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File: 1715067002583.jpg (105.72 KB, 850x706, 1712187970429.jpg)

No. 377133

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

Previous threads:

No. 377136

Terf azumarill! We livin' now ladies!

No. 377137

Would need a drawfag to make it happen but a trainer Elsie with miltank or something along those lines would be a cute future threadpic.

No. 377139

oh i would love this

No. 377156

File: 1715080040958.jpg (1.3 MB, 1538x1462, Tumblr_l_947200062229971.jpg)

No. 377180

File: 1715090234242.gif (120.95 KB, 917x987, IMG_8858.gif)

Based threadpic thank you anon

No. 377281

File: 1715116571402.gif (3.6 MB, 498x498, kill-yourself-vaporeon-kill.gi…)

posting this again because i like it and hoping the newfag mod who doesn't know what a-logging is doesn't ban me again

No. 377283

File: 1715116978930.gif (4.26 MB, 498x488, 1715116571402_.gif)

Posting in solidarity with you to spite the tranny jannies(spamming image)

No. 377309

File: 1715118551184.jpg (526.69 KB, 1280x788, 36eb_1280.jpg)

I can edit this Whitney into Elsie?

No. 377326

I love that OP has Terf Azumarill!

No. 377354

File: 1715137197278.jpeg (197.33 KB, 600x600, IMG_3695.jpeg)

that would look great! it's a cute pic
there's also picrel with the bonus addition of milk

No. 377405

oh please do!

other nonas just stop spamming kys vaporeon already, we've all seen it by now anyway

No. 377409

File: 1715155514498.png (1.45 MB, 829x1080, terfazumarill-tcg.png)

Would you nonas care for more terf edits like this? might do some more in my spare time for fun if nonas like them kek

No. 377410

Kek, yes!

No. 377411

no one's spamming it
this is hilarious lmao

No. 377413

if you have suggestions for tcg attacks to edit in then feel free to share them

No. 377416

File: 1715156902382.png (1.21 MB, 767x1060, baby-tef-azurill.png)

made a baby terf edit too!

No. 377417

Dilate beam… kek, these are cute nonna, thanks!

No. 377421

This is adorable and real, thanks you for sharing.
Azumarill is one of my favorite pokemon and I always have one on my team on every game she's avaible in, so it warms my heart to see her as a terf icon kek.

No. 377422

File: 1715159501996.png (10.06 KB, 170x140, GFEASdsboAAlG2j.png)

yes anon. we must teach the youth

No. 377430

>it warms my heart to see her as a terf icon kek
if any fellow fan artists are lurking please join me in drawing azumarill art and post it your social medias, troons won't know it's a terf symbol and you can always play innocent on the small off chance that you get called out kek

No. 377436

File: 1715165596752.jpg (507.66 KB, 1200x1800, Tumblr_l_1022468777464487.jpg)

No. 377463

File: 1715170457263.jpeg (237.77 KB, 828x799, IMG_3700.jpeg)

these are amazing anon!!! you should make a marill one withan attack called ywnbaw

heres a shitty edit i made for another thread

No. 377479

No. 377481

File: 1715178798825.jpg (37.69 KB, 623x407, images-3.jpg)

you girls have no idea how happy you make me when you use the terf Azumarill meme, I'm so happy I made that post

No. 377492

Terf azumarril has made me like azumarril even more.

No. 377500

No. 377506

I'm glad you made the post nona! I'm desperate for new terf symbols and materials, I'm so sick of troons hating women, harming kids and gay people and not being allowed to even question it! If I can wear a terfy azumarill pin and my fellow terf friends exchange a knowing smile over it it will give me so much joy and peace.

No. 377521

Same, TERF Azumarill and TERF Shiba are both really cute associations I loved seeing come out of this site.
Kek I'm down nonna.

No. 377626

We need Elsie with milktank and azumarill

No. 377784

File: 1715264942001.jpeg (120.13 KB, 583x541, IMG_0398.jpeg)

me too, the meme made me want to try her out in UNITE and she turned out to be really good in ranked. now she's my main and i even got the matching drip
shes my buddy in pokego too
omg you're the one who made the og terf is the new punk post? you're a lc legend

No. 377828

File: 1715274808019.png (771.73 KB, 800x565, WIGGLYTERF.png)

may I suggest wigglytuff is also a terf icon? the 2 of them look really similar in body shape and I think they'd be cute terfy sisters

No. 377869

File: 1715283637495.jpg (473.78 KB, 657x475, fairies.jpg)

how about just all fairies, tbh, they're inherently female-coded and should be a girls club.

No. 377889

female is when pink and skirt

No. 377890

This is what I was thinking lol
I appreciate the spirit but the idea is a bit reductive

No. 377894

don't be dumb, pink and skirts aren't bad, and the fae as a concept tend to be seen by and interact more with women in the same way many mythological or supernatural entities do. feminine energy > masculine energy for all things spiritual.

No. 377896

>MR. mime in picture

girlcore round 2

No. 377898

File: 1715289434531.png (3.45 KB, 169x71, Screenshot 2024-05-09 141653.p…)

>dumb english name means they're all male

No. 377900

File: 1715289465630.png (1.23 MB, 2493x2677, kjc56qweq8j81-2890302199.png)

I think Sneasel and Weavile would make great terf mons. So many great traits and they have an air of discernment.
>Weavile is famed for its speed and agility. Weavile is also known for its intelligence and cunning nature, thanks to its brain having developed as it evolves from Sneasel. A scratch from Weavile's sharp claws can cause frostbite.

No. 377910

every single female-only species is a terf, of course. Froslass can clock a male Snorunt/Glalie in drag from a mile away. Also - glaLIE. Coincidence? I think not.

No. 377915

>feminine energy
are you a recently peaked radfem

No. 377916

i mean your (or that anon’s) point is being disproven here. fairy types are feminine yeah but i’m pretty sure most of that list can also be male

No. 377936

Again, it's not that those things are bad, it's that making assertions like "the fairy type should represent women for aesthetic reasons" is reductive of womanhood. If it was that simple, troons wouldn't be an issue. >>377915 is correct in that you sound very new to gender critical ideology, and if you're not new, your understanding is rather shallow.
Are we really going to have what's essentialky the girly games debate again here in this thread kek

No. 377943

File: 1715292913967.gif (1.32 MB, 320x320, shiny-pokemon.gif)

the whole "which fictional creatura from a kids game franchise is a radfem" discussion is getting a little stale. i've always liked to think that they're mentally retarded except the psychics and a few legendaries like ray and arceus. terf pokes implies there are troons in the pokemon world which i will never accept as canon no matter what.

No. 377994

As much as I love Terf punk Azumarill, I just remembered there's this glitch where female Azurill has 1/3 chance of changing to male after evolving to Marill because of its gender ratio and personality traits. Gladly it's fixed in later Pokemon games.

No. 378006

She's one of those TERFs who went radfem after detransitioning, please understand

No. 378019

File: 1715305562169.gif (1.93 MB, 450x337, IMG_6298.gif)

nonas im losing it. my switch's motherboard had to get replaced and it's acting like a whole new console for some reason. and i lost access to my shield save where i had a full dex, a hundred or so shinies, legendary and mythical pokemon painfully tranferred from previous systems and my bb marshadow. i don't know what to do.

it's just a bit of harmless fun because of the punk azumarill outfit spawning a meme. we know wigglytuff isn't out there reading dworkin

No. 378045

Pheromosa is such a cool pokemon

No. 378047

File: 1715310437399.gif (49.44 KB, 220x220, ultra-beast-pokemon.gif)

silly roach lady

No. 378076

There is literally no other site I can talk about how much I HATE troons invading everything including my life long hobby of playing pokemon. Men pretending to be women are literally stripping us of our rights so we'll talk about silly little pokemon being terfs all we want.(derailing)

No. 378077

I see both sides of the argument. On one hand it's a bit "pink = girls", on the other hand I love how in mythos female creatures that fairies are typically based on often only target men to kill them kek

Though of course if we wanna keep a secret terf symbol it's easier to stick to what is already established, in this case azumarill!

No. 378079

I think that's perfect, because contrary to troom belief the way to create terfs faster is to be in contact with troonism, which then gets corrected when you peak. They used to say "listen to trans people" but stopped using the slogan because it backfired on them. It's people who have been listening who realize it's all bullshit!

No. 378083

File: 1715323484693.jpg (165.97 KB, 1440x1961, GM4Xrp5aAAAwjpk.jpg)

you two are the ones sperging over a cute picture, idk. it's not that serious and you guys are making a fun meme unfun
so can we talk about the games now? is anyone else literally missing clothes from pogo because i've lost about 10 items of clothing and support refuses to respond to my ticket or close it

No. 378170

>s anyone else literally missing clothes from pogo
Honestly haven't touched the customization since they changed it because i hate it. But I imagine if it's an issue there must be a ton of people with the same issue so it might take a while for them to get around to it

No. 378177

there are a lot of other sites. it's not 2018 anymore, it's socially acceptable to bash troons behind their backs now, and more importantly this isn't the thread for it. i don't like seeing troons in fandoms either so i really don't want to still have to circle back to troons being at the forefront of the discussion even in a fandom space where they aren't allowed. you really do sound like you peaked yesterday.

No. 378296

File: 1715353234288.png (117.65 KB, 500x375, azumarill.png)

ayrt I'm not even the same "peaked yesterday" anon. If you go back in the threads you can see troons in the games have been a topic since before SV even came out, clearly this is something many anons feel they want to talk about. If you don't like it, skip those posts and talk about whatever you find relevant instead, it ain't that hard. Terf azumarill reigns supreme to the rest of us.

No. 378371

The pogo reddit had enough users mentioning missing clothing right after the av change

No. 379089

File: 1715434350015.gif (3.67 MB, 375x372, Tumblr_l_1085575518301195.gif)

I like grass cat. I like plants and I like cats. It's one of the best starters for this gen imo.

No. 379094

let anons vent about trannies wherever they want.(derailing)

No. 379130

File: 1715437773975.png (6.45 KB, 468x765, a-long-sprigatito-v0-bflxylt20…)

No. 379415

File: 1715446390800.jpg (126.44 KB, 886x1198, __plumeria_pokemon_and_1_more_…)

She's such a fun design for a character. I'm a bit sad she ended up not doing that much in SM/USUM outside of showing up in Battle Tree, champion defense battles, or telling you go save Guzma. And they gave her that ugly bandana that ruins her style.

No. 379494

no fuck off, you have the whole of /2X/ and the dedicated tranny hate thread on /ot/ for reeing about how much you hate troons, stop infecting the rest of the site with your retardation. let me go 10 minutes without some other freshly peaked retarded making it obvious that trannies live in her head 24/7 rent free(derailing)

No. 379500

File: 1715449097259.jpg (43.25 KB, 585x608, skull.jpg)

I love her too, and all of team skull. I really hate her second look too, especially that her and Guzmas "tattoos" were fake all along. I thought it was brave of them to give her a tattoo so close to the crotch for a kids game lol

No. 379696

File: 1715452921633.jpg (56.18 KB, 399x623, 7wxw4k.jpg)

Maybe both of you should shut the hell up and talk about mons instead?

No. 379710

File: 1715453420682.gif (2.15 MB, 268x370, Tumblr_l_511083758911961.gif)

No. 379789

File: 1715455518659.png (4.18 MB, 2000x1259, 4079e052a3a3a22784f5ba09b4e58f…)

Very true, and the strongest Pokemon by far gameplay-wise is one of them.
>This Pokémon has slumbered for many years. Some say it's Zamazenta's elder sister—others say the two Pokémon are rivals.

No. 379794

i like zacian, it was cool to have a badass wolf legendary that didn't look like a furfag for once

No. 380103

A reminder that tranny hate, especially when it is a total non sequitur, does not belong in this thread. Please use the designated threads for your venting rather than derailing unrelated threads.

No. 380242

File: 1715475622130.jpg (84.61 KB, 736x736, tumblr_605ade7ee6234504fa9d3a2…)

i absolutely love both zacian and zamazenta. there's nods to sif in dark souls with the sword in the mouth, and they actually look like they belong together as complementary legendaries unlike fucking everything after lugia/ho-oh. their designs are cool as hell with beautiful color schemes. they have neat "unpowered" forms. great cries. i really can't find a flaw with them.

No. 380243

File: 1715475812526.jpg (64.19 KB, 564x659, 7f98d0ed34bb207cdbf59ef7f324a8…)

No. 380244

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No. 380260

File: 1715477996250.jpeg (78.17 KB, 900x900, IMG_3747.jpeg)

sooo is azuposting still allowed or what?

No. 380263

File: 1715478338115.png (427.62 KB, 506x1134, 65865570_p19.png)

Based farmhand move in current year? It's a miracle

No. 380271

File: 1715481285652.jpg (174.83 KB, 1112x1599, 66ee4b17ceb77630de8f4bd4322950…)

of course it is, don't ask as if you were a dumb newfag

No. 380272

sometimes pokemon and its fandom has trannyshit in it though

No. 380274

yes, we all hate trannies here, but it shouldn't be the focus of the pokemon thread.

No. 380324

Sure but pokemon GO has had an enby character for 8 years and just made their customization options "non-binary", a kid was banned from an official tournament over "transphobia" for nervously laughing when asked about his pronouns, the latest main series games had mixed sex toilets shoehorned in and all female clothes options removed fully, the community has "transed" popular characters like sylveon and Rika. It DOES come up quite naturally in all areas of the fandom if you engage with it.

No. 380326

File: 1715504301628.png (186.63 KB, 472x447, 9SOWKw2.png)

Came here to ask what pokemon could be used for hogwarts houses, is that too troony? I wanna make it for my friends but by using pokemon that aren't exactly what's expected, so not just solgaleo or pyroar for gryffindor

No. 380359

File: 1715507121279.png (139.55 KB, 695x334, Untitled.png)

imo they look weird if they aren't all of equal strength. they should all be legendaries, or all be fully-evolved, or all be first stages etc. more cohesive. and i hate hp but i'm autistically into the house sorting shit so here's my ideas, trying to follow the theme i mentioned

No. 380411

File: 1715510148967.png (15.8 KB, 225x185, dd8owpy-62fa0d70-8ec7-4bd5-a5f…)

I like the design but think they look so ugly in 3D

No. 380434

Thank you so much nona!!! I don't like melmetal at all, so I'd have to swap it for something else

No. 380546

File: 1715521576126.png (640.73 KB, 818x900, En6gVmyVQAExC-z.png)

3D models in general suck in comparison to the 2D sprites.

No. 380557

File: 1715523281756.jpeg (378.14 KB, 824x826, IMG_3762.jpeg)

heres my proposition using only legendary pokes
sure you could have rayquaza for slytherin but i like zygarde better and he looks more snake-y

No. 380724

this is good too, thanks nona!

No. 380897

anyone watched this? it makes me so sad and nostalgic for the old days of pokemon

No. 381299

File: 1715629265444.gif (104.15 KB, 300x100, 11.gif)

this banner thoooo

No. 381360

Truly the it girl of radical feminism

No. 381366

File: 1715635838555.jpeg (91.01 KB, 824x970, IMG_3743.jpeg)

also i've lost a bunch of saves so i restarted a game of shining pearl and man the grinding at early levels is soooo boring. can't even use traded pokes meaningfully until the second badge. zzzz

No. 381372

File: 1715636458556.jpg (234.71 KB, 1200x1600, arvenandsada.jpg)

I really wished that ScaVio explored the professors more. It's so weird that it just tells you that they are dead and then they only appear after getting Terapagos to get a book from the player. Arven doesn't even really react to anything related to them in the end, either. It all feels so wasted.

No. 381601

ngl my worst nightmare is losing saves with my dear pokemon on them
I like slowly grinding levels tho, I hate it when I start a new game and my starter evolves within 1 hour, it feels like such a waste of the cute-starter-bonding period

No. 381604

I spent all the time from beating the game up to the second DLC release saying the promotional material lied to us because they said "in the games you meet professor Sada or Turo" when we in fact NEVER met them, just their AI clone. So it was a lie! Then that time-warp thing happened and we finally did meet them. I was weirdly satisfied with the conclusion, even though it was sad and came with new questions.

No. 381909

Cannot believe I'm praising SwSh graphics but replaying SwSh after ScarVio makes it look like the most graphically beautiful Pokemon game ever kek

No. 381987

I think blueberry academy FINALLY made SV look good (especially the beachy area), it's like they only then started to get what makes open world good. Though to be fair I think area zero looked great too, it's just general paldea I find a bit boring looking.

No. 382203

Because of the art direction I guess? The characters in SV look like some pixar movie rejects imo.

No. 382235

File: 1715780863969.png (141.42 KB, 475x475, 507.png)

The art director of SV was a woman named Mana Ibe. Her favorite pokemon is herdier (she designed it). I feel like it explains a lot that her favorite is a basic dog with a moustache

No. 382239

It's a Yorkshire terrier

No. 382432

lol that probably explains why the game was so bland

No. 382776

File: 1715900596805.jpg (1.12 MB, 1391x1700, 114966261_p15.jpg)

I bet this cat smells really really nice

No. 382777

File: 1715900656469.jpg (1.57 MB, 1360x1700, 114966261_p30.jpg)

No. 382779

File: 1715901234702.jpg (218.36 KB, 1080x1080, 188446844_4011734525579456_446…)

i love that women are big players at the pokemon company, but fucking herdier is her favorite? she has to step it up

No. 382785

File: 1715902493189.jpg (104.72 KB, 573x1000, gholdengo.jpg)

Not just that but the environments often feel more atmospheric and intentionally designed.
Whoever is responsible for picrel should be put to death

No. 382786

File: 1715902564496.png (632.24 KB, 725x451, klefki.png)

Apparently she also designed Klefki. The only confirmed pokemon she designed that I like is the Axew line.

No. 382797

>she designed the rest of the dragonite evo line but not dragonite itself
what malicious fuck decided to ruin it then wtf

No. 382845

Kek my exact thoughts

No. 382848

I hate this mac n cheese looking mf

No. 383023

File: 1715972637702.jpg (239.45 KB, 946x1595, 20240517_124929.jpg)

Poppy is adorable, I'm so happy to see her in Masters.

No. 383037

nonas, what pokemon would/could you keep and care for if you, right now, were a trainer?
What would your dream pokemon or pokemon-related job be?

I'd keep a Budew or a Cherrim. My place gets an ok amount of light and they wouldn't need a lot of space or walks every day. I would take it outside to walk the blocks and get brunch for us on weekends.
My dream pokemon would be a girl Sneasel but I would have to change if I wanted to be a good non-doormat trainer who doesn't spoil her too much.

No. 383049

An Espeon and a Skitty! I'm a sucker for the friendship evolutions and I feel like they could keep each other company without being (too) destructive. I love those lil pink cats.

No. 383053

My dream Pokemon is a boy Pidove mostly out of nostalgia, but also I love the pidove line. Really, I'd like to be a bird keeper trainer and be one of the trainers that fights gym challengers in one of the flying type gyms.

No. 383059

File: 1715977634680.jpeg (363.87 KB, 1000x1334, IMG_5260.jpeg)

i'd have a hard time choosing just one. marshadow is my ultimate fave but he's a mythical poke.
i guess it'd yave to be either togekiss or gengar (but i'll never be as cool as picrel).
togekiss is supercute, he can fly and he's supposed to spread joy and happiness. plus he has french flag volours and im a baguettefag. i'd name him concorde
gengar is creepycute and having a pet ghost would be cool. both can kick arse when necessary

No. 383080

File: 1715979517240.gif (1.72 MB, 499x374, 8a46f4f34a37edfb786311701657d5…)

i love so many pokemon that would be impractical to live with comfortably. i think in my younger years i would have been traveling around battling and being a tryhard but as i get older i'd be settling down with a butterfree around the house, probably making pokemon medicine and selling it (butterfree could help with my plants) or something like that!

No. 383431

Poppy makes me too uncomfortable. Cocky children who can't even back their words up in terms of skill are annoying to me, and I can't get the thought that she was created to be loli bait out of my head… why else put a toddler in the elite four?!

No. 384965

File: 1716298178168.png (573.64 KB, 441x609, poppy.png)

I think its a sweet idea that a child would be able to build such a strong bond with her pokemon and get really good at battling to get all the way up to the elite four.

No. 384985

pokémon is a children’s franchise you freak

No. 384992

anon complaining about loli in a game where you, the child protagonist, fuck off on your own to collect dangerous creatures, get involved in a bunch adult political bullshit, and defeat the elite 4. mental illness.

No. 385332

Ah yes because children's entertaiment has never attracted pedos to the industry ever… especially not in glorious nippon! They would never loli pander!!!111!
You really think a well-adjusted normal adult designed a 9 year old (her canon age) to look and act like a toddler when the main protag has generally been 10 and looks like a normal kid?

No. 385334

File: 1716364802588.jpg (47.83 KB, 800x450, agree.jpg)

so you agree, Poppy is a loli?

No. 385402

technically all child characters in weebshit are shotas/lolis “i don’t actually know anything”-chan

No. 385473

File: 1716395026054.jpg (36.84 KB, 763x566, prima.jpg)

>"a-all anime kids are lolis!!1! finding them ho- i-i mean cute!! is normal!!
Ok lolicon.

I swear to god this thread is always infested with either fujos, troons or lolis.(infighting)

No. 385739

the fact is, she’s a child in a child’s game. if she looks that young it’s more probable that she’s meant to appeal to the ipad babies than lolicons. seeing such a tame design with virtually no freak dog whistles and immediately thinking of them is nuts, that was my point. i don’t know how you got me being a lolicon from my post, or any insinuation that i (or anyone else) is calling the character hot. go play on reading rainbow for a bit you obviously need it kek

No. 385750

all little girls in anime are lolis. the protagonist of most of the games throughout the series is a loli. it's a disgusting word to describe a female child character and you're disgusting for using it in the context of a children's game series.

No. 385760

It's absolutely wild to me that one of you sees no lolification whatsoever with the design, and the other goes the extra mile to say ALL females child designs are lolis. The duality of women!

No. 385762

I like Pokémon

No. 385777

File: 1716485329809.png (257.23 KB, 690x835, terfzurill1.png)

Made some terfzurill and cryptomarill stickers for anyone interested, will be uploading them on /2X/

No. 385783

I know nothing about Pokemon, so forgive me for asking but what is the context about this particular one being a terf mascot?

No. 385787

Lurk more.

No. 385789

We only have 2.5 threads, go back and ctrl+f azumarill until you find out spoonfeedchan. It's in there.

No. 385791

so who's playing pokemon masters ex and is pulling for husbandos

No. 385804

File: 1716487795918.jpg (282.59 KB, 2048x1505, b34e2380096.jpg)

>>385791 I'm trying so hard for Archie… He's not a top husbando, but he would be such a good Hoenn character. Why is masters so cruel when you really want a character.

No. 385807

forced meme

No. 385826

File: 1716491908343.jpg (320.84 KB, 1564x2048, GDC8cmcboAAMaR7.jpg)

BASADA! You're the only good poster in this thread.

No. 385897

File: 1716510020233.jpg (543.78 KB, 900x1200, 109547653_p2_master1200.jpg)

this is such a cute pic omg. my friend got Archie in two pulls, I'm sorry you had no luck so far!! I'm trying for Silver, since I love Sneasel but I got Eusine instead. oh well. at least I got Morty from the last event, he's super adorable

No. 385911

File: 1716512911213.jpeg (327.49 KB, 793x861, IMG_3925.jpeg)

based. thank you so much
azu is finally my best buddy in pokego and she's sooo cute with her little ribbon

No. 385971

that's so cute nona! wish you could post them all here, oh if only certain anons in here didn't get spastic over seeing the t-word

No. 385972

i played it for the story kek

No. 385973

i love girlified fanart like what you posted
I keep forgetting he exists, he ain't too bad tho kek

No. 386118

File: 1716583242842.jpeg (135.18 KB, 981x1200, a6478b35788d36699f8d0e1aaa3644…)

It's so cute

No. 386183

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No. 386187

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No. 386214

They all look adorable

No. 386265

File: 1716625506783.png (298.42 KB, 600x600, be06bba016534695e6f85bb14a1b2c…)

Buneary was my favorite Pokémon as a kid. It's such a cute design. Mega Lopunny is still one of my favorites, I like its typing. I'm still pissed they got rid of mega evolution. This is autistic, but I dislike the way regular Lopunny is posed, because you can't tell whether its wool is part of its chest or its arms. It's only apparent if you watch the anime that the wool is on its wrists.

No. 386294

File: 1716642276709.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.58 KB, 583x346, qdnynmzt20y41.jpg)

I never personally thought that the wool was on its chest. But regardless of how bad Lopunny's default pose is, it will be as bad as Gardevoir's Gen 3 sprite.

No. 386300

File: 1716645886927.jpg (83.32 KB, 717x592, 1455657909637.jpg)

No. 386301

Qrd on how he made Amoongus a tranny icon?

No. 386305

>transphobic chud's DMs leak
>they shows him saying that he supports gay rights because it's their choice, but he can't support trans rights because it's denying reality
>transphobic chud joins VGC and makes it to the finale where he faces off against Wolfe
>each one of them only has one Pokemon left on the field. Wolfe has Amoonguss, Transphobe chud has Urshifu
>Amoonguss miraculously survives a close combat from Urshifu and manages to win the fight
>xitter troons celebrate and make Amoonguss a trans icon
>transphobic chud apologizes and announces that he's leaving VGC forever

No. 386306

But on the other hand an ugly caveman faced fungi that pretends to be something it's not is very appropriate for troons lmao
Checked out the dex entries and:
>"They show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey, but very few Pokémon are fooled by this."
fucking kek, so fitting that no one is fooled by it

No. 386307

It's not even bad, why would anyone assume its face is on backwards?

No. 386308

What was the first pokemon game you played?

No. 386310

the game the sprite came from

No. 386315

File: 1716649682530.png (142.58 KB, 499x250, 1701108564412.png)

And this one

No. 386320

VGC is a circus shit show so honestly that guy is the real winner here for leaving the scene
Love how trannies always pick the worst candidates for representation kek

No. 386324

kek anon. I can get the Gardevoir assumption if you didnt watch a lot of anime and so didnt know about that haircut, but Nosepass? I played Pearl/Diamond and iirc the pokemon had little animations of them moving where Nosepass hopped from foot to foot. Did yours not have those?

No. 386327

I played Sapphire as a kid (which did not have animations) and Leaf Green and then I skipped Gen 4 entirely. I only realized that its "mouth" was a foot when I saw one White 2.

No. 386338

File: 1716659313279.png (14.78 KB, 212x92, Untitled.png)

kek i need more of these. i don't have any pokemon sprite ones but i always thought this top trainer sprite was of a really short wide girl with cartman proportions until i played a rom hack where it colored her differently… then i saw the pigtails. i still don't understand the one on the bottom though.
i also thought it was making an open mouthed face when i first played whatever game it debuted in. ruby i think?

No. 386339

File: 1716659868153.png (6.45 KB, 108x92, Untitled.png)

an illustrated guide of how i saw this bitch btw

No. 386367

bottom one is on a bike?

No. 386368

File: 1716666859598.png (192.77 KB, 487x487, 0515Panpour.png)

not exactly the same but i thought this fucker had closed "^^" eyes until like last year when I realized it's just got a white iris and eyelid

No. 386370

but anon its eyes are closed…

No. 386371

no, it's an old lady, and i think she's sitting on a pillow? but it also looks like her feet are weirdly stuck out? she has no walking sprite.

No. 386515

File: 1716699198182.jpg (119.89 KB, 680x680, 1716653948583588.jpg)

Rika is powerful…

No. 386518

what is that bitch on the bottom right doing there? is she really top 10?

No. 386519

File: 1716699962072.png (755.2 KB, 723x1272, 1716671955054321.png)

Volo and Cynthia beat her in the western polls though.
Yeah that was really confusing to me, someone said she gets shipped with Rika but I find that kinda hard to believe.

No. 386521

File: 1716700167531.jpg (71.5 KB, 564x666, 569948ae0f6dd3529342d183904b66…)

>ingo and emmett
trainautists win again

No. 386522

File: 1716700432612.png (2.59 MB, 2000x2000, train incest dudes.png)

Not into them personally but I appreciate how passionate their fans are

No. 386524

File: 1716700763299.jpg (89.29 KB, 563x661, 2399d3a8654c1c1bfe5f5d39c18566…)

it's based because scrote waifufags always get mad at how much fujos love them. pure rage.

No. 386531

File: 1716703476260.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.78 KB, 324x370, ingo.jpg)

nice, for how much I don't like the new games, they have been coming out with some really good characters
same but I can't get over the fact that they are canonically bald under their hats

No. 386536

File: 1716704899036.png (176.63 KB, 600x444, tards.png)

no anon the hats are like 40% of the appeal. the hats never come off. as far as i'm concerned they are surgically attached to their heads.

No. 386541

File: 1716706067764.jpg (68.42 KB, 800x584, Ingo_Emmet_concept_art.jpg)

Nah moid devs are just mad at the subway twins for being so loved and popular with women that they have to make Ingo bald as cope. They never have their hats off in the first place and fanartists have always given them hair.

No. 386543

File: 1716707176021.jpg (88.21 KB, 695x723, full.1083608.jpg)

that's fair, I honestly don't follow the human characters very much despite being a fujo but the resurgence of submas autism is really endearing

No. 386544

File: 1716707452256.jpg (64.58 KB, 564x689, e7e37cbfc956a9cffa6ad834942b42…)

unbalds your trainschizo

No. 386556

File: 1716713306789.jpg (256.02 KB, 1447x1731, 66294234.jpg)

The me erasure…

No. 386578

She's mostly carried by Rika association. SV Elite Four are really popular as a group and I guess she's kind of their rep alongside Rika.
DLC siblings would easily be top 5 I think.

No. 386579

File: 1716724445746.png (189.21 KB, 585x503, this.png)

Is this tweet bullshit? It looks just like that concept art but with bald Ingo tacked on in the corner.

No. 386600

Kekkkk noooo this sucks ass lmaoo

No. 386618

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No. 386619

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No. 386620

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No. 386623

File: 1716738441332.gif (432.75 KB, 294x233, tumblr_mwn2xdhUuU1r0q5sxo1_400…)

Its eyes are wide open. Shitty gif of the evolution blinking since it has the same white eyelid/iris

No. 386624

File: 1716738627444.jpg (81.81 KB, 640x428, retina_imasia_832396_S.jpg)

Obvious seiza to japanese players, less obvious to westerners

No. 386626

File: 1716738823640.png (142.07 KB, 710x544, thatsabaldingman.png)

Nonnie you set me on a goosechase here but yes it's real if you believe the accounts of this person, although it's 2012 not 2011 and a different store location
I remember looking for this before in 2022 and I swear search engines fell off
I've rarely seen fanart of Geeta to begin with unless they're all posting on Twitter instead of Pixiv

No. 386630

File: 1716739717669.webp (26.08 KB, 570x221, Pansage-pansear-panpour.webp)

Oh apparently it's a "see no evil" while the other two are "hear no evil" and "speak no evil" which explains why it's eyes are like that. But yes it's eyes are open.

No. 386632

But the original’s hairline is much closer to the face than the other artists depiction. Idk it looks like a super short crew cut to me. He doesn’t look bald in the concept.

No. 386634

The surprising thing to me is Ingo and Emmet making onto the english list but NOT the japanese, 99% of love I see for them are from japanese fans
>I can't get over the fact that they are canonically bald under their hats
I honestly think they were always meant to be pretty old and that's why they have grey hair

No. 386636

Wouldn't surprise me if someone at game freak thought it was funny that the short cut got interpreted as being bald and they made him bald in cannon years later because of it, in a male attempt at making fangirls seethe

No. 386642

It's cute how red and blue are together even in the poll rank

No. 386661

I think legends made Ingo really popular overseas and Emmet also became popular because he’s his twin and gets to angst over him.
No idea why they weren’t on the jp side though.

No. 386663

Do not separate pokemon’s OG couple.

No. 386664

Even the Japanese text says it’s a shaved head. Not a bald head. Moids can seethe all they want. They’re cute as fuck.

No. 386695

Isn't it just because he's old in Arceus

No. 386713

File: 1716754358670.jpg (51.61 KB, 564x676, e2e6e9ceaf23f1531c3a4f7a5a0232…)

calling it now. geeta is a psyop by gamefreak because they want to artificially inflate her popularity for some reason (probably related to the anime)
this is disturbing i thought it was closed eyes too

No. 386716

not all old men are bald nona

No. 386717

My point is that even if he's bald in Arceus it doesn't mean the younger vers of the twins are bald in BW so who cares

No. 386718

File: 1716754771616.png (519.5 KB, 736x1024, IMG_3929.png)

i love tcg art. oh to be a little marill floating in the big blue sea

No. 386719

>calling it now. geeta is a psyop by gamefreak because they want to artificially inflate her popularity for some reason (probably related to the anime)
She's still at the lowest rank on the popularity chart though…

No. 386721

Cuutee love the vibe

No. 386722

Wait, were these voted on twitter? Cause if so, some of those ratings makes more sense.

No. 386724

File: 1716756544823.png (659.73 KB, 858x744, yes.png)

No. 386736

i refuse to believe that geeta got into a top-10 list no matter her placement. you're telling me she beat cynthia, lillee, any of the female protags, marnie (all extremely popular in japan)?

No. 386737

Yeah you got a point, even if it was mostly fujos, yumes and Rika lesbians participating it does definitely seem like a stretch.
I feel like Lance, Morty, submas, Volkner or Gladion are more likely to actually be higher up.

No. 386739

yeah even if it was just fujos then a male would have beat her.

No. 386763

Recency bias shrugs

No. 386779

glad volo and rika got the top spots.
geeta was a terrible battler (seriously, you have a cool poke with a built-in entry hazard and you send it last?) but her design was cool tbh

No. 386784

Agreed,I also think her 3D model looks way worse than her 2D illustrated version. Woman got done dirty from multiple angles but I still love her.

No. 386891

I assume a very small minority follows that twitter account that conducted the poll

No. 386893

>I also think her 3D model looks way worse than her 2D illustrated version
This goes for EVERY character in SV. They're trying to go too cartoony with the models when they should honestly just go for a more average anime look

No. 387043

File: 1716836395471.png (3.18 MB, 1263x1122, 101435798_p14.png)

I love Cyllene so much… I wish she got more love from the fandom, but I know her design is a bit of a hard sell. I feel like most western artists draw her so ugly on purpose too and it sucks so bad.

No. 387235

File: 1716913295116.jpeg (125.7 KB, 1200x1650, sanqua.jpeg)

You're the first fan of her I've seen, that's cute nona!

Speaking of legends, I was reading up about Sanqua and it annoys me that even bulbapedia says she has a "striking resemblance to Karen AND Clair" when she doesn't look like Clair, that's just speculation based on a quest where text only says she has "weird clothes and a cape" in her house. Might as well be a hint at Lance (who is the champion of the elite 4 Karen is in)(ai outside of containment threads)

No. 387246

File: 1716915682146.jpeg (93.2 KB, 1280x720, IMG_6799.jpeg)

i loved her in legends. in general it was rly fun to see whi each character was related to, even some minor ones like shopkeepers in the village were based on sinnoh characters.

im replaying legends atm and i forgot how fun it was, the way you have to really study the pokemon tather than catch/battle them is such a cool mechanism. also i love the giant pokes so much

No. 387305

shit sorry, didn't realize it was ai i just grabbed the first "fanart" that came up, the other results were like dummy thick pencil drawings

>the way you have to really study the pokemon tather than catch/battle them is such a cool mechanism.
yes i absolutely love it and it gives you a reason to actually catch more than just 1 of every pokemon. i hope they expand on it in the next legends game

No. 387398

File: 1716949698516.jpg (303.42 KB, 700x1254, 97127531_p10.jpg)

>>387246 I love what a contrast Cyllene is to Cyrus! It really was fun trying to figure out who was who. I found it a bit strange that the Team Galactic admins all had ancestors except Jupiter, though. Then, again they left out the rival too. I miss my big Rotom so much in Scarlet.
>>387235 I feel like she has a small group of fans. I suppose I should be happy that she didn't get the Rika treatment. I was so excited to see Sanqua! Dont really see the Clair resemblance either. Maybe blue hair? Sanqua even has an Umbreon like Karen, though. Someone put that Irida looked like May in her page and I didn't see that either, though.

No. 387444

File: 1716964534455.jpg (260.49 KB, 2048x2048, irida-may.jpg)

>Dont really see the Clair resemblance either. Maybe blue hair?
That's literally it, but the shade is clearly the same as Karen's and NOT the same as Clairs. It's like saying she looks like Lana and Falkner too just because they have shades of blue hair too.

I don't think Irida was intentionally made to look like May either tbh. It's mostly just the similar color choices. When they make references they make them pretty obvious because they do want you to notice it. Tbh I don't really like Iridas designs purely because they made her noodle limb skinny, even just looking at these two next to each other is weird - May is supposed to be 10-12ish and looks bigger than Iridia who is at least in her late teens, if not older. At least assuming she's meant to match Adaman which is the impression I got, and not that she was a literal kid.

No. 387732

File: 1717076318132.jpg (806.89 KB, 1471x1213, f07cb0098976eb0072aec512f2d019…)

How old are these two supposed to be? They look younger than Red and Blue despite the latter being 11 years old. And every student in the game looks older than them.

No. 387733

File: 1717076443244.png (331.54 KB, 1000x1000, 96742761_p2.png)

Idk but their pokemon are cute

No. 387734

File: 1717076470422.png (417.02 KB, 1000x1000, 96742761_p1.png)

No. 387735

File: 1717076482808.jpg (203.62 KB, 1036x1462, I think she looks really reall…)

scrotes are super pissed that Bianca's wearing pants and is paired with a guy kek.

No. 387737

Haven't they been paired together since the dawn of time…

No. 387738

Literally WHERE are these scrotes are you talking about?? wtf

No. 387739

File: 1717076941366.jpg (6.82 MB, 4299x6071, 116296496_p9.jpg)

I think they're supposed to be around Kiki's age so probably like 12.

No. 387740

File: 1717076982344.png (227.79 KB, 1140x464, my-image (11).png)

Starters ranked by cuteness

No. 387741

File: 1717077359749.png (88.69 KB, 480x477, b70867f543ca9ceb878ddd55f1d62b…)

noooo not fennikute

No. 387742

File: 1717077497200.png (506.61 KB, 1598x598, waifufag seethe.png)

Pretty much.
Short scrote seething comp

No. 387743

File: 1717077504515.gif (155.24 KB, 78x80, gible.gif)

No. 387745

>Azur Lane
>Blue Archive
Good riddance, fuck off.

No. 387747

File: 1717078709054.jpeg (96.61 KB, 850x652, IMG_6087.jpeg)

Cyndaquil and Fuecoco supremacy

No. 387749

Moids seething about women wearing pants in this day and age, my gosh. I thought 4chan was all about based tomboy gf's or whatever.
Why kill the fujos? I doubt fujos would give a single shit about the female character's outfits, they're probably too busy drawing doujins of the males.

No. 387750

Sprigatito is the only bobbleheaded furry i accept, sorry nona

No. 387751

fujos live rent free in moidbrains 24/7

No. 387753

File: 1717080471721.png (380.82 KB, 550x1200, IMG_6088.png)

It’s especially retarded since Bianca already wore pants in BW2

No. 387754

Masters is a gacha. Gachas attract coomers.
fujos = all female anime fans according to 4keks.

No. 387755

File: 1717080696718.png (582.6 KB, 872x788, 450b67111d7311d81431d1c0f2e7ab…)

This is not a fairy-type

No. 387757

>the literal forest fairy Pokemon isn't a fairy-grass type
I don't fucking get it kek

No. 387759

File: 1717080964668.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1200x1008, 1cae35d9a8557b2e8012bbba9bf5c4…)

They're mad at fujos because Cheren got into the lodge and was on the game's icon. Ironically I don't think fujos are that into Cheren outside of maybe third wheel bait?
Though basically anytime a male character appears waifufags go fucking apeshit and start screeching about fujos and fags.

No. 387760

File: 1717081000579.png (228.51 KB, 1044x422, Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 10.52…)

I feel like so many of the final evos end up so ugly or fail at following through on the concept despite the starter versions being cute and well designed

No. 387761

>I thought 4chan was all about based tomboy gf's or whatever.
Only if they have huge tits and are LE SPORTY
She's not really wearing a tomboyish outfit anyway, she looks more like a bookish mage to me.

No. 387762

File: 1717081355239.png (319.88 KB, 1140x557, download.png)

A lot of them are just ugly furries

No. 387763

>>387735 biancas outfit is soooo cute

No. 387764

File: 1717081468606.jpg (40.3 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_8250.jpg)

I prefer the EX colors but both are really cute

No. 387767

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No. 387768

File: 1717082499795.png (214.34 KB, 1140x464, my-image (12).png)

Agree, but you put the wrong fire type furrybait in top tier.

No bully allowed, I just think he's neat

No. 387769

Samefag, Cinderace so forgettable that I actually forgot him, tier accordingly

No. 387775

You also forgot Emboar, kek

No. 387788

File: 1717089802865.png (247.43 KB, 1140x634, 55a3dc30-7b16-402b-9b55-54644f…)

I noticed that I find a lot of recent starters cute…

No. 387789

File: 1717089872179.png (284.58 KB, 1140x651, 71c8adcc-f031-417c-b825-96414e…)

But otoh, I dislike a lot of their final evos.
Also yes I unapologetically like dinos and reptiles. I was the autistic dinosaur little girl.

No. 387804

opinion disregarded

No. 387810

File: 1717096527647.png (252.56 KB, 1140x460, Catch em all.png)

I never noticed how most of my favorites are water types, kek. Snivy is special because my first pokemon toy was him, it was pretty cute.
Fuecoco is great, he is shaped like a tiny apple and it's adorable.

No. 387811

File: 1717096683387.png (794.92 KB, 1140x1016, my-image(3).png)

did them all in one go bc w/e. wartorle supremacy

No. 387812

File: 1717096730422.jpg (164.7 KB, 666x919, Untitled.jpg)

No. 387817

both completely respectable lists, 8.9/10

No. 387830

File: 1717100494067.png (652.63 KB, 1154x800, Red_LGPE_concept_art.png)

Both the first and latest (picrel) versions of Red look about 10 imo. He's canonically a bit older in the Johto games as they take place 2-3 years later, and then a bit older than that in Alola.

No. 387831

File: 1717100607095.jpg (101 KB, 538x813, tumblr_mrznvjtZtb1qlzy0so1_640…)

ty nonner you must also have great taste

No. 387832

I find both their outfits really cute here!
bad taste nona. and why is dewott there kek

No. 387833

While complaining about troons is always valid, thinking a woman in pants is panering to troons is just hilariously tragic. But as someone who grew up chubby I always liked that she looked a little bit curvier so I'll sadly have to join the seething on that part. Her name is Bell in Japanese so she's always had a bit of a bell shape to her, which I think is cute.

No. 387834

Well you see it was created before fairy type existed… psychic was the fairy equivalent back then

No. 387836

It's a cool dinosaur with wings and I'm tired of people pretending to not like him because it's shilled or because it's old or whatever.
I do hate how it's overused but it's not even the most annoyingly shilled mon like Lucario. Simply put, here are many other pokémon I like over Charizard but it's undoubtly one of the coolest starters if you like reptiles.

No. 387840

File: 1717102347549.jpg (184.92 KB, 1400x1400, jlee_230228_1002_pogo_mega_evo…)

you can't blame other gen1fags for being annoyed at charizard getting way too much attention

No. 387845

Yeah, and I complained alongside them, but Charizard by itself is a cool mon.

No. 387848

File: 1717103147204.png (257.35 KB, 950x556, my-image.png)

Based only on first evolution.

No. 387850

File: 1717103431885.png (326.55 KB, 950x556, my-image(1).png)

Samefagging for finals. No middles because to be honest we spend so little time with them that I don't care about them.

No. 387857

File: 1717104334071.png (727.64 KB, 1140x771, my-image(2).png)

I like birds

No. 387858

I like how your love of birds wasn't enough to save Quaquaval kek

No. 387865

File: 1717104653490.gif (369.04 KB, 220x220, pokemon-quaquaval.gif)

Quaquaval is disgusting, and I hate how popular it is competitively. Idk how they managed to do so well with Blaziken, Decidueye, and even Empoleon somewhat but then totally shit the bed with a concept as basic as "water peacock." Why are its feet drawn like that? Why does it move so retardedly in-game? Why is it so Muppety? Euurgh

No. 387884

File: 1717108845981.jpg (60.99 KB, 1200x674, Gnsy0cw.jpg)

based incineroar favorite. I don't care what anyone says, he's one of the only furrybait mons who actually looks cool, fuck lucario.

No. 387889

File: 1717111416632.jpeg (168.89 KB, 289x578, 71cc63d929e4f727176729733c9f58…)

All of these Pokemon used to be known by the fans as the legendary fairies or legendary pixies.
Yeah, all of these are Psychic types except for Shaymin, Manaphy, and Phione (not sure if this one counts as mythical/legendary or not). And I think the only reason why they are not is because all of Lake Trio are Psychic types already.

No. 387890

okay maybe not shaymin

No. 387891

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No. 387900

File: 1717116019744.gif (360.82 KB, 500x400, IMG_4029.gif)

imo marshadow is the most underrated mythical poke

No. 387909

The last Mythical that actually felt "mythical". There is nothing likable or noteworthy whatsoever about Zarude.

No. 387925

right, marshadow still fit the bill of "super cute and tiny but actually a powerhouse, with a unique gimmick" like mew, jrachi & co.
zarude felt like an ordinary pokémon, there was nothing to distibguish him from the sort of wild pokes you get in regular encounters

No. 387927

File: 1717130099747.jpg (19.79 KB, 213x320, 458d9661d7384f54f47f2b2bb8f895…)

>Why are its feet drawn like that
Because it's based in real bird biology. I like it even though it looks retarded because it's in the spirit of how retarded a lot of male birds look

No. 387928

File: 1717130318580.jpg (74.47 KB, 474x661, th(8).jpg)

>he's one of the only furrybait mons who actually looks cool, fuck lucario.
You understand me, kek… This is why it's the only furbait final evo in my liked pokes. Incineroar is the best, it's not my problem that barafags also happen to love it.

No. 387942

its cute but i am so tired of legendaries being released by the truckload that none of the new ones feel special to me

No. 387954

>it's not even the most annoyingly shilled mon like Lucario.
Lucario had its era but isn't shilled that much anymore. Tbh the most consistently shilled pokemon is gengar, yet strangely I rarely see people complain about it. My theory is that the "I hate what's popular" people are old edgelords whose favourite is gengar and they fail to see their own favourite is equally guilty of that crime

No. 387955

I fucking hate it too nona. Ugly ass bird (literally)

No. 387957

File: 1717140134926.png (452.62 KB, 1210x1066, zarude.png)

>There is nothing likable or noteworthy whatsoever about Zarude.
kek I really love zarude, and I even loved the movie with it. I'm a fan of monkeys/apes and I love the tarzan/wildman trope so it's perfect to me. My least favorie mythicals are melmetal and volcanion. Both are just big ugly lumps to me.

No. 387958

I'm sorry but that bird is the real life equivalent of men putting on giant clown shoes to attract a female.
>i am so tired of legendaries being released by the truckload that none of the new ones feel special to me
It's not the quantity to me, it's the lack of story. Pecharunt was memorable and a fun story so I like it a lot. It doesn't even have to be a lot of story, I just don't want to get handed pokémon for free.

No. 387973

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No. 387976

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>big ugly lump
take that back

No. 387979

i think zarude looks cool but there isn't really anything about his design that says mythical to me. agree with you on volcanion he's hideous

No. 387980

Sorry but I will double the hate because I agree that melmetal is an ugly lump. I even find it extra ugly in the art you posted (sorry). It's a bottom tier pokemon for me

No. 387983

File: 1717153454923.jpg (985.33 KB, 2507x3540, 980174356.jpg)

I like all starter Pokemon aside from Quaquaval.

No. 388007

My problem is with its huge ass and the fact that they tried to make it look seductive because it's based off Carnaval dancers. It gives me the same vibes as a gay twink version of salazzle.

No. 388019

People were like "pokemon is going too woke these days" and I was like "nah, chill" but then I saw quaquaval and threw up and now I wonder if they're right. No sane person thinks following up a cool tank turtle fighter with a prostitute bird is a good idea, that's woke groomer and faghag mentality

No. 388041

File: 1717173495126.jpg (474 KB, 1000x985, 20240325_113631.jpg)

This is a fairy-type

No. 388049

spoiler pls

No. 388051

Manaphy and Phione are both in the fairy egg group. It's strange how they didn't make them fairy types in gen 6.

No. 388065

God these posts read like someone who discovered pokemon like last week

No. 388070

That bird's feet aren't a male specific feature kek

No. 388075

it was in a reply to male birds looking retarded tho

No. 388081

That's disgusting and shouldn't be emulated in the Cute Monster Game. Ducks also have corkscrew cocks, but it's not like Gamefreak drew Quaquaval with one. It's absolutely possible for a character design to draw upon real life without looking disgusting. Trubbish is literal garbage but it still manages to be cute.

No. 388083

File: 1717184806973.gif (5.05 MB, 400x300, 6t_Ck8.gif)

The retarded bellbottom pants and big hair made me think it was some kind of Disco Duck. Great idea, Game Freak, designing a character evocative of one of the worst hit songs in the history of pop music.

No. 388085

File: 1717185160462.png (138.73 KB, 640x559, am-i-the-only-one-who-thought-…)

>that's woke groomer and faghag mentality
You've allowed culture wars to poison your brain. Animal Crossing literally did the exact same thing back in 2008. "Peacock" and "Carnaval" are a natural combination, and only male peacocks have the crazy tail plumage.

No. 388087

AC is done in a cute and quirky style, fuckquaval is a human sized humanoid with a coomer butt. We've seen them do plenty of bird pokemon before including humoaid ones, the intentions are clear.

No. 388088

File: 1717185940419.jpg (261.17 KB, 1059x1000, tumblr_c1326dc60a4bdb99db30adb…)

>Trubbish is literal garbage but it still manages to be cute.
This so much.

No. 388095

File: 1717190418744.jpg (209.22 KB, 1400x702, Untitled.jpg)

but that bird is really cute. so are the other dance-focused birds. quaquaval isn't

No. 388109

It's just a bad design, it's not that deep. They stapled humanoid legs to a goose body and put a torso where its neck would normally be, making its butt look weird. Not everything is a conspiracy to groom kids.

No. 388121

i'm not saying it's a child groomer conspiracy, i think it's an ugly stupid design meant to appeal to ugly stupid furries.

No. 388156

Pokemon knows how to do furbait. Quaquaval is not furbait kek it's just poor concept realization. IMO they jammed too many different bird elements onto one bird. The mix of peacock/duck/whatever lobed foot bird they ripped for those red monstrosities resulted in an overdesigned mess to begin with and then adding in the carnival animations further muddied the waters. I don't really see an element of attempting to appeal to furfags in that though when they know what works historically in that regard and Quaquaval is nothing close to that.

No. 388158

File: 1717211053320.jpg (93.29 KB, 850x754, 856b7e708cb7271c6.jpg)

Melmetal LOVE

No. 388177

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No. 388184

Is this from new snap? I haven't played bc the price tag seems steep for the content, but would nonnas recommend it?

No. 388214

i'm glad you like it nona, i for sure can't be the one to like that boring uggo
>Is this from new snap?
No, that's not snap, looks like it might be from an ad. But the game is fantastic and a lot of fun, I recommend it

No. 388215

At the core it's just a shitty furryesque coomer bait design. It's not exactly grooming material, but at the same time it does float around in that pool, you know what i mean? I can forgive designs like meowscarada and lopunny because they are actually fairly cute designs that can be enjoyed by normies, but quaquaval is ugly AND bait.

No. 388243

File: 1717255231892.jpg (2.15 MB, 1188x1600, 1669135853655.jpg)

I love Grusha!

No. 388248

File: 1717255622728.mp4 (3.43 MB, 486x480, Evypghl.mp4)

>Why does it move so retardedly in-game?
it's supposed to be a Spanish flamenco dancer

No. 388250

File: 1717256866615.jpeg (136.2 KB, 1200x675, IMG_4053.jpeg)

iirc this pic is from a movie or trailer? melmetal isn't in snap
but new snap is definitely a nice game with a decent amount of content. it takes quite a while if you wnat to finish the dex. it's good if you want a really chill and relaxing game where you just ibserve pokemon in their natural habitats and whatch hiw they react when you interact with them. it doesn't have a deep story or anything but there's a lot of possibilities since you can influence the pokémons' actions, make them interact with each other etc.

No. 388301

>starting Violet on a whim today
>2FPS half of the time
>long, boring tutorial with cutscenes nobody cares about
>already knew that long ago but all the uniforms look ugly as hell, you can barely customize the main character's looks
>the characters look like they're from a Western cartoon in-game, as if Game Freaks was suddenly ashamed of the art style that made Pokemon popular in the first place
>a few glitches here and there the whole time
>it's an open world so you can do whatever you want but I looked it up and there's an implied order for what you should do because the trainers, gym leaders and other important enemies all have the same levels no matter where you start
>the gym leader theme sucks
Off to a great start. I'm also realizing I'm really not too fond of open worlds but that's subjective. I didn't mind it in PLA because the whole point was to explore the region at your own pace and going to new places would make the maps more detailed little by little but the map in SV is already filled and there are checkmarks everywhere. I'll see if I feel like getting the most out of this game or if I'll just try to do the main quests and nothing else.

No. 388330

When Scarlet and Violet first came out, I beat the game and I didn't pick it back up until a few days before the DLC came out and I tried to replay it on a side account to justify a future purchase of the DLC, but god knows how I was able to beat it the first time when all the issues you mentioned were so blatant. Literally haven't picked it back up since. Pretty much every other Pokemon game on the switch is more entertaining and engaging to play.

No. 388382

Are there any pokemon you grew to like after using them on your team for a while? I feel like I use the same handful of pokemon in every game, with only a few from each new gen. I wish I could appreciate more of them

No. 388390

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No. 388414

File: 1717299620319.png (105.41 KB, 475x475, 598.png)

Picrel for me! I think this is the best part of nuzlocking though, I've developed a personal connection with a lot of pokemon I would never have otherwise thought to use.

No. 388419

No. 388421

File: 1717302983710.gif (891.48 KB, 500x278, IMG_4066.gif)

Magnezone. i thought it was ugly compared to magneton when it was first released but i love it and use it all the time now. I always give mine stupid names like murderbot or killdozer
also the punk memes made me deide to try out azumarill in unite and she's my main now.

No. 388422

File: 1717305272136.gif (2 MB, 500x281, tumblr_26123a9c44846838fa40049…)

Hawlucha. I thought it had a dork design at first, using it on Pokemon showdown made me really appreciate it.

t. anon who likes birds

No. 388423

UGH I love Marshadow. So cute.

No. 388435

Magnezone is sooo cute, seeing people use it as a ride pokemon in the anime was what sold me on it. Silly UFO…

No. 388436

The DLC is included in the game in my case so I'll check them out, but if the devs didn't correct all the technical issues in the game to begin with I'm assume the DLC won't be very interesting. Everyone complained about ShSw and often for good or understandable reasons but at least in my case the only real technical issues I had when playing Shield was in the wild area whenever I activated the online features and everything became slower. Which didn't happen nearly as often when playing the DLC even though the areas were bigger so at least there was some improvement at some point.

No. 388438

>>the characters look like they're from a Western cartoon in-game, as if Game Freaks was suddenly ashamed of the art style that made Pokemon popular in the first place
I kept saying this but other than here in the pokemon thread both irl friends and other anons on lc would accuse me of wanting "generic anime coomer designs" instead. As if the previously established style was coomery by default, and as if the style isn't generally recognisable on its own???

No. 388444

Finally someone who agrees with me, thank god. The first seasons of the anime looked like your average 90s shonen manga and the official artworks for the gen 1 games afew decades ago wouldn't have looked out of place in the shonen jump back then, they're anything but coomery. The human characters and the pokemon actually looked like they belonged in the same franchise. I think anyone accusing us of this must be blind or must be confusing "character design/clothes" and "art style", which is stupid on its own.

No. 388458

File: 1717331225266.jpg (151.74 KB, 563x398, 112693348_p0_master1200.jpg)

Me too!!! Cute skiier boy with long hair. He is adorable!!!

No. 388483

File: 1717345336377.png (787.54 KB, 3350x2094, voqDjnu.png)

you inspired me, nona

No. 388485

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this is amazing. three cheers for anon!

No. 388487

File: 1717346313186.png (419.47 KB, 734x729, Untitled.png)

sugimori was highly inspired by dragonball's art style. female characters looked cool as hell imo. if you want to compare "coomery" designs there's plenty to choose from in newer gens

No. 388497

Aww this is so cute!!

No. 388502

I think the style developing is natural, as we see in >>388487 but to me it always felt like pokemon developed with other anime and just adapted to the current standard while still remaining "pokemon", but now all of a sudden they took a left turn towards western cartoons and nobody likes it.
I'm hoping it's just a leftover from the pandemic that made all the models look terrible. I have theories they cut out a lot of things from the games due to the pandemic, but it's all speculation.

No. 388507

File: 1717351915044.jpg (3.49 MB, 4093x2894, klara.jpg)

But how blessed it is to be in a franchaise where a normal sized girl who is fully clothed and is only showing a tiny bit of her thighs is what is pulled out as a "coomer design". In other franchises you get boobs the size of watermelons in a tiny string bikini and moids still go "um actually it's optimal for fighting because of totally logical reason that I definitely didn't pull out of my ass"

No. 388510

File: 1717352235903.jpg (239.09 KB, 1480x656, Untitled.jpg)

yeah i'm not criticizing the style evolution so much (sugimori's new style is polished and more unique, the old style is just nostalgic to me) as the common critique of everyone being overdesigned. the characters of gen 1 and 2 are memorable without having insane clothes and hair. not every random side character has to have "main character" levels of design. hell a lot of them have more crap on their clothes and hair than the protags do.
also this is a pet peeve of mine but i hate when non-adult characters are gym leaders or elite four members. you're telling me this child runs their own gym? where are their parents? do they go to school? i mean yeah obviously your protag isn't going to school in every game and basically wandering around being a pokemon hobo but why should i have any respect for a gym leader or elite 4 member who's my age or younger? these characters were all adults in previous games because they were supposed to be mentors. you were supposed to learn things from them. they aren't leaders just for being "the best" (falkner being one exception but he basically shows you what the gym of a nepo baby looks like and shouldn't be emulated.)
also no offense to rika she's hot but i hate that fucking baby on the elite four

No. 388511

anon this is a children's franchise. there will never be a big-boobed bikini character. i'm more concerned about the way they bait coomer female characters like this without at least giving us coomer moids in return (though they do produce a lot of hot older men)

No. 388517

File: 1717353000015.jpeg (72.38 KB, 682x519, 2020082614084_5f464ff7c2bf74d8…)

a child will lead them has always been a thing tbf

No. 388518

Kek she isn't fictional

No. 388523

>compares an important historical figure to a dumb annoying gimmick in a children's video game
shut up

No. 388532

Speaking of insane designs, Elite Four this time around is really subdued. Never thought about it.

I agree that it's bizarre. I'm actually really fond of a lot of SV characters, so it's disheartening how ugly the art style is for no reason. SwSh looks way better because of that and it feels wrong. They should just do SwSh style but with more care put into polish rather than do this weird doll-like style with textures on everything.

No. 388533

Raihan is probably as "coomer moid" as we're going to get.

No. 388535

yeah i'm glad he and leon got tons of porn but they're just a drop in the bucket of fanservice which rarely thinks about pandering to people who want sexy dudes

No. 388548

Have you ever been to /vp/? All female characters are coomer bait except if she's as old as Opal or as young as Poppy.
btw how the fuck is poppy 9 years old?? wtf

No. 388550

I'm sure it was mentioned before in these threads, but she really doesn't look 9. She looks like she'd fit right in with the preschool trainers. If she was designed to be 9, she should look more like a youngster or a schoolkid. Either way, I wish she was a gym leader instead of an elite four.

No. 388556

File: 1717363561155.png (106.17 KB, 187x485, Wicke.png)

yes, i used to use /vp/ before i had to stop due to disgusting pedoshit everywhere and cringey balloon tit art. that doesn't mean the designs themselves are inherently sexual, but at this point, i'm so familiar with NEET pornsick loser tastes that i can tell when a design element is "for" them.

No. 388557

File: 1717364145543.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1489x2048, IMG_4043.jpeg)

jesuschrist who cares this much about whether some stiupid npc you see for 5 minutes is sexy. pokemon is about the critters

No. 388560

File: 1717367127493.jpg (90.89 KB, 720x800, 20220826_f90ab2.jpg)

the characters are also important to fans though. there's tons of merch of them, they are used to promote the anime, etc

No. 388562

No clue how me saying the characters in SV look like they belong in a cheap Pixar movie led to this because my point was about the in game graphics and not character designs. Anyway.

>pokemon is about the critters

I agree, but ever since gen 5 the devs try to pretend we should all give a fuck about having to read/watch long cutscenes that get in the way of gameplay. Pokemon and Fire Emblem may be JRPGs but I believe having long cutscenes is a net negative in these games. I don't feel like this about other JRPGs I play, just these two series but especially Pokemon because the setting should matter more than the story in these games.

No. 388563

ayrt i wasn't replying ti you personally i just get bored of thsi thread always being about some boring npcs.
i agree with you about the cutscenes. however sun/moon were espcially bad with these and i feel like they've toned them down since

No. 388567

this thread is not "always about npcs"? we talk about the pokemon much more

No. 388569

This, adorable pic btw. We can't even have a simple pokemon thread without anons flipping it to be about their hyperfixations on what 3dpd moids and troons are doing.

No. 388574

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i do wish that people wouldn't show moid opinions ITT. i left /vp/ for a reason. don't want to see their retarded opinions here.
but i would like to continue having cute and nice convos about npcs.

No. 388576

File: 1717375821074.webp (218.14 KB, 3088x2613, IMG_3745.webp)

honestly i just find it hard to care about npcs bc i never watched the anime and when i play the game i just mash a throughout the dialogue so i can get back to catching and battling. honestly had no idea people care about the story let alone gym leaders you see for 2 minutes. i'm just the kind of autist who only cares about muh full dex.

No. 388619

>anon this is a children's franchise.
Incorrect, pokémon has always been intended for all ages. Only certain parts like the anime is intended for kids, other things like interior design is intended for adults. Most of it is all ages and always has been.

No. 388621

>the characters of gen 1 and 2 are memorable without having insane clothes and hair.
While I do like them because of nostalgia, the ones who stand out as the best and most memorable are Erika, Lance, Falkner, Clair… all the ones that did look a bit "weird" and with odd hair colors. I generally like the newer designs, especially Alola and Galar for having a consistent theme yet making characters destinct from each other. However Paldea for some reason doesn't do it for me at all.
>also this is a pet peeve of mine but i hate when non-adult characters are gym leaders or elite four members. you're telling me this child runs their own gym? where are their parents? do they go to school?
I hate it when they're clearly less than 10 like Poppy (especially since it's franchise lore that 10 year olds start a journey), but other than that my pet peeve is when real life adults insist kids in a magical world where adventuring has been established from the get go still insist they have to go to school (no offense anon, I just find it bizarre that's always where the line is drawn).
>these characters were all adults in previous games
no they weren't? Misty, Brock, Bugsy, Janine, Whitney are all at most teens
>i hate that fucking baby on the elite four
We all do, I don't think any normal person likes her. I still find it fucked up Red started at 10 and Poppy is just 1 year younger but looks like a toddler…

No. 388623

File: 1717400566761.png (333.32 KB, 513x853, Legends_Arceus_Calaba.png)

>All female characters are coomer bait
you again, give it up already

No. 388626

File: 1717402139522.jpg (57.99 KB, 736x661, erika.jpg)

imagine being upset people in a pokemon thread are talking about the designs in pokemon games kek

No. 388628

>i just get bored of thsi thread always being about some boring npcs.
you're acting like Poppy, literally just start talking about something else that interests you instead of going "waah i don't like this topic, only talk about what i like instead!!!" you'll get nowhere by just whining

No. 388636

File: 1717405359297.jpg (188.7 KB, 850x1217, 1873781846819.jpg)

>I still find it fucked up Red started at 10 and Poppy is just 1 year younger but looks like a toddler…
Ok I didn't have an issue with Poppy until this kek, that does put things in perspective. I think she's cute in a "the rest are raising this kid together" way but she should have been younger if she was going to look and act like that, yeah.

No. 388638

>especially since it's franchise lore that 10 year olds start a journey
That's only in the anime, it's not that specific in the games. Red and Blue are 11 in gen 1, same with the kids in gen 7, and aside from that iirc it's only implied that the protagonists in XY are at the very least 17 or 18 years old based on the post game scene with one named NPC.

No. 388646

>That's only in the anime
Which is part of the franchise
>Red and Blue are 11 in gen 1
Poppy is still 1 year younger than Ash, who is canonically 10 (despite having at least 1 birthday kek).
>iirc it's only implied that the protagonists in XY are at the very least 17 or 18 years old based on the post game scene with one named NPC.
What are you referring to here? I very highly doubt they're meant to be legal adults, I'd bet 16 at most since that's the age Hilda and Hilbert are in BW2 (you only play as them at age 14 in BW) and Emma in XY is 16 too. I think the highest confirmed age you can play as is "around 15" in legends arceus.

No. 388647

File: 1717410994610.jpg (577.32 KB, 1828x1832, Tumblr_l_618922375052385.jpg)

Sometimes if the design isn't completely god awful, I will grow to appreciate a mon if someone else really loves it.
But as for learning to appreciate one I used on my team, probably Sylveon. When they first made fairy types it pissed me off but I realized I was just being a edgy teenager and really like fairy types and Sylveon now kek.

No. 388649

File: 1717411141758.png (615.22 KB, 1500x849, canon-ages-pokemon.png)

My new headcanon is that Poppy has dwarfism

No. 388655

File: 1717411444841.jpg (43.96 KB, 600x849, 56c1ba2c856eb03fcfe169b0139b84…)

>Sometimes if the design isn't completely god awful, I will grow to appreciate a mon if someone else really loves it.
Me too! There are pokemon I had 0 interest in that I came to love because my friends loved them, aromatisse is one of them (the name in my language sounds godawful tho, so I always nickname it)

No. 388662

I'm refering to the girl that Looker hires in the post game story who says the MC is older than her but she's stated to be like 16yo I think? It's been a while since I played it I can't remember the details. It's the NPC/trainer with braids.

No. 388677

>except if she's as old as Opal
What I meant is that coomers can coom to almost any female character. Therefore, I find it kind of dumb to call any particular female character "coomerbait" just because she is not a hideous blob with a nose ring.

No. 388684

File: 1717420947875.png (161.38 KB, 880x184, pokemon moid pigs.png)

Speaking of Pokemon characters, I've been noticing that there are no actual fat female characters that aren't the "thicc curvy mommy" body type with no visible tummy or rounded face and nearly every gen has at least one moid pig being shoved in. Game Freak are such fucking cowards.

No. 388685

who cares, if you want handsome men go back playing otome shit

No. 388689

god stfu already. we get it, you hate moids, is that your only personality trait?

No. 388691

File: 1717423508459.png (47.97 KB, 1040x500, dcufq9b-b4e6da0a-1912-47b9-bdf…)

Please GF please make this real

No. 388693

they look funny personally

No. 388695

File: 1717424391589.jpg (847.37 KB, 1500x1500, b79684c30314766b59a929e80ee99d…)

Drifblim for sure, when I was younger I didn't really pay much attention to stats or anything but I was so amazed at how it would almost always get to go first in a battle and I could clobber opponents with Phantom Force before they even had a chance to do anything to me kek. Now I know it's not that great in terms of Speed stats compared to other Ghost types but I still love it and use one in my team—I even have a little Drifloon keychain on one of my bags

No. 388696

>I'm refering to the girl that Looker hires in the post game story who says the MC is older than her but she's stated to be like 16yo I think?
That's Emma. She's confirmed to be 16 but I can't see any references of her actually calling the player older other than when you first meet she asks if Looker and player wants to play with them, small child npc then says "no adults allowed" and Emma tells her (and espurr)
>"Oh, put a sock in it! Play nice, both of you! How would you like to get left out just 'cause you're old and stuff?"
Looker is right there and he's the one talking to Emma, later in the story she calls him an old man again. It really doesn't seem like she's saying the player is old.

No. 388700

File: 1717425538873.jpg (952.13 KB, 2722x1294, paldea-npcs.jpg)

Calling every female character coomerbait is NOT the same as saying men coom to every female design. And idk why you're excluding Poppy from being coomerbait with that definition… don't look up fanart is all I'm gonna say.
All of those moid characters are ugly (tho I like a few as characters) I don't feel like we're missing that much by not seeing the equivalent in ugly female designs. Paldea has a ton of fat female npcs, but they're wearing the ugly school uniform and half of people playing think they're male because they have short hair and a pretty small chest (they all use the same model) sorry for the cringe anti-woke image but it has the chubby npcs, cristina and isabel in this case

No. 388713

File: 1717428955789.gif (507.37 KB, 500x500, IMG_4081.gif)

Drifblim and drifloon are sooo cute. i love their concept and the design is so cool, i like that they're willing to use pretty unusual ideas for ghosts

No. 388728

dont love this 4chan meme. i mean some of those are just ridiculous. girls can be androgynous.

No. 388734

ayrt yeah sorry, i just couldn't find the npcs i meant anywhere else. they're not memorable/likable enough for people to have posted them much online. and this was the least offensive version kek

No. 388736

File: 1717433824962.jpg (104 KB, 850x606, __drifloon_pokemon_drawn_by_yu…)

I love them too! drifloon is one of my favorite pokemon, it's just so darn round and cute

No. 388738

File: 1717434407438.jpg (165.97 KB, 1223x1831, FZGlljHXkAAmHf-.jpg)

Being androgynous does not mean being ugly, you know? Those NPCs are just horribly designed.

No. 388742

File: 1717435633129.jpg (1016.38 KB, 2000x2800, c4c88c46a36a8fd52a2d74d9dd038c…)

I don't really care about the actual mons that much, I like the human characters.

No. 388750

…why even play pokémon then? not trying to infight or anything i just don't get it

No. 388758

Now there's a hot take.

No. 388759

you should go play some slop like genshin impact instead

No. 388760

Get your retarded groomer ship out of here(infighting, report and move on)

No. 388761

>Misty, Brock, Bugsy, Janine, Whitney are all at most teens
according to what?

No. 388765

File: 1717443892482.png (1.07 MB, 1400x1928, 9c737a7564751b4b31e9d9cd80844b…)

I played it as a kid
The characters in Genshin aren't cute, I played it for about 20 minutes and got bored honestly at most I sometimes look at Zhongli x Aether fanart.
Don't bully Volo

No. 388767

File: 1717444336283.png (35.98 KB, 1016x579, 1586712484325.png)

I'm part of the 14%

No. 388768

File: 1717444861976.webm (2.45 MB, 1100x618, 5437890.webm)

I want Volo to groom me

No. 388769

Fuck off, disgusting weirdo(infighting, report and move on)

No. 388770

File: 1717445213778.jpg (622.66 KB, 2000x1000, Pokémon.full.1327260.jpg)

Furries mad(baiting)

No. 388771

Some of us aren’t pick-mes who daydream about men grooming underaged girls sorry

No. 388772

AHEM, I also daydream about men grooming underaged boys thank you!
Also still better than jacking off to animals kek(infighting baiting pedo shit)

No. 388773

File: 1717445958751.png (409.84 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_473d01a8b9e6c14a1e2a414…)

acting like a scrote doesn't make you cool.

No. 388775

report and ignore nonny this might be the freak who spams that kid from subahibi

No. 388776

File: 1717446079352.jpg (369.82 KB, 2048x2037, 9d96ce5fc5d2fc8f21033fdb9ac573…)

You really think scrotes are drawing this stuff? If it was scrote stuff it would be with an old ugly bastard or a faceless guy instead of a bishounen kek.

No. 388779

File: 1717446359752.png (130.16 KB, 318x600, 318px-HeartGold_SoulSilver_Bug…)

Based on them looking and acting like kids/teens? You're not seriously saying this is supposed to be a grown adult man? Then again Poppy is 9 and looks like a toddler so maybe Bugsy is like 50, who knows

No. 388780

"looking" like a teen means nothing in pokemon, nor does "acting" like one. most characters act pretty childish despite their age. i mean there's an old man in vermilion who does nothing but talk about how much he loves to hug his rapidash.
they seem like young adults to me. kids being gym leaders or e4 members is still dumb.

No. 388781

I don't get why you think it's dumb considering that said gym leader and elite four members get beaten by children…

No. 388782

and back to your thread fujoshit groomer(infighting, report and move on)

No. 388783

File: 1717446690861.jpg (607.21 KB, 1200x1400, GOTsgvpXkAEzUUT.jpg)

Not her but how does liking pokeboys make me a pick-me exactly?

No. 388784

Why would they go out of their way to make them canonically 18+ for porn when this series is for babies. The MC is a child and becomes the champion. They're probably around the MC's age.

No. 388786

Also not them but when you want to see them fucking underage girls like the anon ayrt was talking about

No. 388788

Reread her posts blindchan

No. 388790

>kids being gym leaders or e4 members is still dumb.
Wasn't really arguing against that, it's just always been a thing. In Alola being a teenager is required to be a trial captain, I think that's worse than a couple of kids here and there being a gym leader based on skill. I can buy a skilled teen is the only one who is able and willing to be a gym leader who happens to be the only master of that particular type (since most trainers don't focus on just one type). But having kids in the elite 4 is stupid, I just don't buy someone that young has the experience and skill over adults who have trained for years.

No. 388794

they're supposed to provide a challenge but not be unbeatable. that's why they aren't champions, and the champion is supposed to be another trainer.

No. 388796

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The MC is just my self-insert, and I am an adult. Therefore, the MC is also an adult (in my head).

No. 388797

But the canonical strongest trainer (Red) is like 12 pre SM

No. 388799

no one cares about your coom related headcanons, go back to /g/

No. 388801

the elite four is not meant to be the strongest ever, they're a path to championship. that's why they should be older mentor types. a few gym leaders are more childish but they still give you TMs and advice on your journey.

No. 388802

In universe they’re constantly getting beat by children though, maybe adults just suck dick at pokemon battles and kids are better at it. Would definitely explain why a 9 year old is in the elite four.

No. 388804

all that it explains is pokemon company being bankrupt on interesting ideas for the human characters kek. they're all so ugly past gen 3

No. 388805

File: 1717447921977.jpg (175.85 KB, 1920x1080, EQXokQfU4AAiNN3.jpg)

It's like that's the point of gym leaders and Elite Four

No. 388806

File: 1717447948756.png (987.64 KB, 893x815, N.png)

>they're all so ugly past gen 3

No. 388807

Gym leaders maybe, but it’s a bit of a stretch with the elite four and champion since they’re apparently a group that people train to get into (ie: Koga for the elite four)
I’m not really seeing any reason why a 9 year old shouldn’t be allowed in though since the elite four seems to be skilled based.

No. 388808

N sucks

No. 388810

You suck

No. 388811

File: 1717448838604.gif (246.09 KB, 540x215, IMG_3048.gif)

Togekiss, I always loved togepi from watching the show growing up but never mained them in any games I played. When I played Pokémon X awhile back I decided to add them to my team and evolved them to Togekiss and I never realized how much of a beast they are in matches, love using them as a main in my teams ever since

No. 388815

>looking down on fujoshits while being obsessed with a game for autistic toddlers and zoophiles

No. 388816

N and kaworu are both mid
This would be mine too! I started to appreciate togekiss more when it gained the fairy typing, eventually it became one of my favorites. I used to love using it in showdown double battles.

No. 388817

File: 1717449923941.png (119.23 KB, 475x475, 820.png)

this dumb squirrel is surprisingly strong in battle and can be used as a dark horse, especially on pogo battle league

No. 388818

how can you make one of the cutest animal in the world look this retarded?

No. 388820

i only like the first gens were all the weird furry shit didnt exist, but yeah i will still look down on you fujoshit groomer-chan

No. 388821

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No. 388824

File: 1717450471814.gif (857.09 KB, 248x195, 2f6cbcc4140542ab095b4d7074b8f2…)

anyone have a favorite metagame? wildly unpopular opinion but i liked bw ou and yes it was mostly because the meta was full of cutie mons

No. 388825

File: 1717450545681.jpg (82.35 KB, 900x673, _pkmn_redesing__2__skwovet_and…)

even low-effort fan redesigns are cuter. i love squirrels.

No. 388827

File: 1717451130867.gif (1.04 MB, 423x237, 1716767569937.gif)

Shut up, I'll post whatever I want.(Wild FARMER fainted!)

No. 388828

File: 1717451292435.gif (384.61 KB, 320x240, 1edbc8c44859cd09c4b258bfb5a411…)

Don't you dare start an infight about fujos in another thread. You have several threads dedicated to that topic. Go use them instead of ruining the Pokethread.

No. 388829

File: 1717451554477.jpeg (68.04 KB, 600x735, IMG_4083.jpeg)

I love togekiss so much. It's a super cute and unique design, i live how it doesn't look like any known animal. and it's so useful in battle. I always have one on my team and invariably call them concorde

No. 388830

Please stop responding to the obvious baiting posts and report them and move on. By responding at all you are just encouraging them to continue posting.

No. 388831

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No. 388832

File: 1717452472830.gif (29.69 KB, 220x220, totodile-pokemon.gif)

ayy farmhand sleep wore off

No. 388833

NTA but I really like that squirrel (haven't played past XY so I dunno its name). The design is pretty sweet, reminds me of old Disney animal designs

No. 388840

File: 1717455112679.jpg (86.46 KB, 629x900, FiOy85jaYAEia7g.jpg)

I hated this thing until Arven had it on his team. IDK I can't be mean about what the kid with the dead mom and dying dog likes.

No. 388849

Idk why people hate it, it's so cute. But then again I love squirrels.

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