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No. 205332
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No. 205333
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No. 205334
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No. 205356
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24 year old anon,recently lost a ton of weight and will need to buy an entirely new wardrobe
I'd like to dress more cute and feminine now that i have the confidence to. The only problem is I have no idea how to shop and would end up wearing stuff meant for middle aged women i got at kohl's and jcpenney.I checked out express and h&m at the mall because I thought it would be what younger people wear but all the clothes looked like influencer bbl shit
What sites and shops would you guys recommend?
No. 205365
>>205360Sorry for not being more clear. I like a well fitted blouse,skater skirts and complementary legwear
I generally prefer more simple and elegant designs as opposed to busier stuff.
I wish I could think of something more specific but I'm pretty clueless about what to look for
No. 205404
>>205378Ty. Price isn't too important. I'm willing to spend more but not designer prices
No. 205492
>>205484Last I went to a "by the pound" store, we don't actually use pounds here so I wasn't aware of how much (or rather little) a pound was. The clothes I wanted, just a bag of them, after weighing came up as 50 fucking euros. I didn't buy them lol.
I feel like thrifting only works in specific areas. Estate sales aren't a thing here as far as I know, I've never heard of them anyway.
No. 205531
>>205492how long did you spend looking? this is about the cheapest you can possibly get clothing for, so there's really no answer other than to spend time lookong for stuff that is worth buying.
The first time I went, I spent about $100 on some very big sacks that probably weren't entirely worth the money, but I still got some nice things & stuff for my sisters that they liked. If you're selective and spend at least 3-4 hours looking through everything in the place, and only buy what ypu really like, it's a very good deal. A tip is to ask an employee when they bring out new stuff, so you can get first pick when they do. Depending on how busy it is there may be some competition.
These places, aside from vintage-wholesalers, are where depop and ebay sellers get their stuff. If you see a hipster dude in a vintage sweatshirt lounging & waiting for the new stuff to come out, that there is a depopper.
No. 205576
>>205531I think I just went into a bad overpriced store because I only got like 5 or 6 items. If it's by weight it doesn't really matter what exactly>>205498
I get right? It was a store in the capital city of my country and as I said we don't even use pounds here, makes me wonder if the "by the pound" was just to bait people in.
No. 205581
>>205577Yes I know and I always had a small amount of clothes from growing up poor and having a hard time finding clothes my size to this day and never cared. But I feel like most of my clothes aren't formal enough for my job so I probably have just 3 tops I can wear that don't make me look unprofessional. I'm not really sure how to explain what I mean here but basically I feel like I went from having a small but decent amount of basic clothes to having to wear almost the exact same shit everyday like some American cartoon character.
Nowadays there's way more choice for someone my size that aren't just jeans with holes and basic but comfy large tshirts but it's almost only on online stores for most widespread brands available in my country so I can't try anything and have to order clothes and hope I won't have to return anything. I don't want to buy anything that I'll never wear just because it's my size by some kind of miracle because it happened a lot these past few years and I regret wasting money like that.
No. 205586
>>205576I mean, different clothes weigh different amounts. If you tried to buy 5 big leather jackets or wool coats they could easily be 5 or even 10 pounds each. Where I went, textiles are $1.50 a pound, so that would be 10 pounds per item x 5 items x $1.50 a pound = $75. So that kind of stuff, big heavy wool & leather, is still going to be more expensive. But it'll be like 30 cents for t-shirts, $1 for flannels and maybe $3-4 max even for the heaviest knit sweaters.
The price although good is a secondary perk anyway - what matters is that, when they bring out a fresh load of stuff, these are donations that nobody has looked through before you. That means that you have a real chance of finding genuine gems. I've found a genuine Giorgio Armani vintage sweater myself, some genuine vintage Christian Dior, several vintage Starter jackets, etc, but it really really does take a lot of looking.
I've met some sweet old retired ladies at these places who go there every day and actually make quite a lot selling vintage & designer on ebay. Sharks but you would never guess. If you make friends with them they'll just start giving you nice stuff, they actually find way more than they want to bother with because they're there day in day out. Also important is going there when it's not busy, this means early in the morning and weekdays especially.
I can't speak to your specific country's situation, of course.
No. 205700
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So, I counted what I have in my closet, here's what I have:
>6 pairs of jeans, there's two pairs I barely wear anymore
>2 pairs of trousers that aren't jeans
>6 pairs of shorts but it's been a while since I wore any of them because I hate shaving and waxing my legs
>2 sweat shirts
>11 sweaters but I need to get rid of some of them because I've worn them too much. Maybe I'll use them as pyjamas though.
>9 blouses, but not all of them are my size so I should think about selling some of them
>17 tshirts, mostly graphic tshirts and crop tops so they don't look professional no matter what. I can't wear them at my job but they're great for summer though
>two basic black dresses for summer and a fancier one I bought when I was invited to a wedding, but I almost never wear them
>3 black blazers with very different cuts
>3 skirts I absolutely never wear
>one denim jacket, one leather jacket, one army jacket, one cute jacket for when it's rainy and a really worn out coat I need to replace soon
>1 pair of sandals, 2 pairs of high heel boots, 1 pair of really ugly flat boots, 4 pairs of sneakers
I plan on giving some clothes I didn't count here to some stores that can give me coupons so I can buy new clothes for less. I also made myself a list of things I should get to complete my wardrobe. Most of what I have looks very basic and I'd say half of the things I have are at least 5 years old. Would you say I have more than enough clothes or I could buy more stuff?
No. 205710
>>205706>idk why you say you have little clothes when you have 17?! Shirts.I knew I had a lot of tshirts compared to the rest but I didn't notice it was that much, I'm surprised too tbh. I accumulated them over the past 10 years because my size never really changed and on top of that there are some tshirts I completely forgot about and only found them recently hidden in my closet because I didn't put them where they should have been. On top of that I usually grab the first things I can get in my room so there are tshirts I like and wear way more than others so I thought I had like what, 10 tshirts maybe?
I feel like I should redo that list once I get rid of all the clothes I don't want to keep and once I bought things I'd like to wear more often.
No. 205765
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i've lost 50 lbs but am still somewhat fat and losing weight.. i really need some tips/tricks for how to look thinner on my way down. i'd also love any examples you have of kinda bigger girls who dress well so that they look thinner/look good still, without looking like a frumpy grandma in the process :( thank you so much.(:()
No. 205985
>>205765Dont layer clothes is number one, second is if you have a big belly then wear form-fitting pants and baggy shirts and vice versa if you are bottom heavy
Third is to not try to hide your figure because at most times you will just look like a blob
No. 206216
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Yesterday I went shopping and I wanted to buy a pair of skinny black jeans, something as basic as possible, and no matter what I tried everything was either too small but the size right above was way too big, too big despite trying the smallest size available, or the legs were too long while the jeans were too tight around the waist. I hate the fashion industry so fucking much. And because of covid some stores can't let anyone use their changing rooms anymore, and if I order clothes online I'm worried I'll get a wrong size and I'll have to pay to ship clothes back. On the other hand I noticed I have an easier time finding tops my size, mostly because I can finally find bralettes my size that aren't made for 10 years old girls so I don't have to just wear completely opaque clothes anymore, and it's easier to find tops with normal collars.
No. 206237
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>>206161>dressing like I'm ready to go hiking at any minutelmfao my sister, pic related is a note I made regarding my fave aesthetic. I totally feel this
No. 206520
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No. 206803
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I’m really looking for an opportunity to wear this dress. Is it appropriate or too flashy to wear as a wedding guest (with the side buttoned up of course)?
No. 207252
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do any anons have any recommendations for shoes similar to picrel? i actually ordered these but the size i got was too small and after i sent them back they discontinued them lol.
& i know they are just generic combat boots, i just have a really hard time finding ones i like online for some reason
No. 207267
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>>207252idk your budget anon but look up solovair if you're looking for something that'll last. it's the company that made the original doc martens or something. the quality is much better than the crap dr martens churns out today
No. 209062
>>209037this is way too generalized if you want good advice. what's your price range? what size are you? a nice dress and a coat is really all you need for this, but you can wear a pantsuit or just some nice slacks and a blouse.
you could pick the most formal piece of clothing you have and try to build an outfit off that.
No. 209211
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Anyone know any good dark academia blogs to get outfit inspiration from?
No. 209275
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>>209272Or this. - pair with a complementary neutral heel and a loose crop jacket or shrug made from light material so it doesn't overwhelm the look
No. 209328
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How would you style a lime green top? I bought a knit top in a similar color, on impulse but now I'm not sure what to pair it with. I was thinking light wash wide leg jeans or maybe a skirt in some bright color like purple.
No. 209335
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>>209333Not the worst advice I've gotten on here
>>209331Road safety couture.
No. 209345
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>>209328>>209335the jojo image reminded me that clothes in bright neon colours look really good when they're paired with neutrals, kind of like an accent colour
khaki, neon lime green, and white together kinda make me think of tennis, but it's still a solid color combo and you could play up the preppy vibe with a blazer and a pleated skirt in light neutrals or something along those lines. or, depending on the fit of the top, you could go for a more edgy, Y2K-revival fit like your idea with the wide-leg jeans or some other wide-leg trousers made of a more structured material and chunky platforms/sneakers. i'm not sure about pairing it with purple, though if you want to go that route you could look at 60's mod fashion like picrel for inspo (ignore the filename lel)
No. 209350
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>>209345Thanks for the advice nonna! And 60s mod is exactly what I was thinking with the purple suggestion, I love how colorful and ridiculous trends were back then.
No. 209378
>>209135your best bet is going to a department store like macys or saks. $150 is kind of low for a coat and shoes, you can easily get a nice dress for $50 but the coat and shoes will be the most expensive part of the outfit. I've gotten nice coats at target before but I'm not in the US anymore so I can't speak for the selection now. Check out TJ Maxx or Marshall's too - the only thing with these stores is that you arent guaranteed to find anything, expect to leave empty handed.
I would suggest that you go into a physical store to at least try on different kinds of dresses to see what you like to wear. You dont have to buy anything, you can try on some different things and then go home and order something similar online.
also if you aren't used to wearing heels, def don't choose this occasion to be your newest attempt at it. just get something comfortable.
No. 209502
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>>209500all my examples are from downton abbey but the costuming is fantastic so. 20s is all about breezy fabrics, pleats, and embroidery. look for beading, sequins, embellishments and choose fits that are loose on your frame. the fashion of the era was all about that long drop waist torso, the body silhouette was long and slim, tall and boyish. no hourglass waists here - that's what your grandma wore. lots of eastern influence on the fabrics and colors of the time, deep red, navy, drapery. a little bit of military influence as well here and there, especially on hats and gloves. big shoulders.
No. 209504
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>>209500Literally just wear longish dresses with big collars and a lightly belted waist, and mary jane shoes. Hate to shill cheap chinese goods, but alien kitty on aliexpress has many such dresses. I find that hair and makeup matters more when it comes to looking 1920-ish.
No. 209693
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>>209686this is completely impossible to answer without seeing you. but your best option is to choose a feature you like and highlight it. i chose pics of gwendoline christie for an example because she is very tall and not especially curvy. she usually emphasizes either her legs or her shoulders. but the biggest thing anon is that when you really like your clothes, it shows.
No. 209714
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I saw this basic guide on the internet about how to dress your body according to your bodytype and I liked it because it uses more up to date styles. Imma link it here don't think these are "body flaws" per se, but you know.
No. 209715
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>>209714I didn't know you aren't supposed to wear sandals if you have big feet. I don't like sandals, I preffer closed shoes anyways but this is very good to know
No. 209716
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>>209714I also liked this advice:
>Fortunately, the times when stylists recommended that all full-figured women wear black clothes are gone. Nicki Minaj shows her response to the stereotypes of the past.
>Don’t wear any patterns or animal prints, instead wear solid colors, bold, oversized silhouettes, and as few decorative elements as possible (no fringe, bows, or other stuff like that). And of course, any look like this goes great with a belt. No. 209723
>>209715huh is it considered having big feet if they're proportionate to my height? I'll keep wearing sandals regardless but I'm curious
t. 6ft and size 10
No. 209776
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do any scene queens remember these??
No. 209782
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I love this look so much. Wish it was in color
No. 209791
>>209716This may be good advice, but it seems a little unfair to compare these two women with clearly different bodies as examples of a full figured woman dressed wrong and right. The woman on the left
is wearing an unflattering outfit, but I'm not sure it would be fixed by putting her in what Nicki is wearing there.
No. 209862
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Does anyone recognize this bag by chance? The blog I took this picture from listed everything except for the bag for some reason.
No. 210038
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I’m tired of wearing tshirts. What should I wear nonnies? No I’m not a troon I’m just tall.
No. 210044
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>>210038I agree with some of the other anons here. Tucking in your shirt will help make your legs look longer and give you a defined waist.
Before you try and completely redo your wardrobe, I always think it's good to make use of what you have. Try layering an oversize flannel or denim jacket over a t-shirt and pair it with bottoms of your choice, as long as you don't match the color of your jacket to the color of your bottoms you'll be fine. It might help you get a sense of what sort of style you'd like to follow. Picrel is an example of a way to wear a graphic tee that's a little more exciting than just jeans, but it may not be your style.
No. 210062
>>210038You should try picking shirts that are more your size and not as long or loose fitting, because like the other anon said it makes you look kind of stumpy. If you want, you can invest in some fabric scissors and try trimming some of the shirts you have (follow a tutorial online). Also you mentioned your jeans are 5 years old, you should probably invest in some new, higher quality ones. I recommend getting something without a print or pattern on it (like regular old denim) so you can match it with your tops better.
>>210045You should wear safety shorts or leggings underneath so your whole ass isn't out. If you still feel uncomfortable maybe try skirts with longer cuts.
No. 210064
>>210025Just start reading. Pick up some books on brands you're interested in or read Wikipedia. Vogue has great resources for runway shows, with a gallery of images and a short article. But I agree with the other
nonny, making a thread would be a great option.
No. 210105
Thanks for the feedback my nonnies!! If there’s anything else just let me know I’m open to it.
>>210093I’m laughing my ass off because your comment is so ironic in more ways than one.
No. 210127
>>210124IATA who said skinnies were dated and I didn't mean to imply that
nonny should go with what's trendy. Skinnies were really trendy back then and nearly everyone wore them even though they aren't flattering on most women. I agree she should focus on how it works with her figure plus how comfortable she feels in them rather than what's in style. Thankfully different leg cuts are always available no matter what's on trend. The rise gets more complicated since most brands are stuck on high rises atm, but being tall she has the benefit of any rise working for her.
No. 210359
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What color tights would work with this? I don't want to freeze.
No. 210446
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what are some bra/lingerie shops that you really trust? online or in person doesn't matter i just want as many recommendations as you have
pic unrelated except im thinking of buying these next paycheck, idk
No. 210507
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I want to style those in a more exciting way, I've already paired them with rolled up Mom Jeans - any suggestions for tops?
No. 210518
She makes interresting videos, but I legit cannot watch any of them because of her obnoxious voice. Her forced vocal fries make me wanna sudoku
>>210446I want them too
nonny. My friends hate them kek
No. 210652
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>>210507Why not try a dress or a skirt instead? Kinda hard to make mom jeans exciting. But you could go for a fun sweater like picrel.
No. 210870
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I desperately want to buy this but I think it'll look too girly on me. I have another piece from them but it's much more neutral and complements me better. Should I plunge anyway?
No. 210873
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>>210871That's why I like it! There's the kind of shapes and embellishments I like while not being too noticeable (hopefully).
This may be my self esteem issues coming through though. This is what I have now.
No. 210874
>>210873Nta but isn't this also quite girly? The babydoll waist, the laces in the front, the small ruffles at the waist and on the shoulder.. it's girly in my eyes.
Don't you think you would stand out in that dress exactly because it's so unusual?
No. 210878
>>210876My fondness of black outer layers paused my excitement so I understand. I'm a lot darker than the models here and grey is supposed to be a color for my skin tone but I've never worn greys and have no frame of reference. If only they made it in black…
>>210877Linennaive. Lots of cloaks and dresses.
No. 210879
>>210878You could try dying it if you're down for that. I don't think much can go wrong with dying it black of all colours. But I can see how you'd probably be apprehensive about that considering how expensive the dress is.
Interesting brand btw.
No. 210893
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Samefag, forgot to upload the image with it. My bad
No. 211245
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>>210892>>210893I usually wear Manitobah mukluks. Though they're not made in Canada anymore.
No. 211259
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I bought this dress years ago and have barely worn it. I feel like it looks very dated at this point and I don't like the 2014 tumblr vibes it's giving. Any ideas on how to style it?
No. 211266
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>>205406I have digital copies of vol 1 -50, Do you have a throw away email?
No. 211297
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>>211259I kinda like it. I agree the cut of this dress is boring, but it could totally work on winter with black tights and a leather jacket. Kinda like picrel, but I'd drop the beanie.
I don't care about looking "dated" particularly, so it's up to you. I don't think this look aged that much anyway
No. 211305
>>211295ayrt, I actually tried that but the overall silhouette ends up looking weird. Probably because it's midi length and bodycon.
>>211297That's basically how I used to wear it. Leather jacket and creepers or boots of some sort. I don't care a ton about looking outdated, but something about the combination of cut, material and color
triggers me.
>>211283Gonna try this if all else fails, I don't think anyone would want to buy it anyway.
Thanks nonnas!
No. 211453
>>211305>>211259This is knee length anon, midi is between ankle and knee.
longer midis used to be called "tea length" which is cute
No. 211780
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>>210518so basically this video is saying 'find out what your vibe and style ,in conjunction with your tastes, according' but how tf do I do that?
No. 211843
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>>211467C is nearly optimal imo, assuming you have a small band size. It's big enough to fill your clothes out without getting completely sized out. As another F cup I just can't buy things with designated space for tits. Unfortunately all clothes are not going to fit all people.
>>211787I didn't watch the video, but to do what
>>211786 is saying it would probably be helpful to ask people who know you what vibes you give off. Or dip your toe into kibbe types if you can handle the autism.
No. 211896
>>211887I feel the same but in an even more schizo way, sometimes I think that I can predict trends because I will be like
>Geez, These skirts are cool, but what if skirts could be longer.And then long skirts are in and everyone wears them.
Tbh, it’s possible that if you wear something interesting, others will want to try stuff from your style, I mean, that’s how basically everything evolves.
And sometimes it’s just that when the market is over saturated with some stuff, the clients will want something new, usually completely different from what’s in store, so it isn’t really predictions but just being fickle about clothes and styles, I guess.
No. 211900
>>211896It's probably just bias. Especially nowadays there's a ton of short-lived microtrends happening so for every trend that feels like you personally predicted/started it there's probably 10 others that aren't your thing.
I kind of had the same feeling before though, like I was suddenly really into berets and cargo pants and platform boots seconds before these suddenly became super trendy. It's obviously just a coincidence and these are fairly generic articles of clothing, and there's plenty of stuff I'm really into that didn't turn popular at all.
No. 211914
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Hiya anons, lately i've been trying to incorporate softer designs into my wardrobe and would appreciate some advice.
My usual style tends to fluctuate between romantic goth and vampire goth, however, much of the fashion, hairstyles and makeup tend to be rather dramatic, i really like this dramatism but i don't think it fits my frame or face, i've come to the conclusion that most of it makes me look like a toddler that ransacked their moms stuff.
I don't really want to change my style completely, but i would like to find a way to make it softer, any advice?
Picrel is a reference on how i usually dress:
No. 211922
>>211905You're what, 25? 26? I wouldn't be dressing in this
>>211912 middle-aged-and-up costume when you're only in your twenties.
No. 211924
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>>211905What about something similar to this? You could wear pointed shoes under the pants to further elongate your legs.
No. 211936
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>>211905Is there a kind of more specific goth style that you're into anon? In general, I think wearing a narrow tailored blazer, cigarette pants, and pointed heeled boots (all in black or oxblood) reads as goth while avoiding the overly-mature librarian look.
No. 211955
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>>211936 >>211924
>>211922 >>211912
Thank you for your answers! I'm turning 27 next year and work as a designer, so I can wear casual clothes as long as they aren't over the top. I dumped some outfits I liked in the image, idk if it's a specific style. But I like oversized stuff because I can wear more clothes under it, since I'm always freezing.
No. 211990
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I really like chains and dress more “hardcore” but I don’t like BDSM or kink shit, in fact I’m against it, but I’m semi worried that buying a bag like this will make degenerate men think I’m into kink shit. Is this bear even wearing “bondage”? Am I just naive?
No. 212003
>>211915Thanks anon! Gotta prove to my parents that it wasn't a phase.
>>211970I don't know if i'll be of any help because most of my wardrobe either comes from local shops, stuff i found and altered or straight up made from scratch. However, three places i do buy from relatively often are PunkRave for general clothing and Fantasmagoria and Etsy for accessories (i think Etsy could also work for clothing but you'd have to comb through pages and pages of generic stuff). All can be fairly hit or miss for me but are basically the only places i consistently go back to.
The best advise i could really give is that if you have the time and the means you should try to learn how to sew, it really helps when you want a specific thing but can't find anything satisfactory.
No. 212015
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How would I go about finding a shirt jacket like this? How would you describe it? Putting in leather shirt jacket does not provide results with that style or fastening.
No. 212022
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>>212015Idk where you're getting the shirt aspect this still looks like a jacket to me albeit a really thin one. Possibly fake leather due to the wrinkly crappy quality. It's got sort of a peplum going on so try "faux leather peplum jacket." Personally I think picrel is a much better attempt at this sort of look (older Forever 21 design).
No. 212176
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>>211990There are probably some that will think that but if you like it just buy it nonna
>>212135The pictures are annoying as shit, like an attempt at looking high fashion but as a result you can't tell what the actual item looks like (picrel)
No. 212332
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How do you find out about designers that you like? The only real designers I know of are Raf Simons, Errolson Hugh, V. Westwood, Virgil Abloh, Tomoaki Nagao and Rick Owens, but I can't really name an of their pieces or separate any of their collections/eras. I just have a general idea of their aesthetics and the only one I like if Vivianne Westwood from the 80s and 90s
No. 212337
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>>205330Does anybody know who this is/how I can find more outfit inspo that looks like this? I really like this comfy high-feminine winter vibe and want to see more like it
No. 212341
>>212339>>212337Her name is Kate Lambert (I don't know how to link threads properly here is a copy paste link
>>>/snow/105318) but I don't think you'll find more outfits like this because there's too many other photos of her "modelling" half naked
No. 212374
>>212341Thank you so much!!
>>212368I don't use tiktok but I'll definitely look for twilight/bella swan content, thanks! I haven't seen any of the Twilight movies so idrk the fashion subculture it represented
No. 212604
>>212135>>212153can I suggest boycotting this fucking company? I ordered from them last year, Oct 2020. Immediately after the items arrived, I had to have emergency surgery. Was in hospital for almost three weeks. As soon as I get back, I realize I can't try the bottoms on (abdominal laparotomy) so I keep the dress and top and tell my partner to take the rest back asap. The first thing I thought about while barely able to walk was this fucking package, you know, and the notorious strict 30d return policy.
Well this piece of shit company counts 30d from shipping confirmation, not delivery confirmation, what a joke. So I missed the deadline by ONE DAY. I am fucked up on painkillers and so my bf chats to customer service, tells them I have documentation of being hospitalized and need to return or exchange these things. He seems to get a grudging "ok, wait for our email" reply after emphasizing all of this. Next business day, an email: fuck you, you can't return shit.
That's the customer service you get when you miss the return window by one day during a covid lockdown and with undeniable proof of being hospitalized for the entire span of time you had the items. Fuck Zara and their fast fashion.
No. 212665
>>211896>>211900>>211896I think a lot of people have this feeling, me included. I guess it is because trends are a scam: you subconsciously pick up on stuff
No. 212831
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long shot but does anyone know where to get a sweater like picrel? i think the design is neat but its aliexpress and i now know better than to waste money on stuff that will break after 1 wear
No. 212864
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Any advice on passing for a normal person, appearance-wise?
I'm not hopeless, I dress decently, I sew my own dresses time to time, but my default is very baggy tshirt-leggings-boots and I'm trying to see if changing my outward daily look actually makes a difference that drastically.
I'm covering the pink in my hair this week with a dark brown that matches my roots and aiming specifically for that realm of "Prima your mom always brings up at parties that's doing better than you on Instagram but all the cousins know she's actually a fucking deviant" (mexican american Normie, I guess? The Insurance/Tmobile Manager Normcore?)
I don't particularly feel bad about my appearance, but like I said, curious if it makes any tangible difference to look like that or if it's all bs.
I've been experimenting with youtube tutorials on 'softglam' makeup, too. Lots of peach and neutrals, etc.
No. 212925
>>212902sweater anon here, the problem with that one in particular was that it had nonsense engrish on the back that was pretty off-putting otherwise i mightve bought it, despite the potentially bad quality. i have a few things that have held up from ali, just sometimes you get stuff that is the lowest quality and instantly breaks apart
>>212905tbf some of the items on there seem like generic billie eilish anime-core stuff so i wouldn't be surprised if its a reseller but idk, i liked a lot of the stuff on there. just hope it's nice quality and looks okay when it arrives
No. 212948
>>212905Idk honestly. I just saw a guy wearing it on okcupid and asked where he got the purple/red monster sweater from lmao. Ended up not buying it bc of what
>>212925 said. "Billie eilish animecore"
No. 213172
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What are your thoughts about boat necklines? I can't decide if they are elegant or old lady-ish
No. 213214
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my tastes recently I guess
No. 213234
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Is it hopeless trying to wear non-fitted clothing when you have a strongly hourglass figure? I know I will never be a cute, tiny, waifish model but I'm a normal weight, is there really no escaping the Billie Eilish effect for women with wider hips? Pic rel is how I feel wearing anything that isn't skin tight. I'm not even talking oversized… just wearing a medium sweatshirt/shirt/cardigan makes me look like a this unironically.
No. 213250
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>>213234Lean into the oversized trend and go for clothing that is obviously meant to be oversized. I like going either skin tight or full tent, the inbetween makes me feel frumpy.
No. 213267
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>>213237Crop sweaters are what I've been doing, but I was just feeling limited. Getting a good pair of slim fitting pants with wide legs is a great idea, since the long skirts I've been wearing aren't cutting it. Thanks anon.
>>213249Large as in overweight? No. Large shoulders as in extremely broad for a woman, yes. My shoulders are wider than my boyfriends', who is taller, heavier, and generally larger than me lol. Pic rel is a female swimmer whose shoulders are pretty similar to mine, though I'm bonier/less muscular. I do have to do the rubber band trick when I to wear a specific non-fitted shirt, but I can never get it to not look tacky/ sloppy.
No. 213347
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I'm looking to start building a wardrobe of mid-tier luxury to premium luxury clothing. What are some go-to brands and items that I can start with?
No. 213431
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>>213347I'm a fan of Polene and SANCIA for leather bags but I buy secondhand designer for high quality nylon.
Neous, Crockett & Jones & Ann demeulemeester do wonderful boots
Marle NZ for great wool basics, I also like Paloma wool for colourful pieces.
Madewell, everlane, lilysilk & UNIQLO for high quality basics so you can save money long term to put towards statement pieces like a leather moto jacket.
Pic is my latest buys; a mix of Vestiaire and sale
I guess if depends if you want understated branding or full supreme hypebeast
No. 213432
Crockett & Jones
Ann demeulemeester
No. 213475
>>213438nayrt but if you have the time I'd love to have those fruits and GLB scans as well!
No. 213524
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>>213474>>213475Alright I'm sending them through and they'll come as a Google Drive link. I'm slowly collecting all the editions so next time I have a big drop I'll comment here
No. 213537
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Looking for lug or combat boots similar to these (Mango Monet lace-up boots) from last year. Decided not to buy them because of many complaints about the construction, but never found a similar pair.
For me these are always more or less in style, not worried about looking dated.
No. 213562
>>2135373.1 Phillip Lim, All saints, Steve Madden, NEOUS, Alias Mae.
All similar but none exactly like it
No. 213569
>>213524Omg could you also send me the pdf? I've been needing inspo lately and would love to see these scans
You can send them at
No. 213578
>>213569seconding ! i would really appreciate it as well
my email is
thank you in advance
No. 213620
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latex/pvc boots look so cool to me for some reason. I especially love it when it's combined with more common fabrics like wool, and I feel like it has the potential to look mature and sort of refined-looking. I hate the fact that coomers have co-opted it to the point where it's only associated with latex fetishism
No. 213623
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>>213622this is an example of latex pants but whatever
No. 213634
>>213524Me too
nonnie pls!
No. 213669
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Where can I get a dress like picrel that is nice quality? All the ones I like are from aliexpress or amazon, on Etsy they’re very expensive and I don’t like the designs. Doesn’t have to look exactly like picrel, just a black dress with long sleeves and a big collar
No. 213689
>>213524Can I also sign up, thank you
No. 213704
>>213524ANON!!! I hope you can send them to me too!!!!
No. 214214
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I want a really wearable floral dress but am worried about coming off as overly basic. Does this give off mommy blogger vibes? Are puffy sleeves kind of dated at this point? Help me nonnies
No. 214219
>>214214If you like these dresses, skip every polyester one you come across, including blends. It looks cheap and that screams mommy blogger.
larger prints look better than a ditsy floral or geometric.
Get one that’s about one size too large and have it tailored. Nothing looks better than a dress that perfectly fits the bust and hips.
Try to style it with anything other than the uniform of brown knee-boots and various knits over the top.
No. 214557
could these
>>213475>>213474anons send the pdf files to these
>>213687>>213634>>213689>>213704>>213634>>213578>>213569>>213740anons ? there are three people who are currently in possession of the files. please help !
my apologies if i missed anybody No. 214605
>>214464Considering the dress anon wants, she’s going for matronly.
Tiny print over an entire garment makes the body look bigger and those dresses are already loose bags with a waist string.
No. 214609
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>>214605op here, definitely not going for matronly lol. Here’s the same dress with less soft styling. It’s actually all cotton but I agree that it looks a little synthetic. I think the shape has a nice 80’s french vibe, I’m mostly worried that puffy sleeves are passe
No. 214613
>>214464>>214605large prints are not matronly lol, tiny prints are more grandma
>>214609i don't like the puff sleeves personally. if it were a cute skater dress or even more fitted sleeves i would say go for it. as it is, the shape is not super flattering. do you like the shape or the pattern more?
No. 214614
>>214609Damn y’all must think matronly is like, an apron and a Gibson girl hairdo.
It’s essentially a smock with a keyhole at the neck. Unless you lengthen the skirt you’re not gonna get more matronly. Matron isn’t always a terrible or ugly thing.
I’m begging you to skip the gumboots from picrel omg it looks like grandma in the garden.
The puff sleeves will be in and out forever, go for the style that better suits you.
No. 214648
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>>214613Agree to disagree. Irl I only see middle aged women in big floral prints. Or plus-size women, companies are hell bent on putting them in ugly as shit bold prints. Meanwhile every gen-z oriented store has 90s inspired ditzy florals.
No. 214658
nonny, thats so sweet of you and yes please!! Fruits anon where did you go?
No. 214678
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>>214648big prints look more modern. at the end of the day though, dressing like a grandma has become more "in", so do what you want. wearing an outfit with confidence is all that really matters
No. 214706
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what do you call this??? im trying to find a similar item to pic rel
No. 214708
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>>214678Yeah that advice is totally accurate and current, just look at how old she looks omg grandma alert.
No. 214724
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>>214648100% agreed, who tf thinks small florals are grandma-y and big florals are not? Objectively incorrect. Go into any actual old lady store and I guarantee it'll be big florals. I also see them more often in cheap stores, it's like the fabric itself is cheaper and more affordable for seniors.
Pic related is dresses from my local cheap old lady store, filtered by floral pattern. They are literally all like this.
No. 214754
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>>214724>>214739i mean i can do the exact same thing. it's about the style of the clothing not the pattern. please learn something about fashion and calm your sperging
No. 214777
>>214758the others are perfectly normal and basic too?
>>214773you're not, anons are just butthurt someone called their small floral prints matronly
No. 214786
>>214754This. These dresses could be worn by both younger and older women and look flattering because they have some waist definition. Except the one on the left is super fugly.
All the dresses in
>>214724 look like potato sacks, which isn't really flattering on anyone, but it's more "expected" of older women to not wear form fitting clothing.
No. 214816
>>214753i'm actually shopping for a new wardrobe rn and so small prints have been on my mind. but i think you're projecting. not everything is a personal attack anon.
>>214754most of these are cute but you really tried tho lmao
No. 214818
>>214816double post my b but correction: most of them are
borderline cute
lemme not get carried away here lol
No. 214830
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Is this dress very ugly? I usually wear a long black simple dress to formal occasions and wanted to switch it up with something colorful, but my female friends and my bf all tell me it looks worse compared to my usual long black dress. Only my mom, who helped me pick up the dress, encourages me to wear it tonight. Not sure what I should do.
No. 214831
>>214830hey anon, i think this shade of pink looks GREAT on your skin but the fit and those rhinestone things kinda suck lol
maybe you can try to remove them? again this shade looks absolutely gorgeous on you
No. 214835
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>>214831>>214832>>214833Thank you guys for the answer, there seems to be something wrong with the way the neckline fits. The rhinestones are embeded in the straps, I am not sure I can pull them out. Picrel is how the model wears the dress, the neckline looks much prettier. It seems like it's sitting too high on my ribcage almost
No. 214837
>>214835man, what a bummer! it looks cute on the model. seething along with you
nonny smh
No. 214839
>>214835oh no, that sucks anon
the belt thing looks crooked too, can you return it?
but look at the bright side, now you know that this shade of pink is very flattering on your skin
No. 214845
>>214830>>214835doesn't look made quite right compared to the model photo tbh. for example in the model photo the keyhole at the neck is about an inch wide at the top, while on yours it's too narrow to see your skin through at all. plus what other anons said about the short shoulder straps & crooked belt.
none of this is that noticeable if you wear it though, since its not like anyone else has seen what it's "supposed" to look like.
No. 214877
>>214816and everything
>>214724 posted is completely shapeless. again. it's the style not the print. idk how many times i have to repeat that for it to stick
No. 215186
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>>214877It's not "sticking" because you're in the minority. Here are some more shapely dresses which are made ugly and matronly by large prints.
No. 215405
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What are you guys planning to wear for new years eve? Personnaly I have a very basic but kinda sexy outfit. Plunging V neck bodysuit, a straight jeans with a simple belt, my dr martens 1460, probably a cute necklace and maybe some heavy makeup so I can show that I tried a little.
No. 215414
>>215186Nta but all of these look fine to me.
t. another US anon and not white trash
No. 216156
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Has the international shipping thing with Ank Rouge (I believe it used to be through the Shibuya 109 site, but it's been so many years and I bought from them so infrequently that I don't exactly remember) completely been discontinued? I hate fussing with shopping services unless they are built in like the one they were using. I was interested in shopping with them again, but can't seem to find any of the pages related to the site I was using last time, it had a bar at the bottom of the screen advertising the built in shopping service and there was a button to add to international cart on product pages. If anyone knows what happened to it please lmk, I'm severely out of the loop these days
No. 216235
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>>216185>without looking like a costumeIt's going to be hard then. Before the recent popularity of corsets I bought my clothes exclusively from larp shops. White bardot/milkmaid tops and square necklines are in and easily accessible; it gives a peasant like silhouette and you can pair it with a bodice corset. I think dressing this way will always look like larp/costume no matter the quality of the clothing item. I can only think of the etsy shop Hearts And Found which makes princess-like dresses that don't look too larpish, they also all come with huge pockets and the size and the lenght can be custom made. The good looking bodices are incredibly expensive though (around 200-300), here's my etsy shops list
Under 100 bucks:
>HedonisticCostumes (chemises and bodices) >ValRok (bodices and clothes)>RoyalTailor (some of their bodices are under 100)100+
>HeartsAndFound (modern princess dresses)>Little Women Atelier (pretty linen dresses)>FrenchMeadowsaprons (super exp but high quality bodices, Renaissance clothes around 100)>Nour And The Merchant>KatyushaWow (beautiful aprons) No. 216247
>>216235Not OP but this was very useful, thank you anon! While I don't mind looking like I'm wearing a costume, I'd rather avoid it.
What shoes should you wear with these outfits?
No. 216267
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>>216235nona said not like a costume….it is a hard question, but maybe if you used to literally only shop at larp stores this isn't advice you should be trying to give…?
idk why but picrel was my first thought - a sumptuous thick wool large tartan poncho looks regal & rural at once, but it also isn't out-of-place enough to read as a larp. DON'T buy a cheapo one from amazon/walmart/aliexpress as it will be thin, thready, and cheap looking. its got to be sumptuously thick wool to look royal.
picrel is from talbots which is mid tier quality at best but at least it's a real clotbing store.
No. 216275
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>>216270yeah it's not like nobility has a history of wearing sumptuous wool robes. kek
it's terribly plain that your idea of "princess/peasant" is wholesale from the ren faire. there's a whole lot more out there than that… and the whole bodices & corsets schtick is tired af.
No. 216280
>>216279if you can't see how those two things are similar I don't know what to say kek. They're both heavy wool garments that drape over the shoulders. Are you like blind? Do you need me to post one of those tumblr image descriptions? lmk and I will be happy to accommodate your special needs
ren faire is cringe, sorry. and handmade clothes from etsy stores are not going to look normal irl.
>>216235 looks like it's made from a cheap wrinkled sheet, and it's so badly made that the breast cup is collapsing like a crumpled napkin even in the photo lmao. buy real clothes
No. 216289
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>>216185Also, I completely forgot but a lot of tiktok zoomers seem to be into royalcore, you should check it out and see if there are outfit inspos that you like
>>216247Happy you found it useful, imo mary jane heels (the "thin" kind, not the chunky kind) go well with that type of clothes since it's feminine and timeless. Otherwise any kind of vintage looking lace up boots should do, I have brown packer boots from Ad Tech and they work well
>>216267>>216275>>216280KEK nonna, wtf. I don't understand why you're visibly so angry at my listing. It's all good if you think that it's cringe or bad looking, but don't come whining when people are doing exactly what you did by telling you that your "sumptuous thick wool large tartan poncho" is uggo and tone deaf. Ah yes, nothing screams princess/peasant more than a britbong Tory voter fit, I guess. I shouldn't even have responded, your ellipsis overuse tells me that you're a masterclass sperg
No. 216302
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>>216267>>216275>shits on better suggestions>unironically describes a fucking tartan poncho as Regal & Rural™bitch I’m crying right now
No. 216370
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>>216185You might want to check Rachel Maksy out, she has some nice outfits inspired by different time periods and also some fantasy like lotr. And like
>>216276 said, you have to accept that some people will still think you're going to a ren fair and that's ok!
No. 216429
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>>216422My style takes a variety of alt influences, but my main priority is not looking too costumey. My biggest tip is that it's all in the accessories, like belts and chokers and shoes, because they can change up a look easily. Otherwise, just having a variety of black/muted colored basic pieces is a great place to start. If you're going for a more specific look, like romantic goth vs more of a 2021 grunge look, keep the differences in mind.
Killstar is kind of the classic alt store but I find that a lot of their stuff just looks too costumey for daily wear. Just look at a couple of listicles and shop around on the pages to see if they have things you like. Personally, Disturbia is one of my favorite clothing shops right now.
No. 216439
>>216422Ignore other anon and skip overpriced fast fashion brands like dolls kill/kill star they’re trash items not worth half what they charge. Like over a hundred bucks for plastic renamed “vegan leather” and polyester as if it’s a premium material.
Thrifting will yield excellent blouses and skirts that have been handed down by old goths, and there’s always nice quality fabrics amongst the polyester shit. Try to avoid wearing the cheap metal accessories, they’re usually costume jewellery quality and will turn your skin green where it rubs.
Dark mori could be decent inspo for A slightly more adult look instead of the very teenage kill star style.
No. 216451
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Tip to be a winnar at thrift stores:
Absolutely no college towns (zoomers will suck it dry)
No thrifting in areas with any sort of “scene” or culture” or anything artsy (hipsters will suck it dry)
No overly poor areas (nothing but shitty fast fashion castoffs)
Look for a thrift store in a wealthy but extremely boring suburban neighborhood, or a high end shopping area, or, even better, a thrift store sitting right at the edge of a working class area but close to a high end area.
This is where I found my holy grail thrift store —a mile from a massive luxury shopping district, frequented only by working class families who have no interest in high end cult brands, vintage 1970s stuff AKA all the stuff I want. Replaced my wardrobe and furnished my whole apartment at this place.
Basically you’re looking for a thrift store where the wealthy but unlikely to buy secondhand donate their castoffs. It might take some searching but if you find one of these you’re set.
Take my tips and find your discount Shangri La nonnies, it is my gift to you.
No. 216458
File: 1638964571945.jpg (149.38 KB, 1078x1349, f87acadd8914416b1cda67c3b37d3c…)

I wanna dress like a stuck-up rich cunt. Is Ralph Lauren worth it? What are other preppy brands that you can easily find from second hand online and physical stores?
No. 216508
>>216451Thanks for these tips anon, I've always wanted to make thrifting work but have had trouble finding decent stores. Everyone usually says go straight to the rich neighborhoods but as you said many of those are already popular and overpriced and/or picked over. I will try checking out the "boring" areas.
My secret tip is not regarding thrift stores per se but checking out estate sales. I've gotten some really nice wool/cashmere/real fur/natural fiber pieces from fashionable grannies that have kicked it, selling for a pittance because someone just wants to clear out all their relative's belongings.
No. 216725
>>216458The actual rich bitch brand is Hermes but if Ralph Lauren is shelling out to you… idk. It's possible to find older Hermes & Versace etc online for not that much, but it will take looking & patience.
>>216468Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren are like the same tier of nice-ish mall store. Like not even the most expensive store at most malls…? I'm confused why you would day this. Hilfiger has been a middle class mom brand since like… ever? Like it's preppy sure but it's far from actually rich.
No. 217197
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does anyone know where can i find blouses like these?
No. 217253
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I recently got a cardigan like picrel (the colors are slightly less rainby though) does anyone have ideas on how to style it? Everything I can think of is boring or clownish (no jeans please I hate them)
No. 217690
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How would you style/accessorize a dress like this? For a casual look
No. 217763
>>216971/r/repladies is the best source of info for designer replicas ime.
>>217197For the first blouse, look at school uniform stores like French Toast. The second blouse is really clearly from taobao, so just search "lolita blouse" on aliexpress or something.
>>217690I would not wear this dress at all because I'm not a mormon housewife stuck in the year 2014.
No. 217772
>>217763I didn't want to say it but you're right nona.
>>217769Not chasing trends doesn't mean you have to wear ugly skater dresses.
No. 217781
>>217763Thanks for the rec, anon!
On topic: I'm astounded that everyone's so upset about the dress another anon posted when one or two threads ago somebody asked about fox printed tights and anons praised them as if it wasn't quirky new girl bullshit. It's just a dress, imo. I don't see anything mormon about it and it looks like something I could wear to student club meetings as something casual yet professional.
No. 217791
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>>217690As people already stated, it looks a bit dated. Reminds me of early 2010 retro Tumblr fashion, looks like something Taylor Swift would have worn back in the days, kek. I'd own it and go full 2010s tard by wearing it with peter pan collar, heeled oxfords and fantasy thights (especially the fox thights that
>>217781 >>217788 mentioned). Peak Zooey Deschanel tumblr degeneracy, let's go
nonny No. 217798
>>217772lol this is some zoomer shit
enjoy your greige sackdresses i guess and revel in how young and hip you look with your waistless polyester reformation trash
just admit you want everyone to dress the same and go
No. 217799
>>217791this isnt even a skater dress. the reason it's so twee and dated looking is all the other shit you mentioned, not the fact that the dress has a defined waist. its a fucking empire waist babydoll.
just because pinterest moms wore chunky necklace chevron in 2012 doesnt mean people cant wear blazers anymore
you zoomers cant cope unless there are strict rules and guidelines in place to tell you how to dress, what music to like, what aesthetic you need to promote, to the point that basic fucking clothing silhouettes are cheugy to you
No. 217800
>>217798>>217799(nta but)
lol this is some millennial shit
enjoy your shit reddit spacing i guess and revel how old and autistic you are with your butthurt unsaged post
just admit you can't take any kind of criticism and go
No. 217805
Holy shit all over a dress.
>>217781 is me before I get accused of being someone angry kek. Nonnas, it's almost Friday I'm rooting for you!
No. 217807
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>>217805I could reignite sperging with the mere mention of leggings
No. 217814
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>>217811They're probably referring to dated stuff like pic rel. Not workout gear.
No. 217816
nonny you arent allowed to enjoy defined leg silhouettes anymore
now we wear bell bottoms and culottes until tiktok tells us what to like next
No. 217819
>>216451Another tip is, try to figure out when the best time to shop is. I used to go to a Goodwill that would be super picked over on Friday or Saturday but have lots of stuff Sunday especially earlier in the day. The weird part was Sunday was the color tag dollar day and was pretty busy, so you think it'd be really picked over. I guess they refreshed inventory on Sunday. This was in Philly, this store was near a couple universities but kind of in the hood so not many college kids.
I've since moved and the thrift stores near me now kind of suck, but they're better in the middle of the week
No. 217829
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>>217811They're fine for workout clothes, but they're on their way out for everyday clothing.
>>217797>>217820I think the problem is that it's a skater skirt AND it's knee-length AND it's plain cotton AND it has a crew neck. It could have one or two of those and still look current, but the combination looks outdated. If you really like fit and flare I think this dress is cute.
No. 217831
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>>217830I was also going to suggest this, a wrap dress, or a very toned down version of the selkie dress for anon. I agree that this stuff will look dated in 5-10 years, but that's just part of fashion. I don't think there's anything wrong with having clothes that aren't the peak of fashion in your closet, I would just hold onto them until they come back in style.
No. 217832
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>>217811People were arguing over if it was ok to wear them as normal pants if I remember correctly. The real question being: why would you choose to wear leggings over horse riding breeches and thus reject the napoleon-core fit?
No. 217836
>>217706Yesstyle for korean fashion (they have cosmetics as well)
As for alt/edgy shit:
I live in europe so all of these are eu websites, but they do deliver worldwide. Hope it helps!
Check etsy for shirts and accessories, there are some cool things there.
No. 217840
>>217814Oh, my bad. I've never used tumblr so I don't know half the shit anons itt are currently referring to, but I'm trying to follow along. I do remember seeing those at hot topic many years ago, but I thought they'd look bad on me. Same for galaxy hoodie dresses; cute in theory, but the quality of the blown up print was typically some shitty jpeg on fabric.
>>217829I guess I can see that, but I've also still made 80s styled outfits since high school and still do occasionally wear them depending on how I feel that day, so I guess I'll keep being out of loop! Thanks for explaining, nonita.
No. 217890
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I have two bell bottom jeans that i only wear in my house because i have 0 idea what to wear as a top + what shoes to pair it with. For reference my first pair looks like this and the second one is a checkered brown one i got from h&m
No. 217893
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anyone know what this style/cut of dress is called?
No. 217932
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is it okay to mix completely yellow gold and white gold jewellery, or yellow gold and silver?
my engagement ring and earrings are white gold, but my wristwatch is all yellow gold.
No. 217934
>>217932I've heard to never factor in wedding rings when it comes to this, your wedding rings are part of you and always there so just ignore them when it comes to adding other jewelry
nonnie. I bet those pieces look great together!
No. 217983
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>>217932sure! it was primarily associated with boho chic but nowadays it's mainstream fashion. they even sell gold/silver necklaces together now. reminds me of mismatched earrings and how it used to be considered alt-fashion.
No. 218040
>>217829>>217831I know its been argued that larger prints are for gaudy, old ladies but smaller prints like these look really bad on me and larger printed flower dresses look better. It probably won't make any sense, but it suits my body type and I think it has to do with how short my hair is.
>>217832Ayrt they should just wear whatever they want, who cares what randos on an imageboard think? I do agree with you though that the napoleon look is cute.
No. 218048
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Sorry for the absolutely shit pics; I had to screenshot from the show. I hope the second picture conveys the lightweight fabric.
Where can I find a flowy plaid/flannel button up long sleeve like Juliette's? What search terms should I use? Flannel is a type of fabric, not a pattern, right? Is the flowy material chiffon? I'm not so good with fabric names/properties. Thank you!
No. 218114
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>>218048I’ve gotten similarly thin plaid button downs from J.Crew Mercantile off Amazon. The fabric is paper thin but the hems are thick, so it may not have the same billowy effect. You could always rip the hems tbh. It’s J.Crew’s economy brand so you don’t have to feel too bad about “ruining” a $30 shirt.
Also I’m obsessed with YellowJackets lol
No. 218150
>>218137theres literally articles advising prints based off body types what the fuck are you so hostile for
nonny LMFAO
No. 218155
>>218137this is true
>>218150, patterns do generally translate different on different body types. Most people either don't have the eye to notice this at all though or can't verbalize why a pattern looks good or worse on someone.
No. 218226
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>>218081>>218114>>218117Thanks for the rec's! I ended up getting a sheer one from Band of Gypsies. Poshmark has a million of them. The first picrel isn't the one I bought but it's the same idea.
I thought of u bitches while shopping for this shirt bc I was specifically looking for a small-print plaid. kek
>>218137Are you good anon
>>218155Well-said. It's all about proportion!
In other news I bought some Umbro soccer shorts. The ones with the checkerboard pattern. I've always thought they were cute…
Sorry for scrote image but that's kinda how I will be styling them. But with cuter proportions. Actually it looks like they're in style rn and sold at Urban. I knew I was on to something!
No. 218394
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>>218324tfw you feel left out because you don't even get what SN refers to and what it implies. I remember being the one that sounds like ddlg tumblr username
No. 218420
>>218394SN is very easy to understand, is simply a romantic with more flesh, SN is soft but toned, most women aren't very waif-ish but also not very broad.
>I remember being the one that sounds like ddlg tumblr usernameEthereal/Ingenue? Those don't exist
No. 218426
>>218358You sound like some kind of gamine. Dunno what the people on fb group were on.
>>218394Pre diaper injections Kim K is a pretty textbook example of SN.
No. 218429
>>218394>ddlg tumblr usernameProbably flamboyant/soft gamine
Basically, SN body is frame dominants so shoulders are more prominent than anything else on their body, plus they have flashiness.
No. 218490
>>218483Kibbe has changed
a lot of things since his book's release, basically:
>FN and D are the tallest types, but anyone bellow max height can be FN/D (one of the few Ds he typed last year was 5'2 kek)>Even if you're 5'0 it doesn't mean you're R/G, but if you're above their respective height limits you are something else, R/G height limits are very strictIf you want to see modern FN examples you should join their FB group, there are lots of FNs, is a pretty diverse category
No. 218523
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I just YOLO bought these in a drunk haze. How do they do in the snow? I live somewhere with a pretty mild/moderate winter.
No. 218559
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>>218523>How do they do in the snow?Used to wear plastic boots as a child for horse ridding and my feet were freezing in the winter ngl. I think they're cute though.
No. 218560
>>218499Pesonally I think broadly speaking there's truth in the basis of his theory: it's flattering when the lines of your clothing match the lines of your body.
This makes sense and you can observe this being a grounded theory irl (i.e. overly frilly j-fashion stuff doesn't look good on a tall, broad woman - long, oversized clothes swallow up shapely petite women). Imo this is simply line and shape theory just like colour theory is real, you wouldn't call colour theory astrology-tier bullshit. But then he attempts to categorize the 3 billion women this earth has into what, 16? categories. And tries to over-detail his shit and that's where he goes really wrong in my opinion.
>>218502Stop using naturals to insult ffs
No. 218566
>>218528Thank you nonna!
So none of the bage colors. I wanted to invest in camel coat and classic trench coat, this means I should look for something else.
No. 218567
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Should I invest in these Mary Janes nonnas? Are they difficult to style?
No. 218572
>>218568I just got a bunch of great hand me downs from my cousin! She has a bunch of cute pencil skirts so i think is a good addition to my wardrobe.
>>218569Oh they are pleather and aren't too expensive, so im really thinking about it>>218568
No. 218584
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>>218582>>218581>>218580But IDK, I don't feel like these could be labeled 'boho' because they don't feel as hippie or loud as some boho prints can get. And even from these examples, it's not the whole scope of what I'm envisioning. White isn't the only color and long dresses/skirts are not the only type of articles.
No. 218586
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Hi nonnas, i bought this skirt at a yard sale on impulse but I have no idea what to wear it with.
No. 218589
>>218586man that's a difficult one to style
maybe with a blouse and lots of different layers for a kind of bohemian layered look. Long skirts work really well for that kind of thing imo
No. 218592
>>218586Depends on how it looks on your body, if it creates curve or is it just a flowing A line. Does it stop at your knees or cuts part of your calves etc.
It also depends what sort of a look your are going for, like you can add corset and blouse of any color that is on the skirt. You can also wear it with a simple (no patters) shirt or blouse with ruffles for more feminine look.
I personally only wear skirts of this cut with long boots, sadly this articular skirt doesn't jazz with winter outfit.
No. 218593
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>>218580Look up Pink house style (picrel)
No. 218598
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These knitted pants are one of the ugliest recent 'trends' I've seen. I don't even know where you're meant to wear them, they look like they're meant for lounging around at home but the ones I've seen in store are quite expensive.
No. 218819
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Fellow anons that do japanese online shopping - am I the only one that have been having issues accessing Shibuya 109's online store for months now? Even if I have a direct link to an item it just takes me to the front page. Is it a VPN issue? BuySmart Japan sucks and a lot of the times the pictures of the items won't fully load so I want to at least browse the regular online store so I have an idea of what to look for. I like a lot of the brands in there so I feel sad not being able to do my shopping or even do as much as check the store list.
No. 218890
>>218886this and also many kinds of Asics are quite cheap new–in-box on eBay, because sneakerheads arent into them (yet). Look up asics gel 1090 or gel kayano, as other anon said the colorful ones are kinda goofy but they white/gray ones are nice. Very comfy and durable too in my experience.
>>218883these brands are cheap ugly crap upsold to millenials. bad construction and really, just so ugly. They literally look like nurses shoes. If you buy these you got straight up scammed & taken cause they arent any better made than $20 shoes from walmart, and look worse
No. 219053
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>>218890NTA and I wouldn't necessarily recommend them for someone looking for something "sleek" but I like my allbirds. They've held up really well for the last few years and have gotten compliments from strangers.
>>219044You're definitely not alone nona. I think that oversized everything is pretty in style with a certain subset of zoomers right now.
No. 219154
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any fellow lonely nonnas want to suggest what to wear to a restaurant like this? my coworkers are casual, I'm not. I have to work with what I have in my closet already. I just can't decide whether to wear a dress, a kind of fun skirt, or to go for black/sleek trousers & floaty (or shiny) top.
Anyone want to go instead of me? Bc I'm not feeling it.
No this isn't the exact place, I'm not that dumb. But vibe is similar.
No. 219155
I can't really show too much skin on top in this group. I have fewer concerns about skirt length
No. 219174
>>219154What I like to do is try to find photos of people dining at the restaurant (in reviews etc.) to get a better feel of what balance of casual / formal / sexy I can afford.
Can't go wrong with sleek black trousers and a nice blouse though - that's my vote.
No. 219203
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Does anyone know where Taylor's shirt is from? Tried to use Google lens and other apps to find it, but couldn't. Yes my taste is trash.
No. 219207
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>>219203The neck looks slightly different so it might be a different product, but it looks to be dolls kill, unfortunately. It's sold out but you could maybe get it second hand from some e-girl on depop: No. 219537
File: 1640571433590.jpeg (24.03 KB, 454x454, iu-58.jpeg)

My hair and skin tone are like picrel, I've been wearing all black for the past 5 years and want to start wearing more colors but I have no idea what colors suit me. I do wear olive green occasionally but I feel like any other colors make me look very dull/washed out. Any ideas?
No. 219764
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Anons I'm looking for high quality oversized sunglasses. (kinda like picrel but doesn't have to be exactly those ones) They can be of any brand, I just don't want something flimsy and cheap looking. Also please don't recommend extremely high priced ones that are made in china but is only expensive because of the brand status.
No. 219839
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does anyone know what these dresses are called?
No. 219874
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>>219836Do you mean your belly just sticks out a little while you still have a defined waist, or are you an apple shape?
If it's the former, skirts like pic related will emphasize your waist while hiding a stomach pouch. They can be short like in the pic or longer, but try to go for thicker or stiffer fabrics that will hold their shape easily. If it's the latter and you don't have a defined waist, go for baggier sweaters and shirts while showing a little more leg.
No. 219882
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Where do I find bras that don't give me unsightly back lumps in thin shirts? I'm fairly thin but have kind of a meaty back, and every single bra I own has the band pushing into my back fat like in the pic. Structured longline bras do help but when I sit down I just get the same lumps but lower on my back where the band ends. I'm definitely not wearing a too tight band size either.
I hate how it looks but the only way around it that I found is either using a sports bra or not wearing a bra at all. Sports bras don't work with many necklines and I don't want to go braless all the time, especially since I'm pretty busty. Any ideas?
No. 219926
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After watching the new Matrix trailer a while back it made me nostaglic for that trinity-look I wanted as a kid. Then just bored-watching Sex and the city a similar coat popped up and it cemented my need.
Has anyone seen one that isn't Shein tier or £1000+?
No. 219928
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Her style is almost as good as fran fine from the nanny why in the hell did people hate her style? Camielle’s style is bland and boring.
No. 219954
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>>219950The outfits on the Nanny were cohesive and balanced, they were bold and colourful but they didn't have a bunch of clashing patterns and colours. Eg if she's wearing a patterned skirt, she has a plain top and vice versa.
Actually I don't totally hate
>>219928, if the boots were a different colour and the top didn't have a pattern (or had a more subtle one) I would've thought it was cute. Mixing patterns is a thing and not inherently bad but they just didn't pull it off.
Anyway I want the fucking patchwork platforms in pic related, omg.
No. 219981
>>219950You can see in
>>219954 Fran's outfits were form fitting and showed off her figure.
I have no idea who you posted or what she wears, but the outfit does not give her any illusion of shape at all.
No. 219989
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>>219926i LOVE wearing some cute trenchcoats whenever i can in autumn and stuff because it lets me semi-larp my corny fantasies without looking too autistic
No. 220070
>>219950Each of Fran's outfits had a good silhouette, accentuated her body, colors were bold but they weren't randomly picked, they either matched or were contrasting. Take the neon look in the middle. It's 'loud' with neon green, orange and pink but the colors go together and they match in tone and brightness. Each look clearly has a lot of thought behind it, all of the little details create a rounded out look with a distinct vibe. For example, the one with the patchwork platforms. The colors in the platforms are found in the skirt and the sweater. The prints give a cozy vibe put together with simple denim and knit. The skirt is tight so the top is looser. Platforms instead of boots accentuate her legs. On top of that, Emily's outfit literally looks like it's from Zara. I think the blazer and the top might be. The boots look awkward, skirt is too short, the different tones clash(warm yellow in the blazer, warm colors in the skirt vs cool toned boots). The prints aren't connected by anything, neither color nor pattern.
No. 220077
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>>219928my fucking sides, wtf is this, is that for real? As someone who think the "no more than 3 colours, "only 1 pattern" rules are annoying, outfits like this are probably the reason why they exist in the first place kek
No. 220591
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what do you think of military-type jackets? are they difficult to style without looking like a larper?
No. 220598
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>>220591I used to love these 10 years ago when they were all the rage, but I think now they look a bit too LARPy. There's definitely jackets out there with military elements, but I think what dates jackets like this is the overall tight silhouette and they're usually made from cheap fabrics.
Something like picrel is a looser fit and longer but still gives the same vibe imo
No. 220638
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How can I style skirts like picrel in a unique/more intricate way? The only thing i ever wear them with are solid color (graphic) tops and a cardigan if it's cold but I'm getting bored, I feel like wearing anything else with them looks a mess. Any ideas?
No. 220667
>>220638Lacy blouses, crocheted tops, velvet, flowy sleeves, jewel tones, lots of layered jewelry, a coat like this
>>220598, patterned scarves, just below the knee slouchy boots and absolutely no basic ass ankle boots and pullovers.
No. 220763
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>>220735How would you describe your style as is anon? It's a bit hard to say as what you asked is pretty broad but I'd suggest a dress that isn't too slinky or provocative, something a little more lowkey like picrel. It's fun and spring appropriate, little bit flirty without thick shoulder straps. Not a fan of the colour personally but I'm more using this picture as an example for the overall shape and vibe.
No. 220792
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Sometimes I think my fashion sense is decent but then I go and order shit like this. I just fucking love sort of kitschy shoes (and cats). I mean, they’re subtle at least.
Do you guys have moments like this?
No. 220819
>>220684I bet you think that putting on a bunch of thrift store shit that ages you by a good 30 years makes you "not a normie"
>>220723What level of cope do you need to be on to think that deliberately aging yourself up with clothing choices is not a bad thing
>>220795There is really no good way to style these. This is the opposite problem of the skirt where anything you do with them will make you look like a womanchild
No. 220844
>>220795I guess I was considering them subtle when compared to something like Irregular Choice kek and because they’re just black and white versus something more… vibrant. Though honestly, if they were orange with a cat face on them I still probably would have bought them because I absolutely love orange cats.
>>220819You sound like you don’t enjoy having a bit of whimsy in how you dress and that’s a little depressing, tbh.
No. 220851
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weeb anons tell me where i can buy some EDGEY anime shirts that's not fucking aliexpress, preferably original art by the brand.
>inb4 cringe
i use my wagie money in ways that bring me joy
No. 220855
File: 1641144067877.jpeg (451.03 KB, 1102x1043, 8155EB94-D805-4098-9D1C-A60047…)

it’s a japanese doujin goods website so beware of porn and stuff, but there’s a lot of cute/cool designs.
No. 220984
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Who are high waisted pants even made for? My ass is my best feature but somehow I look frumpy and flat as a board when I wear them. You can't even find mid or low rise pants anymore. Looks like a fucking diaper.
No. 220990
File: 1641227730080.jpg (57.26 KB, 600x798,…)

>>220984they are for me, and me alone. my waist is like right under my boobs. i'm 5 feet tall. my legs are 3 feet long. high waisted pants make me look like i have real legs and a nice butt. low waisted pants make me look like im trying to wear somebody else's pants and you always have to worry about plumber crack. maybe you zoomers just enjoy the novelty but i remember 2003 and having to hold my waistband up every time i squatted down to pick something up. enjoy not being able to wear real underwear i guess.
No. 221003
File: 1641233337578.jpg (138.97 KB, 900x991, 5.jpg)

>>220984I thought they were pretty universally wearable? I rarely see people who look BAD in them. There's a lot of poorly designed high waisted pants out there that look unflattering but when you get the right ones for your shape they can really work.
I'm 5"5 and pretty skinny but i still have a belly pouch as most women do but when I wear pants I tend to wear ones similar to picrel (leg cut like the left, waist similar to the right)
What I like about these sorts of high waisted pants, apart from being loose, is that the pleats coming from the waist down the centre of each leg work to wrap around your leg nicer and create a more dynamic shape.
I was mildly attacked by
>>220819 given I do, in fact, put on a bunch of thrift store shit that ages me by 30 years, kek. I look like an old lady in my 20's but I don't care! Take that
No. 221010
>>220991Forgot to mention I was excluding jeans. I was specifically looking for mid rise pants and had no luck after browing all day, store after store. It's driving me nuts.
>>220990Who said anything about zoomers? I'm a millennial and I exclusively wear mid rise pants, and now that they're worn out, I can't find replacements. Enjoy the trend while it lasts, I guess.
>>221003Thanks for the informative post anon! I think you're right. My issue with high waisted pants is that they have to be perfectly tailored to be flattering on me, which is a huge pain when that's basically the only fit available where I live. I'm petite so I'm used to getting pants and dresses hemmed, but this seems difficult.
No. 221044
>>221011The idea intimidates me. I imagine it's like any other art form and it'd take years before I can do very much. If it's easier than I'm picturing, then maybe I could look into it. Great job teaching yourself anon!
>>221020I have wide hips and the loose ones make me look like Dexter's mom in frontal view.
No. 221323
File: 1641330024865.jpg (4.13 MB, 3960x2640, dk_store_22.jpg)

Nonnies what are your honest opinions on Dolls Kill?
Is it hit or miss?
It is just cheap chinese crap?
Are any pieces/brands worth it?
No. 221335
File: 1641332551888.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20220104-133923.png)

>>221332>>221323Dropped my pic, these are the boots. I bought them on sale during last year's Black Friday for less than this. They're okay but hard to walk in especially if you live in a hill filled place like San Francisco or Seattle. Neoprene sleeve scratches super easily so you have to wrap them in paper and then put them in the suede bag they ship it in when not worn.
No. 221340
>>220984>My ass is my best feature but somehow I look frumpy and flat as a board when I wear them.That heavily depends on the pair of jeans you're trying, I can go to the same store, try on 3 pairs of similar high waisted jeans and one of them is guaranteed to make my butt into a pancake.
I'm pretty tall with wide hips and a decent butt and a good pair of wide legged high waisted jeans makes me look amazing.
>>221003I love these.
No. 221504
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Are Pandora bracelets worth it?
No. 221520
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What do you think of pins on shoulder bags/tote bags. I’ve always seen em on backpacks and my bag is really plain i wanna decorate it a little bit but i dont know nonnies help
No. 221522
>>221514Agreed. Idk what OP means by worth it but if those are expensive, they look quite dated and ugly imo. Not worth it.
>>221520Then do it. They're cute and a good way for expressing yourself. No one's gonna talk shit about tiny ass pins on your bag lmfao.
No. 221569
>>221543I've lost weight a few times but I have a hard time keeping it off
Recently I started doing OMAD and lost 23lbs in a month (227 to 204) but then Christmas derailed me and I think I've gained a lot of it back, too scared to weigh myself
I don't know I just wasted so much time waiting to be skinny to enjoy life. Feel like not waiting to live my life anymore
No. 221821
>>221339Post some inspo pics, nona.
>>221504They always make me think of this SNL sketch
No. 222150
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Runway dump. Designer in filename.
No. 222151
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No. 222152
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No. 222153
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No. 222154
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No. 222155
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No. 222156
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No. 222158
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No. 222159
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No. 222160
File: 1641622480940.jpg (178.35 KB, 800x1087, clemence-poesy6.jpg)

Last pic. Not really runway fashion, but I want this outfit.
No. 222161
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>>221339get predator glasses kek
No. 222162
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>>222152>>222153>>222159Very nice pic dump anon, I love Iris van Herpen!! Also love Catholicism-inspired runway looks, so pretty
No. 222365
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>>222364This is them, I’m fine with looking like a fisherman, just looking for advice.
No. 222369
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>>222365Well I don’t own a pair of duck boots but I like this kind of style with them
No. 222394
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>>222365get a military jacket
No. 222423
File: 1641730621338.png (5.24 MB, 2048x2048, kate_libby.png)

>>221339This is so perfect, I love this style so much. I don’t really get to dress like this a lot, so I don’t have a lot of practical advice really. However, when I do try to pull it off I try to keep the look sleek but still have a rough edge. I am very pear shaped, so I get the matronly thing, but I still like to wear straight skirts and tight pants even though its not cool looking (on me) and I look frumpy. I also like using sheer/fine mesh tops with this look. In the end I would say try to adapt any style you currently have, since that’s what a kool hackerr would do anyways.
I love the movie hackers A LOT and it can be a goldmine for inspiration. Cool jackets and certain fabrics can speak a lot, as well as certain accessories as well. Picrel is of kate libby, but you can take inspiration from any character because they all look amazing. I personally think lord nikon had some of the best outfits and is underrated. Also if you get really 90’s or overdesigned in-line roller blades you’re super set and no one will question you. Literally just bow down in prayer to this movie.
I feel like I can’t give any more good pointers but I’ll end with saying also look into old fruits magazines, old camera bags, old rollerskate gear (like wrist guards), chloma (interesting brand I just found out about, I use them for inspo.), and take notes from rave fashion of the 90’s and 00’s. I love gabber, pls one day wear a full shell suit, you got the shaved hair part down already. Also, you can use old tech as accessories, but I personally kind of find it cringe. Since you have a shaved head, you can pull a lot of this off easily, its a look hard to pull off with long hair. The makeup can be left simple like you do, or you can do fun touches (there’s a pic of kate with a thin blue stripe across her face, her look in the end of the movie, things like that). Go with the flow, and outfits that feel natural to you will look best. Let me live vicariously through you nonna kek.
No. 222435
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>>221003you clearly do care if you felt "mildly attacked"
>>220845why are you so unimaginative that the only fashion options in your mind are "stuff from the basic white girl meme" and "steven universe-watching aliexpress-shopping auntie"? you sound more boring than the people you're making fun of
No. 222444
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>>222440i'm sorry, here's something more tailored to your tastes
No. 222449
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>>222447i thought the farmers in this thread liked "whimsy" and not looking like the "basic bitches"?
No. 222472
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No. 222520
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>>222518i know, i just thought it really resembled some 15-16th century plate designwise. the arms and the faulds especially.
No. 222539
File: 1641762598151.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.51 KB, 1000x1500, main-image.jpg)

>>222532they often did.
mostly in decorative armor though. for real combat it would've been uncomfortable to ride a horse in a metal codpiece. chainmail skirts were more common (and more effective at protection than they look).
No. 223182
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Where can I find a headband like picrel?
it doesn't have to say nihongo stuff I just like the style
No. 223291
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Anyone recommendations for a basic smart flat shoe? I've had my doc marten shoes (picrel) for about 5 years now, but I'm very over them and now that I'm not a teenager they don't feel smart enough anymore lol. I did want some loafers but I have very narrow feet so it's impossible to find any that fit.
No. 223937
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I have almost no tits. Is there anyway to make sweetheart neckline shirts not look awful? I think they’re so cute. Is there anything I can do to hike up my boobs effectively?
No. 224050
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>>223808I wear minimizer bras and try to balance it out with voluminous bottoms. I try to avoid adding any additional volume on top.
I used to be a fakeboi and found that the most effective trick was layering. I'd wear a t shirt and then put a loose but stiff layer on top like a blazer or button down. Combined with a very tight sports bra I could look close to flat as a 32F.
>>223937The model doesn't have any tits either. I'm sure you'll look really nice in them nona.
No. 224160
>>223937I also think these type of shirts look better on small boobs but if you want you could try them with a push up bra.
What webstore is this image from? I like the trousers
No. 224178
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>>222472What are these tight sleeve cardigans called? I know it's some kind of morokode like picrel. I know that some ballet girls wear them under their leotards, but I have no idea what they're called
No. 224245
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>>221504I don't like or own these bracelets their known for but I've bought their other jewelery when they had discounts. If you really want one I would say go for it.
The quality is good, they're sturdy and do not feel flimsy at all. For example I have a ring that I've been wearing for about 4 years now and it still looks good imo, the rhinestones haven't fallen out either.
Lastly, I would suggest you wait for a sale. They usually have pre-holiday offers like 20% off, or a free charm or something. They could be having one before Valentines Day.
Noone asked but picrel what I bought last black friday.
No. 224253
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>>224246to be fair the original color has faded. it used to be rosegold but now it's less red, more yellow. I don't really mind as long as it doesn't turn grey or whatever which it shouldn't. Or maybe I just have low standards…
Most of the time I take it off when I wash my hands but sometimes I'm lazy and just leave it on. Have never actively cleaned it tho. Is that a thing?
I thought in general the less your jewellery gets in touch with water the better?
Anyways I can't speak for their silver because I haven't worn that on a daily basis. Not sure but can't you just polish out foggy silver?
No. 224371
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i am so sick of fucking cropped shit
i got this gorgeous jacket online, but even with 4 different angles the model was posed to make it look normal-length. the jacket barely went under my boobs and was NOT advertised as a cropped fit. basically every jacket, sweater, top in general that i'm interested in seems to have a fucking crop. this shit looks so dumb.
No. 224444
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Anons I know these are weeb-tier but they're so cute I can't.. Should I?
No. 224506
>>224444I saw those too just yesterday, and was surprised how cheap they are.
If you can't afford better shoes, just buy them, they're cute. But if you can, it's better to not support these fast fashion plastic conglomerates.
No. 224537
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>>224444Always surprises me when a normie clothing retail brand sells alternative looking clothes. Not my style at all, but A to Bershka for efforts. I know that the Hello Kitty platform sneakers didn't sell well at all, I've been seeing them on the shelves for months now
No. 224828
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how do you style see-through mesh dresses?
No. 224834
>>224828I would maybe wear it to the beach as a flimsy coverup, or it could be okay with a turtleneck sweater and leggings or even denim pants underneath the dress.
I don’t really like the period blood color.
No. 224981
>>224834>a turtleneck sweater and leggings or even denim pants underneath the dresswhat? this sounds awful, cartoon network character shit
it's a club dress. you wear it as is, trying to style it as a casual outfit is going to look ridiculous
No. 225394
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What does non gen z think about gen z fashion?
No. 225399
>>225394It looks like stuff she dug out of a garbage.
Most gen-z outfits look like a retarded amalgamation.
No. 225464
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This dress. With the lace collar and everything.
No. 225539
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are there any nice ways to style suit vests other than the usual business-y look?
No. 225550
>>225394This feels like bait kek, but the thing that bugs me about Gen Z fashion is how self conscious it is.There is a soulless, arbitrary quality to it because each outfit is chosen to impress an algorithm, not a human group of peers. It's like a pop-up ad, not pleasing, just attention-grabbing
>>224981>it's a club dress. you wear it as isYou would wear this completely sheer mini dress with just a bra and underwear? BPD fashion
No. 225555
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>>225394I've never seen anyone dressed like this out there in the world, going out in the world and seeing potential gen z girls I'd say what's the most common is that comfy street/urban wear and if i wasn't too brainwashed into loving skinny jeans I'd wear that too
No. 225644
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Where could I buy similar Mary Jane flats? I'm a Europoor and these kind of shoes are nonexistent here
No. 225650
>>225644I've seen some on ASOS.
>>225624Just commit to the look and be confident. If a moonface like Selena Gomez can pull off classic and dramatic fashion, so can you.
>>225464Buy a time machine, go back to 2013, and order this off of DearMyLove. Simple as.
No. 225707
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I love this style. It's so cute and feminine. I take a lot of inspiration from Cassie from Skins and similar "quirky" styles I see. I've been trying to get this type of clothing from thrift stores and so far I'm having fun.
No. 225708
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>>225707Samefag but I think this picture illustrates the aesthetic better.
No. 225709
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>>225707My mom made me a crochet bag and usually I wear clothes that don't go with that but I want to wear that bag, I'm looking for clothes that look like that in thrift stores too
No. 225710
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>>225709That's so sweet, nonna, I bet your mom will be happy you want to wear what she made for you :)
These types of clothes are really easy to find, if you don't have access to thrift stores any boho style shop will do.
My to-go outfit is: dress with a pattern (usually plaid or floral), a basic shirt underneath, a vest or sweater on top of the dress, leg warmers, and boots/brown converse/flats.
No. 225714
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>>225710Thanks for posting, I find it really cool how the outfits are composed of so many parts. Pic not really related I just wanted to share it
No. 225814
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>>225805I think you will like these, they suit anyone who tried them on.
No. 225872
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I bought this tracksuit because I really wanted one and it was on sale, but now I feel retarded getting one with gaudy colours since I literally only ever wear black and white.
Does this look as stupid as I think it does? I really don't know if I'd be comfortable wearing it. Probably means I should return it…
No. 225914
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Ok long shot but does anyone have any idea where her top/dress is from, or know of anything similar?
Link to vid - No. 225947
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I fell in love / nostalgia with this vintage baby tee, but I’m not sure how to style it.
I’m 31 so I don’t want to style it like y2k revival zoomies (no offense to zoomies honestly, but I would look ridiculous)
How does /g/ style their graphic / tight tee shirts?
No. 225954
>>225947I would wear dark blue jeans and a bandanna around my neck.
t. basic bitch
Or… I would wear a leather or denim skirt and some dumbass novelty accessories, they do that in larme magazine sometimes
No. 225956
>>225872dress up as lifeofboris for halloween
keep it, it's gaudy but funny
No. 225995
>>225814What the hell are those
>>225812Why? I just need to look bomb without my tan. Nothing I wear looks good anymore.
No. 225997
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In the spirit of the indie sleaze revival I bought picrel and cut off the fringe and it is a look tbh.
No. 226007
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>>225997>indie sleaze revivalanon literally where kek? But those fringe moccasins are such a throwback holy cow.
No. 226008
>>226007Ayrt and the indie sleaze revival might just be a tiktok microtrend tbh
Here's an article about it though: No. 226448
File: 1643234015307.jpg (106.02 KB, 640x590, selby.jpg)

>>225957seconded. i have cowboy boots but they're so overdone. i want something better. preferably brown leather, slight heel. its always the vintage ones that look the best but 2nd hand shoes are always uncomfortable. i like 70s selby boots in theory but they can be hit or miss.
No. 226643
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Go ahead and shame me for my scrote-tier taste in movies but then please help me find some nice quality clothing brands that sell dresses/tops/outerwear with Conan vibes. I love this aesthetic but can't find shit quite like this that isn't AliExpress quality
No. 226690
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>>226680Anon, I bet you already look good. I’m tanned with olive skin and I wouldn’t mind being pasty-pale. It really gives you so much room to play with the colors and contrast them against your skin. Opt for jewel tones and black: deep emerald, deep maroon, rich navy. Copper yellow, soft pink, and tawny beige look really great on pale women, especially with deep red or rose-brown lipstick (I can not emphasize how gorgeous pale women look with 90s pink-brown lipstick; check out Marrakesh by MAC, Ziggie by Colourpop, and Pillow Talk Medium by Charlotte Tilbury. Also Korean brands like 3CE).
If you’re skinny like you said, go for a nice pair of high-waisted black skinny jeans. I’ve always said (even when they were in!) that skinny jeans only look good on really skinny women. They still do. Don’t fall for the oversized pants meme; that’s just another trend, and you want to invest in clothes that will look good on you for years (for your wallet’s sake). Crop tops and patchwork, witchy skirts are great as well. Late 1960s mod clothing would look good too, lots of the models were pale and thin.
No. 226691
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>>226690Oh, and like
>>226689 said: look at your veins. If they’re green, you’re warm-toned. If they’re blue, you’re cool-toned. If they’re neither, you’re neutral. I’m mostly warm but olive-skinned so I keep to deep hues: blacks and wine reds and olive greens. Your hair color also plays a role in this as well. For example, pale dirty blonde women always look great in beige and baby pink. Silver with blue hues as well always looks amazing against pale skin. Darker haired pale women look better in darker clothes because it creates a really nice contrast against their skin + matches with their hair, really brings out certain hues in their face.
No. 228150
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>>226643How about Cult Gaia? I've never seen Conan, so if you posted more pics I could probably give better recs.
No. 228513
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Can anyone find a knock off of these chanel sunglasses? They're Chanel 5018 2007 RTW and I can find the real thing but I'm not paying over 30 bucks for sunglasses
No. 228531
File: 1643942527866.png (1.56 MB, 1828x2090, jokes write themselves.png)

Is there any semi-safe fashion community that isn't super salty towards or berating the posts of thin people? I'm thin with narrow hips and weird proportions (long arms and short legs–things I literally cannot change). I'm short and look stumpy if I wear the wrong garments or fit. Because of my limb length and my weight I have a lot of issues with sizing (because again, my hips are narrow as shit) but whenever I go to r/FemaleFashionAdvice (or r/ffajc, because these bitches don't talk shit directly to OP oftentimes) it's full of people who are seething and downright nasty towards women of a similar size who are looking for fit/sizing advice. Previously I've spent upwards of $70+ on alterations to fix a garment I really liked that was not available in my size and I prefer to avoid that. I also prefer fitting clothes because omg…I have large breasts(!). Not really, my cup size is large (I think wide-rooted breasts so my chest can look prominent in the wrong garment) but my boobs are not actually big and are deflated due to weight loss…but if I post my bra size in there the pitchforks would indefinitely come out.
I'm being more candid on here since it's anonymous, I'd try to obfuscate my actual size and situation to even post on there because every time a girl posts about being an XXS, there's an analogous post on r/ffacj that's making fun of her, filling in a bunch of blanks like "OMG IM SO DAINTY AND TINY AND SMOL NOTHING FITS" when the posts oftentimes are so tame. If it really triggers you that small and thin people have fitting issues then maybe you should lose some fucking weight jesus christ. When I have gone shopping in person at stores like Ann Taylor, BR, JCrew, which carry petite sizes, it's still hard to find my size. Yes, likely because I am American kek. I used to weigh more in high school and in my experience it's so much easier to find clothes as a size 2/4/6 than it is to be a 00/0 or anything smaller (inb4 someone claims that people this size are anorexic or underweight people are all eating disordered kek). Don't even get me started on thrifting and how disappointing that can be. If I could wear oversized clothes I would bc they look cute on other short and thin women but they make me look frumpy as hell due to my deflated and wide-rooted boobs that look bigger in bras.
Side note but I was curious to see if mine and other anons' suspicions were true, so picrel is a collage of a couple regular posters on there. Peep the fat white woman complaining about thin petite white women.
No. 228532
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>>228531never forget, the women seething at you look like this
No. 228543
>>228531Oh god, STFU. People don't want to read shit from thin people because you all sound insufferable in this faux-apologetic, overly-polite and pre-defensive, I am a
victim too but not like those other
victims (NLOV, I'm coining it) way.
If you want advice about your weird proportions or whatever, just post measurements instead of all of the extra chatter. And no, there are no safe fashion communities. This is the internet.
No. 228544
>>228532Really sad but sometimes true, this 'reality' is great proof for scrotes who claim that women are all jealous of each other.
>>228543So where are the posts making fun of obese women by thinner women? Right, because everyone knows that we're all supposed to be sensitive about weight when around fat people yet it's fine to make fun of thin people simply stating their body measurements, proportions, etc for fit advice. I'm not mad about that either, but why the hell can't it go both ways? Why is it acceptable for them to constantly berate and downvote women who are having legitimate problems with clothes and fashion, if not also aesthetics and finding a suitable style, because we've got normal to underweight fat distribution?
If you think about it, you're mad because I'm hypersensitive to criticism, which is kind of understandable as it comes with viewing these communities that whiteknight "plus size" while disparaging shorter/thinner than normal women. Every time I posted there I constantly felt like I had to disparage myself to not be that "petite hourglass with a perfect BBL ass and perky boobs" that they always rant about.
But even that isn't enough. They're mad simply because I'm thin regardless of my saggy boobs, my broad shoulders, etc. Idk why it's so impossible for these women to understand that we're not fashion models and also women who also are negatively affected by beauty standards. When I was fatter my inverted triangle shape wasn't that bad but now that I'm slimmer it's much more pronounced. I just feel like people don't realize that there are negatives to having other types of bodies aside from being obese. Pretty sure being underweight also has health consequences too regardless if you're anorexic or not and some conditions (in my case psychiatric medication) are behind our weight as well, it's not just being genetically blessed.
No. 228554
>>228537holding the phone upside down while taking a selfie is a common trick
>>228513these are so cool
No. 228556
>>228531no offense but being pissed off about shit like this is just pathetic. like
>>228532 said, those women are bunch of fatties. why the fuck you wanna have some sort of misery competition with them or give a shit what bunch of fatties online think. they're fat and angry. that's like giving a damn what some random crackhead in the corner of the streets thinks about you.
also gotta agree with this
>>228543 these kind of posts always have the weird overly polite victimy style
No. 228568
>>228556They're not pissed for real, they pretend to be pissed because it gives them an excuse to bring up how thin they are. That tendency is why they get mocked on ffacj etc in the first place, no self awareness.
Being skinny is great and enviable, just enjoy it instead of taking faux offence to people punching upwards. Your feelings aren't hurt and you know it.
No. 228577
File: 1643963393512.jpeg (219.46 KB, 1959x2500, asos-Black-Coconut-Chunky-Plat…)

im so desperate for a pair of chunky high heeled boots that look like this but its all either too expensive from thrift store resellers or out of stock in the mall
No. 228597
>>228577Man I saw a girl wearing them today with a 60s style outfit and she looked so good it was an actual hit to my self esteem
Anyway I have no advise but keep hunting for an affordable pair sis
No. 228598
>>228544Then if you looked better when you were fatter why don't you just gain weight?
You said that the fat women who were mad should lose weight, well that applies to you too
And there's plenty of women who make fun of obese women
No. 228621
File: 1643979870255.jpeg (470.85 KB, 1330x1822, F265E102-4988-46F0-BD4F-62B4F5…)

Just got a 90s leather jacket and it’s been so fun styling outfits with it!
No. 228631
File: 1643983344724.jpg (120.58 KB, 634x1093, 959755d3a03e68ecd212db9c014ad4…)

Help me find my style nonnies, I don't have an ounce of sense for this kind of stuff but I'm self-aware enough not to dress totally frumpy. I've been promoted at work and need to start dressing better. The closest fashion style I found that would fit me and wouldn't force me to compromise is healthgoth as I'm very into sports myself, own a lot of black and functional clothes, don't wear heels ever, dresses only on rare occasions. The edgy aspect is not really my thing tho I like the sleek black part of it.
I guess I'm just looking for some ideas what to search for. Like a toned-down more mature-looking version of healtgoth/sport style? When I try searching for "sporty casual" I get picrel which is not what I'm after. Do I just buy from expensive sports brands and get away with wearing all black and a simple hoodie with widely recognizable fancy logo? I work in sport business too, so it is kind of acceptable. Help a retard out.
No. 228645
>>228606Glad you could relate, anon. It’s a struggle. Recently I got a Wacoal bra because I’m finally down to a DDD/DD cup and I think buying shallower and smaller cups helps with my boobs looking overly prominent. I used to wear the Freya Deco which is also shallower bra but it makes my boobs stand out a lot in comparison to Wacoal’s bras. The more they stand out, the more top heavy I look so…
>>228601Tbh I think they’re just insecure about women being skinny but especially with their ideal body types (bbl ass and perky big boobs). Even though my boobs are saggy and deflated it’s still a threat because I have a technically bigger cup size and these bitches are dumb and will jump to conclusions like “OMG THIS WAIFISH BIG BREASTED PETITE CHERIE IS SO TINY”. It happens to like every woman on FFA who mentions having a sizing issue no matter how you frame it to try to avoid the fatties making fun of your post.
I suspect sizing and shopping irl is worse for us in America because being fat is so normalized but I could be wrong.
No. 228671
>>228568>Being skinny is great and enviableThe only reason you think this way is because you're overweight and don't know how it feels to be skinny. Most thin people don't look glamorous but rather ill and have trouble finding clothes that fit them perfectly without tailoring. If seeing skinny people talk about their body, and struggles
triggers you this much, either dont hang out where they are or lose weight. It's not healthy to get so offended by someone just because they're talking about their struggles with not being on the healthy range of bmi, whether you like it or not, it's the same as obese or overweight women complaining.
No. 228674
>>228671get a grip. you don't look ill and no one is victimizing you. if you're in the healthy range of bmi you don't look ill.
you're reaching so hard to be offended. just let the fat sad girls be fat and sad, it's not like they don't get enough shit. you can't be content with 99.999999% of society thinking you look ideal? really?
No. 228681
>>228678Meant below the average bmi, my bad.
>>228674As I stated, I'm talking about women below the average bmi who aren't considered ideal in anyone's eyes but ana-chans and for some weird reason overweight women's. I'm not skinny myself. Don't jump to conclusions.
No. 228694
>>228683Gaining or losing weight isn't a short journey, people along that journey can ask for advice on clothing that fits their current bodytype or have reasons they can't gain weight such as metabolic issues, depression or more likely ED. Overeating and undereating are both ED that take long time to heal from so both overweight and underweight women of all body types should be able to ask about advice regarding their clothes and how they can hide or emphasize certain features without anyone being offended or for some reason thinking they're bragging.
Being fat is unhealthy. Being skinny is unhealthy. That doesn't mean those people shouldn't go out or try to look their best as they try to become healthier. Any woman whatever her weight or height is, can want to dress her best and shouldn't be brought down or mocked by other women because her issues are different than theirs.
No. 228817
File: 1644016401536.jpeg (351.34 KB, 1272x1064, iu-80.jpeg)

Is there any way to break in vegan docs that isn't by wearing them? Maybe this should be in the stupid questions thread, but I've had these for half a year and never wear them or want to break them in because they're just so damn uncomfortable. I know it's just because they aren't broken in yet, I have another pair I've had for years and they're super comfortable but I've worn them so much they have holes at the toes (don't ask me how). Could I put something on them to make them less stiff, bend them, put newspapers in them overnight or do I just have to get through the pain lol. Or perhaps give up and buy some army surplus boots, they last a long time and look like they have the right amount of clunkiness
No. 228881
>>228863>>228874i'm a skinny bitch and i think this is absolutely beta behavior.
like oh, you got to be the
victim? you really really need to be the
victim? you gotta get the fatties to admit that you too are A VITCIM WHO SUFFERS! what, next you gonna start debating the homeless crackheads that acttually you also have had an difficult life and sometimes people with money also get shamed so the mentally ill junkies living in the streets should pay some attention to our problems too.
if you're skinny and give a shit about this and gotta have misery competitons with fatties you're absolutely fucking pathetic.
No. 228887
>>228884hurbadurpa spacing spacing kys you idiot
>No one is saying skinny women suffer as bad as fattiesthat's exactly the problem, you all wanna suffer from something. why? stop being beta martyrs
No. 228888
> t this point you're just mocking overweight women yourself.exactly. why get pissed off at fatties when they miserable enough and have competitoon over suffering with people like that?
beta behavior
No. 228930
File: 1644077912523.jpg (106.66 KB, 1125x1089, D_v7269VUAAmYSg.jpg)

>>228892kek they are making fun of you for sperging about reddit spacing, maybe if you ate some toast for breakfast you'd have enough brainpower to read the posts anachan
>they didnt even sage in /g/ must be a brigade(infighting ) No. 228934
>>228930I'm the one that complained about reddit spacing and
>>228892 isn't even me, most people don't like doubleposting reddit-fags who infight without even saging. Not all posts that disagree with you is by the same person. Please quit derailing.
No. 229045
File: 1644147002535.jpg (80.24 KB, 500x740, blouse.jpg)

>>229037I have a similar body type and style. I actually think mori kei adjacent styles with a bit less layering and decoration can look really good on our body type. Natural, soft, and fresh looks accentuate my femininity whilst anything too feminine looks out of place and accentuates my broadness. I tend to go for pieces with a gentle geometric structure whilst still being flowy. I used to wear very long, flowing cardigans but I find that shorter ones like the Achille cardigan from Sezane look better on me. Skirts generally look best when they're simple, straight, and fall just below the knee, rather than very long. Tops that hang loosely on my shoulders but still fit well without being shapeless look good, as do slightly more open necklines. Natural materials like wool, silk, and linen work well, and most knitwear looks good so long as it isn't too oversized. Most important thing is wearing clothes that fit properly. Oh also avoid too much layering which i guess is kind of integral to mori kei. lol. Pic kind of unrelated i just love the look, anyone know where to find a similar blouse.
No. 229567
File: 1644420403222.jpg (100.59 KB, 768x1152, hmgoepprod.jpg)

I recently bought this top, but it's super sheer, like even if I wear a nude bra under it, you can see it.
What color undershirt should I wear under it, beige or white?
No. 229570
File: 1644421148485.png (1.01 MB, 900x700, grunge.png)

I really miss the og grunge movement, it was so refreshing to me. Minimal to no makeup, comfortable clothing, skating, doing heroin. Now everything is a disgustingly denigrating downgraded thot halloween costume, I hate everything.
No. 229594
File: 1644427043035.jpeg (161.83 KB, 675x1200, C1B32918-994F-41AE-A1F3-0D6A8A…)

>>229570Literally half the teens I see dress in baggy ass clothes just like this though. Big shirts ripped jeans and flannels. It’s more common than thot stuff where I am, probably cause of dress codes or body insecurity. I’m guessing you live somewhere where this isn’t trending?
No. 229702
File: 1644451691508.jpg (17.71 KB, 235x294, telfar painted.jpg)

I wanna buy and paint a telfar real bad with something weeby (maybe baby digimon or kirby on a pink one,) and wanted to ask if anyone has done that before and has any tips to make sure I don't fuck it up
No. 229750
>>228863>>228874Sorry anons this post slipped my mind but you're right. If I posted my measurements it would be even worse. I just wanted to complain about the fashion communities online and how seething they are towards thin people whereas they never make fun of overweight people at all. Not trying to drag this on but they completely miss the point, pick out everything I said about my body as bragging even though I'm not ana and definitely don't get off talking about my saggy boobs, and then claim that I wanted sympathy from fat people.
At best I was just hoping other people would chime in with their own experiences, maybe other petite/thin people who have also noticed it or possibly someone bigger if they're able to see the situation without a bias against thin people.
No. 230065
File: 1644593815556.jpg (12.12 KB, 400x400, QW6EZObv_400x400.jpg)

Is anyone using apps that let you keep track of your closet and help you plan outfits? I'm overwhelmed by the amount of them.
No. 230085
File: 1644601739293.jpeg (81.66 KB, 358x921, 2160FD90-F778-41B7-A17D-E97256…)

I just can’t find a style for my pear shaped body and feel like I’m doomed to look like picrel
Any suggestions for better outfits and styles?
No. 230087
File: 1644602531450.jpg (28.69 KB, 500x667, ef7e5a6e6f900c762be020ccf0cc31…)

>>230085I feel like as a pear you have to do the exact opposite of that pic
Clothes that are tight around the waist and if you wanna get loose, do it from the hips down, preferably with long skirts.
Avoid anything that has volume around the waist, especially if it begins around the boob area, it will only make you feel frumpy and large. The sleeves can also have a bit of volume though, like frills and what not, sometimes it's even good to have it to balance out large hips if you're self conscious about it.
No. 230182
File: 1644642777476.jpg (110.38 KB, 800x800, black murder boots.jpg)

Is this good foot attire for going out to murder someone or is it too tacky? I'm most definitely going to jail after that so I wanna look good at least but not "moidish" if that makes sense.
No. 230185
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>>230182I love it, but I like the hard rock aesthetic.
No. 230307
File: 1644700072226.jpg (119.75 KB, 1243x719, Annie Hall 3.jpg)

>>>/g/230174>>>/g/230173>>>/g/230033What staples do I need for this kind of look and where do I even buy them? Just the male section + tailoring to my measurements?
No. 230312
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Anons, do you have good tips for online shopping?
I am in a tiny EU country so there's not much to buy, and the only stores I enjoyed (like Miss Patina) were UK based. I thought of looking into Etsy too, don't want to step into AliExpress because I am too worried about the quality.
My problem with ordering online is that it ends up both being too small and too big for me, because I am a hourglass which leads to me only being able to buy basic blouses, t-shirts, stuff like that.
I also wish there was a way to remove UK out of country list whenever I click EU on Etsy…
No. 230326
>>230307I had an annie hall phase when I was 17. I found most stuff in charity and vintage shops. The 1970s male cut of trousers are flattering if you have a small waist. I also got old formal-military uniform trousers as they fit the same way, but it might depend on your country's uniform.
>>230312Miss Patina is a mix of Taobao/Aliexpress and their own designs. Just order things that have good photo reviews. The majority of Etsy is also resold Aliexpress.
No. 230438
File: 1644760772043.jpg (39.05 KB, 600x800, A1tcIW_CIAA4IyH.jpg)

>>228513all the baddies on goSupermodel had those
No. 230482
File: 1644783796247.jpg (172.52 KB, 975x1436, tumblr_o6uea8uCKA1v0jfsto1_128…)

I miss colour. Why are all clothes these days grey, brown, or beige. Even the "y2k revival" clothing is such a joke, nobody wore neutral tones back then. We live in ugly bland homes with white walls and grey floors(seriously, that grey laminate flooring that's so popular nowadays is ugly as fuck) and we wear boring frumpy clothing with no colour. No wonder people don't have any imagination these days, it's like our modern world is designed to be as under stimulating as possible. Even when clothing has colour it's always pastel or gray toned.
If I wasn't poor I'd pay for nicer brands with better colours, but even thrift stores have been picked over and only the ugly clothing is left.
No. 230488
File: 1644784315845.jpeg (52.91 KB, 143x275, 714A8016-D358-4810-9511-84728F…)

From the anachan thread. Any of you ladies know where I can cop that coat (on the right)? What’s the specific name for it? Is it technically a trench coat? I’m going for a female hitman look
No. 230490
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>>230488I can't see in the image properly bc I'm on my phone, is it without buttons? Otherwise it looks similar to these type of masculine coats from Zara
No. 230495
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I like ur stickers nonnie
No. 230498
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>>230497HAHAHAHAH i'm sorry
No. 230499
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>>230495I don’t use that Chinese spyware app very often leave me alone
I blame the anachans
No. 230556
File: 1644833342996.jpeg (1 MB, 2048x2048, E3C766C2-DBF7-4763-AA24-5B1330…)

I wanna pimp around in picrel but afghan coats are stupid expensive sigh
No. 230576
>>230482I felt like this when I moved to central Europe. I would wear a red sweater or colored tights or a skirt with a watercolor abstract pattern, and I felt weird. Everyone was in black and beige boring stuff, except this 65yo woman professor, who had some pretty cool vintage skirt suits in candy colors. Too bad she styled them, well, like an older lady would.
It's hard to find color when stores aren't selling it, so I understand the issue. Pastels make me look yellow/green so I can't wear them. Sometimes I make a list of special things I would like to have, so I can keep an eye out for them. I also like to add color with tights or socks of various lengths. I'm guilty of having mostly basic shoes (brown, black, a dark red, running shoes, converse) though, I'm just awful at committing to colored shoes.
No. 231584
File: 1644907101402.jpg (419.67 KB, 1536x2048, LOOK5_018_eefe7756-1df7-4416-b…)

I really like the sheen and style of this Vanessa Mooney romper, but I hate that it's a romper. To me the bottom looks especially diaperish with this material and color. I wish it were a midi or mini dress. I'm not expecting to find my imaginary version of this, but can any nonnies recommend stores that sell clothes with a similar idk aesthetic I guess? (Not SheIn/AliExpress/etc)
No. 231684
>>230482Last week I was buying a jumper for myself and i asked to see more colourful items since she was showing me just neutrals. First she said something like but what I'm offering is what's in now. I don't care about that so I tell her again to show me more vividly coloured items. Then she scoffs "well, if you wear
color…" with a tone as if I want to drape myself in literal shit and leads me to it finally.
Well i got a nice green jumper, the colour got so many compliments when I wore it. People love to see colour. Fuck you and your trends, store lady
No. 231733
File: 1644931071439.jpg (79.54 KB, 564x1013, 569287b78f1e8bf2709e9bc88a0f3f…)

I'm heavily considering buying a pair of air force just because I don't know what shoes to wear with a skirt/shorts.
I became so scared of wearing heels with skirt or shorts, it's a shame because it can really elevate an outfit on top of giving you cartoon tier long legs.
I wanted to wear white high waisted shorts and a polo-like crop top (wish it wasn't, but everything seems to be cropped these days) with block heeled sandals, but I can't do it kek. I wish I'd stop being so stuck up about it. I'm also the same when it comes to going braless, I have zero tits and could do it but I don't because I'm scared of scrotes reactions
No. 232016
>>231639Agree. And being pear shaped just emphasizes how dumb the bottom of a romper looks.
>>231689Yeah probably and I know alterations are not too expensive but I'm also kind of just looking for a similar style clothing too because I need to refresh my wardrobe. I've sized out of a lot of my clothes which I've worn for several years and I don't really know who makes such things in current year and don't prefer thrifting clothes.
No. 232130
File: 1644956529558.jpg (95.61 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1624041951987.jpg)

would a nonny who owns a pair of dr martens be willing to do a favor for me? I can't remember if mine are a 7 or an 8 and ive had them so long the tags worn away, im looking for someone to measure the sole of their boot and tell me what size they know it to be
otherwise im just gonna go to the mall tomorrow to try on a pair, but the people who work at journeys earn commission on the shoes they sell so i dont wanna waste someones time getting me out sizes when i wont be buying
No. 232228
File: 1644960695842.jpeg (3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 36365810-DBFD-4220-81CA-06A74B…)

>>231690It’s awful. Here’s a picture I took in an H&M the other day. The whole store was like this. Who on earth would consider that desirable?
No. 232253
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>>230482Hmmm idk anon, I feel like we’re finally seeing some more color. At least in teen fashion. Millennial fashion at Zara, h&m etc are of course beige and boring but zoomer fashion is more colorful than ever!
No. 232560
File: 1644968032360.jpg (56.32 KB, 430x500, a425120e133b7d43d5926fbd38d825…)

>>232228It's so depressing. Everyone has a colour that suits them the most, but I genuinely think these types of shades don't suit anyone. It always reminds me of the Kardashians or Instagram models, or even those female lifestyle youtubers that make videos like "How to look expensive and classy".
Maybe too kooky for some but I love the styles of the 70s like in picrel.
No. 233476
File: 1645032869308.jpg (365.53 KB, 833x1241, AneGyaru4.jpg)

Does anyone know brands that carry somewhat of an edgy mature style like 2010s old ora ora/ane/rokku gyaru or western "biker chick" pretty much? The over the top skull prints, studs and spikes but not full blown goth and not egirl-ish.
This kind of stuff used to be pretty easy to find in normal stores so i assume there's still some brands that make this style, the japanese ones are dead and buried tho, quite sad.
No. 233875
File: 1645043886196.png (112.73 KB, 1000x1500, 61.png)

>>233834Anon you seem to be a classic deep autumn in the seasonal color theory, there's plenty of resources out there for this stuff.
No. 235621
File: 1645119372230.jpg (252.13 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_e4e3af9afd90dc00bf4639c…)

Nonnies, do you have any favorite runway shows? Have you tried watching them? I admit I always loved Victoria's Secret runway (which is how pretty much it all started, my love for runways) because the runway made me help in drawing a lot, regardless I always liked to watch it as a background while doing art studies. Other than that I'd watch some JP ones for their awesome design.
No. 236099
File: 1645133437101.jpg (267.56 KB, 1400x2051, 1645132928166.jpg)

Dated AF but does anyone know where I can download old gyaru magazines/mooks? Zoomers trying to emulate gyaru has made me feel nostalgic for them. I had a lot of them saved pre 2011 but I was only able to salvage a couple dozen from my old external drive. Unsurprisingly all the links to redownload them are down and blogs that hosted them have been abandoned. I know I may have better luck buying the magazines but I'd rather hoard digital copies than physical.
No. 241098
File: 1645371710144.jpg (29.05 KB, 202x319, 7396037042_cdc2d3b4e2_n.jpg)

Is anyone else bored and uninterested in the spring fashion? I see the ugly late 90's are back in full force and as someone who already have experienced that time period, no thanks. Should I just don a babushka scarf and a long shapeless dress already?
No. 241867
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is nodstrom good? is the clothing actually brand or quality?
No. 242148
File: 1645414497634.jpg (12.83 KB, 144x317, brands.JPG)

>>242120I went to check my account and this are the brands I've clicked on. I've seen some pieces from designer like Saint Laurent, which are very beautiful and reasonably pricy, but I'm scared of getting scamed kek.
No. 243915
File: 1645478867613.jpg (124 KB, 719x1019, product-image-1841531167_740x.…)

give it to me straight: is there a way to make cottagecore outfits more "adult"? Or should I just try to find a completely different age appropriate fashion style?
No. 244015
File: 1645481369487.jpg (53.23 KB, 936x560, 1583044006818.jpg)

>>243991It's not this website nona, it's all of society telling us we only have value until we're like 22 and the second we get past that then we become undesirable old crones that can do nothing but pop babies. Look at how many people actually believe the bullshit that women age like milk and men age like wine.
We're conditioned to base our self worth on how fuckable men think we are before we even get our first period.
No. 244088
>>243968In what world is
>>243915 not appropriate for an office? You would look like you have main character syndrome, but it's a fairly formal outfit
No. 244177
>>244015"Self-reported and physiological sexual arousal to adult and pedophilic stimuli were examined among 80 men drawn from a community sample of volunteers. Over ¼ of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest or exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equalled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli. The hypothesis that arousal to pedophilic stimuli is a function of general sexual arousability factors was supported in that pedophilic and adult heterosexual arousal were positively correlated, particularly in the physiological data. Subjects who were highly arousable, insofar as they were unable to voluntarily and completely inhibit their sexual arousal, were more sexually aroused by all stimuli than were subjects who were able to inhibit their sexual arousal. Thus, arousal to pedophilic stimuli does not necessarily correspond with pedophilic behavior."
>sample size of 80>almost half self reported as pedophilesebin
No. 245945
File: 1645753929145.jpeg (40.22 KB, 640x1000, 97D20E03-7EE8-4EA0-9668-030206…)

anyone know any good everyday knee high boots? something simple, durable, maybe a little chunky and comfortable enough for everyday wear, lug soles or anything that isn’t a heel
No. 245952
File: 1645758260924.jpg (76.62 KB, 564x751, cottagecore.jpg)

>>245951Yeah, lots of them. I think there are two options for flattering silhouettes.
>a)outfit fits closely through the boobs and has a defined waistline (either empire or natural waist is fine imo as long as they touch your ribcage)>b)outfit does not show clearly show the boobs but skims the figure closely along the torso. Something like a bustier or corset would do this really well in cottagecoreEither way, the goal is to show the narrowness or your torso underneath the boobs. Pic related kind of hits both points so would be really flattering as long as it fit well. Also, avoid crew necks or extremely low necklines.
No. 245954
File: 1645758861051.jpg (122.71 KB, 794x1132, il_794xN.2543591829_mk2v.jpg)

>>245952I think something like this would work well too, because it creates a tapered line through the torso and any bulk in the boobs just looks like a side effect of the cut of the apron.
No. 246001
File: 1645786552567.jpg (53.42 KB, 563x568, cute.jpg)

hi nonies, is there any variation to this style that would successfully hide a big tummy? I've even considered wearing a waist trainer underneath it but it sounds too uncomfortable.
No. 246101
File: 1645813592533.jpeg (106.11 KB, 1334x2048, 274296667_1141264726611175_349…)

Love this girl's fit
No. 246201
File: 1645853498346.png (221.2 KB, 372x296, 0989080.png)

what's this top called? what material is necessary if I needed to make it?
No. 246387
File: 1645912046341.jpeg (232.07 KB, 828x812, E5124A56-F155-4758-8C8C-EC6D68…)

What kind of tights are these? What’s the pattern? They’re so fucking cute I need a pair just like these
No. 246392
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>>246387The pattern is called argyle. I remembered that from animal crossing kek
No. 246622
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While online shopping for a bridesmaid dress I found a website that sells a lot of Indian and Indian/western fusion type dresses. After spending the day oogling at them all I’ve started to wonder if my adult taste in style wasn’t largely steered by all the tunics my mom brought me from Lucknow when I was ~12. But look how beautiful!!
No. 246714
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Sage because I am not really sure if this fits best with fashion or beauty, but lately I have had a huge autistic obsession with long deco gyaru nails, especially watching gyaru videos and seeing how they manage to do things with such massive claws. I don't wear the fashion myself but really admire the level of not giving a fuck about what others think that is necessary for gyaru.
No. 246974
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currently on the search for pants like on the left
No. 247012
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Can someone tell me what is this leather thing on her waist called?
No. 247021
>>246963Be fancy but not too much, if you go to a church, wear something that covers your shoulders or keep a shall around. Minimal accessories, white is strictly forbidden or just whatever color is the colors of the dress that the bride wears.
But also, it depends on what the bride wants, sometimes weddings can be casual, or at the beach, you have to ask just to make sure.
No. 247112
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What’s a good website to buy cheap sunglasses? I need quite a few for a project, so I don’t want to pay $20 a pair at the store.
No. 247185
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Where to find something similar?
No. 247187
>>246974ANON! JOIN ME! I’ve had this picture saved for years. Late sixties/early seventies is my thing. It’s hard though to find similar fabric with a “celestial” look. Almost every other clothing item I found with a celestial print was gaudy. I think what we should be looking for are velvet pants with celestial embroidery. I’m thinking of taking up sewing, but it’s such an expensive hobby for a broke rat like me and I haven’t found the velvet celestial fabric.
If you’re financially able, though, look for stores online that specializes in early 1970s clothing. You’ll find lots of good but expensive stuff.
No. 247370
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I've been trying to move away from my old fashion style towards something like picrel. However I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to fashion and I don't even know where to start looking. I'm trying to find more specific brands that would cary this type of style and I want to invest in really good quality clothes. I'm a poorfag but I'm ok whith very slowly building my wardrobe. Anyone knows some good quality brands like that ?
No. 247386
meant to include
>>247370 too
>>247384 No. 247453
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>>247373>>247374>>247384>>247410>>247434Thank you very much to all of you for your answers and recommendations! I will definitely check all of those website/brands! I'm really excited to try to finally look more proper thanks to your help kek
No. 247619
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I wanna dress like this
No. 247620
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No. 247623
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Im rewatching girls next door and i love the fashion. Pink tracksuits,m, pink tops with rhinestones, mini skirts. I also love their playmate makeup
No. 247727
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anyone know what kind of style this jacket is called?
No. 247895
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I really love the platform boot trend right now, but I'm 5'8" and a little self-conscious of being too tall. (For example, picrel is a 2-inch platform and a 5-inch heel; I'd be 6'1"!) Should I just get over myself and wear them, or is it actually ridiculous/ogreish if I'm too big?
No. 247905
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>>247895Girl pull a Christine Quinn and tower over the manlets, remember that you are not a tranny so no matter how hard you try you con't look "ogreish". Live your best platform life.
No. 247992
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>>247895I'm 6 feet tall and wear the TUK dino shoes. Who cares how tall you stand in platforms/heels. Men should feel less insecure.
No. 248024
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>>247895Embrace your height!!! Tall women command respect. Picrel is goddess Elizabeth Debicki
No. 248070
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Do you think I could wear scarves like this without it looking like I’m Muslim? I just started wearing head wraps again and I like this style but I don’t want people to get the wrong idea
No. 248082
>>248070Yes if you style it in a fahionista type of way instead of modest like
>>248071 said.
No. 248087
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>>248070If you wear silk scarves with patterns like the model in your photo, have some of your hair showing, and tie the scarf in that babushka style (I don't know how else to call it tbh), you won't look Muslim. The thing that makes the styles in picrel read as hijab is the lack of hair showing, as well as the neck being covered up in most of them. You could also get away with the turban style - I used to wear those a lot when my hair was really thin from some health problems and it's pretty easy to style it so you just look artsy/Frida Kahlo-y and not religious.
No. 248261
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What is this style called? I thought it was boho, but wouldn't boho involve more floral prints?
No. 248287
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>>248286It kinda looks like the "model off-duty" look, which is just fem normcore but on skinny women
No. 248289
Stop it
No. 248478
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What kind of a bra would you guys wear under a top like this? Or should I just wear regular ones and not care if the straps are visible?
No. 248499
>>248478If you want you can wear your own normal bra and use a safety pin or something to pull the back straps together to hide it
Otherwise I’d say a lacy bralette
No strapless bra recc because them shits uncomfortable not worth it
No. 248502
>>248489>are of an accent colorSo you mean that if I wore this with black jeans then the bra would have to be black, right? Sorry I'm ESL and not sure if I understood you right
>>248499>No strapless bra recc because them shits uncomfortable not worth itRight?? I used to wear them but I was constantly paranoid of them sliding off (and even though some of them had a rubber line that should have prevented that, they did end up sliding off of me)
No. 248541
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Do these shoes go with this dress? If not what would work better?
No. 248555
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>>248508it varies depending on the piece and honestly personal taste. For instance I really don’t like their denim (stretchy and kind of flimsy compared to other similar stretch denims), or their jewelry (shit quality). Their shirts, plain bralettes, hats and a lot of their dresses are really nice. I’ve had some of my FP stuff for 3 or so years and it’s held up well
No. 248787
>>248557I have short legs too. When you say you have a long torso, do you mean your torso (the part above the belly button) or your rise (the part from belly button to crotch)?
Either way, I think mid-high rise are definitely best. Although if you have a long rise, they'll probably fit like low-mid rise on you. If you have narrow hips or wide shoulders, go for wider cut pants. If you have wider hips, try out bootcut pants or flares.
Brand doesn't really matter as long as the pants are decent quality, but you might want to get your pants in petite sizes, because even if you hem regular pants, the part that flares out may hit too low on the leg, which looks kind of weird.
No. 249356
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How do the pleats on this skirt work, is it not pleated all the way around or something?
No. 249871
>>249775tbh goodwill. i found this beautiful blue dress that fits me perfectly at my local goodwill, i wish i had a photo bc it’s absolutely gorgeous. it’s inexpensive, but most of the dresses are ugly, in bad condition, or forever 21 (or way too big, like
>>249842 said) but there’s some really beautiful pieces if you look hard enough. thrift stores or department stores if you have the money, definitely stay away from the fast fashion stuff.
No. 250183
>>250164>>249966The secret is to go to the by the pound thrift stores instead of regular goodwills. At least in the US, almost all cities have at least one. The regular goodwills near me are picked over and overpriced ($15 for a forever21 dress). It ends up being worth it for me, even though the closest one is like 25 minutes away from where I live.
>>249775Echoing all of the other anons, midrange clothing has been eaten away at over the last few decades. You can either pay high end department store (Nordstroms or Bloomingdales where I live) prices for decent quality and cute designs or accept that everything less than $100 is shit quality these days and hit up budget places or thrift stores.
No. 250413
>>250183seconding the buy the pound goodwills. The goodwills in my area are ok price wise but there is a big mall nearby so a lot of mall stuff trickles down which can be nice bc i found a madewell cami tank for $2 once and a baby pink wool trench for $8. However at the buy the pund goodwill i found a real leather jacket, which was a bit too large for me but i like it, a Abercrombie faux fur parka, and some cork heel mudd platforms in my size and got them all for like $6 or so. Not the most ~fashionable~ things sure but the area im in gets really cold and I'm from the south so i was desperate for warm winter coats w/o paying a lot of money.
The plato's closet in my area is FULL of fucking shien tho. being sold for literally as much as it retails as. Paper thin miniskirts for $9 its horrendous.
No. 250729
>>250723Thanks nona, I suppose you're right. I'm not used to styling bright colors so I guess that's also my problem lol (I only really wear brown, green and black). I really spend too much time on the farms lol.
>>250727Thanks nona! That's really helpful actually, all I can think when I think pink clothes is peptobismal shein shit, guess that's just my issue
No. 250746
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Nu-metal is my favourite musical genre, but the fashion has got to be some of the worst of the 90s-early 00s era. Rap + rock worked so well musically, but didn’t work at all sartorially.
No. 250747
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Has anyone seen dupes of these in different colourways? They're The Row Ginza sandals
No. 250748
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>>250742yeah, a square neckline that isn't short or see through. I am struggling to find good tops due to this without paying over 100
No. 250760
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>>250729i scrolled through nordstrom a bit to give you a few ideas of what i mean. i know i have flamboyant taste so this might be a bit much for you. i'm not suggesting you wear all of these together, but here is an idea of different shades of pink and what kind of items would look nice without looking bimbo-ish
No. 250761
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>>250746I personally loved the nu-metal style, especially worn by JD of Korn! It's sticky for sure but so am I
No. 250769
>>250760Aw that's so sweet nona, thank you! The pastel dress on the right, the floral jacket and the flannel are so adorable, I think I might actually head over there haha. Thanks again!
>>250761He was such a cutie
No. 250868
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Where do I find pants like these? I am just new and inept. I grew up poor af and never went anywhere to buy clothes, so I don't know where to even start. Basically I went to old navy and couldn't find anything remotely similar. I just want something that drapes well and isn't too stiff and unflattering.
Thanks nonnies.
No. 250875
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>>250868Look either for 90s baggy jeans or loose-fit jeans. This is from H&M's website
No. 250877
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how do i style a white oxford shirt? i have a nice cotton white one with stiff sleeves and it looks huge on me like pic rel
No. 250920
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>>250877Depending on your body type you can put a vest over it or a jacket to really bring in an extra punch. For the bottoms, half-tucked into a pair of jeans/pants or shorts would be good. If you do shorts maybe add stockings with some type of flats or black shoes or boots. What this would look bad is if you don't do anything with your waist and wear it like this girl in the picture you posted with some baggy bottoms would look horrible and like you wearing a trash bag.
No. 250922
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Ordered a pair of Sam Edelman mary jane flats for spring and they are arriving next week!! so excited
No. 251027
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I want these pants Devon Aoki has on. In fact, I want most of the stuff she wears in her shoots.
No. 251062
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>>250922GUYS. THEY HAVE ARRIVED. AND THEY FIT ME PERFECTLY!! I frickin love them. I can't believe my luck, this was my first time ordering shoes online and I was hesitant because my feet are weird and it's difficult to find shoes for them (I've got duck feet, wide in the front and super narrow at the heel and also a high arch).
No. 251063
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>>251027I loved the pink-purple color combination of this outfit of hers in Fast and Furious. The pants are ridiculous though kek
No. 251252
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Girls help me pin point this specific subculture.
I remember this emerging very shortly at the beginning of the 00s. It is kinda mixing cyber/y2k, candy kid, maybe even originated in raver fashion. this isn't decora, don't you dare say decor
No. 251313
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Any suggestions for cute, comfy tops to wear with lounge shorts / pants, that aren’t ratty t shirts or sweaters?
I’m stuck inside a lot due to wfh and I wanna dress cuter so I don’t feel so lethargic and sloppy.
No. 251337
>>251313>>251336samefag, i just reread your post and saw you didnt want sweaters my b. i still think nicer sweaters would work (along with nice sleeveless tops) but also relaxed fit button-downs.
…..idk my first suggestion is still sweaters, neat clean-cut ones, not ratty
No. 251350
>>251313I mean Alexa is just wearing a nice t shirt in that pic, so you could stock up on some t shirts that are in good condition and fit well.
I've bought a bunch of comfy, nice-looking tops off of depop recently. Some of the keywords I've been using are tencel, modal, linen, silk, cashmere, draped, flattering, wrap, shell. Check out old lady brands like Chico's and Eileen Fisher as well. They make a lot of things in good materials that you don't need to wear a bra or anything with.
>>251332Maybe find a picture of an outfit you like and try to copy it? You could even pick something from a store catalog to make sure you're getting the exact same pieces. If you're worried about whether it'll look good on you think about what clothes you already own that make you feel confident and stick to similar cuts and color palettes.
No. 251446
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Been gravitating towards this modcloth/indie/retro style for a few years and it's genuinely the most flattering thing on me ever but now im a bit nervous about media companies trying to push a "twee revival" ( without even understanding the basics of what makes it look good, specially the pushing of those ugly victorian-baby collared shirts.
No. 251496
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I own picrel and it's really pretty but I've never been able to style it according to the weather because even though it has quite short (and beautiful!) sleeves the material itself is very thick and warm, def. not a summer dress. When I wear jacket over it it looks horrible because the dress is quite shapeless in and of itself and all the pretty details get lost. Does anyone have suggestions for arm covering things to keep me warm while still showing off the sleeves? I wear it with combat boots, black (either patterned or solid color) tights and some accessories like necklaces, a hat with flowers on it and a colorful bag.
No. 251629
>>251446expand on this pls, nona
im also in love with the whole retro twee look, but dont wanna look like some sort of try hard autist
No. 251792
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can people tell what material this coat is made out of by just looking at it?
im curious of the material and cut of the coat because i like how it drapes so flatteringly on narrow shoulders in picrel
No. 251870
>>251792i tried for a good 15 minutes to find info on this piece. all i could gather was that this image is from Vogue Ukraine 2007
>>251869i think that anon thought the soft floral (?) pattern on the bottom of the outside of the coat was the nap of suede. i thought so too at first but upon closer inspection there is a subtle flower pattern that mimics the lining fabric pattern
beautiful coat!