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No. 172701
Previous thread
>>161298Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly,creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.
Roids or not, he looks good for his age
No. 172712
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I know Bardem isn't unconv on his own, but I'm really into this character in particular. I wanna domme him.
No. 172719
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>>172712i rewatched that movie recently because i was horny for anton and got nightmares about him afterwards kek
No. 172740
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too bad he is a manlet
No. 172753
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>>172738>>172712How do you feel about Lord Farquaad?
No. 172754
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I’m back to simp for Nick Cave
No. 172761
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these two morons really did it for me in the movie. the guy on the right in particular cause he's kinda ugly to me otherwise, but his character was sexy
No. 172763
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I- i'm sorry anons…
No. 172767
>>172765Oh. Now I know who it is he's not attractive anymore.
Gross, anon. Really gross.
No. 172768
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>>172763idgaf that he's a pony-sized psychopath, he was insanely hot in the 90's. Especially in Magnolia, on a purely physical level of course.
No. 172770
>>172764lmao have we got to the point that there are people 18+ who don't recognize Tom Cruise??
He used to be really hot, it's weird because his facial features aren't that handsome individually, he's a manlet and I can't remember ever noticing his body. It's probably 90% charisma.
No. 172774
>>172701Doyle would totally get it. I love how he rips the shit out of people on insta when they ask him dumb questions.
>>172712My bf is constantly making fun of me for fancying Bardem/Chigurh.
No. 172787
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Sorry. Went on a binge of his stuff recently and had a realization.
Was debating on putting him in the childhood crushes thread, too, kek.
No. 172789
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>>172787Same, anon. You have excellent taste
No. 172798
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>>172768My mum absolutely HATES him. i remember we were flicking threw tv channels and a movie of his was on, she was just chatting shit the whole time and she got mad because i said he was good looking, idek what she’d think if she knew i have a crush on him. it’s just hot to think like he’s so small and pretty u could just dom him and make him feel powerless lmao
No. 172799
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>>172798samefag but hhhh. i wanna make him my bitch
No. 172811
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>>172763isn't tom cruise considered attractive by basically everyone tho? eyes wide shut era is my fav tom
No. 172819
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>>172811Omg he looks so cute wtf. i can imagine him smelling good and i bet he thinks he's like sooo masculine even though he's so small and tiny and u can just tell him how feminine and weak he is and he gets so mad but he's so small he just looks stupid when he tries to look intimidating and can't do anything about it kek. adorable. personally i love vanilla sky tom
No. 172831
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>>172753they only work on non manlets (above 5’8) imo
No. 172832
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>>172763he was fucking hot, especially as a blonde vampire.
No. 172837
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>>172832Holy fucking shit! how have i never seen this! i have a huge thing for vampires too wtf, im crying rn he looks gorgeous wat
>>172830sadly he's looking old now, i'd still love to be his mommy gf scientology wife tho even though he's like 40 yrs older than me
No. 172855
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I'm straight up obsessed with Surefour. I don't know anything about Overwatch and I'm too scared of people being mean to start playing but he's so damn sexy to me and he has such a handsome voice. Too bad I can't compete with all his anime waifus tho
No. 172858
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Posting an unconventional male, myself.
I am Looking for a bisexual girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship with a man. If your idea of a dream boyfriend is someone who sometimes gives you oral sex while you look at loli, contact me at
I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.
If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account.
mods will delete this post, write down that email quickly if interested.(scrote)
No. 172859
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>>172858Take your dick cheese elsewhere
No. 172863
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No. 172864
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rory mccann
No. 172899
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>>172864I'd climb him like a goddamn tree.
No. 172945
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Jimmy Page, but only looks wise. Any age TBH
No. 172953
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Best character of the whole show (well, him and Quark), except until the end. Rene Auberjoinois was a fucking brilliant actor to be able to make a goo man relatable and emotional. And oddly enough, the way he moved was very animated and fluid (no pun intended). I've never seen an actor move quite so gracefully, and with such nice hand gestures, that WASN'T in a dancing role. Idk, I'm an artist and I'm rambling but I hope it makes sense.
No. 172981
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I'd let him take out his frustrations on me.
No. 172990
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>>172953Speaking of quark…..
No. 173007
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>>172787>>172789So glad I’m not the only one!
No. 173009
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>>173002Let’s not forget about Q
No. 173014
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No. 173019
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He's an awfully unfunny comedian but I find him attractive
No. 173035
>>173031No he isn’t he’s lovely and i will be his waifu and provide him with high iq children
>>173026It’s my favourite show hehe
No. 173039
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>>173024He’s witty, charming and has an amazing voice anon but he’s not exactly stud tier if you know what I mean.
No. 173049
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Lennon, but only in the late 60s-early 70s where he was hooked on heroin and being more obnoxious and co-dependent. I think the long hair/glasses thing on men is very ethereal.
No. 173054
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It's probably just the hair
No. 173059
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generic hayden appearance but his twink personality and voice
No. 173061
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>>173055IMO, you have to have a certain face to pull it off, fat dudes can’t really do the look
No. 173064
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Can't believe John used to avoid wearing glasses in the early days, his bone structure was ideal for them, and that's determined only by genetics, basically.
I might prefer him with the Sgt Pepper era pedo-stache though No. 173103
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Richard iv in Blackadder
No. 173115
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>>173103Yes anon! Also, Flashheart, in any form.
No. 173119
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Feel like pure shit just want him back x
No. 173130
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BLESSED ART THOU jesus you are sexy as hell
No. 173133
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mm… let me at HIS sausage
No. 173138
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No. 173141
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>>173064thin faced men with strong noses are basically the ideal for the granny glasses style he got going past 1966. though my unconventional waifu (pic related) is one of the few overweight moids who looked good with glasses.
>>173138surprising to see him look decent here
No. 173144
>>173102That's so cool.
Anyway, Worf has such a sexy voice, it makes me wet.
No. 173157
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>>173117Here you go anon, found it on an incel website to give you some perspective. Why Mads Mikkelsen is in 10 is fucking beyond me.
>>173140Probs living his best life, blissfully unaware he’s a god on this site lmao
No. 173162
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julian barratt, especially in the early boosh days. never understood the love for noel fielding
No. 173165
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>>173163yeah definitely, he has this sort of rugged old man look now which i like a lot lol. wrinkles suit him somehow
No. 173177
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This picture of young Tim Heidecker really rustles my jimmies
No. 173184
>>173157Doing charts like this makes incels look like closeted gays.
Some tier 9 guys look very sketchy. No, thanks.
>>173103Ah yes, Blackadder. For me, it is Series II Rowan Atkinson. He is such a sarcastic bastard there. I love it.
No. 173206
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Putin back in his gucci pimp days was to die for
No. 173218
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>>173130Scrotes really didn't see women jacking it to hellenistic Jesus huh
Honestly, how could they not?
No. 173286
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No. 173302
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>>173130I only had crush on Jesus after watching Jesus Christ Superstar from 1973. And then the version from 2013 with Tim Minchin as Judas.
Jesus x Judas is the best ship No. 173304
>>173303Guys are much more likely to systematize attraction by adding/subtracting certain traits that men
think are attractive to women (and completely miss the mark by doing so). The whole idea of a chart is male - when was the last time you heard a woman say that a guy was "a 7" or "a 3" to them?
Men are so stupidly obsessed with formulaic approaches that they just forget that attraction is complex and completely irrational.
No. 173314
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>>173304>Men are so stupidly obsessed with formulaic approaches that they just forget that attraction is complex and completely irrational>Being this upset about men being innately men; i.e. logical, rational, & objective. Trying to take abstract ideas/feelings and make them tangible. This is as stupid as being mad at a wild animal for being a wild animal.
No. 173316
>>173314lmao men are logical rational and objective now? on what fucking planet?
ps your post smells of foreskin
No. 173318
Men are the sex known for acting like crazy violent orangutans, unlike women who are calmer.
No. 173320
>>173316Definitely not all but all more so than you. Keep in mind low t men/soy boys or those with hormone imbalances are by far the largest portion of irrational men. Male hormones being fucked up is pretty much part and parcel of the modern era.
>>173317>Men are the sex known for acting like crazy violent orangutangsAnd that's a bad thing? You want all men to be non violent and effeminate? Besides, being violent is not a bad thing nor does it explicitly relate to being irrational. What's my bf supposed to do when another guy won't stop hitting on me and things escalate because the other guy won't stop? Or what's he supposed to do if someone breaks into our house?
>unlike women who are calmerNon confrontational does not mean calmer
No. 173329
>>173314Just because you like to say that a woman is
objectively n/10 doesn't mean you're rational. Because whoever you're talking about isn't (n number) for everyone. You literally cannot be objective about who is attractive for everyone. That's not logical either
And yeah, I do want all men to be non-violent and more feminine, would make my life and every single woman in the world's much easier.
Oh, why am i wasting my time? You're fucking braindead.
No. 173336
>>173320Listen, I want to punch nearly 50% of the people I meet on the daily in the face, but I won't do it. Because I have self-control.
Fuck off with your rogue hormones hypothesis.
Being able to show aggression is not the same as being violent. Everyone has aggressions, but not every one goes and hurts others.
Wtf should I be on 100% every minute of my life because someone could break into my house? That's paranoid.
No. 173348
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Died too soon
No. 173371
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No. 173378
>>173320“Part and parcel”
please for the love of god stay the fuck away from here and rot in /pol/ you are definitely a male poster
No. 173388
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He is sexy asf idc. I wanna have his aryan children.
No. 173416
>>173388That bitch ain't Aryan.
Neither the German nor the Iranian definition. Sorry mate.
No. 173498
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There's something about his eyes that drives me crazy
No. 173531
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No. 173537
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No. 173562
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>>173498I love his eyebrows
No. 173565
>>173531is that nic cage? it looks like him and doesn't at the same time
No. 173575
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>>173565It's 90s era Tim Burton
No. 173579
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i remember being younger and having a really autistic obsession with idubbbz and thought his bobble head ass was cute
big regrets but still lol
No. 173581
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My ultimate celeb crush. He's only got better with age too imo
No. 173582
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>>173498>>173562hello fellow nicholson appreciators…..
No. 173637
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I can't help it, Nardwuar…he's just so adorable like a puppy
No. 173668
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No. 173673
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>>173669kek did some other anon post him? he’s fucking hot especially in femboy outfits and when he’s doing his nazi spergs
No. 173674
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No. 173690
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>>173637Finally some taste.
No. 173701
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>>173690Omigosh yay! so glad I'm not alone, ha! I've watched a laaaarge portion of his videos! what a legend. Been on the same shtick his whole adult life. If you watch his old interviews from the 80s, he already had it down! Makes me wonder how much of the character is really just his authentic self. Probably 90 percent! Of course there are moments like the infamous Sonic Youth interview…ah man can you imagine dating him, he'd always have awesome stories to tell! It's really inspiring how secure he is being himself. What an amazing human.
There are no bad things to say about this man!!
No. 173707
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>>173705Bob from Twin Peaks. DO NOT look up anything about him or the plot, just watch it as spoiler free as possible for the full effect. It's a 90s masterpiece cult classic directed by David Lynch. Watch Fire Walk with Me (the movie) after.
No. 173899
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He cute
No. 173906
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>>173899i think he was cute before he got super fat
No. 173929
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>>173927>>173915raise your standards
No. 173986
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Can't believe I'm attracted to a bald, manlet politician
No. 174080
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>>173906Omg he’s so seggsy
No. 174096
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I want Qui-Gon Jin to fuck me with his light saber
No. 174116
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>>174104>the idea of being lightsabered through the pussy made me feel faintI fucking wheezed like picrel
No. 174118
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>>174096I want darth maul to fuck me with his double ended lightsaber
No. 174128
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>>174104This reminds me of some random Reylo porn I saw (obviously drawn by a mood, which is fairly rare) where Kylo was doing Anorectal Violence to Rey while she was masturbating with the lightsaber. I think the saber part was turned outside of her pussy but still made me worry for her safety
Anyway, young Obi Wan, Anakin and Kylo can all get it, sorry for absolute normie tier taste
No. 174154
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The creepy photographer dude from Neon Demon
No. 174162
>>174128>This reminds me of some random Reylo porn I saw (obviously drawn by a mood, which is fairly rare) where Kylo was doing Anorectal Violence to Rey while she was masturbating with the lightsaber. I think the saber part was turned outside of her pussy but still made me worry for her safetygod that porn sounds so unsexy. How the fuck am I supposed to be het when most of the content is so gross/boring/uninteresting….
>obviously drawn by a mood, which is fairly rareyou mean a moid, right? Maybe that's why the idea is so unappealing to me kek
No. 174176
>>174162Yep, my phone keeps autocorrecting moid to mood and I rarely notice
Also yeah, it was bad. It was drawn in usual male coomer fashion with super exaggerated proportions and it was just unappealing.
No. 174183
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>tfw people stand on escalators
No. 174192
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someone please explain to me why I want to fuck Jimmy Pop
No. 174196
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Absolutely caught myself slipping. His cooking videos are addictive and through a sleep deprived haze he started seeming attractive to me but nah, his mannerisms really makes me think he has autism or something he’s so weird especially in his q&as with his cute wife
No. 174198
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I.. yeah. There’s just something about him that even as a kid I would be obsessed with.
No. 174219
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Back on my hockey bullshit thanks to this goofy looking fucker. Call him the workhorse from Whitehorse cause he looks like a horse
No. 174253
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No. 174287
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>>172701I love David Attenborough, his documentaries are so wholesome so I was shocked at how hot he was when he was young
No. 174290
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That should be me…
No. 174312
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Edward Furlong used to be cute, especially when he dated Paris Hilton back in the day. Sad how he turned out
No. 174315
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Hate that I think this is hot
No. 174354
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Pretend you guys didn't see this, okay?
No. 174391
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>tfw no tall lanky dutch bf
why fucking LIVE
No. 174393
File: 1615132012809.jpg (1.02 MB, 4000x3000, collage.jpg)

couldnt find a proper picture of him except for fucking wattpad fanfics kekkk but holy shit this dude is so fucking handsome like my jaw literally dropped when i saw the picture on the right
No. 174412
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My chess prince. He could mate me
No. 174416
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cute twink
No. 174440
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70's-era Tony Alva. Usually not my type at all. He got cannibalized by the 70s skate and punk scenes and aged horribly, but I'll give him props for surviving it at all with the amount of drugs they were doing. The actor who played him in Lords of Dogtown didn't do it for me at all, so idk
No. 174480
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I am only ashamed because I am attracted to his dad characters.
No. 174503
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No. 174509
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>>174196Totally get this because of his dad/professor vibes. For cooking youtubers I nominate Babish. Joshua Weissman is pretty good looking too but his humour is so obnoxious.
No. 174544
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>>174503I thought this was Taylor's husband at first kek
No. 174546
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anons he was so cute
No. 174547
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Rip young pretty blixa
No. 174552
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Thundercat. His bass skills make me wet and he's also a massive nerd. I dig it so hard.
No. 174572
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I would like to fuck this schizophrenic fuckhead
No. 174670
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>>172701whatever happened to Luke Wilson? he was such a cutie. he looks like a lil puppy
No. 174677
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I'm ashamed of how horny I just got from this pic
No. 174816
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that weird narcissist br*tish fag from the book club
kind of ugly but kind of hot now that he shaved his head
No. 174899
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I just want to dig my nails into those tits, that's all.
No. 174903
>>174900Enter the dragon.
It's a boring scrote slapfight fantasy, but it's worth watching for the 10 minutes of screentime those tits got.
No. 174971
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It just works
No. 174979
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I want to kill myself because I get very intrusive thoughts when the news is talking about the allegations against him. Unfortunately older and fucking Goomba are my types so it’s been haunting me that this crypt keeper turns me on despite there being like a 42 year age gap kek
No. 174995
>>174862googled him and at first glance i thought that he looked good but then i continued to look at him and was like nah
why this specific dude tho anon
No. 174996
>>174995samefag but i might have changed my opinon he kind of does look good damn
anon you might be onto something
No. 175015
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I want to be his gf
No. 175081
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Posting him here just because he's super gay (I do think he's conventionally attractive?) but I'm watching Schitt's Creek and I find him really cute.
No. 175091
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he's cute
No. 175138
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>>175091I think he was cute in the past, but looks worse now
No. 175179
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the tiny penis and masochism and mommy issues are such a turn on, fuck i want to bully him and peg his ass so bad anons
No. 175180
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No. 175181
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>>174968Jimmy is such a fucking weirdo and I love him for it
mindless please come back im recollecting my scene phase No. 175184
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I used to watch 2020 with my mom when I was younger and I was always attracted to John stossel lmao even as a tween
No. 175185
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>>175182lol he kind of looks that way but no, it's Daniel Levy. Eugene Levy's son, they are really similar.
No. 175193
>>175191I'm the original anon who posted him. The anon you replied to was just meme'ing. The guy I posted
is Trippie Redd like
>>174395 said. Coincidentally though, both him and the guy from That's So Raven are rappers.
No. 175197
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There’s just something about him and his bother that is kind of adorable
No. 175198
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I guess he's sorta handsome from some angles, but it's incredible how disproportionate his neck is. I just want to try to wrap my arms around it!
No. 175201
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>>175200yes, a thumb I would love and cherish despite how ridiculous he looks
No. 175210
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He followed me back on insta
No. 175244
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i love him anons
No. 175249
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>>175245kek this is the first time ive posted him, i didn't think anyone else would think he's cute
this prompted me to look thru the previous thread though and if the anon who likes jim is still out there you're not alone i'm unhealthily obsessed with him god he's adorable
No. 175284
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>>175249He looks like some odd blonde version of David Tennant. I appreciate his sideburns, tho.
No. 175290
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>>175284tennant is the only fuckable dr. who dude to me, and I find him hot even when he's playing a vile character like killgrave
deep sigh
No. 175300
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I don't know why I'm attracted to him, I'm not usually attracted to black guys but holy fuck I would suck his dick dry
No. 175303
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I want sugar bear to motorboat my pussy
No. 175322
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>>175210What a clowny clown clown…like Mr Farr
No. 175333
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>>175091he's such a smooth looking bitch, I cannot imagine him being anything but submissive in the bedroom
No. 175339
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For me it's Jay. Ugly weird ass Canadian. He has no chin (look at his profile pictures) and is balding so quickly. I want him to kiss me and cuddle while watching hockey together. I was really upset when I found out he got married for some reason.
No. 175352
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>>175333he's probably gay tbh
No. 175363
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No. 175395
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No. 175418
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>>175396you rang?
I actively snorted at 3am when I made this giraffe necked monstrosity
No. 175451
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>>175249>>175324i posted him in the last thread too anons, i'm so deeply in love with him, really sad how lydia treated him while they were together
No. 175464
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I’m sorry, so sorry!
No. 175479
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He's so ugly yet so adorable
No. 175484
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>>175464We're both sinners, anon
No. 175531
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>>175290For me it's this dude. FUCK his series was so fucking boring (except the premiere episode, that was funny) but he was such a cool guy. No other Doctor had a damn snake tattoo. Plus Jon himself was an amazing man, he worked for Naval Intelligence doing all sorts of cool espionage training. He even worked with Ian Fleming.
No. 175538
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Ugh kill me
No. 175573
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>>174287>>174376>>174414Luckily for you anons I also decided to watch some of his older documentaries and I got these color footage screenshots of him with a capybara
No. 175601
>>175197after wathcing that video i thought: i'm sure some anon will post him in this thread
No. 175713
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young gavin rossdale
ashamed bc he cheated on gwen or at least thats what I heard
No. 175807
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I want to ride Sean Lock
No. 175811
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twink from Reanimator
No. 175858
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He’s a sexy super villian. He’s so attractive, like at any age.
No. 175868
>>175556gira anon here, she never fucked him, but he once said she had a nice ass. i know jim said when he still lived in melbourne he would jerk off to pictures of her, which always struck me as bizarre because she isn't that good looking to me, and i don't have insane high standards or anything.
>>175524the specific memoir is paradoxia- if anyone wants receipts i can post the excerpts lol
No. 175889
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>>175872well as the other anon said, take this with a grain of salt because lydia does tend to dramatise things and i haven't read the rest of the memoir so i don't know if she's just exaggerating to be edgy
No. 175928
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>>175858His face has gotten really puffy in the last few years
No. 175957
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Stuhlberg anons, I know you’re in here. I watched shape of water for the first time last night and I think I was more into him in this role even more than rothstein. It’s the Russian, I think
No. 175963
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>>175928Anon, that's his aging double, he has at least 3 doubles.
1 is square faced.
2 is round faced, you see him in this photo.
3 one is masculine faced, he's used to photoshoots.
The real Putin has long rectangular face with low sagging goose skin. It's a subject of lots of speculations about him.
>Why his pets don't recognize him?>Why he no longer speaks foreign languages?>Why divorcing his wife so suddenly? No. 175968
>>175967From this article:
>Patricia Wexler, a New York plastic surgeon, told W in August of this year that she believes Putin has had Botox, fillers, an eye lift and a fat draft, which would have done away with the sunkenness in his eye sockets that began to appear in the early 2000s. The injectable fillers act as a way to combat the gauntness men can get in their faces as they age—the thing that makes them look like they’re constantly sucking on a lemon. In theory, Putin might struggle more than most to fight off the lemon-sucking look as he gets older. With his strict fitness and health regimen—hours of swimming and allegedly no booze—he wouldn’t be able to stall the hollowing-out effect as readily as he aged. Fillers give him the freedom to stay fit without the risk of losing that youthful roundness in his face.
>Michelle Villett, founder of all-time great plastic surgery transformation and beauty routine website, goes even further on the subject of Putin’s probable cheek fillers, ones that seemed to emerge right before the 2014 Sochi Olympics and after divorcing Lyudmila Ocheretnaya, his wife of thirty years. “Dude. These even beat out Megan Fox's cheek fillers, which I thought were completely whacko,” she writes in an entry on from 2014. “Not only did he use a crazy, unnecessary amount of filler, but it's also sitting in this big horizontal mass. There's a distinct and obvious drop-off in plumpness under the eyes. Is it because they're actual cheek implants and not hyaluronic acid (which dissolves over time)? Either way, you'd think the president of Russia could afford a better doc.” No. 176025
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>>175858I love him and he's not a villain imo
No. 176040
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spoilering because gross and embarrassing. I think I’ve sperged out about him in other male attraction threads, but I think mike stoklasa was so hot in his early twenties. He has aged like absolute shit though, he looks like he’s over 50 now.
No. 176047
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ralphthemoviemaker’s brother is so cute
No. 176108
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No. 176134
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I love him and you can make fun of me if you want but I like it best when he had this stupid hairstyle
No. 176213
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this manlet is cute idc
No. 176244
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>>176213Same, anon, I love him. Where to find cute bf like George ahh
No. 176259
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there's an alternate universe where he isn't a degenerate animal fucker/killer.
No. 176264
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>>176261Honestly, he looks nothing at all like Brian other than the fact that they're both fat. Plus that guy looks like he smells.
No. 176282
>>176246hes a minecraft youtuber
>>176249I am that's why I'm posting in the unconventional thread
No. 176335
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watching season three of marcella and this guy makes a couple of appearances. not much info about him online just his name, mark aiken. to me he has a bit of an older joaquin phoenix look about him. old enough to be my dad for sure but I would…
No. 176339
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I know he’s gotten kinda busted lately but damn if I don’t want ag cook to be my lanky awkward genius bf
No. 176341
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Austin Anderson of Slow Hollows
I'm not usually into scrawny guys but he has a magnetic stage presence
No. 176365
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No. 176414
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He's so darn cute. I miss him so much, bros
No. 176418
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I'd shag them both
No. 176420
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No. 176437
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Reece Shearsmith. As himself, in character, dressed as a woman. I don't care. I think he'd be a fun and freaky shag.
No. 176490
>>176459Holy shit. Mrs Levinson. 100% agree on that one. Stella too tbh. I like the scenes where he is playing Ross and is bullying Pauline about as well.
Oof. He does stern very well.
No. 176584
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No. 176588
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>>176437>>176459Yesss. and I agree he looks great in the girly gear
No. 176596
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Anyone else into Steven seagal?
No. 176609
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i posted him before but i'm thirsting again… gene wilder, specifically as wonka, gotdamn
No. 176641
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The author of 'The subtle art of not giving a fuck'
No. 176730
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>>176588Ross is such a bastard and I love him for it. Secretly jealous of Pauline when she goes to his flat.
No. 176778
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I have never met, seen, or imagined a man that turns me on as viscerally, carnally, and thoroughly as Kevin Bacon and literally all of my friends think he's fugly and I'm weird.
I'm such a fucking simp for him. He's never looked not fuckable.
No. 176780
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Cuckton Reviews will pay for making a 40-minute video needlessly mocking my Native foot lettuce man.
No. 176792
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Youtuber Call Me Kevin. I love how silly he is
No. 176793
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>>176778I did see Footloose for the first time a couple weeks ago and I can kinda understand kek.
No. 176814
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>>176609Blazing Saddles was my Gene awakening
No. 176820
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that tinfoil archeologist from youtube
No. 176835
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i’d never thought someday that i would be attracted to a bald, gay crossdresser, but here we are. would fuck him in drag too
No. 176840
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>>176835lmao same. The other Brian(Katya) can get it
No. 176889
>>176793He's aight in Footloose but tbh it was Hollow Man that kickstarted it when I was like 13 (I don't like thinking about what that says about me)
Peak Kevin is RIPD or Mystic River but he's fine as fuck in Patriots Day and Frost/Nixon. Something about middle age Kevin just makes me come undone
His music is also pretty good
No. 176890
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He was talking on stream about how he used to take his entire PC Rig into the bathroom just to take a shit and I fell in love.
>>176840He doesn’t do much for me in street clothes but I am very attracted to Katya in drag.
No. 176892
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this fucking guy and his smug-ass aura. i can overlook the hairstyle, i'm in love
No. 176957
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No. 176968
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>>176584I see you’re a woman of culture.
Disgusting and evil fucking bastards is my jam.
No. 176985
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He should keep his blond hair and his body shape.
No. 176993
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No. 176994
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I want to hate fuck him into submission because I know his wife ain't giving him any kek
No. 176998
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>>176898Marshall Vandruff, from his 1994 lectures on perspective drawing
No. 177005
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I want this man to absolutely tear my body up.
No. 177043
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No. 177062
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>>176890What a fucking pyscho
Same here
No. 177079
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It’s embarrassing to admit this, but I think the Russian slap god Vasili Kamotski is adorable. I wanna give him the biggest hug
No. 177093
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>>177089Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so
No. 177094
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I wanna fuck Satan
I wanna FUCK Satan
No. 177114
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I found this guy in like 2019 when Onision was in his prime and he did a review on shitty book. His vids are so corny but in a really charming 2012 Youtube way. I could listen to him rant about bad writing for hours
No. 177115
>>177114his shitty book*
I love this nerdy fuck so much
No. 177118
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he's tall and he seems so full of himself
No. 177133
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I'd suck the soul out of harold lloyds cock idc anymore
No. 177164
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I’m starting to feel a certain way about alex Jones and I’m ashamed. I feel like he would be crazy in bed (crazy good or crazy bad I don’t know) but afterwards I could just lay on his hairy chest and hear about conspiracy nonsense as he holds me with his huge bear like arms
No. 177168
>>177164no no no no no no no
anon I think he broke the ribs of someone who was working for him and he randomly beats people up
legit crazy
No. 177169
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>>176609I got to meet him once at a book signing. He had very soft hands, but I want to go back in time and strangle myself for being such an autistic retard around him. I didn't know until very recently that he had a fucked-up childhood and adolescence.
No. 177170
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>>177114Yeah, one of the best parts of his videos is the kind of corniness I cringe at with nostalgia now (but also the kind that would probably give dumb young me a bunch of laughs).
>>176985I thought Hillenburg was still kind of cute with the extra weight. But I have no taste, so you be the judge of that.
Also god I'd suck the soul out of young-ish Clancy Brown's dick.
>>177169Aw, don't blame yourself anon, I bet thousands of people acted just the way you did around him. It probably flattered him to some extent.
No. 177181
>>177169I don't know what kind of attraction it is but I just want to hold him and be held by him and look in his eyes and laugh and cry with him
why is gene wilder like the most comforting and enchanting human I can think of
No. 177191
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>>177170I’d fuck old Clancy Brown. Detroit sucked but Hank was moe.
No. 177204
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I just binged man down and started taskmaster without remembering he was also in the new series, help me
No. 177234
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I want his communist hands all over me
No. 177241
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I just wanna do it one time, I just wanna find out
No. 177248
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Forgive me
No. 177259
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i wouldn't fuck him or even touch him but i think he's very pretty
No. 177271
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>>177266I googled this and omg ewwwwww
No. 177278
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Tywin was such a daddy
No. 177313
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Ezra Miller, but in We Need to Talk About Kevin, specifically. I like him as he also looks like Joji. Idk if he fits here though.
No. 177369
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Richard Madden… he is the definition of “movie magic” because on screen they somehow make him look so fine but I’m reality he looks like a caveman. He’s not aging well at all so I would hit it now before the wall hits him even harder.
No. 177376
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jean reno was so hot in the early 90s
No. 177392
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why is his face so interesting looking
No. 177406
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>>177376Yes anon. He was amazing looking back then. I love his nose.
No. 177409
>>177392Kek did you want to fuck him in lost
>>177406Agreed, his nose is top tier
No. 177410
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I’m normally not into white boy rappers but Aesop is a qt
No. 177494
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Mike from That Chapter (a true crime youtube series) - something about his mannerisms and personality is so cute to me.
No. 177495
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>>177406>>177431he was weirdly hot as a 11th century knight in the French film "les visiteurs" too
No. 177496
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>>177376Oh god I love him since i was a kid kek
On another note: Adore Delano
No. 177551
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I’ve had some very questionable attractions but this is the only one I’m actaully ashamed of. The guy who voices Plankton is oddly attractive and it’s kind of hot thinking about how he would die if he knew a girl like me was into him kek
No. 177634
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I'm watching Face Off for the first time and holy kek Nic Cage
No. 177638
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i want to have sex with him in drag so bad ever since i saw him in half drag in that one challenge i wonder if drag queens occasionally have heterosexual sex
No. 177639
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I want picrel to ram me hard
No. 177645
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>>177634ashamed by this but I thought he looked decent in the history of swear words
sad that he just married an Asian girl who's like half his age ugh. but 80s-90s cage was cute in a weird way
No. 177646
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>>177639nta but similarly
No. 177648
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>>177646eh anon, he looks scary out of drag.
I like picrel smile tho
No. 177655
>>172740This makes me want to time travel to when men were strong long haired warriors
>>173061His haircut is so cute there wtf, and I don't even like his looks otherwise
>>173617Is that Danny Elfman? I love him for his creativity and voice so his younger self is a little attractive for that
I wish I could develop strong attractions/crushes like you all it seems fun to have someone you get excited over but I can't seem to. This thread is really interesting for that
No. 177703
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Chris Broad. Unfortunately he gave up his diet it seems so he's becoming Chris Broader
No. 177708
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>>177655Here's for you, fellow anon of taste, it's been a while without any Steele-posting here:
>strong long hair warrior>not a manlet (6'7.6 and 277lb)We must time travel indeed.
No. 177717
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Pat from Super Best Friends is sort of lovely
No. 177720
>>177717when i clicked on this gif from the front page, i wasn't expecting it to be in this thread.
my relationship goal is to find someone i get along with as well as him and paige do. it's like they were made for each other.
No. 177745
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I guess he is considered unconventional? I adore him lol
No. 177750
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Oh yes
No. 177776
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I love his music. I guess he'd be unconventional just because he's bald (p cute facewise though)
No. 177780
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oh Jimmy. let's do all the things you said in all those songs
No. 177783
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>>177750Till Lindemann. I've got a taste for men who are older and he fits the fucking bill. He could kick me in the jaw and I'd still melt
No. 177786
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Lee Mack
No. 177802
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>>177248his face is too cartoonish for me but then I saw this gas mask he wore to congress and I hate to report that I understand it
also something about the pathetic-ness of his behavior + hiring prostitutes with his friends is hot No. 177805
>>177803- who cares
-gold star also means you avoid partners who have slept with the opposite sex
No. 177811
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>>177786David Mitchell. This response is the only time that I'll admit to fancying Lee Macks counterpart, David Mitchell
No. 177822
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paul anderson does it for me??? esp. in sherlock holmes. just want a gruff british man to rip me apart tbf
No. 177841
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>>177811I once had a very vivid sex dream about David Mitchell and for a moment after I woke up, I fancied the fuck out of him. I don't find him attractive, but sometimes when I see him on TV now I get a bit flustered thinking of that dream.
Can we have a thread or discord for british comedy men? There seems to be a lot of us that like them.
No. 177843
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No. 177855
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love him even tho his head looks like a moon
No. 177856
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>>177855lol i capped him kissing lee
No. 177858
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>>177857yeah i can see it…he looks like one of those serial killers who gets love letters from teenage girls
No. 177882
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i want to hate fuck the shit-eating grin off of his fascist face
No. 177885
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>>177857I hate how attractive he was
No. 177888
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>>177822Yes. He looks like he would ravage you in bed and make sure you get off first.
No. 177890
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the only ginger I consider as human
No. 177894
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>>177888thought this was Drake Bell
No. 177904
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>>172701he has such a cute smile
No. 178025
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>>177998first of all, kek. second of all: BLUE WHALE
No. 178026
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Ralph’s brother looks so gracile
No. 178089
>>178065SAME! that's EXACTLY what it was like in my dream!
David Mitchell comes off as so dweeby and repressed. I have no idea why, in my mind, he's so forceful and dirty. I feel weird watching him on Qi because I can't stop having vivid memories of being bent over the fucking table thing and being called a little whore
I would never have imagined Alan Davis is a talented dirty talker. Does his voice not make it feel funny?
No. 178117
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>>178092Oh my God, you're telling the truth. WHAT
No. 178124
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>>178117He was sexually abused by his dad after his mother passed away, not surprised he has mental health problems now tbh.
No. 178135
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why is he so hot hngggg
No. 178233
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I’ve been binge watching L&O criminal intent. Vincent D'Onofrio is charming and cute and I don’t know why.
Definitely gross in men in black tho kek
No. 178278
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No. 178296
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He is so sex-c
No. 178318
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speaking of british comedy men
i would do jon richardson too but he's more conventionally attractive imo. i just like that they always make fun of him for being an effeminate manlet virgin dork loser, i want to bully him in bed
No. 178320
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>>178318Bloody hell, I didn't even realise I was attracted to Romesh.
I have the same feelings about John Richardson as I do about Mark Watson. Such a dork. So easy to bully in bed.
Also, if the anon from earlier in the thread who said their type is big nosed men with talent- here is one for you too
No. 178323
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>>178318>>178320My British comedian crushes are Richard Ayoade…
No. 178324
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>>178323…and Phil Wang, even though he's a lousy comedian
No. 178328
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His nasty loops have won me over. I'm a sucker for funk/soul and strange men.
No. 178329
>>178323Are we arsed making a UK hot guy thread?
A BBC (big British cocks) thread?
No. 178332
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Can't believe no one's posted the ultimate British hottie yet
No. 178342
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>>178332counterpoint: chris morris?
No. 178347
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No. 178362
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>>178342Love his birth mark, I'm a sucker for a little facial disfigurement.
>>178352Jesus christ you are fucking killing me anon. Please warn me before you rock my world like that
No. 178374
>>176778>>176889how'd you get it bad for kevin bacon in hollow man when he's literally invisible half the movie lmao
>>177782he doesn't do it for me sexually but he's top tier aesthetically. think this look is what most ftm ayydens are aiming for
No. 178377
>>178335Yeah I can totally see that, he seems like he would be really fun to be around. I passed up the opportunity to see him perform at a small venue a couple of years ago, I would have been interested in chatting him up.
not to hook up, just chat lol>>178363That's hilarious, I didn't think of that. Sometimes his energy gets really sensual in his performances, it gave me the impression that he has some sense of romanticism and self awareness that could translate into really good sex. Realistically though I would not be surprised if you were right.
No. 178389
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Always used to get tingly down there watching this move. I have a thing for men in masks, the whole mystery of not knowing who is underneath. But his charisma, voice and dom persona in this movie is something I simply cant forget.
No. 178445
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>>178389Somewhat related but 90s era Hugo Weaving could get it. He's aged like shit though.
No. 178527
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I just want to know what he’s like in bed because he’s either extremely bad or extremely good
No. 178563
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he was so handsome
No. 178725
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i love him
No. 178746
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many, many pounds of coke ago
No. 178753
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>>178239I'd fuck bruce banner
No. 178773
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>>178563fuck, yes I agree. I had big old crush on him during my joy division phase as a teenager
>>178752nayrt but it's peter 'hooky' hook from joy division
No. 178815
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i want the anon back who posted this about l ron hubbard:
"god yes, what a fucking sleezebag.
the very moment his hand slid up his body from underneath the table at the beginning of the video, i knew he was a complete and utter sexual pervert. he's such a degenerate he can't even hide it. he's constantly making the male cumface with his mouth just talking about completely "innocent" things.
and his full first name is lafayette. lafayette. that's the name of a sexual degenerate if i have ever heard one, it's so frilly and effeminate. the fact that he is a flaming red head is also really fucking hot, never even mind his terrible hairline. his growly voice sounds like there's always something really freaky going on in the back of his head. like he's perpetually turned on.
you know that whole "can't make a hoe into a housewife" shit? there's definitely a male version of that. this man would probably be really fun to fuck, but there is no way in hell i'd make such an obvious conman my husband.
oh, also, it's really hot reading all the comments degrading him and talking about how his messed up teeth and mouth are disgusting. seeing people openly shit on his appearance is sexy as hell.
and i know, he is irredeemably revolting, hideous, and evil. i just have this fetish for fucked up, terrible men with twisted senses of humor. it's fun to acknowledge the more fucked up side of humanity sometimes. like let's be honest, it's pretty fucked up that i'm attracted to such a massive piece of shit. but the whole aspect of how much it shocks and appalls people is a large part of the appeal.
tinoil time. i am pretty sure he sexually gets off on brainwashing and conning people and that's why he spent so much of his life figuring out how to hook people into his cult. like he devoted his life to scientology, but clearly not because he actually believed that shit. it has got to be related to how much of a huge freak he is. there's better and easier ways to make a lot of money than starting a cult. lmao."
because i’m savile-anon and this is how i feel about him. please come back, hubbard-chan.
No. 178827
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>>178773i'm the anon who was sperging about omd earlier and i just want to say that peter hook blames andy mccluskey for getting him into cocaine.
No. 178906
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I had a very very detailed dream a long time ago after binge watching a ton of his documentaries where he saved me from my family by helping me run away & eventually eloping with him. the feeling from that dream has never left despite never having another one like it. louis theroux, return to me
No. 178907
>>178906Young louis was was so fucking hot fuck. his awkwardness just added to his hotness, tfw no older nerdy big nosed french british tall daddy, fuck. also you could have posted this in the british crushes
No. 178953
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No. 178966
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>>178953I really thought this was vintersorg
No. 179188
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kill me
No. 179201
>>178984Hosted by Epstein-anon.
The Unholy trinity.
No. 179243
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i find thin nikocado avocado to be very cute. i wouldn't even call him unconventionally attractive really but i don't want to be accused of trolling for putting him in the attractive men thread.
No. 179264
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You may roast me
No. 179320
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For my fellow Stuhlbarg appreciator anons (I think there's at least one)
No. 179387
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No. 179394
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While I'm not a republican, I do feel it's obvious that people only act like he's gross because of his politics and if he was left wing people would thirst over him.
No. 179446
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>>179320There’s at least three of us I think. I just fapped to him an hour ago before seeing this post kek
No. 179447
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I want to sexually harass tucker Carlson and make him feel like the pathetic little whore he is
No. 179537
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>>179447His DWTS promo pics show how little sexual power he has. Like look at this absolute wimp. You know he came in his pants during this kek
No. 179586
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not that unconventional imo/nor am i ashamed but it's easier to post in this thread lol. i just started getting into gojira and realized the frontman joe duplantier is kinda sexi
No. 179588
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Corey Taylor is the king of manlets with his t-rex arms but I still want him to yell at me
No. 179589
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>>179586I like long hair but I like him better with shorter hair. Also that chair he is sitting in is amazing. Oh I can't wait for the new album
>>179588I'm sorry anon
No. 179595
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I would like to formally apoligize for falling down the kpop hole again. Still a simpette for Eli even as he's a literal 30 year old neet living with his mom now.
No. 179626
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>>179188I would be mean to him in bed
No. 179637
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I always had a thing for Albert Camus
No. 179674
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>>179537Fuck that’s him? Look at his chunky chubby dad bod, and this is one of /pol/‘s wignat saviours? Kek. I was about to call him cute but I saw this picture and immediately changed my mind, looks like daddy’s little insufferable frat house asshole.
No. 179678
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i can’t apologize enough. what he did was vile.
No. 179685
>>179678Knowing his selfpost history I'm gonna imagine now it's him posting this from jail
He'd be such a cow if he was born a little later and didn't have to go as far as to murder somebody for clout
No. 179697
>>179692There's a very good documentary about a hunt for him on Netflix, Don't Fuck with Cats. He was fame hungry but couldn't get any following on his blog, and no tv wanted him for reality shows, and at some point he realized only thing that gets him attention is videos of torturing/killing animals. Eventually, just like with everyone who starts with animals, he graduated to wanting to kill humans, setting up a date with a Chinese immigrant student (a guy, not a woman), where he (graphic)
stabbed him to death, raped his dead body, dismembered, raped his bodyparts and then sent them to various government institutions. Everything was recorded on the video he advertised online before even making it, called 1 lunatic 1 icepick, it was pretty infamous in internet gore circles and has been going around the internet at some point as a challenge of "how much of it can you watch before you can't take it anymore"
No. 179698
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>>179694wow what a copycat
No. 179699
>>179697ah, i've seen that doc actually, guess i just didn't remember his face
he reminds me of onion kek
No. 179706
>>179702i've been here, anon
i post guys in here frequently
No. 179710
File: 1618530777782.jpg (227.09 KB, 1058x1411, IMG_20210226_170711.jpg)

he's like an angel anons, i wouldn't even want to fuck him because he is so dainty and pure. i would carry him around like a princess and tend to his every need. i would like to bathe him.
No. 179724
File: 1618544522639.png (1.04 MB, 808x1010, Screenshot_2020-11-11_at_17.07…)

uhhh… yeah
No. 179726
File: 1618544945842.jpg (63.5 KB, 600x600, 6001185fa35df8660bcddbc509be25…)

all the war boys in mad max. every SINGLE ONE. and doof too
No. 179767
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I want to ride horseback with alex Jones to his secret love cabin in the middle of the woods, all the while developing sexual tension with him, and when we get to the cabin he picks me up softly and I think I will have a gentle romantic sex with him, but then he lays me down in front of the fire and takes me like a hound takes a bitch, grunting loudly with each pump
No. 179781
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No. 179817
>>179729no, i mostly post moderately attractive actors and politicians
i don't like any of those guys
>>179804isn't he a polfag incel
No. 179820
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No. 179823
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>>179820it’s chris for me
No. 179825
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>>179821i chose that pic because his hair isn't slicked back, he is always pretty but even moreso when he has his hair loose
No. 179828
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>>179825Maybe but Liquid chris is cuter than reviewbrah
No. 179844
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>>179823i find most of the men from the sopranos attractive tbh
No. 179847
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>>179844literally just came here to post him. tbh i find him more attractive in his older years than when he was younger.
No. 179853
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I’m becoming mike-pilled everyone
No. 179863
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>>178328he is literally such a good combo of weird and my type
the smirk in this pic makes me feel like gif attached
No. 179872
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>>179853Yeeeeeesssss. I'm not sure what is so enticing about watching a man degrade from cynicism and bad movies, but I cannot look away.
No. 179875
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I’m sorry
No. 179879
File: 1618614143634.png (1.41 MB, 1200x600, ED8A5635-0B51-4961-B0DC-ACFB3C…)

Ray Romano in the Irishman. Not any other time idk shits weird
No. 179884
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>>179872It’s weird because Jay is more objectively attractive and I share a lot of his movie opinions, but Mike (esp when young) is sooo sexy to me
No. 179896
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>>179674>>179677he's handsome in an insufferable frat house asshole way
I've developed a borderline crush on him, so embarrassing No. 179897
File: 1618623402640.jpg (121.73 KB, 630x457, rainn-wilson-2.jpg)

I live for his tiny nose
No. 179899
Anon you need help.
No. 179900
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Only when he starred in Funny Games though
No. 179913
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>>179900I’d hit it in boardwalk
No. 179916
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I think he's weirdly cute on his own but fsr I want him so bad in his nazi AND commie costumes
No. 179917
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es tut mir leid
No. 179920
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>>179917Get on my mustache level anon
No. 179966
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I want to slide his entire bald head inside my vagina
No. 179967
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No. 179973
File: 1618670670063.jpg (106.47 KB, 1125x1055, 90d66bd17c8605c799883d8f589820…)

This thread is lacking John Leguizamo. I'd take him at any stage of his life young/skinny/old/fat/greasy/wrinkly etc. He's one of the hottest ever to me
No. 179974
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>>179973Also would raw dog the fuck out of Kevin Corrigan, to my surprise- an actual Puerto Rican! I've only ever seen him in sleazy roles in early 2000s, he's creepy hot.
No. 180012
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Stumpled upon his yt channel today and I'm awfully attracted to him
No. 180029
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Idk but i always crush on him watching Seinfeld
No. 180049
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Andrew from buzzfeed, hate the sex offender looking stache but his voice makes me turn full heterosexual
No. 180054
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No. 180057
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I would peg chubby!Shane while he ate a big mac and told me why cancel culture sucks.
No. 180060
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No. 180066
>>179977probably not for this site. ntayrt but I hesitate to post anything in the attractive men thread period out of fear
>>180054I can understand this one, my friend had the hots for him kek
No. 180072
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No. 180084
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>>180077idk the other thread is uptight
No. 180086
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>>180069is it because his wife has neither of those things so he has to get it somewhere else? i'm not mad, he can get it from me. mikey if you're reading this i have coke
No. 180199
File: 1618786371526.gif (1012.82 KB, 314x314, E3163348-FCA8-4F22-958D-B333A1…)

>>180173Pls share coke anon I want to do a bunch of blow with tucker Carlson and hatefuck him and feel like the coke would just add to his ego and make him even more of an asshole and thus add to the hatefuck
>>179967I think older he looks kind of busted. Appropriate for the thread, I’d fuck him too
No. 180213
>>180198>>180197I don't know whether people just think it's easier to criticize because the overall taste gears towards a different demographic but since I don't agree with what's considered to be "attractive" or popular nowadays my taste probably qualifies for this thread.
that and liking older men. my favs who are older have admittedly gotten more busted as they've aged, it's inevitable, but I'd still let them do me. Considering how many drugs they've likely done, they still look a lot better than most men their age do outside of Hollywood. I rarely see a 45-60 year old guy irl who's actually attractive enough to me to draw my eye, and a lot of them are downright ugly by comparison
No. 180225
File: 1618796359720.jpg (25.73 KB, 340x499, 517bC5I3uoL._AC_.jpg)

I would let him ruin me
No. 180230
File: 1618800487227.png (77.49 KB, 247x359, img_349.png)

Please don't judge me.
No. 180239
File: 1618808375912.png (1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1617310210136.png)

>>180199anon are you me? the blow and hatefuck with tucker carlson sounds so hot
No. 180245
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>>180239Kek I’m glad someone else shares my coke fueled tucker hate fuck fantasy
No. 180249
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No. 180254
>>180230I know you’re trolling anon but I knew someone in hs who said they had a crush on Brian and I thought they meant on Seth macfarlane, which is shameful but i agreed with. They proceeded to take that as the green light to go into their actual fantasies about Brian the fucking dog and made me watch the episode where Brian and Meg make out at the prom
So yeah, if anyone in this thread feels bad about themselves, at least we are into unconventional human men kek
No. 180294
File: 1618844117600.jpg (209.74 KB, 867x648, PaulMiller11212020.jpg)

it's so funny when white supremacist don't even look white
No. 180364
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Sometimes I wish I wasn't happily married so I could have my wet dreams about him and not feel guilty about it.
No. 180369
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I want him to eat me for dinner
No. 180430
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>>180401Maybe he was or he was paid and the entire thing, including the arrest, is a false flag to provoke/bait white nationalists. I always believed the government prefers people to be divided because that makes them easier to control. But that's just my tinfoil opinion
If he's legit, dude has legitimate brain damage. He lost his job being a personal trainer because he’s a self identified nazi. He has federal charges against him for threatening one of the squad. He openly stated he’s a fascist and he loved to do a drive-by racist rants, especially at women. He also lived with his mommy and daddy. And he used to be a muay thai wrestler. Quite attractive too. What happens in the scrote's brain that leads him to fuck up his life so badly? I saw some guy on /pol/ claiming that he was a mod on Miller's discord and that there was a woman who posted an ultrasound of their baby. I hope it's a larp, otherwise I'd feel pretty bad for the child. Imagine having a father who went to jail for 15+ years for racist Joker memes and illegal weapon kek
No. 180439
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He’s not phycailly attractive to me yet here I am crushing on him. Has to be because he’s an ex-firefighter who loves cats.
No. 180440
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>>180249Same anon,I hate him so much but I would not turn down the chance to fuck 90s Manson
No. 180448
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>>180423nta but it's evan peters from season one of ahs. and while he's probably not conventially attractive enough for the other thread, to me feels out of place among so many uglies in this thread kek. unless anon is refering specifically to the little psycho character he plays on this season
No. 180451
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If you know you know
No. 180553
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No. 180602
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I’d ride the hell out of both of them. Be fun to know which brother is bigger and who lasts longer.
No. 180640
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Alright I know I'm incredibly late to simping for this man because I could never get into streamers or Twitch or any of that stuff. However from now on I will make one(1) exception for Jerma because he is funny and cute and makes me smile.
No. 180704
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Come back sweet prince RAWR
No. 180759
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Nyah nyah
No. 180807
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No. 180815
File: 1619105437849.jpeg (25.02 KB, 700x690, A261913B-C16B-4788-A4E5-786B07…)

>>180759Whoever keeps posting his ass in these threads, may you be cursed for the rest of eternity.
No. 180835
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No. 180840
File: 1619110554406.jpeg (229.78 KB, 2400x1350, 73AC935F-EB8F-4609-BF4E-AC8B41…)

I saved a bunch of stuhlbarg pics to my phone in the middle of the night, his hairline in this is doing it for me. Receding hairlines are hot
No. 180848
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>>180840He looks like a goblin that does your taxes in Walmart. This is low even by this thread’s standards kek
No. 180850
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>>180848This is a bad angle admittedly lmao he needs hair plugs like picrel
No. 180851
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>>180849Absolutely gives off those frat vibes.
One of my other fantasies is to walk on stage during one of his live shows, grab him by his tie and deck him in the mouth, all of it being broadcasted. Yeah I’ll probably be shot by Rupert Murdoch himself, but tucker getting punched in the mouth on live tv and most likely making an effeminate squeal he has to answer for to his audience of fragile men and trad thots would be so worth it. I know this sounds like purely a violent fantasy and not a sexual one but I assure you that is not the case
No. 180855
>>180840>>180848yess I love him too
>>180848shut up lol our erudite dream man is superior to all of the scrotes here
No. 180856
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No. 180882
>>180451oh I know
>>180842this gave me a hearty kek thank you. but also a receding hairline can be attractive, I stand with stuhlbarg anon
No. 180898
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>>180811I find him ugly but he was good looking in Eastern Promises.
No. 180902
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>>179853>>179872Yessss JOIN US… he is so fucking sexy for reasons I can’t explain. In fact, I can’t name one single attractive quality about him and yet I am absolutely feral over his whole general vibe.
No. 180904
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>>180835Oh good, I’m not the only one.
No. 180905
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>>180902he was extremely hot when younger
No. 180913
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>>180873I’m unhinged for my tucker love I admit it, but it comes from a similar place of wanting to dom guys like him with too much ego with nothing to back it up
Also his wife has crazy eyes. I wonder if she’s doing our job for us, although realistically I imagine they probably haven’t slept in the same bed in years. Imagine being married to tucker fucking Carlson, yikes
No. 180914
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>>180908i like avg to ugly men sorry and young mike is prob highest on my conventionally attractive choices
No. 180916
File: 1619130930666.jpg (79.74 KB, 683x1024, 5610063630_cbcfbe5f97_b.jpg)

anyone post this wacky cracker yet?
No. 180918
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>>180917Would explain his bloat the past few years
No. 180929
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>>180917samefag as
>>180927but fuck it, I would be into that. to get progressively drunker with him and sit in his lap and pour alcohol in his mouth, have him be hungover and late for work the next day.
No. 180931
File: 1619133588649.jpeg (1.53 MB, 2246x2995, 64ADAF8F-13E1-4519-9128-E62858…)

>>180929Anon stop you’re getting me hot and bothered kek
No. 180938
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I would shag Austin
No. 180941
File: 1619139778990.gif (1.09 MB, 498x207, C6D24736-27D2-4912-89A9-37759D…)

>>180940Yes, it’s the glasses and the Britishness that make him especially shaggable. I love hairy British lads.
No. 180951
>>180835Growing up, I didn't get people who husbando'd him but recently watching the Simpsons again for the first time in years, I get it now. That voice. Unf. Too bad Kelsey Grammar has never been really hot.
>>180938>>180941Austin also seems really fun to be around. But those teeth…..
No. 180958
File: 1619148642881.png (1.21 MB, 2220x1248, simpsonsprimary.png)

>>180953>being scared of and/or attracted to thisCan't relate, he was hilarious to me as a kid and also now
No. 180959
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>>179243Don't know why this was so controversial, he had a sweet smile.
No. 180960
File: 1619149619900.jpeg (66.31 KB, 780x438, 76EB5DD5-0C36-4065-8575-1CD781…) tuckers interview with Matt gaetz was top level cringe but I’d hit them both
No. 180964
File: 1619150180325.png (1020.59 KB, 1668x1842, lipstickalley.png)

>>179678His face creeps me out and makes me think of the devil. If lc existed back then he would definitely have self-posted here. He's still self-searching and creating new accounts everywhere online in jail which you can detect by his typing style, so I'll leave it at that.
No. 180965
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No. 180967
File: 1619152381184.jpg (134.02 KB, 880x880, YiIcy7d.jpg)

No. 180971
>>180969He’s not 16? Lmao that sucks bye (I’m 18 fyi)
He’s still more chad than 99% of all american men tho
No. 180977
File: 1619156630050.gif (1.92 MB, 320x180, BqHIoMP.gif)

>>180973I swear I just picked a random one off google. This just keeps getting worse I’ll go kms now
No. 180987
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I hate that I’m attracted to this faggot from boardwalk
No. 181006
File: 1619171858055.jpeg (122.48 KB, 600x900, B92A2EC6-CF16-4FB6-A844-254640…)

I feel like he would be a fun fuck but I don’t know why
No. 181029
File: 1619189409124.jpg (53.13 KB, 673x719, Screenshot_9.jpg)

He's hot even when he's fat
No. 181035
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tfw no fat ginger bf
No. 181039
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>>181037i literally just found his videos. i am in love (even if he's a little obnoxious)
No. 181044
i wouldn't be surprised if he pissed on stream. idk shit about him but he seems chaotic
No. 181051
literally all submissive women are a disgrace to the gender
No. 181052
File: 1619196594777.png (3.68 MB, 1366x1912, 306792B0-52CF-4953-ABA4-50AE0D…)

People are being mean to him in the celeb thread so posting my king
No. 181059
File: 1619199084332.jpg (29.87 KB, 634x845, Sean Price.jpg)

I'm so fucking sorry. I feel disgusting for finding him attractive, what he did was vile.
No. 181065
File: 1619199881350.png (74.2 KB, 231x300, GeneralGrievous.png)

There's just something about him that pulls me in. He has rugged features and the sexiest eyes to me. I'd love to feel his metallic arms on my body.
No. 181079
File: 1619203085123.gif (690.95 KB, 220x153, tenor (4).gif)

>>181075Actually, 4. Homeboy has 2 extra arms. Imagine the possibilities.
No. 181082
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>>180987bobby cannavale is very hot imo
No. 181085
File: 1619204180106.gif (499.76 KB, 407x267, 515420A2-0CA0-4A27-8B34-5BEC59…)

>>181075>>181079Well he has four nipples so idk….feed kittens?
No. 181132
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I'm so sad his site isn't up any more.
No. 181151
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All I ever wanted in life was for him to do a fat line off my ass but nooo he just had to OD
No. 181154
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>>181151he's okay, but 6ix9ine is both tougher and cuter
No. 181157
File: 1619227990200.jpg (16.74 KB, 288x450, 127264216-288-k681367.jpg)

>>181154Don't worry he is all yours!
I never knew he had that many 69s tattooed. At what point did he just walk into the shop and was able to say "ah just gimme the usual tattoo"?
Is it because it's his favourite position? He seems like a freak either way haha
I'll stick to the guy with DADDY on his chest, so no matter how fucked up I would be, I'd knew what name to scream.
No. 181163
File: 1619229934790.jpg (345.04 KB, 1080x1350, tekashi.jpg)

>>1811576ix9ine doesn't need tattoo saying daddy to get me to call him that. he lets everyone know with his presence and body that he is THE daddy and doesn't need to ask for it. not only is he unafraid to challenge gender norms (wearing rainbow colors and having long hair) and go against body shaming, he also lets everyone know that he enjoys giving women oral and literally displays it on his face in tattoo form. it's called masculine energy, anon
No. 181164
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>>180248tuckeranons truly run these threads. i went thru a phase last year during the election after watching so much fox news.
i get it
No. 181166
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>>179920this but the south park version of saddam
No. 181168
File: 1619230962424.jpeg (108.45 KB, 750x640, 38AA17D6-C460-4DF7-8785-50D920…)

I am so fucking lucky that this SQUARE man makes the best fucking Thai food that is only minutes away from my home.
The drunken noodles are extra delicious knowing that his beautimous face was focused on preparing the spiciest fuck off experience for me.
No. 181169
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>>181163This is the most passionate paragraph about 6ix9ine I've ever read. This was truly beautiful Anon
I respect that.
But none of the things you've said couldn't be applied to my Peep. He's been fighting gender norms while beeing more of a softie. And Damn I live for this shit. Öile yesss gaslight me Daddy.
While it's true that he is on the skinnier side I personally really don't mind that. He may not be able to protect me with his body like 6ix9ine but my gothboi got a sword for that (and probably some switchblades, which he can feel free to test on me)
No. 181175
>>181173Naw I would never. He has a cute family.
I think it’s more unconventional that I already love the food first and then found out about the beautiful man behind the cuisine which elevates my Thai takeout to a next level experience.
No. 181176
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I feel bad objectifying him. He seems absolutely pure
No. 181190
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I’d give him the fight he’s got a hard on for
No. 181193
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>>181164You missed quite the episode tonight.
No. 181245
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he could probably eat my pussy as he eats his scoops
No. 181250
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No. 181279
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i want to make love long and tender to this man and this man only
No. 181285
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No. 181287
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Nat Zang but only as his character 10K in Z-Nation. Ngl, drives me wild.
No. 181289
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>>181285Idk who is in your picture, but he looks a bit like Paul Landers. Sooo here's Paul if this your type of guy
No. 181291
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philosophy is so boring but schopenhauer ‘was a total cutie until mother nature read his rant about women and gave him the mighty ugly
No. 181297
File: 1619290391807.gif (2.25 MB, 540x477, Tumblr_l_253479482114964.gif)

It's me again, the Peep anon from yesterday.
I just really want to share this insanely cute GIF of him.
He is so adorable. He could tell me what a wothless piece of shit I am in this GIF and I would thank him for acknowledging my existence
No. 181308
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>>181291Fucking kek
He literally looked like ebenezer scrooge when he was older
No. 181332
nonny, it’s Lucien Greaves, the founder of the Satanic Temple. He wouldn’t normally be my type if it wasn’t for his association with TST and idk if it’s the edginess of it or just the confidence of having a messed up eye and not bothering to wear a patch but I dig it. I was kind of fucked over by organized religion as a kid so the fact the Temple actively works to promote humanism, women’s rights and logic using the same legal loopholes shitty religions have used to harm and brainwash people is a big part of the draw. He also graduated from Harvard and intelligence is hot.
No. 181333
>>181322It's less his general face and more what he made out of himself that makes him fit better in here than in the conventional thread.
Let Peep Anon at least have this, it's not like she can have him kek
No. 181336
>>181335It's a song reference Anon
He's got a song where all he's saying is "I don't wanna cry alone right now"
Nothing too deep, nothing creepy
No. 181338
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To get back on topic…
He could step on my face with his Sony (boot/-) leg any day
No. 181344
>>181340I can't help myself Anon, the heart wants want the heart wants.
And my heart wants hideous tattoos on a dead soundcloud rapper that even had/has a thread on here for being a
toxic boyfriend and all around mess of a human being. I can't help it. I still want him to emotionally manipulate and fuck me
No. 181347
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not super unconventional besides his height but i love how petite he is
No. 181349
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>>181190He could totally get it. Goddamn.
No. 181352
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>>181324tattoos are not unconventional lmao
No. 181353
>>181352Original Peep anon here once again.
Please put the tattoos back.
Thank you.
How could he step on me with his Sony (boot-) leg if there is no Sony Tattoo?
The tattoos are what gives him the
spice No. 181366
>>181365I'm stuck on Keiran cause of Succession
>You will never be Roman's mommy gfIt hurts
No. 181380
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>>181365They all have nice bone structures. I just want to hold Rory and play with his hair.
No. 181382
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No. 181385
File: 1619323628035.png (501.35 KB, 991x600, hank.png)

i'm sure some wokies would judge me for liking a guy who's essentially a cop, but how could i not? he's brave, has a dad bod, nice income and his wife sucks so he'd definitely be dtf. dean norris is hot too.
No. 181393
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>>181382YES. I am currently rewatching The Punisher. I think Jon Bernthal is ugly but god damn he is so hot in the Marvel universe. I want him to war-cry and throw me into a wall.
No. 181415
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>>181274Tucker is fucking cute in this clip. It’s making me feel uncomfortable. How can I hate fuck him like this
No. 181425
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>>181397I'm glad I found like-minded people in this thread regarding Peep.
Like if this is the face of male toxicity I'm OK with it.
Like Fuck yeah! Gaslight me Daddy
No. 181427
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Tucker anons how big do we think tucks peen is
No. 181449
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I'll write to him in prison
No. 181470
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>>181035won't anyone else come through with a fat streamer cringe crush in this thread… too many corpses and old man
No. 181477
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>>181472Looksmatch for the average poster of this site
No. 181485
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Greg Brady the character specifically, not Barry Williams
No. 181491
File: 1619382556390.jpg (117.04 KB, 1000x567, Joshua-Weissman.-.jpg)

Ugghhh I'm in LOVE with him.
No. 181496
>>181477mfw can't tell if wannabe-normie ana-chan or scrote posted this