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No. 444697

Previous Thread: >>393926

No. 444701

Around two months ago I reported one of my coworkers for time theft and ever since then she's been glaring at me whenever we happen to cross paths, and two weeks ago she tried to intimidate me. The intimidation was nothing big - I had my magnet placed for when I wanted to take lunch and immediately after I set it down she walked up to the board, moved it, placed hers and her friends above me, then afterwards stood in front of me, waiting for me to look at her, and then had this smarmy smile and let out a sigh while staring at me for another 7'ish seconds. It just seemed really juvenile, so I tried not let it get to me, but I find myself feeling stressed and uncomfortable whenever I happen to share a shift with her and am having to go out of my way to avoid her. Anyways, fast forward to today, while I was venting to a coworker about avoiding her, he said he doesn't blame me because he happened to see that incident. So I now have a witness and I have the option to report her, but I know the most HR will do is just give her a verbal warning. If things continue or progress, then she'll get written up, but she won't be let go until she has enough write-ups within a 6 month period (she's already been written up twice for time-theft and I don't think different write-ups stack on top of eachother). And apparently, I'm not the only one having issues with her, but my other coworkers haven't approached HR and one of my managers is seriously incompetent. Should I bother reporting her? I worry things will escalate once I do since she seems like a ghetto bitch. Or should I keep trying to ignore her?

No. 444709

I hate people like her but why report a coworker for something that doesn't hurt you? You're just sucking up to your employer and it's not like you get a monetary bonus or more respect. You'll just be known as the narc. I don't know the whole situation though so I guess it's not my place to judge.

No. 444712

>I hate people like her but why report a coworker for something that doesn't hurt you?
Reporting her for her behavior towards me or the time theft? The time theft is really unfair because whatever someone falls behind on, everyone else has to pick up the slack. And it's physical labor. As for reporting her behavior, she isn't physically threatening me, so you got a point there. It's just really annoying though and I wish I didn't have to deal with it.

No. 444722

become the manager and write her up

No. 444830

I'm 22, and I was thinking about going to college. My main interest is in technology and computer science but I'm not too keen on working in a field that is 90% moids. I'm interested in science and the medical field too, but I'm not sure what specifically I want to major in. I know this is a very general question but can I get any advice?

No. 444846

Idk if I am losing my mind like a mental health issue or genuinely just disgusted but I am struggling to eat lately because I’ve seen stuff recently about parasitic worms in food and I feel nauseous 24/7 and feel like I’ve eaten worms and that I’m going to eat worms when I eat meat or vegetables or fruit but mostly meat and the only thing I feel safe eating is ultra processed food like chips or popcorn or white bread but then I feel afraid of eating mold so I’ve really barely been eating and just mostly drinking flavored water and hot tea and giving myself headaches and stomachaches. I used to struggle with Ed when I was a teen but I’m in my late 20s and feel sick thinking about worms in food what do I do genuinely. I don’t want to get locked in a loony bin as I’m a mom. I still feed my kids a good diet and make sure their food is cooked all the way and healthy but I cannot bring myself to eat right.

No. 444856

Have you thought about biotechnology?

No. 444862

I haven't thought about that, it definitely seems like something I'd be interested in but unfortunately the colleges in my state don't seem to offer it. The closest I've seen are biomedical engineering or chemical and biological engineering. Do you think that would be a good analogue or are there any other suggestions? Thank you

No. 444869

Both of those options are pretty much the same thing as bioscience technology. I'd look into both of them, but what you pick greatly depends on what career interests you the most, whether you want to work in a lab for either testing or research or work in a manufacturing plant. There will be ample opportunities to work with different kinds of software and computers and do a lot of problem solving if that interests you. One piece of advice i'd give is make sure that if you do pick either options, ensure that they have a lot of lab classes that allow you to have hands on experience since it will be the most important thing you will need once to start looking for a job.

No. 444877

I would probably prefer to work in a lab, it sounds like you have experience in this field if i'm not mistaken? If so, how is it?

No. 444883

I have not graduated yet, but the instructor of the course has a lot of experience in the field and was very helpful telling us everything that we needed to know to get a job. Former students stated that the program he runs was good specifically because he focuses heavily on practical work and it gave them a leg up over people who took something like microbiology as an example. I won't be working in the field until another couple of months when i graduate. I personally prefer lab stuff also, i find it very engaging and i seem to be doing decent with it after years at flopping other stuff lmao. But i hope i helped and good luck!

No. 444885

Thank you!

No. 444887

Not picking a field because its "full of moids" is incredibly retarded and immature, especially when CS is broadly useful for everyone for many reasons hobbywise and job ready wise but especially STEM majors who need to crunch large sums of data. Women opting out of CS because of vapid reasons like this is the reason why its "full of moids" in the first place. If your interests and passion lie in computer science and molecular biology try pursuing bioinformatics/data-science, computational biology or double majoring in CS and a molecular course.

Biotechnology is very practical and industry based, if you're not interested in practical technologies or fields like immunology, vaccine production, applied biomedical science, antibiotic production or drug manufacturing don't do it and do something more theory based like molecular biology or biochemistry. You wouldn't recommend someone interested in data structures and algorithms to become a software engineer over a CS major likewise. It depends on where your interests in inter disciplinary fields of STEM lie and that will develop as you develop preferences from the courses you do. Like immunology/genetics/cancer biology, biochemistry metabolism/proteomics/apoptosis. I found the practical applications of biotech industry shit tier. Producing ozempic and viagra because they're more financially valuable over antibiotics that fight MRSA and cancer drugs is not inspirational. Also if you're serious about CS learn python and look into R/R studio, you don't have to master either, just familiarize yourself with industry tools.

No. 444891

If I'm very dissatisfied at my current job and trying to find another one, but they milk me 5 days a week, how tf am I gonna find the time and effort to find another job while working there, and do it sly? If I change my availability they're going to suspect something is up, and I'm not great at keeping secrets. But the job is quite literally giving me burnout so bad I'm afraid I'll have another mental break. I just don't really want to deal with unemployment again. That's even more suicide inducing. It took 7 months to find a job the last time. How do I find a work life balance trying to find another job to improve my life when work won't lemme have a life?

No. 444904

Call in sick or just tell them you're not available, what are they gonna do? Fire you? If they need you so badly 5 days a week they won't be able to. Also who cares if they suspect something is up? It's not illegal to job hunt.

No. 444970

How do I get a moid friend to stop talking to me in a nice way? I don't hate him at all and I don't want to hurt him but I'm worried about him catching feelings, especially because we both have the same ethnic background and that alone makes him much more interested in me. He gives off the vibes that he'd want to marry someone from the same religion (I'm not but he doesn't know that kek) and background. It sucks because I wanted to keep him as a friend and he's genuinely a nice person but I can't trust moid 'friends' anymore. Why I suspect he might be interested
>sends me atleast 10 tiktoks a day. I haven't opened them in months but he still sends them
>keeps trying to get me into his hobbies
>has hinted multiple times at us working together in a different country (one that I'm trying to get away from kek)
>keeps asking questions about my country,language, culture
>keeps joking about moving close to me
>is actively learning the language and keeps asking for help from me
>wants to call alot
>a lot of 'lovey' emojis
Typing it out makes it seems like he's just a very close friend but my gut feeling is telling me that he's playing the long game. I'm so scared nonnas pls help kek I hope I don't sound like a complete schizo. I've been trying to keep my responses very short and vague but he still keeps going. What do?

No. 444975

He's absolutely already caught feelings. Is this an online friend or?

No. 444980

>Typing it out makes it seems like he's just a very close friend
Are you fucking serious? You're clearly his oneitis. Whatever you do he will act like a retard about it, either exploding with anger at your face or becoming a sad little mop (high chance he plays victim and shit talks about you to everyone he knows). Or even worse, he will not drop his feelings and insist on you for months. If you've been trying to keep things calm and neutral and he still didn't get a clue he must have very low emotional intelligence and a lack of respect for you (never realising he's being a nuisance). Terrible situation

No. 444990

Recently, I left a learning environment where I felt dismissed, ostracized, and belittled. How do you nonnies deal with ruminating thoughts in general? I try distracting myself with activities, but it’s always in the back of my mind. As soon as I wake up, it’s there. The only time I don’t think about all of the events leading to me quitting is when I’m asleep. This has been going on for a month and a half, and I feel like I’m losing my mind. It's bordering on suicidal ideation.
I feel like I can never fit in most learning or working environments, and this has taken a huge toll on my self-esteem. I thought I could get a job after it and tried so hard to be social, but it went horribly.

No. 444991

lie and tell him you found a boyfriend and see how he reacts. or just tell him you have a crush on a guy. he'll flip.

No. 444992

emdr therapy

No. 444997

Well fuck, thank you for confirming my suspicions atleast. And yes he is an online friend but I know him from mutual friends who have met him IRL, so I can't block him. I don't think he'd do any of these things but he's a moid so who knows. I never hinted at being interested in him at all, and have been actively dodging any activites/calls that don't include any of our friends in them even before I started worrying about this. This sucks so much why do moids ruin everything he would've been a genuinely really good friend otherwise
Yeah I'm probably going to do that soon. I do have a crush on someone so I wouldn't be lying if I bring it up anyways.

No. 445007

Tell him you’re not his same religion and you want to move to a different country than he does, like just be more honest if you want him to be your friend. He can get over his crush he probably had and be normal enough not to make the friend group weird. You don’t talk about him like you want him as a friend so it’s no great loss honestly but if you want to avoid drama then be more blunt with him and give him “the ick”, stop letting him believe those things about you you said in your earlier post. Not like it’s your fault if he has the wrong idea but I’m confused why you haven’t corrected him but you know he thinks those things and you want him as a friend…?

No. 445017

I'm not in the same religion because I left it a while after we first talked. I keep it a secret from everyone I know because it could put me in danger if a family member find out. It is also the reason why I don't want to move to the country that he wants to move to. I have stopped sharing my thoughts on these things ever since though but I think I have to find a way to make him forget about it
>You don’t talk about him like you want him as a friend so it’s no great loss
To be honest yeah I don't, not anymore. The possibilty of him having feelings for me completely put me off him and the idea of having male friends at all. If he doesn't then that would make me a shitty friend I guess, but I'd rather that than possibly leading him on more. I just have to find a way to make him let go

No. 445024

i don't do anything. i want to pursue my hobbies but i just don't. i feel like an empty shell of a person who does nothing all day. i am a NEET too. i just dont know how to start, i am overcome with inertia all day every day and idk why. i just spend my day browsing online and doing a couple chores / cooking meals. its embarrassing to feel like a fake nothing person.;

No. 445030

Schedule small activities that involve your hobbies and give yourself a reward afterwards. For example, if you want to take up creative writing you should dedicate 30 mins in the afternoon to do so, then treat yourself a cup of tea and a cookie. Decluttering, tidying and cleaning your home helps you feel comfortable and focused as well. Try to find the best place for your desk or use a designated area for your hobbies, you could put all the stuff you use there. Create a good atmosphere that enhances productivity and creativity.

No. 445061

I probably could've explained myself a little better, my bad. I was in a bit of a rush at the time. There's more to it than that, I've worked in tech before and I didn't find it very engaging. My last job was full of moids and it was awful.

No. 445062

thank you nonna you really helped me understand what i was already suspecting, i'm going to follow all of your advice

No. 445083

>Typing it out makes it seem like he's just a very close friend
No, I think you're gut feeling is right. If I were you, I'd throw in a sly comment about having a "bf" or seeing a chad lol. If his feelings are truly platonic, he'd still talk to you normally, but I highly highly doubt that's the case. Also, just remember: you don't owe this guy anything. So whatever you do, don't feel bad or guilty.

No. 445362

Would it be considered okay to block someone without first explaining to them why you're deciding to block them?

I'm not gonna go into much detail because I don't think it'd be neccessary, but TL;DR: blocked a person who has threatened me with violence and told me to commit suicide even though they apologized and we have hung out and conversed normally via text after that.

No. 445378

Nona just get rid of this person, they sound insane

No. 445415

I know it's been a few days but I hope you know that because you think about it, it makes you nauseous. I definitely understand a healthy amount of concern about parasites when its' context specific, but if you're just reading things about parasites in food and you have nothing recent and close to you that backs up your fears it reads more like rumination or neuroticism like OCD type thinking. Your kids need you to be healthy! And you aren't crazy, it's the thought pattern that's crazy.

No. 445418

How do I study?

No. 445444

I agree with you and that's pretty much what I did since I blocked them everywhere. After that I started feeling like maybe I should have sent an explanation before blocking them, but I'm starting to think I don't really owe them an explanation

No. 445451

What worked for me.
Put on music set a time for 1 hour after the hour, take a 20 mins break and repeat.
Get a comfy position that is set up write.

Or simply go to a library/ cafe. It can the be the perfect atmosphere to study.

No. 445546

What's keeping you from it now?

No. 445548

Poor technique. I don't have structure or instructions

No. 445579

How would you approach your boyfriend's mother to tell her she needs to wash the dishes better? The dishes end up being greasy and just so disgusting to touch. She lives with us for the time being.

No. 445581

How old is she? This started happening to my grandmother when she started going blind because of cataracts and developing Alzheimer's. Best case scenario she needs to get her vision checked.

No. 445618

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have any of you nonnies had a stalker? an ex friend of mine is starting to really creep me out. she's notorious for being a complete psychopath with no empathy and gets a kick out of bullying people with her gf. I cut her off after getting tired of her behavior towards me and her other ex friends. she made burner accounts to stalk me and would scroll back through my posts and like ones where I was obviously going through a bad time which was so odd kek, she's recently started trying to get to me through my friends (attempting to follow them, claiming to know them personally when asked by third parties etc). it's so weird and desperate. I feel like I just need to keep ignoring it because if I react to it by blocking she'll probably get more enjoyment out of it, but I'm getting so tired. I'm naturally an anxious person and I need to be more thick skinned over weird behavior but idk how.

No. 445636

you never need a reason and you never need to explain yourself (least of all when they’re literally insane) you can block whoever you want at any time. Free yourself

No. 445661

I'd let your boyfriend tell her, it's probably a little easier to hear it from him.

No. 445680

Thank you. I don't feel guilty about this anymore, although I shouldn't have felt that way in the first place

No. 445737

She's 60, or maybe 61. She wears glasses but not on the daily. It's her technique that's terrible imho.
>Fills sink with water and 2-3 pumps of soap
>Let's them soak for whatever time
>Barely goes over them with sponge
>Puts em on rack
Literally, things that shouldn't be dirty/greasy end up greasy. A cup that was used for water becomes so greasy my hands are gross.
I was trying to prevent this cause she's just so emotional that she gets upset easily, but it's so annoying have to wash things again/put in dishwasher.

No. 445750

I know not a single person on this website will tell me to apologize to a moid. But I’m pretty sure I did what zoomers call ‘BPD demon shit’ to a man who partially ghosted me around when I was 21-25 it mellowed out into me just being angry, snarky, and pretty fucking rude to him every time we spoke.
I had been acting this way because I was deeply infatuated with this man and I’m not gonna lie I acted pretty pathetically. I’ve been working on myself for the past half year and am pretty ashamed of how I acted. Should I bother apologizing for how I was behaving or is it better to just move on even if a situation comes up where it’s appropriate for an apology .
I don’t see him often but would like to get myself and most of my thoughts together for the next time I do run into him.

No. 445753

Just let it go.

No. 445779

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My life is going fine, but I still have suicide thoughts. I feel like I have to die, but I'm not sure why. My friend has mental health problems, and she told me today that she wishes she had my level of composure. I'm in a similar situation to her, but I don't show it. Since I still believe I should die regardless, I am ashamed and don't want to get help.

No. 445913

Don't feel ashamed. I think you should seek help, there are ways to get out of that mindset.

No. 445937

Are you expecting to get something out of him? If not what's the point in apologizing. You think he'll care about you or have a better opinion of you? Cause he won't. He's a moid, he doesn't feel empathy in the same way you do.

No. 445980

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Posting here since I don't want the husbando thread to hear my autism.
Should I divorce my husbando because he's Jewish or at least has a Jewish last name? My husbando's last name ends with -mann. I am pro Palestine and have an aversion to Jewish men as I do with men of Abrahamic faiths in general because their views on women are abhorrent.. Should I divorce him? I really love him to death but I cannot support a fictional moid who follows a religion of the big three of misogyny.

No. 445981

>"I have an aversion to Jewish men"
>Is sexually attracted to a Jew

Nona just fucking dump his ass.

No. 445983

The keyword here is "fine." You're not describing your life with a word associated with genuine satisfaction; you clearly think that your life is mediocre or potentially worse. You need to think deeply about what is happening in your life currently that makes you want to die since it's not something obvious. Find it and eliminate it.

No. 445984

Here’s the thing though, I didn’t know he was “jewish” until way after I husbando’d him. His last name is technically German, and that was probably part of the creators vision rather than intentionally making him Jewish, even though practically everyone with his last name is a jew. He also has many characteristics associated with stereotypically Jewish characters but since it’s from a Japanese media I’m not that worried.

No. 445986

Considering how similar he already is to a Jew I don't really see why you would have an interest in him…. If you don't like Jewish men then why are men that are essentially Jewish adjacent acceptable? I guess I'd just say that if he annoys you enough, leave. But if he doesn't then stay. Personally though, I would have left

No. 445987

That anon is talking about a fictional character, it's not a real husband kek

No. 445993

I'm aware, I know what waifu and husbando means. Was just playing into it

No. 446005

>Pro palestina
>Aversion to Abrahamic religions
Isn't the majority of Palestines Islamic which is an Abrahamic religion aswell?

Anyway fictional characters are just that, if you decide the guy in the drawing is an atheist, he's now an atheist. You've got an active enough imagination to fantasize about a fictional character being your lover so why not use that same imagination to change some things about it that you don't like?

No. 446006

i hate myself so much. ever since i was like 13 or so, i accidentally came across porn and i didn't looked at it until a couple of years later. i watched it sporadically over the years but then forced myself to quit and did a great job for what felt like forever. but then like several months ago, i guess because i am no longer in a social space that is very anti-porn and such, that i slowly fell back into the habit. i don't look at real people stuff, i look up those gross rule 34 or hentai stuff, but i don't want to do it anymore. i'm fighting the urge to do it now as we speak and it disgusts me that i'm even thinking about it. if anyone also had to stop a porn addiction, what helped you stick through it?

No. 446027

Is that Levi?

No. 446059

having real sex cured me

No. 446060

>Find it and eliminate it.
nona… think about what you're saying.

No. 446073

This absolutely belongs in the husbando thread. It is the only thread nearly autistic enough to handle this… situation

No. 446099

Weird bait

No. 446124

I don't mean to eliminate it in the traditional connotation of killing whatever it is that's causing her to be unhappy, but instead "eliminate" as in removing it from your life through whatever means that would be. I haven't met the proper medical criteria to be "depressed" since I was 16. With modern medicine, a change in perspective, and getting rid of the major thing(s) that are causing you to be so depressed you can turn your life around and eliminate tunnel vision and/or suicidal thoughts. Do YOU have any advice for her, Nona?

No. 446265

i have been consuming more than a half pint of liquor a day, as well as the equivalent of half of a 12" pizza per day, maybe i have frozen pancakes as well, but that's where I'm at on average
how do i stop this vicious cycle of pizza and liquor consumption

No. 446280

KEK nonny
I hate religious moids in general, and I have a husbando who is canonically an American of Jewish origin. This means his dick is 10000% cut, which is disappointing as fuck. I don't care, though, because he's not real and I can imagine that his dick looks nice despite the circumcision. I also don't care politically, because he is from a franchise where the Palestine conflict isn't relevant, so there's no way for him to have an opinion on it. Even if he did have political views that I find aborrhent, I wouldn't mind that much because it's his creator's fault and since he's fictional he can't hurt anyone.
Just headcanon your husbando as siding with you if you tell him about it, and not practicing Judaism or being religious at all. If none of that is relevant in his source material, there's nothing stopping you from doing this.

No. 446338

how do you deal with situations where someones being overtly rude/direspectful/crass towards you in any way? basically what i want to know is how to deal with those situations with grace. i almost always (99% of the time) bite my tongue and ignore it, but i'm afraid if i get the nerve to speak up for myself i'll say something that they want me to say, where i'll be passive aggressive, plain agressive or essentially accepting their invitation for conflict. i hate conflict so that's the main reason why i bite my tongue when people are assholes to me but it feels like that just allows them to keep doing it. but i also feeling giving them any reaction at all is fueling the fire.
do nonas have suggestions on ways to handle assholes with grace to make them feel like shit without resorting to rude remarks?

No. 446418

I've been doing that for the past few days and while I do have latent reasons that might be fueling my depression, my head keeps telling me it's time to die. I know it's related to my BDD, low self esteem, and feeling like life will become a repetitive hell after a while so might as well die. I'm thinking of hurting myself soon but I'm probably not gonna go through with it.

No. 446452

How do I gain social self-awareness and become a better judge of how people feel about me? I said something awkward and kind of rude to someone the other day and now I feel like I can't tell if they hate me or not. I recorded myself talking but realized I'm super fidgety and look away often. I'm not sure if I'm autistic and I don't know if a diagnosis would help. I feel like I'm especially retarded when it comes to handling conflict, my heart starts pounding and I either escalate or try to avoid it at all costs. How do I stop getting scared by conflict?

No. 446458

Get it out of your vicinity

No. 446461

A really effective and simple way to reassert control over a situation like that is to hold eye contact and ask them to repeat what they said. It makes 99% of people uncomfortable and they will remember that feeling and not speak to you in the same way again. Also as long as you say it in an assertive tone not an "umm uhh" whisper, "please don't speak to me like that" can work as well. It's important to sound confident otherwise you will look insecure and like you are begging. Just put act as if their behavior is embarrassing and juvenile, which it is, and they'll likely stop. Shame is a good motivator.

No. 446498

I met this girl a year ago at a music festival abroad, I'm the one who went up to chat with her because I've seen her at some concerts in my city, we instantly clicked because we had a lot in common and we spent the two days together talking and getting to know each other. We exchanged social medias and she sent a message on Facebook, and of course I had to fuck it up by not answering out of anxiety. It's been eating me up since then, I'm so sick of fumbling potential friendships due to my retardness. She's going to a concert tomorrow I'm going to as well, should I send her a message saying sorry and that I wish to talk with her? It's not like she was mu best friend of 10 years I suddenly ghosted, and she's liked some of my posts since then, I hope she doesn't have hard feelings.

No. 446505

Just say sorry that you were busy at the time and forgot to respond in time and felt awkward doing it later, and that you are also going to the concert and you'd love to catch up there if she's up for it

No. 446508

AYRT, great advice nona, thank you very much. i could have never thought of this on my own and it sounds very effective.

No. 446512

Nonas, I am extremely drunk and scared and I need desperate advice right now. I just got back from a man's house where I got extremely drunk. It was a first date with an acquaintance where after the date at the bar I asked to go back to his house because against my better judgement I thought it might be nice to have sex again with a moid. At his place I got VERY drunk while he didn't drink at all, and i sucked his dick and we fooled around. I asked if he wanted to go get condoms to have sex and honestly I don't remember much besides talking about the boundaries and logistics about a fwb relationship if we had sex and he eventually decided no he didn't want to have sex yet and we should wait. We fooled around some more and then next thing I remember his attitude suddenly shifted and he's telling me he wants to be alone and I tell him I'm too drunk to drive and need a few hours to sober up and maybe sleep. He gets really angry and tells me staying the night was not part of the arrangement and he wanted to be alone now, even though he watched me get very drunk beforehand, and tells me I am having an attitude now. I was really drunk and confused and told him I didn't understand what was happening and started crying. I ask him to just drive me home and I can have a friend drive me to my car tomorrow. He drives me home and acts extremely angry with me the whole way, even gets angry when I start crying in the car again because of the entire vibe shift and my overall confusion. In front of my house when he drops me off I tell him he's an assole and ask what his problem is again and he tells me I was being pushy about sex and that's what made his vibe shift, and that he was angry I got so drunk at his house when spending the night wasn't the agreed upon arrangement. Maybe I'm just too autistic to figure this out but I really felt I was matching his vibe sexually and I just offered that I would still fuck him that night, and it seemed like it wasn't a problem how drunk i was getting before I sucked his dick. Keep in mind again, he did not drink at all but I did.

I am extremely worried now that I did something wrong and I am a horrible person who genuinely misread things and tried to pressure him and that I am morally wrong and no better than some rapey scrote. I am home alone now and still really drunk and freaking out. Besides going to get my car tomorrow and never talking to him again, what the fuck do I do nonas?

No. 446522

Nonnie I hope you drank some water and are asleep by now. Don't worry, it sounds like he was being a dick to you, not the other way around. Obviously I wasn't there and don't know the situation, but if I had to deal with a drunk acquaintance/fwb I wouldn't make a problem out of having them stay over and talking everything out later when we're both sober. Especially since you made it clear you didn't understand what was going on he should have been kinder to you.
Next time, don't get too drunk like this, it makes it too easy to get taken advantage of and put in dangerous situations. But don't beat yourself up over tonight either, shit happens and hopefully this'll teach you not to be so careless again.

No. 446533

In my experience, some men really REALLY dislike it when girls come off “slutty” or just want a hook up. One time I had a moid get upset because I seemed “really experienced” kek. We still finished but afterwards he was cold and never texted me again. I made myself pretty clear that I just wanted a FWB situation when we got together but he still got all pissy. These type of men are usually really possessive/jealous/selfish. It’s probably a good idea you stay away from him.

No. 446535


Hey anon, thank you so much for the kind words. Yea, I sobered up and napped a little bit and I've realized that this guy was absolutely being a dickhead. The amount I was drinking, that he watched me drink, was not a problem when he still wanted me to suck his dick, but when he suddenly decides he's too tired and not horny anymore it's a big problem and he needs me to sober up right away and leave. I would never do that to somebody who was so drunk they were confused about what was happening, especially since he had all the power in this situation being the man, the sober one, and in his own home. I think he just said whatever he needed to at the time to shift the blame and power away from himself and try to make me feel guilty.

This was the final reminder that I should not be dating or sleeping with men. I thought I could make an exception tonight, but reality immediately came back and bitchslapped me right in the face. I will be okay.

No. 446539

I've never had sex before, but I want to and will soon have the opportunity to. Basically, what is the best way to make sure I don't get pregnant? My sex ed health class was shit and also it's been a decade since I was in high school so I barely remember anything.

No. 446540

Yeah that's what a friend told me too, I just hope she won't be weirded out.

No. 446545

The stupid questions thread is in /ot/

No. 446598

Are you stupid?

No. 446627

Sorry for late response. I'm >>445980
I wasn't aware of their laundry list of stereotypes Jews had until way after, and how someone explained to me how he is "coincidentally" based off an antisemitic archetype.
Yes, I have a distain for Islam but I don't think Palestinians and Lebanese people should be bombed and terrorized by Israel.
>Anyway fictional characters are just that, if you decide the guy in the drawing is an atheist, he's now an atheist. You've got an active enough imagination to fantasize about a fictional character being your lover so why not use that same imagination to change some things about it that you don't like?
Kek true.
No lol
I don't want to taint the thread with my advanced autism.
Who's your husbando? That's pretty funny and specific. I personally prefer cut dicks and I'm an American so in my eyes he'll always be circumcised, regardless of religion. My husbando's ideology seems to denounce religion as a whole, but Jew wanting to bring disorder to the world is also a common stereotype.

No. 446631

i recently got diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis, im only 21 thankfully my parents are super cool with me taking as much as time as i need to get treated fully, but i feel like such a damn loser. I ALREADY took a gap year because i got sick (mono), I have done two years of school but my last semester was complete shit because i felt so bad from RA. I feel so behind already and also feel like such a little bitch for not being strong enough to like locking in and do well in school. idk any autoimmune nonnies with words of encouragement lol?

No. 446656

Nonas I am crying
I am just 23 almost 24 and I havent been sleeping properly for the last 6 years, I look older. AI sites say I look either 24 or 30.

I ruined my life, right? Is there any way to reverse it? I look pale, gaunt.

No. 446694

Your lack of sleep is making you overly emotional. Figure out why you don't sleep enough and fix it.

No. 446697

It might help you to feel prepared. Read books or watch youtube videos on handling conflicts and think about how you would apply that knowledge to previous experiences.

No. 446698

You might want to see a sleep disorder specialist, some person I know saw a specialist for a while and it was found out that person's quality of sleep was terrible, the person was prescribed something like zolpidem and venlafaxine to treat at least some of those sleep problems. Zolpidem in particular seems to be effective in promoting restful sleep at night, let's say 4 hours of good sleep for half a capsule.

No. 446725

It is effective if you have the slightest modicum of self-respect, but I guess some people are just easy targets - hence the need to be so hostile on an imageboard to someone who is trying to help you. Overcompensating for insecurity, I suppose…

No. 446780

i seriously have absolutely no idea what hostility you're referring to, what are you even saying? i was being sincere, if i didn't need help i wouldn't have asked for it. what are you even on about? if you're the same anon who gave me the advice i was thanking you for giving it

No. 446914

How do you cope knowing you have bad friends that you don't mesh with? I wish I could make new ones but no luck. I really want to block these people out of my life, and been wanting to for years now, but if I do I will be alone.

No. 446921

If it's only making you miserable then it's worth it in the end to cut them off. You will feel more free. That's how I coped.
If it's not making you miserable then I'm not sure. I guess knowing you have people to spend time with and numb a few hours could do.
If I could go back, I would cope by changing my mindset on how I viewed my friends. I'd think of them more as disposable people and not put too much value into what was said when I went out with them. Focus more into stuff for myself and try to establish connections with other people who I felt reciprocated the friendship.

No. 446993

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I have a very bad habit to ruminate on all kinds of things that have affected me negatively, even incredibly minor things.

I've been to therapy and it did help, but it did not make me any less prone to dwell on things that make me unhappy. I honestly have no idea what would help

No. 446994

What helped me is telling myself to stop being a pussy and to willfully move the fuck on and distract myself. I'm not being rude and sorry if it comes off that way, but I genuinely mean it. Treating my thoughts as a child and sternly telling myself "oh well, it's okay to be embarrassed/feel bad, but now we are going to focus on this instead" "this" being something that is a more productive use of your thoughts, etc. It takes time, but it is a skill and like all skills you will be able to hone it with ample practice.

No. 447008

Literally this. I sometimes get caught up in stuff that happened in the past or weird things that I’m embarrassed about that happened. And when I feel like I’m about to obsess over it, I tell myself to get the fuck over it cause no one else remembers that shit except you. It’s out of your control what happened then, focus on now. I also don’t want to give abusive moids control over me/live rent free in my head, despite them no longer being in my life.
I try to keep my brain busy as to not spiral into past trauma or dumb shit. Husbando-ing and picking up a new language was really helpful. Sorry if that sounds super gay.

No. 447018

I'm a horrible friend, I need advice with improving my interpersonal skills
>I suck at respecting boundaries, either I don't even realize when they're set up, I don't realize how serious they are or I straight up forget about them, especially when I'm very upset
>I feel like I'm too short tempered and an ex friend told me he feels like he has to walk on eggshells around me, I feel like I take everything too seriously
>I have a victim complex and I don't know how to go about getting rid of it, it's embarrassing whenever I catch myself feeling like a victim or trying to blame everything but myself for my own mistakes
>I have creepy and obsessive habits I struggle to shake off
I hope it's not too late to change my ways and become a better person

No. 447019

This just sounds like you're immature.

No. 447022

How do you know if a guy likes you and doesn’t understand your flirtation as such or isn’t attracted and hates you? I’m autistic and I thought I knew how to flirt (jokes, gentle comments) but I guess not. I’m obsessed with this hot guy at work (single btw), everything he does makes me want to dominate him and tease the hell out of him but I cant. He has strong adhd/autistic energy and a general sense of retarded chaos, which attracts me to him, but when I talk to him he doesn’t really respond to my jokes. For example, he said once that he doesn’t wear his glasses much because he thinks he looks bad in them, I said “oh, I get you, I think that about mine too” and complimented the way he looks in them , and he sorta muttered and looked away. I want to talk to him in the office more but I always look stressed and badly styled, and I feel like a weird freak talking to him when he’s in the kitchen. What do I do???

No. 447027

I’m transferring colleges and I have to pay 1,500$ out of pocket. I’m only making 12.60$ an hour at my seasonal job build a bear, kek i’m terrible at saving money, the most money i’ve ever saved is about 900$ and that was to go to a fucking supernatural convention. i know i have a year but i’m afraid i won’t make that money up. parents don’t wanna pay for it so any advice on saving large sums of money?

No. 447030

Set your bank account to auto-transferring 150$ a month to your savings account, the day of or after payday. 150 a month gives you a two month leeway.

You also only need to work 120 hours (assuming it's 12.60 nett), which is only 10 hours a month. Just think about it like this: The first 10 hour I work this month are for saving, the rest are for living expenses/hobbies etc.

No. 447114

Nonnies, this is a serious matter. I am taking a gap year for 1 year and I need advice.
If you were in my shoes, what would you spend time doing? I need hobby ideas, learning, something like that not to waste my time.

No. 447130

working on mental health issues because that's what would have caused me to stop studies if I had decided to commit to them

No. 447250

>exercise and regular scheduled walks/time in nature
>journaling/meditation/breathing exercises
>set short-term and medium-term goals for things you want to achieve in the gap year/per gap "semester"
>evaluate what causes led you to take a gap year and anything you can troubleshoot them with

No. 447251

Think about thinks that would look good on your resume, skills in certain software for example.

No. 447271

Travel, even if it's just for a few days to a week, to another country. Your hobby might become travel planning for a while. Better yet, you can try out something that will give you a boost on your CV, like a work and travel program like workaway or WWOOF. Just go with someone else if you can, these programs are easy for traffickers to look for prey on. Be careful about it y'know.

No. 447371

It's not too late anon. The fact that you're aware of how you come across is huge - a lot of people who have this problem refuse to acknowledge it and can't seem to break free from their self-imposed chains. I think it's difficult to suggest one thing. My dinosaur ass would straight up break down what you're concerned about and google endlessly about each thing until you find something like a support group, applied therapy (not talk therapy) or a self-help book (yes it sounds corny, but they do work)
>learn how to respect boundaries
>learn how to not always feel like a victim
>learn how to not take things so seriously
>learn how to control temper
these queries will probably lead you to places where you can forgive yourself for what you've done, grieve what or whoever may have contributed to the way you are now, find a point to jump onto, and start chipping away at the negative parts of yourself to make room for new things. I really do wish you the best anon.

No. 447556

I need some dating app advice.
I am in my late 30s and have only used one app around 8 years ago.
I have been single for a few months, and I’m pretty sure all dating apps now are utter garbage. I’m not looking for a relationship, but I’m not just looking to sleep around either. I’m a UKanon, please any fellow britbongs; what is the best app, which ones should I avoid like the plague, and what ones are worth paying for?

No. 447590

My moid manager motioned me over to look at samples the other day and started moidsplaining the most basic ass concept in our field meanwhile this moid contractor overhears and asks whether I'm a student, when I confirm I'm not my own manager says "they don't teach them this stuff anymore" and the other moid further disrespects me by moidsplaining an even dumber concept followed by "did they teach you this AT LEAST?" at no point during his initial 20 minute malesplanation did he bother to ask whether I knew this already.

Should I tell him what he did hurt me? he's leaving for good in a couple of weeks and I've been giving him the ice cold treatment and he noticed. I don't know if I can keep pretending it's fine when I have to work with him everyday

No. 447822

Moid housemate is being stubborn and refuses to clean or help out in any way. He wants me out of what he sees as ‘his’ house (we both rent but he was here first) and I’d gladly do so but I earn minimum wage, and wouldn’t be able to survive if I paid more than I do now. Examples of how he makes life miserable include: leaving dirty empty jars of yoghurt around so they gather flies, not taking food bins out, purposefully not letting maintenance guys in to fix stuff, ignoring delivery men (so packages get wet or stolen), using up all of the hot water so I can’t even shower when I’m home from work, playing anime shite at 400% volume on weekday nights when I’m trying to sleep, taking all of the cupboard and fridge space with rotting food and above all blaming me for everything. I have a full time job and study on top of that, I’m exhausted every day from masking at work and cramming for exams, and with the hot water and general state of the place I can’t even relax at home. I was so angry this week I wanted to kill the fucker. How do I make his life as miserable as he’s made mine?

No. 447823

Samefag because inb4 “have you tried talking to him?” yes, many times - and the only progress in this house was made by me. He whines and moans about everything but refuses to change, he’s an annoying scrote with the passive aggression of a middle class mum.

No. 447825

a couple of weeks sucks but is nothing, i wouldn't do anything

No. 447826

this man is abusing you because he knows you can't leave. him fucking with your ability to sleep and making unsanity conditions is definitely abusive, sleep is crucial for our health. you need to plan on moving out.

No. 447882

I work a stocking job that makes me low energy and extremely hungry at home. I'm now a fat sluggish fuck who's having trouble keeping up with her hobbies and dressing in sweats because I don't feel like trying to look good as a fat ass.

Where do I even start to unfuck this?

No. 447897

Ultimately look for new places to rent, but in the interim get earplugs to help you sleep, maybe try adjusting shower schedule to catch him off guard, store non-refridgerable food and dishes in your own room and only wash what you use. If the funds are there you can even look into a cooler for the stuff that needs to stay cold, and above all else grey rock the fucker. Do not give him any satisfaction by allowing him to witness how he affects you. He has already displayed his unwillingness to work together on a solution, so you have no other reason to communicate. Don't outright ignore, but only give the most basic necessary replies.

No. 447899

Do you go all shift without eating and then binge when you get home? That will make you exhausted and crash. Try bringing healthy snacks to have on your breaks and look into meal prep so that you can come home to a healthy pre portioned meal that doesn't require much effort.

No. 447950

I need advice on how to break a shopping addiction that is starting up. It only really started the last 2 months and it got worse over the Black Friday sales. I'm so ashamed because I used to buy maybe 1-2 pieces a month that were vintage and I enjoyed "the hunt" on eBay and other reselling websites. But lately, I've been buying a lot more comparatively from one specific clothing brand. Over the last 2 months, it's been $600 in total, which isn't earth shattering, but usually, I'm not spending more than $150 a month on clothing MAX (and usually it's far, far less than that…like maybe $50 a month to $0).

I am actually super productive right now, I'm taking community college classes for fun, I'm journaling, I'm volunteering, I'm reading, I'm listening to music (I enjoy listening to many different albums, etc.) but I've never gotten this lust for shopping. It's terrible. I'll check this clothing website every day, multiple times a day, to see if anything new dropped. I've gone in person to these stores near me around 4-5 times in the last month just to touch the new clothes. I've applied to work there on a part time basis, too. It embarrasses me because I used to take pride in how I tried not to waste and was quite frugal and did not overconsume in terms of buying "new" things. But I feel like I've dug myself into this hole and even if I climb out, I have all these new clothes to remind me of how I abandoned my principles to get this weird high

No. 447951

Start looking at content about minimalism, decluttering, capsule wardrobes etc. I'm not necessarily saying you should become a minimalist or anything, but whenever I look at that stuff I get so inspired to own/buy less and it replaces whatever shopping 'phase' I'm going through. It's not a permanent solution because I still like clothes but I really do think twice about buying more when I've cleaned out my wardrobe to a satisfying extent.

No. 448254

I had a mental breakdown last year which resulted in my friend group dropping me. Looking back on it, they were never really my friends to begin with and I realised it earlier this year when I thought back on how no one had tried to reach out to me when times were tough and saw how they would ignore me whenever I'd try to say something in the gc. I have a shitty Android phone I can't leave the chat but today they were making plans so I just moved the gc to the spam folder and decided to be done with them forever. I know that this is important for my healing after a really traumatic time and that people who are so comfortable excluding someone they've known for years are not people I should surround myself with, but damn it really hurts.

Has anyone gone through something like this, and how did you get through it? I really have no interest in trying to befriend anyone because in all honesty I just don't really like people in general anymore, but any advice you have would be helpful

No. 448259

How do I become more disciplined? I want to study in Europe (I have a European passport) because the education in my country is shit. Well I have mental problems (depression, OCD, Asperger's) I have gone to work in my mother's business but basically I don't do anything and that's why I didn't receive pay, I wanted to buy a 3D printer. I am enrolled in an English and drawing course, today was the day of the English course but I missed it. Everything I start I don't finish.

No. 448265

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just trying to be more disciplined isn't going to work. What you need is true internal change, then the discipline will come along automatically. To that end I would recommend that you take up breathwork. Look up either Wim Hof or Holotropic breathing. Both you can do on your own time and sessions can be as short as 10 minutes. If you can at least force yourself to do 10 minutes a day you should start noticing progress fairly quickly. Don't worry about doing the breathing "correctly", just follow the instructions as best you can and experiment with the breathing until you find a pattern that is right for you.

No. 448280

Please don't look up Wim Hof, he doesn't deserve the clicks. That scrote is violent abuser and has terrorised his family for years

No. 448281

I have a serious issue with constantly self-sabotaging myself that it's ruining my life. I am so used to failing at life, but in the past 2 years things have been going ok. I finally seem to be escaping a rut i've been stuck in for almost a decade. But now i have to repeat some clasessed for the stupidest reason and it's my own fault. I just let myself fail and i am sick of ruining my own life like this. I've allowed myself to gain weight and constantly fail at losing it because i always ruin my own attempts because i want to be comfortable. I don't like how my life is, but trying to change it almost feels futile because i am so used to being a failure, it feels wrong not to be. How do i escape this cycle? How do i find the strength to become better at handling stress?

No. 448286

You keep returning to misery because it's what you're used to. A large part of yourself believes that you are undeserving of a nice life through the experiences that have made you into who you are today. You have to start putting yourself first. I'm not saying that you have to accept all of your flaws and love who you are. Start with the lonely little girl who you once were. She didn't deserve the things that happened to her. She needed a friend, she needed someone to believe in her, she needed someone to take care of her. It will take awhile to learn to accept your current self, but you can always make yourself into the person who should've been there for that child when she needed it most. That's what helped me.

No. 448298

Thank you anon for your advice! I'll definitely take it into account. I think it's probably time for me to go back to therapy too tbh.

No. 448313

then do holotropic breathing, it's basically the same thing. The only reason I prefer Wim Hof is because it's easier to get started with

No. 448434

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Is it worth it to make a separate blog or sideblog specifically for my art? (I know other blogs just add "-art" to the end of their main) I planned on making one and reblogging from my fandom sideblogs, but will posting art directly to my main be easier and/or get more recognition?
It's filled with random posts and vents right now, I want to post cute fanart but also want to draw nsfw of my husbando, is tagging everything appropriately and putting nsfw under a read more alright? I would prefer not to make another separate art blog just for posting yaoi doujins,at least not yet kek.
I'm guessing it's not the smartest idea to post videos from my personal YouTube if I want to keep my identity private either, but won't it eventually be found out if I take commissions and collab with others? I'm worried about people I knew from way back finding my channel and giving out my real identity, should I just not care?

No. 448465

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How can I get people to stop treating me like an NPC in their lives? I have gone this whole semester (I'm back in school career-changing) without making a single friend and it hasn't been for lack of trying. But I also haven't been overbearing or needy. I come to all the lectures/extra-lecture stuff and if I sit alone (I always end up sitting alone) I don't try to impose myself on someone's space and don't sit with them unprompted, but I still have regular normal conversations with people that are for the most part sperg-free.
Being friends with someone is not what being un-NPC to someone is, though, so I'd give examples of what I've dealt with in my life recently if I didn't feel they were too identifying, but I hope whoever's reading this kind of gets what I'm saying. I'm just kind of lonely and I really really don't get interacted with. It's wild to me, how I don't get included in conversations and I never get asked about anything that people ask others about in plain public in front of me, so no one knows anything about my interests or even basic things like my family members because no one cares to ask. They'll talk over me if we're in a group of 3 or more.
My fashion sense is a little wack (basic and boring), I have no piercings or any accessories so maybe this makes people think I'm boring, I'm skinny fat but not any fatter than average, and there's a few women my age (or a decade and a half older) getting along just fine socially in the program I'm studying, I just don't know what to change or what to do. What gives?

No. 448904

I don't know what to do. I met a guy yesterday and I think I'm crushing on him really badly. I wanna cry. I'm stuck with him for a month and for some reason he is really attractive to me. Not even looks wise but the way he acts and articulates himself do it for me. He does nice things sometimes and it's driving me insane. I get physically hot around him. That's so awkward. Am I being driven by hormones? My period is around the corner (Like a week or so). I mean come on! A crush on a 30 something year old when I'm just 19? That's ridiculous. Do you think he knows? I hope he doesn't. That would be so awkward. I'm such a mess around him I giggle and do weird shit. What do you think I should do to distract myself? I think a contributing factor to this is the fact that this is my first time living alone and I'm lonely. He was the first to talk to me and take me under his wing. I know men suck. I still can't help the way I feel although there is no way he feels the same

No. 448949

I have a colleague that had nothing to do in the afternoon shift. 6 hours to check only three people in + buy fruit in the shop less than 2 minutes away. In 6 hours.
I did all i had to do in the morning shift so i said, im leaving you the fun part: decorate the minuscule Christmas tree, as our boss asked.
She said okay! With a smile.
Next morning i walk into work and the minuscule tree is not done. Not a single decoration. Tell me why it made sense to me that she DID do it and someone stole the decorations, instead of thinking that she just…didnt fucking do it. Thats how insane to me that was.
Boss says "im coming over today" so i have to do the tree. Took me 20 minutes. The problem is not that i had to leave my responsibilities and do the tree, the problem is that in my church, we do not do the tree, it's seen as bad.
So because this stupid cunt couldn't be assed to do the tree in 6 hours, i had to. Worst part is the boss didnt even come. I sinned for no reason.
So i tell myself "when this cunt comes to work today ill ask her why she didnt do it", but when she came to work i said nothing because i am a coward. I cannot stand confrontation it makes me want to throw up. I just cant believe how someone just doesnt care like literallly cant be fucking assed to do something so simple and quick in 6 hours where u have nothing major to do!!!!!! I don't know what to do or think or say

No. 448958


Don't treat yourself like an NPC. I get that being lonely sucks but it's not like your appearance is your personality (especially since you seem to focus on your fashion sense and piercings or your weight).

Why would people ask you about your interests or family? It's up to you to open up about this type of things. It's kind of narcissistic to expect everyone around you to see you as soo important that they would ask you about family and personal life unprompted (and kind of weird imo, I would be creeped out if someone would ask me about my family out of the blue) especially since you haven't mentioned any people you are in an intimate friendship with. People have their own shit to worry about, they're not gonna pry unless they are gossipy or want to take advantage of you.

Find things you like to do or to read about, anything of substance beyond what you look like or what you wear - in short get a personality since you seem to not have much of one.

No. 449035

hi nonnas i would like some honest opinions and advice for my situation

A friend of around 3 years just called me today after having not contacted me for about 3 months. the last time I saw her she had mostly monologued about herself and asked me barely anything about myself. I still care a lot about her and whats going on in her life despite this.
However when she called me just now and immediately launched into a 20 minute monologue about her life without even asking if I was free to talk, or asking how I am (having recently got into a new job and relationship which I'm sure she knows about through mutual friends) it really irritated me. At the 20 minute mark I told her she hadn't asked a single question and only talks about herself and that I need to go as I am with my family, then I hung up.

I feel really guilty now as she sounded surprised and hurt on the phone, but I stand by the fact that she wasn't being a good friend…

AITA? did I overreact?

No. 449044

You didn't say anything cruel. If she cares about you, she'll try to apologize.

No. 449256

i want to try going braless in public since i have very small breasts and if i can get used to not wearing bras ill be saving a good amount of money. honestly i care more about would women would think rather than men (idgaf what men think about it actually). would you personally find it gross/indecent if you could see a womans nipples through her shirt? not her actual nipples obviously but like nipple outline, ya know, its cold and shit happens no matter how big or small you are

No. 449267

ngl, yes i would, even though it's not fair. Every once in a while I'll see a woman who does this and it's so distracting I usually wind up avoiding her so I don't get caught glancing at her nipples like a retard. I imagine this is even more so the case with any men you'd encounter, so you'd have to be aware of that. I'm also small breasted and have thought about going braless, but this is what stops me. I think the only way this would work is if all women stopped doing it at once so people could acclimate to seeing female nipples out and about.

No. 449268

It depends on how thin the shirt is, but since its sweater weather I doubt it will be very noticeable. I also stare when mens nipples are on display though

No. 449272

I stopped wearing bras 5+ years ago and I can't recommend it enough. If people stare, avoid you, or judge you silently in their head, genuinely who cares? The people worth having in my life will ~endure~ the sight of my breasts. Everybody else can GTFO
Is this really a big deal though? People glance in all kinds of directions for all sorts of reasons. There's a difference between "oh no I glanced at her chest" and "I can't hear what she's saying because the only thing I care about are her boobs." It's the difference between glancing around the room while someone talks vs staring in the totally opposite direction. It's not the same thing.

No. 449273

I would just wear nipple covers tbh, that's what I tend to do whenever I'm too lazy to wear a real bra.

No. 449274

idk personally i get really nervous because I know i'm glancing because of attraction so it's a big deal to me hence why I avoid those situations but i agree it's not anon's responsibility to accommodate me or anyone else with how she dresses, i was just answering her questions honestly that yes i find it sexually distracting. But like I said the only reason it is this way is because no one is used to it, in many other cultures it's normal, i just don't know how to fix it.

No. 449323

honestly same, the reason i posted in the first place is that i lowkey feel the same way about other women going braless and i wish i didnt. i was curious to see if other nonnas had the same perception. maybe im subconsciously envious that other women dont care and am projecting that onto them? because when i think about it, bras dont actually provide any additional support or comfort to me like they do for large breasted women. i only wear them because of what other people think. which on one hand is sensible but on another hand is kind of cringe and annoying.

No. 449328

I'm a lesbian too. You can unlearn your internalised homophobia.

No. 449331

I’ve been braless for YEARS. I don’t care if people can see my nipple outlines. Honestly I don’t really think about it much anymore. No one has ever said anything to me about it. We can see everyone’s ass but we freak out over nipple outlines? Kek

No. 449365

My breasts are medium sized and my nipples are pierced, I'm still going braless on my days off because it's more comfortable, I've never been told that it was gross or whatever, maybe it's not very noticeable since I tend to wear oversized clothing, I don't even think people are staring (although I was in Japan last summer and tons of moids did stare kek).

No. 449422

You were just being honest. I would be annoyed with a "friend" like that. She doesn't seem to care about you. She just sees you as a free therapist who she can dump all her emotional baggage on.

No. 449449

I don't think it's gross or anything but I couldn't help but look because I'm bi. It sounds like you go through bras often, is that because of wear or something because there should be ways to minimise that? I don't like wearing bras either and am also small, I just have one ancient strapless one from the store that somehow fits me well to deal with pokies and there's no wires or straps to dig into me.

No. 449463

Don’t really care, my eyes might notice if someone has piercings or if they’re erect but I quite literally don’t think anything about it, it’s neutral.
I could also go brakes but my nipples are always erect , no matter if it’s cold or warm kek and I don’t want people to stare.

No. 449761

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Does anyone have tips for making friends in a class where people are in quite strong cliques already?
I'm friends with a girl from uni, but the more I spend time with her the more I realize I don't particularly like her (for good reasons and also no reason). I really want to become friends with these people to the point that I, pathetically enough, daydream about just having conversations with them, but they're a couple and are usually in group convos so it's hard for me to butt in.
The gal of the couple is in a dance troupe along with another girl in my group. Should I just ask her to join the dance troupe and stop overthinking this? The ideal situation for me would to somehow go for drink with them because alcohol lowers my inhibitions and I become much more fun.
I just don't want to finish uni while regretting the fact I never approached the people I actually wanted to hang out with, even though it's only my 2nd year.

No. 449845

>Havent spoken to close friend for 2 months because of an argument
>She posts a photodump on instagram recently including a selfie with my boyfriend, it was an event they ran into each other at
Am I justified to be angry at her about this

No. 449856

Shouldn’t you be mad at the bf for agreeing to take the photo ? He’s supposed to be on your side.

No. 449861

It's an old picture taken before our argument. Idk why she posted it now.

No. 449869

Oh. Then yea I’d be a little salty

No. 450158

How to BTFO a narcissist? Sadly avoiding him and blocking him is not an option yet.

No. 450161

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Narcissists want to elicit a reaction from you because they want to feel important and powerful. Don’t react to anything he does or says. Just act uninterested and unbothered. That will crush a narcissist’s ego and eventually get them to leave you alone.

No. 450201

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>meet guy at a bar last friday
>he’s fine other than the fact that he shushes me when i try to say anything related to what he’s saying?? like he doesn’t understand the concept of a conversation like annoying asf
>still i give him my number and we text a bit
>he asks if he wants to meet this friday but i say i can’t how about tuesday
>on tuesday he’s like are we meeting so i ask what time
>doesn’t reply until 7 hours later when it’s too late, says he fell asleep
>understandably i’m a bit pissed (even tho i was glad bc i didn’t actually want to meet him) say it’s late and i can’t do when he’s trying to rearrange (to friday again)
>he asks to meet next tuesday (i explained before that i wouldn’t want to travel into the city centre bc it’s way too busy bc of christmas) so i say he’s blown his chance and i don’t wanna meet next tuesday bc it will be too busy
>doesn’t reply
i’m pissed that i was the one who didn’t get to ghost first lol, genuinely wasn’t interested in him at all he was the one being extremely flirtatious over texts. was i right? why are moids this cheeky when THEY are the ones flirting with you?

No. 450213

I would have been done with the shushing, that’s unreal. I had a date kind of like that where he’d ask me questions and then go “Oh… you interrupted me” when I tried to answer. Moids are so braindead.

No. 450215

I know this is hair related but I feel it fits into the advice thread moreso. I have been alternating between dying and bleaching my hair for a few years now. It’s still healthy but I’m debating on cancelling my next appointment and just growing out my ugly, mousy brown hair. I hate my hair color but I’m a bit tired of the money and upkeep and I wonder if I can grow to like it. But my dyed hair makes me feel very confident and beautiful! What should I do nonnies? Its going to take years to grow out so I’ll have to deal with two colors of hair. Should I just wear a wig in the meantime during the cooler months?

No. 450221

Large-chested nonas; what's your favorite site to order bras from? My old reliable is falling apart and I hate dealing with my others. I used to order from Aerie, is that still ok or is there a better website that's also cost effective/has decent sales?

No. 450223

You could have a colorist try to match your current hair color to your roots so it doesn’t have to be two colors. It might not be possible depending on how extreme the color difference is.

Panache is my favorite, I also love their sports bras. They make underwire and non underwire versions. They’re on sale pretty often, too, so don’t let the non-sale price scare you. Elomi is also great.

No. 450380

Has anyone here fixed their trichotillomania? I don’t straight out pull my hair out, but I find tiny dots or just search my hair until I find an uneven spot and scratch it. This has caused my hair get ripped out. I only do it in non noticeable places, but my hair is already thin and it’s just getting worse. I can’t pull my hair back or else you can see it.
This only really happens while I study, am stressed, or bored. Over the summer I had to take a lot of classes and had 5 exams per week. This really made it bad and I haven’t been able to stop since. It’s gotten so bad to the point where I subconsciously do it even when simple tiny stressful things happen like I keep dying in a video game. I’ve thought about taking minoxidil but it’s toxic for cats topically and if I take it orally I’ll get thick hair everywhere which I don’t want. I graduate college this spring so I hope I can stop then, but I have no idea how to break this habit in the meantime

No. 451659

How do I start getting used to sharing more about myself in casual conversation? I just feel like the second I try to share something about myself, people want me to just finish telling my story even though that's not true. Plus, I feel anxious whenever I'm vulnerable with someone about my true feelings.

No. 451725

I always thought men were the same as us (mentally not physically, I'm not dumb). I was curious about 4chan and went to take a look but holy heavens nothing could have prepared me for that. I view men completely differently. I always knew to be wary of them but I assumed they had the common sense that I thought was common sense. Like violence is bad, we are nice to people and don't take advantage of them. Or we help people and don't discriminate. But now it feels like ,what I thought were, few bad apples among humanity are not so few afterall. They could be anywhere. Whenever I speak to guys I see their friendly facade and I wonder what they are like on the inside. Who can I actually trust? Even before I went to that website I was scared of being outside but now it's particularly bad. I cannot even turn my back to someone at the train station out of fear that someone will push me or something. I know this is dumb. But honestly I don't know what to do about it. Do you have any advice?

No. 451735

Weird and painful situation here. I have a powerful work crush on this guy who’s at the other end of the office (aka we barely get a chance to interact) and have been trying to talk to him for ages. We’ve interacted here and there, all positive but I can’t figure out if his awkwardness is attraction or smth else. I’m his type (he likes nerdy girls with glasses),we’re both single and we have stuff in common, so naturally I want to pursue it. (I’m also an idiot) Additionally I found out he’s leaving soon, and he’s been very avoidant around everyone at work, often working from home when he used to come in every day, eating lunch alone with headphones on, basically quiet quitting. When he’d usually come up to me and chat at the work party the other day, he just talked to his mates and left abruptly. I got to chat to said mates later when he’d left, and turns out he has a reputation for being very socially awkward and stupid. He’s probably autistic or something which just makes me more intent on figuring him out. I at least want to ask him out for a pint before he leaves so I can assess whether it’s worth continuing, but how can I do this when he’s mentally checked out and probably distancing himself to save the pain of breaking with work friends?

No. 451769

Maybe you could approach him saying something like "hey I heard you want to leave your job.Thing is I really liked having you around and I would like to continue having you in my life. If it's alright with you (would you like to grab a coffee sometime/ exchange numbers..etc..)?" Or something along those lines. Or maybe you could stay something like "hey nice to see you again. It's been so long. what are you up to? Wanna catch up over Lunch?" Or perhaps something like "wanna share this food Item with me? It was a two for one Deal and I can't Finish it on my own?" Good luck nona

No. 451836

I practically grew up on 4chan and witnessed the birth of /r9k/ and incel culture, so I've been thoroughly blackpilled about male nature for a long time. But honestly, it doesn't impact me IRL because I don't date or have sex or have close friendships with men. I generally limit myself to polite, superficial interactions with men, and maybe they go home and watch violent porn and spew misogynistic garbage, but I wouldn't know it from our bare minimum contact. I never truly trust men, but I trust that most will have some awareness of social norms and aren't so antisocial they will actively harm me as long as I keep my distance.

So I guess my advice is to try not to get too obsessed with what men think of you, just ignore and decentre them as much as possible to minimize risk. I do think there are enough normie, offline men that some are decent but its hard to tell so I just treat them like a bomb that might go off.

No. 451888

If you really want to give it a chance, then just approach him. Do you have his work email? Maybe email him (if approaching seems too aggressive) and ask if he wants to get lunch or a drink before he leaves.

No. 451987

I have Teams, I’m just kinda scared about messaging him and probably won’t be able to see him in the office for a while. I’m going to ask something on Monday but no idea if he’ll reply!

No. 451990

Ask him, I'll always regret never asking my work crush for a drink together, it's been gnawing on the back of my mind ever since he left almost two years ago.

No. 451992

I feel for you and I know this is gonna be me too if I don’t ask him… so I’ll send a message on Monday and hope he replies!!! Ty nonnies, pray for me

No. 452335

I'm a hotel receptionist. Went from a 5 star hotel, to a 4, to 3 and now to 2. Much less pressure, guests love me, i get to use my qualities (languages/good interaction with guests). But I'm tired. Nonas what's a similar job i could do that is even calmer than a 15 room hotel? Your advice and experience is much more valuable than chat gpt's. PLEASE HELP

No. 452651

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How do I explain to someone new I'm dating that I'm spending Christmas alone without seeming like a crazy shut in? I have some family drama and trauma I'd rather not open up right away to someone

No. 452661

basically what you just said to us you would say to them.
"I don't think I'm ready to open up about it completely while our relationship is new but because of some family stuff I'm spending christmas alone actually." Up to you if you want to say that you'll share more after you know each other better or if you want to say how it makes you feel (like, "I'm pretty sad about it actually" or "I'm used to it unfortunately" etc) and you should also consider if you would want to go to a holiday event with them and their family in case the invite comes up (they're not obligated to invite you, especially a new relationship, but they might.)

No. 452673

I don't feel comfortable asking elsewhere so here goes. I'm in CA. The statue of limitations for SA is 10 years so I'm within that. I have photos of me unconscious that are explicit and of the SA, and I have a short video that shows it (I am also unconscious). Do I just file a police report, or should I also talk to an attorney first? My thing is, this man admitted to me so many other assaults and I have reason to believe there's many more photos that he has of other people that would appear to be taken unconsensually. I suspect there is CSAM as well. I want to file for this before the statue of limitations goes away and I want to be sure all his other confessions to me are taken into account.

No. 452676

You should consult a lawyer first, they would advise you on the procedure to follow and what to say to the police. Good luck anon and may he rot.

No. 452697

Go to a lawyer. May he rot forever. You are amazing for going after him. Thank you, it's not easy.

No. 453191

Not sure if your country has B&Bs (guesthouses are kinda similar I think) but those are a good way of interacting with guest without the overwhelm of having hundreds of people to look after!

No. 453232

Update: I sent him a message and he’s read but hasn’t replied. That’s it, I will no longer be listening to my heart (or my libido)

No. 453266

Kek chill, he's probably nervous and trying to think of what to say

No. 454605

Nah, eventually he let me know he was busy and it was abrupt enough to suggest he wasn’t interested… I’m gonna choose better next time kek

No. 454728

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NONNIES pls help me. Hypothetically, if someone looked like chick from the leftcows thread (maddie quinn aka dasha’s ugly friend) except shorter, how would you style this totally hypothetical ugly woman (who is totally not me. Asking for a friend, etc) to make her look cool and not lame?

No. 454730

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especially lesbian anons pls give advice, wrt hair and clothes. I’m not gay but I value your opinions.

No. 454737

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She's not ugly and neither is your friend. I don't know what kinda things interest your friend but a strong androgynous hair style with a feminized suit looks very cool with such striking cheekbones. A nice kajal liner to make the eyes pop with a subtle flush on the lips brings a lot of life to the face. Frame the face in a way that brings out their favorite feature. Hope your friend finds some good inspiration, let them know to have fun with it. Maybe make a thrifting and spa day!

No. 454738

she's not ugly. I agree a suave androgynous look would look good on her but if you say you're short then it depends on if you're very hourglass/ curvy in which case it won't work that well (as me how I know)

No. 454758

Thank you for the suggestions!
Closer to a short rectangle. It's more so that all formalwear kind of looks bad on me, androgynous or otherwise, but picking the least bad looking option would be fine since we all have to wear it occasionally.

No. 454774

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Don't let the looksmaxxing nonnies hating on Maddie in the leftcows thread get you down, they're literally reddit transplants. Most people would think Maddie is cute. They just obsessively call her ugly because she has an ugly soul and doesn't fit the bombshell archetype. She has the kind of look that smarty hipster guys all flock to, if that's your type. I think her worst mistake is literally just dressing frumpy most of the time, while the other 1% of the time she's in something way too revealing and sharp that doesn't suit her "cute" face. I'd say try to keep it both edgy and modest, tbh look at twee 2000s fashion pics and lean into the vibe. It has the ability to pass as both formal and casual with tons of options for any body type. For you (and your body type) it seems perfect. Form-fitting A-line dresses, lots of layering, and muted palettes with pops of color here and there. Since you mentioned your body type is squarish, go for things that define your waist more like blouses and dresses that have a flare to them at the end, or even a tie in the back. Definitely avoid necklines that are too close to the base of your neck and instead go for square-neck or anything else with a wider/lower cut. I recommend trying to avoid going out in tshirts, boxy longsleeves, or anything else that totally hides your waist. Try to create and balance shape by wearing skirts above the knee with tights then layering more on your upper half.

Makeup-wise, I think less is truly more with these kind of features. Go for lip tints + gloss, light pink blush, winged eyeshadow or pencil eyeliner (liquid is too harsh for soft features), subtly filled in brows. I think less is truly more with this kind of mix of (very pretty!) features.

No. 454817

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Forgive me for being a bit forward, i question if formal wear looks bad on you or if it is the wrong cut, color and a smidge of being self conscious. It's ok to not like what we see in the mirror. At that point we need to figure out what's off and what we want to go for. In general mid to high rise pants and skirts can emphasize definition on a rectangle figure.
I found this blog about dressing a petite rectangle figure. She put in a lot of examples with explanations of why things may not look as nice and there are photos.

No. 454818

No. 454852

I agree about her being very unlikable, sucks not having a normal celeb lookalike, I don’t follow those threads but she has horrible vibes from her socials alone. Thank you for the nice words.

I was asking because I haven’t had a consistent wardrobe over the past years but lately I started settling into a style and I didn’t want to get too secure without more consideration. Your post is exactly what I feared lol, it’s the EXACT opposite recommendations, I almost exclusively wear crew necks, I haven’t worn anything that wasn’t boxy in years and I currently dont even own a dress. Or a skirt. Or several other things you mentioned tbh.

I will definitely give more thought as to how your ideas ended up so different from mine, if my taste sucks or if this chick has a different vibe despite looking like me. You make good points though, I did briefly try dressing twee-ish a while ago and it was pretty cute, but i stopped, maybe because of all the hipster guys.

Disconcertingly esl blog. Would it be mean to say her pics and outfits are a little… I’m not sure, gen x? I checked and it’s from last year so I’m not sure why it feels that way. I like your pics better! The article focuses on creating illusions and changing your silhouette but the thing is, I don’t inherently dislike my body despite what my posts may have suggested. Maybe I do need to try creating more illusions or shapes if I want to look cooler, but I don’t even like her example pictures. I like the high waisted pants idea though, thank you.

No. 454919

As a rectangle fag I'm always annoyed by these guides because it's always about creating the illusion of curves to get a more feminine womanly uwu figure, it's hard to find guides about leaning on your natural androgyny.

No. 455602

Just wanted to let you know I don't think you should feel like you have to try and change or hide your shape. She was both petite and had a rectangle figure. My thought was that it was another option to play around with. I can see why it looks like her picks were leaning gen x like.

No. 456262

What can you say to someone who is stuck in negative, self hating spirals? Is there a gentle way to snap someone out of it? Or do you have to be firm? I know that deep down this person wants to get better, but they lapse into these patterns of fear and pain and get stuck

No. 456298

Ladies I need to use to a pic for my fb marketplace post for finding a roommate but don't want to use actual photos of my house online. Can you provide me with some wholesome substitutes?

No. 456316

If you’re uncomfortable using your own place, take a photo from Google maps and try to get your place plus a neighbor or two if possible. That way they don’t exactly know which is yours.

No. 460134

The police want me to identify the druggies who busted down my door with a knife because they possibly caught them. But they were let out on bail while the police sorted identification tech and I got a phone call from a dodgy grocery store in the same exact area they're from in that time. It was a whole gang that broke in my building but just two who targeted my flat, so a couple of them in prison doesn't protect me from revenge. I live in a quite nice area with sadly one building full of the druggies the gang were after. One of the tenants was stood out listening when police asked for my phone number after it happened and I'm really suspicious. I don't know how they got my number otherwise and I doubt it was a spam call because my phone reveals and blocks those well. I didn't answer…

I have nothing to do with drugs and they just broke into the wrong address so I barely care if they go to prison because they seem like they stick to their own little circle and I just unluckily got dragged into it. I did move next door but I'm sure that building sussed out everything. Everyone's telling me not to go further and back out of identifying the intruders. I have no idea what to do because I don't feel safe either way and can't move (don't work because autism and it's a council flat I was using to get on my feet by studying). My life could definitely have ended that day so it's a horrible situation to come back after moving on from it (the case was dead for a few months). The housing association is pretty shittily run so they haven't kept me informed about the neighbours and the police sidestepped my question about the main suspect in that building. I'm staying with my abusive family on the couch for Christmas but I can't live here.

No. 460165

There’s this guy who is crazy about me at work who I like back. His family that he visited had a lot of stuff happen and got displaced from their home. When I return to work, do you nonas think it would be too much if I tell him that I thought of his family over the holiday? He seems to want to get personal with me and I’ve been giving him the cold shoulder up until now so I figured that this would be my way of showing interest?

No. 460167

I don't think it would be too much, seems very caring and appropiate.

No. 461280

I worked with a guy for two years and he never paid attention to me or noticed me. I didn’t mind because I didn’t really care about him either. Suddenly a few months ago (starting around September?) he would say “hi nonna” and smile at me, and sometimes he’d help me with things I didn’t actually need help with but I liked interacting with him. He has a very gentle voice and seems very sweet, so this made me develop a crush kek
Then he suddenly stopped saying hi to me, stopped giving me attention, and started dating another one of our coworkers. I don’t want to be mean but she’s not exactly attractive and she’s kind of frumpy and homely looking. I wasn’t in love with the guy so I got over it quickly and forgot about him.
Anyway fast forward to like two weeks ago and I noticed that he started saying hi to me again and went back to helping me with things I don’t need help with, like opening a cabinet door just because I was holding a bag in one hand kek. They’re still together, but I’m kind of confused. Is he interested in me? Was he ever interested in me? I don’t want to ruin what they have, but how can I not notice? If it’s not romantic at all, why did he forget my existence for that short time?

No. 461344

i am bad at confrontation because i am scared of physical violence, but i really want to be a socially confident, dominant type of person. how can i overcome this shyness?

No. 461348

maybe take martial arts or self defense class to overcome the fear of violence

No. 461415

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If a person often tells you how you feel, is that considered gaslighting?

I knew a person like this once. He would start yelling at me in the middle of completely neutral conversations how I'm treating him bad because I'm stressed about a party I was about to attend the next day, even though I literally had no clue what he was talking about. I also was not the least bit stressed about going to that party (the were only people I'm close friends with) and I ofc know this myself, even though he kept insisting that I was extremely stressed and behaved differently because of that.

This baffles me to this day

No. 461605

I don’t have any friends irl so basically all my friends are online. They’re spending most of their time online as well.
The past couple of years we all spent NYE together in VC, playing games and stuff so part of me assumed that’s what we were doing again this year. The friend I‘m closest with though said that she was invited by an irl friend of hers and that she was going to spend it with them.

Her and I were casually talking about the next couple of days again yesterday, which included NYE plans. She confirmed again that she was going to spend it with her friend. (Not in an overly enthusiastic way. It‘s more that her friend is having a really hard time rn - going through a breakup, bad mental health in general, family issues etc. - and she felt that she just couldn’t let her down.) I said that I totally understand it and that I would absolutely do the same, but that I still can’t help be a little disappointed about it.

Now she didn’t say anything like it, but I can’t stop thinking about whether it was too self-centered/unfair/manipulative to say that. I‘m autistic (duh) and therefore have a hard time telling what’s appropriate to say and what isn’t. In my opinion I didn’t say it in a guilt-tripping way and it wasn’t my intention to prompt any kind of action from her side with it. It was just what I felt in that moment and I guess I wanted to convey that. But obviously some might interpret it as me trying to guilt-trip my friend into spending NYE with me. Knowing what her friend is going through I wouldn’t even want that.

I‘m genuinely not sure if I am being self-centered or just telling that myself because ~trauma. So yeah idk…
Any input?

No. 461646

i feel like if shes known you for years she would be able to tell you didnt mean it in a guilty-tripping way. you could always just passively apologize for it at some point too

No. 461766

My mother and stepfather have told me they want to stop by my house on very short notice. My step siblings both said they don’t know about the reason for the visit when I asked them.
I’m panicking about what news they plan to share.

No. 461773

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I know this is really general and vague and probably not suited for this thread, I'm not sure… but, does anyone have any sage advice for a 26 year old who feels like they aren't ready to be an adult yet? I feel like I'm still clinging to my childhood/adolescence life raft in the big open ocean of adulthood. I'm not doing terribly in life, I'm doing okay, but I really need to start working full time and I'm really scared. I have ADHD + anxiety pretty bad and it makes things difficult. I just don't know how I'm going to transition to adulthood, I don't even know what that really means… I just know that I'm dragging my feet mentally. Sorry for the weird question.

No. 461783

It's not as scary as you think, I promise. Honestly, try your best, and things WILL work out for you.

No. 461953

I feel like I can relate to you in this matter and I'm the same age as you. I try to remind myself that 26 is still very young and it's normal to not have everything figured out by this age.

Also, this.
A lot of the resposibilities can feel scary and overwhelming, but most of the time, it's not that bad. You get used to it as time goes by.

No. 462096

i hate my moid. been with him 5 years and we live together but his personality has just gotten progressively worse and worse. he has morphed into a nasty misogynist slob. my mom dislikes him too and tells me he's emotionally abusing me when i tell her about his behavior. i hate listening to him talk and his complete lack of hobbies that aren't on the computer. problem is i am 30, not very attractive, and he helps me with my career a lot. i would be giving up cheap rent and a lot of stability if i left him and may not be able to really do any better. i don't believe in love anymore, but i wish i had someone who cared about me beyond being a checkmark on a life's to-do list.

No. 462098

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Babe, dump him. You can do better.

No. 462103

>I am 30, not very attractive
Anon, listen to the picrel in >>462098 because it's true. You are unironically more valuable in the relationship just by virtue of being a woman, YOU are the one who chooses by the laws of nature. I know it's not as easy when it comes to the career help, but is it really worth sacrificing your happiness and mental health? Kick him to the curb.

No. 462106

Your mom seems to be on your side. Lean on her a little until you get back on your feet after scraping this scumbag off your shoe.

No. 462115

Cheat on him

No. 462117

Leave him ASAP what the fuck

No. 462122

does therapy actually work can someone please confirm before i impulsively start emailing psychotherapists in my area at 2 am? i dont have a mental illness im just a shitty person and i want to change

No. 462126

It does if you do what they say even if you don't like it. But if you don't do what they suggest no matter how much you don't feel like it, it will not help you.

No. 462128

The right one can make your life better, the wrong one can make it worse

No. 462132

As someone who tried therapy I learnt more about myself by having heart to heart conversations with friends on pingers

No. 462141

I just checked their fees, I know for sure I will commit to it if I’m being charged 100+ on a 45 min session

I have heard of this…apparently CBT is horseshit but CAT works, thoughts?

Preach. Last time I took it I kept squeezing and rubbing a random acquintance’s feet who was sat next to me on the couch for hours in silence but I did feel like the most charismatic person while doing it.

No. 462178

hey nonas, i am searching for some advice about moving cheaply between states! i think i could fit all my things in a cargo van but i'm having a hard time finding.. cost-sensible.. ways to do so. does anyone have some slick loopholes or ideas on doing so? thanks!

No. 462212

big favor to ask, but if someone could maybe just give me the PERFECT state for me to move to based on my personality traits, career and life goals, etc, by all means and thanks in advance.
>i don't want to live in a red state and i do right now. at the same time, i am apprehensive about living in an ultra liberal state because i do have beliefs such as being gender critical (i hate how troons have ruined certain states like california since their asses gets kissed despite raping everyone). if the state could be maybe purple, or maybe just lightly blue, that would probably be my best bet?
>i want to be somewhere where i won't get my head blown off for publicly dating the same sex
>i am educated and can do ux, app and web design. it's not my passion, but have skills within tech and don't mind doing it. i'm sick of being where i am now because it feels like the vast majority of people here have maybe an associate's degree at best, or they lucked out by staying at a company for many years to become a head manager or they are working in a family business bringing in the money. it sounds bad but it would be cool to hang out with more educated people in general.
>i'm happiest when there's racial diversity, however, i am apprehensive about migrants who are clearly here just to cause issues rather than stimulating the economy and ways of life with the rest of us. its why i said about feeling weird about super liberal places who really have no spine in all reality.
>i don't like living in major cities despite being born and raised in one (nyc). i'd like a state that has small to medium sized towns, beachy coast towns, maybe some rural areas here and there is fine by me. i am in love with the idea of living near lakes and mountains most of all.
>i enjoy creative hobbies, so a state that has a big concentration of things like cultural events, museums, broadway shows, art showings, colleges or unis that act as art schools to bring a sense of artistic flair to the state's vibe would be awesome.
>as a woman, safety is important. no place on earth will ever be 100% safe for a woman, i get it, but i'd like to not feel like i'm being bounty hunted every time i step out to do daily errands. i've had some close encounters where i'm at right now and i've had enough.
>i have chronic illnesses and as such, i am only going to have a good life if i can have access to organic whole foods. i'm lucky that right now i have lots of farmers around here who are passionate about growing organic fruits and vegetables, grass fed meats and wild caught fish, etc, which helps me a lot to manage my health. i'd be extremely unhappy to be at a place where there's a food desert or if i'm stuck eating super unhealthy cheap shit, such as certain places in the deep south.
>i want to be able to have a house within the next decade. i know housing prices nationwide is a hot topic, but if there's a state that isn't as ridiculously expensive in terms of housing and having my first starter home be not such a distant dream, that would be awesome.

that's all i have for now, if i'm missing anything just ask and i'll be able to answer. i just can't for the life of me pin point which state is perfect for me for some reason.

No. 462264

Hi nonnas, I need to know if I'm worrying about my friend too much. She told me that she's likely going to be moving in with her Nigel in around 6 months - a years time. She and her nigel have been dating for around 8 months (they met through mutual friends and knew each beforehand) but her Nigel shares the place with another mutual friend who has been incredibly standoffish to my friend the whole time she and her nigel have been dating (not beforehand though). Anytime my friend stays around, she would be blanked and then this 3rd person would groan, slam doors etc when she saw my friend and her nigel just sat on the sofa watching TV together. I've told my friend that this person is not good to them, they don't deserve to be treated like this, and quite frankly anyone not sticking up for my friend in this situation is a massive pussy. My friend said they agreed with me to an extent but they've talked about this with their Nigel and my friend was told "oh she's just like this, shes naturally standoffish" so my friend said she would try more to befriend her. I told her that was very noble of her but if this roommate keeps being rude to her to just not bother because she's clearly not worth her time. I just feel worried for my friend because I don't want her to move into a house where someone is clearly trying to make things uncomfortable for her. The nigel has a mortgage on the place, so it's not like they would move out of the one place and him and my friend would find their own. I feel like I am getting too involved, but like I said, I just don't like thinking about my friend possibly moving into somewhere where she's getting treated like dirt. I've already said my piece and I don't want to keep bringing it up to her. I met this so-called friend once and she was rude about my shoes and my outfit so I think she's an asshole.

No. 462331

Living with an unpleasant housemate isn't fun but it's not like she's entering an abusive situation, her and her bf can figure it out by themselves. It should be a two against one situation so she should be fine.

No. 462351

kek oh man, i'm sorry, but i would never trust a situation like this. the scrote and that so called friend definitely fucked before, even if it happened before your friend and the guy started dating. either that or the other woman has it bad for the guy but for whatever reason never made a move. whether or not the man is entertaining the idea of eventually being with this other woman doesn't matter; fact is, he and her moved in together. out of all of the people in entire green planet, they chose each other. i never buy into claims from people saying things like "oh we were long time pals, we would rather live together than live with strangers, money is tight, etc" because okay, and? that doesn't warrant living with people that you know deep down could potentially turn into a fwb or a relationship down the road unless you two actually wanted it to happen. i'm sorry to say, but your friend is in for a huge broken heart down the line. make sure you're there for her when it happens.

No. 462366

Yeah, I've lived in shitty housemate situations before where they'd gang up on me and it obviously sucked so I just don't want her to possibly experience the same thing. I really hope her bf will put his foot down though. This has been going on throughout the entirety of the relationship and like I said, my friend has raised it to her bf multiple times that she thinks this other friend doesn't like her and is met with "oh well she's just introverted" and even though I'm extraverted, I know plenty of introverts and they're not assholes lmao. Idk I just feel like if I was the bf in this situation and if someone was being rude to my partner in my own house I'd tell them to quit it and play nice or move the fuck out kek.
See, if the nigel wasn't asexual I absolutely would have thought that. It did cross my mind that the housemate might be into him though - it seems incredibly strange that she was fine to my friend before then SUDDENLY swaps once they start dating. As someone who might be finally getting a mortgage in 2 years, I get having a friend you know move in to help with the costs, but like if they were rude to my partner after months of dating??? I'm sorry but what the fuck is that about

No. 462371

That “friend” wants to fuck your friend’s boyfriend. Nah she isn’t asexual either kek , otherwise she wouldn’t be this rude to your friend and to you (since you’re her friend). I’d honestly tell my Nigel to wake the fuck up if he had a friend like that and I’d break up over it if he would do nothing, I don’t want that kind of drama.

No. 462373

And they’ve probably fucked before, multiple times kek.

No. 462374

The nigel is asexual?

No. 462378

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>The Nigel is asexual
Oh my god you precious gullible nonna kek

No. 462379

A man who is asexual might exist, but it’s a 0,5% and when they’re they don’t date, I’d never believe a man that says he is.
Also it’s kind of useless at that point, what kind of use do I have of a scrote If I can’t even use the dick kek.

No. 462380

She’s salty that she won’t have as much time to fuck the scrote, it will be harder once her friend moves in.

No. 462381

Please update us nonna. I want to know what happens in five months.

No. 462413

holy fuck was not expecting this many nonas to care kek. My friend told me he has no desire for penis in vagina sex but he ate her out. She told me there's "zero chance" she'll ever get pregnant and she's come off birth control, bare in mind she never ever wants to have a kid. He used to think he was gay and previous came out as gay before which in full confidence here raised my eyebrows kek. My friend told me their relationship is more emotional than physical which I mean as someone with a high libido I could never do, but hey he's not my nigel.
But what I did come here for advice for was; am I right to question my friend for wanting to move in? Or am I just a nosy bitch? I am a confrontational person, whereas my friend imo is forgiving and always willing to see the best in people to a fault (which I've told her before)

No. 462423

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>am I right to question my friend
yes you are in the right, this entire situation is fishy as fuck, i'm sorry. he might be asexual, whatever, but his female housemate sure the fuck ain't and she definitely is in love with him. and even if she isn't, that doesn't mean she's not going to do everything in her power to break them up, especially when your friend moves in with them. most men are weak and stupid enough to buy into people's manipulations, and we all know men LOVE to be victims in every situation ever; wouldn't surprise me if months down the road this scrote will come to you and be like oh nona your friend is so insecure, clingy, jealous and crazy i feel aboosed!

No. 462424

I know of a woman like this. she makes these male besties and makes a lot of future life plans with them, including living together and building up a life together (basically). She calls it "working together for self improvement". She doesn't seem interested in them romantically, but she latches on in a way where she becomes standoffish with the male besties' gfs and stuff, because they threaten these future life plans. She gets personally offended when the male bestie has other ideas for how he wants to live his life (one moved in with another male friend rather than her, "like they planned"). It's almost like she wants to create this harem of husbandos, as apparently she really likes it when men take charge and do everything for her.

No. 462427

i gotta commend them, though, those kinds of women be smart as fuck and usually make it big in the sugar baby business kek. when you're young, it's best to use moids and then drop them once a real one comes through. living with a male bestie has tons of perks, including not just lowering the financial stress, but also to use him in other ways, including sexual and emotional companionship for however long it takes before she meets a man she actually desires.

No. 462464

nta but fuck off with your "smart women are pick-me whores" OF-hag grifter cope

No. 462480

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never done OF but ok

No. 462610

>It's almost like she wants to create this harem of husbandos, as apparently she really likes it when men take charge and do everything for her.

No. 462783

Yeah I'm praying to god that maybe the roommate will move out before then or maybe he'd get some balls and kick her out. Lmao kek nona he's not my type, at all. We watched a film together and afterwards he was giving me & my friend a 5+ minute lecture about it after he asked OUR opinions kek

No. 462785

I’m on the verge of completely losing it from the Australian cost of living crisis. I can’t afford to do anything other than go to work and rot in bed on the weekends.
Should I sell my house to free up some cash even though I will regret it later?

No. 462793

god nona I'm sorry that sucks. a few questions I want to ask about your situation is: do you outright own the house or do you have a mortgage? Do you happen to have a spare room available? Its not ideal but you could get a roommate in and charge them rent and split bills with them. Additionally, do you have a drive way? If you have space on your drive or don't own a car you could always rent out your parking spot. I wouldn't suggest selling your actual house. Do you have hobbies or crafts you could do to help generate money?

No. 462796

My mom is on the verge of breaking up with her long distance boyfriend (he comes here for a few months),she’s in her early 40s. This is her second relationship after breaking up with my stepdad with whom she stayed for 10 years due to cheating on his part.
She feels jaded and she’s scared that she’ll be lonely and that she’ll find no one at the same time she finds relationship to be constraining. She’s a great mom, she has a strong character, she’s witty too and also quite beautiful, the problem is that we live in fucking Europe and we’re POC, the scrotes here are also all shitty and just want to hookup, yes even at 40. How do I cheer her up? Or better how do I make her understand that she shouldn’t be scared of being alone?
I wish she had more friends, but she moved recently and hasn’t been able to find a real fixed friend. How do you even make friends at 40?

I can understand the need to feel intimacy and what not, I’m 21 and never had a relationship and I have virtually left that desire given how men are. Although I feel lonely I still rather remain like this than waste my time with a man.

No. 462798

Nonna sorry if I offend you but your friend is a mega retard.
To me it looks like he’s a faggot in denial at this point.

No. 462799

You can be right and nosy kek. You’re in no wrong here.

No. 462800

You can do all that with a woman minus the sex kek, they’re not smart.

No. 462832

Great advice by >>462793
Do not sell your actual house, nonita!

No. 462838

It's okay if your mum is scared of being lonely. Incidentally, I live in Europe too, but everywhere in the world it's hard to make friends after 40. As for cheering her up, you can do something nice like a shopping trip, a spa day, a restaurant, whatever you think of, just bear in mind it's temporary. Loneliness is more prevalent than a shopping trip or spa day…

No. 462860

I've been sick with different colds and flu 4 separate times in the past 2 months. I'm young and healthy and I'm worried there's something wrong as I never used to get sick before, when I did it would never be this bad. Anyone know what could be causing this, is it worth going to doctor to see if there's something wrong?

No. 462872

Could be stress? But I think it's worth it getting a general blood test at the doc

No. 462924

I don't know where to put this to be honest, but I'm wondering if any nonnas might have the same thinking as me or if I'm over thinking and being wishful.

My BF and I have been together for years and finally moved out 2 years ago and have been living with each other. He bought a 3D printer and he made me a little cat ring that he made a 3D finger-size checker for too. Is this what happens when men are trying to be discreet about proposing?

No. 462927

i'm not sure nonna, i would bet on overthinking, it would be totally the case if he were a woman, but i really think that he just saw a cat ring and though '' oh that's cute, she likes cat and i can experiment my printer !''

but i might be wrong since i'm told i'm as blund as a rock

No. 462932

I'm pretty realistic, so I figured as much. Since we both don't want kids there's just a couple things marriage benefits to us. The whole house is covered in little random 3D slinky cats and snakes lol

No. 462955

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Someone on here told me I might be schizoid, can you guys either confirm or undiagnose me please.

>don't have irl OR online friends

>sometimes miss my childhood friends but feel no desire to make new ones
>was normaler as a kid, had a very small social circle, 1-2 close friends at a time, already had problems with empathy and socializing but I'm not a sociopath
>don't talk to my coworkers or other students unless they talk to me first.
>have to fake interest when talking to acquaintances or relatives
>find some people genuinely interesting and likable but still don't feel like befriending them
>never been on a date
>social anxiety
>not affected by criticism unless it makes me aware of an area I'm fundamentally incompetent at
I sometimes meet up with people in anonymous chatrooms (maybe once a month), we hang out, chat, then go on with our lives. This makes me happy and is the deepest level of social interaction I enjoy kek. On rare occasions (every 6 months) I go outside with intent to socialize and larp as a normalfag, sometimes by my own initiative but usually because someone asked me to come. My lifestyle can be described as solitary confinement with wifi.

Am I schizoid or avoidant or just depressed?

No. 462962

Fucking kek I love her but her naiveity has made me question some of the choices here. Ngl the reason I love being with her is because she's very sweet but even though we're both the same age I feel like really challenging her about stuff in her relationship. But I know the more you question someone the more likely they'll stay with their Nigel

No. 463016

Sounds schizoid the most out of the three, especially the last one. Avoidants tend to be rather sensitive about criticism while schizoids do what you wrote verbatim. They're concerned about their own competence so that said competence will allow them to thrive alone and the like.

No. 463271

Thank you for the advice nonna. I think I’ll take her out then. She just broke up yesterday night, the scrote will still stay at her place though, his ticket is in one week.

No. 464189

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Please help me nonas, i am so confused and need to hear input as to what the hell just fucking happened to me.
>> Meet cute guy at school, don’t think much of it because he is much younger (23) me(28).
>> Talk at the school bar a few times, amazing chemistry.
>> times goes by, see eachother on different occacions, he always says that we should watch a movie together.
>> he asks me finally if we should watch a movie at his place on messenger and we do and hit it off very well.
>> watch a few movies together a few more times, at his or mine. We eventually start to like eachother and he finally tells me that he likes me and if he can kiss me.
>> we hang out, days go by. We are lovey dovey a bit in public (school, bar etc)
>> asks me if we are a thing, i say sure.
>> few days go by, asks me if he is a “secret lover” or if i have mentioned him to my parents, because he had mentioned me to his. i hadn’t yet obviously.
>> during this whole time he has offhandidly talked about his ex, listened to songs about missing people etc etc
>> i ask if he is over his ex, he says yes and i decide to believe him (lol)
>> days later asks me to be his girlfriend, i say ok sure.
>> talks about his ex being abusive, getting angry if he didn’t answer texts right away. (When they were together)
>> says he feels like he loves me already but knows i would be freaked out if he said it so early and that it was to early to say it.
>> Go to bar one night, have a fight because i get jealous because other girls flirt with him and he isn’t pushing them away but being friendly albeit not flirting back at all.
>> we make up.
>> i go to my home country for the holidays. I have a conversation with him and ask if he even likes me because he isn’t so outwardly affectionate in a “passionate way” (he is very shy and inexperienced) he assures me he thinks i am hot shit basically and couldn’t believe i liked him etc he again says he wants to drop the L word but knows i think it’s too early.
>> week goes by, he texts me all day, calls me everyday (his initiative, never asked him to do this). Everything seems swell.
>> We have a misunderstanding, i was sad about something, texted it to him ehile he was at work. He didnt call me after work (i said he didnt HAVE to), he tries to call because he can sense i am butthurt (not angry at all).
>> He calls again, i finally answer.
>> He is angry as shit, says i don’t appericate any effort he puts in, that we are incompatible, he thinks he can’t love me in the way i require, that i am too good for him, we will probably destroy(he used this word) eachother in the future, says we don’t know eachother.
>> convo goes on for about 2 hours.
>> I ask him to clearly say if he wants this, yes or no, no beating around the bush. He says no, and we break up.
>> two days go by, i ask if we can chat because i am confused as shit.
>> We talk, he says we are too different and we will damage/destroy eachother if we contine, drops the L word on be by “accident”??(idfk) then corrects himself says oh i mean like a lot a lot. Says he has been crying since we ended it, and that he is sad to so it.
>> Convo ends, he doesn’t want the relationship anymore.

Some context; All this chaos was in the span of 1.5 month.
He had a very strange upbringing, family is a bit spiritual and cultish, he went to a weird cultish school and is strange. Smokes weed alot. Only had one girlfriend in his whole life and they broke up 5 months ago ish. Very timid, almost no sexual experience.

Nonas, what the hell just happened to me? I don’t think he was faking it, which makes me more confused. I have dated players before, but they usually don’t want labels or mention parents, he was EAGER lol.

No. 464640

How to stop overreacting over mundane and unassuming things? For example, I went to a baseball game with my friend a couple months ago. We were sat pretty high up on the balcony area. I am not afraid of heights or anything, but during the game she kept jokingly acting as if she was going to throw her phone over the ledge. However she was just making the motion or pointing it out without actually holding her phone. It freaked me out completely, to the point where I started shaking and sweating whenever anyone in our row even had their phone out at all. It got so bad I had to leave the game for a period of time to cry in the bathroom about it. I literally don't know why I reacted this way or reacted in such an extreme. I get this kind of thing a lot. Another example is I hate coming into peoples houses without them inviting me in (like Dracula.) Even if I've been expressly invited and told to unlock the door myself and come in because the person is busy or something, I get so nervous the entire drive there that it feels like I'm incapable of doing it. I often just power through it but it can upset me enough to ruin my entire day, and also ruin others. I don't get angry at people or anything, but I am just so visibly shaken by such small and random things that people get annoyed. I want to stop this desperately, and it's all things I can't explain. I must stress though it's not just a little annoyance, I can get inconsolable.

No. 464771

have you considered counselling nona? This sounds like something which is very unresolved from your past, pushing through here. Sometimes trauma and grief etc can manifest in confusing ways.

No. 464802

You sound like you have the same issues I have. Following rules, being stressed when people joke around due to possibility of you being in trouble because you're with them. Being kicked out.. I think you have an anxiety issue, nonna.

No. 464837

zoloft 100mg ON + ativan 0.5mg PRN

No. 464838

Do you have autism?

No. 464850

This girl at my university who lives in my dorm came up to me once and pulled my hair? And sometimes just takes shit off my table in the common areas and walks off with it? I've spoken to my RA but she just says she didn't do anything. Wtf do I do?

No. 464871

She's feral so you'll need to snap like a crazy person, Idk. Since no one is willing or able to help you, just take her shit and smash it on the ground with a crazy look on your face. Blood capsules would be effective and hilarious, plus she'll sound insane reporting it. Just make sure no one else is around or she'll say you came at her for no reason

No. 464916


agree, you have to speak to her in her language sadly. you don't have to make a big scene, just do something socially weird like as smacking her hand and hissing at her or some shit

No. 464939

Nonas, how to be more assertive or be less of a push over?

Not sure if is the autism or just people pleasing tendencies (or both), but I struggle a lot with saying "no" and defending my boundaries.

Somewhat related, sometimes I don't even acknowledge that someone was trying to push their agendas on me (aka make me do something), or were trying to diss me (when this happens and I don't get it, people get angry though lol)

Any advice?

No. 464955

It will be a struggle at first, trust me. But you'll realise how much happier you'll be once you start saying no and doing things on your own terms. If you need motivation just remember that. Additionally once you start asserting yourself, you'll find that people bother you less. They know you're not a pushover anymore and will move on. I think not acknowledging insults is a secret blessing tbh. When moids would be aggressive with me calling me a fucking ugly bitch after I rejected them I would just nod and say back "yeah I know" and you could see them short circuit it was incredible.

No. 464956

It's not an easy fix but learn to value yourself and gain self-esteem and it will come more naturally. Identify what prompts you to let people run over you : are you afraid of conflict? rejection? disappointing others? I'd write down instances where you feel like someone pushed your boundaries, write about why you let them do it, what were the consequences as well as how you felt, and what you wish you should've said/done at the time. You need to be more aware to prevent it in the future and be prepared on what to do, then it will get easier the more you do it. Saying 'no' doesn't have to be rude or blunt either, there are tons of ways to work around it. For the last thing, it kinda sounds like tism.

No. 467331

Thats a sort of huge one but even if you just read through it, I'm grateful.
I'm 29 years old and actually a mother of 2 kids (2 yo and 3 month old baby) I'm a SAHM to a guy who treats me well and tries his hardest to keep us all happy also (takes over almost all chores and cooking while he's off work and plays a lot with the toddler). However I'm a miserable self destructive cunt and I cannot handle this life. I keep having negative thoughts about how I'm trapped and overwhelmed and not made for any of this. I become toxic and already for the second time had a mental breakdown where I said I don't care about the kids and want to abandon them to live my previous life which consisted of getting drunk and high and doing nothing but vidya, and endlessly browsing/posting in the web. I can't afford going to a therapist either because I have like 1h of free time a day at best, and don't believe they work. I just feel unable to experience any proper positive feelings and am choosing my own hedonism over poor kids who I brought into this world. I also don't do much in favour to saving my relationship if I basically imply I regret having them and being only with my bf because of them. Just an awful way of being that I don't want to have anymore.

>How to stop being a shit person and how to stop wanting to be a deadbeat mother

No. 467412

You sound like you have no real support network.

No. 467464

Like the nonna above me mentioned, where is your support network? Do you have anyone who can watch the kids once in a while so you can get some well-deserved time for yourself?
I understand your feelings about therapy, but since you've only mentioned your boyfriend as your support, I really think you should try it. Being a mother, especially a SAHM, is tough when you have support, let alone little to none. You're doing it almost entirely on your own. I can see that you don't have the rest or support you truly need. Without that break, it's easy to feel even more overwhelmed. You deserve time for yourself, and it's okay to want it. Even if it feels impossible to take a break, having someone to talk to, like a therapist or a trusted friend, could help you process your frustrations in a healthy way. Your boyfriend sounds wonderful, but even the most supportive partner can't replace the need for external support when you're carrying so much on your own. If you do not have anyone else, could you try scheduling therapy appointments when your boyfriend has a day off?
Also, please don't call yourself a "shit person". You are not one. A shit person wouldn't care or feel any resentment. You are a tired mother doing her best, and I believe you'll get through this. Please, consider getting help. You truly deserve it. And do not feel guilty for feeling the way you do. Your feelings are valid. I really admire you, nonna. Being a SAHM is incredibly demanding, and you don't get the breaks or vacations that come with a full-time job. What you're doing has so much value.

No. 467548

Thank you so much for your understanding words. It's true outside of my BF I don't really have anyone. His family is quite difficult to deal with and mine consists only of my sister and mom who live in another country. It's really difficult and I'm unsure how to get that kind of support, and feel just so guilty that my first thoughts go immediately to abandon the family I created. But it's true and I haven't considered how necessary it is to not be alone

No. 467675

Are there any parent & baby groups or socials near you? That would be a really great way to meet fellow parents and build up a good support network. I know your kids are little, but maybe for the older one try enrolling them in a couple of classes (dance or swimming to give an example) as it will give you a break and also maybe meet other parents too

No. 467733

Poor kids, why even make another one? You could have at least stopped at one. I like Children, but I dislike life with children and I know I’ll never have them.
If you have to be a shitty mother like you are you’d rather fuck off somewhere else, pay child support and maybe get them on the weekend or something, children shouldn’t have mothers like you.

No. 467812

i'm thinking of sending a letter/parcel to a woman i'm parasocial about. she has a po box in a different state so it's not creepy, it just feels like a poor financial decision because i'm literally from europe and would be paying a lot of money just to send this girl some trinkets, stickers and a heartfelt letter. should i do it?

No. 467844

Is she a streamer?

No. 467860

If it doesn't make your parasocial relationship feel stronger or significantly impact your finances, why not? Are you asking out of embarrassment or because you already know the answer? If it's embarrassment, I don't think there's anything to be embarrassed about. It's a wholesome gesture.

No. 467873

she has a po box ? meaning she already recieve stuff from anons ? sure go for it, just be aware you will pay a lot and you won't even get the satisfaction of seeing her open the parcel, she won't even read your stuff you know ? reading require attention and not one has enough of it these days

No. 468053

no, vlogger with a small-ish channel.
i'm not sure if she does, her po box is for pen palling. she sometimes opens penpal letters on camera if they have agreed to it but i would be fine with her not filming mine. i do think she would read the letter since she seems to be into reading and doing penpal stuff.
tbh i am worried it might make it stronger

No. 468199

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One of my close friends told me that she's gotten into a lot of credit card debt over the past few years. She talks about it like it's a joke but… being in a ton of debt is obviously terrible. She even said her credit score has tanked, although it seemed like she thought that if you don't a house that means your credit score is just going to be bad?? I showed her my credit score to counter this but she just said it would "naturally go down eventually". She doesn't even have a job, and says that she only pays the minimum on her debt each month. Nonnas is there a way for me to convince her to just pay it off? When she first told me I offered to just help her pay it but she just doesn't even want to… I don't know what to do.

No. 468239

I know you're worried about your friend, but you've kind of done everything you can by voicing your concerns for her. Sometimes people will only learn by hitting a brick wall

No. 468299

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My friend was telling me them and their Nigel have booked to go on holiday in a few months okay cool, but then tells me this
>Nigel says they should go away together friend says oh okay w/e doesn't really think about it
>week later Nigel has found a good deal on a hotel and brings up to friend they should go
>friend says they'll need to see if they can get the time off work, friend works in a customer service role and basically you're not allowed holiday if too many people have booked a day off
>Nigel just says "oh well I'm going to go book it anyway"
>friend now needs to find someone to swap out a random day in the week with them because they couldn't book all those days they needed off
I'm sorry but at best I think this moid is fucking retarded. Why would you do that. Sadly I didn't think it was right to mention this to my friend because they were excited telling me this and also friend was telling me this in our workplace break room so not a private place and it's mean to call out someone's bf when they need to go back to work in 5 minutes. I'm here because I feel like I need a vibe check, my gut feeling feels like this is wrong.

No. 468317

Nah fuck work. She can just call in sick no?

No. 468320

Of course, and that's what I'd suggest. but she never calls in sick even when she actually is. She's one of those people that always does the "right thing"

No. 468479

going to work when you're sick is the wrong thing to do.

since she can just take a sick day, and has enough accumulated, and never actually takes one. I think your friend is just dumb and her Nigel didn't really do anything wrong. I'm assuming he knows this about her.

if booking the trip before her confirmation would put her in a bad position at work, and he knew this, then it would have been a dick move.

No. 468580

agreed on first point and I've stressed this to her. I'm just a bit concerned as it sounded like from my friend that her nigel didn't even wait until she could actually get the time off from work before booking the trip, like in her words he said "well I'm going to book it anyway". I used to work the same job as her and because it's a shitty costumer service role, no more than x amount of people can take a day off at once. She said she could get all the other days off bar one, and is now hoping someone will swap her shift closer to the time.

No. 468625

A younger male coworker started acting in a very jealous way and I became increasingly uncomfortable so I stopped looking at him and avoided him as much as I could. Problem is that I have to work with him daily to an extent as he's in my department. Occasionally I have to ask him for something for the job or tell him where to put something. And I usually avoid everyone but sometimes I get chatty with the girls and he takes both of those situations as a way to hover over me or us if I'm talking to one of the girls. He will try to give me food or ask me for gum. He copies me so he has the same snacks and drinks as me which makes me want to stop bringing those items into work. He will stare at me and purposely walk behind me close when I'm in my area and will stare me down as I log out of the computer at the end of the day and follow me to the timeclock or try to beat me to it so he can talk to the same coworkers I usually talk to. Like the second I give him attention he lurks around me all day even if I try my best to ignore his entire existence and it fucking freaks me out. I've ignored him for months with absolute minimum talking but I talked to him about a work incident with someone else recently and he went right back to his following me bothering hardcore shit. I'm fucking scared of him honestly. My manager knows I do not want to be around him and he sees how he's always clung onto me but there's only so much he can do. And once someone accused him of being obsessed with me he came over to me and threw a fit and wouldnt stop trying to convince me he was normal so Im scared of another freak out if I tell him directly to leave me alone. What should I do nonnies?

No. 468730

You can’t save stupid

No. 468916

What the fuck is this it sounds like this freak is about to or in the process of trooning out and picked you as who to skinwalk as. Maybe he will let you off if you signal something 'problematic'. It is a very risky move but what if you whispered something that only he can hear thats completely out of character like you randomly say I wish all trannies would kill themselves, or we should kill all the jews - and as soon as he reacts act that he made it up and you didn't say anything. Deny it completely and involve your manager. Everyone will believe he just lost his marbles and will have it confirmed by his eventual trooning and he might leave you alone in the meantime

No. 468976

Gender ideology is still popular, being transphobic openly aill only hinder her job. She should continue gray rocking him and then reporting him to HR.

No. 469699

How can I become more emotionally mature? I feel like I'm mentally stuck at 19 and I tend to have childish reactions.

No. 469705

I would say surround yourself with emotionally mature people. I used to be very childish and emotionally immature but I had a lot of conversations with my sister who is very mature and in tune with her emotions and it taught me a lot about how my behavior/thoughts are wrong and how I should fix them. If making friends like this is too hard maybe you could learn from a therapist too.

No. 469821

Report it to HR. Check his socials, if you have them (if not go look in the snoop thread on /ot/ and get cracking) and see if he's written anything about you, if he has any of your details like your address, birthday, whatever. Private your accounts. And report his ass to HR for the crazy fit he threw AND GET THEM TO EMAIL YOU A COPY OF THE REPORT YOU MADE AND THE DISCUSSION YOU HAD, even if nothing happens this time it's on the record and future offenses will be taken much more seriously. This is why you need HR to email you stuff, it's a paper trail. They might try to delete it if they think it's not worth their time to follow up, so keeping a copy of the report can really save your ass.
If it escalates to stalking or worse, take the evidence and the HR report and talk to the police. Evidence can include screenshots of his social media (make sure the screenshot includes the date and time the screenshot was taken, in case he takes it down). DON'T tell him that you're going to do this, that's only going to put you in danger.

No. 469831

if making friends or therapy is too much,
watching serious mature dramas from the 90s/stop watching childish media, kinda helped me see what "mature" reactions are and what are the type of problems they have to solve. workplaces were forced to be more professional, etc. I feel like older media for adults just had a more mature feeling.

I specified the 90s bc I think they handle nuance A LOT better and I think childish reactions are very black and white, so seeing nuance is good. I also think 90s actors were much better overall at things like microexpressions and acting like normal humans/treating people with humanity.

side note but a lot of modern dramas are almost unwatchable to me now. they act like humanoid Twitter bots, with expressionless avatar faces

No. 469898

put yourself on situations you normally wouldn't. a lot of people don't have room to grow emotionally because they don't test their emotional capabilities due lack of opportunities to do so. the more you test how you can perform in different situations, the better you get at being aware of how to act nuanced and what are your limits. so literally just do things you aren't used to do. if you're not very social try joining a club or something where you're forced to interact with people in real life.

No. 470115

Get off the internet and spend time with older women. Join a craft club or volunteer. The internet runs on hysteria and Mean Girls style bitchiness and troll feeding, if you don't go offline you're going to take much longer to mature.

No. 470128

Can you share some recommendations for the dramas? Thank you.

No. 470351

How do you rebuild your confidence after getting fired? My job is my everything (I don’t have relationships or hobbies outside work) and I got laid off.

No. 470365

Aw I'm sorry nona. Just remember you only lost your job because someone higher up decided to cut you, you didn't do anything yourself. Realistically, it is going to hurt a bit and the fact you don't have hobbies or relationships is worrying, you need someone to vent to or something to help work out your anger or frustration. Practically, you need to get back on the horse and just apply apply apply. Maybe for 1-2 hours a day once you've scanned for all available jobs go for a walk to clear your head. Wish you all the best.

No. 470381

I've found journaling really helpful. Expressing your issues and reading up on them later (when you're less troubled) really helps you gain some perspective and learn how to better recognize your problems and how to handle them better.

No. 470437

The thing is I always feel like the most immature person compared to everybody else in whatever setting I am, whether it's at work or with friends. I'm actually having my first therapy session next Monday, so it's going to be brought up at some point.
I don't watch movies or TV shows, but I could probably read books about behavior and emotions, I mostly read fantasy and horror so that doesn't help with the maturity lol.
I think I lack maturity because I grew up sheltered and never faced any hardship, I got insanely lucky with never being abused in any way. I have no idea what kind of situations I could get into, it's not like I'm a neet and never interact with people, I guess I could try dating but I have no interest in that at all, I could check out clubs in my town but given the general demographics I fear there's going to be mostly old people.
While it's true that I spend too much time online and that I want to meet more people I'd prefer people my age, I don't like this idea that older people are some kind of wisdom dispensers.
I used to journal a lot in highschool and I couldn't read my entries after one week due to how much they made me cringe, maybe that's a good thing, I should get back into it.

No. 470449

Thanks nona.
Have you ever been fired?
The lack of balance in my life is why it’s hitting so hard. I might get a dog once I get a well paying remote job.

No. 470486

Not fired, but I was on a fixed term role and my contract wasn't extended, but my partner on the project was, and it hurt a lot. I'd made a complaint against one of the top people in my organisation and it came back to bite me. I was also informed by ex-colleagues that my suspecions of my ex-head of department let me be the sacrificial cow were correct. Like I said, if it was 100% your fault, they would tell you that in the dismissal. That's lovely you want a dog, use that as motivation to find a new job so you can reach that goal. One of my goals is to get a mortgage to leave my shared house so I can get a cat kek.

No. 470534

hey nonnas, my nigel has decided he wants to visit our old town for his bday. i have a colleague i worked briefly with last year who lives in that area coincidentally. i asked him if it was okay if we visited her briefly for a quick chat (as it is his day and she is my friend) and he said it was okay but i know that he would like it to be brief because his job drains his social battery. and again its HIS day
is there a american friendly way of expressing this? american culture is something i dont really understand and i don't wish to offend her. she is a really sweet, kind, older lady who im sure would understand but im a chronic overthinking esp when it comes to social situations like these. also am i dickish for asking to see her? i kind of feel like i am, but we are going to be spending the night there and i feel like i would regret not asking to see her since she lives there.

No. 470610

Maybe just white lie to her and say you'd love to see her but it needs to be around 2ish hours max because you and your Nigel have plans? I'm sure she'll feel happy you've considered visiting her regardless. Additionally, since she's your friend, you could always see her for idk those 2 hours in the late morning whilst your Nigel does something he'd like to do with maybe people he knows? Then you guys can spend the afternoon onwards together.

No. 470655

Okay dumb situation with dumb question but what would you guys do in this situation?

Petty sister knows I want to name my firstborn daughter after an ancestor who was pretty bad ass and has a pretty unique name. She wants to name her firstborn daughter it too, more so out of spite and pettiness because she knows I want that name. (We don’t get along anymore, back in the day we were close and told secrets like that)

She goes and tells our cousin about said name and cousin ends up naming her daughter it. She is older than us so of course she got kids first. Cousin isn’t even related to that side of the family (it isn’t a family name for her) so Idek what her thought process was there. Guess she likes unique names or something?

I don’t really see them much but I find it ridiculous there’s going to be 3 baby girls with the same name this generation. Our family tree is going to look fucked, I wish I was the oldest so I could’ve claimed the name first

I still want to name my daughter this name, but again I don’t know, it looks unoriginal and like I said there’s going to be 3 babies in my family with this name… but then again I’ve always had a dream to name my daughter this name, ever since I decided I wanted to have kids

TLDR: I want to name my daughter a name that’s already been claimed by my cousin and sister, should I still do it even though it’ll look petty and unoriginal?

Might post this in the baby / motherhood thread, dunno if it belongs here

No. 470698

Funniest situation ever. Please name your daughter The Name.

No. 470738

Maybe you can give her a super sick middle name as well to make it clearer that it was your idea first and best executed by you
Asking the other thread would probably be more helpful also kek

No. 470747

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Yes and make it super clear you LOVE that the cousins share a name! Show that you are happy to have inspired them. Never tell your daughter or anyone else otherwise. If you make it positive, it will be positive. Get the girls matching shirts, like "Mabel Crew" or something and lean into it on the rare occasions they are all together.

Tell me about this ancestor; what was her life like? What inspires you about her, and what do you want your daughter to know about her?

No. 470753

I don't get why shit like this matters. Just give your daughter the name too, and if they ask why you'll have a reason, and if they don't like it they can go pound sand about it.

No. 470914

i’ve started going gray much earlier than anticipated and i’m trying to embrace it but i’m getting a little frustrated. most of my hair is very dark and very fine with big, loose curls, but the grays are much coarser and don’t follow my natural curl pattern and i can’t figure out how to get them to behave. i also tried using a semi-permanent dye recently that worked perfectly fine on my unbleached dark hair and left it with a nice tint but that didn’t take on any of the grays. is there a way to get semi/demi permanent dyes to work on my grays without bleaching it all first? if anyone has any tips i’d be very grateful!

No. 470933

Look for dyes specifically for gray hair, theyre a different formulation from regular ones

No. 471190

Nona I believe there's a hair care thread on /g/ so maybe have a read through or ask the nonnas there as they'll probably have more specific advice

No. 471208

Is it weird to not want friends? I don't have any friends and don't have any desire to make them, but because I'm not close with my siblings and don't plan on having kids I'm worried about what I'll do when I'm old. Should I power through my anti-socialness and try to make friends anyway?

No. 471234

I don't crave friends either but building a supportive network would be beneficial.

No. 471276

It’s not as unusual as you think.
I’m estranged from my family and don’t have friends either. On a practical level it only sucks if I need to have a next of kin for day surgery or something but I paid a service to drive me home from a surgical procedure last time.
My dogs fulfil most of my social needs.

No. 471459

there's a shift manager at my job who i think is trying to make me quit. she was nice before she started singling me out. constant nitpicks, badgering about how i should've done x y or z, going from passive aggressive to blatantly hostile, snapping at me over minor things, setting rules only for me, and so much more. at first i thought she was giving me tips to help me improve, but she wouldn't stop micromanaging me, making me feel stupid and small when i'd do something she saw as "wrong". i’d spot her monitoring me during all my tasks. she’d approach me afterwards to tell me how i was doing it wrong, how she would have done it, talking down to me, trying to humiliate me. if i said “i understand” to her she’d get furious with me and scold me because “you say you understand but you don’t do what i told you to do, do you understand or not?” as i didn’t immediately do what she had SUGGESTED, not instructed me to.
if i don't talk loud enough she'll look at me weird and go "are you talking to me?" just needlessly rude. even when i do what she says it's wrong and she scolds me. it’s hard for me to stand up for myself, after 3 months i informed my manager. i had been nothing but nice and polite but i was getting really insecure and it was affecting work.

it was slightly better for a week, then got worse. she still brings it up, saying “i know you think i’m being tough on you” or “i know you had some problems with me because…”, etc like it was weird of me to report her. i worked 45 hours last week, a bit more than usual and was quite tired. i got permission to show up a little later than usual, only got 3 hours of sleep and we ended up being busier than expected with me having to manage a dining room of 50 people and a lot more. she did nothing that entire shift but chat with the regulars at the bar (while missing/fucking up orders) and the kitchen staff so when i get told i can leave after doing some closing tasks i know i’m fucked. 40 minutes later i’m finally done with them as i'd have to stop to do other shit she was supposed to be doing. i ask her for one favour (to call the main course for one of my tables), she snaps at me, tells me it’s a weird request, she’s doing other things, i say sorry and go to do it myself but she yells at me that she’ll do it and calls it with an annoyed tone. right before i’m done she goes “are you sure you wanna leave? you showed up so late today and you barely did anything, like there’s still more to do” i can only guess she said this because when we close i do everything while she goes through the restaurants emails. she never closes properly on her own.
this is already long enough, sorry this is all so messy but i just had to get this off my chest and ask for any advice, aside from her i really like all the people i work with and genuinely enjoy it. the pay is no issue either, i’m just at a loss because i can’t confront her or try to bring this up nicely as she’ll go lower. i know i sound like a pushover and i am but i want to use this as an opportunity to learn to stand up for myself but not run the risk of losing my job. also jesus fuck sorry this is long

No. 471567

you have to quit or confront her, and I doubt confronting her will do any good. Generally speaking, managers get to pick their staff. If the manager doesn't want you, there really isn't much you can do.

No. 471593

How to get over my fear of going out alone? I really want to gain some independence this year, but Im scared Ill get attacked, trafficked, SAd, or something else.

Some background: Shamefully, I can only go out with a family member. I have no friends, dont work due to the fear of moid violence and lack of job references. Im very isolated. I have trauma from DV and getting strangled by a moidlet in kindergarden (hes now a nurse who won an award btw).

Knowing moids true nature, I feel so unsafe and vulnerable when Im out, and that was when I was with someone..imagine if I was alone. Ive been followed, almost cornered and attacked/SAd once in a grocery store (my mom was just going to watch and didnt warn me that 2 men were behind me, said I shouldve been aware of my surroundings).

My family keeps telling me about crime in the news, everyday. The other day, my brother even almost stood in front of the door before I was going to leave, saying "be careful, [crime event] happened [time and place]..". He always likes to stall me when Im trying to go anywhere. I always run to the truck, in case he comes out and further stalls us from leaving (has happened before). He almost convinced the person I was going out with to stay home, and I cant stand staying indoors for more than a couple of days in a row. Its getting to the point where I feel like they want me permanently at home. Yet he will go out, without issue.

But its true, theres increasing moid violence (a woman wasr aped when walking on a relatively safe street, a woman fought off an attempted abduction in broad daylight by 4 moids props to her, random moids trying to break in houses nearby, random guy in our yard, scrote having a mantrum revving his engine in front of our home at odd hours of the night on random days..)

Self defense is illegal in my country, so Im screwed if a moid attacks me. I cant leave, as I have no passport. My family keeps rolling their eyes and making excuses, when I ask them to bring our passport applications to a professional (a legal loophole. Its required to list non-family references that have known me for x amount of years. I would have to ask said references if theyre ok with being called by authorities to confirm my identity. I have no references that have known me for that long, as old Drs and dentists have passed away. I moved a lot as a child, so cant use old classmates either.)

In a lot of ways I feel like a prisoner, but I want to try to break out of this. I just dont know the first step to take? A job, but how, without references? Idk.

No. 471594

Honestly? Get a dog. A big mean dog. Something that will bark if you get hassled or otherwise alert people.

No. 471608

your family isn't helping by constantly telling you every crime in the news but it sounds like they're doing it on purpose in order to keep you at home. My family is like that too and make themselves miserable over it, they get so mad when I go out anyways kek. I see getting attacked like the chances of getting in a car crash; it's possible, but millions of people drive every day and think nothing of it. The majority of them will take that risk every day of their lives and be ok. There are some scary people out there but most are not trying to harm you and just living their own lives. Definitely be alert and aware of your surroundings, ignore any moid who tries to talk to you, get whatever means of protection you can legally use or learn self-defense.
if there's a place nearby that you've been to with your family many times, maybe knowing the route and what to expect will help. I have anxiety around being in public too and that helped me. there's a cafe close to my house where I'd go with my mom often, I started by going there alone whenever I was feeling brave. I went there so much I knew the staff, and some other regulars, it became a bit less anxiety-inducing. good luck anon

No. 471668

Your manager has been told to make job cuts but because it's more costly to make an employee redundant, they'd rather you quit. Anon, just apply apply apply for more roles, anything to get you out. I'm sorry you're experiencing all this, it's horrible.

No. 471738

How do I start believing in myself? I've never done something actually hard in my life. I've always wanted to lose fat and pick up calisthenics, or start a big creative project, but every time something happens, and I end up stopping the project indefinitely.

No. 471950

>Deep self reflection
Learn your personal strengths and weaknesses. Understand that behind every weakness, there is a strength, AKA a very understandable reason for your "bad" behaviour. Write lists of everything you like about yourself and everything you have achieved in your life, big and small
>Unerring self compassion
Learn to have empathy for yourself, forgive yourself, see the best in yourself. Take care of and protect yourself as fiercely as you would a small, helpless animal or child. Remember that children and animals are "useless" but we love them anyway. Understand that, though your achievements are important, your true worth comes just from being born
>Resolve your trauma
Don't say you don't have any because, to some degree, everyone has pain, and I guarantee some troubling event or events are behind your lack of self belief. Write out your story for yourself. Talk about it with supportive friends, family, or a therapist. Just get it out of your brain, forgive yourself for everything, look for the best of it, and decide (again and again) to move on
>Get physically healthy
This is already one of your goals, so great! Start just with drinking lots of water, getting good sleep, and breathing deeply. This is the foundation of everything
>Knowledge is power
Find out your learning style (visual, audio, hands on, etc). Then spend your free time learning everything you can about everything that interests you. Fill your brain with information. Write your ideas down. You may not be able to act on them yet, but you're growing your creativity. More than that, it's more fun than beating yourself up!
>Get clean
If you are addicted to ANYTHING… food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, porn, internet, etc…. None of this will stick without replacing the addictions with healthy coping mechanisms. Depending on the severity, you may need professional help for this. It's okay to feel ashamed if you have problems here. Remember the point on unerring self compassion

My points are not in order. In the end, you'll be doing all of it at once, but it's best to start with just one or two things. Pick whichever area feels the strongest or easiest for you. Build on your strengths. You might also like this Psychology Today article:
>If I Know What I Need to Do, Why Can’t I Just Do It?

I believe in you nonna. You have everything you need already inside you. You are wonderful, a gift to us all, and one day you will realise that for yourself.

No. 471981

Don't do things for the end goal or some results. The trick is to do them with the intention of doing them continuously. Like doing things is the goal itself. The results are just a benefit you get to enjoy.

No. 472014

start journaling when you have a goal, write down why you want to do it and make an actionable plan for when and how you're going to work toward it. if you start falling behind on it, write down what's keeping you from continuing and deal with each barrier one at a time

No. 472157

Nonnas can you please teach me how to stalk an e-boy?

No. 472212

Sure. Where did you find him from?

No. 472345

Is this behavior a red flag?

So I was spending time with the family cats, but my annoying sexist moid relative had to hover around and make stupid comments. He uses a certain voice to pretend its the female cat speaking, but some of his comments were disturbing. He does this under the guise of a joke. So if I voice discomfort, everyone will make me out to be sensitive, "he was just joking", etc..

For example, when I said sorry to the cat for accidentally tapping her side with a brush handle, the moid relative said in his pretend cat voice, "You will be."

Another time, I moved the cat away from sleeping on the edge of the table, in case she fell as shes a senior. The moid was again standing there watching, and said in his pretend cat voice, "I should go to your room and do this to you."

This comment reminded me, I need to put a working lock on my door. Ironically, this moid is always hovering around at home. I cant do anything without him being nearby ready to interrupt or watch. When putting the lock, Id rather he not be there, but maybe I should do it anyway?

No. 472448

I don't remember specifically how I found him first but I do know all his social media accounts

No. 472449

I don't remember specifically how I found him first but I do know all his social media accounts

No. 472473

Thank you for the replies. I'm actually pretty bad at true and honest introspection, so I think I really need to determine what it is I feel like I need to do.
I've never actually done any of those self help exercises like "write out all of your good traits", so I guess it won't hurt to try.

No. 472565

I need advice regarding academic pressure. Last year was a mess and I didn't perform well and now I'm scared of going back to uni. Is it worth seeing a therapist over this issue?

No. 472582

100% go see a therapist, nonna. I was in your shoes an year ago, failed almost all my classes, was super depressed. I took a gap semester, saw a therapist, started going to the gym, took medication. 7 months later when I had to go back to uni I was scared, but I did it and now my grades have improved a lot and I've made new friends. Even my professors say I've changed.

No. 472600

Yes, it's a red flag and yes, put the lock anyway, nonna

No. 472613

That's really weird and creepy of him, please get the lock nona

No. 472820

How do you help an older person become more social?

My mother is in her 60s now. I strongly suspect that she has autism spectrum disorder. She has no friends, nor is there any family around. As far back as I can remember, I can't recall her ever having a friend. I'm the only person that she speaks to or does anything with. I'm moving to a different city soon for work, and my mother has taken the news very badly. I see her twice a week, but that won't be the case anymore. I've tried signing her up for activities at the senior citizens' club - usually she just goes to them once or twice and doesn't speak to anyone there. I'm worried about her because I know that loneliness is a big problem in old age, and that it can contribute to cognitive decline. She doesn't see the problem of not having friends or social outlets, but I think that she's just too self-conscious or proud to admit to it. It's burdensome being her only outlet for socialization because she ends up throwing all her baggage on my back. She is very bored, most days all she does is clean her home and sit in a chair looking at the walls.

Has anyone else gone through something similar? If so, what strategies worked for you?

No. 472837

I want to be her penpal so bad.

Does she have any topics that she focuses on when talking to you? I would suggest introducing her to something she brings up often but an outside-version.

No. 472884

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My uncle is dying (next few weeks probably) and he's a hoarder, but also a formerly popular niche/cult following musician. My dad needs me to help with cleaning out his place, cataloging and selling his stuff but I've never done this before and I'm scratching my head because some of this could be auctioned or is definitely worth a lot of money (to fans at least). What's the best way to tackle this? How do I not get scammed like a retard? Generally have any of you had to sort through a recently deceased person's stuff? I'm kinda scared it might be more heavy emotionally than I think since it hasn't really sunk in yet.

No. 472927

Well who is he

No. 472972

>She is very bored, most days all she does is clean her home and sit in a chair looking at the walls.
Forgive me if I'm overstepping but did she use to be more proactive with her interests, any interests? My dad also literally started staring at the wall after his stroke. When it's worse I have to come literally find stuff for him to do, like choose movies for him to watch. If your mom is turbo bored and she wasn't like that in the past, there may be some medical stuff to consider

No. 473164

is it possible to get the items appraised? I imagine some auctioneers are specialists in music themed items - do a bit of research. Are these items directly related to his career or more personal? If he has some very collectable guitars to give an example, those would be worth a solid amount regardless of his fame. I'd suggest auctioning them off (if even on eBay) but fans would want proof that whatever items are 100% legit. Not sure how you could go about this without mentioning to your uncle you're going to sell all his shit when he dies. You could also get in contact with any fan forums or social media accounts etc to spread the word that these items will be for sale, attract some buyers?

My grandma was a hoarder and I helped my mother and uncles clear out her place 5+ years ago. I was very close to my Grandma, so going through her place (I'd lived there for about 3/4 years when I was a child, she was my primary caregiver) did get emotionally heavy for me at times. Give yourself a break if needed. You may find some things that may surprise you in both good and positive ways. It didn't really hit me though until we sold the house and I realised I'd never go inside that place ever again. Best of luck nona.

No. 473231

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Just got my wisdom teeth removed a few days ago. I contacted my mom about it and she said that she had to take time off because of how much it hurt her, but I'm not feeling that much pain currently. Is that normal?

No. 473234

Everyone reacts in different ways to removals and the easy or difficulty of extraction, if you're past the few days mark already then you're pretty much past the worst of it. Most of the pain comes from how straightforward it is, some dentists have to break the tooth or use a lot more force than normal to get the tooth out

No. 473251

My wisdom teeth surgery didn't hurt that much either. I got all four removed at once and barely had to use pain meds.

No. 473458

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Anons who have tattoos, do delicate tattoos age worse? I'm thinking about getting my first tattoo soon, and I like the look of delicate tattoos but if after a few years they look muddy I'd prefer not to get one at all.

No. 473462

Yes, they do

No. 473557

Thanks nonna for the advice, I'm so caught in a negativity loop regarding my career. Your post gives me hope

No. 473611

Hey nonas, need some help here.

I'm trying to make more women friends and I feel like I socially fucked up with a group last time I went out with them.

I went out with 3 women, and everything was going fine. One arrived a bit later than the other 2, and was mentioning that she was thankful for us for being patient and waiting on her. I, stupidly, was full of “Awn <3” and stuff for her, literally saying “awn” and all that. I organised the whole thing, and we were planning to go to another place, but I found out the place would only open at 7PM (they asked about the next place after this “awn” and being late convo we’ve had happened). Since they didn’t want to stay so long to go to the next place, they were like “oh I can’t stay so late” and stuff, one after the other started doing this, except for the one being late. I panicked and said “oh ok guess I’ll leave as well then” thinking I was basically being rejected, but the late girl wanted to stay more. So I “rejected” the one I was being so friendly with.

In the end, the late girl had an alternative plan and went with it, but I feel like the other 2 clocked me by being “fake” and not staying with the one I was “awn-ing” for.

We said goodbye normally as we would before parting ways when going home after everyone decided what they’d after our hangout.

Since then, I feel the other 2 women are not giving me too much attention. I sent one a meme on Instagram and she just liked it (usually she responds with something). I answered the other one (she sent me some stuff the day prior but I thought we’d gonna talk about IRL, we didn’t, so I answered through messaging on the day after the hangout and she hasn’t responded since). I saw the last girl (messaging one) posting online but she usually takes some time to respond to me so I’m not sure if she’s mad or not.

Should I ask them directly if they are mad or angry with me? I feel like I should strike when the iron is still hot but I also know this could reek of desperation. I’m thinking on waiting a few days before doing it, in case nothing changes or they don’t reach out to me.

What to do, nonas? Yes I’m autistic and super anxious and I’m (maybe) overthinking everything but I’m tired of fucking things up

No. 473613

What the fuck does "awn" mean?

No. 473614

More like a "ohhh". The sound you do when you see something cute. Sorry English isn't my first language, didn't know how to convey this

No. 473618

Yes it does seem not so über nice if you went home, even though it appeared you could have stayed longer.
But I wouldn't tell them I'm sorry, and never ask them if they're angry. If anything you could tell the girl who wanted to stay, only when seeing her irl, how confused you were, and later realized it would have been be fun just to hang out with her too

No. 473621

And wanted to add, you could also bring it up to her, when asking if she wants to hang out with you again. You should be friendly, but not overly and most important always be confident

No. 473625

It seemed all of them could stay a bit longer - if the other place we had planned to go was open, they would have wanted to go there eventually since they asked.

You mean bringing this only to the one I "rejected"? Should I do something regarding the other two acting a bit colder towards me?

No. 473626

How do you cope with feeling mentally drained by work and knowing you have to do it until you die?

No. 473629

In this case I don't see why they would judge you for doing the same as they did. Maybe they're just busy. Over apologizing would unneededly shift their focus on a you for something that wasn't even wrong in the first place.

And in this case maybe you don't even have to bring it up to the one you rejected. If you feel you just want to hang with her, you can text here that you'd seen a new place/bar or something similar and would like to check it out with her

And if you really want to bring it up then at most something like hey. I had a great time with you guys, it's a bummer that we parted earlier, and then proceed

No. 473632

Yes, makes sense. I just feel I miss all these little cues and don’t want them to think I was being a big meanie on purpose. Thanks nona

No. 473657

Can I help my mom with what she's going through? She's in her middle ages and a dentist gave her tinnitus by aggressively handling her jaw, which has been so far a pretty horrible change for her. It's been 6 months and her mental health is fucked. We live in the same house. Ive been trying to cajole her into seeking a psychologist but that doesn't go anywhere

No. 473664

If I was from the US and I went to an ear doctor to confirm the dentist actually gave her tinnitus, I'd sue the dentist tbh.
Tinnitus could also be worsened by stress and can be alleviated by listening to brown/pink noise. I'm also pretty sure that researchers are getting close to a cure for tinnitus, so maybe you won't have to wait too long to get your problem solved.

No. 473672

We're Indian sadly. I do pray that they find a cure soon if what you say is true

No. 473676

I am so frustrated with dating. Dating apps and social media are not good for my mental health (I have some socials mainly for messaging but I don't post my face at all). I know how to flirt and I'm fine socially but I feel like no one goes out to meet people anymore. I'm 26 and all my friends meet their dates online. Men don't approach in public anymore, they'd rather just send a dm and block if they get rejected.

No. 473684

I accidentally said I’ve been unemployed for a month during a phone call for a job opportunity, forgetting that I didn’t include my last experience on my CV since it only lasted a week. Then played dumb and quickly backtracked to the previous experience during the call. It just sucks because the actual last experience is more relevant, but I decided not to put it on my CV since I’ve always heard it makes you seem unprofessional and unreliable for such a short period of time. Should I mention it during the interview or stick with pretending I didn’t have that job?

No. 473774

I wouldn't include it. I can't think of one single context in which "I worked this job for a week" would give you any points. maybe if it's gig work for an event?

No. 473924

Do not include it. It is a short time and if you do accidentally slip up again, say that it was a volunteer gig.

No. 473926

I need guidance nonnas.

I am 28 years old and I make 66k, I was contacted by a recruiter for a 3 month contractor position that pays 35-40 an hour.

I hate my job very much. It is stressful and I deal with my boss and his mom. It is a small company and a total nightmare. I missed a lot of days of work because my anxiety is so bad I took today off in fact and I am absolutely dreading tomorrow. This contract position seems like a glimmer of hope kek. Should I risk a full time job, that is permanent and recession proof for a contract gig?

No. 474066

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Does anyone know how to make friends in college?

I am 24 years old in my second year of college(I have been either switching what I study or dropping out.) and I have made zero friends. People tell me life gets better in college but I have been nothing but depressed and lonely. It feels like I've 'robbed' from the perfect college life people are expected to have.

Any advice nonas?

No. 474127

Thanks nona. My dad has power of attorney and it doesn't seem my uncle is lucid enough right now to have a conversation about his stuff (he never made a will or any arrangements anyway). I've been really thinking about the auction path, especially with some of the guitars that are already habitually worth several thousand. Maybe getting several appraisal opinions first sounds like the best way to not get fucked over. I've thought of asking fans but I think it might be a really bad idea because they're frankly obsessive or might falsely circulate around that he's passed. However getting in touch with a well-known fan site/page admin probably would be okay (?) I think they might be the best option to find buyers for the memorabilia and instruments. Some of the stuff isn't career-related but my dad wants me to sell it too. As far as I've researched, it looks like we can literally just create certificates of authenticity for free as authorized representatives.

I'm trying not to dread the hoarder house cleaning part emotionally but it's not easy. I can tell it's all very difficult for my dad which makes me feel some pressure to make sure I take most of this off his back. Even more awkward that he's dying with no friends and only us as family, it worsens the pressure to do things right.

No. 474569

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i've left two different jobs in my life previously because i was basically some old man's crush and got stalked or sexually harassed by them. one very nearly seemed like he wanted to rape me for real and i basically quit right on the spot that same day. i have had other moments of men being absolute creeps towards me in other jobs, but it was either a weird one-off and it never happened again, or it was because it's a job in retail and i never have to see the scrote again after he checks out. but it's scary with the jobs i walked out of because in one of those jobs, it was a boss, and the other was a long-term employee who thought he could stalk me out of the job.. which he clearly did. i'm tired of living in fear like this, but i can't for the life of me understand why or what is it i'm doing that's causing this to happen. i could just never talk to men during work hours unless absolutely necessary, but that seems to incite more curiosity because i guess i give off an ice queen hottie that needs to be conquered or some shit like that. i could just never wear makeup or wear my hair down ever again, or make sure to wear the most modest clothing ever, but i've also had a scrote getting weird with me during a remote job where i never even fucking posted a picture of myself. so i think its my energy that's driving men insane or something, idk. how can i be repulsive to men? i mean, aside from gaining like 500 lbs and not shower for more than a month?

No. 474570

Join a club, any club or organized activity will work. The first time you go, make a special point of looking nice and doing something to put you in a good mood before. Prep some conversation starters before you go, for example
>how long have you been involved with [activity]
>oh that's such a cool [object they are wearing or holding] where did you get it?
>do you have any plans after this/this weekend?
Other than that, as long as you're in college, it's pretty socially acceptable to just walk up to people and start talking in a lot of contexts (any social event, at a dining hall, before or after class, if you see a group hanging out and doing some random activity that might be fun to join). You can just ask to join them and introduce yourself, When in doubt, ask about their studies, where they're from, and what they do for fun.

No. 475439

No worries nona - I know you feel pressure to do things right, but to be honest with you, there's no rulebook to any of this. Interestingly, my Grandmas will got lost (we had to chase down a legal firm that went bust too kek) also I'd be cautious about the lack of will/arrangements, especially since there's money now involved. Keep an eye out for any ex-partners or children trying to get a cut. I also think getting involved with a respected fan page should be okay, the news when it drops will get picked up by the media anyway. You and your dad could look into making a formal press release when he passes, and use that to announce the auction. Again, I felt pressure to take a lot of strain from my Mum, but don't feel guilty if you feel sad, hell you and your Dad can be sad together you know? It's better to process the pain openly, than try to repress it. Again, I believe in you, I know you and your Dad will make the right choices.

No. 475460

I didn't actually make any long-term friends until after college, but I second what the other anon said about clubs. You don't even have to stay in the club once you meet people you like, it's just a good way to get your foot in the door. A lot of college socializing can kind of be viewed as exposure therapy, it sort of lowers the stakes and gets you used to putting yourself out there.

I've been told I'm more extroverted than a lot of people, so ymmv, but in smaller classes I would usually walk in and just say a general "hello hello how's everyone doing!" as I sat down, and then strike up a convo with anyone who replied and wanted to chat. I also would always compliment someone if they were wearing something I liked or got a new haircut.

No. 475506

Women don't have to 'do' anything to make men insane, some men are just insane. Wearing airpods seems to work well to communicate disinterest/disrespect, and men also hate septum piercings. I have no other ideas.

No. 475518

See if you can find a female owned business to work for. You'd have more incentive to support them so they can defeat the shitty rapeape owned businesses. In the interview you can even say you want a job where you are treated like an employee first and a woman second.

No. 475526

If you have to train your replacement after getting laid off is it ethical to half-ass it?

No. 475530

Personally I’m taking it a step further and using company time to plan my suicide

No. 475544

yes, use any spare moment you get to look for/apply for new roles too.

No. 475557

how are you supposed to stop being a NEET at age 25? how do you get past the shame?
i’m afraid of starting school or a job or making friends because it’s so embarrassing to have nothing to show for the past 5+ years and being so behind everyone else

No. 475558

Embarrassment comes from within. No one is going to give a shit about you going to school/starting work later in life.

No. 475565

What's more shameful? Starting where you are and making the completely normal, acceptable, and expected mistakes along the way, or dying in misery because you never tried? It's alright to be scared. Have you heard the phrase, 'do it scared'? The fear will go away as you start slowly expanding your comfort zone. Before anything else, learn some healthy coping mechanisms for managing anxiety and shame, like breathing exercises, positive self talk, or meditation.
More practically speaking, you escape NEETdom by relying on other people. If you have supportive family, ask them to help you get back on your feet. Tell your friends about your plans and have them encourage you. Look for support services in your area that help people get jobs or go back to school. If you're NEET because of mental illness, seeking treatment is the best place to start, especially if you're a hikineet. Don't let the romanticism fool you— staying inside with minimal social contact and maximum depression is a major warning sign for severe mental illness. I know socializing is scary after prolonged isolation so just take it one step at a time, starting with whatever feels safest. Have faith that there are many kind people around who want to help you out, just from the kindness of their heart. If one thing doesn't work, then don't sweat it. Just try something else. It's taken me years to scrape myself out of NEETdom. I turn 25 this year and I'm not quite there yet. But I don't regret any of the things I tried or failures I suffered because the alternative is rotting in my bed with my whole life wasting away. I want to live so I do what I can everyday.
Can confirm. Nobody noticed at all if I was a little older than the rest of the group. Most people under 25 are too preoccupied with their own insecurlties (just like you, anon) to care. Anyone of any age who chooses to judge or belittle you is not worth your time. Just move on to the people who accept you as you are. I'm sure that under all that anxiety, you're a lovely person with some good qualities. What do you like about yourself? Find your strengths and develop those. You can do this nonny.

No. 475613

The time will pass regardless of what you choose to do

No. 475625

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How am I supposed to retire?
>foreign, friendless ESLcel
>failed out of every uni try
I found myself in a catch. My education is either not enough, or is too much for the workplace and I'm considered a "tall poppy" and get bullied & set up until my contract expires or I quit myself. No social safety net because I did not grow up here and all of my family are in debt…
>friendships are paywalled
Not to sound schizo but if I don't subscribe to a group activity and attend it regularly, I'm basically cut off from society. Once I stopped going to the gym, which I could not afford, my friends from there all flaked.
The draft age limit for military should be increased because I don't see a good ending nonas…

No. 475800

Nonnies I need opinions/thoughts/advice without judgment pls idk where else to ask
Last week my boyfriend didnt talk to me for 2 days because he thought I was cheating on him because I was having a bad manic episode. I was over the worst of it by last week and am feeling better now and he started talking to me again by Friday. We had sex that night and he choked me which isn't that crazy for us but he pushed down way too hard on my trachea and I had to tell him to stop. He laughed and told me to shut up and did it again within a minute and I told him to stop again. He said "oh my god" like he was annoyed and I told him I was serious. Like 5 minutes later I told him to stop and he did and I clarified to him to never do that again.
Saturday night we got in an argument and I brought up how I felt so unsafe when he did that and he would not acknowledge it until he was confident I hadn't cheated on him during the manic episode. And then he apologized and said he doesnt realize how strong he is. And I do kinda believe that because hes a gymbro and very strong and hes hugged me too hard before but this felt different. Its been a week and i cant stop thinking about it. Idk what to do.

No. 475806

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Having our third date, dinner date at guys place. I’ve been friends with him for a while, and we’ve started dating only recently. I am nervous about physical touch and we haven’t done anything but hug, but I do want to break the physical ice.
I was thinking of bringing a drink along with me to help loosen up and have something to mellow out to, & suggest watching a movie or show after if he wasn’t already going to suggest that. But I don’t know how to flirt. At all. While we’re cooking together.
Nonnas what do? Please give me flirting tips. I’ve been out of the game for years now and my game is so rusty.

No. 475818

He is abusive nonna, dump him.

No. 475846

A few months ago I was on the bus and a man got on after, sat in front of me then a while later pointed the back cameras on his phone over his shoulder at me. He pointed it over the should next to the window so other people wouldn't notice. I thought it was just in my head but then he did it again. What are you supposed to do in these situations? It still annoys me I did nothing.

No. 475851

What did he mean by that?

No. 475872

It's a way to take pictures without the other person seeing the screen so they can't know for certain. It isn't a natural position. Nobody points their phone backwards and hovers it over their shoulder stealthily when the only thing behind them is someone else.

No. 475874

Stick up your middle finger, maybe.

No. 475898

Is it worth getting an Asperger's diagnosis as an adult? I was told I had it when I was a child but the psychiatrist and my mother agreed not to diagnose it on paper as it would have jeopardized a scholarship I had for an academic school at the time. For years I was deeply ashamed of the label and glad it wasn't formalized but now I can't work due to depression and probably this too, and maybe having a diagnosis will make me eligible for welfare income.

No. 475913

I could be wrong since I’m not a mental health professional (yet), and this could be burger-specific,but I’m pretty sure the DSM nixed the specific ‘Aspbergers’ diagnosis in 2017. The diagnosis they’re giving now is just ASD. Just some extra info to look into to help with this extremely personal decision!

As for me, I got an ASD diagnosis as a teen in 2017 and almost immediately forgot about it, recently rediscovered it and have found that it’s helping a lot of things in my life finally make sense… so if you’re looking for a sign to go through with it, I’d recommend it.

No. 475917

How do I make friends online as someone who is boring and isn't really into anything and doesn't really use any social media sites for anything other than lurking?

No. 475935

Ayrt and I completely misread the original post, now I understand. I would have screamed like a banshee at him tbh, acting crazy scares them off.

No. 475937

Some of my language exchange friends who I met through Reddit (you can make a burner account just for this purpose) are as close to me as my IRL friends. You can even just offer free English practice too if you aren’t interested in picking up another language, though I say you might as well try. Plenty of thirsty moids to look out for like in any scene, but there are an abundance of many genuine women (and even men if you have the energy to vet them) too. You’re gonna have more chemistry with some people than others, just like making IRL friends, and the ones you really vibe with can be friends for life.

In your case I recommend it since even just knowing English (plus any other languages you speak) will make you interesting and valuable to talk to.

No. 475999

He thought you were cheating on him without any proof? Could he be projecting?

No. 476025

Why would my friend not tell me about her boyfriend staying with her tonight? She was cat sitting on my street and we were talking at work today, and all she said was she was looking forward to cuddling the cat tonight, and when we finished work she teased me about not walking home with her (I needed to run errands/had plans later in the evening). Maybe I'm thinking too much but I don't get why she didn't mention him, I feel too retarded to ask this to my irl friends hence why I'm here.

No. 476097

It might be a very frequent thing, so frequent she might not even remember to mention it to a friend. I sleep over at my boyfriend's every weekend and I do not mention it unless something particularly interesting happens because it's just such a regular occurrence.

No. 476234

Thanks nona, yeah that's true. I knew I was being a bit silly about it, I think because I saw his car parked in the drive is how I knew so it felt like maybe she didn't want me to know for some reason? Which I know sounds insane kek

No. 476237

Has anyone here ever had a problem with hair loss? What did you do to solve it? My dermatologist recommended Minoxidil but it made me kind of nauseous and dizzy, and that was just the topical version. I'm not sure if I used too much or if those symptoms are the result of something else.

No. 476452

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Any advice for getting to know someone who is a complete stranger? I’m interested in a guy but uh he doesn’t know I exist. No he is not a streamer or YouTuber or anything like that. He’s just a normal guy. We live relatively close to one another but he doesn’t have much public social media and I have none. So sliding into DMs isn’t really a possibility. He has a public address that I am considering just sending a greeting card to with my email and phone number for him to reach out. But I know that comes across as completely deranged and unhinged. Are there alternatives I am not thinking of? Should I not even try contacting him? I literally just want to introduce myself and open a channel for communication but in the least creepy way possible.

No. 476521

Where did you meet him originally? What are his hobbies? Where does he spend his time?

No. 476576


honestly i feel like the least creepy way to go about it is wait to see him out (which hopefully shouldn't take too long if he lives nearby) and just approach him. Say something along the lines of "Hi, I've seen you around before and I think you're good looking. Would you like to [exchange numbers/get to know each-other/etc]"

Of course you can change the wording if you think that 'I think you're good looking' is too stiff, but I think it's good to give a reason for your approach as he'd be off guard. I think it's a good one because it's nice, friendly and complementary without being too outrageously flirty so it won't be awkward on the off chance things go south.

No. 476584

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>Where did you meet him originally?
Ah so here is the part where I out myself as being deranged. I’ve never actually met him. He was interviewed on a local TV program about an award he received in his field. I looked him up because I thought he was cute and inadvertently realized we probably would get along well if our paths actually crossed. I wasn’t going to pursue it at all but it’s been almost a month and I still think about him.
I’m a pretty forward person and don’t have any problem connecting with people in the work place, school, whatever. I promise I’m not (too) weird. So part of me thinks I should just shoot my shot I guess. I’m not afraid of being rejected but I’m self-aware enough to know people don’t normally do stuff like this.
> What are his hobbies? Where does he spend his time?
He likes puzzles, trivia, and video games but I’m not sure which ones he plays. He seems like a homebody tbh and has a small group of friends.

If I go through with sending him something I would probably say something like that. Just a card congratulating him on his award, letting him know I saw him on X program and realized we lived close to one another, and that if he was interested in getting a coffee or just to chat here’s my info.

No. 476644

Yes, but I'm going to be honest, tattoos just always kind of look shitty as they age no matter what. If you want them to look nice forever, you need to get regular touch ups. I love my tattoos, I have all American traditional in greyscale and despite my skincare/suncare/generally keeping them covered and out of the sun, the line work has spread slightly because that's just the nature of tattoos and I haven't had any touch ups.

Our bodies are impermanent and don't age well. I say if you want the delicate tattoo, get the tattoo you want! Either schedule touch-ups, or just walk around with a tattoo that might look sort of bad sometimes. That mindset also helped me a lot with body neutrality in other areas of my life.

No. 476653

Have any of you ever overcome csa induced sex repulsion and/or panic whenever anyone else touches you

No. 476679

Yep. The first time I tried to undress with a guy I had a panic attack and thought I was going to die. Probably shouldn't have ignored the rising terror I felt whenever he touched me. Anyway, I was too paranoid to go to a psychologist, so I treated myself with immersion therapy over a very, very long time. Now, that required having a boyfriend I trusted implicitly and who was fine with not having sex for the next 18-24 months, so it may not be applicable. I don't know your situation, but I always just suggest therapy now. Therapy+time+perspective solves a lot of issues.

No. 476772

What to do when someone cuts you in line?

No. 476778

I just started dating again and have met some cute and likeable guys, but as I don’t have much relationship experience, I’m autistic and kinda out of the loop with what’s normal to expect from men in a gf/bf context, I could use some tips. I’m good at standing up for myself and refuse to accept scrotey behaviour (cheating, being lazy around the house, watching porn, touching me without consent, being gross in general) but worry my kindness and love of looking after people will get me taken advantage of. Does anyone know how I can ensure my future Nigel helps me out at least as much as I help him?

No. 476800

I took courage and asked for the contact of the barista that I’ve been eyeing for two months Friday night. There was a time were another girl asked him out but he dismissed her coldly kek, but I had liquid courage on my side and we had always been exchanging glances and smiles (no chances to talk since it was always busy), so I was a bit confident.

Anyway I waited for the bar to close and went and asked him for his contact, we exchanged contacts and I asked him (over the phone) if he wanted to go out together once his shift ended one of these days, but he replied that he wasn’t free ( as in he’s seeing someone else) and that he didn’t understand my intentions when I asked him Friday night kek, but he was still willing to go out in friendship. He was polite with his response so I just said “no problem!” And excused myself.
It was a bit of a bummer since it was the first time I approached someone, but I’m glad I did since I won over my shyness for the first time, I’ll take it as a learning experience.
I’m not really going to do anything since I got rejected but it was just strange kek, do you nonnas think he’s a faggot? I’m kind of curious now , but it seems rude to ask if he is.

No. 476804

Listening to the we met at acme podcast really makes you aware of how to navigate, so you gain the needed respect. Like you said the problem with being too kind is, they take advantage of you. Don't give them the wife treatment if you're both not committed to building a future together

I guess it's better not to take rejection personally. You also want to keep the freedom to reject someone you don't vibe with. And I guess it would've been better to build some connection beforehand and just regularly have some small talk with him and then if you're finding similarities build on that.

No. 476811

why would he take your contact info at all? that's kind of weird.

No. 476813

That’s what I really didn’t understand kek. If I’m asking someone their contact is clearly to get to know them more and go out with.
That’s why I’m wondering if he was just gay and thought that I was being friendly.

No. 476833

Anyway I think I’ll return to character ai and back to LDS kek

No. 476963

Is there an unethical advice thread? Anyway, how do I sort of initiate or put out feelers for a workplace affair? Both of us are married, but he has kids.

No. 476973

Are there any ways to look more sharp with a round-ass face?
Right now I feel like I only know about rectangular glasses, some make-up, dressing well, working out, etc. Are there other ways I can stack the cards more in my favor? I look like I was a bowling ball in my past life.

No. 476977

Unpopular opinion: flirting out of boredom at work with a married scrote is no big deal.
Anything beyond flirting is selfish (on your part and his) an especially because there are kids involved.

No. 476980

You’re disgusting and stupid. You’re jeopardizing your own job for nothing.

No. 476981

Tbh that's the only drawback for me. Idc morally. I guess I just want to see if he'd be into me back and then I can sleep at night fine.

No. 476990

you don't even know if he's into you? Have you had any notable interactions with him?

No. 476994

Hair cut?

No. 477003

My relationship ended. It was the only good/hopeful thing in my life. I'm blindsided and I feel like my life is over. I put everything I had into this and now it's gone and I have no accomplishments and nothing to offer anyone. I've just lost all faith in connecting with people or dreaming of a better life. I'm trying to let go of the life we were supposed to have together but I just can't.

No. 477005

moids are retarded so if you can't Lana Del Rey your way through this on your own instincts I fear an affair is not for you. what does he look like, is he hot?
I'm so sorry nonna. I've been there before, trust me, this is the universe making sure nothing blocks the path between you and your destiny

No. 477007

There's a bad advice thread in /ot/ but it's just for shits and giggles.
Can't you just masturbate and fuck your husband really hard btw? How long have you waited for these feelings to pass?

No. 477018

Any advice on how to deal with talking to people who don't talk to each other anymore?

Person A (a moid) and Person B (woman) are dating. Person A used to date Person C (woman); they were almost official but they 'broke up' because Person A and Person B started seeing each other. Person C no longer talks to Person A because she was blindsided by the whole situation of almost having a boyfriend and suddenly losing him to someone else.

I was not close with Person C when this whole situation happened. We started to become closer a couple of months ago, so this friendship is still fresh, but I value her a lot. More than Person B tbh even though she has been my friend for longer, but I am not as close to her as I used to be.

My birthday is coming up and I want to make plans and invite everyone, but I have a feeling Person C will not be happy (or even show up) if I invite the new couple. Or the party will be awkward af if both of them show up.

I am thinking of doing two hangouts so I can avoid not inviting someone, but it feels like too much

No. 477057

For sure, he's training me. I don't like to assume, though. He's noted certain body mods I have, but imo his personality is friendly so it's hard to tell if it is specific to me. I'm the only female where I work.

He fits close to my ideal, but he's not like say, some shilled male actors like Henry Cavill or whatever. I don't want to be too obvious is the issue. I wish we could strictly fuck. I don't want an affair-affair.

Haha I have, it's been about a week. In what time-frames do these fade? I'm not interested in him, I just want to fuck him like I said.

No. 477061

You don't have a personal problem with any of these people individually, so invite who you want to invite. If any of them make a fuss about it you need to be communicate clearly that you're not picking sides/involving yourself in their issues. This is their problem to solve not yours.

No. 477087

So I'm trying to get into a certain allied health field. There are only two schools that offer the program in the entire state. Both require shadowing hours; program one wants 24 hrs, program two wants 40 hrs. They each have a specific form with the school's name on it that must be signed by whomever you shadowed. My plan is do some shadowing at the hospital affiliated with program #1 and ask them to fill out the shadowing forms for both schools. Would that be a faux pas? I know for a fact that if you make it to the interview round both schools will ask why you chose them. They make a big deal out of why you want to the attend their program over the other school's. With that in mind it's probably not a good idea, huh? Or am I overthinking it?

No. 477092

every time i see posts like these i lose interest in marriage and relationships yet again…

No. 477128

Sorry for long post, but..How do I keep a toxic older manchild sibling out of my bedroom? Im the scapegoat in the family, and wont be able to move out soon due to finances.

Like usual, the manchild started talking to me when I was making breakfast, and I couldnt leave without ruining the food. He said he wants to start using my treadmill, which is in my room. I grey rocked and changed the topic. A while ago, he sent our boymom to guilt me into letting him use it, which I successfully delayed and he forgot, until now.

Main reasons why I dont want him to use my treadmill
– just dont want a sweaty moid in my room, dont want him literally feet away from my BED
– anger issues, he said he wanted to take a baseball bat to a light, because the light kept flickering while he was working on something, kicked a door open because he had to repair our dads car
– creepy comments and constant bathroom harassment against me, that only decreased recently
– some intimidating murderous-looking glares at random moments
– he spies on elderly female neighbor through his bedroom window
– he takes over any space with his clutter, wont put things back, wont clean things, is bossy and entitled esp towards women, thanks to misogynist mom teaching him this is ok
– dont want him making stupid comments, or asking why I have things in my room the way I have them
– invites himself to drive me places, guilts me for saying no, turns family against me as if Im mean
– back when manchild used to work, he liked to go to my room to demand that I print things for him, even randomly on Easter when he knows I wanted to relax on the holidays. He had his own printer, and I pointed this out. I got ostracised by the whole family for this. He put up such a fuss if I refused, it was easier to just get it over with. Now that he doesnt "need" me to print things for his job, hes going with this treadmill excuse, to harass me in my own room,

I thought of
1) moving the treadmill out of my room, or
2) removing some part inside, so it wont work when he goes to use it (then when I want to use it, put the part back, pretend Idk why it wont work for him).
But theres still other heavy gym equipment in my room that cant be moved without taking it all apart, so he can still use that as an excuse to get into my room.

I feel impending doom, as hell want to use the treadmill at any random hour or day. Its as if I have to evacuate my room at his notice, basically. Saying no will result in so much stress and backlash from family. I am already struggling with mental health, due to grief and loneliness.

But I dont want my room, or my treadmill, taken from me. Its my sanctuary away from his toxicity. I need it. I already cant tolerate him in small amounts. I avoid him as much as possible. I move my sleeping schedule around to avoid him, good thing I WFH, but his sleeping schedule always just happens to follow mine.

Without causing conflict (cant deal with that mentally rn), how can I get him to not want to use my treadmill?

No. 477129

I can't believe people like >>476963 & >>476977 do not care about possibly driving innocent women to killing herself. Aren't there enough moids to go around? Why do you have to ruin another woman's life due to your selfishness? Of course the moid in this situation is the most in the wrong and should kill himself, but seriously?

No. 477132

How is it anyone else's responsibility that those women are obsessed with how a man affects their life? This is why you don't rely on men or tie them to your ego. I've never cheated, but frankly, homewreckers are doing the partnered woman a favor. They're taking out the trash for them. The unfortunate reality is that too many women stay after being embarrassed and humiliated by their man.

No. 477135

don't bother, there's going to be a 100 replies calling you a moralfag, or "well why did you get with a man in the first place?", "you're dumb for caring about love/loyalty it's ackshuyally good that they cheat" etcetera like the last infight. i'm just convinced love doesn't exist outside of fiction at this point

No. 477214


To advocate for yourself you need to have confrontation. Hopefully not screaming and shouting but you do need to calmly set boundaries.

I understand that your family is unreasonable but couldn't you talk to your mom/brother about setting up specific times that he is allowed to come in and use it? I feel like that's a very reasonable request. "I'm happy to share the treadmill with you, but please only use at at X time of day.".

Your mom must care about you on some level to let you live at home for a bit, so try to get some sympathy from her to get on your side. She probably just wants peace too.

If all else fails I'd as the moid to move the treadmill to another room. Or just make it smell gross in your room with some kind of heavy incense kek

No. 477444

tl;dr When your niece is turning into a genuine BPD case or histrionic (e.g. she told her grandmother to suck her bawls in a 2 hour long vent at me because my mother tidied/rearranged her room "in the wrong way" and "she has no right"), do you step away? Is there anything you can do? My niece is 13, spoilt with money by her absent dad, mother is an alcoholic BPD case always away at some guy's house so niece lives with my mother in a 3 story house and is raised by Tiktok on an iphone 16. I live alone, my other normal sister is with them. My mother was abusive and she's getting into 3 hours arguments with this kid now, but I also never acted like my niece. It's very enmeshed and toxic, my other normal sister is a martyr who enables it but otherwise a nice person, do I just cut contact with them all? Do I need to intervene for my niece? She's a really intelligent, kind person underneath, none of this is her fault but I'm starting to dislike her but family tries to get me to pick their side, and I don't want to repeat the cycle of what they did to me as the scapegoat.

Niece made really weird sexual innuendos all the time starting at about age 9, I told her mother she was sexting older boys on Snapchat and the mother denied it like I made it up, now she keeps getting into trouble at school for not listening, makes homophobic and racist jokes, swears, is extremely mouthy, does things like waits all day and evening to wash her hair as soon as my other normal sister gets home from work and needs the bathroom and this keeps happening, is obsessed with boys and only talks about them to me for hours but said she likes toxic ones and drama, is somehow in online beef with 16 year olds in a different city over a boy, says she wants kids by age 19. She dominates the whole house whenever I'm round, it's her show so I don't want to visit anymore but I feel scared about the future for all of them.

No. 477939

Does loneliness make you physically ill or is it all in my head?

No. 477949

Depression can have physical symptoms

No. 478128

poor kid. It's understandable that interacting with her and your family is unpleasant now and you might want to distance yourself, but it's really sad that most of the adults in her life are terrible. Would it be possible for you to interact outside the house? Can you take her to places and do any outside activities with her (even something like going out to eat)? She's probably easier to talk to when away from the toxic home, and it'd be healthy for her too.
All you can really do for her is be a normal, sane adult who models different behaviour from what she sees and doesn't enable her or treat her like a scapegoat. You can't fix her issues or probably do much to change her home life, but just offering a bit of peace in the form of hanging out somewhere calm and doing things other than scrolling tiktok would make a difference.

No. 478595

Moving back to my old job after a temporary assignment to another area ended early.
I noticed the desk assigned to me is the window spot my current supervisor used to sit at for the past five years and he’s been moved to my old desk. What is the meaning of this desk swap?

No. 478702

do not send anything to his address. wait in your car nearby his place in the morning and track where he goes/his schedule. find an opportunity to bump into him and introduce yourself.

No. 478816

I like this girl so much but the thing is, she lives 14 hours away from me, shes 22 and when we talked about our feelings she wanted me at her city asap,when I said I couldn't do that because I have responsibilities that I cannot drop so easily she got mad. Should I pursue this girl or just let it be?

No. 478838

Nah she sounds BPD.

No. 478853

> that because I have responsibilities that I cannot drop so easily she got mad
She sounds immature , not worth it.

No. 478872

thank u nonnas, im 27 so the age gap is not huge but to me its important and she sounded very selfish and childish when i told her that a distance relationship was going to be hard and i was scared about hurting her in the long run. i still feel a lot for her but i dont know if i can give her what she wants rn

No. 478941

it isn't necessarily age related, she may really just be that self absorbed

No. 479308

My roommate died from a sudden aneurysm a couple months ago but I’m still getting her credit card bills? They just keep accumulating interest…idk who to reach out to everyone she knew was restaurant industry so not very reliable and her family are all addicts and/or dead. I should probably just call the credit card company but I have really bad anxiety with that kinda thing and my spoken English is not the best, worried I might somehow end up on the hook. Do nonas have any experience with this?

No. 479696

Why do people get angry when you want to hide your face? I wear a mask and it bothers others that they can't see me. Why? How is my face any of their business? Total strangers will come up to me and try to talk me out of it. I simply don't feel comfortable in an age of influencers that film everything. I'm clumsy, I'm expressive, I know some bastard would film and put me up on the internet. It has already happened in the past. But lately I feel as if this issue is everywhere. When I eat I tend to cover my mouth with my hand. My family complains and nags me everytime. They can't let it go. I keep telling them that it makes me feel comfortable and at ease. They tell me that no one watches me anyway. But If that were true how would he always see me doing it? When I browse the internet I see parents posting family content and hiding their kids faces. I think that that is considerate. So why are the comments full of hatered towards that? I'm starting to believe that I'm the issue here. Why can't I understand this? If everyone says that's the right thing to do, why does it make me want to hide even more? A silly issue but still, it bothers me.

No. 479697

Nonnie I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only give you this advice if you're in the USA, but there is absolutely no way you would be responsible for her bills unless you were a co-signer. Even if you were a blood relative you would not be responsible. I've had debt collectors call my phone asking for someone who used to have my number, and one was in regards to a court date, so I called that one back immediately and said hey, this isn't so-and-so's number anymore, I don't know what the new one is, please stop calling. And they did.

No. 479698

Just met this guy who is from a wealthy family. When I look up his information online though, his address is registered to the middle of nowhere in some bumfuck poor area. The address is consistent on multiple sites. Would there be any possible reason for this? I know he's almost certainly not bullshitting about his background but I wonder if he might be hiding something.

No. 479700

Stay away from moids with generational wealth, especially if there's weird shit going on like this. At best they're entitled and horrible, at worst they're actual psychopaths. Unless you're of a similar background you'll be used and discarded very quickly

No. 479702

I was already getting sketch vibes from him and his family and the weird home address in the middle of nowhere just makes it even sketchier. I'm just curious at this point what it could mean but I guess it could be anything. I don't think I'll be talking to him again anyways since there are other things raising some red flags such as a sense of entitlement like you brought up.

No. 479717

can you give us examples of the sense of entitlement?
Usually I think nonnas are too quick to advise people to cut and run but the house thing is weird enough that I would at least be extra cautious

No. 479720

Okay anons I need some advice. Tomorrow morning I have a double chiropractic appointment for an adjustment and for acupuncture, it's going to be expensive. Problem is I got really sick over the weekend, I have a high fever and I think it might be strep throat. I want to cancel my appointment but they have a strict policy that you have to pay for the appointments if you don't give notice 24 hours in advance. I can't afford to pay the 115 dollars if I cancel, that would mean not getting treatment later for my back. I saved up for 2 months for this and my back is killing me. I feel unethical keeping it because I hate the idea of making others sick, but I really can't afford the cost of the cancellation fee. What should I do?

No. 479722

Probably the most egregious was when we were having dinner at a local restaurant I invited him to and he wouldn't stop bitching about the food. It felt like he was almost blaming me for taking him to a restaurant he disapproved of and was extremely grumpy over it on the car ride back. It made me really uncomfortable even though he did apologize for it later. I've only been talking to him for a few weeks at this point but that and the house thing is just making me consider cutting him off altogether. He also bragged about how much of his parents' money he spends every month on useless shit which was already kind of turning me off.

No. 479723

Men are usually on their best behaviour in the beginning. If this is how he's acting now I can't imagine the tard rage that will be released later. It reminds me of how an ex boyfriend I had used to act. He used to beat me over things like this once he had me locked down. It's the entitlement that stands out in your stories. Men like that don't ever change and eventually he'll get so much worse.

No. 479725

I would try to call them in the morning and tell them you have strep throat. It's not in the doctor's interest to have a contagious disease in their offices.

No. 479728

Wear a mask and go. You only think that you have strep throat. You have no way of knowing that for sure. Your back needs this and you need to watch out for yourself first and foremost. Do it while you can. If they ask just say you caught a cold and explain why you didn't wanna cancel the appointment. Don't say you have strep throat. Just tell them to keep a distance and take care of themselves like wearing a mask themselves (maybe bring some for them), ventilating the room frequently, etc.. . Worry about yourself not others.

No. 479781

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Anyone have any good recommendations for a collapsible backpack (like, one that you can fold into a small pouch) that's durable? I need one for an upcoming trip I'm taking to NYC.

No. 479880

I'm heading into my Masters' program in a field where connections and networking are really important. After getting the number and snap of a guy who's very well connected and already extensively published in a related field, friends have suggested sleeping with him so I can develop a much more positive and preferential relationship for the future, since he may very well determine if I can start my career in the next 2 years or will have to wait for a shot at a doctorate. I've entirely avoided casual sex so far, but I'm being told by other women that I shouldn't waste the opportunity. My field is incredibly competitive in academics, government work and commercially, so I really need to network, but I'm not very charismatic; what I do have is a pretty good body and a cute face. My immediate reaction is just plain no, but I want this career and I'm wrestling with if sleeping with a nice guy, who I like at least a little, is worth shoring up my chances of pursuing it without wasting years of my life and going into even more debt. I'll take advice or just general thoughts.

No. 479956

>who I like just a little
why is this relevant? If you're going to sleep with him for a career connection, that will jinx you. Consider that sleeping with him may also ruin your career connections. This is risky. If you truly aren't charismatic, this will explode in your face. Why aren't you charismatic? Are you awkward, or cold, or what?

No. 479960

>After getting the number and snap of a guy who's very well connected and already extensively published in a related field, friends have suggested sleeping with him so I can develop a much more positive and preferential relationship for the future
Not how it works. The idea that you can sleep your way to the top, or exchange sexual favors for workplace benefits, is largely a myth designed to trick naive women into fucking men who don't respect them and will not follow through on their half of the bargain. If you sleep with this connected guy, it is far more likely that he will sabotage your career by spreading the news that you're a dirty whore who wants to sleep her way to the top. The only way that sexual connection to men is of any benefit is if you ingratiate yourself to him so thoroughly that he pulls strings for you as his girlfriend/wife. Alternatively, simply cultivating friendship with him will also work.
>I really need to network, but I'm not very charismatic; what I do have is a pretty good body and a cute face.
Okay, so do the shallow networking thing where you meet people and make connections and add them on LinkedIn and they want to do favors for you because you have a pretty good body and a cute face.

No. 479972

Do have any dimension requirements? (Length/width/height)

No. 479975

No. 479994

I swear to God, I've been craving phenomenal penis so much that, as I was scrolling, I read this post as one of the big cock ones on the sex threads.

No. 480014

what's your field? just curious, I agree with >>479960 anyways

No. 480019

I've thought about it and I think you guys are right. Instead, I'm going to looksmax and try to work on my interpersonal skills. I'm going to learn how to apply makeup properly, wear some more flattering outfits and start working on improving my butt. My thinking is that sex is a driving factor for the men I'll encounter and so I should inspire a belief they could get some in the future if I view them favourably, not give it to them and hope they remember me fondly.
>Why aren't you charismatic?
I'm SUPER awkward because I was raised entirely alone, except for my dad, until I was 16. I've learned a lot, but going to an all-girl's boarding school as a loner weirdo, then getting access to the internet for the first time ever, did not prepare me for society. Now I just need to figure out how to train myself to be charming and likeable. I'm thinking trying something like speed-dating, and then just not actually dating anyone, so I can get used to casual conversation?
>add them on LinkedIn and they want to do favors for you
Precisely my thinking. I think you're right that it's a much better tactic.
I don't want to out myself, since it's a small field, but it's in biosecurity and my career is built around government research. There's a very prestigious and extremely competitive agency that runs some very important labs that, if I could get a job there, would set me up for the rest of my life. The guy I was considering sleeping with is an agricultural scientist who works for one of their satellite companies and has a mentor who's high up in management.

No. 480080

Thank you for the advice, and yes I am in the states. No one claimed her phone so I guess I can turn it on and wait for the call to tell them she no longer has this number

No. 480119

Maybe something that can hold 15-16L at least. Not too sure about particular dimensions. Just as long as it can hold some shopping bags


No. 480169

I had a break in from a drug gang who hit the wrong apartment block, and the police caught four suspects and want me to identify them this week. Is it safer to not help or to help? They nearly stabbed me so I don't want to be targeted in retaliation if they realise it's me who identified them. My relatives told me not to do it.

No. 480176

Is there any guarantee you can remain anonymous?

No. 480325

I want to get off the internet for a while. Like no internet at all (no surf). Do you think that's possible? Any tips for it?

No. 480353

Sleeping with people to get connection isn’t successful long term nonna….do you know how many people you’ll have to sleep with kek? It won’t just be him who puts you in a high position, also words spread around.

No. 480355

You’ll be know as the cheap slut who will open her legs. And most of the time you won’t even get benefits unless it becomes a regular thing, you are watching way too many movies nonna.

No. 480357

File: 1738697060591.jpeg (174.22 KB, 789x1184, IMG_1116.jpeg)

Is this him kekkk?

No. 480360

Open a book

No. 480386

My advice is to go on a camping trip or rent a cabin near a lake or in the woods where there’s no wifi. Bring your phone for emergencies but block all your apps on it. Or get a flip phone with you if you don’t have the discipline to not scroll on phone. (I’ve downloaded and saved so many things off web pages, you can definitely still “go on” the internet even if you have no wifi this way)

No. 480529

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How do you get over impostor syndrome in academia? I'm currently in grad school doing my masters in a STEM field (molecular biology) and I feel like everyone else in my department is smarter than me and knows more than me and actually deserves to be there, and I don't. I frequently feel embarrassed to even ask any questions because I'm worried I'm going to sound dumb idk. I have a really big presentation coming up in a couple of weeks and I'm freaking out about it and constantly anxious that I'm going to embarrass myself and look like a retard in front of the whole department and faculty.

No. 480540

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I have the potential to be cute..round face, button nose and big eyes, but I'm kinda chubby and shy. I'm trying to figure out why only two men in my entire life have asked me out on a date. I don't really look good in too much makeup, and I'm not sure how to do my hair so I leave it in a natural bob…I know this is really vague but like…do I come off as more of a friend or a little sister than a potential love interest? I'm trying to figure out why the heck no one has expressed interest.

No. 480554

Need advice on how to get over being ghosted by a friend? I feel extremely hurt and honestly am in shambles. We've known each other for maybe 7 years and this is completely out of the blue, to be totally honest we had just become closer and I was starting to feel like maybe I had finally found a best friend, finally found someone who genuinely cares about me (platonically). I do have other friends and am engaged, but all I can think about is why was I ghosted? Like did I do something wrong? I can't think of 1 thing that was wrong, when I say that this is completely out of the blue I truly mean it.

No. 480565

I'm the same as you, I've gotten almost zero attention (and it won't get better as I get older), and since I'm a bit alternative I only attract nerdy manlets who want me to be their goth dommy mommy. I can see it in the mirror that I'm not ugly, but maybe I'm not "normal" enough to be considered palatable? No way am I changing my looks and personality for moids though, I'd rather die alone.

No. 480570

how old are you? Younger men don't ask women out any more. Just go ask one out yourself. Men like a woman who goes after what she wants.

No. 480571

32 lmao.

No. 480575

If you ask them out yourself they get their ego stroked and feel sweet about it.

No. 480576

But I don't get asked out either, I'm completely invisible, wtf am I supposed to do, just give up???

No. 480579

I'd say this is bad advice, the men who I've known who were asked out by their girlfriend's and those who were proposed to by their wives cheat on them. When I was younger the guys I asked out treated me like shit and cheated on me. Now this is all just from my own experience so it's biased but I've yet to see this every be a good idea… it seems like men who are "chased" take it for granted and act like their girlfriend/wife is below them for pursuing them

No. 480603

Mid 20's
It's wisdom from my mother's culture to not ask out men. "You'll love him more than he loves you" she says.

No. 480617

Flirt, give them eyes, smile at them, but don’t go up to a man and outright say it because he’ll read it as a “I can do anything to this retard”.
If they like you they’ll get the hint and come up to you, if they’re scaredy shy retards then you are not missing out on much.

No. 480619

Even shy men come up to you if they like you enough, they find a way.

No. 480620

Whatever, it's not like they are going to like me back anyway.

No. 480639

At the end of the day it doesn't matter how much the woman likes the male. Relationships only work if the he likes you enough to ask you out. He could be the love of your life but if he hasn't noticed you on his own it's over. It was over before it even began. Nothing good comes from pursuing it. All you can do is sit and watch him go after other women like a cuck. If this inspires enough hatred in you, you can try tampering with his food or putting thumbtacks on his seat for a little bit of revenge. Juliet can't choose her romeo.

No. 480756

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Hi nonnys, I need some advice for a scholarship I am applying to. The scholarship is meant for non-traditional and underrepresented students pursuing a STEM degree at the graduate level or higher. I need to provide two letters of recommendation, an updated resume, and a CV when applying. The professor who told me about it would write me a letter if I asked her, but I have no one else in a STEM field that would probably. I am thinking of reaching out to my contacts in my prior field even though it’s incredibly different from what the scholarship really focuses on, which is research in STEM. Do you think there is anything else I can do to improve my application? I fill the basic requirements but I don’t have an area of research I am very focused on and have limited to no contacts within STEM itself. I am still very new to the field thus the lack of relevant skills and experience but the scholarship would help me so much…

No. 480921

I think everyone has impostor syndrome at school at some point. You get over it by acknowledging your talents and capabilities. Learn to be objective about your achievements and failures. Keep reminding yourself of what you've achieved- we always remember our failures, but we tend to forget our achievements. If it's something you'd get mad at yourself for if you mess up, it's something you need to congratulate yourself for when you do it well.

No. 480943

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Okay, same nonnie here. I think I should just change my perspective rather than worrying about what moods think of me anyways. How do I start seeing them as inferior stupid creatures so it won't bother me anymore?

No. 480993

– moids cant even control their own lust or other emotions, ie testerical meltdowns, temper mantrums, this gets people killed in traffic accidents, crime etc
– this makes them inferior as leaders, inferior at logical reasoning, inferior at emotional intelligence, inferior at having empathy and thinking of others
– animals are more loyal and less dangerous than moids, statistically this half of the population commits nearly all of the violent and sex offenses against women, children, animals, corpses, objects, and other men
– men dont see women as human, the areas of the brain light up when they see a woman in a bikini that relate to how they see literal tools
– men are 6x more likely to leave their wives if their wife gets cancer, than the reverse, so much for mens vows and the "men are the true romantics" bs
– men, throughout all time and cultures, hated/hate women
– mens accusations against women is projection
– men stick together and defend or cover for other moids caught cheating, raping, etc., rather than having morals

And so much more but my headache is coming back.

No. 481074

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I want to fuck nonnas. Plain and simple. I don’t want anything more, no dates , no texting , I just need a cute faced scrote with a nice body who can give me a good time, get my pussy eaten and then get dicked down nice and slow.
But I don’t want to put dating apps either and the ones that approach me are rarely my type. Summer is usually more fruitful, but winter is stale. But I don’t want to wait that long.

This is so fucking annoying. I wish I was asexual. It was much better when I was a virgin, I only had sex once in my lifetime, a year ago, but I can’t stop fucking thinking about it.
Does anyone feel this way? What do you do?
And using dildos isn’t the same, I want the real thing.

No. 481076

I hate being black in stupid Euro regarding this. People will ogle at you but few will have any courage to talk.

No. 481079

Have you tried a dual density dildo?

No. 481084

I have a vibrator and a silicone dildo. I mean they’re really nice and satisfying. But it’s not the same as being with another human being.
I wish robots existed.

No. 481111

Would you holiday somewhere with a higher proportion of black people to increase your chances of having a man approach you?

No. 481136

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I’m going to Greece with my friend this summer! But generally speaking I don’t have a racial preference, as long as the scrote is hot I’ll like it.
But fun fact the scrotes of my age who are black and in college (so second gen) all salivate after white women kek. On average white men like me more than black men, I have never gone out with a black man despite being black.

No. 481151

I'm in the EXACT same situation. I'm very dark and quite tall, so I get gawked at sometimes, but never approached.
>at a supermarket at 1am
>see a white guy stare at me and just ignore it since most don't mean to do it
>he's quite handsome and well-built
>see him glance at me a few times since we're both tall enough to look over the shelves
>go to pay and find the network's down and registers locked themselves
>the same guy asks what my total is and offers to pay for mine since he won't get any change back from his $50
>initially refuse, but he doesn't want to waste my time or his money
>start walking with him and he just constantly smiles at me with this big goofy grin
>notice his super green and intense eyes
>he carries 20kg of stuff in one hand and still uses that arm to open the door for me
>make a joke about him staring at me and eyeing my shopping from the start, since he guessed how much it cost
>"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to stare, but you're incredibly beautiful and it all seemed so unreal for a moment, like if I blinked you'd disappear and I'd find you were a model on a poster or something"
>literally never once called beautiful by anyone else
>apologises and says he normally wouldn't bother me, but he's just been to a party and is still a little drunk
>incredibly flustered
>guys are racing their cars up and down the street outside
>he steps out and stops them so I can cross
>ask for his snap but he has no social media
>he gives me his number
>lock my phone
>learn his name and that he's a student at a uni near to mine
>uber arrives before his friends come to pick him up
>can't use my phone in the car as I get motion sick
>step out
>phone slips through my fingers
>hear a crack as it hits the drain grate beneath me
>watch as it turns and slips between the bars into deep stormwater
>didn't save the changes so there's just a blank new contact during recovery
I go to that same store every chance I get, just hoping he'll be there. When the next semester starts in a week, I'm going to his uni after every class and I'm just going to start asking people coming out of the science buildings if they know him.

No. 481160

I have been followed at the supermarket plenty of times kek, why do they do that?
White men just love LOOKING. I found that if you give them a bit of leverage, like a smile, they approach you.
>can't use my phone in the car as I get motion sick
>step out
>phone slips through my fingers
>hear a crack as it hits the drain grate beneath me
>watch as it turns and slips between the bars into deep stormwater
>didn't save the changes so there's just a blank new contact during recovery
Nonna I am so sorry I laughed. This is so unfortunate. He doesn’t even have Instagram or something?
There are usually college Instagram pages where you can “spot” someone. You might try to use it and you’ll have luck.

No. 481232

>men, throughout all time and cultures, hated/hate women
no they haven't/don't you paranoid sperg
>men dont see women as human, the areas of the brain light up when they see a woman in a bikini that relate to how they see literal tools
true but irrelevant since women see men the exact same way

No. 481278

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I've been hit with a really nasty depression wave, is there anyone who struggles with it that can give advice on giving yourself motivation and discipline even when it feels like there is none?

No. 481316

Literally me. Ever since I've healed from my Catholic shame I started to yearn for one night stands. I don't want a moid living with me, I don't want to be constantly worried he's gonna cheat on me, I don't want to be his mommy and fix him. Just a nice dinner, dicking down and leave so you don't even have to wash your makeup off. Also, in my experience being a bit on the average side (I'd say I'm 4/5 no makeup and maybe 7/10 with makeup) looks wise I found that handsome men are absolute whores, and guys who'd never in a million years wife me are up for a night of fun with no strings attached. I'd say have fun (safely) and enjoy the moment.

No. 481323

I mean I’m confident about my looks and body , if I’d rate myself I’d say I’m a solid 8,5 overall, I could definitely pull off uttering what I want from a scrote.It took me ages to get off off the “I’m black therefore I’m ugly” mindset kek.
But are hookups really worth it? I’m torn between wanting to just get this itch off or just waiting for it to pass like always. I feel like I’m just ultimately thinking with my pussy.

No. 481324

If you are a seven with makeup then you are a seven without it too nonna by the way. Raise that confidence of yours right now.

No. 481325

Also if I decide to do that, should I get on birth control? I’m not on anything nor have I ever been. I don’t think I would be comfortable with just a condom.

No. 481377

>Are hookups really worth it?
That's ultimately for you to decide. I never felt like I could properly "get off" with masturbation only. It's not just the sex; I need to be able to touch his hair, hear his breathing, feel his hands on me etc. I also just generally live a dull life and the thrill and the adrenaline of it is appealing to me as well. Anything long-term has never worked for me because I'm too schizo and very cold emotionally outside of the hookup so I'm just not wife or gf material, but this fills the void in me just fine.
>Should I get on birth control?
I do, but there are a lot of birth control methods out there, I will suggest you do your own research to know what you're most comfortable with + know your fertility window. Whatever birth control method you use always push for a condom, bail if he's in any way apprehensive about it. A hookup is not worth getting an STD for. Always have a morning after pill ready in case. I live in a country with free abortion, but you might not so please stay safe.
Awww, thank you kind, nonnita!! ily!

No. 481390

No problem nonna. Us women are always made to undervalue ourselves, there are many studies showing that too.
>It's not just the sex; I need to be able to touch his hair, hear his breathing, feel his hands on me etc. I also just generally live a dull life and the thrill and the adrenaline of it is appealing to me as well.
You are just like me, I study most of the time and my life is also dull.I really enjoy the male body, I like how it feels against me and all that, I just don’t find any utility in men other than that. I don’t want to be in a relationship with one, I just want to fuck him.
I’ll inform myself a little more regarding protection and I think I’ll a start being more flirtatious the few times I go out kek.

No. 481497

>There are usually college Instagram pages where you can “spot” someone
Nona, you GENIUS. I completely forgot his uni has guilds which post their member photos every year. I FOUND HIM. He's listed on their orientation-week team, so I'm going to just go along and walk around until I find him.

No. 481555

This is probably just me, but the idea always seems better than the reality. Getting carried away enough with a cute scrote is like a temporary dream that's likely going to end in more long-term hurt than it's worth. If you're wanting to dissuade yourself, then maybe meditate on those sort of sober thoughts… But if you're still wanting to get lost in that fire-y lustful fantasy, I don't blame you.

No. 481570

I hate how I look like a troon because I'm hairy, dark haired and have that 5 o clock shadow. I want to do laser but it costs so much. I even have classmates (my class is mostly male) in college making fun of me for that and I just hate it.
I used to have this dysphoria, that was sort of reverse engineered. I was told I looked like a dude and I just wanted to opt out of womanhood. Now I'm more confident in presenting feminine but I feel like I can't do it anymore because of those comments. I need advice beyond "just laser".

No. 481587

youre either a moid or a pickme, either way kys(infighting)

No. 481641

Kek, I’m a good stalker nonna, you’re welcome.

No. 481684

Tell us how it goes? I'm invested in this now lol

No. 482882

Late to reply, nonna, but I would say learn how to dress well, makeup that suits you, how to do your hair etc, basically everything has to be perfect, everything that you can control

No. 483093

I turned up and just started asking anyone I saw in the university colours if they knew him and got no where until I stopped this random girl and asked if she'd seen a tall guy with green eyes and broad shoulders. She instantly knew who I was talking about and pointed me right to him. I snuck up on him and he was so surprised that he didn't question my stalking. He thought he'd been too aggressive by approaching me and assumed I'd just taken his number then deleted it to get out of the situation. It was incredibly cute when he really struggled to ask me out, like me ghosting him absolutely shook his confidence in talking to women, and even though I stalked him online and tracked him down, maybe I'd reject him. He started to suggest a weekend date, but honestly it feels like we have instant chemistry and I don't want to wait that long, so we're meeting at a nice restaurant-bar tonight that's a short walk from my place, just in case the chemistry really is that good. God, he's so cute and he was totally drenched in water wearing a uni polo so I could see he has a good body. Now I have to go get ready and calm my nerves.

No. 483102

This fanfic

No. 483160

Aaaa I'm so excited for you!!!! Best of luck!!!

No. 483233

I already do all of that, I'm even praised sometimes. And normal people tell me I look normal, it's just those idiots trying to get a rise out of me. I think I'll book laser soon.

No. 483234

If you know they're trying to get a rise out of you, why do you keep falling for it? Get laser if YOU want it, not to make the haters stop being mean. Learn to ignore them instead of bowing to their every demand. I really hope your self esteem gets better, women just don't look like men IRL.

No. 483334

nonnas I've been living abroad for almost 10 years now and I need to make a decision about my future soon
>go back to home country. pros:able to pursue the career I want(which is the main driving force), closer to family and friends, no issues fitting in/finding community. cons: poor and corrupt place everyone is trying to leave, will get paid less(but will be able to live comfortably), will need to break up with bf of 3 years and start dating again
>move to boyfriend's country. pros: anglosphere so more stable economically/politically, will get paid a lot more, nice weather cool city etc. cons:impossible to pursue the career I want but I would still have a solid secure job, racism/not fitting in, away from family forever, pretty much dependent on boyfriend' resources/family for at least a few years

moving elsewhere by myself or staying where I am is not an option.

No. 483338

How much do you care about your boyfriend? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him or do you think you could move on?

No. 483344

I have my own ambitions in life that I wanna fulfill that weigh heavier than my desire sustain a romantic partnership, maybe this will change as I get older. I definitely would be very sad for a few years but I would not kill myself over it. To put it into context, if moving to my bf's country meant I could never use my degree/work it would be very straightforward and I would break up with him because I worked too hard for it and can't let it collect dust on a shelf.

No. 483346

Then you know your answer, nonna! Just be prepared for the corruption and misogyny that will probably be the flip end of the coin for following your professional dreams (source: I live in Eastern Europe)

No. 483361

can you keep it vague and still describe the career you want? I agree that you shouldn't pin your future on a man but the fact that you'd be getting paid a lot more doing what you'd do in his home country could be a compelling reason to try it out

No. 483374

Nta but you really need to open up a history book and look how long it took for women to gain basic rights, to own a bank account, to make martial rape illegal, the aoc laws (which only changed when feminists spoke up) and countless more

No. 483427

What are some good manipulation tactics to use on men? I’m just now becoming a pretty and confident person when I wasn’t before. As a result I never really dated around and don’t know how to talk to men or treat them in order to get what I want. If this sounds crazy or toxic I don’t care, I just want to have a good time. Not sure if this should go here or the relationship thread. Let me know.

No. 483474

Today at work I witnessed a (very attractive) moid interacting with/talking about his beautiful gf and the simping level was off the charts. Bear in mind this guy was like 9/10 and handsome as fuck himself.
I was eavesdropping and heard him talking about her with his friends after she left and it was basically implied she cheated on him and yet he was still worshipping her and embarrassing himself in front of his moid friends by being totally whipped for this girl.

Not gonna lie, it was extremely cute behavior. But it really hit home how if a man is really into you, he will literally tolerate any amount of shit from you and go to the ends of the earth to defend you. When men are really into you they will literally become pathetic piles of goo for you and do pretty much anything for your love and attention. If you're having to beg for crumbs, you're with the wrong moid.

No. 483503

Well, it's bad fanfic then, because despite his terrible fashion sense and kind of annoying laugh, we had a great date, but when I asked if he'd come home with me he just said he doesn't do casual sex and asked me out this weekend. I don't really want a boyfriend right now and I get the feeling he's not going to suddenly backpedal on the no sex thing if we go on another date.

No. 483514

I can't stand my need to masturbate anymore. It's never enough and it annoys the living hell out of me. I'm never satisfied even when I am tired. I have to do it multiple times a day, and after I'm done I immediately feel I need more. This is embarrassing. There is no one I can talk to about this issue in real life and I can't really find anything online that helps me. I wish I had no interest in these things, alas that is appearantly not what my body has planned for me. It doesn't help that I am unreasonably scared of sex and men, meanwhile craving exactly those Things.

No. 483557

denying people rights was the norm in the past. Historically most people couldn't vote and slavery was legal. A large chunk of the dead in WWI had no right to vote. Once voting was opened up to all men, women received the right to vote rapidly after that. Nobody disputes that men are shit but saying that men hated/hate women is crazy talk
>I don't really want a boyfriend right now
why don't you want to date him if you like him?

No. 483559

my depression is bad and often debilitating. If you can afford ketamine infusions, those help. Fasting seems to take the edge off as well although you can't fast permanently

No. 483650

I'm someone who gets easily upset which leads to me breaking things off with guys who want to date me. I've never met a guy who's never upset me (such as never breaking promises) so I realized I might never get it and decided to date for other reasons or else I'd just stay single.
I'm dating a guy who's treats me well most of the time, even more than most guys but he does occasionally say insensitive things however he's very wealthy and spends a lot of money on me. But lately I've been thinking more and more that the biggest reason I'm dating him is because of money and i don't like these thoughts
Many of the things he's bought me are things I can't afford like first class tickets to trips and were the same age so i didn't have to get with an older man.
I dont know what to do lol
I like many things about his personality but the realization I probably would have broken up with him bc of the times he's broken promises or gone against my wishes is starting to sink in

No. 483660

I turned 27 days ago. Have been crying since then. I've always felt like shit but since my last birthday I've been feeling confused, tired, annoyed, hopeless, etc. Friend told me to seek help and go to therapy, but even that feels hard, plus it makes me feel like shit since I've always been the composed one in my family, the one who's always been there for others.

No. 483662

Got my laser appointment today! So the lady even told me that aside from my upper lips area, everything could be ignored, I genuinely think that my classmates were just tripping. I have nothing now yet I still see that "5 o clock" shadow that I was being made fun for. It's like some dysmorphophobia or something. I suppose I'm doing that for the haters because I'd rather pay to fit that mold than pay for therapy to cope with that masculinisation that's forced onto me

No. 483764

medicine, if I go to my bf's country specializing will remain as a pipe dream due to a myriad of reasons that all boil down to specialty training in this country being practically impossible for outsiders, I could make a good living as a general practitioner and hours will be chilled so balancing work/family will be easy. Personal and professional fulfillment I get from this job outweighs the financial prospects at this point in my life (granted I see how naive and shortsighted this sounds) hence why I am in this pickle.

thank you nonna!

No. 483766

Does he live in the UK by any chance? Don't move here if so, the country is going to shit and you'll regret it. I'm trying to get out ASAP.

No. 483781

Majority of people who are depressed have adjustment disorder which is triggered by life stressors, sometimes its easy to pinpoint the stressor(death of a parent, getting fired) and sometimes its more insidious and difficult to pin it on a single major event. Adjustment disorder is a maladaptive response to sadness (never getting over your parent's death and being depressed for 10 years is beyond grief, it's a maladaptive response). Antidepressants don't fix depression, as corny as it sounds exercise and socializing does(it's true). It's a real catch 22 because depression constitutionally makes you fatigued and passive, hence why you don't have the motivation to exercise which ends up feeding back your depression. It is a vicious cycle and extremely difficult to break with sheer willpower. Antidepressants are really helpful in breaking the cycle and allowing you time to build healthy habits like exercising, socializing, going to therapy which will resolve depression long term to the point where you won't need that little push from the antidepressants anymore because you would have built healthy coping mechanisms. Think of antidepressants as scaffolds that support construction(new habits) of a building(your happy self).

I would suggest seeing a therapist for the above reasons regardless, but if not possible + depending on how bad your depression is at the minute(can't get out of the bed level vs able to shower/cook/get out the house etc. level) if you can manage to force yourself to exercise and socialize every day consistently for at least a month, you would genuinely see great improvement in your mental health. Do it while hating it, do it without motivation, just push through and do it, you will see change in your mental wellbeing very fast.

No. 483811

it's not just about voting rights, you conveniently glossed over the many other things that women specifically weren't allowed. that kind of shit is not done by someone who likes women, there is no reason for why rape within a marriage was legal for so long until the 90s unless they hated women. the same goes for not allowing abortion in some places, not allowing women bank accounts until the 70s, child marriage (involving girls specifically, not boys. and only women decided to raise the aoc) all of that is done out of hatred. it is hate, there's no other excuse.
>why don't you want to date him if you like him?
did you meant to quote another anon?

No. 485514

How do some nonnas know what career they want to do in life?

Im really struggling to figure out what career to choose. I have a bunch of scattered ideas, but each one takes time and money to pursue. By the time I spend years and lots of money into a certain field, I might realize I dont like it. Im not smart enough for stem, and Im very introverted, so thats very limiting. I have no idea what profession I should be doing.

Im sorry to hear that nonna. Wishing you a happy belated birthday, even if that happiness comes at some point in the future. Not sure the exact reason youre crying, but if its about being near 30, dont let moid projection about getting old get to you. Easier said than done, for me anyways. Getting older made me prioritize having healthier habits than I previously did, so maybe set a goal like that?

No. 485918

At what age are you too set in your ways to be in a relationship if you have never dated before?

No. 486104

Nonnas my mom is currently struggling, she recently broke up with her boyfriend and she hasn’t been taking it well, despite the fact that she decided to break it off since it was long distance and since the scrote didn’t have ambitions and didn’t like our country.
She is also in the middle of finishing the thesis and taking care of my two small siblings. She hasn’t been able to sleep so the doctor prescribed her a lower dose of Xanax.
She has been saying that she wants to sell off the house (that she bought just a year ago) in order to move near the father of the children (who usually takes care of them during all summer). Is this triggered by the breakup? Like she associates the place where she live in with that scrote.
She complains that she’s alone and single when she is , but when she’s dating someone she says that it’s tiring and stressful to perform for a scrote in the first place.
I think she ultimately needs time to metabolize the breakup, I hope she can be better. What can I do for her in the meantime?

No. 486134

nonas, how do I deal with the potential repercussions of my past actions? I was in a bad place around a year and a half ago and was very heavily involved with drugs and had a very toxic online acquaintance with a moid who i’d do increasingly humiliating things for which i’d send to him, and to my knowledge, he saved. I started residential treatment and now have a job, don’t use drugs, have got off the internet asides from LC and am in a healthy, loving relationship with a nigel who treats me well. I realise my behaviour was retarded and simply externalising the hatred I had for myself. The moid had a bit of a social media presence and even though I don’t, I get scared my past actions will haunt me and it’ll ruin my life. I have ocd which doesn’t help as it’s a topic of rumination for me.

No. 486196

Kek you can’t do nothing if you sent nudes. Just pray he doesn’t share them and think about how retarded you were or still are.

No. 486445

If your nudes end up online there are agencies you can contact to take them down, but I don't know anything about success rates or costs or anything like that. Otherwise I wouldn't worry too much. Nowadays such things aren't as life-ruining as they were 20 years ago, and plenty of women have the same problem as you.

No. 486476

a few months ago i was buying some dvds and i complimented the guy behind the counter on his adventure time hoodie since i really loved that show when i was younger. he smiled really sincerely and said thanks. since then, every time i've walked in while he's working there, he looks right at me. i look away really fast and pretend i don't recognise him. none of the other people working there seem to watch the entrance like he does. a couple of times he's been helping someone else while i'm browsing stuff and i notice he's looking at me in my peripheral vision but i just don't make eye contact in return, i act oblivious. i don't know what to do here. he's actually cute, handsome in a geeky sort of way and tall but i have 0 experience with irl men. he also could be a lot younger than me. i'm in my early 20s and i've gotten pretty surprised by how young guys turn out to be a few times.

No. 486488

sounds like you two autists are made for each other.

No. 486491

Well, now he probably thinks that you really don't like him based on that one interaction, so I'd say keep ignoring him for the sake of consistency. On the other hand, men are totally oblivious to most social engagements, so if you wanted to get to know him, you could just start smiling at him when you see him, and he probably won't question it at all.

No. 486960

Really need some advice here, nonas. To make a long story short, my scrote brother is liking photos of an old internet friend of mine who is also an onlyfans whore. He is a married man with a family and a beautiful wife who I love dearly and I'm aware that they have seperate bank accounts. He's bad with money and a neglectful husband and she deserves far more than him. Do I tell her?

No. 486995

Why does my family misunderstand me as depressed for wanting a quiet life?
I just want to work a job that doesn’t stress me out and watch tv or read books in my spare time.

No. 487009

Find a way to make her aware without directly telling her.

No. 487669

I've posted about this in the vent thread before but at this point I need advice. I have a close friend whom I care for and love deeply and who is one of the only friends I have left at uni. We talk everyday about anything but within the past year or so I've been realizing that the friendship causes me a lot of stress and heartache for many reasons. Simply put she is a very unstable and depressive person, and now more than ever she has weekly crashouts about either feeling as though everyone hates her and she's so alone and she hates herself, or feeling as though she's such a horrible worthless person that makes everyone's life a living hell that she deserves to be left alone forever. It's hard to do nice things for her sometimes because she'll later vent online or to me about how she feels worse when people are nice to her because she doesn't deserve it, and that it actually angers her when people treat her with kindness. She also threatens suicide to me nearly every day. I often talk with her for hours trying to reassure her that she's not horrible, nobody hates her (as far as I know) and that I'm always there for her. I put in a lot of effort because despite everything I really enjoy having her as a friend, especially because we share some non-PC opinions and niche interests. I've been trying really hard to help and reassure her but it's really getting exhausting especially since she refuses to get better. She rejects therapy and medication and basically any offers I have to help her even slightly. She also does not put in nearly as much effort at comforting me or being affectionate as I do with her, but considering her mental issues I can sort of see why. I've had thoughts before that this friendship is going to end badly someday, that it's unhealthy and somewhat obsessive from my part (I used to have a really intense friend-crush on her but that's since quieted down) but even the slightest experience of what it would be without her (ie if she doesn't talk with me for a whole day) makes me devastated and sometimes physically ill. There's probably more details that I'm currently missing so apologies if this isn't fully coherent. I guess what I wanna know is, is there any way I can convince her that she really does have worth and she shouldn't kill herself? She repeats again and again how much she feels like human waste and deserves to be completely isolated and treated badly. I don't know what I can say or do that I haven't said before to convince her that she has human worth but that she also needs to get up and help herself. Or should I cut her off completely, or stop putting in so much effort? Like I said, the thought of being without her makes me feel horrible but that could also be because she's my only non long-distance friend at the moment. Also, we're in our 20s, I'm fully aware of how much of a teenage-girl situation this sounds like though.

No. 487672

I love my sister but I'm so tired of her emotionally abusive relationship that I'm nearly ready to cut her off. I know that sounds horrible to many people, but with the amount of effort I've put in to help her, I feel like I'm in the relationship with them. Often an entire day is filled up with listening, counseling, coaching her. I've bought her expensive things that would supposedly help her gain the strength to leave him. She won't. She's humiliating herself and ruining all of her relationships for a complete loser who treats her like shit.
Most of my friends say to either cut her off or just basically be quiet about it and let her ruin her own life. I don't want to do either. And I'm sure as fuck not attending any kind of family gatherings with a psychopath.

No. 487737

Right now I think the best thing to do would be to reach out to her family if you have their contact info to let them know how badly she is faring


No. 487738

There's a difference between finding the subject matter interesting and enjoying the work. Different jobs require different lifestyles and a lot of jobs are extremely region dependent. Think about where you want to live and what sort of lifestyle you want to lead first and use that to narrow down your options.

No. 487772

Unfortunately I've never met her family nor do I have their info, she also tells me they're very unsupportive so that would probably make things worse

No. 487777

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Am I self-destructive for having a big crush on a boy who spoke to me in a very snarky and condescending way on our first date? I honestly figured it was just his humour or something, I'm used to people who are kinda rough around the edges with everybody so I didn't really mind.
He was also incredibly attractive and generous.

The whole stiuation's got me feeling confused, since I doubt he would have wanted to spend like 20+ hours with me if he genuinely disliked me

No. 487780

Are you sure you can't find them on social media through one of her profiles?

No. 487804

Has anybody gone to an open air music festival on your own? I've been looking at various music festivals I want to do this summer and unfortunately most of them are in rural areas so camping is mandatory (I have my license but I hate driving), is it doable as a female solo traveler or should I stick to indoor festivals?

No. 487807

What sucks about having a big crush is that we often idealize the person, attributing positive traits to them that they may not actually possess. So, be careful.

No. 487820

You're absolutely right, and while I recognize this myself it's kinda hard not to idealize and project my own hopes and dreams on someone I'm so very attracted to.

No. 487831

Imagine him having an explosive diarrhea or something.

No. 487843

I know her mom's socials but again I don't think it will help anything to reach out to them, they will likely just ignore me. If it gets really, really bad I'll probably have to though

No. 488138

Hey nonas, I need to desperately learn french from scratch. I downloaded Duolingo and started to memorize vocabulary but I wanted to ask if you can recommend me some good textbooks or workbooks. I don't have the money for actual education but my dream job requires french on at least the B1 level. I'm not very smart but I'm grateful for every bit of advice I can get. We didn't have french in my school so I'm a little lost here

No. 489622

Nonas with experience in quitting jobs!!
> can speak 7 languages fluently
> got hired on the last 5 hotel receptionist positions after the first interview
> always get mentioned in reviews by guests because I LOVE THIS JOB AND I DO IT WELL

> Current hotel is calmest and best I've ever worked in because less rooms to manage and perfect work hours. BEST PAY SO FAR. Must highlight the fact that i love working here. pay is high and hours are short.

> Colleagues are animals. Both at the reception and cleaning staff. Everyone Does the very bare minumum and I have to pick up their slack once my shift starts.
> Boss knows this, but counts on me to fix everything because I am the hardest worker and do things the best. Boss explicitly says both privately and in front of colleagues, that she relies on me the most.
> Am exhausted, stressed, have to think of literally everything.
> Want to move out of home because of abusive family, but if I quit it's a huge problem because rent in my city is expensive + I have university bills.

Do i keep suffering like a dog or do I quit and look for something else? Am tired and scared

No. 489799

Cross posted from Instagram hate thread but I have a private Instagram, not many problems on it. I feel like I'm hiding (especially from my ex and an ex friend) If my account go public then I'll be bothered by moids instead of meeting art friends. I don't know what to do.

No. 489802

Maybe look for a better job while employed, then when you find something better, put in a two week notice at your current job. Hope things improve for you!

No. 489812

How do I get my fat ass fiancé to lose weight? I really do love him, the 1 single thing that bothers me in the relationship is that he is fat. He doesn't drink but somehow has a potbelly, I don't understand it. It's really unattractive to me, believe me I have tried to get over it because everybody shames someone for losing attraction to their partner when they gain. But jfc, nonnies I just can't get over it!!! It bothers me! I never want to have sex with him… I want sex so much, but not with him. That's what is worrying me, I want to cheat, to be blunt. That's how bad this is. My fiancé is extremely fucking sensitive too so any "maybe you shouldn't have 2 bowls of ice cream right before bed" sends him into crying his eyes out and calling me abusive. Please help me

No. 489894

Did he always had those eating habits? If he's emotionally eating, maybe he needs help and support to treat an underlying issue he is having (source: I too tend to overeat when sad/stressed).
If this is somehow not the case, maybe you could invite him to do some sort of physical activity together. It could be regular walks/hikes, hitting the gym together, starting a sport. I also think it could be nice to propose a date where you eat something more healthy, like picking up some nutritious meal (or even better: going grocery shopping and cooking the two of you), and then eat it together at a park or something like that, just having a talk, without other distractions. It can grow to become a routine.
I hope you find a way, nona. It's incredibly important to have healthy habits, sometimes we need a little push from others but hopefully he gains awareness about taking care of himself.

No. 490149

So about 1.5 years ago he got a torn labrum at work, was out of work for 7 months from surgery to fix it, he gained like 70 pounds in that time. The habits he picked up have stayed. I genuinely don't know what to do, I don't eat the way he eats. I'll eat healthier around him but it doesn't phase him. Even if he eats healthy he will eat like 3 servings for 1 meal. Grocery shopping we will get healthy food but then he will go out and get junk food on his own. I'm so bothered… he used to have a 6 pack. He used to have a jawline. I tried going to the gym with him a couple months ago but some health things came up for me and when I couldn't go, he decided to no longer go. I brought up getting our gym memberships back but he said no.

No. 490392

I don't think you should marry him if you're unattracted to him. Yes people's appearances change as we age but at this stage he should be trying his best to look good for you. If he's unwilling to make healthy choices this is the sort of problem that tends to get worse. And honestly sounds like he has mental health problems.. a man crying at the drop of a hat like that is a red flag

No. 490474

Nothing like walking in a room to put something back, when I hear my brother pity baiting mom with, "I dont think I want to celebrate my birthday. Im getting old now :(" Then mom says to him, "Ofc we should celebrate your bday. Its the best thing that ever happened." She didnt even pretend to include my bday too.

Yet another confirmation I dont mean as much as the MALE child to my own family. Its one of those hurtful moments Ill probably remember til the day I die.

Thing is, my bday is coming up in a few weeks, his bday is months after. So Idk why my brother is already making my birthday about him.

Should I talk to mom about how her comment made me feel?

If I do, shell probably either get hostile/mad at me as if Im too sensitive; or say "Fine! Then I wont say anything to you at all." She and her fave son might take pleasure in knowing the comment got to me. Its probably a waste of time if I do talk to her about it, but its eating at me.

No. 490603

It bothers you because deep down you know that men shouldn't be fat, and especially not your partner. He's taller than you and is full of testosterone, how is he such a fat fucking slob? You really shouldn't marry him. He sounds emotionally unstable, can't take criticism from you out of all people (he should WANT to impress you), and is a fatty fat.

No. 490728

If he can't handle such slight criticism he is going to be an absolute nightmare to deal with once you have kids because he does not allow you to disagree with him. There WILL be conflicts about how you raise your kids, discipline them and so on and from what you've written it sounds like you are never gonna get your way, your husband's choices irt your children will ALWAYS prevail because he can't handle the slightest bit of criticism before throwing a tantrum and you can't handle his tantrums so you just let him do whatever he wants.

I don't think you should marry him.

No. 490734

Yes I agree with the other nonitas. If you already have urges to cheat, the marriage is not going to work (read that again). You need to have a sit down with him, talk, really have an honest heart to heart talk with your man, tell him what you told us and if he still calls you names and tries to emotionally manipulate you, dump him
He is a man. There is no excuse for him to be this pathetic

No. 490748

When she's in a nursing home and her failmale doesn't take care of her, that will be her comeuppance. These boy moms always create their own undoing.

No. 490751

I work in a call centre. How can I stop seething about being in debt for my useless degree knowing most of my coworkers, who are better at the job than I am, are former waiters with no educational debt?

No. 490888

Ive gotten over my crippling social anxiety , ive suddenly become an extrovert and basically everyone i know thinks im doing much better than my reclusive but i feel so numb. I havent cried in months , my libido is nonexistent. i dont know whats going on

No. 490889

** reclusive days

No. 491632

Does anyone have any advice for making your living space feel more like home…? I've been moved out for almost four years now, from my childhood home that I lived in my entire life. I've never been able to make my apartment feel home-y. I've decorated, I have tons of decorations I brought from my room at home and ones I've added. I'm a lighting freak and did the best I could to make the lighting great (theoretically it should be super nice) but it just feels so foreign.

I think it doesn't help that my apartment is white walls with grey accents and greyish-white carpet. My room at home is super colorful and always has been, my parents always let me pick what color my walls would be, and it's dark hardwood flooring.

I miss my suburban town covered with trees and greenery. I miss the lawn and the culdesac. I miss the fresh smell and the enormous window in my bedroom, and the nights, quiet except for the bugs and animal noises. I live not far from a highway now, and there isn't very much greenery. I don't hear animal or bugs sounds at night. It smells… okay outside. I'm not sure if I'll ever feel at home anywhere except where I grew up, and I'm afraid I'll never afford to live there or somewhere like it. I just want to feel comfortable in my bedroom again and not like i'm in some weird random bedroom.

No. 491674

If I don't get pregnant by the end of the year I'm alogging. The problem is my partner is on the fence. I'm old, finding a new partner is out of the question. This shithead stole my youth and is treating me like a burden because I want to start a family with him.
I'm so fucking stupid. I just want a reason to live.

No. 491675

steal his sperm and THEN kill him

No. 491690

I have the same issue, I hate living in a grey box so much kek. I haven't found a perfect solution yet but recently I switched out the shutter blinds for curtains and I feel like it made a noticeable difference. Also consider renter-friendly DIYs like switching out cabinet hardware, temporary wallpaper/backsplashes, etc

No. 491723

Freeze your eggs?

No. 491737

Girl getting pregant by random and raising it yourself is less effort than raising a kid with a man who doesn't want kids

No. 491738

ty nona I just forced him to cum inside
I told him if he wouldnt nut inside me that decent cum is like 2000 bucks and he changed his tune.

No. 491834

I went through the motions of buying a house because I was looking for the stability of homeownership that I felt I was missing out on growing up. Doing some soul searching I realised I don’t really like the area I live in and a mortgage is keeping me tied to a boring job.

I bought my house for 500k AUD now it’s worth about 650. Would I be break even with regard to selling costs if I sold this year?

No. 491863

do you have stuff on the walls? for some reason that makes a room for me. you can hang large colorful tapestries if painting isn't an option (I asked my landlord to paint a wall and he did it himself).

I love greenery too so getting some plants helped.

and I guess just remind yourself that you'll never get exactly like home, but you can create a 2nd home

No. 492560

>I just want a reason to live.
People like you make shitty mothers because you are just selfish, especially because you’re making a child with someone who doesn’t want a kid in the first place and end up using your children as emotional support animals , you’re setting up your kid.
Hope you miscarry.

No. 492595

You don't have to find a new partner after you dump him. Please work on yourself, this concerns me

No. 492666

Thanks, I do have items on the walls, I tried to fill up the space but there's still empty swathes so I'll try to arrange more things to hang. My old room is still covered in posters and stuff so it would be cozy.

I would LOVE greenery but I'm not a green thumb + I have enough trouble taking care of myself right now. I have one pothos. Are there any plants that do okay with low sunlight? Snake plants are the only ones I can find.

I would try to get nice fake greenery to hang about but I'm not sure if it's tacky or not.

No. 492792

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ok nonnas i really, really need help. honestly a part of me has always felt like i was living on borrowed time, ever since i was young i often just…wished i was never born. but honestly, my mental state overall? ok, and i actually felt pretty good about myself usually, even if the last time i laughed i was 14 years old, which…i thought was normal, but apparently it's not?

it's like as the years i have gotten far more miserable and zombie-like. i don't even show any emotion whatsoever irl or say anything about myself whatsoever. i don't ever talk to others if it's not 100% necessary and even if i wanted to, i couldn't.

i constantly ruminate about the state of the world and genuinely feel terrified about it. i keep the stress balled up inside me and it actually physically hurts. i cannot afford a therapist. self-help barely helps because part of my feelings stem from very real issues.
my health is horrible. to be honest it's been years since i've had energy. it's hard to think of anything that i'm not already used to thinking. and, even if i stop thinking, the escapism (reading, tv, drawing, etc) seems to not really be a permanent solution. i also have a social/speech disability–nothing 100% crippling, but basically i can't hold down a normal conversation and it has only gotten worse with time bc of the worsening fatigue. and, well, my prospects aren't great, tbh. it's luck that i still have a place to live, because quite frankly if i was left to my own devices, i'd be dead on the street.

there's also a lot of other behavior and emotional issues that is just really troubling too. like, nothing explosive but it's like i have the wrong reaction to things and i feel completely numb towards things i shouldn't. it's like being a prisoner of myself sometime and it's getting genuinely horrible just…existing in my head…and, mind you, my standards for myself are in hell. i really would have been ok–if i at least had a working imagination and some sense of humor and whimsy, and a safe environment. the world feels so dark and genuinely terrifying for me, however.

i do have a longtime (decade plus, we have texted daily all this time) best friend that is open to living with me, but she lives 1000s of miles away now and honestly, my anxiety is so bad that i wonder if trying to go live with her is doable bc i'm worried about putting her off. i've always had imposter syndrome about every single time i've ever managed to actually get along with someone, but these days…well. i'll just say, it's like it's my supervillain. i have already lost my childhood best friend who literally begged me to reach out to her months ago after hugging me…because i never reached out to her. i was too terrified to as she has had such an idealized view of me for so many of those years (into our early 20s before i got worse) and bc my brain is actually crazy, it worries about further corrupting those decent memories by her seeing what i have become.

i feel so terrible about myself and in general that a part of me kinda wishes to cut off all worldly ties. i just never…want for someone else's presence, because, it's just so relieving not existing. i'm afraid that i'll soon become a person incapable of caring for others and connecting to them–i'm already halfway there! a terrible friend!…and i wouldn't fucking mind being a hermit, but i wouldn't be able to survive, would i?
and i know that's fucking crazy of me. i don't know what to do and i'm really scared of the thoughts and sense of doom that has been haunting me.

No. 492793

also, i have a ton of really horrible real-life experiences and honestly my current situation is miserable, it feels like living a groundhog day where things very, very slowly get worse in insidious, minute ways i can't sense in the moment but looking back at the past are all too clear…that, and occasional genuinely awful experiences (i.e., with my family, some of whom are violent).

No. 493066

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I have a UTI for the first time and the pressure to constantly pee is unbearable. Any Nonnas have advice??

No. 493115

Drink tons of water and take your meds

No. 493179

Masturbate if you can. It flushes out if it makes sense, it's not a miracle cure but it's the only thing that helped me in the past.

Also if you can I recommend taking a bath and letting the coochie soak, although that might be more placebo thn anything else.

No. 493202

Old post but I never gained back attraction to my ex after he got fat. I tried to make it work but it was so unattractive. Also if you stay with him you'll probably eventually gain weight, too. Sorry about your engagement, anon. I think it's over.

No. 493552

Could browsing LC and looking at more normie media be the reason someone feels lost and out of touch from themselves and their interests? How does someone gradually go back to exploring and flocking to the things they used to love? I.e if someone loved medieval texts, but they have gotten into a loop of scrolling LC in free time, how would someone break that without obsessing? Quit LC and keep things bookmarked?

No. 493704

Please please please go to the doctor. Not treating a UTI can cause a chronic UTI.
t. have had a chronic UTI for 4 years

No. 494610

I‘m having a mandatory 'therapy' session on Wednesday and I‘m already 100% done with the 'therapist'.
He‘s not even an actual therapist, he has no college degree whatsoever. He started out as a freaking electrician and only took some shady courses to become an accredited coach.

But that’s not even the worst part.
He has a pretty thorough web presence and it’s … god, I don’t even have words for it.
He‘s a ~60 y.o. white guy who had a gym that went bankrupt and after that he apparently found his calling as a therapist. He had a psychological speech impediment until he was 50, which he then overcame (with the help of a real therapist) and now offers his services to people who have social anxiety. He also has some very odd views of how phobias work (like that they’re always a result of traumatic experiences and that you simply have to relive them in a safe setting to cure them, which is simply not true).
But wait, there’s more.
He also has an entire section dedicated to relationship-centered coachings. One example for it is 'Save your Marriage!' and also 'Save your Marriage (for men)!'. And another whole section labeled 'Understanding Women'.
I did give him the favor of the doubt and read through some of it. It was all just variations of 'women are more emotional than men', 'women want to talk things out', 'women want to care for someone' and 'men are competitive', 'men want success', 'men don’t care about feelings'.
The peak take was 'women are emotional because of their cycles so just be understanding of that, offer her comfort and you’ll be the perfect partner'. I just about lost it there.

Unfortunately I really have to have at least one session with him before I can reject him. And I honestly don’t know how well I can hide my disdain. And I mean, I could just pull myself together and get it over with as quickly and smoothly as possible. But unfortunately I’m a petty POS so part of me really wants to make use of that one session and destroy him. Unfortunately he also wrote how he likes and enjoys having his views challenged etc. so I’m afraid that might make me even more interesting as a case for him and I already want to gag just thinking about it.

So… any advice?

No. 494618

I would just gray rock it

No. 494642

Feeling very torn on whether or not to start up birth control again. My period symptoms (insomnia, extremely painful cramps, fatigue) are cutting into my life more than I’m willing to accommodate; I feel like I’m just half alive for 2 weeks every month. I have concerns about long term consequences of birth control. Previously I took the low dose estrogen version but that just made me cry hysterically to everything.

No. 494872

Have you talked to your OB/GYN about endometriosis or similar?

And if you are neurodivergent: A lot of ND women that suffer from PMDD and other period-related issues have said they felt a lot better when taking antihistamines. I‘m not sure there‘s any studies backing it up or supporting the theory behind it, but since most OTC antihistamines don’t have any serious side effects, it’s worth a try imo.
It definitely has helped me stabilize my mood and help with some other PMS symptoms in the past. With the cramps, however, it didn’t help much.
And if you don’t want to take meds, maybe you can try a low-histamine diet for a while.

No. 494896

Yeah I’ve been extensively tested for pcos and endometriosis, both negative. I don’t have any of the typical signs or a family history for anything like that either. I do have ADHD and maybe my meds for that make the cramping worse? Never heard of the histamines I’ll look into it more ty

No. 496006

I have no where to turn for this. Maybe I'm being schizo but I'm just scared.

Recently at my job a regular customer ended up helping me with car troubles at work. He approached me first about it as I was content with figuring it out myself. The reason I'm worried about this whole thing is that he may have a hidden motive for going out of his way to help me and is gonna use this as some sort of leverage on me. I've been friendly and courteous to him since he is a regular even calling him by "his name" plus it's a part of my job to. But since he saw my name tag once he now makes it a point to say my name and I notice he is only ever really friendly to me out of all my other coworkers even saying goodbye to me when I leave my shift if he happens to be is still around.

He technically hasn't done wrong but I just can't stop being paranoid. He is an older man and at my job most old men are the worst since a lot of them are weirdos since most of us workers are women and a majority young adults.

No. 496024

He might have a crush on you. If he's not doing anything really weird I wouldn't worry too much, truly dangerous and stalkery people tend to come across as a little unhinged even in everyday conversation.

No. 496030

I have a square jaw and a pretty wide middle eastern nose. What kind of glass frames should I get? I'd like something with big lenses.

No. 496038

I agree with the poster above. Also sometimes people are just friendly and help someone out because it's easy to do so.

No. 496040

Did anyone else here go to a gynecologist for the first time when they were older? I have an appointment next week, I made sure it's with a woman dr, I'm planning on being as honest as I can with them but I feel really awkward because I'm a 30+ y.o virgin. My worst nightmare would be if they sperg about me not wanting kids or treat me weird during any examinations because I've never had penetration in my vag.

No. 496041

At my old job a regular customer was a retired firefighter and he was always (politely) annoying about offering to help when anyone had a flat tire or other car problem he noticed. He was nosy but never did anything over the line.

No. 496049

Tell her you're a virgin straight away. If you don't she'll probably want to take a look inside by putting in a speculum and you will suffer. It's uncomfortable even for women who have had sex already because it stretches your vagina so she can see all the way to your cervix. It's also relevant for the kinds of exams she'll ask (e.g. intravaginal ultrasound which also involves being penetrated by a tool).

No. 496052

Thank you, I'll definitely do that.

No. 496159

I don't know where you're from but in my country we have a website that list "safe" gynecologists and midwives, ie they won't give you shit for your appearance, your lifestyle or your beliefs. I'm also a 30+ year old virgin and I went to see a midwife and a gynecologist for the first time on suspicion of ovarian cysts and everything went well.

No. 496170

Oh thank you. I just can't help but feel cautious about things like this. I will keep my distance for now tho

No. 496869

Anons did i just got sexually harassed. Please be patient as I have autism
>I get into uber
>immediately get hit by the smell of weed
>i say good night and he doesn't answer
>i think i want to get out and that this is an imbecile
>he tells me "how do you get to [place we are going] ?"
>I tell him it's in the GPS
>We talk about the weather and this part is normal and he drives okay (i think for a moment that i misjudged him)
>He asks me if i like hot or cold weather the most and i tell him cold
>he tells me that "he is just like me because if i get hot i can just be naked at my house because noone will see unless the neighbors are watching" and that my body will get sticky if i don't get a cold shower(??)
>I say "yeah i guess"
>i get scared but saying "I WANT TO GET OUT RIGHT NOW" will escalate this, i go silent
>He says "I live close to you. is [VERY SPECIFIC NAME] your neighbor from across the street or right next by your house? The one that came from [country ]"
> I tell him
> He tells me he lives close by the kindergarten (this is 300m close to my house).
>I tell him "i see" and that it's not a big city anyways and that in the past i also had other drivers from around the area (this is true)
>He tells me the neighbor's wife, [specific name], has a daughter from a previous marriage and that she (the daughter), is his ex-wife and they have two children together
> Asks me if I have siblings and if i live with my parents and siblings and i tell him
>Asks me if my older brother is protective over me and I tell him "it's just normal"
>Asks me about my career and job and if I have a boyfriend
> I tell him I don't (have a boyfriend) and when he asks me why i tell him "life is complicated"
>He tells me I have everything:a career, a family etc only thing i need is a boyfriend and children and that "life doesn't need to be complicated if i don't want it to be"
>Calls me "my love" as I'm getting out the car (we arrived finally at this point)

I gave him one star and chose "car smells bad" and "driver talks too much" and "other" as reasons. I'm a little shaken nonas I thought i was going to be raped until he brought up the fact that he knows the neighbors because everyone would know/ we are basically neighbors

No. 496909

holy shit nona that's creepy as fuck
the thing with him asking whether you live with parents/siblings 100% feels like he's casing your situation to find out if you have protection when he tries to break in. next time a moid asks anything like that tell him you live with lots of people and a huge dog (i hope this is already true for you). maybe consider getting a self-defense weapon if you don't have one already.

No. 496928

thank you nona i will say that, i won't be using uber for some time either. I guess i have a creepy neighbor now

No. 496932

Yes you definitely did get sexually harassed. I’m sorry you had to go through such a horrible experience, I’ve been in a similar situation before. I froze and sort of complied by giving out some of my personal info because I was so scared. Nowadays I try to treat them like cops - Either stay completely silent or make courteous small talk without giving them any of your info. Not to make you overly paranoid, but I would stay vigilant for the next few days/weeks considering he has your address. It’s also okay to be emotional, I felt very alone and isolated after my incident.

No. 496952

Any tips on how to become more assertive and be able to confidently speak your mind? This is a huge problem for me and bleeds into all areas of my life: Friendships, romantic relationships, career, etc. I think I’ve made some breakthroughs recently by performing exposure response prevention on myself, which involves doing something stressful without trying to soothe my anxiety (i.e. openly expressing a controversial opinion to someone I respect without apologizing). But I’m still a bit stuck and wanted some advice from other people. And for what it’s worth I’ve also been diagnosed with OCD (plus other things), but am not currently on psych meds because many of them cause me rare/dangerous side effects

No. 496961

what prevents you from being assertive? Is it some sort of anxiety or is it one of those things where you are just too nice and really don't want to offend someone/cross their boundaries.
If it's the latter, it's very fixable. First practice doing it in your head and then do it irl. Eventually it will become easy
If you are a pushover because being assertive gives you anxiety, however, that is much harder to fix. I'm not even sure it can be fixed, instead you just have to learn coping skill so that you can work around it

No. 496963

Thank you nona. I'm sorry. I will try to report to the app's safety line

No. 496967

It’s definitely clinical anxiety/OCD in my case. When I used to occasionally take small doses of my prescribed klonopin I was able to interact with people perfectly normally. But I’ve also achieved similar results with lots of daily ERP therapy and no psych drugs, so I think I’m gonna pursue that again. Ah man this is gonna be a pain in the ass, I wish there was an easy shortcut through all of this

No. 497284

there are exercises for this. for example loudly saying No in the mirror and going through scenarios. Self defense classes also help. You just need to get more comfortable with it and the more you do it the better it will get

No. 497335

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how 2 cope with never having a female best friend ?
i feel like every girl has experienced having a girl best friend at least once in their life and it changed their life for the better. how does one cope with not having one? is it as fun as other women make it out to be?
i see many girls in their 25's having fun in groupchats, hanging out at the mall wearing lolita or alt fashion, going to animeconvention together, like living your avering womanhood in a group. And also how to spot and avoid crybullies in disguise ?

No. 497359

Despite how media glorifies it, lasting friendships are harder to come by than you think. Best friends are even more rare. I've had the privilege of having a few female best friends and being in some close groups in the past but we all eventually went our separate ways and I haven't had a best friend for years now. First, you need to learn to enjoy your own company and be comfortable doing things alone. Eating out, going to the movies, etc. These activities are very fun in groups but never let not having anyone to go with stop you from going out and having a good time. Also, realize that all human connections have a timer on them. If you're lucky, that timer runs out when one of you is gone but it's usually way before then. Make peace with this fact as you go forward and forge bonds. Just because you don't have a best friend doesn't mean other friendships aren't valuable. Put in the work to connect with other women but don't chase anyone if they are clearly not putting in as much effort into the friendship as you. You'll need lots of patience and perseverance, forming a circle can take years. Remember that everyone has a different idea of what friendship looks like and that adult life often gets in the way of hanging out. I was stupid for a long time and chasing that idea of having a female best friend again after I drifted apart from my previous bestie, but then I realized that I had a lot of friends that I had made over the years and sure, I can't call any of them BFF, but they are all still important to me. Let go of your desire and expectations and think of yourself as a magnet, attracting what you want. In other words do put in effort into your relationships but never expect anything from anyone, and accept help and love from others, but always rely on yourself most of all. As for avoiding cyberbullies, I'm not the best judge of character myself but I recommend observing someone and how they treat others before interacting and going forward with all friendships with cautious optimism. I also recommend reading the BPD thread on /ot/ for some red flags on what to avoid. Always remember your worth and that you don't have to tolerate any behavior that is harmful or makes you uncomfortable. Hope that helps anon.

No. 497374

Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it

No. 497578

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so, yeah, this is gonna be a bit gross so be warned before continuing! and yes i am petrified about it.

i have bad allergies in general so having a carpet in my bedroom was already pretty bad but a few months back a mouse got in without me knowing for quite a while and overtime i got more sick. unfortunately i've now finally discovered the carnage in a large area beneath some built-in furniture that's hard to reach spot where i won't be able to use a vacuum or normal carpet shampooer on and after i've uncongested my nose with meds recently i can now smell it, too. i need advice on removing it, preferably with something that won't cause further respiratory issues for me.

and no, unfortunately i have no other place to sleep.

No. 497670

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Nona I’m so sorry but your story reminded me of this one Tay Zonday tweet and it made me laugh out loud. I think a good first step, if you haven’t already, is buying a NIOSH-approved N95 respirator to use for now (or something similar). And honestly, I think it might be best to contact a professional in this situation. They’ll probably be able to clean it up in a way that doesn’t aggravate your allergies, and can also confirm that you don’t have an infestation

No. 502323

Thank you so much nona

No. 503799

Is it possible to find a guy who just wants sex until marriage? Or are most guys on PornBrain already perverted I'm 20 and I've never had a relationship. Do you recommend I wait until I finish my degree?

No. 503878

>Or are most guys on PornBrain already perverted
> Do you recommend
Do what feels best for you nonna. If you want to have sex and see how it is right now do it (find a decent scrote and don’t pick the first retard you see), if you want to wait then wait. It’s not like there’s a perfect formula that will make you have the “good” man. If the amount of sex you had added value or removed value then everyone who is in a stable relationship would be in a way, but isn’t like that.
I am 22 and as for myself I choose not to involve myself with men all together despite being straight. I don’t see any use in being with them at all and I don’t see any prize in navigating through shitty men in hopes to find a gem. I have become disillusioned in a way.
A man would only hinder me and I’m honestly okay being alone or never having sex again. But that’s just me. I might find someone maybe who knows, but right now I’m not feeling the NEED to be with someone and I’m content with myself.

No. 503910

yes I recommend you wait until you finish your degree. relationship drama has ruined many graduation plans. make female friends.

No. 504078

I'm a prude; I'd like to wait until marriage to have sex. But it seems like most moids expect sex right away. I'm hoping to find a moid who will expect us to have sex on my terms.
Thanks for the advice, but no one will approach me anyway. I see a lot of scroates talking about the wall and how women have to settle down before 25, or else they'll be left alone with low-value men. That scares me.

No. 504088

It’s meant to scare you Nona, that’s why they say that. I listened to similar bullshit when I was in my late teens through twenties and it’s part of the reason I wasted so much time on garbage boys. I didn’t find my Nigel until I purposefully distanced myself from dating and men and focused on myself and my friendships. I wish I had done that ten years earlier, I feel so much more secure now.

No. 504100

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So there’s this writer in my country—she’s a literal nobody outside of it, but thanks to her old-money family and being the tiny white minority here, she got her books published by Penguin. (This is not me being a bitch, her book has 18 reviews on goodreads and most come from people who got her book as a freebie)
Her actual fanbase is tiny, and if it weren’t for her last name, she wouldn’t have gotten half the opportunities she has.

We’re the same age, both writers, and have roughly the same interests, so I figured it wouldn’t be impossible to strike up some kind of connection. I’m not delusional—I know friendships with people like this are usually transactional. I’ve seen plenty of acquaintances benefit from their token gringa co-worker/friends So I don’t have any moral crisis about it; I just want to go about it the right way.

How would you approach someone like this without coming off as pushy or weird? What kind of questions would actually keep a conversation going? I know she interacts with fans, but I want to go beyond that without making it obvious I see this as strategic. ’m also self-aware enough to know I’m a pretty self-centered person, even if I come off as friendly. So if there’s a way to make this feel more natural instead of just me angling for a connection..
I've been to her lives and 70pct of her audience is not even her actual fansbase but thirsty scrotes trying to flirt with her and asking pretty invasive questions. Her books are the blandest type of low fantasy you can think of but she drones on about she dreams of selling the rights to a movie (and it wouldnt be that far off, as her family is old money in our otherwise thirdie shithole) and how she dreams of seeing a theme park al HP and all that jazz…

No. 504107

my bf is hoping to start a college course thing through his workplace and will be about three years long, but he also hopes to move here to where i am across country and find a new job here. even with grants for the schooling, which he claims will cover everything, i feel like this is a lot to have on his shoulders, and he doesn't handle stress well. i'm not even sure if he'll be able to contribute to household fepending on how the job hunt goes. all of it will be discussed in time i'm sure, but am i overthinking that it's a really big risk to do such a big move alongside the course?

No. 505300

I don’t know what to do about my shy/nonverbal girlfriend. We’ve only been together about a month and a half but knew each other briefly before. I found her silence quite intriguing, I could tell that there was a lot of thought and intelligence underneath it, and I still feel that way, I think she’s incredibly interesting. But I feel as if I’m talking to a rock a lot of the time. I can tell a fairly detailed story and get virtually no reaction from it, both in person and online.

She does have issues with depression that she’s been working through, as well as being isolated and inexperienced, not much else going on, which I fully understand but I’m sort of the opposite side of that. I suppose I just thought that being around me she’d learn that it’s okay to share and to ask about things. I can almost feel it rubbing off on me, just being silent as if there’s nothing to say. I care about her so much, but this is honestly affecting my mood and life outside our relationship, like the things I say aren’t important, it’s a little hurtful.

I don’t know how to grapple with this because I know that she knows that she’s awkward to say the least and probably beats herself up about it. Is there any way I could try to coax her further out of the shell, or am I already putting too much of my own energy in, I just don’t know.

No. 506003

It's obvious that you care for her and want to help her open up, but you can't make her change. She'll change when she's ready and that might not happen anytime soon. I think you should tell her your honest feelings and see how she reacts. Maybe the thought of losing you is incentive enough to treat you better. But if it's not, please prioritise yourself. Don't continue to date her out of pity. Both of you deserve better than that.

No. 506018

She needs professional help, is she getting that or willing to get it? That's a big factor imo.

No. 506025

Thankyou for the input - I think I'll try to plan a sit down talk about this, but it's not the easiest conversation, to talk about talking. It's becoming clear though that it won't be good for either of us to just live with it like this forever, as you say, we woud deserve better. Hopefully I can at least get an insight as to what's happening in her head from this, I feel like I haven't got a clue most of the time.
She's been getting treatment for it for years now, therapy and medication, I don't know too many details due to the issue I'm describing, sadly

No. 506035

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Honestly speaking, I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm trying to get into a College or University and I haven't been outside in like, 3 months at this point because I'm busy studying and preparing my portfolio.

My grandmother who was once a math professor (or teacher) came here to help me with my applications but what I've noticed, is that she literally isn't letting me step out of my bedroom and even let me do basic chores or let me dress up. I express myself super masculinely and she's constantly telling me to grow my hair out and be more soft and not blunt, and it's really annoying. She's also constantly taking about her own biological granddaughter who lives in the US even though I have had enough, and invited me to visit her house to study away from my mum but she herself said right to my dad's face that if I am no longer a good student who studies for hours on end, she'll disown me. She also mistreated me badly when I was 6 or something?

My mum, as much as I like her, I don't feel too close with her and she expects me to be super polite and very obedient.

She literally said that if I'm not disciplined, she'll kick me out of the house and she's extremely paranoid about other people, I think she simply isolates herself from most because of her bad experiences and I don't blame her. But, she thinks that even my dad had band intentions and she's constantly telling me and calling me up, saying how people except for God should never be trusted. She is also really suspicious about me and always calls me up and scolds me for things I have had no dealing with like say, the location of her glasses or phone and she always asks me to get it for her even though I don't know where they are or haven't touched them. She's also very religious and extremely into weird conspiracy theories and constantly yaps about Soros, Bill Gates and, how Putin rightfully deserves the Baltic States, Ukraine and Poland and how MAGA is incredibly based, despite living in India with absolutely zero contacts with people who live abroad because she simply doesn't have a friends circle.

She also constantly tells me as to how you are supposed to get married early, get married to a man that she chooses for religions' sale and how important it is to raise a family.

I'm not even bothered with boys, I'm simply trying to grind tests and projects to make my folio look good. She also hates academic careers for some reason since she thinks that that are too 'woke', she also doesn't really like people who are saying, hip or fashionable.

I also don't have anyone to talk to who is relatively neutral since I can't get out of my house for long because I don't have a driver's license and my mum will disown me if I go to a bar. I have zero social media so all I do, is browse and lurk /r9k/ and 8chan, study for 14-18 hours a day and wish that I have enough karma to never be born again or go to hell but I can't even attempt suicide, because I know that I am a horrible and irritable personality, who is likely a narcissist and wishes for the easy route out and entertainment.

I have been studying 12-18 hours a day for the past 3-4 months this is a cry for help, I can't even go outside. I'm literally browsing incel forums at this rate because of how lame I am. I have literally no source of entertainment except for shitty imageboards, reddit NEET subs even though I don't fit the definition and, harsh music.

No. 506065

What’s the best way to deal with people being upset/offended at not receiving a wedding invitation? I want a small family-only ceremony, with only the people that we see at least once or twice a year, hence cutting out a lot of people. Then there are some who I know wouldn’t come but would still raise a stink if I didn’t extend an invitation

No. 506097

Either don't give a shit (you don't see these people more than once a year so does it really matter what they think?) or invite them and bank on them not actually attending your wedding.

No. 506804

you have to stop caring if people will be upset. It's your wedding, so do what you want. Just tell them you're keeping it small and intimate with just family. They'll survive.

No. 507266

Is it inappropriate to talk to a man who is married? Not in person just online. I'm not trying to get something out of it but I've been stressed about some things lately and he's just really comforting and easy to talk to. We haven't talked much though just a few times for around an hour more recently. I still have this guilty feeling about it though.

No. 507293

This all seems absurd. Your mom’s definitely crazy, your grandma’s maybe crazy and definitely misogynistic. College can be helpful but the situation you’re in clearly seems to be wrecking you, understandably. Studying 12-18 hours a day isn’t necessary to get into a college, so don’t feel like you have no choice but to live with your mom because you need the time to study. TBH if I were you I’d prioritize getting out of your situation first, then getting somewhere else stable, then getting into a college.

No. 507786

Nonnas is it really worth it to pursue relationships? I’ve always had the idea that I could eventually find someone for me, who would be there for me, even after routine and familiarity seeps through, but I’ve become jaded towards relationships and humanity in general.
What is even the point of being with someone if they are ready to discard you once they get bored? Two months, three years or
Fifteen years down the line?
Human beings are just so selfish in nature I’m convinced no one , especially a man, is capable of true love, at least the real meaning of it all. Every single person is in it just for what they can receive from the other, when that condition is no longer met then they immediately turn to someone else.
My friend recently cheated on her boyfriend of 8 years, apparently because she needed it and felt sexual attraction to the guy she cheated with (she didn’t have full sex because he couldn’t get hard because he was drunk, that’s the only thing that stopped her). She just tried to justify herself over and over and I just found it disgusting, she couldn’t even admit that she cheated just for her own selfish reasons kek but kept saying that this single mistake didn’t cancel the good they had in their 8 years. It sort of reminded me of my dad kek.
Anyway I don’t see the point in ever being with someone.

No. 507789

I believe we just psyoed ourselves to think that we are capable of committing to a single person in our lives, when we were just meant to be like most mammals, aka mate and then just let it go.

No. 507793

yeah i feel like familiarity will just set in eventually and it will never feel as exciting as the beginning of a relationship when you're just getting to know someone but not their issues. and if you leave them for a new person the same cycle will happen because it was never meant to be this idealistic thing. i think only a mother can feel true unconditional love towards their kids, if you missed out on that then gl, you'll keep looking for it and keep realizing that men just don't work that way

No. 507795

I agree nonna, the only true form of love I ever felt was the one towards my mom and the one she gave me back.
But I think it isn’t fair to compare it, I just think that Eros isn’t attainable. I don’t expect unconditional love no matter my wrongdoings, but apparently expecting communication and base level loyalty is too much and setting expectations way too high and placing the other in a pedestal impossible to reach. Trusting another person in that manner is not worth it and I’ve been proven time and time again, from my own experience, to my family to even my friend’s relationship, everyone likes when things are easy but they’re ready to dip at the first mishap.
Most people just think that they’re a better person than they are and when they’re proven otherwise they do everything to justify it:
>I did it because you didn’t communicate with me!
>I reacted in this manner because it was your fault
>I needed new experiences!!

No. 507796

>Human beings are just so selfish
There’s a baseline of greediness in a way.

No. 507799

yeah adult relationships are just exhausting. in my current one initially i felt really accepted and loved, but it turned out that that changes instantly when things aren't ideal and i don't even get to have a base level of stability and that things quickly devolve into these stupid accusatory arguments and demands and conditions. i try to see it objectively and like everyone with issues is kind of vulnerable and deserving of empathy but at the same time it's unfulfilling and tiring.

No. 507820

My friends keeps saying “you just have to put yourself out there! Put some trust!!” And for what?
>porn addicts
>two timers
>those who watch soft porn (aka their fyp on ig and TikTok are riddled with women in skimpy bikinis)
>low effort
The dating scene is shit. And to top it off def should I listen to the advice of a cheater in the first place kek.

No. 507857

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Why are low effort low commitment relationships bad? At least you know what you're getting from the get go

No. 507905

Low effort from a scrote means that he doesn’t care about you at best or hates you at worst kek.
Stop taking breadcrumbs from men and excusing them with “but he shows it in other ways”, virtually all men will not give you mixed signals if they like you and they will go out of their way to show it.

No. 507949

Low commitment or fwb is good when you are horny and want short term companionships. I'm currently celibate but the idea of dating and hanging out casually with someone attractive and fun without any sort of commitment sounds more enjoyable than being in a serious long term relationships. Dating seriously means that you have to be cautious, vet and compromise a lot.

No. 507961

Exactly. Go ahead and let some scrote cum then dump you, but you’ll likely get attached and he won’t. In fact, he probably sees you as nothing more than a desperate whore because men do not respect women who enjoy sex outside of a committed relationship. Moids do not attach emotions to sex in the way women do either—women experience a much higher release of oxytocin (bonding hormone) than men during sex. Why let a moid who doesn’t care about you, doesn’t give you anything, doesn’t respect your humanity, access to your body?

No. 508014

>you’ll get attached and he won’t
Why do people keep saying this? Sex only has to mean as much to you as you want it to.

No. 508017

Those aren’t relationships

No. 508025

I would rather date for fun than have a relationship

No. 508027

I think I low key would as well because in a relationship you’re expected to have obligation sex several times a week and it becomes a chore.

No. 508035

>Why do people keep saying this?
Because it’s supported by science. Men and women are biologically different and respond to hormones released during sex differently. Perhaps you’re less likely to get attached than other women, but on average, women do get attached from sex more than men. It’s probably an evolutionary adaptation since costs of parenthood are much higher for women.

>Bonding is an important part of human romantic relationships, and research has suggested OT as a possible mediator of this effect. A 2005 study by Grewen et al. found that couples who reported a greater amount of partner support showed higher baseline OT plasma levels. These couples also showed higher levels at 4, 7, and 10 min following warm partner contact. For women, OT levels increased sharply 7 min following warm partner contact, regardless of partner support, while male levels remained unchanged. This study demonstrates a relationship between supportive romantic bonding and OT, and shows that warm contact has a greater physiological effect on women than on men.
>The "love hormone" oxytocin improves men's ability to identify competitive relationships whereas in women it facilitates the ability to identify kinship, according to a recent study.
Then there’s Thomas Insel’s research on the effects of oxytocin vs vasopressin in mammals on male and female pair-bonding behavior (I’m not finding a good non-paywalled link, but it’s a famous experiment, so you’ll find plenty of references to it if you look it up). His research suggests that females uniquely bond through oxytocin release, which is released during physical intimacy, whereas males bond more through vasopressin, which is released during sexual arousal (until ejaculation, when it decreases again) and competition with other males.
>Giving a male vasopressin causes it to stay with its mate, whereas blocking this hormone prevents a pair-bond from forming. The scientists saw similar effects in female prairie voles, with oxytocin determining the extent of pair-bonding.

No. 508044

I think people make way too big a deal of it and turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy. Dick ain’t that powerful lol.

No. 508052

i want to fuck a cute moid because for years i avoided going for the guys i found attractive, god knows why. i'm average looking and very weird to the point where i think even desperate scrotes would reject me, but i miss sex and seeing guys get turned on by me. i hate men and am scared of pregnancy, and that's put me off for years… but am at the point where i need that fun and small connection i can get with sex. i chatted to a guy on Tinder but he's cheating on his gf; even though hes perfect type-wise i feel sick and don't want to hurt another woman like that. the other guys in my city are all scrotey types or too obsessed with drinking, porn and taking their shirts off in public to appeal. what do I do??

No. 508054

are you?? in my last r/ship (admittedly shit) i wanted to have sex often nd so did he. i wouldn't get into a relationship with someone i didn't want to have sex with regularly

No. 508062

Well if you are average or ugly you’ll know, trying doesn’t harm anyone nonna, go for it.

No. 508067

A cheater will go for the easiest girl who opens her leg, it hardly matters what you look like kek.

No. 508072

I would fuck him because it’s his choice to cheat and he would fuck the next girl if it’s not you, if he is genuinely 100% your ideal. God knows hot guys are rare enough already. Actually post pics if you can.

No. 508073

Well yeah no shit but you can’t predict how things will end up in the future. Like they let themselves go or attraction drops off etc… but generally if they’re a male they’ll still expect it and won’t care how you feel.

No. 508076

doing the devil's work nonna, if i'm tempted it's exactly because of this. prob can't post pics but he looks sterotypically German in the extreme (blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular/v athletic, big ass), ie the opposite of my scrawny ass

No. 508078

And this all takes me back to this
People all around are just shitty
>the scrote who will cheat on his girlfriend
>the nonna who will have sex with him
I’m not pointing out judgement or anything, I’m just saying that there’s truly a lack of loyalty and integrity in everyone, I don’t get how you are all sane and okay with this, maybe I’m too autistic for this kek.

No. 508079

Like it’s truly bleak, it’s akin to beasts who just follow what their vaginas and dicks tell them, animals all around.

No. 508080

you should probably just try to let his gf know

No. 508082

nah nonna there are lots of good, conscientious people out there, they just won't be as obvious. most people aren't cheaters and even my cynical brain has been defeated by meeting guys who have zero desire to even look at other women, purely out of loyalty & respect. i live in hope that i'll find someone like that but until then i'm a nun

No. 508086

i was thinking of it and probably will, but I don't know how. she deserves to at least know so she can make her own choices, but i don't want her to be hurt

No. 508088

Don’t act like you care about her kek, you just want to make yourself feel better.

No. 508091

well the sooner she knows the better, of course it will hurt her but if no one tells her she might continue wasting her time on this relationship. i'd just send her screenshots or something.

No. 508147

Should I try and hook up with the college kid that works at my wagie job on weekends? I'm 25 without much dating/sexual experience because I find most men very ugly and am too lazy to be bothered most of the time. But I like my coworker.
He's quiet and reserved but still like, normal. Like he's not socially retarded or something, just naturally quiet but he will have a normal and pleasant conversation with you if you initiate it and sometimes will talk without being prompted. He has a nice voice. Deep and soft spoken with one of those real gentle sorts of middle class accents. And he's nice to me. He always takes out the bins for me when we're both rostered on the same day even though it's my task, and he doesn't get annoyed or tell me off when I fuck up, he just redoes whatever I messed up himself before going back to what he was doing before.
Physically I find him average, however he does at least seem to take care of himself. His hair is always neat, he's always clean shaven, his skin is clear, and when I saw his hands up close once they looked well maintained and groomed. Which puts him above a lot of moids by default even if his features are average. And coincidentally he has the same name as the fantasy boyfriend I made up in my head when I was younger.
I feel insecure, even though mid 20s and early 20s isn't a crazy age gap because he's just so. Normie. He's in college full-time and working on the weekends, and when I was his age I was a mentally ill college drop out turned NEET. And now obviously I'm working this shitty food service job full-time, and I know when he's my age in a couple of years he'll have a degree and probably a way better job than working here. Plus the fact I only see him on weekends and bank holidays complicates things. Is it even worth trying?

No. 508234

> those real gentle sorts of middle class accents.
What even is that kek

No. 508240

> He's in college full-time and working on the weekends, and when I was his age I was a mentally ill college drop out turned NEET
Damn a scrote doing better than me would set me off
> I know when he's my age in a couple of years he'll have a degree and probably a way better job than working here.
Maybe you can leech off of him who knows

No. 508242

Do you even know if he’s actually free ?

No. 508372

It's up to you. He'd most likely go for it, but after that you have no idea what you signed up for, and given the college life, and even service work, from personal experience, I couldn't expect loyalty. But if all your expectations are a good lay, then by all means.

No. 508392

In my city (I'm not American, maybe it's different there) middle class people have this very toned down, mild version of our typical accent. Not very strong like the working class but not posh like the upper class either. I could instantly tell he grew up in a nice middle class area with a "good" family just from the way he talked. And sure enough one day he offered to take over mopping for me because it takes a while and he lives right near the shop we work in which is in a quiet, nice suburban area inhabited by families and professionals. I like this accent because it doesn't indicate that the person is super above my own class (which would make me feel too intimidated to even bother), but it's still quite mild and not from a very rough area or so strong it's almost hard to understand.
No clue. I'm assuming he is seeing as he's quiet as fuck unless you prompt him (with the exception of work related talk) so I assume he has no game and probably doesn't have a gf. I don't know for sure though and I don't want to outright ask.
Yeah I don't want to like properly date him, my interest in him is just casual. He's the only guy around here that's 1) around my age 2) I actually get the opportunity to talk to on a regular basis because the other 20 somethings are all in different roles that don't overlap much with ours and 3) isn't obese. Plus he's also very non-threatening, patient with my fuck ups, and pre-wall which make him more appealing to me. But I'm not trying to marry him or anything, I just want to have fun with someone I feel safe around and actually have an opportunity with.

No. 508404

How do I stop picking at the skin around my nails? I keep unconsciously doing it

No. 508535

How do I motivate myself to work out? I've always been skinny, even underweight, and content with my body. The problem is, I am incredibly weak. I have little to no muscle. Because I am stupid, I've always been under the assumption I don't need to work out and have never really tried it/done it/even considered it. Lately, I have begun to be unhappy with my total lack of any sort of definition. Even though I'm unsatisfied with this, it's still not enough for me to actually get off my butt and go to the gym… how do I motivate myself to actually do it??

No. 508541

Make it fun ig? Pick a sport you like or learn to dance.

No. 508544

If you feel safe then I trust your intuition. No harm in seeing what he's after / if there's interest, you might be pleasantly surprised. I'm afraid that outright asking might have to happen first though just as part of the lead up, and to hint as to your intentions.

No. 508667

Honest you don’t sound appealing kek, but if it’s an easy lay he’ll say yes

No. 508695

keep in mind you can just make it much easier and remove the number of steps you have to work out. I gained muscle by just doing bodyweight training in my room and lifting stuff. if you get more into it then maybe you can bother with the gym.

No. 508753

Nonnas with committed Nigels, how important was physical attraction to you when you started seeing your Nigel? I’ve been seeing this guy seriously for about three months, we get along great, very similar backgrounds, he treats me like a princess, has a great job, gets along with all my friends, very sweet and considerate and charming, but there’s one thing - he looks nothing like my usual type. Not saying that he’s unattractive, just that he has almost nothing in common with guys I’ve previously been interested in. Say if we met on a night out, he doesn’t look like the guy I would spend all night trying to dance with. Have you managed to make it work long term with a man who you didn’t have an instant physical attraction to?

No. 508759

It’s subjective, can you? If you have that much energy to think about it and wrote it to a bunch of strangers then it’s clearly important for you which is different if you found them attractive despite them not being your usual type.
Anyway it can build resentment.

No. 508875

First Nigel was butt ugly but I tried to psyop myself into thinking he was cute and that personality is all that matters . I mean at least he had nice blue eyes but the dude looked like HP Lovecraft with a horse face and giant hooked nose. Turns out he had massive anger problems and was love bombing because his ugly ass couldn’t get any better than a naive young woman who believes in the concept of ~true first love~ (we were in high school)

Second Nigel I met in college and I’m married to him now and is eye catchingly hot, like he’s the 1% of men in a sea of ugly moids that both men and women notice in a crowd. First time I saw him I was so intimidated that I didn’t even ask him out because he was so hot—I naturally assumed he was taken or a frat playboy. Anyway I enjoy having sex with him and watching his beautiful face make moany expressions throws me into a passionate frenzy of lovemaking. I also still catch myself admiring his beauty when we’re driving in the car or when we’re watching tv, or when we’re cooking together.

You gotta get a man who triggers your dopamine receptors and is eye candy to you otherwise doing sex is gonna be a chore.

No. 508932

Hello nonnies, I’m the 19 year old with a 32 year old (e) bf, I posted about our relationship before in the relationship advice thread. We plan on meeting in June but I’ve been having some conflicting thoughts and am not sure whether to cut him off or not.
Outside of the age gap, I have a lot of other complaints.
>hairline receding on one side, not perfectly straight teeth
>has stubble, if it grows any more then that he shaves but never clean shaven
>makes anywhere from 36k-40k because he dropped out
>12 year age gap, he’ll inevitably die before me
>wants to get married and have kids
>by the time we’re married and have kids he’s probably gonna be extremely walled
>since he’s a wagie i’d have to be the breadwinner
>had plans to move to hawaii and become a wildlife conservationist before him, now i have to settle on a safer route with a job i wouldn’t be happy with
With that said, I’m so fucking conflicted. We love each other so much, he’s written me paragraphs comforting me and is always there for me when I’m crashing out. I’ve had meltdowns on call with him and it never bothered him one bit. We have lots of commonalities and similarities. I think he’s attractive even with the aforementioned flaws. Even with his lack of money he finds ways to buy me gifts. He’s mailed fancy chocolate to me before and has bought me a lot of games. We call for up to an hour every day, if I lost him I wouldn’t know what to do but I seriously wanna know what’s best for me. Even thinking about this makes me cry, can someone please help me

No. 508936

>19 year old
>32 year old man you're not even attracted to
No offense, but I feel like you already know the answer and are only asking us about it because you don't want to hear the truth.

No. 508938

I am attracted to him. I know the logical answer is to cut him off, but I’d feel so lonely without him. I have irl friends of course but he’s my everything to me and I’m his everything to him. It makes me feel so conflicted. I will say, he’s gone on record saying that he definitely loves me more than I love him. Im well aware I’m a coward who’s not ready to face what’s best for me. Ugh.

No. 508940

Find a decent looking moid around your own age. I guarantee you'll forget this ugly one a decade older than you fast, even if you're infatuated right now. I'm sure you can easily find someone who will love you who's not a walled college dropout

No. 508941

>he says he loves me more than I love him
Jesus Christ. This plus everything else you posted is just setting off the bad idea sirens in my head

No. 508943

You're being groomed into a codependent relationship by a man who is emotionally immature, probably even moreso than you, and will take you for all you're worth because he knows you're so, so out of his league. Please reconsider. I've been there, it doesn't end well and I think we all want better for you.

No. 508955

To add to this; for fully grown men who target people in their teens or young adult years, it's not without reason. I don't mean being more attracted to you, I mean having a lower emotional intelligence or intelligence in general, and therefore being unable to maintain a relationship with anyone their own age. They target people like you because they know they can, and that they can exploit you. He's an emotional crutch for you right now, which I understand, but also know this is calculated, not a misfortune of fate. Please get out, it sounds like you already know what is right, trust your fucking gut.

No. 508960

Thank you ladies. This is seriously so distressing for me and probably some fucked up female socialization thing going on because I'd be sad just envisioning what his life would be like without him. I'd be despondent if I lost him but he'd be nothing without me, this isn't even me being narcissistic as he's said it himself. Before me he basically lived for the sake of living, went home, and played video games. He hardly has any friends and doesn't really like to socialize with people other than me. He's started taking care of himself more, socializing more, and found a purpose in life for the sake of our future, as it is right now. I think for now I'll wait until he gets home from work and have a call with him, since for him it's definitely out of the blue.
I don't wanna get to in detail but we're both very self aware and know that what he's doing is technically grooming and chose to acknowledge it while acknowledging the gaps in maturity and life experience. I feel like he is the only one who I can trust and divulge things I'd never tell a single soul, I'm worried if I leave him I'll never find that type of relationship again.

No. 508964

>we both know what he's doing is grooming
Then end the relationship. You will find someone better. I promise.

No. 508966

File: 1742499788638.webp (14.94 KB, 800x539, woman-arms-out-shrugs-shoulder…)

why is it that people generally don't like me that much? I don't mean that people actively dislike me - but they don't exactly seem that interested in being my friend either. I don't think it's a matter of effort, I've attempted to make more friends before but it always seems to end in them going cold or just cutting me off without reason. please don't bullshit me with the "who cares what other people think?" response, because I care - it's miserable being lonely and only having like 1 or 2 people you're close with, and they definitely don't consider you as good of a friend as you do them.

No. 508967

It's not narcissistic, you're just clearly a deeply caring individual, but no one person is your responsibility. It's great the change you've made to him so far, and that won't necessarily cease to continue without you, you don't even need to cut him off, just establish where you both stand and what you want out of life. You're capable of being objective like you were in OP, just keep that in the back of your mind. What's wrong with having a supportive platonic relationship remotely that does all the same things?
Finally, self awareness and acknowledgement doesn't really mean it's normal or healthy, and the fact you even say he's the only one you can divulge things to is a red flag to me. I promise you'll find others, you are so young. Again, you know what's right.

No. 508971

What's your criteria for someone liking you? Do you want them to hang out with you after work/school? Do you want to be invited to their homes or to parties? What are they not doing that, to you, signifies friendship?

No. 508973

You're probably gonna stay with him. I bet he is good at love bombing. Nonnas here are wasting their breath here. If a woman wants to leave her partner, she won't need convincing. She'll know.

No. 508974

I guess I want people that I can hang out with outside college, like it wouldn't be out of place for me to say "let's go and do this together" or for me to be someone they would consider reaching out to when they want to do the same. I want friends that I talk to beyond just small talk in class - no-one messages me or talks to me unless they need something from me.

No. 508976

Do you think you come across as desperate?

No. 508978

Oh, ok. Gotcha. Well, it's probably not that they don't like you, more than they aren't particularly close to you, if that makes sense. You can try messaging them about stuff not related to class and see how receptive they are. Since you're in school, you might find success joining a club or a sport or something.

No. 508981

I don't think I look clingy, that's my biggest fear whenever I'm talking to new people. I rarely initiate anything because whenever I do - I'm really awkward about it (it's probably aspie) and then the connection goes cold. I also am extremely paranoid that whoever I'm talking to secretly dislikes me because of previous experiences so that might come across. I just don't know how to fix that!

No. 508982

People can probably feel that paranoia/awkwardness, and that's what turns them off. Is there anything you're really passionate about? Something you can talk about with confidence?

No. 508985

music and art are my biggest hobbies, most of my closest friends I bonded over because of music. I have pretty niche interests though which makes it harder - also the autism can really come out when I get into it and I don't want that to freak people out!

No. 508988

>I’m the 19 year old with a 32 year old
Ultra retard

No. 508992

Sounds like bait/LARP to me but if your serious just dump him

No. 508993

It's kinda hard telling what exactly is going wrong without seeing you interact with people irl. If you genuinely have autism, maybe it's just that people can tell and don't vibe with it.

Sorry anon, it's tough wanting to fit in.

No. 509011

yeah, it's really lonely. I used to have a group of friends who I thought genuinely liked me, I hung out with them all the time, but it turned out that they didn't despite them keeping me around and saying how much they appreciated me for the better part of a year. That really shook me up and now I'm super paranoid every time I try reaching out to people, or experience even the slightest (perceived) rejection. I've got this mental complex thinking "what's wrong with me?" that is probably holding me back. I just don't want to get hurt again

No. 509014

Outside of what others said, it could just be that they aren't looking for closer friends. Some people just already have a group of friends and don't really want to go beyond acquaintances with anyone else. So it's possible you're not doing much wrong and you've just been unlucky, a lot of people find it difficult to make friends as an adult.

No. 509016

That's true. Most adults (especially out of education) already have established friend groups and those that don't aren't inclined to advertise their friendlessness status.

No. 509029

but I'm in college that's the thing, this is why I don't get why it's so hard, this should literally be the easiest time for me to make friends, if I can't do it now am I screwed for the future?

No. 509045

Anon, you're incredibly naive and inexperienced. And rightfully so since you're still in your teens. You're so incredibly naive that you think someone being nice to you online must mean he's a good person, he loves you and that automatically being a good thing. But you can't be someone's everything to someone you've never met in your life. And he can't be your one and only when a) you've never met him and b) he's 12 years your senior and is preying on your age, naivety and inexperience and c) he's just another person on a planet with 8 billion of them, he's not that unique or special. And acknowledging grooming doesn't justify it or make it okay.

>have a call with him

He has already convinced you that
>a teenage girl could give a stranger male in this thirties a purpose in life
>a teenage girl is responsible for the happiness of an adult male in his thirties she has never met
>an adult male in his thirties is not grooming a teenage girl just because he acknowledges he's grooming her
>being nice to a girl online must mean he's a good person and good partner in real life and must mean he loves her
DON'T GO ON A CALL WITH HIM. he'll lie to you again and try to convince you again and you'll believe his blatant bullshit because you're so desperate and naive (THIS MAN TELLS YOU THAT GROOMING YOU IS OKAY). Block him everywhere asap.

>we're both very self aware

You're not. You're a naive teenager fueled by puppy love and angst and desperation who readily believes whatever an adult man tells her what she wants to hear.

He's grooming you, end of story.

No. 509048

Absolutely reinforce everything said here that I would have felt harsh to say but it's correct. I pray the post was bait

No. 509162

>he'd be nothing without me
Then why do you want him at all? Are you stupid?

No. 509245

i know the answer to this is going to be "ignore her, work on yourself" but i cant get over what my stepmom did to me. tldr my mom died when i was in my late teens and a year later my dad started dating someone new. she seemed really nice, a little weird, but the mask completely dropped when she got pregnant. she had some outbursts here and there but i moved past them and i never challenged her. i fawn a lot (a habit cultivated from my moms abuse lol) and my stepmom took full advantage of this. she regularly started having these narc meltdowns where she would do every kind of abuse except hit me. yell, scream, break shit, throw my belongings from the bathroom bc they reminded her of me. i moved out of my dad's place 2 years ago because it got really really bad. i still feel too scared to go back home. she hasnt apologized and i havent had a face to face conversation with her since the day i moved out. my dad obviously noticed that her and i were acting weird but she did all that while he was at work. he would come home and she would lie to him and say that im being cold and distant an that i wouldnt meet her halfway.

my sister and my dad are passively on her side, mainly neutral. my sister has outright told me she doesnt care and my dad used to get mad at me when i kept saying how i feel about her. they want me to fix it because the 41 year old woman refuses to act her age, so the weight of being the bigger person is on me.

i feel so heartbroken that my own biological family has left me to rot over the favor of this woman that treated me like a slave, a live-in midwife/nurse, and her punching bag. i hate her with every fiber of my being. shes an antivax retard who proudly told me that shes glad her baby was born white and not 'dark' like my sister. shes a racist immigrant who ironically, despite having lived here with us for 5 years, still cant figure out a language as basic as english. shes failed her phd like twice now and shes always making new friends (im guessing because they never last that long to begin with).

i dont know how to get my family to care about me. all i have is my boyfriend. i feel more at ease with my bf's family (ive known them for less than 6 months) than i do with my own.

after i moved out i had nightmares about my stepmom for 6 months. my dad still acts confused when i say i dont want to come home. what the hell do i even do.

No. 509477

Nonnas my friend just got dumped by her boyfriend. I can hardly muster any ounce of care or empathy, she was cheating left and right , should she not be happy that she gets to slut out however much she wants now?
I’m annoyed that I have to go to her place tonight and I’ll have to hear about it all night ugh, I could have watched a movie.

No. 509479

The advice I was seeking: how should I be there for her?

No. 509543

Why do you have to go to her place? Why are you still friends with her if she’s annoying?

No. 509590

Apart from how she behaves in relationships I do like her company and she’s the only close friend I have , we go to uni together and spend a lot of time together too.
I can’t suddenly dip on her and maintaining relationships with humans means to suck up and hear her , the more you are with them in harder times the more they end up liking you, that’s how you keep friendships in our intricate world. But I’d genuinely like to say “i don’t give a crap about your relationship” but the consequences of it would be too annoying.

No. 509592

She invited me to dinner because her bf just left (he had come to our city specifically to talk), she didn’t outright say “I need a shoulder to cry on” , but it was implied kek.

No. 509594

I have other friends I hang out with often, but they don’t go to my same faculty and our schedules are often different. Me and her are in another bigger friend group, but out of them she’s the one I like the most.

No. 510137

How do I start to learn what my needs are in a relationship? I think I've been really passive in friendships and am okay with my needs not being met as long as I enjoy the friendship enough and I can tell that the friend cares about me. I realize this is not sustainable for a romantic relationship however and that I deserve to have my needs met in my romantic relationships at the very least. But that in order for someone to meet my needs I have to communicate what those are and I don't know what they are.

No. 510214

If you're not sure, at least try focusing on little needs and wants. For example, if you go to a restaurant and you know what you want to eat, don't be like "well what are you having?" Don't worry about their approval or things like them thinking you're too expensive or that you eat a lot. If you want a lobster dinner don't choose a cheap pasta dish to appease them. It's the same for gift giving. Say your birthday is coming up and they ask what you want as a gift, and you know what you want. Well tell them what you want instead of feeling embarrassed and leaving it up to them.
There's a book called Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts. It's advice on learning to live for your own desires and getting over the traps of passivity women are often in, which holds them back from living their lives the way they want. One of the exercises in it is geared at helping you find out what your desires are. It's really simple. Basically you just make a list of everything you'd like in life, no matter how big or small. She says "write down everything you want, from the tiniest desire (a good night’s sleep) to the most lavish (a château in France)." Then you hang the list up somewhere you'll see it, like the fridge or your bedroom door. Then you're meant to update it once a month and write a thank you to whoever helped you fulfil the desire next to it.

No. 510288

Just watch Thewizardliz videos.

No. 510879

How do I tell my roommate to clean up after herself? We’re both students, but I work, she does not. She stays in our shared space all day, only leaving for class. Our living situation is a bit odd, we basically share one large room with a small bathroom, so there is no private space, and I can see her side of the room at all times and vice versa. She rarely cooks, and when she does, she does not immediately wash her dishes and plates, instead letting them pile up on our dining table. When she runs out of dishes and cookware, she starts to only eat microwave meals, and the trays and trash from that pile up on her desk. I used to be nice and do her dishes when they blocked the sink, but I got fed up of taking care of someone else my age (she also never said thank you, but maybe it was because she was embarrassed). For a while, she was doing pretty good, but just this past week or two the dishes haven’t even been put in the sink, they’re just sitting on our small dining table, and not only is it an eyesore, I think it along with the desk trash could be attracting little gnats or fruit flies. I should mention that she’s openly mentally ill and has trouble with executive dysfunction, and has openly discussed how difficult it is for her to do anything at all, from her classwork to showering etc. I don’t think she’s ever vacuumed or dusted, I do that all because I want to. I don’t know how to tell this adult woman my own age to wash her dishes and take out her trash, as I’ve never been in this situation before. Any advice is appreciated on how I can approach this? I want to be sensitive to her mental issues, but at the same, I don’t want trash and bugs in the place we have to share and look at together.

No. 510886

I still think that you don’t deserve fruit flies or cockroaches because “much mental health”. Tell her to clean up after herself because you don’t want an infestation.
She already doesn’t clean, the minimum she can do is do her fucking dishes nonna, stop being a doormat.

No. 510887

And tell her openly that you also take a big share of the chores already while she does nothing.

No. 511655

How do I make my dating app profile more appealing to women if what I'm looking for is casual sex? Suggestive pics?

No. 511666

I am actually about to ruin my life through my unwillingness to study and it's killing me
Why why why can't I just sit the fuck down and study

No. 511791

I'm not even joking, bully her. People tend to fix a behavior if it is mocked enough. If she is able bodied, she can clean after herself.

No. 511867

Need this advice too.
Cause I feel like it turns off women when you do the things that work in guys like showing your ass in the photo or wearing too low cut a top. But maybe that’s just zoomer girls or because the profiles I see do that always kinda look like they stink. Maybe it works if you look clean

No. 512381

Hard truth: get a life. Once you get out into the real world and date someone your age, like other anons suggested, your eyes will open. Seriously, stop overthinking it. Delete whatever you guys chat on, block him, move on and make a life for yourself. It won’t take you long. He will hold you back.

No. 512531

For those who are extremely terminally online dating a "normie", do you keep stuff like that to yourself and LARP? If I don't want to bother hiding that should I just give up and find another retard to date?

No. 512550

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Happily married nonnas this one is for you - how important was sexual chemistry when you first started your relationship with your Nigel? I've met this guy who is perfect on paper, absolutely adores me, incredibly kind & intelligent and very handsome, but he just doesn't quite light my fire the way some of my previous boyfriends have. Is it something that can grow over time or if it's not there at the start does it never show up?

No. 512556

LARP until it's not LARPing anymore and their norminess has metastasized into you. There's nothing to be gained from dumping a useful normie to keep hanging around with retards on the internet. Unless, of course, you want to stay here forever.

No. 512656

So I’ve always hated men, I understand how they are. Also based on my exclusively shitty experiences with them, my observations and general statistics. But I still have this underlying desire to be with a man a cherishes me and loves me, someone I also can love. All the men that I’ve been vulnerable with exploited me, and I feel weak. I am a deeply emotional person, and it hurts me. Everyone disappointing interaction with a man hurts me, even if I’m not taking it too seriously. Because it just confirms the reality of men that always knew to be true, and if I just listened to that instead of following hopes and dreams it would’ve spared me from all of the hurt and trauma. Do any anons here know what to do to just get rid of this underlying desire for a dream that will never come true? It’s still just there ingrained in me. Even with all the horrible experiences and truths I’ve learned I just can’t get over this fantasy, and I want to so bad I want to let it go.

No. 512914

How can I stop being a picky eater? For me it’s not for a lack of trying new foods. I’ve tried to mindfuck myself into trying and enjoying things I’m usually averted to like seafood and beans but I just don’t fucking like them. I’ve tried variations and having them prepared differently and I can only ever take a few bites before I just nope out. I don’t think it’s a texture thing for me, the things I’m picky about genuinely taste bad to me.

No. 513072

As far as I know there is not yet a cure for autism

No. 513342

Maybe start eating it all. Instead of either only taking a few tiny bites and deciding it’s not for you or spitting it out.

No. 513417

What to say when my brother keeps insisting on going with me whenever I go out?

He keeps bringing up any crime news story he can find, I can tell hes trying to get others and myself worried for our safety. Then uses that as an excuse to rob me of my reprieve of him, ie going out, by inviting himself.

He also has anger issues and holds grudges, remembering exact year this or that happened. If I outright say no, he will turn this into a big family drama. He already played up the victim, and the rest of the family turned on me, when I made a convenient excuse not related to him to not have him drive me.

If I outright say no, he will distort things as if Im ungrateful for his "protection", and everyone will further ostracise/scapegoat me. He even asked if he should sit in the back while I drive, while he waits with some bat or whatever. He is a manlet who never won a fight in his life, would get shoved into lockers, and hates women/likes songs about abusing them.

He really is latching on to me so much, not sure how to navigate getting him to back off, without consequences.

No. 513422

Nonnita that’s just being a heterosexual woman in our world. It’s bleak when you realize that what you desire fundamentally doesn’t exist and that in order to be in a relationship with a man you have to basically compromise and forgive while he does nothing.
I’ve honestly managed it pretty well now that I’m 22 and I have little to no desire now when I see 3D men, I can find them attractive but I have zero interest in getting to know them.
But I admit that I do fantasize from time to time for a perfect man kek, one that loves me, cherishes me and understands me, which in a way has also contributed in not putting up with the bullshit I see around, any scrote pales in front of my faceless lover that I dream of.

No. 513495

Aww, I wish we could be frienda nonna. What you said is exactly what I’ve been realising and forcing my self to accept that there most likely isn’t some unicorn man put there.

No. 513512

Thank you nonna, you sound lovely too! It’s truly hard being a lover girl in this timeline kek, I know that I’m a nice person and that I could truly love someone and devote myself to them, but it’s sad that there most likely isn’t someone the same as me but male kek.
I know it sounds retarded but I wish men loved like women, because the love I have between my friends is genuine. And I’m not saying that the relationships between women , even romantic ones, are perfect or anything , but…it’s different you know? I feel like there’s more empathy , humanity and care between women in general. If any nonna who dates women can add more I’d be happy for the insight kek.

No. 513515

And one of the annoying thing that I find is also that when you express this you are always told that that’s just the way it is and that you are being an extremely idealizing person. Like damn, is wanting genuine respect and loyalty idealizing now? It’s so damn sad.

No. 513593

Any advice on dealing with the stress of relatives staying over? Especially when you’re meeting a siblings SO for the first time and they’re in your space? I don’t know, it feels awkward and weird… probably just my social anxiety speaking.

I’m sick of my relatives basically using me as a free hotel/inn when they’re in town but I guess that’s what family’s for….

No. 513610

Omg, same!!! I love so deep and hard, and I have very loving connections with my girlfriends. I wish I was a lesbian so I could experience genuine and mutual romantic love. A lot of people always say “you just haven’t met the right one yet”, but it doesn’t feel reassuring at all. I just want to feel genuinely content alone and also appreciate my friendships more, but I feel like I’ll always have this deep desire to experience something that I think isn’t real.

No. 514144

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How do I feel better. My workplace let me know that all of my coworkers who I thought I had a great relationship with actually don't like me at all. My home life has been getting progressively worse these past few years and I have been viewing work as an escape to it. I never talk about my personal life with my coworkers but I never make it weird or deny talking about certain things when they ask, so it's not like I'm trying to be stand-offish. I've been trying to be more friendly and open after hearing what I heard, but I feel as if they are not receiving it well or open to receiving it. I genuinely pour a lot into this place and I advocate for everyone but it feels like I was just thrown to the sharks. I don't deny anyone's feelings and am actively trying to change negative behaviors, but I feel like I'm not wanted anywhere and it's affecting me mentally very extremely. I feel so stupid letting work affect me like this. I want to be better and I'm trying, but I feel like the damage is already done. I won't stop trying, but the anxiety I'm feeling is eating away at me.

No. 514182

Nonna, this is so stressful and you don't deserve it. What did your workplace say? Does the person saying they are passing on feedback from your coworkers come from a legitimate source, or a petty one?

No. 514967

I'm sorry nonna, this can be so frustrating. There's so much pressure to share every little thing with your family. This isn't an amazing solution but maybe offer to pay for half of the cost of a hotel for visiting family? This might not help more than once if it's a constant issue but maybe make an excuse that your space is being remodeled or shift the blame to a partner/roommate not feeling comfortable with strangers in the home while they are also staying over?
As for dealing with the stress of them already over, I'm not sure how your living arrangement is, but maybe setting firm boundaries like no noise after or before a certain time, no bothering you during certain times, hands off kitchen, etc. Maybe this would also persuade them to stay elsewhere when visiting. If you're having trouble sleeping with people over, maybe also try white noise?

No. 515202

It's a credible source from multiple people. I think it's petty from one person and they may be riling everyone else up, but I still take accountability from how I made everyone feel. Honestly, it really made me reflect on all my relationships and how I push people away. It's probably why I don't really have anyone in person I can seek out and vent this to. I really am my mothers daughter. I feel like I can't trust anyone with saying all this, I don't want anyone to feel like it's performative or use it as gossip. I don't want it to sound like I'm becoming suicidal over something like this, but my mind can't stop reaching a place where 'well nobody likes you here nor there, so what's the point'. My heart hurts so much.

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