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No. 1280020
Responding to obvious bait will earn you a week long ban.
This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (mtf) snowflake behaviour. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread, thus blogging about your hate of mtf with no context and autistic spergfests are banned. This means this is a thread for mtf related milk without the autistic ragefests and fights over disagreements over terms. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. Taking your autism to other threads is leaving the containment zone, do not do this.
You may discuss gender critical subjects if it relates to milk. Once again, while your autistic tangents are milky to read, they're not actual milk.
Subreddits of note: #1:
>>>/snow/867400Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1031751Thread #3:
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>>>/snow/1163786Thread #11:
>>>/snow/1177680Thread #12:
>>>/snow/1184917Thread #13:
>>>/snow/1192611Thread #14:
>>>/snow/1198622Thread #15:
>>>/snow/1204267Thread #16:
>>>/snow/1210260Thread #17:
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>>>/snow/1236993Thread #20:
>>>/snow/1249292Thread #21:
>>>/snow/1263328Thread #22:
>>>/snow/1272230Blogging about your tranny ex boyfriend, medfagging, and armchairing will result in a ban. This is a cow thread, not reddit. Do not engage troons who brigade this thread either. Ignore and report.
No. 1280100
File: 1626691014862.png (747.19 KB, 643x1602, agp defender.png) this video been posted yet? r9K browsing weeb explains why "AGP is based" and that trans people dont have to have dysphoria to be trans
>has been browsing r9k since he was 13>seen an increase in tranny psyop posts>says transitioning should be free >wants to match his head with his body>he sees himself as a "tomboy butch anime girl"At least he has somewhat realistic transition goals compared to other troons who want to become anime cow girls kek.
No. 1280318
>>1280150First time I ever heard about this dude.
>wanted to be a girl since he was 3>mother beat him because he took her underwear>a fellow troon inmate accused him of raping him>>1280207he's allowed to go out sometimes tho
it's really interesting that they refer to him as a man as late as 2018. i bet nowadays they wouldn't dare to do that anymore.
No. 1280329
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Why the Elites support Trans
No. 1280334
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this is opening to the well there he keeps them to put the lotion on
No. 1280348
>>1280329>RightoidHe couldn't even keep it short. TL;DR is that it neatly labels your dissatisfaction under capitalism into something you can buy "cures" for, keeping people complacent consumers. It prints money, and distorts political discontent away from the bourgeoisie. The common folk won't have time or energy to dismantle capitalism if they're too busy fighting their fellow prole (TRA), or trying to protect themselves or their class from direct harm (GC/"
No. 1280375
>>1280329Trans id is internalized oppression so it doesn't question the status quo and they can make money out of it.
>>1280334Is he on hrt since 43 years and 4 months or is it the most rough 43 years old I have ever seen?
No. 1280422
>>1280020>Right Wing WatchDid you get the OP pic from /pol/? We're not right wing just because we question TRA bullshit.
Most trannies are still socially conservative despite adopting the "brand" of communism. They believe in rigid gender roles, they're homophobic, they're obsessed with guns, etc. Communism is just a trend, a fashion statement for them.
No. 1280446
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I don't wanna live in world where these people exist even conceptually
The woman with the baby pfp is a "puppy girl" who claims to be a "femme lesbian" but aside from her usual autism most of her posts are about sucking her femboy fiances dick and other kinks such as biting, master/slave and incest roleplay
No. 1280509
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>>1280334I can see the resemblance.
No. 1280546
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late but yeah
(i kept posting the wrong files and had to delete)
No. 1280548
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this freak will haunt my dreams.
No. 1280553
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>>1280548She is beauty, she is grace.
No. 1280619
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Ok I know this has been posted before but azealia is so based it hurts
No. 1280624
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Thank you for keeping these threads alive! I'm a guy who was sent here by a proud TERF / radfem friend.
I always knew and suspected there was something up with MtF people, but never investigated it. I was always concerned that the critics would be misleading or hyper reactionary. After seeing so much 'positive' content on Reddit (my first mistake) about PhilosophyTube I knew I had to look a bit deeper.
The whole coming out thing seems so shamelessly careerist, almost shameful, and it shook me up. Why are all these people into theater, acting, and so on? It seems trivial to bring up. But there's something deeper there imo. It's legitimately horrifying that hormones, dilating, academic discourse out of context ("Queer / black / brown bodies"), is becoming so normal.
I only know one trans person IRL and it was a guy - quiet, silently into MLP, kind of ugly - who was probably just looking for acceptance. It didn't surprise me in the least when he made the switch. And he did it in a way that felt so calculated, like he was auditioning for an acting roll. The comments on FB were all extremely positive too - these girls wouldn't have given him any attention without this shift. It felt so fake, like everyone was on camera and had to perform their role correctly. Just bizarre. It reminded me of this excellent Lasch extract I highlighted months ago.
Has anyone else noticed this IRL?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1280639
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You can't make this shit up.
No. 1280644
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>>1280553Even his fucking nose is rat like.
No. 1280646
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>>1280546I love you kikomichan
>>1280624>I’m a guy No. 1280680
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This is the same troon who complained about not having a uterus transplanted. He could have his own children but he didn’t bother paying for the sperm storage fee lol.
No. 1280690
>>1280546hell yes kikomi-chan is back to pick up our spirits, keep fighting for that goal queen
>>1280624>I'm a guystopped reading there, leave scrot
No. 1280704
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I can't with this lunacy anymore:
>Whenever lay people are talking about "biological women" in sports or bathrooms.. they are just referring to people who did not go through testosterone puberty. Because even cis women who have abused steroids or experienced androgen puberty are called "not real women" or "obviously trans" when they're literally just cis women exposed to testosterone.
>So in conclusion, transphobia toward trans women is literally just oppressive women's beauty standards and has absolutely nothing to do with biology despite how much they kick and scream about it.
No. 1280716
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>>1280680Are there any female-only spaces they won't shove their dicks and rot pockets into?
No. 1280718
>>1280716I thought this was a picture of shaynus prefat from the front page, then I read the caption. Not even sure which thread disgusts me more at this point… Nah, who am I kidding. She's still less puke worthy than these troons.
Imagine going to breastfeed your child and having the lingering scent of unwashed, rotting crotch feces in the air. Jfc
No. 1280725
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I’m sick of these fucking weirdos
No. 1280727
>>1280680Are they lying because they want others to share into their misery? Is this some sort of a crab cope? Have others get dick inversion surgery so that they wouldn't be the only one with an open wound oozing sweat and tissue fluids?
>stop assuming a cis vagina as the standard for what is a "good result"At least mine doesn't have to be held open by an invasive procedure for two hours a day so it doesn't heal shut.
>>1280704It's always about looks and fuckability to them. Even if troons achieved the full transformation into a legitimate woman looking 100% passable they still didn't have to go through the burden of centuries of oppression and gatekeeping nor a female puberty that amplifies those experiences.
No. 1280779
>>1280716Wait, he spends 90 minutes a day in the lactation room at work? Why can't he do it at home?
But it's not a fetish REEEImagine hiring one of these AGP nightmares for woque points only for him to take 1.5 hours off company time for medical self-fuckery every day.
No. 1280796
>>1280716Well. It's 9Am and I've already sworn off eating for the rest of the day. GGs.
>>1280680Puss and transplanted fecal fluids aren't self lubricating bro. Even seminal fluids count as self lubricating, but thank heaven's you've sterilized yourself.
No. 1280819
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Scrolling thru my phone for some more milk. Literally have hundreds of caps from hundreds of different troon ABDLs and diaperfurs. And unsurprisingly, only a handful are TIFs. Almost as if r/itsafetish.
No. 1280825
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>>1280821God, why the fuck do they always say they’re breedable? It makes me cringe so hard. No woman would ever say that about herself.
No. 1280828
>>1280680>stop assuming a cis vagina as the standardIt literally is what your pocket is trying to replicate and will never come close to.
>>1280716>the lactation roomLiterally just an empty office, but okay. Imagine dilating on the floor on some dirty office carpet. I wish nothing more than an infection for this loser.
No. 1280855
>>1280619sadly now that she's doing stuff with arca she shut up on the
terf talking points.
No. 1280916
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Where are they getting these delusions from and why are they so confident being this loud and wrong?
No. 1280928
>>1280916They're trying to convince themselves most that their delusions can become reality then everyone else has to believe it too to make it "
valid". We need to open the asylums again
No. 1280939
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>>1280916>The likes wwwwwwwhhhhha-
If uterus transplants in males suddenly became the most pressing issue of our times, it'd probably be 30 years before we successfully get
one to not be rejected. God knows how long it could be before
-we can make the uterus semi-consistently not be rejected (10% success rate would be HIGH)
-we have anti-rejection drugs that probably wouldn't fuck up a fetus
-the reproductive system is integrated enough that you actually experience menstrual cycles
-a fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine wall and actually begins gestating
-a fetus survives a measly 24 weeks and somehow develops without significant deformity or dysfunction
Jesus fuck. We are so far from this technology. We are almost certainly gonna have external wombs before we're able to transplant them into males, if we're
ever able to do it at all.
No. 1280945
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>>1280716He looked like a decent guy before if you ignore the crazy eyes. Hair also looked better before, like for most MTFs.
No. 1280957
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No. 1281003
>>1280967Eventually things will end with a shoot-out somewhere because the TRAs are like jihadists and the various other sides are all 'stand your ground'
trigger happy larpers.
No. 1281123
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>>1281119i dont think you'd ever give such an ugly obviously mentally stunted man a chance anon, but sure 1/4
No. 1281131
>>1281086lol at the mother repeating muh intelligent son. She should get far away before he decapitates her and burns her house down.
>>1281125"all you do is sit in your room, take your pills and grow boobs"
>boobs in questionkek
No. 1281132
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>>1281124lmfao the insanely overplucked eyebrows growing back out and leaving an eyebrow shadow
No. 1281186
>>1281086This is heartbreaking. That poor mom. “I love you and we can work on your depression, so you’re not sitting in your room all day”
“Ur dumb”
No. 1281199
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No. 1281249
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>>1280957More bullshit and lies. I've never seen any evidence of this.
No. 1281257
>>1281249Absolute bullshit. Almost seems like
TERF isn't getting them anywhere anymore now everyone's peak transed by now (how could you not run across something, even the normiest person will have seen the death and rape threats TRAs spew all over the internet)
So now
TERF doesn't get people on side, they've started claiming
TERF also means (insert some absolutely unevidenced accusation)
No. 1281315
>>12812951) lol your boyfriend sounds like a loser, why would you date someone who dates lunatic troons?2) you don't have to say "cis"
) enjoy your ban probably
No. 1281330
>>1281249This lord farquaad looking tranny should instead worry about the fact that you can’t scratch a troon without finding a pedo groomer.
>>1281295You need to dump this man and also stop whatever it is you are doing to cope are you not embarrassed
No. 1281331
>>1281295> I finally got to see this dude and holy shit this man had the squarest jaw of them all, which surprised me because my partner has said that the troon looked somewhat passableI think this might say a lot more abot how you look than the troon.
if that is what your BF believed just think about how he sees you.
No. 1281370
>>1281367It should be a redflag that he wasn't willing to marry you after 10 fucking years, he's probably already too far gone and most anons will tell you to break up with him, a sentiment I agree with but I do think that you should test him,
Show him some real MTFs and how disgusting and cringy they look IRL and just challenge him that if he has any desire to be Trans if he goes off the Internet for a month
No. 1281382
>>1281367Hey anon, I know this ain't the vent thread and you'll prob get banned for blogging, but I want you to know that you can always make new friends, even if you're an introvert. Sometimes you'll find them in surprising places. I bet there are people out there who consider you their friend even if you don't realize it.
If you're not happy in this relationship, you shouldn't stay just because he's currently your only social outlet. You can make new friends, but time is finite, and you shouldn't be wasting your time with someone who makes you uncomfortable or miserable. If you can't find some way to gently steer him out of troonism, I'd take a break from the relationship. If you don't put your foot down now, next thing you know he'll be asking for a "polycule."
No. 1281389
>>1281367Leave. If you are relying on him for financial support, start looking for a job and reaching out to others in your support network.
It will be hard at first, but you'll soon find yourself more free than you've been in your entire adult life.
No. 1281393
>>1281295>>1281367stop dating tranny fuckers
>>1281383kill yourself
No. 1281464
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this meme is so funny. as if taking hormones will change your fat deposits and bone structure and you will somehow magically grow curves. thank god these troons are sterilizing themselves with hormones
No. 1281469
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No. 1281472
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>>1281464He/They looks like Oswald Mosley kek
No. 1281486
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>how do you do fellow cis women
No. 1281554
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>>1281142If you can coom , there's a troon lurking in the shadows trying to sexualize every aspect.
>>1281464That is the original? Lmao. People have been using it for shitposts and Communities not infected with tranny bullshit have not been taking it very well. On the bright side, it's exposed a lot of Chasers in my gaming group.
>>1281416>Never date a man who watches any variation of one of the most popular forms of entertainment on the planet.That's incredibly shallow to be honest and you're just setting yourself up to hook up with an actual manipulator who will trash everything you don't like . Anime is/are just like movies. Example: Three guys tell you their hobbies are watching old films.
Guy A : Watches old war films.
Guy B: Watches weird art films.
Guy C: Watches vintage porngraphy.
You, personally hate old vintage movies but Guy C would be a total turn off, while Guy A and B are perfectly acceptable.
No. 1281603
>>1281554>>1281464isn't the Artist a lolcow user as well
>>1281554I agree Anime is a medium with numerous sub-genre's, if he likes Harem or Ecchi stories then that's a red flag, but if he likes generic Shonen shit then he's likely a normie
No. 1281712
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You guys think the "Biological sex is a spectrum. We're literally biologically female" crap will be the hill this troon shit finally dies on? It doesn't appear to be a niche belief in the trans community anymore. Even transmeds/truscums are starting to embrace it.
No. 1281790
>>1281766A lot of trannies and chasers I've met are super into military, weaponry, and European/Asian history. I'd never hook up with a historian. "Coincidentally", a large portion of furries and guys into BDSM also seem to be into that shit. If any of you nonnies are history buffs and want to date a guy who is also a history buff, the best advice I can give you is to avoid him if he mostly seems into China, Japan, Rome, the German empire, imperialism, weaponry, or war/military. If he's a gun nut, bail. If he can tell you the names, classifications, production dates, etc. of tanks or rifles, he's not worth your time.
No. 1281810
>>1281790Yes. THIS.
Unrelated to troons, too. These kinds of guys are sexually degenerate nutjobs in some way - paedos, porn addicts, promiscuous, masochists who only request anal.
No. 1281811
>>1281779>>1281712I’m a HSTS tranny/TIM/scrote so I’ll take my ban but I love LC have been wanting to post for a while about this. I really hope that this sex stuff really is the end, same with 30s+ women identifying out of their sex class by being NB because they don’t want to be trapped by their socialization and societal oppression (making it not trendy for zoomers). This stuff really is so harmful to women and it’s so embarassing. Having transgenderism be a sort of catchall fad for anyone with identity issues or “not feeling like they fit in” makes me so sad. I don’t have any trans friends because every single one is so obsessed with sex or comes on to me/have assaulted me. I’m not even joking. I think that it’ll slowly die out within the next couple years. I’m really not sure how female only spaces are going to be resolved though, I understand the fear women face in the bathroom with trans people are in it, I am very uncomfortable when there are tall or unpassing trans people in the bathroom with me. I know I’m a hypocrite since I also use the restroom but I do have a history of men physically assaulting me and do not feel safe around them (yeah, common argument for self ID I know its BS but not sure what I can do as I have not lived as an adult “man” so im not sure it makes sense but I know it opens the floodgates). Anyway as such a supposed “minority” (hopefully it doesnt keep growing) we need to be gracious guests in this world and not use male socialization to overpower women or invade their spaces.
Anyway, sorry again. I haven’t met anyone like me before so I haven’t had a space to vent about whats happening out there. Im just not sure why people cant be content with being a male who is trans, theres no mental conflict and you can love yourself like any normal human being and you can even be an ACTUAL feminist and support womens rights, not take them away. Good luck out there everyone, just dont kill me when all this stuff blows up
(D I L A T E) No. 1281834
>>1281821oh sorry if it came off like that, i dont think i am. im trans not a woman, i dont have to deal with the oppression women face because of their biology
>>1281828lets see if i can get this reply in before the ban. i dont feel any need to detransition, i have had a good amount of plastic surgery on my face/genitals and stuff (yes i have worked for it and paid out of pocket). i dont feel a conflict so i enjoy my extreme body modification. and i understand, sorry about it all
>>1281833im not coming here for sympathy. i can’t fix it, i dont want to interact with freaks (maybe i am one myself?). i dont want compliments
No. 1281841
>>1281835Kek he's just upset that other men use the women's bathroom with him. He says he's not like other trannies, but insists he's not lived life as an adult male lololol
He basically thinks he's not like other trannies, when he's exactly the same. Just sad he's not special now and women are peaking en masse.
No. 1281843
>>1281841You're actually right, a true NLOT in our thread,
No. 1281848
>>1281811If you actually believed everything you're saying, you would stop calling yourself a tranny and just accept that you're a feminine gay man. Seriously, why are you so convinced that you're a woman? Being sensitive, being attracted to men, and liking stereotypically feminine things does not make you less of a man.
I think you need to address your own homophobic self-hatred before you try to criticize other people in your community. Men abused you, that sucks and I'm sorry, but it's unreasonable to try to dissociate yourself from the class that mistreated you by pretending you don't belong to it.
Maybe instead of judging other trannies to make you feel better about dragging your feminine cock into our bathrooms, you should reject this nonsense entirely and practice what you preach by actually advocating for our safety.
No. 1281850
>>1281847>"Women don't troon out if they have money and/or are too busy with housework"This is a shit take,
nonnie. Also, generalizing troons is okay.
>>1281848Fucking use notepad or deal with your typos.
No. 1281858
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>>1281811Apologies to mods if this is taking bait. If it’s embarrassing and you recognize the ramifications of how it’s hurting women, speak up about it in your own community rather than coming to an anonymous image board for ass-pats and pity points. However, you’re probably too much of a pussy to even speak up about it to your own community hence why you came here.
No. 1281859
File: 1626903276842.png (20.41 KB, 596x174, 1.PNG)

"People were saying they wanted to rape JK Rowling because she literally wants all trans folks dead!!!"
Makes 100% sense. These people cannot quote where JK has promoted genocide of troons, but admits disgusting tweets saying they want to rape and kill her exist. Look at how many people liked this tweet as well.
When a troon rapes and kills a child, it's "They are a shitty person but please don't misgender them, they deserve to be in the proper jail"
When a woman speaks out against troons its okay to threaten to rape and kill her though.
No. 1281864
>>1281859>Basically>Literally>GenocideOh for fuck's sake you retards, all she said was that people should wait until they're 18 to transition and the "woman" shouldn't stop meaning "people with uteruses" just because .08% of "women" don't have them. How the fuck is that genocide?
They make it sound like Rowling said troons should be rounded up and sent to gas chambers. It's bad enough "lesbian" and "fascist" have lost all meaning, let's not water down "genocide" too. Disagreeing with you on the internet is not genocide you reprobates.
No. 1281870
> "As a man I-" postingthey're no different from regular old scrotes lol always having to announce themselves as if it changes anything
>>1281859who's the one playing the
victim on behalf of a community who sent basically literally porn to basically literal children? the way they twist reality and project their degeneracy onto other people is annoying as fuck. straight guys wanna be oppressed so bad
No. 1281884
>>1281859I opened a thread recently which was all "this is a thread explaining why what Rowling said was wrong" and the whole thread was just OP ranting without a
single quote from Rowling. There is a dire absence of actual Rowling quotes in any of these tirades, because all she's said is she supports trans people, women's safety is a priority, and check out this guy threatening to bomb me.
I've even seen claims akin to
stop making me hit you where they try and claim
victim while sending literal death threats to a children's book author with nary a single quote to back up their accusations.
No. 1281913
>>1281894Another tip is if you can ALWAYS check scrotes social medias. Thats the only thing I like about online dating, is that some scrotes will openly lust, follow and say/like disgusting shit. They'll Chase after troons/femboys, like weird Troon tweets and weird porn in general.
If you can, before you seriously talk to someone try to get their socials or find it, look through it. Most of the men you had weird feelings about, who give that coomer feel usually are. There's a lot of straight men who think liking feminine men isn't gay, when the focus is always, "This person looks female but has a dick". The Dick is the attraction or the idea of being a person with a dick who is "Female" is the attraction. If you are open to dating bisexual men, date OPENLY bisex men. Not the, "I'm straight but I'm attracted to men with implants and dicks" nobody chases troons for neo-vaginas.
They are bisexual/gay men who are in denial or will troon out.Stay away from these men. Don't even try it.
>>1281895They say dumb shit like this and never explain it. People hate "Terfs" aka "Women" so much they don't even care if it makes sense, just accuse Terfs of something bad and people will like and believe it.
No. 1281965
File: 1626910265258.jpg (321.47 KB, 1079x827, the_entitlement_reeks_from_eve…)

I hate these fuckers so much
No. 1281989
>>1281249Anon, you didn’t know? Being a feminist means that you hate the Jews.
God, the length these scrotes will go to throw women under the bus. Exhausting.
No. 1281994
File: 1626913614758.png (74.65 KB, 577x145, Untitled.png)

is he trying to be contrapoints? we don't need another one
No. 1282015
>>1281811What’s kind of fucked about about this reply is that this dude would get crucified for even insinuating that current tranny shit is a fad. Not even other trannies can talk about this without getting called
TERF bootlickers.
No. 1282026
are straight men. They’re ree-ing about lesbians not wanting their dicks, not other straight men.
No. 1282056
>>1282052It's obviously referencing the feminist mantra "my body, my choice" but much like they fucked up the "scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds" quote beyond all possible comprehension
>>1281249 they have fubared this one as well
Maybe "meow" means "pussy"? I don't know anymore, I'm so tired
No. 1282065
>>1282052>>1282056it's supposed to be "my pussy, my choice". could be a
terf gotcha by saying they can identify as whatever they please since they have an axe wound but idk.
No. 1282085
>>1281603Yeah, iirc the artist is a TIF.
>>1282031>blair white>herI kek’d.
>>1282002>i am someone who doesn't hate all troons.>i hate the sex-obsessed freaks using it for fetishization.That is all troons. Notice how you can pick just about any random tranny/“nonbinary” TIM and he’ll fit right in with the thread topic? He’s not going to thank you, anon.
>>1281994He’s skinwalking him so earnestly that there’s no conceivable difference between them. Two crimson chin’d breadtubing TIMs trying to shill male mouthfeel to their closeted fag viewers.
>>1282028I’m sure there’s something about AGP men trying to transform into their assault
victims, if the rumor is true it makes sense. Transwidows talk about this often too, their husbands want to become like them but it becomes an obsession where the men feel entitled to cosplaying as their wives. See: all the TIMs who want to be their childrens other “mother” post-trooning out.
No. 1282090
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I had no fucking idea Patti Harrison was a TIM but granted I've never actually googled this person before, just seen on TikTok. the only truly passing instance I've seen tbh
No. 1282117
>>1282111Sometimes antisemitic, homophobic, or racist (anti-black) bait gets posted here, but it gets shut down quickly, and there's no proof it isn't troons trying to plant bigoted content here to "prove" we're bigots. Other than that, the only leg that they have to stand on is that, yes, at least
three trannies we hate here are Jewish. Ignore the loads more who are atheist, Christian, "Buddhist", or "Wiccan", including other rich or influential people. Rich white male perverts are a dime a dozen.
No. 1282124
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Highlights from r/asktransgender thread vilifying JKR:
>It's another way for bullies of any sort to exert power over marginalized people. It transfers the emotional labor onto us, absolving them of any such responsibility.
>Bullies love to play the victim.
>She is actually one of the worst people in the world IMO…. At least people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson are overly evil. I actually can’t believe how much I dislike her of all people now.
No. 1282133
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>>1282104Unfortunate about Gia Gunn. He thought he looked like a woman before trooning out. I think the plastic surgery really highlights his masculinity.
No. 1282144
>>1282039no you don't understand everything would be great if we could do (completely unrealistic expectation of people and society)
subscribe to my youtube channel.
No. 1282149
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And here I thought I had truly seen all forms of troon degeneracy. This zero-effort middle-aged troon moderates a bee hentai sub, lmao.
No. 1282152
>>128212Some criticisms, for anyone who can't place why these are fallacious.
>"(Regarding "TERFs" pointing out TIM/TRA aggression) It's a way for bullies to (…) exert power over marginalized people"This argument doesn't work, even under the assumption that trans people, as a group, are oppressed in as meaningful away as women are (they aren't). If you follow every assumption TRAs make, it would still be equivalent to, say, a lesbian sending death and rape threats to a straight woman for saying she wouldn't want to share a locker-room with a woman wearing a strap-on. This would be ludicrous. No lesbian (or other woman) would threaten another woman that way for setting such a fair boundary. If she did, she would be seen as mentally ill, at best, or dangeroys, at worst; and it would be a fair judgement that her peers would judge her on. She would be policed by her fellow woman, and her fellow lesbian in particular. And rightfully so.
>Notice how almost every minority has a stereotype of veing "angry" tooWomen rejecting to have sex with men who do not believe they should vote, have jobs, or have full bodily autonomy is not the same as TIMs sending rape and death threats to women who acknowledge actual harmful behavior from a group of people encroaching on the rights they pretty much just got. Black people being callous towards white people due to centuries of ongoing oppression and gaslighting is not the same as TRAs demanding cosmetic surgeries prompted by their mental illness be paid for by taxpayers, and threatening anyone who even questions the idea. Not being able to tell the difference between the anger of people with intergenerational trauma, and simple entitled tantrums, shows privilege.
>I actually can't believe how much I dislike her of all people now. Like many I read her books when I was a kid and it feels like a derp betrayal (…)You're disappointed because you had a parasocial mommy, and she didn't agree with your ridiculous morality system in full. Mom said "no", and put the sweets back on the shelf. You're not disappointed by people like Ben Shapiro, because you never liked them. They always filled the "villain" role for you, nice and clean. It frustrates you that someone you like could disagree with you, especially a woman. You wouldn't be as outraged if Neil Gaiman or George R.R. Martin said the exact things she said. Disappointed? Yes. Angry? Maybe. Rape and bomb threats? No. You are the ones punching down, face it.
No. 1282191
>>1282182That’s how you know even
they know they aren’t in any actual danger. I guarantee that the Chilean HSTS street prostitutes whose death rates TRAs like to co-opt aren’t whining on Twitter or Reddit about women who don’t want to see their ladydique. Being told no by a woman is the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to these guys so they equate it with actual oppression and violence.
No. 1282210
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>>1282182Absolutely amazing how they have taken the mask off and say the quiet part loud now. You can just admit that you hate women who don't want the truth about sex based oppression erased instead of legitimate nazis and people will agree. The people I know who are normally philanthropic, intelligent adults full swallow the "JK wrote a transphobic manifesto" pill no questions asked and I'm at a loss of words at how insane it is. What the fuck is it about society hating women so much they can preach about the harms brought upon by racism and then immediately turn around and call for the hanging of one woman who said erasing sex erases the suffering women have to face even while subscribing to the "trans women are women" meme?
No. 1282216
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>>1282149cope and seethe, beecel.
No. 1282235
>>1282187LGBT acceptance is going down and literally all we hear about from it is "twans wights uwu" so in reality it means people ARE seeing through more of the trans BS.
No one cares when women are suffering from the trans consequences, but men will peak from being told they have to suck girldick to be straight. And since so many trans people are predatory "lesbians" who hurt women the male partners of their
victims will also peak. You need to fight fire (transwomen, aka men) with fire (also men)
No. 1282237
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Older Terfs are saying this sentence doesnt exist in the book lmao. Jfc, behind all the makeup, angles and narcissism they cope and seethe at the fact that vaginas cant be replicated so they have to devalue vaginas by describing it as a "castrated gash".
No. 1282262
>>1282151That 'Darcy' image is disheartening because its clearly a little kid.
Just when you think youve seen every fetish possible, degenerates go and prove you wrong
No. 1282275
>>1281554Based Megami tensei anon, anime is a medium as you describe it but it's rampant with sexist bullshit. You're far to tolerant of it as a whole.
There are some excellent works like Mushishi, FMA, The 12 Kingdoms and Monster, even shit like Durarara but for every good anime there's dozens if not hundreds of dogshit fanservice, run of the mill harem shit and I agree with other anons it is a red flag if someone watches anime as a rule of thumb because of this.
You can't defend all anime as a medium without acknowledging this. Eventually you grow out of most anime because if perpetuates an endless cycle of misogynistic and cliche tropes not unlike troons themselves. Hell, to put this into terms of a fellow the SMT V protagonist was called a fem boy by the very vocal cancerous Reddit community when 10 years ago the P3 protagonist (a near identical generic shounen protagonist but just a little prettier) exists and no one would ever come up with the coom brianed concept of femboy. I get the sense that most anons here have no problem with crossdreessing but troons have soured potential allies with their flagrant misogyny and oversimplification of feminity that is often rooted in misogyny.
Yes not all anime is sexualized garbage but cumbrains have ruined every facet of media and most of anime is just Japanese cumbrains. And don't get me started on the decline of decent portrayals of women in anime/manga over the past decade. The writers of anime are often old men and this becomes very obvious as you become more critical of media and adds an even skeevier element to the oversaturated coming of age stories with highschool settings that suffocate the medium.
No. 1282322
>>1282143anon you got me with that one
>>1282145They probably view Scully as a hero tbh
>>1282149Why do they always look like ten years older than their actual age
No. 1282329
>>1282237Even it the quote is false, note how his perception of what vagina is based on is defined by the male perception of it, I.e. because a man sees a pussy as a "castration gash" this means what pussy is is a castration gash.
I know he probably meant it as a joke, but it is in jokes that people often uncover their true nature.
Women and their anatomy can and do exist without needing to be perceived by males.
I am so tired, friends.
No. 1282338
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Literal who has something he wants us to know.
No. 1282345
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>>1282176Berserk is pretty cool if you start from the very start.
>Hero was raped as child and used as sex slave.>Rather than submit he murdered his rapist, mentally damaged forever.>Has trouble forming relationships.>Violently lashes out at the world.>Get that violence channeled towards something healthy.>Slowly becomes a real person., Learns what love and friends are.>The only remotely healthy relationship he has goes to shit when his only real friend rapes his love interest and murders the rest of his only friends.>Spends 300+ chapters screaming and stabbing stuff slowly becoming less human.It pretty much describes all types of men perfectly. There are men who should stop and be content with what they have, but they're willing to sacrifice others to get what they want. There are men who just want the bare minimum, but they can't have it no matter how hard they try. There are men who just want to rape and kill. The only thing I can't stand about it is, Miaura could have finished it decades ago.
>>1282275First up. Reddit wasn't even a thing when Persona 3 came out. Thank God. Second, this cancerous shit with the new protag is because the faggies and casuals have invaded the SMT franchise due to Persona 5 being so accessible to the non SMT crowd.I'm seriously
triggered at how badly Persona 4~5 became mass market consumer shit.I'm actually happy these people don't actually play the games otherwise the completely optional crossdressing in 4A would be the only thing they talk about lmao - Now regarding anime, It's just like regular movies. Either you can drown in the garbage or enjoy the gentle rain of the good stuff. I agree with you fullheartedly; there's no denying the endless amount of garbage designed to separate weebs from their money- but you can't judge a medium simply by the mass consumption garbage.It sucks having to dig through garbage to find the treasure, but at least there's a treasure to be found, even if it's not new. I've been watching old 80s robot shit with my husband and it's all just… Politics. Like if it didn't have giant robots and spaceships, it's just a fucking episode of Versailles.
>>1282210"Transphobic Manifesto"
Imagine someone chaining the doors of a mall shut and throwing pamplets that explain what a penis and vagina are at people.
No. 1282350
>>1282178Berserk is my favorite manga but god forbid I speak about it with moids. I once complained about how the amount of troll rape was ridiculous and some fanboi told me to get out of the fandom because that's what made "Berserk" BERSERK.
>>1282151Please take us seriously and respect our rights!
No. 1282384
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>>1282149that is the girl protagonist from fucking Pokemon Black/White on his fucking banner, a literal fucking child from a children's franchise showing off her arse
I fucking hate these freaks
No. 1282386
>>1282235Not trying to cape for men here, but I think most of them honestly didn't know it was an issue until recently. Every man I've spoken to on the issue is appalled that men can compete in women's sports and can go into female changing rooms/bathrooms with their dicks out.
People only supported or ignored troons because they had low visibility and didn't seem to impose themselves upon women and girls too much, but now that we have men competing in women's sports en masse and TRAs openly saying that little girls should shut up and deal with dicks in the ladies room, any support they had is rapidly fading.
No. 1282392
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>>1282370This part was hmmm….
>”It’s wild to be 29 and going through puberty again. Some days I feel like I’m 14.”Sir you are almost 30. A grown man with a fully developed brain and gynecomastia. Not 14 in any sense, shape or form.
No. 1282529
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>>1282338>>1282392Kek at his barrel chest and vocal fry. He reminds me of Charles "Charlotte" Clymer.
No. 1282560
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>>1282529Had to google who this was
No. 1282584
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>>1282384 The pandemic really gave me time to open my eyes to this, since my job was closed and I had nothing else to do lmao. Everything involving children is considered pedo, unless it's Pokemon or praised by the LGBTQ+2 and it's so double sided and schizophrenic.
For example.
Cuties ( lmao I saw it don't lynch me)
>Mob never saw the movie because they believed it to be Pedobait>Movie is wholesome religious bait about peer pressure all young women face.>Moral of the movie is watch your fucking children before they turn into murderous whores, since she did try to kill the fat girl- maybe she did kill her, the movie never explains her fate.>Her sexuality was not approved of and copying what she found on the internet only made her situation worse.>Movie is not LGBT approved because the righteous power of Allah turns her from path society was pushing her down- no mention of what happened to her cousin she planted her nudes on though.versus
Life is Strange.
>LGBT+ approved.>Praised by Polygon as a heartfelt exploration of sexuality.>Underage gay boys denied a sex scene, Polygon complains.13 Sentinels.
>LGBT+ approved>Sony listed the game as a must play Pride Month game.A literal robo-Twink spends most of his time trying be a cute, sexy little girl to confuse and seduce a young man who's just hitting puberty.
Then there's Pokemon.
>LGBT Friendly, even though it's hard Male=Male, Female=Female, Ditto = Universal Whore.>Franchise itself is decidedly non sexual, with the exception of several adults.>The fanbase sexualizes everything from top to bottom. Hop on twitter and get hit with a " They're not real, so it's okay" And that's what kills me. The very same people who riot over "10000 year old in a 10 year old body" tropes will turn around and coom over a 12 year old in booty shorts, not just coom. They want to be the 12 year old in the booty shorts. I wish we could just go back in time and stop the internet from evolving past Geocities.
No. 1282617
>>1282235>And since so many trans people are predatory "lesbians" who hurt women the male partners of their victims will also peak.Lesbians (the women being targeted by troons) don’t have male partners.
However, even straight and bi women can’t count on scrotes to care when we are being victimized, even the moids who claim they love us. If men who “love” women actually made themselves useful like that, they’d already be out organizing against rape, street harassment, abortion restrictions, FGM, child marriage, menstrual discrimination, etc etc etc
Men, as a class, don’t care about women, as a class.
No. 1282623
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this one has to be in the top three most grotesque reddit trannies
No. 1282638
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I remember this scrote from a few months ago. He came out to his wife, the mother of his son, on Mother's Day, and played the victim when she didn't take the news well.
No. 1282639
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>>1282638Short version
No. 1282646
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>>1282623In the reddit caption he calls this his “tinklebell” shirt
No. 1282650
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Just got suspended for my username lol. it was "I_Follow_males_" seems like we have to start getting more creative with the usernames if this hobby is to continue. It's too funny seeing how mad they get just for being called their accurate sex category
No. 1282653
>>1282646Tag yourself
I'm the rice Krispy crumbs in the hairbrush
Seriously though there is so much mental illness to unpack in this image
No. 1282656
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>>1282642This literally made me rage.
No. 1282677
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>>1282646Why are people like this? What happened to being clean? From Troons to camwhores it’s the same disgusting rooms from end to end of the internet.
No. 1282686
>>1282680Literal mental illness.
These kind of people (attention whoring e-girls and trannies) are so disgusted with themselves and what they are, so they let that literal mess pile up around them because they just know they are pieces of shit.
It surprises me with the trannies especially. You think that for trying to portray feminine stereotypes they would be playing Suzy homemaker, cooking cleaning, nagging when the toilet seat is left open, etc. Alas here we are.
No. 1282700
>>1282584>Mob never saw the movie because they believed it to be Pedobaitit is pedobait. getting a bunch of real kids to perform erotically for your film is pedophilic, regardless of if your message is anti-pedo or not. the erotic scenes didn't need real kids, they could have been done with adults or in shadow theatre or animation or some other way.
idk why you think it's not lgbt approved, most people I've seen defending it are woke breadtube types like jack saint.
No. 1282712
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/u/TranswomenAreTranswomen would probably get you swiftly banned now, lol. FWIW, r/MtF and r/trans are still private, despite admin janitors cracking down on the "transphobic hate crime accounts."
No. 1282718
>>1282700You missed the point as well. The point of the movie is , any little girl , your little girl, my little girl, can take someone’s phone , go on the internet and emulate what the most popular moves are.
Why do people not see that? Look at fucking TikTok or remember when it was musically and all those young girls were grinding to Pony for likes. The movie was a perfect reflection of our society and people didn’t like what they saw. Because that is the disgusting hyper sexual nature of our or lives but when faced with it bluntly, all anyone can say is “ew pedoshit” without acknowledging that the very same pedoshit is what fuels everything. The outrage should be at the world that allows it, not at the film that points it out. That movie made me re evaluate my daughters friends and install content blockers.
I’m really freaked out that the dancing is all anyone took away from the film.
No. 1282740
>>1282654They’ve been doing this for decades, except with straight women they wait until they have her trapped with marriage, a home and/or a child before revealing themselves. Straight men don’t see it as transbians “stealing their women” any more than they view regular domestic abuse as abusers stealing women - at that point the woman is the abuser’s property and he can do what he wants with her. Even if he ends up killing her they’ll find some way to make it her fault. The only thing that’s new about this form of abuse is that mainstream “feminism” encourages it, the
victim is considered a bigot for speaking up and if she does make it to a shelter, her abuser can just walk right in after her with no legal way to stop him.
No. 1282745
>>1282700Anon please marry me. This is how I've been feeling for so long. In my country we recently had a scandal about what was appropriate and inappropriate wear in school. Adults screeching "don't sexualize girls bodies!!" so girls as young as ten have the right to be half naked next to much more covered boys in class…
The only alternatives we have now are pseudo religious conservative bullshit or this consumerist indecency that justifies anything it can link to the vaguest notion of "freedom", both ready to make girls and young women preys that don't have the tools to defend themselves in the world.
No. 1282748
>>1282740You can't be for women's rights and support troons. This whole movement is not for women and even men hell. The whole idea of troons is enforcing gender stereotypes. They are beta males by culture standards and think women have it easy.
Watch how many men say girls can easily get rich, all she has to do is whore out then when that dries up she can go get married to some poor bastard. They always say something along the lines of that. Troons as a whole fetishize womanhood. It's easy to child birth doesn't hurt as much as being kicked in the balls to men don't have option to stay at home. These troons believe first and forth most that since they cannot make it as male model ("chad") then they should try being a woman because with a woman they don't have to try.
They are forgetting that women have been oppressed and also have a lot of shit to deal with that we as women don't tell men. Anytime we try to talk about women issues we are minimize because we have to sit down, shut up, and deal with men especially our boyfriends or husbands.
The worse thing about these beta men is that they trap, abuse, and power trip over women but in this case a different way. Trapping women into marriages, forcing women and children to deal with them throwing their dick around, and fetishizing a whole gender by either being trad wife, goth whore, egirl,bimbo, or 'teacher/librarian' who is naughty on the side look. That is all they see with women. We are nothing but people to have sex with and sexualize.
All these lies about us having it easy is spread by survivor bias, Belles and other famous cam girls are minority that made it so now it gives impression that women have easy money when they don't see how much women fail even that the stuff they deem as easy.
No. 1282762
>>1282718I get the point, but you don't get my point. The point people who don't like the movie make is that you don't need to put real kids in erotic scenes to show that pedophilia is bad. There are plenty of ways to include a horrible scene in your film without it also serving as salacious wank material for perverts. Seven (spoilers) manages to have the decapitation at the end be shocking and dramatic without actually showing it they have to show the erotic shit they could have used adult actors during those scenes.
>Why do people not see that?I don't need to watch French child erotica to know the internet is full of child sexualization and predators. I've known that since I was 11, as do a lot of people who grew up with the net, maybe boomers don't and think Cuties is some grand revelation.
No. 1282785
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>>1282718I'm assuming you've never met a non-offending ephebophile/paedophile IRL. They watch videos of child gymnasts and dancers, seek out non-nude child model imagery from Chan sites.
Scenes in cuties recreates EXACTLY what they masturbate to. The fact a mainstream movie such as Cuties produces the content non-offending paedophiles desire is a message. That Cuties IS sexualised child imagery is more insightful than any "artsy" meaning behind the themes/plot of the movie itself.
This debacle highlights how clueless people are. Cuties apologists "unenlightened Americans don't understanding the mEeAniMgs" are truly ignorant about real life paedos.
>picrel, this is what a 27yo woman understood from Cuties No. 1282793
File: 1627033616789.jpg (1.4 MB, 4096x2926, E61InJ0WUAQxKsg.jpg)

Some lovely photos from Scotland that say a lot
No. 1282794
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>>1282785Unironically a similar viewpoint shared by incels.
No. 1282798
>>1282002I don't hate all troons, I just hate the ideology that facilitates their existence. I object to gender stereotypes superseding biological fact. Womanhood is the lived experience of people who are treated as lesser human beings for the crime of being born with a vagina.
Gay men who are unobtrusive outside of playing dress-up and getting plastic surgery (i.e., the "good trannies) aren't hurting anybody and don't really deserve to be hated. They're a symptom of a larger problem, though. What does it say about our culture that people would rather butcher their bodies with surgery than just live as GNC homosexuals? It shouldn't have gotten to this point in the first place. People wouldn't be mutilating themselves like this if we could just let gender stereotypes go already.
AGPs are a different side of the same coin. They're aroused by the taboo of gender non-conformity. They view the very act of "being" a woman as humiliating and therefor arousing. If it wasn't a taboo, there wouldn't be a fetish (or at the very least it would be less prevalent) because no taboo means no humiliation.
Basically, hate the game, not the player. Unless a particular player is a pervert or misogynist– in that case, you should absolutely hate them.
No. 1282802
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Saged but this was under a recent Izzzyzzz video. Someone commented "as a trans person I…" and all the replies are like this, just "yeah it's almost like they just see us a kink or something". Even on the slim and tiiiiiiiny chance that they aren't doing this for a kink, the complete lack of awareness about what goes on in their community is astounding. They just refuse to acknowledge the majority of deviants
No. 1282803
File: 1627034882542.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.46 KB, 1920x1007, vintologi.jpg)

>>1282797He's real unfortunately. He's the creator of r/transmaxxing, a sub and philosophy that encourages incels to transition. He's been thru about 50 aliases on reddit. His current one is /u/dvintologi. He recently branched out to YT videos. KF has a thread on him. Picrel is him.
No. 1282815
So the ISU (international skating union) are considering having troons in competitions. ofc, the majority are in support of the change but im glad there's a few that express their concerns which ultimately lead to others defending troon with the power of hrt (as if that alone could back up their claims for equality)
i'm really worried. the women's section on the sport is already a competitive mass pile of shet with EDs and shitty coaches, some pushing young girls to perform many jumps in a single performance alone that could horribly affect their health in a long term. im not a huge skating fan but i do enjoy watching and reading about it.
No. 1282820
>>1282815Ice skating and rhythmic gymnastics are the few sports field I'm not
too worried about, since that's where women have a natural advantage, so it's unlikely a 43-year old actually-supposed-to-be-retired male is going to bulldoze its way into the ranks of trained-all-their-life 20-something women.
No. 1282821
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>>1282794Oh, I know. Liberal normie women are ignorant about male thinking, whether it's actual paedophiles or incels. Which is why they have naive takes on "enlightened European sexuality" and bullshit about "female energy".
>picrel, the whole take on Cuties>>1282791Yes. Men are what they are. We have to behave with that truth in mind. We can't wishfully act like we're in some fantasy land where men aren't depraved and degenerate at their core.
No. 1282822
>>1282815Infuriating but the reddit comments are somehow worse, all these pathetic fucking handmaids praising something that could hurt them and all the female athletes they support. Even the ones questioning it are apologetic and full of obligatory disclaimers about how much they love trannies.
>>1282820Not really, male skaters have a significant strength advantage that allow them a higher success rate at multi rotation jumps compared to a female at the same level. Female skaters are more flexible with better spins thanks to their low centre of gravity but jumps are where the points really come from.
No. 1282829
>>1282822>>1282823this is what i am worried about, the jumps. men have an advantage on it unlike women. not many women could even do the triple axel and a few have become known because of it.
i'm worried that a parent would put their son on the women's section for an easier advantage or if some troon decided to debut for the women's senior division after competing in junior's men division.
there's already troons that have been wanting to compete, i've read their questions regarding about it years ago and fortunately there weren't a lot of resources that helped them. now, with this, we're gonna see some dude wearing tight outfits with their balls protruding as they skate to the music of swan lake or smth.
but, i'm somewhat glad, that figure skating is a dying and exclusive sport. with favoritism, discrimination and corruption that plague each organization. nepotism too. but who knows if there's an mtf that got connections out there wanting to be a princess with blades.
besides, once yuzuru hanyu retires i'm sure the fans will slowly start to dwindle along with their money they put on the sport.
No. 1282836
>>1282831Holy shit, pedo confirmed with the second to last cap
>revel in and encourage the sexuality of my young daughter>In our home sexuality will be developed >Sensual dance, self exploration Even if young girls are sexual, it's for them to explore on their own or with (willing) boys/girls their age, not their
fucking families like what is this pedo shit
Gulag for this person.
No. 1282839
>>1282768Lmao anon you're right, I can't unsee it now
Him playing Emily Howard in Little Britain is a perfect representation of troons tbh and people laughed at how ridiculous it was… yet here we are
No. 1282845
>>1282817Ok, the film was made and distributed in Europe first though, I'm just saying dont forget that males are pedophiles everywhere unfortunately not only in one small subset of the US. I wish it were that way and that we could attribute all the pedos here to a foreign influence
>>1282818Who said anything about her? Regardless women can absolutely be complicit in these things, especially African (as in the nationality/culture, not the race) ones. Now that I think about aren't the French known for harboring pedos too?
No. 1282848
>>1282845If you're talking about the movie industry in France then yes, absolutely. It's a bunch of rich assholes who all know each other, and there's a shit ton of nepotism on top of that. I want to say that this applies to most of the "older" artists, as well as musicians and intellectuals in general, because I'll never understand how the fuck Gainsbourg managed to get a steady career. Let's just say that Roman Polanski's career is thriving in France, but the general public doesn't approve it because a shit ton of people started hating Jean Dujardin when he agreed to star in one of his movies and defended him with the usual "separate the man and the artist" speech. There's also the young director/main actress of the movie "16 printemps" who is the daughter of some big name in the industry who made this movie because of connections she has since birth, the story is about a teenager who's NLOG who falls in love with a guy in his 30s and she heavily implied it's just based on this cliché in these older, disgusting French movies about ugly, lost middle aged men falling for teenage girls who can heal their male depression with the power of love. To give you another idea of why the French media industries are fucked up, everytime a non-white French celebrity becomes famous outside of France people involved in that industry get incredibly salty, like when Omar Sy moved to the USA and Aya Nakamura got a fanbase outside of Europe.
As for the woman who directed Cuties, I haven't seen the movie at all but all the themes the movie is about seem very relatable from my own pov as a French woman from a muslim family. I feel like it's the type of themes that should be addressed in other media, like books, animated series/movies or documentaries so young actresses wouldn't be involved.
No. 1282855
>>1282836>>1282831She's a woman, but one of those California boho girls.
This is what mainstream feminism is though. All about sexual energy, feminine ""power"" and being girl boss.
No. 1282867
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>>1282785Thank you. If the “message” of Cuties was that it’s bad to sexualize little girls, please explain why the marketing materials went out of their way to sexualize little girls? I’m the parent of a daughter and the posters and trailers didn’t convey any of that message to me, they just screamed “hey, wanna watch little girls twerk in skimpy clothes without feeling like a pervert? Check out Cuties on Netflix!”
No. 1282869
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No. 1282872
>>1282869Aren't these the same people who screech that 'trans children' will all kill themselves if they have to go through natural puberty instead of being chemically castrated and hopped up on cross-sex hormones? Where are all the(as they claim, inevitable) suicides from dysphoric teenagers who weren't able to get put on puberty blockers in decades past?
By this logic, all the repressed troon kids not only didn't kill themselves, but went on to become healthy, dysphoria-free adults. Either suicidal troons are a modern phenomenon, or there's no need to put kids on chemical castration drugs since they'll be just fine without them.
No. 1282883
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>>1282867Actually this intense sexualization was an internal decision at Netflix and the director had no say in it. Soon after they changed the thumbnail in netflix due to the backlash. Attached is the original french poster
No. 1282891
>>1282883The image that Netflix used was directly pulled from a scene towards the end of the film where the girls are twerking, gyrating on the floor and the cameras focuses on their bodies. The director created the scene where the poster came from. She might not have had a say in the marketing, but she produced the marketing material for them. The original one has the little girls wearing bras and panties on top on their normal clothes. Both posters sexualized and exploited the actresses, albeit to different degrees.
Did they had to use such young actresses? They also auditioned around 700 girls and made tapes of them to twerking. There was definitely at least one pedo in that production team. It just screams Dan Schneider levels of child abuse.
No. 1282899
>>1282883Girl we know, we’ve all seen the posters. I’m just putting this retarded “AmeRiCaNs ARe ToO DuMb AnD FaT to UndErStAND tHe DeePeR MesSagE!” discourse to rest when it was
intentionally marketed as pedo bait in the US. And the movie itself has tons of close-up panning shots on young girls’ bodies, which (to me) totally muddled the supposed message that sexualizing children in the media is bad. If that was the director’s message, she didn’t convey it clearly enough because a ton of people (and not just Americans) saw it as an example of the problem she was trying to critique. I’ve seen plenty of movies that explored the difficulties of growing up in a hypersexualized culture, that didn’t need to zoom in on little girls’ butts gyrating in spandex booty shorts to make their point. That’s pedo baiting, period, regardless of the message.
No. 1282914
>>1282802Yeah and the comment was about there being 'male, female, trans' option on a dating site. Bet that if there wasn't 'trans' option, they'd also complain.
Izzzy is a handmaiden and selfhating pickme though. Her videos are well done but her takes on various issues are mind-numbing.
No. 1282919
>>1282903What the fuck? Kek. Dude is screaming like a kid who doesn't want to take a bath. Why the fuck was he resisting assistance? What a retard.
>>1282908>death metal screamsNonnie please don't tell me this is what any metal sounds like to you. I'm so sad. He sounds more like a wannabe impersonator of an 80's rock star.
No. 1282930
File: 1627058077908.png (178.83 KB, 667x360, are the stickers safe.png)

>>1282903>Crash your car.>Somehow end up under the car.>They try to save a trapped "woman">Discover it's a dude.>Dude starts screaming vile things.>They start to manhandle him.Who cares about the tranny, are those stickers okay and I'm gonna need like three sets of those for my friends and I.
No. 1282946
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I am waiting for men to find out women have softer skin that isn't as firm as men's so they can cry more oppression.
No. 1282947
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No. 1282960
>>1282947He is Russian has a YT channel. Looks like your typical malnourished slav moid kek
video of him singing (Cringe) No. 1282969
>>1282794>Having a kid with a high quality male early>Incels>High quality malesTopkek, only omegas seek out children, which is what this moid plainly states in the end. It doesn't matter if you're broke, fugly and deformed if it's a kid. Young girls have no clue what a high quality male is and can't fight back.
You tried moid!
No. 1282977
>>1282963In a lot of anime, women and girls are extremely stereotyped and sexualized. Even the rare well written female characters in anime will have these stereotypes projected onto them by sex pests like troons because Japanese animators can't resist pandering to them by drawing voyeuristic scenes.
>>1282903Kek, that beta male screeching.
No. 1282992
>>1282987I get it, fuck cops etc, but why was he saying that to the firefighters/EMS people? Was he expecting them to say shit like "omg she/her kween ur so
valid" instead of focusing on their jobs?
No. 1283019
>>1283012Kek- laugh out loud, when something is funny
Milk- drama; normie version of this word is tea, ‘spill the tea sis’
Cowtipping- interacting with the people discussed on these threads; informing them about the website
No. 1283025
>>1282903This would be really funny if the obnoxious male screeching didn't hurt my ears so much. He is literally REEEing.
>>1283012Welcome sister, just make sure to read the site rules.
No. 1283117
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No. 1283156
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only a matter of time until she catches him wearing her panties
No. 1283158
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almost forgot to include the best reply kek
No. 1283214
File: 1627095868227.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.34 KB, 1300x929, p3bsAm4.jpg)

>>1283112I know what sailor moon is, I don't think you know what moe is …
Sailor moon is absolutely guilty of pandering to ephebophiles but moe is a style of art that is even more pedophilic and popular with troons for that very reason
No. 1283215
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What in the world is going on with this uncanny valley abomination of a body? No. 1283226
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>>1283215the hands though
No. 1283259
>>1282987his whole speech is such a larp, like he's clearly thinking this is all a game. the way he talks, the words he's using, he's trying to mimic the stereotypical party girl. fucking delusional and porn sick, so stuck in fantasy land even when he's being crushed by his own car.
>>1282795ironic the male would be wearing a shirt that says "obey" on it. it's probably related to something not deep, however, i don't doubt his misogynistic subconscious wanted to wear this shirt for this event, specifically to yell obscenities at women who aren't aligned with him.
No. 1283264
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Troomers fetishizing ridiculous female stereotypes.
No. 1283265
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Funny, lighthearted take on it.
No. 1283278
>>1283156>right before we got married, I caught him online sexting with other menAhahah you could just stop reading right there, why get married at this point? Sunk cost fallacy is a bitch.
>porn addiction is something we've fought about for a really long timeFuckin, red flag store and this is only the first paragraph. Nobody is
that much of a moron even in their first relationship, why stick to this guy.
>fast forward five years>things going pretty greatYes being a beard for your gay husband sounds mighty great.
>great aside from thisAside from his obsession with tranny porn and transitioning, sounds great to me!
I feel bad for trans widows but the warning signs were there the whole time. She was simply choosing to ignore them and pretend everything was "great."
No. 1283281
>>1283214>>1283273This just strikes me as an anon that doesn't really get anime/manga stuff. Cute soft and pretty art while it can be moe and troons can like it doesn't make it shit
for troons. This is just a soft shoujo style. Now if it were some cringe ass ahegao splash I'd more get it as the vast majority of people that like that shit are men. Sage for off topic.
No. 1283295
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Blizzard's lead game systems designer.
He hasn't commented much on the recent blizzard sexual harassment / discrimination against women fiasco.
What has he said, you ask?
> when people blame men as a group for this i feel attacked because I know at my core that I am a male, but actually, this is just ~*social dysphoria*~, and if you feel this way too, you might just be trans!!!
No. 1283297
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No. 1283300
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>>1283295Crossposting from ftm thread
>>1283293 because blizzard came up over there.
Twitter link No. 1283310
>>1283297That is seriously fucking grim, the poor girl.
But tbh, isn't suicide the most obvious consequence of SRS? Remove a coomer's genitals, the source of his AGP fetish, and wtf is left except regret and a lifetime of medical care for an unnecessary festering wound. Any doctor who does that surgery should lose their license, it's a recipe for absolute disaster.
No. 1283349
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>>1283342Any man who wants to id as a woman should have his schlong cut off asap. Otherwise things like this happens: Male sex offenders gets to continue to sex offend in female prisons. No. 1283362
>>1283326>true and honest vagina >troonout >41% usernameCould be a troll post or could be real if she was already GC because of her father.
>>1283349put that shit under spoiler
No. 1283381
>>1283297even if this person lives in portland I call fucking bullshit that they could possibly be cleaning up after tranny suicides every single week, there just aren't enough of them in any one location for someone to encounter this
>>1283362>terf41percentjannyah yes…. very credible sounding
No. 1283383
>>1283303Wasn’t one of the characters an underage cam girl, and this was framed as her “reclaiming her sexuality” and as empowering? Just ‘grown men writing teen shows’ thing.
>>1283352It is in Japan. You have to be sterile and if you have children they have to be over the age of 20 before you can change your gender.
No. 1283402
>>1283297This is a tranny trolling.
>>1283300So if you’re an Aiden feeling angry at being grouped by women when they say they hate men, do you come full circle?
No. 1283418
>>1283402Yes check the ftm thread. One of them did exactly what you’re saying.
>>1283415Can you guys just chill w the OT infighting?
No. 1283489
>>1283297Lmao my husband and I met doing that mess of a job, the on-call shit sucked. It's an absolute shit job but you can't really tell the person was a tranny unless they have flags and shit all over the house. Half of that story is true, the rest is nonsense - and if it's actually true; This person worked for one of those fly-by night bioclean up companies that are constantly losing their certification for doing things they're not supposed to do.
>Throwing the whole room in the incinerator. Unless the troon exploded, it's usually the carpet that gets incinerated. Property, that's not taken as evidence is left for the family and fucking with it is actually crime.
>Finding CP in a dresserUnless there was splatter dripping in the dresser. You're not allowed to open anything that doesn't pertain to sanitizing the area. ie, blood goes under a dresser, you're allowed to move the dresser. If you're searching their home, you're committing a crime.
No. 1283547
>>1283415>but you're not a Japanese studies major so you wouldn't know that I guess>sperging out about anime~Not like the other weebs~
>>1283419Kek. Thank you, anon
No. 1283580
>>1283518transpeople be like, oh i know i'm meant to be a woman because I
feel like a real woman.
well, joe, no woman i know would ever show her tits off to a giant crowd on a public street unless she was stinking drunk on mardi gras, what's your excuse? oh right, you don't need one because if anyone questions your actions then you can call them a
TERF and end the argument before you have to ever explain anything about what 'feeling like a women' after being born & living 30+ years as a man means to you.
No. 1283634
>>1283500There was a test case this year brought by a tif but the japanese supreme court ruled the law is not unconstitutional.
As as I searching this just now I read that japanese courts also ruled this year that a tim who hasn’t had surgery and hasn’t legally changed their gender (you need to get surgery to change your gender) can legally be banned from using the women’s toilets.
No. 1283695
>>1283566No anon. They are just fetishitic idiots.
>>1283649I believe you. I live in one of the most conservative states in the US and they’re still gaining traction even here. They are just doomers.
No. 1283744
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Comments are gold. TIMs claiming to experience periods, showing no empathy, transplaining female biology: No. 1283748
>>1283744I want to feel sympathy for women who are dating or married to troons, I really do, but at some point they just need to start sticking up for themselves.
Your recently trooned out boyfriend is making light of your female-only disease and pretending to have it to so he can satisfy his sick fetish? Just tell him to fuck off. Or dump him without explanation, ghost him if you must. Just do
something other than grovel at his feet like this.
No. 1283808
File: 1627186831982.jpeg (238.43 KB, 3072x2241, wRemDRT.jpeg)

>>1283624If throwaway pedophilic pop culture constitutes as "Japanese study major" then damn.
No need to gatekeep being a weab at an academic level.
>>1283744Pedo shit has existed for years especially in Japan. So why are men only now pushing to normalize such a
toxic culture?
I've noticed 4chan lingo has been making the rounds too for the last 6-7 years incel, chad, stacy, karens, red pill/blue pill shit, simp etc.
Even shitty Twitch lingo seeps its way into the mainstream thesedays. And now tranny lingo like femboy. Why are people so ready to embrace extremist concepts from a strange green imageboard? Even normies embrace this shit now.
No. 1283843
>>1283808Twitter and youtubers make 4chan lingo popular
Hence why people are also aware of troon lingo on 4chan too
No. 1283851
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>>1283808>4chan lingo>Chad>StacyNonnie, i don't know what to tell you. it just seems like you have an intense chip on your shoulder.
No. 1283867
>>1283662They don’t understand what radical feminism is, then. It is inherently critical of gender and completely incompatible with the concept of opting into or out of your sex class. A rf can empathise with trans-identifying individuals but not trans ideology as a whole. You might as well claim to be a Marxist in favour of serfdom.
I have to wonder how those girls get on, though, because even acknowledging that sex-based oppression exists is transphobic tervery nowadays.
>>1283800Periods are all about being emotional and craving chocolate, anon! No uterus necessary.
No. 1283878
>>1283489The story is full of plot holes, it’s definitely a LARP. They wouldn’t be completely burning the dead’s possessions either, it usually ends up in a dumpsite.
>>1283808Chad, karen and simp are not 4chan references or lingo, ESLchan. Weeb is though.
No. 1283881
>>1283724>poking fun at obnoxious tifs is harassmentok aiden
>>1283745kek don't bother trying to argue with them. they're a schizo who derails threads by accusing everyone of being slatz. they accused me of it too.
No. 1283899
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and then everyone clapped
No. 1283908
File: 1627210316220.png (57.86 KB, 822x408, wholesome.png)

Porn addicted men sharing their fetish and buttfucking each other, such a hekkin wholesome redditorino moment!!
No. 1283910
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a beautiful and erotic coomeric series about actual women making troons feel valid
No. 1283914
>>1283851I mean we all know the terms aren't accurate depictions of real-life I don't know what your point is.
I don't give 2 shits about red pill bull shit this ain't r9k and any retard that takes terms like chad/stacy/red pill serious are fucking morons.
My problem is with the normalization of 4chan lingo, where it seeps into the mainstream than you have normalized degenerate behavior leading to concepts like femboys and multitudes of tranny shit.
>>1283878Chad and Stacy are absolutely 4chan memes. Has it been so long that zoomers don't even know the origin of the
toxic culture that permeates their lives? karen and simp I'm not sure about but am willing to bet would be heavily adopted by the community. I'd tread carefully discussing the origin of some of these terms since even if they didn't originate from 4chan, they likely would've been popularized by 4chan screencaps.
No. 1283929
>>1283919nta but the Karen meme existed way before 2019, it was used mostly by women (so on tumblr insta etc) to indicate a normie, often older woman. That "we can't call be neurotypical, karen" cake for example. Then reddit found it and it was funny for 2 days before they proceeded to beat it to death and repeatedly rape its dead body like few other memes before it
/meme history sperg
No. 1283940
File: 1627216429575.png (4.81 MB, 1280x1707, 4CD95B20-4DC0-47D2-AB58-2A545F…)

Imagine trying to enjoy your afternoon at a public park and seeing this shit.
No. 1283956
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Could have done without the knowledge that Patrick Swayzee was on the verge of trooning before he passed away
No. 1283972
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>>1283956I know right? Same thing with Robin Williams. She could have been saved.
(srsly tho you are a tard)
No. 1283992
>>1283940>giant bow that even a little girl would find too immature to wear at the edge of his receding hairline>awful makeup and earrings>trans power mask which does nothing to obfuscate his massive man jaw>cheap Hot Topid choker>ill-fitting pleated skirt that emphasizes his straight male hips bizarrely paired with white fishnets >shirt about muh dick, of course>un-ironed cape that looks like it was made out of a pillowcaseKEK this dude is such a stereotype that I can only assume the he was brought into this realm by a demon who plucked him straight out of a
TERF fever dream
No. 1284084
File: 1627236338428.gif (9 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif)

every single person i've ever seen on discord that has "she/her please" in their name or bio has an anime girl avatar
No. 1284174
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Not surprised one bit.These men want to transition to avoid consequences. It annoys me most that these trannies may be apart of the female crime statistics.
No. 1284225
>>1284175>zero interest in any of the other troons in the serverthis should be evidence enough that no matter how much they scream-cry about being 'real women' and demanding to be treated by society as such, EVEN THEY can tell the difference and they DON'T treat other transwomen like 'real women', either, or else they would be totally satisfied by just entering into relationships with other 'transbians' within their own niche communities.
repost because I forgot to sage, brain is in fevermode today.
No. 1284286
>>1284225Might be of note that, despite all being TWAW transbians, and all being very attention-seeking/lonely, none of them even really interact with each other at all. They'll beg to hang out or play games with literally anyone else, and join any call with at least one person in it (especially if it's a woman), but none of them specifically ask to spend time with each other, respond to @all requests to game/spend time from each other, or join calls if it's just a tranny in there. They're more excited to spend time with women than they are men (including troons), but they're also more willing and eager to interact with "cis" men than each other, despite sharing a lot of interests with their fellow troons. Even in big calls where more than one shows up, they barely talk to each other. Is it possible that, outside the (fairly rare) T4T types like Kevin Gibes, TIMs think of each other as lesser than men
and women, and all the "trans girls are hot/just like cis women" and "not dating transwomen when you're a lesbian is transphobic" shit is just lipservice, even when other trannies say it?
No. 1284332
>>1284225I remember this dude went to dance classes because he wanted to be surrounded by females, it will not be the first time in history some desperate guy does something like this.
This is why I don't buy any of the troons who are overtly masculine, a lot of them were super nerdy guys, le fedora tip meme dudes and they got no action in the mid 00's now it's more easy for them to creep on women with all this "she/her" thing.
Going back to those days there some terrible horror stories about sweaty fedora wearing fatsos in old cringe stories reddit communities.
The whole "now I'm the hot gf" meme, they believe it, they got nothing left.
No. 1284454
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'ate out' with a penis…. what
No. 1284455
>>1284454>My sex drive is weird now.You don't say!
>She made me feel like a woman.What woman can't relate!
No. 1284459
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>>128389923 going on 38, kek
No. 1284460
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>>1283899wow he got so much attention because he totes looked like a woman uwu
>>1284459>visually impaired No. 1284461
File: 1627281582468.png (9.46 MB, 1242x2208, 75DD4FBE-69C7-4981-9798-11BE95…)

>>1283899What a fugly creature…. This is how I imagine what every 4chan scrote looks like
No. 1284465
>>1283899>random desperate probably homeless person yells across the street asking for a cigarette this is not some situation where you’re getting attention, uggo. it’s a gas station.
the person also wanting some of their salami just made me kek for some reason. such a sexy food. literally sounds like a random homeless person outside the store
No. 1284469
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>>1284465Petition to call their rotten cock pockets salamis.
No. 1284484
>>1284336Ayrt. I'll clarify, they register eachother as male
but they also register that they're the same dirty validation seeking cockwhores. Troons don't want to hang out with people who make them self reflect. They don't want to hang around a dirty pedo sex offender with rot pockets, they want a cis man to take away from that reality and they want real women because we're their dream
No. 1284489
File: 1627286695144.jpg (552.68 KB, 810x2596, Screenshot_20210726-033305_Chr…)

Searching autogynephilia on Twitter always yields instant milk:
>Autogynephile and AGP are slurs… and sexual harassment.
No. 1284491
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>>1284489>Right before my egg cracked I was in a dark and suicidal place and it was because of Ray Blanchard, full stop.>Ray Blanchard nearly killed a lot of us.>Absolutely. Blanchardian typology is fundamentally transmisogynist.[2/2]
No. 1284494
>>1284491Imagine being suicidal because of scientists practicing what you believe to be phony science. Blanchard is right, but if they don't believe this, they're too weak to live. Women deal with sexist science all the time, stuff that's
actually untrue, and we just roll our eyes and prove otherwise, when needed. I assume black people did the same with racist science. Bigoted pseudoscience is more often the result of bias than the cause of it, so if one is really oppressed/marginalized, they'd be focused on the root of the problem, rather than the leaves. Also, bigoted science is also, you know, fairly easily debunked. I've seen endless research disproving sexist and racist pseudoscience, but all the trannies can find is their own tweets saying "lol no".
You know what I've learned causes people with mental disorders to consider suicide the fastest? Stating the hard truths of their conditions, without any fluff.
No. 1284511
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>>1284489>>1284491>>1284494So the reason why TIMs have their panties in a bunch even moreso than usual about AGP is that a group of TIFs, which included Buck Angel, recently published a modest critique of current transgender politics titled "Trans Men Fight Back." The essay embraces Blanchard's typology and rightfully places most of the blame for modern trans activism at the feet of AGP TIMs. This group of TIFs is associated with the Gender Dysphoria Alliance Canada (GDAC).[1/2]
No. 1284512
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No. 1284556
File: 1627295440124.jpeg (102.09 KB, 770x1074, me.jpeg)

you whores would kill to have sex with me.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1284585
File: 1627297753700.png (104.02 KB, 1016x814, 1626565992744.png)

>>1284512that's that karen fiasco all over again
it started from being used against 1 racist woman, to teens complaining about moms, to men using it to shut up any woman
troons saw people talking about male privilege, didn't like it, and start using the same card to shut up a demographic mostly consisting of teen girls
they're the exact same type of men who think being a (white) hetero men makes you the most oppressed because people dare to talk about misogyny and racism
not my pic but i feel like this went a bit lost in the last thread:
>within 4 years female-perpetrated child sexual abuse increased 84%…and experts think this is because now there's suddenly less of a taboo to talk about being hurt by a woman…? literally how can you be so dumb, why would that suddenly happen???
people nitpick statistics so hard when it comes to race or religion but with gender based stuff they just love to close their eyes…
No. 1284595
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No. 1284601
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>>1284597consider the following
(namefag) No. 1284606
>>1284556Thanks for the reminder that female skirts weren't designed for male bodies. The proportions of the skirt is off, not that you're wearing a size too small, it looks too small for your male body. Like an adult man wearing a t-shirt designed for an 10 year old. Just because it fits doesn't mean it looks right.
>>1283899>>1283940Try going for this look. At least we won't see your dick.
No. 1284611
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>>1284607His pathetic attempt at enlarging his non existent hips and thighs just on one side is milk worthy though.
No. 1284638
>>1284595How does he know she was cis REEEE
For anons wondering how to get better at clocking troons, this is my method: imagine the person with short hair, no makeup, and wearing a polo shirt. Idk why the polo shirt really clinches it for me but it does.
When you do that looking at a woman, it doesn't really click… but for "passing" (aka catfishing and facetuned) troons like this, it's so easy to see the male features jump out once you visualize them bare-faced and wigless.
You'll see the hidden incel inside 100% of the time.
No. 1284656
>>1284595And then everybody clapped
>>1284601Excellent, how do we increase these numbers
No. 1284658
File: 1627309249323.jpeg (884.83 KB, 750x1334, A70E37C5-8A60-498D-AACF-9AB370…)

Found one in the wilds of Instagram.
This is a look that’s suppose to emphasize the curves of the hips and bust line for going out to brunch with the girls.
Did she purposefully style this troon to make him look like a man in dress as much as possible?? I am so baffled.
No. 1284672
>>1284659In GC circles I see people ask "how the hell are you clocking trans so quickly" and they usually sound pretty young. Like there are a lot of girls who were genuinely shocked the wacky waving inflatable tube man in the Gossip Girl reboot was trans.
I think teenagers in troon-heavy cities spent their formative years being told that Rupaul looks like a woman and Ellen Page looks like a man, so they're late catching up to the truth about sexual dimorphism.
No. 1284679
>>1284576Even the most delusional pooner knows that she's still a woman and a target for male violence.
>>1284518HSTS don't really face oppression either. The small amount of violence they face is either DV or a robbery/drug deal gone wrong. One of the inebriated straight men they rape by deception beating them up is even more rare.
No. 1284683
>>1284658I'm certain that "Natalie" insisted on that outfit and the dumb libfem stylist didn't have the courage to suggest something else.
That ensemble absolutely looks like what a mentally ill man would think of as "feminine"- garish red lipstick, flowery pink strapless top, long skirt, strappy sandals. Being very stereotypical men, the average AGP troon has never looked into fashion and has no idea how to coordinate a basic man's outfit, let alone a woman's.
No. 1284718
File: 1627313907665.jpg (405.09 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_p3yaoqt5wI1v9aibho1_128…)

>>1284638Kek that reminds me of some cow called DestinytoMoon who's a woman that claimed to be mtf trans. Kiwifarms was the one questioning her for the most part but there were also some TRAs questioning her 'transition' because she "passes too well".
Imo troons either read as obviously male or they look like plastic surgery addicted blow up dolls.
More women should try to pretend to be troons though, it'd be comedy gold seeing the mental gymnastics between "we're indistinguishable from cis women" and "you're not trans, you're cis!".
No. 1284725
File: 1627314583142.png (2.41 MB, 828x1718, troon in strawberry dress.png)

>>1284683You're right. Yes, that's a TiF kissing him.
No. 1284729
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>>1284725You’re telling me this isn’t chuck clymer?
No. 1284742
>>1284718for real tho, using TRAs logic there is nothing wrong about a trans trans person.
it'd be like:
"b-but you're not a trans woman because your body and mind is female"
"umm actually some dicks are female and i want a female dick so that makes me a transwoman, stop oppressing me you evil bigoted transtransphobe"
but in reality we know the trans narcs would just use it to fuel their superiority complex over real women even more, after all men love to prove that they're "better" than women
No. 1284751
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No. 1284777
>>1284556>>1284769I fucking hate that (I think) I know this but that's a tranny porn person's picture. Google Bailey Jay–he's 32 and married to a man
>>1284491who is moser?
No. 1284788
>>1284489Funny bc when women were saying that
terf is a misogynistic and lesbophobic term to get women silenced about talking about erasure and sex based rights these troons were like “get over it, you’re not oppressed” but when they get rightfully called agps a term that has been documented as a paraphilia before these scrotes were even born, now it’s like oh "it’s a slur we're not creeps" or "we’re reclaiming agp" in a desperate attempt to mask their
toxic and exhibitionist behaviors towards women and children, as if these men ever felt any shame to begin with. It’s all cope; they know the general public wants nothing to do with them and the more they popularize their degeneracy, the more society will see them as the sex pest they are and hopefully have these self id laws reigned in.
No. 1284811
>>1284809>cis womenYou don't have to use troon language here,
nonnie. We're just women, not "cis women".
No. 1284823
For any aspiring babytroon who thinks that puberty blocking will cancel his maleness, I have another piece of bad news: fetuses already consume more resources in utero because they are genetically programmed to grow bigger - to the point of reducing the mother's life expectancy compared to female fetuses. You are a man long before you start growing nutsack hair. You will never be able to compensate through that even if you're put on blockers and estrogen at age 4. Even the most luproned twinks like Kim Petras end up aging like weird tubby old men with giant ribcages and hands.
No. 1284856
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>>1284751When their misogyny gets pushback, they do this
No. 1284871
>>1284856if this were a
TERF they'd be tearing that selfie to shreds
No. 1284889
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"Had a lady ask me to bite her tonight because I look so young for someone born in 94."
Yes, I am sure that definitely happened, Kevin
No. 1284894
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Spotted on my Twitter today 1/2
No. 1284895
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2/2 peep the jaw and the body hair on the lower abdomen
No. 1284930
>>1284769>>1284606>not that you're wearing a size too small>this personHoly shit newfags
I guarantee that line trap, who got famous on imageboards in
2007, is not still self posting and defending his troonery on lolcow in 2021. The internet was much meaner to degen exhibitionists 15 years ago then it is now.
No. 1284944
>>1284898Of course he does, he's a troon. That "lady" is probably one of his many dumb child grooming
victims on his private Discord channel.
No. 1284950
File: 1627338513858.png (267.29 KB, 1663x678, brainlet troons.png)

I may be late on this but /lgbt is full of incel troons coping and larping between
> "i'm a straight cis man and I luuuuuv girl dick, I wish I had a trans gf not a cis one"
> "i'm a cis woman and i'm jealous of troons :("
No. 1284965
File: 1627339453031.png (349.82 KB, 2410x1063, trancels.png)

>>1284950Samefagging. Posts are from the same thread
This is for all the handmaidens who think these men are genuine. They hate women.
No. 1284975
>>1284965>The majority of you are TERFs and that majority is why we can't trust you or see you as human for the most partSo he doesn't see women as human unless they're slavishly deferential towards him, just like other misogynistic men? How shocking.
I have no idea why so many women insist on playing mommy to these worthless scrotes. Just let them kill themselves like nature intended.
No. 1284986
>>1284971New game: any time a troon starts screeching about TERFs, swap out the word "
TERF" with "Stacy" and see if their statement doesn't read like an incel manifesto.
>>1284953During Facebook arguments (where my female face is in my profile) I've had trannies call me "femboy." I'm not sure if they're attempting to deliberately MiSgEnDeR me, or they think I'm a fellow troon who passes better and they're trying to knock me down a peg, or what. Either way idgaf what random internet strangers think of me, especially if they're trannies.
No. 1285009
obsessed with putting the shoe on the other foot but can never comprehend that we don't fucking care because womanhood is not an achievement but a fact of life for us.
No. 1285017
>>1284950I personally love this kind of stuff. I would love it if some hulking tranny said things like this around me, so I could laugh like a bitch. I’ll always fucking laugh at these sad projections. They’re never upsetting because they’re just that absurd. They can spew any kind of fiction they want, you know even
they don’t believe it.
No. 1285026
>>1284965The second from the bottom is coping hard. I can understand the logic behind assuming that a low crime rate might be the result of underreporting, but it's obviously just an argument lifted from feminist discussions of rape.
We know about the disparity in reporting when it comes to rape because of medical surveys and such. However, data in other areas does not support there being a similar disparity when it comes to female criminals. For instance, women are way less likely to own guns, and the women who do own fewer of them on average. It seems logical that the demographic less likely to purchase weapons would also be less inclined to commit violent crimes.
The legal system is generally "softer" on (white) female criminals. It's probably the result of a combination of gender stereotypes and novelty. People deserve the same level of sentence for the same crime regardless of their gender– you're not going to hear me argue with that.
However trannies are reinforcing the same gender stereotypes that cause those inconsistencies in sentencing. You can't constantly sperg about how estrogen made you bad at math and opening jars, then turn around and get mad when women get lower sentences because they're perceived as weak. Men's misogynistic inclination to view women as frail buffoons has backfired on them. It's a great example of how misogyny is bad for society as a whole.
No. 1285033
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>>1284965>Statistics showCool story Alice, now would you cite these statistics and explain why on earth wouldn't women get charged with crimes? Let me guess, this is some incel conspiracy about how the gubmint is hiding a totally equal amount of female murderers and rapists, or are you defining not bringing you tendies as "cis female crimes"? A lobotomized take you can expect from a disgusting, bedicked trooner and his last ditch attempts at exerting his ever dwindling male dominance by playing wounded gazelle.
>We will retaliate to hypothetical danger from cis womenDo you retaliate to real danger from cis men? Don't answer that, we all know. Something tells me you'd seethe so much you'd twist your smegma encrusted pozpole in a pretzel if women said they'd retaliate to vastly more credible danger from moids like you.
No. 1285089
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TIM asks if there are any other women who are aroused by their "feminine" crotch odor in a Facebook period group. No. 1285094
>>1285026Across the world, in all societies and during all times, women are less violent and criminal than men. Every large scale psychological study shows that men externalize and women internalize violence. The gap is evident, statistically predictable and fully observed in everything from the way the two genders process mental illness to the way they drive cars. You will never find a single example of women leading a violent conquest or genocide. A surplus of men in any given society is a reliable predictor of crime and war. No man, including the dishonest front pole you're quoting, would choose to leave his kid in a room of 20 men vs room of 20 women unless he doesn't care or actually wants the kid to get diddled. Trancels screech so they could go to women's prisons because they know which sex it is that's really gonna beat and rape them.
This fucking coping retard doesn't deserve any nuanced debunking about underreporting. The fact that women aren't as dangerous as men is one of a few entirely ironclad findings across different disciplines. This is as close as you can get to "indisputable fact" in science.
No. 1285102
>>1284601Women are more likely to attempt suicide than men, but are way, way less likely to die from it because women almost always try overdosing. Men typically use guns, which is almost guaranteed to kill you. The result is that more men than women die from suicide even though women are more likely to attempt it.
I imagine the same is probably the case for troons, both MTF and FTM. They probably
attempt it a lot with cutting or overdoses, but they rarely die because only the particularly schizo ones use guns. Fun fact: the 41% figure is total nonsense for this reason. It was on unreliable online survey with a small sample size, and it was asking about attempts. 41% attempt suicide, but iirc the percentage of troons who actually die that way is similar to the average rate.
I'd be willing to bet that owning a gun makes you more likely to die from suicide than being a troon.
No. 1285109
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>>1284777>who is moser?Hack sexologist who published a laughable study showing that 93% of "cis" women are AGP too.
No. 1285111
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Almost like you're doing more harm to yourself than good.
>>1249189>>1280101 No. 1285120
File: 1627356981404.jpg (76.73 KB, 862x485,…)

this is NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant, instantly made me think of Sarah McBride. wtf
No. 1285124
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It's so easy to fall into a neverending circle of AGPs. Oh, this one has a 18+ account too. Surprise surprise.
No. 1285127
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>>1285124(sorry janny my fat fingers reported a post i was trying to delete), but same agp followed.
No. 1285131
>>1285124If there's someone compiling a list of red flags a man is going to troon out and possibly skinwalk you, "indie" synth/guitar players and guys into alt/goth fashion should be on there. I will admit that
>>1285127 caught me off guard and made my stomach churn, though. Something about adult males skinwalking girls they knew in school is particularly vomit inducing to me.
No. 1285136
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>>1285127Lmfao. I know a troon that did this to a girl I know. We used to be friends. Now look at him, picrel
He thinks he look great, though, he posts this shit every day! The delusions are fucking STRONG
No. 1285180
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>>1285097Aight. This is his alt which lots of troon haters followed. He had a horror show of archives of troon degeneracy, was a known Hare Krishna, got banned, and supposedly created this acct. It quickly dissolved into unhinged MRA nuttiness.
No. 1285181
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>>1285097>>1285180Lots of TERFS followed him and he was a revered in that cringe circle. Supported by everyone and his archive “A thread of my threads” was pinned on his alt, until he went scorched earth and started tweeting homophobic and racist shit
No. 1285183
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>>1285097>>1285180>>1285181Rads are sus that he’s a troll or this is a fake alt, anything related to troons has been deleted which is weird because his old threads were so laborious and well researched.. tbh it just looks like he’s smoking bath salts
No. 1285186
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>>1284798Can you believe that this man asked feminist to fund his plastic surgery so he could look more uwu feminine and some of them actually donated?! Real feminism = against pointless beauty surgery.
This guy actually calls himself male but is obsessed with being like some pretty girl fairy. His twitter, now deleted was full of fairy tale stuff. There must be some sort of agp going on, otherwise he would just go for the androgynous boy elf image.
No. 1285195
>>1285190Pretending to be a GC male and then leeching money from GC women to feminize himself is milky.
>>1285180I remember visiting his past twitter and he seemed mentally unhinged then too, talking about demons. Maybe he went full schizo now.
No. 1285199
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It's just like those "good feminist men" who say one thing and do another, taking advantage of women.
Everyone needs to see that those troons sucking up to gc feminists are only doing it because it benefits them in some way. Like for example they might be allowed in feminist spaces and women's gatherings and in this case, access to women's money. Men taking advantage of women as usual.
Here is agp troon Debbie Hayton with a fetish for others seeing him in women's clothing…hanging out and being welcome at a GC feminist demo.
No. 1285200
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He sounds like a textbook transvestite struggling with identity issues. Which means express path to medical and social transition during these insane times.
No. 1285202
>>1285033Well, upthread we've seen multiple examples of troons outright saying that they don't mind legitimate male bigots calling for them to be put against the wall but for some weird reason female terfs piss them off. It's anyone's guess why!
>>1285102>>1285106Yes. The 41% statistic included all acts of self-harm and iirc self-destructive thoughts as well. It also didn't take into account the patients' comorbid mental problems that correlate with higher suicide rate.
No. 1285208
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MtF adjacent. He identifies as "asexual/nonbinary/genderqueer/genderfluid."
No. 1285214
Women do everything better, including trooning out.
No. 1285263
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too perfectly titled to ignore
No. 1285268
>>1284965This doesn't even make me angry, it's good to see all my suspicions about these men confirmed.
Never gonna be a handmaiden again, and I'm glad all the dumb libfems I know who defend trannies on the daily will get their wake up call just by these scrotes being their
toxic, male-brained selves. No need for "
TERF propaganda", they naturally do a great job of peaking everyone.
No. 1285282
File: 1627390557171.png (2.49 MB, 1296x2107, bf.png)

>>1285263Post history is interesting. First ever post is a picture of him crossdressing, and in fact all of them are. He also left his wife and has a boyfriend now. The AGP got too much. Imagine having to take this photo for your husband so he can post on reddit for attention.
No. 1285294
>>1285181>Gay men: we don't do pussy>Also gay men: boy pussy, breed that tight holeIt's almost like a dildo isn't a dick and a bussy isn't a pussy.
>>1285279>Dick never been touched by even a straight woman>Clearly lesbians of all people would be smitten with itMaleness and MTF troonacy should be considered a mental disability
No. 1285342
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>>1284601consider the following
No. 1285391
File: 1627404822740.jpg (193.14 KB, 874x1554, Wildtrans.jpg)

Wild tranny showed up on my insta feed, clocked on sight despite the makeup efforts kek
He was talking about being a prostitute in the video as well
No. 1285427
File: 1627409895182.png (9.6 KB, 606x101, m5m1fqclpfd71.png)

From a Ben Shapiro vid
No. 1285455
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No. 1285482
File: 1627414622986.png (146.77 KB, 1080x701, Screenshot_20210727-163442~2.p…)

Cope harder
No. 1285500
>>1285489Kek didn't even have to check what post this was replying to, my sides
Ily anon
No. 1285521
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No. 1285524
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>>1285521Life imitates art
No. 1285525
File: 1627419274202.png (1.43 MB, 733x2920, gullable moids.png)

Jfc scrotes are gullible, they are so far up their delusion and live and die by the coom none of them notice the obvious and bad photoshop.
His first and only full body picture reddit, the rest are are selfies. I guess he edited it so much he realized he cant stay consistent kek
No. 1285534
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>>1285521>>1285527The troon in question goes by Charlie… so not only does he look like a sir, he has a masculine sounding name anyway kek.
No. 1285542
>>1285482Imagine not being born with two X chromosomes and a uterus. Couldn't be me.
>>1285525Photo editing is all well and good, but what's his sir/ma'am ratio in real life?
No. 1285579
File: 1627424713137.jpg (557.28 KB, 810x2455, Screenshot_20210727-182227_Chr…)

Lmao, keep dreaming mate.
No. 1285600
File: 1627426769904.png (375.38 KB, 1185x913, dating pf.png)

>>1285579How did the moid not see this? My guess is that he had "no hook ups" on his profile, the moid realized he had to pay for the same amount of dates as with women so he backed out kek
>>1285589Bisexual men who want the reputation of straight men fuck TIMs in the dark becasue they don't want to be seen out with them and won't introduce them to friends or family.
No. 1285617
>>1285609>Imagine calling yourself a feminist, and then in the next breath, saying being born with a vagina is the defining factor of your womanhood. Embarrassing.Imagine calling yourself a woman and being born with a cock and balls.
No. 1285629
>>1285609I love how they assume it's only feminist (aka women) who think being a woman=being born a woman, because he just was like, "Hey I met a guy who doesn't care I was born a man!"
Proving that men DO CARE, because the scrotes he's going for probably are straight. So it's not just feminist who don't think women can have cock n balls, it's the men you chase too.
But I guess bisexual/gay/DL scrotes wanting to fuck them while screaming they are straight (or hiding them) makes them feel like ALL men are with it and believe they are women. It kills me, that troons think that are attracted to them 100% think they are women, then even when they see it's not true, they still come for women. The only time they come at scrotes is when a scrote doesn't want them or treats them like a cumdump, even then it's never with as much anger or hate as they do towards women.
No. 1285657
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>>1285579>>1285609>>1285640This paper is a good summary of the sleazy men who chase trannnies.
>When we add to those who reported engaging in sex with a transwoman, those who indicated an interest in doing so, 21 (82%) of the combined group said their sexual preference was "real women," one (2%) said men, and the remaining four MSTW (men sexually interested in transwomen) (16%) reported an equal preference for either transwomen or women, or transwomen or men. No one chose transwomen as their sole first preference. For those who said they had a second preference, though, all of the MSTW said it was transwomen. for medfagging.
No. 1285662
>>1285657The second and fourth highlighted sections make me sick. It's disgusting to me to pick and choose body parts like this, as if the dating scene is some sort of meat market. The implication that a man's brain is superior in any way to a woman's doesn't help, either. I'd say this was a male issue, but women in OT have been writing their hyperspecific headcanons for the cock of some retarded anime boy, so I guess it's just busted human sexuality that manifests
mostly in males.
No. 1285696
>>1285525>your elbows are lined up with your belly buttongiga kek at those short arms
moids are braindead
No. 1285743
>>1285579I hate this cope, because if these men truly thought you were a woman and attractive, no matter WHAT they'd talk to you. These men don't. They know you are a man and know they'll be judged for being with a man pretending to be a woman, but saying they are straight.
It's basically scrotes telling them they aren't women and should wait until SOCIETY accepts them as women, then they will date them.
Why brag about this?
No. 1285744
File: 1627441438546.jpg (257.21 KB, 970x2048, E7IZBWeVIAINz7k.jpg)

>If you didn't wanna see a man's Penis, you shouldn't have come the "womans" Spa
fuck this clown world
No. 1285747
>>1285744People should'nt even go to these troon hugboxes, they don't care. Everything is either fake or a lie, or does not matter when a troon is involved.
They can do no wrong, it's like talking to a wall. Kat also tried to accuse Jessica Yaniv of being fake trans. These troons do not care about women, only men and dick. They think we are their competition and haters, meanwhile they do everything they can to look and act like us, while fucking downlow men who either troon out or rather die then say they ever even know them.
No. 1285752
>>1285744>police have dismissed this as a hoax>appointment onlyWhy do they lie like this? The police said no such thing. It was a “source” that just happened to talk to some queer blog. And the Spa is NOT appointment only, only the extra services are which need to be booked in advance. There is no record of the man because they don’t keep any.
>>1285748That wasn’t him. It was just an attention whore attempting waste people’s time so they wouldn’t be able to find the real person.
No. 1285764
>>1285757>do people actually think a surgeon can magically transform a dick into a believable vagina?Yes. TIMs make it a point to lament that their septic pockets are “just like the real thing!” and TIF’s skin-grafted sock balloon the same. A vast majority of transformer support comes from the belief that they are or could be indistinguishable from regular people if they transition.
>And if they knew what the actual results were, would they still be in supportNo. They started to lose normie believers when they began stating that troons don’t need srs to complete their transition. It would likely be illegal for genderspecial kids if the gash wounds and detrans woes were common knowledge.
No. 1285773
File: 1627444789831.jpg (17 KB, 220x333, 220px-If_I_Did_It.jpg)

>>1285744>"The Wi Spa incident didn't happen">"It's a hoax">"Real, actual police (not made up) said there's no proof of it having happened">"(acab btw)">"Also the spa is appointment only (citation needed)">"Video footage of multiple (at least two) women complaining, and the receptionist declaring that there is a transwoman in the women's spa? It must be staged!">"Also, if there was a tranny in there, which there wasn't, then there's no difference between seeing her (hypothetical) girldick and seeing other women's frontholes!">"(Don't say vagina about a cis woman's genitals, it triggers me)">"What? Penetration? Well…women have fingers, right?">"What? Rape statistics? W-women can be rapists, too!">Pic related (is the totally fake, hypothetical tranny) No. 1285781
File: 1627446122755.jpeg (Spoiler Image,792.97 KB, 2560x2370, EAC3D34B-976D-4B06-88E4-65D266…)

>>1285757I think the guy did say he didn’t know or alluded to it.
Most people just take their word for it that neo holes look the same or are functionally close enough. Normies really don’t know about this stuff.
Pic related. Remember when they tell you “it’s basically the same” that these are their standards.
No. 1285795
>>1285788No, there was a separate incident, months earlier. Seen here
>>>/snow/1271758Video attached, in case I fucked up crossposting (I'm on mobile).
No. 1285824
>>1285744>it’s a nude spaaaa As a eurofag I saw a lot of nude people as a child, and guess what? They were all women. Old women, middle aged women, girls my age, pregnant women, fat women, skinny women, disabled women. And it was not traumatizing. Now if I saw a trooner moid, at any stage of their transition, bolt ons, no dick, dick and balls, wig/no wig, face surgery. It doesn’t matter that would definitely be traumatizing to see, and that’s without even considering typical moid behavior and deviancy, just the visual aspect of it is horrifying and disgusting.
No. 1285832
File: 1627455747600.png (11.08 KB, 636x71, n0KwGt9.png)

From a server I'm in, kek
No. 1285835
>>1285757Yes, they do. I cannot tell you how many people legit think all troons walk around looking like the cast of Pose,that they all at least attempt to pass and have surgery. Or they think hormones legit made Nikita grow big fake tits, hips and an ass. Then you troons saying it as well, so it just becomes the case of, "Well everyone is telling me this so it must be true".
when you expose the fact, most have dicks, the surgery is not like the real thing, they don't all look that way and most are straight men, not gay men, then people start to side eye everything.
Just introduce them to "Girl Dick" twitter and "I'll take your man" HSTS instagram, they'll find out that not only do these men cope and seethe, but they also think they are better than us while doing it.
No. 1285837
File: 1627456746918.png (262.05 KB, 710x1024, nuke tranny.png)

>>1285455I had that nuke California pic lying around so here's a lazy oc for when something tranny related happens in Cali, which is often.
No. 1285838
File: 1627456914244.jpg (594.68 KB, 1390x2602, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-ci92…)

Leftypol males bravely stand for the degeneracy of Troons over actual women
No. 1285878
File: 1627464904336.jpg (629.74 KB, 810x1801, Screenshot_20210728-053232_Boo…)

This sub almost feels like cheating.
No. 1285882
>>1285747IIRC Kat Blaque also defended a TIM convicted of raping and murdering a little black girl and advocated for him to be put in women’s prison. A real winner, that one.
>>1285867They caught on that trans ideology is inherently misogynistic and eroding women’s rights and if there’s anything that can unite men from any walk of life, it’s hating women.
No. 1285888
>>1285838>most women support transwomenkek try pulling your "ladydick and cotton ceiling" shit in communist china (world's largest population) and see if you get supported or treated as a revolting degenerate, comrade.
in china you're not even allowed to legally transition if you're a transbian, only hsts, and you must cut your cock off.
the only place where transgenderism has massive support is in capitalist shitholes like the u.s, where it's sponsored by ultra rich pigs like soros.
No. 1285901
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>>1285019>>1285180>>1285181He says ghostjim108 isn't his account.
No. 1285903
>>1285867>Even edgy 4channersthose are the people most likely to be trans, though. 4chan is an anime and porn site, both are things which often lead to transgenderism. is plastered in images of anime catgirls (their mascots) so it's no surprise it's full of autogynephiles.
edgelord communities that aren't infected by porn and anime addicts still tend to be strongly pro
terf (when they're not fantasizing about tradwives).>666 upvotes on post calling radical feminists basediirc the edgy owner of kiwifarms also set up an entire website for the sake of exposing yaniv by sharing a radical feminist's video on him
(Post the images.) No. 1285918
>>1285838They're so mad that women don't like them, and so unwilling to change, that they're whiteknighting for troons. Are we going to have to start saying "he won't fuck you, either"?
Also kek at men trying to devalue women's opinions by insisting the women are actually men, or ugly.
>"Nooo, don't be a TERF, you're so sexy" No. 1285936
are the trannies, anonette. Incel to troon pipeline is real. Regarding why 4chan seems more lefty and troon accepting is becasue they became leftist the day they transitioned. Lots of troons are former alt-right and neo-nazis and say ContraPoints and other queer breadtubers made them leftist. There are some troons that are still right wing though but they still believe trans women are women (don't engage with them, they are worse misogynists than leftie trannies). We have already discussed gay fascism, the femboy-Alt-right connection in previous threads.
No. 1285965
>>1285960An extra thousand-odd trans "women" (we've seen what their mugshots usually look like, burly bald men with stubble) in 5 years easily could explain that increase. Just men hoping to go to Nice Jail with the women instead of with men, and with more potential
No. 1285968
>>1285965>>1285960Samefag, note the screenshot says
female perpetrated child abuse like women are migrating across the world specifically to do child abuse. Or maybe the resident perverts are declaring themselves female for an easier time. Which seems more likely to you, knowing that women are primarily not sex-driven yet men are.
No. 1285971
File: 1627479883441.png (1.08 MB, 1440x1544, 2015 you say.png)

>>1285968>between 2015 and 2019>2015(Still samefag) Oh you mean the year
this story about a trans woman successfuly evading male jail happened? I wonder if these stats could be related at all
No. 1286053
>>1285838>Standing with ginger western AGPs who make 70k on average instead of half of the world's workers or even poor lumpenprole HSTS hookersDaily reminder that males are biologically incapable of being socialists because they evolved for competition and violence as opposed to cooperation and dialogue. While everything in nature is inherently unequal, women are at least naturally prosocial and prone to sharing due to childrearing, while males are not.
Virtually anything a male thinks or does will
always eventually default to "can I hoard enough resources or create a social monopoly to fuck out of my lane" unless he's some hypothetical hyper-inhibited, hyper-intelligent asexual. I used to hang out with leftypolyps back when I was a communist-leaning retard, and discussions like "we should turn pussy into a public utility" occurred on a daily basis.
No. 1286087
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No. 1286183
File: 1627501592051.png (351.89 KB, 306x411, 5EDD2B4D-B3B6-4E21-93D3-6F99DE…)

>>1285774You can’t convince me this isn’t just a straight up fetishist at this point. I don’t know why all these TRAs and HS trans wanna die on a hill defending the rights of these pedos and creeps. It would make life so much easier for everyone if they went back to calling them cross dressers/transvestites and denying them srs and hormones, let them jerk off to cat girl hentai in their basement if they want but stay tf away from society
No. 1286235
This subreddit will get nuked within weeks. I have followed it since 1 year and it went from "what's a
TERF?" "What's AGP" to "they're all trancels", "Japan's last revenge was anime". Comment section is always truth pilled and based. No. 1286263
>>1286235kek the comments saying how "hormones can totally change your bone structure!!!". The cope is real, somehow these people demand hormones for children so that they can avoid growing into their birth sex body and save them from their horrifying dysphoria but then again a man downing horse pills at 30 magically makes his bones turn into anime girl anatomy. The entire trans ideology is just a collection of conflicting statements and circular reasoning.
It's also telling how TiA has been able to get away with blatantly ~transphobic~ posts for years without getting banned while female-specific subs got tranny mods installed and forced to include troons in topics like PCOS and pregnancy. And even more telling is that these people lurk a sub created to make fun of "SJWs" but are always up for defending trannies whenever the topic comes up.
No. 1286298
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>>1286235A strong component of agp is their narcissism. To think that most of them will hit any kind of wall where they realize they never became attractive is not to understand these men. They find themselves sexually arousing. They legit think they look good and in their minds since they find themselves arousing so must almost everyone else. Most of them will die thinking this way.
No. 1286313
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No. 1286331
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>>1285991Oh, I meant that Kat just strikes me as AGP in general. The BDSM, polycule stuff. Him displaying Serano's Whipping Girl on his bookshelf in one of his videos. Whipping Girl is practically an AGP manifesto that no HSTS could possibly relate to. Nothing to do with his reaction to the Wi Spa incident. There are HSTSs claiming the incident is a hoax too, like infamous Blanchardian Kay Brown.
No. 1286440
File: 1627529174738.jpg (225.28 KB, 933x835, shut the fuck up.jpg)

i hate trannies and i hate them parading their mental illness and shitty fetishes around in everyone's faces begging them to pay attention
No. 1286443
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>>1286101lol it's been happening, there's huge discourse between "transmedicalists" and the rest of them, and the nonbinaries are storming in and claiming trans people are all enbyphobic and other bullshit. it's soooo nice to watch from the sidelines
No. 1286457
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This is why you never flatter a scrote.
No. 1286477
File: 1627534807553.png (1.2 MB, 1050x1120, fantastic.png)

Last one of these r/TransLater posts for now, lol.
He's ex-military, works in tech, libertarian. Fairly standard middle-aged hon: No. 1286480
File: 1627535170365.jpeg (235.26 KB, 828x633, 6D620441-5955-4BEE-9412-7D0CFB…)

State sanctioned rape of women by tims.
Have fun ladies.
No. 1286490
File: 1627536350769.png (46.58 KB, 790x495, hivtiminmates.png)

>>1285455>>1286480And many are HIV and Hep-C infected according to a 2010 study on Californian TIM inmates.
Sexton, L. et al. (2010). Where the Margins Meet - A Demographic Assessment of Transgender Inmates in [California] Men's Prisons No. 1286499
>>1286491It's absolutely pity. It might be subconscious, but OTT praise is a reaction to the negative thoughts any woman would automatically have about an ogre
>>1286458. TIMs look hideous by any standard but are particularly pathetic thanks to the mainstream narrative about being the most victimized
victims ever, so the combination of disgust + sympathy = overcompensating by lavishing them with praise.
It's very similar to the excessive compliments disabled people sometimes get for their appearance, online mostly. People can see they're not attractive and feel bad about it, so they go too far in the opposite direction to feel better about themselves.
No. 1286501
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He should put that in his dating profile to get more matches
No. 1286505
>>1286501I love the porn cope. It's always "Attraction" mainly "Sexual attraction", it's never, "Women don't know the majority of men want to date us, start a family, take us to meet their love ones."
Men wanting to jerk it to hard looking trannies with big dicks, just mean they are coomer bisexual/gay men. Who cares? It's like a woman going, "Majority of men are attracted to Cis women! Look at the porn stats!!!"
Who cares?
All this troon does is talk about how men are attracted to troons, yet he shows receipts of men turning him down. I kind of love troons like that, because it's so male to brag about how much sexual attention you get, when there's women who are 600 pounds who have men willing to wipe their asses and fetishize them.
You don't have to be legal or even a fucking human to get male attention. It's not a flex.
No. 1286514
>>1286501Bold of him to say this without realizing that porn statistics are skewed in favor of people who consume porn in excess, rather than the average person. So the implication
isn't that men, as a whole, love trannies, but that porn addicts and coomers love tranny porn. Which, with the concept of AGP trannies who are addicted to porn in mind, makes a lot of sense.
No. 1286517
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>>1286486They realised that normies weren’t taking their
>There’s nothing wrong with female penis in women’s spaces! Those perverted little girls should learn not to stare!well, so now they’re backpedaling to
>A-actually it never happened! No. 1286521
File: 1627542200393.jpg (386.03 KB, 810x2063, Screenshot_20210729-025720_Chr…)

>>1286501Look at this incel. I'm dying, kek.
No. 1286522
File: 1627542255723.jpg (18.22 KB, 399x399, gK3xcXxr_400x400.jpg)

>>1286521Forrest GAMP
No. 1286523
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>>1286522Real quality guy.
No. 1286525
>>1286512He wants a straight man who doesn’t fetishize him, not a chaser. The stat actually points to the fact that more men are bisexual and have a girldick fetish. This is the same as tranny escorts and prostitutes who say straight men love them because the John fucked them in a dark alley for money.
The reason these men keep it a secret is because they want straight man status in society. They know straight men exist and that straight women would pick the straight guy over a bisexual (which is understandable due to things like HIV). Idk why he keeps crying on social media, there are plenty of chasers to choose from. These troons are never satisfied because women exist and he wants to be treated like an attractive woman. Just date the chaser before he moves on to the next loose tranny, kek..
No. 1286531
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>>1286501Didn't take me long to find a comment blaming women. Thread is worth browsing if you wanna get an idea how coombrained your average woke male is. No. 1286536
>>1286534Men tell them this shit. Chasers flat out tell trannies the reason they can't claim them is because women won't want them after (which is saying,"I don't plan on staying with you or taking you serious to the trans). A lot of chasers who claim straight are deeply closetted coomers, who blame women for their lack of attraction to us and/or us not being born with dicks, so they can feel straight.
These men having gay sex are basically mad that WOMEN (and only women) don't see it as straight. They just assume all men are secretly into troons and are scared because ebil Cis Women are going to judge them.
I find this funny because this is just them admitting they only want to be with men who are with actual women. Men who only date transwomen exist, are they not straight enough?
What about the openly trans-attracted dudes? Nah, they chase after men who hide it and then blame everyone but the man for hiding it.
No. 1286537
>>1286288And even with someone like Jazz Jennings who has been on blockers and hormones for his entire life he still has a distinctively male fat distribution going on with his body.
>>1286531Mindblowing how it all boils down to how much they despise women. Men apparently aren't openly into trannies not because it's just a taboo fantasy they would never carry out in real life or take it further than casual sex to begin with, but because they're judged by the "cis women" in their lives. Of course the real problem is never homophobic males threatening violence, it's always the nasty Karens.
No. 1286543
File: 1627547979112.png (Spoiler Image,590.66 KB, 598x707, alexalatexia.png)

>>1286531ofc! Anyway, that's enough trans/agp/gamp twitter for tonight.
No. 1286545
File: 1627548741491.jpg (84.22 KB, 960x480, s1h5ix1p8jk41.jpg)

>>1286523>>1286528>Sexists get blocked.>Don't make me hit you, Karen!Just your average woke misogynist.
No. 1286548
File: 1627549000914.jpg (466.23 KB, 1283x881, uglybra.jpg)

I knew I recognized this shitty bra from the last thread. It's the ugliest gray color IRL, and has a weird texture to the lace, so if the horrible pattern doesn't show through your shirt, the texture will. Who knows why Walmart decided to make a "T-shirt bra" that can't hide under a summer T-shirt, which is why every Walmart still has a full rack of the ugly things after women bought every print EXCEPT this one. He literally chose the least female-approved bra in the store. Of course.
(And don't buy the other colors, either. The edges of the cups curve outwards when you put them on.)
No. 1286556
>>1286531Trans shit always comes back to porn. Listen to anyone prattle on about troon topics long enough, it always devolves into pointing at pornography.
What’s weird is how it’s always being used to legitimize something, like that “men watch tranny porn because they actually like trannies in real life” or the common “I knew I was a woman because as a man I loved lesbian porn.”
But then when feminists point to porn trends to prove that violence against women is fetishized or that the majority of men are ephebophiles, suddenly “it’s just fantasy! you can’t judge someone just because they spend an hour a day getting off to choking, vomiting, dead-eyed teenagers being beaten bruised and bloody. that’s kinkshaming! it’s porn not real life, learn the difference.”
No. 1286558
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>>1286548Repurposed carpet padding?
No. 1286567
File: 1627552660204.png (1.22 MB, 895x2616, billboard chris.png)

>>1286523Someone made a pic collage of white TiMs and their muslim/black supremacy fetish. They believe that muslims and black people will take over the West and that white men will have to be feminized by Muslims and black people. I think leftist coomers BLM support isn't 100% genuine. Think about it, how many TiMs have BLM in their bios? Black people aren't aware that these people have fucked up fetishes and are using their social justice movement as coom material.
Pic related is a dad who is against the tranny menace.
No. 1286570
>>1286501This is such a moid brained cope. Imagine a woman basing ANY of her worth on being a degrading porn category.
>”The majority of men respect mothers and skrong black wahmen because ‘stepmom’ and ‘ebony’ are popular porn categories!”Kek
No. 1286571
>>1286567100%. I no longer believe the face value of anything a leftist man says about politics. Most of their world view is already full of twisted half-truths and coded speak to manipulate women.
>>1286536It's ludicrous that men suddenly want to pretend they don't know how other men think. Troons are only good for a pump&dump, because there's no trickery or domination or social points to be scored from a relationship with another willing man. And man won't clean their messes, or give them free stuff with zero expectations, the way the average woman will. They don't have some principled devotion to the wives/girlfriends they're cheating on with troons, they view women as fuckable piggy bank-Roomba combos.
No. 1286584
>>1286567I genuinely hate saying this, but a huge number of moids enthusiastic about BLM actually have a blacked fetish. Sage for blogposting but I shared an experience about meeting a moid like this and way way waaaay more people were able to relate.
Pro tip: a lot of "radfem men" are actually just the dorky "uwu mommy milkers" faggots. Moid
will not support the rights of anyone unless the person in question is what they jerk off to. Loud outspoken trans allies are chasers
No. 1286594
>>1286567Nah, homeboy is unhinged. He's posted a video of himself harassing a TRA woman on the street don't belong in feminist movements
(imageboard) No. 1286602
File: 1627559396388.jpg (758.93 KB, 810x2348, Screenshot_20210729-074718_Boo…)

>>1286443The truscum/transmeds get boring real fast. Almost considering unsubscribing to their subs cause they're cluttering up my troon reddit feed with the same tired shit. A few days ago they kept spamming tucute bingo cards.
No. 1286640
>>1286594if you support giving puberty blockers to kids you deserve to be "harassed" (in this case meaning, being calmly questioned for a minute)
supposedly she's the one who started it too such traumatizing harassment, you think the trans handmaiden developed ptsd from this harrowing encounter?
(Post the images.) No. 1286665
File: 1627568630295.png (5.19 MB, 1436x2987, wtf.png)

TIMs need to stop larping already. Nice bulge in the jumpsuit
No. 1286666
File: 1627568682950.png (Spoiler Image,3.81 MB, 2030x2057, NSFW and rape fantasies.png)

NSFW pics and rape fantasies. What the fuck is this editing
No. 1286668
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Pics from "her" previous account dont believe this is a woman
No. 1286675
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how is this the same person? He looks like a slav moid in his "no make up" picture
No. 1286692
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AITA mods must be asleep.
No. 1286698
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>>1286692The comments are nuts. In Islam, you can't undress even around HSTS trannies (mukhannath, effeminate women) because the prophet Muhammed himself had reservations about their supposed unattraction to women.
>you may choose not to remove the scarf, but we must know your internal reasoning for it!! No. 1286702
File: 1627573312498.jpg (8.71 KB, 162x200, 1534799621508.jpg)

>>1286534>Genuinely believing that males are capable of any logic other than "mommy psychically did this by exercising her omnipotent power"The day a man allows himself to feel accountable without hiding behind 7 compartmentalizations, 7 projections and 7 mommyblamings is the day he contributes to male suicide rates.
No. 1286711
>>1286584Men generally won't support any just cause unless it benefits them directly, because men are selfish. This is considered entirely normal and beyond debate.
Then there's women, who are demonized for advocating for themselves unless they agree to save everyone including trannies, whales and endangered fungi before they're begrudgingly allowed to advocate for their own interests. Welcome to intersectionality, aka female guilt politics. It's really is amazing how much the way women at large are treated is a mirror of what people expect of moms.
No. 1286720
>>1286594Of course he chooses to stalk a teenage female to score his based male radfem points, likely because he's already fucking her in his head, and I can guarantee that he wanked to some alt girl porn after this encounter. It's never some 6 ft ginger chadchin troon though, that would be too dangerous. Why challenge another male if he can pretend like he's valorously thwarting someone AND risk absolutely nothing? The gender of bravery hard at work.
Remember: males don't have politics, they have biological impulses. Left, right, middle, sideways, full circle - there is no difference because it's all about exerting dominance over females to maintain reproductive access - their one and only purpose. All the "BLM" and "white genocide" and "save our girls" and "acab" is just hot air that happens to exit the male's mouth as he does the same thing he's been doing back when humans were quadrupedal. AMALT.
No. 1286730
>>1286692All the commenters saying she should "examine" why she doesn't want to undress in front of the troon had me seething. They know full well
why she doesn't want to take her headscarf off in front of him, but they don't plan on taking no for an answer.
The handmaidens in OP's story are ridiculous as well. At this point you might as well just cut off any troon-adjacent friends, or else you risk them pulling shit like this.
No. 1286736
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the woman who recorded the WiSpa incident says dude who claimed to be the perv moid isn't actually the perv moid. precious is definitely still a perv moid tho
No. 1286742
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>>1286730It's the comparisons with racism for me. Like we should all conveniently forget the biological, physical difference that make men, across history and economic strata, a threat to women. Women and men are different. It's amazing how they think Islam asserting that makes Abrahamic religions the "backwards" ones.
No. 1286788
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Meanwhile in Hollywood.
> "computer games editor" kek obviously
No. 1286800
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>>1286794His sister got all the T, that's why! Do you think with enough of mommy's money he could become a budget Ariana Grande? I see potential.
No. 1286807
>>1286788a lil ot but I freaking love Jamie Lee Curtis and I panicked a bit when I saw her on the front page and it led me to a Troon thread lol
>>1286801same I thought this was Justin Long at first glance
No. 1286814
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>>1286787dykesgonewild has typical coomer user overlap with pretty much all female porn subreddits. Moids use it hoping for fresh coom material.
but this, keep in mind actuallesbians actually means transbians kek
No. 1286829
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>>1280020>>1286692look at the hundreds of downvotes this poor woman has when she's really been nothing but reasonable and respectful, she's just not holding the correct thought in her head according to these people. absolute fucking gaslighting cult. this is coming from someone who DOESN'T CARE what people identify as or what gender of people are around me while i'm changing or whatever, you do you. but i also feel like i'm crazy. i feel like there has to be something i'm missing because nobody could be THIS fanatic. sage 4 50% blogpost
No. 1286873
>>1286814Yep, like twoX actually means oneX.
>>1286834Men are doing this to themselves by clinging to their delusions of sexual rigidity.
No. 1286877
File: 1627591091897.jpeg (Spoiler Image,160.31 KB, 750x794, 053C808A-89E4-42FC-8D9E-BC356C…)

Average and normal she/they. Brave hairy, mustached, hulking, erect woman.
No. 1286879
>>1286692>>1286829I think all Abrahamic religions are backwards, misogynistic, and homophobic, but I also think this is hypocritical of leftists, since they claim to love Muslims so much. Anyways, her reason for not wanting to remove the headscarf doesn't matter, and it's misogynistic to think she owes special viewing rights to anyone (ever) on the premise of "it would make them feel good". It's
her body. No one owes anyone free looks at their body, for any reason short of medical care or evidence (for an actual crime like murder), if they're uncomfortable with it.
No. 1286910
>>1286824Sexually, moids are easy to woo. Just put on a pair of fishnets and the coomers will line up. Lesbians aren't coomers. That's why these transbians try to adopt identities like butch, femme, goth girl, uwu soft girl etc in the hopes of a lesbian falling for them. "Look, I'm wearing birkenstocks, l love cats and astrology, I'm a witch and feminist and I crochet
. Then they rape some naive libfem lesbian. I get really upset thinking about this. Idgaf about moids, leave lesbians alone.
No. 1286928
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>>1286632Shoutout to the radfem artist who made prints of Glinner for people to buy. Top keks because it annoys both the TRAs and the TERFs.
No. 1286938
>>1286925Troons don't know what a mastectomy bra is because… why would they? They have 0 concept of struggles and issues with female anatomy. Most moods don't even know what maternity clothes are because they don't have any real concept of how women accommodate physical struggles
You have to remember that to a troon a pair of breasts is just a sex object. There's no way in hell that even if they knew what mastectomy bras were that they would ever choose to wear them. Troons think they have acheived the full sized mommy killers of their porn tainted dreams. They want lingerie and cute uwu pinkie lacy bimbo girly bra shite. It's a fetish to them and nothing else
No. 1286952
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>>1286945just say he anon, it's okay no one will cancel you here
No. 1286960
>>1286702Underappreciated and based beyond belief nonna
>>1286952Pretty sure anon was using to "they" as in the literal definition of the word, referring to multiple people in third person.
No. 1286973
>>1286692Religions have lots of rules about transcendental states that have no real basis on the physical reality. Things like needing to be baptised or only eating animals slaughtered in a special way.
Even if you believe that troons are the same as women then its totally possible that someone with XY chromosomes and has a penis and who lived as a man is not considered from a theological perspective to be the same as someone with XX chromosomes who raised as a woman and has a vagina.
Just as she might not want to eat meat that is not certified as halal, she might not want to take her hijab off in front someone who's ritual status is unclear. Why gamble with her immortal soul?
Buuut I guess religious tolerance only goes so far once trannies are concerned.
No. 1286985
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I love browsing older agp Twitter accounts. It’s a mix of troon porn and grandpas posting pictures fishing with their grandkids.
No. 1287009
>>1286895ayrt & absolute same here. i suspected like
>>1286992 and when I found out for sure it all made sense
>>1286885I wanna hate read this shit so bad. is it worth?
No. 1287048
>>1286960AYRT. You are right, I was talking about him and troons like him therefore "them".
Thou I do see Kevin as more a sorto genderless blob of despair these days.
No. 1287058
>>1287006>every major reputable medical association agrees with our delusionsYet will automatically shut down, block, and delete any contradictory studies and articles anywhere
They refuse to acknowledge detransitioning exists and understand that the only reason they have such a financial backing is due to a couple of billionaire scrotes like Rothblatt and Pritzker are transhumanists and want the public narrative to be receptive of it
No. 1287059
>>1286742>"Refusing to show your hair (as a Muslim woman) to a TIM on the principle of him being male is equal to or worse than refusing to shake a black man's hand on the principle of him being black"False equivalency. Refusing to shake any black person's hand, as a white person who would shake hands with any white person, is predicated on centuries of dehumanization and oppression, and is treating the black person as "lesser" or "filthy". Not removing your hijab (as a Muslim woman) in front of a TIM (especially one that you knew as a man, and are just meeting as a "woman"
kek) is not predicated on the TIM being "lesser" or "filthy". Oppression does not come from being treated
differently alone, it comes from being treated
worse. So the tranny believes that seeing this woman's hair, whether or not she's comfortable with showing him, is his right as a human being. For anyone who knows this is wrong and can't put it into words: black people, gay people, and women ask for equal rights, he's asking for a unique privilege (and calling it equal rights)
No. 1287079
>>1287009Depends on how you approach it, tbh. I think it's fucking fascinating as a totally unvarnished look into the mind of this sort of omnipresent-in-game-dev trans woman – like, the big bad lesbian who lives on the hill is the only real female character, technically. But the tragic messy trans girl heroine has a therapy dog called Pink Rubber Animal (it's the thing on the cover if you google it) that just looks like a headless woman in pink latex. And I honestly have no idea whether or not this was intentional, but everything about PRA's portrayal emblematizes how transbians like Porp conceive of women (or, well, afabs), even if they won't admit to it. PRA is a literally faceless female beast that cleans the trans girl's apartment and sucks his cock. If it's unintentional, its an insanely perfect snapshot of misogyny. If it's intentional, it's….still an insanely perfect snapshot of misogyny. I honestly wish I could write a paper on it, it's such a lasagna of male navel gazing. Also, it was pretty much the thing that got me to realize that I wasn't crazy for feeling at least 40% upset all the time in the indie game dev scene, lol.
No. 1287081
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>Estrogen makes me crave chocolate and sweets just like those silly, weak-willed cis girls, teehee.
No. 1287082
>>1287079I just looked ip the game and question, and what the fuck? That's supposed to be like a dog? But it sucks his dick? It
cleans? It doesn't have a head, or eyes! This nasty misogynist should be locked away from everyone else, forever, at minimum. I knew he was bad, but good god!
No. 1287085
>>1287082Samefag, but I forgot to add that it's worse than disgusting to me that this dirty fuck's idea of "therapy" is free sex and a mommy who does all your work for you. It's already abysmal, but it's worse in the context of a "therapy pet"; You're either sexualizing animals, dehumanizing women, or
No. 1287106
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I saw a list of estrogen side effects on trans women and two conditions stood out to me: cholelithiasis and hypertriglyceridemia. Is this what a “trans period” really is? I guess I’ll spoiler it Basically, both of these conditions can show symptoms like inflammation and pain in upper right or mid-portion of the abdomen, abdominal swelling or bloating, nausea, diarrhea and other GI issues, fever. Considering how so many of the guys claiming to have periods are absolute beasts with terrible health and typical man diets, I wouldn’t doubt that the combination of unnatural estrogen levels and their already bad health is messing with their cholesterol so much that they are now having regular “monthly” bouts with pain and shits. Since they never encountered something like that before, they attribute it to feminization rather that the body fighting itself. tldr: estrogen worsens orc’s cholesterol levels. New fucked up GI issues and beetus seem like period symptoms because they happen so regularly.
No. 1287146
>>1287106It's more likely they're making it up or just have a shit diet and are falling apart in general.
A gallbladder attack doesn't feel like a bad tummy ache and if you're having one, telling twitter about it for clout is probably the last thing on your mind. Mild ones are debilitating and bad ones are consider killing yourself to escape the pain levels of bad.
No. 1287149
>>1287139The parents/family have to go along with it or be disowned. This is a strong reason to be a crypto
terf because you never know when the cult will infect some neice or whatever.
No. 1287170
>>1287106>>1287132In a few years MTFs will have issues with their liver and kidneys, more so than FTMs because they use illegal hormones. Go to r/diyhormones and it’s 99% moids experimenting, panic posts about balding and increasing dosages etc. Part of it is because they egg each other on, spreading misinformation and saying chromosomes has no effect on your body, men and women are just testosterone and estrogen. And so they run to these subs and forums, take a shit ton of estradiol because their hips or moobs didn’t grow as much as they thought. Then they read that cutting your balls will make the hormones more effective, so they jump into that then regret it. What an awful existence. I don’t feel bad for them though, they are captured by a movement that centers men and and their feel fees, is violent and misogynistic towards women, and the AGP fuels their narcissism and they, like so many projecting narcs, have an unhappiness that they can never get rid of because they are never satisfied. And when they realize they didn’t get what they were promised, they kill themselves, blame it on others, and they are framed as some sort of SJW martyr,.
No. 1287185
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>>1287170They love blaming everyone else for the fact that they want the impossible.
No. 1287199
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>>1287185He's 16. Lamenting the loss of what, 3 years. Suicidal. Got his hands on DIY estrogel that's giving him headaches and making him gassy. What a timeline!
No. 1287206
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>>1287122This. Glinner has always been a terminally online grifter who gets off on outrage and putting himself in the center of conflict, especially conflict involving women. He's been at it since GamerGate and has a whole thread on the Kiwi Farms.
No. 1287231
>>1287191>"I don’t trust moids who launch loud performative attacks on TRA handmaidens in our names. I somehow doubt he maintains this energy for his fellow “cis” moids who commit the vast majority of violence against us.">look up glinner's blog to see all this supposed sexism>first page is only calling out men and signal boosting a black woman>???I'm no glinner fan but I fail to see how he's a secret womanhater.
Wanting to gatekeep the concept of calling out psychotic transgenders and their handmaidens is insane, anyway. Even if you don't want men to "protect" women, they should still be concerned that their sons are being groomed into cutting off their dicks.
>>1287206A lot of kf likes him now, null even mentioned him positively in a video cause some transgender had made free speech software and threw a fit when terfs and glinner started using it kek.
No. 1287234
>>1287085Oh, it's not a literal dog–I just used the term "therapy dog" b/c it's the closest thing, lol. But yeah, it's awful. The whole book (it's got some interactive stuff but it's not really a proper game) is doomy, like all his stuff, so it's like…PRA isn't portrayed as
good therapy, just this shitty band-aid the govt has given the traumatized trans girl protagonist. It's basically every doomer dude novel/movie you've ever encountered, where there's one woman around to play bangmaid and have shitty things done to her so she can act as a symbol of How Fucked Up our complex male protagonists are.
No. 1287287
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This shouldn’t surprise me. This really shouldn’t surprise me.
No. 1287294
>>1287292Yup got infected by her 27 year old "straight" bf, been together for 10 years. And no, he's not black. White moids love to say HIV is a black people disease. Straight women regardless of race should be aware of moid degeneracy.
No. 1287296
>>1287082autogynephilic men always seem to have the most revolting fetishes, more so than normal men.
that porpentine pervert and his fetish for headless slave women reminds me of this japanese agp nicknamed mukade melibe (nsfw video of him) who drew a manga in which an enslaved woman gets lobotomized and has her eyes replaced with vaginas, then her son's eyes are replaced with dicks and he's forced to rape his mom's vagina eyes. also had enslaved kids getting their limbs amputated and being turned into shit eating living underwear.
japanese agps are on a whole other level of degeneracy.
No. 1287299
>>1287234The "oh woe is me, look how society makes me treat women" stuff is so full of shit, and always gas been. Sir,
you wrote that headless, faceless, mindless, voiceless woman who does nothing but suck dick and do chores.
You wrote the woman as an object that serves no purpose, other than to fulfill your male character's sexist, lazy, rapist desires, and your desires, as a navelgazing, woman-hater of a male. If you really cared about women, you would have made her a character, with her own wants, needs, history, and future, outside of being an object for the male lead's use. Fucking die, tranny "game" dev.
No. 1287316
>>1287139Yeah I don't think there's really a need to be so cynical about it, it's just parents being scared to death with the "your child will 41% if you don't give them your unconditional support". Losing your child, especially to suicide, is such a painful thought to any parent that they'll be memed into whatever just to avoid the possibility. You'll have to remember that it's the mainstream news outlets and "medical professionals" (people supported by trans organizations) repeating the falsified suicide statistics and most people won't bother looking into it more.
>>1287231Agree about glinner, GC activists really can't afford to be too picky about people who call out tranny insanity. At least he isn't a Christian conservative nutjob or an altright faggot who only hates troons because of their "degenerate LGB association". While I don't trust that moids can fully be concerned with women's rights, they still have their own agenda of getting rid of pedo sex pest trannies medicalizing children. Men need to realize that this isn't just about hons demanding access to female bathrooms but about so much more involving their and their sons' futures too.
No. 1287333
>>1287296Because AGP is a pinnacle of male heterosexuality, a warped culmination of what a male really is. All the seething ressentiment of his mother he can never own, inhabit or fuck, all the realization of his incompleteness and lack of autonomy, all the capitulation in the face of being unable to meet the "masculine" failcope men constructed to delude themselves into thinking they're independent and complete human beings - all of that erupts as troonacy, the ultimate last ditch cope before the inevitable an hero. "Mommy will leave and other mommies (cis women) aren't eternally available and therefore EVIL, so JOKES ON YOU BITCH I'm gonna become THE mommy. I'm gonna meet my own bottomless pit of needs, I'll be my OWN tit to eternally suckle and MY OWN womb to eternally retreat into, just like those cis bitches. That way I don't have to depend on them anymore, just like those cis CUNT mommies who don't seem to need anyone, but I will also be BETTER at it". The results are predictable.
That headless emotional support fleshlight is a perfect illustration of that futility, he's a "woman" but the fact that he still desperately needs a woman to live shatters that delusion. He loathes and resents the inferior imitation, because it's there for him, and therefore it's not real or authentic, because the
real mommy leaves. Just like that unattainable lesbian CEO atop the hill - now THAT'S what he'd like to have, that's the MOST evil cis bitch out there, the ULTIMATE mommy who didn't bring the tendies! Not only is she a CIS BITCH with a womb that only ejects and alienates, she also has the fucking GALL to double down on it by mingling only with OTHER rejectors! The fucking GALL! My GOD what I would NOT give to fucking imprison her forever and become one with her, that Issei Sagawa guy was onto something!
The Japanese tranny and his incest imprisonment eyefucking scenarios don't even need to be addressed in detail. The psychotic desire to hatefuck and perma-cuff his own mom is so palpable that Freud's corpse is probably fapping to it at this very moment.
No. 1287429
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>>1287296>that videoThis creeped me the fuck out.
No. 1287477
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No. 1287478
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Another day, another man who couldn't handle not being the centre of attention.
No. 1287489
>>1287424Ah yes, projection of shame onto mommy.
"The cis cunt thinks she's so much better, but she's actually just like me - seething and cooming about trans girls she can't have just like I seethe and coom about cis lesbians I can't have! No, actually, SHE is the only one seething and cooming, yeah! It's normal to lose my shit about not getting to fuck cis women because look, a fictional dyke I made up is doing this to trans girls! I totally don't wish it would happen to me uwu, I'm actually exactly like women and I object to being imprisoned, you hear? I'M the one who can't get rid of bothersome suitors, I'M the pure and desired and orbited one! E-everyone I'm thirsty for secretly wants me, obviously, so it's okay for me to harass them, because they want it anyway!". It's one of the most banal ways men internally "okay" being a sex pest to themselves - by inventing a narrative where their target is either exactly like them or somehow "wants" to be victimized by them due to some sort of suppressed lust only the sex pest in question is able to detect, through the ancient art of cum stain reading. If it feels like pussy envy and desire to swap places with women, it's because it is.
Again, a man will never allow himself to be aware of how things really are for more than an hour - the next step is either a copefic like this or a shotgun in the mouth. Another way is troonacy - an excellent method of adaptive guilt dodging through fiction and false identification into the group males evolved to victimize, which is why it's very popular with male feminists who can't handle being read all day, incels who want to become what they loathe-crave and rapists who can't handle the shame of seeing themselves as such. A male can't change his pestilent, cum peddling nature, but he can call himself "woman" and thus turn his antics into "woman behavior", which absolves him of self-awareness and lets him live with himself for another day.
In this book we see a standard male fortress of cope - cathartic rejection fantasy sprinkled with a hopeful desirability narrative to avoid admitting to himself that he's just a sour grapes incel and that he's not like real women. Every time a male gets anywhere close to the truth (there is an unavailable woman and I'm mad about) he shits a brick and immediately drowns it in feel-good nonsense like this
(aktually SHE secretly wants me to the point of locking people like me up for sex, I'm SURE OF IT so I don't have to feel bad! A real woman I made up is like that, so that means I'm a real woman! She totally would also turn me into a headless latex dildo if she could, omg I'm totally so scared uwu).This isn't exclusive to AGPs (who are more blatant about it due to being mildly retarded coomers) - this sort of
"I choose to believe that I'm DISGUSTINGLY wanted by this hot bitch I totally wasn't obsessed with first, god what a whore I'm so mad I wanna punish her with my cock" schizo brain pretzeling is found everywhere in normie straight male media like porn. All men inherently resent being ridden with desire and being born to someone who isn't, and all male sexuality will always default to this, especially if over-indulged.
No. 1287496
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>>1287356what the fuck did I just listen to
No. 1287504
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>>1286440Did anyone see what's supposed to be official site of his book?
He just randomly put his agp selfies on it. No. 1287510
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No. 1287553
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>>1287521These people are fucking insane.
No. 1287554
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what a long strange trip its been
No. 1287557
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pwease don't misgender the guy who rapes his elderly mother
trannies can claim chris if they want to transwomen are rapey perverts so chris fits right into that group
No. 1287559
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Just a reminder for yall nonnas to respect miss Christine's pronouns and gender identity! She might have raped her mentally deteriorated mother but you don't need to be a transphobe about it!
No. 1287596
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>>1287356>God's mistake chris chan admitting to raping his elderly mother with dementia>trannies and tras: USE HER PRONOUNS I hate it here
No. 1287617
>>1287611nayrt how dare you associate homuhomu w disgusting trannies
but then again i havent checked the fandom since they released a shitty mobage spin-off
No. 1287624
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No. 1287648
>>1287412how am I making mistakes? no shit it's trying to be shocking/disgusting, but it's also obviously wank material for the author and his fans. many men have a fetish for destroying and degrading beautiful women, the woman getting lobotomized and being forced to dirty herself by having sex with her son appeals to that fetish. I thought it strange that a man who has such extreme hatred for women in his sex fantasies would want to be a woman (which I guess psychology anon helped explain).
his crossdressing photos are on the first page of that manga, him being agp couldn't be more blatant. also he didn't disappear a decade ago, but has been posting regularly on twitter for years (not that I follow him, just saw it while looking up if he was involved in trans activism).
No. 1287649
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I believe Chrischan is a sick enough fuck to finger his own dementia-ridden mother, but I'm suspicious of the screenshots of texts. I'm scanning over the KiwiFarms stuff, and this one stood out to me; It's an excerpt from a letter from notorious child killer Albert Fish, talking to a woman who was unrelated to his acts.
No. 1287653
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>>1287649Irredeemable degenerate
No. 1287676
>>1287611Christ, the sperging against anime in this thread is insane. Maybe if dudes had normal lives, healthy relationships, dealt with people who gave them the time of day, etc., they wouldn't need to retreat into imaginary worlds. The tranny shit is simply the final step, it's under the barrel. Being groomed by /r9k/, discord users and reddit freaks into becoming the girlfriend. Which combos into
>>1287356 That's exactly what happened with CWC. Anime didn't fuck up Chris, it allowed him an outlet that he didn't have. It was the disgusting fucks that saw an opening and slipped their disgusting shriveled dicks into it.
No. 1287724
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Fuck this gay Earth.
No. 1287729
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>>1287724OP was
never male, kek.
No. 1287733
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Woman simply do not rape their mothers
No. 1287752
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This is so sexist. Women aren't eunuchs, you fucking clown!
No. 1287790
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>>1287752low effort meme kek
No. 1287791
Sweep it under the rug, mixed bag of claims that he's either not a real and honest troon or that he is but he's "just one, and is in no way representative of the others", blame his incestuous rape (or fantasies/delusions of such) on ~*transphobia*~, KiwiFarms, and Null (who, to be fair, is also a retard). Same old methods as usual. Normies will fuck off when accused of transphobia for "being quick to misgender instead of focusing on the crime itself". Handmaidens will straight up ignore the news altogether, remain ignorant to what happened for as long as possible, then sweep any association between troonery and being a sex pest under the rug if they ever find out, so that they don't feel guilty for being part of the problem.
No. 1287804
>>1287796AYRT I'm of the belief that the call is real, but some of the supporting evidence is either fabricated, or was the result of outside influence. Chris likely did do
something sexual to his mom, at least, and I fully believe that he believes what he's saying in the recording. The screenshots are weird to me, though.
No. 1287817
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>>1287787>Akiraotomo is a pedo (inb4 "it's just jokes", never seen someone who thinks it's funny to joke about raping little girls who also wasn't genuinely into loli porn)
>Serial Experiments Lainyoshitoshi abe loves a show about loli incest might still enjoy their cartoons if they pirate them, but I would personally never give money to pedos by buying them.
No. 1287842
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>>1287840Anus-faced degenerate Zinnia Jones said it best.
No. 1287847
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>>1287817There isn't even a joke, it's just a pervy comic. Japanese men are pretty degen tbh, no use pretending they're not. Of course it'll show in anime, manga and their books.
>>1287733Oh yeah, it's the guy that tweeted this. Nice to see that rape is a ~whatever~ matter to troons.
>'fucked his mom or whatever lmao'>'don't misgender her!1!'Now he's getting really upset, tweeting at everyone that laughs at him that they actually want to kiss him.
No. 1287870
>>1287733Why should we "respect" the pronouns of someone who committed elderly abuse you absolute waste of oxygen?
I wish Twitter was less moderated and not tied to real phone numbers etc, because I would go on a troll rampage today @ every literal oxygen stealer talking about this guy's pronouns
No. 1287885
>>1287847They show daily that they're not women, even emotionally/mentally, when they minimize rape. It doesn't affect them outside of their porno fantasies, so they can't relate and they just don't care.
They're also obsessive about this "Never misgender any trans person" BS because it's important to them to have a narcissistic vice grip on other people, even when they violate their rights. A rapist does not deserve human rights.
>>1287859Nice blog, but what does that have to do with MtFs?
No. 1287891
>>1287768Naruto and DBZ aren't the only anime that exist.
>Big heart eyes, crying streams of water that form a puddle, nosebleeds etc. It's because autistic men can not pick up on emotions unless they are expressed this wayI guess Tom & Jerry is a cartoon for autistic manchildren since it's full of exaggerated facial expressions and body language.
No. 1287892
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What the hell did I just watch>>1287891What adult watches Tom and Jerry lmao yes, it's for children
No. 1287909
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>>1287908are YOU a zoomer? tom and jerry cartoons weren't meant to be just for literal, actual children but for adults too you moron
No. 1287938
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>>1287902Blanchard did a study on the relationship between autoerotic asphyxiation deaths and transvestism kek. 1/4 of his subjects were crossdressed at the time of death.
No. 1287939
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>>1287902>>1287938sage for medfagging
No. 1287965
>>1287768Sage for OT, but men being unable to write well and depict their characters like real, human people isn't limited to just anime, you know. Have you considered watching shows made by women? Full Metal Alchemist and Sailor Moon are famous ones, then there are ones like Kimi Ni Todoke and Ore Monogatari!!. Or skipping anime altogether and reading the original material? Sometimes a manga will be fine, but the anime director will turn the TV version into a coomfest.
Plus, there's nothing "heart eyes uwu senpai" about shows like Akagi, Osomatsu-san, or Nichijou. Steins; gate is fantastic, Aoi Bungaku is a collection of animated adaptions of existing novels, I could keep going on. There's a shitload of anime that doesn't make you want to hurl and isn't generic shounen shit, you just have to look outside of the list on Netflix to find them.
No. 1287981
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If looks could kill
No. 1287983
>>1287965NTA but if you consider Steins;Gate fantastic, you must be underage, it's a massive scrotewank and funnily for this thread trannyshit too. I don't get farmers who get defensive when somebody shits on anime.
Normalfags aren't criticizing the medium, but the popular subculture tied to it: infantilized, hypersexualized girls, weird fetishes, overwhelming pandering to male fantasies and if it's a story targeted at women it's often still misogynistic as fuck or it pretends yucky girls don't exist and only features men. When you follow Japanese anime fans on twitter you can see how 90% of their content revolves around sexualized art or shipping.
Fullmetal Alchemist was good, but it doesn't fix the huge problems the industry has with misogyny and pedophilia. Even if something is written by a woman I often see truckloads of internalised misogyny in it, I'm not going to defend the whole shitfest of anime pop culture just because there's a small handful of good shows.
No. 1288002
>>1287983The previous anon was losing their shit about someone in the thread daring to use an anime reaction pic in passing. It wasn't about the industry or the fandom, they really do just hate all anime and can't contain their autism. That, or they're a tranny trying to make "anime. is. trans. culture!" happen. I know some TiM wrote an entire Medium article claiming as much, so it's one of their narratives.
If those of you who agree with the anti-anime sperging are actual women and not just troons trying to play 5D chess and colonize the entire medium, I hope you realize that by this logic, we shouldn't even be using an imageboard that stems from 4chan, originally a site made by a scrote to talk about anime and share hentai. The board this place takes its culture from is literally about cosplaying as anime characters and wearing J-fashion, too. Anime is part of the culture, like it or not.
No. 1288006
>>1288004Yeah, because we totally haven't had trannies posting in here and spamming photos of dead women in these threads for hours.
Go seek help yourself for your anime vendetta.
No. 1288028
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>>1288002>they really do just hate all animemadoka (that reaction pic) was created by gen urobuchi, who writes extreme pedo rape porn (saya no uta). they also sell official sex pillows of the underage girls in the show.
anon is right to hate madoka. it's main audience is male perverts, the female fans are incidental.
>>1288016>>1288018kek japanese toon addicts are seething so much they're forgetting to sage
No. 1288029
>>1288008Another misinformed westernoid. Have you ever thinked why trannies become this way, instead of blaming anime,cartoons,etc.?
10 percent of the adult population is their body.
Why could this be?
>Gloomy, soul-wrenching climate?>Pessimism?>Few perspectives for those near the bottom?>Classism?>Drugs? Alcohol?>Rising crime?Nah, must be the anime. Animes are evil!
(sage) No. 1288065
File: 1627749945614.png (10.68 MB, 1573x5539, flavors of AGP.png) was watching this and laughed so fucking hard at the first loon. He gets an interview in the end. The flavours of AGP this video captured is hilarious
1. smol girl larping pedo
2. non dysphoric and shameless AGP
3. prostitute
4. goth fatass
5. plastic surgery tranny
6. old hons
No. 1288134
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>>1288028Merchandise=/=show content, also there's Madoka merchandise specifically for women like shoes, purses, jewelry, dolls, sanrio collabs, etc…
(derailing) No. 1288151
>>1288065The second one really gets me. Why do they always have to parade around in women’s lingerie? Women don’t actually do that, especially in woman centered marches…
And kek at that hank hill ass
No. 1288194
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>>1287287I would be mad at women too if i looked like this.
No. 1288206
>>1288008>Family Guy and South ParkWatch King of the Hill and grow up babe
>>1288194This is the same troon who posted a video of her breast augmentation surgery on YouTube (vid related)
No. 1288217
>>1288151aw man, I watched someone else watch little clips of this and my favorite is the four ponytail troon and the plastic surgery troon who had the DEEPEST fucking voice, screaming in that crowd. Dude got fake tits and a bad wig before he even attempted to work on his voice.
Almost every male present I saw, had crazy written all over them.
>>1288194Ugly disgusting looking tranny getting mad at women because he's an ugly disgusting looking tranny. It's been said before but HSTS have a different kind of hate for women, it's an "I feel like I'm a better woman then you, but nobody else does truly, so I'm going to lash out"
And Handmaidens feed into this all the time, by pretending like somehow WOMEN can end transphobia and stop men from harming poor twans women. He's just ugly.
No. 1288218
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and with dear chris-chan, there's even more sexually-motivated crime to add to "female statistics"!
No. 1288231
>>1288065watching hideous men obsessed with their shitty fetishes cry over a dead one of their own is pretty funny ngl
imagine how bad they all smell
No. 1288295
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This isn't as wholesome as they think it is.
No. 1288297
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Idk if this is the right thread for this, but talk about taking advantage of mentally ill peoples' suggestibility for profit. This guy is straight up lying to people, the suicide rate goes way up after surgery because of the realization that your new flesh facsimile is nothing like the opposite sex genitals you were dreaming of having.
This is a he/they plastic surgeon btw.
No. 1288303
>>1283808>Even shitty Twitch lingo seeps its way into the mainstream thesedays. And now tranny lingo like femboy. Why are people so ready to embrace extremist concepts from a strange green imageboard? Even normies embrace this shit now.My genuinely belief is it's because Twitter and Reddit are groupthink shitholes. Lingo and memes can't thrive there because it has to conform.
4chan is ALSO a groupthink shithole, don't get me wrong, but disagreement from the norm is what creates these memes. Pissing people off is the bread and butter of memes and why we remember things like chad, stacy, incel, etc.
No. 1288311
>>1288297TRAs use silencing tactics on their own to keep them from talking about regret, then weaponize the resulting suicide rates.
>"That's not a detrans suicide, they never announced they were detransitioning">"If they showed any regrets, that was because other people didn't validate them enough! They were still trans!"The silent argument they make is that
no one is truly detrans, anyone who ever had doubts about their gender is and always will be trans. It's evil, considering the pain and suffering people who realize their mistake go through. Transitioning already causes bodily and mental deterioration, and realizing what you did to yourself and why is extremely mentally taxing, especially when the people who claimed to love you no matter what suddenly tell you that you're wrong about yourself and should shut up, because you're responsible for "transphobia" if you don't. It's a perfectly constructed suicide mill. No one detransitions if they're dead.
No. 1288352
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what the fuck does this even mean? why do tranners never have any real-life role models?
No. 1288371
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>>1288030>there are a number of reasons why autogynephilic individuals may prefer the feminine essence narrative as an account oftheir condition, even if autogynephilia is in fact the driving force. >These include the concern (pre-transition) that clinicianswill deem them unacceptable for sex reassignment if their transsexualism is erotically motivated, or that people will consider them sexually deviant >Because autogynephilia produces a strong desire to imagine oneself as a woman, the feminine essence narrative is intrinsically appealing to autogynephilic individuals, even if it is implausible. In contrast, an explanation based on autogynephilia may be experienced as a narcissistic injury>Transsexuals who have successfully accomplished the MtF transition sometimes see themselves as mentors to youngerpeople attempting or considering this path.>For example, parents may be more accepting era child whom theythink of as a female unfortunately born with a male's body than of one whom they think of as a male erotically aroused bythe idea of being female.>Beyond denying the role of autogynephilia in MtF transsexualism, some transsexual activists have mounted attacks onthose who publicly disagree with them>As a result of Conway's and James's efforts, a number of very public academic, personal, and professional accusations weremade against the first author. None of these accusations was true.>the attacks on The Man Who Would Be Queen were precisely an attempt to punish the author for writing approvingly about Blanchard's ideas, and to intimidate others from doing so.And this was written back in 2007. Could be description of each trannys cow on Twitter today. They even predicted the discord grooming my sides
No. 1288380
>>1288373> cis womanBeing a
woman anon, you are a woman.
No. 1288447
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>>1288430The only reason I haven't deleted my Preddit account is so I can downvote shit like this.
No. 1288457
>>1288444>girlthat's stop hibari kun. it's a crossdressing guy.
watching too much anime turns you trans.
No. 1288484
>>1288352The video isn't special at all, but the comments are so fucking annoying. It's all "uwu
valid" shit. There's one that claims to be a "cis woman" who thinks all trans women are beautiful, and ends their comment with "Yes, I'm a lesbian", and I have never assumed RP so fast in my life. Sorry for no screenshots, my phone is garbage.
No. 1288497
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>>1288371>Because autogynephilia produces a strong desire to imagine oneself as a woman, the feminine essence narrative is intrinsically appealing to autogynephilic individuals, even if it is implausible. In contrast, an explanation based on autogynephilia may be experienced as a narcissistic injury.Based and troonpilled.
Glad you enjoyed the article, anon.
No. 1288501
>>1288497Whenever troons reference The Matrix, or how its directors trooned out, I want to mention that it portrays the single most "white straight male" view on liberation I have ever seen, and that Larry Wachowski is a paraphilic man who cheated on his wife with a dominatrix prostitute while crossdressing. By the way, this is why ContraPoints was "cancelled". Tranny moid CP worked with Buck Angel, who worked with the prostitute, and told Rolling Stone about this in 2006 when Larry got divorced, three years before the Wachowski brothers came out as ~*stunning and brave twanswimmin*~. Considering it's bold of them to assume Buck
knew Larry was a troon, the cancellation of CP (who is a clown for other reasons) was a clear coverup for the fact that Larry Wachowski is a paraphilic cheater and John.
No. 1288503
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>>1288390>>1288403Anon, probably better to argue that multiple long-term outcome studies show that the trans suicide rate is still higher than the general population even after transition. Here's another one to go along with the Dhejne (2011) study: No. 1288511
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>>1288447reddit is literal hell but they are so good at providing entertainment and they're literally EVERYWHERE
No. 1288519
>>1288511>"How they reconcile (accepting trans women into women's only spaces being counter to the narrative of The Handmaid's Tale) with LGBT+ people being the first victims is beyond me"Gay people (LGB) would be the first
victims of such a story.
>Margaret Atwood's quote being anout considering trans people to be human, not about people perceiving them as their birth sex in important contextsTRA's only allies are the ones that have no idea what GC/RF women are saying. GC/RF arguments are founded on trannies being fallible humans, and any GC/RF who makes claims of animalism is coming from the perspective of humans
literally being animals.
>"Terry Pratchett's daughter was horrified by the concept of him being transphobic"So Terry Pratchett's daughter is a handmaiden. I was surprised and apalled by my parents political beliefs, too. Some because they were genuinely bad (dad), and some vecause I was young, retarded, and didn't understand (mom).
No. 1288538
>>1288511What a surprise that the creator of The Handmaid's Tale is a handmaiden herself
>You can believe that trans women aren't people all you wantIt's a non sequitur but they're happy with it
No. 1288557
>>1287768Completely agree. You just listed all the reason why I could never get into anime. The other anon suggested FMA but even that show falls into the overly exagerated expressions trap it just felt like it was made specifically for autists (tbh that show should've just stayed as a manga, something about it just did'nt translate well into anime).
Don't why the other anons are complaining. The grand majority of anime really is complete shit made by and for autistic men (which honestly seems like most men) and those with peter pan syndrome.
No. 1288558
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>>1288206Interesting that there are more TIMs who say their go-to make-me-a-woman cosmetic surgery is BA. I have watched so many BII YouTube videos and there’s always a tranny in the comments saying implants are “life saving” basically derailing a conversation between women where we encourage each other to not do it.
No. 1288569
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>>1288028>extreme pedo rape porn (saya no uta)>Saya no utaI can't take anyone who thinks Saya no Uta is "extreme pedo rape porn" seriously. Lmao, you sound like those salty losers who hate on anime visual novels on steam because their shitty tumblr LGBTQ+123BBQ visual novels don't sell.
>>1288557>made by and for autistic menIf you're going to take bad advice, the least you can do is watch/read things written by women like Full Metal Alchemist, Deadman Wonderland or even Maria Holic if you're bored enough.
>>1288447>latebloomerlesbiansWhere's Silent Bob?
(Infighting) No. 1288570
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You better not misgender Christine in your segment, faggot
No. 1288576
>>1287884>I would love it if you could perhaps recommend any more reading on the subject of trans ideology.Not based thesis-anon, but I can recommend a few things on TRA ideology:
-Janice Raymond's "The Transsexual Empire" It's an old-school second-wave unapologetically based take on the burgeoning transsexual industry during the late 70s.
-Anne Lawrence's "Men Trapped in Men's Bodies" for insight into the motivations of AGP men who make up the overwhelming majority of men transitioning in the West.
-And Barry Reay's "The Transsexual Phenomenon: A Conunter-History" for a history of all the entitlement, deceit, aggression, misogyny, homophobia, and politicizing, etc. inherent in the TRA movement dating back to its inception during the early-to-mid 1950s. (Safe personal link of "Men Trapped in Men's Bodies" Note author made this book publicly available at one time.) No. 1288590
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>>1288569are you an idiot who played a censored version of the game or are you a seething male child molester who's just pretending it's wholesome?
>losers who hate on anime visual novelslmao at you thinking most vn's aren't tailor made for losers
(Continued sperging about anime) No. 1288592
Pls use the latest kikomi drop for thread pic
>>1280546not something retarded like op
No. 1288653
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>>1288570is there a XanderHonChaser thread on here? They have a bread tube general on kiwi but I think he needs his own thread. His youtube is going to shit, is losing followers for 1. he's dumb as shit and knows nothing. 2. he hates terfs, and has mommy issues because his mother is a
terf No. 1288671
>>1288653he also recently posted a video seething at teenage terfs making fun of him on Twitter
He belongs in the leftube thread imo
No. 1288685
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Take a look at this hog. Not only did he get featured in a photo exhibition about female activists, but there's also an article in Polish Vogue that promotes it, which mentions him by name before any of the actual woman who took part in the project. I swear, libfems happily letting troons take over the feminist narrative are going to finally peak me into the Earth's orbit.
No. 1288695
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i thought it was BS but its literally true. i feel horrible.
No. 1288703
>>1288662He's from Florida so it's likely his mom is a Republican and knows what a
TERF is just from Republicans opposing transgenderism or she knows who JK Rowling is.