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No. 203731
Post your experiences and future plans – have you had plastic surgery? Would you like to get anything done? Tell us about it.
Old thread:
>>>/g/139461 No. 203745
File: 1630442468425.jpeg (Spoiler Image,54.11 KB, 389x551, 7B049025-4308-42C6-BE2F-D3870F…)

I want to shave my nose bump off, it would cost $7,000 where I live and I don’t wanna travel to Mexico or Turkey for anything cheaper. It may take me about 2 years to save up
No. 203893
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>>203882I thought the same at first! But filler is usually 1ml, around a teaspoon (so not much bigger). Filling in the bump usually leads to a smaller looking nose, in a optical illusion kind of way. The bump tends to make your nose look bigger. Hope I explained this well
No. 204012
File: 1630656191661.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.27 KB, 1200x900, Pilar_cysts_5.jpg)

so… I don't think this is actually plastic surgery but I don't know where else to put it. I have at least 10 of these stupid cysts on my head. I don't know what kind they are specifically but I just googled pilar cyst and it looks like this. I don't have insurance aside from medicaid and I don't know if I will ever be able to get them removed. you can't see them under my hair but oh my god I hate them so much. spoilered even though it's not that bad, I just don't want to gross anyone out. has anyone else dealt with these?
No. 205369
>>205044tbh it's not worth it anon, listen to your family. You just want a minor change, but are going to have to shell out major bucks for it and nose jobs are notoriously unreliable no matter how careful you try to be when shopping around. Best case scenario is it works but now you're down thousands, are stuck healing, and nobody can even tell unless they've been staring at you for 20 years. Worst case is you're down thousands, your nose is fucked, everyone can tell you had something weird done, and now you'll have to shell out more for a correction that may or may not work. But it's your face and your time and your money, so whatever
>>205352i love surgery pics lol
No. 205525
>>205369Money is literally no issue, I've got several times the amount of money I would need. It would be a small surgery of a difference but it would be a massive change for the better for my face and confidence. I don't even care if no one else would be able to tell because I would literally be doing it for myself. But I'm sure they would be able to tell because my nose IS crooked, even if it's lightly so it is visible and people would be able to tell that it's instead straight. Like even if it's subconscious (which I would prefer) I'm sure they'd think a straight nose looks better simply because… it does.
My family is the kind of people who will say everyone looks better in their natural face, but then praise all the celebs who have had work done as examples of what "natural" is. Still, I fear their judgment so much.
No. 205646
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>>205369heres one from a 1 week check up! warning, involves post surgery shit like bruising, swelling, incisions etc. The line looks janky but my legs were in an awkward position
>>205373Loose skin is a weird subject because it depends on more than just weight loss. it comes down to genetics, skin elasticity and other shit. I lost a lot of weight so I was gonna have loose skin no matter what, but I lost 70kg in total.
>>205423I cant remember the technical name for it, but they basically slice you from your knee to your vag. cut off the excess and stitch you closed. The thigh lift was 110% the worst part of it all, I never would have gotten it with my other surgeries if I knew how much of a pain in the ass it was to deal with. I actually ended up getting an infection in it (not from the surgery itself) but that is part of the risk you take and I was fine.
It takes about 6 weeks till you're ""normal"" and can take compression gear off, but you can walk around and take yourself to the toilet without needing help at about 3 weeks.
No. 205647
File: 1631688678013.jpeg (85.86 KB, 892x339, 827AC0DF-FB4A-4E12-A1F2-3ED87B…)

Anyone had tooth contouring done? I have serrated front teeth and small 2nd teeth which makes my front look even bigger. I’m not losing sleep over it but I just got my first professional job and want to put some money aside and get them shaped. Does it hurt at all? What kind of money would I have to spend for it to be done well? Sage for not actually ps.
No. 205728
>>205646looks great yet painful
nonny, hope you heal well!
No. 206014
>>205525The reasons you listed are pretty much the same reasons I had for getting a nose job - to fix the noticeable crookedness and remove the bump on my nose. The surgery was the first week of August and it's been about three weeks since the bruising faded completely. I feel so much happier with my appearance and just…relieved is kind of a weird word to choose, but it most closely matches how I feel. Growing up, my family always made cracks about my nose and how it didn't look like anyone else's. Now that it's been straightened and most of the bump removed, my nose looks like my mom's - just an average, normal nose.
For you, it might be best to just hold onto the money for now and wait until you're out of your parent's house to get it done. The first month or so after surgery, your face will be bruised, swollen, and you'll look like shit (or at least feel like you do.) The last thing you need while trying to recover are people constantly giving you grief about having it done, commenting on your recovery appearance, or just generally stressing you out.
Use this time to research the surgeons in your area and lookup recommendations on how to prepare for the surgery and recovery process. Most reputable surgeons will have been in practice for years already and will likely still be around when you're ready to have it done.
No. 207038
File: 1632632110850.jpg (294.72 KB, 689x639, DImpled-Chin.jpg)

Has anyone had chin fillers for a weak chin? Does the filler on its own smooth out the chin dimples or would one need to get Botox as well for that? picrel is not mine but similar
No. 207071
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>>207070Give examples of women who look prettier with weak chins than actual well-structured chins
No. 207085
>>207078>implying kek, I said it
>implying i'm ayrtKek. Nobody gives a shit about chins if theirs is normal looking. ayrt wants hers done because it looks bad to her. Additionally "You'll never be happy with yourself" is such obvious concern trolling. The majority of people who fix one really garbage feature move on with their lives, happy they don't have a glaring issue staring them back in the mirror.
No. 207098
>>207061I get what this anon is saying but
>>207068This anon has a point too
You guys aren’t wrong
A weak chin can make you appear more youthful but in an ugly teen way
No. 207132
>>207129Yeah I know it's not very reasonable but I already get comments about looking like a 15-16 year old, and considering the field I study in I feel like it makes me lose a lot of credibility. They seem higher maintenance than Invisalign too. But honestly your comment made me put things into perspective so thank you for that. I guess my dilemma is less about the braces/aligners and more about the surgery. Part of me feels like I'm just being shallow and I won't be so self-conscious about my appearance in a few years' time, so I don't want to regret investing in such an invasive surgery.
>>207127Did your dentist suggest surgery too or does he think aligners will be enough? Mine says surgery is the better option but he thinks Invisalign is fine too if I'm too scared. God I don't know what to do. The risks of losing sensation or developing TMJ from the surgery are bothering me. I don't even want my smile to be perfect, I just don't want to look like a rat anymore.
No. 207255
>>207222ayrt, i heard about linda evangelista which is why i am second guessing it and hoping there are other options or other people's perspectives. I wanted to look at some spot reduction options since I've been obsessing about it. I think it's just
triggering my anxiety since i'm not in my early/mid 20s, so I worry that it'll be even harder to get rid of with just food/exercise.
No. 207375
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>>207038I got chin fillers, just 0.5 ml though, but I like it. My chin wasn't super weak, but I wanted it to be a bit bigger/pointier. Picrel is what it looked after I got it done, it's been a couple of months but it looks mostly the same. It's a subtle difference though, but it improved my profile I think.
No. 207481
>>207432Could it be that you got a nose job while your nose was still developing? (Despite you maybe being past your teens)
That sounds like something that isn't supposed to happen
No. 207565
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Wish I could guarantee great results like this without migration but most likely id end up with massive filler stache
Big lower lip with small upper lip feels
No. 207662
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>>207481Isn't the nose one of the few body parts that keeps changing throughout life? I had a crooked nose with a bump and it's still straight. It just got less defined and the nosetrils look uneven from the front like Cara Delevingne in some pics. The fact that I couldn't find a better example might be a sign to stfu.
It's just a mixture of getting older, inflammation due to bad lifestyle choices and me being a side sleeper (not during the healing process ofc). I tried sleeping on my back but I'm already an insomniac.
No. 207751
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has anyone here had rib removal surgery ? im thinking about saving up for it because i look exactly like the "before" pic in this. i literally feel like a man or worse, a tranny especially because my style is "cute" and im skinny… is it worth it ?
No. 207781
>>207751Holy shit anon, you do not look like a tranny. No man has a body like left. You have some severe dysphoria, but at least try
>>207758 this before removing your fucking ribs
No. 208039
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>>207751if you're going to get a surgery to improve your silhouette (which is probably perfectly fine anyway) just get a BBL… it will make your hips look wider and your waist look smaller. still wouldn't recommend it but it's MUCH safer than getting ribs removed. your ribs protect your organs and are there for a reason. a BBL is probably cheaper too.
No. 208376
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>>2083200.5ml is a literal waste of money unless you’re fixing something like picrel.
Even getting 1ml only makes a slightly noticeable difference. It mostly just adds volume to your lips so they look plumper.
No. 208408
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i really want to start working on my lower face since it's the worst, i want to get jaw lift, chin and lip fillers, and botox to get the smile resting face or at least get rid of my gloomy resting face
No. 208523
>>208409Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with a little filler or Botox. Similar to getting a hair cut or changing your hair color. It’s temporary and in the end it boosts your self esteem.
Chopping your nose off, removing ribs or sawing down your jaw is a whole other story. And if you’re that unhappy with your face you likely will never be happy with it.
No. 208524
>>208523>a little filler or Botox. Similar to getting a hair cut or changing your hair color. It’s temporary I agree the other procedures you mentioned are more extreme, but "temporary" fillers have been shown to persist years longer than expected, and they can migrate into weird areas of the face so you end up with the puffy, distorted look of so many older celebs. It's not something to undertake lightly and the more you do it over time the more it's likely to build up and look gross (
No. 208552
>>208000Hi anon
Maybe talk to your GP and go through the pros and cons with them. Or even a counsellor. Implants do need replacing every 10-20 years, but you say the main issue is self consciousness when naked eg not wanting your boyfriend to see. Would he necessarily react badly? If he didn’t care about the size difference would your own feelings about your boobs improve?
No. 208660
>>207751this surgery is really extreme and if you can be convinced out of it you shouldnt do it. ive also been shamed for even wanting it and honestly i get it we should not be expected to do these barbaric things to our body. i consulted for it this year actually and will probably have it done next year (cutting 10-12 on both sides) because i have the same issue but probably worse than you… my ribs 10, 11, and 12 are flared out and i have a very awful rectangle body that looks bad when i wear clothes that should fit me normally. you will get like a 2” reduction. the only surgeons who do it right where they cut and reshape your lat muscle after removing the bones in the US are Dr Eppley and Dr Dorner otherwise it will be for nothing if you arent corsetting because the muscle will still be straight based on how you were born thats what happened to the human ken doll when he got his ribs removed and you couldnt even tell the results… how dangerous the surgery is i think depends on your body type, if you have a longer torso your organs are higher up but if you have a shorter torso rib 10 probably cannot be cut because your lungs could be exposed… you will get two scars on your back that are 1” long on both sides but you can fraxel laser them and make them invisible so you probably want to factor some laser sessions in
i also had other plastic surgery though… if you are not sort of into PS then i dont think you should do this its extreme unless you are really going for a certain look. i plan on hiding the fact that i got it done from my family for sure because how controversial it is
good luck nona i hope you can find a way to accept yourself because you are beautiful even with perceived flaws
No. 208682
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No. 208709
>>208700You're right that nobody has surgery for themselves but having insecurities and wanting to be attractive =/= being a pickme. wtf is the point of pickme as an insult/descriptor if it applies to literally 99% of women? We've all been socialized since birth to be insecure and prioritize our looks, that's just the norm and those who get surgery are just taking it a bit further than others.
If anything pickmes are the sort to brag to men about being naturally perfect and not needing surgery unlike other fake girls.
No. 208711
>>208700Obviously nobody gets it for themselves but I’m guessing you don’t have a big nose or a weak chin or any other feature that you’ve been insecure of your whole life, so you don’t know what it’s like to have that pressure on you. Plus we are women and from the moment that we are born we are bombarded with the pressure to be beautiful. I envy girls who like you who just don’t get it and don’t see why anyone else should. Just think back on your childhood. Most girls toys are makeup and barbies and barbies wherein you put makeup on them. Princess stuff, nail polish, etc. look at cartoons, notice how any male character is allowed to have wonky noses, exaggerated chins, bodies in all variations but all girls look exactly the same, facially, big eyes, tiny sloped nose, puckered lips. The only females who look different or older in kids shows are the villains or weirdoes or background characters. Boys on the other hand get marketed with fun toys and are allowed to be messy. imagine being told all your life that you are SUPPOSED to be beautiful, and then when you put in the effort , you’re called vain or villified by men who would ridicule you for not trying to be beautiful either. We can never win.
No. 208752
>>208708Did you miss this part, oh close reader?
>whether or not you actually want a partner Even if I never saw another human again, I would rather see an attractive face in the mirror with few wrinkles when I hit an older age than getting saggier. Few enough words to make it through your head this time?
No. 208765
>>208720Yeah I have a fairly big Italian nose, nothing too dramatic but people who wanted to annoy or tease me always brought it up.
I sure as hell maybe would be prettier with a tinier or straighter nose but I’m kinda afraid of ending like prettypastelplease (or whatever her yt name is) and having a smaller but wonkier nose.
But most importantly i feel like I’d just end up looking like all those million insta thot clones with the same re-hashed look.
At the end of the day, yeah I’d want people to find me attractive. I have very very attractive friends and people fawn over her when she leaves the room. Most importantly I want to find
myself attractive when i look in a mirror, it doesn’t have much to do with wanting to attract men or be accepted.
No. 209004
>>208937Nat but this take is dumb AF. What’s the issue with wanting to look good for yourself? If anything that’s heaps better than wanting to look good for other people with varying and changing tastes.
People with body dismorphia and PS addiction are obviously not what I’m talking about but I can understand that someone may want to remove extra skin after a massive weight loss or lift their tits and that’d have nothing to do with looking good for others.
Would you say the same thing about tattoos, haircuts or fake nails?
No. 209085
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>>209069it might just be a retarded nitpick about myself, but I feel like my browbone is too prominent and it makes me look like a caveman lol. pic rel
No. 209091
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>>209085Nta but yes, this is a retarded nitpick. Left just looks like a regular human head, the defined brow makes it more elegant and less cutesy if anything. You don't have to have a sphere head to be attractive anon, plenty of women have a slight dip like that and it looks normal/literally no one pays attention to that except for plastic surgeons who want you to be insecure about the most random shit. Kristen Stewart has a profile like this and she's a babe
No. 209296
>>209289>Even the "average" girl typically has a few features which stand out as pretty and unique.Not really, that's why it's called average. Unremarkable. No one wants to be average. Most people can do with some improvements here and there including the
nonnie with the prominent browbone.
No. 210529
>>210495They don't feel as natural as silicone, but they can look natural when placed under the muscle and if you don't go crazy big. I have an in-law with saline implants and I didn't know she had them until she told me. They look really natural on her. She went pretty large (but not crazy bimbo size) and I still never suspected they were fake. I didn't squeeze them or anything to compare the feel but they look great and she's had them for several years. She got them done after she finished breastfeeding and she chose saline because of her safety concerns. Over the muscle they will look super obvious but unless you're a body builder it's unlikely that your surgeon would recommend that.
>I feel like an imposter of a womanSweet nona please get this sorted before you get implants should you ever decide to. You are no less a woman because of the shape of your natural breasts. No one gets cosmetic surgery if they're totally happy with themselves but breasts do not a woman make, your chromosomes do!
No. 211211
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so ive always had a weak jaw and decided to get jawline-filler and i was honestly surprised how good they made me look! anyways, i feel like whenever i get touch-ups, my jawline tends to look "fluffy" idk how to say it, but the 1st time i had it done it was sharp like angelina jolies jawline and now it seems so "fluffy". any other nonnies have had this experience? idk what to do. i definitely dont have 20k to get jaw-implants..
No. 212034
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I feel like people think just because a photo of a woman is from the 1900-1970s somehow means there's no plastic surgery or photo editing or that plastic surgery back then was very obvious
This is carol doda, she has one of the first xl breast augmentations done in the 60s and they look completely natural, there was also plenty of photo editing back then especially for skin smoothing. It just feels like anytime women are ever shown nude she altered her body either with corseting, surgery, etc or via photo editing, I just don't understand what was so wrong with the female body that we had to subject ourselves to constant discomfort to be attractive. And now that the norm is being attractive it's even harder
No. 212129
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>>212126Nta but you shouldn't get any plastic surgery if you self harm, you need to fix that shit up first and even then you still risk ending up like this because surgery is even more addicting than self harm.
No. 212139
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I have a consultation for chin lipo soon, but the results on their website look extremely underwhelming. They all look like they still have double chins in the final result (pic related). Should I just find another doctor to do the procedure, or are these results typical for this surgery? I don’t want to spend 4k+ to still have a double chin after
No. 212170
I had fillers put in my cheekbones and nasolabials for the first time 2 years ago, to correct the ones I had (genetically). I had no other visible signs of aging, I was 26. Things looked great for a while, the technician was very nice and told me to come back in 6 months to put more in my right side since it was more pronounced. Due to COVID I skipped.
After about a year, I noticed a drastic, almost overnight change in my fat distribution - my under-eyes suddenly drooped and hollowed out, the apples of my cheeks became lower and my face shape looked slightly different in 3D view (sharper cheekbones and the slightest sagging in jaw/mouth corners). I've been told this is not supposed to happen overnight, but for me the change was drastic and I never recovered. Nobody else noticed any of these things (neither the fillers nor the sagging), but I did. My face just looked almost uncanny one morning, like there was something wrong with it and it took time to figure out what.
I went back this summer to have it looked at but something seemed funny, the same technician forgot I even existed, they didn't have my customer information, and I only booked a consultation but she put more filler in anyway. She also did it differently from how she did it last time and my cheekbones looked kind of overfilled until recently, without the sagging ever going away. Everything seemed rushed and a bit fishy.
Could this drooping be due to filler migration? I want to have it looked at and potentially dissolved but I keep telling myself it's just natural aging and I'm making excuses to cope. It's just shocking to me that so much would change so rapidly.
I just want my natural face back. Neither of my parents aged badly or have saggy jowls and I look a lot like my mother. I eat healthy, don't smoke or drink, and I wear sunscreen religiously so I find it hard to believe this is normal.
No. 212177
>>212170>TechnicianDid you go to a doctor or a beauty parlor? Hard to tell from your wording here.
>Didn't have my customer informationThat is weird. Could have been done off the books? Did you pay with cash or a cash app? I would not go back to that technician. They should have on file what you had done.
>Could drooping be due to filler migration?Possible but there's no way of knowing until you see a doctor about this. It is also possible that you suddenly noticed your natural aging. You're in the age range where many women lose the baby fat in their face so your features become more prominent. It's gradual, but can feel sudden. Hope you'll get a second opinion from a qualified plastic surgeon. If your tech felt sketch who knows how qualified they were to give you fillers or where they sourced them from. Hopefully nothing went wrong but better to be safe than sorry.
No. 212178
>>212174Well yes, but not overnight surely.
>>212177It was a well known ps clinic in my city but the person was a trained nurse, not a doctor.
No. 212179
>>212139404 - Jaw not found
You could try losing fat but the non-existing Jaw will make it very hard.
No. 212182
>>212178Okay, so not a salon? I ask bc there are some nurses who do fillers and other injectables but they don't work in doctor's offices or with surgeons, they take some classes on injectables and get certified and only do those services, usually out of a salon environment. While it sounds like a good thing (because they're "specialized," right?) they have less training on the techniques and the complex anatomy of the face, may not have access to the best quality products, and aren't the safest bet to trust with your face. But it sounds like you're talking about a clinic with surgeons, so she might just be clerically retarded. It's always possible for surgeons and highly trained nurses to fuck shit up too. Just the odds are way less than when dealing with a beauty parlor nurse.
>Not overnight surelyNo, and I don't want to gaslight you into thinking overnight changes in your face are normal. I still think you should get a second opinion about this from a different doctor or nurse at another plastic surgery center that does similar procedures. That having been said, it really can feel like it happens overnight. I remember when it happened to my face a few years ago. I looked terrible with baby fat, so waking up hotter was pretty exciting and memorable. But I had no fillers or other procedures so I didn't have any doubt like you're having right now. See a doctor, but be prepared for the possibility that it's just aging.
No. 212224
>>212182Yeah, I'm 100% open to the fact that it might just be aging, but like you said I'm suspecting it's not
just that. Will check with a doctor just in case since consultations are supposed to be free in another clinic, thanks for the reply anon!
No. 212262
>>212116ntayrt but this was helpful for me, thanks. I have a couple fine lines in the same spot that I’d like to get rid of without botox.
I’ve seen some fine lines referred to as “dehydration lines” but idk how to tell the difference or if that’s even a real thing, lol.
No. 214321
File: 1637623296632.png (Spoiler Image,64.6 KB, 293x177, mouth.png)

I don't even know how to ask this without sound kind of insane. but I have noticed most people when they talk/smile their teeth kind of protrude.. mine don't. they're really far back in my head. like when I smile there's actually an indent where my mouth is… if that even makes sense. I fucking hate it so much. is there any surgery that could change this, like make my teeth protrude more? probably not but I'm just wondering. I inherited it from my mom who has the same smile, every time I see her laughing I'm like god that's so ugly, it makes me not wanna smile or laugh. I'm definitely not imagining it.
sorry to post a picture of some random moid's ugly mouth but it was the closest thing I could find to what I have (although my mouth is much worse). I also have a tooth gap, rip. spoilered bc ugly
No. 214526
File: 1637733072765.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.34 KB, 419x800, Melania-Trump-Nude-Sexy-31.jpg)

Do you guys think Melania has had implants since the 80s/90s? She always denies but homegirl has chameleon eyes
No. 214598
>>214526>scar in healing process visible under right breast>rippling of implant on the bottom left>odd hexagon (?) shape and not a natural rounddefinitely
Is it just me or are breast implants the last thing people will ever admit to? so many celebrities, specifically the kardashians and models will admit to botox, nose jobs, etc
No. 214768
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Dunno if this has been brought up before, but is anyone else disgusted by the lip filler looks in South Korea? When they smile they look like Ricardio from Adventure Time to me kek
No. 215040
File: 1638044858031.png (26.87 KB, 300x296, vocal.png)

seriously considering getting vocal feminization surgery. i sound like a tranny trying to sound female and it makes me suicidal. i am already masculine enough as it is and i even got hormone level tests when i was a teenager because i was so worried about having irregularities but it turns out im fine.
No. 215577
>>215040I have a deep voice after a phase of going tran. I thought I'd be spending the rest of my life always trying to soften it around strangers. I thought I'd be mistaken for 'the other kind of tran' and that was my biggest worry. At first I tried to soften it and tbh that felt and probably sounded more sus than just speaking naturally.
Ime people think you're a lesbian or a smoker. Those are the assumptions people will jump to.
No. 215955
File: 1638643284723.png (208.42 KB, 299x399, PUFFY SINUSES.png)

Kinda weird picture but is there a term for having a swollen/puffy sinus area like this?
No. 215958
>>215955yeah, that region is called nasolabial folds.
you can improve it with facial rollers (jade, rose quartz) and consult a plastic surgeon about Sculptra if it is really bothering you. never inject juvederm or similar fillers in this area.
No. 215960
>>215958>fall for the crystalkook roller meme or get plastic surgeryyou really have every bad idea at once. don't give advice on anything
op…first try eating a lil better. I get puffy like that when ive been eating too much salt
No. 215961
>>215958not sure how i never realized it was
the nasolabial folds. thank you anon
>>215960i actually don't eat enough salt but i have an autoimmune disease so i always drained. but thank you too
No. 215964
File: 1638646172933.jpeg (69.13 KB, 525x525, 40072A89-F876-468E-9316-8728F8…)

I booked a consultation to get my facial mole looked at. (I know it’s not cancerous because I’ve had it most my life and it hasn’t changed but it’s mandatory) Anyway, hopefully I can get removed. There’s different methods including laser or shaving it so it’ll at minimum be £350 and maximum £750 which is a lot more than I would’ve liked but it’s something I’ve thought about for as long as I can remember and I’m hopeful that they will approve of the ‘surgery’ pic is similar to mine.
No. 216125
>>216007 Nona you should look into braces or Invisalign to fix your overbite. Surgery should be a last resort. I know it sounds easier and faster theoretically, but so much can go wrong during this kind of surgery and even if everything goes right it will effect your jaw function long term. As in your ability to chew, talk, smile, and take care of your oral hygiene. These things could become painful or even impossible well before retirement age. No sane surgeon would agree to jump into surgery for an overbite without exhausting all other options.
No. 216638
File: 1639074630414.gif (1.72 MB, 368x368, random happy doggo.gif)

does anyone else hate that they went for PS and it has helped them a lot? i really dislike how much it pushed my self-esteem, cause it shows how vain i am.. but it does help a lot in real life, in every way (at least i feel like that, any other nonnies want to chime in?)
No. 216828
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>>203731I have my surgery booked for Feb after years of planning. Really happy and looking forward to it. I’m getting lantern jaw surgery in SK at a dental clinic and I’ll admit, this is the first time I’m travelling alone, and I am nervous, but more than anything just really happy. I do also want breast reduction in the future, but I’m 130lbs 5,4 right now, so I’m going to consider it further when I have lost some more weight (lost 19 pounds since summer). But even if my boobs are back to being smaller, which I’m betting on because weight gain caused me to go up to a F cup from a B cup, I’m sure the sagging and loose skin will be an issue. Sorry for rambling, I just don’t have anyone to talk to about this stuff and I’m really happy about having things in motion for my surgery plans.
No. 218265
>>218254It sounds like a bad idea. What if there's complications and you have to spend more money? You might end up completely fucked.
Also, do you know for a fact that you'll stop hating yourself when you take your shirt off? It's very likely you'll instead feel insecure about having breast implants. Maybe you'll feel a little less bad overall, but something about your attitude tells me that getting breast implants won't solve your problems in the way you seem to think it will.
I know you want the surgery pretty badly, but what does it mean to be "unable" to wait? Would you kill yourself if you couldn't afford to get the surgery?
You're trying to rationalize the decision with these dramatic-sounding nothings because on some level you know that spending the money would be a bad idea and that it's not worth the cost for you. Spending half your savings is a big deal.
What sort of situation are you in where breast implants would be covered in 1.5-2 years, though? Just curious.
No. 218708
File: 1640147310317.png (2.38 MB, 1968x1104, 7954601E-1DF7-41EA-BE50-CC717D…)

Has anyone here had experience with orthognathic/jaw surgery? I'm a mega chinlet and am very interested in having it done… all the before and after pics on google seem so dramatic in the best of ways.
No. 218783
>>218265I think it's a big factor in me being afraid to be intimate with people because I hate how my body looks with it.
I went in for a consultation and honestly I'm already pretty sold in terms of the results and just anything being better than what I have now.
>>218629I did some research and my breasts were kind of symptomatic of tuberous breasts, and technically if your doctor can diagnose it as that, then you can qualify for health insurance but to my knowledge, it takes a long time and not guaranteed - the surgeon said he didn't think mine qualified anyways
I make 85,000 a year and I didn't have a lot of savings prior to this but I think I'm just going to take the splurge. Since the payment is not 100% upfront and I can make back the amount in a few months. But I do appreciate the second opinion.
No. 218784
File: 1640188359042.png (151.05 KB, 378x378, 6oByyE0.png)

I know its a drawing, but how come picrel doesn't look ugly despite the long philtrum? I have one too but I feel like it's a huge flaw on me. I've been thinking about a lip lift but I've seen a lot of bad results and it's irreversible so it's scary. Is it possible to offset a long philtrum with anything else? I tried lip fillers but it wasn't a huge improvement.
No. 218788
>>218784She has a blank space and no actual philtrum drawn. Also we assume that her top lip is somewhere around there. I guarantee you that she would look worse with more details because she has such weird proportions.
Maybe it sounds like a hypocrisy, but I feel like you probably look fine. I dont think I ever paid attention to how long someone's philtrum is… Even on the Aiko picture. I only noticed when you pointed it out
No. 218807
>>218708First thing is to see an oral maxillofacial surgeon. One who does a lot of jaw surgeries, not just dental/wisdom tooth/etc. Someone who clearly specializes in orthognathic operations. Get a 360 pano CT done (normal for consultations). Either your jaw will be recessed, or you can have normalish jaw growth but just lower than normal chin growth. If your bite is off because of the skeletal malocclusion (the recessed or underformed jaw) you will likely need to do braces+jaw surgery. There are a lot of advancements now so that you don't need your jaw wired shut for weeks (days maybe) and if you're young or well off enough to be insured or covered it's well worth it. Travel (to or around the us) if you have to. Do not go to sk or turkey
If your maxfax says that you only need a sliding genioplasty (cutting the chin bone and moving it forward/vertically) it will be a lot cheaper and a lot easier to recovery. It won't affect your teeth and the recovery is very mild. Many maxfax will do a genio in combination with jaw surgery fir aesthetics or balance so they are familiar with the operation as well.
Do not waste time with chin filler
No. 219010
>>218994I’ve known a couple women who got a lift without implants. They both had a lot of breast tissue so implants weren’t necessary. The skin was just sagging a lot. A consultation would be helpful in determining that.
But yes the nipples look like pepperonis.
No. 219109
>>218784It depends on your anatomy. If you have a long midface like I do, a lip lift would just make you look horsey and slack jawed and your mouth would be open all the time. If that's the case you need something like orthognatic surgery. If you have a long philtrum and no teeth show you're a much better candidate. You have to find a good surgeon though with a lot of experience, and they can be pricey.
Sometimes it's the opposite problem of what you state too, and the lip will fall back into place in just a year because the anchoring wasn't strong enough.
No. 219257
File: 1640415054505.png (397.7 KB, 422x474, 9spK3JA.png)

>>219109I can never tell who has a long midface unless it's really obvious like Liv Tyler. Is mine considered long? I do already have some tooth show, I had a consultation with a surgeon and he said he'd only do it combined with a v-y advancement to compensate for it but idk, he said I should think about it for a while because it's a longer recovery.
No. 219276
>>219257I thought this was Shuwu at first as I was scrolling past
Don't take that as an insult though, I think she's cute
No. 219339
>>219257Liv doesn't really have a long midface, just oblong shaped face overall. For long midfaces think Robbie/Blaire White. Just that very obvious space.
Some people can get away with long philtrums if the rest of their face or chin looks good. Proportions matter. I can't see your eyes but just judging from your lower face your proportions seem to be good. You could always get a small amount of filler on your top lip but not too much cuz it does have the chance of weighing it down (again think Blair White).
Which surgeon did you consult with? I did a lot of lip lift research but I don't think you really need one judging by that picture
No. 219931
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Which clinics are best for face fat grafting in Korea for the cute puffy look?
No. 220214
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Hi anons, should I get lip blushing to correct my asymmetrical lips and microblading, or laser vein removal first? The thing I don't like about vein removal is I'll need to travel a whole hour away. I'll need to take work off, too. But I'm so sick of needing foundation and concealer to look like I'm not being perpetually abused. My undereyes are worse than this lady's because I have a bunch of tiny little veins in addition to the reticular periorbital veins.
No. 221855
File: 1641499087621.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.01 KB, 936x189, PXL_20220106_195224610.PORTRAI…)

How do you go about fixing seriously fucked up brows? I'm thinking a brow lift could even them out but I'm curious if there are any alternatives. I've tried googling it but only get recommended makeup tips which absolutely do not work lol
No. 222069
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>>203731Does anyone know what Hyoyeon from SNSD had done that makes her eyes so much prettier? I can tell she's had a nose job, but the biggest difference imo is how her eyebrows aren't arched downwards anymore. Can you get like, an eyebrow lift on just the inner part? What would you call this procedure?
No. 222070
File: 1641595926285.jpeg (37.33 KB, 500x393, main-qimg-62c0096e8069fc9a8a33…)

>>222069samefag, but I'm pretty sure whatever Hyoyeon got is the same thing that Ariana Grande had done. Ariana went a bit overboard though I think and looks like she's always surprised lol.
No. 222728
File: 1641843760026.jpg (147.31 KB, 1008x1002, narrowpalate.jpg)

Has anyone had any experiences with widening their dental palate? Most of the info online seems to be for children. I have a narrow dental palate and I hate my smile because of it and I think it might give me difficulty breathing. I'm also considering masseter botox. I have a very tense and uneven jaw and think it could help with overall symmetry and teeth grinding, but idk if it's worth it because the results never look particularly dramatic.
No. 222740
>>222728I got it widened in my mid 20s. I had no problem with it and didn't really feel any pain. The effect is noticeable, not groundbreaking, but satisfying. Looking at picture, I have from medium-narrow to medium now, I think (hard to say because I have small mouth).
Overall, I recommend it.
No. 223040
>>223037the results will depend on a number of factors (e.g. keloids are much harder to treat, and certain types of scar tissue can only be surgically removed and left to heal again)
you may need a specific treatment that works best with your skin type and the type of scar tissue you have. your best bet will be to get a consult with a good, reputable dermatologist who isn't shilling their own medspa services and see what they advise and recommend.
if it is causing you discomfort you should look into it and get some professional medical opinions. follow up with your own research, and prepare yourself for the most realistic outcome. don't let anybody use your bodily insecurity to shill subpar services and prey on you.
it's not vain, hypocritical, or petty to want to minimize a visible and stigmatized reminder of your past
No. 223673
>>222728Study a smile in mirror and pictures. Most people don't have wide perfect palates or perfectly symmetrical teeth but they look great when they smile.
A relaxed smile always looks better than a wide asf grin in pictures. Most of thr time, you dont smile wide enough to shoe those dark corridors anyway.
No. 223745
>>215040nta but I have the same issue. my voice sounds like I just woke up and not in the sexy raspy way, more like the mtf contrapoints way. I hate it. I'm legit paranoid people will think i'm on hormones or something.
I'm gonna try voice training but that requires constant effort/strain when you speak and I just want to speak with a pretty voice naturally.
No. 225293
File: 1642774614536.jpeg (520.57 KB, 2048x1536, DFEDA7DD-0018-492E-A6D9-BB612C…)

Jaw shaving is the dumbest surgery ever period. This lady got her cheeks, jaw and chin shaved now and now it looks like her face is recessed and underdeveloped. 90% of people who get this surgery do not look as good as celebrities
No. 225300
>>225293Is this really the same person? The ear is different and skull is slightly smaller in second pic.
Maybe I'm being paranoid because I refuse to believe someone paid to get their bones shaved so they can look like the a snotty 9 year old mouth breather. Especially since before pic obviously had threadlift or some sort of face sculpting surgery already.
No. 225428
File: 1642822269029.jpeg (677.14 KB, 1536x2048, CDB1951B-2C3C-406B-876A-8B7E29…)

>>225293I posted this, I forgot to mention she had her forehead worked on, eyelid surgery, her nose shaved down and liposuction along with the other stuff I mentioned. She did it all at the same time btw, and she said she hopes she can finally look normal now after the surgeries. I never knew someone could hate themselves this much kek. She literally destroyed her face and body for jap pedophile “beauty” standards.
No. 225456
>>225428She will always look chubby now.
Her natural bone structure could have suited a really amazing dramatic aesthetic, jet black sharp bob and good styling, she'd look like a model.
I hope she finds peace with herself.
No. 225712
File: 1642954402577.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1658x1045, 7F750A2A-00C1-44D3-84C4-B077EA…)

I love looking at bad celebrity plastic surgery
No. 225749
>>225293The after is awful, but I can somewhat understand her line of thinking as someone with similar strong bone structure. You sometimes feel more “gaunt” or “mature looking” compared to others. In societies obsessed with youth and a certain filled-out face, it can be difficult. She probably got this wanting to round out her face more. It’s too bad because she looked great before and should have embraced those features, but I get that she probably felt out of place, hence why she felt more “normal”
>>225428 afterward.
No. 225909
>>225293It's funny, women in the West pay money to have a facial structure like in the left picture. I know I would.
Real shame.
No. 226094
I’ve always looked young for my age then out of no where I started aging, my face started losing fat and my eyelids are getting hooded. I just booked for my consultation for an upper bleph and I’m getting face injections next month
>>225965How long did you have your braces in before surgery
No. 226210
File: 1643201349140.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.71 KB, 550x300,…)

Does anyone know where I could get a before and after of very saggy breasts that went through a breast lift? My boobs are somewhere between stage 2 and 3 from the photo and size DD-ish, simply put very severe. The only pictures I ever see on plastic surgery sites are of women whose breasts are slightly sagging, i've never seen any picture where the breasts were as saggy as mine are now.
Do you think I'll end up with botched boobs if I go through with this given how severe my sagging is? I'm fairly young (20 years old) and I know my boobs might sag again in the future, but I don't think I can live with them for another 20 years or so because they're a genuine nuisance.
No. 226253
>>226017I rarely wear a bra so yes. I went from A/B to a D cup. The pain was dull and heavy but absolutely bearable, what bothered me the most was having to sit when sleeping. My only tip is stack your pillows properly so you sit up straight all night. DO NOT SLIDE DOWN. It's so, so painful to try and get up if you do. I slid down a couple of times, woke up laying on my back and just laid there crying because I had to pee but couldn't get up. I called for my my mom to literally try and lift my adult ass out of bed and I was crying. As with most plastic surgery day 3-4 are the worst.
The night before surgery I slept on my stomach thinking I could never do that again but about a year after I could do it 100% comfortably.
No. 226631
File: 1643258337131.jpeg (549.45 KB, 828x850, 4F4DDEFA-D321-45F4-A798-396ED2…)

>>225712>>225713She has a pig nose on top of those botched nostrils
No. 226774
File: 1643317845564.png (688.8 KB, 739x415, 8213098139_282984.png)

>>226631 i might be retarded but i'm pretty sure she has never gotten plastic surgery… have you seen her pictures from before debut?? she just… looks like that….
No. 226781
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>>226775She isn't even 18 in the middle picture, and she's even younger in the surrounding pictures. She doesn't even look plastic to me, like, at all? She just has a fucking upturned nose.
No. 226828
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>>226781>she has an upturned noseNayeon’s past nose:
No. 226963
File: 1643406573709.png (1.06 MB, 897x895,…)

>>226912Samefag, forgot to add that in the meantime you could check out tutorials for your eyeshape. I'm not sure if you have white people hooded lids or monolids but you can check out the account in pic rel if you have monolids. She has a tone of tutorials and posts on reddit.
No. 226965
>>226912Hey anon, I posted about considering bleph here
Like the other anon said, I think it's best to wait a few years before you get it done because you might change your mind in the future. Not to be all "when I was your age", but I'm still glad I didn't get it done even though I could have 10 years ago. I was glad to just accept my natural Asian features without paying money or falling into the pit of "double eye lid best!!!" mindswt which can be really
toxic. Another thing is that you could start losing some fat around the eyelids and get some lids naturally. I'm also wary about bleph because a family friend of mine who had very thick monolids had it done in Korea when she turned 18 and her eyes reverted back to monolids. When she recovered from the surgery, her lids were pretty big and prominent. She also got the inner or outer corner cut to make them longer, but her eyes look kind of odd now since they're so long without the lidspace to compensate for it. I don't know if that happens to everyone or if it was just a special case, but I definitely don't want to throw my money away for something to revert back to presurgery state.
No. 227010
>>226965Seconding this & piggybacking to say - no one should bother getting major surgery until you're at your goal weight.
A couple bmi points can change some people's features by a loooot. And honestly, 80% of looking good is just being slim/fit & having good hair.
No. 227212
File: 1643508205514.jpg (23.25 KB, 221x225, lips.jpg)

I have uneven lip corners similar to picrel, is plastic surgery my only option? Could fillers fix this? Or do any of those facial exercises work?
No. 227322
>>227212bruh. why are you looking
that hard
No. 228174
>>228158I've never seen filler look right in that area because it's so mobile when you talk and smile. Besides it's usually caused by inflammation swelling so why add more volume to your face when you can fix the swelling instead.
Look up facial lymph draining massage that's what helped mine the most, between that and eating clean. I tried gua sha but it's nothing compared to actually getting the massage done by a professional. They don't go away altogether but I don't mind as long as they don't crease or cause shadows on my face when it's relaxed.
No. 228212
>>228174Idk if how to find good specialist for face massage, from what I know bad one can ruin face. Do you have any useful tutorials for self-massage?
>>228192I should research if it's possible to get paranasal implants and fix face symmetry at the same time. I was thinking about fillers for that as well.
No. 228242
File: 1643827262157.png (351.41 KB, 779x337, 48037534036.png)

>>228174>I've never seen filler look right in that areaI guess you haven't been looking that hard then because just about every plastic surgeon is going to say that filler is the safest, quickest and most effective choice.
>>228192So long as a surgeon knows what they're doing and doesn't overfill then migration isn't going to be an issue. Also a silicone implant is going to be way more invasive than a needle with hyaluronic acid.
No. 228246
>>228242all filler migrates no matter how good the practitioner is.
When filler is "absorbed" it has actually just migrated and will last years/decades in your face. Every time you top up the filler your face gets puffier and puffier until you look permanently bloated and artificial.
I saw a video recently of someone who had an MRI done and they found filler in the face that had been there for 8 years.
lol of course it's more invasive, but it's the only true solution. Stop perpetuating the myth that filler doesn't last a long time.
No. 228436
File: 1643922928883.png (44.48 KB, 718x337, 586689345937.png)

>>228246I mean the doctor you linked would disagree. He does still use filler, just in small amounts. There are plenty of before/afters on his site of people he has injected if you'd like to take a look ( I never said it doesn't last a long time, just that it is effective, safe and attractive in smaller quantities. Stop perpetuating the myth that filler is never the answer.
No. 228528
>>227050he's probably harassing someone else by now, maybe. I don't use social media anymore except for snap, it gives peace of mind to be away from it all, maybe you'd feel better too
>>228518>>227120this is how women get driven crazy by males and then get called crazy, having a stalker changes your life and mentality forever
No. 228641
>>228565i was over 18 in those photos, but the context behind how they got spread and the time they were taken is disgusting. in the one that somehow managed to make it on the internet and linger there, I look sick, was drugged up and suicidal. and the assholes who spread it knew that was the context of the photo. seeing that picture of myself again made me want to dry heave. i tried everything I could, it's never been taken down.>>228528I'm under social media aliases only at this point. Having anything under my real name is a death sentence. I really don't want to make a linkedin once I graduate college out of fear someone from my past is going to find me, and I know it's virtually impossible to be in the working world without one. I have considered changing my surname to circumvent this, but it's not easy to do that legally.
>>228548If it's any consolation the pimeyes site only seems to archive public pages and not semi privatized accounts. Cant do anything about posts that are still active unless you submit a takedown. if something is posted by someone else it's up to the site to remove it.
No. 228836
>>228649Nice. I got undereye fillers for hollows but I also have a bit of prolapsed fat so I’m just going to get lower bleph in a few months. The filler made me look awesome for about 9 months but after that it starts to migrate and flatten out so I’m just gonna get perma surgery done instead of paying 1.5k and risking blindness every 10 months to refresh it. Plus I don’t want so much inert filler in my face building up.
The fillers are painless but to minimize vision risks I suggest asking for a cannula instead of needle. Makes it basically impossible to penetrate a blood vessel with the injection. Good luck!
No. 229013
File: 1644122213202.jpeg (494.24 KB, 828x1050, 9BB19E8C-79CC-4EEE-BE7D-4ECE14…)

Jisoo has a fake nose but a lot of ppl think it’s natural because she had it as a teen but she started getting PS young cuz she comes from a plastic family
No. 229020
File: 1644126003249.jpeg (34.6 KB, 530x350, EFF1DA70-4AB2-43D9-AFB9-1BABB5…)

>>229019Yes. Her it’s probably the best surgery I have seen.
No. 229024
File: 1644128059229.jpg (73.91 KB, 750x905, db1c35da8fe0a14751e493e33ed48c…)

>>229020Since she just had the double eyelid surgery, everything else was perfect balanced naturally already. Too bad she now has fucked up with her jaw, she had such a nice bone structure before.
She still looks really beautiful imo, but she was perfect before.
No. 229028
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>>229027Yeah, she had that modelesque hot mean girl vibe to her. She is too round in the face currently, which makes her look more approachable, so I guess that was the intention there with her becoming an actress? Truly a shame, though.
No. 229039
File: 1644144162958.jpg (102.33 KB, 600x900, 914188949c2e8bb1f86e4d049d1d94…)

>>229028she looks a bit like Park Gyuri here
No. 229124
File: 1644186279906.jpeg (709.2 KB, 828x1258, 25817F6A-B62B-4AFE-AF61-EBF3DD…)

The obsession with jaw shaving in east asia really needs to stop, I found a vid of someone giving a makeover to their doll that included jaw shaving.
No. 229138
>>229127botox doesn't really have any effect when it's the bone structure that makes the jaw prominent, in
>>229028 it looks like it's the bone not the muscle
>>229124lol anon do you have the link
No. 230391
>>230198It's an energy device. There's a tapatalk forum called laserdamagesupport, go there and see what thermal stuff can do. From what I understand it does "cook" (cross-link) your collagen which creates a temporarily "lifted" (constricted) appearance, but it can be bad in the long run. Thermal burns and other fibrosis-inducing things can also harm your subcutaneous fat.
If it's lifting you seek, there is another device that's about to come out which is like microneedling, but each needle actually removes a tiny amount of skin in something akin to fractional punch biopsy. It's called Ellacor, made by Cytrellis, approved for lower face laxity but used off label for scarring. Can remove a lot of skin in one go, but since the "punches" are tiny they will heal without visible scarring.
Now, I do not know what the long term implications are and if microneedling/microcoring is actually scarless
internally, but just thought I'd share.
No. 230423
>>230400Agree. Whenever I see these before and after plastic surgery pics like threadpic, I think the Before would look a thousand times better with good makeup and lighting than the After.
This whole thread (and whole PS industry) is like a body dysmorphia coping hugbox. Unironically asking shit like
>>230198 >is cooking your skin bad for you?It's mento illness luv
No. 236600
File: 1645156115330.jpeg (551.13 KB, 828x1036, 6947646F-965B-4989-A71B-A6241B…)

Did nayeon also get a jaw shave? Her jaw line looks sus and I’m pretty sure she got a chin implant
No. 236961
File: 1645181412749.png (915.65 KB, 1141x801, wtf.png)

Friendly reminder to NEVER go to South Korea if you're white. I know some of you consider it and I did too for a while. What a nightmare this is, if my sister came home like this I'd cry myself to sleep.
No. 237066
>>236961WTF this is so creepy and uncanny
>>237061>What's so bad about it, she looks youngerYeah, Koreans idealize youthfulness to a fucking creepy degree. They took an adult woman and gave her the features of a child. Their ideal face is that of a white child. Disturbing.
No. 238011
File: 1645240525883.jpeg (180.41 KB, 1066x1279, A9560777-E056-4727-BD61-1D361A…)

What the FUCK happened to yeri? She’s just 22 and she looks like a 45 year old PS addict
No. 238048
File: 1645242778889.png (929.15 KB, 823x1158, Yeri_at_ICN_Airport_on_January…)

>>238011i dont know any any of this but i think she just has kind of a mature face? some people are just like this. that boobah tier outfit doesn't help either but i think maybe she just needs different styling
No. 241569
File: 1645388787900.jpeg (285.12 KB, 508x822, 6AE66A59-278E-4C94-BE20-53FF42…)

That jaw…
No. 242466
>>236961They zoomed out the after picture to make her head look smaller in comparison lmao
i don't understand how they're both obsessed with looking like children while at the same time ignoring the fact that children have proportionally big cute heads
No. 246183
File: 1645839919227.jpg (Spoiler Image,402.95 KB, 858x1171, IMG_20220226_023940.jpg)

Anons what do you think about my side profile? Is it too masculine? Should I get a nose job?
No. 246186
>>246183No, I'm genuinely jealous.
Idk why people care about side profiles, mine looks like shit but idc. No one looks at you from the side anyway
No. 246249
>>246239>>246186>No one looks at you from the side>why is everyone saying you're attractive? you can't gauge that from a side profile.What. The. Fuck.
Do you guys live in some weird 2d world or something? Did looking at screens all the time break your brains? I have no words…
No. 246265
>>246183You have a short face, smooth brow, short distance between nose and mouth. Your chin is forward and in line with your nose. If anything your nose has a small bump in it and it's straight, which imo isn't that masculine but I'm not a fan of the ski slope pig nose look either so I may be biased.
Agree with maybe a small lip enhancement but it's not necessary. You don't read masculine to me.
No. 246323
>>246183>Anons what do you think about my side profile?It is nice
>Is it too masculine?No, I find it quite the opposite, you have small, delicate features
>Should I get a nose job?Your nose is literally perfect, wtf, no
No. 246571
>>246562She's very beautiful and everyone's saying she's so pretty that she looks like a model or like she did facetune. How is that
triggered, bdd-chan?
No. 246573
>>246183I'm pretty sure this is Steven using the faceapp filter. The photo looks shopped af.
Some of you r dumb.
No. 246598
>>246576Good looking people who have been made very aware (by life) that they're good looking going around asking others if there's something wrong with their looks is eyeroll worthy but also extremely common on the internet. In fact, on threads about looks it's usually almost exclusively good looking people fishing for compliments
doesn't change the fact that it looks shopped and not because it looks impossibly good or something. If you have an eye for editing you'd be able to notice
No. 246606
File: 1646000656901.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.33 KB, 481x837, IMG_20220227_232327.jpg)

>>246598Op here, the photo is not edited in any way. I often felt like I look too androgynous and I felt bad for never looking like a typical "girly girl". My biggest complex is probably my slight jaw assymetry. I also don't like my nose because of the bumb. Maybe it doesn't look this big in the photo because of the lighting or something, but I feel like irl it's pretty visible. I'm surprised by all the positive comments here and I don't know how to react to them because I haven't been getting many compliments from people irl
>>246576I also don't think there's anything wrong with my lips tbh
No. 246869
File: 1646085842856.jpg (33.29 KB, 481x438, 20220228_223500.jpg)

Seen someone talking about overbite and just wanted and opinion in if i have an overbite?
No. 246911
File: 1646092741333.jpeg (67.03 KB, 420x260, BC8B49FD-CCDF-463B-9B8A-A01C87…)

Any Nonas done a breast fat transfer? Would love to hear your experience. I’ve done a bit of research on it and I think it would be a good fit for me. I don’t want huge tits just wanting to more or less get back what I lost after breastfeeding 2 kids for 2 years each.
A lift would be too extreme as my breasts aren’t saggy they just lack volume(if that makes sense). My nipples are at a good place and my skin is fine.
No. 246924
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>>246920i mean when i close my teeth together it does cover it like 60%
No. 246937
>>246911I haven't looked
too in depth but I've read that not all of the fat that's injected is accepted by your body and you can end up with uneven results, and there's also the possibility of fat necrosis where the dead fat forms lumps - which is benign but if you're like me and are worried about breast cancer, the scare isn't worth it. If you don't mind having to potentially go in for multiple revisions (and fat harvesting) then by all means go for it but I do encourage you to look further into the risks I mentioned if you haven't yet.
No. 247141
File: 1646216285395.jpeg (27.55 KB, 600x450, 52A8E94A-0C28-46A4-8BAC-4DE68A…)

Not quite PS but does anyone have any experience with getting orthodontic work in your 20s? I had braces in junior high and a night retainer that I broke a few years ago in college and never got replaced, and now I’m noticing my overbite coming back and my canines getting pushed forward.
I really don’t want to go through adult braces. I’ve been thinking of getting an Invisalign but I’m worried it won’t be strong enough to getting my teeth back the way they were and I’ll just be wasting my money.
No. 247168
>>247141I wore braces between the ages of 24 and 26 and I'd say it was 1000000000000% worth it.
I had to wear them when I was 14 too, but that orthodontist had no idea what she was doing and did a shitty job (NHS…). Since she told me to stop wearing my retainer after the braces were taken off (because she said it was 'unnecessary', which is bs) my lower teeth became crowded again (to which she said that 'this, unfortunately, happens'). Then in my 20s I developed difficulty chewing because my teeth were not touching properly and I also developed jaw pain. I went to a private orthodontist and boy, it was expensive, but so worth it. She was super conscientious, help me understood what was going on every time she did something and made me promise her that I'd ALWAYS wear my retainer, every night, until the day I die, because otherwise my teeth are going to go back to their original place. Also, I can chew now, my jaw pain went away completely and the crowding in my lower teeth was also fixed.
If you decide to go with it, read reviews religiously or go to someone who was personally recommended to you
No. 247170
>>247141Yeah I wear invisalign at 27 and it helps a lot. My teeth weren't very crooked, it was just a minor alignment. I suck at having them on all the time though, u
I mostly wear them in the evening and night.
But my classmate wore them at 28, she had really messed up teeth and now it's totally straight.
No. 247292
>>247175>Smile Direct ClubGlad it went well for you, but in case other anons are interested, it's better to avoid that company and just go for Invisalign instead. Sure it's more expensive, but you're being properly followed.
SDC might work best for "easy" cases, but I've heard of some pretty awful reports of people having their bite fucked up, broken teeth, nerve damage.
No. 247302
>>247292I agree. I got my Invisalign in November and I'm really happy how everything's coming along so far. A friend of mine who got some knock off ones by her dentist now has a big gap in between her top teeth (that wasn't there before) even though she mostly needed her bottom teeth fixed due to slight overcrowding and needed to get a lot less done than I. She didn't even get any attachments (although her case is similar, just not as severe as mine). I'm very glad I didn't opt for the cheaper version even though it was really hard to afford it all.
If any nonnies are intersted in Invisalign or SDR, I'd recommend checking in with a specialist first. Maybe your insurance can cover some of the cost too.
No. 248057
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Did Zoe Kravitz have work done? Or is it just aging?
No. 248076
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>>248064idk it looks like she had some kind of jaw surgery or chin implant, especially at met gala
No. 248605
Nonnies I've posted about undereye fillers here before
>>228649 and got it done today and I'm so happy with the results!
No. 248981
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not exactly plastic surgery, but i really understand the appeal of yaeba teeth…although the idea of going to japan and getting caps is terrifying (/don't want to look like a weeb). i'd never want to do anything that i couldn't remove/reverse out of personal preference
No. 248999
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>>248981Same! I love it both for men and women, I think it's so cute. It can be snaggleteeth or just prominent fangs. Love it. NGL I even got a little sad when my friend corrected hers lmao
I've thought about getting fang implants (like Charlotte Charms), but it's so expensive, and a bit of a hassle.
No. 249028
>>249001Anything “ugly” now eventually becomes a trend later. I used to get mocked in school for having naturally big eyebrows. Plucked them to lines like everyone else in the 00’s. Color me shocked when everyone had big bold eyebrows and now bushy/feathered brows are “in”.
No one ever made fun of my snaggle tooth and most people said it was cute which is likely why I never fixed it. It’s not even that bad but it does snag on my bottom lip sometimes after I smile. Makes me feel like a pug kek
No. 249043
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this guy claimed to get his jaw like this from "jaw training" but there's no way right? he must have got some kind of implants
No. 249062
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>>249043Same vibe as picrel. I'd say implants for sure. I don't think your jaw muscles can expand the same way your biceps can, for instance. Also, 'jaw training' wrecks a havoc on your jaw joints, even if he got them naturally, good luck for him with dealing with the pain and the clicking sound every time every time he opens his mouth from now on
No. 249065
File: 1647066920238.png (110.98 KB, 667x876, jaws.png)

>>249062samefag, here's an article about jaw trainers:
>problems with the TMJ can cause issues including; radiating pain in the face, jaw, or neck; jaw muscle stiffness; limited movement or locking of the jaw; painful clicking, popping, or grating when opening or closing the mouth; or a change in the way the teeth fit together No. 250311
>>250288Look into hyaluronic acid fat dissolve. There’s a few places around me that offer it and it seems like a popular cheaper treatment. I’ve never done it but have thought about it. I retained some lower belly fat after my 2nd pregnancy. Exercise and weight loss hasn’t helped with the last bit.
It doesn’t appear to be invasive.
No. 250355
>>250311Thanks anon, I'm looking at that as well as smartlipo (which is invasive but less than typical lipo apparently?) Belly fat is unfortunately one of those things that just exists once you get it. There is no targeted workout that will get rid of it. You have to make your whole body lean, but if you're someone like me (and I'm assuming you) then you're already in a healthy weight and only have that belly fat. We'd have to start starving ourselves.
That's the only reason I'm looking into surgery for it, plus the fact that it's coming from my meds and not my diet.
No. 250405
>>250403>>250403He’s trying to make you feel confident to:
1. Make you like him
2. Not give you an extreme inferiority complex, considering that most people who come to see him will have insecurities and one odd comment could unironically ruin their life/self image forever.
How big do you want to go? Implants? I really want bigger boobs but I’m afraid to get surgery and invest the money.
No. 250408
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>>250405He said the max I could have is 310cc, and recommended I make rice sizers at home. It sounded so small, but actually the sizers looked pretty big to me. Picrel is with 300cc sizers but idk if I should go for a smaller size. With these I looked like trash in a baggy tops lol.
And yeah I'm not completely sure about it either, it's a big decision. I had one surgery before though which made me a lot happier, and getting another one feels less scary now.
No. 250540
>>248057I see a slightly smaller nose, sharper jaw, and lower third hollowed out which could be jaw enhancement (filler or implant?) and buccal fat removal - but tbh i kinda doubt it. It's so subtle and harmonious that it's hard to tell if it's good work, or natural changes from aging, weight loss/facial fat loss, plus makeup and lighting. She has great bone structure and natural fox eyes so didn't get much if anything done. If anything the before pic looks like had bottom lip filler - that cheapie "hot dog" look with no wrinkles - which she either stopped getting or moved to a more subtle upper lip fill.
Sry to humblebrag but I met her in person once for my job and she's wildly pretty in person and was very sweet in a "chill stoner girl" way, seemed like she had a close relationship with her parents too, she was endearingly normal
No. 250869
>>250408Sorry for not replying yet nonna!
You look fantastic there. Will you have more cleavage with the actual implants? It does sound small but they look great on you. I’m a pathetic idiot who fantasizes about 800cc and having a high profile cleavage but those are just stupid fantasies stemming from insecurity and compensation and something I’d never actually do.
What was your first surgery, if I may ask?
No. 250885
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>used to judge anons here for being so autistic about minuscule things regarding appearance
Well, now I’m here. I’m going for my consultation for my jaw surgery soon, and I’m getting really particular about shit like nasofacial angles (30-40 degrees), nose projection (0.55-0.60), nasomental angle, nasolabial angle etc because of quoves. I’m actually really excited, though I’m definitely doing more research in facial aesthetics over what the surgery will be like
No. 251255
I am thinking about getting
>>203893 with tax return money or whatever I spouts want to have my nose permanently altered but this will do for now
No. 251283
>>250869Thanks! Yeah the surgeon said he could make more of a cleavage, though I don't expect anything dramatic because naturally my breasts aren't really close together so I can only expect an improvement. And wow 800cc is really big, I'm not even sure if they can always do it during the first surgery. Just be careful because bigger implants are generally riskier I think.
And it's probably kinda controversial here, but it was a labiaplasty. Luckily I experienced no issues, and I went to an experienced female surgeon, but the recovery is definitely not as easy as surgeons suggest.
No. 251307
>>251284Both, it was always in the way though and was often pretty uncomfortable, but it wasn't
that bad. It mainly bothered me because of how it looked. I later found out that only like 9% of women have what I had, and so it was rare when I saw someone with labia that stuck out as much as mine, even though I looked a lot online because I really tried to accept it.
>>251296I'm not super comfortable sharing pics of it lol, but if you have any specific questions I'm happy to answer them.
No. 251318
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Pic rel is not me but what's everyone's experience with a breast reduction on breasts that aren't ~that~ large? I'm busty but not nearly as busty most people who get reductions, coomers would probably call me small if anything. I guess I'm quite average in terms of size but I always just preferred the aesthetic of smaller breasts and it would help me fit in most clothes better. Picrel would be my ideal reduction results. I just want cute small perky b cups
No. 251319
>>251310Nta but are you talking in general giving birth or giving birth after a labiaplasty? If you’re worried about your vagina after giving birth, the only thing that changes is the color. It won’t be as pink and it’ll be dark for awhile but it does lighten up a bit. Don’t know what you’re specifically worried about. I’ve had two kids and my vagina looks and feels the same, with the exception that it’s darker. And all my girlfriends who’ve had the same experience all say the same.
Btw the color of your labia darkens with age too.
No. 251375
>>251331Interesting but totally makes sense. I tore my labia a tiny bit during my first birth(got one little stitch), so I could see how scar tissue and all that would complicate the birth process.
>>251373I’m scheduled for a consult in 2 weeks to get one via Botox. Curious too if anyone has gone this route.
No. 252741
>>236961Yeah the nose job is horrid but I'm impressed they managed to make a 40-ish womnan look facially 18. Censor the nose and she looks good imo. I have been considering going to ID clinic in Seoul since seeing Cluam Sutherland's transformation. It looks like they did a (botched) rhinoplasty, browridge reduction, fat transfer, lower and possibly upper blepharoplasty, V-line jaw, and something to her lips (I'm not quite sure)
Maybe the doll-like aesthetic isn't for everyone but sis just dropped 15 years off her face. That's a feat
No. 253350
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Does anyone have any experience with scar revision? Is it actually worth it or do you feel like it doesn't actually improve the appearance of the scar enough? I have the world's ugliest surgical scar on my stomach from a surgery I had as a kid, its really old and completely faded but it makes my stomach look like I weigh over 300 lbs because it caves in a lot and looks just like a fat person's stomach when they get so fat that their belly fat caves inward at the bottom like pic related. Losing weight does not make the scar less noticeable either because I've weighed just over 100lbs and it still looked like that. I'm just really afraid of messing with it because some results pictures I saw looked really good but others made the scar look significantly worse afterwards and if that happened to me I would literally just commit suicide but also I am so tired of looking at this ugly ass scar that completely ruins my self esteem and makes me want to die anyways. This is something I've always wanted to do and I finally have the money for it now but I'm just not sure if I would be satisfied with the results.
No. 254823

I watched vid rel recently and I feel like it sort of describes my face. I'm still unsure if I'd call my jaw 'wide', but I think the width of my mid-face is similar to the width of the jaw, but I still wouldn't call it a 1:1. I feel like my face overall is somewhat neotenous, but in a bad way. Like I look like an ugly child.
The guy in the vid says that women with wide jaws looked better with visible cheekbones but I'm unsure if I fully agree with him. I've disagreed with quove's advice before, such as when he suggested that short woman to wear shapeless maxi skirts to 'appear taller', which I disagree with. I personally have a decent amount of facial fat, but I kind of have a love-hate relationship with it; I like that it somewhat makes me look neotenous (despite the fact that I sometimes feel like I look juvenile AND ugly), and I somewhat hate it because it makes me look like a moon-face I've been nearly-underweight before, so I have had visible cheekbones in the past, but I'm unsure I look good with them. I think I looked somewhat 'interesting' with visible cheekbones, but that might be because I wasn't used to having visible cheekbones before, and I sort of looked malnourished (in part due to me being nearly underweight at the time).
No. 254838
>>251373I got my tuberous tits fixed about 10 years ago and only now I may be feeling breast implant illness because it's more than time for revision but I'm putting it off since I don't really have the money anymore.
Or it could be just regular aging and other hormonal problems I have, I can't really know but either way I never had migraines or anything like that, just dark circles, dull skin and fatigue. Again, could be just aging.
Still much better than the tubes, I was harrassed for them and would've offed myself years ago if it wasn't for this surgery.
No. 254840
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I plan to get Masseter Botox to fix my haw asymmetry.
What am I in for? Anyone here has done the procedure?
No. 254885
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>>254850You get period cramps in your labia?
No. 254899
>>254885When I have cramps my labia feels really tight, like there's pressure all over. Isn't that normal?
>>254862Because it didn't look nice. Which is why we all get plastic surgery. It's also gonna be nice not having to adjust my panties all the time and literally having to open myself when masturbating or having sex. Plastic surgery is like one of the least feminist things we can do but I don't see why some people sperg as if a labiaplasty is even worse than a nose job or breast implants.
No. 255177
File: 1649445737793.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.46 KB, 300x428, cute-small-tit-redhead-181.jpg)

>>255174i have kind of small nipples but not anything like fake boob nipples. it's entirely possible but when you see small small nipples usually on a larger breast it's very suspicious. i think it's pretty clockable because they are just SO TINY. like wtf is this. am i being too critical or are those very tiny for how large her breasts are? they seem very oddly tiny to me
No. 255201
>>255191it heavily depends on the amount they insert. if you get a normal sized implant (because naturally they fall a little and are only, at best, partially under muscle), they raise the nipple to a degree and so the nipple is being pushed up but the implant below it unstretching it (not enough to compensate, for say, a person needing an actual breast lift and nipple reduction), rather than right at the largest part of the boob's apex, so the nipple isn't as stretched over the pointest part necessarily anymore, so it seems less stretched. though i think some a lot of people do get nipple reductions. how stretched your nipples will be depends on your bmi/fat, actual breast tissue amount, implant size, under or over muscle, implant profile, etc. i have been to many plastic surgeons about breast implants. yes they can and do get larger but it depends on those factors. that's not really a nitpick, but an observation? a nitpick is generally just rude, this is genuinely suspicious to people.
No. 255222
>>255177>very tiny for how large her breasts areThose aren't big boobs, even the filename is 'small tit redhead'. I'd say mine are a similar size and they're a solid B.
Definitely look fake though, like they're too round at the the top under the armpit. Even the perkiest boobs are gonna have a bit of a concave slope.
No. 255236
File: 1649454398121.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.1 KB, 640x640, bigboobssmallnipples.jpg)

>>255222NTA but I don't think she was saying her breasts are big but they were just too big considering her nipple size, nipples like those are usually found on very flat chested women and skinny men. Nipple/boob ratios look so off.
Why is it a thing to not want to have developed female nipples anymore? It's bizarre because you're expected to have extreme versions of sexual dimorphism for everything EXCEPT nipples kek. Do people really believe adult women who've gone through puberty enough to have extremely developed breasts, hips and everything else just somehow magically have areolas the size of literal babies? Is this correlated with the obsession of wanting women to have child like vaginas as well? It's so weird to expect women to magically have puberty affect everything but their vaginas and nipples
No. 255259
File: 1649456839555.jpg (Spoiler Image,346.89 KB, 1080x2231, Screenshot_20220409_002545.jpg)

(breast lift before and after under spoiler) does anyone else think the before here looks better, and not just better because it looks natural but more attractive too? I'm straight so idk but in the before picture they look bigger to me and more like, breast-shaped? also would you consider the first picture saggy/in need of a lift in the first place? Because to me they look fine
No. 255262
>>255259ya to me the 1st pic is way more attractive (but im straight too)
i think its about this woman's body shape tho. she has a pretty square and muscular torso, and them lifted and less space between them emphasizes her muscular shape and make her breasts look more like pecs to me…
this woman definitely did not need a lift, she naturally had really nice boobs.
No. 255268
>>255259You're definitely right, porn corrupted how people think breasts are supposed to look
>>255236This looks so out of place, it looks like someone cut off anorexic moid nipples and stuck it on her chest
No. 255272
>>255236Girl… some women just have small nipples, on a bcup like the original pic that's not weird at all. There was nothing disproportionate or indicative of surgery.
I get that beauty standards can be unfair but you're just shitting on some random chicks boobs like they personally offended you.
No. 255273
File: 1649461515073.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.79 KB, 500x890, 8250131-t7-enh.jpg)

Does anyone know if hopelessfrantic is natural? Her body always looked so bizarre to me especially when she does work with other girls, breasts look natural but she obviously uses push up bras and angles to make them look perkier and fuller. Maybe she got a rib removal? Something about this doesn't look natural
No. 255274
>>255259To be honest first picture looks as perfect as boobs that bog can look and although the after doesn't look bad, the before looks definitely better.
>>255236These nipples look so uncanny. I get some can prefer smaller ones but this doesn't look good at all, imo and even the scrotes who say they liked small areolas would probably be weirded out because of the proportions.
No. 255295
File: 1649467847805.png (402.96 KB, 500x312, naprawde-duze-biusty2 (1).png)

>>255222i was meaning the breast is large for the nipple, not that the entire breast size is large. it's called "tiny tit redhead" because it's obviously named by a porny male with no conception of breast size. plastic surgeons treat breasts like that too when they talk sizing unless they're light-touched doctors. i'm short and not fat or wide and was told "for very small C" (i already had perfectly enough breast tissue, i was just insecure at the time as an 18 yo), that i was going to need 450ccs. which was waaaaaaaay too big. you need to get resized or not sized by an american system if you think those are a B. they're not huge or large but they're not a B in the normal women's sizing system that the rest of the world uses.
No. 255378
File: 1649517063894.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.79 KB, 1280x720, (m=eaSaaTbWx)(mh=VB5y-ijhGZ08I…)

>>255355Her boobs look like normal big boobs. I have large breasts myself and can definitely make them almost appear fake with good angles and positioning, which she usually does. If you catch her in more uncontrolled positions/no shoop they have the natural sag and all
Most anons are just referring to her frame overall
No. 255392
File: 1649519438100.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.56 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)

>>255382I do too but it's not her boobs again, she just looks so weirdly drug abused and saggy all over, not just her boobs, she'll work with other girls and she always looks so weirdly unhealthy and misshapen next to them. pic rel is an example of what I mean. Even when the other girls are also very skinny but she's just very bony and weird looking
No. 255417
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>>255409Her mother had a lot more muscle and fat than her though and smaller breasts, although they're both wearing push up bras in this. Her proportions are way off since her entire body is narrower than her literal had and her boobs are bigger than her head. Her mother is skinny with large breasts for sure but hopeless just straight up looks like someone glued breast implants to a junkie
No. 255441
>>255409Implants don't sag like this
>>255378. Literally the most normal/natural looking boobs ever.
No. 255466
File: 1649544323411.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.7 KB, 833x1250, 238320_full-1.jpg)

>>255457>>25545780s and 90s implants look pretty natural though, I feel like the bolted on boob look didn't come out until the 2000s. My coworker is gen x and we started talking about when plastic surgery suddenly just hit men's magazines and she said "it's so weird, boobs looked so natural and proportional and then one day I just woke up and now you have stick thin women running around with massive breasts that are round at the top"
50s-60s nudes were artificial as well but not nearly as common as when the 80s hit. It also really fucked up people's minds because it felt like before porn became common people understood very thin and petite women won't be able to have the exact same breast size as a woman who's like 5'7, 200 lbs and with high body fat, so people just forgot how proportions worked and just expected all women to have massive boobs
No. 255522
>>255417they both look so bizarre but i would still pay (not
a lot) to look like either of them, especially at the moms age
No. 255570
>>255528I still can't forget the amount of large busted women on abrathatfits that get sized at Victoria's secret and told that they're just B cups with super large bands
>>255557Nah to me it definitely looks like a rib removal, there's a huge difference between a skelly with a small ribcage and straight up missing ribs/structure where her bottom ribs are supposed to be. Rib removals are common in modeling and have been around since the 80s, could also be why she's really insistent on not showing her back since that's where the scars are. This is why she looks very odd compared to the other girls despite the fact the other girls are also skinny with small ribcages
No. 255571
>>255559>buccal fat removalDon't. BFR is such a "short term" meme surgery, it only looks good for few years and then you will look twice your age as soon as you start losing collagen - see Bella Hadid.
Treat your skin, you can get a consultation with a derm and see if you qualify for microneedling, but leave your buccal fat alone.
No. 255745
>>255712Nice job anon, I'll step in before the tubular breast anon comes in saying that it's cute and shouldn't be messed with
Tubular breasts are a legitimate deformity that can take a huge toll on your life, especially since society is very breast centered. I feel like women with tubular breasts are often gaslight out getting a correctional surgery but people don't understand you're literally missing breast tissue, why is it fair people who are born without jaws, noses, feet, etc are all able to get surgery without shame but women with tubular breasts can't? And ofc people will just shame them every other day and constantly make it seem like having big perky tits is the norm
No. 255831
>>255805>>255823I never knew I had a deformity until visiting /g/ and I'm so glad I found out it was one - this whole time I thought I just had an ugly body and while no man had an issue with it, I hated how my breasts looked.
While I'm not advocating that everyone who has tubular breasts get surgery, it should be a clear option and women who have it should be educated that it can be "corrected" with PS. I couldn't be more happy with my op and I thought I would have to be unhappy with my body for the rest of my life before I found out about this type of correctional surgery.
>>255807Yeah I would buy bras and one breast would fit perfectly while the other has a bunch of empty space in the other cup lol
No. 256317
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I desperately want to get work done to fix my face. picrel I tried to draw over my features a bit. my head looks kinda like a rectangle and I have a wonky nose + chin which you can see.. would filler help? Ever since I was 13 I wanted jaw surgery so badly and some way to fix receeding hairline. I basically wanna bimboify myself completely because I've got such plain flat features.
No. 256322
>>256317It's hard to say from a drawing, but from what I hear, if you want to get a more 'sculpted' look to your jaw, you shouldn't use fillers, since it's make the idea look soft and doughy (unless you want that). I think there are serums out there that help with hair loss/recession that you can talk to a dermatologist with
I don't really see anything wrong with your jaw? It seems to be normal. There's nothing wrong with average/plain .Stop watching porn
No. 256329
>>256317You look attractive to me? You have pretty full lips, a strong but balanced nose and an elegant face shape. Anything you're seeing that's supposedly wonky to you is being vastly overestimated in your head.
>>256322>Stop watching pornThis. Please start viewing more normal human women and purge yourself of the brainrot.
No. 256378
>>256317Kek even this shitty outline of you looks beautiful, you're making me feel bad about my own face
No. 256831
>>256827A couple of thousand dollars is a penny in a bucket compared to a lifetime of being treated better, paid more, and respected.
The only people who posture about "loving yourself" and "accepting your natural beauty" have never felt the crippling isolation of having sub-3 looks. I'm not speaking to the Plain Janes who have otherwise unremarkable but "average" features.
If you have a profoundly recessed chin and giant neanderthal nose, you're no different than someone with a cleft lip and it doesn't matter if you have "pretty eyes" or a "nice smile" - no one will be able to notice your eyes (let alone your personality) if your facial deformities completely overwhelm your natural beauty.
Plastic surgery for many people is a way to look NORMAL, not hot. I mean, I happen to look hot after my PS, but that wasn't the goal. Once I was able to bring my looks up to a 5-6 after surgery, only then was I able to reap the benefits of further enhancements that had a compounding effect on my overall appearance.
Pre-surgeries, I looked like a monkey with blush and false eyelashes on. Now makeup, hair styling, actually does what it's intended to do - accentuate my beauty.
No. 256842
>>256839I have family and a few childhood acquaintances who knew me pre- and post- surgeries. Even though it's obvious that I got PS, no one brings it up. Whether they admit it or not, people are relieved that I now look normal. And they all - unconsciously - treat me better.
My parents treat me better. They're more inclined, even excited, to introduce me to their friends, coworkers, etc. My neighbors treat me better. I have conversations with acquaintances from my hometown where I feel like a welcome participant - I don't have to wait until a lull in a conversation to interject with my thoughts. People go out of their way to solicit my opinions now. People look at me, and hold my gaze when I look at them.
Seriously, the fact that people look at me is an enormous advantage and something I actually had to get used to. Humans don't like looking at ugly things. We don't consciously make the effort to ignore ugly people, it's just the way we're wired. When you're disfiguringly ugly, you have a harder time making connections because people prefer to keep their gaze on average people (or exceptionally beautiful people, if they're around). This is especially true in groups/crowds. Facial attrativeness commands attention by default.
No. 257023
>>256842You weren't fucking disfigured because your nose wasn't perfect. If I read your post out of context I'd think you were an acid attack
victim, but no you are just a delusional vindicta fag. People are nicer to you because you gained confidence and probably act less autistic than before.
No. 257035
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>>257023You're the delusion one if you think "el le confidence" makes people treat you better, when /pt/ is full of overly confident cows who invite endless ridicule because they think they look like hot shit. If anything, the surgeries gave me /less/ incentive to work on my personality/confidence, because I no longer need it to win the favor of people around me.
It wasn't just my nose - I also had a severely recessed chin and class two malocclusion. Pic related except with a large hooked nose.
No. 257042
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>>257035Nta, I totally buy what you’re saying. imo a recessed jaw is the main ingredient in making the most ugly type of non-disfigured human face. That’s what makes before and after photos of jaw correction surgeries so deeply satisfying to look at. Like, “wow, there was a normal human hiding in there the whole time.”
No. 257055
>>256842I'm sorry but this is mental illness. Ugly people might get treated worse but people don't avoid ugly women like aside from in the dating scene. I know a ton of "ugly" or "fat" girls that are popular, have a lot of friends and even cute bfs. If you really thought you were that ugly, you weren't and I'm sorry you felt that way. You probably look better now but your shame must have been what kept you from being as social.
>>257052You're doing the right thing. Vidnicta-fags like her are mentally ill and will harm themselves because they're trying their hardest to fit impossible beauty standards. Profiles are really not important, your face from the front is what determines your attractiveness anyways.
No. 257064
>>257055“People don’t avoid ugly peoples aside from the dating scene”
NTAYRT but that’s just blatantly false and not my experience. people date to find their life-long partners and being THAT ugly that you repel every dude isn’t some insignificant thing to get over. i’ve seen a few girls with recessed chins that bleed into their neck and tbh i feel bad for them. i definitely wouldn’t preach that they learn to accept themselves if surgery could most likely improve their chance at finding happiness in every aspect of life, including dating/relationships
No. 257066
>>257064Bitch are you retarded? I said aside from the dating scene and even there, if a girl does her makeup and hair well and has a nice body, she can get a bf or a gf easily. Not everyone looks like a model, woman don't have to look like models!
You have Vindicta poisoning and the way you talk about women's looks so judgementally while ignoring men's ugliness is retarded. You're not better than ugly women and they probably feel bad for you because of how you used to be when you looked like them when they can function just the way they are without needing men's validation and spending thousands for surgery.
No. 257068
>>257066why are you in the plastic surgery thread if you think all it takes to get a bf or gf is makeup, hair, and or a nice body. even the most idealistic christian fags who think god made everyone beautiful aren’t that naive
just like there are a few people who are born with model looks, there are a few people who on the literal bottom bell curve of attractiveness. your autistic sperg about Vindicta aside, not everyone who gets plastic surgery is trying to chase model hadid looks. some people are just trying to look not fucked up and improve their life and there’s nothing wrong with that
No. 257072
>>257068Because most people don't get plastic surgery to appeal to scrotes? Getting a jaw surgery because it's functionally disabling you or some other issue is fine, just getting it for aesthetic reasons is fine too but it won't get you a man.
You'd be way better off styling yourself in a way men like if that's all you wanted, long hair, a nice make-up and stylish clothes paired with a good body is going to get you way more attention that a nice jawline. It'd be way less invasive and inexpensive too.
Also you're not trying to improve your life, you're trying to get picked by men and are willing to literally get multiple unnecessary surgeries for some dick but still look down on unconventional looking women as if you're better than them. You're not.
Go back to Vindicta. Plastic surgery isn't bad, your outlook is. Valuing scrote opinion so much you got multiple operations to get a bf and still want to advise other women to do the same means this isn't the place for you.
No. 257074
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>>257072god you’re a clown. if a guy has a recessed chineck i’m repulsed and have zero attraction to them. i’m not so deluded to think than men don’t react similarly to women with chinecks too. what, is it normal and justified for women not to want to fuck pic related, but retarded when a man doesn’t want to fuck pic related, but as a girl?
if someone is on the fence about surgery, it probably means their features are fine and they’re just self conscious about some dumb trait in isolation. but some people look fucked up in the face and getting surgery to not look fucked up in the face will definitely help them “get a man” along with a bunch of other shit too
No. 257076
>>257064 where she reveals she did it just because.
>>257074You're still mentally ill for thinking getting multiple surgeries to get men is ok. Men fuck anything and nearly anyone ends up single if they're really looking and don't have some mental issues keeping them that way. Go outside and look at the couples, are they all 10/10 models? No but they're still happy.
No. 257092
>>257087Anon said getting plastic surgery would make her more attractive, that's why I said that. Men have super low standards anf they'd also go for so called ugly girls, plastic girls, etc. Though they will neg you no matter what even if you're beautiful so doing stuff to get their approval is simply stupid because they never will approve of a woman's choices.
>>257083I had plastic surgery myself but I'm against it getting advertised as a tool for women to use to get treated better or something. It's disgusting to think someone felt the need to get surgeries just because they want to get treated better. Most of these girls aren't even ugly either, it's just that the standards today mean %80 won't be able to be considered conventionally beautiful without some sort of enchantment.
Does that mean they're not actually pretty? Of course not but the stuff we see on media makes us think that way.
No. 257151
>>257114That wasn't me but anyone would be weirded out if someone advertised very hard and dangerous operations as easy stuff to get done so people can treat you better. It's scary to think someone on the fence could be persuaded by her weird ramblings and end up getting botched.
No. 257160
>>257151Very hard and dangerous operations kek
Nose jobs and a chin implant are minimally invasive. If anything is hard and invasive, it’s boob jobs, which are way more common and done for purely vain reasons because some girls can’t handle having perfectly normal and attractive A cup tits? The hypocrisy is stunning. Ofc men don’t want to fuck weird looking chinecks, and even if they do, some people don’t want to settle for retarded horny scrotes who will fuck anything with a pulse?
I am all for women going from a 2 to a 5. Nonita is right that half the pearl clutching and moralfaggotry in this thread is from people who have no clue how difficult it is to not even be considered slightly below average, but pitifully ugly and deformed. Like why are you ragging on someone who acknowledged that she got surgery to take her from sub 3 to a 5 looks wise and accusing her of wanting to be a model
No. 257168
>>257164 For example I think I have the most crooked nose ever and no one else notices even when I ask”
Because you don’t have a crooked nose. You have slight asymmetries that are normal. You look completely normal, and are trying to relate to girls who do not look normal. Sit down.
>“Even people with small chins I can see that their face isn’t the standard but it doesn’t affect the way I see or treat them”My eyes rolled so far back into my head. Drop this sanctimonious mother Teresa bullshit. Probably the most dangerous thing you can tell very ugly girls is that the world isn’t REALLY as cruel as they’re led to believe and if they just improved their Charm and Charisma they could do anything they want. You’re literally gaslighting these people into thinking that all the ridicule, bullying, and abuse they suffered because of their looks is because they lacked Charisma and Makeup lol. Charisma is inherently tied to looks, whether you realize or want to admit it or not.
No. 257170
>>257100>In real life, your personality, charisma and charm matter much more than a hooked nose or a recessed chinThis so, so bullshit kek
No. 257171
>>257076im the anon who was talking about dating and relationships, im not the original nona who got a nose job and chin implant. you’re so
triggered and have a bone to pic with Vindicta specifically, like go fuck off and seethe somewhere else
No. 257201
>>257194did it occur to you that maybe your experience is not global? is called basic empathy
>>257199>you can’t speak to the reality for most extremely ugly women, especially in professional circlesIs literally statically proven that attractive people get benefits over uglier workers
>you’re so weirdly threatened by the irrefutable reality that women DO live better lives when they look acceptable to othersFor real, is misogyny 101: as a woman, if you look pretty you get treated better cause to society your looks is all that matters, either anon is not that ugly (very probably) or is a scrote, there's no way she's so unaware of the social rules and misogyny involved in lookism
No. 257229
>>257204>It's always vanity no matter who does it whether you're disfigured-Bullshit, you're starting to sound psychopathic, if you're disfigured of course is going to affect your mental health, is not only vanity
>>257215>Beautiful girls irl deal with worse shit than I ever will so that’s a trade off tooAlso bullshit, women of all types deal with shit, no one questions that, the problem is your unwillingness to admit ugly women get abused for their appearances too
>I’d never want to cut myself up for the privilege of some random guy opening the door for me at the shops vs simply ignoring meYou have to be a scrote, this is unreal
No. 257240
>>257235if you think being ugly isn't always that bad, it only means YOU aren't that ugly for it to visibly affect your life and happiness. there's gradients to everything. You're so self-absorbed it's insane, your experience cannot be replicated by everyone because newsflash some girls are actually
uglier than you could ever imagine or relate with
No. 257256
>>257253Vanity is okay because being vain can improve your life and open doors that would otherwise be closed for you. Why are we shitting on people for wanting more for themselves again?
Like sure if you’re content with your lot that’s great; you never needed surgery and will never relate to people who need surgery to enjoy certain things because they’re that ugly or deformed.
No. 257264
This anon is genuinely infuriating, either a pickme or a scrote, there's no way
>>257258stop samefagging, you ain't fooling no one
No. 257265
>>257064 where you or an anon agreeing with you literally said
>that’s just blatantly false and not my experience. people date to find their life-long partners and being THAT ugly that you repel every dude isn’t some insignificant thing to get overSo you're getting ps just to not "repel" dudes. Also doubleposting is considered samefagging and against the rules, newfag.
No. 257267
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>>257259Idk anon I think this girl probably has a better life now
No. 257270
>>257263Disfigured people are allowed to live with dignity and deluding themselves into thinking they're perfect while people still harass and abuse them will not help them at all
>>257265I'm not any of those anons, and fuck off with your "newfag" bs you're clearly baiting you don't get to minimod itt
No. 257275
>>257270Nta but being ugly isn't a disfigurement neither is having a big nose or a small jaw.
>>257264I'm not samefagging, multiple anons are disagreeing with you. You're the one who's shilling plastic surgery for ugly women so they'll fit society's standards better and get dates easier, you're the pickme. You're the pickme because you're the one who's literally defending the idea that women getting surgery just for male's approval is logical.
Imaging being willing to get plasticity surgery not for yourself but to fit in some scrote made ideal just so you can have an easier time getting a man.
No matter how many times you call us scrotes or pickmes, you can't change the fact that you're unhinged.
No. 257285
>>257282Based. Imagine getting two surgeries to make men happy and then turn around to accuse other anons of being pickmes. Just tragic.
>>257283Unhinged. Literally. Learning to fo makeup, hair and dieting will make a much bigger change than surgeries in most ugly girl's cases. Most ugly girls are either fat, have bad skin or just don't take care of themselves. Even the girl you posted doesn't look that good in after because she's not styled at all.
No. 257290
The fat that """"she"""" keeps talking about "pleasing men" and "pickmes" when several anons already told her there are women who get surgery to stop harassment and abuse is worrying
>>257288stfu you're a retard
No. 257298
>>257292I'm telling you surgery isn't enough to "fix" your looks or help you fit the beauty ideals and this is what you get? Kek. You need styling to be attractive, surgery is going to do much less than a flattering haircut, outfit and makeup will.
>>257064 where anon mentions how getting surgery to find man is totally
valid. That's what I'm against, women getting surgery for other reasons is perfectly fine as it should be but for men? Fuck no. This dumb pickme has been arguing how based it is for her to "become more beautiful" only to appeal to scrotes.
No. 257299
>>257288i’m the anon you replied to and i already told your dumbass that i’m not the one who got multiple surgeries. i got braces in middle school if that helps lol. your autism ITT is laughable considering your Reeeeeing against literally nothing. no one here got multiple surgeries to “please men.”
i said previously that it’s okay for a girl to get surgery to improve her dating chances if she doesn’t want to settle for mouth breathing perverts who will fuck anything that moves. but that’s just a perk of surgery and not WHY most ugly girls get surgery. they just want to feel normal like everyone else.
No. 257303
>>257064 said they felt bad for girls who have recessed chins and they should get surgery because it'll help them with dating. I'm not a scrote for saying that anon is retarded. If you think about potential surgeries when you see people, you probably have body dysmorphia because that's just not normal.
No. 257304
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I'm still going to get surgery and fake feminist chan won't stop me. I can't wait to be a 5/10.
No. 257384
>>257327Yeah but they love the attention. BDD-chans are the worst, I swear. Knew one who cried about how ugly she was and she looked literally fine but had the worst personality ever like the BDD-chan in this thread, she thought getting multiple surgeries would make people treat her better when in reality she yelled and screamed at anyone who dared to disagree with her.
She also thought too highly of scrote opinion like some girls here do. It's sad but they're mentally ill so it's best to ignore them from now on. They've been saying that they'll stop replying but keep on relating afterwards which just proves how obsessed they are.
No. 257470
>>257322Agree with this. I've been to this thread before and think I'm not attractive at all, but I have seldom met women who are so ugly they cause discomfort. The majority of men are by far, uglier than women. I see ugly ass people all the time and I live in the south, but seldom is someone's facial structure the hills have eyes levels of inbred and mangled.
>>257331It's fine not to have perfect bone structure, trying to forcefully symmetrize it into something it's not will often make it look worse, that's why bad plastic surgery is often so unsubtle and ghoulish. Modern surgery culture is a vicious capitalistic cash draw that prioritizes tasteless over tasteful work, and it shows. Even celebrities have started going to med spas that charge clients up the ass every six months for bad fillers.
The best kind of plastic surgery is the kind that takes your preexisting face and "enhances", not completely alters it. This kind isn't the cheap shit and is often far less noticeable. Modern plastic surgery culture has given average to poor women the illusion that they are far uglier than they are, and they're not. You're just not looking at natural human faces on social media anymore, where this cancerous, male led industry is projecting the idea that you are ugly. It's a farce and you're all falling for it. That's why for me it hurts to see so many women wanting these entire facial transformations; blowup doll lips, cat eye surgeries, buccal fat and lip fillers before their face structure has chance to settle. Plastic surgery never crossed my mind because although I hated myself, I have had no money and too much pride, even though I hate my looks.
I've gotten less awkward looking in my twenties by just having baby fat naturally recede from my cheeks, and many women will never get to see it. Rich 19 year olds entirely changing their faces through plastic surgery is so sad to me, and then poor women of the same age thinking they achieved that look naturally and can one day afford to. You're more than the sum of your looks. Even in this moid filled shithole.
No. 257501
>>257492It does not escape me the irony that most ppl preaching “all woman are bootiful” ITT are on /pt/ calling cows ugly, fat, etc.
(Not that they’re AREN’T ugly/fat, but there’s nothing I hate more than people who try to save people from the “ugly” label.)
No. 257508
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>>257492I think my features are emphasized in an uncanny way and would look better if they were downplayed. I was born and will die with a thousand yard stare. With the exception of my lips, which are too small, everything feels like its too overwhelming. The intensity of my face completely mismatches my actual demeanor and draws people away from me. I know "loneliness by ugliness" in its own way. I see myself at a bad third person angle on camera and i end up crying. Irony is I've found people with similar features to mine very attractive and then put down my own. I'd just prefer not to touch it until it's at a more matured state. Older people getting plastic surgery makes sense, I'm just grossed out by those under 30 getting extensive procedures done. The demise of Ariana Grande's natural beauty for example, depresses me. Though I hate my face I have an odd pride in it, wanting to preserve this vicious venus fly trap until it dies. These celebrities will see the effects of this type of surgery in their 30s. It unsettles me. Trying to preserve youth through falsehood thinking you can outwit genetics and lifestyle? Ha ha ha.
There was a point where I was obsessed with beauty standards, plastic surgery, and facial composition. Contemplating all the things I need to change, starting with my pointy ass witchy nose. Beauty standards are always changing. They will change again. The best thing one can do is not try and forcefully adhere to trends by altering ones face in a permanent manner. Learn to love yourself by also hating yourself. Maybe go out not wearing makeup 6 days a week. Or try something makeup wise that's not trendy, but fits your face type. Learn to work with the features you have instead of considering them unsalvageable. I want to physically cringe every time one of my female friends puts their looks down, and I try and push them towards self acceptance. Like so many women seriously are beautiful and I just wish they'd love themselves, spoken like someone who doesn't love herself either
There is something gorgeous about a textured and real looking person. A person who's a little off kilter. Humans reject perfect symmetry and see it as offputting, it's a biological mechanism. Everyone's ugly when everyone is a smooth imitation mannequin of humanity. Having grown up with a modelesque looking mom, resembling my dork dad in the upper face, I will always consider myself inferior, but at least I know and embrace the oddity. If not out of pure laziness and lack of motivation or funds to change it.
No. 257524
>>257501I don't really use cow boards and I don't really think most cows look as bad as some anons make them out to be. Some fatter or uglier camgirls were exposed mocking camgirls for their weight and looks on /snow/ so I believe a big part of it is just vendetta-chans or people nitpicking women because they're milky and act weird as fuck.
>>257508I relate to you a lot, anon. I wish I was your friend and had the chance to help you notice your unique beauty, you sound like such a sweet person too and I'm sure you're just as beautiful outside. Your features being strong means you'll get people who can be very interested in you, though, more than they'd be to an average girl because that's how attraction works. Some people are voted average by others while other people will get half thinking they're gorgeous and half thinking they're plain unattractive, beinging part of the second half myself I think it's not that bad. I've had girls and guys genuinely think I was gorgeous when we were dating while some people just didn't agree, it's only human.
No. 257545
>>257524>>257524I'm not much of an active cow board user anymore either. Milk has dried up significantly. I have never been a major fan of appearance circlejerking in threads though, esp as a celebricowsfag. I get sick of that shit when it becomes redundant
one day I'd like to realize my true beauty nona, hopefully it'll be valued somewhere else someday by someone. right now i think it's just a lot of wallowing in my own loneliness and sorrows. there are very few people I would consider truly hideous? I'd love to be able to view myself the way I view others. having done art stuff in the past all I can think when I see how prolific ps is now is that the world is inching closer and closer to the dystopian world of the westerfeld uglies trilogy, we're stripping away uniqueness
No. 257700
>>257696I wouldn't mess with it, it's pretty normal for it to stick out before getting absorbed completely
Has anyone had staples for their plastic surgery? Everytime I see them I cringe, it can't possibly be good for your skin or comfortable
No. 257872
>>257829When I had severe body dysmorphia I considered opening up a GoFundMe claiming to be trans and spending it all on plastic surgery. I HATE how much more socially acceptable it is to get plastic surgery for MTFs than bio women especially since bio women get shunned for their looks way more than trans ever will
>But muh boobs!Okay? They get boobs on hormones, they're just not stupid large porn star boobs, welcome to being a woman since most women also don't like their natural boobs
>But muh faceCis women have big noses, jaws, etc all the time, you don't need a kpop nose job and jaw shaving to look like a woman
It's always them wanting to look like a blow up doll, if you'd rather be a man than an ugly woman you're not fucking trans you're a porn addict with a fetish
No. 257964
>>257892Interesting. I find a lot of troons who get facial feminization surgery to actually not pass as well after, they often just look like a bimbo troon where as before they could've easily passed as a butterface woman before but no they don't want that
Also why the fuck is it so easy to get free plastic surgery in UK? The countless NHS boob jobs are ridiculous. Probably why so many British men have an off view on how female bodies are supposed to look. They even pay for laser hair removal. Low-key thinking of moving to UK
No. 258098
>>258083I think she just doesn’t have a lot of breast tissue in that breast. Which might explain also why it didn’t grow as big like the other breast did.
She must have had some sort of deformity for her parents and a doctor to give her an implant. I get you want to give your kid an opportunity to grow up normal and they probably thought it was the best option.
No. 258126
>>258116>Most women in the UK with fake boobs have paid for them.kek
I talked to a lot of women who've had implants and some stories are just bizarre, from the NHS offering implants to teenage girls and that yoga instructor who flashed at a bar mitzvah because the family paid for her implants (she wasn't related to them). The way a lot of people pay for their plastic surgery is a trip, I think the donald trump story is the grossest, offering ivanka implants "to get better jobs"
No. 258481
>>258480>agingif you are comparing yourself to 18 year olds I have to question how old you are, and if you're under 25 and consider yourself "aging" and have to compare yourself to 18 year olds with bad fillers, that's even sadder
god I used to think 25 was so old and now that I've passed 25 I've realized it's not, I don't even look that different from when I was 18
No. 258488
>>258481Kek seriously I don’t understand why people think they’ll look drastically older at 25 than 18. I’m 33 and hardly look any more different than I did at 25. Maybe less baby fat on my face.
Plastic surgery makes you look older anyways so I don’t understand the thought process.
The internet is fake anyways. Nearly everyone uses filters and face tune, even on top of plastic surgery.
No. 258532
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>>258457Kylie Jenner is early 20s but looks so much older because of the filler. I think fillies should be avoided overall, it doesn’t even fade or dissolve on its own it literally just moves wherever in your face. And that’s why people get so puffy looking. You’d think celebrities would have a team of people to tell them to chill out but nah. Shekels are shekels and filler doesn’t “last” that long, it expensive to upkeep. If you wanna age good, eat well and exercise and use sunscreen.
No. 258533
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>>258488Every time I think I look old and gross I try and look at unfiltered or imperfect photographs of famous people for affirmation. It's amazing how when you zoom in and remove the filter, even the allegedly perfect people have real skin texture!
No. 258534
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>>258533(love the freckling on emma too)
No. 258648
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Why do celebs like lying about their obvious lip fillers?
No. 258709
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>>258648Nah it's natural. Look at her old pics. It looks the same to me.
No. 258849
>>207815Very late, but I feel this so much. I'm insecure about my acne, my small butt, and especially my bulbous, prominent nose. I see anons calling noses way nicer than mine "potato noses" and it makes me want to hide forever. I get nitpicking cows about aesthetic things they can control, like poor hygiene, ugly fashion sense, or filter abuse, but nitpicks on things the person literally can't control are just cruel and not milk. People don't choose to be short, or have small butts, or big noses, or big foreheads. I'm sorry some people aren't born looking like perfect Barbies?
No. 258920
>>258821A couple things, first, medical tourism probably isn't that cost effective in this situation. I guess it depends where you're from but with breast augmentation being such a common procedure, it is not very expensive compared to other cosmetic surgeries and you'll probably feel a lot better being cared for in your home country and recovering in a place that's comfortable to you than you would going to a foreign country to save a few bucks. Of course if it's not foreign to you it's up to you, but from your wording it sounds like you want to go there for cost reasons. When you add up the flights, transportation, hotel stays, possibly an interpreter if you don't speak the language fluently, and other costs associated with traveling, you'll probably spend about the same amount as you would having it done in your home country where you can communicate your goals and medical information more effectively. Second, I don't think a breast augmentation is likely to hide this issue. Cleavage after breast implants is dependent on your anatomy so if you have a sternum deformity it might push your breasts apart and as
>>258839 said, probably draw attention to it. There are some women with far spaced breasts who get breasts augmentations thinking that their breasts will look closer together, but they often end up with larger breasts that still spaced far apart because that's all their anatomy will allow for. However it might be worth scheduling a consultation with a surgeon in your area to see if they think differently since they can actually examine your anatomy.
No. 259036
>>258821It's not worth it, it's also not that big of a deal or an actual deformity that's going to be noticed but an average person. In my opinion you shouldn't get the surgery to fix it because it's super invasive and to be honest, I don't think any results look good enough to take the risk. I have the opposite where my chest is sunken in and know a few guy with it, none of us got surgery either and I didn't think it was a big deal or something unattractive on me or any of those guys.
If you really want to get surgery you can but remember that only you will notice the difference, choose based on that fact alone.
No. 259182
I have a dark spot surrounded by a little bruise under my armpit. I'm 2 weeks post breast augmentation. It appeared a few days ago. It hurts a little like a pinch but doesn't really swell. I wonder if it's a small hematoma but the doctor said it's only an emergency if it swells up and continues swelling bigger and bigger. Well it's not doing that so I'm just planning to show it to my doctor next week at my appointment, but should I be worried and go in sooner? This spot isn't near the incision site so I don't think it's necrosis.
>>259084I used to fret over my aquiline hook nose and was dead set on getting a nose job until I started shooping straight noses on my face and realized how retarded I'd look if I got it done. Once I knew I would look like shit with a designer nose I started to accept it and even like it. Little noses don't work on every face and I'm sure you are beautiful.
No. 259746
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>>259505Big noses can fit certain faces better and fuck it, big noses are hot. Ski slopes are soulless and overrated and they can look horrible on some
No. 259748
>>259505NTA but I like big noses on women if their features are in harmony. Sure a smaller nose will be more conventionally attractive but people can have unpopular opinions.
>>259742NTA but can you try makeup and hairstyling? Most of those pretty girls know how to take care of themselves and even though they're naturally beautiful too, none of them wake up like that. If you look like you have insomnnia, maybe try color correctors and foundation? You can also get your hair dyed and cut to suit you.
No. 259753
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>>259505>>259746I love women with big noses, it looks so regal
No. 259958
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How retarded & unrealistic is it to consider leg lengthening surgery if you don't have any genuine medical reason for it? Desperate womanlet here
No. 259995
>>259958i read a lot about this surgery before out of morbid curiosity, and its so dangerous and can basically cripple you for life so I don't think its worth for anyone to do.
short girls are cute
No. 260052
>>260028Listen to this
>>260051. It's true. I'm losing my cheeks only now that I'm almost 26. My face looks slimmer and people around me can notice it. Just be patient, I guess.
No. 260150
Getting a boob job to make my boyfriend more attracted to me is a bad idea, right? He told me he finds me attractive, and he's liked some girls with small boobs in the past, but I know he generally likes big ones. My boobs aren't bad rn, they are small, but they are round/perky with small nipples. I see their imperfections (I can really fixate on it) but I know they aren't bad. I'd love to have slightly bigger ones, but I don't feel like I'm unlovable/unattractive as I am, it's just I keep feeling like he would be a lot more attracted to me if I had big boobs. But I also dislike like 95% of all boob jobs I see and I've been looking at surgeons for years now. I just feel like once the novelty of it would wear off (if they turned out well) then our relationship wouldn't change much.
I wouldn't only get the surgery for him though, I'd like to feel a bit more womanly because I keep getting mistaken for a teen, but at the same time I'm super unsure about all the risks (I'm part of a plastic surgery group on fb and I see people having issues all the time), and the scars, and possible future surgeries. Can someone be the voice of reason for me lol, I keep going back and forth between really wanting the surgery then not wanting it at all. I'm actually supposed to book a date with a surgeon whom I had consultations with, who uses the implants with the lowest complication rate, does small incisions etc., but I just don't know.
No. 260282
I've wanted a nose job for years. I'm finally in a place financially where I could afford to finance one and pay it off before the interest kicked in, or save for a couple years. But I've decided against it.
I had a mole removal on the NHS. Granted, I'm sure if I paid for it myself I probably could have gotten it done 'better', but at the time couldn't afford that. They agreed to remove it on the basis that it wasn't harmful but they could run it through testing as it was 'unusual', though due to covid I never got my follow-up appointment so I've got no idea what it was. They told me they'd have to cut it out of my skin, but that it would only leave a tiny scar, I'd barely notice it. I decided a scar would be easier to cover up with makeup than a mole (it didn't matter how much foundation I put on, it always showed through, and protruded anyway).
When I came out of the surgery it took about an hour before someone brought me a mirror. They said it was a success and everything was fine. I was horrified when I saw my face: the mole had maybe been 5mm wide, but the scar stretched across my entire cheek. Obviously I wasn't allowed to cover it until the stitches fell out, and I worked a reception desk so I was understandably terrified of going back to work with it. I know this isn't 'plastic surgery', but the idea that this was a success and I still wasn't warned about how much it would alter my appearance, that every medical professional told me it would be 'barely noticeable'.
I've come to terms with it now, and it's healed a lot. After 2 years it is pretty easy to cover with make-up, although on days I don't wear foundation the odd person decides to comment on it most people have the decency not to say anything. And I think it looks kind of bad ass. But it does annoy me that I probably could have worked on my confidence and accepted the mole in the same way, and didn't have to go through all that. If I had a botched nose job though, or even one I hated that the surgeons didn't consider 'botched', well that's not going to be as easy to cover up.
I did get lip fillers though (I've decided not to do anything permanent to my face), just 1ml, and I've actually found that does a good job of balancing out my nose with the rest of my features in a way that isn't going to permanently botch my face if it goes wrong. I don't judge people who do decide to get plastic surgery, but it's definitely made me rethink my own stance and the fact that even if most surgeries don't go 'wrong', they might not go 'perfectly', and I might still find myself in a position where I'm forced to learn to accept a part of my appearance I could've accepted without spending £6K+.
No. 260418
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How is it possible that a surgeon has hundreds of beautiful results on their instagram like on the left, but on their website there are some less fortunate ones like on the right? I feel like their starting point wasn't that different. I wanted this surgeon until I saw those results, but idk if that was taken really soon after surgery or something. I've only heard good things about her and I've seen a lot of people who went to her and posted their own photos, but I'm really scared of ending up like the right on picrel.
No. 260488
>>260418Just because they look similar doesn't mean the anatomy will allow for the same result, for example the sternum and space between the patients' breasts looks quite different which has a big effect on your result. The patients may not have had the same aesthetic goals and went for different types of implants because there are different shapes not just sizes,
the texture of your breasts can be different among women within the same apparent size range. Plus, aftercare on the patient's side also plays a part in how your results will end up. There are a lot of factors that go into it so better to have a consultation with the surgeon so you can tell her what you like and don't like using her portfolio photos and she can set you up with realistic expectations for what is achievable with your anatomy.
No. 260494
>>260150>I have small perky boobs with small nipplesThey sound perfect already anon don’t touch them .
i prefer those boobs! Dump him if he’s negging your appearance, how big is his pp? Bet it’s not impressive.
No. 260498
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Have any moms who’ve breastfed done something about their boobs. I dont like my saggy big nipple titties… they make me feel like picrel
No. 260519
>>260289Sorry to hear you had a similar experience, your confidence really does take a hit from it. Much love
nonny <3
>>260379Sorry lol I didn't read back in the thread much, this is really interesting tho so thank you!
No. 260572
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What should I do if I have a nose like hers?
No. 260582
>>260572grimes nose is the least
problematic thing about her
No. 260720
>>260718thank you. My surgeon did give me a pamphlet about it, but it wasn't too in depth. You're right though I couldn't even play simple games because my mind can't think. I'm glad to hear it's normal because I'm not normally a very emotional person and it was weird crying when I rarely cry.
My boobs feel so MASSIVELY heavy too. like standing almost feels like they're going to straight up rip off my body. I'm legit scared to remove this bra thing they gave me like ever with how intense it feels.
When did your surgery start to look 'normal' to you? 3 months?
No. 260731
>>260720I'm only 3 weeks out, but they are finally starting to drop. They haven't fully dropped or fluffed (my surgeon said 3 months is average and that's why most surgeons take post op photos at 3 months) but they're starting to look more normal! For reference I got small, moderate profile implants (no lift because I was near flat to start with); right now they are looking a little bit big and like high profile implants. So they still have some upper fullness and overall swelling, but it's a huge improvement on my immediate post op swollen torpedoes! The shape is slowly resembling my pre op breasts again. I've also regained mostly normal sensation, only a few spots where the nerves are still recovering and feel a bit numb or tender. I have some random pains now and then which my surgeon told me to expect. They come for just a second and then go away. My breasts felt super heavy exactly as you described and felt sore and painful all day for the first week and a half. They also felt like they were pushing too far out to the sides or in towards the middle and I convinced myself I had all the complications. I had to skip my shower twice just to not remove my compression bra because it hurt and felt so heavy to have the bra off! And I was mega constipated from the meds (finally pooped on day 6! TMI but hey if you're going through the same it might make you nervous like it did me) and basically nursing my ice pack 24/7. But after those first idk 10 days or so, it gradually felt easier, and now 3 weeks out I actually feel good when the bra comes off for my shower and massage. After coming off all my meds, I started going on short walks and that really improved my mood. I even had the energy to go out dancing this past weekend (with my surgeon's approval and keeping my T-Rex arms in place so no one could push my arms too far kek), I felt a bit sore from jiggling by the end of the night but nothing major. But besides talking to my surgeon, I got a lot of in-depth healing info from my sister in law, and her breasts look so natural it's crazy. I have seen her in a bikini and I had no idea that she had her breasts done until she told me. She got exactly what you had done plus a tummy tuck as part of a "mommy makeover" ten years ago. For her she said they started to look and feel normal around 2 months. But some people's bodies may heal faster or slower than others so give it at least 3 months. In any case what you're feeling is consistent with what my SIL told me, what I have experienced, and what my surgeon explained to me, plus all my anecdotal research I did when I was a sad sack in bed healing those first few days, so I'd say it's got to be normal. And I hope my little blog has given you an idea of what to expect in the coming weeks. Hang in there, you are at the peak worst stage of the healing process right now and after a few days you'll notice little improvements day by day. You'll still be sore but you'll notice it becoming more manageable and being able to do more things, even if it's just staying up and focused on something for longer or being able to put your clothes on easier or wash your hair easier, just take note of these little things because it's a good indication that you're getting better. Don't push yourself, try not to stress about it, and let your body do its thing.
No. 260803
>>260731omg THANK you so much for your reply. Especially the nerve part! TMI as hell but I can't feel my nipples what so ever, and I got insanely scared of that because I orgasm through my nipples and I legit got scared I fucked something up for 'aesthetic'. Doctor told me it will most likely repair itself and not to worry especially because I had minimal issues/bleeding but I'm never sure…
>>260796tbh, I brought some photos of models who's boobs I liked and he gave me some recommendations. I have naturally big boobs but I'm 33 and they were slightly sagging a bit with age so I wanted to correct that as well. My bf thinks I'm crazy for the entire thing but I really just wanna feel good being on the beach in a bikini because I grew up being extremely shy of my body until honestly hitting my 30s lol. I like having boobs on the bigger side.
No. 260823
>>260803Yw! I had some anxiety over it too despite doing a lot of research beforehand and my surgeon saying everything went great. I guess when it's your body it's hard not to worry. Glad I could help ease your mind a bit.
>I can't feel my nipples what so ever, and I got insanely scared of that because I orgasm through my nipples and I legit got scared I fucked something upIt happened to me too nona. I am used to my nips being sensitive. First week or so post op, both nipples were totally numb. Then my right one started regaining feeling until it became so sensitive it felt like I was being electrocuted if I touched it directly. Now the right one has gotten back to normal sensation and one of my few numb-ish spots left is the left nipple. I can feel it a bit but it's not totally back to normal, but my left breast has been trailing behind the right a bit through the whole healing process. I don't know if it's going to do the same thing but I would like to get electric nipple time over with so I don't have to dread it anymore kek.
No. 261019
>>260948no please, dismiss me away lol I can't stop freaking out because my left boob is swelling in the bottom side more than the right. For the record I only had a benelli cut (donut cut just around the nipple, not lollipop or under or armpits) so I shouldn't really be swelling around my armpit I think?. I just had the zoom postop meeting and the doc said the internal bra should prevent those issues but we'll see in 3 weeks postop.
>>260954My boobs are/were pretty big. I don't have a HUGE frame but my frame wasn't petite either. I had to get 500cc as I wanted a natural look but 'plump' or slightly larger. Because I was getting a lift and I'm a little older, that was the size the doctor suggested as he was removing some existing tissue due to the lift. If I had gotten smaller volumes it wouldn't have even been worth it to get implants at all and just go for a lift only, which I didn't want.
No. 262429
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should i get a nose job? i hate how “fat” the tip of my nose looks, and i want to shave down the bridge. i’m in college and have 2.5k saved up for cosmetic shit (getting some jaw botox soon) so i would have to work a lot to save up for a nose job. my parents are telling me not to do it (of course) but i’ve been wanting to ever since i was 14.
No. 262977
>>262862You and the surgeon will most likely discuss your aesthetic goals, your anatomy, what your options are, what to expect of the basic surgery process, the risks of surgery, where the surgery will take place, and pricing. You should ask any questions you have about preparing for and recovering from surgery, as well as tell them of any medications you are taking and any drug or alcohol use. Other than that, it's really just whatever you want to know. You can ask about their experience and credentials, you can ask to see before and after photos, you can ask questions about scarring, or anything else regarding the whole process. It just depends on what you would like to know before you make a decision.
No. 264021
>>263671Working out can make you look less gangly and if you target the right muscles you can look more shapely. Otherwise breast implants and BBL are the classics. Shoulder reduction is a meme and not worthwhile.
>>263987There's anecdotal evidence but ultimately nothing conclusive. The most conclusive evidence I could find regarded the use of corsetry in the Victorian era but seems to only affect the person if used young enough, if you're not a sickly 12 year old Victorian girl you aren't going to get the same benefit.
No. 264140
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>>264137How old are you? Just curious not trying to be rude. I'm 23 but I haven't considered botox yet, I don't have any wrinkles except for when I smile (which I don't do much anyway)
The only cosmetic thing I have been considering is under eye fat fillers, because my eyes are big but deep set and the skin is incredibly thin here. But I fear if it goes wrong it could look 10x worse than I now, so I have to live with creepy eyes for now
No. 264197
>>264140I’m almost 34, and haven’t really had any issues with aging until recently.
The problem with undereye, is that they use filler instead of botox, which has a reputation of migrating. You should do a lot of research about it if you really want to have it done, and make sure you don’t “cheap out” on the person doing it.
>>264163This is very true. I did baby-botox (a lot smaller) and have no plans or wishes to do it anywhere else on my face, so I don’t end up looking like the catlady. lol
No. 264259
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>>264140I want this so bad but I feel like I would need a lot of filler because my eye sockets are super hollow
No. 264280
>>264276So you would say it was worth it, and you never went completely back to “normal”?
I have these hollow vertical lines I want gone, but I’m really scared it’s gonna look like shit. They’re my biggest insecurity, and the only reason I don’t wear contacts instead of glasses.
How many ml did you do each time?
No. 264396
>>264280Yup. I never got them dissolved. If you're like me and think anything would be better than what you have now, then I'd tell you it's worth it.
Sorry, I don't remember how many mls, but I made it VERY clear to my derm that I wanted it to look natural. She only put in a little at a time to avoid any lumps.
No. 264417
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>>203731she was so pretty before..
No. 264558
>>264396Yeah, I am like you in that regard, lol.
Thank you so much for replying to my questions. How was the bruising?
No. 264573
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>>264417I would kill to look like her old self
No. 264575
>>264569I said it before, You can tell who Kris liked the least based on the quality (or lack of) plastic surgery. Khloe and Kylie's plastic surgery looks rushed, bad and badly maintained.
They constantly have to get more and more to fix what nature naturally shows. Kourtney has minimum very little plastic surgery done. Kim has a lot but she was naturally pretty and obviously Kris's favorite because of her looks and confidence.
Kylie was picked at from a young age, then groomed by a tranny chasing/blow up doll lover rapper. Khloe was told she needed a nose job and look how many times she chopped her nose?
Neither needed nothing, if anything when Kylie first got her lips done she looked the best.
If she focused on fashion more so then her face, she'd look MUCH better now. It's sad.
No. 264609
>>264576Stormi is adorable and agreed, looks a lot like her mom. I hope the family don't pass on the body dysmorphia to their kids.
>>264575I still thought her lips were too overdone when she first got them. All her old ones needed were a little plumping and it seemed like she went overboard from day 1 trying to replicate her sisters. The family's black fishing and obsession with racial ambiguity alongside their pickme ways really demolished an entire generations self esteem and now we've got rich girls getting fillers at age 16 like Kylie and poor girls feeling inferior to them. It's so sad
Id dare say that at times even Kris looks uncanny and botched before her surgeries settle. I can't believe with her amount of money Kylie's docs are so bad
No. 264625
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>>264575Sorta related, but Kris is probably the worst of all of them when it comes to procedures, Khloe coming in second.
Just another sad case of going too far, while probably being pressured from the people around her by how they look/present themselves.
(Do we need/have a Jenner/Kardashian tread?)
No. 264634
>>260150It’s been almost a month and I have no idea what course of action you decided to take but noona I have to reply to this.
There is not a single sign in your post of you truly wishing for implants – only insecurity and indecision. Literally never think from a position of “I need to DO something to WIN this or that man’s desire” unless you always want to be miserable, with zero self-esteem, dumped, cheated on and strung along forever. And never consider permanent body modification for that reason. I promise you, you will never reach that imaginary goal of finally being The Woman and you will hate yourself even if you end up becoming the hottest woman on the face of the earth.
Only beautify yourself for the sake of YOUR own sense of femininity and beauty. That’s actually the true way of becoming the ideal woman you want to be – because the gratification you’re looking for is given by you to yourself, not by your boyfriend’s attraction. As for moids, they don’t need to be convinced, let them get their boners naturally.
No. 264887
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Anons, i need your help. I'm unsure of what to do to get rid of my widows peak/uneven hairline. I've tried microneedling, but i didn't see results. I've also used castor oil, but then i've read it's useless and i should use rosemary oil. Haven't tried that yet, but i've also heard about hairline tattoos and i wonder if that would be a better option, since i tend to pick at my scalp during stressful times and i wonder if it's affecting my hair growth. Any experience/advice? What do you think? I feel ugly af
No. 264916
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I am not interested in lip filler but hers look so good. I wonder how they made them look so natural.
No. 265056
>>264887Sadly I don’t think thinning temples count as a widow’s peak,
nonnie. But the cheapest permanent option would probably get it tattooed. I honestly just use eyeshadow to cover it up, but would love a better option.
People right and left claim rosemary oil massaged into your scalp helps but idk if I’m patient enough to try.
Sage because I’m not helpful
No. 265190
>>265080No asymmetry.
>>265109Same I looked botched at first and didn't realize. After a couple of weeks I thought hey a lot of swelling has gone down, surely I look normal now. Looking back on pictures.. Nope. Looked weird for about 3 months. I'm glad it worked out for you because I had so much hope for this. Because fuck filler honestly. I ended up getting cheek implants instead which I love.
No. 265284
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>>264417thin lips can be cute tbh, but I think it comes down to the actual shape of the mouth and your jaw/chin size. thin lips look good on chinese celebrities, but they already have hyperfeminine faces. kylie could've pulled off a similar look if she got her surgery done in s.korea and not whatever shitty clinic her family goes to
No. 265310
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>>265297>>265299kylie looks botched as it is
jaw surgery is permanent, one and done. and it's not like she doesn't have money, she could've gotten it done by the most experienced top rated plastic surgeon in korea
but now kylie has to get lip filler for the rest of her life due to her long philtrum (caused by lips becoming inflated)
No. 265319
>>265310She looks better than those weird jaw surgery result photos. Those Korean style surgeries always make you look like a mouth breather and her strong jawline and cheekbones would go to waste.
Also she always had a long phlitrum so it's not an issue. She can at least get fillers dissolved but jaw surgery isn't reversible.
No. 265643
>>265638I don't get this either. I've had ps and when people compliment the feature I had altered I'll sometimes say thanks, I actually had x procedure, and if they express interest I'm happy to drop my surgeon's name. I do understand not wanting to push surgery on someone who is mentally unwell and feels they
must have it to have any self confidence. I didn't hate myself before surgery, I was happy with my looks before and even happier afterwards. Maybe you already have more of the appearance these people wanted before surgery so they genuinely feel like it would be pointless for you? Or else they're worried about you kek.
No. 265973
>>265834I don't look better, don't think it'll change how people treat you unless your nose is really bad which isn't the case for %90 of the nosejobs, so my advice is to only get it if you want it yourself.
My nose wasn't that big but it was a greek-ish nose that looked too straight and masculine from the side. I was ok with how it looked on the front but after surgery it looks wider from the front and I don't think it looks good with my features now. If you're getting your bump shaved, it'll look wider so make sure to discuss with your surgeon that you don't want it too thick, though if a nose is thinned out surgically it sometimes looks very obvious so bring that up too.
Going back to what I said, most of the people in my family got nose jobs, like 10 at least and afaik only 1 is very happy but his nose was super bad and he had a very unhealthy obsession with his looks. If they dont like the results, most will regret the surgery, research doctors for revision and then give up because revisions are even more dangerous and you only realize how hard of a choice it is to get surgery after your first surgery. Only %10 of people get revisions for nose jobs but a much bigger percentage are unhappy with their results.
I also want to add I had a very easy recovery, probably because my doctor didn't break bones to make my nose thinner, literally no bruises or pain but the swelling takes 2 years to go away and you never get a perfect result, you will fix some flaws but there'll be thing you don't like about your new nose too as doctors can't tell how it'll heal and they can only work with what your body provides. Like mine is a bit asymmetric and it looks undefined at the bridge. Some people I know had cartilage that pointed out in a obvious manner which made it clear they had their nose altered, that happens very often.
I know it's long but I wanted to explain why people that got surgeries are less likely to recommend it, it's because deep down most regret it afterwards. No surgically altered feature will ever look as good as someone born with it, you can only change things up to a point before you put the patients health in risk whether it be necrosis, the nosetip drooping down or breathing issues etc.
In the end, you shouldn't have expect perfect results. Expect an improvement, not a full on different feature.
No. 265979
>>259787I got mine done but had to stop before they'd finished even half the syringe because my numbing wore off or something, so I only got the top lip done lol have to go back and get the rest
But even just from the top lip I can see my face seems like it has so much more harmony, I'm actually pretty surprised, I def think anons interested should give it a try, I agree about the nose I have a kind of big one and it stands out less to me now
No. 266128
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From Bella’s IG, she looks like a 44 year old model who smokes and has 2 kids from a failed marriage
No. 266157
>>266130She looks older just like most models that have her type of classy beauty. Being an older looking beautiful woman is better than getting mistaken as a teenage because you're frumpy. Also women pushing this idea that we need to pass as 20 year olds or we look like old ladies is
toxic. They're just parroting incel points.
No. 266178
>>266174Nta but she didn't say she just looked old, she said
>she looks like a 44 year old model who smokes and has 2 kids from a failed marriageWhich makes her sound needlessly petty and pretty
toxic. She might look a few years older but this is overreacting.
No. 266192
>>266067Let me know how it goes
nonnie. I've been wanting to try this too
No. 266457
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Hello everyone, sorry to bump this thread but I thought I would talk about a slightly unconventional surgery I just had literally 13 hours ago. It was hard for me to find info on it so I hope this helps anyone looking for something similar.
I got fat transfer done to my face + neck and jowl lipo. The fat I wanted in my midface was taken from the sides of my upper ribs. By mid face, I mean I wanted my cheeks to be MUCH chubbier. I wanted a cherub 3/4ths profile and an intense heart shaped frontal. I told my doctor specifically to NOT inject any fat on top of my actual cheek bones, as I already have a longer face with strong cheeks. I wanted it in the dent between my cheek bones and jaw. The fat is meant to fill that space out so instead of the sides of my face looking like the number 8 I wanted something more like a parentheses, if that makes sense.
I also wanted my jowl and neck to be similar to Ariana Grande’s since I have a pretty similar face shape & jaw to her, but with the idea of chubby cheeks in mind. I’ve attached some drawn pics to show you what I mean.
For a very long time, I’ve been insecure about my face shape. I think phone selfies really fucked me up, bad. I tried various things to make my face appear less angular and more round - nova or pdo threads (don’t ever do this please huge waste of money unless you get Botox and it makes your eye droop or something) and also major sculptra injections. The pdo threads did not fully dissipate and the sculptra (I personally think) is almost gone. But I wasted like $6k on both these procedures thinking filler or a lift could give me what I wanted.
Anyway. I chose a fat transfer instead. I’m young (early 20s) and I’ve gotten lipo a few years at this same doctor before. I told him I really disliked how rectangular my face had gotten due to weight or filler (I had filler done for a stronger jawline and it came out VERY body). He first dissolved any remaining filler and a few weeks later (yesterday) we did the surgery.
I edited pics of myself to show him exactly what I wanted. He told me it’ll never look exactly like that but he can get pretty close.
Also, from experience, his fat transfers I’ve seen retain like 70% of the distributed fat if the patient does what he says and also what’s a favorable internal system. We spoke a week before for pre op and then the day of and although he does speak fast and he has a lot of clients, he made me feel really safe and valued and he went over all of my questions.
So anyway, I woke up, I was super tired, and my friend drove me back to the hotel. I took all the antibiotics prescribed (usually cipro and something else) and they also prescribed me something for swelling! Which is awesome because I am swelling a LOT. My cheeks look like Alvin and the Chipmunks’ lol. But my lower jaw from what I can see by pulling back the bandages is very heart-ish. My face definitely does hurt but I think there was a numbing liquid he squirted in with every pass of the cannula so it’s not that bad. My throat and right side of my tongue hurt SO badly from what I think may have been intubation, I’ll ask him tm. Also any time you go under gen anesthesia, maybe sure you buy magnesium citrate/milk of magnesia. I drank half the citrate because I can already tell I’m backed up unfortunately. I also took one pill of pain medication but I split them in half and took one at 6pm and the other at 12am.
It’s early days and I’m not sure what will happen later. I loved my face after the sculptra injections but it dissipated soon after. Fat injections have their own set of risks and my body may absorb the fat. It’s all a toss up but I’m praying the swelling goes down and the fat transfer looks good. I also got it done under my eyes so I am quite bruised but I am anticipating what they will look like after the swelling goes down.
For anyone who is wondering why I did this - I have an averagely longer face. It’s actually not very long and my cheek bones balance me out so I don’t look like I have a horse face. Honestly, think a little weaker than Bella Had if’s but my head is kind of big like hers kek. But I noticed and feared my cheeks hollowing out and my under eye circles deepening and my jowls/neck sagging - this is all very common with my family members and I saw it happening early and I decided to be proactive. I think Bella is beautiful in her own way btw but I personally HATED the angular, strong look on my face. All I wanted was a clean, stronger looking jaw with rounded cheeks, and I believe I got that today.
I got in contact with a therapist to make sure I don’t have anything wrong with me because I’ve met a lot of girls who do and I don’t want to be like that nonnies. Really I don’t. I do feel happy right now but I think it’s important to talk to someone, at least the way I see it for myself.
Anyway I hope this was helpful to people who are looking to fix a gaunter/longer face if it’s really bothering you. I will post updates throughout the month to document how the swelling is impacted by the face area and viceversa.
Sorry for the dreadful pic heh I’ll post my own pics or sending them via discord one I’m healed if anyone is interested
No. 266775
>>266457Hope it heals well, I've always been interested in this. I've had a gaunt face since I was a child
>>266697Thankfully nonna seems to have selected surgeries that tend to 'age' well. Corrective rhinoplasties tend to age fine, and facial fat diminishes as you age so her fat grafting should look fine too. The only worry would be the lipo, if she fluctuates in weight it can look lumpy.
No. 267006
>>266697Ya you’re right. I’m not doing anything else but I’ve watched a lot of videos about how, for example, the cat eye lift can screw up your face due to the natural aging process and you could waste all your money and also gain significant scar tissue build up. So that’s definitely something I’ve considered :(
>>266775I’ll post updates sometime in the future just in case anyones interested. So far I’m a tiny bit less swollen and bruised. Can’t move my neck as far back yet. Also you have to use the compression thing on your neck for a few weeks. Other than that I have no concrete idea of what it’ll look like until a few weeks in :)
No. 267203
>>267177They are cheaping out and not getting Lipo 360 which would remove excess fat all around the midsection (including the back). There is also a limit to how much can be removed and grafted so that is why they still have excess bellyfat. They would need to do another round of lipo to really look thinner.
TBH a gym membership wouldn't give them what they wanted. Apple body types are hell because you need to be at a lower weight than an hourglass woman to look the same weight. Weight loss won't make you look more curvaceous and gaining muscle doesn't mean you'll look more curvaceous either and you can actually look bigger/fatter because your muscles aren't flexed all the time. It also takes years to gain significantly less mass than just paying for it. But you can't get good results if you don't research properly or or if you cheap out.
No. 267549
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Surgeries I cannot believe even fucking exist
>filler in outer labia to have a “fat coochie”
>filler in eyebags
>jaw shave offs in Korea
No. 267574
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Can someone explain buccal fat removal to me and what I’m supposed to be seeing in before/afters? I keep seeing photos like picrel and I honestly can’t tell what the improvement is supposed to be, in my opinion they both look worse in the “after” pictures. I was under the impression that it would slim your face just below your cheeks but from the pics I’ve seen, I can’t see much of a difference for something that’s supposed to cost anywhere from $2000-$5000
No. 267702
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>>267617It just looks weird and shelf like, I was telling my friend that you can tell a real big ass from a bbl because real big ones are shaped like upside down hearts and it actually lines up with the hips I feel like a lot of doctors put the ass too low
No. 267703
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>>267702This one looks like she’s sticking out her butt
No. 267892
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>>267574Buccal fat removal works for slim people. A lot of buccal fat removal patients are fatties who think removing a little cheek fat will fix their huge fatty faces. It will not. Another large portion of patients are people with wide jaws who for some reason think removing fat will decrease their bone.
No. 268644
>>268464Yes, I've had it done! $8000 but I love it so much. Literally best decision I ever made. I was tired of copes like
>>268573, no offense. Tired of being restricted to dumb unflattering bangs just to cover up and tired of feeling embarrassed everytime the wind blew the hair out of my face. As for pain, I swear to god lip fillers hurt a million times more.
No. 268976
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I have lips like this and I am kind of torn whether I should get filler. A lift on it's own would definitely result in too much of my teeth showing which complicates things. Any advice or ideas?
No. 269127
>>268976Maybe look into lip blushing. Fillers never look super great and don’t exactly make your lips bigger, just fuller/plumper. Once they start making your lips bigger , it’ll start fucking with your face and you’ll get a trout mouth. Your lips will be heavy and it’ll elongate your philtrum.
Your lips look fine and plump, you have a nice shape. If you’re wanting to make them look bigger consider lip blushing. They might even overline a smidge if you ask them about it.
No. 269152
>>269128if you have a flat/low nose bridge, you should go to korea or thailand.
turkish plastic surgeons are used to dealing with high bridge european/middle eastern/south asian noses. you don't want them to use the same methods on you and botch your face.
No. 269341
>>268976 here. I do feel a little retarded atm.. I've been obsessing about wanting a shorter distance between my lips and nose since I had several people tell me that my lips make me look like I have FAS. Everyone in my whole bloodline basically has non existent lips so I know I don't have it but I've been unable to let those comments go. Thanks to nonnas I feel a little more sensible now. I was caught offguard that nonnas weren't telling me to get tons of filler because I truly did think my upper lip is that small.
No. 269463
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I'm getting orthognathic jaw surgery in roughly two weeks. It's not only for cosmetic reasons and so my insurance covers 100%. I already got the surgery hooks installed on my teeth and I'm excited to get rid of my weak ass chin and my ugly overbite. My only regret so far is not getting a good dentist earlier.
No. 269579
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>>269462a non-surgical, no-filler alternative is a botox lip lift, it makes your lips appear slightly fuller especially when smiling. also helps with the "disappearing uppper lip when smiling" us whiteys sometimes have lol
No. 269581
>>269547NTA but I wanna follow up with lip lifts to add that they only really work if you have a short midface. Looking at someone like Cece from the Anachan thread, she would not benefit from a lip lift because she already has a lot of teeth show and it'd give her a gummier smile.
Lip lift scars suck and you can see PlasticnProud's pretty clearly after all these years, but her surgeon is notorious for leaving bad scars and uses dissolving stitches. Scarring depends on skin type but unfortunately they all run the risk of traveling downward too as you age
No. 269762
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>>269581>… lip lifts to add that they only really work if you have a short midface.That's not true at all. I had a gummy smile before my lip lift and it didn't get worse because your upper lip gets a bit stiff. Some people with gummy smiles just have a really hypermobile upper lip, so a lip lift can even improve it.
No. 270176
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>>269775My surgeon is unknown and I'm kinda paranoid sorry nonners. Wouldn't recommend him either because he takes on way too many patients and barely has time. The lip lift also made my upper lip fold flatter kinda like a Botox lip flip. For the first few months it looked very weird. It took like 3 months to settle. The scar looks very much like pic rel. Don't expect perfection. I always wear foundation anyway so it's fine. It's been 2 years, I can still feel stiffness around the scar when puckering and smiling and I assume that's permanent.
Before surgery I'd use the handle of a spoon, place it under my nostrils and like.. pull it up a little. It's similar to the actual results. I also used a long piece of tape and pulled it upwards to the sides kek. I don't know, you could try.
No. 270469
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>>270468>>270466>>270465Fuggg I just miss showing off my cute tummy. Would cool sculpting work? It’s not just stretch marks it’s like the texture is like some dough that’s drying and has cracks.
No. 270475
>>270176No worries, I understand the paranoia. I wonder if he's the same one, the one I consulted used to be cheap and then sparked in popularity over the years, books out pretty far. Got a few complaints about the same, him taking on too many patients.
So you had pretty prominent tooth show at rest beforehand? I do the pencil/spoon trick and I look pretty rabbit-like
No. 271985
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Kylie jenner
No. 271986
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No. 272196
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>>272117Imagine wanting to get rid of one of the most attractive features ever
No. 272424
Has anyone here gotten a successful lip lift? I have small lips in general but I would be fine with it if it weren't for my practically nonexistent top lip. It makes me look cold and sharp and I really dislike that because it doesn't fit the rest of my image.
I've thought of just getting regular ol' fillers but
1. i really really do not want to end up with fish lips or have it look unnatural like
>>271986 2. i don't want to continuously spend money to maintain it every couple of months
I also have a pretty long philtrum. I read online that the "ideal philtrum length" is 11-13mm for females and mine is 17mm.
Is there any other procedures that are more permanent than regular fillers and that look natural that I should look into?
No. 272451
>>272424Lip flip is done with botox, and will dissolve by itself with time (maybe 5-6 months). Lip fillers are done with fillers, it doesn’t dissolve but can migrate and make it look like… well, migrated lip fillers.
You could try a surgical lip lift but that’s way too risky since you can’t undo it. If you have a gummy smile, lip flip with botox is pretty good too.
No. 272460
>>272424Honestly ignore the ideal female philtrum length stuff. It really depends on facial proportions. Someone taller with a longer face is going to look weird with a tiny 9mm philtrum for example.
Do you have any teeth showing when you part your lips?
Also see
>>269775>>270176 No. 272592
>>272460>Do you have any teeth showing when you part your lips?Nope, not at all. Does that make me a better candidate for a lip lift?
>>272451Thank you, I will look into it.
No. 272641
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Starting to save up to “fix” my nose however I’m wondering if I’d be best just getting nose filler or a full rhinoplasty. The reason I’m asking is that my nose is fairly small and I wouldn’t want it to look out of proportion with the rhinoplasty but I also don’t know if my nose bump is too deep for the filler to completely fill it in.
No. 272667
My top and lower lip are the same size plus I have a big chin. My top lip is swooped upwards though (you can see a clear line) and it looks like my lower lip is a bit smaller than my top lip. Are lower lip fillers worth it? I have a labret piercing now and I think I look much better but I will have to take it out due to teeth damage. I don't wear lipstick either, should I just go for it nonna's? It will dissolve anyway.
>>272641Your nose is too cute, don't change a thing about it!
No. 272671
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I'm one of those people who looks entirely different when they smile. I have such an ugly smile. It looks like a chipmunk because of how my muscles around my mouth move. It looks somewhat like pic rel except I have a short philtrum distance and thicker upper lip. It's the weird area around my laugh lines that makes me look ugly. Is there a way to have a more beautiful smile?
No. 272675
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>>272672Fuck it, here is a photo. It is insane because my smile makes me look very fat as well. I'm 100 lbs at 5'4''. Is there any type of Botox that could make the muscles around my smile look nicer? I feel like it doesn't form a v shape, it forms a frowny face shape as a whole.
No. 273180
>>272703Where I used to see chatter about nasolabial folds, I now see tons of talk about fucking philtrum length, something I've never thought about in my entire life, neither in reference to my own nor anyone else's.
Is this a Zoomer fixation? Why?
No. 273201
>>273180I only noticed it when my body dysmorphia got 1000x worse from holing up inside post covid. I started hyper fixating that it somehow made my lips look smaller. but if you shortened it it'd probably make my chin look too big
didn't it happen that kim k's philtrum started to lengthen after she got too much lip filler over the years
No. 273205
>>273180Super HD cameras now = making any flaw you have amplified ×100. Stick that with HD photoshoots and Photoshop now and you're expected to look like plastic now. And it's even more hellish since people shove cameras in your face all the time. it's also the first time people have obsessed about pores, every tiny crease, etc.
We're in a world where cameras that are being shoved in your face make every single flaw you have amplified and you're being compared to people who use photoshop so now gen z worries about stupid shit because having ugly photos of you everywhere is wrecking to your self esteem
No. 273265
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>>273180A not so Unpopular opinion of mine is that women who look like whos and have long philtrums are just the cutest. Do not get filler or anything because it just puffs you up and migrates and then you’ll look way older and lip flips look ridiculous too. Small lips are cute and for a generation obsessed with anime you’d think they would appreciate those too
No. 273266
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Kylie Jenner
No. 273268
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>>273265Another qt with a long Philtrum. This one is a controversial one
No. 273349
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>>273268A long philtrum can look ok if the rest of the midface isn't too long. Like compare June to someone like Blaire White for example (ignore the fact he's a tranny). His face looks uncanny as fuck because of that huge gap. But June just happens to have a thinner upper lip, and her midface is otherwise short
No. 273368
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No. 273835
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I love her nose. I think she got a nose job, but her before nose was cute too, it’s so pointy and perfect
No. 274027
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> Jeon Soyeon from (G)I-DLE
most botched kpop idol I know of right now. bottom pictures are how she used to look around 2017. She is looking so uncanny it's legit scary
Also do you know any place where kpop surgery is discussed extensively ? I really like how anon tackled Hyunjin here >>259849 and i know about @kpoprocedure on insta but i wonder if there is any quality discussion place out there.
No. 274032
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>>274027There is a plastic surgery thread on OneHallyu! There's also one on Choachan but it's not the most active. And yes Soyeon looks terrible. Another Korean singer who is utterly botched is Heize, what a waste of a unique face.
No. 274334
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>anons coming into the plastic surgery general just to say "nooooooo don't get surgery it dangerus"
No. 274535
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I have a really stupid questions, is there another way to get round hips exepct for implants or fat?
I know it sounds crazy, but some rounder hips were something I wanted way bevor I knew about hip dips. Workout just makes them more promined.
No. 274538
>>274027I must be fucked up because i think she looks very good now, at least on these pictures, i don't know her at all and don't care about kpop.
She was so cute before and nothing was really needed, but she looks more striking/modelesque now. That's my style of altered beauty, i like the perfect more-than-human look.
I know i'm in the minority but it's a form of transhumanism that i like. That we can transcend our genes to look how we want, i love that. I strive to be my own version of perfect, too.
No. 274595
>>274536>>274537It is not a trend for me. Since puberty I have it. (also mid 30)
But maybe one day, there will be an operation for me..
Still thanks anos.
No. 274625
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Where's the nonnie I was talking to about how BBL B&A pics are always old apple shaped latina women trying to cope?
Well now there's a surgery for "fixing" hip dips and, well, here you go kek
No. 274626
>>274537>Just wait out the big round ass trend and they will go back to being unremarkable.Yeah. No one gave a shit about hipdips in the past. "Thigh gap" wasn't a thing either. Not sure if it is now. All these trends come and go, just let your natural, healthy female body be.
>>274595That's just how a lot of women's hips are. Let it go.
No. 274843
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>>274535I used to want round hips too, but I noticed one of my favourite characters (visually), 2B, actually canonically has hip dips and a smaller butt, but she's really popular for being beautiful. Also goes for Cammy from street fighter, she's got a small butt and hip dips but it looks really cool.
No. 274936
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My nose is ghastly, bulbous. Any advice on how to cope with it until I can afford surgery? And is care credit a viable option?
No. 275363
>>275001Lmao the anon who’s calling people she disagrees with “mentally ill” on /ot is now on /g
That’s very helpful anon, i’m sure the anon who is insecure about her nose feels much better!
No. 275442
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>>275365I literally had no idea what a “hip dip” was until like 2 years ago (I’m in my 30s). Granted, I don’t have them so my opinion is probably invalid kek but I don’t see an issue with them. Personally I think they’re cute. But I grew up when having protruding hip bones was the look and jeans barely covered your pubic bone; where now it’s you gotta be a pear shape or you’re deformed.
Trust me, anything you hate about yourself will eventually become trendy at some point.