have a bit of a crush on Dave Navarro these days ever since YouTube recommended me Ink Master and I’ve been binge watching every season…. absolutely love him as a judge too.
No. 146658
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He was gorgeous
No. 147120
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No. 147123
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>>146347Yeah some of them belong in the other ”men you wanna fuck thread”
No. 147215
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ville is never not sexy to me. what a man
No. 147226
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>>147215he's a crusty boomer who now makes boomer music
No. 147703
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No. 147811
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Robert Finster as Freud: analyse me, baby.
No. 147864
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No. 147865
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No. 147962
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playing left 4 dead again reminded me of how much i want taymour ghazi to daddy dom me. and i hate daddy dom shit. but god damn is he hot
No. 147986
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So I watched IT chapter 2 and saw this hot motherfucker there. Jay Ryan. He kind of reminds me of an argentinian ex I had yeaaaaaars ago so maybe that's why I think he's hot? His gf looks like a male version of Moana's Maui tho so maybe he's closeted and she's his beard, like it seems to be a normal thing in Hollywood.
No. 148943
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Matthew Baynton is such a cute little twink I want to peg him tbh
No. 149311
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Dylan from Bates Motel (Max Thieriot)… what a cutie, damn
No. 149370
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>>149311>>149312This movie blew but he was 10/10 in it
No. 149388
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>reee kpop idol
No. 149396
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>>147215Eye makeup on men is so fucking hot.
No. 149401
>>149311honestly I thought so too but after they revealed that his character is
inbred I couldn’t stop seeing it
No. 149412
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>>149399The white guy in the gif is Ville Valo from HIM
No. 149425
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>>149396Ville was so fucken hot
No. 149426
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>>149399korean guy is Bang Yongguk, used to be in a kpop group until he got fed up and left to do solo stuff and fake deep short films
No. 149440
File: 1598669992047.jpg (79.04 KB, 1280x720, JDMW-CSI_017.jpg)

Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
This particular pic is from 2003 but like…even now he's so fucking hot. He's such a hunk. So macho. He's got it all - deep voice, hot body, the broody, tall dark and handsome thing, killer personality, dimples, manly bod, what's not to love
2000's were his peak years imo
No. 149444
File: 1598671409168.png (Spoiler Image,767.97 KB, 980x653, Bam.png)

>>149429bam is one of the most pathetic men i've ever seen in my life lol. the combination of extreme privilege and whininess makes him so disgusting
spoiler because he's ugly as fuck
No. 149456
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travis fimmel as ragnar in vikings
No. 149466
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>>149459I used to think Athelstan’s cute when I was 18 or something but idk about it now
No. 149797
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No. 149957
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His dick was probably tiny, but that body ughh
No. 150078
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>>149797He was so damn hot in Stoker
No. 150107
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Morten Harket is still hot now but he was so damn pretty in the 80s
No. 150142
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I don't give a fuck about hockey but I saw a gif of this guy and oof. I'm not normally into jock/Chad types but this one is cute. Would smash.
No. 150258
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>>150151>>150224Idk anons, I've fucked a couple of less than attractive men exclusively because they're good at hockey. But this isn't a thread about my weird issues so have some Brady Skjei for your time
No. 150316
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This qt from WKUK
No. 150330
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This guy a few years ago. Right now he looks weird.
At his peak he looks like my ex.
No. 150331
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>>150330Those bracelets are hot on men for some reason.
No. 150481
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I've wanted to fuck this man ever since I saw him in Harry Potter.
No. 150488
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Edward Norton in American History X.
No. 150489
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Probably already here, but I’ll never get over Khal Drogo. He fuuucks me uppp
No. 150494
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Missing the 90s.
No. 150521
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>>150494I decide to google this man to see what he was from and is that—is that fucking tom yorke
No. 150529
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>>150527So nobody else is stunned that this was tom yorke in 94? Just me? Nobody tells me shit
No. 150635
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No. 150664
>>150635Things I wanna be:
So maybe Jim Morrison
No. 151143
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Tfw you wouldn’t mind getting chlamydia from Timothée Chalamet in Dune trailer
God help me I strayed too far from the light
No. 151152
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>>151143chlamydia is curable
No. 151177
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>>151143timothee is just the clearance zoomer version of louis garrel
No. 151178
>>151143Same. But I'm just back on my bullshit anyway… no matter the unibrow, the diseases, the rumored gayness, I would not hesitate
>>151177Why not both. It's the same type anyway
No. 151239
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I just watched Midsommar and… I feel held by him
No. 151262
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The guy who plays Kurtan in this country
No. 151473
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No. 151563
>>149440I love jeffrey for all the reasons you mentioned. he's too skinny for my tastes these days, but back on shows like supernatural and movies like the resident when he had some meat on his bones he was so fucking sexy. his voice really does it for me too. so gruff
No. 151578
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I know he’s not super attractive or anything but I binge watched mind hunter this week and i would bang holden ford 100%
No. 151623
File: 1600307032121.jpeg (72.51 KB, 640x354, A1B29FBF-677A-4A23-B4B9-5C08E7…)

Karl Urban. Absolutely anytime, anyplace.
No. 151644
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>>151623tfw when no rider of rohan bf
No. 152359
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lowkey want to softly dom him
No. 152366
>>152364bruh I'm not even into femdom it was a joke chill
>>152365y'all a littlw wild there that's why I said "softly" kek
No. 152416
File: 1600896462939.jpg (841.22 KB, 1920x1080, 120125929_4129681387047935_511…)

I rarely find any guys attractive but there's something in this dude that makes me think of a JJBA characters excuse the weebness and is super hot to me
No. 152477
>>152434I wouldn't call him unconventional(or at least too unconventional),the styling is just weird
funny how the two last guys posted are from next top model in different countries kek
No. 153740
File: 1601719591486.jpg (85.23 KB, 876x900, Pete_Burns.jpg)

young pete burns was so fucking hot
No. 153761
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Well never thought I'd see the day where I'd be willing to simp for pewdiepie but well here we are
No. 153772
>>153762this is the literal Ideal physique I like in a man personally
>>153768I prefer to hear him speak in Swedish
No. 153781
>>153761Looks great. Why does Nicocado Avocado have an Onlyfans but not this guy? Life's unfair to women.
>>153768Kek, this is so true
No. 153856
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>>150481FUUCCCCKKK same anon. But he tickled my clit when I saw him with his fucking mustache in The lighthouse man. Never wanted to look at another man after that……
No. 153890
>>153761Butterface but at least he puts more effort into his looks than every other male youtuber.
6/10, would hatefuck.
No. 154016
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God help me
No. 154020
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>>154016He was the perfect himbo
also the hottest couple picrel No. 154065
File: 1601950900940.jpg (38.96 KB, 670x440, Akshay-Oberoi-x_d.jpg)

>>154016I usually don't find bigger guys who could kill me with one hand attractive but his intelligence and education changed my mind
Threw on a Netflix movie called Pizza and holy fuck is the main man beautiful uhhhgh take me here take me now
No. 154077
this thread makes me sad because they are out of my league. not incel feelings though lol just ah well. If more men groomed themselves better maybe this would be less depressing
No. 154138
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Vitruvian Physique on youtube.
No. 154154
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This guy who posted on /cgl/, I'm not sorry at all
No. 154156
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>>154154what if he looks like pic related
No. 154170
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He looks like a sexy prewar french postman on bike who stops by your house everyday to service you.
No. 154173
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While properly recognized for his talent, Toshiro Mifune was quite underrated when it came to his looks. Dude was honestly so gorgeous.
No. 154178
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>>154173Was he…? I might not be as informed about public response, but I've heard everyone from critics to fans and even everyday observers say he was both talented and very handsome. He played a lot of more rugged roles but that's not really a negative for most people into men; he is a prime example of classic good looks.
No. 154184
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>>150481>>153856>>154170Blazingly hot in Good Time too…
No. 154232
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>>154174eggman doesn't currently have a gf.
sam is attractive
No. 154261
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made for pegging
No. 154307
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>>154262As anon
>>154267 said. He peaked at 30 but I think he still looks good for a 42 year old. Tfw no 6'2 himbo bf who loves cooking for me and telling me stories about david cage's fetishes…
No. 154319
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y2k hrithik roshan could get it
No. 154326
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>>154154Also posted this. The anon said he was 5'9.
>>154156Well I'm not out to stalk him, I'll just keep thirsting over his shirtless pic and imagine my husbando's head on it kek
No. 154465
File: 1602184678002.jpg (232.4 KB, 1074x1585, 20201009_021548.jpg)

Most people want to fuck Adam because of Stars Wars. And here I am wanting to fuck him because he look like a medieval man born in modern world.
No. 154468
File: 1602185794356.jpg (123.47 KB, 640x828, mes9m83dvtx31.jpg)

Lemme join the RobPat circlejerk. This man is an goddamn work of art, with just enough crazy and unsettling vibes to make him unforgettable. And apparently he's into smelling armpits
No. 154544
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>>154520Me too. I've never understood the appeal.
No. 155520
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I think Colin O'Donoghue's a little…maybe basic looking, but i found him so hot in The Rite.
He was cool as Captain Hooke too
No. 155524
>>155520Not familiar with him but any semi-decent man wearing a priests collar instantly becomes more attractive. That's the rule.
I used to live in an area where I'd spot a hot local priest and it boggled my mind that he chose the life he did. Guy was hot as fuck and living as a catholic priest so couldn't even marry. Off limits completely. Living in a country with few attractive men already.. it's a sad loss lol
No. 155525
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No. 155543
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>>155524>any semi-decent man wearing a priests collar instantly becomes more attractivePreach it
No. 155626
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Rudolph Valentino, pic rel in what would be a problematic role today. he smiled weirdly af though but it was kind of cute
I read that he was angsty because men in America mocked his looks. I think they felt threatened because their wives and gfs loved him, a foreigner. Reading about Valentino's reactions though I feel like he might've been an incel today. Even looking like that and being a sex symbol, he complained that the only women he wanted didn't want him. He met up to fight some guy over his masculinity. His death was apparently a big deal with a riot and other wild shit at his funeral… He or his fans would've made good cows i bet
anyway he can kidnap me that's why Im in this thread
No. 155653
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I honestly wasn't sure if I should post him here or the unconventional thread
No. 155680
>>155520Met him once and he's very wholesome and sweet on top of being really attractive. Also he's one of those men that makes it very clear he is married so nobody misinterprets anything, which I thought was pretty cool (and probably pretty rare amongst actors).
>>154468He is so strange to me. Sometimes I look at him and think absolutely, yes, so attractive. Other times I just don't see it. He was hot in Bel Ami.
No. 155937
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>>155926Sage for doublepost, here a better picture about it
No. 156025
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i find him really hot at times but then at others (when he had super long hair) kind of ew. here’s him when he’s hot.
No. 156061
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Jared Keeso but only as Wayne
No. 156062
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>>154465I find Adam kinda gross with a lot of facial hair like in that getup but also in some photos one of the few guys I consider genuinely hot. I don't understand myself
No. 156067
File: 1603342201839.jpg (3.09 MB, 3264x1836, letterkenny-BIG.jpg)

>>156061Same and also these himbos, especially Jonesy as he is thicc
No. 156071
>>156025Same anon, the long hair doesn’t really suit him, makes him look weird. Will say that he looked super sexy in Brokeback Mountain.
>>156061Jared Kesso is super hot as Wayne even with that accent his character has, I love his very broad shoulders.
As you can tell I have a thing for hot cowboys/non-trashy hicks
No. 156165
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Watched emily in Paris and I couldn’t help falling for this generic ass character
No. 156512
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I simp MGK so hard.
No. 156661
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I love one man only.
No. 156695
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>>156687Tfw you also like that picture kek
I’ll see myself to unconventional attractions then
No. 156696
File: 1603748653989.gif (1.47 MB, 350x294, 7676767.gif)

god I'm back to this bullshit. neeting with him would be so comfy
No. 156813
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No idea if he's considered conventionally attractive physically but he has everything I want
No. 156835
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He's my heart, he's my soul
No. 156845
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>>156512his new video with megan fox was very nice
No. 157178
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>>156062His face is so flexible in many ways lmao
No. 157182
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>>157178I didn't get why everyone liked him until I saw this movie, Logan Lucky. Now I like him too. I recommend the movie too, it's about a heist in some backwater town and all the preparations they have to do to pull it off
No. 157184
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>>157183Absolutely fantastic taste anon. I love them but Thomas is my husbando. Also, I want to strangle Nora lmao
No. 157221
File: 1603971206423.gif (1.49 MB, 403x223, tumblr_o4apaplViA1v8t15ko1_500…)

>>157206he also doesn't have a twitter. Because he doesn't like social media and all the drama that it brings. It has nothing about his looks or lack of them, idiot.
Anyway he is beautiful and you can fuck off
No. 157227
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>>157206He is a private person. I think the reason he doesn't social media is for privacy reason. In the past someone leaked his home address in twitter and don't forget the Reylo that give his wife a death threat and harassment.
Pic related with his wife
No. 157236
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ngl I would hop onto Barry's dick in a heartbeat.
>>157227God, why are SW fans so retarded? I'd hate to be in Joanne's position.
No. 157242
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Kirill Sokolovskji, Ballerino. Pretty and gorgeous asf.
>>157236Some Adam driver fans are creepy asf. Someone leaked his son picture on private discord. I'm not suprised if Joanne looks so tired .
No. 157374
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It's a shame Billy Corgan is such an asshole because he's really pretty and handsome
No. 157401
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>>157388Anon do you have hate boner for Adam Driver or something?
Post Proof if he actually said that.
>>157381Oh yeah he indeed has a beautiful face. He has a balance between masculine and feminine feature.
No. 157419
>>157401Hnng, them legs and feet
More male ballet dancers please.
No. 157423
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Ewan is my forever crush. He’s aged really well but nothing tops how cute he was in Moulin Rouge.
No. 157433
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>>157419Check out Mathieu Ganio, but unfortunely he is not my type.
>>137333Tbh this thread is evolve to general(mix) attractive males not Conventional
Anyway Keanu Reevess can go hard on me.
No. 157438
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>>157433Oooh definitely my taste though anon.
And Keanu is a 10/10
No. 157439
File: 1604078975764.gif (2.85 MB, 268x250, ahs-michael-langdon-crying.gif)

I don't mean that I want to fuck him in the literal sense (he's gay anyway), but Jesus, what a beautiful man.
No. 157519
File: 1604103684380.png (1.44 MB, 800x1010, aisjsl.png)

>>157507Wow. This is just proof that long hair really can trick us into thinking any man is hot
>>157433Did you see any of the john wick movies? picrel. Watching those in the theatres made me thankful that i'm not a man and can't get public boners kek
No. 157531
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>>157507He looks more medieval anon. Still hot tho.
>>157519I find his looks the hottest, and I love the suit styling.John wick movie is still my Keanu favorite look because it's fit my aesthetic
I love Germain Louvet, Damn why are Ballerino is blessed with Pretty face and nice body.
No. 157611
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No. 157616
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This is really the guy anons are simping for. He looks like live action Wallace.
No. 157617
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>>157616You right anon. I love you
No. 157620
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>>157616Absolutely busted, everything is oversized.
I remember an anon absolutely simping over Alex Wolff back when hereditary came out, probably the same weirdo.
No. 157625
>>157611yesss anon, he's such a cutie. i wanna kiss his whole face
>>157619andrew vanwyngarden, from the band mgmt
No. 157633
>>157627Is this image regarded as an attractive picture of him? I always thought it was a meme because it was awkward.
His head looks so small in comparison with his chest. The proportions are so off, and the super high rise pants don't help.
No. 157636
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I respect Youngrong sexuality. I wish he is bi or pan tho.
This is Korean Drag Queen Nana btw
No. 157637
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I'm usually not into shorthaired/bald men, but I can't deny Takehiko Inoue is very attractive. He's as beautiful as his drawings.
No. 157653
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Ash from the Evil Dead is so cute
No. 157659
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>>157653Yes. Even at 62, I would still want him to shag me senseless. He's such a dirty hornball in Ash vs The Evil Dead.
No. 157663
>>157618That’s literally just his face, you need to work on that low self esteem simp.
>>157632Should be a bannable offense tbh
No. 157691
>>157674no lol
but I can find him attractive sometimes (with long hair only)
No. 157700
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Watching Everybody Wants Some, Tyler Hoechlin is SO fucking hot in it, even hotter than in Teen Wolf. I usually hate moustaches but he pulls it off, his body is perfect and he wears crop tops… I'd say he needs more roles but he's not a great actor, ah well.
No. 157721
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Hmmm tasty
No. 157735
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was he objectively the most beautiful boy who ever existed?
No. 157736
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time to post chad to expel disgusting driveranons from this dimension!
No. 157787
>>157388>>157206>>157616>>157781>>157736Do you have a huge hateboner with Adam driver ?
Who've hurt you?
No. 157984
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No. 157987
>>157968Alain was a 10/10, handsome, witty, polyglot, smart, multi-talented and French.
Also Drive (2011) is the reddit version of Le Samourai
No. 157989
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>>157984John Francis Daley?
No. 157991
>>157735Idk who this is, but my boyfriend resembles him and he's sooo fucking hot I can't believe I'm with him. But he's extremely shy and has a complex from being chubby when he was growing up.
Most days when I wake up in the morning and look at him I'm like, "Jesus christ, how am I next to this man."
No. 157992
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Another classic cutie in the same vein.
No. 157994
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>>157991Good for you anon! I'm jelly
No. 158012
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Adam Beach in Smoke Signals.
No. 158018
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ey gabagool
No. 158019
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pasta fazool
No. 158054
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God what a qt. I wanna sit on his face.
No. 158375
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Young Hugh Grant could get it
No. 158612
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Even thought he was really scummy and disgusting in this movie I couldn't help being turned on. His character is very sensual in an agressively male way.
No. 158732
>>158612Hell yeah! I bought the book specifically to read these parts lmao
The efforts to make Pattinson look fat didn't really work though, took me out of the blow job scene
No. 158737
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>>158375he really could huh
No. 159182
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I want a soft NA boy to cuddle with.
No. 159360
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I haven't liked his music since I was a preteen but god he's such a beautiful man. Pity about the scientology
No. 159380
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He was extremely hot in these T-ara drama-esque MVs.
No. 159385
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>>159380Ah!!! Ji Chang Wook was the first Korean actor I really liked and who got me into kdramas lol. Healer was the first drama I ever watched. He has been in some great dramas the K2, Suspicious Partner and others.
No. 159524
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>>159523WHAT NO, I just find this scene of young Dave Sheridan hot
No. 159547
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He was so handsome and had impeccable style. Can't believe he died so young.
No. 159550
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Lee Fang from the Leftcows thread
No. 159555
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It took me awhile but I get it now.
No. 159704
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It makes me irrationally angry to know that men have the genetic capacity to look this perfect. They should all get on this level, it's the least they can do to balance out their shittiness
No. 159710
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>>159705Takuya Kimura, very famous Japanese actor who used to be in a boy band. Sadly he hasn't aged well but he was so beautiful
No. 160094
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Hmm he be smokin tho
No. 160132
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Blondes are usually not my type but MGK drives me wild. Same with Lil Peep.
No. 160190
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No. 160191
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like me?
No. 160220
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>>143209i love kurtis so fucking much. attractive, funny, relaxed, genuinely respectful of women/anyone who isn't a white man. gotta say i love his look too, with the tats and piercings and i even love his stupid mullet he has right now.
he's basically perfect. men like him are so fucking rare.
No. 160241
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>>160220Also along the lines of "internet man doing commentary" Eddie hits my midwest thicc boy target. They're both really cute and I would do unspeakable things with them.
No. 160381
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He has such crazy eyes but I love it.
No. 160484
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No. 160544
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Can I have uuuuhhhhhhhhh cute bdsm boyfriend
No. 160547
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>>160544Did he give his armpit a fucking undercut
No. 160552
>>160547it's a mullet because he has a mullet too
No. 160564
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the fact that Robert Pattinson looks so handsome but lowkey insane is so attractive to me.
I either want a normal guy who's lowkey insane or whatever the fuck
>>160544 has.
No. 160695
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young bruce campbell. currently in lockdown here and thinking of marathoning some of his shows/movies since I only know him from pics/gifs. he's dishy
No. 160761
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this guy from the haunting series
No. 160775
File: 1606059216156.png (1.61 MB, 1024x1200, 35633CE7-3509-4A67-AAB6-F11439…)

He is so hot it’s killing my brain cells
No. 160784
>>160761He was so cute in the first Haunting series but now he seems to be typecast as a manipulative bad boyfriend instead, I would have never expected it.
In The Invisible Man (not a good film if you are
triggered by women under threat of male violence) he talks so weirdly with his bottom teeth.
No. 160815
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>>160730well I can't deny he's an attractive man now, he looks fantastic for his age, I just wouldn't fuck him the age is he is now lol
I will check out some of his stuff! can you point me in the right direction? where is a good place to begin? I like the look of him in that western looking tv show, is it any good?
No. 161029
File: 1606231298261.jpg (168.59 KB, 700x994, shirt1_700x.jpg)

this model for the brand kiel james patrick whose pic an anon posted in the ideal guys thread that I shamelessly saved and then tineyed
I'm very horny and he's cute, whoever he may be….
No. 161119
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idk if danny is an "attractive man" so much as a "cute boy" but i want to dom him so hard
No. 161147
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>>161119holy shit anon, I was just going to post him!
No. 161217
>>161147good taste
>>161149tbh he looks like one of my first boyfriends so i'm weak. i'm also ok with him looking like a teenager lol
No. 161445
File: 1606546530843.jpg (47.92 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1606546210435.jpg)

I don't like tattoos and I'm not even that attracted to men, but I think this random model might be the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I love his curly hair, the harmony of his facial features and his long swan neck
No. 161483
File: 1606583746186.jpg (59.45 KB, 960x639, lolcow.jpg)

Mads Mikkelson. Especially in Polar and Hannibal. I feel like such a meme watching Hannibal like 'murder me and eat me yes please uwu'
No. 161500
>>161498What just because he's older?
I thought he was conventionally attractive.. I'd been laughing at myself for being obsessed with him because of it, thinking wow my tastes have changed so much never thought I'd be this straight haha
No. 161528
>>161501Do you mind saying which movies you’re talking about? For science.
Also wow I didn’t know he was considered unconventional. But I guess because older white guys are rarely my type I just assumed he must be super objectively handsome for me to actually think he’s hot kek. He’s like the only man in that category I’m into.
No. 161559
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I somehow only just discovered Jake Gyllenhaal as Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors and holy shit
No. 161574
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I would definitely bang him in a club bathroom.
No. 161583
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I'm rewatching Game of Thrones and my god he's pure sex. Those curls HNNNGG
No. 161663
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>>161583I don't watch Game of Thrones but this gay knight is hot.
No. 161703
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No. 161722
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>>161583Ooh I think Jaime was by far the hottest of the main cast
No. 161723
File: 1606737972747.jpeg (36.94 KB, 230x360, A2D9F1A5-B8EC-40B8-A8A1-95A6A6…)

Similar look to above, here's the hottest character from Lost
No. 161724
File: 1606738941352.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1207x1468, E58BC902-DA18-4597-A18F-42EFDA…)

>>161723The resident Lost hottie was Sayid.
Oof No. 161727
File: 1606739260100.jpeg (142.12 KB, 1200x675, 6D6719AD-187E-41DB-B74D-DF4B60…)

>>150142Holy hell, nice find anon. He kind of reminds me of a young Ethan Hawke, who I love. Especially in this movie (snow falling on cedars)
No. 161743
File: 1606762529231.jpeg (126.41 KB, 739x722, 3E94E838-57A1-46F0-B9A6-7905DF…)

I wish he could sit on my face but he probably smells like death since he smokes
No. 161789
>>161743I watched this recently and find him particularly attractive in this, in some roles I find him too boyish and feel weird about it.
Also as somewhat of a tomboy I like this aesthetic.
No. 161792
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Jason Sudeikis from SNL does it for me lol
No. 162118
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No. 162160
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So, I recently watched BBC's Pride and Prejudice and it spiraled me.
No. 162210
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I don't even use twitch but I simp
No. 162225
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I wish he dress like this often. Whatever
No. 162228
>>162210anon…your intellect, your taste….
lately he's been looking not great but back when he had blond hair? whew
No. 162303
>>162228true kek the pedo stache isn't his best look but he's still attractive imo
he's pretty funny too, and normal people funny not zoomer funny
No. 162324
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I was checking out new music to listen to and I only clicked on Dune Messiah because the man on the cover was so beautiful. The music didn't click with me though
No. 162329
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Friend started watching Pushing Daisies and caught snippets of it. Lee Pace was absolutely adorable in it.
No. 162613
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I don't want to fuck him but he is very handsome.
No. 162708
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Double thumbs up
No. 162747
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>>162708Yessss black men underrepresented ITT
>LaKeith Stanfield No. 162755
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>>162747I'll hop on that train. Michael Jordan is so sexy.
No. 162767
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Am I the only person who thinks the fact that he has acne problems is kinda cute?
No. 162776
>>162767he's so ugly and acne is disgusting
i thought only tween girls were into this guy
No. 162847
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>>162775nayrt but I went to school with some real uggo boys. if tom holland had been there he easily would've been in the top 1%
I don't think he's especially attractive but as far as guys his age go, he's pretty cute. or maybe it's just because I really like him as spidey
No. 162869
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I wonder why modern actors are significantly less attractive than those in the 60s. Probably because newer generation of men have less T
>According to actor Jean Claude Brialy, when Alain Delon arrived in Paris completely unknown he hypnotized everyone by his beauty when he entered bars and restaurants, wives, husbands, young girls, dogs, everybody in shock, in an interview before Brialy's death he said he had never seen such a phenomenon again.
>When Alain was discharged from the Navy and arrived in Paris according to the owner of a famous restaurant in Paris 5th arrondissement all the women in the whole district threw themselves at him. He started dating Brigitte Auber before he got into acting. At the time he did a variety of odd jobs, including waiter and porter, she was a famous actress in France and yet she was the one who was insecure.
>When he returned from the Navy and Indochina he befriended a leader of the Corsican mafia who introduced him to the head in Marseille, the later treated him as his son. French screenwriter Pascal Jardin said he was the only man who made him want to become a woman in order to know him better. The Italian director Visconti repeatedly stated Delon was his muse and "beauty itself" and reportedly he played the piano to put him to sleep when they were shooting Rocco and His Brothers. It seems all the people in the industry across Europe were stunned by his beauty, can see it from the words they used when they recall the first time they met him.
No. 162870
>>162869I see it but there are some modern actors that even men agree are handsome too, for example Zac Efron, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Leo Dicaprio, Michael B Jordan, Chris Pine/Hemsworth/Evans, Cillian Murphy, Henry Cavill. I don't like Timothee Chalamet but maybe he can be included
OT, but I think that the previous generations were more in awe of attractive people than we are. I really doubt anyone can wake such reactions nowadays, maybe we are kind of desensitized from being so exposed to celebrities and the beauty industry
No. 162876
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>>162870>Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Leo DicaprioLeo was always ugly and girly in his youth imo (not to mention he's a closeted homosexual so of course some men like him)
>Chris Pine/Hemsworth/Evanspainfully mediocre
>Cillian Murphyseems effeminate
Chalamet needs lighting and angle frauding to look somewhat bearable
I'm not saying they're ugly (except for Leo, Pine and Chalamet but that's my personal taste), but actors from the 60s and 50s were objectively more manly than all those guys. And someone like Delon (perfect combination of pretty boy and a chad) was also more beautiful. His face was so symmetrical it was very easy to film and photograph him because he looked just as good from every angle, when most actors look good only from certain angles. Henry Cavill is bland and takes testosterone, he has a tryhard physique that says he needs a personal trainer and anabolic steroids to mog you, Delon's natural physique says that he mogs 100% of the planet on a genetic level
No. 162886
>>162882Yeah but men losing testosterone with every next generation is a fact, not my opinion. So obviously it will affect every industry, including acting. The industry has to force someone down your throat anyway, and younger generations of women have no one to compare modern actors to, since the men in their lives are also low T and they're usually not interested in classic cinema. So they're just attracted to what they see on tv. Those who are into classic cinema will lust over Delon (happens on tumblr for example) and I can assure you than if they had to choose between young Delon and Chris Pine/Hemsworth/Evans, Henry Cavill or whatever, they would choose young Delon.
>>162883I don't recall posting about it on lolcow, so it looks like I'm not the only one.
No. 162898
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No. 162907
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I am guilty
No. 162922
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Kirill sokolovski
No. 163097
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joe keery, though only with his steve harrington hair. half expecting to get called out for posting him in the conventional thread but to put him in unconventional with some of the weirdos in there wouldn't feel right
No. 163099
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>>162869>>162876hard agree on the hollywood actors thing. they were just so beautiful back in the day. they're just so bland these days.
No. 163100
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>>163097he looks like an incel without the steve harrington fit
No. 163101
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No. 163102
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No. 163105
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Recently I've been obsessed with Arnas Fedaravicius. He was distractingly hot in the Last Kingdom, but he's really cute in normal clothes too.
>>163099>tfw young marlon brando will never NEVER eat you out No. 163108
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Louis Hofmann
No. 163158
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Sam Webb
No. 163265
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Chris Broad from abroadinjapan on youtube
I think he's very hot and I find his humour very attractive too
No. 163268
>>163265I posted him as well a while ago in both the attractive and the non-attractive thread and neither of them would claim him lmao
>>163266What was the bit? My personal favourite is where he got in a bath with a friend of his, I watched it obsessively
No. 163270
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He is so, so, SO not my usual type…and yet, he’s so damn hot to me.
No. 163372
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I've been watching Grand Army and I can't get over how hot this actor is.
No. 163678
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young Alex Jones…
No. 163681
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>>163678You think he's always so mad because this is what he looks like now?
No. 163697
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>>163372Ooh my god anon, just googled Grand Admy and idk if it's the same white boy but he's so hot
No. 164269
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I already liked Nick Sadler but now I see this image and help anons my heart is beating all weird like and I can't breathe
No. 164511
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loved him in us
No. 164516
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TFW no cute black boyfriend with dreads
and no tacky soundcloud face tats, either, why are they still a thing
No. 164889
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i love 80s hunks
No. 164908
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just saw this pic on twitter and honestly he is cute
No. 164977
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God I just really like guys with short bangs. They’re so hard to find irl though..
No. 164979
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I love misfits
No. 164984
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I'm so attracted to men who are conventionally masculine, but on the short/petite side. Currently rewatching Breaking Bad and I'm so hot for Jesse. His face kinda bloated up in recent years unfortunately. Charlie Day is another good one.
No. 165201
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My man's kinda short but idc, been crushing on him since twilight
No. 165205
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>>164908him and his gf are so cute
No. 165208
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>>164984>Charlie Day is another good one.You’re god damn right
No. 165449
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I love his voice even if it doesn't match his face at all
No. 165783
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I have a thing for Jesus looking guys lately
No. 165894
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does this make me a hybistrofag
No. 165900
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Jude Law, especially in Closer
No. 165904
>>165900He's always fuckable to me
No. 165936
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No. 166083
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No. 166089
>>166086Come on, this one is MUCH hotter.
Also I can't look at 365 days dude after all of these rape-y scenes. Not his fault, but still
No. 166408
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i want to run my hands through his hair and snog his face off
No. 166417
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pedro pascal, but mainly because I'm attracted to his character on the mandalorian. couldn't help but laugh that he has he/him in his twitter name
>>164979he was so cute as nathan
>>166083oooh, beautiful eyes
No. 166497
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especially when his character stormed the office, oof.
No. 166741
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I stg, I would let Jared Padalecki hate fuck me. He is so cute and hot at the same time, both in his younger years and now.
No. 166742
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Help me anons. I’m having a heart attack
No. 166764
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>>166741He aged badly imo rip his hairline, but I will never forget his shirtless scenes back in the day.
No. 166768
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been watching a lot of SNL and I cannot believe how much I wanna fuck bill hader.
No. 166952
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He drives me wild because facially he’s pretty and a manlet but his voice and aura are masculine as hell. His sex appeal is crazy in interviews though you wouldn’t know it by just looking at him.
No. 166962
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Viggo is objectively attractive but he only turns me on as Aragorn. When I was 5 years old my mom hung a big Return of the King poster on the door of my room and I had to stare at his face every time I tried to sleep. I was so scared of him and I hated that poster. A few years later I watched the trilogy for the first time and I was like "Oh". Probably my first male crush.
No. 166974
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>>166417 Ooh Anon same, I've had the biggest crush on him/Mando as well. However I do think Pedro looks his cutest during this one garbage netflix movie called Triple Frontier tho.
No. 166986
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>>166952I really liked him in y tu mama tambien. I'm not into BL at all but I loved watching the relationship between him and Diego Luna's character culminate in the final scene with Maribel Verdu, it was so romantic and sexy
No. 167126
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I'm not a furry but Rum Tum Tugger can hit it
No. 167148
>>166962Fucking me too. He was my first crush ever. I used to fantasize about being Arwen. She’s perfect too lol.
>>167126>im not a furry but… im a furryGet it girl
No. 167386
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There are like 3 photos of his face on the entire Internet, but I think he looks cute (or at least looked cute in like 2012, the photos are so old) and I love his music so much!
No. 167446
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Kpop related; but Shownu from a group called Monsta X. He's not small like most idols are and the way the man moves..gets you thinking about other moves.
No. 167712
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i wasn’t sure which thread to put him in bc idk if i have good tastes or not but i find him so cute
No. 167938
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I regret NOTHING
No. 168009
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I’m so stupid hot for Jared Padalecki. Like viscerally so.
No. 168078
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I am legit in love with Oliver Jackson Cohen. I'm awful. He's big and hairy and gorgeous and I want to hit it like the fist of god.
No. 168081
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Devon, holy shit. i would do anything for him, my god
No. 168083
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>>168082Have u seen him now, his face is kinda chubby and he has curly hair, super cute. weird bc i only like super skinny guys but when he was super skinny for okja i hated how he looked, it doesn't suit him
No. 168142
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Ideal man
No. 168157
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The Chainsmokers dude, I think he is hot af
No. 168537
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Why is he so adorable
No. 168553
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Richard Hendricks from Silicon Valley
No. 168560
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No. 168590
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Jon Hamm. Either when he's a young jock or grown up daddy age.
God I just have embarrassing fantasies of him being a dom towards me. Im not even a sub usually but goddamn for this man, anything.
No. 168593
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Dominic West from The Wire
No. 168603
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Anton chekhov
But it's too late
No. 168686
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Here is another mullet man t. mullet aficionado
No. 169007
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English football player, Harry Winks
No. 169037
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former (as of today) Italian prime Minister Giuseppe Conte </3
No. 169296
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>>169007Ok football anons bring your best nominees. I have a huge thing for Virgil Van Dijk, saged because I'm not sure he's conventionally attractive? He's tall and muscular but something about his face has a hint of caveman I guess, not necessarily in this photo. He's super physically affectionate with his teammates which I love.
No. 169336
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>>169296For me it's Sergio Ramos before he grew that ugly beard. He's gorgeous
No. 169352
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tfw no buff leftist bf
No. 169356
>>169353I know right?! I've been binge watching his channel and clips from his streams a lot lately. I know he likes to say he's stupid but he really knows how to put the thoughts I have more eloquently than I ever could.
>>169354Nah. He's a Twitch streamer/Youtuber and former host for The Young Turks.
No. 169397
>>169354No but he used to date a porn star. He's one of those really sex positive
coomers woke guys
No. 169398
>>169352oh god hasan is soo fine. seeing him call someone a fucking idiot and bans them in chat is pretty fucking hot
>>169354No, his ex was a pornstar tho. Kinda sick of his coomer takes tho it gets kinda old.
No. 169404
>>169352>>169397>>169398So Hasan basically got cucked for however long he dated the pornstar gf and then I'm guessing probably said he was ~totally cool~ with her getting railed on camera by other men. He also capes for trannies, notably when he tried to prove that Pokimane wasn't a nasty evil
I used to find him really hot (visually) but after the Pokimane thing I find him kind of disgusting. Especially now knowing that he supports the porn industry while also being proclaiming to be super ~woke~. And to think people take his word and value his opinion as a political commentator when he's a pornsick cooming brocialist who claims to be close to a commie yet supports the sex industry which is absolutely anti-Marx. Not even looks can save this man.
No. 169428
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Ichabod Crane is fucking hot and sexy. Watching Sleepy Hollow makes me horny
No. 169463
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>>169404I tried watching his interview with his pornstar ex, could only get through the first 20 mind because they're both insufferable (literally he starts by dismissing anyone with concerns about pornhub as a "white feminist who hates sex") but one thing that stuck with me is that at one point Janice explains that as a porn star she sometimes consents to things she doesn't want to do, and he just nods and accepts it. I honestly can't look at him the same way after that, like how on earth can you just be okay knowing that your girlfriend is not only having sex with other men but having sex she actively doesn't want, for money? Idk it's incomprehensible to me
No. 169558
>>169404the only thing we can all agree he'ss a himbo (I don't listen to twitch streamers and most podcasters so dont know about him much)
cucked comment makes you sound like a scrote
No. 169560
>>169463this vid is older than Janice subtweet(s) and comments about him on their dating.
I know she has been vocal for a few years critiquing professional porn / studios (she barely shoot for companies pre covid too, only with other performers or her own stuff)
I have been off twitter for a while so I'm out of the loop, last industry backlash was that Porn Fidelity accusations
I'm sure she is still with PH (most likely with a special contract too) and has her reasonings (can't use the unprivileged or need to work and angle…) cope
No. 169650
>>169558I'm not, anon, I was subbed to him bc he seemed refreshing and was hot but he's not just a himbo, he's a faux intellectual brocialist that supports the sex industry. No bueno. I also think watching your partner fuck someone else on camera is traumatizing to the average person and that you'd probably have to have a fetish for that in order to be okay with it.
>>169560And he has no comment on this? Not surprising but still gross.
No. 169791
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this kinda sorta shameful cause of who he is, but Ahmed Khomeni the great grandson of the infamous Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, he's really good looking and one of my exact types
No. 169793
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>>169791here's him as a cleric(one of the youngest clerics of all time)
No. 169827
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>>169819Somebody said hot dictator?
No. 169872
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>>169846don't care still cute
No. 169894
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No. 170095
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I was looking for character designs for another thread and during the process I realized what a fine man Kazuma Kaneko is
No. 170294
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Both are beautiful boys but Ben is more my type
No. 170365
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Henry Golding. First noticed him watching the movie The Gentlemen and I still think it was his hottest character
No. 170454
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Gone far too soon. I never got to hear him live :(
No. 170602
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idk if this belongs here or in the other thread but alan tudyk makes my loins tighten. especially now that he's nearly 50
No. 170625
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So I’ve recently taken a linking to bad bunny
No. 170645
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this episodic character/actor from supernatural was so fucking hot
No. 170679
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>>170602this is cute, I just watched firefly for the first time, never knew who he was until then. I'm more into Nathan Fillion myself, who is also still hot at nearly 50. what a great head of hair
No. 170684
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No. 170759
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fuck was he hot when he was younger
No. 170909
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>>170901Sorry about your shit taste
nonny. Maybe one day u will understand my thirst
No. 170914
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My taste may be trashy, but… Roman Reigns.
No. 170982
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love his new aesthetic
No. 170992
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>>170914Dude is genuinely sexy! I think the trashiness is just from the WWE getup. He's the Rock's cousin after all, handsome family.
No. 171063
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>>170294>>170984God yes. Andrew is the man of my dreams
No. 171099
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No. 171465
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>>158375>>158737hugh grant as chopin drove me absolutely insane. i have never been more attracted to a character in my life. was chopin really like this IRL? i want to hold him and protect him ;_;
i 100% self-inserted as george sand in the film.
No. 171467
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Dax Riggs was so cute when he was younger jfc
No. 171473
>>171467>>171099>>170982>>170684>>170602>>169894>>170295>>170294What happened to this thread? Did a bunch of ESL anons get it mixed up with the Unattractive Men You'd Fuck thread?
>>137333> Post conventionally attractive males you want to have sex with and have no shame admitting.…zero shame at all? I'm hoping that you have the wrong thread because if not then…
No. 171730
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seems like a fuckboy but hot nonetheless
No. 171940
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>>138195I used to think he was plain out of costume, but I've really come around on him. He seems like a really sweet, earnest person, and I think he has beautiful eyes.
No. 171941
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I randomly came to the sudden realisation last night that Chris Tucker was pretty damn cute when he was younger. He's got the most handsome smile ever. I'm thinking of rewatching the Rush Hour movies just for him lol
No. 171950
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The superior Hemsworth tbh
No. 172075
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>>1541734 months late but YES. He's one of my two favorite actors! He's so animated and expressive, and reading about how he'd research and prepare for a role is fascinating. I.e. for Seven Samurai, he studied lions to get that same swagger in his character's gait. What a cool fucking guy.
No. 172081
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richard armitage as francis dolarhyde has occupied my mind for the past week. theres something so bizarrely delicious about him as that character, and he's so tall…gosh.
>>168078glad someone else said him, he was so gorgeous in hill house. that whole family was hot as fuck for no reason, even the young mom and dad! they could all have a turn, god damn.
reflecting on my tastes maybe i just like tall, mentally unwell characters…i gotta get some standards kek No. 172104
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wan fuck this thin lipped hottie
No. 172133
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No. 172229
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>>172170That's from a movie called "Rashomon", and it's a scene in the beginning where his character is on trial. It's a good few minutes, if I remember correctly. The best part is, the story is set during the summer, so you get a lot of picrel.
No. 172248
>>171950Just perfect.
>>172229I usually don't like movies, the 7th art is not my thing, but that movie was well worth watching
No. 172262
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Lex Fridman. He's so pure, but strong and intelligent.
No. 172264
>>172230finally an attractive man in the
attractive men you want to fuck thread
No. 172606
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i posted this in the femdom section
No. 172625
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Wish he didn’t have the cringiest taste in tats in existence but what a face and what a bod
No. 172633
File: 1613992891693.gif (Spoiler Image,2.62 MB, 430x322, gZz0p6.gif)

this body though
No. 172642
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was gonna post this in the femdom thread but anon suggest otherwise
No. 172662
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>>172625his face is perfect
No. 172670
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Can't find a pic I wanted to post
No. 172671
>>172667Well shit anon, you're lucky. Unfortunately, most slavs don't look like that. I live in an Eastern European shithole, 95% of guys here aren't even
close to being this qt. Although Sergei, specifically his eyes, looks very slav.
No. 172734
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nathan fillion as mal reynolds on firefly. curse those tv execs for cancelling this show and depriving me more of this character
>>172642I wish we could have porn threads on lolcow honestly. nothing explicit, just tame gifs and pics like this. I wanna appreciate the opposite gender with my fellow farmers
No. 172737
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Nikolaj Coster Waldau is looking great these days.
No. 173082
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young Christopher Plummer
No. 173571
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No. 173577
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>>172734I thought that was Michael J Fox at first. I went to find a pic of him and I realized that he was cute when he was young. Not necessarily sexy, just endearing. Reminds me of Joe Keery.
No. 174314
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I want to sit on his face
No. 174478
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he's so pretty anons
No. 174545
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[trio by nathy peluso starts playing]
No. 174556
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i want him so bad, I've never felt this kind of lust before I keep watching this episode over and over again
No. 174575
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>>174569omg sameee lol I've started watching these edits instead of replaying the episode for the 50th time, I became obsessed as soon as I saw him on the screen, I watched the black mirror episode he starred in yesterday but it doesn't feel the same, he seems very regular in real life too its definitely his expressions, eyes, his smile, the way he talks in this show, ughhh he's perfect. I needed to see him in more beaten up bad boy roles I'll definitely check out peaky blinders thanks for the recommendation!
No. 174723
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I’ve been simping hard for Logan Lerman and his salt and pepper hair recently.
No. 175027
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Still want to fuck this cute twink after all these years.
I don't even listen to their shitty music anymore
No. 175086
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>>137333not trying to start a political argument, I just think he's hot
No. 175262
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one day i will peg him…
No. 175390
>>174478He's cute in a fuckboy way but what's up with the balloon head?
Booblehead mf
Would bang tho
No. 175650
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just started watching hannibal and i've never wanted too suck a man's dick this badly
No. 175667
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No. 175779
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I can't get over how beautiful this guy from Fever the Ghost looks in their Spotify pic. It was cropped on there so I initially thought it was a woman but would fuck either way.
No. 175852
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cutie cutie dream boy <3
No. 176343
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Tbh I'd fuck everyone in the band but I just recently realized how gorgeous he is
No. 176377
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>>176343Please forgive me universe for being a disgusting fangirl but he looks so squishable. 50% greek sculpture, 50% squishy.
No. 176387
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>>176377I couldn't decide between posting klemens or matthi literally had that exact gif saved
No. 176432
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>>176419psst anon, c'mere i got something for you
No. 176436
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>>176432Kek I think we should make a hatari thread, this is getting out of hand; I would make it but I think my op would suck
No. 176960
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I used to watch his videos all the time when i was like 15, i remembered about him the other day and fuck… he's so fucking cute and witty and so underrated in general, qt tumblr boy i wanna drink his pee tbh.
No. 176995
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young al pacino is so fine
No. 177045
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>>176995Omg tell me about it, he's absolutely gorgeous. I love his dark fluffy hair and large sleepy eyes, my two fave things in a man.
No. 177116
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William Powell, old Hollywood actor. Not sure whether to post him in this thread or the unconventional attractions thread. He was in a relationship with Jean Harlow when she died so I think he was attractive in his time.
He isn't the type of guy I'm typically attracted to, but his debonair demeanor and witty quips turn me on. I want him to rail me.
No. 177174
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>>177116extremely fucking
valid, anon.
No. 177199
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if i ever got to hookup with a celebrity i dear god hope it's with Taron Egerton's fine pip pip cheerio ass
probably posted a lot in these threads but-
No. 177414
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I love DSL and long hair.
No. 177950
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No. 177953
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>>177950wrong thread, he's not attractive anymore
No. 177961
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I will miss the winking Tom Hardy gif when the next thread in made
No. 177975
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I hope he left nct and do j-rock or anything else, i'm tired of see him trying to stick on the kpop uwu boy personality when he's a rude whore.
>>170625Bad Bunny is an 1080p hd man in a 144p society.
No. 177995
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>>177975girl where? he's such a performative "feminist" and your typical scrote reguetonero but with painted nails, his lyrics have always been an abomination
No. 178041
>>177975>rude whoreLmao what are you even talking about
>>177995He's so cringe
No. 178121
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>>177995>>178103>Not Knowing that most latino men are trashAnon atleast he's funny and tall. I even feel major femdom vibes from him.
>>178041Sorry if that sound confusing, I can't explain my hornyness in english so well.
No. 178146
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I'll give you the others but young Al Pacino was absolutely conventionally attractive. His hair in that photo isn't great but
>Slender face with defined jaw
>Curvy lips
>Expressive, dark, heavy-lidded "bedroom" eyes
>High cheekbones
>Olive complexion
>Symmetrical features
No. 178267
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Bridgerton was an awful cringey mess but my god am I horny for this man.
No. 178273
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Watching Madame Bovary
No. 178572
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>>178301Lol same, he was literally the only reason I wanted to watch it, even when people told me how shit it was I was like "but I still wanna squeal and swoon over him"
No. 178919
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No. 178935
>>178922For the first half of the video I was thinking he's not going to get naked and was getting pissed.
Hnnnnnngh, that body
No. 179203
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I'm basic.
No. 179225
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I love these kind of outfits
No. 179240
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No. 179255
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I only watch the ten commandments for him. Once I was watching while sick and having chills. Every time he was on screen my body recovered for a few seconds.
No. 179277
>>179240I salute you
>>179230That nose is full Italian though
No. 179391
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No. 179392
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I want him to dominate me so bad
No. 179410
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I want both of them to do unspeakable things to me at the same time
No. 179412
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>>179410>I want both of them to do unspeakable things to me at the same timeI feel this way about picrel
No. 179422
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I love how off the shits he is.
No. 179436
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>>179423nta but I'd sleep with Logan Paul(not Jake) he seems like a nice guy for the most part
No. 179437
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Tom took my virginty with this haircut tbh
No. 179442
>>179438The Unabomber was a good looking and most anons would probably agree with his ideology regarding technology
also soms anons have a fetish of being his homestead wife in the woods
No. 179471
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I just started watching timeless and I'm thirsting so hard.
No. 179472
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>>179471Combined with Sean Maguire playing Ian Fleming for one episode
No. 179474
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>>179471ugh I had such a crush on him when he was on 90210
No. 179475
>>179474Wow I had no idea (mostly because I've never seen 90210 haha)
It does explain the dreamy boy energy but I like him more as he's older because he looks much more masculine.
No. 179493
>>141524Im late but never expected to see him here! Do you happen to be a fellow Belganon?
He's a really nice person too!
>>141558h-he's Belgian though…
>tfw the French take credit for all our good things No. 179630
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I heard he's a piece of shit, but mama mia!
No. 179707
>>177144and i'm attracted to both of them like crazy personally
No. 179980
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This Jordanian prince. Yummy
No. 179999
File: 1618684350091.jpeg (117.26 KB, 700x929, FC7F70A9-6B14-4CB4-934F-637FBC…)

Still hot and still respectful of women. Truly the gift that keeps on giving
No. 180008
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>>179999I had the biggest crush on him in elementary school
No. 180040
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>>180011Just his general conduct and some things he's said in interviews
No. 180042
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Idc what anyone aays, james spader was fuckin gorgeous
No. 180044
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This thread need more young Dolph
No. 180055
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2008 Shane could get it. I'd make sure he never met Jeffree.
No. 180056
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this guy with his bushy ass eyebrows was so damn hot in big time rush, looking at his face just awakened some primal feeling in me
No. 180065
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Viejo sabroso
No. 180079
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No. 180080
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No. 180081
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No. 180082
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No. 180115
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Cody Saintgnue used to be so fucking hot
No. 180124
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steve yeun
No. 290346
File: 1664156395468.gif (1.06 MB, 422x302, ruinmyfuckinglife.gif)

I would let Bill Hader ruin my goddamn life, no question.