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No. 25207
Rant about Kpop, its creepy fandoms, and/or its fucked up industry. Or just nitpick some idols.
· Don't sperg, complain or pick fights.
· Don't racebait.
· Don't derail about dumb shit. If it doesn't directly have to do with Kpop, don't post about it here.
· This thread is not about shipping or fangirling. Save that for the general kpop thread here:
>>>/m/11970Last thread:
>>>/m/22820 No. 25213
>>25211>taehyungAre you an army?
Anyway there's a photo of Wonyoung sitting at 150 upvotes at r/kpics (which is basically r/kpopfap-lite for the uninformed). Disgusted but unsurprised.
No. 25216
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>>25214Screenshot as proof. Also out of a disgusting sense of curiosity, I searched up her name on that subreddit at it returned at least a couple dozen more results. Male K-pop fans really are pedos.
No. 25217
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what type injury is this caused by? looks like a cigarette burn or some people say that and it does i think
but what are other explanation ?
Sorry for my bad English
No. 25218
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>>25216Comment I came across on one of those posts.
No. 25220
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>>25219I feel bad for Eunbi, how does it feel to be surrounded by fetuses?
No. 25221
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>>25218Excuse the shitty crop but that comment is…ick.
No. 25222
>>25216Not trying to sound like a pedo-chan but she's so naturally pretty with good proportions. Then I found out she's part Taiwanese which explains why she looks nothing like average Koreans. Even Jeon Ji Hyun is said to be part Chinese, and there's more 'visual' Korean celebrities who are said to not be full Korean yet they're supposedly also the 'faces' of Korea.
No. 25228
>>25217Jungkook with weird injuries again?
I'm starting to think he does parkour or goes to some weird whore houses lol
No. 25230
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>>25217It looks like a burn, but I think it's too large to be from a cigarette.
No. 25231
>>25224How on earth are they supposed to be exactly similar? That sound so ridiculous. Different places vary in looks
>>25227Idk about the weeaboos but I assumed most people were basing it off what koreans usually look like, without all the makeup, editing and surgery.
Also momo is ugly who the hell would say otherwise? Lmao
No. 25235
>>25229not on the elbow like that. normally on its on the back also its bigger mark then this
>>25230maybe……sometimes cigarette burns are big
maybe fireworks from stage ?? it’s older pic too
No. 25237
>>25220>born 1995I'm the same age as her, my sister and her friends are Wonyoung's age and I have to treat them like literal babies because of how immature 14-year-old kids still are. It must be super awkward for her, who thought this was a good idea?
Do they live together in a dorm? If yes, god knows how often the younger ones cry because of homesickness etc (and the older ones or the managers have to act as their mommies)… Anybody who stans this industry must be retarded and completely lacking of any empathy
No. 25249
>>25237Eunbi is considered the "group mom" if I recall correctly. I wouldn't be surprised if they consider her more of a nanny. She's mostly shilled for looking similar to rv's irene, but she has actual talent, can dance and sing, so she's one of the few members who deserves to be there. I was surprised that she was in the final group, considering the netizen reaction to trainees on produce 48 (the survival show that formed the group) who were older than like, I don't know, 18-20, they were bashing older trainees and praising younger ones.
There were a lot of girls in the first top 20 ranking who were adults but they seemingly booted them all out of the final group with possibly rigged votes bc mnet knew the underage girls and cutesier music would bring in bank.
>Lee Kaeun: 1994>Miyazaki Miho: 1993>Takeuchi Miyu: 1996>Shiroma Miru: 1997these girls all ranked in the top 10 of the top 20 in the second to last voting period prior to the final episode of produce 48 and somehow plummeted in the last episode to all rank under rank 13, so tbh I wouldn't be surprised if the girls, especially the Japanese 48group girls who were born in the early-mid 90s were ousted from the votes on purpose because of their age, im surprised even Sakura (1998) is allowed in the group, by korean standards she's practically a granny, it's probs only because the netizens like her. Sakura is cute physically but a deadweight member talent wise, but at least she's better than dead fish eyed Hyewon who doesn't deserve to be in izone at all
No. 25256
>>25246Still doesn't work for me.
>>25249I wouldn't be surprised if this was really the case. Their obsession with youth is sickening.
No. 25258
>>25249>but she has actual talent, can dance and sing, so she's one of the few members who deserves to be thereDebateable. She doesn’t really stand out in any of those areas compared to the average idol. Many trainees who ranked lower outshone her throughout the show.
However I agree with you on those other four idols being discriminated because of their age. As said before, the guy behind the PD101 outed himself as a creepy, superficial pedo when he compared his show to healthy porn (since many of the contestants are underage). No doubt that the show’s rigged so that the IZONE members were picked based on their looks + youth first and foremost (with a couple of odd picks thrown in there based on potential backlash from having solely talentless models).
I recall that one post from the industry insider saying that Mnet pimps out trainees that have participated in their shows/are under labels associated with them—selling them to sponsors for a price. Given what’s been leaked from a notoriously private industry, I find that 100% believeable. Disturbing to think that Wonyoung has been through more than just seeing comments from older male fans sexualizing her.
No. 25263
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Looks like we have another company desperately pandering to ARMYs
No. 25266
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In which armys seem to forget that SNL is a comedy show while also doing that whole "BTS' music saved my life!!" thing in one sitting.
No. 25268
>>25266Delusional ARMYs can't accept that BTS really is nothing more than a group made by a corporation solely for profit. Also the run-on sentences + cringeworthy defending truly makes this a Tumblr post.
Anyway, I don't recall if BTS ever acknowledged Jimin wearing that Japanese bomb shirt. It feels like it was swept under the rug quickly enough and they're still as popular as ever. Still have no clue how they're promoted as this ~*wOke*~ group after that controversy + the Nazi fetishizing ones + the sexist lyrics ones + the one where Jimin refers to Jungkook as the Korean equivalent of the n-word.
No. 25272
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Suga and Jhope look dead inside. Also why they are all dressed like the original version of Miami Vice?
No. 25274
>>252725'6 Emma Stone somehow being taller than 5'10 Jungkook…
Also, is poor baby cow Jimin's arm being touched by that disgusting old whitey?! is it so funny and important to them that their Oppars show how annoyed they are and how much they hate being there? Is it supposed to be a sign of their superiority?
>Can we also talk about how dead inside namjoon is>Tae too. Please save themSave them from what? Getting public exposure in the country with the biggest music industry in the world? The same industry your uwu bois want to break through and get rich with?
No. 25281
>>25244Oh my god this is terrible, they all look like they have some sort of social anxiety with the way they are fidgeting, I mean they weren't even supposed to have any reaction but even the way they're standing and their facial expressions are unbearable. The only one that didn't make me cringe that much was jungkook, he seemed a bit more natural and it seemed like he controlled his facial expressions better. Years of training my ass, they literally look like it's their first time on TV and Jin's lip fillers are atrocious they all look terrible from the surgeries they had.
In my opinion rapmon needed the surgery he was really fucking ugly before and he's still extremely ugly even after the PS but I think the plastic surgery was an improvement in his case. Jungkook needed the rhinoplasty and he looked nice but now they're doing more stuff to his face and he looks scarier and scarier, I'm afraid he'll shave his jaw or something because he's literally the only one in the whole group that looks somewhat nice. Jin is ugly as sin but he didn't need those lip fillers, he looks like flappy bird. Suga was pretty nice looking before and now he looks like shit because of the plastic surgery. J-hope is a plastic monster and that's really sad because he was definitely one of the better looking ones of the group. Jimin already had an odd looking face but surgery was also not needed in his case and it made him look worse. V has a punchable face and his facial expressions scream autism and I know he's got work done but they didn't fuck him up that badly yet. Why must South Korea fuck up perfectly average or fine looking faces? The whole point of plastic surgery is to make a person look better not botch them until they're unrecognizable. South Korea the capital of botched plastic surgery.
Sage for sperging
No. 25295
>>25292amazing how they have just stagnated like this
how can anyone ever to listen to those overproduced robot vocals for more than one minute ffs
No. 25309
>>25299U hasn't had a come back in a full year either and that's the only NCT sub unit with marketing potential in the west. What the fuck is SM doing?
And lul @ the 127fags who feel no empathy for the rest of the fandom because they actively made fun of wakey wakey instead of streaming it until they develop stockholm syndrome for that awful song. They're quickly approaching army levels of autism.
No. 25328
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Oh man
No. 25329
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Muslim fans are something else
No. 25351
>>25341I think he’s good looking but his styling and all the shit they do to him/he does to himself (veneers, weight loss/weight gain, possible jaw shave or fillers, etc) doesn’t do him any favours.
I’m curious about how he’ll look after enlistment when that shit can’t be done anymore.
inb4 fuck off ratmy
No. 25353
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>>25339>>25338lmao, hope you're happy anon
No. 25354
>>25351Are you that same suga-chan?
>>25353Lmaooooo thats too funny. Well she jinxed it
No. 25355
>>25297Why does SM keep pushing Flop 127 on people? Out of all the units NCT dream is the most popular and they sold way more albums than NCT 127 so why do they keep focusing on 127? Even NCT U had a more positive response (and better music imo) but SM completely forget about them and just continues to shill NCT 127 like they'll magically gain immense popularity… Lmao what even happened to WayV? Did SM ditch them too?
>>25342You're right and if you point that out all their fans want to cry "RaCiSm" but it's not. Why try and break into a foriegn market and not intergrate/learn English? It's the bare minimum BTS can do. Rap monster is bordering illiteracy and I mean him translating everything looks really tacky. They'll never be taken seriously as idols because of that and because of armies childish behavior.
Also how can armies not see BTS is really thirsty for Western validation? Their lyrics say otherwise.
>>25292You can tell every song after this is going to be extremely terrible and will result in a steady decline in their popularity. I already seen a few armies say the album was bad lol
No. 25363
>>25357I liked his solo too actually…it’s just so obvious that his natural style just doesn’t work with pop music. The kind that BH is going for.
Hold onto hope, they’ll hiatus soon enough. If he doesn’t turn into a hermit, he might put something good out.
No. 25371
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blinks are delusional.
No. 25376
>>25373their songs do have an insane amount of likes and listens on soundcloud, but it must be fake. i never heard anyone praise those two nooname singles, meanwhile hope world and august d are quite often mentioned
armys wanting to "protect jimin" is like onion saying "laineys crying". they use it for their own agenda. i even saw someone say that jimin cried because of bow with luv beaing leaked
No. 25380
>>25292If they didn't try sucking America's dick so hard, I feel like the probably would be getting a bit more attention than they are now.
They're songs before were still pop but they were at least decent and each song sounded different
Now they make overly generic pop, that sounds like you've already heard it 100 times.
Nobody wants to hear the same music they can hear on the radio, in a different language.
No. 25402
>>25371These comments sound like people trying to impersonate delusional BlackPink fans but they’re actually from fans themselves kek
Aside from that where do you guys see the BTS members a decade or two from now. None of them are particularly talented so I don’t know if any of them will continue to be entertainers. Still they’re rich and popular enough at this point to retire comfortably or maybe start their own music companies in the future (and enslave another future generation).
No. 25406
>>25402Suga will be a likely producer, probably run a restaurant with his family or some shit
RM….also a producer or some shit.
J-Hope might be a choreographer…
Jin will try to do variety shows, don’t know if he’ll succeed. He can always go crying back to his family.
Fuck knows about the rest of them.
No. 25407
>>25402rm and suga will not be producers because they're not talented enough for it
v, jimin and jk will have random ost songs and other solo stuff
jin and jhope are absolutely irrelevant
No. 25412
>>25407Do you even know what a producer does.
Considering the state of pop music, you don’t need a whole lot of talent.
No. 25416
>>25402Suga and J-Hope will produce music
Jin and propably RM will do variety shows
JK will go solo… well all of the maknae-line can go solo first successful, but not for a long time, because they lack talent.
V could go solo if he will go more alternative, if that makes sense. He never striked me as someone who fits in the whole pop-scene.
Jimin… no idea, tbh.
If I remember their time at Knowing Brothers, Jimin was not the most entertaining. None of them were, except for RM, who spoke the most and Jin, who hit the nerve of asian variety, I guess. The rest of them were not really entertaining enough to do shows constanly. But it is a long time since I saw anything from them, so maybe I´m wrong.
No. 25420
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Is Jimin objectively the worst BTS member?
>ugly but thinks he's the shit
>isn't particularly talented in anything (even his strongest specialty of dancing)
>boring as hell on shows when he's not annoying.
>stupid enough to get into some notable controversies (like the Japanese bombing shirt and getting caught calling Jungkook a n-gger)
>has the most obsessive fans strangely enough
No. 25423
>>25420I'm not sure why everyone here hates Jimin so much tbh. Everyone seems alright with Jungkook and Jimin is just a downgraded version of him tbh. I dont think he's tragically ugly or untalanted though. Also as far as him being cocky, i thought his whole deal was being insecure? Call me what you want but I genuinely think the masisve hate towards him is insane
Inb4 "fuck off Jimin chan~
No. 25425
>>25423>Everyone seems alright with Jungkook and Jimin is just a downgraded version of him tbh.How? Explain
Jungkook is just very much "invisible" and that's why he's less annoying.
Same for Jin, he has the same punchable face as Jimin and Ratmon, weak jaw and disgusting fat bj lips, but he's just not enough in the spotlight to always deserve our hate lol
If Jungkook started to pull faces like a whiny baby whenever on tv most farmers would shit on him more as well. Jimin's "insecurity" makes him extra unlikeable, since this only results in his stans kissing his ass even more.
There's nothing worse than a rich, sucessful and loved person, who drowns in self pity while being arrogant and smug as hell.
No. 25428
>>25423Same fag as
>>25427 but to be honest I think Jimin milks the whole "uwu soft insecure boi uwu" to get more attention from armies bc he is a huge attention seeker.. I don't think he is as insecure as he makes himself seem. But just my opinion.
No. 25437
>>25436nta but he got mad at v for criticizing/giving him advice during practice iirc
it’s on burn the stage
No. 25447
>>25423i've never been a big jimin hater because i don't care about bts much but most of my dislike for him came from how he constantly looked like he was sulking whenever bts were outside of korea. it came off really nationalist and gross.
ironically he now seems to be the only one who can be bothered to smile when bts are doing american tv shows.
No. 25450
>>25447>constantly looked like he was sulkingI don’t understand that. I think he just has resting bitch face. Do people want him to smile all the time?
If he looks happier in Korea, it’s probably because he knows they’re the ones who can actually fuck up his career.
No. 25455
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jungkook is getting uglier
No. 25464
>>25460I'm absolutely not an Army, but I'm not a huge BTS hater either. Kind of neutral (I don't like their music and I don't particularly like any of the members) and trying to look at things in a nuanced way instead of aiding in the echochamber mentality of either side.
>>25461After that shirt incident, I think it's safe to say there are actually strong nationalistic tendencies in him, though I think most Koreans share that point of view. I was trying to assess why he seemed to sulk in foreign countries before vs how he doesn't really anymore, and then ARMYs attempting to make it seem like a SJW thing when it definitely isn't.
No. 25471
>>25292Man, why are people so utterly obsessed with these dudes? The song is really boring and they're not attractive at all which is weird bc these groups pretty much only exist to look nice… They all look deformed to me.
That being said something about their attitude is interesting. I haven't seen many MVs but in the ones I've seen they're usually grinning and they act like they're fucking around? I can see the appeal in that carefree energy, they have a boyish air to them which is perhaps why their crazy fans are prone to infantilizing them. I think a youthful vibe suits kpop's aesthetics more since everyone looks like toddlers and wears incredibly stupid outfits. Like it makes me more uncomfortable when people styled to look so young act sexy. Still don't like the music or their looks, though. Weird.
>>25371She looks more "expensive" bc the rest of the group is consistently styled to look dumpy in comparison like those ugly blonde hairdos.
>>25457Idk much about these dudes and do not watch interviews but Kristen Stewart was constantly accused of being a douchey person when in reality she has pretty serious anxiety + insecurity (and really shouldn't have been an actor considering she is camera shy). Maybe something like that is the case for some of these idols that look really upset around others. Totally not the right job for them in that case tbh. At any rate going ham on headcanon about why a celebrity acted the way they did is just kinda obsessive.
No. 25473
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>>25465Came across this Tumblr post. I know that Tumble gets
triggered over the slightest things, but a supposedly woke group that’s okay with hanging out with guys that have songs about rape fantasies is kekworthy and hypocritical. Also excuse the shitty crop because I’m on my phone. No. 25498
>>25292yeah this won't help them to get american gp's attention… and what is it with the outfits? can't believe i'm saying this but blackpink's comeback was more interesting than this
>>25497you're baiting but i can't believe they finally got rid of the bowl cuts. can't wait when they pick up another ugly hair trend
No. 25505
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Kpop fans have an aversion to the idea of respecting themselves.
No. 25506
>>25505this is so cringy and try hard kek
i've already met a bunch of kpop fans and most are really ugly and socially stunted
some are really pretty tho or really young (bet the korean pervs love that)
so this nugu is showing some 12 year old bra i'm cackling
No. 25510
>>25418Which is a good thing
>>25508It really wouldn’t eliminate the need since the staple to kpop’s massive growth was it foreignness. People having yellow fever won’t die in the soon
No. 25521
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No. 25524
>>25523And her CM came after that, so this shows she didn't alter her face up to that point.
No. 25527
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>>25523I'm not the anon who posted nana's pics but this one is taken from her instagram @jin_a_nana. There's been a significant change i think.
No. 25528
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>>25527When you compare it to this
No. 25531
>>25530Check the comments, fans are streaming the video nonstop on all the devices they can get their hands on.
Can't YouTube delete these false views somehow? I really want to know how many views they actually get. Is there a way of knowing this?
No. 25542
>>25540Weird to see Jennie being all smiles during performances.
Now I'm kinda thinking that they only got an "album" to have more songs for coachella, especially since the songs they're promoting are loud and edm-heavy.
No. 25555
>>25549What's with the hate? It's people like you who ruin this thread by complaining about literally anything
>>25550That's what i meant too. I never wk-ed her SEA features. Seriously what is it with you people? If anything, you should be questioning all those people who claimed to be watching BP live at Coachella.
No. 25556
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>>25551Prob because she doesn't exactly suit the style and she looks old if she wears exposing outfits
No. 25558
Spotted the "muh superiority" anon
Learn how to sage retard
>>25460>I don't mean to be rude but you sound like an army masquerading as a lolcow user>>25487>you sound like a salty westerner mad jimin is bursting your bubble of a perfect korean prince who wants to love and protect his ugly fat foreign fans>>25488>you sound like you just had an aneurysm. No. 25563
>>25558Just to be clear I only posted
>>25460 the rest are not me and I forget to sage. Relax.
No. 25565
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an army rented an internet cafe to stream their song. and they get their feefees hurt over youtube deleting their views lol
No. 25568
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jennie… sweetie…
No. 25575
>>25530Here's what JK wrote yesterday on the fancafe:
13.04.2019 {12:17 PM KST}
✎ Thanks everyone. I'm so happy that everyone enjoyed our music video.The views amazed me. Tae hyung wants to take a selca with me and tweet it, i told him we'll only do that if we reach 100 million views in 24 hours."
These idols are egging their fans on to waste their time and energy streaming for meaningless views. They're probably desperate to stay on top and desperate to take back all the records, JK especially. Say whatever you want about V but V wanted to do a simple selca and JK wanted to use it as bait first. That's why I laugh at ppl who keep bringing up that JK would date a member of BP. He's too competitive and egotistical; he would never be able to be with a female idol threatening his career.
No. 25577
>>25545That's essentially what it is. Before BTS came back, some fans advised other fans to change their DPs to American pop stans and locals to fool people into thinking locals were checking out BTS's new song. So the whole "who is that with the ponytail?" etc is likely fake.
Jennie was trending world wide and I wonder how many of them caught that Jennie clearly picks and chooses which audiences are worthy of her energy. There were rumors about her being a bully 'banana' (white on the inside, yellow on the outside) in NZ when she was predebut (check old netizenbuzz circa 2013-2014) so that wouldn't surprise me.
No. 25579
>>25576Sad that no matter how hard Rose worked, still nobody seems to give a damn about her.
No wait, it's funny.
No. 25581
>>25575did he really write this omg what a cock
this reminds me of seulgi encouraging rv fans to stream their songs ad literally telling them to stream it till they get xxx views but no sauce sorry
No. 25583
>>25574honestly part of the problem is that the kpop boybands are too weird looking, plastic, childish, effeminate and identical for most Westerners. Those Greek TV hosts were only saying what a lot of people think. Whatever appeals to k-popper girls doesn't necessarily appeal to the wider audience. Like where does BTS fit in the western pop star or boy band aesthetic even among the most effeminate pop stars? They resemble end-stage plastic surgery MJ more than anything else
Compared with that BLACKPINK's aesthetic is pretty internationally viable (except the ghost skin, talentlessness and thinness)
No. 25585
>>25577>Jennie clearly picks and chooses which audiences are worthy of her energy.I can't tell if I completely agree with that or not since they haven't had that many performances but I do see her as an opportunist who likes to shine in front of the right people. I have the feeling that she gets bored with the Korean audience, unless it's a super special event or something that makes her shine individually.
She seems to like the celebrity life (fashion shows, photoshoots, etc.)more than being an actual singer.
But these are just my assumptions. And now she is actually energetic after the lazy thing, so…good for her.
No. 25586
>>25575They say shit like this but then they and armys get offended when they're called social media artists…
That just makes fans more obsessive. Is that really what they want?
No. 25588
>>25583Yeah but western audiences are not as narrowingly lookist as Korean ones, BP just being pretty and skinny won't work in their favour for long because they'll have to show some talent or charisma sooner or later. BTS can brag about having writing credits in their songs and the whole "small company" sob story, black pink are the definition of a silver spoon group who've got even lesser going on for them than BTS.
That said both groups are terribly overrated and I am praying for Adele/Beyonce/Rihanna to release multiple songs this year so the world can remember what good music sounds like again
No. 25590
Back to important things: more chats have been revealed from the trash friends joked about foreign women and compared others to comfort women in this one.
I really hope that this opens the eyes of the hardcore koreaboos and fans but I sadly doubt it cause I saw a bunch of "cheer up" messages for jjy as I was going through twitter.
No. 25592
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I looked up the bp tag on insta and the first thing I see is Lisa’s rib cage and the fans make no mention of it
No. 25598
>>25588IA, the higher BP gets the more scrutiny will be on them. They better be prepared.
Taylor is releasing in two weeks and while she's not exactly talented she usually gets the gp's attention. Rihanna and Childish may be dropping something soon. Adele and Bey are definitely coming back this year. The last thing anyone wants is a damn Kpop summer, but it's hilarious to see Old Town Road smashing from some nobody + a hasbeen while Kpop groups, with all their hype and views, barely struggling to stay afloat for more than 2 weeks in the upper half of the Hot 100. There's a clear difference between what is internet hype and what is the general public actually listening to.
No. 25604
>>25575>>25581>>25596Has anybody actually seen this in fancafe? Because I'm pretty sure it's fake posts made by army to make people stream some more. There's posts like this about all the members on ig too
Inb4 ppl calling me army-chan, I'm all for bashing on idols for the bs they spout on a regular basis, but what's fake is fake
No. 25607
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I was watching a livestream of something completely unrelated…
No. 25619
>>25590This is some sick shit.
I am genuinely scared of Korean Male celebrities now. Bragging about how he drugged her and all that sick perverted shit he did to this woman. I hope all these assholes rot in prison, or get raped in prison. Maybe then they won't be bragging.
No. 25631
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Thought I saw lisa on personal cow thread
No. 25643
>>25634>>25633True. It's just that they don't have as much hype and media play. But at least they have genuine fans
>>25642Because they like to cry about comfort women all the because of anti-japanese sentiment but they don't actually care about women at all. Bunch of hypocrites
No. 25644
>>25642This whole scandal has been taken lightly tbh. I don't know if it's because the people are too desensitised or…?
victims don't want to speak out in public which is totally understandable but it would have made people realise how
real people are affected here and hopefully guaranteed each one of them jail time.
I'm shocked by how slow and unprofessional this investigation has been so far and how the higher ups involved have been completely forgotten.
No. 25645
>>25636This is true but I've also noticed tumblr troon twitter and kpop twitter merging together. Constantly there are all the undertones implying that BTS, LOONA and whoever else are sooo brave, unproblematic and progressive because they are Asian and not anglo. And then all this crap springs up about BTS destroying
toxic masculinity because of their eye shadow yaass queeens (as if that's even new in the West)
I remember all the shock at that father sexually assaulting his son segment on Hello Counselor and foreigners being unable to understand why Koreans weren't reacting with abject horror. These people either way have no idea about the severity of Korean social and political problems and just see the surface level glamour of the country
No. 25655
>>25635As somebody who's german, just ew
Why would any foreign women sleep with him?! He looks repulsive to non-korean standards
No. 25656
>>25649Honestly, the only female idol to come to mind is IU. She breaks the rule anon
>>25650 mentioned because Koreans just wanna look away and pretend her nymphomania isn't there
No. 25660
>>25587Seohyun was one of SNSD’s best singers.
Jisoo’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard and Rose is even worse. Kpop singers nowadays are just painfully bad
No. 25661
>>25659And there was something else going on that made these incels think she was a feminist lol honestly, no matter how many job opportunities and other benefits you get as an it-girl in Korea, I'd never wanna be one. Imagine having these brainless, creepy, misogynistic men obsessing over your body and then burning pictures and shit of you cause you dare to live your life the way
you want.
No. 25666
>>25664It was discussed several threads ago. Basically what anon
>>25658 described
No. 25675
>>25672I went to every fan cafe translation twitter I know and this post nowhere to be found. It’s streambait by army for army.
Anon mentioned this above. Read the thread.
No. 25681
File: 1555203334078.jpg (392.48 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190414_075346.jpg)

Bighit posted this on twitter a day ago. There's nothing remotely interesting about this dude. He looks like a lesbian.
No. 25705
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No. 25718
>>25705wonyoung's legs have always been anachan tier but now they're looking even more anachan
is she actually as tall as they claim? i feel like they're all lying about their heights
No. 25726
File: 1555217316519.png (26.35 KB, 540x134, Screenshot_2019-04-13-23-44-45…)

There is a SNL thread in /tv/ right bow and the comments about BTS are hilarious.
No. 25734
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I find this particular scene very cringey, ratmon looks like a cult leader
No. 25740
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Lmao it's started guys
No. 25741
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>>25740Sorry it's just too funny I need to post more
No. 25743
>>25739Also, I can't remember if it was j hope or jimin, or all probably, but he was like, what the hell happened to their faces!!!
So yeah, basically BTS is winning the hearts and minds of all us regular ppl out here, kek.
No. 25747
>>25725must be weirder to rank #1 or close to it for most of the show, have the most prominent domestic and international fanbase of all p48, and somehow lose to pedobait who mysteriously obtained thousands of extra votes
wonyoung being ranked #1 was rigged and nobody can tell me otherwise, sakura may not be talented but of all the p48 girls had the largest fanbase so her not making #1 seems like a cheat to make both a korean and blatantly underage girl the center instead of the adult japanese girl lmao
tbh if I were sakura I'd hate her too
No. 25748
File: 1555224248923.png (130.99 KB, 1288x1220, 1549991073201.png)

>>25742>>25741>>25740It's so sad these pathetic idiots are stil trying to pull off that shit.
No. 25752
>>25607can anyone explain how boy with luv is unironically stomping all over
toxic masculinity
No. 25754
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This isn't going to convince the general public that Kpop isn't a cult
Link to original tweet: No. 25755
File: 1555227212722.jpg (155.96 KB, 1200x900, D4FwN6VU4AAv10i.jpg)

emma stone is 1.68 and is probably around 1.73 with these heels. bts don't look much taller than her. rm claims to be 1.81 mind you, this doesn't look like a 8-10 cm height difference to me
No. 25756
File: 1555227566857.png (35.92 KB, 540x293, Screenshot_2019-04-14-02-36-58…)

>>25754It's great that The Hollywood Repporter is being honest and doesn't gives a fuck.
Also ARMYs are retarded.
No. 25758
>>25755This is a really bad picture to estimate height with tbh lol
They’re not standing up straight or even in a proper line
No. 25760
>>25727This choreography sucks. This song sucks. I could see a some people being a little impressed with BS&T or some shit but not this.
BigHit is fucking up.
No. 25765
>>25763You do realize that nearly every selfie/picture they post is heavily filtered and edited, right.
You must be aware of this.
No. 25767
File: 1555231086687.jpg (348.03 KB, 1080x1440, 20190414_153712.jpg)

>>25762And even their fans say so. Is it true that they signed a contract for 8 more years though? At this point they should just retire to stop embarassing themselves.
No. 25768
File: 1555231180690.png (941.72 KB, 367x1592, Opera Snapshot_2019-04-14_0938…)

glo down of the century
No. 25769
>>25765Ugh yeah but I was replying to this
>Has this been Photoshopped to imtentionally look bad? If that’s not the case and Jungkook actually posted this thinking that he looks cute, then it’s clear that all of the undeserved validation he’s gotten throughout his career is really getting to his head nowNo one but JK or bighit himself edited the pic and anon was asking if someone else edited it and i said no because it was posted on their official twitter. Ofc it has a filter but no one altered it to make it look bad, jk posted that ugly pic of himself thinking he was cute and all.
No. 25770
>>25768not to sound like a
triggered sjw but back then they actually looked like normal asian guys. now they look extremely whitewashed and plastic
No. 25771
File: 1555231707130.jpg (31.2 KB, 452x678, images.jpeg-2.jpg)

>>25768That "old ratmon"'s pic is a lie. He looked like this back then. Not that he looks good now.
No. 25775
File: 1555232326944.jpg (63.57 KB, 683x1024, 819291fb1fd25497dd42e21a1b26d1…)

>>25771that pic is from their debut song, he was blonde for boys in luv
No. 25778
File: 1555232821658.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.21 KB, 452x678, images (4).jpeg)

>>25776This is gonna sound dumb but I actually think he gained a jaw? Pic related is what it looked like before kek
No. 25786
File: 1555238353450.jpg (268.78 KB, 1022x783, Screenshot_20190414-122659_mh1…)

nice try kookie
No. 25791
File: 1555239066949.jpg (74.31 KB, 720x452, 00240359.jpg)

>>25778I think he got the lower part of his jaw shaved. He's rounder now.
No. 25792
File: 1555239143910.jpg (536.49 KB, 1462x770, 133025.jpg)

he can't be this stupid right
No. 25794
>>25791i swear they always give v the most obnoxious hair colors. before it was the tomato red and now this, it’s like they want to make him ugly on purpose.
maybe because a lot of people find him better-looking than jin and jungkook? kind of like with lisa.
No. 25799
>>25791Ahh that makes sense
Aside from that, and the obvious nose job, what else do you think he had done? The fandom is always screaming about him being 100% natural, it's ridiculous
No. 25806
File: 1555243638839.png (253.4 KB, 820x859, 153-1537043_meme-emoji-discord…)

>>25803You can't tell me armys are going to pretend like this song is good. Maybe they're desensitized to awful music, but there's literally no wking this one
No. 25813
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No. 25817
>>25813I'll be quoting something an anon said in the #17 thread
"Many armys need to be rounded up and launched into space
No. 25822
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>>25821this one has a kid.
No. 25823
File: 1555251328796.jpg (41.43 KB, 442x694, images.jpeg-2.jpg)

>>25818I heard her family is rich and that she was an outstanding student with many talents. If that's true and she had stayed in canada and lived a normal life she could probably be happier rn. She could literally become anything she wanted. Source:
Ps. Not a wendy chan.
No. 25840
File: 1555254055536.jpeg (25.46 KB, 474x167, 579283AD-9865-4129-9CD5-D0C0A9…)

so apparently armys spammed this while rosé was on live, their hatred for women is something else
No. 25842
>>25829Anon's ITT seem to forget that puberty and weight loss/weight gain do change your appearance to an extent, sure it won't change someone's nose shape, eye size, lip size, or give them a 'v' jawline, but it does make sense for a 23yo male to have a wider jawline than when they were 17.
And thin v-line jaws are part of Korea's beauty standard, no idol is going to get ps that does the opposite
No. 25847
File: 1555254623967.png (1.97 MB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_04-14-11.07.26.png)

>>25741>>25740 Whats the point of lying like this?
No. 25850
>>25813Linking on an imageboard because there's 500 subtweets of armys and kpoppies sperging and self-cannibalizing after being called out. If anyone is feeling masochistic:;dr
>yall hear sumn?? im on holiday from work AND school and be eatin three meals a day but go off sis!! why yall antis finna so obsessed with us?? No. 25851
>>25842Or anons using SNOW filtered selfies and photoshopped official photoshoot pictures to accuse everyone of vline surgery.
But we shouldn't use logic, anon, or we'll be accused of being armys
No. 25856
>>25854bts never ever acknowledged any shitty thing armys have done. they are such pussies when it comes to armys they would never speak up against anything they do. their artist/fan relationship is even more
toxic than your typical fandom insanity.
No. 25860
>>25857She pointed out to me the lyrics that armys claim to be genius lmao. The "Drink up…Fall in love with a crazy artist" "When the night comes mumble mumble mumble…tumble tumble tumble"
Idk I think she's reaching a bit but food for thought with everything that's been happening recently.
No. 25861
>>25840it could be retarded fandoms framing one another again
>>25850hahah great tldr
No. 25869
File: 1555257865387.jpeg (179.97 KB, 1125x841, 487BF84C-720A-4854-AE98-EB9FED…)

>>25850armys are retarded but it’s so funny when other crazy fandoms think they’re any better. Exo is irrelevant now but in their prime exo-ls were just as insane, and Blinks were bragging about watching the new Blackpink MV on 7 different devices a few days ago. the lack of self awareness..
No. 25870
>>25847They think this makes other people believe that BTS is getting positive,
new attention from locals (they’re not) and that flooding positive comments drowns out the negative (doesn’t change people’s minds, nice try) so their oppar won’t see.
No. 25872
>>25860Idk. After reading the lyrics…this song seems more about just drinking and being a cocky little shit and then hating yourself for it. Just drinking and making music.
As for these lyrics
>When the night comes>mumble mumble mumbleThis is easily just a reference to slurring when drunk.
>When the night comes>Tumble tumble tumbleAnd this is just about fucking falling all over yourself because you’re a drunk shit.
I don’t think every song about getting drunk is uh, automatically about date rape.
I could on and on deciphering lyrics in depth but I don’t think anyone here wants to see that.
No. 25874
>>25822so they didn't use bots… but they still used inauthentic tactics to cheat. thousands of fans streaming the song more than any human being would want to is still gaming the system. even if youtube didn't delete the views, why would scamming BTS to the top be an accomplishment? they should be happy about the genuine popularity they have managed to achieve.
furthermore, why youtube? everyone knows it's not a genuine indicator of an artist's popularity. katy perry notoriously bought views to make it seem like her most recent album didn't flop as hard as it did. one of the songs that previously held the 24 hour record was taylor swift's most hated single.
No. 25882
File: 1555261724397.jpg (195 KB, 1080x1122, IMG_20190414_020409.jpg)

No. 25885
>>25870the only new attention they're getting is from people who'd like to join a cult like this and obsess over something popular
>The April 13 telecast of Saturday Night Live, with host Emma Stone and musical guest BTS, averaged a 3.9 Live+Same Day household rating in the metered markets, and a 1.5 adults 18-49 rating in the markets with local people meters. That was down from SNL’s episode last week hosted by Kit Harington with musical guest Sara Bareilles (4.4, 1.7). Last night’s show hit a season low in meter-market households and tied a demo season low in people-meter markers. The numbers, which are not unusual for SNL this time a year, also represent a near series low (HH) and tied for a series low (18-49). No. 25888
>>25885I think this demonstrates that their popularity isn’t so much in the US as it is in other Asian countries.
Less people watched this episode, which means they either actively avoided this episode, didn’t care about the guests or the guests previously were more popular.
Either way, it’s just becoming more and more evident that their supposed “conquering of the US” is smoke and mirrors and a rabid fan base, rather than actual recognition from the general public.
No. 25889
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>>25886Your post reminds me of this
No. 25890
File: 1555264111496.gif (408.78 KB, 473x377, 2lJs.gif)

>>25823She was so pretty in the Happiness video and now she looks so fucking weird. Like her teeth don't fit her jawbone.
No. 25893
>>25885The Grammys put them at the very last to keep armys watching all the way through but that didn't bring the huge increase they hoped - it was just an extra 100,000 tuning in from last year's, which is nothing.
Awards shows are going to think twice before inviting BTS in 2020 if this keeps happening - the only gains they made so far are a lot of loud, stinky armys
No. 25899
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>>25740I'm curious to see what they say
No. 25904
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No. 25905
File: 1555270789850.jpeg (149.09 KB, 750x712, C84B710C-C737-4675-A71D-29757A…)

Blinks keeps sharing this photo and no one points out Lisa’s scarily skinny arm.
No. 25907
>>25890She got a jawshave
Her jaw was fine before, she just happened to follow the same v-line jaw trend that all the kpop girls and guys do. It's sad, lots of idols looked better with their natural jawlines, pointy anime chins just don't look real on actualized human beings. There's nothing inherently wrong with having a more squared jaw, as humans do, the likelihood of having a naturally triangular jaw is, well impossible, pointy, maybe, but not shaped like a straight V. Koreans really need to let the v line jaw trend die.
No. 25909
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>>25904Ratmys are truly a plague…..let it go and accept that not everyone will like your oppas' shitty music
No. 25910
File: 1555271855729.jpg (110.16 KB, 776x455, Good fucking god.JPG)

>>25909"We're not a cult we swear!
No. 25913
>>25909"If you don't mind me asking, may I know what your favourite bands or genres are? I'll try to recommend some tracks that you may sway towards compared to their other title tracks." why do ratmys think bts have something for everyone? they really dont. people dont like boy bands, just give it up already
>>25910"they come from a small company, struggled with debt" so? doesnt every kpop group have debt? even from bigger companies
No. 25914
>>25913>"they come from a small company, struggled with debt" so? doesnt every kpop group have debt? even from bigger companiesarmys delusion in regards to both bts and other groups is something else. bts are not
victims and what that person described is basically a staple for most kpop groups. some didn’t even have a “small room to share” because they were literally homeless.
No. 25927
File: 1555281743881.jpg (92.44 KB, 573x763, 88.JPG)

So Leslie Jones complimented Emma Stone on Twitter and the reply section is filled with shitmys going "what about BTS???????" No. 25929
>>25927theres plenty of people digging for some kind of BTS drama too like "so who wasn't nice hmm spill the tea"
the desperation
No. 25931
File: 1555282995178.png (51.99 KB, 621x418, twt.PNG)

>>25930not much of what anon said, but more tweets fishing for drama. This one's the only one directly asking about her and BTS
No. 25932
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>>25886it's because a lot of them have flat heads and the bowlcut gives the illusion of having a rounder head, at least when it's done properly.
No. 25934
File: 1555283076585.png (15.21 KB, 636x127, twt3.PNG)

>>25933and of course, a couple ARMYs making this move
No. 25942
>>25777The JUST had a comeback not even a full month ago
All these Kpop groups are truly afraid of being irrelevant holy shit.
No. 25943
>>25812Their last comeback was near the end of November.
SM will probably pull another crazy "___ bad boy" knockoff soon.
No. 25944
>>25823She's not outstanding kek.
Go to a private school and only have most of you electives in music and little to none in science and math and you would get straight As too.
No. 25947
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I feel confident that below pic related might have been a joke but go off army
No. 25950
>>25777>>25942Banana Chacha isn't a comeback–it's a song for a kid's show.
It is pretty weird for a group that was forced to wear the most ill-fitting, booty shorts for fan service is doing a kids' song though.
No. 25953
File: 1555289286698.jpg (41.68 KB, 640x480, x70fj9d91op21.jpg)

Posted on r/kpop as an April Fools meme but nice that there's at least some self-awareness
No. 25956
File: 1555289979910.png (1.37 MB, 1268x1436, Screen Shot 2019-04-14 at 5.57…)

Surprised this hasn't been shared yet but K E K
ARMYs now have to pick between their desperation for American celebrity recognition versus everything Cardi B stands for. No. 25957
>>25956this happens almost every time bts collabs with a western artist. armys complain about bts working with someone
problematic but still support it once it drops. I'd be surprised if she actually goes through with it.
No. 25960
>>25957Yeah, BTS is already too established at this point that any controversy that hits them doesn't make much much of a dent in their reputation.
>>25959Exactly but I'v seen some comments about how BTS could benefit from collaborating from a "real hip-hop artist" or whatever. I don't doubt that ARMYs will just make excuses and move on if BTS actually hit up Cardi B.
No. 25970
>>25956>They're so adorable. Kek, Jin's the same age as her, they just act like uwu retards.
Just look at her face, it's obvious that she just doesn't want to seem rude or face backlash.
No. 26001
>>25980i honestly hope he won't. i find him annoying but he's like the very few of males who don't think they are an actual woman for liking makeup and being feminine.
not going to be surprised if woke gay king rap monster comes out as some weird tumblr gender after his career starts to die though
No. 26005
>>25989If he's getting left out of the group, its probably his own choice too. He doesn't seem to spend too much time with them outside of business.
The other members tend to post pics of going out to dinner with each other or mention in videos different things they go out an do with each other. V only seems to hang out with idols from other groups on his down time.
The least liked is probably Jin, the only other member who interacts with him is ratmon. They probably all hate having to carry his dead weight around.
No. 26008
>>25963We need to bring back bullying and homophobia
>>25956Forget collabs, I hope she feuds with them. If anyone isn't scared of armys it'd be Cardi B
No. 26009
File: 1555306516883.png (45.45 KB, 533x745, pitchfork.png)

Pitchfork's review for BTS came out I'm surprised they managed to score lower than blackpink lmao. at least the writer pointed out how boring the album is even though the last paragraph made me rme.
No. 26016
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>>25979>>25986>>25988>>25985the absolute state of this thread
No. 26017
>>26009The replies on Twitter are already about how the author is “applying Western standards” to the album in his review.
I would also like to mention that I believe the reviewer himself is Korean and I don’t think they have any idea.
No. 26029
File: 1555325534637.jpg (457.78 KB, 1080x1671, 20190415_101532.jpg)

kek, "the album being made for fans" doesn't stop songs being boring and shit. if you you have to be a fan to "get it" and you can't enjoy it as an outsider it's a bad album
No. 26030
File: 1555325541219.jpeg (235.89 KB, 750x728, B402F80B-392F-433F-89A5-185EED…)

the amount of hate blinks and army throw each other’s way is ridiculous.
No. 26032
>>26030Ratmys used to have this fight with exo fans but now both sides have been quiet cause exo has become irrelevant lol.
Someone tell them to chill tf out; there's enough room for shitty kpop groups in America.
No. 26034
File: 1555326813711.png (70.34 KB, 590x343, bl0nk.PNG)

>>26009some ARMYs are angry, apparently he may be a blink which is definitely the only reason he would give this album a mediocre review.
No. 26039
File: 1555332463140.jpg (202.93 KB, 837x769, 20190415_144806.jpg)

He looks so weird
No. 26049
File: 1555336124501.gif (375.16 KB, 480x480, giphy.gif)

why haven't the woke proud poc kings who don't need western validation bts have never collaborated with another korean artist for a song in their album yet latched onto the first mainstream american artists for singles when they got the change
No. 26065
>>26039Why haven't they given him a new nose?
>>26061Obviously no Korean artist is on the same level of woke as BTS
No. 26076
File: 1555340663394.jpeg (139.55 KB, 750x353, 8475AF8E-2B6F-498F-907B-06CBC4…)

>>26009> it’s too deep> you have to go through ALL albums to understand the depthwhat a convenient “depth” indeed
No. 26084
>>26058> Korean musicI doubt that
kpop, with a large amount of random English and US-charts influences, is the best choice for Korean music representation.
If I were Korean I wouldn't want BTS to represent my country tbh, but their strategy seems to work there cause they're being showered with praise.
And to me that awareness thing is just a convenient excuse because they know they'll gain even more support from their prideful country.
No. 26085
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>>26009lol i preferred the hollywood reporter article which made the same point that applies to most kpop (this was talked about upthread but idk if it was linked)
No. 26092
>>26080 Lol now they're going for gatekeeping.
They must think they're in the Elizabethan era where they're the highly educated upper class that can understand art and the rest of us are peasants.
No. 26111
>>25872>Just drinking and making music. Maybe that's why each album sounds worse than the last. They just go into the studio wasted and think everything sounds good.
I mean some of them do seem to have drinking problems (mainly Jimin)
No. 26126
>>26076To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand BTS albums. The storyline is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rap Monster's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these songs, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike BTS truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in RM's existential catchphrase "I'm a beat that pussy like you never ever felt before," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as BTS's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Jimin tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for my future kpop bf eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
(emoji) No. 26132
File: 1555353539061.png (35.36 KB, 608x256, i.png)

I read the so much praised lyrics to Dionysus and it's just them comparing themselves to gods? tf is deep about this? I've read translations of songs by other korean artists and many of them use wordplay and cultural references, it's not that hard No. 26134
>>26131Nobody listened to them until their international fan base increased around 2015/16. Even then their music wasn't really popular in Korea.
Knowing how prevalent lookism is in Korea, I'm pretty sure they'd be called ugly and whatnot if they weren't so popular cause even the most attractive idols get hate… but yeah by now they've probably gained a lot of Korean fans but a lot of people really just are proud that they get positive international attention.
No. 26137
File: 1555355244801.png (458.17 KB, 605x707, Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 20.0…)

Do they have to make EVERYTHING about Kpop though?
No. 26140
>>26127Its pop music, with the sole purpose of making the most money possible, none of it's well written or deep.
They honestly peaked in 2015/2016 when their music was actually listenable and their music videos were aesthetically pleasing.
No. 26148
File: 1555359215777.png (2.84 KB, 404x57, Opera Snapshot_2019-04-15_2109…)

yg on suicide watch
No. 26150
>>26127I like some of the lines in Serendipity and Singularity. But honestly those are probably the only two songs that don't make me cringe when I read the lyrics.
To be fair, I'm not sure if someone who doesn't know Korean could judge if a Korean song is well-written or not, just by going off of translations.
No. 26153
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koreaboo joining in and celebrating armys degeneracy.
they’re really living up to their name, aren’t they.
No. 26154
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> Jhope masturbating> Who is BTS is a Dom or Sub > Walks in on your masturbating > Members react to you moaning Good grapes, what is even the appeal in crap like this?!
No. 26155
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>>26153>Go to quoted profile so see how badly Army's are attacking him>See thisTruly, every kpop fan is scum
No. 26156
File: 1555361392309.jpeg (319.45 KB, 750x846, BC88F6B8-F38F-41DA-8C9B-55CC2D…)

koreaboos using notre dame to joke and promote their shitty idols
No. 26161
>>26154Kinda Reminds me of the Jaehyun x you
abusive dad au story I found. I noticed A lot of people who write those Tumblr stories write a bunch about xyz idol finding out "you" self harm and it just weirds me out. I don't really mind fanfiction to a degree but who in their right mind fantasizes about a kpop idol discovering you're self harming?
No. 26171
>>26167Bang Yongguk cowrote some b.a.p songs, idk how much, and some of their song are 'deep' and reflected his personal beliefs
The stuff he's doing on his own now is genuinely meaningful, imo
No. 26173
>>26147Elementary school KEK
What do Korean teenagers and young adults listen to? I'm genuinely curious what's actually popular over there. Like K-pop is a niche genre in the west, so is it mainstream in sk?
No. 26178
>>26131The Koreans that I know only brag about BTS to stroke their "Korea so superior" ego. That is all.
Also to make money off of non-Korean retards.
No. 26179
>>26148I laugh everytime is see how popular Lisa is around the world. It must piss off so many Koreans that an "inferior SEA" surpasses them in the talent and personality. The funny thing is, it isn't that hard to do when it comes to Korean idols.
I'm not stanning Blackpink, I hate them all but it's obvious Lisa is the least fake.
No. 26192
>>26173K-pop was absolutely massive in Korea from 2008 to 2012. Songs from that era regularly passed the five million sales mark, which meant a huge amount of people into music.
But since 2013 sales have shrunk a LOT, the biggest songs get about one million now. K-pop is still important as a cultural/advertising force but I don't think average people are checking for it as much now and the audience is getting younger. The tweenification and wota-type shit that you get from groups fanbases is indicative of this.
Also ballads are a lot more important to Koreans than they are to k-pop fans.
No. 26197
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What a fag hag
No. 26198
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BoA has morphed into Irene. The jaw shave was a mistake
No. 26200
>>26197That outfit Tiffany is wearing looks awful. Also I hope she's not taking a photo with a drag queen just for woke points/to be provocative now that she's out of SM's dungeon.
Now that Tiffany's trying to be a solo artist and is barely staying afloat, it really shows how much of her star power came from being in a popular girl group.
No. 26202
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Speaking of Irene I'll never understand what exactly she has had done to her face. She looked more like Wendy as a child than she looked like her current face
No. 26203
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>>26202Look like the standard K-pop combo of eye tweaking + nose job + messing with the jaw shape. She was already pretty to begin with and is lucky that her face has gotten her so far.
Anyway, here's a recent photo of Go Yujin (a K-pop trainee from PD48) and I'm hoping that her nose job isn't permanent.
No. 26204
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Why is this girl's face so stiff?
No. 26209
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>>26204Plastic surgery. Hyewon used to look noticeably different years ago as shown in >pic related Another case that proves that enough plastic surgery and good marketing can turn anyone into a K-pop star.
>>26205Go Yujin was a somewhat popular contestant on PD48 but I assume you didn't follow it.
No. 26215
File: 1555385026144.jpg (79.82 KB, 959x959, 56242960_2366109867042302_8095…)

this side of sana's face is so weird. countdown to jaw shave.
No. 26222
>>26218no it's tzuyu lol
>>26219she has a nice body shape
No. 26224
>>26189Bambam is pretty popular in Thailand now I think.
Anyway, YG has a more favourable reputation among SEA Kpop fans plus BP has a girl crush image so no wonder Lisa is popular - Big 3 influence does go a long way sometimes
No. 26242
>>26238Each time when I think their music can't get worse they come back with an even shittier song. Their songs are all over the place and they're just so bad.
But I find them way more "authentic" than bts or exo, at least from what I saw when they were rookies. An army friend gave me shit for that, saying they're a bunch of racists and homophobes. I wish I had the receipts of all of bts' antics back then.
No. 26250
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No. 26253
File: 1555422766463.jpeg (5.89 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

They literally pull any ugly kid off the street and give them a new plastic face and dress them u like dolls
No. 26254
File: 1555422847593.jpeg (4.55 KB, 183x275, images (2).jpeg)

This is him now
No. 26259
>>26254My god…
Natural ugly > creepy melted plastic face
No. 26261
>>26260Anon how could you judge someone's personality from a couple of videos? At least say behavior or something
>>26255Idk I just saw his pics somewhere
No. 26262
File: 1555426676291.png (989.4 KB, 947x641, dahyun.png)

>>26253>>26254lmao men are soooooo fucking mediocre. Any horse face with a small frame can be remodelled into some androgynous/neoteneous flower boy uwu.
Dahyun is getting heat in this thread but compared with most pre-surgery koreans she looks good
No. 26266
File: 1555427351824.jpg (68.78 KB, 640x800, 2-Seonghwa-1-640x800.jpg)

>>26264what do you expect when half of them say their role models are BTS lol seonghwa even has thar freaky eye thing jimin has
No. 26279
File: 1555428334419.jpg (885.68 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190416-112329.jpg)

But seriously stop. Just stop with this
No. 26283
>>26262That remodelling part is so fucking true…and they actually manage to get a good amount of fan girls, regardless of how unattractive and otherwise mediocre they might be.
Girls need to love themselves and raise their standards from the ground.
Also, I might be a huge minority but I find dahyun kinda cute. I'm glad she didn't do anything with her eyes; I find them charming.
No. 26288
>>26283I think she's one of the cuter Twice members, maybe it's the smile, I don't know.
Jeongyeon is pretty ugly yet she gets shilled everywhere, I don't understand.
No. 26294
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>>26291I didn't know this before but I just googled her and they look nothing like each other
No. 26303
>>26298Sort of. It's more the parents pushing their kid as a meal ticket typically. Also much of the time the surgery is chosen and scheduled by the agency specifically not the idol - so there is an element of blackmail because saying no means quitting the company. But a lot of the surgeries are voluntary too.
Also tons of idols come from rich families (Umji, Sorn, etc.) so…
No. 26308
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What is up with this guys jaw? Seriously I don't know how people find this guy attractive
No. 26319
File: 1555440682253.jpg (39.6 KB, 630x945, SMROOKIES-image-smrookies-3620…)

>>26316 Ah, thanks. Did he get a jaw shave or something? His fans insist he is all natural but that jaw came out of nowhere and it looks weird. Could it be weight loss?
Pic related it's him during his smrookie days.
No. 26322
>>26295Some international fans will stan anything with a dick, I don't get why they act superior to K-fans in this regard
>>26319SM's quest to mangle faces until they find the perfect Jaejoong clone will never not be funny
No. 26330
>>26298Not a stan video. Things are honestly terrible.
There are news reports and various documentaries online.
They don’t call it Hell Joseon for no reason.
No. 26352
>>26348I'm pretty sure there are some salty seafags itt behind the lisa circlejerking. Posts like
>>26179 scream it.
No. 26354
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>>26348Not the anon you're replying to but I agree with Lisa having the best proportions amongst the other girls in the group. She has long limbs and her figure is more modelesque and she also has long legs which is not that common amongst asians, I'm not sure about SEA asians but it's not common amongst east asians for sure. Jennie is quite stubby looking.
No. 26359
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>>26348it doesn't matter what your proportions look like if you have no ass
No. 26361
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haaha irenes being autistic again lol!!11
No. 26362
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No. 26364
>>26354Why does hardly any kpop group look well together? They're always wearing clothes that clash when they stand next to each other, like they're not a uniformed group and have no one style. BTS is always a
victim of this too, they're always wearing totally different things that look hideous and makes them look so awkward with each other.
No. 26365
>>26360At least Hwasa has thighs that don't look entirely emaciated. By korean standards she's probably one of the few idols who has wide thighs.
Wasn't she fatshamed into oblivion at first by knetz and now they support her for some reason? What made them do a complete 180 on hwasas proportions?
No. 26368 yes halsey and rm are bffs
And the girl with jimin is just a staff member LOL
No. 26386
>>26367They aren’t calling it trash, they’re putting it down purely because it’s Japanese. Even though their stuff was based on jpop to begin with.
The Japanese commenters were all “Aww I like kpop but this video introduced me to some cool Japanese groups for me to support” while the Korean comments are “REE HOW DARE YOU COMPARE US TO JAPAN WE’RE OBVIOUSLY BETTER THIS IS DISGUSTING” and it’s kind of weird to read.
No. 26389
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>>26387Do they just spit out talking points like cultists every time? The whole thread is infested with ratmys
No. 26393
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Are they told to pretend they aren't starving?
No. 26443
>>26386They do that with everything Japanese. I remember seeing a few korean videos on a Japanese movie and the people in the comments kept going on on how their movies are much better, and that Japanese movies are made for dogs. Then I saw one Korean commenter telling them to shut the fuck up because that's not true, and Korean movies are heavily based off Japanese movies so you sound retarded.
I've also seen a ton of Koreans that like jpop, and arashi is pretty known there so….just sounds like stupid angry internet users
No. 26447
>>26365>>26373I used to semi follow them when they came out and were doing all their retro themed music and she was bashed a ton for both her face and her body. I honestly felt pretty bad for her. She performed fine on stage but she seemed really insecure and awkward especially compared to the other members. They called Wheein the "maknae" despite being a few months older and IIRC it was to not draw further attention and thus bashing to Hwasa. They were a small-time group and they've always had a pretty solid fan base but I'm surprised they got so big.
For some reason even back then when she seemed so insecure, there were a ton of English comments talking about how confident she was and how badass etc she was for it. Then at some point in time she made this complete 180 and became some kind of minor it-girl and I have no idea when or how that happened. Good for her though.
No. 26448
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No. 26452
>>26440They're still messing with their health and there's good amounts of evidence to show that extreme diets (which is what these are) are horrible for you if you just yo-yo around.
That and they're obviously fainting constantly.
No. 26465
>>26461Eugh, I was speculating about the appeal of the childlike behavior from male idols earlier but didn't know the female fans were much older. Now I feel gross, I thought they were acting youthful to reach a youthful audience like a retard. Or idk,
trigger something maternal.
No. 26471
>>26467What kinda bullshit is this? They really thought it was smart to go to a fan signing event with a camera team and ask them directly about plastic surgery?
They didn't research shit about kpop otherwise they would've known how stupid this idea is.
No. 26476
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>>26401ARMYs might be a minority on the site but they’re loud and annoying nonetheless—like incels.
Anyway, I was thinking about how harcore fans of whatever get tattoo of shit they’re into (which is a bad idea 99% of the time imo) and how there are probably BTS ones out there. Was right. I just can’t see these aging well as some of these fans hit their late twenties and are interacting more with the world outside of a K-pop bubble.
No. 26477
>>26448Almost a million albums sold and yet they bring lesser profit to SM than old ass grandpas Super Junior (and that's likely not going to change seeing how their American concert venues are half-empty)….whoever called them the Jeb Bush of SM a couple threads back was spot-on
Also those sales are largely due to Winwin's Chinese fans who buy 100k copies each; with Winwin effectively out of 127 we'll see exactly how much their latest comeback sells
No. 26478
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>>26476Like imagine having to explain this to employers future partners.
>”Hey Anon, what’s that tattoo of?”>”Oh, it’s supposed to be of a teen Korean pop boyband who I used to obsessively froth my mouth and specifically of one member who I’ve never even met.>”…” No. 26485
>>26476These are at least somewhat tame if you grow out of the phase, it's essentially just 'cute' characters.
>>26478 >>26483
Shit like this tho
No. 26487
File: 1555528649297.jpg (33.48 KB, 480x360, IMG_0027.JPG)

All this tattoo talk reminds of cl's ex who got her name in Korean tattooed on his wrist. He was even in their mv for gotta be you and nobody knew until a few years ago.
I feel like back then idols were much better at hiding relationships. Did dispatch exist back then?
No. 26490
File: 1555529876635.jpeg (15.71 KB, 400x400, D4X-e05XoAA4KVz.jpeg)

What exactly are they doing to this guy's face? The fact that it's hard to tell but it's there makes it all the more disturbing
No. 26494
>>26490it looks like he just uses a lot of chemical skin peeling products, it gives your face that weird bloated plastic look if you use tem with frequency.
source: sused those for acne scars 10+ years
No. 26495
File: 1555530832490.jpeg (299.72 KB, 1024x1456, 748836FA-879A-49C0-8200-DC35CB…)

This guy is so hard to look at. Easily on end the most unattractive idols out there
No. 26511
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Don't know if this necessarily belongs here but he did a lot of shoots with idols. He was the one with the lolita concepts that people criticised.
No. 26512
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>>26511One of his more controversial photos for those who don't know him
No. 26514
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>>26495Personally I like how he looks. But I understand all the comments his appearance gets on here.
I really wonder what caused him to get all that ps considering how attractive he was to begin with.
Also he's easily the least douchey/conceited member of bts imo and I'd love to see evidence that suggests otherwise
No. 26517
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>>26515His family has money? I remember him talking about his mom working two jobs to help pay for his dance lessons so I assumed they weren't very well off. But that would make sense if he got ps done a long time ago and it's just aging really poorly.
His sister does look very plastic as well though
No. 26521
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Armies got this real estate guy fired for this tweet he made.
Like to articles if you wanna read more about it. : fail to see how this is racist though? Then again I'm not Asian so I'm not to sure..
No. 26530
>>26478Wasn’t this girl mad that they changed their logo?
I remember someone being mad about it…
No. 26532
>>26514Unattainable standards for idols/Korean gp, plus his company.
Beenzino rejected an offer to be in BTS because Ban Shit PD wanted him get a jaw shave.
Said it in one of his songs, forget which one.
Wish Suga had followed him out, but I have a tinfoil theory as to why he didn’t.
No. 26534
>>26521sorry but it is kind of racist imo and i'm not even a sjw
they may dress like little kids but it's wrong to generalize all asian men as weaklings
it also pisses me off when they lump all asian ppl together like they're all the same
however i also know armies don't really care about racism they only have yellow fever
this guy losing his job is a little bit extreme but at least the crazy bitches didn't kill him or worse
No. 26542
>>26352Yeah you're definitely right lmao look at this shit
>>26359 we've been through how shitty Jennie and her flat ass are for ages but whenever someone brings up how boring and equally shit Lisa is SEAspergs lash out
No. 26543
>>26526>>26533I don't see why that gif is so bad. It's a bit older and I genuinely think he looks better there than he has recently.
But I guess that's just me
No. 26545
>>26511Not surprised
If it walks and talks like a creep it probably is a creep
No. 26553
>>26535>>26536>>26537Nothing particularly milky, just sort of armchairing/tinfoiling a bit.
>tl;dr a suga-chan is sad and tinfoils Was a fan in the early days, paid attention to them then because I thought at least 3 of them had semi-genuine personalities and still had hope for nugu groups to be different. Anyway, I think partly why he stayed because his mom is sick and he’s a depressed motherfucker who hates himself.
In an early song, Moving On, he writes this:
>Ever since I was born>I counted the days for my first move>I remember why I had to move>The machine in my mom’s heart and the big scarSome people think that he was born by c-section but if the above translation is correct, and the machine is IN his mom’s heart, then she might have heart problems. A pacemaker or something. Mentioned once in an old album review that his mom was very sick after he was born and had to have surgery. Fast forward a few years, his parents opened a restaurant in like 2017 only to close a year later because of “health problems.”
He’s mentioned before that when he was young, he lived with grandmother for awhile. Has also stated that he grew up in a poor family and I think his mom being ill was the reason. If only his father was working then that probably wasn’t enough to support all of them. Also, mom sick, dad working probably an inhumane amount of hours for pennies…yeah. I think this probably scared the shit out of him as a kid. Stuff like that leaves a mark.
In a radio interview after debut, (think it was with a SuJu member) he says his parents once threw away all his music shit because his grades weren’t good enough for them. In another radio interview, he said his parents didn’t approve of him wanting to be involved in music. Rough quote, "My parents were very much against me becoming a rapper so to make me reconsider, they hit me and we fought, and things like this…so I made music like this.”
In a Halloween vlive, he mentions that his father is the scariest thing to him. And then quickly changes the subject. A few quotes:
>”He’s scarier than ghosts.”>Gets asked by ratmon to imitate his dad >”If I did an imitation of him, they wouldn’t be able to air this. So I can’t do that.”>subject change So he’s used to abuse by now, and probably thinks everything is his fault.
Another thing:
He originally just wanted to be producer, but being in an ~idol training program~, he had to dance.
>”Suddenly they made me dance. They made me dance. They didn't let me leave the dorms for 3 years because they wanted me to practice.”>rest of the members confirm that they didn’t have a lot of freedom>idol mill (we should all know how those go)One of their early reality shows (Rookie King, the ep where they stand on top of the BigHit building and yell about things that piss them off)
>"3 years ago there is someone who made a huge lie to me…Bang PD-nim”>well known that BTS was originally supposed a hip hop group>says Bang Shit told him “there's no need for choreography, just rhythm will do. You just have to work hard at rap.”>also states that this took place before Suga signed a contract>Suga says he feels “cheated”He’s already talked about his anxiety multiple times and he’s said before that he’s very susceptible to others opinions etc. So literally all he loves is making music, poor family, sick mom,
abusive dad, family generally not at all supportive of his shit, would obviously give up a lot to do what he loves. Perfect candidate for manipulation.
Something I’ve noticed that he says a lot is something like, you have to do the things you don’t want to do in order to do the things that you want to do, or whatever, I forget the exact phrasing but that’s the gist of it. Apparently a very common sentiment in Korea, said in particular to students and young people in shitty environments to essentially justify bad treatment.
Sorry for long post. Will post links to these things if anyone wants them.
No. 26556
>>26553Weather or not he grow up poor, he was definitely worried about money and lack of it when he was ~20.
He's also mentioned when that when he was a trainee, he would frequently buy lottery tickets, which is something a lot of poor people since it's cheap and can give you a decent amount of money in return.
He also said in his trainee days, he tried to hide a shoulder injury he got from a part time job from the company, because he didn't want them to let him go.
His desperation for money, along with BangPD telling him bts was going to be something completely different probably did cause him to be exploited to some degree.
I'm sure it happens quite a bit in the industry, along side rich kids who want fame buying their way in.
No. 26557
>>26553Also, forgot to mention was recently drunk and watched that shit bt21 stuff where they make up their little origin stories for the characters.
Jin’s character comes a wealthy family (like him) and Suga’s was something like, his character’s grandpa got sick and couldn’t work, so his character and his characters friends “went off to get help.”
So his mom is sick, he’s poor, early on he realizes that he likes music, also realizes that you can make a lot of that sweet cash money making music if you’re good at it, sick mom and poor family will never have to worry, better (in his mind) than getting a boring Samsung job because passion and possibly more room to actually advance in that world than the corporate shtick. Etc.
No. 26561
>>26555Little genuine moments slip out, anon, if you know where and how to look for it. Look at all that shit about Seungri. It was all there, little hints. Bigger hints.
No one can keep a up lie about their entire backstory for long. He would’ve contradicted himself by now but I don’t think he has.
No. 26562
>>26560Uh, yeah, it’s networking. He likes music, he wants to do it, loves producing. How do you continue doing that? Contacts.
Plus, he is in the industry, probably trained alongside a few of them. Of course he’s going to have idol friends.
No. 26578
File: 1555554276986.png (147.71 KB, 675x653, bbh100.png)

kek despite breaking the 24 hour youtube record, blackpink chart outside the top 40. ready for it to freefall next week. k-pop fans really need to get their shit together and realize that youtube is a useless metric.
No. 26582
File: 1555555700262.png (145.26 KB, 284x534, 1554227431322.png)

>>26577the last 10 posts are just straight up amino-tier army sperging
No. 26583
>>26578When will kpop fans realize that it doesn't matter how many views a video gets if the views are all coming from the same, comparatively small, group of people? I wish there was a way to see how many unique viewers a video on YT has so I could see the true amount of people watching all of the BTS/BP videos that fans are obsessively watching over and over. Don't they get that when it's just fans raising the number inorganically, the view count doesn't actually mean anything at all?
I honestly feel like it's just a way for BTS and BP fans to compete over who has the most free time on their hands at this point. Seems like a tie. Do other group fans do this?
No. 26589
>>26585it helps that joji is half white and predominantly known by a western audience for his filthy frank phase so he already has past recognition to back him up when most asian-americans or asian-westerners are nugus in their own countries and the industry doesn't really give them fair representation
to be fair if I had to give one kpop artist who is trying even tho she's still not that well known props would have to go to Tiffany, she's getting more PR and doesn't look entirely cringey, she's also way more Americanized than most kpop stars and seems more comfortable in America while she didn't ever seem as comfortable in Korea. She got a shitton of hate in Korea so it made sense for her to go back to the US anyway
No. 26591
>>26585>JojiRepulsive. I doubt he'll ever get any but I'd unironically rather listen to K-shit than that garbage.
>>26590Speaking of garbage, fuck him too. For even bothering to review that album and for existing.
No. 26597
File: 1555560901529.jpg (269.27 KB, 1080x683, IMG_20190418_000839.jpg)

Wow this is one of the only times the host looks more freaky than the idols
No. 26600
File: 1555561823712.jpeg (45.33 KB, 408x570, 76508649-5FC3-488C-B8ED-70CBEC…)

Aside from the scene kid hair cut, J-hope really looked alright before the surgeries and Tumblr fakeboi styling. He even looked better than Jimin despite Jimin being the dancing member revered for his looks (for reasons that still don’t make sense to me).
No. 26603
>>26602they are constantly mad at female idols for existing. they only care about
xenophobia when they can use it to victimize muh so oppressed bts.
No. 26615
File: 1555581309749.jpeg (76.96 KB, 750x849, A00297B4-7656-4A7B-9994-648338…)

Someone in the idol boys thread keeps trying to push Lucas as good looking but all I can think of is how much of frog he looks like.
No. 26618
File: 1555588798685.jpg (5.96 KB, 218x218, Lucas look alike.jpg)

>>26615The image that pops up into my mind is "fish" but frog works too lol.
Someone is also always posting that kid from wayv, but when I see him all I can think of are donkeys
No. 26620
File: 1555591310580.jpeg (41.58 KB, 251x350, 8C90F2D4-17FC-4B9C-8817-FE8D8A…)

>>26618>Someone is also always posting that kid from wayv, but when I see him all I can think of are donkeyshe looks like a tim burton character
No. 26622
>>26615I wouldn't be surprised if only three people were in that "cute kpop boys" thread, spamming with Lucas, Yuta and Suga.
Why isn't it closed anyway? I mean, if they like them it's okay but jesus, stop spamming, we don't need to see that.
No. 26623
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Wtf is wrong with that dude's face? He looks like he as an illness that prevent him from gaining weight and his hair looks like a bad hairpiece.
No. 26629
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>>26624Wtf did he do to his face lmao, he looks deformed.
No. 26634
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>>26590The circlejerk in the comment section, jesus christ, do armys themselves come there to praise themselves for the bare minimum?
Also they're so fucking dramatic, not only their poor babies have suffered but apparently their whole fandom endured incredible pain until BTS finally got acknowledged by the US.
No. 26640
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So I saw this pic on my explore page and a some of the comments made me cringe so hard
No. 26650
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I'm surprised nobody is talking about Yoochun or Hwang Hana here. He is a drug addict who turned his ex fiance into a drug addict again. I don't wanna shit up the thread with 50 screenshots so I'll tl;dr the whole ordeal.
Hwang Hana is Yoochun's ex fiancee who is being investigated for drugs. She says that she started using drugs/meth again because Yoochun kept trying to persuade her and then forced her too. Yoochun held a press conference and denied all claims but police found CCTV footage of him buying drugs. He said he was picking up the package or whatever for Hwang Hana and didn't Know what was inside. He's also being accused of destroying evidence because he bleached his hair and got a body wax.
Then onto top of that, H posted something on Instagram and people think it's about Yoochun. (Pic related) is the most milky part of her post.
Links: No. 26652
File: 1555604681808.png (110.16 KB, 603x773, IMG_0528.PNG)

>>26650Cause the public is done with him long time ago and everyone's focused on the burning sun scandal.
Speaking of which, a
victim has come forward and revealed that she was basically gang raped by five of the group chat members.
The netizenbuzz article doesn't provide any translations but I found a comment that provided a link to the full interview No. 26653
>>26493Pisses me off because he was looking really good for a few years but this year he started looking like leeteuk
I wonder if these idols are forced to get surgery or if they ask for it themselves
No. 26654
>>26624Not sure which performance this is, but here’s the MR removed.
If these guys can actually sing, then these dumb songs aren’t showing any of that.
No. 26661
>>26624Why would you use the over-autotuned version for lipsyncing - we all know there's no way they could sound like that ever.
Also the cringy facial expressions
No. 26674
>>26671Yeah…actually training your artistés would be the professional thing to do.
Sorry to BigHit, I forgot where I was for a moment. I’ll show myself out.
No. 26701
>>26693She's basically bottomless. The stylist might as well just give her only a shirt to wear. What the hell are they thinking? I hope she's above 18 at least.
Don't these girls' parents look at their daughters' performances? How can they be ok with this ffs…
No. 26702
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>>26688Tbf the bar was low, it's difficult to be any uglier than BTS or less talented than BP lol
I still can't help but think that their "fans" were bought, most of foreign kpop fans are poc (pre)teens, so why would the NCT fanbase suddenly consist of white adult women?
No. 26703
File: 1555615296725.jpg (78.47 KB, 482x896, Yeonwoo.JPG)

>>26702Because all the Kpop fans are either streaming BTS or are at Blackpink's concert. SM has no chance of taking any fans from them seeing how dedicated Armys and blinks are.
>>26680This looks extremely uncomfortable to move in, much less dance
No. 26712
>>26703Poor girl, look at the red dents in her stomach… It's a miracle that we don't see idols puking more often, I couldn't handle wearing something this tight for a second.
Seems like nct fans are just as annoying as ratmys…
>not into kpop but the pink hair guy can ruin my life over 600 likes
No. 26713
>>26702This pic had me laughing my ass off, some of them look like they realized this wasn't worth the money "oh shit what did I get myself into" "what on earth is this fuckery"
>>26709I know right? But fans are so fucking stupid they get excited and buy into anything.
Also does anyone know how their "tour" is selling out? Are they mostly empty?
No. 26721
>>26715Atlanta, huh. Damn do they really have that many black fans? Lmao but the fact that everywhere else has tons of empty seats is no suprise
>>26681Fuck I realized I should've said this when I posted the picture
>>26718I feel you. That song is straight up trash
No. 26722
>>26720I can't find the tweet but someone took a video of the Vancouver arena ticketing and atleast half the seats were available.
As overrated as Red Velvet is, they sold out all their American venues at least, including 9,000 in Toronto alone.
>>26721The Atlanta venue is just really small (around 2800-3000) so it sold out fast. They're struggling to sell out venues over 5000….SM is just setting them up to get clowned now
No. 26727
File: 1555619325684.png (298.87 KB, 445x450, 1440396566359.png)

>>26725>utahchan trying to push utah as /ourguy/ when jimincel already elicits visceral disgust from the average farmerthis will never not be the most embarrassing shit. imagine convincing yourself you want to fuck someone that unattractive just because you're obsessed with le superior nihonjin cock.
No. 26728
File: 1555619393848.gif (18.68 MB, 640x360, IMG_0034.GIF)

>>26719Lol I feel bad for posting this but the posts remind me of this gif
No. 26729
>>26689I feel like the rap line is significantly better than the vocal line. BigHit should have stuck to their first idea : a hiphop group would have been much more interesting.
Btw, what do you anons think about Jungkook's singing ? I don't really know how to feel about it.
No. 26735
File: 1555621645936.jpeg (82.29 KB, 1004x716, 4778CB57-04B5-4A56-8BEC-79B620…)

can we please share kpop shipper horror stories
they’re so insane (and amusing)
No. 26743
File: 1555624004215.jpg (283.75 KB, 1500x1243, nct.jpg)

would kpop ever become a thing if photoshop didn't exist?
No. 26745
File: 1555624520702.jpg (187.31 KB, 1080x1627, IMG_20190418_175331.jpg)

>>26743Doyoung's cheeks look so weird and freaky because of cheekbone shaving. You can literally see the pocket of skin where bone is supposed to be underneath
Also here's a pic of jungwoo someone sent me and almost had me die of laughter
No. 26750
>>26743I don't think they should be shunned for not having perfect skin or completely fitting beauty standards, but the fact that the industry tries to create the illusion that idols are so perfect is
Idols botching their faces trying to fulfill this unattainable standard is sad
No. 26753
>>26729I think he’s pretty much the only one who can sing decently.
The breathy singing seems to be really common in Korean ballads? Like 1/2 of them go for that weird breathy sound. Seems to be a long(?)standing trend. But I’m just on Spotify radio, so
No. 26769
>>26763not a subtle flex by the members, i mean by the company
was just wondering if they’re doing this as if to prove something. like a let’s show these dirty Americans how we do it in Korea something something Korean identity
sage for (not completely formed) tinfoil
No. 26770
>>26745Why, just why this hideous bowlcut always.
Ratmon supposedly learned English just by watching friends episodes, yeah sure…
And I do think JK is the best vocalist of BTS, he is the most stable atleast, he could use some training for sure, the rap line is better than the vocal imo. Except ratmon because I hate his smug ugly face, thinking he is Korea's gift to the west. And there's just not words to describe how atrocious jimincel is
No. 26771
>>25207i don't know how any people can claim v is the only one natural of bts when he's clearly had continuous fillers and maybe even a face lift.
his face in the first few years of bts was way saggier than it is now
No. 26778
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>>26771i mean, i don't really care about people getting ps but it's the denial that makes it funny. your features don't go from this to
>>26629 naturally
No. 26780
>>26778Wow. Aunty j hope looked like a real boy at one time.
V looks like a 10 year old, but still way better than now. He is rapidly catching up to his aunty
No. 26786
>>26735Just check out ao3 ff writer's twitter. Full of sexual headcanons and AUs where one partner is given a dominant role and the other needs saving, typically the submissive. These chicks are freaky, not to mention most of them are fakebois. They really wont hesitate to pull up some kind of asian gay male porn and call them lookalikes. I will never forget that time I actually sat down and read about V getting a gun shoved up his ass bc an anon in the earlier threads mentioned it. RPF is freaky shit.
And the companies know what they're fucking doing by creating pairings lol
No. 26791
>>26789There's reasonable evidence that ratmon is arrogant and this thread likes to talk about it a lot. Some of their lyrics are also really egotistical.
There's also the obvious conceit that comes with being internationally famous, which some other members exhibit at times.
But honestly it's not as bad as this thread makes it out to be sometimes. I think J-hope, Jin, and Jungkook have stayed fairly humble, while Suga's arrogance comes from a place of bitterness rather than self-importance.
No. 26794
File: 1555648132404.jpg (49.94 KB, 427x640, UPjbPxnl.jpg)

>>26788Nancy has been criticized for her figure lately, she looks bloated in many performances but the company is still trying to give her a sexy image though it's not as obvious as what they're doing with yeonwoo
No. 26815
File: 1555656010859.jpg (89.42 KB, 1080x1229, 53568787_1061568830702141_5495…)

Fucking disgusting. Is this a "milf hunter" situation where the stylists just didn't know what the shirt said or did they unironically put him in a pro tranny shirt?
No. 26822
File: 1555657762294.jpg (555.36 KB, 1348x2048, xxxtriathlon_hat.jpg)

>>26815>>26816>mfw I'm way more repulsed by this than lizard boy's bomb shirtlel. hopefully yangyang will say the n-word soon to cancel this out.
>>26818>u guise are the real cyber boolies ;n;I mean, I guess I see your point but most of this thread is making fun of teenage to early 20s girls for their looks and cringy stan behavior. not very self aware of you, anon.
No. 26827
>>26824sjw stans aren't like normal stans. look at the stray kids cultural appropriation dramu currently unfolding right now and you'll see what I mean, they have the highest sjw per capita rate of any kpop fandom.
though there definitely is advanced autism coming from both sides there: No. 26835
>the guy with the nose wore cornrows in a music video>infighting ensues>their sjw stans sperg out and cancel him because he had responsibility as a westerner to be a #woke king and protest stylist noona>on the flipside, SEA stans are reeing back at them in broken english about how he dindu nuffin and wypipo don't get a say in this, as well as wks like the girl from the link publicly humiliating themselves. they blame all the canceling on armys.>both groups expect him to leave an 800 word apology in MLA format on their desk by Monday morningit's pretty entertaining. I hate stray kids and all their fans so I have no horse in this race.
No. 26840
>>26837I think if they gave a shit they would do more to really push themselves into the market because atm the only things pushing them is their international fanbase and BigHit (who's really doing the pure minimum).
I wish the fanbase took some fucking credit for getting BTS where they are and all these numbers and platforms to half-ass speak on, so they would get recognised by the damn group.
No. 26856
>>26852There was a time when he used to parade his "black English" skills in variety shows. He used to be in that show "
problematic men" and iirc one of the guys there called him out on that and said speak your own race or something. I can't find the video sorry and I don't have the energy to listen to him speak.
No. 26861
>>26857That…was so funny.
Ratmon seems to spend most of his time using slang instead of learning proper sentence structure.
No. 26862
>>26857Ah bless you, anon!
>>26858 Yes, he thought it was so funny… I understand that many countries are ignorant about race issues and all and I don't think that makes everyone automatically a racist but someone who's so into western pop culture and has studied abroad (?) should definitely know better.
No. 26863
>>26858Yup. At least 2 times, I think. Once in English and then another time in Korean.
Video related.
No. 26865
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>>26864Idk I've heard too many idols make fun of their members because of that.
I remember exo doing that with Kai and it seemed like he developed a legit complex because of that.
Same with some darker snsd members who were often the center of jokes. This was one of Tiffany's post that she got backlash for.
No. 26867
>>26865tiffany is one hell of a bitch
her dad is a scam artist and her mom killed herself (understandable imo - what with a daughter and husband like that)
she tried to get everyone's attention for her mother and shit and commercialised that shit through songs
not to mention she herself got her skin tone changed - among other things
and recently she said her goal is to win the fucking grammys like how can you be a 30year old whose body probably works like a 45 year ol and still say cringey ass shit like that
she is fucking dumb and needs to go back to elementary school
No. 26869
>>26865Korea definitely has…an issue with skin darker than the purest, whitest snow.
Also well known for blackface.
I remember something in the news awhile back about an Irish teacher being denied a job because the employer thought the Irish were drunk all the time therefore not reliable. (Which entirely ignores the fact the Korea has the highest rate of alcoholics in the world.)
They really take stereotypes to heart.
No. 26870
>>26868Fair enough, I guess.
I think the hatred of dark skin in the US and Korea developed independently but I wonder if that racist joke did?
Because it’s the same in the west and Korea…
No. 26872
>>26871High IQ score does not an intelligent person make.
IQ tests don’t screen for cultural ignorance.
No. 26873
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Irene looks like what I imagine people who go on places like r/skincareaddiction and say they're 28 and get mistaken for a highschool student look like
No. 26891
>>26885I think it's cause we usually only see highly edited pictures of idols so when we get to see their actual faces they look waaay different. Ive seen many unedited pictures of idols and i was surprised that many of them are tanner and don't have perfect skin and there's nothing wrong with that; it's just unexpected.
But I agree with you on the Irene thing.
No. 26902
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>>26873IMO with Irene the procedures made her conventionally more pretty but also more hard-faced. Her mouth/nose area looks utterly different and I dont think its normal aging
>>26895Seeing these groups without Korean complimentary camera angles and lighting is weird. Normally I wouldnt say this but I actually think Jisoo comes across best personality and looks wise here. She's kind of dry
No. 26910
File: 1555684560232.png (778.91 KB, 560x702, 2019041817263407698_1.png)

she's such an attention whore, understandable why netizens hate her
No. 26911
>>26903Better an “unhealthy” body than an unhealthy mindset.
Go self-hate somewhere else.
No. 26912
>>26895Idk how Blinks can scream skinny-shaming at anyone who says anything because we all know damn well they will be the first ones to pour in with sympathy and other bs when one of them faints or it becomes obvious that they're starving themselves.
Someone even told me that they're 'active' so it's fine, fucking delusional.
No. 26916
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hyuna and edawn had a photoshoot, why does he always look suicidal
No. 26920
File: 1555688046677.jpg (797.97 KB, 1182x608, wQCCEjR.jpg)

Rosé looks horrible… I know, the top makes her more skinny than she is, but she looks like a literal skeleton
No. 26924
>>26916Can those two stop with that ginger look they're going for with fake freckles and all? It doesn't look good at all.
This dude seemed to have once looked normal idk why they're into that starving junkie aesthetic now.
No. 26925
File: 1555690763502.jpg (30.88 KB, 284x284, IMG_0547.JPG)

>>26924Sorry forgot to add the image
No. 26929
>>26922someone two posts above you is literally making fun of a girl’s body. it’s justified, but it doesn’t suddenly make us better than people who make fun of chubby white girls dancing stiffly to sexy kpop choreos. develop some self-awareness, moralfag-chan.
>>26895kek where’s the anon who predicted that this thread is soon gonna start calling lisa a tranny because of her shoulders? like clockwork
No. 26937
File: 1555694398454.jpeg (110.49 KB, 576x535, DE71BD8F-3DC3-4246-9236-26D47D…)

The evolution of kpop summed up in one picture.
No. 26940
>>26936they did but as pristin v, which is what pristin shouldve been in the first place
>>26937she was sooo pretty in the beginning and her voice was so unique
No. 26943
>>26933who the fuck is Suzy? am i being retarded or did everyone drink Bad Reading Comprehension koolaid today? all i'm saying is that moralfagging like
>>26818 >>26922
>>26935 about boolying some poor kpop stan uwu is pointless when this thread's foundation are posts like
>>26873 and
>>26920 No. 26949
File: 1555699659885.jpg (100.72 KB, 635x953,…)

>>26916i guess it's part of his ~aesthetic~ this is what he used to look like.
No. 26950
File: 1555699977896.jpeg (705.84 KB, 1125x1383, 80AC0F38-12BB-4F70-9B9B-C381C3…)

>>26945i didn’t…i was literally talking to one person. my god, you really have drunk the no reading comprehension juice. anyways i’m done infighting, here’s a new pic of Jimin looking more corpse-like than ever.
No. 26953
>>26937God this is so depressing to look at.
The difference in styling between older kpop videos and recent ones is so jarring. I think the worst trends are the disgustingly pale skin (which isn't even bad IMO if it's completely natural but it never is) and the circle lenses. Why do idols have to wear lenses 24/7 now? That can't be healthy.
Do you guys think that the trend will circle back to a more "natural" look in the future, or will idols look more and more like freaky plastic aliens?
No. 26954
File: 1555701348680.jpg (142.67 KB, 1200x675, tumblr_ocd6l3xH3x1snf6tqo5_r1_…)

>>26952I think this is even before that pic
No. 26958
>>26939Samefag but I remember hearing that he auditioned and got accepted at Johnny's but chose sm. Imo he should've went with Johnny's, he fits in perfectly with the rest of ugly, talentless, and stupid people.
Trash belongs in the dumpster and should stay there
No. 26960
>>26958as if nct isnt full of untalented, ugly and
problematic men. it's a matter of time before they get their first scandal
No. 26961
File: 1555704670577.jpg (3.43 MB, 2500x1667, 1548698531-45114545bfb251490e4…)

why does wendy have to stand 1m behind Irene? The concept of ''centers'' is so damn ridiculous
No. 26962
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>>26960They've already had their "scandal" so to speak with Taeyong selling someone a shitty Gundam action figure. This is from Koreaboo so idk how true this part is, SM only confirmed the selling of bad goods No. 26964
>>26956They're always like that.
As an English speaking member who's the older than rosé and lisa I expected Jennie to make things less awkward and help her members out a little, especially jisoo whom she's the closest to. But in English interviews she barely can speaks.
Its just rosé who talks about them and makes sure to include everyone; she's the only one who's making sense when she speaks. That's why every interview is so forced and awkward.
I still low key feel bad for jisoo cause most of the time she has no idea what's going on and can't really participate.
No. 26968
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>>26961calm down Wendy-chan
No. 27039
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No. 27043
>>27041>muh raycismThat's not what they were saying at all. She called /him/ a lowlife, not all Japs.
>>27042Jungwoo isn't half as ugly and he only debuted in 127 a few months ago yet he's already more popular than Yuta.