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No. 113720
>>113716I try to feel around it and I always feel like it's alright but then it still leaks, so I must just absolutely suck at this.
TSS is apparently caused by just air being inside the vagina where it shouldn't be, so cups don't help here at all.
No. 113721
>>113720Nah, maybe it’s the shape/size or your flow is too heavy and you’re not changing it enough? Doesn’t work for everyone.
Also, I think tss caused by bacteria growth. I only really hear about it because tampons made of certain fibres/anything left inside long enough encourages rapid growth.
People with burns and cuts can get it too.
Never heard of it being because of air in the vagina but considering how many things can and do go wrong, that’s probably a factor.
I boil mine every two days or so to be safe and don’t leave it in for longer than 8-10 hours.
No. 113722
>>113721>I only really hear about it because tampons made of certain fibres/anything left inside long enough encourages rapid growth. Yeah I think cotton is more bacteria-friendly than silicone. Plus, the string may be a source of bacteria as well.
I‘ve talked to a girl who almost died of sepsis from using the cup (and only had it in for like up to 7 hours) though, so I think neither of the methods that require you to insert anything into your vagina is really safe. The cup has less risks though. If handled correctly, that is.
No. 113729
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TSS is rare and you guys should really not be as worried about it as you are. I posted a substantial rundown about TSS in a previous thread but I can't find it unfortunately so I'll rewrite it.
Basically there was a TSS "outbreak" (obviously it can't be spread from person to person, but in a short period of time there were many cases) in the late 70s and early 80s because of a new tampon brand called Rely, which were marketed as ultra-absorbent and could be kept in for hours and hours. Carboxymethylcellulose and polyester, which made them super absorbent, caused dryness in the vagina and lead to a higher possibility for ulcerations in the vagina upon removal. This, combined with the fact that they could be left in for an extended period of time, led to an abundance of cases of TSS.
Rely tampons were eventually taken off the market because of the extreme volume of TSS cases associated with them and they were found negligent in offering the product. Carboxymethylcellulose and polyester can no longer be used in tampons. The FDA now requires that tampons are regulated as medical devices, absorbencies are regulated, and pamphlets warning users about TSS are included in boxes. The rate of contracting TSS is now 1 in 100,000 - very low.
TL;DR: the chance that you will get TSS is very low and the reason that people think TSS is so widespread is because of FDA regulations stemming from super-absorbent Rely tampons in the late 70s.
No. 113732
>>113725I‘ve been using tampons for about 10 years now. I sometimes (but only like 5 times in all those years) had to leave it in for 8+ hours and nothing happened. Wouldn’t recommend trying it - at all - and avoid it as much as possible, but it’s supposed to show that it’s not happening as quickly as it sometimes seems.
Wash your hands before changing your tampon, use the smallest possible size and only leave it in for up to 6 hours and you should be fine.
Also: I noticed that in most stories (at least in the news etc) of people who (almost) died from TSS it’s also people that ignored unusual symptoms like fever, throwing up, etc. and thought they had the flu or similar. It’s mostly people that aren’t aware of TSS and its symptoms.
If you go see a doctor as soon as you show flu-like symptoms, get an unusual rash or similar, you’ll be fine. It’s not a death sentence.
It’s more likely you’ll catch the flu (which could also kill you), yet you won’t stop going outside or seeing people.
No. 113742
>>113741wow this is my actual nightmare.
i've heard enough horror stories from female nurses in my family about women not even knowing they needed to take tampons out to last a lifetime.
one story involved maggots No. 113755
>>113721Bacteria can grow because of the air introduced into the vagina. No air, less growth. That was the problem with these super-absorbant tampons they had in the 70s or 80s as well. Here's an interesting article:
> “Menstrual blood can multiply Staph. aureus organisms from 1,000 to 10 billion,” he said. But in order for all that bacteria to result in TSS, “you just need something to turn on the toxin.”
>That something, Schlievert said, is air.
>Anytime a woman inserts a tampon—or anything else, like a menstrual cup or a diaphragm—she risks introducing oxygen into the normally anaerobic vagina. I quite like the cup actually, even if I have problems with it fitting (it doesn't overflow, just flows past it, my period isn't that strong) because it feels less intrusive than a tampon with the string etc. Maybe I'll go back to the cup and period panties on my next period. I unfortunately get skin irritations from actual pads.
No. 113873
>>113868I've had this before - always just assumed it was a yeast infection. Mine clear up easily on their own - don't shave dont there for a bit, drink plenty of water, make sure you're wearing loose fitting trousers and knicks, no sex for a bit either. It really sucks anon, I know how painful and uncomfortable you must be. I think pads are better than tampons so that you're not touching the area as much?
If you've had a yeast infection before and it seems different, you should go to a doctor if your symptoms keep persisting.
No. 113907
>>113895How many people did you receive oral from? Are you sure they aren’t just bad at it?
I used to really dislike oral too because I didn’t feel anything either. I thought oral is just not for me and it kinda made sense since I didn’t feel anything from sex either.
Then I met my current boyfriend and oh boy was I wrong. Him eating me out was the first time anyone ever gave me an orgasm. I mean, it’s not like I’ll definitely come whenever he eats me out but it feels significantly better than everything all other guys have done.
Many guys just really suck at it.
Not saying that this definitely has to be the case for you, though.
No. 113935
>>113922Do you go at it for long durations?
What positions?
These things can contribute to it
No. 113940
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I went ahead and bought some Japanese pads because they looked like they were really high quality and held a lot of blood. They were measured by centimeter too instead of being small, medium, large, XL which was awesome because more variety of sizes.
Well, I finally wore them. They suck. I seriously thought the pad was going to start to rip apart. I only wore it for about 6 or so hours. They were nowhere near the same quality like the generic ones I get from Walmart and Aldi. I could wear those practically all day and overnight.
I dunno maybe it's just this brand. I'm glad I got a package of them for only $1. I feel sorry for all the women with a heavy flow and this is all they have. Is there a better brand out there? I'm the type of person that has to wear overnight liners all day and the ones out here in America are way too short for my ass crack.
No. 113942
>>113895Feels like absolutely nothing. I’ve had all my partners go down on me just in case they are different but I think it’s just my tiny stupid clit that gets nothing from it. (Sorry I get so frustrated thinking about it)
Two of those guys are supposedly pretty good at it too from what I’ve heard from other girls. One guy went at it for an hour before I thanked him and gently pushed him away lol. I felt like such an ass
No. 113946
>>113941I just looked up how often I should be changing it.
>Every 3 to 4 hoursReally? I'll run out of pads so fast… I go through 3 to 6 during the duration of my period now I gotta bump it up to like 12. That's over half a bag for one period cycle… Jesus this sucks.
No. 113948
>>113946Holy shit 3 to 6 for an entire period is WAY too little.
Sorry to be this harsh but I feel sorry for the people around you. I mean, unless you have a really, really, really light period (so, basically just spotting) that shit must reek.
You gotta be glad you didn’t get any infections yet. Please change them more often and get over being so gd cheap.
No. 113949
>>113946Oh my god, Anon…. you have to change it.
Once you get your first UTI, you become extremely susceptible to future ones.
Take it from me, chronic UTI stranger.
No. 113962
>>113951It's usually really heavy for only one day where I'll sometimes need two and it only lasts for 4 or 5 days really light.
Anons, I honestly had no idea I had to change the pad that many times. My mom never told me how many times to change my pad because she mostly used tampons. She never complained about the smell when I still lived at my parents. Only my boyfriend complains sometimes when I'm in the bathroom but I thought it was just because it's how we naturally smell during our period. I've learned something good today so thank you.
No. 113981
>>113980I think anon uses 3-6 pads for her entire period, not just for a day.
Also yeah I use the same amount as you and am actually uti prone, but I've never gotten an infection from it.
I also do the toilet paper thing
>>113947 mentioned on my heavier days though.
No. 114002
>>114001There are other ways to be intimate with someone. Are you asexual or just not into this guy?
You need to be aroused to have PIV, no wonder you're experiencing pain.
No. 114037
>>114001You can't fake it until you make it, you're fearing pain so you're unable to relax, unable to get aroused and you're tensing up and that's exacerbating whatever issues you had to begin with. Honestly don't put yourself through this, talk to your partner and put penetrative sex off the table until you're ready. If he loves you, he'll do whatever it takes to make you comfortable and confident to have sex again. If he whinges, kicks up a fuss or acts like it's your fault, then he's not worth having and you kick his ass to the curb.
Seriously anon, love yourself
No. 114057
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I saw this post on /r/godpussy yesterday, and I swear to god if I've never had vagina envy before, I have it now.
No. 114060
>>114057it looks like they photoshopped it into a tiny hole lmao? how could anyone look at this and consider themselves attracted to women
(and not children)
No. 114063
>>114062As if the anon posting their “pussy envy” isn’t a grubby bloke anyway.
It’s like when incels larp as women. So stupid it’s obvious.
No. 114064
>>114057It's like
>>114060 said, why is there a weird blank space above her clit? Looks like she'd have trouble peeing.
No. 114069
>>114058>>114060>>114063>>114064>>114067>>114068Look at all this frustration, kek. As if anyone who doesn’t love hairy big labia is automatically a dude. Get over yourselves.
>>114057Feel you. It’s not like I hate mine or that I have large labia, but whenever I see a really pretty looking one like this I’m like…
No. 114073
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>>114057This anatomically just looks very off? I'm going to be honest I've never looked up vaginas or ever truly gazed upon mine except for shaving. I found this photo of a "stripper" local to me on twitter that men were all going nuts for and again this body looks off spoilering image. The tits look fake and idk Wtf is going on with her vagina.
No. 114075
>>114069>pretty lookingYou want to look like a baby or a fgm
victim? Okay. That's your problem but it makes you sound like you got extreme body issues or are indeed a dude.
No. 114076
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>>114075I don’t mind hair on the pubic mound, but yeah sure, preferring clean shaved labia over pic related sure makes anyone a pedophile on this website.
Btw are we still talking about preferences, not ‘I can exclusively be attracted to X/like X’. If I say I think that muscular men or brown haired women are pretty, doesn’t mean I loathe any other body type or hair color. Jfc.
No. 114079
That's pretty gay, vagina-envy anon. Perhaps your envy is…something else?
Anyway, in general I don't think anyone should feel ashamed of their genitals. This includes men wrt penis size and foreskin. Making a hierarchy of privates isn't where it's at for me. I'm kind of an ugly-people-deserve-love-and-acceptance type though, so perhaps my thoughts are moot.
No. 114081
>>114079I‘m not the OP.
I do like other vulvas too and do find them pretty. It’s just like saying you like every single dish equally. I just don’t believe that there’s anything you do like more than others.
And as I said, my preferences don’t make me see other people or parts of them as unattractive or makes me treat them differently. (>>114073 for example is just really uncalled for, because the labia looks perfectly fine imo.) In fact, I don’t fucking care what other women’s vulvas look like if they’re comfortable with them. I just have an ideal for me (although not in a way that makes me want to change mine). And I think that’s what the original vulva envy anon wanted to express, too.
All vulvas are beautiful and deserve the same amount of love and appreciation tbh.
That being said, this whole topic would’ve been over much faster if you just had ignored the OP.
No. 114082
>>114081let me assure you you are fucking weird and none of this is normal.
>I just have an ideal for me (although not in a way that makes me want to change mine).um, tf does this even mean? are you using your mind's power to make your fanny morph into that fleshlight one you posted earlier then?
just go hook up with a woman or something, hoarding hd pictures of vaginas is so bizzare whether you are a larping scrote or a self hating female.
No. 114083
>>114082>um, tf does this even mean? are you using your mind's power to make your fanny morph into that fleshlight one you posted earlier then? Wtf where is this even coming from? I do not want to change mine, as I said, but I wouldn‘t mind if it looked different? Like, the same way that one might say ‘I would like if my stomach was a bit slimmer/more muscular’ but it doesn’t bother them to the point of actually attempting to change the stomach they have? Why is that so incredibly hard to fathom?
And, still not OP.
I have posted one single picture that took me approximately 10sec to google. Yeah, so weird.
No. 114084
The recent contributions to this thread have made it reek. It reeks of jealousy, misogyny, homophobia, internalized misogyny, internalized homophobia, internalized jealousy, and externalized jealousy, misogyny, and homophobia.
>Eww don't post close up pictures of vaginas. They're gross.
Love yourself.
>Wow I really don't need to see anuses
Uh, sweetie? Hello? Its 2019? We eat ass. If you don't like that then how about you fuck off back to whatever racist, sexist, and homophobic time period you came from. If you haven't eaten a few of your friends asses you can't say for sure that you're straight. You can say "I like to think I'm straight because I'm homophobic, but I can't say for sure because I've never had a lesbian experience so I don't know if I enjoy it, or not.".
Can we PLEASE get back to the current year now? Thanks.
No. 114087
>>114084I can't decipher if this is satirical or not.
Poe's law, I guess. Farmers are pretty angry and batty so by making fun of us we'll just believe you are one of us.
No. 114089
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>>114084>jealousy, misogyny, homophobia, internalized misogyny, internalized homophobia, internalized jealousy, and externalized jealousy, misogyny, and homophobia. No. 114091
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>>114057Jfc, I jumped because I thought I was looking at CP.
You do realise that labia minora exist for reason? Life without them as an adult woman would be extremely uncomfortable. They protect the vaginal and urethral openings and stimulate the penis shaft during sex.
Why would you want your vag to resemble a loli onahole?
No. 114107
>>114002questioning asexuality honestly, but I'm getting everything that can affect libido tested.
also if that's true, how can prostitutes have sex with gross dudes if you have to be aroused?
>>114004well we're using a boatload of lube. nah never been turned on before honestly. I know what the situation sounds like, but i'm not just having painful sex for him or anything. I only started having sex recently and we have PiV sex occasionally to check in and see where we're at or see where/quality of the pain so I can relay it to my gyno. He's a great dude and I'm glad I have someone I can trust to help me try and get through this. Obviously I don't want to be asexual. Recently found an issue with my thyroid that's developing, but I don't know if that can make someone feel completely asexual.
>>114037I do love myself. Read comment above. I'm the one initiating because I want to experiment with different positions/see if anything makes it better or if anything has gotten better. I've told him all my concerns and he's really sweet about it.
I'm just so happy my vaginismus was resolved. I was googling the pain and it can be consistent with banging your cervix (d/t not being aroused maybe?) or ovarian cysts (i have a history of them). Thanks for the concern though girls I appreciate it.
No. 114113
>>114069Loads of women browse subreddits for “god tier pussy” sure. Definitely not just bringing up your porn for kicks, because women totally sit around and discuss other women’s vaginas with photos to compare who better suits men’s porn fantasies. Much legit.
>>114084Shoving your sexuality in peoples faces because some mingers on twitter talk about analingus for attention doesn’t make it cute or woke to bring up your fave porno in casual conversation. Nobody is afraid of an asshole. It’s just that what you think is sexy and interesting is exactly the same as a 15 year old boy.
No. 114179
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Vaginal health is such a nightmare. I felt like I had a UTI for 2+ years straight, and no one could tell me why and my tests kept coming back normal. After being shuffled around to different doctors that would just shrug their shoulders at me a urologist sent me to a physical therapist that dealt with women's issues. Turns out pelvic floor dysfunction was my issue (high tone to be specific, basically the physical therapist said "it feels like you're trying to break my finger" when examining me). All I've had to do is some minor stretching, and I almost instantly felt better. I have a set of dilators I'm slowly trying to use, but even just my fingers worked fine.
The fact that it was such a simple fix and it took years to figure out, even speaking to more than one gyno makes me so frustrated. Just feels like just when I think we have Women's Health figured out, something like this – something I had never even heard of in all of my years of trying to figure this out – was the problem. Took finding an ultra-specific specialist to say "pussy 2 tight gurl, you're basically permanently clenching"
idk, just wanted to throw it out there in case someone out there was experiencing something similar. pic related was exactly what I was feeling: desperately hoping for a positive uti result for years so I could just finally fix my issue with an antibiotic. ugh.
No. 114266
>>114258I've been getting brazilians regularly for the past year. The initial awkwardness never really fades, but just remember its their job and they see lady bits every day.
I WILL say, the first time (or if you wait a months between waxes) is always gonna hurt more than any regular appointments afterward. Be sure to let them know its your first time and they'll tailor their process to it. And for the love of god, DONT go to a nail salon to do it, most of the people at nail salons aren't professionally trained for waxing. Make sure their licenses are displayed or available on request.
No. 114622
>>114432Oh my god, anon.
Mine's so small I have trouble finding it.
No. 114917

>>113892Update: I used the Organicup for the first time today.
Here's what I learned.
1. I bleed way more than I thought.
The first time I entered in the cup it must've not unfolded properly. I couldn't tell cause my fingers wouldn't fit in with it as it was too deep. Anyways, I bled through a lot. Honestly the cup filled up too and was half full, so it did it's job despite the mess.
2. The recommended C-fold the instructions recommended hurts and is hard to enter.
I discovered the push method works much better. I attached the video for anyone interested.
3. It's such a pain to get out. If I can reach the cup to pinch it, then it's too low (and the stem sticks out).
If the cups too deep I can't reach it without yanking on it (feels like a vacuum cleaner attached to my cervix).
4. Despite everything, I am converted now. Tampons good bye, cups for life. When it's entered right - it's honestly perfect. I can't feel it. It stores so much blood and it doesn't smell. I don't have to change it as often and when I need to re-enter it, it's not impossibly dry. I'm excited I don't need to blow cash on tampons anymore (especially since I have a irregular every 2 week cycle). Also it's better for the environment. I can't believe the amount of waste we produce from tampons and sanitary products alone.
> tfw used to be completely anti-cup / critical No. 114988
>>114981I have a mole on the hood of my clit, where my inner labia meets my outer labia and no gyno has ever said anything about it so I guess it just happens. If you’re too unsure or it keeps growing I’d definitely see a doctor though.
And I also have a very irregular period, too. In 16 years I’ve had less than 10 4-week-cycles and I don’t show any other irregular symptoms either.
I am, however, quite thin (only close to being underweight though) and not living a healthy lifestyle at all, so that might be it for me.
No. 115031
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How do I shave my pubic area without causing little red blood spots? This only happens on the front area but not underneath my vagina near my lips. I use conditioner on my legs to shave, would it be okay to put conditioner on my pube area? Obviously I wouldn't put it underneath. I just want a clean shave!
No. 115035
Period stuff. I never really got clots until a few years ago (I'm 27) and they are HUGE! Seriously, I just bled through a super tampon in 1-2 hours and when I pulled it out there was a gigantic clot that wrapped around the whole tampon. This happens every period and I sometimes have periods where I use 10-25 super tampons a day for 2 days (I'm serious. One period I bled through them in less than an hour for at least 8 hours straight).
It doesn't really hurt too bad, the worst part is I get bad mid back pain, which I tried looking up info on but it seems that women normally have low back pain. I don't have pain in my low back, only in my mid back. And I get bad digestive issues but I have IBS so I just thought the period made it extra bad.
I'm just getting worried because I was reading online and this is supposedly not normal. I read that on a normal period women only have 2-3 TABLESPOONS of blood for the entire period????? WTF? Even when I was a teenager I started using super tampons. And clots bigger than a quarter are also abnormal? I really am getting scared because my mom had to get a hysterectomy when she was 40ish because she had similar issues for years and ended up having her period for months straight, extremely heavy.
Should I go to my doctor? Or do you ladies think that I'm overreacting and Dr Google is just making it worse?
>>115031Don't shave that part totally. That's really the only way to avoid those nasty bumps. A bit of hair looks better than a bunch of pus filled boils on your mons. I don't use a razor on my VULVA or pubic area at all because of this, I trim it up with scissors or a trimmer. I only use a razor in the bikini area so that pubes aren't sticking out of my underwear. An easy way to thin out the hair on the mons is to shave with the hair instead of against it.
Also can we all as women stop referring to our entire genital region as our "vagina"? This shit is so annoying to me like…your vagina is a very specific part of your crotch and it is on THE INSIDE. Call it a pussy, cunt, vulva, lips…something! But don't call the outside area your vagina.
No. 115041
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>>115031Truth be told anon, I haven't figured out the trick to banishing them completely either. What does work for me though, is using tiny bikini razors (pic related) and trimming first. Shave with the grain. I use coconut oil, but there are different options. After shaving I use something with alcohol to disinfect the open follicles and moisturize as well. It's not perfect but has helped.
I know it's "dangerous" but to be honest I just use hair removal cream and shave to touch up, it takes a while to grow back and I don't get ingrown hairs.
No matter what you choose for hair removal it's a lot easier to deal with if you trim first. And cleaning the area and the razor first probably helps prevent ingrown hairs.
No. 115045
>>115037Seriously? Okay have fun making more girls and women confused and uneducated about their own bodies and saying shit like
>>This only happens on the front area but not underneath my vaginaI know grown ass women who don't know the names of basic parts of their own bodies and think that piss comes out of their vagina or their clit. It's sad.
No. 115109
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>>115031I usually only shave the outer few centimeters on either side of my pubes but when I do, I use this method and I don't get bumps at all:
-exfoliate the area first using a rough washcloth or shower brush
-use a new razor every time (or as close to new as possible. If I've used the razor more than 3x on other parts of my body I will use a new razor and shave my pubes first so they get the sharpest of the blade.)
-use shaving cream or conditioner every time
-swab the area with alcohol and a cotton ball immediately after exiting the shower.
I trim the rest of my pubes with hair clippers… lol
I hope this helps!
No. 115156
On the topic of shaving: does anybody remember this cow named Asha?
I remember reading in one of her threads and somebody posted that she likely has some illness (can't remember the name) that makes it difficult for her hair to break through her skin and therefore her body was littered with ingrowns.
I fear that I have the same thing.
My armpits are fine, on my legs it's also still somewhat okay, but regarding my pubic her it's so bad, that I don't dare to shave it at all.
I'm "blessed" with being extremely hairy, so the hair on my inner thighs, around my crotch is also already very pube like and whenever I shave, 2 days later it's so itchy that I can barely keep from scratching in public and not a single hair breaks through. Like there's always at least 30 little pimples that contain a hair. Sometimes I can't pop them to free it and it turns into a nasty big bumb and scar.
I already tried so much: shaving cream, normal shaving, shaving foam, shaving gel, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, shaving dry; then afterwards different lotions, baby powder, toner, aloe gel,… I also tried whether to exfoliate before or afterwards, but nothing helps.
Maybe waxing would be better, but I'm too much of a chicken for that.
No. 115168
God, I haven't shaved in over a month and I keep getting ingrown hairs. Could their be another reason why? Or is it just from the random hairs that fall out?
It's only one or two at a time and usually only on the right side of my pubic area. Popping the ingrown hairs feels so weird, like there's a bit more pus still in there I'm not squeezing out, but it usually goes away a day or two after I get it to pop instead of get bigger.
Also I have a slightly itchy area where my clitoris is, the thing is I'm able to scrape some dead skin off every couple days. I happen to have psoriasis and my crotch used to be really itchy and flaky over 8 years ago, it slowly went away out of nowhere. I was wondering if that might be a reason why? My gyno has never said anything was wrong with how my pubic area looked.
>>115156From my knowledge it's either folliculitis or psoriasis.
No. 115175
>>115143same here i never was able to have an orgasm in my life without the showerhead (and i discovered the showerhead when i was 21)… are there more of you who have the same problem? Is there any way to fix that… i love my bf and he tries his best but… i cant and i often fake it because i dont wanna hurt his feelings and i love him…
Oh before him i had another relationship and 2 make out sessions and there was also nothing never…
Im nearly 27 now and still not able to orgasm outside me being by myself in the shower its frustrating.
No. 115217
since some anons are on the shaving topic: if u get razor bumps or ingrown hairs easily i have found that using peppermint oil before u shave is a good idea. just dont get it u kno… on ur actual vagina its hell.
i also like to mix a lil bit of shaving gel, water and soap while to use while i shave.
using aloe (like REAL plant aloe) on your coochie after shaving is really a life saver also.
>>115168fellow anon with psoriasis. i have to shave VERY often cuz of the ingrown hairs. it's prob flaring up cuz of sweat depending on the weather where u live. i have found also it's easier to tweeze out the ingrown hair (if possible) then pop it. not recommended when ur pubic hair is still super short tho.
buy some peppermint oil. apply it before u shave, wash it off in the shower and after you shave and wash it off with soap in the shower. repeat it a few times after u shave too.
No. 115354
>>115350Who cares if it's normal or not, if it makes you more comfortable you should do it. I'm sure the guy won't care at all since he's getting sex regardless, he might even be happy to know you'll be extra clean.
It is expected in Japan, if that helps.
No. 115394
>>115385Ok, girl, don't worry too much about your inner labia, unless it's very uncomfortable doing daily stuff there's literally nothing wrong with them. People who say otherwise are ignorant, misogynist or both.
And with your incontinence, I suggest doing some kegel exercises, as it makes your pelvic floor muscles stronger so at some point you won't accidentaly pee yourself whenever you sneeze.
No. 115400
File: 1558635113701.jpeg (14.67 KB, 488x488, GUEST_917923a6-1b69-45f2-9a58-…)

>>115172Yep just the regular stuff from your drugstore! Use 70% isopropyl instead of 90%, which may be too drying.
No. 115413
>>115410Even if you were raped with an object it's still rape. Like wtf, don't downplay what happened to you.
Secondly, you really need to see a doctor, this sounds scary.
No. 115430
>>115413>>115415>>115416Thanks for the responses. I was told by police that it's technically sexual assault and not rape because he didn't use his penis. I did not press charges because I didn't have time since I was in the process of moving, but also because I felt the police were downplaying what happened. I feel very guilty about it.
I also feel very discouraged to see a doctor. When I was assaulted he also forced oral on me (him performing it, not me), so I decided to get tested for stds while I was at the doctor. It was not covered by my insurance. I finally paid off the bills last night, almost $500 for the blood work alone. I have no faith in police or doctors at this point. I simply can't afford to go to a doctor anytime soon.
And yes, I do post in the man-hate thread now.
No. 115431
>>115410You need to see if your boyfriend can leave you alone/no PIV for however long it takes to completely heal. The guy who raped you is a piece of shit…I'm so sorry Anon.
But you really need to let this heal or even see if you can get a loan from someone to cover the medical expenses for it to be stitched up. Don't continue having sex and breaking the wound because you could end up getting seriously infected.
No. 115548
>>115546I have the same problem, anon. I started making my boyfriend wash his hands every time we fool around and it's helped a little bit. I haven't had a uti in a few weeks, I think the hand washing helps. That and I take two azos everyday. My doctor also suggested taking an antibiotic after each sexual encounter but that seems really overkill. What if we have sex daily or twice a day? That's a lot of crap to ingest.
You said you were fine with your other boyfriends, right? I was thinking maybe your bf isn't washing as well as you think he is. Also, this is obvious, but don't let him put his dick anywhere near your ass, not your asscrack, nothing. Just keep him away and if you have to try showering with him and see if he's doing a thorough job. One person I was with insisted he was cleaning, but when I watched him he merely rinsed his penis with water for like 2 seconds even though the rest of him was very clean and washed. You never know what's going on in there. Also make sure your bf's underwear are clean. That helped me as well as the obsessive hand washing.
No. 115551
>>115546I was with a guy who would give me UTIs. No sugar added cranberry juice was my go to. Just chug like three big glasses a day. Avoid sugar and alcohol as that will make a uti worse. A warm wash rag can help alleviate that "I have to pee" sensation.
I dumped ole dirty dick dude and the utis stopped. Consider a new boyfriend. Is he especially large. My uti guy was, and I hated it.
No. 115660
>>115648I fold mine in half to get it in. Then like this anon says,
I sorta jam my finger in up to the rim of the cup, trying to break the seal of cup and vagina walls and allow air in to fill the cup, thus unfolding if.
No. 115737
>>115734It cannot go past your cervix.
No. 115741
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>>115737To be clear, it's just deeper in the vaginal canal. It cannot go through your cervix.
No. 115759
>>115659>>115660>>115662>>115704>>115734>>115737Thanks for all the replies, anons! I ironically got my period right after posting this so let's see if it works!
BTW do you guys follow the instructions and 'boil' your cup in between cycles? What is the best way to sanitize?
No. 115760
>>115759Oh man this is embarrassing. I didn't know about boiling it.
I wash it with antibacterial soap every time I take it out. I will boil now. Thanks Anon lol.
No. 117083
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My inner labia is probably less than a centimetre long I'm an innie. The only way that I've ever enjoyed masturbating is by rubbing my vulva through my panties. I stopped because I got anxious that maybe that's why I have any labia protruding at all. Once I found out a lot of girls including other virgins who have really long labia artist were in that way I realised that's retarded. My question I really need help with is I'm still scared to keep rubbing so is there any way that continuously rubbing my vulva really roughly and fast is going to lengthen my labia?? What do I search to find sources that can reassure me or inform me because I don't even know what to search take it any relevant information
No. 117085
>>117083If you were actually permanently stretching your labia it would hurt and be extremely uncomfortable. Look up labia stretching, people do it in African countries and it's a painful process.
There is nothing wrong with visible inner labia. Most of the women in porn are not naturally innies, the majority have had labiaplasty, so don't compare yourself to them
No. 117111
>>117083I don't masturbate much but my inner labia has grown a little bit over the past few years (i'm 27).
I don't think it has anything to do with whether or not you touch it though.
I think it's more about hormones and how they change with aging.
No. 117130
>>117110I have the same issues and have the same problem with pain in certain positions and I found that it's better when i'm flat on my back or stomach but if i'm at an angle with my legs lifted up it hurts too bad.
maybe see if you can go slow trying out certain positions to see if one type will be okay but if nothing is working i would just recommend using toys and things besides penetration and eventually u might be able to ease back into it
No. 117509
>>117452It has a very distinct smell. I wouldn’t say it smells like fish, though. I had BV for three years and the only things that helped me were this: and a proper antibiotic. Does your discharge have an unusual color, too? Because that is another symptom.
No. 117512
>>117482I missed my period for a week and also had a really weird sensitivity in my boobs, even that early. Take a pink dye cheap test when you are 1 week late, they are better than the expensive tests
For those of you with an iud, I've just seen a photo of the size of it in an actual uterus and it's really put me off getting it done. I'm really freaked out by the idea of getting it inserted and also I have seriously rough cervix thumping sex so I'm afraid it'll cause me pain during or after sex, or that it'll accidentally get pulled out or some shit
No. 117516
>>117512I had an IUD a few years ago, getting it inserted didn't hurt at all but as soon as I got home and sat down, I felt like I'd been stabbed and started bleeding. I had it taken out a week after that, the bleeding didn't stop and the pain was getting worse.
Male doctor said it was normal, but a nurse gave me codeine and some of those huge pads for women who've just given birth. It didn't feel normal to me, but idk.
No. 117521
>>117516Thank you, I've had a baby so youd think I wouldnt be afraid of this but ugh
>>117518mb I always forget, thank you
No. 118008
>>118001Yes, some women have (very) irregular cycles. Can be a hormonal unbalance, or your body is just wired like that. It can also be linked to a mental trauma. Sometimes after your first child it suddenly changes to regular cycles.
If you don't have any period in a month, then you didn't ovulate.
I do know a a lady who had 3 children, and she has her period every 40 days. Might be related, she has very long pregnancy every time (nearly a month more than a normal pregnancy).
No. 118070
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I wanna start shaving my pubes. Any advice so i don’t accidentally cut myself or make it itchy down there?
Last time I tried it, it got super itchy and I kept discharging because my vagina was irritated. Especially when the stubble started to grow in. Last time was the first and only time I ever altered body hair down there.
I just wanna shave now because I got a super cute bikini but my very hairy bush always peeks out of it. ~sigh~
No. 118090
>get safety razors for the delicate areasthey market them as "bikini line"
>exfoliate and moisturize the areai use a sugar scrub with coconut oil in it, which does both,but exfoliating with hot water and then moisturizing keeps itching and razor bumps to a minimum
>don't rushi've only cut myself a few times and it's always important to dedicate time to doing it
>>118081are you high mami?
No. 118275
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I recently decide to switch to reusable pads, and I'm in love with them. I'd love to see what anons who use them have to share.
No. 118287
>>118275Do they show under clothes?
Those are pretty but I wouldn't wanna bleed all over pretty artwork of a girl's face.
No. 118298
>>118275I have some double gauze reusable liners, though I mostly use a cup. I love how they breathe.
>>118287Some show under some clothing. An overnight pad would probably show under thin, white leggings. The liners I have don't show under medium or lightweight pants. It's similar to regular pads, really.
>>118289Precious Stars Pads ships to the EU, but making your own like you have is even better.
No. 118345
>>118338Yeah, what
>>118339 said. Tbh, I‘d find it more abnormal to change your panties several times a day every single day (the amount of laundry…) instead of just wearing panty liners.
No. 118412
Has anybody used female condoms for period sex? I'm thinking about trying it out, but buying them requires a prescription.
>>118338It's not abnormal, but it isn't recommended because it doesn't let the area breathe. [Source:] However, if you don't have any problems wearing them every day, then it is perfectly fine. It's best to stick to cotton liners without added scents, but again if what you use works for you that's what matters.
>>118315They stay in place unless I'm wearing very loose panties or synthetic panties. Normal cotton or modal panties keep them in place for running, sleeping, etc. One thing to make sure of is that the gusset in your panties is wide enough. If it doesn't cover your whole vulva sans liner, you're going to have a bad time with a liner.
No. 118448
>>118351>>118364So you wear every single pair of pants just once before washing them?
And what do you do when you’re on your period? Even when I‘m wearing tampons there will be some light staining.
I‘m genuinely confused by women who don’t wear underwear and are comfortable with it.
No. 118592
>>118527okay so update, everything is good lol. i just had to wait another day and the flow started.
>>118591i'd like suggestions for ingrown hairs as well. i haven't shaved in like 4 months and i still get ingrown hairs to this day, i think it's just from stress and just random hairs falling out. how to avoid that?
No. 118611
>>118598your hormones might be fucking with you, look up pregnant woman care and see what they do to ease it incase you are having nausea or pain, sounds like your body is simulating a pregnancy for some reason
if you're american go to that one free clinic that conservative boomers hate they might help
No. 118654
>>118612i have regular unprotected sex with my LDR bf that i see once a month, and every time i have sex with him for the first time he tears the vaginal opening open on the spot closest to my anus. its relatively normal, but if it itches on the labia and all around you could get some Clotrimazole, as its OTC and pretty cheap.
sidenote ask him to get tested
No. 118669
>>118664ldr anon here
sorry, i didn't mention the severity of the issue. it's not really a tear, like open flesh, more like tiny micro tears due to friction. i guess it is due to not being super soaking wet, but in my case i hardly am crazy horny, if at all. any tips for that?
No. 118695
>>118669>>118654This happened to me one time. We go through bottles of lube crazy fast bc i'm a bit tight, so this one time we tried applying lube only to the top half of his dick (we use condoms though) because also i was very wet that day. Never again. Now i know i always need to apply lube all the way to the base, and reapply mid way.
So maybe give that a shot.
No. 118936
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>>118935Anon what the fuck are you doing posting that. To answer your question it's your hymen or vaginal corona.
No. 118943
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No. 119160
>>118598Which signs? Early pregnancy and PMS have a lot in common. Also your hormones going a little nuts can also make your period late.
>>118612You might not have been properly turned on or too nervous. Try giving yourself time to heal and have an orgasm before penetration so your body is more ready.
>>118702>he pushed it in even when i was almost crying and telling him i was in pain so idk.Yeah don't let him penetrate you if it hurts.
No. 119178
>>119160Breaking out, morning sickness, breast soreness, constipation, cramping, cravings, discharge which I found weird because usually my only pms symtoms are breaking out and being emotional
The thing is I have pcos and not to get too TMI but my husband has been cumming in me literally every other day, I did however get my period unless it was a miscarriage which wouldn't surprise me because I have miscarriaged before
Any tips on getting pregnant?
No. 119533
>>119531I sometimes get a weird pain when I have a loose (pubic) hair stuck under the hood of the clitoris. I usually can’t get rid through it just by wiping etc because it’s stuck really weirdly. I’ll have to pull everything back as far as I can to be able to see/get rid of it.
It stings really weirdly, not just a stinging sensation on the surface as you would expect and causes a discomfort whenever I touch myself, wipe etc.
No. 119541
>>119538water-based lube is your friend. if you're uncomfortable breaking that out, the key is definitely to try to relax. if you're still a virgin, expect some discomfort your first time, but it really is about trying to keep your muscles as relaxed as possible. muscle tension from being nervous can really hinder your ability to enjoy it.
most importantly - as is always mentioned in these kinds of threads - don't force yourself into something that hurts or makes you uncomfortable
No. 119588
>>119561Are you overweight and/or do you have a crappy diet?
I used to have a super heavy flow when I was a bit overweight (like just 10 lbs) and eating crappy. Once I started eating healthier and loss the excess weight I noticed a huge difference.
But even now if I happen to give into period cravings or something and I eat crappy for a few days before my period I notice it gets heavier again.
No. 119989
>>119974Are you on the pill? I am and mine is pretty regular I can always count 4 days back from my next tablet, but stress and diet can have fluctuations.
If you're looking to start on to the pill for the first time iirc you take it the first day you bleed.
No. 120052
>>120040I second most of this.
Few things I do differently:
>shaving against the grain doesn’t bother me/my skin too much >I don’t use shaving cream or gel at all, as it usually irritates my skin a lot, instead I’ll use regular hair conditioner on the mons and let it ‘soak’ a few moments before shaving >men’s disposable razors (3 blades or less) work best for me (Gillette Venus and cheap alternatives were by far the worst and I always got irritated skin, even when using fresh blades)Another few things:
>let my razor sit in some isopropyl alcohol for a minute or so before shaving>always do it before going to bed so I can avoid wearing (tight) underwear (but if you have to wear some, use something light and made of cotton)>let the area air dry and use skin- and wound-friendly desinfectant afterwards>a little while after shaving I’ll use some hazelnut or coconut oil on the area>when it’s really hot I’ll use baby powder in my bikini area in the morning because I’ll tend to get irritations from sweat and friction there No. 120372
>>120364It's just tissue from your womb mixed with mucus and old blood. Trying to think how the best way to describe it is, is it sometimes like little blobs and gobbets and also a bit like viscous snot or phlegm, but brown? Does it spread out into a little brownish slime streak on the paper when wiping after going for a pee?
It's very normal anyway, this used to be what every breakthrough period I had while on the mini pill looked like (no bright red fresh blood at all) and now this stuff is what the end of my periods look like I'm off hormonal contraception. My personal theory is it's what older shed endometrial tissue looks like if it's been hanging around for a while and has had a chance to oxidize (go brown).
No. 120398
>>120387Hey, sometimes periods do just be like that. The more I read about it and hang out in female spaces the more I learn about how wild each woman's menstrual cycle can be. Did you know doctors only consider the absence of a period to be notable if it's been 90
days since your last menses? When I read that little factoid my mind was a bit blown, that's literally like, a quarter of a year lol, anything under that can be considered within "normal range" apparently
No. 120416
But I do not recommend it, learn to love yourself first.
No. 120428
>>120416That's too expensive anyway.
>>120417I doubt putting random creams on my labia is safe tho
No. 120433
Does anyone else feel a tingling on the bottoms of their feet when they masturbate?
I get so distracted by this weird feeling in my feet. It's like that tingly, almost burn-y sensation you get when you first move your foot after it's been asleep. It's not pleasant or sexy to me– it just makes it hard to focus on masturbating.
>>120412Shit like this is why porn infuriates me. Vaginas are not supposed to be pretty, and I hate that porn has created an unreasonable expectation that vaginas be 100% pink and have no minora showing. Ridiculous.
Your vagina is fine, anon. Any guy who bitches about what your fucking junk looks like needs to be dumped asap.
Also, hemorrhoids are common and incurable. If it's not bleeding, painful, or obstructing anything, don't worry about it. I would advise against anal sex if you have hemorrhoids. Anal sex is a meme invented by men anyway, and is always more pleasurable for them than it is for women. Plus it's unsanitary and requires a lot of preparation on the reciever's part.
No. 120460
>>120433light-skinned innies are kinda cute though..
well my hemorrhoid is uncomfortable but when I finally went to the doctor she told me it's a skintag and didn't do anything besides telling me to put vaseline on it so I guess that hemorrhoid is my partner for life now lol. I've already had it for years as well.
No. 120573
>>120501never i usually pass out right after i come so
it's not like it's a mess afterwards anyway
No. 120928
>>120601My dad used to say pussy in front of me, like in the trump manner which was super weird considering my age.
Now I can't find a good way to say vagina that doesn't cringe me out.
No. 121396
>>121392I have one next to my vagina, too, that worries me sometimes. Growth itself isn't indicative yet of anything bad. I feel you though and it's very stressful to think about and the internet only amplifies that fear. I'm sorry that you can't ask for help because of insurance. Did it change otherwise in appearance? Like shape/colour/border? If not, I'd say you're good. Even wonky, lifted moles are usually healthy. It just sucks if you can't get them checked and have some relief. It's also normal to have moles literally anywhere on the body.
Asking PP for help sounds like a great idea!
You could also get a friend's opinion if you dare and if it could help for starters as a non-professional first opinion and maybe to vent some of your frustration.
Good luck and I'm hugging you from afar!
No. 121479
>>121392Sage cause anecdote, but I also had a mole down there and accidentally shaved it off and ever since it's an ugly ass scar.
That said, get it checked out.
No. 121647
>>121570I would also like to know if anons have suggestions. I've been looking at niacinamide creams for intimate areas and wondering if they work?
I get a lot of results for papaya soap too but I've a feeling it's just a physical exfoliant.
I think though, some darkness is inevitable and normal. I'm whitest white with no friction down there and I'm not even sexually active right now - but still have slightly dingy, dark fanny skin. So if there are no suggestions, it's probably worth us both just coming to terms with it.
No. 121665
>>121664call me a weeb but fuck it. megami elis.
>pure cotton, nice and soft and breathable>cute package design, looks like magic circles, being a girl is suffering>kawaii heart design on the pad itself which also lends to keeping moisture locked in>fairly cheap considering the nice materialdo it.
No. 121713
>>121392You guys were really supportive and I really appreciated it, so here's my follow up if there's any interest! Doctor said it was just a skin tag and I am SO relieved. She said it was nothing to worry about health-wise, but if it gets irritated because of its size, my pcp would probably have something to prescribe for it to help it go away.
I am so thankful for Planned Parenthood as a resource for this kind of thing. They're so well trained on how to make you feel comfortable and they really do take care of you. Thank you, PP! I'll pay it forward when I get financially stable!
No. 121722
>>121664DEFINITELY agree with other anons, Always Infinity. I recommend the extra heavy/overnight pad to anyone who has a very heavy flow like myself. If someone isn't using this brand and is having issues (like I did) with leaking and a heavy flow. I'd 100% recommend it.
While i'm here do any anons have lube suggestions for someone who has an allergy/sensitive problem? I have a sensitivity (possible allergy) to lube and no luck on a replacement. Any reputable brands?
The issues I have been having every time I use lube is burning/itching then swelling. The swelling happening over time not immediate.
Any recommendations would be great!
No. 121744
File: 1566001588486.jpg (138.22 KB, 1920x1280, YES-Organic-Lube-Made-With-You…)

>>121722YES lube is very gentle.
No. 121756
>>121725Hey anon, from what the lube says in ingredients, no it's a water based formula. No silicone.
>>121744>>121745Thank you anons! I'll check them out.
No. 121900
File: 1566253622495.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.58 KB, 200x222, ou4kEIh.jpg)

(warning spoilered pic is SUPER GROSS!!! not mine but looks the same)
has anyone here ever passed a decidual cast before? it happened to me today for the first time and it was the most painful, traumatic moment of my life. i felt like i was birthing an egg sized thing, paired with the most intense period pain i have ever felt. it was followed about 10 mins later with a blood clot that was the size of my hand. now i'm still experiencing quite bad period pain but nowhere near what it was before getting that thing out. i've also had the heaviest flow that i've ever had (filling up a night time pad every couple of hours). am i going to die? i'm going to the drs tomorrow but the feeling of having to birth that thing out on the toilet was so freaky and painful. :(
No. 121905
>>121900I've shed parts of one, but not the whole entire thing in one go. I remember a lot of pain, different pain than usual (like, cervix-y? I'd hazard a guess as to it being what the beginning of contractions feels like tbh, it happens sometimes when I pass a really large clot, too), then freaking the fuck out when I went to the toilet to go sort myself out and finding whatever the fuck it was, lmao. A photo and a flurry of "holy fuck, am I dying???" texts to my mum later, she told me it was probably parts of a decidual cast.
I can't tell you whether increased flow/clots and pain is normal, because I have PCOS and ?endo/adeno, and super overnight pads on the hourly and bad pain is my usual, but you're probably not dying. It's a good idea to see your doctor though, just to get checked out, and to talk about it. It's absolutely really freaky, I empathise with you there.
If the pain and bleeding get appreciably worse I think you should consider more urgent medical attention, though. In the mean time, just look after yourself anon! Get a hot water bottle/other heating method of your choice, some painkillers, some chocolate, a cup of tea maybe? Do some of that good good self care.
No. 121911
>>121909Same, how do our bodies still seem to hold endless untold horrors? I feel like by now I should know everything I have to fear but they keep coming.
You anons are incredible for not just dying of fear
No. 121920
>>121900I've seen women convinced they've had a miscarriage after passing regular old clots.. this thing is a whole other level
What kind of conditions cause this? birth control, pcos?
No. 121922
>>121920hi i'm original anon that posted about birthing one of those things. google tells me it can come from the pill, pcos, endometriosis and cancer of the uterus. i'm not on the pill and not diagnosed with any of the latter but i have suspected i have pcos for some time as i have had issues with fluctuating weight in the past and i'm super hairy (on my chin and neck, sideburns and tummy. sometimes on my boobs too. lucky me!) i also have had period pains so bad before that i've been vomiting from the pain or almost fainted if i stood up too quick with them. i know there are other symptoms so i don't want to self diagnose, but i'm going to mention it to the doctor today so hopefully they can do tests or whatever to find out!
me and my boyfriend use condoms religiously right now as i have been avoiding the pill due to one making me really crazy for the couple of months i took it around a year ago, but i'm hoping to go back on it to make things easier. i was really freaked out though and genuinely thought i miscarried when it came out cos it just looked like a bloody lump of tissue, followed by really heavy blood and big, beefy clots. i really wouldn't wish the experience on anyone! i'm just worried this is going to be a regular occurence during my periods now and i don't think i could handle that pain again without heavy drugs and i try to avoid super strong pain meds due to addiction issues in the past. i still have cramps today so that's over 5 days of pain now (i usually just have pain on the first day of my period) so it is a little out of character, but my doctor is a super nice and understanding lady so hopefully i will get some answers and help today! sorry for the massive post, this has been a super weird experience as i don't have a lot of female friends to run these things by!
No. 122313
ugh, end me. I guess this is half vagina related, but my problem started there. I've been so ITCHY the last two days, but, like… it's migrating around my body? I thought it was excessive itch from my shaved pubes growing back in, but when I got a mirror, I saw two tiny white bumps on my labia. I thought they might be ingrown hairs, but I've since gotten individual itchy bumps on my lip (thought it was a cold sore), behind my ear lobe, on a knuckle, inside my other ear canal (??), and now I'm laying here in bed with an itchy was. What the fuuuuck. Google isn't helping me at all, either. Fortunately it seems like a specific area is only itching for a 24 hour period? But I don't have the money to go to the doctor. I just want the itching to stop.
No. 122325
>>122323You know, I was wondering if it was this. I won't discount it, but I'm not seeing any "trails" on my skin, plus my husband hasn't been dealing with any itchy bumps.
After sleeping on it, I'm wondering if I'm just dealing with an allergic rash. The bumps are reminiscent of the after effects of my last case of poison oak. Like, I got little bumps on my lip and genitals then, too, despite doing the appropriate cleaning at the first sign of poison oak. My body is stupidly sensitive that way. It just really wigs me out that this all started on my vag, you know?? I have no reason to have an std or something, but wtf
No. 122369
>>122325It can take several weeks to develop symptoms after having contact with someone infected.
But nonetheless, you should go see a doctor. No one here can really help you with it and there’s a ton of possible causes. It might be as little as stress induced hives, it might be dermatitis, it might be an allergic reaction, it might be scabies and the list goes on. it’s impossible to tell.
No. 122592
File: 1567339595032.jpeg (774.76 KB, 1242x905, BBBBD76B-597B-489B-AE1E-D3887C…)

I haaaaattteeee my vagina SO MUCH. >Spent an hour and a half trying to put in a tampon.
>Finally get it in and it hurts
>Taking it out hurts
>can’t even finger myself without it hurting
>want to lose my virginity bc tired of being a pathetic loser but can’t even insert anything by myself without it hurting
>looks ugly too
No. 122612
>>122592Alot of the time virgins have no problem using tampons. Could you actually be dealing with something like vaginismus?
That comes to mind cos you seem to have a negative view of your vagina.. that negative view mixed with past painful experiences could be causing your muscles to involuntarily tighten
No. 122847
>>122592I used to have that too. Still cant wear tampons comfortably (havent really tried a lot tbh)
It gets better when you have regular sex with a good partner who spends enough time at foreplay.
If it still hurts a lot when he inserts, you're probably still dry and he's not doing a very good job "preparing" you
Not saying the first time won't hurt (it probably will) but it helps.
No. 122866
>>122844You're not alone, anon.
>>122861I've had something similar happen to me after heavy and uncomfortable periods. It's always just gone away after a few days. I think
>>122863 is right that you're probably just tense.
No. 122869
>>122863>>122866Thanks for the advice and reassurance anons. I did it last night and tried again this morning and its really freaking me out but I think freaking out about it might just be making it worse. I did try with a vibrator earlier and it got me relatively wet but unfortunately made no difference when it came to insertion. I don't think was originally making me any more tense than usual, I was excited to masturbate now my period was over, but now this whole issue is probably making me tense, I don't know how to get past that.
Also its a relief to hear that it could be related to the period itself as that makes sense with the timing.
No. 122915
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>>122881No, they don’t grow back. How is that an idea anyone has?
No. 123057
>>122861Update, gave it a break for a while and tried again last night. I took it really slow including some shallow masturbation when I couldnt get it in all the way. By the end I almost had it fully in but it still felt different and kind of painful and closed up compared to usual. I'm just hoping if I keep this up things will go back to normal.
Should I invest in lube? I havent used it before since I produce plenty of moisture pretty fast but I think it might help my situation now.
No. 123144
>>122915Idk, if it doesn't break all the way, won't it just heal?
It's been years since I've had a hymen lmao
Is there any good info online about hymen? Now I'm curious. What is it for?
No. 123196
>>123166Really? Because if I break skin anywhere else on my vagina or body, it grows back. If the hymen isn't toally obliterated and only gets injured, why wouldn't it repair itself? Stop getting caught up in the Almighty Virginity and think rationally about this literal piece of flesh. That's all it is.
>>123193How about we stop shaming others for being ignorant of something no one bothers to teach us about?
No. 123199
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Whoops, dropped pic, lemme try this again.
>>123175Interesting, I didn't know there were different types!
I did a lil research I'd like to share! See pic related;
>there are different types of hymen but the most common is a "half moon" which allows for tampon insertion and menstrual blood to escape>biologists npt sure what the evolutionary use a hymen has– probably to keep bacteria out of the vag>hymen can be stretched and usually when it "breaks" it's really just stretching open for good>other mammals have hymens who don't give 2 fucks about virginity so it's probably not about that>all girls are born with a hymen, see pic related for different types. some girls have super thick hymen.>apparently if you get water blasted in your cooch or accidentally jump on a pole in a pool (? Lol I'm sure it's happened) it may bust/stretch the hymen No. 123205
>>123193I'm probably older than you. It wasn't covered in sex ed.
We were also taught blue balls were a myth but I've had a lot of guys confirm otherwise.
No. 123209
>>123199the reason people think hymens break during sex due to virginity is because american christians didn't historically use lube during sex lol. nothing more nothing less. also
>>123196 is wrong, it doesn't grow back cause it never left, it's supposed to stop covering the opening after puberty. if it rips it heals, but it doesn't regenerate.
>>123205fair enough, i forget that sex ed was retarded even just a few decades ago. learn on, oldanon!
No. 123212
>>123209>123196 is wrong, it doesn't grow back cause it never left>if it rips it heals, but it doesn't regenerate.I'm that anon and I never said it regenerates. See:
>>123144>if it doesn't break all the way, won't it just heal?I even said in
>>123196 that if it get injured it will heal, NOT regenerate if it is broken (aka permanently stretched open according to my research in
>>123199 )
No. 123213
>>123205I'm still on the fence about blue balls.
Has anyone else ever felt the ache when they get really horny? It hurts a bit. I figured it feels like that, maybe a little worse at worst and men use it as an excuse to guilt women into banging sooner rather than later.
No. 123224
>>123222What does he say causes it? Not ejaculating for several days? Or literally just getting a boner?
I have read tons of material about all manner of nofap autism and edging degeneracy. You'd think it would be a huge topic of discussion amongst communities centred around these things.
No. 123230
>>123213i used to get blue balls as a teenager. When fooling around with my gf i was hard 100% of the time. After fooling around my balls felt like someone kicked them very hard.
>>123217yes, as a precaution. After getting blue balls cumming won't ease the soreness.
>>123232I use washable cloth pads - have done for about 8 years I think now! they're great, I used to hate sticky sweaty plasticly pads.
the amount you need all depends on how heavy your flow is really. I have, I think, 6 but I alternate between pads and using a menstrual cup during my period. 3 of my 6 pads are technically liners too which are just for discharge and very light bleeding.
if you have a heavy flow you'll need more as you'll want to change them more often. you could buy a few more and see how long it is before you run out of clean ones and then buy more accordingly until you have enough to last through an average period. for some great info I would recommend checking out precious stars on youtube. that's where I started for info on RUMPS (reusable menstrual products) btw, welcome to the club!
No. 123438
>>123253I have them. Never even gave them a second thought.
Here's a weird thing about my vagina. It was one lip fused my entire childhood until puberty. I didn't think anything of it and it never affected me. (unless that's why I have an innie clit cause if so… that sucks)
No. 123533
>>123528if it legit smells (vs you just being insecure/not knowing how normal vaginas behave), go to gyno, it is probably bv. excessive discharge could also be due to bv or it could be you just produce more discharge naturally (most likely the case if the exact amount/texture varies throughout the cycle). otherwise maybe leave your vag alone for a bit so the pube situation can calm down,
do not use hair removal cream bc they are
really harsh chemicals and the thought of anyone putting them anywhere near their vagina honestly makes me shiver.
used that shit on my legs once and my skin got so fucked up and dry and went back to normal only in a week or so. and those are legs!try looking up "proper" shaving techniques but tbh i think it is all a meme/down to individual person's biology as I personally always end up with red bumps and ingrowns anyway, even on my legs. i recommend just keeping everything nicely trimmed (scissors or clippers), imo that's the most comfy colution and if you are so concerned about your (btw very normal) labia, a little amount of pubes will hide them a bit as opposed to a complete baldie look just making them more on display.
No. 123546
>>123539then that's probably just the way your vagina is, I am also quite discharge heavy, usually have to change panties twice a day or else i feel like a slug lol, nothing wrong with that!
You describing your bf as "pushy pervert" does rise red flags, you should feel comfortable enough in your relationship to be able to ask your partner for his input into things but also hold your ground if it is something that pertains to
your body but he has different wishes on than what you feel comfortable with. does he not shave his pubes? has he ever implied that he finds pubes on women gross? positive answer to either voids request for a bald vagina imo.
No. 123548
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Don't know if it's the right thread to ask this, but has any of you tried IPL hair removal?
Does this get rid of the hair for good or it's just the usual marketing ruse?
I am very lazy so I trim my bush like twice a year, but if this really works I might invest some money in it to keep the area less hairy in a more permanent way.
No. 123568
>>123540No but I also never tried to have sex with him in the first place. I'm still a virgin and his behavior has only made me feel more put off by the idea of even attempting to have sex. It makes me feel gross and anxious. And yes I told him that. Different subject tho
>>123546Sorry I don't understand the last sentence.. you mean if the answer is positive I should shave my pubes if he wants me to?
No. 123574
>>123568no, the opposite, if he either doesn't shave his own or thinks women with pubes are disgusting then leave the bush firmly on. 1st indicates hypocrisy and 2nd immaturity/porn sickness/inability to comprehend women are human too etc etc
do not have sex with anyone that makes you feel gross or anxious, it will only make you feel worse and create negative associations with sex, which will hurt you in the long run.
No. 123576
>>123571>triais it available in Europe?
so you did get rid of hair with it? did you use it on your pube too?
No. 123577
>>123576>is it available in Europe?Yes
>so you did get rid of hair with it? Yes
did you use it on your pube too?
>my hair is super black and coarse unless you are tan/black skinned I highly recommend it No. 123585
>>123528get rid of shaving bumps by wiping down the area with 70% alcohol after shaving and patting dry. then moisturize.
use a NEW razor every time you shave, use baby oil to shave with.
buy caplet probiotics on amazon (candefence is what i use) to stop your vagina smelling. this will stop the discharge too, if it's bacterial vaginosis.
No. 123665
>>123625nta but even though that sort of routine is generally seen as gold standard, there is still no guarantee of zero razor bumps. it has probably sumbe dumb shit to do with individual skin differences or whatever but point being, if you shave, you prolly will get em, unless you're exceptionally lucky.
t. bitch who gets razor bumps at a drop of a hat
No. 123671
>>123617so you haven't tried any of the advice posted, yet it's terrible advice because it doesn't work for you? I use this method every time and never get shaving bumps. you are obviously doing something wrong.
and please go ahead and post what ongoing problems probiotics cause. I'm waiting.
No. 123955
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Is it normal to feel aroused when you're on your period???
This only happens during the first days, I tend to be very affectionate and crave physical touch. It's frustrating.
No. 123962
>>123955Yes it's normal.
I watch some porn if my bf is not available.
No. 124055
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I've been using menstrual cups for years now but always feel I have to wear a thin cloth panyliner too. I've heard lots of women talk about how great it is to not get leaks but they never mention 'spotting' which I always get when using my cup which is why I wear the liner. I'm definitely using the cup right, making sure my cervix is inside, I think the spotting of blood is just what was already inside my vag inbetween removing of the cup. does any other cup users here get this?
follow up question, has anyone tried the underwear made for periods that is meant to soak up any blood (like thinx and modibodi)? if they're designed to do that then surely they could cope with a little spotting of blood as I'm using my pad. anyone have any experience with them?
No. 124067
>>124064My theory is that the reason there is no universal method/advice when it comes to washing is because vaginas differ so much.
For instance, no, the soap doesn't reach my inner bits when I rinse because they are completely covered and by my labia majora.
What do you ladies think?
No. 124078
>>124074I get that weird build up too but def do not use soap to wash it away, just your fingers as
>>124075 described.
also unrelated but I wish femfresh headquarters burnt to the ground, how can they and similar companies (looking at you, period pain "specific" ibuprofen costing 6 times more than normal) prey on women's insecurities and general lack of info around women's health still in the good lord's year of 2019 is beyond me.
No. 124213
>>124125A really good shaving cream and razor are a must. If they're not good enough, you're fucked. That might be why. I use Nivea shaving cream for men and a 5-blade Venus razor.
If you want to try again, wait 'til everything heals and the hair grows out a little or else you'll go through worse.
No. 124262
>>124250Anon…are you okay?
Pls see a doctor if you're leaking piss.
No. 124278
>>124267I've been this way ever since I was a child. When I was 11 or 12 my mom already called my doctor multiple times to ask what to do about the discharge but he kept saying it's normal.
Also I don't leak urine that much it's just a bit.. I don't think I leak enough to warrant surgery which honestly I'm not that excited to get into anyway.
No. 124279
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My discharge has ALWAYS balled up like lint or wet toilet paper. It's so gross but every gyno and GP I've seen says it's normal. I've had a million yeast infection tests and they always come back normal.
I feel so gross. This is not sexy. This is not normal. I'm so sick of being told to just deal with it. Someone teach me some sort of home remedy I can use to have normal discharge.
No. 124292
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>>124279Is it like that all the time for you? Thick discharge is normal at some parts of the cycle.
No. 124309
>>124278It’s probably not gonna be surgery, you’re much more likely to need pelvic floor exercises or something. Keep leaking pee so constantly you need to wear daily protection and saying it’s not much if you like, but it’s probably a fixable problem you’re gonna ignore.
>>124308How can so many adult women not know how to wash themselves? Wash for as long as it takes to get clean. If you cannot recognise when you are clean you’re probably not qualified to shower without supervision and a life jacket.
No. 124324
>>124313The question of "should I put soap on my vagina/how do I clean my vagina" has come up a few too many times on here lately
Male brains really are fucked
No. 124379
>>124371I hate looking at my vagina lol. I've used a mirror a few times but I just cringe and don't want to know. I don't mind having someone go down on me, but sometimes I'll deny it if I'm feeling particularly off about it idk.
>>124377I'm the same. I hate feeling myself there, I don't mind a partner or using a vibrator but I just don't care to touch inside of myself.
I wonder if there's a lot of women with an aversion to their own genitals? I just don't get the appeal of them haha I don't think they're pretty.
No. 124390
>>124379I can't stand the feeling either. I think mine stems from a time I tried to insert a menstrual cup and it
trigger a vasovagal response and I felt so faint and weird I had to lie down. There's something about putting my own hand in there that makes me feel so bizarre, like it shouldn't be happening. Not morally, I'm not bothered by things like that, I think it just weirds me out that there's a hole? Who knows.
No. 124395
>>124371Don't wash your vag with soap.If it smells weirdly or you think the colour is off, it's probably because you're fucking with it bacterial flora. Soap is highly alkaline, actually the highest you can get in a washing product! Your body's skin can take it, but neither can genital area and your face. Use products intended for vaginal wash ONLY and check for strong detergents; don't use anything with SLS, but something with Lauryl Glucoside and other gentle detergents you can Google. I know some countries don't have the variety of products to choose from, but you can always try to search for the best.
Also, for some other anons, it does not self-clean. That's a myth. You shame that one anon for asking yet you give wrong advice. Discharge doesn't magically disappear. Water isn't enough to clean all of it. Do you also wash your asshole with just water? The vulva is close enough for shit bacteria to spread, also you sometimes wipe carelessly maybe, you sweat, you sit whole day in your underwear. It's all there. You have to wash it with a product. It's skin like any other. You just don't use anything harsh and only wash external parts (sounds obvious, but believe me, not for everyone).
Don't shame people for asking. It's something that needs to be talked about more, and more openly.
No. 124401
>>124395Discharge is the self cleaning. The vagina cleans itself in that no woman ever needs to douche or insert pessaries to be clean. Nobody is saying a splash of water is all that’s needed to clean the vulva and labia.
You badly misunderstood the so-called myth you’re railing against.
No. 124402
>>124395I'm the anon you're quoting about vaginas being self cleaning, at no point did I say 'the vulva is self cleaning' so calm down
Nobody is being shamed for asking a question either but lets be real the cleaning/soap question is asked daily on here so why aren't anons reading those posts for answers? It's like groundhog day on this thread lately
No. 124413
>>124403yes, they are affected by aging pretty much the same way the rest of your body is (not that they will suddenly undergo a growth spurt or something, but they can change shape somewhat. fat loss from the pubic mound can also happen and will change their shape). it's also common for labia minora to get darker.
fyi this is a noticeable difference if you're comparing how things looked as a 20 yr old vs 80 yr old, not you turn 30 and your vag transforms.
No. 124441
>>124423the soft yellow is probably just oxidation, iirc my mom thought i was diseased because i had discharge like yours
i had to bust out the good ole biology book on her.
nothing to be ashamed anon, just your body doing its natural thing.
No. 124490
>>124441I just got my period again and I want to try out menstrual cups. I have a retroverted and slightly tilted to the side uterus. My cervix seems low (44mm) and I've had issues with penetration due to tightness. I use small tampons (o.b.) and my flow is average. I've never had a baby and am not a virgin.
The quiz said Lunette (size 1), Lena, Saalt, or Ruby.
I'm worried that my weirdly positioned cervix will mess things up, anyone else deal with this?
No. 124605
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>>124520maybe try a softer cup. one that doesn't cause much pressure.
No. 124609
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>>124395>it does not self-clean. That's a myth.>Discharge doesn't magically disappear.Gosh you don't know what you're talking about here. The discharge IS the self-cleaning. Think of a self-cleaning litter box. Just because it's "self-cleaning" doesn't mean you won't ever come in contact with cat shit or you won't ever have to look at a litter box or ever touch one again. It just means it's gathering it all up and out for you in one location for convenience, and you don't have to stop what you're doing and clean it out yourself every single day. You just get rid the stuff that's been collected for you. Or even a self-cleaning oven – you still have to clean the soot out that the cleaning created when it's done. The discharge is like that.
>Water isn't enough to clean all of it.>You have to wash it with a product.This isn't true at all and everyone's vagina is different. For example, I have atopic dermatitis so I have to pay close attention to what I'm using on any of my skin, and even (dermatologist's orders) minimize soap use to only the most necessary areas such as armpits etc if it's flaring up. If I use any type of cleansing agent (even the ones specifically designed for vaginas or are for "sensitive skin") outside of water it all goes up in flames for me no matter what. But that's not the case for everyone. It doesn't smell bad and my discharge is normal just using water.
>Do you also wash your asshole with just water?>The vulva is close enough for shit bacteria to spreadNo, because they're completely different functions and asshole
isn't self cleaning. This is why people douche before anal sex. If you spread the shit bacteria to the vulva it's because you did wash your asshole properly, it's not because your vagina doesn't clean itself. It's not the vagina's job to clean your asshole. If your cat shits outside the self-cleaning litter box or pisses on the wall next to it, it's not the litter-box's fault it can't clean that up. You don't then say "This self-cleaning litter box is a myth!"
No. 124823
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>>124298>>124280>>124292Guys, it's like that on the
inside of my vagina. There's no way that's caused by detergent. And masturbate and my finger comes out looking like there's a bunch of white lint on it. It's been like this for literal
God I wish someone knew what the fuck is wrong with me. Mucus-y discharge is what it's supposed to be like, right? It's not supposed to ball up, right? That's my understanding.
>>124609Maybe it's just because it's four in the morning but this post made me laugh. Nice insights, anon.
Plus shit shouldn't be getting into your vag if you wipe front-to-back and don't wear thongs.
>>124614For real though, vaginal canals are self-cleaning (please don't douche) but
vulvas are not. Stuff gets stuck between the labia and causes smell and itchiness if left untended to, so definitely wash that area with
at least warm water and a washcloth.
Although does anyone masturbate in the shower just for the sake of cleaning and making sure everything's okay? Masturbating in the shower is how I discovered the issue I mentioned at the beginning of my post.
No. 124827
>>124823White lumpy discharge usually indicates an overgrowth of yeast but you say you've been tested and that's the first thing a doc looks for
The only similar thing I can say I experience is from having an enlarged clit (past testosterone use) under my hood needs to be cleaned every day or it gets little white clumps under it which I assume is a result of trapped dead skin cells? something similar to what men get when they don't clean under their foreskin
No. 124837
>>124250Is anyone gonna give me some actual advice instead of just accusing my doctor of being a liar and telling me I have been infected the past 12 years
This is still something I struggle with and I want to feel better.
No. 124846
>>121922Maybe I'm too late but I figured someone might find this interesting.
I've tried two types of pills and am currently using a spiral/IUD. When starting the pills I was always a hormonal mess (I cried watching Big hero 6, which I normally don't do etc) for the first month or so but I have not experienced the same with the IUD. I think I've read that IUD's release less hormones than the pills and that's why there's a difference.
Best of luck! <3
No. 124848
>>124837k, I'll bite. you don't comprehend there's two different issues going on, if you say there's no infection then I guess the blobs are just your normal, I too get these gelatinous blobs when I'm ovulating; the other issue is the urine leaking, which is probably due to weak pelvic floor muscles as
>>124309 said and you totally disregarded them and went off as if it was about your discharge instead of wetting your pants.
No. 124855
>>124837See a female doctor not some dude who thinks an obvious problem is normal. Go see a gyno like you were already told. Don’t accept an obvious problem as totally normal because one doctor said it’s normal for young women to piss themselves all day and produce globules of abnormal, unhealthy sounding discharge.
You were given solutions and got bitchy when anon told you to see a gyno because it’s abnormal and you insisted it’s all perfectly fine and normal.
No. 124869
>>124823I've gotten it before too. Usually what I do is just…. flush the inside of my vagina out with body temp water. Honestly, it's usually because I've gotten a tiny bit of lint or something up there from masturbating (hazards of cats sleeping in your bed) and my body is trying to flush it out so I help it along.
But if you've had it for years I'm not sure, have you managed to cut yourself with your nail and it's your body reacting to the damage?
Does it come and go at all or just stay forever?
No. 124979
>>124974Yeah um I have an "innie" too but I don't get cement gunk stuck to my inner bits requiring tweezing. STD?
You need to see a doctor if you're not trolling.
No. 125470
>>124870>Cytolytic vaginosis I'm curious about this. I haven't dealt with any vaginal issue since my tween years but this year it's been utter hell with me getting sick with some sorta coughing shit, getting a bodily rash that excluded my genital area, and now what seemed like a yeast infection that I took one of those one-day Diflucan pills for. It
seemed to help with discharge
but the skin on my labia never seemed to fully go back to normal. It's still sensitive, stings when I pee or wipe with the usual baby wipes I use (basically almost entirely made up of aloe vera with no fragrance). I haven't changed anything about how I treat my vagina but it's just been so sensitive and raw lately.
I did go on a beachy vacation and try tampons for the first time during it. I'd been a pad girl all my life and I wonder if tampons just totally messed my balance up.
Wow what a wall of fucking text about my mysterious new ailment.
No. 125510
>>125353If you have to leave some stubble anyway then why don't you try a trimmer?
I only shave the sides and use a trimmer for the rest, i use one with attachments because i like my hair about 1cm long, even and tidy.
But there are some that can cut the hair really really close to the base too.
No. 125544
>>125495NTA but I keep myself at stubble length too, I hate the feeling of being totally smooth for some reason but I also hate longer pubes
Don't really know why smooth bothers me so much but I can't even masturbate if I shave close because I can't stand the feel
No. 125896
>>125767I also don't feel anything in there. PIV is comparable to touching my arm… erotic arm touching.
That said, I think everyone is different and there's nothing for us to worry about.
No. 125943
>>125737Metformin is also a treatment for pcos but i've only ever seen it being prescribed to overweight or diabetic women.
Also there're a couple different types of bc pills that treat pcos, you should ask your doctor if the ones you're taking are not working for you.
And don't get too carried away by the rageboner people have for the pill. To some people it works wonders. In my case it got rid of my pcos period cramps, cleared my skin, and made my boobs grow a size up.
It does give me mood swings but i'll take that 1000 times over the misery pcos used to put me through. I used to pass out from the pain sometimes.
No. 125995
>>125943I'm amazed some people get clear skin or extra boobage from the pill. It saved me from heavy periods but not much else. Still fatigued and get pains from my period. I got a cream that helped cystic acne on my chin/mouth area earlier this year but it looks like it's increasing again now so I might have to ask for it again. I'm still on one of the combination pills that have less risks and might hear with my doctor about trying a stronger one but I'm unsure. Anyone had experience with switching to a stronger pill?
I've been waiting a bit over half a year now to get a kinda big cyst operated away and still heard nothing from the hospital. Not always joyful to have free health care in that sense. I'm too scared to have penetrative sex atm in fear it'll burst.
No. 126301
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>>126287let me google this for you…
No. 126302
>>125942Healing ointment,
>>125942Monistat makes an anti-chafe gel, that would help.
No. 126305
>>126301Fascinating thanks! I didn't even consider googling it because I was fresh out of the lolli thread and didn't want to end up on a list for googling about little girl vaginas lmao
Also I was asking anons about their personal experiences/bodies which sounds even creepier lmaoooo anyways thanks for satisfying my curiosity
No. 126349
>>126342Samefag as
>>126348 sorry but also just wanted to add that I saw a plastic surgeon in my area record and publish on Snapchat a labiaplasty or whatever the fuck they call it where they literally scissored off a woman’s labia minora and I was just so grossed out that someone would mutilate themselves like that….
No. 126383
>>126357It is mutilation, unless it's for medical reasons. You lose sensitivity, sex feels less pleasurable for both parties by decreasing friction (similar to how the foreskin works during sex), and there can even be reoccurring pain.
>>126356>>126368Just own up to it. There's nothing wrong with having bigger inner labia/discoloration. When women enter puberty the hormones cause color changes and inner labia growth in many women. If your concern is what men think, they don't care. Men are programmed to find a large variety of things attractive. The retards you see complaining about labia and breasts jerk off to porn and hentai all day. They aren't the kinds of men you'd be with in the first place, so who cares?
No. 126394
>>126383Seconded. It is completely mutilation. Just as any plastic surgery is.
Y’all anons with the big labia need to stop with the internalized misogyny. Lots of us are happy with our big labia as are lots of men, but also who FUCKING cares what men think? If they want a vagina w nothing extra then fine but yes typically all they do is watch porn and jerk off to smooth bright pink vaginas and bleached hairless assholes and that’s just not fucking reality.
No. 126396
>>126383Sorry, I meant larger labia themselves decrease friction and keep the natural lubrication from drying out. No labia/no foreskin both cause more friction and drying, which can cause discomfort and pain for both parties.
>>126394Yup, and if you do find a guy who cares that much, then that's a blessing in disguise. You know to dump him on the fucking spot. I know we all have our insecurities but really there's no part of your body you should be ashamed of. The body tries hard to keep itself healthy and in good order for you, it's so heart-breaking people hate themselves over small imperfections
No. 126405
>>126404Any anons*
I've heard about things like you pee when you sneeze, your period gets heavier, your labia hangs a little lower, etc. obviously I don't mind any of these things but how do I get used to them and what should I be wary of
No. 126415
>>126356>>126368I'm sorry anons but reading this makes me angry. I hope this isn't race baiting or whatever, just sharing my experience, but I'm a darker skinned woman with no hope of being born with an 'attractive' neat pink vag like some white women and it'll spiral into a source of dysphoria if I don't mentally squash it. Like even if I get it shortened, it's not pink, if I wanted to bleach it, that's probably not even possible on top of being dangerous and expensive. It's easier and free to change my mindset about a body part I shouldn't be judged for anyway. It's still upsetting to read what you guys think about genitalia that look like that and I feel sorry you feel the same embarrassment as I did when I was
>>126342 this young.
Admittedly I think men's genitalia looks awful most of the time and their darker ball/dick skin looks like dirt but I remember that it's just skin (that's gonna be clean before it touches me) and sure as hell no man is going to wax and bleach his nuts just for me so why should I do it for them?
>>126348I'm not bothered about 'roast beef' comments because I've only ever looked forward to a good roast beef. I fucking hate the word 'loose' as if you can tell how it feels just by looking at it, people seriously need sex ed and to use their brains more than ever as labia minora have no indication of 'experience'. Like does anyone comment on the appearance of men's dick and balls changing shape for having sex too many times? Of course we don't.
No. 126440
>>126423I have been shamed for my labia by men so many times AND women as well, and I have out loud in conversation with women who have never seen my vagina told them “well my vagina looks like that and has since I was little. Would you call me a roast beef pussy to my face? Would you call my labia loose and nasty and ugly to my face?” They usually don’t bc they’re so stupid that they think nobody really looks like that except old whores. And then they apologize.
Anyway yes I have definitely had to learn to love my vagina. But now I do and I have to remind myself of exactly what you said. I don’t want those kind of people down there anyway. When people try to say that large labia is ugly I just counter them with I think its beautiful and looks like flowers. Pretty pussy petals. I especially hate when people make those kinds of comments because you never know who is listening, some girl who really wants to like chop her vagina lips off… nobody should ever feel like that.
No. 126446
>>126440Big dick energy is out, big labia energy is in.
Ilu anon.
No. 126487
>>126473I just use fairy and some dishwashing sponges from lidl, you know those green and pink ones? Works like a charm and I feel like a squeaky plate down there!
Seriously tho, how many "how do you wash your genitals my fellow females" posts are we gonna get huh?
No. 126496
>>126491Recently my discharge started to be more intense (maybe because I've changed my meds), and idk, during the day I just feel uncomfortable, so I've been wondering if feminine wipes would be a good choice. My gyno said they disrupt your natural processes so I'm not sure what I should do.
>>126487I'm sorry for my autism kek.
No. 126502
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>>126440>I have been shamed for my labia by men so many times AND women as wellI'm sorry you had to go thru this anon. and it's so sad to hear women parroting the same bullshit as these men. it's great to hear you stand up for yourself though! I'm impressed
>When people try to say that large labia is ugly I just counter them with I think its beautiful and looks like flowersI agree, large labia are beautiful and need to be celebrated. the majority of women have them and I'm tired of us having to feel like we're less than because we don't fit into this cookie cutter ideal.
>you never know who is listening, some girl who really wants to like chop her vagina lips off it's so sad tbh and I'm tired of labiaplasty being so popular (simply for cosmetic reasons) and young women growing up in a world where they think their perfectly normal labia is somehow wrong.
No. 126520
>>126513why do you want to go against your gynos wishes? surely those 10 years of medical school taught them something?
I personally can't use shit like that without an immediate yeast infection, even scented or more plasticky pads/liners are too much.
No. 126537
>>126348I call my own pussy roast beef or loose as a joke sometimes, but I would never say that to another woman. Or joke like that around someone who might take it seriosly.
Once on a another image board two anons were fighting "innie vs outie" and being particularly cruel and disgusting about how they talked about womens genitals. They turned out to be both women. Well it could have been larping males but still. Throwing other women under the bus so you can feel like a better object for men. Makes me want to vomit. I think everyone should like their genitals. They are there for YOUR pleasure and baby making, not to look pretty.
No. 126618
>>126584These are normal, they're pretty common, and literally no one will even look at them. Your future partner (male of female) will either have them too or at least seen them before.
In the case of men, aside from fordyce spots on their dick or balls, they can also have pearly penile papules that are even uglier but equally harmless. So even if your partner isn't female they will probably relate.
So really, don't worry about it. This is such a virgin worry that it's almost endearing.
No. 126693
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Who here uses menstrual cups? has it ever leaked while you were asleep? I toss and turn around a lot and I'm worried about that.
Do you need to buy one of the specific menstrual cup washes and use those daily or can I just rinse it in between wears and boil it after use?
Also, does anyone else have a menstrual cup microwave sterilizer like in the pic? Do those work well?
No. 126842
>>126693It will leak only if it is full; I've never had a problem with movement with any model I've tried. You should probably wash it, though any sort of mild soap without oil, scent, antibacterial ingredients, or abrasive additives should be fine. I use the specific washes just to keep scents from accumulating, but it's not necessary. Rinsing under cold water before washing is a good way to minimize staining. I've used those collapsible sterilizers before and I found they hang onto scent even when dried immediately, and also tend to overflow if you fill them enough to cover the cup. If you don't want to just use an old mug that you've designated for the purpose, you could try using those pump/bottle part microwave steam bags.
>>126752I've done it with the Lumma Unique, which is the same thing but a reusable silicone. No pain or leaking. My boyfriend did not feel it at all.
No. 127885
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Are these wet wipes safe to use?
No. 127890
>>127885I don't know much about ingredients but I used what claimed to be super gentle personal wipes lately and got my first ever (non-antibiotic related) yeast infection within days..
I'd rather dry wipe and deal with feeling slightly less fresh than risk any wet wipes again
No. 127896
>>127892nta but maybe buy slightly better toilet paper if you use those 2ply ones that aren't quilted at all? have used nothing but normal, dry toilet paper my entire life and not once have i had bits of tp stuck to my ass wtf. idk, maybe spit on a fresh bunch of tp as some moisture for the final wipe?
i think some people are more predisposed to getting thrush at a drop of a hat (me) to the point of getting it from more scented shower gels trickling down (me). If you do end up getting thrush, i recommend oral tablets over vaginal pessaries by a mile, the creams are kinda naff too.
No. 127904
>>127896Maybe that other anon lives in a country where all toilet paper sucks.
I lived in england for a year and the toilet paper was so crumbly and shitty no matter the brand.
Also their plumbing is fucked so I guess that's the reason why they make their toilet paper disintegrate with the slightest touch.
No. 127978
>>127944i mean just try them, if the toilet paper is soft yet sturdy, usually like quilted 4ply is, you shouldn't have this problem.
>>127904true, british tp is atrocious, i was honestly shocked being an eastern europoor and assuming everything's better in west. shades coconut is decent tho and doubles as an air freshener kek
No. 127983
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>>127978Wait what ungodly abomination is that, does there seriously exist a brand of scented tp in the UK ?
British people are a plague and menace on this continent, absolutely disgusting. This information ruined my day.
No. 127988
>>127987>>127983I didn't know this was a thing despite being British born and bred. What kind of psychopath makes and buys this? Also though there are few scents less appealing than shit, I can imagine the combination of shit and coconut actually being worse.
I'm team bidet personally. Wish they were more commonplace.
No. 128002
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>>127986I don't get the complaints either. My experience of UK toilet paper is that some of it is so thick that it's more like kitchen roll. Some brands are so bad for this that I deliberately avoid them and buy cheaper toilet paper because my husband finds it's necessary to use half a roll to clean his hairy arse crack and the thicker paper will block the toilet.
>>127988I always see pic related in discount shops and I know people that buy it because it's cheap. I tried it once and never again. It has a very chemical smell to it, like cheap perfume and alcohol.
No. 128024
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>>127992Get two of pic related or a similar product, so he can appreciate the difference water makes and you have something to use yourself.
Also, you can make "poopourri" for a few cents with just alcohol, castile soap, essential oils, and water. It's nice if you don't have a bathroom fan and don't want to have a smelly bathroom while you do your hair or brush your teeth.
No. 128063
>>128035Oh god there’s nothing I hate more than the scent any pad in my country has. It doesn’t even smell like alcohol like
>>128041. It‘s more like really cheap sweet/flowery soap. Mixed with the blood it’s so disgusting I stopped using them for a while because just the smell of the unused pad made me sick. And it’s nearly impossible to find unscented ones! If you do find them, they’re really fancy, eco-friendly brands that cost easily 5-times what I‘d pay for store-brand ones.
Scented tampons sounds even worse of an idea. I knew about probiotic tampons but don’t know if they’re really useful either.
No. 128160
>>128135depending on how they test for pregnancy there might be no harm in just getting it as long as they don't charge you extra.
in the us we test for pregnancy with a urine panel and they just do it automatically/still encourage it for anyone regardless of sexuality mostly because drs here need proof you aren't pregnant to provide certain medications.
No. 128166
>>128141i don’t think so .. my girlfriend and i have a semi long distance relationship and the last time we had sex was a week ago and now a week later this spotting as started. tmi but there’s barely enough blood or discharge to bleed into a pad but if i insert my finger into myself it comes out covered in brownish/reddish discharge.
i should probably go to a gynaecologist instead of explaining it to randoms on the internet but i’m just not sure if this is normal and i’m overreacting lol
No. 128198
>>128192Do you mean periods stopping naturally or someone using the pill to stop periods?
If you take the pill continuously to avoid periods you can eventually get breakthrough bleeding anyway
No. 128249
>>128229I get discharge from going for walks, didn't happen so much when I was younger but I assume it's caused by movement/friction
As long as it's normal discharge
No. 128254
>>128239Have you seen a doc about it or have you been just treating it yourself?
If it's such a recurring problem a doc should look into causes, hormones being out of balance is one cause, undiagnosed diabetes or high sugar levels is another
No. 128268
>>128243Yes, I've taken the oral pills. That makes it go away for a while but hasn't stopped it coming back like this…I've done the OTC remedies too and probably even combined them with a pill. I'm either doing something wrong or have very bad luck.
>>128254I've been going to a gyno for this and it feels like a game of whack a mole. I don't think I have diabetes (no other symptoms I can think of/not at high risk) but hormones or blood sugar could be things I could get tested for. I have gone to an endo before but it was before the yeast started acting up. Thank you!
No. 128465
>>128457I let my body hair grow out alot of the time and I've dated guys with no issues around it either but yeah I've shaved once or twice when I had pap smears. I saw it as similar to how I brush extra well before dentist appts to be presentable lol
I ended up having a whole series of exams because of changes in the cells on my cervix and eventually I stopped worrying about shaving for exams
No. 128561
>>128460you're right. I just get smelly when I don't shave my pits. I sweat more than other women it feels like and deodorant only works if I shave. I think it has to do with more hair > more surface for sweat bacteria to collect on. And I wanted to be safe about my vaginal area, it was a bit bushy and I never went there unshaved before so far and don't go very often. I'll see what's comfortable/possible in the future.
>>128465>>128467>>128538That's cool, I like to hear how other women handle this and get comfortable with body hair
No. 129720
>>129671I know how it feels, I try not to use a lot of pads, it takes up so much space in my garbage lol.
I literally cannot use tampons, I've tried twice and both times I'm pretty sure I started developing TSS. I become extremely out of it and just wanted to sleep. Also I could feel the tampon inside of me the entire time. Both of these times were when I went swimming so I thankfully didn't have to wear them long.
No. 129722
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>>129671Have you tried washable cloth pads anon? They're always an option. I got some recently because I hate the way dispaoble pads feel with a passion and don't like changing tampons so often. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I find them much better and more comfortable than throwaway pads.
No. 129746
>>129735NTA but I have a bunch and they're really comfy and don't smell, and absorb much better than traditional pads.
I used to have leakage and really bad chafing (in part because of the wet material) until I switched to washable fabric pads, wouldn't go back if you paid me.
I don't know if all of them are good though, I just bought some made in my country since the ones you can find on Etsy were really pricey.
No. 129769
>>129722I've never worn pads in my life, but want to switch to cloth pads because tampons make me crampy for some reason. What does it feel like actually wearing one? Do they feel like bulky and wet all day? I know they're going to be noticeable, but I worry that they'll feel gross, I guess.
Also, how do you know what absorbency and length to get? I have pretty heavy periods (like super plus tampons every few hours) the first few days, so how do I figure out what size I need in cloth pads?
Sorry for all the questions, anon, but I appreciate your help in advance!
No. 129771
>>129750really hard to say, getting it checked out was the right call. the only thing I would recommend is getting a pap smear if you haven't had one recently, and checking your labia for any abnormal swelling, discoloration, or any other changes.
if the pain continues I'd get a follow up exam done as well.
it definitely could be just irregularity, that can be stress/diet/aging/etc/nothing in particular. I've been very regular for years, but get spotting with darker blood and random aches once in a blue moon.
No. 129783
>>129774Yeah it’s absolutely the worst. Sticky diaper like feeling that constantly feels like it’s leaking (plot twist it is leaking). Even toilet part is preferable.
Honestly cup is the future and if you can’t insert anything then cloth pads still feels more secure.
No. 129797
>>129769The ones have are the same ones in the pic above. Teamoy brand from amazon. It was $15 for 5 I think, but they make a variety pack that's $23 with diffrent sizes.
They're pretty good, def more comfrtable than dispaoble ones. The fabric on the front is kind of like fleece and the outside is a waterproof which is nice. The only problems I can see are if you sweat really easily you may get hot in these, and they sometimes shift around when you're moving a lot (can be fixed by pining them down with extra pins)
Again, I can only speak for myself, but I haven't found any issues with the smallest sized ones, then again I don't have as heavy bleeding as some. I think it'd probably be really hard to bleed through one unless you were shifting around a lot, as it seeps into the fabric instead of sitting on top of it like normal pads.
As for washing, I genrally let them soak in a bucket with soap and water or rinse them in the shower with me and then throw them in the wash with my underwear.
No. 129801
>>129769I love cloth pads and prefer them to disposable ones. I'd never go back.
They feel better than the regular ones because they're softer and more breathable. I don't get sweaty or chafe anywhere with the cloth ones. Because it's fabric and doesn't have that plasticy feel, a lot of the moisture seems to disappear. One big bonus for me is that you don't get that "omg a waterfall" feeling when you stand up after a while, sneeze or cough. It gets absorbed very quickly. I never get the wet feeling with them and they actually feel less gross to me than regular pads.
I have exceptionally heavy periods to the point where I'm on medication to prevent blood loss when on my period. With the regular pads, I'd change it every hour or two and my underwear would always find a way to get stained, flood or leak. The cloth ones hold out for longer and I can do a whole day at work without feeling like it needs changing or feeling gross or icky. I change them every few hours but that's really more out of habit and just to be safe than actual necessity. They seem to channel the blood better. When I remove the cloth ones, they're not dripping and all the blood seems to have found its way to the middle of the pad instead of ending up all over the wings and every other part. Like
>>129797 said, the blood doesn't sit on top like a regular pad.
The biggest downside for me is that they can shift a little because mine are only held on with a single press stud, but I change what style of underwear I wear and that fixes the issue.
I got night time ones because I honestly thought my period would be waaaay too much for the regular ones but they've been perfect. They're not as bulky as you might think. I'd say mine are about the thickness of a regular pad but floppier because they don't have stiff plastic so they don't show through really. If you're wearing something really tight or the fabric is thin, they can be easily hidden with a pair of boyshorts or something.
No. 129993
>>129826You can put them in a plastic-lined baggie like the other anon said. I also time my changes so that I don't have to do it at work as much (change right before I go, once in the afternoon, once when I get home) but my flow isn't that heavy so there's that. I've found that they don't reek like the disposable ones so there's no issue with the smell.
I still don't know why Always and Libresse are still in production, they're horrible and used to give me swamp ass.
No. 130027
>>128035oh my god I use washable cotton pads but sometimes if I don't have any clean I grab a disposable one from my mum and she sometimes buys the scented kind. they smell so overpowering and I'm always scared they'll fuck up my pH balance
the idea of scented tampons is too much for me to handle
No. 130048
>>130028Same, this evoked a visceral reaction in me
In recent news
>Used to use pads but bought mooncup>It was amazing, changed my life >Used it for prob 2 years>Got pregonantè, had a baby, no period for roughly 2 years >Period returns, vag et al still tight as a motherfucker so I don't purchase the different size cup>Use pads for a bit then do mooncup again >go to toilet to change/clean cup>Huh that's weird where is it? I did put it in, right?>whole ass finger up there, can't find the stem>Continue digging and wonder if I somehow sneezed or shat it out without noticing whatsoever>I know I put it in. I panic. This has never happened before. I know there's nowhere for it to go and yet still wonder if my cervix somehow dilated and inhaled my cup>Panic cry>Everything cramping from being bent into exorcist position >Employ 2nd finger and bwonk it off what feels like a rim>turns out my cervix is fairly tilted post baby and makes a weird space >whole entire cup maneouvred itself upside down. I'm talking an entire rotation to sideways then right upside down. Where did it find the fucking room to do this in my vagina? Who knows>afraid to yeet anything up there ever again in case it goes into orbit and ends up upside down again No. 130093
>>129826When you buy a set, they usually come with a bag to put them in. Mine also fold up and close with their press stud so they're just in a little square, which makes them pretty easy to hide. With the way they fold and the plastic-lined wet bag, any moisture and scent is easily hidden.
Tbh though I think they could probably survive a shift at work if you were really against changing them in public. TMI and kinda gross but I lasted a 12 hour hospital shift when I'd forgotten to bring an extra pad and was struggling to find time for a break. There was no leakage and the fabric and lack of plastic means that the blood doesn't really pool in the pad. It gets soaked up so you still feel relatively dry.
No. 130094
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>>130028These cotton unscented pads are good and pretty cheap. If you're american you can get them at walmart
No. 130771
>>130728Anon, don't worry about it. I had my first gyno appointment at 25. If they're at all professional they'll show no emotion/judgement/reaction to what you say.
And remember to be honest!!! They don't give a shit what you did.
No. 130819
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>visited boyfriend
>got rubbed
>after some time together, i leave
>boyfriend texts me “i have to tell you two things, but i don’t have the heart to tell you.”
>starts to panic but tells him to tell me
>he tells me his finger STUNK when he smelled it
>stares at my phone processing what he said
>immediately tells him “i need some time away” because this is embarrassing as fuck
WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO? This is probably really funny to most of you, and looking from an outsider’s point of view, it is! But I can’t stop crying from embarrassment, lmao. I don’t want to talk to him for a while. I know he didn’t mean to hurt my feelings, but damn one of my worst fears came true.
I’m supposed to be starting my period soon, so, could that be it? My diet probably has something to do with it too. Oh and I don’t put soap in my vagina, but I do wash it with water. Agh, this is so fucking embarrassing I don’t think I could talk to him or see him for a while.
No. 130820
>>1308191st things 1st, are you sure he wasn't memeing with you? being fake serious etc and you're just being insecure?
if you don't have any itching, discoloration of discharge etc, it is probably not bv and thus it's on your diet. if you wear undies from synthetics consider switching to cotton, also helps w less crotch sweat. don't put soap in your fanny unless you want thrush.
No. 130921
>>130740>>130771both of you, thank you so much!! i had my appointment today and it wasn't awkward at all! she only did an ultrasound scan to check whether everything was alright and said that i don't have to worry about coming in regularly unless i become sexually active/want birth control or have any sort of medical problem.
>>130851my doctor said something similar to that, too. she said young women really don't have to worry so much about going in regularly. when there is any sort of risk involved (like cancer history in the family), yes, but if everything is alright, nothing feels bad and your period is regular, you can chill and don't have to worry so much.
No. 131063
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>>131058At home, I use Amazon Essentials unscented wipes or Water Wipes. On the go I use Simply Summer's Eve, which does not have parabens. Another option if you find those all bother you is paper towels, specifically that thick, nonwoven type (like Viva) with some fresh water.
No. 131064
>>131058I used super sensitive baby wipes recently and got a bad yeast infection. I asked my doc about it cos I'm not prone to yeast infections and these wipes were so mild and fragrance free etc, She said not to use wet wipes full stop
I'm a lil pissed at myself for putting myself through a yeast infection when my hygiene is just fine without introducing wet wipes
No. 131178
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>>131169OB Pro Comfort are smaller in diameter and have a smoother exterior than regular OB tampons. As for positioning, make sure you've pulled the retrieval string in various directions to widen the base before insertion so that you have something to push on.
No. 131195
>>131169as soon as you stop feeling it inside you. we're all built differently, so while
>>131186 stops as soon as the tip of her finger is inside, i have to put in my finger all the way to the knuckle, otherwise it'll feel very uncomfortable and very obviously like there's something inside me. you'll probably have to fiddle around a little, but don't worry, you'll get the hang of it at your own pace.
No. 131259
>>131195Seconding this.
I‘m not too sensitive with it hitting my cervix so I usually push until I feel resistance. I just can tell when it sits right and I won’t feel it. Sometimes (but very rarely) I’ll still feel it when I stand up or sit down but then I’ll just re-adjust it a few inches, no big deal.
I usually find that it’s way more difficult when I’m nervous about it hurting (like when I have really bad cramps).
No. 131684
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I had a period on the 7th and I'm having another one now this isn't fair.
I did eat an entire chocolate cake two days ago which I think triggered it. So don't eat an entire chocolate cake if you don't want that. I guess. I mean, I don't even like chocolate. Or cake. It was like eating a brick, the icing was so hard.
No. 131794
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I'm a virgin, I masturbate, but my hymen was never one to "pop". I think it's the kind that is open and just stretches.
Maybe this belongs more to the Masturbation thread, but let's say I could have some sex soon perhaps maybe, and I don't want it to be too awkward.
So I can put two fingers in just fine, immediately when aroused. But with 3 fingers it gets weird. I feel like my vag opening is like a tight thick rubber-band around my fingers, and when I push the fingers in more, the band goes in too. This is weird and uncomfortable. Like, the skin gets pushed in. It kinda follows my fingers, it's painful. Doesn't happen with just 2 fingers though, but I wanted to stretch a bit to avoid penis-caused pain. It's not like I'm not wet/aroused enough. So, is this normal? I mean, I know it is. But I don't know, is it going to be like this always? Is my vagina build like this, is it hymen after all, or will I stretch? IF the opening stretches, then does it get so uncomfortably tight again after not having regular sex? Or does it stay stretched?
Sorry if those questions sound retarded. I'm an anxious person and I like to be prepared and know the situation the best I can beforehand, so I don't get sabotaged by fear
No. 131961
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Has anyone else suffered from intense cramping after masturbation?
It's recently happened to me and I figured it was because I was suffering period symptoms (sore breasts/exhaustion/ect) but mine are very irregular and haven't had one in a while and I'm wondering if I should be concerned.
No. 131963
>>131961Same. It's the only reason I don't masturbate because those crampings aren't worth it.
I don't have any advice about it though.
No. 132004
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Has any anon here had ovarian cysts? What were your experiences with them?
No. 132006
>>132004Yes, I had multiple cysts on my left ovary. Did a few check-ups every year to keep an eye on kt. One got quite big (about 7cm) so I got it surgically removed since they feared my ovary would twist eventually.
I didn't have too many symptoms from it. Some cramping randomly outside my period sometimes.
No. 132546
>>129719similar here, although my period used to be really fucking irregular since mid puberty, started to finally get regular (every two months) in my mid twenties… let me tell you this from my own experience (I bothered doctors a lot about this):
different doctors will propably tell you the same if you don’t have any other issues.
if they do come every two months in a rythm it’s not really irregular. some women react more sensitive to stress, nutrition, hormone changes through aging and whatnot, and having a slower period rythm is not that uncommon or neccessarily bad so just do your checkups and try not to worry too much about it, it will only raise your stress levels which can lead to futher irritation and delay in sensitive bodies.
If you are worried about your fertility you can test it. but really, don’t panic.
I understand that you’re sacred since it is a recent change, but having the period only every 2 months has it’s benefits and it’s totally possible for it to change again.
No. 133317
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How do you guys style your pubes? I always went for completely shaved but now I'm thinking of changing things up a bit
No. 133372
>>133370I use the Noxzema Bikini razors. You can find them at Target or any drugstore, basically. They're a three pack of colorful small razors.
still takes awhile, but they're much narrower so they fit better.
No. 133400
>>133370Can you squat and shave? That's what helps me do my butthole best tbh
That or have my boyfriend shave me lmfao
No. 134108
>>134064My period lightened up after I got the implanon, though it took a couple of months to stabilize. I would bleed like a running tap for 6 days of a 10 day period and it was a painful nightmare. A friend of mine who got one first experienced light spotting for a few weeks before that calmed down for her though it wasn't painful.
Good luck with your shit sis, long and painful periods are a curse
No. 134130
>>113718I'm a virgin and I use pads for my periods. I wanted to switch to menstrual cups for years (therefore I've done my homework and I know all I need to know regarding them) but put it on hold because I was a virgin, finally came to the conclusion that I'm not losing my virginity any time soon plus pads have been giving me all types of irritations and skin rashes so I bit the bullet and bought a menstrual cup, I did a test run the first time I put it in it was relatively easy but when I took it out after about an hour I started bleeding, alright guess my vaginal opening is stretched now so I tried again the next day, it's harder I couldn't even insert the whole thing so I took it out after successfully inserting it half way after many errors, the cup and my fingers were covered in blood, I bled again, fair enough it is still healing so I waited a few minutes then tried again… I spent a little over an hour failing to insert it fully, it either unfolds half way and doesn't get it from the start and each time I try it gets progressively more painful and the bleeding never stopped so I gave it a break, this was last night and today I woke up feeling slight pain in my vagina and I'm so devastated, I want to switch to cups, and my vagina is in fact getting a little stretchier every time (I can insert my finger without spending a whole minute now) but I also started feeling shame because of all the things we hear about losing the hymn even though I know that they're incorrect and hymns are elastic but having your toilet water red and washing blood off your cup, fingers, and panties for an hour makes you wonder if you're doing the right thing.
also, am I doing anything wrong? like I said I've done my research and from my point of view I have less elastic vaginal muscles that need to be trained but the blood makes me worry.
PS: I'm a shorter girl, 5ft/1.52m.
No. 134132
>>134130samefag I mentioned that I'm on the shorter side because shorter people have smaller bodies and shorter girls have smaller vaginas. sorry if it seemed relevant.
another thing is I don't have issues with my periods other than the painful cramps so I don't think there is a problem with my vaginal opening other than being too small.
No. 134167
>>134130Okay, despite the "short girls have smaller vaginas" that sounds sus af, I'm going to answer genuinely because I've been a tool about vaginas too.
I'm a virgin and my road to being comfortable with cup was: using tampons, masturbating with one finger, two fingers, using the cup. And still the few first insertions were not easy, just to be clear. It needed some practice.
So my advice would be prepare yourself, stretch. Don't insert the cup by force, that's why you get friction and blood. If you can't fit it in, you need to be more stretched and relaxed. Try masturbating vaginally. If that's not your thing, just use your fingers to stretch, but be gentle.
No. 134196
>>134194The first time I masturbated and had an orgasm I wasn't planning on having an orgasm. I was never into masturbating and only orgasmed with a partner.
I was having phone sex with my boyfriend and was rubbing myself. I had no expectation of an orgasm, just rubbing myself because I guess it was more fun than laying there. Wasn't even focusing too much on the rubbing. Then, out of nowhere, boom, I came.
If I were you, I'd read something erotic or watch a steamy scene from a movie and just lay back, rub and enjoy. Don't think about getting yourself to orgasm. Be in the moment and enjoy what you're watching/reading.
No. 134230
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For the past couple of years I've been dealing with vaginal and vulvar dryness. It seems to get bad 2 weeks before my period, where I feel like I develop small tears on my vulva, mostly around my inner labia. I don't see anything really except some redness, but it hurts to wash myself in the shower. I don't even think about masturbating around this time.
I've been tested for everything, am not having sex right now, shower every day using just water, use sensitive laundry detergent, and wear cotton underwear so I don't know what it would be. My doctor wanted to give me estrogen cream but I was wondering if there was anything a little milder that could help. I've heard both good and bad things about Vitamin E, coconut oil, and OTC dryness creams. Anyone have any suggestions?
No. 134241
>>134194>>134196>>134204>>134210There are different types of orgasms?
I thought that it was just Freudian bullshit (man have one; and women and receptive gay men have another).
No. 134275
also, agreeing these are bad illustrations. i hate shit like this anyway. there aren't like a set number of "types" of vulva/labia.
No. 134276
>>134259#4. It's like a sandwich.
Seeing these pics reminded me of a porn movie I've seen recently where the guy, who was probably used to seeing labia-less porn vaginas, had to get it on with a girl who had prominent lips. When her panty came off, he stared at her junk in surprise and went 'WHAT ARE THOSE???. I felt sorry for the poor girl.
Tl;dr: Men are trash
No. 134291
>>134259I'm a 5
> This is the least common type of vulva, yet the most typically 'desired' one thanks to the fact it's the shape that's most frequently seen in pornI grew up thinking everyone was a 5 and tbh I still didn't realise it's the least common
No. 134356
>>134340She has insulted me and I already have mental disorders and struggle with things like this so someone being so mean to me is not helpful I don't know any other doctors and already switched recently because my last one sucked too.
>>134353I don't understand what you're trying to say. I am using something designed for infections already.
No. 134363
>>134362Not that anon but I've seen a lot of women's vaginas in changing rooms etc and you can tell what their lips look like from a. distance.
This makes me sound creepy as fuck but I swear people don't care in my country and just go around naked without shame
No. 134364
>>134362not that anon but in my country it is common to go to sauna naked and such. maybe it is similar to that anon too. also another 5 chiming in. not that I have seen
that many women naked but most have been either a 5 or 6. i think longer labia are very cute/sensual looking so i don't rly get the roastie meme.
No. 134368
>>134363>>134364I'm saying this because I have very visible roastie flaps, but my pubic hair covers it up mostly unless I spread my legs wide, then they are visible from further away
That's why it's fucking weird to me that you're able to tell if you're not right up in their genital area
No. 134376
I looked up what an 'innie' looks like and im horrified, how do people expect a grown woman to have that sort of vagina naturally? it doesn't look natural at all. I have a 5 according to that Cosmopolitan article
>>134259 but when I spread my legs there is labia and vulva and all of the normal vagina parts and not just skin and a hole, that's crazy.
No. 134382
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Weighing in on the innie conversation:
It seems there are several types.
No. 134386
>>134376>when I spread my legs there is labia and vulva and all of the normal vagina parts and not just skin and a holei think that's what most of us 5's are talking about too, it's still considered an innie. i have inner labia, they're just very short. hence it's an innie. looking up a term for a vagina is probably like looking up a disease, you're only going to see extreme cases of it, not the average.
anyway, i know it's not a conclusive pool of people or anything, but i feel like cosmo may have exaggerated just how rare it is as a kind of virtue signal. i wonder if there's been any actual statistical studies lol
No. 134387
>>134386saying how women look is misrepresented in porn is nothing new, but yea i'm wondering this too cus it's pretty natural for the labia literally named "minora" to be covered by the bigger one. doesn't mean women with their labia hanging out are weird of course, both are natural.
though i'm wondering if they mean a really specific shape and we are getting the wrong idea from their ridiculously bad illustrations.
No. 134388
>>134387>>134386guys it's
cosmo are we 12? cosmo is like the worst magazine ever.
No. 134406
>>134280Only thing I've noticed (im also in my thirties) is that during my last period I had night sweats (only once) and during the period before the last one I had those in two nights. I thought it was a normal thing (hormones change during your life etc etc ) but then my friend told me maybe it was a sign of perimenopause and I started freaking out. Thanks bitch. Anyways I went to my gyno and told her about the night sweats and she told me not to worry about it unless they start becoming more regular.
Anyways you shouldnt be starting perimenopause that early ( i read you could get arthritis, among other bad things), so perhaps you should go to the gyno so they can test your blood and see your level of hormones.
No. 134408
>>134406Forgot to say my mom went through the menopause in her thirties and they could never tell her why. She's passed away since so I can't ask her what the first symptoms were or whether it's likely to pass down in the family.
I've probably had 7 periods in the last year instead of 12 so I was about to book a doc appt and then the corona panic hit my area.
No. 134412
>>134259This article sucks and the illustrations are shamefully awful. This kind of bull makes women categorise themselves and fret over it, can you imagine trying to get guys to worry and nitpick their dick shape out in a catalogue? 2 is so bad I can't tell what it's supposed to be, it just looks like a dick. 4 looks like it was drawn by the kind of lousy hentai artist who makes 'puffy lips' all look like ballsacks.
And lol, 7 'types' of breasts. Just look on 007b to see how much they can vary and know they're all healthy, functioning and shouldn't have to go under a knife just to look better.
No. 134654
>>134645It could be BV, but you need to get tested to be sure. If it is bv you need antibiotic. If it is an STD (like trich for example) you need to get proper treatment.
Don't have sex. Don't put soap in there. Don't douch. Change your underwear constantly.
A uti would give you problems when you pee. Sometimes it can feel like you still need to pee even though you are done.
No. 134670
>>134645A uti would give you symptoms in your bladder or symptoms when emptying it, any hint of green discharge is usually BV
Please don't let this guy near you again! It's not worth getting recurrent infections and once infections become recurrent like that it can be hell trying to get back to a normal balance down there
No. 134672
>>134670BV also smells nasty . So
>>134645 , does your discharge smells bad?
No. 134714
>>134654I don't have medical insurance though. Last time I went to PlanedParenthood (which is an hour drive from where I live, btw) they charged me almost $200 to tell me I had a BV and she only prescribed me with one pill to take for two days… I am definitely not having sex, trying to avoid soap or anything scented, and I don't change underwear constantly but I do change the pantyliner a lot.
And the thing about the UTI is that I have always been a person that just pees too often and a lot… so I don't know if I am having anything extra.
>>134670I read the symptoms online and they just sound so similar that I don't even know anymore. For sure I am not letting that jerk near me though.
I personally don't smell anything out of the ordinary. There is a smell, but it's not "horridly gross that there is definitely something wrong here" kind of smell. Then the other thing is, I don't always have a working sense of smell for some reason, so I am afraid that I am maybe missing something.
>>134704I am trying to remember, and I do think he touched his dick before me.. But the discharge I have now is less "green" than the one from last time though. I went to Planned Parenthood with the intention to test for the trich the first time actually because my pantyliner was very green at first. When I got there, since I don't have insurance, they said I should be examined instead before testing since it could end up costing more. The gyno examined me and said there was no sign of green discharge (even though my liner was still slightly yellow/green by then).
>>134707Okay this is what I am also thinking. Can I go and buy some over the counter BV medicine for it? Who do I have to go to to see why my ph is off? Yes, I am sensitive and it sucks so much.
Thank you all for giving me advice by the way! I don't have any girl friends I can talk to this about sadly.
No. 134732
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Anons who used to have vaginismus but don't have it anymore, how did you get over it?
Did you get physical therapy or just figured it own on your own?
Any tips or tricks?
No. 134738
>>134723I will ask at the pharmacy if I can get any today, and will look into the PH balanced diet.
Well he is kind of a jerk tbh, and I lost trust with him. I should won’t be near him.
>>134726I will see if there are any of those pills at the local store when I stop by the pharmacy, and look into the diet.
Well, the last time I went it didn’t even feel like I was getting “the good stuff” so it just felt like a complete waste of money. i don’t even know if they are even open, lots of places are closing near by. Then right now with the shortage of basic stuff and jobs are getting cut off, like mine it’s hard to spend that. I get your point about abstaining from it in the meantime though. My area isn’t really affected by the virus itself right now but everything is going on lockdown mode a lot faster than expected, so I am suddenly not able to take care of it.
No. 134822
>>134732I developed it with my ex fiancé. I swear that due to his unemployment for 3 years and my constantly working to support us gave him ample time to work up a porn habit. His dick got curved from all the wanking. He was unattractive to me but I was in denial. He wanted me to go to a doctor, I wanted him to turn me on. I ended up dumping him and was scared that I was broken and couldn't have sex. First guyi hot serious with after that relationship turned me on and I had absolutely no issue taking his dick. Our first time having sex was mind blowing and since I had a very long dry spell I was very excited and into it.
Basically I think a lot of women are disgusted by their current partners. I never went to the doctor about it because I knew deep down I just hated my ex. I was still able to cum thru masturbation etc, I just tensed up when the ugly cunt would try and fuck me
No. 134828
>>134826anon, she asked for stories from people who
had and recovered from the condition you clearly didn't have the condition.
No. 134840
>>134732The first time I tried to have sex literally every single part of my body seized up, like my hands literally became claws and I couldn't even be fingered, and within seven months I was able to finally do penetration! In those 7 months I had 3 different partners so I think that had something to do with it, with every different guy I got a little bit further and felt more comfortable with myself.
A big thing for me was becoming more comfortable with sex, so I'd try to think about sex without having my legs immediately clamp together, I don't know if you have that "external" response like I did or not. Another thing that really helped me was gently masturbating with a warm, wet washcloth in the shower– by taking away any type of physical pain, I was able to relax my pelvic + uterine muscles a little bit more each time.I'd recommend trying to starfish more when you masturbate to try and just keep all your muscles relaxed, as well as being open with any partners cause the shame letting them down made my anxiety worse in my opinion. I really think one of the most important things is not being mad at yourself about it.
Good luck anon! I promise its something you should be able to get over yourself in time, but if it takes longer than a year or so I'd recommend seeing a professional or talking to your gyno about it! Also, do you have a history of sexual abuse? I didn't, but if you do, it might be helpful to work through that with a professional first, and the rest might follow. I know its so hard because it really is all in your head but you can do it!
No. 134973
>>134968I've been having delayed periods for months and similarly my premenstrual symptoms actually show up on time and are dragged out for ages til my period comes
Obvs in my case I think there's a different cause but for the few anons here only having the issue this month it could be corona stress
No. 135099
>>134840I'm more worried about you trying to have sex with 3 different people in 7 months
I hope you get tested for stds regularly
No. 135109
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I've come to terms with the fact I'll probably seek labiaplasty at some point in my life. I have a really cute little clit so I feel like my vag would be so pretty if it wasn't for the brown tipped floppy outer labia that gets tangled up in each other and chafes in my underwear.
My bf doesn't mind and would probably be horrified but like I can't enjoy him going down on me or having his face anywhere near cause I don't want him to see it. It's just so bad for my self esteem and ability to feel sexy at all.
No. 135173
>>135131Stds were and still are common and can be really dangerous, unless you're doing everything completely safe and both people don't even touch their private area before touching the other person at all I think it's a
valid thing to worry about
Idk about other places but in my country you don't get pap smears or std tests for no special reason, you'd have to ask for it and it costs a lot, and I'm not sure many people actually get checked regularly and since you don't show symptoms most of the time until it's too late and there's damage done to your organs… It just seems very risky to be so loose unless you can afford to get std tests and treatment after every partner or avoid every type of contact without condoms which is harder than you might think
No. 135225
>>135216How so? The shallow 1/3rd of the vagina is sensitive to touch while the deeper 2/3rds are sensitive to distension. It's the literal physical volume of the object sliding in and out, expanding and distending the vagina that stimulates it during sex.
Are you literally talking about the man fucking you not being present? Because that's obvious.
No. 135227
>>135225Nta but it's all about firmness. You can spend 150 dollars on a dual density toy and that's going to feel close to real but apart from that they feel different.
Vixen Creations is a brand I'd recommend if someone wants that realism in a toy
No. 135256
>>135184>calling a girl with 3 partners in 7 months looseYou're a woman, of all people you should know that insult means nothing. In those 7 months I probably had sex every other day with my boyfriend which most definitely resulted in me being a lot "looser" than that anon. Fuck off with that insult
>>135225You can feel the er, meatiness, twitching, pulsating, warmth
No. 135262
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>>135260Can't help with the insurance part since I'm a european but I went when I was 18 first, because I wanted to get my first checkup + birth control pills + pap smear. Some girls go earlier, usually if they have issues with their periods/infections or is they're sexually active. My younger sister is 18 now and she's too scared to go and it's impossible to convince her to do it.
Best thing that I can tell you is that gynecologists don't care what you look like or who you are, this is their job and they see thousands of vaginas so there's nothing to feel nervous about.
My first visit was like this: I was told to sit on that chair where you spread your legs, she took some cold metal clamp to look inside of me, then she did a vaginal ultrasound with pic related, I remember her lubing it up and me being slightly scared lmao
No. 135302
>>135264When i was young all of my exposure to how pussy should look like was porn and i was ashamed of my vagina but then i went to art school and got exposed to 1) dating women 2) female artists doing projects on femininity which made me realize there's more than one type of way the labia will look and they're all fine. I'm seeing so many women struggle with non-conforming to some idiotic standard set up by porn of all things, if only we had proper sexual education that would actually expose young people how different genitalia can be we could save so many from unnecessary embarrassment and provide so many with so much better sex without shame.
tl;dr Anon please don't waste money and time on surgery, go get that dick, have fun!!
No. 135317
>>135254 > inside you're actually ashamed of what you areI don't feel attacked, or ashamed. I'm not the original anon.
> everyone here was just being factualCalling posters loose and gross isn't being 'factual'. That anon overcame vaginismus symptoms and managed to have sex and she was called loose and gross.
No. 135319
>>135264 > My boyfriend wants to have sex for the first time after all the corona virus shitDo you want to though? You say you're scared and it seems like he's never seen you naked or been intimate in other ways first?
You can say no. You can ease into it by getting intimate in other ways for a while before jumping into it. His initiation of this just sounds very off to me.
No. 135485
>>135448Yes, that is possible. It could have been an ingrown hair, too.
Don't wear super tight clothes, exfoliate gently and maybe try a chemical exfoliant like stridex pads, glycolic toner, amlactin lotion etc.
No. 136571
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I've always had copious amount of discharge but a week before my period it gets even worse, it's like a waterfall down there. Sometimes it soaks through my pantyliners too and it looks like I pissed my pants…anyone can relate to this?
it's so embarrassing
No. 137481
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My labia looks like this and I have always been self conscious about them being so high and short (I rarely see pics of anything similar)
No. 137548
>>137481mine looks like that anon and even if at first i was obsessed by the fact that i didn't spot
anyone having same on internet,i came to accept it as it is . embrace it .oh and no problem with exes and current bf .actually the opposite lol
No. 137624
>>137608>>137622I think that for some reason a lot of people here confuse the terms "vagina" and "vulva", imo you should definitely use a gentle cleanser on your vulva.
>>137620Intimate cleansers are usually neutral in ph (so the same ph as water) my cleanser is ph 3,5 (slightly more acidic than the vulva) which I find is even gentler than neutral because it actually helps you restore and maintain the acid mantle of the skin.
No. 137653
>>137622Do you not understand that water from the outside can very easily get on the inside especially when you don't have a small baby-like vegene but a gaping open one?
And also, scented pads also cause infections and you don't shove them up there either. You don't need to get things far in there to cause infections and stuff.
No. 137654
>>137653 i do understand to some extent anon,but water doesn't magically go inside and cause infection or i'd have been dead from them by we can say showering also make water go there right ?it's not logical to not wash because water may go there .yes scented pads provoke vaginal mycoses etc because it's in contact with some glandes in the opening and it start there (hence the itching and redness) and the infection continues it's not because the vagina is open and the scent magically get there .if t's the case we would walk 24/7 infected
wash,dry yourself and trust me you'll be fine.
also small hole , big hole , closed ,open can all get infected ,what
i dunno tbh i may be wrong too but i hope i helped clear some stuff
No. 137714
>>137666so does your butthole, retard. but certain situations call for quick wash with soap made for intimate parts and good thorough rinse afterwards.
>>137622just water does the trick for me on most days, but if I feel more sweaty or dirtier than usual I'll rub intimate soap on the outside parts for maybe 2 seconds and then rinse it obsessively. absolutely nothing wrong with that.
No. 137786
>>137734Not that anon but I literally got my intimate cleanser prescribed by my gynecologist, ph is 3,5; it's sulfate free and fragrance free. Far from disturbing your ph it helps keep your vulva at the right acidity.
Water is very alkaline compared to the vulva so I guess it has some cleansing qualities, it still doesn't dissolve oily residue though, and also I'd rather replenish some acidity with the right cleanser than give my vulva such an alkaline wash with nothing else.
As I said water does have some cleansing qualities due to being so much more alkaline than the vulva, but the thought of someone out there having sex and having their period and never washing off any of that gunk out of their vulva doesn't feel right. You do you tho.
But you guys do realize that you can happily and safely wash your vulva as long as you use the right products right? So stop denying that because you're wrong…
No. 137787
>>137734Also this is just stupid, do you use the same soap for your dishes and for your face? Do you even use the same soap for your body and your face? I sure hope not. You body can stand a harsher cheaper soap full of fragrance and sulfates, but you probably use an gentle cleanser for your face according to your skin type. I know that if I use generic bar soap on my face I break out like crazy.
Your vulva has a different ph and sensitivity than the rest of your body, so why wouldn't it require a different formula?
Are there bad "intimate" products out there trying to scam you with a bunch of sulfates and fragrance? Yes, but that applies to any kind of product, hopefully you ask your dermatologist and gynecologist or at least you read the ingredients before you buy.
No. 137955
>>137786 > I literally got my intimate cleanser prescribed by my gynecologist, ph is 3,5; it's sulfate free and fragrance freeIs stuff like that expensive? I was always taught to just wash with water but having seen this discussion pop up so often I looked it up and yeah it appears that fragrance free specially made PH friendly intimate soap is what is recommended for daily just seems like alot though? I mean I date women and have never seen separate intimate soap in any bathrooms.
Maybe I'm just low maintenance and minimilistic when it comes to toiletries but it sounds like another expensive product that women have to buy to meet standards, another bottle to add to the pile and pay to replace every few weeks.
No. 138015
>>137955I'm the anon you're replying to. I'm not a good reference for costs because in my country prescription formulas or generic medical brand formulas tend to be pretty cheap. These costs anywhere from $1 to like $4 here. Cosmetic brands can be more expensive and not as good imo.
I don't think intimate health and hygiene is like those society standards, by taking extra care of my hygiene I end up saving money on appointments and medicines imo. I'm supposed to be prone to yeast infections and UTI (because I'm on the pill for pcos and one of the side effects is increased risk), but I've never had any of those, and I do believe it's because I take good care of myself.
Also I don't like when people underestimate women's hability to make decisions, I don't think I'm being "manipulated by society", because I have the knowledge to decide what is best for my health, and I don't think the way males go about life is better than the way I do it. Can't compare a penis with a vagina anyway because you've got to be pretty goddamn gross to get a penis infection, as opposed to the vagina that is much more delicate and can get infected pretty easily.
No. 138022
>but it sounds like another expensive product that women have to buy to meet standards, another bottle to add to the pile and pay to replace every few weeks.All I said is explain that I'm not using this product to "meet standard" but for my health, and that the reason why women have this product and not men is because of the way the vagina is. Idk why you get this angry about it, my reply was relevant to literally what they told me, and it was pretty respectful?
No. 138043
>>138024A 40 day cycle is right on the edge of what's considered a normal cycle. Most sources say anywhere from 21 to 40 days is ok.
Have they always been on the longer side or are you tracking them bacause they changed? If it's a change I think it wouldn't harm to ask your Dr
No. 138047
>>138024I've always had a 40 days menstrual cycle. Two years ago I lost some weight however and it seemed to be better..
Tbh I probably should see a doctor too about it so I'm not one to speak.
No. 138119
>>138024for a couple of years mine were around 49 days. it was great. the only negative was i had some pretty bad pregnancy paranoia.
i stupidly never saw a gyno until last year and she didn't seem concerned about long cycles - i think because the timing was consistent between periods.
then i started a new job and started working a "traditional" 9-5 for the first time in my life. my cycles have been 28 days ever since. crazy.
still, it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor.
No. 138140
>>138073I don't skip it completely but it's always late when I'm stressed. I still get the normal 'any day now' signs but it takes a week or more for the bleeding to actually start, when it would normally be a couple of days.
One of my friends says hers comes early when she's stressed, so I think it's pretty common for it to mess up your cycle a bit.
No. 138319
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Please, am I freak of nature? I can't see my literal clit, it just looks like this. Idek where it could be in there, I'll even try to put slight pressure on the sides hoping to make it stick out but it doesn't happen. I feel very confused and embarrassed because I don't remember it always being like this. I still achieve clitoral orgasms. Should I go to a doctor?
No. 138320
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>>138319The clitoris is mostly internal. It's okay if it isn't very visible externally. How much the top protrudes varies greatly between women.
No. 138322
>>138255this is so encouraging to me cause I've been wondering whether they were any good. seconding anon's comment for any brands/types you'd recommend
>>138319I have to really pull back the hood to see mine cause it's far underneath and small. looks exactly like the pic too, also can have clitoral orgasms. your clit is there it's just well hidden sounds like. don't worry anon, like
>>138320 said, the clit is mostly internal
No. 138328
>>138319did you take a pic of yourself spreading your lips and trace it?? cute lmao
anyway mine is the same. i can force it out with both hands and enough manipulation, though i've always been that way. i have, however, never had an orgasm, so at least you don't have to worry about that?
No. 138335
>>138322Thank you for the assurance. Although, I haven't mentioned that it sort of hurts since I've pulled it back like that, and idk, sometimes it can just vaguely hurt but not interfere with my life in any major way.
>>138328Yes lol thanks. Your experience is helpful but I can't find mine period, and I know I used to be able to see it upon a glance.
>>138332>>138333I don't do this to masturbate, I just wanted to find out wtf is going on in there and I'm scared as hell. I'm going to make a gyno appt specifically about this because I think I genuinely have a problem that can be solved.
No. 138357
Well, I am certain I have adhesions. If you're disgusted please do not read further. Here is an academic article on the subject. am posting about this in the off chance it may help another girl out there. I positioned myself in front of a makeup mirror with a flashlight and thoroughly inspected my clitoral hood. My actual clit is quite hidden and the area surrounding it seemed a bit swollen, which would make sense if there's stuff in there. When I shine a bright light in it, I see the faintest indication of whiteness so I assume that's the problem right there. I gently added pressure and pulled on the sides of the hood and I felt some strange slightly stingy sensation. Some part of me knew I was moving that area in a way it hasn't been moved, and although it felt weird I know it was a good thing. I am certain there's some stuff in there but I won't mess around and risk harming myself. I would rather leave it to a professional, but at bare minimum I am going to inspect the hood and move it around every few days.
I will say this. For years I silently thought my clit was broken. Even though it worked, I couldn't see it and it kind of hurt sometimes, depending on the angle and how it was being touched. Part of me convinced myself I was fine and it was just part of growing up, so I avoided looking at it for years and continued on. Sometimes I had a sensation like something was in there so I'd wash the area in the shower without looking closely. Nobody taught me to pull back the hood daily or anything, so I didn't realize it could lead to something like this. I really wish I had some formal education on this kind of stuff. Even though there's resources online, I can sadly say I failed to take in what is needed for female hygiene. I was never told about this by my mom, any gynocologist, any doctor, or any health teacher in my life. Feel free to look at me with disgust but if there's anyone who related to this, maybe consider mentioning it to your gyno. If there's interest I will update after the appointment.
No. 138359
>>138332I feel weird because my clit isn't covered by the hood. It's visible even when I'm not aroused. I touch it directly because there isn't enough hood tissue to cover even if I push it. It's not like my clitoris is unusually large or anything. I just don't have much of a hood.
That said, I don't often directly touch my clitoris while masturbating. It's a little too overwhelming for me. I prefer to stimulate it indirectly by pressing on it from within the vagina (the "g spot" is actually just the part of the vaginal canal closest to the internal structure of the clitoris.) I can't touch my clitoris for very long without losing coordination and feeling weak.
No. 138394
>>138146Sorry if this is samefag (cause i really don't remember writing this post) but oh my god, I also have two periods a month since I was 13. However, I've had the implant for 6 years and now my periods are more regular.
Bad bad cramps too. I don't wish this upon anyone. Except men.
No. 138718
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My inner labia is quite large and long, a proper roast beef sandwich if you will, and it doesn't get very good blood circulation and is often colder than the rest of my body. It definitely sticks out and is visible even when I'm wearing underwear or a swimsuit. I don't really mind that much, but the problem is that sometimes it hurts. My labia might get trapped between my thigh and the hem of my panties which causes me extreme discomfort and even pain, and when I'm in public there isn't really an easy way to fix it without excusing myself. It will sometimes also get quite dry, or when I use the bathroom, trap bits of toilet paper in my folds, which is very annoying to deal with and clean out. Again, reiterating that my labia often causes me pain. Is there any way I could have it surgically removed? Would insurance cover it or would it be considered a cosmetic surgery? Where would I even start to get something like this done? And most importantly, are problems like this normal for girls with larger inner labias?
No. 138720
>>138718I have all the issues you’ve mentioned, but I’ve heard horrible things about labiaplasty (the surgical removal of them), so I just deal.
Insurance will cover it if it’s causing extreme discomfort, but you’re going to need a few years of GP records of these complaints (or a literal disease causing/being affected by your labia) to get them to even consider covering it.
No. 138733
>>138720>>138724I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this, I know I can live with it because I've made it this far. I don't think a labiaplasty is an option for me either.
The good news is I am barely ever seen in clothing thin enough for the bulge it creates to be noticeable. Fuck bikinis, honestly.
Fortunately, for all the fuss most men make about those yucky roast beef sandwiches, I think when it really comes down to it, most of them are just happy they're getting laid. I'm not gay but I bet other women care even less. And to the men who do care what a pussy looks like? They ain't worth it.
No. 139007
>>138952I have done it before with various degrees of success. I usually start taking 1000 mgs of vitamin C on a daily basis when I feel the symptoms of PMS appear.
There's no harm in trying, the upper limit is 2000 mgs
No. 139032
>>139030Was your vagina not moist at all? I noticed that sometimes if I insert one, and there isnt enough moisture to let it slide into the right place, that it will be uncomfortable hurt. but it should not cause sharp pain.. do you know how cervix pain feels? (from bruising from sex/dildo) maybe you are pushing it against your cervic really hard.
and to your second post, where was the burning pain? You might have a yeast infection or something of the sort. burning usually means bacteria out of whack
No. 139039
>>139030it's possible you just can't wear tampons comfortably.
prior to losing my virginity, the perforation in my hymen was very small and the hymen it self was highly rigid. i found fingers and tampons very painful, if not impossible, to insert. even after i had sex with a man for the first time, it wasn't until around the third or fourth time that i felt something "pop," and could comfortably have sex. prior to that, i had always used a copious amount of lube, and i think that resulted in a temporary stretching of the opening instead of an actual, permanent tear.
even so, if i go a very long time without vaginal insertion, it's uncomfortable and i've just resigned to the fact that i have a narrow vagina (gyn's words). i think i may have some form of vagisimus as well, so perhaps you do, too, in addition to a particularly sturdy hymen.
No. 139043
>>139038so it hurts from a tampon and a finger but not a diallator? assuming you use lube on it, please consider lubing your vagina slightly, and inserting one again. do not use it, just try to leave it in there for 5 mins and see if it hurts. sounds like you may not have enough space or moisture for a regular tampon. try ultra small ones, the lube experiment, or make sure you are already bleeding a bit before inserting. that helps me personally a lot.
also if that won't work and you are certain of no yeast infection, you're doomed to pads
No. 139332
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Okay so I have always been kinda weirded out and insecure about these little two flaps just above my vaginal exit, and idk wtf is up with them? They have always been here and they don't hurt to touch, maybe feel a little uncomfortable when touched roughly. I just wanna know if it is normal and what they are called? I searched but couldn't find amything.
No. 139388
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>>139332I have that too. I had a septate hymen which ripped and had to be surgically removed, some tissue is left and looks like flaps around my vaginal opening. It looks a bit weird but who cares.
No. 139885
>>139878sounds like a skin tag.
on the topic of my own weird vaginal thing, i have these two tiny hard white spots no larger than a pimple right at the opening of my vagina. it feels dry like fingernail but my partner told me it's probably just a pimple or two (I've been breaking out bad all over lately) so idk.
No. 139933
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>>139878Sounds like a bartholin's cyst to me.
No. 140042
Hello ladies! Has anyone had reallt short and light periods atypical of your regular periods?
For context, my periods have always been regular, long (~7 days), and slightly heavy in the first few days ever since I started my periods. Last Tuesday/Wed, I had some light bleeding which I wrote off as spotting but it kept coming out until yesterday/today. This weirds me out since I've always been super regular. I also don't take BC, have no hormonal imbalances that I know of, and am definitely not pregnant. The only thing that I can think of is that I started taking daily vitamins, iron, and MSM. What could be the cause? I also noticed that I still have the swollen, pre-period boobs and thicker thighs/butt. Other than that, my weight seems to be constant, judging by how my clothes fit.
Thanks in advance!
No. 140515
>>140498I think it just varies from woman to woman. I almost get too wet from clit stim (I usually dry off part way through play because the wetness means I don't get enough friction from rubbing)
I'd say any woman with experience will know it varies too. Everyone I've ever slept with has had lube in their bedside drawer so it's not a big deal or that unusual to need it. That shit sells well for a reason.
No. 140524
>>140521That could definitely be why, I started birth control for the first time in years about 3 months ago and ended up stopping it a couple weeks ago because I didn't like the side effects.
No. 140999
>>113718 I'm a normal girl with good hygiene, I have healthy vaginal discharge but I never understood why I had so much… Every morning I would wake up with discharge. It drove me insane cause I had to hand wash underwear before putting it in the wash because I'm still so ashamed…My mum probably knows that I do this but she has given me no advice. (I am quite young and I have no one to ask)
Then I went searching and finally found something that looks like it works: no wearing underwear when I sleep… But I don't know…I don't know why it feels so weird to me…Apparently a lot of people sleep naked… If you have a heavy flow of discharge, please tell me what you do?
No. 141017
>>140999Edit to add that your discharge is healthy and normal. I also had no one to ask and remember being alarmed at the sheer volume of it. It's okay, though. If your mum will allow it, now would be a good time to start doing your own laundry. You should also know you that if you sleep in pajama pants without underwear that the best practice is to wear a fresh pair or pants each night. It is more laundry, but if it saves you the embarrassment it might be worth it until you are in a situation to do your own laundry. If you have your own room you could also sleep without anything on your bottom half, and just keep pants near the door for when you have to leave your room.
sleeping naked when your not used to it is hard. It took me a few months to fully get over it, but after the first week or two it should be alright.
No. 141312
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any other anons struggle with being "too tight" for successful intercourse? like, my punana will actively refuse to be penetrated by anything beyond a certain size. it makes sex awkward and painful for everyone involved and it's ruining my life. is there a remedy for this? like reverse kegels?
No. 141316
>>141314lmaooo i swear he's not a bad guy even if he is… like that
i've done a little surface level research on vaginismus - is there varying levels of severity? because I usually don't have any trouble penetrating myself, like i can insert menstrual cups and tampons just fine and I've been sexually active for a while. so then I'm not really sure if it could be vaginismus or if i just have like a weird small pussy
No. 141318
>>141316okay anon, i just don't see it and have no vested interest in discouraging you from a good man, i don't know you, but really i do not see this man who complains first and foremost about the clear issue with pain you're having with your vagina as "it hurts man" and we need to have a "legitimate talk" about it but I will absolutely drop it.
To be honest, I don't know a lot about it, however this is getting interesting? I've never heard of being able to penetrate yourself just fine and have sex with other people but she clams up for this one? I know it seems like i'm obsessed with you letting him go but listen to her kek. Hopefully vaginismanons can help you but it doesn't sound like it. Does he just have a can of cider for a dick? You've mentioned being sexually active before so I'm struggling to see if this mightn't be a him problem or just a genuine incompatibility. Maybe the hole is smol. Leave it alone, don't try and risk a tear for 18:29 guy
No. 141326
>>141318he's nothing super serious, just a dweeb who's particularly well-endowed. pls i don't wanna derail the vaginal health thread
but in his most eloquent words "it feels like you're trying to squeeze the shit out of my dick like it's a lemon"
and it doesn't feel too nice on my end either… i'm kind of inclined to believe that it's not vaginismus and rather just me being naturally small. but if that's the case, i'm not even sure if trying to dilate it and whatever could help
No. 141333
>>141316Nta but yeah with vaginismus there are different types and levels of severity. For example there's primary vaginismus (that's when sex has always been painful for the woman) and secondary (if you didn't have vaginismus in the past but suddenly start experiencing it).
You can also have vaginismus that acts up in certain situations, like for me I have no problem fingering myself with up to four fingers (although I find it distracting and uncomfortable but definitely not painful nor difficult to insert). But irl dick is what's difficult for me.
It also depends on the person and not on the size for me, there's people I swear I'm very attracted to but when it comes to having sex I just can't get it in, regardless of size.
Maybe try to go to a gynecologist, they'll be able to tell what the issue is. For years I though there was something wrong with my vagina until the gynecologist reassured me after all the exams that it's perfectly fine and healthy, that it's not crooked, not closed nor small, it's just that the muscles tense up.
The reassurance that my body is normal and not broken made it easier to get dicks in, believe it or not.
No. 141670
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I can never wear tampons comfortably. I usually wear pads with no problem, but every once in a while, I try to wear a tampon (pic related is the brand I use), but it's so uncomfortable that I end up taking it out after less than an hour. I was supposed to go to the pool today, but I'm on my period so I decided to give tampons another chance. It took forever to go in. It was painful while it was going in. It was uncomfortable the entire time it was in. And it was painful when I finally pulled it out. What can I do to remedy this, anons?
No. 141970
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this is SUPER tmi but this is a thread on vaginas so here we go.
I do not understand what is going on with my anatomy. What feels like my clit is UNDER the only opening I can see, which I assume to be the clitoral hood (?) but it's not much of a hood, more like a tiny opening. As such, I can't even see it until I'm in there really inspecting shit. During my inspection, I discover that smegma must build up in this tiny opening, even though I wash myself thoroughly every time I take a shower. Ok, no biggie. Let's clean it out. MISTAKE.
Trying to get in there hurts like a motherfucker. I've just spent 30 minutes trying my best to remove the contents (its small so whats there is only a tiny amount but still) and not only will it not come out but I literally wind up crying from the pain. I thought maybe if I could get some water in there, that could help soften things up/clear things out, so I took a wet cloth, widened the mystery opening as best i could, and let a drop of water fall in. Nearly passed out it hurt so bad and had to give up.
Feel like an idiot to be a fully grown adult and still not know wtf is going on with this.
No. 141975
>>141970First off, I'm like this too, I have little to no visible clit, no hood or nothing just this tiny little nub + a small tiny hole above it. I haven't been to a gyno, which I plan to but from my educated guesses it's just formed smaller than usually or not completely. Simple as that. That being said, vaginas/clits come in all different shapes and sizes.
STOP MESSING WITH IT, you could seriously infect it.
No. 142743
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so. I've been trying to cure myself from vaginismus for a few months now and I can finally penetrate myself with my fingers in a post-orgasm, relaxed state (I can fit 3 in relatively painlessly). My problem is that I'm still unable to use toys, even the thinnest and smallest ones…they just hurt and I can't fit them very deeply. I don't know what the next step should be
I also noticed that I clench my muscles during the day too, while doing everyday things, which probably doesn't help and I always have to remind myself to relax
No. 143188
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>>142743Did you try using a set of dilators? For me they did a miracle. The smallest one will be the size of your finger and they size up from there.
No. 143200
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This is how the hole looks in my vagina. Am I loose or something?
No. 143204
>>143201Thank you.
I want to add that I didn't look at my vagina for literally years because last time I checked it was ugly as hell. But after I reading that thread I had to look because I was scared I got smegma under my hood. Turns out my vagina is beautiful.
No. 143267
>>143232A regular vaginal yeast infection is white. If your discharge is any other colour (ie. yellow), it's more likely bacterial.
Emigrate to a less shitty country and go see a gyno there.
No. 143286
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How do I get my panties to stop smelling like vaginal odours when I put them on? I don't like the fact that ,whenever I put them on, they Inevitably smell disgusting
No. 143493
>>143488How do you try? Fingers? Toy? Do you immediately feel pain or is there a part of stretching/inserting that isn't painful? If there is, work on that. Small steps, but push through. The pain may be sudden and a bit scary, but you have the power here. You can stop anytime, there's no rush - find the comfort you need in control.
blogpost that may be helpful - for me, at first it felt like there was no vaginal opening whatsoever. Even the tip of my finger was painful. I found out I can fit a finger after a clit stimulation orgasm. You're fully relaxed and wet then. After one finger the pain was pretty much gone, second finger was only uncomfortable. Next step was a vibe, which was more challenging but doable. After that, I was a comfortably stretched virgin lol. Good luck
No. 143525
>>143492Yes there is a reason, I always have had an issue with penetration and it took me a few years to be able to finally insert 1 finger comfortably. My boyfriend's size is an issue. I feel like if I do it myself and explore myself I'll have a much nicer time.
>>143493I feel like we have the same story! I've been trying with both tbh, I have a smaller toy and I find it difficult to do 2 fingers because it feels uncomfortable. I think I feel more stretching with a toy (maybe it's just pushing on the hymen) than 2 fingers as the second finger feels like it can't get in at all. I'm going to try two fingers and take it much slower and hope I get there. Thank you so much anon!
No. 143533
>>143498I never had smegma til I went through a trans phase, took male hormones for a year and got clitoral growth from that. After that I started noticing it under my clitoral hood. I wouldn't feel comfortable say getting oral if I hadn't fully washed under my hood that same day. I never even knew women got a white build up before that.
I still don't get it between my labia but I guess where it builds up just depends on individual anatomy and where you do or don't have folds.
No. 143587
>>143498Huh, I went to this thread specifically to ask this question. I just get a tiny bit of white stuff around my clit but not between my actual labia. Was wondering if it was some kind of discharge or just tiny bits of toilet paper left behind.
I'm now pretty sure that it's the latter.
>>143573Do you just insert it or actually move it around/ make penetrating motions with it? It's pretty normal to not feel much just from having something in there, it's the movement (and rubbing near the clit) that does it for me. Maybe try something bigger, thicker rather than longer, if that doesn't work.
Plenty of women just aren't really into vaginal penetration to get off though, it's nothing to worry about.
No. 144670
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>shat out my menstrual cup which dumped a pool of blood on floor
They told me that this would NEVER happen what the fuck
No. 144752
>>144722Nop I'm literally a virgin. Even inserting/removing the cup is slightly painful. It might just be a shitty cup (got it for free at my GP) and/or that I was on a particularly heavy flow that day which may have compromised the seal, if I had to guess?
>>144681Just a normal toilet pan.
>>144671Appreciate your sympathy.
>>144689You're brave to have taken out cups while outside of a shower cubicle lol.
No. 144770
>>144757I don't use cups but I can't even shit properly while my tampon is still in. It sucks when I just put in a new one and I have to take a shit because I'll just have to take it out and replace it anyway.
When I try with a tampon still in there, it feels like it's blocking something. I can't really push without the tampon also getting sorta pushed out anyway.
No. 145147
>>145141thank you
ok ok so it's not unmistakable what I feared my symptoms were! and some of them already went down! I have to wait for the doctor's opinion. still terrified to death but it's something
my ex told me about some awful sex acts where the condom broke during our relationship which amplified my panic now
No. 145173
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I masturbate almost everyday by humping my bed, and I've found that the way I feel now is less intense/good feeling compared to years ago. Should I stop masturbating for a few months to make myself feel better?