File: 1535835963427.jpg (2.14 MB, 5760x2776, bag.jpg)

No. 93900
File: 1535836315632.jpg (161.49 KB, 1000x1000, wimp.jpg)

cute idea
No. 93902
File: 1535837745605.jpg (2.35 MB, 4992x2666, purse.jpg)

No. 93915
File: 1535884556599.png (621.78 KB, 951x628, mybag.png)

I love making stuff like this lol
No. 93920
File: 1535891491277.jpeg (578.61 KB, 1024x768, 20180902.jpeg)

I feel like a grandma because I like to keep a couple of hard candies in my bag all the time.
No. 93923
File: 1535892529750.jpg (167.42 KB, 610x400, what ins my bag uwu.jpg)

i collect bottles for recycling and i buy junk food for that money lmao …. also i'm fucking boring
No. 93929
Why not just use the old thread in ot? It's not necroing if you're on topic. Also what happened to taking real pictures of your shit instead of combining a bunch of gaudy images via mspaint. It's easier and looks better to just snap a shot with your phone.
>>93908People who can only afford drugstore quality usually have to reapply during the day.
>>93913U old enough to post here?
No. 93930
File: 1535895493255.png (813.83 KB, 1000x1000, bag.png)

I'm basic
No. 93931
File: 1535896508408.jpg (183.07 KB, 1754x1240, un sac.jpg)

I just received my new bag! It is quite practical and well-made, but it won't look kuute with all of the useless crap i'm going to throw in it during the next days since it's a see-through material, so here is the apex of my bag organisation cristallised in one ultimate image. And i realise that it looks pretty boring. And blue.
Hope that you are feeling great wherever you are in life :9
No. 93932
>>93908Lipstick/gloss for reapplication (nothing will last through a meal for me), and concealer just in case. Someone with oily skin may need a powder for touchups.
Stuff like eyeshadow and mascara I don't see the point in carrying though.
>>93929>People who can only afford drugstore quality usually have to reapply during the day.Lol please, there's plenty of good drugstore and shitty high end, it just takes more searching.
No. 93941
File: 1535901423973.jpg (152.77 KB, 851x1280, 18f94629940b31d5be8bb68b986723…)

>>93937It's not my only or default bag but it is the most practical i own. And the design and detailing make it so that it doesn't look too casual or cheap, while allowing me to carry some of my haviest work tools. I'm sorry about your opinion sucking a little.
No. 93960
>>93937it's either that or a plastic bag so suck it
No. 93970
>>93966i don't own a purse other than a coin purse and pockets.
besides tote bags are perfect for when u haul groceries home and they can fit in a pocket.
No. 93978
File: 1535920330306.png (486.08 KB, 792x578, bag.png)

it's uni season back on ladies, if someone wants to run me over i'll apprecitate it!
>>93915love the backpack! what brand is it, i can't quite make out the tag
>>93923i beg to differ anon, recycling bottles for snack money is pretty hardcore and not-boring
>>93931you are the same anon from outfit thread w centipedes, right? if so, you seem pretty cool
No. 93991
File: 1535928014632.png (1.16 MB, 1500x1275, pretty awful.png)

I like to switch it up between bags depending on whether I'm going to be shopping or not.
I'm also in need of a more aesthetically pleasing bag since my "purse" is a bit utilitarian (not pictured, pic related is a close match though).
>>93931If you are indeed bug anon, it makes total sense that you're an artist lmao. Are you going to art school/are you already working professionally?
No offense intended btw, I also draw and love inverts! I don't have cool fashion sense though. No. 94005
>>93915yours is so cute! what is the metal thing by your laptop though?
>>93920Vivienne Westwood cutie with good anime taste!
No. 94007
File: 1535936062720.png (477.72 KB, 1008x640, me.png)

Here's my one
I travel a lot because I don't live with my family so there is a lot of train and bus rides, so I'm always prepared
I keep my DS/3DS games in the round rilakkuma pouch
No. 94016
File: 1535938363926.png (646.68 KB, 1040x784, crap.png)

wow you guys have such nice stuff. how do you guys manage to keep so much shit in your purses and not want to pull your hair out
i have the most hideous and practical Ohio tourist mother rig going because i'm too lazy and i still want to shoot myself in the face rifling through it
i forgot my shitty phone and my keys, but i carry those too. they always sink to the bottom of the bag. i hate it. i would get nicer stuff but i feel like they'll end up getting ruined or stolen so eh
No. 94038
>>94029ty, beautiful anon!
>>93978does panthenol work for skin? never seen it used like a lotion before
No. 94042
File: 1535949623094.jpg (837.64 KB, 1167x1200, 6e631eb3-ffe8-419d-bd43-9c229a…)

No. 94051
File: 1535952335300.png (2.06 MB, 1628x1538, mybag.png)

my everyday bag. i dont always carry sunglasses though if its cloudy out.
No. 94053
File: 1535954764315.jpeg (726.48 KB, 2048x2048, D9375607-BD1D-42DE-A55E-1AA87C…)

I switch between these two bags on a daily basis: all depends on where I’m going for the day. Some things not pictured are various business cards, a compact, chapstick, and three different lip crayons/mattes I cycle through.
No. 94064
>>93954I can understand if you're period is regular, mine wasn't until recently so I kept the habit of keeping pads in my bag.
My period also used to be completely painless and kind of heavy so I guess I was a bit traumatized by having blood all over my trousers and only noticing once I'm changing clothes at home a long time ago lmao>>93967I really need to put painkillers in my bag too now that I think about it.
>>94007I used to bring my 3ds with me in college for streetpass and because of my insanely long breaks, and some stupid fuck kicked my handbag when I wasn't in a classroom for 2 minutes even though it wasn't in anyone's way, and broke it a little so I leave it at home now.
No. 94075
>>94005Thanks anon x
It's a utility card that has a bottle opener, can opener, blade etc. It fits into a purse like a card and it actually comes in really handy when I buy something that isn't easy to open or when I'm at a friend's house and I need a bottle opener. Highly recommend!
No. 94087
File: 1535995646489.jpg (1.78 MB, 2600x1778, bag.jpg)

No. 94088
File: 1535997843295.png (3.27 MB, 2000x1730, dailybag.png)

No. 94239
File: 1536132340055.jpg (706.32 KB, 3264x2448, BeFunky-collage.jpg)

i wish i had a bag big enough to fit more stuff inside but at the same time im picky as hell and already so happy with this one, makes me envious to see so many people with bags full of everything they need on hand
No. 94260
File: 1536165756302.jpg (1.6 MB, 2137x1729, purse.jpg)

>>93908Personally I'm one of those people who cries a lot and hard, so I basically carry enough makeup to fix my face when that happens. It's the worst.
>>93913No shade intended but are you a guy? Or do you not live in a city?
>>93950Yeah, I only carry tampons when I'm on my period, otherwise they just take up too much space. I try to always keep pantyliners at least though, just in case of spotting or whatever.
No. 94262
File: 1536170528898.jpg (901.9 KB, 3264x2448, whatsinmabag.jpg)

it's pretty boring and very Basic Bitch: Nordic Countries edition.
No. 94272
File: 1536179151139.png (1.05 MB, 1413x787, bag.png)

No. 94274
File: 1536180923349.jpg (199.65 KB, 640x640, bag.jpg)

Not very interesting, sometimes I bring along sunflower seeds as a snack.
No. 94282
File: 1536185599211.png (324.31 KB, 922x584, 154545452535.png)

Here's mine, minus a shitload of keys that I need for work.
No. 94301
File: 1536200640001.png (836.76 KB, 1249x908, bag.png)

im such a bloated bitch i just keep the gas ex in my purse now
No. 94463
File: 1536260692036.png (2.58 MB, 2104x1808, bag.png)

this is generally what i keep stocked in my purses. i usually alternate between a tote bag and this zara city bag. i always try to keep at least some imodium and lorazepam in my bag bc of IBS and anxiety, but i do like to have aleve and midol in there sometimes too. my friends always know i come prepared for any emergency lol
No. 94472
File: 1536264976360.jpg (471.16 KB, 1099x820, bag.jpg)

yeah not very interesting. i didnt find the exact bag but it's similar.
No. 94535
File: 1536321177843.jpeg (157.89 KB, 640x640, 6E567EF0-A6E9-42B2-B975-6C6FFC…)

I dont keep much in my bag.
No. 94547
File: 1536325680123.jpg (130.94 KB, 1000x592, bag.jpg)

Satan's Swampy Asshole resident, reporting for duty
No. 94550
File: 1536329310163.png (363.61 KB, 1131x445, stuff.png)

No. 94607
File: 1536375010168.png (797.39 KB, 1152x800, 52156156156456456132.png)

No. 95334
File: 1537031042460.png (624.64 KB, 1084x683, whatsinmybag.png)

Skater backpack. I travel a lot so I have some entertainment when i'm bored.
>>93920 I'm the same way when it comes to hard candy, it's a must-have. Your Name is a really good book.
No. 95352
File: 1537052069793.png (825.59 KB, 1400x1208, wimb.png)

Very boring. I honestly used to just shove my wallet in one pocket and my phone in the other and call it good lol but I got the bag as a gift (strap not pictured) and figured I should use it. I'm planning on getting a bigger one so I can at least carry around water and deodorant as well.
No. 95396
File: 1537115334966.png (2.17 MB, 3264x1784, sensiblestudentbag.png)

No. 95406
File: 1537121055267.png (2.69 MB, 1893x1357, Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at 12.0…)

I fully embrace my gaudiness, it makes me happy.
No. 95412
File: 1537126352717.jpg (52.26 KB, 650x719, g43_gen4_45_path_1.jpg)

No. 95422
File: 1537137150004.png (282.59 KB, 784x427, bag.png)

i prefer not to carry a lot of things around unless i have to and i opt for flight/fanny bags mostly
No. 95509
>>93929I agree Anon the old thread
>>>/ot/170726 was a lot cooler because it was actual farmers pictures. I mean the mspaint style pictures are less personal imo. I like these type of threads because I get ideas on what I should have (for in example one of the farmers had a milk powerbank in the old thread and I bought the same one). I'ma post my own pic when I get home.
No. 95517
>>95412Same though. Love being in the US for this.
>>95509That's exactly my thoughts. It's definitely less personal and none of these pics look pretty at all like they would if it were real pictures. This thread is so much less interesting and I cba to look at all these ugly white slideshow-tier collages where as before, I thought EVERYONES stuff was cute. Please be the first to turn this boring thread around.
No. 95583
File: 1537300882432.jpg (502.9 KB, 1000x799, IMG_20180918_145355_mh15373008…)

I hope this meitu filter makes my bag and its contents look less trashy.
No. 95629
File: 1537326393342.jpg (2.04 MB, 2160x1620, IMG_20180918_192627_mh15373257…)

I like the idea of actual pictures! The sticker is covering my work ID. The little ball is actually a small portable deodorant! Pictured: Purse, water bottle, deodorant, hello Kitty x loungefly wallet, lip balms, perfume roller, prescription sunglasses, liquid lipsticks and gloss, earphone case, portable charger, hand lotion, and sunscreen.
I love this thread, I hadnt thought about carrying around Advil until I saw the little tablets container someone posted! (I actually forgot it in my purse before taking this picture) I should probably also pack pads.
No. 95641
File: 1537343907331.jpg (2.34 MB, 1620x2160, IMG_20180919_005452_mh15373438…)

>>95634I bought it at Marshall's so I don't have any details on it as it didn't have any 'brand' on it :( the only distinguishable thing about it is that it came with this little chain that says Vegan Leather. The tag also said vegan leather. I'm assuming that's the brand but it's kind of hard looking that up since you'll get so many results.
No. 95662
File: 1537378364141.png (1.39 MB, 1280x720, I swear Im 22.png)

Forgot my keys but I usually toss them on my entrance table and take them only when I get out.
I also bring some candies/honey now and then.
If anyone has links to some sites that sell this kind of bag, can you please tell me? (Crossbody with the flip part) I can't find anything like my purse and I desperately need to change it. Even ebay/aliexpress its good.
No. 97093
File: 1538232145959.jpg (80.51 KB, 472x443, 20180929_073948.jpg)

>>94042This is an old post but on the chance this anon still visits, where is this bag from? I love that it converts from backpack to shoulder bag!
No. 97617
File: 1538849454027.jpg (563.41 KB, 2365x1816, 20160830_170134.jpg)

>>97093>>97616ITA– thought I'd contribute. This pic is a few years old. I thought I had another picture of the contents of my purse at about age 17 (10 years ago… christ) but I can't find it :( will post if I do
No. 104471
File: 1546255748989.jpg (1.69 MB, 3000x2114, whats in my purse 2019.jpg)

No. 104644
File: 1546472537313.jpg (438.15 KB, 1200x1137, my purse.jpg)

this and like a bunch of card candy wrappers
No. 104785
File: 1546578764591.png (9.6 MB, 5000x4000, yeah ok so bascially i monky.p…)

forgot some things but something like this
No. 104813
>>95334>>94607>>93915>>94274>>104785Nothing's more boring than seeing the same ~kawaii~ rilakkuma and hello kitty items in every picture. I can't believe how many of you have the same exact keys too.
>>97617I don't really like what Modella stands for, but the print on that pouch is cute. Get rid of the meme rainbow pocket knife and get a real one and you'll be set.
No. 104924
File: 1546689968179.jpeg (40.78 KB, 640x480, images (5).jpeg)

i have a million different bags im constantly clearing out but i fucking swear more just spawn in there
No. 104936
File: 1546702806556.png (413.74 KB, 605x920, whatsinmybag.PNG)

inb4 thai stick deodorant is pure aluminium salt and probably really bad for you
did not include the wallet which is just plain black nothing special which keeps cash, cards and ID in it
No. 104942
Fuck, apologies for posting + deleting like 5 times.
>>104813This post is exactly in line with how I imagine the saltier (salt-tier hehe) farmers are irl hah
The Modella bag was thrifted a few weeks after I also thrifted its larger companion. Top fave thrift finds for sure!
No. 104948
>>104852B o r i n g
So which one is you
No. 105000
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>>104948cranky because you're not kawaii arent you
No. 105039
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Got a fanny pack in my bag where I have all my essentials, it's all a big mess.
No. 105045
File: 1546805999768.jpeg (26.31 KB, 359x298, 6967FBBC-C8EA-4245-BAD7-231A1F…)

>>105039& the kopiko are essentials
No. 105060
>>105046I carry a knife and while if it came down to it I would use it in self defense I've only ever needed it to open packages or like cut a loose thread off a shirt or something. I agree with
>>105056, you really have to take protection in your own hands, especially depending on the area you live in. Nothing disturbing about that.
No. 105061
File: 1546828716394.jpg (1.88 MB, 2758x1961, imhighlyautistic.jpg)

No. 105063
File: 1546831006206.jpg (62.25 KB, 327x346, glow.jpg)

>>105062(But seriously, I get them from a friend, who buys it from a place, online)
No. 105067
>>105064I like
you(I'm a complete cow irl, tho)
No. 105129
File: 1546904964091.png (370.86 KB, 829x525, i almost never use all that st…)

I'm a student so when I go to college I carry more of useful stuff in my backpack and school supplies.
I would put a knife but it could cause the criminal to be more agressive towards me, even more if they have a gun…
I like to carry a little towel to use as a napkin or in case I mess up food, and a little bottle with coconut oil too, removes makeup well.
No. 105130
File: 1546905306114.jpg (1.79 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190107_174808_HHT.jpg)

bag varies, usually a pink Doughnut brand backpack or something Kate Spade since I work there. I always carry whatever I'm reading + small comics anthology. After scrolling this thread I'm really thinking I should carry a knife and some hand cream..
>inb4 juul
I'm trying to quit smoking
No. 105248
>>105138hell yeah. It's so impersonal, I'm nosy and I wanna see people's actual belongings
>>105145It's a mirror! I got it at Artbox in Korea. the packaging didn't credit the artist /:
>>105162omg, I didn't think anyone would recognize it!! I found this issue in Toronto during TCAF and nearly died, it contains some of my favorite JP artists.
>>105174I'm actually playing a lot of Hotline Miami lately because it soothes my violent urges towards annoying people on the train, ha (but I'm looking to get back into otome games if you have any recs)
>>105246I'm shocked by the positive response to this I want to be all of you guys' friend tbh
No. 105491
>>93899>>105060yes, I was too naive about it. I just wish I would be allowed to carry a weapon but everything is forbidden here even the pepper spray you can buy here you are actually not allowed to use. It says "for dogs" but I do agree on self defense use.
Actually you all made a very good point. I'm thinking it might be a good idea in carrying a knive with me. I'll look into getting one.
No. 106372
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No. 401283
File: 1716823590059.jpg (262.37 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_2537.JPG)

I'll take my ban for necroing this thread.
No. 401292
File: 1716826873621.jpg (869.56 KB, 1400x1191, my bag.jpg)

>>401283If mods want to ban you for posting on an old thread maybe they should lock them and not act like annoying faggots, I'm joining you
This was fun to make! It was hard finding exact matches for my things
No. 401360
File: 1716841540877.png (609.16 KB, 1797x1287, 9NhLD4p.png)

>>401283i always enjoy these types of discussions so thank you for reviving the thread
my typical EDC is an unwieldy carabiner with everything attached so pic rel is a bit more aspirational fantasy than reality
No. 401365
File: 1716842443568.jpg (33.17 KB, 736x736, 024384b86f44582cef6ac14d480750…)

>>401360>Flip phoneDo you actually use one or is that also part of your aspirational fantasy?
I hate modern technology and I've been thinking for a very long while of buying myself a flip phone. I'm already off of social media and use my computer for most things but the internet addiction is too strong and maybe downgrading is what I need most. How is it? Wanna talk abt it?
Picrel is the model that I've been considering
No. 401371
>>401317>at the same time each monthUh no? It varies on averag within 5-7ish days for me, pretty sure most women don't have a perfect 28 day cycle.
But regardless why take it out and risk forgetting about your hygiene products when you can just leave them in your bag?
No. 401387
File: 1716843831498.jpeg (132.8 KB, 564x564, 5t9fB7W.jpeg)

>>401365it's still aspirational, but i'm in a similar boat as you. i don't have any social media, so having a data mining device attached to me at all times for little reason is off-putting. i'm looking to make the switch soon, but there are a few apps i use for communication (signal), navigation (maps), and travel purposes (some e-tickets) that have kept me from making the leap. a lot of people on r/dumbphones recommend keeping both a smartphone and a dumb phone and using them interchangeably but it feels excessive.
>>401371these types of curated collages significantly predate tiktok. i've seen stuff like this since i started reading fashion magazines in the the early 2000's, and i'm sure they existed even before then.
No. 401463
>>401384Not the keys anon wtf lol
>>401387Oh that's a cool design for a carabiner
>there are a few apps i use for communication (signal), navigation (maps), and travel purposes (some e-tickets) that have kept me from making the leap. Same here. I've been thinking about switching to a dumb phone too but I need whatsapp to communicate with basically everyone.
No. 401480
>>401362It's all the green. It makes it look editorial - like a spread in a teenvogue/seventeen magazine. It is fun to look at but comes off a little unrealistic
>>401360Nonna I love this because it is visually interesting but do you really like green so much? It's cute if you do like green alot.
No. 401482
File: 1716894176818.jpg (880.27 KB, 2712x1836, mybag.jpg)

I'd love to see more real pictures as opposed to idealized collages, it's always way more fun. Enjoy my personality-less bag, I'm keeping it as simple as possible nowadays.
No. 401495
File: 1716904013614.png (2.42 MB, 2186x1052, whats in my bag.png)

Forgot to include my pencil case but it's just a floral green makeup pouch, so nothing exciting. My sketchbook is also a different Escher print, but you get the gist.
Also not pictured: random scrunched up receipts, broken hair ties, miscellaneous scraps of paper.
No. 401497
File: 1716904952021.jpeg (738.88 KB, 3464x2620, AF346349-D6E8-4E4A-B3BB-5B2E90…)

Not much
No. 401500
File: 1716905200986.jpeg (3.87 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_7143.jpeg)

>>401497Sometimes I put plushies on it though
No. 401521
File: 1716912176408.jpeg (1.99 MB, 4032x3024, F9AC43CD-B9EE-4837-B8FD-A2CD46…)

>>93899She’s earned her wrinkles and crinkled.
No. 401523
File: 1716913018926.jpg (2.6 MB, 4079x3005, IMG_20240528_191540.jpg)

The binoculars come out when I go sightseeing, which is practically the only time I carry a fullsize bag. Normally it's just my edgy pocketknife & wallet in one pocket and my phone in another.
No. 410463
File: 1719715455963.jpeg (763.77 KB, 1170x2080, FF18E229-E802-40FD-B03E-A973C6…)

i labeled everything but idk if it’s legible. i basically manifested this madewell transport tote because id been wanting one forever and found it at the thrift. bought a replacement strap. i have an ungodly amount of lip products with me at all time - pictured is a merit lipstick in tiger, glossier ultralip in villa, fig balm dot com by glossier, blossom roller lipgloss, and marc jacobs lipstick (rip fave brand), rem beauty lip gloss. my keys which is more keychain than key. weed pen. kate spade wallet i scored on clearance. wet brush. chloe perfume sample. color pencils from this swedish brand i love, that i haven’t used in like 2 months but are still in there (just in case ig??). cutie clementine. i actually didn’t have trash in my bag today which is a miracle.
No. 411324
File: 1720014666646.jpeg (1.33 MB, 3464x3464, EDF7305F-37FC-4DFE-906C-2C6E45…)

I need to get a backpack because this is ruining my left shoulder kek
No. 411338
File: 1720021764819.jpg (237.72 KB, 1152x642, dfsdgdfgad.jpg)

Not pictured: trash, crumpled receipts and various crumbs on the bottom of the bag
No. 411444
File: 1720054987569.png (111.01 KB, 1556x1056, whatsinmybag.png)

No. 411576
>>410463sorry for ot, but nonna do you recommend this specific brush?I saw it in a store some time ago and I am looking for something small for my bag, do needles bend over time or do you protect it somehow?
>>411428I agree, it just feels nice to help in case of emergency. I carry pads and extra tissues and wet wipes mostly for others lol but also suprisingly so many public bathrooms are out of toilet paper and towels.
>>411324do it nonna, after years of avoiding backpacks this summer I got one and finally everything fits and my arm is glad… but I am a pack rat so I need to be careful to not add just one more extra book and other stuff lol. Small/medium bag is forcing me to just take bare minimum.
No. 411627
File: 1720113324274.jpeg (660.45 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_6399.jpeg)

I have too much shit for such a small bag. Not pictured is my keys with 5lbs of keychains attached
No. 418412
File: 1721885644624.jpg (3 MB, 3796x2206, 20240725_152110.jpg)

my bag is a genuine clusterfuck, that balled up thing in the top right is a reusable shopping bag.
forgot to include my phone, brush and wellness journal.
No. 418549
File: 1721931610631.jpeg (564.61 KB, 1284x2282, 2F3035EB-282B-444E-BD5F-D1EF5C…)

cute thread. my bag contents ft my airpods edited in bc i’m a retard and forgot them
No. 446267
File: 1732403300461.jpg (389.94 KB, 3337x2503, 1732402065875.jpg)

excluding my wallet/keys/bag of course because they're pretty distinctive. also left out my paint markers, oops.
>>418412omg hi fellow filmnonna! recently been carrying this around instead as it's more budget friendly, haha.
No. 446430
>>446324hello fellow Melbourne
nonnie!! there isn't enough of us, honestly!
No. 447390
File: 1732903418674.png (661.56 KB, 1000x1000, mybag.png)

I sure do love my fanny pack full of crap
No. 447584
File: 1732991434100.jpg (492.24 KB, 1009x2237, IMG_20241130_182930.jpg)

0 responsibilities
No. 449156
File: 1733667725084.jpg (2.49 MB, 4045x2510, 1000010600.jpg)

I'm forever grateful for the johnny keychain
No. 449168
File: 1733675595427.jpg (6.26 MB, 2992x2992, 1000044412.jpg)

These are so satisfying for me
No. 449201
File: 1733688071558.png (264.83 KB, 748x545, baag.png)

I love this thread
No. 449202
File: 1733689384437.jpg (842.86 KB, 1280x960, bag.jpg)

my wallet looks nicer on picture but in reality it's overdue for restoration (it's leather). i put up my most used lipstick/lipgloss. camera changes on my mood, but i usually carry this one
>>449156i love this miffy pouch
nonny, i love finding other women who are into digis that aren't tiktok zoomer trend
victims. i only keep hype stickers on mine since they are only stickers that feel right on them.
No. 455297
>>449202Hype stickers is a cute thing to call it. FOUR WHOLE MEGAPIXELS! I've considered getting one of the Lumix micro 4/3 cameras to keep in my bag as well, but I'm happy with this one for now and it's nice not having to worry about lenses or flash for most everyday photos.
>>447419If you're NA based try the ArtPrimo paint sticks! They come in cute colors and are pretty cheap, like $4. I think they have them at some stores in Europe, too.
No. 465949
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No. 465965
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I can't find the exact cheesy twists I've got but you get the idea.
No. 466820
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Can you believe all this fits in my bag. Not pictured: Ugly crusty 3ds case. I got my car from some crusty stoner moid, so the keys are too diabolical to show..
No. 466859
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I got the purse as a Christmas gift to myself and I've been very pleasantly surprised that it can hold so much despite being pretty tiny!
No. 466926
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Oh I love doing these
No. 467269
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>hand embroidered custom 1980s MacBeth textbook bag
No. 472809
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I like to keep it simple, only the necessities.
No. 473163
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No. 473169
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the lipstick and lip balm are worn down and way older than they should be and my switch is on its last legs lmao, i also interchange my ear uds with overear headphones sometimes (it's mostly just this, the bag is roomy but i need to fit my work uniform in there too)
No. 473908
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>>473262Yes! It was inspired by a £1000 bag that even secondhand I could only find for £400. The bag I embroidered is the same brand as the bag I copied.
No. 509264
File: 1742524640040.png (2.94 MB, 2120x2120, 1ixlOtj.png)

reviving one of my favourite threads
No. 509738
>>509264>cherry red purse>lamp playing>lapvona>animal themed items (except my hairclip is a butterfly and umbrella has a wolf design)i think we’d be good friends
nonnie. cute purse accessories! ill share mine once i organize
No. 509919
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Why do so many of you carry knives?
No. 509972
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>>509812I use one of those mujj employee bags. It can fit my wallet, a couple pens and a notebook or two. If I'm at my main job or uni I have a backpack, but after getting some stuff stolen I try to be more careful with when I have a larger bag.
No. 510076
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Pretty standard except the book (I'm in love with Maria Luisa Bombal she's my favourite author) and the cutter knife.
No. 510326
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zero bag travel
No. 510523
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>>473163Based coke zero appreciator
>>510326>>447584God I wish this were me, but I can't be comfortable in public without a bag.
No. 511028
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>>510687Based fellow mob enjoyer!! Omg anon I had the exact same case for my iPod touch! The ears on mine literally ripped off because I used it so much in High school. I’m so happy they’re still making similar cases for newer Apple products because I’m still a rilakkumafag kek
No. 511031
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>>511029 Great I didn't even attach the pic
No. 511120
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Honestly I feel like I carry too much crap around with me.
No. 511167
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I'm genuinely curious what impression of me someone would get from this
No. 511177
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>>511167maybe it's not all that interesting but we both use nivea's lipbalms
nonnie, i use a tinted one tho kek
i wish i could post my own but as a college student i carry around a million things and they differ everyday as per the subjects i have for the day, i also switch bags regularly, because i have specific bags for specific subjects kek.
No. 511178
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I prefer keeping my keys separate (usually in a pocket) so they don't scratch anything in my bag
No. 511187
>>511177Nivea lip balm has been and always will be THE staple item for any purse. A purse without a Nivea lip balm (or small tin of vaseline) is not a purse at all. It is simply fabric
>>511180Is it the Juicy Purse? I'm too old to be a zoomer but Juicy is big where I am
No. 511199
>>511193I'll gladly accept my licks for the vape and monster but I'll lay down my life to defend my Primark consoomer-slop cup, nonnamiette
>>511194Please tell me where I can buy that self warming sleep mask?
No. 511228
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This is my bag when I go out at night. I like to keep a fork for safety but I doubt it would do shit, it’s just to feel more comfortable walking kek. I think I’ll buy pepper spray.
No. 511285
>>511199The brand is "MegRhythm / めぐりズム"
I get them from a local k/j-beauty store but you should be able to find them on online at any similar place or even Amazon. I see them sold at Asian supermarkets sometimes too.
No. 512641
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I carry too much
No. 512745
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You inspired me to do the same with my own.
No. 512765
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>>509945>>509974So glad I don’t have to live in the late 19th century like britbongs apparently do.
No. 513045
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>>513002A portable hair brush. Is good when you have long ass hair.
No. 513206
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made this instead of working on a project thats due on thursday