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No. 466899
Lolita general:
>>>/g/208345Drama thread:
>>>/w/338177(shit OP and OP is spamming thread) No. 467229
>>467161if i'm not mistaken, she's from mexico. been out of the lolita world for almost a decade now but i remember she was insufferable online.
>>466914this looks like a really old picture of some girl i used to know back in the day
No. 467403
taobao and its consequences have been a disaster for the lolita community
>>467031why are men so fucking ugly
No. 467526
Omg yay I'm so happy, /cgl/ is so dead.
>>466900I am so sick of seeing her everywhere. Literally any website I visit for any content remotely related to EGL shoves her into my face. Ugly coords, ugly shooping, and the ugliest makeup that I have ever seen in my entire life. It doesn't help that every other word to come out of her mouth is classic ita-tier misinformation. Everything about her screams "I get everything about my personality from Tiktok." Guarantee she was an uber-normie until the pandemic tiktok boom, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's obvious it was the case given that (and I can't stress this enough) godawful makeup that looks like a parody of every Deftones-listening tiktok teen that calls themselves goth. Sorry for ranting nonnies but I'm so sick of seeing her lmao, I think it's because she's doing both herself and lolita a huge disservice by insisting on wearing it like this. She'd look so much better attempting tradgoth or leaning fully into contemporary tiktok goth.
>>466903Fuuuuuug this all looks like actual garbage.
>>467416>the uwu we should just be nice mentality has caused undeniable amounts of damage to the lolita community.It's the #1 reason for the huge boom in itas in the past decade. Honestly lolita is going to stop being known for its actual silhouette and other trademarks very soon if I had to guess, and the people sticking to them are going to be seen as party poopers eventually. Or at least I'm scared of that happening.
No. 467686
>>467512Go read the lolita thread
>>467672Go familiarize yourself with the rules of cgl and the general state of that board, and think about whether you’d want to post there
No. 467700
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>>467379i agree with OP in that i don't think it's 'ita' but something's off about this one. It looks like the greens aren't actually that similar in shade but the colors have been tweaked to look like it matches more closely. her skin's the same color as her hair in the second photo ffs.
also i can't help but imagine her headwear is the result of someone upending a toybox over her head.
>>467526i genuinely do not understand why she chose to do this style of makeup except to be edgy. she looks like something out of a horror movie.
No. 467703
>>467403is it just me or did it feel like the price point used to be a gatekeeping method
like not in the 'no fatties allowed' way but in the sense that someone doing it for a fetish would rarely spend over $300 to fulfill that fetish. Now that the cost's been reduced to around half of that it's much more accessible to dudes who would have otherwise spent their cash on cheap satin sissy shit.
No. 467755
>>467703Definitely. And now that nobody cares about adhering to the fashion's guideliines, anything can now be lolita and you only have to spend $30 on aliexpress/amazon/shien to do it! Even bodyline and milanoo were better than the current batch of itaslop. I wish they would at least use taobao if they're gonna insist on nonburando, but that takes too much effort.
Unrelated, but who else is part of big ribcage and broad shoulders gang here? I am underweight and short but it's so hard to dress myself according to my body type because of how WIDE my upper half is. I hate how common sack dresses, empire waistlines, and babydoll cuts are! I'm so jealous of everyone with less severe proportions.
No. 468657
>>467755>i am underweight and short but it's so hard to dress myself according to my body type because of how WIDE my upper half is. I hate how common sack dresses, empire waistlines, and babydoll cuts are!just stop wearing sweet. problem solved.
t. another skinny lolita with a large ribcage measurement
No. 468847
>>467703It wasn't just the price point of the dresses themselves, there were brand events and comm events that required a lot more cash than the average AGP was willing to drop. Plus the brand accessories, DIY dresses that were expected to be made to the same standards as brand dresses, color matching, different petticoats for different skirt shapes, the shoes, and other things like wigs and makeup and nails to complete the look, added significantly to the cost, and they were expected to be part of the coord in some capacity. Itas were ripped to shreds and anyone who sauntered up to a meet in wrinkly Milanoo cosplay was ridiculed on every lolita community on LJ. Now we're all expected to be oh so welcoming to newbies who impulse buy sissy dresses on Temu and don't understand why it's different to BTSSB. Of course disgusting troons feel comfortable in lolita. Kids and moids shit up our spaces and we're expected to cheer them on instead of kicking them out.
Honestly even Taobao didn't destroy lolita in the 2010s when it took off. Patterned tights, those halo headdresses, peignoirs and veils were often bought from local sellers or thrifted. There were spreadsheets going over the quality of the pieces from the popular Taobao sellers. Taobao lolitas were the new Bodyline lolitas but they were still expected to put in the work.
Now it's easy to buy all of that with no research, turn up in pesticide laden polyester knockoffs, do a skirt spinny no undies in front of the underage girls, and get all the asspats in the world for it.
No. 468917
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>>468838I only use instagram and pinterest for my lolita inspiration nowadays. I'm tired of seeing men and itas. A lot of itas genuinely view lolita as a costume rather than actual clothes and as a competition to try and make the most elaborate and most uncomfortable looking co-ords possible. I am sick of seeing try hard co-ords with demonias, harnesses, greasy hair, ill fitting dresses, morbid obesity and ugly heavy makeup. I generally don't like OTT outfits as it is anyways, i like boring ass old school outfits and i HATE creativity. This desperate need for creativity is what's fueling all these fucking itas. The fact that lolita is supposed to be cute and elegant is lost on itas who are obsessed with being as edgy as possible. This is not the space to try to be special or unique. I can't fathom opening up an gothic lolita bible and seeing a gorgeous moitie co-ord and thinking it would look better if Mana was wearing poorly applied green lipstick, musty leg warmers and rainbow fishnet. Every single one of these itas should just give up on being a part of the community and wear general alt stuff. Don't even get me started on the creepy agps, i am tired.
No. 469205
>>468917>itas genuinely view lolita as a costume rather than actual clothesI think this is a good summarization of the ita ethos in general, along with their perspective of there being no rules in fashion despite their wanting to be recognized as being a part of a specific subculture that does have rules. They're like trannies in many ways.
>demoniasI really like the mary jane offerings by Demonia, they're great for old school looks, but I agree that their huge boots look pretty bad in general but especially with lolita. I totally agree with all your points and I think the main issue with current itas is that they DO see lolita as extremely alt so to them that means it must go well with fishnets, 4 inch boots, and hot pink hair.
No. 469379
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No. 469588
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No. 469616
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>>467395It’s still cheaper than brand but it’s not at the shein tier prices they’d like
This is one of the only taobao dresses I actually want (it’s usually sold out though so I haven’t had any luck yet) and even then it runs for 80 bucks compared to the typical 20-40 you see on the app for costume wear.
No. 469640
>>469588Cute, needs a cape or bolero and different shoes
>>469379Her danger hair would look great in a coord if she curled it or straightened it. Looks like she takes good care of it which is better than the vast majority of itas
No. 469730
>>469379People would go crazy for this if she had sausage curls and platforms kek.
>>469588I think this is fine and cute, it's pretty obvious she's going for an old school vibe with the blouse, tame silhouette, headdress, that skirt print, and all the raschel lace. Agree with the other anon that different shoes would be better (chunkier!), and imo a different bag.
No. 470548
>>470171I don’t think I do? At most maybe I posted it another thread one time months ago
You guys are such hyper autists goddamn.
No. 470764
>>468917>a lot of itas genuinely view lolita as a costume rather than actual clothesBecause there is hardly anyone that wears lolita as practical everyday wear. It might as well be a costume. Even the toned down classic lolita silhouette will still draw the attention of normies who are wondering why "you're so dressed up?" Put a pastel vomit taobao ita next to your best dressed brand and normies will think they are costumes with the only distinction being that one better coordinated their costume than the other. You might as well be creative and have fun with it because people aren't taking you seriously anyway.
I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but it's the truth. Ita has nothing to do whether someone finds the fashion to be 'costumey' or not, I assure you that the taobao itas have as shit fashion sense in their every day wear too and lolita is no exception for them.
But death to agps regardless.
No. 470911
>>469619Eyebrows should be as much a requirement as a petticoat.
>>470764It may depend on the lifestyle, but quite a few lolitas find the clothing suitably practical for every day wear. I do think meet-ups garner more "why are you dressed up?" questions than a classic (or more maturely styled sweet) lonelita encounters. Having people with anime-colored hair in the group likely encourages costume/cosplay questions as well, but the costume assumption is more due to having a mass of people dressed in such a way.
No. 471084
>>471083If someone does makeup like
>>466900, it is ita no matter how good the coord and hair are.
No. 471094
>>471083no that's wrong. ignoring your makeup/hair/grooming creates a weird cognitive dissonance between yourself and your clothing. lolita needs some level of grooming and ability to dress yourself to look good. that's why most perma-itas are always unkempt or greasy in improperly fitted clothing. lolita, and all subculture fashions are less about expressing your uniqueness through fashion and more about finding something that aligns with the you that you're trying to express. that's why
>>466900 always looks so bad despite her alright coords. she's creating cognitive dissonance with her edgy drag makeup.
No. 471124
>>470764I know this is gonna sound crazy to you but people use an alternative fashion to express themselves. Just because it's tacky doesn't mean it's costume-y.
>caring about what normies thinkgtfo egl
No. 471226
>>471094>lolita, and all subculture fashions are less about expressing your uniqueness through fashion and more about finding something that aligns with the you that you're trying to expressI think this ties in to what
>>468917 was saying. There is a disconnect between people who wear lolita simply because it is unique and attention-grabbing. They treat it like a costume and try wacky-zany things to make themselves the most unique of all lolitas, while also often engaging in mannerisms that are in direct contrast to the image of the fashion (screeching inappropriate language in a cafe meetup, the whole slew of edgy oldschoolers who take pictures posing with dead animals they find in a ditch or their own urine). To them, lolita is another avenue for getting attention, with the end goal of being the #1 most unique person on the planet, hence their need to differentiate themselves from other lolitas. This is different than someone who wears lolita to express a version of themselves. They aren't seeking attention and are happy to wear lolita even if no one else sees them. The clothes just happen to suit their tastes and reflect their aspirations.
No. 472128
File: 1737157718449.jpg (863.01 KB, 3080x3640, 1000063828.jpg) fat troon has the shirring beyond maxed and doesn't even have moobs wtf
No. 472129
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Over/under on if he wore a diaper to AP Paris too?
No. 472286
>>466982I live in a smaller city where any sort of unusual fashion is rare and people were telling me about a particular other girl in town who ostensibly wears clothes like mine. I eventually saw her on the street and I had a similar reaction as you, she turned out to be all in on that sort of cheap, vaguely lolita aliexpress-tier garbage but there was something cute and charming about it anyway. Maybe it's because she's just someone having fun on her own in Middleofnowhere Midwest and not an obnoxious TikToklita loudly invading lolita spaces for clout but it was weirdly nice to see someone trying even if her coord was terrible.
>>468009A good wig with bangs would easily fix hair issues in a lot of cases and I think the makeup wouldn't even be such a big issue if she had a fitting hairstyle.
Unpopular opinion but even no makeup is honestly just fine in a lot of simpler coords, although good skincare and grooming become crucial, which is what itas miss. It's skipping basic hygiene and poor styling skills that really ruin a coord, not just lack of makeup… Unless you're doing insane clown drag makeup like a lot of people are, for some reason, I guess.