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No. 90969
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It's always surprising where guys localize your clitoris. Usually it's about 16ft away, but hey, thanks for rubbing my labium like a lunatic I guess?!
No. 90970
>>90960My first time, the guy would grab them really hard, when i told him it hurt he said girls like pain (?)
Not sex but yeah we broke up
No. 90971
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>>90961>creepy text>enduring painful fucking>give him head out of guiltGirl, what the fuck is wrong with you. He's this delusional because girls like you keep appeasing his shitty ego and horrible skill.
No. 90973
>>90971I've definitely learned my lesson.
Idk but at the time I felt so flattered that a guy like that was interested in fucking me that I kinda just went along with it.
No. 90975
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>>90961I know we were all naive and impressionable at one point but this makes my head hurt. Parents need to start informing their daughters on how to handle situations like this before they start dating. I swear to god…
No. 90976
>>90975Yes, there needs to be a whole lesson on how to say no and why you shouldn’t feel guilty saying it.
And men need to learn more about sex in general if they think attempting entry into a pussy that aint up to temp yet is okay. Amateur really.
What a fucking loser that guy is.
No. 90978
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my boyfriend tries to talk dirty in bed sometimes and he says some of the funniest shit. he comes up with something hot on occasion, but most times require me to use all of my willpower not to laugh while we're fucking.
a few things he's said to me during sex:
>"i'm going to make you wear a necklace made of dicks so everybody knows you're a whore"
>"pee all over me like a dog you fucking bitch"
>"i'm about to shove so many things up your ass" (he didn't and i'm glad)
i'm losing my shit just writing these down
he's the best i've ever had otherwise– his dick is fantastic and he has great stamina. but one out of every twenty times we fuck i just lie in bed and have an existential crisis because i don't understand wtf he just said
No. 90985
>>90980>>90979that one is great, but is no one seeing the
>"pee all over me like a dog you fucking bitch"what the fuck???
No. 90986
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>be 16 and having my first boyfriend
>horny all the time because of hormones
>even tho my bf was older (20ish) he was a virgin
>we talked a lot of having sex, he told me stories where he made his exes so wet with foreplay only
>get super hyped
>finally, the big day comes
>he has a very ugly and average sized dick
>when I reached to blow him, I was kinda surprised and grossed by the smell but he told me that was the "normal dick smell"
>he tries to eat me out but does the most hilarious faces, like he was constipated
>fucking was painful at the beginning, then he asked me to moan like a hentai
We were together for a few years and eventually just assumed that sex wasn't that great in general, later knew that the dick was bad. Also,
>he only could cum if he was masturbated for several minutes
>never wanted to have sex
>bad hygiene in general
Later after we broke up knew that he masturbated at least 4 times a day with lolicon and camgirls while I slept
No. 91001
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>>90978I would drag a man out of bed by the scalp if he said any of these things to me.
No. 91006
>>90986God, reminds me of the first person I slept with. The stench emanating from his crotch was enough to make me gag. His dick was slimy and almost encrusted with cheese. I went for, like, two years afterwards thinking that was normal.
Luckily, my ultra-hygienic current boyfriend has since shown me the light.
No. 91015
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>>90978>>"i'm about to shove so many things up your ass"Not his cock. Not a finger. Just so many things.
Do you tell him when you don't like what he said? Maybe he needs direction?
No. 91019
>>90978literally crying over here
My ex had no strength and stamina, so when he was on top he would just lie flat on me and hump away like I was some hole in a mattress. He would always whine that I should tell him what I like so he can please me, but when I did, like getting him to eat me out properly, he'd remember for like one session and never do it again on his own.
I did get to peg him though which was probably some of the best sex I ever had.
No. 91022
>>91019Ugh disgusting.
This is why men don’t want women to be sexually liberated, because then we can compare their poor performance to good.
Lazy fucks
No. 91041
>>90986>>91006I honestly can't count how many times guys have expected me to suck their stinky ass dicks with absolutely no shame. I've figured that the stinkyness (and slimyness) mainly occurs with guys who are uncut and who masturbate a lot, residues of their cum accumulate under their foreskin.
Also one time a guy tried to shove his sweaty balls into my mouth. It was summer and the smell of sweaty butt crack almost made me puke.
No. 91046
>>91035>>91041Jfc, are you gurls literally afraid to stop and say "I'm not doing that untik you bathe"? What, are you afraid if you say no, the guy will grab your face and throatfuck you to death?
Should rename the thread to "girls who are acared to say what they want/don't want during sex" ffs
No. 91059
>>91058Seriously, I've been afraid to have sex since the last guy. I dont want to risk a small dick again, I'd rather have no sex.
I wish I could find out beforehand but I'm too much of a prude to get dick pics or touch it before we're actually in a relationship. And by then it's too late to break it off easily.
No. 91088
>>91071Below 15 cm.
>>91087Guys with big dicks can have magic fingers too, don't give hope to small dick guys hope that they actually have a chance.
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>be 16yo
>New at school, become a tutor to meet new people
>Meet cute guy one grade below via his friend that I tutored
>Instantly click, start hanging out, he eventually invites me over after school when his parents are still at work
>We start to fuck
>Didn't realize how small he was until a few strokes in (skipped foreplay)
>Felt like he was fingering me with his dick
>Oh god let me out
>After a few minutes he asks me if I came
>I say no, keep going
>He finishes
>I get dressed and say I need to be home
>He lets me know that it was his first time and how much he enjoyed it
Didn't fuck him after that, even though he asked to see me again. Some girl who was apparently obsessed with him found out I fucked him and she wanted to fight me. I didn't have the heart to tell her he was small.
No. 91130
i had an ex fuckbuddy that i would hook up with for a little over a year. he definitely thought it was more than just sex, even though i told him multiple times that it wasnt and that i was seeing people other than him at the same time as well
i don't know why i kept sleeping with him, though, cause the sex was….eh and his dick was fairly large except the fact that it was severely bent to the right. it wasnt the worst, but he always did these little things that would just completely turn me off.
like, everytime he would finish fingering me, he would wipe off his hands with a tissue before he would penetrate me. why? for what purpose? i know it was probably nothing personal, but it made the sex feel like it was less about actually having sex, or that he felt like my vagina was too dirty for anything other than his dick.
and he never wanted to change positions, was super vanilla, had no idea how to eat a girl out, etc.
he's not my proudest moment in my sexploration journey.
No. 91140
>>91058a guy and i were on the verge of going from friends to FWB because of all the sexual tension
not only was it tiny when he pulled it out (like 3, maybe 3.25 inches if i'm being generous)–he leapt on me, laid basically flat on top, humped away for like 7 seconds, came, then looked me in the eye and said "gotta get the first one out"
is this normal or was it truly as weird as it felt
No. 91143
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these stories are gold, they are making me feel better about my first time having sex, the bad parts were mostly my fault for giving the worst drunk blowjob ever kek
No. 91164
>>91160big dicks on guys are like big boobs on girls.
Some girls who like that sort of thing get turned on by the idea of a huge dick more than it actually
Although if a guy has a thin dick, like no girth, thats the worst, worse than being short.
No. 91191
>>91141Even if you don't cum, penis feels good. Just not good enough to cum from it. Girthy dick feels better than slim dick, and tiny dick can feel like nothing at all.
Had sex once with a guy with a micro dick, felt like he put his pinky inside me aka I didn't feel a thing. So that didn't last.
>>91130My husband wipes his hands after fingering because he touches my face and hair during sex, and I'm not into having to wash my hair every time we fuck.
No. 91222
I go out with my guy best friend (who's been my best friend since we were 6) and some other friends for drinks about every other night and sometimes get VERY drunk. A couple months ago he must have been slightly drunker than me and I took him home. As we got inside he grabbed me and started kissing me and I pushed him away at first but then gave in because I was drunk af too. Also his band has been getting pretty popular around here and girls have been throwing themselves at him lately which was kind of turning me on.
Anyway we go on to do it and honest to god he has the biggest dick I've ever seen. 10" for sure. The problem is, he couldn't fucking get it up. I even tried blowing him but nothing since he was blackout drunk. I think we both passed out and I woke up earlier in the morning and left. We havent talked about it and I think he might not remember.
The stupid part is, this exact scenario happened 2 more times with him, we go on to do it, too drunk, he can never get it up, we pretend we don't remember. I keep saying never again, and it's the last time but deep down I kind of want it to happen, but I dont have any feelings for him.
It's really frustrating because it reminds me of my first time, it was with some random guy and he would get it up but it would go flaccid after a couple minutes. He wasn't even drunk, he told me he always had this problem and it's because he watches too much porn.
My friends have told me it has happened to them too and that maybe the guy is inexperienced or nervous but sometimes I feel like it's my fault
No. 91233
>>91222Girl that is NOT your fault. You gave all the reasons why. It’s most likely because he is drunk. Whiskey dick. It also could be because porn abuse. Definitely not you.
I would not even try unless he was sober.
No. 91234
>>91229What a fucking weirdo! I don’t want my tits slapped either, ow.
I like how he broke down like a complete basket case then later blamed you for not liking it. Nutters.
And your English was great.
No. 91239
>>91233Whiskey dick hahahahaha love that
yeah I guess you're right it's just insecurities sometimes you know
I don't think I would try sober because I don't want to risk ruining our friendship and I'm not really that attracted to him anyway, it just always comes out when I'm drunk for some reason
No. 91288
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>The moment he started moaning the words "breed me" really loudly during sex I knew it was overare we sure this man is hetrosexual ?
No. 91321
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>be me, 16yo
>date vampire guy with nails like actual claws
>let him take my virginity
>fingers me with said claws
>puts a chain around my throat
>can’t go on after 5 mins since it fucken hurts
>give blowjob, cums in mouth
No. 91338
>>91267>I feel like I’m giving a blow-job to Micky Mouse sometimesFucking kek
I also find men moaning not that hot, most sound like really ridiculous…
No. 91350
>>91321oh you poor girl…
I know first times aren't usually that great but this sounds pretty bad
don't let anyone push you around like this anymore, you deserve better
No. 91355
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>be me, 23 yo 8/10
>some guy messages me on grindr
>he's good looking, just my type
>says he wants to try MMF threesome
>the girl looks fine too, i like to try something new
>go to his place
>he's even better in person
>fast forward to the action
>he has good cock, but no game
>the girl doesn't seem to enjoy it much
>looks like she feels that bad kind of pain
>it's getting a litle bit awkward
>take initiative and show him some moves
>it's slowly becoming sex education class
>had to explain him how spit never substitutes actual lube
>MFW i fucked pussy for the first time
>MFW i shown bi guy how to fuck pussy(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 91372
>>91354Holy shit anon, are you me? Even LoL part.
0/10, would never date e-pros again.
No. 91396
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here's a story of my self destructive yellow fever
> be stupid after girlfriend breaks up with me
> find korean dude on craigslist casual encounters
> he has tiny stereotype dick, is always drinking
> sex is subpar and i can barely feel anything even though i hadn't been dicked in years
> lonely and sad about ex so i continue to hook up with him
> stupidly let him raw me after a couple of times
> one day he asked me to eat his ass
> "It's ok I just showered"
> not my thing but ok whatever
> if he showered he definitely missed the part where you're supposed to wash your ass
> hold back vomit while my tongue is on his asshole
> decided to love myself and never go back
> go to the doctor a week later and test positive for chlamydia
i learned my lesson and stopped thotting around after that
No. 91401
>>91391It wasn't really cps but our country's version of it. He had problems with his family and was prevously in foster homes and had a worker come over a couple times month. So since he was about to turn 18 they were visiting to talk about his living situation.
I also forgot to add that he wanted to vape in my vag, and that I let him.
No. 91413
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>>91396> if he showered he definitely missed the part where you're supposed to wash your ass> hold back vomit while my tongue is on his assholeGod
No. 91417
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>desperate for sex after breaking up with long-term boyfriend
>it's finally time to fuck everyone i can
>shy, so i reached out to some guy i met on discord
>sex was ok but i caught feelings
>stop having sex with him
>make a private nsfw twitter
>ex boyfriend from when i was 14 follows me on there
>notices he's very lonely and wants sex
>send him a message
>he hasn't has sex for 5 years, didn't think much of it
>go to his place
>2 hours of travelling
>get there, shitty, crusty student room
>cumstains on his bed
>he's super nervous, i sit down
>take off clothes, start kissing
>worst kiss i had in 3 years
>maybe it'll get better
>i'm not horny at all
>he doesn't even try at foreplay
>gross dick
>puts on a condom and immediately puts his dick into my dry ass vagina
>it feels so good to him that he lays down on me and doesn't move
>tells me he wants me on top
>ok then
>it happens again, this time he starts shaking
>what the fuck
>'no no don't move or else i'll cum'
>i'm weirded out and i get off his dick, tell him i don't want sex anymore
>'anon i want doggystyle now'
>'no, i don't want to. i want to go home'
>'but anon please'
>guy tries to force me to fuck him again, guilttrips the shit out of me and tries getting me into position
>i push him away and panic
>put on my clothes and start crying in the corner of the room
>guy starts playing vidya
>i leave
>later texts me 'that was great. i'd love to fuck you again'
>i don't respond for obvious reasons
it was the worst sex i've ever had. i don't know if i can classify this as assault but it was very very shitty.
later he made a super gross porn drawing of me and he kept telling me how sexy i was. needless to say i haven't talked to him ever since.
No. 91418
>>91417It’s definitely assault (attempted?).
What a nasty disgusting piece of shit. I hope he’s whole crotch is rotting now with a wound drain after sustaining a bite from a street dog.
No. 91425
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>>91417You're really stupid for not seeing those blatant red flags beforehand. I hope you aren't expecting sympathy.
>>91418>I hope he’s whole>this entire incoherent and violent rant(bait) No. 91558
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>>91550Holy shit, anon, this really made me cringe. Did you say anything?
No. 91567
>>91550I flat out rejected a guy whose dick smelled like piss and looked like it had some sort of smegma/congealed toilet paper on it.
Fuck them. We'd never hear the end of it if our vulva smelled like that and had toilet paper pieces stuck in there.
No. 91584
>>91567Just had a flashback to a boring 69 with my first boyfriend where I opened my eyes and saw shit on his asshole. I just closed my eyes again and tried to pretend it never happened, it put me off 69. Some time later he was mopping something up from the floor by crumpling the kitchen roll into a ball while smashing it into the mess it and then I had a realisation that this 18 year old probably never learned to wipe his ass properly. Never again.
If only there was some way to tell preteen girls not to settle for shitty (lol) sex but nobody wants to talk to kids about that stuff.
No. 91643
>>91622I have a little handheld one that I use. I dream of someday having one integrated into the toilet.
My bf and I just always shower before sex.
No. 91665
My Euro bf has phimosis. We were both virgins when i flew out to meet him last year. I was the first girl he trusted to actually do anything with because of it and his Aspergers. I could barely give him handjobs or blowjobs without fear of hurting him. And then sex wise, he couldnt cum, probably from a combination of the phimosis, wearing a condom, and having started taking depression/anxiety meds. We barely did anything and its almost put me off sex forever. I cant even masturbate anymore because I equate my own orgasms with guilt. I was able to finish everytime we had sex. The next time I fly out we are planning to not use condoms, and he has been using stetching rings(or so he says. I cant always trust he'll do literally anything without me being there to remind him). But im psychologically scarred from the first meetup and I dont even know that I can get turned on anymore. I literally have no sex drive now. Im not sure if its a result of the stuff that happened, or the birth control i started taking a few weeks before meeting him. But its been a year and ive slowly just lost interest in sex in general. Also he's like…super vanilla. He's scared of showing any sort of aggression or dominance, and unfortunately thats one of the only things that turns me on in the first place. Im at a loss of what to do this next time. I feel like a lack of sexual chemistry is a nail in the coffin for a relationship, regardless of how much you love someone. He, on the other hand, thinks its going to get better with practice, despite us both being (older) virgins raised in the porn generation(i was addicted to pron from the ages of 18ish to around 26 or so). I dont have as much faith as he does. Its just a frustrating mess.
No. 91796
>>91665I had a euro bf get circumcised
He was bandaged up for two weeks and sore for another two then it was good like new. And he didn't even have any problems with it lol.
No. 91841
>>91823Sounds like he buried his head in the pillow in shame for 4 hours, embarrassed.
I would never want to be a teenager again.
No. 91845
The problem with small dicks is not so much the size, but the psychological and social stigmas around it. It wouldn't be a problem if you could just say
>your dick is too small and does nothing, but it's ok, you can have your personal fun as long as you please me latter
but if you say this to a guy you're going to make him suicide. I say this from personal experience, I had a relationship with a guy whose dick was certainly smaller than his middle finger, and thin also. I never told him outright "your dick is too small you're going to have to compensate for it", but I made it clear that him fucking me was mostly for his own pleasure, and that he had to please me with tongue, fingers and toys afterward of before it, and it worked out fine.
Certainly average dick would be better, it's always better, can't make up for it, but I suppose that small dicks at least are better than big dicks because feeling nothing is still better than feeling pain. You can let a small dick guy have his personal fun with you, can't do that with a big dick without feeling like you're being tortured. But then again you usually can't let a small dick guy have his fun, because if he's aware that his small dick does nothing and you're just being nice to him and expecting something in return he's going to be insecure as fuck for the rest of the relationship, and if he's not aware that his dick is too small to do anything then he's not going to care about your lack of fun, you're hiding it from him after all. And I say that "I suppose" because I don't know how pain from big dick feels like, I think the biggest dick that I took was 17 or 18cm and I took it just fine. I have a loose vagina, I'm pretty sure that it's on the loose side, the entrance is certainly loose, dunno if the inner sides also feel loose, never had the courage to ask, maybe this is why I empathize with guys with small dicks, most women would probably feel bad about saying that dick size is a make-it-or-break-it in a relationship, because it shouldn't be, and it actually isn't, the real problem is that you can't discuss it, so a not-so-problematic physical problem becomes a relationship problem, where you just can't give the guy a true feedback about your sex.
I don't know if dick size really is a make-it-or-break-it for other women, maybe in this age of hookups and tinder you can be picky since nothing is serious. But it's not my case, I would be willing to put up with a small dicked guy rather than a big painful dick guy if only they didn't make a big fuss out of the fact that they just can't please a woman with their dicks, "fuck me and then we will have MY fun latter, that's fine". But as it is today, both big dicks and small dicks are likely to become a one-way sex since the guys can't realize how bad their dicks feel like in both situations, which means that sex in that relationship itself will always be bad, you're always going to feel like you're accepting something in silence and not getting anything in return, and this is what really breaks it.
At least this is how I speculate things.
No. 91856
>>91851You have to take control and grind his face off with your pussy, it's an active role not a passive one. By the nature of you rubbing it out on top of his face while he sits there and takes it like a good boy you will feel sexy.
Just remember, it's hard for him to say I love you when your sittin' on his face.
No. 91859
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>dated a fat guy in my teens
>we finally started to get intimate
>he told me before that he was 7 inches
>he was about 3-4 inches
>i ended up doing most of the work, giving him head for about 95% of the time
>he would finger me, but thought "jackhammering" a girl was the way to go
>im in pain, pretended to cum so he'd stop
>asked him to give me oral
>i closed my eyes and sat back
>i thought he was fingering me again
>he was giving me oral
i ended up making him cum but once he asked if i did, i simply said "no". it broke his little heart and the end of the night was awkward and i ended up crying since the sex was that bad. we broke up eventually.
No. 91860
>>91851yeah wtf? are you one of those bpdfags whose only understanding of arousal is self-objectification kek
otherwise why does it matter? the dude can't even see you since he's buried in pussy
No. 91864
>>91843Its not fun for me either because I want to be dominated. I dont get turned on when a guy does anything that results in >for her only
pleasure. Either I want it to be mutual pleasure, or him taking from me for his own pleasure.
No. 91901
>>91864Agree anon I didn't know how to word this with anon calling me a little bitch, I was writing along the lines of I'm concerned about his pleasure too lol.
I enjoy 69 more than him just going down on me. Sitting on someone's face just doesn't seem appealing, perhaps because I haven't done it before! Or perhaps because I'm a bdpfag lol
No. 91903
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>this thread
No. 91905
>>91903Not sure if this counts as bad sex or not, it's more of an embarrassing story
>be 18>losing virginity with first serious boyfriend>He said he lost his virginity at a house party >to this day I still don't know if I was his first or not >Vallina sex but I thought it was great for the first time>he finishes and i'm in "I can't believe I finally lost my virginity mode">so happy.jpeg>0.2 seconds later>where's the condom???>it fell off inside me, he didn't tell me it was too big for him (i didn't know condoms had sizes at the time)>try to get it out but can't reach>he proceeds to get it out for me in my newly opened vagaina, fucking hurts like hell >i'm almost sobbing from embarrassment>ask how long it was off for>"idk">it either fell off half way or when he finished >terrified of getting pregnant for the next couple weeks (I was too scared to go to a clinic for plan B)>get period, happy times
>1 week after having sex I get thrush for the first timeneedless to say we didn't stay together for very long, i suspect he was a virgin and didn't want to admit it for whatever reason because looking back he for sure acted like one.
tbh i'm just here on this thread because these stories are top-tier kek worthy, i love you anons.
(had to repost from missing info and spelling)
No. 91909
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>>91843Ungrateful as hell. Just hand these men over to me.
No. 91910
>>91893Look at this chick (?).
If she don’t like something she don’t have to. Who the hell are you? lol
No. 91936
>>91933I also don't enjoy being eaten out. It's… uncomfortable. I don't find it sexy. I like giving oral, though.
Though, I'm probably a unique case - any stimulation of my clitoris is unpleasant at best, and blindingly painful at worst. I feel pretty unlucky.
No. 91958
>>91844Ugh no that’s the worst. Current bf loves when I sit on his face so I do it but literally nothing about it feels good to me. I only do it bc he seems grateful afterwards.
Probably the hottest sex thing we’ve done that I enjoyed was when I was doggy style and he was standing over me using his fingers while I looked up at him. His jaw was clenching and his muscles were flexing while he tried to finger me as fast as possible. Also has this intense look in his eyes while he was clearly getting turned on by looking at me like that. Unfhh.
If we did that but with his face between my legs (which we have I hated it) it takes away so much of like the dominant aspect I guess like another anon was saying.
No. 91959
>>91951I think it’s bc they’re not good at it. And rlly it’s not that good of a way to get an orgasm either. It’s better used as foreplay where they’re being really light+teasing. Maybe guys don’t know how gentle you have to be. When I’m masturbating on my own, i position my finger so that more of the pressure is going on my pubic bone and so my finger is very lightly stimulating my clit even as I increase speed.
Although idk I’ve never really enjoyed vibrators either because they’re too intense.
No. 91981
>>91978>He's just too pure and naive to act on the things he does fantasize aboutWhat?, he jus sounds like a pervert who prefers porn…
Just let it go
No. 91991
>>91860>>91893Maledom is the norm after all. I feel like a majority women believe giving oral is a demeaning and submissive act, and they hate having it done to them because it doesn't make them feel used, or even worse, somehow if they're not being used they are less feminine. Just look at how many woman here fake orgasms and do things they absolutely hate just to please a guy they may or may not even like. I don't think being submissive is inherently a bad thing either, but some women take it too far.
However I'm with you. I really don't get the whole being used thing, because to me there's nothing that makes me feel more adored than having my partner do their best to make me feel good and please me. My partner would rather give oral or nice massages than PIV because he knows I like those things much better. That makes me feel more loved and feminine than getting used like a cumdumpster.
No. 91993
>>91933Probably because the dudes you're with are trash at it. I remember not liking to receive oral for a while. Had to even teach my current what I really like, and now I enjoy it.
I have a feeling that if the anons who don't like oral got it from an experienced woman they'd probably change their tune.
No. 92076
>>91845Unless you're disinterested in sex, get yours first. This also remove the part where he already came and has to hear you aren't satisfied.
>>91856I say "I love you" while my bf is eating me out just to hear him try to say it without stopping. It's so cute.
>>91859You did a good thing, being honest about his poor performance. If you lied, he'd keep doing that to other women.
No. 92115
>>91991Oral should be neutral, but honestly so few men are willing to reciprocate that when one insists you sit on his face or whatever, it's usually a sign that he's really submissive and testing the waters.
Women giving head is so expected and "natural" that it can be either submissive or neutral or even dominant, anything you want, but for a man to be interested in giving oral, it's usually the result of a hundred hours of femdom porn. And next week he'll be asking you to peg him and spit in his mouth.
No. 92119
>>92115Facesitting being a submissive thing isn't because it's oral but because of the nature of the position. If a woman was lying down with a man on top thrusting into her mouth that would be submissive too.
I see what you are saying though. Women giving oral is expected. Men doing it is much more of an optional thing (which is why so many suck at it) and when it happens it's mostly considered foreplay and not an actual thing on it's own like blowjobs.
>>92116Apparently you don't know what that word means.
No. 92143
>>92121I'm so sorry that your ex did that to you. Glad things are better for you now though!
It makes me sad how a lot of women I know, myself included unfortunately, minimize being sexually assaulted as just "bad sex". This isn't a criticism of you or anything so please don't think I'm doing that. I just hope you know that what he did to you wasn't just bad sex and you deserve to be able to call it for what it is and have your boundaries respected. I'm glad you found a guy who'll do that now.
No. 92144
>>92143Thank you so much. This makes me feel a big better…
Sadly society normalized this kind of shit and it worries me a lot.
My current bf respects all my boundaries and even asks me if I'm feeling ok or not. It's a blessing I finally found a person like that…
No. 92156
>>92147i don't understand the obsession with categorizing everything into sub or dom ffs, i get that most people tend to be more comfortable in one role over the other, and that's cool, but how are you so dedicated to one role that whether or not you want to do something is completely based on whether or not it fits that role? It just seems so self-conscious and detached.
it seems like more identity politics garbage where you do things based on what little identity marker you've predetermined for yourself, rather than just trying things that seem interesting and finding out what you actually enjoy that way.
No. 92171
>>91993There are other reasons why people might not like oral though. My boyfriend is obsessed with eating pussy to the point he ejaculated just doing it and he obviously reads guides from the way he always tries to do it better and wants feedback but even though it's mind blowing sometimes having the focus on me makes me feel isolated and lonely especially if I'm staring up at the ceiling and can't see him.
This is probably all thanks to social conditioning that sex is not for female pleasure though lol
I remember tolerating so much shitty oral when I was younger because my first boyfriends were so sensitive to feedback and I felt the pressure to feel empowered by it but it feels so much better to tell someone that it's not working without worrying about their ego. It was like those guys got off on this meme of being a good lover because they ate pussy but it was all an act and they didn't care how bad they did it and how many UTIs their unwashed hands caused
>>91938>putting pressure on girls to say they enjoy their shitty sexThese guys legitimately need to die out
No. 92173
>>92171> even though it's mind blowing sometimes having the focus on me makes me feel isolated and lonely especially if I'm staring up at the ceiling and can't see himrelatable. i think it's a lot more fun if it's just casually added in to foreplay instead of being this big
event thats supposedly so good on its own that you want just that, on its own, interrupted, with no other stimuli.
instead, i like the idea of a guy going back and forth between eating me out and fingerblasting me, or deciding on a whim to lick my pussy while i go down on him, or lifting my legs up to eat me out for a while before fucking me. you get the idea. like it's just another tool among many to contribute to getting you off, instead of this big production where you better cum because he's been going at it for 15 uninterrupted minutes all for you!
also, anons who claim that someone would feel differently if a woman did it or that the guy just doesn't know what he's doing, what are the best techniques then? or is it something that ca't be articulated?
No. 92214
>>92213Wow anon, it's like there's an entire thread about vaginas where some anons complain about having lots of discharge.
>>92212I do sometimes because I don't want to get lube all over my sheets. You guys seem nuts.
No. 92223
>>92214>>92215>>92219Imagine having sex and being grossed out by your own bodily fluids. How boring.
Idk how you guys even enjoy sex when you feel the need to wash your hands as soon as they get ~dirty~.
No. 92228
>>92224>state of this threadIt's the bad sex thread and we're all just critiquing you're clearly bad sex etiquette.
Either you overuse lube that's its a sticky mess everywhere or you have discharge issues that your boyfriend is greasing up your hair with your own wetness.
My advice is when using lube build it up in small amounts so you're not making a mess.
If your own wetness perturbs you what are you like with sperm?
No. 92232
>>92229Who's insulting? The girl implying we're nasty because we're OK with sweating, saliva, lube and cum being a part of sex? No need to get so defensive. I bet you miss out on period sex too, that's the only time I'd use a towel.
Also mini nodding against the rulez
No. 92234
>>92229You're the one who sound
triggered prude-chan. Do you wipe your mouth after kissing your bf too?
No. 92253
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I love this thread it’s a hoot y’all
No. 92263
>>92260That is irrelevant. Why would I give a shit about what another person doesn't want going where? Why do you? You sound like one of those ~kinky cool girls~ who pride themselves in having zero sexual boundaries if you're throwing the word prude around in response to other women's preferences. What's next? Are women who don't want to get pissed on prudes because
>body fluidsKek, get over yourself.
No. 92321
>>92319Im op.
I’m saying do regular checks. Not a once off.
>>92318They mastubate all the time. They can try that jizz.
No. 92327
>>92253Best thread on /g/
I'd tell stories but the mods have a culture of outing people
No. 92368
>>92350This. I guess my boyfriend had watched some misleading porn because randomly he got all hot and breathy and asked me to spit it into his mouth. I did it, he immediately gagged and ran to the bathroom and told me that he was sorry and I should never feel like I need to taste it again
No. 92418
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>>90998>>91321>>91584Holy shit this thread is a gold mine.
No. 92512
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>have sex once a week with long term boyfriend
>very painful every time
>ask gyno what is up with that and she takes some tests
>suggest lube to me
> I use it. Still hurts
>mfw because I love him and want to have sex and mostly am afraid he will leave me if I tell him I can’t do it anymore
No. 92515
>>92512Same, it literally gives me perineal tears but the gyno refuses to do any tests and keeps saying "use more lube" lol
If you can insist on your gyno to do some other test, like bacterial infections and less rare stuff
No. 92575
>>92512chiming in to say that i had a similar problem for a long time and figured i just didn't like sex. finally got a good gyno who felt around and told me the pain was from really really stiff muscles in my pelvic area from lack of use (you can't do normal stretches because it's so internal) and nervousness. she said that even soreness i was having on my outer vulva was probably from the stiff muscles keeping everything rubbing together in a bad way.
i got prescribed silicone dilators (just small dildos basically) and herbal muscle relaxers. it's helped a lot and now i get to have painless sex which i didn't even know was i thing before. your gyno sounds a bit dismissive so i'd either find someone else or just go ahead and try dilators. there's not much drawback other than money. they're small and if they do hurt you just stop.
also what lube do you use and do you use condoms? i also found that i was really sensitive to certain brands and they were making my vulva burn even aside from the penetration. switching brands fixed that.
No. 92618
>>92602no i don't! that's probably a different issue! i never had problems with clit stimulation, arousal, or gentle masturbation. never any pain there. my problems were just with penetration and soreness on my vulva unrelated to arousal.
your question and this thread just goes to show that painful sex/painful vulva is so much more complex than one question with one solution. i hate when gynos are dismissive. lube only makes sense when the issue is with penetration. if just getting aroused hurts wtf is lube going to do
No. 92681
Never due to selfishness, only incompetence and bad luck. Most men I've slept with were virgins before me (it was a sort of fetish of mine). I guess the worst was when I was blowing a guy and he came, but instead of cum, it was the same volume, but piss. So he essentially came piss.
The same guy wanted the shit kicked out of him (not literally). Not bad for me but very uncomfortable since when I was going at it he curled up into a ball and started crying, but insisted I continue when I (obviously) stopped.
I have to ask though, does anyone have good tutorials for sex stuff? My current bf who I like A LOT is sexually inexperienced, usually they pick up the skills naturally (the guy I mentioned earlier made me squirt from fingering before we even fucked lol) but he…doesn't, even with practise and time. And when he asks me exactly how he can improve in terms of positioning his fingers etc, it's kind of hard for me to know, at best the feeling's "ok". Also I'm a bit worried because he said that cunnilingus doesn't look appealing from what he's seen in porn (and it can look pretty gross). I have every confidence he'll do it to please, but maybe I could do/show something to help him like it?
No. 92710
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>be fwb with some guy 4 years ago while studying abroad, we hit it off and end up spending a lot if time together while having amazing sex. Was very vanilla sex, but very good sex nonetheless.
>become disconnected from each other for a few years when he goes away to do mandatory military service
>in a weird situation where the other person always being in a relationship when the other one was single but always spent nights on the phone talking about how much we missed hanging out and how well we matched ‘in bed’.
>fast forward to when he’s discharged and in a horrible relationship, but we agree to finally meet again over drinks. drink way too fucking much and end up at a love hotel
>we’re going at it and i change position to go on top, and as if i flipped a fucking switch he starts talking in a baby voice and calling me mommy.
>continues the whole time
>awkwardly finish and tell him im really tired because of leftover jetlag from my trip back home. He agrees to sleep because hes tired too.
>starts cuddling up to me and sucking my tits until he passes out
>leave first thing in the morning and never really talk again afterwards
RIP good 2014 sex it was fun
No. 92720
>>92602Anon, this might answer your question.
>The external genitalia or vulva (including the clitoris, vaginal opening, and inner and outer lips or labia) become engorged (swollen) due to the increased blood supply. Inside the body, the top of the vagina expands. only know what your talking about, because I experience some discomfort when I become aroused too. I can feel things expanding, but it usually goes away after a bit.
No. 92818
>>92800The passive tone is how greentexts are usually done
>>92777Shit anon, quit drinking
No. 93367
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This is more a nsfw vent than a complaint but blowjobs are such a struggle. I like it in theory and hate it in practice. Like my jaw and my hands cramp up almost immediately but I have to keep up a consistent rhythm for what feels like forever in order to get the job done. It's really the worst part of sex for me cause it's uncomfortable and painful and my gag reflex is really strong. It's hard to overcome the desire to be a cool slut who can do anything and thankfully my boyfriend is never upset when I have to take a break or switch to doing something else, it's just a bummer. I wish it was easier. I feel like pussy is pretty easy to lick but a blowjob is so physically taxing.
No. 93480
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>>93367I make a fist with my hands around my bf's dick so that just the head and a little bit of the shaft is stick out and let him thrust into my mouth while making eye contact. It really makes oral a lot easier, the hands keep him from accidentally gagging me. He says the thrusting makes him come faster than just laying there, I can't get him off by just sucking anyways.
No. 93677
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idk if this applies but this guy is mean and i want to share his suffering
>17, first serious bf, no sexual experience
>i get disgustingly drunk at friend's party (like alternating between vomiting and passing out on the floor)
>somehow end up in friend's bedroom with bf, giving my first ever blowjob
>not entirely sure if he finished or not, too drunk to remember
>not too drunk to remember him going home and texting me later that his dick really hurt and the foreskin was stuck
>apparently he called his mother in to look at it, who called her brother since they needed a ride to the hospital
>congratulations it's phimosis
>he told all our friends i broke his dick
he got mad at me once for taking things slow due to being a csa survivor so i hope it ripped
No. 93728
>>93686I've seen some "stretching rings" online that guys can put in their foreskin to stretch it, upgrading to bigger and bigger rings until the foreskin is looser. My bf has kind of tight foreskin (he can pull it down but it's tight and hurts him a little) and I was hoping daily stretching might help, am I delusional?
I don't really like piv and he doesn't mind not doing it either so doesn't really matter too much but it'd be cool to have it from time to time.
No. 94799
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oh lord there's a few that come to mind but mainly:
>guy that tried to get me to fuck him while his downs syndrome cousin watched because he babysat him during the day
>guy with 70's porn stache that insisted I address him as The Stallion
>guy that could only cum if I tucked my legs under to look like a double amputee
>guy that made me realize rape is a social construct perpetuated by this false notion that forced sex isn't a natural occurrence in the lives of other animals
>different dude that worked as a clown at kid's parties part time tried to make a balloon animal out of our used condom so I could fuck him with it
No. 94812
>>94799>rape is a social constructYes, but you still shouldn't do it jfc. We try to avoid acting upon these impulses to keep society together. We've decided it wrong because we have the ability to create a moral compass which we can use to keep our society at least a bit more functional. Obviously, it isn't ideal at the moment due to corruption in the system but that's another discussion.
Murder is also a social construct. Should I shoot up my uni and assault the men I find attractive there? It is natural to kill and rape for humans.
(nvm that the idea of anally raping a guy at gun point after making a bloody mess of his class turns me on, it would still disrupt society as it is for me and others to do so.)
/derail because I love to argue just as we all do here
No. 94813
>>94812I should add, most morality is based on banning commonly shared unpleasant experiences while keeping reason in mind. Forced sex is unpleasant. Having your mother killed is unpleasant. Having some guy steal your food is unpleasant. Most people can agree with this.
I don't think we should make forced sex legal any time soon, but that's just my opinion.
No. 94820
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>>94816Nature can be fucking disgusting in that regard. There is a species of bugs where the male rape female by attracting predators that will kill her if she does not succumb.
Doesn't mean the human society should follow the advice. We are smarter than all the other animals and can distinguish wrong from right and emphatise with others. The ~rape is just social construct, brah~ sounds like a disgusting, fake deep neckbeard. Animals do rape each other and it's bad for the victim, but there are no lawkeepers in nature. So I would not agree that rape only exists in human terms.
No. 94824
>>94820 And then you have spiders and mantids whom the female is larger and eats the male as an after sex snack; the male doesn't even try to get away, he sacrifices himself for his offspring.
Also another example is birds of prey, in raptors the female is 1/3 larger than the male. But they mate for life instead of eating daddy because their males can actually make a nest, feed a family and sit on the chicks so mommy can catch dinner too.
Inversion of the mean; reverse sexual dimorphism.
If only the rest of nature could catch on but nature is cruel by nature.
No. 94863
>>94857this. part of being human is evolving
away from our natural instincts to rape and kill and stuff. justifying it means we should just fuck society.
No. 94892
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>>94833Why did nature fuck us over so much
No. 94919
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I had my first boyfriend when I was 15 (he was 16) and we had most of our first sexual experiences together. I was expecting some awkward moments here and there but nothing could prepare me for this
>be getting fingered
>BF is really going to town, and doing a pretty decent job. Both of us were very much in the mood
>all of a sudden a piece of discharge, about the consistency and color of cottage cheese, falls out of my vagina and on his finger. It was maybe about the size of a quarter
>I look down at him embarrassed as all hell. In total silence I wait to see his reaction
>he examines his finger, and then…
>pops the entire finger in his mouth and sucks off the little blob of vaginal slime like it was icing from a cake
>proceeds to give me this attempt at a sly smile like he had just done the sexiest thing ever
I had to hold back actually vomiting on the spot. Oh and for the record I have no clue what caused that odd discharge and have luckily never experienced it again. I was absolutely mortified.
No. 94963
>>94945why cant males understand that its not usually flatulence, its literally just air being sucked and pushed into a hole just like when they all used to do the stupid armpit "fart" when they were younger
fucking retards
No. 95023
Fucking disgusting roasties. Damage control some more.
>>95026No retard. We don't like it simply because it sounds nasty. It has nothing to do with how much sex you've had or how loose you are.
>muh bogeyman incels!Cry more, bitch
>>95161When I was 4 my older cousin who was 5 found her dad's dirty magazine stash and showed it to me. We were looking at a center fold of some guy squirting off on 2 different girls and my cousin said "See that's how women get pregnant, a guy pees in your mouth and you swallow it".
I went around my neighborhood telling other kids how babies were made for years until my mom corrected my misinformation.
No. 95245
>>95224I believe it.
Teenage boys are tarded af.
No. 95270
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>>94919>>95249So, creaming isn't normal for girls? Because I don't have any symptoms of a UTI/yeast infection, but when I orgasm, something like that comes out…
No. 95344
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>>95314>did you cum>apparently i came to the wrong damn houseOh fuck. I'm sorry about the sex but this is hilarious
Anyway all these stories of terrible sex make me want to stay a virgin smh
No. 95413
>>90978same anon with one last zinger
>"imagine you, naked on my boat… imagine what it'd be like to feel the wind in your pussy"i broke up with him but i'll never forget this shit
No. 95414
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This thread just makes me scared about losing my virginity or sex in general. I'm already in my 20s, but holy shit
No. 95416
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>>95413>imagine what it'd be like to feel the wind in your pussyThis shit fucked me up
No. 95564
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I hooked up with someone from r9k ( tldr; we lived in the same city & we met up in a cafe ) I asked him to get me ready & so at first he seemed like a natural at eating me out. However for some apparent reason he was rubbing his teeth against my asshole. So I tell him that's enough. I just wanted to get laid. So he gets on top of me & he starts making the strangest grunts ever. In the same tone of grunts he's saying the most ridiculous things lmao
>I'm going to thrust my dick till it pierces your soft belly
He said something else I cannot remember, but shit sounded like an orc from Lord of the Rings. I pressed my face against the pillow and tried my hardest not to laugh. I got dry half way of this. You know as I was going to leave, I didn't really get anything from this. I'm not usually dominant at all, but I really just wanted to make choosing fuck around like this worth it. I told him to just lay down & let me do all the work as if he was my personal dildo. I finished off doing the amazon & he asked me if me doing that was gay. I just said yes you are gay now. Biggest shame in my life as he was a hentai addict.
No. 95627
>>95564lol i lost my virginity to a guy who posted frequently in the kpop thread on /trash/
big mistake
No. 95672
Guys, what does it feel like to have good sex? I've had good sex, at least I think so. I've had orgasms before, not from PIV but my partner does go down on me. Just when he does I feel like he has to work so hard, and honestly like I'm working even harder. Nothing fits right, I feel like he's doing the oral equivalent of trying to find a needle in haystack; and I don't mean my clit by that, I mean like, real pleasure in general. When I do come it's because I grabbed his face so hard and like, grinded against it till his upper lip is sore. I don't feel like it's hot, I don't think it's fun. I cry a little out of frustration and embarassement every time it happens. I hate and love sex and yet I crave it constatly - I have a much higher libido than my partner. I masturbate, but I hate it bc I get super depressed after I cum. I'm not multiorgasmic either, which seems to be one of the main benefits cited about being a woman.
No. 96500
>>95650Somewhere way better than here. Oh yeah, I'm way higher than you.
>>95658Completely wrong, you stupid fucking bitch. What a shitty shot in the dark. God you're pathetic lmao. People like you should be euthanized. No, you should be executed by firing squad.
(Calm down) No. 96716
>>96699>Why are you wasting your time like that?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>96705I will
No. 98954
>>98948super weird behavior, but that does happen to me every time
this reminds me of my last ex who upon hearing me say "f
* me harder" straight up slapped me in the face without warning
No. 98984
>>96727>he's not even rubbing my clit, just my vagina lipslmfao my fwb gets confused like this too, especially over pants/panties. Once he just started rubbing my taint. I just started laughing hysterically. Thankfully he's a good sport and a good listener, so I've been slowly correcting some of the weird shit he picked up after not having luck finding sex partners for a few years before me and relying on porn.
I hope all you ladies find a good sport and good listener. It's real nice to slowly mold a man to be the best sex partner for your own tastes.
No. 98988
>>98983I can't tell you how much I cannot stand most women who flap their stupid gums about rape fantasies. More often than not, if I dug a little deeper it turned out they have NO SUCH FANTASY. I wish I was kidding but so many of them are out there spouting this insane shit when all they mean is they want rough sex. You would think every third person has this fetish, but they fuckin don't! It's rare and these morons don't know what they're talking about.
Don't even get me started on "I want him to choke me!!11!!" The idiot to normal translation of that is " I want him to lightly put his hand on my neck"
So it's not only that they blather on about it, a good number of them don't even mean what they say.
No. 99022
>>98988>telling women what their kinks are and shaming them for itWow, you're such a feminist. /s
Don't act like you like other women who don't think the same way as you. Pure narcissism.
No. 99060
>>99022Didn't see any kind of feminist claim there. I'm so glad there are people here to tell you you're full of shit.
GuYz, kiNkShamiNg iS sooOoO baD. Never question anything and never ask people what they really mean cuZ tHaT's sOo bAd
No. 99206
First story was kind of an abusive "relationship" so idk if that really counts but anyways…
I was new at college and we were a really, really small campus. I'm incredibly autistic and socially awkward (and naive as well) so I was extremely glad when this seemingly popular guy wanted to hang out with me. And I genuinely thought he wanted to hang out.
As we were chilling in my dorm room he suddenly put his dick out and urged me to suck him off. Dumb as I was, I did. (Looking back it must've been terrible for him as well because I had never given a bj before and only got told about teeth being an issue years later. However, apparently still good enough for him to come after 5min.)
After that I found out he had a gf in another state and that basically every single girl on campus hated me now because I broke up the dream couple uwu.
Also as I later found out he called himself the 2nd Barney Stinson and snorted coke about every single day. He also became more and more aggressive around people so at this point I didn't really dare to deny any requests anymore, especially not when we were alone.
So we met up at his dorm room/apartment and his roommates were gone which I didn't know. We ended up fooling around again but this time for real. He undressed me and started eating me out.
It was the worst. I was so incredibly dry, didn't shower or shave properly, and of course couldn't relax as I didn't really want any of this in the first place. The fact that he was basically just licking over my labia as a dog didn't really help either.
I told him it wasn't working for me.
>"Yeah, cause you can't relax!"
Alright. So he got out a condom and I had my first PIV sex. It was incredibly painful and I begged him to just give him head again.
He finally accepted and I started sucking his dick again. However, he suddenly came in my mouth which he had never done before and wasn't communicated either. I swallowed, since I thought that's what you did but was surprised by how incredibly awful it tasted (he was a smoker, coke-head and got drunk like 4 times a week). So surprised in fact, that I immediately puked on his bed.
Thank God he gave up on me after that. But it was fairly traumatic and I still struggle with having guys cum in my mouth 8 years later.
Second story is the first time with my current bf of 3 years.
>we're just cuddling for the first time ever
>he puts my hand on his dick
>I'm already panicking bc it's really big and I've only had piv once (mentioned above) which was very painful despite his small dick
>he's nervously searching for a condom bc I'm not on birth control
>finds one a friend gave him
>it's waaaaay too small
>I have to pee badly and didn't want to go use the bathroom as I've been cockblocked by doing that twice before
>he doesn't get it in
>we try another position
>it just won't go in
>he doesn't even get his fingers in
>I have to pee so badly it hurts
>I try to jerk him off, doesn't work because he's starting to get nervous too
>he wants me to suck him off I tell him I can't bc trauma
>he wants me to try
>I try but can't deal with the smell of penis
>he tries to get it in one last time
>we both give up
>I can finally go pee
>don't have another condom
We ended up cuddling the rest of the night which was nice too, considering how hard we were crushing on each other. And the next time it all went waaaay better. But still, this was one of the worst sexual experiences I've ever had.
No. 100761
>>100751Oof. I really understand the crying part, sometimes when I come too strongly (?) I cry too, especially afterwards, I also shake a lot, especially my legs.
But usually when I cry it's akin to a happy-cry expression, sometimes with little whimps that I guess could be miss interpreted? Did she like bawl? Or sob?
No. 100771
>>100766>the lying completely still and crying makes me think she is maybe a csa surviviorThat's what I initially suspected and also contributed a lot to why felt so horrible every time after doing her. I tried to ask her if this was the case and made sure she understood that I'm willing to take everything at her pace if she's uncomfortable with something or has past traumas, but she insisted on everything being fine and good.
Damn I feel like this has been a somewhat depressing addition to an otherwise lolworthy thread, I'm sorry.
No. 100949
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No particular bad sex but just things I'm bad at myself.
>cant deepthroat
I keep researching online on how to do this and all there is about is the gag reflex. For some reason, I can't even get the dick past a part of my throat because I think my throat is too small. He says it feels like its hitting a wall and no matter what position we are in it doesn't work.
I also refuse to do doggy out of insecurity of my butt acne. My bf really wants to but I don't want him to see that stuff.
No. 101034
>>100976I recommend it
Start with a finger in his mouth during foreplay, in time you can throat fist him whilst he begs to let him finish from a handjob. I would try pegging but all that thrusting seems hard work
>>101032It's sweet that you have the patience but that sounds exhausting, did you try vibrators? If she's traumatized she just might never orgasm
No. 101037
>>101034She had a vibe at some point, but from what i can recall she just never got much use out of it either, plus its a moot point as that relationships dead now.
Just one of those things thats going to kill my pride until i find another lover.
No. 105664
More of a funny one
>broke up with ldr ex, we are still on good terms, horny af
>remember one of his friends lives in my city
>model material, a lil bit effeminated, but I like girly boys
>I knew he liked me because he always told my ex how lucky he was to be with such a beauty
>ask my ex if I can fuck his friend, he's cool about it
>hang out with guy, we end up in a bar getting piss drunk
>not hooking up yet but lots of teasing
>end up going to his place, luckily his roommates are out
>start making out like crazy, by the times our clothes are off I'm wet
>smallest dick I've ever seen, about 3 inches
>who cares, I'm horny and I want to fuck anyway
>fall asleep during sex because I was so drunk and he was so small I didn't feel a thing
>wake up a few seconds later, he fell asleep inside of me too
>wake him up, take condom off, go to sleep cuddled together (that was the only good part tbh)
>next morning get dressed awkwardly, remember what happened and agree to never talk about it again
Yeah he was really good looking but that was so embarrassing we barely spoke to each other since. Later I found out he was still obsessed with his ex too, so I guess I dodged a good one.
No. 108379
>>108375What the fuck, I'm not the cleanest person ever but I'd be so upset if I was dating someone that just cums on the bed and doesn't care, but of course that asshole is going to say you're just being crazy.
This isn't even a sexual compatibility problem, he's just fucked up.
No. 108380
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>>108359>"dating" for a month>already having sex with himYou're too easy, whore-kun.
No. 108399
>>108375"We're just not sexually compatible. I'm only interested in vaginal sex and nothing else, anal feels like I am shitting all over the bed. I'm tired of having sex that feels like poop"
Would be hilarious anon.
No. 111120
>>111115Wow, this is so weird. Especially the fact that he knows about a proper foreplay, but then can't find your vaginal opening. Like, I assume he could find your clit? Or did the foreplay not involve your vagina?
Very bizarre.
No. 111128
>>111120Sometimes men are literally just that fucking lazy. My last ex wouldn't put it in and would get frustrated trying to get the angle right.
Like, hello, you can't just stab it in like a fucking juice box dude.
No. 111147
>>111128>>111115This kind of reminds me of one of my exes. He sometimes pressed his dick literally against my clit or asshole and when I was telling him ‘lower/a bit higher up’ he would be like ‘no, I am right, you’re just not wet enough, that’s why it won’t go in’.
Like, dude, I can literally feel you’re way off. But sure he must know better.
No. 111331
>>105946so he had a micropenis? did you still feel it or was it always slipping out? im in a long distance relationship and my bf said hes 4 inches. im curious just how much this affects sex.
>>111115did his dick appear to be normal size? i cant imagine that it would always be slipping out unless that was the case
No. 112575
>>112565butthole sounds like he's dying of something, like using his penis broke something in his ass? definitely not your fault
Also pls choose better guys, I want you to live
No. 112581
>>112575He needs to stop sticking shit in there that don't belong up there and blaming me!
And dw I'm killing myself soon so it's ok
No. 112590
>>112581No you're not, you're gonna see some random girl from lolcow (me) at your window like "no!"
I'll fly over there now.
Just stay away from creepy men and love yourself. Life can be good, I promise. For me sheltering
myself away from things that have upset me works pretty well, I know that's not always an option for people but controlling what and who you are exposed to is very helpful in regulating your feelings and attitudes. It's better to be alone than near shitty people.
No. 113105
>>113102>Idea of foreplay is randomly showing me his dick (soft if I'm really unlucky) or just grabbing my hand and making me touch itOh I so can relate. My ex was like that.
Also: Whenever it was the other way around he’d complain that I wasn’t ~romantic enough and that he wanted me to seduce him more.
No. 113158
>>113102>"It was too far to walk in my cowboy boots."I just let out the biggest snort laugh in my quiet workplace and everyone looked at me. I'm so proud of you for leaving that manipulative weirdo though, I hope you're getting to see your friends more lately.
>>113135I didn't think anything could be worse than Gurgs "suk mi" but here we are
No. 113166
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>this entire thread
You mean there can be good sex that involves a male?
No. 113196
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>took anti depressants for a year while I was still a virgin
>met my first bf and realized my vagina didn't work when we tried to have sex
i've been off em for like 2-3 months and it still doesn't work
feels bad
No. 113235
>>113232NTA but jfc is it really that hard to believe that genuine accidents like that can happen?
I’ve had it happen, too. I was unusually wet and relaxed and he placed his dick just an inch too far down and it slipped right to my asshole. Especially when it’s dark and rushed and he’s not looking this stuff can happen. Stop acting like every single fucking guy on this earth is a rapist just waiting for an opportunity.
No. 113257
>>113218Trust me, do not take any antidepressants unless you are willing to trade sexual ability for mental health or are likely to kill yourself.
I feel pretty asexual at this point. I can't even get aroused anymore when I try to masturbate like I used to.
No. 113269
>>113263Depends on how you react to them. You are supposed to be able to take Wellbutrin independently or with an SSRI to reduce the chance of sexual side effects, but there are plenty of studies (self-reports obviously) that say quite a few people still experienced sexual dysfunction.
I don't want to scare you off of them if you desperately need them. Being alive is more important than sex. But sexual dysfunction is a very very common reported side effect and Permanent Sexual Dysfunction is a real thing and it fucking sucks. Most people can just wean off the drug and return their libido though almost immediately or within weeks.
>>113267I can see where you're coming from but I still can't orgasm on my own/with a partner or become "turned on" anymore. I feel completely broken as a human being and my gyno/family dr/psychiatrist hasn't been able to help. The drugs helped me but I regret it so much and I wish someone stopped me. I really hope that It gets better eventually, but it's nearing 3 months soon and I feel hopeless. Unless someone desperately needs it I wouldn't risk this shit.
No. 113273
>>113269I'm in the same boat. Zoloft is the only antidepressant that works for me (I've tried so many) and it completely shuts down my libido. Masturbating is a chore. It doesn't feel good, cumming takes an hour and the orgasms are weak. On one hand I don't really mind becoming essentially asexual but weeks of not cumming seems to bring on it's own unique anguish. When I have depressive episodes I have to decide between my sexuality and my mental sanity and often I have to choose the latter.
Of course this wouldn't be so bad but my boyfriend insinuates that he has the right to fuck me from time to time, which is fine I guess, but he doesn't seem to have any empathy towards the fact that I'm fucking dead from the waist down. Toss it in I guess, I'm a bitch for literally being incapable of wanting to fuck after all.
No. 113278
>>113273Are you really okay with being asexual? I'm trying to come to terms with it but sex is so deeply ingrained in relationships and just humanity in general
Also, your boyfriend sounds disgusting. But I can definitely relate in a similar way. My boyfriend would never even insinuate that i need to fuck him, but he's just so fucking kind and sweet that I'd be a bitch if I didn't. I told him about my issues and he said "don't worry we'll figure it out together". but at the same time his sex drive is high and he admits that he jacks it 3 times a day just to focus since I started dating him. He's not trying to guilt me but it's just the truth that I'm blueballing him all the time if I don't give him oral sex at least once when we hang out. He'll be hard almost the entire time otherwise.
I don't enjoy it physically, "foreplay" activities do nothing for me sexually and he cannot enter my vagina without severe pain (an issue I'm trying to figure out but honestly why fucking bother). But he's just such a perfect match and I don't think there are many guys out there like him, I don't want to lose him. But at the same time I'm thinking about breaking it off because he doesn't deserve to not have his needs met. He always look so disappointed when I won't let him finger me/give me oral but it feels like nothing and I'm so tired of pretending.
No. 113280
>>113278I am okay with it; sex just isn't a part of my thought process when I'm on medication. It's kind of a relief in some aspects because those urges are just gone. I make time once or twice a month to orgasm because if I don't cum for a month or two I'm constantly agitated, but other than that, sex just isn't a part of my life. Similarly I also lose my appetite. Primal things that give me pleasure just don't apply anymore.
Your boyfriend sounds like my boyfriend when we started dating. I can empathize. Now that attitude just kind of pisses me off. "I need to do a cum every day or my boner is going to hurt :''C"
Maybe this wouldn't be a problem for me if it hadn't gone on for years without feeling like he doesn't even acknowledge my libido or lack there of. It's always about him, men are different, men need to cum or they'll be sad and that's your fault, right? But he brought you ice cream, doesn't he deserve to fuck you?
If I could go back and give my past self some advice, don't stand for it. You're thinking about it wrong. He doesn't deserve not to have his needs met? You don't deserve to be in pain just because he wants to fuck. I'd assume it hurts because he's not turning you on and doesn't care, but maybe that's a bold assumption of me, and I admit I could just be projecting.
No. 113285
>>113280I'm just worried that no one will want to date someone who doesn't want sex. And the men I've found online in the asexual community are a little.. odd? I guess. I don't know maybe that's unfair of me to say but it's an observation. Why do you still put up with your boyfriend anyway?
I don't get agitated or feel the urge to masturbate/have sex at all. There was a time before medication that I did feel the urge to masturbate at night but not anymore I guess.
We haven't had PiV sex for ~3 weeks since I told him it hurt way too much. But everytime we had sex I was clearly in pain. And I only stopped because my gyno told me to not do it for at least a month. But that confuses me so much. This is a man that clearly cares for me and would do whatever he can to make me happy. Why is sex so necessary to him that he wouldn't care if I was in pain? Would he even reciprocate if HE was the one in pain? I don't know, I feel like women are just expected to "take it" no matter what. That's my only issue with him though.
But he has spent several days trying to get me into the mood by just foreplay/massage/oral sex on me for hours without me reciprocating. It's not his fault that I feel pain or lack pleasure. I would never expect him to be in pain for my pleasure though..
No. 113310
>>113285Sex is literally ingrained into our biology as a bodily craving like hunger. It's hard for you to feel this mindset because you're asexual and may have forgotten what it's like, but if sex was just about "pleasure" and nothing else then we wouldn't see cheating nearly as often. It's not as controllable as it sounds. If you're hungry, it's hard to have self control when there's good food all around you. Sure, you can probably resist for a while, but after some time they huger will take over and you'll give in.
Getting a back massage is just a pleasurable favor. Having sex extends beyond a pleasurable favor and satisfies something on a deeper level both physically and emotionally that is hard to satisfy otherwise.
No. 113322
Can you please for the love of god stop bumping this thread with your OT-conversation? Use
>>102887 or
>>71573 or at least sage your posts that have literally nothing to do with what this thread is about.
No. 113326
>>113285An asexual who gets 0 enjoyment from any sexual activity/can't do PIV and a guy who can't talk to a woman without getting a stiffy seems like a comically bad match. At least get a guy who only wants to do it a couple times a month and doesn't guilt you for muh blue balls, Anon
Also take it to the relationship thread, as
>>113322 said.
No. 122428
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>just turned 18
>crush on this guy from work
>incrediably basic, slightly nerdy
>got drunk after work went back to his
>almost 8 inches
>no foreplay
>he put it all fast
>pain for both
>suddenly get really wet
>he keeps going
>pulls out after a while to cum
>look down theres blood everywhere
>accused of being on my period
>he cleans of his bloody dick
>realises his skin tore and was bleeding
>tfw got fucked with someone elses dickmblood as lubrication
>never looked at eachother again.
No. 122439
My boyfriend is so fucking weird, he always gets horny when I'm minding my own business around the house. The other day I was in the kitchen making my lunch for work and he comes up to me and starts telling me how sexy I look and kissing my bellybutton. I mean, no doubt I'm now turned on, but I remembered he broke his hand earlier that day so he was in a lot of pain and waiting for the swelling to go down the next few days. I couldn't stop thinking "Oh god, if he tries to have sex right now while we're standing up, his hand's gonna hurt even worse." So I told him, "Baby, your hand is broken…" and he says to me, "Yeah, so? My dick ain't!"
Needless to say, we ended up having sex anyways and his hand started to hurt and he made the most ridiculous face, but he insisted we keep on going and said "Hey, keep making your lunch for work." I cannot believe him sometimes.
No. 122459
>>122428I expected this to be about breakthrough bleeding..but that took a whole other turn!
When I was 19 I had a fuck buddy twice my age and the day that he got all weirded out by a bit of breakthrough bleeding was the day I realised that twice my age doesn't equal mature..
No. 124681
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when i was 16 I was in an abusive relationship
here's some stories
>this dude is my first, just fyi
>we're gonna call him fucko
>so, before this i've never really even had a serious kiss with a dude
> we chill and watch nightmare before christmas, as a dude and his goth gf do
>starts getting touchy
>we're together and im comfortable
>starts hardcore frenching
>help idk what im doing
>groping happens
>wtf wtf uh??
Then we had dinner and I went home, kind of confused but not sure what to say.
It only gets worse from here.
>his mother is an idiot, but lets me stay overnight (sleeping in seperate areas)
>leaves us alone frequently
>he asks me to give him head
>i do
>we cuddle. im uncomfortable
this goes on for months.
>he asks for head
>he asks to titfuck me
>ad infinitum
>whole relationship is convincing me that nobody else could love me
>purposefully making me insecure so I'd say yes to him
>i actually turn him down for head and have kind of a meltdown
>he, surprisingly, comforts me
>when I'm no longer crying, pressures me into giving him head
He never reciprocated anything, acted grossed out by anything involving my body other than my boobs. He halfheartedly tried to rub my clit once, but I shimmied away bc I was on my period and he kept rubbing my labia.
I eventually got dumped after he cheated on me, while he was with the girl he cheated with. He also basically tried to gaslight me into thinking I never loved him.
Then he spread rumors about how I was abusive/a cunt.
For years after that I'd get to know people and they'd reveal they thought I'd be a bitch bc they had only heard of me through him. Befriended a few of his other exes who he also abused. Now we have a group chat.
No. 128459
I dated a bpd transgender guy (huge mistake) and could see red flags everywhere - love bombing and 'abandonment issues' - but stayed like the stupid idiot I was because I found him hot and charming. His whole identity was basically that he has sex and he constantly overcompensated by talking about how good he was in bed and acting really flirty all the time. I assumed he was being like those lesbians who brag about being good in bed but ACTUALLY are good and not like those men who flex but actually have no idea what they're doing, plus he had a high body count. I go on a few dates with him and needless to say I'm pumped to be fucked good by this absolute sex chad.
>his idea of foreplay is lightly making out for ~45 minutes (im bored the entire time)
>eventually i have to initiate sexual touch, i move his hands to my chest, he kind of squeezes then moves them away
>like an idiot i have to say "d-do you like touching breasts…?" and he's performatively-enthusiastically like "hell yeah!" and then he gingerly squeezes my breasts through my bra
>i take off my bra and he pokes my nipples with his index fingers
i give up on this
>move my hand down and start fingering him
>he makes the most exaggerated cum faces and seems to legitimately cum within 30 seconds of two fingered penetration
>ask him if he wants to touch me
>"i guess yeah"
>fingers me, but tries too hard to rub my gspot, ends up scratching his disgusting filthy nails against my vaginal walls
>humours him and lets him do it for a while
>take off his pants, eat him out, smegma everywhere, smell made me nearly vomit, matted pubes that i still found in my teeth for days after
>cums instantly again
>ask him if he wants to eat me out
>"no thanks"
>ok thats fine
>"so babe, that was intense right?"
>say "yeah that was great", leave
incredibly ashamed in the uber home, he never contacted me again. stings extra hard getting 'abandoned' by a bpdfag lmfao
No. 129526
>>128459 For fucks sake bitch, this isn't Twitter and you are anonymous. Stop referring to this gross mental bitch who gave you a shit experience and then ghosted you as "him". Cause it's pathetic.
Anyway, if her vagoo was dirty with smegma and she didn't even care to clean or trim it despite of wanting people to go down on her, then why the fuck didn't you stop and tell her that you couldn't bear the smell or you weren't feeling well or whatever?? Respect yourself a little. I really don't get people who force themselves to go along with shit like this.
No. 129664
Had a hookup with a sometimes-poly partner last winter and he has always been selfish in bed … Anyway, for the first time ever, he asked me about my sexual fantasies.
I was very pleasantly surprised, so I began to tell him one of my favorite ones that I'd been looking forward to enacting someday. Honestly, some basic roleplay shit …
I get 3 sentences in and he says, "Really? You actually fantasize about that? Naw, naw, listen, I've got a better one, OK here we go –"
>Launches into a detailed story about me fuckin' some girl we both used to know in college
>Knows 100% I'm not into girls
>KEPT ON TALKING as I went down on him
>KEPT ON TALKING ABOUT IT as we began fuckin'
>I tried to shush him but he's all like "No no no no just listen! It's hot! It's really hot!!"
>We fucked for like 20 minutes and I shit you not, he DID NOT SHUT UP the entire time
>Hey, did you get off, you got off, right?
This was the last time I talked to him. We'd been poly partners for about 11 years actually.
I started going to therapy couple years back and figured out I deserve better than people like this.
No. 129692
>>129668>>129669It only goes one of two ways.
They beg for another chance to fuck you because they want to prove to themselves that they can give the good sex, and maybe prevent you from telling your friends and other potential laymates about the embarrassing first encounter.
Or two, they go into insecure little men mode and try to beat you to the punch by spreading rumors about what an uncooperative, lousy lay you were or nitpick your appearance to lessen the damage to their egos.
No. 131837
>>131829You're going to have serious problems in your future relationships if you put yourself through this. That shit follows you
I'm in my 30s and still fucked up by shitty sexual experiences I had at 19. Don't let this guy ruin sex for you
No. 131845
>>131829He's super selfish, the sad part is he likely carried on with his ways. You weren't spineless, you were just trying to be nice and most men would aren't pornsick cartoon watchers would have appreciated your effort.
>and he was sick tooI had some ugly bastard give me a cold once too for this reason, lied to me about being sick and I wound up having to spend big bucks going to an emergency care to get antibiotics when it got worse. I remember him being so non-chalant about it too, I should have slapped him so the assault I felt would have been even.
No. 282556
Oh god, this is the thread for me. I have a few short stories from my hookup days so buckle up:
>Guy who I had great sex with the first time, then the next we were watching a movie and I start to go down on him, and as I'm kissing down his stomach he says "om nom nom"
>Guy who, as we're about to have sex, holds his dick and says "alright, lets just put this in, shall we?"
>Go on a date with a guy, go back to his. This man is skinny and tiny with a big head
>We get to his bed and he pulls out a dick that resembles an enoki mushroom
>Starts trying to be aggressive and dommy but it's laughable given his whole body and size
>Hooks my mouth with his fingers while fucking me and says "Who's a dirty girl?"
>Try to say "I am" but it comes out almost tard-esque given my mouth was half open, drool and all
>Guy who had the smallest penis I'd ever seen, he started to fondle me while my friend was asleep on the couch next to us.
>I ask "is it in?"
>It was
>He pulls out at one point and the condom is still inside of me
>Saddest was probably the guy who was sweaty, chubby and had the cheesiest smelling dick, we had pathetic floppy morning sex where I was on top the whole time, it could barely stay hard.
>Girl who gave me the most lacklustre head of my life for 30 seconds in a bathroom at a party and then came up and says "call me when you can't find a man who can satisfy you" and walks out
And the grand finale:
>At a party
>Start chatting to this girl with bright rainbow hair
>her ex is there but they're friends still
>She starts feeling me up, probably to make her ex jealous but I was drunk and didn't care
>Takes me to the bedroom
>we start hooking up, she pulls my pants down
>I'm wearing a giant maxi pad and tell her I have a heavy flow
>"I don't care"
>She dives in like there's no tomorrow
>I'm embarrassed and grossed out
(I don't mind having sex on my period but it was genuinely a war zone down there)
>She comes up to kiss me with blood all over her face
>I nope the fuck out and tell her I need to clean up
>Come back into the room a few minutes later to check on her
>She starts crying to me about her (male) friend she's in love with but he's gay.
>Attempt to console her but she's all over the place
>Tell her to rest a bit because she's clearly plastered and I'd come back in a bit to check on her again
>Come back 5 minutes later and she's with her ex (female), in bed, hooking up, telling each other how much they love each other
>Literally just go home at this point.
Those are all I can think of, I'm well past that phase of my life thank god, but my did it come with it some stories.
No. 282562
>>282560I'm so sorry you had such shitty experiences but your post made me laugh so hard
No. 282589
>>282584looks like he has trouble staying hard. Could be from porn or deathgripping his dick.. or both. It's not you
nonny. Guys should have no issue getting and staying hard when they have sex with someone.
No. 282605
>19, meets a guy off Tinder
>20, long hair, thrifted clothes, claims to be in nyc punk music scene
>asks him jokingly on first date if he has any weird fetishes
>”yeah but I think it’s too early to discuss that”
>ends up still dating him despite the glaring red flags because I’m curious about this guy
>turns out he’s a porn sick freak with scat fetish, humiliation kink, piss kink… you get the gist
>he wants me to dom and degrade him during sex
>I’ve only really had vanilla sex up to this point and my knowledge of bdsm and weird sex stuff goes only as far as knowing they exist
>”y-yeah you like that you shit eating pathetic bitch?”
>I keep bursting into awkward laughter because I don’t really know what to say and this whole situation is just so bizarre and uncomfortable
>plus it was genuinely funny in a fucked up way when he would loudly moan out shit like “OH MISTRESS SHIT ON MY CHEST”
>dude’s a fucking bottom, he’d do about sloppy 10 humps on a missionary and ask me to go on top
>he insists on getting me off, goes into his pile of dirty trash and pulls out a dildo
>it’s a vibrating dildo with bullet vibrator inside
>he takes out the vibrator and tries to use it on me right there
>no fucking way, I make him go wash it in the bathroom
>surprisingly I orgasm pretty fast, I’ve never used a vibrator before
>he finishes himself off with death grip on his cock moaning out some shit about how hot it is he’s so pathetic he can’t get me off with his small dick while a vibrator can
>he jerks himself off couple more times, beating his dick so hard his face would turn red and looks to be in pain
>wow, I really slept with this subhuman
>continue this cycle of bad sex for a while
>I tell him I don’t want to have sex all the time and I find it hard to get aroused given the circumstances but he doesn’t give a fuck and constantly nags me to have sex with him
>does nothing but furiously beat his dick while next to me if I refuse
>fast forward one month of dating
>he asks me to suck him off in the woods and I comply
>ends up throwing up mid blowjob due to his body odor from lack of hygiene
>turns out puke was one of the few things he’s grossed out by
>we break up
No. 282653
>be me, 18, extremely bored
>decide to start seeing this nerd i met at a smash bros tournament
>he's a little pipsqueak, even shorter than me (i'm 5'2"), looks kind of like eddie redmayne if he squirted hairgel all over his head
>autistically obsessed with jojos bizarre adventure, even more than i was at the time
>he tries to make his hair look like josuke's, and even tries to make me call him that
>kissing him was the worst bc he had no experience, but i was bored and he could do a good voice impression of jotaro that was hot if i closed my eyes and pretended he wasnt there so i thought "whatever".
>tells me he loves me after kissing me once, i just nervous laugh
>try to initiate sex, he gets so scared when i try to suck his dick that he has a mental breakdown and cries
>leave, send him a text saying i dont want to see him again, and block him on everything
i wonder what hes up to these days. i hope he came out of the closet kek
No. 282690
>>282556>Saddest was probably the guy who was sweaty, chubby and had the cheesiest smelling dickWhy would you agree to sex with this?
>Girl who gave me the most lacklustre head of my life for 30 seconds in a bathroom at a party and then came up and says "call me when you can't find a man who can satisfy you" and walks outKEK
No. 282721
>>282718It was a lot more
cucked tolerant of scrotes and those sympathetic to them back in the day. Still has issues these days but not all changes are bad.
No. 282796
>>282556>Girl who gave me the most lacklustre head of my life for 30 seconds in a bathroom at a party and then came up and says "call me when you can't find a man who can satisfy you" and walks outAbsolutely loving the misplaced confidence of this woman, kek. While I'm here I may as well add my own tale of woe so here goes:
>in rehab for heroin addiction>heroin kills your sex drive so when you come off it you tend to get a surge of horniness>feeling this BIG TIME in rehab>my only option was this purple here kweerio in polyamorous relationship>one night we're sitting in the library, she's been flirting for the past few days and she's starting to up the ante>puts her hand on my leg, starts to chat me up>know this is a bad idea but I'm too horny to stop my stupid mouth from saying encouraging things>figure she's gonna sneak me into her room later that night as there's CCTV in the library>NOPE she doesn't care and undoes my jeans and starts giving me a handjob>absolutely mortified at this point, but horniness once again beats logic>tell her to go slow and play it cool so it just looks like two people chatting>"oh I'll be slow, anon, I bet you can keep a girl going all night">I come no more than 20 seconds after she said that like the pathetic sex deprived junkie I was >realise I'm very obviously climaxing on CCTV and attempt to lower my head into the book I had been reading>completely fuck that up and headbutt the table>she unceremoniously wipes her hand on her jeans and leaves with a weirdly cheerful "nighty night, anon!">walk back to my room thinking maybe my sex drive should be repressed if I'm getting library handjobs from a walking kweerio memeI wish I could say that way my only sexual encounter with the woman but I did sneak into her room one night and had a slightly better experience. It was very unpassionate and an obvious means to an end and I did have to "accidently" knock a picture of her Mr. Potato Head looking bf on the floor with my foot but it would take a lot to be worse than our first encounter. I did actually meet her bf on visiting day, she introduced us kinda weirdly. She was like "honey… it's
anon" and then I saw him smirk and it dawned on me that she'd been telling him about us and I had just become Mr Potato Head's coom fodder. Let this be a lesson to all of you: NEVER fuck poly people.
No. 282986
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>>282940>>282953>>282961>>282981I'm not a native english speaker so I looked it up and it shocked me. I hope ops's husband didn't mean it that way
No. 283000
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>>282986Interesting. I've only ever heard it this way
>>282961 No. 283004
>>282988>quasi-rape>enablingI agree with
>>282989 that this story is weird, but what you said was weirder.
I agree though that women should feel able to end a sexual encounter at any point, even if it started consensually.
No. 283010
>>283004It is quasi-rape, are you a moid?
She let him use her like a masturbation device and he noticed she doesn't enjoy it anymore (>afterwards he asks me what was wrong because I was really into it at the start) yet he didn't stop.
The moment the woman doesn't enjoy the sexual encounter, she should walk away. It is psychologically damaging to be objectified.
No. 283034
>>282988It wasn't quasi-rape or anything close to it. He's my husband and I consented to sex with him. He did something stupid and insensitive without thinking about the consequences or how I would feel. He didn't force me or hurt me. If he ever did something like that I wouldn't stay married to him.
>>282989>Why was she so descriptive on the good sex part.I don't watch porn or read anything like that so I'm not aware that there's a special way that I need to write about sex. The point I was trying to get across was that it was good and I was enjoying it so I described why. I'm sorry you feel offended about a description of sex in a thread about bad sex.
No. 286254
>>286104kek, this
Even the two times I had sex with my then-boyfriend and his average dick, it hurt (especially the first time), but that might've just been the fact that I wasn't properly aroused and we didn't use lube
No. 286278
>>286020In general I'm not into seeking out larger than average dicks or even toys but then if I look back on the best night I've ever had.. it was the one night I was with a noticeably larger guy tbh. I couldn't do it often but once in a blue moon my body is up to it.
Could I date that guy and take that every night.. nope. I'll enjoy my memory of taking it once and leave it at that.
No. 286398
>>286104sometimes I wonder if women are only "supposed" to like super dongs because of porn. Like I can't imagine that being pleasurable all the time. I swear I'm not trying to be contrarian, but like, I was in a long term relationship with someone who had a huge dick and I could never cum. It physically hurt. Pardon my comparison, but it felt like his dick was touching my intestines. Why would anyone like that? Also the soreness that comes after. No amounts of lube or natural wetness could help it.
>>286278Fair enough.
No. 286414
I don't have a lot of experience despite being in my late twenties because i have a somewhat low libido and most scrotes are too shitty to get me aroused enough to get into my bed, so i don't know if my ex was really fucking bad or if he just wasn't made for me but everything about the way he had sex was repulsive and/or ridiculous to me. He was just so dumb and ignorant it was a non stop cringe show, i was always so turned off anytime he did something remotely sexual.
>touch my vagina, it's moist because it's a fucking vagina and like any other mucous membrane it's always going to be a little bit moist
>"oh you're so wet already" proceeds to try to penetrate me, i have to explain to him that i don't feel aroused and that he has to try harder than that
>him trying harder is him playing my labia like a retarded drugged out wanna-be DJ playing his turntable in the middle of a trashy rave party
>shit goes on for 30min if i don't say anything to stop him, i figured if i didn't open my mouth my vagina itself would start talking to make it stop
He was also the most repulsive blend of too dominant and pornsick and too feminine and weak, the worst of both worlds. Everything was so random and a mess like he couldn't decide who the fuck he was supposed to be. Because he was a misogynistic fuck he wanted to dominate (going as far as talking about sodomy all the time like the pornsick piece of shit he was, also telling me that it would "put me in my place"), but at the same time he was such a faggot that everything about him was disgusting to me because he always looked like a caricature of an anime girl in hentai. And you basically never knew what you'd get with him, his pornsick dominant side or the true faggot he really is, like we would make out gently and suddenly he would grab me by my hair and push my head down to his crouch. What the hell? And a second later he would say sorry because he knew i hated that. He wanted to act all tough but he would moan like a little bitch and roll his eyes back with his mouth open in the most feminine manner i couldn't take him seriously, just writing it i clearly remember his face and he looked like such a faggot i wanted to hit him lmao, his face would kill any desire i had. He was a failure at being a dom just as much as he was a failure at being gentle, it was terrible. Every move he made was feminine, like the way he would brush his hands on my body looked like the way a feminine woman moves, it's hard to explain with words i wish i could show you and you'd instantly get it.
Also he was so oblivious to it despite me always looking dissociated during sex. I would stare at the wall completely out of the act and he would end by saying "oh what have we done that was insane" lmaooo that too would make me so disgusted with him he was always such a theatrical drama queen like what do you mean what have we done? We just had sex bitch, and i enjoyed none of it. He would always say a variant of this it was so funny and cringe "what have we done, what are we doing right now" and dumb things like that. What do you mean you fucking moron? Like he would ask for a blowjob, i'd go down and he'd say "oh no what are you doing to me" all surprised. Lmaoooo i'm cracking up so much now because it's behind me but damn when i was in this relationship i was the saddest, most frustrated bitch because of this kind of cringe.
No. 286416
>>286401This. Pornsick males just end up needing extremes to get off. They need to see the biggest dick going into the smallest hole, they need to hear screaming, they need to imagine it hurts her or they need it to be in the hole that's not technically for sex and that makes for more pain. The body proportions need to be extreme, performance has to be over the top all while they're doing everything you can imagine to actually make sex into an unpleasant experience for the woman. Young guys watching this from a young age are permanently fucked in their perception of what sex should be like.
Spend 2 mins on r/smalldickproblems and you'll see them crying about an unattainable fantasy that they created themselves, one that women aren't the ones pushing. They talk about how every woman wants to be in pain from taking big dicks. Self-hating, woman-hating idiots do it to themselves and then cry about it.
No. 286428
>>286414>touch my vagina, it's moist because it's a fucking vagina and like any other mucous membrane it's always going to be a little bit moist>"oh you're so wet already" proceeds to try to penetrate me, i have to explain to him that i don't feel arousedCringing at how much I can relate to this. When I was younger I admittedly made some sexual choices I wouldnt make today. I was at the beginning of my sexual life and sleeping with men who are more experienced.. so they should know what they're doing right?…
Being the slightest bit wet is just everyday resting vagina. They'd make out like you're all totally lubed up and ready to go.
>You're so weeet!No, I'm really not
>You came so hard!No, I didn't. I was moaning because it had just started to feel good. I was starting, not finishing.
And they bragged about past partners having their world rocked by them. It's hard to give very frank feedback when you're younger (and when they already have a set narrative in their head that they're an amazing lover) They take your lack of complaints and just run wild with it. I found my voice along the way but its painful to look back on.
No. 286437
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this thread and the general cluelessness/pornsickness of men makes me afraid to date any of them.
No. 286463
>>286441I get off before the piv even starts because piv in itself is not gonna do it. I can't multitask and truly get into clit stim if piv is happening simultaneously. I need to lay back and concentrate on my own pleasure.
There's no prizes being handed out for managing to coom while the dick is inside you. Get off some other way if its easier.
No. 286495
>>286416>Spend 2 mins on r/smalldickproblems and you'll see them crying about an unattainable fantasy that they created themselves, one that women aren't the ones pushing. They talk about how every woman wants to be in pain from taking big dicks. Self-hating, woman-hating idiots do it to themselves and then cry about it.You said it perfectly. Women aren't the ones pushing for huge dicks, it's men who do that. Most women are perfectly happy with average and even smaller ones, but they act as if all women are size queens. Of course, they're all just making it up in their heads based off of sph porn.
>>286468I can orgasm from it, it's just a bit harder to get there. And even if I don't it still feels good.
No. 286627
>>286519this hurts to hear
yet 100% true smh
No. 286671
>>282584late bc havent been to this thread in a while. They are just trying way too much so they have trouble to relax and get shit done. I’ve since become impatient with this the second you see them beginning to sweat and huff from a few thrusts and try to make them relax, if that doesn’t work they have to bottom because otherwise it feels like a waste of time and is hard to watch kek. Dont need a struggling guy breathing in my ear and drying out my skin with his sweat that drips on me while he can’t get his shit together but wants to fuck anyway, I’ll be better off reading a book instead.
>>286632I don’t believe that either. afaik for many women it’s already physiologically harder to orgasm from penetrative sex than from clitoral stimulation due to how everythings built inside as
>>286483said. Fully agree with this
>>286640They just need to put some effort into it. I literally had to teach some guys that you don’t please a woman with simply putting your dick inside, the lazy fuckers. Idk a lot really seem to think insert dick>achieve orgasm because they are clueless or think dicks are magic
No. 286720
>>286640>>286671But that's just a cope you've told yourself to deal with PIV not being all that great on its own. Even if you think it's this sentimental act, the scrote you're with doesn't see it the same way unless he's your soulmate or something. With all the risks women have to go through to have PIV, it's just lame that the most women get from it is connection/emotions rather than mindblowing pleasure. You can feel connected in other ways and imo PIV is the cheapest form of connection because most men will stick their dicks in literally anything as long as it feels good. It doesn't mean anything. Meanwhile, a man who goes out of his way to please you and learn your body without PIV or the expectation of it is way more emotionally connected.
Also, I'm not trying to say that women can't enjoy PIV, but for most women, the small amount of enjoyment doesn't outweigh the huge risks.
No. 286731
>>286720>You can feel connected in other ways and imo PIV is the cheapest form of connection because most men will stick their dicks in literally anything as long as it feels good. ata, I agree with you and kek this shows so much during sex. This is why PIV sex often sucks so much because youre right; its rare to find a really good partner for that and the sensibility that the vast majority of men have regarding this topic is so abysmal that it may not even be worth it to take the risk for many. Its weird even to me when PIV gets hailed as the holy grail of sex when its just hard to get it right in reality and hurtful for some women to the point that they can’t get any pleasure from it at all due to various reasons. A friend of mine got pressured by her shit ex boyfriend into having PIV sex with her even if she said it hurt her just for his sake because he suffers soooo much when he can’t stick his stupid dick in her and it absolutely sucks that this is so common. Guess what that asshole didnt even get the idea to please her in other ways but instead complained about a lack of sex. now I get mad from remembering this.
>>286709It’s so interesting! I’ve heard that the clitoris contains vastly more nerves than the male equivalent which is neat. I don’t know if it’s similar for others, but for me it seems easier to orgasm during PIV when I havent had external clitoral stimulation in a while. It feels to me as if the nerves get more used to the pleasure coming from stimulating a certain spot, and then sort of “expect’ to be stimulated in the same spot for it to work. I mean the body does memorize such things and nerves can gets desensitized or sensitized this way iirc?
No. 286765
>>286731It’s the largest nervous system in the human body and we didn’t know it existed until 2020. As far as we know it’s just for female pleasure and our reproductive organs. It’s from the abdomen to the top of the knee! That’s could make sense if it’s habit for you. Muscles can train to have muscle memory. It can be harder to orgasm in ways you haven’t before or don’t often. The muscles may be more prone to cramp. Women are also more often than men the
victim of “blue balls” so maybe it’s too much sensation?
When you get aroused your erectile tissue around the clit swells allowing they’re to be a “bump”. The erectile tissue near the clit is as far as we know the only tissue like that in the human body. Which is why without knowing how the nervous system worked we had no idea how female pleasure worked. I hope they continue to study it tbh.
No. 287138
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oh man, this is my time to shine, i’ve had so much laughably bad sex
>be me, 19, newly single and terminally horny
>meet a cute boy on tinder, go out on a coffee date
>he seems normal and funny, things are going well, he’s a little bit ugly but in a way that i’m into
>he says “you wanna come meet my friends on campus?”
>oh boy i’d love to, what a treat
>go smoke a cigarette with some other degen freshman, it’s perfectly pleasant
>”hey anon u wanna go up to my dorm ;)))”
>yes of course i do, lead the way
>he gives me a brief tour of his dorm, then puts on mac demarco’s salad days on his record player
>on a scale from one to ten i’m niagara falls
>he suggests we climb up into his lofted bed to make out
>follow him up ladder, immediately bonk head on the ceiling, pretend it didn’t happen
>we get into it, eventually we’re on the cusp of banging
>(this is the second person i have ever had sex with in my life at this point)
>”hey man do you have a condom”
>winks at me, “i’m soooo good at pulling out”
>”i do not believe you”
>we argue, he frowns and then climbs down the ladder to get a condom, defeated
>he gets his dick out to put the condom on
>it’s half-mast at best
>tries to mush his vyvanse boner into the condom, miraculously succeeds
>cannot find my vagina
>trying desperately to put it in me to little sucess
>”let’s try a different position, come sit on my lap”
>he climbs down and sits in his fuzzy bucket seat
>sit up, smash my head into the ceiling again, continue to pretend that it has not happened
>the situation does not improve in the fuzzy bucket seat
>at this point my vaginal walls resemble the unfrosted side of a frosted mini wheat
>we get back into bed
>hit my head again on the way up
>certain he has noticed at this point, still do not address it
>he goes down on me for a while
>it’s like a bulldog eating oatmeal
>eventually we actually start to fuck, through god’s grace alone i assume
>it’s bad
>of course it’s bad
>lay there and accept that this is mediocre but it’s cool to be having sex
>…well okay now i’m bored
>try to get off mr. bones sedate ride
>”do you want me to just suck your dick?”
>”aw hell yeah”
>i sit up, absolutely demolishing my head on the ceiling for the fourth and final time
>i have CTE at this point, i have a permanent TBI, i’m going to annihilate my whole family i’m certain
>i look down and i don’t see any condom anywhere
>fearing for the worst, i then quickly realize
>it is inside of me
>i gracefully fish the condom out of my vagina and toss it over the side of the bed, trying so hard to still be sexy
>go down on him, it feels and tastes like i’m sucking on a bald, deflated bike tire from the condom
>i’m doing my best down here and about to self-diagnose myself with TMJ when suddenly he goes
>”did you cum”
>my eyes widen, i cannot stop myself
>”no of COURSE i didn’t cum, when would that have happened???”
>he says
>”oh, i did”
>”when we were banging lol obviously”
>he wants to cuddle, i relent, fully shell shocked at this point
>all i can think about is how truly thrilled i am to tell all of my friends about this endeavor later
>eventually we part ways, and i can never listen to salad days again
the best part is that i kept sleeping with him “””as a bit””” for a truly humiliating amount of time with absolutely no improvement, (in fact i would argue he somehow got worse at sex while we were hooking up) before finding out years later that he told everyone we never had sex
live laugh love, ladies
No. 287208
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>dating guy
>first few weeks go fine
>sex is decent, not amazing but acceptable
>want to see if the sex can be improved
>tell him not to be ashamed of fetishes, I am open to anything
>these are words I will come to regret deeply
>he says he will 'think about it'
>few days later a package arrives in the post
>he says he'd like to open it in front of me
>it is a small glass habitat, the kind of thing you'd keep insects or small lizards in
>as well as a lot of face paint
>I don't understand
>he says he has a 'reptilian' fetish
>he'd like to get a blowjob from me, with my head inside the habitat and me painted like a lizard
>I don't want to say no as it is my fault
>few days later, i try my best to paint myself like a lizard, which he sent me the picture of (pic related)
>he builts the habitat and cuts a hole in the back
>i uncomfortably kneel and stick head through hole
>he instantly gets hard, and puts willy in mouth
>i try to do a good job sucking
>he is moaning and starts saying things like "YEAH USE THAT FORKED TONGUE, BITE MY COCK YOU LITTLE DEFENSIVE LIZARD"
>cums in like 30 seconds too
>broke up weeks after this
No. 287293
>>287208anon what the fuck
>>287220same but I guess this shit is more common than one might think thanks to the widespread culture of sexualizing literally everything
No. 287399
>>287370Would like to add onto this by saying he didn't bring condoms because I said I was just gonna blow him. We fool around for a bit and he fingers me a little so I'm like fuck it lets go all the way. He said he'll get condoms once his boner goes down and says since I'm a virgin we should just slip it in and see how it feels. Ik hes clean so I let him and we experiment with a few positions and he's like "oh shit i almost came" and he leaves to get condoms. Once he takes me home I'm paranoid as fuck about getting pregnant off his pre so I walk 2 miles to get generic Plan B because I can't stop going crazy with paranoia.
this happened recently. pray for better life decisions for me nonnas
No. 287450
>>287045oh boy here we go
(i used to go to an university in a different country than where i am from but would go back to visit fam and friends at least once a year)
>was hooking up with this guy during those years, every single time i visited, kissing nonstop and some fondling, never sex because somehow I was too shy and I liked him way too much. > again, this was this way for YEARS>last time back in home country, i knew i wasn't going to be back in a lonnggg time so I decided it was now or never> obviously dude was happy as fuck, took me out to lunch, dinner and everything, even rented a hotel room lmao> got too drunk during dinner, cant remember sex at ALL, probably acted sloppy as hell. a total mess.It's been more than ten years and I cringe HARD every single time I think about this nonnas. Will I ever get over it? The next morning was awkward as fuck btw, I don't even know if he remembers a lot too (but I don't think he got as drunk as me tho)
No. 287573
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>>287138Why does this sound like my ex ugh. He acted very similar except he literally physically could not ejaculate and for some reason started gagging and running to spit in the sink the two times I managed to convince him to eat me out. I'm hygienic and other people have eaten me out since with no problem so idk what was up with that. He nitpicked the shit out of my body too
No. 292164
>>292162It depends on the guy and his diet and if he smokes or not. It's honestly kind of different every day depending on what he ate. I make sure to feed my bf plenty of fruit and veggies and his cum is very neutral tasting, sometimes even sweet. But if he gets to pick his own food and eats a lot of meat/fast food it gets more gross tasting and salty/bitter.
I just let him cum more in the back of my mouth and not directly on my tongue so I don't usually taste very much of it. You can just bypass your tongue and tastebuds and immediately swallow it, that way you don't have to taste it and scrotes love it.
No. 299663
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unsure in which thread to post this but I hate it when people think kissing is supposed to be aggressively sticking out and swirling your tongue while drooling everywhere its so fuckign disgusting wtf. Its kinda funny how often you see this replicated in fanart too because it tells you that the person who made it likely never kissed anyone. Not that theres anything wrong with being a kissless virgin but. legit had guys who went like ‘I thought it was supposed to work like this’ When I was like wtf man STOP what are you doing
No. 299674
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>>299663the worst is when their lips feel kind of flabby and they're just slicked up from all the saliva so it feels like you're making out with a fucking shoggoth
No. 299675
>>299663Bad kissers are so sad and embarrassing. The one you described is nasty but my personal top is what I call The Slug. I've encountered this two times already so it must be at least somehow common. It's when he almost sucks both of my lips into his mouth?? and it's all soft and drooly. I don't even know how to describe it and I don't want to anymore, it legit gives me nightmares.
>>299674Yes, this!
No. 299787
>>299786oh and another story since one of the posts reminded me, the guy that i mentioned once said i squirted once when i was having the most boring, empty sex with him. i definitely did not but at that point the relationship was dead and i was on the verge of ending things (thankfully did at the 10 or 11 month mark). i rolled my eyes so hard in the fucking dark it was ridiculous. we had a lot of sex so it's inexcusable.
another guy i dated who was a dick:
>was eating me out and he said i squirted right on his tongue. it was piss motherfucker. im pretty proud of that since he bragged about sex with me to his friends.>he was on ssris and couldn't stay hard. i didn't really care much and never berated him for it or anything since it wasn't his fault but he would sperg out and punch the bed. he also imitated a youtuber once to make fun of his floppy weiner and it was just awkward but way better than him punching shit. No. 300247
>>300215darling, this is so fucked up. do not let this slide. drunk or sober your boundaries were violated. you complained and he didn't stop. does he have issues drinking?
and on the topic of blood, it most likely is a vaginal tear. they're more likely to occur if you aren't relaxed/lubricated during intercourse. sometimes you just bleed a little and you won't feel anything, other times you develop persisting soreness for a few days or only during intercourse. your vagina is an incredible, resilient muscle so most likely it won't be an issue. i hope everything goes well nonna, we love you
No. 300291
>>300286nonny keep in mind that this is the type of issue that communication doesn't smooth over because it's indicative of some intrinsic issue on his part that can't be correct with outside interference.
and saying "no" or not isn't the decider of whether or not something was a violation–this is the ABCs of sexual assault.
"It's hurting!" "I'm dry!" If I heard someone say that, I'd be scared and would stop. He didn't care about consent in that moment. He was just using your body annnnd he probably would do it again when drunk.
I expect you'll stay with him but yeah,
No. 317026
But fr the worst feeling in the world is a guy hovering over you jerking off. It just feels so damn depressing
No. 317112
>>317109Even in relationships it's bad. I don't want to fuck right away but if I wait until I'm in a relationship, it's still bad and it just makes breaking up even more awkward.
There's just no point. It's so easy and so good when I'm just getting myself off. With men it's a fucking traumatising disgusting ordeal.
No. 317113
>>317109Even in relationships it's bad. I don't want to fuck right away but if I wait until I'm in a relationship, it's still bad and it just makes breaking up even more awkward.
There's just no point. It's so easy and so good when I'm just getting myself off. With men it's a fucking traumatising disgusting ordeal.
No. 317133
>>317111For sure. Besides I would hope if you were having intimate sex with someone, you would be sharing intimacy in other aspects as well.
>>317113Sounds like irl moids might not be for your my friend
No. 346025
>>322920I used to be the same way, I think the mental block makes it more painful and worse even with all the lube in the world.
Do you feel comfortable in your body?
Is the person you are having sex with someone you actually like?
In time it gets better, but like other anon said, you have to be vocal about what works for you. Let him know that you need time to get past the few first painful thrusts and to go slowly and maybe spend more time in foreplay.
Penetrative sex can be good with the right mindset, person and position. If not, it can be painful.
I enjoy positioning from the side and he enters from behind slowly. Along with lots of foreplay before. Find what’s right for you and tell him, I’m sure he will be understanding if you are upfront about it.
(reddit spacing) No. 388362
iv'e had sex with 3 men, never came. the scrote who took my virginity was old and obese (totally agree with nona who said fucking fat moids is self harm), it was a ldr and our first irl interaction was him coming to my rented room, pitch dark (upon his request, cause he was insecure about his body) basically just to deflower me. it was bleak nonas. at least it frustrated him a lot that i didn't come once in 2 years, he boasted about giving crazy head but i don't like it at all (it's somewhat painful for me)
next one was a moid i met at the psych ward. younger than me, but even uglier than the previous one and also fat and balding.
third one was my only one nighter, from tinder, a couple years ago. it was honestly humiliating. he treated me to kebab and we went to his tiny hotel room. i had my period, and didn't really want sex but it was very late and i had no other means of getting back home than his car, so i felt like i had to please him before asking for a ride, yikes.
he wasn't fat or that ugly but also balding. he went "well, since you're on your period and i can't give you head, it's your turn" after fucking my mouth he penetrated me and demanded that i keep eye contact with him. i was dissociating the whole ride home
No. 388865
Had an ex boyfriend I lived with briefly at 19 and him 23. I genuinely felt a connection with him and was eager to initiate sex but he would often turn attention away from his dick. He would touch me, take my clothes off, and eat me out. While he did it he would look up at me with serious puppy dog eyes, almost like tears welling up. It was so distracting and uncomfortable I cant even remember if it felt good or not. One day I finally got sick of doing the eating out routine that I insisted that we do more. He said okay and I started trying to jerk his dick, it would not get hard at all. I tried sucking his dick and it was literally like sucking jello out of a cup, completely flaccid. After a couple times like this I was convinced this man was either terrified of sex or pornsick. We talked about it and he only could say he did not know why he couldn’t get hard and gave no other context. One day, after a couple of months he was feeling really into me and asked if we could finally try penetration. He whipped it out, and it was half-chubbed. He put a condom on and tried to penetrate me but it went flaccid again, it was comical like trying to put a slinky in a hole. After that, he did the sad eyes eat out thing and by that point I was the most turned off I had ever been. After that he would choke his soft dick until he came, then he would get a splitting headache immediately after. I asked him so many times to ask a doctor about this and he always said no he was too scared that something was seriously wrong with him. I could only deal for 3 months before we broke up. Never really knew what was wrong, I’m assuming ED, but I never really took hard dick for granted after.
No. 388916
>>388865Holy fuck I could have written this about my ex husband. He ended up hiding a huge porn addiction. Had this issue with every woman. He is so porn sick that he couldn’t see himself as a participant in penetrative sex or even anything to do with his dick. It was awful. It made me feel SOOOOO undesired even though he would always be up for giving me oral. It was also really pathetic too. So gross that he broke himself with porn to the point of breaking his simple purpose as a male; having a working cock. I was with him for 6 years and he had 0 orgasms from oral sex or handjobs. It was almost like his dick was one of those prosthetics that transmen wear. It’s like he had a packer for a cock. He only orgasmed from PIV 2 times and that’s when our internet was down for a long time. He closed his eyes the entire time too like he was trying to dissociate. He also tried to hide taking viagra from me BUT THAT DIDNT EVEN GET HIS DICK HARD. His cock would shrink and turn to jelly like you described almost like it was trying to hide inside his body out of shame or fear?!? I don’t know how he lives with the humiliation. Those same puppy dog eyes ugh so disgusting. I’m sorry you suffered the same experience I feel like it’s a uniquely fucked up and uncomfortable one that the English language cannot properly describe. I kinda wonder if we are taking about the same guy it just feels so familiar. His dick only worked for porn it would be hard instantly. He was also a voyeur and wanted me to hook up with girls while he watched through a camera ( i didn’t do this!).
My current husband gets hard from kissing me and never loses the hard on. He stays so hard that I’m able to orgasm from PIV. He looks at me during sex and says he loves me ect. We have sex multiple times a week and it’s very vanilla and more than enough for him. He has ocd so will only go down on me under certain circumstances but after the puppy dog eyed ex IDC because of how humiliating the act became for me. I have no idea how I deprived myself of a normal sex life for so long. I’m glad you got out of it and didn’t waste years. Don’t waste time with porn addicted brain and dick broken moids for all those who are reading this.
No. 388953
>>388943I don't know the exact reason but my bf is like that sometimes, unable to orgasm from oral. My bf says that it's really easy for his dick to become tender with the saliva and then being jerked.
But I literally cannot orgasm from oral either so I don't really care if he can't.
No. 389255
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>twinky, actually nice to be around
>crush on him
>start hanging out at his house
>both get shitfaced and stoned
>he politely asks if i want to hook up
>say i wanna cuddle him
>big spoon him on the sofa
>dick smell starts getting aggresive, ew
>kisses me while saying stupid shit like "i'll take care of you" with puppy face
>chokes me, saying "you like to suffer, huh?"
>atp i wanna leave
>somehow agree to a "massage" in his bedroom
>he oils up my ass
>takes off cap (ew)
>whips dick out
>i reject him
>his face when
No. 389256
>>388964Circumcision is fucked. I don’t know why it’s so normalised in some parts of the world. In UK the only cut men are the religious minorities. As if men need any
more reasons to have psychological problems? Sure it’s not as bad as FGM but it needs to stop. Don’t they do it to literal babies as well?
No. 389641
>>389604What are you talking about
nonnie? From what I have experienced it's the complete opposite. Which healthy and well adjusted male does not want to make his partner feel good. Also I feel like the ones who don't want to do it are mainly the ones who have a problem with their own sexuality or are assholes who don't want to give pleasure to their partner
No. 389703
>>389668>>389668Ntayrt obviously but I concur. I cannot imagine having PIV sex without getting eaten out to completion first unless I’m on my period. Pussy tastes good and is like immaculately clean compared to a penis and balls given male hygiene habits. If a man doesn’t wanna go near your vagina then he’s either asexual or gay.
Kinda random but apparently there’s a number of women who suck their moid’s nasty sweaty balls. I don’t care if your moid “showered” beforehand, it’s a humid area of the body like an armpit. I know a number of these women who do such a degrading thing don’t even get eaten out because one of my exes told me about like two of his gfs who hated receiving oral but would suck his balls. Sucking a ballsack is among one of the most degrading things I can think of, it’s up there with licking a moid’s butthole.
No. 390991
I dated a fat moid who blew up to 350 lbs during the course of the relationship. He was circumcised and it ruined the sensitivity of his penis, so he was really weird about "hitting" certain parts, and after we had sex he would often immediately talk about how it "rubbed the good part", which I found incredibly strange and selfish. His idea of initiating sex was walking into the living room butt naked and pointing at his flaccid penis. He decided to grow a disgusting beard and it kept irritating my pussy, which I told him about several times, but somehow he didn't take the hint to SHAVE. He would complain when it took me a long time to cum from oral sex, but the reason why was always because he did it poorly until the very end, and didn't listen to my clear instructions. When he looked up at me while licking me his eyes looked really ugly and creepy lol. I have a foot fetish but couldn't do shit with his feet because he seldom cut his toenails and always had dirty soles at home. So fucking disgusting. One time I was giving him head and I stopped after 20 seconds because his groin smelled rotten. He had some kind of rash caused by being disgustingly obese, and when I told him, he didn't take it seriously. He's the only man I've ever had to use lube with because I never truly felt aroused around him. He kept saying that he was good at sex, when it was painfully obvious that he was subpar. He didn't act like he appreciated my body enough even though I'm significantly more attractive than him. Don't date fat or ugly moids, they will use you like a trophy in public and then try to destroy your self esteem behind closed doors.
Another guy I dated was great at sex but had multiple weird fetishes and sent me cringey voice messages where he spoke about being kicked in the balls etc. in a baby voice. There was another guy I briefly dated who would sit in his desk chair naked after sex and his flaccid penis "melted" into his ballsack, it looked so god damn funny. One time he asked if he could give me head, and said, "trust me, I really like doing this," and proceeded to give me the most mediocre head ever and didn't even come close to making me cum. He had sleep apnea because of his recessed jaw which he hid under a beard, and it felt like I was laying next to a dying person when I slept over, because of the sound of his CPAP machine.
When I was a teenager a 27 year old sociopath with erectile dysfunction who groomed me gave me head and it caused a yeast infection.
The absolute worst experience was being raped, the rapist getting into the shower with me afterwards because I was visibly shaking due to the traumatic event, and telling me he was falling in love with me.
No. 391001
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>>390991girl are you ok? I'm worried about you
No. 397708
Bad sex was genuinely one of the reasons I got divorced. I tried explaining what I wanted, being all sexy and fun about it, but it was like talking to a wall. Eventually changed tactics and got more stern, like, "You're not going to fucking get laid if you don't pay attention to what I want."
The only way he ever tried to initiate sex was pulling out his boner and shaking it at me with his hand. He would always come up behind me when I was busy doing something else, like dishes, and try to pull my pants down, boner in hand. I got furious at him so many times for that and had to push him away.
He wouldn't even agree to like, ten minutes of kissing, sexy massage, basic dirty talk, or anything remotely fun or flirty to prelude sex. That was too much to ask. Also, his porn of choice was "lesbians" doing anal stuff. Gross af. Anyway, tale as old as time. You can't teach a porn-addled moid to be interested in your pleasure. If he doesn't listen the first time, fucking leave.
No. 398279
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>newly single after 3yr relationship
>horny and lonely
>meet new guy
>start situationship with him
>occasional sex, kisses and cuddles
>he is generally cool but awkwardly keeps me a secret at the same time as he wants to do bf gf stuff
>one day in bed
>we start making out
>he starts fingering me
>he's using so much force that he's basically LIFTING ME UP as if I'm a bowling ball
>I tell him to chill out and that it hurts
>he slows down but doesn't stop trying to claw his way through my vaginal wall
>I tell him to stop
>I reach to get a condom so that we can just fuck instead
>''but anon, it doesn't feel good when I wear one..''
>''either you stop whining or you gotta stop fucking me''
>he shuts up
>have rough, mediocre, sex
>wake up next morning
>sore for the next week
Is it worth it nonnas. I just crave human contact and can't find anyone else
No. 414901
>>414890This unlocked a very old memory I tried to forget kek. I was flirting with this guy for awhile. He lived a bit far away so it was mostly texting for a few months. He also catfished me with dick picks. I thought it was a decent size, not huge but at least on the higher end of average. We finally meet up and have some drinks. Neither of us are drunk, maybe a little toasty from a few drinks over the course of a few hours. We get to the hotel room, make out, he starts to finger me, I go to touch him and I’m fumbling around trying to find his dick. He pulls his boxers down and it was like a finger with the smallest pair of balls I’ve ever seen. Literally three inches long and the girth of my finger. Instant disappointment. But I’m already here, and willing to test the “size doesn’t matter” theory. So I’m awkwardly jerking him (my hands felt so huge to me because he’s so small), then he turns me so I’m on all 4s. I’m like oh…ok. He spit In his hand and rubbed it on my asshole before inserting his tiny dick inside, thrusted for literally all of 5 seconds, came, and then plopped down onto the bed with a sigh of satisfaction. Didn’t even put on a condom. We had talked about anal before because my ex had convinced me to try it and then it was the only way he wanted to have sex from there on.
Not the worst encounter I ever had either.
No. 414913
>>414904A couple years ago I let an old roommate/turned acquaintance of mine take me out and spoil me. He is fairly well off and offered to do all these nice things for me like fancy dinner, shopping, etc. so I was like cool let’s do it.
Fast forward, we are having sex and he is having a difficult time staying hard. He’s probably 38 at this point? And I was 32? I’m old. Yes. Anyways, I kind of thought maybe it was an age thing since I hadn’t really gone out with men his age(I look a lot younger than I am so it was easy to hook up with younger men). It feels like an eternity of sucking him and trying to keep him erect. He looks at me dead in the eyes and asks “can you lick my ass?” And I was like “absolutely not”. Then he asks if I could put a finger in his ass and I say “nope. Not happening”. He ended up never cumming and that was that. He still texts me occasionally trying to hook up but I’ve gone totally celibate at this point.
No. 414973
Met a guy, have been dating for a few months. Sex in months 1 - 4 was great. He recently started to lose his erection on a regular basis, so I asked what was the deal, and he explained he likes to role play. The first time it was fine, I don't have a lot of experience but he wanted to rp some relatively sexy and not overly porny scenarios (for example, one of the things we have in common irl is that we were both competitive swimmers, and he wanted to rp that we banged in the locker room after practice). I honestly didn't think it was too crazy. At first. But now it's getting weird, he wanted me to pretend I was his stepmom and I walked in on him smoking weed and I sexually punish him. And similar to many anons in this thread, he recently tried to sneak the finger into the butt and I was like, nah.
I think he long-conned me. We are both over 30, and he is likely experienced enough to have learned he can't do pornbrained stuff right out of the gate. Now I actually have feelings for him at this point. Went from being incredibly horny at the thought of being alone with him, and now every time he asks to rp instead of just getting it on. Nonas I've dried tf up.
Why are they ALL like this? You think you find a good one and you're always wrong.
No. 415007
>>415002he could:
-wear a condom to dull sensation
-get you off first (for sure this one, I hope you're already doing this)
-keep going anyway it's not like men die once they come, tell this loser to get hard again
No. 415024
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is it normal if a cock tastes like sea water? I am unsure if all cocks taste like his but it almost made me puke, I finished doing it because I like him but giving blowjobs sucks (both literally and figuratively)
No. 415047
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>>415041No, I understand it's degrading but I can't do other things yet i'm still a virgin so I thought that sucking his pp would be alright for first night but it was meh (he wanted to do anal sex with me but I was scared because I read it hurts online and I didn't…prepare myself. So I thought " ok if I shit on his cock it's going to be super cringe I better NOT DO IT) so I prefer to suck his cock instead. Of course I did wholesome things too he didn't degrade me like a porn star but I do get your " it's only normal now because of porn " comment.
No. 415181
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I fucked an actual model. It wasn’t good
>be me on tinder
>not really planning on fucking half of these guys I’m just bored
>I match with a guy who’s native and wears feathers and shit he is verified and is crazy buff
>we go back and forth boring
>tell him he’s so hot i would let him creampie (I don’t think we’ll actually meet)
>he lives 60 miles away
>”hey anon I’m passing through ____, can I see you?”
>I get ready for the “date”
>he picks me up in a big ass truck
>we eat at dennys which is fine but kinda awkward
>he is not charming, in fact kind of awkward looks over at me a lot but doesn’t say anything
>im laughing a lot cause I’m nervous
>finally done
>in his car
>he’s like soooo
>just immediately kissed me sucking on my face like
>I reciprocate bc hot
>peels off my shirt like not even 50 seconds after we kiss and starts feeling me up
>his dick is a little bit small, it’s not ridiculous but it’s sort of disappointing
>suck it
> thankfully we do not rawdog it and he humps me like jammed in and no rhythm not really going out and in just in in in (you know what I mean?) missionary
>he cums in 1 minute
>offers me m&ms after
No. 415209
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>>415187I live by a bunch of them. Like it’s more than half the population in this city. He didn’t even have long hair, he had the kind of hair in picrel, (but brown)he is a model and he didn’t really seem to be actually into it, the sex was so lame, short thrusts that were too slow, we barely even kissed before it happened it just happened I think this guy is used to girls doing jumping jacks on the D because he’s so good looking.but yeah he did model with feathers and a headband and he’s famous on facebook
No. 416950
>>41685827 or 28 I think
>>416926Because I approached him/asked him to take me home and we hadn’t been flirting at all really
>>416940The shame will follow me forever
No. 425725
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once when i was riding my (now ex) bf his dick slipped out of my pussy and as i sat down i sat on it wrong so it went all the way into my ass in one go, no lube, it hurt so much and i cried so much from the pain and he just laughed and said it felt good
No. 425742
>>425731his dick was small but it still hurt so much, i doubt it would’ve gone in like that if he’d been average sized
my friend said he might’ve done it on purpose, i hadn’t even considered that
No. 425799
>>425731If it’s wet enough, you’re relaxed enough and he’s small enough, it’s definitely possible.
>>425725I’m sorry nona, I know how painful that is.
No. 425864
I've been celibate a few years now and cringe at all the bad sex I used to put up with out of low self esteem. Most of it was unnecessarily rough and aggressive, guys doing stuff I said I wasn't into because "You just haven't done it with
me yet", and one time a wanna be daddy-dom manlet ex decided he wanted to explore DDLG roleplay
>>425725>he just laughed and said it felt goodI know the easy answer is that guys just lack empathy, but for real why does harm get them off? I had a stereotypical "golden retriever" fling who tried spontaneous anal
and ended up drawing blood, was meek and quiet when I chewed him out, but then days later admitted the whole time he was congratulating himself for having a big dick (he didn't).
No. 425885
>>425725>bf laughs at the sexual pain he "accidentally" inflicted on the person he supposedly lovesfirst of all his dick must have been ant-sized.
secondly if i as much as make a concerned face during sex my bf stops to make sure i'm ok and asks if he should stop or change, your ex is a psychopath
nonnie. vaginas are literally made for enjoyable sex for women, any man who is into ass instead is unironically gay because anal sex being enjoyable via the prostate is a male only thing. men like your bf have a secret desire to fuck and get fucked by other men, which they of course would never admit. i bet your bf was openly homophobic too, they always are yet they wanna fuck asses…
No. 454329
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was going to take this to my grave but
> be 17 year old virgin dating another 17 year old virgin
> i let him finger me
> he gets an icky look on his face and says “you feel weird inside”
> offended
> pulls up my pants and chews him out for insulting my pussy
> goes to the bathroom
> wait wtf ive had post-period brown discharge for like a week now, thats not normal
> realization
> oh my fucking god theres an old tampon inside me
> fishes it out somehow (i almost couldn't reach it)
> remembers toxic shock syndrome and starts googling symptoms
> google tells me im going to die
> convinces myself the headache i have is a symptom
> starts getting nauseous
> almost blacks out
> sweating uncontrollably
> “mom i need to go to hospital”
> doc says i look like im about to pass out and i get wheelchaired to a hospital room
> nurse gives me drugs to “calm me down”
> wakes up in my bedroom the next day
turns out i didnt have toxic shock syndrome i was just having a panic attack because i thought i had toxic shock syndrome along with being mortified that my new bf touched my gross tampon.
ik this is less about the “sex” and more about the aftermath but i just had to post
No. 454334
>>454329My deepest condolences,
nonnie, I would possibly never recover.
No. 454433
>>454425>Is all sex with men this bad?! I only had once decent sex partner. He was cute af, fit, tall, big dick and knew how to use it. Everyone else was pretty terrible and it gets worse as you get older and try in your age range. Men in their late 30s early 40s can’t get as hard as men in their 20s.
>Are they really always sexually selfish and greedy as fuck?Yes and it’s why I’ve been celibate for years now.
No. 454482
>>454474You’re right. I was wayyyy too tolerant of a lot of shit i shouldn’t have been.
>>454433Was in my mid 20’s. That’s just depressing. I had much better experiences with women, never ever had anything remotely like this. It was my first time with a dude
No. 454650
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>>454557Any man, and I mean ANY man, who brings up squirting is a porn addict. Every single one. They don't understand how the female body works and they don't even care. Yeah, sure, some women "squirt," but 99.9999% of women cannot make it happen on command and it's literally piss but men think of it as some special secret female equivalent to semen. I honestly think it's gay of them. Men cannot psychologically handle women's lack of a penis (castration anxiety) and to compensate for our lack of a phallus they project it onto us by obsessing over symbolic equivalents such as squirting and call it "female ejaculation." The idea of an orgasm being "invisible" to them disturbs them so they have to jump through mental hoops to make us less scary so they can cum.
No. 463071
Was a naive libfem from ages 15-19 and thinking that having casual sex with rando guys was cool. I try to laugh about it now but it really wrecked my sexuality to this day. I'm glad I stopped that shit at around 15 guys because I ended up with like 2 nice lays. Worst thing is I always did my best and tried to be memorable to them out of ego and pickmeism even when I didn't like them that much.(maybe I already posted some itt but too lazy to check)
>guy 1 had questionable hygiene and a tiny dick
>saw each other again after a few months but he told me on the spot that he was back with his ex
>we did it in a park then on the hallway of his building on top of trashcans
>did anal and I almost didn't feel anything with how thin it was
>he then pretended to not know me in public bc I was in high school
>guy 2 was cute a few years back but already balding and drugs had wrecked his brain
>still hit, he was homeless so he slept in the studio apt of a 70yo woman >did it in the bed while she slept on the couch
>erased the actual sex from my memory bc the whole situation was too sordid
>all 3 of us then had breakfast together
>guy 3 had a tiny dick too and warned me beforehand
>very awkward and fake 'oh don't worry, size isn't important'
>proceeds to act all dominant with his thumb-dick, have to pretend to be into it
>at least he was kinda nice
>guy 4 was a friend who seemed like a niceguy
>huge sports win, decide to smash to celebrate
>we do it for less than 10min
>tells me "shut up" angrily everytime I make a noise, even though I'm not screaming or anything
>feels bad and I tense up
>he finishes and falls asleep immediatly
>stay 20min in his r/malelivingspace tier apt feeling empty before living
>guy 5 had to warn me like guy 3, but this time because his dick was bent
>'don't worry, idc'
>he unzips and it's almost a 90° angle to the left, wtf
>most positions are impossible, overall tedious sex
>asks me to put on a masquerade mask midway through for some reason
>atleast a cutie and spontaneously made me delicious crepes the next morning
>guy 6 had a bunch of psycho ex gf according to him
>he was the psycho and groomed me
>mid sex, very bad fingering game
>no lips so kissing him felt like kissing a grandpa
>moaned like a frog, turned me off everytime
>we stayed friends, one day he deadass asked me by text if he could be my best friend (he was 25)
>one night at a bar with friends he asked me to sleep at his place
>he spergs out and rages so hard he ends up screaming my full name on the streets calling me a slut
>guy 7 was a guy that had a brief stint on tv when I was 10 and i had a huge crush on him
>match on tinder, let's do it for my inner child
>still hot, come to his place
>netflix and chill (cringe)
>we already drank but he pulls out coke
>actual sex is nice but he needs a blow break every 5 min to keep it up
>asks me to lick his ass and I did it (why)
>at least it was clean
>already not into it anymore so pretend to fall asleep
>he wakes me up and pulls out a polaroid camera, asks me to take sexy pics
>he pulls out a stack of polaroid pics of various girls, basically his trophy pics
>thankfully was not dumb enough to accept but still worried to this day that he took pics while i was asleep
>guy 8 this one is not funny
>way older, not even that hot but brings me to nice restaurants
>broke student so i like it
>we did it at his, he's into dom shit but seems ok
>a ton of feminine products in his bathroom, he tells me that he still lives with his ex but they're totally not together anymore
>be for fucking real (i believed him att)
>made me eat his ass, at this point i thought it was normal and not a degen sign
>second time at my place
>during sex while i'm on my belly he slides his dick in my ass without any prep by surprise
>feels so fucking painful that i dissociate until he cums
>don't want to sound uncool and vanilla and annoying so i pretend like everything's fine and just send him home nicely
>huge empty pit in my stomach when i'm alone
>realize a few weeks later that i was assaulted
As much as some of it seems funny now it's also pathetic. Why was I going around licking random men's hairy assholes and acting as if their tiny dicks was enjoyable? Just to get some validation and feel like a liberated independant woman. Nonnies reading this, don't let moids hit before making sure they have what it takes, 95% of them do not deserve you and they should be the ones begging and making every efforts to please you.
No. 463210
>>463071I don’t think it was libfeminism, it is just you having shitty taste in men and not having a spine. At a certain point you have to take a bit of accountability nonna. Drug addicts, homeless, tiny dick, licking assholes, doing it in a parking lot….yeah you sound cheap.
Not counting the assault obviously.
No. 463241
>>463210As I said most of those stories happened 10+ years ago when I was a minor with way older men, so no I didn't have a spine at that age and in this setting. Obviously libfeminism was a cope at the time to justify seeking male validation because of my own issues, but I didn't realize it. I've spent years blaming myself for it, feeling disgusted with myself and I can joke about it now but it doesn't mean I don't take accountability. It's a cautionary tale with extreme examples. I know that I'm not a 100% a
victim, but knowing that the 30yo moids that took advantage of me as a teen or abused me will probably never feel a lick of embarassment of shame about it made me realize that I don't have to feel 'cheap' and ashamed all my life.
No. 463763
>>463650>>463752I feel like it was different tho. Like it had a different skanky aura about it kek. Idk. It seems like being a sex worker is more acceptable but not all sex workers have sex (ie, cam girls or only fan girls who just sell solo content). And having friends with benefits or “situationships” is different than banging a new Joe Schmoe every weekend. I could be totally wrong but that’s just how it seems to me. I’m from the slutty y2k era and can relate with what
>>463071 said
No. 464060
>>463071This is going to sound
victim-blamey but goddamn you people really need to speak up and hit the fucking dude or something. Normalize being
abusive towards these scrotes like do something then just forfeit your entire body to these losers.. fight for once in your hopeless lives
No. 464076
>>464060Nta but saying “no” or refusing men can be difficult. For me, I resisted a moid and was physically assaulted and ended up in the hospital. So saying no was extremely difficult after that. Being
abusive towards men is extremely stupid to suggest. If anything, just bail.
No. 464274
>>463071>don't let moids hit before making sure they have what it takesno fucking shit!
my mother was a crack whore madame heroin addict and I had no daddy and I still know this. How does this happen to ladies here who come from at least halfway normal homes? I will never not be shocked by it.
No. 464275
>>464274>how does this happen to girls who come from halfway normal homesLow self esteem and no proper older female mentor. You learned from seeing your mom/hookers fuck up (although usually girls will get the wrong message from being surrounded by that traumatic enviornment) I'm guessing she never really had anyone warn her about men.
Unironically having a platonic relationship with an older woman who force feeds them pinkpills about scrotes and misogynist society could actually do wonders for these girls.
No. 464357
>>464302Jerking off a moid and giving him exactly what he wants isn't you "directing the game." It's a neutral sexual act where you're making him feel good, there's no point in pretending like it gives you power in some way. And the most pathetic thing you can do is jerk off a moid while he gives you nothing in return.
>unironically posting Sex and the CityFucking kek.
No. 464383
>>464302>unironicallyI just assumed it was ironic from the main page earlier kek
>>464302What exactly am I supposed to feel ready for looking at a moid's dirty asshole? This whole
>we're the moids nowlarp is so cringe. I get that some women are
genuinely into this but most of the time it's just a pick-me larping as a man (or vice versa). I don't have a penetrative sexual organ, so feel no desire or impulse to penetrate (and neither do you)
No. 464650
>>464406>You sound like a virginYes
>posting your sexual fantasies.No>>464357>Jerking off a moid and giving him exactly what he wantsI didn't say anything about jerking, just that potentially you're the one in control especially if you're still dressed and he isn't and you can always order him to eat you out and then kick him out after he's done pleasuring you, you don't really need to have dick and balls in your hands literally, that was a figure of speech for "you're in control"
>>464402Good idea to do that, and in case of having him eat you out and then still not coming, that's some bad sex in line with the thread
No. 464866
>come from an abusive household
>spend as much of my day as possible away from the house
>meet a guy from a rich family who likes to slum it for fun
>start dating early on in his eventual homeless LARP
>his dick has the dimensions of 2 sharpies end to end and he can't last more than 10 minutes
>it still feels nice, I enjoy the intimacy and he uses his trust money to pay for meals, motels etc.
>over time he settles into the LARP and stops paying for amenities
>he starts squatting in an abandoned movie theatre with his $5000 camping gear
>get constant carpet burn from having sex on threadbare, dirty carpet
>accidentally leave the gate open when leaving one time and he gets forced out by security
>doesn't even let me come to his new squat
>he starts talking about getting more adventurous with sex
>becomes rougher and we start fucking in more risky places
>only realise what my life has become as he's painfully thrusting away with my jeans around my ankles, bent backwards over the collapsed armrest of a waterlogged couch under a freeway overpass, his hands wrapped around my throat and a discarded broken condom on my arm
>start crying and he gets angry
>find out he's given me chlamydia
>next time I see him he talks about how he stays skinny and shaved for me, but I can't do the same for him
>expects me to starve myself or pay for a gym to lose weight as quickly as possible and start shaving my whole body for him
>he cancels on me for days
>finally see him again and this time he wants to fuck on a park bench, at night, in winter
>brings beer, knowing I'm a binge-drinker with a medical condition that causes blackouts from a small amount of alcohol
>waits until I'm barely conscious
>angrily slips a hand under my jeans
>feels the stubble from where I shaved a few days ago
>pours his beer out on me and leaves in disgust
I narrowly avoided being raped by 2 guys in that park and when I told my best friend what happened he seemed very sad, but it turns out he was seething with rage and one day, weeks later, tracked my ex down and put him in the hospital for the next 3 months.
No. 464884
>>464873It sounds like humiliation porn, why are there so many explicit and horny details? I read Virginia Giuffre's book and it had the same tone. I guess I should have expected it when she referred to herself as a "playtoy" in the title. It's weird for SA
victims to describe their skin as ~silky~ and other erotica language
No. 469753
Oh god do I have some bad experiences. I've fucked all kinds of jackasses over the years, please vet your partners better than I have, jesus christ. I'm a millenial of the "being a slut is empowering!!" era, and I fell for the psyop HARD kek.
>he was a cokehead, she was a sloppy drunk, can I make it any more obvious
>middle of the night after a drunken night out
>made hickeys without permission
>left a huge bruise that lasted for weeks
>scrached my ass cheeks so hard it left scars
>finished very quickly, kicked me out right after at 3am in freezing winter
>"haha you must hate me right now, text me when you get home tho"
>reads my text 9 hours later, no response
>block him
>guy that fucks like a wild animal in heat
>sex was technically good but he kept complaining about his "narcistic" ex that ruined his life after (it was 110% his own fault his life is fucked now, godspeed to his ex and what she had to deal with)
>"it's so hard to find good women, dating apps are so hard for men, why do women ghost me"
>whines about some smelly girl he dated
>ghost him
>guy that for his first move takes off his clothes, turns around and asks me to lick his ass
>thankfully I was sane enough not to actually fuck him
>he jerks off a bit, doesn't cum and leaves
>block him
>guy that calls himself a "daddy"
>in a moment of weakness decide to let him over anyway even though I think that kink shit is laughable, tell him that
>guy turns out to be really lanky and nerdy, opposite of a ""daddy""
>he's like that guy from that one tumblr gif of a lanky man whipping his bed with a belt
>grabs my tits so hard they get bruised for a week
>smallest fucking dick I've ever seen, a micropenis
>penetration didn't feel like anything
>decide to stop, literally a hot dog in a hallway situation
>shows me simpsons memes and goes home
>we never see each other again
>finance bro
>has a murican flag on his wall and is trump fanboy (we live in the other side of the fucking word, he has no ties to US)
>average sex
>after sex he played Doom on his pc and got really angry at the game for some reason
>calls me fat
>still tries to text me after for more
>ghost him
>he texted me again months later, I didn't respond
In addition to these moids multiple have tried surprise anal without any preparation, lube or a fucking warning. So many also try to do it without a condom. I have met guys I've also had awesome (and safe) sex with, but was it worth all of this? Hell no. If you are a celibate nona, stay that way. If you suffer from heterosexual urges, meet the guy in a public place first, and don't have sex on the first date. Preferably wait for the guy to be committed before you fuck, though that can also be problem since you don't know what kind of a freak or a microdick you are dealing with. Maybe just don't have sex kek.
No. 469756
>>469753Proof that hoeing out is not worth it at all given these specimens, you’d have to sleep with 10 people at least before having a really good experience and even then it’s a matter of luck.
I’m glad you didn’t eat that scrote’s ass though nonna. You would have probably found a dingleberry or something kek.
No. 469761
>>469756I don’t mean it in a derogatory way by the way, I like sex too despite not seeking it. I just think that casual sex is not worth it for women given the risks and the orgasm gap, before you even have a decent lay you’ll be having 6 shitty or subpar experiences.
I’d rather find a scrote I can train well and who is open to listening to and learning my body, which is rare I guess, that’s why I’m single kek.
No. 469784
>>469753>I'm a millenial of the "being a slut is empowering!!" era, and I fell for the psyop HARD kek.Damn I feel seen. I’m 5 years into celibacy at this point (because I am unfortunately heterosexual) and it’s the happiest I’ve ever been. I’ve always played safe but unfortunately two stealthing experiences put me right off any of it. Endlessly relieved and thankful that I didn’t catch anything either time but yeah, fucking is just not worth the risk to me especially since I peaked and grew to see men for the disgusting freaks they really are. My vibrator would never violate me like that.
Buy way of contributing a bad sex story beyond the assaults I just mentioned: The worst was a guy I got down to it with after about half a dozen dates which went super well. As we were making out on the bed he was making these really odd moaning sounds like he was trying to imitate feminised porn sounds? I figured I’d press on because the dates had gone so well. He gets round to whipping it out and it’s TINY. Like, just a bellend poking out of two little balls. I politely try to hide my disappointment. He offers to go down on me and I figure “with a dick like that he surely learned how to eat good”: WRONG. This monster
bit my clit?!?!? Cue me shouting at him to stop and throwing him out. I blocked him practically as soon as I slammed the door. He’s a well established artist in my country so seeing his work and name pop up in the world now
triggers almost an instant synaesthesia-like trauma response in my pussy. Still, it’s another story for the memoirs I guess.
No. 469787
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>>469784>he was making these really odd moaning sounds like he was trying to imitate feminised porn sounds>He gets round to whipping it out and it’s TINY. Like, just a bellend poking out of two little balls>I figure “with a dick like that he surely learned how to eat good”: WRONG. This monster bit my clitI'm so sorry nonna but I can't stop laughing, holy shit that's terrible
No. 469795
>>469783Have proper date first, get to know the guy. Best sex I've had has been with guys I have good chemistry with outside the bedroom. Talk about what you are looking for, discuss your wants and limits regarding sex beforehand. Unfortunately that does not eliminate the risk of shitty sex (see
>>469784) but it helps a bit at least kek.
No. 469813
>>469789My sweet fellow Britbong Nonita, if we were down the pub I’d tell all (as I have done many a time since with the girlies) but alas I cannot dox myself. I can divulge that he did gave me a piece of his art before it all went to bit-clit-shit so I’m hanging onto that for the price to appreciate to an appropriate value for me to sell off as reparations. (It’s filed out of sight in the meanwhile though because of the aforementioned clitoral trauma response to seeing his work now kek.)
>>469787I’m glad I you had fun with it: I certainly didn’t at the time but the laughs I’ve had relaying it since has made up for it I reckon.
>>469795Yeah unfortunately there really isn’t much available to check in advance if a man is going to be a horrendous lay, thus why I’m living the nun life now.