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No. 433552

Previous thread: >>>/g/378038

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.

No. 433557

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try using an ab wheel

No. 434228

Would physical therapy and posture correction tips belong here?
I have horrific posture, very bad anterior pelvic tilt from autism tippy toe walking my whole life. I'm trying to correct it but it gives me insane strain on my upper back and makes me lurch forward. I'm afraid of looking like a troon but my backwards bend booty pop isn't great either. I lean forward slightly when I walk and look like a freak as is.
Any nonnies have experience correcting this? I did some posterior pelvic tilts earlier and hip stretches from some video but I'm scared that it's too late for me.

No. 434230

>I'm scared that it's too late for me
start using this >>433557
add pilates or yoga

No. 434247

whats the correct form or posture to perform the ab wheel optimally.

No. 434260


Yoga or pilates for bodyweight exercises

Weights try doing rows, shoulder press, chest press, lat pull downstairs are the first things that come to mind

No. 434261


Sorry "downstairs" was an autocorrect ignore that

No. 434262

No. 434315

I have big, flabby and lumpy thighs. They look almost like they have lipedema. Has anyone managed to get rid of those with exercise? I'm worried not even losing weight will help, and the skin will just start sagging

No. 434326

Get rid? Lol. You have to start lifting heavy if you want to improve how they look

No. 434346

So just losing weight would just make the skin loose?

No. 434375

Not sure if it would help tbh but what about leg compression garments?

No. 434428

Idk how big your legs are but even if you lose weight the consistency of the thighs will not improve if you don't work on the muscles, so you will just have flabby lumpy thighs that are slightly smaller. Additionally some muscles appear bigger if you don't train them.

Upper body work outs are good but will not improve posture issues without core work. In anterior pelvic tilt the posture causes weakened abs and lower back muscles but this will be fixed if the ab wheel is used, also planking is good. But I've seen major improvement in my posture from using the ab wheel as in I don't have to correct or think about my posture anymore because my body holds it on its own (I've been using it every day for about 2 months)

No. 434431

What are some good exercises for thigh muscles?

No. 434438

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I already do cardio at home, but I want to implement more weight training. I have social anxiety and I would like to avoid the gym at all costs. I've been thinking about getting one of those weight training dumbbell sets. I'm around 110lb and 5'4" and the set I've been eyeing is around 80lb, which I feel should be plenty. Does anybody have any experience with those? I fear I will get it, and it will be really bad quality. I am pretty fit physically, and I can lift heavy weights as it is, but the 80lb would be a good start, no?

No. 434439

samefag, but I would ideally like to focus on building muscle in the arm/shoulder area, I am not really concerned about glutes.

No. 434440

bulgarian split squats

No. 434441

How much space do you have? I have adjustable kettlebells from Titan Fitness and they are great. No experience with adjustable dumbbells though.

No. 434444

I have a pretty large living room mostly designated for working out. But the kettlebells you mentioned seem like a great option, thank you for the recommendation.

No. 434457

>110 pounds
>80 lb weights

No. 434497

It's my bad, it is adjustable, so I thought it would be a good idea, since you can start with even 10lb…Ideally, I would like to gain more muscle mass and fat up to 150-160lb. I hope that clarifies it a bit. That is what I meant by "it would be a good start" as I don't think I would need to buy heavier weights until I become more physically fit and heavier. My main concern was about quality/practicality.

No. 434510

I've bought some cheap shit in my time and as long as it weighs out correctly and doesn't seem likely to snap off you'll be fine. I'll be real though I do not like the look of it when it's in barbell mode. I'd be worried having that in the air above my head. Check the reviews.

No. 434618

ive been doing pilates for a month twice a week and shocked at the strength gains, ive went from not being able to lift my leg to finding the warmup exercises easy and only getting fatigued later on which is a definite non disputable improvement. This is by far my longest streak ever of exercising. Unfortunately the scale is not budging though and it is a bit of a mental block. Because ive set a number as a goal even though ive made definite progress it feels like it hasnt because the number has not changed. But i legit feel lighter since my core is stronger and i carry much easier through life, my back pain has lessened too. Any advice for the mental? Im pretty goal and number oriented so if you have any idea what else to track that would be great.

No. 434707

There's yt videos about correcting posture. I did the exercises and would practice my posture in the mirror. Really, you just have to remind yourself until it becomes natural. Like the other nonas said, yoga is really good too. I highly recommend it. Yoga with Adriene is an excellent yoga yt channel

No. 434716

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With all the pilates and correcting posture talk, I wonder if there are pilates exercises that I should do and should avoid since I have scoliosis. And also, would pilates help someone who's skinnyfat? I seem to put weight on my belly and boobs a lot, while the rest is fairly skinny.

No. 434720

Just brainstorming:
>track how many sets you can do per exercise before failure/fatigue, or increase difficulty using progressions/weights
>track body composition of fat and muscle using specialized scales (most use electrical currents, not recommended for anyone with heart problems)
>track food macros you eat

No. 434723

measure circumferences of your body or how much fat you can grab instead of weight. Weight isn't a great indicator of progress

No. 434727

think i might unironically have a horomone imbalance or something because the weight i’m retaining now is all in the belly. no matter what i do. plus the random hair growth / breakouts that won’t end

sucks not having healthcare tho so i can’t even figure out if this is fr

No. 434728

Yoga helps with hormone imbalances but you have to implement it into your daily routine. There are also resources available online on how to regulate hormones naturally like on the huberman podcast.

No. 434735

Anons with pcos - what has helped the most diet-wise? Is keto good? Or is lowering saturated fat intake better?

No. 434737

I'm not a doctor but it sounds like you might have PCOS. Even if it's something else it wouldn't hurt to try a diet that could combat insulin resistance, it might help with the belly. Related:

My doctor advised me to do low carb and it has worked for me. I cheat a little bit insofar as I still eat carbs (less than I used to) but I have switched to lower glycemic index carbs, swapped white rice for brown or multigrain mixes in smaller portions, white bread for grainy bread, etc. I also switched up the order in which I eat foods as that can affect glucose spikes; veg -> protein -> carbs. I was almost prediabetic when I first got diagnosed despite being slim, now my A1C is looking good and I have fewer symptoms. YMMV of course! If you think you can do it I have heard of people having dramatic results with keto, I'm just not willing to go that far (yet). Good luck nona.

No. 434740

I take a battery of supplements and it made my periods regular and light for the first time in my life. If I could figure out how to get all the right nutrients through food I’d love that but I have not done so yet. But I had mild PCOS symptoms (the cysts, irregular heavy periods and acne.)

No. 434764

i'm not sure if its this because my periods are fine and regular as usual.

No. 434767

Please sign up for poorfag healthcare. I heard spearmint tea could help with PCOS though.

No. 434803

Androgens have ruined my face, body, and skin I'm practically a pooner
Lowering saturated fat, absolutely no dairy

No. 434809

That alone is not an indicative, PCOS is a syndrome with an array of symptoms

No. 434914

PCOS is unfortunately kind of a spectrum and you can experience one or two symptoms but not others, while still having it. My only symptoms were mild hormonal acne and a slightly wonky cycle, I just had a very observant OBGYN who listened to my complaints and decided to run a full metabolic panel on me. That was when we found out my hormones were out of whack. Incidentally, I had an ultrasound and they found no cysts. It's a fairly broad and common metabolic disorder.

I hope you can eventually access healthcare to figure out what's going on with your body. But in the meantime it can't hurt to make healthy changes. Your symptoms do sound hormonal.

No. 434961

Ironically whoever has diabetes or PCOS are the people who need to be spending the most time at a gym because of their health

No. 434964

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Instead of losing weight I would like to gain weight. I never manage to go past 110 lbs my entire adulthood due to depression. When I’m depressed I don’t want to eat or do anything positive and If I do eat it’s normally sweets. A big reason I get depressed is either due to high stress at work or low self esteem due to my psoriasis flare ups on my face.

This has been impacting my psoriasis but I genuinely don’t know what to eat to help inflammation. I know cutting out sugar is #1 but anyone battling psoriasis what do you eat that helps ease flare ups? And how can I ween myself off my sugar addiction. It’s like as soon as I’m sad I crave dopamine so I eat something sweet. I feel like I’m killing myself

No. 435082

Can anyone recommend a free/cheap app for things like stretches and posture correcting exercises? I’ve been trying to build up a daily routine but keep forgetting what to do, and having to look things up all the time takes up a lot of time. It would be nice to have something like a daily checklist with accompanying images or video to remind me what to do.

No. 435089

Eat more fruit to help curb your sweetness cravings. If you're going to have candy or a pastry, eat a piece of fruit beforehand. It'll likely fill you up and you won't want to eat as much of the treat. It can also help to wean yourself off so the crashes won't be as bad. Eventually, you'll want a banana instead of a snickers. Imo those cravings aren't bad but indicate that you might be lacking the good kind of sugar.

No. 435105

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Basically nonny, you gotta eat healthy. Figure out your BMR and TDEE or JUST the TDEE since it calculates in your BMR. Theres plenty of calculators online. Always eat atleast 100cals over your TDEE you will gain but it wont be easy. Gaining weight when your life doesnt revolve around food is just as hard as losing weight when your food obsessed.

No. 435115

Idk about psoriasis but for healthy weight gain nuts and seeds are great
They're very nutrient dense and you can just snack on them like on sweets
Maybe try honey roasted peanuts

No. 435119

This is a bandaid solution because it's always better to eat regular foods, but have you considered taking a weight gainer? Usually one scoop has about 1000calories which is really helpful if you feel physically unable to eat a lot during meals. The caveat is that you should definitely working out regularly.

No. 435136

I'm sorry but this is just bad advice, and I say that as someone who struggled with a similar issue as OP
What's the point in buying expensive highly processed slop when she's going to lose all that weight as soon as she stops consuming it
There are no bandaid "solutions" for weight issues, there needs to be a healthy diet and lifestyle change

No. 435146

i don't have advice for gaining weight or anti inflammatory foods but i also have psoriasis and the only advice that i can give is either to quit/change your job or lower your work hours. i quit my stressful job and my psoriasis has pretty much cleared up, i haven't had to use any medication in almost 4 months now. maybe it's just coincidence (because you never really know with psoriasis i guess), but just wanted to share anyway. being in a work environment that is highly stressful is not worth the mental and physical torment. i hope it gets better for you soon nonna, psoriasis really really sucks

No. 435147

I cannot stop binging once I decide to try lose weight. I don’t know how to stop this. It’s like the moment I’m not allowed to eat something I want it a thousand times more, whereas if I have to eat something, I don’t want it anymore. Is there a simple fix or am I just going to have to rely on self control?

No. 435150

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No. 435153

Is there any real difference between using an exercise bike vs a treadmill? I'm a lazy fat fuck and I don't like walking

No. 435156

exercise bike is better for your joints, especially compared to running on the treadmill, but walking engages the core and targets more muscle groups - the bike is still good cardio and burns calories though, so I wouldn't worry about it.

No. 435159

What the fuck, HOW? Are you 90?

No. 435161

i’ve never broken anything i’m a healthy weight i eat well and i don’t have osteoporosis(?) WHY ME

No. 435166

Well there's something seriously wrong with you
What did the doctor say

No. 435195

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Thank you all so much for your help I truly appreciate it. I have been struggling for years to gain weight and any time i have asked someone for advice on what healthy ways to gain weight are they look at me like im crazy and tell me to stay the weight i am even though im literally malnourished and my skin is flaking off my face. I really want to cry I will look into all of this. I hope all of you have great weekends.

No. 435287

>it's always better to eat regular foods
>The caveat is that you should definitely working out regularly.
Please read carefully before responding

No. 435327

I talked about this in the last thread. What is important to remember is that you aren't fat because you binge eat, you binge eat because you're fat. The problem with diets is that they attempt to treat the symptom (binge eating), not the disease (being a fat pig).
While there are multiple potential causes of being fat, the most common, at least for otherwise healthy individuals, is an unhealthy gut microbiome. The problem is not that you are giving into junk food cravings, the problem is that you are having those cravings in the first place.
If the food cravings are mainly psychological (there's always going to be at least some psychological element with any addiction), that is one thing, but if the cravings are physical (i.e. your body is simply DEMANDING that you gorge it with Snickers bars), that is fairly straightforward to manage.
What has worked for me is a more extensive version of what I mentioned in the previous thread: for one week, eat nothing but canned corn, beans, broccoli, fruit and kefir with added probiotics. Anons have asked me some of these things can be substituted and while I'm sure they can be, I can only personally vouch for what I have myself tried. Before you are finished your first 24 hours, your physical cravings should mostly be gone. You will still probably have some psychological cravings for junk food but those are manageable when the physical cravings aren't there.
After you have completed the one week gut reset, you can return to normal eating except that for breakfast you must eat a 100% prebiotic/probiotic meal (corn, brown rice, broccoli, fruit, kefir, etc.) and not eat anything else for at least 2 hours. After that, eat as much as you want of whatever you want. Then have another prebiotic/probiotic meal for (or at least with) dinner.
Do all this and you should lose weight without even trying to

No. 435330

Oh my god, why must there be an app for everything? Write a list down on a piece of paper and refer to it. You can even make little stick figures to demonstrate the poses. I used to do that when I first started weight lifting.
I saw kefir at the store and thought of you today. What's it taste like btw? The kind I saw was unsweetened.

No. 435339

Are you sure this is about your microbiome? If you eat mostly vegetables and one serving of protein (kefir or anything else) for breakfast and dinner every day you will obviously lose weight.

No. 435340

ty for this, nonna, not the previous anon but i have the same problems as she does and will be trying this advice (maybe kombucha or ACV instead of kefir since dairy vs my digestive system is messy). will report back if it works!

No. 435346

except that this "diet" allows you eat as much junk food as you want in between those two meals. When your microbiome is healthy, you simply won't want to eat as much crap. Your mind will still want to eat an entire half gallon of ice cream but your body will be satiated with a single cup. 0 self discipline required. It's really incredible.

No. 435347

>What's it taste like btw?
like sour, drinkable yoghurt. It's not very good, but you get used to it
>The kind I saw was unsweetened
that's the only kind you can have. Added sugar would mess up the gut reset

No. 435376

I’m assuming kefir with protein powder cancels out?

No. 435429

NTA but any non-pasteurized fermented product will do the trick according to her logic, so basically the kefir needs to contain live bacteria. Gotta ingest the prebiotic first (food containing fiber) then ingest fiber fermenting bacteria. I'm interested in the gut microbiome and started fermenting my first veggies this summer, so I wanna add my two scents. Her post seems to be about reducing cravings while implementing lifestyle changes and switching to healthier foods, but I'm not sure how much live bacteria can realistically do during just one week. Changing what you frequently eat is key, or in other words you need to have a plan for what you are going to eat after this one week cure. While there are lots of studies implicating gut dysbiosis in obesity and studies suggesting bacteria signaling back and forth between the gut and brain, the one-week gut reset sounds a bit placebo. Placebo can be as powerful a tool as any, so if people find it easier to change their diet this way then more power to them. Her conclusion just seems a bit rushed or like the female equivalent to bro science.

Your gut microbiome is a product of the food you currently eat so it's ever changing, but at the same time it's been shown that it's hard for certain bacteria to get a foothold inside your gut if the spaces there are already occupied by other bacteria. From what I've gathered it's best to consume fermented foods frequently in small dosages. Most of the bacteria will pass through you, or when you stop eating them or the food they thrive on they die etc. That said those bacteria can still provide benefits during the window of time they are inside your gut. Fermented food also contain more enzymes which aids with digestion, and they can taste delicious.

No. 435458

I'm close to achieving my first strict pullup but my lats are growing too much… Same with coumpounds exercices in general, they are making my already not-thin waist thicker, what should I do to gain strength with zero hypertrophy? I'm already in the 3 sets 5 rep range, should I go even lower? Other than that I'm so happy with my strength progress and I look really good.

No. 435467

I've lost about 10kg from my heaviest (75kg in 2021, 65kg now) with calorie restriction and a lot of cardio, but my diet and eating aren't that much better. I've definitely cut down my eating because I used to binge on thousands of calories a day, I was probably averaging 4k-5k a day. Now I eat around 2k, sometimes less sometimes more and exercise on top of it. However, I have a huge problem with junk food and sugar. Most of what I eat is processed junk.
I've tried quitting sugar for a while but I always give up, because I think to myself "It's better to just have sugar and still lose weight than being overwhelmed with cravings and end up binging" which I guess is true but at the same time I know my health will deteriorate if I continue eating like this, even if I end up losing a lot of weight.
Anyway I have decided to start off by not eating processed food during the week, then allowing myself sugar on the weekend. That way I can tell myself that I can resist the cravings and just wait for a few days. I will see how it goes.

No. 435487

I think you could increase your reps, overworking the muscle can sometimes keep you small, I've found. If you think you look good though and you're feeling good with your progress and health then I don't think you should change anything. There's nothing wrong with putting on muscle, that's the whole point of this stuff.
I'm like this too and I just incorporate sweet stuff into my day as part of my carbs, like a serving a day. It stops me from bingeing and I don't feel like I'm restricting myself. It helps that a lot of what I like is "pure" sugar, stuff like gummies and hard candy that doesn't have any fat.

No. 435491

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lmao nonnas let's go weighted blankets

No. 435500

Not sure what to make of prebio/probio-chan's regimen but yeah I can confirm that naturally probiotic foods are tasty and easy to include in your diet:
Start using kimchi as an add-on to your (savoury) breakfasts at least once a week (if not every breakfast), have a few pickles as a snack on another day, eat yogurt sometime, drink kefir, etc. Make it a habit. I like unflavoured kefir and there are a lot of brands that make it really mild tasting, but you can even get fruit/berry flavoured ones where it's just like the child-targetted drinkable yogurts.

No. 435501

god. can you or anyone else name a good brand of the flavored ones for dumb bitches with childish palates i.e. me? I tried kefir once and simply couldn't get into it but I really want to…

No. 435502

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Liberté (mild but mid) or picrel

No. 435503

samefag and sorry that's a pic of the plain, but their blueberry flavour is exactly what you want

No. 435505

Make your own kefir at home for dirt cheap, you don’t even need to do anything- just wait until it matures. No need to buy that plastic shit.

No. 435507

I would like to but living in a humid climate makes me worried about mold growth. Do you have any links about making your own at home? I also buy glass-jarred kefir (though all the ones I've tried are much more sour)

No. 435510

Thanks! I'm gonna try it.

No. 435519

Juice kefir is tastier imo. But flavored milk kefir just tastes like flavored yogurt.

No. 435775

I don't have access to a gym. What can I do instead of leg press? I have a barbell and hip bands, that's it.

No. 435791

clean the barbell and do front squats. That's how the old timers trained legs before there were squat racks

No. 435797

Thanks, what can I do about the back of the legs?

No. 435804

deadlifts. There are bodyweight hamstring exercises but I never liked them. And lunges are gay af

No. 435895

I'm too shy and poor to go to the gym so I'm thinking of buying dumbells and using those at home. I'm 5'0 and about 60kg. Is a 3kg dumbbell okay? Or will it be too much for a beginner?

No. 435907

I suggest you to start small. Go from 1 kg and then making your way up. You need to help your muscles adapt to the dumbbell's weight so it won't hurt you much in the process

No. 435942

There is no need to buy a 1kg dumbbell, especially if she doesn't have a lot of money. 1 kg is way too light, it will take ages to see any improvement and like hundreds of reps daily. Easy way to get discouraged from working out

Yes 3 kg is fine unless you never do anything at all and lay in bed all day. And if you want to go lighter, you can just use a full 1 liter water bottle instead or a bag of flour etc. No need to buy a dumbbell.
Weights that are in the 0.5kg - 2kg range are a scam since you can easily replace them with daily objects that are much cheaper like bottled water.
For other cheap solutions to working out look into resistance bands and tapes. The latex ones will break after some time (the ones I used broke after 1.5 year), the fabric ones are more durable and you buy them in sets so that gives you more range.

No. 435948

Don't forget consistency is most important! You're not going to fix the issue unless you stick to a dietary change.

No. 435954

The validation you get from people noticing your weight loss is awesomeee

No. 435991

Resistance bands. You can literally do everything with them. You only need to find out how and there is so much stuff online just for that. They don't need space. So you can take them always with you, even on vacation.

No. 435995

Thank you nonnies, I just ordered a pack of resistance bands. Can't wait to start using them.

No. 435996

kek that was quick. there are variations. however, the most useful are minibands and superbands. a set of each of these two covers your needs

No. 436003

hi nonas. i signed up to my local women-only gym (i'm so lucky to have one near me) and had a session with a trainer there who made a full-body push/pull program for me. i've wanted to get stronger for years but it was only the sheer luck of discovering this women-only gym that got me into it. been going to some classes but i just finished my first workout there using the equipment on my own and it went so well, the vibe is just so good in there and i seem to have gotten a feel for when the gym is emptiest. i already run frequently and cycle everywhere for transport and i'm sick of cardio / the concept of endurance; i want to have agency and strength. this is the best thing to have happened to me this year

No. 436007

How do I small my ass. I know this is a dumb question, I know you can't spot reduce, but it's proportionally huge no matter how little I weigh.

No. 436012

Change your posture
Most people have anterior pelvic tilt
In addition to making you ass stick out, it can lead to back pain
Fixing it is beneficial for spine health, abdominal/gluteal/hip muscles, proper exercise form, and age-related mobility issues

No. 436025

Just work out your legs and ass.
Also work out your upper body so you can shift the proportions a bit if you put some muscle on the top.

No. 436030

take up jogging two miles per day for a year, lose like 5 lbs, work on your posture

No. 436053

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I've done a lot of back related PT and have doctor approved posture at this point, so I don't think it's that. >>436025 I follow a PPL schedule and do light weights or body weight on leg days to avoid growth, should I try the opposite? My upper days are always heavy.
Fucking hate jogging, is walking alright? I do a lot of that. I'm trying to cut this month, hopefully that'll make me feel a bit better about things.

No. 436061

Has anybody else felt continous joint pain on a low carb diet?

No. 436094

I found some on sale for only €6. They're closed loop and there are 3 of them. They go from 10kg, 13.5kg and 17kg. What's the difference between minibands and superbands?

No. 436095

>I follow a PPL schedule and do light weights or body weight on leg days to avoid growth, should I try the opposite?
Yeah. I'm bottom heavy as well and only saw improvement after going over 20kg. These are very big muscles so they need quite a bit of resistance. Additionally some of these muscles look bigger if you don't train them properly. To get big muscles takes a lot of work and a very strict diet. Don't worry, you won't get big.

No. 436103

Difference is the size of the loops. Minibands are less than shoulder wide loops when unstretched. Superbands have wide loops such that you can stretch them from your feet to above your head. As I have said before bands are versatile but sometimes you have to find out how to use them to mimic a certain exercise you want to do. Having both minibands and superbands makes figuring out things easier and it's easier to follow online tutorials because most of the time they are fully equiped. For example leg abductor exercises are easily done with minibands. Just put them on on mid-tigh height sit down/lay on your back and spread your legs. With superbands you have to find a way how to work with the super wide loop. On the other hand, if you want do mimic deadlifts it no problem with superbands but you are out of your luck using minibands because they don't stretch wide enough to do the whole motion. So having both band sizes at hand allows you to easily transition between exercises without putting too much brain work into your workout. Later on you will find a lot of tools designed for bands like hooks, grips, nooses and so on. But I would only invest in all of these once you have found out for yourself how you use them because then you will probably have some bands stationary and leave them there for quickly doing this exercise and so on… Ah and don't think too much about the kg printed on the bands. It just means the more kg the more resistance and the harder it is to stretch them

No. 436105

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I love working out and becoming stronger and I'm so proud of everyone that takes care of their bodies. Keep it up nonas

No. 436108

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This is a really stupid question but is it possible to build some sort of strength and stamina with seven days. I’m not expecting life changing results I just need to be able to run around a couple of laps with barfing and fainting.

No. 436118

Not really, it takes much longer than that and if you start training all the time now, you will just be exhausted when you do the run and have a bad time. But it's a good idea to just start training at all so you improve your fitness level for the next time you have to run laps and reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle in general.

No. 436121

i tried that and my leg still hurts real bad almost a month later

No. 436173

I just bought a jump rope. I'm looking forward to increased stamina

No. 436191

No for an increase in strength and stamina, but getting your body used to walking and light jogging has got to be good to some extent. Re-oil those joints, you know?

No. 436192

I actually think it may be possible to see notable results in just 7 days if you are already otherwise healthy. Eat clean (no sweeteners, no refined grains, lot's of fiber, some probiotics), plenty of sleep and some walking and/or light cardio and resistance training. Do that and you will look and feel noticeably better within 7 days, even if it isn't night and day.

No. 436204

I guess therre's some possibility

No. 436381

Anyone else here addicted to working out?
Like when I’m not at the gym, I’m thinking about working out, etc.

No. 436774

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What would you guys do if your regular routine doesn't work anymore? No matter how much I tried to work out harder or eat less my weight just didn't budge. Any possible solution for this?

No. 436826

Switch up your routine. Maybe you're not eating enough. Plateau is a normal occurrence and happens to everyone. Remember that weight is not a good measure of progress.
I find fasting is good. Or stopping exercise for a day or two also works. Or doing completely different exercises from what you've been doing altogether eg if you've been weight lifting all the time, switch only to cardio for a few days etc. or go on a few hour hike.

No. 436836

Sounds like you need a deload or rest period. Your body has adjusted to your current routine and is determined to hang onto its resources, you need to give it a break.

No. 436861

Stupid question but do leg slimming exercises work?
I know you can’t do target workouts but I’m hoping that with enough cardio for weight loss in combination with leg slimming exercises will help.
Sorry Nonnas, I’m new to all this.

No. 436871

Weight lifting will give you slimmer legs than any cardio

No. 436873

haven't been regularly to the gym in like 7 years but i just got rec center passes (side note 100x better than gym passes, no contract, mostly just older people and women, way cleaner…) and i'm feeling very motivated! i'm going on a trip that will feature extensive walking about i have the stamina of a grandma. do any nonnies have a recommendation for a like 30 day program that would help? also any shoe recommendations? a lot of the ones i see have these ugly thick soles (like hokas) and i'd rather not add any height to myself if i can avoid it. i want shoes that i can wear regular outfits with and will still look cute.

No. 436878

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Thank you for you insights nonnas, I greatly appreciate it. Here's to a skinnier future!

No. 436881

>Go to gym for months
>Get sick beyond repair
>So sick that 3 stairs now makes me out of breath
>Get better
>Go back to gym
I'm so fucking pissed and upset, it's been 3 times this year. I just want to have my stamina back without getting sick. I've been taking multi vitamins and eating better so being sick doesn't feel like a truck.

No. 436999

so i finally had my bodpod appointment. i went in expecting to have 20% bf (which was my goal) but i ended up with 15.5%.. holy fuck, i did not mean to do that. i found out genetics are in my favor when it comes to burning body fat, but now i obviously need to get that body fat back. i've upped my calorie intake by 400 for proper muscle growth and that should be enough for slow and healthy weight gain. the bulk is gonna go crazy kek

No. 437047

i reached my first goal weight & then ate some less than healthy food (still decently within my maint i should add) due to a family event and now im up a kg again. what the fuck why does my body hate me so bad

No. 437077

>1 kg
you will soon learn it means nothing

No. 437078

love cycling but it makes my ass hurt even with the padded pants and seat. Any other way to fix this?

No. 437107

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It's not the kilograms or pounds that matter, but what you look like in front of the mirror

No. 437108

You need to do more cardio, but the kind of hard cardio, not just brisk walking. You need to start doing 5k runs and going for 10k runs, totaling 20 miles each week

No. 437110

ntayrt but I can't tell if you used picrel as encouragement or passive aggression. I would hate to look like that and then wear that garbage on top of it

No. 437112

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It's just that wide hips wide shoulders strong legs doesn't change into stereotypically thin even with workouts and cardio, so you work with what you have and do your best

No. 437114

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Anyone have a much larger chest than bottom? I'm quite busty on top but I feel like my lower half is lacking. Basically, I just want a bigger ass and more defined thighs.

No. 437115

okay, first of all yes, this is me exactly. I don't gain weight or muscle easily in my ass and thighs and it sucks. second of all, I am so so sad that I missed the discussion from whenever these photos were taken.

No. 437116

She's Bianca Censori. She's the only celebrity I can think of who has a similar body type to me. My body is the same way tbh. If I gain weight, it all goes to my upper body.

No. 437118

Oh, I know exactly who she is, I'm just shocked that kanye decided to put her in (let her wear?) a strap on harness in public because I get that her whole thing is wearing very sexual outfits and being half naked in public but I can't imagine kanye wanting to advertise that he loves strap ons. her body always looks amazing in those terrible outfits, though, for what it's worth.

No. 437174

Her body is so hot. Sorry for being a horny lesbo. I just love big pendulous tits like hers.

No. 437210

I hit legs hard as fuck today and I pray you're right.

No. 437334

depends on the bodily proportions and height you already have to an extent, as well as past sport experience

No. 437344

Nonnas has anyone else had great results using PHA training (method where you alternate upper and lower in a circuit for the whole workout with minimal rest)? I know people talk it to death how you have to rest a certain amount when doing certain things and like yes, I’ve done my studying and I know that when I bench or squat my max I’m not gonna run around and do 3 other sets in rapid succession…idk I have a lot of energy and it helps me actually feel relaxed when I’m done kek. If any other adhd nonnas have trouble with rest periods maybe consider trying it also. Keep in mind I do have to eat a fuck ton to keep up with this regime lmao

No. 437345

That anon was being a cunt I suspect a scrote lurking and the picrel was weirdly proportioned and fat. Anyone can look thin if they weigh little enough, that’s why nonnas all over this board like to talk big shit about “anyone can look better thin that’s why most Ana’s are broad af ugly apple shapes who have unfeminine bodies” while half of them also have to add or imply “but not me I’d be hot at any weight bc muh fat distriboootion”

No. 437358

Tired of being a lazy cunt so I'm going to start training for a half marathon. It's not on till end of spring next year so, I've got plenty of time to ramp up for it. I run but never trained with purpose before, so I'm going to follow a training program that spans 12 weeks and update my progress here for accountability. Starts off easy though - today is a rest day. Tomorrow will be a 5k.

No. 437359

The way anons call every woman fat or "tranny looking" proves how popular this site is with anachans kek

No. 437435

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Thanks for making me feel better about my body nonnies

No. 437464

I haven't weighed myself since I started losing weight about a month and a half ago. I finally got a new battery for my weighing scale today. I went from being completely sedentary (less than 2k steps a day) and eating like shit, to getting 8k-10k steps every single day and eating healthier(more vegetables, less carbs). I had to have made some progress right? But no. I'm the exact same fucking weight I always was. Have these past 6 weeks been for nothing? And no, I didn't gain muscle because all I did was walking. Didn't lift any weights. How did I not even lose 0.5kg at least?

No. 437470

Nobody hates women's bodies more than dog-faced bone-rattlers kek. >>437107 Thinking this is "weirdly proportioned and fat" when this is a perfectly attractive, feminine body is hilarious. You have to be repulsed by femininity to find that image unappealing, only fags and straight girls think lanky curveless brittle looking hard-to-cuddle bodies are the female ideal.
>cope fatty!!
Thinner than picrel, just a lesbian. A woman who's 15lbs overweight is more attractive than one who's 15lbs underweight 100% of the time.

No. 437475

Ana-chans are low E, hangry and bitter all the time. They secretly hate being women, they hate other women, and they despise any show of round, plump, feminine flesh, it's why so many former skellies become Aidens.

No. 437517

Don’t worry too much Nonna. You probably changed your body composition and gained more muscle definition in your legs/back. Remember to eat enough protein too and you’ll see results.

No. 437522

"Eating healthier" doesn't mean much when it comes to weight loss. Count your calories, weigh your food, do it properly because you might be eating more than you think. And weigh yourself every day - your weight can fluctuate quite a lot, if you weigh sporadically there's every chance you might happen to weigh yourself on a day where you've got extra water weight or something.

That's almost certainly not the case. It's hard enough to gain muscle when you're lifting and eating lots of protein and it generally requires a decent surplus, walking isn't gonna do jack shit.

No. 437524

Posted here a few times. Going through major weightloss. I am on a high protein and fat diet. I swim for exercise and play basketball. I finally hit about 90lbs. I no longer buy plus size clothing. I have 60lbs to go. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy and not hurting their bodies.

No. 437528

is there a typo in your post or are you planning on weighing 30lbs when you're done?
give it six months not weeks

No. 437530

She means she hit 90lbs down

No. 437532

Started at 300lbs. What the fuck???????? LMFAOOOO i didnt realize that was confusing thats why i started off saying GOING THROUGH MAJOR WEIGHTLOSS

No. 437659

5k done today in just over 32 minutes, another 5k due tomorrow

No. 437951

I hate my impatience. I’ve only been going for a couple days and I’m already frustrated that I haven’t transformed. I will stay strong though, I cannot fail again.

No. 438022

Weigh in
260 in July
244 today
All I did was I just started being aware of how calorie expensive food is, it is real easy to ignore it.

No. 438097

5k done yesterday in just over 30 minutes, rest day today, then 5k again friday

No. 438161

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Just curious, but would this be considered an ana-chan body? This singer hated herself at them time because she considered herself "bait for men so she had to look unhealthy"

No. 438163

ana-chan is a state of mind not a body type

No. 438166

Well she was anorexic at that time so I'd say she fits the bill. Unrelated but she was so beautiful (probably still is, haven't checked). Her skin looks amazing for someone who has anorexia.

No. 438167

I thought y'all were talking about money and was already seething

No. 438183

Guys what do you think of Ozempic for an obese person who's never managed to keep off the weight? My mom has always tried to lose weight without much success and I'm considering just buying it for her since I've heard it has good results? But I need to lookup more about the potentially hidden health risks

No. 438192

I've let myself balloon up from 47kg to 84kg. I've managed to lose weight before and kept it at 54kg for a year but after a really rough bout of depression and heavy drinking I'm right back to my fattest.
I've started a diet and exercise plan again and I'm feeling confident (already losing weight slowly and steadily), but I’m frustrated because even when I hit my goal my body is already messed up. My tits are fucked, I’ve got stretch marks everywhere and I'll never look like I used to. Sucks because I'm naturally built like an AirPod, everything goes straight to my chest and nothing to my butt. I guess I’m just mad at myself for ruining my body, even after all this hard work I’ll probably still look like shit.
But whatever, I’m still doing it. I’m so over being a fattychan I at least want my health back.

No. 438207

Can anynona recommend a basic stretching routine?

No. 438256

i need to hit the gym and start lifting but man i hate exercising around other people. i'm not necessarily afraid of them judging me, they just freak me out. i need to always be aware of where they are and if they know i'm there, it's like being in a room with a bunch of creepy spiders.

No. 438294

I wouldn't recommend it, keeping off the weight is a mindset that she would have to build. I understand you're coming from a well meaning place but what happens when the Ozempic runs out and your mom regains that weight?

No. 438298

I'd be worried about the side effects especially if she's older. Sometimes losing a lot of weight like that can be harder on an elderly body than staying big. Depends on her size, of course. If she's life threateningly obese or can't move around properly it would probably be worth the risk. If she's just kind of fat it so isn't worth it.

No. 438358

1 week down, half a kilo down!

No. 438382

normal people don't judge people for being less fit

No. 438397

Only if the risks of obesity outweigh the risks of side-effects

No. 438404

Honestly I recommend it a lot. I work with people who have taken it and they've seen amazing results, being obese (especially when older) in my opinion, poses more health risks than weight loss drugs. My friend lost around 30kg with ozempic and it wasn't dangeorusly fast or anything and she could still enjoy food, just with less of an appetite. She didn't experience any side effects apart from having no desire to drink alcohol anymore.

If you can get your mom a full checkup and just go through it all with a medical professional if you're worried, but from what I've seen it seems to work really well.

No. 438413

No. 438415

5k done today in just under 32 minutes, rest day tomorrow. 6k run Sunday!
cute kek

No. 438416

thank you ♥

No. 438905

Bah, it's been raining all day here today and not due to stop, so I'm going to bump my 6k to tomorrow morning. Never run in the morning before so I'm not looking forward to it but oh well. I really need to get some better workout clothes for the colder/wetter season.

No. 439187

How should I go about making my hips wider? My quads are my most built muscle group but still don’t translate and my hip to waist ratio is close to 1.0. Is that weird leg spreading machine worth it?

No. 439191

finally deadlifted a 100 kilos (220 in burger units), i'm so happy. went for a 1RM, but i managed two reps, which is usually what happens when i try to max out, something about women being able to handle higher volume closer to their max.

anyway, food is magic, bulking is great, highly recommend it to anyone not overweight who is trying to gain strength. in 2 and a half months i went 90 to 100 kg on DL, 85 to 95kg on squats, 45 to 55kg on bench (bench and squat might be a bit more, i don't really max out on those). and i didn't even gain an insane amount of fat, went from 60 to 65ish kilos, lost my abs and have a bit of extra on my lower belly, but i don't look fat rn. and i'm not even doing a lean bulk, just eating what i want (lots of protein obviously) and lifting 4x a week, running 2x.

cutting's gonna suck, but i'm planning to ramp up running, so i don't have to eat below 1500 kcals. also planning to do 3-4 week mini cuts, with maintenance between them, to try and curb the eating disorder behaviors that tend to appear when i'm in a deficit for a long time.
but i'm definitely not gonna cut until i'm really comfortable lifting 100 kg. too proud of that number to let it go lol (i know it's not actually a lot, just let me have this).

my long term goals are 2x bodyweight squat and deadlift, 1x bw bench. for running i wanna do a sub 45 min 10k, problem is i basically never get to run on flat terrain, it's super hilly where i live. the running thing will be a good goal while i'm cutting, always gotta have some kind of performance based goal so i keep the ED/body dysmorphia at bay.

No. 439252

does anyone have any podcasts (or audiobooks i guess) to recommend that pertain to women's fitness in a way that isn't oriented around weight loss or getting a fat ass for men?

No. 439280

if those aren't things you are interested in then you aren't really interested in "women's fitness", just "fitness". What works for a man works for a woman.
Look up podcasts of female Crossfitters

No. 439281

My core seems to be too weak even for ab weel. How can I fix this?

No. 439288

don't be retarded

No. 439305

Not true, women are built more for endurance but need to work harder to build muscle. Most weight lifting moids would have a heart attack if they tried the average barre or hot yoga class and their workout routines are lazy and sloppy compared to women's

No. 439313

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just hit 6 pull ups! i want to hit 10 by 2025.

No. 439315

amazing nona

No. 439338

that's really impressive. What did you start at?

No. 439344

i couldn't do a single one (without wriggling around a bit). i don't think it's an impressive number, but it's a fun challenge. plus i get to eat a lot of burgers to grow the muscle.

No. 439345

if you couldn't do one, how did you build up to your first?

When i started I could do 2 and then trained up to 2 but never got past that. Haven't trained them in a while though

No. 439346

trained up to 6, I mean

No. 439350

well i was borderline anemic so changing the diet probably helped and i did negative pull ups. still do them all the time, they're really helpful. i might hit a plateau at some point and i'm going to break out the added weights if that happens. good luck nonna, it sounds like you have a good base to build upon!

No. 439426

congratulations nona!

No. 439498

I’m trying to gain weight, I mean really put on the pounds. I’ve always struggled with eating, it’s just not something I particularly enjoy. I don’t own a scale but went to my moms house recently and weighed myself on a whim—108 pounds. This is extremely unhealthy for my age and measurements and I look borderline anorexic. I probably am anorexic by definition. Since then I’ve been making a real effort to eat 2500kcal a day. It’s hard but I’m determined to put on at least 25 pounds. Any other nonnas struggle to gain weight? Any tips or tricks that helped you? I also smoke which I’ve heard isn’t the best for weight gain, wondering if it’s something I need to quit in favor of this.

No. 439508

Track your calories with something like MyFitnessPal, it has basically everything you'd eat in it's database. Even if you're just loosely tracking, it's good to get an idea of how much food you actually need to eat in order to be in a surplus. If you're not sure, under estimate so you eat more. Eat larger portions, try to eat more calorie dense foods, peanut butter, nuts, you can find more online, make sure to eat protein. Exercise a bit to increase your appetite and build a bit of muscle while you're at it. Add in a meal replacement as a snack, it's like a free 400 calories. You should probably quit smoking in general for your health, not just cause you're trying to gain weight. It'll be a long road, but just keep consistent and it'll get easier with time. Hopefully you'll start to notice benefits like stronger nails, fuller hair, and brighter skin as you become less underweight. Good luck!

No. 439511

Drinking your calories via milkshakes and boba (or in milder cases, milk instead of water etc) really help, though gaining weight via mostly unhealthy foods is called "dirty bulking."
Definitely add in some physical activity as you gain weight though. Even a short 5-minute post-meal walk does wonders to stabilizing your blood sugar.

No. 439746

I know there’s no wrong reason to lose the weight but is it mentally ill that I want to lose it that way I can enter a ‘villain arc’, I see moids talk about it on tiktok and it’s just them being shitty to women.
I’ve been treated like shit for years specifically by men because I was fat but as I continue to lose the weight and see my face coming back, I remembered that I’m not as fucking ugly as I thought I was and that people weren’t just placating me my whole life.

No. 439747

yeah it’s a kinda retarded motivation but if it works do it. who cares?

No. 439838

I once went on a diet just to spite my family. When I stopped being angry at them, I lost my motivation and gained all the weight back

No. 439954

Nonnies give me strength, I started counting calories about a week ago with an app and I'm trying to eat less.
Please tell me you eventually get used to eating less and stop being so hungry? I barely reduced my quantities of food and all I can think of is how much I wanna eat at any given time.
I know it's too early to feel the changes, but I'm constantly stressed and I have poor impulse control so I just need the reassurance. Does anyone else struggle with this? Am I stuck eating eggs and cabbage for the rest of my life?

No. 439997

Honestly you just have to tough it out. It's extremely difficult at the start especially if you're a person who relies on food for boredom/emotional problems, but once you actually start to see the weight coming off there's no better motivation. You will get used to less calories and you will start to think less about food overtime. Not good advice but for me I replaced food with a different vice to take my mind off of it. Would you rather be overweight and unhappy for the rest of your life or go through a few months of pain to feel the best you've ever felt? Be strict with yourself.

No. 440254

you can eat pretty much anything you want so long as you stick within your calorie range, though it's best to stay away from foods that you think might cause you to overeat. if you stick to eating just eggs and cabbage you're likely to feel hungry and slip back into old habits. maybe try eating foods that are more filling but not high in calories, like grilled/baked chicken or seafood with vegetables

No. 440626

Thanks to you two! On a semi-related note, I'm going back to jogging with a friend on Sundays, it's a fun hang out and hopefully involving a friend in my effort to be healthier will be extra motivation to be careful about my diet.

No. 440629

Try eating foods that are more filling but have less calories and foods that take longer to digest. Also try to eat fiber first when having meals, it will make you feel full faster.

No. 440649

I really disagree with calorie counting, especially at first. The first part of your diet should be about adjusting to eating healthy foods. Don't worry about weight loss or calories until you've fully adjusted to healthy eating

No. 440802

Went from leg pressing 5x109kg on Wednesday to 10x109 today. I am so excited to top it next week!!!

No. 440940

Is it possible for you to "look" skinner even if you weigh more? I gained some weight from my sedentary office jobs (like 15 lbs) over 2 years. I got another job and decided I was going to lose the weight. I went from maybe 1-2k steps a day to 5-6k steps a day (I make sure to take a walk before I leave work) and I have been eating less. I also started working out regularly, but nothing strenuous, just calisthenics and toning exercises. I look a lot slimmer in my stomach area, I've never really gained weight there and my abs are far more prominent. I assumed I had lost weight and so had others. I don't weigh myself because I used to have a severe ED. Well, I weighed myself the other day and I actually weigh like 4 lbs more than I did at the beginning of my "journey". It makes me sad because I am way more active than I used to be and I am more "toned" everywhere. But I feel like I've failed somehow? I'm still within a regular BMI. Everyone has told me that they thought I lost weight. But I guess it's just because maybe my body fat percentage has changed? Any insight on this would be helpful. Thank you.

No. 440947

Muscle weighs something too. You may have traded fat mass for muscle mass, so while you look slimmer the weight isn't much different. Body measurements are also a good way to see changes that may not reflect weight.

I have an embarrassingly high fat percentage due to being sedentary. I have a bathroom scale that gives me an approximate fat/muscle % alongside the pounds. Between that and measuring my self with a tape measure, I'm hoping to tone up more myself.

No. 441008

You earned muscle mass, nonna. Keep it going if it makes you feel great! Numbers on the scale aren't everything, health and disposition are important, too. Also, from what you're saying, you basically look better now, so why worry and bring yourself down, when you're doing exactly what you're supposed to do to feel better?
Think about getting some new clothes to show off your toned physique lol.

No. 441009

That's awesome, keep it going!

No. 441045

Has anyone here tried the Mediterranean diet? It's high fat so it might actually satiate my insatiable fat ass

No. 441047

that's a good thing! if you're getting slimmer and the scale goes up, you're getting stronger and more toned. muscle weighs more than fat. you look better and got slimmer and toned.
maybe you should go back to not weighing yourself and instead you should take body measurements if you have to track something. this is definitely an ED brain problem if seeing that number go up has made you feel like a failure when all indicators in reality are positive. number-go-up does NOT equal a bad thing because muscle weighs a lot more than fat, you know this in your head but your mind is playing tricks on you.

No. 441068

I'm so tired of being a fatass but I have a major sweet tooth… eating fruit helps but I mostly overeat as a form of self-harm. I can't stop and it sucks, I suppose I'll just have to tough it out

No. 441104

have you tried using exercise as a form of self harm

No. 441207

Scale hasn’t budged all week but this morning I’m down a kilogram!

No. 441219

Try healthy chocolates and zero sugar snacks that use artificial sweeteners. Use stevia for you tea, coffee, deserts, baking, oatmeal etc. Doesn't work as powdered sugar for dusting baked good unfortunately.

No. 441306

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It can actually work

No. 441331

I also have a sweet tooth, especially for baked goods. I love fruit so I don't mind eating that more often. But sometimes I crave more. One thing I could suggest is "upgrade" fruit a little. Berries with a little condensed milk, banana slices with the bottoms dipped in dark chocolate, apples with a light caramel drizzle, etc. They're more caloric than plain fruit, but less than carb-y baked goods and feel a little fancier. They also make low-carb or lighter brownie/cake mixes that are a little lighter than their normal versions.

Another thing is access. I try to just not buy and have sweets laying around. I keep individual wrapped small chocolates so I can have portion control.

No. 441408

Eat something savoury and protein rich like eggs or meat before giving into your sweet cravings. It will fill you up with actual nutritious food and lessen how much sweets you eat.

No. 441848

5x118! I’ve almost maxed out the machine.

No. 442109


I did this and now I lost my period and will likely have horrible irreversible health consequences unless I gain most of the weight back lol

No. 442240

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Are any of you anons aiming for a more androgynous body type? i would like to go to the gym to see if i can gain muscle mass, i really dislike how curvy my body is. I was hoping that by losing weight i would lose most of my thighs/breast fat but they stayed basically the same except now i am even more curvy because i dont have as much stomach fat. It makes wearing cute tshirts impossible without looking chubby and weird.

No. 442245

i personally don’t think muscle tone affects androgyny much, unlike literally being a skeleton or a blob. muscles just sort of refine your figure, and it’s not super healthy to work out with a mindset against your body.

No. 442419

not sure if this is the right place to ask.
is tdee calculator accurate? i recently reached my ideal weight and my maintenance calories intake is ~1600. isn't that a bit too high? i'm 47.5 kg at 160 cm

No. 442428

Tdee's definition of actvity levels can be a bit generous. Apparently it can be more accurate if you think along the lines of how physical your job is, i.e office job -> sedentary, jobs where you stand a lot (teacher, cashier) -> light, etc

No. 442431

Is it worth cutting out all added sugar in my diet? I feel like I eat too much candy and junk food with lots of added sugar, and I thought of cutting all of that out of my diet completely for my acne.

No. 442438


I have an "androgynous/athletic" body type (broad shoulders, long limbs, flat chest, straight waist). I have a decent amount of muscle now but my body would have this structure even if I was just skinnyfat and didn't do any exercise. From what I have seen, muscle mass usually tends to refine "curviness" in women (if they have it), not eliminate it. The fit women who look androgynous are ones who naturally have that straight body shape.

I doubt you look the way you think you do in those shirts… personally I look weird as fuck in anything "cute" because of my body type.

No. 442445

Of course it's worth it. You'll feel amazing.

No. 442447


That sounds completely adequate at the very least, if you are mostly sedentary. I would not worry about it. If you find you are gaining actual fat mass on that low of an intake, you already know you are capable of reversing it. The consequences of chronic low energy availability are way worse than having to diet again for a couple of weeks.

No. 442452

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Finally 158lbs and all the weight I gained is in my ass and legs, pure muscle. Any other tall/fast metabolism girlies, bring lots of high sugar snacks to eat while working out. I can’t stop staring at my own butt kek if anyone wants here’s part of one of my workouts. I’ve recently gotten my CPT and I make daily/weekly for myself and my friends, maybe I can practice on some nonnas ITT!

No. 442454

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Samefag here’s part of my Halloween workout! I do PHA so I don’t rest a lot between sets but obviously rest as much or as little as you like!

No. 442469

Does anyone have experience losing weight through a deficit via cardio vs calorie restriction, and how that affects how your body looks? I’ve heard some say you lose more facial fat with restriction or more muscle with cardio etc. And before anons say parotting “you can’t spot reduce/change how you lose weight!!” like that’s the objective truth, in my experience that is not true. How I exercised and especially what I eat definitely affects where I lose from, for example more sugar causes central distribution for sure with more loss from the thighs.

No. 442472

Good question. I think facially I'm at my most attractive when I'm exercising as well as dieting. I've lost weight through pure restriction many times and although I feel like I look good at first eventually it gets to a point where I feel like I just look fat but small. I guess that's what you call skinnyfat. It's true you can't spot reduce, but when I neglect areas of my physique, they look noticeably worse. For example right now my legs look like shit because I stopped giving a fuck about leg day six months ago. They're an appropriate size for my height but they look untoned and flabby compared to my arms. Oops.

No. 442546

Alright,I'll start off by cutting out all the candy I eat. How strict do you think I should be in terms of sugar? (i.e would things like baked goods or chocolate milk be ok)?

No. 442551

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Apparently my BMI is too low to qualify for GLP-1. Kinda bummed out. I’ve been stuck at 130-135 lbs for a while now and I stand at around 5’3”. Sometimes, with effort I can get down to 125 lbs but I don’t stay for long. I wish I could get down to 105-110 lbs, and lose most of the weight in my hips and thighs. I’m gonna try again this winter and if this doesn’t work out I’m saving up for liposuction.

No. 442560

may as well buy ozempic for lipo prices.

No. 442569

not to destroy your dreams but I went from 145 at 5'3.5 to 114 and I didn't lose any of the fat on my ass and thighs, which was the only reason I even started losing weight in the first place. I think I have to come to terms with giving up on ever looking good in slacks. Hurts.

No. 442624

hey guys, im extremely fat, i was 132lbs and now im fucking 198lbs, i need your motivation please.. i want to reach 110 lbs but the fat logic is like a parasite in my brain, especially the fat positive in my country and everywhere makes me stay a fattie

No. 442639

I was doing really well but got busy with work last week and just fucking gave up. Binged this whole weekend and I’m probably gonna be back at square one on Monday morning. I will try get back into routine next week but it feels so pointless knowing my self control is only temporary

No. 442665

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gained 5 kg and went from bmi 16 to bmi 18 not an anachan just scrawny

No. 442676

Strict, but not too strict. For example, some people go too far and even cut out fruit, which is ridiculous. Enjoy fruits, they're great for your skin. Chocolate milk is just liquid calories and has way too much sugar. You'd be better off eating proper food. If you're having baked goods, make sure it's a healthier alternative. The less sugar you eat, the less you'll crave it. But you can still treat yourself from time to time.

No. 442677

Just start today. Even if you eat 100 calories less than usual, or walk 1k steps more than usual, it's still doing something good for you. If you lose weight now, you're helping out your future self. It only gets harder the older you get so start NOW. A healthy body means a fulfilling life and you'll be thankful. For every kg of weight loss, 3–4 kg of force is lifted from your knees. Good luck nona, I know you can do it. Don't let anyone get in your way. Those fat positive tards are miserable and they want you to be miserable too. Don't listen to them. Don't turn into an skeletal anachan either. That's bad for health too.

No. 442698

Thank you for your help nonna!

No. 442730

You already got a good response but I just wanted to let you know that I had a really, really bad sweet tooth, like literally replacing my healthy carbs with gummy candies because I craved it so bad but didn't want to be in a surplus. I replaced it all with fruit and I feel absolutely amazing. I bought mostly fresh, some dried, and and some chocolate covered fruits. I don't currently restrict or count calories, I eat as much as I want. So far, no weight gain and I haven't craved any additional sugar. Definitely would recommend.
Seriously anon, do it for your knees if nothing else.

No. 442735

Well done nonny! I bet you look great and feel stronger! How did you do it? (i need to do the same)

No. 442739

Why have I been so fucking ravenous and insatiable? How do I make it stop? I probably just need to go cold turkey and like suffer through the constant food noise for a day or two but I swear to god I'm on the fast track to being on My 600 lb Life. Honestly I've been delaying eating because I feel like once I start I won't be able to stop.

No. 442742

are you sleeping well? poor sleep can affect your appetite and ability to feel full.

No. 442743

Do you have any vitamin deficiencies anon? I noticed I start to crave certain foods or just straight up binge until I eat something that helps my b12 or vit d levels

No. 442748

There’s no way you’re that hungry, you must be confusing other emotions for hunger signals. I’m not a doctor or any sort of expert but I feel like you need to train yourself into recognizing actual hunger cues, and also realizing cues that you’re full. Although if you’re actually that obese already than idk maybe the stomach stretches…?

No. 442754

Thank you nonas for the support.
I'll update you on my progress every time I lose 10kg

No. 442759

I get TERRIBLE sleep I've had chronic insomnia since I was a child but doctors refuse to give me actual medication other than SSRIs, I take magnesium, melatonin, and L-tryptophan but still don't get enough sleep.
That's a good point, I'm gonna start drinking these nutrition shakes I was gifted.
I know it's not real hunger it's just this constant preoccupation with food. I usually get it before my period and then it goes away, but this has been going on for like 3 weeks. For the record I'm nowhere close to being overweight I'm just saying I will be if I can't stop this. I know I need to just stop eating but I can't stop thinking about it and it doesn't go away unless I eat a shit-ton at a time

Thanks nonas and I saw you sparkling water anon; i'll try it out tomorrow.

No. 442766

Depression also makes you overeat, so engage in activities that stimulate dopamine for you

No. 442783


How long have you been trying to diet, and how restrictively? I noticed that the more successful I was at losing weight, the more my brain was dominated by food noise. My body didn't really evolve to see weight loss as a "good thing".

No. 442786


I would not try to exceed your natural lowest weight by too much. I have recent experience with this. I overexercised to "push" my body past its natural "floor", and became skinnier than I ever was in my life. Now I have lost my period (even though I wasn't doing anachan levels of calorie restriction and never had an underweight BMI) and I may need to gain back most of the weight to avoid osteoporosis, cognitive decline and hair loss. Also I looked like shit at my skinniest lol, I have a naturally broad and athletic physique so my figure was just dominated by a giant ribcage, I wasn't dainty or cute at all.

The healthiest times I reversed unwanted weight gain, I didn't count calories. I just targeted the "problem habits", usually mindlessly eating high-energy-density snacks, while keeping most other aspects of my diet the same, and modestly increased my activity level. Try eliminating 1 "problem thing" (whatever that is for you) for a month, while also incorporating more activity into your normal daily activities (i.e. try walking anywhere that is within an hour's walking distance of you, rather than taking transit or a car) and see what happens.

What do you mean when you say "everywhere makes me stay a fattie"? Do other people decide/influence your meals a lot?

No. 442787

Ayrt, 10 kg is a lot! Report back anytime you feel like it, even if it's just to say you cut out soda or started biking or something. I like hearing from successful nonas itt.

No. 442809

I’m taking a beginner Pilates class and the instructor keeps correcting me constantly, like 2-4 times per class, every class, which she doesn’t do nearly as frequently for anyone else. She might correct one or two other people during a class but it’s never the same person multiple times or multiple classes in a row. I’m a complete newbie and I know my form sucks, but a lot of other participants’ form suck even worse than mine so I don’t know why she keeps singling me out. Even though being corrected is obviously helpful it’s also kind of demoralising that it happens so often and I end up feeling like I can’t do anything right.

No. 442811

She might think you show promise and wants you to get good. It is unusual though, usually adult classes don't involve much correction because it will turn paying customers off by making it too serious, I would feel demoralized too. But if you really like pilates it might be worth just sucking it up, taking advantage and trying to improve. Or just find another class.

No. 442872

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worked out until i tasted metal in my mouth + jumpstarted my period by doing crunches (it's a good thing because it usually comes late)
thank you nona. i just try not to skip meals, eat lots of eggs and workout. change of seasons and my new antidepressants are definetly contributing too

No. 442891

eat fiber pills and drink lots of water.

No. 442925

Tried doing some cardio today but I could hardly handle 20 mins. I usually do about an hour. Why did I do this to myself? Praying things get easier again fast, I can’t believe I’ve gained half of it back in a couple of days.

No. 443306

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Nonnies, I've been keeping at it most of the year and I'm so proud of my progress. I go to the gym 2x a week but if I'm feeling weaker or strapped for time, I'll do my workout at home with dumbbells (ranging 12lbs-36lbs) and focus more on form rather than maxing out on weight. I am now able to do TWO full body pull-ups. I barely could lift myself off the ground months ago. I'm currently on a bulk and loving it so far, I'm up roughly 10 lbs, my BMI is just overweight (25+) but my waist is the same as what it was when I weighed 10 lbs less and my hips have gained a whole inch. I also do deep core workouts 2x a week, this is probably the reason why my waist hasn't gained despite bulking. These are short 10-15 minute workouts that I do during downtime when I'm working at home. If I'm really busy I'll break these into exercise snacks. Even if you're really busy, moving your body for a minute or two in an hour is better than sitting on your ass the whole hour. I would recommend doing this to any woman, regardless of her goals.
I used to think that only elite athletes and bodybuilders are the only exception to healthy people having overweight/obese BMIs but I've only been working out this year. I also was scared of weight lifting for the longest time because I'm 5'11 and was called fat back when my BMI was around 21. I can't imagine weighing that little now.
I'm proud that I've mostly healed my relationship with food after doing horrible crash diets and over exercising in the past. I used to starve myself so hard that I'd rebound with the craziest 4K+ calorie binges. I couldn't imagine having to remind myself I'm on a bulk and I need to have a dessert or some other treat to keep my calories up. If lower calorie diets (I'm talking 1400-1800 calories depending on height/weight I don't recommend going lower unless you are tiny or low mobility) don't work for you try doing a couple of days of weight training. You will be able to eat a satiating diet while meeting your goals and will be reducing your risk of fractures, high blood sugar, falls, etc. as you age. I hope this is a habit for life because I love it!

No. 443307

What core exercises do you do?

No. 443309

Glute bridge marches, reverse plank knee crunches, deadbugs, plank toe taps and plank pull throughs. Everything but the pull throughs can be done without weights if you are starting out but I do them with a couple of 12 lb dumbbells. I also do clam shell abductions which is in this video. I don't do them with a resistance band because I find them pretty challenging with just my body weight but they're great for activating your glutes which will help every other muscle in your body and reduce back pain!

No. 443311

Thank you, nonna! and congratulations with your progress.

No. 443406

My fix for that is to smoke a lot of weed for a week or two, then my appetite goes back to normal lol

No. 443833

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Went to the gym for the first time today. I have a lot of work ahead of me but I'm kind of proud of myself for starting instead of continuing to make excuses. I see a lot of time on the stair master in my future nonnies.

No. 444109

How have you gone about reps and sets?

No. 444121

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Trainernonna back at it, here’s part of my workout from the other day! Also I just want to say I CAN HIP THRUST 285 NOW. I can do 10 good reps. I’m proud of myself and I can’t believe I can do something so intimidating on paper. I can’t wait to keep pushing.

No. 444153

what's a good absolute beginner sprinting speed to aim for? i'm switching from long distance running to sprints and idk what's a reasonable goal. i'm using a treadmill and doing intervals with 60 sec jog/30 sec sprint. right now i jog around 4.5 mph and sprint at 10mph. i realize my sprinting speed is currently just a normal running speed, not really a sprint at all. how fast should i aim to run to make it a true sprint?

No. 444229

i really like reformer pilates. its so cheap too since i found out my university offers classes for like $50 a semester. so i do it twice a week.

though i will say ive not really noticed any changes in my body besides my core getting stronger and muscles in my stick arms.

No. 444235


Don’t do it anon. Liposuction isn’t any more permanent than dieting— if you return to your old eating habits after recovering, the fat will come back. Yes, your fat redistribution will probably change— but instead of gaining fat in your legs it’ll go to your back or belly or whatever. If you really want to lose weight you need to permanently reduce your caloric intake by a couple hundred calories a day. Tbh I doubt you “need” to though, it sounds like youre at a healthy weight. Maybe strength train so you can lose fat while maintaining your diet and weight?

No. 444315

you're so lucky nona, that's an amazing deal for reformer pilates. all the places near me charge around that much for a class. you aren't going to get super visibly fit with pilates though (unless you're overweight and it helps you lose some). it's great for flexibility and endurance but doesn't activate fast twitch muscle fibres so you will not be able to put on muscle mass with it.

No. 445226

Are protein supplements and high protein a meme? I don't think it is for some people, but I can't help but think the marketing around protein has been so insidious and predatory that it puts me off the whole concept. I don't doubt that for bodybuilders it is helpful, but is it really all that outside of that particular use case?

No. 445232

Have you ever considered other fat reduction techniques? Things like CoolSculpt, TruSculptID, etc.. There are lots of other treatments for weight loss besides liposuction, and usually they're less intensive too. I know someone that works in a medical spa and those treatments are some of their most popular ones.

No. 445245

Yes and no. Some protein products are obviously a scam and have terrible macros, needlessly expensive, or just taste bad and you'd be better off eating some chicken for dinner instead. I think anyone exercising regularly should be eating a good amount of protein for the sake of their muscle function and recovery. Maybe not a gram per pound of bodyweight like some people, but more than most people (especially women) are getting for sure. That doesn't mean you need to go out and buy a whole bunch of supplements though (not unless you're aiming for a particular look or you're a high performance athlete). Just eat more lean meat and dairy, especially if you are weight training or doing anything high impact/intensity.
I think the insidious marketing aspect of protein right now comes from the explosion of popularity in weightlifting and bodybuilding that happened in the past few years. Lots of people got involved during COVID. They created a new market and it's likely hitting its peak right now before the trends cycle and it will inevitably fall off.

No. 445527

I have Shayna tier glutes. How should I fix this?

No. 445651

I've been starting a lifestyle change/weight loss attempt for the past week and every single day I've eaten less than my allotted calories (which are already targeting -.5 lbs a week) because I ate only 15% garbage carbs (potato chips, pastries, etc) a day and 30-35% total carbs (includes healthy stuff like broccoli, beans, berries) and didn't feel hungry at all at the end of the day, wasn't hungry til the next day either. Today I ate 30% garbage cals (juice, chocolate, crackers, chips, candy) and 40% carbs and I'm decently hungry right now. Is this really how it is forever??? Smh.

Also nonfat greek yogurt is very versatile, delicious, and filling. I like pairing it with strawberries for dessert/breakfast, or hot sauce + lemon juice + seasonings as a side. Or making tzatziki but without olive oil. It's great.

No. 445814

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I have been a fatty-chan my whole life and as such would never exercise my whole life. Well, this year I took up weight lifting and some light yoga, and I would like to announce for the very first time in my life at age 27, I have touched my toes. Kekk, I've never been so excited in my life for something so basic. I've literally never been able to touch my toes even as a kid. It's so exciting to actually be able to do something probably most people can already do.

Anyways, even if it's embarrassingly small progress I'm happy.

No. 445818

Good job nonnie, don't downplay your success!

No. 445819

Not embarrassing at all nonna! You should be proud and keep trying for more goals like that one, I bet you’ll reach them all in time!

No. 445823

I had no idea fat people couldn't touch their toes. How do they put on shoes and socks…?

No. 445827

Pretty sure she meant the toe touch stretch

No. 446677

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nonas I’m cooked and need advice.
I’m 5’3”, 140lbs. I was an anachan back in college but recovered and was sitting happily at ~120 before everything went to shit. Had a chronic injury develop, moved cities, stopped being as active, and developed a binge eating problem. I don’t think the binge eating is too crazy but over the last few years these things combined have made the scale tip into overweight. I work out a couple times a week and luckily still have a good amount of muscle (it’s genetic, my dad is a lazy ass and has a ton of muscle naturally), it’s just hidden under the fat I’ve put on. I really want to get back to my original weight, but it feels like no matter what I try, I always end up hungry, eating a bunch of random crap, and lazing around instead of working out consistently. I don’t know what to do, because I love cooking and working out, I just don’t do it for whatever reason. Any tips on how to get back into shape/fixing my eating habits?
Related, if other women have workouts they use to get defined muscles, please share them. I’m butch and want to be able to have buff arms but have no idea where to start, especially since most workouts focused on looking bulkier are for moids.

No. 446746

Has anyone experienced getting acne after changing their diet? For the first time in my life, I'm fighting off acne breakouts, and have been for the past couple of months. It's humiliating. Can zero sugar soda and diet soda be the cause of this? I didn't want to bother with the skincare thread because their answer is always to consoom.

No. 446747

Make it a 1-2 year plan and just focus on eating better and keeping up good habits like your weekly workouts and a minimum number of steps per day (take a short morning walk or something). Add more vegetables to your diet. Minimize stress and get your sleep. It will all come off.
source: experience and exact same stats as you.

No. 446794

I had a similar story and the same height/weight (except I was actually 5 lbs heavier). I suck at exercise, so no advice there, but I've lost 15 lbs in 3 months just by not eating like shit and taking more walks. I know it's not a super quick pace of weight loss, but it helped me feel like it is possible and not so hard. I would say focus on eating better. It is pretty sobering to realize I have more energy, feel hungry less, and sleep better now that I'm not bingeing on garbage. Meal prep helps a lot, even something simple like boiled eggs or gazpacho.

No. 446852

With leg exercises, I can never reach muscular failure no matter how high I go with the weight. My heart and lungs always give out first. They're getting stronger but I don't think they'll ever keep up with the weight I want. How can I mitigate this?

No. 446856

More cardio. How much weight do you put up on legs if you don’t mind me asking? Generally upping your cardiovascular levels will help keep your body from fatiguing as quickly. I would recommend interval training if you’re not used to doing a lot of cardio training, but if you already do cardio then just do more. Also idk if you are using measured breathing techniques when you lift but that helps too!

No. 446865

Ok. Enough fucking around. All of my issues with my health, I can eliminate them if I just stop drinking. I've been drinking rum, gradually, for probably 4 months now almost every day. It started with 100 mL, now I'm at half a pint to a pint a day. Just drank my last pint. If I count down now, 9 PM this upcoming Thursday to 9 PM Friday should be the worst of the acute withdrawal symptoms. I'm so sick of the bloat I noticed around my belly, clearly my body trying to protect my liver from all the alcohol I'm ingesting so there's such a bloat. You can see the separation of my skin, ribs, and then the bloat. It's disgusting. It makes me feel so slow, and my back hurts. I barely walk or go outside. I haven't gone so far down into the hole that I'm homeless or jobless or toothless, but I also noticed tonight that my mouth stinks like .. like my diabetic grandpa's breath did when I was a child. It's so over for me if I don't stop now. I guess I'm just posting here because I'm tired of being stupid and playing chance when I can see my mood decreasing, my belly bloating and my skin breaking out. I look exhausted. No more nonnies. Fuck. Just wish me luck in the next 72 hours that I don't crack.

No. 446939

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if you had a choice between being able to eat whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted and never gain weight or have even the most minor and temporary negative health effects, or to simply no longer have any desire for "bad" foods, which one would you pick?

No. 446948

How many reps are you doing? Logically there must be a weight that would be too heavy for you to even attempt 1 rep with, letalone enough reps to put pressure on your cardiovascular system.

No. 446958

You can do it nonna, it will be sucky but you can come out the other side sweaty and free

No. 446960

There are certain weights where my legs can move it but I feel so much pressure in my ears and head that my nose almost bleeds and I'd rather avoid them

No. 446961

Latter, bad foods are expensive nowadays and if I never learn to correct my hedonistic desires I'd probably hurt myself by eating and become a lil' broke Tarrare gremlin

sorry I take hypotheticals very seriously

No. 446982

TY nona I've woken up this morning feeling all the energy in the world, just because I reduced my drinking last night. I always forget how good it feels to be sober, and I think it's because I go a bit without drinking, life feels good, and I decide "why not feel even better?" and start gradually drinking more and more until I start destroying myself lmao. I gotta make an addiction thread on here. Thank you!!! I can't tell anyone about this but lolcor as not to annoy/worry friends/family

No. 446983

AYRT, me but with weed. I was functioning to everyone else but at home behind closed doors I couldn’t get a handle on it. I was sucking down 95% thc gram cartridges in 3 days. It starts as a way to make the day even “more fun!” But for some of us it can’t be moderation and it ends not being fun. Wishing you luck and strength in your sobriety nonna ♥

No. 447011

tysm, I appreciate it. I used to smoke dabs like 8 or 9 years ago and I know how insane that can become. I think the hardest part is accepting that there's a cut off point where "moderation" doesn't exist

No. 447016

Ok well it sounds like you need to see a doctor, not up your cardio. Weights might puff you out at high reps but they shouldn't be causing pressure in your sinus…

No. 447112

I bought a treadmill as a birthday gift to myself, I have agoraphobia and things have gone to far so time to look after myself and be comfy. Im aiming for 10k+ steps a day.

No. 447316

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Lost 100 lbs in a year

No. 447344

was it expensive? I figure a stationary bike is less expensive + you can read a book while riding it

No. 447345

How do you get rid of nasolabial folds?
Also how to get a nice defined stomach/midriff? But not by lifting weights, I can only do yoga or pilates.

No. 447395

Congratulations nona!

No. 447418

Good for you nonny!
We love to hear it

No. 447467

im fat as hell and I have decided to lock in. I don't know why but I do fine when I fast but it's like when I eat, I cannot stop eating. I'm like a vaccuum and it doesn't matter how protein dense the food is, I have such a ravenous apetite, any advice?

No. 447492

fiber pills

No. 447554

Sorry for the tmi in advance.
I've been drinking these meal replacement shakes to make up for a bunch of food allergies. They keep me full, I'm losing weight, it's great. Problem is these fuckers have so much fiber that they make me extremely constipated. My butthole is bleeding and burning and every bathroom visit is hell. I tried to balance it out with laxatives but they did nothing.
Any tips? Do I really have to quit the only thing that's worked for me?

No. 447567

Please share the ass growing secrets, nonnie in the shatna thread

No. 447571

Any ways I can grow my boobs? I know its all genetics but Im willing to try
also >>447567 same

No. 447580

I am here, sorry I’m late! I recommend doing not only squats but squats of different varieties, lunges, pulses, step-ups and stair climbing! I have many workout plans for this, but hip thrusts, curtsey lunges, surrenders and kettlebell pulses and step ups have grown me an ass that people are like DAMN about when before I had nothing. I would post a side by side pic if allowed cuz I have some of just my ass and legs in leggings kek. Eating lean protein and enough carbs is also important. Uphill hiking and walking is also GREAT for the gluteus. Trust me you can get a lil more junk back there even if you aren’t genetically blessed with it

No. 447581

Samefag, doing a ladder style workout is a great place to start. I have posted a few of my workout routines upthread but I’m also an insane person so could make a quick beginner (or any fitness level really) glute building program and post it later!

No. 447598

>Any ways I can grow my boobs?
Not sure how effective it is, but picrel has some advice.

No. 447599

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Dang it. Forgot the image.

No. 447602

Booty growing anon here. You can’t REALLY grow your boobs without gaining weight or fucking with your hormones, but you can grow your pecs and the surrounding muscles to lift and firm your bust (kek I sound like the 1950s) try getting a thigh master (yes the one from the old commercials) bc it has a function as a little chest press as well. Pec pumping exercises ftw, and also push-ups and pull-ups with all hand positions

No. 447612

If I lose weight, will my tits deflate/sag/wrinkle? I want to lose 10kg but I'm kinda worried. And if yes, how do I decrease that happening?

No. 447624

holy shit imagine taking advice from some /int/ tranny

No. 447637

For real, and I'm pretty sure some of those herbs can be carcinogenic.

No. 447738

I used 1-2 dulcolax drops in my meal shakes as I had the same issue. You also need to seriously increase your water content if it's happening every time. What shakes are you using?

No. 447761

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Has anyone heard of zig zag dieting?
It sounds pretty good on theory from what I understand, multiple cheat days a week AND it helps lose weight without plateauing?
Does anyone have experience with it and can confirm it works?

No. 447765

Any consistent calorific deficit is going to make you lose weight, don't overthink it.

No. 447773

Thanks nona. That particular laxative doesn't seem to be sold in my country but maybe I can find something similar.
I'm using the nutrilett Very Low Calorie Diet shakes.

No. 447832

Whats a reasonable bodybuilding goal for a female natty? I can never tell if my aspirations are artificial…

No. 447862

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i went out for one meal with some drinks to celebrate graduating and it made me gain a kg. this was two-odd days ago now and it's not come down at all. i lost all my progress from the month of november in one night. nonnies, am i fucked?

No. 447863

that's an excess of 8k calories on top of your maintenance that you must've eaten to gain 1 kilo, seems somewhat unlikely.

No. 447864

That could just be because you have extra shit inside your body.

No. 447903

Locking the fuck in, nonnas.. I’m tired of my clothes not fitting and having rolls. I feel bad for doing this for aesthetic reasons, but my main goal is dressing like I’ve always wanted to, some elegant way without looking fat, dressing for myself. And also to reduce my blood fat levels. I’ll need to battle against the food noise and finally develop a sense of discipline.
I just want to be proud of myself, I’ve wanted to lose weight for years. If any nonna is reading this, thinking they can’t do this (as inget fit, get muscular, get skinny, basically, improve yourself the way you want), I believe in you. I’m trying to believe in myself. I think we can all do it, we can all break the bad patterns we’re in. Let’s do it!

No. 447911

If she’s a fitness influencer and she’s super fucking cut but also got reasonable bulk (LeanBeefPatty, Sara Saffari, Faith Ordway, that whole little cadre) they’re ALL fake natty. It’s best not to go look at women who compete either. You can sculpt yourself but you’ll always have to sacrifice a little bulk for tone and vise versa

>t. natty bodybuilder/CPT

No. 447924

did you put a curse on me or something??? i ended up having a massive one today after i ate and i weigh the same as what i woke up as, so i'm probably in the clear now kek. thank you

No. 447930

Not to single you out, but I really hate seeing these types of posts. Losing weight is so easy: eat less calories than you burn per day. That's it. That's the whole concept. If your BMR is 1500cal/day, you will lose weight if you stick to eating 1400cal/day. If you want to maintain your weight, you eat the exact number of calories that you burn in a day. If you want to gain weight, you eat more calories than you burn per day. Every time something like this is posted in this thread, it's always the exact same answer. If you can't stick to a caloric deficit, no diet program is going to work for you. All you need to do to lose weight is maintain a caloric deficit. It's that simple.

No. 447936

Oh, I have been sticking to a calorie deficit (lost 5 kilos in the past 6 weeks). I'm thinking long run here, since from what I heard the body can just get used to functionning on less calories than usual.

No. 447943

uugh if you get demoralized by slight fluxuations in weight just make a graph of the overall trend of your weight, calorie counting apps like cronometer do it for free

No. 447996

I gained a bit of weight recently (3-5 lbs) and would like to lose it healthily in the next month or two. I really don't want to count calories or obsess at all because that's how I lost the weight to begin with, and it obviously wasn't sustainable and I gained it back by binging.

My diet is healthy and I cook for myself. I usually eat two big meals a day and some other snacks like fresh fruit, lattes, cheese, dates.

I have a gym membership and have recently liked going to use the stairmaster or treadmill for 40-50 minutes, which for me burns around 400 calories.

Would it be possible to lose the weight through this cardio alone, without really changing how I eat? Assuming I continue to eat at what would be my maintenance without the cardio. I could go to the gym 3-4 times a week.

No. 448008

You don't have to hit enter after every two sentences, it makes your posts across boards stick out. Anyway, cardio is a scam. You should focus on weight-lifting and strength training at the gym. The reason why I say this is because with cardio, you're only burning calories for as long as you're doing the cardio exercise: but, with weight-lifting, you're burning calories while you do the exercise and you continue to burn calories once you go home, because the muscle repair that's happening post-workout burns calories. My recommendation is to keep going to the gym, but create a workout routine for yourself where cardio isn't the main focus. Maybe it could look something like a 15 minute cardio warmup, a 30 minute weight-training regimen, and then a 15 minute cardio cool-down. You'd still be getting the benefits cardiovascular benefits of cardio, all while toning your muscles, improving your strength, and losing weight.
>Would it be possible to lose the weight … without really changing how I eat?
It's really difficult to gauge this if you're not keeping track of the caloric value of the foods that you eat. Losing weight is dependent on a caloric deficit, so if you don't know how many calories you consume per day, it's more difficult to ascertain whether or not you're eating in a way that will help you lose weight. Maintaining a caloric deficit is dependent on knowing you're basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is different for everyone, so if you don't know yours, I suggest getting it tested. Knowing your BMR will help you plan your diet and workouts, and make the process much more efficient and simple.

No. 448030

>come off antidepressants
>immediately gain 15 pounds
>painstakingly manage to shave off 10 pounds after 3 months
>It all comes back a few months later
>Can't get rid of it even when I'm starving myself
What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I'm even considering trying to go back on my meds just to keep the weight off.

No. 448034

No I just bought the cheapest one i could find called citysports and it has bluetooth speakers in it so I can just listen to my audio book. I actually had a stationary bike for years and it ended up being a clothes hanger. I feel like the treadmill has an easier entry point to build a habit.

No. 448106

A while back I picked up a part-time job as a farmhand for a few months and I genuinely started to get kind of ripped. I've lost some of the gains since I stopped working there but it was intensely satisfying seeing progress and performing feats of strength I used to not be able to do (like tipping over a big tub of water that used to be impossible to lift). Wish me luck nonnas as I try to get strong without having a job as an incentive to do so

No. 448110

How does moderating here make you get ripped? I don't get it. Since you're posting though, what's the gossip with the other farmhands? Do they really have a Discord server to make fun of us?

No. 448133

i think they meant as a literal farmhand nona. someone who works on a farm

No. 448141

So the lolcow farm isn't a farm now? Please don't tell me it's a soy "milk" producing plant I want my cow secretions legit

No. 448145

Nona, you should probably see a doctor about this. I don't think any of us are qualified enough to give real advice.

No. 448146

I've posted on one of the older threads before and have actually lost ~30 pounds since June. It's mostly a combo of eating less and eating a lot of veg/cutting out most carbs. I'm currently 153 and my ultimate goal is somewhere in the 130s (I'm 5'7). I guess I should buckle up, because it feels like the weight is getting harder and harder to shave off. I'm trying to get atleast to lower 140s before me and my gf go on a trip later this month. Do I need to start taking drastic measures and cutting half my calories?

No. 448147

don't halve, just take it down by 200

No. 448166

so ive been doing fitness and diet for about half a year and im getting to a point where i need to actually plan and write what i eat to get to more progress. it feels so good nonnies

No. 448176

KEK yeah no I meant I worked on a real life farm. They did have cows but not the lol variety.

No. 448359

try chia seeds, but not too much because they can clog your intestine. Just one spoon

No. 448370

Down to 150 lbs from 170, it mostly all came off when I got my Garmin watch and started dancing more. It all stagnated last month though with work and the holidaays, now I'm not working until January, and I can lock in. I'm trying to run more and have been able to run 5ks regularly which was a goal of mine so yay:D I want to get down to 130 lbs and run 10k eventually. By the end of December, I want to be down to 145 lbs and run at least one 10k.(congrats anon, but don't use emojis)

No. 448715

Thank you for your advice. I went to the gym again a couple days ago and decided to do squats for around 15 minutes, then cardio for 20. I'm sticking to just squats for now because I like it and it's what I'm comfortable with, but I will look into other strength training that could help me.

No. 448991

idk if this is the right place, but I've been prescribed iron tablets (have a deficiency). I'm not sure I can continue taking them based on what they are doing to my poop. Any nonas have experience dealing with this? Not just constipation, but also the color, it's so gross.

No. 449033

Eat more fiber, walk around or do some squats before pooping and put a small stool under your feet while pooping. Something about that position being natural for humans or whatever.

No. 449056

the color is really freaking me out, is it always going to be like that?! I can't wait to get my blood tested again, I hate taking these pills.

I'm taking a probiotic and a bunch of other vitamins, and I do eat a lot of fibrous food but I just ordered one of those powders too. gdi

No. 449253

What's everyone's health & fitness goals for new years? I want to stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking weed (take edibles instead), eat fruit every day, start doing pilates & yoga videos everyday and I'm going to sign up for an adult ballet class!

No. 449258

I've been busy a lot this year with uni and other extreme personal circumstances, but once it's all over I want to:
>eat more of my own cooking
>take more, frequent walks
>take my vitamins regularly and stop skipping them
>fix my sleep schedule
>go to the hospital for a very needed colonscopy
>go to the dentist and finish my dental work that's been postponed due to my circumstances
>get my hormones checked to fix any potential issues

No. 449399

smoking weed past age 23 is a red flag(bait)

No. 449400

Wow why didn’t anyone tell me this when I turned 24 five months ago kek

No. 449403

Has anyone here done Keto for full body health? My mom has been keto for years and suggested I try it for mental health reasons. I did it for about 2 weeks and had my period. Usually I get bad acne and have crazy suicidal and intrusive thoughts, but my period was actually fairly light, I got NO pimples, and I felt pretty chill. Then Thanksgiving happened and I got my period on the 5th, I'm pimpley and can't sleep bc of my mental distress. I mostly just eat steak/burger, green veggies, zevia soda when I want a sweet treat. Just looking to see if anyone has been trying keto bc I know a lot of people disagree with it.

No. 449414

weed edibles work completely different than smoking so it's a weird choice imho

No. 449440

I know, I'm experienced with both. I just want to stop putting things in my lungs that don't belong there, so smoking and vaping are out. I stopped smoking cigarettes a few years ago so I'd like to stop all types of smoking for my cardiovascular health + my skin.

No. 449454

Ab wheel

No. 449456

do you drink a lot of tea nona ? tea is known to block iron absorption, be carefull not to ruin all your effort for a cuppa

also, yes, the black color and the …hardness are mandatory, not mentionning you need forever to get into normal hemoglobine level in your blood, last time i had to go throught this, it tooks me 6 months
i don't known where you are from or what are the brands you use, Tardyferon really wrecks my guts but the timoferol is a little more bearable, you could ask your doctor do change your medicine

No. 449457

it might sound very boring and not very challenging but i'm keeping the goods habits i managed to keep theses last year, no '' go to the gym, stop drinking, eating a better diet, sleep well and drink more water'' since i'm already doing this

i know i sound like an obnoxious IG fit girl and it looks like bragging, but if i don't do that, i'm just gonna end up sick ( i have a shitty health) plus, in reality, doing all this is closer to granny lifestyle ( drinking soup and sleeping early is very grandma core) than anything glamourous

but the main change this year is getting my teeth fixed with invisalign, this is probably gonna trigger all my eating disorder because you have to keep those on for 22h a day and i'm probably rather skip any snack than having to brush my teeth all over again because ''' eeeh, i feel lazy''

No. 449466

I am iron deficient too and the black stool is normal, don't worry about it. Absolutely keep taking them, iron deficiency is bad for your heart.

No. 449468

It makes your poop weird colors, don't worry about it. Taking magnesium with it helps with the constipation. And stop drinking anything with caffeine, it screws up absorption and if you have an iron deficiency, you're probably allergic.

No. 449516

Me too, I absolutely have to do all these healthy things because I get violently ill pretty easily. One thing I have yet to do though, is fix my sleep schedule. I just can't no matter how hard I try.

No. 449564

Has anyone seen weight loss progress with a very small calorie deficit, like 200-300 per day? It should be around 0.5 lbs lost per week, but since it's such small deficit I feel like it'll be easy to totally negate it by tracking a few things inaccurately.

No. 449620

I don’t think you have to track that closely, just eat smaller portions OR less calorific foods and the weight will drop off. It’s best to be casual about it and not do it with a calculator in hand. I did it in that casual way expecting no results but lost 20 pounds without even really trying. I think people make it more painful than it has to be and then give up because they made it that way.

No. 449874

do any of you nonnies deal with scoliosis? Do you think youtube exercises work to fix it? sage for not being weight related but didnt know where else to ask

No. 450006

I've kept on track for more than a week now im really proud of myself, unironically Infinity Nikki is a huge motivation, I want to wear clothes like Nikki

No. 450112

Not sure about yt exercises, but I know of a girl who built her back to prevent having to do surgery

No. 450770

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Another comparison (spoilered in case)

No. 450777

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>mfw i finally see some bicep growth
it's small and i'm still generally scrawny but it's something

No. 450794

wow nonny that is amazing! Good job!

No. 450795

Wow! Is that you? How long did this take?

No. 450832

First time posting itt. I'm hoping to lose about 10-15 pounds, it will be my first time ever dieting. I had moderate alcoholism for the past 4 years or so, and I've been sober for 6 months now. I didn't bother trying to lose weight in early sobriety, but now I'm getting to a point where I would like to be comfortable in my body again. I'm 5'6" and about 132 pounds. I know technically that's a "healthy" BMI but I'm super bottom-heavy so I don't carry it well at all, I have tiny boobs and stupidly fat cellulite-y thighs and butt. I think I look and feel best at around 120 pounds. My plan:
-After the Christmas holidays, I'm going to do a 5-day water fast. This should kickstart my dieting, help me burn a pound or two of fat right upfront and help me adjust to smaller portions
-I already do weightlifting 2-3x a week, but I'm going to incorporate cardio as well
-Let myself eat whatever I want, just…less.

I would love any advice or tips from similarly-built nonas or those who have similar goals!

No. 450836

I've lost 20 lbs (145 to 125 at 5'3) since I stopped eating like shit, but I know I need to exercise too. But sciatic pain makes me not want to do anything more than stretch. It hurts so fucking bad trying to do twists or squats, like just pain shooting down my whole leg. Has anyone had a similar problem, or have any advice? I feel like strengthening my core and stabilizing my back will make the pain less severe, but I usually feel like I'm making it worse when I actually try to work out. Running hurts like a bitch too.

No. 450919

Sorry to hear that, I recommend starting with gentle daily yoga (maybe considering yin yoga?), daily ab wheel roll outs - they get much easier after a week, don't get discouraged, and picking up weight lifting after some time. Pilates should work well for you too. Also try out a cheap vibration plate, they helped me a lot with nerve pain. Warm baths with magnesium oil or epsom salt are also good for pain relief. Remember to also supplement magnesium. You can also apply magnesium oil directly on the skin before sleeping (it will not stain anything, it's not oil like food oils) this should help with the nerve pain.

No. 450922

Weighed myself and I'm 204 compared to the last time at 240. I'm proud of myself but I don't feel any different I hate this

No. 450936

I've been making an effort to lose some weight primarily by starting off by not eating fast food anymore. It's been a while since i feel like i have control over my body and i haven't given into my impulses.

No. 450955

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>start fasting irl
>youtube starts recommending ED videos

No. 450974

this is why i will never get a tiktok account, the algorythm will know immedialty that i have ED because i'm always attracted by this insanity and will flood me with ana chan content
this will never ever leave me, better let sleeping dogs lie

No. 450991

Think like you're rehabbing from an injury like a broken leg, and maybe look up what exercises physical therapists recommend for recovery (though be dscerning with online advice). My biggest recommendation for sure is the elliptical. Form is important, it should be a push pull motion with your arms and legs rather than a cycling motion, cycling will do almost nothing for you. Set your expectations low, it will be hard at first so don't make it unnecessarily worse by expecting to train five days a week or something intense like that; I think just twice a week for 15 minutes is a good goal to aim for, or personally I like just aiming to show up at the gym, even if I end up leaving pretty soon after. Be gentle with yourself, don't train if you're in pain and just try to be consistent. If your gym uses modern elliptical machines I recommend whatever beginner programs are available on there for a bit of structure. It may be hard to admit but it's important to acknowledge that you are disabled at this current stage and need to behave accordingly, rather than comparing yourself to abled bodied athletes. I've been in a similar position to you and held myself back by following and comparing myself to gym vlogs on YT from people who were nothing like me, like leanbeefpatty (lol).

No. 451505

elliptical won't improve sciatica. Stretching and building muscle strength, especially core muscles is more important.

No. 451527

Will doing 10 k steps, stretches and pilates do anything for some toning? I’m not ready to lift yet and be on a diet where I need to get insane protein since I have other thingd to focus on. I do cook and eat clean already though just started eating junk last month with holidays

No. 451551

Yes, but it will take quite some time with daily training to have visible results. If you want faster results consider getting resistance bands and use them in your pilates sessions and wear wrist and ankle weights when walking. You can also consider a weighted vest. You don't really have to eat insane amounts of protein when lifting to get toned, there's a chance you already eat enough of it. Also consider an ab wheel, this will get you visible results in a matter of weeks and increase your overall strength exponentially. The exercise works a lot of muscles in just a few reps, including muscles that are difficult to exercise like the psoas.

No. 451580

Any pics of a skinny ana-chan who reformed and became a toned gym goer?

No. 451636

no. you have to do boring shit like focused weight training to get muscle definition

No. 451671

managed to log back into myfitnesspal for the first time in like 9 years but the app doesnt load? im also downloading the loseit but i figured all this time later mfp would have more accurate numbers…

No. 451902

If you're serious about it being 9 years, change your password right away. There was a breach a few years ago

No. 452136

i had to change my password to get in anyway b/c i didnt remember the old one. i deleted mfp already cause of it not loading.

No. 452640

Three years tops

No. 452699

sharing her vids again

No. 452702

No. 452736

I feel like coach viva is just mildly autistic but this woman had actual body image issues

No. 452741

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I’m looking into buying a Pilates mat and possibly an ab wheel and Pilates roll, and now I’m getting sucked into the exercise gadget rabbit hole. Which things are useful for core strengthening exercises and which are just gimmicks? Is there any point to getting a twist board (pic related), for example?

Watching this video is so weird because I’ve always been the ‘thin friend’ and this is the exact (solicited!) advice I always gave to friends struggling with weight loss who kept comparing themselves to me, but they just got mad at me for it. I guess it helps that this woman started out in the ‘other side’, so to speak?

No. 452755

Dont waste money on ab gadgets when there are a million different types of crunches you can do for free. Star crunches are great for obliques and balance, chair crunches for that middle and lower, swan crunches for full abdominal workout…

No. 452774

get an ab wheel 100% the results are amazing after just a few minutes of daily roll outs and not only for abs but all upper body and core muscles. It's also very cheap. Nothing else will give you actual results, most of the other stuff is bullshit. But an ab wheel used regularly will make you very strong in a very short time. I went from doing 10 daily rollouts to 100 in less than 3 months and it has improved my posture, my back pain doesn't exist anymore, my arms are stronger, it's easier to run, easier to carry things. It's a huge improvement for daily life and makes other types of workouts easier as well. Not to mention the forced tension of the muscles makes you look more compact in a short time.

fuck crunches worst fucking exercise of all time lmao

No. 452853

Just because they don’t work for you doesn’t mean they wouldn’t work for someone else tho. If I let my clients just say fuck crunches then they’d never get the results they want.

No. 452869

yeah I'm just kidding, biggest crunch hater here

No. 453184

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You don't need crunches but you do need a decent diet and a fairly good workout routine to keep burning fats during most days and keep that body fat percentage in check

No. 453381

day 3 of getting back on track, i lost like 70lbs between 2014 and 2017 but now im almost back into the overweight range so its time to reign it in. getting used to feeling slightly hungry all the time again, tho i hope it doesn't lead me to snap at people at work, last time i was in restriction at all was like 2019 and i had a much easier job back then.

No. 453817

don't post photoshop monsters in this thread

No. 453820

All right

No. 453824

File: 1734443380294.png (208.1 KB, 2014x270, Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 08.49…)

mega cringe

No. 453848

I am going to lose ten pounds before my birthday! I can plug away on my exercise bike for at least an hour a day.

No. 453852

I've started meal-prepping by freezing a couple weeks' worth of fish cakes/precooked beef and it's saving me so much time every day. Very much recommend to anyone wanting to eat protein without having to cook after work every day. The fish cakes are just made of blended fish and eggs cooked at medium heat for a while. The beef can be mixed with tomato purée and tastes fine.

No. 453860

I've started adding more vegetables into my diet and I feel much better for it. My bloating has reduced, I've lost an inch off my waist in the first week, and I don't crave junkfood or salt as much. I don't think eating meat is for me, especially with how much it bloats me up.

No. 453981

>I can plug away on my exercise bike
Unfortunately when I stopped going to the gym lifting weights and doing serious cardio (1 hour of strenuous jogging/running every day) and only started walking every day I ended up gaining 40 lbs, the problem is that you can always out eat your exercise

No. 453998

thanks, I don't exercise for looks and picrel is hardly a goal kek

No. 454104

my fucking coworker ate the last of the salad in the employee cafeteria and the rest of the food was gross reeeeeee. "luckily" i had some instant oatmeal packets in my desk but i hate resorting to them and the more i eat oatmeal the less i enjoy it. im also trying to eat salad to build up my tolerance for it b/c usually when i have salad for lunch im paying for it in the bathroom 48 hours later and a nonna on here said that that phase will pass so long as i keep eating it. im just trying my best to not be a total bitch because im hungry all the time now but these bitches stealing all the salad are NOT helping

No. 454179

Add some protein to the salad. Some chicken/tuna/boiled eggs/whatever.

No. 454293

Seconded, maybe do those roasted chickpeas as a topping.

No. 454604

does anyone take supplements here? im considering supplementing magnesium and maybe some digestive enzymes or a probiotic because i feel like my gut health is all fucked up.

No. 454726

No. 454732

That's a shot in the dark. If you like fermented foods (kimchi or saurkraut) or something like a good yogurt it cost less and is often more balanced than standard probiotics. You also need to get macrobiotics (fruits and veg) to make sure the pros have food and don't overwhelm or overgrow. As far as Magnesium, which type and why specifically. I would say if you try mag remember it can cause some people to get sleep, retain water and cause the poops. I like glycinate but I jog and some people like mag 3 as a general catch all.

No. 454733

macrobiotic should be prebiotics, damn auto-correct. Sorry.

No. 454778

thanks for the yogurt suggestion, i would rather add that into my diet than a pill probiotic but i forgot it was an good alternative. i honestly just want magnesium citrate because i feel constipated while ive been in restriction, but if it can cause you to retain water i should probably look for other solutions

No. 454783

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nonitas, what's better for getting rid of skinny-fatness? cardio or resistance training? i don't think i should go lower in weight since i'm 1,59cm and 51kg and i would reach anachan levels. i just want to get rid of my thigh and arm flab, it drives me MAD

No. 454786

I work a job doing nonstop cardio for my entire shift and my legs are pure muscle after a year. Replacing your fat with muscle is body recomp and that will take you like a year to do, given that you are doing it consistently nearly every day.

No. 454809

thanks for the reply nona, i guess i'll have to do a mix of cardio AND resistance training everyday? my diet is already pretty good since i drink only water (and tea and yerba mate) and lots of fruits and avoid processed shit. it's lame that it's gonna take a full year but the time will pass anyway

No. 454813

If you are doing anaerobic exercise you need to have rest days or split exercise (leg day, arm day etc) because muscle growth happens during the rest phase

No. 454822

weight lifting

No. 454866

I used to be fat and slimmed down over half a year to the upper end of a healthy BMI. My friends aren't super healthy eaters, and now they won't stop fucking asking me if I'm an anachan. I know it's just out of concern, but it's starting to annoy me. Why does not wanting to stuff my face everytime we hang out = anorexic? Has anyone else dealt with this?

No. 454897

Congratulations on your weight loss, that sounds great! Your friends just got used to the previous version of you and want you to stay like that. This happens when you change in almost any way, not only weight loss. A lot of the times when you implement positive changes in your life, people who have known you for a long time will try to put you back in the place you were in before because changes like that are threatening to them in various ways. They do this to preserve certain group dynamics, their own self image in relation to you etc. On the other hand, you will often find people being supportive if you behave in ways that have a negative effect on your life. It's very toxic and you should find new friends. I'm so sorry, nona. You can't change them, and you shouldn't expect them to change for you. Don't take it to heart, a lot of people do these behaviors unconsciously.

No. 455383

115kg deadlift after a couple weeks training. super excited to keep progressing!!!

No. 455478

almost a week in to getting back on track yaeee! finally my body has stopped being constipated so hopefully the number on the scale will stop inching higher despite eating at a deficit

as someone who went from being obese to normal weight people feel insecure about their own size/choices and theyre projecting that anxiety onto you. no one wants to think they are overeating, but you turning down snacks and whatnot challenges that. the people you see the most will get over it quickly, but people you only see occasionally may have that attitude for years ime

No. 455881

congratulations nona!

No. 455961

I'm mostly doing well but I can't stop myself from buying a huge chocolate bar every time I go to the shops. It's only once a week but I wish I could just stop. Every time I eat it it's literally like a high it just feels so good but I can't keep doing this to myself because it's like 1k calories per bar..

No. 456118

there are so many protein bars now that have a ton of chocolate, you could try and find one to substitute the candy with. i tried this "peanutbutter silk pie" one earlier this week that was 100% just a candy bar in my opinion, except it was like 200cal and had 20g of protein

No. 456125

I think my health is greatly improving just by decreasing portion sizes of things I already like, and getting healthier ingredients. When I tried a super restrictive diet, all it did was make me binge my favorite foods when I was alone. Nowadays, instead of eating a bunch of pasta, I buy the protien Barilla, and low calorie red sauce, so that I have a better version of it, and I also reduce my meals to the exact portion written on the nutrition label. I've been doing this for about two weeks, and I'm down 5 pounds.

No. 456184

I am rebounding every second day of the week at home for 30 minutes at high to very high intensity. Can someone tell me if this qualifies as cardio or plyometrics? Is the work out too long? I can barely function the next day lol but I can see a lot of improvement in my stamina already.

No. 457066

What do you think of Sophthickfitness?

No. 457092

skimming her account. first impressions: she's hot. she's a little heavy. why does she jiggle her belly while doing her sexxy pose so much it's kinda fetishy? second impression: I hate the social media influencer posting style, it's so dramatic.

No. 457276

>it's kinda fetishy
that's why lol

No. 457365

my macros are so unbalanced. im getting insanely hungry between meals b/c my diet is like 75% carbs. i honestly dont love meat enough to eat more of it and i dislike nuts and other alternative forms of protein. the only thing ive managed to do is change out my breakfast for a protein bar but it isn't enough and i know i need to try and balance each meal

No. 457636

Not too long, rebounding is great cardio with some added muscular toning (and GREAT circulatory/respiratory) benefits. It sounds like you’re doing some good stuff for your health, nonna. This will give you building blocks/stamina branch out into other cardio exercises plus isn’t it just so fun to bounce lmao

No. 459202

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What do you plan to do next year for your fitness journey?

No. 459204

I already did 1600 ab roll outs this month and have no intention of stopping

No. 459209

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I hope I don't sound annoying but so far my diet journey has been good, one small issue is it seems like my body type isn't going to get smaller like I've always wanted. Because of my wide frame, it will most likely stay the same…I've lost like 13kgs and my waist has been only reduced to 3cms, I'm not going to get the skinny body that I want, so I have to settle with the body that I have. I hate it.

No. 459259

how can i gain muscle mass (and keep it)? minimum exercise. is there some miracle slop i can eat? i really dont want to go to a gym because im very scared of being perceived and i have poor motor skills.

No. 459260

also can i get taller? i really need to. time sensitive

No. 459263

are you working out or just dieting?

No. 459273

Yessss! go on roids nona - No there is no special short cut. You need resistance training and you need to progressively overload how much you're lifting. Look into adjustable weights. As far as height goes, work on your posture, but unless you're underage, you probably won't grow much taller. Important to eat 1.2-1.6g protein per kg bodyweight.

No. 459345

Both nonna. That’s why I’m so upset

No. 459912

How do you know if you're eating enough. I'm trying to bulk up and I'm lifting enough to be sore the next day, then resting until the soreness goes away, but muscle growth seems limited. I wanna get an overall healthy appearance with some light muscle

No. 459929

Figure out your BMR. Consume a surplus of 500 calories per day. Make sure you're eating 1.2g of protein per pound of body weight.

No. 460029

Isn't 500 excessive?

No. 460109

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I've only lost 5kgs this year and started in June. I was planning to lose 10kgs but it didn't happen. Hbu nonnas? How much weight did you lose this year?

No. 460118

Don't hate your body and keep working out! You will still look much better than someone who doesn't do it. Maybe the figure is not the type you wanted but it will still look better than an unfit blob draped over bones.

No. 460120

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Continue with my weightloss journey: This year I've gone from: 255lb/116kg to 205lb/93kg 5'8/178cm. I would've liked to get to below 200 before the end of 2024 but I've been really sick these last 6 weeks with covid and then the flu. This has been a series of 8 week dieting cycles with 2-4 week non-week dieting to let my body settle into the new weight and try and mitigate any serious cravings/ binge eating behaviors.
More details for those who want them:
Cal: protein 30% Carb 30% fat 40%
2100 baseline
2350 on gym days (weights & cardio)
2500 on busy work days (15,000 steps) + gym
No fasting schedule unless doing night shifts

Supps: creatine monohydrate 6g, inositol, beta alanine, magnesium & multi-vitamin

Gym: started very deconditioned (gym 2-3 times weekly with daily goal of 10,000 steps)
full body work outs for the first 2 months (trainer winny on youtube) & then moved on to Push-pull-legs.
Occasionally I would also have a month off from gym and do yoga instead

No. 460123

oh okay. thank you

No. 460242

I hate how hard it is for me to keep a "normal" weight… I'm 5'7 and at my highest a couple years ago I was 180 lbs. Got down to 110 (depressive episode) and quickly regained to 150. now I'm sitting around 135 and would really like to be 120 for an event in March but it feels impossible. I'm already doing intermittent fasting and counting calories which is how I lost the weight the first time but it's just not working the same. I think switching from an on your feet all day job to a sedentary desk job is making it way harder this time around. I'm so scared I won't be able to lose the 15 lbs in time, let alone maintain at that weight while keeping a normal relationship with food. I already get 10k steps a day but I'm going to start actually working out too even though I hate it kek

No. 460416

Going to a desk job has 100% made it more difficult for me in the past, is there a way you could get a standing desk?

No. 460756

Found this fitness coach from snapchat and started following her youtube channel. Her tips are useful and realistic, and I personally think she's funny. Hopefully her channel is useful to someone.

No. 460766

Wow, anon. Great for you!

No. 460821

I love her, she's got such a pleasant personality

No. 461047

I've just about fucking had it nonners. I want to go on gear.

No. 461059

Really challenged myself exercise wise today. It's not much in comparison to normal people but I feel good about it. Slowly getting there again.

No. 461387

I'm trying to sort of train myself to eat better before the new year hits. It feels like if I do it on January 1st it's too gimmicky, and everyone always ends up giving up on resolutions eventually it seems. So yeah, I've become the human equivalent of a fat cat on a platter licking its paws with a big fatass belly because of the holiday season, but I'll be damned if I'd let my self hatred stop me from enjoying Christmas! Let the suffering begin. Starting from 1500 kcals per day with two daily brisk walks. I hope I don't end up sabotaging everything wew

No. 461492

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gym nonas- is there a reason to do "split days" for upper/lower body?
i just use the machines at the gym bcus its fewer variables for me to fuck up the form/hurt myself. if i'm really badly sore in one area i'll skip those machines but i've been going like 4 days a week and doing upper/lower body on the same day often.
i always hear about people splitting up and really planning out their muscle groups, is that like 100% necessary? bcus i've just been doing whatever "feels right"

No. 461565

I need to get myself together for this new year. No more deviations or excuses. No more neuroticism either. Just need to chill the fuck out and stick to routine like it's second nature.

No. 461589

Excercising fucking blows when you realise how little calories it burns. Like I just want to lose 5 kilos or so but one small dessert after dinner or whatever completely undoes an hour of excersise.

No. 461601

does anybody here train with rings? or does calisthenics? honestly what she says and shows here impressed me

No. 461625

You still get the muscle building and the heart health, Nona!

No. 461627

If you're in it for the long-term, putting on more muscle mass makes it so you burn more calories during exercise and at rest. And is healthy overall, of course. But if you have very low muscle mass like most women and don't plan on doing strength training, then it's better to just put down the fork and lower your caloric intake.

No. 461763

I do PPL because it works best with my goals and keeps me the most consistent:
-I need to do rehab work for my hip-lower back
-Condense my gym time down as much as possible (45min session)
-Have a physically & mentally demanding shift job so ensuring enough rest/recovery is important
-have set physical goals I want to achieve (I want to bench 80kg, DL +100kg, have killer cannonball shoulders and run 10km)
-Machines are always taken in my gym so it's easier to do free weight stuff.
-I enjoy trying variations of different exercises as my brain gets board after a 8-12week mesocycle.
-I need functional strength for my work but want to still work on aesthetic appearance.
-I still have 10-15kg to lose

I workout 4-5 times a week:
-rehab/full body
-rehab/full body

Dr Mike explains it in good detail:

I have a few friends who do fullbody every session but make either the upper or lower body the priority each time: Here's what I used to do when I first started back at gym with full body

Session 1: Lower focused
Squats/leg press
Hip thrusts/glute bridge
Lat pull downs
Seated row
Ab twist w/ weight

Session 2:Upper focused
Shoulder press
Bicep curl w/ tricep pushdown superset
Ab side bend w/ weight
DL/Leg press/stair climber 15min

No. 463427

I went from vegan to pescatarian, how am I supposed to fit so much protein into my daily diet?
I’m reading that the daily requirement of protein is between 45g-60g
I eat a haddock fillet and 3 eggs as my source of animal protein and it only comes down to 29g.
I’m 5’2.
Can I cap it at 29g and just eat plant based for the rest of the day? My goal is to get leaner and give more life to my face.

No. 463474

Last year I lost 30lbs. So this year I'm gonna try for another 30 whilst upping my exercise. I wanna be working out 5 times a week. I have managed it before and I as in the best shape of my life. So I'm gonna try again this year. This will be the year I finally get to a healthy weight.

No. 463482

Highly recommend a protein shake. It'll make it a lot easier for you.

No. 463642

How quickly does muscle shrink/atrophy? Maybe I just have a high metabolism but I can spend months building it and have it disappear just by sleeping. I convince myself of the benefits like better heart health and blood and the like but I'm getting really tired.

No. 463679

Eat more beans. They are high in protein, healthy, and go in almost anything.

No. 463824

I've lost 7 pounds so far, this has been the easiest way I've ever tried to lose weight, im so excited to get to my goal.

No. 464066

I apologize if this isn't the right thread to ask, but can anyone recommend vegetarian food that doesn't bloat you? I'm going to an event where my stomach will be showing and while it's generally flat I tend to bloat after eating since I love beans for protein.

No. 464442

How much do you weigh right now?

Also try to switch out the haddock for a fish with more protein?

No. 465809

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i gained 20kg in a few years and only just realized how fat i look now. i noticed the impact on my health for a bit - like loss of flexibility - but it's like i had reverse body dismorphia and saw myself as skinnier than i am. the biggest issue is eating too many small snacks through the day, since i already work out twice a week (can't fit more into my schedule).

i started by counting calories for a week and tracking diligently on MFP and now i know why i gained so much, so now it's time to make changes to my routine. wish me luck nonnies

No. 465862

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I will lock in this year. 2025 will be the year that I finally stop binging and get my dream body. I can see it and feel it.

No. 465866

I struggle a lot with binging as well and finally want to reclaim control over my eating. Hopefully both of us can achieve the results we want. You got this, nonita! ♥

No. 465873


Are you working/desk job? I have a walking pad for “solid state cardio”, which I guess is what the gym bros are now calling any exercise that isn’t lifting or boosting your heart rate.

No. 465875

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>tfw you failed the weight loss resolution last year

No. 465909

We can do it nonnita. Remember that you are in control of your body and your thoughts don't have to dictate your actions. You got this.

No. 466096

There's always this year.

No. 466244

Buying a walking pad honestly changed the game for me, I was able to lose so much weight because of it. I no longer had the excuse of "oh it's raining outside" "i'm too tired for the gym" since it was right there. I highly recommend

No. 466266

my nails are breaking like crazy. they aren't even long. i just want to lose 10 pounds so i restricted my diet and i've got a gym membership. the nail thing makes me like an anachan, but i know i'm not.

No. 466270

You can do it this year nonna you got this

No. 466272

Good job nonny! I'm proud of you. I hope you reach your goal weight soon

No. 466273

>but it's like i had reverse body dismorphia and saw myself as skinnier than i am.
This isn't talked about enough kekkk I've seen so many women have a similar experience and I also experienced this. I didn't realize just how fat I had gotten until I saw pictures of myself taken by other people, like full-body shots. When I looked in the mirror or my phone camera I thought I looked okay, but seeing pictures of yourself taken by other people is the reality check

No. 466274

I think it's also angles. A lot of people tend to look at themselves from the front obviously, but people typically look thinner from the front than they do from the side. Once I saw myself properly from a side angle I was like damn…fat bitch kek

No. 466275

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You say reverse body dismorphia so maybe can't answer this but wouldn't you know by the fit of your clothing or just weighing yourself? Obviously not spandex/athleisure but dresses and jeans. I guess they would have to be high-waisted or not stretchy, some people can still achieve picrel. If my clothing still fits my body comfortably and my weight is the same but a person took a photo of me looking fat, I'm probably not going to worry the photo

No. 466277

NTA but I know for me, I don't wear tight clothes. I usually wear baggy clothes so it wasn't noticeable right away.

No. 466278

I gain and lose weight in my face first which is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because even a 1kg loss is visible in my face, but a curse because in reverse a 1kg gain is also immediately visible in my face. I gained around 4kg during the holidays and it's very visible. I kinda wish I gained weight elsewhere instead

No. 466279

>right away
Do you think you're aware on some level and avoiding those clothes? I can relate to looking bloated in a photo or letting my weight slip while I'm busy and not eating right but there would be so many instances where I would notice anything over 5lbs. This is probably the same thing my brain is doing when it comes to avoiding responsibilities for dumb online games so I'm just curious

No. 466280

You're definitely onto something. When I stop weighing myself I also usually avoid wearing my jeans, I guess it's a subconscious fear that the jeans will be too tight and I know they will be. Good point

No. 466284

Did any nonna go from doing intense cardio to decreasing cardio and replacing it with weightlifting? Last year I started exercising pretty intensively, but strictly only cardio (mostly running, sometimes using the stair master). I built up my endurance a lot and I can do a 10k with not much of a problem now, which used to be unfathomable for me. I lost around 7kg doing this.
But I've seen a lot of nonnas suggesting weightlifting instead of cardio and I was wondering if there are any added benefits to decreasing your cardio load and replacing it with strength training as opposed to only doing cardio? Especially when it comes to weight loss and staying fit. Any advice would be appreciated

No. 466291

have you used nail polish remover recently or been cleaning your house using chemicals/water without wearing gloves? because that will do it. it takes a long time for diet to affect your nails, basically think how long it would take a whole nail to grow (3-6 months) and that's how long you would have had to be on the new diet for it to maybe be the diet's fault

No. 466315

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i work a job that involves a lot of walking on the weekends and am a student during the week. i do have desk pedals for studying though, helps me concentrate too.

i wear a lot of dresses or stretchy, wide skirts… i did notice that my pants that used to be too big got quite snug but since i still looked okay in the mirror i felt it was okay. denial and delusion probably

No. 466514

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So I got an ab wheel and the first week of using it went fine. I couldn’t get much farther than the top photo in picrel but I could feel my abdominal muscles being engaged and was left with minor muscle soreness the next day so I figured I was doing something. But now when I get to that point, my lower back starts to hurt. Am I messing up my back with poor form? I’m pretty sure I’m keeping my back straight, but it’s hard to check since I’m by myself and don’t have a large mirror / can’t really film myself.
I read that doing ab exercises with weak core muscles can result in back injury but I don’t know how to strengthen my core without injuring my back if the pain starts as soon as I engage my abdominal muscles. Should I do other exercises to work up to using the ab wheel?

No. 467026

Any advice on encouraging muscular atrophy? My traps are huge, it’s been 3 years since I’ve taken a break from training upper body but they still haven’t gone back to baseline

No. 467151


I have one at work and one at home. Zero other changes in my exercise routine or diet and I dropped 15 lbs in 2024. Mind you I had all my blood panels tested this last year too and have normal levels of everything, and sometimes that’s the issue for folks trying to lose weight.

Dead bug/leg lifts/toe taps. Anything that makes you push your back into the floor while engaging your core and you can actually feel the feedback of your back touching something.

No. 467586

Form is important but in the beginning you will feel pain in muscles that haven't been trained before like the psoas etc. Just try to do less reps for a while and don't roll out too far and do that every day. You can start with a cat back if that helps you keep your hips aligned

No. 467605

How can I lose gut and love handles fat quickly? In like 2 weeks. Also, fat around the armpits.

No. 467607

drink a lot of water, reduce sodium, take apple cider vinegar, eat whole foods only and go on a lot of walks.

No. 467624

Track calories and intermittent fasting, avoid snacking

No. 467626

you can also try eating every second day or have a 3 day fast to kickstart. One meal a day can also be good but it's possible to overeat

No. 467629

Thansk for the tips. Unfortunately, I'm prone to decreasing blood sugar when I stay hungry for prolonged times, and end up throwing up and dizzy, so I can't really fast even if I wanted to. I guess I'll try avoiding snacks though. I think I'm already in a calorie deficit because I eat 2 meals only but I snack in between them to be able to have 2 meals only to begin with. Are there any exercises that burn the fat in the areas I mentioned quickly? I know that I need to lift weights and exercise my whole body for the stomach to actually lose fat. I found an old table I can use as a weight, since I can't buy gym gear at the moment.

No. 467643

>I'm prone to decreasing blood sugar when I stay hungry for prolonged times, and end up throwing up and dizzy
Everyone's blood sugar levels decrease when they don't eat. This just means your normal blood sugar levels are not correct and this could be a symptom of developing illness or your diet is incorrect causing blood glucose level spikes and, surprisingly, fasting will correct that even if you feel dizzy at first. Everyone experiences this to some degree in the first hours of fasting, but it goes away when your body adjusts. Fasting has extreme benefits for the body and there are no reasons not to do it unless the person is extremely underweight.

>I eat 2 meals only but I snack in between them to be able to have 2 meals only to begin with

this is probably the cause. You probably have elevated sugar levels throughout the day because of snacking so you're not exactly eating two meals.

Unfortunately you can't easily spot reduce fat unless you do some cosmetic procedure like cryolypolisis or lyposuction

No. 467644

No. 467645

I struggled with this too, but my body slowly adjusted. Now I can go about my day without any hunger cues when fasting and have even more energy.
Weight lifting is a great thing and keeps yours bones strong too. For visceral fat you could incorporate HIIT. But those are intense and sometimes can increase your appetite

No. 467679

I'm not underweight but I'm almost there, BMI 18.7. I have chronic anemia and vitamin D deficiency. I do take vitamin supplements but it doesn't work. doesn't help that I have parasites for over 5 or 6 years now along with IBS
Thanks, I'll try those exercises and eating more protein and fiber.

No. 467684

You're almost underweight but you're asking how to lose more fat? At this bmi the only thing you can do to look better is put on muscle.

No. 467701

the other nona is right. if you're seeing love handles at this BMI then you are out of shape and need to turn more of your body into muscle.

No. 467712

not eating meat or animal products fixed my ibs permanently so maybe consider that

No. 467726

Yeah guess that's the answer after all. Thanks for your help.
I did try being plant based for a while and I did see a change, but my anemia and vitamin D deficiency get in the way unfortunately. I need calcium, iron, omega 3 and vitamin D to avoid my knee tendinitis coming back. Taking the supplements and adjusting my diet accordingly has helped a lot and now my knees don't hurt anymore. But I need to keep it up so it never comes back. Whenever I slack on it, the pain comes back. I also find walking and dancing very helpful. But none of these help with my oversleeping, dizziness and constant headaches. I'm afraid of under-eating and fasting because of these symptoms.

No. 467766

What you need is to put on muscle to shape your body, not lose more weight. Although working out might be difficult with anemia.

No. 467799

Any nona have success with quitting sugar and snacks cold turkey? I find I can't seem to eat snacks in moderation, one chocolate always leads to me wanting to eat more, so maybe cutting it all out is the answer, no matter how hard that may be

No. 467810

The only thing that worked for me was the reverse. Instead of focusing on eating fewer unhealthy things, I focus on getting more vegetables and fiber in first. I don't technically restrict myself from eating junk food, I just don't find myself craving it often after I've already snacked on carrots or cucumbers throughout the day. I've quit sugar cold turkey before, but I'd always give in after a few weeks or months on a special occasion and once that happened I'd completely swing to the other side of the extreme.

No. 467828

That's interesting, thanks for sharing your experience. I hope I can practice moderation like that some day

No. 467902

it will actually improve the anemia though

This is a symptom, not something that just happens on its own. Find and fix the cause and you will not eat as much.

No. 468045

When I was anemic my family doctor warned me against any excersise more strenuous than walking because the heart is already not receiving enough oxygen. I was severely anemic though + iron deficient, maybe that made the difference.

No. 468329

well everything should be dealt on a case-to-case basis, but in most cases sitting and continuing the current lifestyle will not improve current health issues because it caused the issues.

No. 468450

I need your help, nonnas. I've started a new job that's a mid shift and starts at 11:30 and I don't get out until 8. Previously I was able to keep to a strict 16:8 intermittent fasting schedule and eat at noon and stop eating for the day at 8. I chose this since it fell in line with my typical eating (I get hungry around 11am and stop getting hungry around 9)
I can't do that anymore because I don't have a full hour lunch anymore either, so I don't have time to do a large meal to make the end of the day at 8 worth while. It's also hard for me to shift my first meal/start of calories to 2-3pm to match how my eating aligned with work from before, I start getting shaky much before that.
Any suggestions how to make this work on a time table shift? I like IF and I don't want to stop it.

No. 468482

Bad advice, exercising is not going to help with anemia and can even make it worse. She should not be putting strain on her body like that. Anemia = less oxygen throughout the body, leading to more strain on the heart. She needs to fix her anemia first and then she can focus on putting on muscle mass.

No. 468650

how about soup for lunch? it fills the stomach more, fast to eat, and packed with nutrition depending on the type.

No. 469024

How often should I do weight check-ins? I used to do it daily and became obsessive/demotivated at the slightest things. Is once a week better?

No. 469035

Yeah, once a week is the best way. Then compare weaks and months to see if there's any improvement.

No. 469067

Thanks nonna. I'll keep checking local places that have daily homemade soups, pick my faves, and keep them in the freezer in single serve containers. I could also probably slice some baguettes to single serves and pack them as well.
Hopefully I can eat it at my desk too.

No. 469072

Thanks nonna. I'll keep checking local places that have daily homemade soups, pick my faves, and keep them in the freezer in single serve containers. I could also probably slice some baguettes to single serves and pack them as well.
Hopefully I can eat it at my desk too.

No. 469073

Has any nonny been on any weight loss injections like wegovy, ozempic, saxenda…? Where I live beauty clinics will sell it to anyone as long as you're willing to pay. Wegovy is pretty expensive, I think around 450usd and Saxenda is a bit cheaper, around 150usd per pen. I'm not obese, around BMI 26 but I really struggle with food noise and binging. I'm able to keep the weight down a bit because I exercise like crazy. I want to just go on about my day and not constantly fight binging urges.
I know this is a quick fix and once you get off it you still have to fight your urges, but I want to at least try it. I've gotten a weight loss prescription before, but it was for phentermine and I didn't like how it made me feel (racing heart, mood swings etc…).
Do you think these injections are worth the price? Any good or bad personal experiences?

No. 469088

You could try contrave. It's naltrexone for reducing dopamine release and bupropion as an anti depressant to counter the loss of dopamine release lol. I'm scared of the gastroparesis from glp-1 drugs so I tried "poor man's contrave" which is just naltrexone and bupropion perscriptions on their own so insurance will cover it. It's really helped. Has also helped with other "addictions" like my internet addiction.

No. 469097

ntayrt, but why and how did you get on naltroxene? i'm on higher end of healthy weight range (chubby), prediabetic, and struggle with eating so much sugar.

No. 469101

exercise increases red blood cell production and hemoglobin levels????

No. 469120

Trying to come up with the right way to explain to my doctor that I need pharmaceutical support with weight loss. I mean, they have all my charts and weights already but I always get brushed off with "Oh, just diet and exercise" without any real direction on what to eat or what exercises are safe/appropriate for me. I want to make sure that I'm not going to hurt myself further by eating poorly or injuring myself, and I trust a doctor over some random internet article or generic search term they give me. I think that medication could really be helpful in my case because I have a lot of inhibiting factors, health wise, that impact my ability to work out specifically (anemia, prior injuries). Getting down to a lower weight with meds and dieting before adding in intense exercise would be ideal, in my opinion…

No. 469133

>Oh, just diet and exercise" without any real direction on what to eat or what exercises are safe/appropriate for me. I want to make sure that I'm not going to hurt myself further by eating poorly or injuring myself, and I trust a doctor over some random internet article or generic search term they give me
By your own words what you need is a referral to see a dietitian.

No. 469135

>Getting down to a lower weight with meds and dieting before adding in intense exercise would be ideal, in my opinion…
no because you will lose muscle mass. Increasing muscle mass should be in your priorities because it raises resting metabolism which means you burn more calories even when you are not physically active…

No. 469137

also ozempic makes you look old and you will probably get fat again after you stop taking it

No. 469141

I told my pcp that I struggled with binge eating. But my pcp is cool and usually helpful. She also let me change my hypothyroid meds to something that actually works.
For yours that is against prescribing it, I'd really focus on describing your food noise and how difficult it makes eating healthy for you.

No. 469506

Useful video but a hard to swallow pill.

No. 469525

That lady is very obviously on t nonny

No. 469537

Yeah, I could tell from her face and body, but the tips she gives are still useful I think.

No. 469538

I wish people would stop saying this about women who have worked out for years. She as videos from more than 7 years ago where she is also fit, so in that 7 years she has obviously been working out and building muscle. It's not completely impossible for women to build muscle and I'm tired of everyone just going oh she's on testosterone. Her muscle growth is not unusually fast, she has no changes in her voice, she's not unreasonably considering the time that she has been working out. Like stop saying this kind of stupid shit. It's dumb as hell to think that women cannot build any kind of muscle and have to be delicate little flowers and every single one that isn't is obviously on testosterone. Even anavar results in voice changes, which she doesn't have.

No. 469547

>Her muscle growth is not unusually fast
Testosterone, not steroids lmfao
Maybe stop being naive, she obviously looks like she is on testosterone. Maintaining this low fat percentage and high muscle volume is impossible for women naturally, you can also see it on her face. Stop defending people making bank on unnatural physique scamming jfc you sound like you'll just eat up any kind of scam as long as a woman is selling it

No. 469595

Testosterone is a steroid. You’re just a baiting retard. For other nonnies reading the diet advice is good, she’s not selling you anything. Low fat, high protein, carbs for recovery. You can’t skip working on your diet.

No. 470456

Has anyone tried Keto Diet pills?

No. 471794

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I know this is going to sound minor to everyone else but fuck it. I've eaten sugar every single day for (at least) the last 3 years. Literally every single day, because I've also spent every day wishing I could stop already but sugar addiction completely had me taken over. It's been so embarrassing and shameful to admit that I have an addiction, or an eating disorder, or whatever you want to call it. I naturally gained a lot of weight.

Yesterday was the first day I didn't have ANY sugar in any form. It's now evening and I haven't had anything today either. I've made it almost 2 full days without any sugar! I actually feel like crying happy tears. I know it's super short for normal people but this is literally the longest I've gone without sugar in 3 whole years so it's big to me. God I hope I can keep it up!

No. 471800

I'm so proud of you Nonna ♥

No. 471814

You are going to have terrible withdrawal but congrats ♥

No. 471832

thank you ♥
thanks to you too kek ♥
Withdrawal has always been the issue before, it's why I couldn't go a single day without sugar. Strangely I just feel fine right now, no idea if it will last and it's almost freaky not feeling the constant pull for it. In this moment I feel happy and free, it's such an amazing feeling!

No. 471842

Proud of you nona! Had a sugar addiction just like you and now i can't even put it in my coffee because i hate how it tastes a lot of the time. Keep pushing!

No. 471854

I'm so happy for you, nona!
A little reassurance: You can definitely keep going, and it's not always horrible withdrawals.
I formed a sugar addiction where I would get headaches and sweat if I didn't eat for a few hours and eventually become confused and ravenous.
In June, I went away for a few weeks and was so busy I ended up eating one solid meal per day without any desserts. I literally lost the headaches and cravings for sugar. Last week, I ate something pretty mild (strawberries and whipped cream on choux) and didn't even finish it.
Caveat: I do technically still eat sugar, just nothing where it's specifically added to be very sweet. I can taste the sweetness in things like plain yogurt, fruit, tea, cheese, jam, etc. now.

No. 471886

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Hard to believe, but this is a 60 lbs weight loss after gym for muscle mass and cardio.
Spoilered because

No. 471888

Wow, amazing!

No. 472156

been doing IF and 1100-1200 calories (I'm 160cm) and lost 4 kilograms in 2 weeks. obviously most of this is probably water weight but im happy to be back on track. my biggest fear is going to the gym and i have crippling social anxiety but i put some money aside for a 6 month membership and will be going once i submit my uni work. its very nerve wracking but im straying further and further away from a black and white mindset and closer to accepting that this process is not linear and that my weight will fluctuate and to prioritize the long term outcomes over the short term/immediate ones.

No. 472163

Dana?(hi cow)

No. 472299

Jesus. And why does picture two look like it's cropped from some onlyfans shoot? weird colorful lighting. Very strange vibes from this post.

No. 472418

Wow 4kg in 2 weeks is great! Congrats nonny

No. 472420

Does any other nonny manage their mental illness symptoms through exercise?
I feel like I discovered the cheat code to fighting depression when I started running, I would feel so euphoric and happy to be alive for hours after finishing an intense running session. But since new years I decided to try to cut down on running and focus more on eating a healthier diet, because doing so much cardio was making me hungrier and crave unhealthy things.
I haven't gone on a run yet in 2025 and I've just been walking a lot, up to 30k steps a day, but it doesn't hit the same at all. I know everyone says if you feel sad you should go out on a walk but walks have barely any effect on my mood. Maybe a little, but nothing compared to intense cardio.
Anyway, since I stopped running I've been feeling low and depressed, which sucks. I've just had this feeling of hopelessness and dread, like life has no meaning. I'm thinking of just scratching my whole plan about not running long distances and go back to what I was doing before. The problem is that I was noticing it was taking a toll on my body physically (my knees and ankles would hurt, I was also really tired for the whole day after my runs).
Ideally, I would just stop exercising all together and only aim for the generic 10k steps a day, but I feel like I can't afford to do it because cardio is like my personal form of an anti-depressant that I can't skip kek

No. 472441

Yes, Reiinapop used to run and go rollerblading as a form of self-harm and was getting too skinny because she over-exercised, then she became the opposite like 300 lbs in 5 years. She's losing weight healthily now

No. 472601

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Also of note, Reiinapop is a rare case of a skinny girl turning very fat for a while and then deciding to go into powerlifting losing weight in the process. Interesting

No. 472618

It sounds like you need better running equipment and prep. Better shoes. More time stretching before and after. I'm not an expert so I can only advise you to research the best ways to minimize damage from running. And if you were having unhealthy food cravings… just build your willpower. You can run AND eat well. I know you can nonny. It's okay to be depressed. You got out of it before and you'll get out of it again. I believe in you

No. 472628

Running and other forms of moderate- to high-intensity cardio are very effective and well-known treatments for depression. A walk really isn't the same.
You were probably craving junk food because you weren't eating enough calories, which would also make you tired all day after running. Eat as much healthy food as you want, and don't skimp on protein. Also strength train (body weight exercises are fine, there's lots of more challenging variations of exercises if you need them). That will help the pain and tiredness as well.
>Ideally, I would just stop exercising all together and only aim for the generic 10k steps a day
Terrible idea. 10k is the minimum for basic movement, it isn't enough for your health in many other ways. It won't protect your bone health the way running does, for example.

No. 472756

thank you nonny ♥#

No. 474280

Hi nonnies, how do you exercise when you're in your period? Thankfully I don't have painful cramps or a heavy flood but I want to keep my energy, so I'm just planning to follow a chill pilates routine and maybe a walk if I have time
Absolutely, it's all amazing brain chemistry. Personally, regular exercise (especially outdoors) it's a huge mood stabilizer for me, which is great for my stress and anxiety. And the endorphins after a workout make me feel more confident, relaxed and at ease to do things, it puts me on a good mood

No. 474291

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I'm 5'2, been solidly at 145 lbs for the last year and been lifting for about 2 years. Most of it is muscle and I like how I'm looking, but I'm still kind of squishy around my midsection. My goal is to tone my arms and lose a few inches around my natural waist (about 2-3 inches), I want to fit into old Moi Meme Moitie.

No. 474349

>Terrible idea. 10k is the minimum for basic movement, it isn't enough for your health in many other ways.
wrong, 10k is some arbitrary number some japanese company made up to sell step trackers. studies show that even as little as 4k steps is enough for the average person, any extra steps are good though. also brisk walking is perfectly fine while running is bad for your joints, especially the knees and ankles. you sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.

No. 474429

I had double mastectomy, and now my belly looks like a beer belly, and I have two overhanging back fat 'dog ears' that I need to get removed with revision
I always struggled with losing weight, healthy food is expensive where I live and I'm unemployed, so money's tight
I don't wanna go ana-chan, fuck that
I feel like I can't ever stick to calorie counting properly, and sweets, chips, takeout, soda is my abusive love hate thing… auuughhh…

No. 474465

I wanna go to the gym, but I also don't wanna cause it'll be crowded. I'm not even going to complain about the people who pop up on january 1st, the gym rats who somehow take forever on the same machine are way worse.

No. 474481

you could try doing ddr at home? ik it's a random thing to say, but I heard that dance mats are cheap, you can hook them up to your pc with a ps2 ddr emulator, boom… fun exercise

No. 474487

Nonnies should I use dating apps at my current weight? I'm 166cm and about 67kg so a bit overweight. I keep telling myself I should lose more before trying to date, but idk they'd still be moids so the large majority of them are trash and maybe there's no point in waiting.

No. 474498

have you ever actually used those cheap mats?
They fucking suck.

No. 474499

Nona as someone who was 200 lbs at 5’6, I used dating apps and soooo many guys just grey rocked me when I showed up to dates or they were kind and nice because they were trying to have sex on the first date, but then later ghosted or blocked me after because I didn’t give in. I only found a worthwhile moid when I was 135 lbs.
Anyway I dunno kg so Idk if you were as big as me, but I can generally say it’s an awful experience and a waste of time since all the moids suck and are rude on dating apps

No. 474511

I’m trying to get into running but I’m so unfit for cardio, I feel my heart doing cartwheels and double beats. I just want to get into running for my heart health and so I can eat tasty korean bbq and French fries. I recently found out a SINGLE pork belly slice is 300-500 calories with (on average) 20g of fat and I eat 6 of those every month sobs

So far I’ve been warming myself up by walking/running 5 km everyday, with running for like 5 mins straight every 20 mins (pathetic I know)

On some days when I feel spent from weightlifting too much I walk 10 km at 3.5mph

My goal is to run 5 km everyday so I can eat bad food and not worry about heart disease, although idk if 5 km will be enough for that, maybe 10 km will be better for my heart and bad eating habits. Med nonas or cardio bunny nonas, got any advice on this one?

I had the same problem and even worse when it’s a smaller gym and you’re forced to interact with people (people asking when you’re done with the treadmill or equipment, for example)

If you make a routine of it and keep going daily, it becomes a habit and second nature, and soon you’ll just be an automaton and let your mind drift off into space (disassociate from your surroundings). Also I’ve been creative and learned new exercises to target muscle groups if the equipment I need is in use and hogged (squat racks at my gym are very few and people spend 2h on them)

I only put up with my small tiny crowded gym because it’s free for me

No. 474790

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A reliable way to enter the fat burning zone is counting heart beats and in general it's accepted that any movement (jogging/running/fas walking/swimming/bicycle) that raises your heart rate above 110 BPM (generally) for at least 20-30 minutes is good movement for starting to burn body fat reserves. If you want good and relatively steady results, you need to up your cardio to a hour a day, three to five days a week, and also add some weight lifting routine, plus a decent "style of eating" conducive to regular fat loss and weight maintenance (I don't want to use the word "diet")

No. 474793

>I just want to get into running for my heart health and so I can eat tasty korean bbq and French fries
Yeah Maria Alive does this and is a gym rat with a beer-ish belly and bubble butt. What are your actual goals here?

No. 474812

I've been working out consistently for about a month now and I've stopped getting sore muscles. Does that mean that my workouts are getting too easy or is that just normal?

No. 474897

kek what the fuck is this thread, is this a scrote? why are fat fetish content ewhores constantly posted lately

No. 474899

It doesn't necessarily mean that your workouts are too easy but I would try to slowly add in more challenge. Is your goal muscle building or weight loss?

No. 474951

>I had double mastectomy, and now my belly looks like a beer belly
How are those things related? Anyway start walking every day and eat better
Cut the soda out or switch to diet soda

No. 474994

bc of the proportion change lol
I already drink diet soda, should honestly drink more water though..

No. 475043

>Is your goal muscle building or weight loss?
I'm just working out for health reasons, trying to feel better about myself and make chores easier. I was really out of shape and getting winded easily and not being able to carry groceries and stuff up stairs was embarrassing.

No. 475053

I'm 158cm and 82kg (5'2 and 180lbs in freedom units)…I wanna be around 60-65kg, wish me luck nonnas!
I feel like discipline is my worst enemy. With a lot of shit going on in life, and seeking comfort in snacks, I find it really difficult to consistently count calories.
I always get so insecure in changing rooms and seethe when I see cutecore girlies wearing pretty outfits and showing off their cute, slim bodies on tiktok..

No. 475212

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>Current state and goals
5'2 (157.5 cm) and 150 lbs (68kg), I'm trying to lose 25 lbs (~11kg)
I've been going on walks for a minimum of 20 minutes upwards of an hour every day. I've been eating my caloric deficit at a minimum of 1,200 cals and a maximum of 1,694 calories, but I typically maintain my calories to be between 1,200 to 1,450.
I decided that in order to achieve my goals this year, I'll try to lose 5 lbs by the end of every other month, so I retain some of the eating habits instead of quickly losing it and regaining it all back just as fast. By October I'm expected to reach my goal.
I'm not expecting to go crazy with exercise, as I gained all of this weight by being inactive. I'm trying to stay realistic and make my goals attainable for myself. Maybe in the future I can try to do more exercises but for now I'm going to be sticking with my $100 treadmill. The current hurdle I'm facing is that I always go to bed pretty hungry, and I don't know if I should be eating later or earlier, or if I should just be eating more in general.
If anyone in this thread wants to find out their calorie deficit here's the website I used. https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html

No. 475300

I'm trying to get fit with my boyfriend to keep me going, but it's so demoralising.
>rigidly adhere to diet that leaves me miserable
>lose 0.5kg/week
>bf just ignores his hunger and eats one unrestricted meal a day
>loses 1.5kg/week
>run daily and barely make progress while ending every session exhausted
>bf keeps beating his PB in lifts while also running with me and finishing barely out of breath
>losing weight makes my pockets of fat more noticeable and the fit of my clothes hideous
>bf's fat evenly distributes across his entire body so he looks better and better while just tucking his shirts in to compensate
>after losing 6kg without telling anyone, my family tells me I should lose weight because I look like I've gained weight recently
>everyone tells my bf how much fitter and more handsome he looks and he gets hit on in public
I'm not stopping, but it sucks.

No. 475318

Reporting back that I've been doing better with my caloric intake these past couple of weeks. I managed to 'negotiate' a deal with myself where I do still eat sweets but I've made the portion size a lot smaller. Feels nice being more in control when I go the store
I still get way too many extra calories from drinking soda too often. It's been my vice for such a long time and I should cut back on it. Maybe I'll make another deal kek

No. 475896

Are there any good remedies for exhaustion mid-workout?

No. 475897

Carb-loading pre-workout. Or if you can optimize it in such a way, simply have your most carb heavy meal of the day before you go to the gym

No. 475905

For context, I mostly do strength training, high load, low reps. It seems carb loading is for runners/cyclists? Do I still apply?

No. 475909

Try drinking electrolyte water before and during work outs.

No. 475945

SODA BAD! Drink plain still water or sparkling water if you crave the bubbles

No. 476227

Fuel up before working out by eating a meal 30-60 minutes before. You could also eat just a bit of salt for easy fast electrolytes I think, it works for me. Obvs too much sodium is bad for anyone, but ymmv

No. 476605

I've heard taking magnesium supplements will help with PCOS symptoms, have any nonnies seen any progress with that? I bought some magnesium and I kinda stopped because I'm certain it gave me extremely uncomfortable and vivid dreams, but maybe it's due to a bunch of other stuff (the air has been really dry so I've been dehydrated as fuck) also, not sure if stopping magnesium attributed to my water retention going out of wack, but I literally gained like 10lbs of water weight in 2 days because it's been so dry as well. Thankfully, it went away, but I had a day where I legit thought I was experiencing a blood clot in my leg.
I've been going to the gym, working on my core and my arms. My upper arms have like no muscle on them, when is a struggle since my legs are just massively toned. I walk like 12k steps on weekdays due to my work.
Currently, I'm 186lbs, I weighed myself as 184 about a week ago before the big water retention saga. I've been soupmaxxing too, unsure if that might contribute to it, but I guess it could be from just muscle building. Either way, the number doesn't bother me too much because I do notice my figure looking way more tone in the mirror. I do at some point want to hit 165lbs. I have a couple clothes I don't fit in at the moment, but have kept on hand for 3 years when I weighed that much.
I've also started to eat more nutritious foods. Been sprinkling nutritional yeast flakes in my breakfast of greek yogurt, mixed nuts, and berries. Trying to get more vitamin A in for skincare sake.
I started putting adapalene gel on my face to help with acne. I get milk spots around my eyes that people think are freckles. My skin is a combination of oily with a bit of fungal acne too. Grapeseed oil has helped just keep my face from producing too much oil around my T area.
I think I'm on the right track! I'm about to try going dairy free and slowly try gluten free, or keep it low gluten if there's no difference.

No. 476629

I've gone down from 75kg to 72kg since the start of the year. Which isn't a lot, but now I'm out of the obese category and in the overweight one instead.
My birthday is next month and I hope to be in the 60kg range in time for it, even if it's 69kg.

No. 476631

I have been taking magnesium for over a year with no real changes except maybe less muscle pain all over and lighter cramps during my period. MAYBE. I take metformin for my PCOS and it apparently blocks absorption of magnesium. I don't know if you take meds for your PCOS but I thought it might be relevant incase you are. (The meds did help me keep my weight down about 20 lbs without really cutting calories.)

No. 476632

Wow, congrats! That's a big change in just 25 days.

No. 476660

I don't take any meds, so maybe it may have some better effects. Less cramping sounds wonderful, too. I mostly want to see if magnesium could help with the insulin resistance. I guess I'll try again at a lower dosage and gradually work my way up.

No. 476941

good luck fellow egl nonny, i'm currently dieting to fit into my old AP (that i used to fit into a few years ago).

No. 477397

I know it's not the end of January yet but here are my stats for January.
Starting weight: 97.1kg
Current weight: 95.9kg

The actual interesting part:
Starting bodyfat percentage: 48.9%
Current bodyfat percentage: 47.3%
Starting muscle percentage: 23.1%
Current muscle percentage: 24%

I know I've got a long way to go but using the fancy scales really gave me a fresh insight into what I'm doing. I really liked that I gained some muscle…I'm still fat but I already feel like I look better just from putting on some muscle or maybe it's just all the endorphines from working out in my head making me happy. Kek. I love strength training and getting stronger. I find it interesting that I gained muscle in a calorie deficit but I'm also an absolute beginner and try to eat 100g of protein a day.

No. 477433

I'm 5'6'' and 155lbs right now.
I want to lose at least 20lbs, right now it's really concentrated on my midsection after I had a baby and it's so hard to find clothes that fit.
Posting to try and give myself some accountability, will be trying to do some at home pilates every day to start. I'm pretty weak as it is unfortunately, I used to just be effortlessly skinny and never bothered with anything.

No. 477463

Nona I’m super late but look into exercises for upper cross and lower cross syndrome.

No. 477478

This helped so much, thank you nonna

No. 477650

Any nonas incorporate whey protein into their diet? I am trying to bulk up and get as much muscle as possible before going on a meat and veggie only diet in the summer months . I want to look lean and muscular with visible abs and biceps.

It’s my first time eating whey protein and by god why is it so tasty??? I literally don’t want to eat an ice cream sundae ever again. I’ve only been adding it to my yogurt and smoothies so far, but want to try making brownies and pancakes. Anyone have whey protein powder recipe recommendations to stop me from eating unhealthy desserts?

Also, what are your guys’s favourite flavours? I’ve only had vanilla so far, but I bought birthday cake and chocolate (whey protein was on sale kek)

No. 477665

I have a bmi of 37 right now and considering medical help, I have no healthy work-life balance so after 10+ years on the job I'm worn out. I can't imagine living life like this till I'm a pensioner.

No. 477674

I don't eat enough protein powder to have a favourite, but protein products in general have gotten so delicious and make great desserts. Anything peanut butter + chocolate is god tier, the Quest version of Reese's pieces is just as good as the real thing imo. Protein yoghurts are great too, I've been getting one with chocolate sauce in it to have with berries and it's basically like a yoghurty fondue.

Of course you should get medical help, and you should also consider finding a new job with better work/life balance. Health should be prioritized above money unless you're on the verge of poverty imo, it's pointless to be well off but physically unable to enjoy it.

No. 477892

I've lost 10 kg in 3 months just by eating salads with most of my meals, intermittent fasting for one month, and going to the gym about once a week. It feels way less impossible to reach my weight goal now, and I've taken a liking to cooking and exercising too. I'm so proud of myself!
Next I need to get over my sugar cravings. I'll start with making my own sweets at home and sweetening them with honey rather than sugar. I found this recipe on instagram that's basically just carrot puree with chocolate in it, its surprisingly good with dark unsweetened chocolate and honey.

No. 477940

Thanks! I hope you do to if you are aiming for a goal as well.

I've stuck with it, I've lost 1 stone/6.35kg so far, I feel great. I started trying on old clothes that I was too self-conscious to wear, now they fit perfectly and look so nice. I am starting to struggle a bit with my lower daily calories but I think that's just something I need to try a bit harder on.

No. 477950

Congrats nonna, I am proud of you!

No. 477951

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Starting at home can be a great way! I’d even suggest a small cyclette , you can do it while watching tv too nonna. Have some grace for yourself and be patient.

No. 478112

Favorite work out equipment to use at home? I've seen those threadmills that fit under the couch but idk if they are worth it.

No. 478185

I fully intend to buy a step master, maybe will have to settle for the tiny ones and not an actual rotating staircase

No. 478476

Starting weight: 127 lbs
Goal weight: 115 lbs

It's a small amount but losing a little weight is just part of my plan to eat healthier. Less snacking, more actual meals, less sugar, more nutrition. I've made a paper graph to track my weight progress. Maybe I'll post the finished graph in a couple of months once I've hit the goal.

No. 478987

Is there a way to stop being skinny fat at home? I don't want to go to a gym without saving up for a trainer first plus I'd like to get at least a little fitter on my own first because it feels embarrassing.
I have some very light dumbbells at home.

No. 479083

I would try to walk at least 30-60mins everyday or jog that amount of time. Look up Pilates and ab/leg/arm exercises on youtube and follow along. They usually use only a yoga mat and small dumbbells, especially if you include “minimal equipment” or “no equipment” in your YT search .
When I was out of shape, I really liked Yoga with Adrien. Holding certain poses really strengthened my core

No. 479108

Update: I somehow lost 5 pounds already, so I'm a bit ahead.

No. 479129

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Going towards BMI 22 by the end of this year!

No. 479154

been doing powerlifting for 6 months and just got over 1x bodyweight bench (65 kg) and 2x bodyweight deadlift (125 kg). i don't really have anyone to tell it to, so i'm posting it here, i'm super happy about it

No. 479169

Congrats and good luck going forward nonas!

No. 479175

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I’m this nonny and I’ve officially lost 61.6 lbs in a year. I feel better being 155 lbs vs. 217 lbs…but I’m back to eating crap hehe. Im looking to lift weights and eat more protein snacks and getting back to eating as much fiber as I did when I first started to lose weight.
>so now my focus is lifting weight vs solely dieting. And mobility/stretching
I am proud of myself. People are amazed too lol. Keep it at nonnies its worth it.

No. 479228

Wow, amazing progress. Congratulations!

No. 479248

You’re going to be my inspiration anon. That’s incredible!

No. 479518

DAE get withdrawal symptoms from not exercising enough? I love cycling but if I go more than 2 days without doing it I get really bad anxiety/depressed. Am I just going to have to cycle enough that it doesn't start up or is this an underlying issue others have had?

No. 479531

I get exercise withdrawals too. I gaslit myself into believing that once younpush past the "I'll do it later" phase, it becomes an ingrained habit your body prefers.

No. 479534

Do you get enough sunlight and fresh air on days you don't cycle?
I find that it's primarily the lack of these that dampens my mood when I'm not roller skating, and less the lack of actual exercise

No. 479574

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How to achieve this?

No. 479582

Ia trying to develop a anorexia good idea

No. 479589

you already know the answer to that anon

No. 479596

You kind of need to already have the proportions, if you don't have them, regardless of your size, it will be impossible.
Isn't that a pear body? Or is that a hourglass? So if she's a pear, then her body is smaller on top and she has a small waist but big hips, if she's a hourglass then she just has a small waist and big shoulders + hips.
Maybe try measuring yourself before thinking about a specific body type, if your measurements are really similar on the top and hips, but significantly small on the waist, then you're a hourglass and so on.
IE. I'm a hourglass, my measurements are always the same on my hips and shoulders, and at least 20cms less on the waist, it doesn't matter if my measurements are huge like 120 cms for my hips and shoulders, my waist will always be 20 cms less.
Then the other thing to consider is whether your family has any one that looks similar to that picture or not, sometimes just because you're a hourglass it doesn't mean you will get the shape of another hourglass woman after eating healthy and doing exercise. If you're tall and your family is very tall, or if your torso is longer or shorter than the Pic's torso and so on, then you won't look exactly like the woman in that picture.
And some women can have it harder to lose fat because of medical conditions and so on.
Sorry for the autism.

No. 479597

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>If you're tall
Do short women exist with an "hourglass figure"?
This picrel looks like my ex (a male) after he trooned out, especially with all the veins popping out. To each their own but I can never unsee "femboys" who have this exact body type

also jannies I am not "troonfoiling" with picrel but being realistic that tall males often have huge hips/pelvises and an "hour glass figure", we just don't see or notice it because they're not emaciated and dressed in female clothing

No. 479600

Idk, nonna, people consider me "tall" for a woman, but I have a hourglass figure. I guess it depends on how tall is too tall for when it comes to actual women.
I honestly haven't seen moids with "hourglass" figures, I do have a cousin with crazy wide hips for a moid, but they're still moid hips. My tinfoil with that picture is that maybe it was photoshoped.

No. 479602

I think this is sort of a nice benefit to being tall? The hourglass figure looks really well-balanced but wide hips and shoulders on a short woman could look really boxy since there wouldn't be enough torso space for the waist to taper in naturally
This seems likely

No. 479633

Genetics, height and an BMI below 19

No. 479662

Why would you want to look like a penis?

No. 479673

I don't understand the obsession with this pic. Like I also want to be skinny but this is just an anna. Why would you aspire this.

No. 479692

My current weight is 215lbs, goal is to get to 180lbs in one year. I know I can lose more but currently my eating habits are awful.

I hardly eat and when I do, I am so hungry and binge. I can go three days without food but on the fourth day im craving sugar and salty foods.

I do not know how to get out of this habit, I tried meal prepping but I hate eating the same foods over and over again and also due to my lack of hunger makes it hard. I literally can go days without feeling hungry, I just drink cofffee and water until I am hungry.

I am thinking of forcing myself to eat an egg or two in the morning but it is hard, what should I do?

No. 479694

Yes! But they are short so it's probably less dramatic, visually. I used to have one. Now I do not kek

No. 479715

Yeah, you need to find something tolerably neutral. Three days without food sounds crazy! If you lack hunger and hate eating the same foods over and over again, maybe that's a good thing because you can force yourself to put up with something easy and healthy. I like veggie steam packets.

No. 479727

Not eating regularly can put your body into a starvation state, essentially where it forces you to eat and the food turns into excess fat on your body, only worsening your problem. Don't have any shame for getting frozen meals of a wide variety, and also stock up on different kinds of healthy snacks you can eat throughout the day. You don't have to eat in the morning if you don't want to, but when you drink coffee or water give yourself a meal to go along with it. Good luck anon!
Photoshop, maybe ai.
reposted for mistake lol

No. 479762

Suck your belly in and arch your back. I have a mildly protruding stomach and a slightly above healthy level of fat, but if I stretch myself out like that my ribs are exposed.

No. 479763

I agree, the long periods of time without food is most likely the problem. Your body constantly thinks it's starving so it saves up fat whenever it gets a hold of it. Eating consistently will likely help you out a great deal.

No. 479764

The veins below the navel being so veiny doesn’t look healthy. She looks extremely dehydrated. This is obviously stupid advice but it’s easy to look thinner when you’re already thin by not drinking water.

No. 479767

Have any nonas had success pushing past the second half of their weightloss journey? I feel like the first 30 pounds practically flew off and now I'm really struggling with my lowered TDEE. I'm currently 5'7 and want to get to 125 lbs. I've been fluctating between 154 and 150 for an entire two months. I think I HAVE to begin regularly counting calories, which kind of sucks because it stresses me out and makes me not want to eat at all (which I guess could be a good thing but…). I'm considering just skipping breakfast or lunch and incorporating a lot of vegetables back into my diet. I've gotten too comfortable and started eating bread again. Ugh

No. 479768

i'm so pissed off i am losing weight slowly, starting at 145 now at 110lb after like a year and a half but when you lose this slowly it's like a never ending battle of having no pants that fit you.
>pants don't fit
>go look for new pants
>struggle for months because of weird proportions and horrible fashion trends but finally find like 2 pairs of basic work pants
>4 months later
>start the search again
>repeat forever?
I am so fucking sick of spending every weekend hunting for pants. and then when i finally succeed, it never lasts. I am going insane. This shouldn't be this fucking hard but women's pants are either fucking made of spandex, pocketless, no beltloops, only go down to capri length, 3 feet wide at the ends bc zoomer fashion, or 2 inches wide at the ends because millennial fashion. CAN I JUST GET NORMAL BASIC PANTS?
At some point this has to end. I keep waiting for the weight loss to stop but it just keeps steadily creeping along. If I go below normal BMI into underweight (I have 1 more BMI point to go) I guess I will just… have to start eating more? Which feels kind of wrong because I don't feel deprived or hungry as it is, I eat to fullness at every meal. But maybe I have shrunk my stomach too much and that's why I'm not hungry? Is that a thing?

No. 479783

Sorry if this isn't helpful to you, but have you tried wearing sweatpants instead? Since you can adjust their size thanks to the ropes in them. Either that or jeans and a belt so you can tighten the pants to your size. I'm 92 pounds and I manage to find pants my size, and use belts if it's too wide. Though storing fat in my hips and thighs mostly does help with the pants fitting.
>But maybe I have shrunk my stomach too much and that's why I'm not hungry? Is that a thing?
Maybe you have some undiagnosed digestive system issues or hormonal issues, since your weight is supposed to be steady and stay the same once you hit adulthood. I had to go to a doctor once because of my colon issues that were masquerading as h. Pylori infection and diabetes. Turn out, I was extremely stressed out which caused my colon to inflame and make me throw up and unable to eat, while also giving me a numbness and dizziness and headache when I get hungry due to decreased blood sugar, which both seemed like other issues at the time. So the doctor told me I need to double my portion size to avoid the blood sugar drop, and to keep something sweet on me in case of a sudden drop. I told him I can't eat more than the usual portion or I get stomach ache, and he told me that happens because I made a small portion a habit, and I'm not actually full after finishing it, I just think I am. So I started doubling my portions with eating 2 toasts with 2 eggs, but that was truly too much for me to handle, so I tried starting slowly with 2 eggs and 1 toast instead of my usual 1 egg 1 toast, and that made a difference. It feels better and I stay full for much longer. Before that, I'd get hungry every 4 hours and have a small portion of food then get hungry later on. Now I eat 2 large meals per day and I don't feel too hungry or get blood sugar decreasing anymore. I also can eat 4 portions of food in one setting at times without problem, where back before I increased my portions, 2 portions was the maximum and anything more was too much. Also, try tracking your calories and make sure you're not in a calories deficit anymore. Eat and burn equal amounts for a steady consistent weight. Good luck!

No. 479827

I’m in the exact same position, I’ve really upped my physical activity over the last few months and all of a sudden I have literally zero items of clothing that fit, especially pants. I’m like literally stuck wearing workout clothes/athleisure because none of my real clothes fit me. I didn’t anticipate having to buy a whole new wardrobe after going back to the gym for two months

No. 479892

It is possible to (safely and non-excruciatingly) lose 10 pounds in 1 month at my current measurements?
>133 lbs
>TDEE of around 1600 (sedentary)
I know I technically have a healthy BMI, but I am extremely bottom-heavy so I have really bad cellulite on my butt and the backs of my thighs at this weight. It's also just uncomfortable for me physically – my thighs rub together really badly, and my anterior pelvic tilt is worse because my ass fat gets in the way of me having proper posture (it feels really painfully tightly squished if I tuck my pelvis in).

I was around 120 for most of my life until the pandemic, then I started drinking a lot and I've been around 130-135 ever since. I'd like to get down to around 120 again for a vacation I'm going on in a month. I don't drink anymore and I've probably been eating around 1700 calories a day. I do calisthenics here and there throughout the week, probably an hour a week total (I like lifting weights/squatting/using bands while I'm watching TV, for instance).

I'm thinking of trying to fit in a weeklong fast, which should take care of around 3.5 pounds of fat. But the most I've ever fasted is 5 days, so I don't want to bank on this.

Any advice?

No. 479895

Gloria Vanderbilt sells really cute black straight leg jeans that are ever so slightly stretchy, so you can wear them between sizes. Also Yogipace pants on Amazon that are designed to look like black work slacks but are actually stretchy, I highly recommend - they have beltloops and a little button and everything. Also straight leg.

No. 480130

my GP is pretty cool with wegovy and now I'm wondering if I should give it a try. I lost 5 pounds in january by switching to more protein and intermittent fasting from 8 pm to 12 pm the next day, but I also have a thyroid that's always coasting on the edge of being underactive and I'm sedentary since I work an office job… I'm literally a whale at a bmi of 42 so hm. what do you think nonnas? the side effects (especially the nausea) scare me.

No. 480131

The side effects are absolutely brutal. Be prepared to vomit daily and be constantly nauseous. My mother has been on it for a year and I've never seen her more miserable and sick

No. 480136

thank you, this is exactly my fear… my mom is also thinking about using it since she is prediabetic and has been diagnosed with rheumatism a few years ago.

No. 480143

If you've had some success without it just stick to what you're doing currently. Good luck nonna

No. 480183

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>Sorry for the autism.
No it was helpful thank you nona
Idk, I just think she is really beautiful. Here is similar pic but tbh it's meh.
Not AI
I really like the veins..but it's just because she is dehydrated? Wtf? I thought it's because of workout.

No. 480200

This is an even more exceptional body than OP's imo. Perfect proportions. Can I see more? This is real fitspo. Anyway, for OP's tummy you'll need lots of abs crunches or more intense abs exercises. And maybe daily sets of stomach vacuums too.

No. 480209

This looks weird and 2014 anachan Tumblr tier

No. 480211

yeah kek wtf, sorry nonas but unless you get a rib removed or starve yourself to death, that isn’t attainable

No. 480221

Kek and the woman in the picrel has breast implant scars too kek, nobody is looking like that at a grown adult age without starving and plastic surgery.

No. 480281

>Those ribs
If you get any bloat whatsoever while having this anachan body you're going to look like a cryptid kek

No. 480337

Has anyone used a mini walking treadmill pad or portable step machine? Do they make you sweat? Are they going to last more than a year? Just wondering if they are worth the purchase. I want to do cardio while watching TV.
For reference, I’m not overweight and am semi active. I try to walk 5 km outside everyday but sometimes the weather is awful and I stay cooped up inside.

No. 480341

Do you realize why both of your pics are of people laying down? It's because they don't look like that standing up.

No. 480342

This literally looks like a doll. If you aspire to be like this you should go to therapy for body image issues.

No. 480344

I got one to walk while working but it gave me knee pain. For normal walking/exercising it was fine. Honestly if you just want to watch tv I would watch it on my phone at a gym.

No. 480390

> gave me knee pain
Treadmills are notorious for that, that’s why most marathon runners would rather run outside. Wondering if those professional sprinter treadmills are better for you (uses your momentum to move beneath you, kinda shaped like a valley). I do want to get into marathon running eventually, right now I’m just trying to get my steps in
> I would watch it on my phone at a gym
I get so dizzy doing that but still do it on the bike machine kek

No. 480415

Ok now we really need to clear things up.
Look here
THIS is how a real fit body with a reasonable amount of fat percentage in woman looks like

No. 480464

Hi nonnas, starving and binge nonna here. I ate yesterday and today. I ate a bag of plantain chips in the morning and today I ate a decent late lunch.

I'm hoping I can continuously eat atleast twice a day then I can add a 20 to 30min daily walk after some time. I want to eat more healthy too but I think my priority is to get into the habit of eating.

Thanks for making me realize that I am starving my body and I need to actually eat.

No. 480465

Proud of you nonna, don't give up if you aren't perfect. Just do better when you can. I hope you feel healthier and stick with your plan.

No. 480471

Does anyone here do barre workouts? I’ve never tried them but I heard it targets glutes/legs more than yoga (I’m intermediate in yoga and do it a few times a week, but it has definitely helped my upper body strength more them my legs and butt). Do you need any special equipment?

No. 480640

Samefag, I have been doing some research and I think I'm going to try alternate-day fasting! It seems like the optimal setup for me. It's pretty easy to fast for one single day – in fact, I've done it inadvertently when I'm particularly busy. I love the idea that I can eat whatever I want on the feast days and still lose weight. Plus, it feels like a more natural rhythm to me than the 16:8 IF windows.

If anyone here has tried ADF, I'd love to hear about your experiences!

No. 481031

I love barre! You don't need special equipment, you can use a chair as the barre. If you're not familiar with ballet it might take you some time to get used to the exercises.

No. 481103

So my plan is now to do 36 hour fasts followed by a 12 hour eating window, and repeating. (E.g. eat normally on Tuesday, fast all day and night on Wednesday, eat on Thursday as usual, fast all day and night on Friday, etc.). I'm going to do this until March 8th, which should give me 16 fasting days.
>Assuming a TDEE of 1632 (5'6", 133 lbs)
>1632 x 1.5 = 2448 = calories burned in a 36-hour fast
>2448 x 16 = 39,168 = calories burned in the 16 fasts between now and March 8
>39,168/3500 = 11.19 pounds lost between now and then!
Of course, it will be a little less than this, as I will have to adjust my TDEE as I lose weight, but it's an encouraging estimate!

I did my first 36 hour fast yesterday and I feel so good!! High energy, alert, very good mood. It was also the first day of my period, and I had almost no cramps which is extremely unusual for me. I've never felt so sleek on my period – usually I am extremely painfully bloated almost the whole time.

Going forward, I'll stick to doing weekly progress reports so as not to shit up the thread, but I wanted to share yesterday's experience because I never imagined fasting on my period would make me feel so good!

No. 481395

Nice work! Keep it going and I hope you enjoy your lifting journey, it's a lot to take in when you start but it's worth it.

No. 481569

please guys, is there anyone here who use black coffee(caffeine) as an appetite suppressant? i use 15ml daily with a lot of water in it, and surprisingly, it is effective i imagine like tirzepatide, i do my diet without any discipline to drop 50kg of my weight(fat).

No. 481606

I haven't watched the video kek but that pic of the after, I love it. Now I feel inspired to go back to exercise.

No. 481640

Sure, I drink black coffee in the morning and it works like an appetite suppressant. It won't work as well a prescription weight loss medication, and its effects diminish over time as your body gets used to it.
>i do my diet without any discipline to drop 50kg of my weight(fat)
This is a bad plan. At some point, you're going to need discipline. If you don't learn healthy eating habits, you're guaranteed to gain back any weight you lose.

No. 481708

seeing you do the math out like that is pretty encouraging. we're at a similar starting point (I posted earlier itt >>460242) and I'm also dieting with March 8th as my "deadline" so I'm going to copy your 36 hour fast plan because just doing OMAD is not working out for me kek. Since making my post last month I've only lost about 5 lbs. It will be challenging for me because I live with others so cooking/being around meals will still be part of my daily routine but I'm pretty desperate to drop the weight at this point. Good luck nona I hope we both reach our goals

No. 481935

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It’s fake and she says it’s fake, this is retarded

No. 481940

I don't know how to get out of my exercise slump. Seasonal depression, illness, and working full time in a stressful job has been kicking my ass. It doesn't make me feel good anymore, it just feels like work. I scaled back to 3x, then 2x a week. I just want to give up. Eating high protein is too hard as well. Idk nonas. I don't want to lose all my (minimal) progress but I feel really burned out.

No. 481945

I’ve used vanilla protein in baking for muffins and half the amount of flour - add oats, nuts and fruit. You can do the same for pancakes as well. The best way to start playing around with protein powder in baking is as mentioned above, as a flour alternative. There’s some decent recipes out there to inspire you.
I have a horrendous sweet tooth so I will use protein powder and other “from scratch” ingredients to make everything - including frosting.

No. 481981

Some motivation nonnas, has anyone here managed to lose 50kg,
my current weight is 100kg, i want to drop to 110 lbs.

No. 482036

This is real

No. 482050

Somehow this before and after thumbnail is even worse because she’s just posing differently. Her body is exactly the same.
I understand YouTubers have to make dumb thumbnails but come on

No. 482054

File: 1739014559266.png (Spoiler Image,532.14 KB, 540x464, ellbatman.png)

What, you're saying she's a fatass?

No. 482375

I am over 200 pounds and desperately want to be not fat anymore. If I could get to 150 id be content. Got too much stomach and backfat, arms are chubby too but whatever. I know it is possible for me to abstain from food while fasting and now everytime I eat I think in my head I could weigh less if I stopped eating. but i get hungry and then my day is ruined because no control. When people abstain from food how do to occupy their minds? I try to resume my normal activities but the fat gods keep winning. before "stop eating" id like some different non meme advice on how to control this overeating habit I have to how to fast without fixating on food? -help?

No. 482378

Stop trying to fast or do extreme stuff like that and just focus on making half your plate vegetables at every meal and eliminating one bad food habit per week or month (like stop eating chips one week, cut out soda the next month, etc). Drink a glass of water before and after every plate of food. Eventually move to using smaller plates or bowls. Don’t eat out of containers. Stuff like that.

No. 482381

I know the fasting method works though and it seems to be what the skinny bitches are doing. I want to know how to get over the mental that comes with fasting or restricting.

No. 482393

Okay well it’s fun to try I guess but not a long term solution usually…
I have done it before and the trick is to stay hydrated and get out of the house more. Out of sight out of mind. No ready-made foods allowed. Also just don’t keep a lot of food on hand so even if you fuck up there’s not much around the house to actually eat. Actually doing a budget challenge like “can I live off x-dollars per week?” Or “one grocery trip in a month” helps a lot lol

No. 482400

Try the couch to 5K program, you will not regret it

No. 482439

Most people who fast or do retarded shit like OMAD are either existing anachans or memeing themselves right into an eating disorder. I lost 30 pounds in 5 months by doing high-volume eating with vegetables and proteins like chicken/fish. Doing this along with low carb is also good if you can stand it. You are freaking out and binging because you are starving. I rolled my eyes before at the "you need to make lifestyle changes blablabla" advice too but it's true. If you fast 50lbs away and then start eating like shit again you will gain it all back.

No. 482549

NTA I’m a “skinny bitch” and I’m telling you that is not the way I got and stay thin. I do exactly what >>482378 said. If you want to lose weight and keep it off you have to change your EVERY DAY habits, not focus on some crazy Hail Mary that you do once or twice and then give up because surprise, it’s ridiculous and no reasonable person would be able to do forever. If you do these two things:
>reduce the portions of your meals a little at a time until they have been reduced adequately. Use smaller plates and bowls, it really does help. Or, you can eat the same mass of food, but eat lower calorie foods. But you have to do at least one of these things.
>only one snack of less than 160 calories a day, and only if you really feel you need it.
>do not bring into your home any snacks you have trouble stopping with. For me that’s cheezit party mix and Nutella, because I learned repeatedly I cannot overcome them through just willpower. So I don’t buy them and I don’t keep them around, and then I’m fine.
>if it’s a special occasion, like a party or celebration, let yourself have a treat without worrying about the portion or calories. You don’t have to deny yourself cake or donuts as long as it’s truly only once in a while. Special treats are a fun part of life.
You will lose weight and keep it off permanently if you do these things. Doing this I lost weight at a rate of 30lbs in a year. It wasn’t fast, but you don’t want it to be fast, it’s easier to do it slowly and makes the habits stick.

No. 482640

i went from 182 to 156 pounds in 2024… this January I gained back 4 pounds. My bmi is 29 so I'm still chubby and need to lose more. i have a very hard time eating any less than 1400 calls and I still use my treadmill 3-4 times per week and i play miku boxing too kek. So my sister tells me it could be muscle but I'm getting really discouraged this month
i was >>412462 lol

No. 482763

Every time I try to lose weight I get discouraged by my massive rib cage. What's the point dedicating a year of my life to something that may not even give me the results I need? Has anyone with a large ribcage had success looking good thin?

No. 482795

If you have an Andressa Soares body you're out of luck looking this but you can look sturdy and reasonably strong

No. 482909

is 1.5-2 hours of exercise daily too little? my boyfriend said its only reasonable, and now im anxious feeling like i have been such a lazy person. i just get overwhelmed trying to keep up with it all, but seeing people online workout 2 hours a day with high intensity makes me feel ashamed. it would be 60-90 minutes walking paired with 20-30 minutes of dance or strength.

No. 482912

You don’t need to work out that much. You should move around that much like walking but you don’t need to do formal exercise every day unless you like it. You should find something fun you like doing. It’s supposed to be for life so it shouldn’t be torture

No. 482926

Aim for 30-60min of purposeful movement. Whatever that means to you. The goal is to be just out of breath during this activity, not struggling to breathe or to the point of being lightheaded. Try to focus more on feeling the entire muscle group(s) engaging during the activity. 2 hrs is wild unless you’re training for a competition/bodybuilder.

No. 482932

thank you nonnies. i have a lot of OCD related to exercise so im sorry if my post came off as overly neurotic. im working on being able to exercise again without crying over it. im going to aim for 90 minutes 5-7 days a week but will balance it by doing either a 90 minute walk, or 60 minutes dance or strength and a 30 minute walk, maybe its not overly intense but i think it will work for me

No. 482956

I have the same problem, and it was worth it to me. I lost a decent amount of fat on my waist and breasts which helped not make my ribcage look so large. It won't totally change your body type but depending on where you store fat it might be beneficial.

No. 482966

hi nonnies!

after a year of fixing my diet and keeping active, I'm hoping to start going to the gym and doing swimming to lose weight.

I'm overweight and have excess fat on my stomach and back. I currently work two jobs and go to university, so I've only got one or two days to commit to swimming and gym.

I walk a LOT so I'm looking for advice in terms of other exercises that don't involve legs as much that I can do at the gym or pool.
I also have PCOS or a potential thyroid issue that makes losing weight a little hard, so I'm getting my bloodwork done in the next two weeks to look at treatment options.

Any advice is welcome!

No. 482976

Yay, I did not expect I would get an accountability partner out of posting here! I hope your first fast went well! I am letting myself drink lots of tea and coffee in addition to water on my fast days. I've been eating about 125% of my goal weight TDEE on my eating days, so that I'm not completely starving on my fast days. But I'm also trying to avoid counting calories too closely on my eating days. I'll be doing weekly reports itt on Wednesdays with my progress.

I know that other nonas itt have encouraged you not to fast, but you should look up the alternate day fasting method if you're interested! Thomas DeLauer has some great videos on the subject. It's way less restrictive than OMAD, and a lot of people have found that it decreases your hunger over time and improves your relationship with food. In terms of how to deal with the boredom and mental aspect of it, it's only one day, and whenever you get a craving you can just tell yourself, "that's fine – I'll eat it tomorrow." Knowing that you get to eat whatever you want the next day is a huge mental relief and makes it a lot easier. I find that I always end up binging with the 18:6 method, but 36:12 I'm way less likely to overdo it. Good luck nona!

No. 483041

Having a hard time getting enough protein while avoiding processed food

No. 483044

I prescribe you oyakodon 3 times a day

No. 483099

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Are any nonnas into Traditional Chinese Medicine? I’ve gotten interested in it recently and have tried to incorporate some of the practices and herbs in my daily life. So far the hardest thing for me is avoiding cold drinks and food, even in Winter I’m the kind of person who likes cold things.

No. 483101

Kek there's a whole lot of pseudoscience in Chinese medicine and I'd say this is one of the worst. You shouldn't have to avoid cold temp if you enjoy it, you're not helping your jing or whatever.

No. 483126

i literally had two 3rds of my stomach taken out and i still cant lose weight
>nonny u might have pcos, diabetes, thyroid prawblemz
nope. none of it. i just cant stop stuffing my stupid face. fuck me.

No. 483187

Sugar addiction.

No. 483239

How's your sleep? Are you drinking enough water? Do you get enough sunlight and exercise? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Fixing your sleep schedule helps to control your hunger hormones. Too much caffeine can dehydrate you, and we often confuse thirst for hunger, drinking some water before you eat or snack will help. You don't need to do hours of exercise, but going outside and walking for a few minutes helps with issues like depression and SAD which you might not realize you have and which make you feel like eating more.
Have you gotten a dietician? I imagine you've got one, or had one, because of your surgery, but if you don't have one right now, I'd look into it. They can suggest something more tailored to your needs.
I hope things get better for you soon.

No. 483663

My grandma is obsessed with this shit and would micromanage my food to make sure I only ate "warming foods" because I had low blood pressure and fatigue issues. It turns out my love for cucumbers and watermelon was not the problem. I just had POTS and a vitamin D deficiency kek. If you like it, I'm guessing there's not a ton of harm to it, but as someone who endured many years of it and felt no change, I personally wouldn't live by it very strictly.

No. 483711

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I've never felt physically different from dietary changes (aside from feeling like shit when undereating). Anyone else

No. 483739

WTF, you will burst your stomach and fucking die. Surely you are aware of the danger? Go do anything else other than overeat, or else you are closing in on the end of it all.

No. 484012

Checking in with my week 1 results!
>Last Wednesday weigh-in: 132.6
>This morning's weigh-in: 128.2
>Difference: 4.4 pounds
Even assuming that over half of that is water weight, I lost at least 2 pounds this week! It seems that my math is correct and that, if I keep up this rate, I can expect to lose around 10-11 pounds in 4 weeks. I've done four 36-hour fasts so far, and rated each one on a difficulty scale of 1 to 10 (hardest).
> 1st fast: 6/10
> 2nd fast: 2/10
> 3rd fast: 6/10
> 4th fast: 4/10
I'm definitely feeling motivated and encouraged by these results. This has been the easiest way to lose weight I've ever tried.

No. 484205

nona, when you fast, how do you combat feelings of hunger? do you ever feel the low blood sugar shakes too? I want to try your method but when I feel hungry when fasting I just give in…

No. 484374

me neither

No. 484414

>starting weight 190 lbs
>current weight 183 lbs
>goal weight 120, but i would be happy with 130

i started this journey one month ago and fluctuated on and off at first but i'm down 7 lbs! i gained a lot of weight from grief and i've kept it on (and added to it..) for the past few years and i'm happy to begin to take care of myself again. i just need to keep motivated!

i'm working with a dietician and i'm doing 10k steps a day. i just got wrist weights for doing on my treadmill and i've started incorporating 5lb workouts, although i need to do them more (want to aim for 4x a week). i would also like to add pilates in.

everyone in here is an inspiration! also to the nonnas promoting fasting, just eat healthier and move more. you'll gain the weight back after your fast. i hate that weight loss is a process and wish it would go faster but i am trying to change my life for good

No. 484438

I tell myself to eat 2200 calories a day
>waaah I hate eating, this is torture
I tell myself to eat 1900 calories a day
>waaah I'm starving, this is torture


No. 484508

Double gym day for me today, I’m going to Pilates this morning and then my Nigel wants to hit the gym after work too. Pray for me nonitas, I’m going to be a noodle after this.

No. 484571

samefag. i have spent the past few days walking 60-90 minutes and did a small 20-30 minute workout two of those days in addition. i know it isnt much, but im really proud of this balance and i wonder if i should keep doing this or increase it more already? i was going to take a break today because i showered this morning and the heat is terrible but im itching to do something, so i should probably do some sort of movement for 60 minutes, like dancing or weights or walking maybe?

No. 484692

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Nona, I was at your stats three years ago, and very upset with myself. Today I am at my goal weight of 120 and have an much better relationship with hunger, satiety , and food. I am a shorty and did everything possible to combat years of poor diet choices, emotional eating, boredom/stimulation eating, and not ashamed at using every trick to rapidly improve my health.

I started off with intense fasting and low carb (except fruit), carbs affected my PCOS and hunger a lot. Doing fasting quickly let me see results, then I transitioned to OMAD to minimize snacking/impulses. Then I started cooking my own food, tracking it all and weighing everything out. Then I started doing step counting, doing cardio dance at home every day. Then I did 1200 cal a day while tracking and fasting for at least 17 hours a day— THEN THEN THEN I did Volume Eating to maximize fullness and cook better food dishes for my health.
I really enjoyed learning how my mind and body are connected and finally am setting on intuitive eating now that I understand the calories and tracking in food- and understanding what real hunger is and what anxiety is.

Progress is possible, but I needed to change up my routines and diet focuses periodically as I worked on myself and habits. Definitely don't buy binge and trigger foods, hide them or throw them out completely - no need to have temptations in the kitchen. I always have low calorie snacks on hand.

Good luck nona, you don't have to be as intense and I was- watch motivational weight loss content on YouTube too- hope over cope!

No. 484818

>kraft fat free cheese slices
>fat free hot dogs
>sugar free jam
>light and fit
>jello cups
I don’t understand why anas eat the most over processed crap, or is it like some psyop where they intentionally buy the most disgusting food to consume as little of it as possible

No. 484904

Thank you for your reply nonna! I’m also short (5’1) and fortunately I carry the weight decently so I don’t look fat, just chubby, but I hate it and I just became so tired of hating the way my body looks. How long did it take you to lose the weight? I’m trying to get down to 140ish by summer and keep losing from there but I refuse to hate myself in a bathing suit again. I’ve found that skinny TikTok (Kek) is making me feel accountable. The only thing about junk food (I’m pretty good at refraining, I just have a little bit that fits into my cals) is that I live with my bf who is very tall and burly so it can be tempting sometimes!

I’ll take any other tips you have too. OMAD won’t work for me, I’m doing mostly whole foods and making sure I’m getting enough protein.

No. 484927

I'm wishing all the good luck on your journey.
From 190 to 140 it took me 8 months. That was with a calorie deficit, fasting (or you could say I had a 6 hour eating window in the middle of the day), and learning about volume eating. I did cardio at night following YouTube workouts for 30-40 mins and that actually suppressed my appetite very well. I also focused on meal planning exactly what I liked and didn't micromanage my macros or become obsessed with protein. I only started weights once I hit the 140s, but everyone seems to love weight training if you are 5'4 and under.
Honestly it also takes a lot of mental work as well, hangups about food waste, cheat meals, binge-restrict cycles, focusing on goals and ignoring demotivating content as much as possible. Do not get dragged down by fat activism or giving up because life is unfair (short sedentary women require less calories than tall sedentary men, you can't outrun the fork). Measure any stats you can and weight yourself an appropriate amount (once a week, once a day, etc.).

No. 485125

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Skinny ass achievable naturally but you need to have the right bone frame

No. 485137

i dont understand the appeal of this pic the pelvis looks like it has worms crawling under her skin

No. 485169

I kind of want to lower my body fat to get those "sleeper builds" that trended for a bit. I came a long way wrt body recomp but the thought of doing a lean cut when I want to bulk up and lift my bodyweight this year, is like two wolves fighting inside me.

No. 485186

This is my constant struggle.

No. 485244

I’m doing weigh ins once a week bc I used to be an anachan (80 lbs) so with that and 1200 cals a day I have to be very careful. I keep convincing myself I won’t lose it because I have something wrong with me because it’s not going as fast as I want. 7 lbs in 4 weeks feels too slow :( but I didn’t gain it overnight either and I was sedentary for a very long time. Could never be into fat activism or giving up bc I simply look so much prettier thin and I’m pretty vain!(emoji)

No. 485245

Anyone do any diy frankenstein monstrosities for their at home equipment? I have a (non-adjustable weight) 10lb weighted vest and I'm thinking of fucking around and finding a way to add more weight onto it

No. 485247

Is this you?!!! Congrats wow

No. 485382

File: 1739581295718.jpg (65.28 KB, 1300x866, 87173260-silhouette-image-of-a…)

Nonas… I finally broke my 2 month-long plateau… going steady to 40 pounds lost

No. 485510

Anon, those are gainer fetish pics. Someone keeps subtly posting BBW porn in this thread

No. 485619

I HATE CUTTING I'M SO WEAK! Maybe I should just stay looking like an ogre instead of fumbling 3/4 of my usual weight.

No. 486101

I like the contrast of before and after pics (going both ways)

No. 486109

Is it ok for a noob to go to the gym and hit some (more or less) random machines? Will I get noob gains that way if I stay consistent?

No. 486117

If you have proper form, sure
If you don't, then no and you risk injury
If you're a total noob who's never touched a gym machine it's best to have a trainer show you the exercises first

No. 486124

Totally ok and you can pretty much avoid risk of injury by observing other peoples' form when they use the machines and reading the pictures and instructions that are usually on the machines. You'll see noob gains after about 3 solid months of consistency and progressive overload (fancy word for pushing yourself and choosing heavier weights every 2-3 weeks), although you'll feel the difference in strength sooner.

No. 486125

>you can pretty much avoid risk of injury by observing other peoples' form when they use the machines
Not a good idea
I have never ever seen a single person in any gym use the ergometer machine properly
I wouldn't have known that everyone uses it wrongly had I not taken rowing classes

No. 486128

it's cheating to use an erg as your example, basically only rowers use it right because they understand the motions to move through the water but no one else thinks about that so it's just a push/pull machine to them

No. 486141

Fair, but the machine was made for rowers and using it in the wrong way people use in gyms is really bad for the back and can lead to pain and injury
My point is people shouldn't be using gym machines willy-nilly

No. 486144

How many ergs is a calorie?

No. 486214

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Eagt 2200 calories a day and incorporate exercise 3 to 5 days a week, mostly walking, jogging, and lifting weights
Important: remember that the body is like a car which needs to go quite fast on the road, you want a functional engine (sufficient muscle mass and power) and an acceptable amount of baggage in the trunk (fat)

No. 486224

calorie expenditure depends on how loud you make the sound during sets. i.e. “ERRRRRGGGGGUH” vs “erg. erg.” hope i helped nonnie!

No. 486287

Haha good one
Anyway, 1 billion ergs equals 2.39 calories
Which means you need 150 petaErg (150,000 billion erg) to lose a pound of fat

No. 486467

anyone in here take ssris, gain weight, stop taking ssris, and lose the weight? i am stopping ssris after 5 years of use as directed by a doctor, and hoping the excess weight will go away

No. 486469

I lost about 15 lbs over the course of a year after stopping SSRIs without changing diet or exercise. I did not naturally lose all the weight I had gained though, I had to work pretty hard to lose anything after that.

No. 486474

>noob gains after 3 solid months
Nta but am I crazy or does this seem like an overexaggeration. I feel like basic gains start showing up after even 1.5months.

No. 486477

that's about how much i gained. i lost like 7 pounds after a diet change and fasting but i miss eating like normal. i hope the rest comes off.

No. 486499

yes, once on antipsychotics and once on a non-SSRI antidepressant. i gained fifty on abilify as a teen, lost it very quickly counting calories. gained fifteen on trintellix as an adult and lost it after i came off the med without changes. the trintellix weight was more troublesome because at the time i was very strictly counting calories to stay in maintenance and i could not figure out why i was gaining. the only thing i changed to lose the weight was i stopped taking the medication. it took a while to see any progress though.

No. 486503

How long did you take them nona? I'm wondering if I've taken them for so long that I won't lose weight just by going off of them (10 years)

No. 486511

I had been on them for about ten years as well. I didn't start losing weight until maybe six months after completely quitting. More recently I gained a bunch of weight taking cymbalta for 4 months. That took a year and a half before the weight would come off with intense dieting and exercise. Would not recommend cymbalta to anyone.

No. 486556

I have 35 more pounds to lose until I'm an ideal weight for my height and the plateaus hit more and more often than with the first 80. I know I just have to take it slow and maintain/reverse diet in between cuts but I'm losing my mind over here.

No. 486578

ok, nonnas, this one is gonna be embarrassing.

so…i'm floating around 23 bmi for years now. i grew up much fatter. i've never been "skinny" in my entire life, hell i'm the only person in my entire family that isn't medically obese now. however, it's like my craving for food is that of a monster sometime. most of the day? it's fine. i can eat normally. but it's like my mind completely blackens and i can easily down 3000 calories and not really feel it if i'm being honest. do i? almost never, sure, but the craving, and magnetic desire is absolutely insane and probably is the strongest visceral impulse i have had in years. it also doesn't help that i have such severe fatigue and brain fog issues - it's been years since i woke up feeling alive - that during those moments i can barely think whatsoever. nevermind how sometimes i genuinely wonder "what's the point". after all, losing weight, working out, etc, had 0 impact whatsoever on my energy levels so it's almost impossible for me to muster up the motivation.

i really want to cut down and be fitter, like…20 bmi and i really need some advice on keeping on track in spite of myself. really. bc it feels like i am my own enemy sometime. and yep, i am now genuinely concerned of GAINING weight too with how i've been acting tbh and that'd be disastrous for me.

No. 486582

I’m worried about the fatigue, seems like something is wrong. Do you think you have a medical condition or are you restricting certain foods that could be causing this…? Are you sedentary?

No. 486704

Do yourself a favour and get blood analysis done asap. When I was that fatigued I had multiple deficiencies. It explained why I wasn't making progress working out just like you. Iron deficiency is very common in menstruating women (read: more than one in three, so that could easily be you) and tends to go undiagnosed, but it could easily be a different deficiency. Deficiencies in general tend to go undiagnosed because the symptoms are so vague. Some deficiencies can damage heart health so please go get a blood analysis, your symptoms absolutely justify the expense.

No. 486773

High protein diet is giving me a myriad of digestive issues. I eat plenty fibre. How can this be combatted?

No. 486777

By eating a balanced diet
I hope you're just bulking and can stop with your unbalanced diet soon

No. 487001

I am. I just eat a lot of protein. I haven't excluded any food groups or anything.

No. 487034

… that's unbalanced
It's called high protein diet because the protein is high compared to a balanced diet.
Eating too much protein is bound to give you stomach issues because we're not made to eat like that.
That kind of diet is primarily for rapid muscle gain, and isn't eaten constantly, only while the bulk phase lasts.

No. 487044

How much should I be eating for balance?

No. 487047

File: 1739878077657.png (72.12 KB, 1006x715, image2-2-2939621398.png)

These are the official recommendations for balanced macros from medical bodies

No. 487077

According to this I'm eating within recommended protein range so I must be doing something else wrong.

No. 487182

Am I gonna die if I survive on protein powders, yogurt, and weetabix?

No. 487275

New health routine for females

No. 487278

No but you should eat some whole foods like fruits and veggies too for micronutrients. And absolutely supplement with a daily womens multivitamin if you aren’t already. Gut microbiome prefers a diverse diet though, with different offerings from day to day. If you find comfort in those foods, maybe sprinkle them throughout a weekly meal plan rotation so your body can get other nutrients in between.

No. 487757

Checking in with my week 2 results!
>Last Wednesday's weigh-in: 128.2
>Today's weigh-in: 127.2
>Difference: 1 pound
This week wasn't nearly as dramatic, as I skipped two fasting days this week because I was expected to attend social dining events while traveling for a school competition. Still, I lost a pound, and that's something.
I've never felt the low blood sugar shakes, but I have a few strategies I use to combat hunger. First, especially when you're only fasting for a day, hunger is all in your head, so I remind myself of that. "Hunger" is really just a physical response to the presence of the hormone ghrelin. So I remind myself that it's just a feeling, drink some hot tea or hot water with a pinch of salt, and ride it out. Because of how ghrelin works, I really only feel hungry around mealtimes – so if I can stick it out for an hour around dinnertime, I know I can easily fast the whole rest of the evening.
Second, the thing I love about this method is that I eat every other day. So if I really start craving something, I just tell myself, "you can have it tomorrow." That usually deals with it. I also drink black coffee on my fast days to suppress my appetite (and mainly to prevent me from getting caffeine withdrawal headaches…)

No. 487783

First binge episode of the year ughhh Gotta stay strong.

No. 487811

How does this woman not have loose skin?

No. 487818

The second pic is actually the before

No. 487819

Be skinny with a good frame, forced perspective and a boob job

No. 487899

down .5 lbs today: 182.5. pretty depressed because i wanted it to be higher, i've been eating in a deficit and i work out daily. i am expecting my period next week tho and i've had social things where i've had drinks so it could be a combination of the 2.

per the SSRI conversation, i was on for 10 years and i definitely gained during that time. i just got on wellbutrin which is an NDRI for the offlabel ADHD use for it and it's been really good for minimizing my appetite. however, i'm like… is wellbutrin the reason i'm not losing faster? my dr told me that weight loss is a common side effect of wellbutrin

No. 488136

How does baggage in the trunk make a car faster wtf?

No. 488313

Nta but does walking actually count as exercise? I thought you're supposed to do your "real" exercise and then walking on top of it, not instead

No. 488396

How can I make my butt smaller? I'm pretty lean and have a small chest, but my glutes are big and disproportionate to my body which bothers me. My body shape also gives me attention from moids which I want to avoid as much as possible. I do a lot of walking and go to the gym everyday but don't do weight training on my lower body. Is there an exercise to become flatter? I would literally choose a cereal box build over this.

No. 488952

Baggage does not make a car faster

No. 488960

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You can't really choose which areas become slimmer and which areas become thicker, otherwise everyone would look like Sims or IMVU avatars.
Maybe try only doing cardio?

No. 488977

i wish. i hate my curves. you can't really do anything to work out in a way that would get rid of it, only starve yourself which is obviously bad

No. 489556

Doing any exercise now gives me lower back pain, even tho it didn't before. What should I do? Is it because my abs are too weak? My lower back hurts whenever I to flex my core.

No. 489562

everyone, bully me to go on a calorie deficit please im begging you..

No. 489579

Try deadbugs, helped me activate core more naturally

No. 489740

Any advice on eating for healthy weight gain? I’m ~5’8 and kinda struggle to keep weight on in general but recently I started a more physically active job and it’s really cutting into my gym progress.

Stuff I tried so far:
>adding peanut and other nut butter to smoothies
Not a fan of the flavor, also gets expensive buying varieties without a bunch of sugar or other additives
>olive oil in smoothies
Worked for a bit, has started upsetting my stomach
>Incorporating more cheese
Not quite calorie dense enough, also breaks me out if I have a lot

No. 489747

My favorite thing about before and after photos is how different people's faces look. Some really attractive people are hidden under so much fat.

No. 489767

Careful with cheese and other unhealthy fats, nona. Maybe consider lean meats or adding protein powder to smoothies?

No. 489768

Bread with as many seeds baked into it as you can find, or just plain seeds

No. 489808

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>be me
>be the same weight for years
>try out a new antidepressant recommended by doctor
>gain 60lbs in two months
>still working it off two years later

I need to get it together, because I can't take this anymore! My meds are fixed now and I want to fit into my old clothes again. I've only lost 20lbs so far so I have 40 more to go before I'm 100lbs again. I took a long break from calorie counting and exercising because of stress, but it's time to get back to work. Please wish me luck nonnas!

No. 490180

When I needed to gain I put seeds on everything - sprinkled on top of sandwiches, salads, soups…

No. 490182

Samefag, I incorporated seeds in everything I cooked or prepared, my absolute favourite being traditional cabbage rolls with tons of flaxseed added to the stuffing
I was surprised how the flaxseed improved the already perfect old recipe

No. 490254

I want to lose around 30kgs but I don't know where to start. Any tips?

No. 490270

>a dozen donuts and a few beers a week
nta but I've been called out (only it's not donuts it's macaroni)

No. 490434

I've been counting calories for 10 years and it's helped improve my relationship with food. As long as you aren't insane it helps you learn to be more honest with yourself.
Also eating at a healthy calorie deficit can be fun. Eating too much when you do it all the time makes me feel heavy and sluggish.

No. 490457

for one week, keep a journal and write down what you eat in each day as you eat it (recalling at the end of the day won't work, trust me)
Look to see at the end of that week where you can reduce your caloric intake. If you use a creamy dressing on your salads, try a vinegar based one. If you snack on nuts, try snacking on fresh (not dried) fruit and veggies. If you're eating a lot of white rice, try switching to brown rice where possible. If you find yourself eating dessert every day or multiple times per day, limit yourself to dessert half the time you normally do or less. If you drink sugar-sweetened sodas or get coffee drinks from cafes, switch to diet soda and order almond milk and sugar-free syrup for your coffee drinks.

Making many small but longterm changes is the key to successful weight loss. I would incorporate more movement into your daily routine if you're sedentary or work a desk job but ultimately 80% or more of the weight loss will be through diet. You can do this!

No. 490966

Does anybody have experience with using pilates to keep muscle tone while in a calorie deficit? i fucked up my knee so i’m a bit scared to do too much weight lifting

No. 491291

No but I have experience in knee and shoulder sports injuries
Trust me you should rest until fully healed.
You can easily regain muscle tone afterwards, but you can fuck up your knee for life
It may seem like a long time to you, but without full rest it will take 3-4 times longer and won't heal as well, which can lead to future injuries happening more easily and a shitty painful immobile old age because you kept fucking up parts of you that don't regenerate easily

No. 491311

Pissing myself when I go for PRs and it's fucking embarrassing. Please is there a way out of this?

No. 491541

I was doing leg raises at the gym and god it was so embarrassing how hard I my whole body was shaking. I know I have no core strength whatsoever but that gave me a cold reality check

No. 491618

Any tips for staying motivated during dieting / not falling in an eating hole?

I've managed to lose a substantial amount of weight from sep - dec by counting calories but decided to do a "break" between Christmas and new years, and afterwards I've been having trouble fully committing to staying within my calorie budget. Like I do fine 6 days out of the week but then I end up not counting or eating stupid shit on the 7th day.

I know the most logical answer is "grow a spine / get some willpower", but I wonder if any of you nonnies have any tips?

No. 491629

What I do is I find what causes me to overeat. Is my deficit too large? Am I feeling like I need to eat sugar because I've been allowing myself to eat it in moderation lately? Am I craving something in particular? Am I over-consuming alcohol? Once you know what's causing it you can address it. Deficit too large? Eat a tiny bit more day to day. Feel like I need to eat sugar? Weigh out a portion of dark chocolate and eat it really slowly. Or, power through cutting the processed sugar out. Particular cravings? Figure out how to satisfy the craving (mine is usually pasta or bread) while eating within budget. Allow yourself some leeway for "non-ideal" foods. Alcohol over-consumption? Best to just cut it out or willpower through being extremely strict with 1-2 low-cal drinks.

No. 491655

idk what tf is up so i take these herbal supplements to support my immune system vitamin c type deal.
whenever i stop taking them, my body always feels like its fighting some shit off. immediately my lymph nodes swell around my neck, my throat gets tight/hard to swallow, my sinus acts up/pressure behind eyes. and then my skin freaks out, scalp and face extreme dryness/red

its so weird im otherwise healthy whenever i take the supplement. active workout regularly, play tennis regularly.

No. 491839

Alright nonas, I can't believe I've been doing this for three weeks already but here are my week 3 alternate-day fasting results!
>Last Wednesday's weigh-in: 127.2
>Today's weigh-in: 123.8
>Difference: 3.4 pounds
Obviously, this isn't 3.4 pounds of true weight loss, but it definitely means I'm continuing to lose weight at the pace I predicted!

I tweaked my strategy a bit this week, and I believe that accounts for some of the accelerated progress:
>now that the weather is warmer, I'm doing 3 mile walks most days
>calisthenics and creatine on my eating days to preserve muscle mass
>changed my fasting window to about 39-40 hours simply by having the last meal of my eating day at no later than 5:00pm

I am feeling super motivated and encouraged by this progress! Only 5 fasts left and I'll be done with this month-long experiment. I haven't been at this weight in literal years, and it's been so easy. This past week I've gotten to eat pizza, tacos, fries, and cookies, and I'm still losing weight! I can't recommend this strategy enough.

No. 493311

had a week longe depressive episode that caused me to eat shit food and binge eat after having no appetite for months before. its going to take me months to fix this, but i will do it. food wont control me, but this stuff is always a good reminder that eating shit causes you to feel like shit

No. 493391

down another .5.. wish it was more but i've had so many birthdays and social events. i am going to cut out drinking for a while

No. 493393

I find myself more motivated to keep up my routines when I’m out of the house more. Could be socializing, going to a museum alone shopping, or volunteering, etc. Basically anything that involves movement and being in the presence of others helps remind me why I started in the first place, how I feel physically in the moment, and how I hope to feel. Also you just won’t want to snack as much/have a harder time doing so if you’re not home.

No. 493395

Any nonnas have experience with ozempic or the other injectable glp-1s? I’m only about 5 pounds overweight and do have a family history of diabetes but I have some reservations

No. 493406

I wouldn't bother with it if you're only 5 lb overweight.

No. 493548

weight loss injections should not be used just to lose a few vanity pounds, they're specifically to treat obesity. in my country you need a bmi of 30 with comorbities, or a bmi of 40 without. just lay off the snacks for a while and you'll be at a healthy weight in a few weeks.

No. 494061


listen to >>493548 and >>493548 - you could shit out five pounds with some effort. why waste the money on injections.

No. 494131

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Any nonas have advice or tutorial recs for getting into bodyweight exercises? Also, advice for building a routine? I'm looking to gain flexibility and stamina/strength and hopefully build up the confidence to go to the gym I also wouldn't mind toning my belly and building my glutes kek but not a priority Losing weight is not a goal for me so I'm not looking for super intense workouts or diets.
Picrel is from my playlist of tutorials on youtube. I also have a lot of reels saved. I just don't know where to start, how often to do it, how to make sure my form is ok and so on

No. 494279

Went back up to obese BMI again so I've been eating 1,000-1,400 calories on my workdays and eating 100g+ of protein on average. The doctor's scale weighed me at 75.5kg I'm also not very tall (between 1.57 and 1.58 meters). I'm about 31-33% body fat. My first goal is 64kg and I hope I'm in the middle acceptable body fat percentage at that point. My next goal hopefully will be 55kg and upper end of fitness lower end of acceptable. I've been doing this for three weeks now I've been noticing subtle changes. My face has been more angular and I see more of my collarbones now. When Spring comes I'll exercise on my off days. I plan on biking, walking, skateboarding, and lifting weights. Some of my weight gain was muscle some of it was fat. Cause I still wear the same sizes comfortably as I did last year at 63.5kg. And I also feel stronger not bloated. But it wouldn't hurt me to lose a lot tbh.

No. 495628

me again! I've lost 8.2kg now, I got into a bit of a plateau recently as I was going out with family and friends for nice meals but now it's going well again.

No. 495688

>Last Wednesday's weigh in: 123.8
>Today's weigh in: 121.8
>Difference: 2 pounds
Incidentally, I hit the exact weight that I calculated I would lose a month ago! My clothes fit better, my cellulite is way less visible, and I feel great. This concludes my monthlong experiment. Alternate day fasting is super easy and it works!

No. 495784

I'm looking to get a pull up bar bc I work out from home and I'm missing pull ups but I'm worried it'll destroy my door frame. I don't mind smudges that I can wipe off but the whole frame ripping off or massive chunks coming out would be awful lmao.

I'm about 50kg so most should be fine, right? I was thinking something like this, I don't like the bulkier ones.


No. 497449

I'm a nona who has complained about sugar addiction in the past, I have now recently discovered coffee/tea sweeteners have abyssally low calories (like 0.03 calories per "sugar cube") and drinking it tricks my brain into thinking I really had sugar so the craving goes away! I've finally found a way to satisfy my insane sugar cravings without actually eating sugar worth hundreds of (if not a thousand) calories!!! I'm in tears from how much hope this has given me.
And I find it super delicious, especially sweet matcha tea has been my go!

Idk if the sweetener comes with other downsides instead, but right now trading those calories in is worth the world to me. And the physical amount is so different! I can have one or two little tiny 0.03 calorie sweeteners in tea instead of an actual physical big cookie or chocolate bar (as if I'd ever eat just one…)

Does anyone else have any yummy tea/coffee recs that involve sweeteners? I'm a little worried I'll get tired of my matcha, I don't really like it in any of my other usual teas and I try to limit my coffee drinking. Maybe I should try making some kind of hot cocoa with it?

No. 497452

How much should I use the stationary/exercise bike? I aim to reach 9-26 miles per day.

No. 497532

That’s great anon you inspire me. It’s probably a stupid question but I need caffeine a lot so do you consume coffe or green tea during your fasts? And have you had and constipation from not eating? I struggled with that in the past so I’m a bit concerned

No. 497552

Ever since I lost a good amount of weight a few months ago, I've been plateauing like mad. I'm planning on making a workout plan for the gym, but I'm worried I won't be able to keep my goal weight (if I even reach it) because the effort is too much. Any encouraging words, shaming or advice welcome.

No. 497638

when i lost a bunch of weight and reached my goal weight a few years ago, it was so so easy to maintain it, so much easier than getting there, god it was such a relief. i was shocked at how easy it was. losing weight is trickier than maintaining definitely. when you plan to maintain a weight, stop a few pounds higher than you plan to. usually your body will drop the rest while you're easing back into maintenance calories (which you should do slowly).

No. 497684

I make hot cocoa with sweetener and collagen powder, it's great and tastes just like regular cocoa.
Something that's been saving me are flavored protein powders. I mix them into yogurt and it's like eating a little treat. I get to eat something that's sweet, tasty, and not super high in calories, and it's protein so it helps me feel full. I also bought one that tastes like peach iced tea, and just drink it like I would drink iced tea.
You can also try flavored drops. They're sugar-free sweeteners with flavors like chocolate, strawberry, etc. I saw a guy who mixes them into lemonade; instead of using sugar he uses a fruit-flavored sweetener and makes things like strawberry lemonade, mango lemonade, etc. He also carbonates them. For coffee, there's some sugar-free syrups too.
You can also try drinking kombucha and water kefir. They're very tasty and lower in sugar, and the prebiotics are good for you.

No. 497700

I don't know what kind of teas you like but if you're in the US I'm really into the teeccino brand. They have a ton of varieties of chicory tea that taste pretty good without adding any sweeteners. I like the amaretto flavor the most but they have all kinds of samplers available on their website

No. 497773

I would have thought it's the opposite! I wanted to lose a little more than what I want to stay at so I'd have a bit of a margin for my body to put on some weight.

No. 497833

>I make hot cocoa with sweetener and collagen powder
Would you mind sharing the recipe?
>Something that's been saving me are flavored protein powders. I mix them into yogurt and it's like eating a little treat.
That sounds good, is the yoghurt plain then or is it some special kind of yoghurt?
>You can also try flavored drops
Damn nona you really came though will suggestions, thank you so much!

No. 497949

i did too but i was pleasantly surprised. it's to do with cortisol and some water weight. losing weight is stressful physically and mentally. when you stop dieting, your cortisol lowers and you drop some more weight. it's why people have diet breaks when they reach a plateau.

No. 498444

Nonas can you recommend some absolutely mindless, repetitive exercises? I feel like a turbo autist but I enjoy working out the most when I can completely zone out mentally. I do walking/jogging, mini stepper, running in place (no treadmill). Is there anything like that for upper body? I feel like rowing could work but I don't have the machine.

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