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No. 403600
The milk is coming from inside the farm edition
Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.
Pokemon Day List of Updates: threads:
>>>/m/186496>>>/m/320917>>>/m/377133 No. 403601
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No. 403619
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>>403601let's try not to ruin the thread with this this time though okay?
No. 403621
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azumarill wnba egg
No. 403637
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>>403619yeah us pokéautists must stand together. we're all friends here
No. 403685
File: 1721465854883.png (1.95 MB, 2152x1226, burgh-designer.png)

Post your least favorite human designs from pokemon!
I'll go first, this ugly mf… Burgh was designed to appeal to the female gaze, yet he is one of the ugliest males in the entire series.
I think what happened is that this male designer took all the points the women gave him "tall and slim, longer hair, scarves are fashionable" and through his maleness implemented it in a terrible way because he fundamentally didn't understand what about those things were appealing to women.
No. 403686
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>>403685samefagging, I'm pretty sure the women were describing something more like picrel (idk where it's from, just a visual example)
No. 403689
File: 1721467312677.png (150.82 KB, 304x598, 304px-Sword_Shield_Piers.png)

>>403685hes absolutely fucking hideous. i just imagine his hair is a big stinky rats nest of dreadlocks.
No. 403690
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>>403685and this is just retarded
No. 403897
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I love mimikyu's new outfit. not gonna buy it bc overpriced but it's so cute
No. 403940
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>>403938>t. eggchan mad she became a memeyou still haven't learned how to sage either…
(infighting) No. 403974
>>403940Eggstly is pretty funny tho kek
>>403897I love playing unite, but fuck are the holowears expensive for no justifiable reason. I don't get why companies do that with microtransactions, I know for a fact I would have ended up spending a lot more in total if they were cheaper. I only ever bought 1 holowear near the start, so about 3 years ago. I would have gotten my friends into it and we'd all have bought matching outfits. But no, gotta make it so expensive I end up actively telling my friends not to give them money out of spite. I guess that's chinese companies for you, they're so used to a neverending supply of humans that they have no care for how they come across to the audience
No. 403989
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>>403685I think Penny has a good design overall, but I can’t stand the colour scheme especially the blue/red for her hair. Just looks stupid as fuck. Only other thing I’d change is to remove the sheer skirt
No. 404000
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>>403945its just common courteousy to not bump the thread with whiny self defense posts, not doing do makes her/you look even more unintegrated
(minimodding) No. 404047
>>403989I hate her design because she looks like every autist gendie pokemon fan and it's boring to me. I saw billions of her on tumblr every day for a decade already.
>too kool for skool, just wants to hack the system to make the grades look good>short hair dyed unnatural colors>mismatched outfit of black hoodie over sheer skirt>autistic obsession with only having eeveelutions>wears a socially unacceptable plushie bag (that she probably never washes)>hates her family>was bullied at school (for being a tard probably), had a big school revenge porn fantasy that she executed by forming team star>her room is a mess>thinks people can't tell she's her secret online alter ego (everyone can tell)>computer nerd, even when she has friends she refuses to meet them irl so she can stay online>too autist to tell "clive" is mr ClavellShe also has the same weird eye-shape as Melli from legends, makes me think they're related. Melli was also a smug asshole, and his purple hair is a mix of her red and blue hair…
No. 404130
File: 1721602635826.gif (3.23 MB, 400x290, show.gif)

>>403974right, most of the holowears are mega expensive. they're doing discounts atm for the anniversary but that's a once-a-year thing. i splurged once on punk azu but can't really justify doing it too often. it's a shame bc some of theese holowears are so cute, only the battle pass ones are somewhat more affordable (still sad i missed chinese opera gardevoir ngl)
No. 404221
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>>404130How would you nonas feel about it if they brought similar holowear/clothes into the main pokemon games? Do you think it should be for all pokemon, or just a special few like the starters? Would it be on at all times, or just at a specific location like at contests?
No. 404243
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>>404223Penny is either an insufferable TRA or the biggest anonymous
terf you've ever seen who runs a troon hate account, there is no inbetween. She's anti-social enough even towards her own friends that I'm actually leaning
terf. I think she would have been a they/them herself for a little while before quickly turning when she saw how mtfs act online.
No. 404258
>>404251Penny is not a truradfem
terf, she is a turboautist
terf No. 404301
>>404243She's absolutely a radtif fujo and I love her for it
>>404251I literally know multiple terves who work in IT and can code
No. 404302
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Does anyone here play competitive/pokemon showdown? I've wanted to get into it but it's really intimidating
No. 404364
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>>403989 I think her design is something funny when compared to her implied family.
No. 404369
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>>404221i loooooove holowear in unite and especially the way they've embraced the really out there designs but i feel it'd look weird in mainstream games. besides putting outfits on your pokes could be fun but they'd have to code a gazilion different ones.
No. 404394
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>>404302I used to be really into it during the 3DS/gen 7 era but the national dex cuts made it lose its appeal to me and I haven't really been invested in it since. I liked the Random, Ubers, and Anything Goes tiers on Showdown and did a lot of RNG manipulation and egg hatching for good mons on 3DS and did some online battles on there too. The Random battles on PS are the easiest to get into and are a fun time waster. There was always the occasional bitter and retarded moid/moidlet on there back when I still played but grey-rocking and trolling them was funny especially since I pretty much always won against them. I never really got into playing the VGC/doubles format though. Smogon is your best friend and False Swipe Gaming does a lot of interesting videos you might want to watch about the competitive history of many different pokes.
No. 404403
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>>404302uh.. yeah
don't be intimidated, just jump in and mess around, you'll get the hang of it eventually
No. 404412
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>>404364The theory is that they're sisters right? Peonia dyes her hair half pink, so it kinda makes sense that Penny would dye half-and-half of her hair too. I'm guessing if they make a design for the mom they'll retcon her into having blue or red hair and pretend the blonde woman in the card is an aunt or something.
No. 404415
>>404302I feel I'm too dumb for it. I've been playing pokémon my whole life but I still forget that certain type combos or abilities make certain attacks useless… and honestly because I know most players are sweaty moids I know they'd judge me not just for being bad at competitive, but they'd say it's because I'm female and I'd give all female players a bad rep that way.
If there was an all female battle league where everyone is just chill I'd be so into it. But I also know if anyone attempted to make a league like that troons would demand access, so the options are then to play with degenerate male troons or be shunned by the rest of the fandom as part of the evil transphobe league. There is no winning.
No. 404439
>>404243Penny is 100% a
terf and the most based character. Love her.
No. 404443
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I don't play the TCG myself, but I just love looking at the cards. There's so much really great art out there. Post your favourite TCG art if you have some!
No. 404462
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>>404443I quite like this one.
No. 404463
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>>404443And this one of my lil mushroom alien.
No. 404476
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>>404443i love togekiss so much
No. 404477
>>404473I'm 100% sure there would be a bunch of nlogs saying we don't need it because it's not a physical sport. Just like they do with chess that
>>404466 mentioned. And in current day troons would abuse it because "beating girls is easier" and there are fewer females playing overall. Pokémon already banned a CHILD for laughing nervously when asked about pronouns and the troon judge reported him for transphobia.
No. 404478
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>>404443mimikyu has so many great ones
No. 404499
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>>404443Samefag but I really wanted to show this one too, I think it's very pretty and cute.
No. 404504
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>>404443This is my favorite full art card that I own, I want to eat all the treats in it!
No. 404558
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>>404443I love all of ikegami yoriyuki's cards. So warm and lush
No. 404607
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>>404443all of tomokazu komiya's art
No. 404608
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>>404443>>404607the way this art got so much hate from tasteless philistines
No. 404650
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>>404503>>404558these are soooo adorable
>>404608this art slaps, it's really unqiue and cool. i guess the haters prefer generic animu shit
i love art that shows people in their everyday life interacting with the pokémon. the tcg has some lovely examples
No. 404702
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>>404443i really love atsuko nishida's artwork but this one is my favourite.
No. 404705
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>>404556I've started collecting recently, actually! I don't want to get too many so I think I'm just going to get cards of my fave mons and ones I really love the art of. Picrel fits both criteria, it's so comfy. I might try to get a card I really love the art of for each pokemon but…. we'll see.
>>404479I love this card so much it's so sweet! Mimikyu is so sweet.
No. 404706
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>>404705Samefag but Cubone cards are some of my faves too they make me want to give him a big hug
No. 404743
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>>404650>i guess the haters prefer generic animu shitthey are the people ai art appeals to. not the people harmlessly playing around with prompts, but people who actually genuinely think ai art looks good and jerk off to it
>>404702you reminded me of another fave, kagemaru himeno
No. 404744
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just so cute!
No. 404761
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>>404702>atsuko nishidaShe's been my favorite since childhood! Slight blog but I had no idea how Japanese names worked back then and I was so overjoyed when I like a deacade later grew up to find out not only was she female, she was also the actual designer behind a ton of the most iconic pokémon! At that point I thought Ken Sugimori had designed every early gen pokémon (as did all the other kids around me) so to find out a woman did it made me so happy. Bear in mind this is also after me being told "pokémon is for BOYS" a lot as a kid. Charizard was made by a woman suckers! Go play with sticks and stones boys, pokémon is for GIRLS!
No. 404763
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Do you think they took inspiration from disney's robin hood?
No. 404785
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Was looking for a specific card and found this one from the same artist.
I always forget this pokemon exists, but the art made it look pretty cute!
No. 404934
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How do you card collecting anons go about collecting? Do you buy singles of the cards you like or just take what you get from booster packs? Do you deal with trading/selling? How often do you purchase new cards and do you have a budget for it at all?
And how do you organize your collections? I've been putting mine in a binder in order of pokedex number but keeping evolution lines together but it's a pain in the ass when adding new cards so I don't think this is the best system so I'm curious what other anons do.
No. 404965
>>404934I have bulk sorted in piles in a box and only put my favorites into binders. I sort them by pokemon and sometimes group them in ways that make sense to me, for example I like to collect all starters and eeveelutions. I also have collections that are like "pretty grass types" or "cards (I personally think are) related to team rocket". So I'll put both actual team Rocket cards and zubats and poochyena there. I do not care about dex order at all.
I also put all legendaries and full arts in a binder since they're more rare.
I generally do not buy singles, however I make an exception around my birthday every year and buy up to 20 cards of my absolute favorite pokemon that I can't pull in packs anymore anyway. Luckily my faves aren't super popular pokemon so the cards are cheap kek
No. 405047
>>404466>>404415its not only the annoying moids but the shame for liking something as childish as pokemon. its hard to imagine me playing the vgc or tcg in my late 20's - 30's and i feel jealous of women who are into nerd shit shame free. i only collect the cards now(sometimes), draw, and replay the older games to get my pokemon fix.
>>404934i only buy singles to prevent having a pile of unwanted cards. i like to organize my collection with different binders; so for example, my personal favourites would be in one binder, then the 'weird' art ones that i like in another binder, and ex's in another… etc etc.
No. 405072
I find SV ok, I just beat the main game and I started the DLC. It would have been a lot better if not for all these annoying technical issues that made me not even try to play online. But unlike gen 6, 7 and 8 I don't feel like trying to complete the pokedex. It's not because I lack free time or find it difficult and annoying, I just didn't like the game enough to feel like it's worth it. Did anyone manage to complete the pokedex, at least for the main region and not for the pokedex from the DLC? How long did it take?
>>403989I'd find her character design so much better if it weren't for her bicolor hair. I really dislike how a lot of characters have bicolor hair in SV in general, it looks dumb or ugly. Except for Larry because it just looks like some older guy who's starting to have white hair little by little.
No. 405122
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>>405072I did the dex for the main region, it was pretty easy since it was only 400 pokes. way easier than in older gens where you had to trawl the gts and shit.
it took 80 or so hours which is not that much comapred to older games. i havent tried the dlc or picked it back up at all since i finished the dex bc it's a pretty boring game overall. i usually clock 300-400 hours in pokémon games easily, it's the first timd i get bored this fast with a main series game.
No. 405709
>>405072>Did anyone manage to complete the pokedex, at least for the main region and not for the pokedex from the DLC? How long did it take?Idk how long it took but I found it WAY easier than in pretty much all previous games. You don't have to go out of your way to look for pokemon in the same way since you can see them in the overworld, and there are now high level wild pokemon and fully evolved ones that used to be hard to get walking around or in easy raids.
>>405122>i usually clock 300-400 hours in pokémon games easily, it's the first timd i get bored this fast with a main series game.Same! The DLC made the game a lot better tho in my opinion, but SV still has a glaring lack of "dailies". There's no reason to check in every day like older games had with timed or daily events for ribbons, berries or a lottery and so on. I don't like plain battles that much, so I don't like doing raids which is the only thing in daily rotation and I find outbreak shiny hunting boring… I wish there was a game corner, battle frontier or contests… or something new and fun. Absolutely insane that they don't have a racing minigame in some capacity when your mount is a bike and the outfits are all biker outfits. The only main series game I played less of is LGPE.
No. 406324
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No. 406509
>>406499TPC only acknowledges the anime (kid's money) and phone games (gatcha addict's money). The manga is just made for another aducience, and considering for how long it has been running for, it seems TPC still sees it as profitable even if they don't rehash it.
I think its better that way to be honest, doing its own thing and being free of having to appeal to the mainstream demographic (though sadly the pace Gamefreak has been releasing games is getting to the manga as well, as it progressed the main characters had less original changes when it came to their personality/backstory because it's hard to catch up with the games so they got less time to make up stuff)
No. 406584
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No. 406585
File: 1722532522553.png (2.11 MB, 1069x1500, 759084370529.png)

No. 406600
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No. 406762
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No. 406768
File: 1722578753757.gif (1.06 MB, 360x560, DiglettG1.gif)

i love diglett
No. 406926
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No. 406930
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No. 406932
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No. 406941
File: 1722657206120.jpg (310.62 KB, 858x1200, 114637623_p3.jpg)

No. 407093
File: 1722717626905.png (917.02 KB, 1080x680, 759084370529.png)

No. 407098
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No. 407143
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>>407107I feel like we do this q multiple times every thread LOL and I will always say the same one!
No. 407145
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>>407107I know it's far from the worst, but I can't stand looking at this fat fuck
No. 407146
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>>407107Samefag, also this pos
No. 407150
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>>407107I don't know if it's objectively bad, but I hate this thing.
No. 407153
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>>404443late, but yuka morii cards are my favourites
No. 407207
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>>407150i love him, but the chest "strings" are kinda gross
No. 407210
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No. 407212
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No. 407214
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No. 407215
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No. 407216
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No. 407231
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>>407149I hate Diggersby's design just because it's Lopunny's counterpart. I wouldn't care otherwise.
No. 407276
>>407231Is it though? I get both are rabbits with strong ears and a 1-step evolution line, but they're 2 generations appart and their pokedex entries don't mention the other nor are version exclusives.
What a way of running Bunnelby though, I love rabbits and you can imagine my disappointment when I saw that cutesy critters evolved into a middle-aged man with pot belly.
No. 407324
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>>407276Their relationship is like that of many Gen 1 and 5 Pokemon. Like Electrode and Amongus, or Grimer and Trubbish.
kind of like convergent pokemon but more creative No. 407341
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>>407149Conkeldurr. Absolutely hideous but I love this buff grandpa
No. 407360
File: 1722801255169.png (499.35 KB, 800x751, onlydreams-800x751.png)

i really like diggersby tbh
the face is funny and i love the ear "arms"
No. 407361
File: 1722801299456.gif (1.18 MB, 406x338, 660.gif)

fantastic shiny too
No. 407462
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Had to do it
No. 407473
File: 1722835957709.png (117.27 KB, 475x475, 740.png)

>>407149It's not the "cutest", but I absolutely love crabominable and find its design combinations so clever. I'm not the biggest fan of goofy pokemon as they frustrate me for being deliberately "worse" in design than they could(/should) be, but I don't mind it in crabominable because I can't see how a "cool" face would fix a big weird fluffy crab.
>>407145I don't know how they managed to make it look so punchable when it's literally just a squirrel
No. 407476
File: 1722836910151.png (352.14 KB, 732x739, GP4SR_eWUAAThm7.png)

>>407473they could have made it cute instead of hideous with the weird buck teeth and blonde bowl cut.
No. 407494
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>>407473>>407476I could be totally wrong, but I think the "hair" is supposed to mimic an asian straw hat because it's partly based on a yeti, and they're from himalaya/asia. The same himalayan region has weird looking masks, similar to hawaiian tiki masks, so the ugly face may be from that.
No. 407531
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No. 407532
File: 1722864028904.png (178.7 KB, 475x475, 1000006175.png)

>>407149I am an apologist for this and the Garbador line. Imagine hating such a goofy yet distinguished little guy.
No. 407548
File: 1722871632933.jpg (130.36 KB, 1128x738, CwAnY0rUEAAYuT2.jpg)

>>407149I will NEVER understand why people hate this adorable pink blob so much, especially when compared to its preëvolutinon.
No. 407560
File: 1722879883073.jpg (33.46 KB, 320x447, cewtie.jpg)

>>407149I never expected to like this guy but he's really grown on me. He seems like such a mischievous little guy!!
>>405468>>404965>>405047AYRT (sorry for the late response….) and it's so interesting to see how differently people collect. Your input really helped me realize organizing by dex number was a mistake kek I spent all afternoon a couple days ago reorganizing my collection. I'm waiting on a couple more binders and I'm going to have a mini one for full arts/ex/v cards and the others for my favorite types. Maybe someday if I end up with a card of each pokemon I'll try putting them in dex order
but I doubt that will ever happen>>407548you take that back about lickitung, he has been one of my faves since I was a child kek I think he's actually so cute
No. 407578
File: 1722886277346.gif (1.02 MB, 404x426, d1a.gif)

>>407574Yeah! Even when someone says that they hate Lickitung's design, they say that they hate Lickilicky's even more. It's the same story with Magmortar, Electivire, Tangrowth, and Rhyperior. Magnezone is the only sinnoh evolution of kanto pokemon that people generally like.
No. 407613
File: 1722902429111.jpeg (304.26 KB, 1840x1560, 32c7d02c9736a7f2755f775904a8e2…)

one of these pokemon is not like the others
No. 407661
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>>407548I used to not mind likitung until I found out they gave it the blow job dex number and I'm still so grossed out I can't see it the same
No. 407843
File: 1722997110265.gif (2.24 MB, 320x238, porygonZ.gif)

>>407578I love the sinnoh evolutions, I think they're so underrated. My favourites are Licilicky, Electivire, and Porygon Z.
No. 407936
File: 1723032075182.jpg (4.16 MB, 4000x4000, GECQkZ8aMAA8fz7.jpg)

it's already been three years since they announced legends z-a and we still haven't seen any gameplay footage…
No. 407937
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>>407936>three years since they announced legends z-a silly anon, that game came out 8 years ago, the same day as Delta Emerald
No. 408032
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Beautiful fanart! I hope the artist doesn't mind me posting it here.
No. 408034
File: 1723064995991.png (878.28 KB, 570x780, il_570xN.5102534715_l5eq.png)

>>407661i hate this banned grimer card too. even worse when you realize that those types of socks are considered "slutty" in japan. so grimer is looking up the skirt of a schoolgirl who is also "dressed sexy". barf
No. 408210
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>>408034makes me think of the jp pokemon anime op
No. 408341
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Look at this adorable slime dragon!
No. 408348
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>>408210so stupid. still, i loved how girls were portrayed in the pokemon world, being just as competent (or sometimes stupid and untalented) as the boys. felt really equalizing in childhood.
No. 408353
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>>408348Same, I loved the more GNC characters like Zoey as well. Even though I wasn't particularly tomboyish as a kid it still felt really nice to see.
No. 408488
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>>408348I miss those times when girls were competent trainers and not just all insecure and anxious… Give me the bratty confident girls back!
No. 408527
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don't hate liko she's trying her best
No. 408767
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No. 408800
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No. 408813
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Pretty fun to make trainer cards, here's one for my Emerald team from my recent playthrough.
No. 408915
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No. 408991
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No. 409260
File: 1723441374551.webp (34.18 KB, 450x335, 233909-bigthumbnail.webp)

>>408710related to this, who do you nonas think is the worst female protag we've had and why?
No. 409261
>>409260>GamesMay, she's ugly.
>AnimeI don't think I really care for any of them from what I've seen.
>MangaAlso have only read a couple of arcs but I really didn't care for Hilda who's just the stereotypical shounen protag's love interest character.
No. 409273
File: 1723444949865.jpg (32.63 KB, 640x480, DoTysLeW0AA4zxk.jpg)

>>409260dawn solely for her retarded fucking outfits. she looks terminally stupid wearing a knit beanie and a scarf with a tanktop and skirt and then a big winter jacket and also a skirt. like a special needs person who can't dress themselves.
No. 409274
>>409260>gamesJuliana, ugly ass school uniform and retarded hair with literal stitches on her forehead
>animeLiko, there is nothing cool or fun about her
No. 409304
File: 1723460661981.webp (76.7 KB, 695x839, hair.webp)

>>409297>Juliana (although tbf I think the reason she's so plain/ugly is to encourage you to customise her)I think that's true but it's a retarded mindset on game freaks part. You still want your characters to stand on their own, you don't get customized version of the merch. I know plenty of girls who happily get Dawn or Serena figurines and posters because they love them as "characters" or just the design but I can't imagine anyone feels that way for Juliana. I frankly haven't seen a single person who loves her design, at best I get "aw it's not that bad, I kinda like it" as a reaction.
It's also ridiculous that we don't even get the option to look like a main character when npcs like Brassius gets to have thorns in his hair and Iono gets split hair colors. There's not even a long hair option in the game! There's no option not to look plain!
No. 409322
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>>409304The way game freak is prioritizing character customization is horrible to me as someone who doesn't like pretending to be the player character. I even name the player characters by their official names. It's like how you get to name the characters that you play in Final Fantasy games, but that doesn't make them generic avatars.
No. 409355
>>409349>a pedo-baiting fitHow is it pedo-baiting?
>And she stole Kris' gameNah gamefreak just literally forgot that Kris existed
No. 409378
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>>409349>pedo-baitinglmao what? are you the anon who keeps saying all anime is pedo-bait?
I'm honestly surprised people are mad that Lyra followed after Kris meaning we get an extra female character (which is fair because gen 1 didn't have one), but no one is talking about how Red was replaced by Chase and in the latest canon Red was never even champion nor did he stop team Rocket or contribute to the Kanto plot
No. 409451
File: 1723497220195.png (79.84 KB, 560x560, hellokitty23_1.png)

>>409439No, this fit.
Funny how that anon is seething on Lyra being a supposed pedobait, back when she was revealed moids got so mad at Game Freak because she was wearing overalls instead of a mini skirt like all the previous femalw MCs kek
No. 409454
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>>409451the outfit is really ugly tbh but i like her appearance
No. 409455
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>>409304i hate that for all the stupid facial options you couldn't even change your clothing in sv.
part of the pokémon experience for me is blowing all my pokédollars on a new outfit in every town
No. 409485
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>>409474Ugh I try to not think of them as picrel. Though good thing Cinderace exists and is the complete opposite of a fat ugly bastard.
No. 409489
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>>409485Posting some cute fanart to cleanse out nasty thoughts
even after seeing some nasty furry coomshit No. 409490
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No. 409491
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No. 409492
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No. 409493
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No. 409494
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No. 409495
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No. 409496
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No. 409498
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Though female Diggersby x male Lopunny is pretty cute too
No. 409499
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No. 409500
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No. 409573
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>>409474>>409485you guys are being so weird over magical cartoon rabbits. all of them are cute. it's fine.
No. 409575
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No. 409577
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No. 409578
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No. 409582
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Question to nonnas, feel free to shit on me. Which of the new teachers do you like the most? For me it's Raifort, 'cause she is muterious and evil, probably beung the most interesting from all of the instructors.
No. 409583
>>409474I think you're right in a way. They made lopunny to be a female stereotype and diggersby to be a male stereotype, I don't think there's much more to it than that.
Honestly I wish the "bait" pokemon these were as subtle as lopunny. Tsareena has a massive ass and shiny boots, meowscarada is literally a human in a cat costume. At least lopunny is "just" a cute bunny
No. 409589
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>>409580Lyra is my favorite too but Kris has grown on me, her design is pretty dated yeah but I still think it's got cute aspects like her jacket and hair color. I like how they're basically written as best friends now.
No. 409592
File: 1723535351497.png (370.55 KB, 822x807, a.png)

>>409580i just really hate that shade of blue and red together. it gives mario. here's some edits i like
No. 409597
>>409592Sorry but I hate that ugly brown and think the blue and red is cute, it reminds me of hello kitty and it works because red and blue are iconic in the pokemon world for obvious reasons
>>409589While I don't like her outfit (too messy) I will always love Kris for having unnatural hair and looking like an actual anime protag unlike every other character
No. 409605
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>>408813I could never have enough patience to look for a Ralts, let alone find and evolve a Feebas.
No. 409607
>>409583Yeah the reason of why I like Lopunny so much is because she hits a nice mid between humanoid and animal designs. Stuff like Gardevoir, while pretty, is too human for my taste (petting one in Pokemon Amie feels so wrong) and Tsareena is too obviously coom.
At least Lopunny still looks like a rabbit.
No. 409612
>>409605Feebas didn't actually take me that long to find, granted I was playing on an emulator so I could speed up the process but even then I didn't have to look that long.
Evolving it is incredibly easy though, just blend a bunch of purple berries.
No. 409641
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la creatura
No. 409702
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Since nobody mentioned it yet, Rachel Lillis, the voice actress of Jessie, Misty, and Jigglypuff, just passed away.
No. 409948
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Pokemon owes its popularity in America to the 4kids dub. It won't be where it is today if not for Rachael.
No. 410626
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>>409702>>409948Let's make Jessie, Misty, or Jigglypuff (or all three) the next thread pic to honor her legacy
No. 410742
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No. 410840
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No. 410845
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finally got my shiny togekiss in pogo. i have a shiny togepi too, all i need is a togetic. i wanna have the whole family, they're one of my favourite lines. i love togekiss to pieces
No. 410965
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what is your favorite pikachu clone?
togedemaru is just so stupidly cute
No. 410972
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>>410965Pachirisu! They're absolutely adorable, has a cute pink shiny and are good in battle.
No. 410991
File: 1723931194497.png (128.19 KB, 245x343, SV4PT5_EN_135.png)

>>410965Shinx. Cute lil electric Lion baby that is weirdly powerful if you put in the effort. Plus, their final form is cool.
No. 411022
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>>411021fat pikachu or bust. FUCK necked pikachu.
No. 411023
>>410991Does Shinx count? I feel like Pikachu clones have to be rodents.
>>411020>>410972I love both of these so much.
>>409948RIP legend
No. 411038
>>411031the pikachu clones are all
>electric>mouse-like>have beady black eyes>have cheek markingssome consider mimikyu and marill to be pikachu clones, though they don't follow those rules
No. 411174
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>>411038The only reason I don't consider mimikyu a pikachu clone is that there's already a clear one in its gen. Did not know that about marill.
I like every pikachu clone except for picrel
No. 411184
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praying for legends z-a gameplay trailer after the world championship finals
No. 411311
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>>407149is metagross considered ugly? it's one of my favorites. this specific picture made me love it.
No. 411313
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i just want to ride around on one
No. 411315
>>411215What's wrong with the middle evo looking similar tho? It's not like it's taking a dex spot away, the only thing that would have happened if it wasn't there is that the gen would have 1 less pokemon. If you're fine with gen 1 pokemon like the pidgey line or the poliwhirl line there shouldn't be an issue with this line either imo
>>411311>is metagross considered ugly?No, it's literally a fan favorite for being cool and powerful
No. 411316
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>>411315ok, i looked up an "ugliest pokemon list" and i have to say i love mandibuzz a lot too. she gets a lot of undeserved hate. vultures are cool, and i like an all-female species that isn't coomer coded. she's a bad bitch
No. 411329
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>>411323>Not wrong per se, the design just feels redundant as I said. At least the Pidgey line look different enough to each other.pidgeot is a pidgeotto with a highlights in its hair
poliwrath is an angry poliwhirl
primape is a mankey with bracelets
clefable is clefairy biggger wings
dewgong is a seel without a yellow mouth
muk is a larger grimer
kingler is just a bigger krabby
I bet if you were a kid you'd just be happy to have that extra pokemon! Personally I find all the gen 1 throwbacks and twists in sv to be a nice detail! It's pretty funny that they literally made a joke of it by making dudunsparce kek
I think pawmo is cuter than pawmot, the lighter orange shade is nicer and the hair is a cute fluffy swoop rather than the anime spike hair it then gets when it evolves.
No. 411331
>>411316speaking of ugly pokemon, the more people hate on jynx the more i like her. but i am from a culture when black face "doesn't exist" in the public mind (as in if i asked people what they thought about it it's 90% chance they've never even heard the term) and i'm young enough that i only ever really saw purple jynx
i just like that she's an unapologetically female stereotype that still isn't coomer bait and is instead hated by moids, you go girl
No. 411355
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>>410972Same! Not sure about the "good in battle" part, though.
No. 411382
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>>411331The reason why people "hate" Jynx is that it is difficult to imagine that it is not literally wearing a dress, same with Hitmonchan. Pokemon like Gardevoir and Gothitelle get away with it because it feels like it's part of their bodies.
don't ask about machoke and machamp No. 411727
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Make Pikachu Fat Again!
No. 411743
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>>411727I favorite is the mid era, platinum is my fave pose and i love how half the ear is black lol
I like fit pika more than fat pikachu, the only problem is i hate the massive arms it's had since the switch to 3D. But most of all… bring back the red cheeks! Stop making them pale!
"b-but it's just the saturation of 3D engine that is bad" no fuck off look at the red in Ash's hat, there was NO reason not to give pikachu red cheeks
No. 411780
File: 1724173930156.jpg (190.36 KB, 480x600, 31369861_p0.jpg)

>>411743>mid eraThe era when Pikachu still hadn't grown a chin yet lol.
>i hate the massive arms it's had since the switch to 3Dsomehow I have literally never noticed them before and now I can't unsee them. thanks nonne…
>>411775It's not just Pikachu, all Pokemon became pale in XY for some reason.
No. 411801
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>>411780>somehow I have literally never noticed them before and now I can't unsee them. thanks nonne…you're welcome kek i assume it has to do with animation so it can go down on it's front paws an look "balanced", but imo they should just make the arms longer if needed when it's on all 4 paws. It's a fantasy creature, it doesn't need to be fully "realistic"
>>411775It's not only pikachu that got washed out, every time I see white-with-a-purple-tint starmie I cry. In my mind it's a dark purple!
No. 411839
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>>411801at least it still looks purple in pogo i guess
No. 411862
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>>411765this has no bearing on how good it is lol, that's not how tier lists work. pachirisu is so bad it's not even ranked as a NU. people can also use that rattata gimmick with endeavor. that doesn't mean rattata is actually good.
>>411801can't stand this. i also hate how so many pink pokemon went from this lovely pale pastel color to nasty chewed-bubblegum pink.
No. 411885
File: 1724192270846.jpg (1.2 MB, 1267x1169, you get a 2x1 on pics since lo…)

>>411862I wonder how many of these were actually supposed to be pastel pink. Looks like the gen 1-2 art we got is deep-fried due to incorrect scans back then by official sources and so have wrong colors (RIP to all the artists who spent years trying to mimic the "original" pokemon style). You can read more about it here
Something I miss is Mew having darker tail/paw points though. Mew is still pastel in most promo artwork as well, but for whatever reason the games insists on bubblegum pink…
No. 411891
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>>411885they were supposed to be pastel, they were pastel in the old anime/movies before they became gross pink.
No. 412003
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>>411862>>411885I was about to comment the same! He actually posted mew though, the shade was a "colder" pink than in your image but the body is still pale
>>411743>>411891My personal headcanon is that it's a regional difference (though remakes kinda ruin it lol). So in my head kanto pikachu is often chubbier/fluffier or a brighter yellow, chansey is paler… and in a more modern region like Kalos their chansey just happens to have a darker coat of fur and pikachu there has pinker cheeks etc
No. 412005
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>>411885Do you prefer one? I can't choose, somehow they both feel "normal" to me
No. 412014
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>>411176>Except Emolgaexplain yourself
No. 412035
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>>412014I blame her. Her two Emolgas with volt switch were a nightmare when I was a dumbass teen.
>>412005I mean I like the right more than the left, but both color schemes are pleasing.
No. 412052
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>>412035I also had a difficult time beating her. And honestly, being annoying like that is what makes Elesa one of the most memorable Gym Leaders in Pokemon (aside from her Gym music in BW2). She's like the Whitney of Unova, but more impressive since Unova is full of memorable Gym Leaders.
No. 412097
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>>412093i like to use ghost types against those. what are you gonna do, punch a gengar?
No. 412154
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Somebody just made this in the art request thread, next thread pic?
No. 412164
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>>403685I hate so many in SV; the art style makes them look like cheap Pixar characters
the series needs to get weeby again QUICK
No. 412336
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>>412164Humans in Paldea are so ugly, it's shocking. Most characters have something "wrong" with them, like they have a massive forehead, massive chin, oddly beady eyes etc it objectively doesn't look appealing. They have zero appeal. At least in older gens the fat hiker was seen as comical and had the whole hiker look going. It feels like they don't know who they're designing for.
It's funny how they made such a big thing out of the students being mostly fugly adults of mixed ages, yet every TCG card of students have a collection of cute normal looking anime kids. They know they fucked up and that nobody wants cards of the actual trainers in the games
No. 412342
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>>412336I haven't played SV yet and it seems like there's only a handful of characters in this generation that the fandom gives a shit about kek
No. 413079
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Post your secret base (any game they’re in applies)
No. 413099
File: 1724515494913.jpg (413.04 KB, 1080x831, ug.jpg)

This scrote annoys me so fucking much. I hate to admit I do watch him sometimes but I can't stand when he makes coom thumbnails.
No. 413101
>>413099He's a smug dickhead who made fun of a small female artist in public so I don't watch him. Half of what he says isn't true but he pretends to be an intellectual and people don't bother to fact check so he gets away with it.
Also any man who uses coomer thumbnails do not respect females, so I always unfollow and click "don't recommend this channel" whenever they do. Ain't got time for that shit. The bar is on the floor and he couldn't get over it.
No. 413147
File: 1724529980265.jpg (82.82 KB, 1280x720, Banana_Togepi.jpg)

>>413099Wtf ew. I just unsubscribed to him after seeing that. Disgusting. Just because Whitney has a Miltank doesn't mean she has big boobs. Her tits aren't even that big to begin with. Cow/milk = big boobs is fucking retarded and same goes to moids who coom to Hex Maniac. No wonder I hardly watch his video nowadays since I always thought he was cringe and annoying. I will not support any moid coomers. Any other Pokemon channels you nonnies recommend? Especially female Pokemon YouTubers?
So far,
>CandyEvie>partyarlie>Shiny Catherine>Tama Hero
>TyranitarTubeI just think his playthroughs and randomizer nuzlockes are fun to watch though mostly I watch for Pokemon news and speculations and I like that he goes in detail about them and making interesting points.
No. 413173
>>413099the main guy talks like a low test faggot
>>413147i like pikasprey solely for the retarded softlock videos he makes, they make me laugh
No. 413257
>>413102>but Whitney is a fucking CHILD character as wellWho gives a shit, better that then people drawing porn of the actual mons.
This is a franchise where almost every protagonist is under 15 and gets shipped with characters over 20 anyway.
No. 413527
File: 1724666109369.gif (72.78 KB, 560x420, 1647387112255.gif)

>>413432>buzzwords>>413457>buzzwords>>413491>buzzwordsNothing is more autistic than getting mad at others online for not agreeing with your baseless headcanons. To me, Whitney is 40 years old and you can't convince me otherwise.
No. 413535
File: 1724669159373.jpeg (37.77 KB, 715x480, 8ef5faaf-d297-429b-b448-5b57d1…)

>>413527>baseless headcanons>To me, Whitney is 40 years old and you can't convince me otherwiseAt most she looks and acts like a teenager. No 40 year-old would whine and cry after losing a battle and refusing to give her gym badge. That's really immature.
>autistic>for bashing moid coomshit and pedoshitDunno why your defending this hard to make Whitney legal and acceptable to be sexualized. If not any underaged female character or mon for moids to coom to. It's sickening and doing so doesn't make you a cool girl. Like idc if you headcanon her as adult but for coom purposes to please the moid gaze, just no. Gross. Remeber what site you're on. I bet you collect Sonico or Nekopara figures and think they're totally based and
valid to own.
No. 413547
File: 1724671646578.jpg (78.82 KB, 845x1000, d166e-16970027061445.jpg)

>>413535>At most she looks and acts like a teenager.That's your headcanon. There are countless characters in adult characters in anime that act exactly like her. Even Clair acts like a whiney loser once you defeat her.
>Dunno why your defending this hard to make Whitney legal and acceptable to be sexualized.I called you autistic for pulling out the "she's a child" card out of nowhere even though she has no confirmed age and doesn't even look like a child.
>but for coom purposes to please the moid gaze, just no. Gross.That's literally what I said here
>>413317. We all agree that Lockstin's thumbnail
is shit, let's just focus on that.
No. 413558
>>413535I'm not following the convo, but to be honest she doesn't look like a child to me. Definetly no a 40yo, but she acts like a 20-25yo who had too much mommy/daddy money growing up and ended up being a spoiled princess kek.
Maybe it's because I don't follow the anime, but aside from the player and their friends most characters don't look like kids. When I first played Sun/Moon I thought the plant and water leaders where young adults as well, but apparently they're kids according to the anime…?
Anime art can make it difficult to distinguish between ages since it aims to make everyone pretty, so I can see why some people will think they look like kids and/or adults to their point of view, unless they're very obvious.
No. 413568
File: 1724676350543.png (327.26 KB, 728x410, IMG_5121.png)

shut the fuck up with the infighting already
anyway can't wait to see psyduck in UNITE, they even gave him a migraine ultimate attack and everything. full retard power
No. 413645
File: 1724699154262.jpg (206.97 KB, 2048x1536, 20240723_234722.jpg)

I really think eggchan is unironically autistic(do not encourage personailtyfags)
No. 413702
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No. 413721
File: 1724714418416.png (181.82 KB, 984x896, IMG_4330.png)

>>413705yeah i get you. i like psyduck better than golduck but in general, it's annoying when they hold off evo. that leads to stupid shit like eevees that can't evolve. also raichu was robbed
No. 413819
>>413721I didn't even like pikachu as a kid but i loved raichu, so them never giving it attention still pisses me off. They even gave eevee and pikachu gigantamax forms instead of their evos…
I think game freak doesn't really get that the vast majority of people who like eevee like it because of the evolutions, not because of eevee itself.
No. 413820
File: 1724739753903.jpg (76.75 KB, 686x386, spacebun.jpg)

Our girl is going to space! I wish they'd make it easier to match an entire team in the same outfits instead of making the holowear sporadically like this. I know gengar had a space outfit years ago already when the game was brand new.
No. 413822
File: 1724741170333.png (528.76 KB, 584x680, ETpo4DLUwAAYHcE.png)

>>413721raich is one of my favorite pokemon. thoughts on gorochu?
No. 413903
File: 1724755805926.png (2.29 MB, 2124x2124, 85486151_p0.png)

>>413819I don't think they would want to show favoritism to any one specific eeveelotion. It's logical to give Eevee more attention.
No. 414012
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No. 414212
File: 1724861279306.jpg (88.98 KB, 600x396, 1274922428952.jpg)

I just want fucking Poison and Dragon eeveelutions already. Sick of Sylveon.
No. 414527
File: 1724951905709.jpg (47.92 KB, 500x441, efca4b099176cad16790ab462af986…)

Tell me some minor detail about pokemon you like but never get the opportunity to talk about
I'll go first:
>they often have nice paintings/art in houses, I always stop to enjoy them
>bikes. the games made biking seem cool to me as a kid so it encouraged me to be more independent and active
>names being translated, both pokemon and humans. maybe a bit controversial but people have gotten pretentious about names being translated recently, I think it comes from some woke anti-racism sentiment about names but as if using the name Huuro for a "american" character from Unova somehow makes the game more authentic? it's just more fun when the names change so it makes sense for everyone who plays them regardless of what language they speak
No. 414729
File: 1726073987250.jpeg (51.8 KB, 564x564, 2909728f329afc20b6ba7dae1de4e1…)

kalos sitting cuties are coming out today nonnies, who are you getting?
>sylveon >braixen i am getting them 100% might add more mons.
>>414527i really like the sinnoh myths or just myths and culture each region has in general. makes the region feel more "lived in".
No. 415011
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Someone in one of my discord groups now has a marill pfp and I have the faintest of hope that she's a secret terf farmer like me
No. 415337
File: 1726265073693.png (329.65 KB, 800x800, 113398384_p9.png)

YAAAAY we're back!
No. 415698
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No. 415726
>>414734I still can't wrap my head around it, even Square Enix has a EU store. The few pop-up Pokemon Center they did on a few countries around the years were insanely popular, and if Britain has access to the online store then that means they have no problems shipping/storing things near here.
That said, the US store has worse quality than the JP one (for example I remember the halloween plushes were missing the hanging pieces, or if they have them, they're made of felt) and many collections are exclusive to JP since they're collabs with japanese brands/stores, so I prefer getting stuff off Sugura-ya/Mercari JP.
No. 415802
File: 1726473898957.jpg (347.03 KB, 500x1010, 256557_original.jpg)

Found some comparison pics of pokédolls, hope nonas don't mind a bit of spam. As you can see from the tags Japanese version is on the left and US on the right. The Japanese one of these 2 are superior unless you happen to love the pastel orange shade more
No. 415803
File: 1726474063378.jpg (501.79 KB, 500x1339, 256823_original.jpg)

US left, Japan right. For this one I think the face is cuter on JP, but some details like the tail and ears look better on US.
No. 415804
File: 1726474351294.jpg (388.98 KB, 500x1068, 260309_original.jpg)

US version looks like it's been in the washer for too long lol
No. 415806
File: 1726474607351.jpg (304.55 KB, 500x872, 257714_original.jpg)

Reminder that these are all from 2015, nearly a decade ago now but it's still interesting to see the comparison of what used to be standard. Here's a link to way more of them a eurofag nearly all my imports have been from Japan so I'm glad I generally got the better deal.
No. 415849
File: 1726488143810.webp (33.28 KB, 350x443, kellyn_kate.webp)

>>415807I'm so sad the ranger games are probably gone forever now because they were so tied to the touch screen. To bring them back they'd have to completely rethink the entire game play system and at that point is it even a ranger game? Even though the switch does have a touch screen I don't think any of the pokemon games use it, and it's still not the same as a DS screen with a pen.
I love the ranger outfits because they feel so "pokemon" to me, more so than modern pokemon protagonists
No. 415854
File: 1726489189255.jpg (83.47 KB, 588x331, 1000008015.jpg)

>>415849Shadows of Almia was so good. On a related note I love these two and their gravity defying hair kek
No. 415879
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No. 416523
File: 1726735576320.png (1.48 MB, 638x2398, u78yYAh.png)

No. 416607
File: 1726760317874.jpg (985.88 KB, 735x1024, MilceryStellarCrown152.jpg)

Bought a Stellar Crown booster bundle and pulled this cute card. I love it
Kind of wish I had local collectors near me to trade bulk cards with though
No. 417906
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No. 418431
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No. 418811
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>>414527>spooky, dark and mysterious bits in the games like ghost people, the Old Chateau, Lavender Town, Dittos are failed clones of Mew, etc. It's just so intriguing and I like that people make theories and discussions about them. Even some connecting to real life like the Ruins of Alph being inspired by the archaeological sites in Asuka or the controversial theory of the Regi trio being connected to the WWII bombing.>also people mentioning about scrapped content or inaccessible areas in the games the like the locked power plant doors, Kalos mythicals, scrapped Rhyhorn race in XY, scrapped golf course in SUMO, etc. Just imagine what they could've been like if Game Freak gave more time in fleshing out the games. Maybe they were orginally supposed to have more exploration, future mythical events or more minigames. It's more of a disappointment but it's interesting to talk about.>Legends Arceus has some really nice areas like the Cottonsedge Prairie or the Fabled Spring but I don't see much people complimenting them besides towns and cities in other main line games even though I like them too. Sometimes I'd like to take neat pics of my Pokemon and just hang around. Also I like to go at high places and fly from there too.>diving is such a cool mechanic and it adds so much to the exploration. Wished they bring it back and also the ability to sit in certain areas like in XY. It's a nice touch.>secret bases are super cool too and they're fun to decorate. Love to be in my cozy space. BDSP is such a disappointment though.>food in Pokemon looks really delicious even though they're based off of real life food. Poffins, pokepuffs, curries, I wanna try them all. No. 418887
File: 1727472695625.jpg (169.03 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_774157d23dcc681dbd91eef…)

Any nonnas want to be friends in GO? I just recently got into it and it's been pretty decent fun. I'm eight years late and pretty new, but I'd love to trade gifts!
No. 421133
File: 1728187881023.jpg (1.09 MB, 1000x2000, __duskull_dusknoir_and_dusclop…)

Post your favourite ghost types for October
No. 421215
File: 1728219030115.jpeg (585.59 KB, 828x708, IMG_0779.jpeg)

these are pretty cute!
No. 421519
File: 1728298579300.jpeg (205.46 KB, 751x1050, lgCsMLh.jpeg)

i wish i had the money to buy boxes upon boxes of tcg cards, just for the pretty art
No. 421876
File: 1728379252383.jpg (652.44 KB, 2656x1308, 3c961389a5c60b7adb8d465697c6c0…)

Are you on Team Red or Team Blue?
No. 421893
>>421876I still don't get why people prefer Miraidon over Koraidon (at least when the game was new, I don't know if it has changed now)
Miraidon is a motorized dick and balls, at least Koraidon looks like an actual animal.
No. 421919
>>421905at least violet gets slightly less terrible uniforms. I picked it over scarlet just so i wouldn't have to run around in some naruto ass outfit
>>421876don't really care about most of these except ho-oh and my boy yveltal so red i guess
No. 421921
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>>421876Blue because it's the girl's side
No. 421988
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>>421876i'm pretty evenly split but if it were just blue vs red i go red. it's the entire reason i picked team valor lol
No. 422148
File: 1728481387865.png (1.65 MB, 1434x1542, poketoon.png)

this is the ugliest fucking anime nose I've ever seen, what in the racism is pokemon doing
No. 422150
File: 1728482161889.png (2.58 MB, 2324x1400, poketoon_.png)

>>422148he has the disney dog-human nose while other characters look like normal anime
if this is the art direction pokemon goes in i will legit quit the series after having been a lifelong fan, it is too ugly and stupid
No. 422193
>>422155I enjoy how they expanded and regions aren't limited to Japan anymore (it's fun to see the variety in towns/pokemom inspo) but god the 3D model art style is so ugl it's keeping me away from buying SV.
Been a bit trying to come up with a reason of why everyone looks so bad, but I really can't. Either the tinfoil anon from some time ago about Japan/GF being racist is right or they think since the anime, manga and merch fix character design they feel they can get away with pandering those people on the games
No. 422229
>>422155>What's their goal here? This is a very serious question because they don't need to make extra efforts to cater to Western markets.I really do not fucking get it at all. The west LOVES stereotypical anime too. The only people who don't like it are 60+ year olds art teachers who think it's not "real" art, and guess what, pokemon GO now have their wallet in a death grip anyway. People who are in their 30s now more often than not literally grew up watching anime in their childhood, and the younger they are the more anime they've grown up with.
>>422193>Either the tinfoil anon from some time ago about Japan/GF being racist is rightI legit can't tell if game freak/japan is casually racist as fuck (they are), or if they're now partly run by westaboos who're desperately trying to emulate the tumblr troon art style and they're convinced that's what the "progressive west" loves.
No. 422241
>>422221>the regions based America, England and France have characters that are mostly attractive but the one based on Spain suddenly has a dog nose.The screenshot in
>>422148 is set in Lumiose city, it's Kalos/French. But it's specifically only the black/dark skin guy so we know it's racially motivated. His nose looks like it's from animal crossing.
The ugly faces really started to creep up with 3D models being used in game, I remember thinking just a few characters in Alola looked a little bit too cartoony. Then in Galar, even more of them looked ugly and very noticeably potato-nosed. Paldea comes around and 90% of them look fucking disfigured. So over all I'm inclined to think it's just a bad style change and not racism. Well that is until I remember legends arceus exists which is again set in Japan and they all look normal and not western cartoony at all.
No. 422261
File: 1728499846310.jpg (155.7 KB, 1280x720, 1000027707.jpg)

>>422193It's pretty common for anime to draw any non-Asian characters as looking really weird or more realistic than the rest of the cast kek. Picrel is an example.
>>422148I can't believe they went through all this trouble to make him look like a racist caricature and
still gave him blue eyes. No. 422292
File: 1728503347474.png (1.06 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_4573.png)

i'm sad they never gave mimikyu alternate forms
No. 422293
File: 1728503383336.jpg (36.2 KB, 620x465, accidentally-racist-pictures-7…)

>>422256japan really is behind in that way, reminds me of picrel kek
No. 422369
>>422241>Then in Galar, even more of them looked ugly and very noticeably potato-nosed. At least SWSH has a reason for the weird art style change, James Turner was the art director for that gen and his personal art is very cartoony.
It is kind of weird though since he's clearly capable of designing cooler things (Shadow Lugia) but maybe his tastes changed
On that note the only explanation I have for is that someone else was calling the shots because I don't want to believe Mana Ibe's human art is ugly (only see drawing pokemon)
No. 422515
>>422369Even though they're the art director it doesn't seem like they're responsible for all the human designs. In swsh Take designed all the gym leaders and imo they look nice and like regular anime, except for Opal and her giant witch nose but at least the witchy intentions were clear then. So I wonder how many humans in general were James design/direction, or if he just trusted a certain artist to do the job. And that artist in turn happened to have a certain style. Also James Turner actually designed the 2 professors in SV, and imo they're some of the very few good designs in those games. So I don't think it was really his fault either…?
So Mana Ibe could have trusted the designs to some artist with shitty taste, even if she herself wouldn't have drawn it like that. She would still have to sign off on it though.
Honestly if I was the art director of the region with the ugliest characters (by a lot too) I'd be so embarrassed.
No. 423026
File: 1728658015902.jpg (49.47 KB, 640x333, mismagius'syummyhalloween.jpg)

café remix has the cutest designs but i haven't played the game in years, i just enjoy it through pictures posted lol
No. 423246
File: 1728736249888.png (159.92 KB, 484x484, 0905Enamorus.png)

What do you honestly think about this Pokemon?
No. 423250
File: 1728738290970.jpg (406.83 KB, 1080x2340, 1000000180.jpg)

>>423246She is based, but I've always loved the genies.
No. 423295
File: 1728746343152.png (153.16 KB, 410x303, trugreen7-ron.png)

I like watching poketubers now and then but I hate moids like trugreen7 who use sexualized thumbnails
No. 423304
File: 1728747339400.png (178.17 KB, 506x506, 0905Enamorus-Therian.png)

>>423246Therian form is better, but that goes for all the genies
No. 423306
>>421921>>421922i don't see what makes them "girly"
>>423250>vaguely feminine monster in a group of 3 other monsters that look like muscular men (all canonically genderless)>is themed around emotions and love unlike stuff like natural phenomena (earthquakes, lightning, storms)>"she"so tired of this bullshit
No. 423319
File: 1728748764575.png (166.48 KB, 303x408, asdaswed.png)

>>423295He's been doing a lot of clickbaity shit lately. That ugly over the top reaction kills me lool
No. 423331
>>423310Sorry I didn't know that. The design was so hideous I couldn't be bothered to read about it. It still kinda proves my point though, it's the only female in the group and her powers and design are based on emotions and love, what the fuck lmao
>>423319I just went through his older videos and it's like a completely different person kek
>>423295It's tiring seeing so many youtubers start to show sexual pictures and their soyface in the thumbnails to try and manipulate you into watching clickbait for views
No. 423546
>>423319The second youtubers unironically do "algorithm faces" is when you know they're creatively bankrupt and have started to hate their youtube jobs. Ron is always kinda sexist and has been giving me the ick for years
>>423331>to try and manipulate you into watching clickbait for viewsNot us though, they're trying to get little sexist boys too watch it "because sexy woman boobs lol" and he gives zero shit that it in turn alienates most female viewers. It's then extra funny when you see him simp for some woman online, like yeah no wonder you're single buddy
No. 423636
File: 1728792778065.jpg (79.95 KB, 694x894, Enamorus fixed.jpg)

>>423313Retarded design. Unlike the other three who all have highly defined masculine bodies, Enamorus ended up with a stupid stick figure tree trunk body. Literally why?
No. 423638
>>423306sun lunala pokedex entry
>It is said to be a female evolution of Cosmog. When its third eye activates, away it flies to another world.shield zacian pokedex entry
>This Pokémon has slumbered for many years. Some say it's Zamazenta's elder sister—others say the two Pokémon are rivals. No. 423642
File: 1728794302737.jpg (7.76 KB, 128x128, GZvOLgrW0AIuCma.jpg)

btw there is a huge Pokemon beta leak on 4chan
No. 423651
File: 1728794843675.png (737 B, 128x128, 1728787436174142.png)

>>423642Blazekias is real!
No. 423727
>>423715Nah finding unreleased stuff like this that was gonna be kept on a vault forever is cool, as long as they don't reveal new games and such it's fine.
I wish Game Freak released actual artbooks with concept art of actual and beta pokemon, they know we go crazy about them (remember when they showed bits of a few gen-1 beta and people lost their minds?), I don't know why they're so secretive about them.
No. 423736
File: 1728810891670.jpg (275.52 KB, 2000x2000, GZurd2iWMA8vXys.jpg)

This Lickylicky looks better than the real one
No. 423737
File: 1728811388967.png (12.02 KB, 910x120, Screens.png)

If this is the reason of why we got the leaks, then the dude deserved it kek
No. 423740
File: 1728811904170.png (347.3 KB, 1297x917, 1728807914025246.png)

Here are the animation concept art for every pokemon and trainer! Just downloaded it and its legit, every sheet is in PDF format No. 423751
File: 1728815931530.jpg (249.91 KB, 2048x1706, GZwoTdOWsAcIE7w.jpg)

As someone whose very first starter (and favorite Pokemon) is Mudkip, I really love this bunny.
No. 423757
File: 1728819140568.jpg (1.93 MB, 2646x1707, 1728792676563713.jpg)

Really curious about what goes behind the scenes when it comes to Pokemon creation. Seems like they design usual monsters and then pokemon-ify them along the road?
The Cacturine and waterdog guy is working on the wrong franchise kek Their would would shine more elsewhere
No. 423759
File: 1728820116649.jpg (128.82 KB, 507x680, tumblr_53ad9be91bc76923b0f89a2…)

>>423246i hate all the genies but actually like her. the design is so retardedly over-the-top and weird that i'm endeared to it, and i like the color scheme. she's great in competitive too.
No. 423760
File: 1728820236404.jpg (86.34 KB, 1200x675,…)

silly cloud snake turtle
No. 423771
File: 1728825214354.png (46.6 KB, 576x880, 1728816001693050.png)

oh my god
No. 423773
>>423727How do you know it was gonna be kept in a vault forever? One day they might have made a behind the scenes documentary or book. But more likely is that they've simply ruined the designs by doing this. We've seen that game freak redesigns old pokemon or take old concepts they weren't happy with at the time. Now that these designs have been exposed, they're forever unusable to game freak as they're no longer new to the public. It's like someone came in a licked all the cupcakes, on the surface they look the same but you can't ever sell those now.
I fully believe this is the main reason they don't do those cool concept art books, because to them all the designs and ideas still have potential so they don't want to give them up. But now they've all been made useless. So if you see a cool leak, congratulations, you just ruined the chances of it ever becoming real.
No. 423774
Are y'all posting leaks or fanart, please specify
>>423751this looks awful though lmao
No. 423775
>>423757You let the creature designers design in the style they feel comfortable in, then have the team work on pokéfying it. Forcing them all to draw in a wanna-be ken sugimori style from the start would hinder their ability to design. This is a normal process, it's why you have art directors to pull it all together in the end
>>423761>I wonder if they recycle some of these concepts in other games.They won't now that they've leaked
No. 423776
File: 1728826369860.png (70.31 KB, 630x1246, 1728812281259553.png)

>>423774Those are fanart of leaked designs
No. 423778
File: 1728826819716.png (48.78 KB, 632x1019, 1728815634083914.png)

>>423777Scrapped text that possibly was meant to appear in Canalave Library (or maybe GF were just fuckin around I hope).
No. 423788
File: 1728828217932.png (371.5 KB, 1170x1110, 1728822910085180.png)

>>423786They were translated by AI like all the leaks
No. 423790
File: 1728829023558.png (123.84 KB, 475x475, 310.png)

>>423757>waterdog guyLooks like electricity to me, not water. It reminds me of pic related if we're talking about gen 3.
No. 423795
>>423792Yeah another person said the porpouse of these is written at the top of the document (I haven't seen pics of the original files, can't confirm), about them being writting exercises or something. Makes sense as there are similar text on the games.
There's a bunch of men calling the rape based and making fun of the stories though I'm not going back to the hellzone that is 4chan to find more about it, I just grabbed all the links I could and ran away.
No. 423800
>>423771I really hope this is fake, but having seen leaks of other game companies this is probably real.
>>423773I know you are speaking about only the concept art, but imagine if they would actually reuse some of these leaked writing in there games kek. Maybe its good that this was all leaked
No. 423920
File: 1728852621594.jpg (83.83 KB, 659x900, GZvi24RXYAAhHGJ.jpg)

Not like we didn't know but the leaks explicitly confirming that they do keep coomer appeal in mind when designing characters disappointed me.
No. 423932
File: 1728856057145.jpeg (138.77 KB, 962x643, IMG_6848.jpeg)

>>421133Banette! screencap from the animation sheet leak
No. 423938
>>423933Yeah 60kg would be the normal/healthy weight for that height over here, but considering Japan is generally lighter it makes sense she's a bit below that.
Don't lose faith nona though, I have always been a fatty as well but managed to lose weight throughout some years by balancing my meals better and walking to places rather than using a car (when posible), you can do it!
No. 424072
File: 1728890036868.jpg (2.43 MB, 2894x4093, 1624102150000.jpg)

I don't care what anyone says, I will always love Typhlosion.
No. 424075
>>424025It only says "slim, but chest is large" which isn't that bad? I'm more annoyed they have real ethnicities listed, that's going to make woke people attack everyone who dares cosplay or draw a character they're not the same race as
Though I'd be interested to see if the notes on that Paldea toddler mentions the word loli…
No. 424085
>>424075Listing the ethnicities makes sense, Unova is based is the US and Game Freak said they wanted to take a multi-racial/diverse (not exactly the word, I'm ESL) approach when it comes to trainers and NPCs.
And even if that wasn't the case, being as specific as you can towards artists is useful to get a design close to what you have on mind as fast andclose as posible, even if the specifications might sound weird out of context.
No. 424091
File: 1728899066869.png (228.7 KB, 1260x691, Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 03-06…)

>>423920This has been evident since at least Gen 5. Personally, I think that's the exact gen the coomer pandering started to get obvious. This is from an interview with Sugimori and Ohmura.
Source: without reading these interviews, the evidence has always been there, starting with the designs for all the female protagonists. Anyone who didn't want to accept it before this leak had to be in denial.
>ethnic temperamentOh, I gotta love how Japanese moids stereotype us Latinas.
>>423736Squirtle face lol
>>423740I don't hate the monkeys but this one I like a lot.
>>423740Would download but don't wanna risk getting malware. I hope someone dumps all the pics so we don't have to download a PDF.
>>423757OMG… Is this early Gen 3 concept art?! Holy shit, just how big was that leak?
No. 424097
File: 1728900634203.jpg (76.27 KB, 555x1200, 4310abd15eb9e8593bd369a97a6298…)

>>423934To be fair, there have always been some female trainers that aren't designed like this. Agatha in Gen 1, and Bertha and Cynthia in Gen 4, for example.
Although Pokémon Masters is really shitting on what little dignity the younger characters had, like giving Cynthia this retarded fantasy RPG hooker outfit and having her show her shoulders and armpits as much as possible in typical gashit game fashion, even though her original outfit has her all covered up. Predictably, male characters are rarely given revealing outfits, the only good example was probably Leon's Sygna Suit. The Arc Suit recolors for Steven and Lance have them all covered up, from neck to toe, as in their original designs, while Cynthia's design was modified to, of course, show her shoulders and armpits for no reason other than she's female. It's a lot of subtle differences bewteen the way male and female characters are treated, I'm so sick of it.
One thing that really pissed me off, as a meganefag, was that nobody gave a fuck about the Scientist class until female Scientists became a thing in Gen 5. Male scientists = old, ugly, obscured eyes… Female scientists = young, cute, visible eyes. Give me a break.
>>424075I don't mind the ethnicities being listed and examples of celebrities given to give artists an idea of what the character should look like (it makes sense and it's kinda cool tbh), but stereotyping groups of people like Latina women does bother me a little. I understand why they do it, though. It's just easy.
>>423991Holy shit, I'd love to see more concept art and notes of my husbando too, now that you mention it. But I'm conflicted because it's really fucked up that they leaked employee info. Why the fuck would someone do that?
No. 424101
File: 1728901582097.png (287.02 KB, 862x431, Reshiram & Zekrom Overdrive mo…)

>>421876I'm usually Team whatever the fuck the pokémon on the box cover of the first game of a set is, because I'm used to playing the first of the two games. But when grouped like this, I must say, I like most of the blue ones better, and blue is my favorite color, so I guess blue wins.
This might be a nitpick, but Reshiram and Zekrom are red and blue, respectively. Reshiram is a fire type and its tail turns red when using its signature move, while Zekrom's tail turns blue since it's an electrinc type.
No. 424116
>>424110OMG Thank you so much
No. 424168
>>424118I do not think it is possible to depict characters of Muslim background without Muslims getting offended for whatever reason.
Just trying to imagine a Pokemon game based on Morocco I can easily imagine Moroccans seeing the player character without a hijab (as are a lot of girls in Morocco) and then screaming "this doesn't represent us" or "this is promoting darwinism and secularism and separatism and…" and then start blaming France and Algeria and Israel and Spain because they can't get laid.
god what a country of sheep I live inDiversity and representation are a mistake, Pokemon should just pretend that all their characters are Japanese.
No. 424188
>>424168I said north africans specifically, not muslims. The average young 3rd gen north african in France is muslim but good luck finding women under the age of 40 who wears the hijab, so that's why the rival girl can wear shorts and sandals and not look out of place compared to other characters. In the context of pokemon it wouldn't make sense for islam to exist, witchcraft is haram but there are a shit ton of creatures every where with super powers in that setting. Same for other abrahamic religions. And even from a strictly marketing point of view it's better to not aknowledge these religions, if you remember the pokemania era there were a shit ton of christians, jews and muslims who thought the series were satanic. It's obvious Game Freak was inspired by minorities you can often find in French cities to create NPCs for Kalos so that's why I talked about it, just like there are a lot of latinos in the US.
>I can easily imagine Moroccans seeing the player character without a hijab (as are a lot of girls in Morocco) and then screaming "this doesn't represent us" or "this is promoting darwinism and secularism and separatism and…" and then start blaming France and Algeria and Israel and Spain because they can't get laid.Didn't kids in Morocco like Pokemon a lot back when the first season was airing?
Whenever my mom would drag me to Morocco to visit relative it was the only thing on TV that I could understand, except for the news, no clue why they aired the French dub on TV for little kids, so I'm only assuming. I wonder if now some of them grew up to not mind it as long as they can play a fun video game.
>Diversity and representation are a mistake, Pokemon should just pretend that all their characters are Japanese.
I don't mind the way they did it for gen 5 and 6 but I felt they treated Hawaii like a cutesy theme park for gen 7never went there obviously, I want Hawaiian anons' opinions
and then it kept getting worse with making the UK look like British people are even more addicted to football than they already are irl. They should keep each character ambiguous and let us guess with the game's settings.But then you have the nerdy girl from SV who's related to Rose and Peony and I refuse to believe it to this day kek##
No. 424191
File: 1728916185299.png (38.62 KB, 216x348, Black_White_Skyla.png)

>>424097>Although Pokémon Masters is really shitting on what little dignity the younger characters had, like giving Cynthia this retarded fantasy RPG hooker outfit and having her show her shoulders and armpits as much as possible in typical gashit game fashionTo be fair, pokemon is honestly one of the least sexualized games/anime overall from Japan. Sure there are miniskirts but it's never been as coomery as other franchises even though I'm sure they could sell a lot to coomers putting them all in tiny bikinis. And Skyla being depicted as having a "large chest" still visually ended up meaning a pretty normal sized chest rather than the balloon sized boobs you get in regular anime. Nami from One Piece actually looks retarded and coomery for example.
No. 424193
File: 1728916845921.jpg (46.96 KB, 924x706, GDg1sX6X0AAcI6t.jpg)

>>424188>But then you have the nerdy girl from SV who's related to Rose and Peony and I refuse to believe it to this day kekStole picrel just to have them all together, it's kinda retarded Penny ended up paler than their full white mom while being mixed race. But then again Marlon is literally so tan people think he's black when he's actually super pale, game freak just isn't very good at dealing with race kek
No. 424203
File: 1728920109372.png (170.62 KB, 1024x1024, Spr_Masters_Cynthia_Sygna.png)

>>424097 anon she has multiple alts in masters, two of which are just as conservative as her original outfits. moids actually keep whining they don't put her in more revealing outfits and some male characters get more alts than her.
No. 424249
>>423929>game freak in particular hates being "predictable" specifically with pokemon and aims to be uniquelol
No. 424271
File: 1728942977548.png (590 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-1018Archaludon.png)

>>424249tell me how many people predicted this ugly freak
No. 424419
File: 1728994691783.jpg (304.02 KB, 1713x903, 1728983968730223.jpg)

Nessa was supposed to be Japanese
>>424220>why are you expressing your opinion No. 424460
>>424419>designed to evoke memories of the previous game as part of fan service, being a rare japanese person in the Galar region>from AlolaWell they sure failed that hard, not even japanese people thought she was japanese or a reference to any older games and I've not seen anyone ever mention Alola when talking about her.
>>424421>The amount of art twitter wars that have been fought over this character only for them to realize she isn't even black is actually sending me rn.same nona kek though I'm still cautious and not buying anything, with so many leaks there are going to be a million people trying to make fake leaks for fun
No. 424522
File: 1729014551071.png (1.55 MB, 1406x645, 1729008992171095.png)

Is this real?
No. 424524
File: 1729014635379.gif (802.19 KB, 1920x1080, 1729012599217625.gif)

this is the map of kalos from the anime for comparison
No. 424580
File: 1729037619581.jpg (680.97 KB, 937x1890, Screenshot_20241013_211233_Chr…)

>>424419This is fake, the leakers are still going through the 3DS and even some of the DS games. They haven't even touched Let's Go Pee.
It's all done to stir shit.
>>423777Since early development, Gen 4/DPP was made with the relationship between humans and nature in mind, so the devs wrote a bunch of myths akin to old japanese myths to explore these themes. There is also a good chunk of "beginning of the world" types of mythos in these text files and they're all similar to japanese folktales which had plenty of animals turning into humans or even zoophilia to explain things they couldn't comprehend.
You can see a remnant of this pokémon×human love myth idea in the japanese verison of DPP where a book about legends in the game mentioned that humans and pokémon used to marry in ancient times.
No. 424591
File: 1729041847208.png (248.51 KB, 714x573, 1728786466672628.png)

Those first gen 3 designs are so weird yet fascinating, they wanted to make something more "mature looking" and ended up with some nightmare fuel looking creatures
No. 424592
File: 1729041920045.png (214.94 KB, 854x593, 1728786331090915.png)

>>424591This one is cool, like out of a sci-fi manga
No. 424593
File: 1729042027073.png (219.02 KB, 681x519, 1728785863253419.png)

>>424592And this one gives me "pokemon but creepy realistic zombie romhack" vibes
No. 424594
File: 1729042113894.png (501.79 KB, 1419x1016, 1728786649480354.png)

>>424593And some type of DNA digital dog? Kind of reminds me of zygarde
No. 424595
File: 1729042211643.png (715.51 KB, 3942x1853, 1728881216443078.png)

Beta gen 3 pokemon with back sprites! These are super interesting and would love to see everyone's opinions and theories
No. 424683
File: 1729082929043.png (109.95 KB, 869x626, 99505053_p10.png)

Fuck zoomers
Fuck coomers
Fuck grifters
Fuck journalists
Fuck the leakers
Fuck the internet
No. 424701
>>424648It could quite simply be that they made blaziken, thought it looked cool and had the idea to make it into a legendary duo before then going on to redesign blaziken. Given that there is also a blue and yellow grovyle paired with a pokemon that looks nothing like treecko it could also be that they go "but what if it was used for this instead" a lot and put less though into evolution lines than we give them credit for.
I'm interested in other possibly implied things here, such as trapinch not being designed for the flygon line but later getting shoehorned in there as they are separate and the flyon line already has 3 pokemon in it. But we don't know the design process, it's possible they had the flygon line, didn't vibe with it and asked someone else to try their hand at the smallest evolution and they then created trapinch. Shuppet and banette are also separate.
also kek at gyarubi being another gyaru mamba inspired pokemon with brown skin that would have get them cancelled for racism like jynx nearly did
No. 424702
File: 1729087467495.jpg (5.81 KB, 336x150, images.jpg)

>>424683Agreed nona, and i'm adding "fuck troons" to the list for good measure
No. 424716
File: 1729099037367.jpeg (91.01 KB, 824x970, IMG_3743.jpeg)

>>424702i love this pic of queen azumarill so much. the shades block out the haters
No. 424863
File: 1729135314563.png (436.15 KB, 3000x1500, 1728800288055056.png)

I want to focus on the better parts of the leaks so I would like to share this: apparently there was a detective pikachu 3D animated short or episode that was planned back then but sadly never came to fruition. These are so freaking cute, I love detective pikachu so much
>>424595Looking at this scratches an itch in me to go on and analyze all the possibilities of these beta pokemon but I'm not sure if anyone here would like to hear such pokemon spergery because it truly would be a lot to say
No. 424868
File: 1729138371074.jpeg (107.94 KB, 398x389, Screenshot_16-10-2024_23124_me…)

>>407145I used to hate this one too, until I played as it in Pokemon Unite, then I started to really like it actually. I'd slide all over the place not doing tons of damage or anything but being nearly invincible, as it ate berries it threw out and healed up to full health. It was always so funny to me. but now I think I'd place Greedent as one of my
>>407149 "cutest ugliest Pokemon"
No. 424872
File: 1729140239332.jpg (73.92 KB, 743x413, images-1.jpg)

>>424868Cute ugly pokemon are some of my favorite lol
No. 424891
File: 1729149620377.jpg (1.83 MB, 3942x1853, 1729042211643.jpg)

>>424595went full autist and rated them all compared to their obvious final versions
No. 424894
File: 1729153605137.png (16.29 KB, 520x124, Screenshot 2024-10-17 012631.p…)

No. 424900
>>424595Thanks for posting this! I was actually making something similar for the thread when the sprites dropped, but got tired midway thru. There are some I hadn't seen though, I thought we had uncovered everything.
I'm surprised at how hit or miss gen 3 is (the gen 2 leaks where amazing for the most part).
That beta Nicada is adorable, I wish they had kept the design. Also the proto Sharpedo reminds me a lot of the shark pokemon from gen1/2 (the one with an anchor as tail)
>>424894My favorite pokemon is Lopunny/Buneary, I'm inmune.
No. 424951
File: 1729179519073.png (179.58 KB, 837x566, 21o.png)

It never ocurried to me that Marril could use her tail like this kek Our girl is prepared
No. 424973
File: 1729184039847.jpg (88.58 KB, 1169x827, why.jpg)

Nonas I'm so mad, I have been waiting for a flamingo pokemon forever and looks like gen 6 had the perfect one, based on flamenco dancers.
I can't believe gen 9, the region based on the flamenco country, finally gave us a flamingo but chose the rubber duck one instead of this queen.
No. 425002
File: 1729189972021.png (369.94 KB, 622x646, thief.png)

>>424989I get they were going for a balloon animal theme, but I wish they had made it more inspired at the very least. Flamingo looks super easy to make as a 3D model though, so I wonder if that's a partial reason of why they picked it, to be able to meet deadlines and all.
I have also remembered Oricorio, a flamenco-themed bird released the generation after
>>424973. With that in mind, I guess Oricorio "replaced" her and they really won't add the proto flamingo to not be redundant but it's such a shame, her design is different enough in my opinion and her color palette is super pleasant.
No. 425013
File: 1729193466160.gif (397.47 KB, 500x309, IMG_4622.gif)

>>424951It happened in the anime lmao. we stan a legend
No. 425014
File: 1729193883424.jpeg (349.93 KB, 1177x1600, IMG_5720.jpeg)

>>425013samefag but i couldn't resist posting the azu version from the tcg
No. 425021
>>425014Ooh thanks you
nonnie, when I saw that animation sheet I ran to look for Azumarill's to see of she could do that as well
No. 425047
File: 1729206483123.jpg (161.38 KB, 2000x827, GaEs5PxWIAAuOTB.jpg)

Pretty and interesting!
No. 425048
File: 1729206504222.jpg (57.5 KB, 1289x913, GaEWTJOXIAApVqe.jpg)

Look at this cutie
No. 425053
File: 1729206995164.gif (1.45 MB, 636x319, IMG_3701.gif)

>>425021you're welcome anon, love to post about our blue queens
No. 425146
File: 1729232453635.jpg (480.5 KB, 1080x1012, Smalldickenergy.jpg)

>>423295And here he is on twitter simping for some random woman yet again. He's alienating females by always being sexist and he doesn't give a shit, honestly I think Ron's genuinely so stupid he doesn't get why admitting he clicks on sexy bait thumbnails isn't a good look for him.
No. 425152
File: 1729234524914.png (133.02 KB, 475x475, 956.png)

>>425046i don't like the "bedroom eyes with lashes" look they give a bunch of random pokemon. it's weird. espathra is a cute feminine bird design without looking like it's trying to be "sexy".
No. 425155
File: 1729235736475.mp4 (231.48 KB, 362x182, azumarill vs trannies.mp4)

>>425053>>425058i made this
for some reason the site thinks it's a duplicate file, so here's the imgur link to save it as a gif: No. 425160
File: 1729239282389.jpg (17.68 KB, 600x336, 157b70712d9abff978431dbf47c216…)

>>425159lowered lids + lashes
No. 425164
File: 1729246986701.png (3.76 MB, 1181x1748, 306e9688feabd40ab90dc0383ce139…)

>>425160I guess you must really hate Florges and Tsareena lol
No. 425169
File: 1729250134380.png (1.41 MB, 2000x1080, 123346087_p0.png)

>>425164Wait I just noticed that these two are possibly redesigns of this scrapped Gen 3 Pokemon.
No. 425171
>>425164Nyart but while I find make-up eyes on some pokémon cute it's both funny and depressing to see coomers think they look sexy.
>>425169>Gardevoir with boobs and thighsWhy are moids like this
No. 425189
File: 1729256375926.jpeg (1.02 MB, 633x1023, cb42886a7b0d803dfdd38252188398…)

Once again I forget that Florges is not part Grass
No. 425261
File: 1729284450618.jpg (14.07 KB, 225x225, images-1.jpg)

>>425147you're mean, he's my son and I love him
No. 425265
File: 1729284829280.jpg (5.41 KB, 160x160, images-3.jpg)

>>425169I like the orchid gardevoir design a lot because of how weird she looks, reminds me of a neopet a little
No. 425280
>>425261Sorry but it's like a less good version of breloom
>>425240Honestly I think some of them are are cute and there's nothing sexy about them at all. "Eyelids are sexy" is just bonkers to me, it feels like a super forced meme, like how men back in the day thought showing ankles was scandalously sexy even though they really aren't
No. 425285
File: 1729294102929.jpg (20.73 KB, 369x116, 20241018_105718.jpg)

Bug Meloetta…
No. 425297
>>425285Super cute!
>>425280I love breloom too so I've got no problem with that, both are great to me
No. 425393
File: 1729329378412.jpg (48.13 KB, 576x700, madoka-cosplay.jpg)

>>425367Tsareena does look like bait, though I don't personally see it as sexy at all. To me it's like "oh cool she has a puffy skirt" like picrel. I think I just lack the coomer eyes, pokemon like gothitelle don't even look like bait to me it just looks like a cool goth girlie creature
No. 425417
>>425367Sorry nonas are beating you up for telling the truth kek.
>>425393 said, not all of them are coomer bait, but for Tsareena in specific she's based on queens and dominatrix.
Still, even if she's partiale made to appeal to adult men, it doesn't make it wrong of bad design. She's one of my favorite pokemon in gen 7 and think she's super cute, honestly you can look at the desings both ways.
No. 425435
File: 1729354192518.gif (1.96 MB, 552x640, 1559794298833.gif)

No. 425442
File: 1729355988597.jpg (43.29 KB, 673x456, images-1.jpg)

>>425417I also think tsaarena is cute, I have a soft spot for all plant based or plant mimicking pokemon as they tend to be the cutest for me
No. 425444
>>425436The artist draws kinda
sus kemono but they're clean and they mostly draw very normal pokémon doing silly animal poses…
>>425441Hyperbole. I can get why that nona found it
sus because kemono artstyle is very easy to associate with NSFW (also thanks to shit like Made in Abyss becoming mainstream).
No. 425447
File: 1729357574604.gif (5.54 KB, 184x203, IMG_5335.gif)

quit talking about coomshit i beg it of you
No. 425461
File: 1729360933552.png (142.81 KB, 512x512, HOME0763_s.png)

Coom discusion aside, why the fuck they thought making her skin green for the shiny was ok!?
She would've been perfect if they had only changed the leaves' colors, I shiny hunted her back when the game was new and didn't know how any of the shinies looked & I felt so scammed when my Bounsweet evolved and I was greet by hulk
No. 425469
File: 1729363201623.jpg (243.41 KB, 800x700, __flygon_and_trapinch_pokemon_…)

Nonnies, what pokemon evolution lines do you think are the cutest together? I really love the Trapinch line, but I also think Frosslass and Snorunt are cute.
No. 425472
File: 1729363448213.jpg (14.49 KB, 474x305, th.jpg)

>>425468Just color picked and yeah it's yellow kek
But in-game it does look green-ish to me, probably the darker shadows and the purple surrounding it makes it look different to me. Color theory and all.
No. 425477
File: 1729365573183.jpg (78.71 KB, 1553x1207, de5bdx2-db3f9718-05c1-40c5-b43…)

>>425469Cute pink blob aliens
No. 425479
File: 1729366101712.jpg (95.5 KB, 1075x1518, FcJRpUuagAEeWD4.jpg)

>>425469porygon line! i love the way it "upgrades"
No. 425505
File: 1729369939376.gif (2.75 MB, 500x500, IMG_2680.GIF)

>>425469i'll always love the gastly line. so cute and silly
No. 425550
File: 1729386867371.gif (816.53 KB, 300x100, ok.gif)

>>425155I assembled it for you but you'll have to upload it yourself to the /meta/ thread since you're the author of the idea nonna
No. 425603
File: 1729407724364.jpg (501.81 KB, 2048x1795, tumblr_d91715c904ec27b2bc70c63…)

>>425469i know a lot of people hate dragonite, and i also wish it resembled dragonair a bit more, but i really love how this line looks together and i understand it was based on a myth.
No. 425607
File: 1729408607933.png (1.88 MB, 2322x2320, 107204186_p0.png)

>>425469can't go wrong with the toges
No. 425656
>>425603I don't know how people can hate dragonite at all, I love the entire line
>>425607>>425602also good picks! very cute pokemon
No. 425779
File: 1729470536091.png (39.36 KB, 2048x1024, beta Zekrom & Reshiram.png)

I really like these beta Zekrom and Reshiram designs, though I also like the uniformity in their final designs. Whatever the version, I think these two pokémon are very well-designed and they feel like an improvement over Dialga and Palkia.
>>425146I almost want to publicly shame this moid on Twitter. I used to watch him many years ago when his videos were actually interesting and not just clickbait. He also didn't use to show his face.
>>425417NTA, I don't like her design for those reasons, but I respect your guys' opinion. I just think it's so tiring when people can't tell that a very specific design has coomer origins because it's too subtle for them, or they just can't identify the influences so they call you paranoid or a coomer for noticing. I like most "feminine" pokémon designs, like Florges, which I adore, it's just that Tsareena is one that has that clear fetish influence (dominatrix) so she's an exception. Plus, I don't like her long-ass legs and tiny body, it just doesn't look good to me, kek.
Moids are fucking insane, though. Coming back from /vp/ is like a night and day difference. Those scrotes see hentai everywhere, it was mentally draining reading the threads when every second post was cooming to whatever was being found in the leaks.
>>425189OMG she's not?? I also thought Gardevoir was part Grass when I was little, because it's partially green and looks like an onion. kek
No. 425801
File: 1729473407121.jpg (19.95 KB, 360x202, beta Kyurem.jpg)

>>425779Here's beta Kyurem, too.
I'll be honest, I don't like it. I prefer the color palette and dinosaur-like shape of the final design.
>>424594I have seen the files containing these pictures, and the blue dog monster is actually called "サイコ犬", or "psycho-dog". So it was probably meant to be Psychic-type. There was actually going to be a sprite for it, too. I've seen a pic of an unfinished psychodog sprite but I didn't save it, sorry.
No. 425804
File: 1729474781785.png (3.4 KB, 271x265, 1729202710903481.png)

>>425801Here's the dog, it's lumped with Ralts scratchpad sprite for some reason. These were found with the ORAS leaks.
No. 425806
File: 1729475528309.jpg (228.09 KB, 1169x827, rstr0035_0036_アクア団したっぱ.jpg)

>>425804Oh right, thanks. I didn't see it in the RSE folder and forgot about the old material found in the ORAS folder (that shit is huge).
Speaking of ORAS, we will probably never get to see these but for the more important characters. These were in the ORAS leaks because they were sent as reference to a third party for the outsourced overworld models. The bigger characters (except for Zinnia) weren't outsourced, so there were no model sheets of them there. The officially released concept art is all we're ever getting. I'm sad, because these are so fucking cute.
No. 425811
File: 1729476433040.jpg (21.17 KB, 351x238, Matt.jpg)

>>425807This might be my favorite thing from these reference sheets… Somebody said "this is how Diamond Dogs is run" kek
No. 425868
>>425779>or they just can't identify the influences so they call you paranoid or a coomer for noticing. I like most "feminine" pokémon designs, like Florges, which I adore, it's just that Tsareena is one that has that clear fetish influence (dominatrix) so she's an exception.I'm
>>425393 and I just wanted to say I didn't mean me lacking the "coomer eyes" meant that I think you nonas have that and are coomers. I'm glad someone can tell me when something is
sus (at least potentially so) because while I can't see it I know it could still be there! But I can for example see that Poppy is obvious pedo/loli bait because I've seen what lolicons are into and that she is exactly it, but I know there are still other anons here who argue against that and says she's just a child character. If I was still a child I would have thought she's just another child character too, I had to learn about lolis to find out. I like to think most people aren't terminally online to know about lolis and that most people really do see her innocently, same with potential coomer pokemon.
I never thought of tsareena as having dominatrix traits, but maybe you're right. I don't mind the design but I think steenee is 100 times better so I never evolved mine anyway.
No. 425870
>>425868>Poppy is obvious pedo/loli bait because I've seen what lolicons are into and that she is exactly itShe looks like a BABY! What other “loli” characters do you know of that looks like a baby too?
Anya does not count.
No. 425875
File: 1729499586321.jpg (13.86 KB, 318x184, Matt desc.jpg)

>>425856Also, Matt might be a foreigner (Brazilian?), which would explain his massive stature.
>>425868Yeah don't worry, I wasn't saying that because of you.
>PoppyHonestly, I'm not sure about that one, I only know her a little from Pokémon Masters and I think she might have a certain vibe, but I couldn't say for sure, she does remind me of Tezuka-style characters, though. I think I'm just weirded out by child characters that act too old for their age in general, especially "genius"-type little girls, but I don't think this necessarily means they're bait. Ultimately, in cases like those, we won't know until we see actual behind-the-scenes proof, otherwise it's hard to believe, since the implications would be so fucked up that it seems unlikely.
But Tsareena was always obvious to me because of the legs that resemble those boots dominatrixes wear, and her signature move being Trop Kick. And I just found out that she evolves when Steenee (which btw is definitely cuter) levels up while knowing Stomp, kek. There's too much emphasis on it stomping and kicking with its massive legs that resemble BDSM boots for it to not be a direct reference.
>its moveset includes moves such as Punishment and Power WhipUhh yeah. WTF Game Freak.
No. 425878
File: 1729500732182.jpg (64.02 KB, 564x564, pika.jpg)

>>425469The pikachu line is honestly perfection, they're all cute designs! I get a little upset when alolan raichu isn't included in the family, it should always be there too!
>>425870damn i wish i was this innocent, must be nice
No. 425882
>>425880I get what you're saying, but that's more the fault of people in western fandom caring way too much about "racial accuracy" when people just want to cosplay characters they like. This didn't use to be such a huge issue in the past, people could cosplay any character of any race without the whole fandom trying to bully them off the internet, for the most part.
I don't think they use real nationality names in a literal sense. It's more like "this character probably comes from a Pokémon region that's the equivalent of this real-life country", and they leave it ambiguous so the character isn't locked into a specific real nationality. I remember how people used to think Brock from the anime was black because he had darker skin, lol. The nationalities are only there as reference for the character's design, I think, and shouldn't be taken at face value because whatever cultural traits they have will be Pokémonified, anyway.
No. 425889
File: 1729503952412.jpeg (245.87 KB, 850x1321, IMG_7814.jpeg)

>>425880Raihan is black and idgaf what anyone says
No. 425892
File: 1729504021515.png (1.73 MB, 1353x1348, __gardevoir_kirlia_gallade_and…)

>>425469The Ralts line is super cute like a little family with mom, pops and their kids. I love them so much.
No. 425893
File: 1729504040470.jpeg (109.88 KB, 1710x900, IMG_7815.jpeg)

>>425882Brock is also black and idgaf what anyone says
No. 425899
File: 1729506349517.png (796.54 KB, 1280x1280, 20230418043014!0635Hydreigon.p…)

>>407149My favorite pokémon is Hydreigon because it's Dark-type (my favorite) and I love its color scheme. It's such a cool and badass pokémon, but also ugly and scary. It's not designed to be cute, but I can't help finding its face, short legs and lack of teeth adorable.
>>407145I don't think it's ugly because it's fat, I mean, it's just an animal. I love this color palette because it reminds me of chocolate and makes me wanna eat it.
>>425893Lmao nonna
No. 425911
File: 1729509527742.jpg (127.96 KB, 1171x756, GaJCVwyWEAAu8tK.jpg)

I wish Game Freak could release an artbook, I have been saving all the concept art I'm finding over Twitter (went to /vp/ the first day of leaks nd never again) and it's all so pretty. A shame they don't want the public to see them for whatever reason.
>>425907What else you want people to call black characters, if they have black skin they're black. Skin and nationality are different, though I'm not from the US so I might see it differently.
No. 425913
File: 1729509642062.jpg (2.72 MB, 4096x2800, GaHnNhwW4AA3kRk.jpg)

>>425911Last one to not spam the thread, I just wanted to share my favorites.
No. 425916
File: 1729512803486.jpg (330.24 KB, 1169x827, poke_kitakaze_110330_01.jpg)

>>425911Not sure why they won't release art like what you posted, but for character/pokémon concepts, the answer is that they might reuse unused concepts, even really old ones, in newer games, so they can't go around showing people that. It's actually a shame that these pokémon designs were leaked, because I would've loved seeing them recycled later.
>went to /vp/ the first day of leaks nd never againKek, same. I do admit that I missed the stupid (non-coomer) memes, though.
>What else you want people to call black characters, if they have black skin they're black.NTAYRT, but no one has literal black skin, we have different shades of brown, from dark to light. "Black" refers specifically to people of African descent that have certain physical features, on top of being dark-skinned, such as kinky hair, so having dark skin doesn't automatically make you a black person. But yeah, you can be any nationality. However, Brock lives in a Pokémon equivalent of Japan, so he's very unlikely to be black, and more likely to just be a darker-skinned pseudo-Asian person.
Not that I'm telling you to kill your headcanons, kek. It's not a big deal, don't let me stop you.
No. 425917
File: 1729512932944.png (3.54 MB, 4008x2480, 美しいピカチュウ色変更削除.png)

Here's a reference sheet for Pikachu Belle.
No. 425918
File: 1729513309237.jpg (2.24 MB, 5358x3682, めざめのほこらさいしんぶver.S.jpg)

>>425913Groudon's version of this concept art has a far grander scale than Kyogre's.
No. 425937
File: 1729522621596.jpg (291.62 KB, 1603x2048, 10636b34ff8995022349f119d950b9…)

>>425917So cute!
wrong tail color though
No. 425941
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>>425878I love the pikachu line and all the pikaclones
sorry for the incomplete picture No. 425944
File: 1729524066255.gif (296.84 KB, 244x214, shocking-beyonce.gif)

My sincere reaction when I learnt that Lenora was supposed to be based off Beyonce
No. 425955
File: 1729529253556.jpg (1.08 MB, 1750x1226, __lenora_watchog_and_herdier_p…)

>>425944I love Lenora tbh
No. 426088
File: 1729554778252.jpg (55.99 KB, 640x359, mmkj.jpg)

>>425941i know mimikyu's status as a pikaclone is debated but i love when she gets included
No. 426098
File: 1729558267211.jpg (68.15 KB, 600x533, Mimikyu.600.2178480-3787544074…)

>>426088same, mimikyu and marill are some of the cutest pikaclones even if they're not always included
No. 426130
File: 1729570445112.jpg (133.91 KB, 600x900, tumblr_09b46ba54e9e42bb61dade1…)

Who is your favorite pokemon fanartist? Mine is manuhamu… there are many like them but their art really calls to mind the first time I got online and swept away by all the fanart I saw. Their work has such an immersive feel to it.
No. 426143
File: 1729578267905.png (54.23 KB, 700x400, Cuvky8TXgAANFza.png)

>>425469Them. They're so adorable! You got cute little bee fly and cute autumn bee fairy.
No. 426146
File: 1729579463705.png (491.2 KB, 800x518, __may_and_swampert_pokemon_and…)

>>426130Wow, this artist sure knows how to create an immersive atmosphere with colors and lighting, even though this piece looks unfinished upon closer inspection. I feel like I'm on Route 119 when I look at it.
>Who is your favorite pokemon fanartist? It's gotta be jaho/_mmmauu. I discovered her(?) art when I was the most actively playing Pokémon, during the ORAS era. I like her flat coloring, the simple artstyle that vaguely resembles official art, and that kinda three-dimensional look. She draws a lot of funny scenes and cute things, but sometimes she goes for something more serious and detailed.
This pic in particular is one of my favorite pieces of Pokémon fanart ever.
>>426013>Brock is as pale as everyone else in the games and the more recent adaptations,I was going to mention that he's got a lighter skin tone in the games (not exactly as pale as everyone else, he's a bit tan), but felt it was unnecessary to say something so obvious, lol.
No. 426154
File: 1729581964523.jpg (638.03 KB, 1242x1920, tumblr_obpk8vdcJY1scuau3o1_128…)

>>426130There are tons of Pokemon artists I like though bluekomadori comes into mind. I love their colors, vibes and how expressive the Pokemon are.
No. 426162
File: 1729587537172.jpg (1.71 MB, 4168x3140, ヒョウタ・ラフ.jpg)

I was about to post this with the word "hot", but then I found his age in the character settings document for DP, and it says he's 15. No fucking way, there's no goddamn way he's 15. Kek, there are so many characters that I thought were young adults but in reality are supposed to be super young. Roxanne is another example, I thought she was supposed to be a teacher since she acts like one, I can't believe she's meant to be 14. I think Phoebe's 14, too.
No. 426163
File: 1729587568648.png (873.2 KB, 1663x1237, shirona rafu.png)

Also, in case any Cynthia fans here were curious, she's 28.
No. 426173
>>426170I might be a hypocrite but I refuse to accept that age, at least in my mind. So I'll keep pretending he's in his 20s while treating other character's descriptions as gospel, kek.
Anyway, I'm reading Pokémon Masters documents, it's interesting how much attention they pay to the players' online trends, there's screenshots of various Japanese fanartists sharing their art on Twitter. Looking at these confidential files feels so blasphemous, especially with the "CONFIDENTIAL" label in red letters.
No. 426175
>>426162kek I still think he looks too much like silver
same hair even but with shorter bangs and no ahoge
No. 426206
File: 1729605953229.jpg (497.53 KB, 976x768, 78707491_p8.jpg)

>>426198XY if you care about character customization.
ORAS or Sun/Moon if you want to play the standard pokemon game. Sun/Moon has the better difficulty because there's tricks they do during totem pokemon. But be warned that Sun/Moon has a long ass tutorial.
But if you homebrewed your 3ds, you can always do the hardmode mods they have.
No. 426214
>>426173>I'm reading Pokémon Masters documents, it's interesting how much attention they pay to the players' online trends, there's screenshots of various Japanese fanartists sharing their art on Twitter. Oh please share a few or a link if you have one! I'm super interested in this
>Looking at these confidential files feels so blasphemous, especially with the "CONFIDENTIAL" label in red letters.Kek, same. Whenever I see it I feel bad for them somehow. "Confidential? Welp not anymore".
No. 426232
File: 1729616980609.jpg (5.78 MB, 6429x6429, 1b1ad062c086e11d98335fd01f4997…)

>>426198Play Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. I never played this one but I did play Explorers of Sky and it was better than the main games in every single way it's not even close.
No. 426246
File: 1729620471332.jpg (96.05 KB, 1200x800, Legend-of-Zelda-Echoes-of-Wisd…)

Anyone else think Zelda Echoes could had been a great Pokemon Ranger game?
No. 426266
File: 1729623222846.mp4 (1.15 MB, 674x1000, __wooloo_cutiefly_growlithe_ma…)

Their animated art is beautiful and comfy
No. 426313
File: 1729626697071.png (507.42 KB, 800x1569, 800px-HeartGold_SoulSilver_Mor…)

>>426162picrel is the correct pokemon husbando choice
No. 426434
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>>426432shes such a cutie
No. 426471
File: 1729673628095.jpg (161.07 KB, 1280x1163, tumblr_neenopvRtO1s45lrro1_128…)

>>426175Even more
sus is that they have the same hair in the same generation. Ariana, and even Sabrina, also got a similar hairstyle change in HGSS. Clearly, someone in the character design department back then took a liking to that kind of hairstyle, kek.
And speaking of which, I've always loved this meme chart.
>>426214>Oh please share a few or a link if you have one! I'm super interested in this Sure, gimme a sec.
>"Confidential? Welp not anymore".Yes, not only do I feel bad, but I'm not even sure if it's legal for me to be looking at them, so it makes me uneasy.
No. 426473
File: 1729675644035.png (952.38 KB, 1080x644, poma slide translated.png)

>>426214Here's a slide about player's reactions on different forums. This presentation is from October 2019.
Shittily translated by Google Translate OCR.
No. 426475
File: 1729675957904.png (1.07 MB, 1223x723, poma slide 2 translated.png)

>>426474Another slide from the same presentation. I tried to find the Siebold & Clauncher tweet but no luck, the artist is gone from Twitter.
No. 426476
File: 1729675996581.png (1.02 MB, 1223x723, poma slide 2.png)

>>426475The translation on this one was pretty bad, kek.
No. 426480
File: 1729676495574.png (1.07 MB, 1207x695, poma slide 3 translated.png)

>>426476This slide goes before the one I named "2". I didn't screenshot them in order, so apologies for that.
>>426478Kek I know, I wonder if they also visit 4chan or if it's deemed "too niche in the west".
No. 426482
File: 1729677391067.png (354.47 KB, 1078x681, poma slide 4 translated.png)

>>426481This slide goes after the ones I've posted. Although I started playing in late 2022, it always seemed to me like multiplayer was initially the focus, but it failed to interest players, so they stopped bothering with those features, lmao. I guess my suspicions have been confirmed, but I didn't expect multiplayer to have failed so early on.
What's weird to me is that, even at this point, there are still some newly added characters (namely Lenora, and maybe some others) that have co-op-focused abilities and moves. I like the idea of co-op, it just wasn't executed well, so I hope they're planning to improve it and make it more engaging.
No. 426557
>>426550Japanese media is so retarded when chosing an age for their characters. I'm now wondering if characters like Roark
was supposed to be 15 in the original description but later on they changed it, because he still looks like a young adult to me in his design
No. 426582
File: 1729724520411.gif (169 KB, 220x180, IMG_4625.gif)

i just want pokemon-amie back
No. 426601
File: 1729732283844.png (58.09 KB, 183x249, 183px-Lets_Go_Pikachu_Eevee_Ag…)

The only acceptable age for a pokemon gym leader or elite four is 60+
No. 426610
File: 1729738605236.png (61.82 KB, 162x389, Diamond_Pearl_Bertha.png)

>>426582Amie-like features are gone? I haven't played Gens 8 or 9. I don't get why more Switch games don't make full use of its touch capabilities.
No. 426656
File: 1729758564893.png (41.55 KB, 250x152, 250px-Grondogue-EV.png)

Why on earth did they give this pkm such a sad, miserable face and a crooked neck? It looks like a poor stray dog that got hit by a car and is barely clinging to life. I want to cry every time I see it
No. 426742
>>426735Sometimes they'll reference ages found in the docs (Thorton saying he's a teenager in Masters) and other times they'll change it (Caitlin being described as looking 14 in an interview with Sugimori instead of 17) so I just kind of take it as cautiously canon until staff or games change that information
That goes for other minor details too
idk I never quite got the backlash for some characters ages in the documents either way, having lots of teens in higher career positions than the characters make sense since the player NPC is usually younger (XY being the exception) and it's a kids game so it's still kinda weird to be drawing porn of them regardless
No. 426789
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>>426685also, idk about the anime nowadays but nobody sounded like a child in the original dub except for ash. jesse and james are supposed to be like, 15? i thought they were at least in their late 20s as a kid.
No. 426827
File: 1729804877771.jpg (828.24 KB, 1200x1000, 118987997_p14.jpg)

cutie hedgehog
No. 426835
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>>426823Here's the full list did your favorite rank?
No. 426899
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>>426835Stay strong Corsola
No. 426904
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>>426835uncultured swine putting our girls in 180th position smh
No. 426915
>>426835Most of my favorites are in the top 200, the lowest is in the 800s.
>>426835The only one here I'm disappointed about is Smoochum.
No. 426916
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>>426835Ranked the lowest of its evolutionary line
No. 426957
File: 1729839845788.png (8.64 KB, 989x72, Screenshot 2024-10-25 000221.p…)

>>426835this shocks me and makes me think the list is fairly biased. charizard is consistently among the most popular and that's why it gets so much damn fanservice in the games and anime. i don't particularly care about charizard, but the fact that it was beaten out by the other two starters is weird. charizard being beaten by fucking primarina is straight up bizarre.
idk, it seems more like a list of "most popular pokemon among my particular viewership"
No. 426984
>>426904Considering there are over 1k Pokemon, I would say top 10% is a pretty good position!
>>426957>most popular pokemon among my particular viewershipUnless Gamefreak makes an official poll (which they do, but only in Japan and with retarded entry methods, so they always get so little participants) that will always be the case unafortunely. He says he got 1.6 million votes though, so I guess the list might be accurate for a handful of pokemon at least.
No. 427036
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No. 427046
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No. 427049
File: 1729870685419.jpg (5.71 KB, 851x78, Fc3ZADp4hN.jpg)

>>426835Didn't expect it that high
No. 427127
File: 1729884938668.gif (3.43 MB, 400x290, IMG_5834.gif)

i love mimikyu's new jiangshi costume
No. 427204
File: 1729916157052.jpg (32.33 KB, 959x244,…)

>>427185LMAOO anon, thanks for making my night, kek
Have a funny pic in return
No. 427227
File: 1729922007022.jpg (85.41 KB, 401x1130, tumblr_7f154f9e3e7d4fe1c3828c5…)

>>427183i just googled this wondering why i and so many other people thought they were 15. i think this is not only the fault of popular tumblr posts of yore but also the fact that most people are shocked to learn usagi is 15 when we thought the sailor scouts were at least 18 as kids, and most people watched pokemon AND sailor moon at that age
No. 427267
>>427227If everyone in the pokemon games, manga and anime actually acted their ages the show would suck so hard. None of them come across as realistic for their supposed age. I think that just like how previously pokemon sizes meant that some pokemon like charizard were actually way too small for a human to ride on, they retconned it so that in the anime and now the games the pokemon have a lot of different sizes (and alphas) making it possible to ride it "officially".
The ages don't matter, even if they write an age on paper they instead are what they act since they aren't real people. Same with those 100 year old loli characters; that's a kid. Liking it for coom makes you a pedo and not an old person fetishizer. If Roxanne looks like an adult, and runs a school as her adult job, and all the kids at the school look younger than her… then she's an adult character.
And idk if this is controversial, but if it's just on a paper and not in the games it's not official to begin with, just like how the beta mons aren't official pokemon.
No. 427281
File: 1729942915865.jpg (164.13 KB, 1280x676, scaleworld.jpg)

>>427204KEKKK. this was funny, this person is all of us in lolcow. Glad I could make you laugh anon! Do you have any schizo aus in your head relating to characters? I also have this one that Surge is the father of Elesa and Volkner. I like imagining them as an electric family. And I love how in picrel shows how they are the only ones (other than Raihan) above 1,85m (6'1) so I'm like… validated kek
>>427267I don't think ages matter when talking about fictional characters at all, unless the character is obivoulsy a child. Literally there's no difference in apperance between a 16yo Roxanne and a 19yo Roxanne, so people shouldn't feel bad for feeling attracted to a character who would be a minor according to some documents that shouldn't have been leaked. It's stupid that this even needs to be said, but I guess it's the fandom times we are living now oh well. You can pry my ship of Flannery and Winona out of my cold dead hands.
No. 427285
>>427227>>427183>>427281>>427267I questioned everything as a kid when I learned this, and also when I discovered that N was supposed to be in his
twenties kek. It feels like he and Team Rocket should switch ages.
No. 427354
>>427267To be fair, many of the ages in the ORAS document had already been established since RSE. IDK about other games.
But I don't wanna believe Wallace is 32, tbh.
No. 427395
File: 1729979877629.png (568.73 KB, 944x1280, latest-2665893592.png)

>>427354No way this guy isn't older than 28 max
No. 427421
>>427395i agree with
nonny this is hot
No. 427424
File: 1729983932044.png (7.76 KB, 200x200, cowgirl-gen4png.png)

If you were in the Pokémon world, which trainer class would you be?
Pic-rel doesn't count, be more creative.
No. 427435
File: 1729986533561.png (25.88 KB, 256x256, IMG_5855.png)

>>427424hex maniac bc ghost type best type
No. 427436
File: 1729986936897.png (243.18 KB, 412x232, Aroma_Lady_anime.png)

>>427424if i could be whatever i wanted i'd pick an aroma lady! i'd love to have my own flower / herb shop in the pokemon world
No. 427444
File: 1729990691760.png (1.12 KB, 80x80, Spr_HGSS_Medium.png)

>>427424Whenever I play Pokémon Showdown, I set my trainer to picrel. I just love the idea of kooky old ladies collecting ghost Pokémon. Apparently they're based off of a particular trope in Japan of blind old ladies being mediums.
No. 427487
File: 1730013444726.png (2.02 KB, 80x80, 1000028290.png)

>>427424Either a hex maniac or an ace trainer.
No. 427668
File: 1730070548433.jpg (144.91 KB, 850x1247, 633.jpg)

>>427424Furisode girl because fairy type. Or maybe a Smasher.
No. 427695
File: 1730082583272.png (32.1 KB, 256x256, Delinquent_ORAS_OD.png)

>>427424I'd be a
wannabe Delinquent. My fav type is Dark and I like badass ladies so I wanna be cool like them. That, or a female Super Nerd. I wish there was a creepy female nerd trainer class other than Hex Maniac.
>>427403After some consideration, I now see what other nonnies find hot about that Wallace. I hadn't noticed the hip area.
>>427456I think the other anons were right, the documents probably aren't meant to be followed to the T. Archie's concept art says he's 1.75m tall, but the doc says 1.76. It's not very precise.
No. 427735
File: 1730098950851.png (658 B, 64x64, Sprite_Mystimaniac_RS.png)

>>427424I always loved the R/S hex maniac
No. 427785
File: 1730128539897.jpeg (381.71 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4057.jpeg)

>>427424I would be a swimmer! Specifically in Alola where the water would be warmer.
No. 428038
File: 1730221595055.png (1.91 KB, 384x384, zo8mCdIe_400x400.png)

>>427424gen 3 hex maniac, cute design.
No. 428039
File: 1730221616953.webp (69.04 KB, 640x624, n6aj0n28kc151.webp)

This is gonna sound retarded but is anyone else struggling with seemingly being the only one "just" liking characters? I love pokemon characters a lot but never have any of them been a husbando/waifu or coom material for me.
It just feels so awkward when I go "I really love N" and someone goes "me too!" and I think we're going to bond but what she meant was "N is my husbando and I regularly commission self-insert porn of us together as a couple" or "he's my favorite uke, I enjoy him being fucked by Alder the most". It feels like I'm the only one stuck in a child's brain unable to see pokemon as a source of coom (not that I want to, I just feel left out) idk it just feels weird and alienating
No. 428049
>>428039I think many think a character is hot but don't like them
as a character at least, enough to talk about them on that alone. Maybe being specific like that might help.
No. 428051
>>428039You're part of the majority, it's just that huge fans of specific characters will obviously talk or post about them a lot more than the average pokemon fan who just enjoy seeing these characters on screen. If you have a casual conversation irl or online with other pokemon fans they're more likely to just tell you "I love N too, he's my favorite character in the games, I like his design/battles against him/development in the story/etc." but how likely is it that this topic will even come up in the first place? Compared to when a huge fangirl will create fan accounts online just for him, will cosplay him during anime conventions, tag her posts about him, and will be easier to find.
This is making me think about how popular the franchise is, and how that makes finding normal fans a lot easier than with other video games I like. All I do online is like cute pictures of girls putting their pokemon plushies next to their food and drinks and fanart the humans and pokemon doing normal things on social media. I don't even play online anymore because SV is a broken piece of shit and Game Freak can't code to save their life.
No. 428090
File: 1730231239231.jpg (125.5 KB, 800x800, 13af3de5f2a208b852b3eb8d73bb1a…)

>>428054That is so obviously not true and GF knows that, they even said in the leaks that they focus more on the human characters. Why else do you think Mastersex exists?
No. 428148
File: 1730243068938.jpg (75.2 KB, 667x1000, bugsy.jpg)

>>428051>You're part of the majorityI hope that's true, it would make me feel better. I still just can't seem to find any normal fan who cares about the characters without it being for their coom. I have friends who think they care, but every time I bring something up it just goes back to their favorite yaoi ship and it's clear nothing else matters to them. It's so pathetic that the most engaging conversation I've had about it in years was with an 11 year old girl who hadn't hit puberty yet and just thought the characters were fun the same way I do. She was a cool kid though kek
No. 428206
File: 1730260776481.png (520.52 KB, 1095x789, 1730244056581937.png)

>>386579>>386626[Sad News] Balding Ingo concept was real
No. 428251
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No. 428253
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No. 428256
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No. 428264
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No. 428282
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>>428275Found it again and I don't really see it honestly, she just looks like an opera singer with rocker glasses. Maybe toning down her lip size would've helped, but I still find it a stretch.
No. 428291
>>428282She’s giving Jennifer Coolidge.
Makes me want an ice cream real bad…
No. 428305
File: 1730305853598.png (282.91 KB, 452x325, Manectric.png)

>>428296Not all megas were heavy-hitters, let's be honest.
No. 428307
>>428206Holy shit, where was this found?? I missed it.
>>428039Although I do find some of them hot, I like a lot of characters
that aren't my husbando, he's the only exception in a normal way. I don't even ship anyone, I'm incapable of imagining ships between them for some reason. Maybe they're just so paper-thin as characters that there's nothing to work with. They were never the main focus of the main games.
I also like the pokémon themselves.
You'd probably have more luck finding normal non-coomer non-husbandofag fans if you looked for people who talk about the games in general and not just the character.
Also, the internet now is incredibly pornsick, so older fans are more prone to talk about coom than anything else.
>>428090What other nonas said, Masters is just one of the many spin-offs, and it's not the most popular by a long shot.
No. 428359
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Depressing really
No. 428361
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The original gym leaders based on the description that Gamefreak previously gave them
No. 428362
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Mimikyu without her costume i love her
No. 428365
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I've spent years not getting the SubMas insanity but I kinda get it now…
It helps they have a lot of sexy fanart though kek
No. 428368
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>>428365YOU are not safe from TRAIN AUTISM
No. 428369
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>>428206good thing fanartists don't care
No. 428372
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>>428362omggg she looks so sad poor bb
No. 428375
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>>428206I think their big forehead is very cute though! Reminds me of Taisho era haircuts…
No. 428405
File: 1730324353501.jpg (5.06 MB, 2327x2064, illust_99944987_20241030_22284…)

Who's your favorite?
Mine is Emmet ♥
No. 428406
>>428359I wonder why the peanut one was removed. I had assumed it was because it's similar to Breelom, but the text (not on yours, the original) say it's because ot looks like a character from another franchise, but unlike the trex they didn't mention which one.
I want to see the little peanut dinosaur lookalike…
No. 428418
>>428362Finally seeing what mimikyu looks like sure takes the mystery away, kind of makes me like it less tbh
>>428406>looks like a character from another franchiseI wonder what pokemon are obvious "rip-offs" that we just don't get because we're not japanese. Like how gholdengo is straight up just the silly string cheese guy. Though I also wonder if game freak had no idea James Turner "stole" the design and that it wasn't his own original idea. Maybe they only found out after western fans pointed it out… kinda scummy of him if that's the case.
No. 428429
>>428418>I wonder what pokemon are obvious "rip-offs" that we just don't get because we're not japanese.Mostly they rip off famous japanese cartoon animals and monsters that are part of their pop cultural osmosys.
Only one comes at the top of my head atm: Shinx looks a lot like Jungle Emperor Leo/Kimba.
There's also Tyranitar and Jynx but I'm less sure which kaiju monster suit they're referencing.
No. 428437
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I wish Tropius had gotten a mega evolution or something. It's so cute but not particularly usable competitively, because it's slow for a flying type and double-weak to ice attacks.
No. 428446
File: 1730344064274.jpg (107.94 KB, 564x1131, Doronjo.jpg)

>>428418Doronjo and Meowscarada is the one that always comes to mind for me, along with the numerous tokusatsu references scattered through the generations (Staryu line and Lokix line being the most obvious there).
I feel like looking too much like another franchise's design would only matter to TPC if the other franchise was a competitor of Pokemon like Yo-Kai Watch or Digimon.
No. 428450
File: 1730347779142.jpeg (72.62 KB, 735x463, IMG_5893.jpeg)

>>428418it makes me like her more lol, it's just a little shadow. i still think she is one of the best pokes in terms of character design
No. 428469
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>>428405i like them equally
No. 428509
>>428446>tokusatsuI don't know about these, please share!
>>428450>i still think she is one of the best pokes in terms of character designI'm glad you think that nona! For me though the second I realized mimikyu wasn't "ghost pikachu" but that the cute part is just a lumpy costume it made me super disappointed. I always wanted a ghost type pika-clone and now I feel like I'll never get it because mimikyu stole the spot.
No. 428579
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>>425461Girls my color blindness was kinda right kek. While in-game the lighter parts are pale yellow, the base color for it is green.
Most importantly, she was gonna be pink but then the british asked for a color change because "It's too similar to skin color, so her skirt looks like multiple butts" what the fuck. She could've been PERFECT.
No. 428625
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>>428509I think the most well-known tokusatsu reference is that Tyranitar is based on Godzilla. Duraludon and Hydreigon in turn reference MechaGodzilla and King Ghidorah. Nidoran line is based on Baragon. Gigantomax Butterfree is Mothra.
Staryu line = Ultraman is covered in the post above.
The Lokix line references the Kamen Rider franchise, particularly Kamen Rider Black RX, which is why it has a robot-grasshopper appearance while performing martial arts. I believe its Pokedex entry number also calls back to Kamen Rider, although I can't recall how off the top of my head.
There are more tenuous connections that could be made elsewhere, but those are the concrete and generally agreed upon as specificially referential ones.
An additional fun fact for you is that the original concept for Pokemon was called Capumon (short for capsule monsters), which was scrapped for trademarking reasons. The trademarking issue in question here is actually that Ultraseven (an early season of Ultraman) already had capsule monsters, and the name was therefore unlikely to fly with TsubuPro.
No. 428672
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>>428206>>428369Kek nonas, they're not balding, they just have really short hair… The big forehead is probably just due to the artist's style.
No. 428673
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>>428361>>428362Nonner, post the source, I beg you.
No. 428708
File: 1730449123030.png (172.43 KB, 338x450, Lim_Eleking_render.png)

>>428664that seems to be a pikachu-likr rendition of eleking from ultraman. as for the brown one, it's micras from ultraman
No. 428713
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>>428672Big foreheads are cute anyway.
No. 428737
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what happened?
No. 428750
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>>425021Found another one!
No. 428774
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>>428756i agree, i's a weird way of seeing pokémon. cloyster's just a big ol' bivalve, i always liked its look
No. 428784
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>>428672>they're not balding, they just have really short hair… The big forehead is probably just due to the artist's style.he bald tho
No. 428788
>>428755>Because the leaks revealed some juicy drama between the voice actor of Satoshi and Pikachu, so all animated products featuring them together are pretty much done at this point. what
you're saying after 20+ years of working together they had a childish fight that was so bad they refuse to work with each other and that coincidentally happened at the same time the anime had already planned to move on from ash and also that game freak keeps this juicy gossip on their files and every other person in the world managed to miss this?
No. 428792
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>>428756Me too and I like both those pokemon but can't mention them or even their pre-evos in front of others or they go "huehuehue you like penis and vagina pokemon you dirty freak". I hate how sex-obsessed the world is, it ruins everything for me. Shellder is so cute, it's basically water type gastly
No. 428883
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>>428784The only thing that ruins him is that ugly goatee
No. 428886
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>>428882seething for some reason
>>428883old man ingo is cute, but i feel so bad for him.
No. 428927
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>>428886I have no idea what they want to do with that plotline but it's sad to see the cute twins separated…
No. 428941
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>>428792i love shellder and cloyster too, i love pokemon whose design has eyes peeking out of the dark (also tangela). i kever thought of cloyster as a vag either, to me he looks more like a battle ship or tank
No. 429113
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Dude these Gamefreak leaks are fucking wild (just now catching up on them). Wtf is wrong with Gamefreak's employees that they think this shit is even remotely okay
No. 429131
>>429113If you're talking about the pokemon sex stories, then those were just writting exercises that mimic actual japanese folklore (they replaced the characters for pokemon and added some details about them).
What bugs me about those leaks is how they kept all the amazing concept art locked away on their offices instead of releasing an artwork.
Oh also how whiny TPC international is, some pokemon/artwork changes are so funny kek
No. 429141
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>>428964>>429069weirdly mad to the point of samefagging about cradily having dicks coming out of its head
>>429131i'm annoyed at how the internet is taken over by "LOL TYPHLOSION IS P. DIDDY" jokes instead of questioning why the female child characters have notes about how they should look "sexy" tbh
(samefag-foiling) No. 429191
>>428837Would love to see these documents if true.
Was kinda sad when they transitioned away from Ash but I've been enjoying her in my other main children's show (she's in this year's season of sentai as the main mascot/robot chara) so it's not too bad.
No. 429192
>>429174it's crazy that you were able to avoid any headlines or clickbait titles about typhlosion being a child kidnapper and being "
sus" and all that. unbelievable even
No. 429206
>>429141>instead of questioning why the female child characters have notes about how they should look "sexy" tbhYou mean Skyla? That was referring to this version
>>428361, we don't have any final documents on them. I don't remember seeing anything particularly suspicious in them, it's just something for character designer to go off.
No. 429210
>>429141>instead of questioning why the female child characters have notes about how they should look "sexy" tbhNone of the child characters had notes about being sexy. Neither Elesa who was planned as a teenager did. The only one who had notes about being sexy was Skyla who also got confirmed as a legal adult and is based off Jennifer Lopez or something.
I still find it iffy but let's not act like they wrote nasty shit about Iris now.
No. 429245
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>>429174I don't use Twitter a lot but I check CentroLeaks for quick news about the leaks, so I accidentally end up seeing Typhlosion jokes every now and then. Fucking mainstream news sites have written articles about Typhlosion rape. Even this CentroLeaks fucker won't stop referencing it because he loves the attention he's getting thanks to these leaks.
>>403685Doesn't he have a shitton of female fans in Japan?
>>403689Looks good in fanart, the problem is that whoever designed him exaggerated his skinny body too much, the head looks huge in comparison, and the eyes are also huge. He looks like a starved child, not even like an anorexic man. Not to mention the non-sensical Sonic the Hedgehog hair, of course.
No. 429250
>>429131>writting exercises that mimic actual japanese folklore (they replaced the characters for pokemon and added some details about them).I thought that one was based on a Native American myth. Anyway, with these stories and the Arceus creation myths drafts, it's clear they wanted to write edgy and mysterious things to put in DP and make pokélore deeper and more realistic, mimicking real-life mythology from a vareity of cultures. In the end, they kept a lot of the lore vague, they didn't even distribute the Azure Flute, and the only reference to human-pokémon relationships in the final games is an old story that said "humans and pokémon used to be so similar that they got married sometimes", or something along those lines, suggesting that people evolved from pokémon.
>>429133Funny because it seems that Palkia was going to be a feminine deity in the original concepts. But yeah, I've also noticed its vague similarity to a penis, but that might be because I saw people only making the comparison and joking about it when I was little.
>>428756I think it's a bit funny that cloyster's "horn" is located where the clitoris would be, but I just see it as a funny silly coincidence I sometimes joke about.
I've always thought Cradily's appendages looked kinda weird because of the pink (bad design choice tbh), but it never occured to me that they looked like dicks until now. I still absolutely love it, though. Maybe they realized their mistake with Cradily and wanted to avoid the same thing with Tsareena? lol
No. 429259
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>>403685Reminder he got MOGGED by three autists. Never seen anyome gaf about Burgh aside from how he supossedly was drawn for the women.
No. 429269
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>>429259sobbing at the trainschizos entering top 3
No. 429274
>>429259>Never seen anyome gaf about BurghI thought he was popular in Japan specifically, though, of course, not as popular as those three.
I actually have a friend on Pokémon Masters that's a Burgh husbandofag. Her yume photos are very creative and cute, kek.
No. 429290
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>>429192some of us have been able to escape that thankfully
honestly im tired of all the coomer talk. it's a cute kids game ffs
No. 429343
>>429245Centro leaks can choke on a dick for all I care, I hate how trashy leakers have ruined the pokemon community
>Doesn't he have a shitton of female fans in Japan?Based on fanart, I would say no? I've seen a ton of japanese fanart of other characters like the train twins despite them not being popular in the west, but I've never seen burgh fanart in the wild
No. 429356
>>429343>Based on fanart, I would say no?I see, for some reason I was under the impression that he was popular in Japan. I mean, he did get an Easter alt in Masters along with May.
>>429348Kek I made a post shitting on him for blatantly overhyping some really boring not-leak, and someone (probably him) replied to me angrily for no reason.
No. 429393
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i love the lamps
No. 430232
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>>427397 (me)
I think he looks infinitely better here, for some reason.
No. 430233
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Cheren beta design.
No. 430235
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>>430233Bianca beta design, she didn't change as much.
No. 430236
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Serena beta design?
No. 430237
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Beta Valerie?
No. 430238
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It looks like they might've been planning to add Cheren's cuter BW version to Masters.
No. 430240
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>>424522>>424524>>424557Super ultra mega late, but yes, it's real. The map with South Kalos in it is in one of the early builds.
No. 430241
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They could've released Z with the addition of South Kalos after ORAS, but nooooooo, they had to rush the next generation. I was so fucking furious that they were abandoning Gen 6 so soon that I dropped the series altogether.
Pic unrelated.
No. 430286
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Apologies for the gachasperg.
Last week (update week) I pulled Zerena on my first x11 scout, so I knew I'd be able to pull for Ingo/Emmet! Well, guess what? I got Ingo on the third x11 scout. And then Emmet on the second x11 lmaoooo, this may be my luckiest pull streak ever, it almost makes up for the fact that I wasn't able to get SSA Cynthia last time because I fell short of the 400 points for pity by ONE point at the last fucking second, worst fucking experience I've had with this game and I still seethe hard just thinking about it. But I'm so happy that I'll be able to get Irida at the end of the month! With a bit of luck, and if no new December units interest me, I might even be able to get Adaman as well.
By the way, Ingo and Emmet are cute as fuck. I don't mean that in a husbandofag way, but just their personality and voice and autism are very endearing. I was never a huge fan of them, personally, but this game is making me love them, although that could be said of 99% of the characters in Masters. I'm also happy that I got Eelektross, one of my favorite pokémon, even if I already have more than enough powerful Electric-types. In fact, just a year ago I also pulled both Sygna Suit Roxie and Piers, it's rare for me to pull both Poké Fair units debuting in an event. And not only do I need more powerful Dragon-types, but Zygarde is also a favorite of mine, so I'm double happy with having pulled Zerena.
No. 430297
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No. 430298
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That Colressfag on /vp/ must have cried tears of joy when all this concept art dropped. She won, kek
No. 430300
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No. 430302
File: 1730975854555.jpg (153.88 KB, 1200x848, nijiギーマ1.jpg)

Oh yeah, that's right, there's a Grimsleyfag on here, isn't there?
No. 430398
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>>430298>Colressfag on /vp/i love you fellow vpveteran
No. 430435
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>>430434sorry let me re-read the rules here
No. 430491
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has anyone tried the new tcg mobile game? i never played the tcg but i'm tempted to try it just bc i love the art on cards
No. 430540
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>>430525They might not scream but they're definitely mentally ill…
No. 430577
>>430570Isn’t kowaru being gay just a fujo headcanon?
Also N belongs to Hilda
No. 430745
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>>430584This fanart KEK
>>430577>Isn’t kowaru being gay just a fujo headcanon?NTA, but no. It's pretty clearly meant to be gay. I'm not even a fujo but facts are facts. Not that it affects N's sexuality.
No. 430748
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>>430491I'm still not sure whether it's supposed to be separate from the already existing PTCG Live (I have old cards there that I transferred from PTCGO, and I would hate to have to collect them again), but I can't get any more Pokémon autism on my phone because all my mobage budget is already dedicated Masters, lmao. I'd go broke.
>>430443I mean, he's a fashionable guy.
>>430398I don't know if the Colressfag is an oldfag or not, I don't know anyone over there anymore since I left many years ago. Only reason I went back to /vp/ this one time was for the leaks, and I saw her begging for B2W2 leaks. Also, another husbandofag who loves my husbando tried to fight me over him, but I think in the end we became friends? Kek.
No. 430790
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>>430784I don't know what part of the posts you're talking about, kek.
>>430787Well shit, I had no idea. OK fine, I'll download it. You happy, TPC?
No. 430799
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>>430798>>430784>highlight "kowaru">right-click>click "Search [search engine] for "kowaru"Also I'm seeing anybody here sperging. At least not the ones you replied to.
No. 430914
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>>430798i've never heard of "kowaru" either. is it the japanese name of a character?
No. 430916
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>>430914She probably mistyped Kaworu from Evangelion. I've seen N compared to him sometimes.
No. 430952
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>>430914uoaaaughf twins sexoooooooooAaaaa
(integrate) No. 430970
File: 1731213015496.png (1.52 MB, 1200x857, IMG_6027.png)

>>430964nah peoole have posted about liking it just bc it looks silly in the previous thread. no furfaggotry involved.
personally it's not my fave design but i dont find it that horrible either. i like how silly it looks, like a goofy 90s mascot.
No. 430972
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>>430952in your pic… their
dicks are touching…
No. 430975
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>>430972Kek I didn't think about that…
I want to be between them No. 431077
>>430956I'm with you nona, it's an ugly unoriginal rip-off, and it's a rip-off of an ugly mascot that wasn't ever good to begin with. Just by existing it cheapens pokemon design and integrity, and also they pull shit like this and then have the nerve to complain about palworld designs being copies of pokemon? OH really? Now copying designs is bad huh??? Fuck off.
The only people who like it are people who talk like "it's just a silly willy gold goober boy" and who hate anime for not being "inclusive" enough. Every person in the world who likes the golden turd is currently crying that Trump won the US election, regardless of if they're even American or not.
No. 431081
File: 1731230060860.jpg (77.48 KB, 500x794, tateliza.jpg)

The superior pokemon twins. As a kid who started with RSE it was empowering to see kids I perceived to be my own age as gym leaders, so I always saw them as my friends.
No. 431082
>>431072It became a bit of a meme since a lot of series had "mysterious white/light hair colored slightly smug guy that acts weirdly close/gay to the mc" so people started reaching to make a list for the archetype.
The white haired guy from danger ronpa is another example.
No. 431083
File: 1731230224499.jpg (565.1 KB, 1200x1011, 123631411_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>431082well that's stupid
No. 431087
>>431081They team up with Ingo and Emmet in Masters and it's the cutest thing. I always loved them since I played Ruby because their gimmick is double battles. As far as I know, they're the only gym leaders to do that. And I liked them because they were like child geniuses.
>>431072Yeah it's not meant to be serious, nona, it's just a nerdy joke.
No. 431100
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>>431072Unova only produces autists
No. 431297
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Original Sun/Moon polot concept!
No. 431298
File: 1731300245886.jpg (214.77 KB, 1956x1435, media_GbGhu7fXUAAtktG.jpg)

>>431297>polotKek, I meant plot.
Also, beta Team Flare grunts. I grabbed this from Centro but I can't find it in the GFdocs folder, does anyone know which file this is from? I'm desperate to know, lol.
No. 431304
File: 1731303271217.png (437.1 KB, 500x750, IMG_2678.png)

i can't wait for my man psyduck to arrive in UNITE i wanna dress him up in stupid outfits
No. 431331
>>431304I'd throw so much money at unite if the holowear was cheaper, now it's so expensive I don't even buy it for my main. I refuse to believe they earn more money this way. Plus their stupid ass 5 billion slow as hell menus that you can't escape don't make it better either.
I've thrown money at nearly every pokemon game/app ever made but not unite even though I love the actual game play.
No. 431334
File: 1731314805714.png (445.29 KB, 588x611, IMG_6070.png)

>>431331ayrt and honestly unite's one of the very few games i've thrown money at because i consistently find it very fun, even though i've been playing for years now (basically since it launched). i get the battle pass if the holowear is for a poke i play, since i tend to cycle through different ones rather than stick to one main.
terf queen azumarill is still my #1 but i like playing different roles so i don't get bored. I also play with a friend most of the time so it's more fun that way.
i agree the menus kinda suck especially since there's a bunch of different events hoing in at any guven rime. but overall i still like the game enough to splurge on holowear ince in a while. i just mimikyu's battle pass outfit bc she's one of my faves and her jiangshi outfit is just too cute, especially since you can match your trainer outfit with hers.
snorlax also has some incredibly stupid outfits and i love them. picrel is my fave
No. 431363
File: 1731325404484.png (679.14 KB, 1968x1792, illust_114704153_20241101_2344…)

>>431336I just saw that I ate a ban for my previous hornyposting (for not integrating so I'm guessing it counts as too low quality /g/ adjacent sperging) so I'll just say I like Emmet the most kek. Autism moe.
No. 431366
File: 1731327185817.jpg (1.15 MB, 1626x1007, 1000067177.jpg)

>>431336I love Emmett he's so cute it's a shame he's overshadowed by Ingo after PLA
No. 431372
File: 1731328331618.jpg (52.16 KB, 563x799, 1000067181.jpg)

Why did BW have the best Pokemoids? ITT we already can see so much love for the Submas twins, and N mogged every male out of oblivion in character polls. Personally I also like Cheren because I'm a meganefag who loves majime characters and he was my crush as a kid. Also he's low-key the funniest Pokemon rival for calling Team Plasma wastes of oxygen, other rivals tend to be absolute pussies who don't say anything about evil teams while Cheren just straight up wanted Team Plasma to die.
No. 431373
>>430577>Isn’t kowaru being gay just a fujo headcanon?No.
>Also N belongs to HildaShe's hideous and Hilbert is the canon protagonist in pokemas which gets the most shipbait. Fujos win yet again.
No. 431379
File: 1731329627208.jpg (33.17 KB, 1024x340, 08fe42cf4701ec02e225768cdca2c9…)

>>431372Lately I've been thinking gen 3 has the best pokeboys not gonna lie gen 5 is a strong second place though.
No. 431384
File: 1731331624171.jpg (818.98 KB, 2000x2700, GU9TYxza4AM30K-.jpg)

>>431372Gen 5 was peak in terms of husbandos. I've always been crazy for Marlon even if he's not super popular, he's a really lovable merman lol.
Currently I'm playing Mastersex and it's just the nth (heh) proof of that, it makes me want to pull all the Unova cuties and get them all to EX level…
The story is nice too so far: as minor Cherenfag I love how he is characterized as a mature teacher in it… it feels like the writers of the game totally get Pokémon and its characters. I love/hate how much this game panders to my current woes and gives me so much cute content with all these husbandos I loved years ago.
>>431373>She's hideous and Hilbert is the canon protagonist in pokemas which gets the most shipbait. Fujos win yet again.Who cares, in the original game they're effectively the same character anyway.
I never liked Hilda until recently… somehow I'm taking a liking to all the self-insert shippy art she gets with all the sexy and cute guys of Gen 5. So yeah I can't hate her anymore, she's a Stacey in my eyes now KEK.
Plus personally I prefer her ship art with N because she looks more mature than Hilbert. Hilbert is a cool design but he looks either like a tomboy or too young for my taste.
No. 431386
File: 1731332002429.png (198.2 KB, 640x744, 14n5em6xxed91.png)

>>431384>because she looks more mature than HilbertIt's the booty shorts isn't it
I should specify though that I don't hate her (she's a silent protagonist character/shows up once in the battle subway so I don't know how I would kek) I just find her design very ugly.
No. 431388
>>431386>It's the booty shorts isn't itI dunno, I'd think the same if she wore full jeans (and she'd look much better without the damn booty shorts).
She does look more kiddy in Mastersex though.
No. 431423
File: 1731344348708.png (827.28 KB, 760x950, Gb2Z01uXIAAsJLt.png)

>>431386Hilda's design is brilliant because her outfit seems to have been made to complement N's and vice-versa. Both of them wear black and white shirts while Hilbert alone wears a blue jacket.
No. 431434
File: 1731347813195.jpg (115.11 KB, 810x1050, CdFv2slW4AEq2eX.jpg)

>>431427What? Do you honestly think this looks slutty?
No. 431435
File: 1731347942993.png (447.67 KB, 667x1000, 51gbX-7Px8L.png)

>>431429The girl who rides shot gun in the front seat of her boyfriend's car.
>>431434The shorts on the actual character are shorter.
No. 431485
File: 1731359720533.png (1.12 MB, 1280x1280, D-lKag9X4AA6c0k.png)

i like hilda's design but it's pretty weird to see next to hilbert who is as covered as possible
No. 431487
File: 1731359800300.png (199.95 KB, 640x246, 8zzcf42r3i071.png)

No. 431523
File: 1731366957779.jpg (96.37 KB, 1125x815, judgmental water pokemon.jpg)

are you people incpable of not talking about coom for five fucking minutes.
No. 431524
File: 1731367000603.png (245.29 KB, 905x1280, Pokemon_Scarlet_Main_Character…)

>>431512>For some reason seeing a boy's knees is so completely forbidden that they're hidden on every single design.I've been told by a Japanese woman that they see shorts that are shorter than the knees as too "womanly" so males showing their knees are essentially seen as gay, I think that may be the reason. But we do have a male protag showing his knees now though.
No. 431525
>>431521That's also why characters in Japanese media
freak out at the slightest hint of cleavage kek, it's a parody of this very real attitude. Obviously the idea of "sexy legs" is still a thing but it's kind of an afterthought if that makes sense. That's also why a lot of anime designs tend to be relatively top-heavy in terms of detail.
No. 431526
File: 1731367119511.jpg (224.3 KB, 2048x1460, 2361744.jpg)

>>431487>>431520Girls wear short shorts and miniskirts, guys don't. That's how things are IRL unless you're from Pakistan or something.
It's not like the girls are wearing bikinis.
>>431521>Legs aren't considered sexy or slutty in Japan/east Asia the way they are in the west.They're not slutty anywhere unless you're from a muslim majority country.
No. 431527
File: 1731367126402.webp (19.81 KB, 780x439, high-five-pokemon-lets-go-eeve…)

>>431523oh thank god I'm not the only one here who finds the fujosperging to be an eyesore kek
No. 431531
>>431526>Girls wear short shorts and miniskirts, guys don't. That's how things are IRLRight, this. I legit don't think any of the female protags are overly sexualized in official art, they're only drawn like sexy adults/teens in fanart. And since it's from Japan we have a billion other animes/games to compare to and pokemon is extremely safe and child-friendly compared to most.
Like yeah the world IS sexist, pokemon just isn't the best example of it. I frannkly think at least half of them are dressed like lame nerds lol
No. 431534
File: 1731367980121.jpg (115.68 KB, 588x331, 1000028956.jpg)

>>431524Behold the Shadows of Almia protagonists. I like them a lot, they both look great, but I think it's legitimately funny how the shorts just HAVE to be slightly different lengths kek. Overall though I appreciate that they're essentially wearing the same thing and it's equally functional to work in.
No. 431553
>>431487Honestly I love Kris and the old May! They look great and fitting for the role of trainers. I personally don't mind they have shorts either. They're the ideal heroine designs for me.
>>431518But most people who ship N with the female protagonist think she is a young adult and draw/write her acting like one, and also it feels like disingenuous to completely ignore the fact most people use Hilda to self insert and write her as their OC.
No. 431560
File: 1731376769462.jpg (194.52 KB, 850x944, __hilda_and_n_pokemon_and_1_mo…)

>>431518I can't believe the retards have infected lolcow too kek. Where are you people even coming from? Ferriswheelshipping is a staple
No. 431563
File: 1731377938796.png (1.79 MB, 4450x2409, ch0014_01_cheren.png)

>>431372>ITT we already can see so much love for the Submas twinsThat's like a couple of autists spamming fanart, to be fair.
>N mogged every male out of oblivion in character polls. Good for him, but I never cared about N that much.
>CherenI also liked him because of his personality and glasses, but I always thought his haircut was kinda ugly. Still, it's a cuter design (>>430238) than his B2W2 look. I was browsing through the early pages in BW character tags for N, Hilda and Cheren the other day on Danbooru, and it seems that Cheren x Hilda was a popular ship when the games came out, as well as the N x Hilda x Cheren triangle. But it appears that his (or the ship's) popularity waned after B2W2. I attribute this to his friendship with Bianca becoming more important and his uglier design, lol.
Speaking of which, I hate that he's clearly shown with a perpetual blush in his Masters model sheet (pic related), the same as in his official B2W2 artwork, but in the final game, he never blushes, while Rosa and Skyla do it constantly. Fuck DeNA, bunch of cowards. I wish I could find the docs where they explain why they pussied out of giving boys blushing expressions.
>other rivals tend to be absolute pussies who don't say anything about evil teamsI think that's because most rivals are not that personally involved with the villain team. Also, BW had a bigger focus on story. Remember how the gym leaders show up in the final act to stop Team Plasma? That never happened before.
IIRC, Silver (my childhood crush) hates Team Rocket and calls them weak, since he's Giovanni's son.
No. 431565
File: 1731378689411.jpg (409.63 KB, 2340x1654, suuuuure, it's just reference …)

>>431384>it feels like the writers of the game totally get Pokémon and its characters.(NTA) For the most part, yes, but there are inconsistencies that I really don't like, as if the writers picked random bits of info to elaborate on, or as if they didn't care about having a consistent timeline, and I don't fully agree with the way they characterized some of the player characters (both male and female). Not to mention how most of the PCs who are currently in the Lodge roster are female, while the only male PC so far is Calem. I hate that they see our (basically) self-inserts as waifus, and they don't make the most minimal effort to portray the boys in a similar way. And… maybe I'm just being nitpicky, but in the English version at least, there are some characters whose dialogue doesn't match their original version from the actual games. It's very subtle, but if you're autistically obsessed with said characters in their original games, you'll notice it.
Aside from that, I do appreciate how fun and charming everyone is in Masters, this game has made me like characters I never thought I'd give a fuck about (even ones I hated). Although the way most trainers keep repeating their catchphrases again and again in any context because they didn't have a lot of dialogue originally is kind of obnoxious, kek.
Anyway, Pokémon Masters is a clusterfuck that only exists for the sake of dumb fanservice.
>in the original game they're effectively the same character anyway. This. Maybe the yaoi ship wouldn't have been so popular if Hilbert hadn't been accidentally given cute hair. I see a lot of the fanart is focused on him instead of N.
>>431434OMG this cosplay is so cute! I always wanted to cosplay Hilda when I was a teenager. I love love love Hilda because of her big brown ponytail, the hat, the black vest, and especially her boots and the pose she has in her official artwork where she looks so ready to kick ass, I always thought she was the single coolest of all the female player characters. Although to be fair, her design
is kinda coomer. AFAIK she and Hilbert are supposed to be older than previous protagonists, but still… She'd be so perfect if they hadn't given her those goddamn booty shorts. It feels perverted, pic related (an actual leaked pic).
I'm so sick of the girl character always having to wear either booty shorts or a miniskirt while the boy always wears long, wide shorts or baggy pants, even in regions that are not based in Japan (so this
>>431526 is not always an excuse). This is why I don't care that they gave the SV protagonists the same unsexualized uniform, despite complaints that it's "not cute enough" or even "ugly" (??). I do think they should've balanced that out with more customization options, though.
No. 431567
File: 1731380269783.jpg (577.38 KB, 1716x2526, Squirtle-Genetic-Apex.jpg)

God I hate this thread lately. Anyway, how are your TCG pocket pulls? I'm playing casually so I haven't even gotten any of the 4 rare art cards yet, I heard they all got special music tracks too which is a neat detail. Does the app make you want to buy real TCG cards?
No. 431569
File: 1731380851444.jpg (605.29 KB, 660x920, ooyamamrmime.jpg)

>>431567Haven't played the game but my friend got me a bunch of OOYAMA cards lately! I love his art.
No. 431573
File: 1731382034851.png (122.03 KB, 490x683, original.png)

>>431567With the constant infighting and weird posting itt, it makes you not want to post in this thread as often, or at all, and I have the sneaking suspicion it's one or two anons going at it over and over again. So best to ignore. I want this card btw
No. 431594
File: 1731397106465.jpg (98.47 KB, 600x825, 86362_in_1000x1000.jpg)

>>431573>>431573Neat, they redid the classic slowpoke art?
Thinking about the TGC just unlocked a painful memory - I spent months building my dream deck around this Jumpluff's ability. I cherished it so much I'd sleep with it on my bedside table.
… And I ended up knocking a glass of juice onto it. Maybe I ought to try rebuilding it as an adult
No. 431598
File: 1731400024582.jpeg (185.68 KB, 726x1024, IMG_6089.jpeg)

i suck at the game itself but i fucking love tcg art. So many bangers
No. 431610
File: 1731403989798.jpg (532.75 KB, 1201x643, tumblr_mgmqo81rA41rxldc4o1_128…)

>>431567it's not much different from how it normally is, and at least we aren't the fucking BL thread with its constant infighting. just ignore the stuff you don't like
also i miss this kinda ugly dated 3D style of card art
No. 431611
File: 1731404099687.jpg (77.02 KB, 467x322, tumblr_a49929d2610f71017db4426…)

No. 431613
File: 1731404146969.png (194.47 KB, 326x229, xk5uulN.png)

No. 431633
File: 1731414137501.jpg (277 KB, 1873x1177, You look lonely.jpg)

>>431379>spoileryou ship maxie and archie, or steven and wallace, don't you?
I think the early Gens would be at the bottom of the human characters tier list imo
>>431595Isn't the reason why people like them is because they have no personality so you can easily make up whatever headcanon about them that you want?
No. 431677
>>431573I just pulled this card in pocket! Not quite as impressive as having it irl, though still fun.
>>431574Now this I can agree with! I know it's likely just nostalgia but this is so much more fun than the modern pokemon clothes. These have just enough whimsicality to it while still looking kinda cool.
>>431598I just hate that art like that are special collabs that become impossible to get hold of. I would have loved to own the scream psyduck and other cards because I truly love art, but I'm not willing to pay hundreds for them… I wish they were regular cards you could pull in packs.
>>431610>also i miss this kinda ugly dated 3D style of card artOof I sure don't! But they're really fun to look back on now that we have 3D games! It's like they were a portal to the future without even knowing it!
No. 431693
File: 1731441262030.jpg (277.57 KB, 1199x1080, 4f3a76c425e2b64b5248a28e0d3401…)

>>431633>Isn't the reason why people like them is because they have no personality so you can easily make up whatever headcanon about them that you want?no, if you read their dialogues they are basically contrasts of each other while remaining twins, it's part of the appeal. ingo is more reserved and somewhat more socially aware, emmet is more cheerful but highly awkward
No. 431696
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No. 431697
File: 1731441876813.jpg (230.18 KB, 934x1920, autism.jpg)

No. 431732
File: 1731457720725.jpeg (263.54 KB, 1080x756, IMG_3668.jpeg)

another halloween come and gone and they STILL haven't added mimikyu to pokemon go
No. 431789
File: 1731471807708.jpg (1.01 MB, 3000x2120, ダイビングイメージ.jpg)

Don't know if this was in the art book, but it's cute as hell.
>>431697This wasn't avatarfagging, she was just dumping thread-relevant pictures. Possibly trying to explain the difference between the twins, as well.
No. 431790
File: 1731471843843.jpg (1.22 MB, 3500x2405, ルネシティイメージイラスト1.jpg)

>>431693BTW, the lighting in this is fucking amazing, thanks for posting it.
No. 431792
File: 1731472079897.jpg (2.58 MB, 11873x3773, めざめのほこらまえのにわイベントまえ.jpg)

This one makes for a great three-monitor desktop wallpaper.
No. 431822
File: 1731484232282.jpg (116.72 KB, 736x736, c7e1aaa1aae9177277ff278cef9bc0…)

>>431697hope whoever reported me enjoys lots of extra submas posting!
(personalityfagging) No. 431845
File: 1731495518563.jpeg (57.13 KB, 600x444, IMG_8206.jpeg)

Wow, the mods are more autistic than Ingo and Emmett combined.
No. 431847
File: 1731495776609.jpg (29.23 KB, 695x549, 1731305461936913.jpg)

>>431822>(personalityfagging)Is farmhand okay?
>>431837At least Tierno is not a cheap imitation of another character like Trace is.
No. 431851
File: 1731497047386.png (1.21 MB, 600x804, C09q2YIVQAAyiWi.png)

>>431834Why? Hau is a perfect easy-going islander, while still bearing the burden of his grandfather being a Kahuna and feeling frustrated when he loses. His easy-going personality is also explained by Hala once scaring him as a child (being a raging moid) and going too soft on him since. He's the kind of person who is just floating by until the main character comes along and gives him the motivation to try harder and be serious. It's a realistic friendly rivalship, which I feel pokemon had failed at portraying until that point. Hau also serves as a direct contrast to the strictly raised but now rebelling against his mom Gladion (who I also love kek). They both clash with each other which makes it fun to watch.
Hau singlehandedly made me want to try malasadas too kek I'm actually super happy Hau isn't that popular because it means there's very little coom made of him.
>>431837 said Tierno is literally just an ugly fatty who wants to dance. The orange hair boy just wants to fill the dex, yet somehow he's shit at it and always behind you. Shauna is just there to have a crush on the male protagonist and she ain't even cute. When I played BW I frankly thought Bianca was a bit too pathetic and annoying, though in hindsight I'm sure it was partly due to me at the time being a little tomboy who got upset that once again the girl character was the weak lame one.
No. 431854
File: 1731497492744.jpg (247.51 KB, 1080x725, KuDBGMnBcD2ME33zxfTmYdMI-waf_x…)

>>431847>cheap imitation of another character like Trace is.Is anyone else still kinda shocked they canonically erased the Kanto story of Red and Blue to replace them with Chase/Elaine and Trace? Red and Blue are in the games still, they just never did anything cool of value and that's the new canon, like what the fuck???
Literally the only reason I'd be ok with yet another Kanto remake is for them to set the story back to normal.
No. 431856
File: 1731498063033.jpg (1.58 MB, 1111x2048, 1000067209.jpg)

>>431822Do the mods have some personal vendetta against this anon?
No. 431863
File: 1731499390354.jpg (1.33 MB, 1674x2048, illust_98473759_20241103_01404…)

>>431822Ignore her, she is trying to rile you up. We can all post a little SubMas once in a while (as long as we don't take too much attention away from the Pokémon) without giving in to someone clearly baiting us to infight.
No. 431894
>>431847>>431697See I also don't see it as personality fagging, but I was once banned for posting too many pictures of a character as well. I think farmhands must have a rule about this because I wasn't attaching myself or my personality to those posts, but they dislike when you post too many things of a specific subject in a row I guess.
>>431807>"Weird posts" my ass.If you're referring to this post
>>431573 none of submas posting or whatever is happening here is what I meant with "weird posts". I don't want to have to explain further because no1currs. I didn't report that anon.
No. 431909
File: 1731516317048.png (1.28 MB, 1300x813, __elio_gladion_hau_luvdisc_pyu…)

>>431894>If you're referring to this post >>431573 none of submas posting or whatever is happening here is what I meant with "weird posts".Oops, sorry,
>>431827Here's another. I just saved these because I love fanart where people are riding pokémon on water.
No. 431911
>>431909No problem
nonny lol. I like when anons post pictures, it's fun no matter if it's some ship or a character or a pokemon. I hope that fun never stops.
No. 432003
File: 1731529947592.jpg (50.26 KB, 697x618, 3bc606d132f24cb7bf8b0e54a57fe7…)

>>431894>I was once banned for posting too many pictures of a character as well.sorry about that because that's fucking stupid. it's not avatarfagging, or personalityfagging, or tripfagging, or namefagging to contribute photos to a thread. whoever thinks this is the case has never been on an imageboard and has never seen such things in action. you're not going around the site using the images in question as a sort of unofficial nametag. it should be bannable to spam reports to the farmhands for bullshit like "people are posting pictures of a character i don't like" but lc quality control has gone so far downhill i suspect farmhands just oblige whatever report comes in and don't read anything around it to get context. why should they? that's the reason there's an entire thread now devoted to retarded bans. embarrassing. maybe the goal is to try and hemorrhage users from every board except /pt/ and /snow/ so they can bring site focus back to cows.
anyway! submas are cute. does anyone here actually play PME? i installed it and got rid of it pretty quickly because i was trying to avoid gacha games for awhile. is it worth getting into?
No. 432035
File: 1731538195658.jpeg (243.59 KB, 2388x1773, IMG_8209.jpeg)

>>432003Being permanently banned for posting the train autists and
triggering a farmhand would be hilarious though. As far as PME, it’s the same old gacha tricks where you only care about maybe 5 of the roster of 100, they prey on your FOMO, and at some point you’re only playing to get costumes for your faves.
No. 432055
File: 1731543007627.png (280.83 KB, 1280x933, IMG_8210.png)

>>432039Maybe the reporter is butthurt that their husbando never makes any top ten lists. They hate the trainfags enough to complain about them in the character design thread even.
No. 432063
File: 1731544120122.jpg (242.65 KB, 850x1200, tumblr_c271a9484d6848c65838672…)

>>432055I'm surprised the Subway Bros are hated at all. They're just inconsequential cute autists, what's there to hate? That they're popular?
I find it adorable that they get so much fanart with their pokémon, it's the type of fanart I like the most for this franchise ♥
No. 432123
File: 1731566795742.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x2400, Pokémon Masters EX_2024-11-14-…)

>does anyone here actually play PME?
Yes, I posted my pulls earlier and you even replied to it. I'm having a lot of trouble beating these stages in Ingo & Emmet's Extreme Battle Event, especially with the required sync pairs (Johto, Alola and Paldea for Part 3, which is a Fighting/Ghost stage). I guess they really want us to roll for Eri, who's the newest Fighting-type and Paldea unit. I could get her, but I'm saving up for Adaman and Irida in the next update.
But honestly, at this point, I only keep playing this crap because I have hope that my husbando is going to get an alt and get added to the Trainer Lodge one day, and I don't wanna miss that. I already missed his introduction to the game because my phone wasn't supported. Pokémon Masters is the one gacha game I focus on the most and I don't want to play any more, that's why I don't get into that new TCG game or other Pokémon mobage.
>is it worth getting into?
Only if you're a trainerfag. So, yes.
Jokes aside, the gameplay is fun enough to keep one invested, it's an extremely simplified version of battles in the main series, and instead of being fully turn-based, it's real-time turn-based, but if you played mainline Pokémon you'll get the gist of the gameplay here pretty quickly. I love the concept of 3 vs. 3, in a way it's like a mix between multi battles and triple battles.
I've seen people say that Masters is one of the most generous gacha games, and even though I've only ever played two such games, I think I agree, even with the shitty anniversary we got this year. Although it sounds like it used to be way better 3 years ago. The key is to only go for the one unit you want each month, completely ignore FOMO (you'll get better chances to get those units in reruns), and save up for next month, as well as looking at the datamines to plan accordingly. If you're going to spend any money on this game, get the Daily Gem Bundle(s). Gem sales during the Anniversary and mid-Anniversary are also very good value. Support units are perhaps the most crucial, so you'll want good supports and to invest resources in them, preferably Master Fairs like Neo Champion Blue or Sygna Suit Aura Cynthia (regular Ingo is a Ground-type support). Depending on what your goal in the game is, you can either focus more on pulling your faves or pulling the strongest units. Now that I've got my faves, I'm collecting the Master sync pairs that rerun every month. And if you want, you can hatch pokémon eggs and form sync pairs with them.
The devs' focus clearly shifted from their original vision in the first year to a waifu/husbando popularity contest, though. So you'll see a lot more love for Cynthia/Steven/Paldea, etc. than for more obscure characters in more recent content. For example, Malva had been a story-relevant NPC in the game for at least a year but she didn't get introduced as a playable character until this year. And despite all my complaining about subtle gender bias in the fanservice (there are more missing male characters than female, the blushing thing, etc.), I think Pokémon Masters is one of the best mixed waifu/husbando gacha games in terms of pandering to both male and female players.
No. 432132
File: 1731569207377.jpeg (98.09 KB, 945x445, IMG_6205.jpeg)

my boy is finally in UNITE! love his dumb little outfit
No. 432148
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>>432138it can be. i usually play with a friend or two so we coordinate pretty well but there's still the inevitable dumbass teammate cropping up on occasion, even in ranked. on the whole find it rather fun but yeah there's no way to compeltely escape retards. just the other day i had some fucking magikarp that played like a complete retard and kept spamming quick chat notifications, i could have strangled him.
still love my critters in silly costumes tho. i'm so happy they added psyduck, he was my very first fave when i was a little kid.
No. 432186
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It's over
No. 432243
>>432039I'm not the anon who reported her, but the issue isn't that she's posting the characters, it's that she's
spamming them, and borderline avatarfagging. It's annoying that she's constantly trying to steer the conversation back to these Literal Who characters from one of the worst mainline games in the franchise.
No. 432254
>>432189>>432186What were the last things they leaked? Which gen/games? Did they run out of material already? Or are they waiting for gen 10 and legends arceus to drop so they can leak more? And I'm guessing they won't be present through 2025 right?
Also, does any nonna know where all the real leaked material can be viewed? Please no discord servers or 4chan, I would like to see a solid archival website with this content on it but I guess that's too much to ask
No. 432289
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>>432243you realize there's like 4 anons in here who were happily talking about submas right? are you going to report the people posting N a lot too? or do you just report when it's a character you don't like? and no i don't believe that you aren't the reporter because who else would get this pissy, lmao. even /vp/ didn't hate the train autists and there were plenty of threads about them. no one was spamming them anyway, anon was answering a question about their personalities.
and i'm sorry but they're not literal whos they won 2nd and 3rd place in a popularity contest. sorry your husbando didn't.
No. 432290
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>>432243Nah I can guarantee you there was more than one SubMas poster these weeks.
I just like a lot Unova's trainers and Emmet is definitely husbando material among them (unlike Burgh, who I will bully forever due to that whole "I tried drawing a man by taking inspiration from what female staff likes" kek).
That said, imo making a separate thread for posting about trainers/SubMas is a waste… this thread is enough for all sorts of Poképosting.
No. 432291
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>>432290yeah, i don't like some of the characters being posted here, and i act like a fucking adult and let other people play in the sandbox instead of reporting them. reporter and farmhand should feel embarrassed.
No. 432298
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i want newfags to leave
>>432226he's annoying as fuck. redditor tier contributor
No. 432416
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>>432243>one of the worst mainline games in the franchiseNot a submasfag but you're wrong. So this is all the seething is really about? Dumbass gen wars?
>she's constantly trying to steer the conversation back toKek, what? Legit if you don't like the thing those 3 anons keep talking about (yes, it's not just one anon), you are completely free to start another conversation that other people are probably gonna want to contribute to. You know how imageboards work, right? There can be multiple topics being discussed simultaneously, and you don't have to participate in a convo you have no interest in. This thread is for all things Pokémon, including topics you don't like.
>>432186Thankfully, I got all I wanted from the leaks. It had to end at some point. I'm glad it's over, tbh. Let's not forget that the leaker "forgot" to delete all those employees' personal info in one of the folders. Honestly, I would've been fine if none of this had happened in the first place.
>>432254>What were the last things they leaked? Which gen/games?I think the last file leaked was
GFDocs.7z, at least according to the Rentry and the /vp/ general. It contains various documents related to many projects (main games, spin-offs, anime, TCG, websites, PWC promo art, etc.), I think up to Gen 7. There's a lot of concept art in that one that wasn't in any of the previous leaked folders.
>Did they run out of material already?Last I heard, the leaker was going to release some source code (either XY or SV, I forgot).
>are they waiting for gen 10 and legends *Z-AThe guy played a beta build of Legends Z-A, but doesn't want to release anything related to it, since it hasn't come out yet. He only gave his general opinion on the game, that it's fun despite the build being unfinished. I don't know if he's going to release anything else. His Discord friends are going to finish posting his remaining leaks in the future.
>does any nonna know where all the real leaked material can be viewed?I got the link from 4chan. Dunno if it'd be ok to post it here. You have to download the files, though. AFAIK there isn't a single website to view all the leaked stuff online.
No. 432450
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new gold & silver 25 year commemorative plushes. they're very pretty
No. 432457
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>>432299>Popular enough for one of them to be in Legends Arceus?Speaking of, it makes me depressed knowing he has lost his memory and probably will never go back to his world, why did they do that to him
No. 432459
>>432416Thank you for answering all my questions nona!
>I got the link from 4chan. Dunno if it'd be ok to post it here. You have to download the files, though. AFAIK there isn't a single website to view all the leaked stuff online.I guess it's ok, but it's such a bummer that nowadays there's no real archival website for this type of thing anymore, you know? It's always discord or some random link.
>Let's not forget that the leaker "forgot" to delete all those employees' personal infoI feel bad for the employees that got their info leaked too. Not deleting that from the leaks feels evil to me. If they never released anything new about those leaks I would also be satisfied to be frank.
No. 432462
>>432290I'm not opposed to a poketrainer thread (could be very cute) but I agree that this thread for now suffices for all kinds of pokeposting.
As a contribution, I watched this video recently and I was surprised to learn that Leaf the character and Green are not really the same person? If anyone else watches this let me know what you thought!
No. 432465
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>>432457maybe we'll get time traveler emmet in the next legends game and they'll reunite in the third? lol
No. 432466
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are there any genderbends you have seen that you like anons?
No. 432481
>>432466Ohhh they cute kek I like them
>>432465I hope so nona because thinking about him being stuck in the past makes me so depressed, a fate worse than death
No. 432494
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No. 432495
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No. 432496
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i love mimikyu, post your favorite Pokémon
No. 432498
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>>432496so cute!
I love mimikyu (and gengar) but my fave will always be marshadow ngl. he's my buddy in pogo!
No. 432505
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>>432466I don't get the appeal
>>432504Pretty unicorn! I wish Galarian Rapidash was an actual unique Pokemon rather than a regional variant.
No. 432516
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>>432496Oddish for as long as I remember
No. 432526
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>>432516Oddish is so cute, I love Pokémon with derpy expressions
No. 432535
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>>432496I love Clefable so much!
No. 432538
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>>432516i love this little guy. such a simple and adorable design
No. 432541
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>>432496I know this is basic but Espeon has a special place in my heart.
No. 432544
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>>432541Samefag, Shiinotic is a close second. I love this creepy little bastard.
No. 432551
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>>432496Ghosties are good
No. 432554
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>>432551chandelure's design is so cool, it looks perfectly halloween-y and yet so cute. i love lampent too
No. 432570
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>>432466Genderswap Elesa and Skyla are pure sexo
>>>/m/430985>>>/m/430986 No. 432578
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So detransitioners have adopted the salamander as their symbol (because they can regrow limbs) so now I'm wondering which pokemon would fill that role best? Charmander isn't very salamandery despite the name
No. 432579
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>>432496Squirtle was my first starter and still my fav.
No. 432580
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>>432578What about Quagsire?
No. 432584
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>>432579thoughts on wartortle?
i think many middle evos are underrated tbh
No. 432585
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>>432584I'm not really a fan. His side hair/ear things reminds me of a balding man. I think middles are in a rough position design wise. They're the halfway between cute and strong. The only ones I really think are better than either side a Blaxien and Torracat. Torracat mostly because I really hate Incineroar kek.
Sorry for low quality pic
No. 432589
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>>432496Cyndaquil will always be my favorite.
No. 432594
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>>432580Please don't turn quagsire into a trans symbol, she doesn't deserve that…
>>432584>>432585Ivysaur, bayleef, croconaw, dewott and wartortle are peak middle stages to me
No. 432608
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>>432578>>432580i think quagsire is perfect because it looks nice next to azumarill.
terf queen azumarill and her bestie quagsire who has seen the truth.
No. 432619
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>>432598Oh okay sorry lol
>>432578What about picrel or goodra?
No. 432667
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>>432620i'd leave clodsire out of it, it hasn't got a clue what's going on
No. 432730
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>>432496shroomish and breloom!
No. 432763
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>>432619i love salazzle but a lot of people hate it, and it might be seen as mocking detrans women with its overt femininity? while others might see it as powerfully reclaiming femininity? idk. goodra is based on a slug though, not a salamander.
i like quagsire and don't see it as stupid, it's a beloved pokemon.
No. 432771
>>432763Same here, I love Salazzle but others may get uncomfortable as she's kind of sexualized. Can be read as "Back to being a woman -> Back to being a sex object" or similar (or I might just be reading too much into it).
Quagsire is very cute and neutral, people love that line.
No. 432844
>>432578It would be something with a divergent color scheme/theme between mid stage and final.
Ampharos maybe?
Ralts>Kirlia>Gallade works for detrans guys.
No. 432885
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>>432554I've grown to like Chandelure more after noticing how art deco it is.
No. 432887
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>>432608>>432617Feels forced. Here's a Pokemon that troons themselves have turned into an anti-trans symbol.
No. 432892
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>>432887Gallade is the one good moid. I also remember some trannies sperging about Hatterene because "IT HAS OUR COLOURS BUT IT'S VIOLENT AND HATES EMOTIONS!!!" kek. Maybe we could adopt the shiny version.
No. 432897
>>432887how does it feel forced? are you just the person who hates azumarill's meme status?
"the shiny version of the tranny symbol because it has different colors" feels even more forced. it should just be a simple explanation.
No. 432898
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>>432885personally i absolutely love its game animation. swinging chandelier!
No. 432955
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>>432897What meme status? Literally nobody outside of this thread knows about
TERF Azumarill.
No. 432960
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>>432955terf queen azumarill is a lolcow original
No. 432964
>>432955Do you not understand what a site culture is kek
>>432608Real, I support it
>>432897>are you just the person who hates azumarill's meme status?Definitely that one
nonny who always shows up to seethe about
TERF azumarill being a thing whenever she gets brought up. Weird hill to die on imo
No. 432968
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>>432496There are tons of Pokemon I like though Gallade is one of them. He's such a protective gentleman.
>>432887Nice, I love him even more.
No. 432973
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>>432964>Weird hill to die on imothere's a surplus of obsessed autists in here huh
>>432496i have a lot of favorites, but if i had to pick one, maybe mew. it's just so cute.
No. 432993
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>>432897>>432964>>432973It's so easy to get you people riled up over nothing.
No. 432995
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>>432993so it's decided?
terf and detrans icons azumarill and quagsire ♥
No. 432997
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>>432887>>432968Froslass works better. She also evolves using the anti-trans stone (aka the dawn stone), and she is known for killing men.
No. 433000
>>432973>>432973>Definitely that one nonny who always shows up to seethe about TERF azumarill being a thing whenever she gets brought up. Weird hill to die on imo>there's a surplus of obsessed autists in here huhTERF queen Azumarill would have the Subway Masters as her cute butlers.
Then one day she sees thay they're balding and she abandons them as post-wall moids.
TERF detrans queen Quagsire ponders if any of this is feminist at all but then she remembers it's just a shitpost on a gossip forum's side board so she just chills with her Clodsire gf.
saged for autism kek
No. 433053
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I love the entire wooper line. they're all so cute
No. 433103
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>>433067he did poison weedcat. you're next btw
No. 433125
>>432997There can be more than one
terf pokemon imo
No. 433137
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>>433128agree. quagsire is deceptively strong too, appearing unassuming and perhaps something to underestimate. but its typing is one of the strongest in the meta, and its ability "unaware" means it can shrug off statted-up pokemon's attacks.
like i said i do love salazzle but i think it can be misinterpreted.
No. 433191
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Pokemon if American
No. 433234
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Happy anniversary to Scarlet/Violet!
No. 433239
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>>433128>>433137quagsire is very successful in her professional life as well
No. 433245
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>>433191This gives me a fun idea. Burger anons, if you could choose a Pokémon to represent your state, what would you pick? I'd choose either Aurorus or Gogoat to represent Colorado. A lot of fossils have been found here, and the ice type is appropriate for the climate. Gogoat is because of its resemblance to bighorn sheep and it's grass type, so cannabis.
Alternatively, non-Burgers, what Pokémon would you pick to represent your country, province, or city?
No. 433281
>>433245I think it should be limited to Unova and Alola pokemon, since those are the actual american pokemon we've been given
>>433270I think several pokemon like steel types would be immune to bullets, and I imagine having a psychic type to lift the enemies gun to make them fire it into themselves would be a hazard for gun users kek
No. 433299
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i am now thinking about the war lt surge talked about
No. 433392
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can the next threadpic be a comfy anime cap please
No. 433428
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>>433392We already agreed a while ago that it should be Misty or Jessie or both.
No. 433491
I tried playing Sword for the first time after saying I'll never ever play another mainline game again. It's somehow both extremely fast and slow paced. I hate being shoehorned into walking in literal Hallways. At least Gen 5 has some degree of exploration even with the game forcing you to progress with the story. The only positive I can say is the Wild Area is fun. But at that point I'd rather replay PLA instead.
>>433477The pigeon mon made me laugh when it was revealed because it was scarily accurate to city pigeons kek
But I kinda wish they covered more than NYC-Westchester area for Unova, they don't even feature all the boroughs. Only 2 at best.
No. 433492
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>>433477Ngl I thought it was funny that the American nation was the one where they chose to do trash
No. 438105
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medicham looks like a pooner