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No. 51328
Okay. So, uni problems. I'm edging on 21- and I can't bring myself to get into uni.
At first, I took a year off because I was home schooled and the timing wasn't right, so the whole semester/year bullshit didn't work out. Then, I ended up going to college/uni/whatever and had to withdraw two months in because I had a sleeping disorder- idiopathic hypersomnia; sleeping 8-16 hours for no real reason, missing all my day classes, etc.
Now, I'm taking another year off (when I should be a junior) to try and gather money to go back to college to salvage my education- the problem is, I don't have a job, I can't leave my house, and I have no idea if I will be able to leave my house anytime soon.
I've become a huge shut in. And it's really frustrating because I like school. A lot. I really like school. I like learning and reading and late nights and gossiping with people and meeting new people and adventures- basically all the bullshit that college is. I just have no idea if I'm ever going to be able to work up to being able to getting out of the house for more than a doctors visit to go to do the things I used to enjoy. I'm really fucking depressed but I don't want to be- I just want to be able to be normal so I can be able to go to college.
I am legitimately so fucking stressed and annoyed at myself. That is all.
No. 51332
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Bleh, I know this thread has been dead for about a month, but I figured I should post something somewhere before my heart explodes.
I'm back to school now and my friends are hanging out with my ex boyfriend, I don't really mind this, I mean, he's apparently interesting enough to hang out with but the thing is since i'm an ex I'm often like left out of things if he is there–they won't invite me, visa versa. Now it's starting to feel like they are choosing him over me and I just feel absolutely terrible, I don't want to bring anything up in case someone shuts me down as a drama queen or someshit like that but it's really starting to bother me. Like, they will talk about him and be like all secretive as if I'm not right in front of their faces or they'll be like "oh i got to do this" but end up hanging out with him, or just not tell me about anything that is going on. I wish I never dated him, because none of this would have ever happened. Even now, usually we would be at the student union chilling before class but no one has texted me or anything. I'm positive it's because he's there. I guess I need new friends.
No. 51335
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Yeah I just literally confirmed my suspicions. I pretty much just left and told them try not to lie to me again. Feels good to stand up for myself again. Time to make new friends who aren't complete messy shady weeaboos.
No. 51342
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I just moved to Newcastle (UK) today to attend Newcastle University.
I'm going out on a pub crawl with my accommodation tonight, paid £5 for my special little t-shirt and everything, buy honestly I'm kind of shitting myself.
I'm kind of an introverted extrovert. I can hang out with people and blend very well with myriads of personality types and in most cases my little façade I usually end up being relegated to the role of leader in any friendship circle but fuck, overwhelming majority of time I just want to stay in my room, fuck everybody off and watch anime/play vidya/study/work out on my own in my own little dark cave.
I literally fucking hiss whenever I hear people walk past my door and keep a kettle in my room so I don't have to go into the communal kitchen to top up my green tea.
Tonight's theatrics are going to be exhausting. I want to be alone but I know that if I don't make an effort to make friends I'm going to end up very lonely later in the year once I've missed out on Fresher's Week.
No. 51343
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AH and now I just remembered have to top up Giffgaff tonight so that I can find my fucking way home on Google maps for when I inevitably get bored and slip away.
I was just about to complete DMC:DMC (kek) tonight too, I'm just on Vergil >:l
No. 51345
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I hated it too but I started putting it on in the background whilst I dithered about and now I can't stop.
The moe stops the grump.
No. 51348
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Unless you make a big deal out of it and go out of your way to tell everyone "btw I fucked our prof" it's unlikely to ever come up, and even if it did no one would care besides gossip hounds.
I feel you, these are truly horrible. I hate getting my eardrums raped and drinking unreasonable amounts of alcohol to be "social".
I just tend to make friends on the spot and apparently I'm interesting enough people spontaneously come to me; all my classes having 10 to 15 students max helps too (hooray for unpopular majors). What do you study ?
No. 51349
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East Asian Studies with a focus on the Japanese language and it's culture and history with Chinese modules on the side.
I-I'm not a weeb though.
I just feel I need to put that out there because every time I tell people this they automatically assume I'm a weeb when I'm just fascinated by East Asia and am a language nerd and Japanese seemed like a logical choice for me since Japan currently has the 3rd highest economy and I studied Japanese in highschool and already have TEFL certification.
I've been talking to loads of mums and dads in the lifts and hallways who are moving their kids in (I'm 24 and a mature student so I moved myself in), and every time they ask what I'm doing and I tell them they raise their fucking eyebrow before going on to tell me that their little angel is studying Biochemistry or Law or Business or some shit.
Well fuck you and I hope your child fucks up their first year and has to retake or catches an STD off some Geordie chlamydia-ridden cunt >:l
I'm so salt at people looking down on my degree.
No. 51350
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I'm planning to study Japanese studies at university. I like anime and what not, but honestly that really isn't the reason as to why I plan on studying it. I just love learning more about Japan and its culture, it's fascinating. If I was just a plain ol' weeb I wouldn't have lasted so long. It's so suffering to see all my friends doing sciency and maths stuff while I study Japanese by myself, lol.
No. 51353
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> every time they ask what I'm doing and I tell them they raise their fucking eyebrow before going on to tell me that their little angel is studying Biochemistry or Law or Business or some shit.
>I'm so salt at people looking down on my degree.
If it makes you feel any better my "unpopular major" is mathematics (with a liiiittle bit of computer science but mostly math) and we have such a massive superiority complex we don't even make fun of law/business majors because everyone knows they're shit so it's not funny (besides our discrete probability prof making fun of them in class). Our usual victims here are biology students ("hurr durr they outnumber us 10:1 and can't logic their way out of a paper bag, into the unemployment trash it goes") and occasionally CS students ("should have renamed it to League of Legends major / we dumpster them at their own classes") although everyone is fair game if we feel like it. We don't actually hate them, it's just banter and I would be shocked if most students did not have traditional rivalries with other majors.
I don't personally look down upon literature/language students. They're not retarded…just different ? The good ones I mean, not the usual trash that defaulted into these because they can't do anything else. I was torn between lit/history/geography and hard sciences and picked the later because of better job opportunities, and it's much easier to patch your science knowledge with "soft" skills like writing than it is to go the other way around.
That being said, good luck with your studies, Japanese studies are pretty based (Japan is one of the largest economic partners of my country so there's no stereotype associated with it; if anything it's the smarter kids who take it in high school).
I wish.
No. 51358
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HNNNNNNNNNNNG, I mistakedly decided to take a japanese literature class and the class is full of fucking weeaboos and i seriously just want to slap everyone in here. even the teacher is a fucking weeb please shoot me.
ya'll never take one of these. it's a waste of time and it'll make you want to set yourself on fire.
No. 51362
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I'm >>131161
I've already gotten my GCSE in Japanese and in my 2nd year of A Level Japanese. I'm also taking the JLPT in December. t
There are plenty of courses that focus more than just the language. Taking this degree means that I'll be getting to a level of Japanese which would prove to be useful in the future. If I didn't study it academically and did it in my free time I'd be at a more lower level than I am right now. It's really difficult for me personally to upkeep studies without having a orderly regime, or it'll fall to the back of my mind. This is what I worry about since I initially wasn't going to study Japanese in university to begin with.
There's also 2020 which will bring in a lot of possibilities.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I just feel like for those who have goals that span far beyond just learning a language I feel that a degree is the next step beyond. I'm not aiming to be an English teacher or anything of the sort, so I feel like the responsibility to have a good grasp on the language is amplified.
No. 51369
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Class is extremely cringe-y.
Half the people who take this class are people who make assumptions about Japan with a basis on anime.
There's a kid who sets a few seats away from me that smells like cheese and mothballs.
A quarter of the time people are making comments like "oh this reminded me of Spirited Away" or "oh my god sailor moon!!1" or randomly bring up fucking One Piece.
The teacher herself is a fucking weeaboo and went to Japan last summer with a bunch of teachers and won't shut up about it.
Also our final paper is on Inuyasha–not shitting you.
(I've tried posting two times today but the school wifi sucks balls; pic related moth ball guy)
No. 51377
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I'm 24 and work for a good company and they provide pretty much a full ride to college so I see no reason to at least try to go back and get my degree. I just honestly have no idea what to major in. I initially thought about pursuing communication (it at least seems interesting to me personally) but I've heard from others I should maybe look at a specific computer science degree eg software development as it's an in-demand skill. I really just have no idea. Do any of you that have finished a degree look back and wish you had chosen something different?
No. 51379
21 now, and graduated kinda sorta early-ish than the other students (I was still 17 when I finished high school) and didn't really know what I wanted to do at the time. I always grew up in the mindset of having to go to uni, so it's not like I was never motivated. I was really into linguistics and stuff when I was in high school, and while I was studying multiple languages, Japanese was kind of my bread and butter so to speak. I got accepted into Temple University's Japan Campus, which I was actually really excited about because all I wanted at the time was to try living abroad. My mom was always against me living abroad, since she is so over protective. She refused to help me and shut herself off when it came to getting all of the financial documents, so I hit a brick wall in the registration process and decided not to go. Kind of glad I didn't, since it's way overpriced
I ended up going to a cheap school, only because my brother and his wife were students there so I would have permission from the school to live with them instead of being forced to have a roommate in a shitty dorm room. I ended up hating the place, and got really depressed that semester. I never left my apartment, I rarely ate, and I had no motivation. I couldn't stand the atmosphere of the place. I hated all of the stupid shit about tradition and being loyal to one school. I probably only felt that way because I never really even wanted to be there.
From then, I got two jobs, saved up for a year, and managed to pay my way through language school in Japan. I've got my own life here now, but I feel like I really should get back into uni so I can have better job prospects, but mostly because I want to get into teaching. I've always wanted to teach younger kids. ALT life is pretty much up my alley.
My fiance (Japanese) is trying to talk me into applying for a university in Japan, since we will be staying here while he works. Looking into all these scholarships and junk, I feel like for the first time in my life I'm finally able to feel excited about uni.
No. 51384
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I keep on hearing that CS market is oversaturated. For most people, computer science i.e. programming is a skill to be developed around their career/interest, rather than the career itself. If you're looking to merge linguistics and CS, there's probably no need to go back and get a complete degree. You're better off becoming familiar with programs and languages that are applicable to your degree. A certificate probably isn't a bad idea, but probably no need to do another degree.
I hear you on not wanting to go in academica, though. I'm a geology major and I was pretty set on going into industry and working for an oil company to get dat big $$$. But commodities, including precious metals and oil, have gone belly up, so I'm starting to consider going into academia more. I've always been interested in planetary geology and my inner nerd would squeal at the thought of doing NASA-related research, but I dunno how feasible of a dream it is. I guess we'll see how it pans out.
Sometimes I get worried about money and stuff, which is why I occasionally regret my major. When I was in high school, I really wanted to go to art school for college, but I knew that it really wasn't a good financial decision. I intended on going to college and doing pre-med, but I ended up dicking around for a couple of years, switching between a bunch of majors including studio art, biology and psychology. I ended up taking a geology class and I was really interested in it. It also seemed like geology jobs had the potential to bring in big bucks. However, the economy is volatile, and now it doesn't look like its as easy to make good money with a geology degree as I thought.
So, moral of the story is major in something you like, as cliche as that advice is. Keep money in mind, but understand that things can change in the blink of an eye and you might end up with a worthless degree despite choosing it for its practicality, so at least (somewhat) enjoy what you'll be learning if everything does go to shit. Then again, if I had to go back and do it all over again, I don't know if I would choose geology. Maybe I would just choose something with good, stable job prospects like nursing. Ask me again in five years, and then I'll tell you for sure if I regret this decision lmao
No. 51386
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It's so weird how life has become more and more mundane.Every day I seem to do the same thing. I feel like things that I was into before has in a way lost its spark. Does anyone else just feel this general eerie-ness with life as well? I'm so bored with everything. I want to try to pick up something new but I'm not entirely sure where to start with that either. I always get this feeling when I am away from school. I feel so lazy and I generally just sleep all day. I feel like I waste hours of my life getting nothing done even though I don't have anything to do. I NEED SOMETHING TO DO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
No. 51394
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I've had family issues since high school and my mom booted me out after my first year of college. I moved across the country where my boyfriend lived and I live in his dorm now. It's so hard to find a job and I've been out of college for a whole semester. I want to go back by the time summer classes start but I need money first.
I feel like such a loser, I miss college so much too. Even though it was hard to study at home with my mother, sitting in the library and studying until 2am was very relaxing. But I've spent my time studying some math an programming. I have also had more time to think about my future too..
No. 51403
I finished up my second masters this year and am starting a new job at a multinational. I originally wanted to go into public sector with the new degree but salary and benefits, man. An actual matching 401(k)!
If you want to be a legit scholar, start networking and getting involved with conferences now. Academia is always super competitive, but it's particularly competitive right now with all the PhDs who waited out the Recession doing advanced degrees. Even research libraries and archives are grabbing the chance to hire PhDs for positions they'd normally give to masters grads, just to give you an idea of how saturated the field is.
If you're not really into stuff with professional application like CS, math or medicine, you're better off doing something challenging that you can do reasonably well with, then networking and doing every bit of work experience you can get your hands on. In my experience, employers have only really cared that I'd completed a degree at a well known university - internships and a few key hobbies were a hell of a lot more important.
I did multiple liberal arts degrees and don't really regret it even though people keep asking me if I'm thinking of going into teaching. Sometimes I think I should have gone in for epidemiology/public health, but the jobs I've held have been a really good use of my interests and skills so I can't complain.
If you do communications, be prepared for marketing to be one of the big hiring industries in your field, though.
No. 51405
I somehow thought our semester break would be until the 6th of January (like the school break), and only today I realised I was wrong. Too late though, cause I already missed an important class which I am not allowed to miss unless I have an excuse from a doctor. I can't really retake the class, so I need to find a doctor who is willing to write me some bullshit excuse, but I don't know any who would (since, well, I'm not really sick).
I feel like the dumbest idiot ever and I want to throw up or sleep forever. I actually spend the whole morning thinking about ways to get sick until tomorrow so that I have a real reason to go to the doctor and get excused.
Uni general: I love the classes, I love to learn new things, but - I really hate academic work. I have ZERO idea how to write a paper. So far I only had exams, but I need to write at least two papers this semester, and I have no idea what to do. I put off writing one paper for over a year now, and I'm too chicken to write my prof about it (since it's overdue for over a year now). A friend of mine offered to do it together, but I still haven't written the other prof. Because everytime I try to think about it, I just feel so stressed out that my brain shuts off immediately.
I've been to at Uni for 2 years now, but I need at least 2 extra semesters because I procrastinated on so, SO much. I feel like such a goddamn loser. Every idiot gets a degree nowadays, and I know I'm smart enough, I just shy away from every bit of responsibility and hard work.
I can't really talk to anyone about it because my friends are all hard working grade A students, and I'm already enough of a disappointment for my parents.
All I want to do now is sleep forever.
No. 51413
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I'm sorry to hear that!! Honestly, your degree is sometimes more or less just a tick in a box that puts your resume above others; it's not going to tether you down to a particular career path. I know plenty of people that have jobs that absolutely do not pertain to their degree. Just stay positive!
No. 51414
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After the way last semester went, I have no idea how I'm going to get through the next semester with the any small bit of sanity intact even to the point of legitimately worrying for my safety. I've tried getting help but no one around me takes me seriously when I've tried bringing up these feelings because I'm "doing so great!" Just because I go to class and have a 4.0 which says nothing about my experience itself. I wish I could be a normal happy student who didn't give a fuck about anything but I become so consumed with the work and continual terror over what could go wrong. At best, for a couple weeks I'll enter robot mode where I go through the motions without allowing myself to think about life. I'm also a happy and productive person in my work and personal life outside of college, which makes me just despise college even more for being the one obstacle between myself and peace. Oh well, it feels better just to be able to express it for once.
No. 51415
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I'm going to start my 6th semester this Monday. I'm really nervous because I fucked up in some subjects, even though other subjects should compensate somehow. But I have a lot of things to catch up because I'm learning 2 foreign languages. I feel like this time it will be even more difficult, even though I know what I should expect from the teachers by now. I fucked up my sleep schedule so I'm also nervous about missing classes just because I overslept or something like because it already happened to me this year, too. And I'm scared of having some unexpected expenses because I'm getting less and less money from a scholarship I applied to this year. I need to learn how to budget.
What makes me the most nervous is that I never had a job. I'm 21, I'll be 22 this year, and I don't have any job experience. In my 10th semester I'll have to look for an internship I'll be graded on, and I feel like it'll be impossible because of this. I would like more money too so I thought about getting a part-time job, but my schedule is a mess, so I can't get any of the jobs I found so far. I think the only thing I can do is volunteering in some middle school to help kids do their homework. Just thinking about working is stressful because I have no idea of what to expect. Sorry if there's any typo.
No. 51417
I'm in my second year of university (I'm in for a bachelor's degree) and it looks like I've lost all my passion towards my degree, and studying. Well, I've never had a real "passion" for studying - I hate studying. University was a forced choice, because I want to have a well-paid job, because nobody else will help me, I have no hope and my family is poor and I want to help them. Without a degree here you can only work as a waitress, and I can't support my family (actual one and even future one) with a waitress salary.
…Well, it's not like you earn a degree and suddenly every differently-soul-sucking and well paid work will show up in front of your eyes, the future is shit anyway.
My parents aren't paying my studies btw, I have a scholarship, but I feel guilty anyway. Money here are lacking, we have a complicated situation with my father who doesn't live with us and has a girlfriend with children now, my mother is feeling her liver swollen from a while and weird illnesses and we're afraid it could be something serious, I can't study because my head is full of concern and sadness and I'm considering the idea of leaving university.
No. 51421
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I hate college so much. I'm studying English and Japanese as foreign languages because I like learning these languages, but between the incompetent staff that gives us two classes at once very often and that basically tells us to fuck off when we have problems or questions that they're supposed to solve. Plus, we're required to work much more on our minor subjects (economics, management, marketing, etc.) than on languages, so I'm having a hard time learning Japanese this year because I just don't have enough time for the Japanese subjects.
I get a scholarship as long as I attend all of my classes because of how poor my family is, and since I'm living with my parents I can spend money on food and clothes and most of the time I can save money after that. Problem is, I just had a non-mandatory test on my computing skills -it's only mandatory once I sign up for it- and I did all of my exercises once the test took place, but I just got a mail about how I didn't took the test. I have to show them official documents proving that I had a valid reason to be absent or I won't have my scholarship anymore. Something similar happened to a friend some years ago and she had to reimburse the organisation that grants the scholarship even though she attended all her classes, and they only gave her her money back the year after. I have proof that I went to college and took the test but I'm still scared because there's a deadline to show said proof.
I hate these unprofessional fuckers so much, I'm thinking of either going to another college next year if possible, or I'll try some special program to do some volunteering in Japan to learn the language faster and get something interesting to put on my resume once I'm done with this semester.
No. 51423
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Major in Psychology. Minor in Statistics. I was doing a more STEM heavy degree when I was younger but dropped out due to killer generalised anxiety disorder. Now I'm going for a postgrad in Clinical Psychology and I think I can make it. I'm a straight A student and even got a letter from the Head of Psychology commending me on my good performance, but this next year coming up is going to be my make it or break it year. I'm nervous though because I'm going to be pushing my mid twenties by the time I graduate and if I don't make it into Clinical Psych then I may just be fucked, since a psychology degree on its own ain't worth the paper it's printed on. Maybe I can fall back on stats and get a job number crunching for a bank or something, I hear that pays well.
No. 51425
Are you studying specific things such as culture and literature, or whatever it's called in your university? I've been warned so often by my teachers in high school that I decided to do something else: I'm studying something that could be translated as "applied foreign languages", which means that we learn languages applied to fields such as economics, sociology, law, etc. We translate a lot of news articles in English and since we're not as good in Japanese, we're still learning grammar rules with more details than in the first two years + we're translating textbooks about history, economics, etc. And we also have a lot of oral exams in English and a bit less in Japanese. It looks like you were expecting something similar to what I'm studying at the moment, I guess? For example if we're expected to translate a news article for a specific class and you've done only half or the 3/4 of it, the teacher will tell you to gtfo of their class. Even though we're always way busier with other classes. I don't remember when was the last time I slept well in the middle of a semester.
>academia sucks at teaching you a language
You're so right. We were expected to speak and write English almost perfectly to start studying here even though middle school and high school teachers are terrible most of the time. It's even worse with other languages that are "optional" (you have to choose a scond language in middle school) so I gave up on learning German. And I say that as someone whose English teachers were always competent and made me motivated. As for Japanese, it's a "rare" language but I still managed to learn some in high school. I barely memorized anything by he end of it. Now in college we learned everything from scratch but we don't have any kanji or vocabulary classes, so almost everyone in my course know the grammar rules perfectly and know how to apply them, but we can't write or translate for shit without an electronic dictionary or google translate.
Also, it's the same for me, I might be translating and writing a lot in college but I use English much more on lolcow, 4chan and tumblr.
No. 51426
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I live in New Zealand. Most people get their bachelors around 20-23. I have no work experience and I don't want to get even further into debt by getting a more practical education if all this study doesn't pay off in the end.
No. 51429
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I don't really know what to do, I feel lost.
I've been working since I graduated high school, kind of on and off part time/full time. Floating around 30 hours usually. Originally I went to community college because it was the only school my parents would pay for, but stopped going after they said they wouldn't help me with anything else (like if I transferred to another school, which is basically what this cc was for). I was frustrated with working and dicking around at a half-ass school that wouldn't amount to anything and withdrew to get full-time hours.
So uh, fast forward and now I'm 23 with around 16k saved. I've been trying to leave my job and apply to other places but haven't received any responses. I feel like it's nearly impossible to get a non-retail job or seem like a decent person without a degree at this age, and honestly being a chick probably makes it look worse for me. I'm at the point where I either need to go back to school for something that will get me a livable wage or just leave and join the military.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
No. 51434
I just started college this week and I already feel like shit, thinking about dropping, killing myself or starving myself to death idk man.
I don't feel emotionally nor mentally estable enough at this point, and haven't been since november.
Every fucking morning I wake up, look myself in the mirror and start crying and yelling, I feel fat, sad and angry, like a fucking loser.
The fact that before crossing that fucking door I must remind myself to act like If I wasn't going through this, to smile, laugh and talk friendly to everybody, to pretend I care about them and me and pretty much life in general. I gained a shit ton of weight. No selfsteem, no confidence.
I'm lost, really. I know this is not me, I know. I always wanted to join college, to learn.
I was excited just thinking about that, last year.
This week, oh man, this week. One day I feel like I can put my life together again, the next day I lose my shit again. I can't talk with anybody about this, because I don't even understand myself and what is happening. I just want to sleep, close my eyes and stop living in the real world, with real people who makes me feel uneasy.
Oh well
No. 51435
Recommendation letters are very common in academia, don't feel weird about it.
Getting recs from full professors might look better, but if the adjunct has only good things to say about you that's certainly a huge boon. As long as they know you, I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Asking in person is better usually, it is more personal. But if you're close with them already, a formal email could be fine. Just be honest and level with them, say you've enjoyed studying with them and would like them to write you a recommendation. Worse case scenario, if you don't know them well at all, just be honest that you don't feel comfortable going to your other professors and were hoping they could help. They'll understand, professors write these things all the time.
Professors are generally not gonna fuck you over if they've seen that you've put effort in their classes and actually care about your studies. You don't necessarily have to be butt buddies to get solid recs.
As for asking current profs, I suppose it might depend on your program. But if you're on good terms with your current prof (and they've seen what kind of work you're capable of, have received papers and assignments from you, have seen how you engage in the classroom, etc.) I don't think it should be a problem.
It sounds like you're concerned with being respectful, and profs appreciate that generally. What's awful is when that one kid from sociology 101 who slept at the back of the class calls you five years later for a law school recommendation, yikes.
And obviously, give them a bit of time to write these things, at latest a couple weeks before the deadline if not earlier. Professors are not necessarily busy 24/7, but they'll appreciate the thought. And don't forget to give them an update and thank them when you get into your program ;^)
No. 51437
I feel so angry with my professors who handled my thesis. I was doing my thesis presentation last month and got horribly slayed by them and one reader professor, meaning the reader is the stranger to my thesis topic and he had read my thesis from the start within a week before my presentation date. I'm okay with him slaying me, but not the professors who handled my thesis. The problem was, they did not read my thesis at all when I asked them for correction TWO WEEKS before the presentation date. They were basically the same as that reader professor when I did my presentation. I mean, what…? Why didn't you read my thesis, sirs? What did all those time where I asked you for guidance in my thesis mean? I know you're familiar with my thesis topic already, because we've met several times for like 6 months discussing my thesis, but if you don't tell me what I did wrong, of course I won't be fucking know automatically! In the end, I was asked to do another presentation and fixed all my errors. I mean, sirs…I know you're busy, but if you don't read my thesis at all before the presentation date and tell my what should I fix, we're just wasting our time…I was definitely feeling devastated after the presentation. I cried for about three days straight, because that means my scholarship is gone because I won't be finishing my masters program on time for sure. And honestly, I'm burnt. Still am. I'm in my lowest state of pessimistic thoughts for now and still trying to pick up the pieces of my drive that has been shattered to Narnia or something.
No. 51439
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I want to complain on so many things, I want the semester to end right now, I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry if it's incoherent or if there are some typos, I'm super tired:
>time table so shitty I have classes almost every Saturday morning
>too many oral exams and assignments to do this semester
>including some presentations in English (not my first language) where I'm supposed to spout bullshit about marketing in front of the class while looking professional because teachers literally said that they grade on how professional and business-like we act and look, which explains a lot for my grades from the previous semester
>I don't have any clothes or shoes that don't make me look like a slob, I'm short and skinny so finding anything that look good at my size is hard unless I want to literally empty my bank account on overpriced semi-transparent shirts and make up that give me allergic reactions
>super nervous when talking in front of people in public because I'm too self-conscious and most people in my class are shitheads that interrupted others in the middle of their speech to try some jokes or even laugh at you
>another assignment is that I have to team up with somebody in my class who has the same projects when it comes to our carriers and interview someone on their job
>knows nobody that has a job and who's willing to answer my questions
>friends reject me because "we don't have the same projects" and I'm stuck with a neckbeard who won't stop talking about being an otaku, he knows nobody willing to answer our questions either
>one of my friends, who's actually kind of a bitch tbh, skip classes that are mandatory but where teachers don't care and always ask me to give her my notes. When I'm the one who's skipping classes for once, because of illnesses and hospital appointments, she doesn't give me notes or anything because "I wasn't paying attention lmao class is so boring" or she was sleeping at home, even though she lives 5min away from college and I take one full hour to go to there
>she's a foreigner so if she's not here all the time and she get caught she could be deported and I kind of want her to be actually threatened of that so she gets her shit together and start acting like an adult instead of relying so much on me
>she won't stop checking her rp forums, tumblr and skype in the middle of classes so I know she's unreliable anyway, sometimes she and other friends try to talk to me in middle of classes while I'm listening to the lecturer and I can't hear anything said by said lecturer anymore
>she complains that I'm not preparing one of our assignments in group because I'm completing other assignments first while she's literally sleeping all the time and very proud of it apparently
>I have no idea what to do once I get my bachelor degree, which isn't enough at all to get a job in my country
>not sure I can go to another university because I'm too poor to move out and my family will never help me
I'm fucked. I almost want to stop studying and start getting a stupid job in a fast food chain or something, at least it would mean that I can earn money instead of being useless and unsure of the future.
No. 51447
What I said applies to other Ivy League schools, as well. Yes, they are good institutions, but idk, so many people put them on such a ridiculous pedestal without knowing what they're all about. I'm not saying that you're a normie or uninformed or anything like that - obviously you're far above average. But sometimes it's good for all of us to put things in perspective.
Actually, I was in the same situation as you. I went to an elite "feeder" high school and many of my friends went on to the Ivies, while I was stuck at a very selective but far less prestigious university. I was upset but soon realized that they weren't necessarily smarter than me - they just got lucky with politics and the specific admission criteria for that year. Admissions and academia are notoriously fickle.
Also, after a certain tier…honestly, the people are pretty much the same. I dated a Harvard college guy and while he and his friends were extremely intelligent, they were pretty much the same fucking alcoholic potheads as at my own, less prestigious school.
You will be okay in the end. It doesn't mean you are not as successful if you don't get accepted to a PhD program at a certain school, even if it's funded (honestly, if you're in a technical field, funded PhDs are the norm). It means that your friend probably got lucky with the right research and right people.
No. 51450
I'm so stupid, I posted this on the employment thread.
I really want to be an interpreter/translator because I love love love learning languages. I want to have a focus on German (I'm intermediate; have been learning for 3 years), Japanese, and Korean, along with a slew of other Germanic languages (Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Dutch and so on).
I really don't know how to go about it though. I got accepted into my local community college but they're so fucking basic they only offer Spanish. The more expensive colleges offer a plethora of languages and even fucking International Studies degrees (with a focus on a certain language, for instance, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese, Korean) but they're all superbly expensive and their test score requirements are 2-5 points higher than what I've gotten on the ACT. Makes me not even want to apply but I will anyway. If I don't get accepted to the higher colleges, I don't know what I'll study at the comm college.
No. 51452
Thanks for replying. I feel like I'm worrying too much about this, especially since professors probably get the
>that one kid from sociology 101 who slept at the back of the class calls you five years later for a law school recommendation
more often then you'd think.
This program is kind of "eggs in one basket" for me, because it's the only one of it's kind (as far as I know). I have fall back plans, but it still feels really tentative, and I'm not confident since I decided on perusing it so late in my academic career. I'm also a notorious self-doubter, I figure all my profs don't even remember me at all. But thank you, your words are encouraging. I'm going to get on it right now, no more sad procrastination.
If your CC is shit, but you can't afford the other options, self study. If your CC has one, hang around where international students go and make friends with ones who know the respective languages to help you learn. If possible, study abroad for the same reasons. Take the language tests (I only know of the JLPT for Japanese, but there must be others). Interpretation/translation jobs will always love seeing that you have credentials from those tests than Misc. College, B.A. in German Language (for example). Having a bachelors in [language] does not guarantee the required skills for translation work, while the tests will. Like >>131262, said a 4 year will get your foot in the door for nicer jobs. Work on getting scholarships if you can't afford it.
Realistically speaking, the languages you've chosen will not help your prospects. Germanic language speaking countries are already known for proficiency in English. Many people are pouring into Japanese and Korean translation work. And from someone who loves learning languages and used to think about translation as a career path, good luck. You may be spreading yourself thin with all the different languages, especially if you're still learning them. Pick one and stick with that, for now. Learn the ins and outs of it, learn cultural particulars and the nuances of the language. That is what, more than just knowing the target language, that makes successful translators/interpreters. From what I know, what pays well is technical/specification translation. That means learning some other field as an asset for your translation resume. You're already at a disadvantage because bi/multilingualism is on the rise all over the world, and if you're still trying to learn some other language that just makes it all the more difficult. But if this is really what you love and want to do, best of luck to you.
No. 51456
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I've had one of my friends move in with me rent free because she just can't afford living on campus anymore. She fucking bombed her first semester in college because she never went to class and never did her work or never really studied and I'm starting to see the same patterns here and there and I'm wondering if I'm just wasting her time by encouraging her to go to school. I dunno I never really need any bribery or threat to start studying but sometimes I feel if I don't ride this girls ass she will never get shit done. She's also starting to treat me like a shitty friend. Like just being mean or holding 1 thing I said a decade ago against me. Or she will clap back to every sentence I say. Sometimes I wish I went to a school with more people like me because even though we share common interests sometimes she's just so rude and shit towards me I end up making a post on and image board. She makes me feel like an idiot 70% of the time. I've found that I'm not exactly as fast as responding as most people…so.. I can't really come back with any come backs or petty shit like that.
No. 51460
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I have no real idea what I'm doing and since I don't believe in art majors and I can learn languages at home I'm following my best friend's path in comp science. I'm doing alright and I've never cared about what my hs friends are doing these days since most of them are potheads anyways. I'm really lucky I got closer to my college friends before I graduated high school though because I'm definitely not lonely here. The only real thing that bothers me is that I feel a little trapped where I am at. I want to travel. Maybe even move. I don't know if I'm brave enough but I hope one day I can find it within me to just up and go. I wish you all the best of luck with your time in uni/college/whathaveyou. May we all make it someday.
No. 51461
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Why am I so fucking slow with programming?
I know a million guys who majored in things not at all related to compsci who managed to get recruited to hip companies as software engineers making 6 figures. They literally just picked coding up in their spare time between frat parties and sports, and here I am struggling in a stupid intro course. Fuck this gay earth.
No. 51470
For my 4th and 5th years in college I want to get a specific master degree, but classes are pretty selective, which means that you have to prepare a bunch of documents, including a CV, etc. Not sure on which bases they choose the students, I have more or less good grades, but most importantly I never had to retake a class, which seems pretty rare. The one thing that makes me nervous is that they ask whether or not we went abroad, how often and where, and last time I did it was in 2013 to visit my family. There's also the fact that if there aren't enough candidates, the degree won't be available anymore for the year. I don't know if I'm using the right words for that since English isn't my first language and stuff.
No. 51474
Okay so basically
I go to an art college and I love all my classes and professers, but i'm having a really hard time making friends with people at my school (networking is really really important, also new to this city wanna make some cool friends)
I have friends who I see at lunch and hang out with at school, but I never hang out with them outside of that, and most of those people aren't really into all of the same things that I'm into/ don't like to go to places that cost money (I only have 3 classes this semester so i'm able to work 2 jobs to pay for rent and other fun stuff)/ are kinda boring and don't wanna TURN THE FUCK UP with me. They are all very nice people tho.
There's another group of friends who are more of the "stoner" type people, but I feel like if I chill out with them at lunch and shit I should be at least smoking a cigarette (which I quit doing last year) if i'm not gonna herb it up at school (don't like smoking at school, lose skill, makes me anxious), but all of these people are really fun but I don't think they consider me friend material because I don't see them often (only have school 3 times a week, 2 days with lunch classes so can't go outside during breaks). These people are also really hard to find after school, since most of them live on the other side of the city. They are also really good friends with eachother already and make plans to go do fun stuff but i'm never invited. Tried inviting them to a house party I had once and no one showed.
The boring people are always easy to find because they all live in res, basically live at the school and are there ALL the time.
TL;DR How does one become friends with the cool kids?
No. 51483
My problem is that I'm just not very good at academic work. It was one thing at school, but at Uni it takes obviously a lot more effort for a product with what I feel has far less influence or relevance.
Take my papers, for example. I'll have to write four, and two on them in topics I don't care about in fields I'll never study in again and which aren't really relevant for my further studies. I'll have to read tons of books, do a lot of research, write pages upon pages of of bullshit and come up with theories and all for a piece of irrelevant paper only my prof is going to read maybe twice, before it fades into nothingess and complete and utter irrelevance and pointlessnes. A lot of stress and work leaving me with no relevant knowledge to life, my study or anything, I'll probably immediately forget most I've learned because I'll never need it again and I probably didn't want to know it in the first place.
To me, this is incredibly frustrating and pointless, and I am really bad at convincing myself to do things that I don't like, or see any relevance to. I know you have to do things you don't like or are about, I just have a hard time getting motivated (and staying motivated) to do thesekind of things.
No. 51492
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Has anyone gone off and taught abroad or has considered teaching abroad?
I honestly am not sure if it's the right decision for me to get a teaching degree to teach abroad since apparently you can just go with just any degree.
I've changed my major so much. Ideally I would like to be a writer but there's no cash. I need to be able to eat and live.
No. 51495
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Is anyone else studying to be a nurse? I've been considering it several times but I hear it's a lot of competition especially here in CA
No. 51504
>Also, if money weren't an issue, what would you do rather than go to college? I personally would drop out, form a band, buy a shitty van, and go broke travelling and playing music.
I'd probly still finish my degree, but I would take a lot more time. In the meantime, I would travel around the world I wouldlearn another language, I would take some classes on how to use make up/style your hair…
I'd probably go into a fine arts school. Just to learn some serious art skills though, not the modern art shit they teach you at many art schools. I'd only learn what I wanted to learn.
Haha I feel you Anon. Though I'm not really a nature type, so I would want a second house in the city. Maybe even only an appartment. Not even a big one. I would decorate it like a weeaboo dream, and spend my days there reading books, watching animu or drawing/painting.
I would not bother anyone, I just want the world and its problems to leave me alone.
One day I'd have children, but I would not need to worry about jobs/money/fighting or divorcing husband, I could just hire some people to help me with babysitting, cleaning and all that stuff.
No. 51521
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Kanji is usually my strong point, but even so I'm still being slaughtered by my weekly degree requirements.
I have a kanji test at 9:00 today, then a grammar test 12:00, then a sakubun writing test at 15:00.
I went to bed at 12:00 and got back up again at 3:00 to work on it until I had to leave at 8:00, and it's still shit. I'm so worn out guys, I just want to sleep. I need a break, but I have my finals coming up and I need to work hard and do my best.
I know people laugh at language degrees, but fuck me guys, the language modules on its own wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to juggle modules in complete Japanese history, complete Chinese history, a global film module and a module on World Empires, for which over missed approx. half of all lectures.
I'm just so fucking tired. If I closed my eyes right now I'd pass out immediately and probably not wake up until tomorrow.
No. 51524
I've been a NEET on disability for nearly six years, and me and my treatment team are working hard to get me back in school. It's going to take at least two more years, yet I can't help but keep fantasizing about uni; studying has always been one of my favourite things to do. My main problem is that I have absolutely no clue what kind of degree I'd like to pursue. My initial dream was to study japanology, but now that I know I'll never be able to emigrate to Japan anyway because of my health, it seems like a worthless choice.
I enjoy a wide variety of subjects, mostly revolving around social sciences. Mythology and eastern religion are by far my favourite ones, but such majors don't exist in my country (and studying abroad is no option). Other things I'm interested in and have a good foundation for include criminology, linguistics, sociology, philosophy and geology. Things I'm interested in yet do NOT have a good foundation for include forensic pathology and programming.
Any tips/suggestions? If all else fails, I've decided to suck it up and become a librarian, but I'm not giving up on the uni dream just yet.
No. 51546
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How is wanting to work through college acting like a spoiled little shit? Honestly, tell me.
My tuition could easily be around $500-$2k if I cut out meal plans and housing. $4k is an estimate going by the most expensive meal plan, dormitory, and class.
Again, this is the cheapest college in this state especially for in-state students, and they have an abundance of ways for them to save money but pay tuition at the same time. I don't see a point in receiving scholarships if I know for a fact I won't need them.
I just didn't want to do it. Turns out, my mother assumed I was trying to get her to pay for my tuition even though I've told her countless times I'll do it myself.
Plus, turning in your FAFSA automatically enters you in for the Pell Grant and some other scholarships I can't remember. Not sure if this happens nationwide.
No. 51547
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So my Japanese oral examination was 5 days ago now and whilst it went okay-ish, I can't stop kicking myself over an exercise where my tutor pulled out an image of a park scene and pointed to various people and asked me to describe what the person was doing/wearing.
She pointed to a guy sunbathing and do you know what I fucking said?
"This is a person that is washing in the sun".
Kill me.
No. 51566
I don't know if you've ever had overbearing parents, but it sometimes isn't that easy, even if you are a legal adult.
Hope you're still here.
I think a decent way is to make a whole plan first. Every single detail you can think of, plan it. Make back up plans for your plans, but don't implement anything yet. Consider any and all questions/objections they might have and have a smart, well-thought out answer for them. Then when that is done, pitch it to them. Answer their questions, address their fears/indignations, and reassure them. The important thing is to include them in every step of the process. If they're really tough, let them make some of the decisions and let them feel as if they have some control over the process. Compromise (i.e. they let you move out, you let them pick a place to live, or you live at home for your first year and they let you move out after that)
I've had to deal with overbearing parents, confrontation without a plan makes them sneer at you, it confirms to them that you're still a child, needing of their protection. Proceeding on your own without including them will also strain family ties and as a uni student, that isn't something you want to have to deal with in your first year. In the worst case scenario, they will cut you off, kick you out, and leave you without support, as a way to punish you or force you to see how much you need their help.
The best way to prove your independence is to show that you can be smart and thoughtful, and that you can take care of yourself.
No. 51569
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I graduated some weeks ago, I'm really happy. In my country though graduating once isn't enough, I have to study for 5 years straight if I want to graduate for good. Problem is, there's a mandatory internship to do abroad during the very last semester.
I need to save money for that but I can't find a job, because I don't have any experience. And I don't have any experience because I never had a job. AND on top of that, I don't have a driver license, let alone a car, because these things are way too expensive. But I can't get a driver license because I don't have a job. I sent a bunch of resumes this month to a lot of places for this summer but I never got any answer. I don't want to spend the summer as a neet again, I'm so nervous because of this that I have nightmares about it. I hope I'll find a job for once college starts but still.
No. 51573
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>My degree is in Chemistry. spoilers: don't get that degree unless you want to get at least a Masters
Don't even get me started on this. Everyone runs around touting ~le STEM degrees~ and how much better than the humanities and arts they are. It is bullshit. The only STEM majors that get you a job with a bachelor's are engineering and computer science. All of the rest of them require an advanced degree of one kind or another, and of the few jobs that you can get with a bachelors, they pay meagerly and hire infrequently. And even then, if you get your Masters or PhD, many of the jobs are in academia, offering little pay and job security.
In all honesty, I regret majoring in STEM and wish I majored in something else. My college career would've been much easier, less stressful, and my career prospects would essentially be the same. If you want a job after college, major in something DIRECTLY connected to an industry.
I would probably double-major in the languages and minor in linguistics. I think majoring in the languages is more practical and knowing linguistics would be useful since you're studying language. It might look like a bit of a gold star on your resume if you minor in it, but you're right about most of the jobs related to linguistics majors being tied up in academia.
people don't realize how important connections are, and a big part of making connections is meeting people and being personable. nepotism is real, and people will pass over a more-qualified candidate for someone they know and like.
i'm graduating in december and i can not fucking wait. school's made me miserable. all i do is gain weight and get shit grades. i hate my degree – see above – so i'm taking a couple of months off afterward to figure my life out. i'm thinking about entering the medical field so i'm considering becoming an EMT or going back and getting a nursing degree but i'm way too burned out to think about going back to school yet
No. 51574
Hi, I majored in Linguistics. You're right in that most jobs end in academia, and for that you need at least a Masters, but you'd be surprised what you can find if you look. I just graduated and right now I'm a good candidate in the final step of the hiring process into a tangentially related job but it has damn good pay and the company itself is directly related to something I'm interested in pursuing (computational linguistics).
That being said, the best way to get the most out of a Ling degree without dooming yourself to academia is to pair it with something more practical, sorry. You'll find linguistics to be much more versatile than French or Russian (and really, billions of people already speak those languages or are successfully bi/multilingual, so you're already at a disadvantage). You can pair it with computers, or marketing, or psychology, sociology, anthropology, neurology, audiology, etc. etc.
Unlike >>131384 I would recommend either double majoring or majoring in Linguistics with a minor in a language (Russian or French) and really busting ass to become fluent in that language. (If you're Canadian, I'd stress French because that will at least put you ahead in gov't jobs). In my job search I found some entry-level industry jobs specifically looking for a linguistics background but they almost always also required fluency in a language (which I don't have, being more into theoretical ling in school…shot myself in the foot there). Of course, this depends on your area and the kinds of industries that are there. If you want to maximize the practicality of your degree(s) then I would also lightly recommend thinking about a language that is not well spoken, not well studied, or not well known.
That being said, you really can major in anything you want and eventually get a job after school. Networking is very important so don't spend your school years worried about jobs and just make friends and good impressions on your profs and peers.
Good luck anon!
Tbqh I think the biggest problem with people going into university is worrying about job security. Like… if you're so concerned go to a trade school or a vocational school. And I dislike how society really stresses the college education because clearly, it doesn't help much for the average person. Anything you major in will likely only have paths into academia, because that's how the system is designed. Profs and such only look at it from the academic perspective, because that's their job.
No. 51581
>Tbqh I think the biggest problem with people going into university is worrying about job security. Like… if you're so concerned go to a trade school or a vocational school. And I dislike how society really stresses the college education because clearly, it doesn't help much for the average person.
>Anything you major in will likely only have paths into academia, because that's how the system is designed. Profs and such only look at it from the academic perspective, because that's their job.
This so much. The truth in this almost makes me want to cry. I wanna print this out and hand it to everyone who graduates from school, and I wish I had known this when I was foolish enough to enter university.
>start uni because hurr durr u need to do this because otherwise you'll basically be considered a retard
>study language/linguistics
>turns out it is mostly academic bullshit that is of no use, unless you want to remain in academia
>most of the major consists of boring irrelevant research, tiresome paper writing on equally abstract subjects, sucking up to professors, trying to understand the bureaucracy behind the academic bullshit, etc
>I don't even really learn the language, because we rarely have the opportunity to actually converse with someone and we mostly deal with very specific terms and words that I'll never use again
>(seriously, I learnt much more outside of uni just by talking to other people, watching movies, the internet etc)
>turns out I also hate academic work, oh well…
>sick and tired of university, want to go into a trade
>apply for apprenticeship
>mfw no one wants me because I'm too overqualified now
>mfw stuck in the hell that is university and academic work
>mfw no job you without a degree, obviously
I just want to crawl into bed and sleep and never wake up again ever.
No. 51585
Doesn't help much, I cannot really omit university or my degree from my CV.
I feel you on the job market though. It's not much different here, you usually get a contract for a maximum of one year. Afterwards, you're fucked. Even most of my professors at univerisity had one year job contracts - which was a pain in the ass for students because if you need to write a paper, research or similar stuff and your prof is leaving, you are in a very bad and acomplicated position.
Nah, it's not your fault, I'm glad you spoke the truth.
I hate academic work, so that created a big problem for me. I was always a good student at school, but it's entirely different from what you do at university. And networking in my field is pretty hard. Even for the most basic internships you already need some networking. The only internship i got was because my father new the boss at that place.
The field I want to go in is a combination of trade school and working. So you can't really just go to trade school, you need the apprenticeship first. Also I really don't want to go to school exclusively anymore, I finally want to work! (Work aside from bullshit student jobs, retail or waitress which is all I can basically do now).
Germanfag here, I'm studying German. The linguistic field is entwined with the English studies, so I kiiiinda study English too (it is comlicated).
No. 51588
you are speaking my language so hard about one of the many reasons I quit a STEM degree that I sort of want to cry.
So I tried switching to an education major, because something about teaching children cool things about science is just really my bag, but I was so disgusted!
How can we do this to kids? They're so stressed out, they're so depressed, they want to kill themselves, they're sleep deprived, they are hyper and unruly all the time because they won't get time to play at home with 4+ hours of homework a night. Like, I've heard 8 year olds saying that maybe death is a better option than living through all this BS at school. What the fucking fuck. Its unruly. This is what we're forcing them and everyone else into.
And for whom? For a bunch of fucking corporations like PEARSON to dip their filthy hands into our kids lives when they can't even write a fucking competent, engaging textbook about STEM subjects?
I had this thought of taking years of my life to dedicate to making a competent, peer reviewed, and most importantly, FREE biology textbook for the world. One that more accurately ties biology to chemistry and other subjects to prepare potential life sciences majors.
So badly I want this, but I can't see how to do it without the fucking power and authority that greedy academia as is wields.
Fuck I don't even care about money I just want so deeply in my heart to teach children the wonders of the scientific world and I feel like this system won't let me.
No. 51596
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Don't mean to be a necromancer, but I really hate reading about job prospects for majors along with talking to people about them. It seems like everything outside of engineering is just a waste of time. Reading about this on the internet is especially bad.
I mean, my sister got into a comfy $50k/yr office job with an English Literature degree, so me doing polisci shouldn't be that bad…right?
I have a tuition waiver at a pretty good state school, so I'm not losing anything I suppose. My original plan was to get a few certs and an associated in some comp sci field (which I was already on track to do from high school) at the local community college. But bam, tuition waiver to one of the best schools in the state and also one of the most competitive comp sci departments in the country. It'd be dumb to pass this up, so I went and have enjoyed myself
I just really wish I was better at math even though I have very little interest in it, but I've always sucked ass at it for one reason or another. I feel like that alone discounts me from a lot of worthwhile career options.
Going to graduate at the end of this year and everyone seems to have jobs lined up except for me. At worst I'll just go finish up that comp sci associates at the community college and then work in IT and use the polisci degree as a bargaining chip for higher pay kek.
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No. 51607
I'm 26 and still fucking around in college unsure of what to do.
I initially started classes when I was 20 for nursing after being a CNA for a couple years. Got bored with school and went back to work. Then went back for EMT, though it took so long to do the testing that I started working again, this time for Petsmart because I was sick of dealing with changing diapers. I wound up becoming a groomer and made a decent amount of money that I continued to do that until I was 24. Moved in with my LDR, and returned to college.
And here I am, 2 years later. Initially I went in for journalism…decided I was too introverted for that. Switched to social work but it's thankless and my heart isn't really in it. I applied to switch to a 4 year school (but in community college) but I was denied because I had a bad semester previously thanks to my ever-worsening depression and my gpa dipped too low. I did a summer semester and pulled good grades so I can apply again, but I dunno if I want to. My parents have been helping me pay, along with financial aid. But I'm so sick of school. I love working, and am just not cut out to be a student. But obviously I'll never get a good job and achieve independence without some kind of degree - the only time I did was when I was a groomer, but it was exhausting, dirty work and I dreaded going so much that I lost sleep over it.
Currently I work at Ulta and love it. I've always been interested in makeup, beauty, etc. I'm tempted to enroll in beauty school instead…I wonder how bad of an idea this is. Any other beauty school anons out there?
No. 51610
>>131420I'm about 150k in debt to the US government for student loans. I don't have any bank loans or anything else like that. I've deferred a few times. I've come to the following conclusions after watching my mom take out student loans to pay for her schooling:
At the end of the day, the absolute worst thing student loans will do to you is… give you shitty credit.
I have lived poor my whole life, so I have no delusions of owning a home, getting nice new cars, etc. If those are your future dreams, then think long and hard about student loans if you might not be able to pay them off.
Living with bad credit means you need to get better are budgeting and saving, ironically. You can't get loans or credit cards, but you can save up your money and buy a good used car and then no one cares what your credit is, because you have all the money. Rent instead of buying a home. If you want to work in a financal sector kidna job, you may get declined a lot because of your credit, otherwise, it is rarely checked for jobs.
Basically, the moral is, negotiate with them on a minium payment, they will absolutely help you find an affordable number. They'd rather get some money than none after all.
If you do go into default, it isn't the end of the world. They aren't going to throw you in jail. If you are used to living without credit cards and new cars and etc etc then your life will be exactly the same + some phone calls and letters every few months. liked that article back when I was super terrified of student loans. now I'm not scared anymore.
inb4 the judgement.
No. 51613
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I'm starting uni in a week and i'm really fucking anxious , i have 0 social skills and i'm bipolar , in highschool i didn't have many friends but i really would love that to change in uni , i want to at least make a couple of friends so i won't be alone all my college years, but i am really shy irl .. any tips ?
No. 51620
I know this gets asked a lot in any discussion about college, but how the hell do I make friends?
I'm in my sophomore year of university and I'm still as alone as ever. I was in mostly accelerated classes in high school and couldn't stand most of the people in the class, so I had a good group of underachieving friends who I loved hanging out with. My parents wouldn't let me hang out with anyone at the time whose parents they didn't know which excluded every single one of my friends and I'm still pretty butthurt about my parents doing that. I feel like I missed out on so much. None of them are in university and are at best learning a trade with most of them going to a community college or just moving away while I go to uni several hours away downstate. I've lost contact with most all of them by this point though
Anyways, that's probably a bit too much background, but I was hoping I could just go to University and fall in with a similar group of people. It hasn't happened, and from what I've seen of University it seems like it's just a giant congregation of the types of people I couldn't stand in high school. I have been to a few clubs that I had interests in (anime club, tabletop rpgs, etc) and I just didn't click with anyone at any of those events. I even went to a church group despite being pretty secular, and needless to say I didn't click with anyone there either.
People have suggested to just try and talk to people in classes, but I don't think I've ever seen this actually happen outside of me autistically trying to make conversations with people about the class.
I don't know how I fell into my old group of friends, and I don't know how I can here. It's just too damn big. I scrolled through the club list again tonight and I've either been to them or they hold no interest for me
No idea what to do next
No. 51625
Depends by what you mean 'makes vaccines'/'in a lab'
Do you mean who researches new vaccines?
>if so, then you need a PhD in biochemistry, biology, or microbiology
Do you mean someone who works with people who research new vaccines?
>if so, at least a masters in biochemistry, biology or microbiology
Do you mean who prepares and administers vaccines?
>if so, then you want to be a medical assistant or in the nursing field
Do you mean someone who works in a lab generally?
>if so, you'll want to be get a bachelors in medical technology
Pick the science major you enjoy. Pharmacy isn't a major, but more of a track, ie you get a biochemistry degree while fulfilling the requirements you need to get into pharmacy school. You do not need a bachelors in whatever it is you want to get a masters or phd in, and you do not even need to be a science major to get into pharmacy school. As long as you excel in your courses and take the pre-reqs, it doesn't matter.
Hope that helps.
No. 51635
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I'm going back to school sometime next year for the first time in almost 10 years. I dropped out of high school right before graduation, due to depression, and just never got around to going to college until now. Still depressed but can't avoid it any longer!
It's actually a little trade school that's only for 18 months, but I'm shitting myself at the idea of being so responsible for classes and shit again when I can barely handle basic hygiene sometimes. Not to mention it'll be so vastly different than high school. I'm kinda terrified.
Luckily, this line of schooling has a lot of older "students", so I'm not too worried about being super old compared to everyone else. What I am worried about though is having to socialize, even on a basic level, with everyone else. I've got social anxiety and have basically been a shut-in since I dropped out.
Any advice on doing well and not losing my cool?
No. 51636
First off, congrats for getting back into it!! I know how hard it is when you can barely get up in the morning. You're making a good step towards recovering.
Are you seeing a therapist anon? If not, are there therapists on campus, or academic support staff? Especially if you haven't been around an academic setting for a while, it's good to get some support to give you some advice.
In terms of organisation, I would advise buying yourself a diary. I know some people like electronic calendars, but paper is more reliable. /shrug I would also recommend maybe checking out the place before you start classes? The first day is a lot to handle, you can make it better for yourself by becoming familiar with the campus early.
Tbh higher education is as social as you want it to be. Most people leave each other alone unless prompted. If you want to make some friends, maybe just introduce yourself to whoever is beside you at a lecture? You don't have to talk for long, and if it goes badly, you don't necessarily have to see them again. If it goes well, you can try adding each other on Facebook or something.
That being said, if you start feeling yourself becoming extremely depressed, please talk to someone at your school about it instead of letting your GPA plummet. Professors are pretty understanding of this kind of thing, and you can probably get extensions or something.
All the best, anon!
No. 51639
>>131448No problem.
There also are dual PharmD/PhD programs which are
very selective but is an excellent pathway to medical research.
This site may be of interest to you:, again, it comes down to your particular interests. Pick the field you find most interesting, get your B.S. in it, and then around graduation you have a few paths:
1. Go for your PhD: you can go straight to a doctoral program if you are absolutely sold on what you want to do. Did research in undergrad and know for sure that's what you love? Then go for the PhD.
2. Go for your masters: if you are not super sure about what you want to study, a masters program may be a better option for you to grow some more and find your particular niche, which you can then go and get your PhD in after your masters. This track will also allow you to graduate and get a related job in the field for you to really explore and think.
3. Go for your PharmD: You mentioned pharmacy earlier, and that is also a path to medical research. You can also try and get a PharmD/PhD dual degree like I mentioned, but they are pretty competitive spots.
Good luck anon.
No. 51640
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I'm currently a junior/computer science undergrad, 20 years old. I've only had one job before (unrelated to what I'm studying) and am feeling increasingly stressed because my peers are getting accepted into internships, projects, etc while I'm just doing school stuff. My GPA is around 3.5, I understand what I'm learning, but my insecurity in the subject and my consistent depression are holding me back from actively seeking a job out or trying to practice in my free time. I don't have much support besides my mom, bf, and 2 online friends. Being around peers who are actually interested in computer science and spend their time creating programs makes me feel shitty and stupid.
Hearing professors mention that recruiters often ask potential employees to solve problems through code scares me because I feel like I don't know enough, and would end up embarrassing myself during the interview (None of my peers said they went through this process though, but still…). Overall, I feel inadequate, and like my time is running out to get some experience in so I can be taken more seriously and actually get a job once I graduate. At the same time, I feel especially unmotivated this semester to do anything outside of my requirements.
No. 51649
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I hate my family and consumer sciences class so much. It's super irrelevant to my major but I have to take it anyway and the whole class is just the teacher and textbook bitching "women this women that". We have to do volunteer service in the class and if we don't do it we fail no matter how much of the other assignments we do. The teacher will go into the gradebook and erase our other grades if we miss even one hour of the required hours.
I'm so stressed because nothing but animal shelters fit into my schedule and she won't allow those because apparently she believes animals are irrelevant to a household.
I genuinely feel it's stupid to have your students volunteer if it isn't from the goodness of their hearts. My class schedule makes it hard to do stuff and I've been stressing all month over these volunteer hours because I don't want to fail but I question if I have to.
I'm getting to the point where I just want to lay down and cry because nothing I do works and the organization I'm trying to volunteer for has yet to go through the background check for me. I need at least a small amount of hours to turn in and I can't even do that right now without a background check. I'm screaming so hard on the inside.
No. 51651
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>when u feel a cold coming on but you're in college and your college takes attendance and you can't afford to miss any classes so you just shove flonase up your nose and take a bunch of a pseudoephedrine and go on with your day
No. 51677
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Alright guys, I'm in OCD bitch mode and looking for ways to ruin my roommate's life/make him accountable for his damn life.
Background: Living w/ bf and two of his friends. Not close friends, so I dgaf about them. One of my roommates (A) is probably depressed, thinks everything requires effort, and can't remember chores or bills to save his life.
Dilemma: I'm neurotic and can't stand seeing dirty dishes in the sink. My roommate always leaves them and forgets about it for an entire week, until I mention it and he claims the dishes aren't fucking his. I know they're his because I have a detailed memory of this shit. I know I should feel sympathy for A because he's useless and never leaves his room, but I just can't let this go.
Farmers, what methods can I use to get my shitty roommate to clean up after himself? Should I send him a picture of his dirty dishes every time so he remembers they're his? I'm honestly not above doing that. Chore wheels and the like are out, I'm talking about aggressive action that gets shit done :^)
No. 51679
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Start to put them in the trash. Take the trash out too. As soon as the person realizes there is no more dishes suggest plastic dishes. Leave your dishes inside your own room, always clean them up after meals.
If you don't want to put them in the trash you could just dump them in front of their room everyday until they snap. And when they snap you pretend you don't know what they are talking about and proceed to do it until they start to clean their own shit.
No. 51690
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>school is on quarter system
>normally fall quarter ends mid november so i can spend thanksgiving through new year's with my family
>hurricane matthew happens
>school is evacuated for over a week
>they make an announcement that they are extending the quarter until december 1st
>meaning i can't go home for thanksgiving
No. 51691
Applying to law schools this month.
Wish me luck guys. I'm considered a "competitive" candidate. If I don't get in I'm probably gonna sudoku.
No. 51695
>>131504Thank you!
>>131503Good luck to you.
>>131505Yes. I don't want to post my first choice on here but my first choice isn't the "best" school ever, but it's a school I've wanted to go to for a very long time. Unfortunately they have a particularly holistic process so I'm scared that even though I have the stats for it, they will reject me because I'm not a diverse enough candidate.
No. 51697
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>couple weeks ago have a partner assignment
>give classmate my personal email to discuss it with them
>doesn't respond to my message so I just finish it with no input
>just got an email from them asking if I want to go to the movies
I'm just gonna say no thanks but dammit they even sit next to me in class too. Now it might wind up being awkward.
No. 51709
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This college year is the worst so far, and I say that as someone who hates college in general:
>2 teachers are indefinitely absent, no idea who they'll hire to replace them or when, which means I probably won't get any credits for these subjects
>teachers are absent all the time but we're told when it's too late (for example I had a class a Monday at 9:0 but we were told 15min before it that it was canceled. The next one started at 12:30)
>when canceled classes are replaced, it's either a Saturday or at the same time as another class
>we had a mandatory every Saturday until whiny cunts complained to the teacher and the administration that they wanted their Saturday for themselves, not because they had a job or anything, but because they want to see their parents at the other side of the country france every weekend and they already bought a shitton of train tickets even though we were told we would have classes on Saturdays
>now this specific class takes place every Tuesday until 20:00. We're done with classes 8h later than planned every Tuesday because of these crybabies, even though I have another class at 8am the next day
>we're told to do big assignments and presentations literally 3 days beforehand or we're given the wrong instruction and waste our time revising the wrong stuff
>my computer is dying on me and I have no money to replace it because my parents need some of my money for super important bills, even though I'm granted a pretty big scholarship because of how poor my family is
>mfw I just want a master degree to find a decent job later and become an independent adult, but I'm thrown all this shit in my face
>because of some stupid student association, we have a shit load of tests in the middle of the semester, so less time to study on our own compared to the previous years and no other tests in case we mess up or aren't available the day of the test for a good reason.
>teachers don't put the assignments instructions on the intranet of the college but on fucking facebook, which means it's easy to miss that we have to do graded exercises or that we have a cancelled class or a replaced class
>I'm there to study foreign languages but those are the things we learn the least atm for some reason and I don't even have enough free time to study on my own
It makes me want to drop out of college, but I've got no professional experience or connections, so I can't find a job easily yet. I wish I could just stay at home, sleep and play vidya all day instead, I'm so desperate. I don't want to redo this year because of other people's mistakes.
The problem with the spoiled brats who changed our schedules is that they're rich enough to not be granted any scholarship, so they can travel every weekend and miss classes without having problems with the administration, but they insisted on having that one class another day. Whereas if I miss only one class for any reason that isn't me being really sick, I won't have my scholarship anymore and I would have to pay back everything I received so far, even though I'm poor (which is the reason why I'm granted a scholarship in the first place). I only sleep 4 or 5 hours each night, it's a nightmare. I wish I could choose my schedule and subjects like in American colleges.
No. 51713
Oh boy, you're in for a wild ride anon. Although, since you'll be an exchange student, things will be easier for you if I'm not mistaken. Where are you from and in which city will you go?
According to exchange students who went from France to countries outside Europe, getting decent grades in college is insanely easy. People have a lot of free time and can choose which subjects and which classes they'll take apparently. I know that while here regular students can only choose the degree they want and they have a schedule and subjects that can barely be changed, exchange students studying here for only one year have a bit more freedom. A Japanese friend noticed one of our teachers was a cunt so she decided to take another class instead for example. It might depends on colleges though so look for more reliable info. We have a bunch of good teachers who are just as confused as us when it comes to schedules because they're also told at the last minute when and where we have a class, and some of them are just super strict for no good reason, but it's true that some teachers are just plain incompetent. It's because once they're hired in a public establishment, it's really hard to fire them, they're "protected", somehow. A bit OT, but for example, a teacher in high school was apparently a sick pervert and hitting on some of the female student and he was never fired even though a bunch of students and parents complained.
I wanted to study abroad this year personally because I know it's basically like going on vacations for a year and I would have improved in a foreign language faster, but I'm too poor. Keep in mind that teachers are nicer to foreign students and that French students will be very curious and help you a lot, from I've seen, so don't be too discouraged.
No. 51720
I understand.
I can relate to some of the things you said, especially on the absent teachers part. There's one of my teachers I've never seen, one I only saw once… And because of that last one, I now get home around 9 pm on Tuesdays because we now have a class with another teacher which finishes at 7 pm, and of course no one cares that some of us live far from college and go back home every evenings.
By the way, do you also have French classes? Because we do, and that's the one that makes me go home at 9 pm on Thuesdays now, and it's literally elementary school level. Remember the good old "joujoux, bijoux, cailloux"? Well, that's the kind of things we do. I'm not even kiding!
No. 51722
anons, I am such a procrastinator that I procrastinate procrastination.
I get my work done, yes, but usually at the last minute. I hate it but I do not have the will to do ANYTHING, whether it's homework or showering or eating or socializing (introvert, but I have a best friend that I hang with all the time. she doesn't drain me but lately she does). doing anything feels like such a chore. I have to drag myself out of bed everyday. because of this flaw of mine, I think I get horrible sleep. I stress about these assignments and personal goals, and responsibilities at the back of my mind, but then I'm so weighted down with them. when I finally sleep, it's never a full, restful one. I can sleep for hours on end (from 7pm to 5pm if left to my own devices) to put it into perspective, but now I can get 9 hours or so and be so exhausted. it does not help that I have vivid dreams that sometimes create false memories for me. when I'm really tired or stressed I can't control my dreams and that's usually when they're the most vivid, so I wake up even more tired. I get pains behind my eyes and best my temples.
that isn't even why I'm posting, but I don't see my counselor until tomorrow and there's so much I want to say but this is our second time meeting lol, so I'm getting it out now.
I really wanted some tips on time management and organization. I started writing down important dates, and putting then in Google calendar (this app is so good, I love it), but I feel like my life lacks order and organization and that's why I'm such a mess. I don't even know how to organize my dorm without losing or misplacing items!! i have a shit memory too. honestly this is bothering me because I don't want to have depression through college. this feels like this is where it's heading. I stopped participating in my hobbies, and I'm on our newspaper and I've been slacking so much. I am gonna cry if I keep typing this, but I'm gonna save it for tomorrow lols
No. 51726
This used to be me, but I've improved considerably in the past year or so only thanks to my lecturers' encouragement.
First of all, if Google Calendar alone isn't doing it for you, get a (paper) planner, or make a bullet journal. Seriously. Get a pretty one because it'll make you want to write in it.
Second, get some nice highlighters and pens, and several 5 subject notebooks. Do not use a laptop or tablet to take notes, that's a surefire way to forget everything as soon as the lecture is over.
Look through the schedule you get at the beginning of each class and copy EVERYTHING into your new planner. Also add ecs, sports or whatever you know you'll do regularly.
Establish rapport with your lecturers and keep in touch with them. They'll help you.
If there's a lot to do, plan ahead and write it down in your planner in pencil so you can erase it if something changes.
Divide every task into small chunks and do them one by one. Get rid of useless clutter, you don't need 10 rubbers, 5 biros and 200 pencils to do a good job. If someone's giving away free gear (offices do this a lot, I got so many ring binders and staplers from my college's admissions office once) then cool, but think about what you're really going to use. I've never used sticky notes for example, but I use a hole punch almost daily.
When you feel uninspired, look at studyblrs. Seriously, they make me want to study. Cute stationery is also great. It's okay if your handwriting is bad, I write like a spastic and I'm left handed so it smudges all the time.
Know that any system you fall into takes time to turn into a habit. I can guarantee you won't know what works for you at the beginning, it's just impossible. You might buy a lot of post its and never use them, or spend a lot of money on a nice planner that you just can't get used to. What works for you won't necessarily work for someone else and vice versa. For example, I made a bullet journal last summer, thinking sure I'll use it all the time. Except it didn't work and I couldn't be arsed to draw new pages and that sort of thing so I just went and bought myself a regular planner which works just fine. I've also tried those Korean planners with monthly and yearly calendars like and didn't know what to do with them, fuck em.
Point is, it takes time and effort. Good luck, hope you get something out of my rambling.
No. 51731
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Saw this and it reminded me of this thread (and myself)
No. 51734
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I haven't really made any friends in the classes I'm in and everyone just kinda ignores me. In other classes I had in the past, people have been friendly. I'm asking myself why am I even worrying so much. Since I should be focusing on my grades. But shit its hard when you don't have anyone.
I'm in a major kinda don't wanna be in but its a major that will get me a job. But I don't even know what I want to do with my life. :(
No. 51739
I keep seeing this bullshit 'do what u luv' advice but it's horrible advice for two reasons:
a) you probably won't do only one thing for the rest of your life, and your job could be great or miserable depending on your workplace and colleagues. You can even grow to love a subject close to your major and branch off.
b) When you do something you're passionate about for a living, you're usually gonna do it for others. You like writing? You're probably not gonna become a bestselling novelist, let's be real. You'll probably end up writing articles about potash for a farmers journal, or your company's performance review. This is an express lane to hating your favourite hobby, which you can do on the side.
My father is a maxillofacial surgeon, one of the best in the country. My mother is an accountant.
Mum saved up enough to buy a set of flats to rent out and then quit her job because she couldn't stand accounting, or her coworkers, or her boss. Now she's a landlady.
My dad nearly dropped out of secondary school and went to study medicine because he fell in love with a girl there. To this day he thinks his job is 'okay' and has never liked it much, but he'd decided to do his best when his then-gf broke up with him and graduated cum laude out of sheer spite.
If we all did what we loved there'd be no plumbers, cashiers, street cleaners, butchers, lorry drivers, janitors, etc.
No. 51752
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After two years of NEETing from the end of highschool, I'm finally going back to school this spring. I'm downright horrified. The prospect of failing both academically and socially just seems more and more likely the more I realize how busted my brain is at this point.
I'm only gonna take about 4 classes (13 credits total), but I'm probably retarded enough to flunk at least the math class (which is what nearly stopped me from graduating from HS). What's worse is that I'm gonna be attending the equivalent of a community college two years later than most of my graduating class, who all are attending legit schools like Cornell and Brown and other Ivies/equivalents.
Also, I'm having an existentialist crisis about my art. My online art buddies say I shouldn't give up but I feel like a failure compared to everyone online and I'm starting to feel like there's not point to pursuing art anymore. It's complicated because it's the only thing I can envision doing, even if I'll end up in debt from art school or struggle to land jobs at studios. But I just don't think I'm capable enough to ever become good enough to compete in the field.
No. 51753
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It's not like it's impossible to pass your friends.
What are you specifically struggling with? There's a resource for everything, so if you focus on improving one area at a time you will eventually blow your friends away.
No. 51759
I've come to really dislike some people in my class. They want every assignment to be easy, when teachers ask for a vote in the class they all vote for the simplest dumbest shit that freshmen could do instead of asking the teacher to explain what they don't understand and study a bit more so they can success on more difficult assignments. And then when I give my opinion on that they go "well not everyone is as great as you", like fuck I'm not that great, it's just you who hardly works. We do languages, and none of those people ever try having discussions with exchange students or read in the languages we're learning, how the fuck do they expect to get better? The only reason I'm so "great" (it's an exaggeration) is because I'm more invested, not because I was born smarter, and anyone could beat me if they just made friends with exchange students.
Also I hate how I've grown sorta paranoid due to my relationship worsening with some classmates. I participate a lot in class, and of course I make some mistakes. But I've started feeling like people are snickering and laughing when I get something wrong, it could be coincidences and it's just that they laugh about something else at that moment but fuck, it puts me on the edge. And even when I just raise my hand because I want to answer, sometimes I hear whispers like "here she goes again", and after I give a correct answer I hear people sighing like they're exasperated of me bragging, or something. My friends told me to stop being paranoid, but when you feel like people dislike you I think it's natural to be on the edge.
Next time I feel like I'm getting mocked I won't let it slide, I'll just turn around and ask what's so funny. I should stop caring but I feel it'll just endlessly frustrate me if I never say anything.
No. 51761
I wanted some outside feedback just incase i'm overthinking and making im worse for myself. So i'm going to try to say this without being one sided.
My friend and I have been friends for 4 years, went to college and moved to uni together. He's a hand hold-less and kiss-less virgin. Everyone always thinks we're dating because we're always together in uni and we bicker a lot (like an old married couple) We Laugh it off because we have no sexual attraction towards each other what so ever, plus i have a bf.
A few months ago some girl came into his life and basically cucked him. I warned him about the whole situation and to be careful, that ended up on that girl telling him not to speak to me and he became very cold towards me. Turns out she was using him for money. Surprise surprise.. They broke up and he started to talk to be like normal again.
Now he's found interest in some girl who lives in the same student accommodation as us. We live in the same flat and have so for 2 years. He is in the common room litreally all day for the chance he will see her. I was super happy when i found out because I WANT him to have a gf, he needs one tbh. I met her in the common room and she's super sweet and seems perfect. It seems that she just sees him as a friend but he's been working on telling her about how he feels. Because of him meeting this girl he refuses to come to uni since he stays up all night waiting for her to go into the common room or skips class just so he can sit there and wait /just incase/ she turns up.
About 2 weeks of him not talking to me and being cold again I asked him about it, he just said he likes it down there and he simply cba going into uni, even though we have 3 projects due in the next 2 weeks and he has started none of them because of this girl.
Last Night, he invited about 10 people over to our flat. He told me beforehand to make sure it was okay. I was a bit upset because he didn't invite me. I wasn't allowed to go because the girl he likes was making the food and he didn't want to ask her if i could come incase she got offended for whatever reason.
So lastnight I was stuck in my room for 6 hours trying to do some uni work while I had to listen to the party he was having. I told him how upset this made me and said sorry but still didn't let me go into the kitchen in my own fucking flat..
He came into uni the next day and I asked him about it, he said it wasn't his fault, turned around to our other friends asked them to sign his name in for the next lecture so his attendance wouldn't go down. Stood up and walked away, went home. He didn't say a word to me and I was just sat there.
I make food for this guy 3 nights of the week simply because i always have leftovers, we've been friends for 4 years, lived together for 2 and he refused to let me go to a party because the girl he liked was making the food.
He's still happy to mootch of mine and my friends uni work since he's so behind. I told them all to stop helping him since he refuses to put the effort into coming in to uni and do it himself.
I'm sorry about my grammar etc.
No. 51767
I feel this whole post. I had a course in uni where the professor was new, fresh out of grad school, so she wasn't the best but she tried. A big problem for her was that she wanted to be open to students' questions and thoughts, but did not have the experience to reign in the class after going very far off topic. This often led to running out of time before she went through her lecture for that day. It was irritating, but it happens, so I just studied a bit more. Most people in the class complained that she sucked at teaching and nothing made sense to them and would get so off topic in every discussion. And they always blamed the poor teacher for their bad marks.
I'm also always one of maybe a few other people in the class who actively participate. I don't want to be a dominant voice in the discussion, I really hate it, but I'm an impatient fuck and I hate the dead air of a teacher hopelessly looking for some spark of life in students after asking a question even more.
Anyway, just ignore them. I know it's hard to stop feeling paranoid, but like the other anon said, it's not worth it to call them out. You're putting in your dues now, and it will pay off with good marks and a good impression on your teachers.
No. 51772
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It's taking everything I have to not scream right now. I live on campus while in uni and it's close to finals so I just wanted to focus on that. I get an email from Housing saying either I need to find a roommate for next semester or they pick one for me.
Now, that'd be ok if it weren't for the fact that I do better without a roommate. My grades are better and I'm just overall much calmer and happier to be around. Last time I had a roommate the bitch stole my credit card when I wasn't looking and a couple of my personal belongings disappeared or where moved all the time when the she brought friends over without warning. The uni has a habit of sticking the quiet people with the more outgoing "party" people in hopes of making them more sociable and it backfires for me every damn time.
I keep to myself most of the time and everyone I know or get along with either has a roommate or lives off campus. I know I'll get stuck with some shit roommate if I don't pick one but I don't have anyone to choose from. I'm so fucking stressed it's making it hard to concentrate on finals. They really should've waited before pulling this nonsense.
I can get the option to keep my dorm room to just myself but housing has to approve that themselves and chances of that are slim. I just hope I'm lucky enough to keep things without a roommate.
No. 51773
Bit of a follow up from last night's drama.
My so called "friend" of 4 fucking year continued to be cold towards me and our group of friends.
We decided to do secret santa about a month ago and set the limit to £3 - since we're all poor and it doesn't have to be a nice gift. Yesterday, the day we were all giving our gifts to each other he decided to not come into uni. The reasoning was because of an assignment due that night, the real reasoning was that the night before he has raided my food cupboard for a gag gift to give to one of our asian friends, so he stole some noodles, some rice and a pair of MY chopsticks, gave them to me to wrap up and went back into his room.
So i basically gave out 2 secret santas while he stayed in bed at home. The person who had his gift was just completely heartbroken that everyone was opening each other's gifts and reacting to them and all he could do was sit there and give me his gifts to give to him when i get back home.
Fast forward to last night, he is in our friend groups discord chat but never talks, ever. He started talking since he wanted to leech of someone's work. It quickly turned to "wtf why are you here" from the others to him. He has this whole "i dont care" attitude that he puts up as a wall. I brought up the party and said i wasnt invited just because the girl hes trying to get with was making the food and he didn't want me there "messing it up for him".
It was also brought up that last month it was mine and one of our friends birthdays. Our friend had been skipping uni due to issues at home and being extremely suicidal. I set up a little birthday celebration for him to cheer him up and got everyone together. My friend didn't come, he said he was sick when he was in the common room till 2am trying to flirt with the girls. The guy whos birthday it was, was pretty upset he didn't come because it meant so much to him that everyone came out, just for him.
After telling my "friend" about it he got all defencive saying he had no money (even when it was clear you didn't need any to come) and that he simply didn't care and had better things to do.
He tried to turn it on me for being jealous saying "what i can't have other friends??" when i made it clear that i loved that he had other friends since he struggled making them in the past. Gladly someone had my back and explained i'm always looking out for him and that when i plan something he is first on the list to come. He stopped replying and i heard him go out and slam the doors.
I have to live with this guy for another 6 months, i plan on moving out somewhere else the second i can and I honestly don't think it's worth trying to keep this friendship alive anymore.
again, i'm sorry for my grammar.
No. 51775
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this guy sounds like a total self centered prick and you'd be better off investing yourself into your studies and your other friendships tbh. Despite what you two may have had in the past Id definitely say leave this fuckwad behind. This made me legitimately angry to read.
No. 51784
I've only got spring semester to finish (4 or so more months) and then I can graduate and go on my internship. unfortunately, that's the part that's stressing me out the most. my internship will be abroad in Germany, but I've never been abroad, and I've never flown before, and now I have to do all of these things at the same time while worrying about how to conduct myself so I don't look like a stupid American. I've been taking German language & cultures classes for the past four years, but I just clam up when I talk to other people, and it's even worse in another language. I can write in German quickly and coherently enough, but I can't just carry a whiteboard around with me all day lol
anyway, most of these things are because I was really sheltered growing up. I'm getting over it steadily, but this is such a huge part because it's completely different from anything I've ever done before. I'm so goddamn scared, anons.
another smaller thing is that I only have one friend at school now, and she's one of those "I'm not like the other girls" type of people, and it's exhausting to be around her or talk to her for more than an hour or so… but I'll only have to talk with her for four more months, so it's not too bad…. sorry for the blogpost, thank you for listening
No. 51785
>>51779>>51781>>51782Are you guys me?
I'm gonna be returning this year after dropping out 5 years ago, I'm fucking terrified. I'm having trouble sleeping and I haven't even started going yet.
No. 51786
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Here to complain about uni friends and housing OH THEY JOYS.
So, its 2nd year of Uni and we've got a house together with two other students we know. Everythings chill for the first few days, till my close friend for first year starts not liking how I am "out of friend hours". I'm very shut off when I'm at home, quiet, tired and drink endless cups of tea. Home is my comfort zone and where I rest.
Not now though.
Boyfriend visits for the first time, I'm in room not very bothered. Get a knock on the door, "hey so-so is here. Can you be a bit more social?"
I'm sorry. What.
I am not here to entertain you in this house, friend seemed like they expected me to come out with jazzhands and a slew of one-liners to get the banter going. This then led on to friend complaining about "I didn't choose to live with 3 other people so we could be unsocial, I would've gotten a studio for that"….we're living here because this is a cheaper, safer option. Not to entertain you. Whatever, life goes on. A few minor nitpicks occur, they "admit" a studio flat would be an arm and a leg, other roommate takes the piss with my game console and start playing it without me and using my netflix without me even asking, friend accusing me of everything in the house that goes wrong when I dont even own the appliances that are never cleaned and being considered "the helpful fairy" by all housemates.
Basically not snapchatting "WERE OUT OF MILK!!!" and…not going out to buy milk…the shop is 200 yards away.
We start looking into renting for next year, I am pretty "meh" on the subject. I'm extremely behind on coursework so haven't been looking at the group chats at all. Angry messages occur but I can't put off the private tutorial by tutor so they view it. Later on I text an apology about not being able to go and they are chill, then get a call,"Hey me and roommate A have decided to give roommate B a double room in the house as they've never had one before, your in the single with same rates as the doubles".
I'M 5'10.
"And the deposit is'nt 75 its 150 now they added something" Do you know? "Yeah I cant remember"
Tell friend and roommates A&B I'm gonna give it a think. Next day occurs. "You ready to put the deposit down?" What friend?"Yeah we've decided to take the house"
I'm low on cash at this point, its near the end of the year and all my funds have gone. The first house they've seen with the dodgey contract and shitty room for me. I was'nt even asked if I was okay with it. Tell friend I can't because no funds. "Just ask your parents for the money"……that's not how this works.
A huge argument ensues, friend says I tell them nothing, hates my attitude and the fact Im quiet in the house puts them on edge. I tell friend they should stop assuming I can get money so easily, that I'm ok with everything and I'm not here to entertain. Roommate breaks it up as I stomp out the house to bitch to a friend. Few days go by and friend does'nt talk or interact with me, I try a few times but never in their room. Friend thn appears in my room to say "Ive been avoiding everyone in the house", when in actual fact I'd been out studying so correct them. Was then told they can't live with me next year as I have an attitude and my quiet nature puts them on edge.
Argue back(LIKE ANYONE WOULD) and friend storms off, saying this is exactly why. Sit there and have a breakdown, mentally and physically, resulting in cutting myself and almost barfing. Friend comes back to see me and proceeds to console as I have a full panic attack(my leg wouldn't stop jumping around and I'd never had that happen. I was scared something fucking snapped in my head). Breakdown to friend and say its my fault, blah blah, I don't remember anything I said, just what happened physically.
Things simmer down and we go about our business, not bring anything up. A few weeks later I receive a text "Hey you said you'd go get therapy or I'm not living with you next year" I don't remember that, some help and advice maybe but therapy? Ask a few friends who've known me for alot longer about the therapy and what should I do about it. Friends all reply with simple no's and wtf's and that I should've called friend out on that.
Friend meanwhile has been put on strong antidepressants and getting close with roommate B, who has mental issues as well and on antidepressants. So I'm guessing they saw it as "a simple quick fix" to get me back to how I am out of the house and no longer quiet.
Back to present pretty much, get a call from friend, has now decided they are going to be living with Roommate B to quote "knuckle down"….I was seriously affecting you that badly? Say whatever that's fine and be done with it, think Roommate A is in the same pool as me and I have no time for this, I have a huge deadline coming up to be worried. Find out from friend that Roommate A was not as agreeable and "thinks she might be upset" WOW YOU THINK.
Cut to today, get a quick and simple text
"lol hi, so Roommate A&B are gonna be living with me now, it's so much easier getting a 3 bedroom house anyway! We all wanna knuckle down next year."
I have lost all shits to give. Every single one of them. All. Reply with a quick "oh lol k" and give up.
So. Am I just an asshole who needs therapy to fix me anons? As my friend put it, I've been left high and dry.
>tfw you still have to pay them for internet.
No. 51788
>>51786This is a problem thread, not a shitty novelist meeting. Please learn how to condense information if you want input or anyone to even read your post.
>>51787Opposite of other anon, more information needed.
Setting your facebook publicly as single, socializing until you actually meet someone, making an effort with your appearance and if all else fails use online dating tools (but sure to put that you are looking for an actual relationship in your profile).
Since this is a uni problem thread, try joining societies/clubs
No. 51793
>>176457>>176463>Go to party >Don't accept dickings>The person that you talk with all night is the one you want to go on a date with>Go on datedone
NOTE: if his dick enters you before the date then you have failed and must repeat step 1.
No. 51796
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I'm a first year studying at an Arts University and I received my feedback for my first semester. Most of it is okay.
I couldn't stand one module in particular. When I was encountering an issue with the work brief I told him, but he advised me to ask people to help me and send a mass email. (I don't want to burden others with my issues and I have anxiety so I mostly work on my own).
In the end I started working on other things that were within my range and slowly pushed that task to the back burner. Once the deadline was fast approaching I talked to him for another time. He wanted to know why I hadn't handed them in yet.
I told him that weeks before I said my reasons why I'd have trouble with it. Once again he offered the same solutions + a diatribe on the uni course and how working together is a key feature etc. I actually hadn't agreed to meet him, my other lecturer set it up when I came to meet her, so I had no real reason to sit around and listen to him. I told him I had things to do and was leaving, (bad choice of words, but really I didn't care at that time) and he said, "You do know that I'm marking this, don't you?" and I said "I'll make something decent."
Key word being decent.
I asked some online friends in the end for assistance and by working day and night for two days I was able to make something I thought was okay. So I hand it in.
My feedback from him was mostly negative (no surprise) but the thing that got me was "You need to put in more effort.", which for me regardless of the grades I received in the past, working was not an issue. I hardly attended his lectures, and don't (and do not want to) know him, but he thinks he has a good depth of who I am and how I think in the space of one measly semester. I'm not even mad at my mark, I'm mad at the way he talked to me, his expertise being a fair reason not to take my worries seriously. I got a pass so it's not an issue academic wise, and it doesn't contribute to my overall grade but still.
>I'm currently stuck trying to power through this course for the sake of my future and my career.
>Trying to do this despite my long-term issues with education and anxiety.
>May have people who are currently trying to psycho-analyse and probably look into every thing I do and say.
>One lecturer stands one because despite seeing me the least out of all of my lecturers, thinks he understands me enough to give me in-depth feedback and advice.
No. 51799
>>51797>>51798To elaborate it wasn't as if I never attended his lectures, I attend a good portion of them (enough for him not to make a fuss about it) and did my time. When I say hardly I mean in the sense I rarely saw or spoke to him or talked to him outside of my lectures.
I'm not going to be a hundred percent down with taking someone's advice when at the time I gave my reasons why it wouldn't work for me. Even at that time he seemed unconcerned with why it could ever be an issue in the first place.
I accept that I could have made the situation better for myself, but regardless of how well he knows me, he seems pretty confident that he does. And these issues aren't found in the other lecturers that teach me.
No. 51801
>>51800There was an assignment in which we had to create a piece using a script as a guideline. In order to do it to a good standard you needed to recruit help from others, but its mainly your piece.
I normally don't ask anything from people even my friends. I get reluctant even at my own family, so I'm not going to be able to slide into conversations very easily and ask for help.
But to collect materials needed to finish the piece, it is necessary. At the time he gave us the task I talked with him after class saying it'd be difficult to collect these extra materials. I'm being vague about the task itself, but that's the gist of it.
No. 51802
>>51801>>51799You knew you'd need to work with others. Maybe you hadn't realized it but most of the time when you're given rules you have to follow them and >muh anxiety and independence are seldom sufficient excuses.
Good for you that you were able to work it out decently by yourself but most of the time the easiest solution is just to follow given advice even if it's out of your comfort zone.
I get your frustration though. Sounds like you did a lot of effort in order to be able to manage this by yourself so it seems unfair he'd say this, and maybe if you had followed the advice from the start and given half the effort you gave this time, he wouldn't have said anything.
Better luck next time I guess.
No. 51803
>>51801What are you going to do in the future when you get a job and have to work with a team? Tell your boss that you have anxiety and prefer working alone? You need to deal with it at some point, the world isn't going to bend over for you. I have anxiety and know how bad it is, but you can't keep using it as a crutch like this.
Also, you sound like you have a terrible attitude in general, very childish. Your professor gave you advice and you said no, it's not going to work for me, and got snippy with him. He's your professor, not your babysitter. What did you want him to do then? Change the course for you and take out everything that's going to
trigger you? You saw the syllabus for your course before you started, you're the one who chose your classes. No excuse.
No. 51804
>>51802>>51803All of this. Not tooting my own horn here, just a personal anecdote: I was a proper sperglord when I started college, it's a business degree so teamwork is a given. I'd wager most colleges work this way since socialising is such an important aspect of everyone's career, so it's emphasised for good reason.
Anyway, I cried almost daily when I started because I was lonely and anxious, nobody wanted to talk to me and people just generally avoided me. Professors bandied about buzzwords like 'confidence' and 'networking' and at first I dismissed it as some awful bollocks, but after some time I actually realised they'd been telling the truth all along.
I'm sorry you have anxiety, it must be really difficult, but you can't spend the rest of your life hiding in corners and limiting your potential (sorry for the cheese). You need to overcome your fears, bite the bullet and put yourself out there even if it looks scary if you plan on ever getting a job and living a normal life,
especially if you plan on being an artist.
People won't hire you these days if you're insecure, nervous and introverted. It's a sad fact of life, and those of us who fit the bill need to at least learn how to fake confidence and be more assertive. People won't coddle you anymore now that you're an adult.
No. 51805
>>51803I don't pick the classes, they're set. And I didn't say "No, it's not going to work for me." and got snippy, I said I'd have trouble doing it, which isn't a lie. I was told to better communicate my issues if I had any, so if something comes up and I don't say anything then what good comes out of that?
To be honest I've dealt with my personal issues for long enough in conjuncture with my education without any adjustments to the requirements. I'm aware that my feelings have little effect on the status quo and that's life, but it does affect the calibre of what I can produce, which I'm working on.
>>51804I know I have a lot to go in terms of working with groups, and I have worked in groups sucessfully in the past. However, I have to work with what I can do and change what I can't do and try to navigate my way through the syllabus.
I understand everyone's advice here, and I can see that I may look like a student who intentionally refuses advice, but it isn't that simple. And it may seem ridiculous to not want to engage with a lecturer over this, but I honestly just want to put my head down and work, by myself and with others when I need to.
No. 51807
>>51806How's that possible? Longest I've been in school one day was like from 8 to around 6 and I had like a three hour break between classes that day. Maybe you'll get lucky though and some professors will let you out early.
Doesn't your college have a policy where if the class is long enough (more than 2 hours) they either have to give you a 15 minute break or something?
No. 51808
>>51807>Doesn't your college have a policy where if the class is long enough (more than 2 hours) they either have to give you a 15 minute break or something?Yes, but the thing is that almost all of my classes are 1h30 long, so it doesn't apply here, and it's 5min break. And getting breaks depends on teachers. Still, we don't get enough time to cover everything so even the teachers who give us breaks don't do it all the time. I'll just eat shitty sandwiches while taking notes most of the time. The only times teachers let us out earlier than planned is when we finish a class at 8pm, which means that I will end up getting back home at 9pm some days.
I think the reason why my schedule is so fucked up is because we often have teachers who aren't really teachers but more like professionals who think it's fine to not give a lecture whenever they want to so it changes all the time, and last semester, a lot of teachers were absent definitely because of their health and they had to be replaced at the last minute.
No. 51813
>>51812>I knew I'd never be able to attendI would rethink that, anon. Where there's a will, there's a way.
Also, literally everything you could want to learn about is online nowadays. If you can't go to uni right now, there's nothing stopping you from taking a free course.
No. 51815
>>51814This probably won't help you but just like any other activity socializing needs training. You have to practice it like you would practice a language or an instrument. The more often you interact with others the easier it gets.
However, the more you seclude yourself the more awkward the few conversations you'll have will be. On top of that you'll dissect every tiny mistake because you have only one conversation a week to obsess about instead of 372.
(btw. I'm not even following my own advice, so…)
No. 51820
>>51819Interesting. Do you meet with him in real life?
I also met a guy online a few years ago but he rejected me. We still talk, though. …And we've never
actually met.
No. 51822
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>it's going to be a "sat in the wrong corner of the computer lab and now I'm stuck in an assigned seat next to that weird chuuni classmate" semester
No. 51823
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Let me vent some retard shit fam.
>Be me 18
>Be me attend University
>Change major from B.Soc.sci to STEM in heartbeat because of shitty job prospects and general retardism of social sciences.
>Be me have no knowledge of science outside of highschool level biology.
>Have to take preparatory courses for chemistry, calculus and generalized science because wasted highschool time on Arts shit.
>Start off kind of shit with C - C+ grades despite full-time effort being put in.
>Finally pass preparatory papers enroll in real papers.
>Sister fail compsci introductory paper twice do third time and pass with 50% meet bf
>Be me get Bs an As in biology organic chemistry, history and physical chemistry
>Be me talk about how I enjoy semester despite not a lot of social shit because I can focus on myself and my studies fully
>Sister always tell me to shut up over school shit because she not want to be reminded of but I love the shit learnt outside of academia.
>Lonely doe and extremely introverted.
>Feel social pressure to mingle with classmates but not know where to start.
>Decide to join clubs
>Realize that all highschool friends went to entirely different towns, cities and places to get intended degrees/trades and employment.
>want to leave home and move into city to be closer to uni for extracurricular activities and social mingling but r scared and not know if it's cheaper/more efficient to move out. Particularly afraid of flatting with strangers.
>Change mind bout clubs because cannot attend with long travelling time to uni coupled with busy work schedule
>Be me be sad because no one shares personal interests, gaming, pop science and weird, esoteric stupid shit I like.
>Be me meet one girl who's eccentric who shares interests who I constantly try to impress since I never find people with similar interests.
>Sister also introvert meet bf in comp sci course at uni
>Be me talk about sci-fi, AIs and deep sciency gay philosophy shit I've always wanted to talk about to people with sisters bf.
>Be me try to befriend bf, sister gets hysterically jealous and paranoid that we have stuff in common and are same age while she older.
>Be me walk with both of them to comp sci lecture because have no classes for rest of day and bored as shit, also lecture theme about AI's which is shit I love.
>Be me walk at average speed in line as sis bf but sister slow as fuck so she gets left behind unintentionally
>Sister say "don't wait for me" "don't pity me "I don't even walk slow yous just walk fast"
>We subtly tease how slow sis walk saying she walk like snail real stupid innocuous shit
>Be sister earlier on date at botanical garden sister almost get ran over from walk too slow across high traffic roads
>Bf not wait for sis she pissed from it
>Be me say "you do walk pretty slow hur hur"
>Sister flip out and say I won't have her bf out of nothing and "stop taking his side" "He left me behind what a jerk"
>Sister proceeds to have mental breakdown because it appears like I walk with bf even though we almost at lecture hall and both on pathway about to be late.
>Sister storm around campus carpark in silence while bf confused as fuck and wonder wut happened, he ask me and I think she joking around
>Bf chase after her on carpark asking wut happen trying to hug tackle, sis just give me evils and say he not care bout her.
>Meanwhile in background I talk bout evolution and stupid shit cos bored of walking round in a fucking carpark bf discuss too while trying to apprehend her with hugs
>Sister throw all shit out and wants to leave uni.
>Bf say petty shit like she have bad breath, she have moustache to her face so sis take out frustration on me.
>Sis constantly gives me shit for being "vain" because I am somewhat into fitness and have body, diet and hair goals I work to achieve and maintain, basically I have a shred of self confidence in my appearance enough to maintain it in a way I see as ideal.
>Be me be constantly chastized for being "too vain", "superficial" "only care about appearences" for being fitter and slimmer than sister?
>Be me make fatal mistake of wearing thigh highs and slooty short shorts once when shopping and bf rubber neck while I talk to him.
>Sister always complain about how bf "rubberneck" and it make her sick I agree but feel responsible for partly.
>Sister say I try too hard to impress him and saying shit like i'm "stealing him" or "hes my boyfriend"
>Sister refuse to let me talk to or even look in direction of bf because "I'm just gonna flirt with him" I say I only want friend, she obviously not believe.
>Sister and bf plan on moving out and flatting at the end of January in preparation for Uni
>Be me ask if I can come too because of aforementioned reason
>Sister furious as shit and hate me forever saying she'll never forgive me because of me being "low key flirting" with him
>Be me wish I were male so wouldn't be accused of my apparent slut hussy whore steal yo mang demeanor and intentions.
Wat du?
I want a social life that I can juggle with school life I believe i'm ready for it now to make new friends but my sisters really put a dent in my confidence both physically and emotionally with her incessant hysteria. I've pretty much accepted I'm not being friends with her bf which is cool I guess, he never really got a say in it but whatever it's obviously not worth the hysteria it causes for our friendship to exist.
No. 51824
>>51823your sister sounds like an insecure cunt, anon, just ignore her bullshit. also, minimise your contact with her and her bf so she has no reason to nuclear on you. which is total bullshit, but you're gonna have to be the bigger, more diplomatic person considering she seems incapable of that.
there should be noticeboards around your uni where people can pin up flyers looking for flatmates or whatever right? scope that shit out, flatting with strangers would be a much better option than flatting with your sister, bc (hopefully) at least strangers don't flip out at you over trying to make friends?. flatting with strangers will also give you in to new friendship circles, which i'd call a win-win. it'll be scary at first anon, but remember, these people you're flatting with are in the same boat. you sound like you're trying to get your shit together anon, and i believe you can do it!!
No. 51827
>>51823He sounds like an awful boyfriend and you're enabling him.
He's obviously into you, especially if he's bad mouthing and ignoring his partner whole putting lots of focus on you even if you two for have a lot in common.
It isn't like you're trying to steal him but frankly your sister is right to worry- she should just be more upset with him than you.
No. 51828
>>51823this was hard to read tbh. your grammar seems fine in some sentences but the way you tried to green text made you sound like an illiterate mexican
anyways. i agree with
>>51827can't you find someone else to talk to instead of pissing off your sister? if the boyfriend wants to get with you and you let him it's gonna be a horrible situation and i'm sure he'll be willing to leave you like he did with your sister.
imo, this just sounds messy and you need to find friends. it's easy to find guys to give you their attention when you're into the science field and wear thigh highs. let your sister have her shitty boyfriend lol
No. 51830
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>>51829Kateneko! won't like it if you don't like incestious tutor-pupil relationship
No. 51831
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>mfw realizing how many weebs there are on campusI had no idea how open weebdom is now, after spending most of my life out of the West. Some (qt) girl was playing Space Dandy soundtracks and future-funk/Japanese disco samples on the class speaker, others talking about some weeb merch they got, and a few other people were talking about video games while openly playing their 3DSs. There even seem to be a couple of people teetering on wearing EGL.
I sort of feel like it's the perfect way for me to make friends, but exposing my power-levels feels like too much of a risk.
>tfw family members keep bringing up the fact I have no friends, even to non-familyAnd it doesn't seem like I'm any closer to fixing that problem.
>>51822On the bright side, you'll have stories to share in feels/horror/cringe threads, anon.
No. 51834
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>>51827>>51824Thank you for bothering to read my stupid long shit, i'll keep my distance from the two from now on. To be honest he does seem pretty shitty as a bf, he was the one who asked my sister out but all he does is rubber neck other girls and make pretty asshole comments about her being fake with her interests as well as petty shit about her appearance aforementioned. She bought a Nintendo 3ds to impress him and plays it commonly now, she watches the anime he gets into and actually thought I copied him liking Steins Gate, a fucking anime that's been out for almost 10 years now and has never seized to lose popularity.
There's fuck all girls in comp-sci as you can imagine but the computer labs are shared with graphic design students with a plethora of qt girls he rubbernecks. I think the combination of doing shit at school and being emotionally unstable got to her. I still love her even though she's been treating me like ass this entire semester but minimizing contact will be healthier for the both of us, like one anon said there's plenty of peeps in STEM who will share my likes and interests guys and girls alike, it sucks to have to give up a friend but fuck it.
>>51828>>51832Got lazy, soz fam. Again thanks for reading though.
No. 65396
>>51324Anyone else here go to community college than transfer to a university?
That's what I did, and I'm set to start classes this fall.
I hope I'm not in over my head since community college classes are pretty tame. :/ It's a top ten university and I had a 3.8 gpa after taking Calculus,Calculus II, a couple compsci and humanities courses.
I heard of people dropping out of university with 4.0 from CC's since the level of intensity in University wasn't what they were prepared for.
No. 65419
>>65396I've taken classes at both kinds of schools and there's a pretty big difference if it's a top school. But depends on your cc I guess. My local one is pretty shit and teaches to the lowest denominator, so it's really easy to do well on little effort.
You should be fine as long as you recognize it will be harder/different than cc and take it seriously. It's more often the case that people who do badly in university fuck around too much and have shit time management than the material being objectively difficult to master.
No. 65420
>>65415Well my grades have dropped since, but that's because we get a lot of group projects and last semester I got stuck with a bunch of lazy Russian and Vietnamese exchange students who were expecting me to do all the work. I've written about it elsewhere on here, I think.
>How did you manage to be that good?Well, I have no friends and I pretty much became a hermit several weeks prior to the exam season. I just try to start from the beginning and build up on existing knowledge rather than picking up the pieces and studying the most important bits of each lesson without taking the time to figure out how all concepts fit together, if that makes sense. Also, three hours of sleep per night. I'm actually trying to spread the material out a bit more so I could sleep because all that studying REALLY fucked with my health.
No. 65422
>>65420Thanks for the quick reply and sorry to hear about having to put up with them, that must suck.
I'm also pretty much a hermit, but still can't bring myself to actually do something and if i manage to motivate myself enough, than i often end up staring at the same sheet of paper without actually remembering anything.
Also my anxiety before tests is often pretty bad, which definetly isn't helpful either…
No. 65709
I took dual credit classes in high school, failed the math portion of the entrance exams but it didn't matter because I didn't go to college right away anyway. 5 years later, I'm on my last class. The math portion.
I went to take the exam and holy shit, these idiots had me running around for 30 minutes as the timer was counting down for the cutoff to be entered into the testing area. "Why did advising send you here? Go to admissions. Why did admissions send you here? Go to testing. Why did testing send you here?" etc.
I finally get in and all we get is two sheets of blank computer paper and a pencil to take the test with. The calculator we could use was just a basic one as a computer program, and it took literally 15-20 seconds for it to recognize a keystroke. He got super annoyed that the system for some reason kept kicking me off the test and he'd have to restart it.
I missed the passing grade by 1 or 2 questions and the college is trying to slam me into remedial classes for $900, saying my schedule was too hard to work with for tutoring (I work 40 hours a week, all of their tutoring ends when I get off work) and I'd just have to take the 3 semesters of math in order to graduate.
I finally said I'd be back in a week to retake and hopefully pass after studying by myself, and I looked at the results and they're trying to shove me into Elementary Algebra when it's my weakest subject when Statistics and Probability were my strongest. I'd rather take that as my core class, not something I'm shit in.
I hate money grabs, they don't care about the students at all, just the money. I'm so glad I'll be done after this.
No. 76816
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Shameless necro to ask how the fuck did you guys figure out what you wanted to major in? I can't figure out for the life of me if I should do STEM or not. Should I figure out what career I want first and then choose my major or should I do what I'm most passionate about? I very much enjoy history and anthropology but I hear the job prospects aren't well paying unless I want to be a professor or teacher and I don't want to be either. I don't mind working for museums and doing archiving and research though but I imagine the pay isn't all that.
If I do decide to major in STEM, I was thinking that I want a career doing something with environmental science; majoring in geology with a minor in biology seems like a good idea for this as there's a variety of interesting, growing job prospects if I work hard. However, I'm shit at math and not horribly interested in science from what I remember of my old high school classes. Can I figure out what I want to do after I take basic courses in college? Maybe that'll get the cogs turning since it's been many years since I've been in school and I've grown.
I'm desperately trying not to fall into a trap. Your advice would very much be appreciated.
No. 76828
>>76816I definitely would recommend taking basic courses and going off from there. Sometimes boring subjects you learned in high school are way more engaging in college, so it's good to cover a lot of bases. Plus, I'm sure whatever college you're going to will have counselors that can help you choose a path.
I wouldn't be too worried about not being a big math or science person. I never excelled in STEM classes in middle or high school, but now I'm pursuing engineering. What matters most is your work ethic and how much effort you're willing to put in. It's better to be aware now, as the cocky smart kids who coasted by in high school think they're hot shit and end up getting overwhelmed with real work in college.
Environmental sciences could be a cool field if that's what interests you. Seeing what your university has to offer you could help narrow down your choices, too. Most people struggle to choose a major because they only think in really vague terms like English or engineering, when there's tons of specialty fields that would suit their interests more.
You mentioned that you enjoy anthropology. Maybe you could consider going into astrobiology? It connects to ideas of evolution and also incorporates biology and even some geology. It's a cool niche field and might be up your alley if that stuff interests you.
Sorry, I kinda rambled. I hope I could help you at least a little bit! Good luck on your career path, whatever you choose to do!
No. 77366
Hey, I've been struggling with how to pursue higher education and I would love to hear some advice. I'm American but the cost of college here is way too much for me and my family. Even with aid, I'm still fucked over, and I can't stay at home any longer because I'm trying to escape an abusive situation (long story) so going to a local community college is out of the question.
I started thinking about the possibility of studying in Europe - not as a foreign exchange program, but moving to Europe and enrolling as an international student. Specifically, I was considering Germany, because I've been studying German for about six years, and I know they have very well-respected universities. I'm just afraid it won't work out somehow, and that I'll be miserable and alone in a foreign country. I also feel like the college experience in Europe is very different from that of America, and because I have different expectations of university, I'll be somehow disappointed or feel like I'm "missing out" on what my peers are experiencing back home. I don't know if that's stupid or not, though.
Part of me is terrified to live in a foreign country but a tiny part of me is intrigued. I've always felt dissatisfied with my life and I would absolutely love to start anew in a completely new country, but I feel like I might be romanticizing the idea of studying in Europe. I'm also totally okay with staying and working in Germany after I get my degree, I don't think I would feel any need to bolt straight back to the USA after graduation.
Does anybody have experience studying as an international student, specifically an American going to Europe? Is it more economical to study in Germany, or would the cost of living make it equal to that of an American university? I would love any advice or input, I'm just so lost. Everybody around me has absolutely no experience with going to Europe for school, so I don't really have anybody else to talk to, lol.
I would also love if any German anons had advice for me, such as what university life is like over there, or how international students are viewed.
Sorry for rambling. I'm just so anxious about this and I don't know what to do. I'd really appreciate any input.
No. 77367
>>77366Visa, living and travel costs are often very hefty I've heard. I go to an international university and everyone who comes here from the Americas is loaded as hell, and even then they all complain how they often can't access their money back home and how people here won't rent to them. They also don't like that not everyone speaks English and some teachers can't understand them.
What about Canada?
No. 77368
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>>77366German anon here:
Since you've been studying German for six years already, i assume your level is quite high?
I'm going to be honest; personally, i'm an incredibly shy and socially anxious person and therefore university life isn't much fun for me.
I've never been to the States, so i have no idea how it really is there but growing up watching american movies really shaped my view of how college is supposed to be falsely.
In Germany you don't live on campus, you either live in your own flat or in some sort of shared housing (you've got your own room + bathroom, but a shared kitchen), so it's not like you've immediately got a roommate to chat with.
There are club activities available, but i'd say that most people actually aren't joining any.
Generally, international students stay completely to themselves, i don't know why. Not even "sorted" by country, but just all foreigners in general stick together…?
Maybe you're a more outgoing person than me (or the majority of Germans) and will find friends quickly, plus if you're trying to escape and abusive situation, even if it's not going to be much fun, at least you're safe (and the fee for one semester is less than 200€).
In conclusion, it's not going to be easy, but at least you won't be in huge debt afterwards.
(To cheer you up: Alcohol is incredibly cheap here and i've heard that drinking in public is forbidden in the US…?)
No. 77370
>>77368Something i forgot to add:
If i'm not mistaken getting a degree in the USA only takes 3 years, while in Germany you'll definitely have to study for (much) longer.
No. 77372
>>77366I'm an international student (not American though) studying in Germany
If you have no interest in Germany and living abroad you will have a very hard time here
Germans are obviously different from Americans and it will take time and effort to integrate here. That said Germans are very open and friendly so it's not hard to make friends here. From my experience all the stereotypes Germans have not been true so far. German uni's also have cheap cafeteria (mensas), making it very easy to invite people to get some dinner. Personally moving to Germany was the best decision I've made, I was way lonelier back home
I haven't studied in the US so I don't know what you think you're gonna be missing out on. You'll be able to travel Europe, learn a new language and get to know another culture. I know some Americans and they like it better here way better than back home
No. 77374
>>77367Yeah, the cost of living is what I'm worried about in Germany, especially since my family is solidly middle class. I figured paying rent would be better than owing thousands of dollars to the government with interest, but as I've never lived on my own before, I don't think I understand the full responsibility of the cost of living!
To be honest, I didn't look into Canadian schools at all. I had heard that tuition in Canada, while cheaper than the US of course, was pretty expensive so I immediately cast it off. I think I'll try doing my own research for sure, I certainly wouldn't mind living in Canada! Thank you for your advice!
>>77368I would like to say my German skills are good after all those years, but I'm really self conscious. I'm good at reading and writing and I get good grades in my German class, but I get nervous when I'm having conversations, especially because I hate my American accent. I guess Germans probably won't be expecting me to sound like a perfect native though.
Yeah, I'm pretty shy myself. I feel like I'm an outgoing person, but my insecurities make it difficult for me to actually do that. I love talking to strangers and making new friends, so I think that's why I'm attracted to the idea of going to a new country where nobody knows me. I also like sports so I feel like joining a casual team would be an easy way for me to make friends, but I'm not sure how popular those are at German universities.
And with the alcohol thing, haha, I'd love to get my hands on German beer. I'm not really a big fan of huge parties and getting blackout drunk, but I feel like party culture is very different in Europe/Germany compared to America? Here I feel like college kids go overboard on alcohol because it's rebellious and "cool" which I really dislike.
Thank you for your input, I appreciate hearing your insight as a German!
No. 77376
>>77374The reason i wrote that Germans in general are rather reserved etc. is because foreign students always "complain" about it, e.g. girls having to do the first move with german boys etc.
So maybe you're going to appear really friendly and extroverted in comparison.
We usually start drinking at 16, so our "wild years" are already over by the time we're going to university and many prefer only going to some bar to chat and drink, you don't necessarily need to go clubbing.
No. 77377
>>77372If you don't mind me asking, what country are you from? I'm just curious to know about your native language and if you found it difficult studying in Germany if German isn't your native language.
I would consider myself as having an interest in the country. I've been learning German for a while now and I've always found the culture and history of Germany really interesting. I definitely wouldn't want to study somewhere random like Spain or France, it would intimidate me too much as I don't have any familiarity with the language or culture.
It's good to hear that in your experience Germans have been friendly. So many people here are really snobby and say things like "All people from Germany/other European country are snobby, hate Americans, etc." and I feel like that can't all be true lol. The German exchange students who came to my high school were always super nice, too. But idk.
You raise a fair point about exploring a new culture. I guess since I've never been to an American university myself yet, I won't know what I'd be missing out on either, lol. The idea of traveling is also super appealing to me. Do you get a lot of chances to travel during holidays/weekends? I'm so jealous of people in Europe who can easily roadtrip to so many different countries, and there are lots of places in Europe that I'd love to see.
Thank you so much for your input!
No. 77378
>>77374>Yeah, the cost of living is what I'm worried about in GermanyFor me rent is about 250, food+drinks 300 (I eat out a lot, I'm not an alcoholic) and travel 30
You can earn up to 450 a month tax free
No. 77380
>>77376Oh, that's interesting. Haha I grew up being known as the weird quiet girl so I think it'd be hilarious to then become known as the outgoing and extroverted American. I wouldn't mind it, though. I prefer to be in control of social situations instead of waiting for people to come talk to me.
>many prefer only going to some bar to chat and drink, you don't necessarily need to go clubbing.That's good to hear honestly. From what I saw from my friends and family in college they were constantly going wild at clubs and frat parties and it never appealed to me. I get really anxious when I lose control from drugs/alcohol so I'd much rather go to a more relaxed environment and watch sports/hang out, which seems like a more European thing.
No. 77381
>>77379That's definitely true. I live in supposedly one of the most expensive cities, but I think the average rent is somewhere between 250 and 300 warm
>>77377I'm from the Netherlands but I'm studying in English.
>So many people here are really snobbyThere are definitely stereotypes about Americans (most of them seem to be true but that aside) but at the and of the day people will judge you on your character not your nationality. Germans love to make fun of Dutch people too but it's all in good fun
>Do you get a lot of chances to travel during holidays/weekends? How much time you'll have heavily depends on what you study I guess. My uni organises trips though and travelling to other countries is pretty cheap so I'd say there are plenty of options to travel
No. 77383
>>77378Wow, you only pay 250 for your rent? I'm assuming that's in euros, but even in USD, that's dirt cheap. Is there some kind of subsidized student housing for students, or are there just really cheap apartments in Germany?
>>77379>it really depends on the area/cityThat makes sense. I really wanted to study in Munich, but I've heard the cost of living is insanely high there.
Do you (or any other anons in Germany) have recommendations for good cities to consider living in? I want to study engineering, so a city that has a university with a good engineering program would be nice. It's more important for me to live in a place that I can afford and also enjoy the culture, though.
No. 77385
>>77381>between 250 and 300 warmWait, so that cost includes heating and stuff? That's crazy. I grew up outside a major US city and the cost of a shitty shoebox apartment in the ghetto is like maybe $2500 USD if you're lucky.
Is that cost split with roommates? And about how big is the average apartment? The size of an apartment doesn't matter too much to me, though, just a tolerable living space. I'm going to university, I don't need to live in the Buckingham Palace, lol.
Yeah, I'm not overly sensitive about jabs at Americans. I mean, we're pretty easy to make fun of!
No. 77388
>>77387I'm off to bed now
If you have any more questions you could give me your discord
If you want I can show you some pictures of the uni/town/housing here
No. 77389
>>77388This is embarrassing cause I feel like everyone on the internet and their grandmother uses Discord, but I actually don't have one, lol.
I wanted to thank you so much for your help, and for all the other anons who responded to my post! I wasn't expecting all this great advice and it really helped me so much. Thanks again and good night!
No. 77390
Like I said going to Germany was one of the best decisions of my life
I should've done it way earlier
Also German guys are also cute but so far I haven't been able to attract one
Good luck
No. 78859
I have a problem here.
My parents, they don't even damn a fuck about helping me out with finding uni in other country, thinking that 'hurrudrr you know english so thats enuf xdxdxd youll find uni by yourself xd why u need help? Are you stupid?' meanwhile i'm more than terrified about the whole stuff and i need help. But the main problem (for now…) is that they decided to give me a scled till this friday, choosing a uni in other country while you need to pass a fuckin ITELS test which i told them about at the beginning of this year, hell, i even reminded them about it last month. But woo-hoo, they decided to ignore this shit completely and now mothers saying 'we dont have time for dat!!hurrdurr!!! ' jesus, like, what the fuck? And most of unis requie their own countrys language, its hard to find even a freaking art-related uni. I found only two of them, and of course, they requie this shit. I'm completely lost and don't know how to even explain to them. BUT! I found that one of these unis has a course in my native language, yet this fact scares me for some reason… Prob because it _seems weird_, plus, ((yay, more stupid shit →)) i'm hella damn socially awkward and shy when it comes to people who speak my language. I become completely lost, insecure and shit (prob due to traumatic childhood)… Idk anymore guys. Sorry for bad explanation and shit. Still trying to find stuff…Yet again, i'm always the one to blame. Every fucking time.
No. 79155
>>78859an eurofag here currently studying in uk, was in a similar situatiom to you in regards to no parental or any actually irl guidance. not sure which countries you are aiming for and frankly i only have a crustal clear idea of the admissions process for uk unis however ielts or another language test that proves your english proficiency is almost always a must (unless yiu are from an english speaking country and maybe for ib it's different as well).
with regards to interacting with people from your place of origin when abroad, you really don't have to. literally don't open your mouth ariund the very obviously patriotic ones and don't wear flag related paraphernalia and no one will know that you're one of them. i have some similar anxieties around that as do some of my friends that are also foreign students , i think it is quite common. but also some people really apprecitate having their own little diaspora and it can help some with studies as well (instant project group partners, the ones better at english helping others who are not, homesickness aid etc).
if you have any other questions i can try to help although not sure how much as i study a stem subject lol. good luck to you, i know first hand how horrifying it is to try to apply when there are no resources or anyone who can help you, even just morally
No. 79235
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I'm trying to go to community college in the fall (25, been to college before but stopped) and I'm so anxious about finances. Will I get aid? I won't know until the summer, apparently, according to the financial aids officer I talked to. Worse comes to worse I could do a payment plan but I'm just gonna scrape by.
Also, everyone looks so yooung.
No. 79284
>>79235You should be able to get a Pell grant, unless you've already used it up in previous schooling. It should cover a couple semesters at least.
You're going to do great! I really enjoyed community college and I entered specific job program at 27, finished at 29. Got into good career shortly after. Good for you getting back into school!!
No. 79308
>>79284I'm so hoping for that Pell grant! There's a grant specific to my state too so I'm also hoping to get that! I remember my first time around that I would get both?
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm super excited. I actually love school so I'm excited to meet my professors and just start already.
No. 79755
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Sorry for necro. I just need to say this.
I have to take an extra science class because "I needed it", but no one told me anything about it. So now I owe $529 for a class I could have used my pell grant on. And now I don't know if I'm illegible because I'm only taking one summer class and they require two for me to get another grant. At least I'm graduating.
Also I had to read seven chapters in my psychology class book on top of doing other assessments and I'm not done.
No. 79931
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I am frustrated right now.
So I was a NEET from 2015-2017 and I really don't want to be destined to be in a tough financial spot like my parents were.
Went back to community college and enrolled in a trades school healthcare program, pharm tech. I know you can just get a certificate and find a job, but I have no job experience and need that schooling.
I'm in my last semester before externships and I'm paranoid. I don't want to be a pharm tech for the rest of my life given the shit wages but I'm sticking through it for my parents sake so I can at least get my AA degree.
I struggle at math and science but healthcare still appeals to me.
I was thinking on wanting to "move up" and maybe play around the idea of being a medical technologist but I'm terrible at math, science, memorization and I'm not smart academic wise. I'm decent at writing when need be, but that's about it.
I know it's stupid to pursue a higher more challenging healthcare career based on my background, so give me a reality check. Am I making a stupid decision for wanting to be a MLS?
I take a bunch of career tests and shit and find myself getting more and more frustrated. I just want a job with a decent salary that I'll be good at, 9-5 that kinda thing. Medical science interests me but I'm insecure I'm way too stupid for it and should know what my limits are. I know my mindset is something I need to work on, but suggestions would be nice or something. Sorry for the rant.
Medical technologists just appealed to me because I learned some stuff relating to it in my pharmacology classes and my college career counselor recommended me that path based on my "love" for science but I feel like I'm not fit or competent enough for that path- but at the same time, something challenging would fuel me to push myself to succeed for it. I dunno man.
No. 81119
>>81118No, don't worry about it.
One of my bf's friends is still in college for the same thing and she's getting really good job offers already. The majority of my ex classmates from hs that stuck to it are doing great.
It really won't hurt you, just also try to maybe get some work experience in your field or some additional certificates (like from courses outside college or seminars etc) if you can
No. 81301
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Five tests. I did five tests for my psychology class on the same day. And I still have to study for finals on top of having to study for the finals of my other three classes.
God I hate half term classes. The only reason I'm pushing through is that I have one more class to take until I get my diploma (I'm graduating, I just can't get my diploma until I take and pass a natural science class.)
ON TOP OF THAT I'm scared that my graphic design degree will be worthless and that I may have to go back to college which is something I really don't want to do.
This is what I get for not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Fuck man.
No. 82340
ok, big diary:
I enrolled to go back to school in the fall but I CAN'T STAY OFF THE GOD DAMN FUCKING INTErNET. 4am, nothing done can't go to bed because nothing done, can't start anything cause 4am, on the fucking internet, lurking forums or social media usually though sometimes go to like CNN and read the whole website. Online homework is the worst, it's like trying to study in an amusement park or something. I wish they would just give me a piece of paper with the problems on it. I've tried every internet blocker known to man but in addition to being obsessed with the internet I also just like computers generally and understand how they work on a pretty low level so getting past them becomes like a game.
Inb4 get some self control - it's obviously a self control thing but what's so frustrating is that I'm really good with self control in like every other area - I'm on time, I stick to diets, I save money, don't do drugs, drink or watch TV, try to be a good listener, never talk shit IRL (just lurk on LolCow, heh) keep the house clean, and after I dropped out (chem) I got a job in a lab and I'm really good at it, super accurate and always beat my deadlines. I have no idea why I just break down when it comes to crappy online content I don't actually care about vs coursework.
I've talked over and over it with therapists, tried CBT, etc. I noticed it might be better when I eat a little more and a little healthier, but it's really hard to eat just the right amount because if I eat too much then it's hard to sit still, I actually got really obsessed with this and it made it worse. I also noticed that I have better outcomes when I try to spend time with people so I think it might be some sort of a compulsive reaction to loneliness, but idk if that helps because school and academics require than you spend a lot of time alone studying and I have a really hard time getting into study groups because I'm so obviously bombing that no one wants to touch me, also I'm going to be older than everyone else now.
Idk, at this point I just feel totally hopeless and have no idea what's going to happen. If anyone had a similar problem and managed to get the fuck over it I'd really like to hear your story.
No. 82342
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I feel self counsious about starting uni at 21.
I feel like everyone is going to be so much younger than me.
It’s a stupid thing to be self conscious of but I’m still scared.
No. 82345
>>82342I did the same because I dropped out the first time. It's actually not too bad and I have plenty of friends that are the same age, two of them are even older (32 and 48). You will most likely have some people around you that don't seem very mature, but in my experience the majority of people are great and no one really cares about your age. It might also vary a bit depending on what you study, of course.
Good luck, anon!
No. 82347
>>82342I'm in the same boat as you, same age too.
It's important to remember that, visually, you won't stand out or anything. Everyone is an adult, it's not like you're going to middle school.
That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.
No. 82359
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>>82355 I sound like someone who had to work before going to university due to having to pay most of it out front.
Pop a Xanax anon are you seriously that angry at everyone?
No. 82367
>>82342I think waiting with going to university can be a benefit. I started working after high school to be able to pay my studies, and got to build up some experience along the way. I've done a lot of crappy jobs, but I think it helped me figure out what I actually wanted to do with my life. I'm 25 and starting university after summer, and it's whole different path than what I thought I wanted when I was 18.
At work I get along fine with colleagues ranging from their early 20s all the way up to late 50s. It's completely normal in a workplace (depending on the job, of course), so I see no reason as to why people should be concerned about their classmates being the same age as them.
I hope it goes well for you!
No. 82370
>>82367I started uni on my 25th birthday after spending a few years in an industry I wasn't happy with (I had previously dropped out of uni after 10 weeks when I was 19 lol). Monday is my last exam for this degree, I'm hoping to pursue a masters after.
In my life I did not find that I was starting too late, however these past 3 years I have lost contact with a lot of my own peers and those I got close to while working. I have barely heard from any of them. That sucked.
My own experience with uni was even though I did not feel old my classmates obviously felt the generation gap. It's a STEM class. There are a few older students but they mostly keep to themselves unless we have to do group work. The first two years I tried to blend in with others, but I was far from blending lol, this final year I just stuck to the older students (two girls two years younger than me, and a dude 10 years older).
Honestly uni is doable without a load of friends. I spoke to others when needed be, but I have my own support system outside of the place. My attendance this year was absolutely shocking and no one cared. I half assed a lot of my essays and just got high to combat the lonliness, was surprised at some of the high marks. All of my stress has come from time management, obviously being a heavy weed smoker does not help. My best advice is to do all homework suggestions and reading.
Personally I find uni to be a massive waste of money. I mean this resource wise. As I said, my attendance this year is shite. I have attended less than 10 lectures in my final year. A lot of the professors are obnoxious cunts (especially the younger ones) and would cry if put in an actual working environment. I am not wanting a career in academia, a lot of them don't seem to understand that.
No. 82599
>>82340I'm the anon that just posted and I feel like part of my problem is the same one you're dealing with. But the other part is paralysing depression and the futility of life.
I've found that having to report on my progress can help but I've gotten so good at making it look like stuff is getting done. I swear it's all in my head and needs to just get out onto paper.
You know there's a big problem when you're bored with the whole internet, right? THat's how I get sometimes.
If you want some kind of accountability partner, we could set up a trello board or something. Let me know. I'm fucking dying over here and something has to happen.
No. 82674
>>82370>There are a few older students but they mostly keep to themselves unless we have to do group work. This is my experience of older students too and I honestly think it's a reason why going to uni later when you know what you want to be doing is a good idea.
Older students tend to be focused and responsible because they've seen the world outside of education. They're over trying to be the cool kid, they're over trying to fit in, they know that they need to just put in the work and get the grades.
Don't get sucked into the circle of young students or melodrama, that's not why you're there
No. 82692
>>82687Shit are you me? At 19 I quit going for a year, wasn't sure about my degree or major, didn't want to waste time and money on a degree I wouldn't use, and didn't have the money to go back (university put a hold on my transcript and registration because of outstanding fees).
I wound up joining the military but if you're thinking about trade school something worth considering is how hard your desired trade will be on your body and whether you're willing to risk that. I know you're probably feeling some pressure from your parents but it
is your future and you don't wanna waste more time and money than you have to on the wrong path.
No. 82735
>>82687Hey! For someone like yourself, I really recommend trade school. It seems like a path you really want to do- plus, I find myself on it as well and I'm expected to graduate in winter with my certificate.
Go for it! It's low commitment, and you won't be paying stupidly high students loans like in a university. I really recommend the short-term medical trades, or even in office administrative work. Just look at your local community college and look at the trade school programs they offer. Plus, if you're eligible you can get FAFSA and that'll help immensely. I'm not an advocate for trades, but reading your post made it really sound like you want to go down that path so please do.
No. 84405
I had some problem in college. I have not talent in writing different kind of essays. I often used special helping in this question. For example, several times I checked writing service on where writing team helped me with essays.
No. 84455
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im going to graduate school for anthropology which is awesome, but its not quite what i want to do. i really want to do paleoanthropology and the professor i'm studying under is a biomedical anthropologist (basically he uses 3d imaging software to observe medical anomalies) and he told me he would be interested in integrating ancient human samples with modern populations so i was all for it. but after i was accepted and enrolled in the program, he decided he didn't want to do that anymore, so now i'm stuck doing biomedical. i've already put everything into this program: moved into a new apartment near the university, turned down other offers. to do stuff i dont want to do. my plan b is to just suffer through the biomedical heavy stuff but slowly integrate paleoanthro into my research and when graduate maybe venture into integrating both? i'm just so pissed he wanted until AFTER i accepted to tell me.
No. 84457
Guys, pls help. I'm freaking the fuck out right now.
So I'm trying to transfer as an undergrad to a very good and very selective school in my city and for awhile I was pretty sure I had a shot, but lately I'm having really severe doubt and it's giving me a lot of anxiety.
I'm at a CC right now and have worked for my school in a mentor-type position for about two years now, have a lot of other work experience (20-25 hrs a week while taking a full course load), have a lot of other leadership and volunteer experience, and my GPA will be a 3.9 by the end of this semester. I have all my pre-reqs done for my program as an incoming 2-year transfer, which for this school is a must. I'll also have an AA by the time I transfer. I've been on the Dean's list every semester and have received President's honors twice.
Only problem is, that GPA I listed is only my cumulative at my current school. I'm someone who went to university several years ago right out of high school, did extremely poorly due to a host of mental and environmental factors, and ended up dropping out. My GPA at that school by the time I left was a 1.77. After 5 years, I was in a new state, had basically started my life over, went back to school and have maintained almost all A's (got two B's in classes unrelated to my major).
I'm very much a non-traditional student, have been through a lot (mental illness, childhood abuse, rape, chronic pain disorder, etc) but in spite of all this have become a better and stronger person, and I continue to get better every day. I'll be 28 by the time I transfer to finish my BA, so I'll already be a little older than most incoming transfers and have a bit more life experience. I can write one hell of a personal statement (I'll have to do 4 for my application) that clearly shows what I've overcome and what I'm capable of.
Regardless, I still feel like it's not going to make a difference. I'm terrified admissions is going to take one look at my cum. GPA (3.1 overall; average for my major is between 3.7-3.9) and reject me. If they just looked at the last 2.5 years of my work, I'd be fine, but I know it's unlikely to happen. This is an extremely competitive school. I even tried getting in touch with my university to see if I could do an academic renewal, but they only do so for returning or current students. Since I'm now living in a different state, I don't have that option.
I've talked to a number of people about my situation and have gotten mixed messages. Some have told me I'm a shoe-in and that they won't hold my old grades against me so long as I make it clear in my personal statements why they don't reflect my abilities now. Others have said that they will, and to make sure I have a number of back-up schools (which I'd do anyway tbh) because it's unlikely I'll get in with such a low number.
Basically, I don't know who to believe. I don't know of anyone who has a similar backstory that did end up getting into this school, or another highly competitive school. I have co-workers who go there, but they're all traditional students with high GPAs and everything else I listed earlier that makes it clear they're a well-rounded person with leadership experience.
Has anyone else ever been in this type of position, where you had bad grades from a long time ago, came back strong, and had your efforts pay off by getting into a really good school? I'm looking for any encouragement I can get, because right now I feel like a complete fraud, and like my past will continue to haunt me for the rest of my academic career no matter what I do.
No. 84481
>>84448I'm not from the US, anon, keep this in mind.
Here political science is seen as a lighter version of law. Tbh it's less work-intensive but it also has a lower employment rate after uni. It includes some sociology, more economics, and is all in all a more entertaining degree to study for.
Law means studying your ass off for years, but also opens a wider array of possibilities. Most of my older classmates are working/continuing their studies without any trouble. I'm in my last year and I'm honestly not sure if I would have picked it knowing all of this.
Research a bit before enrolling. You typically won't get taught much about law at school so you usually arrive at college without any idea, and that's a bad thing.
Also, be prepared to have a bunch of classmates with law-related family backgrounds.
No. 84485
>>84457I haven't been in your position so I can't say anything for sure, but I'm almost confident that your past won't matter. What matters to the school is that you were capable of turning it around and getting back on track - an excellent track, by the sounds of it. Plus, getting to explain yourself in your personal statements will help a lot. It's not your fault that you had to go through so many awful things. Anybody's academic performance would suffer from all that.
Don't feel like a fraud. You're not "lesser" than your peers who had a traditional university experience. In a way, you're hardier than them, because you were able to bounce back from rock bottom and start a successful new life. That's genuinely impressive and many people aren't strong enough to do that. I'm sure the school you're applying to will recognize that. Competitive schools want people who are strong and determined. You went from a 1.77 at your first university and now have a 3.9. That's incredible, and that's the kind of determination any good school would want in their students.
Sorry that I can't give you any concrete advice, but I still really think you have nothing to worry about. Good luck!
No. 92068
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How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed with workload?
Today I got 4 books at the library and upon seeing how much it is, I totally freaked. I need to read them and write 2 papers about them. I also have 3 exams coming up. I actually still got some time, the papers are due at the end of september and the exams are in the middle of october but I already feel as if time is running up.
Whenever I have exams or just some project to do, I go into "study mode" completely: meaning I neglect my hygiene, my room looks like trash, I'm incredibly moody, but the worst thing is, that I don't even get that much shit done (instead I browse lc for example).
All the other students seem to be able to balance studying for a bit each day and also having some free time. On exam day I feel anxious and miserable, probably even wear some dirty clothes, meanwhile some of the other girls even took the tine to apply makeup and are a lot more relaxed and optimistic - which probably affects their marks in a positive way.
No. 92191
>>92068How do you portion your studies and workload in that "study mode"? I've always gone into a study mode, but usually I will set it up in such a way that it doesn't affect my "home" life too much.
What helps the most, in my experience, is dedicating time for studying or working on projects away from home. Find a nice secluded quiet place in the library, or a study room on campus, or whatever you can find. Then you simply portion out an amount of time per day for sitting there. This means you can more easily relax at home, not think about school at home, and enjoy your free time and take care of yourself and your room without guilt.
When workload is low, I might only be at my study place for a couple of hours. When workload is high, and I need my "study mode" close to exams, I'll portion it out so I sit at my study place for around 10-11 hours a day. Bring a nice warm packed lunch or two. And a lot of coffee. Find some relaxing music to listen to. Take some small breaks every now and then.
Try to figure out how many chapters a week you'll have to work through for each course / book, and try to go for that.
Now, I usually don't attend lectures or do any kind of studying together with anyone. I sit down with my book in my library and do everything my own way, which works great for me. You might have to find your own routine, but as long as you don't worry too much about other people and the rest of the world, and you have somewhere to get away to, I'm sure you'll do fine.
No. 97300
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So I’m going to be returning to a university I dropped out of a year and a half ago starting next year. In my year as a freshman there, I was a biology major and hated the workload for it. I think I stuck under the major longer than I should have cuz ~ S T E M ~. I ended up getting really bad grades and was super depressed.
After withdrawing, I spent the past year at a community college just kinda dicking around with some GE courses. I have a 4.0 for my community college courses, started to enjoy learning again, and don’t regret spending my time there.
What I’m anxious about now is that I’m afraid of my job prospects under my new makor with my original uni GPA. My new major is a BA in Cog Sci (with maybe a minor in CompSci) and I’m kinda insecure about it. Social sciences/humanities get a bad rap for being “too easy” and unemployable. I feel like I’ll have no job prospects unlike my accounting, nursing, and engineering buds because my degree doesn’t hold as much prestige (unless I slave away at grad school). I also left the uni with a 2.45. I feel like I wouldn’t qualify for unpaid internships/research positions because of that since my CC GPA can’t be mered with my uni one. My current career plan is to become a UI/UX developer and am scared that I’ll be turned away from even entering the field because of my major an uni GPA. I also feel like I’m rrunning out of time since I’m twenty and don’t have much of a resume/portfolio yet compared to my peers.
I wish I could just turn back time to when I was a freshman with more opportunities, but I know that’s not realistic now. I honestly don’t know if I’m gonna be okay. I want become a person with a job I enjoy (that doesn’t even have to have that high of a pay) but I don’t even know if I’ll ever achieve that dream.
No. 97489
>>97300Do you go to UCSD?
Literally very similar thing happened to me and you said cog sci and as far as I know that just made me feel like I know yoi somehow
No. 97507
>>97504>>97504hey so its that anon you replied to here, i hate this school too
miraculously managed to get a boyfriend but he's all i got
its impossible to make friends who aren't fake or backstabby
my major is full of so many cut throat bitches
i'm semi chill with my room mates but i feel exactly how you do
are you a commuter or do you live on campus? i would love to meet oyu maybe grab coffe together! it would be amazing to make friends
No. 97532
>>97507I don't particularly dislike this school, it's similar to any other large state school. I'm just shy and haven't put myself out there because everyone seems to already have established friend groups.
I commute and dislike that any activities are only in the evenings because I just want to go home.
I put a temp email and would be down to get coffee sometime!
No. 97821
I'm struggling with the competity in school.
I study in a public university that only a few people could enter (there was a test at the beggining, with a high number of applicants), and along the semesters, many left the course. Currently there is like 15 out of 40 who started.
This class is REALLY competitive, like, if we are in physical ed, everyone wants to be the best basketball player, if we are in art class, everyone wants to impersonate da vinci, wants to be the best in fucking everything, and at first I didn't care because I myself didn't feel the need do compete with the others.
But now the situation is so annoying, like, people who are actual friends with eachother will refuse to help to study for a test, will not share study material, etc.
My best friend is starting to act like this and that's why I'm sad. We were both kind of lazy in the beggining, but she always knew she was actually more intelligent than me and did best in almost every subject, which slowly led to a competition between ourselves.
She began to ask me every little word I wrote down to make sure she had the same thing in her notebook, ask exactly which points I would study for a test, or how many pages my essays had… Only to see in what "level" I was and do more than me (not telling me obviously).
Then after the tests she would ask me which grade I had. I always said how I did in a test, but she never says how she went, but she always has better grades than me, in everything.
Now the class is in a point that the subjects are much harder, we have to compete for internships, friends will not share their grades with oneanother if it's low, cheat in tests which rarely occurred before.
Some days ago i got a 8.4 in a math test and she got 1.6. I received my test first, she tipically asked how I was, I said "good". Then she received hers and cried for the rest of the day. I didn't say nothing, but now I'm guilty for I know deep in my heart I kinda got satisfaction seeing her failing. I feel bad, man.
No. 98306
I ended up switching my major from something art related to a STEM major. It feels really weird because I feel like I have the perspective of both an art and STEM student, and honestly my year in the art major was much harder than my new major so far, but I'm worried I won't be able to keep up once the classes get harder. I do feel like it was the right choice however for me.
STEMfags are right sometimes in that its harder to succeed in an art major after college just in terms of sheer job availability, but they're also so full of themselves. There's slackers and amazing students in every major, and I hate how they think any class that isn't a 500 level science/math class is worthless. Ugh.
>>98239That sounds rough anon. I would say try to finish what you need to even if you don't feel inspired, just grind through it, but also really take some time after that to do what you think helps your creative ideas flow. For me this usually takes the form of taking lots of walks, exploring the city, listening to music/consuming other media, and looking at other artists' work that I really admire.
That said, I don't mean spend all your time goofing off, but it could be possible you feel burned out after last year, or just aren't in the right mindset because you feel so pressured to live up to how well you did before. And if you genuinely feel like you aren't cut out to be an artist/it's not what you're passionate about, consider talking to some kind of counselor at your school.
I hope things work out for you!
No. 98394
>>98306thanks for the advice and encourragment! I actually was very much into physics and mathematics when I was younger. I suck at it now although I'm still interested in the whole abstract ideas of math. I also think STEM majors and art majors should stop fighting and unite together to bully the business majors.
There's a whole branch of art that allies science and art. It honestly makes sense a lot to me. And while I could never succeed as a doctor for instance, I also think it's bullshit when some STEM majors make fun of art majors for it being easy.
No. 98397
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>>98394>bully the business majorsCome on, someone has to step up and manage the money and resources while you guys enjoy your lives in careers you enjoy that are more likely to impact our culture and society.
:^( No. 98407
>>98392>especially when they lie about how easy 4000+ level classes are to them when I saw that they're almost failingThis honestly. Some people just can't admit something there's things they don't ~naturally grasp from the beginning, and try to convince themselves they can be geniuses without studying. It's honestly a pretty childish attitude to have. And my professors, recruiters I've talked to, etc. all really stress the importance of being able to communicate well verbally and in writing, so while I dislike intro English classes as much as the next STEM autist, it's very telling when I work on a project with some annoying CS elitist and their writing is shit. Like, come on.
>>98397Love you, business majors. If we didn't have you guys, who would make all the Excel sheets?
Nah but for real, same as I said before, each major has its ups and downs. Props if you understand the economy because I sure as hell don't No. 105014
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I'm in the last year of my undergrad. I have only this one term left and then I'm going to law school. But this past term was really rough. I've moved twice in the past five months. One of my best friends died suddenly. I've been dealing with lots of unresolved trauma, loneliness, anger, depression and anxiety.
The holiday break flew by. I was supposed to write three essays before going back to school tomorrow. Two of them were due last term (I got medical accommodation), and one is due on Thursday. I've just barely started them. I feel like such a failure. Overwhelming panic rises up inside me every time I even think about them, let alone sit down and try to work on them. It's hard to be creative and productive when you feel like absolute shit, when you're not passionate or excited about your studies, and when you spend so much time and effort dealing with the aftermath of disaster or even just the everyday mundane tasks required to stay alive and clean and healthy. I have a slightly heavier courseload this term and I don't know how I'm going to manage.
If anyone has any advice on last minute essay-writing and managing stress, or just some words of encouragement, I'd really appreciate it.
No. 105489
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I'm in the process of applying to art school for foundation / illustration courses.
My friends keep telling my portfolio is good but it feels so inferior to me, I have such an overwhelming anxiety about getting rejected mainly because I really have nothing else going for me.
Bit of a stupid rant but im so nervous and none of my friends know about art stuff
No. 105518
>>105489Could you maybe post your sample pieces on Reddit or other similar forums? Or maybe you can contact some of the instructors of the institution and ask for some critique as well if they're willing.
All in all, anon, your portfolio is probably better than what you think it to be. Good luck!
No. 105677
>>105489Ok so i dont study illustration but I do go to art school. Most art schools, in my experience, are looking for different "profiles", they're looking for some sort of individuality. So if your whole style is "copy/pasted" of someone else, you're lowkey fucked. How ever, if your style is genuine and at least somewhat interesting, you shouldnt worry too much. They know it's you're not a student yet and that you still need to learn. Thats why you're going there.
Make sure to apply to plenty places and maybe even "change" your portfolio for the different places you're applying to. Some schools like big portfolios with all your works, some are only interested in the best stuff you've done.
Good luck, anon.
No. 105873
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I'm writing a 3cp essay this semester and my supervisor isn't responding to my e-mails.
Will I get a failing grade even if I send him the finished essay before the deadline? Or could I dispute that by proving that I sent the essay on time? I'm worried that he changed his e-mail address or something between the start of this semester and now which would explain why he isn't responding to my e-mails? idk what to do about this
I've already sent two mails and don't wanna be too annoying (don't wanna ruin my chances at this institute for only a 3cp essay), do you guys think asking the insitute directly instead of the supervisor would be okay? Or would that come off as annoying and unprofessional?
No. 105901
>>105882Anon I know you probably don’t go to the same community college as me but you’re thoughts just echo my own feelings so intensely.
I’ve been going to this college in my county since Fall 2015 and I’m frustrated because I should be done by now/gone but it’s taking longer than I like. I’m almost there but not quite.
I also hate my campus too. It’s a medium sized place but it’s in a boring conservative suburb and it feels like everyone knows everybody else. I’ve dealt with bullying more times than I can count. It’s embarrassing because I’m almost 24 and I still don’t know how to deal with people, especially people my own age. Classes start at the end of this month and I’m just not interested in going back but I have no other options. I feel trapped in a web of my own bad decisions.
It’s gotten to the point now where when I’m not in class I hide in the most isolated part of my campus by administration because I feel like a retard, so I don’t want people talking to me. I’m constantly having issues with professors not taking me seriously, or students being petty/competitive to the point of vindictiveness.
My grades are good, I have a high GPA and got an award for my academic progress but it just doesn’t feel like enough. Everybody in my family have doctorates it masters and I was raised in the Adventist church, where nearly everyone is a doctor, lawyer, professor, or businessperson.
I have this recurring fantasy of completely changing my life direction and living a more bohemian, free spirited lifestyle. I’m not saying I want to run away from my responsibilities, but I just want to change my mindset and stop being such a square. I don’t think I’m cut out for academia. I came into college thinking I was going to be a professor because that’s what my parents did, but I just don’t have the motivation to spend another decade doing this.
I know I’m intelligent, but I am not good with people at all. I am not autistic or on the spectrum as I’ve been tested as a teen…I get hurt too easy and I either shut others out and am angry or am naive and open up too much. It seems to have gotten worse the older I’ve gotten, too. I kind of resent people because I try to reach out to others, and I’ve had people clam up on me or treat me mean, it’s just really childish to me.
Sorry for sperging.
No. 105907
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I feel like I'm more behind in my A.S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences (@my Community College) than in life.
In my college, there are roughly 2-3 prereqs for every science course you take, and for Chem and physics - you need trig. (with $200-$300 remedial courses)
I have issues, as one can expect its a lot.
I'm thankful for the opportunities my colleges/academic paths have lead me but there's always the imposter syndrome effects.
At my current CC, there are less 'Pre-med opportunities', it's pretty isolating. I work at my school and I tutor (free time). I feel like I'm prematurely burning out.
I'm usually comparing myself to other premeds more and more.
It fucking sucks feeling more behind compared to my other premedical/science passionate students. It's lonely and depressing, when your a 7 now your a 3.
No. 105918
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i go to art school but im getting so tired of certain people there.
there's this big group of people that falls into the stereotype of hippie activist artist with lots of money, they think they are so deep when all they do is smoke weed and complain about how the uni "interrupts" their creative process with ""loads"" of assignments but instead of working they show up to class with artwork that's obviously done in a rush the night before and it's so frustrating watching them being praised by other students just because they talk so much shit.
i know i probably sound bitter but we are a pretty small department and i have to share so much spaces with them so it has become insufferable and it's a nightmare to think that this probably gonna continue in a year or so when i graduate because the """art scene""" in my city (and in my country in general) is so small, and some of them definitely gonna be around forever because someone in their family is some semi famous artist
can't wait to go to another country asap
No. 105940
>>105932have you thought about going the full academia route and being a professor?
also a decent way to give yourself time to think about your next step is to get a TESOL certificate of some sort and get a job teaching english somewhere for a year or two
No. 106016
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Anyone here major in history? I'm wondering if it's worth doing something I love instead of slaving away at a STEM degree. Motivation is a big factor here but I also don't want to end up jobless or forced to be a teacher if I choose history.
No. 106022
>>106016I'm an art history major. Personally, this was the best decision I've made in my university career; I feel as if my understanding of the world is constantly ever-evolving, informed by the context that unfolds before me in class and throughout my independent studies.
Don't be mistaken, though, it's not an easy degree by any means. It's important that you enjoy self-directed research and writing essays. In addition, I suggest you have a pretty solid idea of what you want to do with the degree before you commit. Career-wise, there are a surprising number of options out there for history majors, but they tend to exist within the realm of academia.
No. 106100
>>106058i have a bachelors in fine art and a masters in the history of art and they're both fucking useless, at least for finding a job in the uk. they're worthy subjects to pursue for a hobby but don't hinge your career on them. also it's the subject of choice for posh kids who have much more money and better opportunities than you.
i'm doing a phd in the history of art right now too purely for the grant money, and after it's done i fully expect it to be - again - fucking useless. i'll be back in part time retail in no time. don't make my mistakes.
No. 106202
>>106058Art History can be a difficult degree if you’re not a talented writer, enjoy research, are willing to learn more than one language, things like that.
I understand where the other anon is coming from in that you won’t necessarily get hired straight out of university. However, there are jobs for AH majors, though they are very difficult to get into because the field is competitive. If you enjoy working in museums, curating art, politics, or culture, I’d say go for it. You have to know how to market yourself though. Go to gallery openings, intern at fashion magazines or with publishers, open a blog, work for tv/film companies, go to the theatre, learn names. Read a lot, too, and carve a niche out that no one else is doing. You have to make connections in the industry/field. In short, you gotta hustle.
No. 106272
>>106058>tfw also businessfag but secret artpersonI feel you, anon.
But think of it this way, if you get successful in the business field you can make enough money to start a personal art collection someday. Or depending on what you want to do, you can get a job handling the money for a gallery/museum.
Although if you're having to move along with your partner and his job I guess neither are very possible…
No. 106561
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I'm so proud of myself rn :')
No. 106652
>>106561Congratulations anon!!! Would love to hear about your success tips and plans for the future (grad school?)
>>51324I've really been wanting to make a Uni/College General thread given that this is a "problems/vent" thread from 3 years ago. I always avoid posting here for fear of necro and also because I want to have more neutral or positive discussions for motivation and advice stuff. What do other anons think?
No. 106742
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>>106670Hope you get the job anon. Just because things haven't worked out before in your life doesn't mean this can't! Believe in yourself.
And are you in some kind of math program? I've begun using LaTeX recently and personally prefer it a lot compared to editors like word.
No. 106813
>>106742>>106742Thanks anon <3 I hope I get it too but I've always just been a pessimistic person – and it's worked out that way, so I'm always a little skeptical. I'll try to believe!
And yes, I'm in math/cs. I too prefer LaTeX except when I sometimes have to insert graphics… then it's a little bitch!
No. 107226
>>107222>luckily my college had a direct exchange program and good scholarships to go abroadMine also has a direct exchange program, but the scholarships were way too low for me. I've been explained that the point of these scholarships, on top of the one I was already granted, was to only complete the amount of money your parents give you for the 2 or 3 fist months. But you can only get these scholarships if your parents are too poor to help you that much in the first place and my parents never helped me when it came to my education. So only rich kids could go abroad. In my case I was too poor to study outside of my city and I had to keep living with my family, so scholarship or not, going anywhere else was going to be more expensive.
From what I've seen the people in my "grade" who went abroad got much better internships and job opportunities than the ones who don't, but that's because they get more opportunities all over the world and in international companies, so I think it really depends on what you're studying and what you're aiming for when it comes to your career. To be honest I can relate in a way because if I knew I had 0 chance of going abroad I would have chose a straight-forward business or management major. I'm saving money so once I'm done with my last semester and I get my Master's degree I'll go abroad anyway in my own free time.
No. 107951
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>>105518>>105677 >>105489 here,
Thanks for the advice guys :) all turned out well and I ended up getting accepted into one of the best art schools in the world ahhh
what a great feeling :')
No. 107962
I'm studying to be a dressmaker and and eventually a tailor, I've struggled with mental health since forever. Had a burnout after graduating high school and wasted 3 years recovering, so i was stoked to get into a school but of course i got very ill.
Had to miss about a month of school and I nearly panicked when I got back, everyone else had already learned to make full garments I had only started to understand on a pattern making level.
Some of the staff suggested for me to take some time off because I couldn't get enough sick leave, because weird laws and shit but I couldn't deal with it at all so I was maybe 89% healthy when I went back. Some teachers and students just didn't understand that it wasn't just a cold, or they thought I had just ditched school for a month, threatened that my student support money would get cut and so on. It's so stressful even tho the teacher who matter and directly teach me, know what's up and that I'm not just lazy or disrespectful.
The few months I managed to do before I got sick, I fast tracked so many courses that I know I am academically ok but it just hurt to see how far others got and I feel like a fucking retard there now. I feel like dropping out due to my weird competetive mentality, I can't be the fastest or best so why bother, but I am not an idiot so I won't but school ruins health. Peace.
No. 107989
>>107972Download something like Stayfocusd, saw it recomended on here once and helped me stay away from here long enough to pass a test
Set alarms for tasks, stick to alarms, if you procrastinate too bad you need to move on to the next task now bitch, and then go to bed on time
No. 108003
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My prof drew a little smiley face on my essay. I'm so chuffed haha
No. 108024
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>>106813Same anon here and I'm sure no one cares or is reading, but I heard back after another interview this weekend. They said they enjoyed talking with me and that since I'm not graduating just yet (will be done in August……), they wanted to reconnect after my graduation and see what the next steps will be.
I don't really know what to make of this and I'm just feeling like poop because I wanted this job so, so much. It would have taken me out of this country I hate and put me in a place for a new beginning. Argh. Is this just a soft rejection? Or should I take it verbatim, that they do actually want to hire me after I graduate?
No. 111000
>>108024I don’t know if you’ll see this anon, since it’s been a while. But if you take their words as rejection and never try again, you’re just creating a self fulfilling prophecy. Just be aggressively “go-getter” when you finish school and contact them again.
What kind of contact do you have for them? If you have a phone number, I’d try that over an email when you do decide to get in contact again. And if the person you spoke to is unavailable, try to ask when they’ll be back so YOU can call back again. Never leave the ball in their court. Just be aggressive, and at the very least you won’t have to regret never trying. You never know what will happen!
Good luck anon!
No. 111024
>>111000Nice double trips, anon. I'm (unfortunately?) still around, and thank you for your kind thoughts. I actually haven't thought about it much as school and personal life stuff got in the way, but I'll definitely reach out just before my last set of exams. I only have emails, but I have three of them, each one whom I have interviewed with.
Yeah, I realized that I'd be creating exactly the thing I want by not reaching out. My friend went as far to say that I should email them on every American holiday so they remember me. A little overkill but I have thought about doing that on 4th of July.
No. 111287
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anyone has any advice for sitting down and committing to studying?
some context: very first semester i did a medical withdrawal because i got overwhelmed to the point of relapsing with cutting and burning myself. (plagued with plenty of mental issues, the usual) while i was away, i got out my self harm habit and learned some self care tips. last semester i passed but i'm doing horrible now. i'm struggling to stay focused during class and when doing hw despite only taking 2 classes. student disabilities/mental health facility has been a big help on personal growth but i'm still having a hard time. it's to the point where my counselor is telling me to take a test to see if i have adhd.
i want to pass, i don't want to fuck over my gpa even more and lose the most important resource i have for my recovery. i'm going to try and see if anyone in my class will help me sit down and work but i'd like to get over this hurdle.
>ask your friends to help god i wish i wasn't such a sperg and had friends
>>110996i feel you strongly. my student disabilities coach advised it's best to just head into the unknown instead of letting your racing thoughts fuck you over even more. be strong!!!
>>111031go to your academic adviser and ask for help. if thats not the right place, ask them to help you find the right person to talk to so you can get this shit sorted out. asking for help was the best god damn revelation i had while i was a temporary NEET. you can do this girl!!!
No. 111291
>>111287I would suggest taking thorough notes during class if you don't already. Basically write down everything (not the whole lecture word for word but every significant topic and piece of information). If you have a task to focus on and keep your hands busy it helps a lot, plus taking notes constantly will force you to be alert. In between writing it can also help to doodle in the margins to keep busy if you don't find that distracting. Also try to participate frequently if applicable to stay engaged.
At home if attention span is a big issue you can set many tiny goals that you intersperse with breaks, like doing 5-10% of your work at a time but continually going back to it after short breaks until it's done.
No. 111304
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i need to write ~14 pages before tomorrow, pls halp, im awful at paying attention, any tips appreciated
No. 111307
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>>111304what helps me most is leaving my apartment and working somewhere public. this reduces my procrastination since I become aware of the possibility of people looking over my shoulder and noticing that I'm on lolcow or watching videos or scrolling through social media. I guess strangers judging me is a kind of motivational factor. when I'm in a library I feel more studious than when I'm at home in my pajamas.
also, you might find the pomodoro technique helpful. put your phone on "do not disturb" and only check it during breaks. try to avoid listening to music with lyrics or unpredictable shifts in rhythm as you work. I like to listen to "brown noise" to promote concentration and block out any distracting sounds in the vicinity.
finally, if you're a perfectionist like me, let go of the need to produce outstanding work. it's better to submit a mediocre paper on time than to submit an excellent paper weeks after the deadline. I believe in you anon. once you get started and begin to see some progress, the task will seem much less intimidating and more like something that you can actually accomplish. good luck!
No. 111469
>>111434I find repetitive electronic music works (I'm big into Kraftwerk) and so does video game music.
>>111465 mentioned AC bg music and that's a fave for me too.
No. 111483
>>111465> there's an extension that plays ac music from whichever gameAnon, this is the best thing ever! I used to listen to AC compilations on YouTube, but I like this even more. Thank you so much!
>>111434I also started listening to ASMR videos when writing. I will have to thank PPOMO and ASMRMagic in the acknowledgement of my Phd thesis lol. I like tapping, mic stroking and wind sounds. Spotify also has some good playlists for focusing and if nothing helps, I always listen to Max Richter. I think my brain is conditioned now; whenever his music plays I am in work mode.
No. 111489
>>111483sorry, I can't stand ASMR. I get a reaction from certain things, but it's overwhelmingly negative.
Got one section done, feeling proud of that (though it should have been done awhile ago) but I can't rest! I can suddenly switch into lazy apathetic mode if I'm not careful.
What are the others here working on?
No. 111508
>>111464I know how this feels. One thing that can help is setting small goals and checking in with someone after an hour. Like you & and a friend write each other and say, "OK, here is my goal for the next hour" then check in after an hour to see how it's going.
I'm a procrastinator and somehow this made me not want to lie or be embarrassed when I checked in with my friend. We were able to use this method to help each other study and write assignments even though we're in different countries.
it also makes you define a goal that you can reach in one hour. So it makes things less overwhelming
No. 111520
>>111434Brian Eno's ambient stuff is great.
Also seconding the Aphex Twin* rec.
No. 111973
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I sometimes type random shit into my work but always delete it later on
I fucking forgot to do it this time on my draft because I was planning to work a bit on it today but forgot due to waking up too late and having to upload it right away before the deadline
pic is what I forgot to delete, I feel so retarded
I hope my teacher doesn't find me too cringey…
No. 112041
>grow up in abusive home with alcoholic shithole parents. home schooled so isolated my whole life.
>get abused by men all my life because prior to therapy I felt like I deserved to be abused like my parents abused me, making me super mentally unstable.
>tank in school, shit grades, academic suspension
>Decided I was going to change my life for the better, one last shot.
>moved out with nothing and no money, packed my shit in trash bags and moved to a random ass shitty house. Done with my biological family.
>re applied for school, they are letting me back in, going to therapy, working on my issues, so much more stable mentally and ready to work my ass off
>still feel anxiety and worried about school but I feel hopeful it will go well now that I don't have to deal with all the problems at home
>landed a great job related to my field, learning so much, starting school in a month again.
Can anyone relate? I felt so lost before…Like I wanted to kill myself, no one could love someone like me, I deserved to be abused thoughts, constant anxiety which made me fail classes (would straight up go to class and start crying, super embarrassing and retarded)
I feel scared that people are going to judge me for graduating late, or think I am just lazy and didn't want to put the work in. But now I am determined to change my life and succeed in school and work.
It's just a little hard to deal with sometimes mentally, I still feel depressed sometimes but I am pushing through. Wish me luck.
No. 112083
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>>112041Good luck anon! You're doing great!
No. 127579
>>114543I was exactly like you. If you go to a good university chances are you'll change your mind once you start learning stuff and you'll become kind of an elitist yourself, but not in the way you think.
There's actual knowledge to art, the fact that it's subjective doesn't mean that anything flies.
No. 135480
>>135476thank you, kind anon!
I wish you success in your studies/work/whatever you are doing with your life