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No. 385480

Actors, singers, comedians, media personalities, artists, creators of all sorts, whatever you have.

No. 385649

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From wikipedia:
On May 22, 2024, Furuya posted a public apology to Twitter (X), confirming a recent report and interview in Shūkan Bunshun magazine in which it was reported that he had an extramarital affair with a female fan 37 years his junior for around four and a half years, until September 2023. He admitted to striking her once, as well as pressuring her into having an abortion.

Translation of twitter post:
>I, Toru Furuya, have been interviewed by Weekly Bunshun. I have an apology and a report regarding the great sin I have committed.

>I had an inappropriate relationship with a female fan for a long period of four and a half years, starting from September of four years ago. She immediately supported me, and as I admired her, I initiated contact and our relationship began. During our relationship, there were times when we argued, and I regretfully even raised my hand against her. This was an unforgivable and shameful act as an adult and a human being.

>Furthermore, I committed the inexcusable act of making her have an abortion. I deeply regret hurting her both physically and mentally and feel truly sorry.

>I cannot apologize enough for betraying the trust of all the fans who have supported me for many years, for disappointing, hurting, and staining my character. I betrayed the trust of all related parties and caused them great trouble.

>I will spend the rest of my life making sincere efforts to make amends. I am prepared to accept any punishment.

>I am truly sorry.
>Toru Furuya

No. 385653

Haha what the fuck. Seiyuu drama never fails to crack me up, in the west you never get these types of public confession apologies even from celebs who have committed actual crimes.

Seiyuu sleeping with a fan though, many such cases. Male socialization just cannot not fuck a woman who is obsessed with you, the rest be damned. That's why you shouldn't become personally invested in these parasocial jap relationships based around spending hundreds on a celeb, it reminds me of how they get women addicted to host clubs.

No. 385695

Got recommended to "Weeping politician" Ryutaro Nonomura vid, laughed out loud in first seconds, sorry for tainting the thread with scandals.

No. 385697

This was something extremely disappointing to read yesterday. I'm a casual when it comes to watching anime but I always loved hearing Tohru Furuya's gentle voice, be it for Amuro Ray or Super Mario.

Pushing her into having an abortion after having lied to her about not being sterile anymore is some of the vilest shit a man could do, and if she is talking about it it means she regrets it and that it possibly even endagered her health.
Fuck this guy.

No. 385709

When considering how pedophilic Japanese culture is in general I wonder how many epsteinesqe cases are hidden away or never revealed just like in Hollywood

No. 385722

The authorites don't care at all about sex crimes over there so it's probably immeasurable. Any country with a rampant sex tourism industry is going to be like hell on earth.

No. 385957

I first learnt of him from Gintama.

No. 388910

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No. 388919

It's old news but iirc she only does the enby shit in English and she barely talks about it in Japanese? Probably because of how Japanese grammar and pronouns work comapred to English and other European languages.

No. 388924

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Doesn't matter, because what she posts in English trickles down to Japanese sites too:

No. 388927

I really wonder what her well adjusted Japanese fans who don't understand English fluently must think about this then. Do they think it's ridiculous or do they think it's harmless so they ignore it?

No. 411087

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No. 411656

I just found out Atsuko Tanaka passed away, it was just announced. I'm shocked. I can't post a screenshot right now unfortunately but it's all over twitter right now.

No. 411676

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god im broken she voiced so many of my favorite waifus. 61 is too young to go..rest in peace

No. 411697

Why are seiyuu so ugly? Are there any actually attractive ones?

No. 411749

why are you so ugly anon?

No. 412056

Hi butthurt seiyuufag

No. 412057

gee its almost like theyre voice actors and not models

No. 412064

outing yourself as being ugly isnt a own you think it is kek a retarded pug is more likely to be pretty than you (and smart)

No. 412072

I doubt so, this is why I usually make sure I never know how seiyuus look like, I appreciate their voices but I seriously hate how they look.

No. 412078

Especially the moids, it seems the more attractive a male seiyuu's voice is, the uglier he is IRL. Truly faces meant for voice acting kek

No. 412103

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I hope we can post visualkei here

No. 421874

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No. 465699

Shiki Aoki is a japanese voice actress and singer for im@s, she came out (surprise!) in 2020 as a troon and tried pass off first as nonbinary by not wearing skirts in shows and to her admission, she doesn't take T because otherwise she would be dropped as a voice actress, only for her to never start it and coming back to wear skirts again. I know, sex is not clothes, but she pulled a Demi Lovato move, tried to see if this would stick, it failed and now she's acting like anything ever happened but she cannot totally detrans socially because she put herself in a middle position where if she commits she loses her job and if she doesn't, she loses public rainbow alphabet support.
In one intervied, she said:
>Regarding acting as a voice actor, " I thought I wanted to undergo hormone treatment or sex reassignment surgery because I recognized myself as male , but I soon realized the existence of intersex people and that it (surgical treatment) was not as important as I thought. “Right now, voice acting is more important than surgery,” he said.
Basically she's using the intersex cases to justify her lack of commitment while also saying that she know she would be dropped. The ultimate, self-trapped theyfab. Sometimes I wonder how the public sees her because it's clear that she's not considered normal and the gender ideology didn't yet infect japan like the usa, she stands out like a sore thumb.

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