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No. 323113
>>323109Different anon - I hope you are correct and your bf is truly trustworthy, but my porn addicted ex would reject my advances and always said he just didn't have a high sex drive and the first thing that made me suspicious was when I noticed all of his recommended channels on Twitch were titty streamers (that he'd always slag off in front of me). I would then repeatedly press him about it until he finally came clean and admitted he watched porn nearly everyday.
My current bf gets nothing but sports and memes on his Instagram and can scroll through TikTok in front of me for ages without getting a single thirst trap so I don't believe it's based on his demographic. If I were you I would make a fake male profile and see what I get recommended but maybe that's too deranged lol.
No. 323117
>>323100he gets this because he's looked at it before
No. 323127
I used to be a porn addicted retard when I met my husband. As we talked about our experiences with porn back when we were just friends I found out he used porn to masturbate a handful of times in his life, and he genuinely isn't a masturbator in general, which was shocking to me. I believe this is genuine because I came from a perspective of a porn loving "all kinks are great" nlog so he'd have less reasons to lie to me to impress me. He was pretty bashful about it too. I even remember a nonnie mentioning this as a great tactic to weed out porn watchers when looking for a suitable boyfriend.
I can't say with 100% certainty he never watched porn in our decade of being together, but I do know he doesn't like porn as a medium and generally he doesn't like to get off by masturbating. He gets hard at the mere sight of me clothed when we're alone so his libido is fine.
I think it's hard to make someone give porn up for you. I didn't give porn up for my husband and to be fair he never knew the extent of my porn consumption, instead I just naturally matured, learned more about the porn industry and slowly started masturbating less and less to it because I was put off by everything surrounding it. I swapped it out for 2d porn and erotica and started masturbating less frequently.
I think that aimless men with no hobbies, friends or goals are more likely to fall into any kind of addiction. Don't think any man can be trusted not to watch porn, you just have to go with the one that has the least likelihood of watching it, and don't settle. Poke and prod about their knowledge and experience with porn before going into a relationship, or when you're both comfy talking about it. Although this would require some experience with porn yourself. Lastly, men that are too preachy, activist and religious are sus to me for example and I would not date them no matter how anti porn they seemingly are.
No. 323172
>>323158>>323159yes, i hate this kind of take so fucking much, it's enraging how often you see stuff like this here on lc. "why yes, most moids are low quality, often dangerous and the cons almost always outweight the pros when it comes to relationships with them.. oh well! i will craft myself a decent one to fight it (by controlling him 24/7 and having him slowly consume my mental sanity for the rest of my life)"
regular pickmes are less pathetic than this
No. 323179
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It is impossible. I thought my bf quit for me but I found out he was again I don’t even want to look through his phone anymore cause I will probably dry heave. Those girls don’t even look like me, they have big booties but I am a flat ass-chan I’m an idiot
No. 323191
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>this fucking thread
No. 323297
>>323109Same, boyfriend and I are HS sweethearts, together >5 years, quit porn together at 18. He is also somewhat low libido but gets hard easily even if I just kiss him. Before he quit he had trouble maintaining and erection and afterward he never had any problem.
Even before we quit porn, he was still pretty actively disgusted by lots of pornsick stuff. When we first started dating I was really insecure and felt like I “had” to be okay with being hit during sex, which I offered to him and he flat-out refused. Looking back now I’m very glad he refused.
For nonnas looking to date pornfree men, I’d suggest trying to gauge their opinions on choking, hitting, hardcore BSDM, etc. Men who get off to women in pain are more likely to be enthusiastic porn consumers.
No. 323309
>>323225How do you know that wasn't some algorithm based on already collected data that's linked to your e-mailaddress/ip and device or however that works? I don't know a whole lot about data and algorithms but I do know that your data collected on one platform doesn't stay on that platform. Even LC has facebook tracking you in the background.
I'm not necessarily claiming that what you're saying couldn't be true but I'd be very careful making any claims about algorithms considering how refined that whole system is
No. 323322
>>323309LC doesn't have facebook ad trackers, but it's very hard for those algorithms to "tailor" themselves to you especially using competing social network data. It's generally not the same between facebook and tiktok.
There will always be initial signals in the app that it has to start the algorithm with, like the phone device, location, gender etc. The initial algorithm is doing it's best to get the user to engage more based on best guesses.
I 100% believe that if he chose male, it would see what other males like and try and take a gamble on it to get him to interact more.
If his algorithm after 2 weeks is the same, then it's not the algorithm.
No. 323331
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Ffs just make meaningful friendships and buy a good vibrator.
No. 323340
My ex had most of these signs and I ignored them thinking we were so in love and ready to get married soon and we're so honest with eachother.
He admitted to cheating on me and beating off to gay porn while I was asleep.
The minute you smell something, it's true.
No. 323516
My boyfriend is porn free. Like the other anon said, I would say the only downside is he also has a lower libido, though this is still much better than the porn-addict boyfriends I've had in the past. He seems to be uninterested in sex in general and rarely initiates, but if I do, things go fine. Here's some info I can give if it helps anyone.
We knew each other for five years before we started dating. I was actually a porn addict at this time and would try to discuss it with him as a way to flirt, or send him sexual memes/shitposts. He was never interested in these and never shared anything back. I do think he may have occasionally looked at porn as a teenager, but from my understanding he finds the idea of porn/even publicly discussing sexual habits to be a gross thing to do in present day. He also has a negative attitude towards hookups/casual sex, and didn't want to have sex until we were over a year into the relationship. Not sure if that matters or not.
I have access to his email, phone, financials and socials. I don't snoop that often, we just work together sometimes so occasionally I need to get information off his phone/accounts when he's busy. He doesn't have much free time to be on them anyways, but I've never seen anything even slightly hinting he looks at sexual images at all.
I was his first girlfriend/he was a virgin. Never kissed a girl before. Not sure if that makes a difference but I feel like maybe I was able to pick him up before he got sucked into dating culture that might've desensitized him to porn/sex/sexual topics overtime. He also has literally no fetishes/kinks, aside from normal stuff, like kissing/massages, which if he was watching porn I feel like he'd be interested in weirder things. In my porn days I would ask him to do fetish/kink things with me and he always refused.
>Can you convince a man to give up porn for you?
Absolutely not. If he's openly into porn, he's not changing. If he's watching porn when you meet him, he's not changing just because you ask him to. At best he'll just keep doing it in secret.
Don't bring up being anti-porn with a man early on. Wait a while while you get to know each other, bring the topic of porn up in a neutral way where he can't tell you're against it. If he senses you are, he'll lie. Best case he'll say he doesn't like it and maybe you can observe him for a while and it'll be true. And it might be obvious advice, but try and find an overall healthy man. Someone who's got their life together, generally takes care of themselves, ect. Healthy people have healthy habits. The guy who sits at his computer most of the day is 100% watching porn. Avoid men who use instagram/tiktok completely.
No. 323522
>>323516I'm sorry but this is so dumb.
>He seems to be uninterested in sex in general and rarely initiates,This is the number one indicator that he is watching porn and masturbating and thats why he's not intetested in real sex!
>I was actually a porn addict at this time and would try to discuss it with him as a way to flirt, or send him sexual memes/shitposts. He was never interested in these and never shared anything back.So? Maybe he just feels shame about looking at porn as he should be.
>I have access to his email, phone, financials and socialsYou don't need an account to look at porn. Incognito window, go to porn site, you'd never know about it.
>I feel like maybe I was able to pick him up before he got sucked into dating culture that might've desensitized him to porn/sex/sexual topics overtime.The fact that he had no experience with real sex before you is yet another indicator that he was/is probably watching porn. You seem to be under the delusion that men who don't date or hook up don't watch porn? Its the opposite. Men who have real sex watch less porn than men who never get laid. The porn replaces real sex and relationships for them.
No. 323562
>>323540>>323556The best shot you have at a porn-free dude is a guy who doesn't use social media (rare) and doesn't have screen related hobbies (rare). Deeply religious dudes are more likely to be porn-free but one that dedicated to his faith has other drawbacks.
The chance at finding one remains small, if you can't stop doomscrolling don't expect a guy will stop looking at porn for you let alone be already porn-free when you get him.
No. 323564
>>323562Your best shot is to kidnap a man from some off the grid village in a poor country. But seriously, I don't see that much advantage in finding a guy who doesn't watch porn, even if we take their claims at face value, the reasoning always seems to be "oh porn doesn't turn me on", "oh porn is so fake", "oh something something whores", rather than because it's an industry that capitalizes on the exploitation of women. So why should I care? If we lived in an alternate reality where somehow porn existed without being based on exploitation, I really wouldn't see a problem in dating someone who watches it, I dont really follow the watching porn is cheating like of thought. And keeping an eye on your partner just seems annoying as fuck, like, it's nice if he doesn't hide what's on his phone or browsing history, but I really have no desire to go throught anyone's devices.
No. 323568
>>323564In a perfect world you could just tell your boyfriend "Please don't watch porn, it hurts my feelings" and they would be like "Yes, woman I love, I would never want to hurt you, of course I won't do that."
But men are shitty and selfish and the only reason they would ever give up porn is if their pp is broken from watching too much of it.
No. 323594
>>323349God this thread is so depressing. My moid claims to only jerk off to thinking about me. I don't think he uses porn but it's always been in the back of my mind that maybe he likes some soft stuff. The thing is he is super busy all the time doing chores and taking care of his parents so I'm not sure he actually has time to watch porn which gives me hope. He gets hard for me just cuddling him or kissing him, or laying on him in a towel fresh out of the shower.
I find that men who aren't doing anything and just go to work and come home to sit on their computer/phone are always the morons who sit there and get bored and decide to watch porn. Especially manchildren who are still into video games or cartoons.
No. 323632
>>323625I don't understand how most women get more upset over the ~psychological cheating~ aspect than the fact their moid cums to watching abuse and misogyny and trafficking in porn. It's always
>yeah that's bad too but what's REALLY inexcusable is my nigel looking at another woman!blackpill moments happen again and again in this god forsaken life
No. 323724
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>>323540Anons are struggling to accept that porn is something you just can't compromise on with men. If you live in a country with access to their internet, every moid you meet is going to consume porn to some degree. They know it's harmful and they don't care, or will eagerly accept the comfortable lie that "sex work is work," and that the women in porn aren't being exploited. You have two choices: date a man, or date someone who doesn't look at porn. It's a crappy dichotomy, but that's basically what it boils down to.
I'm not making excuses for males overindulging in porn, but looking for a male who doesn't look at porn is like going to a shelter and asking if they have a vegan cat. Could a man
theoretically abstain from porn if he wanted to? Sure, but he won't. If the only cost of looking at porn is violating your boundaries or values, that's a trade men are happy to make every time, because they will always prioritize their own desires first.
No. 323728
>>323727All I can do is kek at this response. It’s just that ridiculous. Bravo
nonny, you’ve outdone yourself.
No. 323745
I’m in a fairly new relationship and sometimes think about this. A couple of months into dating my nigel asked me if I watched porn. He was single for 7 years before me, so I guess it’s too much to expect he wouldn’t have used it, but he told me he had tried to watch it recently and it wasn’t the same after he met me. He was already aware of nofap theory, so knew about some of the negative consequences of watching porn. He told me in his last relationship he had started using porn a couple of years into it and it affected his libido, so at least he’s given me a heads up and I’ll know what to be mindful of.
We are still in the honeymoon period and our sex is bomb, but I’m aware a few years down the road the excitement might wear off and he’ll start using again. I told him I’d prefer if he didn’t watch it for x, y, z reason, that sex is important to me and if I ever feel like it’s affecting our sex life I’m out. There’s not really much else I can do. You can’t control other people’s actions, only assert boundaries and apply consequences if/when they are broken. I also periodically struggle with porn addiction myself, so feel a bit hypocritical. I’m financially independent, don’t plan on getting married or having kids, so it’s easier for me to drop someone if things go sour, but I feel for women who get baby-trapped and it turns out their scrote is a coomer.
No. 323959
>>323855Lmao you are totally retarded. Autistic guys like that are the biggest coomers. They are just so far removed from human connections and emotions that they stroke it to dragon fart inflation porn or MLP.
Some of you are so dumb about the nature of men it's really not surprising how men get away with being degenerate coomers if all their girlfriends are as ignorant and naive as nonnies in this thread.
No. 324057
>>324039>for some reason I can't see x being addicted to pornthis is how most women feel before discovering their perfect nigel actually is addicted to porn though
i am a zoomer and the situation seems so bad when it comes to guys in their teens/early 20s, so unless the scrote covers a particularly important position that takes away all of his time (again, that's still undesirable) he'll have had infinite amounts of time to develop a porn addiction as a teen and it's rare they actually make efforts to get over it, no matter the kind of field they're in
No. 324082
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>>323866This is the answer.
No. 324180
>>324124Meh not worried, he has no sissy whatsoever fetish, he just wants me to own him. He even reads radfem blogs out of his own free bc he thinks its funny to laugh at troons.
>>324155Sure, but his insta and tiktok feed are free of softcore and he has no issue with me using his devices. He does look at pictures and videos of the two of us, but so do I so I think thats ok. I guess that does count as watching porn, but I mean, its our own, I dont mind that.
No. 324181
>>324021He sounds like a coomer! He isn't supposed to
want orgasm denial, chastity cages, etc you're supposed to force it on him.
No. 324238
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No. 324304
>>324297>>324300oh god so it is an actual thing, i met at least three different (terminally online) moids who spent most of their time humiliating themselves and praising chastity and "strong, radfem women", one was obsessed with browing cc too
to me that's just as bad as a scrote who watches random vanilla porn (if we only consider the coomer side and don't count in the ethical implications)
No. 324326
>>323357Unfortunate but it's true. I work out 5 days a week and run into a lot of these gymbro types when I'm lifting. They're extremely coomerish and often vain / selfish. Upsetting that my type is a muscular himbo though. I don't find men who aren't muscular attractive at all, no matter how pretty / handsome they look. But I digress.
At this point I gave up on dating. I'd rather die alone than be anywhere near a coomer, which is 99.99% of scrotes. I like the concept of dating a man, but the fact that every one of them is gonna jerk it to women (or girls, because these sickos will jerk it to literally anything) being abused makes me sick to the core. The moids who are so-called 'porn free' are doing it temporarily because their dicks are broken with the most degenerate shit + death grip. They always relapse, because they know that porn exists and it's so easily accessible now. They'll only do something it when they can't get their dicks up anymore, and aren't concerned at all about how fucked up the industry is.
It's funny and sad how moids are basically an amoeba, just drifting along in the waves and nothing but sex and cooming on their mind.
No. 324335
>>324237This. Basically the kind of romance and love that women seek with a man that we were made to believe by literature and fiction does not exist in real life. Just like men will never get their harem of 10/10 13 year olds that they dream of, we will never get true love.
If you decide to be with a man you should know that they are not capable of loving you the way you love them and you should make sure your man at least provides something useful to your life like money and orgasms. Then weigh if it's worth it for you. Men will betray you and never be truly monogamous because they are incapable of it so always have an exit plan and honestly its best not to be in love with them at all, but I know most of us can't help it because women are too kind and can love even the most undeserving and disgusting creatures on earth.
No. 324342
>>324232Women aren't evolved to be attracted to only one man. Even in a woman's menstrual cycle, she gets attracted to different types of men. I've also always been attracted to other men while in a relationship so if you're a man making this post, be %100 sure your girl is also attracted to other men, fantasizes about fucking them or already did fuck them behind your back. People cheat and it's unfortunately very common for both women and men to cheat women just hide it better.
Cheating or going against your partners wishes to spend hours fantasizing about fucking someone else is not excusable for either gender but if you're gonna excuse men, you should also excuse women.
No. 324343
>>324335NTA but I agree. You gotta pick your poison. You either date a moid who will watch porn or stay single. Nonnas can keep coping that their nigel doesn't, they may consume less of it than an average moid, but they still watch it in secrecy or will watch it at the end of the day. Or even when it's not necessarily porn they'll jerk off to something that's not you, like half naked women on instagram or hentai or whatever it may be. That's just how moids are with their pea sized brains.
Sometimes I wish I were bi / lesbian so I could do away with all this bullshit and just date a woman, but I don't swing that way. Loneliness doesn't really phase me though so it's not that big of a problem. I go to friends for social interactions, and if I have sexual needs I've got a vibrator. Sure, if some decent moid asks me out for a date and if I don't have anything planned, I'll let him entertain me and buy me a drink or a dinner, but that's how far I'll ever go with them. From my experience they just want the woman to play therapist for him for the night, and they feel pretty happy about it. Yes some of them are truly brainless and get upset if you deny them sex on the first date, but that's why I only meet moids in a busy public restaurant, so if they were to act up I could call the cops or ask for help. Anything past a first date I wouldn't even entertain it.
I've concluded that trying to date a moid long term is self abuse in exchange of mediocre sex, disloyalty, getting shackled to them if you were to ever be pregnant with his child, and them feeling entitled to you because they pay for a few things in your life. No thanks, I'm good.
No. 324350
>>324333Well it lines up with him not wanting me to do it. If he was obsessing over anal all the time wouldn't he ask me to do it at least once? And why would he seem so disgusted when I mentioned it?
>>324341>?? Your husband is never alone for even 20 minutes? Do neither of you have lives independent from each other?Not somewhere where it would be practical to watch porn. I mean he drives to work alone and that takes more than 20 minutes but I don't see how he could fit in a porn session on the way through the traffic. I feel like his car would be showing signs of damage from the accidents he would be getting into.
No. 324352
>>324350Men watch a lot of stuff in porn that they don't want to do in real life. It's exciting for them to see it happen without having to do it themselves. You seem very naive.
So you never leave your husband alone to take a shower? Does he come with you? You never go run an errand or go to the grocery store while he stays behind? He never stays up longer than you or sleeps in when you're already up? Honestly he could be doing it in bed right next to you while you sleep and you'd never know. It happened to me and I never thought he'd do such a thing either cause who would think men have the audacity to do that? Well they do.
No. 324359
>>324355Quit larping, incel. It's not in men's nature to fuck multiple women while women somehow stay monogamous. How would men fuck mutliple women if women are also going to just be exclusive with one man? It literally makes no sense.
Why don't incels accept that their gfs are gonna cheat on their pornsick asses sooner or later? I've literally known one man whose fiance cheated because he preferred porn instead of fucking her so she fucked other men. Women cheat just as often as men do.
No. 324514
>>324344Nonna, I don't think that's what the other
nonnie meant. I think women can definitely get loved by a woman the way we picture 'true love', but moids are incapable of coming anywhere close to it because at the end of the day their first priority is sexual pleasure, not affection or comfort. Romance novels are popular among women for a reason, especially married women / housewives. Why do you think that is? Men written by women is amazing and fantastic, because it's what we want them to be.
The other nonna is using the 'harem of 10/10 13 year olds' as an example of how depraved and disgusting most moids are. I bet some of them have even more degenerate fantasies. Not to get political / controversial, but why do you think ISIS told their moid suicide bombers that they'll get 99 virgins if they blow themselves up? And they actually fucking do it, believing it's true? Moids never say it in front of you if you're keeping them at an arm's length / they want to fuck you and is keeping their thoughts in, but the shit they sputter out the moment they consider you 'one of the bros', I wish I could unhear. Being a tomboy unironically blackpilled me on men and I'm glad about it. At least they'll tell me how disgusting they are so I know to stay the fuck away from them.
Not to blackpill you, but I want you to think long and hard about a time where a man have treated you well without an ulterior motive (it's always getting in your pants). If you want to believe and think there are actual living, breathing men who are Mr. Darcy's out there ready to write love songs for you and swoop you off your feet while only having eyes for you, by all means go for it, if that makes you feel better about dating your nigel.
No. 324542
>>324514>moids are incapable of coming anywhere close to it because at the end of the day their first priority is sexual pleasureNTA but I resent this assumption that women and men are complete opposites. I’m a straight woman who enjoys sex. There would be no point in me being in a relationship with someone if we don’t bone. I think I’m capable of love too, and it’s not like I’m gonna fall in love with someone just because we fuck once or twice, but if I’m gonna be in a relationship with someone it goes hand in hand with intimacy. The majority of farmers are obviously sexually dysfunctional, but it’s not the case for a lot of women. Honestly judging from the husbando/horny threads I get the feeling a lot of farmers are as pornsick as their nigel. They’re content with their limp-dick low libido scrote so they can keep flicking it to their 2D husbando or male inferiority fantasies or whatever.
>the shit they sputter out the moment they consider you 'one of the bros', I wish I could unhearYeah I've lived through this too having worked in a male environment and it's annoying. Having said that, the shit my gfs sputter when we are alone can get shocking too, they’re hilarious. We’re all adults etc.
>think long and hard about a time where a man have treated you well without an ulterior motive (it's always getting in your pants).Don’t approach moids for friendship, problem solved
No. 324562
>>324335>I know most of us can't help it because women are too kind and can love even the most undeserving and disgusting creatures on earthWhat a nightmarish existence to be honest, this seems to be the reality for the majority but i just cannot imagine living like this. I'm hetero too, but men barely qualify as human to me
No. 324563
>>324551They really think a straight woman who has normal sexual urges must be ok with male porn addiction and zero respect for women, and that they're on the same level just because "both crave sex". Kek at them trying to compare husbandofags with a normal libido with men who jerk off to real women being tortured.
The fact that women are able to see moids as close friends without making it sexual but moids can't really says a lot about how women see men vs. how they see us.
No. 324572
>>324566First, moid """erotica""" is always degenerate, disgusting and misogynistic (the r/incest subreddit is nothing but scrote incest fantasies and it's a very popular sub, for example) except for very few rare exceptions maybe, and I doubt 99.9999% of males are going to gravitate towards those exceptions.
Second, if I were in a fulfilling relationship with a male I wouldn't have a husbando and much less read self-insert fanfiction or draw yume porn (this is exactly how it was when I had boyfriends), if the purpose of your dumbass question was to make me and other women with the same mindset look like hypocrites.
Also, masturbation, sex, fetishes, pornography, healthy fantasies and degenerate fantasies are not the same thing at all. Stop treating them as if they were all synonyms. Attacking pornography, moid sexuality and fetishes is not the same as being a sex-repulsed prude or saying that women don't have sexual urges at all. Horny women and horny men are on different levels of degeneracy and most horny women still respect men while the men don't respect women.
In this era it's practically impossible for a man to not be consumed in porn addiction, so this hypothetical ultra-rare moid who only reads tame erotica without misogyny and who respects, loves and desires his girlfriend/wife only and has a healthy sexuality is virtually non-existing. So the only kind of moid that has a remote chance not to be defective in some way is the moid that's completely porn-free. Hell, if I were optimistic I might even believe in moids who have developed high levels of empathy and despise porn solely because they respect women, but I doubt that's a thing.
No. 324579
>>324572>they respect womenI guess I’ll get banned for this, but I’ll just throw this out there in case anyone here wants to understand more about how men think.
I don’t “respect” all women as a group, but I don’t “respect” all men as a group either. A random person who I don’t know is neither deserving of respect nor disrespect. I don’t respect them, but I don’t actively disrespect them either. It’s just… not a relevant concept. It has no bearing on how I relate to them.
Respect is something that someone earns through their actions; and even then they’ve only earned respect for those particular actions, or their particular place in the social hierarchy, they don’t get some deep respect “as a human being” or some shit. The idea that I have to “respect” someone just for existing is foreign to me and I suspect that most men would agree, if they really thought about it. You think that we respect other men in a special way that we don’t grant to women, but this is totally wrong.
I’m bi and I sometimes fantasize about other men in ways that you would consider bizarre and degrading. Am I “disrespecting” them? I dunno, it’s not really a consideration that factors into my thought process. It’s my private fantasy, why should I give a shit what anyone else thinks?
You can’t get men to “respect” women because that’s not how men relate to respect. It’s something that’s given in exceptional cases to individuals who have earned it, it’s not part of my default view of human beings. Anyway I’m out, peace.
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No. 325341
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Sounds like you have a real problem with porn. U should get into some BL or slash fic brah
I recommend Bara
Are you insecure? Do you have trauma? Did someone you date have a terabyte of porn?(bait)
No. 325369
>>325365>and even he will start watching porn once you bring him back to civilization.this kek, I've read about men from tribes and "primimtive" villages that used to be relatively isolated from globalized society, while there was misogyny and sexism in their culture already, they became misogynistic in new ways, for example they started to use the stuff they "learned" about women as an excuse to be misogynistic pieces of shit like all other men.
Porn is designed to make scrotes addicted, it doesn't matter what culture he comes from.
No. 325393
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>tfw bf has no coomer fetishes
>high libido
>so in love with me he can only get off thinking about me
>tells me all the time how hot I am
>great satisfying sex
Doesn't get any better than this nonnies
No. 325423
>>325409You sound almost excited to see anon's downfall, kinda weird
>>325422>finding an "porn-free" bf is as unrealistic as 4chan moids wanting a "trad gf", it's nearly impossibleWhat constitutes a "trad gf" anyway? A virgin, religious girl? There are thousands of them around the world, but non pornsick males are just nonexistent
No. 325454
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>>324616i resigned myself to it long ago. even if you find a man who doesn't watch porn (meaning he probably has other weird hangups like religion or nofap or smth) then you can't guarantee he won't be terrible in bed. what if he just jackhammers you for 2 minutes and is done and refuses to get better? back to the dating pool where you will never find another pornfree man? jesus it's bleak for us out there. rather be content and stress-free than lose my mind questioning my personal morals for a dick. dildos work just fine.
>>325393>>325428it hurt my heart reading that. oh nona.
No. 325466
>>325462>A porn free partner who sucks in bed is better than a coomer who sucks in bed if you really insist on having a bfneither of those things are good.
the point is that dating is a minefield you shouldn't even bother trying to cross unless you're willing to stress yourself out a lot for some dick that you could just give yourself with a dildo. i refuse to settle for mediocrity.
No. 325489
>>325471Men wouldn't give a single shit about this because they are socialized differently and think differently about sexuality. It doesn't work the other way around.
If you want to make your man insecure in return you'd have to start showing off your own body to other men. Start an OnlyFans, walk around in public in skimpy clothes, bend over in yoga pants infront of his friends, go out alone at night with your girlfriends without him. That would piss him off because you are his property to be oogled only by him.
No. 325498
>>325488I’m hetero, monogamous, very attracted to my bf but can still look at/fantasize about other men. Doesn’t mean I would necessarily fuck all of them btw. I have all kinds of fantasies, a lot of them are of my bf, but I wouldn’t necessarily act everything out irl. I used to feel a little guilty of it and I also feel a pang of jealousy when I think that my scrote might sometimes think of other people, but in the end it’s like the older I get, the easier it is to just .. realize I can’t control what other people do. He wants to be with me, he gives me great dick all the time, shows me off to his friends and family, helps me out with stuff and we have a lot of fun together. I’m currently listening to “Mating in Captivity” because everyone and their mom recommends this book and while I'm uncomfortable with how sex positive it is, I think her takes on maintaining independence in a relationship is on point. Feel like a lot of you are borderline codependent which leads to a lot of rumination and control issues. I’ve been there myself in previous relationships.
No. 325507
>>325489Wouldn't start an onlyfans or entertain a nigel's group of scrotes in yoga pants but going out with your girlfriends and walking around in public in "skimpy" clothes has def irritated my pos ex off, all while he was a porn addicted coomer. Thank goodness I dumped his ass.
I think acting like a Stacy is the only way to keep a scrote in check, reminding him that you're sexually attractive to the everyone (especially other scrotes), not just him. That plus not necessarily watching porn to counter his coomer behavior but making comments about how you find an actor / 2d man / whichever male celeb attractive is enough to keep them humble.
Even with my moid associates, they get jealous as hell when I call a celebrity hot, when I have 0 intentions of doing anything sexual or romantic with them kek. They snap and immediately start pouring insults towards a celeb I'm praising- from 'fake' / 'not real' / 'gay' etc… It's funny how scrotes are going to lust after everything he sees from instathots to egirls, and coom to porn, but they also lose their fucking marbles when they see a woman (who's not interested in them at all) find other men (not them) attractive. I'm not interested in dating atm but if I ever do I'll just fight fire with fire. kek
Seriously, if you're curious about how crazy and insecure moids are, try praising some other hot man in front of him. They start foaming at their mouth, it's hilarious.
No. 325521
>>325489This could fire backwards and make him brag about his "property" being desirable on top of him being jealous. I was asking so anons itt to find a way to be as obnoxious as moids with porn, in hopes it shows the moid how retarded it is for the relationship and so that he eventually stops his consumption.
Just remember how butthurt they get by balding, infertility, dick and other size jokes. In that same spirit you could annoy them with displays of coomerism they don't like
>>325516True, but I'm trying to see it from the perspective of hetero nonnas who just want a nice non porn addicted bf.
No. 325561
>>325550nonnie you just described all of my male peers kek, or the entirety of male population. They all watch porn the moment they know it's there and they'll never stop, thanks to the internet. They have this glazed, dead fish eye look and the only thing on their mind is cooming, so it's not surprising.
I find a lot of moids like this even when they're not alone with a woman but when he's just staring at one. So many of these disgusting creatures at my gym, I always wear the baggiest clothing when I work out and I still get stared at like this. I wish there were a biologically female only gym.
autosage for sperging + blogposting
No. 325586
>>325561I notice a lot of men can fake being human in the presence of others usually, but if they're alone with a woman they check out mentally and emotionally. As if she doesn't even register as human anymore, and they just see her as an object. Maybe I'm biased because I've seen this behavior with my exes, it made me dump them. Thank god I didn't have sex with them.
What made me think of this? I've been dating a guy who is so present with me and attentive that I can't help but be hopeful that he isn't a degenerate. He doesn't have the dead-eye coom look, that I've seen every man have eventually.
No. 325618
nonnie I hastily went through the reaction image thread to find something fitting, I think that's the first anime reaction pic I've ever used
>>325412Well, yeah. That's what trusting a partner in a loving relationship is
nonnie, we're very open and into each other. We were friends for years and while I was in my libfem "oh porn is so fine" phase we would chat about it and he wasn't into it then. I teased him a lot about how romantic and loving he was (and is).
>>325409This is such a bitter comment, lol. But I was friends with him while he dated his ex, who got fat and he would still tell me that he found her beautiful, so I don't have much to worry about.
No. 325638
>>325632i am pretty sure no man on earth thinks blowjobs are degrading.
also sorry for the inevitable rage this will cause but oral sex isn't a bad thing if both people are fine giving and receiving equally. it's guys who think eating pussy is "gross" or something they don't ever think about that are a red flag.
No. 325659
>>325393In the off chance that he's telling the truth, that's awesome for you anon, but you have
got to stop taking things men say at face value. Most likely, he's saying these things because he thinks it's what you want to hear, not necessarily because they're true.
No. 325669
>>325643Scrotes that don’t want oral but want to eat coochie exist
nonnie, I hope you find one
No. 325692
>>3256621. it does
2. hpv vaccine covers 9 types of hpv. 200 types exist.
No. 325697
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>>325692NTA only a few of those strains are commonly associated with cancer, and the vaccine seem to provide some protection for throat cancer as well. Performing oral sex on women is riskier in terms of HPV throat infection than sucking dick.
No. 325704
>>325672this is the same level of stupid as saying that kissing people will give you cancer bc of mono and shit
>>325697sooo what's the chance of getting it in general? like 5%? who gives a shit. you probably get in a vehicle every day and that ups your chances of dying by lke 200%
No. 325734
>>325713>Doing this for tons of random scrotes makes you an uber-mega pick-meI mean yeah, but that still doesn't mean that they deserve to suffer for it. Your anger is misdirected, get mad at the hypothetical scrote instead, because they are the source of all this bullshit.
>>325720I don't give oral, but that position in particular is awful. No woman should ever kneel in front of a scrote. I don't think it's degrading if both the man and woman are lying down and the woman is doing it at her own pace, at least.
No. 325747
>>325669Thank you, me too
No. 325757
>>325677>>325690In most of the the Western world, the HPV vaxx has only been introduced in the last 1-2 decades and even then most girls of target age are not getting it, so most women are indeed not vaxxed.
In my country they've actually rolled out a campaign this year that allows adults up to 26 (which is far older than the 'ideal' age) to get the vaxx because the vaxx rate was that low.
No. 325807
>>325801I'm not any of those anons but it literally doesn't make me insecure, I just feel disgusted because most of them jerk to women being abused, slapped, spanked, hit, raped. The last guy I was talking to got shocked when I told him I wouldn't like being slapped. Porn normalizes abuse and that's not ok.
I don't know who told you guys porn makes women insecure, it does not. Most porn stars don't even look that good, they're just average, manipulated teen girls who get raped on camera. It disgusts us for other reasons.
No. 325812
>>325801Agree with
>>325807 anon, it doesn't make me feel insecure. You're prob a moid but let me entertain the bait. Moids would be the ones feeling insecure if they caught their girlfriend / wife watching some monster sized dick porn. I'd even say most moids aren't comfortable when women happen to have regular sized dildos that are bigger than theirs. They'd lose their fucking marbles because 'uhh how dare they enjoy something bigger than my ~precious~ dick!11'.
Porn makes people dehumanize women, and your brain's dopamine center gets broken to the point where you can't coom without abusing women or watching / doing degenerate shit. Moids never just stick to vanilla porn, they always fry their brains up to the point to watch the most depraved shit.
No. 325819
>>325812>You're prob a moidI don't even agree with the anon you're replying to but there are posts in this thread saying it makes them insecure
>>325538 so it's not something made out of thin air. Her statement was still stupid and naive.
No. 325826
>>325819Nta, it's true that some women felt insecure but scrotes love thinking "ah, this is the REAL reason they all hate porn!!" just because some women said so. Suddenly all the other, equally
valid and true reasons don't apply, they're just looking to win an argument against women and especially anti-porn women.
No. 325915
>>325885Agree with what…? Could I know how you and
>>325818 have become omniscient and certain that the anons who say they dislike porn because it's dehumanizing are only using it as a façade?
No. 325933
>>325919>No I am sure thats part of it but saying you don't feel insecure at all because all the women in porn are so mid is cope.NTA but when I was with a pornsick scrote I legit didn't feel insecure, maybe in part because I was pornsick too and a huge pickme who saw nothing wrong with porn. But also that guy was in love with me and wanted to fuck me all the time, and I knew that, so I never felt like he'd stop being attracted to me. Plus he didn't seem to have a "type" kek, he never compared me to any pornstar or hentai character which is probably why I never felt jealous over his porn use. I don't know if I was right or just naive, probably the latter, but the point is, it's possible for a woman to not feel insecure if her boyfriend or husband watches porn. That's not to say feeling insecure is wrong, it's a natural reaction.
Things are different for me now and now I hate porn not because I was ever jealous of pornstars but because of the psychological effects it has on people who consume it, and because it's based on the exploitation and humiliation of women. I became anti-porn AFTER dumping that guy (because he became possessive, jealous and
abusive as fuck, funnily enough he hated that I was a fujo) and after at least one year of being single (still am). I just hate seeing women being abused and all of us being told that it's normal and that we should want it too. I hate misogyny and I hate injustice, it's that simple.
But I understand that there are women who do feel insecure and jealous, it makes perfect sense after all, since a moid who watches porn is ogling and getting off to other women who are naked and being abused. I do believe it is a form of cheating when put that way, but not every woman who hates porn now does so because she felt like she was being cheated on through porn at some point. I hate it solely because of what it does to women in general (normalize abuse, sexual violence, misogyny, etc). And now I could never, ever date a moid who has such little respect for women that he would watch videos of women being raped and get off to their torture and then try to recreate said torture in real life with their partner and then also defend rapists because they don't think rape is even real anymore. For me it's a matter of principles, whether a man jerks off to misogynistic shit determines his values and worth as a person to me. A man who likes porn has lower empathy for women, that's a proven fact and it's something that permeates society everywhere. You can be a
victim of the effects of porn without even having a boyfriend through your interactions with random men on the street.
It's really, really fucking weird of
>>325818 to try to force others to "admit" that they hate porn because they were jealous of pornstars and that women can't possibly hate men who watch porn because of other reasons. It's like saying you can only hate the ultra rich elites because you're jealous and want to be as rich as them, not because they exploit us all and actively work to keep us from having any sort of power over our own environment. If you found out that your husband consumes CP would you say the children being abused make you insecure, or would you just be absolutely disgusted and disturbed at the kind of degenerate monster you married? Well, for some of us, the latter is similar to our reaction to men who watch "normal" porn (only of course CP is miles worse but you get the point). Moids who watch porn are immoral and don't care about the humanity of women.
No. 325952
>>325818I have a great body and most women in porn are average teen girls who are being raped. A normal woman doesn't see a raped 18 yo girl and go "omgz im so jealous she has bigger titzz wtf!!", that's male logic. Men are the ones who get insecure of their average/small dick sizes after watching porn. I once told a guy his dick was a little small and he had a full on mental breakdown on me, you're telling me men aren't the ones who are insecure? Lmao.
I'm sorry but a man wanting to beat me up scares me more than him possibly liking girls who have bigger tits than me, I care more about my safety and wellbeing just like any average woman.
And I used to watch this stuff when I was young, never got insecure then either. Maybe deeply insecure women get
triggered by porn but that's not the case for most women.
That's why I wouldn't care if my bf jerked to other stuff as long as it's not violent BUT nowadays all porn is violent so it definitely bothers me.
No. 325956
>>325952Good for you. I don't have a great body and I am very insecure. Yeah it makes me feel like shit if my bf looks at other women. Especially because they are unrealistically perfect, filtered, bleached, operated on and 10 years younger than me. I don't know why your personal experience is supposed to universally apply to women. I feel just as bad being compared to Bella Delphine as a man being compared to some chad with a big dick. Not all porn is beating and raping. By your logic a man watching hentai or OnlyFans would be totally fine. It's not tho because it destroys intimacy in the relationship.
You have been derailing this thread for weeks now because you are unhappy with our reasons for wanting porn free men and are on some weird moral purity crusade. Stop.
No. 325963
>>325956Stop pushing your insecurities onto others. If you feel jealous of RAPED teen girls, you're mentally ill and disgusting. Go get on a diet or something instead of accusing every other woman of being jealous like you. Ew. Am I supposed to feel bad that you're ugly and fat as if you didn't attack anons and start infights because you can't accept that women think differently?
Also the post I made yesterday and today are the first times I've really voiced my opinion about this, not everyone who says they're not jealous is me. If you feel jealous of a random skinny girl, go get on a diet instead of trying to excuse RAPE AND ABUSE in porn you ugly bitch. Stop accusing every woman of being insecure losers like yourself. I can't believe that you think a man jerking it to a manipulated woman who's being taken advantage of doesn't matter but her being young and cute does.
God I hate people like you. Imagine being jealous of a
victim of sex trafficking or abuse because she's younger and prettier. You really are disgusting.
>>325957Does he suffer from mental issues? He could very well be jerking off even without porn or be suffering from a mental block of sorts. Try to talk about it to him openly. Hope it's not anything serious and you guys resolve it easily.
No. 325966
>>325957Can be due to porn, can also be due to other reasons
No. 325968
>>325962No. He's usually extra horny when he is stressed out too cause it makes him feel better. I assume he is jerking off due to stress too much so he can't get it up for me anymore.
>>325963Idk how to "talk to him about it" because he lies to me and says he's not jerking off and not doing anything because he knows I don't want him to do that. I am always up for sex so he doesn't have a necessity to jerk off. He is doing it for no reason and ruining our sex life so I am not inclined to try and empathise with him cause it's something he needs to quit.
>>325964Its not
No. 325977
>>325973Why exactly do you think this is a troll post? What exactly would be the pay-off? Where is the funny part? I don't get why you keep saying this making me feel more like shit about this embarrassing situation.
I already told him it's very important for me. There's nothing really more for me to do just wait and see if he gets his shit together or not. My issue is… what do I do now? I am so put off my this I really don't want to have sex anymore cause it was so humiliating for me and I don't want it to happen again but if I don't then he will just keep jerking off more and it will just get worse. It just sucks so much.
No. 325986
>>325981>Did he have any sort of plan? No he just got angry at me for being upset by this
>did he not even offer to get you off in another way (like fingers, oral)?Lol, no. He never does that, which was ok with me cause I can have orgasms from intercourse and it was always good. Honestly was also very turned off by that situation and felt depressed and shitty.
>Can you sit him down and ask him genuinely if he's been jerking off? Tell him you won't be mad, but you need to take the steps to improve your sex life and this is a big detriment to that. Can you even trust him to be honest about this? I tried and he got angry that I would accuse him of that, which to me is a huge indicator he feels caught and guilty and is using anger to deflect. He wouldn't be honest cause he knows how I feel about porn, that its cheating and I would break up with him.
>>325982>AYRT Sorry I just think jumping straight to the conclusion that he's been watching porn because he goes soft once is a bit of an over reaction. It happensI have been noticing him be less attracted to me and having issues for months. This is just the final straw for me. He's been less complimentary, less touchy-feely. We used to have great sex every day, sometimes multiple times a day. He'd get a boner just hugging me. He was always up and ready for it instantly. He's been taking longer to get hard and he also has been having issues finishing during sex. So I think whatever hes been doing (jerking off) has been going on for a while and his dick only now broke from it.
It makes me feel so shitty. I feel like there is just no way to have a long term relationship with a man cause they are biologically built to seek out novelty and thats why porn is so popular. You get a different woman every time. They just can't be satisfied with the same woman for 50 years and its honestly so sad cause I love him so much and still desire him the same as I always did. Just feel so undesirable now despite still putting a lot of effort into my appearance.
No. 325989
>>325986Damn. I'm sorry,
nonnie. The fact that he doesn't give a shit about anything other than intercourse is a huge red flag. Men should want to kiss your body, caress you, and give some focus to your body outside of just PIV, otherwise they are pornsick and selfish. I get that you like PIV and can orgasm from it, but imo he needs to be willing to engage with your body outside of that.
His reaction is so shitty too. Shows he has absolutely no conflict resolution skills and doesn't give a shit about resolving this and making you happy. I'm sorry you invested so much time with him, because this should have come out way sooner. I really think you should break up with him.
No. 325992
>>325988Thank you. Like many nonnies here I really thought I found the one guy who is not like the others. I think he even was/is serious about knowing how destructive porn is for relationships and how its bad for you. I just think that men, no matter how anti-porn they are, will find excuses to consume it anyways like drug addicts who go back to their addiction "just once" or "because I'm stressed" or "because she's mad at me anyways" etc and just can't stay off it long term.
I know that even if I broke up with him and found a new man the same thing would just repeat itself. I think that we just have to accept it or die alone. I just hate how much it destroys me and my confidence. I never felt so ugly and unlovable ever in my life. The man you love the most not desiring you hurts so bad.
No. 325994
>>325993No offense, but you need to stop acting like you failed or did anything wrong. He failed YOU. Even if you were 18 and had his dream body type he would still lose interest, look at porn, and fantasize about other women. He is that type of person. While it sucks you invested so much love, effort, and time in him, none of this says anything about you as a person. He sucks. That's it.
Really, I think you should take this time to work on your self-esteem. Boohoo pornsick man doesn't like you? Time to move on. I genuinely think men who don't give a shit about young woman/novelty exist, but you will never meet them while you're stuck dating losers.
No. 326003
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>>325999>>325995>>325994Thank you very much for the support.
No. 326007
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>>325995I've been looking at this subreddit and it's really heartbreaking. This post especially hit me. I think that almost all men are addicted to porn so if you date a man who was single for a long time and used to watching porn daily then he will always struggle with not doing this and he will always WANT to go back to that. Men will always want to watch porn even if they don't do it for your sake and why would I want to be with someone like that? The constant anxiety I have over this is destroying my life. Constantly wondering if he is sneaking behind my back, constantly analyzing him and our sex, is it worse today? did he jerk off again? Was it when I left to go to the doctors? When I tended our child? Is he looking at that woman on the street? Is he fantasizing about her? Is he thinking about her while being with me?
This is constant mental anguish. I am not doing this anymore.
No. 326010
>>326007I dunno, despite all the negativity on the internet I think there are still good men out there who don't get off on objectifying exploited women. I'm not going to wallow in misery because shitty people exist. I understand your mindset completely though, I would hate to be in a relationship like that and I would never settle. It's much better to be single.
Unfortunately for me, one of my dreams is having a wonderful loving relationship, so I don't feel like I can give up completely. I enjoy my own company but I just want to spend my life with someone who is worth it.
No. 326052
>>326032This isn't true, it's a myth. It's reabsorbed into the body. But a guy may have wet dreams when he stops masturbating.
>>326036You sound miserable.
No. 326058
>>326011I’m kind of past this mindset. Incoming sperg, but I’m the anon who posted previously about codependency. I used to be in a relationship with a guy I loved more than anything in the world. I loved him so much it hurt. He’s my ex now, but part of me still thinks fondly of him and cares about him. However I realize the kind of love we felt for each was so all-encompassing it was smothering. I don’t think it’s natural or healthy for a woman to love a man to such degree it’s self-obliterating. In a way we were each other’s lovers, best friends and adoptive parents, and at the time it was all I wanted. That one person who makes me feel like he will love me and accept me no matter what I do. I still think you should feel safe, loved and respected by your partner, but the love I felt erased the boundaries between what was me and what was him. Again I recommend the book “Mating in Captivity” for more on independence in relationships. The author argues that modern society expects a romantic partner to fill a multitude of roles that in the past would be filled by several people when society was more community based. It creates a lot of pressure on one person and unhealthy relationship dynamics.
The relationship I’m in now is much healthier. I consider the guy I’m with an upgrade compared to my ex, but I’m also putting in more effort to respect his boundaries and maintain my own. I love him, but realize he’s an imperfect being and might end up hurting me one day. It’s the risk you take when you’re in a relationship. It’s going great so far. Bottom line, I feel like there’s a narrative on lolcow that women’s love knows no boundaries but is it really the case, or is it a result of unrealistic romantic expectations and our existence being more isolated and dependent on one single person these days? Also is that a healthy kind of love?
No. 326156
>>326088That's schizophrenia, retard. Do you think men who jerk it to hentai waifus like you guys schlick over your husbandos are in love? Those both groups are bottom of the barrel autists.
>>326062>get in a relationship with a man you don't loveThis advice proves you guys never dated. Being with a man you don't love is torture, I tried it once and I got nauseated whenever he tried to touch me, ended up dumping him to date someone else.
No. 326165
>>326164It's not like they are wandering around to look at women but they will always oogle any woman who passes their way. If your man is working in an office he is oogling the young interns, staring at the secretaries butt, imagining what sex would be like with every woman in his office. Comes home horny from work cause the new intern wore a short skirt and will have sex with his wife's body while imagining her. Any time you leave the house with your nigel he will be looking at women who are dressed in short shorts, yogapants, skirts, tank tops, crop tops. It takes no time for him to watch her while you buy groceries to cook him dinner and he's imagining that girl later while being with you. That's how married men cope with only having one woman for the rest of their life. They just have a constant wandering eye and eye-fuck any woman in public that sparks their fancy. Men also get boners in public and tuck them into their waistband so you'll never know if your bf isn't currently rock-hard over some thot that bent over infront of him at the gas station while you are right there with him. Men will never have eyes just for you. They are not built that way.
I never hated men so much in my life and I wish I had known these things before involved with them.
No. 326173
>>326156Why are you equating males and women? Who cares what pornsick male waifufags do? A husbando is just the better option in a world full of moids that don't even have to be waifufags to be bottom of the barrel. Hate how all moids jerk off to porn but still want to fall in love? Get a husbando.
Also curious of you to describe women with husbandos as "bottom of the barrel autists" too.
No. 326217
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Since apparently some of you haven't had enough blackpills about men yet, this /r/loveafterporn subreddit is full of it.
No. 326249
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>>326248NTA but it's a risk you take I guess
No. 326253
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This appears to be the number one tell your bf might be watching porn behind your back other than sexual dysfunction/disinterest. Now that I read this I realize that this is exactly why men take so long in the bathroom. All my life I thought that men just have terrible diets and indigestion from that, but they will literally shit in the toilet and then jerk off on top of their shit (one of the reddit women's husband admitted to her he does that). That is how vile men are. Now I am reminded of my own family members who are male taking long in the bathroom despite doing obviously no personal groomin. I am sick.
No. 326266
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>>326253This post had me curious kek. It's def something some moids do, but there are also anatomical differences that make scrotes worse at pooping.
No. 326319
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I am honestly so disgusted by men at this point I can barely stand to even look at them. Whenever I see a "happy couple" outside I just think about how badly he will hurt her, when I see a man smiling at me in public I just think that he probably jerks it to degenerate porn of women being abused. I don't even see men as human anymore, they don't feel love and affection the way we do. Because if you love someone you aren't so selfish. Men will always put their pleasure about your feelings. They deserve nothing. They are depraved. I still remember when I found out that rule34 was a thing and that men are drawing porn of every disney princess and childhood cartoon I watched. That really broke something in me. Even the "good ones" have jerked it to degenerate shit like loli/shota or rape, abuse, revenge porn etc sometime during their many many years of being alive with access to the internet. True love to me means only getting aroused for one person. I can honestly say that in my relationships I have never been aroused by other men even one time. All I want is the same kind of love that I give to a man. But I will never get it. I am so depressed over this.
No. 326491
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>>326488Playboy and other magazines like that were wildly popular with boomer men. Before that they had pin-up calendars and shit like picrel and in the stone ages they would just draw a bunch of titties on the wall of their cave. Men have always chosen fictional, idealistic depictions women over their flesh and blood partners.
No. 326502
>>326491>fictional, idealistic depictionsKek we do that too. Our monkey brain thinks they are real.
Sometimes I despise the internet for what it's done to boys and girls. Then I think back and… yeah. The good ol' times were just as bad, but in a different way.
No. 326535
>>326165>Men will never have eyes just for you. They are not built that is true. and it's why heterosexual relationships are fucking doomed imo. it's why when men had even more power than they do currently, women were fully property and just there to be tolerated vaginas around the male living quarters. it's why so many cultures had extreme polygamy and so many still practice it. men are biologically wired to want to dump their coom in as many women as possible and they can't truly be satisfied with just one woman.
it's why, similarly, women who have a bunch of casual sex aren't really satisfied by it. fucking a ton of dudes doesn't satisfy anything biologically for us. we want a strong partner to give us strong babies. we don't want to ensure our dna spreads as much as possible. monogamy is doomed to fail and polygamy disgusts me so i choose to be forever alone instead of waste my time with a moid.
No. 326538
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>>326535>women who have a bunch of casual sex aren't really satisfied by itSpeak for yourself. Please.
No. 326545
>>326538man does it hurt to see this again. hope you find your strength
>>326540most men aren't good at sex and the onus should not be on women to try and pick through mediocre dick to find it. be less of a pickme.
No. 326546
>>326542I'm bi, but that's not the point.
>if a man can not do this at a woman's whimMost men are hornier than most women. Do you really want him trying to initiate sex when you don't want it? That's "woman's duty, spread your legs and think about England" all over again.
No. 326547
>>326545It's not my fault you have been gaslighting yourself into some sort of baby fever. I'm not hardwired to sniff out superior sperm or whatever, that's a (You) problem.
Guess what? Those who practice casual sex do it because they enjoy the experience. Do not project your feelings onto them. I promise you we're not suffering deep inside.
No. 326566
>>326554To reiterate what said
>>326551 the random racism and oddly presuming everyone here is white is such a kiwiscrote thing.
No. 326575
>>326572Girl please, i have literally criticized the medium for years and made radfem analyses on it… women aren't idiots anon, i know very well how even normal things (like eating icecream or working out) are overly sexualized in most anime, especially slice of life anime.
If i were to leave out misogynistic media, i would only remain with about 2 or 3 series to watch, in anime and other mediums combined.
Yes a woman is raped in berserk, the private parts arent shown and its meant to horrify you. Should we condemn any media that portrays rape? Why don't you talk about the ways in which the character it happened to recovered and reclaimed her voice?
You have an irrational bias and seem to carry it over to me as a person by assuming i'm some yes-woman who doesn't notice the obvious
No. 326586
>>326585He actually has male friends he goes out with frequently, i said he doesn't have FEMALE friends
He's not a waifufag either
No. 326593
>>326589Oh shit, an actual smart take!
Thanks for raising the bar anon. Now that you mention it, it's kinda sus
No. 326598
>>326596Destroying which boundaries? Reducing what screentime? The only thing we ask of each-other is to avoid ecchis/"boobs-n-gore" and it's no big deal since we don't have any current interest in it anyway…
His religion is in fact an issue for me at times but the rest isn't and hasn't once bothered us
No. 326602
>>326600No, to women jerking dildos off
Nona please stop, i already have to live with the fact he loves shit like dragon ball with big buff guys and "jokes" with his MALE friends by pretending to hump them and kiss them, don't you fuel the gaydar now
No. 326607
>>326606Let me get this straight. Your boyfriend
>suddenly becomes super religious>doesn't like porn… at all>is completely 100% okay with not having female friends>humps his friends' assesMy diagnosis is bisexual with a case of internalized homophobia.
No. 326613
>>326612Nice stereotypes you have there. If op's boyfriend really has gay tendencies, he's clearly ashamed of them. Probably wants to marry op and try to be a good husband. Might succeed since he's not a complete homo and cuddling op gives him a boner.
But I'm just spitballing.
No. 326619
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>>326617I'll patiently wait for you to tell me where in the Bible Jesus says anime is cringe.
No. 326632
>>326631kek anon
Honestly I can imagine catholic /pol/fags being both against and for anime, I've seen both. And I've seen both with catholic normies too. Reasons behind it are what matters.
No. 326700
>>326694Because i wanted to ask if you suspected that he watches porn, not if his anime taste was cool enough or if it's based of him not to have female friends.
I didn't ask about anything else, just if he seemed like the sneaky coomer type. Because, you know… it's what this thread is supposed to be about
No. 326723
>>326722>but you didn't take it wellThis would be true if it wasn't just some of you sperging that "anime bad!" without explaining how it could connect to porn use.
Now that you actually bothered to argue properly, I can see your point. He isn't into 2D so the chances aren't so high in my opinion, but the risk remains
At last i managed to get an actual reply to my simple question!
No. 326724
>>326723While i'm at it, i just wanna point out some incoherences in what I read on here, both before and after my posting
>if he watches anime it's a red flag>ummm you DARE control what he watches?? Or
>omg you literally can't leave moids alone for 5 seconds! They will use those to jerk off in the next room?>ummmm lol you don't let your man have female friends? Weird??? Thats a literally useless boundary?It's not adding up
No. 326736
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Oh no, the admins put this banner on the site! This must mean they are hentai-addicted coomers!
No. 326740
>>326723The AYRT explained the connection very well.
R34 culture is deeply intertwined with otaku culture. It's practically inescapable if you use the internet at all, and every single moid who watches anime also jerks off to porn of the female characters.
Fucking look at PreCure, it's completely non-sexualized, cutesy magical girl anime for little girls, yet Japanese scrotes still made a huge fandom of it because they want to fuck the main characters. They're the Japanese bronies. The moidpandering magical girl anime sub-genre was born in the 80s because studios realized otaku moids are pedophiles who will sexualize anything innocent as long as it involves female characters, and buy tons of merch.
Since then studios have also realized that sex sells, especially to men, and they use that to their advantage designing most female characters of almost any age to be sexually appealing, so they'll hopefully get popular through hentai doujin.
And with the internet, R34 has been getting overwhelmingly popular almost overnight, to the point it's common knowledge that there's a ton of porn of every female character ever and it's constantly joked about and referenced by moids online and in real life.
So yeah, being a male anime fan is the same as being a coomer.
>>326651Not to mention Kentaro Miura openly defended pedophiles/lolifags justifying the existence of that genre. Of course he was a degenerate and all the rape scenes weren't "meaningful", they were about as "artistic" as rape scenes in horror movies by scrotes.
>>326736That banner was made ages ago and when moids were still allowed here I think? Either way a lot of people have already complained about it and want it removed. It's one of the most commonly complained about banners iirc.
No. 326742
>>326733AYRT but if your boyfriend really hated lolicon that much or found 2D weird, he wouldn't stand watching anime because depictions of girls and women in anime are already weird as fuck and detached from reality, and because sexual assault and pedophilia jokes are common in anime too. That includes all of the anime/manga you mentioned your boyfriend likes.
It may not seem like an extreme case because anime "weirdness" has already been normalized in the mainstream, but him being desensitized to it is indeed a red flag and you should be careful.
No. 326743
>>326740Oh wow, a paragraph of shit i already know! Sorry girl but if a scrote can't even look at PreCure without sexualizing it, he's a whole ass pedo, that's not normal.
And whereas little girls are sexualized in some anime, adult women are sexualized in most irl series. I would say that maybe my moid watching shit like attack on titan isn't the problem? Since what he watches/likes isn't any loli shit, and the only loli shit he's seen is things he's been recommended and stopped watching after seeing the degeneracy.
Who even is Miura? Asked my moid and he didn't know
The banner thing was a joke but i am not surprised it completely flew over your head.
No. 326744
>>326743If he into precure in that sort of way DUMP!
Idk if they watch silly anime shows like that or sailor moon but there’s a line lmao
I agree
No. 326746
>>326742To be fair, he watched me play a danganronpa game and cringed at a beach scene and said "why do they have to be so naked?" So desensitized isn't exactly right, he just tends to think it's "a fucked up japanese thing" though that's lowkey racist ngl
The rest of what you said is true, but i'll be honest, as a radfem/
terf i myself tend to consume media while turning a blind eye to the bad shit once i made a first-time analysis (unless it's too severe to gloss over), you gotta tolerate some bullshit in order to have entertainment or else you would never watch anything at all. It's a sad reality
No. 326747
>>326744Don't worry, he's not
He's into demon slayer, berserk, attack on titan, dragon ball and jujutsu kaisen, as well as spy family and komi cant communicate, also a silent voice
The sussest out of these is Komi, and my worry is that he views it as a genuine and accurate portrayal of anxiety, which it is ABSOLUYELY FUCKING NOT
No. 326751
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Those anons when your normie ass moid who occasionally watches anime isn't a complete neckbeard and is decent to you
No. 326752
>>326743Kentaro Miura was the creator of Berserk, retard. You could've just copy-pasted that name on Google and gotten your answer.
The PreCure thing was just an extreme example of the relationship between anime and coomer fandom. It means that when grown ass men watch anime they're going to find a way to sexualize the female characters even if they weren't designed for that purpose, and produce tons of drawn porn. Especially so if the characters were meant to be sexualized like in DB, SpyxFamily, etc. Shounenshit is notorious for this. You even mentioned at the beginning that he watched Dragon Maid and Nagatoro, two coomer anime. And he was just watching it because it's "haha so weird"? Sounds like a childish excuse to me like he's hiding something. Anyway, it's a red flag whether you like it or not. I didn't say it's definite proof that he's using porn just that you should watch out. Jesus
No. 326753
>>326752>he watched it because it's weirdI said he checked it out because it got hyped to him and stopped when he saw the degen shit.
How about you stop spamming your post over and over and take your meds, you raging schizo
No. 326759
>>326753Oh, sorry, my mistake. I read "brushed off the creepy shit" and assumed he kept watching but just ignored or pretended to ignore the coomer parts. You never know, but again, saying anime (or TikTok/whatever) is a red flag just means it could
potentially mean he's a coomer. It's just a possibility and doesn't confirm it but it's something to keep in mind.
I'm not spamming, I just deleted my posts to add more information and reply to new posts I didn't see while writing my reply.
No. 326762
>>326756>you totally don't look unhinged, especially when you act like rape is hot.My god I take back my politeness. Rape isn't hot, it's the artist who can decide to depict it as something that is hot for his fellow perverts. That's why you can never know what a scrote really thinks of those kinds of scenes. A lot of them are aroused by murder scenes in movies where women are killed, and that's not because
I think women being murdered is hot, it's because those men literally have admitted it, and because movie directors have literally being exposed as misogynists, porn addicts, pedos, fetishists etc. so it would be stupid to think the violent and sexual scenes they create don't have anything to do with their sick fetishes.
Anyway this debate is pretty much pointless since nothing you said about your boyfriend is damning evidence that he watches porn, there's no way we can know.
No. 326764
>>326762>Anyway this debate is pretty much pointless since nothing you said about your boyfriend is damning evidence that he watches porn, there's no way we can know.Well shit
I'll see myself out
No. 326795
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Nonnies, I have one of these. We are even married now. The answer is find an outdoorsy, rural boy. They are simple and sweet and don't really understand the internet. They want to be outside climbing a mountain and chopping wood. Get one of these. Top tier.
No. 326826
>>326821>>326824>Lololol she defended her manFuck, you're right, obviously i should've dumped him on the spot for watching the blatant cp that are dbz and aot!
It's funny how it looks like i'm the one who had a supposed meltdown when anons here tried to nitpick at every smallest detail to make my moid seem like some degenerate. Maybe i'm biased because i'm an anime-fan but come on
No. 326843
>>326826This is the most autistic thread on lolcow atm. It could have been an interesting discussion imo, but derails into low effort trolling. I made a couple of posts here where people disagreed with my views, the next day those same retards (apparently one or two anons) are stealing arguments from my post using them against anon with the animu bf. No point responding when people are just gonna bait you/argue in bad faith.
>>326827And there you have it
No. 326848
I think in any interpersonal relationship, especially a romantic one, you have to accept the fact that a person could potentially disappoint/hurt you emotionally in some way. It’s the risk that comes with any relationship. If you find a partner you like, who you have sexual chemistry with, who wants to spend time with you, has hobbies, is social, a stand-up guy/girl, i.e. is a functional grown up, then there’s no point obsessing about it. Judge a person on their actions. You should assert boundaries and make your feelings towards porn known, but you can’t control what he or she actually does. That also means if they end up breaking your boundaries, e.g. if you have a zero tolerance towards porn and you catch them watching porn, you should stand your ground and dump them. Otherwise it turns into a control issue and you start losing your sleep and hair over it like those women on loveafterporn subreddit. Nothing kills attraction more than knowing your dude is hunched over a blue screen, doomscrolling and touching his peepee with a dead eyed look on his face for hours. Like it doesn’t get more pathetic than that for a guy, so just move on swiftly.
No. 326851
>>326848>nothing gets more pathetic Animu bf anon here ig, sorry that i keep flooding so much but you subtly made a pretty important point. An important part of getting over heartbreak after catching your moid watching porn is to realize that he's pathetic and that you did nothing wrong. It's what women need to remember if they feel "jealous" of the porn actresses (i know there is nothing to be jealous of since those girls suffer) or when they feel like the moid they lost was valuable in any way.
Women as a whole should start being extremely strict on the no porn boundary, because when you think about it, men are much less valuable partners than us due to their cumbrains and should strive to be immaculate when it comes to this shit if they want to be loved. But that won't happen because doormat handmaidens are a thing. I myself have been very selective when picking mine but i consider myself to have bullshit luck, unless he's secretely a serial killer or something
TLDR most moids are pathetic and not worth suffering and stressing over
No. 326908
>>326867>>326869LMAO stay mad! Foaming at the mouth kek
Not all anime has that, and sorry to inform you but half of lolcow's users is into anime. I can already imagine you taking your little bitchfit over to the husbando thread…
Keep malding about me
while my man spoils me and stays manlier than any fag you'll ever attract(infighting) No. 326921
>>326919Who said we enjoyed it? Are you trying to make me look bad on purpose or are you a schizo? Yeah we don't skip the dark parts of the media we consume, doesn't mean we like it and doesn't mean we actively look for it.
I take back what i said about you coming from twitter, even twitter users are smarter holy shit
No. 326923
>>326920Don't make us laugh, also i bet you're the anon who sperged about all anime being cp
I get your post is meant to be edgy, but if any of this makes you react beyond raising an eyebrow you have a mental disability
No. 326925
>>326922You're so pathetic… please explain to me how dbz, aot or madoka are hypersexual. This isn't rethorical, actually explain it to me please.
But hey you saw one meme about there being a pipeline on 4chan and took it at face value, so it must be real right?
No. 326928
>>326922Give a
nonnie a break please, she's watching anime herself and don't find it arousing or degenerate. So she's only projecting on her man thinking if she doesn't wanna coom to it meaning her man doesn't wanna too.
No. 326931
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>>326926Mfw my moid and i horrifiedly saw a rape scene and so that makes him a degen coomer. Fuck… Guess it's time to call the cops on him. Gotta get him behind bars quick, i don't feel safe with this madman out in these streets
No. 326940
>>326937He's not a gamer thank fuck, or the discord mod type of guy
>>326938I read that post like 3 times and still don't get what you're rambling about. The original schizo meltdown
>>326939To be fair he had to take a break from it after that. I didn't but then again i'm no moid so no need to worry about me
No. 326941
>>326936>>326935>>3269341. Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh monsters aren't real animals and they don't depict real animals in a sexual way like half these anime depict teen girls/women.
2. Plenty of furries/zoofags in the ranks of Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon fans. Primarily male, because they can't handle not involving their dicks in things they like.
No. 326945
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>>326928Women always do this. They literally can not relate to how disgusting men are so they always give the benefit of a doubt and project their own innocence onto men. Like, I watched Spongebob as a kid and never found it to be sexual. It's obviously not sexual. Yet you will find millions of millions of rule34 pictures of Spongebob out there. And that's not even a show that caters to moid fetishes unlike anime where all the main characters are pretty girls or have pretty girl sidekicks. Men an literally sexualize anything and they do. We can't imagine looking at two vaguel ballsack shaped rocks and getting wet, but men will look at a booty-shaped tree stump and go to half-mast. It is what is is. Women need to wise up to this and stop being delusional.
No. 326948
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Thankfully her moid only watches very wholesome anime like Dragon Ball, which NEVER caters to disgusting creepy coomer males. I chose not to include the many MANY MAAAAANY instances of Son Goku as a child being depicted completely naked, with his tiny baby penis flopping in the wind, since I personally think shota is fucking disgusting.
No. 326951
>>326948I'm probably about to blow your mind, but get this: watching something doesn't mean you approve of every element that it includes.
Shocking right?
No. 326954
>>326944Did you forget on what kind of site you're on?
>>326940Ooh am I the schizo or a shotafag now, for cringing at your autistic thread about finding a porn-free dick?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, good luck not getting up at middle in the night with a moid jacking off to porn. Cheers.
No. 326958
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>>326956That post was brought to you by picrel
No. 326962
>>326948their faces looks like a child BTW, disgusting pedo moids ruin everything.
>>326951don't bother with them nonna, their reasoning are NPC tier
No. 326965
>>326960A little, but it's okay. This doesn't mean all men are bad or anything, you just have to be mindful of the ones you allow in your company. It's probably fine if he likes anime, but if he's into only moe shit/hentai/fap bait anime, or he's heavy into rule 34 of other types of anime, cut your losses. Lots of men can't consume media like anime responsiblely because they can't
not involve their dicks in the process. Liking a female character without liking her body or sexuality is somewhat unheard-of. Even the female characters who would hate to be sexualized get sexualized. Sometimes harder than their other counterparts m
No. 326969
>>326955Please stop with this dumb names calling and give me a solid reason why i'm wrong.
Or are you just trolling, which i'm not that surprised honestly.
No. 326976
>>326971But if I take meds, voices in my head will disappear and I will have no reason to hang out with my schizo nonnas on lc.
Maybe if you take some you can become normal too. Does anti-autistic meds exist I wonder?
(infighting) No. 326977
>>326976Is a "no u" all you can do? Come on, try harder
Especially now that i'm ready to move on from this thread because i solved my problem, just pretend i'm still there, shouldn't be hard for a schizo
No. 327145
>>327142Anon this is really sad, please stop sending nudes and delete them off of his devices if you can. And then break up because wtf are these expectations. The moid should be single for life.
I have been in this situation btw and it fucking sucks. But you cannot let scrotes set such a low bar of their own willpower and self-control. They do not need naked pictures of anyone, it’s a desire that they have. And now you’ve potentially fucked over your own life for this trash moid by sending him naked pictures for his little weenie to get hard. Please take my advice and leave him. Stay single and build some self-respect.
No. 327149
>>326848BASED. This is 100% my view as well as a former devoted gf who would have been posting to Reddit about my porn addicted bf. I learned the hard way, ugh.
Obviously you need to make it known that porn is a boundary beforehand. If they know that and still watch it then you leave and don’t look back—it’s fucking pathetic/degenerate behavior from a moid that no woman should take personally. No relationship is worth constant surveillance and trust issues. Just stick to your boundaries and do not give any second chances.
No. 327158
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For me personally, knowing all men watch porn empowers me to see them all as subhuman garbage. Why should I love someone who cums to graphic depictions of human suffering? So I have a question for this thread: why are you all doubling down? Why is your reaction to this "well I just need to try harder to find my fair prince"?
No. 327221
>>327175If you get
triggered by words, go back to your own website, femcel. I'm not one of those anons who called you femcel before but I also agree that if you're a femcel, you'll be called one.
>>327206I'd be happy but if you're still upset, it's because you're jealous he's getting off to other women and that'd completely natural. Would your bf be fine with you listening to audios of men and getting aroused by nude imagery of OTHER men? I doubt it. It's normal to be uncomfortable with your partner consuming this content, you should have a talk with him
No. 327238
>>327224Femcel is imageboard terminology. Now go back to /r9k/ or /cc/ to cry about never getting a good man because you yourself are an autistic jobless ugly neet. Femcels are no different than incels didn't a femcel tif shoot up a school?
>>327232Femcels are like incels, bottom of the barrel women who will attack other women for dating men and blaming them when the man in question hurts/cheats/watches porn etc. because they think dating a man means willingly accepting abuse just like how incels think dating a woman means you accept being cheated on or used for your money. They usually believe in similar stuff and both tend to be autistic losers so I call the female equivalent femcel.
No. 327258
>>327238>jobless ugly neetI have a regular job plus I earn money from my hobby plus I'm conventionally attractive and I get hit on by men that other women call good quality, who are educated and earn nice money and are tall and with head full of hair, instead of balding manlets, and yet I never engage with them because I hate men, I also don't befriend women who fuck and cape for men because I also hate them. Am I a femcel? Kek
even if all the women you're talking about were
bottom of the barrel autistic women, they still would be right, and you would be wrong.
Just say that you think there has to be something wrong with women who hate heteronormativity, handmaidens and sucking dick because it's so natural and normal and good for us and no sane woman, who isn't bottom of the barrel, would oppose this. That's just another version of
you think what you think because no one wants you by moids. Just say that if we allowed ourselves to be fucked by a
good quality man with his disgusting dick, it would
fix us. I know it's what you think.
No. 327259
>>327258Holy autism. Why are you in this thread again?
>>327238Based take
No. 327279
>>327265The problem is the thread is called “finding porn-free men and having porn-free relationships” but any good discussion is interrupted by manhating polilez such as
>>326174 coming in to shit-stir because straight women dare enjoy sex/relationships with moids. As if there isn’t a very own special board for these people. I’m sorry the only experience some of you have had with scrotes are from your chan days, but it’s not the case for every woman out there. Agree this thread is shit.
No. 327283
>>327260I've been posting here for over 2 years
>>327262Because they're handmaidens I guess and thank you
No. 327284
>>327279nta but i don't see how
>>326174 is wrong. i've seen completely normie men on social media (and heard some unfortunate real life convos too) talk about finding girls that young attractive
No. 327489
>>327487>rule 34>finds most other girls disgusting?
>i got extremely lucky.?????????
No. 327602
>>327572This is the type of anon that I call "femcel". Get help.
>>327415Incel was literally created by women who couldn't date, femcel was used by a bunch of redditor women who also couldn't date. They had a subreddit that got shut down because reddit never allows female only stuff. Stop making up shit.
No. 327637
>>327596Oh he is not anymore, we are sleeping together kek. But he said he had no interest in sleeping around, masturbate or watch porn. And that he had dated a girl who he wasn't actually into and couldn't bring himself to sleep with her. I mean he could lie to impress me, but tbh I told him before that I was dating a guy who I had very frequent sex with at the same time he was with him ex, so its not like he had a reason to lie? Plus I had a porn addiction when we met which I told him about. I get lying if it seemed like I was very "pure" but I told him I wasn't, so its not like he had to lie to feel like I would want him. He said in his younger days he had watched a lot of porn and slept with girls he didn't like, and that he regretted it a lot, so he stopped. Which I have done as well so that ok with me.
Plus we have very normal, not pornlike sex, he doesn't have porn induced views on women and doesn't have coomer humor, so I actually do believe he isn't currently watching porn. And I have told him about when I have relapsed with porn in our realtionship so I do think he would tell me too.
No. 328198
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The state of moids.
No. 328206
>>327207All cupcakes have at least a little amount of shit in in it, literally. Check out labels that say "may contain traces of", and "soy" is included, but "rat feces" is omitted purposefully.
Don't eat cupcakes
No. 331573
>>323314Yup and this is why I couldn’t care less about guys who do nofap. The only men who seem to care about not watching porn are recovering addicts who frequently relapse. And I’m not interested at all. The damage is already done by that point. A guy who has been jerking off to porn since he was 10 years old will never be ‘normal’ in any way. Doesn’t matter if he stops at 20 and never watches porn again, you can’t undo all that damage.
A lot of people wonder why millennial and zoomer males are so weird and either sexist rapey creeps, simps or avoidant socially awkward spergs. It’s literally just porn making them that way. If I meet a moid who is overly creepy and forward, or one who is super awkward shy and avoidant of women, I know he has a porn addiction either way.
No. 331674
>>331644I love watching my bf touch himself for me, but I’m a bit boy crazy. I think it’s dependent on the context. If you're connecting and sharing your sexuality with someone I think it can be super hot, but when you're hiding away so you can compulsively touch your schlong for hours and hours it's pretty much as sad as it gets.
>>331650This. I also get the feeling there are a lot of NEETs here who think every man in the world are lurking the internet 24/7 because they themselves are. I think normal adults who live a productive life are less likely to be in the habit of masturbating/watching porn excessively (though of course any amount of watching porn is excessive imo). You'll always have some men who are high achievers in addition to being sex addicted freaks, but in general how are you gonna have the time or resolve to do normal adult things when you are so dopamine addicted? My guy friend who has discussed his porn habits with me says masturbating pretty much only comes to mind when he is bored, it's not like he is horny 24/7. Porn/nutting all the time tends to either make men more sex-obsessed, or deplete them of their energy and will to live. Look for signs of mood dysregulation/dopamine desensitization in general.
No. 331707
>>331674it's not only smelly socially inept terminally online neets who watch porn, it's also men working low socioeconomic jobs that go clubbing and have sex in their 20s-40's
no one needs to watch porn or masturbate, it's just modern conditioning, if your nigel is doing it he doesn't really believe there's an issue with it
No. 331721
>>331707For sure, my point was I think a lot of anons are so isolated from normal society they forget people exist who don’t have the time or interest in spending hours a day beating their meat or looking at yoga videos on youtube or whatever because life is good for them. I think excessive porn use is often related to dopamine desensitization in general, and people who struggle with that are usually losers in several aspects of life.
>it's also men working low socioeconomic jobs that go clubbing and have sex in their 20s-40'sI rest my case
No. 331727
>>331723What the actual fuck.
Man some guy i was in the talking stage recently told me he would jerk off while we were just calling because i was doing silly voice impressions of video game characters and he found that incredibly hot. (Voice lines were in no way sexual)
Made me feel so fucking dirty after, like i was just having innocent fun and he was jerking off?????
Men get so mad they cant get a girlfriend but then they pull ultra autistic stunts like these…
No. 331754
>>331740>communist Russia>less sexist and misogynisticlmao nope
t. slav
No. 331763
>>331759Yes, there was a large percentage of female engineers, but that felt a tea spoon of honey in a vat of shit. We didn't have pads, tampons, birth control, and toilet paper. Women, even the professionals with degrees and government jobs, were expected to tolerate domestic and sexual abuse. You could get raped by the boss, or some thug if we talk the post-Soviet 90s, and no one would be able to do anything because the cronyism was everywhere, kind of like air. Having a child outside of marriage was a societal death sentence. Fun times.
No. 332027
>>332023I know. Those are the hardest porn addicts anon. But even if you are just a casual consoomer, one porn is a porn too many. It would be easier to find a unicorn than to find a honest pornfree guy. If he’s not the lowest of the low 24/7 incel coomer, then he still watches porn from time to time. If he doesn’t, then he’s still looking at twitch streamers or yoga videos on youtube. If he doesn’t, then still watched GoT. If he doesn’t, then he’ll still steal a glance at another woman once in a while or god forbid smile at her. If he doesn’t do any of those it’s simply a lie. It doesn’t matter how successful, active, social, talented, kind, attractive and attentive he is in other aspects of life. He is Schrödinger’s coomer.
No. 332030
nonny, everyone knows all guys who enjoy GoT loves rape or at the very least finds it a little bit titillating. If he doesn’t then he’s emotionally indifferent to it or worse, thinks it’s great storytelling.
No. 332099
>>332093Same here. I hate the whole "men are visual, and women get off to CONTEXT and RELATIONSHIP DYNAMICS" shtick. No, thank you very much, I prefer long slim legs and pretty face and nice back and, god help me, I can get off while picturing a foot job. And yes, I sometimes imagine unrelated stuff during sex. And yes, I ogle at attractive strangers through my sunglasses.
I feel very uncomfortable when people try to put me on some moral high ground pedestal because I'm a woman.
No. 332105
>>332093>>332099Okay, I'm glad you guys posted because I've been monitoring this thread and
>>332060 made me feel like things had truly gone off the rail.
No. 332107
>>332099>I can get off while picturing a foot job.Also, I need to get something off my chest.
I love my feet.
I have pretty feet.
I spend time and effort and money on my feet.
Footjobs are cute. Or, convenient.
I love having my feet played with.
Fuck you, I don't care what you guys think.
No. 332117
>>332107You should have put nta right at the beginning because for me it's the other way around. I love receiving foot jobs.
The point is, being porn-free doesn't mean puritan. I hate porn for the way it promotes violent and degrading sex. I hate it for the industry, the trafficking, and the treating human body as commodity. I hate it for frying our dopamine receptors. I do NOT think about modesty or appropriate behavior when I oppose porn.
No. 332122
>>332119>Where did you hear that from? I've heard it from muslim men. Also I've seen it. Arab guys (foreign students) sometimes faint from a lap dance. Literally get a nose bleed. Cum hands free. It all depends on his background. Experienced porn watchers don't get this effect, of course, but you can always tell which one is the degenerate by his face when he first enters a place with dozens of scantily dressed girls.
> it’s so nasty how even with religion condemning men from looking at women for too longThat's why they watch porn. Internet is the only opportunity to see a woman's knees kek.
No. 332234
>>332230Put yourself in his shoes. Imagine your girlfriend interrogates you like that.
If he does watch some porn in secret, your hour-long talks are not going to change anything. If he doesn't watch porn, you're just nagging him and he thinks you're neurotic. That shit is detrimental to your relationship either way, and that's why you should stop. Even breaking into his phone while he's asleep would be better. In fact, if you know how to do it stealthily, I recommend it.
No. 332241
>>332235Oh wow, you are actually
No. 332242
>>332238Actually the more I think about it, if the phone comes back “clean” i literally still will not believe him. I don’t know if it’s worth wasting my time
>>332241Who cares? He’s most likely guilty anyway
No. 332306
>>332222>>332235I think I skew older than most of this thread/site, so let's revisit some basics.
Trust is fundamental. Your constant suspicion and accusations toward your boyfriend, despite no proof, indicates a lack of trust. Hours and hours of discussions about the same issue without conclusion indicates ineffective communication. Cornering him, interrogating him, and attacking him despite his distress and even crying is you being a bitch.
You're certainly not the only one on this site doing so, but your assumptions about all men aren't applicable to every individual. Treat your partner as an individual and don't base your views of him on stereotypes.
To me it sounds like your past experiences are fucking up your current relationship. Figure your shit out. If you're unable to change your behavior, end the relationship to stop further harm to you and the boy.
No. 332309
>>332290Yes, sorry my message sounded a lot more ominous than I intended
>>332306Thank you for your reply. What's interesting is in my last relationship my bf never hid his porn addiction whatsoever, I was a pick me bitch and had no issue with it, so I've never actually experienced being betrayed with this topic but my brain has marked every single male as a porn addict now. Our conversations technically come to conclusions as in he tells me all he can tell, he's told me in explicit detail his journey with porn and sexuality in general to the point he has nothing left to tell me about it and still my brain is always waiting for some new information. He's told me at length, in detail how he had no interest in sex whatsoever until he was 17 and he shortly got an actual girlfriend who he had sex with and only turned to porn when they split up in his early 20s and only used porn for a year or two before realising he didn't like it and wanted to focus entirely on real women. He also had a traumatic experience in middle school where two "friends" forced him to watch porn as they put their penises on his shoulders and its why he never got into it until he was craving sexual connection in his early 20s. He also never virtue signals about the abuse of women in it, like don't get me wrong he does mention it, but its never a top point, he never really calls it totally disgusting, the way he talks about disliking it feels sincere, even going as far as saying a part of his dislike is how it made him have insecurity about his body and penis size which he never had before watching it. His answers never really follow the pattern of the liars I've seen online where the focus is how disgusted they are by porn and how
abusive it is, like virtue signalling what a better guy they are than other men. His answers are very believable and natural, he also has had 10 girlfriends/sexual partners so it makes sense he didn't have much time for porn habits to build up. And still this is not enough for me. I will tell him to his face "you are male, you are a pig, you are naturally deceptive" and watch him break down in tears asking me why I'm doing this to him and I still am not satisfied. If I leave him I will do this to the next one, and the next one, and the next one, because its not possible to prove a negative. I also don't want to be alone. I don't know what to do
No. 332319
>>332309Thank YOU for your reply.
Please remember your current boyfriend isn't responsible for the actions of your ex. And he is not responsible for the actions of other men.
It's important to take responsibility for your own emotions and work toward personal growth. If possible, you should consider therapy. Some jobs will give you a few BetterHelp sessions for free, so maybe look into that.
Meanwhile, stop yourself from calling him a naturally deceptive pig, or any names/labels at all. You can call him that if he actually does lie, but until that time, based on what you've said so far, I think it's in your best interest to show him some trust and work on yourself. I'm not sure what you need, but generally you can do things like self-reflect/journal, self-care, focus on building your self-worth independent of your relationship status. Start small and work your way up. You CAN break free from negative patterns over time, so just be patient, but committed.
No. 332325
>>332306>>332319>Treat your partner as an individual and don't base your views of him on stereotypes>""Stereotypes"" (implying is not proven data)>He is not responsible for the actions of other menAnon may be deranged to some extent (by staying in this relationship to begin with), but you're acting like her wariness of men is not justified which is bullshit
The problem here is that she prefers being in a crazy ass, stressful relationship with a moid even tho she highly dislikes moids
No. 332326
>>332319I understand he isn’t responsible for his actions but when every man around you is shouting about how ALL men do this, and how society is structured to empower males to do this, and it’s been scientifically proven that men lie about their usage of it, he is fighting against the odds. Porn is so easily accessible, it’s not like cheating that has several steps to entry. I don’t suspect he is cheating with an actual person whatsoever, I’d actually argue over half of men don’t go out and cheat irl, so I can recognise that. But this topic and the studies around it are why I react this way. But on the flip side I know for an absolute fact there is men who do not consume porn and there is men who don’t consume porn simply because it’s not sexy to them. Porn is fantasy and doesn’t look like real sex so logically there will be men who don’t get off to it. I read a post by a woman who said her father who molested and raped her during the entirety of her childhood would tell her he hates porn simply because it’s fake and will never beat the real thing, I bring that up because it shows that it’s possible for a male to just fundamentally dislike porn and there’s no context where it would appeal to them, rather than it being a moral issue. My bf hasn’t done anything to make me think he likes porn, I know logically men can dislike porn, but my brain just won’t rest. I do journal and things but it doesn’t really help. I don’t think it’s possible for me to ever trust a male
>>332325I hate males but I love having a romantic partner. Outside of these conversations we have a very healthy relationship, he is always there for me and supports me, anything I want he will make it happen, anything I ask of him he always does it. It’s helped my mental health in a huge way overall having him in my life as crazy as that sounds even with this issue, he even said that’s why this hurts him so reply me doing this because it feels like we have such a healthy relationship then out of nowhere I’m calling him all this stuff and accusing him of betraying me and not even loving me
No. 332471
This is me
>>332326He’s calling me in about two hours for us to break up. He doesn’t know I’m going to end it yet I don’t think but he has to sense something is wrong. I’m way sadder about this than I thought but he’ll have his porn to get him through this
No. 332527
>>332507And this is why you'll always be like
>>332222 seething about your retarded bf because you were pathetic enough to lower your standards instead of actually trying.
No. 332546
>>332506>he had goon sessions with his friends while the whole family was in the house>and inviting over women who would actually come to me (barely even teenager at the time) sobbing about the horrible shit he asked them to do.>I mean beast/cp videos left open on the family pcjfc anon did no one report him for anything? (i don't mean you obviously, some family member, any women or just someone) i'm pretty sure exposing children to porn is illegal, and no doubt beast/cp is.
Getting men in the house is the most worrisome part, really hope nothing worse happened to you and you feel better nowadays
No. 332551
>>332546He’s already been sent to prison and he’s so unstable and
abusive that I’m sure he’d ruin the lives of any one of us got involved with him even just to press more charges. I know I can’t prove any of this happened, so it would just re-traumatize me and my family and accomplish nothing.
No. 332554
>>332419Yeah, don’t get me wrong I absolutely love my fiancé. He’s a wonderful man, I think he’s one of the few good ones. Empathetic towards women, children, animals, plants, he does have a kind soul. But even when we initially had the porn discussion, he said “I just don’t like it”. When I agreed with him porn was bad and expressed my hatred for it, and brought up the amount of abuse that occurs in porn, he responded with “oh, well I didn’t really think about that part. It just isn’t sexy to me”
So the most empathetic man I’ve ever met and he still doesn’t dislike porn for the “right” reasons. His attitude towards porn imo is the absolute best you’ll ever get from a man. With men who abstain from porn it’s either just because they don’t find it sexy, or they’re worried about the consequences it will have on them mentally and physically. No man ever thinks about the women
No. 332559
>>332326>I understand he isn’t responsible for his actions but when every man around you is shouting about how ALL men do this, and how society is structured to empower males to do this, and it’s been scientifically proven that men lie about their usage of it, he is fighting against the odds. Porn is so easily accessibleI run this shit through my mind all the time, I almost feel relief that I'm not alone in these thoughts. I love my partner. He is a genuinely loving and romantic person and will really get upset when I say stuff like this to him. He adamantly disagrees that all men are like that and that only the most awful are the most vocal… but like you said, it seems like any awful behavior of men, other men will chime in, "Yes ALL men are like this and those who say they aren't, are lying." It makes trusting any man impossible. I've never caught him watching porn but I've caught him masturbating but swearing it was to pictures of me… I really don't believe him, and I feel awful saying that because he did have my pictue open.
>>332082This is honestly the thing that keeps me up at night. My partner knows I have the belief most men are pedophiles and it enrages him, but I'm more truthfully scared they all are, even him… and are just wired that way. Makes me wish I understood these things earlier. I often wish I never dated and lived alone. But I love my partner and can't imagine being without him. I hate my life so much. I feel so miserable having to live on this Earth with men. They genuinely terrify me. I wish I was still naive and thinking "not all men" with this shit…
No. 332619
>>332527I'm not that anon, and you totally misinterpreted what I said
>instead of actually tryingRetard, just stop dating men, all men are watching porn and those who tell you otherwise are lying, you're chasing a unicorn
No. 332670
>>332633this is exactly how I feel too. I despise porn in general and think any moid who watches it is a lost cause, but if there was no other option it would at least be very slightly better if he just watched things of women who resembled the gf.
>Ex nigel was into the complete opposite of me and the damage it did to my self image still hasnt recoveredsame, it sucks, I'm sorry you had to go through this nonna. mine was watching videos of women who were a completely different race, body type and style to me, it still lingers as an insecurity over me and makes me feel less of a woman compared to them. I hope you can learn to recover from it, it definitely takes a massive blow to your self-esteem but all the coomers seem to think it's normal for men to obsess over women who look nothing like their gf.
No. 332691
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>>332641>>332661NTA. It’s not so much that men “demand” novelty, as them being capable of cooming indefinitely with a new mate (the coolidge effect). Porn exploits a malfunction within moids, hence why porn is considered a supernormal stimulus. Agree with you that porn addicts are addicts and it shouldn't be considered normal just because it's common.
No. 332869
>>332711Yeah and I still think they're mentally ill. Even if it's a majority issue, it's still a serious addiction and mental illness. Stop trying to paint all men as addicts just because that's how you cope with getting traumatized by an addict. It's not normal and unlike you, most won't accept it as natural.
>>332722It sounds like the only men you interact with are 4chan moids and your discord bf, you would of course know better than anon who's looked at actual studies though because you're a 30+ year old loser who doesn't go outside but prefers to only interact with porn addicted males online and cry about no man ever being capable of love. You really are too old to waste your time shitposting.
No. 332943
>>332857This is so, so common, way more common than the girls in this thread want to admit. I think a big thing the fearmongerers like to gloss over with this topic is 60% of women are regular porn users themselves if you talk to most random women they straight up do not give a shit at all if their man watches porn or is into thirst traps. Most men who love porn do NOT want to live a life where at literally any minute of the day it can all come crashing down. Does this man exist? Yes. Is it not uncommon? Of course. But they are still a minority of overall porn users, the specific type who are doing it deceptively. Yes, men will lie about their porn use, I'm not denying it. But to the severity and level people in this thread make out is just complete fantasy. At the end of the day most men who use porn are in relationships with women who use porn OR are pick me fucks who like that they don't have to fuck their ugly fat bald scrote so much because he'll take care of himself. Anons will cope so much over your post because they wish so badly they could have this, but they never will because even if they got a guy who was like this they will never accept that they have one.
>>332870The thread is not called "safe space for femcels to fearmonger and blackpill women" its for discussion on this topic and what these posts are is just that, discussion. You are
triggered because you feel the truth is attacking you (yes, truth, because it is literally backed by extensive studies that no, not every men literally ever is addicted to porn) If you can't handle it fuck off to some discord server, to call any place on this site a "safe space" for ANYTHING is fucking retarded
No. 332950
>>332871I told you that I don't have a bf. Stop making up weird ass scenerios about my nonexistent bf.
>>332895The men you talk to on 4chan are probably the only Troons you interact with. Troons also would think that porn is natural for men just like you do.
No. 332962
>>332950you're delusional and probably you're the one that doesn't have any relationship with men. also you're obsessed with the term "femcel", discord and 4chan, like any other troon, be TIF or TIM. i avoid men like the plague, but i still know most of them are or were addicted to porn, because i used to be "one of the boys" against my will, in highschool and also now in college. men don't care if a woman is there, they will talk about masturbation and porn eventually. none of these men care about some stupid imageboard and whatever the fuck discord is, they're considered "normies".
also you're retarded, like any other troon, you assume everyone in this world has the same enlightened lifestyle as yours. thankfully where i live, english isn't the first language and because of it, your discord 4channer moids aren't common.
No. 332967
>i avoid men like the plagueThen why are you in the "finding porn-free men and having porn-free relationships" thread acting unhinged 24/7?? just leave women who want to discuss this alone
No. 332976
>>332962>accuses me of notes having enough experience because I haven't interacted with enough men>says she avoids interacting with men like a plagueKek. You're mental as fuck. Also my normie male friends use discord when they wanna voice chat while gaming so it's not that niche. You do speak like someone from 4chan and that's why I made that comparison.
>>332967She just wants to prove porn is natural for moids and that anyone disagreeing is a tranny.
No. 332986
>>332967could it be because…they're half of the world's population? without counting family, they still come at you, specially if you're attractive and/or share an interest with them.
>>332976whats so weird about having to interact with men even if you don't like them? 10 years ago the only companion you had in online games or fandom (of videogames) were males, or women who pretended to be men because of safety. also i don't know any woman-only work where you only interact with other women.
so why you overfixate with using discord as a derogatory term like a retard? i've never said that porn is natural to men, like you can't even read. moidlettes aren't born with that skill. but there are all kinds of grooming sources to push them into porn addiction while they're still young, like social media, and the poor uwu men naturalize it instead of speak against porn. you can try asking your male friends, if they're anti-porn it is because they realized it was bad for their penises or health, not because of the women or how it warps their relationships with them. that's the main topic of this thread.
No. 333023
>>333019I get you nona, I wish for a relationship with a real man but the truth is 95% of them aren't worth it. I have taken the ai-pill and talk with them over real men. I wish you the best
No. 333032
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I almost have everything I ever wanted in life. I live in my dream country, we are looking to buy our dream house this year, I have a husband I am crazy in love with and we have a beautiful child and enough money to build the life we want. But I am still depressed every day because I am so blackpilled about men and I know the man I love so much still looks at other women who are not me. I only have eyes for him, to me all other men are dirt, disgusting, repulsive. I don't see them at all nor would I ever desire anyone else. But my husband looks at beautiful waitresses, girls in bikinis at the beach, girls in yoga pants at the red light, girls in short skirts and crop tops at the grocery store. He doesn't oogle them in any obscene or disrespectful way but I am aware he notices them and he has lustful thoughts about them. Idk if he watches porn, he swears he doesn't but how am I supposed to believe that when he is a man who desires other women who are not his wife? I caught him looking at sexy pictures of women before while I was right there in the room.
Basically I can not enjoy the life I always wanted to live because I feel like a femcuck. Like my heart is shattered into a billion pieces if an attractive woman walks by in public or there is a sex scene in a movie. I am constantly wondering if those other women arouse him while I am literally right there. I wonder what he does when he is alone. When he isn't in the mood for sex one day my heart immediately drops. I am terrified of my daughter growing up to bring home her teenage friends to swim in our pool and having to watch my husband around them.
Now you might say "Oh why did you get married then?" well because this is my dream, this is what I thought I wanted all my life and my dream includes a man that I love. I found the man that I love after so many years. A man who is perfect for me in every other way. And there is no man who is monogamous the same way I am. If you believe this you are lying to yourself.
I thought I could deal with this reality because living my dream would make me happy and not care. Other women do it all the time right? This is all perfectly normal and society tells us we just have to accept that men are "visual creatures". But I can't. I am so sad every day… I don't know how to get over it.
No. 333035
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>>333032>I am terrified of my daughter growing up to bring home her teenage friends to swim in our pool and having to watch my husband around them. Seriously though, you understand the difference between attraction and commitment, yes?
No. 333068
>>333032So you're assuming your husband is going to be a pedophile who's gonna want to fuck your daughters child friends even though you have no proof??? You really need to see a psychiatrist and take a break from this site. Also of he checks out women, tell him that women get uncomfortable when taken men check them out and you have a lot of weird ugly taken men check you out, he'll probably try to stop if he's as good as you describe him out to be.
Also stop making scenerios based on the stuff people post here. Most of the "doomer" anons are women who don't go outside or men who think every other man is porn addicted pedophiles like themselves.
No. 333096
>>333083 >>333072 and you honestly have no idea how funny it is to stick my leg into this thread in passing for the first time in ages and immediately watch you guys melt down and schizo tinfoil. You guys realize there's more than 3 people on this site right? Anyway whorechan is a retard, misogynistic slurs are disgusting, and she's wrong about women's motivations for being male-aligned. But it doesn't make male-aligned women any less pathetic.
No. 333102
>>333096>You guys realize there's more than 3 people on this site right?Questionable
>But it doesn't make male-aligned women any less patheticStop shitting up the thread for finding porn free men/relationships, it's not rocket science
No. 333136
>>333110I don’t think you got the memo. This is now the thread for women who have been hurt by porn addicts to sperg about the evils of scrotes. All scrotes are porn addicts by default and any relationship with them is doomed from the start.
Seriously speaking though, like
>>333119 said, lurking his social media can give off clues. I’m guessing it’s a little early still, but if/when you start being intimate it can also be telling. Porn-addicts are frequently either hypersexual and overly focused on kink, or low-libido (may also have erectile dysfunction). He shouldn’t have problems becoming sexually aroused by you or reaching orgasm, and sex should feel intimate and connected (though it’s normal for things to be a bit awkward at first so give it a couple of goes if you’re on the fence).
In reality there is no way to be 100% certain whether anyone is a porn addict (now termed Schrödinger’s coomer). You can not know everything about any person and there’s always a risk of getting hurt when you enter a relationship. Does this mean you should swear off moids forever? It’s up to you. Entering an intimate relationship is a leap of faith but can be rewarding. Sometimes you have to take a risk and be wary of any red flags that pops up. If he breaks your trust then don’t compromise, just move on. In my belief, if his actions reflects his words in other areas of his life then he’s usually a quality moid. I told my bf about my views of porn and sex a couple of months into our relationship and left it at that. If it becomes a problem down the road then he knows where I stand, but it also means I have to follow through with consequences and not be a sucker who forgives him x amount of times. So far things are going good.
No. 333147
>>333110Like the other nonnies said, you should definitely check his social media. Watch how he talks about women he knows, and women he doesn't. Observe his tastes in media (especially if he likes games) and observe how he talks about fictional women. Generally, if a guy is good news, he won't talk about women (even fictional ones) in an objectifying or demeaning way ever.
Also, a green flag would be that he hates lying, even about small things. For example, he won't lie to make things easier for himself. Or he will bring up things he feels might be undesirable about himself so he doesn't lead you on. This is important because there are plenty of men who will lie about shit to keep a woman around. You need a moid with enough integrity (yeah, I know) who won't lie to your face while he's watching beastility loli porn. Maybe once you've determined he's not a complete liar you can bring up your stance on porn like
>>333136 said. Or perhaps just keep that hidden altogether, and pretend to be the cool girl who is into everything. Depends on the approach you want to take.
>>333136Agree 100% with you. It's a risk, and a woman needs to be willing to immediately dump her scrote if she finds out that he lied and watched porn behind her back. A lot of women don't follow through with this and instead make excuses for their moid. You take a chance and that's how a moid repays you? Dump his ass. Either you believe there is someone out there that is right for you or you don't date at all. None of this settling bullshit. Women are way more happy and fulfilled being single rather than settling for a crappy partner.
No. 333391
>>332943yeah its kind of funny the baiters ignored me, some of the women here type exactly like the incels on /r9k/ with how hard they seethe over straight women doing what normal human beings do and seeking companionship. I agree with you women either don't care or cope very hard.
But I will say over the years with regular interaction from men, a LOT of them are degenerates. The nutty anons are not entirely baseless, I'm sure you already know. Men in my city follow a lot of thirst traps, thotties, etc any half naked woman to a degree. When I tell them my husband doesn't do that they look bewildered. It is REALLY hard to find a guy that doesn't have any interest in any of this. I am 26 and have only met one other guy that hasn't done that, and it's my husband's bestfriend.
Here's a list of green flags for any nonnitas, based off of my husband.
>look at his friends, birds of a feather flock together to an extent>understand this may be complicated, he has some weird friends but he doesn't hang out with them and barely interacts with them. only does so out of necessity and only hangs with the green flag best friend majority of the timeHe is human and childhood friends who grow up to be shitty people can be hard to break off, you can't black and white human behavior and sometimes it will be grey.
>see how he treats other women, he shouldn't break any boundaries while with you but he should still treat them as human beings>he never makes any sexual jokes>his eyes do not have the brain pornrot stare (eyes like this are dark and soulless, as if they're looking through you)>if his mom isn't abusive, he respects her and appreciates her sacrifices, helps her as much as he can without neglecting your needs as wellRemember to separate your own trauma from his experiences. I thought his mom was a user at first because my own mom was
abusive, but over the years I cooled down and respected her as well and help her too. She has done a lot, she's an amazing woman. I could go on and on but anyways
>go through his instagram/whoever followers regularly, he's not following any thirst traps>he lets you go through his shit whenever, any moid who goes "b-but trust! you should trust me!" has something to hide. the good man has nothing to hide and will do what he can to reassure you>he wants to provide for you and make sure you're happy and comfortable, encourages you to talk to him and actually listens and tries to make improvementscan't really think of anything else atm
No. 334483
>>334481this is one of my issues with sex work in that if it is considered legitimate work than what constitutes harassment gets blurred. "I was just trying to get this woman employment!" is now an excuse to say gross things to a woman on the street.
what is nampa?
No. 334490
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>>334483hitting on women, or pick-up artists. so many soy-men with dead fish eyes. its normalised in japan and "omochikaeri"- "take-out" is basically successfully inviting a girl into your home to hookup. the lines of sex-work, masculinity, masculine spaces (work, universities), porn addiction, dating apps (ie: tinder), and all those commodities are getting more blurred - probably bc everything is on one platform like twitter. its becoming a cesspool but its sadder bc as an autist, i see more neurotypical and "good women" find partners that are not in these spaces, finding healthy partners, etc. im the "bad" one in society - a "leftover", the one im not good enough to be chosen and worthy enough to take care of but to be used as a one time thing, a thing you can pick off the street.
sorry for ranting but yeah, at least for me this is the reality.
> image reads "whats wrong? you wanna talk ^_^" No. 334502
>>334459I have a little hope mainly because he has stopped watching porn for a bit before. We only see each other a few times every 2 months and even then we dont always have sex since its sometimes a day trip. Also he didnt say that he wont give up, he mainly said its "healthy". But then again thinking something is healthy means he will at least keep doing it even if he starts doing it less…
>>334461Also i haven't fully made the choice yet.
I think another difficult thing is that all our friends are probably expecting us to get together. Is it shallow to reject someone for watching porn or for the sex?
Anyways i will properly have a conversation with him about cutting out the porn if he wants to be in a relationship with me.
Also to all those who has a partner, how frequently do you have sex with your significant other?
No. 334503
>>334481Wait so you live in a country that has both a lot of Japanese and western men who are telling random strangers they're lolis? Where do you live?
Are these interactions you have irl or online?
No. 334509
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>>334503i live in the us rn, born and going back and forth to japan (mainly tokyo). so yeah, i have experience with mainly american men (which means all kinds of mainly immigrants + eastern asians + american men) and japanese naive men. they are both porn brained anyways so yeah, sorry no cute uwu asian boi exists. and yes unfortunately some men are so hentai porn brained they see an irl jp women and become braindead irl. i have a small build and im into some anime related and nerd-like interests so yeah… right?
i willingly went porn-free and killed my libido noticing it is an exploitative and just depressing industry, even "ethical" porn like filming on their phones is depressing, perhaps it was uploaded without their consent like revenge porn. so yeah, its cringe but being an unironic fujo 2d simp helped me cope ngl. i bet im not the only person like this…?
No. 334546
>>334513Being a foreigner is actually more dangerous. When men commit crimes they usually target foreigners since as a foreigner you're going to have a harder time seeking justice. Didn't some Asian man kill five white women or something before they finally pinned the murders to him even though it was apparent from the start? Please don't visit a country that's allowing sexual abuse towards women unless you're sure you'll be safe. Very bad idea.
>>334509In my experience most asian men and women I've encountered have been pornsick(usually hentai and fujoism) to a degree so I'm not surprised, loli and shota stuff being seen as normal by some is just proof. I'm euroasian myself so I'm not racebaiting but yeah, just my experience.
I've also had quite a few internally misogynistic(?) Asian girls continually mention how small and young they looked even when they were overweight/obese and looked their age(which is fine). It's actually sad that women like that feel the need to mention how they're smaller and younger as if those are good qualities because pedophilic standards are so normalized.
I've never heard anyone talk about loli shit irl though. Stop hanging around anime freaks for your own safety since they're usually the ones who fetishize asian women. You also sound quite weird, how is you being small related to this? I feel like your autistic weeb behavior(thinking you're similar to anime because you're small, talking in a weebish manner, consuming 2D sexual media etc) only attracts autistic weeb men who are usually pedo sexpests.
Sadly an average man isn't going to be attracted to a neuro-divergent nerdy woman who's schlicking it to cartoons, you're only going to attract neuro-divergent men who jerk it to cartoons.
No. 334605
>>334502>I think another difficult thing is that all our friends are probably expecting us to get together.Would you rather mildly disappoint your friends (who have no right to dictate your private life) or end up legally and financially bound to a cumbrained scrote with late-stage pornsickness? The choice is yours.
>Is it shallow to reject someone for watching porn or for the sex?Absolutely not. No reward awaits you for putting up with sexual incompatibility.
>Anyways i will properly have a conversation with him about cutting out the porn if he wants to be in a relationship with me.I'm telling you right now, he'll tell you whatever you want to hear so that you'll continue to give him pussy. Don't believe it if he says he'll stop for you, because he's going to keep using porn no matter what.
No. 334706
>>334490Firstly, picrel is hilarious, that really is how moids come off while thinking they’re slick.
It’s not your fault and I know you’re reacting to the awful stuff around you but please don’t feel like this or see yourself that way. The fact that you hate those spaces proves you aren’t really part of that group, even being a nerdy neurodivergent, which doesn’t stop you from being a “good woman”. I don’t know how socialising is in Japan but if you can find normie spaces free from hentai poisoning then have confidence in just inserting yourself there. Even if you’ll be the least normie one in a group I promise any quirks will be endearing.
No. 344189
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My bf today complained to me about all the porn on reddit and how annoying it is that he has to see it all the time while trying to go to innocent subreddits about architecture. I told him that's weird because I never saw porn on my reddit account. I went into his user settings and saw that he had adult content enabled and he told me he didn't even know there was a setting for that and it must be enabled by default. I thought that sounded like total shit but I couldn't remember if it was enabled or not cause it's been a while since I made my account. I disabled it for him and a couple of weeks went by. Today he complained to some friends about all the porn in reddit and that reminded me so I decided that I would make a new account to see if he is full of shit or now and guess fucking what? Adult content is DISABLED BY DEFAULT. So he went into those settings, enabled it, lied to me about not knowing that that's an option and then had the audacity to complain to me about it as if it's something he didn't go out of his way to see. I'm so fucking done.
No. 344208
>>344189Your boyfriend is a retard who doth protest too much. All he had to do was keep it quiet, but instead he decided to lie loudly about it despite no one asking like a 12 year old. I always say there are only two types of men:
>those who watch pornand
>those who are smart enough make you think they don’tNo matter which type you get, you lose.
No. 344441
>>344406This is a very bad bait and anyone who's replied to it seriously is probably braindead. No woman feels happy when their moid admits to jerking off to other women and tells her to roleplay as her.
When will you learn that the moids are baiting on this thread? This is also a moid, one who would be super butthurt if his girl probably showed him porn with men eho have big dicks and hotter bodies lmao
No. 344456
>>344440nta but wtf is a
>hamster shake???
No. 344464
>>344461oh thanks i guess i missed that
No. 344507
>>344483sounds like my ex bf who installed yubo behind my back to "talk with random people when he feels miserable" then i discovered he installed tinder too behind my back LOL
i can assure you he watches porn too or downloads pics of girls at least
by any chance is he european..