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No. 186930
>>186916I'm trying to understand. I clicked through this randomly and it's the same sound of someone putting me in a plastic bag and throwing me down the stairs.
>>186911Same with this, it also sounds identical to the one above. Are there special headphones needed to understand this?
>>186909This one is neat, some guy blowing into a broken microphone. It kind of hurts my head though.
Anyway I don't judge, enjoy your noise, it doesn't make anyone a troon to enjoy the sounds of suffering. Songrel isn't noise but it brings me similar discomfort in a good way, maybe the emotions this give me are the same emotions you guys get from listening to static?
No. 186942

>>186930>it's the same sound of someone putting me in a plastic bagquite ironic you say this, vomir wears a plastic bag on his head at (almost) all of his sets and also hands out plastic bags to any guests. they have to be black though.
>it also sounds identical to the one aboveno, the textures are different.
you don't need to understand it to feel it. it's quite literally just textured static. it's made to be static, it's called harsh noise
wall for a reason (though harsh noise wall is not the only kind of noise wall). a monolithic wall of noise. walls don't move unless they're being destroyed. no ideas, no development, no change, no entertainment and no remorse.
though there is more dynamic hnw out there, check out the rita and werewolf jerusalem for example. analog textured, monolithic and enveloping but still moving mass of noise.
>it brings me similar discomfort in a good wayyes, a degree of masochism is required to gain anything from harsh noise…
if that's too much you could check out the genres of power electronics (PE noise is less harsh except when it's all-on high-pitched feedback and there's more emphasis on vocals than in harsh noise) and noise rock maybe? i think you'd be into yellow swans and skullflower - vidrel (they have ties to ramleh, a classic power electronics band which is also a noise rock band sometimes).
No. 186957
>>186947>is it meant to be felt as well as heard?it's one of the ways of listening to it and i'd say the best one, but it could hurt you in some cases (if you decide to listen to one wall for multiple hours on full blast in your headphones and even if it's quite cathartic, it doesn't feel good afterwards) or you could just blast it on speakers in your room (the neighbours will just think you're really busy renovating your home if you care about it, speaking from experience)
listening to it in the background while doing something is also ok as it (for me) clears your mind and helps focus (just like a white noise machine but stronger).
>It's black metal thoughblack metal is nice, one of the most profilic power electronics/noise artists (mikko aspa) is also a BM artist and one of the vocalists of Deathspell Omega. the finnish power electronics scene in general has ties to black metal, though it's pretty niche with the themes they cover and such (one could call them ~
the rawer side of BM definitely has noise qualities, the term blackened noise didn't came from nothing y'know. do you have any recs for that?
No. 186975
>>186968yes, GTT is classic blackened noise, but sadly i haven't checked out it much, but thank ya. also the album Hirngemeer by Todesstoß looks pretty interesting to me, i'll check it out!
vidrel is from rape africa by bizarre uproar (another finnish PE band that has BM roots) and is mostly known by their live shows (they're very nsfw though). pasi's (only band member) live interviews are pretty hilarious imo
No. 187137

>>187075while it is listed and recognized as a genuine genre of music (experimental/avant-garde; there are also subgenres of modern classical which extensively utilize harsh noise and noise music techniques) it is also very anti-musical in nature and sometimes an exercise in how long can you go before it's not even music ("hell, if even very short bursts of incomprehensible noise (gorenoise/vomitnoise) and legitimate static (hnw) is music, then what the fuck does music even mean?"); some noise artists actively deny their musicality (especially those in the gorenoise scene) so it's a question i can't really answer because i still don't know a comprehensible definition of what music even is.
>the appeal for me here is the deep sounds and rhythmvidrel has both (it's guitar noise run through some muff, loop and distortion pedals) yet it is still a nihilistic harsh noise wall recording (albeit more emotional than your standard wall due to a grinding rhythm and the overall bleak, hopeless atmosphere while usual vomir walls contain zero emotion). there are rhythmic noise walls (for example, churner and stena (stena is one of the projects of sergey pakhomov, an extremely profilic noise artist and an actor)), vomir also collaborated with an industrial metal band, legion of andromeda. the resulting release (harsh metal wall) is very rhythmic industrial metal/noise metal - .
No. 187956
I remembered that a few years ago I was crazy about a slug themed metal band for a few months and then I never listened to it again. I completely forgot about it until now but it's pretty good
>>187825That's pretty cool
>>187472That's cool too
No. 188092
I've been listening to a lot of Killing Joke recently, they are the quintessential cold war band, their entire discography fit the current timeline, it's insane. They should rerecord Eighties for the Twenties, no need to change much of the lyrics.
>>187472Holy shit, somebody else listens to Magma here?! They are my fave band ever and almost nobody knows them (they aren't the easiest shit to listen to though), the Restrospektiw live is insane at that. Seeing them live was the highlight of 2021.
No. 188748
Gonna sperg about my fave Finnish female* duo, PMMP a bit because I love them
I grew up listening to their songs, and I feel like they have a song for every mood of The Female Experience(tm). Their first albums are more teenage-rebelly in a way, but you really hear their growing up in the later years, especially the last album.
*the band members are male
This song is about doing well in school, being the perfect straight A girl, but then breaking down and having a rebellious punk phase No. 188750
>>188748This one is about having your first experiments with sex (while growing up in a conservative household) music video is so early 2000s and embarrassing, I love it
No. 188759
>>188756Ok last one, then sperg over
This is my fave from their last album they ever did! It's about a lost relationship and mental health issues. I think. tell about your fave artists nonnies, I would love to discover more non-english and/or female artists!
No. 188845
>>188829industrial hip-hop and hyperpop/bubblegum bass
you could also like digital hardcore
vidrel is clipping. , industrial hip-hop artist (known for sampling noise/power electronics tracks)
No. 194388
>>194183He's cool I like him
No. 194759
>>194657the scene it plays in (or scenes) are so hard-hitting. I have related to Angela so much and sadly I still do, in many respects. It was shocking to see so a suicidal young woman
with CSA trauma when SH2 came out and it still is. She is so well-written.
I love Promise, Laura Plays The Piano and Betrayal too - and that's just from memory.
No. 195626
I don't remember if I posted this already in the older thread but here it goes again anyway
>>192493Kek I was thinking about this song the other day
No. 195680
>>195678But my love is like a dark cloud full of rain
That's always right there up above you
my fathers love! same white trash shit he did and has done like it is almost too uncanny
No. 195762
>>195678Sorry for your bad experience, Nona. Hope the divorce hasn't fucked you up too much…
That aside, the singer is so fucking ugly and insufferable I cannot believe anyone is listening to the crap unironically and not as a forced meme or an elaborate form of auditory self-harm.
No. 197477
nonnie, her first two albums mean a lot to me
No. 200696
This song is getting me through my work.
>>200664Banger 10/10
No. 202453
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>>202245You are welcome, for I am the song dealer I deal songs.
No. 204883
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>>204755Yes! There is actually quite a lot of linguanons in here. You should check the previous music threads from before the /m/ apocalypse !
No. 205708
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>>205671Ray easily aged the best.
No. 205807
>>205671I fucking love it! Excited for the eventual album. I know nothing is announced yet, but this isn't the type of track someone would release as a random single not attached to any album.
>>205708Rewatching Life On the Murder Scene last year I realized how fucking cute Ray was back in the day, I can't believe I didn't see it as a teenager.
No. 205935
>>205708Did Gerard lose weight? He looks better than I've seen him in a while.
Poor Frank tho… he is so roly poly, short kings cannot pull off any extra weight.
No. 206240
>>205929you and me both
nonnie. I miss the edgy tumblr teen halsey she looks and acts like any other insta hoe nowadays
No. 208445
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>>208371I think there was a vkei thread in old /m/ before it was wiped. Maybe you could start a new thread? There are definitely anons here who are or we’re into it and would probably be down for sharing music with you.
No. 208750
>>208371Based taste
nonny i’m obsessed with old visual kei
No. 210185
>>210152kek I'm really glad
nonnie! I'm still listening to it too, we are trapped and vibing together! I'm so afraid of getting tired of it; the rest of their stuff is great too
No. 213105
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I miss old Kitty songs. Her new stuff just doesn't hit the same. The hooks aren't as catchy and it just feels like her husband kind of took over the sound and she sang over it. I know Tumblr rap is dead and cringe but I still LOVE Daisy R.A.G.E like I did in high school. Something about it is very honest and endearing despite it's dated references and teenage angst. She's definitely progressed in both her composition and singing though. I'm happy for her but long for the return of the rap game Taylor Swift.
No. 213106
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>>213105Samefag, I remember wearing bows and dad button ups with thigh highs and boots feeling like I was the cutest bitch out. Her slouchy semi-cutesy style is still a big influence in how I dress.
No. 213191
>>213105>>213106ugh what an era, I miss kitty with a pryde on the end. haven't really kept up since miami garden club, but I listened to her so much in high school that while years have passed every lyric is still embedded in my brain. I think she was ahead of her time in a weird way, but of course she rose in popularity just as there was a rise in discourse that criticized/shamed white rappers, and since a lot of that came from the same tumblr culture she did it inevitably got in the way
even though she openly made fun of that aspect of her identity lol. like nowadays you have billie eilish whisper-rapping or whatever and I feel like it doesn't matter as much. also fuck hot sugar.
No. 213260
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I don't even know if that chart's true
No. 213287
>>213260The names are silly, and categorizing electronic music to the granular level is incredibly autistic, but the broader genres are pretty distinctive if you pay the least bit of attention to how the music is composed. ("Breakcore" is just really fast chopped up amen breaks, "gabber" is just fast techno with distorted kicks, etc.) Some genre names are more comprehensible if you're familiar with others (e.g., "acidcore", which is just fast techno + 303 synths, takes its name from "acid techno", which emerged in Chicago and Detroit in the 80s). But genres are inherently fuzzy and subjective with tons of overlap between tags, so I wouldn't take them too seriously.
Also flow charts are stupid, they're pointlessly convoluted and are no more useful than just a glossary of terms. If you're looking to get into electronic music you're better off just trying out what people consider classics and branching off into whatever sound you're drawn to from there.
No. 213529
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Anybody listening to the new Angel Olsen album? I'm listening to it right now and it's good. Definitely better than her last few. Has a few early 70s singer-songwriter "Southern" influences. Dolly Parton, Fleetwood Mac, a bit of Bobbie Gentry. It's really good so far.
No. 214423
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>listening to randomised spotify playlist
>boring zoomer sounding oddly depressing sounding song comes on
>go to turn it off
>it's keep driving by harry styles
No. 215456
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This album will always have a place in my heart, discovered them when I was 14 and loved them ever since! Some of the lyrics are really sexist which sucks, but I love Graveflower and Bleed me an Ocean especially. I think they're on Spotify and maybe Vimeo. If you're into sludge metal this is definitely the peak of it imho. sorry for not providing a link, I would but their songs are not allowed on youtube except Toubabo Koomi but I don't like that one much
No. 215768
This song makes me feel like everything is alright, I hate instrumental usually but this is the best.
>>215734Ayrt, yay a fellow AB fan! Yes Rotten Records has gotten super anal about their music not being published on the internet. My ancient youtube account got taken down for uploading a few songs kek. It was on spotify for a while I think, don't know if it's still there. I bought both their albums on cd with my birthday money at the time lol so idrc, too bad they can't get more recognition though.
No. 215803
>>215456this album is so fucking good! but I agree on what you said re some of the lyrics, even if theyre probably not meant to be glorifying this shit some of the lyrics legit repulse me, which I guess is intended since the themes of the songs are very morbid. hard to pick a fave but I think mine is graveflower or new death sensation.
>>215768Theyre still on spotify
No. 222882
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>>222582Better late than never, nona.
No. 223303
>>223174I'm into metal myself, and I have no shame at loving Evanescence, and I never had. Being around people into the genre when the band first hit was so embarrassing though. People always whining about how Evanescence "ripped off" insert female fronted Euro band here.
For some reason, their stuff after Fallen, while good, doesn't have the same replay value to me. The demos for that era were great too.
No. 224435
>>223303Sad to say the Evanescence has peaked with pre-Fallen demos and Fallen. The music hasn't been the same since Ben Moody got kicked out for being an
abusive douchebag. Truly unfortunate that we cannot have anything nice
No. 224446
>>223174A lot of early 2000s nu metal unironically fucking slaps.
Miss me with that Blink 182 whiny pop punk shit, though. Forty year old moids complaining about their moms.
No. 227988
>>227973Don't make me cry nona, fuck. So many memories. I saw them on tour with Go Radio and they played Miserable at Best with Jason Lancaster (after he left the band ofc) and it was the peak of my adolescence.
Thanks for posting this. Time to sob
No. 228059
>>227988You're welcome
nonnie!I'm jealous you saw them live!Miserable at best is one of my favorites.
No. 229580
life changing song
>>228656Au revoir is my favorite song on earth, I've listened to it almost every day for the last 10 years and it still makes me smile
No. 234632
Guess I should apologize for this being idolshit, and, uh, not as refined lol as the rest of the posts in this thread, which I do in this instant this doesn't mean I'm sorry though but I feel like if I don't give air to my love for this video, I'll explode. For some reason, I've been obsessed with the idol groups of my teens, and particularly AKB48, like I'm 13 again, and seeing those exact three songs (never cared for Sailor Zombie, the last song, though) performed at Mayuyus graduation song right back to back made me legitimately tear up. I have so many memories searching high and low for high quality performances of these songs and trying to learn the lyrics and choreography. Especially Hatsukoi yo, konnichiwa (the third song), the love of my life, please look at my Goddess.
No. 235706
>>235683Everytime this song gets mentioned I remember this (1:30)
Missing the good old rock band fangirl days
No. 236341
>>236327Ily so much anon pls recommend more grunge/shoegaze bands you know!
>>186847I really like Alex G’s old music it has that gritty garage sound, especially with the way he mixes his sounds and makes the instruments extra loud
No. 237469
>>224435Late as fuck response, but agreed. The pre-Fallen demos and Origin and Fallen are the peak. The self titled EP and Sound Asleep are good too, but they haven't solidified their comfort with more rock songs yet, I think. Lies off of Origin is one of my favorites.
And yeah, shame about Ben being such a turd. I like the We Are the Fallen album, but the name is cringy and the vocalist doesn't have a tenth of Amys uniqueness or charisma.
No. 242150
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>>242118>>242147Samefag but I looked and they are still active yay
No. 247860
Been listening to a lot of late 90s pop rock free-sugar-ray-type-beat tracks, has me excited for summer to come round
>>247630>>247631I love spooky surf rock so much putting these on my halloween playlist
No. 250056
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I can't be the only loser who listens to them, right?
No. 250058
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>>250044Oh, I'm happy to see this here! I used to be really into this album as a teen. Unfortunately I never really found that much besides musicals or rock operas/concept albums. I.e., Frogs, The Protomen (yep, Megaman rock opera……….), Electric Castle from Ayreon (kind of more prog rock but it features a variety of people from different eras stuck in some liminal dimension together), Razia's Shadow, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, and…yeah, kek, I have nothing good. For some reason it's super hard to find one that cares a lot about creating atmosphere, like War of the Worlds.
No. 250252
>>250207oh hey its pilotredsun! achievement is unironically my favourite album of all time, im glad you like it
nonny. it has a lot of memories for me. are there any particular tracks you really liked?
No. 250889
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nonny – ayrt here, just want to say thank you so much for your recommendations. tbh rock operas are new territory to me, but ive been exploring a few of the things you listed and i agree that while they're not quite the same thing as WOTW (which to me remains this truly unique and wonderful experience), they are in a similar vein. id love to see a resurgence of this kind of concept album where there's a story being told and palpable atmosphere being built with the music, a clear sense of progression of the story… i wish i were musically talented enough to attempt it myself lol.
i really enjoyed into the electric castle, anyway, currently checking out a few of the rock operas you listed too. thanks again my fellow WOTW appreciator ily, wishing you the best
No. 251963
Breakup songs? (I'm over mine, but ironically keep finding or rediscovering breakup songs lol)
starting off: I have loved Schism for years but it wasn't until after my breakup that I really felt it
>>251458extremely sad. Dying of illness at such a young age is especially tragic to me. I'm so glad their music was shown to a larger audience via Death Stranding.
No. 252319
>>252163YES NONA! my internet buddy sent me this as a teenager and it got me obsessed with Genesis to this day.
(rip my pet rat Phil Collins, you were a real one)
No. 260183
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ayumi hamasaki is so legendary for all the dj/remix albums she released during such an iconic edm period
No. 271091
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No. 272991
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No. 272994
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No. 272995
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No. 272997
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No. 272999
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No. 273001
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No. 273003
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No. 273006
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No. 273007
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No. 273008
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No. 273010
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No. 273014
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No. 273018
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No. 273020
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No. 273379
nonny i wish i had lots more similar songs to post. i only found that song today when watching tiktoks about songs that sample other songs, then i immediately went down a small rabbithole bc i was like 'i stg theres like 10 songs that have sampled this particular bass riff'. the original sample is from ain't no stopping us now, and was later sampled in ma quale idea, then madison avenue's don't call me baby, and i'm 100% sure it was sampled in a well known future funk song but i can't for the life of me remember what it was.
but for similar music i recommend looking at the kind of music that gets sampled in future funk tracks, honestly. i found this playlist , hopefully you find some more good stuff in there. you'd probably like a lot of brazilian or italo disco music too
No. 274538
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No. 274540
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No. 275204
>>271285Did I post this? If I hadn't been inactive on LC for all of january I would've been convinced I had posted this. Massive nostalgia
>>237469I love this, I should've checked out evanescene beyond my immortal and bring me to life sooner
>>219251Her two most recent singles are really fucking mediocre at best
No. 275522
>>275486Personally I think
Toxic is the best Britney Spears song and sometimes I think of it as the only good one. Work Bitch is a serious ear worm for me and a good comeback hit but I think it’s a bit too goofy at the same time.
Thank you for reading my Britney opinions.
No. 275607
I also love this one, it's more… aquatic, and so dreamy.
No. 275642
>>275614I’m sorry but
toxic is better than slave 4 u and it’s not even close
No. 275648
>>275615Ok if you remember
born to make you happy you can disregard my opinion on the best Britney song because obviously you are on top of it. I was talking about big hits, but you’re a true fan. I got tears in my eyes watching this because it brought me back so hard lol
No. 276086
my issue with it is that when britney sings "slaaaave" (and the rest of the chorus) she sounds so bored and dead, like all the emotion just leaves her voice suddenly and it always kills the song for me
No. 291633
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does anyone have good songs about bloodlust and violence and wanting to punch people and hatred and aggression?
No. 291643
No. 292164
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anons I've recently gotten into metal/hardcore/heavier-than-alt-rock music. pls suggest bands
Bands I already like:
>the devil wears prada
>bad omens
>bring me the horizon
>bleed from within
even if I've mentioned a band you like pls share your favorite song (especially if it's older/obscure)
No. 294580
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Two of the most amazing artists come together. This is fucking hilarious.
No. 297691
>>294349This album was so good! Takes me back to a specific part in my life.
Nonnie who posted this, did you like his later releases? I liked some songs on Ultraparanoia, but after that… IDK, good on him for posting so much music but I haven't vibed with it since Ultraparanoia, especially once he started revealing his face more.
No. 301653
>>301521This is kinda cool, anon, and the artcover is amazing
>>301641Nice and trippy, but maybe I shouldn't listen to it at night
>>301651This song is so fucking good, I can't seem to like any other Skinny Puppy song that I like as much as this one, I'm a huge fan of MY Life with the Thrill Kill Kult and I was expecting Skinny Puppy to have as many good songs as them
No. 304150
I love Afrikaans, such a unique language.
>>301653MLWTTKK is amazing, I used to listen to it when studying and it made me feel like I was on speed kek.
No. 319720
>>319700Yeah the song itself is fine, it's the fans and the way the musicians talk about the project that gets me. Like if you're gonna have genius in your name, I expect next level music on another dimension. This is just good rock.
Made a music discussion thread here
>>319718 if you or anyone wants to talk about musicians, bands, fanbases, trends, reminisce, whatever.
No. 324202
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I am seeing Sleep Token, Bad Omens, and Polaris all in one week I'm so happy AAAUUUGGHHH
No. 324966
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>>324202me currently because Bad Omens cancelled
No. 373153
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No. 391431
>>391281normally I wouldn't be able to answer this but I was researching shibuya-kei and I think it probably has something you'll like. just look through the artists listed here in the description of the genre>Pizzicato Five>Flipper's Guitar (Cornelius is another project by a member of this band)>Takako Minekawa>Fishmans>Kahimi Karie >Fantastic Plastic Machine >Towa Tei >Buffalo Daughter>Hi-Posiif you were looking for something more contemporary I don't know, but some of these groups are still making music. there's a related, like, offshoot genre called Akishibu-kei but it's more animu-oriented so probably not what you want. you can look into the Picopop genre if you like more peppy electronic sounds.
No. 394721
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Can anyone rec me some Midwest emo? The girl I'm crushing on likes it and I wanna be able to talk to her about it.
Pic unrel
No. 396239
>>396093She should've put it on the standard instead of the deluxe but I'm eating it up nevertheless
OT I'd like to see another Charli / Tove collab after they did the 'bitches' remix together
No. 396241
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>>396088I was just singing this while vacuuming earlier. What other bands do you like Nona? I’ve never been able to find something similar to MCR
No. 400043
Does anyone else like breakcore? What are your favourite artists?
>>397617Thanks for posting this, I added some of her songs onto my playlist after I heard this one.
No. 404933
File: 1721870437495.png (22.35 KB, 300x300, Justice_-_Hyperdrama.png)

Justice has a new album - new to me at least. Loving it.
No. 412464
File: 1724348214784.webp (158.11 KB, 1280x1280, The-Mountain-Goats-Bleed-Out.w…)

First time listening to this album and I'm liking it so far. Suffers from the same issues they've always had: They put out too much music and a lot ends up sounding samey and mediocre, but the good songs are always gold.