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No. 462334
Gentleman Jack Edition
This is a thread for gold star lesbians. If you're not a gold star, please refrain from posting in this thread. If you're unsure about your sexual orientation and would like to talk about it, post in the Questioning Sexuality thread to avoid infighting and derailing itt.
>what is a gold star lesbian?a "gold star lesbian" is a female homosexual who has
never had sex with a male.
>picrel is from the historical drama television series 'Gentleman Jack', set in the 1830s in Yorkshire. The series is based on the diaries of 19th-century Englishwoman Anne Lister, which span an estimated 5 million words, about a sixth of which are written in a secret code, documenting her lifetime of lesbian relationships. She was famously dubbed "the first modern lesbian" for her groundbreaking revelations from her diaries.
>Lister was from a minor landowning family at Shibden in Calderdale, West Riding of Yorkshire. She openly engaged in same-sex relationships and had several female partners— the first when she 15 years old.
>Anne’s journals detailed a lesbian lifestyle many thought had not existed in the past. Her promiscuity showed not only that women found her attractive but that sexual lesbian desire had been far more commonplace than was thought. Anne’s diaries and their explicit sexual details were so shocking that some even believed they were a hoax. >Her final significant relationship was with Ann Walker, to whom she was notionally married in Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate, York, which is now celebrated as the birthplace of lesbian marriage in Britain. Read more about Anne Lister here: No. 462478
>>462458Kek at the freezing spell, that's exactly how it felt. I did a lot of things as a child just because I thought I was "supposed to" (e.g. believe in Santa, have imaginary friends, talk about boys). In grade school I would say my crush was whichever boy was the most feminine or least available, and also really
try to make myself like him… to no avail. By middle school I'd collected a group of friends who cared more about art than romance, and also most of us were gay. It was safe to talk about my real crushes on girls. But it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that I'm exclusively OSA. I really thought all the boys in my school were "just ugly" and I would eventually find one I liked. Only as an adult did I understand that my universal repulsion to all moids everywhere, and a perfect track record of female partners (whether they called themselves female or not… RIP my gendie phase) indicated not bisexuality but homosexuality.
Did anyone else have an experience like this? Clinging to the bi label without any legitimate reason to have it? I think it's harder on lesbians coming up in the era of gender. Before I peaked, I really thought that dating TIFs made me bi. Now that I think about it, that probably eased the pressure to perform heterosexuality. I would have fought tooth and nail if anyone pointed out they were same sex relationships.
No. 462490
>>462458Ehh, I never felt the pressure to pretend to like guys. When I was in kindergarten, I had a "boys r stupid" phase,
which is true, and I thought that the girls who liked them were also stupid. Though, I don't think this is necessarily a sign of homosexuality because as a child I was mostly friends with girls who weren't boy crazy either, and they can't be all gay. Like with my bff from elementary and middle school, we never discussed dudes romantically between each other, and she wasn't really the type to get crushes on people in general. I also remember sometimes my old girl friends would talk about their favourite kpop dude to me, I liked some korean gg groups too, so I didn't mind it. I think the only time I pretended to be osa is when I watched black butler so I could have a conversation starter with my crush at that time who was a weeb. If I started experiencing "comphet" so early in life, I doubt my parents would be that much happier cause I should focus on study etc etc. I started feeling that pressure from them only recently, like sometimes they will randomly bring up about me marrying a scrote in near future and having babies with him. My mom was showing some insta post of a family to me the other day, and I told her that the woman looks too good for her ugly husband, and she got offended by it and asked me what kind of men or male celebs I find attractive kek. I got a bit embarrassed around her and told her I don't know any names
No. 462500
So assuming this is the non-coddling/performative general, I'm curious about your perspective of misogyny among lesbians.
My perspective is, first of all, that I'm highly skeptical of lesbians who are too obvious and performative in their pro-women statements. i.e. all women are beautiful queens who can do no wrong etc., combined with obsessive manhating this is just a huge redflag for me. Because I'm not sure, maybe it's just my experience, but women who have only dated other women have much more things to complain about women than men. Does it make sense? Not saying that men don't deserve hate, but I think that any non-libfem can acknowledge that men are retarded, dangerous rapeapes but move on with their life instead of obsessing about every little thing they do. So this takes me to my second point, which is that I think a moderate level of sexual misogyny is not exactly a red flag in lesbians. What I mean by this is that when you date women you see behaviors repeated, and you might not like some of those behaviors, which you might generalize to a broader set of women. i.e. bisexuals are all bisluts because n number of bi exes cheated on me. I think that as long as you don't become OBSESSED with this way of thinking on a lescel level and are aware that generalizations like this are objectively bullshit, this can be an acceptable way of keeping standards and navigating relationships. And finally I think that any other type of misogyny that doesn't stem from having to sexually put up with other women is just completely unacceptable, you might as well be a pickme and suck dick if you hate women this much. Fortunately I don't think I've come across a lesbian like this but maybe they exist.
No. 462977
>>462970True. Some anons on here think that
all levels of social contagion or pressure (brainwashing included) make you no longer a lesbian though so I don't even know anymore.
I'd still consider the hypothetical you gave as at least nonconsensual though. Like I can imagine laying there and disliking needing to have sex with someone to birth a child, for example, but still sucking it up; in that case I'd still say it's nonconsensual, subjectively.
No. 462987
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Not fucking men makes "feminists" and "lesbians" seethe like there is no tomorrow huh
No. 463001
>>462995Well yeah, that's what I'm saying.
>>462997I'm talking about threats/duress (aka rape) like in third world shitholes like the other anon said. Otherwise you have a point, I'm not denying that.
No. 463008
>>462987Again, top right one has a point. There's too much whining about it now, it's just tiring seeing it everywhere and I don't care if the poster is lesbian or bi or bihet or whatever, it's just tiring.
I want something back on topic. History's a like of mine. What are your favourite events, or who are your favourite icons in lesbian history? I've been spending my holidays reading on lots of random history articles.
No. 463022
>>463008Winnaretta Singer. Historical gold star who married two princes (she threatened to kill the first one on their wedding night if he touched her and they divorced after never consummating the marriage. The second prince was a gay male she was in a lavender marriage with, whose grandma was the best friend of Marie Antoinette). She had a fuckton of girlfriends who she never tried to hide, including Virginia Woolf. She was born into a fabulously wealthy family and spent her money on the arts, sponsoring loads of artists who are still remembered today like Satie, Monet, Isadora Duncan, Debussy, Proust, and many more. In addition she also supported public works, working with Marie Curie to convert limousines into mobile radiology units to help wounded soldiers, supporting the red cross, commissioning public housing for single mothers and their children to live in for free, and assisting in the construction of the Foch Hospital in Paris which is still operating to this day.
She lived such an amazing life. I've been saying for years there should be a biopic on her but sadly she's not all that well-known unless you're into lesbian history.
No. 463192
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It's interesting how bisexual women on here will make up all these baseless claims about the origins of "gold star" and try to cope by telling themselves it's a gay male only slang because they have a gripe with women who have never had sex with a man.
"Gold star" was initially used as a way to mock lesbians for never sleeping with men, so they'd say shit like "good for you, want a gold star?" because they themselves assumed it was coming from a place of superiority. It wasn't made up by lesbians just to brag and purityfag. Only later was it reclaimed by lesbians who shared the same experience to form connection with one another, but then the same queeroid women who would use it as a way to guiltrip lesbians suddenly started acting like it was coming from the same sense of superiority again, all from their own assumptions that come from their own insecurity.It's funny how that anon resorted to using it in the same insulting way towards lesbians with her kindergarten example, just like how it was in the past.
>The whole gold star rhetoric doesn't work for women because
These people want you to suffer just like how they did and they'd rather advocate for "lesbians fuck men!!!!" than to tell young women that having sex with men is a bad choice, lesbian or not. Anything lesbian is a gold star rhetoric to them.
No. 463302
There's a thread for venting about bihets and fakebians.
>>>/2X/17680. Keep this thread normal about culture and media and history please.
No. 463316
>>463309Literally where did this come from?
A thread for goldies is made and suddenly all ssa women gather here? non lesbians try not to insert yourself everywhere challenge. you'd think that by the amount of non gs women on here this would be the least bumped ssa thread right now but god forbid when they cant join the lesbian only club. You come to the thread that is not for you just to be mad at goldies again, for what reason??
>ummmm im akshually a gold star lesbianYea ok. after the continuous shitshow thats been happening in the other lesbian thread thats hardly believable
No. 463375
>>463370Because it's not a discussion about only gay moids since it's related to the discussion of women fucking men and how society won't say they are lesbians while it's the opposite with said """"gay"""" men. No one is coming here to discuss gay men in a vacuum, it's in relation to a perceived "lesbian double standard", which is directly related to the gold star shit. I'm the fucking #1 fujofaghag hater here, if someone was trying to unrelatedly talk about faggots in here I would fucking sperg out.
>>463371If you don't want to see lesbians discussing bisexuals then simply go back to the other lesbian thread. Here is the relevant part of the description of this thread
>This is a thread for gold star lesbians.So this is a thread for gold star lesbians. It's not a thread to discuss goldstar lesbians or goldstar lesbianism, it's a thread for said lesbians to post about themselves, their experiences, relationships, opinions, etc. If you want to start a conversation about lesbianism itself and lesbian history I invite you to do so, but this thread is not just for that type of discussion. And considering how any negative experience with bisexual women might come as "bait" for your types, it's unfair to redirect these people to an ourtight hate thread they likely already know about anyway. Want to kill this thread? Sure, keep trying, but at least me I will keep posting here no matter how much you all seethe. And if you're a goldstar and don't like it here just go back to the other inclusive thread. As simple as that.
No. 463382
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I feel a bit upset about how we had to give up the supposed lesbian thread because muh we're not inclusive enough and move here instead but if that's what it takes to gatekeep and keep those out then whatever, I'll take it. Tired of all the retarded hugbox-y bullshit on there lately.
No. 463392
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>>463309tbh I think a waifu/2D crush discussion would be fun. One of my earliest was Kyouko. I remember downloading every single pic from Kyouko threads with a script and I would watch AMVs of her all fucking day kek. I remember also really hating Sayaka, maybe my 14yo self was feeling cucked by her.
No. 463444
>>463434Why would you care about newfags?
>>463435At least lescels didn't get run down by 10 scrotes before turning 20, then bitch and moan at lesbian spaces that they demand to be validated as truDYKES.
No. 463471
>>463466>everyone who disagrees with me must be bi, naturallyRetard
>>463468I am a goldstar, I am allowed here. Unless you kick out the people you disagree with too? Is this a dictatorship?
No. 463479
>>463406Enjoy your stay.
No. 463483
>>463479Oh my bad, I guess I’m magically bisexual now. Didn’t know you could conversion-therapy on the internet. I’m curious, do you really think that every lesbian MUST agree with you on everything?
>>463480Sure, but I’m just agreeing with the anon who says there are virgin lescels on here. It’s on you for believing you can’t be a virgin without fucking men kek, there are those of us who are lesbians and actually have sex with women and don’t have the sexual frustration some anons seem to have.
No. 463500
>>463485>why do you think every lesbian must agree with you as well?I never implied that? I’m just refuting the bisexual accusation.
>If women not fucking men makes you this butthurt then I don't know what to say kekThe fuck are you talking about? Again, where did I say that?
>lesbians don't fucking careSo have I been kicked from the lesbian club? I don’t care if you’re a virgin or not - I’m just something there something other than being a lescel and being a heterosexual kekk
>>463491I never called goldstars virgins, I am a goldstar. My god you people are retarded, no reading comprehension.
>>463493>can’t get lesbian pussyAnd where did you get that conclusion? Are we just making things up now? I’ve dated and fucked lesbians and bisexuals.
>whiteknight bisexualsWheeere? Genuinely seems like anything that isn’t going along with what we’re apparently allowed to think on here either makes you a bisexual larper or a bisexual whiteknight. Fucking grow up, it’s so immature. And bisexuals weren’t even part of the conversation before you brought it up. It’s very weird to be talking about one thing and then be accused of something else entirely. Exhausting
>She's eventually gonna end up like this anon >>453808LMAO that is me, I am that anon.
No. 463519
>>463509? Kek you can’t be serious. I’ve never gotten an STD are you mad? Are you mad that no woman has ever loved you and you consoled yourself with the idea that if women actually did like you enough to have sex with your 200lb+ ass you would get STDs so it’s not worth it anyway and plus you don’t even have a sex drive
because you’re secretly a seething polilez oohh poor poor
nonnie… It’s ok…
>>463518I’ve only fucked febfems/virgin bis and that was when I was a teenager. I only get invovled with lesbians now.
Also, you may as well excluded the virgins too at this point.
No. 463534
>>463531It's ok
nonnie, she's almost done sucking cock. She will surely pick you next.
No. 463545
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nonnys, plz just stop
No. 463562
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>>462458Same here, except I knew crushes were supposed to be a secret, and you only had them to create hype with your friends at the time. I also taught that everyone else was also sexually attracted to women, but just hiding it and choosing to be with a moid because they have to. It took me actually imagining myself being with a moid and nearly puking in public for me to get it through my thick skull that I am a lesbian
No. 463564
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No. 463565
>>463559So that’s the “whiteknighting bisexuals” anons were talking about? Wow. It really is schizophrenia.
Also, why is there so much traffic on here? These threads usually move so slowly?
No. 463652
nonnie, sounds like you were born with a porn addiction, you're actually straight. Now let me explain how I can still be a lesbian under this premise while furiously masturbating to gay porn and yaoi.
No. 463656
>>463652Funny, you’re the first one to mention yaoi. Is there something you want to tell us,
No. 463659
>>463656Yes, fujo lesbians are
valid we're just lesbians with a porn addiction.
(bait) No. 463666
>>463652I know my mother's alcoholism and cigarette use during pregnancy did numbers on me, but this is just next level
My mom is a fujoshi though, so you can be friends with her if you want
No. 463672
>>463669>I'd watch lesbian mediaAnother poor heterosexual woman who fell
victim of male gaze and porn addiction.
No. 463677
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>>462458Honestly? Probably because I'm autistic, despite living in a homophobic area I never picked up on social cues so never conceptualized that I was "supposed" to crush on scrotes. I just lived how I lived and figured out I liked girls early on, but I couldn't really label it until I was in middle school because I didn't know what the word gay was. I figured out I was gay because I had male friends and female friends. I felt neutral about my male friends but would have feelings I would describe as romantic towards my female friends. I also felt competitive with my male friends while wanting the attention of my female friends
No. 463736
>>463729But that’s not what I asked. I asked
which posts you think are bisexual. It really isn’t hard to reply to something, you literally pulled out something from two weeks ago on another thread so surely you can get something from here?
No. 463800
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lol even the normie lesbians are fed up
No. 463802
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>>463800imagine if someone had made this post here. she would have been called a baiter troll permavirgin lescel tranny scrote pickme etc
No. 463807
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Is there some kind of weird moid-induced psyop going around the internet that our uteruses innately crave penis? I’ve been seeing posts like picrel everywhere from reddit to twitter to tumblr. It’s really fucking annoying.
No. 463814
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>>463392my first waifu was Rainbow Dash
No. 463840
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>>463392baby's first waifu
>>463836I'm mortified. How is the other woman okay with this? no way she's totally okay with this she has to be somewhat uncomfortable especially if the fakebian is using her relationship status as a fetish for moids (she probably is)
No. 463847
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>>463840reposting, this is the average lesbian x fakebian love story. non-gs love to parrot that your actions don't signify your sexual orientation or it's subscribing to gendie logic but this is what that kind of thinking will lead to eventually
>>463845>They're probably both fakebians.could be
No. 463866
>>463864That, that, and just the idea of forcing someone is hot to them so they self insert as the
victim in their little fantasy
No. 463898
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My first fictional crush was Lady Tsunade. She was intimidating, highly educated and cool, yet she had the heart of gold. Also she was an older woman, which I was into (and honestly still am)
No. 463907
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kekk you can't even call gold stars based in the lesbian thread anymore because it's bait, apparently(take it to meta)
No. 463952
>>463847Does her girlfriend have a cuck fetish or some shit? Why would she agree to embarrassing herself like this? Gross as fuck
>>463802I'm american and grew up in a pretty red, republican, homophobic, area and I never understood the concept of "comphet" lol. I've always been same sex attracted. I will never understand how these young adults in the US who grew up during the obama administration had to "force themselves to like men or fictional men". Like no you fucking didn't, I would literally just say I "didn't like anybody at all" around my homophobic family members and they wouldn't care any further. If you're an american in the 21st century why the hell do you need to fuck men to hide your identity when you can just LARP as nun-like?
No. 463955
>>463847BPD with her low self esteem
victim OR made up content (got her roommate to pretend to be her gf) for ragebait comments and male attention to subscribe to her OF.
No. 463975
>>463518I developed a STD phobia I don't care if I'm shooting myself in the foot with a non existing dating pool, I need to know if they've even
kissed a man gosh that's so disgusting I can feel my skin crawl
No. 464323
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>>464320Ms. Maxwell looks acceptable enough for me. I guess that's how she gained the trust of all the girls she allowed to be groomed
No. 464339
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Every time I scroll past the bi thread and catch a glimpse of how they really think I am reminded why I only associate with other gs lesbians. I feel like they fantasize about threesomes way more than the average straight and lesbian women.
No. 464365
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>>464339every bi woman will be telling you about how she totally prefers women while secretly still not be sexually satisfied with just women
No. 464382
>>463977Comphet is compulsory heterosexuality. Some people think it means a lesbian feeling societal pressure to engage in heterosexual behavior (ie maybe even getting in a relationship with a man even though she feels no attraction for him). Other people think it means a lesbian that has been so brainwashed by het society she has memed herself into feeling attraction for men and having sex with men, though this thread would just call her bi.
Some years ago comphet was more in vogue when a woman who later came out as bisexual wrote a whole essay about it, claiming it was part of the universal lesbian experience.
No. 464390
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>normie posts about offline things get ignored while everyone spergs about dicks and bisexuals
>even the less normie waifuposting couldn't keep anyone's attention
No. 464427
>>464390>bishit assmad because there is one(1) single thread on the whole internet where lesbians are not getting banned for shitting on biwhoresKEKKKKK go back to actualtrannies where you can cry about le evil heckin biphobic lesbos.
>inb4 totallylesbo platinum star validation meltdownYeah you sure are, bishart.
On an unrelated note, has anyone else noticed that bisluts very rarely are pickmes for lesbians or other women (I only know one) while it's basically guaranteed most bisharts one runs into are massive pickmes for moids? They will excuse and SIMP terrible men while incessantly moralfag to women and hold them to ridiculous standards they would never with a moid, even from the ones who (allegedly) prefer women romantically and sexually. Like for example it's bishits who will date an obese felon druggie for 5 years but will nitpick women for the dumbest shit like "she can't drive" or "she's not tall (aka not 6 feet)". Or they will simp for some pedo rapist commie because he's a leftist "feminist" while calling some magatard dyke a literal nazi genocider, etc. the list goes on. I swear not even heterosexual women act this petty towards lesbians, they just hate them and move on with their lives, but with most bisharts it feels like their intrasexual competition level is off the charts. Makes me believe the theory that most bisexuals are only bi because they're hypersexual to the point they would fuck anything, including other women, but obviously are unable to bond with them the way monosexual people bond with the people they like. It also reminds me an anecdote from one of my lesbian friends, she's an engineer on the same level as her coworkers but when her bishit roommate met her ugly, short, retarded nerd coworker she immediately went to talk about how smart he is and basically verbally sucking his cock while she never said anything of the sort to my friend. It's clear that for bishits women are just an afterthought so it's not surprising that they leave women for moids all the time, a moid can be fat and retarded and bishits will suck his cock but the bar for other women is much much much higher.
(baiting) No. 464428
>>464409Nta but I am shamefully attracted to her, admittedly when stuff came out about her grooming the girls I was still a teenager and wished she did it to me. She is a terrible fucking person though.
That being said,
>>463987 there’s a niche internet MICROmicrocelebrity who I know said she got “groomed into being a lesbian” by an older woman and is now viciously anti-lesbian so I doubt the same thing with gay men manifests in women.
No. 464526
How do I get over frustration towards men? I used to hate men purely for feminist reasons and because I didn’t need to sugarcoat it but now honestly most of it is fucking lescel jealousy. I actually find it insane. Before the thing that got to me is not understanding women’s attraction to men, even the ones that also liked women, it felt like hybristophilia and I would feel upset like it tainted them, even though I didn’t want to view them that way and I know their feelings are as pure as mine are for women. Then it changed, what bothered me. That men can walk around, go home to beautiful women, angels on earth, caress their soft skin, be treated with utter love and they could be the most ogreish, disgusting piece of trash! It’s so upsetting. I fucking hate them. I see an undeserving man and it fucking sends me into rage. Especially if it’s a girl I like… I guess my anti-het woman barrier is strong enough that the women I’m attracted to are never straight but I genuinely hardly ever come across lesbians in the wild either, so … they’re usually you-know-what. Which honestly hurts me even more than if I was pining over a straight girl, that’s easier. Currently it fucking sucks because the guy she’s with isn’t even crap, he’s like somehow a decent moid and is incredibly somehow less immature than most in our age range, I keep on trying to find out something to hate about him and I just can’t it pisses me off, plus he’s almost as or more intelligent/successful than me which grates my fucking gears. Takes so many pictures of her like she’s his model because he knows she’s beautiful, fucking narcissist. I want him to die and every other moid to die in genocide. Doesn’t fucking deserve a perfect princess like that
No. 464538
>>464537“Walled” is just moid terminology for women and you know it. In fact I was the one saying it’s fucking weird to justify wanting to fuck her in the first place since
>>464490 seems to think we’re demonising her.
(infighting/derailing) No. 464540
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>>464538I don't like to see public figures become enshrined as "all good" or "all bad", to the point where we can't even objectify them sexually without being reminded of things we already know, simple as
No. 464545
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>>464543Kek no, I wish. She is gross and disturbing bc she represents my attraction to Ghislaine
No. 464557
>>464552Same here tbh. Except I want to post my boobs whenever infights happen in lesbian threads. My breasts have such nice naturally lift and shape its a pity they are stuck to an autist with a mediocre face kek.
I just want to show them to the (lesbian) world at least once in an anonymous setting
No. 464560
>>464526I can only do this online but I'm mostly friends with other lesbians which helps not
trigger this jealousy. And irl I avoid steering the conversation to be about relationships with men or hanging out with women when they have their boyfriend around cause it makes me uncomfortable
No. 464589
>>464579> Her first sexual experience was with a fellow pupil, Eliza Raine, who was sent to live with her in the school’s attic.> The illegitimate half-Indian daughter of an English surgeon, Eliza was another outcast. Thrown together, the 15-year-olds had embarked on a passionate affair right under their teachers’ noses.> As Anne became more confident about her sexuality - her “oddity” as she described it - she decided she wanted more women, too. She rejected Eliza, sending her former lover into a deep depression.> “You can little know what pain you have given me,” wrote the heartbroken young woman, distraught at Anne’s change of heart. Indeed, she never recovered, eventually being committed to a lunatic asylum.> Women, while usually confused about their feelings for Anne, were typically captivated by her. Anne was promiscuous and arguably predatory, moving efficiently from one lover to the next, without them penetrating her heart.Anne Lister looks to be a horrible person and lover, did you even read your source material? She sounded like your average douchey fratmoid.
No. 464593
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>>464589idk bru she sounds like a stacy
No. 464598
>>464589After further reading, it seemed like she was a narcissist with an inflated sense of self-worth, who decided that LARPing as a moid would be her go-to because of the power moids wielded back in the old patriarchal societies of yesteryear. Even if that LARP included being a bedpost notcher who liked to break the hearts of maidens she seduced. She didn’t care for the feelings of her lovers and only how deep their pockets went, hence why she usually only wooed daughters/widowers of rich businessmen and royalty. The half-Indian girl who was ostensibly middle class was seen as a lesser “catch” and only another conquest. She was a lesbian golddigger (as odd as that sounds), through and through.
Her rather open lesbianism is genuine though, and the only impressive characteristic she possessed due to the stigma and taboo it brought. If not for the novelty of it because of how rare it was for women to be openly homosexual during those times, she would’ve otherwise just been your average manipulative butchstacy if she was born in modern times, like
>>464593 has put it.
Tl;dr: IMHO She’s only celebrated because she had the bravery to be an open homosexual in Victorian-era homophobic and sexist Britain, but if she was born today she would just be a bitch to deal with as a lover.
No. 464600
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>>464598what butchstacy hurt you
No. 464608
>>464598What a bitch! She should have known 150 years later homosexuality would be more accepted! She should have been a sweet demure lipstick lesbian, pining away for her best friend in secret silence.
No. 464624
>>464427>KEKKKKK go back to actualtrannies where you can cry about le evil heckin biphobic lesbos.really showing your age there also you sound very online with the
>wow this thing reminds me of…. websites..thing
No. 464630
>>464552>>464557i could relate to this if the baiter anons were actually high quality. it is obvious that all the mid faced nonnies hiding behind their twitter mean girl bravado still care very much about what kind of image they project of themselves to online strangers. that always makes the posts and baits shit. give me an sophisticated oldfag who is over that and i would be charmed. most of the time you can sense the genuine seething and anger and obvious irl issues that make the person act like this online behind the posts. sad!
>>464628they prefer to imagine themselves as stacies so they will find this nothing but based. it's like former bullied kids thinking they'll one up the world if they become like that themselves. sad!
No. 464632
>>464600>what butchstacy hurt youNone. But it’s obvious that’s what Anne Lister would be if she was born in the world today, since she’s described to be highly masc-coded, and she’s also a Stacy equivalent of Victorian times because she was described to be a “snob who looked down on lower classes and enjoyed rubbing shoulders with high society”.
I’m not mad or upset btw, I’m simply calling a spade a spade.
>>464608Not being a heartbreaking, bedpost notching whore =! being a sweet demure lipstick lesbian. Those 2 things are not mutually dependent, nona.
She quite literally drove 2 women insane enough to be institutionalised because of her antics nona, if that is not a sign of her being a prime narcissistic cunt, idk what is
No. 464636
File: 1736092809877.png (289.74 KB, 500x625, canvas.png)

why does the existence of a thread for goldstars make the bis and ~inclusive lesbians~ seethe so much. you aren't entitled to be in goldstar lesbian spaces, no one is holding you hostage here. literally all you have to do is go back to your lesbian larp thread and hide this one. you won't be judged for your husbandos or for fucking men on there anymore, absolute sapphic freedom yayy♥
No. 464649
>>464632I don't trust that. Not that the women went to a mental institution, but they would lock you up for "hysteria".
£20 says she dumped them, they cried because she ate that pussy like a champ and they missed it. Got depressed and cried Dumbass scrotes locked them up, because "hysterical women".
No. 464682
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>>464655Ok but you're telling me there could be a potential Gold Star bisexual thread, even?
No. 464697
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where can i meet other degen lesbians? or what people here would call 'moidbrained' women. discord? where do i even find one? most lesbian discord servers ive been in were all tame asf so i was too shy to really get to know anyone
No. 464699
>>464511I like how everybody loves to bring up that lesbians beat their girlfriends/wives but it’s so obvious a failed bisexual woman who always have BPD let a whole bunch of men inside her house and her cooch who end up sexually abusing her own children. The whole
abusive, sloppy whorish stereotype is proven true with many bishits, they are like the Ghislaine Maxwell of gay people
No. 464762
>>464697i'm right here, nonna. just kidding
maybe but what do you mean by degen/moidbrained? sex obsessed, into anime porn, what?
No. 464953
>>464636>>464639this is what i am talking about here
>>464630the bait is low quality. obvious irl issues. obviously not attractive, not socially popular. cares too much about projecting an image to online strangers. millenial. old in a bad way. try hard. sad!
low quality baiting like that doesn't seem like baiting anymore. it makes it obvious that it is you who is being baited. it invites negative attention to show that you get easily riled up and act like you have an imaginary audience you need to address at all times, aka, wishing to project an image to online strangers. you are announcing to everyone that it is easy to get a reaction from you.
that's why everything goes to shit because the low quality baiters are the baited.
No. 464959
>>464957Calling out a historical lesbian for being
problematic is crazy kek. That nonna needs to move to tumblr or something.
No. 465024
>>464959Notice how it's always lesbians getting dunked on and being called
problematic while no one polices heterosexual and bisexual women's sexuality.
No. 465117
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>>464762>sex obsessed, into anime pornyes basically. i support rad feminism and all but i cant help being a big pornbrained coomer. im not looking for a girlfriend specifically
though that would be nice, i just want to be friends with a fellow lesbian whos also a degen like me
No. 465192
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>>464589First woman to have the ovaries to be open about being homosexual was a douchey butchstacy… that makes sense tbh. Also kind of hot
No. 466441
>>466320Why are you adding "moid" to "dick"? All moids already have dicks lol.
>>466373moids dont think lesbians are real lol. at most theyre trolling but not a moid
>>466186Not really. What would drive someone homosexual to fuck the opposite sex is probably hefty and something a GS couldn't really relate too. sex is really intimate, I think sometimes people forget how heavy it is
No. 466577
>>466506>there maybe legitimate lesbians who do end up fucking men for self harm reasonsthis is so retarded, stop. there are a hundred ways to self harm but you're gonna go hook up with men as a
lesbian? please.
No. 467077
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>>466506>They talk as if they were simply experimenting with moids in the past and now they're offended because they got their lesbian card revoked.well how would you know that youre a lesbian if you havent fucked a man? every normie lesbian thinks thats completely fine
No. 467385
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God I hate these idiots. This dumbass is STILL having sex with her husband. Totes lesbian!!!!
No. 467542
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Which celebs do you suspect could be GS lesbians, and why? Maybe picrel for me, hope she gets well soon.
No. 467551
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>>467542I don't think she is a late bloomer lesbian based on that old interview so she probably avoided sex with men but she may have had to kiss dudes for the movies she starred in though. It's hard to say who's a gs or not with celebs because most probably had to sleep their way for connections, knowing Holywood.
or not if they come from a wealthy family I still hope she's a GS and not one of the traumatized child actors. She seems to be doing fine but I don't know much about her beyond the movies she was in
No. 467713
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>>467667Do you live under a rock
How do you not know THE
terf movie she played a main role in
No. 467723
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I wish jodie had the opportunity to come out earlier to the public so she could play as some badass lesbo while she was young. What a waste of one of the few lesbian actresses that there is
No. 468219
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>>468191I hate it when I open the catalog and see it. so cringe
No. 468228
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>>468191I'm convinced that whoever is the OP of that thread must be one of the people who act like this in twitter.
No. 468238
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>>468236Can all the retarded newfags in this thread stay in the plebbit thread. Holy fuck.
No. 468260
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>>467819True but the chances of her actually being casted as one are pretty slim. That's what I mean. I don't think she is starring in that many movies anymore anyway
>>468224Yeah well I'm 18
No. 468262
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>ohhh nooo its a totally innocent picture the moids on 4chan aren't using it in any questionable way
omg you're that retard who was samefagging pretending t be 7 different people in the attractive women thread and spamming pornstars. I'm going to bed kek(report and ignore)
No. 468300
File: 1736586760227.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1510x1910, IMG_1357.jpeg)

>Weegee! Weegee weegee weegee! Bisluts, bislugs, all of you want to suck cock you whores! You just want a cock in you! I’m not going to stop talking about cock but you’re the one who likes it!
Tranny faggot. Also, fucking wash your hair.
No. 468354
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>>468276Ikr, I love her crazy eyes in this scene as well. Panic Room is another great Jodie Foster movie, she plays with little Kristen Stewart as her daughter in that one. Contact and Flightplan are also pretty good, though there is less action in them but still worth watching imo.
No. 468359
File: 1736599808723.webm (6.38 MB, 1280x514, jodie yuri.webm)

just clipped some jodie yuri moments together from that movie. She's got an Aileen Wuornos typa situation there with Chloe
>>468271Idk man, maybe you should do your research before trying to insinuate someone must be a pedophile for using a popular gif.
No. 468445
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>what /g/ looks like when youre a ssa woman
No. 468481
>>468354I'll have to watch those too, then. Thanks for the recs!
>>468359Chloe was so good for the limited amount of screentime she had.
It was so sweet how she recognized who saved her in one glance and kept her safe back… I also like how she had enough fire left in her, even in that taxi, to demand the money. No. 468489
File: 1736615772356.jpg (466.38 KB, 991x2207, lesbiangang.jpg)

>Women largely do not experience category specific attraction
>Lesbians are the ONLY women to show any degree of category specific preference, just not as sharply as men
>show any degree of category
>not as sharply as men
What do you think about takes like these? I do not have a reddit account to go there debate anymore, so I'll say it here that I don't think there are more homosexual men than homosexual women. It's just that bisexual men prefer men (and bisexual women prefer… well, men as well kek). That's why so many "faggots" hate women and love to shit on women - it's their past resentment about being rejected by women/having bad experiences with women they've dated in the past before they realised they love dick more than anything. People love to say that "female sexuality is fluid" but what about "prison gay"? I know it's usual to say that men will fuck absolutely anything, which I believe is true to a certain degree kek, but I absolutely do not believe those "prison gay" men are heterosexual at all. They just were forced to discover they're bisexual because they found themselves in a place with no women around and a lot of men. In a way, that's similar to these 4B women who are on TikTok and the FDS site saying that now that they don't see any way possible to have a healthy relationship with a man, they'll try to explore their bisexual side and date women (which is quite depressing ngl, they only see other women as an option when they're in their lates 20s/early 30s and have gotten too much trauma from their past boyfriends).
If you spend enough time in manosphere/male spaces, you'll see men claiming they're totally hetero but are in a "prison gay" phase bc women don't want them. Many others often say they'd like to be gay because ~wOmEn Are ToO IrRaTiOnAL~ and they hate being attracted to women. If such men were bisexual, they'd absolutely enter the gay male hookup scene and have all the degenerate sex they're not being able to get because women hate them. And what about all those Redpill gurus who can't shut up about how "gay men have no issue orgasming, therefore, if het women largely do not orgasm in het relationships, men are not the problem". It's no secret that men are homosocial and value men's opinions/creations/art/time/etc in a way they'll never feel about women, so of course if they feel SSA, they'll claim to just be gay and stick to date men forever. So there's this "data" showing that there are more gay men than gay women.
Also, it's pretty homophobic to say that female sexuality is fluid but male sexuality is not, and I've given enough examples above to prove it's not the case. It's always the bisexual people. Bi man claiming to be gay but sticking exclusively to same-sex dating, while bi women claim to be lesbian but do not stick to same-sex dating, so suddenly your lesbian gf of 10 years leaves you for a man. I just wish bisexual people would stay on their lane or at least do not claim any homosexual labels if they've had signs in their lives that they might be bisexual (i.e. comphet BS when you were born >90s, in a western country, and is not from a religious family that forces you to marry a man when you're still a minor - otherwise you could just claim to be asexual or say that you're "waiting till marriage" that no religious family would oppose to it and prefer you to fuck 354 random men instead kek)
No. 468527
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>>468449My honest opinion is that diluting SSA conversation points into several threads is counterproductive. The hetties need to do it because they are really numerous, but we don't benefit from it at all because, as you can see, interesting good honest SSA discussion is concentrated in threads like the female fantasies thread or the waifu thread, while the lesbian thread is just dedicated to shitposting or meta lesbianism since people are encouraged to actually make SSA posts in other threads. It's dumb.
No. 468534
File: 1736619995432.webm (2.53 MB, 540x304, 1400528160785.webm)

>>468531Who is you're waifu? I'm actually curious about the waifus of fellow bihaters. One of mine is a turbo bihet. Can't believe bishit trauma goes even in 2D.
No. 468551
>>468445For real kek, I have a screencap just like this from months ago when the entire first page was hidden threads. I hate going into the catalog too because I hate the ideal man bodies pic so much. It gives me the same feeling as seeing a roach.
>>468449I cannot believe we have a husbando thread and a genderbent husbando thread but no real waifu thread. I feel like I'll be too identifiable if I keep sperging about my waifu in that thread. Very sad. If it helps though, I would not mock you because I have turbo cringe tastes. I would love if that thread got filled up with waifus and then we got the next thread to be just for waifuposting.
No. 468555
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>>468538Lmaooo kinda harsh but fair, who's your waifu?
Here's one of my proper ones, to end the kind-of derail I didn't mean to start
No. 468568
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>>468563I can think of a gazillion tomboys that fit the description.
No. 468572
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>>468555Pic rel one of the first waifus I had. She literally died in the first episode. I still listen to her song
™ No. 468581
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>>468534Ntayrt, but mine is a bishit too kek, or a ~free spirit~ bishit to be exact. I think I have a thing for troubled women in general
No. 468589
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>>468582huh, who said that… genderbending is turning a male character into a woman, and tomboys/butches are already women from the start. Why GB when there are existing tomboy characters you could waifu. Or you can always modify the femme characters by turning them into tomboys
No. 468591
>>468581This type of character is like the manic pixie dream girl but for lesbians. Personally, I can't stand them. But I don't like the het version either so. I think my brain just has natural anti-BPD defenses.
>>468582You make so many logical leaps here it really has to be bait.
No. 468630
File: 1736626790857.webm (13.24 MB, 1280x720, 【MAD】チカラヨヤドレ2.webm)

>>468572Symphogear is truly peak. Shit is what anime should actually be about. Cute girls, hot blooded fights, comedy, FUN and saving your gf from an evil spirit that brainwashed her into destroying the world. People be complaining about useless and boring female characters but only read/watch shounenslop smh.
No. 468739
>>468230Lesbian who fucked a man once, I cannot fucking stand husbando spergs. Atleast with the lesbian who fucked a man you don't have to hear about it all the time. Luckily my girlfriend is normal and neither of these options
>>468489Lol the one researcher who did most of the early research on this topic (lisa diamond) admitted the lesbians who were very solid on the fact that they were gay (like kinsey 6s) were sort of exceptions and never really experienced anything like sexual fluidity. I do agree that lesbianism is extremely rare because most women don't have category specific attraction. But the fact that this tard says "lesbians have category specific attraction but not as sharply as men" completely ignores the fact that you get different results showing whether that's true or not depending on methodology and how you actually get said lesbians in your study. If you get self identified lesbians, yeah there's going to be less category specific attraction. On the other hand, using an actual measure of homosexuality on lesbian volunteers will show that they don't really fluctuate. Really annoying and shows how le fakebians actually do fuck up things for lesbians. Also men can definitely have fluid sexuality, like you said, otherwise prison gay wouldn't exist lol
No. 468875
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>>468693Eh, Makoto might not be the best example but there are other tomboys that never go through the femshit stuff and are also gay. A bit rare but not impossible to find in order to justify having a whole moid as a husbando instead of a tomboy (reposting because I selected the wrong file).
No. 468956
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>>468932Japan is just weird, probably because of Takarazuka Revue's influence. In an idolizing kind of way they have normalized women lusting after ~princely~ women and kept that up for more than a century, while in other parts of the world that culture has disappeared.
No. 468960
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>>468875There's also Kino
No. 468965
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>>468960luv me some good tomboys/reverse traps. Pic related was a pretty good animu too and gay in a weird way.
No. 468969
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>>468956I'm not looking to get real philosophical about it, and yeah I was actually thinking about takarazuka myself, i just meant, aren't any women into that sort of fashion aesthetic? Not the stage costumes necessarily, but even like the way takarazuka male-character actors are dressed off-stage, I always thought that was such a slick, flashy, cool style and ever since my eyes were opened to it I've been incorporating elements of it into my wardrobe. It makes me sad to think that my mirror is the only place I'll ever see a woman styled even remotely like that IRL.
Seems like at least where i'm from (burger) androgynous and butch women only have 4 modes:
>emulate a 60 year old farmer man>emulate a punk man from 1980>I Lift Weights At The Gym>baggy-clothes-hoodie-core (aka not trying)The options are so stiff and unoriginal, it's like no one is having fun with their style, they're just trying to fit some archetype because that's what they think they need to do. I collect flashy button-downs and cry myself to sleep dreaming of a gf I could have fun with flashy androgynous fashion with
No. 469018
>>468962DA but proof anons don’t read.
>>468969I agree with the other anon, people who do this are often weebs inspired by Japan and are thus TIFs, at least the ones I’ve come across as a zoomer. Sure most TIFs aren’t like that but every princelike woman I have seen was one. Some of them are just kind of classy, vintage-inspired masc while some of them dress in a more Ouji (masculine version of lolita) style. I knew one that grew out of it slowly though (from he to they back to she again) while keeping the same fashion sense.
No. 469050
>>468932>why are there no princely women in real life no hate to classic butches but it's not my taste.came here to post the exact same thing. i feel like i'll forever be alone because my type is elegant, princely women, but i feel like they practically don't exist outside of cosplayers and fiction. i myself dress like an androgynous vampire most of the time and i dream of one day being in a prince4prince gs lesbian relationship kek.
>>468969>Seems like at least where i'm from (burger) androgynous and butch women only have 4 modesalso a burger and it kills me that the "nicest" dressing lesbians are always feminine-leaning. maybe it's because male fashion over here is so utterly bankrupt of visual flair and aesthetics that masculine/butch lesbians struggle to dress in interesting ways, but ime a lot of lesbians unfortunately just don't care about how they look.
No. 469068
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>>469060kek 5'4 is not short at all, you can still pull off princely style with that height
No. 469181
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>>469060I’m 5’3 and I look for androgynous shoes with a large heel. I’ve been thinking of somehow getting men’s dress shoes modified with a tall heel like they do in takarazuka but I’m not rich enough for that yet so I wear things like picrel, which is pretty neutral and looks dressy while blending mostly unnoticed into the rest of the outfit.
No. 469188
>>469162>>469170>boys>have soul of womenYou sound like gendies. Why would a lesbian woman care if a male character has a "soul" of a woman when being ssa is about being attracted to your own sex foremost, and then soul or whatever.
So obviously osa women and baiters should be banned from participating in any ssa threads.
No. 469209
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>>469015Toji no Miko.
>>468969>>469018>>469050It's just obvious to me that you like the Takarazukaesque and ouji fashion because you're weebs. Most lesbians are not weebs, which is why most masculine women don't dress like this in the west, or elsewhere tbh. Your best bet is to just get a boyish weeb gf and try to keep her away from the gendie craziness. Also a question for you all, is it really a must that a woman wears such fashion? For me, I might like certain aesthetics but that's not what makes me fall for a person. If I really want my gf to wear something I will ask her to do it from time to time.
No. 469215
>>468962Did you read the post I was replying to? anons cant read. I am a GS lol
>>469209lol i'm boyish and my girlfriend really wants me to dress ouji. too bad for her I'm BROKE
>>469162Not really
No. 469232
>>469209>weebi don't even like or watch anime. is it really weebish to want an elegantly styled woman…
>is it really a must that a woman wears such fashion? i can't help that it's what turns me on. feminine women, studs, and hoodie-wearing mascs never did it for me but seeing women dress classy and boyish makes me blush. i can fall in love with a woman's personality but i've experienced lesbian BD before because i wasn't as into her appearance. guess this makes me shallow but whatever
No. 469233
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>>469162>looks like your average dumbass shounen mc>acts like your average dumbass shounen mc>broken just like your average shounen mc>gayHow come I don't even like tomboy/butches that much but I know more about female characters who are essentially "draw anime boy, say it's a girl" than the people who claim to actually like this trope? I demand a fucking explanation for real.
No. 469234
>>469232>is it really weebish to want an elegantly styled woman…Can you post an example of this? Most people here were talking about ouji and Takarazuka styles so…
>i can't help that it's what turns me on. feminine women, studs, and hoodie-wearing mascs never did it for me but seeing women dress classy and boyish makes me blush. i can fall in love with a woman's personality but i've experienced lesbian BD before because i wasn't as into her appearance. guess this makes me shallow but whateverI understand that one is more easily sexually attracted to people with certain aesthetics but I find it hard to believe it's the only thing that would turn you on, ever.
No. 469239
>>469209I’m same as
>>469232I don’t think it’s weebish to want an elegant woman. It’s just a coincidence that the only place with a trend of that style is Japan (and even then it seems not in the general population). Nothing about the style I like is inherently Japanese, in fact takarazuka actresses mostly wear high end western brands. Ever since I started styling myself similar to that (minus the high end brands, you can get good looking stuff cheap) I get constant compliments from normie Americans about my style, so it’s not like I look like I’m going to an anime convention. I just wear stylish normal dressy clothes.
No. 469279
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>>469059PSA don't expect something actually good. All this series has going for it are the fights, the rest of the plot is extremely retarded. If you like GAR but with girls you might enjoy it though.
No. 469281
File: 1736721447028.jpeg (2.92 MB, 1811x2715, You_Doodle_Pro_2025-01-12T22_3…)

>>469234NTA but here’s some examples I like
>>469251I’m the anon who was talking about their OFF STAGE styling, anon. Obviously no one in their right mind is going to dress like rose of Versailles in their daily life kek
No. 469374
>>469285You sound so mad
>>469281Reminds me of the early 2010s tbh
No. 469457
>>469445We're not saying she's fauxles for liking genderbends, we're saying she's fauxles for:
>"joking" about wanting to sexually bully moid characters several times>has several husbandos (including Sans Undertale, not even genderbent fwiw)>says said husbandos don't count because 2d characters are just lines and colors>seethed multiple times about how bisexual women acting on their attraction to men are "choosing the easy way out">said if she grew up differently she thinks she would've been bisexual>>469454Gaining muscle is best imho
No. 469466
>>469457So she's just a
femcel bihet husbandofag pretending to be a gs lesbian? No wonder all the lesbian threads are so shitty
No. 469508
>>469502are men lusting over anime lolis pedos in your opinion?
if you think men who waifu a loli are pedos, then women who husbandofag are OSA.
No. 469519
>>469517Also NTA but why is this even a conversation? It’s really obvious to me that exclusively genderswapped “husbandofagging” (really waifufagging) is just SSA, but if you’re sexualising them as a male they’re OSA. Simple.
That being said I do think there’s nuance, I don’t think men that get off to traps are necessarily bisexual or homosexual.
No. 469521
>>469517>>469519How is saying "anime boys aren't male because they're just line and colors" any different than from the excuse "lolis aren't little girls because they're just line and colors" that lolicons use?
Also, if you're into futa or cuntboys then you're definitely bisexual even if you wouldn't fuck trannies irl. A lesbian wouldn't be aroused by traps or any other weird gender mix shit creatures.
No. 469522
>>469519>but if you’re sexualising them as a male they’re OSA. SimpleThat's what we're trying to say but apparently some anons think sexualizing male characters is gay.
>I don’t think men that get off to traps are necessarily bisexual or homosexualThose men are into those characters precisely because of the mystery dick and genuinely get disappointed if it turns out to be a vagina. They even once harassed a female cosplayer over this, there's no straight explanation for any of that.
No. 469530
>>469502You have two options: go LARP to be a husbandofag lesbian in the other thread, or accept that you're bisexual and start posting in the bisexual thread. Either way, you don't belong in this thread.
>You're so insecure about being a lesbianThe projection is real.
No. 469535
>>469533There was another post in the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread where a "30 year old" wrote an
incredibly boomerish post about essentially the same situation but reversed. I think it's just some degenerate poster's fetish.
No. 469550
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>mfw fujos and husbandofags trying to make everything about them for the 10000001th time, again and again
No. 469578
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>>469550Heh it's really funny how in other boards you see the fujoyume fakebians complaining about actual lesbians posting anime girls in this thread, they know if they start sperging about their husbandos here they're gonna get dogpiled so hard so they need to vent to the hets in other boards to be safe.
No. 469604
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>>469594uhh why would anyone need to genderbend waifu some moid from FE when it already has great female characters? not even contained to 3H as previous instances of the game also had great fem characters. i guess the same goes for Fate, the whole thing is waifu/husbando coomer haremshit, why not choose a female character? they have better lore than the male characters too.
No. 469621
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Kekkkk normie lesbians being based as fuck I never thought I would witness this moment (pic from a leddit lesbian sub)
No. 469757
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>>469581dont forget:
>you are a lesbian who doesn't want to fuck a male character? You must be a tranny No. 469778
>>469757what I really don't understand though is how come sexualizing female characters is not ok but sexualizing a GB male character (who is now female) is somehow ok? Like these GB characters look exactly like any other anime girl, sometimes even sexier because a lot of those GB pics are obviously meant to be coom material for moids. It's like this people actually believe in some sort of female/male "soul" characters have like
>>469162 so if it's a character who is originally female it's anti-feminist to sexualize her but if the character is originally male it's now feminist to do so because even though now it's female the soul is that of a male character… or some retardation of sorts. It all boils down to navigating your sexuality through feminism instead of, you know, just being a homo… anyway the mental gymnastics are too much for me.
No. 470531
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>>470496Yep those thick seven inch fingers with mysterious fluids shooting out of them
No. 470538
>>470531lmaooo tribbing can get as primal as (sometimes even more) heterosex if you do it missionary
why cant fakebians just admit that they want dick? why go thru the fake lesbian LARP in the first place? to feel special?
No. 470542
>>470521I guess it's a turn on to think how much all the seething yurifags secretly desire fujos and that's why they're obsessed with bringing us up all the time and bifoiling to deny their attraction. I could convert them to the superior female side of the fandom away from all the TIMs perving on them and cosplay as our favourite ship together while having loving sex. And yes, I'm a goldstar, so they wouldn't even have to worry about me having been dirtied by scrote cock.
>>470531See, they even purposefully hatelurk the fujoshi exclusive imageboard. The thirst is unreal.
No. 470549
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>>470542>See, they even purposefully hatelurk the fujoshi exclusive imageboard. The thirst is unreal.Nope I saved that from /ot/, some other anon screencaped it first. Still not addressing your preference for dick shaped fluid spurting anime """fingers""" huh
No. 470550
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>>470542You lost, fujo. Go back to your containment. Bisexuals can't be goldstars btw.
No. 470579
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>>470550those thighs nghhhhhhhhh
No. 470910
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Lesbian fujos get triggered by this?
No. 470942
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>>470929Some lesbian yaoi couple
No. 471059
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>>470496>doesn't need a c cup showing trough clothes to know she's an attractive femaleLol, that's funny considering jap fujos who try yuri draw absolute tiddy monsters
No. 471306
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Sigh. So much for carefully curating my youtube feed.
No. 471321
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>>471306insanely blackpilling jfc. They post this shit and wonder why were so gatekeepy. What do they get out of posting this shit? Stupid fucking fakebians.
>>471305This thread is about GS lesbians, which are exclusively women, not fags. That's probably why they're not being brought up
No. 471615
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>>471612>butthurtUhh you wish. I actually have three girlfriends. And yes, they're GS.
No. 471676
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>>471636Here's your goldstar
No. 471771
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>>471034Why so angry? The yuri yaoi thing was a real tag in twitter a couple years ago.
No. 471781
>>471636If you were a straight woman goldstar wouldn't that be like only fucking men and no women? And I feel like to be a bisexual goldstar actually you have to do half and half so you have to even the sexes out. Give me constructive criticism here
>>471572I mean I don't really understand why you'd need to come out as a GS? Maybe flex your kinsey score or rant about fakebians idk
No. 471790
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>>471773>yuri between butchesButch lesbians for yuri
No. 471798
>>471773Pretty sure it's genderbent yaoi ships into yuri ships. "TS" "Nyota" "Nyotaika" "Jotaika" are popular tags in Japan to mean "transformed into female". The genderbent into male tag is "nantaika".
There are even tags to mean "genderbent yuri"
>にょたゆり (Nyota Yuri)>女体化百合 (Jotaika Yuri) No. 471799
>>471792Nah, your scrote radar is broken
nonny>>471796I forgor, but she's ukrainian
No. 471801
>>471799That's clearly just a man
>I forgorOf course you did, yuritroon.
(scrotefoiling) No. 471806
File: 1737137341442.gif (2.65 MB, 278x498, britney-spears-knives.gif)

>>471799>she's ukrainianThe slavs have a weird connection to anime.. So I am not surprised. I always see them on social media catching "asianfishing" allegations and it makes me laugh. Some of the most loyal weebs out there other than like, latin americans, I'd argue. I'm not to big on anime and manga myself, though
No. 471807
File: 1737137403738.jpg (400.05 KB, 1440x1796, 20250103-0001.jpg)

>>471801Are you really a lesbian if you can't tell the difference between a whole ass man and a woman.. Anyway, I found this another pic of hers
No. 471819
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>>471807Why are Eastern Yuro women so beautiful…
No. 471828
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>>471815Goddamn, everything's done for male attention for you people. Can't even enjoy titties and ass in peace without some fujo shoving disgusting fags in your face, smh.
>>471819There was another russian les couple I wanted to post, but it seems like she removed a bunch of vids with her gf/wife(?)
No. 471862
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>>471855Excuse you but most yuri works actually have a fuckton drama with just normal working adult in Japanese society settings. I don't need constant pew pew pew to keep me entertained when I'm just reading the genre for the romance anyway.
No. 471938
File: 1737147204129.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20250117_(1).png)

>>471790>>471807The chadbian anime coomer
>actually lusts after tits and pussies>doesn't give a shit what scrotes think>in a long term relationship with a gf she eats out every night The virgin fujo "lesbian"
>only gets turned on by penises and buttfucking gay sex, thinks lesbian sex is boring in comparison>constantly let scrotes live rent free in her head, adjust her behaviour and tastes to be as anti-scrote as possible>in an online relationship with another fujo that she hasn't even met yet No. 472053
>>472046Kek what? She does look like a man here though
>>471938 which is unattractive to me.
No. 472062
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>>471938>The virgin fujo "lesbian"I AM A LESBIAN
No. 472089
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>>472084the purple blue one looks better
No. 472094
>>472089You mean the Labrys? It's always been the coolest flag but don't expect normies to cape for it as troons consider it a
TERF dogwhistle.
No. 472301
>>471790Jeuss Christ. Why. So trashy.
Cursed image.
No. 472474
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>>472456neutral femme, probably, if that's a real category? I usually dress pretty modest and feminine or slightly masc, have long hair, shave sometimes, and rarely wear makeup, but when I do, I like going for some type of alt look. It depends on my mood if I want to dress cute or masc, but labelling myself as butch doesn't sound right, so I'll go with being a femme. I'd actually like to dress even more femme, but it also makes me feel a bit too.. extra. Idk, I don't really think about what gender category I fit into more, I just wear what I think looks cute or cool.
No. 472622
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>>472518you can still do plenty of masc styles with bangs, too, no? Side bangs look pretty cute on tomboys. I don't think bangs are inherently feminine, really.
Also, just found out that the two girls in my picrel are gay identical twin musicians who are also married to women and have children. Not sure if they're lesbian or bi, though. No. 473263
File: 1737320482326.jpg (23.83 KB, 225x225, 1474210959479.jpg)

>the women that fucked men in the other thread saying how they essentially don't like any fictional females
Surely the druggie obese balding scrotes they fucked were much more interesting and attractive than any female character out there.
No. 473586
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Would women be weirded out if I wanted to wear a mask during sex? I don't want women to see my stupid facial expressions while I'm horny and then embarrass myself.
No. 473715
>>473671>Even with that, female characters are at the end hot, so who fucking cares?This is how you know they are polilez who correlate lesbians and lesbianism to irl moid degeneracy so they claim to only get off to "femgaze" which is fictional men only, because even when women do lesbian "femgaze" they still can't stop thinking how moids also like that (thus making it "unfeminist"). They navigate their sexuality through some bastardized terminally online version of "feminism" even though lesbianism is about exclusive sexual attraction to females, not about exclusive sexual attraction to femgaze media. And I really think that the inherent reason why they despise 99% of female characters is because their bastardized "feminist" belief is so strong they went full circle to think that women only exist as objects for men to enjoy so they have internalized that misogynistic way of thinking so much they feel repulsed by female characters
but the second explanation for this behavior is that they're simply just bihetties kek.
No. 474330
>>474206funny thing is that they literally said "oh it's like the reason they're GS is because they're weebs who never go outside" mega KEK what's next? call us
femcels bc we never fucked moids? call us ugly and say we're only GS because no men have ever wanted us? LOL they're really telling on themselves. I'm 29 and very extroverted, men have been pestering me like crazy since I was 11 and I have always been disgusted by them, even before I knew I'm homosexual. my first gf at 16 was a weeb too and one of the most sexual and perverted girls I've met in my life. Yes, I didn't know I could desire someone sexually and romantically so much before I met her, even tho I started having sexual fantasies with women when I was 11. But I didn't go and fucked a man in hope to understand myself better. Homosexual women are repulsed by men and they know that. But ok, go ahead, tell me I'm only a lesbian who never dated/fucked a man because I'm an ugly woman and men don't want me. I'm sure I've never heard this argument being thrown at lesbians before by, like, het women and het men or bisexuals kek
No. 474500
>>474476this thread is for posers who, on one hand, try to act high and mighty for something as banal as not engaging with the opposite sex, yet feel free to reenact the same kind of dynamic under the guise of bs feminism
>>474495rent free
No. 474505
and don't come and pretend that female-on-female "sexual attraction" is nothing more than a cope at best, or some sort of internalized male gaze at worst
>>474502no idea what you're babbling about, I'm not some sort of repressed sexual deviant like everyone here apparently is
(bait) No. 474507
File: 1737501858294.png (109.85 KB, 1628x548, Screenshot 2025-01-21 182149.p…)

>>474505Holy fuck, you're so obviously fake and I'm sure you don't realize just how much you suck at this because of your autism. Keep deleting and reposting, I'm sure your heart's beating very loudly making yourself look even more pathetic by the second.
No. 474593
If there's one thing I learn hanging out in many radfem spaces for years, is that a woman not being pro gender ideology/troons is NO indicative that she's also NOT lesbo/homophobic and/or a polilez. And lolcow is also proving me I'm right, again and again. See how many trolls are itt. Or how many women lusting over male celebs and 2D men openly call themselves lesbians here. Or how so-called lesbians here seem disgusted by lesbians showing any sign of… Well, same-sex attraction. They hate how we have sex with women, hate how we find the female body attractive, and more than anything hate that we have never had sex with a man voluntarily. Basically, they hate female homosexuality. It's ok to be a lesbian as long as you have had enough dick already. It's ok to be a lesbian as long as you don't want to put your fingers or mouth in a pussy and only likes sex with women if a strap is involved. It's okay to be a lesbian as long as you don't like looking at boobs (even fictional boobs of 2D women). It's ok to be a lesbian as long as you don't trigger women who have past trauma with men (aka they find anyone who wants to have sex with women disgusting). That's it. There are more, but I can't remember all the nonsense I've seen in this site recently, it's like everyone suddenly decided to stop pretending they don't hate lesbians. I have already left for good all the threads that talk about fandom/media/storytelling/etc because at least twice a month there is a 3-4 days long fight about how it's ok to hate all female characters because they're all badly written and made as coom material for men. Even lesbians and bisexual anons agree that fictional males are always better. Then now they're bringing the same shit to sexuality threads, including the lesbian threads. Cool. I'll finish this saying that it's ok to be a lesbian - as long as you don't truly desire female humans sexually and as romantic life partners. Otherwise you're gross, a TIM, or has a "male brain". Very cool here
No. 475295
>>475014Ayrt dear nona who doesn't know anything about my life, yes, I've been having sex with women since I came out 13 years ago. I visit lolcow for a few days once every 2 months because being homosexual and having a real life don't stop me from enjoying entertainment. I'm an illustrator actually and there's no other place besides lolcow I can talk about media without being surrounded by gendies, which I rather not do. I mentioned 2D boobs specifically within a context, that being the widespread idea that exists in this site that every woman, including lesbians, should fawn over husbandos and consume yaoi because it's "female gaze" and fictional women are coom material for men. Please learn how to read and learn the definition of "context" before being so overly aggressive. But anyway, you really sound like one of those "lesbians" from the other thread who think the only reason gs lesbians exist is because we're weebs who don't leave the house. It's not goldstars' fault you sucked dick because comphet!11!, chill. Also, might be a shock to you, but people can have real lives and post online occasionally, you should know since you're posting here instead of, you know, go eat some pussy
No. 475343
>>475295you're so pressed and defensive for someone who claims to go outside, kekkk. you call her aggressive despite her respectfully asking you if you touch grass, and then you make nonsense accusations like
>you really sound like one of those "lesbians" from the other thread who think the only reason gs lesbians exist is because we're weebs who don't leave the house. It's not goldstars' fault you sucked dick because comphet!11!she was entirely right to call you terminally online. posters in this thread act like other goldstars who aren't into bivestigating and constant yaoi fujo sperging are evil non gs bihets when in reality we're just over the anime 'tism. ironic that you ask that anon to learn how to read when you're extrapolating so much from things other anons never said or claimed. maybe you should talk to older dykes irl and work with them, it'll help you let off steam so you're not so angry when you use the internet twice a month and it'll put into perspective what lesbian discussion and community really values (hint: it's not cartoons)
No. 475383
>>475343Why are your types always claims to be so bothered by anime but it's never directed at those who talk about their husbandos(male) and yaoi(male x2) in lesbian threads? Instead, you only nag those who speak against it. You have strange priorities if you choose to cuddle OSA posters over those who are at least talking about female(!!!) characters in a lesbian thread. What would a lesbian gain from letting osa women in lesbian spaces? If you go on to call random lesbians virgins for talking about women, then you can go ahead and hang out with osa women instead and discuss your favorite yaoi imagining it as two lesbians dicking each other, oops- I meant fingering.
>aren't into bivestigating and constant yaoi fujo spergingNo one would be mentioning yaoi if it wasn't bi women bringing their fujo retardation as seen here
>>469457>>469461>>470496>>470531>>470542 No. 475397
>>475392I am not the anon that poster was replying to, you're not really good at this guessing game.
>>475393so why don't you create meaningful discussions instead of complaining on an imageboard? you seem to care so much but then the non gs thread has been dead with barely any discussion anyways.
No. 475449
>>475426I’m the first person you replied to, is it really that unbelievable that multiple people disagree with you? I don’t even necessarily agree with the other points, but I do agree that this thread has some awful reading comprehension.
>>475427Why? I’m a goldstar, I’m not a weeb or involved in any fandoms, so why aren’t I allowed here? I meet the only requirements for this thread. Are you the dictator here? Are we not allowed to have different opinions here?
No. 475476
>>475463She sounds like that
nonnie who had a bicuck meltdown kekk
No. 475484
>>475452Shitting it up? I made one post before some anon replied to me. And to be frank, it’s been shit for a while now.
>>475463Can you read? I said I’m not a weeb. For fuck’s sake, some of you are actually clinically retarded. Jesus christ. Actual braindead people.
No. 475503
File: 1737660740468.png (1004.62 KB, 1280x768, 16996491073760.png)

>>475484You seem obsessed with weebs and bringing them up in every other post. Why don't you quit visiting lc altogether to avoid weebs if you can't stand anime pictures that much and use something like Facebook instead of being so pressed while contributing nothing to the conversation? Lolcow originated from a cosplay & jfashion board filled with weebs after all.
No. 475508
>>475503? My point proven again. I am being accused of being a fujo or whatever after joining the conversation here
so I clarified I’m not a weeb. Congratulations, you are yet another illiterate retard. Are you embarrassed?
No. 475515
>>475512I’m talking about
>>475463 >>475427. I never said it was you. I never once complained about anime, in fact, if you were
>>475392 or
>>475393, I was literally backing you up. That’s why they started accusing me of being TA when I said NTA. You look stupid.
If both sides are this retarded, it’s not worth me engaging with. I’ll stick with the other thread. Peace.
No. 475614
>>475598I just scroll but I imagine it's for the same reasons anyone argues on basket weaving forums. Bored, lonely, fustrated with their lot in life. What better way to get an ego trip than getting on here, calling yourself the master of all heterosexual deviation, and type up a lot of stupid posts with one hand?
Being a lesbian isn't easy for sure, but I get the sense a lot of the posters on here who struggle the most with their anger don't go out and interact with other lesbians that much, or, if they have an irl gf, they don't interact with lesbians outside of her. It's uniquely irritating in these threads because everyone here is stupid and studied at the University of Online. So, it's better to ignore it.
No. 476693
>>475598Because you decide every lesbian you meet is secretly bi for random reasons, isolate yourself from them, and then get
triggered when normal lesbians invalidate this pattern of behavior.
No. 477347
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How can bisexuals say with a straight face that they’re not fucking sluts when people like picrel form their majority?
No. 477542
>>477475Only if she stays on her meds and is committed to health and recovery. If she's still looking for someone to fix or save her instead of saving herself, there's a good chance of things becoming
toxic or codependent. Proceed cautiously nonita. And if your gut says "get out of there" then by god get out. Trust your intuition here. If YOU have a savior/martyr complex and are prone to caretaking or enabling others, then you'll need to work on yourself too. My mom taught me to only be with people at my level and above. I don't date out of charity or desperation anymore. Both of us can do better and we deserve the most. Bipolar women are plenty lovable and I'm sure she's a great girl, I just hope you'll prioritize yourself here, especially if you're already having doubts.
No. 477583
>>477475she has to be committed to working through her stuff (it's a mood disorder, not necessarily something you can 'recover' from) but you also have to be understanding about her condition. this isn't to say you need a saviour complex or want to 'fix her', but you need to be mindful of her bipolar and respectful when she makes certain boundaries clear (time she can spend with you/certain
triggers/communication). when you date someone with a mood/personality disorder, it'll always be different to dating someone without one, and i don't really think it serves anyone to expect her to be able to masquerade as a neurotypical woman. with patience, care, and understanding, anything can work long term.
as with all relationships, be open with your feelings and attentive with understanding hers. the bipolar typically just means she's more susceptible to reaching the more radical ends of 'high' and 'low' emotions faster and for longer.
No. 478593
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>>478570Ive only seen like dysphorics or aaps admit to doing this. they probably pretend they're the man. you have to hate yourself alot to do that tbh. So yeah, obviously OSA lol unless theyre the most insecure lesbian on earth which is pathetic in itself. It's really gross
I only really jerk off to photos/videos of womens bodies alone if I need something to jerk off to. Otherwise I just avoid porn No. 480584
File: 1738747785084.jpg (329.57 KB, 935x729, K-ON!.full.264901.jpg)

>>477542>>477583>>478214ayrt, yeah. It didn't work out. I just got told by her that she doesn't want to be with me anymore. I got strung along for over two years because I believed she would change and that she'd accept me back once she gets better mentally but at the end she didn't want to be with me at all anymore and it's really hard for me to move on. I met her when I was 15 and she was 16, and she brought me comfort that I really needed at that time to the point I built my life's meaning around her and I dont know how to unlearn it. She has made such a big impact on me and I feel like I lost a part of myself without her. Other people think I'm being overdramatic just because im 19 and "can still fall in love again", but thats the problem. Im still so young and she already ruined my psyche to the point i dont think id be able to date other people normally anymore. Its like she fucked and killed my brain. If i had never met her, I'd probably feel like theres something missing in my life but at least i could be with other women. I wouldn't like them to the same extent i loved my ex but I wouldn't know what that feeling was in the first place either. I tried to be open minded and talk to other types of women, bisexual women, tifs, etc. and dont get me wrong, these women can be good friends, but i realized i cant build my life with these types of people.
I admired and idolized her and all her traits, I dont think it was undeserving but it just ended up hurting me instead. She is like the modern Sylvia Plath. I feel like a failed existence for not being liked by her because ive centered her so much in my life that I just want to kill msyelf because I dont have a purpose to exist anymore. I would be so proud if she was my girlfriend but now I resent her for not being mine. I still want to be by her side, I want to see the kind of person she will grow up to be and what she will accomplish. I know it's just self harm at this point to even care because some day she will fall in love with other women, have girlfriends, and I will know about it and it will crush me. You're letting so many new people into your life and i wonder whats so wrong with me. Shouldn't it be me when ive known you before all these new people? Why dont you care about me?? Why are you hugging other women? Why are you doing drugs with older men? i was sso afraid youd get raped or wrose. The second you stopped being a hikki, you just threw me away. I dreamed of having my own real normal family someday and I hate you so much for taking that away from me. I wanted to be someone you admire. You have supported me but i guess i leaned on you too much. I just wanted to be there for you too. Maybe ifi fucked uou over personally i wouldhave been happier. Im so tired of crying and missing you everyday. I feel like ive done nothing for my whole life. Like ive failed, I could have been better than someone who wants to be owned. If you can do what tou do then i can too! Who knows what youve been up to. The specialty of you that im missing. Websites have gotten to know me more than real Ipeople. I dont call people my own age, i dont talk to them either. i keep fantasizing about her, Ifeel sick while i do it sometimes. I just think, i could have finished so many books by now i could have written shit to improve writing an i just want to fix my fucking head but cant when i still cant move on after years and i just jerk off eat sleep and loathe self and its all pointless. could be doing anuthing but this!! Anyrhing'nn !! Could be clubbing all the time and dranking and sheit, mugging people, in turn giving that muggings to poor muggers so they wont crack first tomorrow, walking around with soemone. I love people. I just am going insane alone. Ive gone past the point of caring about imageboards and other online shit. Ive already had my fun and Im over it now. Literally all i cared about was to be with my girlfriend and to move on from all this but its as if im stuck again. i wish you needed me as much as i need you. I wish you would fix my life, I jusy wanted to escape from this. I dont need anybody else. I miss when you were nice and loving to me but youre so distant now. Sometimes I fantasize about shooting myself in front of you just so youd feel bad for me ahhhhhhhh fuck youf ick youf cuk you fuck youf jcn youf ckngiu ficknyou stuoid fucker fuck fucking Efuck Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck god why go dwhy there is no god why why why why fuck fuck fuck stupid Ffuckk uourself ahhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh abbhhh ahhhh this aching in my heart hurts this puncture burn cchurns churns churns chhrns sinks and curves pounds and spurs aches and purrs like hyper ventilation squeezing bellowing my lungs out of sanity the fucking oounding wont stop its a deep heavy pitt with pounding drums and it hurts and it hurts fuck you fuck you fjc tou fjck you fjck you fuck you i fuckign hate you fick you fuck you fuck you fuck youf ick you fick i hate you fuck ouch stop fuckign pounding just please Ok its fine now JUST KINDDINF. When i write in my journal i dont calm down, but then i think back to the thing and that matters? Why? i just dont wanna be bad to you or abyone ans I already have and but its okay but you leave but thats okay too but i cant handle it because you leave becaude of me and thats gotta be wrong like if you stayed then it wokldnt be wtong and god fuck my Ifke i am so worried about looking stupid every 2 seconds wow Anyway dont read this i feel bad for you reading this now how does that make sense? I shouldve just written this in my notes but thta doesnt calm me down idk why but this knwoing its real and not me talkigm to myself it makes it dofferent. i just cant take it anymore like try 9 hours long woth your fucking heart pounding the whole time i feel like Alex in clockwork orange so sick of this lack of control it is so easy to blame myself for having fear but its just baseless and i just think of eveyrthing thats horrible eveyrhting eveyrhring theres so much fucking evil and we wlak in cities that are pretty to pretend people arent dying in their shed shack slum hut with their shitty parents killing them there, addicted to glue huffing. Ifeellike whenever I am online i am Being tortured with observers and thats why i leave so much because what is the point of making you watch and what kind of cruelty is that? Watch me die and have to see it from far away isnt that just mean? and they all matter they all matter and should be saved but nonone will save them and its so wrong i cant step over homeless people anvmore i cant its so wrong itsnso wrong and otherwise i know what ive been through just happened every second to someone else what do i do about that i fucking need to do soemthjnf but im in fear i do nothing but think im just want to help but i cant even help msyelf and i cant hell myself because others are not helped it doesnt make sense but i cant see why i should be better when great people get fucked over for no reason and its all imbalanced and it has to change i cant pretend like this is fien moving from my 3rd world shithole to a Urban area just to have more options of women to have sex with and help it stay as what it is its too wrong and then so yeah Its designed to make you forget that despairity exists so you only interact with people of the same class but I feel guilty for being tjis way my mom always said you always act the
victim you always cry and pretend to be the
victim for attention and god must be correct god must be i fucking hate you why did you do this to me you tucking bjtch no its my fault no its HER fault NO its a combiantion NO its neitier NO fault doesnt exist Ahhhhh i jsut want her back I dont think I'm so unloveable but then why dont you come back for me. Why is it onlu men i am so fucking tired of men and the attention, its so fucking useless i dont fucken need this. I dont want to have multiple meaningless relationships in my adulthood that will probably last like 3 years and then end for whatever reason its so soulless. I thought i found my person and I know I wont feel like this about anyone else anymore
This whole relationship is making me evaluate my life choices. Maybe i will find happiness in something material. I wont hope to have a deep romantic connection with anybody anymore. If it happens, then cool, but im not going out of my way to seek it out. I could be content with just having friends and sex. At some point I will get tired of all this and maybe thats when i will finally end it
No. 480677
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(infight bait) No. 481681
>>481565I'm the first anon and my ex gf was also a gold star lesbian, and I'm 100% sure she wouldn't have sex with a man. I'm guessing most of her irrational decisions, like getting high with men alone, comes from having no sense of safety cuz bipolar. I can't really control who she hangs out with because I'm not in her life anymore, so yaa
>>481276A lot of this sounds like me. Thank you for sharing
No. 487910
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No. 487936
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Whenever lesbian horny posting thread is done some based goldstar needs to remove all of the straight shit from OP lol
>>487910So many well written female characters in undertale and they simp over sans ok Lol. I’m so tired of these autists
No. 487983
>>487910I like that she felt the need to clarify that she does in fact also imagine Sans with a magic dick which doesn't count because a-actually it's strap. A strap that is dick shaped and sized and also attached to a male character but totally is not a dick. It's extra funny because like
>>487936 said, there are good female characters in Undertale and two of them are confirmed to be into women. Kek at the overexplaining too as if anyone cares about how she negotiates her cognitive dissonance.
No. 487984
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>>487910A real lesbian would go for Undyne, Alphys, or Toriel. ESPECIALLY Undyne.
No. 488252
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On the topic of undertale
I notice fakebians love to go “WELL FEMALE CHARACTERS ARE ALWAYS WRITTEN WITH THE PURPOSE OF PANDERING TO MOIDS SO I HAVE TO LIKE THIS MALE CHARACTER BECAUSE I WANT COMMUNITY WITH OTHER WOMEN!!” Like yeah totally. Anyways undertale is one of those games where you can’t really do that because the female characters are actually written like theyre conscious beings, i think that’s what i always liked about undertale. The female characters, especially the lesbians, always felt like they had purpose other than being coombait. Undynes design is really cool and sexy too especially in her armor, i like how she looks in official art. Are there any other cool vidya butches? I don’t play vidya much
No. 488265
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>>488252I love Suzie and Noelle's little romance in Deltarune but coomers ruined both of them sadly.
Somehow Undyne was spared most of the coomerwrath (probably because Toriel protected her)
No. 488454
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>>488252I will say that I think it’s fair that some people simply aren’t into butchy characters, and personally I didn’t get much appeal from the female Undertale characters either, but that means I especially wasn’t drawn to the male characters. Sans was my favourite character along with Toriel and some of the minor characters (Temmie, Napstablook) but I don’t even understand his design appeal to straight women let alone proclaimed lesbians.
For Deltarune though, I loved Susie and Noelle. Kris and Ralsei’s designs would be cute if they were female (I assumed the former was initially but everyone schreeched “They/Them!!!” while drawing Kris as a guy kek).
Luckily I don’t hang around fandom spaces much so I haven’t seen the coomerificarion of Susie and Noelle. Sucks to hear though.
No. 490770
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>mfw I want to be a whore but also feel too grossed out worshipping a pussy that has had a dick inside it
why can't all women be goldstars
No. 490878
>>489279It is crazy how they constantly shame us for thinking badly written fictional women are hot because they're "for men" like ok well my pussy doesn't care about that. I don't like women as a philosophical or political exercise, I just think hot women are hot. Meanwhile they thirst over the ugliest male characters imaginable who also have shit writing. Lesbians are policed to hell and back because so many women cannot accept they're not lesbians and instead try to bully us into being less obviously gay to make themselves feel better for being obsessed with men. We are relegated to the role of assuring everyone they're heckin'
valid while everyone else gets to shit on us because our mere existence is threatening to their fantasy of what lesbians are like.
No. 491167
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>>490878even worse- we're ackshually TROONS!! for liking pussy.
insert mental gymnastics dedicated to calling lesbians rapists for staring at women No. 495842
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>>493362it's so annoying and prudish, 99% of lesbians no matter what do all of their shit in the bedroom and talking about it online doesn't mean you have to engage with it. they get insecure about our existence and feel like us only liking women and only ever fucking with women is us powerscaling lesbianism. the type of women we like makes them insecure too. the purity wars they start and incredibly annoying
No. 496173
>>493362A big root cause of the problem of policing lesbianism with a constant background paranoia of 'the male gaze' and 'trooniness', is the politicisation of sexuality- I understand that many here are radical feminists, but some, I feel, have gaslighted themselves into 'lesbianism' because it's 'based' and means they don't need men, and insist that fawning over their husbandos is normal lesbian behaviour- to have been exposed to such a narrative as a lesbian struggling to accept herself was really confusing- if I have not been able to have these feelings about the male form, am I not a lesbian like them? Am I just 'p0rn brained' if I like seeing 'scrotey' characters, and women in skimpy clothes sometimes, and not a real lesbian?
It's been really good to divorce sexuality from politics and what is acceptable. And to see this thread, to be allowed to express sexuality, and appreciation of the female form, is really refreshing. It actually felt homophobic to be told that's 'man brained, scrote brained' whatever- that was the core source of insecurity about my sexuality.
I think making this thread 'gold star' takes away from the focus of simply only liking women, and frames it as a reaction to pretenders and homophobic bisexual women- I think if we had stricter parametres, and maybe were in a less political space (this site is quite political) people would be less desperate to take on this lesbian label to be 'based', and there would be more focus on homosexual women just chatting about life and s*x and whatever, having fun. I want to see these threads become silly again. That's all.
Also, to the bi women that insist on using the label- there is nothing wrong with you if you like men. You don't have to be ashamed, and you can still choose who you date based on your political alignments- it's just that, when you use a label that's not yours, you confuse people who actually belong in that group, and people may find is less believable that a woman is a homosexual, when they see a 'lesbian' thirst over men or switch sides back to men- that could really hurt the community. I really hope you guys can accept yourselves in peace, and love yourselves as you are, there is nothing wrong with you (bi women), I just hope you can label yourselves more honestly.
No. 497157
>>496173>to see this thread, to be allowed to express sexuality, and appreciation of the female form, is really refreshingI wish the thread was really like this and we were all writing odes to pussy and discussing the best parts of being lesbian, what we enjoy most in the female form, how centering women/lesbians in our lives has benefited us and why we'd advocate for young lesbians to do the same instead of trying to change their immutable sexuality. But instead it's just bivestigation central where every post attacks a woman of any and every sexuality. And I say any and every because the vibes are so hostile, it's gold star on gold star crime sometimes. Be the change you want to see, I know. If I was going to change things, I'd start by asking anons to rank the best parts of a woman's body
(top three for me are vulva, (small/medium) boobs, and collarbones) but at this point I'd rather put it in the original lesbian general. The vibes are just so bad in here. I support gatekeeping and protecting the definition of homosexuality, and obviously the gold star experience differs from lesbians who did try things with the opposite sex. I'm glad to be gold star because anything else would surely have traumatised me, but I don't consider this as a badge of superiority the way I used to. Mainly I just feel sorry for people who had sexual experiments go wrong or who feel insecure in their sexuality and relationships, or who just haven't had enough experience to feel confident in themselves. I appreciate that at least one person (you) is coming at this from a place of empathy. I agree that we need to take the politics out of sexuality and especially anything to do with women. There's so much lesbophobia in this world. People will do anything to prove we don't really exist or that we secretly desire the opposite sex or that all lesbians do/think/like/believe xyz when really the only common denominator is an exclusive same sex attraction. I dunno. I just want to be around women like me and I want it to be comfy and chill. I want to eat and discuss pussy in peace.
No. 497483
>>497157People will do anything to prove we don't really exist or that we secretly desire the opposite sex or that all lesbians do/think/like/believe xyz when really the only common denominator is an exclusive same sex attraction.
No exactly! I get gatekeeping being necessary for a community, but it's like people want homosexual women to not exist, like it's something rare that no one can truly be, and everyone is secretly straight? It's hard. I get that there are chapelles, but gay dudes are just being horny and having fun, not doing this.
>rank the best parts of a woman's bodyI don't really get collarbones but I guess you're lucky since you'd see them almost every day! I love the way vulva looks
(and fantasise about looking up a skirt where a girl's not wearing pants) thighs are like the curtains around the main exhibit, and soft, and kind of lead onto the hips, which I
kind of want to caress and grab onto No. 497671
>>496173>cocksucking bishitsListen, if they actually respected lesbians they would show it. They don't. No amount of sweet words will make them change their mind. They find lesbianism disgusting, and to them you're not really any better than a rapeape scrote, hence you won't change their way of thinking. Just give it up and keep up the gatekeeping, they need to be constantly whipped out of lesbian spaces like the parasitic bislutcattle they are, otherwise they end up welcoming all the trannies in while kicking the lesbians out.
>>497157>wahh wahh ur not being nice!!!Sad that your maleslave conditioning stays in your brain even though you're a lesbian. If being nice worked then lesbian spaces wouldn't be choke full of bishits and trannies.
No. 497693
>>497483I think people just hate female sexuality of every orientation and want to control, dismiss, or demean it at any cost. It's hardest on lesbians for obvious reasons. Honestly I think bivestigations and hating bisexuals come from a similar place. It's an unfortunate reaction to the pain of having our sexuality policed, erased, and exploited, so we take it out on other women (deservedly or not, accurately or not). And I think that it reflects the overall diminished female class consciousness, too. Gay moids don't do this because they weren't socialised to cannibalise each other the way that women are. That's just my theory though.
Anyways, yes, thighs are the perfect accent to god's greatest creation (pussy). I was gonna put them as my #3 but decided a pronounced collarbone got me hornier. I can't explain it, I just love them and want to trace them with my fingers. But soft, hairy thigh flesh is an absolute essential during oral. I love everything about the vulva and she becomes even better with all her compliments (bush, tummy, even taint lol). I never thought about a pantsless upskirt before, that sounds great. The worst part about pussy is that if you sit up properly, it's mostly inaccessible. Gotta slouch to show it off…
>>497671Is being mean fun for you? If you're having a good time and nobody is getting (seriously) hurt then I'm not gonna yuck your yum. I just personally don't enjoy it and would rather build community in my own way. If wanting compassion and harmony makes me a maleslave then so be it kek. I'm all for unbridled female rage but personally this is not the hill I'm dying on. You're welcome to it
nonny. Have the whole hill to yourself while you're at it.
No. 499245
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Hate that this was banned smh, anyways if nonnie sees this don't listen to the retards who say "draw yaoi" if you're not into that shit. I've seen that thrown around alot. But no lesbian wants to draw bootyhole sex. Honestly just post radfem shit next to it, I always noticed radfems who repost yuri or just post it get no engagement from moids. even if you arent a radfem, just post/repost moidhate shit and it'll scare them off. Lots of radfems are himes for some reason
No. 501076
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I've always been a fan of breasts, I'm just a boob person. I remember finding P shaped women really hot too but then I grew up. I just love how soft and sensitive they are, how you can also caress them while doing anything to her. I like how they bounce when girls bounce too. The vulva is perfect too, I much prefer it with bush. Maybe it's because it's a sign of maturity but bush is so beautiful. I've always preferred tribbing and doing stuff to the clit over fingering. My third favorite is probably the waist, very short reason, I like to grip it. I think it's why I think low rise is so hot on women, it shows it all off. And yes I like chub too
>>499285I think she means she doesn't want a majority degen male audience, like groypers, troons, pedos etc. They all love lesbian anime porn. She doesn't have men rent free if she simply wants them to fuck off. I'm sure your average yaoi artist doesn't mind a few fags liking her art
>>497693>I think people just hate female sexuality of every orientation and want to control, dismiss, or demean it at any cost.When I was younger this thought made me dysphoric I'm not going to lie. I would always wish I was a scrote so I wouldn't be questioned like a gay moid wouldn't be question and that the disgusting things said about lesbians online would just be obsolete. A lot of people think lesbians are irrational when we say we think that having moids involved in our sexuality is the most disgusting thing ever. I'm still getting over those feelings I had as a teen. As another GS I do think that the reason things feel more gatekeepy nowadays is because of our sexuality being made nebulous due to how the word lesbian has been twisted around, not to mention trannies trying to convince lesbians that they like males. Homophobia makes you hate yourself
No. 501342
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DAE have a really clingy girlfriend or like clingy girls? I don't mind that my girlfriend is clingy she just never stops trying to distract me from work sigh. it's cute though, i feel valued.
>>501208Nona I was saying she shouldn't draw faggots, I'm just saying a yaoi audience is different than a yuri audience and that the nona in the screenshot (that got banned) doesn't have moids rent free for pointing it out. i get annoyed when lesbians are told to draw faggots too.
>>501261I'm hotter than him anyways
No. 501346
>>501312Reminds me of the "lesbian" yumeposting thread. If you're attracted to a genderbend of a
husbando to begin with, it's not lesbian
No. 501715
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>>501355Bjork, I would fangirl over her even harder. She's already a bifag