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File: 1720975743120.png (790.61 KB, 736x935, 7b23e4712d93d30c50b73b5bc28ec4…)

No. 401457

For the Nasuverse, including but not limited to: Fate/stay night, Fate Grand Order, anime, manga, spin-offs, whatever.
Talk about your favorite Servants, post art, and say what you hope to see from the franchise in the future.
Some critical discussion of the game is okay but please don't start endless infights. No1curr.

No. 401468

Do you play EN or JP FGO?
Lostbelt 7 was really fun, but these 2 Ordeal Calls have been a bit meh.

No. 401489

File: 1720981856727.jpeg (328.04 KB, 1037x1457, IMG_6706.jpeg)

I play JP! I enjoyed the recent ordeal call solely because of all the Dantes x Guda fanart it spawned

No. 401491

File: 1720982191093.jpeg (237.76 KB, 1200x630, niagra.jpeg)

Ntayrt but Fate is turning me into such a huge yumejo. Female Ritsuka x any servant art is so cute. I love her design.

No. 401495

File: 1720982551811.jpeg (411.28 KB, 1876x2048, IMG_6705.jpeg)

so true anon, me personally my fave Guda ship is definitely Oberon x Guda

No. 401497

File: 1720982672910.jpg (79.27 KB, 850x1200, __fujimaru_ritsuka_oberon_and_…)

No. 401499

NTA but based taste

No. 401527

File: 1720985946655.jpg (186.01 KB, 850x1189, __fujimaru_ritsuka_oberon_ober…)

Here is more offerings for the Oberon yumes in the thread.

No. 401528

File: 1720986038964.jpg (107.46 KB, 850x544, __fujimaru_ritsuka_oberon_ober…)

No. 401534

kekk I love the artist of picrel and her unhinged obeguda fics/drawings and rambling. Bought her new doujin too

No. 401535

Is there anywhere to access her stuff in english?

No. 401599

File: 1720995391558.jpg (143.68 KB, 850x1457, __arjuna_and_arjuna_alter_fate…)

would both
at the same time

No. 401664

Oberon's too haraguro for me.
Lot's of hot guys in Fate but none really have a personality that fully clicks with me.
My favorite FGO servent is Voyager cause space and Pale Blue Dot, but obviously I can't husbando him.

No. 401677

Don't know anything about fate, haven't played it, but I saw Arjuna one random day and liked his design so I searched up more about him and found out about Karna too, researched their actual lore, and read fanfiction and saved fanart of them kek. The whole shebang. They're super hot but I can't be bothered to get into fate. Amazing designs though, way better than that genshit pisspact crap

No. 401678

I got into FGO because of Arjuna. Idk why but I was gripped with him as soon as I saw him. No ragrets.

No. 401680

File: 1721005785947.jpeg (143.96 KB, 991x767, FgBBGqYVsAAyiE0.jpeg)

He's beautiful nona

No. 401682

They're best boys. For me it was Apocrypha who briefly introduced me to Karna and I worked my way backwards from there onwards.

No. 401686

File: 1721006877623.jpg (66.11 KB, 850x601, __karna_arjuna_arjuna_alter_as…)

Cute fanart, I've never seen that one before!
I just love how he's this character who's supposed to be kind and good, but has a hidden dark side that's hot
And then Karna is the opposite, guy who looks cold but has a heart of gold.
I agree, they are best bois. I don't ship them with each other but I will allow them to be a throuple with my fem Ritsuka.

No. 401694

File: 1721008565460.jpg (502.17 KB, 2048x833, Tumblr_l_40745590762586.jpg)

I love when characters are the opposite of what they appear to be

No. 401696

File: 1721009799198.png (1.96 MB, 2400x1800, mapo tofu kotomine.png)

Do you guys have a favorite Fate entry? I'm a sucker for the original VN but I'm very hyped for the strange Fake anime since the OVA was good and I like Narita's writing style.

No. 401702

kek did you make this nonna. I love it.

No. 401732

File: 1721019239339.jpg (83.02 KB, 911x983, D-74H5eUEAEn60S.jpg)

Pako just GOATs, I love all of his art and designs.

No. 401839

File: 1721057663575.jpg (341.22 KB, 1059x1500, yande.re 575958 sample fate_gr…)

No. 401840

File: 1721057790714.jpg (136.41 KB, 619x1024, 20240714_231243.jpg)

No. 401847

File: 1721058388489.jpg (39.77 KB, 564x707, mwah.jpg)

ty for this thread. fun fact - arjuna is the reason i discovered fate and i have an entire pinterest board dedicated just to him

No. 401858

File: 1721060502056.jpg (376.14 KB, 1493x1990, 20240714_230713.jpg)

I'm OP, this could become Arjuna general and I wouldn't even be mad. I love him so much and I'm so desperate for more content of him.

No. 401863

My favourite is definitely the VN as well! I’m also looking forward to the Strange Fake anime, because I really like Ayaka and Richard’s dynamic in the novels

No. 401865

File: 1721061574888.jpeg (560.57 KB, 935x1200, 50EDCE58-4D71-4E18-BB9A-2C079A…)

i'm happy to see all the arjuna love since he is super cute, but tezcatlipoca is the character that got me into fgo. i think his design is super hot and adorable, and i love shipping him with daybit. such a fun dynamic, i was actually surprised by the decent amount of fujobait in the game.

No. 401923

File: 1721072198425.jpg (66.9 KB, 600x573, 58.jpg)

I'm a Doumanfag, he's apparently a bit controversial in the western fandom but I don't care, I love him so fucking much. My other FGO faves are archer Moriarty, Martha, Oberon, King Hassan, Caenis, Sen no Rikyū and Tezcatlipoca.
Otherwise I'm an oldfag, I found out about Fate when there was only the Deen anime and I watched F/Z in real time back then.

No. 402059

File: 1721126506630.jpg (127.06 KB, 639x1100, 1720659691112.jpg)

Put this in the yume general a few days ago but I will add it here as well.

No. 402102

File: 1721139655937.jpg (374.06 KB, 1317x2048, 20240716_090404.jpg)

I promise I'll actually post some other characters… any day now…

No. 402106

File: 1721139969893.jpeg (162.38 KB, 800x800, IMG_5784.jpeg)

Nono Nona I love Arjuna (and Karna) too! Don’t worry, it’s not your fault he (and Karna) stole your heart

No. 402116

File: 1721143871887.jpeg (878.91 KB, 1200x900, IMG_6723.jpeg)

This year’s story for the April Fools app will stick with me forever

No. 402226

File: 1721160739294.jpeg (297.88 KB, 864x1200, B02ED521-521F-4BF4-A014-FEF24B…)

douman is controversial? why is that, nonna? i've mainly just seen people who were upset that his summer costume wasn't revealing enough (picrel unrelated).

No. 402280

File: 1721165564466.jpg (1.28 MB, 1414x2000, 1000011822.jpg)

Controversial was probably the wrong word to use but he is way more unpopular in the western fandom, mostly because people are boring and don't like villains. Also he's been called ugly here but that's parts and parcels of having a slightly unconventional husbando on lolcow. I've loved him when he got announced in like 2018, he is like everything I like in characters and all my kinks stacked on one guy.

No. 402395

File: 1721175964846.jpeg (275.42 KB, 1070x680, A37EE37B-3F03-4E16-9B67-0B2AB1…)

the eng fandom honestly seems to just be a bunch of waifufags, so it makes sense to me he isn't very popular, and i actively avoid it. i thought the controversy would be his playful ~gender unknown~ shit he likes to do, and i'm glad to know the western fandom isn't that retarded.

No. 402417

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No. 402426

File: 1721180197089.jpeg (432.34 KB, 1330x2048, ETT6OYDU4AAcNGF.jpeg)

Not gonna lie, I'm actually pretty surprised at all the Arjunafags here kek. I always thought nobody in the western fandom cared about him. I know that he has a really huge fanbase in Japan though, which I didn't expect

No. 402428

File: 1721180813307.jpg (271.85 KB, 2047x1458, GMTNqyZagAAEKSb.jpg)

Ngl half of the Arjuna posts in this thread are from one person (me), but that still leaves at least 2 of us, or 3 if we're including you now!

No. 402430

File: 1721181570431.jpeg (443.45 KB, 850x1200, 888010D2-B705-4A9B-8636-BE83E1…)

arjuna is super cute and has one of the best designs in the game, so i'm glad to see him getting lots of love.

No. 402433

File: 1721181729077.jpg (99.54 KB, 850x659, __fujimaru_ritsuka_arjuna_arju…)

Arjunonnas unite!

No. 402435

File: 1721181778332.jpg (948.37 KB, 1708x2364, GSNn3NAa4AAl46A.jpg)

Obligatory Karna because he's a best boi too.

No. 402532

File: 1721210879865.jpeg (37.2 KB, 568x540, muah.jpeg)

Would Rin be into this?

No. 402754

File: 1721248992719.jpg (454.23 KB, 2048x1394, GPJvG8dbUAEPTm8.jpg)

No. 402758

File: 1721249437695.jpg (386.53 KB, 2048x1902, GObBfZsawAAFDnO.jpg)

No. 402773

File: 1721251841254.jpeg (342.65 KB, 1151x1623, 23BB8C0D-C631-4E4A-874F-0F1524…)

No. 402778

File: 1721252890229.jpg (224.02 KB, 1858x2545, Emiya.Shirou.full.2820180 (2).…)

I love him. I want him to make me breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

I'd like to try FGO but there's so much stuff in it now, it's a bit daunting

No. 402782

File: 1721253776402.jpg (28.72 KB, 779x616, 20240717_180211.jpg)

I started FGO a few weeks ago and I really enjoy it. I'm just focusing on doing the main story at my own pace and not worrying about the events right now. I think it's completely doable!
There is a ton of content, but no need to be completionist or go for every single character right off the bat imo. You also get to choose one free 5 star which is great if your favorite is included.

No. 402838

File: 1721272668764.jpg (108.79 KB, 905x1207, 20240717_230918.jpg)

No. 402845

File: 1721273247089.png (735.53 KB, 720x980, 10d0df871ab4ec3a6f3dc9301a8c80…)

i read f/sn and f/ha and f/a way back in highschool and stopped there; saber was my favorite character ever for a while and shirou's survivor's guilt and hero complex were so interesting to me that they're still influencing my own writing even today…but i also picked up fgo in my freshman year of uni, and whaled an embarrassing amount of money for some husbandos like 800 usd because i'd gotten a good serving job and i was swimming in tips and felt rich, realized that i was walking down a dark path, and dropped it. but i'm pretty sure my account had cu alter, merlin, arthur proto, astolfo saber, etc. cute boys. thanks for reading my blog

No. 402892

Legitimately. One of the few harem protagonists where I find it understandable he'd have three girls crushing him.

No. 403018

File: 1721319593323.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.04 KB, 367x696, 20240717_080743.jpg)

Have a nice day fate nonnas

No. 403022

File: 1721320179695.jpg (206.86 KB, 1280x899, 4.jpg)

No. 403030

I hate this faggot

No. 403201

>Liking the misogynist alarm clock hater

No. 403238

Also hate this faggot on the left here >>402845

No. 403266

File: 1721365123008.jpeg (854.36 KB, 1656x1954, F0491E50-B21D-4B65-92F3-162B67…)

No. 403311

File: 1721376083333.jpg (309.71 KB, 1070x2048, 20240717_231502.jpg)

No. 403312

File: 1721376143041.jpg (64.51 KB, 564x760, qt3.14.jpg)

so glad to have found my people. i thought i was the only one lol. arjuna save me. save me arjuna save me

No. 403329

File: 1721380043661.jpg (Spoiler Image,420.43 KB, 512x724, disgusting beyond words.jpg)

I used to play FGO obsessively for years before picrel dropped and I quit the game almost on the spot. I think it broke something inside of me because at the same time they gave the most boring ugly fucking summertime costumes to male servants and the event sucked ass to begin with. Is the game even worth returning to anymore or are they still pandering to male degenerates while female players have to make do with crumbs?

No. 403343

KEK I love Gil because I have garbage taste but I laughed way too hard at this

No. 403366

thats fucking nasty it looks traced from a real child's body

No. 403372

File: 1721394095733.jpeg (262.2 KB, 1920x1080, EthLUWMVIAAdgKf.jpeg)

He is so beautiful nonnas

No. 403373

File: 1721394267436.png (265.87 KB, 713x335, B8B4E690-ED27-4122-A5DC-9EEED9…)

he isn’t a misogynist secondary-chan, he just doesn’t want anyone to get hurt in his place. pretty sure he yells at archer too for saving his ass in ubw

No. 403375

thought this was taisha for a solid minute

No. 403377

Karna love Karna love Karna LOVE

No. 403484

File: 1721409575195.jpeg (252.83 KB, 600x1062, 9664828B-EBD6-4D8C-B33C-A914BA…)

he really is absolute peak.

No. 403488

haven’t played this game since like 2019 but i still think about karna (and arjuna) regularly like they are just peak anime design

No. 403490

Watch that spelling, Kama is a completely different not cute male at all character.

No. 403491

haven’t played this game since like 2019 but i still think about karna (and arjuna) regularly like they are just peak anime design

No. 403492

are you having a stroke

No. 403493

fff, sorry, the r and n right next to each other looked like an m… ugh

No. 403499

No. 403502

File: 1721415310638.jpg (50.25 KB, 563x585, arjuna..pretty...jpg)

No. 403505

I love you nonny

No. 403546

File: 1721426492850.jpg (273.71 KB, 822x591, 20240719_111044.jpg)

I am so happy and shocked to see all the Arjuna + Karna love on this website. I thought I was the only one who was so down bad.

No. 403548

File: 1721426662435.jpg (421.6 KB, 1564x2192, 20240717_231300.jpg)

I'll be honest, I'll put up with 15 years straight of dumb loli characters for my occasional 15 minutes of Arjuna content. I just love him too much.
I'm not done with the main story, but for me, it's been okay enough to just ignore/avoid the lolis. They do appear as characters in the story sometimes, but luckily, they usually act and are treated as any other character.

No. 403552

File: 1721427120987.jpg (59.21 KB, 563x399, kekekek.jpg)

No. 403555

File: 1721427161564.jpg (279.7 KB, 1170x1753, 20240719_151151.jpg)

No. 403556

File: 1721427204239.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.89 KB, 561x569, 20240719_151202.jpg)

No. 403559

No. 403560

File: 1721427407211.jpg (63.52 KB, 1014x811, 20240719_151610.jpg)

No. 403562

File: 1721428056743.jpg (45.69 KB, 564x763, pretty.jpg)

kek, any non fate fans scrolling through and seeing this thread must think arjuna is the main character or something with the amount of us posting him

No. 403568

Fate and FGO have a huge female fanbase in Japan, I always thought it was a waste that aniplex never cashed in on that in some way.

No. 403584

File: 1721433032906.jpg (197.98 KB, 1200x675, tumblr_pkm9rp64xr1wc0vm0o1_128…)

This needs to be studied. How does this man have such a chokehold on yumes in both the west and east. Anyways we will have to keep posting him until we figure it out.

No. 403636

File: 1721450443972.jpg (207.32 KB, 2213x1440, 20240719_165427.jpg)

Nonstop junaposting

No. 403638

He isn't at least relevant or something? He's loved so much, I honestly would love to get into this Fandom because of Arjuna.

No. 403639

File: 1721450873403.jpeg (672.7 KB, 1200x849, 25A6D5A5-9DB0-447C-9393-9AAD50…)

i personally like him for fujo reasons, but i'm glad to see everyone giving him love.

No. 403640

File: 1721451198812.jpg (226.89 KB, 1240x1754, 20240719_164516.jpg)

Yumes, fujos, apparently people who haven't even played Fate. We can all unite over this man.

No. 403641

File: 1721451317172.jpg (67.27 KB, 827x995, 20240719_111030.jpg)

Fate has a huge roster of characters and while Arjuna appears in the story a few times, he's not a main character per se. But God dammit, I like looking at my husbando in battle, and his side story chapters are so good and emotional.
FYI if you play FGO you can immediately get Arjuna. You get a free 5 star character and he's one offered.

No. 403642

File: 1721451497845.jpg (73.93 KB, 800x1129, s-l1200 (1).jpg)

Sorry for tripleposting but Arjuna is great if you like characters who look perfect from the outside, but are tormented and sad on the inside
I'm weak as hell for that kind of character.

No. 403688

File: 1721467288470.jpg (29.17 KB, 564x349, d4791f7aea62f789da402138f42fae…)

the arjunasperg is so real nonnas. i think this threat has turned into my daily dose of juna

No. 403742

File: 1721488834530.jpg (1014.37 KB, 945x1575, 20240720_081724.jpg)

He looks so good in red…
I will keep this thread alive with Arjuna until the end of time.

No. 403743

File: 1721488864648.jpg (666.36 KB, 2720x1770, 20240720_081633.jpg)

No. 403749

File: 1721489463822.jpeg (118.41 KB, 556x694, IMG_6121.jpeg)

I wish he was or could get a special series about Mahabharata events, I’m willing to try anything with my Arjuna boy

No. 403757

File: 1721490709758.jpg (279.13 KB, 2100x1260, 20240720_081808.jpg)

I want animated Arjuna or Godjuna so bad, aside from the few seconds from promotional clips.

No. 403769

File: 1721493547703.jpg (521.86 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20240704-195911_Chr…)

A rare Arjuna yume doujin translated hngggggg

No. 403770

File: 1721493642165.jpg (109.18 KB, 1150x900, 20240714_231008.jpg)

He's ruining my life anons. Half my phone pics are of him

No. 403786

a life without arjuna is not a life worth living

No. 403794

File: 1721496493169.jpeg (119.3 KB, 720x929, IMG_6138.jpeg)

No. 403801

File: 1721497349727.jpeg (226.7 KB, 717x1012, IMG_6139.jpeg)

Besides looks, Karna makes me feel so invested in his relationship with his younger brothers. I want to hug him.

No. 403806

File: 1721498250715.jpeg (273.5 KB, 1190x842, DovKqnFU4AIcykv.jpeg)

Yes please, need a high budget anime or something with Arjuna and Karna as the main characters

No. 403809

File: 1721498367962.jpeg (86.38 KB, 680x432, EA34DdbUYAAYpnD.jpeg)

Pretty motherfucker

No. 403811

File: 1721498397302.png (236.93 KB, 927x793, IMG_6682.png)

ngl I love Gudako she’s such a cutie in fanarts

No. 403812

File: 1721498664151.webp (70.19 KB, 600x406, Vday.webp)

Excusé moi, a screenshot but no link? Sharing is caring, nona!
I love her too kek

No. 403818

File: 1721502002139.jpg (592.57 KB, 2225x1335, 20240720_081916.jpg)

Doujin sauce is Yozora no Hoshi no Manten no Shita, pretty easily available in English if you google it! God I'm so desperate for more translated Arjuna lewds. If anyone has any more let me know.
I will post more Karna art on occasion as tribute for our Karnanons.

No. 403819

File: 1721502046946.jpg (573.46 KB, 1863x2463, 20240719_164754.jpg)

Grab-able waist…

No. 403821

File: 1721502246385.gif (2.5 MB, 500x281, tumblr_fd650a4f0129469a7b1a542…)

It's so pretty how artists usually draw Arjuna and Karna with eyeliner.
I would probably hate it on most real life men, but for these boys, it makes me extra feral for some reason.

No. 403823

File: 1721502580832.gif (1.82 MB, 500x281, tumblr_1cfdaeb25b5a39918d0689b…)

The animated FGO Memorial 2023 video is peak Karna and Arjuna. I watched it like 20 times the first time I saw it.

No. 403851

File: 1721508208354.png (1023.79 KB, 2156x770, juna...pretty....png)

ty nonna.. i just read it.. look at this juna…

No. 403860

File: 1721510507740.jpg (225.65 KB, 1245x2075, 20240720_081902.jpg)

I want overly emotional arjuna to take advantage of me…

No. 403929

File: 1721534062295.jpg (502.8 KB, 1125x1875, 20240720_081758.jpg)

No. 403967

File: 1721548791584.jpeg (279.36 KB, 1199x846, IMG_6190.jpeg)

No. 404019

File: 1721574701404.jpg (127.16 KB, 768x1024, 20240714_231054.jpg)

More juna, but anons who want to post other characters or actually want to discuss the games, don't be discouraged!

No. 404022

File: 1721576091084.jpg (83.19 KB, 578x842, 20240721_083429.jpg)

No. 404073

File: 1721589424038.jpg (44.38 KB, 736x838, fiercedetermination.jpg)

No. 404078

Cute, thank you Nonna

No. 404092

File: 1721593449064.jpg (697.69 KB, 1536x2048, 20240721_083030.jpg)

No. 404093

File: 1721593493639.jpg (336.83 KB, 1234x1921, 20240721_083107.jpg)

No. 404102

File: 1721594297451.jpeg (135.74 KB, 945x1056, 94CC3B19-BE51-47B7-9C13-996D5F…)

No. 404123

File: 1721600590060.jpg (107.17 KB, 600x600, 1971099-91718.jpg)

C'mon what's taking them so long for this Arjuna figure?! They shouldn't be sleeping on him since he's super gorgeous and popular with yumes.

No. 404125

File: 1721601234630.png (550.72 KB, 598x611, 5308699.png)

No. 404132

File: 1721604348515.jpg (618.83 KB, 1350x2250, 20240720_081744.jpg)

Do any anons own any Fate merch? I own almost no weeb type merch but I am thinking of getting a nendoroid of best boy.

No. 404167

File: 1721624216599.webp (60.71 KB, 515x597, IMG_2749.webp)

normally i would say go for it but something feels off about this nendroid not gonna lie. it’s the eyes i think.

No. 404176

File: 1721632600767.png (2.32 MB, 2232x1700, 73491306_p34.png)

I do. I'm a bit particular since I gotta budget myself. But once I saw that there was a going to be a Cu nendoroid doll I knew I was cooked.
Yeah I agree with you. It's definitely the eyes.

No. 404196

File: 1721648480568.jpg (33.33 KB, 466x600, aughhhh.jpg)

No. 404204

File: 1721652049767.jpg (159.74 KB, 600x774, 1000021628.jpg)

I own picrel,the Edmond Dantès nendoroid, some random goodies and a ton of doujinshis. Can't wait for the Douman nendoroid to be up for pre-order.

No. 404209

Does anybody still play this ugly uninspired coomer game?(bait)

No. 404215

What do you think, anon? Look at the number of replies in the thread. Don't come here just to start infighting.

No. 404281

File: 1721683579478.jpeg (689.66 KB, 2048x1538, 2DC6F621-6CB5-4186-A2F0-B84E5B…)

any other fate fujos? if so, what is your favorite ship? i personally like daybit/tezcatlipoca the most, but i like a few others as well, including eddison/geronimo, lol.

No. 404321

File: 1721688136495.jpg (587.2 KB, 2048x1638, GTGdwUabAAA0Zl5.jpg)

No. 404323

File: 1721688177478.jpg (271.61 KB, 1880x2047, GTG6y6IbcAIvMTc.jpg)

the joona

No. 404337

File: 1721691975149.jpg (1.05 MB, 1174x1654, GQtDIEXbkAE6pdF.jpg)

No. 404346

I’ve got pretty basic popular taste: Cu/Emiya, and Amadeus/Salieri are the only BL ships I like for Fate.

No. 404348

File: 1721694958673.jpeg (434.77 KB, 2048x1448, IMG_6792.jpeg)

No. 404349

File: 1721695025656.jpeg (373.75 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_6784.jpeg)


No. 404350

File: 1721695438898.jpeg (934.95 KB, 3457x2409, IMG_6786.jpeg)

I’ve liked Oberon x Gudako since like 2021 and I’m pretty sure I’ve read every single Pixiv novel that even exists LOL

No. 404352

>i personally like daybit/tezcatlipoca the most
Absolutely based

No. 404353

Do you, or any other anons, have a website that has some in English? For Gudako x anyone. I have a hard time finding translated things.

No. 404357

The only one I can think of is AO3, but I feel like a lot of the fics on there aren’t that good compared to the ones I read on pixiv. A lot of the female fanbase for Fate is JP only and the EN fanbase is really just mostly filled with coomer males kek

No. 404471

File: 1721734940401.jpg (323.66 KB, 1758x2048, GTGvV1YaQAAEkhg.jpg)

No. 404699

File: 1721781032530.jpg (341.78 KB, 808x2048, GTKfgryaAAAnDq5.jpg)

No. 404700

File: 1721781212613.jpg (333.46 KB, 808x2048, GTKfgrybgAA0Kko.jpg)

No. 404708

File: 1721783196882.png (115.84 KB, 711x1000, D1D77C41-1352-4181-96FB-A80666…)

No. 404751

File: 1721807470516.jpg (220.96 KB, 1407x2000, 20240724_034303.jpg)

No. 404752

File: 1721807603089.jpg (542.11 KB, 2200x2500, 20240724_034144.jpg)

No. 404773

File: 1721819325708.jpg (97.3 KB, 564x752, hawaiianjuna.jpg)

No. 404775

File: 1721820327232.jpg (1.2 MB, 2416x3035, 20240724_034132.jpg)

No. 404779

File: 1721823036136.jpg (311.55 KB, 2000x2771, 20240724_034054.jpg)

No. 404835

File: 1721841123662.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1440x2048, D1FCAFE8-5E29-4BFC-84A1-D5B394…)

No. 404840

File: 1721842899180.jpg (292.63 KB, 1748x1018, 20240724_034139.jpg)

No. 404869

File: 1721849894693.jpeg (2.01 MB, 1956x2048, 95D65856-6B0C-409F-BD0D-58A04F…)

No. 404888

File: 1721851790900.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.73 KB, 1948x1023, 20240724_160840.jpg)

Oh my.

No. 404892

post the sauce nonnie, I need the full picture…

No. 404895

File: 1721854331338.png (204.91 KB, 926x972, 1651.png)

I hate how the game constantly shits on me, just let him do his evil schemes ffs!

No. 404898

Why do yumeshits always draw female characters retarded

No. 404900

File: 1721855142804.jpg (297.77 KB, 1909x1556, FmVh_hbaAAAE-YT.jpg)

Artist is Neruchiru_08 on twitter
They also have a website called poipiku with ID /110078/ that appears to have a full version of the image but I am too foolish to navigate a japanese website. If anyone can do it post the full image lol.
Post art or Fate thoughts or begone.

No. 404922

I don’t even know what fate is I’m just tired of male characters looking normal while female characters are bug-eyed noseless monstrosities(derailing)

No. 404923

It's fine to be a fujo but don't shit up our Fate thread when there's plenty of critical art threads in /m/. Read the OP, it's not that confusing.

No. 404946

File: 1721878033207.jpg (556.18 KB, 2048x1366, 20240724_160511.jpg)

Arjuna will drive me away from my sadness

No. 405034

File: 1721926124746.jpg (40.98 KB, 564x489, flexjuna.jpg)

No. 405051

File: 1721930406662.jpeg (628.9 KB, 1649x2048, 564C0245-09CA-40CE-BADA-1C02EA…)

No. 405170

File: 1721995250143.jpg (376.33 KB, 1125x2000, 20240725_115149.jpg)

Any anons have favorite fanfics or doujins? Yume or fujoshi is okay. I can only read English but I guess pretty art is okay too.
Thanks to jannies for keeping the thread clean.

No. 405183

File: 1721998925542.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.07 KB, 2048x1464, 20240726_085249.jpg)


No. 405347

File: 1722068872630.jpg (106.22 KB, 677x585, juna...jpg)

No. 405390

File: 1722084056123.jpeg (112.52 KB, 636x900, D_6qRPLUIAIRe1k.jpeg)

No. 405421

File: 1722094864315.jpg (412.56 KB, 1624x1592, 20240726_085217.jpg)

Good morning arjunanons

No. 405482

He's so fucking gorgeous I'm downloading FGO just for him. I'm enamored.

No. 405498

File: 1722115490874.jpg (266.76 KB, 2593x2324, 20240727_172231.jpg)

One of us! One of us! The more arjuna yumes/fujos the better. The game has granted us with not just one Arjuna but also Arjuna Alter.
I'm the same tho anon. Idk why but as soon as I saw him I was in love.
anons who aren't Arjuna fans please feel free to post other characters or discussions it's not an Arjuna thread I swear

No. 405596

File: 1722139204541.jpeg (315.79 KB, 1451x2048, 77AEFC84-C04C-463E-B25F-BA58F3…)

No. 405656

File: 1722156987297.png (620.18 KB, 599x776, D9KvElQVAAA0bMH.png)

No. 405659

File: 1722157132423.png (753.2 KB, 950x950, 101633950_p20.png)

No. 405688

File: 1722173034686.jpg (720.47 KB, 1430x2048, 481.jpg)

He kinda looks like Luna here.

No. 405727

File: 1722187122593.jpg (49.78 KB, 918x667, GE-GGG3WQAAni2G.jpg)

No. 405759

File: 1722194600534.jpeg (75.29 KB, 680x500, DzhNU0LU0AAjQbV.jpeg)

No. 405760

File: 1722194682631.jpg (65.27 KB, 554x1200, e0b4960ddffd04ae5827f7946d7745…)

No. 405766

File: 1722195347908.jpeg (485.66 KB, 2000x1344, DC3063D6-8E88-48E7-92FE-8C05AD…)

No. 405771

File: 1722196338733.jpg (53.62 KB, 564x1085, junyan.jpg)

No. 405860

File: 1722217852159.jpg (473.24 KB, 1545x1977, 20240728_212504.jpg)

No. 405913

File: 1722244334590.jpg (40.93 KB, 563x960, nyanjunagain...jpg)

No. 405924

File: 1722250595716.jpeg (525.75 KB, 1357x2048, EnBw2YJVQAUgjmB.jpeg)

No. 405925

File: 1722250706760.jpeg (250.02 KB, 1190x1684, DnnMV9xUcAAPSic.jpeg)

No. 405939

File: 1722255082481.jpg (172.68 KB, 1008x1396, 20240728_214948.jpg)

Good morning Arjunanons and other Fate anons

No. 405948

File: 1722258253244.jpeg (1.75 MB, 2701x3298, GCMdS2WbAAAbxiu.jpeg)

Morning nonna

No. 405963

File: 1722272019784.jpg (23.88 KB, 563x405, aughhhhjunaa.jpg)

a juna a day keeps the sadness away

No. 405966

File: 1722272993660.jpg (358.91 KB, 1138x1294, 20240728_214919.jpg)

wondering how many Arjunanons there are, there's at least 3 including me

No. 405969

File: 1722273979688.gif (1.59 MB, 560x315, 86803516.gif)

No. 405987

This is cute, is the sauce from official Fate material or is this fan made?

No. 406020

File: 1722287302036.jpeg (223.02 KB, 1080x1080, 7944C5B2-94C3-4F31-86CB-A8E5BB…)

No. 406023

File: 1722289186517.png (3.77 MB, 1232x2051, 83191782_p0.png)

It's fanmade though it looks official. God I want Arjuna to be in a Fate anime already.


No. 406054

This art is pure sexo

No. 406064

File: 1722307154028.jpg (38.8 KB, 842x803, GD6ZzPQXsAA0fFy.jpg)


No. 406078

File: 1722315406846.jpg (59.55 KB, 564x793, 2junas...jpg)

the day arjuna makes it in the anime is the day i'll ascend

No. 406090

File: 1722320430002.jpg (32.02 KB, 563x412, be6cd429baf12b6ba2f9be34225fca…)

No. 406142

File: 1722347762907.jpg (304.32 KB, 1144x2048, 20240728_212547.jpg)

Manifesting anime Arjuna with everyone hngggg

No. 406152

File: 1722350468554.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.72 KB, 504x572, images-1.jpg)

All I can see

No. 406208

File: 1722364237297.jpg (2.14 MB, 3263x4525, __matou_sakura_medusa_and_medu…)

No. 406214

File: 1722366363881.jpeg (84.56 KB, 796x842, FskAHY_acAEOfbF.jpeg)

I have a thing for the cloth on his arms

No. 406215

File: 1722366406000.jpeg (493.41 KB, 3381x3291, FnkPfwzaEAYEjNq.jpeg)

No. 406224

File: 1722368966142.png (561.08 KB, 800x1089, cu chulainn.png)

Cu's back muscles get me through the day

No. 406233

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No. 406266

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No. 406282

File: 1722391802135.jpg (1.9 MB, 1518x2156, 20240730_220907.jpg)

No. 406302

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No. 406312

File: 1722415169015.jpg (277.55 KB, 1600x1131, chibijunas.jpg)

No. 406329

File: 1722428001096.jpg (3.79 MB, 2515x3918, 20240731_070541.jpg)

Tough week but this thread cheers me up. Thanks anons.

No. 406333

File: 1722435640672.jpeg (207.96 KB, 1074x2048, E64Maa9VIAUDlM7.jpeg)

I hope things get easier nonna

No. 406355

>Nipples subtly showing

Mmmmm. Sexo

No. 406378

File: 1722458214394.jpg (3.85 MB, 2937x1772, 20240730_220939.jpg)

No. 406407

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No. 406419

File: 1722477234715.jpg (1.7 MB, 1607x2561, 20240730_220934.jpg)

No. 406481

File: 1722501620575.jpg (249.14 KB, 1600x1206, juna.jpg)

No. 406508

File: 1722506152690.jpeg (229.13 KB, 640x840, IMG_6948.jpeg)

New Oberon figure’s painted version was revealed! I wonder how much this would be? It looks expensive lol and I already spent so much on Obeguda doujins and its shipping price

No. 406529

File: 1722512655346.jpg (369.18 KB, 1200x1500, GTGKnG5acAAyO-s.jpg)

He looks great!
but I will admit that I find the face of his OG art to be a little busted. I guess they nailed the bug-like thing. I'm sorry anons…

No. 406533

LMAOO I’d say liking Oberon’s OG art is really just acquired taste

No. 406538

File: 1722514840000.jpg (131.18 KB, 1046x1266, 20240801_064850.jpg)

They did great with this figure though. The smirk is very charming.

No. 406540

File: 1722515366887.jpg (4.15 MB, 4624x3468, 1000022034.jpg)

Better pre-order him as soon as he goes up, look at the price of this fucker I saw today.

No. 406553

File: 1722519414840.jpg (192.41 KB, 875x619, 72d54cpjpsu31.jpg)

No. 406556

This picture was cute until I looked at karna's toes

No. 406719

File: 1722562251707.jpg (171.46 KB, 1242x1834, GT0dTV5bwAAV-9C.jpg)

No. 406753

File: 1722574000601.jpeg (119.49 KB, 1200x822, IMG_6783.jpeg)

No. 406755

File: 1722574399602.jpeg (169.57 KB, 750x900, IMG_9288.jpeg)

No. 406797

File: 1722602180163.jpeg (444.61 KB, 971x2048, EqULWThVoAYgEGF.jpeg)

No. 406835

File: 1722618835742.jpg (154.03 KB, 701x918, 20240730_220834.jpg)

God, why can't we have an anime like this…

No. 406851

File: 1722622494705.jpg (38.71 KB, 563x444, junafam.jpg)

No. 406944

File: 1722657524529.jpg (653.69 KB, 1121x978, GTvXz1Mb0AAkQPg.jpg)

No. 407006

File: 1722684780200.jpeg (319.28 KB, 1378x2048, 829E76EF-4265-4A23-BDB3-CBCA01…)

No. 407014

File: 1722690572716.jpeg (461.38 KB, 1472x1531, FxTWhFIacAAs3YJ.jpeg)

I'm debating about getting Oberon's fig

No. 407018

File: 1722693282098.jpg (45.2 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20240803_072610_You…)

I implore any nonnies who never played Hollow Ataraxia to give it a try when the remaster comes out. It's an amazing sequel and send off to the original Fate/Stay Night

No. 407021

File: 1722694489654.jpg (71.91 KB, 800x600, Fate.stay.night.full.356317.jp…)

The Hanafuda minigame was like crack to me, and had some cool little lore bits sprinkled in

No. 407024

File: 1722695765470.jpg (389.15 KB, 2048x2048, 20240803_103428.jpg)

No. 407025

I played the original VN, would you say the remaster is worse from the original Hollow Ataraxia? I see scrotes say the remasters do since they changed the porn into more SFW scenes but I value nonas opinions more

No. 407030

The H-Scenes in the original where horrendous, minus Heaven's Feel because they were a but more plot relevant but still pretty poorly written.

The remaster is using the Realta Nua replacement scenes which are way better.

It'll be the same with Hollow Ataraxia. There's only one H-Scene in the story which I think is not that bad and the scene that replaces it is good too.

The other H-Scenes are part of a seperate menu option and will not be in the remaster at all as they never had any replacement scenes for the Vita version.

So you'll not need to worry about missing anything important.

No. 407033

File: 1722699426245.jpg (194.44 KB, 1920x2048, GN4YFRobcAAxP3o.jpg)

No. 407037


No. 407050

I just preordered it! It’s super expensive but the paint job looks so good I had to lol

No. 407104


No. 407105

File: 1722720169947.jpg (200.64 KB, 1643x2048, GO6wZCIaEAAP8Eo.jpg)

I don't even ship Arjuna and Karna but that art was too good to pass up posting…

No. 407121

any Karna x Gudako r18?

No. 407131

File: 1722730755209.jpeg (84.73 KB, 850x1360, 824BED71-C628-4FD8-9C79-B08142…)

karna looks a little gay but its cute, aside from him i don't care too much for these guys. tezcatlipoca has the sexiest bathing suit design which is wasted on just being a CE, what a shame.

No. 407157


Nonna, I know we need more skimpy fanservicey male swimsuits like the female servants—but this design looks ass, I'm sorry.

No. 407179

File: 1722745219925.jpg (487.89 KB, 2048x1132, GQ2s9WjbwAEbRZg.jpg)

No. 407189

File: 1722746025921.jpg (1.01 MB, 1257x1311, GUFcDHTbwAA_cCP.jpg)

No. 407193

I like it

No. 407206

File: 1722751125972.jpg (38.56 KB, 500x613, 818b15229f5162fa3eaf089d813150…)

No. 407311

File: 1722779433792.jpeg (50.11 KB, 473x744, A4FD27D5-C47E-4A1A-A229-29A1B1…)

says you, i think the leathersub bathing suit is hot.

No. 407314

File: 1722779722703.jpg (84.84 KB, 1455x1109, 20240803_103416.jpg)

No. 407333

File: 1722788951119.jpg (1.63 MB, 2055x1370, GUI-DtGa4AEN6O3.jpg)

No. 407416

File: 1722816282329.jpg (1.29 MB, 1085x1705, GQ1ulcjbkAEYiH1.jpg)

No. 407509

File: 1722857659059.jpg (423.48 KB, 1250x1875, GUHQmlyXsAAWFef.jpg)

No. 407514

File: 1722860368493.jpg (133.73 KB, 728x1020, tumblr_29a5263bc5ecfaa484cb534…)

No. 407535

File: 1722866457375.jpeg (89.12 KB, 600x696, 6F599D62-236F-438D-8904-CEF72D…)

No. 407538

this is soo cute, thank u nonna!

No. 407553

File: 1722875251859.jpg (984.32 KB, 2901x2258, GUHFzcTXEAAJJAI.jpg)

I don't play FGO but I just saw this and now I'm curious. What stories do I have to read for Oberon? I'm happy to read prequels and stuff before he appears, he just seems like an interesting character

No. 407566

Lostbelt 6 is the FGO story chapter featuring Oberon and the only story you need to read to know everything about him, the only few times he shows up afterwards are his valentine's day scenes, his appearances in Summer 8 and, I believe, Christmas 2023.

No. 407567

Tragically, the gameplay up to that point is probably 100+ hours, but I started a few months ago and I think the game is lots of fun. You might surprise yourself and find other husbandos along the way.

No. 407588

File: 1722889661201.jpg (171.9 KB, 850x1192, __sherlock_holmes_and_sherlock…)

No. 407663

I miss him.

No. 407678

File: 1722941158434.jpg (83.54 KB, 850x850, __fujimaru_ritsuka_fujimaru_ri…)

No. 407835

File: 1722990104127.jpg (87.23 KB, 850x582, __sherlock_holmes_fate_and_1_m…)

No. 407882

File: 1723009332166.jpeg (709.05 KB, 2474x1974, IMG_6789.jpeg)

No. 407883

File: 1723009353327.jpeg (351.83 KB, 1583x1719, IMG_6788.jpeg)

No. 407885

File: 1723009890279.jpeg (2.11 MB, 1488x1948, IMG_6898.jpeg)

ngl I have a love-hate relationship with Obeguda fanfic that splits Oberon into two separate people

No. 407899

File: 1723013886547.png (6.74 MB, 2400x2968, 451.png)

I finally rolled my fifth copy of Douman and I had to get the fucking pity, i used something like 3500 SQ in total for this motherfucker (on his first banner I only got 3 copies with 2200 SQ), I feel like I was his sugar mommy or something, I don't think I even uased 1000 SQ for my NP5 Moriarty. God I hate him so much.

No. 407924

I'm annoyed he didn't get a banner with the summer Davinci Dinosaur rerun. Could've got NP4.
I sorta hate/love his character, but he's one of my strongest.

They gave a ton of quartz for the anniversary now I have 700 and nobody to roll for. Maybe I'll try for NP2 Karna this summer.

No. 407932

Fanfic sauce??

No. 407996

File: 1723055147167.jpeg (86.62 KB, 700x801, IMG_7047.jpeg)

No. 407999

omg nonna i love this thank you

No. 408223

File: 1723120778179.jpg (180.57 KB, 2048x944, GUdO-qIbUAAcUhl.jpg)

Have a fantastic Thursday anons. If anyone isn't too embarrassed, I can always use yume fanfic recs. I'm not picky. SFW or NSFW is okay. Love multi-chapter fics with drama and angst kek.

No. 408253

I'm telling you nona, AO3 has some real good ones.

No. 408254

File: 1723124748903.jpg (979.93 KB, 3304x2886, ERjWsIgUwAITqXw.jpg)

I feel like I already went through so many of the good ones, at least for my favorite Arjuna. but I will branch out into other characters too kek

No. 408298

File: 1723141921264.jpg (69.82 KB, 564x828, maidjuna.jpg)

enjoy maidjuna and maidkarna nonnas!

No. 408515

File: 1723197783993.jpg (292.75 KB, 1391x1205, 20240808_121928.jpg)

No. 408643

File: 1723243525218.jpg (1.58 MB, 770x1200, 110353572_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 408791

File: 1723319695718.jpg (1.15 MB, 627x1200, 102964867_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 408985

File: 1723375114137.jpg (500.73 KB, 1500x2052, __artoria_pendragon_saber_tohs…)

are any of you nonas playing the official English release? I haven't played the OG since around 2016 so I might give it a go.

No. 408990

Maybe eventually, I only ever beat the first route when I played it years ago.

No. 408994

I've been playing it on the Switch and I'm really liking the new translation. I wish there was an option to switch to the original soundtrack though as some of the remixes are god awful

No. 409061

File: 1723398316915.jpg (140.93 KB, 1200x1200, GUqWYuKbEAAeIBS.jpg)

I'm a bad fan. Only played FGO so far. I'm ready to play the original.

No. 409064

File: 1723398437295.jpg (199.01 KB, 1024x1383, GUqUB0ea4AAfS-B.jpg)

No. 409073

File: 1723400183590.jpg (619.06 KB, 1200x807, 107268694_p5_master1200.jpg)

No. 409110

File: 1723407637892.png (660.29 KB, 1000x700, __artoria_pendragon_saber_mato…)

let us know how you find it if you give it a try nona. I'm curious to know how well it holds up after all this time and all the spin-offs people have probably seen/played before it.

No. 409182

File: 1723423599699.jpg (1.3 MB, 611x1200, 107682923_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 409291

File: 1723457201280.jpg (208.73 KB, 850x1133, __mash_kyrielight_fujimaru_rit…)

No. 409300

File: 1723458671497.jpg (177.78 KB, 850x1336, __fujimaru_ritsuka_gawain_lanc…)

No. 409488

fate as a whole is a pile of fucking horseshit and the fans are faggots this series is a pile of fucking emo edgy pretentious shit and zero is a pile of overrated overhyped shit too and all the people who like any fate are faggots(bait)

No. 409501

File: 1723508974921.jpg (403.81 KB, 600x848, 61513238_p1.jpg)

I never got into it but only care for the husbandos. Excluding Astolfo or any other trap/femboy character. They're shit.

No. 409503

Take your complaints to >>>/m/40244 or >>>/m/407142 or literally anywhere else. We're being wholesome and enjoying our favorite characters. No one cares that you've never played a fate game.

No. 409525

Holy shit Sugar Sugar Rune reference.

No. 409526

>bumping the thread to seethe uncontrollably when you could've just hid it

No. 409527

File: 1723519935127.jpeg (564.34 KB, 1332x1552, BB21D804-F92D-4035-8A19-71F295…)

No. 409531

File: 1723521349521.jpg (2.73 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_7029.jpg)

Picrel is a page from this doujin >>401527 I just got all my Oberon x Gudako doujins I ordered, one of them is like 256 pages long so I'll have fun reading that one yayy

I have some Oberon x Gudako fanfics I can rec, but they're all in Japanese if you don't mind MTLing! For me I know enough Japanese to read at a decent level, but a friend of mine likes to use ChatGPT to translate fics she really wants to read.

This one is one of my favorites! It's about Mini Obe and a reincarnated Gudako with no memories, it's mostly fluff and some angst

This one is LONG and I have no idea how to explain this lmao

Fic about Oberon who forgets his romantic feelings every time Gudako resummons him. Gudako pretty much prevents Oberon from reading her memories with fairy eyes using a holy grail. This one is angsty

No. 409602

File: 1723536974101.jpg (4.45 MB, 3468x4624, 1000023012.jpg)

I got Showichi Furumi to sign her new Douman doujinshi with my name, my life is now complete.

No. 409639

File: 1723550568139.jpg (317.98 KB, 1219x1402, GUvxf8xa8AATTtW.jpg)

Somehow my foolish self never thought about using MTL for reading Japanese doujins. I guess my brain is still stuck in 2008 with anime and manga. Good idea anon, thank you!

There are lots of great husbandos to admire from afar, but I think FGO is pretty fun. Don't listen to the naysayers if you wanna try it. Yeah there's some fanservice of female characters but imo, at least in the main story, it's really limited to character designs and doesn't have much to do with the plot. I think the story is fun and silly and gets me excited to learn more history.

No. 409648

File: 1723555611186.jpeg (679.22 KB, 1080x1776, IMG_7308.jpeg)

No. 409652

File: 1723556336274.jpg (122.49 KB, 800x657, __karna_arjuna_arjuna_and_karn…)

No. 409661

File: 1723559491960.jpg (Spoiler Image,152.35 KB, 1280x921, 11.jpg)

So many Arjunas…

spoiler for mildly nsfw altjuna x gudako x arjuna hehehehe

No. 409680

File: 1723564308924.jpg (99.58 KB, 541x800, junaa.jpg)

oh so many junas, thank you nonnas

No. 409686

File: 1723565877540.jpg (369.91 KB, 1410x1971, GUyvlQsaoAA7eHF.jpg)

Forgive me if I ever post the same Arjuna twice. I have a million Arjuna pics on my phone and computer these days. Not sure which I have or haven't posted.

No. 409687

Such beautiful illustration. Love you nonnas

No. 409823

File: 1723595493988.jpg (770.43 KB, 769x1200, 86750716_p0_master1200.jpg)

I'm so happy to see this thread! I love Fate/Nasuverse and need a space to sperg about my many Fate husbandos (pic very much related)
Really cool to see all the Arjuna love.

I got into Fate through the Deen anime, I've watched UBW, Zero, the HF movies and I play FGO. I've played F/SN (Heaven's feel is my favorite route), I played Hollow Ataraxia. I've seen Apocrypha and I read Strange/Fake. I've played the OG Tsukihime but not the remake. I've watched KnK and play Melty Blood. What about everyone else?

No. 409849

File: 1723602957471.jpg (209.78 KB, 850x1417, __james_moriarty_fate_and_1_mo…)

Shamefully small amount of fanfics for him.

No. 409959

File: 1723636747968.jpg (1.61 MB, 3840x2160, GUiC6Dwa8AMXzRh.jpg)

No. 409961

File: 1723637650648.jpg (91.95 KB, 642x1088, GLda2X_a4AEkeoe.jpg)

I love him so much anons.

No. 409962

File: 1723637732254.jpg (74.21 KB, 1280x668, GU74XAvbMAAW50E.jpg)

No. 409964

No. 409988

File: 1723643473281.jpg (335.36 KB, 1200x1695, 34.jpg)

I prefer the OG.

No. 410000

File: 1723647461285.jpg (244.14 KB, 850x1854, __james_moriarty_fate_and_1_mo…)

Too old for me, but I'm glad the silver fox anons are being fed!

No. 410005

File: 1723649131541.jpg (85.26 KB, 482x657, 20240814_083945.jpg)

No. 410007

File: 1723649815947.png (492.43 KB, 512x875, 1000002459.png)

Hot. Reminds me of this one from a few years ago with Odysseus.

No. 410141

File: 1723676008573.jpg (348.67 KB, 2048x1532, GCslRHdbcAA1oWl.jpg)

No. 410147

I don't want to give Nasu or any of the scrotes on the team my money so nah, I already played the fan tl one a while ago anyway. I'll probably pirate HA too someday

No. 410159

File: 1723680923527.jpg (115.42 KB, 850x429, __bedivere_and_bedivere_fate_a…)

Idk if im just old and haggard but I feel like I'm past the point of being super offended by waifus in media properties that are otherwise enjoyable to me.
When I was younger I cared a lot more. And im more grossed out by loli than other types of fanservice. But tbh, the Fate series has a fun plot and great husbandos. I can just choose to not use the waifu characters as units in FGO.
Maybe this sounds like coping. A high budget fighting RPG with mainly sexualized husbandos would be great. But until then, I don't mind playing games like fate.
This is just in response to the inevitable weekly anons who come in here to complain 'reeeee waifu game how dare you offend my feminist sensibilities' in this otherwise peaceful thread.
If anyone replies to this with 'I've never played fate but I hate it and I hate you' I stg…

No. 410173

I’m the opposite, when I was younger I never really cared and I numbed myself to it but now I hate most depictions of waifushit. I don’t let it affect my general enjoyment of anime though, I’m aware it’s unavoidable so I just focus on the hot 2d men even in franchises like Fate or others that try to lure in female fans with 5 men vs 500 waifuslop.

I still think FGO having a large female jp following despite the male characters being treated like third-class citizens is pathetic but idc enough to seethe about it in this thread. Better to focus on posting cute guys.

No. 410199

>48 day summer event ending in October
How bout you don't have the next main story unlock dependent on a temporary event?
I guess the next Ordeal Call is gonna be moon-cancers though, probably more lame story.

No. 410228

I heard something about the first part of the summer event becoming main interlude once it ends like Tunguska, I got no goddamned clue what Nasu is thinking trying to extend OC3 from the summer event onto the actual story chapter but it's bizarre.

No. 410274

File: 1723715860094.jpg (101.57 KB, 950x950, GR0B66NbEAAlBAw.jpg)

I agree, I wish they would feed husbando enjoyers more. It's such an untapped market. And I feel like people who deeply hate anything waifu-adjacent are going to have a hard time consuming and enjoying anime and JRPGs. It's like you have to put up with it to some degree to be into weeb culture.

No. 410294

File: 1723725074670.webp (98.25 KB, 600x988, 1000002466.webp)

Watch this event STILL have no actual summer male units, just skins. Waifufags get everything and still complain.
So true. Scrotes have no idea what it's like, they are constantly catered to.

No. 410305

File: 1723729432903.jpg (508.96 KB, 1810x1280, __matou_sakura_kama_karna_arju…)

I have only played F/SN and Hollow Ataraxia. I played F/GO for about a year, but it was when you had to install an APK as it didn't have an EU release at the time. I ended up giving up playing it when it became more and more difficult to update. Thinking of trying it again, but I'd have to start a new account so I'm not sure I can be bothered.
I've seen all the UFOtable anime, but not the Deen version. Also haven't gotten into any of the side stories/spin-offs.
I am currently playing through the new English translation of F/SN though. Heaven's Feel was my favourite as well, so I'm interested to see if my opinion changes this time around.

No. 410308

(Saged) Kek, just scrolling by and wanted to say we’ve been having a discussion about this exact topic in the fandom discourse thread if you wanted to sperg.

No. 410315

of course there isn't, but tbh I don't want to have to fully lvl up a dupe guy especially if he ends up getting a worse kit or something. I barely ever see summer servants on my friend supports.
At least I rolled a second Karna in less then 20 tickets.

No. 410328

File: 1723737499991.webp (112.92 KB, 600x850, 1000002468.webp)

I disagree but to each their own. I use my summer units a lot personally and I just wish my favorite guys got their alts too. It's extra content for the character.
But I see where you're coming from. At least I can be happy I rolled 2 more copies of Douman this summer.

No. 410365

File: 1723744146406.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.69 KB, 940x1558, GO1ghWVaIAArhJL.jpg)

spoilered for Karna & Arjuna yaoi
usually I'm more of a yume with either of them but I shall allow this!

No. 410379

No. 410542

Can we post women as well? I'm bi and it's Martha Ruler who finally got me into playing the game.

No. 410605

File: 1723804229388.jpg (803.49 KB, 1535x2048, 20240815_083708.jpg)

I say go for it anon. It might trigger the weekly dummy anons who stop by to complain about how much they hate Fate, but we can just report them.

No. 410613

As long as it’s not obvious scroteshit art

No. 410631

it's definitely just one persistent sperg

No. 410651

File: 1723823031787.webp (241.14 KB, 1000x588, 101589544_p0_master1200.webp)

Annoying af if it is one anon. Hope they get permabanned. There's so many other threads on lolcow to whimper and whine about how a JRPG isn't progressive enough. I get it but take it somewhere else.

No. 410775

File: 1723862030892.webp (158.17 KB, 841x1200, 1000002470.webp)

greatly upset that neither Moriarty has joined my Chaldea

No. 410819

File: 1723877518971.jpg (286.34 KB, 847x1200, 20.jpg)

Sending you positive vibes from my NP5 Shincha in hopes you get one ASAP!

No. 410897

File: 1723903786752.webp (189.67 KB, 864x1200, 102183970_p2_master1200.webp)

No. 410905

File: 1723906057173.webp (85.31 KB, 600x754, 100537691_p0_master1200.webp)

No. 411072

File: 1723966358088.jpeg (321.65 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_7053.jpeg)

No. 411073

File: 1723966437172.jpeg (119.8 KB, 600x800, IMG_6755.jpeg)

i love the yakudo trio so much

No. 411074

File: 1723966598833.jpeg (109.12 KB, 736x684, IMG_4903.jpeg)

huger than normal mini obe kekkk

No. 411075

File: 1723966694643.jpeg (127.62 KB, 1152x685, IMG_5740.jpeg)

last one sorry for the oberon and gudako spam nonas

No. 411079

File: 1723969144888.jpg (326.42 KB, 1165x1030, 20240816_145100.jpg)

Never apologize, I want to see everyone's favorite characters

No. 411099

Obeguda is always 10/10 anon

No. 411152

File: 1724000800486.jpg (434.95 KB, 1492x2048, GMLnpWOasAAoLD3.jpg)

No. 411154

File: 1724001360144.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.56 KB, 1001x1418, GVQiRDpbYAApNjM.jpg)

spoiler for Karna x Arjuna mildly saucy

No. 411159

File: 1724003322365.png (101.47 KB, 580x724, GTg4h38bwAAoxEy.png)

No. 411161

File: 1724003650588.jpg (778.65 KB, 3001x4096, GVR_YrSbgAAAYok.jpg)

No. 411167

File: 1724005772106.jpg (416.45 KB, 1177x1459, F0RtXydaEAAviHh.jpg)

No. 411168

File: 1724005870869.jpg (281.84 KB, 2048x1182, GTurC-Za4AAbvhb.jpg)

I have NO apologies for spamming Arjuna
But seriously people should post as much art as they want, male or female. I wanna see it all

No. 411186

File: 1724013615832.jpg (41.01 KB, 563x381, summerjuna.jpg)

every single time i open this thread i am blessed with so many junas…fellow arjunafags, thank you so much

No. 411187

File: 1724013952845.jpg (77.18 KB, 863x863, GUxEqqsa0AAD9B-.jpg)

No. 411188

File: 1724013986129.jpg (352.04 KB, 1205x1795, GVRsLembEAApJVf.jpg)

I got you sister. Half my PC and phone is Arjuna, Arjuna x Ritsuka, Arjuna x Karna, or some combination of those things.

No. 411189

File: 1724014038154.jpg (516.24 KB, 2047x2047, GVCJfC8aMAAOlmW.jpg)

No. 411190

File: 1724014098744.jpg (266.72 KB, 1578x2048, GFZ3fInawAA9LyP.jpg)

No. 411192

File: 1724014152388.jpg (927.97 KB, 2517x1191, F56u1c-agAAeZBm.jpg)

so many Arjunas

No. 411194

nonna..what's the sauce..

No. 411195

It's from a twitter user @hnk2_84
I just found them recently, I don't know if they make actual doujins or what. I don't read japanese unfortunately. Let me know if you find any more info…

No. 411197

File: 1724015497156.jpg (596.5 KB, 2560x1440, GVSqFj-bcAAyN2Y.jpg)

No. 411221

File: 1724019718865.jpeg (506.05 KB, 1838x2048, IMG_7062.jpeg)

nonas the Oberon binaural killed me and my Obeguda shipping self KEKK. The “I’m used to falling anyways, it’s just that this time time I have extra weight” line from Oberon and “The Sun in The Abyss” BGM playing while Oberon and Ritsuka fall down hugging each other will haunt me in my dreams

No. 411222


No. 411223

So true nona
I’ll make sure to post more that’s for sure!

No. 411225

Binaural or the art? If for the art it’s from @minamitakif on Twitter, for the binaural you can find it on FGO JP’s official YouTube account!

No. 411237

File: 1724023075575.webp (146.38 KB, 845x1200, 101669832_p0_master1200.webp)

No. 411244

File: 1724025271185.jpg (181.06 KB, 850x1315, __james_moriarty_fate_and_1_mo…)

No. 411269

File: 1724033850386.png (1.48 MB, 1151x824, image.png)

>Changing into these clothes took quite a while, so please forgive me for that. After all, we're going to an adventure! So I have to by stylish, right?

No. 411272

I posted before I read the thread but I'm listening to it right now and dying too I LOVE THEM

No. 411274

File: 1724035060955.png (157.12 KB, 826x1398, GVRcnsGasAAjF1K.png)

No. 411275

File: 1724035111612.jpg (141.72 KB, 1081x1146, GVRSv7Ta4AAN7oh.jpg)

No. 411277

File: 1724035198113.jpg (1.34 MB, 1160x1800, GVP1FaGbYAAntOo.jpg)

No. 411278

File: 1724035227310.jpg (390.98 KB, 1536x2048, GVRWCAcawAACoKm.jpg)

No. 411279

File: 1724035258647.jpg (274.45 KB, 1294x2048, GVRQeFBacAASGVr.jpg)

No. 411280

File: 1724035280963.jpg (182.26 KB, 1416x1003, GVPYbTpbIAA9fNl.jpg)

No. 411281

File: 1724035313348.jpg (101.73 KB, 900x817, GVO8G0VbwAAb-c5.jpg)

No. 411288

File: 1724037606974.jpg (215.1 KB, 1706x1477, F8wTkPEakAAXy_0.jpg)

They're so cute together nona… it's kinda amusing because when I think back 3 years ago everyone thought Oberon was a bit less romantic but ever since the summer event last year he seems a lot more closer to Guda than we thought ESPECIALLY with the whole April Fools schtick and his more recent appearances and merch LOL

No. 411317

File: 1724049631464.jpeg (122.58 KB, 1000x979, IMG_6681.jpeg)

No. 411318

File: 1724049661168.jpeg (146.11 KB, 927x1000, IMG_6659.jpeg)

No. 411319

File: 1724049758179.jpeg (380.7 KB, 1447x2039, IMG_5205.jpeg)

No. 411321

File: 1724049783504.jpeg (753.14 KB, 1447x2039, IMG_5204.jpeg)

No. 411353

File: 1724070335294.webp (76.63 KB, 600x1067, 1000002469.webp)

My #1

No. 411377

File: 1724076053155.jpg (118.5 KB, 1520x2048, 20240803_102623.jpg)

No. 411378

File: 1724076084717.jpg (464.21 KB, 2313x1702, 20240809_171744.jpg)

No. 411425

Anons what do you think of Fate/Nasuverse's EN fandom in general? I tried engaging but I realized most of the EN fanbase is just filled with annoying men so I stopped. At least in the JP side I can isolate myself into yumefujo communities

No. 411433

File: 1724094521768.jpeg (177.18 KB, 600x888, CA082749-3D35-492E-8AA4-BC86B5…)

No. 411444

File: 1724096771692.jpg (368.07 KB, 1880x2048, F-KfCgSbQAAVsiA.jpg)

You read JP? I'm so jealous, maybe I will learn some someday.
Tbh, I stick to AO3 for my deranged fanfics, and I stick to twitter, danbooru, or pixiv for artwork. I suppose a lot of these artists aren't even EN though.
Reddit's honestly good when I need specific gameplay or banner info for FGO. I don't engage in conversations there though.

No. 411526

File: 1724110478340.png (1.27 MB, 1722x2295, 1000002480.png)

I wish I could read JP. I do engage in the EN fan spaces a little and try to push back against the annoying men. But I'll go through periods where I don't bother at all with it.
That's why I like this thread. It's comfy in here.
I would like some deranged fanfic recs if you have any

No. 411537

File: 1724114977123.jpg (955.33 KB, 996x1200, 61300267_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 411538

File: 1724115485619.jpeg (358.11 KB, 1000x1500, FsFBU8AaYAAJmF9.jpeg)

No. 411539

File: 1724115525471.jpg (261.93 KB, 850x1258, 1662295096140762.jpg)

No. 411540

File: 1724115555368.jpeg (381.42 KB, 1000x1800, FnJiIASacAMxzdy.jpeg)

No. 411541

File: 1724115595968.jpeg (2.7 MB, 1500x2121, EocHDPnUYAAzihE.jpeg)

No. 411542

File: 1724115623144.jpg (168.4 KB, 465x658, 68257597_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 411543

File: 1724115636566.jpeg (642.81 KB, 1500x1868, D_WL3oiVUAAzyXm.jpeg)

No. 411544

File: 1724115664614.png (108.75 KB, 1014x1121, F1UDjczaEAAt-Xi.png)

No. 411546

File: 1724115784092.jpg (2.43 MB, 2481x3342, GQwOxDPaIAAmDBh.jpg)

No. 411547

File: 1724115911843.jpg (1018.98 KB, 1200x786, 116833363_p1_master1200.jpg)

This one is really cute

No. 411555

File: 1724117524967.jpg (565.64 KB, 1000x669, 80293393_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 411651

File: 1724147383409.png (1.61 MB, 1200x1564, f0fad23be85ec0ef9a263a5b541fe2…)

Glad to see a Gil enjoyer, I don't have any pics of him right now but I love him too.

No. 411688

Atsuko Tanaka, the voice actor for Medea/Carmilla, has passed away. RIP to one of the OG Fate VAs.

No. 411739

Noooo I loved her voice… she’s so iconic for so many characters…

No. 411838

File: 1724178619207.jpg (757.56 KB, 1885x3508, 1503384796502.jpg)

oh no way, her voice was beautiful

No. 411945

File: 1724202473331.jpg (121.85 KB, 1000x716, GVXsYUiaMAQ9Voq.jpg)

No. 411977

File: 1724218477782.jpeg (233.46 KB, 1208x1125, IMG_7130.jpeg)

No. 411978

File: 1724218596925.png (208.78 KB, 724x1181, IMG_7071.png)

No. 412023

File: 1724238096803.jpg (1.49 MB, 1200x676, 110942750_p1_master1200.jpg)

No. 412024

File: 1724238176539.jpg (1018.94 KB, 1200x784, 110942750_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 412026

File: 1724241479890.jpg (857.53 KB, 2048x1824, GVej6OmXQAAXgv4.jpg)

Not mine, but I love this.

No. 412029

File: 1724242300602.jpg (284.35 KB, 2048x1607, GVgScqoakAAzR6t.jpg)

No. 412031


No. 412137

Is this new event sponsored by the Dubai tourism board or something.
I hate how slow I am at reading Japanese.
But it's reminding me that I really should get around to playing CCC, even though I already hate BB and the alters.

No. 412201

File: 1724280680568.png (554.29 KB, 2093x1605, GM6GEwia4AAOrvb.png)

Idk what it says but it's erotic.

No. 412251

I don't understand either but since Gudako is holding her hand with the command spells up I'm assuming she's ordering Arjuna to show his armpits LMAO

No. 412292

File: 1724307224298.jpeg (489.9 KB, 2048x1448, IMG_4875.jpeg)

late night obeguda posting again

No. 412293

File: 1724307248359.jpeg (165.06 KB, 736x1051, IMG_5161.jpeg)

No. 412294

File: 1724307270320.jpeg (173.65 KB, 735x829, IMG_5160.jpeg)

No. 412295

File: 1724307466968.jpeg (151 KB, 1130x1047, IMG_6356.jpeg)

No. 412296

File: 1724307554972.jpeg (219.85 KB, 2048x990, IMG_7136.jpeg)

No. 412297

File: 1724307581015.jpeg (189.68 KB, 2048x991, IMG_7137.jpeg)

No. 412334

File: 1724321376480.jpg (636.28 KB, 2668x2252, 20240821_101820.jpg)

No. 412335

File: 1724321435482.jpg (150.2 KB, 1231x1593, 20240821_101957.jpg)

No. 412337

File: 1724321893047.png (304.39 KB, 600x477, thankyounonna.png)

>be me
>open lolcow.farm
>see my cute tsundere husbando on the front page
>life is good

No. 412341

File: 1724322096849.jpeg (509.74 KB, 1200x1173, IMG_7723.jpeg)

No. 412393

File: 1724328915665.jpg (412.58 KB, 2000x2000, 20240803_102553.jpg)

He's the best!
If anyone reads Japanese, I'd be eternally grateful if someone translated some images… the image translators seem to suck for me.

No. 412411

I love them too much

No. 412422

File: 1724337599701.jpg (1.73 MB, 4000x2482, GVl7wt1bgAInvyy.jpg)

Idk what he's wearing but since it's Arjuna I love it.

No. 412424

File: 1724337777747.jpg (757.88 KB, 3161x3118, GMvQWJxaEAAI1e5.jpg)

No. 412426

He grows into such an hunk but I cannot take his 167 cm tall ass seriously

No. 412430

I'm ok at Japanese but FGO is HORRIFYING to read I believe. Made up words, difficult kanji and particular speech patterns make me want to kms.

No. 412432

File: 1724338703570.png (352.75 KB, 725x887, 1000015024.png)

No. 412445

File: 1724340840998.jpg (79.02 KB, 534x876, 1499293861635.jpg)

anyone else have a crush on Zero suit Saber, or just me?

No. 412498

Saber in suit made me to a complete 180 on her kek I did like her in original VN but something in me shifted after seeing her in the suit, now I love her a lot

No. 412584

File: 1724370709740.jpg (131.4 KB, 1000x1200, 20240822_195026.jpg)


No. 412587

File: 1724370844898.jpg (306.51 KB, 1835x1240, 20240822_120501.jpg)

No. 412588

File: 1724370874566.jpg (301.25 KB, 2048x1385, 20240822_120515.jpg)

No. 412605

File: 1724377696165.jpg (97.14 KB, 900x921, GVktnwFbgAE10B1.jpg)

No. 412606

File: 1724377727942.jpg (353.65 KB, 1300x1500, GVlUtDhbgAEqWrm.jpg)

No. 412650

File: 1724391314501.png (281.04 KB, 740x1003, __fujimaru_ritsuka_and_romani_…)

No. 412651

File: 1724391336462.jpg (255.28 KB, 1457x1032, FO74N92VsAMLKI7.jpg)

No. 412654

File: 1724391448446.jpg (460.21 KB, 1736x2408, FwwnW5iaEAE_0s4.jpg)

No. 412666

I miss him too.
Need to know who the damn faker is.

No. 412697

File: 1724409958438.jpeg (554.58 KB, 839x1200, 8E0EE6B0-59F1-4C85-AC79-EA6F9B…)

No. 412702

She always looks best slightly masc. I hate the fgo "grown up" versions…
Tristan is so beautiful and very underrated. At least his art is tolerable unlike Lancelot who got done dirty.

No. 412725

File: 1724418023620.jpg (251.42 KB, 2048x1451, 20240823_145833.jpg)

The years pass but he's still my favorite. I can't forget the first husbandobait of this game.

No. 412800

File: 1724435695120.jpg (90.48 KB, 900x687, GVqb3enbkAAujzE.jpg)

No. 412921

File: 1724453940380.png (648.9 KB, 1451x2048, IMG_7145.png)

No. 412923

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No. 412924

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No. 412926

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No. 413108

File: 1724517742331.jpg (536.61 KB, 785x1096, GVrSMVracAAvFd1.jpg)

No. 413110

File: 1724517820714.jpg (97.43 KB, 784x1424, GVg4k3-aoAEfEAA.jpg)

No. 413113

File: 1724519038754.jpg (586.11 KB, 1313x1155, 1000008960.jpg)

No. 413246

File: 1724560196407.jpg (339.49 KB, 2048x1966, 20240825_001427.jpg)

No. 413248

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No. 413251

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No. 413252

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No. 413253

File: 1724561792506.jpg (125.6 KB, 1060x1346, 20240825_005059.jpg)

No. 413261

Younger Moriarty looks cute here

No. 413264

File: 1724570503695.jpeg (373.44 KB, 1546x2048, IMG_7156.jpeg)

No. 413265

File: 1724570525864.jpeg (212.61 KB, 1045x1500, IMG_7154.jpeg)

No. 413266

File: 1724570553287.jpeg (382.99 KB, 1400x1976, IMG_7157.jpeg)

No. 413313

File: 1724598574496.jpg (234.51 KB, 578x578, 121585837.jpg)

Same. I have other favorites but literal dream husbando who protects us remains at the top. I legit get so hype every time he shows up in the story or events.
Tristan is really underrated and Lancelot's art upsets me because he should be super hot. I chose Tristan on the last SR ticket cause he's pretty

No. 413329

File: 1724604391028.jpeg (333.61 KB, 1200x771, CEBD4B31-5F95-4FFC-AC14-CA3799…)

No. 413359

File: 1724612234831.jpg (221.21 KB, 864x1152, 20240825_004808.jpg)

No. 413360

File: 1724612295590.jpg (458.18 KB, 2669x1970, 20240825_005116.jpg)

No. 413368

File: 1724615246787.jpg (8.43 MB, 2937x2380, 98971575_p0.jpg)

No. 413369

File: 1724615452452.jpg (386.28 KB, 2996x2119, 20240825_005025.jpg)

Thanks for contributing to my chuuni math boyfriend collection.

No. 413370

File: 1724616105375.jpg (632.74 KB, 629x1200, 98853954.jpg)

You're very welcome nona

No. 413377

File: 1724617258371.jpg (35.74 KB, 563x364, magicjuna.jpg)

this has got to be one of the most chill and wholesome spaces on this website. peace and love on planet earth nonnies. peace and love

No. 413401

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No. 413409

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No. 413410

File: 1724624633036.jpg (636.83 KB, 2048x2048, 20240825_182216.jpg)

We can all unite over our love of husbandos and waifus.

Does anyone think there will be any more FGO movies or anime? There's too many characters I'd love to see animated…

No. 413414

File: 1724626110473.jpg (42.96 KB, 500x507, 20240826_003142.jpg)

Instance n 310 of pako should have just illustrated all servants in the game.
Are there any artists you guys wish had drawn more servants? I really like Hidari. Nakahara draws beautiful men (and women tbh) but her ascensions are boring. I like Wada when she reigns in the pickmeism tendencies. Finally I'd lock Takeuchi in a basement but I understand his bf Nasu wants him to work.

No. 413419

File: 1724627545750.png (1.54 MB, 1024x598, merlin.png)

Taiki (Merlin, Proto Merlin) has such a hypnotic, pretty art style to me. But I almost feel like it looks better as full illustrations rather than character sprites, to unleash the full power.

No. 413420

File: 1724627629251.jpg (389.1 KB, 1920x970, d10ce47acb16edc2ce82fee3bb55d8…)

more Taiki

No. 413423

File: 1724627764484.jpg (3.51 MB, 2880x3840, __merlin_fate_and_1_more_drawn…)

No. 413434

Oooohhh this one is especially stunning.

No. 413448

File: 1724634999128.jpg (Spoiler Image,464.95 KB, 1854x1989, 20240825_211126.jpg)

Spoiler for Sherlock x Ruler Moriarty yaoi

No. 413607

File: 1724684535805.jpg (113.02 KB, 1023x576, GVGu0poaEAMbIF4.jpg)

No. 413610

Some people like the idea of a LB6 anime, which could perfectly work, but would certainly require WAY more effort than Camelot and Babylonia did. I don't think we're getting anything too soon sadly considering how the Mahoyo movies and Strange Fake anime are taking so long to make.

No. 413623

arjuna's back muscles are crafted by the gods themselves, he is truly the one true husbando

No. 413635

File: 1724693569804.jpg (676.02 KB, 2048x1536, 20240826_133211.jpg)

No. 413636

Armpits….yummy sexo

No. 413650

dream room. fantastic give me 14 of them right now

No. 413664

File: 1724701663292.jpg (36.67 KB, 564x564, yea.....jpg)

No. 413696

I was never interested in armpits in the slightest until so many Arjuna artists drew it so wonderfully. Wtf???

No. 413700

File: 1724708714481.jpg (72.69 KB, 850x567, __james_moriarty_sherlock_holm…)

No. 413701

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No. 413771

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No. 413997

File: 1724787020008.jpg (190.44 KB, 1398x1398, GVg1vmrasAAZIGZ.jpg)

Arjunanons, what about him drew you in? I started playing the game because of him. I think I fell for his eyes.

No. 414004

File: 1724788495835.jpg (89.11 KB, 512x875, loml.jpg)

his eyes and lean archer build. i love his colour palette and overall vibe around him.

No. 414008

File: 1724788711865.jpeg (189.36 KB, 640x629, tumblr_pwoxbnKksb1yqmgxgo1_640…)

Pako draws his eyes so pretty…
Wish I had an HD version of this art but it's the only upload of it I could find.

No. 414011

File: 1724789132913.jpg (75.18 KB, 563x501, junasperg.jpg)

agree. pako's art is what makes arjuna arjuna. They are an amazing artist

No. 414050

File: 1724799823060.jpg (849.89 KB, 1179x1679, 1724787945696.jpg)

the duality is great kek

No. 414075

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No. 414077

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No. 414081

fate klance

No. 414085

File: 1724807039378.jpeg (1 MB, 854x1200, 39E1EFF9-6D69-43FE-8967-6EB23B…)

his personality is very cute, i love how slender he is and his eyes being so dark is weirdly adorable. he gets a ton of good art, too, and i was inspired by this artists ship art of him and karna in particular to pick up the game.

No. 414157

File: 1724845085884.jpeg (Spoiler Image,268.15 KB, 2048x2048, GWAtrKbWcAAIEPR.jpeg)

Arjuna x Ritsuka but spoilered because she looks shirtless, but I'm pretty sure the artist just isn't done coloring it

No. 414158

File: 1724845353570.jpg (37.67 KB, 720x405, GViTOB8XYAANNsL.jpg)

No. 414172

they are so cute

No. 414232

File: 1724865282230.jpg (207 KB, 1080x1525, 20240825_004819.jpg)

No. 414359

File: 1724889611496.jpg (347.01 KB, 1200x668, 99677055_p0_master1200.jpg)

Arjuna Ritsuka spam incoming

No. 414360

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No. 414361

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No. 414362

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No. 414363

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No. 414366

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No. 414367

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No. 414368

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No. 414370

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No. 414591

File: 1724965591521.jpg (86.53 KB, 564x800, plushjuna.jpg)

Plushie Arjuna for the soul

No. 414602

File: 1726039414060.jpg (35.5 KB, 563x471, chibijuna.jpg)

first post after our lolcor is back, you know I had to celebrate it with an arjuna. i missed you guys

No. 414680

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No. 414681

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No. 414683

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No. 414684

>be me
>enjoy the return of our pastures
>look at husbando pics in the meanwhile
>be happy and content
>refresh lolcow frontpage
>see my sexo husbando as the first pic
>life is good
thank you arjunonas

No. 414687

File: 1726061960936.jpg (165.39 KB, 800x1135, 20240901_113703.jpg)

No. 414847

File: 1726115875271.jpeg (290.61 KB, 1433x1129, IMG_7248.jpeg)

all the space cat Gudako art JP fans are making now because of her new expression is so cute

No. 414849

File: 1726116203709.jpeg (310.2 KB, 2048x1430, IMG_7251.jpeg)

No. 414953

File: 1726147191559.jpg (271.7 KB, 1200x1800, 20240911_094902.jpg)

No. 415378

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No. 415379

File: 1726287316426.jpeg (100.67 KB, 800x1131, GWntkpvaIAAiLBX.jpeg)

No. 415387

File: 1726292803772.jpeg (26.69 KB, 235x392, IMG_3066.jpeg)

should I buy fate stay night on steam? I tried to read it a few years back on emulator but it would keep crashing and the fan translation was ass plus it still had the retarded horny scenes. i know realta nua doesn’t have those. but also 30$ is kinda a lot for a van that came out in 2004. I also never watched heaven’s feel so I would experience that route for the first time.

No. 415670

File: 1726409403853.jpg (71.15 KB, 793x592, Taigaaa.JPG)

gor for it nona
I'm playing through it right now, about half way through UBW but I'm kind of bored of Rin. She shows up so much in the Fate route that I'd kinda already had enough of her before her own route.

No. 415906

File: 1726504707135.jpeg (145.05 KB, 1283x705, gil.jpeg)


No. 415908

Its not worth buying nona just pirate it

No. 415921

Samefag, I used this ultimate edition to read it and it worked fine. It comes with every version so you can easily adjust the game in the settings for how you want it to be (aka no porn, CG quality, etc)

No. 416000

thanks nonita. I haven’t pirated a game in years but I’ll look into it bc I really don’t wanna pay 30 bucks for a game older than some of my coworkers kek

No. 416001

This design should have been the OG one. It’s just too good.

No. 416015

No prob nona, have fun!

No. 416184

File: 1726598711903.jpg (134.52 KB, 564x797, arjuna.jpg)

No. 416222

File: 1726612628301.jpg (705.49 KB, 861x1200, 103116922_p33_master1200.jpg)

No. 416224

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No. 416225

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No. 416301

File: 1726661730532.jpeg (143.18 KB, 900x698, GXf6jYaXYAAMvEJ.jpeg)

No. 416302

They made him so fucking hot in that anime. Bless the whales for funding his animation.

No. 417017

File: 1726850946427.jpg (598.07 KB, 1200x874, 107083303_p17_master1200.jpg)

good meowning Fatenonnas

No. 417174

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No. 417358

File: 1726952792657.jpeg (102.94 KB, 1170x1133, GX_krL1b0AUfPPm (1).jpeg)

Did you guys see the Sanrio x Fate collab?

No. 417727

File: 1727078922417.jpg (57.85 KB, 563x755, a5615858be4a899b43a024f5283f28…)

nonnas, I have a couple of Arjuna NSFW stuff, can I share them or no?

No. 417731


No. 417732

File: 1727079613558.png (Spoiler Image,541.28 KB, 945x720, mmmm sexo.png)

No. 417733

File: 1727079640205.png (Spoiler Image,333.38 KB, 840x600, mmmm sexo2.png)

i also have another one but i'm a bit shy to share it..

No. 417774


I'm so tempted to show this to a hardcore Hindu and give them a heart attack, kek.

No. 418003

No. 418014

File: 1727172448395.jpeg (199.61 KB, 1230x1845, GYO2y7DakAEpLMJ.jpeg)

Why does his design go so hard?

No. 418088

File: 1727194820761.jpg (466.46 KB, 1229x2048, 1000025266.jpg)

Tez is so my type of real guy it's insane, I'm not sure if I'll roll on his first banner though, Sen no Rikyu bled me dry.

No. 418370

File: 1727285571945.jpg (417.55 KB, 1638x2048, GYVYuQfWYAAA0y7.jpg)

Has anyone read OC3 yet?

No. 418371

File: 1727286721307.jpeg (123.8 KB, 834x997, E7C5E7DE-F255-4F5D-9063-3920BA…)

i love tezca too nonnie, and i'm excited to pull on his banner. i think he's perfect and he's the reason i downloaded the game at all, so i feel like i'm legally required to drain the bank for him!

No. 418372

Got 10 missions in for the limited rewards. Have to do at least 5 more.
Not really in a rush because I don't care about BB and they only left you with Mash and Bartholomew at the start instead of the actual cool guys.

No. 418384

File: 1727291275357.jpg (357.93 KB, 1476x2048, 1000025303.jpg)

I'm (mostly) F2P so no real money for him, but the fact that his banner being so close to Kirei's does not help at all.
Also my best friend does not play FGO but he is a huge Sho-U Tajima fan so I bought him his doujinshis.

No. 418986

same, not very interested in this OC but I did enjoy some of the Guda Hakunos content

No. 419016

File: 1727510410010.jpeg (288.21 KB, 2048x1054, IMG_7391.jpeg)

No. 419018

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No. 419019

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No. 419020

File: 1727510512575.jpeg (641.04 KB, 1451x2048, IMG_7387.jpeg)

i love this one!! It’s cute, especially with the star symbolism going on

No. 419021

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No. 419022

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No. 419023

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No. 419024

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No. 420202

File: 1727919623465.jpeg (129.83 KB, 800x800, GY4xqBibAAASoVc.jpeg)

No. 422356

File: 1728513847504.jpeg (370.65 KB, 1000x1077, Frq7HEiakAA-u6Y.jpeg)

I miss my short but very fun Fate phase. I was a NEET and spent every evening immersed reading the VN, then I binged all the anime entries, and before I could start any of the games I had already been preparing to graduate NEEThood by then. Whenever I see some scenes I feel nostalgic but I don't think I'll be able to recapture those days again kek, I really should try out of some of the games though. I'm waiting for the Fate/Extra remake for now but I'm also interested in CCC and FGO a tiny bit, the latter not as much since I usually don't enjoy gacha storylines but some of the FGO boys are cute. I think if it didn't have such a pornified identity I probably would've been bothered to check it out by now

No. 423149

File: 1728696822355.png (2.96 MB, 1080x1844, 1000197857.png)

cute craft essence

No. 426007

File: 1729541979283.jpeg (626.06 KB, 2048x1041, 1EC56127-DF7C-4A05-A280-7121F1…)

No. 426041

Glad that Kaddock gets to be in an event for once, but the theme is awful.

No. 426697

I thought the Strange Fake TV series would have been out by now? The pilot episode was ages ago.

No. 426766

Was it actually a pilot episode or just something they animated for promo like the fate prototype short?

No. 426805

File: 1729802694435.png (1.69 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Fate strange Fake…)

Yeah it wasn't a pilot episode, just an OVA ep I guess to keep fans hyped/satiated until it releases? I'm very excited for it though, I love Fate and I love Narita's original works so its a double win for me, and I've heard some good things about SF. Definitely one of my most anticipated anime right now.

No. 427026

I wish FGO would have a reboot or new game or something. Its almost 10 years old and if I start now I'll be so insanely behind on all the stories I missed

No. 427027

File: 1729864473558.jpg (112.3 KB, 1280x720, puppet.jpg)

>Its almost 10 years old and if I start now I'll be so insanely behind on all the stories I missed
But why is that an issue?

No. 427035

I hate playing catch-up on gacha games, it usually takes forever

No. 427098

File: 1729880630085.jpg (217.91 KB, 818x500, 43t5.jpg)

It's only a problem if you want to desperately participate in the fandom.

No. 428231

There, beat Ordeal Call 3 with hours to spare.
Still doing the same old tropes, 'oh no the NPC's are dying, why should I care'
'you thought that was the last boss? Think again.'
Thankfully they gave tons of those blue crystals so I could mostly brute force those gimmicks. I miss the days when Kintoki could just smash everything.
Sorta meh, but some of the more philosophical stuff probably went over my head with my JP level.
Why did they have to flash Romani for a bit there though… It'll probably still be a year or so before we ever find out more about the faker.
Also Karna is pretty and has a nice voice, but he really is a boring character.

No. 429525

File: 1730703652865.png (492.77 KB, 784x636, Kadoc Faerie Sugoroku.png)

Still have to beat the event and hate Kazuradrop. But all the other character focus is on the guys. And nice Kadoc~

No. 433526

File: 1732040129931.jpg (2.15 MB, 3000x3009, Shinjuku.Assassin.full.3205742…)

No. 433527

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No. 433529

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No. 433530

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No. 433531

File: 1732040416149.jpg (1.23 MB, 2894x2985, Shinjuku.Assassin.full.3205764…)

No. 433532

What does he do? Where is he from? I need to know nonnas, this fine specimen has caught my eyes.

No. 433533

File: 1732040480149.jpg (1.85 MB, 2894x4093, Shinjuku.Assassin.full.3205740…)

No. 433534

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No. 433536

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No. 433539

File: 1732040716673.jpg (324.77 KB, 1464x2048, Shinjuku.Assassin.full.2738232…)

No. 433644

I’m not into fate but damn he is fine af, how come he isn’t as popular compared to the other men

No. 433703

He's just a middling power 4 star who is barely relevant in one chapter of the main story from years ago and a few events. So he ends up being forgotten.
And who actually cares about 'Water Margin' when it comes to old Chinese stories.

No. 433914

fate is a pile of edgy pretentious 2deep4u shit both fate zero and stay night are overrated pretentious edgy emo piles of shits fuck shirou and shitsugu sob emo backstory fuck them both both are emo edgy self loathing faggots and weak minded cunts fuck urobuchi edgy emo faggy ass and fuck nasu pretentious 2deep4u faggot ass(hide the thread if you don't like it retard)

No. 433917

File: 1732142383992.jpeg (278.76 KB, 1479x1668, D47E824A-9110-4C9D-A1B2-1C5352…)

but tezcatlipoca is cute so it was all worth it

No. 433921

Sir, it's a porn franchise

No. 433951

File: 1732158319664.png (570.71 KB, 512x724, 1000020036.png)

>comment about how much i hate raita's female designs because they are so over sexualized
>some retard redditor: ummmm lots of women have big breasts IRL, big boobs are not inherently sexual :/

No. 433952

I had to stop checking the FGO subreddit because of the abysmal takes and unfunny self-insert comics I kept seeing. Raikou's anatomy is bad, and it's not even an interesting or particularly inspired design.

No. 434981

New Fate/strange Fake trailer! Episode 1 will air on December 31st

No. 434992

It's been so long since the prologue episode I've honestly forgotten what happened. What was up with that gap anyway?

No. 434993


No. 436934

Shirou and Arjuna both deserved to be in better series than Fate. Arjuna for being a good character design completely demolished in Fates Lore and Shirou for being Shirou.
I don't know how Nasu manages to write male characters with such complexity because most dudes can't get members of their own sex right; I would think of him as a woman if the female characters werent so bleh (or maybe the fact that the female characters are completely uninteresting hints towards him being female, because I cant be bothered to write decent woman characters either if I was trying to pander to a male audience honestly)
But then I remember how weird Shiki is and I discard the idea

No. 437082

>shirou is complex
I have no words, 10/10

No. 437186

True but he's also more interesting than 98% other characters out there.

No. 437193

File: 1733045806025.jpg (160.19 KB, 1012x1433, mrpmrals7qx61.jpg)

Nta but he is more interesting than the average eroge protagonist, not that it's a high bar to clear.

No. 437247

This, I couldn't stand Shirou half the time while reading Fate

No. 437271

File: 1733067851021.jpeg (25.76 KB, 600x300, 5716acbf-7ab8-4515-8ad4-3e8b6e…)

Samefag but Shirou is particularly endearing in so far he stands out as one good reason to even read Fate and a character that you can root for unlike endless womp womp crybaby retards like Subaru, ugly bastard self inserts like Okabe, and whatever the fuck Arararararararagi is I don't know. I mean who the hell reads Fate besides for Shirou and maybe Runs characters? Does anyone really give a fuck about Sakura? Idc I don't play about this character so you WILL see me sperg out for him kek

No. 437287

Archer should've killed the worthless faggot when he had the chance

No. 437288

File: 1733069992214.jpeg (32.29 KB, 734x269, #Fate_GrandOrder fgolog - いくひろ…)

No. 441691

What do you guys think of Fate Zero? It seems pretty polarising among fatefags

No. 441768

File: 1734628265802.png (2.66 MB, 1524x1200, 119504840_p0.png)

I like Sakura, but I'm a sucker with an "I can fix her" complex.

No. 441774

Fatefags hate it because it stands out in the franchise as a sausage-fest (not that I mind) when Fate itself is a waifu-fest

No. 441781

I just can't stand Kiritsugu.

No. 442565

The only Fate part that made the Holy Grail War felt like an actual war. Saber is also way better here as she isn't waifuized or third wheeled by either of the Tohsaka sisters.

No. 444588

VN fags are mad that Butcher outdid Nasu. That is all. Zero characters are a league above the Stay Night dating sim fodder.

No. 447856

File: 1736683778051.jpg (170.79 KB, 1920x1080, 1735652477108.jpg)

I think some of the designs in Strange Fake are just a bit too much.

No. 447858

File: 1736686516677.png (695.06 KB, 800x1135, IMG_9640.png)

I needed more Kayneth x Waver tension.

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