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No. 2405643

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.
>What is gender ideology?
Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:

Relevant threads:
MtF/Trans-Identified Male General >>>/snow/2080821
FtM / fakeboi / TIF general >>>/snow/2069705

No. 2405648

I'm scared of the thread pic.

No. 2405704


>They don't mind having a male role in a female-only context, creating meaning, speaking over women, having social power (excluding women who don't think the right things), it's a move from a highly competitive male environment to a peaceful female-only context where they get to be the only man. Women will apologize for things that are completely out of their control (misogyny, being born female) but men demand to be worshipped because they don't enjoy being male
This is something I noticed with men in female-dominated hobbies and (usually gay) men with overwhelmingly female friend groups even before trans ideology went mainstream. Everyone would praise them for not being like other men, for being more sympathetic and not toxic, joke about them having been a woman in a previous life and therefore understanding women better or whatever but at the end of the day they were taking on the classic male patriarchal role with the women around them being subservient and propping up their ego. None of them actually fit in with the women as an equal, they were simply men who’d found their own safe little niche where they didn’t have to compete with other men. Troons have taken it a step further but men have probably always been doing this.

No. 2405706

Saw vidrel on Twitter and thinking about giving it a watch. What do other nonnas think? Also kek at all the British women they interviewed, they really deserve the title Terf Island

No. 2405715

This ogre is literally hypervirilized. The severe acne, the skull that looks like it was designed by Dr. Eppley, the tiny butthole eyes, the evil predator glare. First tranny I actually believe is intersex (XYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY^10)

No. 2405718

this tranny looks like goals for those incels who are into looksmaxxing

No. 2405726

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tranny must've asked for FFS but they gave him FMS

No. 2405757

Something I find interesting about a lot of superficial friendships where it's gay men with one faghag is that the entire dynamic revolves around making fun of and humiliating her for being messy and said faghag develops this weird, unfunny sense of humor revolved around self flaggelation and talking about how fat she is. It's embarrassing and illustrates an incredible lack of self respect.

No. 2405824

Oh, that's Helen Joyce! She's fantastic, definitely take a listen when she's involved.

No. 2405837

Externalised misogyny from TIFs scares me. Like how much do you hate yourself that you need to project it onto others like that? Sometimes it's not even because they want to fit in with misogynistic moids, they just hate themselves with no identity.

No. 2405968

I struggled a lot with internalized misogyny (i think women are just brought up to hate themselves.) But never TIF tier.
Like I was scared of women but I finally woke up and took a step back and realized being gossiped about and shunned isn't as scary as being raped, tortured, and murdered.
I feel like TIFs don't really understand that men are by far the worst sex. Some will larp as misandrists but will only get angry at "white cis straight christian men!!" When it's all moids.

No. 2405974

>Like I was scared of women but I finally woke up and took a step back and realized being gossiped about and shunned isn't as scary as being raped, tortured, and murdered.
Not defending tifs but I can see their perspective (at least for the typical sheltered ones). If you've never been raped, tortured, etc. and you live in a safe area it's unlikely that it will happen to you. They don't care about violent men in some 3rd world countries or bad areas because they haven't interacted with them. Shitty women, on the other hand, is something they had to deal with in their everyday lives. The truth is most care about things that affect them personally the most.

No. 2406010

While I can agree with you, I know there are a lot of TIFs who have been raped/tortured by men. Instead of recognizing the issue is men, they turn all the hate on themselves. They think if they had been a man then men wouldn't do bad things to them (even though men will rape and torture each other all the time).
Idk, what is your explanation behind that?

No. 2406116

Kek at Buck Angel calling troonism a cult. Also kek at her being so obviously clockable without her angles and filters.
I wonder why she's suddenly speaking up about this. Does it have anything to do with someone telling her she's not allowed to say tranny because that's a TIM exclusive privilege?

No. 2406133

I’m not sure if this is exactly what you were talking about, but I also notice that a lot of gay men are inexplicably mean to their female “friends.” Not joking around, playful, kind of mean, but legitimately hurtful. They then pretend that they were joking, it’s just their way as a flamboyant gay man, and if you don’t like that you’re actually homophobic. It’s just interesting to me that all these women, who decide to cozy up to these mentally ill men who are supposed to be non threatening and “just one of the girls!” (TiMs, violently flamboyant gay men) wind up being abused in some way regardless. In either case, it’s never truly about finding friendships on equal footing with women, it’s about exerting power over women, and some kind of kink for inserting themselves in a space not meant for them. “I don’t belong here,but look at how these stupid women fawn over me regardless of how poorly I treat them! I call them bitches and whores and pick apart their appearances to their face just like any other man, but they continue to include me over identity politics!”

No. 2406136

My assumption is that her turn is simply a reaction to TRA's doing their usual thing where they go berserk if you make even the mildest and most specific of criticisms of anything or anyone transgender. If they already all hate your guts why mince words?
There's a probably an element of damage control too, an awareness that she needs to work on selling herself as 'one of the good ones' now that public opinion appears to be shifting and she can't count on support from her fellow gendies anymore.

No. 2406142

>I wonder why she's suddenly speaking up about this.
Old trannies are being dragged because back when they trooned out they at least accepted the fact that their desire to mutilate their bodies was a mental illness as opposed to being a hip and cool fad.
These new troons that don't detransition will likely be dragged and hated by gen beta troons because they will be against giving infants tranny surgeries for not liking their gender assigned color or some shit.

No. 2406147

This is part of it for sure. TIFs who are regularly othered by girls in their peer groups often conclude they must not be "one of them." It is easy to concoct an imaginary ideal of a man if you rarely interact with them and base those ideas off of fiction for women. They create an imagined category that accommodates them. Even TIFs that have endured sexual violence by men typically want to be some non-threatening caricature of a soft and gentle "better" man who can defend against further abuse. TIFs either have no idea how men actually behave, or they know all too well how men behave – the former capes for men in saccharine and bizarre ways, the latter says they hate men and gets very angry at being lumped in with them. Both groups almost exclusively interact with women and other TIFs.

No. 2406188

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Trannies are so stupid. No, the rape apologist crack addict did not make a great point that women have penis envy. You just hate women and have immense pussy envy.

No. 2406225

I love takes like this. Why the hell would any woman in the history of existence who wasn’t severely mentally ill be jealous of a dick? “Woe is me I am incapable of victimizing others via my genitals! Something,something, pee standing up! ” Troons ability to project their massive insecurities about never being women no matter how hard they try onto actual women is un fucking paralleled. (Or was the point there supposed to be that we are envious of the rot pocket? Like women are out here going “No! I can’t go on without a hair and shit filled wound! I might as well die!” )

No. 2406233

>penis envy
cocks are disgusting to look at unless they are drawn by women. Why would I want one? That's like saying I have tumor envy when I see someone with cancer.

No. 2406254

That jaw

No. 2406270

The definition of projection, we are not the ones mutilating ourselves to literally have a rotting poor imitation of the opposite gender.

No. 2406278

"Penis envy" was never about a literal wish to have a penis, instead it's about a feeling of being robbed of something (whether the thing exists or not) and the resulting jealousy/inferiority complex that occured in many of Freud's female patients. These early psychological concepts were always metaphors. He coined a male equivalent of this but he thought it was much more literal and in-your-face for men (as in, his envious male patients seemed to actually want a womb and shared wishes or dreams to give birth). I guess he was right because troons are extremely literal and think we'd want a penis the same way they want womb transplants kekkk
>You just hate women and have immense pussy envy.
Exactly. They're projecting their own male sexual complexes onto us

No. 2406329

Like all the posters said above, TIFs don't understand men and instinctively avoid socializing with them. I've spend a lot of time around men. There is simply no gossip a woman is capable of concocting that will rival a male's in both scope and viciousness.

No. 2406376

This is so true. My profession, hobbies and social circle require that I am socialized almost entirely with men and anyone who actually believes men engage in less vicious gossip than women has probably never really gotten to know that many men very well.
There might be exceptions but every TiF I'm aware of or have personally met lives in a strict dichotomy wherein woman = bad/conformist and man = good/individual.

No. 2406380

I never understood why TIFs back when I was in high school thought they were anything close to being male. Like they were little alt girls with short hair who sat in the corner during lunch and watched anime on their phones. Meanwhile the boys were snapping each other's asses in the boys' bathroom and probably comparing dick size and wrestling on the school oval and harassing people.
Yes the answer is that they have a really fictional fantastical view of maleness thanks to their lack of socialisation and anime/K-pop etc. but it's funny how they insist to be one of the real boys but could never be close

No. 2406437

Yeah. Tif is just internalized misogyny mixed with nloggery whereas tim is just plain old misogyny.
Tifs are the tardwives of the left.

No. 2406444

This is such a retarded cope and incredibly ironic coming from trannies, whose entire existence revolves around skinwalking women and wanting to be us. Even when I've seen women express "penis envy" it's never been because they wished they were born as trannies instead, it was always more so about wanting to be able to penetrate their partners instead of being the one who gets penetrated. No woman would want to be reincarnated as a troon but all (male) troons wish they were women

No. 2406452

It's strange to me that they're afraid of men and don't socialize with them thus create idealized versions in their head from watching anime, consuming yaoi and kpop, but somehow think they're totally one of the boys. It genuinely makes no sense, like how are you a man on the inside if you never interact with men and don't really relate to them. Lmao

No. 2406464

My former best friend became a TiF and it's genuinely baffling behavior. She had never really had any male friends other than guys who had no interest in her that she wanted to date and she ended up adopting a fucked up tautology wherein anything men did that sucked shit was 'not true masculine!'
The ways men actually behave became fake and her absurd fantasies became some kind of sublimated reality that abrogated her actual experiences. I'm around the fuckers almost all the time but somehow, when I tell her that her concepts of men are horrifically inaccurate, I'm just deluded. You can't use reason to argue someone else out of an unreasonable position.

No. 2406520

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>Tifs are the tardwives of the left.

No. 2406532

This is why masculinity is literally a meme invented for no true Scotsman purposes. It's about as real as gender identity. The only real thing is maleness and male evolutionary directive, which is plainly observable and immutable whether the moid is "masculine" or not. Any libfem who at some point finds herself wondering why left/lib/gay moids end up exerting the exact same parasitic effects are very close to seeing past the mystification, but never quite make it because deep down they don't like what it implies.
On a more fundamental level, TIFs and libfems are fulfilling the female urge to see men as something more than they really are, but with their own left-wing ideological tools. There is indeed no difference between an Achillean uwu blushing penis smolboy, a Paglia tier fakelez fujoshi-cockchan enamored with the Hellenic glory of male urination and a tardwife that thinks a worthless amoral coom chimp is God on earth. In fact, they're often stages in the life cycle of the same midwitted pickme - always circling around the truth and never quite getting it.

No. 2406633

this honestly feels like it sums up the basic motivational difference between women who troon out and men who do. the women wish they had penises because they hate the social role that having a vagina resigns them to due to male oppression. the men wish they had vaginas because they envy the physical 'privilege' of females' biological male-assigned role as madonna/whores. TIFs can be tolerated sometimes because it's natural to reject being cast as a madonna/whore 'by society', but the man who conceives of those roles & then decides he wants to be one is deeply unhinged every single time.

No. 2406715

yes, gay men always seek out the most unfeminine woman they can and berate her jokingly for her perceived flaws to make themselves feel better in comparison. being a fag hag is the lowest you can be in the female social hierarchy.

No. 2406719

women's gossip can cause you economic devastation, maybe it is true for young women that there are less consequences

No. 2406728

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Buck angel!?

No. 2406730

what is surprising you about that?

No. 2406764

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I will say that i sympathize alot with lesbian tifs. There was a rape and murder against a lesbian transgender back in like 1993 that was extremely similar to Matthew Shepard's case, her name was Brandon Teena. She was seen as male by all of her peers till they found out she was a woman and tortured her, that kind of treatment towards lesbians is why so many of them would rather be seen as male. When I was younger- I felt similarly. The 2010's really felt like the peak of acceptance for gays. Now as we go deeper into the 2020's the landscape gets more ostracizing towards lesbians (On the left, and especially from the right) I expect to see more hsts lesbians

No. 2406790

She's always been open about being a biological woman tbh She's got the "old tranny" attitude where they didn't try to harass you over acknowledging their biological sex. I'm not exactly sure what changed and why current trannies and their handmaidens scream about pronouns or misgendering like its a hate crime.

No. 2406795

Realistically trannies are going to fade back into obscurity along with women's rights being stripped away.
But as far as the mentally ill troons goals? Idk I figured they were all some sort of transhumanists or some psychotic shit like that. Just huge technophiles who want a world where they can be an irl interchangeable anime avatar. I hate it.

No. 2406805

As with anything there are multiple ends, some of which are mutually exclusive. Human motives can diverge and come together in unusual ways.
Most TiMs are just standard perverts who have been given a model by which their excesses can be not only tolerated but celebrated and legally protected. Their end is to make it illegal to in any way try to contain or constrict their coom. Other TiMs (HSTS in the current parlance) have being viewed as female, no different from actual women, as their end goal.
TiFs broadly seem to want to revoke womanhood and the negative meanings they have attached to it. There is a sort os spiritual belief that if they can be viewed as fully male they can finally live their life without judgement. An absurd premise if you're well acquainted with men.
More or less I think it comes down to self-hatred and a strange faith that if you distance yourself from your biology you can be whatever you want to be. From a political perspective I don't think there really is an endgame other than it's a cultural marker you can use on your game board.

No. 2406807

Depends, transgender scrotes (who are straight men) troon out because they want to create a dynamic where there are "better" women (who are males) to uphold make supremacy
Transgender scrotes who are gays usually just looked up to female popstars as a kid or started to hate their sex because of homophobia (mix of both tbh)
Transgender females who are straight usually just want to fall into the "new thing" and want to piss of their mom and dad. theyre often buddy buddy with straight tranny scrotes. That or they hate their bodies because of misogyny (rarely the case of osa tifs)
Transgender females who are gay often transition because they hate their anatomy due to homophobia and misogyny, similar to gay males who troon out. They often find living as a male to be "easier".
For gay trannies (male and female) you can just get them to not troon out by having more rights for gays
for straight trannies it's a fad, you cannot get them to not troon out until the fad dies down

No. 2406887

Buck is just a grifter, he just tries to get people to hate trannys bc it pays, most of his videos on youtube are just reacting to libs of tiktok, low effort content. even still, i do think he's more sane than most and has my respect in that regard. he will acknowlage hes a woman and has been honest about the difficulties transtioning brings, is against transing kids and allowing trans women in womens spaces. he says it before, that hes a woman who wants to live as a man and did it before it was cool. if every tranny was like him, we wouldn't be in this mess.

No. 2406919

I don't know how this doesn't make their "dysphoria" go nuclear. I only see a few posts every one in a while in the fakeboi thread about them feeling bad about not being able to get along with boys their age, but not many. I live in a third world country, all of them openly say they're scared of men and pretty much only other women in their in groups use their pronouns. They're the literal definition of trying to escape misogyny while also being painfully reminded of biological reality and ducking their heads if it means avoiding trouble.
>Like they were little alt girls with short hair who sat in the corner during lunch and watched anime on their phones.
Of course, these are the most vindictive bitches alive to other women over ~twansphobia~ because they're pretty much the only ones they can bully. Vendettas with men get them called stupid retarded Bitches with a capital B because they can't opt out of oppression nor even bother to pass. They're painfully sheltered women who somehow are so aware of their reality that they try to kick other women under the bus for a chance to opt out. If they don't sober up and realize we're in this together, they can go fuck themselves. You will never be an anime prettyboy and fanfiction isn't real.

No. 2406964

…you think male gossip can't? ROFL

No. 2407039

I disagree that HSTS want to completely blend in with women. Maybe a few of them do, or think they do, but plenty of HSTS see themselves as superior to ‘cis’ women and want to be recognised as such. They often enjoy using their male strength and aggression to intimidate the women around them. Remember that video of Nikita Dragun reverting to his deep male voice to threaten the woman police officer as soon as (he thought) he was alone with her? I’ll also never forget that image of a troon dragging a woman through the street by her hair like the caveman he is. They don’t want to fit in with us, they want to be Queen Bee and use their maleness as a cudgel to enforce this. They also don’t want men to treat them like women, but like the male-invented porn version of what men pretend to think women are; pampered and desired. If other men started treating them the way men treat actual women, HSTS would go back to ‘boymoding’ real fast.

>he will acknowlage hes a woman

No. 2407141

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>plenty of HSTS see themselves as superior to ‘cis’ women and want to be recognised as such
exactly. they are not the poor little oppressed gays even many gc people believe them to be

No. 2407277

>There is indeed no difference between an Achillean uwu blushing penis smolboy, a Paglia tier fakelez fujoshi-cockchan enamored with the Hellenic glory of male urination and a tardwife that thinks a worthless amoral coom chimp is God on earth. In fact, they're often stages in the life cycle of the same midwitted pickme
KEKKKK this is it. All of these women have a similar problem with the cards they've been dealt but instead of pushing back they desperately attach themselves to the men they envy, hoping to be elevated above their personal hell. It's standard heterosexual yin-yang complementary bullshit where their titchop self-insert/historical figure/trad husband is understood to be them but better, because he has the thing they so desperately want (humanity). This in and of itself isn't that bad, tons of women have been fed this lie but they can grow out of it. For whatever reason TiFs and paglia-chans remain stuck with their frustration and let it rot and fester. Trad women crash out because they'll actually find a man and realize he's just some guy, then transfer that delusional wish to their sons, turning into boymoms or the mother they hated growing up. The other types keep huffing imaginary copium and we have to witness it in public
I feel like TiFs and TiMs both come from places of resentment and feeling robbed or limited, but their solution is different. TiFs are begging to be anything but themselves while wishing to be the woman of their ideal male archetype. Their envy will be quenched by proximity with men, or a man. TiMs take their revenge by trying to literally possess female attributes, there's this fantasy of total control and that's when they get off, when they feel like they're completely self-sufficient.

No. 2407370

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KEK at the comments being off. She looks so smug

No. 2407408

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Have to mention before I start, literally dying at his profile pic. This you?
> more attractive than you
There is not a single TiM alive or dead who has, in real life (with zero photoshop, lighting tricks, or flattering angles) looked better than the most average woman. Cry harder.
>stay attractive longer than you.
Scrotes nine times out of ten actually age significantly worse than women, but they’ve been bullying women over the most minuscule signs of aging for so long they don’t even understand women being over 25 and still attractive as a concept. (Not that a woman exists to be attractive in any capacity, but it’s hilarious how they don’t even come close to “beating” us in the categories their moid brains care about most)
>we bitch less than you do.
The entirety of the troon community and its existence in and of itself would beg (violently demand, with rape threats) to differ.
> Men get along with us better than you.
First off, if that were true, it would solely be down to scrote camaraderie and coomer retardation. Secondly, normie men hate these greasy little fucks. Not for the reasons we do, but they still hate them, and would likely enact violence upon them if given a consequence free opportunity. And any “straight” man who says he would fuck you is a massive fag in denial. It is the least “affirming” thing possible.
> they made a giant mistake in settling for less
Good lord, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone cope this hard in a long ass time. Less than what? An ugly, annoying, mentally ill freak who either has another fucking penis or an open festering wound? Oh yeah, I’m sure that shit brings straight men RUNNING from their marriages.
>sTeM cElLs! StEm CeLlS!! you HaTe Us BeCaUsE wE cAn RePlAcE yOu!
The womb envy truly knows no bounds. You hate us, because realistically you know regardless of advancements made in medical science, you will never truly be women. You have to tell yourself that you not only are women in every possible sense regardless of the glaring evidence to the contrary, but also that your endless flaws somehow make you better than actual women because otherwise you will 41%. In all likelihood your precious stem cell research and uterine transplants will NEVER enable you to have a child no matter how much time passes. The majority of the world legitimately hates you even if they don’t show it outwardly. Please, feel free to give yourselves Colombian neckties at any time.

Troons are such victims! Troons are so nice! They’ve never done anything to you! Troons just want to blend in and live normal lives! Troons are the least misogynistic people on the planet! Just because some of them behave worse than animals it doesn’t mean they’re all bad! Meanwhile troons:

(Saged just in case, but I just had to pick apart that shit pile.)

No. 2407413

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>men get along better with us than with you
now why do you think that is?

No. 2407415

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fat MOGAI handmaidens when i tell them transracialism too is valid because race too is a concept

No. 2407447

>that's when they get off, when they feel like they're completely self-sufficient
notice how these men almost always have mommy issues also
like either a boymom enabler that never told them 'no', or they'll claim that mommy didn't love them enough (read: she told them 'no').
some psych doc i remember stumbling across once had a theory that the reason why AGPs crave 'assuming the female role' is because essentially it allows them to roleplay as the women they WISH they had in their lives and now every time i see one i can't get that idea out of my head.

No. 2407492

Yes! i've noticed it too. It's either deep resentment with an unclear reason or they're way too attached to her to the point where they act like scorned lovers if she stops giving full attention. I feel like the former had boymoms who clipped their wings and they ended up weird, the latter want their poor mothers to be total enablers or their perfect waifu or something (eugh)

No. 2407646

Went to an alt text seminar for work and we were advised to they/them everyone because we don't know their gender identity. It's so retarded because the whole point of alt text is to relay the same information to a blind person that anyone else would see – and we can all see clear as day what someone's sex is, but apparently we are supposed to pretend we can't and actively deny the blind that context. I hate this shit so much.

No. 2407648

They can keep the faggots, I’m not interested in a scrote who dabbles in booty holes and caca.

No. 2407832

UK women are so based about this. it's so annoying because over here troonism acceptance is linked with being a good person/left-winger while if you even so much as question it you're labeled a heartless hateful conservative. seems like in the UK there's way more nuance
buck has always been cool and critical about this. i respect him. like another anon said if all trans people were like him, this shit wouldn't be a problem.

No. 2407839

It's literally like smugly saying "jesus forgives your sins anyway" to someone who is saying they're not religious. They really think they have the moral high-ground, it's so embarrassing and once they finally peak they'll look back and cringe so hard that they ever said it in public

No. 2407846

>if all trans people were like him, this shit wouldn't be a problem
Buck is a woman who literally became famous doing fetish porn nona.

No. 2407857

Man this is so awful and unnecessary. Pointedly denying blind people essential basic information for the potential benefit of 1% of the population… bleak.

No. 2407924

I knew a weird vegan woman at my old job about 2-3 yrs ago who unironically would they/them all animals because it's unfair that "they don't have the ability to speak to us and therefore can't communicate their true gender"

No. 2407944

Picrel reminds me of that Annora Petrova creepypasta that went around a decade ago.

No. 2407956

sage just to keep it safe.
I am a lesbian and I’m tied of trannies. I get that in real life you can involve yourself into like minded people and be away from this shit, but I’m so fed up with how online lesbian spaces have been ruined my these retards and their flood.
I’m tired of seeing fake lesbians praising dick and regarding that I’m tired of seeing dick talk in every “lesbian” space and seeing women putting TIMs over themselves when we are figuratively drowning in the meantime. I still see this shit despite the fact that I click “not interested”.

No. 2407963

If lesbians would be more big in numbers we wouldn’t have this problem. Look at how gay scrotes don’t have to prostate and kiss TIF’s asses, given that bi scrotes don’t use their label too. But we have fakebians, bihets and bisexuals with internalized biphobia that intrude our spaces and language and give leeway to fucking men.
I prefered the old school homophobia at this point.

No. 2407967

Kek I’m sorry for all these typos. But you get me.

No. 2407976

cool. still gonna respect him for being a level-headed tranny

No. 2407978

It's less about numbers and more about male privilege though. The fake bi/lesbian handmaidens are a big problem too, but they are another consequence of male privilege in the end.

No. 2408100

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taking a survey for money and I saw this, what the fuck? kek

No. 2408121

Kekk I wonder what kind of targeted advertising the shove onto the genderfluids and agenders. Probably disney crap.

No. 2408129

guess we don't need to discourage women from selling their pussies and degrading themselves as long as they say the right phrases kek. libfem tier logic

No. 2408600

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I'm so tired of tras and troons acting like q hayashida's obvious joke of everybody refering to shimada death from dai dark by masculine pronouns and she herself using "ore" when shes a hot buff lady means that shes somehow muh he/him representation. Its a joke. In the same manga there is an ongoing gag of a different main character who looks like a middle age man constantly reminding everybody he's sixteen. They're jokes! Shimada refers to herself as a "fair lady" when disguised as a "human. I feel like these people ruin everything they fucking touch.

No. 2408609

I am surprised they were bigoted enough to include "woman". This must be a nazi survey.

No. 2408619

Kekk like it changes every day. But I don't see moid on there.

No. 2408627

I was wondering why man wasn't on there. Maybe because they know mostly women pull this "I'm nonbinary and genderqueer!!1!" tumblr shit.

No. 2408654

File: 1740019061989.png (1.58 MB, 898x898, yamato.png)

What do you expect from people who think Yamato is trans because she uses "ore" because she wants to be like her hero, not a real man.

No. 2408854

meanwhile in canon
>hourglass shaped woman with big tits

No. 2408966

Can you please stop talking about moids' poop and buttholes at every goddamn opportunity? We get it, you can't stop thinking about fags and their feces, but keep that mental illness to yourself. Just say you hate moids and leave it at that like a normal person.

No. 2408974

TIFs get their idea of men from male characters written by women. I know so many TIFs are ex Potterheads and many TIFs are fans of The Secret History, Frankenstein, and The Song of Achilles.

No. 2408978

>All of these women have a similar problem with the cards they've been dealt but instead of pushing back they desperately attach themselves to the men they envy, hoping to be elevated above their personal hell
Well put. I think this is because our socialization steers us towards passive solutions that involve exlcusively burdening ourselves over active solutions that actually resolve the root of the problem.

No. 2408983

Children shouldn't be given lip filler, either.

No. 2409064

File: 1740028284141.png (294.71 KB, 632x817, Captura de pantalla 2025-02-20…)

trannies are the only people that don't find this weird

No. 2409082

File: 1740029352602.jpg (29.13 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-177519468-612x612.…)

and the french

No. 2409089

>the reason why AGPs crave 'assuming the female role' is because essentially it allows them to roleplay as the women they WISH they had in their lives
Reminds me of Ted Kaczynski’s AGP phase

No. 2409110

File: 1740030628321.jpeg (159.85 KB, 1346x1346, load-bearing-limerence-v0-nl2z…)

Found this gem in the wild.

No. 2409137

I knew a moid with this exact thought process, very unnerving lol

No. 2409140

What the fuck kek this isn't even what limerence means. Troons will take any word they just learned from psychology, twist it to fit their personal problems, and run it to the groundd so that it's devoid of its original meaning.

No. 2409153

File: 1740032928684.jpg (53.65 KB, 696x392, KING-SPA-ALEXANDRA-GOEBERT-NEW…)

Trans-Identified Male Sues For Compensation From “Discriminatory” Korean Spa That Would Not Allow Him To Be Nude Around Female Patrons

No. 2409161

>she kinda looks like my mom
>maybe I'm a little trans too and want to be her lol
What the fuck? If I found out a moid felt like this about me I would fucking run. Skinsuit serial killer type mentality.

No. 2409169

im convinced chuddy asians are going to be what saves the world in the end. I hope those based ahjummas tore that gross tranny to shreds.

No. 2409171

They all wear skinsuits and obsess over a woman or multiple only to copy them even down to their personality. It's why they think dressing in skirts and thigh highs and saying girrrrl makes them a woman kek.

No. 2409176

Why does it even bother you kek. This is such a non issue nonna.

No. 2409452

File: 1740064024228.jpg (191.24 KB, 959x959, bafkreieonbhtqdexmushabvmty5tt…)

That body of water is not going to drown us for calling it "sir/ma'am".

No. 2409455

File: 1740064137146.png (398.37 KB, 600x951, kek.png)


They do not eat the whole "woman in a man body". We should learn more from Korean radical feminists.

No. 2409458

If a MAGA bathroom were to be made, MAGAs would be okay with it since they don't want trannies, but the issue is that trannies would try to invade them too if they find out some women use them.

No. 2409678

I'd feel so sad if a female friend of mine trooned out and was that delusional. I've had mostly male friend groups unfortunately so all I've seen is men trooning out and I never really feel bad for them since it just exposes their misogyny. As a result I was never delusional about male nature though since I interacted with males more and knew I was different from them even if I also didn't fit in with the girls. Though I guess you could say women who feel this way usually end up turning non binary which I never did.

That way your friend had of seeing it reminds me of shit like "he wasn't a real man, just a boy" being a common thing people say anytime a man does some fucked up shit. Like no, that IS the typical male behavior, kek. I guess it's similar to how TIMs also have no actual female friends a lot of the time, they mostly interact with other males and will get their idea of what womanhood is from anime and the internet while ignoring the way actual women behave, yet still claim they relate to women and are one themselves. Every guy I know who trooned out was always extremely different from me and behaved very much like the other males outside of this desire of theirs to wear female clothing so it's always ironic.

No. 2409685

It's almost like men and women shouldnt be allowed to be naked around each each other. Yes, sir, that includes you, a man. American-morons need to learn from based asians.

No. 2409694

File: 1740080452522.jpg (53.85 KB, 1035x228, Screenshot.jpg)

cishet man? I think the correct word is troons. She has a point but she's a troon chaser

No. 2409697

moid award

No. 2409701

Yup. This is literally the result or troons. You can easily tell men to fuck off, but so many women love sucking up to troons. I would kill for more lesbian or women only spaces. We need them. Men get them, but women dont? I honestly do blame women for putting us in these situations instead of telling men/troons no.

No. 2409702

File: 1740080748756.gif (696.23 KB, 640x426, missed-it-by-that-much-get-sma…)

So close yet so far

No. 2409709

The pot calling itself black kekkk. It’s tranny ogres that ruined any public lesbian space. Look in the mirror, you are the cishet man.

No. 2409711

Ops , thought that she was a tranny. But my point still stands.

No. 2409720

Oh man the article somehow gets even more painful.
I mean it's obvious this guy is just a perv but apparently they looked into his social media and found how unashamedly coom he is

No. 2409727

File: 1740081334730.webp (51.52 KB, 511x680, media_FyglzlgaMAMGshT.jpg_name…)

she's a handmaiden and a diaperfur

No. 2409760

Anyone know if the Radfems in Genderland podcast is still available anywhere? It was some of the best terf content. I'd love to re-listen but I can't find a working link. It was by two women that made a fake tranny account and joined private trans facebook groups to lurk and see what goes on. They joined different kinds of groups, like one for children of trans parents, another for parents of trans kids, another for spouses of trannies, etc. It was all really revealing and a big part of my peaking a few years ago. The hosts were really great too, both intelligent well-read feminists, plus really funny and entertaining.

No. 2409765

Wow that sounds great! I hope it is still available somewhere, sounds perfect to binge.

No. 2409830

Their last patreon post links to Sillypoo… though it doesn't say they are, I feel like they must be the same people.

No. 2409904

File: 1740088378662.jpg (303.02 KB, 1289x2027, Ga4vHGMa0AALSTm.jpg)

It's literally just an unflattering angle. She doesn't look like a troon. Mind blowing that she's still defending troons after they called her a clock twinkhon, though. She's saying shit like
>It's not an insult to be compared to a trans woman!1
Libfems have zero self respect I stg.

No. 2409914

File: 1740088930444.jpeg (686.33 KB, 2193x1645, IMG_3327.jpeg)

>At that point in my transition my pronouns were they/them and I had never in my 21 years of living willingly used she/her pronouns. She was more than aware of this, and actively chose to misgender me for months. Now that I am a binary he/him man, and I look as such, I love to imagine how disgusted she is by me.
You still want to sexualize me and get in my pants now?

some tranny faggots at my school made a zine about le evil terfs on campus. this little anecdote really got me. because most of the time it’s trans agps who exhibit this type of behavior. also just the way this feeds into the predatory lesbian stereotype is insane. everything about this is insane. the comparison of misandrists to conservatives. everything. god please get me out of this fuck ass school.

No. 2409971

Honestly I would kill for just women only, I don’t even need lesbian specific. If we could just have spaces with no scrotes allowed under any circumstances, I’d be happy. And most normie women want at least SOME spaces free of men (hell, even most tradwhores do even if they won’t admit it). I’d be fine to kick out the handmaidens too. You’re so in love with TiMs and scrotes? Go be with them then.

No. 2409991

is it weird I feel bad for the girl she's talking shit about? I've had unwanted sexual advances by other women made towards me but it was never nearly as traumatizing or scary as when men make unwanted sexual advances.
This TIF comes off as a HUGE handmaiden.

No. 2410058

She can’t just say that she feels insulted , otherwise they’ll throw rape and death threats at her.
No woman wants to be told that she looks like a tranny, even the most hardcore handmaiden , even if they tell you that “beautiful girls are always clocks and get doll allegations” kek. The overly fake compliment and cope gives it away.

No. 2410061

Judging by that she deserves a bullet in the middle of the head. Gross.

No. 2410063

It’s a group of women that ruined it for other women by kissing the asses of TIMs. If we behaved like men and ignored these ogres we wouldn’t be here.

No. 2410090

The self loathing is insane in this one. The girl she's shit talking probably feels the same way we do, disgusted by her cutting off her nose to spite her face and pretending that it's a win. Nobody sees her as a man, no matter how many pronoun pins she wears and how many women she throws under the bus for the sake of attention. If she detranses she's going to be a raging tardwife boymom who helps him rape lesbians. What a horrorcow in the making, this is why it's hard to be sympathetic to TIFs until they see the light and detrans.
Yeah, I feel bad for her too. Tbh the TIF sounds so schizo that it's hard to tell if the other girl was hitting on her or if the TIF's narc logic/repressed lesbianism/burning rage for stacies/desperate need for attention/extreme homophobia made her think she was being hit on, and she wanted the other girl to feel bad for 'causing' this retard to butcher herself. Idk, I'm not mentally ill enough to understand the terminally online.

No. 2410173

>the kind of friendship that forms through trauma-bonding and surviving orientation together
so the profound bond that comes from starting school in the same year, and having one conversation where you say "my parents got divorced and it made me sad" "yeah me too." got it.
>never in my 21 years of living willingly used she/her pronouns
so you discovered tumblr at a young age and had already hopped the bandwagon before high school. got it.

No. 2410201

>never in my 21 years of living willingly used she/her pronouns
god that shit sounds so misogynistic. The caping for moids makes me roll my eyes so god damn hard.
I'd love for terfs to anonymously make a counterzine and pass it around.

No. 2410376

File: 1740111349488.jpg (258.58 KB, 1077x1076, 1000008206.jpg)

Apparently old but gold. They really believe this lie kek (it had almost 10k likes)

No. 2410383

File: 1740112200533.jpeg (512.7 KB, 828x837, IMG_0482.jpeg)

found this similar one on Reddit and couldn’t not share. It’s amazing how they’re so nearly self aware, but then have to tac on the delusions to make themselves feel good.

No. 2410386

Self-censorship in an image

No. 2410388

The vast majority troons look like the image on the left, the only thing that is missing is the galaxy print leggings kek

No. 2410391

Even the troons i see irl look more like the one on the left, kek.

No. 2410392

Don't forget the boner pressing against the skirt.

No. 2410395

I know. I also love the fake confusion on “sports trophies?” Trivializing the shit you freaks pull and pretending you are innocent does not, in fact, make it go away. And the fact this loser accurately drew pretty much every fucking TiM that has ever existed on the left, and then still tried to portray troons as their totally real dainty uwu anime girl delusions on the right.

No. 2410406

If they're just "living their lives" why don't they ever shut the fuck up?

If you have to artificially create a hormone imbalance in yourself, cut off mutilate and carve up your body parts, demand access into spaces you aren't welcome in, put immense effort and time into looking, acting, and sounding a certain way that's unnatural to you, and bully everyone else into playing along with these delusions, how is that "just living your life"? That's mento illness luv xx

No. 2410408

Idk if the place I live is exceptional infested with AGP troons that can't dress even if their lives depended on it but every single TIM I have seen with the expectation of 1 (who was a gay man) straight up looked like picrel with the face of Chris Chan.

No. 2410409

Dropping biases for trans people for a second, hrt literally does nothing, it's one giant scam pushed by the pharmaceutical companies because they noticed that certain medications give men bitch tits. Almost every mtf i've almost been tricked by either has a build that's already smaller for a man and softer features even before doing anything. They also get tons of surgeries such as bbls, breast implants, surgeries that can help to blur the lines. At least with hsts, they are very good at makeup and know their way around wigs and hair, so they are very good of donning the costume of a woman. Not a single one of these factors that help troons pass is attributed to hrt AT ALL. I also notice that almost all pr from troons was because of htst who largely did not take hrt, but they do not reflect most troons of today who are almost all agps. Even a lot of the newer hsts have the same entitlement of agps and a lot of hsts don't even make the same level of effort as hsts of the past because agps and handmaidens have shown them they don't need to try anymore to be validated. That troon that literally just wants to live their life no longer exists in the modern age, it probably never existed the moment the idea of transhumanism blew up in the 70s and troons were busy parading themselves on trashy afternoon talk shows of the 90s-2000s to promote their agenda.

No. 2410418

If you live anywhere that's considered a hub for gay men, you will see a TON of troons. I remember going to nyc and seeing in broad daylight an anorexic troon in an anime school girl uniform. The only troon i know in my day to day life literally makes zero effort to look like a woman aside from insisted we call him a woman's name, growing his hair out and wearing a wear skirt and leggings combo thing that looks incredibly worn out. It's so weird. I often wonder one day if he will walk in through the door with a haircut and in normal mens clothes, i'd honestly be so happy for him if he just dropped it all completely and forgot it ever happened.

No. 2410436

I don't live in a large city like New York but I live close to a university that has a popular art program which a lot of people move to. There is one obsese troon that frequents at a library that I usually study at and speaks in a extremely loud shrill voice to talk to his friends while he plays video games. He always wears on the same blue shirt, black Amazon skirt and smells like shit and armpits. Another troon that also see frequently wears on a amine military cosplay and hangs out at the mall near my uni. I can probably remember like 10 different troons that frequent in my area.I wish I had the ovaries to take pictures of them and post them kek

No. 2410528

File: 1740124913150.jpg (1.12 MB, 1079x2772, 1000031881.jpg)

Now that many news outlets (even guardian) has stated that the suspects of the Sam Norquist murder were also "LGBTQ+", reddit queerios are losing it. They are alternating between finger pointing at "cis queers", trying to blame the female suspects while excusing the male ones, and mass downvoting all comments that ask for evidence that the murder happened specifically because the victim was trans. It's such a clown show

No. 2410531

>we shouldn't assume men raped the victim because they would have used their penises!
Typical misogynist. As if we don't all know men will typically use objects to assault victims in order to torture them. Disgusting.

No. 2410565

File: 1740127815442.jpeg (691.46 KB, 1199x2012, IMG_3746.jpeg)

I despise it when I find a video that tries to imply grievances about being homosexual but it’s really just another gendie troon

No. 2410657

File: 1740132822961.png (777.53 KB, 1070x920, X0zz4S7.png)

very edgy, it's funny that I could tell this was made by a tif

No. 2410662

File: 1740133313577.png (288.81 KB, 1000x912, CA-They-Shall-Not-Pass-busy-be…)

Do they ever make these without implied homicide? Anyways this button is from 1916

No. 2410675

I love how they solely focus on “angry women online rather than the men who are the ones actively killing and calling them trannies in their face (at least the black prostitutes).

No. 2410676

Kekkk. They can’t claim it’s transphobia now if it’s TIMs who did it. Best assured that they’ll wrap it up as quickly as possible.
The TIF is no longer martyr material.

No. 2410678

Literally , they only get tubular boobs. The rest is surgeries and removing body hair with laser treatment. If HRT was magical they wouldn’t all need FFS kek.

No. 2410736

I could show this image even to normie men that aren't "transphobic" and they would still say troons they meet look more like the first depiction if no one else was around to hear it. Even the most libshit normie men I know still didn't say the troon in our group looks good whenever he tried to fish for compliments after trooning out, he would just be left on read in the group chat anytime he posted a selfie kekkk.

No. 2410741

It's telling that the lesbian journalist who trooned out for a year then killed herself passed better as a man BEFORE she trooned. When she took T she got shit from everyone for being a tranny because she looked so obviously female despite the pube beard.
It's like that for moids too, the androgynous pre-wall ones look feminine until they take horse piss. The tube moobs and ill-fitting clothes only accentuate their male bodies, their awful makeup highlights their male faces, their greasy hair shows the male pattern baldness that no amount of girl skittles can cure.

No. 2410771

I've seen dudes who have been on HRT for YEARS, literally none of them have ever developed buxom cleavage because of it. If you ever see a troon the looks like Bowsette then it's because they have had a massive amount of plastic surgery.

Honestly that's what I don't understand, none of this has a point. People say they just want to live their lives but when you're living as a walking spectacle by dressing up in some asinine attention-grabbing way and then complaining that people treated you like a weirdo, you're not 'just living your life'. If you're obsessed with gender to the point that you begin to feel like you physically cannot stand your own body, it's not 'a new identity', it's being SICK in the same way an anorexic is sick, you have self-groomed into hating your physicality. But even if you go through all the surgery, waste all your money on medication, ruin your natural speaking voice, spend years wondering when it's gonna start working, it never will. People will always be able to tell. Even the kindest handmaiden will always treat you like a TRANSwoman or TRANSman, with all the associated dancing around pronouns and privileged access that entails, you will never actually have the genuine experience of the opposite sex in any regard. For FTMs it's even worse, there is literally no surgery that can recreate even a recognizable fascimile of male genital anatomy. To me that's also where the claims of gender dysphoria become completely unbelievable because HOW is it that having a piece of flesh fused to you that you literally have to inflate with an external artificial mechanism not the ultimate trigger in feeling like 'I am not a real man'? If a woman is to the point of getting that surgery she must be the ultimate dysphoria sufferer, right? Why a solution that consciously draws your attention to the problem every single time it is in use?
When someone starts talking about their dysphoria all I hear is a new vocabulary term in which to say, 'I hate myself and wish I was a different, cooler and more attractive person". And that's what trans ideology promises them: that they'll suddenly have oodles of supportive, fawning girlfriends or male sexual attention (MTFs) or finally be respected or not have their bodies judged as women's anymore (FTMs). They desperately want what the other side's got in a 'grass is greener' kind of way, seeing none of the downsides, but it's like admiring your neighbor's lawn and deciding, "I can get the same exact results if I just spray paint my lawn" then wondering why it looks terrible and your grass has all died. For 99.9999% of transpeople who were not already feminine twinks or linebacker butches before they got their hands on hormones, there is not a snowflake's chance in hell of passing, but they all want to pretend they're going to come out Nikita Dragun and Butch Angel and in reality even the ones who have spent $200k on surgeries are completely clockable as soon as they open their mouths. They will never be treated as the opposite sex, they will always just be in the 'trans' category which they supposedly will be bothered by. What is the point? There is no conceivable path of logic that leads to happiness in this situation even if you buy hook-line-and-sinker into every delusion Tumblr or Reddit puts in front of you.

One FtM I know is currently bemoaning the new Trump administration because 'i wanted to get on hormones but now what if someone treats me weird or I get discriminated against???' and I just want to grab her like LMAO BITCH YOU JUST TOLD ON YOURSELF, YOU DON'T NEED IT IF IT'S EVEN A QUESTION because transition was ALWAYS supposed to be a last resort for incurable dysphoria that would result in fucking killing yourself. If your options are either kys because you physically cannot stand existing, or transition, then necessity would demand you choose the latter, but the fact that she's not gonna do it because scawwy twump hates da twans means killing herself was never actually on the table and no respectable psych ward should be prescribing her anything but sugar pills.

genuinely this is the first time I have ever grudgingly given that toxic dementia-addled buffoon in office a SINGLE shred of credit for any positive side-effects of his dumbass actions but making her hold off on taking a bunch of drugs and surgeries (which I have no idea how she even planned to afford because she works minimum wage, was the government ACTUALLY paying for people's HRT or something?) is ACTUALLY the silver lining to this regime of unbearable bullshit.

No. 2410796

Except they all look like left. Also, there was a whole scandal with that ugly moid boxer stealing gold from a woman at the olympics, or did they just happen to forget?? Men take over women's sports all the time. It's an actual problem.

No. 2410802

This is why they're so pathetic. They'd never go up against the men with the kind of energy. They're always picking on women who just want to live their lives without men in their spaces.

No. 2410851

At what point of them describing how much they ardently hate gender-critics and wish they'd all die and think they should be punched in the face for existing do we get to use the term 'terf-phobic'? Because this is just rampant bigotry under the guise of 'they did it first!' except that I have literally never actually seen a radical feminist call for transpeople to be attacked in the street or killed. Only the TRAs.

Literally this is just calling for the deaths of people who disagree with them and if it's questioned they retreat into 'ackshually THEY are the ones threatening my EXISTENCE with their OPINIONS, which is basically the same thing as violence, so rly they attacked me FIRST and punching them in the face only LOOKS like an unwarranted attack because you're UNEDUCATED and probably a BIGOT'. It is just mental gymnastics to avoid the fact that they are actually the ones perpetrating and encouraging violence, literally to the point of selling pro-violence merch. Then they wonder why nobody accepts them as 'true' women when they have just encouraged the most male-coded response to conflict: physical aggression. How is this 'deconstructing gender' instead of a blatant example of someone's biological urge influencing their social behavior despite their best attempts to conform to the opposite sex's?

No. 2410934

File: 1740154175492.png (2.21 MB, 1333x2000, kristopher kalli.png)

>knew a guy years ago named Kristopher Bottrall through mutual friends
>studied acting
>said weird misogynistic shit about women, made creepy advances towards me and my boyfriend at the time (before i came out as lesbian)
>facebook memory popped up, got curious what he's up to
>now a troon porn actor going by "Kalli Grace Bottrall" or "theekalligrace mauri"
>apparently roommates in las vegas with gay scrote wannabe popstar "alexzone" with sexual assault and pedophilia allegations

he looks so much worse after transitioning kek. you can tell he's doing it for the fetish.

No. 2410939

Gay dudes with odd fetishes

No. 2410941

File: 1740154579786.jpeg (222.23 KB, 1170x1219, IMG_1431.jpeg)

TRAs and trannies somehow never realize that we just want them out of female spaces. You are a male, no matter what makeup or clothes you wear. You don’t have any right to come and stomp on women.

No. 2410945

File: 1740154681996.jpeg (385.81 KB, 1170x1850, IMG_1433.jpeg)

Cue to them thinking that we “secretly want to fuck them” too kek. They really do operate like your average man.
>trans porn
It’s other trannies and queerios watching it though.
They wouldn’t be T4T or crying about genitalia preference if their dating pool was as big as they claim it to be kek.

No. 2410948

File: 1740154765707.jpeg (335.52 KB, 1170x1738, IMG_1432.jpeg)

No. 2410959

I know we use the term “built like a fridge” a lot in these boards, but seriously, what is the bikini top even for? You’re shirtless to show off…..your slightly puffy pecs that you put in some party city looking ass bikini top and non existent waist? Who are you kidding?

No. 2410961

How do they not realize their male ego is showing? Kek

No. 2410969

Wasn't this one of those freak incidents where they're moreso a intersex person than trans? I legitimately couldn't understand what the fuck was going with what I read. XY chromosome woman? But not trans??¿

No. 2410975

we want you to stop. we want you to love the body you were born in, don't give your hard-earned money to overzealous psych docs or plastic surgeons, become a 'feminine man' instead of thinking that 'feminine qualities' are so destructive to your manhood that you have to drug yourself up for years and pay thousands of dollars in order to exorcise all masculinity from your body so that sensitivity or nurturing instincts aren't ~iN cOnFlIcT wItH' your physical biology. become content with who you are instead of seeking to be someone else.

like damn i know this type of encouragement does not work because i have tried it before, but i travel in libfem spaces, i am not recognizable as a 'terf', some of my friends or even exes have trooned out and i am genuinely sad to watch them self-harm like this. in like 10 years that's all it's going to be seen as: a group of mentally ill people hurting themselves with drugs and doctors instead of EDs and x-acto knives.

No. 2410980

when men watch trans porn they're 'chasers' and 'gross'
but somehow they still love the idea of people watching tranny porn so who do they think is watching it? women? no.
it really reinforces the idea that all they are looking for is women who will serve them both sexually and socially once they assume the trans identity.

No. 2410986

I apologize for not having a pic, I’ll have to do a little digging, but this reminds me of the time that some porn exec (?) publicly admitted that it’s incredibly well known in the industry (as in, studies were done that the porn industry paid to have covered up) that what people see in porn can literally alter their brains, so a lot of companies will push specific porn to get people addicted to their specific niche and boost their profit, or bolster the execs political agenda, and even attempt to “change” peoples sexuality. But the specific guy in question, said his company promotes and advertises trans porn incessantly to try and get porn addled moids into it, and (I shit you not) to somehow further trans rights as a result. The only people watching troon porn are people in the gendie cult and men with fucked up fetishes. The reason it’s such a “popular” category is because the overwhelming majority of the people who watch it are men, and thus will probably watch porn at least once a day, if not multiple. Yet somehow in the minds of TiMs this means everyone on the planet secretly wants to fuck them, and that actually everyone watches that sweet sweet troon porn, but they just won’t admit it.(Sorry again for not having a pic, I’ll see what I can find.)

No. 2410988

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i was also confused by that. the only explanation i can come up with is that the two athletes who were disqualified were intersex but not aware of it before testing and did not experience genital mutations that made it obvious. this is actually pretty common among intersex women, many of them develop 'normally' (albeit there might be small signs like less breast tissue development than average or an enlarged clitoris) and never question whether they have a genetic abnormality until it's brought to their attention in ways like being infertile. whether it actually grants masculine physical advantages like khalif is purported to have varies on a case-by-case basis, but i think it's pretty clear from height and build that khalif and yu-ting are cases where it did. i can't look at picrel and see anything other than a man's physiognomy. if i'm wrong then it would genuinely be the first time i think i've seen a fully biological woman 'pass' as male without trying, hormones, or effort at all.

No. 2411009

Was khalif actually intersex in the end? I looked at the pictures and thought male through and through.

No. 2411010

He is an intersex male.

No. 2411024

and it's instantly okay for said hetero men with bad intentions to do it because they go by she/her. yay! hip hip hooray to libfems for solving lesbian fetishization

No. 2411026

Intersex people occupy a very niche, very small space where, to me, if they were raised female, look outwardly female, and never knew they weren't female (only proven by medical testing) then I accept them more as women than any run of the mill troon. Obviously, they're not but I feel a degree of sympathy towards them because that's gotta fuck with your head. Troons use that sympathy to their advantage and fuck it up for everyone of course, though. They use these people with chromosomal/sexual differences to push the narrative that they're true and honest women whose girl dicks you should totally suck.

No. 2411029

AYRT I would've thought that Khalif's testosterone levels would have disqualified her. Don't women athletes get disqualified for cheating by injecting testosterone? No clue where I read that, but I thought they did checks for that and steroids. "Acceptable testosterone levels" and all of that.

No. 2411046

honestly if intersex male from those countries it would kind of explain it
a lot of times in the past, doctors who encountered an intersex child that was clearly 'in-between' genders (true hermaphroditism is extremely rare but not completely out of the running here), they would choose to castrate the male anatomy because it was seen as easier to live as a female than a 'third sex'. which would explain why the algerians said khalif was 'born and raised female', if they literally chose her sex through a snip snip and then the family just acted like they'd had a daughter with zero birth defects or abnormalities.

genuinely impossible to speculate upon further without additional evidence tho

No. 2411090

I just want trannies to stop pretending they're women at all. That's it. No matter what you wear you will never be a woman.
Holy copium lmfao. If you don't like me you just want to fuck me!! Do they really think every single tranny hater is some sort of closeted conservative chaser.

No. 2411102

>Do they really think every single tranny hater is some sort of closeted conservative chaser.

No. 2411132

True hermaphroditism doesn't exist for humans. We have no evidence of a human producing both gametes ever existing. There are a few conditions that make people with xy chromosomes for all intends and purposes infertile females, but they are not true hermaphrodites for that. What most of these athletes have is partial androgen insensitivity syndrome that leads to them looking superficially female until puberty but essentially undergoing a normal male puberty and even potentially being fertile. They are usually not mutilated at birth and it's understandable that they are brought up as girls, since they look like one until puberty.

No. 2411140

i respect bucks pronouns bc i dont believe he's harmful to anyone and if anything he gives validity to pissing on weirdo troons bc hes somewhat normal/sane. he continues to be an ally to woman and he does look like a dude and has always looked like a dude. gay oldies (me) know he was an icon from back in his porno days until pissy troons cancelled him for being against them n grifty. feels forced calling him she.

No. 2411141

I think when I've read texts that claim 'true hermaphroditism' what the implication is that it is a female child that was born with an abnormally enlarged clitoris which, because that is the same tissue which develops into a penis in XYs, can be read as 'being born with both genitalia'. But these were also texts from like 100+ years ago that were asserting such claims iirc. so i guess my argument is that 'true hermaphroditism' has been described in history before but it's impossible to know what that actually looked like and regardless such people were infertile anyways so they can't be said to have fully functioning genitalia even if they were castrated to remove the 'male' segments.

No. 2411145

samefag, ok apparently they are being mutilated, thats my bad. it's still possible rural parents in a third world country think they have a normal baby girl and just bring them up like that.
but that's not what a true hermaphrodite is. a true hermaphrodite would have sperm and eggs.

No. 2411148

yeah my point was more to clarify that what i refer to as 'true' hermaphroditism is superficial hermaphroditism that was assumed to be a replete representation of the biological capacities of both sexes in the past. but you're right in that it does not exist in actuality.

No. 2411156

Yeah I get a bit overly literal with that particular topic because troons always excuse their stupid cult with shit like clownfish and unfortunate people born with disorders. I get what you mean though.

No. 2411180

the worst part is that i've seen intersex people who are conditioned into believing they are automatically trans BECAUSE they are intersex instead of going on to just live their lives as, idk, normal females with a big clit who aren't involved in sports and therefore don't even need to get into any kind of legal dispute.

but the ones who ARE are in the olympics most likely because they have male attributes. iirc there's something about the male shoulder/arm socket positioning that allows them to throw and punch much more efficiently than females which also explains why even a supposedly non-transphobic professional boxer bowed out of a fight after a punch to the face from khalif. she claimed it was just because it hurt so much that she couldn't go on. if we are expected to believe her explanation with 100% conviction, EVEN SO she is saying that the pain khalif inflicted was markedly above average in her experience of boxing matches.

No. 2411246

I go to Korean spas frequently in NJ and I would flip a shit if I saw a troon in one of them. Abso-fucking-lutely not. I don't want your nasty dick in the women's only baths and saunas

No. 2411285

I love Korean spas and I would also flip my shit if I saw a tranny in one. How odd that troons always hyper focus on the (few) sex segregated facilities available to the public. Most burgers have no idea what a Korean spa entails much less that you’re expected to be nude. Yet there are at least three discrimination lawsuits against them by troons… hmmm….. what are the odds

No. 2411317

This exactly. Why have we seen time and time again stories like: TiMmy goes to japan, and is upset he won’t be included with ( able to creep on) the dainty and perfect uwu anime girls in the onsen. It’s almost as if this shit is all sexually motivated. But that’s just me being crazy.

No. 2411318

Khelif and Yu-Ting were disqualified from the International Boxing Association because they failed testosterone level tests, and then chromosome tests. The Olympics uses different sports organizations to screen athletes, and the IBA was doing the screening for the Olympics with boxing, but was dropped for the 2024 Olympics because there was "Russian corruption" or something going on with the IBA, so the Olympics didn't have any screening organization for boxing and defaulted to only using identity documents. Since both Khelif and Yu-Ting have DSDs and were assigned female at birth (only place where the "assigned" term ever makes sense) they had documents that labeled them as female, and qualified for the female boxing competition.
IIRC, neither of them have been in any IBA matches after the Olympics. Also there's a couple threads here >>>/ot/2239839 but it was infested with 4chan scrotes so it's kinda toxic.

No. 2411334

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No. 2411339

The queen just never stops giving.

No. 2411539

There is actually a discord I'm in that doesn't allow TiMs but does allow TiFs so long as they don't whine about being called female but we can't even advertise as such or be open about it without risking getting shut down.
Moids still try to get in constantly and expect us to validate them in the holding space

No. 2411633

Ugh. I wish I could be there. I understand why you can't advertise it because there's predatory tims and moids lurking here

No. 2411644

I love TiMs endless surprise when women don’t let them into our spaces. “What do you mean you don’t unconditionally accept me? Women are supposed to be stupid docile pushovers- I mean, open and loving. You’re supposed to welcome me in without question! I’m one of you!!!! I’m actually more woman than you are because I try!”

No. 2411661

It's a combination of entitlement, perversion, and their never-ending quest for validation. They want to sniff out every single business or person that disrupts their fantasy and make them miserable. Olympus was an openly Christian-run Korean spa, and it was eventually discovered that the troon never made a reservation or even set foot on the property. He sought them out for the same reason Yaniv sought out immigrant-owned salons for his ball-waxing nonsense. It's a "test" to see if they "validate" him, and if they don't, he can drag them into court.

No. 2411667

There was a story about a tranny in japan wanting to use a japanese onsen and he was claiming it was ok because "he has a vulva". No, your inverted penis should not be in public water. There was some troon talking about how the water gets up in there and tbh I feel like with how they treat their nasty inverted cocks that would definitely spread an STD

No. 2411672

I don't even understand how someone can make it that far in athletics without discovering that they have a DSD. At that level, they're regularly given a barrage of blood tests to ensure that they aren't doping. It's odd to me that no one ever looked at those results and thought, "huh, these women have unusually high T levels."

No. 2411691

Oh god, reading this made me so nauseous. So many of these faggots have their colon hooked into it, so STDs are a fraction of your worries. C. Diff, e coli, norovirus, any number of parasites…

No. 2411708

Yes. It’s never about wanting to use the facilities they feel safest in. If they were that concerned for their safety then they wouldn’t put themselves in that position to begin with. Then they have a tantrum when they are, rightfully, denied access to women’s spaces. The whole attitude and sense of entitlement from beginning to end is male.

No. 2411710

Anyone ever notice how troon writing is given much more lenient reviews? Troons are inherently awful writers btw. Worse than old moids. Tedious purple prose, overused vulgarity, not at all disguised fetishes. Ofc libfems congratulate their horrendous drivel because they can never be critical of a poor twans person

No. 2411713

They literally don’t want you in the water in these places if you have a damn paper cut. Now imagine an open, uncleanable, (probably pussing-level infected) festering wound that in all likelihood is brimming with bacteria from piss, feces, and just the general mentally ill moid nether region funk.

No. 2411715

HRT hardly does anything to men. Their before and after photos always look like the exact same moid only he shaves his beard now.

No. 2411716

Are onsens not chlorinated?

No. 2411722

I know japan usually doesn’t entertain troon bullshit, but just for the sake of my sanity, they didn’t let his ass in, right?

No. 2411723

Isn’t the whole point of an onsen is that it’s natural, spring water?

No. 2411731

Yup. The expectation is to completely wash your body before entering, and after exiting, and also to have the decency to not come if you are feeling even slightly ill, or are on your period. Onsen are generally pretty scrupulous, the tubs are also typically washed out regularly throughout the day. But that’s not a perfect solution, and the tubs are not the only place to catch something. If everyone is healthy, there shouldn’t be any issue. But if you have a creepy fuck in there with a shit-eeking rot pocket, that changes things.

No. 2411733

NTA but I just wanted to add as someone who met a troon with a fresh rotpocket that those things STINK! Those things secrete stuff! I've been to onsens in Japan and even if you have a bandaid you shouldn't go into public onsens

No. 2411736

afaik he hadn't gone yet but was scared because the government was making him tell the truth on his ID which scared him because he wants to be in the girls onsen, but not in a predatory way, just to validate his rot pocket!!!

No. 2411740

>he wants to be in the girls onsen, but not in a predatory way, just to validate his rot pocket!!!
This is just so disgusting when you remember that nudity in onsens in Japan is NOT sexual at all, it is a place purely to relax and bathe and is a very normal part of everyday life. Many families will go with their children. My first time ever doing it, I had a gaggle of middle aged Japanese women trying to prove I shouldn't be ashamed of my body These are the absolute most comfortable and safest protected places for women in Japan, unfortunately. He shouldn't be allowed in ANY of them, god forbid some poor child has to see those horrors

No. 2411741

This is true and sad honestly. If you've actually encountered this situation, it's usually in the "buyer's regret" period. There are a lot of people who make fun of them for the rotpockets and I probably would too tbh but it's actually shocking how much they smell and even using the bathroom will make surrounding rooms/areas smell like feces. I guess they can just allow it to close and be eunuchs but it is really bad, I can imagine the psychological toll it would have on a person

No. 2411743

Not to beat a dead horse, but this was one of the most glaring TiM red flags that peaked me back in the day. If you literally just want to be recognized as a woman, why do you need to enter sex segregated spaces where real women are especially vulnerable? Why can’t you just go bathe amongst men? Oh yeah, because it doesn’t make you coom . >>2411741
Not gonna lie, if these misogynistic pieces of shit are suffering because of some voluntary self mutilation motivated by their skin walking fetish, good. I refuse to have sympathy for them.

No. 2411745

>as someone who met a troon with a fresh rotpocket
Ew anon, how did this even happen to you?

No. 2411746

Ew you like, saw it irl?
Its hard enough for me to have seen a few photos of them, it's vomit inducing.

No. 2411751

Absolutely. Publishing companies publish drivel that never would have made it to shelves had the author not been a TIM with 2000+ twitter followers too

No. 2411753

Thankfully I didn't see it. It was my faghag friends troon friend, rich 18 year old HSTS who had already undergone most of his procedures FFS etc underage.
>"I'm trans if you didn't notice"
He literally just looked like a gay male though, not even a twink kek. I would sometimes catch myself holding my nose shut because of the stench

No. 2411758

From what I understand, if they allow it to close they’ll fucking die. They have to dilate it for basically forever, which is part of the reason why even the ones that aren’t using the colon are still disgusting. It is a wound that they can not let heal.

(Maybe letting it close is a good option, kek)

No. 2411762

>argument given by trutrans type
>argument given by radical feminist type
"Transphobes are so self contradictory!"

No. 2411764

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Someone should copypaste the left one onto the right one.

Spoiler for animu porn, but I don't doubt that the ones that call that anime "positive queer representation" are mostly otaku tims. I cannot write that in F!S because I'll get called a terf.

No. 2411768

Will all this rot pocket talk, I can’t wait for the day when giving a shit about public health and safety becomes a “terf dogwhistle”

No. 2411772

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those troons also think that this forcefem lolishit anime is a good trans representation, the jokes just write themselves

No. 2411773

>18 got his genitals totally destroyed
Jesus christ. I feel a little bad because he's just a kid. I bet he went on blockers at like age 10 or some shit, then ended up with a microdick so they had to use his colon. Thats probably why is stunk especially bad
How fucking depressing.

No. 2411776

Every time somebody brings this shit up, I think of the clip with Jazz Jennings and his mother on the phone with his surgeon discussing a third revision. How did that show not peak the nation?

No. 2411777

>He literally just looked like a gay male though
They always do. I knew a now well-known troon who many people think passes. He looked like what he is, a gay man in a dress irl.
>if they allow it to close they will die
Kek, where did you hear that? They won’t die, if anything letting it heal would be a net benefit from forcing it open. It is not uncommon for them to heal shut because they can’t keep up with the dilation schedule or just by simple nature of the body trying to heal itself.

No. 2411778

this series is straight-up disgusting.
a troon once advertised it on a server i was in and after that i could not see him as anything other than a kiddie porn enjoyer. i genuinely mean it when i say everyone praising this shit should be in jail.

No. 2411780

Yeah I've never heard that. My experience was with an mtf and the next time we saw each other he was a happy feminine-presenting eunuch and didn't smell like feces anymore. If it smelled that way forever, I think they would all kill themselves

No. 2411789

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I fucking hate TRAs, I hate them with every fiber in my body. You cannot make the argument that bisexuality would be the default given the "right environment" and then argue that somebody saying it's conversion therapy rhetoric is ackshaully wrong!11! and a friggin terve!!!!111q!!1 You cannot argue that sexuality has no basis when you are saying that everyone is actually bisexual. Sexuality does have a basis, do people not understand how small the homosexual population is? It's a phenomenon. It is rare to be homosexual, most homosexuals have anecdotes pre-puberty. The basis of homosexuality is a combination of a lot of things. It's not a social phenomenon otherwise homosexuals in countries that shove them in the slammer for being gay wouldn't exist. It is fucking conversion therapy rhetoric to bitch about the "born this way" era. The argument against homosexuality has almost always been "it's gross because it is not the natural way of life and you all must breed and be trad", it has ALWAYS been that. You cannot bitch about the "born this way" era when that was a direct response to eons of homophobia and then argue that what you're saying is not conversion therapy rhetoric. People are so fucking evil towards lesbians my fucking god, I hate it. The person backtracking in picrel is OP, by the way. I hate TRAs so fucking bad they are absolutely destroying everything gays have fought for

No. 2411792

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Things can heal improperly and lead to complications, yeah, but it doesn’t mean that it’s for certain going to happen. I would imagine that after the initial healing process if a troon stopped dilating and let it heal naturally that their risk for complications is relatively low. I believe the sepsis concern is much higher earlier in the process with increased risks of developing fistulas, popped stitches, infection, etc. Picrel is the dilation schedule one doctor recommends his patients to follow. Given the time commitment I’m sure most rotpockets heal shut more often than not.

No. 2411800

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I can't remember why but for some reason both rotpocket types have fecal odor, which I remember surprising people on KF or ovarit a while back. I think one type can definitely close because they're warned not to stop dilating for that reason. If it becomes like picrel, I wasn't aware but there are always new horrors lurking around every corner when it comes to this "procedure"

No. 2411802

NTA But it's specifically the ones that get the colon/bowel surgery. If the hole closes, the organ still produces… stuff, which will have nowhere to go.
There was some case where a woman had to get a radical hysterectomy, where pretty much every piece of the uterus (cervix, ovaries, tubes, etc) and some surrounding tissue has to be removed, and got a colovaginoplasty so she could still have sex with her husband. Eventually she got tired of the upkeep and stopped, it sealed, and she had to get it removed because it basically turned into a horrifying cyst.

No. 2411808

There's no way having sex with that felt good. She did that for her disgusting scrote, who should have terrible things happen to him for even wanting her to do this. Foul.

No. 2411818

Imagine having to do all this to larp as a woman when woman can just exist with their vaginal walls, vulvas and uterus. Men are actually insane, and need to be locked up.

No. 2411821

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The unironic use of uwu and the fucking cat features I’m going to have a stroke.

No. 2411824

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That makes sense for colovaginoplasty. Most troons choose the peritoneal inversion vaginoplasty however so it’s a bit of a moot point. I vaguely remember reading that with colovaginoplasties that the equipment still works like what it is, a colon, so not only does it smell but it also lubricates and twitches when food is consumed.
>both smell like shit
I’m guessing but the real estate to create the rotpocket is very limited in a male body. It’s not uncommon for there to be wound dehiscence that effects the rectum. Plus general cleanliness needs to be accounted for. They are not self-cleaning and regularly need to be douched or else bacteria grows. Over time that will cause a smell to form.

Picrel is from the other farms and is Fistulissa. He had a peritoneal inversion vaginoplasty that healed improperly and resulted in a fistula, which resulted in a pocket forming allowing waste and bacteria to collect and grow. During his corrective surgery things became worse and he ended up needing a colostomy bag for about six months until he could get another surgery to repair his now damaged colon.

No. 2411825

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Kek the trans urge to commit acts of violence

No. 2411826

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I think the saddest part of all is that there’s a part of me that hopes this is satirical, and logically I know it’s not.

No. 2411832

Does anyone have that compilation of TIMs being perverts in women's bathrooms with an audio of a TRA "let them pee!" infographic playing in the background? Need it to prove a point

No. 2411836

He's a man with a micropenis and internal testes. There was no snip-snip. He can get his testes surgically repositioned outside if he wants but he's a man whether he does or not.

No. 2411843

the two tranny moods: coomer and misogyny

No. 2411846

I want to kill myself for really liking his collab with Jackie extreme, who tbh is a cow in their own right. But this is final stage porn rot to the highest magnitudes. Hes clearly a fag, but i still get intense agp vibes from him.

No. 2411847

Are you thinking of the “Skirt Go Spinny” video? Or a different one?

No. 2411850

First they mock us for having periods (these scrotes made middle school hell for me), then they try to claim they have periods.

No. 2411860

Yeah, it's almost as if being a woman has nothing to do with hair length, makeup or clothing. A woman can exist just wearing sweat pants and a hoodie and be a recognized as a woman. A man can't, because you're a man.

No. 2411861

Men can never stop thinking of porn. And yes, that's such a male trait.

No. 2411862

NTA but I think she's talking about a much shorter video that was literally TIMs filming porn of themselves jerking off in women's bathrooms with some handmaidens speech overlayed. They weren't even doing it in the stalls sometimes, I remember seeing it on the other farm.

No. 2411893

>the other farms
Any more detail? I poked around in the Stinkditch subforum for the past hour and couldn’t find it sadly. Was it posted in the tranny sideshows thread? Handmaiden thread? I checked the Euphoria Boners, Things Troons Have Ruined, and Trans Crime thread but didn’t see it. I’m phoneposting right now but if no one has found it tomorrow I’ll try searching on my desktop.

No. 2411896

nta but I saw it on yt a while ago on a terf channel. I think it was a short. It had the one asian repeat masturbator and a few others. All of the smaller yt terfs are subscribed to each other so it might be easier to find there

No. 2411904

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This is a fucking vile thing to say

No. 2411926

>giving wigs to cancer patients is gender affirming care
Do you ever read something so retarded it actually causes you psychic damage

No. 2411927

Whenever this retarded argument gets brought up it just makes me think that gendies have truly lost. If you're willing to admit that woman is when thick lips and long hair, then what IS gender to you, really? Same thing with saying Elon's hair plugs are "gender affirming care". It just crumbles the entire foundation of gender ideology and shows how truly regressive and backwards their ideas are.

I was talking to a friend the other day about sex dolls and what makes a woman. Of course, a big hunk of plastic isn't a woman, but it contains the simulation of one. What is a woman outside of a set of parts? When I ask you to imagine a 'woman', what sort of person comes to mind? If the person that comes to mind has long hair, makeup, is wearing a dress or skirt or heels, why? Why is that the first person that comes to mind? Why not a butch woman? Or a woman who's bald or who wears t-shirts and pants or no makeup. The fact that gendies aren't willing to deconstruct these ideas is part of what began to peak me in the first place.

No. 2411936

this is so manipulative kek. people don't say "he doesn't even try" about trannies who "aren't really into makeup". they say that about trannies who have zero issues with their dick and male facial hair. not because being clean shaved and castrated makes you a woman, but because trannies themselves spread the lie that they feel intense discomfort due to their male body, which is supposed to make them so different from other men and justify their invasion of female spaces.

they raped her when they realized she was a woman. being straight would not have saved her. if anything this proves that trooning out does not allow women to escape misogyny (and homophobia) even for the ones who actually manage to conceal their sex which is extremely rare. wanting to be seen as male and surrounding yourself with men is not the logical conclusion to any of this.

No. 2411954

Third world handmaidens are so fucking retarded to the point where even if a tranny came up straight to their faces and said they wanted vagina having cunts out of society they would still try to applaud them or try to say it's some sort of reflex from transmisogyny. why does every single one of them prefer to put the tinfoil hat and try to ignore sex based oppression?

No. 2411960

Because if sex based oppression doesn't exist, then femicide isn't real. And if those victims did something other than being women, then maybe it won't happen to them. It's all about denial.

No. 2412035

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GERMANY: Transgender South African Who Was Refused Asylum Standing Trial For Stabbing Refugee Center Security Guard To Death

No. 2412045

When I heard about the clips where Jazz seem to regret the surgery, and another earlier one where he quietly questions his mom's intentions with the show, I immediately went to the reddit for said show. I was surprised to see so many people that were SO close to peaking in the comments, so many was asking if he really was trans or if his mom groomed him into it which bled into some questioning what they believed about trannies. I don't think anyone actually peaked, but I want to think it at least sowed some GC thinking into the back of their minds.

No. 2412072

I’m annoyed with this too. There was this user I’ve lurked who lives in a developing country and had a long distance relationship with a TiF who lived in the states (you can probably attempt to imagine how that went since they eventually broke up). She didn’t do it often but I found it frustrating how she pushed TQ+ politics when she doesn’t even live in the states to know what trans identified people tend to be like. It’s kind of sad but frustrating simultaneously, since it probably comes from a place of wanting to move to America, but I wish it can get it through their heads that they’re being misled. It’s pretty ironic too, since sex based oppression would be more prevalent in those places.

No. 2412121

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twitter op's profile pic being from dino buzzati's "the morning visitor", a painting about rape, is nearly enough to make me a-log. came across this twitter exchange while i was trying to find the title, too. can trannies ever shut the fuck up

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