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No. 208345

Since /cgl/ has been invaded by scrotes and trannies, let's discuss general things about the fashion here, from new releases to your dream dress. Share makeup looks and diy's, or your favorite coords. Talk about the comm you are in and your lolita friendships. Ex lolitas and newbies are welcomed too. Etc.
For drama, check out the tread on /w/: >>>/w/143376

No. 208346

Thank you anon, i wish we would all make the move here.

I'll make the first move then. Does anybody else just think the new wunderwelt site is so hollow and devoid of the soul it used to have?

No. 208358

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Thanks for the thread anon!

I’m very excited for AP to start up the Nakayoshi Bunny MTOs whenever it happens. I’m really hoping the AP prophet was right and we’re getting all the color way choices.
Also hoping AP USA sends out Sugary Carnival soon, I’ve been so excited since I ordered it back in January.

No. 208359

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I haven't dressed up in ages and my closet is still full of stuff, mostly from before I had distinguished my current tastes. I have major nostalgia for some of the old bodyline, as well as old school and punk lolita. Some taobao brands seem to hit the mark with it, and I'm not too spergy about the exact skirt length as long as the overall silhouette works out well.

No. 209597

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I've never worn a lolita dress in my life but I love gothic lolita so much. I don't want to buy dresses right now because I'm overweight, but I'd really like to own one someday. I'm afraid to because it can be so expensive though. also the community looks kind of terrible.

No. 209610

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I kinda been into lolita since I was 14 (I'm 28 now) but the thing is that I only wore (handmade) lolita when I was a teen and never again, but still followed it pretty closely by going to CGL, BTB, being up to date with the current trends, doing art of it, dressing my dolls in lolita, etc etc. It's so weird (but not in a bad way) how much has changed since my teen years. I don't call myself lolita since I don't use it, but since it's more accessible to me nowadays as a latamfag, I might actually try to dress in lolita again when I get a new job. I just need to lose my lockdown lard as well lol
I also bought some cute fabrics a few years back when I was planning on doing handmade lolita for me again, but I don't even remember why I didn't follow through with it. I still have the fabrics, but I bought it for me when I was way thinner, so once again, I need to become thinner again to start sewing. I also dream of doing something like this >>208359 and sew cute clothes for me and my doll to match. Especially printless classic lolita! Printless is so underrated. Mary Magdalene is one of my favorite brands.

If you fear the community, be a lonelita, anon. Using the clothes for yourself can be so rewarding, even if it's just for a quiet self care day at home. Lolita is more affordable than ever nowadays due to chinese brands (you gotta search for the right ones though, or at least manage your expectations for fabric and prints). Also as aforementioned, you can always learn to sew! A cute, ruffled square skirt is so so easy to sew, and paired with a nice blouse (that you can splurge a bit more since it'll be a staple in your wardrobe and you'll complement it with cheaper skirts/jsks) can go a long way.
Like, buy 2 nice blouses, one black and one white, same for socks and shoes, nice thrifted accessories and look for the dresses or skirts on taobao, second hand or make them. It can be a nice hobby learning how to sew!

No. 209611

RIP, same.

No. 209629

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I've never worn lolita myself but I've admired the fashion from afar for like a decade now. Now that I actually have money I want to get into ouji, I love the shorts, hats, and vests. It's such a dreamy fairytale prince look. I have a fairly androgynous body so I think I can pull it off without looking too much like a sad fakeboi. It does seem like the community is overrun with them nowadays.

No. 209637

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I really love lolita, been wearing it for almost a year now and no other fashion I've worn has ever made me happier. Never felt the need to join a comm or anything because they really do seem shit. My closet is like 90% Baby and Meta mature sweet but I need to get my hands on more old school

No. 209640

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What are you guys' favorite lolita style?

Mine is classic, especially Rococco inspired classic rather than Victorian. I love Victorian too, but the baroque exuberance is so nice to my eyes. Bonus points if it's in ivory or reds. You can hear hapsichords playing when you look at some of these coords lol
I loved a while back (I wanna say 2015 but I'm not sure) when OTT classic was in. It was a bit too much of course, but the coords were pretty fun and creative.

I guess my least favorite is OTT sweet, especially those from like 2011-2012, but I don't hate it nor find it embarrassing or anything, just wasn't my thing at all.

No. 210534

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I swear to God there was a Dear Celine reseller shop on AliExpress, but I can't find it at all. Maybe it has been deleted. I love their prints, but the resellers outside Ali even on ali mark it up too much.
Any cheap taobao shopping services recommendations? It's been such a long time since I used one, I don't even remember its name now.

No. 217696

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This is super autistic, but I'd really love to see a coord inspired by the dress Elizabeth I wore in the "Armada Portrait." It's black and pale pink with pearl trim and bows as accents. Picrel is a historian wearing a replica (since the colors are harder to see in the painting because of its age.) If someone made the dress shorter and changed the sleeves, it could be a really nice gothic Lolita dress.

I like the idea of history-inspired lolita dresses in general. I think lolita and Rococo in particular have a lot in common aesthetically. The maximalism, the pastel colors, and intricate designs are all qualities they share.

No. 217733

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I very much more prefer Chinese brands compared to Japanese brands. Im tired of seeing the same prints and shapes. I know Japanese people are faggots and hate anything that’s not traditional but I really like how China has brought back older styles. Also much cheaper. Thanks cheap labor.

No. 217734

I think it looks cheap and like a costume.

No. 217736

It looks like a cake, I like it.

No. 217740

I bought a skirt from the thrift shop that is clearly some coord Lolita fit but I only have the skirt so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what to wear to with it. It’s white and fuzzy with pink ribbon trim little shorts inside that have lace trim with cupcakes and forks

No. 217757

Serious question, do you wear lolita anon? I love a lot of the stock photos Chinese brands put out but I've bought from them before and almost every time it turns out to be cheap garbage (not that Japanese brands are perfect either to be fair) and I sell it. Do you have any brands you personally recommend?

No. 217761

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I agree anon, although that pink dress isn't really up my alley.

I think Chinese lolita brands get a bad rep because China, being an industrial superpower, is just producing SO MUCH stuff that lots of it is bound to be garbage. People consequently overlook the small handful of great Chinese indie brands and lolita influencers. I find that a lot of Chinese lolitas are more likely to try weird things out that Western lolitas wouldn't while still holding themselves to a high standard of effort/investment in creating a great coord.

No. 217786

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I do, I cycle around 3-4 coords at any moment since I focus more on cosplay than Lolita. They're both expensive hobbies.. If you don't mind the upcharge DevilInspired is a taobao reseller. Shipping is the worst but whaat isn'[t at the time.

Brands I Like
ElPress (My OG post was Elpress)
Long Ears Sharp Ears
Classical Puppets


Yes I agree anon! I find the way they are making longer silhouettes now. I've even seen some without wearing pettis,

Also some Chinese lolita is NOT cheap or bad quality. Pic rel is a classical puppets wedding release. Its sold for around ~2k in western market.

No. 217790

This dress is gorgeous. I'm tearing up!

No. 220402

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I'm annoyed that old school has become a trend
I became interested in lolita when I was 11-13 because a goth fashion magazine I read would sometimes include it but only bought my first few pieces last year
I hope I don't offend any other lolitas but I can't get over how hideous I find most new releases especially ott sweet
either that or there's just something 'off' or boring about them, I only became interested in the fashion through old school and tbh I was quite shocked when I did more research and saw how it all changed and now old school is highly sought after and expensive so I can't actually choose things that I like most of the time
I started altering normie and vintage clothes to make up for it since I'm not active in my comm so who cares as long as I like it

No. 226227

I was so disappointed with this rerelease. Them swapping out the velvet fabric ruined the sweet fuzzy charm of this dress.
>there's just something 'off' or boring about them
Most of the time is the fabric chance from cotton or even velvet to fucking polyester (plastic). Also there is less cute little details.
Not buying new AP anymore tbh.
>now old school is highly sought after and expensive
Dw, the trend will die out some day, just be patient. Also keep in mind that you can still find oldschool for dirt cheap if it doesn't fit the cliché vision of oldschool zoomers have. Just like how they stick to a very narrow version of what "y2k" fashion was, they do the same with oldschool. They chase after the black and white aesthetic, and completely left out printed dresses of this era. I'm thinking about these strawberry AP prints for instance.

>the community looks kind of terrible
Just avoir online comms and /cgl/, local comms tend to be fine in my experience. I never got into drama in the 2 different comms I've been in.
You can also be a lonelita.

No. 226241

Hey nonnies. I’m sort of new to jfashion. Do you guys know any websites like closetchild but in the US/China? A lot of the stuff on lacemarket & eBay are really expensive compared to closetchild. Right now I can’t use it so I’d appreciate the help.

No. 226314

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I don't think old school is that expensive outside of the stereotypical BTSSB blackxwhite stuff, like >>226227 said. I wish it was though, because I have a couple of early 2000s pieces I've been meaning to sell.

There have been a couple of attempts at duplicating closetchild in the US, but it hasn't worked because we don't have the density of lolitas required. Closetchild's model relies on people being willing to take a loss on selling their clothes in exchange for convenience.But in the west, you'd have to ship your clothes to the reseller anyways, so you might as well list things yourself. FWIW though, you can make offers on lacemarket. When I was starting my wardrobe I'd look for people selling multiple items and ask if they'd do a 20%-30% discount if I bought several things at once. It almost always worked as long as they weren't really hyped up pieces.

No. 226556

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I love rococo style, Mary Magdalene's Fleur Antoinette is one of my dream dresses.

No. 226557

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though I would probably get it in a lighter colorway, I think all of them look pretty cute

No. 226558

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AYRT and same! I love it so much. MM in general is so underrated.
I think this is my favorite colorway, although I agree with you that they are all lovely.

No. 226567

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I love classical dresses in burgundy and navy, but I like sweet dresses in darker colors too. I also really like old school, but its hard for me to find a dress I like.

No. 226575

Ahh so cute with the bonnet! Mary magdalene is so tastefully tailored, ugh I can't take it. That color and the sax colorway are definitely tied as the prettiest, imo

No. 226811

how do I learn to pattern draft and sew lolita dresses and accessories?
I like designing dresses and drawing them but I don't know how to go about actually creating these dresses to my proportions
I've tried asking /cgl/ and they were really hostile plus using search engines mainly links me back to deleted livejournal or tumblr posts
any advice is helpful! like best fabric materials, where to order custom printed fabric, where to get cute lace, resources for pattern drafting and learning to sew etc

No. 226824

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For patterns, start here: https://misscarolbelle.wordpress.com/list-of-patterns/
I highly recommend Otome no Sewing.

Best fabrics: High quality cotton, velvet; fabrics that are not shiny or that don't look too costumey. For custom printed fabric, it depends from country to country.
Cute lace: Check your country's fabric and craft stores. There are some stuff on AliExpress if you know how to search well. Buy cotton lace, avoid polyester scratchy lace at all costs, it just look really cheap on the end result.
There's a lot of lolita tutorials on youtube, especially for skirts since they are the easiest. Begin by doing a rectangle skirt with ruffles and go up from that!

No. 226946

thanks nonnie that link with all the patterns is super helpful
maybe I'll get some cheap fabric and experiment with the simpler ones until I understand how to alter the sizing and stuff
yeah I was told avoid polyester anything, and I've heard taobao lace is good but I have no idea how to navigate taobao lol

No. 227498

OK this might be a completely retarded question but: Every time I wear lolita, my cat attacks my clothes. I think lace and ribbons and whatever the hell petticoats are made out of trigger some kind of primal instinct in her because she doesn't do this with any of my everyday clothes. How do I get her to stop???

No. 227719

RIP to your lolita, nonna. I had a cat who couldn't resist puffballs on my jfashion.

Have you tried any of the following? Spray bottle with water everytime the cat attacks the clothes, spraying cat repellant on your clothes (wouldn't risk my burando with this), cat nailcaps.

No. 227859

I really don't want to spray stuff on but I might have to at this point. I keep her nails trimmed very dull, but the real problem is that she bites it!

No. 265801

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How do you wear your hair nonnies?
Personally I don't like wigs and haven't learned how to do ringlets yet so usually I just wear my hair down but I think it ruins a lot of coords, especially when I'm just casually in public.
Unpopular opinion I guess but I don't like coords with pigtails, 99% of the time it just looks ageplayish and retarded, unless it's styled very well and is clearly meant to be elegant. I'm considering getting a bunch of rose hair clips and wearing them for everyday coords, kind of 90s/00s inspired I guess.

No. 265859

if your goal is to create your own designs, rather than adjusting already made patterns, learn basic patternmaking techniques such as creating slopers off of your measurements and developing patterns for your designs with dart manipulation and slash and spread
you can start with paper and then use cheap fabric like muslin to test your patterns

No. 265989

If you don't want to fuss with hair a lot in addition to your outfit then you could just sleep with it in foam or pillow rollers the night before for some nice curls, I think this ends up looking really nice with classic if you just add a few simple hair accessories and there's no need to do complicated styling with it

No. 268898

I refuse to use cgl anymore, opinions on bodyline rocking horse shoes? I really want a pair.

No. 268908

they're fine, personally i found the foam heel kind of ugly though so I'm going to replace mine with some Baby RHS lookalikes with real wooden soles instead. They're super comfy to walk in though! Also the straps don't stay up on your legs at all so you'll be wearing them with the straps wrapped around your ankles 90% of the time lol

No. 269048

Every time I try to go back to /cgl/ for a browse around I'm reminded of how much more dogshit it is now

No. 269739

>go on /cgl/
>coomposting, moid posting and other shit.
How the fuck does anyone use that shite?

No. 273206

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I need to sperg about this, sorry. It annoys me so much when newfags and sweetfags (no offence to sweetfags) call any coord in black and white gothic. Picrel somebody posted this on tumblr and captioned it with "gothic" kek. Obviously, not a thing about this is gothic, it's just sweet with ott elements but in black and white, but still very much sweet. Anyway, not attacking this girl, her photo probably got reposted anyway.

No. 273238

It's a shame that so many sweetfags act like everything HAS to be pastel candy vomit to be sweet, sweet cuts like this look better in darker colors anyway imo. Picrel is cute, especially the collar details.

No. 273629

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I know /cgl/ has been a cesspool for a while but it's particularly bad right now, I hope this thread gets some use.
Anyways I love the print of this release but not particularly a fan of the bodice buckle details… Would be an instabuy in the emerald colorway for me if it came in a skirt cut (and I might just buy it anyways kek)

No. 273640

Damn, this is insanely cute. Right up my alley. Any witchy cat print is automatically cute.

No. 274643

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I'm so stupid.
I bought an old rare dress for much more than I have ever spent on lolita before (I'm a poorfag) and now that it's here… I can't zip it. My ribs are too wide, it's literally just my ribs because I'm thin and my boobs are small. I've worn old Baby and IW dresses before so I didn't think the difference would be so huge with VM. I really wanted it and I won't be able to resell it for the same price. I guess I'll have it altered at the back, behind corset lacing so it's hidden.
This is lowkey making me feel like a whale though

No. 274711

do u mind me asking which dress? or specifically the material? VM and MM can be pretty restrictive, but if you wear oldschool IW, im a little surprised.

No. 274727

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Not at all, it's made of twill. There's a velveteen version that came out a year prior (2001) and apparently it has shirring while this one does not. It's just a bit but it's too small on my ribs but quite lose on my waist. I guess it's because of my height (this one is supposed to have a dropped waist)

No. 274961

Agreed. The pastel vomit sweet looks are hideous. Bring back more cute, simple details like this. I wish brands would do more skirts in general too though.

No. 274965

Question for the community: Where did it go wrong and what can we do to gatekeep troons and fetishists?

I block them on social media and ignore them irl. They're banned from the comms I run. But what else can I do on an individual level? What can we do as a community?

No. 274966

We need to be open about our disdain for them. They need to know that they aren't welcome and we'll make things hard for them.

No. 274969

But specifically how to do that?

No. 274997

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A sister comm of mine had actual weeb lolicons attending their meets. Like he openly posted about it on social media, didn't even wear a coord and said he wasn't going to. I have no fucking idea WHY he was allowed and I'm glad it wasn't my comm because I would have gone berserk. Although my comm is stll filled with troons and turbo clolita weebs shitting on every coord that isn't taobao shit kek
This is making me want to become a lonelita, I pretty much only stay for sales and even then it's never stuff I'm interested in, since all they ever sell is Magic Tea Party shit and the rare burando is always ott sweet which I don't wear.
I hate their obsession with social media too, it's like every other lolita is severely attention starved and only cares about impressing other lolitas, I hate it

No. 275074

This. I recommend reaching out to people via friend finder threads and join your biggest local comm and check their member list for well-dressed, normal people. I'm done with non-vetted groups. Fetishists and troons are the worst but if I have the choice I also don't want to associate with clolitas. I hope you find friends nonny.

No. 275263

Thanks, nona! I'm wary of friend finder threads though as they're infested with moids. Regarding troons and fetishists it fucking sucks how we have to censor ourselves even in female centric spaces and how much they're getting invaded by scrotes. I can't get myself to enjoy meets because I'm constantly walking on eggshells as to not call a they/them a she out of habit. I hope we can at least have a space to discuss this though this thread is not very active.

No. 275296

Wow you have infinite patience! I refuse to use their special little pronouns. I didn't realize the farms had a gen lolita thread so I hope we can get word out and bring more people here to discuss how to rid our community of the trannies for good. I prefer the farms to cgl for probably the same reason as you, sick of the crossboarders and moids.

No. 275387

i kinda like this idea, some kind of secret society flagship sign kek

those three colors could be hard to coord, especially across styles. maybe an accessory?

No. 275389

We need to start applying for mod positions in our local comms. if we’re the first to see the requests, then we’re safe.

Current mods have allowed non-lolita wearers and worse to come through.

No. 275399

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i feel like we even have a potential discord server right here? would anyone be interested? I usually don’t use discord, so if anyone prefers a different platform i’m down

plz, we need a secret sisterhood

No. 275468

I'm down if you are. Don't if we need a server per se, we can start with a group chat and see how much interest there is first. Email me if interested to exchange tags.

Also down for a secret accessory! What could it be that no one else would use accidently though?

I like this idea, nice slow burn.

No. 275490

A discord server would be nice but I'm paranoid that eventually it'd end up in someone getting outed as a meanie terf uwu to their comm unless we would never show our coords/dresses, Ik some cows from my comm lurk here

No. 276089

at some point you have to take the risk nonnie.

No. 276170

the accesory could be a flower/plant which is commonly purple white and green. the accesory itself could be any color to match the coord. I was thinking of pansee, but maybe with a specific bow shape holding them to be sure it's volontary.

No. 276583

this is a cute idea but wdym bow shape?

No. 276869

I think it's easier to blend in a coord and its more common if it's a small bouquet of flowers. it could also be a mixed bouquet with a plant for each color.

No. 276887

No. 276901

Are you sure outing yourself, the blog owner, as a farmer is smart? kek

No. 276913

That’s the point of the blog: for farmers to. It’s connected to nothing

No. 276970

Stop tagging unrelated posts to advertise your stupid secrets blog, we don't give a shit.

No. 277038

Kek the 'secret symbol' is going to be discovered to be a terf symbol the moment it spreads to /cgl/. Probably sooner since gendie lolitas lurk here as well. Not gonna discourage you nonnies but I would be careful with this (also the colours are ugly sorry)

No. 277105

learn to sage

the colors aren't too gr8 ngl. also i think if any kind of symbol were to be used, then it should be some ubiquitous

No. 277181

Hey, sorry to crosspost but the lolita thread on /cgl/ seems too far gone, so I'm going to post some info here:


20, M, California
>Do you wear Lolita, EGA or both?
I don't wear anything currently because I am just getting into it (reccomendations would be nice), but I enjoy both Lolita and EGA.
>Fav substyles
Steampunk, classic, and maybe gothic.
>Other hobbies, interests, fashion styles?
Hobbies include strength training & competitions, working on cars/driving, computering, baking, knitting, and internet shit.
>How long have you been dressing in the fashion
Haven't started, but looking for specific resources.
>Not looking for?
Annoying people. People using this as a dating platform. People who don't know how to keep personal stuff to themselves.
>contact info
cosmail@nigge.rs (encryption available)
>anything else we should know
I have a HUGE disdain for patterns, which I call "wallpaper dresses". I'm looking for anything that coordinates around brown, gold, and dark green. I'm also looking for pieces that center around mens' styling, since I don't want to be the dude in a dress. If you speak like a child, I will tend to not like you(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 277201

do you know where you are right now? are you lost? and learn to integrate while you're at it, sage goes in the email field

No. 277203

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Ignore and report, nona

No. 277205

lol if that guy is genuine he sounds like a real prick. I don't think any lolita with a working brain would ever bother contacting him

No. 277213

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>his e-mail address
Idk about genuine but yeah kek picrel for cleansing

No. 277303

Nta but you don't actually have to sage on non-cow boards.

No. 277967

does anyone have photos they can share of handmade gothic dresses and accessories? specifically well-made too since all the handmade gothic dresses I've seen people post photos of have looked pretty ita unfortunately

No. 279799

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I love lolita so much it's unreal
Praying AP does more cotton MTOs because I am tired of the ugly poly stuff

No. 279832

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I admit I am kind of a noob when it comes to Lolita style and I have never really liked the cutesy pastel giant baby style Sweet Lolita (even though I admit many of the dresses and items individually are very very cute, it kind of gives me a migraine to see all that thrown together)

I think the more elegant classical Lolita where they wear heels and try to look more mature and ladylike is absolutely gorgeous. I think this style also suits gaijin Lolitas way more than the typical Japanese big baby style with too many frills and layers. It’s much more flattering and doesn’t look so frumpy either.

Some of the styling in these older J&J shoots where they mostly use European models is gorgeous and suits them so well. They look like Victorian dolls.

No. 279833

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No. 279834

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No. 280164

Coming over from /w/ - I'm sick of how shitty /cgl/ has become the past few years, but love the bbs anonymous style of posting. Hopefully we can have a comfy group to just talk about lolita.

Even the cotton MTOs have been pretty hit or miss. Nakayoshi Bunny is pretty off. I was pretty disappointed after I finally got it after almost a year of waiting…

No. 280204

i am also here. i didn't get nb and i'm glad i didn't. i didn't like that it was cotton instead of velveteen. it lost the feel of being a winter print.

No. 280268

I didn't mind the fabric change (I don't really trust modern AP to be able to come out with velvet anything), but the applique being shitty little patches? The enormous balls? The sad limp bows? I regret buying it.

No. 280516

that's true, sad to hear it's shit though, but glad i passed it up atleast. any of their autumn collection catching your eye? i want to like the halloween one. but something about the design is off to me.

No. 280550

Nah. Looks like just Dream Doll for me this season. Everything else is either made with bad materials or badly designed.

No. 280636

God this one is beautiful. You're right, this style suits Westerners so much more.

No. 280642

I'm sorry but this seems nonsensical. No one suits a style more before of their race, and "Western" includes so many races with different facial features. Thinking only Asians look good in sweet just reeks of yellow fever.

No. 280647

calm down, a lot of non asians have mature features that japanese don't. it's a fact.

No. 280651

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stole this from cgl, but i love classic lolita in dusty tones.

No. 280657

this is getting even dumber. what "mature features" are you even talking about? this yellow fever just reeks of a newfag who spends too much time browsing the ita thread instead of actually following good Western lolitas on social media

No. 280684

refuse to buy any main pieces on lm anymore. bought a dress from a swede(gross) and it had superglue all over the waist ties. No mention of it in the description. why are so many western lolitas dirty and mess up their brand? any good shopping services for xianyu?

No. 280693

can you idiots go back to cgl?

No. 280707

Like xianyu's any better. In fact I would say it's worse because at least you have PayPal protection when dealing with western sellers. You're fucked if anything is wrong on xianyu. Sellers are out to screw you over, it's not a great platform for buyers especially us foreign ones.

No. 280729

>implying asians don't have more neotenous features than other races

No. 280896

>doesn't like lm because of one bad experience
>wants to try xianyu instead
Absolute giga kek, enjoy your undisclosed stains, replicas, missing items and scamming.

No. 280965

after decades of being an APfag i might switch to baby…

No. 281104

Smart move. Baby is the GOAT

No. 281123

i actually have two pieces from them from years back and like them pretty well. i just like the style of AP sweet better but this new stuff ain't it. baby's sweet is just different, but it's still very cutesy. the new kumya fall print is really nice though i have to admit. any sweet pieces you'd recommend?

No. 281125

just adding, i have sugar rose cake and some parfait print by them(not sure the name) at the moment.

No. 281129

Is this a joke? Japanese people have small eyes, jacked up teeth, and often crooked noses. Even black people look more neotenous than them.(racebait)

No. 281199

Congratulations anon, I have nothing against AP but Baby is just better

No. 281215

Oh thank goodness, people are using this thread again. Going on CGL just raises my blood pressure, and that's only taking into account having to constantly hide/scroll past the bottom of the barrel shit cosplay threads.

I am another Baby lover encouraging you to appreciate Baby more lolol. Baby's flavor of sweet definitely still adheres more to a sort of fairy-tale feeling most of the time, especially their older stuff, a lot of their artwork I love because the style reminds me of watercolor paintings.

No. 281252

Nta but crooked teeth in Japan are considered youthful. There was once a trend where women there got surgery to make them purposely look that way.

No. 281261

thanks, baby's sweet prints are really growing on me. i am gonna look on fril/rakuma/ for some good deals.

No. 281263

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just looking at fril and i see a lot of things i like. especially pic related. it looks like an older print but i'm really fond of the border style that's more of an all over print. (don't know if there's a name for this kind of horizontally repeating print with no border) but looking through these are really reigniting my passion! and they're less than 20000 yen! feels like a dream!

No. 281965

Haven't gone to an event or even an IRL meetup in forever. Any events coming up that you girls want to go to? What's your idea of a perfect meetup?

No. 283297

It just came randomly into my mind, but does anyone remember that one japanese, continuously banned scrote on cgl who was obsessed with a japanese idol/actor who modeled for baby once and claimed she was a yakuza and shit? kek, the board was so clean compared to now.. Now you wouldn't even notice him between all the other moid garbage threads.

No. 283507

anyone have cute lolita related or loliable diy projects? or pics as examples of ideas?
things like knitted boleros, burando print cross stitch for room deco, little sewing or accessory making stuff and the like

No. 283531

Check lolita blogs or the old LJ community for OnS patterns.

No. 283596

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I love the items with little knit strawberries on them so I decided to crochet some strawberries and I attached them to wristcuffs, socks, and an old cardigan. It wasn't too difficult even as a novice in crochet!

No. 283665

I have a link to a bunch of ons scans but they're in japanese and I'm not good at working with patterns without instructions
cute, these would look good with lots of sweet coords

No. 283774

Can you drop your link nonnie? I've never been able to find working links to scans

No. 283805

No. 283806

also the vk one has a bunch of other non-ons stuff mixed in so you'll have to dig through all the photos

No. 283838

ah nonnie, this vk link makes me miss lurking around jsf lolita community in russia. i always used all of the amazing photoshoots as a reference for my artworks, and despite all of the drama it was fun to read people's blogs. it sucks how over the past years they started allowing trannies, seeing them on group pictures is disgusting, and the way they cling onto women to a point it makes them uncomfortable is something else…

No. 285541

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I'm in the process of restyling my room and I would like to dedicate more space to my dresses. Right now I just have a plastic tub and a metal clothing rack. How do you all store your dresses/shoes/accesories? Does your storage match your style/s?
I'm in need of some idea

No. 285652

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tbh I just store it with my normie stuff since I only have 20 dresses anyway and I don't own much normies clothes. I've seen that most lolitas seem to have wardrobes or racks exclusively for their lolita items. It really depends on how much space you have and what kind of aesthetic you are going for.

No. 285653

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Same fag, but I mainly wear gothic and my bedroom does not fit the aesthetic at all. My lolita stuff is largely hidden away and I keep all my accessories in two shoe boxes. One day when I move out I want to be able to display my bags because they look pretty nice.

No. 285966

bought AP's happy garden op recently and it came stained (the seller didn't told me beforehand). Any stain removal tips? I have used like three methods already and none have worked

Istg some of these bitches be having food fights in these dresses, I'm pissed

No. 286009

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have you tried borax laundry soap like picrel?

No. 286044

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Where can I find old 2ch lolita thread translations? I read some ages ago and can't find them again

No. 288536

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Nonas, how do you dress when you're not in lolita? Are any of you lifestylers? I wear gothic and old school and my regular clothes were always pretty similar in style, I used to dress like a tradgoth when I was a teen and really into darkwave. I went through some realizations and reflected on a lot of things and now more often than not dress in baggy, masculine clothes and tbh I really like the contrast and how surprised people are when they see me wearing lolita/fred durst looking shit for the first time

No. 288584

When I am not dressed up in a Lolita coordinate I am wearing some sort of mall goth/cute punk style. Hysteric Glamour, ETC, Milk, and Putumayo are all cycling my daily wear… but Metamorphose and Moitie are the brands I am more delicate with.

No. 288613

You’re transgender

No. 288646

Funny because my reflection was that I should embrace dressing gnc more often and not focus on performing feminity so much, keep dilating though

No. 298170

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anons I need your opinions on whether this dress is salvageable or not - I really like the frog print and the green color but something about it to me looks a bit ita, do you think if I removed the weird chiffon frill on the bottom and middle it'll look decent? not my pic btw sorry it looks a bit wonky
there's also a pinafore skirt cut with the same print that doesn't have the chiffon so maybe I should get that instead? I just really want something with this frog print on it kek

No. 298186

Is this a JSK or an OP? If it's an OP then the biggest offenders are the sleeves imo.

No. 298227

it's a jsk, the sleeves are from a separate blouse the girl is wearing

No. 300644

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Is there any gothic lolitas here just disappointed by the blouses available lately? I won't sat lately, this issue has been going on for years. I really like the old moitie blouses but their current blouses are so boring. It's just the same chiffon over and over again. It seems like sheglit are the only brand who make good blouses since innocent worlds blouses are always sold out and i find atelier pierrots blouses to be too bulky looking. Don't even get me started on taobao. All the best stuff there is for sweet fags. Also thoughts on this release. I bought it but i am hesitant i made the right decision after the cross jsk that released not so long ago got bashed.

No. 300692

God I wish I could afford that jsk, it's so simple but in a good way. Also, I agree with you anon. I buy all my burando second hand (third world country fag) and nothing beats the old releases. I'm not a fan of chiffon and I think it makes the coords too matronly sometimes, it's chiffon so it makes no sense but it just does in my mind. Personally I like old meta blouses with raschel lace (only in all black though) and Innocent World as you said. Victorian Maiden has nice ones too.

No. 302193

asking here since /cgl/ is so dead and not helpful these days, can I make my own otks and utks by sewing lace on top of normie socks? I don't want to shell out for brand ones then have to pay a ridiculous amount in shipping if I can diy. would any solid color pair of knee high and thigh high socks with lace on top look good or is there certain ones I should use?

No. 302196

Why do you fatty-chan gaijin itas always reveal yourselves as racist jealous pieces of shit lol

No. 302197

Does anyone know how Lolita is perceived in Japan? I know it’s one of the longest standing styles but I heard it’s dwindling quite a lot even though they have popular and trendy models like Risa modelling and promoting it. I just wonder how lolita girls are perceived or stereotyped nowadays in Japan and if it would attract unwanted or negative attention.

No. 302270

Absolutely! It's one of the oldest, easiest lolita diy projects. Use whatever socks you like that suit your style(s) of choice. There's lots of different tutorials out there from YouTube to old blogs.

No. 302335

I was wanting to make ones to go with my btssb dessert op but I was afraid of looking ita kek. thanks anon, I'll try making a pair

No. 302354

You will never be japanese.

No. 303980

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I got a pixie cut recently. Do you have any inspo pictures of lolitas with short hair, nonnies?

No. 304023

Holy shit the second hand market is atrocious at the moment, both in price and quantity. I'm so glad I pretty much reached my dream wardrobe in '17.

No. 304207

It's been awful for years imo, but thank god i do not have any wishlist items and I am not really in the market for anything new in general.

No. 305957

What are some lolita related activities you like to do? My friend and I really dislike our local comm and feel uncomfortable during meets so we decided to become lonelitas and spend our time together. I'm planning a picnic for us in Spring and thought about doing things such as:
>mini tea party
It's not much but it's something. I'd appreciate suggestions for activities to do on my own as well. I'm working on a handmade headdress and clothes for porcelain dolls. Journaling seems like it would match the lolita feel too.

No. 306398

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I know I'm replying late but there currently is a thread up on /cgl/ called "Short hair lolita inspiration" which might have something you can use as inspo. I would link it but I'm not sure if that's against the rules

No. 306410

I always thought it would be cute to make a scrapbook documenting your favourite co-ords. I know i want to do that.

No. 311116

God the absolute fucking state of cgl.

No. 312678

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Any anon knows if people still wear himekaji? I wish there was more if a community out there as for Lolita. Any nonas interested in a himekaji thread perhaps?

No. 312695

I don't think it's popular enough to warrant a new thread.

No. 312700

I love the style but stopped wearing it since most companies are shifting away to jiraikei. I think it's, unfortunately out of style for a long time.

No. 312709

I love the style too but it's very dead. The western J-fashion scene is majority just lolita & tiktok "gyaru", I don't think we'll see niche/super specific styles for a long time

No. 312745

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i hate jirai kei. jpsisters have the right idea calling it ryousangata. it's been nearly a decade and its reign of terror still isn't ending and only getting more and more popular. i'm sick of it.

No. 312748

I tucking hate jirai kei so much and the washed out grey-lilac x black everything ughhhh i want the og himekaji and romagyaru to come back.
I do wear my liz lisa stuff still and id call it himekaji i guess. There are really only a few girls i see wearing it these days.

No. 312750

NTA but I actually sort of like how jirai kei looks because of its resemblance to himekaji but yeah it's completely justified to call it ryousangata. It's the unimaginative basic bitch mode of all jfash and a red flag for a BPD-chan.

No. 313498

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>handwashing my new (secondhand) jsk in cold water
>water is brownish when i lift dress out to rinse
The dress is brown, so I have no idea if it was because of the dye, or it really was that in need of a wash. either way I'm really glad I did it, and it looks fine on close inspection.

also, chiming into the jirai conversation a week late, I hate it mostly because of the really weird culture that has grown around it, and the murky muted colors that have become inescapable nowadays aren't my taste. I also miss himekaji, though I'm kind of accepting that it's dead in its original form.

No. 313562

I am glad your dress came out fine! Washing dresses always gives me a heart attack too.

I am not a fan of jirai kei either, tbh, lolita is the only j-fashion that i actually like.

No. 313643

I've had water turn disgusting colours after washing old dresses so it's probably just that, although a friend told me the brown parts of her OG Honey Cake ran. I reckon your IW was just filthy because that looks more like a commercial fabric than a custom print.
I've got much more fearless about laundry over the years. I used to handwash everything but now I stick Sugar Bouquet (a known bleeder) in the machine with a fuckton of colour catchers and it came out fine.

No. 313944

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Lately I've really fallen in love with "old school" sweet, but lately I don't know if I've seen many old school styled lolitas that aren't into more gothic styles/darker color schemes. I always thought contemporary sweet lolita doesn't really suit me, but I don't know what took me so long to realize that I really like the lower-key cuteness of older sweet brand pieces, especially pre-2010s Baby and AP. I took the plunge and bought this Sweet Fruit a la Mode skirt in sax, I'm really looking forward to coording it. low key sweetchans pls tell me about your low key sweet wardobes

No. 313949

BTSSB sweet>AP sweet. I have this print too, although as a JSK. When I started in lolita I was drawn in by classic but eventually started getting more sweet under the influence of friends. I gradually found super bright pastels weren't really me so I have a largely BTSSB wardrobe with some nu-AP pieces, mostly Imai Kira stuff. I guess you don't see as many people wearing this kind of sweet because it isn't as loud and attention-grabbing. It's much easier to wear lolita daily when you can coord with more neutral colours.

No. 313958

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This is very cute! I agree with your sentiment too. I find myself gravitating towards less extravagant pieces too, granted that i have very minimalistic sensibilities when it comes to fashions in general, although i do not wear sweet bar my one sweet dress that is quite a lot and i do see myself selling it one day. Pieces like what you have are simple, but you can get tons more wear out of it unlike something like sugary carnival. I feel like when i spend time in spaces like ruffle chat, tons of the newbs do not treat lolita fashion likes clothes and want to be 1000% all the time to be the most edgiest and I find it tacky and tasteless.

No. 313961

the girl in the suit with a vampire hairdo…. I'm frothing at the mouth. I wish I could pull that off

No. 313964

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Look for BTSSB or some of the 2016-2018 AP sweet for adventurous days. This may out me a bit but I modified an AP OP with a cheap JSK and made this OP fall at my natural waist, and it's pretty understated by my standards. If you like jacquard Whip Jacquard is way nicer in person than in stock photos.
Meta's also made some very nice florals over the years and their quality on cotton pieces has remained top notch.

No. 314022

I'm somewhat new to lolita and feel like I missed out on so much… been digging through the /cgl/ archives and old livejournals and tumblr blogs to try to get a feel for what it was like before the obnoxious ita tiktok/twitter zoomers invaded. is there anyone who was around in the early 2000s to early 2010s who wants to reminisce so I can live vicariously through you? do you think things were way better back then in terms of the fashion and overall community, and what do you miss most? any fond memories?

No. 314030

AYRT, I'm also very into classic, but mostly Innocent World's flavor of sweet-classic. It took me a while to realize I'm practically a sweet lolita with extra steps lol.

I have some lolita friends who somehow manage to wear their OTT sweet coords just on a regular day, but I've never even been able to imagine pulling that off lol, it takes some guts. I'm definitely a lot more minimal with my coording. I agree that some newbies seem to assume that every day has to be all-out coords all the time, which doesn't actually seem to be the case for anyone.

No. 314259

It was so much more fun than it is now. Lolita has always been expensive, but back then it was a challenge to even buy the clothes. Replicas were a real problem, so much so that AP (pretty sure it was them) had to ask EGL to stop posting them. There were endless cotton vs polyester debates, discussions of whether Bodyline was worth it since you could get multiple Bodyline pieces for the price of one brand item but Bodyline quality was infamously shit. Milanoo was a massive problem, it was basically Aliexpress but worse. https://ohnomilanoo.tumblr.com/ documented some of their atrocities if you want to go through it, they also sold cosplays and there was a lot of drama over lolita being seen as a cosplay instead of a fashion, plus a bunch of newbies bought from them and posted their awful coords everywhere. There were lolita guides that were created to help combat this. The Gothic Lolita Bible had patterns for clothes, headwear, and other accessories, as well as some recipes and other random things, it was great. There were many attempts at handmade lolita which varied greatly in quality, but making your own accessories and clothes was popular, there were tutorials for everything from making straw boaters to sewing a bow to repairing shoes. Daily Lolita was a goldmine, people posted themselves wearing a crumpled JSK with no blouse or petticoat or socks, holding their skirt up by the hem, convinced their Milanoo was better than any Japanese brand. The nitpicking was insane. I think the EGL and Daily Lolita livejournals are still up, if you want to go through them. Behind the Bows was so fun but IIRC it kept getting nuked. CGL was better then, less tranny pandering and more bitchy nitpicking.

No. 314515

thanks for the thorough reply anon. honestly I would prefer replicas over the current aliexpress/taobao junk itas now wear, and handmade clothes/accessories being popular seems nice as long as it was well done. now most of those old tutorials have been deleted and no good new ones take their place. plus noobs not following guides either, at least back then there were updated guides and glb to try and help the newbie itas out. sounds like there was also less politicization too overall while now with troons and handmaidens infesting every lolita space it is impossible to avoid.

No. 314803

I really miss the emphasis on DIY. Of course people still do it, but it’s a much smaller percentage of the overall community. Even if much of it was god awful, it somehow felt very… cozy? wholesome? for all these weird girls to be teaching themselves a new skill just to try and emulate a very niche subculture from the other side of the world, squinting at grainy GLB scans all the while. Making your own sock toppers was like a rite of passage. Actual lolita pieces were so scarce that people who couldn’t sew were desperate enough to commission the likes of talia_speaks for badly made headdresses. Remember that drama? I hardly remember what it was about, just that it was scandalous at the time.
There are more resources available now than ever before but it feels like people keep making the same mistakes. Everyone I know who actually knew what they were doing either stopped posting or moved away from lolita.

No. 315274

It's both a bit of color loss and dirt. It inevitable with darker older dresses, but don't worry about it.

No. 315301

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ngl I take a gross satisfaction out of washing filthy secondhand. Getting a jsk that's possibly gone over a decade without cleaning and finally getting the grime off feels nice
kind of a late reply but this I love this era of Baby too! I love how sweet from that era was very simple yet cute and it's one of the easiest styles to build a wardrobe in imo. I like that there's less focus on fullsets of matching jsk, kc and otks like with modern AP and you can get away with a white blouse or solid colored socks easier. Picrel is probably my most worn JSK, it's so versatile and easy to dress up or down with all the detachable pieces. And the print is subtle enough that I wear it blouseless as a normie sundress

No. 315304

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I'm in the market for new blouses, or dickys even. any recommendations for some, especially if purchased with the last year and recommend (cuz quality can change a lot)? colors do not necessarily matter, i can dye if i need to, but if they come in sax, lavender, red, white, mauve, or taupe colors that's a perk. short and long sleeves. don't need to be brand.

No. 316214

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Not a sweetfag myself but I share your sentiment. I've always really liked this kind of sweet as opposed to ott AP coords. And I feel the same way about classic. I love the minimalist look that old school Victorian Maiden used to do. There's something slightly high fashion about it to me. I really like weird pieces that don't always fit a petticoat, they add variety and feel like an actual wardrobe to me. Obviously, not everyone is into that and it's fine less competition on the second hand market kek but I've already had some newbie taobao itas try to give me concrit and tell me that I'm not even wearing lolita.

No. 319945

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>be dark classic appreciator
>put together new coord with favorite main piece
>carefully balance all of the textures, matching lace across pieces, etc etc
>Take photo
>This is going to be so elegant gothic lolita vampire aristocrat romance
>it's just black blob

This is so vague nona. Baby IW and Sheglit make the best quality blouses imo though.

No. 319956

I have bad luck when it comes to washing second hand lolita clothing. Last time I handwashed a precious second hand baby pink blouse, the color immediately ran and turned a streaky purple and white, ruining it forever. And it was touched with synthetic lace so I couldn’t dye it again. Same thing happened when I tried to wash a jumper skirt, the dye ran and the pattern started blurring and fading, plus there were some lamé parts that immediately flaked off. I love Japanese clothes so much but I find they are horribly fragile and easy to ruin.

No. 319958

I hate jirakei too.

No. 319959

I’m so glad in my home country that our national dress is similar to this in terms of silhouette and structure and it’s not unusual to see women wearing poofy dresses like this, even in the more modern parts of the city.

When I visited other countries and wore Lolita everybody stared at me like I was from Mars because they were all dressed in basic t shirts and jeans or shorts, I don’t think I even saw any women wearing dresses the whole time.

No. 319999

too strong of a detergent possibly. use of color catchers helps too

No. 320060

I actually just used water :/(:/)

No. 320927

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No. 321005

I feel like I've already seen this a million times

No. 321542

nonnies yesterday I remembered how much I love wearing lolita. I have a super small collection of items because i'm picky and don't browse online often, so sometimes lolita falls to the wayside for me in terms of paying attention to it. it was a super warm day but i wanted to look cute, so i put on a coord anyway and I'm really glad I did. building my wardrobe at a slow pace was a good idea because now I just have pieces I know for sure I love.
How quickly did you build your wardrobe after you decided to wear lolita? Do you think one is better than the other/works personally better for you? I'm really curious about the pace other lolitanonnas in collecting and how you think that affects how you approach the fashion

No. 321593

I got into jfashion in the late 2000s and I've been friends with lolitas a long time but never got into the style myself. In 2018 I decided to finally get into the style myself and I guess it was easier for me since I was familiar with the style already and I kinda knew what the goals for my wardrobe were going in.
I decided on classic since I can wear it basically everywhere I go. I only have about 15 main pieces so far and that's fine for me because I don't wear anything outside of scrubs more than a couple times a week so I feel like I can't justify having too many main pieces since I won't wear them very often. I just focus more on having different blouses and accessories so I can change up my look and maximize how often I wear my main pieces.

No. 322240

I had also been an admirer of lolita for years before wearing it, but it was because I was a kid without money. I bought my first dress in July 2022 and today I have 4 dresses and 2 blouses. But I'm also very picky, I only buy pre 2008 IW and VM. My friend who got into the fashion around the same time has about 20 taobao dresses. I always say I only want to spend my money on quality pieces I know I'll want to keep, while she says she wanted to build a wardrobe quick and inexpensively and work her way towards figuring out her style.

No. 327659

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guys, someone explain this to me. what the fuck is up with the new trend of uber-short skirts being labelled as 'lolita'? Is this just ero experiencing a resurgence or…?

it's already so hard to convince people 'it's not ageplay or a fetish' this is just going to make that indescribably worse.

No. 327671

Maybe it's supposed to be some kind of ero-lolita resurgence? I think it looks cute but i also understand most ero-lolita co-ords look like shit and e-thots are going to heavily gravitate towards these outfits.

No. 327688

eurgh it reminds me of oldschool sissyshit

No. 327704

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Anyone else struggled with getting back to wearing lolita after taking a break?
I took a break from being a daily lolita at the end of last year and decided to wear normie clothes during the week for the first time in years and now I'm having a lolita crisis. I still love the fashion but I avoid wearing it because it feels like a larp to me now idk. I also really hate how everyone is so obsessed with 'aesthetics' and looking perfect at all times that it makes me want to abandon fashion altogether and dress in plain baggy clothes and not care about appearances. I feel like a materialist because of this and I hate it. I also started associating extravagant clothes with attention seeking because of social media and it's difficult to feel differently even when it comes to lolita because we of the many grifters and cows we get. I'm really torn rn.

No. 327714

I kind of feel a similar conflict in regards to the attention aspect. For the consumerist aspect and the need for perfection i feel like not looking at social media too much helps with this mindset. People tend to forget that lolita is a fashion like any other and i think it's perfectly fine to make reasonable adjustments to make it fit everyday life. Sure it might look a little ita but as long as you think it looks good and you're not looking for validation online i don't see the problem.

No. 327723

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taobao lolita is so ugly jesus
I really like physical drop and innocent world's more casual looks they're releasing now as they feel a lot more doable as a daily style. I still have my beloved oldschool wardrobe for days when I'm in a good mood and want to dress up, but increasingly I'm also wearing my lolita cardigans with cute normie dresses and looser physical drop-style coords. It keeps the cuteness of lolita but I don't constantly have strangers gawking and taking pictures kek. Social media is not good for a slow fashion like lolita and I hate the competitive over consumption and clout chasing. When I found myself not wearing lolita as often unless I had the perfect coord and location for max IG potential, I deleted it.

No. 328792

Nonnas, would you like to move this thread to /ot/? Lolita discussion occasionally comes up in various/ot/ threads, but this thread is quite slow in comparison.

No. 328799

Fashion is a /g/ subject, don't petition to move it to /ot/ just because you want more traffic itt

No. 328803

You'll just get more idiots who think it's connected to the novel

No. 328813

I was specifically asking because it gets mentioned and discussed more often in unrelated or barely related /ot/ threads than in this thread itself.

Easy to ignore and it's probably just one mad retard anyway.

No. 328819

I'd be fine with that
there's literally a fashion discussion thread on /ot/ right now, where they mainly talk about high fashion brands and releases. It seems like the fashion thread on /g/ is now only for questions like "what do I wear with this skirt". Since this thread is more about discussion than helping with coords I think it could fit on /ot/ too

No. 328830

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Where did they get the term from then? It's already embarrassing for autistic women to dress like circus freaks, being okay of the pedo name of this style or is making it even worse.(bait)

No. 328953

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Man I just really love lolita. My first lolita brand coat is coming in the mail and even though I'll probably only have like 1 day per year cold enough to wear it I can't wait

No. 329063

That sailor blouse is is beautiful.

No. 329290

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love these so much

No. 329568

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I feel like prices for lolita are starting to go down a bit, but at the same time all the decently priced stuff gets snatched up fast. Maybe it's just me, but I'm hoping this continues because I'm so tired of scalpers.

No. 329810

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It pisses me off how some shopping services will ask sellers for stuff like tag pictures despite the fact I specifically asked to purchase immediately. I've lost some dream dresses to that in the past because while they were waiting for the seller's response someone else bought the item.

No. 329924

wtf what shopping service? I've never had that happen before

No. 329944

Japonica does that a lot

No. 330855

seeing how insane so many western lolitas are is making me rethink getting into the fashion (I'm a newlita and bought my first brand dress recently). I know alt fashions tend to attract some crazies but this feels even worse than say goth or punk or even other jfashion styles. has it always been like this?

No. 330876

The fashion has always attracted attention seekers who use the fashion for easy e-fame and validation due to it's eye catching nature. In recent years, i feel the the only aspect has gotten insufferable due to the advent of sjws and gender faggory causing all the sane lolitas to want to hide or else they risk getting witch hunted. I personally do not engage with the lolita community online anymore because of this, but some comms are still pretty nice and have decent people.

No. 330885

was there also always so many pedos and fetishists accepted in the community? there is one in the comm near me which makes me not want to join. kinda sad since I live in a small area with nothing much around me so it's not like there are many options for me except online - which as you mentioned is filled with aggressive genderspecials.

No. 331074

I'm pretty sure almost every comm has a token freak or two. Just avoid going to meets they will be at, and know the other lolitas probably hate them too. Lots of comms have handmaiden moderators who turn a blind eye to AGPs and pedos but that doesn't mean everyone in the comm agrees with that. I'd still recommend joining and befriending the more "normal" lolitas because there's lots of private meets that never get publically posted specifically to avoid weirdos attending.

No. 331179

oh ok sad the mods don't keep those kinds of weirdos out these days but oh well. yeah I'll try befriending well dressed and normal seeming lolitas, and maybe I can make some online friends too when I start posting my coords. thanks nona

No. 331944

I don't think there were as many back in the day, but now that there's the threat of being harassed for being "transphobic" if you don't allow obvious sissy fetishist men in, it happens more often, but like >>331074 says, it's worth it to go to your local comm and try to interact with the normal lolitas. Sometimes then you can even form friendships and just start hanging out with them instead of having to go to the comm meetups. Also, thanks to people rsvp-ing over online platforms like facebook or discord, it's usually pretty easy to see which events creeps plan on attending so you can avoid those!

No. 332063

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I haven't really seen people talking about new releases much itt, but I'm so psyched for the MMM x baroque rerun! It's been getting massively scalped for a while now. Is anyone else ordering it?

My local comm's token AGP goes to literally every. Single. Published. Meet. And they're almost all in public too. I think I'll stay a lonelita for a while longer.

No. 332178

Is there anywhere we can post pieces and ask "wtf do I wear this with"? The coord help threads on /cgl/ were kinda one single main piece-centric (and reddit threads would obviously be too), but I think it would be cool to be able to past a bunch of pieces somewhere and let people go through things and give any ideas they have.

No. 332212

yeah it really sucks weirdos like that are allowed into comms. and they're inescapable online too, feels like there's nowhere to go to get away from them sadly
that's a good point but there's a possibility the local creep goes to every comm meet like what >>332063 has experienced. the harassment brigades are the main reason more people don't start their own comms or keep the weirdos out of existing ones it seems

No. 332347

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yes nona it's absolutely gorgeous… I've been considering getting the white x blue tablier because I love how it almost looks like porcelain. It wouldn't be very versatile with my wardrobe tbh, but still tempting

No. 332786

Does anyone else think that with the new Barbie movie coming out sweet OTT pink pastel vomit looks will be better received, at least for a while? I don't get hassled much in sweet but I have read horror stories about it. I do get a lot of questions and stares though- I feel like maybe more people will think it's a costume thing, which isn't super ideal but it's better than being bothered all the time.

No. 333009


They may start calling you Barbie and asking "Where's Ken?" instead of calling you Lil Bo Peep and asking where the sheep are at.

I imagine it'd be more of the same, maybe slightly better since the general public will view pink as trendy.

No. 333718

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Lolita vent: I don't understand how lolitas can be so disgusting with their expensive dresses..
I recently bought a dress of my favorite print and the stains were disclosed sure, but christ how do you get so many stains on a $300 dress?? There are food stains on the sleeves, on the pits and on the waist ties. Just wtf was this girl doing? It's like she used it as a napkin. Even a coat I bought recently had stains on it that werent disclosed but it came right out in the wash. How hard is it to wash and care for your brand? fuck.

No. 333719

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They treat them like everyday clothes in everything except washing. Washing your lolita shit isn't that hard either, just time consuming, the horror stories of red prints really scared people off washing printed shit.

No. 334212

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Both Violet Fane and Ladysloth are being affected by the shitty economic situation. VF is closing down and LS will have at the most two releases a year. I never liked LS designs but VF had some decent ones.

No. 334322

It's always sad to see brands shut down, even if it's lady sloth. Especially since they are european and the shitty import taxes hurt. I hope more don't shut down.

No. 334667

Why are Lolita obsessed with brand names? No other street style is obsessed with only wearing the official brands or get canceled for wearing knockoffs, even OG gyaru wasn’t as brand obsessed. Lolita started with girls sewing their own frilly dresses since they didn’t want to wear the current styles, but now it’s seen as somehow embarrassing to wear homemade Lolita dresses? This seems to only happen in Lolita coms outside of Japan though.

No. 334676

Wearing handmade is only embarrassing if it looks like garbage tbh. Most Lolita’s can appreciate handmade dresses if it’s well made and looks nice. No one really cares that much about offbrand items and even offbrand dresses aren’t looked at twice unless it’s ugly and/or poor quality (which unfortunately a lot of them are). With brands you’re more likely to get quality dresses, at least with older releases anyway.

No. 335011

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Some of them are clout chasers/looking for status. It's an expensive fashion and many lolitas feel like they're special because they partake in it. Some are probably addicted to shopping tbh because I see many girls buying very expensive pieces just to sell them after one picture. With others it's like what >>334676 said. Handmade lolita is only looked down upon when it's shit quality/design which unfortunately is the case most of the time because most of lolitas are fashion illiterate and don't under stand what makes the garment good. Especially now in the taobao era. Picrel is a well made handmade JSK imo.

No. 335027

Gatekeeping and clout chasing. Gyaru absolutely were obsessed with brand btw. I remember being kurogyaru back in 2012 and other gals would look down on anyone who wasnt fully decked out in DIA.

No. 335029

It’s always been like this, over a decade ago I would find items marked ‘sissy’ and ‘tranny’ when I tried to look for cute frilly pink lolita dresses or underwear, sweet lolita attracts AGP sissy freaks.

No. 335033

This is a really nice outfit, I also get the haute couture feeling, 90s Vivienne Westwood vibe from it.

No. 335036

I got this the first time round, ngl i did hope they would do something new but i greatly respect brands efforts in defeating scalping.

No. 335038

I wish I had a lolita friend who lives nearby.

No. 335039

Nonas I’m trying to buy an AP dress but the Japanese proxy service I usually use is now telling me that their accounts are only allowed to buy a limited number of that item and that they’ve maxed out. Wtf do I do now?

No. 335043

For some people, it's more of a collection hobby rather than a style. It's most prevalent among Angelic Pretty fans. During the 2010s print obsession era there were definitely a few autists who were so obsessed on collecting main pieces that they forgot you need other things to make a coordinate.

This is so cute, I love how well finished it looks.

No. 335355

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I really hate collectors in lolita. I think it’s so stupid to drop $200+ on a dress you don’t even intend on wearing out and that will just rot in the closet until the buyers remorse sets in and they try and sell it for an absurd amount. Even worse if they can’t Coord for shit. I just don’t think it’s worth it especially with novelty shit that is expensive but poor quality like a lot of AP items these days.

No. 335356

this looks very similar to the metamorphose pintuck tiered jsk, pretty impressive

No. 335366

Oh the white is so cute, I want to wear it at my little sibling's birthday parties lol

No. 335433

I’ve seen it irl a couple of times, the quality is embarrassingly terrible.

No. 335461

r/Lolita is down indefinitely. Is the discord still up?

No. 335493

nu-AP is so sad. I have one modern AP dress and I think I'll end up selling it without ever wearing it because the quality is so terrible, the material is thin and shiny like what you'd expect from a $50 taobao dress. I know all brands have had a drop in quality but comparing it to a meta jsk I bought the same year… it's just sad.

No. 335532

has btssb had a drop in quality too? I haven't really heard anything bad about their newer dresses, I have a btssb dress I got in the very late 2010s and the quality is still good. the brands that seem to have the biggest decline are AP and moitie

No. 335547

ayrt and almost all my btssb is old school or the classical re-release line. They've definitely made some design changes with their re-releases that I personally don't like (for example widening the skirts or generally tweaking the proportions) but the lace and fabric feel pretty similar between a 2001 and 2021 release. There's definitely a difference in the cotton they use for their solids but the quality isn't necessarily bad, just different. I've seen sugar bouquet of all sorts of release years on other lolitas and it always looks amazing lol. I think AP and moitie have definitely seen the biggest decline in quality, and innocent world's new releases make me sad even if the quality is okay, I'm not a fan of all the long skirts

No. 335590

are the bodyline rocking horse vw shoes bootlegs terrible quality? i know bodyline is generally ita but im planning an old school coord for a con and it would look quite cute..

No. 335610

They look nice in pictures (non-professional, non-edited.) I saw someone on Tumblr raving about them. Unsure if the quality is good or not.

No. 335658

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they're good! I've worn mine for years and they've held up well, they're comfy too. Sorry if I'm telling you something obvious but it's difficult to keep the straps up like picrel unless you pin them to your socks or something and they'll usually be around your ankles while you're walking around. The soles are obviously foam and not real wood irl, but they photograph well so maybe I'm just autistic for caring about that kek. Bodyline's main pieces may be ita because of bad quality but their shoes and some accessories (I love their rectangle headdresses) are good.

No. 335668

it's nice the fabric and lace and overall construction are still good, I hope it stays that way for as long as they're making clothes. I think most of us have sworn off buying anything new from moitie and AP now due to it basically being indistinguishable from taobao quality. I don't keep up with innocent world releases but I assume the longer skirts are popular with classic lolitas? I see a lot of them posting coords with longer skirts and dresses these days
they're ok, the pleather feels like it won't hold up over time but if you're not wearing them frequently you should get a few years of use out of them. also apparently they run small, I ordered the correct size and they're super tight on me and I've seen others complaining about the same thing

No. 335669

ty for the advice! ill prob get them then

No. 337622

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Anons who have a hate boner for lolita fashion are so weird.

I don't miss milanoo but it does make me nostalgic kek I do miss when there was way less gender garbage happening.

No. 343339

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I wish lolita discussion would be moved here instead of on /cgl/. At least the mods do their jobs here

No. 343405

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same nona. personally I think it would be nice to have a womens only forum that had a jfashion/lolita section and maybe cosplay section to replace /cgl/, or even a womens only forum that is focused on jfashion. it's basically pointless going to /cgl/ anymore with how bad the board has gotten in recent years. I wonder if it got so bad because everyone moved to discord, jfashion is dying, both of those things or some other reason?

No. 343643

>I wonder if it got so bad because everyone moved to discord
yes. Many online communities are dying because they are migrating to discord
>jfashion is dying
There are several factors to this but but i do wonder if the rise of kpop might have affected the disinterest for jfashion on an international scale. While animanga is mainstream right now no one is enthusiastic about japanese pop culture outside of that. 10 years ago animanga community would also discuss stuff like jfashion but not anymore. I feel like kstyling is filling that niche jfashion used too
>some other reason?
4chan has a terrible reputation and at some point it became synonymous with neo nazis in the public conscious which might be why women are more hesitant to use /cgl/

No. 343884

the bad thing with discord is that it seems hard finding good servers, most of the lolita and jfahsion ones are filled with arrogant itas and creepy male troons/fetishists who don't really care about the fashion itself.
I definitely think kpop played a part in it but imo the rise of fast fashion and shitty tiktok/social media fashion microtrends was the major issue.

No. 349641

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I think I might be falling out of love with wearing lolita and I feel awful about it. I still find the fashion beautiful but I don't feel like going out in it anymore. I don't feel like dressing up in any way actually and lolita seems excessive to me now. I'm not sure why. I've stopped attending meets a long time ago because my comm is full of gendies and handmaidens who talk about how empowering it is to have an only fans. I can only imagine myself in a coord if I were to be completely alone.
My entire outlook on appearance has been changing for the past year so perhaps it's not specifically about lolita but fashion in general. I'm sick of the obsession with aesthetics and trying to look as 'unique' and attention grabbing as possible and definitely don't want to be associated with that. I don't really have anywhere to wear lolita to anyway. Maybe if I was rich I'd just wear it around my huge vintage mansion kek
I'm considering selling a most of my dresses but the sunk cost fallacy is getting to me (I don't own any sought after pieces so I'd probably have to sell them for cheap or something)

No. 349643

Complete lolita noob, I love the style, but i used to live somewhere super hot, so I could never wear it. I live in a colder place now, so I’m fulfilling my teenage dream to dress like a pretty fancy girl.

Only issue is that I’ve never worn any type of jfashion ever, no less a style like this. Anyone have any tips for people just starting out? Also, websites that account for taller girls? Sorry if this is spoonfeedy, but i don’t wanna learn lolita from AliExpress girls

No. 349644

I'm sorry you feel this way anon. I also haven't been feeling like dressing up lately (though in my case it's moreso due to the weather and poor health) but I still love my wardrobe and don't want to part with it. You might get your love for lolita back, but you might not. I'd say start selling things off slowly. Pick the pieces that you are least attached to and let them go. Don't wear it for a while, don't even think about lolita. I'd say maybe keep one or two coordinates you like at least just in case you want to go back to the style, because then you can always sell them as lots if you decide you're done for good. Sad to potentially see you go anon, but I understand. Lolita is fussy and impractical and I definitely understand not feeling like wearing it anymore. Best wishes anon.

No. 349646

>any tips for people just starting out?
The hardest part of starting out is learning how to buy cohesive pieces and make coords. Luckily you have like 20 years' worth of magazine scans, blogs, /cgl/ archives and social media you can look at for coord inspo! Save pictures of outfits that you like, look at how colors are used and how it's accessorized. Go scroll lolibrary and make a wishlist of your favorite pieces. Identify if there's any specific cuts, motifs or finishing details you seem to gravitate towards and look for them while you're shopping. Be patient, don't cheap out or buy something you don't love just so you can quickly fill your wardrobe.

>websites that account for taller girls?

dress lengths vary wildly so you'll want to check the length of dresses before you buy them. For example I'm 5'7 and I don't buy anything under 94cm kek. Having measurements of your own body will help a lot. Generally Angelic Pretty jsks are the shortest, while Metamorphose and Innocent World are longer.
Since lolita is so niche, released in short runs and small batches- it's not like most other fashions where you can go to a website and buy a perfectly coordinated outfit in one purchase. The majority of lolita clothes are sold secondhand on Japanese marketplaces like Mercari. You'll need to use a shopping service (there are plenty of guides to this online) to buy clothes from them and get them shipped out of Japan. Some common websites that you can buy from without a shopping service- Lacemarket, Closet Child, Wunderwelt, Atelier Pierrot, most major brands' websites.
and if you ever sell anything used on lacemarket for the love of God wash your fucking clothes

No. 349666

This is a good chance to explore different hobbies and interests. Growing up is nothing to be scared of. I took a break from lolita for about five years because I was too busy with school and then to go backpacking, and it was nice to take a break from femininity and get in touch with my natural self. Maybe you'll come back to lolita too or maybe you won't, but there's nothing wrong with exploring different aspects of your personality.

Like the other anon said, you can set your favorite pieces aside and see if you want to come back to them later. You can also transition your wardrobe to a more casual but still similar style and still incorporate some of your lolita pieces. Regardless, you're still you no matter what you wear and what your hobbies are!

It's long dead now, but a blog I liked a lot when I was first starting out is fyeahlolita. It has some good posts on topics like wardrobe building that are important for newbies.

Some other random tips in no particular order
>start your wardrobe with Japanese brand, at least for blouses, main pieces, and outerwear. Trust me, your future self will thank you.
>The exceptions are shoes, petticoats, and bags. They're almost never worth getting brand
>Take body measurements and compare them to the pieces you want to buy, make sure they're a few cm bigger than you are
>Save pictures that are inspirational to you and figure out exactly what you like and what makes the coordinates work (color balance, silhouette, fabrics, motifs)
>think/shop in terms of whole outfits not just the dress
>Get a good petticoat at the same time you get you first main piece. Make sure they are the same shape
>Hair, makeup and being clean and tidy more generally are very important elements of any fashion. Don't skip grooming and look up some tutorials if you need to.

No. 349677

About a year ago I took the plunge and sold most of my wardrobe. Mostly my filler and daily wear pieces, and I kept my longer more mature pieces. I had a lot of regrets for a while, I've loved Lolita for an entire decade and wore it daily for a few years out of that so it felt like tearing out a part of myself but now I have no regrets. I dwelled a lot on it, because like you I had a change of outlook on matters of appearance, but I wasn't sure if it was temporary or not, especially since being fed up with current "aesthetic culture" played quite the part in it. What finally pushed me to do it was getting a physical job where I can't dress up (I was a student before) and being freed of my obsession with always having a huge advertisement for my personality and tastes stuck onto my body.

Sometimes I wonder if I was a coward for giving up because of social changes. But I'm just so tired of how fucking lazy people are becoming in knowing each other. It's all about what you LOOK LIKE you enjoy, and everyone who isn't obnoxious as all hell is boring with no taste. It's always been a bit like this, we are all vulnerable to the power of fascination, but something changed recently, as actual culture and involvement stopped mattering completely in favor of being fancy and online. No one cares to know you and what you like. They can't make guesses based on your personality either - it has to be obvious by looking at you. YOU have to make all the effort to be known, because Internet socialization has influenced real life in this manner. This really ruined alternative fashion as a whole to me.

But also in a way I always hated that Lolita is a fashion-based subculture. At some point I rabbit-holed into goth music and comparing both crowds made something click in my mind (definitely not saying goths are perfect, just check the goth thread). I'm not saying we should gatekeep or change anything, but I really had a hard time with "it's just clothes" and the skin-deep part being the priority. It made the whole thing feel like a theater costume more than an actual subculture.

No. 349689

I hate lolita, especially if it's worn outside in normal streets. The clash of normal grey colored surroundings and overly feminine attire is a pain.
You can sell stuff for more expensive by appealing to aesthetic though. If you use the right lighting, pictures, keywords for the outfits, some people obsessed with trying to be aesthetic on budget can buy them for close to retail price. Then again your size also matters, it'd be easier to sell a S/M size outfit than an xs or xl.
Good luck. Try not to buy new stuff to fast after getting rid of your clothes and try to stick to classic and versatile pieces instead of flashy stuff.

No. 349716

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kek, are you lost ?

If you want to wear it daily : pay attention to your basics/layers and beware not to become a pathological main piece collector.

The "layering system" in lolita makes up the entirety of its practicality, it's like victorian fashion in this regard. Invest in good cotton blouses of various sleeve lengths, bloomers, socks. Buy undershirts to protect your clothes from the inside (I can't stress this enough. DO IT), you can get thermal ones for the winter. Blouses with detachable sleeves are a godsend. Fyeahlolita had good advice, albeit outdated, about wardrobe building for every day wear. One recommendation was to pick a base color (white/offwhite/black) and one or two main colors that preferably look good with each other. Picrel for sweet with the colors white/pink/blue. It's not perfect i.e. having a color blouse doesn't really add anything compared to another white blouse from experience, it gives only restrictions with no bonuses. Overall these clothes are far tougher than they look - a good quality cotton main piece can still look neat after two decades.

If you just want to wear it sometimes, you can do what the others say and buy coord-by-coord.

Building an outfit is stupid easy : if it matches, you can wear it. In fact there are a bunch of lolitas who suck at fashion outside of it. You just need about an ounce of common sense and to know your measurements. About your height, like another nona said, Metamorphose and Innocent World carry the most long dresses. From experience, Meta is the one that best accomodates larger frames and longer torsos. But that always depends on the piece and how it's cut. Taobao brands have multiple sizes - I didn't buy much from them as I hate polyester, but I like Infanta a lot, it's been around for a long time and the price point is good for a beginner, and the bigger sizes are quite long.

While I'm at it, since you're asking for websites : Devilinspired is a scam. Just in case.

No. 349727

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Thank you anon. You're right.
>you're still you no matter what you wear and what your hobbies are
This is exactly what's holding me back I think. I've always found it silly to attach clothes to your identity but I subconsciously fell for it. My friends and people in my life often ask when I'll wear "one of my pretty dresses" again and even mention that I dress "like that" sometimes when they introduce me. I know they mean well and genuinely think it's cool but I think it made me internalize that it's a crucial part of who I am instead of a hobby.
I relate to everything you said. I also worse lolita daily at one point and I also felt like I was expressing myself. I got into goth music too, even before I got into lolita and it always bothered me how it's a fashion based subculture. I never really enjoyed going to meets because of that, I had nothing in common with lolitas in my comm aside from wearing the fashion.
Something that's going to be difficult for me to let go of is how many people are interested in talking to me whenever I go out in lolita. I met so many people just because they thought I looked cool and approached me but when I think about it now it actually saddens me a little bit. As you said, people mostly care about what kind of person you look like you are not who you actually are.

Thank you for understanding nonnies. Nobody irl would understand the situation so I'm glad for this thread!


No. 350047

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I'm >>349666 and when I took my lolita hiatus I still wore a lot of my favorite pieces and got a lot of compliments on my style. I made a little capsule wardrobe based on that if anyone's interested.

No. 350098

Is there such a thing as classic sweet? Like an in-between? Because while I love the colors and patterns of sweet most of the actual dress designs are too cutesy-poo for me, I don't like too many cutesy-style bows for instance. I prefer the cuts of classic but the colors and lack of patterns are boring to me kek.

No. 350137

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Innocent world?

No. 350149

seconding the other rec for innocent world, they have quite a few dresses with classic cuts yet sweet(ish) prints that pop up secondhand a lot. they're not really pastel vomit prints like ap though if that's what you're looking for.

No. 350166

Hm that's pretty nice, I'll check them out

No. 350184

I’ll never hand wash my clothes again. I just threw a few moitie and boz pieces in the washer on a regular 30c cycle and it was a huge success.

No. 350200

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Also Lolita adjacent "otome" brands are worth checking out. They often go super cheap second hand too. Pic related is emily temple cute.

No. 350248

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What even is the point of lolita anymore if you're not a teen hanging out with your fellow lolita friends in 90s/00s Tokyo…it's just not fun when you're old and alone. Does anybody know whether there even still are any women wearing it in Japan?
The comm closest to me looks like the worst itas ever posted to cgl combined and it seems like they bring their men and kids…
Recently even Misako Aoki's vlogs no longer bring me joy, those meet ups look so dull, boring, quiet, everybody aging, even Mana-sama got fatter lately.. I want to turn back time

No. 350261

I agree the magic about it is dead and that's why I don't wear it anymore. I think internet ruined it for me because everytime I meet a lolita I expect them to be a catty shitposter online and to be judging every inch of my appearance. I hope the next generation of lolitas are any better but it seems they're actually worse. It's a shame such a cute fashion is infested with women who literally hate and tear other women for the sake of their ego.

No. 350265

yes there is an active tokyo lolita comm, they have an instagram but I think made it private recently due to creepy moids or something. lolita is nowhere as popular as it was and the fashion is slowly dying both in japan/asia and the west imo.

No. 350269

samefag there are also lolita book club meetups where they look at old fashion magazines (hosted by indie brand designer rusanjinroom), plus the gothic and lolita market happens like once a month or more. the turnout for the gothic and lolita market seems decent from the photos but meetups are usually small even in tokyo.

No. 350310

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The lack of community sucks but I will wear these clothes until I die even if I'm the last one on earth doing so kek. I have noticed- most comms suck because they're full of old fat gendies, but sometimes I see teen girls wearing lolita with their friends and just hanging out, usually at cons or arcades. They're usually tiktok zoomers in taobao but imo they have the "fun" you mentioned more than the average jaded /cgl/ user. I think there's a generational shift happening, teenagers still get interested in lolita but it's a totally different scene compared to when a lot of oldfag lolitas started (many of whom are now aging and graduating from the fashion). Lolita won't die, but I do think it will look very different in the future.
also the zoomers love Malice Mizer I don't think Mana-sama's popularity is dying any time soom

No. 350343

>old and fat
Why do all lolitafags say these misogynistic stuff about women? Is there an overlap with anorexia and lolita? You guys were arguing that lolita wasn't about looking conventionally attractive and moreso about feminine fashion without appealing to men yet you turn around and trash on unconventional older women when you're also old yourself.

No. 350363

are you not aware you're on a gossip site where there are hundreds of threads for laughing at women who are fat, ugly, and mentally ill?

No. 350366

We don’t laugh at them because they’re old and fat. We laugh at them because they’re retarded. You could have just left it at gendies.

No. 350368

Mana will always rank Supreme no one will ever have what Mana had

No. 350373

there are tons of posts on the cow boards here shitting on women for being fat. it's always been that way and likely always will be.
>You could have just left it at gendies.
I'm not even the anon who made the mana-pic post.

No. 350381

I hate when anons say this is a gossip site whenever they're called out, calling random women fat and old isn't gossip worthy

No. 350383

ok but that doesn't make it any less true. this is a gossip site first and foremost. you can scroll through threads with female cows and see tons of posts tearing into them for being fat. that has been the case since the beginning of the site and even before back when drama was allowed on /cgl/. there is even a deathfat thread on /snow/ for anons to laugh at obese women. so apparently plenty do think it's gossip worthy.

No. 350388

/cgl/ anons who were men did most of the fatty hatred, probably because they were fat men who could only attract fellow hambeasts, it's weird to see lolitafags attack fatties when both you and the fatties are outcasts and weirdos in a normal person's eye. It's like how high functioning autists trash on low functionings to feel better about themselves.

No. 350393

>Is there an overlap with anorexia and lolita?
unironically yes kek. you kind of have to be to look decent in japanese sized clothes anyway

No. 350396

majority of the fat hatred here currently comes from women. a lot of it back then did too. fatties have always gotten shit on in the fashion - even the japanese lolitas used to poke fun at them on their anonymous imageboard back in the day. I'm not sure why this is such a foreign concept that there are lots of women who think being fat is gross and a thing of ridicule.

in terms of the fashion I think they get shit on so much in lolita because fatties have earned themselves a bad reputation by doing things such as stretching out/ruining brand dresses, buying replicas and using their fatness as an excuse, constantly screeching at brands to make bigger sizes then not buying said bigger sizes, being gross during comm meets (ordering a shit ton of food and shoveling it into their face, spilling food on their brand, smelling bad, etc), shooping themselves/denying being overweight, and generally being entitled nuisances. for the most part the fatties who are actually well-dressed and not unhinged typically don't get shat on.

No. 350585

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I been in 3 different comms in the last 5 years and each one has had a blatant AGP active in it. I'm so sick of this shit! And of course they never get booted because the only girls who can stand to be active enough in the comms to have a voice are the ones who don't mind or who let the trannies in in the first place!

No. 350618

The trick is to go to an occasional meet, befriend the good lolitas, then hold private meets with them. There's always been private communities in lolita.

No. 350626

>even the japanese lolitas do it, must be okay to do it
then you guys wonder why your comms are full of gendies. anyone with common sense doesn't want to join a community that's either anorexic delusional women saying any woman should look like a victorian waif while dressing lolita or perish, or gendies who wont say any kind of criticism on your face in fear of being cancelled.
>ruining brand dresses
never ceases to amaze me how lolitas think private purchases are a community asset. not even the most deranged doll collectors would consider a doll a community asset if one were to customize a rare doll to the point it is not original and untouched anymore, for example.

No. 350635

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Did a favorite dress 3x3 (some of these I own, some I don't)
They're pretty fun to make though.

No. 350636

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Then my friend was like 'we should do a most hated dresses one'
Only did brand since I felt like including taobao was cheating.

No. 350638

>bad reputation by doing things such as stretching out/ruining brand dresses
Who cares? They're clothes, you can pretty easily find thousands of other options.

No. 350639

Tbf Japanese troons are a bit different to western troons, they're usually at least polite, don't stink, don't weigh 400lbs and might even actually male effort with their coords. American trannies are just always the most ugly disgusting smelly annoying weird obnoxious perverts in existence. I don't want troons at any meet but I'd rather have Jap ones than American or British ones simply because they have a bit more decorum and dont stink like shit.

No. 350640

Everyone looks kinda fat in lolita to me tbh. Especially modern lolita with the endless petticoats and light pastel colors, everyone ends up looking pretty big unless theyre absolutely tiny to begin with.

When I look through old fruits or GLB magazines and stuff most of the Japanese lolitas are pretty stocky and have thick legs and arms, they arent obese or whatever but they don't look skinny even by western standards. I've always associated lolita with chubbiness, it just gives that vibe, but I agree that massive landwhales ruin the image of the fashion. At the risk of sounding controversial, most lolitas are itas imo, not in terms of outfits per se but you can't deny there's a lot of pretty unattractive and overweight women in the movement both in japan and the west, it used to annoy me but as you get older you stop caring so much, and just learn to appreciate the outfits rather than caring about lolitas faces or bodies.

No. 350641

Sissy is an AGP fetish and sissy fetish outfits basically just look like big pink frilly super cheap Chinese lolita dresses. So it makes sense these sissy fetish fans try to infiltrate the lolita subculture too because its associated with hyperfeminity and troons can't wait to get their greasy mitts on it.

No. 350642

This is a good tip but unfortunately most of the lolitas in my country are tumblrina types who also love yaoi and jrock and worship gay moids and men dressing in makeup and women's clothing. It's kind of like gothic subculture where everyone becomes too open minded, because goths are already seen as outcasts by society anyway, so they start accepting every undesirable outcast troon and fetish weirdo and become obnoxiously liberal and pro lgbt to tbe point tne community becomes completely compromised by degens.

No. 350644

>who also love yaoi
>and jrock and worship gay moids and men dressing in makeup and women's clothing

No. 350648

I feel really happy when I meet older lolitas tbh. The people I look up to most are old school lolitas who are in their 30s and 40s now. Of course many of then don't wear lolita on a regular basis because they have kids and studf but when they do they can still pull it off usually because they have so much experience with styling outfits and being part of the subculture.

Also a lot of lolitas age pretty well I've noticed maybe because they don't tend to be into drugs alcohol and partying as much as normies or maybe because they do Asian skincare usually. Fannyrosie is like 35 and still looks gorgeous and wears her coords as well as ever.

Hyperfeminine fits with lots of pink and frills are definitely more popular with zoomers than ever. Theres a small indie Korean lolita themed brand I follow thats targeted more at zoomers and almost every single piece they make is sold out extremely quickly so there's obviously a demand for it. But I agree the focus is less on quality nowadays and more about just the overall vibe or aesthetic. Zoomers don't care about brand and don't have the money for it either. Also they don't care so much about the rules or outfit etiquette anymore, they will mix the more elaborate pieces with casual stuff like tshirts and camis more. Fashion in general is becoming much more throwaway. Zoomers see no point in investing in a 40000 yen JSK that they will get a lot of wear out of because repeating outfits is a death sentence to them.

No. 350649

The bitchiness and negativity is definitely what killed the community imo. Sure gossiping and shitposting is fun but when it gets to the point you don't know if the girls you are meeting up with are going to be trying to sneak bad candids to post on cgl later or making fun of you and calling you ita behind your back then it breaks down the trust and good vibes in the community. Any sensible person wouldn't want to be involved in that world and add to that the financial strain of constantly having to buy new pieces and getting priced out of the market by greedy collectors all the time it's so much pressure on the women in the movement. Even though wearing lolita is incredibly fun it's also a high effort, snobby, competitive and costly lifestyle to engage in. Many lolitas dress to impress others, but if there's already so much negativity in the community (not even taking into account the negativity from strangers who don't get the subculture at all and think it's a joke) then you can see why so many women leave the community as they see its pointless.

No. 350654

Honestly I unironically think it's to do with the economy. I heard when the economy is bad people become more austere and conservative in many aspects of their lives (and it certainly feels that way nowadays, politically, fashion wise, etc) people don't have as much money as they used to and the cost of living is getting more expensive, young people simply don't have the money to spend 300, 400 dollars a pop on a jumper skirt plus all the other accessories. The financial crash happened in 2008 and Japan's economy has been going through a shit recession for years now, the yen is so weak. I think it took a couple years to sink in for everyone but lolita and jfashion definitely started dying after the early 2010s and got replaced by cheap fast fashion and Chinese mass produced shit. Lolita is kind of a product of its time and global financial status.

No. 350655

I saw plenty of lolitas who handmade pretty pieces years ago but I've not seen many impressive pieces in recent years tbh. There's been a general decline in quality of many things but especially fabric imo, as more and more clothing companies outsource all their fabric to crappy cheap chinese factories who use the same crappy dyes and printing machines because it costs less money. I remember being able to buy yards of beautiful patterned fabric that was made in Japan a decade ago for quite cheap, but nowadays they'd be charging an extortionate price for such a thing. Material isn't as gold quality as it used to be unless you're willing to pay top dollar or get lucky and find a bunch of vintage fabric that is in good condition. Wearing brand is just easier and less effort, you can't really go wrong with it, but the material quality is also slowly dying even with brand nowadays because the brands need to cut costs to make up for dwindling sales.

No. 350656

Japanese people take fashion super seriously and also (used to) have a massive cult of brand loyalty. Other subcultures like gyaru and himegyaru were definitely just as bad if not worse tbh, if you were wearing Jesus Diamante or whatever you were expected to wear nothing but JD from top to bottom, JD had a serious cult in the day and strangely still kind of does somehow despite dwindling in popularity for a decade. Same with DIA if you look at old pictures of the black diamond gyaru or whatever you’ll notice basically everything they are wearing except their shoes is from DIA. You were expected to use DIA perfume, wear only DIA tops shirts hoodies shorts belts and even jewelry, had to display their logo all over your outfit to show how loyal you were to the brand etc.

I believe it started with the Japanese shop girls who were expected to be models and ambassadors for the brand. Wearing another brand was seen as disloyal and bad form to the company so they would basically have to wear nothing but head to toe from the same brand then other girls saw it and started copying it, it became a way to prove how dedicated you were to the subculture, but really it was just a marketing ploy.

No. 350664

you seem to be inferring things I did not say. I never mentioned anything about my personal opinion on whether I think it's ok or not, all I'm pointing out is that fatties always have been and will continue to be made fun of. it doesn't matter if you or anyone else personally doesn't like it since you cannot control what others think and say.
people welcoming predators and fetishists into comms is a much more pressing issue than the occasional weight sperging that is easily ignored by avoiding certain /cgl/ threads.
some lolitas are super obsessive over certain dresses especially older/rarer ones. maybe it's an autism or ocd thing? to some these dresses are like an important historical artifact that must be preserved so they take it personally when a dress they deem important is ruined.
yeah I can kinda see that especially with all the poof of ott sweet.
I don't have an issue with ugly/slightly chubby women wearing the fashion and can still appreciate when they have good coords. obviously there are a lot that do take issue however. it's when they're very overweight yet try to cram themselves into super tiny dresses that I think looks ridiculous.
looking back at old street snaps a lot of these women would be made fun of for being ugly if these pics were taken in recent years and there has been a trend of lolitas thinking that not wearing makeup makes the coord ita which is dumb imo. I agree about appreciating the outfits above all.

No. 350667

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why do you hate ap gingham color scheme and ap cotton candy shop? I'm surprised picrel didn't make it on the list

No. 350671

Yeah most lolitas are unattractive because they're not normie women, that's why it's so funny to me when a chubby uggo trashes on another chubby uggo. It's like watching retards fight.
They should either not judge other women or not look horrendous themselves so it doesn't look ironic when they call out other women's flaws but we both know that the unattractive anons are the ones to mock other women the most. It's proven right every time some regular poster in a cows thread gets exposed and they turn out to be ugly fat and old themselves.

No. 350720

I actually kind of appreciate the diversity of looks in the Lolita comms now tbh. I used to bitch about them and I feel regretful of that because I was brainwashed by stupid mainstream beauty standards, both western and Japanese. For instance there’s one Lolita I follow and she would probably be facially rated like a 3/10 by normies, she has a really big kinda hooked nose and large chin and longish face but her coords are just so amazing and well put together that she looks great regardless, idk after years of instagram hoes who all look the same and all get the same plastic surgery, it’s genuinely refreshing to see more women with all kinds of diverse features and body shapes. Same when you look back at old Japanese street fashion lolita shots, even if the women are conventionally considered unattractive or funny looking they can still look incredible in a good coord. Lolita fashion is pretty cool because it’s so hyper feminine, even if you are kind of homely looking or whatever you can still look very cute in a good Lolita outfit, I’ve definitely started appreciating the girls in these comms way more.

No. 350724

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Lolita peaked in the 2000s for me. I feel like the designs are getting uglier and making people look like giant stupid babies.

I don’t like the
>excessive petticoats
>excessively large curly wigs especially those in pink or lilac or other unnatural pastel colours
>not enough sensible use of black in modern coords to make outfits look more mature, everything is either pastel baby vomit or boring victorian dull colours like navy and brown
>trying to look too childish in general
Old school lolita got the balance between elegant and mature and cute IMO. Everything nowadays is either way too childish or way too dull and boring.
Sorry for ranting just my opinion.

No. 350726

He actually looks really nice! I wish they had given him a shave or gotten the same people from the host club video to do his hair and makeup though.

No. 350727

>why do you hate ap gingham color scheme
I don't like it when people mix too many pastels and I haaaate yellow most of the time.
>and ap cotton candy shop
Too sugary sweet, other OTT sweet prints at least have some balance (though I'm not a fan of stuff like milky planet either) but cotton candy shop just hurts my eyes with all the stuff going on.
>surprised picrel didn't make it on the list
I like the print actually! The collar could have been better and I'm not a huge fan of the stripes but the base print of the geese is very pretty.

No. 350728

Does anyone know why many of the most popular lolita youtubers are so autistic, grating and annoying? They seem to try and act overly sassy and badass to counteract the sweet image and its very cringe. It’s one of the most extreme female autism examples I’ve seen.

No. 350761

God I really hope the trend of ‘annoying obnoxious white male youtuber trying to be centre of attention in Japan while treating every experience there like he’s on some bizarre alien planet’ fad dies out.

No. 350764

Omg I miss my old high school librarian she was in her thirties and half Japanese and used to wear brand and Lolita style clothes to work everyday, she always had jpop cds and mangas to rent and even had some copies of fruits magazine to borrow too.

No. 350773

most of these are atrocious but I like the Meta camo one.

No. 350777

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If anyone can, could people provide resources or places to shop for beginner/cheap lolita? I'm a newfag who was planning on getting into it but I'm not sure if I wanna go completely head first in.

I did know about things like the GLB from some youtube videos and some brands like Angelic Pretty having a store in California I believe but thats it.

I also wanna do stuff thats more simple and basic like bottom left outfit in pic. Thanks.

No. 350783

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When you're a beginner dipping your toe in, it will be tempting to buy cheap but I highly recommend not doing that. You will most likely look wrinkly, cheap and disheveled. If you want anything of decent quality for cheap, you're going to have to know what you're looking for already and be constantly lurking on the secondhand market for a deal, like anything else. Just invest in one good outfit with highly sought brands, and in the end if you don't like lolita, it will at least have some resale value.

Instead, find some pictures of outfits you like a lot and see what brands she's wearing. and then when you go shopping, shop for those brands only, even for the accessories like bags or socks. Make sure you pay a lot of attention to your hairstyle and makeup, too. (Compare it to snaps you like.)

As for great places for beginners to shops, there is Wunderwelt and Closetchild. They both ship internationally. I wouldn't call them cheap but average prices, although Closetchild occasionally puts up great deals if you know what you're looking for, but anyways they're easy to use and usually have a good selection.

There aren't many good resources for lolita. Unfortunately the community is very catty and it seems to be a trend that cute and talented girls who attempt to be a Youtuber or anything like that tend to get bullied harshly until they quit. There are like a thousand "beginner guide to lolita" videos and articles if you just Google it, I'm not sure how helpful any of those are, I also feel I should point out that many lolitas are incredibly dishonest and will tell you you look good even if you objectively look like terrible, for example a prominent figure in the community Tyler Willis encourages men to wear beards with their coords, so rely on your own good judgement and don't listen too much to others. You'd do better to find what you like visually and imitate it to a T.


No. 350789

I did some digging into /cgl/ so I got some basic resources and even talked to some people deep into lolita.

I've heard of Buyee and Lace Market (recommendations) but I'll check out Wunderwelt and Closetchild.

I already had an idea of how the Lolita community might be so I think I have a good head on my shoulders, thank you nonnie!

No. 350794

I second the other anon who mentioned Closet Child and Wunderwelt as good places to buy from. They have great explanations of the condition a piece is in, you won't get any surprise stains or tears. It's tempting to buy cheaper items that are quite heavily damaged but unless you know what you're doing I wouldn't try to fix them. You can buy from Taobao too, there are loads of guides on how to buy from there and which shopping services to use. You can also use Lacemarket, which you won't need a shopping service for. Altered clothes tend to be cheaper but the type and quality of the alterations will vary wildly, so again bear that in mind.
Plan out a few coordinates based on a main piece- if you can't think of any coordinates, get a different main piece. Find a color scheme and stick to that color scheme like glue (use the color of main piece plus colors of any details on that main piece and match the shades). Look up the measurements of a piece you want to buy and see if it'll fit, there's not a lot of stretch in most lolita clothing so ideally you want to be at least half an inch smaller than the measurements given, and OP, JSK, blouse and skirt measurements are sometimes different so don't assume you'll fit comfortably into all of them.
Repeating coords is normal in lolita but ideally you want a lot of accessories so you can get more wear out of them. Invest in nice blouses, ideally with a mix of fabric weights, sleeve lengths, and details. Get several pairs of socks and tights that match your main piece. When you expand your wardrobe, it's not a bad idea to match your new purchase to the accessories you already own. Make sure your petticoat matches the skirt shape of whatever you're wearing.

No. 350796

ntayrt but I'd recommend getting shoes and purses from taobao because the brand ones are often low quality despite their high prices and have a tendency to flake/fall apart (especially pleather bags and shoes). if you plan on wearing jewelry, you really don't need to buy brand for that either especially if you're not going for the ott sweet look. lots of gothic and classic lolitas wear vintage, indie, and handmade jewelry. utk socks and wristcuffs are also able to be purchased from taobao, indie, or handmade as long as you get a feel for what looks good first. keep in mind most stuff that isn't japanese brand won't have a high resale value.

No. 350797

Thank you guys, but I heard some sketchy things from Taobao so I guess tread with caution.

I for one am very into the gothic and classic kind, kind of like a preppy look that's simple but I do love some jumper skirts that have unique patterns or designs.

I already have a feel for fashion already and know not to mix patterns of course, try neutrals to mix and match, use same color schemes/be monochromatic, etc. My stepmother also sews so I can ask her for help.

No. 350827

Realized I can’t stand prints. They look so infantile.

No. 350828

Noob here. Do the new AP and Baby skirts come with built in petticoats? I’m trying to find skirts and jsks that don’t have any petticoat built in but it’s hard.

No. 350829

NTA but we laugh at women who are terrible people. If they are fat and ugly then yeah we might make fun of that too but we don’t make fun of people because of their appearance unless they are bad people to begin with.

No. 350830

I love old school Lolita so much too, I’m an oldfag who has been interested in lolita since like 2004 and my mom buying me the kamikaze girls dvd but I never really dressed as it because I disliked standing out too much irl. Now I’m just starting to dress lolita and I actually wish there were more girls into it so I wouldn’t feel like I’m gonna get called ita for not having massive petticoats padding out my butt or for wearing a black and white outfit and getting accused of French maid frauding. I also find most of the new sweet releases kind of hideous because I strongly dislike prints and massive skirts. But I don’t feel gatekeepy towards oldschool like I said I actually wish it would have a proper revival and wasn’t just a thing for occasional meets.

No. 350839

Nta but nah, there's tons of milkless boring people that get sperged over solely for being ugly (see literally any infight in celebricows, half the posts in the "punchable faces" thread)

No. 350922

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That's my plan with my new comm. My last comm had a really blatant sissy that seemed to go to every. single. meet. And almost all of the public meets were in crowded places like shopping malls, so it was just too embarrassing for me. My new comm thankfully has lower key meets and a pet tranny that's slightly less dedicated and kind of almost passes.

Look at pictures from after the year 2013 time-traveler chan

I agree newbies should stick to brand as much as possible, except for shoes and bags. Since you like such simple pieces, maybe you could just get offbrand shoes. Look at a brand you like on library.org, see if they've ever sold shoes that look like something you could buy in stores and then do that. You want to be able to try them on in person ideally. Payy attention to heel height, visual weight, leather type, heel and toe shapes, and any embellishments. If you have a big budget, American duchess has some shoes that would be cute with the pic you originally posted.

>I also find most of the new sweet releases kind of hideous because I strongly dislike prints and massive skirts
Baby literally has pieces first released in 2005 in stock on its website rn?

No. 351057

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Mm…it looked nicer in the stock photos, I'd still love to own the skirt and tie someday though.

No. 351064

Inexcusable quality for the price. Like a bad 2008 ebay off the peg cosplay.

No. 351070

why did it sell for such a crazy high price? were there only a small amount made?

No. 351088

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maybe because it's a collaboration.

No. 351113

Lol this is ridiculous what a waste of money

No. 351115

Nonas have had any of you had experiences being harassed or attacked while wearing Lolita? I had a pretty scary experience today with two moids in the street and I’m still a bit shaken up. My friend was with me too and I thought I would be okay but we still got followed and accosted. I’m terrified to wear Lolita outside alone tbh even though I really want to. How do you cope with street or public transport harassment?

No. 351133

They haven't come with built-in petticoats for years. Very little post-2014 has built-in petticoats.
You have to just ignore them and get to where you're going quickly. Normally the bigger the group of people the less likely you are of getting harassed.

No. 351154

Carry a parasol with you, they make pretty good weapons especially if they have the point

No. 351168

I'm aware it's a danganronpa collaboration but it doesn't look like the quality is on par with other btssb releases, it's just a cosplay outfit with a btssb tag slapped on it

No. 351172

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Yeah I got harassed a bit when I used to wear lolita daily, as other anon suggested go out with a friend when you can or at least bring pepper spray kek. The amount of harassment you get will really depend on where you live imo. Living in a city I get weird stares at worst but when I lived in the suburbs people would stop me a lot more often, sometimes harassment or just rude curiosity. All you can really do is ignore them

No. 351179

Carry mace and or a gun in your cute lil purse. Don’t engage with harassers or weirdos, if they try to approach you don’t be friendly, simply keep it moving, also try to get a car or ubers/taxis more, public transport is too risky IMO especially if you are alone. For some reason I find that moids leave me alone more if I wear a mask because I feel like it kind of desexualizes and hides me in a way, so you could maybe try that. Trust me almost every Lolita I’ve talked to has gone through harassment or assault, I know girls who’ve had men try to hit or punch them, had food or drinks thrown at them, got screamed at, laughed at etc. It basically depends how safe and civilized your town is, my experience is the opposite of the above nona tbh I found in more rural places nobody cared or bothered me but in the city there are way more creeps and antisocial teens who will try to bother you.

No. 351181

I think lolita has become too obsessed with looking perfect nowadays. People forget that it was meant to express teenage rebellion against ultra strict formal Japanese society, and has roots in punk. I feel like old school lolita really captured that punky essence: coords, hair and makeup were less perfect but still extremely cool and cute, and you could see the individuality of each Lolita coming through. Nowadays there are so many stupid rules and judgments, and it’s about looking like an actual perfect porcelain doll clone dressed head to toe in the latest brand release, rather than picking what you like and expressing yourself while sticking to the basic formula. The internet and anonymity meant there was a lot of bitching even in the early 2000s but lately it has become unbearably judgey and catty and filled with scrotes too, I can see why so many girls are leaving. Not only that but the most aggressively bitchy scalper type girls appoint themselves as queen bee within in their comms and kind of shun everyone who doesn’t meet their standards nor has as much money as them, while welcoming troons galore.

No. 351196

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I feel like for a lot of people that's enough of a reason for them to buy it though, I really love DR and Celes as a character and BTSSB is my favorite brand so I'd imagine it's a nice way of showing your love.
With that being said though the collab piece I'm actually on the hunt for is the Shinku set from IW.

No. 351198

>I know girls who’ve had men try to hit or punch them, had food or drinks thrown at them, got screamed at, laughed at etc.
That's so depressing to hear and I'm sorry to the nonas in the thread if they've gone through this type of harassment! I'm happy I've never been directly harassed while wearing lolita.

No. 351225

Ya one of my favorite lesser known lolitas made a video saying that even though most comments are positive towards her or just usual annoying normies saying she looks like bo peep or singing barbie girl or whatever, she’s had teenage boys throw food and cans of drinks at her, when she was going into a shop one guy screamed ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT’ towards her while his gf was laughing at her hysterically, she’s had men attempt to spit at her, she’s been grabbed and men come up and start trying to lift her skirt up and stuff (so she said she began wearing shorts or culottes under every outfit in public because of this). She said that two of her friends got approached by a moid who said they both should be raped. What I’ve heard from most Lolitas I have spoken to is that 99% of the negative or serious harassment always comes from moids, for some reason, lolita fashion triggers moids and makes them weirdly aggressive, maybe because it’s desexualised and cutesy and men chimp out towards anything that seems vulnerable and innocent.

No. 351574

I remember a lolita I followed on LJ in 2010 saying how some muslim scrotes threw literal stones at her for wearing AP. They're fucking unhinged. I wonder if the harassment is worse depending on the country? I've had people yell shit or sing at me or honk their cars but nothing ever physical. Carrying a parasol as >>351154 mentioned is the first tip I heard from fellow lolitas in my comm when I was a newbie.

No. 351618

Seems like despite being so successful and cute even Misako Aoki struggles with aging a lot.
I don't understand everything but sounds like being 40 and still unmarried/childless is really hard for her, plus negative comments of people telling her she's too old makes her think about stopping wearing lolita. sad

No. 351623

This is so sad, she doesn’t even look like she doesn’t takes care of herself, which is what makes people look old, she looks amazing actually. I really hate how women can’t enjoy shit because moids and other women will get mad.

No. 351663

the fuck, she doesnt look 40 lol moids are seething

No. 351665

Misako always seemed like someone who struggled with depression to me. In a lot of her old interviews from 10+ years ago she just seems really exhausted, depressed and has a general lack of energy/excitement. I expected it was probably gonna get worse as she aged, because Lolita seems such a huge part of her life.

No. 351722

That's so sad, I always idolized her, if not even she can cope, how should I…
I remember reading 5+ years ago that she tried dating apps and said that she knows that if she uses a pic of her as nurse she could find a man but to her lolita is more important. But I guess as years pass by…

Are you sure? I always thought it's her eye shape and makeup plus her acting "ladylike".
This might just be my assumption but judging by her videas the japanese lolita scene and therefore her job changed a lot too. Back then she was a small celebrity, attended huge events with other lolita friends and went around introducing stores. Now those barely exist anymore, her fellow models are all mommies now (hell even butch Akira…), the few tea parties seem boring and not like she has any friends and the majority of events are in China now because girls there are the only ones still buying and wearing it.

No. 351723

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Does anybody remember Moon Kana? She was the og model for old GLB and a vk-ish singer. She's now also 40+ but still wears lolita (seemingly all the time). She moved to Canada ages ago, got married and had kids but her husband seems supportive and also dresses up sometimes.

Many comments on Misako's video are supportive from other women in their 40s or older who didn't give up or even only started now but if it makes you lonely and full of regrets like her… But stopping lolita because of societys expectations could also cause regrets… it's just sad.

No. 351734

Idk it just always felt like she was tired and depressed but putting on a fake happy persona. Not uncommon in Japanese society, she was working as a nurse and a model which is exhausting in itself and she was probably told to diet all the time too

No. 351736

Yes! I love her even though her music makes my ears bleed. She was my favorite model and I still love her unique style and how she hand makes all her clothes.

No. 351739

I was never really a fan, I think most pro lita models are generally dry and very boring, either overly inoffensive and sugary or try too hard to be the cool aloof girl. I do miss this timeline though.

No. 351743

Ageism is really bad in Japan, anything over 25 is seen as completely over the hill. She was in her late 20s and early 30s when she really blew up so I thought she would be able to get over the ageist comments by now. But anyway she hasn’t aged much in the last decade so she shouldn’t worry. Old ladies were rocking rococo dresses back in the day, Vivienne Westwood was dressing in mini crinis in middle age, the wonderful thing about the whole Marie Antoinette aesthetic is that it suits every woman from age 0 to 100.

No. 351744

Is there any other lolita comm that isn’t compromised by troons? Lolcow is stalked by that one deranged tranny and I hate 4chan. I loved using LJ back in the day but it’s kinda dead now.

No. 351750

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Found the old interview in which she talked about dating (and also quitting), it's from 4 years ago.
Pic is her at 18 but it's true that her height was rather at 30.
>Is it really OK for me to keep being a lolita?' I often wonder. While I do believe that one shouldn't worry about wearing 'age-appropriate' clothing, my thoughts still turn to age when I'm having a meal with friends who are married and raising children. 'Is it really OK for me to keep dressing like this?'
>The first time she felt pressure to quit lolita fashion was at 25 years old. She had been a nurse for 5 years and was working full time at a hospital when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs nominated her to be a cultural ambassador. She switched from working full time in the hospital to part-time and in-home care to make enough time for cultural ambassador duties, but she felt very conflicted about it.
>Just as I was hitting my stride with both of my careers, everyone around me was getting married. Once you turn 30, people start getting married in droves. I started getting anxious about that. As a nurse and lolita I'm primarily surrounded by women, so I hadn't met any men I wanted to date. A friend of mine recommended an online dating app to me. And as you might expect, men were really put off when I met them dressed in lolita. They'd say things like 'that's way too gaudy, you have to stop wearing that' or 'I can't bring you to meet my parents dressed like that.' I felt prejudice from every single date.
Most people in Japan get married super late if at all, it makes no sense that hobbies and fashion is limited to kids only. But it's the sad truth, yesterday I saw quite a big gyaru yt channel and some of them were unironically 13…

I only came across her youtube and ig recently, do you know if she has she been active all this time or just now again?

No. 351753

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She stopped appearing in GLB around the mid 2000s I think, which is a shame because she was one of the most prominent models and shared a lot of her patterns. She was doing music and social media then suddenly disappeared for a bunch of years, I think during the late 10s and the pandemic, it was a bit worrying. Turns out she had just moved to Canada, married there and had two children, as you said. So yes, it is only recently that she returned online and still wears and makes lolita clothes.

No. 351764

I didn’t realize how much plastic surgery she’s had. Disappointing desu.

No. 351767

In Japan your teen years are seen as the last chance you have to express yourself shamelessly through fashion, crazy hair, wild behavior and partying or whatever. Then you’re expected to go back to dressing boringly, go to work everyday and dye your hair back to a safe black or brown again. By around 20 a lot of people drop out of any scenes they are in and at 25 it’s really unusual for people to still be active members. I think it’s changing a bit nowadays as Japan becomes more westernized and open minded (they’ve even been putting plus size models in shop windows for a few years ago which a decade or two ago would have been practically unheard of) but in Misakos generation it’s definitely seen as kind of strange and weird for a woman to be still dressing in a Harajuku style like lolita daily at 30-40, so I’m not surprised she faces a lot of prejudice.

Japan is weird because on one hand they’re very open minded about fashion and aesthetics and you can wear the craziest most impractical stuff in the street there and absolutely no Japanese person will bother you, but at the same time they’re pretty socially conservative and judgey of a persons life stages if they’re seen to be deviating from the ‘correct’ path, even if it’s just wearing unusual clothing.

I remember reading interviews with the really old manba and ganguro girls from the 90s and 2000s, and they would say people called them scum, cockroaches, freaks and spit at them and stuff. They were also quite bullied at school by other girls and would often drop out early because of it. After a while being a crazy ganguro girl became trendy so a lot of girls started copying them. They would also sometimes purposely try to taint their own image and feed into the native stereotypes to rebel, like would not bathe, brag about engaging in prostitution and break social cues like laughing and talking loudly on the subway or gathering to sit in the red light district which also earned them a bad reputation. Lolitas have a less bad reputation but they are still generally seen as kind of weird by Japanese people.

No. 352092

In Japan women basically adopt the tsundere bad girl or sweet cutesy nice girl personality in middle school and stick with it for life.

No. 352096

My comm doesn't have any MTF troons thankfully, but we have some enbies and an FTM or two. I'll take it over having to be near an actual man.

No. 352307

There's a singular troon who comes to meets maybe once a year. People avoid the ones he goes to because he's an overdramatic hideous gay moid. The cosplay community hates him, the idol community hates him, even the mods hate him (am friends with some of the mods and they've told me outright) but they're afraid of banning him over optics because he doesn't overtly dress like a sissy and would rather just send private invitations and exclude him as if he's going to get the hint one day. It's so frustrating. Just ban his ass. Apart from that there's a singular ouji enby but she's pretty harmless.
Our sister city's comm was invaded by FTM troons and all the normal lolitas left the comm and just meet up as friends now or come to meets here. As a result that comm's basically dead.

No. 352317

Middle Eastern and North African scrotes were always the worst whenever I attended meetups in the bigger cities. They would walk right up to our group, stick their phones in our faces and film us while very aggressively asking shit like “How much for blowjob? How much for anal?” This happened multiple times. Even when they didn’t come up to us they’d scream at us from across the street, calling us baby whores and shit. And the annoying thing is that my comm is ultra-woke so we literally couldn’t even acknowledge that this happened because that would be racist or Islamophobic or whatever, so instead girls would vent their frustration by complaining about the “horrible Karens” who did nothing except stare at us on public transport. I honestly felt like I was going crazy a few of those occasions, like did I imagine that? Did no one else see them? Why isn’t anyone talking about it? It’s a big part of the reason that I barely attend meets anymore.

My comm is overrun by female they/thems and we have a history of seriously deranged sissy AGP troons but as far as I can tell, the current crop of male troons is (almost) exclusively online. The handful of times they’ve shared photos or measurements you could tell they were giant hulking ogres so I suppose they realise deep down that actually attending a meet with real women will drive home the size difference and shatter their uwu smol loli uwu delusion. Good. Stay home and keep your nasty Taobao maid shit in your filthy rooms.

No. 352549

Any tips for wearing lolita in extreme cold, like -30C? Tights aren’t really enough but I really hate wearing pants. I thought about wearing multiple pairs of insulated tights but it just made my legs look too thick. Are there any Lolita boots that are actually warm and aren’t just full of holes for decoration?

No. 352560

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there are some longer cute coats that go down way past the knees and should help keep legs warm. you can wear warm socks underneath boots overtop of your tights, get socks that aren't quite long enough to be visible over top the boots so that it doesn't matter if they don't match your coord. earmuffs or cute fluffy hats (like those bunny hoods), scarves, and gloves can be incorporated into the coord to keep warm while looking cute. wearing a wig will help keep trap heat in too. you can wear a pair of thick tights with utks on top of them if done right - pic related is an example that looks decent imo.

No. 352561

Look on taobao around winter and you'll find fleece and/or fur-lined lolita winter boots. Coats are a must if you're going out in lolita in that weather, and you can get fleece bloomers and cutsews which help with the cold immensely. Then of course look into mittens, hats, scarves.

No. 352703

Speaking of coats, anyone know where to find some lolita coats for chubbyish girls? I bought a secondhand alice and the pirates coat that seemed like it would fit a while ago but I sadly cannot fully close the buttons at my chest.
It gets fairly cold where I live so I also would prefer something actually warm.

No. 352712

What substyle? I have a recommendation for sweet but no idea for gothic or classic.

No. 352766

Sweet's fine

No. 352806

A layer of wool underneath everything. Thick wool socks, sheepskin soles. Wool sweaters.

No. 353408

Sorry anon, I ordered a custom-sized coat from a taobao store last year and it was really nice but it looks like it's been replaced with a petticoat seller. They used to have a bunch of knee-length sweet coats and offered custom sizing. Here's the link in case they add the coats back once winter starts but I'm not hopeful. https://shop104350987.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.1000126.3.56773adfCrtH9c

No. 354406

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Usakumya looking like a domestic abuse victim

No. 354436

I think I have the same ties around my curtains

No. 355631

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Two stupid questions:

Does anyone know if pic related are comfortable to walk in? I've been debating about getting a pair for a while. Or maybe I should get a similar pair from American Duchess?

How much do EU nonnas usually like to mark down their packages? I've never bought anything expensive from outside the EU before.

No. 355641

probably wouldnt be called ita anyway because not fat or tall.

No. 355723

>>352317 This makes me really sad for some reason. I have trouble following the logic of your ex-comm. I'm from the 'MENA' (cringe term but i'd rather stay vague) myself, and have no problem discussing the harrassment issue with fellow MENA women. This is just going to lead to more frustration and eventual racism

No. 355767

what are you on about? she was getting torn apart in the ita thread for mutilating that poor usakumya

No. 359649

It feels like the secondhand market is moving slowly right now. I'm noticing that there are more listings on LM than I've seen in a while, and recently I went to a swap meet where hardly anyone was able to sell anything because everyone showed up to sell and not really buy. I guess it might be reflective of the wider economic situation right now, at least in my region where the consensus is that we're not quite in a recession yet, but we're a bit close to being in one. Are any of you noticing similar trends?

No. 360446

Not to start anything or looking for ass pats. I used to play soccer for years and a result I have thick ass calves, not fat, muscles. I don’t wear the Otks that come with sets because I end up stretching them. Do any ex or current sporty Lolita’s have any advice or coord tips? Like if a brand doesn’t have tights to go with a jsk where do y’all get your tights.

No. 360780

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I wish there was more posting on this thread as the mods here actually fucking bother to delete shit stirring and ban people. /CGL/ is such a shithole now and full of bait and aggressive petty anons.

Are you from the US anon? Things are pretty bad here and expensive so I imagine that's why buying has slowed down. I'm trying to purge some things from my wardrobe just to have some extra money. I get a lot of faves on LM but never anyone actually buying despite the decent pricing. I always get sour when I see people buying ugly as sin taobao dresses that cost even MORE than brand ones. So bizarre.

No. 360828

Stimulus checks dried up, people don’t have money to spend 400 bucks on a jsk anymore

No. 360884

what I find odd is that there are plenty of people able to afford new brand - like ap, btssb, and moitie sells out of some new releases still, and indie brands like summer tales and wirehead also sell out too so there are a sizable amount of lolitas with money to spare even though the secondhand market is pretty shit right now. maybe all the lolitas that are flush with cash have their dream dresses already and are more focused on acquiring new releases? but yeah most countries right now are not in the best economic situation ever since the whole covid thing went down so I'm sure that is also playing a part.

No. 361341

I think it's just because the ten is so low. Why buy western second hand when you can go straight to the source for the same price or cheaper.

No. 361374

Lolitas still exist, most of the smart ones just decided to stop fucking with comms and posting their pictures to the internet because the community is so toxic and also now full of moids

No. 361380

>like ap, btssb, and moitie sells out of some new releases still
I'd place my bets on chinese lolitas.

Otherwise I can't blame people for deciding to buy new, considering half of the second hand market right now are retards sitting on their damaged, decade old items trying to sell them for their original price. I barely even bother with japanese second hand websites anymore for that reason. Everything cheap immediately gets bought up by the same few scalpers and all that's left are $400 dresses no one even wants. Even livejournal comm sales prices weren't that bad. I'm honestly so glad I have a more than fulfilling wardrobe already, being a newbie right now must suck so hard.

No. 361525

I think you should also consider that some lolitas just get to the point where they are satisfied with what they already own and slow down their spending a lot after a while. I know right now i am at the point where i only buy 1 or 2 things a year.

No. 361552

Retards on LM refusing to ship outside the US or europe doesn't help, it's a common enough complaint where I hail from that most have stopped checking it altogether and chosen to just stick to japanese second-hand. Same price, same shipping, and none of the dealing with a bitch too lazy and/or stupid to handle international mail

No. 362316

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I have an inverted body triangle body with medium frame but large shoulders. I want to dress in cute Lolita clothes, but I look absolutely awful in them because my body shape and natural face looks like tranny trying to sneak into Lolita. Are there any cords that can make me look a little more balanced? Most of the time, I look awful

No. 362325

It sounds like you don't have the right body type for lolita.

No. 362331

Ignore the other anon, she’s fat. It’s hard to have broad shoulders in lolita because a lot of stuff will be too small for you. ime the square neck blouses with neck ties draw attention away from your shoulder width. don’t bother with oldschool outerwear, it’s made for tiny shoulders so get a newer cardigan/jacket from BTSSB or something.
if you feel like your ribcage is too wide or your torso is too long, look for low waisted dresses or do blouse + skirt coords which will always sit at your natural waist and look more flattering. avoid empire waist or babydoll JSKs and sack dresses, you will look fat.

No. 362349

I would also say for this stick to more mature gothic styles vs super cutesy sweet. I am top heavy and have a sharp face and I find when I wear a coord too sweet i can look a little manish but if i do coords that are more oldschool/gothic it works better for me. also what this anon >>362331 said. Also I find when balancing out a larger upper half chunkier shoes help alot

No. 362381

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Have the same body type as u Nona.
Adding to what >>362331 said I gravitate to dresses with princess seams like pic rel that would be more flattering since u can cinch it in where u want to than if u had a dress with a defined waist seam (ofc princess line dresses are really a line so keep that in mind). If u can lengthen the straps on a jsk it can bring the waist down a bit as well. Another inverted triangle lolita I know buys some plus sized dresses and takes them in at the waist because they tend to have longer bodices than the regular size.
If u can remove bows and such from the top of the dress without ruining it do it, and stick to blouses with simpler necklines. Ime it draws more attention to my upper half to have alot of ruffles and bows and such going on at the same time. Having a fuller petti can also help balance out ur upper and lower halves.
But all that said just wear anything you like that fits, this body type might not be the best for lolita but I'm still gonna wear it anyway.

No. 362396

I hope this doesn't come off backhanded, and I'm not calling you fat, but is it possible to just buy larger sizes and have them tailored in the waist and leg region? If fat people can wear lolita I don't see why someone slightly broader can't also.

No. 362413

China has an increasing middle class, 10 years ago barely any mainland Chinese women could afford brand, now they have potentially hundreds of millions of them that can, which means brand products sell out way faster now. And lolita is quite popular in China.

No. 362474

As an inverted triangle myself, I totaly get your concern nonna, hip padding might work in regards to balancing out the shoulders maybe? or try skirts with big petticoats

No. 362767

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>Retards on LM refusing to ship outside the US or europe

No. 362852

I'm really frustrated with my personal relationship with lolita fashion and just need to complain about it for a second. I go through short phases every so often (like, a few weeks at most) where I'm obsessed with lolita and want to wear it as often as I can and am really active among the online communities + the communities I'm a part of, and then for months at a time I don't wear it, forget my comms exist, and feel uncomfortable in my coords. And it's not like it doesn't necessarily look good on me—I stick with cuts that look more flattering on my body (a-line classic dresses are my favorite). This makes buying pieces/building my wardrobe feel awkward because I've absolutely had moments where I've bought a piece I love but then promptly regretted it because I wear lolita so rarely. I don't really buy lolita items often, and have a small wardrobe so it's not like half the clothes I own are unwearable, but it's still really frustrating. I can never tell if I'm losing interest in lolita fashion or just having another one of my phases, and I wish if I was losing interest I could just let go and be done. I keep coming back, though!

No. 362855

I feel really similar. I have a small wardrobe although I could afford more, I'm just really picky. But even then I don't find myself wearing my pieces that much.
I have some excuses like the weather getting prohibitively colder and not always going out much, but it makes me feel sad and like I should be more consistently committed. I wonder if I had space for a more aesthetically pleasing closet I'd feel better about the dresses just hanging in the dark every day.

No. 362863

AYRT, I'm also super super picky with my wardrobe! Seeing all the lolitas online who make lolita their entire life + are constantly buying pieces bewilder me, I also wonder if I'm just not committed enough. I try to wear lolita more casually just on a regular day, but it doesn't always feel right.

No. 362864

I feel a similar way, but i know if i sell all my lolita items i would regret it so much. Keeping your wardrobe tiny is the best compromise. I already decided to stop buying main pieces completely.

No. 362894

I feel you anon. These days I go for long stretches of time in between wearing lolita and I often lack the drive to dress up. Most of my newer stuff has been barely worn and I feel bad about it but I can't sell them because I love them. I likewise just keep my wardrobe very small and I'm very picky about what I bring in so I that I can wear my things at least once every year.

No. 363075

I feel similar too. I have a small-medium sized wardrobe (around 30ish main pieces) because I used to be one of those lolitas >>362863 mentioned. It was my main hobby and I wore it pretty much daily until I got really burnt out and stopped for like a year. Now I'm slowly coming back to wearing it occasionally but it's not my whole life like it used to be. I'm so glad I didn't sell everything during that off period. I definitely wanted to at the time, I thought I was done.

I try to wear my more toned down things in other fashions like blouses and simple jsks, classic dresses as sundresses and gothic pieces in general goth fashion. That way most of my stuff still gets used, only the really OTT stuff is rotting in my closet unless I have a con or meet to go to which is barely ever. I still like all that stuff so I have no plans to sell it. Sometimes I feel bad that I'm not pushing myself to dress up more the way I used to, but I was miserable doing that. I guess it is what it is.

Maybe if you have the space you could get a dress form to rotate coords on and still look at them, even if you don't feel like wearing them?

No. 363091

>small-medium wardrobe
>30ish main pieces
nona, what do you consider a large wardrobe to be? i don't ask this to mock you, i'm just really surprised because that doesn't seem much like a small wardrobe at all.

No. 363093

Ayrt, I guess I'd consider anything over 50 to be approaching large. Some of my friends have upwards of 100 and I honestly don't even know how they find that many things they like. I'm the pickiest compared to them. Again, I was one of those lolitas where the fashion was my whole life and I wore it every day for years so I don't think I really have an objective view about what's considered a large wardrobe lol

No. 363345

Kek anon I'll try that next time

No. 366271

Yeah this. 30 is a good amount of main pieces if you wear it a few times a month. I used to wear it daily and as soon as I passed around 70 main pieces it became too much to the point I forget about what I own or had pieces in my wardrobe that I haven't worn for longer than a year. At some point I had 130 and despite what lolita culture loves to tell, it's not something to brag about.

No. 371993

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Oh boy do I have a rant. I used to enjoy lolita so much (still try to do on my own as a hermit), but it's so hard to look at what lolita around me had become. It has taken me so long to really piece together my disdain, but what is boils down too is that so many newbies are missing the fact that they are supposed to be presenting elegance. Take me back to the early 2000s.

Back then there was so much respect for the fashion as well as for it's luxury and collector value. There was more respect for foundational brands, (which without how could this fashion even be?) You never see what is happening to lolita happen with the fans of any other luxury or collector fashions. Imagine someone went a Jordans new-release drop while wearing some walmart brand, great value ass fakes, they tell the Sneaker-heads and Hypebeasts that their shoes are just as good, then they go on to shit on luxury shoe brands. You never see it, they would be shut down immediately and mocked.

And sure, self-made and tailored pieces could work, a lot of seamstresses who made and wore lolita used the glb patterns anyway.

I really think that this is what is missing went it comes to newbies in the fashion. Lolita is treated as an "aesthetic" and everyone want to throw something together fast without considering the quality of the pieces (or even if their outfit matches). Don't get me wrong, anybody can wear what they want, but they don't have to call it lolita. Now every online space is oversaturated with garbage. There used to be so much care and thought put into coords and overall looks. I miss hearing about a friend's or comm-member's coord builds. Things took longer but it was worth it, you could see that pieces were more appreciated and coords were polished. Lolitas took feedback to heart and discussion was better. You would learn if someone said something did not work.

On a sidenote, I think right now what I hate seeing the most is that wigs, hair accessories, and hats are less popular with newbies. All I see are people trying to make coords with greasy, unkempt hair. It's sad that majority of the people attracted to the fashion can't groom themselves well or invest is a decent enough wig. It's easily a turn off for me, like even simple styling can elevate a look. I don't know why someone would not want ever bit of themselves to look good while wearing lolita. I'm not sure if it's talked about anymore, but a big critique years back used to be whether or not someone looked proportional while wearing lolita. It just looks weird to see someone wear clothes that give their body a wider silhouette, without them having hair or accessories to give their head a proportional volume. (Aside from some classical looks with A-line or narrow silhouettes) Without it, their head just look small and off, and when flat greasy hair is thrown in, it's so much worst. What Victorian or Rococo era elite looked like a dirty nerd?

Secondly, I'm so tired of seeing cheap goth platforms, Doc Martens, and ugly ass pastel sneakers worn with lolita. I've even seen someone wear crocs… It never looks good, never.

No. 372025

I know what you mean. The quality, cut and lasting power of clothes has seriously declined in the last 10-15 years. So much of it is pure crap that barely lasts one wash. Goth got watered down by tiktok zoomers and now they’re bored with that so they’re trying to ruin lolita too.

I think the main problem nowadays is that zoomers don’t have a concept when thinking about an outfit. In traditional Lolita, you have to carefully think out a whole outfit, coordinate everything well, obey the basic rules, make sure you’re wearing decent quality pieces that don’t have weird addons and distracting unnecessary ugly details etc.

Zoomers don’t take any of that into account really: 100% taobao outfits are fine, even if they look cheap and are covered in weird things like unnecessary straps and crappy lace; you don’t have to have a concept for your outfit, it can be anything you decide to throw on; nothing has to coordinate or be in the same color scheme; you don’t have to obey any rules and can add or remove whatever you want etc, also no one is allowed to criticize you for this. No wonder many coordis nowadays are a disaster.

Frankly I don’t like a lot of what became ‘normal’ in 2010s lolita either: like the ugly loud patterned tights and socks, the overly childish prints, the ugly big curly wigs (especially in pastel shades), nazi tier brand loyalty and wearing everything from the same collection at once while absolutely refusing to wear anything, even one tiny accessory, that isn’t from the same collection to the point it looks too coordinated with no personality, absolutely huge petticoats that give many western lolita tummies and make them look 30lbs heavier etc.

So while I hate what zoomers are doing to Lolita, I don’t mind it looking a bit more ‘punk’ and hand knitted. For instance I actually like the normal hair look, like just casual pigtails or whatever that you see in Fruits a lot with classic lolita. I also like the smaller petticoats that don’t add as much volume, the slimmer silhouette, the less 100% coordinated thing, adding your own personal accessories that aren’t necessary from the same Lolita brands or are off brand to give your outfit a more personal touch etc. The only Lolita looks I really like anymore are classic late 90s and early 2000s.

No. 372121

You're right there really has been a huge decline in the 2010's. Everything became so over the top that coords basically became a costume.
I also think the rise of lolita influencers ruined the fashion. Most of the newbies were getting their info from (usually wrong) sources. And those sources created hugboxes where no one could be wrong.

No. 372153

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I feel similar sentiments. Imo, if you think a plain solid coloured jsk is ugly or plain and you cannot fathom wearing the fashion and not taking pictures or gaining attention out of it, you should admit that you don't like lolita and consider staying the fuck away from the greater community. It's not just about trying to get as much attention as possible or throwing on as much shit in competition, it's about genuine love and passion and cultivating personal taste. Seeing people in the lolita community bash moitie for release a plain jsk that was perfect for beginners and had a lot of mileage in terms of wear made me really see how far the community aspect of lolita had fallen. Sure it's expensive, but seeing that stupid ugly drag moid who for some reason is allowed in our communities act all sassy about it and be a little bitch was straight up triggering. In general, a lot of the nu-lolitas crawled in our direction being they are trend hoppers who think that the current era of alt fashion looks good, the tacky accessories, the ill fitting clothes, shit fabrics and fried hair. Also, hair and makeup in lolita is insanely easy, all you have to do is have decent hair that is cut nicely and basic natural makeup. You can even go to the hairdressers to get your wig shaped nicely if you cannot do it yourself. And some mother fuckers cannot manage that. Lastly, cannot stand people who wear sweet lolita and cannot be arsed to buy $40 shoes that are suitable for the outfit. It's not the fucking hard!!! Stick to the forever 21 clearance rank bitches!!
i swear this is the last time i repost this, needed to smooth things over

No. 373144

They're not comfortable to wear or walk in at all, and they're not leather. I don't regret buying them because I got them when VM was running a sale but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a diehard ride or die VM fan.

You basically summarized what I've been feeling for the last (almost) decade whenever I see coords posted - nobody knows how to put things together in a nuanced and balanced way anymore. Unfortunately, this need to have instant gratification and validation by just buying in rather than actually working up to the goal through research and understanding is everywhere now, and I really don't think it's going to stop anytime soon.

That and inclusivity/lack of gatekeeping letting in all the lolitas at heart really fucked us over.

No. 373678

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I feel like devilinspired has ruined lolita so much. It bothers me that people think that shit is what the fashion is when it's literally just cheap idol costumes. Bring back the little bo peep comparisons, she always has amazing co-ords!!!

No. 374145

I used to wear sweet like, years ago and recently toying with the idea of getting back into the fashion, but for old school/gothic cos that's more my style now.
How has the community/style changed in the last like 8ish years? Where are the main online spaces now that Livejournal is irrelevant?

No. 374172

The main places are Discord servers and Instagram. There's some old school/gothic lolitas in "old web" places like neocities and dreamwidth but I've never been there personally so no idea how active they are. /cgl/ is pretty dead and the secondhand market is pretty dry lately tbh. Especially if you want to start building an old school wardrobe… it will take a lot of effort and money kek

No. 374189

This is the second time I’ve heard that discord has great lolita servers but I can never seem to find any. Where does one find them? (Asking as someone who also wants to get back into it after years.)

No. 374193

The only ones I know of are for local comms. I'm curious if there's a larger discord for lolita fashion.

No. 374203

there's plenty of public servers of variable quality. I think joining your local comm's server and just hanging out there for a while is also good, I got invited to a couple of nice private discords once I started talking to other lolitas

No. 374240

There's the big mentoring server but I don't have a good impression of it, I always felt like I was either talking to hyperactive gender spergs or pretentious self-proclaimed experts who were still ita. And there's the leaks scandal or whatever, I'm sure a lot of them are cows. If you just want a place to get responses to one-off questions it's okay I guess but I didn't really get a sense of community out of it. I'm mostly still in it to skim the news.

No. 374351

Is there a subgenre of lolita/kawaii fashion that's more subtle? I want to experiment with my look but I don't want to dive straight into the elaborate stuff yet

No. 374405

Maybe look into Otome, still cute and girly but less poofy and ott than actual Lolita.

No. 374411

My style is kinda gothic/whimsical but I try to keep it mature and not too elaborate or attention drawing. So I wear mostly black plain coats but I also like to wear one lolita piece with most of my outfits, like a lolita blouse or skirt, and I usually have a lolita brand bag or parasol with me too. It makes my outfit cute but without being too costumey or childish.

No. 374635

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Has Maple stopped selling their ringlet wigs? I can't find them on their site anymore.

No. 374671

here you go nona, looks like they are still being sold

No. 374700

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Is anyone gonna go for the Day Dream MTO? I'm still undecided on what colorway I want. The ivory is super pretty imo

No. 374704

There's been some listed to Disboard and RC, etc. Be careful what you post because many are watched for content and leaked (FZCZ, EGL, mentoring, old schooler, Lolibrary). It's better to do like >>374203 says and get invited to small private servers.

No. 375401

You can wear, style, and play around with your clothes as much as you'd like, just don't label it lolita. Or you can even just call it lolita inspired.

No. 376053

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Perhaps you would enjoy Liz Lisa, nona? That's a brand that's very firmly in the "girly Japanese fashion that isn't lolita" category

No. 376605

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Does anyone know of any brands that make kodona/ouji besides AnTP? I've been wanting to explore the look and build a wardrobe for a while.

I would love to see the styles in lighter colors/ or with whimsical motifs. Typically, I wear classical in lighter colors, so I'd love to find something in that vein.

I adore the outfit in this pic (though I'd change the trousers), but I can't find anything like it.

No. 376611


Liz Lisa is such a pretty brand but sadly it doesn't fit most of the time. Is there any similar brands to Liz Lisa with bigger sizing that exists?

No. 377061

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Im toying with the idea of wearing lolita again. I left in 2021 but now I'm feeling the itch again. Even if my collection is small, even if I have to handmade some accesories, even if I have to repair my bodyline rocking horse shoes I can't shut off the idea of wearing lolita again in the autumn.

I was a quiet member of the old school lolita server, anyone knows if it's still there?

No. 377078

Yumetenbo. Good size ranges, they have different lines for different styles, DearMyLove and its sister brands are the ones you're looking for. The price point is lower too.

No. 377131

For that style, hoshibako is the only one I can think of. IW also has some that turns up occasionally second hand. Most boy style definitely leans gothic though. The ouji threads in cgl are actually a really good resource. You can go through the archives and see what brands have released pieces that appeal to you.

No. 377889

Just do it anon. I go through dry spells when my chronic illness is fucking me up. But when I’m feeling okayish I try to wear it minimum once a week. It makes me happy, it makes other people happy, most people don’t see cool well constructed fashion in the wild. The most people see is basically shein itas as far as interesting clothing is concerned. It’s for the social good.

No. 378013

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Im sorry about your chronic illness anona. You're right, today looking at my wardrobe some pieces made me happy and lots of ideas for coords flew. I realized that one of my problems is that I have pieces that I don't like, so I'll work towards selling them and buying some staples. I'll like to sew some basic skirts and jsks too.

No. 378020

I want to wear lolita but I feel like my face is too angular and slightly masculine looking to pull it off for some reason. I also feel too tall in platform shoes. Sigh.

That being said I do know one girl who has pretty masc features and is around 5ft7 but her coordis look absolutely amazing.

No. 378043

Do you like goth styles and more mature styles? It's a matter of get used to the clothes too. You don't need a cherub baby face to rock lolita, same with your height and platforms.
You could give it a try, make youself confortable wearing it at home in weekends as a treat and explore what suits you and ofc what you like

No. 378046

Yeah I definitely love slightly sweet gothic lolita with mostly black and white colors, classic lolita more than sweet or pastel. Thank you for the encouragement nona, guess I’ll just have to find what fits me best.

No. 379772

Baby has opened reservations for the scallop hem JSK and I can’t decide what colour way to get… how quick do the popular colour ways sell out in reservation period usually ?

No. 380450

why the online comm is so dead, im starving for lolita discussion and i don't want to join any discord server yet

No. 380547

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A (modern) vocaloid x BTSSB collab is a dream come true, and they chose one of my favorite Miku designs. I'm so tempted but $800 is a lot

No. 380553

I think it's really cute in concept but I'm not really a fan of the Miku figure they're adapting this from (it's just too much for me personally).

No. 380557

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The other release just looks a regular release that they drew Miku wearing.

No. 380558

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No. 380565

Don’t like it at all

No. 380692

It looks like a taobao idol costume.

No. 380699

nta but collabs with weeb things almost always ended looking like that

No. 380701

There's a cute ones here and there, but it honestly relies more on the character's design over the actual dress the brand puts out
Some ones that stand out as actually being cute are
>Rozen Maiden x Innocent world's entire collab set is adorable
>Mawaru penguindrum x Innocent world
>Kagerou project x BTSSB
>AP x Shiki
>Artiswitch x Meta and Sheglit
And some of the stuff in the Macross frontier collabs are cute (some of them are real ugly though).

No. 380721

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ayrt but I don't really mind that, I see it as a "cosplay made by BTSSB" and would wear it as such. I also think the IW rozen maiden collabs are amazing, but that series has designs closest to irl lolita I've ever seen in anime

No. 380726

They wildin' asking $800 for cheap, polyester garbage.

No. 380730

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>I also think the IW rozen maiden collabs are amazing
I genuinely don’t get why they were unpopular for a while, though now they’re popular of course and are expensive…but at least I got one dress from the collaboration before they got expensive (suigintou) I’d love to get Shinku’s set in the future.

The new rozen maiden collab that was done with a smaller brand was super ugly though.

No. 381376

The discord servers are dead too or packed with n00bs. It would be nice to have a new outlet.

No. 381624

Try /cgl/, this thread, Tumblr, blogs, personal websites etc. As >>381376
said, Discord is full of tards.

No. 388867

This is more of a vent, but I wish my comm could just for once have a meet-up that doesn't eventually devolve into a "who has the most severe autism and gender dysphoria" competition. The girls in my comm are (for the most part) fun to talk/hang out with, but every meet-up turns into autism anecdotes and it gets so embarrassing as members loudly try to one-up each other in public.

No. 392055

Sounds like my comm. They're 90% itas so I tend to not go to their meetups. This gender confusion epidemic is an absolute scourge on vulnerable young people. It's like I don't fit in because I'm just female and not mentally ill. The biggest itas are always the loudest. I'm wondering if there's a secret comm in the midst of it all

No. 392941

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I've been a long time admirer of Lolita fashion, and now that I'm making money I really want start wearing the clothes myself. I really like classic lolita,sweet lolita on the more elegant side, and 'country Lolita's. I found a brand called Miss Point and they check all my boxes. I'm pretty certain they are a Chinese indie brand, but I love their designs more then the typical mainstream stuff. They are more in my price range too lol. Has anyone here ever bought something from them? Their reviews on Reddit seem to be positive but I wanted a second opinion. Picrel is one op I'm looking at. So many of their pieces are calling my name.

No. 393453

I'm back on my bullshit after over 12 years of hiatus, made an order on Meta and Y!Auctions for some GLBs and buying fabric and lace to sew myself a blouse, bloomer and petti. I just hope my local comm is somewhat decent. I don't mind itas or even trannies (I will just avoid them). I just want to have female friends I can sperg about jfashion and husbandos. I wonder if more people are going back into the fashion or it's just me. I saw a friend from back then wearing lolita again on IG so I was wondering if there is some oldlita renaissance going on.

No. 393455

from what I've seen of it irl miss point is one of the higher quality chinese brands. also you're in luck if that's the style you like because it is extremely abundant on taobao.

No. 393471

I'm so tired of OTT classical. when will gothic make a comeback? every gothic release aftermarket is a bloodbath because we get scraps.

No. 393472

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are there any actually active discord servers nowadays? i took a break to pursue other fashions for a while, and now i've come back to lolita and found that the vetted server is missing all of the people that made it comfy and cute. i'll leave an email in case anyone is willing to drop an invite, all the public ones seem to be lacking even more than vetted.

the alpstola release yesterday was cute, grabbed a black x blue. they still have some stock.

No. 393479

Miss Point is pretty good as far as Chinese brands go. On their taobao shop you can order their items custom made to your measurements which is nice although they don't always seem super accurate. I bought a custom dress from them once and although it fit me at the bust I still had to take in the waist, I think because the pattern they used didn't account for a bigger bust/waist difference. The material was really nice and heavy and construction was fine.

No. 393483

my chesticles dont fit in it but that's a gorgeous OP.
where do they take custom orders through? taobao?

No. 393486

>didn't account for a bigger bust/waist difference
That's a big thing in chinese clothing for some reason. I've bought plus sized things before (not lolita, just dresses) because my boobs are huge and they never account for the waist area being smaller, it's all like a tube. I don't know how to properly explain it but even normal clothes give you the "boobloaf" look.

No. 393494

I found out I can get their custom sizes through their resellers too which is a relief because I don't know how to order through taobao yet.

No. 393573

I know Wunderwelt sells gothic brands on their retail side. I'm not sure if they have anything you'll want, but you can start looking there. I've recently been on the hunt for good indie brands, and a number of them have gothic prints and pieces, so you can try poking your head around there too. I'm also tired of OTT classic being "in" right now, but that's just because there's so much of it. It doesn't help that a lot of it no longer looks like lolita, instead just feeling like historical dress. Which is fine, I love anachronism, but it's not what I'm looking for.

No. 393664

Dumb question time: nonas I lost a video on YT, it was a Lolita wardrobe collection for either 2023 or 2024, it was a white girl with brown hair wearing like mouse ears with double buns and a mint green dress, and it wasn't Sea Princess Selkie or Pinkfakeflowers

I feel so dumb lol but Im new to Lolita

No. 393672

My biggest issue with gothic having such a huge slump is that there are barely any good blouses being made for gothic lolita that aren't ott or the same 2 blouses that moitie won't stop releasing. I just want something in cotton.

No. 393717

I hate chiffon so fucking much. my mother used to wear chiffon blouses when I was a kid/teen and one time we had an event and I had nothing to wear so she lent me one of her blouses. It felt like a sweat cage. I wish brands stopped making chiffon blouses or at least made more cotton blouses. I was browsing yesterday looking for some summer blouses and most of them were chiffon. fuck chiffon and whoever came up with that trend. just stop being fucking lazy and get a steamer if you can't be fucked to iron. saging for rant.

No. 394043

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>meta order arrived
>they sent a wrong colorway
>forgot my KC
am I fucked? I already paid VAT and don't want to send it back. at least it's a color I like.

No. 394050

>also they sent my fatass a size 1
gonna kms I can barely get into this dress and I dont want to ruin the shirring

No. 394125

damn I've never seen them mess up on an order like that. maybe you could try contacting customer support? or sell the "wrong" items on LM at least you'll get some of your money back

No. 394405

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Dang that OP is gorgeous. If I wasn't saving up my money I would absolutely try to grab one. I love it in white too

No. 394713

Is https://42lolita.com/ a good site to order from Miss Point?

No. 394738

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Sage for slight retardation, forgive me if that's the case.
I want to get into gothic lolita fashion, but I don't know if I will ever be suited for it so I have some questions.
1. I'm 178cm tall (~5'10) and 64 kg (~141 lbs) (actively losing weight right now so I'll get back to 58 kg), are there any options since even most basic fashion brands don't have tall women in mind?
2. What are some affordable options? Unfortunately I live in a place with shit currency and paying 50$+ for a blouse is bonkers to me. And I see that the vast majority of the community is against buying Chinese brands which I get it in a way, but not everyone can afford some obscure Moi-Même-Moitié piece from 2001 and that doesn't help either.
3. If the answers are negative for the first 2 questions, are there any sewing patterns or tutorials that might be useful?
If not, I'll be stuck admiring from afar in the end kek.

No. 394762

1. This is unfortunately I can't help with at all. I know there are plenty of threads and guides for buying lolita according to size. Always, always check measurements, though. And there are sometimes still trial and error purchasing.
2. You can definitely buy non-burando clothing. There's just a lot of advice not to at the beginning, as baby lolitas aren't as good at sussing out of quality, putting together a coord, etc. My very first lolita dress was taobao and it worked out well for me (still one of my favorites, even compared to my burando), but I had been into lolita for YEARS before buying anything. Not all indie brands are taobao/chinese, though. I would recommend asking gothic lolitas where they get their clothing and doing a lot of research. There may also be some trial/error in purchases.
3. Yes! Tons. Some blogs even have old Japanese lolita sewing patterns. I've seen all kinds of sewing patterns for sale on etsy, too. But there are a TON of other online guides all over. Videos, blog posts, etc.

No. 394792

Gothic lolita is more forgiving when it comes to tall women, as Gothic brands tend to have longer skirt/dress length. If the lolita silhouette isn't a must, EGA long skirts are a good alternative, plus it looks gorgeous on tall women. You can cope with long bloomers if you like the 'peeking bloomers' look. Avoid Marble, they might seem slightly less expensive than other burando but the quality is appaling. I really wish i could help with taobao but i haven't bought anything from them. I recommend checking out the 'chinese indie brand'/'indie brand' tag on lolibrary. I'd recommend western indie brands but they tend to be pricey. If you ever buy burando, you can get lucky on closetchild and shopping services. LM is alright sometimes. I haven't had to deal with customs fees when buying from closetchild so far. Like >>394762 said, there are tons of resources for sewing, including scans of old patterns sourced from magazines, FB groups and yt channels. I really hope a more seasoned gothic lolita comes by and sees your reply kek, good luck!

No. 394847

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Ngl, your height will be somewhat of an issue, but there's ways to get around it. You should really opt for longer pieces like anons have suggested. I think some current moitie pieces could work for you, the one that ones comes to mind is the longer version of silent moon. I would also check atelier pierrots brand, idk if you would need some extra bust, but they cater to larger people really well, plus they often sell longer pieces. You don't really need to worry about older 2001 pieces btw, moitie always re-released stuff nowadays since gothic lolitas hate selling their shit and tend to have smaller wardrobes compared to everyone else. I'd also recommend that you take a look at classic brands like victoria maiden, they sell stuff that could work for your height and sometimes sell stuff that is palatable for gothic lolitas. For sewing, i think the best resource is to get the book Otome no Sewing best of, you can get it pretty cheaply on etsy, but you will need to use google translate to help you along.

No. 395322

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>best AP prints in my opinion

No. 395323

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>Worst AP prints in my opinion

No. 395349

I’m not an everyday lolita, I usually only wear it a couple times a month. (Because unfortunately in my town, it attracts quite a lot of attention, much of that is bad attention too, last time I went out with some lita friends we ended up getting assaulted and having drinks thrown over us by a group of teenage yobs)

Now unfortunately I discovered that my new bf hates lolita fashion too. He didn’t know I was into it when he started dating me. He says it makes women look like they’re ‘dressing up as big babies’ and he finds it odd/creepy.

He’s into basic ass e-girl aliexpress shit, like those ugly cheap pink harnesses and gaymer gurl aesthetics. I tried showing him pictures of outfits I like and he just made puking sounds and said it looked like ‘weird little bo beep shit’. Seriously considering breaking up with him now, not specifically because he disagrees with my sense of aesthetics (that’s fine) but more because he was so rude about it and I feel like I’m not able to express myself fully now.

Have any other nonas suffered having an intolerant bf or friends when it comes to lolita fashion and how did you handle it?

I have to admit most men I’ve met seem to hate lolita maybe because it’s quite desexualised. I’ve only met a handful of men who appreciate lolita aesthetics but unfortunately they also tend to be weird fetishizers or agps.

No. 395351

Dump him. Seriously dump him. Not only does he have shit taste, but he's rude and disgusting and fucking negging you already! It doesn't sound like you've been together very long and he already feels entitled to insult you and put you down and purposely make you feel like shit? It's only going to get worse. Dump him.

No. 395361

Excuse me my ignorance because I've been out of lolita for more than 6 years now but aren't some of these not prints?

No. 395362

I'm sorry you live in such a shitty area, comments are one thing but getting drinks thrown on you is another! Dump him as prev. anon said. He's 100% a disrespectful prick. If he truly respected you he'd at least try to understand the fashion and support your interest in it. You said he likes the pornified e girl look? He probably doesn't like Lolita because it doesn't make his pee pee hard. Making puking noises at pictures is so immature too, you deserve someone better. He'll only get worse if you date him longer.

No. 395369

how do you survive wearing lolita in hot weather? maybe it's because i live in mexico but i just can't anymore, wearing lolita is a painful experience now lol
makes me feel sad i can't fully wear my coords because the heat is too much to bear and i end up getting all sweaty which i hate

No. 395371

Tbh I feel you nonna. I think that men just don't get it because lolita is clearly not for them, in the sense they can't sexualize it easily and it's overly femenine, which makes them upset

No. 395375

I could imagine that scrotes would be paranoid about the attention that lolita draws when you both walk down the street too. Moids are super paranoid about what people think of them and their boring dress sense is a very high indicator of that. They can't understand the idea that sometimes it's completely futile to dress in a way that doesn't draw any attention as a woman, good or bad. Aside from that, it's one of the rare fashions where being sensual and catering to the male eye has zero bearing whatsoever. Imo, that's probably why it gets called childrens fashion so much even though little girls nowadays don't typically walk around wearing puffy dresses. Idk how anyone who actively likes lolita manages their attractions with moids. It's very freeing being able to like whatever you want without having to worry about what moids think. Also, i am very sorry about the harassment you and your friends faced, i cannot comprehend why normies get so triggered by fashion choices that don't appeal to them. Why can't they just fucking ignore it. Most people dress like shit anyways. If your boyfriend is going to be that rude about your interests, you should break up with him. It's not even just about the fashion either, it's really immature and shows controlling behaviour that likely extends much further than japanese princess dresses.

No. 395380

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it's suffering and some days it's truly just too hot but here's what I usually do
>short sleeve OPs, those cropped chiffon blouses or a sheer bolero
>ankle socks or sheer tights
>cotton > poly for breathability. anything in BTSSB karami fabric is very light
>hoop skirt or no petti
also I know it's technically not lolita but I love styling my more sundressy JSKs in a casual way like picrel. Especially if it has those cross-neck ties it's really cute even without a blouse

No. 395382

you should dump his ass because he can't fathom something not being for the male gaze. men who think everything has to be pornified and cater to them are for the streets.

No. 395402

>He says it makes women look like they’re ‘dressing up as big babies’ and he finds it odd/creepy.

Good. The reason a lot of us like lolita is because it filters the moids and it's intentionally not sexual or male gazey at all. You need to break up with your discord boyfriend

No. 395406

You're right. That anon probably doesn't even wear the fashion.

I have some baby sandals that I wear with cotton jsks without a blouse or a miniskirt with a camisole on very hot days. I'm still wearing my burando at the end of the day even if it's not lolita.

No. 395496

42lolita is a decent taobao reseller. It's definitely better than similar sites like devilinspired for sure. Whatever you do, make sure you avoid devilinspired like the plague.

No. 395497

>Now unfortunately I discovered that my new bf hates lolita fashion too. He didn’t know I was into it when he started dating me. He says it makes women look like they’re ‘dressing up as big babies’ and he finds it odd/creepy.
I would normally not be the person advising "dump him" at any sign of disagreement, but honestly, this is a huge red flag and you should dump him. It's pretty normal for men to not "get" lolita fashion, but even if he doesn't "get it" he shouldn't be so dismissive of your interests. I think there's a huge difference between having different tastes and him not even attempting to understand why you like the things you like.

No. 395740

I'm so sorry, nonny. Dump him, like… yesterday. Being that rude over something you like that's harmless is so cruel, and I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it if you treated him similarly. It may just be aesthetics, but that makes it even worse. Imagine gagging when your partner shows you something they like visually. Imagine how they'll react when you're at odds over more important decisions. Your bf is tearing you down.
I have experienced exes who were clearly unnerved by lolita, although they didn't seem to care for any of my alt fashion. But none of them were ever that rude about it. That being said, you can do better than a partner who simply tolerates it. My current bf supports all of my alt fashion fascinations, including lolita. He's even bought me big name brand before. He loves seeing me in it and tries to pay attention to pieces and brands. Any good partner would do the same. They pay attention to their partner's interests, and try to engage and support them in it. A good partner loves seeing their partner wearing what they like, because they know their partner is confident, comfortable, and happy. I know it can be hard to find someone who is enthusiastic like that (without being fetishizing), but a kind, worthy bf will be happy because you're happy.
If you think it'll make a difference, you can bring it up with your bf as to why what he says is hurtful. But if you don't think it'll go anywhere, take this as a red flag and flee.

Cotton blouses and skirts. Hoop skirts, I've been told, are excellent to replace petticoats, but I've never tried them myself.

No. 396012

much love anon! ♥

No. 396332

Dump him. From personal experience this won't end well and you'll be super resentful during and afterward that this broken chromosome stopped you from enjoying something you love. This isn't the kinda thing he'll ever come around to if he won't even have a respectful discussion about it.

Totally different topic, does anyone know if there's any sort of blogpost/site/list/database that matches up either OnS or Gosurori patterns with older brand releases? Obviously it'll never be a 1:1 thing but something close in a database format would be useful. I've been digging through miss carol belle's site but a lot of that stuff just starts to blur together.

No. 396398

Your bf is a shitbag regardless of your aesthetic choices. Dump his ass.

No. 396400

This is true. My bf used to get insanely jealous of the attention I got when I dressed goth. Much of that attention was negative or degrading, but men are crazy insecure and hate having a gf that attracts the gaze of other men period.

No. 396466

>tall nonas in gothic Lolita

No. 396472

>hates lolita because it's childish
>likes e-girl shit that only teenagers and pedo-baiters wear

Anon, you are dating a retard. You are taking all the risks of being in a relationship with a scrote and you are doing it for a retard. Think about it.

If he wants the attention then he can start dressing goth as well, what a dumbass.

No. 396616

This nona is right. Being in a relationship with a moid is already a high risk low reward endeavour, you might as well try to date one who actually accepts you and doesn’t throw a bitch fit over the clothing you put on your body.

No. 397452

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This OP that BTSSB just released is super cute. I would definitely get it if I wasn't still trying to save money.

No. 398589

My deepest apologies nona your print was previously owned by a man

No. 398593

Btssb can always be trusted to come out with good shit, this is gorgous!

No. 398595

this is gorgeous, BTSSB my beloved… those lacy neck ties!! I keep telling myself I'm trying to move my wardrobe in a more gothic direction because it's what I feel more comfortable in but baby has a chokehold on my wallet

No. 398731

NTA but I don't think it's out of the question that the owner could have been a particularly gross woman. I've seen plenty and a lot of them are weebs into anything from Japan, which unfortunately often includes lolita fashion
Baby has been putting out quite a few expensive OTT dresses that I don't like at all, but when they actually stick to the basics they put out some fantastic stuff. I like that they still re-release their old stuff since I'm very partial to old school lolita

No. 402305

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Baby put out a nice looking floral print. I really wanted the skirt but sadly it sold out extremely quickly.

No. 403040

I've been a long-time admirer of Lolita fashion, I really want to start wearing the clothes myself. I really like classic Lolita, sweet Lolita on the more elegant side, and country Lolita. I found a brand called Miss Point in https://www.lolitainside.com. They are more in my price range too.

No. 403048

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janeagron@gmail.com, you don't need an e-mail to post here.

No. 403066

ngl I find it a bit tacky. in the last few years a lot of releases look tacky to me. I guess it's the boomer in me but I don't get why everything has to be a border print or why prints have to be so busy now.

No. 403597

Hi Jane, first of all, if you're going to put your email into any chan, at least make a throwaway one. We're nice here, a lot of other places would dox you in ten minutes and fuck up your credit score before the day is over.
Secondly, avoid that site you linked like the plague. Those prices don't even cover the cost of the fabric needed to make those dresses. You're going to spend a lot of money on clothes that use stolen images to advertise. That's 100% Aliexpress crap that's falling apart at the seams before you take it out of the bag. Either save up for lolita, or learn to sew.
You don't need to buy directly from brands btw. It's common to buy secondhand in lolita. Make sure you check your measurements against the measurements of that specific piece- brands have wildly different measurements and you might be able to wear a JSK from a series but not fit into a blouse from the same series and brand. Plan your outfits carefully, buy multiple tops for each skirt and JSK to get more wear out of your pieces, take care to color match everything, and don't forget to wear petticoats that fit the skirt shape.

No. 406345

>>394043 here
they sent my dress to me and I sent the wrong order back to them, they paid shipping for everything and VAT. apparently someone had a similar order as mine in my country and that's why they confused it. I got my dress and KC and they're gorgeous, also some sticker and postcards which was cool from them.

No. 407106

Happy you got it sorted! Sounds like Meta's customer service is quite good! I always love when there are stickers and postcards. Honestly, I wish brands would release stationery goods more often as someone who enjoys prints, as well as penpalling and journalling. I honestly have not needed any new dresses for a long time, but cute prints keep being released and I would like to have something with the print on it, but it's not a good enough reason to buy yet another dress. With the way border prints work most of the time, I'd think washi tape, letter sets, or memo pads would be a great offering.

No. 407584

I agree nonny, I am not huge into stationary but I love stickers and postcards. I am buying a serger next month so I'll put my meta sticker on it! I'm so excited to wear lolita again.

No. 409132

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I got back into Lolita this year after a long time and I’m feeling so sad I don’t have any Lolita friends. I joined the local comm and went to a few meets but it’s not very active and to be honest full of badly dressed uggos, genderspecials and turbo autists. The online comm seems so dead now compared to years ago. Is there hope nonas ??

No. 409147

Stop being such a judgmental snob?

No. 409152

Sorry I don’t want to hang out with weirdos that dress like shit I guess?

No. 409157

ignore that other anon, it's perfectly normal to want to be around other well-dressed women in a hobby that is entirely based on fashion like lolita is. unfortunately the majority of comms are overrun with predatory scrotes/troons and their ita handmaidens. or just mentally unhinged itas in general. both online and offline is like that. what happens is that the well-dressed women who aren't insufferable whackos will form their own friend group and stop showing up to meets which leaves only the creeps and itas behind. same as online - there are invite only discords/online comms and you have to prove that you know how to coord well and aren't a creep to get in.

you'd have to get lucky and have one of those selective "secret" or private lolita groups reach out to you assuming you post good coords and interact with other lolitas online. or keep showing up to local meets - occasionally even those smaller private local groups will go to a regular comm meet in hopes there will be a few new lolitas they can befriend who actually care about the fashion and know how to dress themselves.

No. 409179

which comm is it? you don't need to say if you don't want to. I haven't joined my local comm yet but I will do it as soon as I have a full coord.

No. 410477

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big btssb fan which japan store should i save up to visit?

never been to japana and got all my stuff from the second hand jp market.

No. 410788

I know this is just for the runaway but the excess amount of lace, the bonnet, the colors, everything in this outfit makes me think of sissification and I absolutely hate this outfit.

No. 410790

yeah i think all of their runway dresses are like that, egh still like em t b h

No. 410943

I need lacemarket to verify me like, TODAY or for this dream oldschool jsk to get relisted (it’s about to end in 1 day with 0 bids). The manual verification process is a pain, but it’s also my fault for not making an account until I saw something I wanted immediately!!

No. 410949

I changed my email address once and they took multiple days to verify me again. Good luck to you nona. Which dress is it? There are multiple scalpers on lace market, be careful if you see chinese sellers or sellers with a lot of items and no indication that it’s someone doing a closet clean out.

No. 413670

Lol I got it so now I feel comfortable responding, it’s a vintage AP jsk (unidentified, it’s a very basic b&w jsk), I did some research with the tag and it’s from 2003. with shipping and all it was only $104, I was the only bidder. I’m a longtime lurker, like I went to the btssb store in SF almost a decade ago just to look but I was a broke teenager and couldn’t afford anything so this will be my first coord. I also ordered AP princess socks, and I’m going to buy a blouse & petti next paycheck. I’m so excited to put it all together & hopefully not look ita, I don’t like the look of wigs so I need to get good at hair in the meantime.

No. 416292

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Don't worry too much about looking too ita in your first coord anon, as long as you take concrit and improve it's fine!
Make sure to get bangs too or else it'll be very hard for a hairstyle not to feel "off", I recommend you lookup the difference between triangle/japanese bangs vs regular western bangs.

No. 417938

Oh god I’ve been growing out straight cut bangs since March 2023 and I don’t know if I can bring myself to go back, I tend to get them like every 3 years and go through a cycle of growing them out. I do have thick & full dark hair cut in a textured lob (about collarbone length) right now so it might even look cute down or in pigtails with the right hair accessory, I’ll have to play around with it.
I just got the jsk in the mail and i am in awe of how heavy & luxurious the cotton fabric is. The built in petti is so full especially after the dress was all balled up for shipping, and the construction of the jsk is just unbelievable. The eyelet ruffles just look so… expensive and sturdy. I’m just so obsessed with this dress I finally truly get this hobby after admiring it from afar for so long!!

No. 418037

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I'm glad you love it! If you feel intimidated and afraid of ruining it by washing it badly (i sure did when I started too) remember there are many tutorials and guides online!

No. 418114

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Do you need to have your account verified in order to buy something from LaceMarket? I'm a newbie at this and I want to buy a blouse from there

No. 418133

Yes. It took me less than a day to get my account verified a few weeks ago

No. 418143

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But… apparently I need to send them a copy of my photo ID. This is what they said in the e-mail:
>(2) Send us a copy of a photo ID with ONLY your photo and name visible (Please censor other private information like address, etc.)

No. 418167

Where is everyone online nowadays?

That rule is so retarded and it never stopped the scammers and aggressive chinese resellers either. In fact, the platform got worse in general. So glad I made my acc years prior. I'm sorry you have to go through it nonnas, it sucks especially if you want to bid/buy on something that could get snatched fast.

No. 418186

Yeah I took a picture of my drivers license and just covered up identifying info with a post-it note.

No. 418901

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No. 419064

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I know it's been said millions of times before by other lolitas but I'm so jealous of all the classic lolitas that built up their collection in the 2010s when good high quality classic pieces weren't so few and far between. It's the nature of the secondhand market to be a little slow, sure, but since it's been confirmed by some more experienced classic lolitas that its way more common to just sell privately to other longtime classic lolitas it feels kind of painful. I need to find my way into some actual classic-centric comms. I'm a super casual lolita so i kind of dip in and out of the community every few months (usually for broke reasons tbh), which makes connecting with other people tough.

No. 419237

Does anyone else feel more drawn to EGA and generally longer skirts? I was always in the "I'll wear lolita until I die, age doesn't matter" fraction throughout my 20s but now I feel nothing suits me anymore until it's toned down and more mature.

No. 419259

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Did u guys get anything from the latest meta release? If so what did u get? I got the OP and bonnet in pink. If items from the 2nd term are still available next payday I might get the green too.

No. 419712

>2003 AP ”vintage”
You sound new, go make your ita mistakes and deal with it cause that’s a learning curve.
Contemplating on accessory options for an older piece.

No. 419760

She literally said she was new and a longtime lurker in the post you’re replying to, some of you really can’t hold back

There’s still a (relative) abundance of VM on Japanese sites

No. 419856

Would 2003 not be vintage? I know it sounds crazy calling clothing from our lifetimes vintage but typically 20 years is the cutoff, especially because clothing typically is not worn for that long (I know that’s not the case in Lolita as a niche luxury hobby where the dresses are kept and resold for years). if you’re just gonna tard out over a commonly accepted fashion term im not going to engage further, but if you have some useful information I’m all ears!

No. 419874

i planned on only getting the op + bonnet in navy but i really liked the picture of misako wearing the pink jsk with the blouse so i got a full set of that one as well.
i also almost missed the release and only found out incidentally when i was checking lolibrary for something else so i'm really happy about the 2nd term.

No. 419876

>niche luxury hobby
how poor are you that you think lolita is a luxury hobby kek. also no such thing as vintage lolita silly. why is everyone who tried to join the fashion after 2019 so retarded(infighting)

No. 419885

NTA but I love how you proceeded to answer none of her questions and just do a contrived mean girl larp instead. This is why people hate lolitas btw

No. 419894

She's either infight baiting or really stupid, not worth giving attention.

No. 420010

Nayrt and typically people just call ~2005-2006 and earlier as old school rather than vintage, vintage isn’t used frequently but I do think the term applies too since lolita is a relatively newer style. There are pieces from the 80s and 90s by defunct or older brands that people would agree on being described as vintage but mid late 90s and older are usually the only pieces that resemble modern lolita. Also old school can still be used to describe modern releases in the same style, but people specify it’s just the style.

Outside of lolita I’ve seen people on social media freak out at anyone describing anything made after the 80s as vintage so it’s probably the same line of thinking where it freaks them out.

No. 420041

I can't help but feel moitie are flopping really hard lately. The only appealing pieces they have are re-releases and outside that, most pieces, particularly accessories, feel and look very cheap and thrown together haphazardly. I don't recall them ever needing to have major sales to get rid of stuff and i can't help but compare them to other brands where there is always a bloodbath for everything. Is this just because gothic is not popular or people have just stopped buying new moitie items? It seems like they are primarily trying to profit off the fact that a lot of times are highly coveted, so they can overly rely on releases instead of doing anything interesting.

No. 420149

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deliberated too long on buying a blouse on mercari and the seller deleted the listing im kms

No. 420154

They've been like that since Wunderwelt bought them, it's all downhill from there, it's a shame. I would buy from Moitie if the quality remained the same, especially since the second-hand market is so expensive.

No. 420242

kek did this prompt >>>/ot/2111733 ?

Do you still have the link of the seller? You could ask your SS to contact them about it, I had success with that before.

No. 420278

I could try! I normally use Buyee though so I'm not totally certain how to find out if they could do it. I'll do some digging, that's a good idea. I'm kind of afraid that the seller took it down because they want to keep it or sold it to someone offsite. It was the only listing they deleted, so it's a little unusual.

No. 420310

I only buy the re-releases. A lot of them still have decent quality thankfully, but everything else just looks and feels really cheap. I think it's about time the thought about lowering the prices once and for all after people had been complaining about them, pretty sure that's why the ended up locking their comment section on instagram.

No. 420521

Their cuts and proportions have been very odd.

No. 421411

Dystopian. I don't know why LM admins are info gathering. If I were a newbie I wouldn't use the platform tbh. We have no idea who admins are but users have to identify themselves??

I've heard they claim to delete it after but it's obviously not true. The point of sending is so they can compare it to other accounts to deny access like in the case of scammers. How can they do that if the info you sent is deleted? People believe anything

No. 421953

I'm lucky to have both a lm and a paypal account from before when both started requiring an id. If I were new to the fashion these days, I think I'd might just stick to selling at swap meets only because I don't trust either LM or Paypal to keep my info safe, and with PayPal now requiring social security numbers for Americans who sell over $600 (which in lolita, is not much),my online selling has scaled back a lot because I don't want to give them that.

No. 422259

The gov put a hold on that during covid and now it's been upped to 10k profit iirc. It's also not hard to just photoshop your ID for the LM mods, they have no way to verify it's real or not.

No. 422669

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The last couple of months I just kind of completely gave up. I'm too much of a pussy to even step outside my door while dressed up. I thought it would become easier once I moved to a big city because in my hometown everybody knowns everyone and trashtalks your entire family but I'm still scared of anybody seeing me. What if my neighbor tells my landlord that I'm a weirdo? People are noisy like that. And if anybody from work catches me, I'm dead.
Like others upthread already said, it feels like there's hardly anybody left online. At least for chatting, everybody is only selling everything. And the comm in my new city…even if I wasn't scared of being seen I wouldn't want to go because everybody looks so terrible and seems to always bring their moids and kids.

Super late, but I have the same body and it always makes me sad when people suggest we should go for ega/something long and mature instead, that's not what I started liking lolita for… I think if you're decently slim (which you are) it doesn't look that terrible if skirts are short on you, it sometimes even reminds me of the short on purpose 90s/early 00s coords. I think choosing a jsk instead of something with sleeves will also give you more leeway on how high they waist is. The "models" in recent non-japanese shows only look so bad because they're too fat (or straight up men), we don't even know how tall they are. Plus dressing in all pink, garish frills and tons of bows including socks of course will make you look more like a stuffed sausage with lots of leg than something more elegant/black.
Mana might not be a big man but he nevertheless towers over most japanese women and yet he can still wear anything because he's slender. Years ago there was a popular dutch lolita who was even taller (and turned out to be a scammer) but nobody cared about her thighs showing because she was skinny and styled herself well.

>Make sure to get bangs
Bangs aren't for everyone, many whites simply have too big noses for that. Old school VM often used foreign bangless girls and gave them various hairstyles (obviously on a gorgeous russian model but nevertheless…)

No. 424370

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old lolita history article from the rococo magazine, iirc it also implies some stuff about the name but maybe the google translation might be wrong

No. 424371

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No. 424372

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No. 424376

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No. 424381

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sameanon this is what i mean it says not only, this from a 2004 lolita magazine

No. 424434

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>Mana towering higher than most Japanese women
Mana literally wears 5 inch platforms and is about 160cm tall. I'm sorry, but you're coping here. You're just not going to look right if you're over a certain height and weight in this fashion unless you focus on things that fit or get them tailored.
Yes, Meta ran me out of cash this time around. Though I can't wait to see these new old school itas in the exact same copycat coords.

No. 424441

His female employees wear the same high shoes as him. The main point is that being skinny (and younglooking too) is far more important. So many western lolitas feel superior and brag about being as uwu short or shorter than japanese lolitas and therefore being able to wear anything when in reality they have a body like a yoga ball which also looks tragic, especially if it's all pink.
I already said that I basically quit, so don't worry about me running around hurting your eyes, I just wanted to encourage anon to wear what she wants. Chances are high that you also look like an old frilly armchair in what you bought.

No. 424558

I just went through my old mails the other day and realized it's already been almost 7 years since the shift..

No. 424562

There's a reason this only had two or three volumes kek.

No. 428077

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sorry but wtf is baby thinking with this release its so ugly

the shape the pattern the design of the sleeves the massive black seam, yuck

No. 428084

The middle part ruins it so much… The shoulders too, are they trying to appeal to other j-fashions instead of lolita?

No. 428161

This is so ugly. The pattern is giving Halloween mummy costume. It's not creepy or cute. It's so very tacky. Why the shoulderless sleeves? I've noticed an uptake in Japanese clothing brands having ugly ass cut outs wear the shoulders go. It ruins blouses and dresses. Why god why?

No. 428563

This is the 3rd bandage print and all 3 releases have progressively bad cuts.

No. 430041

Didn't the release already like a decade ago? I never liked the bandage motif. In general, i just find Aatp stuff is ugly and cheap looking. There's unironically stuff cheaper on taobao that is better.

No. 430441

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Just bought my first lolita dress. I'd wanted a lolita dress since I was a little baby weeaboo, but I'm a westerner with breasts and thus a landwhale by Japanese standards. Never bothered to actually do research so I only found out about Metamorphose yesterday just in time for this one. I'm not sure when I'll wear it tho, maybe I'll snap one day and go grocery shopping in it lmao. I still need to get a blouse, headdress, wig (my hair is a short mess) and a few other accessories, but I'm really looking forward to it.

No. 430667

happy for you nona! enjoy your dress!
i've grocery shopped in lolita before kek

No. 430728

Do you wanna have a lolita outing with me to buy groceries?

No. 430757

yes! sounds fun

No. 434392

Most lolitas will deny the name comes from the novel, but it's true it does. It doesn't mean Japan interpreted the book the same way. Even to this day they love that thing and you'll see some Japanese lolitas posting about it.

Welcome, you have lovely taste! Wear it everywhere and nowhere, you don't need an occasion to enjoy it.

No. 435517

I don't care that bodyline is closing. Nothing of quality came from it especially in recent years. Someone gave me a bodyline dress for free once and I literally threw it away because it was such ita polyester garbage it would be like sabotage to pass it along. Good riddance!

No. 435520

im sad that its closing because i miss all the memes and milk that came from it. literal end of an era. never forgetti.

No. 435521

Why are lolitas so prone to mental illness? I always found it intriguing the way they present themselves when in private most of them are neurotic bpchans and basket cases.

No. 435533

I think you have to be a little off your rocker to be drawn to + go through with spending lots of money on lolita. Same with BJD. I say this as someone into both.

No. 435600

A hobby that's all about how good you can look and how much money you can spend on clothes and then brag about your collection online is bound to attract lots of weirdoes. Not to mention the girls who get into lolita because they want to LARP as kawaii uguu anime princesses, or who mix it with DDLG, or who have eating disorders, etc. Any alternative fashion is bound to attract a sizeable contingent of mentally ill people.

No. 435602

it's not specific to lolita - unfortunately all alt fashions/subcultures attract unhinged weirdos. it's a bit more noticeable with lolita because of how small the overall community is since it's such a niche fashion. also due to that fact it's a lot harder to avoid the crazies since there's really not that many lolitas in general. if you ever get into any other alt fashion aside from lolita (even more popular ones) you'll come across lots of crazies in those fashions as well.

No. 435662

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Axes Femme has been venturing into lolita a bit and a lot of their prints are kind of cute, such as their latest Rosy Bear series, but the quality is so apparently bad even through the computer screen that I'm loathe to buy it. Why are the buttons and bow not centered along with the print? Sure, it may be centered on the bodice itself, but take the time to line the print up and center it so it doesn't look so lopsided! The OP at least doesn't have this problem, but instead the underside of the frills is just plain white. I understand that their price is much cheaper than "burando" so you get what you pay for and all, but I wish they could have just done it right, especially since it is a cute print. What a shame!

No. 435666

I'm not surprised to hear they're closing. When I went to bodyline in person last time they were selling shoes with already peeling pleather kek. I liked their shoes and blouses. The only cheap alternative left is taobao and those shops don't copy japanese blouse designs like bodyline did which makes them unusable. I can afford real brand these days but I'll miss them anyway.

No. 435668

After struggling with whether or not I want to stay in the fashion something reawakened in me once I found my first real dream dress. I have never felt this way about any dress before, it's gorgeous and the cut would fit me perfectly, not too long, not too short.
My wardrobe has always been pretty small as I tend to gravitate towards older pieces and refuse to overpay lol (inb4 poorfag yeah yeah whatever). I'm so in love with this dress (which I don't want to share with anyone before purchasing it) that I've decided to transform my wardrobe. I hate hoarding clothes (even normie clothes) so I don't mind it if I only end up with three or so main pieces as long as they're my absolute favorite and beloved items. The dress itself is way overpriced as it's not a popular dress at all but I'll bite the bullet and get it because I'm so in love with it.
Meanwhile I'm going to sell all my pieces that are
>too short
>too sweet
>too uncomfortable to wear
>not special enough for me aka plain filler jsks and skirts which I like but I'm not crazy about
I'm really excited for this. Too bad it'll probably be hard to find more dresses in a similar styly even from the same brand as they have moved away from it.

No. 435670

It doesn't really make sense because the book is set in the 50s, while the fashion is very Victorian-inspired.

No. 435679

kek let me guess you got into lolita during covid?

No. 435684

No and for the record when I say "older pieces" I don't mean old school. I'm just a third world poorfag.

No. 435693

I'm happy for you finding your dream dress nonny. Sell the stuff you don't want and focus on buying things that will work with this dress and a few other similar main pieces. Maybe have a look through the cgl archives at the old capsule wardrobe threads for inspo. Not saying you necessarily have to buy a whole capsule wardrobe, but even if you only have your 3 main pieces they might give you an idea of different interchangeable things you can wear with them. If you don't wear lolita super often it's nice to have a curated selection of stuff you actually really love rather than a bunch of filler pieces that will just take up space.

No. 435709

Thank you, nonnie!
>it's nice to have a curated selection of stuff you actually really love rather than a bunch of filler pieces that will just take up space.
That's exactly what I've been thinking. I'd rather wear the hell out of a few main pieces I love than settle for (albeit nice) ones that just don't hit.
I now realize some of my dresses and accessories I only bought because I considered them to be staples.

No. 436218

>it's true because I and a very unpopular magazine said so
Really hate the revisionism that goes on with newer lolitas and them speaking so surely about lolita origins and what japanese lolitas supposed to have thought, all based on magazines they can't read and scraps of translations.

No. 436808

they're only staples if you think they are staples. I lowkey hate when older lolitas tell newer lolitas to only buy blouses and skirts and "staple items". I don't even like wearing blouses most of the time and I absolute despise skirts, my staple items are all cardigans and JSKs, it would send a "mentor" lolita in a spiral. I think the most important thing for a lolita is to learn what they like wearing first. some people hate skirts, some people hate JSKs and so on.

No. 436810

Good advice, you need to pick what you like and also learn what works with your body to look your best. I love wearing blouses and skirts, occasionally JSKs. I never wear cardigans or too much petticoat because they make me feel frumpy. I also prefer not to wear patterned JSKs too often as I feel overly childish in them, though other lolitas can pull them off well.

No. 436886

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I bought my first moitie dress recently! I'm so excited for it to come. While I'm fine with the other colors, I've wanted my first to be black and blue.

No. 438053

If you have a dress that you love but never worn due to the cut not complimenting your body and/or not fitting, would you sell or get it altered?

I have a dress that I love dearly but the cut does no justice on my body and does not fit right either.

No. 438107

It really depends on how much you love it, if you love love it like dream dress material try to get it to fit or alter it. Otherwise sell it.

No. 438310

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do you anons think the old school popularity will ever wane like 2010's sweet hype did? obviously older = rarer and it'll never be cheap again. but I've been into lolita long enough to remember when "maxi pad" headdresses or black x white coords were considered ita staples and old meta was relentlessly mocked. watching the prices soar over the years has been interesting. I hate that I was a poorfag teenager back then, wish I could've bought more.
if it's something that can be fixed with alterations, do it. I don't think there's any harm in holding onto a dress just for sentimental reasons though. I have a dream dress I rarely wear because I'm too tall, which makes the skirt unflatteringly short and the waist hits higher than I'd like. love seeing the dress on other lolitas but not on me kek. if I ever find a really good tailor experienced with lolita I'll have it turned into a skirt and matching headdress

No. 438325

Congratulations!!! Some of the current moitie stuff is still pretty good thankfully, that dress in the pic you posted is cute and a classic piece.
I'd be concerned about the level of altering it would require and if the tailor would do a good job. I feel like i've gotten good at avoiding unflattering cuts thanks to trial and era and seeing feedback from other lolitas who have a similar body type to me.
I think one of the appeals of old school lolita is the wearability and for that, idk if it will fade into irrelevance like 2010s sweet did. I do think that the notion of wxb being ita was heavily tainted by all the horrific cheap lolita dresses from milanoo, sissy dresses and awful raschel lace. Nowadays most of the ita cheap lolita dresses are usually mimicking the 2010s sweet aesthetic ironically, they are popular with people who like the lolita aesthetic but don't have any real connection to the larger community or interest in it.

No. 439332

LM is down again with a weird error..

If we'll ever get the cheap days back, it will be due to even worse global financial crashes and by then, sane people will probably have higher priorities than buying lolita kek.

No. 439347

I don't think it will ever become "dirt cheap" again like it was, but I do think there's still a contingent of tiktokers who are still drivin up the prices and clout chasing. Eventually they'll move onto something else and the prices will lower again, but I reckon they'll still be elevated compared to where they were

No. 439413

For as long as people want to dress up like misa from death note, maybe not. At least a lot of the old school staples are getting re-released. We need to wait for the current batch of kawaii e-girls to move on.

No. 439788

Okay, then why does it called "lolita"? Why this exact name? What do you think? And your sources, please

No. 440543

I'm debating if I want to participate in the /cgl/ secret santa. In theory it sounds like fun, but with the state of the board I'm hesitant to put myself out there. Anyone else?

No. 440546

No offence, but i cannot fathom wanting to enter. I still remember that one moid who sent a lolita a bunch of random hair ties from the mall because he didn't know shit about j-fashion and probably just wanted to interact with a woman so badly. I stopped using cgl because of all the fetish/sexy cosplay coomer threads, i'd be worried if they are participating in it.

No. 440549

NTA but oh God, I remember the bow guy. I felt so bad for the woman getting shitty bows. Covid and scrotes really killed off /cgl/ because all I remember before leaving it for good were threads centering around body parts like butt, legs, etc which creeped me out and made the board smell like scrotum.

No. 440584

I participated in it a couple years ago and had a really good experience, all my gifts were perfect to my taste and super thoughtful. I think I'll still participate in a low tier just to keep the tradition alive. if I get scammed by a moid oh well

No. 441151

It's so strange that I rarely see actually gothic lolita wearer anymore, like actually gothic lolita and not just sweet in a black color way. It's surprising because goth-like styles have had a huge resurgence in the past few years.

No. 441153

I joind for 6 /cgl/ ss and I have gotten good experiences from it. I gotten better gifts from the SS than from my own friends/family. If you have the time to do it, I think it would be fun to join!

No. 441183

Don't do it. I did it and I got grinched and they still let the one who grinched me participate in later years. I had painted her something in watercolor as part of the gift and she never posted it or even said thank you, I had to post and ask if she received it.

No. 441290

Thinking about getting back into Lolita at 30, but wearing classic and gothic this time around (I used to be sweet).

Any brand recommendations? I've been out of the loop for about 11 years now, and I'm no longer a burando bootlicker like I used to be.

No. 441299

i think it's because true gothic lolita is just harder to find. it's the least popular style on taobao, most nu-moitie sucks, old moitie goes for a ton secondhand and is smaller sized than most brands so fewer people can wear it, etc. obviously there's other brands but I feel like most people only know moitie, boz, atepie and maybe sheglit. the "goth resurgence" on tiktok is definitely affecting the prices of brands like BPN, h.naoto and Putumayo though

No. 441438

I know nu-moitie has a bad reputation, but i still recommend the re-releases. Also, Atelier boz shut down, but the designer made a new store with the same exact pieces under the brand alpstola.
Victorian Maiden is now owned by wunderwelt as is moitie. I'd check atelier pierrot since they have some gothic pieces made by lesser known brands that are cute, as well as sometimes releasing some cute things under their own brand.
Most of those people who like goth probably don't want to invest in an expensive style with strict rules. My favourite thing about gothic lolita has always been that it doesn't have a hyperfocus on makeup the way general goth styles do to carry the look and plus i am not very creative when it comes to clothes, i like being cookie cutter.
The second hand market for bpn, h.naoto and putomayo was fucked up long before tiktok due to how limited the pieces were becoming years since they went out of business or for h.naoto's case, stopped focusing on lolita. I've always been super pissed at them for that.

No. 441446

I had a really mediocre experience with it, received some etsy brand accessories and a bunch of dollar store items whereas I sent someone else a brand crossbody

No. 441472

same, nona.
this was years ago but I sent my SS a Maxicmam tote and I remember getting like two child's headbands clearly from the toddler section and ??? an empty 'perfume' shaped bottle in a shoe box. I'd have more faith in a lottery ticket and it would cost less.

No. 442335

There's that, but also I think a lot of gothic lolitas (and classic lolitas too really) just don't post online/value privacy and are content with being lonelitas for the most part, so you just don't see them as frequently compared to sweet lolitas (might be my own confirmation bias though)

No. 442405

any nonnies here ever go to japan?
what shoes did you wear? I'm going in a couple months and am trying to find shoes that would be ok with lolita but still comfortable for all the walking i'll be doing

No. 442879

Stupid question but when did Lolita get so expensive?
I’ve been out of the loop for a few years and want to start buying some pieces again as I finally lost to be able to wear Lolita again. When auction sites, even the ugly prints nobody wanted are going for insane prices. I find it hard to believe it’s solely inflation

No. 442881

Sage for Samefag but I’m aware lolita has always been pricey, I meant on secondhand markets

No. 442908

Because literally everyone and their mum had to get involved in wearing it with the uptick in "influencers" (ie self-absorbed, rotten, boring, vapid cunts that need extra attention for having anything old, you know who) bragging about their collections on tiktok and instagram. This caused scalpers to jump on the omega-packed bandwagon in hopes that newfag #99,329 will buy their overpriced and stained floral meta skirt for the "internet cred and popularity clouttt uwu~", which they unwaveringly and unfailingly conform to do. That's all it is.

No. 443035

I feel like it happened during covid times, lots more people got into the fashion. just supply and demand. though tbh if you're buying from japan the weak yen has helped the prices feel less painful imo, everything gets snatched up super quick though

No. 443377

I went to Japan, and I really had fun. I wore platforms mostly though if I went bad, I'd just wear some cute black mary janes and save platforms for the occasional day trip because my mary janes actually broke during the last few days of the trip. My antaina rocking horse shoes ended up being my only option.

No. 443555

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Can’t stop thinking about the AATP x rozen maiden dress
I will own this dress
Whatever it takes it will be mine

No. 443557

A lot of people don't even sell their pieces online anymore, they sell them to other comm members which has greatly decreased the flow of items online. Plenty of scalpers whether it be in Japan, the West or in China marking everything up. I also think brands like bodyline and anna's house being less prominent also made the prices soar because there's not really any good cheap brands out there anymore for lolitas.

No. 443558

Taobao is cheap though

No. 443559

I know, but the quality isn't the best and the designs tend to really suck.

No. 443561

Bodyline’s quality is even more shit and has replicas though kek

No. 444226

Sales are why I want to join a comm but I don't live close enough to one where I'd be able to do irl meetups. and isn't it the case nowadays that most public comms are infested while actual sane lolitas have private groups? Am I just doomed to be a lonelita

No. 444246

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I think lolita just naturally attracts insane women due to how extravagant it is. You really have to either love the attention or give zero fucks in order to wear it and obviously you get a ton of people who are unhinged and don't care for social norms. I'd say that i wish we could have out own discord for lolita stuff here, but it's not like anons here have a reputation for being sane either lmao. Idk, what the solution is tbh.

No. 444279

reeee lm get your shit together

No. 444371

I don't think there's a single lolita who isn't some level of mentally ill, and I say this as a mentally ill lolita.

No. 445239

I agree that all lolitas have to be some kind of weird to be drawn to the fashion, but I wish there was a way to separate the ones who are just a bit kooky from the full on insane "AuDHD ze/zir tulpae-system go-fund-my-gecko's-surgery" types

No. 445298

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what is your lolita regret?

when i was younger and in my hyper sweet lolita phase, i was obsessively looking for some of the sweeter Emily Temple Cute pieces. i bought a plain op on a whim just because it was ETC and it fit me perfectly, but didn't suit my style so i sold it. i regret selling that dress so badly, it ended up being my exact style later on. I hate myself to falling for the Angelic Pretty sickly sweet hype.
no picture of the dress included because i can't even find the old pictures of it, i still love ETC

No. 445389

Buying an OP for my first main piece. It's cute but it's was unflexible for multiple coords, esp. since I didn't have accessories like an apron or jacket to match with it so I ended up having the same coord consecutively in multiple meet ups which I shouldn't be too harsh about considering my budget at the time but man it felt embarassing lmao.

No. 445409

I hope you can re-find that OP! ETC pieces are always so fun. My biggest regret is most of the "lolita blouses" I bought, especially the burando ones. With only a few exceptions, I have absolutely hated them. I've had far better luck with blouses I've found at thrift stores. I also bought a Violet Fane jsk once because I thought the print was cute, but the fit on it is so horridly loose and boxy that it ruined the appeal for me and it just rots in my closet now.

No. 445410

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I'd be sobbing and throwing up is i sold this. I think my regret is buying that taobao paper doll dress that a lot of gothic lolitas were wearing a while back. It looks cute in pics, but the dress being $60 should have been the warning sign that it was going to be shit. And low and behold it was shit. Borderline party city crap. The print on the dress was blurry and you could tell that the dress itself was not going to hold up on the wash because it was one of those fabrics that was white on one side and coloured on the outer side. I am more so disappointed than regretful tbh because the concept of the dress was 10/10, it's just the execution that left much to be desired. At least it sold on lace market fast.

No. 445463

Starting out buying taobao like all advice/guides told me to. The blouses were shit, no matter how many people told me "they were fine" or not ita, despite being cotton they were very sheer and felt like they were made of paper. The acessories, socks and shoes were fine though.

No. 445654

The print really surprised me with how good it is. I love it a lot but I'm a bit disappointed in the cut. I wish they had picked anything else than a long skirt with an unremovable plain blouse. I know they've done cuts like this in the past but something like one of the koitsukihime cuts would've been so much better.
This is my main regret too. It took me a while to develop an eye for quality and after I got multiple brand pieces it was such a drag to sell almost all of my taobao things. Some lolitas in my comm have been wearing lolita for about 10 years and yet they still mostly wear taobao/bodyline. It makes me wonder why they're not interested in switching to something better. On a smaller scale I also regret only buying the cheapest 2nd hand brand main pieces at first. The quality was great but after a while I still didn't have any of my actual wish list items and 10+ meh to cute dresses instead. Prioritizing only buying things I really love instead of things that are just a good deal and kind of cute improved my wardrobe a lot.

No. 445658

The only decent blouses I've gotten from taobao are from forest wardrobe. Nice material and completely opaque, I wear it often in non-lolita coords. Don't have any brand blouses to compare the quality to, but it stands apart from the other taobao blouses I've gotten that match your description.

No. 445684

Passing up a $80 old school op that was rotting on lm for ages because I was bigger at the time and it wouldn't fit. Haven't seen it for sale since but it would definitely go for more. Also seconding starting with taobao. Ordered a massive haul of super sweet stuff only to have my style take a 180 and selling it all… I somehow still made a small profit though I really don't like the aesthetic tastes of Chinese lolita at all tbh it's too over designed

No. 445787

When did lolita start accepting taobao and stuff like that? 15 years ago it seemed like if you wore bodyline instead of burando or handmade then you weren't a real lolita

No. 445806

I theorize it happened around the pandemic when alternative fashion became mainstream and "gatekeeping" the fashion from shitty cheap quick fashion brands was considered classism or some other dumb shit.
That is to say not all taobao brands are bad, and some brando quality has gone downhill after they started switching to polyester fabrics, however theres no denying that taobao is a very vague term, and could apply to the very same manufacturers that produce cheap sweatshop fast fashion found in sites like shien or amazon.

No. 445832

Yea lolita used to have a somewhat elitist and exclusive vibe tbh, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. TikTok has probably made the hobby too accessible

No. 445839

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Idk I've seen taobao and bodyline be acceptable lolita even back when I got into lolita in 2009. That said, it had to still follow some basic guidelines.

Modern clolita looks like costumes and that is the "lolita" most normies and zoomers have in mind. I hate that this stuff gets called lolita and accepted in the community now, and that IS a post pandemic thing, plus influenced by people like lovelylor saying fuck the rules and go buy from DevilInspired. The most popular "lolita" account on Xitter with the mainstream is MyLolitaDress and that's a perfect example of what I'm talking about, sure ita stuff has always existed but at least back then it tried to look like lolita (lacemonsters, black and white, maxipad headdresses). Now it straight up looks like random stage costumes

No. 445841

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>Now it straight up looks like random stage costumes
exactly this. the fun part about lolita dresses, regardless if theyre OPs or JSKs, is their flexibility to coordinate into multiple outfits. With these costume-esque dresses, theyre made with a set coordinate in mind (usually comes with matching accessories + shoes) so theres no freedom in matching and altering the dress with other pieces. It takes out a lot of the fun from lolita, and it makes it more like a cosplay kit which is a big antithesis for lolita fashion

No. 445842

I've never seen anyone wearing these taobao abominations in actual meetings. I see them occasionally on cons though. no serious lolita actually buys these, it's not like they are cheap either. it's good these exist though, so tourists don't buy brand and make the market even more insufferable.

No. 445869

My comm is full of Taobao itas unfortunately. Some meets are really bad, no burando in sight…

No. 445879

Time to make your own comm then. It's exhausting going to public comm meets when everyone looks like ass and wants to talk about their gender. Having a solid group of girls 25+ is best ime

No. 445895

I forgot that large cities exist, my local comm can hardly cobble up more than 10 people to meet up in person, I cant imagine making a private one with more than 20 members; one that excommunicates trannies from getting in nonetheless. theres a shit ton of handmaidens in the lolita community unfortunately and although they can draw a line with TIM sissy fetish fags, they dont say shit when a TIF is in the picture (can say from experience, disappointing one of the most seasoned members of my comm ended up being a thembie that took T and now has ugly stubble she keeps unshaven during meetups)

No. 445906

Exactly. I'm grateful my comm keeps out the sissy fetishists and we have no males bothering us, but we still have a bunch of tifs and thembies, plus the normal women are all loudly anti-terf so I never feel fully safe knowing I'd be kicked out instantly if they knew my views despite being part of the comm for a decade.

No. 445926

God I wouldve really appreciated someone like you when I tried to confide with another senior lolita and it turns out she was supportive and full on board with another comm member transitioning and getting testosterone. it was a bleak experience, how did we jump from openly ridiculing men invading our spaces to supporting women butchering their bodies in the next, i just dont get it…

No. 446168

>although they can draw a line with TIM sissy fetish fags
God I wish my local comm would at least go that far. It has gotten to the point where most meet ups are 50% male, with some of them having more men than women. At least one of the men is an obvious sissy but the comm leader is a handmaiden and barely wears lolita herself to begin with. I'm sure it's keeping some other lolitas away as well but our area would be too small for a second comm.

No. 446184

Make friends with the few sane and female lolitas in your comm and start hanging out with them in private meets. Nothing wrong with friends hanging out.

No. 446209

I'm glad my comm kinda keeps political/gender talk out of the equation. we have some special gender people but they're like 3 or 4 out of +40 people.

No. 446249

>but something like one of the koitsukihime cuts would've been so much better.
Agreed but I'm a huge fan of Rozen Maiden and I love the print itself so I'm going for it anyway hehe.

No. 446251

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>black and white, maxipad headdresses
I love these things though…black x white isn't automatically bad.

I don't like taobao lolita stuff but to be fair a lot of brands trying to pander to the Chinese market put out stuff like this nowadays (especially those hideous wedding dresses by BABY)
I just miss when hime was more lolita+himegyaru as opposed to obnoxious costumes with too much shit on them.

No. 447026

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Should I give up Lolita/jfashion if I'm over 170 cm? It's beginning to feel like a lost cause. I pretty much only want to wear old school.

No. 447064

I dont think so. Showing knees is honestly the least egregious lolita sin compared to newfag itas walking around in taobao costume coords or wearing no petticoat with their dress. You'll be fine I presume

No. 447065

There's a lolita called Kryptkeeper who is quite tall and she manages to make the fashion work whilst primarily wearing old school lolita. She seems to make it work by wearing peaking bloomers and relying on skirts a lot.

No. 447080

I'm 180cm and had similar thoughts before. I've learned to triple check the measurements for every dress before I buy. if the length is less than 94cm it's too short for me even with bloomers. avoiding certain cuts is basically a requirement - I made the mistake of buying a dress with a high waist and because my torso is longer than most women it looks so awkward on me. like the dress still fits and is long enough for me but there is just no way I can look good in it because of where the waist sits on my long torso. don't buy any dresses with high waists/short bodices. you'd be better off learning to sew and pattern draft/alter patterns to make your own dresses, at least that's what I'm doing. or commission an experienced seamstress to make dresses for you though it'll probably cost as much as brand dresses. also some indie brands make old school style dresses that fit taller women or will do custom orders (such as wirehead shop, distant melody shop, rusanjin room, roritas angel wardrobe, etc).

No. 447086

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Well I was talking more about how ita back then looked more like this, whereas ita now doesn't even look lolita inspired. Like a lot of taobao dresses that everyone tags as lolita, I wouldn't even be able to tell they're attempting lolita without the tag

No. 447093

there are longer skirts that classify as lolita as well as underskirts. I feel you, I have a large bust and can only wear certain cuts from certain japanese brands. Find pieces that are a little longer and work for you. Also wear bloomers

No. 447138

Don't nonna, this is manageable height and I am certain you can make it happen. I kept wearing the fashion after I got fat (27.5' waist and 33' bust at 5'3") anything is possible.

No. 447240

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I haven't worn gothic in a long while. I need some honest concrit. Are Keras still in? Or are they out of style?

No. 447246

I'm not sure but they're fucking beautiful and look timeless to me. I say go for it.

No. 447295

Your picrel looks goofy as hell to me, but I'm sure they're cute to others.

No. 447306

it's possible but good luck, old school is definitely the most challenging style for us tall lolitas imo. Personally I hate peeking bloomers and just let my skirts be short, OTKs can help feel less "exposed". High waist cuts are the devil though it depends- BTSSB babydoll is flattering and cute on me but I've gotten some really badly fitting pieces too. I feel like it's the combination of too short + high waisted that can look really bad.
>33' bust
short girls have it so easy what the fuck
I feel like for a while they were super oversaturated and they became the stereotypical old school shoe, so they do feel a bit outdated. I feel like I don't see them as often. But since lolita trends don't matter in the same way as normie fashion they're not necessarily bad or anything. Wear what you want

No. 447343

No, these are the ita shoe.

No. 447421

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I was planning to wear it with my moitie jsk. I can see that Keras are a bit overrated now, they're popular with the egirl/ new goth crowd. I also have some black mary jane pumps, which might be better for the coord

No. 447422

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platforms are an old school staple though, i think it could work for a gothic coord. there are worse ita shoes out there anyways like koi footwear or generic ballet flats

No. 447431

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yeah it wouldn't necessarily be ita to wear the demonias but pumps would be a better match imo. My keras has been sitting in my closet gathering dust for a while because I'm just not a fan of the platform shape for some reason? it always feels like the proportions don't really work with lolita. I do still wear my crux 07s a lot. they've still got the cute round toe and I like the flower/scalloped detailing. much comfier too

No. 447447

Those look nothing like old school platforms though. They're painfully 2010s. Look cheap too.

No. 447685

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I hate decorative corsets so damn much, especially when they're plastered on the front of a dress. To me, it takes an otherwise cute design and makes it look like cheap hottopic-tier trash. I hope this design choice dies out.

No. 447690

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Those are a cute shoe. They have a classic look and look so comfortable for walking.
You might also want to take a look at the gothika-09. I think they're a better match for the jsk.

No. 447844

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When ordering from Japan via proxy, they always sent my package straight to the customs office if it contained a handbag and notified me through e-mail that they're required to do that.
I'm about to order an expensive dress and wanted to get a headdress to go with it, does it qualify as an item that they're required to notify the customs office about?
The headdress is cheap, I don't want to spend a fortune on customs just because of a hair accessory.

No. 447947

Where do you get your shoes? I'm seeing some on Milanoo, 42lolita and Lolitain, but can I trust them? (I know Milanoo was the peak of ita back in the day and before I got into lolita)
Obviously I want something good quality and long lasting.

>>447093 What cuts and brands do you wear? I have the same issue with bust size.

No. 447999

You aren't fat just slightly chubby if anything. You would fit a japanese large size. If you lose 10lbs you will fit into anything you have good proportions nonna be proud.

Tiktokfags from 2020 ruined them for me go for >>447690 instead. Demonias have gone down in quality anyway.

No. 448088

Hard to say because it probably depends on which country you're in, but handbags are more known for counterfeits, so that may be the reasoning for that

No. 448810

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International Lolita Day is tomorrow. What are your plans?

No. 448875

The local comm is hosting a meetup. The only thing is that I haven't been to one in about 10 years. Hopefully, I hope I have a good time.

No. 448989

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I think after years of being mostly a lifestyle lolita, I just don't celebrate ILD anymore. Everyday is already lolita day (and I love it)! ILD itself almost feels like a relic of the livejournal days, a blog prompt more than a holiday. The last ILD meetup I attended was a winter one 2 years ago now, and I only went because the meetup activity sounded fun (which it was). I've transitioned more to being mostly a lonelita, so I had quite forgotten that ILD was upon us already with no one to remind me. It looks like one of the comms in my area is holding a swap-meet for it; likely it will be the same people offering the same wares as the last few swap-meets, so I've no interest in attending. As for my plans today, I am meeting up with some (non-lolita) friends at a cafe to discuss music we like/the local scene. Not sure yet what I'll wear, but I might take the opportunity to wear Christmas/Wintery prints while the season is upon us.

No. 449039

I’m working so no plans

No. 449750

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RPA prints always look off to me. These cats are creepy.

No. 449754

In my country there is no proper comm so I cant do swap meets. I am friends with like 3 girls who do lolita but I hate two of them

No. 450866

Then why are you friends with them? Why are lolitas always fake bitches?

No. 451191

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My comm had a meet at an iceskating ring in our area. I loved that it was decorated for the holiday season, too. Overall, I had a great time. And I also found out that another member is a fellow fujosister kek.

No. 451266

The state of western lolita fashion AD 2024 - clones wearing basically same designs that nainly differ by colors and prints.

Why things went so wrong?

No. 451290

Lolita is a subculture built around clothing brands, celebrating the designs of those brands. It's been like this since the beginning for both the east and west. What the fuck are you on about?

No. 451306

kek, you weren't around for too long.

No. 451443

Go back to reddit

No. 451467

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Read that sentence again, but slowly then maybe you will get the point

Go back to 4chan

No. 451506

I am extremely new to Lolita itself but I have always been intrigued by the fashion so take this with a grain of salt. I dont really think so I think that lolita at it's core is women DIYing and making their own fashions. A lot of old lolita books and blogs will have girls DIYing a lot of their pieces early on and over time. I think the girls just don't know how to sew anymore and everything is easily accessible so the DIY aspect of Lolita has been killed. Even the bunny/animal purses were DIY'd. Ingenuity is dying because people crave instant gratification. I am guilty myself. But this is just my opinion as an outsider.

No. 451531

I think it's true. Accessories being so cheaply available on taobao doesn't help matters. I still really want to learn to sew so i can make my own cotton blouses.

No. 451634

This is a patten of a brand design, dumbass. Good job proving me right, you couldn't even remember your own argument.

The problem with modern western lolita is that they don't care about supporting the brands that built the fashion. This is why cheap taobao shit is all over the place and why actual brands are closing shops and disappearing.

No. 451907

Brand design and local com looking like army of clones in MiCh crap that is as diverse in designs as a box of pencils in shapes are two separate topics. Few previous posters seems to understand that - you not so much.

No. 452481

I really like the DIY aspect of lolita too. I don't have a sewing machine so I'm limited to hand-sewing but I've made a few small accessories, it's so much fun. Especially if you're into old school, so many of those pieces are (relatively, for lolita) simple so it would be cool to have the skills to make them custom to your tastes and size. I'd love to be able to make my own dresses but it seems so daunting, I don't even know where to start

No. 452783

You say that but Otome no Sewing is still being published. I think you just don't really know lolitas who sew. There are many of us out there but activity/discussion mostly happens in private Discords. A lot of people also sell their handmade goods but overall it's just not cheap to do handmade lolita unless you're very thrifty and people would rather just buy Taobao shit anyway. Fabric and lace are very expensive nowadays also.

No. 452896

Start with a smaller project like a skirt rather than jumping straight to a dress. I usually see petticoat get tossed around as a starter project, but unless there's a specific type you want (e.g. I just finished a cotton/flannel reversible one for colder weather) it's now become so cheap to buy a reliable one with decent materials that it's harder to justify making your own given how much startup costs are for sewing projects.
Depending on where you are, some libraries offer lending programs for sewing machines, or sometimes craft studios have open studio hours for access to their machines for a couple of hours at a time. I've also taken community college classes in fashion and got some of my personal sewing done whenever there was downtime or open lab hours - mine had industrial straight stitch machines along with sergers, which is all you really need.

No. 453044

Shipped out all my gifts for CGL Secret Santa this week. It's my first time participating and I had fun shopping for my match since she and I have similar tastes. Apparently my santa is experiencing delays so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I wasnt matched with a moid kek

No. 453813

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>tfw genuinely nostalgic for 2000s ita because those were the girls i would feel jealous of as a kid when i didn't know any better
The cheap shiny satin, the raschel lace, smudged pencil eyeliner with no other makeup, the greasy bangs, the Demonias, the fishnets, the random plushies, the occasional neon wig from a local costume store…

No. 456158

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What's up with western "lolitas" and putting on the most god awful 50 pounds of makeup on Earth

No. 456399

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Anyone remember when the Amuse Alpacassos were big amongst lolitas? I regret selling my collection, they were such cute plushes! The sad part is that they aren't made anymore. I wanted to start collecting again, but unfortunately my only route will have to be hunting for resellers on ebay of mercari.

No. 456552

It's over, one of the newer members of my comm has a troon boyfriend and I think they're going to let him into the online community too. At least I can keep my distance.

No. 456554

I remember that craze anon! I always thought they were so cute and they remind me of this vocaloid mv that was popular years ago. A matching coordinate with one would be adorable

No. 457015

I love that animation! Thank you nonnie, it's so nostalgic~
I've seen some cute coords with the alpacasso too. I've even seen alpacasso used for to make little bags. If I can get multi of one kind, I'd like to try that.

No. 457019

I’ve always been a huge fan of alpacasso and I still have a huge collection of them! I’m lucky to have amassed my collection while alpacas were plentiful and cheap kek. If I’m recalling correctly I think Amuse still produces Alpacasso series from time to time but the newer alpacassos do look a bit different. (Slightly smaller, more overstuffed, less wonky proportions) I wish you luck with your alpacasso hunting nona.

No. 457225

Thanks for the tip, nonnie! I'll keep a look out to see when Amuse puts anything out. I've been searching some websites and I found some left over stock, but they're mostly the minis. I'll be happy to get my hands on a mid-or large sized plushes

No. 457986

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I'm assuming that most of this thread aren't apart of a comm/are lonelita. My question is were you always solo or did you have a breaking point where you wanted to leave your comm to be alone?

No. 458022

I was always alone because there's no one where I lived before, let alone any other lolitas. I just moved to the city for the first time and want to try joining the local comm, but I'm scared I will find myself in a meetup with a bunch of trannies or annoying slobs. Everything for the local comm here is really locked down so I can't see at all who's in it, which sucks but also seems promising since they can easily filter people.

No. 458040

I haven't been into lolita for as long as some nonas here (I got into it in the mid-late 2010s) but so far I've always been a lonelita. the local comms where I've previously lived (and where I currently live) were already infested with creepy predatory scrotes and their handmaidens, ita genderspecials, unhinged lolcows, etc by the time I got into the fashion so I felt like there was no point going to comm meets. I just wear the fashion out with my normie friends or when I'm running errands alone. I've had some nice online lolita friends but they tend to come and go since it's difficult to maintain online friendships without ever meeting up.

No. 458166

I'm still technically in my comm's group pages but I've pretty much given up on going to meets. The main comm is majority itas, gendies and people with a history of drama. When better dressed people do join the comm they usually come for one or two meets and then never show up again, kek. As a result, my region is full of lonelitas and private comms/friend groups that do their own thing. Some people in the main comm get upset that not everyone wants to come to their meets but they don't exactly have a good image. I haven't really enjoyed myself at any of the meets I've attended with them. A lot of them are embarrassing to be seen with and too cheap to do anything actually nice. I hated looking around and realising I was the only one who could dress myself at these things so I just stopped going. Sometimes I will go to a private meet or I will hang out with friends from surrounding comms if they visit, but for the most part I consider myself a lonelita.

No. 458242

I'm at the point where I want to give up on going to meets. But I do have a friend that I wear lolita with, so I wouldn't be totally alone. There's been a lot drama in my comm for the past few month. It's in a remote area so this is the only lolita group around. Majority of the events were hosted by one girl. She had some breakup with her core friends and they've split to form a new group. Some of our comm followed them, some stayed, some like myself didn't really care, because 1. that's all of their buisiness and 2. it's twice the events to go to. The original host took it as a betrayal and began a gossip storm involving anyone who didn't exclusively go to her events. It's all so retarded and I got sick of her high school behavior very quickly. At this point I don't want to bother anymore.

No. 458296

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I actually joined a comm as soon as I started wearing lolita. It's full of drama, which made interacting with them stressful. Just constantly on edge and scared of saying the wrong thing, or dressing poorly, and getting shit talked online or posted to /cgl/. I still go to the big public meets occasionally to meet new people but yeah, there's men and people who don't know how to dress. I feel embarrassed to be around them which ultimately made me stop trying to be an active member as soon as I left my "newbie" stage. Plus most of the comm is into chinese brands only… it feels like I wear a different fashion from them, and we don't really have anything in common outside of lolita either. 90% of time I'm wearing lolita by myself or when hanging out with normie friends. having a lolita bff to twin with is a dream of mine though. maybe someday…
it sucks but I really recommend joining the comm, at least temporarily. I had the same fears as you but after going to a few meets, I got invites to smaller, private groups that are much more chill. There's probably a few well-dressed lolitas in your city you just have to find them and maybe suffer through a couple meets with trannies

No. 458591

My situation is similar to
where I’m still technically in the group but I don’t attend meets anymore. I still post coord pics and occasionally buy or sell stuff so they haven’t kicked me out, but I’m at a point where I haven’t even met most of the regular posters in the comm discord. And, considering they’re overwhelmingly gendies who introduce themselves by posting their laundry list of self-diagnosed disorders and usually own one or two (godawful) Taobao dresses at most, I don’t really feel like I’m missing out.
I stopped attending meet-ups when I realised that 1) I didn’t actually enjoy them and they felt more like an obligation and 2) I was deeply embarrassed to be seen with my comm and spent every meet praying that I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew. Not just because they looked bad (though most of them did) but because of the way they behaved. One time I ran into a couple of coworkers during a meet and they were completely bewildered to see me with my comm. They genuinely could not wrap their minds around the idea that I would willingly socialise with these people and came up with the explanation that I must have been volunteering with some kind of organisation that arranges outings for intellectually disabled adults. I began to ask myself what I even have in common with 99,9% of my comm, considering that the way we dress is barely even recognisable as the same fashion, and came to the conclusion that there was no reason for me to continue attending meet-ups.

It was a good move for my wardrobe, too. Once there was no pressure to fit in with the rest of the comm and to dress ‘lolita enough’ it was easier to focus on clothes I genuinely liked and wanted to wear, even if they wouldn’t impress most other lolitas. My taste is very toned down classic and gothic with a hint of aristocrat whereas my comm is almost entirely sweet, so I always felt very underdressed and often people didn’t even recognise my coords as lolita. I started putting together more costumey coords just so people at meet-ups would stop asking me “who I was there with” (“you’re not wearing anything I recognise as lolita so the only reason you’d have for being at a lolita meet-up would be to accompany an actual lolita, right?”). As a result I ended up with a bunch of coords I would only ever wear to meet-ups, which made me feel more obligated to attend meet-ups I didn’t truly enjoy and that became a weird vicious circle. Now I only buy clothes and accessories for myself and I’m much happier that way. It’s actually kind of funny to see the reactions I get when I post coord pics in the comm discord; the majority of regulars scroll past without comment but it brings a bunch of other gothic and classic girls out of the woodwork who never really post otherwise.

No. 459853

Nonny, are you me? I feel exactly the same on the wardrobe front. My comm leans sweet and the more costumey, taobao sweet at that. I have no interest in wearing stuff like that myself. It doesn't even feel like the same fashion, but I still felt pressure to dial up my coords to fit in. I tried to set an example of wearing older, higher quality pieces in hopes it would rub off on the comm but it never did. I was tired of being the only person not wearing some shiny costume tier thing and having to pretend I wasn't embarrassed to be seen with them. Like you I also felt like I was dodging people I know. Now that I've realised I'm not actually interested in going to meets and hanging out with these people, I'm going to declutter a lot of my stuff. I used to keep certain pieces just in case of a themed meet, but the meets would never happen or I'd end up not wanting to go. It's a hard pill to swallow, letting go of the fantasy lolita comm you wish you were in, where everyone dresses well, knows how to behave and does fun stuff regularly. The reality is usually never as good and there's only so much you can try to be the change before you realise you just don't have enough in common with the others and it's a waste of time. It's better to dress for yourself and just do things you like instead.

No. 460961

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I couldn't agree more with you both. Somehow ott just became the norm, leading most to think they look good just throwing anything and everything on. I've always preferred when the fashion was more minimalistic.

No. 461219

I want to be in a comm with you guys, what the fuck. It shouldn't be this hard to find people who care about their appearance in a FASHION-based subculture.

No. 461515

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I've finally managed to get my hands on my dream dress, but the shipping is taking 3 weeks and counting instead of the estimated 1-2 with no updates whatsoever. My orders from Japan have always been on time and I'm assuming EMS is just having delays because of the holidays. It's probably nothing out of the ordinary, but the anticipation is slowly scratching away at me kek. If anyone's in the same boat, I hope we get our packages soon!

No. 461517

nonaaaaaa that dress is absolutely darling

No. 463881

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I just accidentally made the stains on my wire headbow worse. I know the metal inside rusts if you get it wet, staining the fabric but this happens even without getting it wet over time. I guess I should have taken out the wire before washing the headbow but having to take it out every time I need to wash it sounds like such a pain.

No. 463883

>but having to take it out every time I need to wash it sounds like such a pain

How often do you really need to wash a headbow, though? Just steam it and call it a day

No. 463886

I only wash them when I notice rust stains so not very often to be fair, but often enough that it's annoying. I'm just lazy and hate handwashing but still do it when necessary.

No. 463911

Is it possible to replace the wire with stainless steel or something that won't rust? That sounds like it sucks.

No. 464015

I have this type of bow from BABY as well and I just wash with the wire on, a little bit of laundry soap and vinegar usually. It's a white bow so if it stained I would've noticed, it usually gets stained because of my hair dye so that's why I wash mine. I think you might have humidity issues if your wiring is rusting. With that said you should remove the wiring, wash your bow and clean the rust off the wiring. Add some silica gel packets where you store your bow or use a dehumidifier in your room.

No. 464016

Also dont use stuff like vanish or oxi clean if the wiring is on because it reacts with the metal, only use those if you remove the wiring.

No. 464037

Thanks for the tips anon, I'll remember them. I do live in a more humid place so I do have an issue with that and it's the reason why I refuse to buy any brand pleather items, they start to peel and flake the moment I use them.

No. 464881

If you aren't intending to sell them ever you could sew a comb or a hair clip to it. I did that because the headbands gave me headaches. They hold my heat eating bows in place and there is no rust to worry about.

No. 465046

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Newlita here, about brand tea parties, do you have to wear a full brand coordinate or is it fine to go with just a brand main piece and some brand accessories? Does it vary brand by brand?

No. 465181

I've never been to a brand tea but it seems like people try to match what they have with the brand sponsoring the tea from the photos I've seen. but it's not required to go head to toe with said brand. I'd say just avoid rival iconic prints people would immediately know it's from somewhere else.

No. 465184

I think she is talking about the wire inside of those BABY headbows. Like they have wires on the edge of the bow so you can shape it to look more fluffy. The headband itself is made of plastic, at least on the release I have.

No. 465803

Depends on the brand and event. Sign-up information usually mentions what the dress code is. I've attended a BtSSB tea party and the main piece had to be either Baby or AatP.
I think a good usual guideline of what to expect is main piece (dress or skirt) from the brand, no notable competitor brand prints/logos on accessories, and no replicas.
I'm under the impression that events in Japan can require head to toe in hosting brand, but overseas is slightly more relaxed just because of availability.

No. 467989

Any tips for laundering velveteen? I have an old solid black velveteen jsk that needs to be cleaned. The tag says "dry-clean only", I have some other velveteen pieces that have been fine after gently handwashed and air dried, but when I tested the waist tie of this jsk in some water it changed the texture of the velveteen slightly. thinking of taking it to the dry cleaners but scared that they'll mess it up somehow

No. 468116

cotton or poly?

No. 468585

Handwash with color detergent + air drying should be fine. Texture can be brought back with gentle brushing.

No. 468964

My comm's resident AGP has started coming to meets again. He disappeared for a while so I thought he had got the message and fucked off. I think this is the final push I need to leave my comm and quit social media entirely. I don't want to hang out with a group of itas and handmaidens anyway. I don't want to feel desperate for validation from them either. I just want to have a small wardrobe of pieces that I love and make me happy. No more wearing lolita to impress other people or pretending to be someone I'm not.

No. 469368

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I wish lolita comms didn't still use Facebook. It's difficult to get involved with community events in my state unless you have a FB account. Lolitas will also be suspicious of you if you don't. It's genuinely one of the worst social media platforms, I value my privacy too much. Even getting verified on LM requires either a FB or for you to email their support a picture of your government ID which is so retarded. At this point I'll just consider myself filtered and stick to being a lonelita. Sorry for the spergchan rant

No. 469618

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That really sucks nona. My comm keeps inviting man after disgusting man. I don't go to meets anymore for that reason. Being in public with itas is hard enough, but I refuse to be around men in drag. It's nice to have lolita friends, but I hope you don't feel like you need validation in order to wear your own clothes. Let's start our own comms with no men allowed!

No. 470700

I was also really annoyed about having to submit an ID to get verified on LM but I don't regret it one bit. It's the only place besides CC I feel like is worth keeping a constant eye on. Regarding FB, I've given up on the idea of ever integrating into an IRL comm considering my city's culture is bad in general and the comm is filled with washed up goths and ita gendies anyway. I feel your pain though. I'm happy just interacting with some lolitas through instagram tbh, even though I seldom post. Communities are nice to be apart of but I get social fulfillment elsewhere so it's not a big deal. So much emphasis and pressure used to be put on comms for lolitas but I think it's dying out.

No. 471751

New BTSSB fashion show(s) dropped.
Two notes: I think the hip-length wigs are tacky and look cosplay-ish, also I can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass they would be to detangle after a day outside.
Also: zero troons in the Japanese shows really feels like a subtle dig about who BTSSB thinks Americans want to see in these clothes vs. who they're designed for. Japanese audiences get appropriate models but the NY shows always have hideous 'volunteers' or high fashion models. I'd be so embarrassed.

No. 472491

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These two questions are still relevant btw. Any advice on good places to find good quality shoes, and brands that can fit someone busty?

No. 472689

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I've been thinking the past few days about how the concept of "lifestyle lolita" used to be more prominent in the community. We would share lists of hobbies to try and books/media in livejournal communities. Most people in the comm would have read the same books from livejournal lists, or would have watched the same classic ballets and operas, and we would then discuss those together at meet ups. My comm used to even meet to go watch ballets or see art exhibits together, but post-pandemic it seems no one is interested in that; the demographics have shifted immensely. The emphasis on lifestyle lolita created a mini-subculture that supplemented the fashion, where we had shared hobbies and media. Nowadays, lolita is more seen as the fashion only and everyone has different behaviors, interests, and even different expectations of basic etiquette.
I had been in a similar situation as >>458591 where I began asking myself why I continued to socialize with these people. When I went to meetups, most of the attendees were discussing their various mental illnesses and gender identities, or worse, loudly discussing drugs or sexual encounters they've had, even in restaurants where small children were eating with their families close by. It made me so uncomfortable with worry the entire time that we'd face confrontation or even get banned from the restaurant. I never had a coworker show up, but I also wouldn't want anyone from my professional life to encounter me around such people, so I've stopped attending meet ups. So far, being a full-on lonelita has been a much more relaxing experience for me, but I'm nostalgic for how the my local comm used to be in the pre-pandemic/pre-tiktok years.

No. 472808

>The emphasis on lifestyle lolita created a mini-subculture that supplemented the fashion, where we had shared hobbies and media.
I miss this. Aside from Kamikaze girls, there aren't a lot of media or pastimes that are considered part of the lolita subculture anymore. There are still lolitas into the things on those lists like ballet, embroidery, literature etc. but it's not considered connected to the fashion and it's rare to sit and talk about it. A lot of the things on those lists were quite slow, solitary hobbies and not for social media so maybe that's part of why they aren't popular with the younger crowd. Let's be real, they're all addicted to tiktok, they aren't going to study etiquette or read classics. These days it feels like the most unifying part of the subculture (at least in the west) sadly is the chronically online mental illness/gender stuff. It's what they all have in common and talk about the most, if you don't talk about it nonstop you're the odd one out. If they do talk about media that stuff is usually part of it. Post-pandemic lolita comms are so different, even the fashion itself feels really different. I feel like I have nothing in common with other lolitas I meet these days and it's pretty isolating.

No. 472842

oh no nona, I thought that was bait. All of the sites you've mentioned are overpriced taobao resellers or scams. I've heard 42lolita is decent but you can get the same things for less by using a shopping service like superbuy. Some good quality taobao shoe shops, iirc the last two have real leather options-
>pure tea for dream
my favorite. my comfiest heels are from here, they've gotten a ton of wear but still in perfect shape. tempted to repurchase in every color tbh
haven't tried them myself but I've heard they're good. mainly sweet wood-style sole platforms
>angelic imprint
lots of cool boots, sweet and gothic-leaning shoes
second favorite, everything from tea parties to chunky old school platforms. an insane amount of options. They also make custom shoes/colors
mostly classic, high quality and leather
Almost any brand has released pieces that can fit a large bust. It's more about looking for what has shirring and avoiding silhouettes that don't fit well, like empire waists/sack cuts. If you're under ~110cm bust, then most pieces with full back shirring should fit. And above that there's options like btssb shirring princess, atelier pierrot blouse/skirt coords or wirehead. try searching in the "full shirring" and "back shirring" tags on lolibrary to get some ideas. Maxicimam makes cute blouses that are specifically cut for busty lolitas. Atelier Pierrot and Metamorphose both have plus-sizes that go up to ~150cm bust. The options on taobao are infinite and I'm pretty sure there's some stores that do custom sizing, but I don't buy anything but shoes from there so can't help with that

No. 473081

Thank you! Yeah it wasn't bait, I'm just a complete beginner lol.

No. 473824

>These days it feels like the most unifying part of the subculture (at least in the west) sadly is the chronically online mental illness/gender stuff. It's what they all have in common and talk about the most, if you don't talk about it nonstop you're the odd one out.
This definitely rings true in my experience. I think it's part of why I had a hard time feeling like I belonged in the comm. Everyone else seemed to have these shared experiences and formed a solid friend group from it, but since I didn't have much to contribute to that discussion, I was just a quiet observer. I was only part of the conversation when people were discussing the fashion itself, but due to different tastes (I prefer classic, while my comm prefers sweet) and shopping/financial habits (many comm members were talking about debt they had from buying new releases due to FOMO), I found myself not quite fitting in with discussions more related to the fashion either. It was a very lonely feeling, and if I was going to feel lonely with the group, I figured I might as well just be a full lonelita.

No. 473993

I feel all of these posts. Is it just me, or is this an issue with classical lolita specifically, too? Gothic lolitas can just fall back on the goth subculture for activities/events/topics of conversation, sweet lolitas have plenty marketed to them in the way of 'kawaii' culture (which is what people predominantly associate J-fashion with anyways), but classic lolitas usually like to do higher-end activities that also require a certain level of maturity.
Honestly I know people gave lifestyle lolitas a lot of shit once for being 'cringe' but that was part of the appeal of the whole fashion for me, and it surprises me that seems to have fallen off as hard as it has. Not that I believe 'lolitas should all be lovelies!!1!' but I think we could aim higher than 'all that matters is you show up in a dress'.

i used to think gatekeeping was 'mean' but tbh in my old age i now see it as a necessary evil.

No. 474103

I feel you nonny. My comm isn't fully sweet but talking about the fashion kinda hits a dead end if you primarily wear classic. I also do and it feels like a bummer to always be lamenting the dry state of the market or brands closing, which is pretty much all there is to talk about. At least sweets have a new print to talk about every week.

I think you're spot on. State of classic aside, I think classic lolitas have struggled to carve out their niche within the subculture. We're like the forgotten middle child. Like you said, gothics have goth and sweets have generic kawaii and weeb stuff already baked in, but we don't have anything like that and brands aren't exactly putting out much to talk about.
>classic lolitas usually like to do higher-end activities that also require a certain level of maturity.
I think a lot of what would've been classic specific hobbies got branded as 'lifestyle lolita' but they were mostly classic leaning and didn't appeal to everyone. Obviously classic is still a type of alternative fashion, but a lot of the associated hobbies are things that are considered more conservative, snobby or grandma-ish. Lists of 'lifestyle lolita ideas' on lj were meant to just be fun prompts or ideas of things to do. But it got misinterpreted as this holy grail list of things you must do order to be a 'real' lolita, so many rebelled against it and called it cringe. Then came the pushback of "it's just clothes, I can do whatever I want" or "I don't have to be ladylike". That devolved into lolitas showing up to meets being rude and looking unkempt at best, and gross men with beards throwing on cheap taobao and calling themselves one of us at worst. We lost the plot so badly.

No. 474167

I feel like classic lolitas could hang out with old schoolers but those aren't exactly known for being the most sane and pleasant people to be around kek. I would hang out with you though nonny, I can act decent despite wearing os.

No. 474362

As a classic lolita myself, with other classic lolita friends, I find these posts slightly misleading. I definitely understand the want and need for more mature meets, especially if you are older and of a different tax bracket (lol), but like 90% of my classic friends are into the same shit as any other lolita: video games, anime, fanfic, j-pop, k-pop, oshikatsu, etc. I don't believe there are substyle-specific hobbies when people are much more well-rounded than that.

No. 474817

lol I highly doubt btssb was thinking about western trans people when they selected models for their show

No. 475025

they certainly do when they select models for the shows in the USA. They clearly don't gaf when it's for their main audience in Japan.

on the topic of their upcoming lineup, i really hope giant hoop skirts don't become a thing. the ones in the AATP show circa 10:14 don't even look like they'd fit through doors. who even sells petticoats like that?

No. 475244

It's so sad that we've ended up in the state we're in. I think the switch to the "it's just clothes" mindset and away from lifestyle elements really accelerated the consoomer vibes in the community too, where now, like other hobbies in the age of social media, whoever has the most dresses is seen as the most lolita of all unfortunately.

I suppose a majority of my comm does oshikatsu for Chappel Roan, but mostly they watch Disney movies and engage in recreational gender/polycules.

Weren't the NYFW models provided to BTSSB by the agency that sponsored it? I was under the impression Baby didn't get to choose.

No. 475292

As >>475244 noted, please stop spreading misinformation. They didn't get to choose the models.
>giant hoop skirts
Are you new to lolita fashion shows? The majority of these shows have OTT wigs/accessories and hoop skirts.

No. 475502

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Since no one brought it up yet, what are our thoughts on the Sanrio x AP items revealed at the fashion show? I was excited for the Hello Kitty set rerelease, but 90k yen is ridiculously high, even accounting for inflation and the weak yen.

No. 475514

pretty much the same as you, it's adorable but I'm not enough of a diehard hello kitty fan to spend 90k on it

No. 475546

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I can't imagine the new lolita socmed hosted on pixelfed will last considering that brands aren't posting on it and users can't even repost/share brand photos to discuss new releases. Plus, I think most people are burned out on constantly migrating the community and making new accounts.

No. 475602

Bought a pair of these and sold them so fast, maybe I've just got weird feet but the way the slanted platform pushed my toes down and against the bubble toe box made my feet go numb. They're also the only platforms I've ever fallen in. Angelic Imprint are a Taobao shoe brand, but they make really comfortable shoes and I'd recommend them over Demonia (you can also request real leather as opposed to pleather).

No. 475612

I had already made my friends at this point, we were starting to distance ourselves from the comm and just hang out together anyways. Our mod stepped down and the person that replaced her is sort of a dramatic train wreck, so we just sort of cut and run after that.

No. 475616

This is what made me feel alienated from a lot of the other lolitas I've met. I don't have socials (unless you count this site), and while my hobbies maybe aren't as traditionally feminine as ballet I do love sewing, embroidery, visual kei music, reading, writing, poetry etc,. I'm really lucky I've made some great friends in lolita who share my interests, because I absolutely can't stand the tiktok genre of human being.

No. 475622

I'm so glad you mentioned the debt thing nonna. The normalization of debt and overspending in lolita stresses me out to the extreme, I don't understand why this is an accepted thing I hear so many people joking about. Most of us are adults, I work a salaried job and pay a mortgage, I don't see why it's seen as acceptable and cute to be bad at budgeting and saving/be irresponsible with money. It's the whole instant gratification Taobao mindset, I can't stand it.

No. 475655

I was wondering how so many lolitas I know were able to afford buying so much all the time despite having part-time jobs or an average salary. I didn't even consider credit card debt. That makes a lot of sense. I think lolita and shopping addiction go hand-in-hand for some people. I used to feel left out because my wardrobe is small and slow-growing, while a lot of my comm members buy a ton and cheer on each others' overspending. But after seeing the addict-like behavior, constantly setting and breaking "no-buys", weekly new purchases but struggling financially, I don't feel so bad. It's so easy to fall into FOMO though especially when you surround yourself with people who have that fast-fashion mentality. It's part of why I distanced myself from my comm actually, being in that "overspending is kawaii" echo chamber was starting to rub off on me a bit kek

No. 475661

i was just coming over here from the drama thread to talk about this. the old school comm seems especially broke. taking out loans from their friends (aka, internet strangers)? people who can't pay $60 to finish a payment plan? i don't understand it, genuinely.

No. 475681

>the old school comm seems especially broke
This checks out, but it's understandable. Sought-after old school is one of the most expensive things in the fashion. When something pops up secondhand there's a decent chance you won't see it again for another 5-10 years if ever, encouraging you to impulse buy no matter the price. Plus it's the most popular style for younger lolitas who would be even less likely to have a spare several hundred dollars to drop when their dream dress randomly pops up. It's easy to see why they'd be broke. ngl I considered taking a bit of debt when the fril scalper posted my dream dress for an insane price but I resisted for moral reasons, fuck the fril scalper

No. 475707

I am unfortunately a Moitiefag and especially an old Moitie enjoyer, so I definitely do understand the FOMO. I think social media also drives the whole "I need a whole new coord in every post" phenomenon, which really bugs me. TikTok won't implode if you rewear a dress.
My goal for this year is to sort of do a "nest egg" thing as opposed to the monthly budget I've been doing the past few years, so I have money saved up for a bigger purchase if one of my wishlist items comes up. The scalpers won't beat me this time.

No. 475728

I find the joking and normalisation of being bad with money so weird. I don't care what my comm members do with their money, they're grown adults and it's their funeral. But it does feel like an echo chamber sometimes. I do notice myself and others being influenced. It's hard when the people who are the most respected and influential in comms are usually the ones with the largest wardrobes. I have to distance myself and remember that my priorities are different to theirs.

>I used to feel left out because my wardrobe is small and slow-growing, while a lot of my comm members buy a ton and cheer on each others' overspending. But after seeing the addict-like behavior, constantly setting and breaking "no-buys", weekly new purchases but struggling financially, I don't feel so bad.

It's good to remind yourself of the reality of it. A lot of the lolitas I know who have large (100+ main pieces) wardrobes also don't really have anything else going on in their lives, which I find sad. All they do is work and then spend their entire paycheck on lolita. They don't have other hobbies and miss out on experiences because they'd rather buy another dress that might see the light of day once or twice. That might work for them but it's not the life I want. I personally think it's better to have 10 main pieces and love every single one than 100 that you just have because of FOMO or impulse buys that you don't even care about once the moment has passed.

No. 475849

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society if the scalpers on fril and mercari would finally take their meds

No. 476016

I’ve always gotten on best with oldschoolers but that was before the big oldschool boom that attracted all the crazies, and now the sane oldschoolers have disappeared from the local comm just like the classics have. I wish I’d kept in contact.

>It's good to remind yourself of the reality of it. A lot of the lolitas I know who have large (100+ main pieces) wardrobes also don't really have anything else going on in their lives, which I find sad. All they do is work and then spend their entire paycheck on lolita.
This is true in my experience. Sure there are probably some lolitas who have a really high income and spend a lot on their wardrobe in addition to having a life, but the people I know with big/coveted wardrobes are exactly like you said. I used to think this was fine because they’re adults, it’s their money and they can live their life as they want if it makes them happy, but after all these years in the community I’ve become pretty disillusioned with the idea. Sometimes these people do quit lolita and it’s like they have to invent an entirely new identity for themselves because lolita was their whole life up until that point. A few prominent members of my local comm are pushing 40 and still have nothing going on in their lives except lolita even while all their non-lolita friends are buying homes, travelling, advancing their careers, trying out different hobbies, starting families, etc. They say they’re happy like this but they’re always stressing out about how to get their hands on the latest trendy item and about social media stats, and some of them edit their coord pics so much they look like different people. A few have broken up with partners over it. One still lives with her parents, who she complains about constantly, because she doesn’t want to ‘waste’ money on getting her own place even in a relatively low cost of living part of the country. They really don’t seem happy at all.

No. 476039

>Sometimes these people do quit lolita and it’s like they have to invent an entirely new identity for themselves because lolita was their whole life up until that point.
I was forced to take a break from lolita for a while and it was horrible to confront the fact that I had no life. I was addicted to social media engagement and buying everything I could get my hands on. I had no other interests and I wasn't letting myself enjoy my life because it took away from my lolita budget. I'm so glad I snapped out of it. I had to distance myself from some friends in my comm because they always complained about struggling with their financial goals and how like you said, their non-lolita peers are doing so much more with their lives. I found it frustrating to listen to because they all make enough money to do all the things they claim to want and only have themselves to blame. They all insist they're happy and don't need to change or get help despite the constant complaining. At some point I just got tired of giving them polite advice and encouragement, only to hear they broke their "no-buy" the next day for something they will forget about before it even arrives.

No. 476912

When will the old school fad finally die? I'm malding at the prices being so high when I used to be able to buy dresses for 50$ back when it was uncool and ita to not wear a wig with every coord.

No. 478259

When the next worldwide financial crisis hits. The catch is that buying lolita will be the least of your concerns kek.

No. 478265

probably never tbh

No. 478322

I'm sure the next big thing will hit and all the trend followers will jump ship to that.

No. 478327

Never, now that people are ready and willing to spend hundreds on old school pieces they're never going down.

No. 478329

Interestingly I've heard the opposite argument too, which is that old school is a fad BECAUSE the economy is bad, or at least it started that way. The argument is that old school became popular because it (was) relatively affordable and involves simplistic pieces you can coord in multiple ways. I think that point has been made moot by the social media pissing contests of it all, where I see girls constantly buying pieces that I know cost $500+, but if they're willing to go into debt for the Metamorphose floral set I guess that's on them.
I just want Cornet to be $40 again, like come on I KNOW the majority of post-2020 lolitas didn't care about this brand until old school became a trend. I'm tired of fighting zoomers for JSKs!

No. 478346

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How long do you try to sell an item before donating it to the local charity shop? Are there some items that you send straight to charity and don't even bother listing on lacemarket? I generally don't list boots/shoes on lacemarket because the shipping effort won't be worth it to me. A lot of times I'll send dresses and blouses to the local shop after listing it once or a month, and then if it doesn't sell for another month. If it hasn't sold after 2 months, it goes. If it's a non-lolita brand like Axes Femme or Amavel, I send it straight to the charity shop though. Kei-Market seems like a complete waste of time to me.

No. 478349

axes femme sells well on mercari and depop in my experience. I usually let my non-lolita jfashion sit there for a few months before donating but it often sells pretty quickly. other than some really shitty taobao stuff from when I was a newbie I don't think I've donated any lolita. Maybe it would be different if I had a ton of stuff to sell but I don't mind being patient, recently sold an item that listed for almost a year kek

No. 478377

Despite being considered a shit tier brand in JP comms Axes is really popular right now on places like Depop. You could probably get some money out of those pieces. Sometimes it takes me a couple months to sell jfashion items but listing on more than one site can help.

No. 478451

I dont know nonna, they're very sweet to me. I prefer the creepy cute semirealistic cats than overly cutesy cartoonish cats in prints.

Solid black platforms are classic for gothic lolita. Especically when paired with knee highs with expensive lace.

Such a gorgeous print, but the front corseting is so ugly. The only other designchoice that would've beaten it in hideousness would've been adding huge, slouchy bow. Front corseting makes most dresses look like sexualized drindls or gothic e-girl dresses from Shein. Really wish this designchoice would go out of fashion once and for all.

Try selling it on depop, Vinted or other easily accessible online second hand shops first! That way it could end up selling to someone who likes the piece, but isn't necessarily familiar with J-fashion second hand sites.

No. 478507

>I'm tired of fighting zoomers for JSKs!
Then stop wearing old school or start using xianyu where it’s not as sought after.

No. 478536

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>Front corseting makes most dresses look like sexualized drindls
Lace-up fronts have been a thing in lolita fashion for over 20 years, they're not going away. What a weird thing to complain about.

No. 478543

AYRT, I'm a dumbass and really shit at using Xianyu, but I might give it another go. I'm just malding at the covidlitas latching on to one of my favorite brands because it's trendy.

>stop wearing old school

and wear what, printed sweet? Would genuinely rather kill myself kek.

No. 478545

Wild sequence of opinions to hate on front lacing and then turn around and say Keras look good in Gothic.

No. 478547

Picrelated isn't bad, (of course not - it's a popular brand dress) but you wouldn't be able to convince me that it wouldn't look better without the fake corseting in the front.

I don't think it's more weird to complain about the front lacing than it is to complain about lace, skirt lengths, specific colorways and silhouettes. Having preferences is what keeps the market and discussion in the subfashion interesting and alive.

No. 478548

>I'm a dumbass and really shit at using Xianyu
This is why I roll my eyes at people complaining about there being no options for old school, I'm not gonna deny that it's still expensive but it's not the fault of covidlitas if you can't figure out how to use an app.
>and wear what, printed sweet? Would genuinely rather kill myself kek.
I wear both so I don't really have a problem with it.

No. 478553

AYRT, you're right that it's my own fault I can't use the app kek. I need to get better with it.
I think both are true, I'd have better luck on Xianyu so I can't blame it all on the new gen of lolitas, but that also isn't going to keep the scalpers from charging $500 for a dress (especially if people keep paying it).

I ended up feeling super uncomfortable in prints when I tried wearing them years ago, but tbh I think facially I'm not cutesy enough to pull off sweet (I've got a severe nose and kind of deeper-set eyes) so that could be a factor.

No. 478564

>xianyu where it’s not as sought after.
Are we living on different planets? Specifically Cornet's prices soared when chinese lolitas got their oldschool boom. Same with goth/jfashion brands literally no one gave a shit about before like alice auaa, na+h, h.naoto etc. They're buying up anything even more than we do lol.

No. 478934

Shut up about xianyu if you tell zoomers about it they'll ruin it like they ruined mercari and fril. Learn to gatekeep.

No. 478976

It's not the zoomers who ruined mercari and fril, it's cgl gulls being unable to shut their mouths. Same with Wunderwelt.

No. 478997

they already know about it? most people i know using xianyu are zoomers.

No. 479021

I’m literally a zoomer

No. 479240

beating-a-dead-horse rant incoming but why the fuck do people feel the need to bring their family members/nigels along to meetups, especially when there is a limit to the # of people allowed at the restaurant or whatever
not to shit on anyone's bf or sibling or w/e, i'm sure they're very nice people, but if they're not into the fashion, why not…let the opportunity go to someone who is? it just comes across as 'you need a human security blanket' and tbh it is genuinely discomforting to others to have someone just squatting in the middle of a meet-up who has no idea/doesn't care about the fashion at all. the whole point of the meet-up is to meet and interact with other hobbyists, no?

thank you for attending my TED talk that is all

No. 479310

One time my Nigel joined me for part of a meet and I felt so awkward and embarrassed I ended up leaving early. Genuinely can't understand the mindset of girls who invite them along, especially if we're just getting drinks and talking.

No. 479367

I understand bringing a female friend along for support if she's also a lolita but its so awkward and annoying when girls bring their nigels along. doesn't help that their nigels are always creepy and gross too.

No. 479412

The most annoying ones are the ones that bring their boyfriends around, and then do this like…uwu shy larp, acting like a small child who’s too afraid to talk to anyone while clinging and burying their face into his arm. I’ve seen this multiple times and it’s so cringe and their nigels are always the creepiest scrotes, you just know it’s part of his ddlg fetish or something

No. 479454

That explains everything.

No. 479475

The ddlg-like behaviour done in public by some of the grown women who join meets is one of the main reasons I'm considering going lonelita.
Last time I went to a meetup a girl adorn in just bloomers, an urban outfitters top and a headdress joined with her creepy boyfriend who was always lurking around her like a shadow. What annoyed me the most was that it was obvious that the lolitas at the meet were uncomfortable with his presence, probably noting the obvious perverted dynamic they had going on. He was leering at some of the other girls too. So upsetting to hear how common this is.

Keep beating this dead horse until people stop bringing tag-alongs with no interest in the fashion for no reason.

No. 479492

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Just a few years ago I was able to find reasonably priced burando on vinted but now since the fashion blew up with tiktofags I keep seeing some mid ETC JSKs worth 50 bucks at the most being sold for hundreds and don't even get me started on Bodyline…
Same with accessories. There used to be many good quality headdresses listed but now the entire app is swarmed with fugly 5 minute crafts shit that looks like picrel and nothing else.
Some girls even try to shill it in our comm server…

No. 479536

The only things I’ve ever donated were these really crappy handmade pieces I bought off comm members for moral support/out of pity lmao. Nobody was ever going to buy those to wear, but maybe a crafty thrifter could salvage the fabric or something.

I’ve had a lot of success selling lolita-esque pieces by brands like Axes Femme and Miho Matsuda on Vinted, sometimes for more than I bought them originally. My most popular listing was a really ugly, low quality Taobao blouse that I had been duped into buying by heavy photoshopping by the brand, but even with my accurate pictures that showed off clearly how shitty the blouse was it still accrued almost 400 likes before someone bought it at retail price within two days. Bless these clueless Vinted itas.

I hate this so much and I wish it was a bannable offence. But of course these women are always munchies who claim to have a dozen disabilities that mean they have to bring their nasty boyfriends along as ‘caretakers’ so gatekeeping would be considered ableist.

The worst part is that even if other lolitas agree that other women’s boyfriends are annoying and shouldn’t be brought to meets, they always think their own bf is an exception, so organising private meets doesn’t get rid of this phenomenon. I thought I had found a small group of based girls in my big comm until I complained about the annoying moid in jeans and a t-shirt at this brand event with limited attendance who went around being obnoxious to everyone and he turned out to be the boyfriend of one of them so they got mad at me. FFS. I have a nigel too but I’d never bring him to a lolita event. Just because I like being around him doesn’t mean others will, and there’s just no reason for him to be there.

No. 480610

What’s the best platform for coord sharing nowadays? IG? I’ve heard mixed opinions about tumblr. Some people say it’s still a hellscape, others say it’s improved since the porn ban and is actually quite good if you manage to curate your feed properly. I wear classic and am primarily interested in seeing other classic coords, if that matters.

No. 480618

>these women are always munchies who claim to have a dozen disabilities
the lolita community is full of munchies nowadays, holy shit. I came back after a +10 year hiatus and the whiplash I am having is crazy. it's like every discord I join everyone is some type of mentally ill and lgbt (somehow they get to correlate both in some type of way even if that's extremely homophobic? my guess is because those are all performative things they do for special points). it's getting to the point I feel ashamed of dressing like this because most lolitas acts like some kind of sped.
I get this is fashion focused on cute things and hedonism and many people in it are some type of delusional and with a weak grasp on reality but jfc get a grip and stop confusing uncomfortable things with literal disabilities.

No. 480771

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I don't share myself as I'm pretty private, but it seems like twitter has a really good community and I enjoy looking at coords there the best. You can easily find lolitas that would interest you by searching for the brands that you're interested in, however most of them are Japanese or Korean lolitas, so if you were wanting to leave comments/receive comments, it mightn't be the best for you, but there's also no discussion about neurodivergencies, so it's kind of nice.

No. 480794

never considered tumblr, I'll have to check it out. twitter seems to be popular with Japanese lolitas. I use IG too because it also has a big community but you definitely need to curate your feed a bit

No. 481034

What are everyone's experiences with jpshopping? What I hear about them is pretty mixed and I'm interested in ordering from them.

No. 481369

the fees are higher than buyee's but it's the best shopping service for anyone that needs their orders undervalued or needs things from very specific shops. during their business hours they also buy things quickly and they also pack really well. they also buy from pretty much all stores in japan. if you need any kind of customer service though they suck because they usually don't reply to e-mails or allow any kind of special requests (that aren't just order notes). i've been using them for about 2 years and only had good experiences though.

i like to use tumblr privately but lolita-wise there's not that much going on. i also don't like that images are there forever even if you delete your post because of the reblogs. for lolita i just use instagram and it seems to be the main place for western lolitas (other than maybe discord). twitter has a lot of japanese lolitas but i haven't tried posting there.

No. 481430

Am I the only one that doesn’t like this dress? I feel like the cut is weird and unflattering

No. 481445

Are you new to lolita? Empire waist are pretty common and it's not an unpopular opinion to consider them unflattering.

No. 481577

Are you new? BBD isn't an empire waist. It's high waisted.

No. 481682

ntayrt but to me empire waist is when the bodice cutoff 'hits right under the tits' so this may be one of those dresses where the effect varies depending on things like height or bust size.

No. 482683

Did prices for oldschool pieces skyrocket in the past 1-2 years or am I missing something? There’s a few pieces I’m thinking of selling so I looked up similar items on LM to get an estimate of the prices people are willing to pay, and those vary between $30 in 2020-2022 and $250 in 2023-2024. Wasn’t oldschool already very popular during the pandemic? I thought the hype started way earlier than the last couple of years. I’m old and bought all of my oldschool pieces when the style was considered outdated instead of trendy kek so I was kind of bewildered to find zoomers gushing over my old lady clothes all of a sudden, and that was definitely before 2020.
Anyway I’d gladly sell this 25-year-old skirt for $250 if someone’s willing to pay that much but for $30 I’d rather keep it.

No. 482689

Yeah me neither. This cut looks like baby clothing, might as well wear a diaper to go with it (not a nod to fetishists, i really think it looks childish in a bad way). Empire dresses look very different, it's like a failed reference. I like when lolita dresses aren't cinched at the (actual) waist but you can achieve this effect without having a waist this high

No. 482697

they did, zoomers found out about lolita through tiktok and like old-school because they think it has no rules and it fits their y2k aesthetic. iirc 2020-2022 sweet was more popular.
>Anyway I’d gladly sell this 25-year-old skirt for $250 if someone’s willing to pay that much but for $30 I’d rather keep it.
please keep it, don’t make the scalper issue worse than it is already.

No. 483252

I think if she wants to sell and some idiot zoomer wants to pay, she should sell it. if people don't want to be scalped they should stop buying.

No. 483493

I hate how much people misuse the term pick me nowadays.
Bittersweet is a fucking stupid term but it has literally nothing to do with trying to get male attention.
To the surprise of no one she spends the video going off about how "BITTER LOLITA IS ACTUALLY VALID, EVERYONE IS VALID IDOL LOLITA TOTALLY ISN'T JUST COSPLAY"

No. 483615

What the fuck is this hideous make up? She has no business giving her opinion on the fashion looking like that

No. 483729

eagerly awaiting her video where she'll discuss how "western otome is totes a real style and symbolizes the liberation of twee-identified afab individuals within jfashion spaces" but I don't want to have to look at her jarring makeup in order to hate watch it

No. 483953

I can’t stand this bitch with shit taste who acts like an authority on lolita. why should I listen to advice from someone who cakes themselves in egirl makeup. fundamentally goes against lolita’s feminist roots, not to mention hideous.

No. 485461

based on this thread, the ita thread and the gender hate thread i gotta say i wish there was a way to identify fellow nonas in the wild because they definitely come across as the ones with the most sane takes out of the comms I've been in. like that tumblr 'i like your shoelaces' shit but less cringe. maybe i'll start collecting cow print dresses as a subtle nod to the farms in the hopes someone will call me out one day lmao.

No. 485509

I'm relatively active in some comms (my local irl comm, some discords and fb groups) but I have to stay crypto because even mentioning something like imageboards or /cgl/ immediately makes certain people on alert and they treat you like shit for it. I think I will just get some cow pin and put on my itabag and hope any of you can detect it in a meet or something.

No. 485712

that's kind of crazy to me. back in the day, saying you went to imageboards wasn't a scarlet letter thing. i still recognize a lot of active lolitas who were in gull servers maybe 10+ years ago. i notice that if one person says something about frequenting the boards ("oh, i saw someone wanted to sell their blah blah jsk on the /bst/"), then others will pipe up as lurks and posters as well. it's more likely than you think.

No. 485909

I think this depends on the average age of your comm. A lot of older, more experienced members of my comm will speak freely about reading drama threads here or lurking /cgl/ and no one cares. If you have a younger leaning comm that learnt everything they know from Lovely Lor and tiktok, maybe it's different. There is definitely a whole generation of lolitas who only know imageboards as this evil, taboo thing and haven't actually used them. Regardless, openly having any gc or non libfem views is social suicide but that's not exclusively a lolita thing.

No. 486084

it's definitely generational. one time I mentioned /cgl/ casually on a discord and people went on a massive rant about how 4chan is evil and only elitists and bad people post gossip and drama 24/7 and some retard even pulled how she was a phd and studied about how imageboards are basically for rotten and disgusting people. the tiktok poisoned younger lolitas have a great distaste for /cgl/ because all they know from it is the ita threads and gossip/drama.

No. 487555

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I feel like taobao has ruined lolita. I don’t think either of them have particularly good coords but at least the girl on the right looks like she’s wearing a style and not a cosplay. The dress on the left looks like a modern day lace monster.

No. 487827

claire's-tier quality to match the background, maybe?
but i get what you mean, chinese designers come up with some of the most garish choices imaginable. if the lace quality was different it might not look so stage-costumey, but…
the clothing i dislike the most are the ones that look like they were made for one fit and one fit only. i genuinely do not understand where the joy is in buying/wearing a head-to-toe outfit that goes with nothing else except itself, for me lolita has always been about the fun of 'mixing & matching' to come up with good unique clothing combos and color schemes…

No. 487840

There was always ab equivalent for cheap ita stores. Before taobao, it was milanoo and before milanoo, it was ebay.

No. 488056

Yes, but never at such a widespread scale. Zoomers that can’t dress discovered lolita on tiktok and now it’s commonplace to see these ugly taobao coords. I went to a con and the whole lolita group was tifs in shitty printed taobao messes.

No. 488134

Is Lace Market getting ddosed? The site is down so often lately.

No. 488404

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its incredibly depressing because with just a little digging there are decent pieces out there that are tasteful and versatile enough for a beginner purchase, but a common newlita mistake is buying the flashiest and intricate looking dress instead. I personally dont mind taobao itself because its a very broad market, and could range from bootlegs, costumes, or genuine c-lolita brands.
I scarce get taobao, but I really enjoy forest wardrobe's quality and it's size range for blouses which are a godsend for my larger bust.

the legwarmers really ruin the fit for both of them even though the left is hardly salvageable, its one accessory I would ban from lolita if I had the authority alongside demonias/unconventional footwear

No. 488566

Seriously wish I had an answer to this because I have realized abruptly how much using other services sucks, as soon as I'm forced to resort to trawling through other sites I get pangs of longing for the Lacemarket filter system.

actually maybe this is a good spot to ask for a second opinion: I already know I'm overthinking this but I'm going to a brand-sponsored tea party in about a month's time and I thought it would be an appropriate gesture to wear something from one of the brands being featured. However, there's also a second brand and a model coming, and now I'm wondering if I should also try to show support for those other attendees (or the model's collabs) in a similar fashion, or if that'll be seen as tryhard. I've never been to an "official" tea party tbh so I have no idea what to expect. Maybe they'll have like a pop-up shop where I can buy at the event to show willing?

Like I'm not judging anyone else but I would feel some kind of way about going totally off-brand. Taobao is fine but it feels gauche to show up wearing Chinese shit when those manufacturers probably mean a lot stiffer market competition these days. JFC I'm going to hack this JSK into a skirt once I'm done, though, my tits are losing circulation in this thing.

No. 488720

LovelyLor has released yet another 'imageboard lolitas were such meanies' video. L take overall. pls can we have recommendations for lolita channels that are better than this?

to do my part in contribution, although it's probably already well-known, i love watching Misako's vlogs. She manages to find charm even in completely charmless stores. Like, if you can go to Walmart and convince me there's cute products there like the bear-shaped honey container? That's a true talent.

No. 488828

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"i don't see the problem. if she released this in 2025 everyone would call this lolita 100%"
>cherry-picked the best images of DD
>intentionally excludes shit like the marvel fabric atrocities

excuse the low quality i have completely forgotten how to make imageboard content but this should prove the point beyond 10,000 words

No. 488919

>pls can we have recommendations for lolita channels that are better than this?
I like Exoltic but she deleted her latest videos. Hope she resumes posting, i love how cozy her vlogs and hauls are

No. 489442

I visited a con with this same situation for a tea party before. Most people wore coords from one brand or the other (the primary brand did have the most main pieces represented), some combined both brands together (ie: a main piece from one paired with accessories from the other), some wore just an accessory from one of the two brands, and then some attendees didn't wear anything from either brand (nor the model's collab items from various brands). Wearing from one of the brands was encouraged, but it wasn't a requirement. There were a few people in taobao slop or normie prom dresses, and most attendees avoided them. They did have a pop up shop in the vendor hall selling items from both brands, but it was held separately from the tea party. The situation may be different depending on if the tea party you're attending is at a con or at a shop (I would suspect a shop would have stricter requirements than a con). Ultimately, you wouldn't go wrong wearing a coord from the primary brand. Depending on if it's an arrangement such as the upcoming one at Harajuku Hearts where it's an ETC tea party and Melody BasKet (who is under the same parent company J-Jolly) is also there, you likely wouldn't go wrong with wearing a Melody BasKet coord where as if it was instead a Metamorphose Tea Party and Triple Fortune was also at the same event, it'd be better to skew towards the Tea Party's featured brand then. If you have serious questions, maybe reach out to the event organizer for further clarification.

No. 489738

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Thank you for the insight, nona! I probably am just worried over nothing. The longer time I have to prepare a coord for a specific event, the more I get concerned about 'doing it right'.
I think there actually is a convention on-going that weekend in town so the brands might have a pop-up there. Dang, though, I hate the idea of paying con admission prices just for the chance to look…

The life of a lolita's wallet is stressful.

No. 489850

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I was gonna say, I hadn't heard about the brand before this video so I did like 10 seconds of research and almost everything was hideous outside of a few things (the teal dress second on the right is genuinely quite cute)

No. 489862

Lor's coords genuinely get worse and worse every year, I feel bad for her at this point.

No. 490142

Lor seems to forget all of the tacky things she did. The logo that looked like she was riding a tampon was pretty funny. The living doll tv show was annoying. I wish lolita secrets was better archived because there was so much garbage she put out.

No. 490704

I think that dress doesn't help. it's a baby themed print, why add a bib on the bodice? I hate this type of sweet lolita so much, it attracts the worst type of people like trannies and ABDLs.

No. 490925

I don't want this thread to die/become just another drama thread where people sperg about Lor, but I'm also so sick of this happening and need to vent about this in particular. When I joined my comm years and years ago it was great. Most people cared about their appearance to some degree and had somewhat similar hobbies and interests. Meets were abundant there were a variety of different types of events. It was so easy to find people to talk to and it wasn't hard to make some friends. There was always some drama, but it was easy to avoid. Since covid the drama became awful and divided everyone in the comm. This made all of the well-dressed people start having private meets with friends only. Whenever there is a meet or a con, which is rare, it is always overrun by greasy weebs and taobao/tiktok obsessed zoomers with terrible taste who bring their nigels and normie friends everywhere they go.

The discussion earlier ITT about comms/lonelitas really applies here too. My main friend group kind of left the comm. We're all still in the comm groups, but we barely interact with it. There have been a couple people shoehorned into the group by one person and everyone just went with it. They are kind people, but they have absolutely no taste in or out of lolita and don't take care of themselves at all. They don't even have any fun hobbies or interests to talk about. Just the usual taobao/tiktok itas who are more focused on looking as weird as possible and buying the most costumey garbage you can find. I'm not a terf and I don't care if someone is trans, but they're genderspecial losers who have nothing else to talk about and make that their entire personality which is so fucking annoying. They hate doing any of the usual lolita meet things (tea, museums, nice restaurants, ballet/opera, theatre, etc.), they're always fucking broke and never want to spend money on anything, and they act like children. It always has an impact on our plans because no one wants to make them feel left out. I usually just say I can't make it unless I know they won't be there or I ask the people I like most to hang out alone. Our group was all goths and classics and the shoehorned in itas wear sweet. We only ever got compliments before if we got any attention at all, now we are constantly harassed and asked if we are coming from local conventions, if we are wearing costumes/what our cosplay is, or stared at and laughed at. Even creeps bother us with them around because they wear the cheapest AGP looking shit. It's embarrassing as fuck. When I'm out alone or they aren't with the group this never happens. The worst part is they love the negative/weird attention. They always talk about it like its some kind of badge of honor. Early on I tried to voice this to the group, but I honestly think some of my friends just feel bad for them so they didn't really listen. Now it seems like some of my friend group must feel a similar way because we all talk and hang out less and less as time passes and less people show up/join in on plans, but no one can say anything out of fear of losing friends or being called a bigot or something. It has made me feel very lonely and I can't even easily make more lolita friends because of how divided and shitty my local comm has become. I joined comms within the fashion to meet likeminded people and now everything is trash and I feel like I have reached my breaking point and will just become a lonelita, hang out with my goth/ega bf alone, and give up on having friends.

No. 490926

>it is always overrun by greasy weebs
I mean Lolita itself is a weeb hobby

No. 490934

ayrt, the issue isn't them being weebs, it's the greasy part that is the problem. I used it refer to people with poor hygiene who don't care about their appearance at all despite being in a fashion hobby with an emphasis on looking presentable. This is probably bait, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

No. 491002

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Not like it's a new thing to be fair.

No. 491258

She's still tacky. It's actually incredibly rich that every other lolita channel struggles to remain relevant because they just do the same type of unboxing review videos, wardrobe posts, etc., the ONLY ones that become 'popular' are the channels which are willing to rehash the drama from /cgl/'s heyday. And even that has to be done in a tsk-tsk shame-on-them finger wagging way so they can put themselves above the community while simultaneously shit-talking how 'exclusionary' lolitas used to be… This is the same shit, different day, with a healthy dose of narcissistic virtue signaling on the side. Lor was around when half this stuff was going down and said nothing then, it's only when she's searching for a new topic to milk that she feels the need to trawl /cgl/ for decades old tales of 'cyberbullying' she can manipulate to scare the newbies with. She's like the Fox News of lolita channels, if any of her bozo audience actually looked it up for themselves they'd rapidly realize she's full of shit but they never will.

No. 491263

> no one can say anything out of fear of losing friends or being called a bigot or something

I genuinely feel someone needs to do for the Lolita community what Angela Benedict did for goths when she made her videos about 'gatekeeping' but I also cannot imagine the amount of seething keyboard warriors a video like that inspires and would never ask someone to martyr themselves like that.
Imageboard culture is over, Livejournal is dead, behind-the-bows/Lolita secrets is dead or doesn't last whenever anyone tries to restart it, the only community figureheads are all 'lolitas should be lovelies!!' types…like, great, good job everyone, we have entirely eliminated the 'drama' aspect of the community which was so unpalatable, but also all the good lolitas have gone into hiding and the local comm discussions are basically relegated to only the most shallow, surface-level interactions like 'I bought a new [x]' or 'new AP release, what do we all think (positive feedback only)?'
A discussion about media almost sprouted in my local server the other day but then a mask-wearing ita started yapping about triggers and that conversation concluded abruptly. It remind me of the same type of walking on eggshells you'd do around a bpd-chan or an abusive relationship. Even online, the conversation has gotten so stifled because everyone has to self-police like the Bolsheviks are still around. I just want some of the liveliness that was around back in the early '10s.

I can't quite put my finger on when but there was definitely a tipping point somewhere along the way. Even though the fashion is cheaper and more accessible than ever, and supposedly the community is more welcoming and toxicity-free than ever, the hobby overall feels more 'dead' now than it did back then. We got rid of the drama in the same way that lobotomizing a housewife in the 1950's got rid of her depression.

No. 491283

Lor loves virtue signaling about anything in the community for some reason and she's been looking for something to make up for the Peep TV Show video (which she deleted kek), she has this need to appear more virtuous than everyone else, I don't exactly know why, maybe because zoomies tried to cancel her before and she is terrified of criticism. Instead of just confronting and addressing issues, she prefers to appear "unproblematic" and that makes her extremely boring. When she does say what she actually thinks we get things like the Peep TV Show video which she turns out to be one of those people who want to censor everything and is an extreme moralfag for internet points with a certain crowd.

No. 491286

Something that annoys me in lolita comms nowadays is that more and more people are likely to take any type of constructive criticism personally. I get saying you don't want concrit, but some people simply act like saying you need to iron your blouse or that your shoes don't really fit or your outfit isn't lolita is the same as calling someone a slur. Some people need to get a grip in this community.

No. 491349

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>'new AP release, what do we all think (positive feedback only)?'
I hate this so much. Can't even say "I think this dress is ugly and I don't know why they even put it out" without people in the comm discord jumping you and being all like "WELL ACTUALLY!!! Some people have different tastes and you're a MEANIE for calling this dress ugly when some people find it cute!" It doesn't even have to be straight up saying that a dress is ugly, but even if it's a more specific comment like "I don't like how atelier pierrot cuts the bodice on their dresses. I think it's generally unflattering for most people and I'd wish they'd do it another way" the comm members still get mad. The only acceptable thing to say ever is just endless compliments and it seems this is not a lolita-specific problem either, but rather a general internet/socmed-induced change. People in music communities are doing the same. You can be like "listened to (whatever band)'s new song. it wasn't for me" and various random people will reply to say if you don't like it then you should just not post about it. There's just a general atmosphere of forced positivity/no criticism allowed (unless it's approved criticism ofc).

well nonnie don't you know it's ableist to assume that someone has the ability to steam/iron clothes and it's classist to assume that everyone has the means to own an iron or a steamer, and also sometimes wrinkly clothes are an artistic choice in the creation of a coord and saying that an outfit isn't lolita when i identify it as being lolita is a form of gatekeeping rooted in transphobia? please educate yourself some more.

No. 491368

I agree wholeheartedly. I miss the community aspect so much. The forced positivity and silencing of any conversation that isn't braindead has become so exhausting. The best part is this never eliminated the 'drama' like they wanted it to, all it did was make everyone divide and stop talking to each other/interacting with the comms. The worst parts of the drama are still there, just below the surface and in private discussions.

They always have some 'reason'. Unstyled and unwashed hair? Ugly non-matching dirty shoes? Wrinkly clothes that look like they were left at the bottom of a bin for a week? Well it's because they're disabled, or they're poor, or its the way they express themselves and it's unfair and ableist and classist and racist to mention it, like >>491349 said. I know plenty of people who are actually disabled and we're all poor to some extent with how bad the economy is, and none of us do this. I hate that they think that's a real excuse. If you don't give a shit about what you look like why not just say that. They ask for crit then take it personally or act like they know better even though they were asking for crit.

No. 491535

>The only acceptable thing to say ever is just endless compliments and it seems this is not a lolita-specific problem either, but rather a general internet/socmed-induced change. People in music communities are doing the same. You can be like "listened to (whatever band)'s new song. it wasn't for me" and various random people will reply to say if you don't like it then you should just not post about it. There's just a general atmosphere of forced positivity/no criticism allowed (unless it's approved criticism ofc).
Nta but I've always hated this about modern internet culture. I think it's a side effect of everyone wanting to be influencers so they can't say anything that would hurt their chances at future brand deals or alienate their audiences. But chronically online zoomers who get offended at everything and are too fragile to hold an adult conversation have made it the norm for most online etiquette now. They don't go outside so they just think this is how everyone talks and bring it into every community. Even if you aren't an influencer you have to put on a front of toxic positivity or people won't want to be friends with you. It's bad for the fashion too because the quality of major brands has declined so much and people get offended if you tell them not to waste hundreds of dollars on it. Of course they can buy whatever they want, but brands only get away with cutting corners because people still buy it. This goes for coords too. There is zero incentive to maintain any kind of standard anymore.

No. 491783

I'm happy to have a local comm to meet up with but every meet I keep getting reminded how 90% of them have no taste and are either perma-ita taobao/western indie slop enjoyers or stuffing themselves into burando that physically goes on their body but doesn't fit in the slightest. A nice main piece that doesn't fit with a ton of cheap anime convention looking accessories and plain tights is a bad look and no amount of gentle suggestion seems to sway these people. There are a small handful of well-coorded people but we're all big adults with real jobs so we don't all convene often.

Someone posted our group pics from the most recent meetup and it's a disaster. Over half the comm is obese so it cuts the options of good looking clothes they can wear too but the meetups are always at a restaurant or bakery and it's like I'm witnessing BED in real time.

I'm just bitching but it's getting to me just how bad we look as a group.

No. 491800

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I truly believe a large part of the community aspect is missing because of the death of "lifestyle lolita" and also just from the way social media evolved. Nowadays, the western comm seems to largely be on Instagram. Generally, when you go on any lolita's page there, each post is a coord post, and if it's not a coord post, it's a haul reel. Meanwhile, when you go look at old blogs from the western community, not every post was "here was my coord from the meetup today, and also I bought this new dress!" There were posts of baking attempts (both good and bad), embroidery projects/plushie sewing, film discussion, book reviews, etc. Yes, there were haul posts back then too, but they were interspersed with various activities, and people would also make items specific to a coord and inspire others to do similar (picrel). All of that gave us something to talk about with each other. Now, if someone has a good coord, many of the Instagram comments are "Where can I buy the cardigan? Where is the bag from?" and there are basically no posts about anything other than coords and hauls. If someone does post something that isn't one of those, it goes into stories and gets forgotten about after a day. There isn't anything to talk about besides shopping, because that's all anyone is posting about. Additionally, modern social media pages tend to put more focus on individuals and gaining a following than what blogs or even tumblr did, since tumblr's system of reblogging to comment put more focus on conversations (which other people could jump into) instead of how it is on Instagram of having to click to view comments for a specific post, where the comments are for the most part between the OP and The Commenter, and it's all collapsed into a little "view more" link (that is if the conversation even extends further than "Where did you buy the otks?" "Alice and the Pirates" "Thank you!"). Even within lolita discords, there just doesn't seem to be much actual discussion happening outside of "I want to buy this but I'll have to break my no buy" or something similar.

No. 491801

I know it's not a modern phenomenon, they just keep getting fatter. Watched a girl consume enough cake slices and pastries to feed a family of five a few weeks ago while the conversation topic turned to "brands are shit for only anorexic white women" (the brands are Japanese. I was truly too stunned to speak. What the fuck do you mean white women?)

No. 491842

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Someone in my comm is gushing about Dandy Puppeteer's Carnival Puppet BackerKit that just released which not only looks awful but goes up to a 180cm bust. When do you realize you have a major problem? This is disgusting. The only good thing I can say about it is they're using natural fibers.

No. 491843

ayrt, and I agree with this too! I'm an oldie so I was around in the lj days and I remember how tumblr sort of took the torch before modern social media got as big. Social media has killed most social aspects of life, ironically.

I feel like while there are a ton of people now who only care about the clothes thanks to tiktok style content, there's still people who are lifestylers or who have a genuine interest in related hobbies. They just don't post it and talk about it with their friends instead. And because the comms are dead and divided those friend groups are small. I've seen it in posts here, multiple friend groups over time, and through the few people who do post about what else they're doing. I know myself and my friends do have interests that are "lifestyler" interests/hobbies, but posting it somewhere like instagram feels wrong unless its a story. Anything else makes it feel like you're trying to be an influencer or something and it just doesn't get the same response, like you mentioned. There is no discussion, people just like it and move on or leave a compliment in the comments. "Influencer" mindsets/people posting as if they have an audience and aren't just interacting with a community has definitely affected this too. I think this is why there has been a small movement back to tumblr recently. I've been seeing a lot of posts about reviving old blogs or making new ones. I hope it goes deeper than just reposting coords from their other socials on their blogs and brings back some of this community/lifestyle aspect.

No. 491856

> The subculture has always attracted big girls.

why is that? the girl who made me aware of Lolita was fat too. is it the sweet aesthetic, they're attracted to the cakes and candies in the dresses?

No. 491899

I feel like with AtePie in general you can't say anything negative about it because they have strong English presence and plus size range so people act like it's a perfect brand. I think a lot of their pieces look unflattering on basically everyone but if I said that in public I'd be lynched kek
I don't mind fats and considering fats can get actual burando (meta, mam) or get decent pieces made to order to their size (several indie brands) I am just appalled at people who don't clean up or wear Taobao trash that doesn't fit and looks like shit. Being fat or poor is not an excuse to smell and look bad. This is a fashion hobby, please try to look your best.

No. 491907

I'm probably in the minority here but as long as they're not deathfats and their dresses are actually meant to fit them (like Meta) then I don't necessarily think fat = ita. But most fattychans just squeeze themselves into a fully shirred dress like Shirring Princess to the point of ruining it. Obviously that's going to look really unflattering. It also makes the secondhand market a lot worse with all the stretched out
>they're attracted to the cakes and candies in the dresses
Fucking kekkk honestly the fashion is just known to attract weeb/otaku types who are more likely to be fat.

No. 491911

There's some seamstress in my comm that loves this type of scalloped hem skirt and all i can think when I see it is that it looks like they used the ABSOLUTE bare minimum of fabric on it. Like there's no 'drape' or movement to these skirts, they're being stuffed within an inch of their life by the petticoat underneath and they look bad irl especially in comparison to skirts with more yardage. Also those specific shades of bubblegum pink and periwinkle blue are never going to remind me of anything other than Adult Babies but ig that's also part of indie brands' target audience at this point. watch out, it would be ~elitism~ to suggest other shades that might make the ageplayers feel ~excluded~!

No. 491920

nayrt but from what I understand it's because back in the day (like 20+ years ago) making the dresses was so expensive that brands could only really afford to make a single size for every new release. This isn't uncommon for Japanese brands because the expectation is for the consumer to fit the clothing they want, not vice versa, but because lolita was such a niche fashion and only a certain amount of people were interested in it to begin with, brands made shirred items to accommodate a larger size range in their audience while still being able to afford 'one size only' cost of manufacturing (this is also the reason brands take pre-orders even to this day).
Essentially even back in the 90's before it came overseas, it had a reputation for being 'fat girls fashion'. The irony is that even with a size range meant for the overweight girls in japan, they are not overweight enough for American fat activists which is why you get complaints about Japanese brands only being 'meant' for 'anorexics' even now. and tbf some of it is height, as someone 5'9" with western bone structure I'm probably never getting down to a 64cm waist, but there are people who don't even make the attempt to fit their clothes because they have bought hook-line-and-sinker into the American/Tiktok entitlement of 'everything should be made for everyone and if it isn't then it's morally bad'.

No. 492400

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This simply looks bad. The fabric looks especially wrinkly on the garish pink/sax version (suggests to me it's probably thinner lower-quality fabric than we usually see in lolita), but then the black/white version doesn't look any better. The bodice is either missing a button or the spacing of the buttons is way off, the sleeve is all wrinkly, the petticoat seems to be too short so it's lampshading and these are the best product photos they could come up with to try and sell this?

The comms being dead and divided like you mentioned is also not helping. Geopolitics analogy, but it created a "power vacuum" where the good lolitas decided they were exhausted of dealing with obnoxious itas (the ones that don't know how to behave in public or wear stuff that tbh isn't even really lolita), so they stopped attending meets as much. With no one to challenge the itas on their behavior or coords, the itas were emboldened and other itas joined en masse and now there is a new norm of "buying lolita on amazon is ok! wearing victorian maiden is problematic because they are a fatphobic brand (even though the people who complain about this never seem to like classic anyways?)" Deeming others as problematic is how the ita coalition maintains power, and it works because most of us are pretty non-confrontational and we don't want to be victims of a witch hunt (the comment >>491263 made about self-policing and walking on eggshells is definitely my experience in non-anon spaces, and it's not like I'm trying to say anything inflammatory or prejudiced, but even the smallest criticism of taobao designs sparks fury from this group) so we continue to largely keep to ourselves while mourning the death of the community overall, and the itas reign supreme. Tbh, the comm seems to be just as "toxic" as before, if not moreso. It's just a different flavor of toxicity enforced by a different group of people. I do hope that the return to blogging that more and more lolitas are doing will help, but already I've seen some lolitas seemingly abandoned their blogs after just 3 posts. Most people might just be too conditioned to social media at this point to try something new.

No. 492402

It’s not even 64cm waist as a goal these days unless you only want to wear older OPs and skirts. Modern JSKs from AP and Baby stretch well into the 80s or 90s for waist. It’s definitely more of an issue if you’re slim but have a large bust but there have always been skirts and salopettes for that.

I used to be obese but after I got into lolita I seriously reconsidered what I was doing to my body with using food to seek temporary numbness and decided to lose the weight. I feel like if I ever alluded to that in a comm meetup these days I would get excommunicated for fatphobia and promoting diet culture while the girls still eat entire cakes and complain about knee pain and how Japanese burando must be made for children and anorexics because who could possibly fit into those baby clothes.

No. 492404

Are corsets allowed in lolita fashion?

No. 492413

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No. 492418

Do you really want her to get results from aliexpress shilling deathfats on reddit?

No. 492494

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Corsets are absolutely acceptable, but you'll usually need to look for lolita-specific ones that have a shorter torso length than average. If the corset is too long then it'll overlap your petticoat/hips & squash your skirt, if it's too short then it'll have no 'curve' to the boning and will just end up looking like an overly wide belt that boxifies your torso. something like picrel is a good reference for length imo.
if you're talking about wearing corsets underneath the dress, I wouldn't recommend that because in my experience, corsets add more bulk than they take away. ngl have sometimes worn a binder or sized-down sports bra to flatten my tits for button-up blouses though.

No. 492511

yeah i should have clarified that 64cm is not the norm nor the expectation unless you're looking for vintage classic/gothic. which I WISH I could fit into, oldschool Mary Magdalene and Victorian Maiden advertisements were what made me fall in love with the fashion, but finding those dresses is like a needle in a haystack anyways so it's okay if i don't fit into something i don't own lel. you're correct in that bust is generally the additional deal-breaker to worry about, too.

I'm also someone who started dieting/exercising as a result of getting into lolita, I lost around 40lb during that time and it was honestly really good motivation for me to keep on-track whenever I started to get tired of keeping up the routine. It made my life better in other ways outside of the hobby, too, but if I ever tried to bring up something like 'lolita made me a healthier person' or 'I'm proud of losing weight, now I can fit into my dream dress' - god forbid anything more specific like exercise goals or cute low-calorie dessert recipes - it would be a huge faux pas.

No. 492558

I really miss lolita secrets and all the dumb drama that happened. I didn't even know the people involved personally, it was just fun to read people's grievances. It's so disappointing that its not archived

No. 492606

same, i remember when there used to be like 50+ secrets every week or more.
like i'm sure there were some unhinged vendetta-chans among the people who submitted but for the most part it was just cathartic for people to be able to vent and I don't think it actually resulted in that much harm overall. nobody was killing themselves over lolita secrets, if anything there were people who were suspected to selfpost there because of how much they'd wallow in the attention and sympathy afterwards. nobody took it too seriously, and it was fun as long as people understood that.

No. 492616

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Plus sometimes it was just memes and jokes and not anything personal against anyone

No. 492637

I miss secrets too. I felt like it really brought the community together. Once a week we would all see what people had submitted and usually have a good laugh or some discussion about it in the comments. Meme secrets about releases or general community events were funny and harmless for the most part. It was like having inside jokes for the whole global comm. Now we just accept shit coords, poor quality and bad designs from brand, indies and taobao alike because it might hurt someone's feelings to make unserious jokes about it. It was rarely personal if you weren't someone who actively involved themselves in drama, and those types were probably selfposting anyway. Sometimes I go and look at old btb posts for a laugh and to reminisce about old times.

Lolita used to feel more like a proper subculture, with its own memes, lifestyle and hobbies. I agree with anons upthread saying it feels like we've lost that aspect. Now it just feels like one of those shallow aesthetics. Optimised for social media and influencers like Lor trying to shill products vs actual human interaction or community. Everyone jumps to say the mean lolitas/hate/drama are the problem, and maybe that was part of it but I think modern internet culture is also to blame. Instagram and tiktok are not built for community interaction and discussion in general, so the subculture aspect of lolita has suffered for it. I still talk about lifestyle and fashion stuff with close friends from my comm, but it's not the same as feeling like there's this big global community. Even this thread almost feels like one of the last remnants of a bygone era.

No. 492698

It's refreshing to hear more and more people feel this way. I made one of the posts upthread that you didn't link, but I shared the same sentiment. It's sad there isn't more ways to voice this publicly or make some kind of change. We can just hope that more people mention it in threads like these or to their friends and in local comms to some extent to hopefully shift the narrative… if that's even possible.

No. 492701

>AP and Baby
i'm sure you mean well but not everyone wants to wear sweet.

No. 492711

I brought them up because 80s-90s cm waist is extremely achievable but so many people these days can't even fit that because they're using food as a coping mechanism for other unresolved issues in their life and big girls like wearing sweet 8 times out of 10 anyway.

No. 493091

nayrt, but I totally agree. Even when I was just following the fashion, before I bought my first pieces, I used the secrets and confessions to follow the fashion and see what people were talking about in the community. My first brand piece was actually a dress that someone posted on BTB calling it ugly but I liked it so I bought it anyway. It could get nasty at times, but it really felt like a way to talk about stuff honestly instead of the polite façade you often have to put up. I also loved the way that confessions on BTB could be positive. Yeah, you got selfposters sometimes, but I really loved seeing the positive stuff too. It gave me people to follow on social media and inspired me in the fashion.

I wish there was an avenue for something like that which wouldn't immediately get you cancelled if you were found out to be running it. Also, so often recent attempts have been taken over by stupid discourse and pure negativity. I would love to see a site that was mildly moderated to cut out the truly stupid takes but still allowed people to be honest about the lolita community and fashion, both positive and negative.

No. 493129

Ayrt, same. I really really wish it could be done. I unfortunately do not have the balls and I'm in a comm that's really volatile and will likely ban me if I even tried or suggested something like this. While the comm sucks, it's still nice to know its there and see the happenings when the few good members post/make meets. I hope someone or a group (safety in numbers) gains the courage to make this change and be loud about it.

No. 493190

say what you want about drama communities but they were often really informative and it gave people common topics and in-jokes to share at meetups.
like i directly credit /cgl/ ita threads for making me better at coording because it was giving examples of 'what not to do', the thread infighting taught you a rough idea of what constituted 'nitpicking', and you could always look at the image dump threads for motivational/aspirational coords as well. and like in the recent lolita drama thread, scammers got outed there as well. or creeps like that one Texas con chair who was outed for trying to find his sugar baby among the lolita comm there.

FFS whisper networks have been a thing in female-dominated communities for centuries for a reason. honestly there's probably a whole ass psych dissertation topic in there on the reasons why 'gossip' was so prevalent in the lolita comms back then and why it's now such anathema to lor's tumblr libtard crowd to the point that THEY will bully people out of the fashion or community for mentioning it.

No. 493281

Every now and then confession accounts pop up on instagram, are almost immediately outed as ran by the same handful of cows and then they die. I think there is still demand for it though, if there was an earnest, non trolling attempt to run one. What I wonder is whether or not the younger generation of lolitas would take to it. BTB and /cgl/ were already slowing down and no longer considered community staples when they started. They are used to the current hugbox-y culture because it's all they know.

Secrets and anon platforms were a way for the community to self govern. If someone was scalping, causing drama or giving bad advice while being ita themselves etc. they'd get called out on it by some anon. Even if they didn't listen it would encourage others in the community not to do the same. I think reddit had potential to be a good semi-anonymous forum for discussion and information, but it's so poorly moderated that it has alienated the core community. In its heyday /cgl/ was seen as taboo but almost everyone in the community used it, so once you learned to screen out the bullshit you could learn a lot from anons. No one is going to learn anything from reddit because most lolitas worth their salt have long given up on it.

No. 493615

This is not worth $230

No. 493616

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>dropped image

No. 493634

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What was your first ever main piece, and do you still own it? Do you think it still represents your style?
>picrel was mine

No. 493646

Wtf the finish of this is so amateur. This example is indicative of lolitas who care more about the print and less about the cut. I would say that I would be surprised if they got any orders, but knowing the current state of the community I’m sure some itas will divulge.

No. 493706

This is the biggest problem and was talked about not that long ago in the drama thread. People are not only too cowardly to start or run a drama site/community but are too scared to even post to it. That's why they all die and why the drama thread is also so dry.

No. 493715

Why do the straps sit like that? Also the fabric looks like cheap bedsheets.
It was a cheap skirt from anna house that i got from livejournal back in the day. I sold it because i was too pussy to fully commit to lolita, plus i had no money. I regret it so bad because i would have worn it today, it was perfect!

No. 493719

>bodice is a puckered cylinder tube
>massive amounts of shirring + those buttonhole panels

this was made this way to appease morbidly obese lolitas and that is the only explanation. but also for anyone morbidly obese the placement of those straps is going to look ludicrous because the width on the front-facing bodice panel, they're too close together.

there's also literally nothing else to appeal to the 'lolita' sensibility other than the print, like anon upthread said. it also feels like the ruffles either need to be shorter or made out of a different material… this should have been posted to the ita thread, lel.

No. 493727

It's unfortunate, maybe I'll spiral and do it eventually. It just sucks you'll likely get kicked out of any local comms for it.

No. 493737

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I thought about this dress for years before I finally bought it kek. Since then I've been slowly adding to my wardrobe. I was honestly a brand ita for a while though since I would only splurge on main pieces and neglected accessories.

No. 493753

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>first 'lolita' item
ebay MM replica for $100 because I was in high school and didn't know any better
it was a travesty i don't even want to talk about how sad and disappointed i was when i received it. nothing fit right, the materials might as well have been trash, it was so clear the photos were stolen and $100 was not a small amount to me back then.
>first actual lolita item
Bodyline's IW replica skirt. It was an incredible upgrade compared to the ebay replica but I was still embarrassed when I realized it was also a copy of something another brand had released. that wasn't well known at the time because it was before we had archival sites like lolibrary but still.
>first brand item
picrel, still have it. it's one of the very few white/ivory pieces i own. probably never going to get rid of it because of how special it felt to finally own 'real burando', and the embroidery details still wow me to this day.

No. 493806

My first "lolita" main piece was a GLP dress I got when I was a young teen. I think it had a gothic chess print. Honestly it would probably still be workable in my style, but it isn't something I'd choose to buy today. It didn't fit me anymore and I got rid of it many years ago before I started to build my wardrobe for real.

No. 493942

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Anyone else feel like every time a western brand does a shirred piece there's always something "off" about the shirring?
It's one of the reasons I can't appreciate WireHead. It always looks weird to me.

No. 493953

yes but not with wirehead. having owned several of her pieces, the shirring is aways spot on.

No. 493969

Maybe it doesn't translate to pictures very well

No. 494132

I feel like the only one that looks really off here is the one on the right. Frumpy and awkwardly shaped. I think it could be the spacing and thickness of the elastic? Most Western brands' shirring seems to use elastic that is too wide and too spaced out, so it gives a strange shape. That or they use elastic thread which only looks good on blouses. I agree with >>493953 that wirehead items look pretty good usually, especially in real life.

No. 494150

>be me
>attend fashion show
>see lolita that was flawless that she has redefined sweet lolita standards to me
>too nervous to talk to her at meets now
Back in the day this would have been a valentine, I miss btb so much.

No. 494151

Is that a lolita tank top on the right? I don't like it.

No. 494154

generally they're called bustiers, but yeah sure essentially, however most people wear blouses under them or cardigans over them, so it's not too often they're styled like a tank top

No. 494192

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Also, bustiers are usually worn in sets with a matching or coordinating skirt–I've rarely seen them worn in such a way that doesn't look like a JSK, but it is possible and can look really cute. Picrel stolen from a current listing on LM for a brand example of a set.

No. 494364

Id be willing to make a new BtB/confessions/secrets/valentines account if its something people will use. I really miss valentines especially. If I did what platform would people prefer? Tumblr, dreamwidth? What other sites let you send things anonymously?

No. 494378

People already tried on tumblr, but it probably didn't take off since you need a tumblr account in order to send an anonymous ask (see >>276887) and dreamwidth doesn't allow it, BtB kept getting taken down.

No. 494581

Ayrt. Thanks for the feedback. Do you have suggestions for a host then? If having an account is a issue I can use a form submission site for people who don't want to.

No. 494591

right one seems a bit bulky imo but the left one looks well constructed, the shirring

No. 494938

Nta, but wanted to say, if you used the form submission method technically anything can be used as a host, you'd just need to figure out how to tell people it exists.. I have a feeling tumblr may work now though considering people are going back to it a lot these days, especially with a form submission option.

No. 494969

Nayrt my only issue with tumblr is there isn't a way to anonymously comment though. I enjoyed having discussions about some of the secrets with other anons on btb, but still I think having secrets to look forward to at all would be an improvement over not having any

No. 495100

Nayrt you could always make a throwaway account with no personal info attached if you wanted to comment

No. 495107

That's a hassle and it defeats the purpose of making a submission form, since the point is to make it easy for everyone. I'd seen a few blogs with disqus comments sections back in the day but I don't know how common that is nowadays

No. 495136

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Seems like Disqus is out too. Tumblr didn't remove BtB despite mass reports of bullying but it didn't have much photos on it, right? That could be why they got away with it. But without photos it's not the same. It might be time to just let secrets retire, people are too sensitive now, you can't have stuff like that anymore without self hosting something.

No. 495155

We could always have a secrets threads here or on crystalcafe. And no need to catter to the gendies or censor faces and names.

No. 495157

I could see this working with a place to self host a site like Neocities. It would be very time consuming though, and I'd love to do it myself but I just don't have time for a project like that sadly.

No. 495198

Looks like Neocities won't work, you'd have to rely on something like Disqus for comments which will just risk mass reports as above

No. 495404

Neocities would work.

No. 495413

Nayrt, I agree they should just be made here. Not sure why we need a separate site when everything we want is here. Secrets or Valentine's aren't a popular medium anymore so will die soon enough anyways.

No. 495460

ayrt I was only saying for commenting, not submissions, but fair enough.

No. 495570

Kek someone in my comm posted this in our group around the same time I wonder if we could be in the same comm

No. 495594

Yes, I understood that

No. 495672

Ayrt, maybe, that would be great if we were (and if we share the same opinions on not only that release)… I need someone I can bitch to without judgment on things, especially negative views on releases and fatties being fatties. I'm pretty active in my comm, that's all I'll say.

No. 495819

Was the release being raved about in a discord the day you posted about it? If so we might be.

No. 495867

It was, I posted it pretty much right after/as the discussion was happening.

No. 495880

ayrt, I’ve attached a throwaway email to this post, let’s see if the stars have aligned lol

No. 495887

ayrt, sending you an email with my own throwaway.

No. 495897

I also agree that secrets should be here.

No. 496037

in addition to a secrets thread i'd like to propose the idea of a lolita images or 'coord reference' photo dump thread in /m/ if anyone else would like to contribute. my folder of image references was basically depleted by a hard drive crash a couple years ago so I don't have very much i can populate it with but I think we should balance out the drama/ita threads with at least one 'good coord' thread.

No. 496072

I'd love this. I'll gladly dump some of my faves when I have some time to sift through my saves.

No. 496250

There is a general jfashion thread on /m/ that we could probably use for this already, but it's not lolita or "good" specific.

No. 496260

I want to bite the bullet and order something from taobao, I've seen it mentioned here and there and want to ask if anyone has used Superbuy as a proxy, I have no idea where to start.

No. 496314

I've used superbuy several times. It's not difficult really, you just put the url of the item you want into their search bar essentially.

No. 497784

Nonnas, if someone were to make a database of coords posted online/publically (similar in the vein of boorus with their huge tag-system) but wouldn't ask every individual for permission to use their photos (instead, take-down requests would be seamlessly accepted), would you be for- or against it?

No. 497786

Something like that could be useful in theory, but I can easily see it becoming rife with selfposters and incorrect tagging (like people calling sweet dresses in black colorways gothic or "bittersweet"). If there were enough dedicated contributors then maybe?

No. 497801

I think it would be super useful, it's a shame there's no way to easily see people's coords anymore if you're not terminally online.

No. 497820

No, this sounds heinous. Please don't do something like this. If you do, you simply must ask permission or risk a takedown notice.

No. 497838

for it in theory, since they did post it online, but against it because it's just kind of fucking stupid. why do you want to do this?

No. 497852

Making a booru for coords is kinda weird and creepy, ngl.

No. 497871

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I have in the past wished that Lolibrary could have a feature for coords that would branch off of whatever item entry a few times in the past, but I know it wouldn't work so well for their platform. It's not their main objective, plus it would get overran by permaitas and "influencers" trying to redirect viewers to tiktok or some shit, so I know it just wouldn't work. I miss when instagram used hashtags where you could look up different people's coords with a specific dress. Searching #StrahovLibraryJSK would bring up several coords (flatlays or worn) of IW's Strahov Library from different people. There are a few tags this still works for (like searching #GraziaCrown yields picrel), but it used to work way better. I like the idea because I think it's fun to see all the different ways people would coord the same dress. I also used to use the instagram hashtags to get inspiration for new way to coord something I have already had, like maybe using a blouse&otks in a color I wouldn't have thought of doing before had I not seen someone else's picture.

No. 497912

It's barely different from the themed coord threads we used to have on /cgl/.

No. 498228

There used to be a "lolita coord database" on Tumblr i think
I would love this, but I think a lot of people would be opposed.

No. 498264

thank you nonna, I'm going to try it!

No. 498436

Not sure why there's so many naysayers, this is a great idea and Meta absolutely nerfed their platforms by removing tags. If people post their pics publicly it's free game, this is the internet. Though an issue would be if people submit a removal request, all their content should come down. They shouldn't have to search the whole platform to remove themsleves, it should be on you to just do it as requested. You'll need some way in the background to tag who each image is of or be very good at recognizing faces. It would also benefit from a rating system where low-rated images are removed because otherwise it will just be a collage of itas.

No. 498492

File: 1741488517122.png (1.14 MB, 1014x868, Wearjp.png)

I like your idea about ratings to avoid itas, but maybe it should be more generic to discourage it becoming a popularity contest/vendetta-chans down voting their enemies, etc. I also know booros don't usually have tags on the image itself, but I like the way the tags are displayed on wear.jp

No. 498525

I also really like Wear, it would be amazing if more lolitas used it, thanks for posting. I only dislike it lowers image quality so much. It's true a rating system would risk vendettas, maybe it just flags the img so admin can decide if it's actually worth removing or seems targeted.

No. 498619

some of the pissy responses to this and the retard trying to be funny in the /w/ thread really shows how much the atmosphere in lolita has changed. it's not much different from old tumblr blogs that had prints tagged or from giant imgur albums for specific dress/prints, but alas. it's too bad that instagram nuked their tag system

No. 498642

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Do you find yourself falling out of love with lolita fashion? Ever since I quit social media and especially Instagram I no longer have the need to obsessively look at people's coords and participate in the conversation. I find current mid 2020s trends are also incompatible with the lolita silhouette unlike something like 2010s goth and twee fashion. Even in Japan the current jirai trend that is all about short skirts and pink black and lavender doesn't mesh well with lolita, giving lolita an "old" look like millennial fashion at the moment. I know fashion trends are cyclical and in the 2030s there will be nostalgia for 2010s lolita but at the moment I've simply shelved my wardrobe and gone normie for a while.

No. 498649

i can't say i have or will, not for a while at least. i don't have any lolita pieces myself and don't know how to start now that i've got an income, but i've orbited lolita spaces since i was a young teen and have always had great admiration for how classy and lovely it looks. i get what you mean about the clashing with jirai/ryousangata wrt j-fashion circles though. personally i think these styles look really tacky and cheap (i mean, ryousangata straight up means mass-produced kek, a lot of their pieces especially DML ones look/feel like garbage) so i feel like even though lolita looks "old" the style will still maintain it's charm for me and a lot of others as long as it's not ita, if that makes sense?

No. 498772

no offense nonna but i don't think you can fall out of love with something you haven't even started wearing yet. you still have that excitement for it because you haven't even experienced it.

yes, but it comes and goes for me in waves.
i'll be really into buying and being a part of the comm for a few years then i'll get interested in other hobbies and kind of stop for a bit, then rinse and repeat. i'm not particularly interested in new releases, so i know it's not that, but i think the conversation around lolita often stagnates, or there isn't much to buy in my specific substyle on the secondhand market. i always keep my pieces and wear them occasionally, but the need to "participate" comes and goes, and i'm okay with being more normie at this stage in my life. i don't think we always have to be "on" as a lolita at all times.

No. 498795

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I don't feel this, but maybe it's because I don't really follow current trends. If trends align with lolita, that's great, I benefited from the cropped cardigan trend a couple of years ago (they hit perfectly at the waist for lolita) and I benefited from the twee trend in the 2010s, buying blouses that I still wear to this day. I don't need modern trends to line up with lolita though, because ultimately wearing lolita is what I enjoy and have enjoyed for coming up on two decades now. Maybe it's seen as an "old" style, but I am old, so whatever, I don't care and I'll wear what I want. As for the online community, I can't really be burnt out on it because as a lonelita with minimal social media presence, I'm generally longing for community interaction wishing I had someone to sperg out about it with. When I do talk about lolita, it's basically only on here or to my (non-lolita) friends irl. I do look at people's coords online from time to time, but mostly on Twitter or on Wear, so I'm unable to "participate in the conversation" due to the language barrier. I do sometimes feel a bit sad that many of my favorite brands have closed down, and the active ones seem to mostly be doing rereleases instead of new designs, so it does feel a bit stagnant in that regard, but at the same time, I am at a point where I really enjoy my wardrobe, so it doesn't really affect me too much. Buying isn't my primary focus and I have other hobbies and clubs to engage in, that I can do while wearing lolita. So ultimately, I don't find myself falling out of love with lolita. I did fall out of love with the idea of being part of the community (too many embarrassing meetups with people who don't know how to behave in public), but the fashion itself I do still love and honestly the lifestyle elements that go with it too. I know the younger lolitas don't care about lifestyle and think the whole concept is antiquated, but I don't care what they think. If I want to wear lolita and go watch an opera or study languages at the local library, I will, and I'll have great fun doing so!

No. 498976

I would really like this, it reminds me of the cgl worn threads but better. Maybe the faces could be hidden by a sticker so it's a bit less personal and less likely to be taken down (but still make it very easy to request a removal of all pictures of yourself). Also an option to add a source like an instagram handle would be good. I don't think it needs a fully fledged out rating system but maybe an option to fave a picture could help sort out worse coords to the bottom if filtered by faves.

I've actually started to really appreciate lolita for the social aspect and now it's even more dear to me. Even though our comm meets were always a total ita-fest, I got to make some great lolita friends through bring & buys and other events last year and I'm so grateful for the opportunity. I love meeting up and just hanging out as friends while wearing lolita, especially because we ended up having a lot of other interests in common too. Obviously it's not the main reason for me to wear lolita but it made me even more motivated to wear it often. To be honest other than some work and home outfits I don't really own anything non-lolita anymore anyway.

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