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No. 275449
Post your experiences and future plans – have you had plastic surgery? Would you like to get anything done? Tell us about it.
Old thread:
>>203731 No. 275481
>>>/g/275367Replying to a question from the last thread. Sorry very long.
All evidence for BII is anecdotal. Silicone implants were taken off the market in the US for about 15 years while they studied for BII and other concerns such as risk of breast cancer. However BII was reported by women with both silicone and saline implants. The reports over these years did not find any evidence to support the theory that breast implants made these women sick, nor do they put you at an increased risk for breast cancer. That doesn't mean that the women who report it are munchies or whatever. There are over 100 symptoms they report as BII such as brain fog, irregular heartbeat, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues, which could be caused by many things, particularly high stress. Plastic surgery and healing puts your body and mind under a lot of stress. My plastic surgeon told me that his belief is that some people just do not react well to foreign objects being implanted, even though the object itself is not causing actual harm to their bodies. Getting implants, healing, and caring for implants, even just the thought or feeling of having implants can be too much stress for some women and make them sick. My surgeon has done several swaps from silicone to saline from concerned women who had read about BII, and told me nearly all of them went back to silicone implants later. Take that with a grain of salt; surgeons are trying to sell you implants after all (the implants I was looking into initially were structured saline, which are pricier than silicones; I ended up going with silicones after assessing the risks versus my desired result, since structured salines only come in high profile) But if you look into the academic papers published about those studies yourself, from several different countries, you can see they all could not find evidence to support BII.
All that aside, implants come with many risks which you should talk about in detail with a plastic surgeon. They are required to go over all of them with you. They include risks like implant rupture, capsular contracture, necrosis, implant displacement, internal bleeding, infection, scarring, firmness, nerve damage, etc. Some of these can occur right after your surgery while others can happen later. Complications can be very serious if they occur. One nona from the last thread had some terrible problems with wound healing and implant exposure due to infection, no fault of her own, her surgeon's. (I hope she's ok) Some complications can happen due to bad aftercare but the majority are caused by the surgery, so you seriously need to find a surgeon you can trust to do the operation. It's under general anesthesia as well which has risks of its own. And some complications can occur even if the surgery and aftercare were done perfectly. One of my worries was silicone leaking in the event of a rupture. I had seen it in Botched where silicone spread through their body. New silicone implants do not use the liquid silicone for that reason. They use one that sticks together, so when a silicone implant ruptures it stays in place in the pocket. That means you need an MRI to detect a rupture. Saline you will know right away if your implants pop and the saline is safely absorbed into your body. I have a relative with salines and they look beautiful. Salines carry many of the same risks as silicones, with silicones being slightly riskier. Many women have peace of mind choosing salines. They don't feel quite as natural but they can look very natural when done right. They're also a lot cheaper per implant than silicone unless you get the structured salines.
Do a lot of research and consult with a surgeon before you jump into getting breast implants. I had mine early this year and so far no major complications. Some changes in sensation due to nerves being cut, which I was told to expect. But I'm very happy with my implants. My surgeon listened to all my concerns and gave me recommendations, and the surgery and recovery went well, so I got the aesthetic result I wanted. Time will tell though if I develop any complications. But they have really improved my body image.
One thing I will say is the opioids they prescribed for the first few days of healing really fucked with me. Coming off of them was terrible. If you get the surgery would skip them if you could bear it. If I knew how bad coming off them was I never would have taken them in the first place, but I took them because my surgeon told me "don't be afraid to take them if you need them" Yeah don't eat those unless you've had them before and know how you'll react. Shit made me feel like absolute garbage and on top of that I was twitching for actual days so it was scary to stand and walk. Never eating those again. Extra strength Tylenol was enough to fill the pain of early healing and I should have stuck with that. I kind of hoped the strong stuff would help me sleep, since you have to sleep upright at first. No such luck.
No. 275650
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Just bought my breast implants from a reputable seller
No. 275652
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>>275481>They use one that sticks together, so when a silicone implant ruptures it stays in place in the pocketThis is just a marketing gimmick. The gel from "cohesive gel" implants is actually broken down and migrates thorugh the lymphatic system, hence a condition called silicone lymphadenopathy. Plus, any leftover silicone that is not removed (it's not possible to remove all of it) becomes a silicone granuloma.
This is what ruptured silicone implants look like: had mine in for 14 months before taking them out. They looked terrible, I felt them all the time, they flipped all the time. I threatened the doctor with a lawsuit and he took them out for free. A literal weight off my chest. There was no way in hell I'd be one of those women who say things like "Oh I had mine for 30 years and I love them". I think they're just coping with the fact that they don't have the money to take them out, and if they did the result would be terrible due to having them for so long. I don't believe there is a single special doctor out there with magic powers that can make implants not feel like rubber bags.
No. 275662
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Look at how massive my 325cc is next to the 140cc one. "No, 325cc is the smallest I'll use on you".
No. 275667
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>>275664Maybe it's due to nerve damage that you don't feel them. I felt mine all the time, it was horrible, but I got used to it, then I got tired of it. He did something wrong. Made the pockets too big and that gave the implants plenty of room to slide and flip around.
>doc, won't 325 be too big?>no, it's the smallest that will suit your frame. I can go up to 400cc, not smallerAfter the surgery I found his personal instagram and he follows a lot of women with biiiig implants
No. 275673
>>275481How long did it take that you had feelings in your nipples again?
I've read that it can be up to 6 months before regaining any kind of sensibility in your nipples, some people don't even get it back.
No. 275689
>>275686Female nurses are angels.
>at a consultation>within like 3 minutes the surgeon tells me i don't need the procedure and he won't do it>while telling me this he's grinning and just about laughing at me for wanting something he disagrees with, i feel dumb and ridiculed>grab my purse and stand up to signal that i'm getting ready to leave>he grabs my arm and almost drags me across the room towards another chair, tells me to lay down>he gets all up in my face asking me why i want this, still kinda laughing at me>"You don't need this. You're not stupid, are you?">i feel embarrassed at this point so i avoid eye contact>grabs my arm firmly>"Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you">make eye contact>he's so fucking close to my face that i seriously wonder if he's about to kiss me>look away again>grabs my arm HARD and really pulls it like a father scolding their kid>"LOOK ME IN THE EYES WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU">starts ranting about how avoiding eye contact is rude and egotistical>he calms down and gets all warm and friendly again>tells me to get out of the chair, still holding my arm>we walk out of his office together and he's still holding around my arm firmly (the way couples do)>go to the receptionist lady to pay for the consultation>she seems kinda puzzled as to why he's holding me but doesn't say anything>consider storming out of the building and not paying, i'm trying not to get teary eyed>try getting my wallet out while he's still holding my arm>look down at the card reader to insert card>he commands me to "look her in the eye" while i'm doing it>get my receipt and walk real fast out of there wondering if that really just happenedMight not sound bad but I was fucking shook, felt like I couldn't say no or leave. I tried kinda wiggling my arm out of his grip but that just made him hold me tighter.
No. 276581
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>have mild teeth crowding
>acquaintance tells me that invisalign is super easy and low-maintenance
>decide to get it on a whim with zero research, turns out to be ~5k at my dentist (didn't shop around either…)
>day 1
>gaps between the edge of the tray(?) and teeth, looks super weird/obvious so i have to take them out for meetings
>caring for them is a PITA
>can't graze on snacks
>exacerbate my insomnia so i have to take them out at night, likely extending the treatment time
>on day 2
>teeth feel somewhat loose and some hurt like hell
>gaps still there
>6 more months of this
Should I just call it a wash and get braces when I'm old and actually having jaw problems? Does it get any better over time?
No. 276586
>>275686not a plastic surgery related story but my brother was getting surgery when we were kids, he had a very obviously gay male nurse.
he completely bitched out my mom basically just for asking when she could go back and see him too many times (he had handled the anesthesia badly and the surgery went long)
I guess her being too concerned annoyed the cunt and caused a huge screaming match in the waiting room.
To elaborate, my mom is basically the anti-Karen, one of those types of people that doesn't want to bother anyone or cause problems no matter what is wrong with something, so to end up in a screaming match with a nurse… I never saw her raise her voice to anyone else (other than family) besides that time.
so you can't even trust the males that aren't interested in sexually harassing you either, kek
No. 276628
>>276581Hey anon I also had mild teeth crowding and invisalign is a great option for those cases
I love how my teeth look now because they just look like they're naturally straight, not that super fake denture look, but I had the option of getting additional trays if I wanted, so if you want that look in the end you can get it.
Anyway I got mine off almost a year ago, they were extremely painful for the first month or two but then I got used to it. I hated taking them out because they were so tight and it was really difficult and painful lol, I did end up losing about 10lbs in the time I had them on, but I did still take them out pretty frequently for snacks after they stopped being as painful. You can get tools on Amazon to help take them out if you don't have long nails. Don't forget to brush the inside of them every night or they'll start to smell gross, sometimes I'd pour mouthwash into the aligner trays while brushing my teeth to freshen/whiten them if I'd been drinking coffee with them on (not supposed to but I did it, used a straw and swished with water often)
Let me know if you have other questions but yeah what you're experiencing is normal and it'll be worth it, I hated it too at first and sleeping was difficult, it's important you try your best to keep them in overnight tho, you could try to give yourself a break right before you sleep then pop them in for the rest of the night
Don't drop them on the floor in the workplace bathroom that sucks
No. 276660
>>276616I did literally zero research beyond word-of-mouth and my dentist didn't explain anything about the process. Yes, I
am an idiot and deserve any criticism you fling my way!
I've since heard that a gap is normal for the first few days as your teeth adjust, but I'm going to mention it to the dentist if it doesn't go away.
>>276628Thanks for your perspective anon, I really appreciate it! The correction and weight loss both seem like great benefits and I'm autistic about oral hygiene so I guess I'll stay the course. Still going to keep drinking coffee and tea with them on, though!
No. 276725
>>275673Late reply but dulled sensation in my nipples started to come back around 2 month mark for me and normal sensation just over 3 months. When and whether you get sensation back apparently depends on a lot of factors like what kind of incision was needed, the size of your implants, and how much breast tissue you had to start with. FWIW I didn't get big implants, I had very little tissue to start, and didn't need a lift so just had the incision in my crease.
>>276581As others have mentioned braces are worse than Invisalign and can really mess up your jaw. With braces they try to visually align your jaw and it's more of an art than a science. Invisalign is more precise. Braces not only hurt more than retainer alignment but also you will be very limited to what you can eat as shit always gets stuck in them and you can't just pop them out. Braces are also more likely to exacerbate jaw disorders. Braces are ok if you have no bite issues and just want to shift a front tooth a bit or whatever, but otherwise they're just torture devices with no benefit. Invisalign is good but I've heard the knock offs are shit, not the retainers themselves but they will shift your teeth too quickly and can cause pain and other issues. Invisalign takes longer but it's a lot safer than trying to rush it.
No. 276754
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>>276725>more likely to exacerbate jaw disordershow so? I'm getting braces for 2 years so straighten my teeth, which will then allow me to get jaw surgery, and then use the braces for 2 more years
No. 276834
>>276748It can help but you need to figure out the root cause and degree of your tmjd with a knowledgeable dentist or tmj specialist. Aligning your bite is usually beneficial for it and for some may be all it takes, but for others it may not be all that you need to stabilize it or make it go away. And if it's too severe then fiddling with aligners could make matters worse. But generally speaking, Invisalign should help your tmj at least somewhat. An occlusal guard is also a good first step if you don't have one already. It won't align your bite but will help protect your teeth.
>>276754When you get braces your orthodontist straightens your teeth manually and everything they do is with the purpose of giving you a good aesthetic result. Basically they force your teeth into the shape of a pretty smile. But the manual nature and aesthetic focus of braces means that if your teeth are somewhat crooked (especially if they're crowded) your bite will usually suffer for any major changes, including such devices as palatal expanders. Basically braces are all about making it look visually straight and full without accounting for malformations that could be causing you pain or loss of function. Not only are braces known to cause bite issues like tmj in some healthy patients but more often than not they make existing jaw issues worse. If your surgeon has come up with this plan for you I won't pretend to know better than them. Because it really is case by case whether braces will help. It may be that your teeth are not very crooked and it's just that your bite is misaligned, but if that were the case, four years of braces does not sound right. If you wholeheartedly trust your surgeon you should do as they say. But I think it's worth it to at least get a second opinion before you commit to braces.
No. 276915
>>276849They shill them to fix your bite, but they often make matters worse. Are you an orthodontist or something kek? Braces are horrible obsolete medical technology. Attempts to align the bite by hand are rarely successful long term.
>>276850Good luck nona, make sure to meet with someone who actually understands tmj disorders and not some retardo dentist who will send you to an orthodontist
No. 277611
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Does anyone have experience treating undereye hollows? I don't have bags at all, but I've had dark circles & hollow undereyes since I was little. It's getting more pronounced now that I'm in my late 20s though, and I think my mid-face is sagging a bit as well.
My first thought was to go for undereye filler or fat transfer to the tear troughs. But it seems like the going consensus online is that filling the mid-face is actually the better way to treat the undereyes, since the extra fat/filler will kind of pull everything up. Idk I'm not an expert, but the b&a pics that I see of mid-face fat transfers leads me to believe that this is a better option than filling the tear troughs directly.
I'm concerned about pillowface though. I already have a round face shape & pretty prominent cheeks. I would hate to look like Noah Cyrus kek. I'm thinking that I'll maybe start with filler, then if I like it go for the full fat graft.
No. 277614
>>277611Not very helpful but i have the same problem and it's one of my biggest insecurity. Spent my whole early twenties being obsessed about getting rid of them, i've had undereye fillers three different times with different injectors and it was always shitty and did nothing to help.
Basically my undereye hollows are very dark and the pigmentation is my biggest issue (i'm mediterranean), but i also have very thin skin with little veins showing so anytime i got injected there i would bruise, which actually made my undereye look even worse and more pigmented for two weeks minimum. After two weeks it subsided but i was left with… the exact same undereye as before, it didn't look more plump at all, i think part of the problem was that doctors were always too conservative with the fillers because it's a tricky place to fill. I'm in a European country and most injectors are conservative, i admit i've seen good results of undereye injections before but it was always in the US.
I personally wouldn't recommand it at all. Your picture looks great though, curious to know more about this procedure if any other nonna has experience with it/knows more about it.
No. 278454
>>277611I'm in the same boat and I'd never do filler. It looks horrendous when it drags. I plan on getting a midface lift anyway when I'm older, but I am looking into fat transfer.
Right now I'm booked for an appointment to get rid of my veins in that area and I've over the moon. My veins have exacerbated the appearance of my hollows and they aren't really that terrible, but the veins make it look at least 50% worse than it is.
No. 278516
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>>278484Yes! It's with a laser, CoolTouch Varia, though I believe some other lasers can be used. I'm not sure where you live, you may need to travel a bit to a major city because I tired looking around my area and I had to accept I'd travel 50-70 miles. It has no downtime (of course there is some swelling at first) and is around $700-800 so it would suck if you had to majorly travel for it. I've had these prominent veins since I was young so I know it is definitely worth it, people have asked me if I'm abused before because of them, lol.
No. 278940
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I miss Gwen’s old face. She was beautiful and naturally stunning before, she looks great and beautiful now but she looks like a fake plastic robot that killed and replaced the old Gwen. She always seemed confident and comfortable with herself, I never thought of her as the type to get all these PS procedures done to look like a different person.
No. 287412
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>>287411Dropped pic pardon the weird collage
No. 287418
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Bit of an OT question but basically I have jaw/dental/bite issues that have lead to a very crooked face and functionality and pain issues. I already had surgery on my nose because of breathing issues.
I started wondering if an orthodonist's double jaw surgery - which I was greenlit for - would be enough, or a maxillofacial surgeon might be able to understand my issues better. What do you anons think?
Just torn because there's pretty much only 2 covered by my insurance, and one does have a plastic surgery background but I'm not sure if I'm liking his reviews.
No. 287476
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>>287412I'm sorry but they remind me of picrel
No. 287514
>>287412>>287411Nona, the reason why we've never seen girls with this face in real life is because they don't exist. It's playing into the Kylie phenomenon - they look great in the pictures on their social media pages because they have full reign over how they're photoshopped/filtered. Although I'd say this particular look is more akin to Diana Deets because it's very 2 dimensional, it's a face trend (I hate that this is even a thing) that cropped up soon after it became normalized on the internet for men to coom to cartoon girls/women.
Anyway, I couldn't help but notice that all 3 of the women you posted actually have very different facial features when you compare them separately. The third woman (bottom right) most definitely would have pillow face if you were to see her in person, whereas the other two's features can be seen as more believable. Although, the first woman (top) really has the dirty nose thing going on where it's visible that she's applied a ton of contour to her nosetip and tried to shoop it to look less grating, so I'm inclined to believe her features are more the result of makeup > photoshop.
I digress, it's important to manage your expectations when you're taking inspiration for future procedures straight from the internet. I can guarantee the majority of what makes these girls so visually interesting is going to be makeup + filters + sometimes literally altering their facial structure in phone apps. If anything, any surgery/fillers these specific women had done is probably an attempt to look like a literal cartoon, making them look uncanny in person. Which, again, is why you don't see this face IRL.
No. 287638
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How do people live the rest of their lives with a big ass nose implant? It doesn't look comfortable and It looks so bad and obvious
No. 287647
>>287418>I'm not sure if I'm liking his reviews What are they saying? And can you see any pictures of his previous work?
It wouldn't hurt getting a consult so they can tell you what to expect, what extent they can fix, etc. but do exercise some caution - they're trying to sell you on a procedure, so don't be quick to say "yes" to it. Come in with as many questions as you can and remember that you can always sit on it for a bit.
No. 287686
>>287546South Korean plastic surgery practices are a nightmare. They give the same cookie cutter procedures to everyone, without taking aesthetics, balance and your anatomy into account. Go there if you want to end up botched and not be able to breathe or chew in a decade. The results are always obvious and unnatural looking but honestly that's the LEAST
problematic thing about them. They're negligent and careless, it's better you go to western countries(or even just invest that money into therapy).
No. 288652
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I know getting plastic surgery to look like a celebrity is always a crapshoot, but god I wish I looked like Halle Berry
No. 288908
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anons i just scheduled my first surgery ever! my philtrum turned out to be 19mm long so i'm having a lip lift done. it'll definitely harmonize my face and compliment my other features. i'm so excited!!
No. 291196
>>291171to be happy with how i look? lol
naturally i had a big roman nose and i got made fun of for it all my life.
once when i went to a different school and new people started making fun of it, i lied and stole my brothers story of breaking it 5 times so they'd get off my back and it worked. everyone believed and accepted it easily, so you can imagine how unfortunate my nose was.
i got a nose job years ago to remove the bump and fix my deviated septum and i got botched to fuck. i had to get a revision already just to breathe out of it but nothing was really fixed cosmetically.
about the eye stuff, i've always been very interested in makeup and fashion stuff but
having no eyelid or brow space makes eye makeup very limiting. also i feel like it looks very masculine and i like feminine and cute styles. it sounds troonish but i'd like to feminize my face more so i'd better suit the feminine styles that i enjoy.
No. 291225
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>>291209i don't really think it's a bdd issue. + the surgeon i am going to, you have to pass a psych evaluation to make sure that it's not.
my family has always been very open with plastic surgery because of the nose genes.
like my mom was only referred to as barbra streisand at work before she got hers done. afterwards that kind of shit stopped and she was very happy.
for my eyebrows and lids, they are very similar to pic rel (random pic i found of a woman who is proabably about 30 years older than me) if people are curious
No. 291279
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Does anyone else do this? I don’t actually mind the size of my nose, just the shape. I literally look like that inbred Spanish king sometimes from like a 3/4 angle, vile. My cheekbones are flat and not very defined so I’ve got this soft face with this giant angular nose in the middle, it really doesn’t harmonize well..
No. 291283
>>291279Dorsal humps are cute
nonny! Ski slope noses look ridiculous and most people don't even have such noses unless they've had a nose job. Don't let social media get to your head.
No. 291286
>>287514I’ve seen lots of women with lip filler irl as it’s cheapish in my country and it always looks terrible.
Honestly, all body mod and surgery trends are retarded. Right now the big lips are in but I bet in like 5-10 years tiny shapely Clara Bow mouths are gonna be back in or some shit lolz
No. 291293
>>288908This got me googling average phlitrums and measuring mine, it's 2cm. I don't have a long face, it's more round/slightly wide. I knew it was on the long side, but not nearly double the average. I got insecure about it when everyone was calling Tati ugly for her long philtrum, but measuring it sure was a mistake.
>>291279The nose on the right looks like it would be impossible to breathe through anon. Your nose is really nice and it isn't as angular as you think.
No. 291479
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>>291279I’m writing this because I got a nose job. The morph you made is not achievable unless you went to Turkey or Iran. Why? Because you shaved off an unrealistic and unsafe amount of your nose bridge. What does this look like? A collapsed nasal bridge, maybe even a collapsed septum. Difficulty breathing. A deformed frontal. Most importantly, a for sure revision.
I had my nose job done with one of the best surgeons in the country (not an instagram name). He does tons of revisions every year. He flies around the world to do conferences; every rhinoplasty surgeon I’ve ever seen respects him. The man is a legend.
I didn’t have a bump like you; I wanted a refined tip. My original morph looked a lot like yours. He straight up told me I was asking for a revision, lifelong nasal problems, and wasted money. It’s extremely important you find a surgeon your trust. From my first consult I trusted him 100% and am very happy with my results.
So now I made two more realistic morphs for you. The one I’m attaching in this comment is a realistic result where the dorsal bump is shaved down. You have to remember you have bones and structures in your nose that they literally can’t touch, unless they want a lawsuit.
The second morph is with your bump shaved down + a conservative cartilage implant. If tu have enough cartilage in your nose, they’ll use nasal cartilage to make your new nose tip stick out. This creates a more realistic and safe “ski slope”. Gives you the projection you want without removing almost half of your nose bridge.
You can do filler but remember every time they inject, scar tissue will build up in the area. Currently there aren’t a whole lot of long term results (20-30+ years) available for us to see.
If you don’t mess with the tip, healing will go a lot quicker. If you do, expect the swelling around your tip to take ~1.5 years to fully go down.
Your nose is beautiful. It reflects who you are and your ancestry. Maybe you’re not happy about your nose, and that’s fine. I’d be a hypocrite to dissuade you from doing anything. But please do your research; if you want the name of my surgeon, let me know. I get so worried when people post ski slope noses as their “desire” pic because I’ve seen so, so, so many of them botched.
No. 291480
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>>291479Second morph with cartilage implant. I didn’t touch anything else on the bridge.
No. 291581
>>291553do not get implants nonna. unless something is really "wrong" with your boobs its not worth.
the scars and general risks, and now people are becoming more aware of implant illness and it seems like it affects a lot of women. because of this implants arent approved by the FDA anymore.
No. 291627
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Where do you get the money for plastic surgery?
I'm 25 and below average face and body. I'm relatively healthy, but with undesirable body fat distribution. I feel like I will only have a fighting chance if I get some help.
I fear by the time I get enough money, I'll be too old to enjoy myself.
No. 291671
>>291486Yeah? This is a plastic surgery thread. Are people who’ve gotten things done before not supposed to offer advice? I don’t think she should get a nose job, but if she does, it’s helpful to know this info before she spends time and money on consults. I wish I had someone explain this stuff to me because if they had, I probably never would’ve gotten anything done.
>>291618No, they’d most likely do the bump and tip at the same time but they’d probably suggest you stay away from messing with the tip. You’d never want to get two rhinoplasties, stay away from any doctor who suggests this. See how you grow into your nose. I hope you can be happy with what you have because there is nothing wrong with your nose but I figured I might be able to offer helpful info to people who are in the dark about this
No. 291936
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Korean plastic surgery is really good
No. 291975
>>291936I disagree, she was cute before.
On the second picture she has:
her hair done, different hair color with white headband: lighten her skin, make up, fake green lense, not smiling/hidding her teeth, better clothes, better lighting: skin color looks very different and better pose.
Those before/after pix are so ridiculous because the before one is always made to be so much uglier.
No. 292072
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>>291993She’s 18 and she already got
>4 eyelid surgeries >fillers >nose job(s) >jaw + chin surgery going to be botched by next year at the rate she’s going
No. 292208
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She just popped up on my feed, I thought she was a digital painting
No. 292216
Anyone got chin fillers done?
>>292212I was just about to say that lol
No. 292247
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>>291279I had the same issue (soft face with angular nose) Only mine was much larger, this was 1 month post-op so it was still quite swollen. It's a lot smaller now though.
No. 292752
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>>292247I absolutely despise parents who make their LITERAL kids get cosmetic procedures/surgeries. This kid looks like she’s 8 or 10 and she’s pumped with lip filler, on toddlers and tiara some 5 year old said her mom gave her botox for “wrinkles” and some mom in Japan went viral on tiktok for filming her 11 year old getting eyelid surgery. Just what the fuck.
No. 293573
>>292815google plastic surgeons in your area/where you're willing to travel to and then check their before/after pics on their site or most have instagrams.
try to find someone that has a similar nose to you and a similar after that'd you like to achieve. ONLY TRUST the pictures and videos of people that are taken in office. if you see a before/after where the after is a selfie it probably at least has a filter on it.
all plastic surgeons are different, like for example some are conservative in that they will do, like trying to change your nose as little as possible but just straighten out your bridge or whatever, where some others like going ham transforming huge schnozes into button noses, so it's what you prefer.
generally plastic surgery is really expensive nowadays and most places offer payment plans. you still have to pay in full before your surgery tho.
also most surgeons have a consultation fee. yes you have to pay to even get to talk to them for the first time and see if they'll even do what you want. the highest consultation fee i've heard is $2k, but if you decide to go with them after the consultation, that money then goes towards your surgery cost
some other general tips are:
>you get what you pay for, don't cheap out. you'll regret it and revisions are more costly and harder for surgeons to work on.>don't go to a doctor that does both face and body work. you want a doctor that specializes.>major cities generally have better plastic surgeons, but also often the surgeons have different vibes too. for example: NYC is very conservative "natural" ps, LA is not, so paying extra to travel to someone that does what you want is worth it too. No. 294219
I've had a nosejob at 21y old and i'm so glad surgeons in France are into natural/conservative surgeries. I just want to say to young girls in here to be extremely careful and listen to your surgeons and people telling you not to do too much because i thought i couldn't possibly change my aesthetic views and now that i'm almost thirty they indeed changed.
I wanted a tiny TINY ski slope. I pushed for my surgeon to do it, and when he showed me his estimation of what he could do on me (a very beautiful, smaller but straight nose) i said i wanted it to be more angled (the famous ski slope) and smaller. He said ok i'll show you the most i can do, carved my nose in just a little bit to the point where i couldn't see the difference so i was still saying "more!", and he clearly said no to me. He said he wouldn't do more than that. I wanted this nosejob so bad, wanted it to be done so quickly that i said ok because i didn't want to waste time finding another surgeon, and because i thought even if it's not your dream nose it can't be uglier than what you have right now, and i'm so so glad i did. He was SO RIGHT, and i was so biased by years of insecurity and bullying.
After the operation, i was so happy. And i was still so happy with it throughout my twenties, i thought my nose was perfect, and in fact i was glad right away that he didn't make it smaller because seeing it on your face, moving, and on a flat photoshopped picture are two different things.
Now that i'm getting older i'm even starting to think that i should have listened to him right away and shouldn't have pushed for something a little smaller. My nose is in no way botched, but i finally see what he meant, i finally see that his vision was the better one all along. I would definitely suit a slightly bigger/straighter nose! Thankfully he's so talented that even right now my nose is really pretty, it doesn't look like it fades into my face, it isn't collapsed. But it's a little bit too small and "perfect" looking.
My nose was very big in terms of how it projects from my face, so from a profile view, with a little bump. The bump was somewhat small it was really how much it projected that made it look so big, although i also hated the bump obviously. From the front it was small although extremely deviated (very very deviated, it was the first thing you'd notice about me, my nose was literally pushed to the left side of my face). I think the deviation was the worst, because many people don't like their profile, but being ugly from the front is another thing entirely. It feels like it's more "you" than your profile, if it makes sense.
I see myself in
>>291279 (though your natural nose is much better than what mine used to be), she doesn't see it but what she did is TOO FUCKING MUCH, and would look unsettling and botched on her 3D, moving face. On the other hand, this is a very good morph
>>291480. Anyway i'm just babbling now but please nonnas keep that in mind, being traumatized by years of bullying and/or feeling inadequate makes us go for the extreme. Be conservative.
No. 294225
>>294220I don't know much about surgeons in England, so obviously take it with a grain of salt but i must say i generally don't like what i see whenever i see the results of nosejobs on british women, but perhaps it is because i'm exposed to influencers, mostly.
I know France really has a lot of great surgeons, and one of them here even invented a new way of performing rhinoplasty (less damaging for the bones, therefore less bruising for you in post-op) called ultrasonic rhinoplasty. With this information, you can find his name if you want (he's not the one who did mine). Of course, do your research to find what YOU like, but looking around for what France has to offer can't hurt. Best of luck
No. 294494
>>276725This is the most retarded take I’ve seen in this thread. You have it the other way around. Orthodontics is an aesthetic based science. Orthodontists rely upon physics to alter the teeth and jaw with braces. Invisalign is good for those who have had ortho relapse or small changes they’d like to make to the teeth, not those who have prior craniofacial dysplasia. Just because your backwater orthodontist fucked your jaw up, you shouldn’t implore nonas to fix their jaws with “knock offs.”
Any decent Ortho would use elastics to ensure the jaw properly aligns. Sage for tooth sperging but wtf
No. 294578
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Idk if this is real or not but damn . She had a facelift, eye surgery to get them more cat like and and tear trough implants
No. 294580
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>>291936that after photo is very edited she looks overfilled in real life. it’s a shame because she was naturally cute and she’s only recently turned 18
No. 294799
>>294660(sorry in advance for mistakes, I use google translator)
Yes! I understand you, I have exactly the same problem. Unfortunately, plastic surgery does not help all people become conventionally beautiful … but I still hope to change something
No. 294839
>>294660>>294660it happened to my mother. she just wanted 1 thing done and the surgeon said she needed at least 3 others too. my mom already looks great and what she initially wanted was mostly caused from a major weight loss, but now she's really considering the other stuff.
but i would say korean PS are generally the most insane and unless everyone looks like the same exact carbon copy kpop android there is something "wrong" so don't take it too harshly.
No. 294855
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>>288999>>291119hi anons! i just got home from my lip lift surgery. all-in-all it took about an hour. the surgery was a bit more intensive than i expected after all that i read online. they numbed me all up with local anesthetic and gave me laughing gas before starting. the biggest surprise was the cauterization. smelling your own flesh cookin' right beneath your nose is interesting. the local numbness was 'supposed' to last 3-4 hours but i started feeling uncomfortable on the drive home. i asked the doctor during my initial consultation if he could provide pain management (acetaminophen 300mg codeine 30mg) and had it filled before my surgery day. i took one pill 30 minutes ago and pain is ramping up (like 4 or 5 of 10 and i'm usually very pain tolerant) so i hope it kicks in soon. can't believe they usually just tell people to take ibuprofen this hurts! i'll be sure to post tons of before/during/after pics once everything is all healed up down the road. feel free to ask any questions! love u ty
No. 294872
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Nonnies…what should I know when looking into maxillofacial surgery? I'm no longer young and grew up with about 5 different bite issues + never got braces, several teeth that never grew in, and it developed into a very crooked jaw + severe facial asymmetry. It's very hard for me to talk and I have constant lower face tension. And idk if double jaw surgery is worth the risk.
No. 294943
>>294872i had maxillofacial surgery when i was 19/20, almost 10 years ago. honestly best thing to ever happen to me. i had a dodgy orthodontist when i was a child/young teen who completely fucked up placement of upper and lower jaw trying to fix an underbite, causing me not being able to close on my molars at all so my parents took me to a different orthodontist when i was like 17 to get it all fixed again.
things to know…
>you might have to go through a few years of braces before because they need to align your teeth before they can operate>depending where you are based you should look into creatively claiming your issue as not cosmetic and insurance might provide some cover>recovery from my double jaw surgery was honestly not too bad, a week in the hospital and a couple of months swollen face>depending on the technique used you might have to have surgery to get screws removed (i did after 6 months)>numbness is common - i had a numb spot on the left half of my chin for about 3-4 years but now it's more or less back to normalif you have the means i's say 100% go for it. it improved my quality of live so much (plus i'm not an uggo any longer kek)
No. 295020
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>>294872They will probably want you to remove all the teeth that have never grown in (if they are indeed there) and wisdom teeth before you get braces.
>>294943f-few months swelling?
I wanted to reaserch this procedure in my country lately because it seems my teeth are finally getting wrecked from misaligned bite and I tried to join some local fb group on the topic, but the disfigured shits deemed my account not legitimate enough I guess, so I can't even get any anecdotal info.
I almost had the surgery at 20/21 but I found out the only qualified surgeon in my city is a 70yo mummy and I'd have to go through the surgery twice, because he's too decrepit to do double jaw procedure at once and I nope'd the fuck out of there.
Now I'm not even against the surgery and 6 weeks(?) of shut jaw but years of wearing braces AGAIN before and after. I wore braces all through middle and high school and 2 first years of college, suicide fuel when I look back at it. Not to mention braces would be paid out of my own pocket. Also I really don't want to drool cause I can't feel my lower face.
It's all so tiresome, why couldn't I have been born with normal skull like everyone else.
No. 295023
sa as
>>294943>>295020>They will probably want you to remove all the teeth that have never grown in (if they are indeed there) and wisdom teeth before you get braces.this is true, they removed 3 baby teeth i had and my wisdom teeth. however getting wisdom teeth out as a teenager is pretty normal in my home country, all of my friends got them out at that age anyway.
>f-few months swelling?yeh but it wasn't really noticeable after about a month and after a week you just look like a bit of a chipmunk, nothing too crazy.
>6 weeks(?) of shut jawthis is news to me? i had shut jaw for 3 days while in hospital, the remaining 4 days i was fed soup and porridges and then at home also soft food for about 2 weeks but nothing insane. pain wasn't too bad either and all they gave me was ibuprofen.
i get however why you wouldn't wanna do it from all the other reasons you describe. i was super lucky that i was still under my parents insurance and we had a good orthodontist who supplied them with plenty of letters for insurance to convince them i was so horribly disfigured that it's a medical issue and not cosmetic lol
No. 295026
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>>295023Here supposedly if a jaw surgeon confirms you have maxillofacial deformation you are entitled to 1 free surgery, but all other costs are on you (sometimes you have to pay random costs associated with getting the surgery underway, or the hospital stay but that's small beans).
>this is news to me?Uhh they told me way back then that I'd have to keep my jaw shut with rubber bands attached to my braces for a few weeks, that was for some reason also part of my previous orthodontic treatment, which I hated. Pic related. Hospital stay from what I gathered is longer here too, 7-10 days.
I'm still considering it cause I'm getting some dental problems and I found out if you have bad bite you can't even wear fake teeth cuz they fall out lol. But it's just such a nightmare overall.
No. 295032
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>>295026ayrt, all fair points, i guess different conditions/misalignments all need different aftercare. i honestly have to say if i had to make the decision again i 1000% would do the same and have the surgery.
and yes, they told me the same about when you're old you can't have dentures if you're teeth are super misaligned. which is why it's fucked that so many insurance companies bill this as purely cosmetic. it is a nightmare!
teeth are such a pain in general, mine are fucked because my enamel is so weak and it's soooo expensive having them done so i just ignore all my cavities. so totally worth getting le big double jaw surgery i guess.
No. 295562
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Natural jawline or plastic surgery?
No. 295573
>>295457you can try to strengthen the muscles by doing "mewing" stuff. even like chewing gum a lot can strengthen the muscles and make your jaw appear bigger.
other than that i would recommend going to an orthodontist if you've never been and seeing if it could actually be your bite position or something.
No. 295706
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>>295562Relative of Richard Ramirez.
No. 295836
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>>295562Some Asians definitely have those jaws naturally like pic rel. He might have gotten fillers on top of it though to define it even more I guess.
No. 295840
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Idk what exactly it is in terms of facial aesthetics talk but i’ve always felt my smile in profile and my profile in general looks really flat. I don’t know if it’s my teeth that are kind of small that make the bottom half of my face look rat-like or if it’s just that the bottom half of my face isn’t projected enough if that makes sense. Or is it just that I have a fat chin. what do you think anons?
No. 295841
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>>295840here’s my profile not smiling, ignore the weird concealer lump in my nose crease lol. i think my chin not being prominent enough is clearer here.
No. 296120
>>295840>>295841you look very nice in these nonna. i think like
>>295845 said, your jaw is on the weaker side. but it doesn't impact the attractiveness of your face or stand out as something 'wrong' with you at all, it's just a normal variation in how faces look. personally i wouldn't worry about it since your profile is cute and tweaking it might make things worse.
No. 296757
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>>295841You have a very pretty smile and nothing to worry about regarding your face. I'd just add that I had a very undefined jaw and weak chin and realized some time ago that it was partially due to my tongue posture - basically my lazy tongue wasn't touching the roof of my mouth but rather just laid there. I've been consciously fixing that posture for a few months and have seen clear changes (really if you try to move your tongue between the two postures and check your profile in a mirror you'll see the difference especially around the jaw area) without much effort. Still have a chin on the weaker side because genes but my jaw looks sharper. Not saying it is your case but it could help anyone reading this : anons check your tongues right now
No. 296794
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I think it’s so funny how hard people lie about plastic surgery. I work in the beauty industry and I have several older coworkers who are in their 50s to 60s. I thought it was amazing how they had smooth skin and did not have sagging whatsoever. Whenever i asked what they do they always say it’s genetics, no botox/filler and they have a very minimal routine (like one cream).
I just came to the realization that almost all of them got face lifts. I noticed they all had vertical line scars around their ears when I was filming an appreciation vid to our boss for gifting us facials. It’a so annoying how everyone is so insistent that they are ~aunatural~ when they are not. It’s especially lulzy how my coworkers were talking about the max amount of face lifts you can get in a life time and talking about wanting to get a face lift in the future and they don’t need one atm.
That’s cuz yall just got them done lol! I’m not saying everyone should disclose their PS but it’s pretty ridiculous how some go out of their way to make ppl think they are naturally blessed with good looks and 0 wrinkles.
No. 296830
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>>296794face lifts look uncanny valley esque most of the time. I get "reviews" recommended to me by an email sub thing and I have never wanted anything less
her face looks unnaturally taut even in photos that are taken years after the procedure
No. 296832
>>295467unrelated but my parents spent over 20k out of pocket (w good insurance) for braces + some orthodontal procedures that did jack shit. I had straight teeth for getting braces and they looked the exact same afterwards.
the only thing that could fix my issue at this point is surgery but I don't have the money and am a coward. :(
No. 297299
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>>288908>>294855hi anons here's an update! the incision is finally healed (it got infected and i've been taking doxycycline and washing with hibiclens) and after my 2 week follow up earlier today i was told i can wear makeup and resume tretinoin! i got this surgery as a service to myself in the spirit of self-love after a long and hard year and i'd say it was one-thousand percent worth it!! i feel so much more confident and content with myself and i don't plan on getting any more plastic surgery in the near future (okay maybe some chin filler for my dimple one day). my scar is still pink and i'm using a silicone gel given to me by my plastic surgeon twice daily. will check back in at the three month mark when it should be significantly more healed with more detailed pictures.
No. 297979
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I've always hated my nose. It has always been large and wide on my face and I was bullied for it in school. I finally have enough money for a rhinoplasty, but all the surgeons I have looked at have no before and afters with noses like mine. I am trying to avoid looking like Michael Jackson. I'm not really sure what can be realistically done to it.
No. 297982
>>297979sorry for off topic but girl have you tried doing thin eyeliner with a bold lipstick color? i think it would work with your face.
just a reminder that its worth to play around with styling before getting surgeries. i wanted several but after i got into fashion and dyed my hair it cured about half my insecurities.
No. 298138
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Is there any way to get curly lips with fillers only? I know they do a lip sewing surgery in Asia but that seems too extreme. I really like avrils lip shape.
No. 298214
>>297299Nonnie i'm so happy for you, your results are great, you're gorgeous, I'mma let you finish, but please never be so reckless again and respect your privacy
I hope your results last and it doesn't leave a scar!
No. 298956
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What did she do to give herself this weird monkeyface?
No. 299081
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>>298956Kek she looks like the journalist monkey.
No. 299083
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>>299059Well, I've always hated my asymmetrical eyes, but yesterday I was looking at myself in the mirror while getting my hair done and I was, like usual, trying to "fix" my face by poking and holding the "
problematic areas" to see how they would look like after some surgery, but when I noticed that my lips and nose are also asymmetrical (shocking right?) I thought
>what the fuck how much work would I even need to get done to have a perfectly symmetrical face? I'm sure I would end up looking like those women and moids that get a bunch of shit done to their faces just to look like a caricature of themselves.And then I stopped thinking that it's necessary because otherwise I will always look ugly in pictures, when in reality I just need to embrace my asymmetrical face and pose like Paris Hilton in all of the pictures I get taken by others.
No. 299382
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>>299343Nta I never knew other women are doing it too because I always thought it's just so stupid. I trained myself for over ten years to have a more open and attractive facial expression. I have problems with relaxing my face and with migraine and nerve pain in the face now. I'm trying to resolve the damage I did to myself by holding so much tension in my face for years. Daily meditations and massages to somehow relax. But maybe you in know how to do it without tension? How did changing your head position help your face and how did you do it?
Because I hate my face relaxed so much my plan is to first get rid of the tension and then get a brow lift. I used to hold my brows up and it looks so much better. I was hesitant at first to really get an op because everyone tells me no you shouldn't do it. But I cry often seeing myself and I will just do it silently. I have the same eyes as Niklas Edin picrel
No. 300319
>>299059I've always hated the way I look with my hair pulled back off my face. No one thing on my face is "off" it's just overall masculine. I don't know what caused it but in the last couple of years I've come to think of myself as having strong facial features instead of manly ones, and it's completely changed the way I look at myself. I don't try to hide the sides of my face with hair anymore, I just pull it all up into a sleek bun and accentuate my cheekbones with makeup.
Actually TIMs are probably responsible so thanks TIMs kek
No. 302049
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I wanna ask nonnies for advise about face balance and correcting it. I have a round face and most of my features are more ying (to use a Kibbe term) than yang. My eyes are a little bigger than usual, my lips are standard northern european small-ass lips, my chin is weak, and my body is ying (round curves, I'm a little chubby). However, my nose is very narrow and tall and in addition to having a hump it also points down substantially (a true aquiline). I feel like it throws off the other features I have. Picrel has a similar face structure to me, I think, but her hump is bigger than mine and my nose is more downturned than hers.
I say I hate my nose specifically, but I actually appreciate hooked noses on people whose faces balance such a strong feature. It can be really attractive, I'm not shitting on all hooked noses. I have pinned so many pictures of Bruna Tenorio as a self-esteem motivator, but come on. I will never be like her because her facial features work with her nose, not against it. On me, it has always been one of my biggest insecurities, in no small part because it has been the feature people highlighted to bully and tease me in school. Even as an adult, people find a way to sneak in demeaning comments. Ugh, I remember being ten or something and hearing this boy at the pool say in my native language "hell no, I would never ask her out, she has a really ugly witch nose!" to his friends or something. And that apparently is a core memory, RIP my self-esteem. I hate that I remember it so vividly.
Anyway, even though rhinoplasty has been on my mind ever since high school, I am worried about the feasibility, I guess. I'm nervous that if I aim for a non-downturned nose, it would still not balance my face because it might make my philtrum look too long and my lips even smaller. Correcting the hump might be good but I think I hate the way I look head-on the most, especially when lighting conditions emphasize how downturned my nose is. The hump doesn't bother me as much as the downturned-ness. I feel like it makes me look unfriendly and older. So I don't think I would be entirely happy unless the rhinoplasty involved correcting the tip.
Does anyone know of success stories with aquiline rhinoplasties that involve balancing the face and not just correcting a bumpy bridge? Are there sometimes instances when the natural shape isn't good but surgery will make it even worse by disrupting other parts' harmonies? And no, I don't think a nose job will make me magically happy with how I look but damn, at least I'm exercising to lose weight— what can I do for an ugly nose I was born with? Even contouring tutorials don't help much because people view me in 3D so the illusion only works in pictures.
No. 302055
>>299059When I tried lip plumper I realize over plumping and lining my lips really throws off the way my eyes and nose are set. It would emphasize the rest of my features in an uncanny way if I filled them too much, and though I don't like their shape I figure changing them would somehow make my cheeks sag or lengthen my already too long philtrum, all of which will make me look much older than I am.
I also used to hate how much baby fat I had on my face but it's finally beginning to recede. I've always had awful dysmorphia, it would probably worsen if I got surgery and could no longer recognize my old face, so I want to shy away from plastic surgery as long as I can
No. 302314
>>302049I have a pretty large nose and I really like big noses on both other women and myself, I think they look great.
Partly because I used to go on instagram all the time and literally every woman there had the same identical cookie cutter miss piggy Turkish rhinoplasty nose. It became so boring to me.
One or two boys also said shitty comments about my nose when I was younger and for a while it affected my self esteem but honestly now I don’t care. I also travelled to Asia and realized lots of Asian people literally get silicone implanted into their nose just to make it look taller and bigger. It’s funny everyone wants whatever they don’t have.
I also found some girls on YouTube who were absolutely gorgeous despite having big noses and that has helped me too. One of the girls I followed ended up getting a nose job, but she looked the exact same from the front tbh afterwards and lost her uniqueness from the side, she also said she didn’t feel much different afterwards and it’s not like her love life or social life improved afterwards either. If your nose is genuinely making you so unhappy then yeah just get it done and over with. But you may also learn to love your large nose like I did. I honestly couldn’t care less what people would say about it now, I genuinely love my big humpy nose and would never change it at all now.
No. 304603
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>>275667Name and shame Dr. Coomer
No. 304986
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Thoughts on lip flips? It's supposed to give you bigger looking lips by injecting botox near your lipline. I was thinking of getting that done and also maybe a little bit to my nose tip?? I'm a bit worried if I start injecting I won't be able to stop, but at least botox is temporary?
No. 304990
>>302344It’s definitely a very fine line to walk. There are some people who look classier after surgery but they’re very few. Most people end up looking cheaper. Bella Hadid for instance looks classier and richer after having surgery. But I think that’s because her results aren’t so perfect. They are nicely done but also flawed in a way that makes them almost seem natural. It’s not uncannily perfect, it just looks like she has very good genes (like Carla Bruni who she tries to imitate)
Meanwhile when people get those surgeries like those pointy ski slope upturned Turkish noses or lip fillers I feel it looks so cheap.
No. 304991
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I have a slightly more pronounced forehead ridge for a woman, like picrel. It's something that has made me self-conscious so I've always worn bangs to cover it.
Recently I attended a seminar about identifying bones, and on a scale of 1 (female) to 5 (male), having a forehead ridge like this on the skull was considered "androgynous" (somewhere in-between). That stung a little. Maybe I've hung around the trans threads too long as well.
Is fixing something like this even worth it? Do people actually care or notice forehead ridges? You can get fillers or some people get forehead implants.
No. 304995
>>304994Thanks for the advice nonna. I suppose I feel like I'm not always "feminine" or "cute" enough (I know, sounds stupid) whenever I see women that have those smooth small foreheads. Similarly to how you'll often see small noses be praised for being "cute". I compare and get self-conscious.
>brow ridges are normal features that many women haveI guess I just don't see it very often, or don't notice.
>that filler will migrateGood point
No. 305273
File: 1672170113665.png (3.58 MB, 1630x1478, Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 3.27.…)

fuck it, i've decided i'm going to get filler in my nasolabial folds. picrel isn't me but hers are very close to mine. i'm only 23, but i feel like i look 50 because of them, they make me feel so disgusting and i notice them every single time i catch my reflection. my own face makes me cry. i'm sick of it. it's fixable and i have a high enough credit limit to afford to fix it so i'm going to fix it. i may end up getting other fillers as well. cheek fillers seem like they're commonly done at the same time, i'm also interested in lip fillers but i don't care about that as much. it depends what the doctor says when i get a consultation. if it looks like shit then at least i'll know i tried. if it looks good, i'm willing to keep getting it touched up forever, or at least until i'm old enough that they look normal. i'll post before and after photos here once it's done. any advice from people who have gotten this done before is appreciated.
No. 305331
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>>305293They could get a brown liner then right? I don't think permanent eyeliner looks good on anyway unless you're getting something super light. It's the easiest type of permanent makeup that fucks up plus most people who get it anyway are tammys
No. 306836
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I have a rhinoplasty scheduled for the 10th in Turkey. Be brutally honest, would you get your nose fixed too if you had one just like mine? Picrel.
No. 306839
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>>306836How many times must we teach you this lesson, newfags?
No. 306842
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>>306838My lips are actually quite good
No. 306861
>>305273anon please do not do this. nasolabial folds are not an indicator of old age, it's totally fucking normal feature for young people to have these and you will fuck your face up by the time you'd actually benefit from filler. fwiw cheek filler will actually exacerbate those folds.
>>306837>>306839>>306841>>306847>>306853you're responding to an ai image, look carefully at the background. that said, if it were a real photo it'd prob be a scrote sockpuppeting as some girl he stalks, its typical channer behavior
No. 306864
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>>306861Not an ai image, I just zoomed in because my shirt had an embarrassing logo on it. My nose is bulbous and I'm very insecure of it.
No. 306879
>>306873Ty anon :>
I'm not changing anything else on my face, just my nose
No. 306903
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I think that a lot of people have the assumption that injectables are the more "natural" choice of aesthetic modification but they couldn't be more wrong. Nothing beats a scalpel. You're not adding a foreign substance, youre working with what you already have. And the results are way better. Fillers just make your face ever-expanding.
No. 307124
File: 1673287132873.png (1.06 MB, 1200x630, snooks3.png)

>>306903Kylie jenner is the biggest example of the mature face issue. She looks good, but she does not look her age. Kim sometimes even looks the same age as her, which makes sense since Kim had a surgery/filler free adolescence. And Kylie is fortunate to have the best plastic surgeons/filler specialists in the world, and she still looks old.
Many celebrities went the filler route because it allows quick recovery time while they have really busy schedules and intense paparazzi coverage. But it definitely isn't the best method. Nicole Polizzi (snooki) is also a good example. she pumped her face with filler only like 2-3 years after her massive weight loss but now she's gone and aged herself again.
She looked great with the minimal face alterations, and somehow way younger than her party chubby self.
No. 307438
File: 1673465467099.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.82 KB, 865x1026, jaw.jpg)

I already have a chin implant but I would really like an honest opinion on how worth it it would be for me to pursue jaw surgery? Functionally my bite seems fine, I just have TMJ issues, but in terms of aesthetics my face is quite long and has 0 forward projection which I'd really like to fix.
No. 307443
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I still don’t get why ScarJo is the OP pic for this surgery thread lol. She hasn’t had surgery, she’s literally just wearing nose contour in the second pic + different lighting.
She was like 13 here and looks the same, she was always naturally beautiful.
No. 307446
>>306836>>306848Bulbous tips seems so hard to fix. I had a nose job and the tip got a bit better, but still. Seems really hard to go from bulbous to that sharp Bella Hadid tip without getting Michael Jackson'd. I wanna go to Turkey/Iran too. Are you going alone,
nonnie? Or do you live there?
No. 307448
>>306917Why is getting a face lift in your 20s any dumber than filling your shit full of filler? Like another
nonnie said, scalpels > filler. That's what female celebs are secretly doing, face lifts before 30.
No. 307566
>>307498Oh thank you, I don't want any medical trouble because of a plastic surgery.
Are they really trendy? I have never seen someone famous with my breast shape
>>307505Thank you! I didn't know about that. I'll research it.
No. 307590
>>30743935 is going tbh. and also, she didn’t tan as much like her cast mates because she’s actually indigenous Chilean and was adopted by italians. She is genuinely just that dark naturally.
checkout videos of her in motion, you can clearly see the filler migration around her lower mouth now
No. 307706
File: 1673645643740.jpg (91.83 KB, 1080x856, 20230114_002718.jpg)

My nose job made my face 10x cuter. And I no longer have a deviated septum, nor a collapsed nostril, nor a weird looking profile.
No. 307719
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>>307711My before face was more asymmetrical too
No. 307721
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No. 307726
>>307438Your forward projection is fine. I think your profile is pretty.
How much did you pay for the chin implant, btw?
No. 307742
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>>307722>>307706Turks really just copy and paste the same piggy nose on to everyone kek. I think it looks horrible from the side, but people say it droops and looks more natural when it’s healed. Glad you can breathe easier now anyway
nonnie No. 307745
>>307743I think some of the anons here are just bitter because they have personal issues.
Ski slope noses have always been a beauty standard, and if you want one, you shouldn't be afraid to go for one. Just be open with your surgeon
No. 307793
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I don't get the appeal.
No. 307808
>>307806For me it's because it's such a risk and I think the result usually looks worse or the same compared to the natural. I think it takes advantage of mentally ill and easily brainwashed people who are sold this bullshit by social media influencers. Looking at this thread it's all perfectly normal looking people going under the knife for no good reason.
It's as if this site had an unironic pro ana thread where people talk about the best ways to purge and such, it's bound to at least occasionally attract people who oppose the practice.
No. 307813
>>307798Thank you!
I went to Dr. Tolga Bilece in Istanbul. He is an ENT and he only does noses.
I'm still in recovery
No. 307814
>>307808Then don't browse this thread. We also have an anachan thread even though starving yourself will %100 cause in death. Though anons bully bddchans way harder than anachans for some reason.
>>307811Anon please don't post identifiable pictures here for your own safety, there are a lot of male and mentally ill female anons that'll repost them or try to doxx you.
No. 307815
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>>307805I JUST saw this in the mtf thread. It could come from here.
No. 307816
>>307802Lol fuckin thank you.
If you look at my front profile, you can see that my old nose was crooked and bulbous. I had a deviated septum and a collapsed nostril, and wasn't thrilled with how my nose looked in general.
I really like it now and I don't give a shit about attracting men. I think I'm asexual anyway
No. 307818
>>307817So people shouldn't try to be attractive?
What if I like women more than I like men?
No. 307824
>>307823Sorry but both is giving into and succumbing to your mental illness unless you had a freak deformity that actually affects your quality of life. TIM's get facial feminization surgery too you know and do "little tweaks" to appear more feminine, just how women succumb to beauty standards to appear like a more idealized version of what a female should look like.
Like I said, one is more extreme than the other, but both are retarded.
No. 307828
>>307827Of course women should be comfortable naturally, but if they’re not they should be allowed to change themselves without judgment.
Bullying women on the internet for having a nose job, pick me femcel behaviour. Even telling her her perfectly fine nose job is ugly to bring her down to your level.
Can you see how this reeks of misogyny and jealousy?
Not being supportive of certain trends or beauty standards is fine, but actively attacking the women who are trying to survive and be happy isn’t.
No. 307834
>>307822Doesn't change the fact that the standard itself caters mostly to the tastes of men, cope and seethe.
>>307826Plastic surgery is a huge risk taken for essentially nothing since your appearance will, first of all, deteriorate anyway as you age (according to shitty beauty ideals anyway) and secondly, a woman's value shouldn't be based on what she looks like, but going under the knife for minor things just reinforces the attitude that looks should dictate your life choices and determine your value as a person. It's not misogyny to point out that the choices you make can be based on internalized misogyny, and claiming otherwise sounds like a retarded libfem take.
>no one ever spergs about men getting dodgy hairline transplants in turkey!I don't sperg about that bc I don't care if a dumb scrote fucks up his scalp lmao
No. 307835
>>307834Women’s worth shouldn’t be based on her outward beauty, but it is. It really is and always has been and will never change.
This + capitalism selling us remedies and fixes means it’s even fucking worse.
Where’s the line between not supporting plastic surgery and the pick me “I’d NEVER get plastic surgery” and literally just hating on women for how they look? Making fun of the new nose of an obviously insecure woman. That looks perfectly fine btw.
Wishing them to get botched, etc.
It’s misogyny. It’s hating women. Wishing harm on women.
Shit on the industry all you want but leave women alone.
No. 307852
>>307847cases of deformation are different, but i'll also approach this as if you weren't literally deformed (since i know other white nonas will read this and think "yea i'm white and i want another white nose"):
why are you rejecting the white, european group that ensured your existence for another? that is racist. white people can experience racism.
No. 307854
>>307852Nta but
>white people can experience racismKek. You just proved you're 80iq.
No. 307858
>>307853It’s crabs in a bucket mentality. If I am not/can’t be beautiful, nobody deserves to be and it’s morally wrong to make yourself beautiful or improve yourself!
I’m morally superior because I’m HAPPY being ugly, okay girl, good for you. Now if you were so happy you wouldn’t be spreading your hate and shit opinions. Go be happy, ugly and thriving offline not on a thread about plastic surgery.
or at least go to some shitty rad fem twitter circle jerk where everyone will agree with you and you can stroke each others superior “not like other girls” ugly egos there.
No. 307862
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>>307860Picrel is said anon
No. 307868
>>307857i didn't say any of those things, i just pointed out racism. it's not even about moids. i'm not speaking for/against plastic surgery as a whole, but if you think the deliberate destruction of any phenotype's features is not discriminatory and rooted in racist ideals of homogeneity, you are not living in reality.
>Beckylol are you a "looksmaxxing femcel" or something? talk abou chronically online.
No. 307869
>>307865By white he meant jewish, lmao.
>>307868Ever heard of "becky with good hair"? It's a name basic white women, not everything is about being a femcel or wanting men's approval. Quit projecting.
No. 307878
>>307876maybe the men were.
>white people don't experience racism. at least not in any way that actually all matters.
No. 307887
>>307882The features that are being pushed are small noses, big lips and big asses. When you put those together I can't quite imagine a serial killer but ok.
>>307871Becky with the good hair is from a song lyric, tard. Also you're calling others twittards while acting like you're oppressed for being white, lmao. You're not ugly and pathetic because you're white, you're ugly and pathetic because you're yourself.
No. 307891
>>307882Are you saying my white working class family living in Europe are rapists and murders for having natural conventionally “attractive” features? What the fuck.
I’m not oppressed, at least not for being white. Maybe slightly for not being as -beautiful- as my family are or being raised with no money or low class, but never for being white. I’d even say even though I’m not conventionally attractive I’ve got away with at least some pretty privilege in my life cause other than my nose and fucked up jaw I’m not ugly per-se. At least average.
Can’t believe this has got into this race bait shit. White people (or anyone?) aren’t racist for having nose jobs. Go outside!!
No. 307892
>>307887sure, men with big lips and/or small noses totally never kill or rape anyone. are you going to start going on about "evil/inferior" skull shapes and physiognomy next lol? sorry to tell you, but rapist/murderer moids don't all look one way.
>Becky with the good hair is from a song lyric, tard. i really didn't ask.
>Also you're calling others twittards while acting like you're oppressed for being white, lmao. You're not ugly and pathetic because you're white, you're ugly and pathetic because you're yourself.i'm white and "ugly and pathetic" because i don't worship plastic surgery, think all groups of women face discrimination…i'm definitely sensing some heavy projection, even aside from you randomly bringing up men's feelings. i hope you get the help you need aside from having your face and ass changed, anon. best of luck. btw, being "ugly" or a "becky" definitely isn't the worst thing on planet earth for a woman to be, no matter what scrotal messages you've overdosed on. what's actually pathetic, surgery or no, is that mindset.
No. 307894
>>307891are conventionally attractive, working class people incapable of raping or murdering? news to me.
>White people (or anyone?) aren’t racist for having nose jobs. Go outside!!you either have no reading comprehension or you didn't read the thread and just got mad. multiple anons even before me have explained it. no one is racist for getting the procedure. it's the standard and the logic/enforcement behind that is.
No. 307897
>>307896who said you were responsible? saying the procedure is fucked up and society's standards are too has nothing to do with the women who get it. i said one thing and one thing only about nosejobs, and you've made it about yourself because ig you're in love with plastic surgeons or companies or something.
>Stop feeling morally superior to other women cause you like your big stinker of a nose. i have a "conventionally attractive" nose, but alright.
No. 307904
>>307903and now you're being intellectually dishonest, on top of such an actual pickme that you're defending scrotes forcing this bullshit on all of us. i must be "ugly", or i must actually have a conspiracy to hurt and put down "ugly" women because i told the truth about the beauty standards. keep simping for men
nonny, surely you'll be chosen and then you'll be satisfied if you just conform hard enough.
No. 307909
>>307847I don't disagree with you, but most white people have big noses lol
Asians have ski slopes
No. 307935
>>307726Thank you nona. I'm not sure now because after Aella comparison and seeing her thread on snow with everyone talking about how ugly and manly she is and the one reply that they hoped my chin implant was new and still swollen I'm like…okay yeah I guess I need something done lol.
Also it was some years ago now that I got the chin implant and it was done in tandem with a rhinoplasty so I'm not exactly sure on the cost, I'm sorry!
No. 307949
>>307831what if i told you there is an
internal male we are all trying to appeal to subconsciously
No. 307952
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>>307838Idk why anyone would want SK's insane standards where they do shit like this.
No. 307955
>>307953But they take it too far though to the point of looking creepy. neither extreme is good. They aren't any more healthier than westerners, just the opposite end of unhealthy.
>It’s why they aren’t all obese like westernersYes instead they promote legit eating disorders, especially amongst idols.
No. 307991
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>>307957Straight from Japan's immigration services website
No. 308009
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>>308007English teacher tranny.
No. 308012
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>>307991>>307988The typical flat face of ricecels like you kek
No. 308013
>>308008I'm gonna be honest I have no clue what your pic means. Caucasian included Turks I thought, but feel free to correct me
>>307793Tragic, she had the perfect nose before. Now she looks literally deformed. It's far too short both in height and width
No. 308021
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>>308016Japanese people don't have as much plastic surgery as Koreans or Chinese, but even when they do, it's not to look like europeans.
No. 308022
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>>308020So you support Ann Coulter?
No. 308024
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>>308021Why are you posting 4chan incels? Picrel is the typical Asian male before plastic surgery.
No. 308027
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>>308024Asian guys are way cuter than 90% of white guys.
No. 308035
File: 1673760119438.png (281.37 KB, 746x292, typical-flat-asian-face.png)

>>308027Then why are you here and not busy fucking them? Oh you're a ricecel like picrel and you didn't get picked. You have a good face for sitting behind a computer screen.
And your husbando has visited a plastic surgeon a few times.
(racebait) No. 308041
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>>308039>I have been with a qt asian boy beforeThe qt asian boy
No. 308044
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>>308009Funny how there was an Asian woman who got tonnes of plastic surgery to try to look like a third rate Miranda Kerr.
No. 308048
>>308041You are a jealous balding white scrote.
No. 308135
>>308049White trannies love to try to compliment themselves by saying that any woman who wants to become prettier is trying to look white or eurocentric or something.
>>308074They also don't want cis women to mog them even more
No. 308156
>>307800I’m the anon you’re replying to and I’m also Turkish myself with multiple plastic surgeons in my family. I know what I’m talking about. Europeans also have massive sniffers but they almost never do the extreme procedures Turks do because it’s I-L-L-E-G-A-L. You will be heavily penalised and perhaps even lose your medical license. Yes, all plastic surgery is dangerous. But it gets infinitely more dangerous when you mutilate yourself. Are you illiterate or just slow? Super glueing a chunk of plastic on mutilated bone fragments isn’t even comparable to having a functioning nose.
>>307831Notice how all of these groups are very fringe minorities in the general scene of plastic surgery
Plastic surgery is for spiritually weak women who weren’t loved enough as children. I would never even consider plastic surgery because my mother loves my face more than any other face in the world. Even if she didn’t, I wouldn’t change my face for the sake of other women. When you dye your greying hair the women who don’t look older. You PUT the pressure you’re complaining about on your sisters’ shoulders. You PUSH them to mutilate themselves with their hard earned money in order to be accepted by society. Men bully other men who get plastic surgery so they’re not forced to get it too. You’re so devoid of political intelligence you can’t venture outside of the box men have trapped you in. You don’t live in a glass jar, your “individual choices” affect other women negatively. What will you tell your daughter when she comes crying to you about her own nose? That she’s ugly and needs fixing? That’s exactly what you’re doing by getting your perfectly normal nosed butchered to the shape of a pig’s. It’s your hooked nose genes that will be passed on.
Changing your appearance for the viewing pleasure of others is a sign of submission. It’s spiritual weakness and the telltale sign of a low-ranking beta. If you’re truly qualified for a job your nose shape will never get in your way, only because our grandmothers died fighting for our rights. Surely you can manage to live life without 2 pints of juvaderm inside your face.
Stop the ‘COPE’ and start to self reflect. It’s not your face that is the problem but your spirit. Don’t even bother replying with “but it’s my choice, pickme” because I know you don’t believe what you’re saying either. Get real, sis.
No. 308199
>>308156You're so melodramatic.
Turkish surgeons are ranked as the best by people from multiple countries, and most botched surgeries come out of the US.
If my daughter hated her nose, I wouldn't be offended if she wanted plastic surgery to correct it. But I didn't even inherit my nose from anyone in my family and it's MY face. Nobody else's business.
No. 308202
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>>308156>Changing your appearance for the viewing pleasure of others is a sign of submission.I want this on a T-shirt.
No. 310640
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What procedures did she have?
No. 310646
>>310640I know a thing or two about cosmetic dentistry. She had a "gummy" smile before, which means a part of her gums were visible, its more common on women and 100% genetic. There are two ways to modify it
>Brackets, if her gummy smile was simply caused by malformed teeth In her case, her front teeth were slightly downturned which she surely fixed with brackets, as you can see in the right pic, her teeth now looks straight
>Surgery, if that's just her facial anatomyIn her case, her upper lip was too short to cover the gums anyway so she got injections, too. Now her upper lip looks fuller
No. 313355
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If I could get a nose job that looks like the nose of this actress (Najwa Nimri) I would do it in a heartbeat. Literally the cutest nose I've ever seen in my life. Mine is also aquiline like hers but my tip is way more bulbous and I've been called a witch before. Her nose is so petite and delicate looking.
No. 313545
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Is under eye bleph quick and easy? The jp doctors make it seem like there's no downtime, no swelling, no redness, nothing.
No. 313820
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Anyone hear about this dude? This vietnamese guy spent 17k usd on plastic surgery after being mocked and told that he was too ugly to get a job. He shared his plastic surgery story to inspire others that there is hope. Tbh his “story” is kinda dumb, since when did you need to look amazing to work a normal ass job? I’d have sympathy if his story was like that Japanese lady Vanilla.
No. 314744
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>>275449am thinking about getting double jaw surgery for my recessed jaw and gummy smile. i have actual health issues that make it necessary but in my case the cosmetic benefits would be insane and i'd look like a whole new person (i look like the bottom right of picrel rn). the recovery is brutal though and around 10% of people who get it have permanent nerve damage (although the area affected for most patients is reportedly small). anyone here have any experience with djs or any sort of orthognathic surgery? how'd it improve your life?
No. 315988
File: 1678325922566.jpg (1.17 MB, 3072x3840, nosereference.jpg)

How do you afford a nose job? Where should I go? What should I avoid or look for? I'm 21 years old and I dont have any credit built up but I want a nose job really bad. I'd prefer to get it done somewhere in Europe(Im gonna start living there sometime next year,4 school) but Idk where I should go to get the best possible results. I am african american and I've heard a lot from people saying that they got messed up. I still want a black nose. I really dont want to end up with a weird looking dolly nose or anything like that. They are really cute on some girls but maybe it's make me look weird. Do any of you have any advice. Everytime I ask people they just try to tell be I should love myself or whatever but my nose is absolutely humongous.
No. 316038
>>315988you will have to either find a surgeon that is black or is in a big city where there is a larger population of blacks with afro features (so like maybe not large caribbean population for example because at least half have that euro facial feature blood in them, so reduces odds of skilled surgeon being familiar with the balance for your face). otherwise it is like when whites go to Korea to get surgery on their face, and the results look asian on a white body, and often just looks weird.
you'll probably have to just start checking surgeon websites and Instagrams and looking at their patient pictures. real self might be helpful, so you can spend a day scanning through profiles on there for various cities. if it was anything else except facial surgery i would have said go to Latvia, but when it comes to the face you just gotta go find out who the best person is and go there.
No. 316086
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Is this an improvement? I have a nose like picrel and while from the front it looks cute, I absolutely hate how large it looks on the side. I feel like it would boost my confidence having a better side profile, but at the same time I’m not sure if the risks are worth it.
No. 318716
Autosage for slight OT / blogposting
I've been thinking about getting my boobs done since I was in high school. I'm not actively researching or anything but it's always been in the back of my head. I've been lifting / working out for a while and started to follow fitness influencers / bodybuilders on instagram for motivation. With some algorithm magic I started to get more Korean fitness influencers and noticed they ALL got their boobs done.
Ok, maybe not all, but I'd say 95% of them all have insane lean muscular bodies (like 6 pack) and big tits, which isn't ~impossible~ but very rare, especially with Asian women. It gave me insane body dysmorphia because I'm quite flat (A/B cup depending on if I'm cutting or bulking). However I've never seen an actual strong looking Korean bodybuilder in a sense where they look like they got enough muscles to lift heavy, a lot of them are just extremely lean and conventionally "skinny". During my kpop phase I thought that was the 'ideal' but now they look too thin, especially compared to American / western bodybuilders and influencers.
After coming to terms that the fake tits will just get in my way of lifting / being strong (like downtime from surgery, risks, etc), I've decided I won't get my tits done. But that weird voice in the back of my head always makes me feel insecure. Idk nonnas, just wanted to see if anyone out there is in the same boat as me.
No. 319267
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>>318716Small boobs are lovely anon. I bet you look great with your muscles. Almost everything on fitness social media is fake in one way or another, using roids, orthorexia, plastic surgery, etc. Just work on being healthy. Take a break from social media and keep working out to be healthy, and have a good way of releasing endorphins/mental health. Looking good is only bonus, not the goal.
Besides breast implant illness is a thing.
No. 319276
>>316086I have a large nose and I never had a problem with it until society started trying to brainwash me to hate it and convincing me that only upturned little ski slope noses are feminine and attractive. Honestly thankfully that period only lasted a short while, I love my big nose now and I will never get surgery on it. If someone else doesn’t like it that’s their problem, not mine.
The woman in your pic certainly has a larger than average nose and slightly recessed chin, but she looks prettier imo on the left side, despite her not meeting conventional societal beauty standards of a strong chin and straight small nose.
Notice how she appears plainer and kind of unremarkable on the right despite her ‘flaws’ being fixed and changed to meet beauty norms, the kind of face that would be lost easily in a crowd and doesn’t make you remember it.
Personally I love unusual or big noses on both guys on girls and I think they look great and make a face so much more interesting. I’m really tired of the influencer Turkish surgery nose, it’s so boring and samey, but each to their own.
No. 319277
>>318716Anon please don’t get brainwashed by the Korean side of instagram, people on there have serious body dysmorphia and shoop their heads to be tiny and muscles to be huge and all kinds of ridiculous stuff. They are not strong, they are all on roids and inject everything from anavar to illegal weight loss drugs to meth. It’s easy to get these weird chemicals smuggled from Russia and North Korea you see. A lot of them are former ana-chans or people with serious BDD, and have extensive plastic surgery on their faces and bodies too. It’s kind of like a living freak show. K-pop beauty standards are already
toxic enough, k-bodybuilding is all that but dangerous substance abuse on top. Please don’t fall down that rabbithole.
No. 319316
>>314744I got orthognathic surgery (only lower jaw) about 6 months ago and got the last metal braces taken out just last week. My tongue was blocking my trachea for up to 50% while I was awake, probably a little more while I'm asleep.
Not only is the recovery long and painful, the aftercare requires a lot of effort and is, if your health insurance won't cover it, expensive.
I didn't have to pay for the surgery, or the braces most patients need afterwards(Eurofag with socialised health care). I am still not able to eat normally, as the braces still need to do their part. Most patients need this kind of after care, because even with perfectly fine teeth prior to the surgery (and almost nobody in need of this drastic surgery had good teeth to begin with). Speech therapy is also necessary for many patients (still ongoing for me)
I was able to leave the hospital three days post-op and oh boy, I felt like I was dying for 4 weeks straight. My mouth was wired shut for 3 weeks and there was no way I could swallow pain killers. Opiates here insanely hard to come by where I live, so even when the wires were taken out, the pain was barely manageable with the prescribed medication. I was out of work for two months (which was not a problem since I still get paid, but it might be an issue for other people).
My tongue was barely paralyzed for months after the procedure but luckily all the nerves fully recovered. I wasn't able to taste anything for a long while though.
"You will get a new face" is true but I can tell you nobody will actively notice if you're not comparing photos. Your face will be swollen to the max for weeks on end and the scar tissue builds up quickly as long as the metal braces remain on your jawbones. Patients who stayed with me in the clinic complained about having a moon face for over a year.
No. 320773
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My two biggest facial insecurities are my thin lips and square jaw. I really want masseter Botox as I like the subtler look without the jaw shaving surgery and I think it’ll make my lips look larger in comparison to the rest of my face. plus it relieves tension from constantly clenching and grinding your teeth which I tend to do.
the only issue is that I can’t possibly afford getting it redone every 3-4 months and I don’t want to give that much money to the plastic surgery industry. ugh. I feel like this would legitimately help me feel better about myself while not being too invasive and crazy, just wish i could get it done once and have it last forever.
No. 320807
>>318638Be careful, it's a risky place for surgery. There's many places for medical tourism that are safer, there is always a risk but many botched surgeries from Mexico, but by saving money you probably can't fly to them.
Anyway Czechia, Greece, Turkey, or Thailand are tourism spots, South Korea as well but it's not the cheapest, better for Asians than non Asian, and they have a lot of ghost doctors.
No. 328240
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Why do some women do this to themselves? Looks disgusting, like a prolapsed gay guys rectum.
No. 328761
>>328240Some people, after getting plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures for a whole, sort of get used to how they look, and keep getting more and more and begin to look disfigured. Not sure if I explained that adequately.
There's also the whole bimbo aesthetic which some men are into and may request or pay their sugar baby or girlfriend to get procedures to look bimbo-ified like an exaggerated barbie doll.
Otherwise, it could just be pure mental illness and/or a strange form of self harm or attention seeking.
No. 328802
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Do any nonnies know how long it takes you to be able to breathe through your nose after a rhinoplasty?? I will get one in July but I just don't want to become a mouth-breather. Also, when can I start playing sports like volleyball and football after the surgery??
No. 329479
>>3288023 days.
>>329112You end up w an average nose after rhinoplasty so if your previous nose was terrible, it'll be a subtle improvement but it won't magically fix your psychological issues or make you super pretty.
No. 329490
>>329112>>329479I friend of mine got her nose done in April
nonnie (me and her had a very similar nose shape before; hooked nose) and I think hers turned out pretty cute, thats why Im going to see the same doctor as her in June. Honestly I have no problems with my nose from the frontal view its the side profile that bothers me and thats the only thing I want to fix.
No. 329688
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I have a wide shapeless nose with quite thick skin. I feel like I would look ten times prettier with a more refined, slimmer nose. I'm just petrified of botched rhinoplasty stories and terrified of ending up with some Michael Jackson monstrosity. I know I would only have myself to blame if it went wrong and looked even worse. I can't stop ricocheting between desperately wanting one and getting cold feet
No. 329692
>>329653If you have axially breast tissue you'd probably need surgery for that but it's best to get the surgery as it's a medical condition rather than an aesthetical one. Whichever it is I hope you get it sorter soon.
>>329579She's like 15 in the before. It's creepy to say a woman is cuter as a teen and I honestly doubt she had surgery in the first place (her nose maybe but still could just be her growing into her face as she became an adult) so saying a woman is less cute because she's now an adult is creepy.
No. 329708
>>329688Her original nose
was really cute rip and fits her face much, much better. Can you really not see that? Baffling to me that anyone would say the after is better, it looks totally wrong on her face. Like someone photoshopped someone else’s nose on.
>>329692Nta but
>saying a woman is less cute because she's now an adult is creepyKEK you know that’s not what anon was saying. Hilariously retarded reach. Why so defensive that you’d grasp at straws like that?
No. 338496
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>>329912If you get implants get teardrop shaped ones. Sydney Sweeney has them.
No. 339099
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>>338715She has implants.
No. 339653
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What can I do here…
No. 339706
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>>339680I feel like it’s bulbous and not an even line? Am I going crazy? Like the tip sticks out too much it’s bumped. I think that pic was a really good angle lol.
No. 339862
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>>339845Yes it would make it worse and the scarring can be significant and visible (definitely is visible at first). A lip lift is not a procedure for young people, it’s another one of those things like bucal fat removal that was designed to remedy serious sagging in old age but got shilled to young people. it doesn’t work for young people and doesn’t look good
Spoiler is not a horror show it’s a normal before/after prior to healing so you can see the stitches clearly
No. 339926
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Nonnies I have a classic witch nose, when I smile it dips down a lot, spreads very wide, and my smile is so, so ugly. However I don't want to look perfect or even great or anything, I just don't want to be so ugly when I smile. Do I need a full-on rhinoplasty for this? Even though my nose is ugly, I'm honestly fine with it when I'm not making any expression. I was hoping because of this maybe there would be some alternative I could get than a full rhinoplasty, I was imagining something like severing (?) a muscle or something that causes my face to contort like this. My smile itself is also ugly in that when I smile the corners of my mouth go downward as well, so I think there is something going on with muscles that might be able to be corrected. Is anyone here familiar with anything like this or can commiserate?
No. 339950
>>339847Sadly Invisalign has been making my smile gummier, but I’ll wait for it to be finished before doing anything else anyway.
>>339862What should I do instead if my mouth and nose literally look exactly like the before pic here?
No. 340127
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Nonnies do you think 27/28 is a pointless age to get a nose job? I feel like I’m so gaslit seeing women in the media/online get them at like 19 because they’re born in well-off families & by the time I have enough coin it’ll be “too late”. In my thirties I’d hope to have just made peace with my face, but we’ve got one life and I don’t want to look back n think why the fuck didn’t I just do it. I’ve had a couple drinks and seeking the wisdom of the farms.
No. 340195
>>340187Nta but revision surgery is a good point. A nose job
should be a one time procedure but sometimes they’re not because the way you heal determines the outcome and you might not like it. There are a lot of procedures that require maintenance and more money down the line and I think people forget about that. veneers have to be replaced every 10-15 years if you want them to look good (the whole point of getting them), liposuction starts to look weird as the fat around it changes, etc. I can see why celebrities age poorly when they no longer have the money and lifestyle to maintain the work they had done
No. 340200
>>340184>>340187>>340195These are all immensely
valid points thank you!
No. 340324
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So to confirm with you nonnas, there's no other way to treat nasiolabial lines other than with fillers? And are fillers really temporary and soluble?
No. 340449
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>>340324Fillers migrate, and they are “temporary” they never leave your face but they move down and then you’ll have to get a new injection every few months and wind up with a puffy kardashian face. I think trying a gua sha might help before you jump to going under the knife/needle
No. 340450
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>>340449How she looked before
No. 340726
It's not plastic surgery, but I feel like this is a better place to ask about laser treatments. Has anyone done IPL (intense pulsed light) or fractional laser (like Matrix IR) treatments? Most of the reviews online are from older women. These were recommended to me for treating skin texture and some mild lines (marionette). I guess relevant is that the recommendation comes from the dermatologist who successfully treated my acne (ciscutan aka isotretinoin). I have some hyperpigmentation and mild scarring; to treat this I set aside a budget for laser treatment after the medication.
First my dermatologist recommended needling for the scars, but my only other insecurity is incipient marionette lines, which unfortunately run in my family. Then she suggested skipping needling and doing a double treatment of IPL and fractional laser, to treat both the texture/pigment and the marionette lines. She specifically said filler would not be a good idea, especially considering my age. But are these treatments effective? I am sure she profits from them but she also never charged me for follow-up office visits and my acne medication was covered by insurance, so I don't automatically assume she's ripping me off. But I have a finite budget for now and three IPL/IR sessions costs exactly what I set aside. So I want to make sure this is a good option.
>>340324 I was told these treatments would help nasolabial lines, although I don't personally care about mine at all, they aren't deep.
No. 340730
>>340726I don't know if I understood correctly, are your marionette lines surface-level or deeper? Afaik deeper marionette lines can't be treated topically and you have to have threads, a face lift or something else to lift up and tighten the structure of the lower face. For surface-level lines I can see laser being an option.
>>340324I've had fillers for years and what
>>340449 says isn't totally wrong but you will absolutely not "have to get a new injection every few months and end up with a puffy kardashian face" if your injector is a medical professional. Anon is just fearmongering. Gua Sha is a total myth, too.
They can migrate if the filler is low quality, the wrong type for the injection area, or if the injector doesn't know what they're doing (ie if they want to use restylane for under eye hollows, run).
There is also danger of hyaluronidase dissolving the naturally occurring HA in your face and making you lose additional volume, so pay attention to that.
With that being said, if you want good results with filler
>find a good doctor or very experienced nurse>don't go to a medspa and don't take lowball offers>get a free consultation with several people and pick whoever seems best to you>don't take cheap filler when offered>discuss long-term goals with your doctorIf nasolabials are your concern, beware of people trying to inject there directly. That area in particular is not only where your nerve endings are, but it's also prone to migration and won't solve your problem in the long run. Instead, they usually fix it with cheek filler but I don't really know what your face looks like. A doctor would probably show you during a consultation.
No. 340735
>>340730omg thanks for replying. I can tell you know a lot (yeah gua sha is total BS).
hm, I don't actually know if my lines are surface-level or deep. How can I tell? I suspect that they may be or get deeper. I have a heart-shaped face with substantial cheeks and everything that goes with that. My marionette lines (and mildly downturned mouth) + acne were the things I wanted to fix so it is a big deal for me. I got a tiny amount of botox in the muscles pulling my mouth down, and that seemed to work well, but I haven't done anything else. I am lucky not to have wrinkles under my eyes or anything yet despite being over 30.
Do you think I should get another opinion? I feel I'm kind of far off from getting something like threads but idk… I haven't even read about them tbh. I definitely feel like getting a face lift in my early 30s, especially to treat one thing, feels depressing and scary and also like I could mess up the youthful features I still have. But I am worried this laser and light treatment isn't going to fix the problem even temporarily.
No. 341000
>>340995> If it makes you feel prettier and more confident, then do it. I don't see it as being prettier or more confident but correcting what could have been, a little like braces? Speaking of braces, it's mostly a cosmetic thing and yet people don't consider it plastic surgery which is hypocritical in my eyes. I see my double eyelid the same way but I'm just sperging off topic at this point. But I most likely will do it later down the road when I can spend the money and recovery time, for now it's double eyelid tape.
> look into microblading and MAKE SURE the person who does it is very experienced and has pictures of microblading resultsgosh the insane bit is that the places I've seen most results posted are on instagram pages where the tattoo person works from home aka I have to go to their apartment for the work. Which not gonna lie is
sus in itself (I don't think I will get attacked, they're all also women and I live in a country that is very safe compared to other Asian countries) but commercial places don't do microblading, and I've actually seen one of those places with their own rented shop fuck up my older sister's eyebrows by making them stupid thick and it made her look stupid as fuck (it wasn't microblading either). The scariest bit was that it was supposed to be for me but I got lazy to go so she went instead. I dodged a bullet out of laziness, holy fuck. So what are your thoughts about those more home DIY sorts as long as their portfolio on their gram pages look good? Is there any way to check these people's reviews in public places that aren't curated by them?
No. 341748
>>341000My mum got her eyebrows tattooed. The style in my hometown is pretty chavvy so she took a while to find someone whose work she liked. They did work out of their home but it was an actual little salon and not just a machine next to the dining table. It was supposed to be done over two sessions a few months apart but she was happy enough with the first one she didn’t need the second.
Definitely check out their work, a lighter touch is better and everything needs to be hygienic.
No. 342523
>>342500I got jaw angle reduction, but I was originally going to get full vline (which is jaw angle reduction and chin genioplasty), but my doctor advised against it because he felt I didn't need my chin messing with - I went to an oral maxillofacial specialist, and they only do facial bone surgery there, but they're a lot more professional and imo better than going to a full plastic surgery clinic. I did a lot of research on clinics so that should be your first step if you haven't already. The pain was minimal and it was mostly discomfort more than anything. I couldn't eat solids for 2 weeks and after that I was careful for the next couple weeks about not eating particuarly chewy food. After a month I was eating whatever I wanted though. Swelling lasts for 6 months, and after 1 month all the obvious swelling is gone, but for the first week after the surgery you will be really swollen, walking helps the most though. I brought a baby tooth brush to help with brushing, and until you have your stitches out you are supposed to brush with disinfectant instead of toothpaste (the clinic would give you this) and also gargle with it to clean the stitches which are all inside your mouth. Sleeping was the worst for me personally because for the first week you have to sleep sat up and it wasn't easy, but I managed somewhat. After that, you should sleep with extra pillows to keep your head elevated to manage swelling, and try to sleep on your back. I went back to sleeping on my side about 2 months post op. I hope this helps
nonnie, and I recommend the asian cosmetic surgery section of purseblog for research, as well as other people's experiences.
No. 345692
>>345672I would not recommend that at all, you are right to be scared in not liking your face at the end. If you want to get something done it's best you decide what is it that you want changed, don't let another person pick that for you. You need to take responsibility in this, it's your face. Everyone's face is asymmetrical but if there is something you want changed I highly recommend you analyze your face and pin point what you truly hate and really research about the surgeries available. Try to look up bad PS results as well. I think it's a risk you need to be aware that can happen to you.
> Also, is there anyway they can like..photoshop a version first so you can see what it'll look like?Even if someone does that, don't believe it a 100% or get attached to this, nobody knows how you'll look like in the end because there is a lot that can happen in the healing process, they can't predict it with certainty.
No. 345723
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Probably not the best picture to use since she seems like her head is tilted a bit, but this is the severity of the asymmetry of my eyes. One is quite lower down on my face than the other. Is there a procedure to fix this? No one has ever noticed to my knowledge and have only acknowledged it when I pointed it out myself, but it bothers me, especially in pictures taken straight on.
No. 345750
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>>345723Nonna her head is tilted as you said, if you look straight it's a natural asymmetry that everyone has, nobody has a perfectly symmetrical face.
No. 345752
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>>345723Is it like picrel? I don't think there is a procedure for it, but you can compensate and create symmetry in other ways, e.g: cut a side bang, pluck one of your eyebrows more and fill it in more on the other side, draw your eyeliner thicker on one side, etc. Maybe you could try a Botox browlift but only on one side and see how it looks?
No. 346100
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My face shape is like pic rel but slightly longer and I hate how my masseters look. I also have a teeth grinding problem so I was thinking of getting botox on on my masseter muscles to make them slightly slimmer. Has anyone gotten botox to slim their faces before?
No. 346277
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i finally decided what i want done and i'm going to get it in the next few weeks. i was torn between a couple of options and i decided to go for a botox lip flip vs filler for a couple reasons:
>no one really knows how long filler takes to dissolve
>filler migrates
>filler is more expensive
>filler looks less natural
>botox is much cheaper
>lip flip doesnt add volume to the lip so it looks more natural
>lip flip will help my slightly gummy smile
>lip flip reduces length of philtrum
basically biggest reason is: botox goes away quickly and so if i hate it i dont have to go and pay for it to be dissolved. possible downsides to botox are that it could cause loss of volume (if i get it repeatedly over a long period of time), might not give very noticeable results (in which case i just won't get it again, no harm to foul), might cause problems drinking through a straw (i never do that anyway so whatever). while i'm at my consultation i'm going to ask about botox possibly being used to reduce my constant frown, but i'm not sure that it will be able to. most information online talks about botox being used between the eyebrows and i don't have a problem there, it's just that my mouth is literally downturned. maybe the lip flip will help, who knows. i've just decided i really want to avoid filler because there's too much of an unknown and i find it makes people look so much older than they really are if they get it young (i'm 23). so many people online say their lip flip did almost nothing but it's very inexpensive so i'm willing to try it once and see how it goes. picrel is a before and after with a before that is very similar to my current lips. i'd be ecstatic if i got similar results. anyway, i'll post updates with my own before/after in a couple weeks, wish me luck.
No. 346285
>>346280>botox goes away quicklyhow quickly depends on the person–some people find it lasts up to six months, some find it goes away in like a month. if i'm a month person, i probably won't get it again. if i'm a six month person, then i probably will. it's hard to say whether it's worth it or not before i get it done.
>botox causes loss of volumethis can be kind of difficult to say because people who get botox repeatedly over a long period of time are also getting older over that period of time meaning they lose volume naturally. so if you have someone who gets botox for ten years between their 40s and 50s and in their 50s they notice loss of volume, is it because of the botox or because they aged? it does cause muscles to atrophy because they aren't being used if it's used continuously, but frankly if i end up needing filler 10-20 years down the line, i'm fine with that. filler seems to work better for older people imo. i just don't want to end up as one of those twenty somethings that looks a decade older than they are because they're all puffy from juvederm. if i like the results, i plan on getting it intermittently (the way i get lash tints/lifts now) before special occasions or when i feel like changing things up, not making it a regular part of my routine. but again, if it does cause problems ten years down the line, i'm fine with filler then. i'm also in a line of work where i expect to be making a good deal of money in the next ten years, so the cost issue of filler shouldn't be a problem.
No. 347526
>>347055yes you can
>>347502possibly, if they dont shift
>>346277best of luck!
No. 349201
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I think we should start killing east asian plastic surgeons. I'm Turkish and we could've made him even more masculine with lip fillers and jaw implants. This is so sad, his face looks like my butt now. They did the opposite of what they're supposed to do.
No. 349207
>>349201He was hot asf before. I love natural Asian features especially really pronounced cheekbones or monolids or whatever.
But apparently having strong features is seen as negative in Korea and I’ve even heard people will judge you as a bad person if you have strong masculine features as a man there. They think men should look like boys and women should look like kids because it makes them more innocent purehearted or something (as if getting surgery makes you a better person kek). Really fucking weird.
No. 349211
>>349207I believe it. Koreans seem to think that if someone looks young and beautiful outside that they will automatically be good people inside. It’s like the concept of ‘never judge a book by its cover’ has never even occurred to their society.
Beautiful = good person there. I understand that many people in every society give pretty people more credit than is due and that pretty privilege is real, but in Korea they literally worship beauty as a personality virtue. Whenever I go on a Korean news article and is about some celebrity who did something bad, the comments will be like ‘See! I told you her/his eyes are too close together/have too much canthal tilt/their lips are too big, that’s why they are bad people! Physiognomy is science!’ Like it’s genuinely crazy lol. And if the person is good looking and did something bad, they’ll blame the
victim for being shallow and basically blame them for being taken advantage of by such a good looking person, or say that they deserved it.
No. 349267
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Did any ethnic anons feel ashamed for removing their features. I am Mexican and I have a super prominent nose. I’m really on the fence about a nose job because I’ve seen them TikToks with the little dark age native pride or whatever, it is kind of cool, i sort of look like this from the side or makes me sad how they considered this beautiful over there back then I could’ve been a real beauty queen kek.
Another thing that sort of adds to my insecurity is whenever people compliment and say my type of nose is unique and regal and mature and elegant like NO I’m 22 it feels weird like I just don’t want to be seen as that already. I’m some elegant poised mature woman, this might seem like I’m bragging about having striking features but I just don’t like people thinking I’m mad or serious or old
No. 349279
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>>349274I always thought mature meant older too, it’s not that bad it just kinda rubs me the wrong way when ever I see someone praise an aqua line/Roman nose and they’re like “omg they’re lovely and give
character they’re very classy” “I love to draw them” just say im pretty, damn or my nose is actually nice or something, those sorts of compliments are so contrived . It seems like people are being overly nice cause deep down they know that it’s not considered attractive it reminds me of when a group of friends posts a TikTok and everyone over compliments the fat/chubby one like “aww she looks like she gives good hugs” “the one in the green slayed”
I will say it’s way better than being called SQUIDWARD or
Gabbie Hanna felt like crying and vomiting after my sister saidthatgoblin, witch, etc,
No. 349295
>>349236That’s literally normal though. Women be calling themselves “freaks” for having natural grown woman anatomy. Holy shit.
>>349267Not that it means much to anyone, but I’m literally exclusively attracted to people with noses like that and I’ve actually harbored a low key obsession with the art of ancient mesoamerica for many reasons, the shallowest being I really like the noses.
No. 349304
>>349220Yeah , if you don't like labiaplasty surgery , than okay , but it's odd when anons on here compare having or wanting to have something closer to an " innie " as having children like genitalia and or wanting to attract pedos.
Again , I totally get why some might not like the surgery but saying the stuff above in response to someone wanting to get it done is odd as hell.
No. 349393
>>349330I’m op who posted about the surgery for myself and all I want is to be within normal bounds. I don’t want to get them fully chopped or look like any porn star, just make it more manageable and evened up. I do think the surgery for purely cosmetic reasons is sad and disgusting, seeing how women are desperate to please men who see them as objects to judge on a number scale.
Ngl and no hate but it’s also annoying when people with “innies” have to come in and complain because they’re offended at the body standards being called out and it happens every single time. No one is blaming women who naturally have minimal labia for pandering to the pedo porn market, they’re just pointing out how warped it is to normalize one sort of vulva as the most desirable to men. If you have an innie then congrats you don’t have to suffer the feeling of wanting to cut your genitalia off with scissors since age 10 or so.
No. 349496
>>349378just disagreeing with the
>it's a feature of an adult bodypart because i've seen that idea pop up a lot and it bothers me, a 12 year old going through puberty does not now have an "adult body." live laugh love etc.
No. 350277
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well it's now been 2 weeks since i got my lip flip so here's the results! i'm extremely happy with how it looks. i think a lot of people who don't feel like it did anything probably did not have a gummy smile/thin upper lip to begin with and were expecting it to work like lip filler. it definitely is NOT lip filler. but i love my smile now. i had virtually no side effects. i think it's maybe a little harder to drink with a straw. i already have my appointment booked to get it done again in two months because i absolutely am obsessed with it. sorry to delete and repost kek the image was giant, hopefully i fixed it this time
No. 350465
>>350439thank you!
>>350464hahaha for some reason the only spencer i could think of was spencer from icarly and i was googling pictures of him trying to figure out why you would think our mouths looked similar… sorry for assuming the worst lol
No. 351039
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Body type trends are yet again exhausting. Are we reverting back to the anorexic with implants era? Why are there so many people who are angry if you point out a woman has had surgery if not denying it all together?
No. 352598
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This woman keeps popping up on my feed. Apparently she’s almost 50. I’m amazed she looks this good but it has to be surgery too right, her boobs are fake for sure. Wtf I’m getting mogged by a grandma.
No. 352601
>>3525981. Women frequently lie about their age on TikTok
2. All of this is filter, she probably looks botched af in person. Those sausage lips look barely good online, if you've ever seen them in person they're so fucking uncanny
No. 353697
>>353587Get therapy, I look like my mom and it sucks cause she was
abusive and also vocally insecure about things she passed on to me. Thanks mom
No. 354742
>>354738>people care and judge>only fucks one personmakes sense
>people care and judge>labiaplasty is truly only for oneselfalso makes sense
No. 354745
>>354738Let’s do a list of pros and cons.
>have slightly less skin on your inner labia which no one will ever seeCONS:
>memed into mutilating your most delicate parts by society using your own hard earned money>cutting up your pussy is never going to be pleasant>may lose feeling in clit, ruin sex forever>risk of killing yourself Idk nona this is a toughie.
No. 354905
>>354903Wtaf are you talking about. I don't think i even need to explain how bad that comparison is but
>you’re just trying to neg any women with larger labia I literally do not care about anyone's labia size. I'm also not going to get upset at someone for not liking their own body.
No. 354909
>>354903This entire thread is negging then because it’s making people feel bad about their features if you want to get a boob job or nose job etc. Why can’t I hate a feature of my body which btw I haven’t even seen represented in those body positive vulva catalogs? It has nothing to do with other peoples labia when I talk about my own.
>>354904Good for you, I’m aware it’s normal and I’m not saying it’s not. But I won’t be gaslit as if I made up overhearing or seeing how my own features have been judged. It’s probably more taboo now for sure but when I was in high school it was popular for people to post sandwich memes and derogatory references like that on Facebook to make fun of women, and other pickmes would repost and share that shit to be ~one of the boys~
No. 354956
>>354888yeah no woman would ever make fun of another woman’s vagina-
shayna thread enters the chat
No. 355045
>>354956Yes. I remember when belle delphines vagina was revealed it was mostly women openly making fun of her for having a long labia. Or the anon that zoomed in, filtered a picture of her in the bathtub to "prove" she had an outtie vagina.
Either way why do anons only want to cry troons when an anon is in distress? At least it's not the situation where you all traumatized a woman who got beat by her husband until she miscarried because "she didn't go to the hospital therefore it must be a troon larping his abuse fetish", yet somehow can't spot them larping in any other situation. I guess traumatizing women is a top priority to keeping out the entire 3 troons who reveal themselves anyway
No. 355047
>>354738Anon with long uneven labias here, who also was bothered about it since childhood but don't care anymore. Whatever you think, this is not 'necessary': it is an aesthetical change that won't benefit your health, and could even cause issues down the road. Yes, as you said, it's the case for every surgery, but every doctor will tell you that you need to consider the risk/benefit balance for any treatment as
>>354745 did for you. To me it doesn't seem balanced and reasonable. I might have longer labias than you because they can be uncomfortable if I don't tuck them in, but I barely think about it. It seems like your vagina's appearance is often on your mind, maybe because of your environment (online
toxic spaces and your own bitchy family). That is not healthy or normal, and I'm sorry to hear someone be so distressed about a perfectly functioning and healthy organ. If anything, I'd advise trying therapy to see if this issue cannot be fixed otherwise.
No. 361531
>>354738coming late to the party here but i wanted to share the only plastic surgery experience i have. it worries me that you talk about what others think of labia and if you would be fine with them if it wasn‘t for shit others talk. other nonnas reacting so strongly make them seem like coping hypocrites. is not shaving your legs also pedo-pandering? aside from that, i never heard anyone ever talk about labia while growing up, only at 21 and that was in favor of big labia and not something i asked for to know. yet i was so bothered by it from the beginning of puberty. i liked to fantasize of getting it fixed, even though i thought i will never do it, that it wouldn‘t even work and i just need to live with it.
i only told my mom around 15 how much i hate the asymmetry, and she was just like „i also have that, many have, no big deal, blah“ and i knew, yeah because it‘s less severe. fast forward 7 years of having to tuck and fix it constantly while walking somewhere in tights, wearing long coats so people don‘t notice, constantly having to fix it while having sex so it isn‘t uncomfortable or blocking. i really tried to get used to it but without success. out of all flaws i have and would like to change, this one was the worst one, something that not only looked unpleasant to me but also felt awful.i saved a lot of money that i could have used for other things in my poor student life but this was just the highest priority. my mom took it seriously this time and helped me financially. i felt the need of surgery was
valid since i didn‘t believe anything could make it worse, it would just be shit in a different way. so at 22 i went to a clinic of a female plastic surgeon with a good reputation. she said she doesn‘t do complete „innies“ (if that means basically no inner labia at all) and that she won‘t be able to make it 1:1 perfectly symmetrical since one side was not just longer but thicker than the other, but that it won‘t stick out and how it will be unlikely to feel any numbness and that in contrary to what some online believe, it‘s not a delicate area where removing something could really be so damaging because of the nerves. of course she didn‘t get close to my clit or anything that would really be a delicate.
i could feel it was swollen a few days after surgeries and cooled it a lot but it wasn‘t painful. after that, the result was already incredible. it was way more symmetrical as i had expected, i personally couldn‘t really see it, there was enough labia left that it didn‘t look like a weird designer pussy. when i open up in some positions when i shave myself, there is still meat that kind of hangs „out“ and i don‘t find it so nice to look at, but in no way is it sticking out like before and not at all in all other angles. they are long enough but not too long, the feeling in panties is so comfortable, especially right now years later, when i remember how bad it used to feel. nothing is uncomfortable anymore like it was with that one-sided thing hanging out. someone here wrote how it‘s actually never uncomfortable and you can just tuck it but maybe we all have a different length in mind. there is also no need to be so sensitive about it or bring moids into this. a boyfriend i had got cut (noone in my eurocountry is) because he had too much foreskin and putting on condoms was always an annoying hassle for him and i could tell he was embarrassed too. i could understand his decision and i liked his dick just as much without some extra skin. i am sure he wouldn‘t feel differently about my pussy now where there is a little piece missing too. i don‘t think it‘s such a drama, especially when it really ruins your life quality.
i sort of wished i had done this way earlier and could have spared myself so many uncomfortable situations but i am so happy i did it at 22 and not only at 45. i don‘t want to advertise for it but i wanted to share and balance the negative takes from anons who have no experience with it and seem kinda
triggered lol. and no, i don‘t want people to mutilate themselves if not needed, but if you are like i was and it‘s not bdd in the sense of being delusional, and you are suffering greatly because of it, i feel really bad for you and recommend considering this alternative. i never had other surgeries or corrections for other flaws, so i am not a plastic bimbo surgery fan but someone who knows how badly it can affect you and how fixable it can be. some radfems weird view of pedophile moids being the reason you don‘t feel comfy in your skin and you are supporting pedophilia is so batshit to me, (also in a plastic surgery thread, whats going on?!) don‘t let anyones opinions or taste shame you for what you have and don‘t let others shame you for what you want for yourself. consider the (realistic) risks, read about good and bad experiences, take your time. i wish you good luck with whatever path you choose to deal with this.
sorry for reddit spacing but can‘t handle putting everything into one sausage when i write a little essay.
No. 361839
You hate your labia because men say it's ugly, just like almost any other fucking surgery discussed here. The cosmetic industry, like every damn thing in this world, was built by men for men, and we are simply submissive meat willing to get cut for their pedophilic aesthetics. Don't fool yourselves, this is all about pleasing the male gaze. Your vulva is not the problem, it's your brain, it cares about what men think. And it is a big deal paying money to mutilate your vulva.
>but it hurts when I wear lacey undewear or have my bush shaven!!!
The hair is there for a reason, to protect the delicate area, shaving there (or anywhere) is another pedo aesthetic. Lacey underwear is polyester trash that doesn't let your skin breath. You're vulva doesn't need fixing, it's not a flaw nor a defect, the Y chromosome is.(ma'am this is the plastic surgery thread)
No. 361856
>>361839Isn't having "uneven" labia completely normal? Doesn't it prevent chafing? Men's balls are uneven so that they don't grind against each other, since the labia are somewhat analogous I'd imagine it's like that for a reason
But yeah it's bleak out there, moids are becoming worse and worse about their blatant pedophilia and faggotry
No. 361898
>>361884Mine developed during puberty. One of my labia was much longer than the other, I mean 3 times longer. It was uncomfortable. When I got scar revision surgery (I was in a car accident,) I asked the surgeon if he could make my labia even, and he said yes. Tbh, he should’ve said no, and sent me to a gynecological surgeon to get it done, because that man ended up cutting off my ENTIRE left labia.
I mean, yeah I don’t have a super long labia any more, now I just don’t have one on my left side at all lmao. I get UTI’s a little easier and have to be more careful but it doesn’t affect my life that much, and I’m sure I could get it fixed again later.
To be honest, it was still worth it. The excessively long labia was more uncomfortable and bothersome than the missing one is, at the end of the day.
No. 361981
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Anyone have any experience with cheek silicone implants? I have no fat in my face, my eyes look so hollow and sullen and my cheeks are very flat and old woman/male looking. Fillers are obviously a no go, and fat transfers are kind of shit, too (variable results). I've seen some decent looking results with implants, but it seems uncommon. Pic related
No. 362136
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>>361993It's less that I want full cheeks and more to fill in the hollow undereye area. It fills out the area so you don't have those giant craters. Pic related. It's the only effective and reliable way I can find to eliminate them.
No. 362187
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>>362016you probably don't have it, accusations of FAS on tiktok have just been used in attempts to try to neg beautiful women. Even so, people with FAS rarely exhibit blatant physical signs, most "FAS detectors" probably wouldn't even clock someone like Reese Witherspoon who actually does have FAS, but tiktokers seem to think all women have FAS for some reason
No. 362300
>>362299some people age unluckily (smokers, heavy partyers, people who go tanning etc) but it’s really rare to need aging treatments in your 30s. it seems like in recent years people have a fucked up view of what 35-40 looks like, for some reason. hence people telling women in their 30s “you look so good for your age!” when they just look normal.
anon, don’t gaslight yourself into getting anything done prematurely, waste of money and can end up making you look worse.
No. 362591
>>362257Thanks, I think i’ll try to see if i can get it covered. if shayna got it for her breast deformity hopefully i can too kek.
>>362265It’s genetic? I guess I never considered that, I remember learning that malnutrition during puberty can stunt your growth in height (which I’m pretty sure happened to me too). but thank you for letting me know. I wish there was more research into what causes it/if it could be prevented somehow.
>>362290my country is especially bad for that, I just saw a post on the mtf thread about how in Manitoba breast augmentations for moids are paid for but breast augmentations for actual women are labelled “cosmetic”
No. 362960
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I wanna get a nose job and my nose is actually pretty flat it just has a dorsal hump. It’s a native nose and it’s not even that big but I feel like it is very strong looking and doesn’t really fit my otherwise kinda flat and soft face, as you can see on the right my jaw looks more defined because my sharp nose isn’t overpowering It iykwim but I do like my nose size and tbh I don’t even wanna reduce the size of the ball I just wanna shave the hump off slightly and I’m scared I’ll get a doctor who shaves off more than I ask for I definitely don’t want a pixie nose.
No. 362968
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>>362961I don’t really want it smaller I want the doctors to not touch the ball so it still protrudes as much as it does now which isn’t all that much tbh and then just shave the bump off a bit, i still want a hump but not as severe like Angelina Jolie’s nose in maleficent (idk if her nose was prosthetic in the movie) I don’t wanna diss my nose too much because it feels mean to my fellow big nose chans but I just feel like it doesn’t match me. My mom has a small nose and similar cheeks and eyes and face shape to me, but my dad has my nose except he’s got defined cheekbones and a good jaw, so his matches him more. I don’t want a little pixie nose but I just want it a little softer looking if that makes sense, I would kill have inherited my dads jawline instead. This Google picture looks like my desired result
No. 363032
>>362975I will definitely consider what you’re saying.
>>362985Yess, i have an overbite, I hate use lookmaxxing terms but I have sort of a mouth breather face. I kinda like looking my ethnicity it’s just my schnoz I could do without. What’s your ethnic background nona?
No. 363337
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>>363163Thank you for your kind words, but my bump isn't a natural part of my nose I was born with, it's a result of a metal pot lid falling on my nose bridge when I was 4, which also croaked my nose to the right, so it's not in the center of my face and looks off. Other than that, the tip and wings are alright, and I noticed losing fat made my nose tip less bulbous so as long as I keep a healthy fat percentage and don't get bloated with food and drinks it will be alright. Both of my parents and my siblings have straight nose bridges, so it's not a genetic thing in my case. All my cousins, aunts and uncles have straight noses as well. I'm the only exception.
>>363248Fascinating to know, thank you for telling me. Mine isn't actually gigantic, it's more my receded chin and jaw and my overbite giving an illusion that it's big when it's not. Something like picrel. But I don't want a chin implant since they migrate, and my chin is prominent enough, so I'll probably only get jaw surgery or braces even though braces seem too inconvenient and high maintenance.
No. 363871
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This "snake face" trend is horrible.
That crazy V line jaw shaving is so uncanny and unnatural it looks like half of their skull is missing.
And the moment they gain some weight all their lines are ruined and their facial fat starts "bulging" due to the lack of space on their face.
No. 363900
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>>363871They only look good in certain angles.
No. 363933
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>>363911Your jaw is a straight line from your ears to you chin naturally?
No. 363936
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>>363871I like it and think it’s cute as a concept but I haven’t seen anyone who got plastic surgery to get it and looked nice afterwards with it. Karina is weird looking to me and kind of looks like a bald British man in a wig or that actor Wallace Shawn or something lul. I get that they’re going for that classic snake beauty look like pic rel which is idealized in Asian culture. I’ve only ever seen a couple famous Chinese women with it naturally. Koreans tend to have very square faces so theirs is almost always surgical and it looks very odd, I wonder how they even chew anymore, having such an extreme procedure for a non medical reason is just gross.
No. 363966
>>363956It’s too late to undo the braces. The filler I’m gonna leave as is, so far the only thing I’ve needed to get touched up is my lower lip. The Botox I’ll probably continue to get once or twice a year timed to coincide with a chemical peel. I don’t really want to do a lot or look like I do a lot.
Chemical peels are underrated and I think they’re less popular now because dermatologists cant charge that much for them compared to laser. Low strength peels are pretty easy to do at home and you can spot treat with them on stubborn hyperpigmentation. Makeup Artist’s Choice 25% Mandelic Acid is my favorite because it is goof proof.
No. 364010
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People always tell me I would look like her if my nose was smaller and less humped, which is weird because she’s so gorgeous and I don’t think I’m all that, but my nose is definitely my ugliest feature. I regret not getting a nose job when I was younger, because I’m 30+ now and feel like it doesn’t really matter anymore because I wouldn’t be in the public eye and wasn’t destined to be an actress or anything anyway. If I was famous I would definitely be super self conscious of every feature.
No. 364249
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>>364029It starts to look terrible after a certain age
No. 364370
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>>364148You will look like a midget. It makes your legs look super short.
No. 364414
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>>364148it’s cheaper, easier and far less painful to just go to the gym. In the time you would spend recovering from your bbl you could grow a better looking ass that doesn’t disappear the second you gain or loose weight. I know some people find it difficult to target their glute muscles in the gym but it is possible if you find some workouts that use weights. Once you figure it out, it’s extremely easy to gain muscle on your butt and it’s very noticeable. I gained weight while targeting my glute muscles in the gym over 5 months and saw a huge difference, everyone I know told me it was noticeably bigger too kek. So please don’t waste your money on such a painful and risky surgery.
No. 365903
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Is a surgery like this even worth it? I have very strong features, including a prominent brow bone. I rarely notice other women with this, so admittedly I hate showing off my forehead for that reason. Doesn't help that I've been called "boyish" by others. I've always hid my brow bone under bangs for this reason. Usually a brow lift is also included, since there's excess skin left.
No. 365915
>>365912Small forehead, full hairline. May be because it’s small that it’s more prominent.
>>365913>been seeing it around a lot latelyIt’s not “lately”, it’s in general. It’s not common for a woman’s skull to have a very pronounced brow ridge. It’s more commonly a male trait, hence why some women opt for surgery. In my life, I’ve rarely met a woman IRL with it.
No. 366695
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the one thing i have been insecure about since i was a child is my teeth. i never smile with my teeth, always cover my mouth when i smile or talk, people have made fun of them since i was a kid. not only do my front teeth protrude, but my front 2 teeth are comically big and to make matters worse they’re yellow too. i’ve always felt like people think i’m pretty until they see my teeth, which is something you can’t really hide. how the fuck do you go about changing your front teeth, though? like is there even a procedure which would make them smaller or anything? at the very least i just want them whitened
No. 369004
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Almost 100 women have gone blind from fillers. And that was 2015.
No. 369540
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>>366734Here’s my results. My tear trough is gone.
>>369004Always think this is going to happen to me when I get it done. I’ll probably stop this time for good. Last time was 2 years ago
No. 369592
nonnie!! be careful if you want tear trough fillers
No. 369596
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>>369590Im sorry that happened to you nona, sounds so traumatic. For what it’s worth I have a v line jaw naturally, mine basically looks like the right by itself, and I have almost no gonial angle because my ramus bone is so short (probably 1cm or less)
The one good thing is that I think it helps me look more ‘feminine’ in pictures and stuff and I don’t have to worry about unflattering pictures, but I have to watch my weight because if I gain any then my jaw starts looking a bit jowly. If you don’t have this jaw type naturally then you will probably get even jowlier faster (unless you have a mini jaw/cheek lift alongside it) because your body will be used to storing fat around that area to cushion the jaw bone that’s no longer there. I’ve heard people struggling with this issue after v line surgery. I don’t think a wide jaw would suit my face shape, but I’ve seen many women with wide jaws pull it off nicely, I think it’s a pretty unnecessary procedure tbh unless your face is a literal square.
No. 369625
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>>366699I did luck out in the ass genetics category and had a big ass even before working out, but keeping it this shape does require maintenance
you can't grow glutes without growing hamstrings and quads tho, if you are short (<160 cm) it won't look as good as on a taller person
but I think a big ass and skinny legs, the bbl kind, look so unnatural
just workout and get your best possible natural butt, risking your life is ridiculous
No. 371161
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>>370285wanting huge butts is an American thing. Nobody else likes that shit. There’s a reason why Korean girl idols are the epitome of beauty in 2024 and not random black women who are shaped like ants
(kfaggotry) No. 371163
>>371161I mean this isn’t incredibly accurate, is it? That’s because the Korean standard is thinner. It’s still desirable to have an “S-shaped” body, as they call it, because a small waist and larger butt looks more feminine than a large waist and flat ass. Obviously.
>>371160Nta but what does this even mean?
No. 371167
>>371166That’s clearly an outdated since every relevant article I’ve searched about that term is from 2008 lmao
also not having a giant ass doesn’t mean a totally flat ass is the beauty standard. In general, the beauty standard is tall and slender.
No. 371183
>>371166By American standards if you don't have humongous cancerous tumours hanging from your buttocks you're considered flat. The Korean woman in the picure would be seen as "flat" despite having proportionate attractive body.
>>371163Only fags and scrotes into violent anal sex like butts. Why are some people so obsessed with the body part that poop comes out off? It's the most disgusting part of the body.
No. 376270
>>376162this makes me glad that I picked the scabs off mine when I first got them done. You're supposed to leave them, so that they fall off naturally. But I've got a really bad habit of picking dry skin/scabs and so the pigment didn't stay as I picked it all off.
I'm sorry this happened to you, nona.
No. 376281
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I know she won't ever talk about it publicly but I desperately want to know what okmalissa has had done. I have the exact same saggy under eyes and lines around the nose as she used to have. Is it expensive skin treatments? Just good filler? Her face doesn't look bloated like most filler abusers do.
No. 376930
>>376162I agree it's permanent, but they can be subtly done. Mine seriously improved how my eyebrows shape frames my face and since I have dark long eyebrow hairs, it is hard to tell mine are microbladed on.
I am getting co2 laser on my undereyes, I can tell they're just getting worse, but I know they're not really that bad objectively. It's just compared to what I am used to. I'm excited to see the healing process.
No. 377318
I want a breast reduction (large breasts, sagging, very small frame, shoulder/back pain, and I'm already underweight - nothing changes them unless I am skeletal). But even though I am almost asexual, I wouldn't be able to handle it if I woke up with weird scars or lost feeling in my nipples. I keep thinking about it and just feeling like the risks are too scary. Not to mention the cost, idk, my insurance might cover it, not sure. If they pay breast implants for trannies they better cover reductions for women with pain, but who knows anymore.
idk nonas, anyone had a reduction? thinking about it? I truly hate mine but maybe I would hate the result more?
No. 377523
>>377318Make sure the surgeon you're seeing is using a "newer" technique which doesn't involve removing the areola. A lot of surgeons still do the older version of the BR and remove the nipple completely, then the glands, and it leaves these awful lollipop scars
I can't find it rn but there's a subreddit on breast reductions for more information.
No. 377525
>>377318I had one. I was built similarly to you. I was worried for similar reasons and was deeply afraid I'd regret it or have results so strange-looking they'd make me want my old boobs back. I chose my surgeon carefully based on RealSelf reviews and photos, and I'm thrilled with my results even if they're not quite as small as I would've liked. Scars are becoming invisible and I've regained all sensation after one year. I can't believe I ever considered backing out. As the other anon said, read up on different surgical techniques and be as selective as you can based on your findings. R/reduction is a good resource.
YMMV of course, and getting coverage can be messy, but don't let feat of regret stop you from pursuing this if you think you're a good candidate and you're deeply dissatisfied with your current breasts.
No. 377561
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Everyone talks about how dangerous bbls are and how the results are unreliable, but what other options are there for someone with hips like these? Has anyone had any luck permanently fixing them?
No. 377574
File: 1707151640046.jpg (366.57 KB, 2880x2880, Grossface.jpg)

I traced over my pictures to show my problem. I look like I'm 40 in my early 20s. I easily pass for mid 30s and once when I bought alcohol I didn't get carded. I'm genuinely so ugly I don't even know where to start. I don't look like a woman my age, I look like a middle aged man and everyone I know tells me this. I never get compared to normal celebrities, either obese women or men, or nonhuman fictional characters.
>Fillers look doughy/pillowy and gross because they need to be redone and they migrate anyway
>Fat transfers will dissolve or look lumpy under my skin
>Cheek implants are noticeably uncanny and don't sit well under the skin
Is there really no viable options? Is it over?
No. 377629
File: 1707176442914.jpg (34.99 KB, 724x233, violin-hips-diagram.jpg)

>>377563My body looks like this and it's not fat, it's the bones. Picrel.
>>377602Could you specify what exercises to do to build muscle? I can't do squats because the tendons in my feet don't stretch enough for me to keep them flat on the ground, is there anything that actually works? The videos I show don't mention how long it takes to see results or have before and afters. I'm also open to surgery.
No. 377699
>>377574Obviously this is a traced photo so I don't know how accurate all of these recommendations will be: but, I'm gonna try and go through all your "faults" and their easy-fixes. I wanna preface this by saying if everyone around you says you look "like a middle aged man" they're probably just being mean and I think you should surround yourself with more kind people. Anyways, here's how to improve your appearance from my perspective.
>1) You have an unflattering haircutIt looks like you have a square-shaped face, or your jaw is rather prominent. Straight combed back hair with a middle part doesn't flatter this type of face-shape. Try to add more texture to your hair by adding layers, or feathering, to give your hair more volume. On top of this, because you have eyes that are set back/prominent eye-hollows, your hairstyle should accentuate "horizontal" vibes, which is why I suggest feathering your hair or adding more volume in the mid-section. This horizontal emphasis will help to cancel out the vertical emphasis of having deep-set eyes If you have the resources you could try lowlights to add the illusion of more volume/depth/dimension to your hair.
>2) Eyebrows aren't well-shaped.I think maybe this is where the "man-looking" comments ring most true. Your eyebrows (at least from the tracing) look very straight, that shape-type doesn't flatter a square-shaped face. If you changed the shape of your eyebrows to make them more arched, or make them curved, this will flatter your face-shape more and lend a more feminine appeal.
3) Deep-set eyes.
Again, try to feather out your hair and play with the style to see how it affects how light falls on your face. For example, blunt bangs will usually cast more of a shadow on your face than feathered bangs. There's nothing else you can do for it besides learning some makeup tricks like the following: avoid using dark eyeliner on your bottom lid, instead try to apply a white eyeliner to give the appearance of larger eyes; use medium-coverage concealers to lighten the under eye area and apply powder after so that light bounces off the under-eye more effectively; these tips wont erase the structure of your eyes but they will help divert attention away from these areas. In that same vein, I recommend doting on a beauty mark with dark long-lasting eyeliner somewhere along your cheekbone or close to your nose. A lot of people don't realize but a well-placed faux beauty mark/mole is a great way to divert the eyes attention from one problem-area to a more flattering area, like your pretty button nose or high cheek-apples.
>Is there really no viable options besides filler, fat transfer, or cheek implants?To regain confidence I recommend looking into facial treatments like carbon laser peels or exfoliating facials. If you feel like you look "old," these treatments will really brighten your skin and encourage the perception of youth. Oftentimes sallow skin can make a person look more aged than they are. Make sure you're dressing in colours that highlight your skin tone (whether cool or warm) instead of colours that wash you out. On that note, make sure you're drinking 3L of water a day, quit smoking/vaping (if you do that), and wash your face with cold water rather than hot water. Sorry I sperged a bit, it's just I saw other anons saying "no no you look so beautiful don't worry" and that's nice and all but I feel like I owe it to you not to deflect your concerns and instead to address them and try to help. Overall I think you have a nice facial structure, you have a very cute button-nose.
>>377579>Personally, I look like an English bulldog mixed with an apeKEK, nona you don't need looks when you're funny like that don't even worry.
No. 377871
>>377869An eye lift won’t make you prettier if your other features and bone structure aren’t in harmony with it to begin with.
Most people with hooded eyes have different orbitals, brow bone structure and even eyeball depth than people with the opposite kind of eyes. If you try and fight against your natural features by dramatically changing one of them it can mess up the rest of your face and throw everything off. It’s why people with a naturally lifted eye look suit theirs and most people with hooded yes who get surgery to lift it end up looking weird.
No. 377883
>>377580Masseter botox is temporary but I have jaw grinding problems so it might be worth it. Jaw shaping surgery is expensive but I am feeling more and more like I want it alongside botox. Maxillofacial surgeons will do it I believe so I know I could get it done safely. When it comes to filler I'm really torn. It seems ineffective (because of tranfer/pillowy build up etc) and kind of dangerous even. I don't know if it'll even look good after a while. Anyone here been getting filler with good results?
>>377699I appreciate that people are trying to be nice, but the straightforward and honest advice is really helpful, thank you.
I do have deep set eyes and it sucks. I feel like I look like a caveman lol. I actually have a haircut pretty similar to what you described, I pushed it back in the drawing to focus on the face. Felt good that that helps, at least.
>I recommend doting on a beauty mark with dark long-lasting eyeliner somewhere along your cheekbone or close to your nose. A lot of people don't realize but a well-placed faux beauty mark/mole is a great way to divert the eyes attention from one problem-area to a more flattering area, like your pretty button nose or high cheek-apples.This is the first time I've ever heard this advice in my life. I'm really interested in trying this. I imagine placing it on the high point of my cheekbone would be flattering (to make my face more "horizontal"). I'll try changing my eyebrow shape, too. I drew them kind of weird because I wasn't thinking much of it but it does make a massive difference. Your post was really helpful, I'll definitely be paying more attention to the things you mentioned.
No. 377892
>>377883Beauty-dot AYRT. I've had filler injected in 3 different areas, and I wouldn't recommend it. I feel like filler is best on people above the age of 40, and when someone injects before that age it just ends up up looking puffy like you said. I think the younger a person uses filler, the less effective it will be later down the line when a person 'really' needs it (like in their 40s or 50s). Besides that, every time I had filler done after 2 weeks I would think to myself "wow, I paid $500+ for this? I'm silly." Especially considering I'd later surgically change one of the areas I had spent way too much having filled, so it ended up feeling like a sunk cost to me. I also caution against a jaw-shaping surgery, just because that type of surgery is best performed in Asia and a lot of the best results you'll see online are from SK/HK/Japanese clinics. I fear that western surgeons don't have enough experience when it comes to the jaw-shaping surgery, but I could stand to be corrected. My friend had jaw Botox performed for her teeth grinding problems and besides helping her combat migraines, her face did slim down a noticeable amount. If it's for a legitimate reason like teeth grinding, your insurance may cover it (it was covered for her here under our national healthcare plan).
As for the beauty mark advice, my grandma actually taught me that trick lol. She used to darken one of her existing moles with eyeliner by her mouth, and then apply a fake mark near her eye on the same side. It made it so when one looked at her, ones eyes were drawn towards her "good" side. If you have cool-toned skin I recommend using a brown eyeliner, or if you have warmer tone then a black eyeliner. I've been drawing on a beauty mark on the same spot for over 10 years at this point. Over the years I've even considered going to a cosmetic tattoo artist to have it tattooed on so I don't have to reapply it every morning, but so far the eyeliner alone works for me. The trick is to apply it large enough that it looks like a like a realistic beauty mark (i.e., a flaw) since making it too small will leave people thinking you have a speck of dirt on your face. With the deep set eye thing, I think even shaping your eyebrows in a different way (i.e., more shaped and maybe thinner) may "open up" the eye area and act to brighten it. Try not to be so hard on yourself, at the end of the day looks aren't everything and a confident + healthy appearance is much more attractive than anything else. All the best nona!
No. 377900
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>>377883The people responding to you saying you look normal aren't being nice. They're being normal. You look normal. Deep set eyes are pretty and strong bone structure isn't masculine. It will help with aging too.
No. 377936
>>377525thank you anon, it's really helpful to hear this from someone with a similar frame size and concerns. A lot of women seem to dismiss concerns about the results or scars because their pain is insanely bad. Maybe I got used to a lot of the pain, but I keep wondering if mine is "bad enough." But cosmetically I can't stop the sag either, and I just hate how they look. So maybe I have to come to terms with the fact that they don't need to be the worst breasts ever to qualify for a reduction. fwiw I'm EU 60F and finding bras is an expensive and time-consuming chore.
I'm still nervous about risks but I will spend that energy reading about the new procedure you and
>>377523 mentioned. didn't know there was a new one.
Thanks again!
No. 377999
File: 1707348418610.jpeg (67.54 KB, 641x1024, F4130F8F-D1B8-4BA0-B785-F4D5EB…)

It sucks that when it comes to rhinoplasty there’s only ever a one size fits all, upturned ski slope shape that all surgeons give their patients. My nose is actually naturally straight and upturned but I always wanted a small hooked nose with a high bridge and slightly downward tilting eagle/pinched tip because I think it looks so elegant. But I literally think it’s impossible unless you ask the surgeon to make you a custom implant or something. Sucks.
No. 378003
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>>378001Agree nona I really love bumpy noses on women they look so noble and classy.
No. 378023
File: 1707355053537.mp4 (2.02 MB, VID_48900411_141116_415.mp4)

I really don't get these types of rhinoplasties, the before looks good.
No. 379486
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my little sister has a nose like this, do you think results like this are replicable?
No. 379762
File: 1708062781514.jpeg (789.4 KB, 1133x1032, 801EBD88-5D99-4268-8333-19E6D4…)

So are surgical nose jobs just a scam? It seems it would only work if you’re nose is smallish or flat to begin with. I’ve also heard it’s a very dangerous spot for fillers because of all the arteries.
No. 379763
>>379762Non surgical nose job**
The filler type nose jobs I mean
No. 380012
>>379762I've had two "non-surgical nosejobs" AKA injecting filler into the nose (not Botox like
>>379770 says, I don't know why you post in the plastic surgery thread if you don't know the difference between Botox and fillers but I digress) and a surgical nosejob as well. In my experience, the nurse refused to inject into the tip of my nose because of the danger associated with nerve/blood vessel damage, but she did inject it along the bridge of my nose to disguise the bump I had. You can see what this looks like if you focus on the bridge of the nose between the eyes in the photo that you posted. Looking back, I wouldn't get it again because in the end I opted for a surgical procedure to correct my nose so I felt like I wasted money on the filler. I think a lot of the filler work being performed currently in the sense that filler really is just a temporary solution. It's a good option if you're made of money and have the resources to continue to fund it, but at the end of the day there are better options that are longer-lasting.
>>379486Your little sister would have to consult with surgeons in her area. Most surgeons have these 3D facial scanning programs that can give you a good idea of what the "after" may look like depending on the before. Your sister would probably benefit from a rhinoplasty that focuses on removing the curvature of her nose, and the best result would most likely be a straight nose and not a button nose like in the "after" photo.
>>379493From what I've experienced, every rhinoplasty is going to give you some 'imperfections' and 'variations' because it will look more natural than a perfect nose, and plus the every healing process is different person to person. I suggest waiting at least 15-20 years after your first rhinoplasty to look into a revision rhinoplasty. The reason I recommend that long is because your nose will continue to grow throughout your life, if you get the revision done too early then they wont be able to correct it in the future when you may "really" need it. I think 2 rhinoplasties per lifetime is a good amount, anything more and you risk achieving that late 2000s Micheal Jackson look.
No. 380060
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Libfems try not to be retarded challenge
No. 380556
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I’m thinking about getting a 360 Lipo by drjungmoney in a few years. Are these results realistic?
No. 380569
File: 1708421220227.jpg (141.45 KB, 1500x1125, where-are-they-now-buffy-1-0ad…)

Can anyone tell what work she has had done? I suspect a few things but my eye is not very trained in that sense. I'm curious because I used to think she was beautiful and for the past decade or so she looks unhinged.
No. 380583
yearly teeth bleaching
No. 380612
File: 1708439742728.jpg (62.26 KB, 1024x576, BrandAmbassador-SMG_HCP_LN-1-1…)

>>380571She's done ads for cool sculpting so I wouldn't be surprised if she did more. Something's definitely off with her tissue even in her face
No. 380670
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Kim kardashian looked so much better before surgery. I didn’t think she was very attractive until I saw what she naturally looked like.
No. 380672
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>>380670Nonna, this photo looks yassified into oblivion. But yes, she was very pretty (however she has been caught editing her teenage photos).
No. 380673
File: 1708468240567.jpeg (94.88 KB, 470x485, IMG_6668.jpeg)

>>380672>>380671You’re both right I think, I didn’t look closely. I saved this one too, which doesn’t look yassified to me but idk. I feel bad for her, imagine being that beautiful and still insecure enough to want to change your face so much
No. 380684
File: 1708471072276.png (517.08 KB, 677x527, kimk.png)

>>380670>>380671>>380672>>380673 1990/1980 photos are probably the least photoshooped without looking at kid photos, and she didn't have as many filters. She looked like an above average Armenian
No. 380693
>>380684Considering the amount of work she had done she doesn’t look that different. Like she didn’t really alter her face or get botched she just did a lot of stuff that looks a little uncanny and plastic, probably trying to keep her youth or whatever (which is impossible).
Also she was born in 1980 so I don’t think 80s or early 90s photos mean much kek but I guess she wouldn’t have had work yet
No. 380734
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Nonnies are breast implants worth it?? I’ve been 32B my whole life and they just refuse to grow..I’ve tried everything, I’m seriously considering getting implants at this point
No. 380932
File: 1708568159395.jpg (399.75 KB, 2880x2880, 1000006906.jpg)

I literally look like the before pic. A part of me thinks my weak chin makes me look cute/unique/feminine but another part thinks it's ugly and give me the "mouth breather" look. Do you think it's noticeably ugly? Or do you think the after results took away what made her "different" in a bad way?
No. 380944
>>380932She looks fantastic in the after picture. I think she's sporting a fake tan in the second photo though because she looks healthier overall. If your chin is bothering you, you could try getting some Juvederm injected to see if you like the look of a more define chin: if you do, you can try an implant, if you don't the filler will wear off and you'll be back to your original chin. I think weak chins are unfortunate, and like
>>380939 said it's usually symptomatic of poor orthodontic health or teeth issues.
No. 382336
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>>382335I was also considering a bleph but then I saw how badly botched a bleph looked on an actress who had similar eyes to mine (I also have a similar enough eye shape to pre surgery Sydney Sweeney and her bleph makes her look sleepy). I'd probably wait until my 30s-40s when they start drooping harder.
I know a lot of anons consider downturned or hooded eyes ugly but I'd rather keep my natural eye shape than pull an Ariana Grande
No. 382343
File: 1709237968332.png (618.29 KB, 640x634, IMG_9308.png)

>>382341Thank you nona I just feel like all my features are the opposite of what's "trendy". Round face, naturally straight brows, big cheeks, pointy witchy nose, downturned eyes which is the opposite of the bombshell angular look I see a lot of women have nowadays. My face is very boring. Although I do have problems that could benefit from cosmetic surgery, I feel like the world has clowned way too much on women and wants to bully them into unflattering procedures before they've reached 30. It's so dystopian and surreal that instead of focusing on what could be improved or touched up, it's a demand to change their entire face.
No. 382352
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>>382343Focusing on current beauty standards is pointless, few people fit into them. And it’s not really important to have feature x or y, it’s more valuable and impressive to find a style that fits you personally even if it’s not 'modern', picrel. Maybe try looking at beauty icons from different decades and take some inspiration from them?
No. 382355
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>>382352I'm trying! I've found a lot of makeup tutorials and focused on trying to improve my skills in that department, which has helped my self esteem out of the gutter a little. I'm just waiting for things to improve because I think normie looking women deserve a chance to feel beautiful without so much pressure. It used to be a little more attainable, at least in the face. I miss the looks and makeup actresses used to wear to premieres and the laid back and more casual style of the 90s-00s, not the way zoomers are doing it now
No. 382371
File: 1709249234718.jpg (35.98 KB, 564x752, 55f3cfe29b92b43ddfd246582c5ea6…)

>>382343Dearest nonna, I feel very similar to you. I also have a hooked nose, round face and small lips that I really wish I could change or improve. However, the current trends in beauty are so dangerous in the way certain features are prioritized without taking into account facial harmony. I think if you focus on highlighting and balancing your features through makeup (and minor surgeries, maybe, but be careful) then it will be a better-lasting result without the surgical consequence of a face that's marred by outdated procedures 5 or 10 years down the line. Like
>>382352 anon said, looking for people with unique features you think are pleasing is a good habit to get into to combat social media's same-face obsession.
Lol, I have my own unconventional beauties picture folder that I like to occasionally add to. IMO picrel's beauty wonderfully evokes 15th century portraits, in spite of not fitting into current standards.
No. 382376
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>>382371Awww nona I've also downloaded a bunch of paintings and photographs as an effort to feel better about myself, and I love old style art!
No. 383241
>>383238I’d like to use anesthetics, but I don’t think there’s any way I can get them, plus I read a creepy case study the other day where an improperly injected local anesthetic caused necrosis… so it seems like it might be safer not to. I’m hoping that if the scalpel is shape enough, it will be tolerable. I’m really most worried about the bleeding, since scalp cuts tend to gush. I’m going to have to do more research when I get home.
The reason I’m doing it is because I’ve always been jowl-y, despite actually having great bone structure underneath.
No. 383247
>>383235Please report back how it went.
Do you have adequate measures to prevent infection? When i got a plastic surgery i had to take antibiotics.
No. 383255
>>383250You can definitely get some lidocaine from an obgyn office while you are alone in the room.
Also this is a terrible idea.
No. 383265
>>383257I could see you making the incision but will you be able to properly make all of the stiches on yourself?
An ice cube might numb you a little but not long enough to cut and sew. My liplift took 30+ minutes and it was done by an experienced doctor who does them on the regular.
Have you considered getting a mini face lift in turkey or some other cheaper country? Even going to a surgeon working out of a mud hut would be safer. I know you dont want your family to know but you could say youre visiting a school friend who moved
No. 383388
>>383386ayrt, I actually decided against it after deep diving on the procedure tonight. The reason being that the term "mini face lift" is not standardized across the industry, so when I was reading about it, I was getting mixed information, since some surgeons consider a mini facelift to be a deep lift, but just on a smaller section, while some consider it to be a skin-only procedure. Obviously I'm only capable of doing the latter, but turns out the stats I was reading on how long it takes before it "reverts" were for the former (3-6 yrs) while for the latter it's likely to revert in only a year or two.
The second reason, is that when you do one using only skin and not the deeper layers, it puts more strain on the incision and causes significantly worse (and noticeable) scarring. Due to these two factors I decided against it.
Buccal fat removal is a difficult procedure even for plastic surgeons since there are a ton of facial nerves and arteries running through that area, so I think it would be very unwise to attempt that at home (although I considered it). I am curious to see the reddit post though.
No. 384170
>>384137Tired of bangs and already had plastic surgery before, I'm not scared of it at this point.
>>384163This is very cryptic.
No. 384267
File: 1710112593493.jpeg (72.91 KB, 1000x563, 8F115EB1-1E71-425E-9CB3-A9DBAA…)

I’ve been told I kinda look like this and it’s been bugging me for a while. I know I have a steep jaw but I didn’t know it was that bad. I’ve been saving up money for braces with a palate expander for a while but I doubt I’ll be eligible for jaw surgery. Advice?
No. 387191
File: 1711316553146.jpg (5.14 KB, 277x182, images.jpg)

I have something like this:
I have very hooded eyes anyway but since I started playing with music I notice this so much more, one eye has like 3 or 4 folds and the other is just standard hooded eyelid. Is there anything for this other than botox? Botox around the eyes seems so dangerous
No. 387223
>>387191I used eyelid glue or tape on just one side, until I got tired of it. Eventually, aging evened my eyelids out somehow…
I think it's influenced by your sleeping position. At some point I had to sleep almost flat on my back with only a minimal pillow for and after a few days, I woke up with two normal hooded eyelids. Maybe you could try that. I always slept on my left side and coincidentally that's where the bigger, saggy eyelid was.
No. 387341
>>387213I literally cannot sleep more than 6 hours, it goes away sometimes a little if I drink absolutely loads of water and use lots of moisturiser but it always comes back
>>387285 I'll try this thank you!
>>387223I'll see if I can try sleeping a different way too
No. 392123
File: 1713448402952.png (Spoiler Image,262.9 KB, 892x337, 76098.png)

I want to get a breast lift (I have grade 2 or 3 breast ptosis). My boyfriend has some disagreements, and says he prefers my breasts as they are. When we looked through different breast lift results, he said he thought most of the women's bodies looked better before unless they were very old, had severe unevenness or were obese. He got annoyed at "ptosis" scale charts and said the whole thing was surgeons' way of making normal large breasts into a "problem" and getting women to pay for generic porn looks. I found a before/after pic of basically what mine look like, and he actually said he thought they looked better in the before pic. I don't really know whether to believe he actually thinks that way, or if it's just that he dislikes surgery on principle (even if he does prefer the results) and would rather deal with what I have because he doesn't want me to get it. When I told him I felt that way, he said it was like if he told me that he wants to alter his body in some way I didn't like but was popular (like steroids), and that I'm lying if I say I don't like it. I'd find that easier to believe if I just had normal, conventionally attractive breasts that happened to hang low, but I don't. He says I just have dysmorphia, but I know I can't entirely be crazy in thinking I look abnormal. Women that look this way get bashed all the time, it even happened on lolcor because of some dumb infight.
I've told him I've dealt with this for years, I don't like my body this way and can't see myself feeling confident, but he wants me to wait a few months and let him try to help me feel better about myself before I go for surgery. I genuinely cannot see what he sees in my body right now. It almost feels like being morbidly obese (but without the health complications) or balding and told not to do anything about it. It's hard to trust my own self-image with someone else, and it's extremely difficult to imagine my perception of this changing. The other problem is, I don't have that kind of time logistically. If I don't do it within two or three months, I will probably have to wait a year or more, maybe three years. I don't want to suffer for that long. Am I being unhinged for thinking like this? I feel like I've been waiting to be able to do this since puberty.
No. 392132
>>392123I hate to agree with a scrote but your moid is right, the after looks creepy, like little sewn up pockets with a slice of pepperoni stapled dead center (and too high) on each. The after of these procedures truly and honestly creep me out (if you want the opinion of someone attracted to women) like it looks so Frankenstein. In my opinion you would be using lots of money and time and going through painful recovery just to look botched at the end, which makes no sense. You definitely 100% have body dysmorphia and should NOT go through with this.
Do you ever see those people who keep on botching their faces with hotdog lips and Michael Jackson noses who somehow think they look way better than they used to, and you’re like how the fuck do they think that looks good? You are one of those people, only for boobs. just to give you perspective.
No. 392226
File: 1713483520558.png (Spoiler Image,419.01 KB, 489x1024, 1000000190.png)

Pic isn't me
I'm getting a rib removal in a few months due to damage
Has anyone had one before? What is recovery like?
No. 393129
File: 1713917389916.jpg (85.39 KB, 1000x703, STCH-C426-V1104-S5.jpg)

Got masseter botox done today even though I'm scared of face changes but relief from jaw pain/grinding is worth it to me. I'm worried about getting jowly but also when I compare myself to other women who say they got jowls it just looks like my face now. My masseters don't have that jutted out look and I feel like they make my face look puffier than it really is. I look much more like picrel before than the super squared jaws. I hope it doesn't change my face too much.
No. 393231
>>393137the photo is not even taken at the same angle. she's turned away more in the "after", it's taken at a slightly lower angle, and her mouth is actually closed. They also clearly photoshopped the mole under her nostril, and they either posed her so as to conceal the dark moles on her nostril and jowl or photoshopped them out completely.
all clinics do this, it's so tiresome. stop falling for this, it's false advertising.
No. 396322
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I want to get surgery to correct my nose which has a bifid nasal tip. Wikipedia is calling it a malformation
I had a lower bleth scheduled but canceled it because the facial fat transfer made me nervous. I still have undereye circles that bother me and I'm not sure what to do about it.
No. 396525
>>396440>>396448I’m freshly out of the surgery and my friend picked me up. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia. They gave me a shot of Demerol on my butt since I have the most fat there, which made the injection less painful. I was also given Xanax and anti nausea medication beforehand. Next I was brought to the OR and they covered my head with a sheet. I felt slight pain only once, and the doctor then did another shot of lidocaine. The Demerol injected into my buttcheek made me feel very loopy but no nausea or anything, I actually feel quite good.
It took about 45 minutes. They put on music for me (I appreciated that very much haha). Again, I felt no pain except once and after the lidocaine shot, again I felt nothing but pressure. I even fell asleep at one point during the procedure. The doctor showed me my before and after pictures, too. They asked if I wanted to see the removed tissue, which I did in fact want to lol.
I’m quite swollen right now. I’m not sure if anyone here would like to see before and after pictures but I’d be willing to post them or send them to you guys through anonymous means if you’re curious about what to expect.
The doctor told me about two methods of procedure: the wedge technique, which results in the most conservative and natural result, and the trim technique. I elected for the trim as I wanted a more aggressive difference. He told me I could do a CHR, but it costs more; I ended up not doing the CHR as I am nervous about anything happening to my clit. My labia majora doesn’t have a lot of fat in it either which he explained is the reason why my labia minora pokes out more. He said I could always do a fat transfer to that area, along with a CHR. He explained that doing “fine tuning” after one procedure is generally safer than doing everything all at once, so I may be interested in plumping up my labia majora in the future. I really liked that he only suggested these extra procedures and didn’t push it on me and also that he was honest about the “fine tuning” thing, as I’ve heard this from other doctors as well. For example, if you get a mastopexy, it’s better to wait until your scars are healed before getting breast implants so that your mastopexy scars heal better.
Right now I am very swollen in the area. The sutures should fall out by themselves. I have a flight across the country scheduled for the 16th. He told me that this is fine, I should just walk around every two hours. He also said the final result will take a few months to reveal itself. I had very minimal bleeding. I’m to wash the area with water and soap, but no scalding hot water or baths. I was also given some ointment to use once in a while but not often as the ointment could cause a rash. I was also given two prescriptions for pain and avoiding an infection (oxy and diflucan). They said not to take the oxy unless I’m in serious pain or the OTC stuff doesn’t work well.
That’s all for now. Again if anyone is interested in before and afters, I’ll post them here or somewhere else. I know there are tons of before and afters out there but just wanted to help any ladies who are also interested in the procedure too. Thanks for the encouraging messages!
No. 396625
>>396529Okay thank you so much for the heads up nonna, I didn’t even think about that. I will say that if you google “labiaplasty one week post op”, some of the pictures you’ll find are basically exactly what I look like rn.
>>396550What I mean to say is that he mentioned this only as a possibility because I told him I am unhappy with how my minora poke out. He told me that my anatomy just doesn’t have enough fat there to keep the lips “hidden”, which actually made me feel better because it reassured my irrational worry about them being abnormally long. But my main point is that he merely suggested it and did not recommend it outright nor tell me I needed it. He didn’t try to sell the extra surgery to me, just that it’s a possibility if I wanted it. And he even complimented my shape and reassured me that my vulva was and is entirely normal. I’m mentioning this to point out qualities in surgeons that are green flags: reassuring, comforting, not pushing you into getting anything else done, knowledgeable, etc.
Like I said, I understand why people on here are against this surgery. I respect your opinion and criticism completely. I’ve never been one to sugar coat plastic surgery or spread the false positivity bs about getting surgery “entirely” for myself. I only want to share my experience if anyone else decides to do this.
Last update for about a week now - I have to wear a pad because the area is very vascular so bleeding is normal. I took the pain meds given to me and iced the crap out of the area lol. I put on four pairs of panties; I tucked the ice pack between the third and fourth pair. I feel much better than earlier pain-wise and the bleeding has subdued somewhat.
No. 396983
>>396625I have gotten labiaplasty (on one side) like 7 years ago and it was one of the best decisions i made. In my case they were very asymmetrical and it could get uncomfortable when i was wearing tights. i remember i had to fix „it“ often when i was on a walk. during sex one side sort of swallowed the other and it could get painful if i didn‘t „fix it“. of course i also didn‘t like what it looked like. now they still stick out but i just notice how much when i shave my pubes. it doesn‘t look super pretty but at least somewhat symmetrical (the doctor said 100% wouldn‘t be possible but i didn‘t expect it anyways, some asymmetry is natural) and they never bother me or stick out when i‘m not spreading my vagina. i wish i would have done it sooner and spare me a lot of mental stress.
>>396741penis enlargement is getting quite popular where i live, it‘s possible to pull it out 2-4cm and i assume that filler is also getting more popular. i don‘t mind them being under similar pressure like women, that‘s the only aspect about korean ps culture that i like. we should even encourage them more kek
No. 398402
>>396625Okay so it’s officially been about a week.
Right after surgery, my friend drove me back to my apartment. The Demerol and pain meds wore off, and the pain was…very bad. I have a low pain tolerance so maybe I was being a baby about it, but I took some of the oxy given to me because the OTC stuff did fuck all.
Just fyi to people who are like me and have little to no experience with pain medication…you definitely feel it the day after. And quite possibly the day after that, too. I only took the pain meds the day of the surgery, but the effects were very similar to the meds given to me following my wisdom tooth removal a few years ago. Just super dizzy and nauseous.
Okay onto the week. Every day the swelling and discomfort has decreased. The stitches are dissolvable and a few have fallen off on their own, although most are still intact. I’ve felt the most discomfort while driving and sitting for long periods of time. I haven’t bled at all. I’ve also been using this postpartum numbing spray every other day to avoid the itching that is caused by everything healing. My doctor said to use the spray very sparingly though so I’ll quit using it soon. I had some bruising. I started taking little arnica tablets but idk if that’s had an effects. For soap, I use this antibacterial stuff that comes in a teal bottle and only wash the outside, not the mucosa.
I really like how it looks so far. I don’t regret it at all. I wish I’d just done it sooner. For the people that said I’m approaching this as a “lib fem” - lmfao. When did I ever say that I am immune to societal pressure? This is a plastic surgery thread. Like it or not, most people get things done due to external forces, and a lot of us aren’t in situations where we literally need to go under the knife because of a deformity or disfigurement or wtvr. I think like 99% of most elective procedures are due to caving to beauty standards rather than it ever being “for yourself”.
No. 401902
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What surgery can be done to fix a jaw shape like this? V line surgery? I used to think it was my nose that was masculine because it wasn’t a cute little ski sloped nose, but I realized that did actually my jaw.