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No. 187385
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>>187361you made my day nonita
No. 187411
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So I have an annoying blackhead that won’t leave my labia and it hurts a-fucking-lot when I try to extract it with either my nails or even a tiny tweezer, Its location is pictured in the drawing, is there a way for me to remove it? Sometimes it gets itchy and it’s bothersome. I asked my gynecologist as well and she told me it would leave on its own but it has been 3 years and it hasn’t left yet, I also haven’t gone to my gynecologist in 2 years already so I’m kind of worried about whether is some skin issue or something.
No. 187413
>>187411I didn't even know we could get blackheads there. Brb while I check myself
Have you considered holding a cotton pad/tissue that has been dipped in hot water over the area to open up the pore a little bit? It would make removal much easier if you apply heat. Maybe do it in a warm bath
No. 187460
>>187411sorry but what the other anons said is not good advice, if you pointed to the correct area in that diagram it could be a bartholin cyst which is common and normal but can become very full, painful and inflamed when left to its own devices, let alone if introduced to exogenous bacteria through attempted squeezing and popping
if it is just a regular blackhead or ingrown hair it is also not good to pop or squeeze it. very difficult to remove the full plug of sebum or empty the pus sac yourself without pain/damage/inflammation or infection. try taking sitz baths, with unscented epsom salts or a bit of baking soda, and a warm cloth held up to it (not applying too much pressure) after baths or showers, or just while chilling and hanging out in bed as a compress to help inflammation and eventually draw the pus out
you will want to use a clean cloth each time, change your panties very regularly (breathable cotton for sure if possible), and do not touch it with your hands. not because it is unclean, or any weird stigma about a normal occurrence in the female body, but because even if you wash your hands thoroughly, there will be bacteria underneath your fingernails or in spots you missed while washing, and they can also introduce sebum from your fingers, which might prolong it. the pressure from direct hand touch is also not good, as it may accidentally pop or burst it enough to become infected, without draining the entire pus sac inside of the bump.
not trying to sound stern or bossy, but i had one of these develop into a giant painful cyst and do not want you to make it worse, even if it's just a small ingrown or blackhead right now
the dangers of infection on your labia (even majora!) are worse than popping zits or squeezing blackheads on your face because these areas tend to moisten with sweat or discharge in hotter seasons, they are exposed to urine, and are more difficult to keep fully sanitized.
i just reread your post and saw that this has been ongoing for years, that it is very painful to the touch and that sounds a lot like a bartholin cyst to me, especially because of where it is located. you can get it lanced by a medical professional, and that might help with the pain and swelling. please stop touching it though
No. 188670
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Ladiies, I have thrush. I took an oral capsule to treat it on Thursday, the itching has gone but the thick discharge remains. I’m certain it’s thrush as I’ve recently come off anti biotics. Do I take another capsule? or try a pessary?
No. 188698
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>>188688>>188695Forgot the pic - this is the stuff I used with 2% in. There is a version with 0.5% however I’ve never used that stuff.
No. 188827
>>188693It’s usually a few seconds of dizziness, it gets kind of bothersome because almost every time I make a sudden move like put my head down, kneel down or toss in bed I’ll get an “episode”. Some are worse than others and I’ll need to grab onto something to not fall or pass out, others are just light headrushes.
I’ve done some googling and it says it’s hormonal changes, but I found it weird since it never happened to me and it just started around a year ago.
No. 189154
>>188732If this ever happens again then don't use spoilers. This is girlchan, there is no reason to be ashamed
Anyway back OT I get this sometimes and from my smear test everything is okay but when I googled it at the time I saw lots of scary results so maybe get it checked out just in case? Could be nothing, but also it could be something so better to be safe and find out
No. 189698
>>189690Just speaking for myself, I find benefits from masturbating often. I have anxiety and get random drops in my mood some days, likely just my anxiety levels building up. I find that when my drive is healthy I can almost just reset my mood by getting off. If I hit a slump in my day it's the thing that quickly perks me up again. Gives me a boost rather than tiring me.
I did find that back when I used vibrators it didn't give me the same pick me up, I stopped using them and got back to manual stim. That gives me the type of orgasm where it's more satisfying but also less draining? Don't quite know why.
No. 189700
>>189690Not really, nofap is for male porn addicts.
The only benefit of not masturbating when you want to for women would be increased self-control perhaps, and being more excited when you finally can fap again.
No. 189721
>>187179I seem to have a rash around my vagina, it's a bit itchy and labia is red but nothing odd besides that (I do see like white spots in my underwear but now I'm not sure if I had them before since it's an old one or not). Never had a yeast infection, what should I be looking out for? I'm not sure if I should worry or not, I did use pads two days ago and maybe I have a rash from that? But I also had sex with a guy two weeks ago and the fucker touched his penis against my vagina several times with no condom so now I'm freaking out.
Only thing I've had previously are UTIs so this is new to me.
No. 191495
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i switched from nexplanon to a regular BC pill march and i have to say, living my best life not having my period anymore. fuck that bitch. looking forward to more months with no period at all. fuck biology, who decided randomly bleeding and ruining my underwear was fine
No. 191595
>>191495Nexplanon worked for me for about 18 months and then I had the worst acne, hormonal anxiety and nausea. It was the best tho IMO for PMDD. Just be careful about having sex if you get it out. I literally got pregnant instantly after getting it out.
Since having my 2nd kid I went with the Mirena IUD and I’ve been enjoying that a lot. No issues, no PMDD, no period and no more babies.
No. 191630
it affects everything. hormones are so complicated.
i have to be on it for the first time for a medical reason and i absolutely loathe it. also can't be on estrogen. The only thing i am thankful for is the fact that bc without estrogen is less likely to result in weight gain / breast growth. fuck i hate it though. i'm thinking of just stopping it tbh.
i have blood-filled cysts in my ovary and deep endometriosis that fucked up other organs of mine. i just dealt with the pain until i ended up in hospital. but god i don't wanna take this pill anymore.
No. 191634
>>191597luckily when i got it removed my bf and i were having a dry spell so i didnt worry about it and honestly when i got it taken out i started the pill right away
>>191518idk it doesnt work like that for everyone. nexplanon made my periods fucked up. if some women are anti BC and pro natural period for the body or something i think that's fair/
valid, just not my view. it made my tits blow up though, they looked like fucking implants, it was uncomfortable how firm they would get sometimes.
>>191505>BC is so unhealthyok… i eat a pretty good diet and dont smoke cigarettes or binge drink, and i work out, my health is likely still better than a lot of peoples
>>191523breakthrough bleeding. my gyno said i can prevent it by having a placebo week twice a year. might just do it once a year or something. i can plan it some week i have off and can just spend inside all week lol. i do want to prevent that breakthrough bleeding shit.
No. 192071
>>191634About the health aspects - BC has longterm effects aside from the blood clotting stuff. Yes, ofc you don't smoke in BC, smoking is absolutely not advised when you're on BC because blood clotting chance skyrockets.
It affects liver health and causes FNH (focal nodular hyperplasia - fibrous knots in your liver) which isn't cancerous but can have painful symptoms. It also causes few types of cancer to be more likely in a patient. And much more. I study this stuff and reading BC as a possible cause for so many diseases really turned me off… but I guess that's just a side effect of being in health care.
It's great you have good lifestyle but BC is ultimately giving you some risks regardless of how healthy you are.
I empathise with taking it because being in power of your reproductive health is really needed but I wish it wasn't so unhealthy.
No. 192543
>>192211Please go see one.
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had no symptoms. Its worth seeing a gyno
No. 192560
>>192365That’s true. Everyone has to evaluate the individual risks for themselves. Personally I hate the Idea to make myself dependent from needing access to surgical maintenance because of solutions like the copper spiral thing or other implants for example, or experiencing irreversible hormonal issues and other side effects.
I don’t get why so many people hate condoms as a contraceptive so much other than them being relatively expensive in relation to how often you use them. If you’re not clumsy and have a bit of experience they are super easy to use and if they fit the guy properly it even helps them last longer which is really nice imo. Of course they can rip if your not careful, but honestly you shouldn’t have sex if you’re wasted out of your mind anyway because there are many bad accidents which happen. Plus if used properly they have better protection from std’s than other options.
No. 192709
>>192708You're right that there's no point in taking the antifungal medication until you finish the antibiotics, sorry.
Try not to scratch, avoid sugar, stick to cotton pants and when you're in the house consider wearing loose clothing with no underwear at all. Good luck to you
No. 193465
>>192708Woah, I didn't know you could get it while on antibiotics? A moid caused me to have a YI and I got super paranoid because it's not common to get it from someone from sex.
I honestly thought I had HIV or some autoimmune disease that caused my immune system to react that way. I got tested and it was just a YI. I used the 3 day cream and suppositories but that shit didn't go away, so I bought some oregano oil, and holy shit, it went away after 1 week, but it came back again and I did the same thing and it went away. Hoping for good. Dumped the dirty moid.
No. 193497
>>193465It's not common for a guy to actually infect you with their own yeast infection, but it's really common for sex in general to cause a yeast infection. Especially without a condom, even if they don't cum in you.
Basically if something changed in your life (sex /diet /stress /clothes /season/ activity) you can go 'did x give me a yeast infection?' and the answer will be yes.
Idk where you are but in my county you can buy generic 'bv gel' for treating vaginosis, but it just kind of resets the vaginal environment so it works for YI too.
No. 193575
>>193532That sucks, I went through a lot of shit because of that too. What helped for me is radically stopping all caffeine intake, limiting sugar and eating food with lots of healthy fats. I still have symptoms but it‘s nowhere as worse than it was before. Maybe you should see a gyno with PMDD experience if it doesn’t help.
>>193538That would be the absolute last resort ever because it comes with a slew of new issues.
No. 194128
>>194109Can you reach the hair to see if it is a hair? One time I had this weird freak accident where my panties had a loose very thin string that tangled my lips in a small spot and cut off circulation. I didn't even notice until I got searing pain presumably a few hours after.
Deffo get checked sis if you're not sure.
No. 195105
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I know this sounds unbelievably retarded but why the fuck is my canal so small/tight? I can use tampons (up to size R) but can’t insert anything at all, barely even a finger. I assume vaginismus but I’m totally relaxed and horny, I can’t feel my muscles seizing up or anything. It just badly hurts, like trying to stretch flesh that won’t stretch. Literally can’t find any dildo that isn’t too big, wtf. I’ve never fucked a scrote and I don’t intend too I just wanna enjoy my coochie
No. 195110
>>195105>I’m totally relaxed and horny>It just badly hurts, like trying to stretch flesh that won’t stretch.It's vaginismus. This sounds incredibly counterintuitive, but grit your teeth and try shoving a small, lubed up dildo up there. It'll be painful but after a minute or two your body will realize "wtf, I'm not actually dying.. I guess this is fine?" Do this a few times and it'll get easier each time.
This is how I figured it out after trying for a few months. Moving in and out also caused me less pain in those first few penetrations. Good luck, anon
No. 195132
>> don’t need to like penetration. I still don’t get shit from it tbh.
>>195123Actually spot on.
Just enjoy your clit imo
No. 195136
>>195123it's not stockholming yourself, it's telling your body to stop unconsciously being a whiny bitch. You can decide if you like penetration or not, but that's irrelevant since anon wants to penetrate, this is how you do it. This is how you get over that hump if lube and patience isn't working
I'm basically like telling her how to eat broccoli, she can decide if she likes broccoli once she gets it in her mouth.
No. 196206
>>196136Endo does cause bloating but it could also be a billion other things besides food intolerances. Parasites, Crohn’s/IBD, ascites, etc. Recently I had extremely bad bloating that freaked me out so bad (hypochondriac,) turns out my new multivitamin had iron in it which my digestive tract couldn’t handle.
It’s probably best to see a doctor.
No. 196413
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Wasn't sure where to post. It's weird but my libido is at its lowest point during ovulation. I often don't even want to kiss and sometimes get ridiculously touchy. Also don't feel very well in general, but this and moodiness are normal, I wonder though why I don't want anything sexual because it's supposed to be the other way around. I start to think that my aversion to childbirth is affecting my body in this way lol
No. 196462
>>196246Kek I didn’t say it was weird I genuinely didn’t know that it was normal people did it. Don’t be insecure about me questioning it
nonny, this is an anonymous imageboard.
No. 197202
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When I put my menstrual cup in, could I use an unscented lotion on the cup as a lubricant, or would it be a bad idea? I don’t know if it could somehow shorten the cups lifespan (like I read oils can), or if it’s bad idea to use it while on my period…
TMI for context on the question I live with my family who like digging through my stuff, and I’m a virgin, and if I owned lubricant they would find it eventually and start prying. My mother is very freaked out by the idea of menstrual cups and tampons and has used pads her whole life, she’s one of those people who believes tampons “take your virginity.” I myself have used unscented lotion up there before for getting off but honestly I don’t even know if it’s a good idea. Not a minor kek just very sheltered.
No. 197203
>>197202Don’t put lotion up your vagina
nonny, just get the lubricant and tell your mother to piss off.
No. 197207
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What happens if you have vaginismus and make your first visit to the obgyn, do they force something up you painfully regardless? (I know very little)
No. 197243
>>197202please don't use unscented lotion! it could really mess with your vagina. I'm gonna echo what
>>197206 said
about an actual lubricant but inside a small bottle, maybe one of those travel sized shampoo bottles (make sure you give it a good clean before putting the lubricant inside!)
No. 197246
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What is it with anons tasting their own discharge or period blood clots?!?! I actually feel SO queasy thinking about it. Unless a troll it’s not funny or cute, just gross and weird
No. 197249
>>197207Unfortunately, unless you tell them and insist on either no pap smear or a smaller speculum, they'll likely use a normal speculum and it'll hurt a lot.
But smaller ones DO exist and you need to be vocal and tell them you need a smaller one.
No. 197426
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>>197322No, check out the Great Wall of Vagina (pic rel, artwork consisting of casts of different women’s genitals). For years I only saw my own vagina and occasionally ones in porn, so didn’t realise how varied they could be. Dicks all pretty much look the same but there really is no standard vagina.
No. 197505
>>197485I have it too, it's never been mentioned by either boyfriends or during gyno examinations so I'm not ashamed but I can relate to the feeling of wishing they would go away
There's a fetish Reddit for it which is weird and I hope I never meet one of those guys irl but at least it has high resolution photos that show you're not alone
No. 197534
>>197485I think I have those too. like the entrance isn't just a simple hole, it has like white 'tissue'? is that the same thing?
>>197505do you have the link? I'm really curious now if this is what I have
>>197532it really should be!
No. 197904
>>197573Same for me. I've gone to two different gynos and they both said everything looks normal, pap smears and tests all came back normal. They diagnosed me with vaginismus but I don't think that's it at all.
The closest I've found online is vulvodynia (even tho it's not exactly my vulva that hurts? it's right at the entrance of the vagina, hurts even if I lightly barely touch it with one finger).
Does yours hurt with friction from daily activities like running and stuff or only when you try to insert something in?
Idk if it's related but I also have pcos and I had a minor vaginal tear about 6 years ago.
No. 198045
Does anyone ever just let their pubic hair grow?
I can't shave or wax really, I'm so sensitive down their its extremely hard to do it without doing a spotty job. And like
>>197920 said I always cut myself and it grows back pretty quickly. Admittedly, I also have a hairy butthole and I have no idea to how to shave it without hurting myself
I usually use a trimmer for everything but even that hurts. I hate the hair but I don't know what else to try.
No. 198047
>>198045I am also super sensitive. It looks terrible if I shave close. Red, ingrowns…the works. So I close shave as much as I can with a trimmer along the bikini line(with the grain) and the rest I just trim down with little scissors. But basically I just have a bush. As for the butthole…I shaved that once and regretted it two days later. Nothing like tiny pokey hairs aggravating your butthole for days on end. Don’t do it.
Guys have told me they like the bush…tickles their dick a little (so they say). Why do you want to shave your butthole? To make it more presentable? Unless your ass is terribly man-hairy, I would leave it. Body hair is normal.
Have you tried aftercare for your skin? I find witch hazel to be nice on my bikini line after I trim it down.
No. 198049
>>198045I do when my depressive spells act up. Them fuckers can get long, who knew. Btw the key to shaving butthole hairs is using your hand to pull your skin taut. So pull on cheek, place against skin to go against the grain, and pray. Kek.
The motions get easier with practice but you're gonna have to do some weird positions.
No. 198054
>>198047Mainly I wanted to shave my butthole i guess to make it presentable. I haven't had a lot of bfs so I don't really know what the norm is or what they'd expect.
I use a bikini gel to help prevent ingrown hairs but since dropping shaving and only using a trimmer I haven't had much trouble with ingrowns or rashes anymore.
>>198049I know exactly what you mean anon. I'll try you technique with my trimmer, hopefully it'll work out
No. 198059
>>198054I would just trim what you have with scissors. You can get pretty close to the skin with scissors. Around the lips obv it’s a little harder but just take your time.
Do you,
nonny. No hate if you wanna shave your butthole. My hair is naturally dark and thick, so my body hair is the same. I shaved my butt once and regretted it. I’ve had a dozen or so sexual partners and not one was like “damn girl your butthole is hairy”. Personally I don’t think men care. and if they do, don’t let them near your beautiful hairy butthole again.
No. 198068
>>198059>I’ve had a dozen or so sexual partners and not one was like “damn girl your butthole is hairy”. Personally I don’t think men care. and if they do, don’t let them near your beautiful hairy butthole again.I wish girls could be this supportive in real life <3
I thought i'd give it a try with the trimmer since i've had better luck with it than actual shaving but if it doesn't work out i guess no big deal
No. 198358
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the last couple times after my bf has come in me, my discharge and vagina smell…off. nothing else is abnormal about it. not a different color, odd consistency, or any pain/discomfort. for a while after, my discharge and vag just smell like BO. after a day or so it stops and goes back to normal. doesn’t happen when i masturbate or when we used condoms in the past. i don’t put any soaps in there, haven’t changed my diet, and i always use wet wipes i take with me when i use the bathroom. am i losing it or something? makes me feel like some kind of swampy bog monster
No. 198367
>>198358The cum is fucking up your natural biome. Make sure he's washing his dick properly before sex and maybe look into his diet, drink more water and cut down on shitty processed foods. You're not a swampy bog monster he just has a
toxic dick.
No. 198799
This is odd. So about six months ago, I bought some new underwear; super comfy, softest things I have ever touched, I loved them. After wearing them, I would notice a strong, disgusting smell when I would go to the bathroom. It would smell like… garam masala, but more sour. It was fucking disgusting. I noticed the smell would not be noticable if I wore other underwear I had, so I had a look at the soft undies are made of 62% modal, so maybe it's just the material my coochie doesn't like.
But now, even after not touching those modal undies for a while and wearing cotton ones instead, my vagina still has that same smell. Before it would have an almost sweet, but otherwise very normal and non-pungent smell, but the odd sour curry smell lingers. I haven't been eating anything that carries a strong odor either. Has anything like this happened to any of you before? I should probably go to a ob/gyn but my work schedule is so fucked up I can't go anywhere during normal business hours.
No. 199219
>>199217anon lol I can relate to this so much that I thought I wrote it myself, and it has encouraged me to write something I wanted to write here for a while
I'm also scared to touch down there, I can't even use a tampon. Instead, since I was younger, mostly to help me fall asleep too, I rub against my hand or blankets, when I was porn or read Literotica lmao, etc. I can't tell if I have ever had an real orgasm or not, I too sometimes have soaked panties when I do so. I am so so inexperienced, retarded, and useless due to my age (25). suffering from my mental health and social anxiety since I was 17 heavily contribute I guess or I am just inept. I feel so embarrassed and pitiful typing this that I am probably going to post and not check back.
No. 199272
>>199178I’ve never been to a gynaecologist and I’m too scared to go. Hope it won’t be as drastic to call for surgery. I’ll check it out if tons of lube doesn’t work. Maybe my mistake was not having lube in the first place.
Just wondering if it’s supposed to be this difficult for others. I thought sex was supposed to be natural and not this difficult to… get it in there
No. 200232
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I bought a menstrual cup for the first time toady. I got the size 1 DivaCup based on the age/flow guidelines on the box (I'm 27) but now I'm questioning if being a virgin makes a difference and if I should have gone for the 0? I've always used tampons and I'm fine with that but I had a pap test for the first time last year, which is the only time I've ever really been stretched and it hurt.
No. 200236
>>187179Monthly reminder that no trannies will ever pass.
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
No. 200288
>>200232I remember buying a "normal" size Diva Cup and it was so big and uncomfortable that it put me off menstrual cups for another year. I really think you should always err on the side of smaller cups (go off-brand even, I have a Pixie cup now personally) and go up from there, especially for foreign objects that go up your cooch when it's not aroused. Cups hold more blood than you think so overflow is a near-nonexistent issue unless you're abnormal.
Imo being a virgin makes a difference since cups are more involved than tampons– you need to arrange and retrieve the cup with your fingers, versus just stabbing a tampon in a general direction.
No. 200295
>>200288Thank you so much, anon. That's really helpful. Now I wish I'd asked beforehand, but I kind of bought it on a whim because I'd been wanting to try one for a while and saw they were on sale today when I went to pick up more tampons.
Since I'm not allowed to return it even if the box is still sealed, I guess I'll try this just to see what it's like and look for a smaller one if it's really uncomfortable or doesn't work out. I really appreciate it, your input was way more helpful than anything I found when googling info on sizes.
No. 200327
>>200295be careful
nonnie. i tore my hymen with a cup. it wasn’t particularly painful, but it bled more than i expected.
No. 200362
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So yesterday and today I've been experiencing burning pain from around my vaginal entrance to my anus. It doesn't hurt when I pee, I don't have a weird discharge but it gets pretty bad if I sit for too long and I have work to do.
Any idea what this could be? The only thing that comes pretty close is vulvodynia. How do I make it go away?
No. 200696
>>200613It's not warm here and I don't exfoliate there but I'll give that a try.
>>200626Honestly that makes sense. My skin has always acted a bit fucked. Hopefully it'll work
Thanks to you both
No. 201243
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>>201068You mean digitally??
No. 201278
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>>201068Same. Well I did technically masturbate successfully with my hands once(just rubbing the clit), but it took sooo long, like around 30-40 minutes, which didn't feel worth it in the end because it took so much time and effort for just one orgasm. Meanwhile I can orgasm in like a minute, maybe a even a little bit less, with a vibrator. I wish I could be one of those women who can get off with just her hands but idk if I could ever get to that level. Tbh I think the problem is that my clit is small and I'm not sure if I could find a way to make it easier. And with fingering I can never do it, like I always feel like a retard whenever I try lol, it feels really awkward and idk how to angle the fingers going in or what to do with the other fingers on my hand. This shit makes me so glad to live in an era where vibrators are a thing.
No. 201450
>>201433mine have been the same since puberty and haven't changed whatsoever, if i got new ones i definitely haven't noticed it. i know that it's not unhealthy or anything since my gyno would have said something during our checkups, they just make me feel insecure that i might hook up with someone that's never seen a girl with them and accuse me of having herpes or some shit
>>201443sounds like vaginismus to me, see your gyno
No. 201462
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>>201421They're called fordyce spots. It's normal.
No. 201563
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Is anyone else’s vulva not immediately near the mons pubis? Is this normal?
No. 201650
>>198358Cum has its own smell.
I need to wash it away every time, or it'll leak between my legs and feels messy and gross.
I suggest you to wash your vagina with your usual detergent after every cream pie.
No. 201845
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I think I've talked about this before, but sometimes when I'm on my period my sex drive goes off-rails.
But there are other times when my high libido appears along with some type of insatiable hunger, and I feel like I need to stuff myself with food all the time. Once, I had some oily noodles while experiencing these feelings and I literally felt like I was having a makeout session while eating them (kek).
I don't know if this is the way my body tries to replenish the loss of blood or hunger is tied to sex drive or whatever. I just wanted to share this because I'm curious as to whether other anons experience these sensations too.
No. 201848
>>201845Yeah this is very common. Most girls will have this sensation around their period, a lot of people will call it pmsing and it's kind of a joke that girls will have insatiable cravings for chocolate or sweets. But it could be for salty or savory foods too. Also the sex drive thing is also common, in fact its sometimes the only time I crave
penetration even tho I don't like men Maybe part of it is the body trying to tell you to intake more iron or vitamins from blood loss? Next time its around your period try to eat more iron rich food and see if it helps.
No. 201874
I had sex for the first time in 2 years and it hurt SO MUCH, there are small spots of blood a day later when I wipe.
The foreplay was good, I was eaten out for a while and figured I was ready from what I know of my body, even if a little nervous. But insertion was quite painful, then when all the way in it hurt less, then again more as time went on (though his technique was really good and I came I think).
I'm 30 now, last good session I had was at around 25, could it be aging? I get insinuations of that when I google of vaginal tissue thinning, but I guess they're talking more post menopausal. I was considering vaginismus too since tampons can hurt, but it wasn't this involunary clenching, plus the tampons hurt once theyre inside, not during insertion. Also I was checked out by the gyno like a few days ago and found infection free and he didn't see anything wrong in the vagina. My partner got tested too and nothing.
Is it just because it's been a long time?
No. 201889
>>201874> and I came I thinkI think if you have any doubt over whether you came or not then you usually didn't. I spent years thinking I maybe came from penetration here and there (and it was always penetration that gave me that 'maybe I did' feeling) but that was always the thing… it was 'oh I think I came?' If you did you wouldn't word it like that. You'd know. Especially at 30.
You didn't say whether you used lube? Even if you were warmed up I would still use it
No. 201948
>>201889Yah maybe you're right. My legs were shaking hard and I definitely felt good all up my body, but it was more of a building pressure that wouldn't release if you know what I mean. I've had sex where it feels pleasant and then this kind, idk what you'd call it.
Clitoral orgasms I easily recognise but idk so much about penetrative.
Noted on the lube, yeah I didn't use any, will do.
No. 202324
>>202323 Because it's tied to virginity and purity.
A woman with a "loose" vagina is a "whore" and also I imagine it feels better when it's tight. Not like men care that it hurts more when you're not aroused.
No. 202326
>>202323Because the tighter is the vagina, the more friction it causes to their chodes and the more pleasure they get.
> but a male I was with said it is simply because I am petite and built like this.They also think that
>short woman = small vagina>tall woman = big vagina Pornsick males develop a death grip, which is gripping their dicks tightly to coom, because that’s the only way they can get any pleasure, then they start going for the prostate because their dicks end up dying from the constant use.
They think that it’s pleasurable for us when the vagina tightens because it’s pleasurable for them, they memed themselves into thinking that women feel good if they’re tight because of the
>muh she doesn’t want me to let go hurr durr Thinking.
Your moid sounds retarded and I honestly think it’s kind of a redflag the whole “petite” explanation he gave.
No. 202327
>>202324Is there an actual difference between how a relaxed and tense vagina feels? I can't imagine it to be much different or nicer especially.
>>202326>Because the tighter is the vagina, the more friction it causes to their chodesVery interesting… It seemed so unlikely.
>>short woman = small vagina>>tall woman = big vagina I think it makes sense to expect perhaps a "smaller vagina" when a woman has a more narrow pelvic region, but even then… Ultimately, there is no logic behind it.
>Your moid sounds retarded and I honestly think it’s kind of a redflag the whole “petite” explanation he gave.Yes, I don't trust his knowledge of female biology whatsoever. He has only had one long term girlfriend before me and they became a couple when they were teenagers, so it makes some sense that his exposure is very limited. And yet it fascinates me how this phenomenon slipped through despite that.
No. 202334
>>202327Shoving something into a tight tense hole vs shoving it into something relaxed will make a difference. It made a big enough difference to where my ex would ask me to grip his dick harder (kegels) when he was about to cum sometimes.
But it's not really a major difference imo. I don't have a peepee tho
No. 202874
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nonas i asked this on masturbation thread before and a lovely anon told me i'm too young to have not getting wet problems but im a dumb bitch and didnt follow her advice because i could not not masturbate for a week, im dry as hell with my partner wtf is wrong with me? we do foreplay and hes really into giving oral but i dont enjoy it, tbh i would even say i dislike it, finger stuff im indifferent to but it doesnt get me off either. I only orgasm when im alone in my room watching porn with my vibrator. We cant do anything but hump each other cause i'm too dry and tight. I get wet when we're not having sex like kissing and stuff but once the clothes are off i'm dry as fuck. So weird why is this happening? maybe i cursed my vagina too much when i was a teen and this is my payback because i'd get like gallons of discharge when i was younger to the point of changing undies twice a day and i do remember being dripping wet while having sex before but i was on drugs so idk if it was because of that. I just dont get why? i'm attracted to my partner and we do foreplay it should be smooth sailing. Idk if its the glands or my brain its so embarrassing.
>>202364i think its normal, im still not sure how squirting works but i'm positive that its not a common thing i think it happens every once in a while, i didnt even know that women were supposed to cum after orgasming what would even come out? i'm clearly not the best person to answer this after a whole paragraph talking about my dry vagina but i think moids glorify squirting and "cumming" a lot because they think female orgasm works like male orgasm like how they ejaculate but its very different, its totally normal to orgasm and not secrete fluids imho
No. 202983
>>202900I remember when I was younger I would see panty liners in stores and wonder why some women even needed them. Then a few years ago I went through some sort of mysterious shift where if I walk any distance now my vag is like… better lubricate!
Kinda miss my dry days
No. 203021
>>202888i thought it was only me!! i always thought it would be so easy for me to orgasm when having sex because i can cum in a few minutes masturbating no problem, you are very right i never thought about it that way i really am in my head too much about looking right. i fake orgasms so he stops but i think he knows im faking it lel.
>>202893very possible, never had this issue with anyone but him and ive been with much uglier men, weird. vibrator thing i'll work on because going from rubbing fingers to vibrator makes a huge difference in orgasm intensity for me so it does make sense that i got too used to it.
No. 203374
I am miserable.
I had a UTI for 2 years. I took antibiotics 4 or 5 times. I kept coming back because they didn't do anything, and each time they'd test me and be like "yeah you have a UTI, here take these antibiotics". The last time that happened was about a month and a half ago, and the doctor told me that I might have BV because it can cause recurrent/persistent UTIs or something. So she just said to take these antibiotics and wait about 3 days and come back if I still had symptoms. I took the pills and felt like I was getting better at first, but ultimately nothing changed. I also quit taking d-mannose because it stopped doing anything even though when I first took it it helped me to pee less frequently.
So I kept putting off going to the doctor but I finally went back because I couldn't put it off anymore. At first my UTI was making me have to pee at least once an hour which was bad enough, but then it got to the point where I was having to pee 2-3 times an hour and almost nothing would even come out, not to mention pelvic pain and discomfort. I actually got paranoid at work that they would think I was just going into the bathroom to look at my phone or something, but no one has said anything.
I have also been having this pain going up my side. It's like a line of pain on my far right side that goes up my ribcage and actually makes it hurt to breathe in deep and hiccup. I thought this was completely unrelated until the doctor I saw today asked if I had back pain, and I said no but told him about that. He also asked if I had been having nausea which I have also been having lately.
They did a vaginal swab and a urine test and apparently I don't actually have a UTI anymore. Which scares me because I still feel like I do. I do have BV though, and because I'm a dumbfuck when the doctor asked me if I would rather have a vaginal insert or take antibiotics I said I didn't care. Which was SO fucking stupid, I would rather take pills. But anyway, that's irrelevant.
Now I'm scared. I don't have a UTI, but my body is acting like I do. And now that I think about it, it seems like someone once told me that after you get over a UTI your body can still act like you have one. I'm not 100% sure on that though. I am crossing my fingers that this BV treatment will make the frequent urination go away but Idk. Has anyone else experienced this?
No. 203458
>>203453Even if you’re young, if your doctor hasn’t done it yet please insist to get your kidneys checked just to be safe.
I don’t want to scare you and this is an anecdote, but a former client of mine who used to have recurring UTI’s a lot had kidney issues as well.
No. 204102
>>204100Yes, I heard this from several female friends. Went back to normal after one or two months.
The most likely explanation is that it's your body's response to stress. Mounting an immune response is stress. Catching a viral infection can also affect your cycle. It's a bit late, but there are several studies underway. You could check your government's health agency's website. They might be looking for participants.
No. 204327
>>204321I only shave around my butthole when I'm expecting to have someone else's face near that area. I would expect the same courtesy from the other person too.
>>204301Same, the vag always gets a clean new razor and when I'm done with it I use it on my butt/legs.
No. 204335
>>204327nta but i still don't get it either
1. how can you even tell or notice that there's hair on your ass
2. what happens if you cut your butthole?
No. 204410
any other anonitas completely loathe their downstairs regions? at this point i wish i had any other body. i've always had a mole on my pelvis, which made me insecure since childhood. i have long and dark labia minora. some days my vulva looked alright to me, so i decided to even check out a few gynecological surveys to convince myself i was 100% normal, but apparently my labia size puts me somewhere in the 95th percentile. i also have chronic hemorrhoids and skin tags from anal fissures (genetically predisposed to both), but since i experience no bleeding or discomfort from either, it's not an urgent medical issue. but it makes me look like my anus has its own fucking set of mini labia. as much as i'm skeptical about the benefits of labiaplasty, i couldn't even afford one if i was really sure. i don't want to get hemorrhoid surgery, because i hear it is extremely painful and doesn't prevent future piles as i am already genetically predisposed. all of this severely undermines my already negligible body confidence. i'm in my 20s and never had sex. since i have an extemely small social circle, i have zero chance of meeting anyone organically, and i assume someone who would like me for my personality wouldn't care so much what my vulva or ass look like. alas, i have to use dating apps to meet someone, but i'm petrified at the thought of having sex with a near stranger. everyone online expects sex at least by third date. i'm scared that i'll hear mean comments or someone will just ghost me after sex because i look so gross. tf do i even do to feel a little bit better? anyone else have this issue?
No. 204429
today I realized i have 3 labia minora, two symmetrical ones and then one extra on the right side, kek. It's weird bc it starts above my clitoral hood, too. Idk how I never noticed before. Anyway, I was poking around down there w a mirror bc when i was cleaning myself the other day i felt a tiny, hard bump on one of my inner labia and was like wtf. When I googled it, I realized it looked like one lone, tiny (like 1mm) genital "wart" (pearly, shiny, sticks out like a tiny tentacle) but I'm a virgin so I know I don't have any STDs. I just "pinched" it off with my finger nails, surprisingly didn't hurt. Anyway, am I dying?
No. 204440
>>204410First of all, what
>>204417 said
Next, please don't go for a labiaplasty. My friend who had really long uneven labia had it cut and it still didn't look ideal to her plus it was a bad healing process. The scarred bit busted back open at some point and also it deadened sensation. Please don't hurt yourself ever to please someone. If they don't want you for that they are trash.
No. 204466
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How good are those things really? It seems only ''older'' women who are more comfortable with their bodies and even already gave birth praise them. Insertion alone sounds dreadful
No. 204472
>>204466You have to be pretty comfortable getting up in there. One of the biggest pros is just how much liquid they can hold compared to a pad or tampon though so you shouldn't have to empty it too often.
I used to use tampons and as someone who pees ten times a day I hated trying to keep a string dry or feeling gross when I couldn't keep it dry because of my crazy stream. I think that was weirdly the tipping point for me to switch. If you're sexually active you can receive oral as normal with the cup in. No outside signs that you're even menstruating. Win
No. 204475
>>204474 >dig around to get them out or get them to unfold, which is annoying to deal with when you're already in a bad mood and bleeding all over the placeDiff anon but this yeah. I've used cups in the past and I'm about to try it again next cycle but I have pads bought as back up for this reason. On a particularly bad month it can send you (or me at least lol) into a rage having to deal with it not popping open the first try. If the first insertion goes wrong and you're crampy and not in the mood it can feel so shit to have to deal with it.
I don't know if I'll ever be a 100 percent cup girl. Having back up products is handy for those days.
No. 205263
>>204410I'm also self conscious about the way I look down there, I wouldn't call it loathing but there is a lot I dislike about it. my labia is longer and I've worried about the way it 'hangs down', I have bad days where I wish it were different but I'm learning to love it. I'm also like you and have a bit of a hemorrhoid issue. I hate it and wish I could fix it but I don't think I can.
>i'm petrified at the thought of having sex with a near stranger. everyone online expects sex at least by third dateI would be too, please don't have sex with someone you'd still consider a stranger, at very least not for your first time. I met someone on a dating site earlier in the year and I've seen him a bunch of times and we've not slept together yet. I'm a virgin like you and I explained that to him and he's been great about it and willing to wait. if a guy expects sex by the third date and would dump you if you didn't put out then he wasn't worth your time anyway! if he's a decent enough guy to wait then like you said he probably wouldn't care about what you look like down after getting to know you for who you are. all vagina feels the same too, a strong dislike with how your labia look would probably indicate pornsickness. what your anus looks like also shouldn't factor much either for a none pornsick guy. that kind of thing would indicate to me he was interested in anal which is once again pornsickness. if that were the case then kick him too the curb. guys like that aren't worth the time or effort. you'll find someone anon!
No. 205296
>>205285Can't help you with the sex part since I'm a virgin who's used toys for years but it does sound like:
You weren't turned on enough for your vagina to open up, you needed more water based lube if you can't become wet naturally, maybe your hymen didn't actually stretch open fully the first time, and I hate to tell you 16cm is average 18-22 would be large. Many anons have said they get off more from their clit or foreplay which is why straight penetration doesn't do much. To me penetration doesn't do anything if I'm not turned on and did something else outside of it. I know there's some rare disorder where penetration is painful no matter what which you could look into.
No. 205325
>>205300Hey anon. Im pretty sure it went in, i actually checked it w my hand too.
I would say he's average in girth too but i honestly have no understamding of dick sizes. I thought i didnt feel smt "inside" because i was too focused on how painful the opening felt. Also when you say "your bf is lying", do you mean hes lying about what the average is?
>>205296>>205299Thank you both. I heard a lot that penetrative sex is "meh". I tricked myself into thinking it would be good i guess. Also to first anon, we did use a lot of lube because without it, it was very bad. Thank you for both of your perspectives. I guess i'll just ask to focus more on oral next times.
Still cant believe that sex feels worse than literally just humping a pillow.
No. 205361
>>205325Have you never used a toy on yourself before? It might be worth it to do so to have something to compare to in a less stressful situation where you can just focus on yourself.
I'm a 'virgin' whose only used toys and it can hurt for a few seconds when it first goes in. But it doesn't last long and it definitively feels good when I thrust it at the correct angle.
No. 205392
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Nonas I think I want to get my implant removed but I don't know if I'm just being a little bitch or not. I got it back in May and for the past month I've been super dry to the point of discomfort and irritation, interrupted by spells of hot inflammation which is terrible on it's own. Had a recent check-up that came back clean, so I assume it's not an STD.
Honestly I'm so tired of BC in general. I don't have a BF, I'm stuck living with my parents for work so I'm not getting any on the side, and I'm here for another year at least so I just kind of want to get back on the pill or just give my body a break.
Any advice? If an implant is giving me trouble now after only fiveish months, what are the realistic chances it'll calm down for the rest of the fie years? If you've been in a similar situation, what did you do to relieve the discomfort? If you were me, would you get it removed? Keep in mind it's free in my country for my age bracket.
No. 205446
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I don't know if there's a 'correct' way to clean vulvas, since they're all different, but I just wanna know if anyone else does this
>put a tissue on my finger
>push aside the left and right side of the minora individually
>use the tissue to pick up smegma
>looks for nooks and crannies within the clitoral hood
>use water to clean the nooks and crannies
No. 206409
>>206377Diff anon but you're telling us your vag smells so insanely strong that nothing washes the smell off your hands after you've touched it… see a doctor already.
>>206372 >JesusJesus don't want any part of this convo lol
No. 206463
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>>206330stainless steel can remove scents, you can buy them in bars.
No. 206475
>>206446Genuinely grateful for your non-accusatory answer anon lmao, I'm gonna try that thank you
>>206463Thank you
No. 206710
>>206686It's hard to get a docs appt where I am too, it's almost like you have to plan getting sick in advance if you want to get seen in time lol.
Anyone I know who had one just self diagnosed by symptoms and went to the pharmacy first. That's what I've done 2 or 3 times in the past. Don't think I've ever seen a doc when I had one. Sounds like yeast too. If the pessaries don't work first I'd see a doc after that.
No. 206755
Any anons know how to brighten the skin? I don’t wanna go get vaginal bleaching because of the risks but I do want to lighten my vulva. It’s just an unflattering look imo and if ur going to be an anon that just tells me to love myself and not change anything I suggest u don’t reply to me at all. Any remedies that are safe or work for underarms I’ll try.
>>205808It’s common and plenty of women have it. It’s a moist area that constantly rubs against itself. I get it occasionally but I wipe it off. It’s not because someone is nasty or unhygienic it just happens.
No. 206785
>>206773>>206778Glad you're seeing your doc soon. This is the type of rando bleeding where they say not to ignore it. If you can't link it to ovulation then I think you're right to get it seen to.
>>206784I've had yeast infections twice and both times it was from taking antibiotics and it hit me real quick. I needed treatment and I needed it from day one of noticing symptoms. Was going nuts and couldn't sit still with the itch lol. Where I live there's this constant ad that's on TV for thrush cream so I knew what to ask for. Good times.
No. 206801
>>206799Diff anon but given you've had this for one or two months already and there's been some sort of sexual activity too.. I would think it's reasonable to see a doc at this stage to get tested.
White clumpy discharge is typical of thrush but I don't know if I've ever had a smell accompany it. Smell could be caused by any other type of infection too.
No. 206867
>>2068581. drink plenty of water. this is important for literally every chemical process in your body, but if you're dehydrated you'll taste saltier than usual. also you'll probably lose water sweating, crying, and thoroughly enjoying yourself
2. do not strive for your pussy to smell or taste like anything other than what is. it's really not feasible and frankly unhealthy. luckily pussy smells and tastes DELECTABLE so you'll be fine
3. nobody is going to nitpick your vagina! nobody worth having sex with, anyway. i doubt the other person will notice, much less comment on it. t. recent virgin who also has strange bumps diwn there
4. relax and enjoy it. dont worry about what you look like or your partner judging you. stay in the present and lean into the sensations. don't be afraid to let them know which motions and spots feel the best
No. 206928
>>206867 said, avoid smoking and drinking maybe. If your parner isnt retarded they understand how a pussy normally looks and tastes like, so dont worry too much!
No. 206946
>>206942Some people will say you can't lose sensitivity from vibrators but ime you kinda can and can benefit from taking a break from them for a while here and there. I used to use them alot. I had a job where I had to (not sex work, I just wrote about products) Once I was out of that job I put my whole collection away and trained myself to be able to get off manually again. I've rarely returned to using them again.
We do get into habits sometimes that make it hard to get off in any other ways, and going too high on toy settings can make that even worse. I'd try taking a break and using your hands for a while. Might take time. You can then go back to vibes and just try to use lower settings. Use them in moderation, switch between hands only sessions and toy sessions so as not to get into a set rut.
If you are on any new birth control or psych meds that could also play a role in sensitivity but you didn't mention either.
No. 207148
>>207111Missionary does very little for me (apart from the cuddling aspect lol) Any position where he's entering from behind works well. And I hate being on top too which kinda limits options.
Doggy or a spooning position are the only ones I feel are really worth it for me.
No. 209540
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I just got my first period after going off birth control and it's just gluey dry clots. I went to wipe after taking a shit and it wasn't sticking to the toiler paper. I had to pull it out with my fucking fingers.
No. 209557
>>187179Why does my uterus hurt so much AFTER a period? It’s so sore but im scared because I’m a virgin I know it’s not a disease, but what if it’s endometriosis or something?
The pain is mostly after periods too
No. 209565
>>208933What worked for me was to masturbate to orgasm with clit stimulation first, then try a finger.
Orgasming first really helps to loosen up and lubricate. Only put in as much of the finger as makes you comfortable, and try again next time.
You might feel discouraged or frustrated, but it's a gradual process so don't be hard on yourself.
Good luck
nonnie No. 209662
>>204466I used these from 18-21. I only stopped because it was getting tricky in public & I got diagnosed with endometriosis (explained my very heavy bleeding). When I was using them I was a virgin (no toys or anything either), but had gotten used to tampons. I mention this purely for reference - you don't need to be older or "experienced" to use a cup. I didn't have an issue inserting it, but it took practice. I practiced when I was ovulating, because there's more natural lubrication then.
You need to find the right size and get used to inserting it, that's all. The ones in your pic look rigid but I assume that cup design has only improved since I last used one, so it's probably just the pic. Unfortunately I forgot the name of the one I bought, I bought it off the shelf (by tampons and stuff) and chose the small size, I tthink. It was completely clear. I didn't have any issues with it getting stained. Boiled it once a day to sterilize, etc. (used a pad at night).
No. 209900
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Guess who got thrush from sitting on my ass stressed and dehydrated uni cramming for weeks. It was inevitable as I always without fail have gotten thrush around exam times before but REEE
Pray for me anons
No. 209919
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>>209900prane for u nonningtonita
No. 213717
>>213626No, that's pretty common
nonny. There are a ton of women who will avoid seeing a gynecologist because they're embarrassed of being examined so good on you for going
No. 213784
>>213782Not true
I've fucked plenty of women in real life (I'm a moid, ban me and I come back resetting my IP LOOOOOL)
>>213808i dont know if it couldve gotten stuck up there but tampons do unfurl after they go in and as it soaks up blood it expands in size. If a piece got stuck up there it should eventually fall out with your flow. Dont worry about
toxic shock since its not an entire tampon.
No. 213992
>>213976Uteruses can tilt forwards, backwards, straight and even sideways so you're good anon
If you have never had a check up before it might be good to have one just to check that's all there is to it
No. 214044
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>>213976Apparently it's called the 'pubic symphysis' It's like a cartilage joint between the bones. Comes in handy during childbirth.
I got no education on that stuff as a kid/teen and the first time I ever felt my insides I thought I was poking my pelvic bone and it fucked me up seeing as I was expecting something very different. When you're placing a tampon in you kind of tuck it behind that hard curve so I was always squeamish at the thought of it just being bone that you poke around. It was only lately that I learnt it's not even that. It's a disc of cartilage.
No. 215082
>>214997It can be normal, sometimes women have "functional/follicular cysts" and these rupture during ovulation, causing some mild symptoms.'ve had them (gyn showed me one on ultrasound) and didn't know that this is what caused my ovulation symptoms sometimes.
TaylorR had one of these and decided to preach doom and gloom (iii have cyyysts - nah, you had one unlucky cyst, sis) since hers was one of the exceedingly rare ones that caused a complication. But that's retarded bc most women will experience follicular cysts and many don't even know they get them.
No. 215106
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Im so angry for you, anon, what an idiot holy shit. Hope your vag turns out okay
>Also maybe just keep the lube in the bedroom
No. 215834
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I know a lot of women complain about their vagina being ugly but mine is legitimately ugly for a vag. I've looked up those compilations of "diverse" vaginas and none of them are as ugly as mine. My outer labia are long and wrinkly as hell, and even my clitoral hood is huge, saggy and has wrinkles. Shit's fucked nobody is ever gonna eat my pussy
No. 215938
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Why is my period so weird, especially since I've had the pfizer vaccine 3 months ago. My period was supposed to come like 1-4 days ago, but it isn't coming fuck
No. 216103
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is it okay to ask my gynaecologist really dumb questions? like stuff that a woman my age should know, but don't?
No. 216218
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Nonas I need your help. I’m having sex for the first time in months this week and even though my hygiene is good Ive been in a dry spell and therefore haven’t exactly been worrying about whether my vag is in cunnilingable condition. Are there any foods/supplements you can recommend in the lead up so that I won’t be self conscious about how I smell or taste?
No. 216324
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>>215938nvm it came today
No. 216351
>>215834anon, who cares? why do you think they call having sex "bumping uglies"? Genitals aren't pretty, and no one thinks about what it looks like during sexual activities.
I have a similar look as you probably. When you are aroused everything plumps up and the wrinkles go away. I just see no sense in obsessing over labia length unless you actually have pain because of them.
No. 216355
>>215834Genitals aren't pretty anyway, not until you feel horny and then they're suddenly the most desirable thing. I think dicks are ugly as hell but my god does that change and do I gladly suck on them when the mood hits lol
A horny scrote (or lesbo/bi) won't be viewing your pussy through the same lens as you see it
No. 216364
>>215834No normal guy will care what your pussy looks like. Mine is ugly as hell (similar to what you're describing) yet the only comments I ever got was 'I looked up different vagina types online and your shape is the prettiest to me' and from a different person 'don't be shy, you're so pretty' and many variations of it when I hesitated getting eaten. Both of these guys weren't the absolute gentlemen either, they were sometimes acting like dicks, very average people.
Normal guys just wanna get laid. Seriously it's a non-issue and if someone complains, you just had a very bad luck and bumped into one way too pornsick idiot in a hundred people.
No. 217222
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This is a general, dumb question, but I was wondering what do gynaecologists do when they find that an underage kid has vaginismus? Do they tell the kid/their parents? Do they encourage them to treat vaginismus? I can't imagine a gynaecologist telling a 14-16-year-old girl's parents about their vaginismus, and I doubt that a gynaecologist would encourage a kid that age to dilate
No. 217250
>>217228It makes sense for a girl around her 13-15’s to go to a gynecologist if she tells her mom that she feels like something isn’t right.
Like, I’m an hypochondriac idiot, and when I went with my mom to her yearly appointment at the gynecologist because I didn’t want to be home alone, I asked the gynecologist if my breasts were okay because I thought they were lumpy.
The thing is that if a girl at that age says that she has vaginismus or something like that, well, it will depend on how her parents could deal with it.
I particularly would be worried for obvious reasons, but then again, if you’re used to using tampons, not pads, and your kid wants to imitate you but the tampons don’t work for her, then I guess it makes sense if the kid is worried, and then she gets diagnosed with vaginismus.
Not everything is about sex, I think, maybe I’m being naïve.
No. 217254
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What constitutes as a 'big clit'? My clitoral hood is maybe like an inch, I've never compared it to anyone else's so idk wtf is normal
No. 217445
>>217222Vaginismus isn't just about sex anon. They do inform them, because certain period care options are off the table. Not to mention vaginismus can make an exam difficult.
>>217226Girls are getting their periods much earlier than in the past, and generally everyone should go to a gyno for annual check ups at the very least. My mom took me as soon as I got my period and it helped me get used to seeing an obgyn regularly. The sooner the better really. Also, being a minor doesn't somehow prevent you from having gynecological issues.
No. 217859
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>>217858>i don't have any trauma or anything.>i get panic symptoms and start crying straight awayYou should probably try therapy. Vaginismus is 99% psychological. You have to realize that much of the population have gotten dicked/dildo'd without issue for thousands of years and that fat ass babies come out of there. Relaxing, and being stubborn and determined about it, maybe with the help of alcohol or other drugs, would be my best advice. As someone who have dealt with this for months when I first started to try penetration, it's really just persistence and going for it. You are not going to break, vaginas are very resilient, I promise.
No. 218798
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Anyone else starting to feel like 'getting over vaginismus' is a bit of an example of patriarchy/female socialisation, if you can masturbate, and especially if it's just secondary vaginismus? I know this is a bit of a stretch, but considering I'm partially PIV-critical, but I feel like doing something uncomfortable just so you can do something that you can have 'real sex' ,even you're statically unlikely to orgasm during sex (I'm critical about viewing PIV sex as 'real sex', even though women are less likely to orgasm from it). I'm starting to agree with
>>208277Especially since it obgyns are literally encouraging women to drug themselves so that they can experience maturbation/sex the 'right' way'
I know vaginismus makes using tampons and divacups impossible but I doubt that the sole reason why women who spend months, even years, trying to dilate and do something that makes them uncomfortable is solely for the sake of using divacups, which they may not like using
No. 218806
>>218798I don't have actual vaginismus but I'm in my thirties and can still only comfortably manage toys that are aimed at beginners. I can use a tampon and get a smear test done ok but I was still looking into those dilator sets lately. I feel ready to date for the first time in years and I was remembering how I much this was an issue in past relationships. I hate navigating this. Past experiences haven't been good.
Thing is I can take an average dick, it just doesn't feel good on my end.. so you can imagine what ended up happening in my past relationships given I was 'capable' of taking it. Even if you can take it, there's the issue of it not feeling right and men not caring that only one of you is feeling good. I do worry that the road to 'vaginismus recovery' often seems to end up where I'm already at. The abiity to take it and the ability to enjoy it are two seperate things. How much should you force it and grit your teeth to get here?
No. 219385
>>217858Having sex with someone who you trust and is patient enough to give you the space to relax. I had this issue and then it disappeared to the point I don't even feel it slipping in anymore. I am sometimes still shocked. I got over it by allowing myself to relax and be present in the moment. I focused on my breathing and only tried angles/positions that worked. When I wasn't in the mood for PIV, I said I wanted to stop and then we just cuddled or he touched me otherwise. The thing with vaginismus is that it is often caused by fear/trauma of some sort. The fear that it will hurt, the memory of it hurting (either from sex or even just a tampon. I remember sobbing terribly each time I still couldn't get a tampon in, because I felt broken and wrong. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to have sex, and I carried this fear with me, which made me close up and indeed struggle with penetration), the fear that you're not good enough to be having sex, the fear that it's going to go wrong, or the very
valid thought that you actually aren't ready yet for sex at all. It's important to address these things and allow yourself to heal from them or challenge them by trying to relax and counter these feelings with positive expectations. Another thing that helped me was being fingered first. It let me relax a lot and showed me that penetration doesn't have to hurt. I also explored my body a lot with my boyfriend. I explored how certain positions hurt more or less than others and sought to understand why. I discussed this with him and this communication as well as knowledge really gave me confidence as well as a sense of control. It indicated to myself that I knew my body and had nothing to be worried about. My partner is also really respectful, patient and understanding, so I always feel in control around him. I'm not afraid of him and feel safe. That is extremely important, otherwise you won't relax (and you shouldn't! If you feel unsafe, there is probably a good reason for it and you deserve to explore it!)
No. 219484
>>219473I feel like spending an hour trying can be the worst thing for it, it builds tension if it already hurt you and then you keep on trying for that long of a session.
Something alot of women overlook is, you have the option to try out small toys and explore penetration on your own too. You don't have to hand over 'first big entry' to a partner. It can take alot of the nerves (and pain) out of first time sex if you've tried a small toy or two before.
When I was younger I found out I had a hell of a tough hymen and I ended up spending a few weeks with beginners toys working at my own pace before doing anything penetrative with another person. I wanted to do it myself because I was in hella pain even by myself going slowly, I didn't want my first time to be a guy hurting me no matter how hard he tried not to. Hymens vary in shape and toughness so people have different experiences with that hurdle. Recently people have started saying that your first time should never hurt if the guy does it right but that's not true across the board. Anatomy wise it's not the same for everyone. If you have ongoing issues with pain you can always take control and explore this on your own first. Or use a small toy together, use it as a stepping stone up to taking his size.
No. 220313
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I had a bartholans (sp?) cyst and took a bunch of sitz baths got really drunk and ended up popping that fucker in the tub
No. 220316
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>>220306I get them too sometimes, just don’t use any chemicals and wait it out. TMI - It says not to pop them but I do after a couple of days and a thick puss comes out which feels better.
No. 221692
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I think I have a yeast infection. I’ve been smelling like an abandoned beer factory, it’s a very sharp smell as well as being very strong. I know my smell, and this is honestly too sharp and strong for what I usually smell like on a bad day. I also notice that my panty liners usually look like I leaked a yellow or green highlighter in them, consistently. I just question if it’s a yeast infection because I’m not itchy or anything. The symptoms for yeast infections really confuse me anyways and always seem different.
For context it’s been like this for a while now, for like a couple months (I’ve just been ignoring it since the only thing off is the smell and discharge color). I did notice that this happened after my eczema started to develop underneath my butt, around my crotch, and my inner thigh (you know anywhere where the skin moves a lot). I had to put cream there, and I’m assuming the cream traveled up. I use cerave, and I only used it a few times because I was scared it would get into my vagina as I moved around. Now the eczema there is kinda gone, but it still itches everyday so I assume this still plays a role. I also wear panty liners often, I don’t know if this also plays a role. What should I do?
No. 221857
>>221695Thank you, I didn’t know there were screening tests. I didn’t think about BV, but when I looked into it I’m not really sold. But I could be wrong. I had a revelation yesterday
when I smelled where my eczema is worst, like behind my knees and in my elbows, and it smelled just like my vagina. Not as beer-ery, but it definitely had the same undertone I really don’t know what this means, but I suspect I have a fungal infection on top of my eczema (I noticed I have signs of both). It could be candida overgrowth, since that kind of fungus can cause rashes on the skin and can cause yeast infections. But I’m kinda talking out of my ass, I’m not really sure what my problem is.
No. 222258
Stop scrubbing it anon, what the hell
Everybody gets that, it has to do with hormones and how much you sweat/move so it's normal and there's nothing you can do. Just wash daily
No. 222324
>>222248Please for the love of god stop scrubbing your vagina, change your bottoms/underwear everyday (or at least more often), and get a vagina screening test if you think you need one
you probably don't though.
No. 222407
>>222047>>222398I mean you could be spotting? Was it old blood or fresh blood? Did you change anything about your birth control recently?
>>222248Hello pussy scrubber. That could be just dead skin you are scraping away. I'd say ditch the loofah action, just pop some foamy soap on your outer genitals, get into the nooks and crannies and rinse with a shower head thoroughly. Leave your poor pussy alone with the incessant scrubbing, she's got delicate skin.
No. 222711
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Has anyone tried a TENS device for cramps and was it actually beneficial? If so, is there a particular brand/model you'd recommend? I was initially looking into the Livia one, because I trusted its quality moderately more than one of those random mass-produced chinese devices that get resold by a bunch of different sellers, but it still seemed a little expensive and gimmicky.
No. 222731
>>222729I also use mild soap on my vulva in the shower and that stings there too.
It's unscented olive-oil soap.
No. 222755
>>222746thanks, I'll look for one of those kits. Maybe yeast, since it isn't in the vagina but on the lips?
I'll get a better cleanser. I guess I thought what I was using was OK, but I didn't think about pH.
No. 222765
>>222764I only clean the outside, but ok. I mean, I'm obsessive about cleanliness, I exercise regularly, and I don't want to smell there. Not all of us grew up in homes where we were taught how to clean everything "properly." Ffs my mom barely has body hair so she never taught me how to shave… I was hurting myself because I didn't know how often to replace the blades.
I can't imagine not using anything to clean the area between my legs but perhaps one of these rinses the other anon recommended is a step in the right direction.
No. 222769
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Pussy scrubber here again.
So I literally even shaved yesterday everything, and there was no pussy cheese all night.
But today there is MORE pussy cheese, and it’s a little stinky.
And my period blood was stinkier than normal.
Think I might have an infection but I don’t know how to tell or if I’m just being paranoid.
The pussy cheese is relentless, it comes back every day. It’s not a ton by any means but the fact that it’s there bothers me.
No. 222819
>>222769>I don’t know how to tell Anon, get a vagina screening kit.
Please stop scratching your vagina with your fingernail. You're literally making it worse.
No. 223213
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So, I used to be quite wet when I was younger - I remember once when me an ex were having sex he had to actually change his shirt because I made it too wet from missionary. But when I started the pill at 20 y/o for my PCOS it all went to shit and I became the exact opposite. I changed my birth control method and I haven't taken the pill in like 5+ years but I have not gone back to my original wetness.
Even when masturbating and reaching climax I am still too dry to even put fingers, sometimes. And I fucking hate it so much, sometimes my fiance will even get a bit softer thinking that I am not aroused enough and he doesn't want to hurt me, obviously.
Is there any way to solve this? To "reverse it back"? I miss being super wet, I just wanna have fun.
No. 223227
>>223219I guess it can be, but it would be kind of annoying to do it every single time I'd want to masturbate… But well, if it's the only way
>>223224I drink 3L of water daily because it's the only thing that actually quenches my thrist, and I don't like soda. So it's not water. The other options do seem a bit scary, ngl! I have an IUD, would that be a problem?
I am not on any other medication, by the way. Also for reference, I'll be 29 this year. I wish I had never taken the pill, it only screwed with my hormones in more ways than that, but I really didn't know better back then.
No. 223494
>>223366>yeah, that can happenI want to see a world where these negligenr retards have their abilities to practice any flavor of medicine revoked.
No, anon. Pissing with a tampon in doesn't just happen especially if you don't realize that you're doing it. Did they even check anything or do a workup to see if your bladder sits really low or there's some kind of neurogical wonk? A disc might work, since they're floppy except for the ring and sit up in the fornix vs right up next to your bladder.
No. 223817
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dae get weird random stabbing pain in her clit? i'm on my period and ever since yesterday i have random stabbing pain in my clit. like it's only short and vanishes when i adjust my position, but wtf. it hurts!!!
No. 223978
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>had rougher sex than usual with bf
>when I peed afterward there was a little blood when I wiped
Oh fuck what did I do, is this normal
No. 224048
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to clean the vulva, I just spray my labia minora (particularly the areas that gather cheese) with water from a bidet, without any soap, exfoliating or patting dry. I barely touch my vulva when cleaning, only pushing the lips to the sides to get the water into the folds. My labia minora and the area of my vulva/vagina are separate, so I just clean my labia minora. Am I doing it right?
No. 224247
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do i have to bother with pap smears?? i…
-am almost 30
-never had piv sex ever or any other kind of sex
-don't smoke or drink
-don't have a history of cancer that affects women in the family (breast, uterine, etc)
i saw a gyno two years ago because i had a health issue (not vagina related) and she said she didn't need to check inside if i never had sex and i don't even have to come yearly if i'm not sexually active at all. she did an ultrasound of my uterus from the outside and that was it.
No. 224263
>>224247I've never had sex either but they wanted to do a pap smear on me regardless. Probably better to be on the safe side.
No. 224541
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>>224263>>224323>>224338>>224366thanks for the replies, nonnies. i'm gonna look into finding a new gyno, i think, once i start my new job. or maybe just go to my regular gyno and demand a proper check up, since finding a gyno is so difficult here. i never had a proper check up either, because my mom kinda neglected my health growing up and i only broke free like 3 years ago.
No. 224617
>>224247 and paps are free in my country (europe) but for some reason they recommend women up to 30 or 35 to get one done yearly, and after 35 it's only every 3 years…? isn't the risk of developing cancer higher, the older you get?
No. 224637
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>>224617They make money off of selling the clamp thing swabs etc. Modern gynecology was founded from men sexually torturing female slaves/prisoners and pharma companies experimenting on poor third world women. Don't expect much. They probably just made that rule bc they wanted to mess around in hot women's vags for "totally legit reasons". Reading "everything below the waist" book black pills you hard. Everything is catered to men and women are an afterthought (at best).
No. 224676
>>224617>freethey're getting paid one way or another anon.
I mostly don't see the point in getting pap smears. I live in a wealthy 1st world country with one of the best healthcare systems in the world so it's not like we couldn't afford it, but getting a yearly pap isn't a thing here. No one is getting yearly heart checks, or lung checks, or skin checks (largest organ after all) but getting your vag checked for no immediate reason on a yearly basis is somehow necerssary? sure. Makes no sense to me.
No. 224687
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>>224683How bad do these hurt, exactly?
I’m supposed to start getting them next year, but I’m a wimp, so who knows
No. 224704
>>224687In my experience it's mostly just uncomfortable. Vast majority of nurses are pros at getting you in and out as fast as they can so you're not lying there with your vag on show getting even more and more anxious. Mine have just felt like pressure and a scrape.
That being said I did have a nurse once who couldn't get my cervix open and had to go get a doctor to help. Fucking annoying
No. 225082
>>224801Jesus I read this as
>assholesAnd I thought you meant that there are covid tests being done in the ass, I got worried for a second, I would feel so bad for any nurse having to do that test on anyone.
No. 225092
>>225081anon you rock, ilu
It sucks that we get so insecure about that part of ourselves at such young ages, I'm very glad people's attitudes (men and women) towards a normal part of ourselves in general are changing.
No. 225281
>>225081I'm kind of the same as you, lookswise. There's nothing wrong with our appearance! I actually think it's like an orchid and that's cool.
I think men who critique how a vulva looks are only doing it because they don't have a gf or money for a sex worker. They're angry they can only look at 2d vulvas or hump a doll.
No. 226730
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>>226203I don’t have PCOS, just one incidental cyst on my ovary that already came and went, and unfortunately I am verging on underweight so I can’t lose weight safely without turning into some kind of spoopy scary skeleton. What I have is picrel: adenomyosis. According to my gynecologist the only treatment is hormonal birth control to shrink the endometrial tissue, but since I’m already taking it, there’s nothing else I can do save complete hysterectomy. And I want to have kids…
No. 226842
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Nonnies, I got a period twice during the last month. First was on 8th of Dec and 2nd one on 24th of December, I assume that was because of the stress during exams ( I spent 3 days not sleeping, studying instead). The problem is that ever since I haven't gotten any periods this year. All of my pregnancy tests show negative. It's been three days since my supposed periods should have arrived…Should I go to gyno?
The weird thing that I wanted to mention that during October I caught a small flu for the first time in 3 years, on top of that I had to go throughout stress and take care of my family, so I also ended up getting periods twice. Doctor prescribed me medicine against it but the medicine itself ended up making me pass out. It's all…tough…
My gyno is a man and he is a really strange one, always trying to shill me a birth control for no reason during each visit and generally feels annoyed, so I am just trying to be careful whenever I visit him… A grumpy old man. But that's also me being an anxious mess.
No. 227180
>>227144You might have an easier time,
but you might still feel pain if you tighten up from psyching yourself out. Only way to get closer to the truth is to put something of similar size in there.
No. 228168
>>228163>You don't have to do a pap smear unless you're sexually active and being penetrated.Please don't mislead
>>228156 , it's highly recommended to do pap smears regardless of sexual activity as it's important for cancer prevention and while cervical cancer can be caused by HPV which is sexually transmitted, this is not the only way it can happen. Not being active I'm sure it will be fine to not do it as often as every year, but still should be done.
OP, I think if you tell your gyno about your problems and being stressed, unless they're a total prick they'll make sure to be gentle with you and explain the process well to make you feel more comfortable. Is there any way in where you live to look up doctor recommendations? To make sure you go to someone highly rated by other women.
No. 228185
>>228168 thanks, i live in the UK and I don't even know if there's any tools out there to look up specific good-rated gynos or only good female ones. I've tried googling and looking for ones near me but there's nothing that really comes up?
obviously I have to go through the NHS but they usually just assign you a gyno at random, and I don't want someone who is dismissive of my vaginismus…or worse, a male. I am sexually active but don't have any problems down there, but I just wanna make sure that when the time comes to get a smear it's actually done by someone who cares and is good at their job.
I even tried booking a gyno appointment through NHS a while ago but the waiting list was 50 weeks long and you're not really considered until 25 or unless you have a specific problem.
No. 228269
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does anyone else's vagina smell really strong right before or during ovulation? mine will smell even stronger when i'm wet.
my bf will still go down on me but he can't help but to tell me that it even smells kind of rancid. he tells me not to worry and he's still up for oral, but i still feel mortified. and i shower too, i swear!! it makes me not want him to go down on me near the end of the month. could i fix the smell somehow? is it maybe my diet? is this normal?
No. 228286
>>228269 mine does this too nonnita. every month it will smell so strong and sour it's kind of gross to me but I can never pin it on one specific smell. also soaks my underwear so its unavoidable.
my bf was near my crotch when it was one of those days and he was like "can you smell pee?" i could have died on the spot.
I'm willing to bet it's a change in pH and hormone spike. you could try reducing sugary stuff, eating more natural yoghurt and maybe even a probiotic.
No. 228287
>>228269>>228286It also happens to me! I even wondered if it was some sort of bacterial thing, but the change in pH because of hormones makes a lot of sense to me.
My fiance also commented on the smell once when I came back from the gym and we both had to squat to grab some stuff on the floor before showering. I felt a really big mix of embarrassment on myself and anger towards him cause I thought it was a bit rude.
No. 228290
>>228287oh yep i think its rude and I always get so embarrassed about it even though I'm pretty sure it's normal. I always wondered if it was a pheromone thing too tbh, given that it happens at the most fertile part of the cycle? Who knows, but it's annoying asf.
Its one of those smells that seem to soak through underwear and gym leggings too its super humiliating. I have to wear a small pad when it happens or else it feels like I'm walking around with cartoon stink lines.
No. 228291
>>228290lmao it is true. I did tell him not to say stuff like that, especially since he knew I just came back from the gym, and he agreed that he was rude. He never said anything anymore, but the embarrassment and self-consciousness is forever.
I did cut sugar from my diet though, hopefully it will subside soon.
No. 229198
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Is a vagina use it or lose it? I didn't get my period for over a year and when it finally came back, I noticed that I couldn't put tampons in anymore. It wasn't my preferred period product usually, but I don't remember it being this difficult in the past. I decided to look in a mirror to see what was going on and after what I saw, I decided to go to the doctor. She said everything looked healthy, but that I seem to have mild vaginismus and that my vagina is more 'closed' than that of other women. She wanted to give me a referral, but my insurance doesn't cover it. I'm not going to fuck men, so that's not an issue or anything, but I didn't exactly expect to be a stone butch. Dating was already difficult enough without now this too.
No. 229199
>>228269I read that pineapple juice can help with the smell, haven't tried it myself though
>>228287Your bf is rude af. I don't think anyone can be expected to smell like flowers after working out
No. 229200
>>229198Yeah dude, the vagina closes like a fuckin wound if it’s not regularly slammed. Nuns and lesbians are fused closed like barbies.
Fucks wrong with you?
No. 229201
>>229198 definitely not,
nonny. it can never completely close up (unless there is something seriously wrong) and like you said you've had an exam and been diagnosed with mild vaginismus. if you find it difficult putting a tampon in, you could try taking your time to just put one finger in and flexing your pelvic floor.
You should look up exercises for vaginismus too. The vaginal walls are a muscle and like any other muscle, if you don't "use" them in a while they can feel a little different or tight, to an extent of course.
No. 229203
>>229202Because it reeks of scrotes and troons fantasy posting.
Women tend not to be the kind of tards who think their genitals will disappear if they aren’t being sexually active for a little while.
No. 229204
>>229203 she didn't say anything about it magically disappearing or being sexually active, though. she was just concerned about it 'closing up' and being unable to use tampons which tbh was one of my first worries when i was diagnosed with the same thing - and yes, i was an uneducated young woman and didn't know where to ask or learn about this stuff, or even vocalise it.
if you think it seems suspicious then fair enough, i guess. but it's also worth considering that some women don't get taught or educated on this stuff. the "closed" thing is what my doctor described to me, too.
No. 229205
>>229204Why are you whiteknighting idiocy
Trust me, idiocy doesn't need your help, it's flourishing just fine
No. 229207
>>229201I know it sounds weird, but I honestly don't dare to do that. Mentally a tampon is more doable than just a finger. But I'll see what other exercises are out there, it should be whatever a pelvic floor physiotherapist would prescribe anyway, right?
>>229200>>229203Use it or lose it refers to muscle, you know, what a vagina has, not me thinking it'll magically fuse. And sorry I didn't think of bringing pads after not having a period for over a year, total tranny moment.
No. 229210
>>229198I'm not diagnosed with vaginismus but I've been using tampons for 15 odd years and last year I found I was suddenly having plenty of moments where I would tense up and struggle with inserting one. I'd been single for a while. I'm not a big craver of penatrative play so tampons were the only time anything went inside me for a good while there. Tbh I got a very small toy and maybe once or twice a month I use it just to keep myself familiar and comfortable with insertion. I think I had grown to associate insertion with pressure, cramping and just an all round unpleasant time. That and pap smears because I had a series of exams a while back. I had lost all positive associations with that part of myself. I anticipated it feeling bad and that feeling snowballed.
I'm still not the biggest craver of internal play, I can take it or leave it but a session here and there helps. Like you I mainly just care about not losing the choice to use tampons. I looked at dilator sets at one time but ended up just buying a really slim toy. Some of those proper sets are pricey and I'm not looking to 'get back to full on sex' like some women are.
No. 229213
>>229212diff anon but I remember being 13 and at school they handed out these free period starter kits. It was only like 5 tampons in a handy lil carry case and obviously it was designed to get you to try out that certain brand and maybe become a customer… my mom confiscated it from me when I got home! From 12 to maybe 17 she refused to let me own or try out a tampon. She used '
toxic shock concerns' as an excuse but I honestly think it was some dated catholic idea she had about them causing promiscuity.
I had moments where I'd be in a public bathroom and I'd see those vending machines and think about using that as my oppurtunity to secretly see what they're like. It's a weird thing to look back on.
No. 229214
>>229210 I couldn't find any decently priced dilators that weren't huge so I actually bought an inflatable dildo. Sounds dumb but I honestly think they work better than dilators as you can very gradually increase the size and it was a lot cheaper than the dilator sets you get.
I'm in UK and bought one from Lovehoney for 25 quid - 30/40 pound cheaper than the proper dilator sets and it works better than the shitty ones the NHS gave me. It might be worth checking out if you don't wanna break the bank.
No. 229947
>>229788Anon pls tell us you got medical attention for this holy crap.
Anyways, this is kind of a dumb question, but does anyone have a period that stops for a day in the middle of it?? Mine started doing this the last few months. I have 2-3 days of mid-heavy, then a day of nothing, then suddenly a random medium-clumpy day, and then it's done. Wtf is this? I've been super stressed out the last few months so maybe it's just hormones levels being retarded? I'm getting really tired of thinking my period's over quickly only to get a surprise mess instead.
No. 230096
>>229947Anon, since it started I get 3 days heavy, always a day of nothing, then medium-low for 3-4 days.
I have very painful period never found a doctor that cared. I got MRI but since I have no lesion docs said it couldn't be endometriosis.
It went a lot better with the pain not so long ago when I went to an acupuncturist.
No. 230155
>>230096I suppose it's nothing in my case, I'm just a bit worried because this hasn't happened to me before and it's been a few times in a row now.
I'm glad to hear you've found something that helps ease the pain and that your MRI came out lesion-free. It's super shitty your doctor didn't take you seriously. I feel like so many doctors dismiss our concerns on these topics. Wishing you all the best
nonnie No. 230193
>>228269It means you arent genetically compatible if he finds your most fertile signalling smell to be off putting. Yes you smell more, to attract an ideal mate and weed out bad ones. But your OVULATION scent is your peak attractiveness, you smell fine and good, just not to him, because your genes aren't a good match and his body is telling him that.
Nothing you can do really except get a new bf, or just not have sex during that time.
No. 230489
>>230478>>230480>>230483thank you nonnas, i'm going to try getting some more breathable and overall better-quality underwear as I do remember it never seems to happen if I wear my bfs thicker cotton boxers, or my proper moisture-wick gym pants - it only happens wearing my cheaper thinner underwear, so I think its time to get some good quality normal stuff.
I definitely get the prickly short hair thing…I'll start cutting down on the trimming too, no pun intended kek. Now I'm just praying that it'll grow fast enough to skip this itchy stage
No. 230561
>>230539I get a bit of spotting in my discharge sometimes around ovulation time, I've also had it when thrush and bv have caused little microtears although that heals up quickly.
What does the spotting look like nonna? Is it dark like period blood or pink or mixed with discharge etc? Is there any pain when it happens, or any weird smells or things out of the ordinary?
I understand how you feel about getting an exam done as I have vaginismus too and haven't been for one yet. You should explain this to a gyno and ask if there's any non-penetrative options to go through first. I understand it being daunting though, I am terrified of when I need to get one eventually.
No. 230803
>>230775i have always had a lot of discharge too, it's normal and nothing to worry about as long as it doesn't smell bad and theres no strange bleeding or pain.
it really isnt anything to be embarrassed about but I know how you feel. If anyone you get intimate with has an issue with your body producing mucus to keep it healthy then they are very immature! also from my experience (with men at least) they like to see it during penetration? It's definitely not a turn off to a lot of people. I think the most you can do is just give yourself a quick shower or wipe down before sex…that's what I do but I still get more during penetration. Again, it's normal and every woman produces different amounts of it
No. 231695
>>230775im pretty sure that like 90% of men like it, so no issue with that.
also, as far as i know, it's okay for it to turn yellow after it dries out. but if it is yellow when it comes out/still wet, that might be a problem.
nothing to worry about. if that's a big concern, i feel like most guys like it during penetration because it looks like cum/precum to them.
No. 245969
Is not getting a period bad? I don’t want kids or anything, but I do worry if a period is something you should have regardless for other health reasons or something.
I started an extremely stressful job recently and while I will still get pms symptoms, there is absolutely no bleeding at all. It’s been 2 months like this.
I do take birth control because I used to have heavy bleeding that lasted weeks, and I was also diagnosed with endometriosis. The birth control I take only has 4 “period days”, which are more like 2 and consists of old blood. When I first started the birth control the bleeding was heavier and more fresh, but over time it’s barely anything and brown. My gynecologist said this was normal when I asked her about it, and she that it was a good thing, so I tried not to worry about it. But with getting no periods at all now, I don’t know if it’s the pills doing this, or if it is actually stress causing it. My periods stopped completely at the start of this new job so…I think it’s stress? But is no period a bad thing? Am I supposed to be shedding whatever lining is left in there? Gyno said it’s fine keeping it in tact but with the endometriosis, I don’t really know.
No. 245978
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So last year in august i had a early miscarriage and bled for a few days. In mid November i got in a accident that led me to go to the hospital and get an ultrasound just in case and there was nothing. I havent gotten my period since and already have a appointment. Havent had any pain or any of the sorts. Is it possible that i have some kind of hormonal imbalance and should i ask for blood tests? Idk i am overly anxious.
No. 246364
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I am the
>>226842 anon. I took prescribed pills, they stopped my blood flow only on 6th day out of 10, I stopped taking them and a day after that I started bleeding. I hope I am being paranoid, but it seemed to have started with my normal period blood colour (darkish), but on a 2nd day I started getting extremely red and bright blood (you would see it on a lot of "pregnancy bleeding" posts and now there is a lot of it that it went throughout my pad. I feel extremely dizzy from the loss of blood and bad in general. I am not sure if I should go to my gyno again or wait it out until it's "supposed to end" like my periods do - they last a week. (Also the blood started during the right "period" time according to my Flo app). I am not sure if I should be paranoid or not, but I feel awful. So much blood and it's all bright red, my urine is okay so it's just me bleeding. I'm sorry for bothering anons. Idk what is wrong with me neither doctor cares about it enough, he shrugged it off, saying he doesn't know what's wrong with me and gave me Duphaston (that's what I was taking). I am extremely scared because I've got a weak health in general and my blood type is AB-, I'm living in a tiny rural place.
No. 246498
>>246322same dilemma but late 20s, also not sexually active
>>246398I think what anon meant was that it was mandatory and was administered by the school nurse
No. 246509
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I hope there's some other nonnas out there that get a similar thing as me because it's genuinely confusing and happens every single month. To also clarify, my average cycle length is 33 days. I'll try to explain this the best I can:
I have normal periods and they're regular, nothing really out of the ordinary there. But, I use Clue to track everything vagina-related and I've noticed that, for the past 2 years or so I've had this weird change in discharge:
So for example Day 1-4 of my cycle I have my period, and then every single month around the days 12-14 I get a huge spike in discharge. It's not clear and watery like most people say ovulation discharge is, it's actually quite thick/creamy, very slippery and a pale yellow colour that looks very pale green/yellow on bleached toilet paper. It doesn't smell foul like fish or something, but it smells really really strong…like discharge smell x10.
Also, because I'm releasing so much of this damn discharge and because of how slippery and wet it is, it unfortunately makes me quite itchy down there as I'm never really comfortable and dry. I have to itch sometimes, then I get red skin around there etc…it's just really uncomfortable. Sometimes there is also a very small singular streak or spot of blood mixed in with the discharge - I don't know if that's something that has actually come from inside my vagina or maybe just a spot of blood from where the itchy skin has been irritated, I can never tell.
Then, like clockwork, it clears up in a few days and I sigh with relief, then it's BACK at around day 22-24 of my cycle, minus the tiny spot of blood. Then it'll clear up again, I'll have my period and here we go again etc etc.
Picrel, I've been looking at hormonal level charts and noticed that on the days I've mentioned, the estrogen levels spikes. Could this be why I'm getting the crazy discharge? I have already tried to book an appointment with a gyno but I'm facing a huge waiting list and cannot afford private care. It's also not classed as an emergency considering I'm not in pain, I guess.
I can generally manage this by just changing underwear more often and making sure I'm dry, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't annoying as fuck. I'm hoping someone out there has a similar thing to me because none of my friends do, and I've had no luck finding out what it may be. I'm also not on any birth control.
No. 246512
>>246509Wow, you pretty much just described my cycle. Except for the blood, but there’s a thing called ovulation spotting which is completely normal. Still a good idea to keep an eye on it in case it changes.
I get the crazy amount if discharge at around the same time, although mine seems to change colour and consistency day to day. it’s just gross and I also get irritated if I can’t keep dry. I use washable cloth pads so I don’t have to change underwear and they’re a godsend. Individually wrapped wipes are also handy. Im also mega horny at the same time which makes sense because of the spike in hormones.
No. 246791
>>246509It's called egg white cervical mucus and it's produced because of your ovulation. It's slippery to help the semen get into your uterus and up to the eggs. During other times of the month your cervical mucus is too thick for sperm to pass. Contrary to popular believe it doesn't have to be completely clear, for some women it is milky. All women get this discharge during ovulation, some more and some less than others but it's a good way to track your fertile days.
Yellow/green and itchy should be cause for concern tho. I think you should get checked out and swabbed to see if you have an infection.
No. 246805
>>246791I should clarify that the discharge itself isnt itchy, but that because I produce so much of it it makes me feel sweaty and gets just too moist down there thus I start to itch and irritate my skin. I can't explain it perfectly but I've had bv and thrush before and it feels nothing like either of them. It feels like if you hang around in sweaty gym underwear for hours after doing lots of cardio, sort of thing.
I did think ovulation discharge was meant to be clear tbh so thanks for clarifying. I've already taken yeast and bv tests before and I don't have, I'm completely dry and clear and theres no itching whatsoever, it gets like this every single month.
No. 247281
>>246805I use really light pantiliners around ovulation. U by Kotex makes extremely thin ones. Always (thinnest one in blue wrapper) is my second choice. I used to like Always dailies too, but I can't find them unscented where I'm living now.
Only use unscented liners. My partner once mocked me for wearing liners but f it, who wants to have wet underwear or change underwear during the day? It's much easier to change a liner.
No. 247364
>>247330Vaginismus. I've got it too and I'm in my 30s. Intense, uncontrollable tightening of the vaginal muscles, usually because of anxiety.
I already came with a fear of doctors and my stress/anxiety causes me to be tense at all times (tension in my shoulders at the dentist, sore jaw from clenching my teeth, etc).
My old practitioner helped me through a desensitization process with her after she did a similar exam and realized the severity of it. First it was just getting to my medical/sexual history, she did the breast exam the next time i visited, learning to relax my abdomen so she could feel the ovaries from the outside, next time i visited she did the digital exam of the ovaries (finger insertion and feeling the pelvis), then we eventually got around to doing the pap smear another visit.
I recently moved and had to start over with a new doctor and she gave the fuck up on me, lmao. Thankfully she did the pap, but I was still too tense for the digital exam of the pelvis. I ended up getting an ultrasound (on abdomen only) to check my ovary health. It did reveal some things that answered my questions about what was going on down there that wouldn't have been answered otherwise.
There's a few desensitization exercises you can look up now that you have a name for it. I wish you luck
nonny, I know how tough that shit can be. (Maybe also get a prescription for muscle relaxers or xanax before the appointment too, ha.)
No. 248066
>>248025This honestly relieves me so much, I thought I had cancer or something.
Do any other nonnies get anxiety about gyno checkups? What’s the best way to get past this? I know it’s absolutely necessary for my own well-being, but I can’t help but to feel scared.
No. 248073
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How do i explain this. Whenever I get my own vaginal fluid on my finger when im jacking off it triggers weird itchy bumps on my finger. It only happens on my middle ringer. The rest are completely fine.
No. 249814
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Anyone here have any jewelry down under? I may have gotten a glimpse of an example, it looks really hot to me. I read you have to have a big enough hood (like be able to slide a q-tip underneath) and can't be intimate for a while, both of which I fall under.
If so, how bad was the pain? What was the healing process like? Does it effect how things work down there?
No. 250710
>>250622I'm now anti-porn but when I was porn addicted my clit felt nothing. I also find that rubbing too much can cause lack of sensation in general so turning down the porn and sessions really helped.
But sometimes you're simply just not turned on enough physically (despite being horny) or you need more food/water and rest. I've had days too where I've been THAT horny and I won't get off no matter what I do
No. 251679
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>>251677uuuh i guess if you'd look at a vagina from the side it would be the whole roof of the vaginal canal, about the first 2cm or so. i legit can feel it with my finger isn't that normal? all the diagrams show them so far apart…
No. 251731
>>251679These kind of drawings are exaggerated, but the female urethra is like 1.5 inches long. What you’re liking pressing against is your actual bladder. I had an ex who always rubbed there and told me it was my G spot but it wasn’t all that pleasurable. No more than taking a really good piss that you’ve been holding onto for a hot minute.
I’m not saying it is or isn’t your G spot but honestly sounds like your bladder. If I do have a G spot, its a ways up there. I can’t reach it myself but a nice
cock or dildo rubs on it for two seconds and I’m done.
No. 251968
>>251798apologies for the late reply
nonnie, i don't get wet in general whether it's by myself or with my bf, nothing seems to come out even if i can feel generally aroused.
i hope it's normal and just varies from woman to woman but i do wonder if stress and body image plays a part in it. i do find myself often "embarrassed" to relax during sex due to previous trauma and just thinking everything needs to look good/be a performance…i'm hoping that like you, it will get better when i get older and just chill out a lot more. but even when i'm by myself it's the same, idk it's strange.
No. 252252
nonnie. i'm gonna give it a try!
No. 252590
>>252434Same here
nonnie I've never had my underwear bleach and I always wear black. I think women have varying pH levels.
No. 252732
>>252728I'm sure it's much better when done with a person you know and like.
But I just assumed that any kind of physical stimulation down there should at least make you feel something, even if it's by a stranger you don't care about.
I've never been in a romantic relationship and I'm 29 so I've got to find a way to enjoy the kind of sex I can have. Namely casual sex with strangers.
No. 252740
>>252732Can you make yourself orgasm from masturbation? There's no need for a man if you can make yourself cum on your own, plus it avoids the issue of feeling like you're being treated as a sex object instead of a fellow human. I can make myself orgasm in less than 10 minutes, never met a man who could do it as efficiently and pleasurably as me. So if I'm sharing myself that intimately and spending my energy on another person, they better be really cute and as interested in my pleasure as I am.
>I've got to find a way to enjoy the kind of sex I can haveExcept you aren't enjoying it. Sorry, but sex just isn't fun for most people (especially women) unless we are with partners who care about us and actually put in effort to please us. Don't waste time on scrotes who just want to bang you for the cost of some cocktails.
No. 252743
>>252740My orgasms are pleasureless. They're just relaxing. Literally just my vagina pulsating and a feeling of relaxation and being "done". If anything they make me hornier.
I think I desensitised myself as a teenager from masturbating multiple times a day.
I've taken long breaks from masturbation, tried different toys, techniques. Nothing has worked.
No. 252802
>>252785Yes at the beginning of 2020 I promised myself I would only have sex with someone who is willing to date me, no more casual sex. I haven't had sex since 2019.
As for masturbation I'm kind of addicted, I need to take a really long break from it. But I've taken long breaks before and the pleasure did not come back.
No. 254364
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>>254317The amount of Troon shit on that site.
No. 255494
>>255487Do you use tampons at all? That's how I started, it's decent practise for finding your vagina and putting something inside with some regularity. And because there's a purpose to it beyond pleasure/future sex, it might be easier to commit to despite the pain.
You seem very determined though, so I'd say trying with your fingers is just as good, probably better in your case. I'll tell you now you're probably not enjoying it because one female finger is definitely too short and too thin to feel good, and if you have especially small hands it's difficult to get a decent angle. Try putting in two and stretching it out a little bit. That will hurt, at least at first. Once you're feeling brave, get a small dildo or something vaguely phallic to ease inside. That part will hurt the most but I swear once you bottom out it will feel much, much better and you might even start to enjoy the "full" feeling. I wasn't able to take it very far on my own because I'm very averse to pain, so you may need a (patient) partner to help you through this. I'm sure there is tons more advice on acclimating to penetration ITT but I thought I'd give you my personal take.
No. 255506
>>198062You bought a machine or went to a saloon?
My godmother told me she shaved everything down there with laser and never had to worry about hairs anymore. Sadly she didn't tell me the thing's brand.
No. 255520
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>>255510Kek same, picrel is anon walking into a saloon looking for the hair removal device
No. 255653
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Are vulvas meant to have small visible veins inside them? Im really ignorant about my body, so I plucked up the courage to inspect my vulva with a mirror, and I swear I saw some behind the skin in mind. It kind looks like an open brain
No. 255693
>>255625U Kno anon
I think it's just a cut on my labia
Never mind
Is drunk
No. 255870
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Is it possible to still feel the effects of ovulation during your period? I don't know how to describe the feeling other than feeling broody all day, it was seriously distracting me at work. Like I needed something to relieve the pressure in my lower back, I even thought about asking I leave but I wasn't in pain just irritated the feeling didn't go away. Anyway pic rel is what I want to do to my eggs
No. 256504
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Is it normal to completely dry when you're aroused, no matter if it's with a partner or on your own? I've tried to look into this and to be honest it's making me feel like something is wrong with me…
I've always naturally had a lot of discharge ever since I can remember inspecting my underwear as a child, but when I'm horny I just don't get that wetness that everyone else seems to. It's literally just like…dry down there, of course it's moist inside but nothing ever comes out.
I already use lube and I'm not afraid to use lots of it, but something about that is just concerning to me…I drink lots of water too and even then it's just…nothing, just dry. I just honestly don't seem to produce any natural wetness and if I do then it sure as hell isn't coming out of me. It was like this even before any of my sexual trauma - and surprisingly the trauma didn't make it any worse, it's just exactly the same.
Could there be something wrong with me? I've heard of women having varied wetness of course but never really anyone being completely absent of it. I guess I'm overthinking it but it honestly feels so unsexy to me like my body is just repulsed by arousal/sex even though my brain isn't, I feel like some sort of dried-up little raisin kek. Do any other nonnas have the same thing? I did try and look on Reddit for some similar issues but I'm very wary to take any sort of advice from people on there.
No. 256680
>>255487late reply, but
nonnie do you feel like the muscles of your vagina are too tight (vaginismus), or is it the skin? Because if it's the latter I can relate. I did not have sex until quite late (25), and prior to that inserting anything bigger than a single finger was painful. I never cared because I didn't wear tampons and didn't believe I would ever meet a man, let alone have sex with one. Lo and behold I did meet a guy, so I decided to stretch myself in anticipation of PIV sex so my first time wouldn't be too painful. I just used my fingers, going slow, but it still burned like hell. It took me ages to even get a second finger in. Got to 2 fingers and a pinky before I finally did have sex. Luckily the guy had a bit of a pencil dick. It still burned but penetration was definitely possible; there was no muscle cramping it was all just tight skin. Which was gone completely after having sex a couple of times.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't worry too much. You might just have a tight vaginal opening like me, which just requires a little extra time and care.
But more importantly, if you have any worries go talk to a gyno.
No. 256690
>>187179can we talk about the fact that men today literally, unironically believe that the way most women's post-pubescent labia
naturally look is the result of years of hardcore promiscuous sex? I know it's just the stupid men, yeah, ok whatever. It still pisses me off. Where did this psy-op come from? To sell labiaplasties? Well, I caved in to the pressure. I have been made to hate my own vulva…it makes me feel like a monster and unwomanly. The internet makes a lot of women feel insecure about a lot of things but nothing besides this really bothers me. Idgaf about my "hip dips" or having "pepperoni nipples" or having a "thunder thighs" with no gap or any of the other ridiculous names the internet has created to mock women's bodies. Has anyone else noticed the obsession people have with coming up with ways to turn normal body features most women have into dehumanizing, embarrassing insults? As a result of seeing all the "roastie" memes, etc (one gif of a woman standing over a fan so her labia would flap about in the wind has haunted me) with man after man after man lining up to mock the woman in question, contribute an outrageously ugly yet actually kind of true drawing to mock it (I'm reminded of one where the labia had been turned on their side to resemble lips, kind of like a duck bill, and there was a microphone against it and the caption was like "women's opinions" or something) has traumatized me. I…I agree with them. Having so-called "beef curtains" longer than like 1 cm is undignified and obscene. If they flap about I now cringe with second-hand shame. Does anyone else feel the same way? I don't care about being a "good feminist" or "not letting the incels win" so keep it moving if you want to give me that lecture. My labiaplasty is scheduled for early June. The only problem is that I will never know if the man I end up having sex with is actually a good one or if he would think less of me if he knew how mine had looked before. I cope by telling myself tiny labia are more hygienic (the edges of long labia seem to be a magnet for bits of tp you don't notice until hours later) and would make me more comfortable (anything but granny panties gets caught in my labia and pulls, and God help me if I don't wear any underwear at all)
I just remember seeing men talking online about how one had lost his virginity and the first time he saw a vagina he was disgusted by the labia but shut his mouth so she would still let him fck her. That terrifies me. Imagine gathering the courage to show someone your body and let him take your virginity and secretly all he is thinking is how disgusting you are, but is cold and calculating enough to deceive you so that he can collect his notch and move on. The man from that forum btw went on to say that he was "relieved" to find out that not all women look like that, including his current wife. And men call US "hypergamous." Rant over.
No. 256705
>>256699Sorry if this is a stupid question but does 'roast beef' more refer to the labia size or color? I never understood why scrotes
wouldn't find it appealing to be putting their junk in something with extra flesh/protection surrounding it that sounds like it would be a better sensation but I guess I don't think with my dick.
>>256690Men literally have brain rot from porn they don't even understand how normal functioning human bodies look or feel. Yes bodies have hair and moles and don't look good from every angle. Being fed media that only portrays the 'apealing' side to things fucks your perception up.
How are they going to be picky about what a woman looks like if he's been staring at screens all day pulling his ween then going to complain when it doesn't look like the shit catered to him? Esp if he doesn't look like porn standard himself. And yet they can complain if women make fun of their dick size crying because they can't change it.
No. 256798
>>256690For the first few years that I was sexually active I wasn't really aware of that labia even varied that much. Then I became aware and it was oh ok didn't know but that's a thing. Then another few years later I started seeing men online saying really (bitter incel sounding) fucked up shit about how that lil bit of flesh is somehow ruining the whole woman for them. Then like you said the 'used up vag' talk that's just pulled out of their asses and not how anatomy works. You have what you have at the end of puberty. That's it.
Now I've an innie myself, in retrospect I'm like… so where was all that pussy eating or pussy worship I should 'in theory' have been getting for winning the vag lottery? Oh that's right scrotes don't care and don't treat you any better or get you off for having this thing they pretend to value so much. You can have the vagina they claim to want above others and they still can't be arsed to eat it so what's the difference? It doesn't add up.
I mean I know what it's like to look at two sets of gentitals and like one more.. I've seen some penises that definitely don't make me want to suck them and I've seen ones that do… but it doesn't even seem to correlate like that when men bitch about vag appearance.
No. 256986
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Jacked off too hard nonas now im dealing with my labia irritated its red and feels dry as fuck do i just leave it alone?
No. 257118
>>257099It's been a while but my first smear test showed 'Squamous Cells' and when they rang me and broke the news to me they acted like it was more serious than it turned out to be. I also had one of the bad strains of hpv so maybe that's why.
Ime I went on to have a smear done every 6 months after that, I retested and after 2 years my immune system had cleared the hpv and nothing ever had to be done in the end. It was stressful vut tbh turned out be to nowhere near as bad as I thought initially. They monitor that stuff closely but it sometimes resolves itself. If it doesn't resolve itself they'll catch it in time as long as you keep appts. If you had cancer already they'd be calling it something else so don't panic.
No. 257154
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>>187179anyone else feel like they have no clitoris? i barely ever masturbated only two or three times in my whole life and i felt extreme disgust emotionally paired with nothingness physically before during and after. it feels like if touching your mouth lip on the inside but more shameful and weird because of the creases, that and i am afraid of accidentally hurting myself or giving myself an infection of sorts because i dont know what i am doing. this means i have never had an orgasm before. i try to find my clitoris when i am in the shower but not only can i not identify it but i also feel nothing when i start feeling around there like a crazy person with my fingers. this has me wondering if i went through some kind of FGM as a baby but idk. i also never feel sexual in general even when i am ovulating, maybe i will think of getting married with a blank person and perhaps raising a baby but nothing sexual. all of this led me to thinking i was a special type of intersex that gets a period with the addition of me not developing most the secondary sex characteristics kek
anyone else like this? is this some kind of birth defect?
No. 257316
>>257154Nonnie I had the exact same thing when I was younger mixed with shame/anxiety/embarrassment around sex because I mentally developed quite "late" and didn't even start trying to explore masturbation until I was 17. I also could not "feel" or see my clit either and tbh I honestly still can't see it kek, so its completely normal for it to be very small and tucked away just as it's normal for some of them to be big. I freaked out about this too but trust me you still have one, you just need to be patient and not set any unrealistic expectations upon yourself. You don't have to kickstart yourself into some sexual revolution, you might just find it useful to read some erotica made by women.
Unfortunately it's very common for women to feel like they are broken/defected if they're not a sex goddess by a certain age, the only thing you can do is progress at your own pace. A big thing that helped me was just sitting somewhere comfortable with a funny show on in the background, with a mirror between my legs and just switching between watching tv and just getting used to the appearance and texture/feel of the vulva. It sounds crazy to some but if you just take your time, chill with a drink (and clean hands) and just watch something on Netflix etc you can eventually make steps towards not seeing your vulva as something defective or disgusting/scary. I should add I have vaginismus due to trauma and how I am basically scared of there being a "hole" in my body and this method of just chilling and getting to know my body in a non-sexual context helped a LOT before advancing to experimenting sexually. Maybe this could be useful for you, if not just know you are not alone.
No. 257344
>>257154it may be worth using some
lubricant because if you feel around down there when you’re not wet enough it can feel dry and painful. lube for me makes a barrier of sorts and makes everything feel
much better and more sensitive - not just my clit but also the labia as well. i second what the other anons have said and take some time to look at your vulva in the mirror and feel around and get comfortable. use lighter touches at first
No. 257677
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I hate that I'm using moid terminology but I have a legitimate question and I'm unsure about the exact words to use. I don't have an 'outie' vulva, but what exactly is the biological name from the thing that protrude outwards from an 'outie' vulva? Is it the clitoral hood? Does it protrude outwards even when the woman's legs are closed? Wouldn't that be painful/uncomfortable?
No. 257690
>>257677Usually it's the labia minora and in some cases, if one has a large clitoris, it can be the clitoral hood plus the clitoris as well. But that's not in the same area as the minora.
Also have an innie, but I've heard underwear and pants can be irritating to wear, especially if they're tight.
No. 257694
>>256690Post pubescent? Mine have been long all my life, I remember when I was a kid I thought "why is this soft part sticking out" and I'd tuck them in kek
>>257154I also feel absolutely nothing when touching the outside, but when I put a finger inside it doesn't exactly feel good but it feels like something at least. What feels good is putting something a bit longer inside me, try that if you haven't, often people say here they don't feel good having something inside them but touching the outside feels good, maybe we are the opposite. If you have no things that are meant to go inside you, I pull a thin rubber glove over something long like a lint roller or hairbrush handle
(please anons don't tell me to buy something proper to use because I will not)
No. 258393
>>258389Which workplace require thongs?
Anyway, Wuka is good.
No. 258660
>>258654same. i thought that i didn't have one, but it's just really small and completely covered by the hood.
it kinda sucks because that means i don't have much sensitivity there. sex, fingers, and/or oral alone doesn't stimulate my clit naturally. i have to use a vibrator to get to my clit through the hood. i have no problem orgasming if i at least have a vibrator there. my ex boyfriend was okay with me using a vibrator on my clit during penetrative sex, so i really hope that my next partners do not mind that either. i know some guys don't like vibrators for some reason, but it's the only way i can get to the sensitivity there.
pulling the hood back doesn't make much of a difference and it is so long, it feels weird doing it and i don't want to have to keep a hand there keeping it back.
No. 258665
>>258654Is there a normalize big clits thing? I started out with a very hidden one and I now have a large one after spending a year or so on the tranny train. It's been an improvement pleasure wise. I'd be lying if I didn't admit it kind of made that year worth it. I found stim difficult before that. Was pretty reliant on strong vibes and while people argue about this.. I did find overuse of vibes desensitized me. I could always take a break and it'd sort itself out in time but it wasn't a great situation to be using wands and taking breaks and using wands again and just.. orgasming felt like a real task at times. My problem was visual, it was function.
Ime now I'm too sensitive for vibes. Everything has to be manual. Men are pretty unphased by it overall. I don't know if they can tell my anatomy is in a way unnatural. If you don't acknowledge it first they never seem to mention it themselves. I would be nervous with a woman I think. I haven't been with a woman since before all that. I think all men care about with clits is that you react to it being touched. I've livef with both extremes and nobody has ever made an umprompted comment about size.
No. 258761
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Have any of you nonnas used parsley tea to induce a period? Does it actually work? I'm about a week late which is unusual for me. I don't think I'm pregnant (I've tested myself like 5 times over the past week) but I'm still kinda anxious.
No. 258838
>>258706I can never orgasm from PIV either, I actually find I have a harder time orgasming with something in me at all? It's like penetration actually numbs my clit somewhat.
Like PIV does feel good in and of itself, just not always and never good enough that I could actually orgasm from it. I do masturbate a lot so I wonder if that's why, like maybe you have to be sexually frustrated to the point that any kind of stimulation finally drives you over the edge.
No. 258948
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How do I stop discharging so much? I discharge a little bit every day. The quantity isn’t the issue, but the frequency does annoy me. I dislike every single panty I wear end up noticeably stained with white discharge by the end of the day. It looks gross and I’m afraid of the idea of eventually having sex one day, and my partner seeing it and being disgusted
No. 258960
>>258948another discharge-chan here, i get it all day every day since as young as i can remember. it is perfectly normal as long as you don't have something like bv or thrush, some women just produce more naturally. i don't think there is any way to "stop" it as it's just your vagina's natural cleaning process and production, however i can recommend soft cotton panty liners or those reusable pads you can get in bamboo material. they're very comfortable and if you get thin/small ones you probably won't notice they're there.
nonnie above: please don't think it's disgusting, if your partner thinks it's gross or weird then it's clear they have no business having sex with women - if anything it should be a good thing for him as it indicates your vagina is working as intended and keeping itself clean naturally. it's completely normal to even have quite a lot of it and if men find it gross then they're immature
No. 260174
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Does anyone else feel pain when trying to wash their vulva? My clitoral hood and clit are kind of fused together, so there’s a lot of ‘folds’ around my clit and only a bidet that is at medium pressure is good at cleaning the smegma out. Low pressures do nothing. The pressure of the bidet, or just touching my clit when cleaning, is always painful because of my clit sensitivity. Please tell me I’m not the only one who suffers like this
No. 260185
>>258948You have a healthy vadge doing it's thing. I am jealous.
No. 262606
>>262572I definitely feel more turned on the few days before my period and around ovulation, but most of the month it's like I'm asexual
>>262579I've been on anti depressants for several years
No. 264034
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I have the same issue as
>>257154, I struggle to locate my clit, so trying to get my bf to find it is even harder. I was wondering if any anons have any suggestions for affordable but strong clitoris-specific vibrators? I've never had an orgasm but I also think I'm not very sensitive either because I once bought a cheap mini bullet and it did nothing.
No. 264465
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>>264034get it on discount, but its worth the money. i spent $50 on one 10 years ago and its currently my only vibrator.
No. 264689
>>264685Does he do a lot of foreplay before? Maybe you can also practice on your own while masturbating like using smaller dildos. Usually it is more of a mental block though.
In my experience if you’re just trying to shove it in the whole time that only makes it worse the longer you spend trying.
No. 264829
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Think I’ve made a mistake nonnies. Got my Mirena IUD replaced about 24 hours ago and in that time I’ve become very paranoid and anxious, as well as depressed and angry. I have a lot of mental health issues and it scares me that my new IUD might make some of them flare up again. I’ve had it for 6 years already and now I’ve got a lot of shit going on unrelated to hormones but I’m wondering if it’s been a baseline stressor this whole time. Ideally I’d want to take it out and go IUD free for about 6 months to test this theory but with reproductive rights being so heavily threatened and a new relationship I’m in I’m afraid that might backfire extremely and I wouldn’t be able to get another one if I decided to go back on it. I wanted to get a copper IUD in the first place but since my periods are already so heavy and painful I decided against it. My periods could be debilitating some months and I get nine with Mirena, but my mental health can be just as debilitating.
Should I ride Mirena out, go with Copper, or just resign myself to condoms?
No. 264869
>>264697Don't trust any app on your phone or any computer program that connects to the internet. They're
all selling your data. If you're concerned about privacy, just use a paper calendar.
As for your actual question, I like to track mine because it gives me an idea of when I can expect it to start. A few days leading up I avoid wearing anything I'd be remiss to stain kek. As for improving your mood, I think it's just helpful to be aware. You might feel intensely emotional and then remember "oh my period is coming up, that's why I feel insane." I don't know anything about making the cycles shorter though, that sounds kinda fake ngl.
No. 265101
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Why the FUCK is there a zit on my pussy? It's kind of like on the outer labia but inward? something like that. I've never had sex in my entire life, I drink water all the time I've even been drinking more cranberry juice what the fucks going on
No. 265104
>>265101It could be a bartholin cyst ?
You can get blocked ducts/pores/hair follicles without having sex
Perhaps switch to cotton underwear if you don’t already
No. 265132
>>265104Mine says 75% cotton, idk if that's enough.
>>265119No, I trim at most but haven't done it recently.
No. 265136
>>265101Didn't wash up after masturbating?
I've gotten pimples down there before from not washing off the lube well enough.
No. 266482
>>266436Did you see the guide that came in the tampon pack? That has some handy diagrams. When using a tampon is can be helpful to insert it at an angle - like aim towards the small of your back as opposed to trying to push it directly up. I have to do a really low squat to get a comfortable angle. I only use tampons from the second day of my period when it’s heavier though because like
>>266438 said, otherwise it can feel a bit dry/uncomfortable. I bought period pants recently to use instead of pads for the days my periods are super light at the beginning and end and use tampons on the heavier flow days in the middle.
No. 266771
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I have a low libido now but the very few times I get horny, regardless of what I do, I feel pain where I think my ovaries are if I'm not mistaken for the next few days and I have a hard time peeing. What does that mean? Does anyone have this sometimes? I just hope I don't have some major health issues. I don't drink alcohol and smoke, I don't take drugs, but I admit I often eat junk food out of convenience and drink soda. I sometimes also hold it in instead of going to pee as often as I should but it's been a while since I stopped doing it unless I'm sleeping at night.
To give more context, regarding my low libido, I'm a nearly 28 years old virgin due to religious bullshit reasons that are out of my control, and I used to be horny before, but not anymore. I barely masturbate too, I'm just too tired and it doesn't feel satisfying. I would like to know if that's normal or not. I guess there could be a lot of different possible reasons but I'm not sure about any of this and I'm too paranoid to see a gynecologist just for that but basically
>used to take human growth hormone injection on a daily basis for like 6 or 7 years as a kid/teenager because of a lack of growth hormone, which could have delayed or prevented my puberty if untreated. I don't take that treatment anymore because I don't need it anymore since I'm 14 years old and a few years ago I still had other symptoms cause by my disorder long ago (memory loss, constantly tired, etc.) but endocrinologists said everything was fine according to blood tests. Maybe it could be related to that, indirectly, but I doubt it
>got covid in late April 2020 and thought I was going to die from it for three months, I've seen that some guys got ED from it, no idea if the equivalent for women could be possible because I felt that change soon before recovering. Could also be just because I was super tired when sick, so too tired to be horny. At the beginning when I became underweight in just a week and could barely breathe and move I didn't feel any change at all in my sex drive though
>had to move back to my crazy religious parents' place after that just in case I would have needed urgent medical assistance, got my old room back but with no lock, and seeing them again and having absolutely no privacy whatsoever could have ruined it for me mentally. That and I was also depressed I lost a one in a lifetime job opportunity abroad because I nearly died of covid
No. 266823
This isn't directly related to the vagina, but I think this would be a good place to ask. Please don't give an "obvious" answer, since I have already lived according to it, as I will illustrate. Anyway, does anybody here feel kind of strange about how many essentially unknown women have seen their entire vaginas (and buttholes) due to waxing? I tried shaving and even purchased an IPL device, but I hate shaving so, so much, that I just can't do it anymore. On the other hand, I went completely hairy for about 6 months too. It was fine and I dealt with it, but it just became too uncomfortable. It itched, most of all. So I want to get rid of the hair on my body, and don't want to shave. I love waxing for every part of it except the fact that a bunch of random women have seen my vagina. It makes me feel dirty and ashamed. Just wondering if anybody else has this sense of ickiness that exceeds the basic embarrassment of getting a Brazilian for the first time.
No. 266909
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I'm trying to be more okay with what my vulva looks like, the best way I can describe is a pale weird looking rose. When I spread myself out and looked at it with a hand mirror, my lips don't really separate it just looks like a ball of folds. Not really what I expect a vagina to look like. I haven't had anyone really closely examine me I'm afraid they're going to think it looks off somehow
No. 266968
>>266909That sounds normal
nonnie and quite beautiful! What were you expecting that made you feel surprised/not ok when you took a look? Tbh a vulva with lots of folds sounds very sexy.
No. 267020
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I took a plan B pill, my periods arrived a week earlier but its 9th day, and I keep bleeding, but now I also want to throw up. Unfortunately enough I also started having frequent urination, could that be related? Never taking this shit pill ever again.
No. 267038
>>267020I felt like shit for half a year, and like
>>267021 said miserable for two weeks.
Unironically think having an abortion is probably less traumatic than plan b
No. 267169
My period has been wack since taking the COVID booster in Feb. My period has been regular since I got it at 13 (I'm 20) and it was fine after the first Pfizer vaccines last year. But after the booster, my cycle length went from 28-35 days to 22, 24, then 26 days. Then in April, after 15 days another period started again which lasted almost two weeks (my periods usually last 4-5 days). After it ended, I had less than a week of brown discharge before another full 7-day period occurred. After 6 days of regular discharge, 5 days of brown discharge began which brings me to today, when I have started another period (I assume, since I had to put a pad on and it's red like blood color). I'm at a loss. I've seen other women have period issues after the vaccine but I thought in 1-2 months it'd be getting better, not worse. Should I be seriously concerned at this point or should I give it a few more months to mellow out? I'm just sick of having to deal with what is basically my third period in a row. Or is there any chance this is something else, not due to the booster? (not pregnancy, right?) Though that would be pretty awful coincidental timing considering my period came early, 2 weeks after I got the booster. Advice/similar stories are appreciated.
No. 267677
>>267169I'm in my early thirties so I'm 20 years into menstruating. I had two full bleeds less than 2 weeks apart after getting my booster and that's an absolute first for me in all my years of periods. My period tracker was telling me I hadn't even ovulated yet and I was in full flow again. Apart from that I think some menstrual symtoms were a little stronger too but it's settling down again. I got mine around new years.
If you're sexually active take a cheap pregnancy test just to rule that out, some women bleed in the early stages and that's their first sign. Probably not that but it's worth ruling it out for peace of mind
No. 268283
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how do I get rid of genital warts I've tried putting apple cider vinegar on them and it hurts so bad
No. 268345
>>268283And nona, the acid used to treat them will hurt even more. I was there, shitting with an acid burned asshole legit made me cry. I had one of those bigger cauliflower warts and it was so nasty, when the treatment went on it shrank and FELL OFF leaving a hole where it was.
Use a condom my dear nonitas
No. 268387
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>>268345>>268352the worst part is I literally got them from the first (and only) guy I ever had sex with. and it's been years and they've only gotten worse
No. 268431
>>268387NTA but holy shit
Nonny I'm so sorry that's absolutely awful. I would try and go to a doctor, if you're worried about insurance could you go to a planned parenthood or something? Surely there must be a way to do it without your parents knowledge.
No. 268481
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I hate you for posting that
No. 268815
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I hate having long vagina/ass hair so much, I shaved yesterday and now the hairs are so itchy and prickly rreee, I can't even sleep. I have not charged my epilator either. I KNOW it's unhealthy to shave and literally rip out hairs down there and Dworkin is rolling in her grave over 9000 rpm, but I hate them so much aaaahhhhhhhhhhh. I don't even shave my legs, pits or the genital ~mound~, but for some reason those hairs are well, a pain in my ass, literally. Do I have ass hair autism
No. 268894
>>268886Why would they use chlorine to bleach them in this day and age? The whole organic pads crap is a marketing gimmick.
Additionally cramps are caused by your uterus contracting to expel the lining, that’s controlled hormonally so chlorine or it’s by products would not somehow travel up your vag, through your cervix and into your uterus and make it contract.
If you are still concerned maybe try reusable period pants or a period cup where you will always know the ingredients
No. 268929
>>268831It is, but my skin is used to it now and it does not feel so bad. Deodorant on your genitals sounds sus but again my way is not very heathy either lol
>>268850Yeah maybe next time I just need to trim them to halfway or so and see if it feels as prickly as trimming them to the root
>>268848Well as long as you are not having problems with pH balance etc due to it then fuck it
Also it's very retarded I feel bad for shaving my ass lol, the rights of women were hanging by my ass hairs I swear
No. 270191
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I know this topic has been done to death but I can’t really ‘find’ my clit. I looked through how my labial minora intersects with my clitoral hood and I pulled with back, but there’s no ‘nub’ to suggest a clit. But now I’m thinking’is my clitoral hood actually my clit?’ .Is it possible that my clit isn’t round ball at all, but instead a folded area of flesh that I’ve been mistaking for a clitoral hood? I looked up smegma in clit, and it looks nothing like my smegma
No. 270542
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>>270495This is very true in my case. After getting one cold sore, it healing, getting another right after, it healing, and then a third in a row; I had a cold sore at all times for like 5 weeks or something, I talked to my doctor and was prescribed Acyclovir (aka Zovirax) pills and it is my savior. Apparently there's an Acyclovir ointment too. I can nip them in the bud, almost literally, before they fully form. I have it down to a science, kek. It really sucks.
Anyways, that's my herp story. I didn't know for years that it could be treated with actual meds.
No. 270544
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>>270399Samefag but try taking L-Lysine. It's really good for treatment & prevention.
No. 273177
In a semi-crisis, need help.
Two days ago, I began having lower abdominal pain. It wasn't bad being still but hurt to walk or move. I took Tylenol and napped. At night, I had a 101 fever. Took 2 Tylenol and slept. Woke up with no fever but still the pain. The pain got better around 5 pm that day. Today the pain is better but not totally gone. No fever since. Though, today my knees have felt sensitive.
Now: I have been having early/irregular periods since March due to the booster. (this is me
>>267169) Until now. Monday was the 28th day of my cycle. With the irregular super early period data, my app calculated my cycle to be 26 days. With the extraneous data removed, it calculated 31.5 days. Today is day 33 and I have no period. I had sex only one day, one time during the past month. We used a condom the whole time (it was rolled down the right way, I pinched the tip) and he withdrew himself before ejaculating. It was also checked afterward for holes. Is there any scenario where I am pregnant despite correct condom usage & withdrawal? Microscopic tear and precum? Like how would the sperm get to me?
I took a pregnancy test yesterday evening and this morning (with first-morning pee). It was the first response brand test, which is apparently one of the most accurate? Both were negative. One of them was a test you can take up to 5-6 days before your expected period, while the other was one you take the day of your expected period. Since I took them on Day 32 and Day 33, whether or not my true "expected day" was 26 or 31.5, it was after that time.
So now. How worried should I still be? Honestly, I have been an anxious wreck. Even with the negative tests I can't help but worry. I haven't had a doctor since my pediatrician so there isn't anywhere I can go with a doc who knows me. I spoke to a physician virtually (through some app) and she said that the abdominal pain & fever showed a worst-case scenario of an infected pregnancy. She wanted me to do an ultrasound but I don't have supportive parents who can know that I've been sexually active. Hence why I got the tests. But she freaked me out. I don't know how much credibility I can give her statements.
Which leads me to wonder, if it's not pregnancy what could it be? I do have an unresolved UTI called "Group B streptococcal infection". I took two types of medicine last year, and neither worked to lower my counts of it. Due to insurance issues, I never followed up. Is it possible that is re-surfacing now and it's just a coincidence that my period is late? Or maybe, because my periods were practically back to back/early, now it's overcorrecting and being late? Or it's just being the regular type of period variation? Are these
valid possibilities that could rule out pregnancy?
Thank you for reading this long post. I don't have a lot of support and my mental health has been so bad. And no need to lecture me, I know I am clearly not ready to have sex and I am not having sex anymore after all this.
No. 273440
>>273177It's extremely unlikely you're pregnant. Your cycle is adjusting or it's late because you are sick. Just hang in there. You can try making parsley tea (boil a bunch of fresh parsley in water, drink the liquid) to induce your period. I love parsley so this wasn't gross to me at all; some women have to add honey. If you do this, drink several cups of the tea over the course of a day. If your parents ask, say a friend recommended it for getting over a fever.
An ovarian cyst could cause the pain and late period, but that usually doesn't cause fever.
No. 273445
>>273177>>273438>>273440Here's a link with the method:'s an old recipe, dating back pretty far. Doesn't work for every woman, but worth a shot. Again, this woman hated it but I love parsley, so didn't find it gross.
No. 273718
>>273717Samefag, but fellow anons with vaginismus, did you find that gynos were absolutely useless and/or even hurtful with you because of your condition?
I had gynos shout at me to relax 'so we can get this over with' or had them tell me to 'sort it out because it doesn't get better with age' without gving me any particular advice on how to do it or thinking for a moment and telling me 'to see a psychologist or something' before sending me away (even though I told them I have already been to psychologists and felt like talking about it made no difference, since I don't have sexual trauma). And they always were fed up with me as if I was doing it on purpose or something
No. 273806
>>273802I dont see how this is neglect and betrayal tbh. You're not automatically going to inherit endo. If you have it to any moderate degree you usually get plenty of pain and symptoms that warm you something is wrong.
In the absence of any symptoms I don't see why your mom would bring up her experience from decades ago?
No. 273826
>>273817Thank you for saying this. I’ve been spiraling for a full day and its nice to hear some semi good news. I’ve had the thought too that “infertile” women often end up pregnant, I mean look at Trisha Paytas.
It’s not totally confirmed until my appt that I do have it, but based on my period symptoms I would bet on it. Its reassuring to hear that its not totally inheritable. I really appreciate you guys
No. 273940
>>273836They don't diagnose you as "infertile" until you have tried for a baby at least 12 months without success, so I kind of doubt they would hand out that diagnosis at 19.
I was told by my gynecologist that because of my PCOS I would probably have to try a really long time to have a baby and that I shouldn't wait too long because it might not happen naturally at all… got pregnant the second month off the pill.
No. 274367
>>273542Thanks. It's got to be hormones, or maybe stress since this started when I got a new job (although before it came to a complete stop, it was on a slow decline, and hasn't been back in 6 months). I don't think it's a weight issue, since I've been underweight before (I'm not now) and had really heavy periods. Hopefully I find out the cause when I see the gyno in a few days.
>>274287Not sure what you mean, but I have had some parts that have looked "pale", and my gyno has never said anything about it. And if you mean like white discharge that clings in some crevices, apparently that is normal and has been discussed in this thread (or another one, can't remember).
No. 274369
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Advise on dealing with pain after urination? It's been going on since September last year, finally got a new doc who did some tests but hasn't given me the results yet. I don't know if I have interstitial cystitis but I hope not.
Taking D-Mannose and drinking lots of water has helped with the pain a lot but it doesn't go away completely. Some days it's pretty bad still.
Could this be diabetes related? I think the pain gets worse if I eat a lot of sugar. I haven't been diagnosed with diabetes but I do live a sedentary lifestyle and eat sweets like once a day.
I'm really miserable, every day in pain, can't have sex, can't sit for too long without having pain, can't wear anything tight…
No. 275286
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>2 years ago shaving my labia I realized I had a little cluster of 3 moles on my outer labia on one side
>confused because I had never noticed them there
>but ok maybe they’ve been there this whole time and I just wasn’t shaving at an angle where I could see them
>two years pass, didn’t really shave consistently, depression depression blah blah blah
>haven’t seen my labia bald in a while
>Yesterday I shave in front of a mirror and as I was shaving I nicked myself
>usually really careful shaving there of course
>was fine but once the hair was out of the way I realized I had nicked one of the moles
>they uhhhh look bigger
>theres more of a clustered shape to them, There’s definitely more than 3 now
>borders are kind of blurred and the raised ones look like little blood blisters
>I’m shocked and immediately made a gyno appointment
More backstory, about 3 years ago I had deep aphthous ulcers appear on my labia and vagina that appeared out of fucking nowhere. I was tested for every std and tested for herpes three times (all negative) so they ended up diagnosing them as lipschutz ulcers, which are basically ulcers that appear without sexual transmission and they don’t appear to have a cause but the theory is autoimmune disorder related. Anyway since the doctors were basically like we have never seen this before and don’t know what it is. So that whole ulcer deal and now the melanoma ass looking moles are kind of wigging me out and I told my bf about it but he had literally nothing to say except tell me to go to the doctor. I have a week until then and I guess I’m just looking for somewhere to vent. I can’t tell if I’m being hysterical.
No. 275346
I am 33
I went to my obg today since the 1st time since Jan '21. I was covid vaxxed in March & April in '21. I went 8 months without a period after that, my 1st one being in December '21 and the next in April '22. So over 15 months have only menstruation twice. Vax coincidence or not, who knows. She did tell me that a lot of women my age are experiencing hormonal problems after being vaccinated, and proceeded to ask me if I want children. I said yes and no, I have been with my partner for 8 years and we both agree if it happens, the child will be loved but if not then it is what it is. She said oh, so you're not trying to get pregnant, nothing to worry about! Prescribed me Provera to see if a period could be induced, and left with little more follow up. The whole visit plus pap smear and breast exam was maybe 8 minutes after disrobing.
Needless to say, I am angry that i felt brushed off, even with a female as my doctor. I don't want to Google shit and go down a rabbit hole about who vaccines are sterilizing women. I work at a pharmacy, I get it. But I want to know if any other women have gone through similar issues my age? Maybe it is just a freak hormonal imbalance. Maybe i am sterile, and something is just wrong with me. Sure it's nice not paying for sanitary needs monthly but I feel like I should have had some more options. God I really hate women's health
No. 275538
>>275346don't let anyone pick on you or gaslight you about this. i know several women experiencing weird sudden reproductive organ issues post vax. some people are experiencing way worse. not only did they do the right thing and get hurt, they get blown off by medical professionals at best and mocked and shamed at worst. it's really hard for people experiencing vax complications because they get a lot of hate and accused of being ~antivax and crazy~ even tho theyre just average people and GOT THE VAX.
sadly tho the medical consensus thus far for anyone experiencing complications is "sorry, we cant really help you because we dont know what is wrong." almost as if we should have had way more testing or at least given much more detailed informed consent before freely distributing this shot to the trusting and desperate populace….
No. 276557
>>276534Do what I did and have the cup accidentally pop open while half-inserted and tear your hymen for you kek
Felt like a wounded gazelle for a few days there.
No. 276986
>>276929I've experienced the same thing. I panicked and booked a gyno appointment and the brown spotting/gooping/lining shedding kept up for a week at a time, off and on, sometimes with cramps! Pretty much was convinced I got pregnant but the test was negative, then I thought I must have cervical cancer lol.
I went to the gyno, had all kinds of tests for bacteria, infections, and STDs done along with a pap and pelvic exam… and nothing was wrong. Nothing. They just kinda shrugged and said it happens sometimes. Lmfao. Keep a panty liner on. Go to the obgyn just in case though, cuz it's good to go anyway.
No. 276991
>>275538>>275346Yep, tons of studies have been starting to be done on the covid vaccines screwing with periods. In the beginning of the vaccine rollout for younger women, a lot were complaining that their periods were totally disrupted, some were nonstop spotting for months, some lost their periods altogether, many had the worst cramps of their life. "Medical professionals" scoffed at these women and told them it was pure coincidence. Lo and behold, it wasn't.
I avoided the vaccines SPECIFICALLY because the period issues so many of my friends experienced (PMDD haver here)! And whenever I said this to people, I was met with very skeptical, disapproving looks, and ofc men tried to tell me it was irrational and impossible. Fuck those people.
None of the vaccine trials differentiated between the sexes in their data (to my knowledge) and NO questions about hormones, periods, or pregnancy were asked. Insane. You're not sterile, I hope you get back into the swing of regularity again soon nonna. It sucks so hard that no one takes women's health into account. No. 277284
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I saw those honeypot pads at the store today… are those even good? I thought you weren't supposed to have any scents near your gooch
No. 277287
>>277284Girl did u mean cooch? And you aren’t supposed to.
The only brand I have found that is completely organic and safe is NatraCare. Their website gives you transparent information; the tampons are single ingredient of organic cotton, and they have biodegradable organic and natural cleansing wipes that make you always feel clean even if it’s that time of month. I love their brand and was introduced to it by some female health influencers. You can buy it wholesale on different websites too and it’s not super expensive.
Please never ever buy into this greenwashed packaging it’s fucked up and that name is so creepy and sexualized I hate it all. I wish u well on your natural pussy care tho.
No. 277294
>>277284gonna go ahead and echo everything the other anons already said. theyre a shit company that preys on womens insecurities about their vaginas rooted in scrotethink. do not use scented products on your crotch
ive noticed they tend to target black women the most for some reason? especially with scented ""yoni oils"" (what the fuck!) that women are told to put inside themselves for a "wetter kitty." ive looked at reviews out of curiosity before and every other review mentions WAP. i really hope all the people involved in these evil companies keel over
No. 277304
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>>277284Yikes. I never heard of this company before and uh, they sell this shit on their website. Told me what I needed to know.
No. 277394
>>277304I like these, they would possibly make trannies mad
>>277305Ok this one is a bit creepy
No. 277676
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Friend got this ad. God that cringe advertising. But has anyone used this or something similar? I rarely shave but when I do I use traditional razors which is a pain
No. 277711
I'm spotting way more than usual right now, after masturbating for the first time in forever. I only used one finger, but I guess I was too dry to do anything. Anyway, I'm seriously worried, between that, not having a lot of sensations down there compared to before, and only being horny very rarely I wonder if something's wrong with me. I wasn't like that at all before, I never watch porn, I never did anything with anyone, gynecologists told me I'm fine but since I'm a virgin I never had thorough exams. I've been like this soon after recovering from covid at the very beginning of the pandemic and that's the only major health issue I had that I can think of these past few years because it lasted like three months, and I know it can cause ED in men, but I haven't seen any similar symptoms for women. I'm going to die before having sex, let alone having sex that feels good.
No. 278468
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The day before yesterday I started experiencing a bit of dull pain and pressure on the left side of my pelvis. Yesterday I had pretty severe dull and sharp (not keeling over and vomiting but distractingly bad) pain that spread to my thighs and a bit of my back + pressure in my pelvis. Today it feels much better but I have some uterine cramps and pressure and I think my discharge smells weird but that could be hypochondria speaking. The gyno can't see me for two weeks- am I going to become infertile and/or die??
No. 278469
>>278468You gonna die at which point you will be infertile. Sorry nona. Live life to the fullest.
But for the next couple weeks you'll be probably be fine if your pain is manageable with pain meds. If it's unbearable and painkillers do not help at all you should go to the emergency room.
No. 278473
>>278469Thanks for calming me down a bit
nonnie. Any idea as to what it might be? I thought ovarian cyst until I learned that they don't cause cramps, though maybe it ruptured and the contents are pressing on my uterus? Gross but not a major cause for concern I guess
No. 278478
>>278473Where are you at in your cycle? Are you sexually active? Are you on any medications or birth control? Aside from something like a cyst, it could be a STI, or hormonal imbalance. It could be you hit a stroke of bad luck with premenstrual symptoms if you're nearing your period, and sometimes ovulation can randomly cause pain too. And other times still, pain and pressure in one area of your body is caused by another part of your body putting pressure on it. Basically there are a lot of variables and your gyno should be able to help figure it out when you can see her. But none of these are likely to be dire emergencies that would effect your life and fertility as long as the pain is tolerable with or without medication. You may have read or heard that STIs can cause infertility if left untreated, and it's true but that's in the case of leaving it untreated for a very long time, like several years. You're only symptomatic of whatever is causing your pain over the last few days. You are gonna be ok, and if it's ever not manageable, again, emergency room! Otherwise, just take it easy as much as possible, try to get a little light exercise in if you feel up to it, and stay hydrated and fed, as you should any time you feel under the weather, because not caring for yourself could make your symptoms feel worse.
No. 278787
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I’ve been using dr bronners as body wash and i think my dilution was a bit off when I refilled my bottle, because I have a yeast infection today.
No. 278981
>>278911No, the pain was pretty bad. I've felt eargasms before so I know what you're talking about and this wasn't it.
>>278891I hope so, but this has happened many times throughout my life so it's hard to write off. It also happened when I got hit in the head with an outdoor umbrella, hit my ankle with a scooter, wisdom tooth surgery, etc. It would make more sense if I got hit in the crotch or something but nope, pain in completley nonsexual contexts makes my clit tingle.
No. 279129
>>279117No. You shouldn't be able to feel it during any activity. If you can feel it, you've not inserted it correctly, most likely not deep enough.
Inserting it is pretty easy, just sit and relax and push it in until it sits comfortable. Make sure to peel the string loose beforehand. Here's more detailed instructions if you feel you need that:'s easy really, good luck!
No. 279288
>>279147When you got 'clipped', did they just snip the tight skin, or actually remove some tissue as well?
I had an episiotemy during birth, which tore even further when my asshole OB/GYN yanked my baby out. I wasn't given the 'husband stitch' per se, just got stitched up pretty poorly, resulting in a much too narrow entrance to my vagina. When I finally got it fixed years later the gyno took out a crescent-shaped piece of tissue, and gave my like 6 stitches. I was a little shocked because I only expected him to give me a little snip. But once it healed the skin did become flexible again, and I can have sex without pain now.
I guess what I'm saying is maybe discuss with your dotor whether removing a little more tissue could prevent you from healing too tightly again? Dont settle for a painful sexlife! Waiting so long to get things fixed is one of my biggest regrets
No. 279781
>>279207I don't quite understand what you are saying? If you ovulated 10-12 days ago then you'll normally get your period 15 days after your ovulation day. Therefore your period isn't late? I'd usually be more 'alarmed' if your menstrual cycle exceeds 35 days, but amenorrhea can be caused by multiple factors.
Unless you have a menstrual cycle that is shorter than average. Or are you saying that your overall cycle is 10 days behind what it usually is?
No. 279876
>>279781My period is normally 32 days, this month it's late by like 2 weeks. It's probably stress. I still haven't got it and I want to smash things. Love that it's normally regular but the one time I really need it to be on time, it's not.
Female fucking curse
No. 280624
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>>280612The nurse who inserted it told me to avoid tampons.
Found this, according to Divacup you should wait 3 months before using cups.
No. 282260 like Stanzi but the comments section is full of third worlders, beckys, and unironic diaper lovers. Pads are uncomfortable, messy and stinky imo.
I love how a lot of them believe in a tampon bullying boogeyman even though a fuckton of the pickme arguments for pad-only use are about how some uwu skydaddy thinks you lose your virginity for putting one in, which makes you a whore and not a respectable human being.
I didn't try tampons because I was "bullied" into it, I wear tampons because they were an honest QoL improvement for me. I'm also still weirded out by the sentiment that tampons have anything to do with virginity loss; men would have to have an actual marker-thin micropenis to be scared.
No. 282629
>>282260Tampons are just uncomfortable to some and if you have terrible cramps it makes it worse since you can bleed through it in just an hour and the feeling of something in there is aggravating. No lie I used to go through one class in school, go pull my tampon out I had just put in and the blood would run out of the woven string onto my fingers and then I had to deal with putting a new one in. With pads it’s easier to change, keep track of volume while being hands-off, it shouldn’t be stinky or uncomfortable either.
>>282281When I used tampons I had to kinda tilt them a certain way like sharply to the right and then it would actually go deeper and I wouldn’t be able to feel it.. Try your foot lower too because that could be causing you to not relax and then you’re bound to get even more sore which is game over.
No. 283148
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How long does it usually take for pain and fluid from a ruptured ovarian cyst to clear up? Would pain and pressure that last for weeks necessarily be from a cyst that hasn't ruptured?
On a related note, is it a bad idea to fly with a painful ovarian cyst?
t. lucky anon who's supposed to move abroad in days
No. 283161
>>283150Yeah, what I'm worried about is the pressure changes increasing the risk that it'll burst while I'm over the ocean, but otoh pushing out my move date to wait and watch of get a surgery would be an astronomical pain. Guess I'll have to ask the doctor for advice.
Thanks for sharing your experience
nonnie; I'm glad you weren't in pain for too long!
No. 284857
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I'm so happy it's here early, praise be to the blood goddess. I just hope it's over by the time we leave
No. 286232
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Can any of you guys recommend a period product that explicitly uses the word “Women” on the packaging? I’ve noticed a lot of period product companies have been switching over to saying things like “bleeding babes” and trying to make not calling women “women” into a quirky marketing gimmick. I’m willing to switch my preferred method of dealing with my period, I just don’t want to give my money to companies who are trying to erase a word that grants me legal protection from men.
No. 286237
>>286232I like favor. They used to be pill club. They send shit to me every three months. Organic cotton too. No weird stuff.
Their website is also titled
>>Favor online Women's health and personal care No. 286240
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>>286237Oh no, I used to use the pill club and I just checked the Favor site and saw this
No. 286256
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>>286244Maybe I’ll have better luck choosing a UK based company
No. 286264
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>>286237>>286240Wow, we really can't have anything, can we? The asterisk leads to a disclaimer at the bottom that says
>For members seeking prescriptions, at this time we can only prescribe to those assigned female at birth. We're working diligently to provide a service that's inclusive of all people who identify as women or non-binary. No. 286284
>>286264Are we at the point where a womens BC service can just oop.. turn it into a trooning out clinic instead? That easy?
I had a job years ago where I had to write period product reviews every now and then or arrange giveaways. I hate to say it but the more a company cares about your tampon being organic cotton and all that jazz.. the more troon friendly they tend to be too. That always stood out to me. 15 years ago these were the first companies to start sending requests that inclusive language be used. Nobody else was doing that back then but organic tampon people.
No. 287034
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If you lose your virginity does that mean your period comes out faster?
No. 287057
>>286417You probably are already very sore and the muscles near your abdomen, lower back, and thighs are tight and inflamed. When you exercise you exasperate that and can
trigger more muscle spasms. When working out for cramps focus on deep stretches with no inversions. Heat than ice. Heat by itself increases inflammation.
No. 287156
>>287034No, if you lose your virginity your period won't come out faster.
Your period has to come from your uterus, out your cervix into your vagina, and then, well, out of you. Losing your period won't change this.
The only exception is if you had a hymen covering your entire vagina (an irregular hymen), but if that were the case, you'd need to go to the doctor or hospital and get your hymen surgically removed because that is a medical condition.
No. 287666
>>2876598 days would be a short period for me lol, I'm convinced I have some of the worst periods possible. I've twice had my period for over 3 weeks straight, but that was once as a teen and once just after going on birth control. 2 weeks isn't unusual.
So I have a random mix of PMS symptoms: intense back pain, headache, sore breasts, leg ache, nausea, tiredness and insomnia for 4-5 days until my period starts. Period lasts (at least) a week and a half, with heavy bleeding most of the time. Then I'm free but exhausted for another week before I get intense back pain and nausea from ovulation for 3-5 days. A week later or so the cycle starts back at the PMS pain. There's sometimes spotting at any random point. At least 2 weeks on any month I spend being in pain.
No. 288727
>>288681Spotting is bleeding that occurs outside your regular period and because it's caused by hormonal imbalance/changes, it usually happens during early pregnancy, ovulation, or a birth control side effect.
I personally experience spotting during ovulation, and it's not much blood and happens for around 2 days only.
But I'm not sure about "stress" being a factor. All I know is that stress does cause hormonal disruption. If you think it's of medical concern, check a gyno.
No. 288768
>>288758I can go between having a very high sex drive and a non existent one with touch repulsion. You might naturally have a low libido, there’s nothing wrong with that. Throwing it out there and getting it out of the way. You can get your hormones checked to make sure it’s not a hormonal imbalance and caused by a health issue which would be one of the main concerns. As for increasing it things I’ve found improve mine:
>> working out at least 4x a week lifting weights. The higher my physical health the higher my sex drive. >> setting up my space with natural aphrodisiacs. Sandalwood, vanilla, patchouli. >> making sure I’m eating enough, hormones get fucked. Sex drive gets fucked. >> making sure I have strong brain body connection. Ignoring my body means I check out and ignore all of it. >> using herbs to boost itAs for orgasming
>> it can be hard to do so in positions you haven’t before so keep that in mind >> not being able to relax is also a huge part >> women are more prone to “blue balls” then men and can cramp and get discomfort easier. There’s no reason to rush. If you need a break take one. >> learn what feels good for you. Everyone is different. There’s a lot of people who honestly are sexually compatible. You may like them a lot and they won’t be able to make you feel good. That’s not your fault. No. 289742
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I'm thinking about getting a copper IUD. I've been on the pill since I was about 16 to help manage my period, but I'm not sure that I like how I feel when I'm on it. The main thing that's stopping me from making the switch is that I'm really freaked out by gynecology and the actual insertion of the IUD itself. I enjoy sex and have no problems with penetration, but medical procedures involving my vagina really freak me out, to the point where I can feel nauseous or even faint just thinking about them. I think I had some traumatic childhood events involving the puberty talk/pregnancy at school that made me like this lol Can anyone offer some support or advice about going through with it?
No. 350061
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i have vaginismus from CSA that occurred from ages 3-13, and trauma i've survived in adulthood. it only really started making an appearance when i was with my most recent ex – whom i left in mid-july by fleeing our shared home while he was at a dentist's appointment – and i only realized what was going on when i asked one of my best friends what her bleeding during/after sex with her ex-husband was called. i read through our initial messages about it from july 2022 yesterday and i'd told her my ex was covered in blood one time and that i'd thought i'd gotten a surprise period (i have the kyleena iud) but the bleeding was gone the next day, him putting even a finger inside me hurt, etc. she informed me that it's caused by trauma and is only really healed through therapy.
i'd intended to talk to my gyno about it when i'd gone to an appointment to get my replacement iud 3 months later. the gyno was a new one for me (i'd moved cities) with no bedside manner, and my ex was in the room with me, so i completely forgot to bring it up, and wouldn't have felt comfortable doing so anyway. i'd bring up the vaginismus to the ex and he wasn't concerned. he would get annoyed that i'd stain the sheets with blood every time we had PIV.
through my own research, i've discovered that if you're bleeding more than a teaspoon's amount after/during sex, follow up with a doctor. but i only learned that yesterday, because i was googling it because my vaginismus came back the night before last and my partner could not get more than half a finger inside me. i was embarrassed and spiraling a bit, but feel better now. my partner did everything in her power to comfort me. she did everything right. initially asked if i wanted to try lube, cuddled me when i said i was just going to give up and was too in my head, etc. my ex didn't "believe" in lube. i hope he dies.
i have a therapist lined up that i'm saving up to begin seeing, and i think that will help. i just needed to partially vent and also see if other women can empathize.