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File: 1715520963444.png (507.11 KB, 775x847, meowmeow.png)

No. 397215

What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.

Last thread: >>>/g/158895

No. 397224

File: 1715522738973.jpeg (192.55 KB, 736x981, IMG_3259.jpeg)

I’d let her do anything to me

No. 397233

Is that Dasha??

No. 397247

File: 1715527233984.jpg (50.23 KB, 800x1002, 1668137-800w.jpg)

Yes. The power of styling at work here.

No. 397265

Hey I know you’re closing tonight but we’re really short staffed. Can you do me a solid and open tomorrow?

No. 397297

sorry anon but LMAO

No. 397355

My exact type but not an attractive version of it

No. 398134

File: 1715746938588.jpeg (547.36 KB, 1536x2048, pls....jpeg)

Both these women gross me out but at least the butch lady would know her way around a vagina. This thread needs more of picrel.

No. 398135

File: 1715747141304.jpeg (24.81 KB, 554x554, images.jpeg)

No. 398228

File: 1715791702589.jpeg (138.87 KB, 1239x697, IMG_3808.jpeg)

Self-obsessed psycho bitch but 100% would.

Also kek at Dasha as thread pic, she’s never beating the tomboy lesbian allegations.

No. 398239

The brunette kind of looks like a female Keffals

No. 398242

I can’t even be mad at the cow thread pic because that was the one photoshoot she looked good in, I saw it too. Brave of you to use that, OP kek

No. 398243

No. 398252

Caroline Calloway, snow cow lolcow.farm/snow/res/862657.html. Her thread is not really active here

No. 398262

Thanks Nonnie.

No. 398281

File: 1715805006281.jpg (557.42 KB, 2208x2944, romaniananon.jpg)

romaniananon. I'm not ashamed, she's a qt 3.14
if you're reading this, I love your hair, it suits you well(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 398308


No. 398309

what's her new twitter anyway

No. 398393

File: 1715840506915.jpg (70.96 KB, 960x960, Casey Mongillo [Homestuck, Shi…)

the voice actor for shinji is a tif but she was/is still so kyute(this is a male)

No. 398394

File: 1715840579618.jpg (25.69 KB, 350x491, casey-mongillo-18096-305396098…)


No. 398395

what??????? i thought casey mongillo was a TIM. wtf

No. 398396

samefag i found a post on his twitter where he mentions being born male, so i was right, he's a tim

No. 398699

Jojo Siwa

No. 399380

File: 1716164624852.jpg (158.05 KB, 1080x1350, monami.jpg)

For some reason I love women who are heavily tattooed even though I have zero tattoos or body mods myself

No. 399436

This feels kinda dirty. She acts like some special kid and a victim of some abuse.

No. 399442

her face is so childish (especially her smile and facial expressions) that i’d put fbi watch on that anon kek

No. 399454

Jojo Siwa is like 6 feet tall, come on

No. 402128

>listen to beeb bong podcast hosted by vidrel
>mostly unfunny extremely straight rich woman humour
>listen anyway because they're hot older women

No. 402151

File: 1717133843268.jpeg (211.27 KB, 800x941, IMG_4519.jpeg)

I just think she’s pretty

No. 402155

She had a lovely voice

No. 402156

File: 1717134882185.jpg (377.93 KB, 1290x1410, 1000014754.jpg)

she'd fit in with these girls

No. 402159

Null and Brittany venti would fit perfectly in this list

No. 402179

File: 1717147975499.jpg (207.24 KB, 1024x672, Brittany-Venti.jpg)

Now that you mention her. Brittany, stop being a pick me and pick ME.

No. 402192

i really like her style, it's kind of ladylike and elegant but a little lacy and delicate too, just gorgeous. if i wasn't a total poorfag…

No. 402214

No. 402970

File: 1717396276921.webp (67.4 KB, 1200x900, 309C5D38-80A8-4490-9143-F218E6…)

I think I’ve posted her already but I’ve been obsessed with Zoey Quinn for years. I just love slightly chubby, tattooed women with danger hair who are massive sluts lmao. I just wish she wasn’t such a pickme for mediocre nerd dick, she would be my perfect lesbian gf otherwise. I want to eat her pussy so badly.

No. 402971

File: 1717396361871.jpeg (91.68 KB, 1024x614, 6A6B68FA-14CD-4155-955A-F7A232…)

Need chubby big booby Amerimutt gf with bpd so bad.

No. 402972

I don’t even know any men who simp for the women in pic related though. They seem to be the kind of female celebrities that teenage girls like coquettes and ed twt and Pinterest girlies worship but men kind of just ignore and are like yeah whatever she’s ok looking/are ambivalent towards at best.

No. 403061

a lot of film bros simp for Anya

No. 403064

Filmbros are all closeted gay men

No. 403384

File: 1717507719359.jpeg (127.49 KB, 1920x1080, EF0BB236-CF8B-4D3D-9A6E-80D14B…)

No. 403406

why would you be ashamed of this one? Simply because she's the propagandist for a genocidal regime? Other than that she seems fine

No. 403424

>Simply because she's the propagandist for a genocidal regime?
Is that a bad reason to be ashamed? But yeah, it's that plus she says particularly kooky things even for a propagandist. I love her schizo word salads.

No. 403437

>Is that a bad reason to be ashamed?
Kinda? How is it any of your business how she earns a living?

No. 403578

File: 1717565894325.webp (82.41 KB, 683x1024, 4D674FC9-A60C-4D00-82E9-98BDBA…)

She’s so beautiful, charismatic and sexy. It makes me so sad that she said pussy stink and is strictly straight, I want at least for her not to fuck with awful men

No. 404086

File: 1717710876968.webm (Spoiler Image,16.5 MB, 434x854, ilj-assault-girl.webm)

This video made me horny, I want her to rape me

No. 404091

Me too, anon…

No. 404092

She's gonna give you some sort of treatment resistant fungus.

No. 404095

noooo why won’t it loaaaad

No. 404107

File: 1717716788632.jpg (19.28 KB, 236x354, 111b3569512d2ce62d991f65150a32…)

I've been infatuated with Grimes for the better part of the last decade. Her lisp, her face, her noodle body, her clumsiness, her sense of style, everything about her makes me so horny. I'll watch videos of her and shuffle through my saved pics until i feel my head buzzing, a tickle in the back of my mouth and a need to bite something. I also love the fact that she's musty and a gremlin when it comes to makeup and lifestyle choices. She seems more polished nowadays but still adorable. I want to eat her out until i can't feel my jaw. I want to smell her.
I'm also extremely attracted to Azealia Banks, as funny as it is their feud kind of breaks my heart because i think they'd make a cute couple (i know Grimes is as straight as one can be, yes). I still curse Elon for separating them. I'd write 10k words fics of Azealia/Grimes (enemies to lovers) if making RPF didn't disturb me.


No. 404108

I'm straight but this made me feel something. Wtf. I'm not attracted to female bodies but im drunk and I'd let her hump me. Came across this video randomly I don't post here normally obviously. I'm so submissive with women as long as I don't have to interact with their bodies. I wish I had a hot girl who knew I'd just be down to get touche. Who is she

No. 404110

Same, I fucking LOVE AB and grimes. They're both one of my top streamed artists. I've always been obsessed with them both. i know grimes is autistic or something and thats cute to me considering im an autist too. grimes and AB would've worked so well together. Someone actually needs to write fanfic of them

No. 404112

Chris chan's girlfriend

No. 404113

>Who is she
It's a long story…

No. 404116

Ahhh i'm glad someone relates. Her autism makes her super relatable yes. She never leaned too hard into it either (if we ignore her NFT rationalist era kek), it just emanates from her and makes her super touching. Azealia is also touching and loveable in her own way, but has a totally different presence hence why they'd make such an interesting friend/lover pair

No. 404122

Grimes and Azealia is the celebrity dating scandal we need…too bad they both worship dick

No. 404126

Oh so she's retarded forreal. Yumm

No. 404150

File: 1717723622966.jpeg (244.91 KB, 1024x837, IMG_2643.jpeg)

YES yes oh my god finally someone… I was going to make a post about her here but I knew I’d end up sperging, pre-surgery she was like the perfect woman to me. I find her so cute and her features so beautiful, I love her mannerisms too. I get the relatability part too, she seems like the sort of girl I’d have bonded with over stuff, like those rare autistic women who click with you and become your best friend for years kek. I have this delusion that I genuinely could have saved her. She’s one of those women who has the kind of mind you can intertwine with, a scrote like Elon could never give her that.

No. 404151

not to be weird but can someone give me a link to this that works i want to see it

No. 404158

>She’s one of those women who has the kind of mind you can intertwine with
>like those rare autistic women who click with you and become your best friend for years
You perfectly summed up her appeal. She's the reason why i can't fully look down on people who get caught up in parasocial relationships. I'm glad she has 'only' done a facelift and lip fillers because the fillers will eventually fade and she hasn't severely altered her stunning facial structure/nose. She'd be striking at 70 anyways given her unique features

No. 404161

Have you tried clicking on the file link, sometimes when videos don't load for me that fixes it

No. 404165

She only looks nice in top left pic

No. 404178

It would be fun at first but the fall out would definitely be psychotic

No. 404180

shit taste. the middle one is best, she’d make a hot butch.

No. 404182

butch women are gross

>hurr im such a lesbian, I like women who larp as men

grow up(bait)

No. 404188

>larp as men
because only men can wear masculine clothes and haircuts apparently(don't respond to bait)

No. 404192

>le reddit spacing, obvious bait
go back(don't respond to bait)

No. 404201

t. butthurt aidens or aiden fetishizers(bait)

No. 404205

being a masculine woman means you're an aiden?(don't respond to bait)

No. 404210

You have to be a seething male omg I understand whenever a butch woman acts OTT "masculine" larp in mannerism but being naturally butch does not mean trying to be a man. Feminems are really cringe but just looking like a woman with short hair and no makeup is so vilified that some of you have become insane.(don't respond to bait)

No. 404231

File: 1717746708096.jpg (2.54 MB, 2104x3264, eliot.jpg)

I've very ashamedly had a crush on Eliot Sumner (one of Sting's daughters) for years. Obvious nepotism aside, she used to be a somewhat androgynous lesbian but sadly came out as a they/them genderspecial a couple years ago and has been kinda annoying ever since. Still would fuck.

No. 404295

>animal torture pickme who encouraged chris-chan to rape his mom because she wanted internet clout
I know what thread this is, but I'm still not sorry about telling you to kill yourself.

No. 404310

Fair enough

No. 404317

You should be ashamed. So perfect for this thread. She is revolting.

No. 404326

She's deplorable in every possible way but I still find her hot and get horny at the idea of having Bella finger me roughly and take creepshots of me. I think what awoke this, alongside the video, was seeing her tinder profile, idk why.
Recently I found a girl who's really similar to her in tinder and I'm trying to meet up, she's so deranged and a programmer.

No. 404491

Difference between left and right pic kind of shocking

No. 404506

File: 1717821108504.jpg (191.61 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273ffc3c1fb49fce8…)

Not even ashamed but I guess she fits as unconventional. She's hot and her deep voice is sexy. Also I miss her

No. 404603

Is that the Indian superhero mom? if that's so them same, she's really hot and I love older women

No. 404665

Oh I need her.

No. 405904

File: 1718331573089.jpeg (112.48 KB, 828x1166, IMG_3810.jpeg)

was scrolling an old post-leftcows thread

No. 405907

She photoshops all her pictures she looks like a different person in every single pic

No. 405920

File: 1718335654443.jpg (208.15 KB, 1280x849, 1668140-800w.jpg)

Nearly everyone photoshops their pics. And either way, you still get a general idea of what she looks like and she's kinda attractive no matter how much the leftcows thread will sperg about her.

No. 405926

I actually think she’s really beautiful. I simp for her she gets 5 of my dollars every month KEK

No. 405927

No. 406003

>she's kinda attractive
Very much a personal opinion. She looks fine in the threadpic tho, she could be attractive like this. Her current schoolgirl style was meant for classically pretty girls.

No. 406367

File: 1718520702032.jpg (20.78 KB, 739x415, 1717861517298.jpg)

No. 407589

File: 1718871047504.png (2.06 MB, 1138x898, giorgia meloni.PNG)

I disagree with her politics but the way she's so imposing is kind of hot.

No. 407667

I find her the opposite of imposing. She seems just like some mother in a PTA meeting you don't pay attention to

No. 408353

File: 1719122113555.jpeg (540.28 KB, 1440x3669, 1719117238064.jpeg)

This edgy TiF from the TiF thread. I don't want to fix her, i want to make edgy scrotoid jokes with her, listen to metal and walk in the woods while i'm holding her hand. She reminds me of a super edgy lesbian i know who collects true crime magazines and gimp masks.. sigh

No. 408356

Is she Russian?

No. 408357

>some mother in a PTA meeting
a hot mother in a PTA meeting, no?

No. 408370

Nope. Just an average, unremarkable mom, very likely the Karen type.

No. 408371

Does she stuff her boots to fit into bigger sizes? Also I doubt she's a lesbian, seems to me as the type who larps as the super sexist but secretly gay right wing incel.

No. 408375

No idea nonnie. But she looks somewhat slavic

>Does she stuff her boots to fit into bigger sizes?
KEK i wondered about that aswell. You're totally right about her being straight, you can tell she's obsessed with male loser approval and becoming her ideal bf

No. 408382

ngl I kinda get it

No. 408624

File: 1719208260556.jpg (858.43 KB, 2001x2500, 305220_original.jpg)

She wouldn't be here if it weren't for the Nazi shit

No. 408726

I need her

No. 409226

Probably a hettie but I’ve already fantasised about her eating me out kek

No. 409227


No. 410425

File: 1719706090261.png (477.57 KB, 417x707, Screenshot 2024-06-29 190711.p…)

I know she's horrible, obnoxious, hates gays, but I can't help but be very drawn to her.

No. 410427

No. 410430

Emily Youcis, she's a very controversial cartoonist.

No. 410455

File: 1719713395676.jpg (40.31 KB, 580x387, 9fdf2e57c0b398773103f6eb777277…)

NONNA i had to stifle a gasp.. I love her. She's one the few internet figures that i dream of meeting because i feel such a kinship with her. It's very unfortunate she became a kind of Nazi but i want to believe it's not really who she is. Oh i love her, her face is very pretty, her body too, there's something about her that's just magnetic. This is a meme now but i really find myself thinking 'i can fix her' (too bad she's straight)

No. 410464

She’s so hot. Her edgy humor and obnoxious attitude is so alluring to me. Her troubled side makes me want to emphasize with her.

No. 410485

Watching her early cartoons, she was definitely molested bad. All help that would have made her cope with the trauma was denied because she was infected with early "terminally online" syndrome and adopted controversial personas as rebellion. Last I heard she was doubling down on trad behavior and what exactly she's doing now is a mystery.

No. 410636

File: 1719769758222.jpeg (104.49 KB, 720x720, IMG_4714.jpeg)

No. 410638

Kindred spirits… She's beautiful and I love her voice. If you haven't listened to her cover of "I Remember You," you should. Just checked and she made a PSA on her youtube channel recently, haven't watched it.

No. 410643

She’s on xitter posting constantly, though she will probably get banned eventually because she keeps calling people the n word

No. 410681

File: 1719779808189.jpeg (32.19 KB, 360x239, IMG_4068.jpeg)

She looks like evil Lindsay Ellis to me for some reason. That being said, Lindsay absolutely does it for me, although I hate her TRA ways and horrid style of dressing.

No. 410702

I was literally just thinking this, almost verbatim nona. Lindsay is also so gorgeous.

No. 410704

I hate how attracted I am to her because she seems like she'd be insufferable to be around irl

No. 410739

File: 1719791059416.png (570.54 KB, 694x868, (@jkiillem).png)

I don't like her thing of saying she's a black woman inside, she's not my type and sometimes says weird shit about bdsm but whenever she talks about pussy… I just think we understand each other. I want to eat her out so bad.

No. 413056

File: 1720498267092.jpg (13.71 KB, 360x360, 75.jpg)

Saw Hannah comment on TikTok that she wouldn't date a bi woman

No. 413059

careful, if you look like her and turn into a groupie fan she'll seduce you into her and ninjas occult incest ring

No. 413062

I find the awkward in cringy nature in which she discusses her politics very cute, even if I do not agree with them at all. She's talented and her voice is cute, so is she

No. 417569

File: 1721678381072.jpg (5.76 MB, 4000x4000, 857698042368276.jpg)

my collection

No. 417570

I only recognize Isabella, the one on the top left (don't know her name), and Belle Delphine.
I say this with no disrespect at all, but bottom right looks like Paul Dano and bottom mid looks like that pharmaceuticals guy who scammed some people and got arrested for a while.

No. 417649

> Isabella Janke
Just imagining what she smells like is an immediate turn off.

No. 417687

Asian girl at bottom is Kim Jong Un's sister

No. 417692

File: 1721699724115.jpg (71.46 KB, 736x1028, 59e4a0f43a7f506a0f7de66bbf4718…)

Can we have a nametag for everyone there?

No. 417698

Nona I want to punch you, your taste is so scrotey and incelpilled

No. 417699


No. 417700

File: 1721700361923.jpeg (37.97 KB, 480x272, IMG_2379.jpeg)

They’re both so cute I want them to force me to lick their pussies

No. 417729

girl on the left looks a bit slow kek

No. 417730

first line: Dasha Nekrasova, Isabella Loretta Janke, Taylor (fishtank s2)
second line: Alyssa Bustamante, Belle Delphine, Melina Goransson
last two: Kim Jong-yo, Tayleigh (fishtank s2)

No. 417731

anon i totally get it

No. 417744

How old is Alyssa in that photo?

No. 417746

This vitch dont even look like that

No. 417751

Definitely underage.
Good because she's not even that cute in that picture (but still pretty). Dasha is at her best when she looks dry and haggard.

No. 417789

File: 1721728861291.jpg (182.88 KB, 1139x1425, 353464575656.jpg)

Between her and Dasha, you might have a dopey, FAS face fetish

No. 417808

I doubt anon could actually stand to be in the same room as her kek.

No. 417936

Sasha is very ugly to me but Melina is hot in that slutty way

No. 417940

At least your type is consistent, Dasha & Kim Jong Un’s sister have the same face kek

No. 417964

File: 1721789061397.png (1.43 MB, 863x857, 90fda7v9a8fd7v0a987bd.png)

Rachel Sennott in general but especially as PJ in the movie Bottoms. She was pretty much a female version of Seth from Superbad and it was very refreshing to see. My cute little incel ♥.
The only reason I'm ashamed to admit it is because Bottoms was easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen and Rachel as a person is a bit annoying and cringe, but all celebrities are so I forgive her, she can't help it

No. 417974

She looks so cute here

No. 418053

Dasha is very cute despite her retardation, one of the best parts of the leftcow threads is seeing anons nitpicking the shit out of her appearance to convince themselves she's not actually just a really pretty woman

No. 418175

File: 1721856660649.jpeg (42.68 KB, 293x440, IMG_4209.jpeg)

Would do Bella, Belle and the girl with thick eyebrows on the right

Same, she seems annoying but her tits give me aneurysm

Is she though, besides photoshoots and some selfies? Her face is crooked and not something you’d call conventionally pretty, Annie is more attractive when we’re at it. That being said, I find it interesting that she’s one of the most posted women itt.

No. 418177

I think Dasha is super cute, she kinda resembles Sarah Paulson

No. 418188

>she’s one of the most posted women itt
She brings out the "I can fix her" in us I think

No. 418191

I don’t find her attractive at all personally, her face is ugly to me and I don’t like no tits anachans, but I think she has this boyish charm about her. It was pointed many times before, but she looks best as a tomboy or when she’s slightly androgynous like the thread pic. She looks like a young bratty rockstar in it, it fits her. The coquette style was not meant for her, her face is not delicate nor cute enough for it.

No. 418195

I find her so cute. She has sort of a classical beauty imo, and she looks her best when she exploits that (like in >>417789). I don't like her in the threadpic tbh but I agree with >>418191 that the coquette thing doesn't suit her at all.

No. 418203

I'm ashamed to say I find her very charming and adorable, I would definitely blush and giggle if I met her irl. and I hate myself for that because she's such a retard most of the time. but I'm a dumb anon that tinfoils about her being a secret lesbian kek.

I agree, I think she's a lot cuter when she is a little more tomboyish.

No. 418269

>Annie is more attractive
No way, unless you got mommy/old witch fetish. Granted she does dress and style herself more for her age (most of the time), which makes her more natural than Dasha but Dasha still looks better imo.

No. 418329

File: 1721877776987.jpeg (519.24 KB, 1125x1110, IMG_4210.jpeg)

Oh, please; one has proportionate, sort of classy features and looks ok in candids, the other one has scummy dead fish eyes and looks weird in every red carpet photo. What has Dasha going on for her besides being blonde lol. But I’d say that while Anna dresses better in general, her hairstyle choices are as bad as Dasha’s fashion ones.

No. 418358

sorry anon but dasha looks adorable in that picture.
also her scummy dead fish eyes are one of her most charming features, not joking at all. i think they're super hot. also also:
>What has Dasha going on for her besides being blonde lol
she looks better as a brunette imo. sailor socialist dasha is still peak dasha to me.

No. 418361

File: 1721881153273.png (1.64 MB, 1020x1070, my one true love.png)

>her face is not delicate nor cute enough


No. 418362

>secret lesbian
Oh honey she's long out of the closet. Didn't you see her movie?

No. 418363

Theyre both clapped. Moving on.

No. 418364


No. 418365

File: 1721881321160.png (1.5 MB, 968x1140, dashita.png)

Samefag but I love these photos of her, I think she's beautiful

No. 418366

I didnt know being pretentious and having vocal fry were exclusive to lesbians

No. 418367

Nonny you can see that it's just pancakey powdery makeup and an instagram preset, the only difference irl is the lack of flash

No. 418369

Uh I'm talking more about the real lesbian porn in the middle of the film she starred in

No. 418373

nta but we can't even see her eyes in that photo. all we can see is her clear skin, adorable smile, and nicely shaped head

No. 418376

Perfect angel prettiest girl can do no wrong
That sex scene was kinda bad but i still had it on repeat ♥

No. 418380

File: 1721882117867.png (1.43 MB, 792x900, my grandma.png)

Heres a nice unphotoshopped pic for all the haters

No. 418384

>Goodnight Racism
but her smile is so cute i really wish she wasn't retarded

No. 418388

File: 1721882669005.jpg (32.75 KB, 540x359, f351adce048ca30b2a5d5a5fa30183…)

No. 418396

can you stop spamming this ugly woman??

No. 418399

File: 1721883567462.jpg (32.01 KB, 383x359, fa8dc0245cccbbb4bdd62780fb6733…)

only if you say pretty please and it's not me spamming dasha pics. this is only the 2nd time i've posted her

No. 418400

she’s so dorky and cute

No. 418410

File: 1721885460337.jpg (52.3 KB, 468x798, 93cd2d913d0d46c07ba17af0585265…)

I genuinely hate the bleach blonde look and prefer the brunette one but it does have its moments. Also if we continue spamming this thread, we might have to open lolcow's first female containment thread

No. 418417

Nice to see Dasha and an Orc meet up with the Wicked Witch of the West

No. 418420

she should go back to brunette

No. 418505

You still had to use a filtered photo with flattering angle lmao. Compare her to Lily Rose Depp or Alana Champion, who were the ultimate inspirations for coquettes and have actual doll-like features.

Sort of unfair comparison since she wears goggles in this photo, but you can still see her eyes are two times smaller than Anna’s.

At this point I don’t want to hear a word about any cow’s nasolabial folds or whatever from you guys, since this is what passes as attractive kek.

No. 418525

File: 1721927976557.jpeg (346.84 KB, 750x670, 1666972917278.jpeg)

Go sperg about her on the leftcows thread you cow, this is the Women You're Ashamed To Fuck Thread

No. 418527

File: 1721928484595.png (1.71 MB, 881x1284, mlady.png)

Well I think she’s a beautiful angel

No. 418531

File: 1721929480754.webp (87.73 KB, 721x1200, IMG_4211.webp)

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree and end it here kek.

No. 418536

Is this edited? It looks nothing like her other pictures. And I’m just someone who came by from the front page…

No. 418537

Is this photo even real…? I reverse searched it and the only other place it’s been posted is another imageboard, I can’t even find whatever fashion show this is from or where this was originally posted lol…

No. 418540

File: 1721930924639.png (1.97 MB, 2196x1447, rachelcomeyfw2019.PNG)

nta but it's definitely real lol. It's from the rachel comey 2019 f/w collection. It doesn't look like the other pics because the other pictures are shooped to hell.

No. 418541

Or, and I’m just spitballing here, it’s taken from a low angle in uncomplimentary lighting when she was fatter and also had no makeup on and a poor hairstyle that isn’t catering to the shape of her face. And that dress is horrendous.

No. 418543

or maybe she's just ugly?

No. 418544

Anon we all look different in different situations kek, not sure why you’re so dead set on her being ugly in your mind considering this is the women you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck thread

No. 418548

File: 1721931551315.png (2.35 MB, 935x1358, 7913023.PNG)

that's fair. I'm not deadset on her being ugly, I just think it's silly to say that unretouched photos are less representative of how she looks irl than very obviously shooped selfies.

No. 418550

I mean, posting her unflattering photos is as beneficial to the discussion as posting her flattering and filtered selfies, which is not much. The most accurate would be candids and photos from events taken by actual photographers. But I’m also getting tired of this discussion, I just don’t agree with the 'anons who point out her flaws must be nitpicking’ because she has a polarizing face and many find her truly ugly.

No. 418641

File: 1721953460996.jpg (499.57 KB, 796x963, dasha-brett-davis.jpg)


No. 418677

>I just think it's silly to say that unretouched photos are less representative of how she looks irl than very obviously shooped selfies.
Same thing can be said for uncomplimentary angles and lighting.

No. 418678

File: 1721959532452.jpg (211.2 KB, 1239x1053, 9ca621b7fe711b9f453235883c95a8…)

>I mean, posting her unflattering photos is as beneficial to the discussion as posting her flattering and filtered selfies, which is not much.
I agree, I'd take her dopey face wholesale, no need for any shooping.

No. 418689

dear god dasha if you lurk this site please go back to brunette

No. 418690

I've liked women with similar features to hers so I'm not surprised I think she's cute… just wish she'd taken a different path in life

No. 418694

File: 1721962352927.png (388.83 KB, 833x603, F2A07E0F-ED78-4F83-B88F-CC49CC…)

lydia lunch. i know shes abusive and has a bunch of other issues, but she is so hot to me i think about her all the time.

No. 418738

File: 1721978826270.png (339.39 KB, 446x730, Screenshot 2024-07-26 002622.p…)

i will never stop thinking she's gorgeous. she went back to blonde for me. i know it

No. 418740

hi kiki kek

No. 418743

kekk I've always thought she was gorgeous

No. 418748

File: 1721980237531.gif (465.42 KB, 480x269, 1000009425.gif)

She's pretty. but her sister is prettier

No. 418758

File: 1721984281854.png (407.78 KB, 446x740, Screenshot 2024-07-26 015735.p…)

absolutely not, keeks has always mogged koots and doesn't need 5000 filters/photoshop to do it

No. 418762

File: 1721985660575.webp (63.89 KB, 1704x1278, hunter-schafer-qa_header.webp)

Not sure if that counts as male or female(belongs in the male thread)

No. 418767

Thats a male no matter how strong the larp is.

No. 418769

face is 100% male
how are you confused???

No. 418775

That fucking neck lmao

No. 418785

You need to be clinically retarded to think men with long hair are women, go back to where you came from. Shoo

No. 418843

Who is she? I need her

No. 418860

Kiki Kannibal

No. 418879

it's real it's just a phenomenally unflattering angle. I don't know how they did it, it's the ugliest image of her in existence that I have seen. she doesn't look like that in anything else

No. 418930

File: 1722016468398.jpg (49.4 KB, 500x699, 500full-kiki-kannibal.jpg)

how did you find this site

No. 418961

>she doesn't look like that in anything else
yeah i had the same thought. the best way to judge anyone's looks is video footage instead of pictures imo. and dasha always looks quite cute in videos. also unpopular opinion but i'd take ugly catwalk dasha over shooped dasha any day. she always gives herself these huge weirdly wet eyes and it creeps me out

No. 418965

File: 1722021493318.jpg (130.69 KB, 1300x956, model-dakota-rose-speaks-durin…)

Lol sorry, to me Dakota absolutely mogs Kiki. Dakota still maintained her modeling contract and got other modeling jobs even after the photoshop fiasco, Kiki could never.

No. 418969

Keeks is naturally more beautiful but her biggest accomplishment is keek week while as Dakota was actually successful for a while

No. 418972

File: 1722022550042.jpg (121.11 KB, 1024x768, 1000005683.jpg)

I'm so ashamed but this specific picture of her appeals to something in my subconscious.

No. 418973

I don't want to 'hi cow' but there are some astronomical levels of delusion ITT

No. 418981

depends on whether you prefer more mature, elegant features or cutesy, youthful features. kiki's more my type but dakota's undoubtedly very pretty too.

No. 418983

I’m not any of these anons but I find her really cute. Not stunning. Whenever a pic of her shows up on the homepage I always think she’s pretty. I don’t follow her though and have no clue what she does other than her having a podcast.

No. 419058

Her body shooping is insane I always thought she was close to ana tier but she's actually very average in build
She's beautiful and I'm not ashamed of saying it

No. 419083

Theres also something about the way she moves that makes her really seem stoned and chill. Thats far from true ofc since you can scroll through her twitter or listen to 5 minutes from her pod and realize she's a moron but still.

No. 419085

I have these reactions to those cows in the leftcow thread who sperg irrationally at every pic she posts. She's retarded but she's honestly quite alluring and pretty and its not difficult to see why she'd be considered attractive (which is the bare minimum to enter this thread).

No. 419089

some people just organically think she's ugly anon, it's not a big deal

No. 419092

Nta but she just looks kind of plain to me, someone like Kiki at least stands out

No. 419152

File: 1722060264182.png (166.87 KB, 349x253, 1692719816436.png)

koots' big fat jaw has never been cute or attractive
until she became a laughingstock for looking nothing like her photos. both of them are messes who have done nothing substantial in their lives. kiki is way prettier tho

No. 419205

I think Kiki looks prettier than Dasha but I find Dasha more attractive. Its that kind of allure she has.

No. 419209

She literally looks the same in >>418548, minus the shit hair. I agree with >>418973, the amounts of coping itt are insane. But mousy 4chan phenotype cows always get defended the hardest here, wonder why kek.

No. 419210

> Mousy 4chan type girls get defended the hardest here
Flashbacks to the women you find ugly thread kek. A good chunk of lolcor posters definitely have the fujo phenotype.

No. 419213

>mousy 4chan phenotype cows always get defended the hardest here
because they're cute

No. 419231

Dasha doesn't look all that different than Dakota or Kiki. They're not really pretty and all have weird features that stop them from being conventionally good looking yet are still strangely attractive.

No. 419232

File: 1722092684490.jpg (96.04 KB, 735x735, 96024701_114421490025667_65527…)

Wish she never discovered blonde dye

No. 419242

I don’t think I fit the mousy 4chan/fujo phenotype since I’m not white but it’s genuinely my type, I find it so cute.

No. 419256

I probably do fit that phenotype even though I've tried to improve upon my looks when I'm feeling up to it

But lots of uglier women have gotten famous than the mousy phenotype

No. 419268

dasha is not "mousy." also i have better bone structure than her.(no1currs)

No. 419271

This is one of the rare times I think a containment thread should be made, since this whole thread is basically The Dasha Thread now

No. 419314

Dunno if this >>418965 pic of Dakota is unedited (I don't follow her closely) but she looks very cute and pretty. Kiki looked good with dark blonde hair and bangs, this extreme bleach does nothing for her. Both look like normal women with ugly contact lenses, none looks like literal goblin.

No. 419369

to me she's neither mousy nor "alluring", she looks exactly like the type of woman who acts out on purpose because she knows she's unattractive. All she has going for her is that she's not fat and the fact that some people think that any nose without a major hook or bump automatically enhances attractiveness. I imagine the women who are into her look similar to her but have some coarse facial feature they dislike or are not slim and aspire to stop caring and exist in ugly pride like her.

No. 419373

oh no that's not it at all. i can't speak for the rest of the anons but i don't look anything like dasha, i just think she's very pretty. we have nothing in common physically

No. 419381

I'm just gonna disagree with you because some of those Dakota pics aren't flattering and to dismiss Dasha as goblin is delusional.

No. 419382

Stop projecting

No. 419387

File: 1722135001017.gif (772.13 KB, 200x200, IMG-332.gif)

damn is there no one else nonas are ashamed to feel attracted to? alright i'll take one for the team

No. 419388

File: 1722135241994.mp4 (1.67 MB, 480x852, XD.mp4)

I like her too, her voice is cute. The way she says "Who is that guy?" at the end is so cute.

No. 419392

nah shes hot af

No. 419397

No. 419433

I wish someone would shove a pool noodle down this man's windpipe

No. 419436

I want to see her become Madame President just to watch racist chuds seethe for 4 years straight

No. 419439

File: 1722146948267.webp (16.33 KB, 445x281, IMG_4216.webp)

Idc about Dakota, I’ve said that she looks good in this particular picture. If picrel was her exposé for photoshopping her face, then she still looks pretty, just in less uncanny way. The Dasha debate got boring already, I find you delusional for thinking she’s objectively attractive and that’s all there is to it.

No. 419442

File: 1722148541369.jpg (600.29 KB, 1536x1792, 1675558153847363.jpg)

>I'm not delusional, you're delusional
Yeah, thats all its boiled down to, so shut up with trying to "objectively" prove someone is not good looking just cause you got triggered someone said a person you don't like is attractive.

No. 419490

this is the only cute picture of her i have ever seen

No. 419516

Not ashamed. I have mommy issues and I love a power suit.

No. 419520

File: 1722188870777.jpg (55.02 KB, 933x629, Ef1tx3UUwAA38fR.jpg)

my president

No. 419522

Unreal to think she had this much hair at one point. Anorexia is so cruel

No. 419524

It’s how cynical and jaded she is in personality, like a Jessica Lange character. Mousey people are plain or cute but have to have the wallflower, jumpy or fawning personality.

No. 419540

I don't care whether you find her attractive or not, your shit taste is none of my concern. You are the one that got offended when I called her goblin-like kek and responded to my earlier post instead of ignoring it if you disagree.

Mousey because of her hair color and her not being very striking, I wasn't talking about her personality.

No. 419637

File: 1722211640037.jpeg (110.13 KB, 634x745, 784C97C5-7285-419C-9595-65FD95…)

I want a crazy, femme, horse riding gypsy gf with low inhibition who can teach me to loosen up and enjoy the wild side of life but also is a girly girl at heart and loves tacky cute pink things sigh

No. 419638

File: 1722211765017.jpeg (311.64 KB, 964x1264, 6B6B43EE-8052-4DBB-B698-CCAA69…)

I fell in love with them after watching this show, they just dont give a single fuck. Gypsy girls are so cute, gypsy moids dont deserve them.

No. 419646

Kek literally what I was just thinking, this is shocking

No. 419647

Mousey fujos are always insufferable narcissists.

No. 419651

just how i like them

No. 419657

Anon herself is probably a youngin

No. 419662

File: 1722219106136.jpg (57.47 KB, 431x656, polly-lou-livingston2.jpg)

Your the one who's literally saying "no but actually" to people saying they find Dasha pretty in a Women Your Ashamed to Fuck Thread. Thats the entire point of the thread, now either post someone or don't post at all cause your aren't contributing to the thread.

Anyways here's another one, her voice was so soothing when I first heard her in Adventure Time but only now realized she had drip. RIP. (She's in this thread mostly cause she's old)

No. 419723

Too much selfposting ITT. Smells like a jar of moldy snail mucin and a particularly yeasty vagina with a hint of seawater in here.(sderailing)

No. 419728

File: 1722245762834.jpg (439.39 KB, 1896x2844, osWXJRmY1uthX5edFDkEJ7dwmZf.jp…)

She truly is the queen of this thread considering how much she still triggers a lot of nonnas here, especially those spergs in the leftcow thread.

No. 419741

She’s like one of those optical illusions that change images depending on the angle you’re looking at it. Duck or rabbit? Ugly or cute? She is both simultaneously.

No. 419742

ngl it kinda feels like you're the one who's getting triggered when you keep mentioning the "haters in the leftcows thread" apropos of nothing. stan whoever you like, you're not going to get everyone to agree that someone with polarizing features is attractive (and that's fine!)

No. 419782

go back

No. 419795

for what? telling you that you can’t fangirl a cow without expecting some pushback? can’t stand you summerfags.

No. 419810

File: 1722275107850.jpeg (193.35 KB, 736x981, IMG_9002.jpeg)

>(and that’s fine!!!)
Kek calling me the new “summerfag” lingo you learnt isn’t going to help you integrate more, you sound like you came straight from twitter. I don’t care who is posted in the “Women you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck” thread, that’s the whole point. I mean, someone literally posted picrel.

No. 420101

File: 1722323706519.png (2.72 MB, 2095x1590, 127af73bfa.png)

Pls don't be so unkind. There is an actually attractive woman beneath that makeup.

No. 420102

No. 420105

No you fucking wouldn't.

No. 420179

Het women routinely have sex with far worse

No. 420233

File: 1722368856805.jpeg (137.01 KB, 736x481, IMG_7366.jpeg)

I don’t know if she’s been posted in one of the previous threads before but I think she was really cute in the earlier seasons of Girls and seeing pictures of her now makes me incredibly sad.

No. 420298

File: 1722382801990.jpg (293.81 KB, 1123x1500, 82797028753750.56053cba2f3b9.j…)

When I first watched this show I thought she was really cute too. She also had photos in TIME magazine that I remember thinking were gorgeous.

No. 420301

File: 1722384026030.jpg (40.94 KB, 637x576, 30c776c184a1183be7bc295c15b7e8…)

No. 420344

She was cute before she turned into a greasy hamplant

No. 420372

Her hamplanet version would be more fitting for this thread

No. 420829

File: 1722573900724.jpg (1.19 MB, 2160x2700, 1a0978d3689707w882.jpg)

No. 420830

File: 1722573950907.jpeg (120.06 KB, 828x1072, jen.jpeg)

DA I actually don't think she's ugly at all but she has a repulsive personality that's impossible to overlook, like Jen from the Redfem podcast. If Dasha wasn't straight they'd make a good couple.

No. 420833

she looks like younger grimes

No. 420921

Don't complement Grimes like that

No. 421030

Grimes is hotter than her ngl

No. 421422

File: 1722726979689.jpg (58.38 KB, 592x621, 1000000718.jpg)

Emiru, she'd be such a cute dorky gf if she wasn't a scrote panderer

No. 421482

This reply still makes me kek, I have no idea who she is but she's really not hideous or repulsive, just fat.
No clue who this is but she's a cutie, would. This is an ideal woman for me tbh.

No. 421534

Her personality isn't really abhorrent. She's never done anything really bad aside from her young pandering days. No shame in finding her attractive.

No. 421842

Am I the only one who prefers slightly weird looking women? A perfect instagram face does nothing for me. My current crush has such an odd face objectively, but subjectively it’s adorable to me and I am crazy about it.

No. 421843

That’s normal, I like it when faces have personality. You can be super attractive with personality in your face but the Instagram models are usually cookie cutter. Honestly in my head they’re for straight men but that’s probably not a good thing to assume

No. 421846

File: 1722877141430.jpg (104.97 KB, 1200x630, ba075812-2073-408e-829a-164376…)

want her to groom me sorry

No. 421866

Thought I was the only one

No. 422269

File: 1723010531748.png (563.43 KB, 447x568, hearmeout.png)

HEAR ME OUT… Just hear me out… I've been binging her threads and she's weirdly medium hot to me. I don't understand it, there is just something about her. This is so embarrassing for me

No. 422270

do you ever read this thread and think "I guess there's hope for me" kek

No. 422271

I think that for like every early cow thread i read tbh, I have no idea why earlier cow threads are so much more chaotic

No. 422272

This one is unexpected

No. 422301

Oh wait I read that wrong. KEK
Shit, I don’t even know what I find attractive about it. It makes it even more shameful

No. 422347

I wish she would wrestle me to the ground like that, damn

No. 422418

Where’s the shame in this one? Hot and capable.

No. 422448

File: 1723093963395.jpg (681.44 KB, 803x1002, honor_levy.jpg)

she's easily one of the most annoying and gross-looking representatives of the bambicore waif coquette edgelord crowd and she lacks any sort of redeeming quality beyond not being too ugly but i still would unfortunately

No. 422716

bush era dana perino with the bob

No. 424056

File: 1723516240956.jpeg (363.05 KB, 1022x1227, IMG_7357.jpeg)

I dated a girl exactly like this and she made me cum so hard, I didn’t even care that she made me dress like Yato Noragami.

No. 424074

>grooms 15yo boys
you can tell this was written by a salty scrote

No. 424212

File: 1723576468915.jpg (42 KB, 634x509, 69206099-11911373-Transgender_…)

I hate myself for this one. My worst 'i could fix her'


No. 424225

Kek. The sad thing is you probably could have fixed her since it seems like she was just isolated and retarded. But also she was clearly functioning on a child’s level IQ so fucking her feels wrong to me

No. 424228

File: 1723579507519.jpeg (134.51 KB, 736x736, IMG_7125.jpeg)

No. 424250

Is that Ms banks?

No. 424255

File: 1723586143213.jpeg (145.09 KB, 500x605, IMG_7132.jpeg)

The 1 and only
Id love to help write mentally ill bippie rants together for her Instagram posts

No. 424584

god i wish i were you

No. 425107

I always thought she was cute as fuck. Young Grimes was cute too but it's obvious who aged better even though I hate that she got a boob job.

No. 427478

File: 1724656238354.jpg (312.56 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

No. 430032

File: 1726445810124.png (2.14 MB, 1113x1391, IMG_4356.png)

Insufferable bihet and most likely a fakebian, but I can’t help but find her very cute. The fact that she’s so averagely pretty, like every other girl from Midwest with dyed hair, is attractive to me for some reason.

No. 430034

she’s super cute and her videos are just random lifestyle shit, why are you ashamed?

No. 430049

File: 1726450911593.jpg (40.01 KB, 220x275, 6258535685360.JPG)

I want to fuck Shayna. I saw her pussy again and it looks so meaty. I want to make her squirt. Don’t report this as bait.

No. 430050

you will burn in hell for this

No. 430053

File: 1726452370806.jpeg (89.15 KB, 780x438, wuJ5J8c.jpeg)

the phone case with the kittens in your linked pic, the spoiled princess thing, the love of drag race… it's the opposite of what I usually like in every way but it's so fucking hot in its own way. I love the fantasy of "random unassuming girl who could be in your 10:15 AM class who is just one of the girls and a dork and kinda messy with her love life but secretly furiously horny and repressing lust for women." I don't even care that she's obviously bisexual, it's more realistic that she's bisexual.

No. 430056

Tbh I just posted her here because I didn't know if it would fit the other thread lol

No. 430057

Well if you ever pimp her out, do her a favour and do a little vajacial on her to deal with them ingrowns.

No. 430058

You have a way with words..

No. 430060

File: 1726453316206.png (489.97 KB, 600x600, Ebh1zX3.png)

like come on. 9 times out of 10, I feel nothing for girly girls, but this photoshoot will be the death of me.

No. 430061

File: 1726453606598.png (1.28 MB, 1000x816, S07kpfx.png)

you really think this will make your ex jealous? hehe I mean, sure, I'd do anything to help you get him back…

No. 430064

No. 430108

File: 1726463143627.jpg (197.93 KB, 1080x720, 1658328700922[1].jpg)

is this one a bit too weird

No. 430119

No. 430130

Getting major fatty vibes from this post.
>she’s only pretty because she’s not fat!
No shit. That’s because fatties are fucking ugly.

No. 430134

File: 1726470051587.jpeg (14.66 KB, 275x183, IMG_9266.jpeg)

She looks like Nadja from what we do in the shadows

No. 430179

ciara horan. she was an infamous r9k egirl before she passed away in 2020.

No. 430248

She didn't pass away

No. 430266

>replying to 1 month old post to white knight dasha

No. 430277

okay ciarafag keep coping

No. 430651

File: 1726609714677.jpg (1 MB, 2316x2826, 1723777834178.jpg)

I have a crush on Empathchan. I genuinely find her pretty. This is what motivated me to read her threads (just starting now). Possessive BPD e-girls like her always make me think of angsty scenarios where i'd be the recipient of their narc rage over some unwashed orbiters. I know it's retarded and she's pathologically straight but, i can't help it

No. 430654

File: 1726610025368.jpeg (55.71 KB, 736x414, 9210FB87-FB08-42D4-BFB4-C4C1CD…)

I think we all can agree

No. 430655

File: 1726610053689.jpeg (116.45 KB, 736x490, 8332ED8A-23DD-4D3B-96A9-132959…)

samefag, this one is much worse

No. 430718

She should cut her hair again.

No. 430785

>>430651 I agree. I was surprised nobody posted her before. I think pre surgery empath is actually beautiful, I was actually flattered when she spoke to me from a while ago.

No. 431008

Genuinely hot as fuck. Nonnies who are less contrarian than I am and like her music, is there much hint whether or not she's a pillow princess or more "toppy"?

No. 431015

She likes to get topped. By moids.

No. 431023

File: 1726718985497.jpeg (414.84 KB, 1625x2816, y0ziEbD.jpeg)

the horniest lyrics in her work go both ways. I can ignore the fact that they're cringe (I'm really glad that "…and then go down" didn't make it out of the demo version of that song) because they're so hot and that's really all I ask

No. 431039

always make me feel like a horny moid whenever i see those milkers..

No. 431040

File: 1726734340402.webp (250.38 KB, 500x750, 1726652961026.webp)

Would get into a toxic situationship with her that ends with her dumping me for a moid tbh
Same nonna. The fact that she's not ana-tier skinny like a lot of celebrities are atm is so hot too…

No. 431060

I could change her

No. 431092

Left images looks so much like an cgi image, its unreal

No. 431366

god I thought I was the only one! Im sick of pretending she isn't fine as fuck

No. 431367

Nona are you me? I was thirsting over her on cc in the LC bunker thread and got told to love myself. But yeah. I could fix her. I read her diary and everything, listened to that one song (that one thats goes: I don't wanna be aliiiive I just wanna die today…that one) she looped 5 times also. Im telling you, I could be her replacement P.A.P. Too bad she was cremated I think

No. 431376

Who is this?

No. 431522


No. 431856

File: 1726957695542.jpeg (76.12 KB, 1080x1079, IMG_4367.jpeg)

I used to have a crush on her, it kinda worn off, but God she can be so undeniably cute

No. 431860

i hate the way she styles herself it's so cheap and npc-ish

No. 431861

File: 1726958535004.jpg (186.3 KB, 1200x1200, GX-Ic5zWIAAZw3q.jpg)

very unpopular and i know she's annoying, they say she looks like a tranny, blah blah but i find ivy and her skinny fat body very attractive, even if she looks like her name is sock from bushwick. she needs to cut it with the ugly ass microbangs though and maybe unibrow, but whatever.

No. 431862

i find unibrows really cute too nona, an underrated charm

No. 431900

File: 1726972224418.jpg (181.43 KB, 750x500, imagine the threesome.jpg)

Fuck/marry/kill vaguely political edition:

>Dasha Redscare

>Brittany Venti
>Hannah Berrelli

Music/celeb edition:

>Azealia Banks

>Chappell Roan

No. 431903

fuck marry kill is such a disgusting scrotey meme

No. 431906

File: 1726973140406.jpg (73.75 KB, 612x612, 0ad92a2e146334ec35ba83edfd06dc…)

Fuck/marry/kill vaguely political edition:
>Dasha Redscare
>Brittany Venti
>Hannah Berrelli

Music/celeb edition:
>Azealia Banks
Fuck (Was having a hard time choosing between her and grimes to marry tbh, they're both very cute)
>Chappell Roan
Kill, easily
Marry, we're both autists so it'd work idk

No. 431912

She looks so pretty here, idk why she did what she did to her face.

No. 431920

File: 1726974928652.gif (10.07 KB, 124x59, jfXm.gif)

No. 431954

Hannah, mostly cause I don't know who she is

Azealia, you know she'd be wild, she's crazy
Chappell, really a toss up with Grimes, I don't find either of them attractive but I at least like a couple of Grimes songs

No. 431955

File: 1726983099674.jpg (361.84 KB, 2093x1065, 34645756858.jpg)

Its not that she looks like a tranny so much as a Skyrim npc

No. 432011

i thought this guy was from oblivion

No. 432017

a fellow intellectual
i laughed but i see it, she still looks attractive to me it's over

No. 432018

Fuck Dasha, marry Berrelli, kill Venti
Fuck Grimes, marry Azaelia (or the other way around??), kill Roan.

No. 432480

File: 1727126532892.png (746.48 KB, 984x660, dayum.png)

Good morning to you too, dear!

No. 432484

Imagine her being a bossy femdom mommy and forcing you to lick her out during her podcast

No. 432508

god shut the fuck up anon

No. 432627

File: 1727183699754.jpg (140.53 KB, 540x1080, 371048864_682125443973265_6572…)

She knows her strengths (looking like an evil witch and/or Cruella Deville)

No. 432640

File: 1727188128904.jpg (4.89 KB, 200x200, 1000008445.jpg)

Idk it's something about her aura kek

No. 432842

File: 1727242403477.png (Spoiler Image,17.14 MB, 1806x7100, sabrina.png)

Spotted on /ot/. Is this how it feels to be attracted to a woman so heterosexual she'd be a negative 50 on the Kinsey scale?

No. 432844

her shortness and huge head coupled with constant oversexualization creeps me out. she looks like a babydoll that someone gave a hooker makeover to. its a little bit pedo-ish.

No. 432901

how do you know she's heterosexual? she has a public persona curated by a team or agency. none of this is real in a meaningful way, it's her dressing up to take slutty pictures for work sometimes. she came into the industry young, presumably this is what she was taught to do.

No. 433159

File: 1727356173584.jpeg (153.96 KB, 942x623, wqiwmRE.jpeg)

>Azealia Banks
kill. occasionally funny and nearly constantly conflict-seeking is not a good ratio
>Chappell Roan
fuck. if you really want to know if she's into women, I will take one for the team and see if and how many times I can make her cum. no need to thank me, I do it all for you
marry. we could watch anime together and be happy and I would set up a minecraft server for our stepchildren that has all the best modpacks

No. 433160

you tasteless retard

No. 433161

marry az banks (i can fix her), fuck roan, kill grimes

No. 433166

File: 1727357119809.jpg (123.87 KB, 736x1104, 1000002289.jpg)

chappel roan is making me go crazy, she reminds me of the art girl in high school i was obsessed with, bihet shit and all. it really is a different kind of longing to hear the girl you're into call herself bi, but she's always going to choose a mediocre man over any woman. i mean seriously they even dress in the same weird artsy shit style.

No. 433321

Kayleigh has such a hold over this website. Half of us hate her, half want to hatefuck her

Just making an educated guess

No. 433374

File: 1727437973482.jpg (1.01 MB, 4016x6016, MV5BMTU1MDgyNjctOThlNS00MzRkLT…)

Trailertrash Tammy is the woman i always wanted

No. 433387

File: 1727443922361.jpeg (178.31 KB, 736x906, nz0aE81.jpeg)

hatefucking as a concept is pretty fucked up to me so definitely not. I just don't think being a little cringe or being related to bad people makes you less hot

No. 433391

Why is going on with her hairline

No. 433423

Shes secretly megamind

No. 433424

File: 1727455295254.jpg (158.17 KB, 1080x1080, 454164812_809466937954678_3222…)

>I hate you… but I love you… but I hate you

No. 433457

Why are you posting troons itt

No. 433569

File: 1727485222631.png (1.79 MB, 728x1630, camille alexander.PNG)

She looks so hot nice without makeup on or ridiculous pigtails. Why can't women just be natural and erotic without making it some cringe libfem shtick?

No. 433662

Same. I am creeped out by the pedo baiting but in more mature styling she is so gorgeous.

No. 433700

Maybe we do need a Dasha containment thread, to keep out all the contrarians unwilling to accept her into their hearts

No. 433706

Grow up

>Dasha Redscare


The other two will have to fight each other to the death and I fuck the one who survives. I feel just as indifferent about both of them.

>Azealia Banks

>Chappell Roan

I like her too but her new petite bombshell image puts me off because she's naturally awkward and it comes off weird instead of sexy. I don't think it's the right way to market her but somehow it's working for her kek

No. 433884

I wonder what it would take to convert her to anything more than painful heterosexuality

I want to suck her tits

No. 433891

>marry Grimes

No. 434407

>>397215 Nonas I was reading through the post leftcows thread and just found out that the threadpic is dasha? I never thought she was ugly, she's sort of weird looking in a charming way, but not ugly. But holy shit, if she were to just take the masc route I would be so happy. The whole forced waif tiny anachan look is not working for her. god if you're listening please make Dasha bisexual please please please I'm willing to take a masculine Dasha even if she troons out god anything

No. 434518

I love crazy scientist women

No. 434528

Azealia would try to kill me at least once a week during her bippie breakdowns. Chappell Roan would make me so angry every time she talked I would try to kill her at least once a week. Grimes is just a cringe autist, I can deal with her.

No. 434530

I never even realized the OP pic was a woman/Dasha tbh, I always thought it was just an ugly long haired moid and I would quickly scroll past it kek

No. 434557

DA but I also said I'd marry Grimes because me and Azealia are both very intense people and would inevitably always be trying to kill each other in between wild sex. Claire at least seems more chill even if it's a low bar. Also I always end up reading bippie as "bi hippie"

No. 434583

lol very charming

No. 434592

File: 1727770775851.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1338, anyone-know-where-to-get-the-p…)

If only someone introduced her to music beyond Lana del Rey, maybe she'd take drop the coquette schtick.

No. 434602

so painfully mid. alana champion she aint

No. 434672

File: 1727801869256.jpg (24.35 KB, 1048x718, dyqsd70xzqi91.jpg)

Keep your wrong opinions to yourself

No. 434676

Youre right shes just ugly and lopsided. not mid

No. 434679

No. 434688

>thigh fatter than the ass

No. 434748

File: 1727831880821.jpg (171.22 KB, 1080x1350, 236372232_3683743768393852_567…)

*Cute and lopsided
The only mid thing here is your opinion

No. 434750

alana champion is overrated and charmless and i would not have sex with her

No. 434807

File: 1727878854276.webp (257.59 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_4401.webp)

And she’s everything Dashew aspires to be, yet will never be, being over 30 and haggard.

No. 434808

File: 1727879307658.jpg (73.84 KB, 750x937, 1000002299.jpg)

i can fix her. no really, i can.

No. 434815

I wasn't that nona who caped for Dasha, I just don't like Alana

No. 434833

File: 1727896195325.jpeg (116.71 KB, 960x640, IMG_4404.jpeg)

the cutest. not even ashamed anymore, she needs to drop her annoying stand and live out her bihet dreams with me. she’s so polarizing because she comes off obnoxious in media but she is so sweet on tiktok

No. 434835

File: 1727897173637.png (455.28 KB, 539x420, lohilohi.png)

I've never seen any of the anime she cosplays, but I want her carnally

No. 434836

File: 1727897287061.png (392.1 KB, 595x393, (@carmencosplays).png)

samefag but the other one is pretty when out of cosplay too

No. 434913

File: 1727929986599.png (740.73 KB, 1080x720, IMG_20241002_213245.png)

She's cute

No. 434975

File: 1727986858288.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1390, IMG_7666.jpeg)

She’s super cute and i’d date her. Too bad she’s annoying

No. 434976

she's very talented too. Unfortunately, lolcow has a hateboner for her despite all she's accomplished

No. 434983

What has she accomplished lol

No. 434997

File: 1727996285964.jpg (149.68 KB, 1500x1015, noahfinnce-1646398855.5091813.…)

She's retarded and an autism faker now so i probably wouldn't stand being around her, but still… I want to ravenously eat her out

No. 435009

I tried to hate Brittany but she kept being reasonable and funny and her haters kept being desperate and unable to come up with new material so I love Brittany now. She is super pretty.

No. 435013

Baby-faced croquette walmart kate moss larper prey-eyed loser. Dasha team forever

No. 435023

Farmers calling her ugly really is one of the dumbest copes on here atm, she's clearly hot as fuck. I wish she'd come out as bi and denounce comphet shit like the lesbian masterdoc. The drama would be beautiful and I'd comfort her if the haters upset her.

No. 435030

Dasha has a strange and unattractive waxen and lopsided appearance, and this girl is very much what Dasha would kill to look like, but even still she looks too much like some 13 year old starving yurop trafficking "model" victim for me to really find her attractive.

No. 435036

>this girl is very much what Dasha would kill to look like
I don't care about what Dasha wants. Dasha is retarded. Alana looks bad to me because I don't like women with cutesy faces. She's objectively very cute, but not my type at all. Seethe cope dilate etc. Dasha FTW

No. 435042

I just called Dasha ugly but I agreed with you about Alaina. Even Dasha knows she's ugly as fuck since she shoops herself to look like Alaina ala Stefany Lauren

No. 435048

Dasha's face has a lot of charm and character. Her lopsided face is why she's cute. And her navel. And her retarded online forum debater ways. If only she stopped dressing like a Brandy and Melville model

No. 435056

File: 1728036401793.jpg (118.36 KB, 1920x1080, _128937673_skabeyeva_intro_new…)

Hey, I like women with this hairstyle. What is it called and what type of personnality do they have?

No. 435057

It's a bumpit/bumped ponytailed

No. 435059

You’re not alone anon, chubby or fat butch/masculine women with long hair are my kryptonite. I want Tammy to ask me if the guy at the bar is bothering me.

No. 435066

File: 1728043734152.jpeg (423.56 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_3442.jpeg)

she’s so insufferable but so so pretty

No. 435074

Thanks, it's not much the ponytail but the front bump that is excessively sexy.

No. 435079

probably kiki, minus the personality she's one of the prettiest cows tbh

No. 435107

The one woman ive known to do her hair like this is strong willed, jumps to conclusions but will admit when she was wrong because she doesnt have alot of pride since she lived ghetto and crazy and lacked alot of self respect as a youngster. But shes a total girls girl and a super talkative sweet heart. Idk if you find many young womem with that hairstyle. The woman i know is 45 yeah. Definetly a dated hairstyle. But still a beautiful classic.

No. 435108

ARYT, I don’t find her attractive in sexual way (looks too young like you said, despite her being older than me), I just find it funny how she’s effortlessly everything Dasha dreams of. Besties with Lana, coquette blueprint, actual model, pulls off cute clothes easily, hot girl duo with Lily-Rose etc. Dasha is like negative of Alana.

No. 435124

That's a very precise description. I have the impression women with this style have a dmineering personality.

No. 435194

File: 1728082176431.jpeg (101.07 KB, 592x960, IMG_4411.jpeg)

I hate her obvious scrote pandering but I find her so sexy.

No. 435262

File: 1728132815254.jpg (62.52 KB, 574x665, GZBy26bbAAE06c4.jpg)


No. 435269

dashas face is horrible

No. 435270

Christ, imagine the smell

No. 435271

Looks like they heard my answer >>431954 and made it come true

No. 435288

File: 1728142810904.gif (1.04 MB, 220x316, aardvark-snorf.gif)


No. 435308

Azealia probably smells like organic shea butter and mint. Not a hint of BO, just sweetness and floral/herbal natural oils… Dasha smells faintly of cigarettes, old woman powdery perfume and spicy arpmit sweat. Or she might smell like cleanliness but in a disinfected-nurse-during-COVID-outbreak way. Maybe both?

No. 435313

Dasha looks like she barely showers and douses herself in shit like Vivienne Westwood Boudoir because she would rather kill herself than be a normal gourmand/clean scent female and she has to make up for her extremely boring personality with external factors. In short she looks like she stinks horribly.

No. 435314

it's interesting you say that because I feel like that describes anna perfectly (her years and years of having the world's worst mullet despite being a posturing pickme pseud who worships scrotal tastes) while dasha's catholic girl in brandy melville thing feels more like the sort of person who would say you're a retarded dyke if you think you're too good for gourmand/clean scents that appeal to men.

No. 435315

this post has so much of azaelia's natural poetic cadence, right down to the ellipsis, that it is making me question so many posts in this thread.

No. 435336

Kekkkk this is so accurate
Her spirit possessed me

No. 435351

Sighhhhh…a Tumblr user who is a terf ftm yes those exist cator99. No one bully me about it I'm in the right thread

No. 435352

File: 1728165003511.jpg (211.05 KB, 1080x1329, 1000005004.jpg)

Samefag and here are the photos

No. 435353

File: 1728165037624.jpg (186.54 KB, 1080x1069, 1000005005.jpg)

No. 435354

No. 435356

File: 1728165384425.jpg (198.46 KB, 1080x1628, 1000005006.jpg)

Last one for good measure

No. 435361

She's not ftm despite associating with so many trannies, she said she takes the steroids to bodybuild. Fake fan.

No. 435364

I thought this was a photograph of my late father.

No. 435365

i thought this was vin disel

No. 435371

Yes. She's gorgeous, she looks like a fairy. She's one of the straightest women I've ever seen but that's ok, I'll admire her from afar and can respect some of her more based takes.

No. 435374

She's hot nona, I interpret her as just a gigabutch.

No. 435384

That honestly feels more like it describes Azealia than Dasha

No. 435385

this is actually insane

No. 435396

oh she looks insanely hot with the mask on here

No. 435398

wtf, she just looks like an obnoxious male fag, very unusual hip to shoulder ratio for a female, even with muscles included. She has a moustache in other pics so idk about >>435361. Idk why you'd do this to yourself unless you want to be seen as a man because she 100% looks like a man, and gay women aren't gonna be into that. Makes little sense to me. Or is she straight? Lost some respect for her tbh

No. 435400

Not usually super into butches but I'd smash tbh. There's a little je ne sais quoi about some TIFs. The ones who don't live as expired emos (sorry >>434997 anon) and aren't whales can be strangely sexy. And yes I'm including the hyperfeminine straight "gay trans men" in this comment.

No. 435412

She used to be ftm and has since deidentified, but she still uses steroids for bodybuilding, as far as she divulged. She's not straight and ngl, female masculinity is hot and personally this includes physically masculinized women like her.

No. 435413

Even though tumblr is mostly inhabited by wimpy babies it still seems bold to me to openly terfpost while also posting face pics. It's an admirable and hot quality, like the opposite of being a libfem handmaiden because you're afraid moids in dresses with shout at you.

No. 435414

I mean, I’m into masculine women but when they just look and sound like straight up moids from shooting up steroids or T for years, the charm is lost to me. She also wears a lot of gay male paraphernalia which is a turn off to me personally since it all just adds up to making her look like a gay dude who likes it up the butt. No offense to gay dudes who like it up the butt kek but obviously I’m not attracted to that as a woman is all I’m saying.

No. 435415

>gay male paraphernalia
What's that?

No. 435416

File: 1728190221647.jpeg (328.01 KB, 1280x1707, E4A0F40B-D2FC-4AE9-91F4-F8AC99…)

Like this T-shirt. She has more than one of these types of shirts with gay male art prints on it kek. Like she’s clearly mimicking gay male aesthetics for some reason and I find it off putting personally

No. 435417

File: 1728191528356.jpeg (193.38 KB, 1220x841, 4CEE0161-F2AA-42D2-BC97-2A114E…)

I finally figured out who she reminds me of. I was like “she looks JUST like someone but I can’t quite out my finger on it…”

No. 435419

I wouldn't go for a male that look like that but a woman I think thats fucking hot idk whats up with that

No. 435423

Personally I like her style, it reminds me of Martin Gore.
I was just about to make that comparison. both are hot to me so I have no issue
I just think it’s so cringe how she’s sort of trutrans towards her tif roomate.

No. 435430

>when the best passing tif is a TERF
Holy fuck, TIFs keep taking brutal Ls.

No. 435440

File: 1728198951046.jpeg (166.63 KB, 1648x930, 2B10500C-9C8B-4CAE-99A1-34756B…)

Pic rel is my ideal gf. She is more beautiful than every other woman in the entire world to me. Absolutely flawless.
I want to study with her, cuddle her, watch webtoons with her on her PC, we go to the little Chinatown mall near our house, buy some ramen, pocky, and cute keychains, then we go home to our bare minimalist apartment, and eat spicy ramen with her. After our meal we make out with our lips still swollen from the chilli, she gets horny and says she likes the way my tongue feels on her clit so I proceed to eat her delicious meaty purplish pink hairy pussy immediately afterwards while my mouth is still spicy and she orgasms and moans and writhes and sweats in ecstasy. Then I would cuddle with her silky sweaty body afterwards and make us some tea, and we read books together in silence. She's so cute.

No. 435446

That's cute nona, she's just an averageish cute girl so its easy to imagine a life with her. She's charming.

No. 435447

File: 1728201091389.jpg (266.68 KB, 1080x1433, Screenshot_20241004-193356_Ins…)

No. 435450

Bisexuals exist Nona and I like very heavy androgyny if not complete passing for the opposite sex. It's hot

No. 435451

Samefag from the last reply but I have the same shoulder to hip ratio as cator99. My shoulders are wider than my hips and facially I'm very masculine looking. Sexual dimorphism doesn't mean that every female is going to have hentai fetish porn proportions kek

No. 435462

No matter how "well" she looks or passes I can never be attracted to a tranny for the mere fact that it indulges that behavior.

No. 435463

Eh that's completely fair.

No. 435490

I said it was unusual (which it is), not impossible. But it seems like it’s a sore spot for you or something since you jumped straight into the “you’re just pornsick” type argument.

No. 435801

File: 1728330928131.jpg (191.48 KB, 1000x563, 1000048999.jpg)

She makes me feel funny

No. 435822

she's too old for you

No. 435864

In my dreams Dasha transitions to look like this (but it's an ironic terf transition where she always states she's really a woman). Since T can make lesbians bi according to some it will hopefully do the opposite to Dasha and make her bi instead of straight.

No. 436041

File: 1728436336774.jpg (761.89 KB, 1079x1662, chud.jpg)

This russian TiF, self-described misanthrope who listens to niche music (black metal, noise), reads philosophy and looks exactly like chudjak. She's smiling in picrel but when she frowns it's really troubling. I love her. She's perfect, sadly you can tell she's straighter than an arrow and likely tiffing out because the world isn't ready for a female chud

No. 436043

I can fix her

No. 436054

File: 1728440083200.jpg (36.19 KB, 464x649, fml.JPG)

I'm addicted to women with this facial ratio, (picrel my all-time biggest crush who is like an asian version of your girl kek) but it's really rare, and what few exist are always straight, FML

No. 436058

File: 1728443806156.mp4 (5.96 MB, 720x1280, EjEEdQG47haoz3-F.mp4)

I can't hold it in. She's so cute. Her laugh is so endearing to me, I like the way she exaggerates her voice. I've literally never had a crush on anybody in politics until she became the candidate. Why is she so cute? She was the threadpic in the last thread too kek

No. 436059

Yeah I hate that my brain finds her attractive. Every time I see a clip or photo of her making a sassy face my pussy twitches and I desperately tell it to shut the fuck up. I didn’t get it until people started sharing some of the faces she made at the debate and then it clicked. Scared what 4 years of her could do to my brain.

No. 436065

File: 1728446010114.mp4 (11.28 MB, 1080x1920, 8.mp4)

i hate that she's with a fat potbelly moid. I was watching this video thinking of how nice it would feel to be on top of her or cuddle up next to her as she rants on insta. So peaceful

No. 436066

My shameful crush is also with a fat potbelly moid. The world is an unfathomably cruel and unfair place.

No. 436067

oh my god I love her. Long midfaces are so elegant and alluring on woman, pinnacle of beauty.

No. 436068

You must enjoy femdom because he's a beta male. I would serve her so much better than him and I'm prettier

No. 436070

God I need her. And I will stop now

No. 436072

File: 1728448123945.jpeg (210.94 KB, 750x1110, 8C952495-1CE1-42F1-AB50-9E4119…)

Oh anon, you get it. I wish I never discovered my picrel because she basically instantly obliterated my ability to be attracted to anyone else because her face is so perfect for my tastes kek, she’s married to a potbelly scrote though (like >>436065 , solidarity) and is allegedly a mean person/terrible actress so I’m always beating the shit out of myself for being visually obsessed with her. Imagine having such a uniquely attractive face that you ruin people’s lives who have never even met you… terrifying power

No. 436075

Nothing wrong with distant obession ! And it's not unrealistic you could meet a normal non famous woman who looks a lot like her. I'm also obsessed with the folk singer Bedoine, and I wonder if you might like the Iron Chef star Kristen Kish. The latter is a really nice person and married to another woman, very heartwarming.

No. 436077

She reminds me a lot of my classmates cute and friendly mothers

No. 436078

So are you tell us her name? I've tried image search on both pics and came up with nothing.

No. 436080

the way yall fantasize about converting dasha to lesbianism/terfism/being butch is so bizarre, she worships dick, hates other women and is coquette

No. 436089

Yeah, but I could fix her

No. 436107

You say that as if being a handmaiden is some permanent disease or something. Everyone is capable of changing, and she's past 30 already. This whole doe said anachan act won't last forever. Anyways, here's to hoping our masc if not even bulldyke if I'm really lucky dasha and femme anna start dating and become the world's best power couple ameen.

No. 436111

She'd look so good in tomboy mode but yes. Her whole deal is that she's so male-pandering and into signalling how girly she is, yet she has unmistakeable gay vibes. She reminds me of Nicki Minaj. Anna is painfully straight but Dasha? I just know she's the type to have sex with her female friends and never talk about it. Homophobic bully behavior

No. 436115

Nicki is even straighter kek, I don't understand vibe detectives

No. 436149

Literally nonna. Nicki might as well have been there when they were making female heterosexuality, really not picking up on gay or even mildly bisexual vibes in the slightest

No. 436176

File: 1728489758719.jpeg (93.08 KB, 578x616, sunday1.jpeg)

I like Dasha but it seems like you've crafted this fantasy based entirely on that one photoshoot by Heji Shin. Almost every other time Dasha dresses its pretty femme.

No. 436177

what’s with the laineybot cosplay? KEKK

No. 436180

i'm a failure of a tif chaser because i thought she was a gay man especially after seeing this picture >>435416 on her blog so i didn't follow her until i knew for sure that she was a woman kek. would…

No. 436184

File: 1728492367923.jpg (81.97 KB, 1080x1080, 29999160182_d94c008f12_o.jpg)

She is also cute

No. 436185

Looks nothing like >>436184

No. 436187

File: 1728492569126.png (365.81 KB, 722x498, dude. why.png)

I’m talking about the haircut and outfit choice dummy
I was about to make fun of you and then I remembered what thread we’re in

No. 436189

File: 1728493804484.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1559, shame.jpeg)

I don't dream of being groomed by her and getting involved in the weird bdsm cuck stuff that goes on it's okay anon I just like plain looking women with short hair

No. 436200

Admittedly i'm delusional about Dasha but Nicki is not straight kek

No. 436202

She is so fucking ugly and lopsided, you can tell she doesn't drink water and sleeps on one side. I cannot believe this 40 year old childless aunt is photoshopping her selfies to look 19. She's so embarrassing.

No. 436207

i honestly think you’re onto something

No. 436228

File: 1728504083053.png (238.38 KB, 1170x546, 2bRSINW.png)

Did you miss it when she pulled a Jessie J and came out of the closet as heterosexual or do you think she was lying?

No. 436233

File: 1728505443319.jpeg (93.04 KB, 302x346, IMG_2760.jpeg)

No. 436249

she was lying, she said on one of her radio podcasts a year or so ago that she exclusively likes watching women bathe

No. 436258

y’know what, i don’t feel like nicki minaj was completely lying in that rolling stone interview tbh she always gave me the vibe that the girls she was into were never into her at all, so she just sticks with moids, she’s that type of bisexual

No. 436264

She's cute I wish she didn't hate feminism. She gives of incredible Actual Autistic energies that bippie munchies would kill to have.

No. 436344

This isn't the leftcows thread, go a-log somewhere else

No. 436351

nta but that's not what alogging means kek

No. 436358

Who? Reverse search yielded nothing. She's really cute

No. 436421

Who cares what you think it means, the point still stands, go nitpick her appearance in the leftcows thread not here. Thats what the point of the thread is

No. 436625

File: 1728633391544.png (804.8 KB, 1280x758, vic-michaelis.png)

Vic Michaelis. I'll watch Dropout's dumb comedy shorts because she is so so pretty to me, but she's also a genderspecial.

No. 436707

Love that stubby balding roidpig faggot wannabe clearly lurks on here but it would be too girly to admit so she has to say "Not me, I am based Kiwifarmer" on her blog. Yeah man, you're sooo masc and definitely not like other ftms, you are so different and real masculine when you emulate the blogging style of male shitposters that came before you. Picking up random concrete blocks and putting them in your purposely under-decorated room is coming across as extremely authentic, definitely a real thing you do and not your most recent personality transplant for the aesthetic. Her whole shit is contrived but her orbiters are all even more pathetic than her so it's never gonna change, that is why she's an excellent personal lolcow.

No. 436789

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Part of my lesbian awakening was wanting to fuck the bump-its model. I felt so strange when she'd appear on my screen

No. 436798

what a normal amount of seething and rage to have towards someone who is definitely just someone to laugh at online to you and not someone you either have some kind of vendetta towards or are just massively triggered by for some reason

No. 436805

Nta but where do you see rage exactly? Seems like a normal reaction to a massive cow to me. Your post looks more sus to me though, are you baldie?

No. 436847

yes exactly that is why i don't think it's super milky to have unique room decor. because i am the cow.

No. 436850

You type like a tumblrina.(infight bait)

No. 436877


No. 437109

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kek im not a regular /g/ user but came here just to air out some feelings about Dashawn only to find she’s literally the threadpic. she is exactly my type of tired, malnourished chain smoking gay-faced straight woman and she’s way hotter than Elle Fanning who looks like a 12 year old. my wife said she looks like a younger Julia Roberts which is not quite accurate because dasha is more asymmetrical, but in a charming way. haters need to concentrate on the fact that she’s a pickme and a former whore which just makes her sexier sorry feminism rather than trying to push this retarded psyop that she’s ugly.

No. 437128

>trying to push this retarded psyop that she’s ugly
KEKKK facts don't needs to be pushed

No. 437133

>insulting a woman by calling her childless
The leftcowfags have always been so off to me
Yeah I’ve always thought it’s weird people try to act like she’s ugly. Even the ugly moid psyop thread called her looksmatched with an ugly balding scrote… what the fuck

No. 437134

She's the prime example of white skin privilege. She's hideous wtf

No. 437146

>Since T can make lesbians bi according to some
This happened to the TIF I had a crush on and it’s so fucking tragic. She was a perfectly normal lesbian girl but now she likes old men. It’s genuinely so upsetting I hate it I hate it I hate it
>goes braless
Why is this every one that I know? Especially the chronically online “transmasc” versions, it’s distracting.
white skin privilege is Elle Fanning, there are definitely poc with a similar face to her. Dasha is just cute and dorky looking

No. 437150

>Dasha is just cute and dorky looking
I just now realized this is desperate women thread

No. 437152

>She was a perfectly normal lesbian girl but now she likes old men
She wasn't lesbian to begin with then

No. 437177

The change was really there, and the fact that there are so many anecdotes about T doing this for some women makes me believe this. Would reject guys telling them she’s “straight” kek and had been dating girls from her literal preteen years. Now she has roidrage and loves yaoi and “gay sex”. I don’t think it’s inaccurate to say she was a lesbian.

No. 437224

I'm sorry nonnie but she was never a lesbian then. No idea how common it is but sometimes you see bi peoples preferences do a full 180 once they troon out. I saw the most boy obsessed Kinsey 1 troon out and never saw her with a man again.

No. 437232

Shut the fuck up bislut. Some bisexual women having their "awakening" during their childhood, it's not some kind of mystery. Testesterone doesn't make you straight are you retarded? It doesn't make any sense(infighting)

No. 437241

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sexuality isn't fluid and if it was lesbians wouldnt exist because lesbian refers to exclusive attraction to females. She wasnt a lesbian, she's bisexual. They literally did hormone treatment on unwilling lesbians in the early 1900's and it didn't work it simply made them depressed. These TIFs who end up liking old scrotes aren't lesbians, they were probably AAP to begin with.
Exactly, do these retards know how hormones even work? The most likely cause of lesbianism is linked to prenatal androgen exposure why would testosterone make them bisexual kek

No. 437242

>haters need to concentrate on the fact that she’s a pickme and a former whore rather than trying to push this retarded psyop that she’s ugly
multiple things can be true at once. that tired, malnourished face that you like is a turn off for me.

No. 437247

I’m sorry but the anecdotes combined science makes me inclined to believe it.
On the other hand progesterone, inversely correlated with masculinity preferences, decreases in FTM HRT. (Mentioned in the second study too)
Of course most of these studies are done on heterosexual women, but since lesbians have higher progesterone (T too, but the progesterone increase is larger) is it really so odd that there might be some correlation? Would explain why high-T younger gay men like masculine men but start to prefer twinky pedobait more as they get older. If you ask me - I don’t think absolute levels are what matters, just how the hormones affect the brain or physical brain structure, and only to a degree. Hormones are a small factor - it doesn’t matter much for a population, but in a world where people are messing with their hormones, it can explain some things, no?
As I said I think it can only change things for some people, and only a little in either direction. I’m not saying a lesbian will necessarily be “”cured”” if she takes T, ffs I’m a lesbian myself. But it’s not so weird of an idea.

Maybe she just was a Kinsey 5.9 before, hell maybe she was just bisexual with such a strong preference for women she wouldn’t have realised she likes men. The shift is still there. People report their sexuality being affected on birth control, why is this so odd? Literally visit any tranny sub to find reports of people’s sexualities changing in either direction after HRT.
Jannies please don’t ban me for not imageboarding these are just studies I’ve linked.

No. 437252

>insulting a woman by calling her childless
You forget she's a tradcath grifter editing her selfies to look like she's 18 when she's in her 30's and has the skin color of a waxy ear canal. She's fucking ugly and looks like the bottom of a left foot. She looks like she stinks.

No. 437254

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As you said these studies are done on heterosexual women and there is no change on actual sexual orientation, just preferences. Sexual orientation is dependent on genitalia while preference can be things like masculinity-femininity within the sex that you're attracted to. Homosexuality is pretty much determined before birth, it mainly depends on what hormones you're exposed to while you're developing. That's exactly why lesbian's ring fingers tend to be longer than their pointer finger. More exposure to androgens in the womb. I wouldn't be surprised if the TIF just liked feminine scrotes before and started liking fat old men as she took T, like you implied. Either way she did not "change" from lesbian to bisexual because that is not possible. Lesbians can not change, by definition, lesbian sexuality is exclusive. It really is a game of semantics but you really do have to take that definition into account. The T probably did have an effect on her sexual preferences but not her orientation, I think you just sort of worded it wrong. I see where you're coming from I just don't think the TIF was ever a lesbian in the first place, most TIF's tend to be pretty unstable with their sexualities.
(Also, i'd like to say, off topic but, you brought up gay moids and it reminded me of how lesbian sexuality has more of a basis than gay male sexuality, yet gay male sexuality is seen as more "real" kekekek)

No. 437255

The prenatal T thing has been disproven, and high-T women prefer men.

No. 437256

Where has it been disproven?

No. 437268

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>Heterosexual and lesbian women showed no significant differences in 2D:4D ratios, after ethnicity was taken into account.
I’m not going to go and find every study I’ve read across time, but it can be surmised by the going outside and looking at lesbian’s perfectly female hands kek. Prenatal testosterone is most strongly correlated with autism, no? You would think that autism would also correlate with lesbianism then. My guess is that women with high prenatal T are more likely to have masculinised brain development and realise they don’t fit in genderwise earlier, thus are more likely to identify as SSA.

For the record, there are even studies saying gay men have more masculine digit ratios. I referenced that in picrel instead of our conversation simply because I think this excerpt demonstrates the interestingness of the topic - the hypotheses are, I hate to say it “heteronormative” and the one off studies that support that will always be pushed more. First gay/bi men are caused by too low prenatal T, then once they realise they have more prenatal T, it’s actually “too much testosterone”. Despite the fact it’s more consistent with postnatal evidence - testosterone and its metabolite, oestrogen increase preference for masculinity in women while progesterone decreases it. Brain development also continues postnatally, so why wouldn’t postnatal conditions affect things?

Still, a quote included in a wikipedia article surmises it better: Sexual differentiation of the brain is not caused by hormones alone, even though they are very important for gender identity and sexual orientation.

No. 437276

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>but it can be surmised by the going outside and looking at lesbian’s perfectly female hands kek.
I disagree, studies on finger ratio length depending on sexuality tends to result in mixed findings and you can really only boil it down to methodology. The study you linked shows that the lesbians and gay men were self-identified, which will probably result in a difference of findings compared to a study that uses pairs of twins that are straight and homosexual. Which is why researchers like Lisa Diamond have admitted that self identified lesbians who are solid and not shaky on their label arent fluid and tend to stay SSA compared to self identified lesbians who are shaky on their sexuality tend to not stay SSA throughout their lives. It really is a difference in methodology which is why I think the debate on the root of homosexuality tends to be so scrambled
>Prenatal testosterone is most strongly correlated with autism, no? You would think that autism would also correlate with lesbianism then.
Autistic people are much more likely to be gay, of course you could put societal factors as one of the reasons but it is literally true that autistic people are much more likely to identify as gay.
>My guess is that women with high prenatal T are more likely to have masculinised brain development and realise they don’t fit in genderwise earlier, thus are more likely to identify as SSA.
>Sexual differentiation of the brain is not caused by hormones alone, even though they are very important for gender identity and sexual orientation.
I don't disagree with any of this actually, I think hormonal and biological factors DO play the largest role into sexuality. I think that homosexuality that develops into each stage of someone's life is develops differently for everyone, I don't think it's purely hormones exposure that causes homosexuality but they're definitely a VERY important factor to how homosexuality develops starting from youth.
I'm probably not gonna respond to anything anymore because this is the wrong thread to have this kind of debate in, but I do hope you understand where I'm coming from.

No. 437280

every autistic woman i know is straight kek

No. 437311

You’re right, it’s not really the place to have this debate, but I’ll reply to some of it nonetheless. It’s really late for me for apologies if this doesn’t make sense I’m tired
>I don't think it's purely hormones exposure that causes homosexuality but they're definitely a VERY important factor to how homosexuality develops starting from youth.
The reason why I dismiss the digit ratio is the inconclusiveness of it with it showing opposite findings. Even prenatal estrogen causes a more “masculine” digit ratio. I mentioned the “”heteronormativity”” because scientists do try to push certain ideas and are silent about others that don’t fit a narrative, the same goes for misogynistic science too (or science in women’s favour, they don’t want to talk about there being a biological basis for women being more intelligent/rational, for example.) I say this because despite prenatal T’s ambiguous findings, time and time again progesterone has shown the strongest link. Women with high natural progesterone are more likely to give birth to gayer daughters, and women who are administrated exogenous progesterone are too. This has been consistent, with no results in the opposite direction (ie resulting in straighter girls) to the point where I’ve seen mothers saying they don’t want to accept progesterone in case their child turns out gay. Not only is it significant, it also aligns with the post-pubertal findings, which makes sense because it affects how the brain perceives feminine humans in serum levels too. Why would hormones do the opposite prenatally from postnatally?

I should probably rephrase my original statement. Maybe the TIF was just bisexual with an extremely strong preference for women, and she would have realised that should she had met a feminine enough man. That being said, straight kinsey 2s who haven’t even met a woman they find attractive yet and “lesbian”/bisexual kinsey 5s who haven’t met a man they’re attracted to will not consider themselves bi, in fact they may go their entire lives not thinking it. To those people factors like HRT is probably relevant, no? So I won’t say she is lesbian, but let’s say HRT made a kinsey 5 a kinsey 2, which is pretty significant. It’s not incorrect to say “she started being attracted to men” when she did. It triggered it.

To be honest I don’t really care about the argument too much this is just an interest of mine so I like talking about it kek. I think I’ve shared pretty much all of my findings on the topic by now though. The only other one is that prolactin also increases attraction to men and masculinity, which I find hilarious since porn addiction in men increases prolactin (ejaculation is ejection like milk ejection I guess…) thus it makes sense that it makes them gayer kek. That should be basis enough for straight women rejecting porn addicts since it can cause gynecomastia too. Thanks for indulging this discussion with me.

No. 437314

Theres a bit of irony in Dasha and the scene's larping as tradcath. Meanwhile all the people shouting that she's childless genuinely mean it as an insult.

No. 437315

Whats your wife smoking with that Julia Roberts comment kek? She doesn't remotely resemble her. I agree except much like what >>437242 said many of the traits that make her unique are Rorschach tests on what your tastes are.

No. 437328

>ffs I’m a lesbian myself
Sure you are girl jeezz kinsale scale uwu sexuality

No. 437329

This thread is full of bisexual retards who thinks sexuality have biological roots

No. 437333

Sexuality doesn’t have bisexual roots, I agree (I don’t know if other anon does) but the discussion was about affecting factors. It’s mostly just discussion for discussion’s sake though
Disagreeing with you on something doesn’t mean I’m suddenly attracted to men. It’s retarded that anons think that your opinions define your lesbianism. You say X, oh you’re not really a lesbian. Y? Yeah right bihet! I mentioned the Kinsey scale because it’s the metric that best describes bisexuality but I realise now it would be better to say “she might have never realised she was bisexual if she hadn’t went on T, but now even her preferences changed”. I mentioned it because it is a phenomenon that people have talked about before, whether you like it or not

No. 437339

>Kinsey scale because it’s the metric that best describes bisexuality
Because it isn't. It's a retarded metric. %99.99 of bisexual women are bihet, who gives a fuck if they fuck more women than men vice versa. So there's no such a thing bisexuals who are "attracted" mostly to women, there are preferences
>she might have never realised she was bisexual if she hadn’t went on T, but now even her preferences changed
That's your assumption, why there can be lesbians who realize they are lesbians after dating with men (non goldstars) but not bisexuals who realize they aren't lesbian at some point?

No. 437341

Look, I don’t know why you’re arguing semantics. I’m mourning the fact she started preferring men after starting HRT, that is my point.

No. 437343

No you said she started to "attracted" to men and she was a lesbian before. There's a huge fucking difference between the two

No. 437383

Even more pathetic, a 30 year old terminally online woman poisoned by internet irony. Nothing could make my pussy drier than that tryhard shit, plus she's fucking ugly.

No. 437392

Stop trying so hard with being a hater, you sound just as retarded as she does.

No. 437430

So much of this research is flimsy, it isn't as neat as 'mommy's hormones go a little haywire, baby becomes gay'. Just look into studies about brain differences between troons vs. other people or gay vs. straight men. A lot of the time there's a (hidden) catch like 'actually those troons are gay men' or 'gay men from that sample all had a condition that affected their brain, oopsies haha'. inb4 someone misunderstands, sexual orientation isn't fluid, but we aren't at a stage where medical research can conclusively say 'this is what causes homosexuality or homosexual behavior'.
>People report their sexuality being affected on birth control, why is this so odd?
They report sex drive-related troubles, not dramatic changes in bisexual preferences.
>Literally visit any tranny sub to find reports of people’s sexualities changing in either direction after HRT.
Nona come on, you know this is meta-attraction and self-obsessed women crafting personal narratives for edgy points (i was totes a speshul manhating lesbian!! Now i'm a leather gay man!! Tomorrow i'll be a fluid etheral pansexual!!). Bisexuals lie about being gay, gays lie about being bi before they fully accept themselves, troons lie about their orientation because it means something (to them) in relation to their gender.
You sound annoying
KEK amazing nona

No. 437433

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Initially I didn’t feel any strong way about her but she’s slowly grown on me. I’m not sure what it is

No. 437448

I explained that that isn’t the best way to describe the phenomenon, so I’m sorry, but I did correct myself already before.
I agree, I don’t think anything causes actual sexuality and imo whenever people get to deep into this it just somehow rolls into homophobic rhetoric one way or another.
On the second half of your reply, well it’s easy to say “they’re all just lying!” but understand that is no more valid a conclusion then believing the high number of anecdotes. I’m not trying to convince you to as well, but you can understand that witnessing it firsthand (not the first time either) may affect my perspective?

No. 437450

Even if I sound as retarded at least I'm not a Lopsided Libby.

No. 437465

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No. 437489

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>but you can understand that witnessing it firsthand (not the first time either) may affect my perspective?
I get it, i wonder if female detransitioners have written about this, it'd be good to have a first-hand account that isn't influenced to either spicy straight LARP or fetish.
Speaking of testosterone, pre-steroid 'Jamie' Raines was so cute, god. Now she just looks like …some music teacher or that one Doctor Who actor

No. 437492

I need her so bad i dont care if shes insane. shes so fucking cute

No. 437495

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A good dyke was wasted

No. 437498

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interestingly enough she only transitioned after meeting her wife… who identified as heterosexual. Wonder if there's some lies about jaime's identity kek

No. 437518

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idk why ashamed because insta musician but idk i usually find people like her annoying but she’s attractive to me. i think i have a type for chubbier curly haired women irl considering my past relationships.

No. 437549

She’s got that hip valley that begs for oral please forgive me

No. 437592

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Thinking about her everyday. This and later goofy makeup with lingerie in My Kink is Karma mv was the hottest she ever looked.

No. 437594

shes so gorgeous ugh i love her hair

No. 437824

Trying too hard again

No. 437862

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>mfw my crush on her is bad enough that it makes me jealous to listen to redfem and hear her flirt with jen

No. 437882

Your picrel made me realize i prefer Jen because of boyish babyfaced lesbian supremacy because Hannah looks too much like my mom kek. She's really cute though, i get you
Thank you for this picture omg
>Shaaba's domination of Jamie being one

No. 437893

Kek I'll never try as hard as Dasha does to look like she's barely legal.

No. 437924

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Love her hairstyle

No. 437933

No. 438141

I don't think humor's your thing nonnie

No. 438144

She looks like she'd torture me for fun and that's extremely sexy.

No. 438190

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There’s a picture of this ancient Egyptian mummy in this magazine I’m reading and I kind of have a crush on her kek. She has a beautiful facial structure and lovely shoulders. If I lived in ancient Egypt I would have saved her from her fate… (she had an injury to the side of her face according to magazine)

Spoilered for a picture of a mummified person

No. 438193

oh my god

No. 438199

>t. Anon who wants to fuck some bitch with earwax colored hair and quasimodo eyes.

No. 438201

Someone literally just posted about wanting to fuck a mummy, anon.

No. 438205

ykw she does have an elegant bone structure, I understand why you think she would've been attractive.
Does this feeling also apply to the young woman whose face inspired the cpr dummy mask? I'm just curious.

No. 438212

Right? She’s seriously so cute. Watch me put this picture of a mummy in a locket and gaze at her fondly throughout the day… just kidding…ha ha…

And I know it’s hypocritical because I just posted a mummy, but I’m kind of scared of what you’re talking about. I almost don’t want to know… Puppets and dolls freak me out

No. 438283

The mummy has prettier bone structure than dasha.

No. 438315

I never said I wanted to fuck Dasha, stop projecting or trying to be funny

No. 438335

Forgetting who she is and what she’s done, sometimes she’s like the perfect girl to me. Even down to how she was like at school, I probably would have been friends and ostracised with her. I love her features, especially her smile and eyes but there’s something about her vibe that really does it for me. I think it’s the same way I like Grimes, I want a girl who feels just as ungrounded in reality as I am. I want to dress up in matching outfits together and go exploring.
I think this is cute

No. 438339

The 5000 year old coquette

No. 439007

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Kreayshawn was honestly pretty hot.

No. 439359

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I don't like her, but Camila was kinda cute when she was skinny, and a little less retarded kek.

No. 439373

She looks so airbrushed in these videos

No. 439680

Nonnies ITT would you rather fuck Camila or Sabrina?

No. 439687

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I love older women, or wemmen as Anna would say

No. 439722

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