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No. 161298
Previous thread
>>148891Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly,creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.
i think Tobias Forge himself is kinda cute and may not really belong here, but i'm here for Cardinal Copia/Papa Emeritus IV
No. 161303
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He's probably the oldest young-looking, far-right twink in the existence
No. 161305
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Since I was a teenager I've been obsessed
No. 161316
>>161303>>161304same, what the fuck anon, him on
my lolcow. horny Poles get the fuck out
No. 161330
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goofy, cute, stupidly tall
No. 161374
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>>161325>>161334Wow this thread is off to a good start
No. 161375
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I'm so embarrassed…
No. 161447
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but only as mike pence
No. 161459
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Sick I know. Hadn't really thought of him until I saw that Feels Good Man documentary. I love his effeminate voice and manner of speaking. I know his haircut is supposed to honor his hero but I see it more as the 90s bad boy style. His eyes look like he's asking/expecting to be hurt. Ew he's so gross but also I'd like to tie him up and drip hot wax on him.
No. 161461
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>>161444snape fangirl here kek. i think it's because it's the only character that has some depth to it in the entire saga. i read the books when i was a young teenager (between the ages of 12 and 16 roughly) and up until that point most of the characters in other books or stories i had read were either 100% good or 100% villains. but not snape! something about how jk rowling wrote him just spoke to me and made him "more real" sort of speak. i dont think it's the torture soul trope that is enticing about him, i think the character is relatable cause even tho he is a "hero" at the end, it took him a lot of growth and mistakes to get there.
pic rel would be a wet dream to me kek
No. 161467
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>>161375Its ok anon. I was in the same boat as you and had a crush on Marie Antoinette's brother : Joseph II of Habsburg
No. 161475
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I find his face so endearing. Probably because of his jawline, but I can't really describe how it aligns with the rest of his features. He looks like some kind of rat-bird creature who I would never want to touch but I would love to admire it from afar.
No. 161477
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I have had the fattest crush on Joe Gilgun for like 10 years. Love everything about him but all my friends just thinks he’s ugly and annoying lol
No. 161480
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>>161477Gilgun is sexy as fuck, I don't care what anyone says. Have you watched This Is England? I just finished watching it for the third time. He plays such a good part in it. I tried watching most of Preacher and only stuck it out because of his character. But yeah, he is sexy. 10/10 would let him ruin me.
No. 161484
>>161480Right?!? Yeah I’ve watched both the movie and the series multiple times, I love them a lot! He was my fave in Misfits too.
Dude just seems so likeable + hilarious + hot as hell haha
>>161481Hmm he hasn’t been in Skins? Or have I missed something haha?
No. 161488
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hey niece and nephew I want to slap uncle Roger like a bag of rice
No. 161503
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>>161334he should've kissed his bandmates more often
No. 161522
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Mads (as hannibal lecter specifically), unconventional because hes like 30 years older than me, and the character being a cannibal somehow isnt a deal breaker. Id eat human flesh if he served to me (but not the anthony hopkins version, ew).
Extremely attracted to hugh dancey as will graham (also from hannibal) but thats not even remotely unconventional.
No. 161523
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love the white trash vibe he has going on and i heard he's a huge slut
No. 161588
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Count Olaf from Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. I think I just have an attraction towards villain characters, especially if they have eccentric personalities. It’s kinda weird because NPH as a person is not attractive to me at all.
No. 161629
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>>161588I was super attracted to the Jim Carrey Count Olaf when I was younger. Idk there was just something about how overdramatic (?) He was that I liked.
Nowadays I just hear weird things about him.
No. 161673
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>>161522Mads is beautiful to me. I know he looks weird to some, a bit waxy and spooky, but I love his look, especially in the Pusher movies.
No. 161676
>>161666samefag and I feel you anon, I did not expected to be attracted to Arthur but the more crazy he got throughout the movie the hotter I found him
Then again I've been into offbeat dark haired guys who happen to also be tragically insane for awhile now
No. 161679
>>161480not that anon but i tried to watch preacher, just couldn't get into it though. shame because i find this guy super hot, wish he was in more stuff. i'll give this is england a go
>>161481doesn't he keep a super lowkey profile or something?
how do nonnies know where he lives lol>>161303i'll give you my blessing if you make him permanently leave politics
No. 161708
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I want to dominate him, sorry about it
No. 161713
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I've been rewatching Its Always Sunny and I'm just so aggressively horny for the gang minus Dee and Frank
No. 161779
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no one told me phineas gage was hot?
No. 161834
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Not an unpopular opinion by any means, but Bill Skarsgård is one of the only men I'd let degrade me and use me. I keep rewatching Hemlock Grove just for his character, especially all the blood kink scenes and the "please daddy, fuck me some more?" line in season 3.
>>161475Kek anon, I kind of relate. He was attractive to me in Super Dark Times for some reason.
No. 161846
>>161459thought you were talking about Matt Furie going by your description, so I was about to say "Naw, thats
valid" until the image loaded for me.
No. 161847
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>>161834God I posted Bill Skarsgard on one of these threads before. I love his malnourished look. His eyes are a bit strange which I think this could be something that makes him unconventional?
> "please daddy, fuck me some more?" line in season 3.I have never watched hemlock grove though. Only saw gifs and edits stuff. So do you know what ep or have a clip kek sorry
No. 161857
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>>161477>>161480yessss excellent taste anons
>tfw no skinhead bf No. 161906
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idk if hes that unconventional or if my friends exaggerate how bad my taste in men is but i think punk men are so fucking hot, especially young steve ignorant
even more shameful is that i find young johnny rotten incredibly attractive but i think the sex pistols are posers so ill never admit it in public.
No. 161925
>>161906you think that's embarrassing, imagine being attracted to Sid Vicious
i want to die
No. 161933
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>>161906Girl, there isn't anything wrong with finding John Lydon attractive when he was younger. I'd be concerned now in his current ballooned state, but still. He is very charming.
Paul Simonon is my favourite punk guy. He's so attractive to me and his gap teeth are cute as shit. I met him once and he was very nice and just as handsome now as he was then.
No. 161956
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I'm learning guitar and I started watching his videos. He's my favourite boomer.
No. 161957
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>>161956Btw for a long time I thought this was a photo of a young Mike Stoklasa but it was actually Rick kek
No. 161978
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his music still makes me cry tho
No. 161980
>>161847I have it bookmarked! It's Season 3 Episode 7 at 46:30. He honestly drives me insane, I'm not sure what it is but he just exudes dominant energy or something. I love him in Castle Rock too.
>>161840Do it! It's a decent show too up until season 3, and then all of the blood kink scenes make up for the decrease in quality. I've masturbated so many times to that show and don't feel ashamed lmao.
No. 162002
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I’m horny for Freud
No. 162013
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>>162002I think Jung was hotter
No. 162021
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Billy Corgan… Something about him is just so hot, especially when he wears red eyeshadow. Too bad he's an asshole :(
No. 162062
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Just found out that he passed away yesterday. RIP.
No. 162128
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idfk why
No. 162156
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This one is dedicated to The Garden anon from /ot/
No. 162162
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I'm not into the whole "daddy" thing, but there's something about older Alex Kapranos that makes me reevaluate everything
No. 162179
>>162156wow I was about to post them but you got me anon.
I found them by randomly clicking a video with Fletcher thinking he was some quirky girl and I wasn't disappointed.All songs I've heard so far are great. I seem to be more into puzzle rather than enjoy but I like their work as The garden.They are weirdos in a way that isn't try-hard and it's refreshing seeing that.I love how they dress too
and yeah Fletcher's kinda been on my mind lately.This is an old video but I thought it was really hot
No. 162186
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The guy who played Dudley in HP (Harry Melling). I’ve seen him in some new Netflix films like Queen’s Gambit and his quirky face has grown on me. I honestly think his teeth are cute
No. 162187
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No. 162200
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>>161303Since we're posting old young-looking Polish twinks…
No. 162353
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I want to fuck Jon Ossoff
No. 162364
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I don't know why I find him attractive, but…
No. 162369
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i hate being one of those dumbass faggots who's attracted to serial killers. like, i hate them intensely, and i wouldn't have minded if they were sentenced to be tortured every day for the rest of their lives, but something deep in my core is attracted to the "alpha" persona of psycho- and sociopaths. it doesn't help i really like the aesthetic of the 70s/80s and there were tons of them back then
No. 162445
>>162156Is this really unconventional?
I find them hot af especially in this music vid.
No. 162483
>>162408Lmao this video was how I found out about them and I also thought he was a cute girl at first.I read they were models for a little bit and it makes sense
>>162440He got the power of god and anime by his side
>>162445I guess it's their aesthetic that sometimes is weird and could be considered unconventional especially how they dress/dressed at times and their overall quirky attitude.Aside from that they are hot yeah
No. 162508
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>>162364Same anon. 8/10 would smoke 40 cigarettes a day with
No. 162513
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this mf. Theo Von. it's something about the mullet and the way he talks.
No. 162517
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>>162369agree with anon here
>>162409 Serial killers, especially the one's who kill only women (which tbf is most of them) come across as weak to men to me
My horrible sin is being attracted rampage killers and spree killers, god I deserve to die
No. 162518
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This guy from weeds
No. 162523
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Weston Cage(Nick cage's son) I'm not even memeing or joking, he's literally what I want in a man
No. 162525
>>162517spree killers always came across as more pussy to me. serial killers kill people with their bare hands
that being said, the uniform is hot
No. 162526
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>>162525well not spree killers who kill random innocent people, rather one's who actively fight against the police or some form of law enforcement, it's weirdly attractive for me
No. 162534
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hybristofags pls, that shit is so gross. this is a civilized imageboard
No. 162542
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>>162523Now he looks like the cooler preggory. Glad to see he stuck the aesthetic I guess.
No. 162556
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>>162526I relate to that but I'm more into independence movements/organisations like IRA or Hamas
No. 162579
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>>162534Aww Gandalf is so cute. I like Dumbledore too. In a non-sexual way, a friendly magical date would be fun.
No. 162606
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No. 162608
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>>162582>>162600nta but this is about attractiveness, I do find that often guerrilla fighters have this nice aesthetic that I sorta like, there was a minor controversy when teenage girls online started mourning the death of a Kashmiri guerilla fighter cause he was hot
No. 162641
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Just wanna say that Trainspotting Ewan >>>>>>> Star Wars Ewan
No. 162648
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Peak male performance
No. 162652
>>162648seeing this man posted at least once in the past few threads is a win for me, I'm the one who originally posted him after I remember finding him cute as a rando ass side character in national treasure 2 and recognizing him as the dad from modern family kek
I swear all crushes I had on the old men I thought were cute in my teens years ago are coming back to bite me this year
No. 162671
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>>162669I don't know why either anon… I hope he's in more stuff in the future
No. 162673
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>>162556Some pics of the Assyrian Liberation army
No. 162674
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No. 162675
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Revolutionary Assyrian Democratic Movement fighters in Northern Iraq
No. 162683
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>>162680>>162681I mean guerrillas and militias often do have a rugged/traditional/DIY punk/soldier aesthetic all at once, I mean that's everything you want in a man
No. 162694
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I am in love with this french canadian zoomer streamer
No. 162698
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I’ve been having some feelings towards Mark Prosch (Colin Robinson) lately that I cannot rationally explain.
No. 162709
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>>162547it was so beautiful wtf
No. 162710
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>>162200why are you guys not posting quality Polish twinks instead of this???
No. 162735
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I would never admit this one irl. Shame me.
No. 162756
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they're smart, funny, entertaining and respectful to women! they were even doing it when it wasn't cool in the 80s.
No. 162766
>>162698I love you anon. You're
valid even if your attraction is not.
No. 162782
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Alec Baldwin is such a fat piece of shit in the departed but I’d let him come inside me
No. 162784
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Before you come for me, think of how this character makes AGPs seethe. I like Ted Levine as Stottlemeyer too; something must be wrong in my head. In picrel he's extremely sexy if you ignore umm some things
No. 162858
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Ted anons… I saw you all in the last thread. I understand it now. I would even fuck him as a dirty, unwashed hermit. i kinda have a huge crush on him now what the fuck
No. 162885
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this japanese comedian is so cute to me, balding head an all
No. 162958
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He's really teetering on the fine line between cute and ugly imo, but it's his wit and humour for me.
No. 162963
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the shameful fetish thread reminded me how ridiculously attracted I am to old man Jeremy Irons
No. 162986
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i'm sorry
No. 162991
>>162986who is that?
>>162988what's wrong with Aussies?
No. 163009
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both tim and eric, but for different reasons. tim because I genuinely find him attractive, and eric because there’s just so much of him, he’s huge. there’s something kind of sexy about that. (also because they’re both really funny and that’s the most attractive quality)
No. 163019
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No. 163033
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tucker time, again. tfw no angry middle-aged conservative tv show host bf
No. 163036
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>>162186I'm a sucker for weird teeth too, anon
No. 163124
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He just seems so damn precious!
No. 163131
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The guy who made Detroit: become human, beyond two souls and heavy rain; David cage. I’m not normally into bald guys but something about him is incredibly sexy
No. 163164
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>>163036back to tumblr, hybristophile
No. 163174
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I'm late as hell to the Death Grips bandwagon, but I finally got around to actually loving them. And what do you know, semi-malnourishd barechested Stefan does it for me.
No. 163187
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this guy who completely destroyed steven crowder to the point crowder basically threw a tantrum and kicked him away because he was getting angry. a true hero.
No. 163193
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This tiktoker when he’s not that face he makes
No. 163204
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both of these fucks, i don't watch the show but they're cute and nostalgic for me
No. 163274
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No. 163275
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>>163185Both of them at the same time is my fantasy.
No. 163285
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Please forgive me, father, for I have sinned. Lindy's got this very wholesome English dad energy, and I can't resist how endearing it is.
>>163274Shit, anon… I mean, he looked better before FFS (imo), I'll give you that at least. Now he looks like a deflated mouse with the voice to match, yet still somehow clockable.
No. 163301
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No. 163350
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happy to see I’m not alone
No. 163380
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>>163350I spent actual minutes on this because I couldn't unsee it
No. 163440
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I feel like his face is too narrow for him to be considered universally attractive. I also like it when he cosplays, he's such a goddamn dork.
No. 163453
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I think Victor Love is really beautiful, with makeup or without, young or old, I like his broken nose and I think his face is beautiful in a weird way like the best models' faces are. And all his music is great too (especially MBR) and he is so cute when he smiles
No. 163469
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Unconventional simply because he looks like any other white dude
No. 163493
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I want to beat the shit out of him but in a sexual way
No. 163495
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I want them to double team me while wearing thier costumes. It also doesn't help that the guys people have theorized to be them are my visual types too.
No. 163518
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>>163496>>163498Yup, good ole Seungri is pratically a mobster from how knee deep he’s on organized prostitution and other crimes.
Sucks that he’s attractive as fuck.
No. 163538
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he weirds me out in a good way
No. 163539
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I love this type of eyes
No. 163559
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Owner of Curiousity Incorporated, an antique store and youtuber. His video series on cleaning hoarded houses are great, he's so calm and kind about the history of the people who lived there! I don't think he's attractive enough for the other thread so I'm posting here.
No. 163566
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he's a dick but i'm into him
No. 163588
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No. 163603
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at least his singing voice is hot
No. 163667
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No. 163682
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Everything about him is so endearing. He aged really well too
No. 163699
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Am I the only one ?
No. 163708
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I've had a crush on Seth Green since he was in Buffy and Austin Powers. My friends roast me non-stop.
No. 163733
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He would have hated me and I battle the cognitive dissonance everyday.
No. 163745
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Yellow Days ♥ I love his music so much. I've also met him and he's extremely nice.
No. 163770
>>163733are you black or something? lovecraft was racist but didn't hate black people. he always came off as a fetishizer to me. i mean one of his most popular creations took the form of a handsome, godly black man
he did hate the irish though
No. 163808
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I find brian tyree henry pretty for a heavy guy. He also got his MFA from Yale, and I really like intelligent guys. Plus he was hilarious in that one “gender critical” episode of Atlanta.
No. 163850
>>163708Best post . He was so cute in Austin Powers
hes ugly as shit now.
Wouldve loved to crush his tiny man pelvis.
No. 163895
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he looks so boring and average but his voice makes me horny
No. 163951
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I was horny for this fuckface to the point of distraction for almost the whole movie
No. 163955
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>>163708He had no right to be so cute in Party Monster (Mac Culkin & the woman who played his GF too)
No. 163970
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I already posted about him in the last thread but the shame won't leave me
No. 164012
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he will choke me with his big and hairy arms, and kiss me with that crusty, lovely and beautiful lips that i love, feeling so hot that i'm tripping over my fluids and causing an epileptic seizure and cardiac attack that would lead me to death, where I will finally meet my beloved, Jeffrey
No. 164014
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he's cute don't @ me
No. 164017
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goddammit epstein anons are gonna make it a tradition to post him in every thread. here we go again
guess it's time to post my cunt girlfriend suicider then
No. 164038
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I know he gets posted in almost every thread but I've been rewatching some old best of the worst vids and out of nowhere got a huge crush on Mike. I used to think only Jay was cute but now I can't stop grinning and staring at Mike with heart eyes when he's on the screen and I'm fantasising about him lmao it's like where the hell did this come from? I don't even find him that hot but at the same time I do? He's not really my type but there's something kinda attractive about him. Idk it's very weird
No. 164048
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elliot rodger was a good looking guy and he could probably pull girls if he wasn't mentally a freak show
No. 164052
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>>164045I posted him and I am ugly laughing at this so hard. Kinkshame me harder anon I deserve it.
I mean at least there's no evidence that Rip Van Rubberface raped kids or teenage girls unlike the other two
>tfw college bookstores are closed No. 164061
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if he started an erotic audio onlyfans or something i would honestly simp so hard
No. 164084
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>>164017honestly, he was such a cutie when he was younger. i love him in the classic 90s movies like dumb and dumber and the mask
No. 164090
>>164071Well, I'm exceedingly self deprecating so I thought it was hilarious. The cliffnotes version is being mentally fucked up and having daddy issues and it spirals out from there. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
>>164078If Epstein, Carrey, and Saville are the three horsemen of the unconventional threadpocalypse, who's the fourth? We need a fourth
>>164085I love blinds and articles about him because they truly do stray into fanfiction territory, and the man is insane enough that I have no idea what to think anymore. Yes he's obviously a fucked up, terrible person but I don't think he's the level of crazy that blinds about cults and other nonsense that sound pulled out of a stans ass make him out to be
No. 164131
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I been watching Deadwood recently and even tho Ian McShane's character is a gigantic asshole I'm weirdly attracted to him in this particular costume/styling…
No. 164132
File: 1608694521939.jpg (1.44 MB, 2000x1333, 5856546445.jpg)

i hate this bitch asshole whore, she doesn't deserve a man like him
No. 164135
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the glasses fit him well omfg my nose is about to bleed
No. 164137
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d-don't l-look me like that, p-please…
No. 164145
>>164138and so it shall be? but who's who?
we've got war, pestilence, death, and famine
shapiro for war, carrey for pestilence, savile for famine, and ofc epstein for death (which can also be interpreted as the antichrist)
No. 164161
>>164013thank god there's at least 2 other people who think this, I'm not alone, hooray.
He's def had surgery coz he was super vain, but it was all worth it kek
No. 164169
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>>164084I blame liar liar for making me initially have some kind of freudian awakening for this mess when I was younger. his demon face contortionism is fascinating. I think he is the basis for me preferring tall weird dark haired guys.
he looks gaunty and old now but I would let him do whatever he wanted to me despite everything I've heard, especially in an outfit like the aforementioned and picrel where he's got a nice jacket or suit, i do love me a tall skinny guy in a suit. i denied my thirst for months but it's become extremely hard to deny, so might as well admit it. the rumors exacerbated it. he would verbally slaughter me for being a plain looking girl with a pile of heinous self harm scars and i'd take every second of it
as another anon put it, "if you flow with the horny, the horny will flow through you and away from you, so to speak. dont deny your thirst, it will only make it stronger."
>>164162i'm a retard who forgot what "gurning" meant and having relearned it today it's been added to my repertoire
No. 164217
File: 1608735370308.jpg (11.95 MB, 3793x5870, Toshihiro_Nagoshi_20140125.jpg)

yet another plastic surgery monster i'd shag
No. 164225
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tis the season
No. 164330
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i had the biggest crush on both of them in high school. ville is more conventionally attractive tho, but i guess he would be too feminine to some.
come to think of it, i actually had crushes on most of the guys from jackass lol
No. 164369
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>>164335isn't the point of this thread to post what many nonnies consider ugly freaks though? it's all in good fun, just own the fact that most ppl don't align to your taste and it's okay. I like a diseased freak who can warp his face to look like satan incarnate, and that just happened to be what my vagina was misled into liking this year!!
picrel back to plastique kpop boys, all the current gen kpoppie men (except for a couple of members of nct) aren't to my taste, most of them are too young for my fossil loving ass, but t.o.p can get it
No. 164374
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I’m so into Mel Gipson with a mullet
No. 164380
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>>164374Mel was 100% conventional and 150% cute when he was young tho
No. 164402
>>164373what? that's them but in the current year lol
shows how much bam's fucked himself up
No. 164415
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‘Tis the season I guess
No. 164416
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>>164415his brother is cute, too bad he's a manlet
No. 164514
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i used to think he was so cute rip
No. 164519
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No. 164549
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merry christmas fellow weirdies itt
here's to manifesting a better 2021 :')
No. 164550
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I hate him/his politics…..and yet
Please forgive me UK anons.
No. 164612
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Watched It’s A Wonderful Life for the first time and I had the realization that Jimmy Stewart seems like top tier Hollywood Golden Age husbando
No. 164619
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my King…
No. 164668
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No. 164673
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>mfw I've been memed into finding Adam Driver hot
It started out with a non sith how did it end up like this
No. 164676
>>164673it's not a meme, he's amazing
especially in marriage storyanyway welcome to the club
No. 164685
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>>164619Holy shit I just watched a down the rabbit hole vid about him, very interesting but tragic story. He was a looker in his younger days tbh, he could get it.
No. 164701
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>>164684Yes, I think so, too! He's a bit awkward, but I really like his style of humour, he doesn't try to hard and he legit got some out loud laughs out of me during interviews.
also he's tall and strong No. 164723
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shrug shrug
No. 164724
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>>164673There is no escape anon. Welcome
No. 164747
>>164716It's called being unphotogenic.
Finding Adam Diver hot is pretty conventional.
No. 164766
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>>164747C'mon now, anon.
Whenever he's posted in the conventional thread, nonnies there have a sped meltdown saying the government should disfigure him to make his face more bearable, that that type of cat is forever cursed for havin its name associated with the beast, that it should be a legal offense for him to have a face he's so ugly. I've seen people asking for spoilers and
trigger warnings in this site so they don't ever gaze upon
Adam DriverLet we have him in the unconventional.
I've never seen an actor so polarising in a site where people admit finding Jeffrey Epstein hot.
No. 164771
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I'm part of the Adam Driver is fucking ugly camp. My unconventional Star Wars crush is the scrawny ginger.
No. 164776
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>>164775>i find him very hot too.Hey anon wtf
No. 164780
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I like crossdressers (not drag).
No. 164793
>>164772ntayrt but domhnall gleeson
>>164768I'm the resident carreychan and I've been here for enough time to see multiple epstein posters
I'm not surprised if epsteinchans are in fact legit. there was someone in an early rendition of this thread who was attracted to the japanese cannibal guy and there have been multiple serial killer anons. I think it's funny that trolling or not an epsteinchan makes an appearance in almost every thread. I also love how there's this little infighting going on everytime driver is brought up on here or the attractive thread because it's funny how divisive everyone is about his looks and the presence of driverchans on this board
this thread tends to fluctuate between "guy who's not conventionally attractive but not a bad person" and "guy who did really horrible thing and is a terrible person and / or not conventionally attractive", all of which befit the purpose of the thread. it's an interesting juxtaposition
No. 164799
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Hayashi Kento. I've been watching a japanese drama and he's the main lead. He's cute but I feel he may be unconventional since not everyone likes japanese guys and he has a kind of weird baby face. But he's so adorable in the drama I have a big crush right now on him.
No. 164805
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This coomer manlet is a guilty pleasure of mine. I think he's actually funny when he's not being a complete smooth brain.
Only with long hair though.
No. 164811
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i'll buy skyrim again just for him
No. 164813
>>164780Wouldn’t bang but I love this guy’s work. Nice to see another Megg, Mogg, and Owl fan on lolcow
>>164782He’s just a crossdresser iirc
No. 164827
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I want Mussolini to yell at me Italian. I’d let him strangle me to death with his hands, as long as he wore those cute leather gloves he has. The hat stays on in both scenarios. I’ve wanted him since high school history class. Fuck, that jawline.
No. 164829
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>>164771>GleesonI'm more into his father
No. 164831
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>>164827stalin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
No. 164846
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I don’t even like men I just think his face is pleasing, same with Billy Corgan. They have a similar face shape that I like to look at.
No. 164860
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>>164841Anon that is a shadow, his jawline is distinctly undefined in every other photo. He was also 5'6 and bald
No. 164868
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just discovered the show Taskmaster a few weeks ago (they upload full series on YouTube, I highly recommend) and learned Greg Davies is 6'8" which is an automatic smash in my book. he used to be a teacher too and when he turns on the concerned-teacher voice I melt a little.
but idk something about Alex Horne I've come to find him even more attractive. I can't explain it. his bottom-bitch character in the show adds to it somehow too. he's 6'2, ginger, and I think the gap teeth is cute as hell.
he looks like a character from Wallace and Gromit though so I'm just confused
No. 164874
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Just had a sex dream about Nathan Fielder and I didn’t hate it. He’s not ugly but I’ve only known him on his awkward show and never thought of him like that.
No. 164883
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feel like pure shit just want him back x
No. 164884
>>164874While watching NFY I fell such an strong attraction to him and I even don't know why.
Especially when he would break character like vidrel
Never thirsted him after finishing thee show though
No. 164894
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I can change him
No. 164898
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>>164896twitch streamer xQc
No. 164900
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>>164898Just tuned in, he's boring af
Pewds is still #1
No. 164939
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>>162523I want Nicolas Cage
No. 164948
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I can't be the only one who thinks this guy is great looking.
(First time posting hopefully I didn't fuck it up)
No. 164962
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Ludwig Wittgenstein
No. 164966
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i love him
No. 165008
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this absolute lab rat of a youtuber dude. he looks like all the cringy british boys i spent my teen years avoiding as a foreigner yet here i am all these years later
No. 165012
>>165008Weird post tbh, you sound like Helga from hey arnold.
Unless he’s an actual creepy guy. What’s his yt?
No. 165022
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Chloe, where is my chopper?!
No. 165025
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President McKinley and his strong eyebrows
No. 165033
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this monkey looking fella really does it for me
No. 165059
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Oswald Mosley…Anyone else?
No. 165180
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kill me
No. 165181
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>>165180thas mento ilness luv
No. 165186
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he’s so gorgeous to me
No. 165189
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>>165059same anon he was so sexy
No. 165190
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I’m not that sorry about it but still
No. 165191
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>>164860he looks identical to rosa from oitnb
No. 165223
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This is fucking embarrassing but when Catching Fire came out I had a thing for Haymitch/Woody Harrelson.
>tfw no guilt ridden, alcoholic PSTD suffering, hidden heart of gold, mentor bf
No. 165228
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>>165223Holy shit anon. I haven't seen Cathing Fire, but I was JUST gonna post Woody Harrelson. I love his dad energy in Zombieland.
No. 165261
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…I can't help it.
Rami Malek, specifically in Mr. Robot
No. 165265
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>>165228Yes, I'm so with you. He was super sexy in season 1 of True Detective too. Drool
No. 165295
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>>165238>>165249Speaking of Mr Crabs
No. 165297
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Chucky, I mean Brad Dourif in One Flew over the cuckoos nest
No. 165303
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No. 165314
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this mf burns through the camera
best shoulders in the game
No. 165322
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>>165303Fucking yes anon. I watched this recently after many years and I decided I would happily let Sykes do anything to me.
No. 165385
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Feel like pure shit just want him back x
No. 165419
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he’s literally the cutest guy in the world to me idk why. he kinda looks like mac demarco who i also had a huge crush on before he got fat and started balding
No. 165439
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Not usually the kind of guy I'd be into but his music slaps and he seems like he'd be fun to hang out with
No. 165446
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both young and old versions
No. 165456
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yesenin was a cutie
No. 165463
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I always thought Yuri Gagarin (first guy in space) was adorable
No. 165498
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Probably stinks so would not go near, but part of me wants to take him for a walk in sunlight and have him eat a homecooked meal.
No. 165506
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Not unconventional though, just fukken old lol.
>>165463fun fact: out of the group of astronauts to be the first man to enter space, all of whom were equally (very) qualified, Gagarin was chosen for his smile. Also, all the candidates, including Yuri ofc, had to be no taller than about 5'5 because they wouldn't fit in the seat of the Vostok spacecraft.
No. 165514
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>>165463Is he really considered unconventional? Always thought he was a cutie.
>>165506Mayakovsky was hot, I like how he looked good with both longer hair and very short hair. He also gives me hope as someone who resembles Lilya Brik (nothing against her, just hate my appearance lol)
No. 165549
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>>165506great taste anon. slav men are the best.
No. 165550
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>>165463>>165549samefag sorry but you reminded me about vladimir komarov. i always found him really handsome too. he died crashing into the earth, RIP
No. 165575
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Kurtan from the show This Country. The actor in normal clothes and hair styling looks fine but I was also weirdly attracted to him playing Kurtan.
No. 165634
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>>165506>Also, all the candidates, including Yuri ofc, had to be no taller than about 5'5Cute..
>>165514>Is he really considered unconventional? Always thought he was a cutie. He’s a conventional cutie to me, but I was scared to post him in the conventional thread bc the last time I posted a guy there, I got replies telling me he was ugly lmao. Also, god, the picture you attached is so cute. His smile is perfect.Saved.
No. 165639
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No. 165680
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Ewan McGregor was so fuckable in Trainspotting even while playing a heroin addict.
No. 165684
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I am rewatching The Knick and so badly want to bang Dr Thackery.
No. 165702
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i used to be obsessed with charles bukowski in high school. he's very gross although i would probably still sleep with him lmao
No. 165712
File: 1609834074477.png (850.55 KB, 493x861, 8D4AFEE8-49DC-4B97-B976-F699A5…)

Aside from the brief time he had a goatee he’s consistently done it for me throughout all 9 seasons
No. 165721
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>>165684I was just thinking about that actor recently too kek
No. 165729
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David Mitchell has always done it for me. Come on ladies
No. 165738
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>>161298Apparently this is shameful
No. 165743
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>>165461i love guys with baby faces. i think the trauma of my early life has made me only able to be attracted to innocent looking men
No. 165748
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He was so fine… And to be honest, I'd hit it even when he was slightly chubbier
No. 165801
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>>164078you guys called me?
No. 165803
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>>165802i want to fuck him in the ass against the wall with a strap on while he tells me i’m such a nasty dirty bird for doing this to him. then i want to strangle him tbh
No. 165817
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>>165809>>165810I’m sorry everyone, but i can’t help it. i know how much he would hate to be dominated.
No. 165818
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>>165817it's okay savilechan, I want my Jim to step on me, and much worse, I have the opposite hangup
you do greatly amuse me though
No. 165822
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>>165818Carrey is weirdly sexy, but i wouldn’t want him to dominate me. I only want to dominate evil and narcissistic men. Or innocent men. Or any man who fits my weirdo type. I’m attracted to men who range lookswise from John Belushi to John Lennon, I just want to cut them down with a chainsaw.
No. 165826
File: 1609950081292.png (Spoiler Image,142.56 KB, 604x434, ACF23600-E079-469A-ACB2-BB119E…)

>>165823Literally, i’m dominant but i want when i’m pegging my ideal males to kinda verbally degrade me, like call me perverted and disgusting for getting off to this. I would post this in shameful fetishes but that thread is dead af.
Say what you want about Nemu but some of her art was based in concept/power dynamics. She always sexualized her ugly dudes.
No. 165853
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>tfw no cute, hot-tempered ski jumper bf
No. 165873
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>>165862Im ashamed but…. retarded maga viking
No. 165878
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He was always so goofy on Iron Chef, idk why it made me love him
No. 165884
>>165853It's too bad he won't ever get into peak form again.
The normie cute guys are part of the reason I watch sports.
No. 165897
>>165873he's not a maga dude, he's an actor / shaman larper
he was in the blm protests as well (which I assume do not attract maga dudes)
No. 165899
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>>165873Came here to post this…at least I'm not alone in my shame.
Help me anon
No. 165911
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I've been watching Growing Up in the Universe and I noticed Richard Dawkins was kinda cute when he was younger. The lectures were nice too
No. 165914
>>165909I'm not American, I just posted him here because I saw his picture.
The basic news we get is "orange man fanboys did something bad" and a lot of memes
No. 165917
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>>165899I’m here for u anon. I’m in the same boat, but ONLY if he has the warpaint and Buffalo horns on. I won’t be taking any questions at this time.
No. 165919
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>>165897Dude was a counter-protestor at blm. Conspiracy theorists are being disingenuous and cropping out/editing his signs though.
No. 165924
>>165897The interlocked triangles on his chest is called a valknut, it's being used by nordic white supremacists, as is the Thor's hammer on his stomach. Given the context I think it's safe to say he's not just 'really into Norse culture'. Ten bucks says that hammer is actually covering up something even more blatantly racist.
I wouldn't fuck this idiot… But I do like the horns.
No. 165926
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>>165549silver age poet i'd most like to fuck is khlebnikov. idek man.
but you are wrong, slav men are shit.
No. 165942
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Ugh. I love him. I miss cute nerdy looking guys rather than tattoo covered eboys.
No. 165948
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>>164868Ahhhh yes. Greg is definitely unconventional but I unashamedly would let him ruin me. He's such a big guy, funny as fuck and would probably be a filthy shag. I am down.
No. 165955
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Alan dale but specifically as Charles widmore. He’s so fucking mean I love it
No. 165958
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Idk if I should be ashamed, he just looks kinda dorky. I want to peg him.
No. 165979
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>>165958is this the third property brother?
No. 165985
>>165949I just googled Joel and they do have a look of each other, but I'd rather fuck Greg I think.
>>165950Same. The fact he is an ex-teacher and a foot taller than me makes me want him to boss and throw me around.
No. 166067
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>>161298he's really hot as Silas in motion. it blew my mind when i watched it at 12.
No. 166068
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No. 166092
>>163970GOD you just reminded me of this assignment I had to write as a 9th grader. we had to write about going back in time and meeting someone historic and I chose bill gates.
lmfao I cringe thinking about it know, because if I somehow was able to read it today it'd come off as self-insert fanfiction of 14 year old me and bill gates.
god i want to die
No. 166138
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I want Micheal Cohen to fuck me from behind and come inside me. His big sad eyes really do it for me. I want him to tell me about the stresses of dealing with trump as we lay in bed naked together, his warm seed still inside of me
No. 166144
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I watched A Hidden Life last night and one of my big takeaway was sadness over the fact that I am not, in fact, married to this fine Austrian farmer and his firm convictions against Nazism.
No. 166155
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>>166151iirc his wife is a pole dancer or something of the sort
No. 166158
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>>166144He is hot, anon. I may have to watch this movie! I hope you don't mind, but he massively reminds me of another 'unconventional' actor I find very attractive, Michael Shannon.
No. 166159
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I hate myself but I find him hot
No. 166162
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>>166159it's ok. We can hate ourselves together because I'd fuck him silly in American Honey
No. 166163
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I’ve been rewatching mad men
No. 166167
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No. 166175
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Who is that guy on the pic? Getting crazy because can't figure out where I saw him before.
No. 166180
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Yes even with the mutton chops. Unconventional because he scares me sometimes (picrel)
No. 166207
>>166179i don't think it's bait, hybristofags are just blinded by their fetish / need to excuse their fetish with
>b-but he's attractive! >>166158watch boardwalk empire kek
No. 166211
>>166179>>166207I don't disagree that he's a disgusting person, but I like how he looks. I don't think he has any of the markings of a person with Down's syndrome. He doesn't dress or present conventionally but I prefer that. There's something about his look that seems deliberate or curated.
It isn't a fetish to say that I like how someone looks. It doesn't mean I like him as a person.
No. 166216
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He looks so generically British but I still wanna get fucked by him
No. 166236
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I have fallen into the darkest pit and I can't get out
No. 166238
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Sebastian Stan in I, Tonya. He looks like he sells stolen cars from Germany and goes to illegal raves every weekend.
No. 166308
>>166275Don't worry anon, I'm not a dom or a switch, I'm a sub and I feel the pain. I could not be a dom if I tried
>>166280You can hate the man you want to fuck without wanting to dom him. A hatefuck just constitutes wanting to passionately fuck someone despite them being some way revolting to you. I'm insanely physically attracted to my unconventional fuck looks wise but the fact that he's a piece of shit to women is what makes me ashamed. And in a hatefuck way I've fantasized about being hurt by him rather than hurting him, or a mutually
abusive scenario. To each their own, though
No. 166387
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>>166144Is that the tarantino nazi guy? He looks more humanlike when he covers his ninehead.
No. 166395
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i love him
No. 166407
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>>166395yess, I was thinking of posting him here too. would he go in conventionally attractive as a younger man?
No. 166421
>>164132>>164135>>164137anon lmao stop
>>165721my mum's celeb crush. I would call him conventional too, he's a good looking guy
No. 166430
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I still want him even after seeing those unhinged leaked dms
No. 166465
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first I thirsted over Boris. Now I thirst over Anatoli too especially after finding out he made an onlyfans. Even though I would never pay for onlyfans, just the idea is hot.
Wtf is wrong with me
No. 166510
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>>166430watch out anon you're gonna get your blood sucked
No. 166533
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Mike Myers specifically as Austin Powers
No. 166565
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this mf can have all my holes. I’m so strongly attracted to him it’s insane.
No. 166603
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His awkwardness would attract me at first because I’m also a sperg, but then upon talking to him I’d probably get an awful gut feeling and leave. He looked so cute before the mohawk..
No. 166607
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i always had a celeb crush on michael cera he kinda looks like a potato now a days. but peak michael cera was charming in a way.
No. 166609
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He has such an odd face but god I would let Will Poulter slut me out so bad it’s not even funny. Especially when he was blond
No. 166639
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Only because it is a an actor playing a character in old man make-up but I love daddy Kevin from This Is Us (spoiling for my fellow fans lol)
No. 166654
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I hate myself but I came to terms with myself and accepted he’s my ideal man
No. 166658
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>>166430He might be a cannibal kek but he’s still hot
No. 166674
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I wanted to do dirty things with Smoothie (Patrick Fischler) from Happy!
No. 166675
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>>166674why does this make me think of thredson from ahs
No. 166688
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>>166609yesssss plus he’s 6’3 and recently put on some muscle. snack
No. 166725
File: 1610502480517.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.99 KB, 720x900, Profile_-_Sid_Phillips.jpg)

>>166688His face reminds me of Sid from Toy Story so I like to think he is a bully that you would have great hate sex with.
I would hit it too.
No. 166749
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I usually find him quite unattractive despite a high tolerance to semi-botched "little fresh meat" chinese idols, but Luhan in the strangely excellent chinese drama Cross Fire blew me away. There is something sooo attractive with him playing an aging 100-pound nerd with amazing self-confidence.
Also it's been very reassuring to know that Luhan 1) is actually 30 yo, 2) can act, 3) is a human male and not a skin-bleached lesbo-styled plastic robot.
No. 166750
File: 1610512179870.jpg (227.98 KB, 800x614, LUHAN6.jpg)

>>166749Samefag the styling made him look more like himself before his jaw shave (which is already aging quite badly…) and we all know teenage Luhan is best Luhan.
No. 166762
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The Japanese dad from Babel
No. 166766
>>166750why/how he become so pale
and is it what all the pale asian stars do?
No. 166775
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>>166734I will proudly die on this hill
No. 166782
>>166767He does it on purpose since that's what got him views in the first place as he said in a now deleted video. If you watch his very first video , you can hear his actual accent
>>166773I guess he fell on hard times and took a joke they made on their slavtech channel and made the OnlyFans to support himself(considering he is aware he had fangirls from the first video he appeared in).He said the stuff there will be extremely tame(like slightly unzipped tracksuit).He also has started being more active on social media and made a youtube channel which he said he'll upload eventually
No. 166816
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>>166775we’ll die together anon
No. 166872
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No. 166924
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my quentin tarintino look-alike pop punk prince
No. 166932
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fuck i need to go to a mental asylum for this i mean it's not that bad but like ….. it's just this picture of him jusssst this picture he looks so good in it
No. 166933
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6'6, goofy and With the way he plays guitar imagine what else his fingers could do.
No. 166937
>>166924I don't think I've ever seen him not smiling
Now I can't unsee the tarentino resemblance
No. 166938
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>>166872top tier taste anon
No. 166958
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No. 166968
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extremely shameful because im not about to be one of these serial killer "groupies" but seriously, unlike overly praised Bundy, Ramirez actually was good looking, as much as disgusting his brain was
No. 166977
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>>166968God tier bone structure.
No. 166989
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>>166968This model reminds me of him… his name is fernando lindez
No. 167042
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>>166968apparently his breath smelled like literal shit
No. 167044
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>>166938I think he might actually have Down’s syndrome
No. 167047
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>>166872Does this mean you find his siblings and father hot, too? They all have the same unfortunate face.
No. 167081
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Would still let him hit it
No. 167082
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>>167076I raise you a Corn Pops
No. 167098
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Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
No. 167139
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fucks sake
No. 167273
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Paul Olliges from Paul and Morgan
I want to fuck him like a screen door in a hurricane and corrupt him
No. 167309
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>>161298Same OP, he was definitely hot when he chopped his hair while still playing for Repugnant. I agree hes cute in a dorky and dilfy way nowadays
No. 167457
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No. 167538
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Steve Martin. Young or old
No. 167558
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Never found Ralph Fiennes even remotely attractive until Grand Budapest Hotel. I'm a sucker for refined near-geriatrics, apparently.
>>167538agree, heard he was a huge asshole though
No. 167564
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Every time I see him I remember that a farmer from the previous thread said that he looks like 'someone's gay grandpa' which is true and it will never cease to crack me up but I still find him hot
No. 167598
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No. 167624
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I haven’t the faintest clue why
No. 167635
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I want to be Josh Hawley's mistress. Cutest senator
No. 167641
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>>167635damn, you choose the ugliest image of him I've seen. he should keep the mask on.
No. 167702
File: 1610977841735.jpg (21.75 KB, 288x450, 193860097-288-k957028.jpg)

I hate that I am so attracted to young Marilyn Manson
But damn if young him is not a jungle gym I'd like to climb.
I like lanky long-hair rocker guys way too much; they're never dependable/feasible boyfriends
No. 167703
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Also, he majorly downgraded his looks once he started doing the draggy lips and shaving his brows.
Just no. It accentuated his face in all the negative ways, but I guess attention whores like him don't care.
No. 167705
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>>167704>>167703>>167702And he's such a POS, too. The best scenario would be to skin his younger self and put it on a robot or something, that would have more emotional intelligence than the actual Manson.
No. 167759
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>>167702Love him with ugly make up though I was so obsessed with him during Tainted love. I was so jealous of the bitch in the pool. I’m going to hell for this.
No. 167813
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House arrest Julian Assange drove me wild back in the day. I even messaged his okcupid profile that was uncovered..
No. 167814
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>>167813Duffle coat assange was also hngh
No. 167832
File: 1611033031617.jpeg (68.77 KB, 717x478, 56185703-3A1D-46F9-A6A8-5B9E9B…)

Jonah hill in wolf of wall street attire. I want to do blow with this fat fuck and make out but probably not bang idk he seems like he’d be comfy to cuddle with
No. 167872
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>>167871Same anon - nothing ever plays from YouTube these days
No. 167942
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He's hit the wall SO hard and I think he's generally considered conventionally attractive but on here he definitely isn't. I am ashamed of this one.
No. 167962
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my little cousin showed me his youtube channel and ever since I have this weird attraction towards him. He isn't even good looking.
repost because I forgot the image fuck
No. 168034
>>167813>>167814Funny that you should mention him now, his trial is a a critical point.
The US are probably going to depose an appeal, and the UK's refused sending him across the Atlantic because his health would be at risk (and not because the charges against him are not legitimate)
No. 168061
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he's so sweaty and disgusting all the time and I've never seen a man that looks more like a literal rat. I'm in love with him
No. 168098
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No. 168103
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No. 168118
File: 1611205292933.jpeg (126.29 KB, 608x758, BDE1FCAC-55F5-4FCB-B5CC-FDDEEC…)

young ted cruz…
No. 168122
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He's a lil ugly, but he was cute for like one year back when he had his long hair. And he's very talented.
No. 168184
File: 1611250732009.gif (2.92 MB, 545x389, Tumblr_l_1737723099908047.gif)

Manhandle me daddy
No. 168241
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i could’ve saved his black mirror character
No. 168250
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i want him to degrade me like the ghostbusters reboot "it was the biggest piece of shit ive ever seen"
No. 168304
>>168251nta but he was 21 in black mirror
i find him pretty cute too
No. 168339
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>>168309Don’t be ashamed bc I would too, anon
No. 168343
>>161334wow disgusting.
uh do you happen to have the unblurred version
No. 168346
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No. 168347
No. 168349
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>>168346I love him he's so cute
No. 168351
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>>168346This pic was him in Nanny McPhee, when he was 15!? Why does he still look like a tween?
No. 168352
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Skinny 90s Chino Moreno was such a hottie, I'm only ashamed to say I would have shagged him because he was on hard drugs back then. I don't even find him even the least bit physically attractive (his voice however is something else) now even if he's supposedly healthier.
No. 168355
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more archie because fuuuck
No. 168361
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i would let this man do a lot of things to me…mask on
No. 168366
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>>165884He's probably the GOAT of cute normie ski jumpers, shame he ended his career so abruptly
No. 168383
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>>168348yeah I absolutely
want my liquids all on his face>>168250ah, I see you're a woman of culture as well
No. 168387
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No. 168390
File: 1611356464856.jpeg (37.14 KB, 401x592, 899B55B7-0CD1-4F5C-AF8C-99660B…)

The guy who played the grave robber in Repo the genetic opera. Only in this makeup though lmao
No. 168391
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It's Matty all the way for me
No. 168395
File: 1611357986088.png (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 1079x1270, 55A761CB-79D3-440E-A052-2A3878…)

>>168361Here’s a touchy Mick for you anon
And I want all of them to do me too, they’re all quite attractive both masked and unmasked (iowa and before only though, the only members I think are still hot now are Corey, James and Clown)
No. 168405
>>168396ngl I see where other anon is coming from but he's the whole package for me..
>cooks>decent husband and father>charismatic and funnyWhereas Bam is a MESS imo. Plus his cheeky smile ahhhh!!!
No. 168422
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he was so handsome
No. 168432
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>>168343it's just a bottle anon, not his dick. I have a gif of him losing his underwear on stage but it's too embarrassing to post here, and the quality isn't good enough to appreciate his dick I think
I want a stupid 6ft 7 bassist bf so bad
No. 168435
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>>168433ok but you really can't see anything here and it's just an embarrassing drunken man, he had better days. I can't find the video where it's from now’m probably gonna delete this kek
No. 168437
>>168422And extremely smart and talented too. Leagues above any men posted here, or even in the conventional attraction thread.
This is the first time someone posted a guy I consider to be (way) out of my league, after years of browsing lolcow.
No. 168447
File: 1611392855201.jpg (87.54 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

im so fucking sorry for this, im so fucking sorry
i want him to stick his tongue deep into my pussy while i degrade him for being a fat fucking ugly slob and then i want to sit on his dick and slap him while he fucks me
No. 168448
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>>165038going to be sad to see him lose against McGregor tonight
No. 168457
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He looks like a tumblr girl, but I would do him so much.
No. 168467
>>168459No please, don't tell me he will troon out.
Feminine guys should age and become wizards like the dude from midsommar.
No. 168551
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>>168484>because I find HIM attractivefor a second I thought you were talking about Ville Valo
No. 168573
>>168098Yeees but I do have a thing for trashy looking British men.
>>168346Only in the Queen's Gambit.
No. 168583
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him being a chonker is great news, i just hope he isn't leafy-levels of unfortunate.
No. 168599
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William Fichtner. I just rewatched Contact and remembered how cute he was
No. 168630
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john cazale in the conversation is so sexy to me, just in general when he didn’t have the moustache. i have a fetish for men with bob haircuts.
>>168447girl, i have a fetish for fat comedians and i even i wouldn’t fuck stav. i would rather fuck like sam kinison, you know that mf was fun.
No. 168650
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this guy is an ultra racist but something about his dad appearance is getting to me
No. 168662
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I would suck the snot out of Adrien Brodie’s nose, he was so hot in Cadillac Records
No. 168697
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>>168447in a similar lane, i had a sex dream about comedian tim dillon and now i hate myself
No. 168785
>>168435That gif was great, Krist used to be hot it’s really unfortunate how horribly he aged
>>168352I agree with you, he looks cute now in the sense that like.. he could be my dad type of cute. 90s Chino is one of my biggest rockstar crushes, I regularly watch the Warner Records Vault music videos & the Changes music video. >!i wanna sit in his lap and hug him!<
No. 168873
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No. 168885
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>>168785old Krist is so cute tho…
No. 169049
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>>168650I don't know who this is but I can't unsee the puppet from that interpol video
No. 169092
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bernard the elf from that one christmas movie
No. 169094
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What the actual fuck went wrong in my life for me to end up here, talking about how I'd smooch this giant sebaceous gland on the cheek.
No. 169096
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No. 169130
File: 1611706776723.gif (4.27 MB, 480x270, giphy-1.gif)

>>169123Anthony Carrigan. He is so cute in Barry that it borders on fanservice.
No. 169145
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>>169139i'm… sorry, but I've always had a thing for him…
No. 169163
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>>169105funny I came here to post THIS baldie and someone asks kek
I think he is really hot and I feel it's weird as he is one of those productivity dudes
No. 169190
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it has been years and my attraction still does not fade away
No. 169195
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I (still) love this self-desctructive retard
No. 169216
>>169210My first serious bf was 5'4 (exact same height as me) and I loved it. I know I'm in the minority but I prefer my height or shorter.
Dunno if that's just part of being bi, 'big and masc' isn't my ideal. I like slightly feminine men and andro women. Tall men often have this vibe I'm just not looking for
No. 169218
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this thread needs more burly men
No. 169228
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>>168599he looks like an alien but a cute one
No. 169246
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This is only unconventional cause he's dead, but Burt Lancaster was the original giga-chad.
No. 169254
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No. 169255
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Varg has always been insufferable but he could get it when he was younger. Dat ethereal elfin look. I don't really even like metal guys.
No. 169292
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>>169255Elven Varg is good but I love the scruffy look he had for a while
No. 169295
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>>169292>>169255Also the BRAIDS,,UNF
No. 169309
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Jason Bateman as Michael Bluth in early arrested development unfff
No. 169416
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>>169309I thought about Ozark Jason Bateman during sex the other night
No. 169422
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Tim Meadows in Mean Girls started my crush for this beautiful man
No. 169425
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>>169309>>169320impeccable taste anons. where do I find a man like this.
No. 169438
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I'm considering not being a lesbian anymore
No. 169443
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No. 169452
>>169425>>169309>>169416how is this hot DILF an "unconventional male attraction"? He's hot as fuck
>>169320lold whole-heartedly at this. thank you anon i love u
No. 169484
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Susumu Hirasawa
No. 169489
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No. 169497
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>>161298>>169484amazing taste anon, especially during the P-MODEL era.. he's a god
No. 169506
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I have always found Rik Mayall attractive, but last night I had a really hot sex dream about him and I have been non-stop thinking about it all day. Also I miss him so much and wish he hadn't died so young.
No. 169514
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>>169497excellent taste to you too, P-MODEL is brilliant.
No. 169548
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>>169438Fucking same,he’s not even my type of guy but those chops..
No. 169549
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His character in 30 rock especially but I’m honestly extremely attracted to Chris Parnell in general
No. 169569
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Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev is exactly my type >.>
No. 169575
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>>169549Speaking of 30 Rock…
No. 169586
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i am ashamed
No. 169630
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>>169443never heard of him before but god hes cute. i love men with shoulders and chest like his
No. 169633
>>169630Egoraptor/Arin Hansen from Game Grumps? You truly don't know him?
Not judging, just kinda surprised
No. 169637
>>169597w-wait what
To be honest he does look like he’d take advantage of his status to do nasty shit like that. OT but do you have any links I could read on it?
No. 169639
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I find keanu attractive outside of this movie but I am thoroughly ashamed to admit cult leader keanu in The Bad Batch with the awful pimp stache is kinda attractive to me
No. 169699
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>>169489He’s so hot in a fish called Wanda
No. 169766
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Robert Smith (but only 1981-83)
No. 169774
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young Hawksley Workman with his jacked up hairline
No. 169802
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>>169489dangerously good taste anon. although all of the pythons were hot in the 70s, eric idle especially
No. 169820
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>>169802no fucking way, never seen Idle like
Hopping on the train to post Palin, probably my first childhood crush since i watched Holy Grail.
No. 169845
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Marilyn Manson in Jawbreaker I want to kms I’m so ashamed
No. 169879
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>>169766Honestly he was super attractive when he was younger and I guess got more unconventional (physically) the more he aged
>>169255>>169845Deeply ashamed of these
>>161298I would do Papa II/III & the Ghouls any day of the week. IV is cute but I need some time to grow onto him.
No. 169952
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he is aging so well imo
No. 169989
>>169802holy shit, this is such a good pic of him. supreme taste
>>169820same! he seems like such a lovely man too.
No. 170013
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I just watched The King on Netflix last night. I don’t even know the actors name but I went to bed and had dreams about Netflix King Henry V and I can’t get him out of my head. He’s not even my type. And his lanky soy boy body was repulsive. But fuck… his eyes…those cheek bones. I don’t even know. I’m lonely.
No. 170022
>>170018Gross. I hate being attracted to men. Why am I like this.
>>170021Ugh I know. I instantly thought of that mass shooter from the Charleston Church Massacre.
No. 170029
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>>170021i liked his bowlcut
No. 170042
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Feels weird saying this about a dead person, but SOPHIE was gorgeous
No. 170063
>>170042Lookng at this pic, yeah, i get you. He was mentally ill though, obv.
TIMs are like the forbidden fruit one should never touch.
No. 170076
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No. 170077
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>>170076I can't be the only one right…
No. 170088
>>170022pretty much all the men in hollywood have std's and spread them, the entire industry is like a petri dish
wanting to fuck any hollywood man is doom
No. 170093
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You know exactly why lmao
No. 170189
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for the anon that posted him, but in the old thread i want to peg him lol
No. 170194
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>>170106I found him more attractive when he was stoic and dead behind the eyes.
No. 170305
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Benny Normal from a long-dead band called Retard O Bot.
He looks kinda sluggish and mopey but for some reason I think he’s really cute
No. 170307
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>>170305Same anon here
It’s so hard to find a good quality pic of him but I hope this one is at least a bit clearer
No. 170318
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>>170252Im willing to be trad for him uwu
No. 170322
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>>170320I'll be his beard idc
No. 170351
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nathan. i hope he sees this!!!!!!
No. 170399
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This guy on tik tok who makes weird ass videos is so hot to me, send help
No. 170415
File: 1612505829332.png (1.03 MB, 915x989, Jack_McBrayer_ibx.png)

so cute
No. 170418
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Since he is getting shit on in the celebricow thread I thought it would be fitting. I’m kind of GC-leaning and yeah his politics are cringe but on Pose he’s just so pretty!
No. 170450
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>>170415tfw you trick a kid into cleaning your mess of downright apocalyptic proportions
No. 170473
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Idk why
No. 170518
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>>170351looks like bad yaoi anatomy
No. 170575
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I want to make sweet, tender love to him
No. 170640
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>>170575he was super cute when he was younger
No. 170644
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>>170575>>170640Speaking of Louis Theroux, the guy from all gas no brakes said to vice that he is taking the awkward/disarming interviewing style after Louis.
I like the curls so much.
No. 170693
>>170672I want a movie where Brody and
Driver play like an uncle and a nephew or something like that. A slow burner drama of them trying to reconnect over the death of the father/brother, something along those lines.
That would be my wet dream
No. 170696
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Look, I…I can change him. I just want to bang a little sense into him, okay?
No. 170709
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No. 170737
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i always thought rich from skins was so fucking cute, him and grace were the only good thing about gen 3 honestly
No. 170744
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No. 170745
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>>170714he was a looker in that youngish, innocent way. Reminds me of Peter MacNicol in Sophie's Choice.
No. 170791
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>>170744i really like h3h3s content. he's real funny to me and i love that in men. i would fuck the shit out of him if he was younger. i'd marry even cause i just really like the guy… when he was skinny and young he wasn't attractive either. but idc he's funny and i think nerdy guys are cute.
we are mentally ill for this anon
No. 170792
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>>170737Incredible taste, anon. The actor is cute but especially Rich as a character…man of my dreams
No. 170793
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No. 170795
File: 1612727560650.png (1.51 MB, 600x1065, rXcXaZu.png)

No. 170866
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>>170791yeah, it's his sense of humour that does it for me too. I also love how he's patient and understanding with trisha when she has her episodes and sticks with her no matter what.But what melts my heart is the way that he hypes up Hila and how affectionate he can be. I also don't mind his fupa and i think it just adds to the whole daddy look.
i can't drown my demons they know how to swim
No. 170867
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>>170744you're not alone, anons. I used to have a big crush on him too. I even posted on lolcow about him being my ideal guy once haha I don't feel that way anymore, he got too fat and too gross and everything involving him and his obsession with belle delphine turned me off him for good, he's a nasty coomer now
>>170791>he's real funny to me and i love that in menright? he's hilarious and that is such a major turn on. if a guy can make me laugh then he's already half way there
honestly though just rip to when he looked like this
No. 170874
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so cute
No. 170883
File: 1612790321165.png (530.92 KB, 446x440, mgtaogv.PNG)

Thanks anons, this thread gives me so much joy.
Here is my entry, Max Greenfield in The Assassination of Gianni Versace
(didn't like him in New Girl, tho)
No. 170895
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Before he got fat.
No. 170908
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i want him to talk me to sleep every night
No. 170939
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No. 170943
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I don't find Kimura Takuya attractive (especially now) but he has some really pretty pictures of him with long hair in his youth
No. 170952
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god i miss chubby chris pratt. I wish stupid himbo parks and rec fake-married to aubrey plaza chris pratt was the real one instead of the weird cheating religious action movie swole version. rip
No. 170958
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After listening to The Dollop I finally managed to develop a crush on Gary Reynolds…
No. 171044
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any ed norton tbh but i especially love american history x ed
No. 171129
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Only in arrested development. I really don’t know why
No. 171140
File: 1612946543895.jpg (155.77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_(46).jpg)

>watched hbomberguy for like 3 years
>decide to rewatch some old videos
>get a massive crush on him
quarantine really making me act up
No. 171168
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Perkz lol pro player, I think he is so hot, idk if it's his personality. I have a thing for eastern europeans so..
No. 171169
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Zedd anyone?
No. 171193
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I don't agree with any of his beliefs but I'm so attracted to him. He looks like he hasn't came in years and I want to change that
No. 171202
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No. 171204
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>>161298creepy and cute kek im watching parks and rec for the first time
No. 171217
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No. 171231
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just want to hug him tbqh
No. 171234
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He was a sick bitch but I'm done pretending he wasn't also hot as fuck
No. 171292
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Serge Gainsborg
No. 171296
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>>171193kek, "he looks like he hasn't came in years" made me laugh. I guess I would too, his conservative prudish-ness is somehow attractive
No. 171321
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Basically the entirety of any unconventional male attraction thread
No. 171358
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someone release me from this hell
No. 171367
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i want him. god i want an aphex twin bf. why couldnt i have been born earlier. i would've definitely become a groupie for richard
No. 171389
>>171377Oh that makes sense. I remember seeing his face plastered all over the place during his run a couple years ago
Well, he's a step above Zodiac Killer Cruz ngl
No. 171395
>>171292great taste anon.
>>171303he was def degenerate but I can't help loving his music and I think he has a charm about him… but of course he was a perv.
No. 171396
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>>171367same, but also i saw this and thought it was mid-2000's adam lazzara, another example of my questionable taste
the absurd amount of joy I had when this stupid magazine spread came out was insane, if they threw greasy musty long-hair bert mccracken into the mix too i probably would have died just trying to process it
No. 171400
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>>171397young beto was in punk bands, wore a dress, was friends with At The Drive In/ Mars Volta…… and looks like a cuter older version of my ex. i'm so sorry but it is impossible for me not to simp
No. 171401
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>>171397old and busted. jon ossoff is the new hotness.
No. 171402
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>>171401Jon Ossoff and JFK’s grandson are my political husbandos
(Granted, this is an awful pic of the latter but he looked really cute during the Democratic Convention last year)
No. 171458
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james acaster, i dunno why but i have a slight crush on him kek
No. 171492
>>171458Ah yes, with his… white boy looks… and his jaw… and his, uh, entirely fucking standard facial geography lol
come on now anon
No. 171573
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i was never remotely into mcconaughey before watching td
No. 171584
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No. 171586
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I usually find Robert Pattinson kind of ugly, but he looked amazing in this movie, like he got picked straight from a Pre-Raphaelite painting or something. Chalamet had nothing on him imo.
No. 171596
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I know he's been posted before but;
>Yes I'm ashamed
>No I'm not conservative or racist
>I'm not even American
No. 171604
File: 1613260154756.jpg (95.54 KB, 968x681, alfie1.jpg)

I'm watching WAY too much game of thrones because it goes without saying that all the women are beautiful but half of these musty dusty crusty ugly ass men are becoming hot to me too (not even normal cuties like kit harrington, I mean the genuinely weird looking ones). especially lily allen's brother for some fucking reason, and ramsey snow's actor because i was in love with his character when i watched misfits in high school lol
….yknow what at this point even tyrion could lowkey kind of get it
why couldn't god have just made me full gay why am i like this
No. 171614
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any of the Lost Boys if you read this im free on Thursday night and would like to hang out. Please respond to this and then hang out with me on Thursday night when I’m free.
No. 171616
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Young Jonathan Richman was such a qt. And just an all around creative and likeable dude
No. 171617
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I dont know if you have heard of this guy, but I think he's pretty cute, lol. buuut not like, conventionally attractive or anything. haha
No. 171618
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No. 171624
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Both of them… but i also ship them
No. 171628
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>>171604I absolutely would do this weird looking manlet
No. 171630
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>>171624Hell yea
I don't ship them though, but i respect your choice
No. 171656
>>170792>>170737good taste nonnies
he's the cutest skins boy imho, grace was also one of the prettiest girls
No. 171662
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>>171202yum. i want to sit on his face and put his nose in my hooha, ive wanted it since splice and it wont leave my head everytime i see this sexy big nosed fucker
No. 171688
File: 1613328757774.png (1.36 MB, 1180x1270, kids-in-the-hall-feature.png)

all of them but especially mark mckinney and dave foley. one time i bumped into mark on the street and he complimented my jacket lol
No. 171690
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>>171684Because this is him.
No. 171702
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I am sorry…
No. 171723
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>>171722can you shut the fuck up? this thread is for posting fuckable guys, not racebait. if anon is ashamed bc she finds him racist, then he belongs in the thread, regardless of what you think. picrel is guy i think is racist and fuckable
No. 171725
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>>170305old post ik but holy shit anon I was obsessed with this stupid band and had the biggest crush on him when I was a teenager. he was always super chill and friendly at shows, A+++ taste. I tried to pull some photos off my old myspace for you but they're lost to time now, I'm sorry anon.
>>170908>>171358>>171614>>171624oh same
picrel is mine, I wasn't previously attracted to Bill Moseley but I watched the 80s remake of The Blob recently and even though he's in like one scene it was really working for me
No. 171726
File: 1613380221815.jpg (153.89 KB, 559x629, tucker3.jpg)

Of ALL the fucking men in the world, of every single available option, this guy is my current crush. Fuck. A few years ago I'd never even heard of him, and now I watch him every week night. I make memes about him (arguably better than whatever the Fox interns make for his show, in fact, and it keeps my art skills sharpened). There's something about his expressions and face, and how animated he becomes, that really set off my artist brain.
No. 171733
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No. 171755
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>>171746Here you go. Sometimes they're simple edits like this one, other times they're old album covers redone with him on them.
No. 171757
File: 1613406486278.jpg (1.06 MB, 1000x1112, tuckcream.jpg)

>>171756Here's another one. I like using old album covers because sometimes a random music-loving anon will see it and go "Hey! That's an underrated Cream album". I want to make one with The Grateful Dead because I guess Tucker is a huge Deadhead, but their album covers are always super complicated or they lack human figures to shoop him onto.
No. 171764
>>171759HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, thank you.
>>171761Again, HAHAHHAHAHAHA, thank you! I went to art college for illustration originally, so it still comes in handy from time to time.
No. 171774
File: 1613418951313.jpg (188.02 KB, 1080x1903, Screenshot_20210215-134912.jpg)

Which of the try guys do y'all wanna fuck
No. 171780
File: 1613426263406.jpg (173.05 KB, 1600x900, KBJGP7WES4I6TKTRIBWI6S7HAY.jpg)

>>171726holy shit dude are you the one that makes the tucker threads on 4chan, then? I started watching bc I find him attractive too, kek. also yeah sucks to sound like shoeonhead every time I talk about it. anons are too quick to accuse her of thirsting over him as pickme thing when really he's quite attractive
No. 171785
File: 1613429678684.png (259.28 KB, 460x391, 1606268001350.png)

>>171780…maybe. But you're going to take that secret to your grave, anon. I only started watching him because of those "Can't Cuck the Tuck" compilations. It was… refreshing, to say the least!
No. 171799
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He’s so weird looking but idk something about him and his energy…
No. 171803
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>>171800Oh god I never made that connection lol now I’ll never unsee
No. 171806
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I want him to give me “knees” if ya know what I mean
No. 171812
File: 1613452627859.jpeg (15.95 KB, 330x330, Etu-L2hUUAAMXfw.jpeg)

Daddy Drew Carey
No. 171815
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>>171757Marry me anon
Also Jason lee with this hair and a mustache. Why am I like this
No. 171888
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>>171596always makes me feel validated seeing other anons post dylann on here
No. 171898
>>171806Is that one of the Menendez brothers? Please tell me that at least isn't the one who went bald at 14.
Also my mom recently admitted to me that she had a crush on Erik when the trial was airing kek.
No. 171925
File: 1613531850611.jpg (11.41 KB, 300x297, A-721975-1168797109.jpeg.jpg)

weird innit
No. 171931
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Finally admitting to myself I want him really badly.
No. 171935
File: 1613543980899.jpg (31.5 KB, 566x566, ps7haouc06q51.jpg)

yeah so for the past couple of weeks i've been hardcore simping over this streamer to the point i cave and dono him for a crumb of attention, i'm down real fucking bad lol
No. 171945
File: 1613555469113.jpg (242.4 KB, 1689x1080, jhgfytgf.jpg)

I knooow these threads are very Louis saturated at this point. And obviously young Louis is a dream, but I just saw his new recap series - and current him is still super attractive. Even with the slight old people hands and wrinkles, he still gives off such a lanky nerd impression when roaming about his house. For anyone inclined to fantasies about him, there is plenty of material.
No. 171946
File: 1613555764518.jpg (19.94 KB, 249x400, trevor reznik Machinist.jpg)

No. 171962
File: 1613560925364.jpg (94.89 KB, 1125x721, girfriend_review.jpg)

Matt from Girlfriend Reviews
No. 172056
>>171628who is he? he's cute.
>>171662you took the words out of my mouth, anon.
>>171946grade A taste.
No. 172069
File: 1613601177022.jpg (224.54 KB, 1200x846, zeitmaschine_dj_12.jpg)

wish I had a 1990s german trance bf. :(
No. 172074
>>171234I honestly think he wouldn't've looked out of place in any high fashion editorial, but the teeth… those teeth were terrible. that and the whole murder, rape and sexual assault of children thing of course
>>171815I'd fuck earl, no shame. do love jason lee though in general though
>>171925I once had a sex dream about him, not sure why since I don't find him attractive at all. it ws also very awakward because he was groping me in front of my parents. still woke up a little aroused though ngl
No. 172098
>>172056alfie allen
>>171925hard pass but i do love his dumbass simpleton takes, any show that ricky gervais has him in is great
No. 172203
File: 1613681285852.gif (1.52 MB, 375x211, Tumblr_l_175960030698552.gif)

Young Jonathan Davis fml
No. 172252
File: 1613720996968.jpeg (Spoiler Image,357.31 KB, 1400x933, 04532BB4-74F8-426C-9150-F3BAA7…)

>>161330If time machines were a thing, I would absolutely smash. 10/10
Current Krist, not so much.
No. 172253
File: 1613721862582.jpeg (39.94 KB, 480x360, C9E0E799-DFE3-4744-830C-1ED4E4…)

My most shameful crush. I have no idea why I feel this way, but it’s beyond my control.
I fantasize about going on a date with him on some cold wisconsin evening and listening to him sperg out about ghost hunting and Star Trek in a dive bar for a few hours. Then he asks me if I want to take a late night tour of his studio, and then we end up falling asleep watching movies together all snuggled up on the BotW couch.
No. 172286
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>>163603Very late but noooo, please love yourself anon. He is so fucking weird and legit thinks he's a vampire. Also he wears uggs in private and his apartment is a mess
No. 172325
File: 1613765851250.jpg (35.04 KB, 534x401, 636542954131413889-image.jpg)

i want the cash cab guy
No. 172440
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I would like to have both of them
No. 172441
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the better call saul guy from breaking bad oh my god I have problems anons
No. 172443
>>171931Are you british sis?
Iy would be so funny if you were and decided to fuck the Irish as "Return to Tradition"
No. 172463
File: 1613872093955.gif (334.82 KB, 311x240, bob.gif)

>>172441>>172455diff anon but he would play these grungy characters on Mr Show a lot and I'm so into it. I guess because he's typically dressed nicely? It's rare to see him not in a suit/dress shirt/sweater/etc
No. 172466
File: 1613877981933.gif (3.62 MB, 480x320, 1362974365088841729.gif)

I'm so into his buzzcut junkie look it'starting to scare me
I wish someone could hold me the way he holds her
No. 172467
>>172455>>172441Hard agree. I don't know what it is about the character (only ever been Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul) but there's something about him… If I saw him on the street I don't think I would take a second glance, but his personality on the show is so endeering.
My dad said my mom liked him as a character too, top kek.
No. 172504
File: 1613915322652.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1183x1521, A36CF37A-4EC1-4E47-83E4-8E3DC9…)

>>172463keep the cháungeDroopy!
There’s something about the way Bob Osenkirk looks in a t shirt. Anytime in BCS that he’s wearing a regular t shirt instead of his lawyer clothes, I always find myself checking him out so hard. I think he’s wearing a t shirt in the trailer for that action movie he’s going to be in soon. I hope it’s a decent enough movie.
No. 172519
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j-joshua weissman…
No. 172531
>>172409Keith Woods.
Look him up on youtube.
No. 172569
>>165862When he actually open mouth smiled was creepy, I got why he was kinda unconfident about it
in Epstein subreddit someone posted a clip of a Jeff younger twin from some restaurant/cooks reality tv show, I was so horny for that random guy
No. 172570
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I definitely have a type. Guys like Ronnie Radke and Trace Cyrus can fuck me up any day. I have zero self respect
No. 172573
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Also love the hairdo and his crawling away in some scenes.
To my defence, my attraction is partially solidified by the costumes (and other actors are hotties).
Do not have a blood or vamp kink
No. 179840
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Nat Zang but only as his character 10K in Z-Nation. Ngl, drives me wild.