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No. 366905
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Do you have any strong opinions on WMAF in Silicon Valley? Seems like the most popular kind of power couple(bait)
No. 366920
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>>366911I’m trying to think about how to respond. I feel like all the issues and thought so surprised as a kid have been bubbling to the surface as an adult.
I feel the same way. Mom was too busy with work and school to give me one in one lessons in my language and I’ve tried and failed with learning it online.
It’s like I want to to be a good daughter, a walking success but I also feel like my mom and I have very two different definitions of what it means to be a successful person
No. 366970
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Just a thought
No. 366998
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To this day, I have never had a relationship with an asian man and I don’t particularly feel any type of way bad about it. The last asian boy I held hand with was in elementary school in SEA. When I was a teen, asian-american boys rejected you for being FOB, for being nerdy, for not being some proto-ABG or white Stacy. They even hated you for liking anime and Kpop, how they changed their tune now. When I got a bit older, I just found the bulk of them so fucking insufferable and unrelatable, their racial complexes obvious to everyone but themselves, or they are just plain scrotal. It’s not as if I don’t find asian men attractive, it’s unfortunate that majority of my contact is with Asian Boss kevin nguyen stereotypes. Nowadays they’d call me “whitewashed” for not being obsessed with kbbq, raves, and 88rising, never mind the fact that they can’t speak a full sentence in their mothertongue.
The sort of serious nerdy first-gen asian guys who appeared sweet and chivalrous at first are just as coombrained and sexist as any male out there. At least, dating other varieties of males I deal considerably less with boymoms, classism, and religious trauma.
No. 367032
>>367023I'm not a fan of plastic surgery or extreme bleaching but I use regular Asian skincare products labeled as "whitening." They don't really change your skin tone but just fade tans and even out hyperpigmentation, I honestly don't view them as whitening at all and the same type of stuff is usually labeled "brightening" in Western countries. They're also not any more dangerous than other skincare products with active ingredients.
I do dislike when people accuse us of wanting to look Caucasian as if light skin hasn't been a beauty standard for centuries, it comes off as really self-centered lol. It's basically a progressive way of implying that being White (as in ethnically) is the ideal so everyone must be trying to imitate it. A really dumb claim I heard was that blepharoplasty (double eyelid surgery) is also an attempt to "look White" even though lots of Asians and people of other races have it naturally, it's not a European feature but just a general thing
No. 367075
>>367034kek nona what century you living in
>>366998all men are trash regardless of race but i can only date asian guys irl
because i am viscerally disgusted by skin texture for some reason and asian moids tend to have the nicest skin on average, men over 25 and moids with wrinkles should be shot No. 367085
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any SEAnons here ? have you ever experienced someone telling you outright that you're a "cheaper" asian or anything to that effect ( not asian enough, inferior type of asian etc. ) ? how do you feel about that ?
it really sounds like a meme but i've been told this all my life as someone who doesn't and has never lived in asia, in fact someone said this to me as recently as this year kek. i didn't even know what to say. i'm already well aware and familiar with the fact that lots of people think like that so it didn't really shock me to hear, but as a kid and particularly as a teenager it totally crushed me and made me hate myself even more. i truly believed that i was inferior. if the option of removing every drop of asian ancestry in my blood had been available to me back then i would have taken it in an instant. comparing myself to east asians made me feel like the ugliest person in the world. really didn't help that i wasn't ever accepted among my peers and family and was always excluded since no one in the house really taught or spoke to me in our language i'm actually mixed and born and raised in the non-asian country which makes my case a little more complicated so for years i distanced myself from anything to do with my country as a result. now that i've grown older though i care a lot less since i don't believe in that crap anymore and i don't have nearly as much time to wallow about it even if i did kek. i know it's sort of a pathetic thing to get worked up about as an adult but i have seen anons post about feeling that way about themselves too before so i thought to open up the discussion ITT.
i just want to add that i hope this doesn't result in racebait, just encouraging anons to vent about a problem i've faced, as per the thread title.
No. 367095
Kek I wanna reply to so many of these posts.
>>367076Are you me nona? I’m also asian american myself and while the asians I know irl are chill I have seen plenty online that fit your descriptors. So many people who are either annoying sjws or have a straight up inferiority complex whilst pretending to be smug. Like they hate white people but also want to be like/fuck them, it’s weird. I also don’t understand why they desperately seek validation from western media when asian media is vastly superior imo. Sometimes I feel like a fob at heart.
No. 367128
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>>367076>>367095there's just something about being in an American environment that puts a microscope on you. If you are the only one of your kind, you feel like an unofficial representative of your group. It's a constant awareness of being different. I don't want to think about and I normally can avoid thinking about it, but it does come in waves. And I did grow up in Canada for reference.
I don't remember the exact saying but it was like "the opposite of love is not hate but indifference" Asian-Asians can be indifferent in a way Asian Americans (and other Asians in the west) cannot. Just my 2 cents
No. 367142
>>367128I agree. I think this applies to every ethnic group in the US tbh, not just Asians. I think America in general is absolutely unhealthily obsessed with race tbh. It permeates every single conversation and political field needlessly and it’s so tiresome. For instance, I’m Russian, and grew up speaking Russian, but my ethnicity is technically from an Asian minority group in Russia who were assimilated under the Soviet Union. In Russia, I’m just considered Russian. Nobody questions me about it, it’s not even a topic of discussion, nobody starts questioning my roots, they just accept I’m from the eastern side of Russia and are done with it. In America and Europe, I’m just considered Asian, not Russian, and white people, even woke white people, get upset when I say I’m Russian because they don’t understand that not all Russians look like blonde blue eyed TV tropes. It’s amazing to me that the apparently backwards Russians are more mature about the race conversation than so called woke westerners. I believe that Russian kpop idol Lana faced the same stigma and criticism. In Russia, nobody cares about her ethnicity. In Korea, people constantly asked if she’s mixed and what race her parents are. In America, she’s considered white and Asian American sjws even tried to get her cancelled for being a ‘privileged white woman’. It’s just insane to me. I feel bad for her having to deal with such race obsessed retards.
No. 367146
>>367085What’s funny is yellow fever white men constantly talk about how ugly SEA women are compared to Japanese, Korean etc women, but they usually end up marrying a SEA woman anyway, so what’s their point exactly?
I suddenly remembered that song ‘Horse and The Cherry Tree’ and was reading about KT Tunstall’s background. Her mom is Chinese, her dad is a white man who KT never met, her Chinese mom gave KT up for adoption when she was just days old. Her mom went on to marry another white guy, who was a BNP representative (alt right UK party) whose pet name for his Chinese wife is ‘Chinky’ (yuck). Understandably KT was disgusted by this man and tried to form a relationship with her bio mom while condemning her white racist husband, but KT’s mom sided with her fat racist hubby, saying that her husband was more important and more ‘real family’ to her than her own daughter. It just amazes me how disgustingly
toxic white worship can be among Asians. Likewise I know Asian men who’ve cut off their whole family in order to marry a white woman, and some Asian women who have done the same too and make fun of their Asian parents and culture to appease their white husbands. Asians need to seriously stop kissing white ass so much, it’s pathetic. I’m so embarrassed for us sometimes.
No. 367147
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>>367076meh, pretty normal that asian americans will be a bit insecure from growing up somewhere that there aren't many other people who are like you. I'm lucky that there are a lot of asian people where I live so I don't really relate to the "only asian in my entire elementary school" thing.
the type that I personally find annoying is the woke kind who try to homogenize "asians" into one monolithic lump and are obsessed specifically with genshin, boba tea, kpop, and popular garbage anime. that, and people who blab about how "traumatized" they are by their scawwy asian immigrant parents. (not that this doesn't happen but you probably know what I mean)
most of the singaporeans and malaysians I know or used to talk to online are chill apart from the mentally ill ones who want to look like filtered douyin girls. some of them used to call themselves whitewashed though.
No. 367148
>>367141First gen Asian immigrants are braver than any US marine. I’m terrified for Asians especially older Asian ladies with the massive sleight of attacks on Asians post covid. Wasn’t there just recently a horrible assault on a Boston train against an Asian woman and a South Asian woman who stuck up for her?
>>367142I think in Lana’s case they were just jealous because she’s drop dead gorgeous.
No. 367153
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>>367147>>367142I had to stop watching Douyin content because it was killing my self esteem. I was surprised one of the most famous Douyin girls, Yuna Karimova, is Russian too (her mom is Russian and dad was a Korean diaspora living in Uzbekistan) She’s also drop dead gorgeous, but I can’t look at these women too long or I’ll go insane from jealousy. I hate that I feel this way, it’s not their fault for being pretty.
No. 367391
>>367340The interracial dating debate plagues every
WOC community tbf because men are obsessed with owning women. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Why don’t you start us on some unique problems asian women have?
No. 367416
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Forgive me for being a tourist but I think it would be interesting to see what your worst yellow fever creep stories are? I can't imagine the kind of stinky weebs you've dealt with
No. 367425
>>367076>>367095They gatekeep any part of Asian culture and say you're culturally appropriating or Asianfishing if you partake in regular degular tourist activities like hanbok photoshoots. Also they like to bully actual Asians if their not "Asian enough" by their standards. My dad is Chechen and mom Uzbek so I look a bit like both and I've been called yellowfacing white girl by them before. I don't even look white at all lol. Same with that girl Mikan Mandarin, she gets bullied a lot on Tiktok.
Their whole identity centers around being Asian, eating rice and being made fun of for eating smelly lunch or being asked where they're from as if that doesn't happen to other minorities too. Massive
victim complex. 2nd gens who actually speak Mandarin, Tagalog &c aren't as crazy though.
>>367132I find that so annoying. An American Tiktoker popped up on my feed and did nothing but shit talk my country that he never visited just because his grandparents are from here. He made starving jokes, Soviet Union jokes, talked with bad accent, I'm sure if he did that about Chinese people it would be racist.
No. 367440
>>367391Yeah, we know, it just doesn't need to happen for the umpteenth time.
>startWe HAVE been talking about other things, some retard just keeps trying to bring us back around to the same stupid issue. Read.
No. 367442
>>367425I feel you to a degree, I look undeniably Asian but I've gotten harrassed by people in and out of my own ethnicity because I don't conform to what people think looks Korean and I wasn't fluent at the time either. It's so fucking annoying, like I get Korean shit is trendy or whatever but get real.
I grew up in a rare case of a Korean-dominated community outside of Korea, but because of the above dual points I had a hard time making any actual Korean friends until uni.
Do you other nonnas have a lot of friends within your own ethnicity? How do you feel about thr quality of those friendships, and do you desire it if you don't have it?
Also, unpopular opinion, but I don't really see the point of seeking out other Asians outside of my ethnicity specifically for cultural connection. Each Asian culture is so different from each other thatI feel about as connected to my Taiwanese or Viet friends as I do to my other friends of racial minorities. There's not really a big sticking point beyond the general shared sense of cultural and physical otherness that's universal to immigrants.
No. 367488
>>367425>being asked where they're fromIt's a really silly nitpick to feel victimized over since lots of people ask this as a general icebreaker when meeting new people and it doesn't have anything to do with race or ancestry. It's especially common in places like universities or popular cities where lots of people migrated over from another place, even if it's just the suburb town nearby. I see white people get asked the same thing and people are perfectly content when I say I'm from a certain city or state.
>>367442I don't have any local same ethnicity friends right now, they're not rare in my area but most of them are people who moved over very recently to attend university, so I feel like we don't have a ton in common since I've always lived in North American cities and I'm not familiar with their pop culture. They also tend to be kinda insular, like they'll have a group of friends that they came over with that they stick to exclusively, which is understandable for someone really new and who often hasn't completely mastered English. The Asian-Americans are fewer and tend to fall into the annoying uber-progressive student stereotype.
I would be interested in connecting more with other Asians and we have an Asian and Asian-American Association here that's, in theory, supposed to bring different Asian cultures together, but they're constantly doing events about African-American culture (e.g., there's an upcoming event about MLK) even though there's a separate Black Culture Center. I don't really have any idea why? At the end of the day I'm not too pressed about meeting same ethnicity friends, race isn't a big consideration for my friend selection.
No. 367505
>>367085i'm SEA and
mixed.i thankfully grew up in a town with a lot of SEA migrants although few were from the same country as my parent. i've only dealt with moids calling me jungle asian or inferior, etc. usually trying to neg me but unfortunately i actually dated a hapa that would call me jungle asian. i laugh at it now cause he was so insecure about his white side not being interesting enough that he would try to claim he was 'scottish' even tho his family had been in our country for three generations…
i did have a lot of resentment towards my asian side bc i always felt like a massive outsider not knowing the language and looking so different. it did not help that no one attempted to teach me or made me feel welcome but instead treated me like a show pony by focusing on my looks.
they would also call me fat to my face and i'll tell ya being equated to my looks for my whole childhood really does a number on your self esteem… really wish i could hug my perfectly normal child self who never felt comfortable at those asian family gatherings.
No. 367514
>>367509AYRT I've only ever been interested in other Asians and dated other Asians so this doesn't apply to me at all.
>>367511I think I would have necked myself by now if I had grown up in Korea, but I've thought increasingly about moving there in recent years, especially for health insurance purposes as I get older. The Western experience benefitted me a fair bit growing up, but now that I'm older, I think that my balues would line up better with life over there. It really is such a big leap though and it's hard to know if I could truly acclimate to the culture in the other direction as well. Scary to think that you may always be an other.
Inb4 anybody asks me how this would work being a lesbian, don't. I pass well as straight and I value my livelihood and health more than a relationship, and both are becoming increasingly hard to bear where I live currently.
No. 367529
>>367520Everything is derivative of something else historically speaking to a certain degree but you're out here talking like this is on the level of texmex cuisine benefitting from latin american influences. Your base understanding of the complex relationships between Japan, Korea, and China is flawed if you really think that Japan and Korea are "uppity" and unable to admit to Chinese influence beyond what is commonly already accepted. And the only explanation for your own beliefs is that you've either been fed myopic propaganda about what the other countries believe (coincidentally, China has a tendency to overattribute its influence, especially in the modern day) or that you're coming into this haughtily based on only surface-level understanding of how things work. It's not necessarily something I can fault you on as stances on these matters change easily depending on the decade and waves of nationalist sentiment in all 3 of the countries, but it certainly benefits you to research more as you've grossly oversimplified matters.
The matter of Korean script alone is different than what you've stated as the change was not only decided upon to improve literacy rates but also as an act of independence from Chinese influence, and was met accordingly with persecution from Chinese authorities of the time.
And then there's the additional question of whether we can really call it Chinese as we know it today, because China as we think of it today did not exist in the time periods of influence that you're speaking from. So whether the modern assumption of credit is still applicable is iffy.
No. 367531
>>367525Then leave the thread, your anecdotal input is not as valuable as you think it is.
>>367526Just ignore the bait, I know it's literally the first post in the thread but the majority here have decided this isn't a topic that needs to be rehashed for the millionth time.
No. 367532
>>367425agree, the whininess in asian american sjws really aggravates me. the whole ‘culture differences, being made fun of for our accents or smelly food or parents who can’t speak english’, is not an asian specific immigrant problem, like at all lmao. all immigrants/
poc suffer from this too, but most of them brush it off and get on with their lives. if you constantly present yourself as the victimized eternally oppressed underdog, that’s what you’ll eventually become. as we are seeing now with the massive increase in attacks on asian people. the actual asians from asia i know are so much tougher than americanized ones.
No. 367533
>>367530It's never too late to study it and reclaim it nonna. It's regrettable when you feel you were robbed of this point of connection, but there's always something to be done.
I was banned from speaking my native language at home when I entered Western schooling because I coudln't speak English, and ended up forgetting my first lamguage entirely as I grew up because I was still a toddler at the time. But I and multiple other women I know in similar situations have gone on to study and regain fluency (although in my case, there was a lot of incentive as cultural nepotism is still big in my area careerwise even without being in my country of origin)
No. 367536
>>367530I’m so sorry. Missing out on learning your mother/fathers tongue is such a painful alienating experience especially when trying to connect back with that culture and your roots or extended family. It makes you feel like an imposter.
>>367529Koreans and Japanese people are extremely hateful and racist towards Chinese people and try as much as they can to separate themselves and deny all linguistic, historical and cultural ties to Chinese culture, even though they are factually undeniable. Which is ironic, because the average western person can’t tell their nationalities apart anyway, and will always assume that Korean or Japanese person is Chinese by default.
No. 367539
>>367532They fixate on that stuff because not that there's no problems but in reality a lot of asians end up in good jobs with good lives
>>367535Some western chinese are so insecure. "Asian" is a huge group anyway it was probably going to be like this one way or another, sadly
No. 367544
>>367538I don't see why not, the umbrella term of Asian, again, casts a really wide net.
>>367536Dude, I'm just stating historical fact. Acceptance levels towards and narratives of Chinese influence have always ebbed and flowed depending on contemporary sentiment in the East Asian sphere. And it has objectively been more positive at times and more negative at others. Your continued assertion that Koreans and Japanese have always aggressively denied influence and that popular current sentiment completely denies influence is just incorrect, and I'm sorry if that doesn't fit with the narrative that makes you comfortable. These nationalist dynamics are more complex than you seem to be willing to admit, but projecting total victimhood from either side is beneficial to nobody.
No. 367545
>>367539Furthermore, I feel like it's because they end up with good jobs in good lives with unresolved baggae from emotionally stunted upbringings. So these disaffected feelings have to seek some other outlet.
It sort of reminds me of unhappy white kids who start identifying with microlabels and imagining oppression instead of dealing with the actual and resolvable sources of their trauma.
In both cases, pinning blame on overarching hegemonic sources as opposed to the addressable sources close at hand resolves one of responsibility.
No. 367725
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Has anyone dealt with parental/familial abandonment? I feel like this is never talked about in the Asian community, probably because it strongly goes against so many of the basic values that tend to dominate in most Asian cultures, just as a broad generalization. But my (Asian, EA/SEA mix) father and his family basically abandoned me and refused to talk to me. I have known a handful of other Asians, mixes and monoracial Asians, who have dealt with the same thing and like I said, I feel like nobody ever talks about this. I don't know if I just got super unlucky and knew some people who also got super unlucky and I know it isn't statistically common but is it that unknown?
No. 367798
>>367536The mask-off of this being about your hurt nationalist pride when you couldn't refute what she said kek
I get that it's hard with how unfairly anti-Chinese mainstream media and popular sentiment are but going full delusional nationalist tard over it just makes you more miserable without helping anyth
No. 367813
>>367809How does that sound like a man in any way. She’s right.
>>367811>everyone disagreeing with me is samefagReport then bitch. Sorry it’s a shock to find out people don’t like your self victimizing ways outside of state sponsored tiktoks.
(infighting) No. 367844
>>367839Fun fact: he hates Chinese people because his mom died of Covid. He also got rejected by Yuri Kuznetsov who is half Chinese half Russian and was the one shitting up his thread a few months back. China
triggers him to no end. That's why hes sperging.
(derailing) No. 367849
>>367839>>367844>>367842Holy schizophrenia. So you’ve called separate anons male, white, and tranny. Anything else?
You’re literally the one started sperging about muh East asians so mean to china. People hate imperialists, cope.
(infighting) No. 367869
Does anyone struggle with parental resentment for having to do a lot of language brokering? My parents still don't speak English very well even after living here for many years, which I can't really fault them for (please don't badmouth them, they had a hard life, etc). It's definitely not as much anymore as my dad learned enough to get by, but my parents ask for help from time to time when more detailed interpretation is needed. Anyway, ever since I became relatively fluent in English as a seven year old, my parents have made me translate things I had no idea about, like housing, some government documents, etc, and they would get angry if I didn't want to. I didn't like having to do it since I was a kid and they were the parents. They were the ones who decided to move to this stupid country, not me. I've been struggling a lot with this recently and I'm not sure what to think.
No. 367899
>>367891I love to cook, but tbh I know very little about Asian cuisines and my focus is on Italian food lol. It's largely because I love cheese and other dairy, which isn't so common in Asian food. I do hope I can learn more though, both because I know there's a wealth of amazing stuff to learn and because I know it'll make me sad if the traditions I saw my mom and grandma practicing as a kid stayed mystified for me.
I love rice in general and congee is a comforting dish for me, it's one of my go-to lazy poorfag meals. My first memory ever involves tomato and egg soup, and it was a favorite throughout my childhood, so that's special to me too. My family always made it "wrong" compared to what recipes will say and I continue to do that.
No. 367911
>>367899Lol I totally feel you on the childhood recipe that your family allegedly cooks incorrectly. There's a cheap tofu simmer recipe that I've loved since childhood, and as an adult trying to find other recipes of it, I've realized it's something my mom wholesale made up due to budget/the closest thing to a real version of it being too spicy for kids.
Do you do any fusion pasta? I find myself cooking a lot of Japanese and Korean pasta recipes… I'm sorry to Italy but they (wow so surprising) are closer to my tastes than a lot of more authentic pasta dishes haha
No. 367936
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>>367891Sticky rice with butter and soy sauce in it. And scrambled eggs with ketchup on them on the side. My favorite childhood breakfast.
Mashed sardines on bread is also GOAT… You're making me hungry, nonna
No. 368003
>>367495lesbian and not out to anyone in my family until i get financially independent with a solid emergency fund. i found out when i was 16 and thought i'd need to be at least 24 to get where i want to be to feel secure enough. 23 now and this job market is so shit…
idk any asian female friends (out of 3, tbf) who are out to their family in any way, except for maybe a distant friend who made posts about being "queer of the year" and nonbinary. who knows how her indian parents took it
No. 368654
>>367890I'm really worried when I move out of the continent. Will they be ok? They have friends in the community but that's not the same thing as having a fluent child help them out. I'm glad your parents learned English; I like to think that my parents would have been relatively fluent too if not for all the hardships they went through.
>>367442I feel exactly like you do. A lot of Asians (including Koreans) don't think I look Korean unless I say so and I get a lot of Chinese folks coming up to me speaking Mandarin. I have gotten Vietnamese once, which made me laugh since I strongly look from some vague northeast Asian country. While I didn't grow up in a Korean dominant community, we lived in an immigrant heavy neighbourhood where there were people from Korea as well and we bonded like glue over that. After junior high and onward, there were less and less Koreans around. I still don't really have Korean friends, other than some old childhood friends but I don't talk to them anymore. Most of my friends now are Chinese since there are so many where I live and where I went to university.
The only thing I really miss about having Korean friends is the ability to speak in Korean, since the only people that I speak it to are my parents. There's something so intimate and fun about being able to speak Korean and some words are just more… right in your mother tongue than in English. It'd also be nice to have someone similar to me in age, opinions, personality, etc that I can converse in Korean to.
No. 368663
>>367442>Do you other nonnas have a lot of friends within your own ethnicity? no, and i distanced myself from them because they always excluded me anyway. my dad worked at an embassy so i got to experience a small space that almost felt like the country he was from since they held national ceremonies and events for kids and junk. i'll never forget when my mom made me sit next to some older kids my age and they immediately switched over to the other language when they were initially speaking english the moment i came in when they knew i didn't speak it. that's not the worst instance either because those come from my family but that did play a major factor in me wanting to distance myself from that part of my identity completely. i thought that since they didn't and will never consider me one of them and nobody bothers to even teach me anything instead of making fun of me then i'll just forget about even being associated with those people. i did have sort of a bestfriend from the same ethnicity as me growing up and she was really kind.
>do you desire it if you don't have it?not at all. i really don't care for that whatsoever but it's no longer because i'm bitter for being excluded. i've accepted that i have little in common with them and it's not like i'm completely clueless about our shared culture for the reason i shared previously about my dad's job. there aren't a lot of them living in my country anyway so it's not something i ever really think about kek. i'm
indonesian which means that the people i encounter are muslim conservatives here for theology studies, so even less in common with me considering i'm a lesbian.
No. 369568
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I hate the way Asians are expected to speak up on behalf of issues that don’t even affect us. Speaking of which, did anyone else see this?
The Israeli embassy posted a propaganda video of a fake Hamas attack on Seoul featuring Korean women being kidnapped and brutalized, and obviously Koreans were disgusted. It got reported so many times they had to take it down, and rightly so. Showing Asian women being raped and brutalized seems to be way too common and honestly I think white/Jewish men just get off on it. There’s so much art by creepy white moids like Trevor Brown that also depict Asian women being mutilated and molested in numerous ways and trying to pass it off as ‘art’. It feels like Asian womens bodies are just made into public domain for being sexually assaulted and when we get upset about it we’re told it’s just ‘artistic license’. It’s too often specifically Asian women’s bodies being sexualized and dehumanized like this in art/media.
I’m glad and proud Koreans could see through this disgusting propaganda garbage.
No. 370062
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What if Asian women had a movement like black girl magic?
No. 370530
>>370225This. Asians are especially "wow" just to a certain type of moid, but if anything are preferred by that type which also are the types of white boy non-threatening to Asian parents
and which run the world economy. There are issues with being cast as leading ladies in Hollywood or at all on Broadway, in the general culture there's a perception of being I guess not ugly but less attractive than white women - it's not very disadvantageous though.
No. 370829
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Do you ever feel weird about this?
No. 371116
>>370556No. East Asian women have a higher average IQ, are less fat,less promiscuous, have more male-like interests like STEM and gaming etc. than other races.
That's why they're idealized among white men.
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I guess there is no going back to motherland for me
No. 371715
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Y'all ever highly aware when someone infantalizes you?
I feel like its so rampant
i hate the pick mes that propel it so hard (esp in some korean women its a fucking psyop over there with kpop idols acting like they're 12 when they are nearing 30) but i always remind myself to hate men even more for it.
you can't avoid it when you realize it's everywhere.
I wouldn't care but people actually associate that shit back to me so it actually DOES become my business to deal with
I'm just glad my friends don't act like the "sexy baby" archetype (Abby from 30 Rock)
No. 373213
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I'm so tired of weird westoids pretending Buddhism is an enlightened religion.
No. 373215
I just had flashbacks to her overwhelmingly detailed her PULL threads were
No. 373832
>>367085I’m a SEA and what’s worse I’m half white so sometimes I don’t even consider myself Asian some if not most of the time. However I constantly find myself in this never ending cycle that I constantly feel trapped in leading me to an identity crisis. Here’s how it goes:
>Be half SEA half white that lives in a diverse community of many races>Have white attributes but have Asian features>Feel too colored in white communities >Feel to white in Asian-Asian communities.To add more into the mix I constantly feel as well get treated as a lesser Asian for being a SEA because my Asian culture is seen as obscure and undesirable compared to East Asians. It’s a pain.
No. 376394
What would this be called? White face? Cultural appropriation..?
No. 377136
Can anyone else here relate to becoming socially stunted due to having strict/controlling parents? I feel like it’s a very common phenomenon among first gen Asian women that no one ever talks about (like how the majority of Asian immigrants have a hoarding problem, but are loathe to admit it). Basically the whole “study 24/7, no boyfriends, no going out” schtick leads to social retardation that resembles autism at the surface level but is actually the product of being deprived of proper age-appropriate socialization and being extremely sheltered. This was basically my experience
>be me, growing up in multicultural diverse city with plenty of other Asians so no excuse not to socialize due to race reasons
>parents don’t let me have friends over, hang out with friends after school or participate in extracurriculars
>also insist I’m too retarded to take care of myself
>can’t go out and there’s nothing to do at home so I spend hours on the internet
>I’m studious and I do well academically so parents don’t care
>grow up on 4chan particularly the cow days of /cgl/, and the rest is history
It was only during and after college that I realize how badly I struggled to relate and connect to other people, and I cannot help but feel like I was cheated out of a proper socialization. Thankfully, I didn’t TIF out or do dumb reckless shit to try to compensate. But a lot of the typical experiences of young people - going on trips with your friends, going out on the town and getting wasted in your early 20s, doing dumb immature shit with other young people - I missed out on or experienced much later. For better or for worse schmoozing and networking is a part of rising up the career ladder, and being socially deprived makes it so much harder. People always talk about the bamboo ceiling due to white vs Asian cultural differences, but this kind of upbringing is the real bamboo ceiling. It sucks that so many of the struggles that Asian Americans face are due things we internalized via our culture.
No. 377169
>>377136Everything in this post is actually too real except I think I'm kind of an actual autist on top of that. Even though I was also friends with mostly other asians I wasn't allowed to hang out with them (except on like two occasions lol) or go to their sleepovers. They weren't even the popular normie outgoing type, we were all obsessed with anime and got good grades. Being treated like that from elementary school age, I think it made me into a very strange and lonely person but I didn't even notice for a long time.
>hoarding problemI really thought this was just something in my family since my dad had many siblings and my mom was a bit poor growing up so they snap up anything that is a good deal even if we don't need more. It genuinely stresses me out to see so many… things… in my environment so I can't wait to move out. Although, I'm younger than most farmers so I still have more college years left to finally get into dorms and maybe breathe for the first time… idk. Can't wait for that moment.
No. 377221
>>3770953/4 of my exes are white, and after the breakups it would dawn on me how all those relationships were extremely painful and weird but I would put aside my feelings at the time and only realize later.
I feel like white people gaslight their partners when they’re dating someone non white. When we talk about how we’ve experienced racism they basically say ‘are you sure you’re not imagining it’ in a multitude of ways. Men are generally inconsiderate assholes who lack empathy for others, but when you add a racial factor in there, it makes everything even worse. Don’t expect any sympathy or empathy. Just the word racism makes white guys seethe it seems, and each time I tried to talk about it I would immediately be met with smirks and eye rolls and forced to shut up. Everything becomes awkward, from talking about kids (my ex was talking about how he hoped our kids wouldn’t come out ‘short and
too asian looking’ like me. Then when I was hurt by that, he played dumb and gaslighted me into thinking I was being oversensitive. Whenever the topic of kids was brought up, I felt that white oppressive male nature coming out, even in bfs I hadn’t thought were like that. It made them uncomfortable, the idea of their genes getting ‘cucked’ by mine, our kids not looking enough for their tastes, not inheriting their features etc. I feel like all men are reproductively paranoid tbh. They’re always narcissistic and want the kid to be a carbon copy of them. So when you add an egg of a different race in there, it creates this competitiveness in them that’s very unpleasant to witness. It felt like it could damage our relationship if the kid didn’t come out resembling him enough. Or not looking ‘white’ enough. It made me feel very devalued as a person, and angry inside too. That’s just one issue I seem to run into time and time again when dating interracially, and it’s very painful because it’s basically saying ‘your dna isn’t as valuable as mine is’. I even had an exes mother remark a similar thing, saying how ‘strange’ it would be to have Asian grandchildren, but she quickly tried to take it back and just made it even more awkward.
There were so many other issues, like bfs remarking that certain Asian foods I like are ‘disgusting’, and having to change my cooking style to fit their bland palate (sandwiches and pasta only, which I got so bored making) debasing my culture and acting like American culture is superior to all, making fun of habits my family and I do, laughing at racist jokes on TV that are hurtful to me as an Asian (it’s actually crazy how much anti Asian racism there is in white media, I guess we’re seen as easy targets) and just an always uncomfortable underlying feeling. Also, their dating history can make things feel weird too. If they dated only white women ans you’re the first Asian girl, you start wondering if they’re settling for you somehow because he couldn’t lock down a white girl. If they’ve dated Asians before then you have to mentally prepare yourself for the idea you’re likely dating a fetishizer who is going to make you feel like shit. Then there’s the expectations: we have a reputation among white moids (and unfortunately all around the world now) of being docile, submissive, hypersexual etc. That sets expectations for the relationships. I’m usually pretty agreeable, but i once had a guy ghost me because I argued back with him when he was insulting my native country. After trying for a while to be as pleasant and agreeable as possible (which nearly caused me a mental breakdown because I felt so stifled and was scared of being dumped again) I had another ex tell me I was too boring and that he wanted a ‘dragon lady’ type who was going to boss him around and dominate him. No matter what you do for moids they always want something else. It’s a rigged game. It wasn’t worth it IMO. Ive dropped out of the dating game for the foreseeable future and I don’t see myself re-entering it for a long while. I just feel robbed and want all my time and effort back.
No. 377261
>>377221Fuck, why do we have the same experience. I am actually central asian but my family is from China and my white bf constantly triesto dismiss my experiences with racism as well. I kept on trying to tell him that I felt like I regularly get disregarded, have weird experiences of people asking me my ethnicity and/or treating me like I’m not Asian enough, and being infantilized and fetishized as being exotic. Nope. He says that it’s not true because he doesn’t see it when we’re out.
He also seems to still have remnants of his stupid edgy discord era still and makes edgy jokes that are racist at times. Why do I feel like that’s such a typical white boy thing to do? My past Asian fob bf never did shit like that and was 10x more mature and serious.
With food and stuff he’s actually quite open to things but he has no idea about Asian food so I have to basically introduce him to everything which is a small thing but can be quite annoying because these are just things I eat everyday. His parents are European and they mentioned that they can’t stand anything with too much salt, sugar, spice or oil and believe that it will ruin your tastebuds and health. These are the people I would have to live around for the rest of my life because I live in his country instead of my family’s and I just can’t understand that logic or live with basic ass unseasoned white bread food for the rest of my life. Please shoot me. They’re unwilling to try anything else as well.
I think he’s okay with having part Asian kids because he’s also a bit weeb-y which he hid from me for months btw. He started telling me about how he really likes Asian art styles, media, and fashion and thinks Asians look cooler. I told him that it’s cool to appreciate it and stuff but its kind of weird that he’s liked it for so long and I feel like he doesn’t understand how those things are cool now but he should be aware and more sensitive about consuming those things as it contributes to the fetishization and sexualization of Asians. I used to be made fun for liking those things and called a fucking monkey when I was younger, Asian media was the only place where I could see people that looked similar to me and made me feel better about myself. I also wasn’t consuming weird coomer brainrot adjacent stuff. And he started fucking fighting me on it saying that he should be able to like those things as well because I like them and it doesn’t matter that he’s white and I was gatekeeping his interests. We fought for days and he eventually deleted all of his anime inspired art off his computer. It was the stupidest shit I have ever dealt with in my life.
He also has the inability to read the room or the air. Not sure if it’s because he’s an ignorant white moid but my Asian bfs never had this problem. I find myself doing things for him to save face and make him happy but I expect him to check on me later or at least realize that I’m doing these things to be considerate and for him to reciprocate later but nope. Nothing, unless I tell him directly to his face and basically shove it down his throat. I feel like this is just what I learned from my family and don’t understand how he can’t act the same .
Now that I’m writing this the red flags are jumping out, but he has been pretty committed to me and basically worships me and do anything for me (as he should). Buys me plane tickets, food , clothes etc. and he’s pretty good in bed. He gives off goofy golden retriever energy and is not mean spirited, just ignorant and a white moid so I feel like i can’t blame him, but im biased as shit.
No. 377482
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>>377312Whenever I see white guys on 4chan discussing hapas, they always bring up incest and talk about wanting to rape their own half Asian daughters. Men need to be burned alive.
No. 377487
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>>377482Also I remember when this incest story broke, 4chan moids were going crazy over it because the white moid was fucking his own hapa daughter and moids were saying
>giwtwm And talking about how hot it would be to rape your own hapa daughter.
>TLDR: white moid had a hapa daughter with an asian woman, abandoned her and gave her up for adoption. the white moid turned up again when she was in her teens and they had an incestuous relationship where she ended up getting pregnant and giving birth to an incest baby with her own dad. then the dad chimped out and murdered his daughter, their incest baby, his daughters adoptive father, and then killed himselfAbsolutely disgusting.
No. 377612
>>377221>>377261you guys are basically just longwinded versions of the girl in the background of this pic
>>371715 embarrassing af and dumb as hell. just dump their ass the first time they make racist jokes instead of even now being all like uwu but golden doggo energy uwu. gag. seriously. how hard is it really to find a guy who isn't a fucking weirdo about your race?
No. 377679
>>367023The only procedures I would get are baby botox and skin microdermabrasion. My aunt does tell me that she would pay for my blepharoplasty if I wanted. However, I've (mostly) found peace with my 속쌍꺼풀 and I'm not bothered by my skin colour (I am lighter skinned so it could be different if I were darker). I'm very skeptical of bleph/double eyelid surgery as it was a procedure heavily promoted during the Korean War, by a white American surgeon to make Asian faces less Asian and thus more ""acceptable"" to the western populace. ""Deorientalize"" the Asian face. Great! Not quite sure on the first patients he operated on, but I remember reading that he would operate on prostitutes in Korea to make them more appealing to the American soldiers, then to prospective women who wanted to marry an American man and move to America. Sure, double eyelids were probably more favoured in the past, but I wonder at how much the surgeon contributed to the obsession for of double eyelids and other surgery in Korea and beyond. shaming anyone, but it's important to know history.
No. 377911
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>>377867People are very quick to co-opt these kinds of sentiments even though they are meant for all women. They don't just mean white women. A man will literally tack on 'white women' to something like "women have the ugliest disgusting most worthless bodies they're ugly bitches and i want to cut them up and play in their blood" and it suddenly goes viral.
No. 378094
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>>377136I feel like that too. I’m trying to work it out in therapy by gaining emotional regulation and learning real social skills. I secretly resent my mom for not letting me be a normal kid and I feel like a kid in an adult’s body. I hope in a few months I can start fresh and try again
No. 378098
>>377985>>377989>>377990>>377997China hate is exclusively an American thing and has come about precisely because of American anti-chinese propaganda. This is explicitly due to economic concerns and competition. Americans are extremely susceptible to propaganda and they just go along with whatever they're told to believe. Interestingly something similar is true when it comes to Europe. The US media will demonize and paint as "colonialism" any sort of economic foray or cooperation a European country does with a Middle Eastern, African or Asian country that isn't the big three. Americans then echo the same rhetoric as they do with China. The newest example of this is in regards to Meloni (Italy) and their plan to be more involved with the economy of Tunisia and other North African countries because Italy wants to diversify its energy supply further and stem the flow of immigrants by economically strengthening Maghreb countries. All of that is done openly and between governments and it benefits them all, but the Americans just screech about everything from racism to colonialism. Why? Because of economics. The US wants a weak and dependent EU.
Interestingly not a peep was heard from American media when just a week or two ago France and India signed extensive and far reaching cooperation deals on everything from military to nuclear energy to space exploration, because the US always hides other people's success or tries to pretend it never happened. This deal between France and India is one of the most significant things in geopolitics since the start of Russia's chimpout and it solidifies and assures the increase of power and influence for both countries, and makes them de facto sovereign (even more than up until now) on the world stage but American media never mentiones it.
Basically this isn't a "White" thing, but an America thing. America will always shit and piss on any country or race that tries to do or does its own thing or acts in their own interest.
No. 378195
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Does this picture make you feel weird? I thought it was cute until I saw all the fetishizing posts. Then I felt sick to my stomach
No. 378524
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I figured this thread would be a good place to talk with other Asian women and finally share my story.
I am a blasian woman, black and Korean, and ever since the uptick of Asian hate crimes done by black people I am pushed to feel ashamed to even be associated with the black race. Everywhere on the Internet and in real life, I see nothing but people proclaiming, from both sides, that Asian and black people will never be able to get along with one another and that by nature they will just automatically hate one another.
It truly pains my heart to see this, as someone who was raised by my Korean parent and grew up with a predominantly Korean/white community. I've loved everything that my Korean heritage has done and shown me and I believe I am a living testament to prove that, as someone who is half black, that by nature I have nothing but love to offer and give towards other Asian people. To any Korean woman that might stumble upon this thread, I genuinely see you as my sister. And the extent of my love doesn't stop at just Koreans, it extends to all Asian people. It is just unfair how I see the hyper-publicized aggressive uncivilized black people being portrayed on TV attacking Asian people and how media wants to use that as a representation of "all black people". I saw one news story just yesterday of an Asian woman and her family that were visiting from Nevada being attacked on a New York subway and I just cried.
From myself and from my extended black family, they have been nothing but a family that has welcomed Asian culture with open arms. Even my farthest distant cousins who are pure black whenever I've met them at family gatherings, when I've told them what my parents look like, they've all gazed at me in awe and admiration and said "Oh you're so beautiful!" I just wish that people could see that not all black people dislike Asians, and even if they have trouble seeing that I'd be willing to be the positive example to prove that as a partially black person that I at least have love for Asian people and Asian culture.
No. 378526
>>378505oh damn. when i first saw it i didnt interpret this as asian. i thought "oh, the
femcel phenotype" and found it cute.
so, as someone who has a similar look irl, i also feel upset. not asian btw.
No. 378536
>>378524Nona, I'm a mixed Black latina/Korean woman and I get what you mean, it's so hard to come to terms with the strained relationship between these communities, which frankly goes both ways. I am so glad you've had accepting family, and I mean that genuinely, I hope there is more of this in the future. But for me, my Korean family was very cruel towards me when I was young because of my being too dark, they would often joke about bleaching my skin. They'd make fun of my nose, call Black people gorillas, say we are too hairy, and more. Meanwhile, my Black family would make fun of my eyes too for being too slanted, would refuse to eat at Asian restaurants because they were worried about roaches and rats, and other things along those lines. Both sides of my family felt comfortable saying such casually racist things about the other half of my race, even when they were challenged they'd just double down. So I understand why people feel that Asian people and Black people cannot get along. I know that's not true, because there are so many stories like yours, and obviously my parents found each other and saw beyond race (and they stopped bringing me around extended family because they couldn't accept the racism and were worried it'd affect my self-esteem), but it is hard to hear about the uptick in hate crimes. During COVID, my parents cut off my Black family and went no contact because of the horrible things they were saying about Asians on social media. Honestly, I think my Korean family came to accept me more than my Black family did and started to compliment my skin, but I think maybe it's because of social sentiments in S. Korea changing maybe. I truly do hope things get better, it's very hard being caught in the middle because we know better than anyone that it doesn't have to be this way.
No. 378546
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>>378505What if we just erase half of the earth's population
No. 378547
I’m genuinely starting to hate living in the west and wondering if I should move to Asia permanently. I don’t think anyone talks about how prevalent sexual harassment and assault is when you’re an Asian woman living in the US. Almost every single interaction I have with men daily here is made weird and uncomfortable by them. They either get creepily close and invade my personal space, and start breathing in my face, staring me down and flirting in this really skeezy slimey way with a weird grin on their face as if they think I want to fuck them, or they talk down to me like I’m a retarded child and are dismissive and rude to me for no reason. It doesn’t help that I’m 4ft11 and extremely skinny, with very typically Asian features and not white passing at all. I’ve been grabbed and groped by random men in the street and on public transport. Men literally yell sexual things at me from their cars while driving by. Old men will leer at me while walking next to their wives and lick their lips or wink at me. I feel like I have to hide my Asian-woman-ness in public otherwise it automatically taints the interactions I’m going to have. And btw I’m not try to humblebrag or something because 99% of the men who hit on me are ugly geeky white moids or fat old men. I genuinely feel like a piece of meat just going around my daily business and I hate it. I don’t know why but I feel like the sexual harassment has gotten so much worse in the last 3-4 years too. Idk if it’s Covid or Asian fetishes are just growing in popularity due to porn, but I’d say about 70% of the sexual harassment I’ve experienced in my lifetime has happened from 2020 to this year.
I’m genuinely starting to miss Asia, I could walk around freely there. Nobody would stare at me and I was essentially invisible because I’m not considered special or stunning by actual Asian people (also they prefer tall like 170cm+ women there with long legs and white skin and high features and I don’t have any of those traits so I’m actually just considered average or ugly over there) and people just leave me alone and let me get on with my business. But in the west I’m the token tiny Asian girl and every creep within 100 mile radius seems to think it’s fine to sexually harass me because of it and they know that Asian women usually don’t fight back against them so we are easy targets. Every time I’ve tried online dating, as soon as men see I’m a petite Asian woman they seem to think they have a right to talk about my body sexually while using racial slurs, even seemingly ‘normal’ men who’ve been apparently vetted by my white and other race girlfriends seem to develop this starey, invasive, rapey instinct when talking to me and it’s frightening and offputting. It feels like they don’t see me as a human being, just a weird sex object, and it’s disgusting.
No. 378561
>>378551anon. women only train cars and buses don't exist here in the us because sexual harassment in public transportation isn't even seen as an issue worth discussing even ignoring the inevitable 'but but but what about the uwu twaaans women' whining we'd get, not because there's less of it. in my city at least, you can't even complain about sexual harassment or crime on public transportation at all without rich white liberals who don't ride trains popping out to lecture you about how the men who do this shit are all totally just facing socioeconomic hardships (and therefore you should just put up with all of it).
not saying dating or interpersonal relationships with men isn't going to be a total shitshow and come with sexist baggage but I also felt significantly safer and more invisible walking around in Asian cities than western cities.
No. 378674
>>378571I'm not the nona you're talking to but I know of the area you're mentioning and that history you're talking about. And I still gotta say that your reason is retarded. I'm East Asian and even I will admit that when it comes to races, Asians for no good reason single out black people and put a target on their backs for being the race "best to avoid". When other races, especially Latinos and Whites, have had just as much of a history of animosity towards Asians as they claim black people to have. During that exact same time period as the race riots, there were other races fighting against Asians as well. Latino gangs got into many bloody turf fights against Asians. Many discriminated Asians in their neighborhoods, yet Asians love to simply gloss over this for some reason and many (like Koreans for example) start chain restaurant franchises with Mexicans and say "All you can eat Korean and Mexican cuisine!"
If you're going to discriminate against black people for a past conflict decades ago that primarily happened only in a part of the United States where not everyone in the world even lives, then keep the same energy and be just as ridiculously discriminatory towards other people of color who have had animosity towards Asians.
No. 378676
>>378561You’re so right nona. The sad thing is in the West we wouldn’t even get female only train cars even if we literally begged for them. I’m actually more impressed that conservative Asia recognizes sexual assault is a problem and actually did something proactive about it that genuinely helps women and keeps them safer. At least Japan is doing something about it, which is more feminist than any bleeding heart liberal saying that women speaking out about trannies and moids raping women in public spaces is bigoted.
Meanwhile here in the more ‘liberal, evolved’ west would never even dream of implementing female only spaces such as womens train cars. In fact western governments are actively tearing female spaces down to make way for rapist men in dresses. Absolute clown world.
No. 378702
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>>378695>At least I can use the bathroom in Tokyo without worrying about being raped at gunpoint by a man in a dress. Sadly, not anymore
No. 378722
>>378674I don't endorse or agree with the discrimination, I'm just talking about the roots of the conflict based on anecdotal events from my community. They have a harder time questioning biased media and ideology because it aligns with their lived experiences of losing family members to black aggressors. I and most of my peers are aware that there are larger structural issues in play and that the race of the individual is not to blame. But majority of time, a 60 year old guy who grew up in a rough neighborhood and lost his cousin to a black man shooting him dead in his business is not going to suddenly start thinking about the shooter's life story and revolutionize his belief system so easily.
It's an important thing to keep in mind and does a disservice to productive dialogue when you get enraged that they can't just suck it up without considering these factors.
No. 378731
>>378679nta but its funny that our experiences are so different that I'd say pretty much the opposite. I saw signs warning of spycameras in every other restroom in seoul and all the koreans I saw were generally dressed in "basics" that wouldn't be amiss at a family brunch. As for cases about sexual assault, I'd point to the nth room and the Burning Sun club scandals.
That said, responding to the original anon, it truly varies case by case and if you feel like you'd have a better life in Asia, more power to you. It's not easy dealing with sexual harassment, much less a racialized version.
No. 378758
>>378731A ton of American celebrities are unironic pedophiles, abusers and rapists yet still allowed to continue to work openly and earn money and are adored by fans. At least Koreans genuinely cancel their rapey and
abusive celebrities.
No. 378762
>>378699Sorry but this is the Asian girl thread. If you want to talk about black issues then you have the black girl thread, stop trying to provoke race wars.
>>378731Asian women are being snatched off the street and raped in the US on a daily basis and an Asian family is slaughtered in the US practically every week. The west is definitely not safer for Asians than Asia, I know multiple Asians who are considering moving back to Asia because the amount of racism and violence (from every other race) against Asians in the west is becoming insane. Even westernized Asians can be extremely racist towards other Asians because of brainwashing. I just feel bad for the diaspora who can’t even speak their grandparents language and couldn’t move back to Asia even if they wanted to. But I honestly can’t blame them, the US is a shitshow atm and rape and murder rates have been rising for the past 5 years straight.
No. 378763
>>378693I hope this is sarcasm. Canada has a horrible track record when it comes to convicting rape and assault especially for
woc victims, and their jail sentences are an absolute joke. Look up the Pamela Jean George case.
No. 378766
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I hate this so much. She literally looks plainer and less pretty than she did on the left because now she’s so generic looking and bogged. Why aren’t Asian women allowed to love themselves? I hate this disgusting industry.
No. 378810
>>378762all due respect, I wasn't trying to argue and was just remarking that we had vastly different experiences. I was fortunate enough to grow up in diverse communities and in circles where any racism I experienced was an anomaly and a sign that whoever did that was some already-outcast weirdo.
My pov on the points you raise though is that while the western world does dole out a particularly racialized form of sexism, the eastern world has only sexism (for women who arent mistaken for another race blah etc) only because the race isn't a distinguishing factor. Asian women in Asia also get raped and murdered by men, just by men of their own race. A few countries are already trying to coax women into breeding to boost declining birth rates, China Korea Japan etc, with reports of sex trafficking for the sole purpose of getting brides for those poor widdle scrotes. Imo it's an individual choice for each woman based on their own experiences. I had a shit time in Korea all the way since a kindergarten classmate sexually harassed me. It's ymmv to me.
No. 378862
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>>378195It's become a meme in SEA. Girls have just been posting themselves comparing themselves to the doll. It was only picked up on in the West later by Yellow fever moids
(bait) No. 378981
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America is so much worse for women than East Asia
No. 378983
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>>378945If anything S.Korea is getting more scandalous, shes not wearing a bra or safety shorts. Trying to replicate the US.
>>378945 No. 378999
>>378766She looked fine before with good proportions. Should've just gotten a haircut or something, PS is so lame. And why post yourself bare face and then with makeup and surgery.
>>378783Kind of similar, when I was a toddler, strangers at the grocery store would comment on my round eyes and I didn't understand why. I used to sometimes wish I had monolids as a kid because they looked so cool and elegant. I'm appreciative of what I have though.
Appearance-related tangent I guess, but it's interesting/odd that I got my dad's coloring but most of my mom's features, but my brother got it the other way around. Like he is ghostly pale and I'm tan, but he has monolids and I don't. Not mixed or anything. My mom used to poke fun at how dark I was in comparison, saying that she didn't know why I turned out like that because nobody else in the family was that dark (???), which could be pretty fucked from an outsiders perspective but I fortunately didn't develop a complex about it or anything. Like what people call 黄黑皮/yellow dark skin. At some point, she commented on how I'm not that tan anymore which makes sense because I dress boring and don't spend a lot of time outdoors.
No. 379104
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What do you guys think of the effect of K-Pop and K-Dramas on girls around the world?(no kpop allowed)
No. 379240
>>379237I think a lot of Asian women date white men because white men have pretty low standards and aren’t that demanding tbh. All they usually want in a woman is a) don’t be super fat and b) be somewhat nice to them/boost their ego. That’s pretty much it. I think for Asian girls who are considered unattractive in Asia because they don’t meet Asian beauty standards, dating a white guy is just much easier than dating an Asian guy because Asian men tend to have high standards and nitpick things that white guys wouldn’t even notice, also a lot of whites are faceblind when it comes to Asians and can’t even tell us apart, and ‘fat’ in Asia is still considered ‘slim’ in the west.
If you’re not a Stai Cee, dating a white man is just the path of lowest resistance and it makes sense why it happens a lot. Personally I’m not really into white men at all, but I can understand why many Asian girls date them, it’s just easier and means you get to make less effort I guess.
No. 379295
>>379265no offense but it sounds like you’re obsessed with playing the
victim. it’s not that deep hapa-chan.
No. 379302
>>378547America has a long extensive history of fetishizing and murdering Asian women. It’s practically ingrained in American culture for fat old white men to import impoverished young Asian women to marital rape in exchange for money. The Japanese war brides act was signed into American law decades before interracial relationships were legalized in the US: meaning that the only interracial relationships recognized and approved by the US government were white male - fob asian female relationships, long before anyone else was allowed to marry who they wanted. American men were raping women and murdering almost whole families in Japan and China and Korea and Vietnam and then bringing their daughters home as wives. This set an extremely unhealthy precedent for the foundation of WMAF relationships in America: a traumatized Asian woman who couldn’t speak English and was a
victim of American imperialism, and a psychopathic white male soldier who had just got done murdering and raping and got off with it scot-free.
The same moids calling Asians zipperheads and gooks were settling down to have half Asian children with the same race of women they tortured, it’s no wonder hapas have a reputation for mental illness if that was the foundation of many hapa childrens lives in the west. The extent of brutality towards Asian women and little girls in these wars has never been fully or officially admitted by the government because it makes their supposed ‘noble, superior, civilized western soldiers’ look like barbarians and brutes, but plenty of war vets have admitted to raping and torturing Asian women and children for fun, so we don’t even know the half of it yet. Millions of dead Asian women and kids whose voices and stories will never be heard.
Western governments turns blind eye to their pedophiles and rapists going to South East Asia and raping women and little girls. The whole white world approves the rape and abuse of Asian bodies. We aren’t seen as fully human like white people are: not only are we women which men automatically see as beneath themselves, but we’re also ethnic women, which puts us below even white women, and therefore the rape and exploitation of our bodies is approved and condoned by westerners, they don’t believe we feel things or have the same mental capacity for pain as white people do. White women also hate us and see us as a threat trying to ‘steal’ their men too, so they couldn’t really care less about our pain and suffering and wish we’d just fuck off ‘back to Asia’.
No. 379320
>>379307I think a lot of hapas, and more specifically white/Asian mixes, end up coveting Asian identity because in a lot of places, being half white does not make you white and you're forced to identify with the non-white side. Add to it that as the other anon said, there are some strange racial dynamics in these pairings and it can be confusing for the kids born of these unions. Either accept your own identity as mixed as you did (aka, amorphous cultural blob, I like that phrase) or try to cling to the Asian side because that's the only option available in a "one drop" situation. I will say that I think this general issue, with it's racial focus and and the bit about being a cultural blob, does strike me as an American/North American issue (please correct me if I'm wrong).
I'm hapa too but from a Hispanic background and while I didn't fit in for various reasons and my race set me apart (I look totally Asian), there wasn't this "otherness" feeling that I see in a lot of other mixed Asians, especially Asian/white mixes, because I think Hispanic/Latin culture is already kind of expecting racial admixture and it's really more about certain cultural signifiers for fitting in.
No. 379323
>>379320I think to further your point about Hispanic culture I've certainly felt more accepted amongst Hispanics or other non-white and non-Asian cultures because there is a greater acceptance for mixed raced kids. And I could definitely see it being an American issue. I knew a half-Thai half-Norwegian kid who never really felt as bisected between their respected halves as much as half-American kids do. I will add, if you're a half white Asian kid, you teeter between being the golden novelty child with Asian elders and the black sheep. Never involved until they have an opportunity to admire your whiteness.
>>379316I don't agree with it either (mostly cause this is pathetic behavior in general), but you can't deny she is Asian, and if she hypothetically did get involved in an interracial couple, those daughters will be Asian too. They'll face the same fetishization and objectification as every other Asian woman. Same struggles, it's fr fr not that deep kek
No. 379326
>>379325i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same white scrote from the black girls thread. he kept posting explicit BMWF fetish/slavery porn screenshots and saying ‘OMG ISNT THIS TERRIBLE AND GROSS SISTERS AMIRITE’ while clearly searching for and getting off to it.
genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just the same white moid posting his asian submission fetish and trying to paint white men as desirable, under the guise of concern for asian women. like no real woman would save this picture or even go searching for it lol.
No. 379333
>>379329Most hapas are fine. It’s a racist myth that they’re mentally ill. Maybe the ones who are raised by white pedophilic
abusive dads and self hating asian mail order bride moms, which is obviously going to be a
toxic as fuck environment for any child, but the ones who just have normal parents who love each other are fine.
No. 379340
>>379333Theres only two hapas that were even in the news.
Elliot Rodger and that girl from Facial Abuse.
But it seems those two single cases have been blown up so much every hapa is now a school shooter waiting to happen.
Just ignore every other case from every other race ever.
No. 379343
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>>379302>Western governments turns blind eye to their pedophiles and rapists going to South East Asia and raping women and little girls. The whole white world approves the rape and abuse of Asian bodies. We aren’t seen as fully human like white people are: not only are we women which men automatically see as beneath themselves, but we’re also ethnic women, which puts us below even white women, and therefore the rape and exploitation of our bodies is approved and condoned by westerners, they don’t believe we feel things or have the same mental capacity for pain as white people do. White women also hate us and see us as a threat trying to ‘steal’ their men too, so they couldn’t really care less about our pain and suffering and wish we’d just fuck off ‘back to Asia’.agree
No. 379373
>>379340>Elliott Rodger and the girl from facial abuseI guarantee nobody outside of 4chan cares about these people
>>379326Mod didn’t delete the BMWF porn spam from tat thread even though multiple people reported and complained about it, so I doubt they’ll remove this one either. You can post obvious moidy fetish bait and porn on here now.
No. 379502
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>>379104I see the articles pop up from time to time.
No. 379837
>>379240I just went on vacation to Japan and I actually saw a lot of fat tourist Asian couples in my hotel, mostly Korean or Chinese. Both the man and women seemed to be similar in weight/looks. They were always well groomed though and dressed nicely compared to American couples.
>>379333All of my hapa friends grew up in relatively diverse areas and are normal from what I can tell. The only one I know who has issues is because her extremely rich white dad divorced her mom and went on to marry and start a family with another Japanese woman- which isn't from being hapa, I think that would fuck up anybody. I feel like it depends more on what your family is like and how accepting/westernized they are.
No. 380202
>>378676On Google there’s endless creepshots of underage girls and even upskirt pics of schoolgirls from America and Europe. None of it gets taken down and plenty of the
victims are well below age of consent. Can you imagine America or Europe implementing the mandatory loud camera shutter sound on phone cameras to prevent creepy men taking creepshots of girls? I certainly can’t. The western governments arent even acknowledging it’s an issue, yet even backwards sexist Japan has implemented the sound on all their phones (I was flying to Japan and taking pictures of my airline food and noticed the shutter sound automatically became enabled as we flew into the territory of Japan, it was kinda cool) it’s depressing that the government won’t even bring up the topic of creepshots and sneaking candid pics of women, but makes a huge song and dance about fake AI pics.
No. 385942
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>>379240Ive actually asked a couple of my friends who dated/married white guys why them and they said that the men are more "mature" and are not the jealous types. The filipino guys they've dated in the past are very nitpicky,very jealous and have criticized them for their appearances while not being much of a catch themselves. The worst one they've told me is that their nipples or the inner thighs thighs were too dark. I also find that a lot, but not all, Filipino men are addicted to pornography. Pic related.
No. 385946
>>385942>Filipino men are addicted to pornography.Flip here and I agree. I remember back in high school some of the boys would say hentai-tier shit like "yamete kudusaiiii" to a bunch of anime (Love Live?) cosplayers during a school field trip.
There was also an infamous event here where a
boy raped his own cousin resulting in said cousin giving birth to "their" child—and he said he did it because, and I quote: "I saw it on the internet and was curious and wanted to try it out".
Lmao this is what happens when sex ed is shit, buying contraceptives can be shameful, and hentai can be easily watched with the type of a finger. I partly blame the Catholic church and its pUrITY bullshit for this.
No. 392834
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This is something that's been driving me crazy. I keep hearing people say that some insane percentage of East Asians are lactose intolerant, like 90-100%, and this even got repeated in my nutrition textbook. Look up lactose intolerance and they'll say this.
I LOVE any and all dairy products and have only had positive experiences consuming them. None of my family is intolerant, and we did the "you have to drink milk daily" thing when I was a kid.
I ask every Asian I know if they're lactose intolerant and everyone has said no, at worst they'll say "no but I just don't really like or consume dairy that much." They have also never heard of this supposed widespread intolerance being a thing. I have asked people directly from East Asia and people born and raised Western.
What's going on here? The only thing I can think of is that the alleged statistic is based on some technical definition of lactose intolerance where maybe you're genetically slightly more sensitive but you wouldn't notice any differences until like 7 cups of milk in, but that still seems so weird.
No. 392879
>>392834Where do you live? Most I know aren't, and I used to be but I'm not really anymore unless I'm chugging straight milk. Because you can get acclimated to milk through repeated consumption. It's statistically true that being lactose intolerance is actually the human norm, though. Most humans naturally lose the ability to process lactose past infancy unless they consume it regularly as part of their diet.
True lactose intolerance in which even in infancy you can't consume breast milk is a different matter, but that's not what they're talking about with the statistics you've given.
No. 392946
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>>392882>>392834>>392879My understanding is lactose intolerance really only affects drinking skim milk, other dairy products like cheese, cream etc are not high enough in lactose to cause serious issues unless you eat/drink a lot of it
No. 392953
>>392949That sucks. I have one lactose tolerance gene and one intolerance gene (hapa) and I can drink milk without an issue but if I eat something with a lot of cheese or cream in it I get horribly gassy
Carbs + lactose seems to be the nightmare combo
No. 392957
>>392879ayrt I live in America but I am the only Western-born member of my family. My family actually apparently sort of thinks food intolerances and allergies are like a white person thing because it was unheard of when they were growing up, they were too poor to really be picky
>>392946>>392949Did not realize there was a significant difference between skim and whole milk, that's interesting. I don't really ever drink skim milk because I don't prefer the taste but I drank like 6 cups of whole milk today (trying to finish a gallon before it expires) and I feel great
No. 392960
>>392957Honestly there are a lot of allergies with my cousins on my dad's side, I don't know if its a white thing or some environmental thing, but I never had them
Skim milk has the most lactose in it because it has the least amount of fat (hence the skim)
Cream is the opposite, it has a lot more fat content so the lactose % is small
No. 393276
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>>393253This is so bad that it honestly reads like bait/someone shitposting about retarded weeaboos, dear god
No. 393449
>>393276I have 2nd gen Chinese cousins in Canada and I've heard this sort of thing before from them, it tends to get blown out of proportion by ricecels but there definitely is a subset of creepy white guys who are autistically obsessed with Japan and Asian women
A lot of Chinese girls grow up socially stunted due to their parents so they'll just tolerate that sort of guy because they don't know they can do better
No. 393450
>>393264Tbh I wouldn't date a white guy who either has only dated other Asians before or is overly negative about white women
Huge red flags for a "grass is greener" misogynist
No. 393467
>>392949>>392957>>392960I'm not even Asian/Asian gen, but each time I want to take milk tea or something, I have to ask for whole milk or else I'll end it puking it or worse. And is a bummer because most of the time the stores sell milk tea but do not have the whole milk option.
>>393253Dump him,
nonnie. You deserve someone who treat you like who you're, not someone who he thinks you're or use you as his "Asian girlfriend".
No. 393812
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>>393253you wear CAT EARS for him? pls get some self respect
No. 393880
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My disgust for men grows daily
No. 396262
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i'm US born flip and didn't grow up speaking either of my parents' dialects because they worked the entirety of my childhood, and i was raised half the time by my grandparents on either side who had no qualms speaking to me in english. i'm 24 this year and for the first time next month i'll be starting an intensive tagalog class. i'm really excited to be reconnecting to my family's culture after spending my adolescence feeling completely disconnected from it and even other US flips thanks to being autistic & whitewashed. even though tagalog isn't my parents' native dialect (ilocano), it's a start.
my biggest regret is not being able to speak to my grandparents in their own language before they died
No. 398144
>>396262Fellow Flip here who knows Tagalog. Some Tagalog words originated from Spanish, so if you know that language or aware of some words learning it would become easier.
Simple examples would be: trabaho, syudad, pamilya, presidente, gobyerno.
It doesn't have gendered pronouns, everyone is just "siya". Older people should be referred to by family honorofics (even strangers)—kuya/ate (big brother/sister) for someone slightly older than you, nanay/tatay (mother/father) for middle-aged ones, lola/lolo (grandmother/grandfather) for senior citizens. Also, always use "po" at the end of of your sentence when talking to nanay/tatays and lola/lolos or they'll see you as a disrespectful little punk.
I hope this helps a little or maybe you know some already—may your language learning journey be fruitful nonna!
No. 398381
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>>393253>>393947>>379053>>378098>>377985>>377989>>377990>>377997>>367085 >>367085
>>367085>growing up you're surrounded by constant Japanophilia (and even Koreaboos) yet simultaneously met with Sinophobia and general colorism. Especially online. I obviously shouldn't take /pol/tards seriously but I've been a NEET all my life so I constantly am subliminally absorbing stupid shit like "SEAmonkeys" and those MSpaint WMAF caricatures you see, I've probably seen that one of Vivienne Tye / laowhy's Wife at least fifty times. It never feels glamorous to be Chinese: the stereotypes are always repulsive. Part of it may be the lingering aftermath of the red scare (vaguely political comments about the state of China, shit about gutter oil, surveillance, communism) and others are just commonly perpetuated stereotypes like being very reductionist when it comes to academics. Visually, online we're more often portrayed as brown, slanty eyed, with an unpleasant accent and shrill voice… fiery, easily provoked, thick-skulled (thinking of Mr. Yunioshi from Breakfast at Tiffany's) as opposed to the Japs, who are like, super sugoi and kawaii!!!!~ Delicate, demure, girly, excessively decorated (Harajuku fashion, Lolita, maid cafes, in a dressed up uniform) with anime-like voices, and their broken English is even seen as endearing instead. You see this with vtubers like Inugami Korone; it's seen as a cute thing… yet I've never heard someone say to me that they find girls with Chinese accents adorable. I've seen so much of "tfw no Japanese girlfriend", people praising their jpop idols, voice actresses, etc… making light of the stereotypes in a way that portrays them as endearing, like that one picture of Mogusa Shirose in the snow captioned "Ouhhh… Husbant…" hahahah. Weebs always talking about how they want to pick up their life and move to Japan, how much they adore the glittering lights of Akihabara, and how they "just love the culture." (Pewdiepie & TrashTaste) And this is of least importance; but all the right-wing chuds online (which is incidentally most of the people in the corners of the internet I'm in, just due to interest overlap) that glamorize Japan because it's a socially conservative ethnostate with strict immigration (Huh, weird, it's like China also fits this description) and treat the Chinese as an enemy while perceiving Japan as a beacon and ideal. The politics of it all are deeply entangled with history (nobody would call a Chinese an "honorary Aryan"), and naturally, this theme of anti-China and pro-Japan permeates mainstream contemporary politics as well. I obviously don't seek the validation of these people; but it would just be nice to feel like I'm not being punched down on wherever I turn.It hurts so bad and I can't really do anything about it. The easy option is to self-loathe and wish/and or LARP that I'm Japanese, or distance myself from my Asian half as much as a second-gen immigrant can. The correct option would be to fully and unapologetically embrace my real heritage instead of being gaslit into thinking that the Japanese are the only ones with a culture and society that can be romanticized. It's just hard and feels like a lonely existence when I do this, trying to appreciate that part of my identity but having to deal with the hard truth that I can't and never will expect this sentiment to be reciprocated. Nobody should rely solely on external validation for their self worth, but it's depressing taking inadvertent rejection after rejection by the world. And I feel like a whiny victimizer when I talk about it. I feel like I can't win.
No. 398383
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>>398381>>393253I admit this is a cringy personality defect that is a product of low self esteem but at times I genuinely would rather be fetishized/objectified than ridiculed and ignored. In the former, at least I'd be wanted in some capacity, even if it's in a very superficial and spiritually corrosive sense.
I hate this kind of BDD infused with internalized race insecurity that I've never been able to shake. It's things like my weight and figure, but also very specific things like the inadequate fairness of my skin, my eyes not being big enough, having visibly "Sinitic" qualities in my features as opposed to "Japonic" ones that I used to counteract with SNOW filters that made my eyes bigger and whatnot. I hate how I once actually felt good when a guy similarly told me I "looked Japanese" and had people guess I was Japanese because of my racial ambiguity of being half Asian. I intentionally wouldn't correct them out of shame, because I really did covet that kind of identity and its associated western Japanophilia, but I also wouldn't affirm their guesses out of a deep embarrassment that I'm that pathetic where I won't even tell people what ethnicity I am, that I'm that disingenuous and self-hating.
It's the same feeling as growing up and always being overshadowed and outperformed by a prettier and more successful older sibling, but in a broader and more sociological sense. Due to half of it being deeply involved with aesthetics and their romanticization, it's really fueled my body dysmorphia and physical insecurities. I just wanna be cute like Tsuroko and I want to be wanted and I want to be accepted and I want to stop being constantly reminded I'm somehow permastuck in a lower caste just because of what I am. I don't want to live with this feeling of inferiority forever.
No. 398385
>>398383>I genuinely would rather be fetishized/objectified than ridiculed and ignored.Dios mio, absolutely no dude. This isn't a binary of either fetishization or ridicule there's always the third (and best option) of being treated as a
regular person.
There aren't just
two choices here. Thinking like that is just the race version of the Maddona-whore complex.
No. 398418
>>398383>>398381think of it as a blessing or people filter that keeps you from wasting your time. i want to know someone is a creep early on and not accidentally befriend a sex pest hiding their true colors who could potentially hurt you in some way out of nowhere. my heart goes out to asian women in general for having to suffer from the fetishization and ridicule from one big vocal group. anime is fine as entertainment, but it's a strange how something like animated cartoons can somehow make people creeps and racists.
aside, i utter a wry laugh when weaboos claim that japanese culture is superior to chinese culture when japan were huge chinese fans for a large part of history (before they decided to become bit of westophiles at another time) and adapted many parts of chinese culture that are still applied in present japan.
No. 398500
>>398383>>398381>>398385Weeb incels with yellow fever are the last people whose opinions should ever be given any though. Literally the most bottom barrel subhuman men ever, who cares if they think you’re worthless because you’re not Japanese/a trendy type of Asian, just ignore them and embrace your heritage. You will find people that will accept you for who you are.
>>398418This, if anything it is a blessing because you’re less likely to run into potential fetishizers/creeps. I really hate how Asian culture has attracted the most vile people ever.
No. 398865
>>398845The problem is that it's not Asian issues but hapa issues.
No. 399152
>>398845Some of them are fine and some of them I don't want to see. Like
>>398383 . I don't want to see complaints about how badly she, as a mixed race woman, wants to be fetishized as Asian no matter now self aware of it she is.
No. 399676
>>395907I turn 24 in a couple months but for a second I thought maybe I posted this in my sleep. I’m used to having almost zero social life due to strict parents and now I do like being accompanied by myself but I feel like I’ll never be able to move out of my parents house for retard and money reasons and I'll just have to kill myself. The only way my sisters could move out is because they found guys to pay their rent.
My parents are a lot less strict now than when I was growing up and it makes me feel worse about myself like I was imagining everything because I have a sick self persecution complex but that would be very typical Asian american of me. I wish I was more rebellious and able to advocate for myself as a child because I’m completely burnt out now
No. 402734
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I hate how normalized skin bleaching here is.
No. 402736
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>>399430>South China Morning PostLolololololol.
No. 403074
>>398813>>398816The problems a white/black or mixed race Latina would face are very different from hapa problems
I'd be fine with a hapa specific thread but a general mixed-race thread would just be all over the place and unfocused
No. 403270
>>393253don't date weebs.
you are replaceable with pretty much any other asian woman to them. you are just "asian pussy". they will rank you according to their extremely simplistic standards, which often has to do with nationality and their preferred media. weebs will rank japan number 1, south korea last. kpop fags will rank korea number 1, japan later. why would you put up with such dehumanizing autists?
No. 403308
>>403270I honestly believe this goes for any terminally online moid too, weebs and gamers and youtubers and tiktokers, all of them deserve the rope. I'm not asian, I've just seen this first hand, someone I had the displeasure of talking with (has ties with my bf) basically paraded his taiwanese gf around and basically said something like "I cum inside her all the time, had to convince her" and "can't believe she's with me, she should be doing better considering her looks". He's a white gamer guy. And he also said his girlfriend is basically ok with him talking to him about her this way. The girl is a weeb kpoppie and I'm just praying for her safety. Legit hope she finds better and leaves his
toxic ass.
No. 404176
>>404163>Asian culture conditions us>Asian culture brainwashes usIt's because she always says "Asian culture" but never "our culture" or "my culture", despite using the first person "us" in the same phrase (she doesn't say "out culture conditions us"). She is reluctant to call this culture her own culture, because, subconsciously, she does not think it is her own, she is "white on the inside". It's not because she's criticizing "Asian culture" that makes me think "she wishes she were white", because you can criticize your own culture. Rather, she speaks like "Asian culture" is something weird and foreign and accidental to herself.
Also is the phrase "Asian parents", which makes me think of that terrible Asian American comedian whose only joke is his father being pissed that he got a B plus in math. "Asian parents" is a sort of meme among bananas.
Of course, I might be totally wrong. But it's the impression I get.
No. 404221
>>404200Yes, but that hesitation is what makes her "white on the inside". There are Asian Americans who don't hesitate at all. Culture isn't something you "experience", it isn't something you can "blend", except in the most superficial aspects. It's something you have or you don't have.
You seem to think that if you grow up in America, you are necessarily a "banana".
No. 404533
>>398381i'm wasian (2nd gen half chinese half french) and i'm proud of my heritage, for the most part i grew up in north america but i've lived in china - i spent part of my highschool years in beijing. people have mistaken me as being japanese a lot (even chinese people lol, and FUCK THE JAPANESE and fuck the westerners that idolize them. it disgusts me how they and all of the west have cast aside and glossed over the atrocities committed against the chinese. the sino-japanese war and ww2 left china with a death count higher than the holocaust by their hands and yet there is has been virtually no atonement/social shunning like the germans.
everyone recognizes the horrors the jewish experienced. the japanese still leave offerings on the shrines that glorify the war generals and the soldiers that were apart of the brutal mass rapes and torture. the general anti-chinese rhetoric that has followed this is fucking crazy, like even aside from the older generations young japanese people treat chinese people like lesser "wanna-be"'s without any real awareness WHY…their education system doesn't teach children about that part of their history and so they just absorb the pervading anti-chinese sentiment that their history has left them. lol if you ask a japanese person if they know why they don't really like chinese people they start stuttering. then of course the rest of the world treats japan like a holy utopian sanctuary.
it's so plainly obvious that japan's culture is built on a fascism that is forgiven by their sickly veneer of politeness and their cultural output of "cool and exotic" commodities. their neurotic obsession with order is a textbook symptom of fascism. but who's really surprised when the average westerner is blithely ignorant to/has conveniently forgotten that japan was 1/3 of the axis powers so they can add whatever current and trendy japanese thing to their pile of stuff and narcissistically flaunt their "good taste" to the world.
i hate that it's kind of true when they say that a lot of young chinese people strive to be "more japanese"…even in the mainland i've met people who treat the japanese like the ideal model, it makes me sooo sad when chinese youth especially women wish they were japanese. it's an internal thing but yeah it is really external for women, i've slept with white men who were definitely influenced by japanese-fetishism and in some ways i do benefit from that. it is misguided fetishism yes i don't see the point in complaining about how sexually attractive you are… it does become more painful when you are looking for a long term partner though i wouldn't let someone like that into my life for more than a temporary fling.
i'm definitely glad to be chinese despite the terrible reputation we hold right now (and i do feel it shifting). i do think that we're on the cusp of an asian century with china at the forefront. the massive rapid development in china is unlike anything else that's happening right now and it's going to influence a lot.. there's definitely been a shift in cultural rep that's happening too. i don't know how old you are but in the circles of young people that i'm in the way people talk about china is changing fast, similar to how the west idealizes soviet-era russian aesthetics, people are starting to do the same with eastern bloc china. the french in the 60s LOVED chinese culture (albeit very orientalist) and i think there will be a global revival for that very soon, atleast for more left wing people which will trickle down to zoomer culture.
No. 405840
>>404533I think it's the west woobifying Japan and essentially adopting it's culture post WW2. Japan still doesn't recognize what they did to my culture (korea) so I understand your frustrations. I wish the UN would force them to acknowledge the destruction they did to my country (korea). Regardless it's made me proud of my own heritage (korea)
t. a Korean
No. 405937
>>404533Different Korean than
>>405840 but basically echoing her statements. I feel for you.
No. 405990
>>405937Wow two of my kind (korean) I feel so special.
>>405938Yes I am of the peninsula (korean)
No. 406239
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>>367032>it's not a European feature but just a general thingNTA but I agree. I'm hapa so I'm not that dark to begin with but I just always look better in paler makeup: I have hyperpigmentation, it evens out my skin tone and naturally enhances the features, especially due to having the typical Asian dark hair + eyes. I even dye my brown hair to a jet black to exaggerate the contrast between the light and the dark. Ontop of the "visually striking" element it just complements my Asian features and makes you look more youthful IMO. It has nothing to do with the Caucasian identity lmao. Skincare enthusiasts of every race do this.
>>367023>>367032>but I use regular Asian skincare products labeled as "whitening."What do you use? I wanna start but I'm genuinely a bit nervous, I'm afraid if I get the wrong product, it'll just be a sham, or even worse harm my skin in some way (if it's a bleach) like making my skin peel or giving me a chemical burn.
And obviously I want to get something that actually works since some of the ones I see online seem unreasonably expensive for what looks like a glorified moisturizer based on some of the before/after photos
No. 406560
>>367032I mean, it’s not coincidental that it was only after globalism coincidentally double eyelids, high nose bridges, smaller faces etc all became the standard. It is a little odd that seemingly
every standard is something specifically less common in Asians (Koreans especially, for whom these standards are most prominent) and more common in white people. I see self-hatred related to this when I come across foreign discussions on the internet, and they’re honest there. I don’t see what point there is in lying about it.
That being said, the origins of skin lightening clearly aren’t internalised racism/colorism - although they can be used as vehicles for such in the present day. I realised this when I noticed most light-skinned Asians just have less hyperpigmentation than darker-skinned Asians. Some are just naturally darker-skinned with no hyperpigmentation and are still considered “ugly” though. I think it’s best to just focus on products that improve the health of your skin and thus reduce hyperpigmentation and UV damage (like ascorbic acid) but avoid the bleaches and chemicals that will damage your health, especially because the result often makes you look a little ill anyway.
No. 406676
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>>406560>only after globalism coincidentally double eyelids, high nose bridges, smaller faces etc all became the standardOh ye of little historical knowledge.
>WW2 movie made in 1957, soldier wants to marry Japanese woman>Suddenly, Kelly burst into the adjoining room condemning his wife Katsumi for having scheduled to have her eyelids slashed for $8 by a quack doctor, so that she would "have good eyes. l fool everybody. l look American, like Joe….I want him to be proud of me." Kelly pleaded with Katsumi and assured her that he loved her the way she was. No. 407164
>>406258Are you illiterate or something that anon literally said they were korean three times.
>>406673Just like aznidentity it's just a sub filled with small dick losers that can't attract white women and want to make it everybody's problem. It's legitimately hilarious when they post their greasy haircuts asking for advice. They don't even realize their personalities repel most women. Some of them are stupid enough to post their schools and occupations not realizing they can easily get fired for posting in incel subreddits. I hope someone takes the initiative and reports them to their bosses.
No. 408983
>>406673A lot of them are the same as any other race of incels. They have bad personalities and are boring and sexist but think that everyone hates them because of their race.
As an Asian nona who has given multiple Asian guys a chance I just completely gave up on dating them because even though I would say on average they’re generally less promiscuous, more honest and more family oriented than white guys are, they always have insanely high standards and criticize women from their head right down to the tips of their toes. Every single Asian man I dated would criticize the shit out of me constantly: if they weren’t nitpicking my appearance then they were whining about how I didn’t earn enough money for their liking or criticizing other life choices. They also tend to be a bit colder and less affectionate in relationships and generally have that critical nature and mean streak that they usually pick up from their harsh Asian parents, disguised as ‘constructive criticism’ or ‘wanting to help you’. A lot of Asian women have this too tbf, but in general we are more encouraged to keep our criticisms to ourselves than men are. I’m not defending white moids either since I’ve had various bad experiences with them too ranging from passive aggressive racism to full on cheating and having another family.
No. 409148
>>409107I think Asian men on average are better husband material than other races of guys, as long as you avoid the greasy fuckboy type Korean moids/bad boy type Asian guys, just based on my own experience. Family and stability is extremely important in Asian culture. With white guys it feels like they think it's optional, I noticed most white men I know want to play the field until they're 50 and finally ready to 'settle down' when they're fat and bald and have rotten sperm. I'm not interested in that. I want a man who is gonna be straight-up about his intentions, marries me within 2 years, knows what he wants in life, is going to have a steady career etc. The white guys I dated seemed spoiled and coddled by their moms and seemed to think they can just coast by in life. I really don't like bums and unemployed moids in general because the less financially and status-stable they are, the more they start compensating in other
toxic ways to make up for feeling emasculated. My last ex couldn't keep a stable job and lived off his moms savings. He would try to pathetically assert his manliness by coming out with things like 'Women arent logical and are too emotional, they shouldnt be allowed to vote' and complain about how men are oppressed nowadays. When actually he was just a broke insecure bum who couldnt take responsibility for himself.
No. 409159
>>409150? I have Asian men in my life who struggle with drug (usually things like study drugs) or alcohol (not uncommon in my culture). It's not all, but it's absolutely true that they're much more likely to be functioning addicts who hide their addiction well until it starts killing them. I've lost two elder male family members to alcoholism.
Wtf is with the hypersensitivity and defensiveness when people are speaking from lived experience. The overgeneralization is odd too. You have mental issues.
No. 409164
>>409150NTA but i think the biggest issue in most Asian cultures are
abusive men. Being a whore isn't even that big of a deal but the way asian men predate on women and girls, abuse their partners, get away with sexual crimes etc is much more of a social issue than some random Asian woman sleeping around.
No. 409193
>>409150As she said, if they're better at hiding it then drug deaths, STD rates and incarceration rates won't reflect it. And it's also been my experience that a lot of Asian men have drug/alcohol/other severe issues that they keep hidden. Ignoring the issues of drugs and alcohol I've often found that they have tons of skeletons hidden in their closets (my deadbeat father never told my former or current stepmothers about me and he's hidden all sorts of shady things about himself to others).
>>409154It is certain types, and the finance assholes are some of the worst who will nitpick tiny little details about women. But Asian men who aren't obsessed with finance and status weren't like that, in my experience.
No. 417162
>>417127I feel like this reflects a greater issue where Cantonese speaking diaspora are being displaced by mainland Mandarin speaking foreign students. I unironically hate being lumped in with them.
Not so related but everyone in the East can keep their bizarre fucking beauty standards to themselves, I don't want or need eyelid surgery or lighter skin and just because it's normal over there doesn't make me a pearl clutching banana nor is "but westerners get nose jobs and fillers all the time" comparable. I'm not the one practicing how to smile for hours, worrying how my gait looks or getting insecure about having ugly trapezoid muscles on camera (wtf), saving surgery money to "gift" my future teenage daughter, putting blush on my fingertips then getting sad it doesn't show up on my deeper skin. The cultural body dysmorphia over there is insane. Did I get shitty at a friend from East Asia over this? Yes and I have no regrets.
No. 417287
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I've never lived in Asia so I don't really have perspective on this, but it boggles my mind that everyone gets plastic surgery to have the exact same features. Round forehead, double eyelids, narrow nose, carved out jaw, etc. Even as a child when I watched random K-dramas on Hulu (in the early 2000s) I don't remember women having such an identical look.
No. 417696
not sure if this thread is for east asian women only or indian nonas like myself can post, but does any other desi nona struggle with all the indian hate on the internet? sometimes i feel good about myself then ill see a tiktok with the indian girl talking about how many times she’s been rejected or ghosted because the man found out she was indian not latina and hundreds of other indian girls are commenting the same thing happened to them. idk it’s hard not to feel hated. with men im surrounded by white males at work and in daily life since there’s a low desi population in my area, i find almost none of them take me seriously and avoid me, or treat me like im a joke, say things about curry, or body odor, or speak in a mocking accent. the ones who have actually approached me turned out to be general indian girl fetishists and weren’t interested in me as a person. out of desperation i ended up with one of these white men and he wanted constant violent, rough, bdsm sex and was incredibly emotionally and physically abusive towards me, always calling me subhuman, saying my skin looked like the color shit, mocking my parents accents etc. my self esteem is practically non existent now and i feel like ive been traumatized by the constant hatred for indians that’s everywhere irl and online.
No. 417861
>>417696In the first example you gave, some scrotes turned down an Indian woman because they were racist fetishists who wanted her to be a different flavor of exotic brown lady. Those scrotes will hate on Indian women just like they hate on every single type of woman on the planet, there's no winning with them. Also, if you're watching videos talking about being dumped or stood up, the comments will naturally be filled with women sharing similar experiences. You won't find any positivity with that sort of content.
The situation you're in is depressing, but tbh, it's probably partly because you come off as desperate. It's NOT because you're Indian, I can guarantee that the failed abortions making curry jokes at you would be making dog fucker jokes if you were white or slavery jokes if you were Black or ching chong jokes if you were East Asian or mail order bride jokes if you were European or Holocaust jokes if you were Jewish. It's not you, it's their misogyny and the fact that you're seen as an easy target.
Unfortunately women with low self esteem tend to attract the most subhuman moids. You ended up with one of them 'out of desperation', but why did you need a scrote in the first place? Yeah there are cultural pressures to date and settle down with a nice domestic violence perpetrator so you can shit out rape babies and make Grandma happy, but you could have just invented an online boyfriend or looked for a long distance relationship instead of settling for a poltard. You deserve better than this.
Stop thinking that being Indian is the root of all your problems. It isn't. Work on your self esteem. Stop waiting for approval from other people, be it family or scrotes or your general cultural expectations, and learn to love yourself for who you are as an individual. You're more than what your culture wants to reduce you down to. You're definitely more than what those inbred turds you work with think you're worth.
And why do you care if they like you or take you seriously? If they treat you like a sped, treat them the same way. Life isn't an approval harvesting game. It's horrible to be treated like a retard by scrotes who think you have cooties, but it's worse if you give their opinions any weight and actually let their midget-brained bullshit affect you like that.
Sorry for the wall of text but this is something I keep hearing from Desi friends all the fucking time and I don't want you to suffer like they do, spending years hand wringing and shirt plucking and tying themselves in knots over how to win the approval of some dogshit nobody that was mean to them for no reason. Please for the love of fuck get therapy and work on yourself before you become a headline.
No. 418052
>>417873>Western European country I'm from we think of Indian women as being pretty with great hair.What is the point of lying on an anonymous forum?
Nobody truly thinks that. Indians are seen the same as gypsies.
No. 418086
>>417696I'm another type of South Asian but people always assume I'm Indian kek. Why do you care if some retarded faggot moid is into you or not? Why does it matter?
>out of desperation i ended up with one of these white men>always calling me subhuman, saying my skin looked like the color shit, mocking my parents accentsKek, you need some self respect. This is embarassing for you and giving me second hand embarassment too… What the hell were you thinking?
Anyway. Most of the negative stereotypes (creepy, rapists, autists, etc) only apply to South Asian moids so I couldn't care less. (Stereotypes don't just appear out of thin air. There's soem truth to them. The reason any race even has negative stereotypes in the first place is always because of their moids.) I don't even consider the moids as the same species so it doesn't affect me. I sure as hell don't go around gangraping random women or creepily messaging them on Facebook. Accent jokes don't affect me because I don't have one. (And honestly, even I find most Indian accents horrible to listen to. That accent needs to go.) Nobody was rude to South Asians where I live until the recent mass migration shit all over the world these past few years. These freshies are embarassing us. Look what they're doing over in Canada. I hate them. They behave horribly in public and are just so cringe. Another thing is that cheap internet in South Asia means any old uneducated peasant can join social media and post retarded crap that the rest of the world can see, which just embarasses us normal people. I'm gonna be honest, I can see why people don't like us kek. But it's mostly the moids' faults. I wish every brown moid dropped dead because they're the reason everyone hates us. I have no idea why they treat the women the same as the pathetic ass moids when 99% of us are just normal people who want to get on with our lives.
No. 419356
>>417210Yeah, unfortunately I had the "pleasure" of hearing about pornsick men around here in my circles who have yellow fever and they like the K-pop look, some are stupid and think it's real.
>>417262It's a standard those women are torturing themselves to live up to. Either my friend or people on her circle she said were insecure about those things I listed and would judge each other over it which she found that more acceptable than my shock and pity to find out anybody would blush their fingers. Never heard of it before and I'll bet nobody of any race in the UK would think to do it, or have a nitpicky discussion about an already skinny Asian athlete looking bad when she should be more presentable because she has a 'thick neck' (developed traps, again).
No. 420860
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>>420608A banger. Reading it side by side with the passport bros makes it even more kekworthy.
You got Asian dudes seething about Asian women and lusting after White women.
On the flip side, you got White men seething about White women and lusting after Asian women.
It just shows that men are so autistic about "conquering races" no matter what their skin colors are. It's hilarious.
Picrel unrelated.
No. 431024
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>>376410>korean men theyre cheaters and misogynists and see white women as trophiesI think a large part of Korean men’s issues stem from them trying very hard to overcompensate
No. 431032
>>417696As a non-indian nona, I can’t stand the sudden astronomic rise of Indian hate on the internet either, it’s usually always the same few fucking jokes too, like using AI, the term “saar”, something to do with shit, or sometimes a combination of all of them.
But when it comes to the topic of rape I can’t help but feel like
SOME shaming is required. There’s so many outrageous stories of brutal, unthinkable rapes happening in India, and not to mention how many rape cases in India goes unreported or unpunished, or how sometimes rape
victims would get raped
AGAIN by a trusted authority. And the Indian defenders always just ignore this issue when people bring this up, or play whataboutisms like India doesn’t have a genuine issue when it comes to women’s rights and safety!
IMO Indian moids really need that reality check from the global internet to keep their fucking dicks inside their pants. It’s making their country look really bad, and it’s making the average indian moid suffer because they look very unattractive due to this issue even if they have nothing to do with it (idk why the indian moids defending India can’t fucking see this).
I really can’t imagine how depressing life is as a
victim of rape in India.. my heart goes out to them…
No. 434687
>>434656AYRT Yes, this is exactly what I've experienced as well down to the increasing rudeness about my single status (also a lesbian) as I get older. I know this particular issue isn't unique to Koreans but it's insane how uppity some of the miserable women ~10 years my senior get to me about how tired they are with work and kids. Like sorry I didn't choose to marry a shit traditionalist Korean guy who doesn't respect me or do his part?
Do you ever disclose that you're a lesbian around Koreans older than you, by the way? I live in coastal America and I feel like a lot of the LGB community here is not understanding of the choice to stay closeted in part of your life. I come out to a select few of my Korean peers who a) don't have professional involvement with me and b) are going to be chill about it, but outside of that I really so no reason to make my life harder for myself by disclosing what I am. And I'm not ashamed of that even though people act like there's something wrong with me for it as an independent adult. The Korean community is so insular and gossipy that it'll just be a headache with no benefits.
No. 438103
>>431024Tbh this is inaccurate. The top tier Korean moids don't ever go for foreigners. We're almost invisible to them. They don't like to cheat either. They're also completely normal sized.
t. lived there for 3.5 years
No. 441102
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I don't know if this is controversial but is any other Asian-American comfortable with identifying as "Asian" or a subgroup like "East Asian", but not a huge fan of identifying with a specific Asian country?
I think what bothers me about it is that people always react in a way where they make a bunch of untrue assumptions. I'm ethnically Chinese but I've only ever lived in the Americas. When people hear my surname or if I reveal that my ancestry is Chinese, they automatically assume that I've lived in China my whole life until recently, like I'm an expert on Chinese culture, or like I can help translate stuff (I can't read the language).
I found out that for some reason a few people spread a misconception that I'm adopted with white parents because I said I grew up in the west and don't have much connection to Chinese culture. Once I had to talk to a business representative and they offered services to me in Chinese without asking because they saw my last name and assumed that I'd prefer it, so when the guy started talking I had no idea what he was saying. It's also awkward for everyone when people who are actually freshly from China get directed to me because I can't magically meaningfully connect to them any more than any other average person.
I feel like it's hard to describe because I don't mind being Chinese by descent and wouldnt want to be another race or anything, but I hate being associated with China and native born and raised Chinese people not because of the people themselves but just because it feels like I always have to do the work of untangling the inaccurate conclusions people immediately jump to. In my area there are a lot of people who come from China just to attend university and few Asian-Americans, and we may look similar but our life experiences and cultural views are really different so it's unhelpful in most contexts to be lumped closely together.
Like, you wouldn't say that a New Yorker of Italian descent who simply knows a couple family recipes and took a trip to Italy once or twice is really in the same camp as someone who has never left Italy their whole life, it's usually going to be more helpful to call the former person American rather than Italian.
No. 446989
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what kind of haircuts are you getting these days? I have standard asian hair (straight, black, a bit coarse) and I’m so bored of getting blunt bobs but nothing else has really worked. have any nonnies tried something a bit more out there recently?
No. 447596
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>>447121I fucking hate how anime has genuinely rotted westerner brains and makes them not see asian women as fully human
>>446989My hair is boring right now but I want to get it done like Shiina Ringo in picrel eventually. I hope my face is not too round to pull it off
No. 449911
>>449795I love how moids think
woc should feel complimented whenever they prefer us over white women. It just shows they see us as an object to spite said white women only. Funnily enough men also pride themselves on how they're supposedly not picky and would fuck anything
No. 449975
>>449911this and tbh the very second that the white scrote finds a white woman who has the same exact values and outlook in life and relationships like he does, he will pretty much dump the
woc for her. that or cheat on the
woc and hope that pushes her to break up with him so that he can be the
victim like all moids like to do. white men are okay with wocs for sexual purposes but its extremely rare for them to actually be able to fall in love with one in all seriousness.
No. 461530
>>449911unfortunately this has been my experience. anytime ive talked to a white moid who expresses a preference for my nationality/race, it feels like they're using me as a tool to spite WW than actually preferring us as a
woc. my white ex had soon many issues with his white momma. he had several white ex gfs too and would bitch about them non stop. he would say shit like we should try and make them jealous or even start making porn together for white men with the same fetish and post it to reddit and 4chan. even while with me, it was clear white women and other white mens dicks lived in his head rent free and he was just using me to get back at them. why do you wanna make other mens dicks hard anyway? thats some faggot shit. it was so boring.
No. 461960
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So many Asian women in my city are walking around with botched PS it's disturbing and uncanny. The most round Asian moon face with slitty monolids will always be 1000x prettier than these plastic surgery kpop wannabes
No. 461988
>>447106indian men shit
kek on any woman that isn't a pale blue eyed platinum blonde Northern European or Russian woman that barely speaks enough English for them to realize that she, too, is an ordinary woman. Indian men i think give their worst to black women i think tho, not that they aren't shitheads to Asian women, but the darker and more foreign to them you are, the worse you have to tolerate from them.
No. 462016
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>>462005it is a thing, but i think most incels are too prideful to consider the idea of a man that isn't their race that is also attractive so it's just not used as much as Tyrone.
>>462006then what would be a more common name? i don't any beyond that kek.
No. 463821
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i am seeing this rn
No. 463829
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>>461994ur darker ass got especially but hurt it seems
(racebait) No. 463838
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No. 463848
>>462937I refuse to group Japan in the same group as fucking Lebanon. "Asian" is too fucking stupid of a term.
We need new terms
How would you divide it?
i would divide it by nuking every population center in the middle east and india.
>>463999She looks half white
>>463863I suppose so, it's not hard to think of things we might have/like in common. I think interests/hobbies are more of a determiner than anything else for me anyways so I've never befriended many turbo normies.
No. 464308
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>>461988They deliver ur food
(ai slop racebait) No. 464314
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>>462937>>463848All right,
- Northern Asians (russians and all the siberian tungusic etc. tribes living there)
- Western Asians (Turkey the Caucasus and the whole Asian arabic speaking region)
- Central Asians (those -stan turkic states and persian speaking countries from Iran to Pakistan)
- Southern Asians (India Bangladesh Nepal Bhutan and the whole South East Asian region including Malaysia and Indonesia and Philippines)
- Eastern Asians (China Korea Japan Taiwan Mongolia)
No. 466137
>>465814I’m 5’7” and ~114 pounds, it’s definitely taller than the national average but the region where I’m from most women are around 5’6” so it’s not that much of a difference.
>>465865When I was like a teen I found Korean and Chinese sizing to be pretty much the same but lately I feel like Korean sizes got bigger? Maybe because of gym culture becoming more popular there
No. 478786
>>449975I came here to talk exactly about this and it's devastating to see that someone else already talked about this, verifying my experience as a solid truth. I've got with a white guy who claimed to "have a preference for Asian women" yet humiliated me with my Asian features (face, nose and eye shape) and demanded changes because "that's what my race does and is expected of". They basically want a white woman package branded "Asian". Needless to say I dumped him since but that experience contributed greatly to my pre existent inner conflict.
I don't want to play into the stereotype of Asian woman with surgery and I will never get double eyelid surgery, neither nose job probably, but I've always been very insecure about my round face and want to get a v-line surgery. On the other hand it feels like it would be letting moids like the I've been with win.
No. 479674
>>478786Any man who states he has a preference for Asian women is already a giant red flag. They don't actually want Asians, they just want their mental images of what an "Asian" is.
I think those v-line surgeries frequently look bad and I get the feeling they're going to age badly since bone loss for jaws is something that can happen with aging. Round faces are cute. I know how you feel because I've been tempted to get surgery too (when I was a kid my family would tease me and tell me they'd pay to get my eyes fixed) but I'm glad I never did. It's hard but I think accepting your natural features is worth it.
No. 479761
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>>478786A white moid wanting an Asian girl is itself a red flag. They will never see you for yourself, they will only see you for your race.
No. 479802
>>479776If she's from a thirdie Asian country, then it's for monaaaaaay.
But if she's from a firstie (i.e. The Big Three), then it's mostly wanting to not be seen as The Other™, and since Whites are seen as the default—if you can't beat them, join them.
Also, it's pretty unfair to lump it as something diasporas do—first gens are White-worshipping and racist as fuck to anyone Brown with their colorist mindset, let's be real.
No. 479887
>>479858Maybe it's my own experience dating a horrible white moid (biggest mistake in my life) but I feel like so many white moids see us as inferior to women of their own race and treat us as such. It feels like we are targets of their own resentment over us not being white and their own failure at not being able to date within their race and being around other white people. Just them being racist shitheads essentially.
I also fucking hate the forced timid voice. I know it's because they have likely been conditioned to be that way but I just want to scream at them to love themselves more.
No. 479890
>>479858Kek it has layers to it, even. There’s the squeaky female customer service voice you should use with everyone at work, the squeaky voice you use with girls you wanna befriend but don’t know that well, and the squeaky please pick me voice. You’re supposed to slowly let it go as you get older but some women keep at it well into their 50s cause they’re so used to it, it becomes almost a politeness thing. My grandma used to talk differently with me/my mom and men who weren’t my grandpa, and it freaked me out.
>>479887The conditioning is so strong because you get shamed and peer pressured into exile until you literally kys if you stick out in any way, and your same-sex peers will be especially cruel. What’s wack is that media for (older, teens and 20-somethings have it rough) women in Japan is actually not that bad and makes you think people respect you and take you seriously. It very much encourages cultivating a certain mature and ladylike image, don’t know how to describe it otherwise. Then you talk to real people and try to get a job and reality smacks you in the face.
No. 479900
>>478786>>479674got memed into getting double eyelid surgery. I can't express how much I regret doing it. The sad part is it did give me that initial boost in confidence that helped me get a good part time job and a nigel. anyway don't get double eyelid surgery!!
Speaking of white boyfriends though, I am also incredibly tired of the vitriol that comes from the other side. When people assume a couple has a fetish for each other just based on race. I think fetish as a concept has become way too mainstream. I saw some asian moid's vid "training" his younger sister to reject white men. making her repeat things like "I won't be colonized!" and "oxford study." creepy to be thinking about his 7-10 year old sister's future dating life
No. 479922
>>479674>>479761Any moid open about his racial preference is abhorrent, I always avoid them at all costs. I saw that video on YouTube once and you had weeb scrotes coping in the comments saying that these women were ugly or that they’re not the ones they actually want, as if they could score anyone better in the first place.
>>479900>I saw some asian moid's vid "training" his younger sister to reject white men. Wtf is wrong with scrotes. He thinks he’s doing it for a good cause but he’s just as gross as those fetishizer moids.
No. 479925
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>>464314That's a stupid map, not all of Russia is in Asia. European Russia and Asian Russia are divided by the Ural mountain range.
ethnic Slavic Russians aren't Asian. The indigenous people of the Ural mountains (nenets, khanty) look like typical wasians.
No. 479938
>>479890>same sex peers are especially cruelAsian girl-on-girl passive aggression is really on another level. The non confrontational conditioning and the demand for women to be nice all the time is like a perfect storm for the worst kind of backhanded compliments, especially in front of moids and there’s no pressure to be a “girl’s girl” or like pick me shaming like there is in the west (even if that’s often disingenuous)
Reminds me of the time I got off an international flight and had to go straight to a dinner so I just dry shampooed and hoped for the best. One of the girls there turned to a group of moids and said: “Omg isn’t nonna’s hair sooo shiny? I wish my hair could be smooth like hers but it’s so fluffy and textured” (it was obviously freshly blown out with the s curl perm thing). Like goddamn just call me greasy and be done with it
No. 480340
>>480326My relatives always shamed me dating outside my race, even the “coveted” (to many asian girls) white male. The worst shameful thing was dating anyone black though. Feel bad for my sister, she prefers black men but never introduced any to our family and they’d always break up over it. No one wants to feel like a shameful secret
Not race bait btw just an observation
No. 480441
>>480391This hasn’t really been my experience, maybe it’s more true for working class immigrants (white partner as guaranteed middle class + assimilation) compared to brain drain immigrants (more concerned with preservation of culture)?
In my surroundings the boyfriend hierarchy is like
>same ethnicity, with English and native language fluency from attending international school or going between countries >Same ethnicity, grew up in the West still has passable native language fluency>Different Asian ethnicity international >Different Asian ethnicity western born, still speaks >White >Any type of East Asian born in west that doesn’t speak native language at all No. 480508
>>461960I'm really shit at identifying PS can you tell me what are the tells that it's botched?
I kinda hate watching Korean media because seeing the beauty standards of my culture stressed me out and communicated this to another Korean friend, who told me that she doesn't care because the plastic surgery they have is so obvious and shit. This kinda surprised me lol but it is true that when I'm watching shows with, say, my mom it also frequently happens that she'll tell me some girl's double eyelid surgery looks bad but I can't tell at all.
I've seen some egregiously bad results in women around me after going to Korea for summer vacation or whatever but idg how other girls sniff out the more subtle procedures.
No. 480509
>>480326I've literally never heard anybody's family saying this and I'm surrounded by women who married white men. It's neutral at best.
I was frequently told to date outside my race because Korean men are so provably dogshit but it was usually other varieties of Asian being recommended (not like it mattered anyways because I'm a lesbian kek)
No. 480545
>>480508Asian plastic surgery kinda has like an autistic approach? Like they just wanna slap the standard good features on with no attention to how things go together or working with what the person already has.
Nose jobs are probably the easiest tell esp since Koreans favor the L-shaped silicone implant; it always leans slightly to one side and makes the nostrils go a bit triangular. Also the skin between the nostrils gets weirdly stretched and kinda hangs down a bit? The Single’s Inferno girl from that first season has a pretty bad case of this. Also people tend to be overly ambitious with their eyelid surgeries and mono lids tend to have thicker skin in that area which leads to the sausage roll look
No. 480561
>>479929don't do it
>>479935Do you remember what his username was?
No. 480577
>>480557Not me, but my mom. It didn't get passed down to either kids lol.
>>480524Agree. I've had my mom and female relatives "float" the idea of getting my eyelids cut and I refuse everytime because I don't like the idea of not recognizing myself. I feel like it'd also be weird for my girlfriend to wake up and just see a major part of my face altered… forever. I definitely almost fell for it when I was an insecure teen, though.
No. 480581
>>480557Only on one eye, although I've gone spans of time where it was on both. If I cry a lot it evens out to none on either from the swelling though kek
>>480577Yeah it's weird how normalized it is by families? My mom is the only one out of 8 women on her side of the family that didn't do it and when I was in high school my grandma offered to pay for me to get it done.
No. 480590
>>462242A lot of westernised Asian women are also pickmes for white moids. My mom says it's either 1) their parents want them to go marry a white moid for success and freedom or some shit, or 2) they don't want to be tied down to an Asian moid's more "traditional" mentality and become his housewife so they think a white moid will give them more freedom. Or both if there's an overlap.
They'll put down white and black women and play along into any white moid fetishist with yellow fever's fantasy. It's fucking sad and pathetic
No. 480797
>>480769My dad thinks I should marry and have kids and it's a direct offe se to him that I don't want kids. He never helped at home though and only becomes a bigger asshole over the years, so my mother, who in the past few years woke up and got sick of his shit, tells me not to marry or have kids if I don't want to. She was recently even telling me that it's nice our generation seems to recognize not everybody is suited for having kids since in her generation everybodu just did it because it was just what was done.
Me on the other hand, I'm a lesbian and might want kids. I don't think either of them will support that if I actually find a woman to marry and my homosexuality becomes undeniable for them LOL
No. 480860
>>480837That makes more sense. I know families where a kid was diagnosed in Asia but it was always a son and if the family could afford it they unfortunagely went as far as to send him to another country.
>>480838Thanks nonna! I don't think I was as high-earning as you which is why it was probably easier for me to make the choice kek. Best of luck to you as well.
It's been great, returning to school as a mature student really changes your perspective on things. I spent most of my formative years mentally incapacitated but I've always been acsdemically gifted outside of that, so I now feel able to make full use of my abilities.
>>480845Yeah, I don't know about China/Taiwan but Japan and Korea have a serious issue with predatory cults running rampant. I know Japan has taken steps to clamp down on their activity, especially following Abe's assassination, and I wish Korea would follow suit.
No. 480909
>>480836For a while I was really addicted to watching gyopo church girls that’re like teen/college mom vloggers, the husband is always the most hideous creature and uncomfortably but not quite illegally older. I’m not Korean but it’s such a fascinating subculture to me.
Seems like there was a lot of anti western sentiment in Korea as recently as like the mid 2000s so it’s surprising to me how Christianity has such a chokehold when it’s like the first horseman of colonization
No. 480948
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>>480845There’s this very infamous cult known as the moonies which originated in south korea and has churches in 100 countries including the us. A former coworker of my mother was a part of this cult and would donate 15% of her income to it, she was really insane and even almost got fired for trying to promote it to others at the workplace.
No. 480996
>>480909>For a while I was really addicted to watching gyopo church girls that’re like teen/college mom vloggers, the husband is always the most hideous creature and uncomfortably but not quite illegally older. I’m not Korean but it’s such a fascinating subculture to me.I'm Korean and this made me kek so hard, I'm glad it's entertaining for you. Anything particularly milky you want to share?
As for your other point Korea has an obvious very complicated relationship with America in particular and Christianity follows suit… Honestly looking into the history of Catholicism in Korea is pretty interesting.
I think Christianity isn't as deeply seeded in actual SK but when it comes to immigrants in America the church is THE place to go for community and support. The majority of Korean Christians I know come from families that converted post-immigration and the same is true of all of my family members who are Christians.
Even the family members who aren't Christian have at vulnerable times in their lives (ie recently divorced and poor) spent time in the church in order to receive support. You get pulled into it pretty quickly if you're in an area that has a Korean population large enough to support a Korean congregation.
No. 481190
>>481101Those asian cakes with the fake cream and fruit on top, yuck.
I do like my pineapple buns though. But the custard/cream filled ones with coconut are disgusting. And I’ve always hated the sweet pork buns
No. 481429
>>480836My parents are devout Korean Catholics so we didn't have the batshit crazy cult behaviour of those weird Christian cults in Korea. inb4 all religions are cults yes yes, but I don't have much religious trauma. I always thought it was weird that people would shout HALLELUJAH and AMENS during sermons because that was just not what I was used to in Catholic masses.. It's odd to me because Catholics are seen as relatively progressive (compated to Christians) in Korea as they helped with the independence movement and with the student uprisings, but in the west, the church is seen as a patriarchal and backwards. Strange.
>>480909An old family friend of mine did the same thing albeit through a different route. She wanted to be a kpop idol so she went off to uni there but couldn't get in and instead married a Christian pastor 10 or 12 years her senior and had some kids. Strange.
No. 481476
>>480925Jfc that sounds like hell, my condolences. Hope she snaps out of it somehow or just leaves everyone alone atp. They've really made themselves out to be poor
victims at the hands of the chinese government but I agree, they seriously deserve to be told to fuck off
>hardcore TrumperMy dad is a trumptard and it's pretty pathetic. I'm jealous of the asian friends I had who grew up with lib-leaning parents because at least they didn't have to put up with listening to fox news slop every day
No. 481567
>>481551AYRT, oh my god exactly the same here except my dad's response is "well could YOU do what he does??"
I wish I could throw back that Musk only does half the shit he does because he was born to a loaded daddy to begin with but my dad's literally too retarded to even sit through a full sentence of somebody else speaking to him. He speaks fluent English his personality is just so bad he just spends any time somebody else is speaking thinking about what he's going to say next instead of listening.
He wants me to marry a Korean man so bad but he's the no.1 reason I want nothing to do with men kek
No. 481613
>>480996Ayrt, thank you for the insight. Definitely makes sense from an immigrant support perspective but I just don’t get why the kids stay, just seems like a very stressful and judgmental environment. Also didn’t know Catholicism was the popular branch of Christianity for Koreans, with all the cults I figured the sentiment would be like more Protestant
>Any milk you wanna share?most of the gyopo influencers (with the exception of Nami) seem pretty happy? Like they’re the perfect amount of brainwashed and it’s easier for them to stay that way since Asian parents are very happy to half-raise their massive broods to compensate for the useless husband
No. 481622
>>481603Yeah, like
>>481615 a lot of the ones I've met around are really pretentious for some reason.
No. 481690
>>481263I think I might know who you’re talking about? Kek but so many of them are like this. The one I watched was super insistent that his “you know” was “never
really inside” whatever that means.
I get that they’re horny and repressed but the moids are always exceptionally ugly, cannot possibly be good in bed and isn’t their virginity sacred? I could see the guys purposefully trying to baby trap but I would expect the girls would absorb enough Asian materialistic tendencies or
toxic beauty standards to want better. Such a weird subculture
No. 481937
>>481690Beauty standards don't apply to men. Honestly especially if you're Korean and dating men it's probably better to go for an ugly guy because one who can pull is going to cheat on you, or at least I've been told so by multiple older women.
>>481660Omg same if I exclusively hung out with Korean church girls growing up I'd have such bad issues with female friendship (no white friends but most of my friends are other races). Even the ones who aren't religious but grew up in the environment are kinda fucked up.
No. 482614
>>481976I think there's a pretty even spread of backgrounds in this thread, it's just that we're discussing a lot of issues specific to Koreans lately. As for why there are several of us here to begin with IMO it's because a lot of Korean women are radfems and thus more likely to be on this site.
>>482281I wish I didn't have to say this but yeah I agree, I think our culture is baseline mentally ill or something. Like I would never work for a Korean-owned or Korean-heavy business again because both the customers and the coworkers were just vile but on a constant sublevel you couldn't easily directly respond to. And I'm not alone in this, I know multiple other Koreans who swear by the same experiences.
No. 483213
>>481763The influencer is Juyeon either Pae or Bae, i forget but she’s on tiktok. Her husband kinda looks like obese anpanman
>always hear about nightmare stories of youth pastors babytrapping or grooming the young girls that go to churchThis reminds me of those Telegram groups they found in Europe with like 75k moids discussing grooming and general creep tactics. I feel like a lot of Westernized Asians end up in this worst of both worlds place, obviously more concerning and hideous with moids but you see it with ABGs too
No. 483214
>>481976It probably is mostly Chinese women. Maybe the Western Korean diaspora is just more interesting to discuss in specific terms because it’s more extreme? Like Chinese immigrants seem to be either fully assimilated or totally in an international bubble, you don’t really see subcultures like church koreans unless you wanna count the whole rave bae/bobaislife crowd kek. Probably has something to do with the Mao takeover cutting back on that trad influence.
The real question is where are the immigrant Japanese, I’ve never seen a single one outside of Hawaii but those are like 4-5 generations removed
No. 487037
>>483214For real? I was in the US only once and saw an older Japanese lady working at some airport shop (she had a name tag, so I could tell).
I wasn't even in Hawaii.
No. 487159
>>487152 Yes, mostly all of the Japanese restaurant I’ve been to there has actual Japanese speaking chefs and waiters. I’ve eavesdropped on them talking to each other, they do that hospitality thing (greets you and says bye to you in Japanese), and they got a Japanese accent. In the ramen shop I went to, the owners daughter (our waitress) was dressed in traditional kimono (maybe it was something else, I’m no weeb).
I’m chinese so I definitely know they are not chinese. The cheap sushi restaurants (AYCE) are usually ran by chinese or Vietnamese immigrants but the higher quality ones are Japanese in Calgary.
My favourite Japanese YT channel, Imamu Room, is living in Vancouver and I follow her recipes because the grocery store she goes to (A Mart) offers both Japanese and Korean ingredients.
No. 487282
>>483214most Japanese immigrants to US go to Hawaii, West coast like SF/LA/Seattle, or NYC. Majority of Japantowns are in California. Japanese are super quick to assimilate, they have good PR so ppl are super happy to accept and tokenize them rather than reject. (Ppl get annoyed by Chinese who can't speak English but enamored with the similarly ESL Japanese) and since they usually have more money tend not to create immigrant enclaves like poor Chinese and Koreans, etc.
Japanese immigrants also seem to be black sheeps who didn't fit well into Japanese society, so they're less likely to use chain migration and bring the whole family over. Japanese who are happy about Japan just stay there. Most exchange students leave after their studies.
Also because of the Japanese internment in WWII, more recent Japanese immigrants are cut off from the generational Japanese Americans so there's like two separate groups. And a lot of the generational Japanese Americans whitewashed the fuck out of themselves because of the internment prosecution trauma. So there's a lot of weird beef where the new immigrants don't feel the JAs are "real Japanese", but the JAs control all the Japantown associations and are the gatekeepers and stuff.
I think Japanese immigrants have a bit of a snowflake issue, or maybe it's the sudden attention for being kawaii Japanese uguu, but they don't group up like other immigrant groups and seem to prefer to be tokens.
No. 490203
>>490202Plus it just doesn't sound sexy and makes you sound like a retarded child (it might be the reason why they do it, yikes)
Can we talk about the way Japanese women are severely autopedophilic? I hate it, hate the babyvoice, hate the "uguu im so submissive" , i feel bad for them, they were forced to do their shit since centuries. Jap moids are disgusting pedo manlets.
No. 492469
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Is this true?
No. 492812
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>>492487Funny how Korean men seem to have the worst reputation in Asia despite K-pop shilling everywhere? No. 493218
>>366897I HATE living in India so fucking much
Born female in central or South Asia is a death sentence
No. 493886
>>493837no use finding sense from japan. even after america bombed them, japan set up a comfort women system within their own government that forced many of their own citizens into prostitution for the americans "to reduce rape
victims" because they thought every country would be as vicious and obsessed with rape as japan was. yet japan hates koreans who were the
victims of their war crimes and attempted cultural genocide, and the chinese which japan based a portion of their culture from (see shamisen, pipa, some of their folklore, etc.)
No. 493954

>>493848When you hear 'Korean' you think it refers to South Korea, but for the majority of Japanese 'Korean' is associated with the Korean minority in Japan who have been historically North Korea-leaning. The North Korea link has resulted in Japanese Koreans being used as recruitment targets for organised crime activities, doing the dirty work of the NK government etc. Check this out:
>Chongryon's strong links to North Korea, its allegiance to the North Korean ideology and its opposition to integration of Koreans into Japanese society have made it controversial in Japan. Acts which Chongryon officials are suspected of include notably the 1977-1983 abduction of Japanese nationals, illicit transfer of funds to North Korea, espionage, drug smuggling and the smuggling of electronics and missile parts.[9] The Chongryon has been described by the Washington Post as a "very effective sanctions-busting enterprise".[10] Its wide variety of businesses, including banks and pachinko parlors, are used to generate funds for the North Korean government.[10]>Kim Kil-uk, a former head of a Chongryon school in Osaka, is suspected of being involved in the 1980s kidnapping of Japanese citizens. Kim, who fled to North Korea, remains on Interpol’s wanted list.[63] In March 2006, Osaka police raided six facilities, including the North Korean Chamber of Commerce, in an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the June 1980 disappearance of one of the abductees, Tadaaki Hara. All six facilities were linked to Chongryon.[64][65]>In 2000, a member of a Japanese criminal group was arrested after purchasing 250kg (550lbs) of amphetamines from Cho Gyu-son in the North Korean port of Wonsan. Cho was the former head of a Chongryon school in Shimonoseki before becoming the founder of what was ostensibly a trading company. He remains on the Japanese police's wanted list.[63] >In 2002, Shotaro Tochigi, deputy head of the Public Security Intelligence Agency told a session of the House of Representatives Financial Affairs Committee that the agency is investigating Chongryon for suspected illicit transfers of funds to the North.[74] In 2003, a North Korean defector made a statement to the US Senate committee stating that more than 90% of the parts used by North Korea to construct its missiles were brought from Japan aboard Mangyongbong-92, a Chongryon-operated ship which is the only regular direct link between North Korea and Japan.[75] >A restaurant owner, who is an ethnic Korean and third-generation immigrant in Japan, stated, "It’s perfectly natural for Koreans who have been in Japan for several generations to be on familiar terms with [North Koreans]. It’s certainly nothing to report to the authorities."[93] No. 494042
>>493848You need to understand that the subjugation of another group is fueled by justifications, even if they're unfounded. Far right Japanese individuals who disdain Korea and China see them as inferior and less developed cultures, and view the ousting of colonialism as the behavior of ingrates. An aspect of denial towards Japanese atrocities plays into it as well– China and Korea are lying
victims. Just like Holocaust denial, denial of the rape of Nanking and the existence of comfort women is still rampant in the Japanese far right.