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No. 45626
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Young Anjelica Houston was pretty qt.
No. 45628
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Jellybeannose/jellybeanasmr. I feel like listening to her whenever I go to sleep has just left me with a major crush tbh
No. 45630
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Sori Na (South Korean choreographer). Not even ashamed really.
No. 45639
File: 1469665682609.png (Spoiler Image,333.03 KB, 385x607, notbad.png)

Got curious what a young Steve Buscemi looked like…not bad.
Spoilered since it's not a lady.
No. 45640
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Same tbh
also Scarlett Johansson, FKA Twigs, and Sheena, the former camwhore.
No. 45641
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For those too lazy to google
No. 45643
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hardly any shame, really.
No. 45646
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Yoko is average-looking, but she seems so classy and intelligent— albeit pretentious.
No. 45648
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Sahra Wagenknecht, politician of the communist wing of the Left Party in Germany, even chairperson I believe.
Quite controversal right now.
No. 45650
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No. 45651
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i don't even like dr who
No. 45652
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help me
No. 45653
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Always had a soft spot for this awkward bastard.
No. 45656
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I think she's gorgeous. Never understood why everyone hated her so much -people are always cheating and shit in Hollywood
No. 45659
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She's a total retard but I wanna dom her
No. 45664
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I'd fuck Yolandi…even when she's all "dirtied" up. Hell, Ninja too.
No. 45667
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Yesss. though she's quite attractive for a politician, especially in Germany. Many men drool over her. She's basically Rosa Luxemburg come to live again.
No. 45673
File: 1470934662266.jpg (41.95 KB, 400x600, 1388712129914.jpg)

I'm having a lot more troubles thinking of unconventionally unattractive women than men. Probably because there is much more variance in appearance for men in media vs women.
I guess for me it'd be any chubby girls? I like all sorts of body types for girls but I do love me the chub. Thick legs and butt are A+
No. 45676
File: 1470987481517.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I aint got no hate for those fatty-chans.
Its only planet size I'm not into
>pic related
Like when they start losing shape as a human and morph into a blob
No. 45679
File: 1471026974737.jpg (15.63 KB, 236x371, a6cef0a931e1c21f47ca1db2746f4b…)

Same, she seemed so nice and from what I've gathered she was just really heartbroken and lonely
No. 45682
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W-well h-hello M-Madame President…
No. 45683
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I loved this fucked up slut.
No. 45685
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No. 45689
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She's got this really androgynous look that I find so sexy. When she was the angel Gabriel in Constantine I got a bit tingly.
No. 45692
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EugHh… Eugg… Uhh.. Bleh
No. 45698
File: 1475234207180.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.87 KB, 300x400, miley-cyrus-300x400-1.jpg)

Finally a thread for me. Um I'd totally fuck miley cyrus
When she cut her hair short she became insanely hot to me
No. 45699
File: 1475234516324.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.86 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lncfwdEoBH1qk2zlo.jpg)

I want her to top me
i know she's married
No. 45700
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I remember watching TNG for the first time and getting a weird lesbian crush on her
No. 45702
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I remember being so happy when I read that Kstew was gay/bi
She's one of the few celebs whose tattoos aren't shit tbh
imma spam this thread up for a bit lol
No. 45703
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Love the new hair
No. 45704
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Café society is full on waifu porn
No. 45707
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She was pretty cute in her Twillight days
No. 45709
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Kate Mckinnon but ONLY as Holzmann or when she's impersonating Hillary Clinton.
Weird I know, but I just don't like her with long hair
No. 45710
File: 1478031252399.png (484.08 KB, 1012x422, grimes-kill-v-maim.png)

Grimes was incredibly hot in the opening of the music video for Kill V. Maim. When women sit in powerful, confident, positions like this, my little lesbian heart melts
No. 45711
File: 1478057602277.jpg (103.66 KB, 720x1007, IMG_20161101_232749.jpg)

I have to choose Betty Ditto. Idk what is so attractive about her. No shame. she looks really cute here with her wife.
I'd also fuck >>129704 (guess I am a bit of a chubby chaser) and K Stewart.
No. 45712
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why would you be ashamed about finding this goddess hot?
(the correct answer is "I just needed an excuse to post Grimes")
No. 45713
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I'm pretty ashamed of my lesbianism tbh. I also feel like I'm a "bad lesbian" because most of the girls I find attractive are androgynous looking or exhibit masculine behaviors (lol why don't u just date boys if you like girls who look like boys). Nothing gets me going like a woman in a suit. Pic related is Arizona Muse if anyone is wondering
No. 45714
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Jackie Kennedy was a babe
No. 45717
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We're an endangered species. The popularity of the pomo-liberal mogai hell movement is killing us because all the lesbians are now identifying as queer or some bullshit like that
No. 45719
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Idk what it is about her, and she looks so good with red lipstick, mmm…
No. 45721
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Literally all those dumbass instathots. I love all femmes but even though instathots are super pretty/my favorite type I feel like I couldn't date someone so stupid/vapid…
No. 45722
File: 1478504902492.jpg (144.61 KB, 435x580, hillary-clinton-435-12.jpg)

>ywn renact "Summer of '69" with a young, experimental, college-aged Clinton
Britney at her peak really made me fall in love with more top-heavy, broad shouldered women. I know this board hates block/fridge bodies, but man, athletic builds are my weakness.
No. 45723
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I'm a mild republican but damn, at least the queen is pretty.
No. 45725
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Courtney Love
(Do all the people posting Kristen Stewart really think she's an embarrassing crush?)
No. 45727
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sage for double post
only reason i'm ashamed is because she's a murderer tbh.
and those eyebrows.
No. 45736
File: 1479028155635.jpeg (246.22 KB, 1688x1126, thelma__louise_6.jpeg)

I feel you anon.
>Tfw never have an older,biker-style gf who still maintains subtle touches of femininity.
Girls in general don't seem to be interested in me. I do get a lot of older women who fawn over me because I'm a "sweet girl", but that usually has more to do with the fact that I remind them of their children.
No. 45737
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On the bright side I've heard thay older lesbians are really good in bed
No. 45738
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Jonna Lee. Especially when she's wearing all that 'hideous' makeup.
No. 45740
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not ashamed about it, amelia earhart was cute and butch-femme and looks petite enough to be smaller than me
I just wanna cuddle with her on a deserted island ;-;
No. 45742
File: 1479178508532.jpg (13.82 KB, 306x312, qt-plane-gf.jpg)

LOL I'd totally fuck Kiki too, so long as she doesn't try to start a conversation with me lmao.
10/10 anon.
No. 45743
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She was cute in a weird goth way when she was young
No. 45744
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Futch. She's futch. And beautiful. Have some more historical women
No. 45745
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There's a lot of girls on tumblr who are anywhere from kinda lulzy/cringy to full on cow who unfortunately I happen to find really hot and I would absolutely top
No. 45746
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I think she is adorable
No. 45747
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Don't agree with her politics but yeah she is quite cute imo
No. 45749
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The shorter a girl's hair, the more attractive she become to me
No. 45752
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Me too, anon. Her and Kathleen Hanna bikini kill era.
No. 45753
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now this is one i'm truely ashamed of
No. 45754
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Rooney Mara as Lisbeth
No. 45756
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I hate her music but that doesn't mean I wouldn't fuck her
No. 45757
File: 1484881148867.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.71 MB, 2000x3000, miley-cyrus-dead-petz.jpg)

I would absolutely let her fuck me with that. Yes those boobs are fake.
No. 45759
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amanda palmer. i bet she's into some weird shit and i like that.
No. 45760
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>>45759also into emilie autumn. idk guess i'm just hot for crazy bitches
No. 45762
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I would fuck Melissa Marie because the scene thing kind of appeals to me still. I know it's not 2007 anymore but whatever
No. 45764
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Samefag but +1 for Tilda Swinton and Courtney Love, and also young Hillary Clinton.
I like girls with eyes that are really far apart with that 60s vibe going on (pic related). I really fancy Emily Browning, too.
No. 45765
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No. 45766
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embarassing indeed
No. 45767
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I know she did a lot of shit things, but underneath her mental illness, I think she was a pretty interesting person.
No. 45770
>>45768Stormy from MFC
cause she has been posted a lot on the camwhores general thread at /snow/ lol
No. 45771
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Megan James of Purity Ring is so cute and her voice is like magic to me
No. 45772
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>>45765>>45766Agreed with both. And not very shameful, but 90's Gwen Stefani was a babe.
More shameful but personal - There's a girl irl I've hated for a while now because she's bitchy to everyone (including her own boyfriend), heavily photoshops all of her pictures, and had a Etsy shop for jewlery that she used to scam people out of money. But horrid personality aside, I've really warmed up to her looks. She's a natural ginger with plenty of freckles, slim and tan, has the whole boho look. She's just very attractive, ugh.
No. 45773
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No. 54097
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>>45771same, she's so talented and super cute
No. 54196
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>>45623ashamed to say i'd hatefuck nessa's dumb ass
No. 54694
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Taylor swift when she was still country. The twee look suits her so much, ofc people cant stay the same forever but fuck, her style now sucks. Shes also grown to become really annoying. She used to be such a qt, what the fuck happened?
No. 54707
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Magdaline Berns. 100%.
No. 54733
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I know she was posted earlier but young Hillary Clinton can get it from me. I wish I knew her when she was young so I could romance her and get her away from politics. We could run away or something. She was so cute.
No. 54734
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I really don't like her but I still think she's hot and just my type (albeit a tryhard). Would dom and let her dom me.
>>54715I watched that a while ago and it made me so sad. I wouldn't have sex with her but I would take her out for a cup of coffee.
>>54707No shame for me there. Would.
No. 54737
File: 1486419038426.jpg (60.6 KB, 600x400, CGO_-n7UYAAfAfE.jpg)

>>54734Who is this? She reminds me of Molly Soda. I'd jump at the chance to sleep with her but I'd never tell a soul.
I still yearn for my 2011-2012 tumblr art bitch days.
No. 54739
>>54730That is incredibly arousing.
I listen to her videos just for her voice, and I really like the expressions she pulls too. She has an accent like Presuming Ed in Withnail & I.
No. 54749
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>>54737Toopoor, there's a thread about her somewhere in snow. Also, related, I'd kill to have a threesome with Molly Soda and Grimes.
No. 54766
File: 1486451412393.jpg (74.81 KB, 640x427, 1136503.jpg)

>>54749>threesome>not directing all your attention only to Grimes>posting Grimes in an "ashamed" threadYou do not deserve the goddess
No. 54769
File: 1486454589241.jpg (147.07 KB, 500x899, 837c3b816c8ca5df7012f004844901…)

>>45738why the shame? she's so talented.
and i think we would all pretty much fuck felice, pick a phase
No. 54779
File: 1486479533860.jpg (22.67 KB, 321x500, Joan-Jett-joan-jett-8467168-32…)

Joan Jett even at her age now. She's old as shit but was super cute when she was younger. Her smile kills me.
>>54766yuck, bitch. >>>shitchan's/mu/
No. 54836
File: 1486539857520.jpg (291.97 KB, 663x442, haha.jpg)

>>54773it's okay anon, we can't all look as good as her
>>54779>doesn't like Grimes>posts joan jett as a QTlol
No. 54846
File: 1486552782292.gif (8.44 KB, 282x303, 378d36d12b4ac57b5bec8c05b1d3b6…)

>>54836joan jett is hotter than your balloon-nosed gremlin. might as well just say you'd fuck dopey from the seven dwarfs. just stop embarrassing urself anon i feel bad for ya
No. 54858
File: 1486560709971.jpg (135.67 KB, 647x627, 1486493365437.jpg)

>>54846Now you're just making shit up. Grimes is perfect and pure and her nose is adorable, unlike uggo over there.
No. 54863
File: 1486570614122.jpg (92.45 KB, 747x748, 1154105.jpg)

>>54862ye i realized that like an hour after i posted it and it was too late to delete the post. i have a folder of hot grils and accidently clicked the wrong one. here's a qt picture of grimes to makeup for it. green hair is my favorite on her.
No. 54872
File: 1486588898517.png (1.14 MB, 708x1155, Ilovetrash.png)

>>54863i didn't know grimes played oscar in sesame street. learn something new every day
No. 54913
File: 1486661577641.jpg (254.06 KB, 1280x1016, cate_blanchett_photoshoot-9002…)

shes old enough to be my mother but… i have a big crush on cate blanchett + suits
No. 54924
File: 1486678555862.jpg (50.57 KB, 1024x768, Gwen-Stefani-20.jpg)

gwen stefani, especially her young hersion
not ashamed tho.
No. 54942
>>54872>>54877nice sameposting jelly-chan
>>54872are you 12?
No. 54945
>>54942I doubt it was samefagging.
Grimes is stinky looking and I highly doubt many people who think she's gross are jealous. Your stan is showing.
No. 54951
File: 1486728233460.gif (7.02 MB, 640x356, giphy.gif)

>>54942>getting this angry at anons over your pathetic taste in the "ashamed to fuck" thread>are you 12?>must be samefag!!! >:^(WEW that projecting. chill out
No. 54954
>>54952This is really dumb because I'm an entirely different anon.
>still using sure JanAnyways I don't think you know how lolcow works
No. 54958
File: 1486740874558.jpg (44.54 KB, 636x421, halsey-firefly-day-3-backstage…)

>>54913Don't be ashamed, she's a gorgeous woman
However, my personal shame is Halsey. I can't stand her and her fans are supreme cancer along with the Melanie Martinez ones… But I do find her super hot, especially with short hair.
And this coming from someone who really doesn't like the butch haircut.
No. 54961
File: 1486743941176.jpg (22.21 KB, 250x375,…)

>>54952dont browse imageboards if u cant take the heat
No. 54971
File: 1486759676971.jpg (59.3 KB, 465x700, 1359596603702.jpg)

i would never publicly admit it ( because they would search her weeby meltdowns), but i also have a crush on pixyteri.. and i would totally do her if she was bi/les
No. 55027
>>54954>>54961are you two seriously this stupid to keep replying to an obnoxious troll?
>>54971well she's our queen for a reason
No. 55383
>>45652You should be really ashamed.
She's the definition of trash.
No. 55926
File: 1488352491453.jpg (85.66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I don't love myself.
She almost definitely deserves a thread on here, but something about her is….. intriguing. It helps that the girl who helped me figure out my sexuality was the one who showed me Alfred Alfer way back before she got famous for being an alt-righter.
No. 56372
>>56368I don't know man, she was top tier tomboyish- girl next door with hair.
Like, I kinda like her hair now but I also kind of don't.
(10/10 would still bang tho)
No. 56376
File: 1489346209740.png (444.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170312-151143.png)

This may not be the best thread to ask this since we have a celeb thread somewhere but since we're talking about our lesbian celebrity crushes and the like, and Kirsten reminds me of St Vincent which reminds me of Cara Delevingne.. is she lesbian? I am pretty sure she's allegedly bisexual but many lesbian girls say they're bi until they're comfortable with the fact they're actually lesbian. Not to start a discussion pls, I am just legit curious.
I have a crush on cara even though… I think she's ugly, at least face wise. I know many successful models aren't really "pretty" but just interesting looking, or exotic. But yeah, not sure why I want her so badly lol I don't even think she's sexy in the conventional way. It's a strange kind of sexy
No. 56385
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I'm only saying Natalie Dormer because her face is actually pretty derpy when she doesn't have all that makeup on, but fuck, farmers. if she said hi to me I'd probably cum immediately.
No. 58038
File: 1492014503253.jpg (64.63 KB, 1138x600, Cash-Me-Outside-1-1.jpg)

srry </3
No. 58040
>>58038U win.
I would fuck Lainey but the idea of onision ruins all my fantasies.
No. 58049
File: 1492027896645.jpg (5.83 KB, 251x251, PicardWTF.jpg)

>>58038so… you're a pedophile? rot in hell, you sick bastard.
No. 58063
>>58060im not
>>58038 i just think the states are really fucked up regarding age of consent. like no, 14-18 year olds are not children.
No. 58067
File: 1492038076931.gif (Spoiler Image,3.24 MB, 450x336, Kap076TQ8NCxO.gif)

>>58065>shitskin fuckhole0/10
maybe take a nap or something.
No. 58088
>>45685I know this post is old as fuck but
>the most beautiful woman there ever was>ashamed to say you'd fuck herI'd be ashamed if I didn't
No. 58091
>>58088Seriously. I don't exactly want to fuck her but god damn, I want to be her. I'm terrified of aging but I absolutely love the androgynous older lady look.
She was so stunning in Only Lovers Left Alive.
No. 58120
File: 1492133228814.jpg (102.45 KB, 640x1136, 1477811600002.jpg)

Not sure why, but I'd fuck just about any cute girl who tries doing ahegao irl.
No. 58220
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No. 58360
File: 1492474787885.jpg (346.39 KB, 2592x1722, Roma-Maffia-8.jpg)

Roma Maffia
No. 58371
>>58220She's a cute weirdo and something about her I like too.
No. 58966
>>58862do it anon
steal her away from chief
No. 59325
File: 1493518251970.jpg (1.74 MB, 2362x1575, marine-le-pen.jpg)

No. 59679
>>45623I hate her as a human being but i'd fuck Tana Mojo (i don't give a fuck about how you spell her name) if she was dominant. A hate fuck.
I'd also shamelessly fuck Nicki Minaj even though a lot of people judge me for enjoying her music and finding DAT ASS hot.
No. 60117
File: 1494309783894.png (539.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170509-020105.png)

I'm not ashamed at all, I just want to post Katie Sketch.
inb4 she looks like a boy
Androgynous women are so attractive
No. 60135
File: 1494337867687.jpg (10.86 KB, 236x312, images (1).jpg)

>>60119Yes and I think that's fucking amazing. She can look a lot more feminine though (pic) just by adding makeup, and I'm sure a different hairstyle and clothes would change her completely.
No. 60800
File: 1495043602956.jpeg (126.33 KB, 768x788, ss12-anjelica-huston-jack-nich…)

>>45626Don't be ashamed. Morticia was one of my first crushes.
No. 60804
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I couldn't disagree more with essentially everything that comes out of her mouth, but she's one of the cutest girls I've ever seen. Shame me
No. 60809
File: 1495047016456.jpeg (56.61 KB, 590x788, Jessica-Lange-297826.jpeg)

Young Jessica Lange does nothing for me but now…Maybe it's the voice, idk because her face is paralyzed by plastic surgery. I watched AHS just to fap to her.
No. 60817
>>60814Feud is alright. I get the love for Susan Sarandon, she's hot.
Jessica as a nun is a dream come true for me though. I'm not normally submissive but she could cane me bloody and I'd thank her by kissing her feet.
No. 60819
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Dame Judy Dench can get it.
No. 60821
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No. 66010
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Magdalen berns. I'm not ashamed but I'd surely be burned at the stake for TERFery
No. 66039
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>>54707omg i didn't realize she was already posted. that rules. i really like that particular styling too.
No. 66180
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Trisha Paytas. Even when she's wearing no makeup, has hasn't brushed her hair in days and is crying on her kitchen floor. Sexy slampig to be quite honest.
No. 66189
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Lana Del Rey - obvious plastic surgery, a shitload of Botox and signs of aging underneath but still kinda hot!
No. 66194
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weeb girls. I mean it helps that this girl is particularly cute, but I just have the stupidest attraction to the idea of some weebish cosplayer putting on an anime persona and doing the "but we're both girls! we can't!" thing while secretly loving it.
No. 66206
File: 1502081857984.png (103.81 KB, 259x350, 1499750063083.png)

I wanna fuck Lauren Southern and I DON'T KNOW WHY.
No. 66211
File: 1502092813611.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.69 KB, 600x400, IMG_4306.JPG)

i want to kill myself
No. 66525
>>66022The only think I disgaree with is that she would come off aggro, I just think she wouldnt be all touchy feely in public (which is great because tbh i hate that)
>>66026The reason she talks slow is because she had some sort of head trauma which has affected her speech, she recently had surgery which is why her head is shaved.
No. 66527
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>>66526>>66211heres ur reply
No. 66633
File: 1502931980328.png (334.2 KB, 540x960, amy.png)

Amy slaton.. i am prepared for someone attacking me for this lol.
No. 67167
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sigh I seriously HATE the baby thing and don't like her music but when she's styled relatively mature she looks like someone I'd go for. I wish I could pass my slight attraction to her to one of her actual stans who'd have a use for it.
No. 67203
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I get that she's an artist and she needs to have a unique style to grab attention etc etc, but she overdoes it so much to the point where she isn't attractive
I also find her hypocritical because she writes songs advertising against CSA, but her videos make it seem like she's romanticizing the idea, and the fact she glamorizes mental illness and age regression
her fans are all cancer to
No. 67377
File: 1505010568349.png (234.67 KB, 411x432, Screen_Shot_2017-08-16_at_7.14…)

shes such a mess but like i want to protect her?? also tbh her unshooped face is very cute imo
No. 67420
File: 1505148026974.jpg (152.74 KB, 960x841, IMG_20170911_123712.jpg)

I would love to have a several month long fling with Paz de la Huerta
No. 67430
File: 1505160349978.jpg (33.73 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

I really like her face, hips, ass, thighs and tits, I kinda have a thing for small boobs with big nipples, in fact I actually prefer them than big boobs with small nipples, she would look better with nicer, better colored hair and less tattoos but i dont expect perfection
too bad she's delusional, thinks she has a huge ass, and hates cis white men while catering them, she sprouts dumb shit a lot which is why I'm ashamed to say I wanna bury my face between her thighs, excuse the novel
No. 67447
File: 1505182524105.jpg (157.05 KB, 800x994, rossy.jpg)

it's a very dated and very flattering pic but rossy de palma can have it any day of the week
i love women with Strong Features™ and she's like if all the facial elements i love were amplified and thrown into a cauldron to simmer with no real regard for symmetry or the end product
No. 67453
>>67430so who is she
don't recognize her as a cow or anything and she's hot
No. 67726
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I wanna be Ivanka Trump's sidepiece.
No. 68577
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She'd forever be my girl
No. 68913
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I could probably create a whole collage of female celebrities I would fuck but La Roux is definitely towards the top. Tilda Swinton too
No. 69303
File: 1508451235222.png (323.55 KB, 475x428, jenna.PNG)

Jenna Marbles. But only if she wasn't wearing makeup. When I see her with no makeup, I think she's really cute
No. 71923
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no hate plz
No. 71951
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No. 71973
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>>71951>>71956yeah, seriously. pic related is her in the 90s, super hot
No. 72017
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No. 72106
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No. 72367
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Layla skinwalker is really beautiful in my book. Hoping she drops the goth aesthetic soon and goes back to blonde
No. 72427
>>72374Most of those attractive women are also snowflakes.
>>72399 said it right
No. 72754
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do I have low standards or a lot of flakes pretty fuckable?
No. 72770
>>72760anisa is good looking imo though, for cows/flakes, there are some hideous ones, but there are ones like june, mystery, anzu, aly, deerhoff, kenna etc
they aren't bad looking, it's just their behavior makes them unattractive and shitty
No. 74469
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minori but only if she kept her makeup on
No. 74486
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She's some kind of assholish drama monger or something, but unf
No. 74487
>>74469OMG i second this
same with minsooky
No. 74507
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Basically the whole band, and I'm more afraid than ashamed. Jehnny Beth in particular is sooo beautiful, hot and talented, it scares me. ;__;
No. 75800
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>>72017Absolutely not even once.
Would much rather pic related in costume.
No. 84796
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inb4 low standards but she would be so gorgeous if she got her shit together and took better care of herself
No. 105116
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I want to safe her from her abusive husband and show her that love is kind & how an orgasm feels like. I also like kids so we can raise Troy & Claire no problem.
I'm 19 so i could have a chance. Sucks that she won't divorse :/ and would probably be abusive herself/ manipulate me to fuck her ex or something
No. 105117
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>>105116I like her both in femenine and "masculine" styles. She's not conventionally attractive but She's endearing to me for some reason!
>Tfw no they/them tumblr gf to care for & protect I also agree with the Shayna anon, she just needs a shower and self steem, some class and to read a book.
No. 105121
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>>105116Glad to see this thread being back bc I have to vent.
My shameful crush is ex-Moo calve Sabrina. Ashamed because she is a Costhot, she seems to be a huge bitch and fake af (also makes me feel like one of her neckbeards fans when I look at her pics).
But I can't deny that she has everything that I really, really love about girls and even find her face super cute and body just looks so soft. It made me honestly quiet jealous when Moo got the chance to do the onesie video with her bud didn't know to appreciate it. So sad to see that she has a buttfuck fat boyfriend.
No. 105122
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No. 105157
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I want to spoil Jessica Nigri.
Especially in her Edward Kenway outfit.
No. 105167
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i love trisha so much
No. 105173
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Finnish artist Evelina, a mediocre singer and a generic instathot white girl that tries to appear exotic and whose musical career is full of accusations of plagiarism. I wish I could die with my head between her thighs.
No. 105231
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Basically every milf who screams at me "i will collar you and make you lick my boots"
LP is my newest crush, though
No. 105237
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Latinoamerican actress from my favourite music video
I’ve been into her since 2012
No. 105278
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I want to snuggle up with Ivanka and wear matching women's pants suits with her
No. 105336
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At her current age
No. 105337
File: 1547050577718.jpg (115.62 KB, 1000x563, mrscrocombe.jpg)

Yeah I'm embarassed. She is older and plays a Victorian frump in wholesome Youtube cooking videos.
But I'd like to think that behind the disapproving raised eyebrows there is someone who just want to get her bossoms out of the fucking corset and do some intense lesbian shagging.
No. 105347
>>105340The eyebrows are like half her charm, seriously.
>>105344You're welcome lol. Glad to not be alone in my Crocombe lust.
No. 106780
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Sorry for necro-ing. She's one of the most obnoxious pop stars there are but I can't help it, she's just so hot. It's a real shame she thinks she can pull off short hair lately…
No. 107184
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I think she's physically beautiful tbh
No. 107199
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>>107192I find her attractive in her candids too. She may be shitty, but in my opinion she isn't ugly.
No. 107206
>>107184>>107199Me too anon. I like girls with interesting faces though, and I'd say if she's not unconventionally pretty she's at least ugly-cute.
Def not into the personality though.
No. 107213
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after an std test and hosing her. But who am I kidding, it would probably be positive
No. 107228
File: 1549108763882.png (1.55 MB, 797x850, dasha.PNG)

blonde dasha
No. 107235
>>107224That wasn't even me. She still looks like she has fas no matter how
triggered you are by it.
No. 107243
File: 1549125348734.jpg (252.67 KB, 1280x1064, F1.large.jpg)

>>107235I don't understand why you think anyone who disagrees with you is
triggered, how the hell do you communicate in day to day life if you can't handle someone disagreeing with you
As for her face, literally nothing on her face checks off for fetal alcohol syndrome, she has eyes that are far apart but even then that isn't FASy, do you even know what fetal alcohol syndrome is or does every woman who doesn't look like a ball jointed doll must have fetal alcohol syndrome and anyone who says otherwise is
triggered and the cow
No. 107261
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She is soooooo annoying but her body is cute
No. 107264
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>>107261wait, I like this pic more although her face looks esp punchable here
No. 107272
>>107265Whaaaaaaaat, you don't lyke my boddddddd?
That's how this bitch talks.
No. 107292
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Wasn't sure which thread to post in but yeah.
No. 107296
>>107293Kalvin is 18 years old. I exactly one year and 5 days older than them if Google is to be believed.
In any case, Kalvin is biologically female and at the moment resembles a butch lesbian.
No. 107310
File: 1549208836979.gif (1.94 MB, 245x260, tumblr_inline_o56gwrQtcK1ripge…)

She may be the ultimate insta thot but goddamn, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't
No. 107324
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I hate her but her body just does something for me. I was so confused when I got turned on at her naked scenes in girls. she just looks so doughy and it gets me going like nothing else
No. 108600
File: 1550551173088.jpg (Spoiler Image,339.02 KB, 1331x2000, 29177914_1534071663358324_7117…)

i have an actual crush on her. we're the same age and i want to date her
No. 108625
File: 1550590312442.jpg (300.99 KB, 1600x1200, 4HXbjyF.jpg)

This is some camgirl who posted/got posted on 4chan years ago. I'm pretty sure she was straight, though.
Wish there were more women sporting this look, preferably ones who are lesbians and don't cam.
No. 108655
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Saw pictures of her from the newest episode of The Walking Dead and it almost made me want to start watching the show again.
No. 108724
File: 1550643263920.jpeg (Spoiler Image,119.89 KB, 750x547, F07382AA-B1AB-403E-9890-9B0D08…)

>>108600Oh god same. Not the dating part though. I’m so ashamed but I want to bully her with all my friends….
No. 109460
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at any age, not even ashamed
No. 109488
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She‘s a total redneck skank but something about her really gets me. I would totally let her spit on me.
No. 110796
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i had a huge crush on her as a kid watching smallville and still think she's cute. kinda awkward now though considering what she did
No. 110820
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Pic from her IG but I'd get with Courtney any day.
No. 111026
File: 1552314952414.gif (901.9 KB, 498x249, tenor.gif)

I fucking love Charlotte Crosby so much, she is so incredibly fucking dumb it brings out my maternal instincts and I want to protect her yet she's also so naturally witty (and, at least imo, hot in earlier seasons before the truckload of filler).
Deep, dark and shameful secret bc of how trashy Geordie shore and all its contestant are but I think I understand waifu fags a bit through my love for her
No. 111345
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No. 111354
>>111348Lmao I watched her video just yesterday.
Honestly agree, and I'm not even a sub.
No. 112721
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help me, nonnies
No. 112723
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>>112722that is the ethereal being called Lil Lunchbox
No. 113845
File: 1556360244436.jpg (Spoiler Image,103 KB, 667x1000, 277517.jpg)

I want her to choke me
No. 113965
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The lady from the 2019 predictions thread on ot.
No. 113966
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No. 114242
>>113934lmao true
>>113965Same tbh, she seems cute
No. 114435
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She'd have to take more than a sink bath first, though.
No. 114560
File: 1557440695581.jpg (3.35 MB, 1920x1277, BkO4s9D.jpg)

I'm not even into women, but LP is something else
No. 114612
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>>56385I love big women so much.
No. 114615
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valid and not shameful., i own 2 phasma posters for related reasons. phasma's bit shameful bc of her role in the story but like I love my shiny bucket wife
No. 114854
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No. 115617
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Sarah Sanders is kind of cute to me for some reason.
No. 115621
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>>115617She looks like if the fairy from Cinderella turned a catfish into a person
No. 116352
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I disagree with a lot of what they have to say but there's something about bitchy older women that just does it for me like nothing else
No. 116353
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love trashy-sexy.
No. 116354
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victoria beckham before she developed a sense of style
No. 116356
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No. 116362
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She’s a slutty mess but I want her to top me.
No. 116369
File: 1559965538220.jpg (77.96 KB, 634x594, Sonja___WWHL.jpg)

>>116362 omg SONJAAAA. love her
No. 116392
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I've got a thing for confident and sexually aggressive black butch lesbians in hi-tops and snapbacks, the classic 'stud' stereotype who wouldn't ever let me fuck her but would treat me as her little white pillow princess uwu
No. 116398
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she's a dumbass but that's what this thread is for
No. 118849
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Too bad this face of Mickey Deer doesn’t actually exist. This cosplay she did is what got her on my radar. I’d probably fuck any chick in Boosette cosplay though
No. 118856
File: 1562839505283.jpg (28.96 KB, 1200x800, _1537897164999009_r.jpg)

I find Belle so hot and it makes me feel like a retarded weeb incel.
No. 118860
>>116392she's yum
> who wouldn't ever let me fuck her but would treat me as her little white pillow princess uwuand this sounds super hot
No. 118864
File: 1562849431605.jpg (126.48 KB, 1024x683, megan rapinoe.jpg)

Only with this hairstyle
No. 118867
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No. 118883
File: 1562873029803.jpeg (69.81 KB, 1280x955, 26657d5ff9020d2abefe558796b995…)

>>66213I know that's a old ass post with a reaction pic but honestly Gillian Anderson is my pick.
Shameful because I find her more hot nowadays and she is literally twice as old as me and I am someone who thinks a 5 year gap is kinda gross.
Also Ashley Isaacs before she went full lich (p sure the only non-skelly pics of her are her underage but I like to imagine her older).
And Tearzah.
No. 118921
File: 1562912524985.jpg (71.86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefau-lt.jpg)

Magdalen Berns is fucking cute. I love her androgynous look.
I hope she's been doing well.
No. 118956
>>118921 Why ashamed though? I'm not bi or a lesbian but figure insofar as a female partner candidate she has her head on her shoulders more than most and is really intelligent. Never thought she was unattractive either, just not mainstream. You know it's funny I didn't even really like her at first, but the more I watched her videos the more I realized she was the sarcastic and witty type of funny that I enjoy in pessimistic people.
Tbh your screencap caught my eye because I was hoping she came out with a new video. It got my hopes up a little.
I'm really worried about her. I'm so afraid that her next update will be dropping a bomb about her glioblastoma being terminal and only having x amount of time left to live. One of the darkest ironies to me is how she has a severe brain cancer and yet she's offered way more thoughtful arguments to the youtube sphere than many other vloggers have who possess perfectly healthy brains. I think it really speaks to her capability and I'm so sad that cancer might end it.
No. 118962
>>118956Another Magdalen fan scrolling by, AFAIK that form of cancer is extremely lethal.
I'm just hoping she can miraculously recover. It's fucking unfair that it's happened to such a young person. She's so badass too.
No. 118979
File: 1562963580504.jpg (97.05 KB, 500x610, large.jpg)

her vids have been shit tier and she did kiss girls for attention but something about her makes me keep coming back…
No. 119403
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Sara Lumholdt from a*teens awakened my bisexuality like no other girl ever has. Ashamed only because she's underage in the music vid where I fell in love with her appearance (even though she's almost 10 years older than me)
No. 119407
File: 1563347197956.jpg (45.7 KB, 600x438, 081311MSMO400.jpg)

Keavy Lynch, especially in her B*Witched days.
I'm so sorry.
No. 119526
File: 1563447857198.jpg (43.13 KB, 640x640,…)

She defended her pedo brother and is a total drama queen but God, she's so gorgeous and for some reason i can't stop thinking about her.
No. 119529
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>>119526Also Trisha, i want to eat some pizza with her, cuddle in her sofa and talk dumb shit, i like her even when she's a fucking mess, at least she's real about it lmao
No. 120355
File: 1564391387818.jpg (131.52 KB, 600x400, Azealia-Banks-Idle-Delilah-Boo…)

Seconding Trisha and especially Belle, she's too cute
>>107215My #1
No. 120361
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Tbh I’m only ashamed because of all the men slobbering over her breasts. Even though there are many things about her besides her curves that make her attractive to me, it still feels like I’m no better than them.
No. 120369
>>120361Anon, are you me?
I'm felt ashamed when I talked about liking her and some guy friends of mine started saying nasty shit about what they wanted to do to her. yuck
No. 120423
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If she practiced hygiene and wasn't so retarded…
No. 120648
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No. 120808
>>118979I'm honestly surprised she doesn't have her own thread here.
she's far from perfect but I honestly think she gets wayyyy more hate than she deserves.
No. 121185
File: 1565328762082.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.69 KB, 960x720, lindsayellis.jpg)

Idk what it is about her face that is so appealing to me.
No. 121209
>>121201Her red lipstick she LOVES so much doesn't look good on her imo. Her concealer is always kinda cakey too. I think she just needs a good skincare routine and better makeup taste.
She has a cute nose and a very lovely, feminine look to her face imo.
No. 122141
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Yeah, Elizabeth Holmes could get it… And even tho this is anon I still wanna announce that I don't condone her scamming.
No. 122475
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No. 122815
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I'm not even usually attracted to women.. Shoot me please
No. 122826
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She unironically looked better before she lost wieght and became a koreaboo
No. 123334
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whoever this is
No. 123340
>>123334Indigo White,
porn actress and costhot
No. 123345
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I hate myself and want to die but there's something I find very cute about her face. Too bad she's a blob of human garbage.
No. 123358
>>123345I like how Moo looks and she had so much potential to bring a decent amount of respect to plus sized women.
But nope, instead she proved she's a typical fat girl stereotype who's batshit crazy, steps over other people, and hates herself.
A costhot Tess Holiday.
No. 123845
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if she wasnt such a scumbag
No. 124286
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Taylor Swift.
Don’t try to tell me that she’s het/ace.
No. 124819
File: 1570433931954.jpeg (Spoiler Image,268.98 KB, 750x857, 1570433151190.jpeg)

Fakebois are actually incredibly hot. Shame they usually have awful personalities.
No. 124828
>>124819I'm super attracted to FTMs, I spent a year on testosterone and while looking up what to expect in terms of clitoral growth I basically developed a thing for big clits and transguys in general
I'm detrans now but I come 10 times easier now that my clit is larger and I feel like that side effect alone made it worth suffering my embarrassing gender phase
No. 124949
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she's beautiful
No. 124956
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I want jk rowling to be my sugar mommy
No. 124965
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>>124959No, I just assume that because 99% of girls who look like her online are like that irl and also based on her bone structure (very low cheekbones, poor jaw definition, hooded narrow set eyes). She seems like her internet persona/aesthetic is copying the actual young women who have the features she emulates with makeup and photography
No. 124990
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>>124987she also said that hufflepuffs have group masturbation sessions
No. 125017
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>>124950Idk, I find her cute even in her older non shooped pics
No. 125151
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>>125017I love girls with super long wavy hair. Taylor stopped interesting me as soon as she cut it all off tbh
No. 125258
>>125151I saw one of her recent vids after maybe 6 months of not watching her and she really wasn't looking like her cute-ish self
She mentioned taking hormones to help her conceive I think? She's put on weight and her skin has been bad from it and it really hit home with how hormone levels can play a huge role in our attractiveness. She said she wasn't feeling great in herself either so I felt bad for being so shocked at her appearance
No. 125275
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>>125258she's still really pretty imo but her cheeks have a weird look to them, I'm not sure what's going on there.
No. 125284
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why do I get so horny for bitchy blonde republicans
No. 125321
>>125275She was talking about how she gains on her face when she gains weight.. high on your cheeks though? No double chin or overall puffiness?
Like girl be honest
No. 125367
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Tip my fedora and call me Dominic I was super attracted to her in The Guild, though im usually not into nerd girls
No. 126540
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>>124983my #1 dream milf (not currently, though she still looks fine for a granny)
No. 126544
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I unironically want hillary to mommy me. also imo she was quite hot when younger. love the smug vibes ugh
No. 126578
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>>126544I'm glad I'm not the only one. Her resting bitch face is so hot to me
No. 126587
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>>126578Honestly can't stand the way she looks now but young Hillary looked nice. I always thought Jenette McCurdy looked like young Hillary.
No. 126606
>>126587I really like her too but I never noticed that she looks like Hillary, she totally does! and here I thought I don't have a type!
also thank u anons for not dragging me and I'm glad to see we all have great taste kek
No. 126736
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>>126578not the anon you're replying to, but that's my favorite HRC era.
>>tfw you wish all the conspiracy theories about Hillary being a sex-crazy lesbian were true No. 126737
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>>126540since we're on the subject of politicians… am I wrong for thinking that young Nancy Pelosi looks like AOC's uppity older sister?
No. 126768
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On the note of Hillary Clinton…
No. 126795
>>126768Oh that's a good one. I find her jaw jarring and yet she's somehow attractive. I think it's her attitude (?!)
Also am I the only one who thinks her and young Hillary look VERY different and yet somehow similar at the same time? I can't quite put my finger on it.
No. 126819
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Rihanna gives me hardcore elegance/queenly vibes and tbh I think shes godly
No. 126820
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>>126819Samefag but Lights is also just so fuckin cute. Her body is tiny and fantastic and she has the prettiest smile I've ever seen
No. 126822
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>>126820Shes a little older now, but she pulled the scene thing off perfectly imo and kinda kept the style without the crazy colors/make up.
No. 126832
>>126824>monica lewinsky>hotyikes.jpg
rihanna is sizzling tho
No. 126869
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>>126832I wouldn't say hot but have you seen some of the gremlins in the male threads?
Rihanna is the prettiest pope ever.
No. 126871
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I'd let her cast spells on me
No. 126875
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>>126873Right, plus this isn't the "Objectively hot thot" thread, it's "Women that you're ASHAMED to say you'd fuck."
Again, posting a pic of Rihanna in her prime is weird. She's broadly considered to be one of the most beautiful women in pop. Nothing shameful about liking her.
Except maybe if you're specifically into 2018 fat Rihanna.
No. 126886
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her personality is vile but I would totally fuck her if she agreed not to talk at all
No. 126906
>>126886god, same.
she's gotta shower first, though. she seems like she'd be unclean.
No. 127324
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Stacey on American History X is a racist shill and would probably turn me down for being Hispanic but tell me you wouldn’t eat her coochie
No. 127326
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i know she has had tons of surgery, bit it's still something about her voice, affectation and overall demeanor that just does it for me
No. 127329
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this makeup youtuber i watch, stephenie toms is super attractive to me without the fake tan, blue contacts and drag makeup. my old libfem instincts are making me feel like a scrote for saying it, but there it is. Plus a few days ago, i read she's a tory on r/beautyguruchatter which adds to the gross.
No. 127349
>>127326Compared to her father, brothers, and the alien doing a poor job disguising himself as a human that she calls her husband, she looks pretty good.
Hate that haircut though
No. 127640
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Young M.A
Her voice is so attractive to me. I would let her choke slam me, lol.
No. 127772
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I love Rain Dove and there is something deliciously sexy about her. Not really ashamed to say I'd fuck her. But she is a bit much. Wish she were a bit smarter and cool with her activism and less dramatic but maybe that comes with the territory idk. She can be really funny.
No. 127773
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>>127772some other anon's mentioned her, too
No. 127774
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>>127773I just love these type of posts. She could be so iconic if she focused on that stuff
No. 127909
>>127773This is the first time I've ever seen her and she's oddly beautiful. Very handsome. Like I dont even care if she/he got tits and a boys face.
Rain has a fairly natural sad expression, got this 30s look about her too.
No. 127910
>>127324Im biracial n agreed
But she's hot -
No. 127911
>>126875Idc if she's chunky
Id still go down on Rhi Rhi her thick thighs would do it for me tbh
No. 127912
>>125275I've never found Taylor R pretty at all
She's really basic looking tbh
No. 127969
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Lady Gaga’s drag king persona Joe Calderone is so sexy to me.
No. 128552
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not ashamed actually but she's not conventionally beautiful. anyways, where is my badass, complicated post-apocalyptic deaf gf?? and yes, I'd fuck that whole cast
No. 128554
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>>128552Bonus: she played a really cute lesbian in a really old German show. I just checked it. I knew it was her! Damn
No. 128558
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>>128555the nostalgia for Berlin Berlin is real
No. 128559
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>>128558sorry for spam but daaamn hahah
No. 128638
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This one anon who forgot to censor her insta
>that makeup
No. 128645
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Lotte around this time.
No. 128696
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only because she's the same age as my mom. i was literally drooling every time she appeared in ocean's 8
No. 129138
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Only because she ended up organizing pets beauty contests when she got old
No. 130031
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she's the best looking kardashian. her age and bitchiness just add to the appeal
No. 130032
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>>130031also kim but only when she's not wearing makeup
No. 130033
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milf of my dreams
No. 130277
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>>45623Mars Argo. She's suuuper-tiny (not my type) but something about her whole … thing … could get me goin' gay for days. Yeesh.
No. 130281
>>130031>>130032Damn, me too. I had such a dumb crush on her as an adolescent to the point of her being one of the key figures in realizing my sexuality.
No. 130566
>>130032oh wow she's cute without make-up
then again I'm a huge fan of natural looks, it makes the person look more like "themself" instead of a generic "this is how you're supposed to look" look
No. 130570
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>>130566Heavy makeup looks stiff. The natural look is so much hotter.
No. 131492
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I guess I'm not really ashamed but Claire is a little unconventional but she's so cute and soft looking and overwhelmed but powers through it anyway and she seems like she has really nice skin
No. 133806
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but I'm sooo sexually attracted to Jade the Jaguar the ASMR titty streamer. I want to lay in her lap while she sings to me. Idk whyyyy she's like the total opposite of my type.
No. 133809
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>>130033I'm a Botwin girl myself. Terrible mother, great milf club lmao That part where Nancy tops Celia on the kitchen counter with a knife did amazing things for teenage me. God Mary Louise Parker is STILL so hot, I'm not ashamed at all.
No. 134157
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No. 134158
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Julianne Moore, who is 40 years older than me.
No. 134227
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She's a dumb bitch but…
No. 134431
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i hate that the blatant les/bi baiting worked on me. her voice makes me fuckin melt. ugh.
No. 134635
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obviously only after her surgery
No. 136045
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pic related
also seconding from the thread: nicki minaj, yolandi visser, belle delphine and halsey
No. 136468
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Grimes is incredibly sexy but her personality makes me ashamed of wanting her….
No. 136481
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>>136468I non-ironically like her music and think she's cute.
No. 136487
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Siouxsie Sioux is my fucking shit
No. 136499
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I've had a huge crush on her forever, even though she's a shit person and a huge mess.
No. 136525
>>136487Yup, dafuq you're even ashamed of
Siouxsie is so hot
No. 138400
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>>118856>>114854>>114435>>113966>>119529>>120648>>124819>>126886>>127640>>127969>>130032>>134431>>136045>>136468>>45725>>58862>>66010Literally all of these. Also Ms. Hannigan from 2014 Annie. The trashiness, it's so fucking sexy. I really want to day drink terrible wine and smoke cigarettes in bed with her. She's so sleazy and it's really hot. I just love trashiness so much hence the Luna thing. Forgot to mention Amy Winehouse too
No. 138431
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>>126541yesss, shame about her bad taste in men
the only one that mattered ion Too Hot to Handle
No. 140064
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i'd love a codependent fling with nika tbh, she's the perfect mix of controlling, toxic and very sexy, i'd let her destroy me but i'd have to get out
No. 140093
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she looks so cute in this video it's hard to care about the bullshit she's saying
No. 140179
>>140064First off, get some help.
Second, hide your dad.
Third thing, same tho.
She's wretched, but I think she's attractive in a disgusting way. Something about how loony she is I also find hot. The loving messages she and Jaelle send each other when they're together melt me, even though they're weird af
I wish she cared more about herself and didn't let disgusting old men use her.
No. 140362
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>>140190she's still sexy anon
No. 140368
>>140365totally. i feel bad for this but this is my list: ashnikko, elvira, nika, momo, also i know this is obscure but bjork. i think she's cute as fuck. half of these people are
problematic that's why i feel bad.
No. 140376
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I feel so weird sexualizing her because she looks so young, but she looks like she’d make the hottest noises and faces in bed.
No. 140377
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Young Helen Mirren can get it
No. 140378
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>>140377And she’s still foxy
No. 140379
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I want them both
No. 140380
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My Celtic mommy
No. 140382
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90s Jodie Foster is literally my dream
No. 140386
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>>140380she reminds me so much of the black haired girl from TaTu, when she wasn't botched she was so fucking cute. Lena Katina is still cute but the other girl, yikes
No. 140387
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>>140386samefag. julia now.
No. 140389
>>140382Why ashamed??
>>140386TaTu really activated my sexuality and then took a huge shit on it whew
No. 140392
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>>140389i remember my mom would not let me watch the All About Us video whenever it came on tv and i knew then at 10 i would have a future attraction to women. ugh, lena is so fucking cute and she looks the same pretty much.
No. 140426
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her personality is trash but i think shes pretty
No. 140429
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Lana Rain… I don't even know what to say about why I want to but it seems like a good time.
No. 140431
>>140429oh god isn't she the chick that masturbates in public? gross.
she should be on a sex offender list.
No. 140437
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She's hot but the shock jock act on the pod is just retarded
No. 140441
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the ok boomer girl, neekolul. idk why she just makes my heart pound
also doja cat. I'm sorry!
No. 140445
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No. 140450
File: 1590631454637.jpeg (580.44 KB, 1784x2500, 3E18955E-7EC9-43BC-A5A7-B4494D…)

Princess Margaret
No. 140451
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>>140450Samefag, but there’s just something about the way she smiled that always gets me
No. 140535
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Demi Lovato. Ashamed strictly because she's an immature drama queen and honestly kind of an idiot.
No. 140679
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>>140678Well good morning
No. 140722
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Both of them but especially Tana
No. 140724
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Saff from Tiger King not to open up a gender talk as I know they identify with he & him pronouns but either way: I want Saff to top me
No. 140755
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I need Jesus
No. 140756
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The podcast is retarded but she is beautiful to me.
No. 140757
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I'm sorry.
No. 140762
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>>140757I’ll drink to that!
>tfw no young thatcher in a labcoat to be my stem mummy No. 140800
>>140755Pictures you can smell. Yikes.
>>140756Fuck, I posted Dasha in this thread before and I'm still ashamed and into her.
No. 140820
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deep shame. even when she's doing her gross/creepy shit she's so cute to me. in fact, i typically find her at her cutest like that for some reason? and her body is 1000/10. why does she have to be so fucking awful lol
No. 140821
File: 1591007224572.png (191.79 KB, 340x395, Hila_Klein.png)

No. 140825
File: 1591011402187.jpeg (687.54 KB, 768x1179, BEEA5687-4111-43AA-AA8D-CAD1D4…)

God she’s so fucking weird. If only she would just get a new brain she’d be a 10/10… but I would still do it. I’m sorry.
No. 140828
File: 1591016523554.jpg (43.97 KB, 660x660, https___hypebeast.com_image_ht…)

>>140820same, her body is perfect and she is so cute, big shame
No. 140852
File: 1591034086728.jpeg (339.81 KB, 2000x1270, 277712AB-EB12-4D48-BF2C-E3F95F…)

She’s so cute :(
No. 140857
File: 1591036137095.jpg (3.15 MB, 1820x1514, 1579878416943-screen-shot-2020…)

first, I feel really ashamed saying that I would fuck any woman, it feels wrong as if I was some kind of male rapist lmao.
Anyways, Meg is my #1, she is so ratched at times but god I do love it, that attitude of hers, her charisma, the confidence, she is sexy, endearing and cute af at the same time… i'm so whipped for her.
No. 140859
File: 1591036741491.png (963.46 KB, 1000x1233, 5be85f5df1efec8f67935f4b6996a5…)

Not ashamed, im actually straight but marzia is such a cutie honestly, i always loved her (not in a romantic way) but shes so god damn cute and beautiful i wish i could squish her cheeks 🥺 Felix is so lucky to be honest
No. 140860
>>140855what personality?
>I'm going to sell mah soulHow quirky!
No. 140898
File: 1591087691141.png (296.83 KB, 451x364, Screenshot-1.png)

>>140859Must feel nice to be rich enough to re-arrange your whole ass face to your liking.
No. 140959
>>140898Are you from gossipguru? I swear, cutiepiemarzia threads on GG are nothing but 100 pages of nitpicks and people
admitting that they are jealous of her kek
No. 141050
>>140898>>140941The only major differences I see is the way she applies make-up, her eyebrows and her nose. Nose possibly angle or plastic surgery.
Overall she looks older which is expected. Idk I think she okay but I never really followed her
No. 142233
File: 1592531612695.jpeg (82.93 KB, 400x300, F1C8BDB6-291F-46EB-B9A8-6ACF27…)

Lizzie McGuire’s mom
No. 142240
File: 1592535437430.jpg (62.9 KB, 1100x825, 5d31f420b083fb0a1d550369.jpg)

Holy fuck I think she might be the one, there's something about her, I just can't describe it!
I am the earth, she's the glorious sun!
I want her to trust me and I just want her to, how do I say this, sit on my face? Sit, sit on my face!
No. 142245
File: 1592539861118.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x1215, 937B4483-D26D-4C24-96B8-3D8AA5…)

god help me
No. 142247
File: 1592540775839.jpg (158.81 KB, 1296x730, tignotaro.jpg)

No. 142257
>>142240the fact that Belle is mentioned multiple times in this thread lol me too man…
Also I simultaneously wanna punch and hug u for those Bo lyrics
No. 142310
File: 1592602501100.jpg (223.02 KB, 1200x900, kaitlin bennett.jpg)

Kaitlin Bennett, She's the kind of girl that would have bullied me in school and our opinions are polar opposites but GOD shes adorable. The curly hair, blue eyes, ear gauges and nice (ish) body do it for me.
I want her to spit on me and call me a fucking libtard.
aforementioned women include yolandi visser, Belle, dolly and Nika
No. 142324
File: 1592612462423.jpg (198.82 KB, 800x1200, EThcI3-X0AAn2SP.jpg)

>>142310I find her annoying as fuck but she gives me closet lesbian vibes she uses her guns to deflect the attention.
Also her and her husband are each others beards, change my mind
No. 142376
>>142311OP here, I'd never stick around long enough to hear her bullshit, she's more of a fuck and chuck for me
>>142338>>142324Didn't her husband go to conversion therapy too? Or am I thinking of some other obnoxious conservative with a camp partner?
No. 142394
>>142377>wanting to fuck Bethanylol sis. I guess this is the right place to post someone like her.
I kinda wish we had a GD thread, I love reading about them on reddit.
No. 142488
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No. 142791
File: 1593127566973.jpeg (378.16 KB, 540x664, 1592967221279.jpeg)

No. 142793
File: 1593129705037.jpeg (1.27 MB, 4000x3000, 991B82B6-3E79-4363-8A2E-7FEAC7…)

>>142791Bless you anon, you're disgusting too. It's just Nika for me. I can't get passed Jaelle's face from her mugshot. She doesn't look much better now even with all the makeup and filters. She ranges from average or plain looking to what the fuck is that and why is it wearing clothes. Nika is nasty but she cleans up pretty good at times. I like her physical aesthetic and that's about as far as it goes. Still hate myself for the attraction though.
No. 142795
File: 1593132047532.jpeg (64.53 KB, 585x511, 1590468949022.jpeg)

…..I'm genuinely ashamed but I would let her ruin my life for a couple of months
No. 142799
>>142791>>142793I can't say I would also smash but I agree that they're both cute and I think they get too much unnecessary nitpicky shit about their appearances in their thread. They're both terrible trainwrecks obviously but anons really use that as an excuse to act like they look like disgusting junkie hags and they're really just too young to have that look yet.
A lot of anons have joked about Nika being a walking anti drug PSA but honestly, she doesn't look weathered by drugs at all yet, she's just lost weight and stopped doing her hair/makeup as much as she used to. She still has a pretty and striking face, aside from her cringeworthy lip injections.
No. 142801
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No. 142892
File: 1593276057437.jpeg (59.33 KB, 682x1024, C5286110-E707-4D3D-A724-5E2EB0…)

I know she is a trashy liar and a cheater but god damn it she’s hot
No. 143138
File: 1593615937634.jpg (73.18 KB, 450x450, esther povitsky.jpg)

>>142310Perfect way to describe her vibe.
No. 143601
File: 1594230320829.gif (1.58 MB, 687x385, babyjanekick.gif)

I want this ddlg queen kick the shit out of me and tie me up. No regrets
No. 143674
File: 1594270054997.png (728.72 KB, 507x595, kylie.PNG)

Kylie. I think she's pretty and I actually love what she wears. The only reason I'm ashamed is because she seems dumb as hell. The way she speaks makes her seem so stupid.
No. 143676
File: 1594271579581.jpg (168.62 KB, 846x1280, 7e812fd0f0db309fc08a3ebce3d38e…)

Definitely France Gall when she was young and alive.
No. 143741
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>>143676Fuck yes anon, she’s always been my number one yeye-fu.
No. 143761
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No. 143784
i mean i would too though
No. 143797
File: 1594411851308.jpeg (45.87 KB, 600x400, mywife2.jpeg)

Forgive me sisters for I have sinned.
No. 143798
File: 1594411893036.png (1.16 MB, 1200x974, mywife.png)

>>143797And another one of hers.
No. 143809
File: 1594421641529.jpeg (24.98 KB, 590x385, 86CD229B-C728-4485-9879-A43465…)

>>143799the dumbass libfem i’m with her shit was bad but i still have a soft spot for her
No. 143813
File: 1594430257462.png (249.19 KB, 670x376, trish.png)

a dumpster fire in human form but i would totally go on a bender with her
No. 143817
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>>143797>>143809Hoping aboard the thirst train I'm so glad I'm not the only one who found her hot as fuck
>>143813Would do a mukbang with her then smash
No. 143822
>>140860lol rite? that whole "art exhibit" couldn't have come at a worse time either, right when covid started closing down businesses and shit, god damn she is so fucking out of touch
>>142795same, she is the hottest cow on this site imo
>>143813seems like lots of farmers are fond of her
No. 143838
File: 1594478370173.gif (1.23 MB, 500x500, tumblr_oqom4zdDL71w3kwovo1_500…)

I love you Luna baby
No. 143842
File: 1594483409118.jpg (74.88 KB, 398x900, 9087654'.jpg)

No. 143847
File: 1594491713054.jpg (269.21 KB, 1212x2048, perfectgothgf.jpg)

>>143817>>143810Yay, I'm glad I'm not the only one getting wet for her. I keep making mental gymnastics to minimize her involvement. It's a shame she's straight.
No. 143869
File: 1594517744319.jpeg (281.52 KB, 2500x1667, CE5B3425-880A-4D3D-B7CD-B1DB1C…)

>>143811Same? Her style’s taken a turn for the ugly but she’s cute as hell
No. 143893
File: 1594571308097.png (474.41 KB, 539x720, 1c7aebcf87f12322f5cd07b73ff0ac…)

>>143811>>143869YES. she can be gorgeous if she tries but i dont think she has tried in like years. but damn i like her face
No. 143925
File: 1594586107910.png (951.36 KB, 558x874, Screen-Shot-2019-07-16-at-3.20…)

>>143893Is that photo supposed to be Grimes? So much photoshop she doesn't look like herself AT ALL, her nose is completely different there. I find her really cute too so it's a shame what makes her face unique was so edited on that pic.
No. 143980
>>143851She showed up to a con in that super skimpy cosplay, labia almost falling out and all that. Rumours surrounding her that may or may not be true include a pungent fishy smell and her leaving a couch she sat on 'sticky'. There's a video of her dancing/half humping outside with some greasy weebs.
The anecdotes about her lack of personal hygiene combined with her unfortunate droopy body earned her the nickname 'tunamelt-chan' on /cgl/ back in the day.
Nowadays people claim the rumours were made up and the girl stayed under the radar as far as I can tell, but the pictures and the story accompanying them are still effective 'con/cosplay cringe' material.
No. 143988
>>143931well it is supposedly ghislaine maxwell? but i'm not sure about that pic. even if we assume this pic was taken at the beginning on kurt cobain's career (1991-ish?) she would've been 30 years old here.
the girl (and the room she's in) screams teenager to me.
No. 144018
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>>143138Ah yes the age play cop, but what about pic related booboo?
No. 144029
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>>144018No any Esther, really.
No. 144488
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No. 144659
File: 1595297044835.jpg (47.57 KB, 512x510, e91cc2abf31328687c6c6b9676ad44…)

They used to be very cute
No. 144678
>>144489Imagine having as much confidence as this?
She was bullied online relentlessly but if this had happened a couple of years ago instead she might have had simps signing up for her only fans and people praising her as a body positivity icon instead
No. 144680
>>144678girl was feeling herself. It's pretty easy to bully the cosplayer in skimpy fetish gear that might have just wanted attention. idk the internet is harsh that way. but the tunamelt stories make me feel bad for her now but I can't say I didn't laugh.
She is braver than any u.s. marine
No. 144803
File: 1595466908196.gif (Spoiler Image,3.35 MB, 717x426, shoe.gif)

I have this like reverse-corruption fantasy where I get her off the internet and fuck her into being a normal person.
No. 144810
File: 1595477606294.jpg (60.36 KB, 710x450, c9756965-grimes_f20111021_25-7…)

My Queen
No. 144856
>>144803kek i love that anon
i think she's cute and funny, and in some vlog she did with her friend she seemed normal enough to go in public with. i'd bang her and make staying off twitter her only bdsm punishment since she's allegedly into that.
No. 144906
File: 1595566999237.jpeg (162.4 KB, 1080x1080, 1643624936634374_c5_1080x1080.…)

I'm really ashamed, even by the standards of this thread, but Emilia Fart.
No. 144960
File: 1595608910156.jpeg (419.47 KB, 750x747, A2C04117-0EDD-42DB-8D35-4B6373…)

Tradthot extraordinaire Abby Shapiro… she’s really physically attractive to me, on top of acting like such an over the top caricature of a Karen I-
No. 144971
File: 1595613532395.jpg (150.57 KB, 512x512, 132435.jpg)

hate myself
No. 144983
File: 1595620866977.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.78 KB, 900x1200, ERoqBfHU8AA6zbD.jpg)

>>140820>>140828I wouldn't find it shameful if she was actually a decent person.
No. 145075
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No. 145427
File: 1595972545732.jpg (45.67 KB, 450x566, sofie-101.jpg)

No. 145432
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>>145427Big yes to this, she was a highlight of Kingsmen movie to me, the way she moved as Gazelle! Just incredible and soooo hot.
No. 145441
File: 1595980730916.gif (Spoiler Image,17.3 MB, 480x582, shaynas cute dance.gif)

I want to rescue Shay from herself and spoil her and help her get her life back together. I know it won't happen, I just like imagining. I'd still do her even when she's hefty. (She has to wash her hair though.)
No. 145479
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>>145477you seem to have dropped these, anon
No. 145935
File: 1596250978103.png (810.64 KB, 629x605, annnnn1.png)

i don't actually follow this group of people on twitter but i was reading the left thot threads on snow and i find this woman so good looking let me have angry edgy russian gf with a aged face
No. 145973
File: 1596284442364.jpg (165.4 KB, 900x1200, EXnyJWsXsAAhjB5.jpg)

she's dumb as fuck but so ridiculously hot
No. 146066
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>>145973huh? This looks like carl wheezer from jimmy neutron in drag.
No. 146085
>>146058it's ashley coffin, a leftist ethot
No. 146098
File: 1596373580604.gif (7.28 MB, 540x360, 457869577.gif)

I don't even listen to her music. I just think she looks so… huggable? Idek what kind of person she is. I just see pictures of her and think she's hot.
No. 146108
>>146100Unless you are a scrote, I don't see how calling another girl cute/huggable/pretty/beautiful is a bad thing. You are polizing yourself too much while real pedophiles run outside everyday touching kids by the lot
Also idk maybe it's just me but 18 to 24 is still a good age range, unlike 18-28 you get me? because a 24 y/o is still stupid as fuck and probably doesn't have their life together. But that's probably just me?
No. 146126
>>146108Yeah, I'm always a little worried that some scrote brigade will pull a "Hey, you can't say that! If I did, I'd be called a creep! Double standards, double standards!!" and I'd be "cancelled" or something. Even just for calling her cute.
You're right though, men are the entire reason she decided to wear baggy clothes.
No. 146210
File: 1596438146506.png (3.24 MB, 1182x1244, Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 2.49…)

Storyofkorey. Not when she was spoopy though, just recently. I'm a sucker for girls with curly hair.
No. 146221
File: 1596444680469.jpeg (31.27 KB, 474x523, caitlin doughty.jpeg)

Honestly can't believe she hasn't been posted yet. That hair, those eyes, that voice, fuck. Where's older goth gf when you crave her the most
No. 146224
>>146221I love her soooo much
her books are good too!
No. 146494
File: 1596670972246.png (581.82 KB, 600x595, BvAfqPOIIAASdKz.png)

Nicole Arbor but only back in the day before she got extra edgy. Back in 2006/2007 I had the biggest crush on her.
No. 146632
File: 1596787604938.jpg (248.14 KB, 600x649, ddkj0192.jpg)

Why, why, WHY did this thread introduce me to Abby Shapiro. I love looking for pictures of her and I'm so grossed out by myself.
No. 146640
File: 1596790182674.jpeg (75.09 KB, 247x275, 1596773385665.jpeg)

No. 146649
>>145973hell yeah. as far as shitposters of any gender go, she's the hottest.
>>146632she's so hot. idg why so many people imply she's ugly because she looks jewish.
No. 147395
File: 1597294348914.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1358, D9913429-9581-44BD-9085-B025C4…)

fuck, I was unprepared for shoe being cute when I checked back at her thread
No. 147416
File: 1597328357686.png (202.58 KB, 338x442, screen-shot-2020-02-17-at-9.46…)

Anfisa from 90 Day Fiance, especially now that she's a bodybuilder
No. 147452
File: 1597343418306.jpg (50.63 KB, 740x833, abbyshapiro.jpg)

another dumb bitch thirsty for abby shapiro here. she's the first crush i had after finding out i'm a lesbian. i'm so sad she has a (ugly) husband and is "traditional".
No. 147456
File: 1597343769000.jpg (81.71 KB, 750x809, abby.jpg)

>>147452If only she was into ladies. Sigh.
No. 147459
>>147453Go back to ur thread kiwi simp
>>147456I headcanon that the trad waifu thing is overcompensation for being closeted
No. 147461
>>147456ikr? why did god make such cute women and make them straight
>>147459i hope so anon
No. 147468
>>147459She begins her youtube videos with "hello beautiful ladies" what a flirt kek
>>147465TIMs wish they look like that.
No. 147480
File: 1597356149697.png (Spoiler Image,237 KB, 765x1176, 1470998 - June_Nicole Shoe0nHe…)

Alexa, play Shoe0nhead Fart Compilation 4k HDR Dolby Digital
No. 147673
File: 1597480558665.png (640.63 KB, 824x480, gibi.PNG)

probably not the first one but i have such a fat crush on gibi asmr
No. 147719
File: 1597523291483.jpeg (270.75 KB, 750x1220, 8D7E1FF8-67CB-41C1-B73A-BE8615…)

I want to fuck Sarah Silverman and I know it’s gross
No. 147726
File: 1597527451769.jpeg (34.5 KB, 738x415, CB6BABD9-AE87-42FD-887A-2D7D7C…)

>>147719Same anon. That picture is terribly unflattering though.
No. 147728
>>147719I'm out of the loop on this one, but why is it gross? What's wrong with her? She looks pretty normal.
Not bait seriously asking. kek
No. 147732
File: 1597527948098.png (545.42 KB, 438x509, 94746B10-90D8-42AC-B3DF-227DE4…)

She’s beyond insufferable but her body is amazing
No. 147749
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Anyone else?
No. 148222
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No. 148324
File: 1597934421602.jpeg (42.82 KB, 512x512, 4FDBB554-D60F-4268-971D-EFC935…)

Only ashamed because she’s old enough to be my mum
No. 148338
File: 1597943164480.jpg (651.84 KB, 2048x1536, EQox_NpXYAEbIFb.jpg large.jpg)

>>140426i want to marry her spoil her rotten and give her anything she wants hear her sperging out on stream while i'm in the kitchen cooking us dinner have her fall in love with me and let her guard down going from snarky bitch to giggly and sweet, brittany i love you so much
No. 148347
>>148328she looks like shit now
>>148329>she’s just a cringe uwu i’m young ddlg larper.She no longer is, but she used to be a few years ago. Move on.
No. 148363
File: 1597953452509.jpeg (506.61 KB, 1043x1865, 58E6FA84-DAB8-4140-A3D9-D269A7…)

Listen, I know she’s been posted here but just let me vent. Luna let me take you to Ulta and get you all your “ CHEAP” makeup and tacky press on nails. Write me poetry and we can take benzos together and cake our faces with makeup while high as a kite and make out. Lurch doesn’t deserve you
No. 148383
File: 1597974800823.png (614.89 KB, 533x524, marie-kondo.png)

sparks a lot more than just joy for me ngl
No. 148389
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>>148386her husband isn't even ugly. He's kind of chubby but I was expecting heart evangelista husband level ugly
No. 148404
File: 1597987599384.jpg (64.91 KB, 1000x562, marie-kondo-met-her-husband-ye…)

Yeah he is just fat, not ugly
No. 148441
>>148393Oh kek misread, my bad.
>>148440Ntayrt but I'm half filipino living in America if that counts.
No. 148564
File: 1598150516112.jpeg (504.77 KB, 750x925, 5D34E336-4DDB-48A0-B207-A02AB1…)

…yeah. The Lefthots thread likes to rag on her for looking like a busget Elle Fanning but I find her cute in an attainable sort of way. If she stopped posing like a wannabe nymphet and dressed more normie my dumbass would probably be out whiteknighting for her on Twitter.
No. 148571
File: 1598154827185.jpg (40.53 KB, 992x558, her.jpg)

No. 148699
File: 1598232167376.jpeg (15.27 KB, 215x275, 1598228282637.jpeg)

These pnp edits are making me bitter, she looks so pretty here. Ofc she'd have to thoroughly clean herself first.
No. 148701
File: 1598233173758.jpg (85.09 KB, 640x1142, VD0uDVU.jpg)

>>148564I'll piggyback off your comment to say that Anna's cute too.
No. 148702
File: 1598234134288.jpeg (41.5 KB, 400x400, 7B081482-0A84-4B10-9759-FF6B00…)

>>148699Literally looks uncanny and nothing like her, get off Instagram
Ashamed because I actually think she’s nice and sweet and I feel bad for sexualizing her when she’s constantly sexualized and harassed by scrotes
No. 148711
File: 1598244918567.jpg (109.19 KB, 900x1200, 10001947.jpg)

>>148701 (ayrt)
>>148709Honestly I agree. I hate her really short hair. It's kinda funny how much of a conventional European hottie she'd look like if she grew it out.
No. 148834
File: 1598339232152.jpeg (197.46 KB, 1079x809, 0D7353FD-326D-4AAC-AAF3-7B4397…)

fem shapiro and peterson. they're both so hot. i've been thinking about this pic every day since someone posted it in the retard thread
No. 148963
>>148699that shoop makes her look like mckenna lol
>>148834girl stop ew…
No. 149183
File: 1598530993581.jpg (58.54 KB, 452x600, ivanka.jpg)

No. 149190
File: 1598533120405.jpg (573.02 KB, 979x1368, Screenshot_20200827-135547_Chr…)

Surprised no one mentioned Poppy. I think she's so beautiful but her personality is making her awful
No. 149191
File: 1598533488044.jpg (91.59 KB, 1160x629, tomi.jpg)

>>149183I get it, anon.
There's something about right wing women
No. 149194
File: 1598535577900.jpeg (254.17 KB, 1070x1592, B3B5E546-0D70-4E40-8F05-732F43…)

>>149191yeah, there is something about right wing women
No. 149232
File: 1598550165176.jpeg (160.14 KB, 691x875, 6F0E9CEE-2FCD-4027-97B0-2EEF79…)

>>148333>when she’s really just frumpyI know this post is from a few days ago but what? Before her recent weight gain she was pretty hot
No. 149284
File: 1598587434589.jpg (219.38 KB, 705x900, download (1).jpg)

I make fun of TCC girls for thirsting over Bundy or whatever but
No. 149295
File: 1598596078410.jpg (8.7 KB, 206x275, 1529680453535.jpg)

Would 100% maid rp with redheaded lolita PT and I'm forever sad that there aren't more pictures of this look
No. 149296
File: 1598597404355.jpg (29.13 KB, 320x480, 34c02aa7ebbd891e773f0a81d854fc…)

>>149190that blonde hair does her no favours but her old normie look was really cute imo
but her voice is too annoying, i wouldn't be able to stand that
No. 149393
File: 1598647198087.jpg (65.61 KB, 594x400, casey_anthony.jpg)

she reminds me of every bitchy texan grade school teacher i had in the 2000s and my dad's junkie ex who hated me, and i want to hate fuck her so bad
No. 149995
File: 1599106672126.jpg (6.83 KB, 225x225, taylor nicole dean.jpg)

Happy I decided to come to /g/ i have a shameful dump coming through…
first up Taylor Nicole Dean, I love her eyes and I love her lips (regardless of how she got them)
No. 149996
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>>149995I hate everything about her and what she stands for besides how she looks. I got yelled at a few times for talking about how I felt she was sexy.
She's a shitty person but she's so sexy, regardless of it's real or not to me.
No. 149997
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>>149996Erica Mena, reality tv star, hot head, always fighting, dated a bunch of bums, can't sing even though she's a "singer' and If you watch "love and hip hop" you know who she is and what she's about.
Yet she's probably in my top 10, looks amazing with or without make up, has a amazing body (even if fake)
No. 149998
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>>149995another reality star insta-thot, Draya Michele goregous but made fun of Meg the stallion, constantly made fun of other women's body on tv and seems like a all around bitch.
No. 149999
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Meghan James, one of the women Draya made fun of, had a threesome with her sister and was on BGC and Didn't beat an girls ass properly for spitting on her.
I'm drunk and if you can't tell.
No. 150000
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She's hot to me.
No. 150001
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Clermont twins before their surgeries. Robbed a dead man and last I heard they were kissing eachother on the mouth and possibly doing porn with eachother.
When they were on bad girls club, I thought they were very pretty, they look like troons now.
(yes more insta reality thots)
No. 150002
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I still love new york, she does not look good anymore but i had a crush on her when I watched her for the first time on flavor of love.
Thats it.
No. 150014
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>>150001they look horrible now.
No. 150118
>>149393In terms of waifus from late 2000s/early 2010s high profile murder cases, Jodi Arias is superior. Casey Anthony always had the face of a monkey to me, imo
>>150002New York is iconic and most definitely the queen of reality TV. She did fuck up her face with ps though.
>>150001Wtf they were so cute! They even had the natural Ig baddie look. Why do the most cutest girls always fuck up their appearance with plastic surgery.
No. 150120
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I'm not the first farmer to say it, but… Momokun. I only visit her threads for one reason.
No. 150127
>>150120I think she's pretty hot as well, but I like big sloppy tittied women.
I just hate how tiny her head is.
No. 150133
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she’s greasy, weird, and a mess but i would hit
No. 150141
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No. 150225
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No. 150227
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Speaking of Scream Queens I seriously think she is the hottest bitch in the whole world. Even my bf is ashamed of my taste.
No. 150264
>>150227She is super hot and i loved her in Scream Queens, to bad she is an
abusive piece of shit.
No. 150265
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>>150225same tbh
here's mine, I find her extremely cringe but it's alright since she's still my waifu
No. 150266
>>150265lmao did you misclicked?
This isn't the thread for you.
No. 150304
File: 1599343369864.png (647.76 KB, 760x763, Screenshot_20200905-165935.png)

She is so cute and sexy. And apparently a bit of an asshole. But I'd make love to her all day.
No. 150531
>>149191there's totally the "i'm gonna fuck the homophobia right out of you" appeal, i see where both of y'all are coming from
may just be a byproduct of growing up closeted in a conservative shithole tho el em ay oh
No. 151249
File: 1599987120328.jpg (Spoiler Image,328.54 KB, 1539x2048, 1599945440989.jpg)

some fakebois can be cute if you don't pay attention to their titty scars :c
No. 151305
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No. 151307
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>>151305we have no choice but to stan this nubian queen
srsly i still have a soft spot for brittany even after witnessing her embarrassing twitter spergouts and erratic behaviour
No. 151319
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>>151307I'm ashamed because she reminds me of the fish from chicken little at the same time.
No. 151347
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i don't know
No. 151426
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>>151347she was beautiful when she was younger. 10/10 would murder a (anyways shitty) husband with
No. 151435
File: 1600155137056.png (494.92 KB, 604x489, this bitch.png)

I don't know who this bitch is or or what she's about, but she has a thread here and everytime i see her in PT (along with MOO) I'm ashamed of wanting to fuck her.
No. 151438
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started watching Seinfeld again during quarantine and my god she does it for me so much
No. 151444
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I have a thing for fakebois.
>>151249Criedwolves is so pretty.
No. 151467
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>>151453NTA, but it's is so hot I can't watch her tiktoks without getting flustered.
No. 151515
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I’m not even into girls, but Daniella Sea moves me.
No. 151542
>>151539it feels like some anons get personally offended when people find or don't find vent ugly or attractive kek.
>>151513I'm confused is this a mtf or a ftm, if it's a ftm why are they dressed up ike that? Is it some kind of reversed drag thing? Like because they are "Male" now they are cross dressing?
No. 151547
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>>151513SAME, this is how I discovered her
>>151542There's no way she's not a woman with that body, but ofc her pronouns are he/his. I guess it may be mostly because she seem to exclusively cosplay and roleplay as male characters.
No. 151566
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>>151426reminds me of anna karina, gorgeous
No. 151614
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>>151347She reminds me of my big tiddy Polish auntie and now I am confuse
No. 151824
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Grace Neutral
No. 151827
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>>151824She's cute but damn, these eyes, they look like a kid painted them with a blue ballpoint pen…
No. 151838
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I miss her
No. 151887
>>150133SAME ugh especially her character in boardwalk empire.
Also, lord forgive me, Heather sparkles/steele/whatever. I could be her ladyryan and treat her right. What's wrong with me.
No. 151891
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No. 151917
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No. 151937
>>151917She's so my type lordt
>>151919Brie Larson
No. 152048
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i love her
No. 152084
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>>152034Because I've seen so many of those Brie Larson hate videos and cringey interviews. I used to think she was quite average looking…and then, suddenly… she's hot.
No. 152138
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Pic related makes me fucking drool God I am gay af. I also agree with
>>151347 No. 152238
File: 1600759351836.png (770.6 KB, 863x815, EhdTiXKXsAUGPXu.png)

Season 8 Joan Ferguson from Wentworth. She always had her hair up and looked so stern throughout the series but seeing her look "softer" is messing with me big time.
No. 152265
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No. 152519
>>152084She was super cute in Captain Marvel. Just because she was never a bombshell like ScarJo doesn't mean she's ugly imo
>>152138I hate Tulsi and her politics but damn, she's attractive.
>>151347Reminder that Carole did nothing wrong (aside from screwing Don Lewis's kids out of his will)
No. 153153
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Stormfront seemed kind of cool at first, but of course, she had to be a crazy fascist bitch. Then she fucked Homelander. Her actress is hot but yikes I was ashamed to ever find this character attractive
No. 153155
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I don't know much about her just that people hate her for something.
I'm pretty much ashamed to admit this of most female celebrities, because they're out of my league lol. Idk maybe it's internalized shit I just feel unworthy including looks. But, I couldn't stop staring at her as black widow
No. 153235
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>>107184I'm attracted to Venti as well, not sure why though. I want to play with her curly hair and make her smile and make her a radfem TERF. And yes, I'm ashamed.
No. 153272
File: 1601405310140.jpeg (42.26 KB, 1280x720, venti_animated.jpeg)

>>153240yeah me neither. And I'm not talking just about her ugly personality.
No. 153274
File: 1601405830295.png (1.07 MB, 1281x832, 1.png)

>>153235Curvy body, nice skin, light eyes, thick curly hair, nice teeth, symmetrical face… she's physically pretty kek. Ya'll have just been staring at Paris Hilton types for too long. Her eyes aren't even that far apart, people are just nitpicking. If you want to see sid check this out.
No. 153298
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so fucking annoying I wouldn't be able to stand it if she talked at all and I don't actually believe she's queer, but she's so unbelievably hot it winds me up even more every time she pops up for blabbing about something.
of the cows, seconding Moo, Luna and Anna K; as for straight up criminal freaks Elizabeth Holmes and Allison Mack definitely do it for me
No. 153299
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>>153298also Squeaky Fromme
No. 153690
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No. 153706
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>>128696same anon. I wanted to be her wife during the cult season of AHS.
I want Jamie Lee Curtis to come home to the luxury house she bought us and smear my lipstick.
No. 153723
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>>153716>>153721lol remember when she made them her twt header
No. 154743
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Fucking annoying anachan, watching paint dry would be more fascinating than talking to her.
I think it's the eyes; something about them makes me go batshit. I'd probably have a fullblown crush on her if she wasn't so absolutely vapid.
No. 154818
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>>154743She’s cute but she ruined her looks with her dumb haircut
No. 155030
File: 1602586363429.jpg (368.16 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20201013_115328.jpg)

She always looks grimey and has a weird cockney accent, but God I want to have her as my gf and top her so bad
No. 155122
File: 1602655930158.jpg (175.55 KB, 1079x1080, 120852974_1059207417830011_476…)

idk how shameful this really is, I mostly just find it embarrassing because she's an ~influencer and is only 19 (I'm not that much older but teens are teens). I think she's gorgeous though and find her personality endearing.
No. 156082
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No. 156089
>>156088Nta but I put her, Doja Cat, and Azealia Banks all in the same "hot, but have weird personalities where they enjoy trolling a little
too much" category. They all have musical talent too of course, but that's beside the point.
No. 156227
File: 1603424218717.png (870.48 KB, 1039x680, vn af.png)

>>149284aileen was based
>>45754>not noomi rapace>>140437>not ambershame for bad taste
No. 156401
File: 1603506031820.jpg (14.28 KB, 236x286, 7ab1f22b393bf72df9b5c8f09e2c8d…)

I'm extremely attracted to Amy Ray in this photo. She looks like she'd take me out in the woods and we'd do weird drugs and talk about aliens and make out.
No. 156415
File: 1603521178868.png (Spoiler Image,3.3 MB, 1034x1800, 198947A0-AC2B-4D88-A6D8-FCBC3E…)

I don’t know what’s wrong with me
No. 156527
File: 1603600566984.jpeg (Spoiler Image,98.59 KB, 675x1200, CB1F1AD3-4533-480E-8F8F-729719…)

This is a cry for help
No. 156560
>>156527You're gonna make me simp for her again
Fuck, and i thought i finally forgot about her sad existance
No. 156705
File: 1603751258437.jpg (104.8 KB, 1200x900, 1774.jpg)

>>156229>>156088she changes so much from interview to interview and situation to situation, but I always thought that was down to the company she's in at the time? like a video for genius compared to when she gave a talk at a university. like, maybe she felt she had to act a certain way at the university, like how some people put on a telephone voice to sound more 'proper' idk. I know I change how I act/things I say depending on the company I'm in. side note though, I love when she speaks all softly (sensually almost) sometimes in interviews, she needs to do asmr vids
No. 157571
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I’ve been questioning ever since the andaconda music video.I really wanna like her but she’s too comfy with sex weirdos.
No. 158364
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no shame about it, she's wonderful
No. 158674
File: 1604704497635.png (226.45 KB, 590x300, asdfadsfdhad.png)

me again.
i think the part that's worst is that she's exactly my type? soft "cottagecore" gf with pretty eyes. lovely tinkling voice too.
i'm gonna chug a bottle of wine.