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No. 2105455
fuck the flood detection message edition
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/2092795 No. 2105475
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I messed up my injury and I have been in 8.5/10 pain for hours and I just feel like crying. Tomorrow was going to be the first day I would've went out in months, but alas
No. 2105560
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a nonna in the previous thread said that she accidentally stepped in a stranger's shit at olive garden and after reading her post i had a nightmare last night where i did the same thing
No. 2105566
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>>2105560Forget about that horror story and never enter any restaurant bathrooms. You'll have a nicer day the sooner you forget about that nightmare, nona.
No. 2105582
>>2105556What are you even talking about, where did I imply I need her validation? I told her about my weekend plans and wanted any kind of reply other than her just going "oh" and then changing the topic to talk about herself (as she usually does). That's not how a conversation between two people works.
>>2105561Thanks nona, that anon must have some intense mommy issues or something. It's such an odd thing to try to infight about.
No. 2105594
>>2105562it sounds like there was a problem with the machine itself and you're not the one who actually broke it, just the one who had the misfortune of trying to use it when it finally shit out
>>2105566thank you
nonnie, i avoid public restrooms like the plague unless it's an emergency situation which made the nightmare all the more horrific
No. 2105599
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When will I finally get it into my head that these people don't care about me or what I do. Since they invited me into their group over two years ago I keep swinging between "they wouldn't have invited me if they hated me" and "if they didn't hate me they wouldn't act like this". The truth is we are still strangers, if I'm around they'll be polite and they'll try to include me a little but once I'm gone they forget I exist. I'm just stupid and keep forgetting that.
No. 2105649
>>2105562It's not your fault and whatever you do don't tell anyone it's your fault or let them make you think it's your fault. Do not under any circumstances buy a new washing machine for the fucking landlord holy shit. That's his problem (or sometimes it's the building owner's problem if those are two separate people)
that's why you pay rent. It's not your house it's not your washer,
having a washing machine is included in the rent so it's the landlord's job to repair it or get you a new one!
No. 2105673
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I wish there was another popular place for women like this so I can finally stop going on here. I’m slowly starting to hate this place
No. 2105677
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>at empty park with bf having a picnic after a hike
>guy walks up out of nowhere and lurks around
>walks over to left picnic tables then saunters back over
>sits at the table behind us, facing our table but on the bench closest to my bf, so I'm facing his gaze
>we pack up and leave as he stares at us
This isn't the first time someone got weird and crowded us having a picnic, different park but some guy did the same thing before but backed up his car a few yards from our picnic table and sat in the back of the hatch watching us while we ate. Was empty park with tons of other spots in front of the river and empty tables as well
No. 2105702
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>>2105690>mods get rid of the main purpose of being on an imageboard besides gossiping >>2105692There are no threads that I like anymore. Most of them have shifted into this weird neo-tiktok/tumblr topics like fandoms and pop culture junk. That’s why you had dumbass shit thread/retarded shitposting central when nothing else appealed to you
No. 2105754
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>>2105720It's ok, nona, we all have those moments
No. 2105788
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>>2105560That was me. I threw out the shoes I was wearing at the time and haven’t left my house since. I hope you may never experience what I did
No. 2105880
>Guess whose dumbass posted in the wrong duplicate thread like why tf is it even there
Nonna with the radicalized partner again. I've been in shambles for the past two days, unable to eat or sleep much because i've slipped into depression. It's not that i'm afraid he'd hurt me, but i'm afraid that within the next 2 years he'll join some terrorist faction and die for his misguided beliefs. I wish it was an exaggeration, but he's headed down a bad path. Advocating for violence against the government because, and I quote, "politicians enact violence indirectly against civilians with their policies all the time". I resent the disinfo campaigns and psyops present in politics that leads people to this line of thinking. He shut me down the other day and refuses to discuss politics with me because it clashes with the echo chamber narrative he's enmeshed in. I tried to convey, in less words, that the whole "Both sides bad, so voting doesn't matter!!" take was one propagated by Russian bot farms and disingenuous rightoids posing as leftist/centrist to encourage apathy in the American public because the CCP, Putin, NK and other shady players that Trump's been openly involved with stand to benefit from it, but because he is a tankie, he is so far left that he's gone retarded and won't listen to reason because "America bad, so therefore DEMOCRACY bad".
Even though he assured me he doesn't hate ME, I worry that in time he'll shut me out emotionally with all this bullshit in his ear. Before all this he was a loving and intelligent partner but it just shows it can happen to anyone, although I guess moids are especially susceptible. As for whether it's worth saving, I believe so. Even if not for the sake of the relationship, seeing someone I deeply care about be mislead down such a bad path is awful. I was able to snap him out of co-dependency from his last toxic relationship. Showed him what healthy love looks like and that it's okay to put ourselves first sometimes, but there's only so much I can do as someone who's not a therapist. As I said before he needs therapy so he doesn't continue to seek his worth in extrinsic causes like this.
Because he's extremely busy with work and we're long distance (and to elaborate, we do make trips to be together and spend time in person. I spent a month in his country recently), there aren't many chances to talk to him. We call once a week and talk anywhere from 15 mins to an hour if i'm lucky, when before we would talk and text every day or most days. I've been trying to think about how I should approach him to discuss my concerns, because heavy topics could add to his stress and I don't want him running away with some excuse like "I can't talk about this now". He's often exhausted but still tries to make some time for me which I appreciate but at the same time it adds an extra layer of difficulty in getting through to him when he's absorbing misinformation or disinfo and not being able to think critically about things. I've been researching subreddits and articles about radicalization at least to get a better idea of how I can approach the subject but at the same time it's still triggering because the other half of my mind is like "omfg why is this actually happening" and I get more distressed. I feel like time is ticking. I've tried to distract myself and get my mind off of it with games like Aegis Rim which is pretty dope but my enjoyment is dulled because of the depression the situation is causing.
No. 2106015
>>2105892Not eggshells. My problem is actually the opposite and that I have to restrain myself from being as blunt as I usually am when it comes to calling out bullshit. Sadly, I don't think threat of a breakup will make him realize his retardation, he'd probably get together with some other schizo enabler in one of his little secret groups, because the part of him that became independent from romantic partners also swings in the way that he'd move on quickly, so it's a double edged sword.
>>2105947I honestly don't have one. I'm not doing it to feel good about myself. I don't get involved with or care about most people because I don't want to have to compartmentalize liking a few things about someone only to find out they have shitty parts of them that I can't tolerate. I despise lies, deceit, and manipulation and everything involved in it. Kind of a side tangent but still related, my mother was the
victim of character assassination from my borderline-narc dad and to this day hasn't recovered. Disinfo, misinfo, it's evil to me. It destroys good people's lives.
No. 2106058
>>2104912>>2104958I'm the anon from last thread who talked about a retarded 5'7" "aspiring comedian" and how I told his grandmother he did cocaine.
This was not a "parasocial relationship" holy shit, I actually knew the cocksucker. We were college friends. I PERSONALLY knew him for four years. I was able to contact his grandmother because we were that close IRL and I had spoken to his grandmother before. This wasn't some internet crush, WE ACTUALLY KNEW EACH OTHER. I'm not that schizo holy fuck. The fact that people think this was a stalker obsession where this dude didn't even know me is driving me crazy.
Every time I bitch about him and wish him ill will some shot like this always happens holy fuck.
Tl;Dr, I KNEW THE GUY HOLY FUCKING SHIT. We hung out, I would sleep over at his grandma's, I stayed a week at his parents' house, I went and stayed with him while he was in school in a different state. This was not a baby reindeer type of retarded stalker situation people. Holy shit.
No. 2106095
>>2106015you guys are long distance? just break up with him.
> don't think threat of a breakup will make him realize his retardation, he'd probably get together with some other schizo enabler in one of his little secret groupsumm okay so if he doesn't give a shit either way, break up with him for your own sake. why are you making yourself depressed for no good reason?
No. 2106098
>>2106015NTAs but
>I don't get involved with or care about most people because I don't want to have to compartmentalize liking a few things about someone only to find out they have shitty parts of them that I can't tolerate.You're in a relationship with one of the most retarded nigels I've read about on here lately, anon. If you can get involved with and care about a radicalized terrorist-in-the-making, you can care about just about any other person on the planet, too. Especially because it sounds like he was a weirdo from the start, what with his BPD ex and all that. You really aren't as picky as you think you are.
Report him to his government as a potential future threat and break up with him. If he will just immediately get a mail order bride from one of his fascist groups after you leave him, then he clearly doesn't love you, anyway. In a couple of years you'll look back at this time and wonder what the fuck was wrong with you that made you try to fix an insane scrote with love and words.
No. 2106135
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I’m really afraid of becoming a female schizo. I have no family history of it, but I read that schizophrenia usually starts in women when we reach our late 20’s, and I’m 28. It doesn’t help that my vision is shit so when I see random floaters or doubles I automatically assume that the schizo hallucinations are starting. I’m tapped ik, but there’s nothing more scarier to me than losing your mind.
No. 2106165
nonnie if you don't have a family history of it try your best to put it in the back of your head. Also floaters in your eye are strange do you have diabetes? Not to make you more paranoid but that could be retinopathy. But probably not but you should see an eye doc.
No. 2106312
>>2106095I feel this is one thing that is universal across all men. Eventually they realize things are in their favor. They don't even have to try, unlike women, and it's natural to gravitate towards a rebound for either gender, especially when someone shares your views.
>>2106098I see what you're saying, but he wasn't always like that which is why it's hard. As far as the BPD ex his behavior was the same as it is with most people who know and care for someone like that. I have a BPDemon for a brother and my mother won't cut him off because she thinks he needs more chances like she can just kill him with kindness even though he's a vindictive, slandering bastard who refuses to be an adult and take responsibility for himself. It's too late to get through to her, but I digress.
When someone has outstanding qualities, and then one day starts twisting while still retaining the good qualities, wanting to untwist them is natural. I'm not going to find those good qualities in any other male, of that i'm certain. It's not fear of being alone, but fear of losing the unicorn, so to speak. Not only that, but my capacity to love someone else after this has severely shrunk because i've taken too many hits emotionally (not from him, but will be if we break it off). My emotions feel dulled, I don't feel the same spark that I used to when falling for someone so it makes it difficult. I'm extremely jaded.
Things that stand out…
When i've been sick, he'd go out to get me teas he'd think I'd like and medicine without asking and take care of me. Looked at me with genuine gentleness and love in his eyes, telling me "Pretty is different from beautiful. Beauty is glory that earns respect automatically. Beauty is embedded in the way someone behaves- how they speak, talk, respond, read, write, smile, show compassion, and keeps their word." (in other words, your character is what makes you beautiful to me, not just looks). If contraceptives ever were to fail, he said he'd gladly take responsibility if it's something I wanted, but that he knows how hard childbirth is on a woman's body and he wouldn't put me through something like that unwillingly. Children are an option, but not a want or necessity in our lives. How he loves and knows more about cats than any person I know and always gladly shared multiple cute cat pics and vids of his three daily. His love of books and rejection of most social media before all this. How he watched the entirety of Nana with me, just as invested as I was (I even got mad he had watched episodes without me). Compared to most men, he has a gentleness and compassion about him because of good relationships with female relatives and close female friends. He's younger than me too, and tends to like mature women but was never a leechy man baby about it unlike most scrotes who are just looking for a mommy dommy bangmaid. I felt equal and respected by him. He's not a roidpig balding by or before thirty, has always had excellent hygeine, a beautiful smile and ear length, slightly long black hair… good abs and ass, on the slender side. Chased off a creepy moid up an escalator trying to take video of me sneakily. Treated me with the respect and love I deserve. Always made sure I came first, several times, and would always hold off on his own until permitted by me. I'm sure some nonnies are puking in their mouths a bit now over my sentimentality but those are a few reasons why I feel he's too good to lose.
I'll definitely consider reporting him to the government, though. I'll look into it and see how to go about it in his country if and when the time ever comes. When i've really given up on someone I scorch the earth and don't look back. I hope anyone he's in personal contact with in those shitty little groups gets fucked up too. I should have tried to get full names and birthdates while feigning interest in his new so-called friends if I really wanted to make the big move. Damn.
No. 2106464
>>2105692Ntayrt but I try this sometimes but no one really engages back, they just flock towards ragebaity posts instead. also feel the same as
>>2105702 there's not as many threads I like anymore either. There's only so many times I can keep posting in a thread before half the posts turn into me talking to myself or start to look like avatarfagging.
No. 2106474
>>2106312>I'm not going to find those good qualities in any other male, of that i'm certain. No, you can't exactly be certain of that. Why is this man, in the entire world, such a unique unicorn where you can't find those good qualities anywhere else? It can't be that you're dating the only one that's good enough. While it's great that he did bring you comfort and cared for you
in the past, he is hardly being loving to you at all in the present. In fact, he can barely spend time together with you. You hardly talk, only once a week for a brief moment, before he pisses off elsewhere. It's really telling how he's so busy with work and his radical group that he doesn't spend any time with you. Where is he treating you with "the respect and love" you deserve? Where is he "always making sure you come first" now? As much as you want to be a stubborn savior, there are equally stubborn men who made a point that they've found their calling. Why don't you give him an ultimatum? Tell him it's either you or his radicalized politics/religion. You'll see very fast how he won't fight for
you. Report him when you can. This scrote can't even save himself or his relationship, let alone another country.
No. 2106490
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so lonely
No. 2106507
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I'm honestly annoyed, I'm probably being a bitch but whatever. It's just that it's kind of annoying how this girl I used to talk to in high-school contacted me now and she basically wants us to be like before I left the country for a few years.
And it's honestly annoying, because she knew my Instagram and could've talked to me back then, I even used to post almost daily and such. But she never even gave it a try.
>ib4 you didn't talk to her either
And yeah, I didn't because I honestly just wanted to close that chapter of my life, which is even more annoying because she keeps reminiscing the "good ol' times" as if it was that great for me too when most of the times I felt really uncomfortable being friends with her.
I don't know why but I felt like she just wanted me to be her obsessive fan instead of a friend, then she started calling me her sister and shit, but she would get simultaneously weirded out or annoyed at me for remembering/not remembering little details and so on.
It was honestly an overall awkward friendship that I wish I could just forget.
She's texting me daily and I just can't deal with that, I'm basically just taking my time to reply to her because it's like my energy dissipates the moment I open the conversation with her.
Abd I just don't feel like this when I talk to my best friend, so it's not just me being asocial, I just feel tired even thinking about her.
No. 2106596
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Not sure if this belongs here or in the husbando thread but
>made a friend who has the same husbando as me because I met her at a con last week because she was cosplaying him, and this is significant because despite being a popular character, yumes are rare and I found one from the same country too
>she's a 15 year old tif who doesn't mind talking to nearly 30 year old me and generally a bit sus
What kind of monkey's paw is this. It's not surprising at all considering the franchise he's from but hopefully she grows out of it and doesn't end up ruining her body
No. 2106635
>>2106630Ntayrt but maybe she meant to say “30 y/o men”?? They met irl so idk how that would be an excuse
>>2106596Anon please clarify
No. 2106732
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Green card marriage anon here, idk if anyone remembers.
Well he called me to tell me that he got his green card in the mail. This was the first time we talked in months. I don’t have any romantic feelings towards him, but I knew him for 5 years and I feel extremely sad knowing we’re gonna divorce soon and go our separate ways. I’m kind of ashamed too, because he started a successful business here and made a lot of friends and visited a lot of places, all while I’ve just been rotting in my room, working my shitty part time retail job, and doing nothing with my life.
I want to ask him to stay friends with me, and I know he’ll say “yes, of course” just to be nice, but he doesn’t even wanna stay in America. He wants to move back to Europe, or go to another state, at least that’s what he said.
He’s so nice and did invite me places and wanted to actually have a relationship at one point, but I was the one that rejected it all.
But now I feel something similar to grief. I feel like the thread that leads to my old self/life will officially be cut once we divorce. Idk I can’t really even explain my feelings rn.
No. 2106764
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my period started today and i have endo/PCOS so my periods are really, really shit.
is it wrong for me to be a little bit sad that my moid doesn't really do much for me at all? i've communicated it to him a few times, all i really want is just a back massage and maybe some chocolate and i think that's too much.
i think it's just the period hormones talking, but i have to go out in the rain and make a journey to the shops to get myself some pads and chocolate, i am in so much pain. aughhh.
No. 2106806
>>2106697What’s going on,
No. 2106939
>>2106806As i say this and if you think I have a certain munchie favorite disorder. I do but I’m not a bpd bitch who wants a stoma. I was diagnosed as a small child. Watched a bunch of munchies try to have it so badly that they die since the surge of spoonies back in 2015. I am really secretive about it because it’s so so embarrassing. stopped trying to talk about it but sometimes.. I have to.
Really really bad upper neck pain down into my back. Just. My whole ass Spine. I thought it was just muscle tension as I have had back spasms + upper neck/shoulder spasms since I can remember. I have cervical instability on top of this. Been an issue my whole life but as I have gotten older pain has gotten more consistent and often. About at a week and a half ago I had turned my head and vision blacked out (with some cool light streaks) with a huge huge crunch in the base of my skull. I barely turned it. Just moved it slightly to look at my cat who was playing in a plastic bag. I called and tried to get in but of course the only time they could was while I’m out of state next month (which I am considering bailing despite this trip being planned for about a year now). Can’t schedule further. Call back. Need to check for cancellations are per how things are now. I finished PT a few months ago that they stopped early because it was harming more than helping. My doctor doesn’t wanna do much to me cuz he’s avoiding doing anything major despite it getting to this level. I can only do PT for my neck so many times. Third time wasn’t the charm. . So.. Thinking about being referred out for a second opinion. I think they need to more intense imaging then they have been. My mom called me and made me cry more than I already was. She wants me to go and wants to take me herself but I convinced her to see how I feel in the morning. Awful timing with it being the weekend. If they decide to fuse my c spine I may just blow my brains out instead. It could help but it could also cause issues. I feel like maybe I should just cut my losses and do it now.
No. 2106942
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>watching longlegs
>trying too hard to embody periods of uncomfortable silence like in silence of the lambs, failing
>dialogue is shit no one would ever say in any context at any time
>the pedophile faggot has a random obsession with the singer from T Rex, glam rock catching strays again
Can someone please make a horror or thriller that doesn't fucking suck again please pleaseee
No. 2106945
>>2106933Kek thanks nonna.
I'm trying to adjust myself to be more solo independent lifestyle, it turns out sharing things like that is just painful for me.
No. 2106964
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Not to sound schizo, but I feel like the recent posts complaining about lolcow's user base are from moids, like the posts have the whiniest and most bitter undertones. And they talk about the site's [female] user base in such condescending and belittling ways that are very much scrotelike. If I'm wrong and it's actually nonas who write these posts, I hope they know that they are equally as bad as the rest of us kek. Having a superiority complex on lolcow out of all places is too pitiful.
No. 2107024
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i really do think my boyfriend would be dating / into his friend if she wasn't married. it's 90% just my jealousy but i hate how he always seems so hyped to talk to her/ mentions her a lot (innocently), she probably looks like his type (very alt which I'm not), we always hang out but before i met him they'd play video games a lot with some other girls in her/their friend group after his breakup and she's extremely extroverted/ friendly with everyone so i kinda get it but still. again i get insanely jealous fast and this is all ldr so whatever i guess
No. 2107057
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I'm actually upset and I want to cry because the "friend" I thought loved me and would come to my house to talk about sad shit in her life really did just replace me with other friends and goes to parties and I don't, I fucking don't, holy shit I'm wasting my life
No. 2107071
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i absolutely hate people who can’t keep a clean shared space and leave dishes in the sink until bugs are crawling over the counters and dog piss on the floor for days or throw their bloody pads in an overflowing trash can I hawk the biggest lewg in the shampoo and body wash my roommates leave in the shared shower everytime I use it and its the best feeling ever watching them walk around all spitty and shit
No. 2107384
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i hate how much scrotes yap about how women have expiration dates. that it's over for single women in their 30s. my "prime" might be over, but you never had one and you will never have one because you're an incel. every woman has laughed at you. if anything, it's a good thing there are so many single childless women if it means less scrotes in the world. not being tied to a moid is a blessing and moids can't cope with the fact that women don't need them to be happy.
No. 2107408
>>2107384Whatever they say is always projection. It’s bitter, lonely men with declining self esteem who accuse us all of being bitter and lonely with declining “value,” as if any sane man worth marrying would view women in such terms. The comments are from incels and washed-up divorced guys whose wives gladly left them.
They’re also almost always low class if they think women tank after 25, because that only happens to people who don’t take care of their skin and physique. I married rich and the circles I’m in are filled with successful, happy, good-looking people in their 30s and 40s, most of them marrying in their mid 30’s, who would all laugh at the idea that an 18 year old kid is somehow better looking or a more desirable partner than an actual adult in their prime. And these are people who are happy with their lives, with healthy relationships, beginning to start wonderful families. They didn’t get ditched for high school grads because they aren’t entertaining trailer trash coomers who think in terms of porn searches.
Not to mention, as you said, women simply don’t require men to be happy, but men need us to be happy, as studies show. They desperately want single women to regret not committing to bottom of the barrel men, but women will never regret that.
No. 2107423
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Hate moids like this want to call the cell postedand tell him what a fucking loser he is
No. 2107437
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>>21073841) Based
2) As the other nonna's say this is projection on their part. For centuries they have believed their own lies which is why there is a huge shortage of women in India and China due to femicide, now they are crying because reality has hit and many of them are dying alone childless. The truth is more men then women want a partner and kids and seeing the birth rates decline and more women getting an education and being happy in themselves makes me happy.
3) Considering how ugly and diseased a lot of these guys are (they literally are not washing their asses) sex with them is just not worth it, you wont be guaranteed an orgasm and you are at high risk of pregnancy and disease if they decide to "stealth" you. Men have never had so much to worry about when it comes to sex as women have, you are better and safer with a toy. Much love to all the nonna's out there dealing with this shitty male obsessed society. No. 2107507
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>>2107488I feel you, it looks like a part of my boob's didn't develop correctly while other parts did so instead of being flat chested they're like flopped but oddly hard.
I've read theories that girls who had high levels of cortisol and stress, or other factors impacting hormones during puberty, can have irregular breast shape. It was posted here a long time ago actually. It would check out for me at least.
I also saw this study, pic related. MG stands for mammary glands. No. 2107585
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Started randomly heavy bleeding 10 days before my period is due and I’ve already convinced myself that I have uterine cancer
Called gyno offices but it’s the weekend
No. 2107639
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Tried to cancel my gym membership via directly cancelling my direct debit, that (obviously, in hindsight) did not work. Had them calling me up saying if i dont reinstate my direct debit i'll go into debt. Having to cancel through the gym and give them a whole months notice…it feels like im just burning money atp.
No. 2107678
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I found the perfect shoes of my dreams but they're $250 I'm gonna cry. They're just fucking sneakers why are they so expensive. I'll be fine financially but that's so much for a damn shoe I don't think I can in good conscience buy them. RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 2107709
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>>2107678I just found them on another site for $70 cheaper AND used a discount code that took another almost $40 off I am unstoppable now fuck YEAH BABEY.
No. 2107716
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>>2107711>>2107713I just like big 80s style sneakers okay
No. 2107743
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>>2107726>just because I said I wouldn't make an OF Absolutely disgusting, they sound like pimps. Can’t bring up sex trafficking and porn without bitches jumping in my mouth to be like but what about muh disabled brown enby SWers and defending rapeape johns.
No. 2107770
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>>2107743Fuck I remember mentioning this online to another nonna on twitter and some mop head looking TIM this jumped in screaming how I was discriminating because what if he needed to do sex work?! I told him wtf and he said we were speaking over "marganised folk". When me and nonna pointed out we are both South Asian women he fucking lost it and claimed we were cyber bullying him. I'm tempted to post the screencaps because it was kinda funny not sure what thread it would go on tho.
Anyway you are right and should say it, I get really fucking tired when the wannabe oppressed bring up, as you say, the muh brown enby sw'ers because a lot of us
WOC are anti-rape and anti-porn because we've seen how that shit encourages violence towards women and children in our communities.
No. 2107795
>>2107725What the fuck is it to you
nonnie why do you even mention it when she's moved on yes you are the autist
No. 2107950
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>start watching old show
>its really comfy, like it a lot
>first two seasons are great
>third season starts
>they make my least favourite character a main character
>every single episode revolves around him now
>show went from wholesome to mean spirited, mc became an asshole
I hate this so much, i am going to have to find another comfy show to watch while i take breaks and eat
No. 2107957
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>>2107938moid attention is fleeting and fickle. it will never satisfy the hole inside of you that you are trying to fill. you are wasting your time and energy trying to get moid attention which is useless and will only cause you more problems. focus on yourself, learn to love yourself and heal.
No. 2107962
>>2107957I'm trying but I haven't had good dick in like 2 weeks and I'm horny and I'm gorgeous yet I feel like a
femcel. Feels really really bad.
No. 2108059
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>>2108026if you care even an ounce for your fellow women, do not be accepting of troons. they will minimize, degrade, assault, and rape women if it means getting their way. not a single troon would stand hand in hand with you for your well being and rights, remember that. the only answer to troonery is reality. these people should be treated properly for their mental illness, not encouraged. accepting their delusions is encouragement. we women are socially conditioned to sacrifice our well being for others, especially for men so i understand why you feel conflicted but fuck that. it's about time women prioritize ourselves and our well being. stand your ground, don't give in, and fight for the truth.
No. 2108096
>>21080886"2 sounds terrifying. im sorry to say even the 5"5 short gay man is just as insufferable. he is the most blatant cluster b, narcissistic traits galore, self hating gay man ive ever met. his eyes are soulless and dark and its as if he gets off on making people uncomfortable. sorry
nonnie you've spawned a mini rant in me
>sexually harasses guys at work>they are visibly uncomfortable but its subtle enough to where they feel like its not enough to report>still obsessed with a porn addict worker who got fired a year ago (for constantly bothering the girls) because he was the only male at work that slept with the mtf>hits on literally every male even if he's not attracted to them/finds them annoying because he's legitimately that desperate >doesn't care if they're marriedi can tell he wants to be the hot egirl that all men drool over so bad and every time he gets a reality check he's sent into a week long depression of drinking and cutting himself. if you're thinking "why doesn't he just date other mtfs?" he does and they break up with him because he's such a miserable person. no im not joking. that is literally the reason the last 2 gave him.
No. 2108117
>>2108107i'm sorry to hear about your loss. i hope you and your family can heal. i know it's hard, but please be strong. your step dad wouldn't want you to fall into despair. you're not pathetic or useless. you're just going through a hard time. give yourself time to grieve, but afterwords, keep the memory of your step dad alive by pushing forward and pursuing happiness once again.
i'm sorry to tell you, but your bf doesn't actually love you. if he really loved you, he would be strong for you and encourage you. he's weak and you don't need him. just let him go. i wish you well. please take care.
No. 2108128
>>2108107I have lost my dad two years ago and grief is quite hard. Be yourself be weak when you want to, is part of healing and let yourself grown with. Think you have a small stone: You feel it sometimes, you don't sometimes too. Is the same with grief.
And like
>>2108117 says, a real boyfriend would be there in your hardest moment to comfort you and support you. If he "lose feelings towards you", then take the trash off the trash can and let him go. You deserve better in this moment.
A big hug, nonna. Is hard, and is not going to stop nor heal, but you're way stronger than you think, even if you feel weak crying for the memories or the brunt of your mom's frustrations. A strong person isn't afraid to show their weakness.
No. 2108190
I met a new coworker today and I don't think she said a single good thing about ANYTHING in 10 hours. She talked shit about our coworkers, she talked shit about customers, she talked shit about our boss, she "joked" about something about me aka talked shit about me to my face lol, she bitched about the work she was doing, she whined about being tired, she whined about having to walk up a single flight of stairs (literally said "UGHHH MORE STAIRS" even though we didn't walk up any other stairs…?), she complained about immigrants (she is an immigrant), she whined about living far away from where we work (when I said I live in the same fucking neighborhood as she does, she still somehow had it worse than me), when we carpooled she kept bitching about my coworker's driving skills (she wanted her to run red lights and ignore other basic traffic rules to get to places faster) - I could keep going forever.
Like god DAMN how can someone live like this??? I used to think I was a negative person, but compared to most of my coworkers and especially HER I'm a happy go lucky little Disney princess.
No. 2108253
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>>2108178work through the holy trinity nonna. Eat something, take a bath/shower, and go to sleep. You'll feel better then, I promise.
No. 2108293
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Now I'm being haunted by the Ghist of Kevin Samuels.
It's over, everyone. I'm done.
I don't know what was wrong with me before.
It was a bad year.
My aunt died and then we found out my single-digit-aged niece had an only fans.
I want to be dead, I can tell, very far away, I can still tell, somewhere, I'm still here feeling feelings, but up here in front, in my body, I'm not anymore.
It's wrong; it isn't fair to her. She should not have to be taken care of by an insane woman. She deserves better.
I'll do everything, anything. I will do anything for her.
I think prayer works now, I hope it does; I only prayed once in my life but when I did, I offered to make a substantial sacrifice if I could get what I wanted, and I got what I wanted and I made a sacrifice.
I have to save it now, my life, until we can figure out what's going on exactly. The fbi is involved already but these things take time.
I'll do anything to save her, please.
I'm so scared what has been happening to her, I'm so sorry, I should have been involved sooner, I should have known what was going on in her life so I could have stopped this.
I'll do anything to save her, please, don't let this be what I fear it is, I'll do anything.
I have to save my soul for now because I don't know what we're going to find out.
I'll give up everything, I don't want anything but fir her to be safe and healthy, I'll give anything.
I'm so scared.
The Ghost of Kevin Samuels has begun speaking to ne, I hated him in life, but somehow in death he is encouraging me and telling me I'm going about this the right way.
I'll do anything, I'll thank Kevin Samuels, please just let her be safe, I will do anything, there is not a price too high, please let her be sage her whole life, I'm begging you, please, please
No. 2108413
>>2108359Honestly, you're absolutely right. The dainty fragile
victim evokes much more sympathy in people than someone who became obese due to trauma-induced overeating. The latter only appears as a weak-willed idiot who can't control herself and thus ballooned up and ruined her body while all she has to do is to put down the fork, but an ana-chan will always be coddled despite being a vitriolic bitch not only policing her own body but everyone else's around her. When I lost a lot of weight to the point of being underweight due to depression everyone was concerned, but vice versa when I stress ate and gained a lot of weight I just got ridiculed for getting fat.
No. 2108418
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>be me
>mid-20s, youngest of the family, two older sisters
>go home for a family weekend
>have to listen to my older sisters banter and inside-jokes all night
>”hey nonna remember that embarrassing thing you did when you were 13?”
>”hey nonna remember that tantrum you threw when you were six?”
>”hey nonna remember how you used to bite when you were a literal toddler? Oh my God I used to get so mad at you haha you pissed me off so much.”
>”why do you have such embarrassing hobbies nonna?”
>”why do you dress like that nonna?”
>”all your friends are such losers nonna, I don’t know why you hang out with them”
>”oh my God nonna you talk too much, get to the point”
>”you never do anything around the house nonna. No, you can’t cook dinner tonight, you’ll mess it up”
>”why don’t you have a boyfriend yet nonna? You better not bring some loser home”
>”I sent everyone in the family that video of your nephew but you? Sorry nonna, must have slipped my mind.”
>spend 1hr by myself in my room to decompress
>”nonna why are you hiding away? Why don’t you want to spend time with us? Can’t you see it hurts our feelings?”
>”why do you never call us nonna?” (Has never called me once in five years)
I thought it would be better by now. I thought by the time I finished university they’d start listening to me or treating me like an adult but it’s never going to happen. I want to close to them but it’s always going to be them and then me and no matter what I do to try and break down that wall they’ll only throw it up again ten times taller because I’m just too weird.
No. 2108595
>>2108423Same. I also hate that my sister used to do the shaming shit like
>”why do you have such embarrassing hobbies nonna?”>”why do you dress like that nonna?”>”all your friends are such losers nonna, I don’t know why you hang out with them”which resulted in me distancing myself from my friends (I pretty much have none now) and feeling bad about my appearance + hobbies. My sibling used to call/text or have their kids call me every week to babysit and as soon as I changed my own lifestyle a bit I can count the number of times I've talked to her in a year on one hand.
No. 2108637
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Started having an obsession over a guy that used to be obsessed with me. Haven’t heard anything from him in 2 years (each time I’d delete whatever account he found me on and block etc) and now suddenly I want him. Obviously idk what he looks like now he could’ve hit the wall but he was extremely skinny and pale with dirty blonde hair and very into fashion. I hated him because he broke my trust but I’ve been into aryan moids a lot recently and he would be perfect to fulfil that. We’d be two perfect blondies together. Fml. I want to find him and rape him
No. 2108741
>>2108146If he expected to say that when you were in your lowest, then he's a scumass. You deserve better, anon. I know that "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best" phrase is stupid, fake and all but in this case fits a lot. You're in a weak and horrible situation, the least you need is someone not supporting you.
I wish I could be there to give you the biggest of the hug.
No. 2108750
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My favorite treasured cassette tape started screeching…. IT'S SOOO FOCKING OVER!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH UGHSADHGODSAGHHG
No. 2108757
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I've tried to meet people through apps/online since Ive always had a difficult time connecting with people, but I think Im about ready to give up altogether. If I cant meet people irl and connect with them like others seem to easily do, then maybe it's just not suppose to happen. I got a job, and am surrounded by people for the majority of my day, but still no connection resulting from it like my therapist said there would possibly be. Maybe i am just meant to be alone forever and suffer with the feeling of being left out until I die.
No. 2108875
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Everytime I have suicidal ideation the only thing that snaps me out of it is the thought of my step mom using it to play victim again to anyone she wants to like her (pity her) she constantly uses her bio daughters SA to gain sympathy points from anyone who will listen I feel bad for my stepsister but she’s super enmeshed with her mom and has serious golden child syndrome It reminds me of my relationship with my bio mom sometimes but I don’t see her having the same self awareness as I did when I was her age
I remember constantly rebelling against my moms disrespect and when my mom would have sperg outs with family or friends I knew she was being unreasonable and even defended my family and called out her hypocrisy
I go between thinking my stepsister must really love her mom or must be really really fucking stupid
No. 2108881
>>2108867What a dick he sounds like that’s the only control he has in his life and is using it against you Boomers/GenX learn to be in a position of power without abusing it challenge
Do you have any schools in your area? I donated my old textbooks to a local hs and the librarians were all v nice and helpful
No. 2108958
>>2108734My mother or my cousin? My mother is slightly chubby but nothing out of the ordinary considering she's in her mid 50s and going through menopause. The cousin is the exact opposite - tall and thin and has said she's always been insecure about it because she doesn't like it and can't gain weight no matter how hard she tries.
>>2108824Thanks nonna, that's what I thought as well. I know she means well but my mother is a bit of a pick me and her reasoning for such comments is that "this will make you more attractive to men". She has also made countless comments about my small breasts and a few years ago she even sewed a very thick padded bra on my graduation dress without asking me beforehand. She has been saying and doing such bullshit before I even entered puberty, telling me to stop slouching because "your boobs won't start growing!!!". I'm pretty sure that she's just projecting her own insecurities because I inherited the breast size from her kek. Yeah, sorry for getting carried away but sometimes her comments really get to me even though I'm an adult now and I've actively worked so hard to repair all the damage her words have done to my confidence.
No. 2108965
i feel bad for coming here again to vent about the fallout from my mom's death but i needed space to clear my head. everything is finally settling down, and my life is finally moving forward (somewhat), but i've been feeling incredibly, overwhelmingly sad. and the annoying part about my sadness is that other people don't really seem to understand and think i should be happy somehow despite everything i've been through. the past few nights, i've been dreaming. i dreamt of myself, crying, because my mom and my grandma were living in a house i couldn't reach and they didn't tell me they had moved. i dreamt of myself taming dragons, fighting demons, while everyone else falls apart around me. i've dreamt of all my old pets that have died, of my shitty bittersweet childhood (which i never think about), and i feel so sad. i want nothing more than to talk to my mom and my grandma, but they aren't there. they've always been there for me when everyone else threw me away as a lost cause and now they're both dead. i don't really have anyone else to talk to, mainly due to trust issues, so it's just me laying in my room looking out the window and thinking. all my "friends" abandoned me; no one has reached out to me since april and i'm not wasting time chasing them down.
it annoys me when people act confused when i say that life is sad, because it is. life is very tragic, and i'm living proof of it. i'm nearly 30, and yet sometimes i feel like i've been living for 800 years. and i often wonder why i've been through so much, if there's any rhyme or reason to all the suffering and the tragedy and the loss. i'm afraid of the future because i don't have my mom to fall back on anymore. i don't know where i'm going to go or what i'm going to do with the rest of my life because i feel like i don't have a home even though most people would say i do. my narc grandfather cut me out of his will against my mom's wishes because he claims i'm going to be richer than him due to all the money i inherited, so now i have no idea what's going to happen to the family home, where i would go if i ran into problems again. and it sucks because i'm scared he's going to sell the family house and that any connection i have left to mom and grandma will be taken from me again. i have nothing. i've lost everything. i have no siblings, and my relationship with my father is still not perfect since we've been estranged for the last 16 years. i really have walked through the fires of hell, but i'm not sure if i've come out the other side better off or somehow worse? i am still definitely whole but i've changed a lot - i feel like somewhere along the way i died and i was reborn again, but i'm not sure into what exactly. i don't know how i survived these past few months honestly. i just chalk it up to prayer and faith in god because otherwise i think i would be dead or strung out somewhere.
all i can think is: this isn't the future i imagined for myself. which i guess is naive since no one can truly ever know what their future is. but my mom dying, that was never something i anticipated. yet at the same time i feel this kind of bitter irony that yes, something like this would happen to me. of course my mom would die, and of course she would die of a horrible cancer, of course it would happen so quickly i'd never have time to really process everything that happened. of course of course of course. that's all i can think of. i don't even know what to think anymore; thinking is hard sometimes. i'm just tired of running into stupid fucking ignorant people, who try to tell me things even though i know they mean well. they just don't understand. you don't walk away from shit like this and go around being happy go lucky. you just don't. i survived, yess, but i did it without friends or family to fall back on. i mean the goddamn tenant in the house i now own tried to stab me in the back; i just don't understand people, and i don't think i ever will.
No. 2109125
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I had to take an online exam last Friday. The professor had added two files with figures for reference that you could refer to during said exam. For whatever reason I couldn’t access one of the two files. After the exam I just sent an email to the professor letting her know. I clarified that I could access one but not the other and I wasn’t sure how much it mattered in the long run but wanted to give her a heads up.
She?? Proceeds to send me a weirdly combative email??? About how I should have printed out the figures and it was my fault for obviously not paying attention in class??? And that it doesn’t matter ultimately because they were not necessary for the exam and basically I could go suck it. I wasn’t asking for a grade change or accommodations, I just wanted to let her know I couldn’t access the file…. What the hell…..
No. 2109136
>>2109109Grown ups sometimes have to lie to keep themselves safe from online lynch mobs who would dox them and harass their family. Only stupid people are honest all the time at the expense of their own quality of life.
Having autism is hard, but you can be more understanding if you try. I believe in you!
No. 2109149
>>2109138Men have no fucking self control and it makes me sick to my stomach. Like we're laughing and having this cute moment and suddenly he's groping my breasts. For fucks sake can we not just have some cute affectionate moment without it turning into sex??? Stop fucking grabbing on me. Men are deficient, I can't fucking stand it. Even the "good ones" can't control their sexuality, even if they don't watch porn or anything men are just
like this. There is no getting away from that. I really think I'm better off alone. What I need is a best girl friend to live with forever.
No. 2109151
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lowkey hoping that i have some terminal illness/chronic illness that i’m unaware about it would be so freeing and liberating. i wouldn’t care how painful it would be dying from it
No. 2109195
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idk if it's me getting old, but I'm feeling quite done with how a lot of anons have these extreme ways of thinking. It's always black or white, hoping something bad happens to someone, or whatever. It's like a kneejerk reaction to some. I love lc and I know this website has never exactly been the bastion of nuanced takes, but sometimes I wonder how it isn't tiring to be as immature as a lot of anons are.
No. 2109281
>>2109195It's just getting older. Whenever I see anons say 25 isn't that old I feel like they're just insecure about aging because it's usually presented as getting older, not actually old. It's only ever teenagers who think 25 is old, and why even care about their opinions? There is a huge difference between 25 and 18, even if they're both adults. A 25 year old has nearly a decade of actual life experience, has interacted with so many more people and had so many more years of knowledge, has probably had several jobs, written professional emails, paid rent and multiple bills on their own, probably set up their own insurance, had to placate people they didn't like, maybe gone to college or had some form of higher education, lost contact and worked to maintain friendships, had multiple relationships. An 18 year old likely hasn't done any of that, at least not to the same degree. The rise of tiktok over the past few years doesn't help either, many of these younger adults spent their most formative years (13-18) being brainrotted by tiktok. Sure facebook and tubmlr were bad and even older zoomers and millenials had retard thinking when they were young, but it's just getting worse. Though I'm sure they'll also mellow out with age and life experience too.
No. 2109443
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Mercari is starting to get fucked by allowing companies/international proxies sell on the platform. Tell me why the FUCK a single can badge for my husbando is $77. He’s a relatively popular character sure, he isn’t wanting for merch either but fuck OFFFFFFF pic rel look at the love of my life.
No. 2109553
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I get it.
No. 2109646
>>2109638Idk, nonna, you're still young, if you were like a 40 years old woman with a son that's also 19 years old I would think it's weird, but it's just fine.
Do you have a 19 years old son or something that makes you feel guilty? If that's the case then just ignore the feeling, if not, just live life a little and have fun, you wo t get hashtag canceled nor sent to jail for having a boyfriend in college.
No. 2109667
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I'm getting married and it's stressful. My fiance and I have been getting sick, because it's winter here and I feel like it has never stopped. I have headache and fatigue all day and he has a cough and blocked sinuses. There is two weeks left and I still have to order flowers and book a hairstylist.
No. 2109673
>>2109667I grew up catering weddings and I just wanna say: try to stay relaxed, enjoy the little joys through the day, and make sure someone on each side of the bridal party is in charge of reminding you and the groom to drink water and snack through out the day. Pace the alcohol and have the wedding planner or caterer box up meals and appetizers and cake for you to eat later.
The bigger the event the more you socialize and lose time to sit and relax during dinner. Also, that night, take some Advil and have a electrolyte drink ready in the limo or hotel!
Have fun and congrats!
I catered from age 13-23 and easily over 300 events… the happiest brides were okay with little imperfections and rolled with the curveballs.
No. 2109722
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I hate this one fat girl who's got a forehead like Tammy from 1000pound sisters. She's a teacher and i 100% belive fat has gooten into her brain and controls her mind, that's why she has so many retarded opinions and is a bitch to everyone. It maybe even controls her like toxoplasmosis because she eats like a pig, takes pictures of everything and posts it online but when you tell her she sure eats like a king she gets extremly offended and her 2 handmaidnes rush in to tell you it's not true, you're just rude. I wish i could have money to buy cake every day like she does, i wish i could make a table full of cheese and ham 2x a week for dinner. The fuck? I can buy a piece of cake 2x a year. She earns that sweet sweet goverment teacher money and it all goes down her throuat. I would help so many cats with that kind of money… but she chooses to stay fat and bitch about how she can't have kids and doesn't know why.. My only solace is that she'll die soon. Her two friends will pretend to be shocked and devastated about how this obese bitch could possibly have a heart attack? And i'll finally have my peace and quiet.
No. 2109745
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This is such an insignificant thing but awhile back someone posted a clip from one of Gagas songs where she was copying MIA and the comments were talking about how she's so dynamic and innovative, unaware that she was just copying MIA. And it just made me think about all of the times I've seen Gen z casually share misinformation and accredit people for achievements they never earned, reward mediocrity, propel someone who sucks solely for aesthetics, etc. and how any accurate representation of pop culture essentially dies with the current gens who experienced it in real time before the internet turned everything into some raging oroborous of bullshit. Im not doomposting, it's an inevitability, but I see people post glaring misinformation about everything so constantly and base their entire worldview around clips they see on twitter or tiktok that I don't see the point of using a lot of these platforms anymore. I will never correct anything or be one of those grannies that are like "back in my day" but I really don't see any point in engaging with anyone under 26 unless necessary at this point. I feel like I have no commonalities with people raised on all of this like egregious worldbuilding. You can't even talk normally to people anymore, it's either pretentious niche meta humor or postirony. Can't we just talk regular wtf. I dont care about how you posted deep friend papyrus memes before it was trendy. I dont care about your retarded condescending satire. Cant you just act like you aren't a cunt.
No. 2109788
>>2109772I agree with you but
>Absolutely zero well-adjusted and mature people careThese people are rare, unfortunately.
No. 2109830
I am, and always have been, terrible at making friends. And it’s so upsetting because I keep trying. I barely have any long term friendships, and the ones I actually have and would hang out with regularly have moved away. I’ve tried putting myself out there, but it’s like no one wants lasting friendships with me or wants to hang out after our initial one-on-one hanging out session( if it even goes that far). I think I need to put myself out there more, because I literally have no one to hang out with, but it’s so scary. I think I come off as either disingenuous or stand offish, which must put people off? I don’t have autism kek, just a lot of childhood trauma and bp2. I work in corporate and the few people at my job who are my age have nothing in common with me and are really hard to befriend. I grew up poor and dysfunctional and have realized that it plays a part too as it’s hard for me to connect with people of other socioeconomic backgrounds, to some extent at least. Idk maybe I just-have a huge inferiority complex? I know this is a common experience for people my age (late 20s), but it sucks. I’ve considered moving elsewhere, but I already live in the capital of my country, it’s really small though. Hmm. I think I’ll join a sewing club or something. Or start doing volunteer work as I loved that as a student. Or get a boyfriend kek.
No. 2109897
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Having a bit of a mini meltdown. Called into work sick. Of course today of all days is when mum decides to pop in for some lunch tea. First word out of her mouth
>Are you smashed?
Of course I am. I'm fucking deteriorating at the atomic level. I know if I'm not nothing if I'm not your perfect poppy prick you'll use the displeased face but let me explode in peace mum
No. 2110253
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Stop asking me about my pronouns holy fuck am I really that ugly
No. 2110373
>>2110348I can't do math either
nonnie. Sometimes I have nightmares about school and tests. Worst years of my life.
No. 2110387
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i hate this, my life is so screwed, im stuck in a course im not sure i should be in anymore, one year in and my sgpa's rock bottom and its fucking expensive too. every semester when the due fees emails come around, my parents get so tense and stressed. all this misery would be worth it if it amounted to some decent work, but it doesn't, i get stressed out, i dont do any good work, i dont draw, i dont have any close friends in college and i think my closeness with my school friends was just a delusion, when i dont talk i feel lonely, and when i do, i wish id never spoke. i should've taken up engineering like every other person, maybe even a BA in English if job hunting is going to be so shit. i dont read anymore this is why you dont follow childhood dreams. i dont know what possessed me to keep living beyond the 7th grade.
No. 2110438
>>2110431Oh no, she misunderstands you! The horror, you poor thing. How have you survived all this time?
You blow up and call her a cunt and a bitch for the most mild inconvenience to you, have you ever considered that you're the problem? Your inability to connect with others is simply a skill issue with your repugnant personality, hope this helps!
No. 2110446
>>2110386So I scrolled up thinking there would be a big cow post you're responding to, but its just a vent. You know nothing about anons mother. You don't know if she's a narc mom. You don't know if she regularly tries to embarass anon in front of men. Quite frankly you know nothing about the situation, and yet all of you stupid bitches are jumping down her throat for a two sentence post. For all you know, anons mom could be the dumbest bitch alive. She could abuse her, taunt her in front of her family, literally anything to explain the aggression. Most moms would know not to do what anons mom did btw. Get a fucking grip.
>>2110438Nta but you sound delusional
No. 2110484
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Posting this here because I don't want to vent my relationship problems in the fetish thread but
>>>/g/419923>you feel like you belong to them and they belong to youI have soulmate delusions and desperately want to experience this someday. It's like every time I think I belong to someone and she belongs to me, they show me they do not give a fuck about me. I would fully dedicate myself to someone if they treated me right, I hope one day I can find someone who feels the same. I think people like me must only attract complete assholes who only want to break your heart. I want such simple things in life, I literally feel like picrel. Is true love so impossible for me?
No. 2110585
>>2110502i didn't want to respond to your bait-tier post but when i said
>this is obviously not abuse but sometimes the small things break the camel's back.i was agreeing thar her embarrassing me was not abuse, not that she has not been
No. 2110762
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>>2110585You should bond over abuse stories with fellow
victim in picrel
(infight bait) No. 2110791
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Oh fuck nah, I got too passionate about my beliefs. I should have just stick to playing the sims my break is done now, dessert eaten, water will go down my throat, it’s going to be okay because none of you are real.
No. 2111507
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tbh I feel like I'm slowly going crazy. I've never had the best energy - I was one of those kids that never showed any emotion and just laid around sleeping 24/7 - but it's like my body is just exponentially getting worse with time.
>mind-breaking fatigue. I can barely think
>sharp pain through head and neck; used to never have headaches but now this is constant
>eyes feel like utter hell and even look it; they also twitch all the time and it's so annoying
>random nausea and hot flashes, alongside bad stomach pain
the worst part is knowing that there's probably nothing at all wrong with me as the doctor didn't really find anything and the one treatment I did find didn't work. my body just wants to feel like shit. I also hate that I've had a few days where I genuinely felt alive and I was euphoric because of it! so I know for a fact I could feel better. but I don't. my body just hates me and it's all in my head and the rest of my life is gonna be like this.
No. 2111636
>>2111630SAME I was calling my irl and she started speaking gibberish out of nowhere, turns out she'd started smoking. Ffs, we were
talking, I felt like that was so rude.
No. 2111638
>>2111629It's really different based on how frequently you talk… if you're always texting each other then obviously it makes no sense to omit big wins or big losses. But if you're the type of person who only reaches out to be like "wooahhh look at my big win" it seems really insincere, especially if you're not sharing the bad with the good. Basically like you don't want to be on equal footing with your friend. I know I'm bringing a lot of my own personal baggage in this conversation but I feel like a lot of the time the only way someone can react to this treatment without seeming crazy is to ignore the other person or give them less attention. If you brought it up you would seem spiteful or jealous. So it can create an unnatural coldness that both people can perceive but it's hard to resolve
>>2111631That is really strange, I agree
No. 2111657
>>2111651I'm not gonna lie to you anon, that's how I felt yesterday because I did drop friends when it become clear that they were using me as inspiration porn or "at least I'm not doing as bad as anon!" but I lived bitch, and I really have been wondering I'd me starting school is what
triggered this behaviour. I really do love her and wanna be friends still so I just need to be frank with her, we have a few longer calls every few weeks so that should work better than over messages.
No. 2111694
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>wakes up from shitposting all last night and it was probably the most enjoyable time i had on this website but i feel like absolute shit and having morning nausea
I love being a woman!!! Isn’t it awesome!
No. 2111710
(caps lock spamming/unintegrated) No. 2111766
>>2111761nta you implied anybody would fuck anybody, further lowering the threshold on who you accept and allow and you’re shocked
nonny tried to bat for spergs and incels? you people are so contradictory with your advice
No. 2111777
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Sometimes I lose online games on purpose to get funnier reactions by making stupid decisions, but I fear people are starting to think that I am seriously retarded.
>>2111774It used to be way worse.
No. 2111792
>>2111789Should've zoomed in when I took the screenshot.
"I made sure not to pick an intellectually challenging game just for you, Kasumi-san."
Also went about anything you want, I hate when cars beep at others for nothing.
No. 2111805
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NO.NI.TA.(not a vent)
No. 2111836
this coat is so cute
No. 2111854
>>2111812I'm not saying I'm special, it's just true that some people just can't get in a relationship.
>its literally impossible to be one out of 9 billion people and absolutely none of them are compatible with youIsn't that contradictory? Even if there's a compatible person, never meeting them would not make them my partner anyway.
No. 2111900
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I used to love to draw, I did it every day back when I was a teen. Sadly I also happened to have a close "friend" that loved to drag me down, and telling me I sucked at anything creative was one of her favorite things, so when I at 15 started experimenting with water colors she took a look at it, huffed and then casually threw it on the floor. When I later cleaned up after her visit I saw that there was a foot mark right across it, and my passion for art died then and there. It wasn't any fun anymore. Maybe I actually was a failure. What is the point of even trying? I continued to attempt at drawing a bit for another couple of years, but it wasn't the same. I could do a sketch here and there but it didn't matter, it wasn't fun anymore and seeing my own decline made it even more clear to me that this perhaps wasn't what I was meant to do.
More than ten years later I picked up the sketchbook again; I got some friends that either are webcomic artists or work with art in some other capacity, but everyone got inspired by the webcomic artist friend so everyone wanted to release something themselves. For some reason I got roped into their "creative inspiration group" that meet up every once in a while and show off their progress, despite me being open about not having even looked at a sketchbook for years upon years. But the fact that they wanted me to come along, and that they actually loved my ideas, was a huge motivator to start drawing again. I admittedly made progress in my art skill surprisingly fast, and made sure to spend at least 1 hour every day after work to do some sketching. Then I got burnt out and there was a whole mess with my former employee where the union had to be pulled in, so I didn't have any energy to draw for months and I again quickly declined. I am back to square one while the others are on the rails to release their new comics next year, and again I feel like a failure. I can't bring myself to draw again because I immediately think about how much I declined and that I will never, ever catch up to them. What is the point? Why do they still invite me along to the creative meetings? I feel like a joke.
When I mention my insecurity and that I'm struggling with this, but that I'm very happy and excited that I still get to come along and that I love seeing everyone else's creative process I get confused looks from two of the people in the group that has a career in art since their early 20's, and they say "why don't you just do it? Art isn't that hard". They are somewhat right, I should just get back up on the horse and try to get into it again. But at the same time, it's not that easy.
I know this sounds like I'm this broody and whiny baby, but I don't really think about this too much and usually just enjoy taking part in their creative journeys. But when this eventually hits me every now and then, it hits me hard.
No. 2112079
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FUCKKKK I HATE MEN. Today we had some visitors in our department, one guy who was like 40 and a woman who was like 28-30. Idk what they were doing and it doesn't matter. During lunch break they were sitting behind me I heard their conversation… about feminism and the moid was literally mansplaining to the woman her own feelings. I heard her saying that she thought something was sexist and he literally cut her off and said
>Let me stop you right there
in the typical moid-know-it-all tone. And he said that that thing she thought was sexist was in fact just stereotypical thinking coming from tradition, not sexism and that "sexism" is too strong of a word. And she's wrong about the way she feels. Then they were talking about the work field and he literally said
>Women are not made for certain professions. Your estrogen makes you act in this and that way. Women have different set of character traits, and men have different set of character traits. Why is there more, say, female haidressers? Because it's not just about cutting and dying hair, it's also about chatting and making the customer feel like they're taken care of, and women are better at that than men
and other crap like that. She had some counter arguments but her voice was super quiet, timid and child-like, and he was constantly talking over her and was louder. I was fucking fuming in my seat. Then he was talking some bullshit about it being a conspiracy like
>you know why THEY do this… and what's the END goal of this all, right? Diving men and women…
Oh my god and this moid has a wife apparently because he also talked about her. I wanted to punch him so bad. I hate men fuckkkk
No. 2112235
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>>2111710I understand nona
I didn't even know what suicide was when I was 8 but goddamn I tried to jump out a window
No. 2112299
>>2112289I work at a property management company, and the owner explained the real estate economy is like a clock- we were at midnight for so long (high rent/ high sale prices) and now is shifting forward, at a 1-2.
Thats why its important to seize the chances when its at 5/6/7.
Consider a month to month lease if available, and then give a 30 day notice and sign and lock in a cheaper lease when its time!
No. 2112354
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Today I got the keys to my (first) real own apartment (last year I lived in a super old and ugly pre-furnished place) and was super excited to finally get the stuff I like.
My dad says he has a lot of freetime this summer, so he will help with transport and setting everything up.
Sounds nice at first but now he of course started criticizing me for what I want. I simply want what's popular nowadays and what every other basic bitch also has but he considers everything that isn't insanely overpriced and ugly af "bad quality". I'm no longer that young and I really earn a lot, why does he still try to dictate how I live my life? I'm already stuck in a job I hate because I also studied what he wanted.
I know that I can just buy what I want but I know exactly that he will still give me a few lectures and if some furniture is difficult to set up he will get super angry "because why didn't you just buy what I told you?!"…and I can't stomach that. I know that I could also pay to get it delivered and set up but that would also offend him.
No. 2112370
>>2112265It's one thing to explain why you don't like something, an entirely different thing to act as if other people enjoying some media or whatever you don't like is objectively wrong and have shit taste, and act as if the details you don't enjoy is a question of morality, is one completely other thing. Or find some other reason to moralfag about it.
With that said, there are of course exceptions to this, as some media and the people enjoying it definitely should be questioned. But one example is how some anon in one thread tried to claim Hetalia promotes nazism, not because it mentions it in any capacity but because a handful of western fans are retarded. I'm in not a fan of the franchise, but the reaching was ridiculous. Claiming that specific instant was a lost twittertard could of course be an argument, but I've seen anons do some serious mental gymnastics about media they don't like.
Of course, random media isn't the only thing anons act like this about. While this shit isn't new it feels like it definitely has gotten more intense this past year, but it could also be me picking up on it more.
No. 2112383
>>2112371You're going to regret posting this. The forever alones become enraged whenever men are mentioned, so they will blame you for being straight and in a relationship.
But yeah, it sucks that sooner or later, the vast majority of men will revert to their programming.
No. 2112398
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>>2112288Kek this reminds me of a personal cow I once stumbled upon and followed. She is on the left in the attached photo. She clearly was of an overweight bmi and would regularly claim on her social media accounts that her waist measured at a petite size of 23 inches despite looking like this (and her stomach is clearly sucked in as best as it can be in said photo).
No. 2112416
>>2112288Even at my thinnest the lowest I ever went was 25". Maybe 24.5". Now I'm probably about 26" and I'm decently "thin".
What people need to realize is most women don't have 23" waists. Modeling agencies and casting agents lie about sizing all the live long day, these days some celebs esp influencers get surgery or these women are so anorexically thin that they probably eat one lettuce leaf a day and then puke it back up later alongside copious amounts of exercise. Nobody actually wants to be 23" waistchan unless they want to commit to the life of misery that involves achieving it
No. 2112599
>>2112385Oh wow so she's out here breaking world records on the daily then kek.
>>2112416 This exactly. People don't think about basic human anatomy, we have guts in us. Even then, if they do have a tiny waist like that they don't look good outside of editing.
No. 2112644
>>2112608lol good for you,
nonnie. It's not worth associating with gay moids.
No. 2112685
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>>2112664if you're young you'll probably be fine, but make sure to take it easy after and do not do any vigorous exercise (if your job is labor intensive i am sorry). studies say that intense exercise after covid makes you more susceptible to long covid symptoms. No. 2112688
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>tfw I deleted my Twitter a long time ago
>create new one to check on cows and hoard art if I'm bored
>suddenly a bunch of interesting tweets appear
>It's to support artists
>try to convince artist friend to join in
>she says she's not really in the mood to make art
>but I have an idea.gif
>want to send her username anyways so people follow her
>mfw can't because this is my hate account where I've been saying and retweeting unhinged shit about moids and trannies
I'm such an idiot, time to create a new account.
No. 2112714
God I fucking hate Reddit and men and public transportation and the homeless. Recently on my city’s subreddit someone asked if the busses were safe. “Yeah totally safe, I let my underage son ride all the time by himself; I’ve done it so many times and never had a bad interaction” whatever. I wanted to post as someone who has done it for years although I haven't used them in a while that, yeah it’s mostly ok, but there will be people (men, homeless men) who will at the very least bug you, and no one around not even the bus driver will help. But this sub is full of liberals and saying anything against the homeless, sorry, the “unhoused,” and mentioning that public transportation could be a little unsafe is a big nono.
And today, some poor woman posted about some gross old dude just having his junk out.
It’s like they refuse to acknowledge that it will always be unsafe for women. I had one incident where a man behind me was trying to get my attention, asking me questions (like, how old was I? Was I 18? Fucking freak) , and then turned to shouting when I wouldn’t respond. The whole damn ride this guy was screaming and shouting, bet I’m ugly anyway (yes), he’ll do shit to me, he knows where I’ll drop off, etc. No one did anything, nor the bus driver. I really felt this dude would’ve hit me or worse. Anyway, I got to my stop (college) and he got off too but he helped out a woman that was in the ride as well with her stroller and kid, and she thanked him, then he fucked off somewhere. I ran to the bathroom and cried, then went to work.
I’m just rambling but the point is is that public transportation IS unsafe if you are a woman and you definitely need some sort of weapon or plan of action in case something like this happens to you. They need to stop downplaying the risks of it.
No. 2112741
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>Go on notorious chinese basket weaving forum
>Stick to /fit/ blue board because its usually ok
>See cute thread about loving tomboys, click on it
>Many cute posts
>Some salty autistic scrote come in, throws a shit fit and is posting monkey torture videos and random men fucking animals
I had heard of the monkey torture videos but had never seen any but fuck that thumbnail scarred me for life poor thing wtf is wrong with moids who ruin it for everyone
No. 2112833
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I'm going to kill myself if I don't finish this fucking thing in time. Why is chilling my top priority, I completely wasted the last days. I got so much done in the few hours that I managed to actually work during but it keeps happening. I just think "I don't want to do this now, I can do it later" because if I do it now it won't be finished anyway. I'll have to get back to it again. Better to put it off and do it all at once or something
No. 2113188
>>2112372>>2112397You don't really need some label for something you feel, you can feel a deep love for your friend like I do for mine, and still be friends.
You don't have to be girlfriends, wives, sisters, romantic partners or whatever else, you can just be two friends that have a connection that's deep and special for the both of you, which is honestly even more awesome than just having a box to sit in.
You can just tell her that you really love her, I tell my best friend that I love her all of the time, I send her good morning and good night texts, give her gifts, listen to her when she feels positive and negative emotions alike, I invite her to my home and give her my complete attention. Such things can show her how much you love her in an even better way than by crafting some sort of love confession, because in the end, is it really necessary? If she shows you that she loves you the same way you love her, isn't that an explicit message that shows how she also appreciates you?
No. 2113405
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This tweet is so retarded, I had to vent about it here. There's this one Youtuber that I watched for a bit and liked her content, but she's unfortunately a gendie. I like learning about different shoujo manga, and I thought it was good that she pointed out misogyny and sexism in the manga/anime industry. However, I can't take her seriously with how she whinges about her gender when she has "they/she" on her Twitter profile. Fuck, if you hate being a woman so much just drop the "she" on your profile to make yourself feel better. People are purposefully using the correct pronoun that you put on your profile damn. It's just all so tiresome, nonas.
No. 2113410
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My friend just bought a house with her nigel and they’re in the process of moving in and it seems like she’s started to get really annoyed of him already.
>When packing, he haphazardly throws items into boxes without organizing them by category or making sure that they’re properly stored
>He’s barely taking any initiative when it comes to the planning of the move, so she has to take charge and feels like she’s constantly nagging him about it
>Had agreed on adopting their current neighbor’s cat (who the owner has completely abandoned) and take it them, but he completely changed his mind all of the sudden
>Currently trying to delude herself into believing that he has secretly bought her a bookshelf that she wants for their new place (she showed the listing to him, he was like ‘wow, that’s expensive’ and a couple days later the bookshelf was sold)
I don’t want to bash him to her face, but I just know that she’s gonna be miserable in the long term. The only reason they got together is that she moved to the tiny village he lives in and there were literally no people our age other than him there. If she had better self esteem and lived in a bigger city, I’m sure she would have ended up with someone better than him. I told her that she should just suggest buying another bookshelf and see how he reacts to figure out if he has secretly bought her the other one, as she doesn’t want to ask him straight up. But she’s hesitant to even do this (I think she wants to stay in this fantasy for a while to feel better about him). It’s sad to see that she wishes for him to be different than he actually is, the bookshelf thing almost makes me feel bad for her because it’s so pitiful, but this is who she chose to be with. Idk how long I can hold my tongue though, he sounds like such a loser.
No. 2113454
>>2113422Thank you for your reply and suggestion nonna! But I’ve previously taken this approach with another friend and she ended up distancing herself from me. Her boyfriend didn’t do anything after they had a baby together because he “didn’t know how to” and was “terrified”, literally a textbook example of weaponized incompetence. He would also go to a ton of parties while she had to stay home and take care of the baby. When I said that her boyfriend could just google basic childcare stuff to find good resources and asked if
she got to go to any parties, she turned really uncomfortable. I know this is a sore subject for a lot of women and tried to be as polite as possible when talking to her, but it seems like a lot of women who put themselves in these situations don’t want to be reminded of how pathetic their moids are. It sucks, because you want to help your friends and make them realize how big of a bum their moid is.
>>2113438This has been my mindset thus far, but I know I’ll snap at her at some point if she complains about him for years to come.
>>2113430Kek, the fact that you didn’t even bother to sage this is sending me for some reason
No. 2113467
>>2113410There's nothing you can do about it, no one likes to hear that their partner sucks. Maybe gossip about her relationship with your family or something to avoid snapping on her directly. Hope she can come to her senses and back out though, I don't even know why so many people think they
need to settle. There's nothing wrong with living alone if the alternative is a partner that makes you miserable
No. 2113486
nonnie, yeah I'm actually not unhappy with it just surprised. I'm vegan so I guess the volume makes it seem like a lot more. I'm only a few kg away from being overweight so better to watch my calorie intake now.
No. 2113605
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>>2113188>I tell my best friend that I love her all of the time, I send her good morning and good night texts, give her gifts, listen to her when she feels positive and negative emotions alike, I invite her to my home and give her my complete attention.NTA but this is the cutest thing ever I had no idea people could form friendships on this level and now I feel an immense sense of envy
No. 2113625
>>2112692You're right, I deleted that shit. No amount of tiny drops of art can really distract me from the shit that's going on at my country.
I'm glad it was an alt account tbh, I did some tard shit and that's it, I give up, I don't need to check on the news until 3 am every single day because of what's going on.
There's always Instagram too, over there I'm not apeshit because it has my face and stuff, kek.
I will just go protest today if there's another protest nearby.
No. 2113714
>>2113684SAMEFAG. I AM SURROUNDED BY FUCKING FREAKS EVERYWHERE. But I am made as freak like as possible.
I wish that I had a career. A normal life. I am too ill both mentally and physically to achieve any of that. I wish that I had a normal husband. I am having my existence pulled in millions of fucking directions and I am faced with endless amounts of disrespect
No. 2113716
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My company fucked up my pay since two years ago thanks to their negligent HR not updating a
the corrected contract, so they owe me several thousands. It's pretty cut-and-dry insofar as proof so I'm not worried about them correcting it (lest I sue with the department of labor and win).
Just pondering what I'll do with the money. I can pay off a lot of debt that I have OR do something that would be more longlasting and make me happy. That is, neck and chin lipo + neck lift that I always wanted. I'm tired of looking like a doughy thumb and weight loss has never helped it. Maybe being prettier will help open doors for better job opportunities too because we live in a society.
I'm excited. I don't know if the payout would be more if it did become a lawsuit but holy shit they done fucked up!
No. 2113743
>>2113621They’re not dumb he thinks he smells amazing just plug your nose and give a little head shake
Men respond to criticism best when you give it to them like a father would
Compliment his perfume and use that word specifically
No. 2113745
>>2113726Leave me the fuck alone. Why is it so hard to understand that I simply cannot afford therapy? Because I am already struggling with mental and physical health issues. I come from a batshit insane and low income family. Again, if the therapists wife falls ill just like I am. He will take care of her.
In my case I don't have a husband, I don't have friends, a family. Again, I am dealing with crippling mental and physical health issues.
How am I supposed to make my mind function according to a script? Because CBT is basically a script. My circumstances are atrocious. It is normal to feel distress, disappointment, sadness, to have suicidal ideation, feel hopelessness in my situation.
You're unaware of the shit that I am going through. I don't have cognitive distortions. My emotional reactions and thoughts are simply a result of my environment and a result of how society has treated me.
It's not like my life is going well. I have supportive friends, a normal family, a supportive boyfriend and I am wallowing in self pity. My life is simply shit.
No. 2113892
>>2113645>>2113839>>2113844>>2113879I've been saying this for years. The people who claim to "hate fags" always hate lesbians too, no matter how much they try to claim it's just "male homophobia". Now that they got their foot in the door and normalized homophobia they feel more comfortable attacking lesbians too,
especially butch lesbians and gnc women in general because they're harder to read as straight. They will always keep pushing the envelope.
No. 2113919
Rejected a girl because I told her she was going too fast and that if she knew me better she'd see that I'm actually not that great to be with. I felt like we were not compatible, too. She was crushing hardcore on me, tells me I'm just SO her type, that being with me makes her feel on a high, and I give in and tell her we can be closer and intimate and see where that leads to. She pretty much lovebombs me for two months to the point I start falling for her, and I GENUINELY thought it was all leading to something more serious the way she made me feel so loved and hot and special. Texting me every night about how much she missed me, photos of her in bed saying "someone's missing between my arms". We go on dates, we walk around with my arms wrapped around her waist, I shower her with attention and love back, we pretty much start acting like a couple in everything but name. I ask her out and she freaks out, tells me she had actually been unlearning how to unlike Me, and that by the point I felt myself getting into her she had decided we were actually incompatible. I knew it lol. Knowing I was right all along and that I'm unlovable is fantastic. How to stop feeling stupid? I'm sad that I was right. The more people get to know me, they just realize I'm off putting, bland and fucking boring. I feel so ugly and worthless
No. 2113952
>>2113885you didn't fuck up at all. One time I hit up some friends for help during a particularly intense time when my bf (now ex) was doing that thing where he shouts at you all night to prevent you from sleeping. I messaged them asking "hey can I stay over tonight?" and then an hour later, they hadn't responded, so my mind had changed to "I'm probably bothering them or weirding them out" and texted them "no problem all good now" and it wasn't until WAY LATER that they said "oh yeah, me and my partner were worried about you when you sent that text" and god, do I wish they responded the way you did. I'm sorry anon. Keep that door open for them - they're in an
abusive relationship and the shit they do is going to be motivated by fear and confusion.
No. 2113975
>>2113913Thank you, it's honestly hard to not be super angry at her right now, on top of everything else.
>>2113952I'm so glad you're no longer in that relationship. If you don't mind asking, what made you finally leave?
I did send a message a week or so ago, leaving it open, saying that I'm willing to talk. However, she knows that I'm not willing to sit there and play validator anymore. In the past she has said he's "trying really hard" and he "needs her," She knows I won't indulge that for one second. Hence the ghosting, I believe. She might ignore me indefinitely.
No. 2114020
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A COCKROACH FELL ON MY HEAD WHILE I WAS PEEING holy fucking shit!It must have fallen out of the fan? Because it wasn’t on the ceiling when I walked in?? Hahahahaha fuck I hate this apartment, I want to laugh and cry and throw up at the same time
No. 2114031
>>2114025That's silly, some women are either born to be attracted to other women or get sick of being hurt by moids and prefer to have a relationship with another woman.
Meanwhile moids are either born to have sex with moids or get conditioned into being faggots because of porn and memes.
I'm straight and even I can understand this.
No. 2114080
>>2114040Ayrt and 100% agree. Internet today is what we all feared it would turn into 10+ years ago, and there is no going back. I liked the pseudo friendships you could develop in old-school forums, simply because you recognize each other's username/profile pic/signature - that WEREN'T connected to your irl self so whenever someone posted an actual irl it was a semi-big deal (usually in a positive way), depending on the forum. Or simply whose the local retard with perpetually bad takes. Hell, even just chatting leisurely on forums without expecting immediate replies was less stressful. Hell, even just finding forums that was directly related to the thing you're interested in and finding a community surrounding it was a whole different thing than now.
The anonymity of it all of course had it's issues and I'm most likely looking at it through rose-tinted glasses, but I definitely have a lot of fun those periods where I decide to briefly revisit Gaiaonline or other old forums that are on life support.
No. 2114133
>>2113975Excellent - I really think you did the right thing, and you're refusing to indulge the side of her that is warped by the abuse. Or at least, that's how I frame it to not completely get mad at her.
What made me leave.. was a combination of things - I started remote work in 2020, and I was stuck with him the entire time. He lost his job shortly before that, and so I was never alone. But it was already so bad, and I just couldn't deal with it any longer. I was coerced/guilted into the thousandth gross, shitty sexual act, after hearing him drone on and on and on about how it makes him feel so miserable to not have sex, just guilt trippy shit on repeat, non stop. I gave him a handjob, chugged a beer, wrote a sad pathetic note saying I'm not happy anymore, etc. All the excuses I had made for myself evaporated - oh, I can't leave because of the lease, the cost of living, because it's my first place as an adult, I don't want to "make waves" and burden people with my issues, I don't want to take the cats away from their only home and mess up their lives, etc. And yet I did, and it all worked out, and none of the horrible things I envisioned came true. I called my mom and told her I had to leave. She picked me up with no strings attached, she saved me, really. My landlord also saved me by not punishing me for breaking the lease, he just wanted an additional month's rent, and could wait for me to pay it. I did have people that had my back, just not necessarily the ones I'd expect.
No. 2114165
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I really don’t even know what thread to post this in, but I was searching Reddit for uterine cancer symptoms (I’m a hypochondriac with an irregular period, iykyk) and I came across this one thread of a guy talking about his wife who just got diagnosed with STAGE 4 endo cancer.
I was kinda shocked because she was so young, but then he mentioned how she also has heart issues, mobility issues, pcos, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. I thought yep this lady is definitely obese and when he posted her pic, my suspicions were confirmed.
He never mentioned her weight or any kind of diet plan at all, and I was creeping through his profile for a good 15 mins just searching in keywords.
What gets me going is how in his most recent posts where he mentions his wife, he asks for fast food recommendations, he’ll posts burgers and greasy enchiladas that he and his wife eat. It pisses me off and disgusts me lmao. Do you not care about your life/your wife’s life at all? She’s literally too fat to get a hysterectomy, but he didn’t mention that. He just said she loses oxygen when she goes under so they haven’t been able to remove her uterus, and that all her issues are just bad genetics. I feel bad for fit/normal weight people that get cancer because they have to battle for resources against gluttons and their weird redditor partners who probably have feeder fetishes.
No. 2114178
>>2114165I hope you get yourself checked out if you're worried
nonnie! Don't delay if you are having serious concerns.
A close friend of mine is very fit and healthy, but when they discovered she had uterine cancer she was already at a stage where her uterus was three times as big as it should be, and turned it had been the source of other issues she had been struggling with for a few months because it was pressing against other organs. She is fine now, but the whole post-surgery treatment is what finally peaked her because she realized how lacking it was because so much of the research funds goes to figuring out uterus transfer to troons, and gendies that happen to hear about her having to take her uterus out act super weird about it.
No. 2114197
>>2114186>Every single episode is about a man killing his wife, to the point where it's actually heartwarming when he DIDN'T and the woman was brutally murdered by a stranger instead.Literally my experience during my true crime binges. Like holy shit how low has the bar be for me to be relieved and actually moved when a grieving husband is actually grieving for his murdered wife and not trying to hide his own guilt.
Related but I honestly don't know how the minds of the scrotes work who instead of divorcing their wife of 15 years to bang younger women decide to kill her, like even for insurance payouts you usually have to have the body present and with today's technology investigators can always tell it was you, especially because a regular moid won't be able to outsmart them.
No. 2114205
>>2114080>Hell, even just chatting leisurely on forums without expecting immediate replies was less stressful. Felt. You could write a long reply, then go do something else for the rest of the day and check the thread back in the evening and read the replies you got. This is why I never understood newfag anons who complain about threads or boards being slow, to someone who grew up with forums where you got 1-2 replies per day or went multiple days with no new posts in the thread it's baffling that people
want the rapid speed posting and treating threads as instant messaging platforms. The long-post format also encouraged people to think twice before posting so there was a lot less of people just ragetweeting with no context or restraint.
No. 2114206
>>2114178Thank you, I actually have an appointment tomorrow. I’m super nervous but it feels good to finally get it out of the way. Sorry the hear about your friend, but it’s good that she’s fine now! Hearing about women surviving these things gives me hope for the future of cancer medicine.
>uterus transfer to troonslmfao it’s also impossible to make an appointment where I live without having to give your gender pronouns and read through garbage about how ALL are welcomed at a fucking obgyn clinic. Imagine waiting while having a tumor just chilling in your body all because a troon an appointment ahead of you needs validation.
No. 2114292
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i'm lonely and i'm starting to think that i like my friends more than they like me
No. 2114313
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I posted a photo of my cleavage as proof that I wasn't a tranny, but now I feel like a slut. Also my face covered where you can only see the hair, forehead and the chin and also posted my voice. Now I'm afraid of being doxxed, luckily I don't have photos of myself on social media. Even so, I'm afraid that he will recognize me by my voice.I accidentally posted a photo with a dress stained with makeup and they are saying that it is semen, they already have my photos of my cleavage saved. I feel like killing myself right now, I feel like a whore.
No. 2114357
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my life is so empty and boring and miserable i hate it so much. why did i have to be born in the rural south with a broken family, i mean im grateful for being american at least, but i just want to die already
No. 2114406
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>>2114390I did a reverse search on the photo I uploaded of my cleavage and this was the result. Now they are calling me a whore and saying that the stain I had was semen. I sincerely regret uploading that post.
No. 2114414
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>>2114313You showed your cleavage to people on discord to prove you're not a tranny?
No. 2114416
>>2114405Ouch, for future reference scrotes/strangers aren’t worth proving anything to. Especially when it involves exposing yourself.
Please for your own safety get off the internet because you’re going to be taken advantage of incessantly if you’re that easy to rile up and trick into sending pictures to strangers. You can’t “prove” anything online, next time tell them to prove they have any worthwhile information to share with you.
No. 2114419
>>2114411It's an ib focused on my country, I was looking for work advice. I write as a woman and they didn't take me seriously, they started calling me a transsexual. So I impulsively took a photo of my hair, they kept calling me a transsexual so I had to post my cleavage.
>>2114414It wasn't on discord
No. 2114429
>>2114421Anonancia, I also have aspergers but even I know you're not supposed to do stuff like that. Please be more paranoid from now on, that's what I do, make sure you delete any picture of yours from the internet, with AI and all that shit, you don't know what could happen with your image.
Is your account at least not a direct reference to your real name? Habe you posted your face in there? I would honestly just leave and block everyone from that place.
No. 2114457
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>>2114436This experience only makes me return to misandry and hate scrotes more. Thank you, nona, for taking your time to help me. This is the tank and bra I was wearing when I took the photo.
(attentionwhoring, oversharing, do not post identifying information about yourself on lolcow) No. 2114467
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>>2114419>It wasn't on discordNot the point kek
No. 2114690
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>writes paragraphs of texts standing up to my mother about my own feelings
>”erm actually”
>”be nice to your sociopathic male siblings who don’t give a fuck about you!”
>rent is skyrocketing so i can’t even save up to leave and never come back
yooo I gotta get out of hereeeeeee KEKKKK through suicide or getting a roommate. i’m beyond fucked and waking up to it like i’m beyond fucked. i’m actually considering suicide like externally fucked because the country is going downhill and internally living in an unclean prison where i’m forced to except the presence of other people just because we share blood even though they terrorized me and my sister and did fucked up shit. it’s over.
No. 2114793
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i hate being horny why can’t i be one of those people that never get horny ever
No. 2114848
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your tranny boyfriend is so fucking ugly jesus christ i actually feel sick right now. why does he make that retarded half-asleep face in every selfie he takes? next time im gonna report that shit as graphic violence
No. 2114897
>>2114793get on the pill (oestroprogestative)
jk don't it gives you breast cancer
but i was on the pill for a month and i was absolutely not horny for the whole month and i've not been horny since (really enjoying the lack of horniness)
No. 2114939
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I've had my angel bites for 14 years and on Saturday I ran into my boyfriends shoulder pretty hard on one side. I started to swell on Monday afternoon and the swelling hasn't gone down yet. Does anyone have any advice on what to do? I've been doing salt water rinses, brushing my teeth after any food/drink and icing it. I'm thinking maybe tomorrow I'll go to the nearby piercing shop. It doesnt seem infected since there's no pus but the swelling is so painful and currently seems worse. I can't find anything online on what to do since everyone is just talking about new piercings. Piercing nonnas please help
No. 2115087
>>2115071Sex work isn’t real work, dork.
I find that excuse “they’re homeless” to be such a cop out, what about the people with felonies that can’t get a job instantly, should they start camming and posting videos of themselves online for sheckles?
No. 2115100
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>>2115099Your friend fucking a homeless man! Imagine the smell!
No. 2115277
>>2115264Why would you expect a man to lie about this lmao
You know he was thinking, "if I lie about this she'll get mad at me for lying so I'd better tell the truth"
No. 2115287
>>2115284white lies are a stupid fucking concept
don't put people in situations where they have to lie for emotional support over such a small thing if you can't handle people being honest
No. 2115297
>>2115264In my experience, never ask men to give you feedback around your looks because they will be brutal. They don't view you the same as women do and they will not hesitate to let you know when and why your looks don't please them–hell, most of us don't even ask–so doubly do not expect social literacy from them like you would other women.
I never ask men unless I know 100% it will be a compliment.
No. 2115303
>>2115296Then when you do lower your standards and some ugly dude treats you like shit they will blame you for his behavior too and it will be up to you to make it work lest you are the difficult one.
It's a trap.
No. 2115359
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I have no friends and it's my own fault for being a retarded shut-in
No. 2115444
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I can’t afford my rent anymore. I’m saddled with student loan debt. I can’t afford to get groceries this week. I work 50 hours a week and for what? To live in a shitty 500 sq ft apartment with a lazy roommate who always has an excuse as to why they can’t give me their share of rent money. I hope these landlords and politicians get what’s coming to them soon. Fuck these greedy bastards.
No. 2115487
>>2115474What’s your house keeping skills like? How frequently are you home?
Personally I’d pick cheaper over bigger but that’s just my personal preference given how I live my life.
No. 2115524
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Sitting in a packed bus and some middle aged Russian bitch just came up to me, pointed at my bare legs, and angrily ranted about something. After she got out, we held intense eye contact as the bus drove past her. I guess she was calling me a slut? I'm wearing a normal hoodie and pants like picrel. Like damn it was 30°C today and I was mucking out a literal fucking barn, I'm not going to wear full length jeans. It's not like I have my asscheeks hanging out or anything, and I was sitting with my legs crossed. At least the fact I'm just baffled and not embarrassed means I'm doing well with improving my social anxiety. What a weirdo
No. 2115560
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Big exam coming up and my face tics are full force.
No. 2115591
>>2115487It’s alright. I’m messy with stuff but clean with food, dishes and trash
>>2115492I’ve always wanted to live bigger but I get it. It’s too expensive now that I think about it. I love my student accommodation minus the fact that it doesn’t have a balcony. The shoe box apartment has a balcony so I’m not complaining. It would definitely be an upgrade to where I live now. The area is safe, it’s around the same area as the expensive apartment and there’s lots of greenery.
>>2115523Great point. I’d save tons of money and travel comfortably. One major issue with the expense apartment is the heating situation. Rent would be expensive around winter time.
I’m gonna go for the smaller apartment. Thanks nonnas!!
No. 2115648
>>2114377Thank you a lot
nonnie. This yea has been one of the worst ones so far, but nonnas were always there giving me sound advice and having my back. Love you all.
No. 2115675
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Today is my birthday, and I'm having such a shitty day. I'm in the hospital with a family member. They need surgery, and I'm the only one who can be there. They are old, I'm scared they won't make it. I haven't slept well in 3 days. Juggling work and being at the hospital. I can barely eat. Most of my friends and family forgot about my birthday this year, though I usually don't mind, this year I could have used some sort of support. I'm scared, feeling alone and tired. I just hope they come out ok, I can't stand the thought of losing them.
No. 2115683
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>>2115675Happy Birthday
nonnie. Echoing what the other anon said, get yourself a slice of cake or something nice for yourself. Sorry youre in a tough spot
No. 2115895
>>2115839yes they know! although with moids i worry that it doesn't matter to them, even the virginal nerdy ones think for some reason they might have a chance. like i hung out with a few of them one time at a movie, and after they went to the bathroom i heard one say "it was soo difficult to pee" super jokingly to his friend, and i could tell he was trying to keep it out of my earshot. why would he say that, i think he meant trying to pee with a boner?… so idk, i fear they are in kahoots to be weird about me, i think i can sense it. one of them also joked to me that his friend said he is getting "cucked" by me, because i have a bf lol….. they otherwise seem nice and normal and it feels amazing that people actually want to invite me to stuff and do things with me… but i suck at judging stuff like this. i wish they were a group of nerdy girls instead why why why can't i have that why is it always moids who like to do the same shit as me. they're always inviting me to fun stuff but i just feel too weird about it
>>2115845thank you nona! i needed a little encouragement lol i keep doubting my decisions. but you're so right, i need to feel comfortable to have fun and im not sure i would be with them. im gonna end up going with my mom at this point
No. 2116015
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Honestly, I feel like I have lost the ability to enjoy my own company. When I was a teenager I used to have a good social life, but also used the internet a lot, especially at night. I remember actually being excited to come home in the evening and put on youtube videos/shows and play video games. Nowadays, I feel like I need to be constantly in somebody's company, or at the very least be on a call. I really miss enjoying being by myself.
No. 2116101
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>cute guys with built bodies swiping on me
>know it's because they wanna fuck and not that they take me nor any woman seriously, probably
No. 2116141
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Me right now
No. 2116199
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>>2115675Happy birthday nona. Hope you still find time for yourself.
No. 2116311
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>>2116295Sometimes karma is broken and needs a little push.
No. 2116333
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>watch new Charli xcx Billie eilish feature
>immediately rips a lady gaga lyric
>every single thing Charli xcx has ever done has been parroting other people or written entirely by someone else
>Billie eilish has only ever had extremely public relationships with men but is profiting off of this omguuu sapphicssss phase in pop culture
I only want these bitches to make good shit. I genuinely come into this wanting to like what they release and I am so often disappointed. My standards aren't even high. Omgggggg why is everyone so desperate to follow an algorithm now. All these women are old enough to think for themselves
No. 2116345
>>2116328this is part of why i feel like dating is almost impossible nowadays unless you behave like a whore, and even girls who act like handmaiden whores for men are still getting pump and dumped so there's no winning
men are like 'nudes?' barely 5 minutes into talking. if you refuse to send them they just ghost because they know another girl is going to send them. porn has completely warped men's expectations. they think they're the main character in a porno where every woman in the vicinity exists to give them a boner and have sex with him. male entitlement to womens bodies is absolutely insane. i cringe seeing girls i know posting bikini pictures on ig and just getting ugly dudes and thirsty indian moids in their comments simping over them which they think is so validating (ew, its not)
its just so depressing seeing women feeding into the whole onlyfans/pornsick/half naked social media attention thing. i hate libfems so much its unreal, these are the same women voting for unfiltered mass male immigration of rapists into western countries, men to beat women up in MMA, and allowing trannies to come into our bathrooms and rape little girls.
No. 2116346
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>>2116333How are you 30 years old having a party gurrrl crisis, doing shitty pr, purposely and theatrically being like "guiiise see I do COKE pleaseee clip me pleaseee". Begging Lorde for attention. I like a couple songs on the album a lot but most of them are skips and she's so annoying. I wasn't even aware she was this annoying. It's only deeply disappointing because she has a wealth of resources to do something that isn't so painfully and desperately formulaic. I'm aware she never really made her own stuff, she didnt write Boys and that was her breakout. But having the ability to do better and instead making it obvious that you sat at a table with a couple of homos and workshopped this copycat mess when you have the ability to do better is just disappointing.
No. 2116355
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i hate my fucking life i'm 23 and i'm the only one of my friends who's never had a relationship. moids and women won't even look at me what's wrong with me i just want to be seen as a human instead of a concept. why will i never be loved. it hurts so bad seeing people way more ugly and retarded than i am have happy fulfilling relationships or even just be liked by ANYONE. it's so over for me.
No. 2116383
>>2116362Nona as far as I know there are pills to bring the testosterone levels down. So if a woman with PCOS wanted to compete she could still do that. I honestly don't know of any case of a woman being disqualified I only found more XY intersex cases and the harsher regulations only seem to be applying to XY individuals with testes. Testosterone levels are controlled because it is used for doping and gives a massive advantage, it's also
toxic for the female body in large doses though, so it's not an unreasonable rule. That women suffer because they are under suspicion to be troons is very sad and unfortunate, but I also don't see how we could prevent this unless we just completely surrender and let the troons push us out of completely everything. Of course PCOS doesn't take away from your womanhood.
No. 2116400
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I have never really struggled with insomnia before and wow it is horrendous. Head hurts. I’ve tried melatonin, chill sleep music, and chamomile tea, nothing has worked. Prayin this pm cold med will have mercy and take me out, it’s been three days and I start a new job next week (it’s my dream job but anxious). Poggers
No. 2116449
>>2116437DA but same it sounds like someone is describing dead people.
>>2116442What an asshole. If you yelled at him I wouldn't blame you at all.
No. 2116457
File: 1722581977560.png (14.31 KB, 275x248, IMG_0219.png)

>waiting for email
>says they will do it on that day
>anticipated for it to be in my email
>it’s not there
>another hour goes by and they email me with another update that doesn’t have what i wanted in the email
>says they are going to delete their email again with no reason or explanation
meanwhile they are probably browsing on this website when they could just email what i requested for and be done with it. it’s all so frustrating and it makes me feel guilty because it makes me feel like some bpdchan or entitled for expecting something. they are just going to ghost and not even email me back, just stringing me along. this is what i get for expectations from strangers because i’m sadly disappointed and discouraged from even asking anymore, it wasn’t anything necessarily urgent but it was still important to me. idk what to do now, i’m at a crossroad. nothing is gonna good for me at all lately and it would have put a genuine smile to my face if i received it.
No. 2116458
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>>2116407That’s actually what I took (Benadryl)! I hope I do not have a hat man dream ((scary)). I am yawning so I’m gonna try to lay in the dark and just hope it happens. It’s thunder storming so I feel Cody now. I hope I dream about Karlach Baldurs Gate holding my hand. Gn nonas, I hope you sleep good !
No. 2116510
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if this is what you guys are referring to, this is a definitely a man/intersex trash that needs to be banned from sports altogether including troons. look at the stark difference, look at the actual woman in the blue versus the hulking mutant in the red. ridiculous kekk, but keep trying to convince others this is totes normal!!(discussing a topic that has been quarantined)
No. 2116519
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>>2116511>really tall masc womanI guess lia thomas is just a really tall, masc woman too! stop projecting your crusty ugly gnc asses with short haircuts and male sized clothing to these people who aren’t actual women, come on now. they let a troon/intersex slip in
No. 2116533
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>>2116528>right wing scum KEK, are you an intersex mutant or something?
(infighting) No. 2116539
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>>2116538nta but this does not look like a moid
(discussing a topic that has been quarantined) No. 2116540
>>2116499Hermaphrodites don't exist. If this really is a woman that got roided out by her coaches or is intersex then I feel bad for her. It's not like this unprecedented, east germany did it and many of the east german athletes didn't know what was happening to them until it was too late. There definitely is a pattern of a lot of intersex athletes, which all have the exact same kind of condition that gives them a huge advantage in sports over women and doesn't even make them infertile 100% of the time, participating in sports events the last few years. To deny that and pretend like everyone who notices that pattern is just a rabid racist, misogynist conservative is a trash tier argument. I have sympathy for them if they want to be treated like a woman because they often got socialized as a woman, but that doesn't make it ok to participate in women sports, if you are a potentially fertile male who looked female as a child.
That being said we don't know if this boxer is a woman or not.
(discussing a topic that has been quarantined) No. 2116547
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>>2116539gnc women right?
No. 2116579
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You guys have never seen enough women to encounter cis bricks and it shows. There are plenty of female bodybuilders with the same look because hgh expands the skull and soft tissues.
No. 2116596
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Some of you are just thick, racist, faceblind, and easily susceptible to conspiracy. Even the childhood photos weren't enough, next you will be begging for pictures of her vagina. Evil fucking retards.
No. 2116608
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>>2116603This is going to be you in ten years except you'll have pictures of neovaginas printed out and glued to a piece of cardboard
No. 2116610
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>>2116600This would be your “GNC” woman and you can still tell she is a woman if you want to make the argument that they all take performance enchantment drugs. That thing you keep trying to pronounce as a woman isn’t one.
No. 2116611
>>2116610what is that picture supposed to prove
you'd call that a man if she didn't have long hair and makeup on you autistic retard
No. 2116612
>>2116606Yeah, no they don’t anon. Gotta cope before you meet that rope ig
>>2116605You must lost, I’m not saying that thing is a woman I’m referring to MENA women in general.
No. 2116620
>>2116619tons of men have "small skull and frame"
again, please shut the fuck up and fuck off
No. 2116624
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>>2116620Nature doesn’t care about gender non conforming behavior, this kind of “sex cloaking” you share with delusional trannies is hilarious
No. 2116626
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>>2116610Acromegaly is a side effect for hgh use in women just as much as it is men. Take it young enough, before your bones have fused, and you are likely to have an increase in height and frame. But I gauruntee none of this matters to you and you just want an excuse to fritter out and bark at us like a fucking dog.
No. 2116627
>>2116624nature doesn't care about what you think nature is supposed to be
there exists many biological females with large skulls and frames
cloak yourself and disappear
No. 2116637
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>she’s just your average gnc lesbian leave her alone
my sides are folding like an origami right now. gncs love denying biology just like troons(discussing a topic that has been quarantined)
No. 2116658
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>Why would I be a troon if I’ve been actively denouncing your troon acceptance? You can’t even properly clock a man pretending to be a woman, it’s absolutely over
No. 2116685
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>>2116682This is a real woman and not an ugly lanky moid. Sure, jan
(discussing a topic that has been quarantined) No. 2116696
Hope I don’t get banned for racebait but whatever I have to vent.
For context, I’m a minority in my country but not any of the major ones like Black, Asian or Latino which most people know about worldwide. Won’t say which because I don’t want trolling and infighting but relatively common on my continent.
So, many of us are poor for historical reasons, including my family, so the stereotypes are that we lie, cheat and steal things, kidnap children to sell for money or whatever. Obviously some poor homeless people beg and steal but that’s because they’re, guess what? Poor and homeless! The rest is obviously racist stereotypes that are not true, sucks that I even have to say that.
But it’s frustrating that even the most woke lefty type of people find it okay to say and do derogatory things because it somehow doesn’t count. I just reported a security guard who went off on me in the store because he thought I was stealing. I was buying a pregnancy test and didn’t want to advertise it to the whole world so I put it in my bag immediately instead of letting it sit in the bagging area. He caused a whole stink and embarrassed me in front of everybody, and I had to show it to him and everyone anyway. I cried all the way home because this isn’t the first time this happens to me and it would NEVER happen to a blonde white woman. I have never stolen anything, my parents work, we all work, I have an honest job and dress normally, leave me alone! I complained about this to my boyfriend and his mom but they didn’t believe me and said it was just a misunderstanding. They said it wasn’t racism because I’m not black or Asian. How come they never get misunderstood? How is it that I got bullied since childhood for being poor and getting free lunches in school but other poor free lunch kids didn’t? And how come it’s okay to make random things up and say “it’s in their culture to lie and not work, they consider it honorable” and people just repeat that and don’t question it? What do you call that then if not racism?
I called them out on it and they said they were just trying to make me feel better. Oh, by gaslighting me? Wow thanks. I’m so tired of all this nonsense where people that are supposed to love me are pretending nothing happened, everyone else is pretending nothing happened, and everyone goes on saying whatever they want about me and others like me unchecked because nobody stops them and there are no consequences for it.
No. 2116707
>>2116696I'm guessing you're romani? I'm sorry
nonnie, that really sucks. Fuck that security guard.
No. 2116710
>>2116699I’m Roma. Won’t explain further, if you don’t get it you don’t.
>>2116700I had paid for my items and had my empty tote bag visible and placed in the bagging area with the rest of my groceries. I normally pack them after I am done checking out, this one I put in the bag directly after scanning. It is not uncommon to do and I see others do it all the time.
>>2116704I’m not Romanian and you sound as retarded as the rest of the racist imbeciles I deal with irl. But thanks for proving my point.
No. 2116722
>>2116696I could have written this (except for the pregnancy test, it happened to me with other things several times though). Don't let anyone tell you that it's a misunderstanding or you're imagining things, from my personal experience it's most likely good old racism.
>it would NEVER happen to a blonde white womanYou actually unlocked a memory from when I was in middle school. My big sister was hanging out with some white friends/classmates in a mall and all three of them were accused of stealing clothes by the security guard. Guess what? My big sister didn't steal anything at all and the two white girls invited her to hang out with them so she would get accused and they would be free to go home with stolen clothes because they both knew very well that everyone (including them) were racist enough to do that. My mother made sure it wouldn't happen as soon as the store called her though, sucks for them kek
No. 2116757
>>2116755nobody is in a position to improve anything anywhere
everything is fucked and there's no way out other than an apocalyptic event
No. 2116758
>>2116754I don't think I need to say it because the details I already gave are the ones that matter the most. All I'm going to say is that I was born and raised in a European country and I'm a minority there.
>>2116757Even well meaning, somewhat less stupid than average politicians can't do shit for their own countries so idk what she wants me to do for a foreign country I barely know.
No. 2116778
>>2116777there are many ways to be attractive, not just visually
you must be retarded
No. 2116781
>>2116778Nta but
you are the retarded one. Thank God you're never going to procreate, thankful everyone is too ugly for you.
No. 2116782
>>2116780point out the part that's wrong in the statement that people would get married more if other people were more attractive
you are projecting all sorts of imaginary values onto me lmao, did I tell you you must breed or you have no value?
No. 2116785
>>2116783not an argument dumbass
i have yet to see a single argument coming from you
>>2116784did i ever claim otherwise? learn to read kek
No. 2116795
>>2116791you are one dumb faggot. you don't even understand what my argument is, you got
triggered like a dumb fuck because you think I'm some sort of natalist after seeing certain naughty words you dislike. are you fuckers all trannies?
No. 2116809
>>2116806I said attractive, which interestingly you exclusively associate with "looks"
Usually, there's more about attractiveness than looks. You are one dumb superficial faggot.
No. 2116813
you two or three dumb retards keep seething about some imaginary natalist fascist because you read something that describes marriage as a potentially, not categorically, attractive thing. now you are resorting to some dumbass scrotefoiling with zero arguments
No. 2116818
>>2116815buddy, misogyny and financial instability make people "unattractive", so do physical deformities, bad character, and so on
are you esl? or just retarded
No. 2116828
>>2116824triggered dumb fuck
>>2116826point out the part where I said anything about looks you schizo retard
No. 2116834
>>2116832You are repeating the same irrelevant personal attacks that don't even apply to me. I'm directly responding to the few substantive arguments being presented by
triggered retards like yourself.
No. 2116835
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>>2116828You're unironically the schizo retard. I'm sorry that arguing here is the only attention you will ever receive.
No. 2116863
>>2116862You've been repeating the same boring attempt at insults, none of these are at all interesting.
Can you explain what's wrong with saying people don't want to get married to unattractive people?