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No. 418500

thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767
thread #3 >>333126

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.

No. 418507

Yay we finally get to use the cool thread pic!

No. 418518

Is this traced over that Virgins Empire turbo Stacy dyke character?

No. 418778

I just got trolled on HER. Arranged a date but nobody ever showed up and then was blocked. I even gave my address and sent pic of my tits to what could be a greasy scrote oh god the regret. Dont be horny retards like me nonnies, stay safe.

No. 419080

Is anyone else itt celibate? I'm quite picky on top of the 'tism, so if I never get a gf I'll just stay permanently single. Hookups and casual non-monogamous situationships are a massive turn-off. Also obvious moidhate reasons aside, my only experience with a moid only reaffirmed how much I could never stand to be with one, even if he was somehow 100% my type so that's not an option either lmao.
My condolences nona

No. 419084

me, i'm the same way. My type is so autistically specific that all of the very few crushes I've had in my life looked like they could be siblings. And it's not a common phenotype especially where I live so I've accepted I will be alone forever. I used to not mind it so much, but the past few years have been really hard and I've become extremely depressed about it. I hate that I can't control or change my preferences no matter how hard I try. I wish I could fall in love like everybody else.

No. 419194

I'm the same as you for the same reasons, I don't crave romance nor sex so it's very easy for me to have a celibate lifestyle, also I have avoidant tendencies and my hypothetical partner would probably suffer a lot with me.

No. 419263

Me too but its because im insanely naive and gullible. I wont date moids because theyre ugly and violent, and i have this habit of turning women straight and attracting psychos or pedos. Im also not into the whole casual sex thing since im grossed out by venereal disease. So single for life i guess lmao.

No. 419273

Stealing this from the lesbian thread: describe the last woman you had a crush on.
>huge, gentle, brown eyes, with a glimmer
>autistic (noticeably)
>raging weeb
>very pale skin, veins showing through
>somewhat prominent nose, very cute
>super long hair
>high pitched voice that's weirdly very soft and shrill at the same time
>thin, pretty lips, always in a smile
>feminine, modest style
>super narrow shoulders and pretty, delicate arms
>insanely pretty hands with thin fingers
>mix of curvy and pointy/bony in some areas, large chest
>wide hips, has the classic 50s silhouette if that makes sense
I feel like a retard because i can't convey her charm very well (cute this and cute that), but she looks like she stepped out of a 19th c. painting. And i love her.

No. 419274

Samefagging, i left out some details about her intentionally (she has very niche and recognizable interests), but she's got an adorable array of subjects she spergs about constantly. She's so, so warm and affectionate, in a way that feels very natural. She tires easily, which makes me feel super protective of her

No. 419426

I love androgyny so much. I wish there were more truly androgynous people in the world. And I'm not necessarily talking about androgynous in style (although I also like that), but androgynous in actual phenotype.
IMO the most androgynous people are always women because 99.99% of men are only capable of temporary androgyny, once they hit 25 it's like their bodies can't suppress the rough male traits anymore and they just start looking like Some Dude while an androgynous woman can be 60 and still have the exact same androgynous charm she did at 20.
Seeing androgynous people is satisfying on like a cellular level to me. It's sad to me that people hate being physically androgynous most of the time so you can't complement anyone on it kek. If you tell anyone they remind you a little of the opposite sex that they are, that's considered a huge insult. My bisexual brain can't understand why. Personally I even wish I was androgynous myself.

My biggest crush of all time was a woman who looked like a perfect 50-50 blend of feminine and masculine physical features. She was tall, but with a model-like figure. She had "masculine" facial ratios, but her actual facial features were very soft and feminine (sort of like the opposite of someone like leonardo dicaprio, who had feminine facial ratios but masculine facial features, you know?). She hated being androgynous though (as most people do). But to me she still is the pinnacle of human beauty in my mind and I will probably forever daydream about her gorgeous face.

No. 419510

Why is this thread so dead? Are there really so few binonnies here

No. 419511

ngl i think most women are kinsey 1 bisexuals

No. 419512

same. must be because my type in men and women is the same so i have a really strong predilection for androgynous women. it used to be the opposite but now i'm pretty much only attracted to tall women with skinny androgynous builds and a very "guy-like" fashion sense (aka no fashion sense). it's not like i can't feel attracted to feminine curvy girls but the preference for girls who look like cute lanklets is very strong.
androgynous men don't do that much for me though because they age even worse than regular guys imo, i just like skinny and pretty guys.
there are many, they either think they're lesbians so they're in the lesbian threads or their preference for men is so strong that they don't bother leaving the male crush threads.
usually i think the opposite (that most women are just het) but the fact that rad-adjacent or somewhat manhating spaces always seem to be overflowing with bisexual women is interesting

No. 419529

>there are many, they either think they're lesbians so they're in the lesbian threads or their preference for men is so strong that they don't bother leaving the male crush threads
or they just use the female and male crushes separately but not specifically this thread. can't say I even blame them considering how full of bait it often is.
>usually i think the opposite (that most women are just het) but the fact that rad-adjacent or somewhat manhating spaces always seem to be overflowing with bisexual women is interesting
Yeah, I think a lot of normie women just internalize the male gaze and see the female body as sexual but only because patriarchal society in itself presents it as such, the female body itself as sexy but the woman herself as sexless outside the male gaze sexualising her. Meanwhile actual SSA women are more likely to actually be repulsed by male OSA, often after dealing with their own internalized homophobia and coming to terms that sharing female attraction with bihet moids does not put them on the same level. Then again, I've also seen the opposite phenomenon, bisexual and even lesbian women defensive of male gazey depictions of women in the libfem "men do it so women should be allowed to do it too!" way and claiming that criticism of pornification of women is "homophobia" because "some lesbians/bisexuals are into that as well!"

No. 419539

I have a theory that female sexual orientation is just different. Straight women are less specific about the sex they desire, they are less likely to have a strong disgust reaction to the female form. I know many completely straight women who have 'tried' lesbian sex like it's nothing (maybe because women are taught to have less boundaries in general?). Perhaps this is why many het women feel like they might be 'bisexual' because their situation would translate to unmistakeable bisexuality in men, and we know men are the models for the way we think of sexuality in general.

No. 419541

>Straight women are less specific about the sex they desire, they are less likely to have a strong disgust reaction to the female form
I think this can be explained by female socialization tbh. The argument that female sexuality and male sexuality are different has always annoyed me because I know what it's like to go from one side to the other. I used to have a very nebulous or "fluid" sexuality like what you describe, until I started to actually consider what I'm into. A lot of women simply don't ever think about what they actually want.
>maybe because women are taught to have less boundaries in general?
basically yeah

No. 419550

>straight women are less likely to have a strong disgust reaction to the female form
respectfully disagree: I think that men also don't have any sort of strong disgust reaction to the male form and the subhuman moid chimpouts are just for show.

No. 419584

The last woman I had a crush on is a friend I never talk to anymore and I'm nervous that she might post on here because she was also an edgy weeb. I think she's actually bi and I still have weird dreams about kissing her sometimes
I could believe this because the majority of posts I see in normie bi women spaces like reddit are women who have been hetero married or otherwise exclusively partnered with men for years who think they might be bi or are only interested in hooking up with women on the side but would've been 100% content living as straight

No. 419590

Okay hear me out: this is literally bisexual erasure in action. I know that's a meme, but it's also real. A LOT more people are bisexual than you would think based on self-reports.

No. 419591

>hetero married or otherwise exclusively partnered with men for years who think they might be bi or are only interested in hooking up with women on the side but would've been 100% content living as straight
this makes a lot of sense because all people find themselves in the easier path 90% of the time. living as a straight is easier than living as a lesbian.

No. 419596

I think those who prefer/currently date men go to straight relationship threads, and those who prefer women to lesbian thread.

A lot of more moids have attraction/experimenting with other men than they admit. I used to study engineering and the stuff they did in student parties "as a joke bruh" was already pretty gay, probably a lot more happened behind closed doors.

No. 419605

Yeah, i was too categorical. I also have a more 'male' style of attraction (very visual, firm preferences etc.) so i know very well it's not set in stone. A lot of what you can call 'male' or 'female' sexuality overlaps anyways. But yes, i suspect female socialization has a lot to do with this. It's not just that women are taught to not have boundaries, but people have a created a world where women's boundaries feel weightless and are easily ignored, it probably deeply shapes many women's sexualities.
I don't trust self-reports kek. I believe women when they say they have a certain orientation, but i'm still aware of the fact they could lie (unless my gaydar is strongly activated). I know too many women who claim to be bi and display zero SSA (just a vague 'ummm women nice and pretty' sentiment) or bisexuals who LARP as lesbian in certain contexts to believe every statement at face value.
Kek that's true. But i meant that men have firmer limits when it comes to sex (overall). Some are driven to 'experimentation' by latent bisexuality or pornsickness but they have a harder time going against their 'true' orientation. Men often entertain the idea that gay sex is simpler and easier to obtain than heterosexual intercourse but they lament the fact that they can't force a change in their orientation (i've seen this both online and IRL). I also know many women who did try lesbian sex when they knew very well they were completely het, it's strange

No. 419654

>But i meant that men have firmer limits when it comes to sex (overall)
tbh i don't think this is accurate, currently at least. maybe at some point it was but nowadays men are getting memed into liking femboys and trannies to such an extent that it's kind of an epidemic. my sister uses tiktok a lot and she's always ranting about how every day she finds at least one video of a man saying he prefers femboys over real women or a comment section full of guys claiming that they'd take a femboy or a tim over an actual woman, and i believe them. this isn't something that i've seen happen to women.
it's pretty weird and it's also pretty recent. imo it can be attributed primarily to the whole trans thing and the pornification of pretty much everything, and social media/forums etc etc. this has proven to me that male sexuality might be a lot more malleable than female sexuality, and that the stereotype that women's sexuality is more flexible than men's might've been pure projection all along, or born from male-made media and the world at large telling women that they must pleasure men, and that being "bicurious" is one way to achieve that. or both. meanwhile, for men it seems like they're genuinely getting their sexualities twisted into this strange sort-of-gay limbo where they proudly proclaim that the best part about femboys is the dick.
overall, i don't like saying that sexualities can be molded or changed, but the current climate tells me men are either a lot more susceptible to getting so pornsick that they start craving feminine boys in dresses and tights (not news to anyone) or that the number of bisexual men is a lot higher than the number of bisexual women.

No. 419658

Women would be the same if there were legions of sexy crossdressing women for them to fangirl over, though. Takarazuka is a Japanese theater company that's primary thing is handsome crossdressing women, and normie married women, grandmas, office women, etc come out in droves to watch and fangirl obsessively over these actresses. These women say the same thing that femboy loving moids say, but reversed– "crossdressing women are sexier than real men".

What to make of these facts on both sides, I don't know.

No. 419660

true. i was gonna argue that those women are never as horny about female crossdressers as men are about male crossdressers but that is 100% just a result of socialization lmao so i totally agree with you.

maybe the conclusion is just that the difference really isn't that big, if it even exists. or that both homosexual and heterosexual people are the minority, and the majority are actually a little bit bi (like kinsey 1s and 2s) but they almost never find out because they have no reason to question themselves.

No. 419661

NTA but women still don't do something like actually seeking out sex or even porn with such handsome women. Men will literally go out and get psyopped into fucking tranny prostitutes and destroying their dicks to sissy porn. A lot of those women into takarazuka just find those women cute and beautiful (which they are), it's not even close to what men are warping themselves into.

No. 419666

nta but that's exactly what i was gonna say. but you also have to consider that men are always diving headfirst into everything, they're retards with little to no impulse control in general. women tend to be less insane when it comes to everything so it's not surprising that it applies to these matters too.

No. 419671

I'm still of the opinion that being bisexual necessitates engaging in or desiring actual sexual activity with the same sex, so women who just admire the appearance of masculine women and make gay jokes don't fit the bill for me.

No. 419672

The answer was already posted - most people gravitate to either the straight relationship threads or the lesbian thread. I admit I hang in the lesbian thread more because I don’t date and have never dated moids and am more attracted to women, so the posts I make are more relevant there.
I think it’s just that the default sexuality is bisexual, that makes the most sense. Male or female, not just for humans, for all animals. Everything else comes down to socialisation/conditioning, the fact that society’s notions on gender that aren’t based in biology play a role in attraction, which is why it can seem pretty malleable, or seemingly manifest overnight (like “discovering” you were bi through one exception and then suddenly you’re attracted to even regular people of your gender, or suddenly you’re not repulsed by their genitals). It’s been proven that humans are physiologically aroused by attractive people of the same gender regardless of their identified sexuality - the defining factor is the psychological executive decision: “would I have sex with them/COULD I imagine or navigate having sex with them?” There are only a few completely heterosexual and homosexual people, but when it’s more convenient to stick to one, why wouldn’t you? I also think that the direction of your sexuality is something that is cultivated, and grows when you pay attention to it.

No. 419678

having lurked in Japanese fanspaces for a few years, I’ve learned that while it’s culturally not acceptable for women to post “omfg fuck me pls” about celebrities like we do in the west, these women do genuinely seem extremely horny about it in their own coded subdued way. They just can’t say it outright because it’s considered insanely rude.
And I feel like it’s not a fair comparison to say that moids are the only ones going out and fucking cross dressers, because femboys’ whole thing is selling porn and crossdressing prostitutes are prostitutes, the whole thing is a sex thing so it’s easy for moids to engage sexually. The true reverse exists nowhere and even takarazuka, which I think is the closest comparison, is enveloped in a completely sanitized purity fan culture and the objects of lust are untouchable actresses that you couldn’t sleep with if you tried. But that doesn’t mean the fans don’t want to fuck them. You know?

No. 419679

>bisexual thread becomes active
>lesbian thread dies

No. 419680

Don’t reply to the baiter. This sounds like the one that goes on day long sperg marathons and we don’t need that here.

No. 419682

Yeah I didn't take the cultural differences into account, that might be something. But you also rarely see this takarazuka archetype in female-targerted porn (which Japan has in spades so there's no reason for it to be rare besides just literally being unpopular). They're usually just a side option in mixed-gender harems that get rejected in favor of a male by the FMC. I don't see the proof. I wish we could use observations in western spaces but unfortunately sexual openness rising coincided with the mass trooning or extinction of butch/masc women so we have no similar comparison across borders. But it also just makes evolutionary sense for female sexuality to be less diverse than male because we are the more reproductively valuable sex. I still think bisexuality is more common in males than females, but the social consequences are opposite and muddy the data.

No. 419683

>posting in the lesbian thread instead
I don't mean this to infight, but why? They clearly don't want you to post there even if you only date women and not moids

No. 419687

Maybe if this thread were more active, but even then I’ve always thought labels affect our perception of this matter. Imagine if there were no straight, bi or gay, and just a scale, or percentage attraction. Then it would become apparent. Does a Kinsey 5 bisexual have much in common with the average bi woman, who is probably a Kinsey 2? I have genuinely only been attracted to 2 men ever, but I accept that as bisexuality. Obviously I relate to lesbians more than bisexuals. I don’t see the problem, I’m technically a goldstar and have dated girls since middle school but some of the lesbians that sperg about bihets have literally slept with men for goodness knows why, if they’re accepted there I don’t see how I shouldn’t be.

No. 419689

I think you’re too focused on porn and trying to compare male and female sexuality through their respective porn consumption. Women are not nearly as into porn as men so it’s never going to be a proper comparison

No. 419690

No. 419695

It's true it's not the same, but women aren't sexless beings, the entire erotica industry and a pretty large chunk of the erotic comics industry are tailored to a female audience, the entirety of smutfic is built by women. These mediums can absolutely be used to gauge female sexuality.

No. 419706

Definitely the majority of bi women are between Kinsey 1-3, I've seen so many of them get mad when you say this too but it's really just the facts. Not sure I believe most women are bi but there are certainly more of us than lesbians and a lot of "straight" men are really bi as well.

No. 419711

>It’s been proven that humans are physiologically aroused (..) regardless of identity
Only women, really. Women display bisexual arousal across all sexual orientations (unlike men, who are clearly divided when it comes to arousal). Only lesbians seem to be more particular about their arousal, in a similar fashion to men. I think AYRT might be onto something. These kinsey 2 straight women are indeed fully straight psychologically and socially but there is a bisexual pattern of arousal in women and it might be interpreted as 'all straight women are bisexual on some level'. Now, arousal and actually enjoying sex or even having an interest for women are two different things. Sorry for sperging, but this is really interesting and relevant to the thread. The fact that women seem to experience arousal differently in relation to their orientation feels meaningful. Men are very malleable when it comes to retarded porn-induced fetishes but that's distinct from sexual orientation. Also i suspect that men's attraction to 'ambiguous' men is much, much more common than what we think. It's only starting to be uncovered due to exposure to troons
.. Why? There are plenty of bisexuals who relate to this (not clicking with bisexual 'culture' or whatever, preferring women), it's still not lesbianism.

No. 419726

Where did I imply that it was lesbian? I said that even if I’ve only been attracted to 2 men I recognise I’m bi.

No. 419740

No, but, why post in the lesbian thread. Lesbianism is lesbianism, regardless of if you try out het sex once or whatever. That thread is plagued by infights because everyone can sense there are bisexuals posting on it for whatever reason. I don't see why bisexuals can't post about SSA here

No. 419746

Also most of the bi anons in this thread lean more towards women, we rarely talk about moids here.

No. 419789

I just don’t see how women who have had sex with men would be able to post in the lesbian thread but women who have only had experience with women can’t. I’m not arguing on what is or isn’t lesbianism.
You said that there are many bisexuals that relate, I disagree, even though there are some here that prefer women they still like men more than incidentally. You’re recognising that bisexuality is an extremely broad category and that both ends hardly relate to each other - they relate more to either straight women or gay women. So why do the bihet anons get to go to all the straight woman threads there without there being a fuss?
I still post here occasionally, but obviously I’m not gonna appear much in a thread where women are still talking about being attracted to a fucking/dating men, that’s just like the rest of this website and to be frank I hate reading about it. If you truly want to segregate us, then make a bi thread for the kinsey 5s specifically, but that would be redundant and only for namesake because it would literally be identical to the lesbian thread.
I think it’s annoying when bi anons announce themselves in the lesbian thread and I don’t see why anyone who engages with men would want to post there but I don’t think my specific instance is harmful in the slightest.

No. 419805

>Only women display bisexual arousal across all sexual orientations
That's kind of bleak tbh. I skimmed over a study on this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8604855/ and it concluded that even lesbians experience arousal towards male sexual stimuli, although their response is stronger with female sexual stimuli but still, disappointing. Then I looked for a study on men's responses to sexual stimuli https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31399924/ and it concluded that they're more sex-specific and help predict men's sexual orientation better than women's responses.
I still maintain that socialization plays a role in this, maybe a huge role even, but as it stands, it really paints women as flaky and malleable. By itself it's a neutral finding but when you consider how there's a narrative that lesbians specifically can be turned, it becomes pretty uncomfortable, to me at least.

No. 419819

>male arousal defined by penile erection (measuring bloodflow towards the penis)
>female arousal defined by vaginal pulses instead of clitoral bloodflow
>the vagina being considered the homologue to the penis and not the clitoris
yeah I'm taking that shit with a grain of salt

No. 419820

>So why do the bihet anons get to go to all the straight woman threads there without there being a fuss?
You have to be a troll, I don’t believe you’re this stupid. The answer is because they’re not “straight woman threads” they’re just threads about sexy men. The analogue to those threads is the female fantasies thread or the women you’d like to fuck threads. Not the lesbian thread, which could not be more clear about who it’s for.

No. 419821

kek maybe this is weird but my vagina pulses in reaction to everything, whether I’m concentrating, scared, surprised etc. I dunno if this is common or not.

No. 419823

The relationships thread is basically a straight woman thread, anyone who wants gay relationship advice comes to one of the gay threads, and the rare time they do post there they get like no responses or ones that are half-assed compared to the ones about moids.
That being said, that’s not even my reason for using the lesbian thread. I notice how you didn’t respond to the more relevant rest of the reply.

No. 419826

it has to be common because the same happens to me. sometimes i'm very angry and disgusted and it starts acting up. i thought i was just crazy. it feels different from sexual arousal though

No. 419828

>I am the special exception and am basically a lesbian so it’s okay to pretend to be one
I don’t think I need to argue against that. Everyone can see that is retarded.

No. 419830

exactly. I'm sure a lot of the so called "sexual responses" in women were actually curiosity/surprise/anger/disgust etc mistaken for desire. The way they just assumed women experiencing vaginal pulsations over various stimuli regardless of orientation means that all women are ~naturally sexually fluid~ and not that maybe vaginal pulsations are actually not an accurate metric of female sexual arousal shows inherent bias among the researchers tbh. this is what happens when people are taught that piv is the ultimate sex act, even when not intending to reproduce, and that the women are just "penisless men with an extra hole"

No. 419831

I think of it like tapping my foot. If I’m restless or nervous I’ll start doing it but it’s not sexual at all, it’s just a tic

No. 419864

There's a theory that genital response towards any sexual stimuli regardless of what or why is a defense mechanism against rape. It's not really provable but it makes a lot of sense imo.
>According to the preparation hypothesis, women have developed a reflexive lubrication response to any sexual cue that could lead to penetration in order to prepare and hence protect the vagina from potential injury (Suschinsky & Lalumière, 2011). Genital arousal would thus primarily serve a protective (i.e., avoidance-driven) function and unfold independently from subjective sexual arousal, which is more likely driven by a pleasure (i.e., approach-oriented) motivational focus.

No. 419878

>it’s ok to pretend to be one
Posting there is not pretending to be one. I am bisexual, albeit a Kinsey 5. There are women out there that have “exceptions” higher in number than the two boys I was attracted to in middle school and consider themselves lesbian. The world isn’t going to end if I request advice for my lesbian relationships in the lesbian thread KEK

No. 419879

That literally doesn’t even make sense with the studies linked earlier. Those studies claimed straight women have genital arousal from other women. Women do not have a rape stick. Unless you’re claiming there was an epidemic in our evolutionary past of cavewomen violently fingerfuck-raping each other, it doesn’t add up.

No. 419880

My vagina clenches in response to ugly moids, I consider it a sealing mechanism

No. 419881

Ok. Enjoy being hated by both lesbians and bisexuals in pursuit of your larp I guess

No. 419883

Oh to be a cavewoman violently finger fucked by the hot alpha female of our tribe…

No. 419886

Alright. I do think lesbians come and talk here too though. Not like I’m gatekeeping, if it’s relevant to the discussion it’s relevant. Let’s just all hold hands and be friends.

No. 419887

Oh to be the alpha female of a tribe and get to violently fingerfuck the other cavewomen…

No. 419889

I linked it because it could be a reason why it would still happen to women who are not attracted to men

No. 419890

umm nope nona ackshually it means you want them inside you because female sexuality is just about pleasing men and filling your empty holes!!
reminds me of another even more horrid pseudo-scientific "study" I found a long time ago that suggested that female SSA evolved specifically to attract males

No. 419895

>women were actually curiosity/surprise/anger/disgust etc mistaken for desire.
Wtf, I've never heard of or experienced this before kek. I've had random spasms when laying in certain positions, but I've never clenched in anger, disgust, or surprise before. In fact, if a person ever said that I would assume they're a moid with a poor understanding of the female body

No. 419908

LOL honestly I don’t blame you. I think I have an overactive pelvic floor though, you know when people brace their core to lift something heavy? I rely on my pelvic muscles a lot and they’re always kind of doing something, it’s kind of like your neck or stomach getting tight in response to your emotions.

No. 419918

I’m always casually flexing my pussy muscles, I thought it was normal.

No. 419927

Keep going nona, maybe you'll be able to break dicks after enough practice.

No. 419957

>mfw all the mental gymnastics in this thread so that bisexuals can claim that every woman is also a bishit like them
Maybe if bishits stopped lying about their true sexuality all the time those studies wouldn't be flawed in the first place.(baiting)

No. 419961

AYRT, while i understand your reaction, i think it's very dependent on the way these results are obtained, like >>419819 and others have pointed out. IIRC these studies often bring up how difficult it is to gauge the validity of the results when women seem to elude male-centric methods of measuring arousal. At the end of the day, we have different genitalia and are socialized very differently, so it's not too shocking that things like orientation are expressed differently. You could reverse the 'women are flimsy' conclusion too, and argue that male arousal is retarded in comparison
Maybe you are right about the fact that the lesbian thread is more appropriate for some topics. But i replied partly because i'm intrigued by the tendency of some bisexuals to hide, or flat out lie about their bisexuality if they hang in explicitly lesbian spaces or date women. A lot of the time it's white lies, downplaying OSA attraction or leaving out a het dating history. Not saying you are lying about it
or that it's super harmful, but it reminded me of this
>If you truly want to segregate us, then make a bi thread for the kinsey 5s specifically, but that would be redundant and only for namesake because it would literally be identical to the lesbian thread.
Ehhhhh, no. And you can post about being a mostly-SSA woman too, i don't see why the presence of kinsey 2s is such a hindrance. As annoying as it is to not relate at all to them, they aren't preventing you from talking about your experience.

No. 419970

>don't see why the presence of kinsey 2s is such a hindrance.
It’s not, my point is that if anons want to partake in the discussions that happen on certain threads it’s not an issue, the same goes for lesbians that occasionally come here, I don’t see the problem with that? If anons want that to stop then they can make a thread for mostly SSA women. If the other women are like me, the discussions would never roll around to men or male attraction so yeah, it would be the same.

No. 419981

we get it, words have no meanings, you are just like lesbians, everyone should use threads not for them because "why should anyone care", etc.
We understand you're retarded. You don't have to keep telling us, so stop sperging

No. 419995

File: 1722301208167.png (738.32 KB, 690x900, ccatcomputer.png)

just kiss already

No. 419996


No. 419998

none of this fucking matters, jesus why is every sexuality-related post on this website just anons endlessly seething and agonizing over and scrutinizing their own sexuality and other anons’ sexualities.

No. 419999

men never do this

No. 420000

No. 420007

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>lesbian thread dead for the 2nd day in a row
>bisexual thread active for the 2nd day in a row
Really makes you think.(infight baiting)

No. 420009

what an ugly child

No. 420011

Don't stare too much in the mirror, nonnie.

No. 420012

what a middle school response. you are worth nothing

No. 420013

You can't even type properly, nonna.

No. 420014

Honestly I just find it interesting as a subject. Female sexuality is so misunderstood and I want to exchange thoughts with other anons who find it similarly fascinating.

No. 420015

what a reddit response. you are worth nothing

No. 420017

at this point i can only believe it's the baiter replying to herself. Farmhands please delete her bullshit

No. 420026

idk i like when she comes over here and starts bislut shaming its kinda hot

No. 420031

have some self respect please

No. 420042

I hate this particular active sperg but I’m definitely a pick me for lesbians and want them to degrade me.

No. 420050

No. 420058


No. 420065

Not like I want moids to do it, I wouldn’t mind degrading a bihet either
Based but they don’t want me

No. 420067

Gee I can’t imagine why

No. 420070

But I’m so sexy…

No. 420107

If the reaction is a primitive response to seeing any type of sexual situation, it doesn't matter whether the participants are male or female or realistically capable of rape.

No. 420125

That doesn’t make any sense. Trying to claim straight women having an arousal response when seeing another woman is due to subconscious fear of rape is nonsensical. If the previous study only found arousal when viewing men, then sure maybe the rape theory would have a leg to stand on. But the fact it happens when viewing women too shows it’s not a solid theory.

No. 420145

They don't agonize, they just cope and seethe about how fucking femboys in the ass is totes straight or how drooling over Charli XCX or Katy Perry but in an "ironic camp" way is totes gay

No. 420195

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is there anyone here who have experience with having people insinuate or even outright strongly believe/tell you to your face that they are convinced that you are a lesbian instead of bi? despite things like you having had a dating history with men, having had sex with men, so on so forth, it just doesn't seem to matter to these people?

like i don't want this to delve into another "omg please diagnose my sexuality" but this happens constantly with everyone around me and all it has given me now is sexual orientation OCD and paranoia that i'm living a lie no matter which label i choose. my whole life i felt confident in telling people i am bi, but after these experiences with people trying to convince me that i'm a lesbian, now it's giving me a deep seated confusion in my life.

No. 420198

First of all fuck those fags for trying to convince you of something you're not. Let me guess, are they the greasy, colored hair type or adjacent? For some reason those straight kweerios love diagnosing people with the KWEER identity they think they deserve, fuck them if they say otherwise. Honestly those people are not worth your time and are braindead retards who cannot take a woman at her word. Fuck them.

No. 420201


that's the fucked up part. these are all regular ass everyday people. as in, non-kweer. and they span from all over the place: straight, gay/lesbian, and even some bis too. i don't get it.

No. 420216

It's just your typical biphobia where people have trouble accepting that it's a real sexuality. There's plenty of people with internalized biphobia but it's way more annoying when other people impose it on you

No. 420222

It’s cuz they think all lesbians kinda like men so surely you’re just one too

No. 420223

I have had that happen to me, but also the "youre just straight but want to be speshul!". And I have openly dated both sexes. I dont really get why some people are so keen to assign orientations for others. But it is the best to try not to really care, it only matters to you who are you attracted to. And the people you date I guess, but people who doubt you over something so dumb dont seem worth dating anyway.

No. 420230

Don't be retarded, you know who you are. As other people said it's just biphobia because monosexuals can't comprehend bisexuality.

No. 420250

I had a male ex who knew I had dated women before say that he didn't actually think bisexuality was real. I interrupted him to say "I've had sex with a girl before, though." He got a bit quiet and went "Oh. Really? I mean, did you actually like it?" Do you think I was just holding hands majority of the time and forcing myself to have sex the rest of the time to give myself bi cred?

No. 420254

Yes but it's typically coming from older relatives who think that if a girl isn't constantly chatting about boys or running into marriage it's because she's a closeted lesbian spinster. But consider this: When a tranny tells their coming out story it's often that they were listening to other trannies in their ear telling them what they were. After constant exposure to insecure losers attributing every negative feeling with transexuality and watching youtube essays that repeat the same rhetoric, straight cis guys suddenly decide that they've really been a lesbian woman deep down. Now, that sounds ridiculous right? You shouldn't let people get in your head and try to talk you into being something you're not

No. 420270

dissenting theory from the people saying it's queerio logic, biphobia, or whatever: I think people just don't believe women about their sexuality or their sexual boundaries, even straight women who are pushed into threesomes and told that women's sexuality is fluid so they should be open to anything and turned on by anything. people would just be telling you that you're bisexual if you identified as lesbian.

No. 420293

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that makes so much sense thank u


ooooh this is so real and very fucking annoying. its scary how common that type of thinking goes unchecked these days, though, and makes me feel horrible for lesbians having to keep fighting against it.


ugh, i had an ex one time who was like OMG MAYBE YOU'RE PANSEXUAL LOL just because i think its awesome that gender non-conforming people exist and some looked attractive to me. like no, stupid, pretty sure i'm just being a regular bisexual.

if someone says they're bi, just believe them? it's not like you live inside their heads 24/7/365.


yea you're right nonny, i think i'll un-come out to my parents the next time i see them.


i think ultimately female bisexuality is still a mystical thing that most people refuse to understand on a deeper level, so just contend to thinking every single one of us is either lying or so confused that we need to fuck every single person on earth in order to be extra sure. funny how straight women who are virgins and prob planning to keep it that way until they find a serious relationship/marriage are automatically believed to be het despite 0 experiences with moids lol.


this did something to my brain and i want to thank you so much for you breaking it down holy shit. its scary how seductive social contagion is and how… well, unpopular bisexuality is in general that everyone wants to explain it away with nebulous terms like comphet (the kind that says its okay to want a male celebrity's dick but because he's unattainable its okay), pansexuality, or split attraction models.


that makes sense also. i think especially in the cases where a bi woman doesn't fit in with biphobic stereotypes (doesn't want group sex, doesn't need a bf and a gf at once to feel complete, may gnc in some way, etc) then that means she's some other orientation, instead of just embracing the fact that bisexuality might be different from one person to the next with how it is expressed. if that makes sense.

thanks everyone. i think i'm finally at peace with myself and can let the confusion go.(unintegrated)

No. 420328

Perfect thread pic

No. 421268

I was playing a game where my character has a cosmetic feature of a bi flag trailing behind her, and both the enemy team and my teammates started flaming me kek. They said I am bisexual but still get "no bitches".

No. 421448

I live in a small city and I get hit on a lot because I’m look gay. The girls hit on me most are straight/bi-curious and wouldn’t go further than making out. I have sexual desires and bad self esteem and am probably a bpdfag and have a strong need for validation from others. I don’t enjoy having sex with men, I get turned on by the idea but when it happens I dissociate. It’s a new form of self harm for me. When I talk to people about this they tell me I’m suffering from comphet but I know lesbians don’t experience any attraction to men and would go to bed with them.
I really need to find a gf again.

No. 421642

How to get hit on by women? I always seethe a little when my straight friends get womens attention out of nowhere kek. But hopefully you find a gf nona!

No. 421677

Nta but some people just give off the energy, I’m bi but ever since high school pretty much 90% of attention I get is from girls, which is kinda crazy.

No. 421975

look butch-ish

No. 422082

But I do dress in mens clothes and wear no make up already. And I have had some success making the first move myself. Maybe I just dont look approachable (except to greasy old moids fml.)

No. 422083

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I have a sort of a crush on an online friend, I don't know what she looks like or how old she is (could be anything from 25 to 35) or her real name and I will probably never get to know her in person but I am in love. This is debilitating and I hate this why does it always happen? Also why does she not answer to me it's been a week I'm dying.

No. 422084

I just know this was a Roblox game kek. Also having more options but still getting no bitches is true to the bi experience.

No. 422088

Ngl nona as retarded as it sounds I’m jelly, I miss getting crushes on women from my same online spaces (usually scrote infested). It never goes anywhere but the feeling is nice

No. 422145

It gets extra pathetic considering I rarely get crushes irl, makes me think I'm terminally online. Posting about this issue on LC must be magic though, because she just responded (my day is saved I am blessed). This has happened twice already, some cosmic influence. I know for a fact she doesn't use LC, so can't be that.

No. 422209

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Kek it was actually League of Legends. Felt like I was experiencing picrel irl.

No. 422425

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Just posting this here in case someone else finds it interesting. It's a survey report that focuses on bisexual people (about 44k of all respondents and there are reports on other groups as well) and I know the organization is pro-troon as most are nowadays but they are surprisingly only about 20% of the survey data. I'm not European though, so if there are any controversies about this org I don't know about them

No. 424653

I wish I had a proper LGB community in my city. I’ve moved here for university but I’ve not met any bisexual or lesbian women.

I hate dating apps and tried to download one just for the sake of it the only thing I found were:
- women who wanted friendships;
- ugly troons;
- men;
- they/them men;
- open relationship and polycule people
- ugly couples looking for a third.
And even then the options weren’t many, I was always seeing the same people.

No. 424654

And the fact that I don’t look overly bi doesn’t help either. I dress quite minimal and tend to prefer neutral colors. Should I start wearing flag badges at this point?

No. 425624

Anyone who knows me irl would probably label me a spicy straight if they ever heard me say I was bisexual. But the real reason I don’t date women is because I’m a raging BPDfag with retard strength. Like I could seriously hurt a woman if I ever lost control. I don’t care about hurting men though. They can walk that shit off, and most of them deserve it anyway.

No. 425625

…okay then

No. 425629

Same and you're so real for this, nona.
I had a long distance gf and she did not deserve to be subjected to my absolute batshit insanity that would emerge in-person.
I think most people assume I'm primarily into women because of my presentation though.

No. 426226

I have to keep this part of myself locked up from everyone even my partner because she doesn't get it. She's the only one I've ever been with but I'm still bisexual and it feels like I can't be my whole self sometimes. If she sees me eyeing my celebrity male crush she gets weirded out. I wish I didn't have to feel this way. The music he makes is such a positive influence on my life I can't give t up.

No. 426331

I know what you mean but I don’t really see it as a burden or “not being my whole self” so much as a simple act of decency required in any relationship. When I was in college, I went out on a few dates with a man who commented on how hot the waitress and a passing woman on the street were, and it occurred to me at the time it happened that this was such a violation of basic dating etiquette that it was probably just him actively testing me to see what he could get away with. It’s just such a piggish move to be ogling or seriously crushing on other people in front of your s/o that I think it’s not asking too much to keep that behavior to a minimum.

No. 426342

Just be one of those polyamorous bis kek. I see them online all the time (and without fail the het pair always leaves the other girl to be together).
No but seriously, it’s so bizarre. Bi women seem to be perfectly fine going their whole lives with just men but apparently it’s impossible to be with a woman and not think of men kek. Maybe you should just stick with men.

No. 426363

This. You dont drool at other women in front of your gf either? Hopefully. It is fine to have celebrity crushes but no need to rub them in the face of your partner.

No. 426545

There have also been anons in this thread who are in a straight relationship and feel like they are missing out on never having been with a woman. Tbh I kinda get it, I feel like if I havent had experienced both sexes when I was younger I would be left curious about the other. Probably sounds like a bad bi stereotype, but when I last time dated a woman didnt miss moids at all and would never consider being a polyfag. How do you anons feel about it? Im pretty much 50/50 bi, maybe different for those with a strong preference?

No. 426546

I'm like a 4 on the Kinsey scale physically, though emotionally the kind of self-confidence I'm attracted to is more common in men so my dating history is 50/50. If I'm happy with a partner I have no need to bring the other sex into it, but when I'm dating a man I fantasize about women regularly and only fantasize about men rarely if I'm dating a woman.

No. 426548

I thought I was the only one like this, physically women are the only ones I look at but personality wise… there’s so much less confidence and a lot of women are so demure/indecisive/passive that they become incredibly unattractive to me, it zaps any interest I had. Sucks that so many women are like this, but I guess it’s female socialisation’s fault.

No. 426554

Who is your celebrity crush?

No. 426589

I am this anon. I'm dealing a bit better with those feelings. For the record I dont drool over other people in from of my long-term girl or rub it in her face. It's just difficult to be a bisexual woman with a woman when everyone around you is expecting you to jump ship and go straight at any time no matter how long you've been together. It's so weird to me people can understand the idea of celebrity crushes when it's straight women with some actor they like but for me it's a sign of the end times. Even you retards think bisexual people are insatiable and need to be poly or cheat as if people in general don't wonder about the grass on the other side.

Member of the jpop group Snow Man. Their upbeat positive music helps me so much through the hard days and I've been a fan of such music since my mid-teens.

No. 426713

That’s really wholesome. I’m sorry it feels like you have to hide some of yourself away.

No. 427074

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has anybody ever done the fabled bisexual threesome? is it awkward? ive always imagined it would be super awkward, like if you start doing something with the guy's gf then he would get all mad, but if you start doing something with the girl's bf she would get all mad. And then the girl wouldnt even be into you since she is straight. but also i have been kinda fantasizing about doing it with my friend and her moid

No. 427080

The “FFM threesome” is cuckolding but for women. It’s so fucking shameful and because of you dumb bitches it’s now mandatory for straight women to go prison gay to please their scrotes. Imagine if straight men had to act out yaoi with a cock up their ass. This is real life for straight women because of whore bisexuals playing into male fantasies. Congratulations on being a spineless unpaid prostitute who makes out with girls for male attention. You made life worse for everyone else.

No. 427081

> I've been fantasizing about doing it with my female friend and her moid
Literally why

No. 427089

what? since when is it mandatory? it sounds like you are the spineless one that cant tell your scrote "no".
theyre both hot and have made jokes about it

No. 427094

Bitch please. Go on Reddit for once, your kind has been terrorising normal women (bisexuals who don’t want to play out lesbian fantasies for a scrote and doormat straight women) with your uncontrollable lust. It’s so humiliating and people like you are the reason biphobia exists. I’ve never done such a thing but many women have and they don’t deserve to go through that. You remind me of Hutu women who would hold down Tutsi women during the Rwandan genocide so their scrotes could rape her easily. No sense of female camaraderie, just your personal gain. You need to be chemically neutered before you spread stds to a mother of 3 trying to save her marriage.(infighting)

No. 427096

I agree with you on principle about the retard you're responding to (imagine being fetishized by your straight friend's boyfriend and hearing her play along with it and being flattered, fucking loser lmao) but
> You remind me of Hutu women who would hold down Tutsi women during the Rwandan genocide so their scrotes could rape her easily
This bit is extreme and uncalled for kek

No. 427098

>theyre both hot and have made jokes about it
they are absolutely testing the waters and would fuck you in a heartbeat. you should totally do it as long as you don't mind dumping them both if they make it weird or awkward or if the threesome makes them break up. the next time they make a "joke," you just need to speak up and they will agree. just make sure you're really, really firm on insisting that they get tested and show you the actual test results because they sound like dirty whores. as a tip, some planned parenthood locations won't test for herpes unless you ask them to, so make sure you tell them to ask for that one too.

No. 427100

The passive aggression kek

No. 427102

lmao seethe and mald. Im not raping anybody wtf. If anything the moid would be more like an accessory.
This will definitely just stay a fantasy since i dont want to cause any drama lmao. I was just curious to see if it had ever gone well for any bi nonas

No. 427104

Then why don’t you just sleep with the woman, miss porn star? Oh right, because this whole thing is allowed to happen because the man wants two girls to suck his dick. I hope you get warts on your pussy(infighting)

No. 427106

> If anything the moid would be more like an accessory
Oh, you're a libfem. That explains it kek

No. 427109

idk sounds like your mad at the fantasy of the two of us pleasuring her together and enjoying ourselves. learn to say no to your moid and youll be much happier
what is a libfem

No. 427110

I’m curious, is the gf bi or straight?

No. 427111

i have no idea we dont talk about previous partners. she gives me straight vibes but my experience shows me that most "straight" women are kinsey 1s or 2s who just like for a woman to make the first move. she has said i have cute boobs

No. 427117

I have to confess that there are moments when I think it's so hot when you're talking to one of those girls (the much hated and undateable kind of bihet who would never make the first move or come out to her parents) and you can just see it in her eyes and her actions that she's really, genuinely attracted to you and really is suppressing something real. that doesn't sound like what's happening here but your note about kinsey 1-2s made me think of it kek.

No. 427119

Please stop responding to anons seething and sperging about bisexuals. There are some anons who obsessively hate bisexuals and they're probably stalking this thread to bait.

No. 427121

yes omg its so hot. I think thats part of what makes the fantasy so hot.
there is this lesbian nona who comes on here and calls us all sluts but idk if she knows how hot it is lmao

No. 427122

Yeah some anons are going schizo about this. It is not some abuse of women to do a threesome everyone agrees to. However wouldnt recommend it, would probably cause drama and even if you think it will be more for the women the moid will be there trying to play porn director and make it super awkward.

No. 427126

Nah I agree with bislut nona. I agree these are the specific type of bis people hate. But I say go for it, report back to us and tell us if she ended up being wrong

No. 427131

Yes, we know a lot of you hate yourselves and will lick the feet of anyone who hates bisexual women

No. 427138

Stop being so overly sensitive kek. I really think this opinion is hardly hating bisexual women, it’s common sense that FFM threesomes are this way. Blame moids, not the SSA women who look down on this.

No. 427142

Idk if you're being purposefully dense but no one is saying that saying you shouldn't participate in threesomes is hating bisexual women. It's stuff like saying bisexual women are basically raping straight women if they choose to have threesomes.

No. 427144

Stop responding to the bait anon. Baiters will ALWAYS be lurking the bisexual thread with their fishing poles out, just report and ignore.

No. 427145

You're right, sorry

No. 427150

I mean… it’s not rape but it isn’t exactly the complete opposite. If a straight woman, straight man, and bisexual woman having sex it’s the scrote getting all the enjoyment here. Definitely not the straight woman.
Excuse me? I’m a bisexual woman. I’m allowed to be here and discuss things. “Baiters” isn’t everyone you disagree with.

No. 427151

Samefagging but kek if you even actually think lesbians are stalking this thread just to bait with biphobia or whatever… lol

No. 427152

No one said anything about lesbians.

No. 427153

So what would be the implication? Who is “baiting”?

No. 427154

…Why would you need to be lesbian to post bait?

No. 427155

No. 427156

?..Anon >>427144 said that baiters lurk the bisexual thread. It’s not inappropriate to assume this anon meant lesbians considering the topic. Hence why I’m curious, if not them, who these supposed baiters are, should they exist.

No. 427157

Lesbians were never brought up in the topic, only bisexual women, straight women and straight men. it's transparent as fuck what you're trying to do.

No. 427160

…It’s inference, but whatever, I’m not fighting about this.

No. 427163

how is the scrote the only one getting enjoyment out of it? Im getting a hot girl and hot guy, he is getting 2 girls, and she is getting pleasured by both of us. some of us are actually sexually attracted to women and dont just want to frolic in meadows holding hands and shit. having consentual sex with a woman is not exploiting her.
whenever this thread is active the lesbian thread is dead. makes you think

No. 427168

I’m saying that the anon who thinks it’s rapey isn’t exactly 100% wrong when the gf is a straight woman 99% of the time. Consensual sex or not, it’s true that most women go along with it to please their bf. She is putting on a performance for him. Personally I couldn’t enjoy that even if she was a “hot girl”. But you do you, like I said I think you should go for it and see if the assumptions are unfounded.
>makes you think
Kek that the bi thread is full of lesbians or the lesbian thread is full of bisexuals? I admit that I talk in the lesbian thread too.

No. 427180

I think she should definitely fuck them if the girl is bi and seems at least a little horny for her. but she should definitely not fuck them if the girl is straight. but again, demand testing

No. 427189

Have you even seen the state of the "lesbian" thread? There are no lesbians in this god forsaken website, everyone is some sort of bisexual degenerate LARPing.

No. 427206

i wish all of us bisexual de/g/enerates would just come together.

No. 427212

>If anything the moid would be more like an accessory.
>Im getting a hot girl and hot guy
Kek the fucking delusion. And the other anon who responded to you is right, most women put on a performance for their nigels to appear more gay than they actually are so if she already seems straight to you then you're just going to be a unicorn for her little nigel. But do go with it and report back to us and tell us what a disaster it is.

No. 427237

idk she giggled when i called him a cuck. idk why it makes you so mad that a bisexual is attracted to both sexes. go back to the lesbian thread to larp as a lesbian i guess, but theyll still call you a bislut

No. 427275

> idk why it makes you so mad that a bisexual is attracted to both sexes
Is this projection kek? We're just warning you.

No. 427409

>idk why it makes you so mad that a bisexual is attracted to both sexes. go back to the lesbian thread to larp as a lesbian i guess, but theyll still call you a bislut
Unironically based bishit Stacy. I wish all these bislut whores shitting up the lesbian thread 24/7 were as ballsy as you.

No. 427410

Sleeping like a whore and getting STDs isn't Stacy behaviour.

No. 427416

have sex lol

No. 427417

live a little and you will become less angry

No. 427421

I really don't think I can date moids again. Every time I've tried they've been at worst abusive and at best negligent. I just broke up with my bf a couple weeks ago, who was really quite sweet but I just always felt something was missing. This is such a common feeling when dating men but I know I'm sexually attracted to them. I wish febfem wasn't a terfy term (I'm crypto) because it so aptly describes how I want to continue dating from this point. Am I physically attracted to moids? Yes. Do they interest me in any profound way outside of being a piece of meat? No. Moid interests, likes, values just simply don't align with me. They bore me with their spergy interests and youtube videos. Living with one means you have to put up with his bizarre cleaning habits. I also really hate male feet, every time I have to bare witness to a moid's disgusting toes I want to dry retch.
I told myself before I started dating my recent ex that if it didn't work out I'd never go back to a man again and it definitely still holds true. It doesn't help that I have a lot of sexual trauma from the many times I've been sexually assaulted and raped by partners. But that doesn't even matter, because I just find moids wholly uninteresting and not worth my time.
It's taken until my late 20s to get here but I'm done, I'm over it. I love women, I prefer sex with women, and I love hearing women sperg about their interests because they're more often than not actually interesting. Even just a vulva is so much nicer than an ugly, shrivelled penis and balls. Penises look so pathetic and sad. I always hated sucking dick, it's not the least bit fun or enjoyable, just tedious and painful. It was a problem in multiple relationships because I outright refused to do it. They'd bemoan that they enjoy eating my pussy, but it's not like they were any good at it anyway.
I digress. I'm not sure what the point of this post was other than to vent my frustration, but have any other nonnies made the active choice to disengage from dating men because it's just not worth it? I've been here before, was here for years but that last moid was my final rodeo. I'm out, I got better thing to do.

No. 427425

I've been in a couple (kek) and they've been pretty mid. Threesomes are never as hot as you imagine them to be, and having two bodies to focus on at once is more overwhelming than it is enjoyable. But maybe that's just because I'm an autist that gets overstimulated.

No. 427442

why are you still mad she is literally posting in the bi thread(responding to bait)

No. 427443

why are you still responding to the resident baiter?

No. 427449

Why haven't you tried dating women until now? Why now after you've been continually hurt by men over the years that you decide you'll start dating and lusting after women for the first time?(bait)

No. 427473

Weird energy but ok

I have. I've dated both men and women throughout the years but it's just men that I have a gripe with. I'm just saying I'm over giving men a chance when I've only really enjoyed being with women.

No. 427474

samefag but I realise I came across in the post like I've only ever dated men and I'm only now just switching over but that's not the case. Was going to include something about my dating experiences with women in there but I felt I wanted to just vent about moids as a bi woman because that's been my most recent experience. Apologies for the confusion.

No. 427505

>I told myself before I started dating my recent ex that if it didn't work out I'd never go back to a man again and it definitely still holds true
no offense nonna, but this is what they always say. i've heard this a thousand times and it hasn't stuck for even one woman who's said this. i genuinely don't believe it's possible to repress your bisexuality like that and truly abstain from dating one sex or the other because there's always the possibility you'll meet a man you really like again and then you'll just feel like you're punishing yourself.

No. 427511

>not dating men is “punishing yourself”
Nta but we are very different people. You’re projecting onto anon methinks

No. 427700

AYRT and yeah I agree with >>427511, I don't think it would be "punishing myself" because I've had so much sexual trauma from men that the reality of fucking them is hard enough to get through. I almost always end up in dead bedrooms with men because once the initial excitement of being with someone I love wears off the bad thoughts creep in and I find it really difficult to be intimate. I know that's what they always say so I do agree with you to a large extent. I have actually said it before and happily dated women for a while until COVID, and then I think I got so isolated and lonely I forgot about the darkness that creeps in that I mentioned above.
But knowing what I do now, and how no matter what I do this will always come up, I would be punishing myself by dating a man again. Which sucks, but I'm coming to terms with it. I'm happy to lust after famous men and men I can never be with, and that be the extent of it for me.

No. 427702

Not everyone is you? Maybe it's just because my attraction to men is really limited but I don't have any desire to date and have sex with the demographic that commits almost all of the sexual and violent crimes in the world. I've seen enough, I don't need to repress anything.

No. 427705

Same. Sometimes I crave some dick but then when I imagine what it's attached to I literally become repulsed. Imagining one grunting over me. The stubble. Barf

No. 427734

Maybe it's just me but not dating men is easy af, I never meet ones I'm attracted to anyway, I don't feel like restricting myself at all.

No. 427778

I’m scared and horny at the same time around a particular woman. Is this attraction?

No. 427820

Yes and you are autistic.

No. 427838

How do i stop falling for straight 'tomboys'. You know the type, 'one of the bros' type women, nerdy, kind of rude, completely straight. You can tell they're autistic/grew up with men and are not lesbian but i can't not crush on them. It's a curse. I have a friend like this. She once brought up how she seems to attract SSA women a lot, and i really get the women who pursued her kek
>He's sweet but…
>They bore me with their youtube videos. Living with one means you have to put up with his bizarre cleaning habits. I also really hate male feet, every time I have to bare witness to a moid's disgusting toes I want to dry retch.
Kek are you me. I don't think repressing anything is right. Just date moids you fancy and drop them if the shoe doesn't fit. I would hate to be the 'at least she's not male' partner of a woman, so i don't approach women with this in mind even if i relate to your dissatisfaction with men. Or you can not date anyone unless you're deeply in love with them. I find that the issue with OSA dating is that it almost always is the easy way out, it feels 'safe' because the stakes are really low. Waiting for actual infatuation might be better

No. 427876

i'm not bisexual so i'm not projecting anything, it's just something bi women in my circles have gone through. claiming to go febfem and that they're totally going to forsake all men forever, only to meet a new guy and feel guilty/like they can't get with him after the fact. if you're living your best life without men then that's awesome and i'm happy for you, i wish more women realized what a time, energy, and labor sink men are, but i was just sharing my two cents from what i've seen. it's so easy to get out of a relationship and say "i'm DONE with x demographic" and then find yourself yearning for it again, and i was hoping anon wouldn't feel like she shouldn't pursue a relationship she wants if she finds a man in the future she likes.

No. 427882

>i'm not bisexual

No. 427885

> I'm not bisexual
Eh?? Are you perhaps lost?

No. 427891

There's no use trying to talk sense into the unicorns kek

No. 427896

Bi women are always using the lesbian thread. So it's only fair het women are allowed to use the bi thread too.(retard)

No. 427904

That's because these types of bi women inherently prefer males more than women. Their preference towards women at this point is purely circumstantial, because they would still be with a man if they hadn't been traumatized by them. They only consider women to be a second choice or rebound option. Imagine an alternative world where men are actually humans and they weren't demons that terrorized women. Do you think these types of women would actually make the deliberate choice to choose a woman over a man?

No. 428136

not het, i'm homosexual, and i don't understand why you got redtexted when it's true kek. but anyway, i have no idea why i got taken in bad faith when all i was expressing was that it isn't realistic to declare you're giving up on a group of people who you're attracted to. if it works out that's great, it just rarely, if ever, does. like >>427838 said, it makes more sense to date someone you're actually into and wait for attraction to happen naturally.
i actually don't even know if trauma ever has any part of it, i think it's purely about how much attraction you experience to a group. if the degeneracy of men truly pushed women away from dating them, not a single man on planet earth would have a girlfriend, and yet so many do. lots of radfems even have boyfriends.

No. 428141

Hets and homos gtfo, you will never understand what it’s like to be bisexual and your opinions are not wanted. You lose your minds when bisexuals announce themselves in your lesbian thread (imo rightly) but feel entitled to do it to our thread. Binonies report these retards.

No. 428150

>You lose your minds when bisexuals announce themselves in your lesbian thread
Honestly, bisexual anons probably post in that thread because they talk about bisexuals in there like every 3 days kek

No. 428151

They shouldn’t, just like hets and homos shouldn’t post here. Not an excuse. All retards in the wrong threads should get banned.

No. 428162

But what if we don’t know what we are

No. 428164

There's a questioning sexuality thread you dumb newfag.

No. 428168

Use some fucking reading comprehension. I’m saying some of us are torn between using the lesbian and bi threads.

No. 428173

Idk if you're being willfully retarded trying to start a fight, I'm done here.

No. 428187

What happened, we used to have couple of chill threads, with the occasional "lesbians wont date me boohoo" and now it is all just shit.

No. 428202

>hehe why’s the thread gone to shit guise? P.S. I’ve attached some more bait
More transparent than a window pane

No. 428274

File: 1724886401361.jpg (14.64 KB, 500x336, 62abe92f55649e206c43638bfab00d…)

What's your guys coming out story?

I don't really consider mine to be a coming out, but one day I just told my grandma "I have a girlfriend. Yes, I like men too.". I guess because the only person who matters to me really is my grandma and I already knew that she didn't care about people being gay, so it really wasn't some huge, emotional, scary ordeal for me. Although she does question me on if I actually like men since I've only been with women kek.

No. 428278

breakdown at 23 over the phone to my parents while they were away on a trip. Even told them the dumb thing that caused my awakening. Regret immensely. I want to take it back.

No. 428351

I hate when bisexual women are called pillow princesses who aren’t actually interested in pussy at all. Excuse me, I fucking love pussy. With my lesbian ex I did all the heavy lifting in our bedroom, she never even ate me out while I gave her multiple orgasms any time she wanted. She was 100% the pillow princess. I’m seething at the fact people think just my sexuality makes me a selfish asshole in bed and that I’m not even interested in women.

No. 428384

>I’m saying some of us are torn between using the lesbian and bi threads.
huh why? if you're lesbian use the lesbian thread, if you're bi use the bi thread. what's the confusion?

No. 428385

Damn, not getting eaten out at all sounds so depressing, especially if you’re the one only giving. I think that being selfish is not cute at all.
I hope you can get eaten out as much as possible in your next relationship nona

No. 428432

? I said I was questioning.

No. 428491

then why did you get mad at >>428164?

No. 428859

File: 1726165527399.jpg (45.8 KB, 735x667, ce1dd433fb23f12e6acbe350f3526e…)

I really missed this thread

No. 428917

File: 1726181318236.jpg (37.4 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

Same. I wish I could post more to make it more active but my life is boring and I don't do anything.

No. 428992

One of my favourite /g/ threads. We need LC, where else are we going to connect with our specific kind of autistic terven bi women?

No. 429779

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As a britbong one of my types is whatever women like picrel grow up to be after age 25. Straight, probably.

No. 429960

File: 1726427932084.jpeg (135.94 KB, 728x1125, billiechan.jpeg)

tfw no gf, bf, or friend
as a redblooded american i have never seen a girl like this
i would post more but then people irl would knw who i am

No. 430083

You have irl friends posting on lc and they don't know you're bi?

No. 430128

I'm brazilian and I knew a girl like this and she was super hot. She is a lawyer now and still hot but unfortunately 100% straight. Everytime I see her instagram I cry a little because I have no chance with her and also because she could have any men she wanted but she choose ugly.

No. 430182

they know im bi but its a moid that comes on here from the kiwi farms and hes not my friend

No. 430419

I have the stupidest crush on my coworker. She's pretty normie with a slightly alt style, gorgeous kissable roman nose, in a committed relationship and 90% sure (at least 90%) that she's straight. I didn't used to crush on her but now I've started it's so hard to act natural around her. It will never happen in a million years but sometimes I fantasize about her being into me as well and the two of us sneaking off on shift and hooking up in the bathroom Save me anons

No. 430435

I’ve always had a policy that if’s not homewrecking if it’s a straight relationship crucify me

No. 430491

please tell him to fuck off. thanks.

No. 430502

Ot but can someone please made a new questioning sexuality thread? I'd make it myself, but I don't know what to put as the thread pic kek

No. 430576

Just made it! >>>/g/430575

No. 430605

I also have crush on a coworker. She is single but seems very straight. I get so jealous when moids simp at her and even that she has a closer female friend at the office (this other woman has a boyfriend.)

Why? In the best case you become a toy while she loves her man, in the worst case you get your ass beaten by psycho scrote.

No. 430725

I love the biology professor at my school, she's so beautiful, smart and silly. She has this beautiful, long braided hair, and freckles all over her face, and her face is so cute and sweet looking. But the way she dresses is so spunky and tomboyish! She likes all of the same music I like, probably because she's older than me, but that's still so cool.

No. 430802

She would be a girl to have so much fun partying with, maybe drunkely kiss a couple times, then she would get a really ugly bf that smells like weed and you would be left pining for her forver

No. 431240

my bi cycle finally switched after 2 years feel like pure shit. It's really difficult to live this way, I can't believe I have to do this the rest of my life. if you're one of those anons who gets irritated by people talking about the bi cycle can you please just lay off and ignore it instead of being shitty about it. I'm already having a bad time.

No. 431475


No. 431542

spoiler for TIF porn, but I wish men had vaginas. I love men, but dicks are so disgusting to me, quite frankly nauseating. A man’s body and face with a vagina is my dream bf, I would go down in him all the time.(Posting pornography is prohibited on /g/)

No. 431557

My fellow bi nonas, I have a few questions for you:
How do you flirt, if you like femmes and are a femme?
In my life I pulled two girls by being weird (I think we had some sort of shared autism) and well moids are moids so it's easy, but how do you actually flirt with femmes? If you've been with femme girls (my two gfs were a butch and a normal girl, in between), how?
For some reason, since I look pretty femme myself, I think that other girls automatically assume I'm straight and maybe find my mannerism weird, if I flirt with them? idk I have this fear, my last relationship, the one with the butch, made me realize that I really like another vibe of girls and not the "one of the boys" kind but I find myself pretty in trouble

No. 431565

As a femme4femme lesbian, ngl it’s pretty hard! And this is coming from the fact that a majority of lesbians nowadays are IMHO f4f too (tiktok and tumblr has turned half of an entire generation of young women queer and most of them are feminine).

A lot of it has to do with societal culture I feel. Femmes or feminine women in general has always played the role of the pursued, so we’re usually conditioned to let the other more masculine party take the first move. When we’re forced to take the first move ourselves we usually struggle (or at least I do).

What my ex did (and what I’m trying to do from now on) was establish a connection before the first conversation. She was attracted to me and she kept constantly looking at me while waiting for me to return eye contact, and whenever I did she smiled then looked away (we met in the college library). Since I also found her attractive I started also constantly looking back at her and she told me “that was when I knew I could try ask you out” so she came over to my table and asked if she could sit next to me. And then we started talking and everything was history.

Idk if there’s any other context IRL where you can do the same as she did (I’m struggling to find a gf rn kek) but establishing that first connection is vital I guess. My ex told me that usually if a feminine girl is straight or not interested they would act weirded out or ignore your smile the first time, and that’s you cue to not do it again unless you wanna come off as a creepy weirdo.

If all these seem like too much work then there’s always the local lesbian bar and HER though…

No. 431576

How the fuck does her belly button pass

No. 431579

You're in the bisexual thread, stupid dyke.(infighting)

No. 431582

And? My advice was pertaining to a wlw question. Stop with the stupid infight b8.

No. 431583

Nah let her enlighten us. I like that we're discussing SSA for once

No. 431585

Noo I saw this but I didn’t look at her bellybutton… I’m so curious

No. 431599

Are bi "service tops" (stone bisexuals?) common? Are there straight women who are also like this?
I know it's rooted in trauma, and honestly I wish I wasn't missing out in this aspect of pleasure and connection. But I also just love giving and feel disgusting when anyone approaches my genitals. Even if I see giving pleasure as loving and respectful, when I receive I feel degraded and dirty.

I can't be the only bisexual like this who also maintains it with men. My partner right now is male and the sex is definitely a bit weird as a result.

No. 431601

What the fuck is this even
I am not going to google another ridiculous label

Can you people just fuck and not overanalyze it

No. 431627

Ntayrt, service top/stone is not some super niche microlabel that only terminally onlines know. You're just being rude because she used words you don't know.

No. 431628

I find both macro and micro labels (wut?) idiotic
Just fuck, it ain't complicated, all of your ancestors way back to LUCA did it

No. 431907

Being bi makes posting on /g/ more fun because you get to fully experience and share the autism of both the unconventional male and female attraction threads

No. 431915

is this how I learn I’m not bi

No. 431930

I relate, i get it, it feels safer than risking re-traumatizing contact. I've maintained this with men aswell.
You'll get tired eventually, after years and years of this. You'll start resenting the other for allowing this to continue, and resent yourself for the same reason. You can enjoy reciprocity in sex, it's not impossible. Calling yourself a 'service top' like it's part of your identity contributes to the problem. Honestly any sex that isn't mutual (at least in pleasure, i get that some people lean towards agression or passivity) sucks and stifles your soul. Maybe you're just a giver, maybe you prefer being in control, but not being able to handle sexual contact at all is a serious issue. I also think that falling back on this label can be a way to cope for a very common issue (men not giving us pleasure out of egoism or else). You can take it slow. I didn't enjoy it (like had zero sensation) at first but it was nice when it worked. Finding what kind of foreplay you like really helps. Sorry for being preachy kek i just hope you move past this nona

No. 432174

never came out to anyone but my exes and friends. most of my friends were gay anyways so it wasn't a big deal.
I'll never come out to my family though unless I fall in love with a woman.

No. 432218

I wonder how many fellow nonnies in this thread can relate: Even if it's been several years I still sometimes think about the girl who made me realize I was bi. Through church I had a best friend, whom I developed a crush on and shyly admitted one sleepover that I wanted to kiss her. It turned in a habit every sleepover after but when I tried to take it a step further (like touching her stomach) she'd roll over to sleep. She moved away and we lost contact but last I heard she's married to a guy and has a kid. Once in a while I remember how confusing yet happy that period was since she felt more like a first love, but I also kind of hate her for settling for a boring trad life. Anyone else got an "In another life" kind of story?

No. 432243

To be fair, women will smile at you just be friendly, so it's hard to know whether or not they're reciprocating on that level. But doing that myself feels very awkward so I guess it's over


No. 432335

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I'm in the same boat as you, nonna. I'm in my late 20s, have been out since I was a teenager, and the bi cycle does happen for some of us. And this shit come out of nowhere for me at least, like it's not related to any negative experience with either sex. For about 4 years I completely forgot that men even exist and was basically living as a homosexual. But this year I realized that I was becoming more and more interested in men than in women. Before my bi cycle switched to men, I was even thinking about finding a woman to settle down with and now I have to change my plans because I'm not interested in dating women atm.
>It's really difficult to live this way, I can't believe I have to do this the rest of my life.
I agree with you, nonna. Did you switched to men or women? The thing I hate the most about the bi cycle is that I could never settle with a man because men age like shit and I'm a very sexual person, I would never be able to have sex with a man who doesn't have the pretty man look and very long hair anymore. Gosh, I hate men for that, why can't they keep the young Sebastian Bach or Ian Astbury look for longer kek? For now I think I'm going to take advantage of the fact that I look 10 years younger and date younger men who are STILL cute and hopefully the bi cycle will go back to women in a while, sigh. I wish there was actually a way to control it or even pick a fucking side, because of this shit I feel like I'm actually not meant for having a forever partner, it sucks. Anyway, I wish you the best nonna, hopefully you'll find a way to deal with it and get a romantic/sexual life that makes you satisfied and happy. Have my virtual hug, nonna.

No. 432359

Is the whole bi cycle excuse the premier cope for bisluts being bisluts? Okay.(infight bait)

No. 432370

Are you lost? This is not the lesbian thread, nobody wants you here. I have never cheated on anyone and I never will, so you can take your fucking hate somewhere else. You lesbians hate it when bi women invade your spaces, how about you not do the same and let us have a space just for us to talk about things that don't concern you?

No. 432513

Are there any bisexuals here who realised their attraction to men later in life while always being attracted to women? I'm in my mid twenties and just didn't start feeling interest in men until a year ago. Before then I just didn't notice them and found them quite ugly and boring.
I'm curious about them but I feel like there's just no point in pursuing my interest. Unfortunately men my age are already starting to hit the wall and I feel like at this point they've all had the heartbreak that makes them hate women forever. I also just wouldn't know what to do during sex with them, like how tf am I meant to give a blowjob? But I'm old enough that I guess I'm expected to know these things and to have experience with hetero dating.
Most bisexuals who realise later in life start off thinking they're straight but then realise their SSA as they get older, but there's got to be some people who it happened to in the opposite direction, right?

No. 432550

>reeeeee fucking dykes(infight bait)

No. 432598

And what was wrong with her reply? Mald about it

No. 432679

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Not really an 'in another life' story but I still think of the girl who was my first crush, although I fully realised the fact only years after the matter.
>be me
>11 years old
>start a new hobby
>going to the hobby place by tram
>a girl comes in
>I am mesmerized
>don't want to stare at her, decide to look at her through the window's reflection
>miraculously she comes to the same hobby group
>become practically frozen in place every time she comes near me, completely unable to speak to her
>she's so cool and smells amazing, if only we could be together everything would be perfect and the angels would sing
>still don't realize it's a crush though
>she has a special type of fragrance
>infer it must be lip gloss (the only scented thing we had at that age)
>search for a similar lip gloss at every store, finally find one
>it's coconut (I hate coconut)
>immediately buy
>quit the hobby after a year
>keep the lip gloss for the next decade but never use it, only open it occasionally to sniff it like a creep
I was so fucking clueless kek

No. 432834

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Nonnas, what are your thoughts on this? Personally I always find it a bit disappointing that any bi awareness focuses on het relationships, but I guess it makes sense if the majority of bi people prefer the opposite sex

No. 432851

When thinking if someone is "bisexual enough", think about if a man doing the same thing would get him labeled a faggot? A man wanting to have sex with men definitely makes him at least bicurious, why is it different for women? Why do we have to prove it more than men? I agree it's retarded to focus on so much straight relationships in bi awareness and someone being bi while being in a straight relationship makes little difference in how they are perceived from straight people, but they are still bi.

No. 432864

>why is it different for women?
Most people don't think of women as whole, independent beings. Like yeah fakebians, spicy straights and other liars make people rightfully suspicious but it's not the whole story. A man could come out as a gay in a marriage and not be questioned by non-homophobes. For women it has to be something about impressing others or getting back at a moid

No. 432903

Annoying that people would rather focus on het-leaning and functionally straight bisexuals instead of bi people who are actually interested in or prefer same-sex but they're probably the majority so what is there to do about it
Like yeah obviously you're still bi but I don't really care or find you relatable so whatever

No. 432914

Who cares, it's just het passing women who are finding more things to feel oppressed about so they can feel more included in the qWuEeR community. Obviously, you're still bi at the end of the day but if you don't even have a gf to show for it then what is the point of larping as an oppressed qweer kek.

The only reason why bi or gay men don't have to worry about proving themselves bi or gay enough is because for men, being gay is socially unacceptable so if a man says he's gay then he means it and isn't doing it for attention. You don't have this culture of moids desperate to feel like a special snowflake and pretending to be gay like most women do. It's not an "omg this is sexism!!1" issue, it's that fakebians and attentionwhoring bisluts who pretend to be gay for their nigels ruined it for everyone.

No. 432925

File: 1727288622482.png (Spoiler Image,246.04 KB, 456x600, image-8.png)

>You don't have this culture of moids desperate to feel like a special snowflake and pretending to be gay like most women do
lul there are definitely some out there but they only get attention from other equally retarded men and enby spicy straight women
or they go full troon and become prison gay

No. 433318

File: 1727405115481.jpg (123.65 KB, 827x1125, 1651702003523.jpg)

Kek you were right to spoiler that anon, although tbh I hardly ever see moids like that in the wild. Usually they're confined to the dating apps on my phone

No. 433381

I just can't take seriously anyone who uses words like bisluts. Okay, that’s how you feel about bisexual women, that we all must be straight and sex-crazed. Do you hear yourself moid-chan?
You claim that kweer is not an identity to you, yet you moan and whine about bisexual people not dating (you) kek. Bisexuals are attracted to both sexes, go back to your own thread.

No. 433398

it's real. there are so many of these fucking guys at my creative arts school.

No. 433442

ok bislut(infight bait)

No. 433526

are things too boring in the lesbian thread these days or what? I'm already done with lesbians coming here nonstop just to call us bisluts

No. 433529

You know we also lurk in the lesbian thread when this one isn’t active, cmon. I think it’s obvious by now that both sides just jump to whichever SSA thread is active.

No. 433533

It's kind of funny but it's more annoying than anything
>y-you're all hypersexual BPD gigawhores!!1
as if a good chunk of this thread wouldn't be mundane autists and neet-chans

No. 433636

Yeah but lurking is different than posting shitty bait. I lurk the lesbian thread but I never post there obviously, so I don't get what's so outrageous about expecting the same of lesbians who lurk this thread.

No. 433665

I know also some straight dudebros that pretend to be bi/pan to get laid with enby chicks/tifs. Watched one squirm when asked if he would have sex with a biological male kek. I would never trust a moid on what his sexual orientation is, as they will lie to whatever gets them the most social benefit.

No. 433888

From experience moids who claim to be kweer or pansexual are more suspicious than ones who just say they're bi

No. 433892

It's their way of saying "woman and FTMs and "afab" enbies"

No. 433943

I mainly fantasize about observing straight sex between two people I'm attracted to, because I then i can self-insert from both people's perspective and be having sex with the woman or with the man. Unfortunately this makes engaging in any real life sex unappealing to me, because I would only be able to have one side when I basically need both to be satisfied. I'm not enough of a looker to find threesomes, and most of those are with straight women and their pervert boyfriends, which is not what I want. I think I will be a virgin forever, pining over impossible fantasies.

No. 433989

Enough with this instant aggression. I do not watch porn. Every time anyone posts any ssa fantasy on /g/ that is not chastely kissing while listinging to an audiotape of andrea dworkin I swear to god the
>"you're a porn addict! you're a porn addict!"
brigade comes running in to posture and shame. Imagining two people having sex is something even cavewomen could do before they even invented drawing a stick person on a cave wall, it does not require a porn addiction to imagine two hot people going at it when you are bisexual. Fuuuuuuck off.
And, you seriously don't understand why I don't want to have a sexual experience with a woman who is not attracted to women? Yeah, I'm "turning my nose up" at having sex with someone who doesn't like pussy. I am such a snob. Posture and shame me more, it clearly gets your type off.

No. 434057

If these posts are by the same person, then it's definitely weird to say that your only sexual fantasy makes real life sex so unsatisfying for you that you'll be a virgin forever, and then instantly turn around and get angry and defensive about how there's nothing wrong with your sexual fantasy.

No. 434081

You are tarded, I merely rejected the “you are a porn addict” accusation that deleted anon made, nothing more

No. 434084

Then in that case, it’s weird to be like OH SO YOU DISAPPROVE OF MY FANTASY BECAUSE ITS NOT CHASTE KISSING? When your fantasy literally precludes normal sexual function kek

No. 434090

>can’t even see the post I was responding to because the anon wised up and fucking deleted it
>idk maybe it had something to do with what was in the deleted post
anons wonder why no one ever comes in to use this thread. One innocent vent post and the howler monkeys descend upon me. Last time I’ll make this mistake don’t worry. I’m exiting the cursed forest

No. 434150

I am so attracted to giant breasts, but it makes me feel guilty and moidish. But I lose my mind when I see a big round pair of them, like Elvira’s or Alex Daddario. Even Sydney Sweeney, when I see them it’s like a flip switches in my head and I turn into a monkey.

No. 434167

Don't feel guilty, I love big boobies too. It's such a normal and natural attraction there's nothing to be ashamed or guilty about.

Getting really aroused by big breasts on TV in middle school was when I realized I was bisexual.

No. 434189

>im a lesbian but being attracted to a female body part makes me feel moidy
my god…

No. 434193

It's not moidy at all anon, you're simply attracted to women and men don't have a monopoly on that. I like big boobs too. It's weird because I think nice butts/hips always make your body look good, but sexually butts don't do much for me.

No. 434197

Have you looked at the unpopular opinions thread right now? It's not surprising lesbians feel ashamed of their sexuality when they've got heterosexual women dogpiling on them every time.

No. 434199

This isn't the lesbian thread and the first reply you tagged literally says it's nothing to be ashamed about kekkkk

No. 434319

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technically they are still bi but i don't understand the obsession with proving it to everyone. if you yourself know you're bi why does it matter if someone thinks you aren't? just date your moid and be happy

No. 434323

It's because too many people nowadays have zero personality but a need for acknowledgement and brownie points. Bis in het relationship look just like any other het couple, meaning that they can't claim oppression or that they're totally different than they yucky hets.

Of course, not every bi person is like that, but those who NEED you to know they're BI and not HET while being in a het relationship definitely long to be celebrated for their bravery.

No. 434382

This is true just like you can be a kissless virgin and still be hetero/homo/bi and not asexual
That said it's still very strange

No. 434387

Some bi retards give us a bad name honestly

No. 434388

Mainly the ones who are into het relationships but who want to act oppressed, the DL men who cheat on their wives with men and give them HIV, the fakebians who call themselves lesbians but still fuck men and the women who perpetually date men and just use women for a quick fuck.
I wish there was a decent online bi community kek, who act normal and don’t make their sexuality their whole life.

No. 434389

You don’t get oppression point like that

No. 434556

As a community we really need to ban the word validation from these kind of people kek. It's not anyone's job to validate you even if they're LGB, you know yourself and shouldn't need repeated reassurances. Also if someone is always complaining about having no same sex experience but does nothing to get some, I feel like the term piss or get off the pot applies

No. 434568

Does anyone else have a hard time accepting that they can't have sex with a woman as a man? All of my best fantasies are about me as a man with my crush. I want to be able to do all of it the way all animals procreate. I feel like maybe I have an even harder time with this than I would if I was a lesbian because I can actually see the appeal of straight sex and it hurts me that I could never fit together like that with the woman I adore. It makes me really depressed and I think for those of us who feel this way there's not really any "fixing" it, you just always feel sort of unfulfilled. At least it's that way for me.

No. 434588

Pornsickness(infight bait)

No. 434595

I'm in my first relationship ever and it's been nice since the past 8ish months. But there's something that keeps nagging me, she's told her close friends about me, and anyone she's out to, she's mentioned me to them. However, I haven't told anyone about her, only as a friend, I'm not out to anyone in my life, they are all very religious and I'll get ostracized or worse, but at the same time, it all feels so unfair to her, she talks about me to her friends, I've met a couple too, whereas no one in my life knows about her. She was out to her friends way before we met, as she's been with women before too and she's 4 years older than me. She's never brought this up except once she said something like it'd be nice if I told my friends about her, I feel like I'm doing her wrong somehow. Maybe we should call it off if I'm not even ready to proudly be with her so she can be with someone who is? But I want to be with her.

No. 434596

Ignore the baiting retard. Yes, I sometimes get this feeling too, and I sometimes fantasize about having a dick. I'd never want to actually be a man, but something about being bi is just fucking with me on a psychological level, like my brain can't process it. I feel like I often act like a weird incel moid towards other women, I'm too shy to approach them, I watch them from a distance or simp them, and I get mad when they get together with an ugly moid instead of me (they're straight). My attraction to men is also very fringe and strange, it's definitely there but it comes with a need to dominate them. If a man is much larger than me physically, I can't be attracted to him, I feel disgusted if he comes too close. I also hate being penetrated. And no, I've never considered trooning out because I'm not retarded.

No. 434601

why do you weirdos always spout tif/penis envy shit its so cringe(bait)

No. 434634

No, I am never ever thinking about animals procreating. Maybe being preoccupied with things like this is a sign your love life is so disappointing that your mind is traveling in creepy directions and you should just try to improve it. Work out so you're fitter for more athletic sex? Date someone you are more attracted to or compatible with?

No. 434639

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I didn’t fall for a woman until relatively late in my life, but I was instantly 100000000000000x more into her than anyone I ever was before (it changed my life). But she’s straight, with an ugly man, much older than me, and even if it wasn’t for all that it would never have been possible anyway. I’ve been pining so painfully for so long and it’s not fading no matter how hard I try to get over her because I don’t have any interest whatsoever in anyone who isn’t her even when I try to force it. I dream about her regularly when I’ve tried to forget about her, and fantasize about being her husband and cry real tears that I can’t hold her. I feel like I’m under a curse that I’ll never break no matter how hard I try. It’s so, so, so much harder being in love with a woman than a man, I had no idea. It’s honestly ruining my life and yet I can’t stop it. My heart aches all the time.
I never used to understand people who said dramatic things like this about love, like scrotes who would get obsessed with a woman and ruin their whole lives pining over her, and I feel pathetic and disappointed in myself but am helpless to change it.

No. 434641

You all sound fat to be honest(bait)

No. 434659

You got banned for this but you're so right nonna. It just reeks of pornsickness and AAP. Bi women be normal for once challenge(baiting/replying to bait)

No. 434660

Anons, if there is any interest in us having a space to actually talk in this thread at all, I think we should petition farmhands to start actually deleting obvious bait posts instead of just redtexting. The quicker redtexting is good, but when the same dedicated trolls just ban evade and reply to each other’s banned posts to drown out and intimidate any actual on-topic posts, it’s just not enough. This thread is unusable the way it is now and that’s what their goal is.
If I make a post in meta, will anybody sign onto it?

No. 434662

Yeah, deleting would be better because you can still reply to an obvious baitpost that was redtexted and anons love nothing more than taking bait. Wish we could have normal discussion.

No. 434680

I've never used dating apps before and i've been tempted to do so because I realised that I have no idea how to meet people in the shitty city I'm in. I'm technically still a student and I plan on dropping by uni clubs but they're focused on undergrads.
It's a mix of wanting to meet people and wanting to form a romantic connection. Before starting my program I used to fantasize about meeting a nice woman but I threw myself into studying and hyper fixations.

No. 434681

They're as bisexual as a nun or an incel is most likely straight.

I don't even understand why this is even an argument or an issue. Maybe it's because i'm from a conservative country but you're just not expected to engage in a relationship in the first place (and if you do no sex obvi and it's supposed to be chastise) , does that make you asexual until you get married?

No. 434763

For me being bisexual is extremely simple and non controversial, I don’t really give it much thought. I’m equally attracted to the men and the women I like, I just like women a lot more often because objectively there’s a LOT more good looking women. The average woman is well kept and the average man is gross.
Irl people think I’m a lesbian because I am very “tomboyish” and have only shown interest in women, but that’s simply because the local moids are butt ugly. I might date one if I get to study abroad in Sweden or something.

No. 434765

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nonnie I've been doing that as well but with these two characters from ER, kek. I don't really imagine myself having a threesome, but just being there as some sort of apparition watching these two go to town kek. I've been feeling pretty sexually/romantically detached lately so maybe that's part of why I'm not really thinking of myself here.

No. 434766

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We should just rename these threads to Pornsick General(infight bait)

No. 434789

I’ve been going out with this girl I kind of like. Pretty, fun, common interests and all.
I get along well with her and we’re not exclusive.
She’s bisexual just as me and is being very open about going out with other people which wouldn’t bother me if… they weren’t all men.
She told me she have had other wlw sexual experiences, always tells me she likes me and all the jazz. We have not had sex yet, but the idea she’s fucking other men just turns me off greatly. It’s annoying when she randomly mentions all the men she’s been talking to, I am not jealous just annoyed by her giving that much attention to… men.
It might be hypocritical on my part to be upset at her for dating around since I don’t want an exclusive relationship and I’m not 100% sure if I like her enough.
Am I being dumb?

No. 435019

Is there any reason in particular why you haven't had sex yet, and how long have you been meeting each other for? If you're youngish there's a chance she might not have had sex with a woman before. I don't think it's uncommon for some bi women who prefer men to be insecure about that.

No. 435052

About two months, I am in my 30s and she’s late 20s.
She says she needs a long time of knowing someone before having sex and has been hinting at wanting to do the deed this last week.
Afaik she’s not having sex with these quick dates either but to be fair it’s more the idea she’s entertaining men that upsets me so much.

No. 435063

I've always knew since I was an early teen I was bisexual I was out to my friends too (fuck my family though they are extremely homophobic and borderline fascists). However, due to also being autistic and having a repressed sexuality due to how conservative my family was, I also feel like I had only but a skewed image of what I'm into, in general, and only now in my mid 20's I feel more clarity about it. Due to being a sperg I was rejected a lot so I would always follow along if a man showed interest in me, thinking that I should grab the chance after being rejected so much. I remember deliberately making myself liking them, only for them to treat me like shit afterwards and me strangely falling apart even though I wasn't that much into them physically nor did I consider them great people. Even if I knew I was bisexual, and I would always say it to family and partners, I never made any move on a woman. In retrospect, I feel like I didn't "allow" it to myself, because I just went with the flow of the men who showed interest and sincerely felt like no woman would be dumb enough to go for someone like me. Being a sperg also means Im a bit more male socialized due to my hobbies and it's a bit harder to connect with fellow girls, even if I want to (I have many female friends though but romance is a bit morea advanced in its nature). All in all, my 4 year relationship is about to end, and throughout the half of it I realized that Im extremely sexually repressed, and want to finally experience and enjoy my attraction to women, to finally allow myself to be honest with myself first and foremost. I just feel so dumb for allowing this for so long but I'm also very insecure I will just come across as someone who's dissapointed with men and therefore are using bi or lesbians for validation.

No. 435077

I think it would be best for you if you found somebody in a similar situation (t. been there) but that's easier said than done.

No. 435081

I can relate, my first relationship was with a girl but I kept it a secret, then I only dated moids for a long time because it was easier and more accepted. Had that internalised homophobia for a long time. But when you start dating, just be honest that you are inexperienced. There are other women in similar situation and at least them wont judge.

No. 435192

i have nothing to add, i just want to say same kek. being bisexual is a fucking mess i hate it sometimes.

No. 435439

I work at a restaurant and this customer (female) asked for my number. She was out for some drinks with friends and wanted to grab a drink with me after my shift and I figured why not. I broke up with my bf a couple months ago so I'm not particularly ready to date yet but she was so pretty and also very normie looking. I am not normie looking, but I'm also not super alternative looking either, somewhere in between.
When we were out for drinks she disclosed she was in an open relationship and the her bf was with her earlier, and that he's kind and she's pretty happy with him. I felt pretty disheartened even though I didn't want something serious, but we ended up getting drunk and having sex anyway kek.
Reflecting on it the day after, maybe this is what I need? I've already sworn off dating men again, it's never a satisfying experience for me, but having a casual fwb situation with someone I know isn't going to get insanely attached to me might be best.

I mention she's normie looking because thank fuck. The lgb dating scene is so full of gendies and just all round horribly annoying people and it was so refreshing to talk to a woman that just isn't a complete sperg. We were waiting in line at a bar and I saw this TiM I know and I waved, and after we got drinks the girl I was with says "who was he?" to which I had to tell her he was trans and that he's nice, but I don't really fw trans stuff as a whole. And thank fuck she agreed with me, and we talked about it for a bit before he came and sat down near us, kek.

The only thing that bothers me about this is that she seems like the kind of woman for me, and if it becomes an ongoing thing I'm worried I might get attached. It's so rare to find a terfy, normie woman who's funny and interesting.

I also tried using a strap on for the first time and it was so fun kek

No. 435443

Bisexuality is posting in the female fantasies thread and the husbando thread at the same time.

No. 435481

damn, this is me 1000%. i'm a very basic, almost ugly looking sort of nerd so i feel too gross and gremlin-y to attract women (plus autism makes me so awkward and offputting) but men disgust me unless I can treat them brutally. and unfortunately the way i look makes guys want to dominate me or do some disgusting DDLG shit so i stay far away from them. whenever i'm attracted to guys it's either sweet dweebs or chuds with feminine hips and neither want to be with me. being bi is a real rollercoaster.

No. 435579

I loathe to admit it since it’s a stereotype but I keep to myself because I know I could never be satisfied in a relationship. I get really horny for both sexes too frequently. The tragic part is I’m an introvert who doesn’t have the personality to sleep around either so I’m just celibate and missssseeerrableee. I wish I was gay or straight, don’t care which, I just want to be able to fit into normal societal practices

No. 435588

do you know this from experience or are you just assuming? when you haven't gotten laid in forever, you're extra horny because you're never being satisfied in that way, and when you're single, you don't have anyone special who occupies most of your thoughts and attention, so I don't think the indiscriminate horniness that you feel right now is necessarily representative of how you'd be in a relationship. I think it's thoughtful to try to avoid hurting someone you'd date, but if you don't actually have experience being in a relationship, you might have no idea how you'll actually behave in one.

No. 435599

are there any bisexuals in here that only date/sleep with women? Only reason I don't call myself a lesbian is because I still get turned on by the male form.

No. 435608

come on now.

No. 435627

yes but it's because i don't attract men

No. 435634

yes but only because I suffered too much trauma with men that I can only really enjoy them in theory now

No. 435664

Theoretically I would but I dont fuck anyone, I am now a dedicated waifufag and stopped pining over hypothetical real life people
>men disgust me unless I can treat them brutally
based and same, I wouldn't be able to tolerate a man unless he was a 8/10+ and docile enough to let me DV him and even then I do not experience enough attraction to moids

No. 435707

Having sex with a person is one thing and enjoying it fully is another, most of this is also influenced by socialization

No. 435732

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Should female bi just date each other? Experiences dating bi4bi vs bi4lesbian?

I was seeing a lesbian but we had different ideas about what types of women are attractive, she seems to think wanting fem4fem is "male gaze" and something I can "get over"
No, I'm not into masc women and since coming out I don't want to be perceived as masculine anymore. I want to be a hot chick. I know what I'm attracted TO and so want to look like that. People act like not being attracted to people with bad haircuts is oppressive. And she was initially really pushy with my boundaries in sex.
I feel like I don't fit in with the qweer crowd because I don't worship ugliness. But I don't want someone who acts straight either. Just for fucks sake put on some moisturizer once in your life and try exercising more.
I'm totally over men at this point and the thought of them disgusts me, but I also can't get over this thought that being perceived as a lesbian must mean I'm unattractive.

No. 435762

Nonna, I'm just saving a screenshot of your post because I agree with every single word you wrote. I've been trying to put the same thoughts into words for months now, I'm glad you just said that

No. 435768

>just because I’m perceived as a lesbian that must mean I’m unattractive (read: masculine)
Bait or retarded, I can’t tell

No. 435769

I dont think that is a bi vs lesbian thing, just that women in general are different. My lesbian ex gf was a hot chick, while I am confident in looking like a rat's ass. Always had to wait ages her to put on make up and she even tried to sneakily buy me skincare products etc. Currently been on dates with a woman who is much more my type, tomboyish and natural.

No. 435774

To me, masculinity is unattractive on both sexes.

And acting like that's something that can be "changed" is sort of like conversion therapy. She was acting like if I hung out with the Qweer crowd long enough I would "evolve" into being more masc/masc attracted

No. 435783

As >>435769 said, it's more of an individual woman thing than a bi vs lesbian thing. There's highly feminine lesbians and masculine bi women, after all. That being said, presentation is skewed across sexualities, with lesbian culture favoring masculinity a lot more than bi and straight women, to the point where it's an expectation that a lesbian will be masculine in some way (unless she's hyperfeminine as a performance of sorts, maybe), and lesbians themselves often have that expectation. IME, for some reason, bi women tend to be a lot more varied in presentation and often don't have that expectation of masculinity towards other women or see it as some sort of ideal. But of course, that still boils down to the individual, and that's not even touching on the subject of "bi culture" kek

No. 435974

Being bisexual is the worst because if your crush gets an attractive straight partner you’re not only jealous of the partner but also your crush. Double pain.

No. 435984

>she is in an open relationship
>I'm afraid of getting attached
Instant no
Why would you even trust a total stranger to be telling the truth, "open relationship" is 9/10 times a code for "I'm cheating, are you ok with that or gullible enough to believe me"

No. 436561

Because her boyfriend was at the table anon, kek.

No. 436584

I went on a date with a girl a couple nights ago.
I knew her through a mutual friend, and we were all out clubbing a couple weeks ago when her and I made out drunk, hence the date.
She was lovely, interesting and intelligent but…..she has the most heinous teeth/breath I've ever seen. I'm not talking crooked teeth, I'm talking brown, caked on with plaque teeth and that dead tooth kinda smell. I did notice when we made out she tasted…dehydrated? But I figure that was just the booze and cigarettes. But nope, in the light of sober day it revealed her complete lack of dental hygiene.
I'm the first date she's been on in years, she told me how nervous she was for it and I kinda feel bad. She seems to really like me, and wants to go on a second date but I really can't do the teeth. I kept staring at them the whole time we were together.

No. 436605

Nta but do you define masculinity though? Not wearing makeup? A hairstyle? Clothes?

No. 436767

Every time I emerge from a bicycle phase my type changes. I cannot fucking believe this anons but I'm into hairy fat men right now. I am so disgusted with myself that I have lapsed into depression.

No. 436769

please tell us this is bait kek

No. 436770

Please stop. I’m really upset and it’s not bait.

No. 436771

Do you abuse T, by any chance?

No. 436773

I feel like you’re mocking me. This really isn’t funny to me. I am so tired of feeling like I have no control over what my brain decides randomly to be attracted to. It’s always out of left field.
>be into girls as a teen, suddenly switch to liking short hunky men
>be into short hunks for years, suddenly switch to exclusively liking tall thin women
>emerge from 2 year long tall thin women phase to liking “bear” type dudes
I’m just sick of it and want it to stop. I’m done. I don’t want to live this way anymore. It was bad enough before but liking this type of man is so disgusting to me it makes me truly hate myself.

No. 436778

is this triggered by people you know in real life or tv characters or something? I just don't really understand why bicycle posters talk like they're being held prisoner and dragged around on a leash by their own pussy but it makes perfect sense if you had a crush on a hairy fat guy.

No. 436780

Less anons would make fun of you if you didn't post like the sky was falling just because you like ugly men. Genuinely wish that was my main problem in life

No. 436781

>being held prisoner and dragged around on a leash by their own pussy
KEKKKK thank you for making me laugh, I needed that. But in all seriousness yeah that’s literally exactly what it feels like and if that sounds insane then trust me it feels that way. And no there doesn’t seem to be a cause. I don’t even watch TV.

No. 436795

>bicycle posters talk like they're being held prisoner and dragged around on a leash by their own pussy
KEK that’s the perfect way to describe it. It’s so bizarre to me I’m scared I’m actually just a gullible retard being pranked/trolled by one or two anons

No. 436828

are you on bc, nonna? lots of women report drastic changes in the types they're attracted to because of birth control pills

No. 436843

This is someone people don’t talk about, I’ve sperged about hormones before but even they have an affect on sexuality to a degree believe it or not (on a smaller scale like preferences, but for bisexuals I’d imagine it’d range across the sexes). Even if not, ‘bicycling’ could genuinely be cycling hormones.

No. 436874

No and never have been
This theory doesn’t make sense to me since my cycles last years, and afaik there’s no hormone cycles that long.
People talk about this in places that are not this thread, there’s plenty of threads on Reddit for example from both men and women, so idk why you are so set on accusing anyone who talks about it as trolling you personally. That is dumb.

No. 436879

Hormones change outside of the menstrual cycle, anon.

No. 436891

Can you name a hormonal cycle longer than a year? That’s my point.

No. 436949

hormones change outside of cyclic periods too though. diet, lifestyle, age, activity level… all these things can affect your hormone levels

No. 437095

I used to be a lesbian but then a shitty dermatologist told me to go on birth control for my acne and i started liking feminine males and got fat AND my acne got worse smh. i got off them and it took me a few years to go back to normal.

No. 437245

>I used to be a lesbian but
I swear you are a troll trying to smear bisexuals.

No. 437279

Probably a troll but there are many such cases of women believing they went from lesbian to bi unironically, unfortunately. There needs to be more of a drive to spread awareness of bi women preferring women irl, not just claiming to online

No. 437434

Any other nonnas never dated a guy and have no interest in doing so? In school I was one of the only bi girls so I ended up dating only women throughout. Now I’m grown and peaked and I have 0 interest in dating men, only women. Feel like a unicorn in my own community.

No. 437548

I'm khv and have never dated anyone, but at this point (mid-twenties) I don't see the point in trying to date guys. Most men are shit, so dating them feels like playing Russian roulette. If I ever manage to stop being a social failure, I would only attempt to pursue women.

No. 437801

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there is a hot girl at my gym lmao should i shoot my shot or should i just keep watching her through the mirror like a creep? she looks gay and she is super hot and out of my league. she looks like if snow white was a basketball player. the face she makes when she is focused on her lifts is cute. if she is straight and i shoot my shot then i would be so emarrassed i would swallow myself into a void and cease to exist, but if she is gay then she would probably reject me for being ugly and short. so its really a lose-lose situation. i think i saw her looking at me but that was probably because i was staring at her first. also once she learns that i am a dirty disgusting bisexual whore she would start casting stones at me. i lift more than her though

No. 437912

just start with the “hey can you spot me/teach me how to work this machine”, then move on to the “thanks for the spot” in the changing room and build conversation from there. You should be able to get the hint as to whether or not she’s worth it soon enough

No. 438099

My retarded bihet friend just saying “wow you’re so gay” whenever I bring up a woman I find hot. Like fucking yeah, duh? I’m attracted to women? It honestly feels like homophobia when some women are like this but because they’ve claimed the identity “bi” it doesn’t give them side eyes like it would if a straight women said it

No. 438114

My bi/curious friends who are dating moids always drool after women in scrotey way. Then when I even call someone pretty they give me weird looks.

No. 438116

Compliment something she wears or the way she does a certain exercise (“you have really good form on your lat pulls!”) , that’s how I talk to girls at the gym to make new friends/speak to potential crushes.

No. 438125

With women like this it always feels like they’ve memed themselves into trying to be cool for their moid. It’s so awkward.

No. 438643

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fuck i should have done this last time i saw her. now my work schedule changed and ill never see her again. she was in my dreams. oh well

No. 438644

This could be a pot/kettle situation. Are you a bihet yourself or are you actually dating a woman?(bihet bait)

No. 438703

I'm still rooting for you and your gym crush to have a miraculous meet-cute nona

No. 438838

It's amazing how some farmers assume being bi makes you some kind of maneating siren OF girl by default. I have a single digit body count even though I'm over 30 and have never had a bf in my life but in their eyes I might as well suck 500 dicks a week.

No. 438860

I'm tired of anons immediately calling you a bislut as soon as you mention being bi, I'm still a virgin at 30+ years and it's highly unlikely it'll change.

No. 438930

it’s pretty obviously one schizo. duh most people on this board are KHHV regardless of sexuality

No. 438972

This, they are actual schizos who escaped their containment lel
Saw that niche side of tumblr before and they are genuinely psychosis-tier mentally ill and just like having a scapegoat, either that or painfully edgy retards overcompensating for their shit life. In both cases the seethe for just existing is pretty incredible.

No. 438974

Once I made an off-hand mention of being bisexual so I could AGREE with an anon's point and they replied with a fanfiction about all the dicks I supposedly suck kek, genuine schizophrenia

No. 439760

I'm not sure how to word this - I'm attracted to males and maleness but not men. I have crushes on fictional boys and a lot of non-human monsters, I'm attracted to the features associated with men and masculinity… but I'm not attracted to real men. Sometimes I want a boyfriend but when I put it into practice I feel strange in a bad way. I don't think what I want can exist in reality.

No. 440232

Well, most men irl are hideous, nonna, so I dont find it weird that you prefer fictional men. Since you posted here in the bi thread, I'll assume you like women, so maybe you're more into androgynous/feminine or simply pretty men that have some female traits? Have you tried looking at pics/videos of maybe guys in visual kei bands, goth guys, hair metal hotties like sebastian bach, idk? (Of course that doesn't help with the fact that it's very difficult to find men like that irl, even in alt circles) I kid you not when I say that it's not normal how fugly men are nowadays. How men have become so obese, bald, poorly dressed, obsessed with disgusting beards, and so socially inept? Not to mention how they have no personalities besides vidya, porn, hating women online, and complaining about being anxious and depressed. Also, a lot of men in their 20s look late 30s already kek. No wonder so many women who have just normal attraction to men are starting to call themselves asexual or dating their 2D husbandos. But the good news for us nonna is that we're bisexual. We can just date women. I'm late 20s but when I was younger I used to think I was a kinsey 5 bi or something like that because I never felt attracted to any man I met irl, only women. But nope, I'm a solid kinsey 3, it's just that men are ugly, so I was naturally only getting into relationships with women because so many women are fucking attractive kek

No. 440233

there is this meme that bi women prefer masculine women and feminine men but i haven’t found that to be true. femininity is expected and socially rewarded in women so most people who like women will desire femininity in women. the same is true for masculinity in men. i think bi women and in turn lesbians are more open to liking gender non conforming people but i don’t think that’s the rule.

No. 440252

Idk it’s 100% true for me.

No. 440286

it's 100% true for me as well

No. 440298

>I'm attracted to males and maleness but not men
You're attracted to men and pretentious about it/haven't met the right one. The key to successfully dating men is to only date one who you meet and who you're actually into instead of getting pessimistic, lowering your standards, ending up with a shithead, and then tainting your world view further.

No. 440361


i know it’s true for some but i’m just speaking from what i’ve observed. most of the bi women i’ve seen are borderline offended at the idea of being into masc/butch women for example.

No. 440380

Tbh unless you’re masculine yourself or are just a spicy straight larping my brain cannot wrap itself around the idea of not finding attractive masc women hot. Personally I’m GNC for GNC although I am told that’s rare which makes me a little depressed

No. 440403

For me also, and it has always been this way, even before I understood what sexuality even was.
>GNC for GNC

No. 440511

>brain cannot wrap itself around the idea of not finding attractive masc women hot.
Except most masc women are actually ugly as fuck. Show me a masc woman that actually looks like she knows how to moisturize, workout, and groom herself.(bait)

No. 440512

I want to selfpost so bad this sounds like a challenge

No. 440516

No. 440517

sounds like u jelly of all the attention they get noni.. no need to seethe

No. 440520

Can you at least stay in the confessions thread instead of trying to bait in /g/

No. 440539

masc women have always put effort into their appearance. especially these days. you’ve obviously never talked to one.

No. 440587

>thinking that a woman needs to moisturize to look attractive
pea brain

No. 440588

Masc women I can understand (although I prefer feminine), but what do nonnies mean when they talk about hot feminine men? A lot of feminine men are borderline repulsive to me at this point because they remind me of troons. I don't relate it to sexuality, both the bi men I was in situationships with were just regular masculine.

No. 440610

Personally I think of the visual kei guys I was infatuated with in middle school kek not real life troon adjacents

No. 440611

I think of emo dudes tbh.

No. 440616

They mean feminine features. Hypermasculinity is ugly.

No. 440618

I used to be into men with feminine features and even crossdressing (if tasteful outfits not some porny/childish/weeb shit). But then I learned about troons and how they think and it ruined for me.

No. 440633

I'm thinking of men with big soft eyes and lips or kind of an androgynous face, not anything related to clothes. And I guess the type of men people call "faggy looking" or whatever.

No. 440634

I never liked any masculine man in my life, I find them beyond ugly and disgusting. When I talk about feminine men, I mean very long hair, shaved faces, soft/delicate facial features (basically a long-haired pretty boy), thin (I don't like muscles or fat), and please dress well. When I was a teen, I was into visual kei guys, but in my 20s I started to prefer more natural men like Eric Martin, Sebastian Bach or Axl Rose (when they were young of course kek). I've been exclusively into feminine men since always and much before I realised wtf a troon is, so I don't let troons affect my love for feminine men. And besides, 99,9% of troons are just ugly bald and obese incels kek they're not feminine/pretty men at all

No. 440636

Same but tbh for me these days even really feminine men are still just a bit too rough and male for my tastes, my ultimate ideal most beautiful human possible is a woman with a very androgynous but graceful phenotype. Basically a woman that looks like a pretty man at first glance but when you look closer she’s softer around the edges. Super rare though. I’ve only ever seen a couple women like that in my life (that didn’t dress hyper-femininely, I guess there’s a trend of overcompensation. sad.)

No. 440641

For me it's similar to what other anons have described (men with 'soft' features, men who are 'pretty' and thin rather than muscular). Although nowadays I'm not really attracted to any cultural stereotypes of femininity in men such as long hair or feminine clothing, but rather what attracts me in men is a kind of fragility or delicate appearance. I don't know a better way to describe it. This also manifests in the fact that I'm exclusively into manlets and can't be attracted to men who are taller than me. This type of men are obviously very rare to begin with, and they tend to suffer from retarded complexes which makes them undateable as a GNC woman. Sad, but I can't help it.
>a woman that looks like a pretty man
Are you me? This is exactly what I thought today when I met this decent-looking guy. If only he were a woman…

No. 440703

>My ideal man is a woman actually
thought this was the bisexuality thread

No. 440723

It is. Nothing she or I said makes us not bisexual, idk why you’re so bothered by our discussion

No. 440790

>if a man is not masculine he is a woman
Go back to twitter, retard. I'm into andogynous people of either sex, that makes me bisexual. Anything else is troon logic.

No. 440793

late thirties is peak sexy for women holy fuck why are they so sexy at that age.
i'm like one of those creep men who only goes for 19 year olds except for me it's women in their late thirties.

No. 440811

Reminds me
>be 28
>download Her app
>only get likes from 18-22 year olds (and occasional troon)

But kinda kek'd at how some dirty moids would give their left testicle to be in same position.

No. 440858

I'm fairly new to dating women irl. How do I let go of this insecurity? of this idea of acting uninterested enough to seem attractive/not too desperate. ill just give you an example here
>recently met hot girl when bar hopping, part of a larger group going clubbing
>we dance together and end up macking all night
>she says she wants to take me on a date when we're both sober
>"are you free this weekend anon?"
>"no but next weekend"
>"i want to fuck you so bad anon"
>shy, say no.
was this flirting or literal quickie-in-the-club-bathroom-right-now request? anyway,
>night ends, she walks me home
>we talk about making plans for a date
>we swapped instagram handles earlier in the night, by next day she hasn't accepted my request
>text her and see if she got home okay
>"I did!! how are you?"
>"I'm well, how are you!"
First off, did I fumble? I wanted to chat for a bit before setting a date to see her but I think I may have come across too dry. Secondly and the main point of my post, I usually know how to go about this with guys: a.) would never hookup with a guy at the club b.) if i did, I'd never make plans to see him again c.) if i did, and he didn't accept my follow request/text me back in a timely manner I know he's not that interested in me and I move on. But with a girl? I don't think it's a 1:1 comparison, maybe I just need to trial and error this? I want to be bold and double text her to confirm a date instead of fucking around texting, but I don't know. What do you think?

No. 440859

I’m a permavirgin so this is not advice I’m basically just talking to myself but if I was texting with a girl and we were both ! Texting in that !! Girly friend way!! with the exclamation points ! I would be so turned off. Is this really how women into women talk to each other? Just like bubbly office friends?

No. 440863

nona to be honest thats how she texted me, i just rewrote what I wrote back here in a way to match her energy. In these little ways I can be a bit of a pushover, verbatim i wrote "Hey, did you get home okay?" and I am not usually a fan of the !! CAPS then all lowercase speak but she's really pretty…

No. 440876

It's really not. Nona rejected the other girl multiple times in a row so the other girl has switched into good humored friendliness to show she isn't taking it personally, but she's also deliberately pulling back from being overly flirty and assertive to show the ball is now in anon's court.
I wasn't there so I can't tell if your responses were more like "no, I'm not interested in dating/fucking you" or more like "I'm interested but we need to take it more slowly than this," but it's definitely your turn to make a move if you're interested.

No. 440879

>Nona rejected the other girl multiple times in a row
What the fuck! This is not what I wanted! Okay, she has not replied to my text, but I think I'm gonna text her again and be more forward. Like when she said how are you I thought to say "I'm good thinking of you" or something but thought that was too corny. ah fuck. I definitely just wanted to take things a bit slower than she wanted. But this time I just want to ask her out and set a date. But also, why isn't she accepting my follow request… and also, did she actually wanna fuck that night? kind of rhetorical I know you weren't there but I'm super slow

No. 440883

omfg samefag but I did try again more forward and got an immediate positive response kekkk

No. 440887

ayrt, I'm not saying you did anything wrong but I just feel like if you turn someone down even with a really good reason, it's going to hurt and she might assume you don't even mean the excuse unless you counteract it with a really enthusiastic response of "I can't but I do want to do something some other time and here's an alternative." it sounds like you fixed it and she was just waiting for confirmation that you were interested, though, so nice job

No. 440894

Recontextualizing experiences from my childhood and adolescence in the wake of a very late bisexual awakening has been insane. The amount of things I was totally unfazed with completely writing off as normal straight girl things is mindblowing.
>had a crush on a TIF classmate at 14 and didn’t even think it was anything out of the ordinary because she was “””a guy”””
>the ~mysterious~ ~unidentifiable~ things I felt towards pictures of internet scene girls when I was in middle school was the beginnings of lust
>Getting very excited and embarrassed at seeing the older girls’ boobs at summer camp changing rooms
>drew almost naked women styled like Greek sculptures and renaissance paintings at like 9 years old
>literally the first thing I ever masturbated to was a gif of a woman’s boobs bouncing
and I was like “this means nothing, all women feel this way, I am straight”

No. 440895

That last point is so embarrassing because same kek, I also nearly had a panic attack once because I couldn't get "girls kissing" out of my search suggestion history

No. 440902

When I was 10 I had somehow found a video of a naked woman bouncing on an exercise ball that had a dildo attached to it, and I kept going back and looking at more naked women videos for weeks trying to find that one, but then I learned from a friend that browser history was a thing and it was the family computer so I panicked and not knowing you can clear browser history, I decided I had to destroy the computer.
So one day when my family was leaving for some errand I excused myself back out of the car saying I was going to get a drink of water, and then I went back inside and poured a full glass of water all over the laptop keyboard, then went back outside and pretended to be panicked from “accidentally” spilling water on the computer (that was no where even near the kitchen). Anyway my parents then comforted me by reassuring me they could fix it, and they wound up putting the open laptop in a tray of rice in front of a fan in the basement for the next week and the entire time I was praying that it wouldn’t work.

Looking back I’m really wondering what my parents thought was going on. It seems unbelievable to me that my little kid lying skills were at all believable. I am so grateful they never have never mentioned this because it’s so embarrassing kekkkkkk

No. 440907

I am assuming you were in middle school around late 2000s because you mentioned scene girls, did you have serious tifs in school even back then?

No. 440909

Middle school was 2010-2013 for me, high school started 2013 which was the year of the TIF crush. The TIF was probably early on the time curve and the scene girl thing was on its way out, late on the time curve, but I did catch both.

No. 440915

I realized pretty early but relatable. Mine was that I was on DeviantArt of all things and saw a nude reference photo and I wasn't sure why I felt a certain way about it

No. 441015

Do bisexuals think love between women somehow cant go as deep as love between a man and a woman?

Why is this BS excuse so popular whenever bisexuals try to break up with their lesbian gfs? >>440974 I’ve heard this used so many times now (both personally and from friends).

No. 441018

it's only very male leaning bi women or larping straights imo, I have been with both sexes and always experienced the opposite emotionally

No. 441019

KEK that's so cute, cartoony ass plan

No. 441030

i think it's the opposite

No. 441033

Really? I rarely hear moids complaining about their bi gfs leaving them because “my gf cant love me as much as she can love a woman” though. But the other way around is so fucking common it’s unreal.
Especially when they bring up biological excuses that women cant naturally help with like “you cant get me pregnant and share a child with me” or “you cant fuck me as intimately as a penis can”.
Reasons like these are so gender degrading yet so commonly used; I personally know a lesbian that trooned out because of they feel inadequate about this.

No. 441039

I saw that post and I truly don’t know. Personally I feel like I fall in love way harder when it’s a woman. It’s tempting to say they’re not really bisexual because it makes such little sense to me, but if they were having sex they enjoyed with the girlfriend then that can’t be right. Idk.

No. 441058

If I ever heard such a thing I would immediately fall out of love with the asshole and be glad she’s showing her true colors eventually.
This shit is so disgusting to me. I sometimes get why some lesbians hate us bisexuals even if it hurts me.

No. 441059

I feel it's the reverse and most bi women i know agree, but some of them still value OSA relationships more. They might say 'oh love between women is much deeper, i was going insane for her' but then state they don't see themselves marrying a woman, only a man. They ultimately want to conform more than anything else (or they're not that into women kek).
>Why is this BS excuse so popular
So many women can't stand to be seen as mean and can't afford to be honest because they want to be agreeable at all costs. They can't say 'i value social status and acceptance more than i do our relationship' so they have to come up with weird lies that are ironically more hurtful

No. 441062

Since we're telling these embarrassing first bi experiences I might as well tell mine. It's kinda gross, sorry. When I was around eight or so, I used to browse this trashy gossip site from my country after school on our family laptop, and one time there was a news story about some trashy celebrity (can't remember who) suckling a baby donkey, and there was a picture as well. I remember being disgusted by the fact that it was a donkey but still going back again and again to look at her breasts.

No. 441074

When I was in middle school, I could not keep my hands off my female friends. My low point was shoving my nose into a girls armpit while sitting next to her. If you were victimised by creepy dyke girls like me as a child, I apologise on their behalf.

No. 441077

It’s honestly due to these retards that I don’t blame lesbian women who are strictly les4les or the shitty reputation of “fucking women and dating men”.
It’s not something uncommon.

No. 441079

>If you were victimised by creepy dyke girls like me as a child
LOL this actually happened twice to me when I was a kid. First time in kindergarten this serial kisser dyke pulled me into the bathroom and deep kissed me. Years later I returned to that same school for middle school and a lot of girls that had been there since kindergarten said she did the same to them (the girl in question was no longer in that school at the time). Another was in early elementary school, I went to the party of this girl but was the first one to arrive. She took me upstairs to play in her room, but after some minutes she just pushed me down on her bed and started humping on my hips/tummy. I was kinda into it that time tbh and knew what was happening was sexual. Bonus story, also me in kindergarten I made like 3-4 girls show me their panties in the playground, the teachers realized this and called us to ask who had started that and I managed to successfully shift the blame to some other girl kek.

No. 441086

Same sex CSA seems really common but in my experience all these girls grow up to be straight too. All of my female best friends were always trying to touch my nipples and hump me the minute we were alone. Like wtf. I always got made to be the “daddy” when we played house kek

No. 441089

I was like that too, I’m so embarrassed.

No. 441128

Honestly I wouldn't call it CSA because it wasn't recurrent, violent or done by an adolescent/adult.

No. 441145

personally I'm attracted to feminine women and feminine men, I find masculinity off-putting

No. 441148

On this topic, when I was young (5-6 years old), my older cousin (by 3 years) would often do sleepovers in my house because my aunt (her mom) was a single mother who had to work night shifts.

Whenever we played house, she would often try to kiss me and grope my chest. Sometimes during bedtime even forced me to strip and cuddle with her to sleep while naked. I wasn’t really traumatized by it tbh because I always saw it as innocent play-pretend.

It didn’t take me till I was older to realize that we were basically molesting each other, and much, much older to connect the fact that she was probably just emulating what she saw at home, because her mother went through a slew of different boyfriends during that time whom she brings back to their tiny apartment.

Me and my cousin never spoke about this to anyone or each other till this day, I think she likes to pretend it never happened and I kinda understand that. I do hope she opens up to me about this one day so we can talk it out and process what she was going thru back then though.

No. 441361

>I always got made to be the “daddy” when we played house kek

Just remembered my friend always wanted to play that she is a woman and I am a man who tries to hit on her. And she rejects me every time. She always said I would get to be the girl next time but never happened.

But nice that there are other anons whose discovery of being bi was not something wholesome like crushing on a girl first time. For me:
>look at boy butt
>get funny feelings downstairs, hard to look away
>ok I guess I hit puberty
>look at girl butt and boobs
>get same feelings
>oh no

My relatives and school mates were homophobic so was I horrified at first.

No. 441382

Interesting that sexuality was so easy/concretely physical for some of you. I was questioning for a long time because the first time anyone gave me “funny feelings downstairs” was when I was in my late teens.

No. 441403

Lurkers stay mad.(bait)

No. 441404

No. 441406

You heard me.

No. 441410

What is this schizo bullshit. Farmhands. Clean this up.

No. 441412

Anons can sperg about "bisluts" everywhere and it's no problem, but I tell the anons who admit to lurking this thread to keep seething and it's schizo…ok kek

No. 441413

I know the bislut spergs and the dykehaters just secretly wanna fuck each other. Kiss already

No. 441417

Feminine agressive bislut pushing a cute anti-bislut sperg on her bed on their first date. I can imagine it so well, rotate it in my mind

No. 441427

How come bisluts can be rapists but when a dyke is rapey everyone spergs.

No. 441432

>on their first date
I hate lesbophobia too nona but you're not subtle

No. 441486

File: 1730183674374.jpg (61.32 KB, 1091x1200, m.jpg)

>how i feel when i get called a bislut despite having a body count of 6 and not fucking any men until i was nearly 27

No. 441492

cocsa is a thing..

No. 441556

>tfw when you thought 6 was a high “”bodycount””
When does it get to slut territory

No. 441585

The fact that "bisexual" women like these exist fills me with visceral disgust

No. 441589

What about >>441587

No. 441591

That's also disgusting. You just know these bi women idolize moids so much over women.

No. 441594

How is my fantasy disgusting? If I idolized moids more my fantasy would be the reverse, but I have a preference for women. The other anon is a stereotype yeah but she’s just my man-preferring reverse. There’s nothing wrong with threesomes as long as everyone involved knows what’s going on. Plus these are just fantasies. You’re being dramatic

No. 441598

> i still fantasize about women and would love to share my boyfriend's cock with another woman.
Retards like you flock all female (not anymore kek, women friendly) dating apps and harass lesbians and bi women. You’re not even truthful with it, you just waste people’s time and then , if you have the courtesy, drop it on text or worse during a date
>me and my bf

No. 441599

Still centering men in her fantasy kek

No. 441600

>decide to lose goldstar for no reason
kys bishart(starting infights)

No. 441603

That’s not my post. Also, anon isn’t doing any of that. You understand there are ethical ways to find threesome partners too, right?
Literally it’s just me including both sexes I’m attracted to in one fantasy, one is my fantasy gf, one is a fantasy plaything, that is not “centering men” that’s just having a sexual fantasy that involves one, which sends me straight to hell apparently. I will remind you we are in the Bisexual thread right now, meaning all of us are attracted to men. But including one in a sexual fantasy is a crime? Kek okay sure anon.

No. 441604

The only good bishit is a bishit that's functionally lesbian. Anything else is bislut territory.(bait)

No. 441605

Bait used to be believable…

No. 441606

File: 1730227301434.jpeg (15.47 KB, 275x168, 1656939858042.jpeg)

>Returning every day to whine about 'bishits'
Bi women just live rent free in your head huh?

No. 441608

No, the ones LARPing as lesbians should get roped, the ones who don't fuck any moids whatsoever are the only ones worth fucking.

No. 441615

>that is not “centering men” that’s just having a sexual fantasy that involves one
>fantasy plaything
Why not just get a dildo then instead of involving a male in your supposed girlboss fantasy

No. 441616

Nta and I can’t say anything because I’m a lesbian who participates in both threads, but why are you here if you’re a lesbian and hate bisexuals? How are you going to go and come on to a thread of people that irritate you? If you hate them so much then leave?

No. 441620

Okay on paper (especially if the guy is used instead of catered to), unfeasible irl because exposing my intimacy with another woman to a man is unthinkable. It's like accidental voyeurism tropes in fics, the concept is hot but it'd be horrifying if it happened in real life.
It maintains a kind of proximity with SSA women. Hatred is closer to love than indifference. If they truly disregarded 'bishits' they would ignore us and avoid us all the time, like regular les4les women. Constantly sperging about bisexuals is erotically charged for them

No. 441624

>it’s just an average and harmless bisexual fantasy of having sex with both sexes
Please, don't lump all bisexuals with wanting to have crazy threesomes with men and women. That's just being a slut.

No. 441626

>dykes just want to fuck us!!1
Kek, you wish. Maybe if bisluts weren't constantly terrorizing the lesbian community, you wouldn't be hated so much.(baiting)

No. 441628

NTA but keep proving yourself wrong by not hiding the thread. Cope and seethe.

No. 441630

why dont you just… hide the thread? instead of constantly screeching about "bisluts" itt like an autistic toddler?

No. 441632

When you all stop shitting lesbian spaces everywhere then you can start complaining about lesbians invading yours.(baiting)

No. 441634

wow its like you enjoy being angry and pissy, im starting to believe >>441620 kekk

No. 441635

>comparing a whole man to a dildo
Now i wonder if bislut spergs are just as dick-obsessed as the bisexual women they claim to hate… why can't they stop mentioning dick? Seriously? Last time i've seen a woman this obsessed with 'dick worshipping ebil bihets' she was a fakebian who turned out to be a deranged febfem. Maybe the real reason they hate so-called bisluts is because they willingly stopped engaging with men and are really fucking mad other bisexuals aren't doing it too.

No. 441638

I agree with you nonna

No. 441640

>You’ve never fantasized about a man and woman at the same time.
Um, no? Not everyone is as slutty as you, so stop projecting your degen fantasies to normal bi women. Thanks.

No. 441641

I don’t know how to break this to you but normal people don’t fantasize about threesomes. You are a degenerate and you are the odd one out here. You can’t post your gross fantasies but don’t get so triggered when people call you what you are.

No. 441642

I'm also bisexual and think dildos are much better than actual dicks kek

No. 441643

The fact that you think getting off to the idea of having a threesome is normal is crazy kek. The STDs must have rotted your brain.(doubleposting)

No. 441644

The fact that bisluts think it's perfectly normal to fantasize about threesomes says a lot about their thought process.

No. 441645

You get a cookie

No. 441653

lescel invasion happening rn

No. 441654

You guys are all feeding into their degradation fantasies right now, they're probably getting off on this

No. 441658

File: 1730233623516.jpg (40.13 KB, 283x320, 6418538.jpg)

not my thing sorry

No. 441659

File: 1730233673955.jpg (92.97 KB, 743x579, FBxxjmiWYAMt3IS.jpg)


No. 441665

>each lesbian COUPLE will be assigned a PAIR of bislut slaves since they outnumber the lesbians

are you retarded?

No. 441670

Please stop. Just because lesbians are shitting up our thread doesn’t mean you should add to the mess. Just report and ignore.

No. 441671

Just delete them anon. It’s not worth it and it doesn’t even help. And no offense, but I kind of don’t want to look at that stuff either.

No. 441674

Your taste is terrible

No. 441675

gross and porny. i hate it when fujos cosplay misogynistic objectification but it’s “ok” because it’s men’s “tits”. That’s literally a cow bra.
is this too much to ask for
post something better then

No. 441676

i deleted the one that was just straight up porn. the other pics get to stay up. ill stop tho both of you are right

No. 441678

Sperg-chan pls grow up already, if you're personally not into threesomes that's fine but let others be, nobody likes a nagging prude.
This boring infight reminded me, I want to have a threesome with a cute man and a butch woman that can't stand each other but they both want me so much that they look past their differences to fuck me together. I want to be in the middle and eat her out and moan into her pussy while having piv with him. They snap at each other and they're competitive and it's fun and perfect.
Sometimes I have this same fantasy but I'm in the place of the other woman, being eaten out by the person in the middle (sometimes a femme, sometimes a cute man) who's getting fucked by an insufferable man.
Love/hate dynamics are so hot to me for some reason.

No. 441680

hey retard can you spoiler your gross bdsm porn or whatever, seeing this on the main page is really annoying

No. 441681

This did it for you, not the bara milking?

No. 441686

I don't know whatever retard degenerate infight you guys are talking about but these images >>441669 >>441667 are not NSFW. This one is >>441672, hope that helps.(learn to delete)

No. 441688

File: 1730235747001.jpeg (31.37 KB, 1257x835, Spanish-Slug-153816411_1257x83…)


No. 441689

>bara milking isn't NSFW

No. 441692

>she fantasizes about getting fucked by men when she's ovulating despite having a gf
Lol I remember that post and she tried to pass it off as totally normal to her bisexuality. Don't know about the vacation one though.

No. 441694

>Don't know about the vacation one though
It's in the ex-lesbian thread which makes it even worse cuz she was one of those LARPing bishits. That whole thread is just nightmare fuel bisluttery kek. Anyone who doesn't hate bisexuals yet should go and read it.(baiting)

No. 441695

if I read it it will remind me of the TIF i liked who started being into ugly men once she started T. i mourn it so bad, she was so beautiful too

No. 441696

>TIF i liked who started being into ugly men once she started T
Is there any chaser story that doesn't end like this lmao.

No. 441698

Yeah, I schlick off to the thought of her cucking me TBH. Bislut ex-lesbian stories give me cryfuel for masturbation.

No. 441699

Funny that for me it was the opposite:
> See main page
> "yay Sono Hanabira"
> It's lescel sperg bait
Hate this shit.

> Comparing touching moobs to BDSM and eating pussy
Only >>441664 is comparable to >>441672, come on. Shirtless moids are the most common shit possible, to the point i can't even leave the house without seeing obese post-walled scrote gynecomastia moobs in street.

No. 441702

I swear for someone who seemingly hates "bishits" so much Yuripedo sure seems to love their company hatelurking the thread specifically for them.

No. 441710

spoiler your shitty fantasy. gross

No. 441712

>the TIF i liked who started being into ugly men once she started T
why so many TIFs get psyop-ed into liking disgusting hairy and bald men once they start T? Every now and again I hear the same story

No. 441714

Unfortunately, it's called being straight.

No. 441751

idk what happened ITT but aren't threesome fantasies super common amongst straight people too? or at least i see them constantly talk about wanting it, even the normies so i don't get why it'd be different for other sexualities

No. 441752

Why did farmhands delete the post these baiters were responding to (which iirc was just talking about why it’s pretty normal to have threesome fantasies) but not the bait responses? Mistake? Really weird.

No. 441757

>a post you disagree with is bait
Grow up. If you want an echochamber where every retard will yassqueen you then there's always other communities outside of here.

No. 441758

>aren't threesome fantasies super common amongst straight people too
This is not helping the bihet allegations kek.(bait)

No. 441781

This is pretty hot, ngl.

No. 441800

Kek, bisluts can’t take any criticism.(bait)

No. 441823

Calling people sluts is bait, yes. But nice try.

No. 441828

Bisluts maybe. Sluts no. Do you really think all bisexual women think like you do?

No. 441851

>Shaming women for expressing their sexuality.
I think the ban on scrotefoiling is doing more harm than good on this site, lately there's been an influx of obvious male incels spinning their misogynistic narratives on several threads and you can't even call them out anymore.
I'd say ignore the nagging prude incel misogynist and move on.
So to change the topic, have you noticed that when it comes to both bi men and bi women, everyone seems to question whether you like women, but not men?
Bisexual men are often seen as "gays in denial", and bisexual women are seen as "attention-seeking straights". Literally nobody will pester you on whether you actually like men or not, even though there's no objective basis for this argument that men would be inherently more desirable to bisexuals. If anything it'd be the opposite: women have prettier physical features, they take better care of themselves and have better hygiene, they're socialized to be kinder and more empathetic, and they're better partners in general because they're raised to be functional adults that don't need a mommy wife to cook and clean after them. Women in same sex relationships report higher sexual satisfaction than women in mixed-sex relationships, while in het relationships there's the known issue of the "orgasm gap".
So why is society constantly trying to force this narrative that people who like women are "in denial" or "lying"? Isn't it just the patriarchy promoting this subconscious notion that men are "universally desirable" and women are "less desirable"?
I've been reading on the concept of "self-fulfilling prophecies" in sociology ("a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the originally false conception come true. In other words, the prediction we make at the start of something affects our behavior in such a way that we make that prediction happen"). And I can't help noticing that it's exactly what society tries to do to bisexuals.
If you're constantly getting told that your attraction towards women is fake, even by women themselves, then aren't you inevitably more likely to end up with the gender that nobody is questioning you about?

No. 441853

I don’t agree with your first part because “expressing your sexuality” doesn’t mean everyone’s going to like it. But your main point I agree with. I think about it a lot. Even the questioning sexuality thread is the same, it’s the same everywhere. Always “are you sure you like women” but of course they like men, that’s a given. Attraction to women has to be proven, while people will assume you are attracted to men if you don’t fend it off. This is true for both sexes, and all sexualities - bisexual women, straight men, lesbians, bisexual men… it’s why gay men can have beards until 50 with children and a wife and no one will think question it if they come out but a SSA woman who has been such from a young age will be questioned for the rest of her life.

No. 441854

>I don’t agree with your first part because “expressing your sexuality” doesn’t mean everyone’s going to like it.
Anon, anons were being called sluts by multiple spammers for having a fantasy about a threesome. You don’t have to like it, sure, but behavior like that is clearly out of line.

No. 441855

>Even the questioning sexuality thread is the same
there are women in that thread literally saying they have been getting off to the thought of the female body since they were 13 and every other nonna just tells her "she's obviously a pornsick straight woman who memed herself into masturbating to boobs" and that "she fantasizes about eating pussy so much because she's actually imagining a man doing that on her" like, the fuck?? That thread has been doing more harm than good, it seems that even here on lolcow everyone wants women sucking dick and getting traumatized by moids. How about letting women who are clearly showing some signs of same-sex attraction explore it with other women? If she doesn't like it, she hardly will get traumatized because women don't fuck with women's heads like moids do.

No. 441857

How is that “out of line?” It’s calling a spade a spade. The fact is no normal person fantasizes about threesomes and you’re just triggered about someone calling you what you are. That’s entirely your problem. Not every bisexual is a slut like you and we’re allowed to make that known.(infighting)

No. 441859

Ayrt, eh. Anons do things that gross me out all the time, it’s not much of a crime to have an opinion even if it’s very subjective. Personally I don’t think it’s terrible but I get why anons find it gross 100%. Actually, that’s not my point. My point is that it doesn’t make you a moid and I hate that that’s the first thing anons always jump to. Why would moids be here shaming threesomes anyway? They’d be shilling them if anything, that’s literally what they want.
I ended up more confused after coming across the thread and I wasn’t even questioning before kek. The thing is I value anons insights way more than any other place too (like reddit) so it’s a little frustrating. I understand that contextually there may be psychological factors in suppressing attraction to men but that does not mean that the definition for attraction can change… if a woman who masturbates thinking about men licking her pussy is called OSA a woman thinking about women licking her pussy should be called SSA. Stigmatisation doesn’t change that.

No. 441860

You’re seriously justifying the slut baiters right now? Ganging up on anons talking about an innocent fantasy and insulting them with moid-like misogynistic terms is not “having an opinion” and you know it.

No. 441861

The logic behind moids shaming threesomes would be false flagging to make the evil terf lesbians seem rude and hateful I think

No. 441864

I’m just sick of women being called moidlike to be frank. It’s not even that odd of a thing to have an issue with. I don’t see how you can take edgy insults seriously when it’s kind of a staple of this website, it’s obviously overly offensive on purpose.
I mean fair possibility, though I don’t know if they’d be trying to make terfs seem bad to this website in particular kek

No. 441871

Oh please fuck off with your libfemmy sexual liberation bs.

No. 441877

I just think that that stupid lesbian comphet masterdoc caused a lot of chaos, for both us and the lesbian community, women don’t want to accept they’re bi for some reason and go straight to the lesbian label, hence why you have retards who are saying that men can be lesbian, that liking penis is also lesbianism and other shit like that.
Also as much as we always talk about gender ideology destroying or trying to destroy same sex attraction, it’s also being used to erase bisexualism. Last time I stumbled on this X tweet with 19K notes where a tranny said that we don’t have any excuse to refuse them. It’s like anyone just sees us as a dumpster that accepts anything kek.

Regarding bi men I don’t really care honestly, call me biphobic or whatever but the bi men I’ve met have always been ultra lefty, pro-kink , pro sex work and other shit. I think low of the down low community too. The less I have to do with them the happier I am.

No. 441879

That's retarded. Women on here can have a wide variety of opinions. Just because anons aren't giving you the yassqueen treatment doesn't mean they're a moid.

No. 441881

Samefag, to reconnect with what you said, I feel like our sexuality will always be like this to the majority of the people, you choose that or this and you have to stick with it, that’s how they see it. Being in the “middle” is just being indecisive and greedy kek, hence why the cheating stereotype and how we are never satisfied because we’ll always miss the other sex, especially men. This distinction is what makes bi women and bi men’s experience truly different, because to the eyes of society a woman who is with a woman will always miss penis; while a man who does engage in homosexual sex will never be able to be satisfied with just vagina, he’ll always miss penis. It’s phallocentrism, nothing more than that.

I don’t see ever changing it soon too, it was the same 6 years ago.

No. 441885

I don’t like threesomes mainly because they’re impractical kek, I just don’t see the appeal in it all. I’d rather put my whole energy into one person, I feel like you just end up doing things halfassedly when you start to involve more people. Maybe a foursome is more practical at that point? Dunno, but I’m not into that either.
eating someone out while getting penetrated doesn’t seem hot at all, just tiring, because you won’t eat as well as when you do it normally and you can’t even focus on the pleasure because you have to focus on moving your tongue, just stressful all around

No. 441888

File: 1730310998074.jpg (5.59 KB, 220x220, images.jpg)

just saw that the straight girl i was in love with in middle school and still kind of am posted a pic with her new boyfriend, some albanian guy who looks like a mentally retarded alcoholic and also looks like he's in his 40s. i wish the "everyone's a little bit bi" bullshit was real, i can't take it anymore.

No. 441889

I don't like it because it gives a subhuman moid the satisfaction of getting to fuck two women.

No. 441890

I guess that too, but even then a threesome with two women doesn’t sound appealing either.

No. 441907

Low test dumb cunt.(infighting)

No. 441911

Can you type like an actual person and not a retard?

No. 441912

ntayrt. what does this mean

No. 441919

TIL it’s “libfem” to not approve of calling women sluts. Think you have that backwards…

No. 441921

Look, retard, I don’t know how many times we have to explain this to you, but fantasizing about threesomes is degenerate and abnormal. And if you have those fantasies, you’re probably a slut. You can keep crying but it doesn’t make it less true. Normal people don’t have fantasies about sleeping with two people at once. That is literally textbook whore shit.(infighting)

No. 441922

They hate her because she told them the truth.

No. 441928

Ok Mr. Preacher kek. I guess I’ll go to hell for my grave, grave degenerate sins of fantasizing about a man and a woman at the same time.

No. 441930

So I once ended up having a threesome with a woman and man who were infatuated with me and competing over me
It was weird and one of my favourite sexual memories just because it's so weird and memorable

No. 441938

I'd rather have a conversation with women who enjoy sex than with poltards who talk about degeneracy in the year 2024 kek

No. 441946

Same. I hate the idea of a disgusting moid being able to brag for the rest of his mediocre life that he fucked two women at once

No. 441952

Yeah and I’m Jesus nonna.

No. 441958

>Normal people don’t have fantasies about sleeping with two people at once.
you are wrong about this

No. 441963

>tfw bivirgin but regularly have degenerate fantasies
seeing posts like these on /g/ of all places is pretty funny. the entire board is de/g/en kek

No. 441964

Nice way of saying that you're bisexual due to porn brainrot.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 441965

The infights on here are so goddamn predictable. Personally I don't care if someone has a lame fantasy because it's not like sex fantasies are known for being realistic or rational anyways. I don't think threesomes are hot regardless of whether the participants are male or female, but it's not difficult to see why someone would like it. /g/ will literally have posters talking about their pedophilia, incest, and snuff fantasies but sex with two hot people at once is somehow crossing the line

No. 441966

i don't watch porn

No. 441970

It’s because people literally hate bisexual women more than pedos or sadists. It’s depressing that we literally can’t even use our own thread because people will brigade it calling us all sorts of horrible things any time someone bumps it with a post. I don’t understand why people are so cruel to us. Sure there are annoying bisexuals who pop in and announce themselves in the lesbian thread once every couple of weeks but we do not do the sort of unhinged cruel shit they do to us, ever.

No. 441983

I swear most of the thread quality went down because yuripedo wouldn't stop infighting with the imaginary boogeyman ebil bisluts

No. 442271

Why does nobody on this website believe other people have an eventful life? Can't share any personal experience without other farmers acting like nothing ever happens to anybody

No. 442421

I'm going to ask here since I'm bi and not lesbian and I dare not intrude upon their spaces, but has anyone here used a strap before? Is it pleasurable for you or the girl receiving it? I feel like it looks slightly cumbersome and awkward but at the same time I would like to try it. I think the mental aspect of fucking a girl could possibly be enjoyable for me since I'm mostly a top. If you have strap recommendations that would be great also.
No the strap won't be going anywhere near a moid's ass, ew

No. 442432

i don’t have any specific recommendations but I can say that using the strap was nice for both of us. So I’d say it’s worth it. If you are looking to use it with a specific girl and you intend for her to be on the receiving end she should be there when you buy it / you should buy it together.

No. 442440

I really don't understand her modus operandi. She hates "bisluts" and keeps sperging about how "someone needs to take out the trash" i.e. gatekeep lesbian communities from the evil bishits (which to her is basically anyone who isn't a pornbrained coomer weeb like her) yet she still lurks the thread for bisexuals and ban evades just to keep her spergy infights going. I wish mods would just up and delete her posts on sight so that people would stop replying to her.

No. 442444

I don’t like straps personally because where I’m from they get cold pretty fucking easily especially in winter. Have to soak in warm water for it to be practical, and by then I’m already fucking so eh. Fingers and tongue always wins for me personally, if I wanna fuck or get fucked missionary I rather just trib.

No. 442449

Seems to be more like a mental thing? Up until recently I never enjoyed any form of penetration (including fingers) so I didn’t understand stimulating it. Would be nice if there were more toys that stimulated the wearer’s pleasure too, but the only ones I’ve seen that do are double penetration ones.

No. 442460

Since nonnas here are talking about straps and penetration, I have an extremely autistic doubt, maybe some of you could help me kek. So, I've only dated women and never done anything with men besides kissing a long ago when I was a teen. Dicks have always disgusted me and I'm never going to do dick in my life. I'm happy with clit stimulation be it by oral sex or just my favourite toy that's actually a massager. But I confess I'm curious about how penetration would feel with a strap, but the thing is, I've always heard that PIV sex for the first time is painful for the girl and I wonder if that would be the case with a strap on too. Any nonna here who has never been with a dick-haver but has been penetrated by a girl with a strap could clarify that for me? And pardon my autism kek

No. 442501

Nothing is stopping you from experimenting with fingers/toys. In fact, I think it's kind of weird that you don't mention your experience or inexperience with fingers. My first time was with a toy so I typed up a lot of advice and basic sex ed facts but then I realized how weird/suspicious this question is so I'm gonna shorten it to this: you can't avoid any physical issues related to the hymen stretching/tearing but a lot of other first time-related pain comes from being insufficiently aroused, so experiment on your own or with a partner you trust to minimize the risk of pain

No. 442505

Ayrt thanks for replying, nonna. I'm not desperate or anything to try penetration, it's more of a curiosity and fomo in a way, like I could be missing something that I could like.
>In fact, I think it's kind of weird that you don't mention your experience or inexperience with fingers
>then I realized how weird/suspicious this question is
I don't really understand these parts, but maybe you think I'm a moid larping? I'm a early-20s woman who started dating girls when I was 17. I tend to like really feminine women who usually have long nails so I never experienced penetration with fingers. I'm used to having oral sex, sex with toys (not toys for penetration), and I had a gf who would just softly rub my clitoris using her fingers, which is honestly enough for me. The idea of penetration has always freaked me out because the sex ed I had in school let me a bit traumatized with this idea that's painful. My straight female friends growing up would also tell me how it hurt when they had sex with a guy for the first time, so I was more than happy to prefer women and be kinda disgusted by men. And sometimes I wonder if I could enjoy some form of penetration and if, maybe if the strap is not too big, it could just feel good without going too deep that it will hurt. But I may get one myself and try a few things on my own pace to see if I enjoy it to maybe try it with a partner one day (sadly I currently do not have a gf). I'll check the link, and thanks again nonna!

No. 442636

I don’t know if I’m just a freak of nature but I never had any pain from penetration and started masturbating that way when I was a young teen. Maybe I never had a hymen. I was definitely not a sporty child so it’s not like I tore it unknowingly beforehand kek.

No. 442638

It’s not just sports, people’s hymens stretch from daily activity. I don’t think you can “not have one” it’s just anatomical and genetic how easy you’ll find penetration the first time. Mine just had to stretch from using fingers (very occasionally) over the years.
Like the other anon penetration has also always scared me and I’ve realised I’m just constitutionally small so even after my hymen stretched I can’t fit much in, doubt I could use most straps. I wish this was talked about more because I feel like it’s just assumed every woman should be able to take penetration or there is an issue that needs to be fixed. Like people who buy dilators. Yeah, no, I’ll just leave it be.
Tbh I thought most couples mostly used fingers on the clitoris and not the vagina.

No. 442641

Ayrt I don’t think you need to get yourself to “take penetration” but when women talk about never wanting to experience penetration it makes me kind of sad for them because I know how pleasurable it can be. It’s like locking yourself out of 50% of your sexual sensation. I know I’m biased since I’ve been doing it since childhood with no struggle but I feel like a lot of SSA women write off penetration as “unenjoyable straight person shit you only do if a man wants it” which is sad to me. I’ve never slept with a man and don’t plan to but penetration is still the most fun and pleasurable way to stimulate myself. If you really don’t want to then of course don’t, but don’t write it off as a scam or myth, it’s really worth getting into imo.

No. 442668

I feel like penetration is really easy to experiment with so people who don't like penetration are likely just not built like you are. I really think you're lucky. When I was a virgin in high school, I remember reading sex stuff on the internet and finding the stats about how only a minority of women can come without clitoral stimulation and hoping and praying I'd be one of those girls who orgasm vaginally so I could get off from PIV instead of being a difficult lover. I'm turned on by the idea, I bought sex toys as soon as I moved out for college, I'm completely open to the concept and not 'locked out' at all but it's just not what works for me.

No. 443110

PIV shouldnt hurt at the first time, it never did for me. Maybe there are some women with hymens that will get on the way and tear, but most of the time it has to be asshole moid showing it in before the woman is aroused enough. But experimenting on your own and going slow is good advice anyway.

Any anons here dating a woman? Are you open about it with your family, coworkers etc? I havent yet told my family besides my mother, some of them are homophobic (and racist, we also different races.) Is it bad if I just let my old as fuck grandpa die not telling him? My coworkers in straight relationships often mention their partners, I mostly stay silent or use some dumb gender neutral term. I think most of them wouldnt even care, but I think I have internalised homophobia.

No. 443457

Everyone gets mad at bisexual women for being obsessed with straps, but I’m sorry I love that shit. Giving or receiving, I fantasize about both all the time. But I think I’m naturally biased because I can really only cum fully when penetration is involved. Fingers are good, but I have a really sensitive A spot so tools are needed. I feel like that weirds people out though. I really can’t help it though, it’s how I was built. I hope to find a female partner one day who likes receiving as much as I do, because I am obsessed with the idea of taking turns giving and receiving. I love both too much to ever settle for just one…

No. 443500

I'm more or less like you too, anon. I've only dated other women, all of them also bi, and that has never been a problem, even though I'm not even a big fan of oral (I say that bc people tend to say that oral is the main thing in female same-sex relationships). I can't cum from receiving oral but I can go down on a girl without problems if she wants to, I just don't get as much enjoyment from it as fucking her with a strap kek Sorry but I love watching her face while she's enjoying herself and I'm on top, and that's the main reason I prefer the strap. It's really a mental thing for me
>I hope to find a female partner one day who likes receiving as much as I do, because I am obsessed with the idea of taking turns giving and receiving
It's not clear to me if you haven't dated a woman yet or just never dated one who enjoyed receiving, either way, ime it's more likely to happen with another bisexual woman. I never dated a lesbian but what I hear is that lesbians tend to hate straps or be extremely skeptical about women who like them as they think you'll leave them for a man. Thing is, I'm disgusted by men and prefer women kek

No. 443507

I've only ever dated other bisexual women, even though plenty lesbians came onto me. But I've never dated a bisexual man.
I've never actually met a self-proclaimed bisexual man. While my culture hates lesbians and gays, it fetishises bi women and denies the existence of bi men.

No. 443516

>I never dated a lesbian but what I hear is that lesbians tend to hate straps or be extremely skeptical about women who like them as they think you'll leave them for a man. Thing is, I'm disgusted by men and prefer women kek
Same, it sucks but I’ve heard the same thing. I honestly really don’t get it though because the stimulation is just pleasurable, it’s not about being into men. Currently I’m in a part of my bicycle where men are totally unsexy to me, but even when I do like men, a woman with a strap is always hotter kek. Plus the way men fuck is just kind of stupid tbh, a toy and a woman feels better imo.

No. 443525

Of course lesbians had to take offense that we're talking about straps and call us het porn brained in their own thread kek they're so obsessed with us the fuck lmfaooo what do they have to do with what we do and enjoy with other women? They don't have to date us lol

No. 443536

normal lesbians dgaf about bi women and go about life dating/not dating them. the ones that sperg about us have something else going on and should take a long hard look in the mirror. Might help them realise why they hate those bi women so much…

No. 443541

Must be a day ending in y

No. 443543

do any of you nonners have advice for picking the right dildo to strap with? i am wondering what material and shape is best for her to enjoy, but I want something I can enjoy too. Is a straight dildo or a curved dildo better for strapping? ive had a strapless strap in the past which i broke before i could use it (rip) but I enjoyed the give of the silicone strap more than I've enjoyed any of my glass toys.

No. 443562

Pining so hard for a straight woman I can never have that I feel like I’m gonna die. It hurts so much I feel like it’s taking years off my lifetime from just emotional distress. I never understood people talking about getting like this from unrequited/impossible love and I legit thought it was all artistic exaggeration but now I understand how this could drive someone mad. I wish I could shut this part of my brain off, it’s so all-consuming. Feels bad.

No. 443579

Thinking about men when you see a dildo (not realistic) is textbook OSA behavior kek. To lurkers: you are bisexual, you must know this on some level. You can't stop yourself from thinking about bisexuals because of their proximity with men. Stop shitting up the lesbian thread with your badly-disguised male obsession. Enough, come home now.

No. 443620

Can we just ignore the lesgen spergs? The bi vs les infight is endless and pointless.

Im not personally big fan of penetration but a strap would be fun to try some time. We havent even tried fingering with my new gf yet, my ex didnt want it so Im not experienced and bit scared of doing it wrong and hurting her. She has the same thing.

No. 443689

Why are you even in there in the first place? 100% of infights between lesbians and bisexuals on this site can be avoided if both groups just stay in their generals tbh.

No. 443794

ayrt I wasnt. I clicked on /g/ (not the catalog) and the post I mentioned was on top. I stopped visiting their thread a long ago

No. 443896

File: 1731288405832.png (331.68 KB, 512x512, grapepepe.png)

ive gotten cheated on in every relationship ive been in and ive realized its my problem. im a bit ugly with a slightly unappealing body which i guess means people would just settle for me but im not really the one they want, not horrendously ugly, just mid. Im monogamous but im thinking it might be more worth it to just casually date instead of trying to find a life partner tbh. Actually now that i think about it im probably not that ugly since i get decent matches on apps and irl people approach me to say weird sexual shit, but im too loyal like a retarded dog, so i pair bond but the other person doesnt.
i used to be a bihater because my first time getting cheated on i got left for an ugly male, but now i know that i just turn women straight and it wasnt really their fault im just not what they want because what they want is a man.
i thought being bi meant that i would have a higher chance of meeting somebody i love but i think it make people think of you as disposable.

No. 443908

I sympathize with you and I get that you have to type things like this to get your thoughts out but I hope you know that
>im a bit ugly with a slightly unappealing body which i guess means people would just settle for me but im not really the one they want
>im too loyal like a retarded dog, so i pair bond but the other person doesnt
>i just turn women straight and it wasnt really their fault im just not what they want because what they want is a man
this stuff isn't true about you, and even if you do date a few people who treat you wrong or have such horrible thoughts, that's just how dating is. there's nothing wrong or unlovable about you and your appearance and your bisexuality aren't permanent roadblocks to love. dating is hard, finding someone compatible to fall in love with and stay with is hard and takes a lot of trial and error, and you'll get there eventually. I know it.

No. 443912

i appreciate that sorry im just being bitter.
i think what im trying to say is that i dont like how bisexuals get stereotyped as promiscuous cheating sluts when really people view us as disposable and treat us like meat

No. 443932

Nonnies I've been exchanging messages with a bi guy (actually bi, not just into women and women who use they/them pronouns) and ngl I'm excited. He's cute and what he lacks in brains he makes up for in being fun to casually chat to so far. Thinking of meeting to hook up tbh, do you have any advice? it is my dream to have an mmf threesome, and unlike fff it feels somewhat achievable under the right circumstances

No. 443934

Lose fat. It's literally that easy.

No. 443948

She never mentioned being fat dummy, sometimes people just cheat because the option is available to them and they don't consider their current partner a huge loss.

No. 443950

>anything wrong in a person’s life can be resolved by losing weight
anachan logic

No. 443965

>noo anachans don't hate women they're just suffering
no disrespect but I've known some genuinely hideous women get into relationships with somewhat average girls. it seems like you have low self esteem and ignore red flags that someone might not be really into you

No. 443969

Nice advice there anachan. I have been from spoopy skeleton to average weight and always had troubles dating because Im simply ugly.

No. 443971

Enjoy your STDs

No. 443995

This is why I don’t date, I’m ugly so I know no one would ever really truly desire me, I’d always just be someone they’re settling for. I’d rather just be alone than go through that. You might want to consider doing the same anon, it sounds like you’re going through a lot of pain. Personally I think the sooner people like us accept reality the better since we can stop wasting energy on romance and focus on other things.

No. 443998

i wish it was that easy. its not because im fat its because im short and look like a dweeb. everybody ive been with has left me for somebody taller. Most recently i got cheated on with a 200 pound 6 foot tall woman. yes i have seen pics of her, im not exxagerating her weight or coping. my ex told me that i look too much like a little kid and the new girl looks more adult. Ive been 95 - 120 pounds throughout my life, skinny to being kindof built-fat and now back to somewhat skinny. it doesnt matter because im short. I really hate how pathetic and incellish this sounds but im realizing its true. women want to be with tall men or tall "men" and men want to be with tall women or children. its a status symbol to have a tall wife.
I wouldnt even mind if they broke up with me normally and just told me they didnt want to be with me, but they like to intentionally trick and betray me. I dont want to keep doing this anymore, but i dont know what im supposed to be doing or avoiding. I cant tell if its something wrong with me or if its something wrong with the type of person im attracted to.

No. 444043

>I really hate how pathetic and incellish this sounds but im realizing its true.
again, I want you to know: it's really, really not that you're too short for love. I know you know this is true, because short women are in love all the time. some people like tall women, other people like short women, other people have no preference, and sometimes, people will fall in love with you and then come to see short women as the only attractive type of woman because your features become synonymous with love to them.
maybe there is something you could do to be more attractive or more charming, and I'm sure any kind of physical or personality-based self improvement campaign that you want to start wouldn't hurt, but the nice thing about height is that you literally never have to think twice about it because it's completely out of your hands.
this means nothing to you but I prefer the idea of dating someone close to my height (short) because a big height gap looks awkward to me and we can share clothes that way, but no height would ever be a dealbreaker if I liked someone on a personal level.

No. 444423

File: 1731555457665.png (8.99 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_6727.png)

Saw a couple nonnies do this in the lesbian thread and I thought it'd be fun to join.
Trying not to kms over the fact I got a literal moid, I want to think it's just the hair though.

No. 444426

What is this?

No. 444449

NTAYRT, it's yandex results after uploading a selfie to it.
I'm not trying to fearmonger but from what I can tell, it looks like yandex has an API that returns recently uploaded files. Idk how sincere the original anon was, but there's already a retard in the lesbian thread trying to troll. Hopefully the site lets you delete your selfie from it, or hopefully no one goes back digging for potential matches with picrel results.

No. 444485

I got so many troons fuck my stupid jaw

No. 444487

You seem pretty

No. 444561

Women with “masculine” facial ratios but soft feminine features make me go fucking BONKERS. My crush is like that, her soft round lips and cute nose make me insane like someone is frying my brain in a cast iron pan. I would sacrifice an entire limb just to go out with a woman like that. It’s so rare though and I’m a loser. FML

No. 444579

theres no moid there, only mica arganaraz

No. 444596

Selfie make me look 10 years older and 30 kgs fatter, no way I'm doing that.

No. 444598

How early did you guys realize you were bisexual? I realized super late when I was suddenly hit in the face by an undeniable crush on a woman and it really threw me for a loop because I felt way too old to be only just then discovering 50% of my sexuality. so at that time even when I was literally having orgasms to the fantasy of having sex with her I was like “idk what’s going on but this can’t be real” kekkkkk.
I feel like I hardly ever hear childhood experiences of “realizing” bisexuality even though it’s such a common trope for gay people, I’m honestly curious to hear some. It seems like we either assume we’re straight or assume we’re gay until something that contradicts that hits us in the face.

No. 444599

I honestly think I just…knew? I was aware that I was "different" when I was really young, like 7 or something, but I was one of those kids who hit puberty early so maybe that contributed.

No. 444631

I liked male and female video game characters and such from the same time but didn't realize bisexual existed was a thing I was until about 14 and after that I was in denial based on who I was crushing on at the time. I told myself I only liked "feminine" guys with nice hair and angular faces so I don't really like guys at all or that everyone is aroused by women, duh.

No. 444685

File: 1731647422906.png (Spoiler Image,3.62 MB, 2608x1567, did you mean asian woman with …)

Spoiler for front page

No. 444719

I mustv've been like 7 when I pictured myself holding hands with another girl in a romantic way and kinda thought to myself "huh, I wouldn't mind that" lmao. By the time I hit puberty and started getting sexual feelings and thoughts I already knew and was at peace with liking both genders.
It's funny how I never came out to anyone though, everyone just kinda knew anyway.

No. 444737

At 14 when I just started to feel sexual attraction towards both girls and boys. Before that I had some girls I really wanted to be friends with, but cant tell if that was some sort of crush or just thought they were cool.

No. 444738

I don't believe Asian women use these boards that much. I think the "Asian" nonas are … someone else

No. 444753

Always been that way. My first "crush" when I was 6 years old was a girl, I told my parents about it and they were just like oh ok. So it never struck me as weird that I would get crushes on both girls and boys. I only realised that not everyone was cool with this and thought this was normal once I entered middle school. I'm very lucky that my parents were so gung ho about it so I was never made to doubt myself.

No. 444755

I kissed a woman and it felt no different to kissing a man. I was pretty deep in denial and fear from my Christian upbringing in my teens, but after that it clicked and I accepted it.

No. 444784

don't want to feed my face to anything online so it can be used for whatever forever only to get a predictable result because honestly I know what I look like. this isn't really related to being bisexual in any way so why are you posting it?

No. 444809

File: 1731708231046.jpg (1.48 MB, 1259x3404, IMG_20241115_225723.jpg)

My first crush was a girl
I was 8 or 9 and met her at a ski school on vacation. I didn't know about the words "bisexual" or "lesbian". I just thought "oh, I didn't know a girl could crush on a girl, must be one of those many things adults don't talk about"
A lot of early socialisation is just learning what's acceptable to say in society and what's not, apparently this was one of the things it was not acceptable to talk about when I was growing up
Pic related, my first crush

No. 444817

Got a big crush (mutual) on a girl sat next to me when i was really small. I could be bothersome in class so they put me next to her so she could pacify me since she was the perfect student, but i just fell for her and tried to impress her, made her laugh all the time. I kept falling for girls going from there. I wanted to marry one girl but i already knew it was 'wrong' so i kept it to myself. Started having husbandos as a teen but i had zero interest in 3D, i didn't get it at all when girls would gush about boys so to me my sexuality was 'girls rule, boys drool'. I fell for a guy in my early 20s and i came to terms with my bisexuality. I think coming into contact with bisexual online 'culture' made me not want to state it, it was too repellent, but i knew that i liked guys still. I find men more attractive now that i'm older, i'll thirst hard over a guy and think 'lol what would 13yo me think of this'

No. 444823

Why would you post some random girl here, she doesn’t deserve that

No. 444826

How do you know she doesn't deserve it? She could have become a tax-evading, child-abusing, racist pickme meth-head by now. We are both in our mid forties

No. 444909

My first crush in life was my first grade teacher, but I had no idea what a "gay" was so I just assumed nothing of it. I finally realized I wasn't straight when I danced with my best friend at the time during some middle school graduation thing and I subsequently fell for her. It's weird looking back at that because she's not attractive to me at all now and never really was kek

No. 444943

Guess that’s fair enough kek

No. 445102

Like many of us I thought I was straight during childhood and didn't consider being SSA a possibility despite having a pattern of being a bit obsessive about my childhood friends and jealous when they played with other girls. I used to frequent this noughties Sims forum where one of the admins was an out lesbian and I was so fixated on her for reasons I assumed were heterosexual. Then puberty happened and I suddenly felt so thrilled at the thought of kissing a girl, and because I wasn't raised in a homophobic environment it was relatively easy to admit to myself I could see girls as a romantic possibility. I felt a lot more free just from doing that and telling a couple of online friends, pretty sure it was over MSN in 2007.

>mid 40s

Hot. Date me (I'm 30)

No. 445109

4 years old

No. 445285

My first crush on a girl was when I was 5 or 6. And then the feeling toward girls went away. My first crush on a boy was when I was 15. And then the feeling went away. I didn't feel anything for either sex until I was 19 when it hit me all at once. I guess I'm kind of an early and a late bloomer in that regard.

No. 445309

>and sometimes, people will fall in love with you and then come to see short women as the only attractive type of woman because your features become synonymous with love to them.
I know it's been a week but I want to highlight this sentence because I think a lot of people don't realize this especially when young.
I've experienced my mind and body re-orienting what I "prefer" around someone unexpected who made me crazy about them with a beautiful soul. I'll always know that the same could happen to someone else looking at me, because I've felt that.

No. 445310

It just sounds like a cope kek

No. 445311

This is retarded af, shorter women have less problem dating than taller ones. Shut up.

No. 445313

It does until you feel it yourself :)
Love is the most powerful drug in the world, it does things to you that you'd never expect.(:))

No. 445319

I prefer money. Love is meaningless kek, you just end up losing yourself while trying to appease someone else to your detriment, especially for women. Love yourself first.

No. 445321

youre talking about normal sized "short" women not actual short women. we are equivalent in peoples minds to children.

No. 445350

Nta but it sounds incredibly unrealistic, I guess it happens for some people but definitely not for me.

No. 445460


I hope it doesnt turn into a spergfest, but have noticed difference in dating women and men regarding height? Im 176 cm (5'9 or something in hamburgers) tall, have gotten rejected by moids because of my height but women generally dont care or even like it.

No. 445473

This is interesting actually, I am about same height (5’10 so inch taller) and have never once been rejected on height basis by scrote. Short ones are on me like flies on shit ugh I guess it prob depends on your “type” and where you live tho. On the other hand, I’m too femme for most women looking for a woman, because they see my height and think I should be the dominant one all the time kek

No. 445476

I refuse to date women significantly shorter than me at this point, not because I think they're ugly, but because they'll masculinize you and expect you to act dominant, like you said. Bisexual women are worse about this than lesbians.

No. 445505

The "dominant" labeling is such a degenerate thing
I have never dated a man or woman who taints sex and love with a "power dynamic"
There's plenty of people who just enjoy each other's company and mutual pleasure and have no need to bring that dark shit into such intimate and joyful interactions

No. 445510

Well duh, you’ll have less people want to date you if you’re a midget, same if you’re a giant. It’s not surprising.

No. 445511

Agree nonna, it all sounds like brain rot kek

No. 445518

Sometimes I wonder if my bisexuality is the result of my OCD being triggered by male bodies. I see them as the epitome of filth and I hate the sounds they make.

No. 445525

What are signs I can give as a tall-woman-chaser that I like tall women because I think they’re extra adorable and cute and not because I’m looking for a man-lite? genuine question…

No. 445611

File: 1732058424082.png (405.88 KB, 718x568, panda.png)

Im the one from earlier upthread >>437801 that was creeping on this girl at the gym. nonas my work schedule changed back and I went to the gym again at my usual time and my basketball player snow white princess was not there. I even stayed an extra hour doing cardio on the stair master waiting for her to arrive. In case you dont have a stair master at your gym just know that is not a small feat. I kept telling myself just 5 more minutes until she gets here but then she never did. Im never going to see her again. last i saw her she had a brace on her foot like she broke it or something. i hope your bone heals and you live a wonderful life and someday come back to the gym at the same time as me so i can watch you do lat pulldowns.
but its ok since i think i found a new girl to creep on in one of my classes. she looks like young elijah wood and looks really anxious. though not fully developed, my creepiness with her is rising steadily
they are mostly nasty. but are you attracted to women or simply repulsed by males?

No. 445613

>they are mostly nasty. but are you attracted to women or simply repulsed by males?
I've fallen in love with women, have had sex with women, and have sexually fantasized about them. I've never fallen in love with a male outside of limerence.

No. 445614

then its genuine and not ocd

No. 445742

If I have to explain my attraction to men I’d say that I am sexually aroused by the male body and that I do have an idea of an “ideal” man , just like a woman. But men in real life are just so …so shallow, misogynistic, opportunistic, greedy, users and even when they’re “good” they fail to be truly empathetic honestly, being with a man ends up taking from you rather than mutually receiving and giving, I feel like in order to be with a man you have to “forgive” quite many things, which is something I haven’t experienced with women, where the relationship feels equal and fulfilling. I’m not one of those retards that will call themselves lesbian for this though kek.

No. 445744

File: 1732126857503.jpg (110.85 KB, 850x850, 1000028934.jpg)

I'm lowkey infatuated with my friend who has a boyfriend, and the fact that she's also bisexual makes it hurt even more.

No. 445748

ntayrt I'm just the same. Makes being attracted to males completely pointless.

No. 445800

File: 1732147743244.jpeg (161.12 KB, 1170x759, IMG_0219.jpeg)

These are the bitches that waste your time and are in reality straight as an arrow kek

No. 445938

I agree nonna ; it gives us a shitty reputation too

No. 446302

after a life of mostly only crushing on men, i learned that falling in love with a straight woman is the most painful experience on earth. I wish I was straight and this never happened

No. 446318

I hope to god my work crush is straight for this reason.

No. 446383

stay strong nonna

No. 446734

Thank you anon but ynfortunately I am not strong. When I’m not trying not to cry about it I’m seething and beating myself up every time I see or hear about straight couples, I get so nonsensically angry. Whenever I see a moid that looks like her hairy moid, even just like an arm or something in a picture, a have to suppress a panic attack. I unironically think it’s worse because of my bisexuality, if I was just gay then I wouldn’t know what she feels for the moid and I could just write it off as mysterious straight people bullshit but because I know how it feels it’s somehow worse because I can imagine how she feels about this godforsaken moid that she’s too good for. I enter a miniature depressive spiral any time someone mentions pregnancy just because it reminds me that she’s probably gonna get pregnant with his kid soon and it makes me so jealous I could eat my own leg off in blind animalistic rage. I can’t even fantasize about her anymore because I can’t get reality out of my head which is only serving to make me crazier the longer I go without comforting fantasies. I’ve tried every trick in the book to move on but this woman has broken me on some fundamental level. And of course I can’t talk about this shit to anyone because I sound deranged. Frankly I am deranged. All day long there’s a little voice in my head that repeats “it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts” in a small voice no matter what I’m doing. Why can’t I be normal, even just existing in the world is so hard for me in every aspect

No. 446828

Damn I’m sorry, I relate to this so hard except I’m a lesbian and my crush is bi. You can’t really tell anyone you feel this way because they’ll look at you like you’re insane, I’ve been getting irrationally angry at moids that look like him too (also hairy kek) and get basically triggered by heterosexuality these days. I just relate it all back to her. Fucking hurts

No. 447217

>triggered by heterosexuality these days. I just relate it all back to her. Fucking hurts
Ayrt, I’m going through the exact same thing. And because most of the world is straight and it’s everywhere, it’s like the whole world around me is a trigger. I even find myself wishing I could be a man at times, but it’s really only because of how hard I pine for her. Thank you for your reply, it really brought me some comfort to know I’m not the only one.

No. 447226

think i might have a crush on a girl i see only during lectures
>short fluffy brown hair
>big glasses
>just so adorable
i have no idea how to approach her i want to get closer to her but i have no idea how

No. 447267

if this is a comp sci class then just go up to me pls

No. 447296

Idk if triggered is the word for me but I had a sort of similar experience with a bi friend group in the past. The other two preferred men and I always felt insecure and out of place about it, it didn't really help that one of them was a fakeboi (online only, regular she/her irl) and admitted to coping with it by obsessing over men to an insane degree. I remember her telling me once that she was fixated on masculinity and craved it in a way that I guess was supposed to be relatable and I just felt so indescribably grossed out. It definitely gave me a similar feeling of like I was doomed for not being a perfect desirable man though

No. 447314

Oh I’m like this anon. Something about fakeboi bi’s obsession with men specifically, they revere them so much… I feel like I could never be enough. No matter how masc I am, attractive or charming, I will never be as good as a man. I think falling for one really left a dent in my self esteem.

No. 447548

I've only ever had relationships with women, minus that e-date with a boy when I was 11 online. I value emotional incandescence, having an intimate mental, emotional and intellectual bond and yada yada in relationships, all of which I just can't experience with moids. As narcissistic as this might make me I've never met one I've been able to bond with, I'm avoidant attachment and can't let them close, the wavelengths just don't parallel. I cannot imagine even hugging a moid and feeling safe.

No. 447579

Late but relatable. Her moid is acne-ridden, shaped like a bowling pin, and she used to complain about him to me all the time before I asked her to stop kek. They’re getting married next year and I feel horrible for her. I don’t understand these women with shitty nigels who still cape for them and call them the “love of their life”.

No. 447630

that's okay nonna you don't have to date men ever. it's not worth the trouble anyway

No. 447722

I post ITT often and I'm just wondering: how come so many nonnas here seem to have minimal or no experience with men irl when compared to women (I am one of them) but in pretty much all other bi places both irl and online the opposite seems true, and the majority of women have hardly any experience with other women but a fair amount with men? Is it just that lolcow attracts a lot of SSA women in general, or is it due to something else too?

No. 447725

Yeah ik, it's just something I can't explain to people without someone screeching "go to therapy for your avoidant attachment". I ain't got one around women because they're not biologically malicious.

No. 447726

LC just attracts that demographic I guess.

No. 447732

Some anons probably downplay their experience with men to avoid getting called bihet or straight

No. 447770

I'm pretty sure this is the reason. LC hates OSA women. I know I've switched the genders around in some of my posts on /ot/ to avoid being called bihet or slut or whatever.

No. 447815

I have experience with both, in "body count" numbers a lot more moids because I used to have one night stands with them. (Not super proud of that, but cant change the past kek.) With women have at least had some dating going on. In here nonas probably want to avoid spergs or maybe hang out in kinda artsy circles that dont have so much moids.

No. 447831

I really, really want to learn how to flirt with girls. Maybe I'm just a turboautist but the two girls I had a relationship with, they "took" me and that was it, I was the one to get invested and them going "so are we going out" and I went "yeah! yippeee!" but now that I'm getting older I realized that I'm kinda fucked. I do not call myself a dom/sub because I adapt depending on the relationship so I'm not after any particular "role" (god is so stupid to talk like this but idk how to explain without sounding like a retard and I'm esl) but I realize that I like other classic femme women or feminine butches, nothing too masculine or the "one of the boys" lesbians and I think that's the problem, because I'm femme myself. Not a super femme but I like stereotypically feminine fashion and makeup and fine jewels and sappy shit and blablabla so I understand I do not look like your usually pussy enjoyer and I can understand that, still, how do I flirt without coming off as creepy/tryhard?
Idk if that's a problem with lesbians but often, in generic sapphic events, I got made fun of because I "wasn't committed", especially when I turned down their avances because yeah girl, we love the same thing, but I'm not attracted to you and I don't like to fit in a stereotype of heavy butch/feminine girl but when I want myself to be the approaching one to a cute girl, I feel lost both for not knowing shit about flirting and both for "uhmm what if femmes don't like femmes" and I get really sad lmfao. As I said, maybe it's the autism and I cannot do shit about it, but I wonder how this stuff is being seen on the other side because I never got approached by a femme. Maybe I'm really the weak link and the loser in the whole equation, damn.
Flirting with moids is easy as fuck because yeah I can be picky with them but it really takes "being nice" and they think you're into it but I feel like you can give the world to girls and they will think you're "just being nice" and that's where my mind does not compute….

No. 447837

>LC hates OSA women
More like the other way around

No. 447852

Both depending on where you are. In most cases the hate on OSA women is perfectly valid

No. 447854

I would give anything for an honest breakdown of what's going on with the demographics of lc. I feel like there's a really clear difference between lchat heterophobia (and general women being bitches type of posting) and incels who just hate it when women who are happily having sex (and general men hating women type of posting) and we definitely have both. I hate that the real world is the best place to have female friends because female-dominant internet spaces are either full of larpers, troons, and fetishists (reddit, ibs) or lame (slash fanfiction). let me be a loser in peace with my loser sisters kek.

No. 447909

Right, I want to find other loser women irl. This site attracts some seriously mentally ill crazies who project their mental neuroses and self-hatred onto other demographics when I just want to post about shit with other chill autists without some psychotic retard lashing out because their tulpa told them to

No. 448132

On /ot/ I think it’s maybe 75% women with the spergs being about half baiting scrotes, half serious or baiting women.
I think the OSA threads on here have a decent population of fags (especially the male bodies thread). Female fantasies seems like mostly women, possible troon moids whose posts usually just get ignored because they’re weird and the occasional baiting scrote posting something so the entire of /ot/ and heterosexuals can go and yell see lesbians are the exact same as scrotes! Because of one post kek.
This thread seems pretty clean, but the lesbian thread definitely has a dedicated number of scrotes (and possibly some women) baiting there. Recently I’d say a pretty large proportion of posts there are probably scrotes from kf

No. 448137

I've always thought a significant number of the les vs bi infight bait posts were scrotes and will probably stay convinced unless I'm explicitly proven wrong which doesn't seem likely. Irl normie lesbians really aren't that bothered by bi women. Most people who say otherwise are chronically online and/or some type of gendie

No. 448204

Despite wearing tomboyish clothes most of the time I don’t escape the gay accusations. It’s interesting how clothes don’t “define gender” but a woman wearing unconventional clothing is gay. I am Bi to a degree but I wouldn’t consider myself gay as my dating record is 99% scrote. I’ve literally dated one woman and never had sex or kissed her (online romance lol). I wasn’t into her so we never met but she was a kiwi farmer and you know how that turns out. I’m just happy to have found someone who I have a deep connection with.

No. 448205

>she was a kiwi farmer
I'm so sorry

No. 448213

you married a kf user??? couldn't torture that info out of me. what do you say when someone asks how you met

No. 448216

your reading comprehension…

No. 448226

I was replying to a post where anon said she married a kiwi farmer who was "one of the good ones" retard. Maybe she deleted out of shame

No. 448232

ive had 5 years with the same moid and one year with a woman. so technically ive been with 2 women and one male.
my tulpa says that normies need to get off the board

No. 448237

She married a kf scrote. I didn't even want to reply kek. How sad. I guess they're made for each other though.

No. 448240

Every other bisexual woman i know IRL has experience with women and idealizes same-sex dating, but wants to have kids with a man. I don't have any (sadly), am currently with a man but it's so obvious to me that raising a child with a woman is superior. Of course it's better with two women who are at the very least willing to invest time and effort in childcare in a way that 90% of men aren't. One of my friends was raised by a lesbian couple and what she lets on about it adds to my positive opinion. Whenever the subject of dating comes up with bi friends they're like 'this woman i dated 3 years ago was the love of my life and i'm still mourning her but yknow, i'll have to marry [a guy] eventually'. Sometimes they give an explanation like 'i don't want to be ashamed' (okay, you care about how you're perceived, but why date women in the first place then?) and sometimes they don't even explain why, assuming i understand because i'm bisexual too. I haven't had the chance to ask why so figured i'd discuss this here

No. 448241

anon I wish I was a fucking normie but I am a sexless sperg with shitty hobbies. I'm knocking on the nonsensical and aggressive shit flinging that happens on this site over nothing
Is it bad that this wouldn't be a deal breaker for me? There are some decent female KF posters that arent pickmes and I think it would be funny to laugh at moidcows together, but I could also see this turning out terribly. No I dont plan on trawling KF for an e-gf

No. 448242

Using kf is a turn off. Anyone who enjoys the company of fart huffing reddit-but-make-it-edgy moids would not be compatible with me.

No. 448250

i could fix a kf girl

No. 448264

>dating a moid
OPINION DISCARDED. As if there isn't a shortage of what het-partnered nigelfags think.

No. 448272

lesbians still think you are a bihet slut quit being so self hating

No. 448278

but there's good cows over there… being a casual reader isn't so bad, is it?

No. 448294

"User" implies you made an account and post. You sound like a lurker, which is different.

No. 448300

>Is it bad that this wouldn't be a deal breaker for me? There are some decent female KF posters that arent pickmes and I think it would be funny to laugh at moidcows together, but I could also see this turning out terribly. No I dont plan on trawling KF for an e-gf.
You just gotta find one that doesn't use KF as an aesthetic. Seems like a lot of zoomers male and female love to pretend they're edgy and hardcore for using KF. It's funny because I thought I was done with KF users after her. I also feel like that I've mentioned my current relationship multiple times throughout the years here kek. It's not a secret.

No. 448308

there's plenty of other bi women to date

No. 448345

I love male-obsessed fakebian febfems of your kind because you're still so (hot and) bothered by moids you can't help but fixate on them whenever they're casually brought up.
>you think marrying and raising kids with women is better? OPINION DISCARDED h-h-het-partnered nigelfag
You don't even make sense. I just know you love men more than you let on otherwise you wouldn't puff up and act like le based misandrist pseudo-homo online.(infight bait)

No. 448362

This whole post reeks of projection. Run along now and go make your Nigel a sandwich.(infighting)

No. 448517

I've been on dates with both bi women and lesbians but have only slept with other bi women. Is there much difference between the two in terms of sex or is it pretty much the same?

No. 448527

Every relationship and dynamic is different in its own way

No. 448583

> (okay, you care about how you're perceived, but why date women in the first place then?)
That’s a fair question. Imo, they crave that sense of normalcy because unfortunately, just because a few select western countries got gay rights that doesn’t mean that homophobia ceased to exist in the world and even in said western countries. Also, family plays a huge role in their decision and it’s painful to have your relationship with your family severed or muddied for being SSA and I don’t like how some people talk about coming out to your family or being transparent about your orientation like it’s a walk in the park.
I may be wrong, after all my perspective is different because of where I live and I don’t have some of the liberties of the western world in that regard and the ones that I already have are on thin ice.
If your friends are also western, I wish they would cherish what they have and step out of that pressure somehow if it’s viable for in terms of security especially.

No. 448856

File: 1733515013611.png (198.22 KB, 483x429, FBAPfAuVgAIELpE.png)

How do you find bi women who aren't handmaidens? I was talking to this one woman and then found her socials and she's friends with agp puppygirl troons. Is dating normal women impossible living in the west?

No. 448858

>How do you find bi women who aren't handmaidens
At this point, you don't kek

No. 448861

is it better to just date a libfem and slowly pill them then?

No. 448862

>How do you find bi women who aren't handmaidens?
On here.

No. 448863

alright. any canadian nonnas with curly hair who like artistic stuff but not in a queerio way?

No. 448864

Nah often they're too stubborn or have too many troonfriends

No. 448865

Kek sorry nonna I'm already taken.

No. 448869

File: 1733517389641.gif (14.24 MB, 498x498, cwy.gif)

>the girl i like is in compsci and has fluffly brown hair and big glasses

aww nonna…

No. 448923

Are there any other single britbong anons ITT? I have a stupid romantic streak and I'm not ready to accept I'm going to die alone

No. 448938

>anons setting up date requests ITT that will be instantly swatted down by mods and none of them are even from near my region
reee anyway if anyone is from Suomi

No. 448940

File: 1733557920264.png (34.18 KB, 666x666, 1353121825617.png)

No. 449004

They’re not even truly bi most of the time, it’s just straight loser women who want to feel special and oppressed for their “sapphic love”, but they won’t eat your pussy. The genderwoo crowd always panders to males.

No. 449120

I like men when it comes to pure fucking but girls when it comes to everything else (kissing/cuddling etc).

Am I bi or just a super confused straight?

No. 449122


No. 449128

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So I've had my fair share of lickin' because I love pussy juice, it's literally ambrosia to my taste buds. So technically I wouldn't count as a virgin but my hymen never broke (until now but we're getting there) so does it even count? So I've made it my goal to rip that motherfucker. I've started dating the best option, he's muscular, 6.5 inches, dresses good, facially attractive, juicy ass, rich, has a car, buys me shit, though he's short (around the same height as me) but I don't give a fuck about that. And sort of insufferable in terms of personality as well as a Redditor, 4channer, discord mod (ew). But it's to be expected when you're doing computer science. He was the best option that was my age, single (all the good guys were taken) and in my class. Yeah anyway we had sex and it was awesome, we actually managed to orgasm around the same time (I did first). Now that the mission is completed I'm getting kinda tired of his ass, but I'm gonna keep dating him for a little bit, maybe 2 months max, because it comes with perks. Though I NEED a woman in my near vicinity immediately. Unfortunately the hot girls in my class are straight or already dating or they never step a foot in and I can't find them to talk to them (and perhaps more…?) There are a few bisexuals but they're so repulsive physically and so insufferable with no redeeming qualities so I cannot do this. My best bet is waiting til Christmas comes so I'll go out clubbing with my friends in my hometown and wait until they get drunk as fuck so I can give them a little smooch. Sigh.

No. 449135

>have baby fever
>only getting crushes on/dating women

I know lesbian couples can have children too, it is just funny to me that easily having babies is the only advandage of dating a moid and dont feel like it. At least I havent scared off the woman Im dating yet, she also seems to want children but not yet. I think of the possibility of having a baby with donated sperm but wonder if not knowing who their biological father is would cause some issues for the child. Not praising the importance of fathers here kek, I know a lot of people raised well by single mothers and my own father was shitty, could have done without him. Just meaning kinda knowing where you come from.

Have any nonnas had children with their gf? How did you do it?

No. 449140

would you have sex with a girl? How do you feel about touching and eating pussy?

No. 449157

biological children between women will become possible in your lifetime. just wait.

No. 449174

youre not in texas right?

No. 449183

Why do people refer to males as men and females as girls kek

No. 449187

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I hate that I don’t necessarily miss my ex girlfriend but I am nostalgic about our relationship sometimes. She treated me like shit and has me blocked now, but I feel like it was somewhat of an era. I’m dating a moid now, and he’s been very kind to me, but I miss how it was a little.

No. 449190

mad!(responding to bait. report and ignore)

No. 449196

>thinks sex with other woman doesn't count
>tries to lose your virginity to a 4channer, Redditor, discord mod in computer science
>shits on other bisexuals for being physically repulsive, insufferable, with no redeeming qualities
Why would any sane bi woman now want your used up ass.

No. 449200

I have heard of that, but not holding my breath that it will be developed, available and affordable during the years I would be still able to have the baby (Im already close to 30). At least in my country both women can became legal mothers if using donated sperm, no extra adoptions needed or risk of the moid getting legal rights to child.

No. 449207

Did Chappell Roan write this? Stay away from women. And why are you typing like this is a 2014 "and then the whole class clapped" Tumblr post? This shit is embarrassing.

No. 449210

If you are hesitant or in any way repulsed/turned off by going near a vagina then you are not bisexual. You probably watch too much porn or have a habit of blurring the lines between genuine platonic female companionship vs actually being bisexual.

No. 449213

I get depressed that I can’t have sex with a woman like a man can. It’s so easy and natural between women and men, it makes me jealous. I want to be a husband or boyfriend to a woman and not a girlfriend or wife. All my fantasies are that way but it just makes me depressed. I actually love being a woman in every other aspect of my life but this, I like my body and don’t have any gender issues, other than this. How do I get over this?

No. 449217

For me it stopped when I actually engaged with women. Also sorry I’m not meant to be in this thread, just trying to give advice - I’m a lesbian and I do think maleness and the male body being completely unarousing to me made me realise the idea of having sex with a woman as a man is just not hot anyway, so there’s that too but unfortunately you won’t relate to that. But I think personally I had this insecurity in part because I’d internalised the idea women would prefer me and enjoy sex more with me if I were a man. Finding a partner that really likes you for you makes you want to be just that - yourself, with them, because it’s you and your anatomy that they’re desiring. And since most women say they’re enjoying the sex more than they did with men, the compatibility of our anatomy must at least decent, right?

No. 449235

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Nonnas, I think my best friend of 10 years likes me. I've been putting pieces together, and my retarded self has finally seen the picture. Any time there's a lesbian couple in any show or movie we are watching, or two females who the writers obviously wrote with homosexuality in mind, she'll say it's us and buy us matching items dedicated to those characters. She remarks all the time about how she never wants children and always looks mad when someone suggests settling down with a man, saying she could never see herself in that position but she's already told me all her plans about how me and her will spend the rest of our lives together. She's even done financial planning on what apartment to get. She refers to us as Yuri jokingly and her parents whom she's still close with I'm not in contact with mine, call us a gay couple. I can't tell if I'm reading too much into it but I'm a genuine autist and all of my romantic partners in the past have told me I can't read romantic cues. Nonnies help an autist out, should I ask her?

No. 449242

No. 449243

Ask her out, please tell us how it went

No. 449254

Absolutely yes, are you sure you aren't dating already? This post is so cute and I'm not jealous at all…

No. 449270

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To be honest, I don't like being bi. I feel like the space is 99.9% overtaken by either:
1) Straight girls who just want attention and would open their legs for just about anyone
2) TIMs who just want attention and would open their legs for just about anyone
3) Confused TIFs who just don't want to admit they're straight or lesbian

I don't want to be one of those le biphobic people but sometimes I really do wonder if bisexual women actually exist because it is in fact my experience in that any person I've ever met who has been "bi" has just been a woman that's promiscuous and/or confused or just a man larping as one. I had girls express interest in me back when I was in school but it was all ones that ended up being straight. I had a sexual experience with a TIM (I know, ew) in college but he was an obvious, TIM-typical manwhore that already had multiple sexual partners and even bragged about orgies he had. I had a friend TIF out and date some chick, when it was painfully obvious to me she is not actually attracted to women. This TIF now identifies as a gay man. Years of pretending she actually shared in my interest in women and even asked me out, because we had a bunch of other girls in our friend circle running around expirmenting with eachother, so this was just 'lul' to me.
So it makes me wonder, where are all the actual bi women that would want more than just sex with a woman? I feel like almost everyone who claims they are bi is just riding some fad or using it as an excuse to get off on a taboo (Like straight girls that will only have sex with a woman if their boyfriend is watching).

No. 449335

>had sexual experience with a TIM who's had orgies and multiple partners
No offense but you're one of those annoying bi women you're complaining about

No. 449340

He looked hot for a TIM and I was just desperate to lose my virginity to someone.

No. 449343

How? One experience in college does not make her one of those bilarping retards she’s complaining about.

No. 449361

Society needs to stop shaming young women for not having a pornified sexuality that revolves around pleasing men otherwise this gross shit will just continue to happen.

No. 449362

How do you know who is real bi and who straight? You know to outsiders you might seem like a woke queer type who dated a tim and now thinks she is sapphic. I know it can be frustrating some bi women only want to have sex with women, but I wouldnt still call them straight unless it is maybe some one time experiment. I have dated and currently am dating a woman seriosly, but I was promiscuous when younger. Probably seemed like annoying fake bi back then.

No. 449363

Should I use dating apps to meet women? I have no idea where to meet SSA women organically and I don't attract people anyway, so I feel like I'll have to set things in motions.

No. 449364

men of all sexualities are promiscuous though, so i doubt that TIM or other male bifags are larping. most of them don't have anything to gain from lying (outside of the ones trying to appear "non-threatening") the way some women might lie. but besides that bisexuality is just being attracted to both sexes. whether they're whoreish or not wouldn't make them less bi, same with promiscuous people of any other sexuality.

No. 449368

also want to add (it's not letting me delete and repost jannies lay off) that having full on sex with another person requires several more steps than simply kissing them. i cannot imagine even those men who lie to appear less threatening putting a whole dick inside another man kek, so they'd must be truly attracted to go that far. so i mean unless they said they didn't enjoy it or something like that i won't jump to conclusions yet

No. 449372

i don't like being bi either. idc about other bi people but i'm tired of the sexuality being treated as a joke, an oppression ticket, or whatever else. i just am, and i can't do anything about it, and i'll never be taken seriously by anyone who isn't also bi. i'd rather be straight or gay.

No. 449376

There are some straight moids who claim to be bi/"pan" to get with tifs and enby chicks.

I have met my ex and the woman I am currently dating in an app. Just need to be patient, you need to swipe past a lot of troons, polyfags, women looking for just friends, couples looking for a threesome etc. And the normal bi/lesbian women might often end up ghosting you. It is honestly a hell, but if you dont have irl opportunities to meet SSA women they might be the best chance.

No. 449378

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>see pictures of her ex
>ex is beautiful
>they're still friends and it feels like she's not entirely over her
I mean, I wouldn't have made a move anyway for a few different reasons, but pain.

No. 449395

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theyre talking about us again in the lesbian thread lol

No. 449397

Just hide the thread if you can't handle women discussing their feelings without prioritizing yours.

No. 449398

why would i hide it i think its cute

No. 449401

as if majority of bi women don't post in the lesbian thread kek

No. 449412

Normal people don’t. Lesbians invading bi threads and bis invading lesbian threads are both retarded.

No. 449415

tell that to all the 99% bisexual women invading lesbian spaces

No. 449428

>He looked hot for a TIM
>Press X to doubt
Bi women aren't exactly known to have a good track record of choosing good looking men.

No. 449435

Majority of lesbians on lolcow are polilezes if we're being real anyway, never met a lesbian irl who gave a shit about any of this type of stuff so the overlap of this thread and that one are basically a complete circle

No. 449445

What do you think I was just doing?

No. 449542

Why can’t lesbians criticise bi women without being accused of liking dick? There is no reason to think that the majority of lesbians on lolcow are the same as you. It’s projecting.

No. 449614

I used to think like this but honestly I'm totally fine with being bisexual, other people are retarded about it and it's not my problem

No. 449705

One of them was a classmate in middle school who clearly asked me out just to make a guy she liked jealous. Another was a friend who I had once confessed feelings for but gotten rejected by at the time because she said she is straight. Years later, she is posting pictures of herself on Facebook making out with other women and where her boyfriend is in the middle. Coincidentally, she comes back suddenly telling me she had "always" had a crush on me. Obviously I can't 100% know if they were 100% straight or not, but it is clear any girl who was ever expressed interest in me was just experimenting with me. I don't like being expiremented on. Especially now that I'm older.

>whether they're whoreish or not wouldn't make them less bi
It would make them less biromantic. If you think of sexuality only defining who you would be willing to have sex with, not who you can also get romantically attracted to, tons of women would be willing to do the former (especially if their moid is watching) since lesbian sex is usually considered "hot" by both men and women, but much less would be willing to do the latter. I'd be fine with straight girls admitting this but to do shit like say they have a "crush" on you, go on dating apps where bisexual women are looking to actually DATE women, and etc. implies there would be romantic attraction as well, when they wouldn't have any. It feels like we only exist for women's curiosity (or just them just wanting to be anything but straight, since they want to join all their friends in their straight=problematic or straight=lame talk) and a straight moid's coom sometimes. I used to want a girlfriend but I don't think I could easily find one that doesn't have an ulterior motive for calling herself "bi" anymore.

No. 449743

I am, wanna be my gf?

No. 449760

It feels like male sexuality is more defined by who they’d fuck while female sexuality is more defined by who they’d date. Especially since the desires of women are so subjugated that it doesn’t matter if she enjoys the sex - there is pressure from either sides. Hence why you find plenty of straight women who fucked other women (but would never, ever think to date one and gags at the thought) and (more debatable to people) lesbians who did not enjoy sex with men/boys if they were pressured into it early - I would honestly believe them over a lesbian who says she’s never had sex with men but has dated them, these ones are fairly likely to end up leaving you to date another man even just to “try it” kek

No. 449837

>"I know for sure I like girls 9 out of 10"
>still in a LTR with a moid
>would never get in a relationship with another moid (sure Jan)
>misandry bad!1
Like fucking clockwork.

No. 449838

It's because you type out shit like this and still not realize you sound like a fucking pervert. Disgusting.

No. 449844

There are like 1million of you who post this exact thing almost word for word hitting the same beats, we’re just tired of it
>I like women more than men I sweaaarrrr
>not leaving my nigel though I just want a fuckbuddy
>my Nigel says it’s okay yay!! (Because he’s either homophobic and doesn’t think it’s real sex, or is getting off on the idea)
>after this moid I won’t date any more I sweaaaarrrrrrr (they all say this)

Lesbians and other bi women alike avoid you because everything you just described is a turn off. Sorry. Stop calling it biphobic to not want to fuck a woman with a nigel.

No. 449851

Sure nona.

No. 449881

Saw a recent picture of an old friend I've had a crush on for years and it kills me how good she looked in it fml. I feel like she'll only look better and better as she gets older. If I ever see a picture of her dating some scrote I'll start seething

No. 449882

>Ok im ready for women.
Whats the least pc app??

No. 449888

Just use Discord and date women from obscure servers at this point.

No. 449890

This may shock you but normal people don’t want a long distance discord kitten, they want an actual girlfriend.

No. 449939

imo women usually either have to make the choice between dating someone long distance who shares their autistic niche interests or dating someone in their area who likely doesn't as much. personally i'd go for the former as long as it wasn't a permanent ldr thing.

No. 449973

this is unironically the way.

No. 449998

I like edating because I get to find someone who has my autistic interests AND they’re more likely be hot to me (I’m into masc/alternative girls) it’s just a win/win and I honestly consider the LDR part a fun stage too (getting to know them online, progressing to calls and FaceTimes, getting excited to meet up IRL for the first time, meeting their irls etc). Definitely not compatible with everyone but I don’t see why I’d choose any other option, to be as cringe as possible I prefer friendships and relationships in general with people who aren’t “normies” and even my closest irls now are people I was online friends with as a teen and now live there. Coming across someone you click with organically is just as good though, there are just not that many genuinely SSA women and it can be a bit of a slow-burn.

No. 450606

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twitter user libfem bislut x lolcow user radfem dyke enemies to lovers slowburn 300k words

No. 450772

Tinder is the most normie app, but there are a lot of straight (or maybe curious) women who turn on the search for women and it is harder to find those who actually want to date. Also pretty sure the algorithms cuck you on purpose. I had more luck on Her even though the wokeness was annoying.

No. 451225

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Trying not to freak out right now she said she loves me. Im going insane.

No. 451246

I’m so happy for you anon… (and jealous). Your story is so cute

No. 451407

Anyone else notice that you have to be way more aggressive and straight forward in your approach to women as opposed to men? Men will make all the moves and all you have to do is sit back and entertain it but with women you have to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Or is it just because I'm into feminine bi women who are used to being chased? I don't mind being the dominant one (I'm a top anyway) but I think it would be nice to have the woman show active interest in me too… I sometimes feel like a moid with the way I have to approach women for it to be successful. Esp on dating apps. Or is it because being flirty with women is often misinterpreted as being friendly while being friendly with men reads as flirting?

No. 451435

> All my friends are female, I am barely friendly with males
> can't keep a bf cause I don't like them as friends lol
> can't get a gf cause I immediately friend zone every one I click with


No. 451484

No, might be because I am a big ugly woman but moids show no interests in me unless I aggressively pursue them and women act creeped out if I am straight foward.

No. 451572

Aw, I'm so happy for you nona ♥ That's really nice. You're living the dream

No. 451683

Congrats nona that is so sweet!(Kek'd at your autism levels though, could she have made it more obvious.)

No. 456367

heartbreak/yearning over a woman is so, so much worse than over a man. for me at least. i keep waiting and waiting for time to heal me as they say, and i guess it has a little bit, but it's been a really long time and I still cry if I really allow myself to feel my emotions instead of tamping them down to be functional. it's a totally different scale of pain than anything i've ever felt over a man before, i was totally unprepared.

No. 456461

Same boat here. It's truly devastating

No. 456578

Sorry to hear that anon. Yeah, I never realized how literal the term “heartbreak” was until now. This time of year is hard because it’s when I first fell for her and I just remember how happy I was just to love her from afar and think “what if”. Lately I’ve been trying to think of it different way, like tell myself it’s a positive and lovely thing that I ever got to feel that way at all, rather than a tragedy that it didn’t last forever. Damn that’s what the loved and lost phrase is about isn’t it. WTF. Through this I am discovering people were not in fact being dramatic with those corny ass expressions like I used to assume. Kek

No. 456591

>Through this I am discovering people were not in fact being dramatic with those corny ass expressions like I used to assume
Nta but I was embarrassed about realising this for the first time too kek. And when I listen to songs about love and heartbreak I actually get it now, it’s so weird. I fell for her around this time last year too, it’s almost nostalgic…

No. 456929

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I check up on her posts every day and my heart does a little spin when I see that she posted some inane tweet or doodle. She still fascinates me and I want to get inside her head but I think she would probably look at me like I'm trash if she knew about how weird I am about her. I'm not even entirely sure why I still have this fixation. Maybe I'll stop being retarded and ask to hang out again once I get my shit together. I'm not sure if I like her because she's been my type all along, or if I have a type because of her. This is stupid. We haven't even had an actual conversation in forever.

No. 456940

I relate to every word of this anon. Same fucking experience

No. 456998

I'm wondering if any other anons have experienced this particular type of "late in life bi" phenomenon (if that is the right wording) where a woman with a previously exclusively male sexual history will realize she's bi after her mid 20s or so and end up in a long term relationship with the first woman (or nonbinary TIF) she fucks. Often fandom is involved, like they meet through whatever online fandom on tumblr, twitter etc. I can think of at least 3 examples I've known. Is this "legit" bi? Or is it more likely a specific kind of straight/trans phenomenon? A fandom mutual of mine married her (they/them) first gf (also they/them) several years ago but recently told me she's asexual now despite clearly having a thing for yaoi still, I assume it could be a les(bi) bed death type of situation?

No. 457047

I see this phenomenon often but the women tend to come out as “queer” or something similarly nebulous and trendy like “sapphic”. I assume it’s more socialization than anything, doesn’t really bother me unless they stay with nigel and start prattling about “mixed orientation” relationships

No. 457057

Unpopular opinion a lot of febfems are just polilez 2.0. Most of them before they peaked were the "I'm attracted to all women and two men" type who only dated men. I'm glad they peaked but dating them is loveless at times.

No. 457067

It's always "lesbian" fujos who settle into these types of prison gay relationships because they failed to find their perfect prince charming Nigel or have male trauma. They identify as "asexual" now because they don't actually find their female partners attractive and just use her as a spicy bff. Then when they eventually cave to the gender nonsense and go on T, they suddenly start to have a sex drive again and end up leaving their long-term female partner for men.

No. 457094

It's easier to come out after high school and college are over because people care less about what others think and because as time passes, gay relationships are less stigmatized than they were before. 'Fandom' is one way for women to hang out and meet other women, not surprised that internet nerds meet other internet nerds
You can write bitter fanfiction about why all women who claim to like women are lying fakers who secretly prefer men if you want I guess but if we're talking about people who get in LTRs and marriages then I don't know man. I think at that point you don't believe in gay love

No. 457104

>Then when they eventually cave to the gender nonsense and go on T, they suddenly start to have a sex drive again and end up leaving their long-term female partner for men.
Yeah, this is so common, not just with fujos. Prison gay > troon out > date fuck men. It’s my worst fear to get with one of these types… At the same time I feel like at that point you need some discretion. I can feel when someone isn’t attracted to me and that’s how I fend off spicy straights that want to experiment too

No. 457211

how can I increase my attractiveness to women, specifically?

I know how to be more attractive overall, but it mainly just increases the male attention I get.

I'm a mix of tomboyish and girly in style and personality and most people call me cute rather than pretty or beautiful, I just attract women who like my style but not in a romantic or sexual way fml

I'm asking in the bi thread cause I also don't want to be completely unattractive to males cause cashiers give me freebies

No. 457231

to increase the amount of attention that you get from women, you need to be willing to give more attention to women. if you're hot in a straight looking way that appeals to men, then women will find you attractive too, but not in a way that makes them initiate/pursue you.

No. 457248

Seconding this. The women I find myself sexually attracted to is very random and I cannot figure out what makes me attracted to them in a sexual way but I recognize that they don't have that stereotypical "straight look" that straight moids are attracted to.

No. 457300

I don’t think there’s much different to be done in terms of like increasing your baseline attractiveness. Lesbians like conventionally attractive women kek, they’re just a lot less likely to approach so it becomes more about signaling, maybe you need to do short nails and a scissor necklace kek. I feel like most gay women try to get a read based on masculine mannerisms/voice but if it doesn’t come naturally to you it’s kinda self-defeating. Moids are entitled so as long as you aren’t obviously rejecting femininity (shaved head, mustache, getting fat or roided out) they will assume you are catering to them.

In my personal experience I got the most romantic attention from women when I had like collarbone length, messy wavy hair and was slightly underweight.

No. 457325

The difference between long hair and shoulder-ish length hair was pretty big for me. Styling too, certain styles read as more straight and others get more female admirers. I agree on voice/mannerisms being the biggest identifiers but yeah that’s just something that either comes naturally or doesn’t. I feel like heavy makeup also can be a deterrent even if you look attractive.

No. 457426

Good point about makeup, I forgot about that. I tend to assume women who do the trendy, super blushy clean girl makeup look are all straight, if you’re looking to signal the “boy beat” trend from a while ago is probably your best bet. I see a lot of lesbians that’re into super stylized, kinda campy looks too but they tend to be a certain type

No. 457483

>tfw there's really no way to signal

No. 457599

>tfw women aren't attracted to me no matter what I look like

No. 458006

i keep thinking about getting one of those french or italian bobs, does that read as straight or would that length signal interest in other women?

No. 458009

it definitely wouldn't make or break anything. like women won't run away from you but nobody is going to see you on the bus and assume you like women

No. 458023

so basically be more masculine fml

I'm bi4bi and don't like "queer" spaces. it's hard to signal because bi "merch" is so ugly and tacky. I've gone as far as to include more purple/blue/pink in my style but it's too subtle.

No. 458287

You can be feminine in a non-straight signalling way.

No. 458341

imo one problem is that some people would consider it rude if you straight up asked them if they like women, and often it's kind of hard to tell who'd be offended and who wouldn't but this is one reason why i might not bring it up with women i find cute but aren't overly familiar with. and there really is no way to tell for sure especially since kweer (straight) is huge atm.

No. 458367

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i have this haircut (but imagine glasses) and i wear this type of outfit except for usually the top has a flashier pattern (geometric or vintage). My face is ugly so I have never been hit on by anybody, but I always wonder how people read me. Because I get straight girls who compliment my outfits and people seem to assume I am straight, even though I thought i was channeling a more androgynous look. I don't wear any makeup or jewelry, except I darken my eyebrows because they are invisible blond naturally (despite having brown hair).
Why do you think I am always assumed to be a straight girl? Someone once asked me if i was a taylor swift fan. I'm like what the fuck. Maybe my mannerisms are too feminine? I'm pretty loud though (autism).

No. 458517

I'm also an autist and unfortunately this won't be much help but I just wanted to say that I really like your style by the way you describe it, it sounds nice. Straight people probably just assume everyone else is straight unless they're visibly super nonconforming or open about it, idk. Or maybe they're afraid of accidentally offending you by making assumptions based on how you look

No. 458727

>Bihetdemon uniform
>ugly and loud
>”why do I have no success?”
Not surprised women never hit on you, any gay woman is probably taking one look at you and giving you a 20ft berth(infight bait)

No. 458729

tbh the only time people didn't assume I was straight and I had women hitting on me was during my tif phase kek. I had a dyed buzzcut and a lot of my clothes were baggier or from the mens' section, lots of piercings too. I think straight people will always assume you're straight unless you are super masc or alternative. fwiw I 100% associate this style with nerdy bi tumblr-adjacent girls (not meant as an insult, I also kinda look like this kek) but normies wouldn't pick up on that

No. 458751

it's just an "energy" thing. but depending on your body type/demeanor I might read this as "straight Tumblr girl attempts butch"

I have long hair, and wear jewelry and a small bit of makeup, crop top+big pants or just baggy everything and people always, "do you have a bf, or gf?” me, so I must not read as strictly straight.

No. 458800

I hate being bisexual on dating apps,I don’t even look for women on them anymore because they’re all either: “I’m looking for a girl for my bf !” “just looking for friends!””need a smoke buddy!” or a bunch of trannies.The only time I could actually connect to another women was eons ago and it was a gendie.Its so fucking frustrating especially when looking for women who are into other women outside of the internet is hard enough.Im so fucking tired of fake bisexuals,it is actual hell.

No. 458806

>depending on your body type/demeanor I might read this as "straight Tumblr girl attempts butch"
I’m 5’4 and thin, I really am not trying to imitate butch or anything else… I only wear things if I think they look cool, not to align with a trend. If anything I’ve been inspired by androgynous semiformal styles I’ve seen from East Asian countries, I like the dressed up dapper look and bold patterns. I have to skew it a bit towards feminine (for example the high waisted slacks) because I wasn’t blessed with an androgynous body type other than small boobs.
I don’t really know what my demeanor is, other than probably kind of goofy and sincere.
>it's just an "energy" thing
RIP me then I guess kek
> I 100% associate this style with nerdy bi tumblr-adjacent girls
damn I didn’t realize. I’ve never seen another woman who dresses like me irl but now that I think about it I guess I have a recollection of seeing something sort of similar be popular on tumblr in like 2013.
Thank you anon

No. 458807

I love my girlfriend so much. She makes me so happy and I've never had such a good healthy relationship in my life. I'm so glad to know that healthy love can be 'not boring'. It's different alright, but it still overwhelms me, just in a completely different way.

No. 458835

What the fuck do you mean "imitate butch"? Just dress how you want anon…

No. 458839

What? Please reread my post, I don’t believe you’re this illiterate. The other anon said it might look like I was trying to imitate butch, and I replied saying I am NOT intending to and that I just dress how I think looks cool. How did you pull out the exact opposite of that from my post and then act aggressive about it?

No. 458844

Sorry anon my bad

No. 458848

I hate to say it but tiffy haircuts minus the genderslop reads pretty clearly (did better before troonism became more widespread through).

No. 458950

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I'm sorry anon, I wasn't trying to say you were imitating butch, but the pictures you posted reminded me of pixie cut Anne Hathaway and how straight girls will call this "masculine/butch"

No. 458965

I'm being read to filth this probably does look like me aside from the 2012 jeans and boots kek FUCK my life. I spent most of my life not knowing how to present myself nicely and i finally landed on a style that looks good on me but now i realize it does not come across the way i imagined…

No. 459039

No offense, but why does it matter what sexuality you come across as if by your own admission you are too ugly for people to be interested in you? You are blessed in a way because you don’t have to worry about signaling anything since you’re not on anyone’s potential radar, you can dress the way you like to without having to compromise. I guess I just don’t get why you’re so concerned about signaling your sexuality if you’re as ugly as you say, just do you.

No. 459161

I think being read as gay/bi is more down to energy than anything else. I get read as bi all the time, even when I'm dating a man. I dress in all thrifted all black clothes. Imagine a really toned down, casual goth if you will. I also have colorful hair and piercings (roast me if you want, I've heard it all) but so do many of my straight alt friends and they get read as straight. However I have a deep voice and kind of a rash personality, I'm very confident and straight-forward and vocal about my opinions. It reads as masculine to people cause women are traditionally "supposed" to be meek and demure. It's all sexist misogynist garbage but unfortunately, that's just how it is from my experience.

No. 459224

Good to hear that for you anon. Im still in dating phase, but Im suprised there are no red flags yet and everything is going well. Maybe this will lead into a healthy relationship?

Could be this. I know a straight woman who is slightly alt (red hair, band shirts), loud, "one of the guys" type. She gets hit on by women all the time. But anyone who is sad about being read straight, just go for the woman you are interested in, instead of waiting for them to approach you.
>inb4 unfair, Im kinda ugly so I had to do this even for ex moids kek.

No. 460053

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>mfw mostly andro style, 5'3"/skinny with a high voice and feminine mannerisms
>mfw zero interest from women after i turned about 25 in 2019

No. 460144

I spoke about this before but i strangely grew about 3 inches at 20 randomly and being skinny with an androgynous style became an asset. I know people say women like different things blah blah but there is definitely somewhat of an equivalent to straight people’s standards and if you’re tall slim and andro you will honestly get women regardless so long as your style is good enough and you’re not socially inept.
Pitch voice isn’t as big as a deal as it seems online (I honestly think higher pitches are preferred irl ime) but masculine mannerisms are definitely preferred. Sorry I just enjoy discussing theory. Maybe it’s a charisma thing for you? Or which places you hang out?

No. 460285

AYRT Unexpectedly growing 3 inches at 30 would be… interesting kek. I kind of like being short except I think it could pussyblock me sometimes. But yeah, I'm not a confident person at all despite having previous experience with women. It just kind of never got much easier for me. I haven't noticed any decrease in male interest at least, also should have probably specified that I have healing scars and a recovering anachan body (BMI 15) and imo women will react to that differently than moids. Last date I went on was a they/them TIF and we chatted a bunch and had some basic stuff in common but she seemed pretty awkward and I wondered if she was put off

No. 460349

No female grows 3 inches after 16, much less at 20. XY hands typed this.(scrotefoiling)

No. 460361

You know so little about this world

No. 460716

thank you for the kind words! great to see that another anon is also getting success too. how long have the two of you been dating? mine's been quite short at 2ish months so it's still honeymoon phase, but we've been close friends for half a decade by now

No. 460751

I don’t need to convince you, but I’m glad either way. I stopped growing at 12-13 so I don’t know why I suddenly shot up, the rest of my frame stayed the exact same. I don’t really hear of moids growing at 20 either.
If you come across as unhealthy mentally or physically that probably would deter men less than women, is that the biggest change that’s happened do you think? The only other thing I could think of is them perceiving you as younger. I feel like TIFs can just be awkward though.

No. 461269

I had a similar experience but it was only 2 inches at 19. I feel like it helped me attract women initially but moreso as a function of style than purely being about height and “masc-ness” if that makes sense? Like I always had a baggy, androgynous style but before the late growth spurt it just looked more sloppy than anything because those types of clothes just drape better on a longer frame. Definitely second that women in general, but especially wlw, find good styling more attractive than voice pitch or mannerisms

I wouldn’t worry about the height thing too much, most of the mascs I’ve met in the wild are tiny tiny, like 5’4 or shorter I feel like it’s almost a bit of a stereotype? kek but maybe it’s just my area. I feel like the physical manifestations of poor mental health in combination with insecure or nervous energy might be what puts women off but one of either on their own wouldn’t be enough. Are there a lot of gay women in your area? Could also be that the ones in your age range are partnered up for the time being, drop off of attention at 25 tracks with the age where my lesbian friends all seemed to flip a switch to serious nesting mode

No. 461286

I kinda have the opposite problem where people assume I’m lesbian from the jump. Idk why, I’m autistic and style myself exactly like Aritzia website models which I believe is a sort of normie ideal. Maybe it’s just a vibe? Regardless it naturally repels the type of men I’m interested in kek or if I manage to get the bisexuality across I’m so accustomed to pursuing women and the faster emotional timeline that I scare them off or make things awkward that way. There’s also the feeling that I have to be more vigilant? with straight dating, like checking off that we’re going through the ritual of it correctly. I don’t personally care very much but in my limited experience it’s like if he doesn’t jump through xyz hoops then it’s a sign for disrespect and a shitty relationship down the line

No. 461291

Lately I’ve been depressed that the type of woman i am crazy about doesn’t really exist irl, at least where i live. And even if they did, i am likely too ugly to ever match with them. I hate having such specific taste, i’m lonely as fuck and super depressed at the prospect of never getting to give my love to anyone. I say that because for some reason I’m not into men anymore but even when I was, I never dated them. I’m just so depressed at the generation I was born into, feels like it’s just impossible to find any woman who matches my taste. The closest I could get would be some TIF but
>I like boobs, TIFs discard said boobs
>I can’t play along with gender stuff, i don’t know how other people are so easily able to lie to a partner about something so central to their lives
>T voice is unsettling to me
Traditional butch aesthetic is not attractive to me either, even if butches still existed (they are now the TIFs)
I hate the hopeless impossible unachievable dreams of my stupid heart

No. 461764

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can i just camp out here with you guys from now on? i honestly can't be fucked with calling myself different labels when at the end of the day, bisexual seems to be the one label that has carried me throughout my life without any issues at all. the problem started when i got involved in tumblr several years back and got to know a lot of nice women who, for some reason or another, convinced me that i am actually a lesbian in denial. the thing is, i am not a gold star or a virgin at all, i've gotten raped before and then just did things with guys growing up because i was convinced i liked it all and can deal with it. and then as i slowly eased into the idea that maybe i am gay after all… somehow, i always find conversations shared between people that the only real homosexuals are the ones who never succumbed to pressure and always stayed true. and i have nothing against gold stars, so please don't use this post to springboard into discourse about lesbian this or that, i don't want to hear it. but honestly, i feel like i'm just done and i just want to live my old life again, where i told people that i was bi and i felt fine with it. i am not sexually attracted to men, but who gives a fuck? i've been with them. i think that's about as good of proof of bisexuality as anything else at the end of the day. i think bi people are awesome and i've met amazing bi women over the years, dated them and what not, and why should i say i'm something else when i'm happier this way? isn't bi supposed to be about encompassing a lot of different kinds of experiences that different people face?

No. 462034

just live life as you are nonna, terminally online idiots are to obsessed with labelling other people (here and tumblr) - when no sensible adult gives a shit.

I pretty much dress like this (with very long hair though) and people always clock me…it's definitely a mannerism thing. clearly anon doesn't give enough bichadette energy like myself.

No. 462041

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thank you nonnie. so then, would it really be that bad if i just continue to live my life and tell people i'm bi even though i have absolutely zero desire to be with men? i guess in hindsight, i get to win in different ways, i won't have to deal with lesbophobia since that wouldn't make sense, i'd have straight people relax around me more than before, i won't have to feel too bad about my past, and i'd be doing lifelong lesbians a huge favor.

on a lighter note: do any nonnies here have a preference on hairstyles or haircuts? i know this topic got touched earlier, but i'm feeling the itch to do something new once 2025 rolls in, and i'm thinking maybe i should do a wolf cut or a shullet. i feel like my simple long hair look is holding me back and making me appear a bit too straight in general idk.

No. 462046

A lot of lesbians are very scrupulous about who they date. It's not really about "labeling" but avoiding getting burned because it happens so often. If anything, ignoring stuff like that tends to be what younger people do since they have no dating experience. Lesbians know what they want which is not men or women who are interested in men. It's probably one of those most perfect and unique problems because neither side is wrong, they're just incompatible. A bisexual woman can't understand why a lesbian won't give her a chance and the lesbian is frustrated that the bisexual refuses to acknowledge the stereotype exists for a reason

Anyways OP says she is not sexually attracted to men so if she isn't dating or sleeping with them anymore and has been in at least one long-term relationship with a woman (recently) most lesbians would date her, irl. The terminally online losers who would care at that point aren't people anyone would actually want to date anyways

No. 462069

am op and to be honest, i could see myself realistically ending up with another bi woman since we're more common anyways. plus there's way more bi women who may have come out a bit later in life and don't know how to begin, and so don't have the ex-girlfriend trauma that i keep coming across with the previous lesbians i've been with. it's honestly irritating and annoying and i am tired of realizing that a woman is going out with me just for the purpose of getting over an ex-gf, or that they're still living together or secretly fucking each other behind my back, and i hate that it's this cutesy lesbian dating experience when all i want is a woman who is truly in love with me and wants to have a lifelong serious thing with me.

No. 462116

This is a very succinct and mature way to describe the situation , kudos to you nonna

No. 462173

>A bisexual woman can't understand why a lesbian won't give her a chance
How is this not being in the wrong though. Feeling offended that a lesbian won't fuck you is literal troon tier behavior.

No. 462239

reminds me of when i was on the apps and specifically wrote in my profile that i am only interested in dating other bi women exclusively, a lesbian decided to match with me (her orientation was blank when i read it and was revealed after we matched) and when i confronted her if she bothered to read the boundary stated on my profile, she laughed it off. as if i had the audacity to even have the right to my own boundaries in the first place. troon tier behavior indeed and its wrong from both sides.

No. 462254

Nonnas I don’t have any female attracted friends or people that I know of. My city isn’t also super “queer” I guess and the only groups I know of are ultra pro gendie stuff, which isn’t my scene at all, I live in Europe kek.
I think I’ll put myself on bumble but I’ll only be visible for women. I never dated a woman before and I have little to no experience with men too, so I think I’ll say that just to be clear. Should I add questioning too? I feel like I can’t call myself bi if I’ve never had any experience with women. I tried flirting in the past with people that I liked and met in real life but they always assumed I was friendly. I kissed my friend while we were drunk and I really liked it (never told her though kek) but it hardly counts.
I’d just like to go on a date and see where it goes.

No. 462412

I would like to date a normal bi woman. I'm growing tired of the febfems and political lesbians. it's okay to say a man is cute smh.

No. 462429


why? you want to talk about men with her? not being snarky.

No. 462437

i feel like at this point, the only way a bi woman could ever call herself a febbie in all seriousness is if she NEVER had experiences with men before. its not to say that you can't not reject men permanently as a bi woman, but putting on a label like this just feels weird. i say this as someone who used the label before lol and honestly its menthol illness. at the same time, i have severe apprehension towards men and though i can't see into the future, it's been donkey years since i've let a man touch me and i love this lifestyle too much to give it up.

No. 462481

febfems and bi political lesbians often really don't like the fact that other bi women actually don't hate themselves for being attracted to men, and project that anger whenever the topic of male attraction (from anyone) comes up

No. 462648

NTA but I would like a fandom gf I could sperg about husbandos with

No. 462657

>it’s silly to be a febfem
>“menthol illness”
Go back

No. 462658

How is it “hating yourself” to decide not to date a population of people that treats you like garbage? It’s a harmless preference and if anything, it’s self-care

No. 462661

i didn't say that febfem is a mental illness, just that the way i behaved back then was mentally ill. i wasn't happy back when i first tried to be a febfem because i developed a crush on a man and thankfully nothing happened, but i still felt like i only went febfem for online brownie points rather than for real reasons. its only within the past couple of years or so that i finally found peace and happiness staying far away from men, but i had to come to this conclusion naturally and with time, instead of to make certain people happy. there's nothing wrong with staying away from men, i literally agree with you.

No. 462666

omg i forgot where i read this but this bi woman came online to talk about her relationship with another bi woman, and they haven't dated men for a while before they met each other. they'd talk about some cute guy they saw together before they go home to have sex with each other. they're super happy together. honestly, good for them, i want the same.

No. 462667

DA I think febfem is just a sensitive subject for some anons because it's something that already receives vitriol from troons and libfems because it excludes men regardless of what reason women have for doing it. I'm not feb but think it makes sense considering stuff like abortion laws, trauma etc and if someone is doing it for internet points I assume they'll grow out of it. It's so telling that many bi women only date men (which is their right I guess) but nobody wokebrained ever has a bad thing to say about it. I'm hopeful that if people stopped being so weird about woman leaning bi women they'd be happier accepting their bisexuality rather than claiming to be lesbians with "comphet"

No. 462670

You’re all stronger than me. I follow this bi girl on twitter who has a gf but posts tweets thirsting over her male coworker much older than her. Everyone was shocked when she did this because they knew about her relationship but apparently it’s “open”. I fear dating a woman who thirsts after scrotes and then one day suggests opening up our relationship…

No. 462671

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>it's something that already receives vitriol
oh, believe me, i've faced that vitriol from everybody on earth when i decided to drop men altogether: troons, libshits, fake feminists, normie bi women who have a current nigel and feels attacked by my choices, even other so called lesbians were pissed off weirdly enough.
>It's so telling that many bi women only date men (which is their right I guess) but nobody wokebrained ever has a bad thing to say about it.
and it's so infuriating considering how there's bi women who go out there to find something serious with a woman but are faced from criticism everywhere, febfem or not. i feel like when i was in a straight relationship with a straight moid and we both looked pretty much like any other straight person out there (ie following gender norms in looks + behaviors), nobody said shit to me. but if i was with a man who looked gnc and/or i start looking gnc, or if i'm happily and openly dating women, or if i go febfem, suddenly it's a fucking world war.
>I'm hopeful that if people stopped being so weird about woman leaning bi women they'd be happier accepting their bisexuality rather than claiming to be lesbians with "comphet"
agreed. i don't want to start a fight of some sort, but i just wish the world can stop being weird about bi women and bisexuality itself. people still act weird with bi women and it's enough to make some bi women bend and be like "oh you know what, i changed my mind, i'm actually straight/gay" just to get away from it all. it's more than just mean words, sometimes violence happens and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. this conversation is so complex that i wish we can talk more at length but eh we're on an imageboard and its almost new years day, so maybe some other time. regardless, thank you for saying something so true and brave kek, i really hope more and more "comphet" cases can come back to us and be at peace with their bisexuality.

No. 462673

oh they're both committed febfems, they have zero interest in getting with moids even if they broke up. they just enjoy having fantasies together if they saw a handsome man somewhere or in media and that's about it.

No. 462699

I could honestly never date a woman who openly thirsted for men in front of me. IDC if this makes me a bad bisexual or whatever but I just could not take that. I'm not attracted to men for the past few years but even if I was I would never do that openly if I had a gf. Maybe that's not healthy but i honestly don't think i can change that part of me. I've had too many crushes that wind up dating men and it has scarred my heart deeply…

No. 462742

Same. Though tbh I wouldn't want to talk about finding other women hot either. Maybe as an occasional comment or shit like fictional characters it would be okay but I feel like for real people that's something I should keep to myself either way and I'd only expect the same.
Really wish there were more chill posters like you nona, your last paragraph especially.

I used to feel strongly about the feb label and felt like I needed it but not anymore. (Though I don't think anyone non-terminally online in very specific communities knows what it means anyways, and even then it's "terfy".) I'm not currently interested in dating and forming romantic relationships so obsessing over this kind of thing (worrying about how I might be perceived because of my sexuality) isn't a priority anyways. I do seriously wish more bi women would realize males just aren't worth it though.
I think my ideal gf would probably be like me, bi but prefers women and not actively into males. I'm also very particular and still believe in childish shit like having true loves, idk

No. 462914

Basically this >>462429 except I'm not in fandom, so like a hot actor or Luigi Mangione

No. 463228

This is my dream. Also I have violent fantasies towards men. Openly thirsting for some real moid in my life would be gross though, and I wouldn't want my gf doing that either.

No. 464203

I know it sounds moidy but one fantasy I have is me and a potential GF/FWB seducing some clueless scrote on a night out together and taking him home, possibly to double dom him. Really the only M/F/F threesome scenario that consistently appeals to me. Except I'm insecure irl and would have the worry of being left for a man, idk if it makes me a "bad bi" to think about that but it's definitely something that would give me pause.

No. 464209

Been there done that. I mem’d myself into an open relationship with a “bi” woman who did nothing but thirst solely on men. Waste of time.

No. 464211

I haven't had a crush on an irl woman Ina hot minute, but I can't stop thinking about the petite bartender who was serving at the brewery on NYE. She was wearing a Vesper necklace and I was imagining running into her in the back alley and using it on her

No. 464345

damn, the seething will never cease it seems.

No. 464418

I’ve never used dating apps before. How should you indicate on your profile that you’re only interested in women? Do normies know the term febfem?

No. 464423

Simply select 'women only' like any bi woman who only feels like dating women. I assume all dating apps let you choose the sex of your potential matches. Of course you'll have to weed out couples looking for thirds and troons but they're usually really obvious

No. 464426

So now you’re coming to this thread? Leave.

No. 464439

Don't do that, if you say or create anything "women-only" it will just bring the moids and troons flocking. Just let them match and then reject them manually. And normies absolutely do not know the term febfem. Though a few will probably call you based as a joke for it if you tell them what it means

No. 464466

That sucks because I really am only interested in other women who only are interested in other women but the concept is just not even thought about by the average bi woman… But I've heard lesbians will avoid me for being bisexual so there goes the whole rest of the dating pool. This is why i haven't tried, it feels basically impossible and I fear I'd get too depressed trying.

No. 464469

Just say feb4feb lol idk. And yeah lesbians do, I don't blame them. I prefer a partner who I can relate to deeply anyway and I wouldn't understand the pure ssa of a lesbian and a lesbian wouldn't understand my osa. Just too different experiences, I think. Might not be a dealbreaker for some but it is for me.

No. 464473

If you create that narrow criteria then yeah you’re not going to have luck. 99.9% of bisexual women aren’t going to be febfem like you, and like the other anon said lesbians will not want to get involved with you either, so you basically have eliminated all your options with your “can’t be interested in men” criteria. It might suck but you’re going to have to compromise that or stay single.

No. 464474

>I've heard
>i haven't tried
Yeah, just get out there and talk to women and use your common sense instead of thinking about categories. There's unfortunately no shortcut to take the work out of meeting new people and figuring out if you're compatible. Women who are interested in other women won't avoid you if you're cute and fun and serious about dating them.

No. 464585

Is porn-induced bisexuality a real thing or just an internet meme?
There’s a support group in my college that is trying to help porn-addicted girls to decouple themselves away from porn because of how objectifying it is, and 70% of the people in it are bisexual.

No. 464588

I think there are a few reasons for bisexual (or lesbian) women to become porn addicts, to be fair.
>There's not much femgaze erotica, and the ones that do exist are either het or not as readily accessible as "regular" porn
>They were more likely to be outcast kids who turned to the internet for socialisation and got groomed
>Same as above but they got desensitized through exposure instead
>They had no other "safe" (as in no risk of coming to bodily harm) outlet to explore their sexuality, especially if they internalised the meme that bisexual women are supposed to be hypersexual and ~fun~
So it might not be a case of porn INDUCING the sexuality, it could just be that certain groups of women are more susceptible to it.

No. 464726

I‘m so sad you never got a reply but did you ever talk to your fluffy-haired crush?

No. 464835

I think it’s both, porn makes people of both sexes more likely to be “bisexual” (really pornsexual) but also for women, being already same-sex attracted makes you more prone to getting addicted to porn. Porn sexualises women primarily; while straight women (and honestly everyone consuming porn) are mostly getting off to the overly sexual stimuli, you are more likely to become addicted to that if women are attractive to you. The only reason why lesbians are slightly less likely than bisexuals to get porn addictions is because porn is mostly heterosexual or malegaze (faux lesbian), and even though the objectification is of women, male pleasure is the focus (which is also why I think bisexual moids are also more likely to become porn addicts than straight men too). Hence why when lesbians have porn addictions they’re way more likely to self-insert as a man.

No. 464840

I suspect many of these women are actually straight and their taste for novelty fuels both their porn addiction and pretense to bisexuality (or the kind of bisexuality that's solely about lesbian sex and nothing else).

No. 464879

I think there are a few different factors that could lead women to identify as bi when they're most likely straight, porn addiction is definitely one but feels not that common to me. I think for quite a lot of women it's misunderstanding what SSA is, like thinking you must be bi if you think another woman is pretty/beautiful. Or if a straight woman is dating a coomer moid who's obsessed with the thought of a MFF threesome she might think hypothetically she'd be open to it for him but it wouldn't necessarily mean she was genuinely SSA.

No. 464892

I have a bi4bi preference and I’m lucky to live in a place where it’s possible at all to have this kind of dating pool but I do keep getting left for men kek…don’t plan on changing and I’m sure there’s other factors in it like men being more accepting of bisexuality compared to lesbians/straight women and probably more single men in general but it is funny

No. 464918

Yeah it really is so funny how they are never beating the bihet allegation…

No. 465076

Honestly I think it's because men approach women more often than women approach women, and yeah, duh, but it's just statistically more probable that a bi woman would end up with a man than a woman when male attention is a dime a dozen

No. 465078

Men aren’t more accepting, it’s that they don’t take it seriously. Straight men don’t see it as a threat if you’re bi kek.

No. 465079

Yeah this. They see bi women as just straight with a spice for potential threesome

No. 465116

Being bi but in a straight hetero relationship is such a stupid situation. I don't identify as straight but it doesn't matter because I live a straight life, and the longer I spend with my boyfriend the less connected I feel to other bi people who are not living a straight life, or gay friends. I feel like because I love a man and we're in a long-term relationship that it's alienating me from other bi people, but at the end of the day I don't want to only be friends with straight people because I'm not straight.

It's not the end of the world but it puts pressure on my relationship that shouldn't exist. I feel regressive for loving a straight man sometimes kek

No. 465156

You want to be special so bad oh my god. People like you are insufferable.

No. 465158

What is a straight life? What is a bi life?
You picked a partner and got with them, you knew they were a scrote so don’t act shocked now. bi women like you get with men and just complain and complain, get with a woman then kek.

No. 465227

I have felt this too but if you're with a man there's really nothing you can do about it, no one is obligated to see you as gay if you're in a straight relationship and you'll only get hostility like in the other replies. Is your sexuality really so life-defining that it dictates who you can be friends with? I'm friends with bi, straight and lesbian women and it doesn't matter. Just don't talk about your bf 24/7. Sounds like the real issue is that you're ashamed for being like the icky straights so you're putting ~queer life~ on a pedestal. The only people I've met irl with that sort of mindset are seething trannies who think "cis" or straight people are literally murdering them and bi women dating men kek I promise no one else cares

No. 465229

You sound like one of those twitter annoying queerio bis who want to feel oppressed for dating a man and have to shove it down everyone's face that they're still part of the LGBT community. Go find a hobby if you want a community so bad.

No. 465313

See if you could actually channel to do something productive with your life….no one cares about you and your boyfriend, people have jobs , college etc.
Maybe tattoo on your forehead “I am bisexual” ,get a septum nose ring and dye your hair blue, like this you’ll be able to live your queer life.

No. 465342

I'm feb4feb and the world would be a better place if people dated those of their own sexuality tbh. I prefer someone I can relate to, I've seen bis say they prefer a partner who understands both, I've seen lesbians say they prefer a partner who understands mono/ssa. It's that easy. Hell there's a reason a lot of thembies/tifs say they're t4t because shared mental illness struggles kek, same umbrella.

No. 465564

I mean, it's not a stupid situation for a woman who likes men to be in a straight relationship, though. and it's not a stupid situation for a woman who likes women to be in a gay relationship, but it is kind of stupid to want the social status of someone who's in a gay relationship while still being in the straight relationship.
here's what gets me about this. I get that for some people (everyone who gets angry at this sort of sentiment), being L/G/B is about the relationships you have while for people like you, I can only imagine that it's more about the community and platonic connections and being perceived by society as 'queer'. I guess it's just like… if being seen as queer and relating to bi people and living a queer life is so important to you, why date a man? and if this man is so important to you, why do you covet the social status that comes with dating women?

No. 465613

there are 100% straight couples who are friends with and integrated in gay/bi communities, so it's not your boyfriend holding you back. don't feel obligated to join the "gay community" just because you share a sexuality. and I say that cause if you had a genuine interest you'd just make those connections

No. 465614

How long have you been in this relationship?

No. 465640

It’s also the bi men I date, not just the women. I agree though moids in general take bisexuality less seriously, plus a lot of faggots being raging misogynists

No. 465768

If you are happy in that relationship nothing stupid about it. Im dating a woman but most of my friends are straight/in straight relationships. Never really felt like I belong in "queer community". You can have other things to connect over than who you are dating or which orientation you have.

No. 465988

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socializing in websites outside of this one can be wild sometimes. i especially love to read the straight men who say that bi women oppress them all because we sometimes find famous women sexually attractive, or that some of us might feel more attracted to women versus with men, and the straight dudes feel attacked by that sentiment. "every time someone says a man is attractive, here comes the bi/pan/lesbian trolls chiming in to say that he's not as attractive as this other random woman and i am sick of it reeeee" bro please kill yourself, i promise it is not that deep.

No. 465999

every time I hear a woman with a boyfriend talk about how men suck and women are better and being in a straight relationship is the worst (even though she could end it at any point but chooses not to) my initial reaction is wow, that's so mean to your boyfriend. but then every time I see a man complain about it my reaction becomes fuck these stupid whiny faggots I don't give a shit how they feel. for one thing, we both know their girlfriend is only saying that stuff because she thinks he'll find it hot.
I think I just want to live in a world where people care more about being happy in love than about looking cool to some group.

No. 466015

i know of such cases you speak of and its just throwing bi women to the wolves just so they can feel cool and special. it's downright retarded, i tell you. i'm honestly getting sick and tired of het and "spicy hets" in general feeling like they have to fight for their right to be exclusively osa against the powerful minority, aka the lgb. if that woman is unhappy with her moid bf that she's saying all of that shit, that obviously sucks for the man to hear, but that's not my fucking fault or any other bi women's fault either. we just want to eat pussy in peace and that's it.

No. 466043

I have to say I really hate the types of spicy bihets who say they're "attracted to 2 men and all women" but you can guess who they exclusively date. And then bring their Nigels to pride events and cry about biphobia from lesbians, as if normie bis like them either.

No. 466199

Not to sound like a bihet but this is such a bihet problem kek, I feel like every moid I dated I would meet or end up internet stalking their ex gf and realizing that everything I thought was cool or interesting about him was clearly ripped off from her, and with a lot worse execution

No. 466240

this is fascinating. i feel like i see men accusing women of doing this all the time (with the one exception being brad pitt?) but I'm not surprised to hear it's projection

No. 466453

I think it’s like moids lack the introspection to consciously develop any unique identity or even have the urge to do so in the first place. Their baseline interests mostly serve to feed some sexual urge or impotent moid rage but they can sense that the women they date are more vibrant/complete as people so they try to steal a bit of that for themselves. But it circles back to the same issues that landed them there in the first place and they just barely grasp the broad strokes.

No. 466639

How do you find SSA women who aren‘t deep into the LGBTQIA+ scene? I just want a normal gf, who is no gender ideologist and troon panderer. A woman thinking she‘s bi-gender or nonbinary turns me off immediately

No. 466644

I thought I could meet women organically now that I moved to a bigger city for college, but I bit the bullet and put on a dating app after finding nothing, I’m solely searching for women, ideally another inexperienced bi woman who would want to go on a date and get to know each other.
Tell me why the hell there are scrotes if I put looking for women? Not talking about trannies either, but regular men.

No. 467116

I found the woman Im currently dating from an app, she seems pretty radfem. Also just found out one of my coworkers is a bi woman who doesnt get the gender ideology shit. We exist, you just need some luck.

No. 467506

Since you're dating, do you plan on "coming out" (kek…) to her as a terf at any point or just remaining crypto for the time being? I was crypto with my ex gf but to be fair wasn't as fully peaked back then.

No. 467677

I will eventually. She is actually immigrant from a culture where troons arent really a thing and womens position in society is not so good. Feminists there are trying to battle very important issues. Idk how much she is even aware of the craziest woke shit we have going on here locally.

No. 467748

No matches sigh

No. 468845

just re-came out as bi again to my mom and bless her heart, she is so accepting and completely understood my feelings of confusion and of thinking i was lesbian when i'm not. she may not be the most perfect person on earth, but i'm not perfect either, and i'm glad i got this out of my chest. i feel like it's almost too easy for some bi women like myself to think we're gay because of things like men being purposefully disappointing almost 24/7/365 so we think, well, i'm not happy with men, that means i'm a lesbian. or bad experiences with men enough times can cause confusion, or having secretly bimisogynistic people telling you that you're a lesbian instead of bi because being a bi female is the worst thing on planet earth.

i have come to terms that men are never going to make me happy. the kind of relationship i've dreamed of since i was little with a man just doesn't exist because men would never work on themselves to be attractive both inside and out, to be kind hearted without needing something in return all the time, and so on so forth. so many men out there refusing to wipe after shitting and it's like, no wonder i thought i couldn't find them attractive. who the fuck would? i felt so much more happier and turned on being with women and dating them than i ever was dating men back then. women actually try, unlike moids. men abuse the fuck out of bi women en masse, too, which clearly doesn't help the picture at all.

if someone asks me right now if i could see a future with a man, i'd say, only if he's one hell of a guy. otherwise, i can't picture it. decentering men is not just a straight woman activity, it's something bi women in general should get behind. because even if you do find a male unicorn, the fact that you decentered men and centered yourself for once in your life as a woman, means that you're able to go into that relationship without much concern about powerplay between you and a man. if it doesn't work out, oh well, you tried and you can still have a life afterwards.

i'm just glad to come back home after several years of confusion and self hatred. i do feel bad for taking the lesbian label seriously when it wasn't true of my real nature, but i'm just glad this long saga is over and i can just be with women exclusively without shame. i'm glad this thread exists, i'm glad bi nonnies here exists, and i'm glad for who i am. okay long sperging over, BI PRIDE WORLDWIDE!

No. 469335

I don't know why but the way I picture myself with men vs women is so different. I'm not very feminine, so when I'm with a guy I just picture myself as I always am, but I dunno. With a woman I really wanna be hyper masculine with her. For some reason I've always had this obsession with crossdressing and being mistaken as a hot man and going with a girl from there.
I was raised REALLY Catholic/in a very republican household so seeing myself with a woman is really hard. Like anytime I think about it I wanna just imagine myself as a man or at least other people mistaking me for man. I have absolutely no luck with women kek I feel like the only way I'd have a chance with one if she thinks I'm male but that sounds lowkey rapey so idk.
I've always had this weird obsession with crossdressing, even though I know I'm not a tranny. Does anyone else ever want to present differently depending on whether youre with a moid or woman? I feel like its just a me thing, so I have no idea. Autistic rant over

No. 469365

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I just know you loved this music video kek

No. 469376

As a bi woman, I’m honestly scared to be with a man. It would feel wrong to hide my sexuality from a guy I’m dating or in a relationship with as I wouldn’t want him to hide his sexuality from me either, but then again I’m also scared of men knowing I’m bisexual, because of possible hate, abuse, and of course the sexualization (like the threesome thing ugh). Plus men just scare me in general, the fact that so many women get murdered by their boyfriends or husbands is terrifying.

No. 469377

Omg I am the exact same nonna. I live in a very conservative area (the US South) and finding SSA women is already hard enough.

No. 469380

Cross dressing women are just hot, I don’t think you have to be ashamed of you want to style yourself that way. In fact, I’m always wishing there were more women who cross dressed. I wouldn’t worry about trying to act hyper masculine though, women seeking women will want a woman who acts like a woman, not a macho man replica. I go absolutely crazy for cross dressing women who maintain feminine mannerisms. It’s basically my #1 type and I fall in love at first sight. I don’t think there’s anything sexier in the world tbh.

No. 469452

ayrt i completely get it and the stats don't lie, so many bi women out there have also told me their experiences of being abused by men and i'm always in shock when i hear some of them continuing to go out with men despite literally being beaten the fuck up by an ex-bf before. and like i get it, i always feel bad for straight women when they come to the difficult decision to just drop men altogether because obviously that group is the only one they're attracted to, but with us bi women.. i'm sorry but if we drop men altogether, there's still other women to get involved with. lots of bixbi relationships out there with two bi women happily dating and marrying each other, so i just have a hard time wrapping my mind around it.

No. 469456

I also don’t get it, it’s very bizarre. Straight women can do it, so why can’t they…? Also people act like you’ve grown two heads if you say you don’t want to date men because you’re scared of them. Even people who have been abused by exes in the past? Maybe I’m sensitive but that would traumatise me for life.

No. 469488

Ayrt and yeah, it honestly broke my heart when I discovered that bi women get abused and experienced domestic violence way more than straight women do. I feel like I’ve been liking women more here recently anyways and the thought of being with another woman just feels more…comfy to me, plus there seems to be way more pros to being with a woman compared to a man. We could relate to each other way better, don’t have to worry about gender roles, have much less of a problem with cleanliness, orgasming is way easier to achieve, etc…I would like to find another bi woman, as I am a bi4bi, but I feel like a lot of them support gender ideology and are tranny defenders, like most women who are in the LGBTQIA+ shit, so it makes dating for me feel kinda bleak. Like another nonna here said, I just want a normal gf, she doesn’t even have to be a radfem either, just have common sense.

No. 469494

>Also people act like you’ve grown two heads if you say you don’t want to date men because you’re scared of them.
I honestly don’t understand why people act that way or have that reaction. Trauma from men is very much real and is an extremely valid reason to not date them. I come from a family where most of the women have experienced abuse from men or the men are just downright lowlives. It’s honestly crazy and I’ve always been afraid of ending up in their situation.

No. 469579

I feel more pressure but also safety to be more feminine when with a man. When I'm alone or with women, I don't really want to invite male attention so I dress down, when I'm with a man it already happened so whatever.

I like being the more "feminine energy", this is probably why I gravitate more toward men. I want to date a more feminine woman though for the shared interests, but I hate how I'm often masculinized next to a more feminine woman bc my personality is more confident and action oriented. I've been having similar issues as well with this generation of "soft boy" men making me out as way more masculine than I am bc they're weak crybabies

surprisingly, I didn't really like dating a butch but most likely it was just her personality and not the butch aspect.

No. 469603

Eh, I like to take on a more "masculine" and dominant role in general. I say I'm a female boyfriend no matter who I date. But I also like to wear typically feminine clothes sometimes, just depends on the mood. It's fun to be like this with men because they'll be shocked I can pull off androgyny and handsomeness kek.
But I do understand feeling imaginary pressure to maintain masculinity with a woman. My ex-gf was femme and I know she preferred masculine women so I filled that role more often than I actually prefer. Previously with men I'd done the reverse, so it felt freeing at first until it wasn't. It just made my intermittent gender dysphoria worse and as if she actually wanted a man…idk.

Maybe take a step back and assess what you enjoy when you're single. I assure you there are people who will be excited to get both expressions.

No. 470964

The woman I was obsessed with found a husband a while ago and ever since then I am straight up triggered by heterosexuality. I think I’m seething my way into lesbianism*. I want to smash the dick of every man in a hydraulic press accident. Really crush them into little fleshy bacon bits. Then further pulverize it with a meat tenderizer until it’s just mush and pack it into a rocket launcher and shoot it at the faces of the newly dickless male population of earth. And even that would not be enough. I’d make them eat it instead maybe. I would not kill them because I want them to suffer the way I have. Fucking evil penis creatures


No. 471300

i feel you nonna. i don't think i'd hate men with as much passion as i do if two women i liked didn't shack up with the ugliest greasiest nasty vile moids. no matter how much i hate it, i have to admit that female heterosexuality is 100% the norm because literally what other reason would make women go for these fucking invasive mistakes of nature?

No. 471317

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Same. it’s bad enough that she got married to a moid but for him to be old and hairy and greasy and fat as fuck, I CANNOT take it. Seeing her with him or even just remembering it sends me into a nuclear rage. Not even directed at anyone in particular but just an all-encompassing feeling. The explosive collapse of my heart has enough burning intensity to generate a galaxy-eating black hole. A black hole that is like a giant blender for the dicks of all men alive. I want a sledgehammer I need to bash their dicks into gory jelly. Fuck this unfortunately not gay earth every moment I am conscious is psychological torture knowing my gorgeous adorable perfect love chained herself willingly to this guy.

No. 471323

i feel you nonnie. it makes me VISCERALLY MAD. every time a pretty girl gets with an ugly, moldy troll of a man whose only positive quality is being ''funny'', an angel goes to hell

No. 471423

I lost my best friend this way lol. Stupid of me to get that obsessed with her and insult the moid but she’s only like early 20s and could do so much better. I always felt like she was a closet case tbh bc she talked so much about being asexual and annoyed by him. Suddenly they get engaged and she’s the happiest woman in the world. Right.

No. 471456

ayrt I'm sorry anon, that sounds really hard. I also thought the woman i was obsessed with was into women (dumb assumption but she was really handsome) so watching her now getting manicures and playing wifey to an older moid is a form of psychological pain i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I had to distance myself completely too. I couldn't be normal about the marriage.

No. 471484

Ty, I understand completely. In the end they’re the ones who have to deal with loser men, so it’s kind of whatever.

No. 471632

I’ve fallen for this too. The worst feeling is to fall for someone and your be gaydar proven horribly wrong.

No. 471693

Nta, I’m the other one. But is it weird to say I don’t even think mine was wrong? It feels like a situation where she’ll realize it in ten years, but I also don’t really believe in asexuality. I think she just stuck with this guy bc he was the first one to show any interest and now he’s “safe”.

No. 471695

My first "gf" (we were teens and together for like two weeks) left me to be with a boy. The ugly retard didnt even seem to like her. I felt like that back then. But I think if someone chooses a smelly moid over you they arent meant for you.

No. 472952

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Ladies, I’m incredibly scared of making the first move on another woman. Like my anxiety gets over me in a way that will stop me from being remotely flirty.
I had a girl show obvious signs of being attracted to me and once I noticed them I kinda froze and my initial confidence crumbled. At the beginning I looked at her eyes without any issues, thinking she was so pretty and my type but anxiety got the best of me and didn’t do shit.

This doesn’t happen to me with guys. Or if it does, I feel less intimidated by them. I freak out by the idea of overstepping another girls boundaries and the idea of rejection (something I generally don’t gaf about makes). I’ve never tried anything with another girl before besides playful kissing while drunk. I need to be really drunk to become bolder but what if I don’t want to drink to feel more confident?

Im myself already kinda masc and I know girls will often wait for the other to make the first move and I would love to be the one to make it but I simply do not know if it’s appropriate or not to follow my impulses.
I am autistic and have bpd so I am not 100% trusting of how I perceive others nonverbal (and sometimes even verbal) communication.

Any advice from fellow nonnas?

No. 472961

>girls constantly ask me out at school when I was younger
>thought I was straight so I let them down
>15 years later, realize I'm bi
>not a single woman has hit on me since

No. 473086

Not giving a fuck and just going for it will help you build your confidence. Getting used to being rejected and not taking it personally will take you really far. This sounds awful but it's true, you have to push to find out what people's boundaries are. Just respect it when you are told to stop.

No. 473151

What is the pic from?

No. 473230

blue eye samurai

No. 473246

I have a lot of mental health problems, am probably an autist, and my face is really ugly. Due to these things I knew from the time I was like 16 a decade ago that I would never get a boyfriend. For some reason, this really didn’t bother me that much. I could easily imagine living a fairly fulfilling life without romance or sex. I just accepted it and carried on, I was mentally pretty healthy. It all changed when I fell really hard in love with a woman for the first time. I had no chance with her for about 6,000 different reasons I don’t care to get into. But ever since then I have been a complete mental mess. I’ve 100% fallen apart. It’s been a long time and I still can’t put myself back together into the person I used to be who confidently and calmly accepted that I would never have a partner. Now it hurts me so much and brings me so much shame to think about my irredeemably ugly face and autistic issues. I feel lower than dirt, like I shouldn’t even exist. Men not being attracted to me didn’t bother me because they all have shit taste and are dirty and useless anyway, so no loss. But I guess when I realized women also think I’m hideous and unrelatable, the weight of it really hit me.

In this way discovering my bisexuality has destroyed my mental health and I really wish I could rewind the clock back to before any of the dominos fell because I dread living the rest of my life feeling this way.

No. 473301

I would describe myself as a Kinsey 5 and I don't know how other Kinsey 5's end up psyopping themselves to believe they're a hardline homosexual, or flip flop between labels of bi -> lesbian -> bi etc. Even before I peaked and was surrounded with handmaidens and troons who would shill that lesbian masterdoc to me, I always knew "lesbian" was a wrong label to call myself. Your brain knows what you like. Maybe some people just have low EQ…

No. 473303

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>worried about conventional beauty, wants to date a woman
Anon, come on now. Just because one woman isn't into you doesn't mean none will be. Women are much more forgiving when it comes to physical imperfections and will even date disabled/ugly/broke moids while scrotes notoriously leave at the first sign of a suspicious mole. I say this to every woman who is questioning their sexuality or doesn't know how to approach another woman: go to a lesbian bar. You might have to travel to get to one since they're disappearing and increasingly open to troons but there will be women there who are interested in you, even if you can't form a LTR - at the very least you can get over your insecurities and fear of approaching or being physical with other women

No. 473306

>there will be women there who are interested in you
Nta but this is so bold to say that lmao.

No. 473308

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Drunk lesbians are crazy in my area nona, you have no idea. They love women of all sizes, flavours, colours and textures. I think it's so funny when I see GS sperging about women with no history of moid dick when any lesbian bar attendee will gladly steal a woman actively dating a scrote and brag to her friends about it (I get the online GS reasons tho)

No. 473318

>cheer up, maybe a drunk woman you meet in a darkly lit bar would have a one night stand with you

No. 473320

I just don't believe anybody could be attracted to me, why me when there are dozens of other women? Knowing my luck I'd probably only get hit on by a troon.

No. 473323

I’m the AYRT. I appreciate the sentiment but I’m the type of social recluse who has never been to a bar and doesn’t drink. Not only would I have no idea how to act in a bar but I think you’re really not understanding how ugly I am. I’m the type of ugly where random people on the street will insult how my face looks. Children to adults have all done it. This isn’t a case of low self esteem for no reason. I know objectively that my face is repulsive to anyone with eyes, yes, even women who don’t care about conventionality. What I really need is to find a way to come to terms again with being alone for life. I did it before so I can probably do it again, I just need to invent a new way to think about it.

No. 473325

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>one night stand
No such thing, lesbar newfag
It's possible but you'll get hit on by a woman too as long as you show up by yourself and force "open" body language. This just means standing with your back toward the bar (facing the crowd/lesbians), uncrossed arms, not looking at your phone or shying away from eye contact when an actual lesbian checks you out (smiling helps). Women are very attracted to style and grooming, so just dress a little more eccentric (but not costumey), don't try to be conventional (since you are not) and make sure to have clean short nails and don't dress too feminine (or dress really feminine if you're looking for a daddy-butch)

No. 473384

Is this really that common? I've heard of them only in folktales

No. 473410

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Many were lost to queerdom but you can still find a butch-daddy type (and similar) everywhere. A lot of lesbians get hung up on the community looking like The L Word but those women live in West Hollywood. The most visible (so prevalent) lesbian is the daddy-butch but finding a non-ftm is difficult in 2025. A lot of them get off on treating women well in the ways scrotes don't but the other kind are the type who try to act identical to scrotes. I guess the silver lining of Aidens replacing so many lesbians is that most of the scrote-larpers became ft fake-bois and the synthetic testosterone has a tendency to "turn them into gay men" (corrects their hormone imbalance and reveals they are straight), so they mostly orbit m4m gay bars. Sadly, good and misguided butch/mas-lesbians were caught in the same trap but many turned rad-fems and went detrans. It's best to look for a butch lesbian who already has strong bone structure and naturally masc energy, since then it won't be some big performative insecurity you have to deal with and they probably won't troon out on you

No. 473418

>you'll get hit on by a woman too as long as you show up by yourself and force "open" body language. This just means standing with your back toward the bar (facing the crowd/lesbians), uncrossed arms, not looking at your phone or shying away from eye contact when an actual lesbian checks you out (smiling helps). Women are very attracted to style and grooming, so just dress a little more eccentric (but not costumey), don't try to be conventional (since you are not) and make sure to have clean short nails and don't dress too feminine (or dress really feminine if you're looking for a daddy-butch)
this is great advice thank you for helping

No. 473429

>It’s been a long time and I still can’t put myself back together into the person I used to be who confidently and calmly accepted that I would never have a partner.

You will NEVER be that same person again, you are irrecoverably changed. You discovered a new aspect of yourself that changes everything. Holding onto the falsehood that you can lock that up and be who you used to be is what is causing you torment. Accept what has changed out of your control, and channel that into a new version of you

No. 473437

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I think you mean well anon but most people are fundamentally the same as they were in kindergarten underneath all the trauma, social conditioning and bullshit. Anon can unlearn and override anything that is not useful or helpful to her with the right tools and mindset, anyone can

No. 473463

>You will NEVER be that same person again, you are irrecoverably changed. You discovered a new aspect of yourself that changes everything. Holding onto the falsehood that you can lock that up and be who you used to be is what is causing you torment. Accept what has changed out of your control, and channel that into a new version of you
>most people are fundamentally the same as they were in kindergarten
man………… I just don't think that's true on any level. this is still based though
>Anon can unlearn and override anything that is not useful or helpful to her with the right tools and mindset, anyone can

No. 473476

>man………… I just don't think that's true on any level. this is still based though
Moids are obsessed with the idea of minor events or attitudes fundamentally changing a person's life forever (like the concept of virginity, which most women barely think about ever again). So follow whichever path works for you or feels more "based" anon

No. 473485

there's got to be room for a middle ground between "women are tainted by arbitrary neutral experiences" and "most people don't change after age 5"

No. 473506

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kek "most people are fundamentally the same as they were in kindergarten underneath all the bullshit. The middle ground are the useful things you learn that you keep. Most women weren't calling themselves ugly and unlovable in kindergarten. They might have come to falsely believe that because of an adult earlier than others but most people are fundamentally "good" and their experiences/learned behaviour can be changed with practice

No. 473520

truly all due respect, but it's absurd to pretend some people aren't ugly and that thinking you're ugly is always an "it's all just in your head" type thing. If you are actually ugly, having to listen to people say the cliché things you're saying is exhausting. I am ugly. Strangers tell me I'm ugly. I'm a portrait artist who has a solid understanding of how faces are built, I know I am ugly. This isn't a "was bullied in middle school and a girl called me ugly once and i've developed a complex around that memory" sort of situation. It seems no one ever has any advice for ugly people other than "awh, I'm sure you're not ugly!" which is not useful. At the same time I know that this (the understanding that some people are actually ugly and will suffer for it) is such a bitter pill that only the people who are forced to swallow it actually do, and all others do mental gymnastics to avoid confronting it. But please don't do gymnastics at us, it's really unpleasant to be on the receiving end of.

For me, what helped me come to terms with being alone for life is thinking about the fact that many, many SSA women have lived and died never getting to experience mutual love with a woman for one reason or another. So I'm not alone. So many other women have been through the pain I'm in and somehow learned to live, so if I keep working at it, I probably can too. I'm just not quite there yet. But what's been helping me is to feel communion with all these lonely women throughout history and know that my pain is not just my own.

No. 473528

File: 1737349168826.jpg (528.76 KB, 2000x1519, Remnick-Dylan-3141736803.jpg)

I genuinely think any "ugly" person can look good with the right style, haircut and grooming. There are countless examples, especially in the UK where being attractive is considered an afterthought. Or even famous people in the 60s-80s

No. 473622

What kind of ugly are you? Im very tall/big and have square face, strong brow, big nose etc and can admit that I cope by masculine styling. It actually makes me look cuter and some women (and even moids) are into it.

Tbh I know some lesbians fall for straight women/brag of hooking up with them but still shit on bi women. I guess you can play into the "omg I never felt this way about a woman" fantasy but that is not how you get a gf kek.

No. 473739

this is going to sound either mean or fake, but the thing is that ugly people can be hot. beyond just the concept of jolie-laide beauty in general, which really only gets applied to women with unique/exotic beauty (who then get nitpicked to death by people who don't see the appeal), I have been incredibly attracted to women who are easily on the 'strangers tell me I'm ugly' level of conventionally unattractive features. it's not just a consequence of coping or settling or having evil intentions: women can find all sorts of features attractive, especially in someone they love. I'm not trying to talk you out of giving up on love, though, I'm just preemptively explaining what's going on if/when someone falls in love with you and you don't believe it. I also kind of want to quit relationships forever but for mental reasons instead of physical so I get you.

No. 474047

what that OP described wasn't a minor event though,it was literally life changing for her

No. 474062

Do you live in a Hallmark movie or rom-com? Why would falling in love with a woman and feeling rejected irrevocably change someone? Anon has always been gay or at least bi

No. 474104

File: 1737438993512.jpg (6.25 KB, 190x281, jjjj.jpg)

>break 4 year dry streak with a man
>he's cool, looks nice, also bi, easy to talk to
>feel horny about it for a few days
>start to feel depressed that it wasn't a woman and lament how hard it is to find women to hook up with vs men
>wonder if i'm just too ugly for women to be attracted to now after last date with one in october ended at a kiss

Why am I like this?

No. 475055

is it normal to be a bisexual that doesn't date men because i'm uncomfortable with them?

No. 475501

not at all and am the same way. way too many horror stories hearing from other women with boyfriends or husbands doing ungodly things to them is sometimes all you need to steer clear.

No. 475537

He was so hot in the early show

No. 475623

>women can find all sorts of features attractive, especially in someone they love. I'm not trying to talk you out of giving up on love, though, I'm just preemptively explaining what's going on if/when someone falls in love with you and you don't believe it.
Thanks nonnie. I'm going through this right now, i can't believe a very pretty woman i know would be attracted to me, even if she told me so. It's dumb because i have unconventional taste and i've fallen for people without even knowing what they looked like. But i had to talk myself into believing it now that i'm on the receiving end of this kek

No. 475734

AYRT I still find him hot tbh kek, knowing he's one of those rare GC moids irl only makes me like him more.

I wouldn't say it's common, if anything it's pretty uncommon, but definitely not abnormal either imho. It makes sense and I feel a similar way in that I prefer to keep any men in FWB territory.

No. 476598

Yeah it’s quite normal. I honestly think this is the case for most of the late bloomer lesbian crowd, even in ideal situations with no abuse and minimal societal pressures. Moids just aren’t socialized to be considerate in the same ways and while they can/should learn to be better to an extent it’ll always be visible, even if it’s something relatively benign like being generally sort of gross and loud. Trite but I feel like manspreading perfectly exemplifies this kind of ignorant entitlement and part of why it’s hard to be fully comfortable around them

No. 476768

Febfem is the word. And hell even straight women are abstaining from moids so no it's not weird. You can't achieve emotional closeness or true love with moids anyway

No. 477410

Bicycling makes me feel so unstable even though I'm febfem - but I really want a girlfriend again. I'm extremely picky though.

No. 477413

I don’t date because of this.

No. 477423

NTA but aren’t you lonely?

No. 477425

Is bicycling as common for those in relationships as it's for single bis? Kinda worried about settling with the right long-term partner and then suddenly starting to lust for the other sex instead. Although those feelings would pass too I suppose.

No. 477430

Yep horrifically lonely but there is no other choice. I get very mad about it often for being dealt this shit hand. It sucks that as humans our brains are wired to get so mad about things that feel unfair when there is no such thing as fairness in reality.

No. 477432

Is there any scientific explanation behind bicycling? Just out of curiosity.

No. 477438

Dunno nonnie I'm not a psychologist. I think I want to be with women at heart but something in my subconscious tells me it's more practical to be with a man.

No. 477443

Kek nonny that’s not really bicycling that’s just practical reality vs your heart

No. 477865

i havent really dated girls much but how easy is it to find a girlfriend without running into idiots who want throples or women who are just 'experimenting' and aren't actually bi? i want an actual girlfriend

No. 477886

anyone ever been in a closed trouple? what was your expereince. 2f 1m? 2m 1f? ive been thinking about it alot since I'm single. I don't plan on joining a current couple but naturally forming one.

No. 477894

Does anyone else feel like bicycling is greatly exaggerated? I feel like sliding from one sex to the other is a thing that happens, but to me it looks like it's mostly pragmatic (OSA dating is more conceivable when women reach adulthood as men become marginally less retarded). Maybe i lack imagination, but i feel the first crushes you get are pretty representative of what you'll become (a bisexual who prefers women, or one more into men).
>Kinda worried about settling with the right long-term partner and then suddenly starting to lust for the other sex instead. Although those feelings would pass
Yeah you just deal with it, no one talks about it but feeling base, dumb attraction for other people is ubiquitous in long-term couples, doesn't matter if you're het or gay, man or woman. I did have this problem and it just turned me off men, even if i think some guy is handsome i don't want to be once again in a position where i'm thinking "i'd rather do this thing but with a woman". Just date whoever you want and figure out what you prefer

No. 477985

>but to me it looks like it's mostly pragmatic… the first crushes you get are pretty representative of what you'll become (a bisexual who prefers women, or one more into men).
You are wrong. If you don’t experience it, then you have no business saying what it is or isn’t. Even just the last sentence in what I quoted shows how inaccurate your belief is. Lots of bisexual people don’t have permanent solidified sex preferences that form early and then never switch or change. Other people have different experiences than you. Suggesting that people with different experiences are making things up, confused, or misinterpreting their own feelings just because you don’t have those experiences is obnoxious.

No. 477999

I think it’s the same for any kind of hetero or homosexual person. Being with someone long term means that you actively chose them every time. Do you think that women in straight relationships don’t find other men attractive? Or that lesbians don’t find other women attractive?
We are visual beings and also seeing something new gives you stimuli. It’s knowing this but still choosing your lover that makes the long term relationship long.

No. 478000

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A what?

No. 478001

I don’t know nonna. I’ve been trying with no success, dating apps suck too.

No. 478016

Then, what is it? Do you really feel your preference changing rapidly?
>Other people have different experiences than you.
Yeah, that's why i put a caveat. My preference has been consistent throughout life and i've never heard of bi-cycling IRL from other bisexuals, so i was puzzled by the concept.

No. 478099

>ITT: classic bisluts justifying their infidelity
I really hope those of you end up dying alone.(bait)

No. 478772

In life it’s not so hard, you just need to work up the energy to be a part of the queer scene in your area and then everyone dates each other. On apps? Essentially impossible

No. 478774

Sometimes I wish there could be a federal mandate for every moid to start putting the same amount of effort into curating their appearance as the average woman for a period of at least 6 months so I could finally objectively determine which side my preferences lean towards

No. 478782

Straight moids who go after bisexual women need to be put down kek

No. 479267

My bi-cycle is extreme and lasts years, and when it switches it always feels like I’ve completely lost myself. It’s truly the hardest thing I go through in life. My entire self concept that I grew comfortable with for the past years is lost. It even extends into how I present myself. I get interested in masculine fashion and looking handsome when I am in one phase, and then in the other I suddenly become okay with dressing femininely and looking cute and lose interest in the style I had been crafting for the past years. When I am in one phase, I can’t understand how I was attracted to the people I was in the previous phase. It’s like a complete split of self where the me of the recent past becomes alien and unrecognizable. I grieve losing the crushes and loveI had before, i become depressed because I’m helpless to stop it and i know that “me” won’t return for another stretch of years. It’s like being pen pals across time.

I know what I experience is not normal even for bisexual people. 99.9% of people don’t even believe what I’m describing is possible. I’m alienated not only from myself but from everybody around me. I stay celibate and don’t pursue any relationships because I know my love can never last permanently even though I do fall in love strongly. I am so excruciatingly lonely.

I know a lot of people hate this topic but I have no other outlet to vent about this so please don't get mad at me. Not even therapists believed me or understood. I am completely alone in the world.

No. 479274

i don’t think this has anything to do with being bisexual, i think you have a personality disorder or something. i’m not intending this in any negative way and im stoney baloney right now so im likely not wording it as kindly as i could, but this is very extreme and the feeling of alienation and a total lack of concrete identity really doesn’t suggest this is directly related to your sexuality but rather that you are equating it to that to try and make sense of it

No. 479311

I do not have a personality disorder. My personality other than my sexuality is extremely stable. I have stable relationships with friends and family. If anything people would say I’m someone who has changed very little throughout my life, I’m known as having strong unchanging opinions, and I’m not easily influenced at all (to the point people say I’m stubborn and too self-assured). What happens with my sexuality is the antithesis of what happens in the rest of my life.

I wish it could just be explained away with a personality disorder. Maybe then I could get treatment for it.

No. 479335

You are the kind of person that makes people hate bisexuals. Fuck off from this thread and get help.

No. 479377

You sound like a retard who thinks too much about herself

No. 479384

my actual tangible experience changes. Of course I react to that. No one would be able to ignore that. It has nothing to do with “thinking about myself too much”. I go years with ZERO attraction to men, and then years with ZERO attraction to women. The fact that being honest about what I go through inspires seething hatred in others is almost as bad as going through it. I struggle so much and the only responses I ever get when I admit to my troubles is
>you’re insane
>you’re self-centered
>everyone hates you, and you deserve it
For something I cannot control and I already suffer from. It’s cruel. And no one cares that it is cruel. Like I said, I am alone in every way. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how I am going to explain this when the time comes, because no one irl knows what I go through but I’ll need to leave some sort of explanation. I’m not doing it any time soon, my goal is to wait until my parents are gone so I don’t have to explain anything, but it really just depends how long I can endure which I don’t know for sure. I’m sure I’ll even be mocked for that. Kek. I guess that’s just how people are.

No. 479398

do women find it weird if you have big nipples? i find them cute and funny personally but feeling a bit insecure.

No. 479407

I mean it depends on the woman? Personally I really prefer flat chests which doesn’t tend to occur with larger nipples but I don’t think I’d mind if it did. I’m sure you’re fine and the right girl won’t care and why would you want to be with someone like that anyways etc

No. 479424

>I’m alienated not only from myself but from everybody around me. I stay celibate and don’t pursue any relationships because I know my love can never last permanently even though I do fall in love strongly. I am so excruciatingly lonely.
I really, genuinely don't believe you can compare anything that happens entirely in your own imagination, like having crushes and then those crushes going extinct, or going through a phase where you're totally crushing on cartoon character X and then getting bored with that anime and no longer caring, to the feelings that people have when interacting with a partner in the real world. If you told me you were well into adulthood and this has ended relationships repeatedly, I might believe this is "bi-cycling" (as opposed to puberty, hormones, your own imagination, and going through phases) but it sounds like you are overly confident about how things will be in a situation you haven't experienced.

No. 479431

Lol. I know you don’t believe me. But I am not talking about cartoon characters and anime. I am a normal working adult over 25 who goes outside and interacts with people every day. So please don’t try to spin this like I’m some teenage NEET who has no clue how the world works and just spends all my time holed up in an anime poster covered bedroom. I’m talking about only being interested in one sex of IRL people, only noticing that sex of IRL people, feeling repulsion towards the thought of being intimate with the other sex, for a very long time and then suddenly having it switch on a dime and stay that way for another long stretch of years.

No. 479435

Right, here's the thing though. Are you talking about feelings you experience while in happy, healthy relationships that you started and ended after the age of 22-23, or are you talking about your thoughts and fantasies and desires in the absence of relationships?

No. 479436

Yeah, there’s no way that’s true.

No. 479437

As if you can’t tell what your sexuality is unless you’re actively in a relationship? Kek. Okay.

No. 479439

ntayrt but here's how I easily make sense of what's going on here: 1) so many people tend to spiral when they're trapped with their own thoughts/anxieties, and it's not hard to fall down a rabbit hole with a sexual preoccupation where you can't stop reading a certain type of fanfic or thinking about a certain kind of porn and then feel weird about it because it's a sexual thing you can't really discuss with friends. 2) I don't know about men, but I feel like women often get into these skinwalking phases where they'll watch a movie and wish they had a relationship just like the one in the movie or whatever. think of the cosplay cows who watch an anime, fall in love with it, and change their hair to be more like a character in it. that sort of thing. it's easier to go through sexual phases and say "I NEED a boyfriend just like this guy I have a crush on" and be completely obsessed for a while, and then have that totally fall off when it's taking place in your head and not a real, robust relationship with actual interaction.
if you were a reasonable and self-aware virgin, then of course I'd say you can tell what your sexuality is, but to be honest, you sound like you genuinely lack that kind of self knowledge and are making weird, nonsensical conclusions about what's going on when everyone else can tell that's not really what's up. think of like, mac on always sunny.

No. 479443

>not hard to fall down a rabbit hole where you can't stop reading a certain type of fanfic
>or thinking about a certain kind of porn
>women often get into these skinwalking phases where they'll watch a movie and wish they had a relationship just like the one in the movie or whatever.
Are you purposely trying to bait me? How many more times do I have to repeat that this is not about fanfics, anime, porn, or any other basement dweller pastime, but about real feelings and attraction for REAL LIFE people? That I experience in my normal adult life where I go to work, socialize, and meet people every day?
Or will you continue to just pretend I never said that so you can continue to write your own made up narrative about me being an undersocialized media addict?

No. 479444

Sure, you can keep saying that, but no one is going to believe you.

No. 479445

??? Okay. Then if you’re that determined to believe that I am lying then I don’t see the point in replying to anything you say since you seem to have already made up your mind.

No. 479450

I want a man and a woman to lick my clit at the same time. No I am not considering how this would be physically geometrically possible.
In a perfect world I would loveeee to have a ffm threesome. But not one where a couple is involved, I’d want all of us to be equally interested in each other, not some unicorn hunt. Which is why it can only happen in my perfect fantasy world.

No. 479457

I feel very sorry for you and the way other nonnies are treating you. Sometimes you need a kick up the arse but this doesn't seem like the time for it. Are you a radical feminist? When your sexuality has shifted, can you link it to any periods of your politics changing? What about any points of extreme stress or neurosis?
I disagree with the idea that sexuality as expressed isn't mediated through culture and psychological experiences– that is, it is a pristine idealistic expression, divorced of embodiment– so my background is more psychoanalytical: are your masculine versus feminine phases inversely linked to when you are attracted to women versus men? I wonder if perhaps these psychological transformations are not a result of the attraction shift, but the other way around: as you go through confident and less confident phases of your life (masculine vs. feminine), so too does your sexuality shift to reflect that in response to the heterosexual model of sexuality which it seems like you might be subconsciously dependent on.

You describe this as a complete split of the self where you do not even recognise yourself. It sounds like you have parts of your identity you have not been able to reconcile– your relation to men and women? Your confidence? Your loneliness?– as if, every few years, you have a rewrite so you don't have to think about who you really are. To be intimately seen is to be intimately known, and is a special sort of neurosis for women when it is wrapped up in the sexual body as a sexual politics. The reason I asked whether you're a radical feminist or not is because that that may influence when you're more comfortable expressing attraction to women versus when you then default to more heterosexual norms away from those political spaces, and how you may be simultaneously exposed to conventional heterosexual anti-sex values versus radical feminist anti-sex values (which they will emphatically deny they espouse, but that's neither here nor there; anyway I'm fairly sympathetic to them so don't bitch at me about it; I know more than you) leading to you flipping back and forth. If that's not the case, you can ignore it, but it's not the sort of question a therapist would know or be able to ask, so I figured I'd throw it out there.

The hardest part for you will be working towards accepting that these are all part of you– every cycle attracted to men and attracted to women. People will try to say you are not really bisexual, or you are straight, or you are a wannabe, or whatever– it is all very political and very identity politics– but there is nothing good about not being able to accept these long parts of your life, no matter which sex you actually end up attracted to. Who are you really? What are the things you actually want out of sex, and romance, and your life, and who you let yourself be? I really hope you figure it out, and I'm sorry you're so lonely. I don't think you an embarrassment to bisexuals. You sound very unhappy and it seems like it won't get better with the isolation of this experience. I don't think this is just about bisexuality, but this is about how you're supposed to live, and live well. I hope at the very least you can take away some sympathy from this.

No. 479462

Go be with scrotes and don’t disturb women’s time, I bet you won’t even be open about it.

No. 479472

This is a good answer, i thought AYRT seemed to have ego formation problems. Calling her BPD based on one post is wild but i get why anons thought that.
>you're more comfortable expressing attraction to women versus when you then default to more heterosexual norms away from those political spaces
It's funny because you could have worded it in reverse, there are women who are less comfortable expressing OSA as feminists so they default to aping or playing up a lesbian attraction.
I think regardless of AYRT's environment, she needs to realize this isn't a bi-cycling problem, it's more to do with her sense of self, like
>I’ve completely lost myself
>interested in masculine fashion and looking handsome when I am in one phase, and then in the other I suddenly become okay with dressing femininely
How is this a problem? It's just clothing. The fact that AYRT thinks it's a dramatic split points to a deeper problem with her sense of self. Not much to do with sexual orientation in itself.

No. 479498

met a friend of a friend over the new years and felt immediate attraction to him, was bizarre. im mid 20s and have never been attracted to a scrote before but im straight up getting obsessed with this one. worried that he thinks im not into dudes because im not very feminine. im unused to how moids communicate/drop hints, what should i be looking for in our interactions sisters…

No. 479543

I’m starting to think that bi-cycling is legitimately just bisexuality + BPD. I know this girl that is the exact same very masculine presentation/personality and even TIFs out when she only wants women, super girly manic pixie dream girl when she has a boyfriend. It’s not weird to change styles but it’s bizarre for who you’re attracted to to entirely dictate your cognition.

No. 479547

>You describe this as a complete split of the self where you do not even recognise yourself.
I should qualify that— I meant a complete split of the sexual/romantic parts of myself, as in, I don’t recognize or relate to that part of myself when it switches. I’m still very much the same person for all intents and purposes, it’s not like I look back and don’t recognize myself as a whole. I should have made that more clear but I assumed because I was writing it in a thread about sexuality, I thought people would know I was just talking about that aspect of self.
> How is this a problem? It's just clothing. The fact that AYRT thinks it's a dramatic split points to a deeper problem with her sense of self.
I don’t think the clothing is that serious. It’s far from the thing that bothers me most. I just included it as an example of something that tends to shift along with sexuality, which can be frustrating if you’ve been working on curating a wardrobe.
> bi-cycling is legitimately just bisexuality + BPD
I do not have BPD and I display none of the clinical symptoms of BPD. I have been to multiple therapists and psychologists throughout my life and the most I come away with is “you seem maybe a bit autistic”. I understand it’s easier for you to write off my experiences as “well she’s just cRAzY!” But it doesn’t make it true.

No. 479549

so what does attraction to men feel like? can someone explain it to me in an easy way?
I'm 100% sure i'm attracted to women, but I cant tell with men.

No. 479553

>real feelings and attraction for REAL LIFE people?
But again, are you talking about relationships with people you actually interact with and have sex with, or fantasy and feelings of attraction inside of your head?

No. 479557

Sorry, I simply do not agree with your assertion that you can’t know your sexuality unless you’re dating someone. Pretty much everyone on earth knew exactly what their sexuality was even before they started dating. It’s not hard to understand which sex turns you on.

No. 479562

nona… I am not telling you that a woman with a normal, stable sexuality can't know her sexuality without dating. I am telling you that, like a virgin who is being very confidently wrong about sex, you are extrapolating on your idle thoughts into how things work in real relationships, and you are scaring yourself with a conclusion that you are wrong about

No. 479567

>a virgin who is being very confidently wrong about sex
You literally know nothing about how I think about sex. You are making things up to suit your own explanation. I am a nearly 30 year old woman who lives a very normal life with a normal adult sex drive— suggesting that I’m too stupid or naive to understand what sex I’m attracted to is absurd and patronizing. I feel it as clearly as you or anyone else does.

No. 479572

>You literally know nothing about how I think about sex.
If you mean to say that I don't know how you feel about sexual attraction, then I do know, because you have typed it out in a million posts. If you failed to understand that that clause was an analogy and not calling you a virgin being wrong about sex, then I think that your critical thinking skills are generally lacking and that's how we got to this conversation in the first place

No. 479579

>Pretty much everyone on earth knew exactly what their sexuality was even before they started dating. It’s not hard to understand which sex turns you on.
Lol tell that to the non-goldstar """lesbians"""

No. 479584

If your this convinced that I don’t know what I’m talking about in regards to my own experiences of sexuality, then I don’t think continuing to engage with you is worthwhile. Just because you don’t experience this doesn’t mean it’s not real or a figment of my misunderstanding. I am not the only one who goes through this.

No. 479595

This discourse is so fucking retarded, I’m sick of it. Anon is saying it’s normal to know as an adult. Most non-goldstars had sex as teens. Straight women who have “experimented” with women AS ADULTS and concluded they are straight are never once doubted. Why? Because sexuality is who you’re attracted to, and it is possible to have had sex with someone you aren’t attracted to. Women who have had mostly long-term relationships with plenty of men but only slept with one or two women will still be called straight, even by bisexuals. She is never considered to be tainted by pussy, like magical dicks seem to do, heck their dicks don’t even have to be involved, if someone has so much as kissed or not even that! chastely dated a boy when she was young she is 100% 100% bisexual or straight. Why the double standard? Don’t give me that “there’s more incentive for a woman to larp as lesbian!” bullshit. Here in the real world, where I live, there is far more pressure as a young girl or woman to be with boys/men, hell there often isn’t even an opportunity to find another girl that likes girls let alone likes you specifically, if you’re unlucky. Experimenting is encouraged for OSA women who want to know if they really like women, but the inverse? Blasphemous.

I’m sick of pretending I agree with the goldstar discourse on /g/ nowadays. It is fucking retarded, and wrong.

No. 479606

>tfw biromantic asexual who comes off as a lesbian because i have a phobia of men and stay as far away from them as I possibly can/get annoyed with their presence
real life women and fictional husbandos for life I guess

No. 479614

>biromantic asexual
Go back to Tumblr

No. 479628

split attraction isn't a thing, you're just bi

No. 479639

Are you people illiterate? She never said she was questioning, this is the bisexual thread. She’s saying she gets told she is a lesbian.
>you’re just bi
Honestly, why even consider her that? She’s not attracted to women or men. She’s just asexual imo

No. 479640

>Honestly, why even consider her that? She’s not attracted to women or men. She’s just asexual imo
Because she's posting in the bisexual thread and said this?
>real life women and fictional husbandos for life I guess
that indicates interest in both sexes. "Biromantic" doesn't exist

No. 479756

I can't be the only bi anon ITT who'd place actual money on this GS discourse being some kind of troll attempt, at least partly. The way it spans over multiple threads and it's always the same retarded comments about how we're all sluts, it really sounds like it was written by a bepenised individual, pronouns unsure. Maybe I'm too soft but it still makes me feel bad for normie lesbians, nobody deserves to have their lack of interaction with moids made into such a mockery and parody. Not a pickme or whatever, I'm mostly bi4bi, but between this and every other terminally online AGP claiming he's a "dyke" I'd be so fucking angry if I was gay.

No. 479824

If you're bisexual, then why do you care about the goldstar discourse in the first place? It was never meant to include you.

No. 479833

I wish the GS retardation spanning over multiple threads was committed by a troon, but it's our resident Mexican hentai-addicted confirmed female lescel Yuripedo and her LDR Canadian discord mommy who are absolutely obsessed with both bisexuals and calling other lesbians such in their quest for lesbian purity despite only being gold star because they never leave their house or meet people.

No. 479842

stop lurking the lesbian threads instead of triggering yourself then lmfao.

No. 479847

Can't you read? It's her retardation that she keeps forcing in multiple other threads because she can't stop sperging outside of her designated containment zone.

No. 479850

My tinfoil is this GS infighting is driven by trolls and coping, sneaky fakebians. They've always been obsessed with bisexuals (hating what they actually are, if not heterosexual) and accusing their detractors of being goldstars (??) even if it's irrelevant, once again betraying their jealousy and complex about not being gay or SSA. The new crop of twitter/IB polilez has abandoned their old rhetoric (comphet, hating goldstars) to LARP as the superior lesbian goldstar instead, regardless of what they call themselves it's always about putting down other women and feeling smug about being the Better Girl. There are probably a bunch of bored moids/troons in the mix but this obsession with collecting medals for not fucking is unmistakeably a fakebian thing. If they were actual lesbians they'd just stay in their threads and complain about their own fakebian epidemic. All this agitation conceals a lie
Yup. The fact that AYRT is saying this in the bisexual thread tells you everything, she's right at home with us but can't keep herself from bragging about being the better girl kekk

No. 479857

>Anon is saying it’s normal to know as an adult.
Lolwhut are you putting words into an anon's mouth? There's no where in >>479557 where she's saying that. She's simply saying that sexuality is innate regardless whether you're an adult or teen.

No. 479907

I have a big crush on my new manager and it makes me feel like a moid. She's so polished and professional (which adds to it sorry), but makes it all that much worse because I'd hate hate hate it if I knew a moid was fantasising about a professionally acting and well dressed woman. She's very cool and assertive and she's amazing and really admirable for that but I keep imagining us getting too drunk together at a work party, I'll spare the details as this isn't a hornyposting thread.

No. 480024

I assume it's a trans false flag because of this being a 'terf imageboard' or a male false flag because of this being a 'female imageboard' since you can easily anonymously post here

No. 480087

Damn I had the same experience as an intern. I got a spark of false hope when I saw she started wearing a double venus necklace. I tried to be subtle with flirting because part of me figured she was too good/professional of a person to take me seriously esp with the age difference only for her to gently (but pointedly) bring up her wife in every other conversation for like a week straight when she caught on. Very embarrassing but she still gave me a good reference

No. 480245

Kek nonna that's mortifying, thanks for sharing. That must've stung more, I presume my manager is straight such is some solace

No. 480288

Does birth control affect your preferences at all? Not necessarily gender-wise, I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced preferences of masculinity and femininity changing due to hormones.

No. 480414

>girl i like says she's actually a closeted twans man and has been on T for the better part of a year (genuinely could not tell) and is friends with a bunch of TIMs

normal bi women really went extinct around 2016 huh?

No. 480530

Those het leaning TIFs who microdose T to the point where you'd think it was for a chihuahua are often so cute tbh. My heart goes out to you nonna, life is so unfair

No. 480594

I really hate the "bi" women who claim they're attracted to "all women and 1 man" and guess who they exclusively date

No. 480947

Do you spend more time in the het threads or SSA threads on /g/? I’m curious on the ratio since I always assume the het threads are straight women and the gay threads are lesbians, I forget there must be some bi nonas too.

No. 480949

the only way i participate in het threads is telling people "wrong thread" when they put an ugly man in the attractive man thread kek. I used to be very active in ssa threads and even basically was 90% of the female fantasy thread for like a year and a half but then I had a falling out with the crush I was fantasizing about all the time and these days I don't really think about men or women enough to use any of the threads.

No. 480950

Kek you must be the nona I had an interaction with before. The thread was really active for a while, back then I also had a bunch of fantasy inspiration from my crush, god I was horny 24/7. I still like her she just has a boyfriend now, fuck

No. 480953

me too, i was literally so horny i was masturbating morning, day, and night, to the thought of her, i could not control myself. And yeah, mine got a husband too and changed a lot. Finally I'm basically over her but now my life feels…empty.

No. 480960

I'm trying to rekindle my attraction to men, but i keep failing. The other night I saw a video clip with a handsome man, and I was feeling like maybe I could be receptive to some man smut, so i went to a subreddit where men post themselves jacking off. It was horrible. The ballsacks get fucking whiplashed chaotically around like bulldog's jowels if it was jumping rope. I tried covering the balls but it didn't really help, the whole motion of jacking off is so intensely stupid looking. Got turned off and gave up. I used to be really into stuff like that. Maybe one day my attraction to penises will return from war.

No. 480969

Aw I’m so fucking sorry nona, I know how shit that must feel. Wishing you the best ♥

No. 480990

I think I ended up with more moids in the years I was on birth control but I don’t know that my own attraction was specifically effected. It has a bit of a feminizing effect so maybe I was just more appealing to moids than to wlw?

No. 480994

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Is your type in women a lot different than your type in men?

For myself it’s about the exact same look like picrel, which funnily enough ends up being more common in moids. I especially like being towered over but it’s tricky since I’m a bit over 5’7”

No. 481164

I only briefly tried birth control but I feel like it made me a lot more attracted to men. Funny because it also made me feel emotionally and physically like shit, heterosexuality is just another side effect. But seriosly dont recommend that shit unless you have medical reason, if you have a moid just make him wear a condom.

No. 481312

Is it normal to be attracted to a wider variety of women's body types than men? I think most body types on women look good, from curvy to muscular to skinny to fat. As long as she doesn't have a bad face or personality, I could find any woman attractive. Men, however, have a laundry list of very specific standards that I will refuse to date them if they don't meet said standards. I can't imagine dating or getting serious with a man unless he's perfect, but I'm willing to compromise on flawed women.

No. 481511

I'm the opposite. My type in women is very specific but I can be attracted to a wide range of men. The catch is that my one type of woman i like better than any type of man. But it's rare so i am single4lyfe

No. 481541

It makes sense, there’s a lot greater of a variety of female body types that are considered attracted even in mainstream media. I think it boils down to women having more adjustable parameters for height weight and overall build (ie tall lanky androgynous, average height muscular, short curvy) but for moids the only conventionally accepted is tall, medium to large frame and some degree of muscularity

No. 481614

this is why i exclusively engage with solo male edging content because for those moids the whole game is to touch their dick as little as possible to put off cooming, so theyre extremely delicate and visbily sensitive and receptive to touch which is infinitely sexier than watching some schlub smack his gross flaccid meat around until he gets a semi and then give up.
weirdly i feel more attracted to moids when im off bc.

No. 481898

>for moids the only conventionally accepted is tall, medium to large frame and some degree of muscularity
I don't think this is true unless you're assuming that every unconventionally attractive sex symbol is just the result of virtue signaling and women aren't really attracted to them kek. The guy who played spiderman is delicate and short, there are lots of short/chubby/facially busted actors who are renowned for their personality, and so on

No. 481933

Ehh somewhat.Kinda hard to really say since I don’t really have any hardset attractions and I find many styles/expressions that man and women can have hot.But I’m generally more attracted to stern,older,fashionable women than men who also have those attributes.But whatever style/shape/size/ect I find men attractive in I’m pretty much sure to find women in those exact categories somewhat more attractive.

No. 482985

I wish there was a febfem thread.

No. 483211

Do you think women who say they’re bisexual but don’t date women are genuinely bisexual with reasons for only being with men, or straight? Just curious on what you all think

No. 483218

It'll just turn into manhate instead of SSA discussions, we don't need a new thread to manhate
I assume many if not most aren't bisexual in any real way, especially if they're millenial or zoomer. The rest seem to believe women are inferior/not worth the trouble and you can't really love an inferior being. It's like how some scrotes are literally incapable of seeing women as full humans and worthy of something beyond sexual interest, they're the female version of that

No. 483230

I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they can't find women to date, but that's mostly me projecting because nobody is interested in me.

No. 483337

It just depends too much on individual cases to even make a generalization like could be family and religious hang ups, could be lack of options, could be internalized lesbophobia and fear of coming across predatory, could be laziness and emotional unavailability (me lately), could be a victim of the sapphic master doc, etc.

I think it’s really lame irl to box people into real or fake bisexual. Like going “well ackshully” to someone on what or who they’re attracted to is insane. My personal theory is that everyone is at least a little bi (see: prison gay) and women as always are more self-aware so they’ll jump for the label

No. 483339

It's a mixed bag of course, you probably have the ones that can't find women to date or date men for the societal safety or something but a lot of them are just fakes. Bonus cow points if they start identifying as lesbian once they're done

No. 483342

>My personal theory is that everyone is at least a little bi
kek i wish this was true. hard straights are more common and extremely obvious

No. 483367

Did anyone else go through a fake bisexual phase (I was 14 go easy on me), grow up a bit and write off the idea completely while kicking yourself for being a retard back then, and then get blindsided by real bisexuality later? Kek. I think I will never truly believe that I’m bisexual because of how long I spent thinking past me was a retarded straight girl.

No. 483369

Yes, I was 12

No. 483376

No they are not , they never actively try. I honestly think that they’re “not like other straights, I’m cool!”. Normal bi women don’t go around saying that they “loooove women” so much, they date a scrote they like , they break up and then they date another man or another woman that they like.
I feel like many people take bisexuality as a quirky thing. It’s not really that deep.

No. 483458

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>It's like how some scrotes are literally incapable of seeing women as full humans and worthy of something beyond sexual interest, they're the female version of that
Said perfectly imo. I think sexist women looking for pickme points from moids will use their sexual attraction to women the same way moids bond with each other over sexual attraction to women. I'd love to say they were all just lying straight girls but women used to post on twitter all the time about how they love sex with girls but can't stand their personalities and it rings true to me. I don't have any good examples but this cardi b tweet is similar. The tweet she's "clapping back" at mentioned dating, but of course she doesn't mention dating in her reply because it never even occurred to her that women are worth dating. Truly hate this bitch kek

No. 483481

Same with the bi women who say they check out other women with their boyfriends to get chill cool points in the eyes of other men and to prove their boyfriends aren't predatory. You're a pickme and he's probably cheating on you, lady.

No. 483569

sort of? I was naturally almost exactly like the tumblr bisexual stereotype (right down to the autistic frog fixation) as a kid and people told me or presumed I was bi and I kinda just went along with it. I even hooked up with a few girls in hs but in the back of my mind I was so in denial for some reason I was always thinking like “haha what a crazy corner I’ve let myself be backed into”

But then in college I fell in love with the sluttiest lesbian in the world and had multiple meltdowns over the whole thing kek

No. 483571

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>The ballsacks get fucking whiplashed chaotically around like bulldog's jowels if it was jumping rope

No. 483574

Laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes imagining nonna cover the balls on her screen

No. 483596

I think there are both cases, bis who dont date women because of internalised homophobia, wanting "traditional" family, being pickmes for men etc and straight women who want to hop on the queer trend. And there are women who just dont attract other women, when I was younger I was such a socially retarded loser I dated only moids (and even those were gross ones) because that was what I could get.

No. 483690

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Why do some bi women have absolutely insane standards for women but will bend over backwards for the greasiest trash trailer scrotes? It's like pickmeism update 2.0. They also have a tendency to hate other bi women too for not being the perfect lesbian fantasy they crave kek.

No. 483696

Gay panic is the legal basis for homophobic murders. Turning it into a silly catchphrase with “bi panic” is so… dense.

No. 483712

My tinfoil is that bi women who do this arent even bi, they just want to be special so they regurgitate whatever scrotes and the media thinks is hot when asked their opinion on a woman's appearance or what woman they find attractive. They always go for the safest most done-up "baddie" or fake celebrity type. If these kinds of fake bis saw some of the women I've liked they'd run away screaming kek

No. 483930

I finally deleted instagram. No more panic attacks and meltdowns about seeing her make googoo eyes at her horrible new husband.
I am going to miss her forever.

No. 485132

KEKKK yes. I identified as bi at around 13 because I thought it was a cool thing but I never actually thought of the implications seriously. I always switched between straight and bi. Most if not all the time I just said straight nonetheless because I never felt the same way towards girls as I did for the guys I did have a crush on. And then I grew older and ended up developing strong feelings for a girl and it really broke me.

No. 486576

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>tfw this is supposed to sound ridiculous but is basically what happened to me

No. 488076

Moid negging is always obvious and never gets to me except as a sign to pack it up and dip; getting negged by the one toxic femme I dated on the other hand, took me forever to catch on and still haunts me years later

No. 488105

it bothered you because she was better at delivering the neg or just because you only take it seriously if it's coming from a woman?

No. 489744

Definitely both, didn’t help that we kinda looked alike but she was more successful and objectively a lot more polished, I guess I kinda looked up to her

No. 491703

Asking as an autistic nonna: do women tend to neg differently to men, and what are some examples? I'm not sure I've experienced it from another woman before despite dating them but definitely have from men

No. 491820

Never dated men, for me and the girls I’ve dated it was kind of a competition thing but not between us really, more between one of us and friends who were potential partners/crushes. I think it really depends on the kinds of people you are. Everyone I knew was kind of hierarchal about weight and there was a high concentration of very pretty people, so negging would involve subtle remarks about weight/eating and/or fawning over other women we knew. There was this slight undercurrent of either “you could be better (like them)” or “i could do better (be with them, not you)”. I think even I participated in this a little.

But I think my situation is an unusual one, being in a large web of above-average looking SSA women who prefer women. It meant they always felt like there were a lot of options, but the options were prettier, “cooler” women instead of moids. I remember feeling insecure because I would flip between feeling as though I needed to be feminine for a masc woman or vice versa. There was kind of more to it too as it was a very unnormie group but I digress.

How do men neg? I have no clue, I’ve only experienced it as a part of a larger network like being compared to friends.

No. 493408

I am sooooo depressed. I’m one of those bisexual women who is in love with natural androgyny. I’m having such a hard time getting over a crush (more like an obsession tbh). This woman was the most perfect form of human I have ever seen, she was like a perfect harmonious mixture of feminine and masculine traits. Neither side overpowered the other, you could look at her from all sorts of different perspectives and see her in a new way every time, like a beautiful prism. Seeing her felt like some sort of holy experience, I’ve never been religious but she could have made me believe, she was so perfectly crafted. Even her voice was heavenly, distinctly female but low and soft and smooth as butter. I literally have to stop myself from creating devotional artwork of her because I know it’s psychotic. She’s straight but no matter how hard I try to move on from her I can’t, I still daydream about every detail of shape of her lips. Her lips were seriously the most beautiful and adorable thing I’ve ever seen. Even her teeth were perfect and cute and I even loved her gummy smile.

I’m depressed because I feel like she has ruined my ability to be attracted to anyone else in the world. It’s like I’ve seen god’s most perfect human being and after that, absolutely no one catches my eye. Like she was on some sort of special elevated level that I can’t go back from. I swear to god I didn’t used to be this insane. I know I sound completely nuts and I hate that, too. Every day I wish I could be normal with a normal romantic life. Instead I am stuck being crazy, I think maybe forever at this point

No. 493410

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>gummy smile
Epstein had that, may this will help with your limerence

No. 493442

The problem I have is that with girls, they are sweet and emotionally satisfying, they're deep thinkers and can commit and are appreciative. The problem is that, they're just not that sexual, at least the ones I find. I have a really high libido, I think about sex throughout the day and get horny really easily and I have yet to find a like minded girl. Then you have boys, the problem with them is that they like the sex, some of them can even keep up but they're emotional voids. They're invalids, they don't have any sweetness or sentimentality. Even if they think that they do, they really don't, they don't appreciate enough.
I just want someone who is loving and emotionally intelligent but also really horny.

No. 493445

Physically I don't think I have a preference for women or men, under ideal conditions but in practice the average woman takes good care of herself and the average man is a slob, so I see WAY MORE women I am attracted to than men, but on the rare occasion I encounter a qt moid it can be a little disarming.

No. 493490

What is wrong with you?

No. 493785

>tfw trump comes out as queer and poly with elon and vance

I want it just to see how the "bi men are naturally soft and kind unlike those het men" libfem types react

No. 494460

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i feel like this meme. fuck my stupid bicel life

No. 494607


Love this term tbh. I've been mentally calling myself a "bincel" for way too long but might actually prefer this

No. 494641

Nta "bincel" sounds awful of a word kek

No. 494652

I have actually dated women who were much more horny compared to the men. There is hope anon.

Also me as single getting rejected by both sexes. But after many failed dates I found a woman who is into me. Again, there is hope.

No. 496815

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there is this girl who obviously wants to sleep with me and keeps texting me with messages that read as “I’m available” and expects me to make the first move
I’m not attracted to her at all. Maybe if I squint my eyes enough and avoid kissing her but I seriously don’t want anything. Every time she texts me it feels low-key like a chore. It doesn’t flow too well when we talk.

Ive thought of saying fuck it and having sex with her once im horny enough but I feel like I’ll end up regretting this decision. Or maybe I’m too anxious about shit that hasn’t even happened yet.

I’ve been wanting to sleep with a girl for quite a while now but all the ones I’m truly interested in aren’t available/interested and I feel like I’m not desesperate enough to do it with someone I don’t fully connect with.

Maybe I could give it a try, what do you think nonnas

No. 496826

I think I've made my decision and I want another autist woman as a life partner who is alright with me using husbandos to get what I need. I can't imagine a functioning relationship with a man where I can truly be myself.

No. 496838

Date another yume. The best life

No. 497195

I'm bisexual, do doubt about it. But I am mentally ill in the sense that, when I am single, I don't know what the fuck I want. Men can be hot and have sex with them, maybe date. But I don't see myself living with one long term, because a lot of men live disgusting. When it comes to women, I would have sex with them, date them, and live long term - I just don't see a woman ever possibly wanting that with me, though.

No. 497674

I was like this once with a similar androgynous tomboy
When I was 15

No. 497758

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i've been dating this guy for about half a year now but i keep having this weird feeling when im on my own about how i wish i was dating a woman instead. like, they're only around when i'm not around him– in fact, it's nearly the exact opposite when we're spending time together. i wish these dumb thoughts would stop popping up because i'm obviously bisexual (stronger preference for women and have mostly dated them– i'd assume this is why i keep thinking these things) and it's driving me a little crazy because i genuinely do like him and want to spend the rest of my life with him, especially since he respects my desire to not have kids.

No. 497797

>I just don't see a woman ever possibly wanting that with me
Why? This sentence says a lot more about you than you think kek.

No. 497805

How many times is a post exactly like this going to be posted in these threads? I’ve had to have seen like 15 in my time here alone.

No. 497970

They're attracted to all women but somehow ended up with a man…

No. 498219

Something similar has happened to me and a friend of mine. I feel happy being with my Nigel despite him being a Nigel. Maybe I’m too committed to leave him for a girl I like.

My friend who is somewhat older than me dated a bunch of men who never made her feel the way her current gf makes her feel. She described it as “I felt safe and comfortable with a man but never excited about it” until she dumped her last ex boyfriend for this girl who have her everything all the men she dated (who were often abusive) never gave her. She’s so in love in fact she wants to get married and have kids with her, something I never imagined her saying years ago.

If you don’t see your relationship with this man going anywhere just dump him and try dating women instead. If you’re committed to him, stay. I don’t see an issue with fantasizing about other people but if it’s constant I feel it’s your heart telling you you are in need of something different from what you already have.

No. 498257

You are right nonna, I need to stop putting over women above me. If a woman wants to be with me, why wouldn't she want a future together?

No. 498617

I gotta admit, LC is where I first heard the term "bi-cycling" and it's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. It's on the same level as retards calling themselves "dark empaths" after watching a "secret psychology" AIslop YouTube Short.

No. 500708

Do you share clothes with your gfs? I feel like that would be cute but Im much bigger than my gf and also the women I dated previosly. At least we wont end up looking like sisters kek.

No. 500738

I understand it makes you mad that other people experience things like that and you are afraid of being stereotyped based on that, but this is not the way. Refusing to acknowledge bi-cycling only creates more “ex-lesbians” or “late bloomer lesbians” that in reality have a past Nigel list 5 miles long. Both of these people are bi and do more damage to bisexual people’s collective reputation as they barge into lesbian communities or claim it’s possible to grow out of lesbianism than if they are allowed to learn about and acknowledge bicycling.

No. 500759

Honestly I’ve heard it since I was a teen and I’m in my mid-thirties now. I think it sounds accurate to some people.

No. 504920

Anyone else experience women being horny for you and only wanting sex with you while men are interested in you as a person and want a relationship? Cause I'm a little sick of it. I can't see myself in a relationship with a woman because of that, all they've ever wanted from me is my body.

No. 504937

Men want the same my dear. It’s just that being in a relationship is beneficial for them kek.
It’s the age we live in.

No. 508863

i thought i was a lesbian cause ever since puberty i've only had sexual thought about women. but after i almost went to the psych ward because of a girl i'm dating this guy and i do love him and i could spend the rest of my life with him because we have compatible personalities and values but like i might be bisexual but i still don't really have interest in sexual relationships with men. he likes me like that but honestly idk if i want that but he also said we don't have to have sex ever if i don't want to. also no i was never molested.

No. 508919

I want to break up with my girlfriend, I can't take her gender shit anymore but I feel like every gay woman is some form of tranny now and every lesbian couple I see, one of them is at least a they/them, it's all so tiring. We never talk about gendershit but today she talked about her gender stuff and I just had to try so hard to not roll my eyes. It's unfair to her too, that she's with someone who doesn't fully accept her. Maybe it's best for us to part ways.

No. 509346

If you were to break up, do you think you'd be honest about why you were ending it? Or would you avoid directly addressing gendershit as a crypto? No judgement btw, I can see the reasons for both

No. 509465

I don't know honestly, but seeing the idiot I've been so far, I'd probably not be honest.

No. 509527

Did she troon out during the relationship or why did you start dating her in the first place? But breaking up might be the only option unless she seems to start regretting it.

No. 510496

You didn't really give much detail about your relationship outside of this but I agree with you that it's probably unfair to both of you to be with a partner you can't really be honest with. The fact you want to roll your eyes at your girlfriend's opinions (that seem to be really important to her) is pretty much one of the best reasons to break up, because it's hard to maintain a relationship of mutual respect when you can't even have a respectful conversation about your disagreements, and it's likely to fester. If you don't want to break up yet you can try actually talking to her about your feelings about gendershit and seeing if you can convince her, because maybe you could get back to a place where you can respectfully talk to each other about your views, but the risk is that she would think you were a bigot and it would lead to a less amicable breakup.

>every gay woman is some form of tranny now and every lesbian couple I see, one of them is at least a they/them

My lesbian ex-best-friend had this problem because she was sort of gender critical but could only find dates who were some kind of trans and she ended up basically guilting and gaslighting herself back into being a gendie cheerleader herself, it was sad. FWIW as a bisexual who pretty much only dated other bi (not lesbian) women, all my exes who I'm still friends with are anti-gendie or at least mildly gender critical, so it's possible to find other women to date who are not into gendershit but ime they tend to be the kind of women that don't hang out a lot in the 'LGBT community.'

No. 510503

Don't be a coward. Talk to her about it first. You're dating a woman that can be reasoned with, not some retarded moid.

No. 510580

File: 1742687178851.jpg (38.02 KB, 680x844, 64b-2535399508.jpg)

>be me
>want fellow tomboy girlfriend
>can't find one irl because of shit conservative country
>look online
>every site and app is full of male trannies and handmaiden fem women
>only tomboys i can find are tifs and theyfabs
>fuck it, whatever
>make profile that makes it clear i'm only looking for tifs
>tifs ignore it because i'm a woman and all of them are either straight or prison gay with other tifs
>dms flooded with illiterate moids instead

there's no fucking hope for me it's so over

No. 510892

File: 1742732460194.gif (1.08 MB, 275x275, 1741479378911.gif)

i feel your pain nona. i went on a friend finder/dating app recently and every woman my age i saw could be put into either of these categories:
>extremely put-together feminine normie straight woman looking for a bestieeee
>"wlw sapphic" she/they caked in tiktok makeup who is "attracted to ALL women and one man - her boyfriend of three years", TERFS DNI!!!
>self-diagnosed autism adhd depression ptsd he/she/it aroace genderfluid hamplanet looking for people to infodump about her fictional blorbos to
my country is somewhat conservative too but tiktok rotted everyone's brains

No. 512455

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Feels bad nonnas. I'm a britbong and recently got Tinder back and I'm honestly surprised by the amount of "baesic" single women on there who seem to be looking for their first same sex experience after having kids. They're sort of like picrel but 10ish% less hyperfeminine, idk how else to describe it

No. 512456


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